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Epstein Test Method

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The paper presents a new Epstein frame design optimized for testing core losses at high frequencies and high flux densities.

A new Epstein frame design optimized for high frequencies and high flux densities.

Four lamination types were tested: 0.0250-in (0.64 mm) M36 and cold rolled motor lamination, 0.0184-in (0.47 mm) M19, and 0.0140-in (0.36 mm) M45.



New Epstein Frame for Lamination Core Loss

Measurements Under High Frequencies
and High Flux Densities
Tsakani Lotten Mthombeni, Member, IEEE, Pragasen Pillay, Fellow, IEEE, and Reinhold M. W. Strnat

AbstractThis paper presents a new Epstein frame optimized increases with loading conditions. The common perception that
for high frequencies and high flux densities. The design philos- core losses are not load dependent is incorrect, e.g., a brushless
ophy and test results at high power frequencies are presented. dc motor (BDCM) under load will have heavily distorted airgap
The frame achieves high frequency and high flux density perfor-
mance because of reduced number of turns and reduced number flux density waveform due to armature reaction. Some motors
of samples, while using standard 25-cm Epstein samples. Some of inherently operate at near saturation and at high frequencies,
its technical advantages over the current Epstein frames and the such as switched reluctance motors (SRMs) and BDCMs. The
single sheet testers are less samples preparation time and better revolutionary advances in power electronics enabled motor users
material representability, respectively. Four lamination types were to control motors. However, like most technological advances,
tested: 0.0250-in (0.64 mm) M36 and cold rolled motor lamination,
0.0184-in (0.47 mm) M19, and 0.0140-in (0.36 mm) M45. The results they introduce a new problem: flux waveform distortion caused
obtained show good agreement with the core loss data provided by by switching power devices, while most electromagnetic de-
the steel manufacturers measured using the old frames at 200, 300, vices are fully designed for sinusoidal excitations. Even in case
and 400 Hz. Results at 600 Hz and 1.0 kHz are also presented for of traditionally less saturated induction motors, when coupled
the M45 and M19 samples along with the test bench used. with variable speed drives (VSDs), their magnetic loading can
Index TermsCore losses, Epstein frame, high flux density, high increase to unexpected levels, due to harmonics from the VSDs.
frequency. VSDs produce nonsinusoidal voltage waveforms to drive motors
designed on data based on sinusoidal supplies at only one oper-
I. INTRODUCTION ating point. Thus, VSDs also warrant some changes in the way
motor laminations are selected. Thus, it stands that lamination
HOOSING the right lamination material for a particular
C electromagnetic application is an important motor design
step, since lamination properties have a direct link to the effi-
producers should supply motor designers with more informative
core loss data. The least that lamination producers can add to
the current test point data are high frequency core loss data with
ciency of the motor. Currently, important lamination properties sinusoidal excitations. In the ideal case, laminations could be
(core loss and permeability) to be used for assessment are characterized using similar waveforms as in the actual electric
presented at 50/60 Hz, 1.0/1.5 T sinusoidal. Electromagnetic motors.
designers have to decide on the material based on this single For rotating machines, the IEEE has guidelines for core loss
operating point; although under practical working conditions, measurements. There are also standardized static fixtures used
some motors operate at flux density levels and frequencies for direct lamination core loss measurements. In [2], the authors
beyond this pointin addition to flux density waveforms being have attempted to review these testers: Epstein frame, toroid
nonsinusoidal. In fact, it has been shown that choosing the testers, and single sheet testers. Accompanying these fixtures
cold rolled motor lamination (CRML) based on the lamination are standards [3], [4] that govern their use. Ring testers are
performance (permeability) at one operating point (1.5 T, more convenient for testing composites samples and laborious
sinusoidal) is not enough [1]. for steel laminations. However, rings have a geometry closer
Under no-load conditions and depending on the motor type, to that of motorsmaking this fixture more appealing to mo-
electric motor magnetic loading can be around 1.5 T, which tor designers than do Epstein frames. Interestingly, lamination
manufacturers seem to prefer Epstein frames. It is envisaged
Manuscipt received September 27, 2005; revised June 2, 2006. This work was that in future, the single sheet tester will be preferred, because
supported by the Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation (EMERF) of its ease of assembly and use. In fact, the new frame leans to-
Consortium under The Motor and Motion Association (SMMA). Paper no. ward the single sheet, in terms of ease of assembly and material
T. L. Mthombeni is with the Department of Electrical and Computer quantities. Yet, this new frame has a technical advantage over
Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5722 USA (e-mail: the SST: the four strips provide a better material representabil- ity, as magnetic properties in the different coil directions might
P. Pillay is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
ing, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5720 USA, and also with be different. The Epstein frame is by far the most used fixture
the University of Cape Town, Cape Town 7701, South Africa (e-mail: pil- with well-accepted international standards [2][4]. This paper
layp@clarkson. edu). intends to show that it is possible to perform high frequency and
R. Strant is with KJS Associates, Inc. Magnetics Engineering, Indianapolis,
IN 46250 USA (e-mail: high flux density tests by varying a few parameters, and still get
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2007.895875 excellent results.

0885-8969/$25.00 2007 IEEE

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Fig. 2. New Epstein frame, showing space for one sample per limb.
Fig. 1. New 280-turn Epstein frame.

cover a wide range of materials in use today. Considering recent

Section II summarizes the development of Epstein frames
demands for high speed and high efficiency motors, these are
from their early use. Section III presents a detailed description
practical limits. As already, mentioned, VSDs are also a driving
of the new frame. Section IV describes the test bench used.
Section V discusses experimental core loss results measured us-
It was decided that this new frame would use the standard
ing this new frame. Section VI concludes the paper, highlighting
Epstein strips (30.48 cm 3 cm as required by ASTM 343 [3]).
possible improvements.
This avoids making too many changes at once and eases transi-
II. CURRENT EPSTEIN FRAMES SUMMARY tion from the old to the new frame. Moreover, this frame takes
only four strips, reducing preparation and loading time. The new
The original Epstein frame was a 50-cm type frame with butt frame is fitted with a compensator coil in the middle to remove
joints. These joints tended to increase the magnetic reluctance, the air flux in the housing, and the opening for the samples,
thus, yielding poor results. The introduction of the 25-cm double which leave just enough space for one strip, as shown in Fig. 2.
lapped joints frame around 1930s [6] proved to be a major con- Although the compensator coil is not an absolute necessity at
tribution. In fact, most lamination manufacturers use an Epstein high frequencies, it was still used. The winding pattern (the pri-
frame to grade their laminations. Epstein frames have their own mary winding on the outside and secondary winding inside) is
errors (some due to the assumptions made), which have come to still the same as with the standard frames.
be accepted by their users over the years. Samples preparation In measuring core losses with Epstein frames, it is assumed
and loading onto the frame can be time consuming. The current that all the excitation current is responsible for core losses, i.e.,
standardized Epstein frames have technical limitations. With the losses across Rc , implying that there is no secondary current
current Epstein frames, the maximum induction levels to which drawal and that the magnetizing current is small enough to be
the samples can be driven is low. Part of this limitation is in neglected (large Xm ). These are good assumptions, since the
the design of the frame, since the frames have a relatively high secondary side voltage probes do not draw any current due to
number of turns, thereby requiring a high magnetomotive force their high input impedance.
(mmf) to drive the samples to higher induction levels with high The new frame design philosophy adopted here is derived
frequency excitations. In view of this limitation, the American directly from Faradays and Amperes laws. Pretest routines
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standardized the include a table of desired peak (fundamental) flux densities,
100-, 200-, and 352-turn frame intended for high frequency e.g., from 0.1 to 2.0 T in steps of 0.5 T. Using Faradays law
use, not meant to replace the archaic 700-turn one. of induction, the time flux variations in the magnetic samples
Fig. 1 shows the new Epstein frame, showing the air flux result in a voltage being induced, whose magnitude is given by
compensator in the middle of the frame, with support corner
weights. Fig. 2 shows a closeup view of the slot openings, which d
(t) N2 . (1)
leave just enough space for one sample. dt
Recalling that flux is defined as, = BA, (1) becomes
The new Epstein frame presented here is suitable for core loss (t) = AN2 . (2)
testing with high frequencies and flux densities. In collaborating
Under pure sinusoidal flux density conditions
with motor designers, they expressed the need for a new frame
capable of core loss measurements at 2.3 T/3.2 kHz in order to sin(t).
B(t) = B (3)

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voltage (hence flux) to be nonsinusoidal, resulting in a need

for a control effort to keep it sinusoidal. In order to achieve
this, a pseudoderivative-feedback (PDF) [7] controller was real-
The setup and measurement procedures are the same as in
the old frame. Standard-sized Epstein strips (30 cm 3 cm)
are cut from a steel coil, according to the ASTM standard [3].
The arrangement of samples is still the same as in the standard
Fig. 3. Schematic circuit diagram of an Epstein frame. frames, i.e., samples cut along 0 to the rolling direction (Ls) are
inserted in the opposite limbs, and those cut at 90 to the rolling
direction (Ts) are inserted in the other two opposite limbs. Four
from which the flux density rate of change is given by
samples are selected. To get a better representation of the coil,
B(t) cos(t). samples could be selected from various locations on the coil.
= B (4)
dt Samples are first demagnetized to remove any previous mag-
Thus, substituting (4) into (2) and taking the root mean square netic signatures and to bring the magnetic domains to some
value (rms) yields initial position. The excitation signal is applied to the primary
 windings of the frame, while monitoring the secondary voltage
Vrms = (2)f1 AN2 B1 (5) and excitation current. Once the predetermined secondary volt-
age (rms or peak) has been reached, the product of the secondary
where Vrms is the rms secondary voltage, N2 is the number
voltage and exciting power is taken. This is the instantaneous
of the secondary turns, A is the area of the samples, f1 is the
is the power representing core losses. The average power obtained is
fundamental frequency of the excitation waveform, and B
then divided by the effective sample mass, in accordance with
predetermined peak fundamental flux density.
ASTM standards [3] and [4].
For a given testing point (f1 , B1 ), the variables in (5) are
the number of secondary turns (N2 ) and the number of sam-
ples (determining the area). For a given induction level, in order
to be able to reach high frequencies, it was necessary to sig- V. CORE LOSS TEST RESULTS
nificantly reduce the turns count to 280 turns. This results in
In order to calibrate the system, core loss measurements at
higher excitation current; therefore, this frame is relatively eas-
200, 300, and 400 Hz were performed. This is important be-
ier to drive. The number of strips was also reduced. Typical mass
cause most core loss data from laminations manufacturers do
for the new frame is 0.1 kg, whereas the 700-turn standard frame
not cover high flux levels and high frequencies. It also helps to
normally takes about 2.0 kg of material, thus, reducing the sam-
identify the overlap frequency region between the new frame
ples preparation time and setting this new frame at a technical
and the standard frames. It must be noted that the original data
advantage over the old frames. With this new frame, material
from steel manufacturers [8] was obtained using the standard
representation is better than the SST, although not as superior as
frames. The following samples were used: 0.0140-in (0.36 mm)
the old frames. In Fig. 1, there are plastic lightweight supports
semiprocessed M45 steel, 0.0184-in (0.47 mm) fully processed
applied on the corners to ensure that samples have good contact
M19 C3 coated, 0.0250-in (0.64 mm) fully processed M36 C3
at the corners (minimizing errors due to reluctance). Safety was
coated steel, and 0.0250-in CRML (bare) annealed and unan-
also a major concern; thus, the combination of reduced mass
nealed steel. This lamination list covers a wide range of com-
and reduced number of turns ensures that the frame operates at
monly used laminations.
reasonably low voltages.
In Figs. 514, original data refer to the manufacturer sup-
plied core loss data [8], and laboratory results refer to losses
IV. TEST BENCH DESCRIPTION measured with the authors testing facilities. Repeatability is
Fig. 4 shows a schematic diagram of the test bench. The exci- an important factor in core loss measurements; hence, all tests
tation signals are generated in MATLAB Simulink and dSPACE were done at least two times. These results show good agree-
is used for real-time simulation. A high bandwidth linear ampli- ment between the new frame results and the data from steel
fier (100 kHz) is used to excite the frame. A current probe (CP) manufacturers. The observed deviations are summarized in
and an isolated differential voltage probe are used to measure Table I. The average percentage deviation here is defined as
the exciting current and secondary voltage, respectively. A dig- the average of the ratio of the absolute difference between the
ital storage oscilloscope is used to monitor and store exciting new frame results and the original data to the new frame results.
current and the secondary voltage. Instantaneous power com- Although the frame shows some deviations at these frequencies,
putations are done inside this scope to obtain the average core the results are still very useful. Hence, the technical advantages
loss. In order to maintain a sinusoidal flux density, a closed-loop of this new frame can be exploited.
feedback control was realized in Simulink. While comparing Figs. 811, it is interesting to see that M36
Due to the nonlinear magnetic behaviour of laminations, the outperforms the annealed CRML steel. It is to be noted that
exciting current waveform is normally nonsinusoidal, especially this direct comparison is only made for the samples of the same
at near-saturation regions. This causes the induced secondary thickness.

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Fig. 4. Test bench used with the new Epstein frame.

Fig. 7. M45 core losses at 400 Hz.

Fig. 5. M45 core losses at 200 Hz.

Fig. 8. M36 core losses at 400 Hz.

Fig. 6. M45 core losses at 300 Hz.

It must be noted that only thinner gauges could be tested at

higher frequencies, since high frequency loss data is not com-
mercially available [8]; hence, comparison of the new and old
frame results at high frequencies is not possible. The rationale
for steel makers for not characterizing thick laminations at high
frequencies could be that if one designs for high frequencies,
then one would intuitively choose a thinner gauge. Hence, it is Fig. 9. CRML unannealed core losses at 400 Hz.

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Fig. 10. CRML annealed core losses at 400 Hz. Fig. 13. M45 core losses at 1.0 kHz.


not necessary to generate high frequency loss data for thicker

Fig. 11. M19 core losses at 400 Hz. However, electric machines that were designed using these
thicker gauges could be operated under variable speed, and the
ferromagnetic material would be exposed to high frequencies,
resulting in increased core loss and reduced efficiency.
The frame as also tested at 600 Hz and 1.0 kHz using the M45
and M19 samples. Results are shown in Figs. 12 and 15. Again,
the new frame shows good performance at these moderately
high frequencies.
The most important feature here is that the frame allows for
testing beyond traditional limits. For a given material, one could
collect data using this new frame and form a matrix conversion
to get an insight of the core loss increase at higher frequencies
and flux densities that the standard frames (352- and 700-turn
frames) cannot attain. This is already being done with SSTs. A
conversion table such as Table I could be used to correct core
loss results at higher frequencies.
Once additional core loss data is collected with confidence
for different materials and a database is built, the new frame can
be used with high confidence at testing points beyond the data
Fig. 12. M45 core losses at 600 Hz. provided by the lamination manufacturers. Although with only

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four strips, this new frame produces results that are quite com-
parable with other frames, it is up to the standards committees
to standardize this kind of a nontraditional frame.
The advantage of the reduced number of samples is reduction
in samples preparation time. This is especially important in
steel mills and for lamination vendors, when more tasks can be
performed within the same time it would have taken to prepare
extra samples. Table II summarizes the important features of the
new Epstein frame in comparison with old frames.

A new Epstein frame capable of high frequency and high
flux density testing has been presented. The idea of using only
fours strips calls for a new cost-effective way of measuring core
losses. The performance of this frame has been successfully
tested on the M19, M36, M45, and CRML samples and found
to produce decent results. The deviations observed can be used
Fig. 14. M19 core losses at 600 Hz. to construct a conversion matrix, such as shown in Table I,
in the same way that the SSTs are commonly used. This new
frame has an advantage over the SST that it has better material
representability. More samples are being gathered to evaluate
the performance of this frame at even higher frequencies. Also,
an even smaller Epstein frame, half the standard size, will be
prototyped and its performance evaluated. The target test point
has not been reached yet; it is hoped that the smaller frame will
allow for this to be achieved.

The authors would like to thank KJS Magnetics for help in
designing the frame.

[1] K. E. Blazek and C. Riviello, New magnetic parameters to characterize
cold-rolled motor lamination steels and predict motor performance, IEEE
Trans. Magn., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 18331838, Jul. 2004.
[2] T. L. Mthombeni and P. Pillay, Core loss in motor laminations exposed
Fig. 15. M19 core losses at 1.0 kHz. to high frequency or non-sinusoidal excitation, IEEE Ind. App., vol. 40,
no. 5, pp. 13251332, Sep./Oct. 2004.
[3] ASTM A343-97, Standard test method for alternating-current magnetic
TABLE II properties of material at power frequencies using wattmeter-ammeter-
COMPARISON OF THE NEW FRAME WITH STANDARD FRAMES voltmeter method and 25-cm Epstein test frame, American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.
[4] ASTM A348M-95a, Standard test method for alternating-current mag-
netic properties of material at power frequencies using wattmeter-
ammeter-voltmeter method, 100 to 10 000 Hz and 25-cm Epstein test
frame, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2000.
[5] IEC 60404-2, Magnetic Materials-Part 2: Methods of Measurement of the
Magnetic Properties of Electrical Steel Sheet and Strip by Means of an Ep-
stein Frame, 3rd ed. Geneva, Switzerland: International Electrotechnical
Commission, 1996.
[6] S. L. Burgwin, Measurement of core loss and an permeability with the
25-cm Epstein frame, presented at the ASTM 44th Annu. Meet., Chicago,
IL, Jun. 2327, 1941.
[7] R. M. Phelan, Automatic Control Systems. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ.
Press, 1977.
[8] SMMA and EMERF, EMERF Compendium of Lamination Steels, 2nd ed.
Mashpee, MA: Electric and Motor Education and Research Foundation,
Apr. 2002.
[9] L. T. Mthombeni, P. Pillay, and N. A. Singampalli, Lamination core
loss measurements in machines operating with PWM or non-sinusoidal
excitation, in Proc. IEEE Int. Electr. Mach. Drives Conf., Madison, WI,
Jun. 14, 2003, vol.2, pp. 742746.

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[10] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, T. L. Mthombeni, and P. Pillay, Comparison Professorship in Engineering. Since 1999, he has been an Adjunct Professor at
of lamination iron losses supplied by PWM voltage: US and European the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. He has organized and
experiences, in Proc. IEEE Int. Electr. Mach. Drives Conf., San Antonio, taught short courses in electric drives at the Annual Meeting of the Industry
TX, May 1518, 2005, pp. 14311436. Applications Society. His research and teaching interests include modeling, de-
sign and control of electric motors, and drives for industrial and alternate energy
Dr. Pillay is a member of the Power Engineering, Industry Applications, In-
Tsakani Lotten Mthombeni (S03M06) received dustrial Electronics and Power Electronics Societies, and the Electric Machines
the Bachelors and Masters degrees in Engineer- Committee. He was the Chairman of the Industrial Drives Committee within
ing from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, the Industry Applications Society and the Induction Machinery Sub-Committee
South Africa, in 1981 and 1983 respectively, and in the Power Engineering Society. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical
the Ph.D. degree from Clarkson University, Potsdam, Engineers and a Chartered Electrical Engineer. He is also a member of the
NY, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. Academy of Science of South Africa.
He has authored several papers published in IEEE
journals and conference proceedings. He has re-
His research interests include demand side manage-
ment, advanced machines and drives, motor core loss modeling, and motor
efficiency. Reinhold M. W. Strnat (M90) was born in Vienna,
Austria, on June 6, 1956. He received the B.E. degree
in electrical engineering from the University of Day-
ton, Dayton, South Africa, in 1977, and the M.Sc.
degree in applied physics from the University of Cal-
Pragasen Pillay (S84M87SM92F05) re- ifornia in San Diego, San Diego, in 1981.
ceived the Bachelors degree from the University of From September 1983 to June 1984, he studied at
Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa, in 1981, the Technical University in Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
the Masters degree from the University of Natal, under a Fulbright grant for work in applied physics.
Durban, in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree from the From June 1979 to January 1985, he was an Electri-
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, cal Engineer with the University of Dayton Research
Blacksburg, in 1987, under the Fulbright Scholar- Institute, Dayton. Since February 1985, he has been with KJS Associates, Inc.,
ship. where he is currently a Technical/Quality Manager. His current research interests
From January 1988 to August 1990, he was with include design and construction of electronic test equipment for the magnetics
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, industry, including magnetic hysteresigraphs for testing permanent magnets and
U.K. From August 1990 to August 1995, he was with magnetically soft materials over a wide range of temperatures.
the University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. Currently he is with Clark- Mr. Strnat is a member of the American Society for Testing and Materials
son University, Potsdam, NY, where he is a Professor in the Department of (ASTM). He is the Secretary of the ASTM Committee A06 on Magnetic Prop-
Electrical and Computer Engineering and holds the Jean Newell Distinguished erties and the Chairman of Subcommittee A06.01 on Test Methods.

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