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The document discusses the SFMT circuit breaker manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric, including its components, design features, and SF6 gas system.

The main components include isolated phase dead tanks, single-break puffer interrupters, porcelain or composite bushings, galvanized steel frame, control cabinet, and spring-type operating mechanisms.

Some key features of the design include dead tank construction with only SF6 gas insulation, true puffer interrupters with easily accessible contacts, high strength bushings, application flexibility for different temperatures and duties, and spring-type operating mechanism.



I n t ro d u c t i o n E vo l u t i o n a r y D e s i g n The SFMT breaker features isolated phase
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. is an Thousands of SFMT breakers rated at dead tanks supported by a galvanized steel
affiliate of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. transmission voltages through 1100kV have frame. Each tank houses a single-break
been installed and are operating reliably on puffer interrupter and supports two
Fa c t o r y T&D systems worldwide. Introduced in porcelain or composite bushings. The tanks
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products manufac- 1974, the design is based on proven and bushings are pressurized with SF6 gas.
turing facility is located in Warrendale, engineering principals and extensive
Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh. This development and testing. The frame also supports the control cabinet.
location, along with an office in Los Angeles, It houses spring-type operating mechanisms,
California, serves as center for product linkages and the control circuits.
service and training.

TYPE 200-SFMT-40SE 200-SFMT-50SE

Voltage (max kV) 245 245
BIL (kV Crest) 900 900
60 Hz withstand (kV) 425 425
Continuous Current (A) 1200 / 2000 / 3000 1200 / 2000 / 3000
Interrupting Current (kA) 40 50
Interrupting Time (cycles) 3 3
Total Weight (lbs / kgs) 10,550 / 4,785 10,550 / 4,785
Weight of SF 6 (lbs / kgs) 126 / 57 126 / 57
R evo l u t i o n a r y Pe r f o r m a n c e Application Flexibility P ro o f
The SFMT breaker reflects Mitsubishi Mechanically Tested and Verified Tested and Verified for 90% Short
Electrics commitment to supply power to 50C with tank heaters Line Fault
circuit breakers with extended service lives, Definite Purpose Capacitive Current Tested and Verified to Exceed
that meet or exceed the most demanding Switching Capability ANSI and IEC Standards
specifications for interrupting, insulating, and Reactor Switching Capability Verified in Environmental Test Lab
current-carrying capabilities. The design and Tested and Verified for Production Tested as a Fully
performance of all breakers are fully verified Seismic Applications Assembled Breaker
in accordance with the procedures of ANSI Quiet Operation;
C.37 and IEC 62271-100, and by procedures Suitable for Urban Installations Options
at Mitsubishis laboratories that subject the Tank Heaters for Low
breakers to conditions that are considerably Mechanical Operations Temperature Applications
more comprehensive and severe. Spring Type Operating Mechanism High Altitude
Universal Type Spring Charging Composite Insulators
These procedures have confirmed the safety Motor (AC/DC)
and ruggedness of Mitsubishi breakers. Quick Spring Charging for Fe a t u re s t o R e d u c e
For example, tests confirm Mitsubishi O-CO-10 sec-CO Duty Cycle Installation and Maintenance
breakers withstand 10,000 mechanical All SFMT breakers are fully assembled,
operations and severe seismic forces, and S y n c h ro n o u s O p e n i n g a t pressurized and tested to ANSI or IEC
that they operate reliably in extremely low M a x i m u m A rc i n g T i m e standards and Mitsubishi standards prior to
or high temperatures. Controlling of Instant of Contact shipment. Each breaker is shipped with 5 psig
Separation During Re-Ignition-Free, of SF6 gas. Installation is completed rapidly
Users also report extraordinarily low Time Window Prevents: and easily. Site work is limited to removing all
cost of ownership based on exceptional Re-Ignition packing, bolting the sub-frame to the founda-
reliability, application flexibility, safety, and Severe Overvoltages tion and bolting the breaker to the sub-frame.
ease of maintenance. Then, using bottled SF6 gas, the interrupter
S y n c h ro n o u s C l o s i n g tanks and bushings are filled to operating
Fe a t u re s o f t h e S F M T Zero Voltage Closing Can Reduce: pressure, and the control and power leads
Design Insulation Amplitude of Inrush Current are connected. The breaker is then ready for
Dead Tank Construction Damaging Transients in final inspection and any field testing required
Only SF6 for Open Gap Insulation Components and Control by the user.
No Solid Insulation Bridging the Circuits
Open Contacts Elimination of Surge Arrester The SFMT breaker operates with virtually
Low Operating Pressure Peak Voltage Closing Can Reduce: no maintenance; scheduled inspections are
(71 psig @ 20C) Amplitude of Inrush Current completed quickly and easily. For example,
Damaging Transients the mechanism must be lubricated only every
Primary Electrical six years during normal inspections.
Pa r t s / I n t e r r u p t e r s R ap i d I n s t a l l a t i o n
True Puffer Interrupters Bushings Shipped Installed Critical interrupter components (stationary
Contacts Easily Accessible Integral NEMA 4-Hole Bushing and moving arcing contacts and nozzles) need
for Inspection and Changeout Terminals only be inspected after 2000 operations at
Verified Full Dielectric and Interrupting Complete Breaker Factory rated load current. In the event of back-to-
Rating at Lockout Pressure Assembled and Production Tested back capacitive switching application, the
High Strength Porcelain or Lightweight to Minimize critical interrupter components need to be
Composite Bushings Foundation Size inspected after 1000 operations at rated load
Integral NEMA 4-hole current. The components are removed easily
bushing terminal C o n t ro l s by simply unbolting the tank inspection
Space for Minimum Two BCTs cover. Unlike other designs, there are no
per Bushing interrupter valves, seal rings, solid insulation,
Synchronous Controlled Open screens to inspect, or bushings to be
and/or Close removed.

Solutions for Surge Elimination by Conventional GCB vs. Synchronous Switching GCB
Load Conventional Practice Synchronous Switching
Transformer Closing Resistor Synchronous Closing
(Peak Voltage Point)
Line Closing Resistor Synchronous Closing
Surge Arrester (Zero Voltage Point)
Shunt Capacitor Closing Resistor Synchronous Closing
Series Reactor (Zero Voltage Point)
Surge Arrester Synchronous Opening
(Maximum Arcing Time)
Shunt Reactor Opening Resistor Synchronous Opening
Surge Arrester (Maximum Arcing Time)
> > T H E D E TA I L S T H AT R E D U C E M A I N T E N A N C E C O S T S < <

Stationary arcing contacts, moving

arcing contacts and nozzles are easily
removed to expedite inspections or
> > T H E D E TA I L S T H AT I N H I B I T C O R RO S I O N < <

Neoprene gasket rings seal glass

inspection windows to the control cabinet.

Rugged steel frames (upper & lower)

are fully galvanized. Interrupter tanks are
aluminum. Bushing current transformer
covers are aluminum. A special polyurethane
enamel protects the control cabinet.

Six non-conductive vinyl filter

systems protect control components
from airborne contaminants.

The interrupter operating rods,

linkages and rotating shaft are fully
enclosed to protect components
and prevent accidental entry.
> > T H E D E TA I L S T H AT E X T E N D S E RV I C E L I F E < <

Clear silicon sealant on every piece

of exterior hardware assures the breaker
remains environmentally robust. Silicon
sealant on all flanges provides protection
to the O-ring and eliminates SF6 gas leaks.

Internally glazed porcelains are more

electrically track-resistant, provide
greater mechanical strength and
are easier to clean.

Three point door latches assure

tight housing closure.
Robust hinges, latches, handles and other
components withstand repeated rough
handling. Door handle and hinges are
stainless steel.
> > T H E D E TA I L S T H AT E A S E I N S TA L L AT I O N < <

Instruction Book in a separate

pocket shipped with each breaker.
Bushings shipped installed.
Integral 4-hole terminal pads are designed
for easy connection of power leads.
Lightweight to reduce foundation size.
Full factory testing before shipment.
Interrupter tanks are shipped with
5 psig SF6

32-bit CPU used widely for digital relay

units in transmission system.
Memory storage to record the ambient
temperature, opening/closing time, current
and voltage waveform and travel signal for
past 100 switching operations.
Self-monitoring function of a failure
of the controller itself.
Function for a judgment of the success
or failure of controlled switching and the
occurrence of re-ignition.
Proven to withstand environmental stress,
such as fast transient surge, high and low
temperature and mechanical vibration.
Opening and closing operations via spring;
idle time is not a concern.
BM-1 Operating Mechanism Puffer Interrupter Positive Interruption: contacts are not
The Type BM-1 operating mechanism is Design of the single-break puffer interrupter Positive Interruption: contacts are not
carefully designed and time-proven. Over is advanced yet simple, a true puffer that delayed and gas flow is unrestrained during
5000 have been performing reliably since operates reliably and positively. The interruption.
1983. interrupter features:
Rapid reclosing: the interrupter is
Interrupters are opened and closed using Less potential for dielectric failure self-cleaning, with no delay necessary to
energy stored in two heavy-duty helical caused by arc products: the gap between purge contamination and/or arc products
springs, one to trip and one to close open contacts is insulated only by SF6 gas. from previous interruptions.
the breaker. A universal motor charges the Solid insulation that can degrade over time
closing spring, and its closing operation has been eliminated. Consistent and predictable interrupting:
charges the tripping spring. The springs are mechanical springs of known and
always compressed, never in tension, greatly Increased interrupting capability: predictable force, open and close the
reducing stresses on components and end the interrupter is tested and verified to interrupters.
connections. Service life is extended and interrupt 90% short line faults.
reliability is increased.
Less mechanical deterioration: there
are no check valves, seals or screens to
wear, fail or maintain.

SF6 Gas Insulators

Live Parts Dead Parts
Live Parts BCT

Closed Position

Open Position
S F6 G a s S y s t e m and monitoring while increasing safety. This seal points in combination with low static
A common SF6 gas system serves all three and monitoring while increasing safety. This seal points in combination with low static
pole units. Located in the control cabinet, monitoring system uses few components pressure, potential leak paths are greatly
the precise yet simple arrangement of the that can misoperate or fail causing false reduced.
system eases filling, evacuation, inspection alarms, and by using the fewest possible


kPag 600 Saturation Curve
(psig) (87.0)

(58.0) Alarm


C -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
F -58 -40 -22 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 122 140


Fill Valve (Inlet)

Stop Valve

Pressure Gauge

Sampling Valve
Pressure Switch

SF6 Gas Monitoring System





Dimensions in inch / mm
TYPE 200-SFMT-40SE 200-SFMT-50SE
A 192 / 4864 192 / 4864
B 71 / 1793 71 / 1793
C 122 / 3089 122 / 3089
D 84 / 2125 84 / 2125
E 118 / 2989 118 / 2989
F 177 / 4484 177 / 4484
G 84 / 2135 84 / 2135
H 68 / 1717 68 / 1717
I 165 / 4193 165 / 4193


PHONE: 724.772.2555 FAX: 724.772.2146

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