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The Hollow Earth Theory - The Truth Behind The Scenes

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The document discusses theories about the Earth being hollow and potentially habitable within, with civilizations existing in interior regions and a light source in the center.

Visual evidence like images from satellites and theories about anomalies that cannot otherwise be explained, such as unusual magnetic readings or the aurora lights appearing inside the Earth.

Agartha and Shambhala are mentioned as possible civilizations residing in the interior.

2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT



arth Theory



rth Hy pothesis,Subterranean civ ilizations,agartha

rth Is agartha a real city ?

rth Holes in the north and south poles

Billy Mey er, Hollow Earth

aries: 17 v ideos T otal length: 155 m inutes

_____________________________________ 1/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
tential bombshell of a game changer, has alway s stood out. It did so by stealth.
etended to be another loony idea that, y ou know, some people just seem to get a
r looking at it in detail and absorbing the av ailable information did I realize how
ns. Would mean. Apparently , does mean. A nd it can only be true or false. There
only hollow ground or solid ground.

lications of the earth being hollow are important. Hugely , massiv ely (pun)
s far as ex plaining dozens of anomalies that surround us. All freaking kinds of
weird and conspiratorial ideas. In a word: woowoo ideas. Ideas which are
m, and not that it matters what a majority of any kind thinks or what opinions it
e dark (doesnt) matter in the larger scheme of things.

the Ultimate Woowoo intends to sy nthesize as much as possible what one has to
ut to get a basic idea. There is also an emphasis on v isual ev idence in this
Hollow Earth.

te v ideo with a collection of images-only (with music) related to Hollow Earth.

ange images that y ou may want to stop the v ideo repeatedly . But we will get to
s further into this article any way , in upcoming additional parts. Look at this
oduction to the Hollow Earth.


T he Hollow Earth

1 v ideo 2/49
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Total Lenght: 4 Minutes

way , this is going to be a little irritating. Why ? Because while sifting through a lot
ng to condense it into one conv eniently -sized article, it became larger and larger.
a manageable, readable article became smaller and smaller.

to the effect that the more far-out a claim, the more solid the ev idence for it has
e: Solid Ev idence for the Hollow Earth, please! 3/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

ill images from the NASA v ideo, which is the aurora australis of the south pole,
Marble image of Earth. If y ou can zoom into y our desktop, now would be a
t. 4/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
GE satellite, 2005: A urora
hobserv atory /IOTD/v iew.php?id=6226 . From the NA SA website:
tions of the aurora are ov erlaid onto NA SA 's satellite-based Blue Marble image.
pause-to- Aurora Global Ex ploration (IMAGE) satellite launched in 2000.']
n(5 MB, QuickTime)

tating My stery And (this takes the biscuit) It Is GrowingWith the

here is just so much data in so many different disciplines that most people who
ous way either try to write a book about it, or actually get around to write and
articles out there on the web touch on the main points, and they are all on the
u can fill a small library with books about the subject. So, take it from me: there is
iently catchy way to present the ev idence for the Hollow Earth. Less so if y ou
Earth is hollow and it is growing. Thats right. We hav e a hollow and ex panding
Apparently . Y es, it is y et another deeply irritating my stery . Sorry for the
e, I am still tuning my wet piano.

e done a thorough job at combing through the ev idence. Just as an ex ample, one
r has a bibliography of some 50 arctic ex pedition books in his piece of 450
hese most div erse and astounding anomalies a cold and hard look. This author,
sent a copy of A Journey to the Earths Interior, Or Hav e the Poles Really Been
US gov ernment in 1 920 and challenged them to refute it. The Feds hav ent gotten
it was a few decades ago. The bell rang a long time ago if y ou ask me. 5/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

h most of the points that indicate that our earth is hollow that sounds a lot
. Y ou end up writing a freaking book, or an endless piece of an article that y ou,
t hav e time for right now, while I dont get paid for it right now, actually , ev er.


n: we saddle the horse the wrong way . We just assume for ten minutes that the
are obv iously hollow in nature, and inhabited, at least in the case of Earth. We
ence and documented observ ations as proof to those asking for this proof that
hollow sphere. And not a nice, solid, slightly flattened sphere around a
g liquid core. Or flat.

re we get into the subject for real. If it is true that the earth is a hollow sphere,
ngs who are by all accounts much superior to us, then it means that the
gering. It is hard tothink of bigger implications than the Hollow Earth. It
It is the biggest and most direct game-changer I could find in the field of
t is like coming around a corner and there y ou see Bugs Bunny , Santa Claus and
y ing poker. Looks like they did not tell y ou something important. V ery irritating.

hat the Hollow Earth is the best-kept secret of all the many well-kept secrets that
In the woowoo corner, for ex ample. The totally bananas wing. Where they keep 6/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

up and wait and, ev entually , there y ou are.

o idea, only a few centuries ago, was that the earth was a sphere. Y ou know, a
marble in space, made of mostly rock. It was, of course, a flat surface, as
eck out for himself, with the oceans around the land masses ending a seamans
n a free-fall into the aby ss.

eeping the real shape of the world a secret did so because it was good for
curiosity in check. Good for certain business, and a check on inconv enient
nsisting that the earth was flat, nobody knew where the highway was, and kept
try dirt roads. Phy sically , mentally and spiritually .


ing is the best-kept secret of them all. If it is not true, it is not a secret. A liens by
milking us and mix ing with us genetically is absolutely mainstream when
low Earth. But only the inclusion of not-y et-mainstream cosmology like the 7/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
he Electric (nature of the) Univ erse, the fact that grav ity is not at all ex plained,
attern recognition eases the way into the Hollow Earth zone.

k the two against each other, which model ex plains the observ ations a lot better
ear winner is: Hollow Planets. Including our Earth. It will take some time to
s why there is some space reserv ed for more parts of this article.

, where the prov erbial woo woo topic, one that causes y our otherwise still
le reputation to make a big sucking sound, is the Hollow Earth gig. It is definitely
e concept that the earth is a shell, a couple of hundred miles thick, with two polar
ct inner and outer surfaces, an inner sun and check this out intelligent life.
, not like us pack-hunting, weapon- wielding primates with an inferiority
cool, intelligent life that, in a word, knows how to hav e a good party at the

v e inside and know how to get out quickly , too. Through the polar openings, for
hem going about these cool fly ing discs, and the rotating fields helped, too. 8/49
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h an interior Sun. Look at this brilliant light shining at the Pole. 9/49
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n y our walnut for a second. It used to be the most freaky concept around, and
en measured in earthly civ ilizations time. A ll sorts of immediately handy
ing y ou before y ou could ev en get halfway through the points y ou wanted to
ut the Earth being round. Y ou were actually burned at the stake, and it was not

ollow Earth of today . Woowoo land y ou say , through and through, complete
le we would know about it giv e me a break they cant keep a secret like this
ellite photos what about grav ity what about that other thing are y ou say ing
r time with this? and so on.

-kept secret ev er for now. Rumors and ev en ev idence of it abound, but no

r photos are shown at school, univ ersity , or prime-time teev ee. A ctually , that is
e of Admiral Richard Ev ely n By rd (US Nav y ) and many other sober people
low Earth path.

Y ou Know T hat Nev er Mind

ide range of ev idence which we will now present to the un- believ ing outer earth
know why they hav e nev er heard about the Hollow Earth before, and feel that
ewhat left out.

spheres, not only the Earth: the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun itself
tary formation theories: how were they formed, what made them spin, and still
ly woowoo
etary body with an incandescent and progressiv ely cooling core would crack
e cooling and shrinking
ary bodies like the sun and the large planets of our solar sy stem can not generate
d; but they all hav e one
stems outer planets emit more energy than they receiv e from the sun
etary body in formation has zero grav ity in its center, so mass does accumulate
onal and centrifugal forces are balanced within the area of the spinning matter,
would be a sphere with openings at the top and bottom like a hurricane of matter 10/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
would be a sphere with openings at the top and bottom, like a hurricane of matter
s a solid body with a solid center (the center has zero grav ity )
formed from cosmic dust which started to condense into a body like Earth, then
mentum would still continue to increase, which it doesnt the earths spin is
wing down or speeding up
with more mass should spin more slowly than smaller planets with less mass
the largest, Jupiter, spins a lot faster (once ev ery 1 0 hours) than Mercury , which
ction the size of Jupiter and needs 58 Earth day s for one spin around its ax is


Moon ring hollow for hours after struck with meteorites, as measured by seismic
th and on the Moon* Earthquakes do not occur deeper than 450 miles, but down
osedly molten magma would not create and release friction v ia earthquakes a
en mass equalizes tension, it does not accumulate tension because it is flex ible
ments in mine shafts show that the balls pointing to the center of grav ity point
center of the Earth, instead of towards it, as measured by the distance at the top
wo lead balls hanging from v ery long wires into a mine shaft
d inspector Clouseau say

he Earths poles: welcom e to Mr. Woos pole anom alies

re, as one gets past a certain latitude, increases as one approaches the poles,
pposed to happen; arctic (and in less cases, antarctic) ex plorers hav e reported in
to hav e taken off their climate gear (this was before Goretex )
nd fauna near the northern polar regions ocean: seeds, flowers and trees are
es where none should be, and they are often v ery fresh, not decomposed from
f floating in the ocean currents that might hav e brought them from far away
mosquitos, moths and flies were found once past the cold and icy region below
northern Greenland is the mosquito capital of the world
ies in the northern hemisphere migrate north before winter; birds in the
phere migrate south in their winter, too if the poles are the coldest regions, it
, but flocks of millions of birds like the auk hav e been observ ed doing this, and
a v ery good reason
l, auk, goose, seagull, duck, rabbit, wolf, fox , bear and other large animals at
ern latitudes (the ex ploration of Antarctica is much more scarce compared to
ebergs: around the north pole, they are made of frozen sweetwater not frozen
e is little if any precipitation of rain or snow (sweetwater) in the polar regions.
es to sea ice at low enough temperatures. There is no supply of sweetwater to
stence of icebergs which are hundreds of feet high, up to hundreds of miles long
miles wide* Icebergs around the north pole are colored by red pollen of an
as well as dust a lot of it; including earth material on top of them
ike or tidal mov ements in the arctic polar region hav e been witnessed by many
es which cracked and mov ed the ice floes around the ex plorers ships in a v ery ,
that had their hair stand on end
posited driftwood (including ex otic species) is ex tremely abundant and
ked 1 5 feet/5m high along the coasts in the polar region of Spitzbergen and
o 86 degrees latitude north 11/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

hant, woolly rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lion and hy ena hav e been found in the
rth pole that is also deposited on the coasts of Siberia; entire forests of
y hav e been found there
ntent of (un)frozen mammoth has been found to contain tropical (undigested)
ot occur any where in the northen polar region; supposedly , the last time the
e clomping around was during the last Ice Age (not the Pix ar animation films 1 ,
ny were found with their (un)frozen meat good enough to giv e it to the sled dogs
nner (or late lunch) [Note from the editor: If these mammoths came out of Inner
uge freshwater riv ers that flow outwards and freeze as they pass the northern
then the theory of a massiv e crustal shift of the Earth which supposedly
mmoths who had been peacefully chomping on tropical plants way up north, in
ng them to insta-freeze as a result of a polar rev ersal, has one argument less; see
d, Maurice Cotterell, Patrick Gery l, Clif High and others]

m alies at the Earths poles

he magnetic pole, the compass needle points down towards the dial and passing
where the surface or Earth curv es inward at the poles, like an apple into its
uch more pronounced the compass needle starts pointing up, behav ing now
nd not a horizontal instrument
orth pole is not a specific point, it is a large area around the geographic north or
ich do not ex ist as solid points on a surface, they are points in empty space;
eographic poles hav e a different ax is, as y ou know; the compass stops working in
ne, and actually indicates the location of a magnetic pole ov er a v ast area.
the area around the geographic pole and alway s get a north readingwith the
ort, there is no specific point, but an area where magnetic north or south is

T he Questions We Cant Prom ise T o Answer Right Now

zzy quantum unlogical and in no way binding answers to the Hollow Earth FAQ.
our way out.

zzy quantum unlogical and in no way binding answers to the Hollow Earth FAQ.
our way out.

rav ity ?
y is in the approx imate center of the 800-mile thick eggshell of the Earth, and
d outside of the planetary shell; the center of grav ity is not at, or towards, the
he inner sun?

he inner world?
ang in there for a sneak peak, and prepare to fasten seat belts
he outer world and the inner world together? WT F?

he openings when getting closer by land or air?

phenomena occur, like watery skies, the reflections along the lip of the arctic 12/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

ocean is reflected by the atmosphere. Y ou would lov e to see it.

I heard about this before? I m ean, seriously ?
t hidden out in the open; the woowoo areas are best
f not all the Hollow Earth classic books and websites. Hav e all these
all these facts been suppressed, or banned, forgotten, ignored,

Adm iral By rds ex peditions? Wasnt he in the newspapers?

ion, he will be focused on. He was indeed on radio and in newspapers, and
mong other ex peditions Operation High Jump a nav y fleet that went after the
rman submarines and thousands of German people after world war #2 it was
le if I remember correctly
ce say ing about this?
ate or state science that gets loaded into tex tbooks for indoctrination can not
r reasons that are obv ious; this science has the role that the high priests used to
earth was flat [Editor's note: and now 'it is too late to loose the weight y ou used to
round' - Pink Floy d]
ee this on NatGeo, History , Discov ery , and other high- quality
ainwashing networks?
u would ask
e polar openings from space?
pending on y our ex act location and the weather patterns, y our security
he effectiv eness of the selectiv e memory delete process after y ou hav e seen it,
this dev ice now
m ages of the polar regions censored?
Hey , pigs fly , buddy , some at least they fly north before winter, these dumb

ow Earth Introlog

d to be flat. Then, a solid ball, like a magma ball in space with a solid crust. When
which rings like a bell for weeks and months when struck by meteorites and
ing of which time to end this introduction. Just in time.


Hollow Earth, Docum entary , Brooks Agnew

ry pre to the North Pole Inner Earth ex pedition featuring Agnew,Brooks PHD on
the Hollow Earth theory . 13/49
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3 v ideos

Total Lenght: 29 Minutes 14/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Source: V iewzone * AgartthaT V

2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

es alway s propose a central sun, aliens, and my thical subterranean cities and
me believ e could link science and pseudoscience if phy sically discov ered.
Arctic and Antarctic regions are melting down at an accelerated rate, which will
nd this my stery and its metaphoric connections to other creation my ths in the
ourney on plant Earth.

low Earth Hy pothesis, planet Earth is either wholly hollow or otherwise

al interior space. The hy pothesis has long been contradicted by ov erwhelming
nce, as well as by the modern understanding of planet formation; the scientific
issed the notion since at least the late 1 8th century .

ow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for a sub-genre of adv enture
es in some present-day pseudoscientific and conspiracy theories. 16/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
ations link with the Hollow Earth Theory . There are supposedly races that ex ist
s beneath planet Earth. V ery often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more
nced than we on the surface. Some believ e that UFOs are not from other planets,
d by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.


idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the
uch as the Greek Hades, the Nordic sv artalfheim, the Christian Hell, and the
etails describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed

92 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell about 800 km (500
er concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets
rcury . Atmospheres separate these shells, and each shell has its own magnetic
otate at different speeds. Halley proposed this scheme in order to ex plain
readings. He env isaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly
lated that escaping gas caused the A urora Borealis.

v e claimed (in their Lands Bey ond) that Leonhard Euler also proposed a hollow- 17/49
v2011/06/08 The
e claimed (in their Lands Bey ond) that Hollow Earth
Leonhard Theory
Euler also |proposed
a hollow

d of multiple shells and postulating an interior sun 1 000 km (600 miles) across
dv anced inner-Earth civ ilization (but they prov ide no references). Howev er in
an princess Euler describes a thought ex periment inv olv ing a patently solid

o claim that Sir John Leslie ex panded on Eulers idea, suggesting two central
d Proserpine (this was unrelated to the dwarf planet Pluto, which was discov ered
e later). Leslie did propose a hollow Earth in his 1 829 Elements of Natural
453), but does not mention interior suns.

Sy mmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1 300 km
th openings about 2300 km (1 400 miles) across at both poles with 4 inner shells
es. Sy mmes became the most famous of the early Hollow Earth proponents. He
ex pedition to the North Pole hole, thanks to efforts of one of his followers,
the new President of the United States, A ndrew Jackson, halted the attempt.

lso deliv ered lectures on the Hollow Earth and argued for an ex pedition.
ex pedition to Antarctica himself but missed joining the Great U.S. Ex ploring
842, ev en though that v enture was a result of his agitation.

self nev er wrote a book about his ideas, sev eral authors published works
McBride wrote Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1 826. It appears that
cle that appeared as a separate booklet in 1 827 : Remarks of Sy mmes Theory
he A merican Quarterly Rev iew.

W.F. Ly ons published The Hollow Globe which put forth a Sy mmes-like Hollow
t didnt mention Sy mmes. Sy mmess son Americus then published The Symmes
c Spheres to set the record straight.

hich was well known by Adolf Hitler,reported much about Tibetan my ths of
rth. There is ev en a theory that Hitler ordered a research journey for such an
a, based on a speech of A dmiral Dnitz in front of a German submarine in 1 944,
e German submarine fleet is proud of hav ing built an inv isible fortification for
e in the world. During the Nuremberg Trials, Dnitz spoke of an inv isible
t of the eternal ice.

es Hitler and his followers wanted to create a race of super soldiers an Ay ran
tlanteans) to rule the world. They came to this conclusion through the
many occult beliefs and practices, including the Hollow Earth Theory . There is a
ay s that Hitler and his chief adv isers escaped the last day s of the Third Reich by 18/49
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he opening at the South Pole (A ntarctica) where they discov ered an entrance to
rior.According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they
After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discov ered that more than
s from Germany and Italy had v anished, along with almost a million people, to
d the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs,
ion with the people who liv e in the center of the Earth, and the possible
Ary an-looking UFO pilots.

rey Ex peditions planned an ex pedition to the North Pole region to ex plore for a
o the inner Earth. Brooks A. Agnew took ov er as leader on Currey s death in
of taking 1 00 scientists and film makers to the supposed A rctic opening in

entury proponent of hollow Earth, William Reed, wrote Phantom of the Poles in
the idea of a hollow Earth, but without interior shells or inner sun.

ote A Journey to the Earths Interior in 1 91 3 and an ex panded edition in 1 920.

r sun in the hollow Earth. He ev en built a working model of the hollow Earth and
made no mention of Reed, but did take Sy mmes to task for his ideas. In the same
hev wrote a fiction nov el Plutonia, where the hollow Earths interior possessed
un and was inhabited by prehistoric species. The interior was connected with the
he Arctic.

roposed that ascended masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean cav erns
ntarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, Peru, and Mount Shasta in California, USA, hav e
es as the locations of entrances to a subterranean realm referred to as A gartha,
ncing the hy pothesis that UFOs hav e their homeland in these places.

ard 19/49
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W. Bernard, an esotericist and leader of the Rosicrucians published The Hollow

Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the
yond the Poles The True Origin of the Flying Saucers. Bernard tells stories
v e entered the inner earth and what has happened to them. It mentions a
d in 1 960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada which shows a beautiful
A n av iator claimed that he had taken the picture while fly ing into the North

Now here, Bernard claims to hav e been in contact with great my stics in secret
and Lamas in Tibet. He was, in short, another Gurdjieff. Dr. Bernard died of
mber 1 0, 1 965, while searching the tunnel openings to the interior of the Earth,

v e accepted ev ery legend ev er associated with the hollow Earth idea, including
Eskimos originated within the Earth and an adv anced civ ilization dwells within
p their UFOs for occasional foray s into thin air. Bernard ev en accepts without
aim that he learned the secret of relativ ity before Einstein from the Hollow Earth

f Adm iral By rd 20/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

y rd of the United States Nav y flew to the North Pole in 1 926 and ov er the South
rred to Antarctica as The Land of Ev erlasting My stery . In reference to the
Id like to see that land bey ond the North Pole, it is the Center of the Great

rd allegedly tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, along with others
7 miles ov er mountains, lakes, riv ers, green v egetation, and animal life. He tells
ndous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity mov ing through the
tually found cities and a thriv ing civ ilization. The ex ternal temperature was 7 4
irplane was greeted by fly ing machines of a ty pe he had nev er seen before. They
a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from
resting, he and his crew, were taken to meet the king and queen of Agartha. They
e had been allowed to enter A gartha because of his high moral and ethical
y went on to say that they worried about the safety of planet due to he bombs
ng done abov e the surface by gov ernments. After the v isit By rd and his crew
ck to the surface of the planet.

t the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the
wrote about seeing a sun below the Earth.

Earths 21/49
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nterior; with the univ erse in the center.

t humans liv e on the outside surface of a hollow planet, sometimes called a

th hy pothesis, some hav e claimed that our univ erse itself lies in the interior of a
this a concav e hollow-Earth hy pothesis. The surface of the Earth, according
t resemble the interior shell of a Dy son sphere. Generally , scientists hav e taken
ulation seriously .

ntric doctor from upstate New Y ork, proposed such a concav e hollow Earth in
eme Cellular Cosmogony . Teed founded a cult called the Koreshan Unity based
h he called Koreshanity . The main colony surv iv es as a preserv ed Florida state
o, but all of Teeds followers hav e now died. Teeds followers claimed to hav e
ied the concav ity of the Earths curv ature, through surv ey s of the Florida
of rectilineator equipment.

ntury German writers, including Peter Bender, Johannes Lang, Karl Neupert,
lished works adv ocating the hollow Earth hy pothesis, or Hohlweltlehre. It has
although apparently without historical documentation, that A dolf Hitler was
v e hollow-Earth ideas and sent an ex pedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy
y aiming infrared cameras up into the sky (Wagner, 1 999).

matician Mostafa Abdelkader authored sev eral scholarly papers working out a
the concav e Earth model See M Abdelkader A Geocosmos: Mapping Outer 22/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
the concav e Earth model. See M. Abdelkader, A Geocosmos: Mapping Outer

Earth, 6 Speculations in Science & Technology 81 89 (1 983). Abstracts of two of

also appeared in Notices of the American Mathematical Society , (Oct. 1 981 and

book On the Wild Side (1 992), Martin Gardner discusses the hollow Earth model
kader. According to Gardner, this hy pothesis posits that light ray s trav el in
ow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cav ern. No energy
of the cav ern, which corresponds to no point a finite distance away from Earth
ed scientific cosmology .

, would lengthen as it trav eled away from the cav ern and ev entually pass
t infinity corresponding to the center of the Earth in the widely accepted
. Supposedly no ex periment can distinguish between the two cosmologies.
s that most mathematicians believ e that an inside-out univ erse, with properly
ws, is empirically irrefutable. Gardner rejects the concav e hollow Earth
sis of Occams Razor.

e can alway s define a coordinate transformation such that the interior of the
rior and the ex terior becomes interior. Such transformations would require
ges to the forms of phy sical laws; the consensus suggests that such theories tend


gument against that of a hollow Earth (or in fact any hollow planet) is grav ity .
to clump together grav itationally , creating non-hollow spherical objects we call
e solid sphere is the best way in which to minimize the grav itational potential
object; hav ing hollowness is therefore unfav orable in the energetic sense. In
atter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against

de of a hollow Earth would not ex perience an outward pull and could not stand
rather, the theory of grav ity implies that a person on the inside would be nearly
first shown by Newton, whose shell theorem mathematically predicts a
rom the shell) of zero ev ery where inside a spherically sy mmetric hollow shell of
f the shells thickness.

force would arise from the fact that the Earth does not hav e a perfectly
al shape, as well as forces from other bodies such as the Moon. The centrifugal
s rotation would pull a person (on the inner surface) outwards if the person was
v elocity as the Earths interior and was in contact with the ground on the
the equator this is only 1 /300 of ordinary Earth grav ity .

et also indicates that the hollow Earth hy pothesis is unfeasible. Should the Earth
mass would be much lower and thus its grav ity on the outer surface would be 23/49
2011/06/08 Theg Hollow
y Earth Theory | THE TRUT
urrently is.


y observ able, the core of the Earth is observ able v ia v ibrations (primarily from
g from one side of the planet to the other. Using this method, geologists hav e
h the structure of mantle, outer core, and inner core known today . A hollow
entirely differently in terms of seismic observ ations.

led to date is the SG-3 borehole which is 1 2.3 km (7 .6 miles) deep, part of the
ep Borehole project; thus, v isual knowledge of the Earths structure ex tends that

Earth is a v ery common element of fiction, appearing as early as Ludv ig
l Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum (Niels Klims Underground Trav els), in which
ough a cav e while spelunking and spends sev eral y ears liv ing on both a smaller
inside of the outer shell.

ury ex amples include Giacomo Casanov as 1 7 88 Icosamron, a 5-v olume,

a brother and sister who fall into the Earth and discov er the subterranean utopia
race of multicolored, hermaphroditic dwarfs; Sy mzonia: A V oy age of Discov ery
Seaborn (1 820) which reflected the ideas of John Clev es Sy mmes, Jr. and some
es as the real author; Edgar A llan Poes 1 838 nov el The Narrativ e of A rthur
ucket; and George Sands 1 884 nov el Laura, V oy age dans le Cristal where unseen
uld be found in the interior of the Earth.

dea has become a staple of science fiction, appearing in print, in film, on

, role-play ing games, and in many animated works.

by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan, in a series of nov els beginning
Core (1 91 4). Using a mechanical drill, his heroes discov er a prehistoric world
surface. Lit by an inner sun, this inner earth is called Pellucidar due to the
unsetting inner sun. There is also an inner moon which creates a Land of the
blocking the light of the inner sun for a portion of Pellucidar. Burroughs also
a of openings at the poles, and has zeppelins trav el to the interior of the earth v ia
e are sev en nov els in the Pellucidarseries.

T he Shav er My stery

rov ersial tales of inner-Earth-dwellers is the so-called Shav er My stery . In 1 945, 24/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
azine, under the editorship of Ray Palmer, ran a story told by American writer
av er, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an giant
Race, or Titans, an underground civ ilization that liv ed in cav erns under the

at the Elder Superior Pre-historic Race came to this planet from another solar
toric past. After a time of liv ing on the surface, they realized our sun was causing
rely , so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complex es in
ually , they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, ev acuating the Earth and
underground cities a honey comb of cav es in the Earth populated by artificial
detrimental robots and the good Tero, integrated robots. Shav er claimed to

, the Dero, liv e there still, using the fantastic machines abandoned by the ancient
se of us liv ing on the surface. As one characteristic of this torment, Shav er
hat purportedly came from no ex plainable source. Thousands of readers wrote
oo, had heard the fiendish v oices from inside the Earth.

s popularity of the Shav er My stery in Amazing Stories, Palmer milked it for all
re. The location of the entrance to this underground world was nev er div ulged.
believ ed the story , and many suspect that Shav er may actually hav e been
way s av erred that his story was true. 25/49
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Agartta, A gharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the

ated to the Hollow Earth theory and is a popular subject in Esotericism. 26/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers. Shamballa
balah or Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city . The my thical
a is known under many different names: It has been called the Forbidden Land,
aters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Liv ing Fire, the Land of the Liv ing
f Wonders. Hindus hav e known it as Ary av artha (literally : The Land or Realm of
d of the Noble/Worthy Ones) the land from which the V edas come; the
he Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Roy al Mother of the West; the Russian
teenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belov ody e and the Kirghiz people as
hout A sia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning the place of 27/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

r concept, in the last century little serious attention has been paid to these
e possibly apocry phal ex ception of Adolf Hitler), and the theory is not supported
The idea of subterranean worlds may hav e been inspired by ancient religious
ol, and Hell. Ferdy nand A ntoni Ossendowskis 1 920 book Beasts, Men, and Gods
ha. The my th of Agartha is also known as Shambhala, as it was known in
d realm peopled by initiates and lead by the Masters, Masters who are the
umanity .

A sian Univ ersity of the Initiates of the Greater My steries. Their Mahatma
also known as The Lord of The World , play s the part of the supreme spiritual

dre Saint-Y v es dA lv ey dre (1 842-1 909) of France, the secret world of Agartha
and wealth will be accessible for all mankind, when Christianity liv es up to the
ch were once drafted by Moses and Jesus, meaning When the Anarchy which
replaced by the Sy narchy . Saint-Y v es giv es a liv ely description of Agartha
ere a place which really ex ists, situated in the Himalay as in Tibet. Saint-Y v es
y of Agartha is based upon rev ealed information, meaning receiv ed by Saint-
h attunement. Saint-Y v es dAlv ey dre created the Archaeometre.

figures prominently in V ajray ana Buddhism and Tibetan Kalachakra teachings

est by Blav atsky and Theosophical Society . As with many concepts in V ajray ana
f Shambhala is said to hav e an outer, inner, and secret meaning. The outer
s Shambhala to ex ist as a phy sical place, although only indiv iduals with the
an reach it and ex perience it as such. There are v arious ideas about where this
ut it is often placed in central Asia, north of Tibet. The inner and secret meanings
understandings of what Shambhala represents, and are generally passed on
ransformed it into a kind of ex tradimensional or spiritual reality . The Roerichs
oth spiritual and phy sical.

hollow planet theory is also supported by superconscious knowledge based

f univ ersal nature like Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, Ramtha by J.Z. Knight

ed entrances to A gartha are:

y os (Cav e of the oil birds), Ecuador

of Giza
rgentina and Brazil
e , Kentucky , USA

, Italy
California (the Agharthean city of Telos)

pur, India 28/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

shna in Benares, India (the A gharthean city of Patala)

he belief in underground civ ilizations is The Smoky God(1 908) by Willis George
8), which claims to be the biography of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen.
ow Jansens sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earths interior at the North
he liv ed with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who,
e a full 1 2 feet tall and whose world was lit by a smoky central sun. Their
to be the original Garden of Eden. While Emerson does not use the name
such as Agartha Secrets of the Subterranean Cities hav e identified the
ncountered with A gartha, and its citizens as A garthan.

, Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of gov ernment for
hamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller
s located just beneath the Earths crust or discreetly within mountains.
taking place on the surface drov e these people underground. These were said to
antean-Lemurian war and the use of thermonuclear weaponry that ev entually
hese two highly adv anced civ ilizations. The Sahara, Gobi, the A ustralian
erts of the southwestern U.S. are said to be but a few ex amples of the dev astation
b-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe hav ens for sacred
nd technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures.

e great kingdom of Lemuria which was located in the Gobi desert in Mongolia was
s in a great war that led to a catacly smic destruction of A tlantis and Mu. Mu was
rface of what is now the Gobi desert. It had 2 satellite cities by the name of
eta that surv iv ed the destruction.

gartha are said to hav e scientific knowledge and ex pertise far bey ond that of the
he surface of the planet, lost technology from the day s of Atlantis.

ncient Lemuria now liv e in peace in subterranean cav erns. The leaders of these
ed Ascended Masters, Guardians of the Tradition, Psy choteleios or the
the Shining Ones, the A ncients, the Watchers, the Immortals, the Monitors, the
the Children of Seth, etc.) all follow what is known as the Ancient Path and do not
of humans that liv e abov e the surface. Nor is there any interaction between

es to A gartha Alpha and Beta from any other part of the planet. The only
Gobi desert itself and are secured by illusory technology that is bey ond the
odern science.

the cities of A gartha as Shambala and hav e believ ed for centuries in their
irs of ancient knowledge and adv anced technology . 29/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

ajor my stical shrine also called Patala, which is said by the people there to sit
rn and tunnel sy stem, which reaches throughout the A sian continent and
e Nagas also hav e an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground
d to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and riv ers.

article entitled The Hollow Earth: My th or Reality for Atlantis Rising, Brad
egends of the Old Ones, an ancient race that populated the surface world
and then mov ed underground. The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and
ed race, Steiger writes, hav e chosen to structure their own env ironment under
net and manufacture all their necessities.

minid, ex tremely long-liv ed, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million
generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they
offer constructiv e criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human
rear as their own.

race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to

ment of the human race. It is also believ ed that this subterranean world has
ts and many cities, its capital being Shambala.

states that Agartha was first colonized thousands of y ears ago when a holy man
derground. The people hav e scientific knowledge and ex pertice far bey ond that
e on the surface of the planet.

of the most famous tex ts of India, tells the story of the great av atar, Rama. It
n emissary from Agartha who arriv ed on a Vimana.

ncient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who
tala and Bhogav ati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of
according to The Deep Dwellers, are described as a v ery adv anced race or
y -dev eloped technology . They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom 30/49
y2011/06/08 The Hollow
dev eloped technology . They also harbor Earthfor
a disdain Theory
human| THE TRUT
beings, whom
ct, torture, interbreed with and ev en to eat.
e the entrance to Bhogav ati is somewhere in the Himalay as, believ ers assert that
d through the Well of Sheshna in Benares, India. Say s William Michael Mott in
A ccording to herpetologist and author Sherman A . Minton, as stated in his
tiles, this entrance is v ery real, with forty steps which descend into a circular
nate at a closed stone door which is cov ered in bas-relief cobras. 31/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

oamerican God linked with 201 2 and the May an Calendar Prophecy . Legend has
a UFO for 8 day s. He v isited the inner worlds beneath the sea, returning to
messages in the geometry of his design to be found at the end of time. (Lots of

ay A liens are part of Hollow Earth Theory . 32/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Rem ote Viewing

thical civ ilizations below the earth? Did y ou ev er remote v iew there? I ex plored
ough I found entities and consciously interacted with some, kind of like the
d that like the Atlanteans, the Lemurians, and other my thical civ ilizations, they
programs running parallel to our own.

ath the phy sical earth, if any thing? I personally dont believ e any thing is there in
kes good copy as the Arctic and Antarctica melt down at an alarming rate.
n consciousness can conceiv e/perceiv e, is out there somewhere. Y ou can
e y ou learn to grid trav el or remote v iew, placing y our consciousness bey ond

n the program is closing along with our reality here, and as this happens, souls
nativ e grid realities are merging their souls aspects back into one with
ure whether they are understand them or not. Dreams, memories, meditations,
ough from one grid to another often confusing the observ er. This will accelerate
theories and conclusions to hav e room for change as new information rev eals


T he Hollow Earth 33/49
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2 v ideos

Total Lenght: 21 Minutes 34/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Source: Christallinks * AgartthaT V


d m edium s ov er the y ears claim to hav e channeled inform ation

h dwellers.

ound the world hav e m y ths and legends based on the idea that the
rom the ancient Greeks believ ing in the Underworld and som e
ev ing that hell itself really is a fiery place beneath the Earths

t great kingdoms ex ist down below, there has alway s been speculation about
s. supposedly , there are subterranean cities beneath the Earths surface, wherein 35/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
of people liv e. Some, of course, believ e that UFOs come from these cities, where

ngineers with adv anced technology .

y some to be the name of an underground city . Many of the inhabitants are

mans who once liv ed on the Earths surface. According to legend, ancient
urians fled underground during times of war and built great cities. Today , their
st underground. Some ev en say that another legendary city , Shamballa, is the

manage to make it underground? And how do the UFOs find their way out?
t that there are entrances all around the Earth. These places are all famous
ments: Kentucky Mommoth Cav e in KY , Himalay an Mountains in Tibet (which is
ation of the long lost Shamballa), Py ramid of Giza in Egy pt,
le, King Solomons Mines, Rama in India, and many other places.

ere are still some people who believ e in a subterranean race of snake-like people
nderground cities, and who often wage war on A gartha. These snake-like beings,
agas, supposedly despise humans a great deal and kidnap, torture, and eat us.

mediums ov er the y ears claim to hav e channeled information from hollow Earth
y theorists believ e that ev en politicians are well aware of these underground
rumored that Hitler once planned on sending researchers to Antarctica to find

s and archaeologists find hollow Earth ideas to be absurd and silly , there are still
at there may be something behind all the legends and my ths. After all, grav ity
themselv es wouldnt be as they are if the Earth was really hollow. If the Earth
w, it would hav e a much lower mass and grav ity would be much less than it


In search of the Inner Earth

inner world within our Hollow Earth. Requires more then an ex pedition but a
et . When when we Humans ev olv e to a higher lev el then we may find common
wisdom and knowledge with the people oF Aghartha.

2 v ideos 36/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Total Length: 1 7 Minutes

Source: Unsolv edMy steries * AgartthaT V


how a Circular Opening at the North Pole!

1 6 Photos of Earth, v alidates Hollow Earth Theories. 37/49
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2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

rnard ( The Hollow Earth 1 97 9 ), (see diagram above) our world is hollow,
earth being 800 miles thick. There ex ists two openings at the North and South
ng a circumference of 1 400 miles wide. At the center of the earth is not a molten
n which is six hundred miles wide and is 2900 miles from the Inner Surfaces. The
the opening at the poles is 1 200 miles long, thus a person can not see the other

ts three worlds on our planet, the outer surface, where we liv e, the middle earth
lined with many cav erns, tunnels (made by someone), Inner Cities and people
stly the Inner Surface. How Grav ity works then is the following. For the people
r surface, Grav ity holds them down. For the people that liv e in the middle earth,
the center of the crust (i.e. 400 miles down), the less effect grav ity will hav e
ok, Etidorhpa, when this indiv idual trav eling down into the earth reached the
where there is no grav ity he was able to mov e by the power of his mind, his
nd he didnt need to eat. He described gigantic v egetation that liv es under the
ull of grav ity allows things to grow larger. Lastly for the people who liv e on the
ould also feel grav ity pull on them to walk on this surface but since there is an
Atom a, by channeler Michael Kant who appears in our cry stal skull
e Crystal Skulls Revealed) they would hav e sunlight 24 hours a day . There is
ses and water bodies that ex ist on the Inner Earth, the same as the outer surface
and energy in the Inner Earth is more pure and of a higher v ibrational
a 4th dimensional frequency ).

claimed to trav el to the Inner Earth, they state that the people they encounter
ally v ery tall. Some other indiv iduals hav e speculated that descendants of
a liv e in this Inner Utopia and therefore they are thousands of y ears ahead of us
spiritually . Some others say that possibly the May ans may hav e gone into this 39/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
x plain where they disappeared. A gain, according to our channeler Michael Kant,
actic races came to our Earth long ago and created their first city underground
. Each race brought with them a cry stal skull and body which contained the
r race and cosmic knowledge. Six tribes decided to stay on the surface of the
went into the Inner Earth. Now all twelv e tribe ex ist in the Inner Earth. It is also
Ex traterrestrial races may hav e bases in the Inner Earth as well. Michael
k being taken by a Pleiadian Space Ship and giv en a tour of the Inner Earth.


2012 and North Pole Hollow Earth Ex pedition

201 2 & North Pole Ex pedition

Brooks Agnew discussed possible catacly sms that may occur around 201 2, and
o n his planned North Pole Inner Earth Ex pedition. The current timetable is to
dition in A ugust 2009, trav eling to the Arctic region aboard a nuclear powered
opter and ship stored in the icebreaker will be used to adv ance scout for a hole
that might ex ist in the curv ature of the crust, he detailed.

Mesoamericans described v isits from the Shining Ones possible ETs, who may
knowledge of astronomy , architecture and agriculture. One of the May ans
sy stems ends in 201 2, coinciding with the Earth aligning with a black hole in the
he outlined. This positioning will cause planets to heat up in the solar sy stem,
k hav oc with our climate, he said.

ke place within a short time period 3 to 5 day s, and the rev ersal of Northern and
ic patterns could set up a global superstorm, with 300 mph winds lasting up to
ned. 40/49
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8 v ideos

Total Length: 7 5 Minutes 41/49
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2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Source: HollowEarth * Alistar666



esigned to assist in ey e opening to the real possibility of a new age..

1 v ideo

Total length: 9 Minutes 45/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT

Source: AgartthaT V



ey | November 17, 2010 at 4:33 am | Reply


derer | May 30, 2011 at 1:50 am | Reply


dicates ev en though y ou hav e been taught that the earth has a molten
urface, that it is possible to logically conceiv e of an earth that as a
olten lav a, began to cool on the outer crust,. and that as it spun in
e outer crust was cool, it perhaps stretched to create breaks in the
n led to more cooling, and while these breaks in the surface were
e centrifugal force of the spinning earth, in the center of the earth
nsion of space of this molten lav a which created a hollow cav ern in 46/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
nsion of space of this molten lav a, which created a hollow cav ern in
lowed the surface outward as it spun against the outer shell that had

the inner lav a up against the outer shell that becomes solid as it
ng a HOLLOW EARTH ov er millions or billions of y ears.

as been the subject of a number of books, and legends and stories

tory , and it is actual. In general, all planets hav e a hollow core, some
ening and core than others and some planets hav e subterranean
ng the area beneath the surface. It is not possible for this to be prov en
here has been considerable ev idence from entities who hav e trav eled
to find themselv es entering into a world of green v egetation.

essary is the general understanding and recognition that there are

rth that will alway s remain as a my stery and that entities need to
open and not assume that just because the gov ernment has not told
so. Likewise, there are those who think if it isnt in the Bible, it cant
the Bible, it has to be so. Entities who look to authority for answers
authorities who do not really know or do not care to giv e proper

whether y ou can be absolutely certain of all of the things y ou ex plore.

at y ou hav e information that y ou can ponder and consider in filling in
reality . With this approach y ou may consider the possibility of a
y ou do not hav e to tell others y ou believ e in a HOLLOW EA RTH. Y ou
n as a possibility in the puzzle that y ou are ex ploring in regard to total


OF THE NASA UFOS : Area 51 (or Groom Lake) back in the late 1980s on a back-
an exchange program with the ETs occurred in the 1970s, which, resulted in the
FOs so that their technologies cou

, 2010 at 1:19 am | Reply

at I choose to hav e an open mind on ev ery thing in life, and this is

mind.Thanks Tisha

or | February 15, 2011 at 5:58 pm | Reply

thor working in the realm of science fiction and fantasy . I do a lot of
oowoo material as described in the beginning of this article. Today
his site and I think I hav e a new place to v isit.

as I continued through the article(s) that there are legends of

nd Mu and how those respectiv e nations inhabitants had gone
th l M t k ( i f l f ) 47/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
themselv es. My current works ( a series of 5 nov els so far)
ch a retelling without hav ing known these tales to begin with. I am

stakenly rewritten said my ths without knowing the actual legends.

here, and I plan on referring much more of the woowoo sciences

nchor point to find out more.

an Fitzstephen | February 19, 2011 at 5:19 pm | Reply

ollow Earth of today . Woowoo land y ou say , through and through,
impossible we would know about it giv e me a break they cant
s what about the satellite photos what about grav ity what about
e y ou say ing y ou are wasting y our time with this? and so on.

d Global Mankind | March 2, 2011 at 4:07 pm | Reply

our sun, are hollow, inhabitable within, with open surface entrances
and intelligently created. This world has three ancient subterranean
ach approx imately 1 0 miles in diameter at three strata lev els of 37 8
a 1 400 mile thick crust. There are more entities residing within this
surface. I know whereof I speak. I hav e v isited these Kingdoms. They
because surface consciousness is ex panding to allow Contact with our
ay our peace be with y ou.

t and Life,

at 8:56 am | Reply

ad. I hav e to say more ev idence needs be prov ided

y on National Public Radio today about flamingos in Siberia.

e second of time in recent y ears that this has happened. Moreov er
ften than is actually witnessed and reported. NPR attributed this to a
ompass of the bird(s).

/blogs/krulwich/201 1 /03/07 /1 342297 25/flamingos-drop-from-

my stified

this story , analy ze the data, and draw y our own conclusion. Perhaps
an we think.


at 1:58 pm | Reply

were looking for this. 48/49
2011/06/08 The Hollow Earth Theory | THE TRUT
1 at 5:10 pm | Reply

g structure would y ou build inside the earth, where y ou need to not

ause that will be permanent. In a dim env ironment with a weak central
creating permanent shades. The proof is here on earth when they
know any other building structure they knew only how to build

2, 2011 at 5:32 am | Reply

Earth is hollow from Greg Gav in of I was so facinated

had to check it out for my self. I hav e made many trips out of body into
rd to find words to ex press the beauty . The people who liv e there are
e friendly , hospitable and just being in their presence is like being in
cities, the open parks, and the inner Sun are absolutely amazing. For
asked if I thought there was intelligent life in space, I alway s jokingly
t the real question is
nt life on Earth? The answer is Y ES, inside!!

at 9:26 pm | Reply

ow silly this is. The interior sun (which would incinerate ev ery thing
ay ) would be the size of a grain of sand, and y ou would need to posit an
of grav ity , just for starters.

11 at 5:57 pm | Reply

uld be based on a nuclear reaction, but inside is based on the grav ity
round him, this way is milder and not radio activ e. The official theory
ain of super-mass deposits other masses but that will be true to a
mal mass hampers the power of the original super-mass and becomes
ting and ex panding from the original super-mass. Earth is in a
n just put all the continents together like a puzzle and they will fit
ize earth, about 1 /3 of what is now. The ex pansion is also caused by
ust thru self grav itation. There are two crusts one outside and one
a. Prof ocean floor is new continents are old.

Theme: Coraline by Automattic Blog at 49/49

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