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Korea Tech v. Lerma #4 (2nd Batch)

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Cuanan, Jodelle Chris G.


G.R. No. 143581, January 7, 2008


Foreign arbitral awards; subject to Judicial Review. - While the RTC does not have jurisdiction over
disputes governed by arbitration mutually agreed upon by the parties, still the foreign arbitral award is
subject to judicial review by the RTC which can set aside, reject, or vacate it. In this sense, what this
Court held in Chung Fu Industries (Phils.), Inc. relied upon by KOGIES is applicable insofar as the foreign
arbitral awards, while final and binding, do not oust courts of jurisdiction since these arbitral awards are
not absolute and without exceptions as they are still judicially reviewable. Chapter 7 of RA 9285 has made
it clear that all arbitral awards, whether domestic or foreign, are subject to judicial review on specific
grounds provided for. Petitioner is correct in its contention that an arbitration clause, stipulating that the
arbitral award is final and binding, does not oust our courts of jurisdiction as the international arbitral
award, the award of which is not absolute and without exceptions, is still judicially reviewable under
certain conditions provided for by the UNCITRAL Model Law on ICA as applied and incorporated in RA


Petitioner Korea Technologies Co., Ltd. (KOGIES) is a Korean corporation which is engaged in the supply
and installation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Cylinder manufacturing plants, while private
respondent Pacific General Steel Manufacturing Corp. (PGSMC) is a domestic corporation.

On March 5, 1997, PGSMC and KOGIES executed a Contract whereby KOGIES would set up an LPG
Cylinder Manufacturing Plant in Carmona, Cavite. The contract was executed in the Philippines. On April
7, 1997, the parties executed, in Korea, an Amendment for Contract No. KLP-970301 dated March 5,
1997 amending the terms of payment. The contract and its amendment stipulated that KOGIES will ship
the machinery and facilities necessary for manufacturing LPG cylinders for which PGSMC would pay
USD 1,224,000. KOGIES would install and initiate the operation of the plant for which PGSMC bound
itself to pay USD 306,000 upon the plants production of the 11-kg. LPG cylinder samples. Thus, the total
contract price amounted to USD 1,530,000.
On October 14, 1997, PGSMC entered into a Contract of Lease with Worth Properties, Inc. (Worth) for
use of Worths 5,079-square meter property with a 4,032-square meter warehouse building to house the
LPG manufacturing plant. The monthly rental was PhP 322,560 commencing on January 1, 1998 with a
10% annual increment clause. Subsequently, the machineries, equipment, and facilities for the
manufacture of LPG cylinders were shipped, delivered, and installed in the Carmona plant. PGSMC paid
KOGIES USD 1,224,000.

However, gleaned from the Certificate executed by the parties on January 22, 1998, after the installation
of the plant, the initial operation could not be conducted as PGSMC encountered financial difficulties
affecting the supply of materials, thus forcing the parties to agree that KOGIES would be deemed to have
completely complied with the terms and conditions of the March 5, 1997 contract.

For the remaining balance of USD306,000 for the installation and initial operation of the plant, PGSMC
issued two postdated checks. When KOGIES deposited the checks, these were dishonored for the
reason "PAYMENT STOPPED." PGSMCS contentions were KOGIES deliver a different brand of
hydraulic press from that agreed upon and it had not delivered several equipment parts already paid for.
PGSMC replied that the two checks it issued KOGIES were fully funded but the payments were stopped
for reasons previously made known to KOGIES.

On June 1, 1998, PGSMC informed KOGIES that PGSMC was canceling their Contract on the ground
that KOGIES had altered the quantity and lowered the quality of the machineries and equipment it
delivered to PGSMC, and that PGSMC would dismantle and transfer the machineries, equipment, and
facilities installed in the Carmona plant. Five days later, PGSMC a complaint for estafa against Mr. Dae
Hyun Kang, President of KOGIES.

On June 15, 1998, KOGIES wrote PGSMC informing the latter that PGSMC could not unilaterally rescind
their contract nor dismantle and transfer the machineries and equipment on mere imagined violations by
KOGIES. It also insisted that their disputes should be settled by arbitration as agreed upon in Article 15,
the arbitration clause of their contract. On July 1, 1998, KOGIES instituted an Application for Arbitration
before the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) in Seoul, Korea pursuant to Art. 15 of the
Contract as amended.

On July 23, 1998, the RTC issued an Order denying the application for a writ of preliminary injunction,
reasoning that PGSMC had paid KOGIES USD 1,224,000, the value of the machineries and equipment
as shown in the contract such that KOGIES no longer had proprietary rights over them. And that Art. 15 of
the Contract as amended was invalid as it tended to oust the trial court or any other court jurisdiction over
any dispute that may arise between the parties. KOGIES prayer for an injunctive writ was denied.
PGSMC filed a Motion for Inspection of Things to determine whether there was indeed alteration of the
quantity and lowering of quality of the machineries and equipment, and whether these were properly
installed. KOGIES opposed the motion positing that the queries and issues raised in the motion for
inspection fell under the coverage of the arbitration clause in their contract.

The trial court issued an Order (1) granting PGSMCs motion for inspection; (2) denying KOGIES motion
for reconsideration; and (3) denying KOGIES motion to dismiss. KOGIES filed an Urgent Motion for
Reconsideration. Ten days after, without waiting for the resolution of its October 2, 1998 urgent motion for
reconsideration, KOGIES filed before the Court of Appeals (CA) a petition for certiorari.

CA affirmed the RTC Orders and dismissing the petition for certiorari filed by KOGIES. CA found that the
RTC did not gravely abuse its discretion in issuing the assailed Orders. Moreover, the CA reasoned that
KOGIES contention that the total contract price for USD 1,530,000 was for the whole plant and had not
been fully paid was contrary to the finding of the RTC that PGSMC fully paid the price of USD 1,224,000,
which was for all the machineries and equipment. According to the CA, this determination by the RTC was
a factual finding beyond the ambit of a petition for certiorari.

On the issue of the validity of the arbitration clause, the CA agreed with the lower court that an arbitration
clause which provided for a final determination of the legal rights of the parties to the contract by
arbitration was against public policy.

Furthermore, the CA held that the petition for certiorari had been filed prematurely since KOGIES did not
wait for the resolution of its urgent motion for reconsideration of the RTC Order which was the plain,
speedy, and adequate remedy available. Hence, this Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45.


Whether or not the arbitration clause stated in Article 15 of the contract is to be deemed null and void?

No. Established in this jurisdiction is the rule that the law of the place where the contract is made
governs. Lex loci contractus. The contract in this case was perfected here in the Philippines. Therefore,
our laws ought to govern. Nonetheless, Art. 2044 of the Civil Code sanctions the validity of mutually
agreed arbitral clause or the finality and binding effect of an arbitral award. Art. 2044 provides, " Any
stipulation that the arbitrators award or decision shall be final, is valid, without prejudice to Articles 2038,
2039 and 2040.

The arbitration clause was mutually and voluntarily agreed upon by the parties. It has not been shown to
be contrary to any law, or against morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. There has been no
showing that the parties have not dealt with each other on equal footing. We find no reason why the
arbitration clause should not be respected and complied with by both parties

The arbitration clause which stipulates that the arbitration must be done in Seoul, Korea in accordance
with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the KCAB, and that the arbitral award is final and binding, is not
contrary to public policy.

Petitioner is correct in its contention that an arbitration clause, stipulating that the arbitral award is final
and binding, does not oust our courts of jurisdiction as the international arbitral award, the award of which
is not absolute and without exceptions, is still judicially reviewable under certain conditions provided for by
the UNCITRAL Model Law on ICA as applied and incorporated in RA 9285.

Finally, the RTC has jurisdiction to review foreign arbitral awards. Sec. 42 in relation to Sec. 45 of RA
9285 designated and vested the RTC with specific authority and jurisdiction to set aside, reject, or vacate
a foreign arbitral award on grounds provided under Art. 34(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law.

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