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Open To Embracing Jews Open To Embracing The Mesorah: Rabbi Menachem Penner

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Open to Embracing Jews;

Open to Embracing the Mesorah

Transcribed from Rabbi Penners address to the 5774 Chag HaSemikhah

M y dear musmakhim:
It is such an exciting day
in such a historic time.
Its not just the Chag HaSemikhah.
Rabbi Menachem Penner
Max and Marion Grill Dean, RIETS
Its the time we live in. Its ,
one of the most exciting eras in our
history. Dramatic growth of talmud
taken for granted, were under attack. a zugwould henceforth be needed
Torah and the world of the yeshivos.
Antiochus IV governed Eretz Yisrael, to stand in the place where one gadol
Strong kehillos and thriving mosdos,
looking to force his subjects to adopt hador had led.
both in Eretz Yisraelin Eretz Yisrael
the worldview of Yavan, and to
after millennia of galus!and around Those two chakhamim were Rabbi
abandon their own. It was the days
the world. What an exciting time for Yosi ben Yoezer of Tzereida and Rabbi
before the miracles of Chanukah,
Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan. Yosi ben Yochanan of Yerushalayim.
when so many struggled to see the
What an exciting time for you to Their sayings, mishnayos in Avos (1:4-
invisible hand of the Ribbono Shel
become rabbanim! 5), are famous. But to fully appreciate
Olam. And when young men and
them, we need to consider the
And yet, , is a time of uncertainty women, including bnei Torah from
challenges that their generations faced
and immense challenge. You, our the most established Torah homes,
and the radically different solutions
precious talmidim, live in a rapidly were disappearing into a sea of
that these two gedolim proposed:
changing world and in a Jewish assimilation.
community struggling to define itself :
Yes. It was a time very much like our
and grappling to find the Ribbono shel
Olam in an increasingly G-dless world. Make your homes gathering places for
But it was more than a time of
With your permission, I would like to talmidei chakhamim. To do so, create
questioning and it was more than
travel to another such time in Jewish homes where the most righteous
a crisis of assimilation. There was a
history. For just a moment, come with will feel comfortable. Then, fill those
frightening vacuum of leadership.
me to Eretz Yisrael, to Yerushalayim, batim, and your batei kenesiyot, with
Hellenized kohanim gedolim,
in the years before the miracles of those who want to learn, to daven, to
manhigim who lacked the basic
Chanukah: follow closely and unquestioningly in
credentials to serve in their posts,
the ways of Chazal.
It was a time of terrible confusion held sway over much of the nation.
after the death of the gadol hador, So many kohanim, once looked to for
Antigonus ish Socho. Two of his horaah, had adopted the ways of the Then, attach yourselves to the sages.
students, Tzadok and Baytus, had Greeks. And it seemed that no one Walk in the ways of your rebbeim with
begun a process that would lead to towering rabbinic figure and no one modesty and awe. Understand your
the questioning of the very basics rabbinic body could carry the mantle place vis-a-vis the guardians of the
of our faith. Ikkarei haemunah, once of Torah leadership. Two mena pair, mesorah.

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
: are welcomed and sometimes even
printedwith enthusiasm. We live in
And soak in their teachings. Be And let those who are poornot just
a bein hashemashos, an historic time,
mechazeik yourselves, for you will aniyim mamash, but those who form
part kodesh, part chol, but filled with
need much fortitude to stand up to the lower strata of society, uneducated
irbuvia, with confusion.
the winds of change. Redouble your and unsophisticated as they may be
efforts to find Torah clarity in a world live among you. Become as familiar And we have two mishnayos to guide
of confusion. Create a safe haven in with the needs of your kehillah, your us. We need to study these mishnayos
your homes in a world filled with congregational family, as you are well. But perhaps, most of all, we
darkness and falsehood. familiar with the needs of your nuclear must remember that they are best
family. understood as two parts of one whole.
Divrei chokhmah, no doubt, in
I dont believe that the derekh of
challenging times. Surround Two Reb Yosis. Two mishnayos. Two
Rabbi Yosi ben Yoezerthe creation
yourselves with fellow maaminimin solutions.
of homes filled with tzidkus but, by
fact with those who are on a higher
An approach of yirahyiras their nature, somewhat intimidating
madreigah than you. Follow in the
Shamayimprotecting ourselves and and foreign to the uneducated
footsteps of those who grew up in
our precious mesorah. can sufficiently meet the challenges
simpler times and whose lives are
of today. There are just too many
guided by the timeless chokhmas
people, precious neshamos, not just
haTorah. [Be] open to exposing among the world of the unaffiliated,
Its hard to argue with such an
approach. But someone did. A second
people to the beauty but among day school and yeshiva
high school and, yes, even Yeshiva
gadol BeYisrael suggested a radically of yiddishkeit without University graduates who will
different path for the preservation be left behind. Nor do I think that
of klal Yisrael. He presented a vision insisting that they Rabbi Yosi ben Yochanans openness
of the home open not only to the become just like you. alone, filling our homes with so many
chakhamimbut to the masses as common folk that chakhamim are
well. And not just open. Open wide. left without a seat at the table, is what
An approach of ahavahahavas
Rabbi Yosi ben Yochanan, the Av Beis Yisraelembracing others, our Chazal were looking to create. These
Din, warned that times of uncertainty, precious brothers and sisters. two beautiful mishnayos understood
when assimilation is at its highest, are together, these two ideals expressed
My Dear talmidim: side by side, with each aspect pursued
not the time for erecting walls, not even
protective fences. Instead, those who The Jewish world in which you will with passion and yiras shamayim
held to the eitz hachaim with every serve beyond the koslei hayeshiva need to guide you as the leaders of
ounce of their strength had a chiyuv to is thriving and strongbut no less tomorrow.
connect with the people. And not just challenging and no less confusing as Yehei beiskha pasuach lirvachah.
to reach out to them and to teach them, the one that faced these two gedolim in
Hellenistic times. You need to be open. Yesyou heard
but to sit with them, to listen to them,
me correctly. Orthodox Judaism
to hear their concerns and to reaffirm We, too, live in a rapidly changing needs to be and can be open. Pasuach
the unity of klal Yisrael. world in which the very principles lirvachah to the Jewish people.
[ ] upon which our Torah lives are
fashioned are under daily attack. An You must be open to Jews of different

olam hafuchbut not the one seen backgrounds, understanding that
Open your houses wide! And if I each precious neshamah needs special
by Rav Yosef brei dreb Yehoshua
might add to his words, open your attention and a unique path to connect
in masekhes Pesachim (50a). In our
batei kneisiyos wide as well. Invite in to Hashem. You must be open to the
upside-down world, morality is
the people, amkha. Make them feel opinions of those with whom you
close-mindedness and immorality is
welcome, respected and loved disagree, open to explaining the truth,
righteousness. Truth is pass and lies
regardless of who they are. the totality of the Torah, to those

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
whose worldview has been shaped But not every door and every :
by outside influences. You must be window can be left open during
Continue to learn from the chakhmei
open to examining our time-honored a storm. As open as you must be,
hamesorah who sit beside me and
institutions and considering new ideas you must never leave our precious
behind me through phone calls,
and approaches. And, perhaps more mesorah exposed, out in the open.
through listening to their shiurim from
than anything else, open to exposing When something is precious, precious
afar and iyH, through many visits
people to the beauty of yiddishkeit and yet so fragile, a precious gift for
back to the batei medrash in which you
without insisting that they become which so many have given their lives
grew to become talmidei chakhamim,
just like you. to transmit to you, you must protect
rabbanim and manhigei Yisrael
it and guard it with every fiber of your
You, the musmakhim of RIETS, yourselves. to have
need to be open if you hope to lead these people in our lives.
a generation that desires, and will Dont underestimate your role as a
There are many yeshivos and many
sometimes insist, that its manhigim link in the chain of the mesorah.
young men today studying for
listen as frequently as they speak, , , semikhah. But you are unique
accept as often as they judge and . , because Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak
innovate as often as they walk in the . Elchanan is unique. There is no other
ways of their ancestors.
And they, through the chakhmei institution that better represents
And, barukh Hashem, we are open, hamesorah passed it to your rebbeim, the ideals expressed by Rabbi Yosi
and you are openopen to learn, to those on this stage. And today, they ben Yoezer and Rabbi Yosi ben
grow, to listen, to devote your lives pass it to you. Yochanan together. Please dont
to klal Yisrael. Open to leaving New forget how special you are and what
York! Open to work on secular college you, and possibly only you, can
campuses with students who did not You must assure that your batim accomplish.
receive the gift of a YU education. not just your homes, but your batei We believe in you and what we say to
Open to teach in day schools, in every knessiyos, and your batei sefer, resound others about you. You are grounded
grade and to every type of student. with the kolos and the spirit of your in Torah and tradition. And you are
Open to make a kiddush Hashem in rabbeim. They must be open and ready to lead. It is a daunting task that
your hospitals and law firms. exposed to the gedolei Yisrael. lies before you. But it is a thrilling
Open to put the needs of klal Yisrael time to step onto the stage of Jewish
before your own. leadership. There has never been a
Struggle with your rebbeim for group better prepared and more open
You are open to lead all of klal Yisrael answers but never
bederekh haTorah. to meet this challenge.
cease to look to them for guidance.
Chazak veematz. Mazal tov.

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777

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