Sop Ddu Gky Ver 2.0.0
Sop Ddu Gky Ver 2.0.0
Sop Ddu Gky Ver 2.0.0
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Standard Forms
Abbreviations and Acronyms
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................1
List of Tables
TABLE 1-1 CONTENTS OF SOP AND THE OVERALL THRUST OF EACH CHAPTER .......................................................................... 1
TABLE 1-2 TIMELINE OF MAJOR EVENTS........................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE 1-3CLASSIFICATION OF PENALTIES TO BE IMPOSED.................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 1-4POWERS OF OFFICERS TO IMPOSE PENALTY FOR APS............................................................................................ 7
List of figures
List of Figures
SF 5.1J: ATTENDANCE REGISTERS FOR TRAINERS (AS PER BIOMETRIC DEVICE) ..................................................................... 210
SF 5.1K: CHECKLIST OF ITEMS GIVEN TO CANDIDATES .................................................................................................... 211
SF 5.1L1: CANDIDATE FEEDBACK FORM ...................................................................................................................... 212
SF 5.1M: SUMMARY OF EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT DONE ........................................................................................ 217
SF 5.1O1: TRAINING CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................................. 219
SF 5.1O2: TRAINING COMPLETION CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION RECORD............................................................................. 220
SF 5.1P: LIST OF EQUIPMENT IN THE TRAINING CENTRE .................................................................................................. 221
ONLY).......................................................................................................................................................... 222
SHIFT BATCHES IN A TRAINING CENTRE ................................................................................................................ 223
DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 223
SF 5.1T: DAILY FAILURE ITEMS REPORT ....................................................................................................................... 227
SF 5.1U: 15 DAY SUMMARY OF CENTRE STATUS ........................................................................................................... 228
SF 5.2A: TRAINING CENTRE INSPECTION...................................................................................................................... 229
SF 5.2B: CCTV - SPECIFICATIONS, LOCATION AND RECORDING, REVIEW AND STORAGE ........................................................ 238
SF 5.3A: SPECIFICATION OF UNIFORM ........................................................................................................................ 240
SF 5.4A: ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES ............................................................................................ 241
SF 6.1A: LETTER TO SRLM SEEKING INFORMATION ON MOBILIZATION PLAN ...................................................................... 255
SF 6.1B: LETTER FROM SRLM REGARDING MOBILIZATION PLAN ...................................................................................... 256
SF 6.1C: ON FIELD REGISTRATION OF CANDIDATES ........................................................................................................ 257
SF 6.2A1: OVERVIEW OF APTITUDE TEST..................................................................................................................... 258
SF 6.2A2: OUTLINE OF AREAS TO BE COVERED DURING COUNSELLING ............................................................................... 259
SF 6.2A3: CANDIDATE APPLICATION FORM.................................................................................................................. 260
SF 6.3A1: BATCH DETAILS ....................................................................................................................................... 263
SF 6.3A2: BATCH ENROLMENT SUMMARY................................................................................................................... 264
SF 6.3A3: BATCH FREEZE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 265
SF 6.3A4: BATCH COMPLETION SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 266
SF 6.3A5: LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO WERE ENROLLED .................................................................................................. 267
SF 6.3A6: LIST OF CANDIDATES AFTER FREEZING OF THE BATCH ....................................................................................... 268
SF 6.3A7: LIST OF CANDIDATES AFTER COMPLETION OF TRAINING OF THE BATCH ................................................................ 269
SF 6.3B: CANDIDATE ATTENDANCE............................................................................................................................ 270
SF 6.3C: PROTOCOLS FOR DELISTING OR DROP OUT OF CANDIDATES ................................................................................. 272
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System (CPSMS) is renamed as Public Finance Management
System (PFMS)
Abbreviations and Acronyms
This manual of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is a handbook provided to
the various functionaries for the implementation of the DDU-GKY. The starting point
of the manual is the guidelines and the related policy documents. The manual is an
outcome of a number of discussions held in National Institute of Rural Development
and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR),Hyderabad and other places involving different
stakeholders at various levels. In addition, consultations were also held with experts
in different areas who are not part of the programme but are keen to ensure its
Every item of work in the life cycle of a DDU-GKY project has been grouped into
several modules. Every module is assigned a chapter and every item of the module
has been detailed in separate sub-sections of the chapter. Most sub-sections have
been divided into two tables. The first table gives the overview of the item of work
and the second table details activities, actors and timelines. Most sub sections refer
to several standard forms (SFs). These SFs are the instruments through which all
items of work are to be undertaken and monitored. However, a few sub sections are
written in the normal narrative form.
A breakup of the contents of each chapter and its overall thrust is given in Table 1.1.
Table 1-1 Contents of SOP and the overall thrust of each chapter
Chapter number and title Thrust of the chapter
1 Introduction The chapter deals with basic introduction
of the SOP, procedures to make changes
in guidelines and SOP, applicability of
the SOP and important timelines in a
project. It also covers roles of district
administration, village level organisations
and panchayats, and approach to quality.
2 PIA registration and project sanction Covers the registration procedures
currently under vogue.
3 Project implementation procedures Covers financial and non-financial
aspects of a project.
4 Training design and planning Discusses the academic planning of a
5 Training centres Training centres, infrastructure and due
diligence of a training centre is discussed
here. Checks on quality of training to be
initiated are also discussed here.
6 Training initiation Starts with mobilisation and ends with
freezing of a batch and dealing with
screening and aptitude test.
1. Introduction
As explained earlier, most sub-sections are presented in two table format; the first
table is titled Overview and gives a basic understanding of the procedure and the
second table is titled Activities which brings out how the work is to be completed. In
addition, most sub sections have standard forms to be filled which are mentioned in
appropriate locations in the tables.
Locate the sub section for the appropriate procedure from the SOP contents
Go to the relevant page
Review the overview table in the sub section to get an understanding of the
procedure and then go to the activities table.
Most of the overview and activities tables have a number of SFs mentioned in
All the SFs are listed and located at the end of each chapter as per sequence of
appearance in the chapter. They can also be located by referring to the list of
standard forms available after the contents page. SFs are assigned section
numbers suffixed with A, B and so on. Thus if Section 5.1 has three forms they
would be called SF 5.1A, SF 5.1B and SF 5.1C. Further, if a form has more
than one sub-form they are numbered with a numeral after alphabet. For
example, sub-forms under SF 5.1B are numbered as SF5.1B1, SF 5.1B2, etc.
1. Introduction
This SOP will be applicable to all the DDU-GKY and Roshni projects operational in
APS and YPS. Hence, the SOP delineates the procedures for APS and YPS when
they are different. Similarly, processes which are common to both APS and YPS,
they are stated without specifying the status of the states. It is reiterated that in all
such cases where a distinction has not been made, the SOP would be applicable to
all the states.
If consortium partners are going to implement any activities and any outsourcing partner is engaged
in training and placement towards the project, they have to open a dedicated bank account. All the
project bank account needs to be mapped into PFMS, whenever the system becomes functional.
1. Introduction
All changes in guidelines and SOP will be systematically tracked and monitored
through a version control system. Each version will have a three digit number(like
X.Y.Z) with the following meaning:
The changes in the document from previous version to the current one will be
provided as per SF1.3A: Document and change history, which will be last page of the
document. The latest document will be uploaded on the designated web-link.
PIA shall be required to adhere to DDU-GKY guidelines and the standard operating
procedures (SOPs) as notified by the MoRD from time to time. These include
changes in guidelines and modifications in procedures as notified by MoRD from time
to time. Where a PIA is not able to implement the project as per the revised
guidelines/SOPs, it shall notify the MoRD in case of YPS and SRLM in case of APS
within 10 working days of notification of revision by MoRD to initiate the process of
mutual discussion as per section 4.3 (ii) of MoU, which reads as follows:
The PIA and the lead partner shall comply with all terms and conditions
(generally given as annexure to the sanction order), in addition to the norms
specified under DDU-GKY Guidelines, 2013 (and any additional requirements
arising out of revision in guidelines there to as may be mutually agreed upon).
A project is divided into two phases; inception phase and execution phase. Important
events in each of the phase and the related timelines are given in the Table below.
However, the times are indicative and some of the events may happen earlier or
later. If events happen earlier than that indicated in the timeline then the rest of the
timeline gets adjusted accordingly. However, if delays occur and times get extended
remedial action as proposed elsewhere in the manual would get invoked.
1. Introduction
form through the system. Details of project readiness conditions and the procedure
for ensuring them are dealt in the manual separately.
For smooth implementation of a project it is important that all tasks are completed
within the time allocated for it. Accordingly most tasks have been assigned a specific
time to complete the task. This section deals with the procedures to be followed if a
task is not completed within the time allocated to it. Action to be taken in case of
delays is summarised as per agencies involved in the process.
Based on past experience it is assumed that at-least 15 working days gap will be available between
release of EC minutes and issue of Sanction order. However, if the gap is less than 15 days, time for
to trigger event I3 will increase correspondingly.
Prepared at the MoU stage and amended time to time as per the procedures laid out in SOP manual.
1. Introduction
Notice 1: CTSA will generate a notice to the concerned agency with copy to
MoRD giving five working days for completing the process.
Notice 2: If the process is not completed within five working days of target date
CTSA will initiate a second notice and advise MoRD to take action as per the
Notice 3: After waiting for twenty working days after issue of first notice if PIA
does not complete the process MoRD will initiate either of the following steps:
If the process can be completed by a different agency (e.g. tracking by Q team
of PIA can be replaced with CTSA team) MoRD will ask the agency to
undertake the task. PIA will be imposed a suitable penalty for not completing
the task along with recovery of actual cost incurred for implementing the task.
For imposing this penalty no notice is required under the conditions of default
discussed later. In addition MoRD will also initiate action under conditions of
If the process has to be completed by PIA (e.g. signing of MoU) and the PIA is
not responding, MoRD will issue notice under conditions of default and take
appropriate action.
Note: All notices and penalties will be compiled and will become part of PIA
performance evaluation module.
In case of APS the duties of CTSA and MoRD will devolve onto the SRLM and action
will be taken as per section above. The system will also be programmed to inform
MoRD from notice 2 onwards.
Notice 1: Notice will be issued by MoRD giving 5 working days to take further
Notice 2: If the first notice is not adhered, a second notice will be issued giving
5 working days to take further action in the process.
Notice 3: After waiting for twenty working days after issue of first notice if
CTSA has not completed the action MoRD will take suitable steps for getting
the work done. It will also initiate penal action against the CTSA for YPS.
Similarly for APS if state does not respond MORD will regulate the flow of
funds based on the project progress. If delays occur frequently APS status of
the state will also be reviewed.
Note: All such notices will be compiled and will become part of CTSA/SRLM
performance evaluation.
1. Introduction
While the Guidelines and SOP seek to facilitate PIAs in achieving programme
objectives, the PIA can default for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons for
default are:
First level of safeguard against default by PIA is the concurrent monitoring and
advisory system to be put in place through the ERP based interactive workflow
system. Advisories shall be issued to the PIAs through the system regarding
deficiencies noticed at various times.
However, if a PIA persists and does not perform/take remedial action, it can lead to
penal action under this section against the PIA for default. The penal actions are
categorized into two: minor and major. A classification of penalties under each
category is given in the table below.
Table 1-3Classification of penalties to be imposed
The imposition of the penalty would involve two stages as given below:
The levels of officers who can take action are given in the table below for APS.
Table 1-4Powers of officers to impose penalty for APS
1. Introduction
In case of YPS the competent authority to impose penalty will be Joint Secretary
(Skills), MoRD and appellate authority is Additional Secretary incharge of Skills in
A show cause should be served by the nominated officers and PIA should be given
15 working days to submit the explanation. Based on the explanation, the Imposing
Authority will impose punishment and communicate the same to the PIA.
PIA can file an appeal in 30 days to the Appellate Authority. The Appellate Authority
can dispose the case in 30 days.
The District Administration and DMMU will broadly have the following 3 functions:
A. Mobilization
i. The PIA will appraise the DMMU about the mobilization plan and its execution
plan as finalized with SRLM indicated in section 6.1 along-with the list of Gram
panchayats for mobilization of candidates.
ii. The PIA will also brief the DMMU on the screening methodology to be adopted
by them and the domain training they intend to offer to the candidates from
that block. The PIA shall share their activity plan, mobilization calendar,
1. Introduction
entitlement chart and any other relevant information useful for the candidates
with the DMMU so that transparency is established and maintained in
implementing the scheme.
iii. The DMMU will facilitate mobilization of the candidates with the right aptitude
and necessary qualifications for the domain. In the mobilization process
DMMU will actively engage Village Level Organizations (VLOs).
iv. The PIAs shall inform the DMMU in advance about the scheduled dates for
Parent Trainer interaction, so that the DMMU team can plan its participation
in advance.
v. It is further clarified that role of DMMU and other Government functionaries is
that of facilitating the PIAs in targeting the youth for mobilization and in
ensuring that the candidates and parents are informed about the scheme. The
government functionaries are not expected to do selection of candidates or
finalizing the list of candidates etc. These activities are within the purview of
PIA as their payments are linked to training and placing the candidates.
vi. The process should be repeated till all the eligible candidates in the village are
mobilized and screened.
vii. The DMMU will identify potential centres for job fairs and submit a budget to
SRLM to be included in their budget. This will be based on the information
collected from the VLOs.
i. PIA shall submit list of youth who have been placed from the district along with
details of placement, geographical distribution (i.e. - within district domicile,
within state domicile, outside state domicile and outside the country) and
gender break-up to the DMMU. PIA should provide contact numbers of the
coordinator, training centre in charge and the employers. The DMMU will in
turn pass these details to the VLOs.
ii. In case of female candidates DMMU will track them for 6 months. It will make
a total of 3 calls to each candidate, i.e. - in 1st, 3rd and 6th month. The tracking
details have to be uploaded on the designated web-link by DMMU. DMMU will
be given an id and password for uploading the tracking data. The data will be
shared with government functionaries as per situational needs but will not be
available for public view.
1. Introduction
Quality is treated as an all pervading talisman in the programme and the PIA is given
the central role to ensure quality of the programme. At the PIA level, two checks are
envisaged; first being the PIA operations team (OP team) who have to ensure that its
members do a good quality job at all times and at all levels. This is supplemented by
the PIA quality team (Q team) who will further check the quality of outcomes and
report the results. The TSA/SRLM will further check the quality of the programme
based on the PIA Q team checks.
SOP does not give a specific composition of a Q team. However, the works to be
undertaken by Q team are indicated in various processes given in SOP and PIA
should plan Q team accordingly. It is reiterated that the primary responsibility for
maintaining quality is that of the PIA and its Q team. Keeping this in spirit the Q team
of PIA, though it works under PIA umbrella, should be the primary watchdog to
maintain the quality at all level. It should report all deficiencies in quality to the PIA
management, and SRLM for APS and CTSA for YPS. The PIA management team
should correct the deficiencies and send its compliance report not later than 10 days.
Such a self-correcting mechanism is highly encouraged. However if it is observed
that the Q team is not performing its duty properly then serious action will be taken
against the PIA. Such an assessment of non-performance would become part of
checks by SRLM and CTSA.
It is clarified that PIA OP team will verify and certify all the records at all times. The
rest of the teams - PIA Q team, TSA and SRLM, will verify a 100% of some
1. Introduction
items/records and some items on a sample basis. Table 1.2 gives a breakup of the
units to be assessed 100% and the items to be checked on a sample basis.
ERP platform, titled ASDMS, is under development and once it is functional it will be
the platform on which DDU-GKY Programme will be implemented. All the entities in
the system are required to update the data on the platform and this would be the
basis for monitoring of PIAs performance and release of funds. The PIAs, however,
have to maintain their MIS systems as it is a mandatory requirement.
When the ERP Platform of MoRD is fully functional, the system will have provision for
handshake with the PIAs and States computer systems. Till the complete version of
the ERP system is in place, the data has to be entered multiple times.
1. Introduction
The manual also refers to the various web links to be used once ASDMS is
functional. These web links will be listed when ASDMS is functional.
1. Introduction
Document history
Version no.
Effective date
Document owner
Policy owner
Approved by / date
File no.
Change history
2. PIA registration and project sanction
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To lay down MoU execution process and related
Reference to Guidelines Step 6 & 7, table 4, Para 4.1, pages 36 and 45
Prerequisite/s Uploading of approved empowered committee (EC)
minutes and sanction order
Time for completion 20 working days from uploading of sanction order on
the nominated website (Sanction order uploading day
is referred as I2)
Resource/s As per SF 3.1A: Prospective project work schedule, SF
3.1B: Standard terms & condition, SF 3.1.C: Special
terms & conditions and SF 3.1.D: Power of Attorney
Process owner For APS: SRLM
Item Description
Purpose To delineate the preparatory work for MoU execution and related
Prerequisite/s Uploading of EC minutes on the nominated website
Time for 15 days of time gap between I1 and I2 and 2 days after I2(I1: Uploading
completion of approved EC minutes and I2: Uploading of Sanction order)
Resource/s As per SF 3.1A: Prospective project work schedule, SF 3.1B: Standard
terms & condition, 3.1.1C: Special terms & conditions and 3.1.1D:
Power of Attorney (PoA)
Process owner For APS: SRLM
Sl. Action Actor Time for Relevant documents
1 Filling up Prospective project PIA I1 + 10days SF 3.1A: Prospective project
work schedule work schedule
3. Project implementation procedures Prospective work schedule for the project: Contents and relevance
The prospective work schedule for the project should give a comprehensive picture
of PIAs plan of action for implementing the project. The details are to be filled in a
web form as per SF 3.1A and would include the following:
If any changes suggests during the review, shall be incorporated by PIA and get it approved by
SRLM on the date of review itself.
3. Project implementation procedures
I1 days
Action as per EC Is the Project
decision approved ?
Are any Special
conditions imposed ?
Verification by
I1+15 days
Validation by
Central TSA To process
flow 3.1.2
I1+17 days
3. Project implementation procedures
3. Project implementation procedures Monitoring of the prospective work schedule and penal clauses for failure
a. PIA should report the number of candidates in a batch after a batch is frozen.
This will be treated as number of candidates for whom training is initiated.
b. Similarly the PIA should report the number of candidates who complete the
training on a continual basis.
c. The number of candidates for whom the training is initiated should be at least
the number indicated in the corresponding month of prospective work
d. Similarly the number of candidates trained should be at least the number
indicated in the prospective work schedule.
e. Cumulative training achievement will be reviewed by SRLM/CTSA as follows:
i. Shortfall in the cumulative total should not be more than 10% of the
cumulative target in first 6 months of commencement of project
ii. Shortfall in the cumulative total should not be more than 5% of the
cumulative target from 7th month to till 6 months before completion of
the project. (this clause is not applicable for 1 year project)
iii. There should not be any shortfall in the cumulative target for the last 6
months of the project duration
f. Any deviation from steps will lead to the following:
i. Issue of notices serially numbered 1 of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3. The first
notice will be called yellow alert, and the second will be called red alert.
The third notice will be a show cause notice under conditions of default
as discussed in Chapter 1. All the notices will be addressed to the
Authorised Signatory (or to any other entity to whom notices have to be
served as per MoU) with copies to project head and organisation CEO
(or person of equivalent responsibility).
ii. The notice will be issued by 8th of the following month and the PIA
should reply by 13th.
iii. In addition a review meeting will be held with MoRD on the 3rd Monday
of the following month consisting of PIA representative(s),SRLM and
iv. Representatives from the PIA side for the meeting will be based on the
type of notice issued. The list as per the type of notice is given below:
a. Yellow alert: Project head
b. Red alert: Project head and Authorised signatory
c. Notice of default: Project head, Authorised signatory and CEO of
the organisation
v. MoRD will consider the reply and also give weight to the oral
representation in the meeting and decide on further action
vi. All notices which are not closed will be counted cumulatively and third
unclosed notice will lead to action under default.
vii. In case the default is by the consortium then all the members of the
consortiums should be represented as per levels specified above.
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To delineate the steps/actions to be taken in signing MoU
Prerequisite/s Uploading of sanction order on the nominated website
Time for completion 20 working days from uploading of sanction order (start from I2day)
Resource/s MoU
Process owner For APS: SRLM
Sl. Action Actor Time for Relevant Documents
1 Review highlighted text of system PIA & I2+2 days MoU
generated MoU SRLM
2 Vetting and freezing of MoU and CTSA I2+4 days MoU
annexures thereof
3 Printing and signing of MoU and PIA I2+7 days From the above source
annexures, and ensure that it
reaches SRLM
5 a. Signing of MoU and ensuring CTSA I2+20 days MoU and uploading on
that copies reach SRLM and the designated website
b. Uploading of MoU and
annexures on the web-link
3. Project implementation procedures
3 Printing and signing of MoU and PIA I2+7 days From the above source
annexures, which should reach at
4 Signing of MoU sending a copy to SRLM I2+14 days Project MoU and
PIA and informing CTSA about uploading on the
the event completion designated website
Uploading MoU and annexures
on the web-link
3. Project implementation procedures
I2 day
Vetting of MoU
and annexures Compile and
on website by Central TSA Issue advisory for feed into
correction performance
I2 +4 days report of PIA
Are the contents of MoU and
annexures correct ?
I2 +14 days
Compile and send
the difference to
MoRD by Central
TSA Central TSA to verify the
frozen MoU with printed text
of MoU signed by PIA & SRLM
Are the printed and
frozen MoU same ?
I2 +20 days
* The Project will go bottom of the queue of approved Project . No further action will be taken on revival of the Project till
receipt of further direcction from MoRD
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To lay down the fund release process for 1st instalment and issue of
Project commencement order to PIA
Reference to
Guidelines Row 1, Instalment 1, table 6, para 5.9, page 56
Prerequisite/s Uploading of executed MoU
Time for completion 10 working days after signing the MoU (MoU execution day is coded as
Resource/s As per SF 3.2A: Bank account details and SF 3.2B: Project
commencement order
Process owner: For APS: SRLM
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA 1. Opening dedicated bank To be SF 3.2A: Bank
6 account details
account for the project and completed at
linking it to Public Finance least 5 days
Monitoring System (PFMS) before signing
2. Filling up the bank account of MoU (I3-
details if PFMS is not 5days)
SRLM Release the first instalment latest by I3+10 Nil
(For APS)/ CTSA amount of central & State shares days
(For YPS) and updating the status on
designated web-link (It is
mandatory central and state
shares are released together
This should be followed
meticulously by fund releasing
SRLM Issue of Project commencementlatest byI3+10 SF 3.2B: Project
(For APS)/ CTSA order days commencement
(For YPS) order
Note: The project commencement date of the project will be from 30 days from the date
release of central and state share from CTSA for YPS/ SRLM for APS
CTSA must release funds to the PIAs only after it receives both the central and state
shares. In some cases the central share was released before the SOP was issued
with the instructions that PIA should not spend any money till SOP is released. Now it
is reiterated that PIA should not spend any money till state share is released.
If consortium partners are going to implement any activities and any outsourcing partner is engaged
in training and placement towards the project, they have to open a dedicated bank account. All the
project bank account needs to be mapped into PFMS, whenever the system becomes functional.
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To ensure availability of basic core team for implementing the project
and sensitize them in implementation procedures
Reference to
Guidelines NA
Prerequisite/s Uploading of sanction order on the designated website
Time for Any time after issue of sanction order but not later than 30 days from
completion release of 1st Instalment (not later than I4 +30)
Resource/s SF 3.3A: Project execution readiness form
Process owner PIA for all states
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA Filling up all the details Not later than I4 SF 3.3A: Project
+ 15 days execution
readiness form
SRLM (for Validation of data filled in SF: 3.3 Complete by I4 SF 3.3A
APS)/CTSA A by inspecting the Project + 30 days
(for YPS) Headquarters.
Item Description
Purpose To specify activities for release of 2nd instalment of funds to PIA
Reference to
Guidelines Row 2, instalment 2, table 6, para 5.9, page 56
Prerequisite/s System generated notification for fulfilment of condition as per above
reference to guidelines
Time for 60 working days for YPS (40 working days for APS) from eligibility day
completion (notification date of eligibility for 2nd instalment is coded as E2) provided
all conditions are fulfilled by the PIA.
Resource/s SF 3.4A: Checklist for release of 2nd instalment updated through the
system (accessed from the web-link)
Process owner for APS: SRLM
for YPS
1) CTSA till dispatch of recommendation to MoRD and also for release of
funds after MoRD issues release order
2) MoRD after receipt of recommendation and till issue of release order
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA Submission of checklist and E2+3 days SF 3.4A:
annexures for release of 2nd Checklist for
instalment to SRLM for release of 2nd
3. Project implementation procedures
CTSA Recommendation for release of E2 +12 days SF 3.4A
2nd instalment to MoRD
MoRD Issue of release order and upload E2+ 52 days Nil
on the designated web-link
CTSA Release of 2nd instalment to PIA E2+60 days Nil
and upload the status on the
designated web-link
Item Description
Purpose To delineate steps in release of 3rd instalment to PIA
Reference to Row 3, instalment 3, table 6, para 5.9, page 56
Prerequisite/s System generated notification for fulfilment of condition as per
above reference to guidelines
Time for completion 60 working days for YPS (40 working days for APS) from
eligibility day (notification date of eligibility for 3nd instalment is
referred as E4 day) provided all conditions are fulfilled by the
Resource/s SF 3.5A: Checklist for release of 3rd instalment
Process owner for APS: SRLM
If a PIA fails to comply with the conditions for release of instalment then the request for release will be
sent to the bottom of queue.
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
for YPS
1) CTSA till dispatch of recommendation to MoRD and also for
release of funds after MoRD issues release order.
2) MoRD after receipt of recommendation and till issue of
release order
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA Submission of checklist E4+3 days SF 3.5A:
and annexures for Checklist for
release of 3 instalment release of
to SRLM for APS/CTSA 3 instalment
for YPS
SRLM for APS/CTSA Ensure all advisories are E4+10 days Inspection report
for YPS compiled by CTSA to of SRLM/CTSA
SRLM for APS and vice-
versa for YPS. Validate
the checklist, annexures
and upload on
designated web-link.
SRLM 1. Issue of release E4+40 days Nil
(APS) order & upload on the
designated web-link
2. Release 3rdinstalment
amount of Central
and State share to
PIAs designated
bank account for the
3. Update fund release
status on the
designated web-link
CTSA Recommendation for E4+12 days SF 3.5A
release of 3rdinstalment
to MoRD
MoRD Issue of release order E4+52 days Nil
and upload on the
designated web-link
CTSA Release of 3rdinstalment E4+60 days Nil
to PIA and upload the
status on the designated
If it is found that, the PIA has fail to comply the Guidelines condition then the proposal for release will
be sent back to the queue and the process will start afresh from the beginning
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To verify and close the training and placement component of the
Reference to NA
Prerequisite/s Completion of project training and placement activities
Time for Complete within 70 days after the PIA completes the project training
completion and placement process. (Date of completion of placement for the
project is referred as E7 day).
Resource/s SF 3.7B Project completion report
Process owner For APS: SRLM/For YPS: CTSA
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA op team 1. Complete last batch of E6 for training Nil
training and place minimum 75% and E7 for
of candidates thereof. System placement
will freeze the training and
placement data on the
designated website
2. Provide the checklist as per
standard format
PIA Q team Complete the verification of E7 + 20 days Nil
training and placement
SRLM Complete the verification of E7 + 20 days Nil
(For APS)/ CTSA training and placement
(For YPS )
SRLM Validate the training and E7+ 35day Nil
(For APS)/ CTSA placement data on the
(For YPS) designated website
SRLM/CTSA Ensure all advisories are E7+ 40 days Inspection report
complied with advisories from of Q teams of
vice-versa for YPS.
SRLM Verify the check list and finalise E7 + 45 days SF 3.7B Project
the total training and placement completion
SRLM Issue Project completion report E7 + 70 days Nil
3. Project implementation procedures
Item Description
Purpose To lay down the fund release process of 4th instalment to PIA &
closure of the project
Reference to Row 4, instalment 4, table 6, para 5.9, page 56
Prerequisite/s Fulfilment of condition as per reference to guidelines and
notification for data freezing on the web-link
Time for completion 14 months from E7 day9
Resource/s SF 3.7A: Checklist for release of 4th instalment and SF 3.7B Project
completion report
Process owner SRLM for APS/CTSA for YPS
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA op team Submission of project closure E7+10 months SF 3.7A:
report and checklist and Checklist for
annexures for release of 4th release of 4th
instalment to SRLM and CTSA instalment and
SF 3.7B Project
SRLM for APS/CTSA Completing the retention E7+10 months Inspection report
for YPS verification process 9 days of SRLM/CTSA
SRLM for APS/CTSA Verification and comments on E7+10 months SF 3.7A & SF
for YPS Project closure report. Validate 14 days 3.7B
the checklist, annexures and
upload on designated web-link.
PIA Changes as per the comments E7+10 months SF 3.7B
of SRLM/CTSA (if any) 24 days
SRLM for APS/CTSA Freezing and uploading of E7+ 11 SF 3.7B
for YPS Project closure report on the months 8
References to months and days in this process are to calendar months and days.
3. Project implementation procedures
CTSA Recommendation for release of E7+11 months SF 3.7A
4th instalment to MoRD 20 days
MoRD Issue of release order and E7+13 months Nil
upload on the designated web-
CTSA Release of 4th instalment to E7+13 months Nil
PIA and upload the status on 15 days
the designated web-link
1. Consortium
a. All the partners are jointly and severally responsible for the project, if
consortium members default and are unable to fulfil the obligations as defined
in the application form, the lead partner should inform SRLM for APS and
CTSA for YPS within 10 days of the default. The Lead partner should also
undertake the task assigned to defaulting members directly or through any of
the consortium partners. These arrangements should also be specified by the
lead partner.
3. Project implementation procedures
b. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to termination of the project. The
condition for termination will be assessed as per the project status by the
SRLM for APS and MoRD for YPS.
The financial transactions will be transparent and done through PFMS. Till such time
PFMS is in place all transactions between various agencies in the project should be
done through the banking system only.
If these conditions are not met, a PIA is deemed to have defaulted and action can be
initiated as per the rules.
3. Project implementation procedures
A PIA will have absolute discretion for recruitment of the project management team
(other than Q team head) and operations team. However, each month he should
inform the total number of people working in each category on a project.
CTSA/SRLM will have the discretion to verify these details as per situational
exigencies. These will be as per SF 3.10A: Details of centre in-charge and trainers.
Q team head and its composition should be as per agreed plan and the PIA should
update the details on the web-link. Similarly changes in the composition of the team
should be informed without fail. These should be reported as per SF 3.10B: Details of
Q team members.
The Q team should be ring fenced from the PIA operational team and managerial
team. Mechanism for ring fencing a PIA Q team is given as SF 3.10C: Ring fencing
of Q team from operations Compliances report from the management. PIA should
comply with this procedure before the project is initiated..
All SRLMs, i.e. both APS and YPS, should issue procedural orders on how the
recovery would be made as per the relevant act in the state.
All efforts will be made to recover the money from the PIA by SRLMs in case
of APS and by MoRD through the CTSA for YPS.
If all efforts to recover the dues fail the procedural order for recovery of dues
will be invoked by:
o SRLM in case of APS with information to MoRD
o SRLM on the recommendation of MoRD in case of YPS
MoRD will maintain a list of such PIAs and also circulate the same to all
SRLMs and CTSAs. This would also be updated on the designated website.
3. Project implementation procedures
3. Project implementation procedures
Template for the schedule is given below and a signed copy should be attached to the MoU as Annexure.
Month no. Course No. of No. of Cumulativ Cumulativ Monthly SC ST Minority Women
Duration candidate candidate e no. of e no. of placement
s for s for candidate candidate target
whom whom s for s for
training training whom whom
will be will be trainings trainings
started completed will be will be
started completed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 3 month 100 0
1 6 month 600
1 9 month 40
1 Total 200
2 3 month
2 6 month
3. Project implementation procedures
Month no. Course No. of No. of Cumulativ Cumulativ Monthly SC ST Minority Women
Duration candidate candidate e no. of e no. of placement
s for s for candidate candidate target
whom whom s for s for
training training whom whom
will be will be trainings trainings
started completed will be will be
started completed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 9 month
3 3 month
3 6 month
3 9 month
Total first
3. Project implementation procedures
Note: 1. The above template reflects training target for 1 year and it can be repeated till the end of the project.
1. Cumulative monthly target: Will be the sum total of the previous months
2. SC, ST, Minority, Women and PwD: Will be as per Sanctioned project percentage for the mentioned categories
3. Project implementation procedures
3. Project implementation procedures
03 District :
04 Pin Code :
05 State :
07 Fax No. :
08 E-mail address :
14 IFSC Code :
15 MICR Code :
3. Project implementation procedures
To be issued on the release of 1st instalment by CTSA for YPS and SRLM for APS
Note: The order will be system generated, however a print version is given below.
Order no.
Order date:
Ref sanction order no.
vide the reference sanction order number , dated .
Accordingly the MoU has been executed among/between
(name of CTSA to be struck out for APS),
(name of SRLM) and
. (name of PIA) on ..(date).
The project shall be closed within 14 (fourteen) months from placement completion
date. No training and placement activities shall be carried out during these 14
The PIA shall abide by the conditions as specified in the sanction order and MoU
executed for the project.
Full name:
To: (the concerned PIA)
Copy to: (the CTSA for APS/the concerned SRLM for YPS)
3. Project implementation procedures
Note: To be filled by PIA not later than 15 days from release of 1st instalment (I2 +
The form will be available on the ERP system to be filled and monitored online. A
print version is given below.
4. Address for all official communication (preferably same as state office address
or PIA if wants a different address the same can be indicated here.)
2 Authorised signatory
Opening an office in a state is compulsory and it becomes the nodal office for the project.
All email communication will be sent to this id.
3. Project implementation procedures
a. Existing
Sl. No. Employee details DDU-GKY training details
Id Name Date of Id Date of training Certificate
appoint details
b. To be recruited
Master Trainers
Computer skills
Soft skills
Centre in charges
3. Project implementation procedures
Regional coordinators
Note: The number should match with the minimum prescribed for the project as per size
10. Did the PIA ensure ring fencing of PIA Q team from operations team and comply with
SF 3.10C (without complying with these conditions the project cannot be commenced)
Note: * If it is under NCVT, MES course number should be mentioned along with total
hours of training. If it is under SSC, NOS QP code should be mentioned along with
hours of teaching. Copies of curriculum should be uploaded and also shared along
with the document. As some SSCs do not provide course curriculum the PIA should
get the course curriculum (repeat only course curriculum) approved by an SSC
accredited assessment agency.
** In both cases the training hours should equal the hours specified for the course
less the hours earmarked for non-domain skills.
3. Project implementation procedures
Sl. Name of the domain Module for Name of the Assessment agency* (if
No. which Certifying shared by NCVT/SSC or
certificate agency write NA)
is issued (NCVT/SSC)
Agency Proof of
name tie-up with
(write NA
if it is not
Note: * Currently the certifying and assessment processes under NCVT/SSC are in a
transition. While in in due course the assessment agencies would be automatically
assigned to batches it is still not the case on hand. Till such time the automatic process
is instituted by SSC/NCVT the details in the column would be required.
3. Project implementation procedures
Selection &
screening of
The representative of TSA will have an interactive session with the core project team of the
PIA. During the session, the team will be sensitized through a power point presentation about
the project deliverables.
Signature of representative
3. Project implementation procedures
3. Project implementation procedures
1 Centre in-
2 Trainers
3. Project implementation procedures
3. Project implementation procedures
The Q team head will report to the management and not to the project
operations head
Q team members will report only to the Q team head.
Appointments should be regulated such that:
o Q team personnel and operations personnel should not be
interchanged in a project
o No Q team members should be posted to the OP team of the same
project within 15 months of completing the Q team assignment and vice
versa. However the movement within the Q team and to OP team of
other projects is permitted.
o All changes in Q team should be brought to the notice of CTSA/SRLM.
All planned changes should be informed 15 days before. However, in
case of unplanned changes it should be reported within 48 hours. Any
deviation from this will be treated as violation and will be reflected in the
PIA grading.
o The salary and structure of Q team should not be changed to Q team
members disadvantage without approval of CTSA/SRLM.
Performance appraisals of the Q team should be sent to the CTSA /SRLM
Performance of Q team will be reviewed by CTSA/SRLM along with the
management whenever required by CTSA/SRLM.
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Purpose To create an aggregate hourly plan for domain and non-domain
skills and their distribution between class room and on the job
training which totals to the mandated number of hours. The training
in non-domain should be allocated between PIAs normal training
centre and finishing and work readiness centres located at the
places of concentrated high employment12.
Reference to No specific provision
Prerequisite Any time after uploading of Sanction order (I2) and 15 days before
commencement of training in the particular trade
Time for completion 15 days before commencement of training in the particular trade
Resource/s As per SF 4.1A: Plan of training
Process owner/s: PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To submit aggregate plan of hourly To be submitted 15 SF 4.1A:
distribution of training, giving break days before
Plan of
up of domain and non-domain skills commencement of the
spread over class room and on the training in the trade Training
job training
PIA Q team Verify and certify that the course Verified within 3 days
content is uploaded at the web site and issue compliance
for all domains
SRLM Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web site of receipt of
CTSA Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web site. of receipt of
Training plan should match with the daily training hours indicated in the project application form of
the PIA. Residential courses should mandatorily be held for eight hours in a day. Daily training hours
for non-residential courses are flexible and PIA can teach them for any duration less than eight hours
provided it is indicated in the application form and approved by the empowered committee.
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Purpose To ensure that the domain curriculum is:
As per modules prescribed by NCVT
Either aligned as per SSC prescribed NOS-QP module or the
proposed module has prior approval of SSC
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To submit an approved course plan To be submitted 15 SF 4.2A:
as per procedures followed by days before Domain
NCVT/SSC commencement of curriculum
training program content and
PIA Q team Verify and certify that the course Verified within 3 days
content is uploaded at the web and issue compliance
site for all domains
SRLM Verify and certify that the 3rd party Within 7 working days
certified course content is uploaded from the time
at the web site for all domains programme is
CTSA Verify and certify that the 3rd party Within 7 working days
certified course content is uploaded from the time
at the web site for all domains programme is
Item Description
Purpose To develop enforceable standards for curriculum for Soft skills,
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Computer skills and English skills
Reference to Para, page 29
Prerequisite Any time after uploading of Sanction order (I2) and 15 days before
commencement of first training
Time for 15 days before commencement of training in the particular trade
Resources As per SF 4.3A: English skills content, SF 4.3B: Computer skills
content and SF 4.3C: Soft skills content
Process owner: PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To submit a course plan as per To be submitted 15 SF 4.3A:
standards prescribed by DDU- days before English
GKY for English, Computer and commencement of skills
Soft skills training program content, SF
content and
SF 4.3C:
Soft skills
PIA Q team Verify and certify that the Verified within 3 days
course content is uploaded at and issue compliance
the web site for all domains.
SRLM Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web of receipt of
site for all domains. information.
CTSA Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web of receipt of
site for all domains. information.
Item Description
Purpose To ensure high rate of success in placement and retention
Reference to Para, page 29
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Prerequisite Any time after uploading of Sanction order (I2) and 15 days before start
of training.
Time for 15 days before start of first training
Resources As per SF 4.4A:Finishing and work readiness module
Process owner: PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To submit a course plan as per To be submitted 15 SF
standards prescribed by DDU- days before 4.4A:Finishing
GKY for finishing and work commencement of and work
readiness curriculum content training program. readiness
PIA Q team 1. Verify and certify that the Verified within 3 days
course content is uploaded and issue
at the web site for all compliance
2. Check whether schedule is
followed during centre visits
SRLM 1. Verify and certify that the Within 7 working
course content is uploaded days of receipt of
at the web site for all information.
2. Check whether schedule is
followed during centre visits
CTSA 1. Verify and certify that the Within 7 working
course content is uploaded days of receipt of
at the web site for all information.
2. Check whether schedule is
followed during centre visits
Item Description
Purpose Daily activity plan for entire course duration including class room and
on the job training
Reference to No specific provision
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Prerequisite Any time after uploading of Sanction order (I2) and 15 days before
commencement of training in the particular trade
Time for 15 days before commencement of training in the particular trade
Resources As per SF 4.5A: Activity cum lesson planner
Process owner: PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA op team To submit activity cum lesson 15 days before SF 4.5A:
planner commencement of Activity cum
the training lesson
programme planner
PIA Q team Verify and certify that the course Verified within 3 days
content is uploaded at the web and issue compliance
site for all domains.
SRLM Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web of receipt of
site for all domains. information.
CTSA Verify and certify that the course Within 7 working days
content is uploaded at the web of receipt of
site for all domains. information.
Item Description
Purpose To acclimatise a trainee to actual job conditions
Reference to Para, page 29
Prerequisite Should be part of the activity cum lesson planner for the domain.
Candidate should have completed the class room training as per
activity cum lesson planner
Time for Before placements
Resources SF 4.6A: On the job training plan for the batch, SF 4.6B: On the job
training confirmation letter for candidates, SF 4.6C: OJT completion
certificate for candidates and SF 4.6D: Verification for OJT
Process owner: PIA OP team
4. Training design and planning
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP Team Prepare an OJT plan along with Submit within 20 SF 4.6A:On
potential employers days of batch the job
Collect OJT letter from the freezing day OJT training plan
industry/ company plan for each for the
Collect certificate of employer on candidate batch,
successful completion of OJT Update the web-link SF 4.6B: On
To ensure the coverage of OJT with candidate the job
topics in the class room for the details within 2 training
candidates who could not get OJT days of joining OJT confirmation
offer letter for
and SF
certificate for
PIA Q Team Ensure and certify that candidates Start inspections after SF 4.6D:
data is correctly uploaded 4 days of joining OJT Verification
Verify OJT as per sample checks for OJT
SRLM Check on Q team certification To verify that the PIA SF 4.6D
Verify Q team checks on sample has uploaded the
basis (Mode of check) programme correctly.
CTSA Check on Q team certification To verify that the PIA SF 4.6D
Verify Q team checks on sample has uploaded the
basis (Mode of check) programme correctly.
PIA will have to conduct internal and external assessment of the candidates (please
refer to chapter 5 for details). PIA should ensure that all the eligible candidates
appear for external assessment and at least 80% of candidates clear the assessment
test and become eligible for certification by NCVT/SSC. PIA should provide another
chance to the failed candidates to appear for assessment test at its own cost.
Candidates who are not eligible for certification as per rules of the certifying body
(NCVT/SSC) should also be assessed. The assessment should be conducted by
agencies empanelled with NCVT/SSC and follow the same assessment procedure as
followed for assessment of NCVT/SSC candidates. If these candidates clear the
4. Training design and planning
assessment test PIA should arrange certification from the assessment body. This will
be of help to the candidates in their future endeavours.
The PIA can change the certifying body with prior approval of MoRD (Please refer to
MoRD notification no. 19/2014 dated 19th August 2014)
Item Description
Purpose To increase the interest among candidates towards self-learning
Reference to Para, page 33
Prerequisite Should be part of approved application form
Time for completion Continuous process
4. Training design and planning
Item Description
Purpose To train candidates in topics that are difficult to teach by developing
good quality course content that can be standardized and replicated
Reference to Para, page 34
Prerequisite Should be part of approved application form and the activity cum
lesson planner for the domain
Time for As per the activity cum lesson planner
Resources SF 4.5A: Activity cum lesson planner
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA OP Team To maintain online system with Daily SF 4.5A:
projector/TV-screen for the classroom activity cum
To deploy relevant teaching software lesson
To maintain summary report of lectures planner
delivered using live studio based
broadcast by master trainers
PIA Q Team Ensure and certify that at least 30% As per the SF 4.5A
training has been provided through inspection
broadcasts by master trainers/ training schedule
has been provided as per activity cum
lesson planner
To be verified on the basis of summary
SRLM Check and verify as per requirement. As per the SF 4.5A
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM As per the SF 4.5A
certification inspection
Verify Q team and SRLM checks schedule
4. Training design and planning
4. Training design and planning
PIA components
Non domain
Training Core
Sl. duration
Trade Particulars duration domain English Computer Soft skill
No. (In
(In days) (Hrs.) skill (Hrs.) skill (Hrs.) (Hrs.)
4. Training design and planning
PIA name:
Project name:
Domain name:
Aligned with:
If the courses are aligned with NCVT, please provide the following details:
Sl. Domain Code of Name of No. of Whether Equipment
No. the the hours* certificate is to be used
modules modules being
to be to be used issued?**
* Number of hours should be (576-160) 416 hours for class room, practical and on
the job training
** At least one module under each domain is to be certified
If the course aligned with SSC, please provide the following details:
Sl. Domain NOS-QP No. of Whether certificate Equipment to be
No. code hours* is being issued?** used
* Number of hours should be (576-160) 416 hours for class room, practical and on the job
** At least one module under each domain is to be certified
4. Training design and planning
This is indicative and minimum. However, a PIA can add additional topics or change
the schedule within the overall time period. The schedule has to be in the activity
cum lesson plan. Include video and audio based teaching methods to improve
content delivery.
The Dolch high frequency list consisting of 220 English words, prepared by Edward William Dolch in
1948, is the commonly used list of words for teaching of English. Details and the list can be sourced
from: and
4. Training design and planning
Discussion on evaluation
Discussion on evaluation
4. Training design and planning
Interpersonal communication
Word Grouping
Small talk
Filling forms
Discussion on evaluation
Discussion on evaluation
4. Training design and planning
This is indicative and minimum. However, the PIA can add additional topics or
change the schedule within the overall time period. The schedule has to be in the
activity cum lesson plan. Include video and audio based teaching methods to
improve content delivery.
Email etiquette
4. Training design and planning
Case study
4. Training design and planning
This is indicative and minimum. However, the PIA can add additional topics or
change the schedule within the overall time period. The schedule has to be in the
activity cum lesson plan. Include video and audio based teaching methods to
improve content delivery.
Discussion on evaluation
4. Training design and planning
Negotiation Skills
Creative thinking
Polite Phrases
Daily Routine
Discussion on evaluation
4. Training design and planning
Team building
Discussion on evaluation
Arriving on time
4. Training design and planning
Develop confidence/Motivation
4. Training design and planning
PIAs should mandatorily have a finishing and work readiness module as a part of
curriculum. It should preferably be done in PIA established finishing and work
readiness centres located in places with high concentration of job opportunities.
Arrange high quality trainers who are adept at providing inputs that ensure
high success rates at placement interviews and post placement retention.
Arrange at least two alumni meets first at the beginning of the training and
the second at the end of the training to motivate the trainees
The last few days should be used to bring prospective employers to the centre
for oncampus recruitment.
Provide support for finding alternate jobs in case the initial placement is not
The lesson plan given at 4.5A should indicate when the first three activities would be
taken up.
4. Training design and planning
4. Training design and planning
Schedules for the fortnightly, middle of the course and end of the course test
will be indicated in the planner appropriately.
The periods for OJT and items to be learned during OJT should also be
Note: Information regarding split batches (If any) should also be reflected in the
activity cum lesson planner. Minor deviations are permitted in the activity cum lesson
4. Training design and planning
Batch No.: Name of the domain: Training start day: Training end date:
Note: *Daily OJT plan should be uploaded along with these details.
4. Training design and planning
(Mention name of the candidate, training centre address, residential address and mobile
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected by
M/s........................................................ (Name of the company) as a............................
(Designation) to be located at............................ (Location of OJT).
You will be paid a stipend of Rs. ........................... Per month
(....................................................................................In words).
Yours sincerely,
Signature: ............................
Date: .................
4. Training design and planning
Certified by:
(Company name)
Sign and seal
4. Training design and planning
Date of verification
Verification time
Is the candidate Y/N/NA
available on the day of
visit to the OJT
If no, reasons
If yes, Interview of the candidate with a time stamped, geo tagged
video device (it could be mobile, Tablet etc.) for the following;
When did you start your OJT?
What activity are you doing today?
What activity did you do -------------- (A random day to
be chosen by the system from last 6 days)?
Whether the field level supervisor is nominated for
the OJT?
How many times during the day did the supervisor
interact with you?
Are you given sufficient instruments to work during
OJT (tools, machinery, computers etc.)?
Are you given enough materials to work upon?
How much stipend are you eligible for?
How much stipend are you getting?
Are boarding & lodging facilities provided?
4. Training design and planning
5. Training centres
Item Description
Purpose To ensure that all the DDU-GKY training centres across India have
distinctive look
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s After signing of MoU and locating training centre.
Time for As per training plan
SF 5.1A1: Look and feel of a training centre, SF 5.1A2: Training centre
name board, SF 5.1A3: Hostel centre name board, SF 5.1B1: Activity
summary and achievement board, SF 5.1B2: Contact details of
important people, SF 5.1B3: Basic Information Board (Training Centre),
SF 5.1B4: Basic Information Board (Residential Centre), SF 5.1B5:
Academic Information Board, SF 5.1B6: Living Area Information Board,
SF 5.1B7: Code of conduct for candidates, SF 5.1B8: Food menu
(residential centre), SF 5.1C1: Student entitlement board and
responsibilities board, SF 5.1C1 A: Student Attendance and
Entitlement Summary Information Board
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA op Team To ensure that the training centre As per training SF 5.1A1:
conforms to DDU-GKY standards on plan Look and feel
furniture, layout, and colour scheme of a training
centre, SF
centre name
board, SF
5.1A3: Hostel
centre name
board, SF
5.1B1: Activity
summary and
board, SF
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Item Description
Purpose To verify availability of minimum infrastructure before a training centre
Reference to Para, page 27
SF 5.1D1: Due diligence of training centre (excluding residential
facilities), SF 5.1D2: Due diligence of residential facilities and all the
forms mentioned in SF 5.1D1 and SF 5.1D2, SF 5.1S: Bare minimum
items to be ensured to start training pending CTSA/ SRLM due
diligence visit
Process owner CTSA for YPS/SRLM for APS
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP Team To ensure that the centre is As per training plan SF 5.1D1: Due
as per SF 5.1D1 and SF diligence of
5.1D2 at training centre training centre
To revise the due diligence (excluding
in case PIA Q team/ SRLM/ residential
CTSA points out facilities), SF
deficiencies/incompleteness 5.1D2: Due
Permitted to start training if diligence of
CTSA/SRLM visit does not residential
happen in 10 working days facilities
of approval of due diligence
SF 5.1S: Bare
by PIA Q team.
minimum items to
be ensured to
start training
pending CTSA/
SRLM due
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Item Description
Purpose To lay down procedures for opening and running hybrid training centres.
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Any time after signing of MoU
Time for As per due diligence process
Resource/s SF 5.1R: Instructions for opening and running hybrid training centres and
introducing multiple shifts and double shift batches in a training centre
Process owner SRLM for APS/CTSA for an YPS
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To ensure the following: As per training plan SF 5.1D1,
New centre: ensure SF 5.2D2,
compliance to 5.1 R in
addition to those specified in SF 5.1R:
due diligence. Instructions
for opening
Existing DDU-GKY centre:
and running
Suggest changes and
ensure compliance to 5.1 R
in addition to those specified
centres and
in due diligence.
shifts and
double shift
batches in a
PIA Q team To follow due diligence As per training plan SF 5.1D1,
process SF 5.2D2,
To verify the capacity of the SF 5.1R
training centre as per plan
for hybrid centre.
SRLM To follow due diligence As per due diligence SF 5.1D1,
process and certify the process SF 5.2D2,
centre capacity SF 5.1R
See SF 5.1 R for definition of a hybrid centre
5. Training centres
5.1.4 Introduction and running of multiple shifts and Double shift batches15 in a
Item Description
Purpose To lay down procedures for introducing multiple shifts and double shift
batches in a centre.
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Training centres where due diligence is approved
Time for 5 working days in advance of commencement of training
Resource/s SF 5.1R: Instructions for opening and running hybrid training centres and
introducing multiple shifts and double shift batches in a training centre
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To communicate their plan As per training plan at the SF 5.1D1,
for running multiple shifts centre SF 5.2D2,
or double shift batches SF 5.1R:
To verify the capacity of Instructions
the training centre to for opening
accommodate the multiple and running
shifts or double shift hybrid
batches training
centres and
shifts and
double shift
batches in a
PIA Q team To verify the capacity of At least 5 working days in SF 5.1D1,
the training centre to advance of SF 5.2D2,
accommodate the multiple commencement of SF 5.1R
For definitions see SF 5.1R
5. Training centres
Item Description
Purpose To ensure proper functioning of training centre and capture details of
non-functional equipment, trainer and trainee attendance, and
deviations if any from the notified training plan
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Filing due diligence report by PIA Q team
Time for On all days when the trainings are scheduled in the centre
Resource/s SF 5.1T: Daily failure items report and SF 5.1U: 15 day summary of
centre status
Process owner PIA OP team
5. Training centres
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To check and report on Daily when the centre Daily report as
non-functional training opens per SF 5.1T:
equipment, and trainee Daily report on
and trainer attendance centre status
and upload the results on
the designated web-link Summary as per
Summarise data for 15 SF 5.1U: 15 day
days and upload results Summarise by 16th of the summary of
on the designated web- month for first fortnight and centre status
link by 1st of next month for the
second fortnight and the
complete month
PIA Q team Checks from HQs on Fortnightly and monthly SF 5.1T and
i) daily entry of data and review SF 5.1U
ii) trend of failures
5. Training centres
CTSA Checks from HQs on Fortnightly and monthly SF 5.1T and
i) daily entry of data review SF 5.1U
and ii) trend of
failures As per the inspection
Same functions schedule
under taken by Q
team above
To verify randomly
generated samples
verified by PIA Q
team including the
inspection notes and
compliance to the
PIAs Q team
Follow up on SRLMs
Item Description
Purpose To describe inspection procedures to:
ensure compliance of earlier checks
check the documentation
assess the quality of training and
overall performance of training centres
Reference to guidelines Para, page 23
Prerequisite/s Access to completed:
SF 5.1D1: Due diligence of training centre (excluding
residential facilities)
SF 5.1D2: Due diligence of residential facilities
SF 5.1H1: Batch summary as on day of batch freezing
SF 5.1H2: List of candidates in the batch and their profile
SF 5.1I: Attendance registers for candidates (as per
SF 5.1J: Attendance registers for trainers (as per
SF 5.1P: List of equipment in the training centre
5. Training centres
Item Description
SF 5.1Q: List of equipment in the trainees
accommodation facilities (applicable for residential
training only)
SF 5.1T : Daily failure items report
SF 5.1U: 15 day summary of centre status
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP To ensure Duration varies
team Availability of all records as per as per each SF 5.2A:
list given in due diligence activity and time Training centre
Proper functioning of the training for completion is inspection and
centre shown against as per forms
the activity listed in due
diligence list.
PIA Q team carry out the inspection as detailed in As per the Same as
SF: 5.2A inspection above
SRLM Carry out the inspection as As per the Same as row 1
detailed in SF: 5.2A inspection above
To verify randomly selected items schedule
verified by PIA Q team including
the inspection notes and
compliance of the PIAs Q team
5. Training centres
DDU-GKY processes the same should be reviewed and ratified by personnel trained
(If the centre does not run throughout the year, the number of inspections will be
reduced proportionately but there should be at least one inspection by Q team in a
year). Deleted
Content of the section is deleted, however the section is retained to maintain the
number continuity
Q team will inspect a training centre at least 6 times in a year of which at least
4will be planned inspections. These inspections should be staggered such that
a centre is inspected around 40 days after a batch starts.
Remaining inspections will be surprise. During surprise visits the team should
check 2 modules randomly picked by the system. In addition the team can
chose two more modules as per the situational needs.
CTSA will conduct the inspections to audit inspections of PIA Q team and the
In this role CTSA will undertake at least 3 visits to a training centre - 2 surprise
and 1 detailed
It will ensure that each centre will undergo due diligence inspection before
initiation of training.
For APS SRLM will ensure compliance of its reports and CTSA reports.
For YPS CTSA will take corrective action based on its inspections and those
undertaken by the SRLM.
5. Training centres
SRLM in an YPS can play an active role in ensuring quality of the programme. However, as
SRLM team is not strengthened no schedules are prescribed for their inspections. Depending
on the staff availability, SRLM is encouraged to get its personnel trained in DDU-GKY
procedures and to enable monitoring by its team.
All inspection reports of SRLM of YPS should be sent to CTSA, PIA and MoRD. It is the
responsibility of the PIA to comply with items and send a compliance report through the PIA Q
team to SRLM and CTSA. CTSA will monitor and ensure proper compliance.
Item Description
Purpose To ensure that a training centre performs as per procedures in
guidelines and the SOP by review of CCTV footage
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s Start of training centre
Time for Continuous process when the training is going on
Resource/s As per SF 5.2B: CCTV - Specifications, location and recording, review
and storage
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP team To ensure that the daily activities are Daily SF 5.2B:
being captured through CCTV. CCTV -
Storage of sampled video footage after Specifications,
completion of each batch location and
review and
PIA Q team To review CCTV footage as per the As per the SF 5.2B
instruction given in SF 5.2A: Training centre inspection
inspection schedule
SRLM To review CCTV footage as per the As per the SF 5.2B
instruction given in SF 5.2A: inspection
Training centre inspection schedule
To verify randomly generated
samples verified by PIA Q team
including the inspection notes and
5. Training centres
Item Description
Reference to Row 11, sl no. 5, table 1, para, page 32
Prerequisite Freezing of batch
Purpose To generate a distinct identity and a sense oneness amongst the
Time for To be distributed with the welcome kit
Resources As per SF 5.3A:Specifications for uniform and SF 5.1K: Checklist of
items given to candidates
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA op team To distribute uniform to Measurements: At the SF 5.3A
candidates time of batch freezing Specifications
Maintain the record of Distribution: Along with for uniform
distribution of uniform welcome kit SF 5.1K:
Checklist of
items given to
PIA Q team Verification during training As per the inspection SF 5.2A
centre inspection visit as per schedule training centre
randomly selected inspection
5. Training centres
Item Description
Purpose Outline procedures for assessment and certification of candidates
Reference to Para, page 29
Prerequisite/s Admission of a candidate to a batch
Time for 1. Internal assessment: Continuous during the training
2. External assessment: Assessment to be done in the last ten days of
training by an agency accredited by NCVT/SSC
Resource/s SF 5.4A: Assessment and certification of candidates, assessment tests
and question banks
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Internal assessment: To be done continuously SF 5.4A:
Hold tests, save the tests in Assessment
5. Training centres
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
reports 5.2A:
CTSA Same checks as Q team but on As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
a different set of randomly 5.2A:
selected candidates. . Training
In addition check one randomly inspection
selected candidate from
amongst the candidates
verified by the Q team.
5. Training centres
Earlier sections prescribe checks to be done by an SRLM/CTSA within the state geographical
boundaries. In a project while the prospective candidates should be residents of the state to
which the project is sanctioned, the training of the candidates can be imparted anywhere in the
country. The following steps should be followed if a training centre is outside the state to which
the project is assigned:
PIA should train at least 200 candidates in all the training centres located in a
contiguous geographical location (say a city or a district)
PIA should give the list of training centres and their addresses along with a trade wise
break up of number of candidates to be trained in each centre to SRLM and MoRD for
APS and CTSA SRLM and MORD for YPS at least 60 days before the training of the
candidates commences.
PIA should also state whether the proposed training centre and trade is already part of
the DDU-GKY system of the state along with proofs of due diligence carried out
5. Training centres
CTSA will get 1 % of the training and residential cost incurred per candidate. In
case of APS this will be deducted from the monitoring fee of the SRLM and in
case of YPS from that of the CTSA.
The fee to be transferred will be generated from the ASDMS and MoRD will
adjust amount while releasing the monitoring fee for states and CTSAs.
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Details of how a training centre should look and feel are posted at
and specified after chapter 6 at Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training
centres in this SOP.
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Name of PIA
5. Training centres
Inspiring message
Press coverage
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
4 Number of IT labs
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
1 Area
2 Benches/Chairs
3 White Board
4 Trainer Table
5 Trainer Chair
6 Lights
7 Fans
5. Training centres
1 Area
2 Beds
3 Cots
4 Bed sheets
5 Cupboard/Almirah/Trunk
6 Locker Facility
7 Lights
8 Fans
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Menu Specification
Lunch/Dinner Dal/ Sambhar/ Rasam
Seasonal vegetable
Rice/ pulao
Continental as well as Indian
Tea/ Coffee/ Milk/ Curd or
any other milk product
Note: If the local cuisine is different the same can
be provided in consultation with the students
instead of what is given above.
1. The meal will be provided Full Diet/Stomach basis for lunch and dinner with
at least one cereal unlimited
2. Egg should be served once a week.
3. Once a week non-vegetarians should be served with mutton/Chicken/any
other local non vegetarian item and vegetarians should be served special
vegetarian items such as Paneer/ Mushroom/any other local special vegetarian
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
4) All candidates will get uniform within one month of training duration.
One pair in case of 3 month or 6 month course
Two pairs in case of 9 month or 12 month course
5) A bank account will be opened by the PIA for all candidates on or before freezing date
of the batch.
6) All candidates will get DDU-GKY Skills Training Certificate on completion of training.
7) All candidates will receive training material free of cost including work books, note
books and other study materials.
8) At the time of placement, candidate will be given a Preliminary Offer Letter from the PIA
which lists down the expected remuneration and terms and conditions of employment.
The candidate will receive this before leaving his/her native place for the job.
9) If a candidate is not receiving the above entitlements, he/she can call or SMS the
Helpline at _____________@@ or email to ______________@@ to register their
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Name of the Number of days Date of Payment Amount paid to
Student present (DD/MM/YYY) the Student in .
Information Board
As given in SF 5.1A1: Look and feel of training centre
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
2 Note Pad 1
3 Pen- 1
Flash fluorescent 1
light with batteries
5 Tissue Pack 1
6 Disposal gloves- 1 Pair
7 Soap (Dettol) 1
8 Dettol (Liquid) 1
9 At least Ice Pouch 2
10 water bottle 2
11 Tissue Pack 2
On Call Doctors available near to the Centre 2 (one female and one male)
Doctor 1: Name, address and phone number
Doctor 2: Name, address and phone number
5. Training centres
At places where data is not required then column need not be filled and it is shaded like
On standards
Minimum standards along with relaxations, if any, are specified for each item.
All the relaxations are permitted by competent authority of CTSA/SRLM.
5. Training centres
If the training centre is already approved by CTSA/SRLM, the increased standards will not be applicable till centre is closed
for the project. However, MoRD can modify this provision through a notification. Augmentation, if any, of the centre will be as
per the new standards.
Note: These standards are minimum prescribed for DDU-GKY purposes. These do not replace any standards prescribed
by statutory bodies as per the acts, rules and codes in force.
Presentation of evidence
Multiple evidences of photographs and documents for an item should be combined to into one pdf file. If there are more than one
video graphic evidence for an item they may be joined into one video file. While one file format is mandatory for photos and
documents if videos cannot be merged then separate files should be generated with alphabetical suffixes A, B, C etc. to the
document number.
Availability of items to be distributed to the students and the trainers at the time of due diligence of CTSA/SRLM
If a PIA plans to commence training within ten days of due diligence by CTSA/SRLM:
o All the items to be distributed to the students should be available as per the sanctioned strength of the students in the
domains where training is planned to be started.
o Similarly, at least 75 % per cent of the trainers should be on the rolls of the organisation on the day of due diligence.
If PIA does not plan to commence training within ten days of due diligence by CTSA/SRLM:
o All the items to be distributed to the students should be available on sample basis (Note: Some of the items like TLM
may be shared as soft copies).
o Availability of the trainers need not be insisted upon.
5. Training centres
o equipmentPIA Q team should verify the availability of the items before start of training and confirm the same to
CTSA/SRLM. After Q team verifies then the PIA can start the training at the centre. CTSA/SRLM has an option
of verification immediately after receiving the Q team report or during the time of their inspection.
2. Physical Infrastructure
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
Basic details
1. Ownership of the Standard: Instruction:
building (Own(O), A self-declaration statement Proforma for self-
Rent(R), Govt.(G)) from the PIA that the PIA has declaration statement is
necessary permissions and given as Annexure IV on
authority to occupy the letter head
premises to open the training Proof:
centre Scanned copy of self-
Relaxation: Nil declaration statement
2. Area of the building (Sq. Standard: Instruction:
Ft.) (Including corridors No specific standards Schematic of the building
but excluding spaces plan with clear marking of
open to sky such as dimensions of the training
court yards etc.) centre
To be noted: Separate
measurements should be
taken for individual areas
for Office Room, Class
Rooms, Domain Labs, IT
Lab, etc.,
Scanned copy of the
schematic plan from PIA
on with seal and signature
3. Is the roof RCC/ Non Standard: Proof:
RCC No specific standards Photographs of Building,
4. If it is non RCC, Ceiling and Roof of the
Whether it is structurally training Centre
sound on visual
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
5. Plastering and painting Standard: Instruction:
of internal and external The training centre should be To be used for the grading
walls and ceiling plastered and painted or purpose. For the Training
white washed. Preferably the centre with Inner wall theme
colour scheme of DDU-GKY as per the Notification 31
should be used. will be given high rating.
Relaxation: If building have other
100% aesthetic finishes PIA may
request CTSA for
considering this aspect
while grading the training
Description of rooms
6. Class rooms (in Total Number of class
number) rooms for imparting Training
Program as per Schematic
7. Domain labs (in Total Number of Domain
number) Lab Rooms for imparting
Training Program as per
Schematic plan (If Domain
lab is combined with Class
Room then it is counted as
a Class Room )
8. IT labs (in number) Total Number of IT Labs for
imparting Training Program
as per Schematic plan
9. Reception Area If reception area is
available then mention as 1
else 0 as per Schematic
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
10. Office room If office room is available
then mention as 1 else 0 as
per Schematic plan
11. Counselling Area If Counselling area is
available indicate it as 1
else 0 as per Schematic
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1 Visible signs of Standard: Proof:
leakages from walls and There should not be any At least one photograph for
roof - applicable for both visible marks of leakages each academic room
RCC and Non RCC from walls and ceiling. (One File)
2 Protection of stairs, Standard: Proof:
balconies, and other
locations All areas should be protected A photograph of the railings
with railings or walls (Even if and stairs
one place is not protected the
centre should not be
commissioned). Railing or
wall height: 3 feet or above
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
16.7% relaxation (6 inches)
3 Conformance to DDU-
GKY look and feel The training centre should
standards as per sub conform to DDU-GKY look
section 5.1.1 and feel standards as section
5.1.1 of SOP
Corridors and circulation area
4 Circulating area (in sq. Standard: Instructions:
ft.) 12% of the Total Area Instructions for calculating the
Relaxation: circulating area is given at the
A relaxation of 2% is 1 of Annexure III
Scanned copy of the
Schematic floor plan with
clear marking of dimensions
of Circulating area along with
seal and signature
5 Corridor Standard: Proof:
No entry to or exit from an Scanned copy of the
academic area should be Schematic floor plan with
through another academic clear marking of Entry and
area. Exit to all academic areas
6 Is toilet area included in Standard:
schematic plan of the No specific standard
Male Toilet Signage Standard: Instruction:
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
Female Toilet Signage 1feet x 1 feet Photographs after installing
the Signage
Toilets for Male Standard: Instruction:
( in number) The number of toilets for the Toilets for males and females
Urinals for Male candidates should be should be segregated with
( in number) calculated as given in the appropriate partition.
Toilets for Female annexure - I to the standards. Proof:
(in number) Toilet maintenance details is Schematic plan
Urinals for Female given at the 2 of &Photographs of toilets
(in number) Annexure III
As toilets are approved
for a maximum number of
male and female
students, any increase in
candidates beyond the
approved maximum male
and female students can
only be done in the
following ways:
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
By increasing the number
of toilets: Which will go for
a normal due diligence
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
10 Distance from the Standard: Instruction :
training centre in Kms. No specific standards. It is advisable to be well
to various transport connected to different
locations: transport locations.
Bus stand (in meters) Proof:
Snapshot of the Google map
showing distance
Railway station (in
Auto stand (in meters)
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
parking slots) However, 5 bicycle parking staff parking.
slots for every100 non- Proof:
residential trainees is A photograph of parking
recommended space
Electrical wiring and standards
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
Relaxation : Nil the pin board with the
minimum dimensions of 4 feet
X 3 Feet with proper fixtures
18 Contact detail of Standard: Proof:
important people A photograph after installing
Conform with standard form the board with proper fixtures
Relaxation : Nil
19 Basic Information board Standard: Instruction
The board should contain the
Conform with standard form centre level information and
SF-5.1B3 common equipment.
Relaxation : Nil Proof:
A photograph after installing
the board with proper fixtures
20 Code of conduct board Standard: Proof:
for candidates A photograph after installing
Conform with standard form the board with proper fixtures
Relaxation : Nil
21 Student entitlement and Standard: Proof:
responsibilities board A photograph after installing
Should conform with standard the board with proper fixtures
form SF-5.1C1
Relaxation : Nil
22 Student Attendance and Standard: Proof:
Entitlement Summary A photograph after installing
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxations Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
Information Board Should conform with standard the pin board with the
form SF-5.1C1 A minimum dimensions of 4 feet
X 3 Feet with proper fixtures
Relaxation : Nil
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1 Office room
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
elevation more than 3000 feet covering then false ceiling
above mean sea level)7 feet is required.
6 inches for all areas
Relaxation for Hilly areas: Proof:
2 Counselling area
3 Reception Area
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
b. Length (in ft.) located in the prominent preferably be located in niche
place preferably at the areas.
c. Width (in ft.) entrance of the training Proof:
centre. A Photograph of reception
Relaxation : Nil area
4 Storage place for Standard: Instruction:
securing documents An almirah/cub boards to be The size and shape is entirely
procured. left to PIA. However, if PIA
Relaxation : Nil fails to store the documents
properly or unable to produce
the document whenever
asked for it will be treated as
if the documents are not
maintained by PIA.
Consequential action will be
depending on the kind of
documents which are not
A Photograph of the storage
5 An office table (in Standard: Instruction:
number) At least 1 table to be No size or shape of the table
provided. is prescribed. However, PIA
Relaxation: should ensure the following:
100 % relaxation
1. All the equipment should
be properly placed in
office area.
2. 2. The table should have
Sufficient working space.
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
A Photograph of office table
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
10 Digital camera (in Standard: Proof:
number) A Photograph of digital
No specific standards camera
11 Electrical Power Back Standard: Instruction:
up for office room Are given at 8 of Power Back up should have
Annexure III connection to:
All electrical items relating to
monitoring of centre activities
such as CCTV monitor, CC
cameras, bio metric device,
office computers, at least 1
Ceiling fan or 2 wall mount
fans and 1 fluorescent light
(2400 Lumens) per every 150
sq. ft. etc.
A photograph of power back
up unit after commissioned
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
1 IT Lab
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
Relaxation for Hilly areas: Proof:
a. Elevation can be relaxed A photograph while
by 5% (150 feet) measuring the ceiling height
in such a way that it should
b. Ceiling height can be show us the ceiling
relaxed by 6.67% (6 inches) measurement
d. Area (in sq.ft) Standard: Instruction:
1. Area per student in all All academic rooms where
e. Length (in ft.) academic rooms is 10 sq. ft. theory classes are held
2. Combining of theory and IT should meet the following
lab is permitted to only for criteria
f. Width (in ft.) ITES based trade is 1.unobusructed view of the
permissible and area per trainer to each student
student is 15 sq. ft. 2. unobstructed view of the
3. Area for the irregular writing board and projector to
shapes must be calculated as each student
per the schematic diagram 3.In addition it is
recommended that each
student should have
unobstructed view of every
other student in the class
(Not mandatory used for
grading purpose )
1. A photograph of the class
room after installing the
equipment as per sop
2. For irregular shape the
schematic diagram of the
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
2 Ventilation area (in sq. Standard: Instruction:
ft.) 12% area of the class room Instructions for calculating the
Relaxation: ventilation area is given at
2 % relaxation the 4 of Annexure III
3 Sound level (in dBA) Standard: Instruction:
a 75 decibels (A) or less Provision for air conditioning
Relaxation :` in absence of required
6.7% relaxation ventilation area is permitted.
However the following
(5 more decibels) conditions have to be met.
The air conditioning should
be such that it should be
possible to maintain the
temperature in the room at 26
C or less at any point of time
when the room is in use.
(Note: Load of AC is not
specified as it depends on
number of factors which
cannot be factored in at this
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
and second time in the middle
of training duration in the
day). This should be counter
signed by one student and
trainer every day.
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
B4 in the academic room
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
in the IT lab.
A Photograph of the LAN
after commissioned
8 Internet connections Standard: Proof:
The centre should have at A Screenshot which shows
least two internet the internet speed in the IT
connections. Lab of the proposed training
If it is networked, the primary
internet connections should
have 1 mbps for 10
computers on the LAN. If it is
non-networked, then each
computer should have 512
kbps connection. Secondary
connection should be 512
kbps per computer.
9 Do all computers have Standard: Proof:
typing tutor All the computers should be A Screenshot of the typing
installed with typing tutor master after initialisation in
software the IT lab.
10 Tablets (in number) Standard: Proof:
As per SF 4.8B. A photograph of the Tablet
The number of tablets must and specifications
be equal to the maximum
number of trainees at the
training centre at a time
11 Stools/ chairs (in Standard: Instruction:
number) One per candidate No specific standards
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
Relaxation: Nil Proof:
A photograph of the IT lab
after setting up of all the
12 Trainer chair (in Standard: Proof:
number) No specific standards A photograph of the trainer
chair after installed in it lab
13 Trainer Table (in Standard: Instruction:
number) 2 feet by 3 feet. The table can deviate from
Relaxation: above dimensions, but should
Nil at least have 6 sq.ft area.
A photograph of the trainer
table after installed in IT lab
14 Lights(in number) Standard: Proof:
1 fluorescent light (2400 A photograph after installing
Lumens) for each 150 sq.ft. the fluorescent lights
or part thereof per room.
15 Fans (in number) Standard: Instruction:
1 ceiling fan for each If it is wall mounted fan, the
150sq.ft. or part thereof per number of fans should be
room. doubled.
A photograph after installing
the fans
16 Electrical Power backup Standard: Instruction:
for lab Are given at 8 of All computers in IT lab,
Annexure III equipment for doing practical.
At least 1 ceiling fan or 2 wall
mount fans and 1 fluorescent
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
light (2400 Lumens) per every
150 sq. ft.
A photograph of power back
up unit after commissioned
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
1 Academic Area
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
multiple domains
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
6 inches for all areas
Relaxation for Hilly areas:
a. Elevation can be relaxed
by 5% (150 feet) A photograph while
measuring the ceiling height
b. Ceiling height can be in such a way that it should
relaxed by 6.67% (6 inches) show us the ceiling
f. Area (in sq.ft.) Standard: Instruction:
1. Area per student in all All academic rooms where
g. Length (in ft.) academic rooms is 10 sq. ft. theory classes are held
2. Combining of theory and should meet the following
practical class room is criteria
h. Width (in ft.)
permissible and area per 1.unobusructed view of the
student is 15 sq. ft. trainer to each student
3. Area for the irregular 2. unobstructed view of the
shapes must be calculated as writing board and projector to
per the schematic diagram each student
3.In addition it is
recommended that each
student should have
unobstructed view of every
other student in the class
(Not mandatory but used for
grading purpose )
1.A photograph of the class
room after installing the
equipment as per sop
2. For irregular shape the
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
schematic diagram of the
2 Ventilation area (in sq. Standard: Instruction:
ft.) 12% area of the class room Instructions for calculating the
Relaxation: ventilation area is given at
2 % relaxation the 4 of Annexure III
3 Sound level (in dBA) Standard: Instruction:
a 75 decibels (A) or less Provision for air conditioning
Relaxation :` in absence of required
6.7% relaxation ventilation area is permitted.
However the following
(5 more decibels) conditions have to be met.
The air conditioning should
be such that it should be
possible to maintain the
temperature in the room at 26
C or less at any point of time
when the room is in use.
(Note: Load of AC is not
specified as it depends on
number of factors which
cannot be factored in at this
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
day when room is in use; first
time at the start of training
and second time in the
middle of training duration in
the day). This should be
counter signed by one
student and trainer every day.
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
4 Academic room Standard: Proof:
information board It should conform with SF 5.1
A Photograph after installing
B4 in the academic room
5 Internal Signage Standard: Instruction:
A flex/ Vinyl banner with Refer to Notification No.31 for
(3X3) Sq. ft. and it should be
design. Images can be
placed in front of the everychanged as per the specific
academic room with proper trade and requirement. The
fixtures colour and design theme
should remain the same.
A photograph after installing
in front of the class room
6 CCTV cameras with Standard: Instruction:
audio facility As per SF 5.2B Ensure cameras are well
Relaxation: connected and are configured
Nil for maximum and optimal
coverage. Angles are
appropriate for your site and
camera specifications should
ensure that the target area is
covered with clarity so that
people are visible.
A photograph of CC Camera
after commissioned
7 LCD/ Digital Projector Standard: Instruction:
LCD displays: 1 LCD screen A centre can have either of
of 50 per class room with a them or both of them.
dedicated desktop computer. Proof:
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
However, if a laptop or tablet A photograph of the Digital
is to be connected then they Projector /LCD after
can be at least one for two commissioned
class rooms (assuming that
the classes will be staggered
Digital Projector: There
should be at least 1 projector
for two class rooms.
8 Chair for candidates (in Standard: Instruction:
number) One chair for one candidate It should have enough space
for sitting along with arm for
writing and space.
In case of Table-bench
arrangement, at least 2 ft.
space of bench should be
available to each trainee
A photograph of the class
room after setting up of all the
chairs/ benches, if training
centre is using the benches
then another photograph
which should show us the
length of the bench
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
9 Trainers chair Standard: Proof:
No specific standards A photograph of the trainer
chair after installed in class
room / domain lab
10 Trainers Table Standard: Instruction:
2 feet by 3 feet. The table can deviate from
Relaxation: above dimensions, but should
Nil at least have 6 sq.ft. area
A photograph of the trainer
table after installed in class
room / domain lab
11 Writing board Standard: Instruction:
5 feet X 3 feet. If it is two boards, each board
Relaxation: should have 3 feet by 3 feet
Nil Proof:
A photograph after installing
white board in class room /
domain lab
12 Lights (in number) Standard: Instruction:
1 fluorescent light (2400 If a PIA is having a room size
Lumens) for each 150sq.ft. of 450 sq. ft. but they are
Or part thereof per room. using only 300 sq. ft. then the
PIA can install only 2
fluorescent lights.
A photograph after installing
the fluorescent lights
13 Fans (in number) Standard: Instruction:
1 ceiling fan for each 150 If it is wall mounted fan, the
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
sq.ft. or part thereof per number of fans should be
room. doubled.
If a PIA is having a room size
of 450 sq. ft. but they are
using only 300 sq. ft. then the
PIA can install only 2 fans.
A photograph after installing
the fans
14 Electrical Power Back Standard: Instruction:
up for the room Are given at 8 of All domain specific lab
Annexure III equipment for doing
practicals. At least 1 Ceiling
fan or 2 wall mount fans and
1 fluorescent light (2400
Lumens) per every 150 sq. ft.
for practical rooms, theory
class rooms, IT room.
A photograph of power back
up unit after commissioned
15 List of Domain related Standard: Instruction:
equipment as per As per the minimum In case of NCVT, all the
specifications given by standards prescribed by the courses should have
certifying agency certifying agency. equipment as per NCVT
Relaxation: specifications.
Nil In case of SSC, as SSC has
not specified the minimum
equipment, they should follow
the NCVT specifications till
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
SSC specifies the equipment.
Specifications for
1). If equipment
specifications are
prescribed by NCVT/SSC:
(E.g. For Module:
Electrician Domestic
(ELE701) NCVT, requires
Soldering iron 25W, 250V
as domain equipment)
In this scenario PIA has to
follow and install the
equipment as per
specifications given by
a) equipment manual/
technical literature
related to the
equipment should be
produced at the time
of due diligence
b) In the absence of of
a above, PIA can
produce a statement
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
from any industry
expert stating that the
equipment is as per
specification of
2). If equipment
specifications are not
prescribed by NCVT/SSC:
(E.g. For Module:
Hospitality assistant (HOS
705) NCVT, requires
Ordinary step ladders of
different heights as domain
equipment, but heights and
loads are not specified by
In this scenario PIA has to
follow and install the
equipment on the basis of
i. PIA should obtain a
certificate from
industry expert
ii. a self-certificate
stating that the
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform Evidence
permission of competent mentioned to Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item standards
equipment meets
industry requirements.
3.4 Maximum Instantaneous Training Capacity: Defined as maximum number of trainees that can be under training at a given instant
and is calculated as a sum of capacity of individual rooms. It will be calculated for each room, for each trade and at the centre level.
Data is captured in the table given below:
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1 Electrical Power Back Standard: Instruction:
up: Are given at 8 of Electrical Power Backup
Gensets/ UPS or Annexure III should have connection to:
Inverter/ Solar power
backup / any other non- All electrical items relating to
grid based power monitoring of centre activities
systems which can work such as CCTV, bio metric
for emergency power device, office computers etc.
supply. All domain specific lab
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
equipment for doing
practicals. Atleast 1 Ceiling
fan or 2 wall mount fans and
1 fluorescent light (2400
Lumens) per every 150 sq. ft.
for practical rooms, theory
class rooms, IT room and to
all fluorescent lights in the
corridor, toilets etc.
1. A photograph of the
Electrical Power back up
after commissioned
2. Rental agreement for hire
of generator /a letter from
authorised person for sharing
generator during the training
2 Installation of Biometric Standard: Instruction:
devices It should be as per annexure Instructions for maintenance
II of biometric device are given
at the 5 of Annexure
At least 1 device for every III. Fill in the details of
200 candidates biometric devices as per
format prescribed in 5 of
CCTV to be so placed to Annexure III.
capture the biometric device
and attendance marking
process including the face of Proof:
the trainee. After commissioning a screen
shot of the biometric
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
attendance and a screen shot
of CCTV Monitor which
should capture the trainees
3 Installation of CCTV Standard: Proof:
Monitor As per SF 5.2B After commissioned in all
areas a screen shot of CCTV
Monitor which should show all
the channels
4 Grievance register Standard: Proof:
The grievance register should Photograph of Grievance
kept in the prominence place register
of the training centre and
accessible to the candidates
during all period of the
5 Minimum equipment Standard: Instruction:
As per SF 5.1P List of the Minimum
equipment should fill in the
Minimum equipment Sheet
A screen shot of the minimum
equipment list uploaded to
online platform/web link
6 Direction Boards Standard: Proof:
As per the Notification 31 the A photograph after installing
PIA has to install the direction all the direction boards
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1 Training plan (SF- 4.1A) Standard Proof:
Should be as per SF 4.1A A scanned copy of the
Relaxation: Nil Training Plan of all trades
2 Activity cum lesson Standard: Proof:
planner (SF- 4.5A) Should be as per SF 4.5A A Photograph of the Activity
Relaxation: cum lesson planner after
Nil installing in the class room
3 Welcome Kit (SF-5.1A) Standard: Proof:
Should be as per SF 5.1C2 A Photograph of all the items
that are placed in the
Relaxation: welcome kit one
Nil photograph for each trade
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
with permission of mentioned standards Status
competent authority of at the item (yes/no)
2 Soft Skills Course Standard: The course Instruction:
Content content and trainers manual Please refer to the
Soft Skills Trainers Kit should conform with SF 4.3C Notification 31 of DDU-GKY
for designs
Soft Skills Assessment
A Scanned copy of the
Soft Skills Course
Material for candidate
3 English Course Standard: The course Instruction:
Content content and trainers manual Please refer to the
English Trainers Kit should conform with SF 4.3A Notification 31 of DDU-GKY
for designs
English Assessment
A Scanned copy of the
English Course Material
for candidate
4 Name of the Domain Standard: The course Instruction:
content and trainers manual Please refer to the
should conform with Notification 31 of DDU-GKY
Certifying Agency NCVT/SSC standard for the for designs
particular domain and Should Proof:
conform with SF4.2 A A Scanned copy of the
Domain 1 Course material
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
with permission of mentioned standards Status
competent authority of at the item (yes/no)
Domain 1 Assessment
Domain 1 Course
Material for candidate
Domain 2 assessment
Domain 3 Course
Material for candidate
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
with permission of mentioned standards Status
competent authority of at the item (yes/no)
Domain 3 Course conform with SF4.2 A A Scanned copy of the
Content*** material
Domain 3 assessment
Domain 3 Course
Material for candidate
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1. Centre in charge Standard: Proof:
Centre in charge can teach a Joining report/ pay slip to
maximum of 4 hours per day organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
2. IT Standard: Proof:
Soft skills, IT and English Joining report/ pay slip to
may have the same trainer organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
3. Soft skills Proof:
Joining report/ pay slip to
organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
4. English Proof:
Joining report/ pay slip to
organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
5. Domain 1 Proof:
Joining report/ pay slip to
organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
6. Domain 2 Proof:
Joining report/ pay slip to
organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
7. Domain 3 Proof:
Joining report/ pay slip to
organization and joining
report to training centre
should be available at the
training centre
6 Others
6.1 Is the following support infrastructure available at training centre
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
1. Safe drinking water Standard: Any one of the Proof:
following: 1 A photograph of the
1. RO/Ozonised treated RO/Ozonisation system.
2. Packaged drinking water 2. A photograph of the
certified by ISI or BIS BIS/ISI seal on the bottle or
approval letter of ISI or
BIS for packaged drinking
water from supplier
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data as conform to Evidence
permission of competent mentioned standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) at the item (yes/no)
2. First aid kit Standard: Instruction:
As per 5.1C3 Instructions for maintenance
of First Aid Kit is given at the 6 of Annexure III
A screen shot of nline
platform/Web link of first aid
kit page
3. Firefighting equipment Standard: Proof:
A Training centre should A Photograph after installing
have at least 2 fire the Fire Equipment in the
extinguishers corridor
7 Standard Forms:
5. Training centres
-- CF- Candidate File CF followed by (ID NO OF THE CANDIDATE AS PER ONLINE PLATFORM/WEB LINK). For each candidate the PIA
has to maintain individual files
-MF Mobilization File
SI. No. List of SF File/Register Name of the File / Are they available
Register (yes/no)
1. SF 4.1A: Plan of training File BF (ID NO OF THE
2. SF 4.5A: Activity cum lesson planner File BF (ID NO OF THE
3. SF 4.6A: On the job training plan for the batch File BF (ID NO OF THE
4. SF 4.8A: Daily distribution of Tablets Register BR1
5. SF 5.1C1 A: Student Attendance and Entitlement Summary File BF (ID NO OF THE
Information BATCH AS PER
6. SF 5.1D1: (Dully filled and signed form along with proofs) File TCF1
7. SF 5.1D2: (Dully filled and signed form along with proofs) File TCF1
if applicable
8. SF 5.1E1: Summary of staff deployed at the training centre Online
platform/Web link
Snap Shot
9. SF 5.1E2: Trainers profile Online
5. Training centres
SI. No. List of SF File/Register Name of the File / Are they available
Register (yes/no)
platform/Web link
Snap Shot
10. SF 5.1F: Candidate ID template File TCF1
11. SF 5.1G1: Index of individual candidate dossier File CF(ID No of the
Candidate as per
platform/Web link)
12. SF 5.1G2: Parents consent form File CF(ID No of the
Candidate as per
platform/Web link)
13. SF 5.1H1: Batch summary as on day of batch freezing Register BF (ID NO OF THE
14. SF 5.1H2: List of candidates in the batch and their profile File BF (ID NO OF THE
15. SF 5.1I: Attendance registers for candidates (as per biometric) Register BR(ID NO OF THE
16. SF 5.1J: Attendance registers for trainers (as per biometric) Register TCR1
17. SF 5.1K: Checklist of items given to candidates Register CF(ID No of the
Candidate as per
platform/Web link)
18. SF 5.1L1: Candidate feedback form File CF and BF (ID NO
5. Training centres
SI. No. List of SF File/Register Name of the File / Are they available
Register (yes/no)
19. SF 5.1L2: Summary of the feedback given by the candidates in File BF (ID NO OF THE
SF 5.1L1: Candidate feedback form BATCH AS PER
20. SF 5.1M: Summary of evaluation and assessment done File CF and BF (ID NO
21. SF 5.1N: TA/ DA calculation record (batch wise) To be linked File BF (ID NO OF THE
with biometric attendance BATCH AS PER
22. SF 5.1O1: Training certificate File CF
23. SF 5.1O2: Training completion certificate distribution record Register BF (ID NO OF THE
24. SF 5.1P: List of equipment in the training centre File Online
platform/Web link
25. SF 5.1Q: List of equipment in the trainees accommodation File Online
facilities (applicable for residential training only) platform/Web link
26. SF 5.1T: Daily failure items report File Online
platform/Web link
27. SF 5.1U: 15 day summary of centre status File Online
platform/Web link
28. SF 5.2A: Training centre inspection File TCF2
5. Training centres
SI. No. List of SF File/Register Name of the File / Are they available
Register (yes/no)
29. SF 5.2B: CCTV File
30. SF 5.4A: Assessment and certification of candidates File BF (ID NO OF THE
31. SF 6.1A: Letter to SRLM seeking information on mobilization plan File MF
32. SF 6.1B: Letter from SRLM regarding mobilization plan File MF
33. SF 6.1C: On field registration of candidates File MF
34. SF 6.2A1: Overview of aptitude test File MF
35. SF 6.2A2: Content for counselling for each trade File MF
36. SF 6.2A3: Candidate application form File CF
37. SF 6.2A4: List of candidates who were admitted Register BF (ID NO OF THE
38. SF 6.2B: List of candidates in the final batch Register BF (ID NO OF THE
Inspected by:
PIA Q team member name:
Date of inspection:
5. Training centres
Annexure I
5. Training centres
Annexure II
DDU-GKY Guidelines mandates biometric based systems under sections and 6.5.6
respectively. In order to ensure a standardized system for the program, all PIAs and other
relevant stakeholders are required to use fingerprint device as notified by UIDAI from time to
time. The specification for the fingerprint device can be accessed at
2. The fingerprint devices need to be STQC certified devices the details of which are
available at
3. The fingerprint devices are required to be attached to a tablet / laptop / desktop system
that is GPS enabled to form an integrated attendance system. PIAs are advised to ensure
suitability availability of devices to ensure that attendance is recorded within first one hour of
the start of the training day and within one hour of the completion of the training day.
4. The tablet/ laptop/ desktop system needs to conform to the following minimal specification
to support functioning of a biometric attendance management.
Operating system
(OS) Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or Higher, Windows
Display size and Minimum 7 inch Diagonal Size or Higher LCD Panel with
Technology Capacitive Multi touch
6 RAM 1 GB or above
Connectivity 3G
9 GPS Enabled
10 Ports
Micro USB with OTG support (For connecting Biometric
5. Training centres
5. The MoRD will issue separate notification on biometric attendance solution, enrolment and
attendance tracking separately. Until such time, the PIAs may record attendance manually in
their daily attendance registers and upload the same on their websites and on MORD
website as soon as DDU-GKY Development & Monitoring Solutions (ASDMS) is made
Power Supply
UIDAI Specified Biometric Device Details Internet Connectivity Details
Make &
Type Quantity Certificate Type
Model of Bandwidth UPS DG
(Desktop/Wall of for (Broadband/Leased
Fingerprint (Mbps) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Mounted) Devices Fingerprint line/GPRS/ etc.)
5. Training centres
Annexure - III
Let total area = A (Including Academic and Non- Academic calculated internally wall to wall)
Remove Toilet area inside the building (T) from total area = A-T = N (If toilets are outside the
building, T=0)
Net area = N
Area for wall thickness = Z
Academic area = X (As per minimum area estimated from (b) above)
Office room = Y = fixed as 125 sq. ft.
Wall thickness (Z) = (5/100)*N
Total circulation area = N-(X+Y+Z) + correction factor for additional area in academic area =
Ratio = C/N = 12%
2 Toilets 2.2.7 Toilet Maintenance
All toilets must be equipped at all times with the following soap, clean hand towels, basic
mop or swab, western style commode with functioning cistern, regular water supply, and
sufficient ventilation. The facility must be cleaned thoroughly at least twice during every eight
hour usage cycle or more frequently if required. Records of cleaning activity must be
maintained and displayed. A Please Wash Hands sign must be prominently displayed at all
5. Training centres
The temperature should be recorded with a thermometer which should be fixed at least 6 ft.
away from the AC. Temperature should be recorded in a register twice a day when room is
in use; first time at the start of training and second time in the middle of training duration in
the day). This should be counter signed by one student and trainer every day.
As there would be less natural light one tube light of 40 watts (2800 lumens) should be
provided for each 125 sq. ft.
5. Window area can be calculated for the permitted class room size. For example if
demarcated area for class room is 350 sq. ft., window area can be limited to 42 sq. ft.
(350*0.12). However the windows should be concentrated in the class room area. The
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
All electrical items relating to monitoring of centre activities such as CCTV, bio metric
devices, office computers etc.
All domain specific lab equipment and IT Lab.
at least 1 ceiling fan or 2 wall mount fans and 1 tube light or equivalent (2400 Lumens) per
every 150 sq. ft. for all academic rooms, academic labs,
Sufficient number of lights and fans in living rooms, kitchen, dining and recreation
area, corridors and toilets etc.
Note: If the average load shedding is less than 2 hours then PIA has an option of not
connecting domain labs (only domain labs) to the alternate power source. However PIA has to
reschedule the domain lab classes when regular power is available.
Testing capacity of alternate power back up
Generator: It should be run with all the electrical systems (load as given above) for one
Other power supply arrangements - Inverters/UPSs/Solar power supplies etc.: It should be
run with all the electrical systems (load as given above) for one hour more than the
authenticated load shedding hours.
1. A photograph of the Electrical Power back up after commissioned
2. Rental agreement for hire of generator /a letter from authorised person for sharing generator
during the training hours.
3. Load test
9 Location of the 5.1 D2
Residential Clause 1.6 Definition of State and district headquarter:
5. Training centres
2. A district headquarter would include any area that is within the Municipal Corporation
limits of the District Headquarters or Municipalities/ Development areas contiguous to
such Municipal Corporation area, or any that is within a City Development Authority in
the State Headquarters or any municipalities/Development area contiguous to it.
3. Any area that the State Government or Central Government may notify to be part of the
State or District headquarters on deemed as State or District headquarter for the
programme purpose
5. Training centres
Annexure IV
Authorized Signature
Stamp and Seal of the Organization
5. Training centres
At places where data is not required then column need not be filled and it is shaded like
On standards
Minimum standards along with relaxations, if any, are specified for each item.
All the relaxations are permitted by competent authority of CTSA/SRLM.
If the Residential centre is already approved by CTSA/SRLM the increased standards will not be applicable till centre is
closed for the project. However, MoRD can modify this provision through a notification.
Augmentation, if any, of the centre will be as per the new standards.
Note: These standards are minimum prescribed for DDU-GKY purposes. These do not replace any standards prescribed
by statutory bodies as per the acts, rules and codes in force.
5. Training centres
Presentation of evidence
Multiple evidences of photographs and documents for an item should be combined to into one pdf file. If there are more than one
video graphic evidence for an item they may be joined into one video file. While one file format is mandatory for photos and
documents if videos cannot be merged then separate files should be generated with alphabetical suffixes A, B, C etc. to the
document number.
Building no
Address (if not same as the training centre otherwise to be
7. Street 1
pre populated)
Street 2
5. Training centres
2. Physical Infrastructure
2.1 Basic Information
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
Basic details
1. Ownership of the Standard: Proof:
building (Own(O), A self-declaration statement Scanned copy of self-
Rent(R), Govt.(G)) from the PIA that the delectation statement
premises is under the
occupancy of the PIA with
legal proceedings
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
2. Area of the building (Sq. Instruction:
Ft.) (Including corridors Schematic of the building
but excluding spaces plan with clear marking of
open to sky such as dimensions for the
court yards etc.) residential centre.
To be noted: Separate
measurements should be
taken for individual areas
for living rooms, kitchen
area, dining hall, recreation
area, etc.,
Scanned copy of the
schematic plan from PIA
on with seal and signature
3. Is it RCC/ Non RCC Proof:
4. If it is non RCC, Photographs of Building,
Whether it is structurally Ceiling and Roof of the
sound on visual residential centre
5. Plastering and painting Standard: Instruction:
of internal and external The training centre should be To be used for the grading
walls and ceiling plastered and painted or purpose. For the Training
white washed. Preferably the centre with Inner wall theme
colour scheme of DDU-GKY as per the Notification 31
should be used. will be given high rating.
Relaxation: If building have other
100% aesthetic finishes PIA may
request CTSA for
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
considering this aspect
while grading the training
5. Training centres
6 Male Toilet Signage Standard: Instruction:
Female Toilet Signage 1feet x 1 feet A photograph after installing
the Signage
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
Room No 1
1 Physical measurements
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
feet above mean sea level)7 covering then false
feet 6 inches for all areas ceiling is required.
Relaxation for Hilly areas:
a. Elevation can be relaxed
by 5% (150 feet) Proof:
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
A Cot (in number) One per candidate
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
150 sq.ft. Or part thereof perare using only 300 sq. ft.
room. then the PIA can install only
2 fluorescent lights.
A photograph after installing
the fluorescent lights
5 Fans Standard: Instruction:
1 ceiling fan for each 150 If it is wall mounted fan, the
sq.ft. or part thereof per number of fans should be
room. doubled.
If a PIA is having a room
size of 450 sq. ft. but they
are using only 300 sq. ft.
then the PIA can install only
2 fans.
A photograph after installing
the fans
For all the hostel rooms data should be collected in a similar pattern
Sl. No. Room number Maximum candidates permitted as per Permitted candidates (least of three
Room size Toilets Availability of numbers in the three columns to the left)
availability cots/beds/lockers
To be repeated for male and female candidate hostels
5. Training centres
3.3 Non-residential areas of the hostel: Kitchen, dining and recreation areas
Sl. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
No. (Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
1 Kitchen
1 Dining area
2 Recreation area
5. Training centres
Sl. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
No. (Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
b Length (in ft.) 10 sq.ft. X one third of the taken for providing
inmate strength) subject to a residential facility to the
c Width (in ft.) minimum of 120 sq. ft. If the trainees
recreation area is separate Each residential premises
from dining area. should have separate
recreation room in each of
the premise
A Photograph of the
Recreation area
If answer to a above is NO i.e.- dinning and recreation area are common, give the following data
3 Dining and recreation area
5. Training centres
Sl. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
No. (Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
connection is
available for viewing
7 Equipment for indoor games
a Standard: Proof:
Minimum of 8 indoor games A photograph of the eight
b should be provided to the indoor games
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
5. Training centres
. Others
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
1. Safe drinking water Standard: Proof:
Should be RO treated A photograph of the RO
Relaxation: system or a scanned copy
packaged drinking water of approval letter of ISI or
certified by ISI or BIS BIS for packaged drinking
water from supplier
2. First aid kit Standard: Instruction:
As per 5.1C3 Instructions for
maintenance of First Aid Kit
is given at the 6 of
Annexure III
A screen shot of the online
platform/web link of first aid
3. Fire-fighting equipment Standard: Proof:
A Residential centre should A Photograph after
have at least 2 fire installing the Fire
extinguishers Equipment in the corridor
4. Biometric device Standard: Instruction:
It should be as per annexure Instructions for
II maintenance of biometric
device is given at the 5
At least 1 device for every of Annexure III
200 candidates Proof:
After commissioned a
screen shot of the biometric
attendance and a screen
shot of the CCTV Monitor
which should capture the
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
5. Training centres
Sl. No. Particulars Standards and Relaxation Instructions and Relevant Does it Proof /
(Relaxation permitted with Description about Proof data at the conform to Evidence
permission of competent item standards Status
authority of CTSA/SRLM) (yes/no)
6. Grievance register Standard: Proof:
The grievance register should Photograph of Grievance
kept in the prominence place register
of the residential centre and
accessible to the candidates
during all period of the
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
SF 5.1D3: List of equipments should be carried for due diligence of training centre/
residential facilities
The following are the list of equipments should be carried by the PIA Q
team/SRLM/CTSA for due diligence of a training centre and for residential
1. Measuring Tape
2. Sound meter
3. Calculator
4. Tablet
5. Training centres
2. MIS in charge
Trainers detail
3. IT skills
4. Soft skills
5. English skills
6. Domain 1
7. Domain 2
8. Domain 3
9. Domain 4
Other staff
1. Other staff
2. Other staff
3. Other staff
5. Training centres
Trainers under DDU-GKY should meet anyone of the two criteria given below:
a. Eligibility criteria as prescribed by NCVT/SSC, if any
b. If the above is not fulfilled then they should meet the following:
i. They should have undergone the Training of Trainers (ToT) by
domain expert master trainers
ii. Master trainer of the PIA should certify that the trainers are eligible
to train candidates in the domain/non domain for which the trainer
gives training.
However, SRLM for APS/CTSA for YPS have an option to appoint domain
expert and assess the trainers. If the trainers do not qualify then the trainer
will not be permitted to continue the training. If such cases repeat this will be
considered as default.
5. Training centres
Physical Disability Yes No If Yes (please mention the category of
Education qualification
Educational Board/University Subject Year of % of marks
qualification passing
specify if any)
(Latest 5 only from current to past)
Sl. From To company Name starting last last
No. (month (month Designation designation salary
& Year) & Year) drawn
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Candidates ID card has to be printed in both English and vernacular language.
5. Training centres
Name of candidate:_____________________________
Particulars Standard document proof
Supported Identification Documents Passport
PAN Card
Ration/ PDS Photo Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Government Photo ID Cards/ service
photo identity card issued by PSU
Job Card (MNREGA)
5. Training centres
Photo ID issued by Recognized
Educational Institution
Arms License
Photo Bank ATM Card
Photo Credit Card
Kisan Photo Passbook
Certificate of Identify having photo issued
by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on
Supported Proof of Residence documents Passport
Bank Statement/ Passbook
Post Office Account Statement/Passbook
Ration Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)
Water bill (not older than 3 months)
Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3
Insurance Policy
Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on
Signed Letter having Photo issued by
Recognized Educational Instruction on
Arms License
Kisan Passbook
Certificate of Address issued by Village
Panchayat head or its equivalent
authority (for rural areas)
Caste and Domicile Certificate having
Photo issued by State Government.
Age Proof Birth certificate
Copy of Leaving Certificate 8th
Copy of Leaving Certificate 10th
Copy of Leaving Certificate 12th
Copy of Leaving Certificate Graduation
Copy of Leaving Certificate - Post
10th Mark sheet
12th Mark sheet
Domicile proof Domicile certificate
Proof that the candidate is poor Copy of BPL Card
Copy of BPL Certificate
Copy of DRDA BPL 2002 List
Job Card (MNREGA)
5. Training centres
Antayodaya Anna Yojana Ration Card
SHG Certificate
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
7) At the time of placement, candidate will be given a Preliminary Offer Letter from the PIA
which lists down the expected remuneration and terms and conditions of employment. The
candidate will receive this before leaving his/her native place for the job.
8) All candidates will receive training material free of cost including work books, note books
and other study materials.
9) If a candidate has not received the above entitlements, he/she can call or SMS the Helpline at
_____________ to register their complaints.
Your consent
If you agree to admit your child in the training programme offered by ________________
(Name of PIA) please sign below.
Parent signature
Except this consent letter, PIA shall not take any affidavit / certificate from either the parent
or the candidate.
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
List of material in TLM: Bilingual TLM, Stationery, note books, Tool kit, pens 2 and pencils 2
5. Training centres
Given below is a list of items on a scale of 5 to 1. Please circle the number that most
closely represents your views:
4. To what extent have you developed your soft skills through the course?
A lot 5 4 3 2 1 Little
5. To what extent have you developed your English skills through the course?
A lot 5 4 3 2 1 Little
6. To what extent have you developed your computer skills through the
5. Training centres
A lot 5 4 3 2 1 Little
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
No. of Marks
Sl. Appraisal
Question Candidates scored
No. (i)
(ii) (iii=i*ii)
6. To what extent have you developed 5
your computer skills through the 4
course? 3
7. Was the course material useful during 5
the training? 4
8. Were the entitlements provided to you on time? 5
9. How effective were the practical 5
activities? 4
10. Where the training instructions easy to 5
follow? 4
11. How do you rate the training 5
programme? 4
12. How were the living facilities? 5
5. Training centres
No. of Marks
Sl. Appraisal
Question Candidates scored
No. (i)
(ii) (iii=i*ii)
13. How was the food? 5
Total Marks scored (iv)
Maximum marks in residential centre (v= batch
OR Maximum marks in non-residential centre (v= batch
Percentage in residential centre (vi= iv*100/v)
Comments and suggestions made to improve the
5. Training centres
Monthly test
Monthly test
Monthly test
5. Training centres
Bank Bank TA
Candidate Bank IFSC
Sl. No. ID no. Account Branch, amount
name Name Code
No. address (.)
Proof: Bank statement showing the proof of transaction, along with list of candidates
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
SF 5.1R: Instructions for opening and running hybrid training centres and
introducing multiple shifts and double shift batches in a training centre
Hybrid training centre: A hybrid centre means a training centre where training is
conducted for:
More than one project under DDU-GKY or its sub schemes like Roshni or
other training and skilling programmes of Skills division of Ministry of Rural
Any other programme other than training programmes under DDU-GKY
umbrella i. e. different governmental and non-governmental training
programmes which could be free or paid.
Shift system: Conducting training for more than one batch in a training centre in a
day with staggered use of same resources.
Double shift batch: Staggering training of a batch into two shifts in the same day.
Split batch: Splitting a batch over two resources at same time For example
assigning half the batch to domain lab and the other half to computer lab at the same
Timings for conducting training
1. Training in a centre can be given between 5:00 AM and 11:00 PM only.
2. Full time (defined as 8 hours/day training programmes) non-residential trainings
can only be conducted between 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM from April to September and
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM from October to March. However, the concerned SRLM can
specify different timings keeping the day light conditions in the local area. In case
of an YPS the SRLMs should consult before changing the timings.
3. In case the domain requires training beyond the hours specified above (e.g.:
security training for night duty; BPO operations in the night and driving practice in
the night for a driver) the above prescribed timings will not apply. However, this
needs to be indicated in the activity cum lesson planner (refer SF 4.5A).
4. In normal circumstances there should not be any deviation from the prescribed
timings. However, if there are exceptional circumstances beyond the control of a
PIA and PIA still wants to run the training beyond such timings than PIA shall get
it approved by SRLM in case of APS and CTSA in case of YPS.
5. If the training is held from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM or 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM PIAs shall
take prudent steps to ensure the safety of candidates in transit from training
centre to residential centre (or to point of transport facilities for non-residential
candidates) or vice versa. Some of the suggested measures of safety are
provision of a security guard to accompany the candidates or providing transport
6. PIAs shall run the batch in fixed timings; any changes in the timings should be
communicated 10 days prior to be implemented for the batch. SRLMs/ CTSAs
may communicate their concern in these 10 days. However PIAs shall ensure to
comply with timings prescribed above for different seasons.
Training of a double shift batch
1. PIAs are allowed to train residential, part time and weekend batches in a
maximum of two shifts in a day. In no case training can be given in more than two
shifts in a day for a batch.
a. An exception to above can be allowed for specialised lectures by guest
2. This implies that PIAs should train full time non-residential batches in one shift.
5. Training centres
3. The duration of each of the shift should not be less than 2 hours. A break of 90
minutes or less will be considered as within the same shift.
4. PIAs shall capture attendance for each of the shifts.
Candidates trained with DDU-GKY funds have not received funds for the
same components from other sources. Clarification: A PIA can receive
additional funds from other sources to augment the programme. For example
it can get funds under corporate social responsibility to improve boarding and
lodging facilities over and above those given by DDU-GKY programme.
Students trained in other programmes have not been shown under DDU-GKY
programme and vice versa
All resources to be used in a training centre for DDU-GKY students should be as per
the minimum standards prescribed for DDU-GKY. To ensure this every hybrid centre
will have two categories of resources:
Exclusive resources
5. Training centres
Shared resources
If the resources are exclusive then a PIA should maintain these as per the
requirements of DDU-GKY. In such cases these facilities cannot be used by other
programme candidates.
If certain resources are shared then these resources should be as per DDU-GKY
norms for all the candidates. For example if toilets are shared between different
groups of students/users then the number of toilets should be as per DDU-GKY
standards prescribed for maximum number of users using the facility where centre is
located. For example: If a centre is located in a college premises and toilets are
common for the college students and DDU-GKY trainees then all the toilets should
be as per the college student strength.
Before a hybrid centre is opened a PIA should state upfront the resources to be
shared and those to be used on an exclusive basis. Based on this information justify
that centre meets the norms prescribed under DDU-GKY.
However, all facilities associated for training a batch should be exclusive to the batch.
These would include class rooms, domain labs etc. They should be shown in activity
cum lesson planner.
Annexure- I
I hereby state that whatever is stated herein above is true to the best of my
Authorized Signatory
(Seal and Sign)
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Failure percentage (total failed/total available)
a. It is assumed that all items are working unless it is reported in this form
b. All failures will be entered at the beginning of the day, i.e. - within 1 hour of opening of the centre
c. Any failure noticed at the beginning of the day will be treated as failed for the day
5. Training centres
Failure percentage (total failed/total available)
5. Training centres
Inspection form
Basic details
Sl. No. Particulars Details
1. Name of PIA
2. Name of project
MoRD sanction letter
Name of training centre
with address
Name of training centre
5. in charge
Mobile no:
1. Compliance to previous inspections and advisories
5. Training centres
1. Assessment completed
3. Placed
5. Training centres
Verification of deviation from due diligence for equipment at the training centre
All items listed in due diligence will be cross checked with actual ground conditions
and deviations will be entered in the due diligence report. PIA op team should
explain the reasons for deviation and correct them immediately. If the deviations
continue it would be treated as a condition of default and steps will be initiated under
the process prescribed.
Candidates should be asked about the failures on a random day from the past six
working days. This report should be tallied with the daily failure report on the system
for equipment:
in IT lab and
5. Training centres
in domain lab.
If the findings of the inspecting official do not match with the findings based on class
room discussions the inspecting team should probe further. Similarly data should
also be verified with the grievances register. If the candidates data is correct then
action under conditions of default should be initiated for wrong reporting. Further,
training centre will be awarded lower grading.
Basic records
(Mention Yes/No)
Sl. Particulars Name of candidates
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Mention candidates name
1. Admission form
2. Photo Id proof
3. Age proof
4. Proof of poor
a. Trainers attendance
Attendance summary should be collected from training centre in charge and should
be verified against the biometric attendance. The arrangements for replacement and
reporting time of trainers will be verified on the basis of biometric attendance.
5. Training centres
(Mention Yes/No)
Sl. Particulars IT Soft English Mention
No. skills skills skills domain
1. Is the attendance summary of trainers
matching with the biometric attendance?
2. Have arrangements for replacement been
made if sanctioned leave was more than 2
3. If attendance is <80%, has counselling
been arranged for that particular trainer?
b. Candidates attendance
Attendance summary should be collected from training centre in charge and should
be verified against the biometric attendance.
(Mention Yes/No)
Sl. Particulars Name of
No. candidates
1 2 3 4 5
Mention candidates name
5. Training centres
2. IT skills
3. Soft skills
4. English skills
5. Training kit
6. ID
Training quality
Are the training deliverables being carried out as per the activity cum lesson planner
format provided in SF-4.5A. This will be verified by review of two CCTV footages
(snapshots) for each trainer separately. The note books of the candidates should
match with day wise activities.
(Mention Yes/No):
Sl. Particulars IT Soft English Mention domain
No. skills skills skills name (________)
1. Is the trainer facing the class?
2. Is the trainer addressing every
3. Is the trainer covering the entire
session as per activity cum
lesson planner?
4. Is the trainer maintaining class
5. Is the trainer confident while
communicating to the class?
6. Is the trainer teaching without
referring to the teaching material
every time?
7. Is the trainer using audio- visual
8. Is the trainer making the session
5. Training centres
Quality of assessment tests and their veracity should be done on the basis of
randomly selected candidates for a randomly selected test. In each case the
following should be done:
Review the CCTV footage
Revalue the paper using model answer paper
Administer the test to the candidates again.
(Mention Yes/No)
Sl. Particulars Name of
No. candidates
1 2 3 4 5
Mention candidates name
Entitlements distribution
As per randomly selected candidates from an on-going batch verify the following
(Mention Yes/No)
5. Training centres
5. Training centres
Inspected by:
Date of inspection:
Inspected by:
Date of inspection:
Inspected by:
Date of inspection:
5. Training centres
No technical specifications are prescribed for the time being for CCTVs to be
procured for the training centres. However, on replay visual images and sounds
should be identifiable easily. In case of difference of opinion on this issue views of
the CTSA would be the final. However, PIA can make a representation to MoRD but
till then CTSA decision should be implemented.
The systems should be located such that all the important areas of training centre
related to academic instruction, assessment and marking of attendance are
In addition to covering the training areas, cameras should be placed such that all
important events in training including uniform distribution, tablet distribution etc. are
CCTV footage should be reviewed, inter alia, for the following particulars:
CCTV footage for review will be selected through a system generated random
number. Footage viewed on sample basis will be saved on the ERP system.
I. Nomenclature of Footage - PRN no., Project Code as per MIS, State (name),
TC (name only first 3 alphabets), Batch no. (),
For eg. PRNNoProjectCodeStateTCASMO
II. Sampled video footage should be stored either till E6 (training completion) +
three months or till the project is closed (in case of early closure) - whichever
is earlier. Rest of the videos should be stored for three and half months after a
batch is completed.
5. Training centres
III. All CCTV footage should be stored in the training centre till the inspection
schedules specified for the batch are completed. Sampled video footage, in
addition to being stored safely, will be uploaded to the ERP system and also
on PIA website.
5. Training centres
Two T-shirts,
Two jerseys
One T-shirt and one jersey
Two sets of salwar, kameez and dupatta.
If domain uniform is mandatory, then the cost of the uniform should be met from the
training cost.
Two uniforms will be provided to the candidates i.e one set is for DDU-GKY uniform
and another set is for domain skills.
5. Training centres
The number of tests for courses of other duration will increase proportionately.
Note: If OJT is part of the training the PIA has freedom to complete the external
assessment before or after the OJT. However, PIA has to indicate the same in
activity cum lesson planner of Chapter 4
Certification protocol
For issue of certificates 4 categories of candidates will emerge based on two criteria:
i) Whether a candidate has eligibility criteria prescribed by NCVT/SSC and ii) Has a
candidate cleared the assessment test. The 4 categories and the action to be taken
is given in the Table below.
If a candidate fulfils both the criteria (Category 1 in the Table) PIA has to ensure that
a certificate from NCVT/SSC is issued. If the candidate clears the assessment test
but is not eligible as per criteria fixed by NCVT/SSC (Category 2 in the Table) he will
get a certificate from the assessing body. In cases where a candidate has not
5. Training centres
cleared the assessment test (Category 3 and 4 in the Table) a course completion
certificate will be issued by the PIA.
Yes No
No Category 2 Category 4
All category 1 and 2 students who complete 3 months of placement will get DDU-
GKY certificate from MoRD.
Distribution of certificates
PIA should make all efforts to get the certificates from NCVT/SSC within a month of
completion of the assessment test. PIA should also issue course attendance
certificates for the candidates who failed assessment within a month of completion of
assessment time. DDU-GKY certificates should be issued to candidates within a
month of completion of three months of placement.
These certificates should either be handed over to the candidates in person or sent
by registered post to their residential address.
5. Training centres
Annexure 5.4A(i)
Annexure 5.4A(ii)
5. Training centres
Regarding Training Duration, PIA use training hours (with hrs. in word) according to
3 months/ 6 months/ 9 months/ 12 months as given below:
In Final Certificate dont mention Words which are in (); those are for information
For A4 Size Page: India Emblem and State Emblem size 2.65 x 1.88 cm
6. Training initiation & completion
6.1.1 Planning
Item Description
Purpose To develop a mobilization plan in proposed areas. The plan includes
areas to be covered and schedule for coverage.
Reference to Para, page 26
Prerequisite/s Uploading of sanction order on the designated website
Time for Continuous work but to be initiated not later than I4 +5 (issue of
Project commencement order)
Resource/s As per SF 6.1A: Letter to SRLM seeking information on mobilization
plan and 6.1B: Letter from SRLM regarding mobilization plan
Process owner PIAOP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIAOP team Approach SRLM for a Continuous work butSF 6.1A: Letter
mobilization plan to be initiated notto SRLM seeking
later than I4 +5 information on
SRLM Give a mobilization plan or permit Within 10 days18of mobilization plan
PIA to make its mobilisation plan. receipt of SF 6.1A 6.1B: Letter from
SRLM regarding
mobilization plan
Note: While the above procedure is suggested it would be good if the PIA and SRLM
finalise the mobilisation plan in a joint meeting and draw out the minutes. The DMMUs
can be involved in the team either physically or through a video conference.
6.1.2 Execution
Item Description
Purpose To identify/mobilize the Candidates from identified area
Reference to Para:, page 26
Prerequisite/s Release of 1st instalment as well as approval of mobilization plan
If SRLM doesnt reply within 10 days then PIA can make their mobilization plan and inform the
SRLM and district administration.
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
Time for Continuous process
Resource/s As per 6.1C: On field registration of candidates
Process PIAOP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA OP team Mobilize the candidates with the Continuous Process As per
involvement of DMMUs/VLO/GP. agreed
Also adopt GP saturation model mobilisation
On field registration of identified plan and to fill
candidates 6.1C: On field
registration of
District Facilitate PIA in mobilisation Continuous Process
All Facilitate PIA in mobilizing Continuous Process
candidates and review
for YPS
The PIA should collect the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) list
The PIA should extensively canvass in the village using Information,
Education and Communication (IEC) tools
All the contacted candidates, whether in SECC list or outside it, should be
listed by PIA
The PIA should contact at-least 70 to 80 per cent of the candidates from the
SECC list
Candidates contacted from the SECC list should have the following details:
o TIN no.
o Name of the candidate
o Address
o Gender
o Age
6. Training initiation & completion
Candidates who are not in the SECC list but approach the PIA should also be
included in the list of potential candidates.
PIAs may proceed to other (non-SAGY) Gram Panchayats/ villages only after
completing mobilization activities in SAGY Gram Panchayats/ villages in the districts
allotted to them in sanctioned projects.
Item Description
Purpose For allotting appropriate trades to candidates
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s On completion of mobilization/identification of candidates
Time for Within 10 working days of on field registration of candidates
Resource/s SF 6.2A1: Overview of aptitude test
Process owner PIAOP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion Documents
PIA OP team Aptitude test to be administered to Within 10days of on SF
all the candidates. field registration of 6.2A1:Overview
The aptitude test score to be filled candidates of aptitude test
in the application form
6. Training initiation & completion
6.2.2 Counselling
Item Description
Purpose To explain to the candidate growth/career prospects in each profession
and help him choose a trade which suits his aptitude.
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s After completion of aptitude test
Time for Continuous process
Resources SF 6.2A2: Outline of areas to be covered during counselling
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA Provide counselling to every On same day of SF
trainee as per the guidelines aptitude test 6.2A2:Outline
Maintain a log of counselling of areas to
be covered
6.2.3 Selection
Item Description
Purpose To select the candidates for training
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite On completion of mobilization, aptitude test and counselling of
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
Time for Continuous process but to be completed before training of batch
Resources SF 6.2A2: Outline of areas to be covered during counselling and SF
6.2A3 Candidate application form
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Select candidates who are As per the training SF
desirous of being skilled and plan of the PIA but
placed and have attended the selection confirmation
aptitude test and counselling should be given in 15 of areas to
session days to a candidate
be covered
Get the application form filled in after completion of
for every selected candidate counselling during
Allocation of trainee identity card counselling
with roll number (on batch
freezing date) SF 6.2A3
PIA Q team Verify the documents on sample As per the inspection
basis schedule
SRLM Cross verify all the relevant As per the inspection
documents schedule
CTSA Cross verify all the relevant As per the inspection
documents schedule
Item Description
Purpose To start the training and freeze the batch
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Training centre approval
Enrolment of required number of candidates per batch (maximum
permissible strength is 35 candidates per batch)
Batch freeze summary (including number of SC/ST, women,
minority and PWD candidates) and Individual Summary for each
Time for Training start: Continuous as per training plan
completion Batch freezing: 10 days after training starts
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
As per SF 6.3A1: Batch details, SF 6.3A3: Batch freeze summary, SF
6.3A5: List of candidates who were enrolled,, SF 6.3A6: List of
candidates after freezing of the batch, SF6.3B: Candidate attendance,
and SF6.3C: Protocols for delisting and drop out of candidates
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Maintain details of the Continuous process SF 6.3A1:
trainee batches Before the batch start Batch
date details, SF
Make changes in batch 6.3A3:
details as required On or before the batch Batch
Enrol candidates in a batch start date freeze
Within 10 days of batch summary,
Freezing of each batch start date SF 6.3A5:
Within 10 days of batch List of
Facilitate obtaining of start date candidates
Aadhar cards Within 10 days of batch who were
start date enrolled, SF
Not later than a day after 6.3A6: List
Open bank accounts
freezing of the batch of
freezing of
the batch,
and SF6.3C
for delisting
and drop
out of
PIA Q team Verify the details for the 5 working days in SF 6.3A1,
batches as per prescribed advance of batch start SF 6.3A3,
norms date SF 6.3A5,
Verify the documents of SF 6.3A6,
candidates Up to batch freeze date SF6.3B and
CTSA/SRLM Certify the details for the As per the inspection SF 6.3A1,
batches as per prescribed schedule SF 6.3A3,
norms As per the inspection SF 6.3A5,
Verify the documents of schedule SF 6.3A6,
candidates on sample basis SF6.3B and
If a candidate is in possession of an Aadhar card issued by the Unique Identification
Authority of India, PIAs must collect the 12-digit Aadhaar (UID) number. PIAs must also help
those candidates who do not have this number to obtain the Aadhaar card during the training
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
Purpose To define procedures for completion of training of a batch
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Batch creation and freezing
Time for Completion of training duration
SF 5.2A: Training centre inspection, SF 6.3A4: Batch completion
summary, SF6.3A7: List of candidates after completion of training of
the batch, SF6.3B: Candidate attendance, and SF6.3C: Protocols for
delisting and drop out of candidates
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Closure of batch after As per completion of SF 5.2A:
classroom training training duration Training
Closure of batch after OJT, centre
if applicable inspection,
SF 6.3A4:
List of
of training of
the batch,
for delisting
and drop
out of
PIA Q team Verify the documents of As per the inspection SF 5.2A, SF
schedule 6.3A4,
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
Purpose To terminate the training of a batch before the training process is
completed, on account of any reason. Some of the possible reasons
are PIA is unable to continue the training, force major clauses as per
MoU, malpractices or fraudulent practices.
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Batch creation
Time for Continuous process till project closure
Resource/s NA
Process owner CTSA for YP states and SRLM for AP states
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Provide appropriate reasons Continuous process till NA
and request the respective project closure
CTSA/ SRLM to terminate
training for the batch
CTSA/SRLM Examine the PIAs request Within 10 working days of NA
for termination and take a receipt of PIA request
suitable decision
Terminate training of the
batch, if required
Suo moto action in case
major malpractices or
fraudulent activities are
Item Description
Purpose To transfer the active batches to another training centre during the
training process, if required due to unforeseen circumstances
6. Training initiation & completion
Item Description
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Start of training
Time for Continuous process till project closure
Resource/s NA
Process owner CTSA for YPS and SRLM for APS
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Request the respective Continuous process till NA
CTSA/ SRLM to transfer project closure
one or more batches to
another centre, giving
appropriate reasons
CTSA/SRLM Examine the PIAs request Within 10 working days of NA
for batch transfer and take a receipt of PIA request
suitable decision
Transfer the batches, if
Item Description
Purpose To ensure the trainees are provide with quality food
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Commencement of the batch
Time for Continuous as per training plan
Resource/s As per SF 6.5A: Instructions for food menu
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To finalise and to display the Atleast 5 days before SF 6.5A:
food menu start of the batch Instructions
for food
PIA Q team Cross verify all the relevant As per the inspection
documents on sample basis schedule
CTSA/SRLM Cross verify all the relevant As per the inspection
documents on sample basis schedule
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
Dear Sir,
As per reference cited above, we have been assigned a project to train rural youth in
your state with the following district wise break up:
Sl.No Name of the district Target
We have already submitted a prospective action plan for undertaking the tasks. In
this regard, you are requested to provide us with the list of Gram Panchayats for
mobilizing the candidates.
We look forward to your guidance and support in implementing the project.
Yours sincerely,
(Authorised Person)
(Seal of the PIA)
Copy to CTSA
6. Training initiation & completion
Name of the PIA
Dear Sir,
I invite your kind attention to the reference cited. You should mobilise the candidates as per
the details given below.
A copy of this letter is being sent to the District Administration to help you with the
You are requested to select the Panchayats with which you would like to work and inform us
and the district administration. A copy of the letter is being forwarded to District
Administration to help you in implementing the mobilisation plan.
Yours sincerely
6. Training initiation & completion
Name of Candidates
Date of mobilization
Date of Birth
Minority* (Yes/No)
Highest Education
Referring Stakeholder
Contact details
* Certificate required
Candidate Signature
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
A brief and an indicative outline for counselling of candidates is indicated below for
guidance. Using the broad outline given below a PIA has full freedom to develop
counselling strategies such that a candidate gets a realistic picture of the profession
he is planning to join. PIAs are requested to desist from providing an overtly rosy
picture to avoid disillusionment later.
6. Training initiation & completion
Ministry Of Rural Development, Government of India
Name of PIA
Name (No.) of
Name of Training
Address of Training
Batch Number
Date of Registration
Training duration
Trainee Profile
Name of the
Gender M/ F/ Others
Individual Identity
Father/ Husband's
Mother's Name
Present Address
Permanent Address
(if different from
6. Training initiation & completion
BPL Ration Card
SESS Number
Job Card RSBY Card Number#
Number (MNREGA)
Antyodaya Anna
Yojana Ration Card
Yearly Income (in
Is candidate a family Name of SHG Name of SHG
member of a SHG member
member? ## SHG ID
# Or alternative records used by RSBY, as notified by the state government
## Screen shot from covering the Name of SHG, SHG Id and Name of member shall be
enclosed along with the declaration from SHG office bearer stating that the candidate belongs to the
family of the SHG member
Family Details:
Name of the head of the family:
Highest educational qualification of the head of the family:
Yearly Income of the family (Rs.):
Number of members in the family:
S Name Relation Age Gender Marital Whether Source of Is SHG SHG
No Status earning? Income/ member ID
(Y/ N) Occupation
I, _____________________ S/o / W/o / D/o____________________ hereby
declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
If selected for training, I hereby undertake:
a. To attend and participate in all the sessions/classes of the aforesaid training program diligently;
b. To maintain discipline and follow the instructions of the trainer, while undergoing the said training
c. To successfully complete the training program; and
I understand that I will be deemed ineligible for assessment and certification unless, I fulfil the above
criteria and meet the assessment standards.
6. Training initiation & completion
Signature of Applicant
6. Training initiation & completion
Note: The Activity-cum-Lesson planner should clearly indicate the plan of training.
Nature of Training < Full time/ Part Class Duration per day
time/ Week-ends> (hr:min)
Batch Start Date Expected Batch end
Will the batch be split for training at the same Training Centre? Yes/ No
If Yes,
Section A- No of Candidates:
Section B- No of Candidates:
Activity cum Lesson planner for each section
If No,
Activity-cum-Lesson planner for the batch
Trainer Skill set Name of Trainer Nature of trainer Type of Engagement
Note: Any changes to above should be made as per processes prescribed in the SOP. In
case of minor changes like change in classroom etc. where no process is prescribed in SOP,
PIA should preferably inform one day before the change.
6. Training initiation & completion
SF6.3A1, SF 6.3A2, SF 6.3A3, SF 6.3A4, SF 6.3A5, SF 6.3A6, and SF 6.3A7 are tentative and
shall be followed as indicated in the Information System.
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
6. Training initiation & completion
General instructions
b. CTSA/ SRLM may correct the attendance record beyond the fortnight
after verification of CCTV footage. This will be permissible up to twice
in a calendar month for a candidate.
c. All such CCTV footage should be stored either till E6 (training
completion) + three months or till the project is closed (in case of early
closure) whichever is earlier.
d. This correction will be counted only for checking whether a candidate
has fulfilled the minimum attendance required for course completion. It
will not be counted for payment of entitlements.
7. For payment of to-and-fro incentives, attendance will be reckoned as per
instructions given in Chapter 8 (and reproduced below) till the centralised
attendance monitoring system is in place.
1. A residential place will have a separate geo tagged, time stamped biometric
attendance system.
2. Attendance will be taken once a day between 6 PM and 10 PM.
3. A minimum of 75 % attendance is compulsory to conclude that a candidate
has availed of residential facilities.
6. Training initiation & completion
Delisted candidates: Candidates who leave or are removed from a batch at any
time from batch training start date to batch freezing date are called delisted
Dropped out candidates: Candidates who are listed in the training programme after
batch freeze date but who do not complete the training programme are called
dropped out candidates.
6. Course attendance will be recorded/calculated from the batch start date. All
the candidates who join after the batch start date but before the batch freeze
date have to be informed of this condition.
1. PIAs should take all precautions during the selection of candidates so that the
number of dropped out candidates in a batch is minimized.
2. Some of the reasons for candidates dropping out or being dropped from a
course are:
3. PIAs shall record the date from which a candidate is treated as dropped out.
6. Training initiation & completion
4. The candidates shall be disbursed all allowances as per norms, and there
shall be no deduction of any allowances to dropped out candidates. For
example, allowances for food and to-and-fro travel shall be provided to a
candidate till the date of delisting/ drop out.
5. Deemed drop out: If a candidate is absent for more than 25% of classes in a
course then she/he is deemed to have dropped out. The PIA should drop the
particular candidate and should not pay any further entitltments.
The above drop outs are permitted only for the purpose of reimbursement
of candidate entitlements. The methodology of how each entitlement is to
be reimbursed is discussed in Chapter 8.
General instructions
1. As far as possible reasons for delisting/dropping out of candidates should be
clearly recorded.
2. The following conditions will be enforced once a centralized database is
Till a centralized database is set up every PIA should ensure that the above is
enforced within its database.
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Reception signage
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Female toilet
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Male toilet
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Direction signage
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Annexure 5.1A1: DDU-GKY brand manual Training centres
Wall arts
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
Annexure 5.3A
DDU-GKY - Uniform
(referred to in SF 5.3A)
Colours to be used:
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
Design of cap
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
Design of Cardigan for women candidates (for centres located in cold region)
And Back
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
Construction Details
Thread Type 3ply polyester for SNLS, 2 Ply Polyester for OL/FL
GSM 200
GSM 300
GSM 130
GSM 90-95
Annexure 5.3A: DDU-GKY - Uniform
GSM 70-72
Yarn & Weave TPM 1800 S/Z, 75 denier, 36 filament per yarn,
GSM 65
Change history
JS/Skills/MoRD To be Chapter 5
decided Section 5.1 and relevant
SFs redrafted
SF 5.1G1 Document
checklist redrafted
Section deleted
Section 5.5.2 redrafted
JS/Skills/MoRD To be Chapter 6
decided Removed Section 6.2.4:
Training start and
freezing of the batch and
relevant SFs and added
Section 6.3: Training
management, and
relevant SFs
SF 6.2A3 redrafted
JS/Skills/MoRD To be Replacing Aajeevika
decided Skills with DDU-GKY
Across SOP
JS/Skills/MoRD To be Replacing AAP State
decided with APS and NON-AAP
State with YPS Across
JS/Skills/MoRD To be Replaced Aajeevika
decided Skills brand manual-
Training centres with
DDU-GKY brand
manual- Training centres