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The text discusses distillation of natural fatty acids and their derivatives. It covers fatty acid composition of various fats and oils as well as their nomenclature and properties.

The largest vegetable oil sources are oilseed crops like soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, and cottonseed. Other major sources include oil-bearing trees like palm, coconut, and olive.

Common fatty acids mentioned include palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid.


Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids

and Their Chemical Derivatives
Steven C. Cermak, Roque L. Evangelista and James A. Kenar
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research,
Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture

1. Introduction
Well over 1,000 different fatty acids are known which are natural components of fats, oils
(triacylglycerols), and other related compounds (Gunstone & Norris, 1983). These fatty acids
can have different alkyl chain lengths (typically ten or more carbon atoms), 0-6 carbon-carbon
double bonds posessing cis- or trans-geometry, and can contain a variety of functional groups
along the alkyl chain (Gunstone et al., 2007b). Of these, there are approximately 20-25 fatty
acids that occur widely in nature, are produced from commodity oils and fats, and find

Fatty acid length and unsaturation

Fat/Oil 8:0 10:0 12:0 14:0 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3 20:0 20:1 22:0 22:1
Canola 0.1 4.1 1.8 60.9 21.0 0.7 0.3
Coconut 7.8 6.7 47.5 18.1 8.8 2.6 6.2 1.6 0.1
Cottonseed 0.7 21.6 2.6 18.6 54.4 0.7 0.3 0.2
Crambe 1.7 0.8 16.1 8.2 2.9 3.3 2.2 59.5
0.8 81.9 3.2 4.3 3.7 0.3 3.6 2.0 0.3
Palm 0.2 1.1 44.0 4.5 39.1 10.1 0.4 0.4
Palm kernel 3.3 3.4 48.2 16.2 8.4 2.5 15.3 2.3 0.1 0.1
Rapeseed 2.7 1.1 14.9 10.1 5.1 10.9 0.7 49.8
Soybean 0.1 0.2 10.7 3.9 22.8 50.8 6.8 0.2
Sunflower 3.7 5.4 81.3 9.0 0.4
Lard 0.1 0.1 1.5 26.0 13.5 43.9 9.5 0.4 0.2 0.7
Tallow 0.1 3.2 23.4 18.6 42.6 2.6 0.7 0.2 0.3
Table 1. Fatty acid composition of selected fats and oils (Evangelista & Cermak, 2007;
Knapp, 1993, OBrien, 2004; Stauffer, 1996)
110 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

major use for food and nutrition applications with the remainder being used by the
oleochemical industry to produce soaps, detergents, personal care products, lubricants, paints,
and more recently, biodiesel. Approximately 17 commodity fats and oils are obtained from
various domesticated plants and animals. The largest vegetable oil sources are the oilseed
crops (soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, and cottonseed) grown in relatively temperate climates.
Another major oil source are oil-bearing trees (palm, coconut, and olive) grown in tropical or
warm climates (OBrien et al., 2000). The triglyceride-containing oils are extracted from
oilseeds by mechanical pressing or by using solvent extraction (n-hexane). Seeds containing
high oil contents are usually mechanically extracted first to reduce the oil content in the seed
by 60% before solvent extraction. Animal fats are obtained by rendering inedible animal by-
products like fat trim, meat, viscera, bone, and blood, generated by slaughter houses and meat
processing industry and mortalities on farms (Dijkstra & Segers, 2007; Hamilton et al., 2006).
World fat and oil production in 1998 was 101 million tons, of which 14.2% (14.3 million tons)
was used as basic oleochemicals (Hill, 2000). In 2009, the global production of fats and oils
increased to 137.5 million tons with 21.2% (29.3 million tons) used for non-food industrial
purposes (Gunstone, 2011). This growth was driven by the high petroleum prices as well as
the growing demand for natural or renewable products (de Guzman, 2009).

Symbol Systematic Name Trivial Name Melting Pointa,b Boiling Pointc

(C) (C/(10 mm Hg)
Saturated fatty acids Acid Methyl Acid Methyl
Ester Ester
10:0 decanoic capric 31.0 -13.5 150 108
12:0 dodecanoic lauric 44.8 4.3 173 133
14:0 tetradecanoic myristic 54.4 18.1 193 161
16:0 hexadecanoic palmitic 62.9 28.5 212 184
18:0 octadecanoic stearic 70.1 37.7 227 205
20:0 eicosanoic arachidic 76.1 46.4 248d 223d
22:0 docosanoic behenic 80.0 53.2 263 240
24:0 tetracosanoic lignoceric 84.2 58.6 --- 198(0.2)e
Unsaturated fatty acidsf
16:1 9-hexadecenoic palmitoleic 0.5 -34.1 180(1)a 182
18:1 9-octadecenoic oleic 16.3 -20.2 223 201
18:2 9,12-octadecadienoic linoleic -6.5 -43.1 224 200
18:3 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic linolenic -12.8 -52.4 225 202
20:1 9-eicosenoic gadoleic 23.0 --- 170(0.1)a 154(0.1)e
20:4 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic arachidonic -49.5 --- 163(1)a 194(0.7)a
22:1 13-docosenoic erucic 33.5 -3.5 255 242
Table 2. Nomenclature of selected fatty acids and their respective melting and boiling
points. aGunstone et al., 2007b. bKnothe & Dunn, 2009. cBudde, 1968. dFarris, 1979. eEthyl
ester. fDouble bonds in the all cis- geometry.
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 111

The fatty acid composition of fats and oils varies widely depending on the source (Table 1).
Coconut and palm kernel oils contain high amounts of medium chain saturated fatty acids
like lauric and myristic acids (Table 2). Palm, tallow and lard oils are high in longer
saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic acids) and monounsaturated oleic acid. Canola,
and sunflower oils are high in oleic acid while soybean oil has more linoleic acid. Rapeseed
and crambe are good sources of long chain fatty acids like erucic acid.
The first step in fatty acid production (Fig. 1) is the splitting or hydrolysis of the triglyceride
molecules of fats and oils in the presence of water to yield glycerine (10% yield) and a
mixture of fatty acids (96% yield), (Gunstone et al., 2007a).


+ 3 H 2O R'COOH + CHOH


Triglyceride Water Fatty Acids Glycerine

Fig. 1. Splitting or hydrolysis of fat or oil triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerine

This can be done batch-wise using the Twitchell process (Ackelsberg, 1958; Twitchell, 1898)
or continuously at high pressure and temperature like the Colgate-Emery process (Barnebey
& Brown, 1948). Typically, the crude fatty acids obtained by the Colgate-Emery process are
considerably lighter in color in comparison to those obtained by the Twitchell process. The
degree of triglyceride hydrolysis is important as residual mono-, di-, triglycerides and free
glycerol in the fatty acid prior to distillation will result in more distillation pot residue
(Potts, 1956). The fatty acids from the fat splitting process are relatively dark in color and
contain various impurities. The fatty acids are subsequently purified or separated into
fractions by distillation and fractionation.

2. Distillation methods used in fatty acid industry

Purification of fatty acids by distillation has been practiced for well over a hundred years and
is still the most common and most efficient means of producing high purity fatty acids.
Distillation removes both the low and high boiling impurities as well as odor substances.
Distillation of fatty acids may be either batch or continous process, at atmospheric pressure or
under reduced pressure. It may be simple distillation involving purification of mixed fatty
acids or fractional distillation consisting of both purification and separation of fatty acids
according to chain length (Gervajio, 2005; Muckerheide, 1952; Potts & White, 1953). Because of
the inherent sensitivity of fatty acids toward heat, the distillation methods employed should be
conducted at as low a temperature as practically and economically feasible while maintaining
the shortest residence time of the fatty acid in the distillation unit. Todays, modern distillation
units rely upon high vacuum, effective heating, short contact times, effective mass transfer
between vapor and condensate, and steam economy (Lausberg et al., 2008).
112 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

2.1 Batch distillation

Batch distillation at atmospheric pressure is probably the oldest of the commercial processes
used in fatty acid distillation. It uses a direct-fired still pot fitted with a steam sparger. The
pot is charged with fatty acids and heated to 260 to 316C and sparged with saturated
steam at 149C. The ratio of steam to fatty acid vapor is typically 5 to 1. The steam and fatty
acid vapor are condensed separately. The economics of this type of distillation is poor due to
the large amount of steam used. Considerable amounts of fatty acids are also entrained in
the steam condensate. Distillation is further complicated because of the prolonged heating of
the fatty acids at high temperatures and the inherent thermal instability of the fatty acids.
This combination often results in considerable decarboxylation and polymerization with
consequently large amounts of viscous residue and pitch. Tall fatty acids of about 95%
hydrolysis when distilled in this manner yield 15 to 20% entrained fatty acids and 10 to 15%
residue. Re-splitting the residue and distillation yields low quality fatty acids and a final
pitch residue of 5 to 8% (Muckerheide, 1952). Later improvements in this distillation
technique included working at reduced pressure (5-50 mm Hg) and lowering the amount of
injected steam. The water from the steam is desirable as it suppresses anhydride formation
(Potts, 1956).

2.2 Continuous distillation

Probably the first fatty acid still to use continuous distillation was developed by Wecker
(1927). A simplified diagram of this process is illustrated in Fig. 2. Preheated fatty acid feed
enters through pipe c and flows through a series of reaction chambers a interconnected by
pipe b. The reaction chambers are heated at the bottom by gas or oil burners. Superheated
steam is introduced through pipe l and injected into the feed in each chamber by a sparger
(m and n). The low pressure imposed in the reaction chamber and the high temperature of
the feed caused the superheated steam to evaporate vigorously resulting in an instantaneous
distillation of the fatty acids. The vapor are led to a pipe header g, condensed by a water-
cooled condenser h, and collected in i. The steam passes on to the barometric condenser
through k and the non-condensable gases are removed by a vacuum pump. The residue
leaving the last reaction chamber is cooled in d and into collector e. Vacuum on the still is
maintained at 30-35 mm Hg and the temperature in the still chambers ranged from 196 to
260F. Residence time of fatty acids is about 30 min.
One disadvantage of steam distillation of fatty acids is the formation of emulsions in the last
stage of condensation where a water spray is used. The calcium and magnesium salts in the
water spray react with the fatty acids forming soaps. To recover the fatty acids, the soap is
acidified and redistilled if desired. This can be avoided by employing dry distillation, i.e.,
distillation without using steam or any gaseous medium as carrier of the fatty acids. Such
process was developed by Mills (1942) who employed a combination of dry and flash
distillation to recover fatty acids from hydrolyzed fats and oils (Fig. 3). The fatty acid to be
distilled is rapidly heated using a heat exchanger (4) to the boiling point corresponding to
the operating pressure ( 12.7 mm Hg absolute) in the still (10). When the heated feed is
introduced to the bottom of the tube (13) and exposed to the lower pressure in the still, the
fatty acids vaporizes immediately. The vapors lift the undistilled residue (11) from the
bottom of the still up the tube and splashes against the bottom of the baffle (15) creating a
continuous curtain of liquid undistilled material. The vapor proceeds to the condensers (17
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 113

Fig. 2. Continuous distillation (Wecker, 1927)

and 18) and the fatty acid condensates are collected in the receivers (20 and 21) which can be
withdrawn continuously or intermittently. The undistilled material is withdrawn
continuously through pipe (30) which can be directed by valve (35) back to the heat
exchanger or by valve (34) to the residue collector (31).
114 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Fig. 3. Continuous dry distillation (Mills, 1942)

2.3 Fractional distillation

Because fatty acids are derived from natural sources, their initial and distilled compositional
mixtures tend to vary even when the same type of fat or oil is used. Users generally prefer
pure fatty acids or mixtures of fatty acids of consistent composition and known properties.
Fractional distillation separates fatty acids based on their boiling points. Fatty acids which
differ in chain length by two carbons are easily separated, thus; fatty acid fractions of 90% or
better purity are obtained (Potts & White, 1953; Ruston, 1952). Fundamentally, fractional
distillation is carried out in the same manner as continuous distillation. The main difference
is in the design of the main fractionating column which is fitted with several bubble cap
trays, means for removal of side stream distillates of fatty acids and return part of these
streams as reflux (Muckerheide, 1952; Stage, 1984).
In the fractionating column, vapors move upwards through the column and condensed at
the top. A portion of the condensate is returned as reflux downwards through the column
where it is brought into more or less intimate contact with the ascending vapors. Heat is
exchanged between the rising warmer vapor and the cooler descending condensate. The
more volatile fraction in the condensate is vaporized and the easily condensable fraction in
the vapor is condensed. Under ideal conditions, the heat lost by the rising vapor is gained
by the descending condensate, with no heat loss or gain from the outside. The net result is
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 115

Fig. 4. Partially fractionated hydrogenated tallow, soybean and cottonseed fatty acids and
fully fractionated hydrogenated tallow, fish, and coconut fatty acids (Berger & McPherson,

the concentration of more volatile fractions on top of the column and the increasing
concentration of less volatile fraction at the bottom of the column (Norris & Terry, 1945).
Fractionating stills are custom designed to suit the feedstock and product requirements.
With lauric type fatty acids from coconut and palm kernel oils, up to 30 fractionating trays
can be used for highest purity fraction because of the higher volatility and greater stability
of the shorter chain fatty acids. Long chain fatty acids like erucic (C22:1) in rapeseed oil have
much lower vapor pressure and would need a limited number of fractionating trays to keep
the reboiler below the decomposition temperature (Berger & McPherson, 1979). Commercial
fatty acid products that can be obtained by fractional distillation are shown in Fig. 4.
The first continuous fractional distillation unit for the separation of a fatty acid mixture was
installed by Armour and Company in 1933 (Fig. 5). The system consisted of the main
fractionating tower, two smaller side stripping towers, conventional air ejectors and
boosters, condensers, coolers, and a direct-fired fatty acid heater. The direct-fired fatty acid
heater was susceptible to coking and corrosion from the fatty acids which resulted in
operation downtime. Shell and tube heaters using condensing Dowtherm vapor as source of
heat replaced the direct-fired heater in subsequent installations (Potts & White, 1953).
Fractional distillation was also employed by General Mills in their fat and oil processing
plant which started operation in 1948. The feed stock is introduced into the first distillation
tower and heated by the rising vapours from the base of the tower (Fig. 6). This eliminated
the problem of fouling in heating tubes when preheating incoming feed. Also, to conserve
space and construction cost, the second distillation tower was superimposed on the third.
Fractionated fatty acids, fatty acid esters, and their derivatives were produced from low
grade fats, oils, acid oils, and tall oil.
116 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Fig. 5. Flow diagram of fractional distillation employed by Armour and Company in 1933
(Potts & White, 1953)

Fig. 6. Flow diagram of fractional distillation employed by General Mills in 1948 (Potts &
White, 1953)
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 117

2.4 Molecular distillation

Molecular distillation is industrially useful in the purification of unstable or highly
oxidatively unstable fats, oils and their derivatives. Molecular distillation consists of at least
the following types: wiped film molecular distillation unit (Fig. 7) and centrifugal molecular
distillation unit (Fig. 8).

Fig. 7. Wiped film molecular distillation unit (Marttinello et al., 2008)

Fig. 8. Centrifugal film molecular distillation unit (Nuns et al., 1994)
118 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Molecular distillations are conducted under vacuum conditions, which allows for reduced
distillation temperatures compared to conventional distillation techniques thus reducing the
risk of oxidative damage. Separating the oils components by weight allows contaminates to
be reduced far below industry standards. Current industrial applications include cosmetic
applications, the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and corresponding
esters in fish oil (Rossi et al., 2011), and contaminant removal. Additionally, Vitamin E
(Pramparo et al., 2005), Vitamin A, cocoa butter, dimer acids, epoxy resins, lubricants,
monoglycerides, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, perfumery and flavours, essential oils,
Azadirachtin (Neem based pesticides) and its formulations as well as many other natural &
herbal products have been distilled on an industrial scale using this process. Additional
applications and information on fatty acid molecular distillation will be reported in Section
3.3 Distillation.

3. New crops and products

Development of new crops in the United States is based on a history of screening and
identifying plants for novel chemicals, germplasm development of a select few unique
plants, isolation of raw materials (processing, refining and distilling), product development,
evaluation, and scale-up to commercial production and, finally, the transfer of knowledge to
industrial partners and farmers. In most cases, these new crop identifications initially begin
with the individual selection based on oil composition and unique fatty acid profiles,
followed by continued evaluation and development based on novel raw materials,
industrial applications of the raw materials and agronomic potential. From this extensive
survey, two crops were selected to focus on (Cuphea and Meadowfoam). Additionally, these
crops have had been converted into industrial products which require some degree of
purification. Thus separations of both the new crop fatty acids and new products have
undergone distillations.

3.1 New crop examples

3.1.1 Meadowfoam
One example of a successful new crop is meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba). In the 1960s,
USDA scientists identified this plant as a potential new crop out of hundreds of others
that needed further research. In the 1970s, a meadowfoam breeding program began the
daunting task of domesticating this plant. By the 1990s, numerous varieties had been
released and meadowfoam reached commercial scale (approximately 8000 acres in 1997)
in the Willamette Valley of Oregon located in the Northwestern US. The unique long
chain fatty acids of meadowfoam [5-eicosenoic acid (62%); 5,13-docosadienoic acid (19%);
5-docosenoic acid (3%); and 13-docosenoic acid (10%)] helped advance its development
(Phillips et al., 1971). Finally, the 5 unsaturation itself has enhanced resistance to
oxidative degradation as evidenced by the high OSI of the oil (246.9 h @ 110C) which
makes meadowfoam oil one of the most stable oils available on the market (Isbell et al.,
1999). Meadowfoam oil is found in numerous cosmetic applications, such as hair
shampoos and conditioners, skin creams, hair setting aids, permanents, hair relaxers, and
hair colors.
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 119

3.1.2 Cuphea
Cuphea (Lythraceae) is a large genus of over 200 species of herbs and shrubs that produces a
small seed with oil that is rich in saturated medium-chain triacylglycerols (which can be
converted to medium chain fatty acids, MCFAs) (Graham et al., 1981; Knapp, 1993; Miller et
al., 1964; Wolf et al., 1983). MCFAs (C8:0-C12:0) are used primarily in soaps (Nandi et al.,
2004), detergents (Molly & Bruggeman, 2004), cosmetics (Brown et al., 2008), lubricants
(Nagaoka & Ibuki, 2000), and food applications (Tholstrup et al., 2004). One-half of the
MCFAs used by the US soap and detergent industry are obtained from coconut and palm
kernel oils, while the other half is from petroleum (Hardin, 1991).
With the need for higher seed yields, oil content, and less seed shattering, Steve Knapp (1993)
at Oregon State University began developing promising cuphea crosses. Cuphea PSR-23 is a
hybrid between Cuphea viscosissima (a species native to the US) and Cuphea lanceolata (a species
native to Mexico). One of these new germplasm lines, PSR-23, with partial seed retention and
high in C10:0, decanoic acid, was developed and has been planted in the Midwest and
mechanically harvested and dried (Cermak et al., 2005) by researchers at USDA since 2000.
The seeds weighed 538 g/L (3.3 g/1,000 seeds) and contain up to 35% oil (Table 1). The oil
typically contains around 82% capric, 4% oleic, 4% palmitic, 2% linoleic, 4% myristic, and 3%
lauric acids (Evangelista & Manthey, 2004; Gesch et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2011).
Recent seed increases in Cuphea provided sufficient amounts of seed to conduct oil
extraction studies and, at the same time, produce much needed oil for product development
and applications testing. The first report on full press oil extraction from Cuphea seeds was
also optimized in a pilot-scale study (Evangelista & Cermak, 2007). Oil extracted by pilot
plant screw pressing of whole Cuphea seeds produced dark green colored oil. Chlorophyll
content of the oil, ranging from 200-260 ppm, had been reported, but levels up to 326 ppm
have recently been observed (Evangelista & Cermak, 2007). About 6.5-8% bleaching clay had
been used in the bleaching step to bring the chlorophyll level in the refined oil to 0.5 ppm.
Aside from the added cost of the bleaching clay, more oil is also lost as these adsorbents
retain between 50-75% their weight of oil. With a supply of cuphea oil a series of new
products could be developed from this new oil or corresponding fatty acids ranging from
biodiesel (Geller et al., 1999), to cosmetics (Brown et al., 2008) to lubricants (Cermak & Isbell,
2004a,b; Cermak et al., 2008).

3.2 Estolides
Estolides have been used to help develop new products from industrial crops (Cermak &
Isbell, 2001b). Estolides are formed by the formation of a carbocation that can undergo
nucleophilic addition with or without carbocation migration along the length of the chain.
The carboxylic acid functionality of one fatty acid links to the site of unsaturation of another
fatty acid to form oligomeric esters. The extent of oligomerization is reported by estolide
number (EN) which is defined as the average number of fatty acids added to the base fatty
acid. The estolide carboxylic acid functionality can be converted in situ under esterification
conditions with the addition of an alcohol to yield the corresponding estolide ester (Fig. 9).
Estolides from a number of fatty acids have been shown to have desirable low-temperature
properties (Cermak & Isbell, 2001a,b; Isbell et al., 2000a) making them suitable for lubricants.
However, the current market price of meadowfoam precludes its use in these markets.
120 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Oleic Acid
Acid = H2SO 4 (n = 0-3, 65%)
Acid = HClO4 (n = 0-10, 76%)
Acid = p-Toluenesulfonic (n = 0-3, 45%)
Acid = Montmorillonite K-10 (n = 0-1, 10-30%)

O O EN = n +1
Estolide Free-Acid

Fig. 9. General Oleic Estolide Free-Acid Synthesis

Therefore, meadowfoam has been marketed into cosmetics where the estolide has shown
good properties for use in hair conditioners (Isbell et al., 2000b), but dark colored products
have limited the estolides use. Frykman and Isbell (1999) have shown that some color
reduction is possible by bleaching with sodium borohydride, but further color reduction
may be required. A second method for estolide purification was reported based on
chromatography, but this method only provided trace quantities of individually purified
oligomers for qualitative characterization (Isbell & Kleiman, 1994 and 1996) and would not
serve as a means for industrial-scale estolide production.

3.3 Distillation
Coconut and palm kernel oils alone provided more than 450 thousand tons of decanoic acid
to the global market in 2006, where it is used as a wood preservative (Yoshida & Iinuma,
2004) cosmetic agents for hair (Hoppe & Engel, 1989), activity against termites (Goettsche &
Borck, 1994), dental compositions (Velamakanni et al., 2006), lubricants (Cermak & Isbell,
2004a), fabric softeners (Hohener & Frick, 2003) and cosmetics (Ishii & Mikami, 1995).
Cuts of saturated fatty acids can be successfully distilled from coconut and palm kernel fatty
acids at relatively low temperatures to produce nearly colorless fatty acids. There are many
compounds that are sensitive to heat such as high vacuum oils (Rees, 1980), vegetable oils
(Cermak & Isbell, 2002; Isbell & Cermak, 2004), pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics (Batistella &
Marciel, 1996) which prohibit the use of conventional distillation techniques. Molecular or
short-path distillation, which has been known for some time (Biehler et al., 1949), uses a
high vacuum to achieve distillation of thermally unstable materials, and is often the most
economically feasible method of purification. Centrifugal and falling films are two basic
types of molecular distillation units which use a short exposure of the distilled liquid to the
evaporating cylinder. The high temperature exposure time in these stills is on the order of a
few seconds to tenths of seconds as the liquid is spread evenly in the form of a film (Micov
et al., 1997). These types of distillation units have been used successfully to demonstrate and
compare the distillation of many different compounds, such as carotenoids from palm oil
(Batistella & Marciel, 1998), cuphea fatty acids (Cermak et al., 2007), and estolides (Isbell &
Cermak, 2004).
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 121

At the USDA laboratory, estolides and new crop fatty acids have been distilled on both the
Myers Lab 3 and Myers Pilot 15 molecular distillation units (Myers Vacuum, Kittanning,
PA), the simpler of the two being the Myers Lab 3 (diagram illustrating the operational
features of this unit is presented in Fig. 10). The condenser temperature can be set to the
desired temperature, rotor speed was constant at 1725 rpm, and cold tap water was used to
cool the diffusion pump and rotor bearing. Vacuum pressure is usually maintained at 6x10-4
3x10-3 mm Hg at both the chamber and foreline pressure sensors.

Feed Reservoir
Feed Reservoir Degas Valve
Chamber Pressure Sensor
Diffusion Pump
Feed Reservoir Foreline Pressure
Metering Valve Sensor

Heated Rotor

Mechanical Pump

Distillate Flask Residue Flask

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of Myers Lab 3 short path molecular distillation unit

The more complex unit, a Myers Pilot-15 distillation unit (Fig. 11), was used for pilot scale
distillations (Cermak & Isbell, 2002). It is a continuous, centrifugal 38.1 cm molecular still
that contains all of the components needed for distilling raw feedstock. Raw feedstock is
delivered with a metering valve and a gear pump. It first enters a degasser unit which is
maintained at pressures between 5.4x10-3 6.8x10-2 mm Hg. It then enters the heated
evaporator cone or distillation chamber, where the molecular distillation takes place. The
distillate and residue are continuously removed by transfer pumps. The material is passed
to and from each station through stainless steel transfer lines, which are traced with heating
tapes. This unit was designed for use in extended or large scale distillations of ~50 gals/day.
The major component of the Myers Pilot-15 distillation unit is a concave, heated evaporator
cone, which rotates within the distillation chamber and is maintained at pressures as low as
<6.8x10-5 mm Hg (Fig. 12). Degassed and/or stripped feedstock is metered by the feed
pump into the center of the spinning evaporator cone (1700 rpm) and is spread rapidly and
evenly outward in a thin film over the entire surface by centrifugal forces. As the film
spreads and is heated, part of the feedstock reaches a temperature at which it vaporizes and
122 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Vacuum &
Diffusion Pump

Distillation Chamber
with Rotor

Vent o
Feed o
Return to
Tank Feed Tank
Degas Chamber Residue
Distillate X Distillate
X X Pump
Degasser Drain

Residue X
Rotor Pump
Feed Pump Residue

Return to
Feed Tank X
X = three-way valves
= metering valve

Fig. 11. Operational Flow Diagram for the Myers Pilot-15 Distillation Unit

water out Heating


Rotor Temp.
Condenser Probe
Plate Motor

Residue Temp.

Cooling water in
Fig. 12. Side View of Myers Pilot-15 Distillation Chamber

leaves the rotor surface to condense on the cooler surface of the condenser plate. With the
help of centrifugal force the unvaporized feedstock, the residue, is spun into a gutter, where
it is removed from the still by a constant-speed transfer pump. The condensed vapor, the
distillate, flows by gravity into a removal pipe located at the bottom of the distillation
chamber and then pumped from the still by another constant speed transfer pump. The
operational distillation unit has two temperature sensors in the distillation chamber. The
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 123

first sensor, which monitors the temperature of the rotor, is located by the electric heating
elements just beneath the 38.1 cm rotor. This first temperature corresponds to the
temperature of the heating element, not the temperature of the rotor. The actual temperature
of the rotor can be varied by varying the flow of feed material without affecting the element
temperature. The second and most important temperature sensor measures the temperature
of the residue. This sensor is located in the gutter where the residue is collected during
distillation. The residue sensor provides the closest temperature of the rotor, since it is a
measurement of the temperature of the material that was just in contact with the rotor.
All the transfer lines and pumps are wrapped with heating tapes. The heating tape and
electrical elements are controlled with digital controllers either based on percent power
demand or actual measured temperature. Each region of the transfer line and pump has
internal temperature probes that measure the temperature of the material as it passes the
These two distillation units common to industrial processes have allowed new crop fatty
acids and products to be distilled at levels acceptable for industrial purposes. These
materials have than been used in commercial products such as cosmetics (Brown et al., 2008;
Isbell et al., 2000b) and lubricants (Cermak & Isbell, 2004a,b; Cermak et al., 2008).

3.3.1 Cuphea
Estolides have been previously synthesized by USDAs National Laboratory in Peoria, IL,
from C10:0 decanoic acid, cuphea oil, Table 1 (Cermak & Isbell, 2004a). These estolides have
useful properties as lubricants based on the physical properties exhibited by these C10:0
materials. An issue associated with the decanoic estolides is the color of the final product.
Commercial decanoic acid is not as refined as other mid-chain fatty acids, so removal of the
color bodies is necessary for light colored estolides. The measurement of the color of a
material is designated as the Gardner color. The Gardner color scale is from 1 to 18 with 1
containing the least amount of color and 18 with the maximum amount of color. Lubricant
manufacturers and consumers would prefer lubricants with colors similar to current
petroleum oils, lower numbers i.e. Gardner 1 to 3. To obtain these properties, the starting
material must be distilled, which is costly and can lead to undesired additional color bodies
with certain distillation techniques. The ability to achieve a fast and mild distillation of
short-chain fatty acids could be used to obtain oil with low Gardner color while the residue
would not be darkened by the distillation process. These improvements with decanoic acid
would help with the commercialization of cuphea as a new oil seed and give US farmers a
valuable rotation crop. This studies objective was to investigate the general conditions
necessary for laboratory molecular distillation of decanoic acid or enrichment from cuphea
fatty acids. Fatty acid profiles, Gardner colors, and flow rate requirements were examined to
determine the best set of operating conditions.
The basic experimental conditions for the two different flow rates, high and low, over eight
different rotor temperature settings, their effects on split ratio determined by mass, Gardner
colors, and percent short saturated fatty acids are reported in Table 3. The split ratios of the
high and low flow rates across the rotor are similar (Fig. 13A). However, as the rotor
temperature was increased to 110C and greater, the split ratios increased with the lower
flow rate. The increased mass in the distillate fraction would be expected at the lower flow
124 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Trial Rotor tempa Flow Split C8 and C10 FAs (%)b Gardner color
(C) (g/min) flow Distillate Residue Distillate Residue
1 40 1.49 0.03 98.9 81.9 1- 1
2 40 0.49 0.03 98.9 81.5 1- 1
3 50 1.36 0.30 98.5 77.4 1- 2
4 50 0.54 0.12 98.8 80.3 1- 3
5 55 1.65 0.93 97.0 69.5 1- 1
6 55 0.49 0.37 98.3 76.9 1- 1
7 60 1.99 1.30 96.5 63.4 1- 1
8 60 0.52 0.85 96.2 69.2 1- 2
9 65 2.23 1.47 95.5 62.7 1- 1
10 70 1.36 1.44 95.1 62.3 1- 3-
11 70 0.46 0.98 96.1 67.9 1- 2
12 90 1.72 1.79 88.2 58.9 1- 1
13 90 0.50 1.97 89.8 66.6 1- 1
14 110 1.87 4.63 83.8 69.1 1- 6-
15 110 0.54 4.92 83.3 66.9 1- 7
a Heated rotor spinning at 28.75 Hz under a high vacuum (6x10-4 3x10-3 mm Hg)
b Saturated fatty acids determined by GC (SP-2380, 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d.)
Table 3. Effects of molecular distillation parameters on fatty acids, split ratio, and color

rate because heat transfer to a smaller amount of material passing across the rotor would be
more efficient (Isbell & Cermak, 2004). Data points are not reported past 110C because the
saturated fatty acids in this study had distilled before that temperature.
As the rotor temperature was increased the split ratios of distillate to residue increased and
affected what was being distilled. At increased temperatures, more unsaturates and higher
chain saturated fatty acids were distilled affecting the purity of the sample. The purity of the
distillate as defined by the percent of octanoic (C8:0) and decanoic (C10:0) fatty acids is
shown in Fig. 13B. Both the high and low flow rates gave similar results as the temp was
increased. All temperatures 70C and less provided materials that were greater than 95%
enriched in C8:0 and C10:0 FAs. With a lower rotor temperature a greater quantity of short
saturated fatty acids was present in the distillate faction. As the rotor temperature was
increased, both the low and high flow rate distillates contained lower percentages of the
short saturated fatty acids, but the amounts of distillate increased over the amount of
As the rotor temperature was increased, the distillate to residue split ratio increased, but the
percent of short-chain fatty acids decreased in the distillate samples. The split ratios of the
multiple-pass distillations increased with each consecutive distillation from 2.50 (Table 4,
Trial 16) to 16.59 (Trial 19). The distillate percents of C8:0 and C10:0 and overall saturates all
increased as expected as the distillate was further purified to obtain high percents of total
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 125

Low flow rate
5.5 98 High flow rate
Low flow rate
High flow rate 96

C-8 and C-10 fatty acid (%)


3.5 92
Split ratio

3.0 90


1.0 84

0.5 82
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
o o
Rotor temperature ( C) Rotor temperature ( C)

Fig. 13. A) Effect of rotor temperature on split ratio or B) Effect of rotor temperature on C8:0
and C10:0 fatty acids

Split Flow
Trial Distillation Ratio Fatty acid (%)a
(pass) 8:0 10:0 12:0 14:0 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2
16 First 2.50 0.8 89.8 3.1 3.0 1.6 0.0 1.0 0.6
17 Second 11.33 0.7 91.4 3.0 2.6 1.2 0.0 0.6 0.4
18 Third 15.50 0.7 92.4 2.9 2.4 0.9 0.0 0.4 0.3
19 Fourth 16.59 0.6 92.9 2.9 2.2 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.2
20 Fifth 11.79 0.6 93.8 2.7 2.0 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.0
a Determined by GC (SP-2380, 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d.) and standard deviation < + 0.10
Table 4. Fatty acid profile of distillate distillations at 70C

saturates (99.8 %, Trial 19). The fatty acid profile for the multiple-pass distillation is shown
in Table 4. After the first pass (Trial 16), stearic and linolenic fatty acids were removed and
each additional pass started to remove the linoleic and oleic fatty acids. The final pass
yielded a material that contained only 0.2% oleic as the only unsaturation in the fraction.
Single-pass distillation is the simplest and least expensive mode of distillation, but some
applications require additional distillations to achieve difficult separations. Separating
materials that are very close in molecular weight or have very similar boiling points can
require multiple-pass distillations. One of the main reasons for performing single or
multiple-pass distillations is to aid in the removal of color bodies. All the cuphea FA
distillates had very excellent Gardner colors of 1-, which is the lowest color rating (Table 3).
The residues varied in the amount of color bodies in the samples depending on whether the
residue was a single or multiple-pass distillation. A multiple-pass distillation of a distillate is
prime example to explore the removal of color bodies. The first distillation gave a distillate
with a Gardner color of 1-, however, when that material was re-distilled, the residue led to a
Gardner color of 6+ (Cermak et al., 2007). Each consecutive distillation had higher split flow
126 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

rates and showed that most of the material was being distilled. This increase was expected
as only small amounts of saturates and/or color bodies were left to be removed with each
distillation. This multiple-pass distillate would be very desirable for very color sensitive
With the Myers 3 being primarily a laboratory molecular distillation unit, one of the main
goals was to have a high throughput while collecting quality saturated material. This
equipment would meet these high throughput conditions when the rotor temperature was
set to 65C with a high flow rate of 2.2 g/min while maintaining a distillate to residue split
ratio of about 1.5 as demonstrated in Table 3 (Trial 9). The distillate produced would contain
high percents of C8:0 and C10:0 as well as no unsaturates. The Gardner color values were
excellent under these conditions as well. Thus, cuphea fatty acids were effectively separated
with the Myers 3 lab-scale centrifugal molecular distillation unit.

3.3.2 Meadowfoam
Previous studies of meadowfoam oil and the corresponding fatty acids have resulted in
several novel compounds, i.e., estolides (Isbell & Kleiman, 1994 and 1996) and lactones
(Isbell & Cermak, 2001). Meadowfoam estolides have cosmetic applications as they improve
conditioning, shine, and comb-out compared with existing conditioners (Isbell et al., 2000b).
One of the biggest problems with meadowfoam estolides is their color. Ideally, cosmetic
ingredients should be colorless (Gardner=0). Crude meadowfoam fatty acids are very dark
(Gardner=15+), which leads to very dark estolides (Gardner=18+). If crude meadowfoam
fatty acids could be purified to a low Gardner color at a low cost, this would lead to a lower
colored estolide and eliminate post-distillation decolorization (Frykman & Isbell, 1999).
Color improvements in meadowfoam estolide and fatty acids would help the
commercialization of this new oil seed and give US farmers a valuable rotation crop.
Crude mixtures of meadowfoam fatty acids were separated using a Myers Pilot-15
molecular centrifugal distillation unit. A series of conditions were examined to identify the
optimum operating conditions including: rotor temperature, degas temperature, rotor
preheat, and flow to the rotor (Cermak & Isbell, 2002). The main heating source for the
distillation unit is the rotor element, which is located beneath the rotor and can range
anywhere from room temperature to 800C (Fig. 12). Thus, the easiest place to make a
significant impact on heat available for distillation is in the distillation chamber. A set of
conditions where the rotor temperature was varied while other system conditions remained
constant is shown in Table 5. The flow rate of the feed stock was set at 100 g/min. The rotor
temperature was changed from 275 to 475C as the data points were collected. As the
temperature increased, the distillate to residue ratio also increased, which was expected. At
a rotor temperature of 475 C, most of the material was distilled and only a small fraction
was collected as residue. With the increased temperature, color bodies also distilled. The
Gardner color for the distillation products with varying rotor temperature are reported in
Table 5. The 475C distillation had a Gardner color of 4, whereas the ideal Gardner color is 1.
The increased rotor temperature, unfortunately, maximized the amount of distilled material
at the sacrifice of color. The fatty acid profile of both the residue and distillate are reported
in Table 5. The crude meadowfoam main components were 5-eicosenoic acid (59.9%), 5,13-
docosadienoic acid (17.3%), 5-docosenoic acid (4.3%), and 13-docosenoic acid (11.9%). The
distillation at a rotor temperature of 425C resulted in the closest percent composition to the
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 127

Rotor C20:1 C22:1 C22:2 Gardner

Temp (%) (%) (%) color
C 5-d 5-r 5-d 5-r 13-d 13-r 5,13-d 5,13-r Distillate
S.M. 59.9 4.3 17.3 11.9 15
275 72.0 56.9 2.0 4.9 5.8 13.4 10.1 18.9 3
325 69.2 54.1 2.6 5.6 7.3 15.3 11.9 20.2 1
375 69.6 40.1 2.8 7.4 7.9 20.2 12.9 26.1 1
400 63.2 38.2 3.4 8.9 9.4 23.7 14.6 27.1 1
425 59.7 35.0 4.3 7.1 12.0 19.4 17.4 23.8 1
475 59.2 35.2 4.4 6.6 18.0 18.0 17.5 21.9 4
Table 5. Fatty acid profile - varying rotor temperature

crude meadowfoam fatty acids. Different ratios of fatty acids were distilled depending on
the rotor temperature. For the two rotor temperature extremes of 275 and 475C, the amount
of 5-eicosenoic acid was enriched in the distillate to 72.0% at 275C from 59.2%, whereas the
5,13-docosadienoic acid was enriched in the distillate to 17.5% at the upper temperature of
475C from 10.1%.
Meadowfoam fatty acids were effectively separated by a Myers Pilot-15 molecular
distillation unit. The precise distillation conditions were determined by varying conditions
to obtain material that was light in color, Gardner color of 1. Conditions were then chosen to
minimize high energy demands on any one element of the system. The varying conditions
described were used to determine the ideal distillation conditions (Cermak & Isbell, 2002).
All of the conditions played a vital role in conducting a successful distillation. The rotor
temperature and flow rate had the greatest impact on the Gardner color and the fatty acid
composition of the distillate. After the ideal conditions were determined, an additional
larger volume (95 L) of meadowfoam fatty acids was distilled to verify the conditions.
Additionally, meadowfoam estolides can be distilled on the Myers Lab 3 (Fig. 10) to
separate the monoestolides (EN=1) and polyestolides (EN>1) (Fig. 9). Table 6 shows
experimental conditions for two flow rates over seven different temperature settings and
their effect on split ratio, which was determined by mass. The split ratio for both high and
low flow rates across the rotor are similar. However, at the low flow rate (0.32 g/min) and
high temperatures (300C), the split ratio is nearly twice that of the high flow rate (1.79
g/min). The increased mass in the distillate fraction would be expected at the lower flow
rate because heat transfer to a smaller amount of material passing across the rotor would be
more efficient. However, these higher split ratios lowers monoestolide purity which
decreases beyond 275C (Fig. 14). The highest distillate purity occurs for both the low and
high flow rates at 200C (Fig. 14). At 325C, splatter from the feed stock bumping as it comes
into contact with the hot rotor became a significant problem and contaminated the distillate.
Therefore, the sample at high flow rate at 325C was not collected.
Myers Lab 3 distillation unit proved effective. Color from the distillate was effectively
removed from the monoestolide fraction with a Gardner color of 1 for those fractions below
250C (Table 6). This corresponds well with the optimum distillation temperature of 225C.
128 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Set Split
Temperature (C)
point Isolated mass (g) Rate ratio Gardner color
(C) Rotor Distillate Residue Distillate (g/min) Residue Distillate
Low flow rate
175 174 29.3 0.9 19.2 1.01 0.05 12 1
200 201 29.4 2.4 15.9 0.92 0.15 12 1
225 226 29.8 2.7 12.9 0.78 0.21 12 1
250 249 29.9 3.6 9.5 0.66 0.38 12 1
275 274 29.8 5.2 9.5 0.74 0.55 12 4
300 299 30.1 3.0 3.3 0.32 0.91 12 5
325 322 30.2 8.1 6.2 0.72 1.31 12 6
High flow rate
175 174 29.7 4.0 39.9 2.20 0.10 12 3
200 198 29.5 7.6 34.2 2.09 0.22 13 1
225 225 30.2 7.5 31.0 1.93 0.24 14 3
250 248 30.5 8.7 18.7 1.37 0.47 14 4
275 274 29.7 8.2 20.2 1.42 0.41 14 4
300 299 30.4 13.8 21.9 1.79 0.63 14 6
Table 6. Effect of Myer Lab 3 distillation parameters on split and color

Monoestolide (%)

High Flow Rate


Low Flow Rate

160 200 240 280 320
Temperature ( C)

Fig. 14. Effect of rotor temperature on monoestolide composition in distillate fraction

Higher temperatures show degradation in color values as a result of co-distillation and

splatter from the color bodies found in the polyestolide fraction. This color improvement
from the starting material (Gardner color of 12) should greatly enhance the value of this
material for cosmetic applications where product color is an important factor.
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 129

4. Fatty acid alkyl ester derivatives

Industrially, mono-alkyl fatty acid esters can be prepared by reacting fat and oil
triglycerides with an alcohol using akaline-catalyzed interesterification (alcoholysis) or from
the direct esterification of fatty acids (Farris, 1979; Sonntag, 1982). Although a variety of
alcohols can be utilized, fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) prepared using methanol are most
common based on price and availability. These fatty acid esters not only serve as specialty

to produce fatty alcohols, alkanolamides, and -sulfonated methyl esters (Gervajio, 2005;
chemicals but are also used extensively in various oleochemical processes as intermediates

Gunstone et al., 2007a). Additionally, fatty acid esters, particularly fatty acid methyl esters,
are used extensively for the burgeoning biodiesel industry (mono-alkyl esters of long-chain
fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats).

4.1 Distillation
With regards to distillation, mono-alkyl fatty acid esters have several significant advantages
when compared to the distillation of fatty acids (Budde, 1968; Farris, 1979). Because the acid
moiety is in the ester form, the fatty acid esters are less corrosive. Therefore, expensive
corrosion resistant equipment may not be necessary. Since the ester group cannot participate
in hydrogen bonding the esters have lower boiling points, are oftentimes easier to
fractionate, and require less energy for their fractionation, Table 2. As can be seen from
Table 2, the esters tend to boil approximately 30C below their corresponding fatty acids. As
a result of the two aforementioned properties, the esters are also less susceptible to color
formation, decarboxylation and degradation during the distillation. Finally, the fatty acid
methyl esters are more ameneable to fractional distillation and separation since they follow
Raoults law more closely than their corresponding fatty acids, which show significant
deviation from Raoults law making it difficult to fractionally distill and separate fatty acids
differing by two carbon atoms in chain length (Budde, 1968; Markley, 1964).
Careful control of the distillation parameters allows the advantages inherent to the fatty acid
esters to be exploited and used advantageously especially when attempting to fractionate
thermolabile materials such as highly unsaturated esters derived from marine oils.
Fractional distillation has been performed for some time on a variety of saturated and highly
unsaturated fatty acid ester mixtures at reduced pressures on the laboratory scale as a
method to purify fatty acid esters. Early reports examined the separation of various fatty
acid methyl esters of corn (Baughman & Jamieson, 1921), sunflower (Baughman & Jamieson,
1922b), soybean (Baughman & Jamieson, 1922a), and menhaden oils (Brown & Beal, 1923) by
fractional distillation into their various components. Later spinning band columns improved
distillation fractionation; for example, Weitkamp (1945) reported the isolation of 32
compounds into four main compound classes (fatty acids, 2-hydroxy acids, and two types of
branched iso and anteiso acids) from wool wax by distilling fatty acid methyl esters. Privett
and coworkers (1959) distilled several fractions of methyl esters derived from pork liver
lipids. Fractional distillation of unsaturated C20 esters from rapeseed (Haeffner, 1970) and
herring oil methyl esters (Ackman et al., 1973) have also been reported. Methyl
docosahexaenoate (C22:6) was fractionated from a fatty acid methyl ester mixture derived
from tuna oil using spinning band distillation at a pressure of 0.025-0.030 mm Hg (Privett et
al., 1969). Unique to this method, an amplified distillation process was used, wherein a
mixture of carrier components based on long chain acetates (3 g myristyl, 7 g palmitoleyl, 7
130 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

g oleyl, 5 g of 11-eicosenoyl, and 3 g erucyl acetates) was employed to facilitate the

fractionation of minor components and minimize artifacts arising from C22:6 methyl ester
degradation by keeping the distillation temperature from rising sharply during
fractionation. The carrier acetates were present in two-to three-fold excess over the fatty acid
methyl esters and were chosen to have a range of boiling points covering that of the sample,
not form azeotropes and could be separated easily with any sample components. Distillation
gave fractions containing mixtures of the enriched methyl esters and acetates. These
separate fractions containing the desired methyl esters and carrier acetates were then
saponified to give long chain alcohols (from carriers) which were extracted from the soaps
as nonsaponifiable matter. The sodium acetate was converted to acetic acid by acidification
and separated from the desired fatty acids by extraction with distilled water. By this method
a cut of tuna oil containing 84% C22:6 was obtained.
The development of molecular distillation techniques characterized by short exposure of the
sample to high temperatures, short path length for the distillate, and high vacuum led to
better column efficiencies. Many reports on the molecular distillation of fatty acid esters
from sunflower and soybean esters (Pramparo et al., 2005), rapeseed fatty acid esters and
tocopherols (Jiang et al., 2006), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl
esters (Brevik et al., 1997), and squid visceral oil ethyl esters (Liang & Hwang, 2000; Rossi et
al., 2011) have been reported. Vzquez and Akoh (2010) reported a detailed study on the
fractionation of short and medium chain fatty acid ethyl esters via short-path distillation
that were obtained from a blend of coconut oil and dairy fat. They examined feed rates,
temperatures, and single or multiple steps. They were able to obtain fractions containing a
high purity of specific fatty acid ethyl esters with a desired composition and yield.
On an industrial scale, a recent set of patents describe a continuous process (~2,000 kg/h)
whereby fractional distillation of palm kernel fatty acid methyl esters is done to produce
technical grade oleic acid methyl esters (~75 wt%) containing low levels of saturated methyl
palmitate (< 5 wt%) and methyl stearate (<2 wt%) (Heck et al., 2000; Heck et al., 2005). This
method avoids additional crystallization steps currently used by other processes. The
resulting enriched methyl oleate fraction could then be reduced to obtain the corresponding
unsaturated fatty alcohols. In this process, the starting palm kernel methyl esters are first
fractionally distilled to separate the C8-C14 esters from the C16-C18 esters. The bottom C16-
C18 ester fraction is subsequently fractionally distilled to separate the C18 esters (saturated
and unsaturated) from the C16 esters. Finally, the C18 esters are fractionally distilled to
obtain an enriched C18 unsaturated fraction (methyl oleate) while reducing the saturated
C18 ester (methyl stearate) to less than 2 wt%.
A 1999 patent describes the large scale fractional distillation of rapeseed methyl esters,
among other fats and oil esters, to obtain a colorless fraction enriched in C22 (behenic)
methyl esters with low acid value and purity of at least 86 wt% (Kenneally et al., 1999). The
starting rapeseed methyl esters composition was C16-3.5%, C18-38.0%, C20-9.7%, C22-
47.4%, C24-1.4%. Batch fractional distillation at 232-274C of the rapeseed methyl esters
using a packed column with 10 theoretical stages, overhead condenser, receiver, and
vacuum pump operating between 5-25 mm Hg gave a 32% yield of the C22 methyl ester cut
containing 92.6% C22 and 1.8% C18.
The explosive growth of the biodiesel industry has focused attention on mono-alkyl esters of
long-chain fatty acids. Typically, biodiesel is comprised of fatty acid methyl esters, although
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 131

ethyl, propyl, butyl esters, etc. might be used for either B100 or blending applications.
Because various esters may be used and these higher esters likely have boiling points higher
than the methyl esters, focus on the distillation characteristics of these fatty acid esters with
regards to biodiesel specifications are important. Accordingly, Schober and coworkers
(2010) have examined the distillation characteristics for a series of fatty acid ethyl esters
derived from various feedstock following ASTM D1160 specifications. They found the ethyl
esters exceeded the maximum limit set for in the ASTM specifications which has important
implications for higher esters to be used as biodiesel.

4.2 Reactive distillation

Reactive distillation has been known since the 1920s but has gotten renewed interest in
recent years. The complexities of reactive distillation have been thoroughly reviewed
(Malone & Doherty, 2000; Sharma & Singh, 2010; Taylor & Krishna, 2000). Reactive
distillation is the simultaneous implementation of reaction and distillation within a single
column unit, whereby the reactants are converted to products in a reaction zone in the
presence of catalyst with simultaneous distillation of the products and recycling of unused
reactants to the reaction zone (Doherty & Buzad, 1992; Kiss et al. 2008, Malone & Doherty,
2000; Omota et al., 2001; Omota et al., 2003ab; Sharma & Singh, 2010; Taylor & Krishna,
2000). A diagram comparing a conventional reaction and distillation process to a reactive
distillation process is shown in Fig. 15.
Briefly, as seen in Fig 15a., the reaction in the presence of catalyst takes place in a separate
reactor. The crude products are transferred to a sequence of distillation columns are
required to produce pure C and D by the conventional process. The unreacted components,
A and B, are recycled back to the reactor. In contrast, Fig 15b shows that by combining the
reaction and distillation operations, A and B continuously react in the reaction zone while
products C and D are removed from A and B in the rectifying and stripping sections at the
top and bottom, respectively (Taylor, & Krishna, 2000). This technique can reach 100%
conversion and potentially minimize operational and equipment costs and decrease waste
energy. Reactive distillation is especially suited for the chemical reactions limited by
thermodynamic and equilibrium constraints, since one or more of the products of the
reaction are continuously separated from the reactants (Kiss, 2011; Nguyen & Demirel,
With regards to fatty acid ester production and purification, and more specifically to large
scale production of biodiesel, it would appear that reactive distillation could provide an
efficient and integrated approach to obtain the desired fatty acid esters. However, to date
most studies have focused on computer aided modeling, simulation and economics of
reactive distillation to produce fatty acid alkyl esters (Bhatia et al., 2007; Kiss, 2011; Kiss et
al., 2006; Nguyen & Demirel, 2011; Omota et al., 2001; Omota et al., 2003ab) while more
recent experimentally based studies are not as prevalent (Bhatia et al., 2006; He et al., 2006;
Silva et al., 2010; Steinigeweg & Gmehling, 2003).
Steinigeweg and Gmehling (2003) reported the development of a reactive distillation process
for the pilot plant production of decanoic acid methyl esters. The reaction was catalyzed
heterogeneously using a strong acidic ion-exchange resin and supported by structured
corrugated wire mesh sheets (Katapak-S) in the columns and reaction parameters such as
132 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

Reaction Sequence: A + B C+D

Fig. 15. Scheme comparing the reaction sequence where A and B are reactants and C and D
are the desired products. (a) conventional reactor and distillation process; (b) reactive
distillation column. Adapted from Taylor & Krishna (2000)

reflux ratio and reactant ratios were examined (Steinigeweg & Gmehling, 2003). They found
that a low reflux ratio of 0.01, a (1:2) decanoic acid:methanol in feed stream, distillate to feed
ratio of (1:2), 393K and 3 bar resulted in good fatty acid conversion to the corresponding
methyl decanoate. Recently, computer simulation for the esterification of decanoic acid with
methanol using reactive distillation has been carried out by Machado and coworkers (2011)
using the experimental data obtained Steinigeweg and Gmehling (2003) to validate their
models. Furthermore, Machado and coworkers modeled experimental results obtained for
the esterification of oleic acid with methanol (Silva et al., 2010; Kiss et al., 2006) and lauric
acid with ethanol (De Pietre et al., 2010). They found good agreement between their
modeling and the experimentally determined esters found in the literature and predict
conversions above 98%.
Bhatia and coworkers performed a thorough study on the esterification of palmitic acid with
isopropanol in a reactive distillation column using zinc acetate supported on functionalized
silica gel as a catalyst in Katapak-SP structured packing (Bhatia et al., 2006). The column
performance was evaluated by varying the operating parameters such as feed flow rate,
reboiler temperature, palmitic acid feed composition, palmitic acid feed temperature, molar
ratio of isopropanol feed to palmitic acid feed and reflux ratio. From their work they
proposed a technically optimized reactive distillation process for the production of
isopropyl palmitate.
Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and Their Chemical Derivatives 133

Using a laboratory scale continuous flow reactive distillation apparatus, He, Singh, &
Thompson, (2006) examined a combined process which used a conventional pre-reactor
coupled to a reactive distillation column to convert canola oil into its corresponding fatty
acid methyl esters, Fig. 16.

Fig. 16. Schematic of reactive distillation reactor system used to convert canola oil into its
corresponding fatty acid methyl esters (He et al., 2006)

Reaction parameters such as methanol:canola oil, feed rate of canola oil and potassium
hydroxide catalyst, and temperature were examined for runs with and without the pre-
reactor. A 95% conversion with a 94% yield (esters contained 1.1%, 2.0%, and 2.0% mono-,
di-, and triglyceride, respectively) was obtained using a column temperature of 65C and a
4:1 methanol:canola oil molar ratio with the pre-reactor. They were able to reduce reaction
times 10 to 15 times while also reducing methanol consumption by 66% over conventional
biodiesel processes.
Recently, Brazilian researchers used a pre-reactor (with sodium hydroxide catalyst) coupled
to a reactive distillation column in a semi-batch system to examine the preparation of fatty
acid methyl esters from soybean oil and bioethanol (Silva et al., 2010). They used
experimental design to optimize the catalyst concentration (from 0.5 wt% to 1.5 wt %) and
the ethanol/soybean oil molar ratio (from 3:1 to 9:1). The reactive column reflux rate was 83
ml/min, and the reaction time was 6 min. Their best conversion to esters was 98.18 wt%
with 0.65 wt% of sodium hydroxide, ethanol/soybean oil molar ratio of 8:1, and reaction
time of 6 min. The reaction time of 6 min means: 1 min in the pre-reactor and 5 min in the
reactive distillation column.
A recently patent published application demonstrated a process to produce mixed fatty acid
esters with a variety of heterogeneous catalysts. Again, a pre-reactor coupled to a reactive
distillation column was used (Asthana et al., 2009). Crude fatty acid methyl esters are first
prepared in the pre-reactor much like a conventional biodiesel process. After a crude
separation of glycerol and other components the fatty acid methyl esters are transferred to
the reactive distillation column where they undergo further reaction with different alcohols
134 Distillation Advances from Modeling to Applications

from 2-8 carbon atoms to give a fatty acid alkyl ester mixture upon exiting the reactive
distillation column.
Although the results described above are promising and represent good first steps toward
implementation of reactive distillation for fatty acid ester production, as concluded by
Taylor and Krishna in their 2000 review on reactive distillation, and with particular focus
towards production and separation of fatty acid esters, they state:
There is a crying need for research in this area. It is perhaps worth noting here that
modern tools of computational fluid dynamics could be invaluable in developing better
insights into hydrodynamics and mass transfer in RD columns. Besides more research
on hydrodynamics and mass transfer, there is need for more experimental work with
the express purpose of model validation
There remains more work to be done in the use of reactive distillation to produce and purify
fatty acid alkyl esters.

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Distillation - Advances from Modeling to Applications
Edited by Dr. Sina Zereshki

ISBN 978-953-51-0428-5
Hard cover, 282 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 23, March, 2012
Published in print edition March, 2012

Distillation modeling and several applications mostly in food processing field are discussed under three
sections in the present book. The provided modeling chapters aimed both the thermodynamic mathematical
fundamentals and the simulation of distillation process. The practical experiences and case studies involve
mainly the food and beverage industry and odor and aroma extraction. This book could certainly give the
interested researchers in distillation field a useful insight.

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Steven C. Cermak, Roque L. Evangelista and James A. Kenar (2012). Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids and
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