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CNS/MET SG/16 IP/30 (Rev.

Agenda Item 7 (3)

International Civil Aviation Organization



Bangkok, Thailand, 23 27 July 2012

Agenda Item 7: Aeronautical Electromagnetic Spectrum Utilization

3) Radio spectrum management related issues



(Presented by the Secretariat)

This paper presents the current status of the draft new Part II of the Handbook on Radio
Frequency Spectrum Requirements for Civil Aviation, (ICAO Doc 9718), developed by
the ACP WG-F.

The paper provides information on the detailed frequency assignment planning criteria for
VHF air/ground communication systems and the approval procedures of these, through
amending the current provisions in the Regional Plan for the Asia and Pacific Regions
through APANPIRG. Action required by the meeting is indicated in paragraph 4 at the
end of the paper.

This paper relates to

Strategic Objectives
A: Safety - Enhance global civil aviation safety
C: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Air Transport - Foster
harmonized and economically viable development of international civil aviation that does
not unduly harm the environment

Global Plan Initiatives:

GPI-23 Aeronautical Radio Spectrum

1. Introduction/Discussion

1.1 The ICAO Aeronautical Communications Panel is progressing, through ACP

Working Group F, the development of detailed frequency assignment planning criteria for
aeronautical systems for which the ICAO Regional Offices coordinate frequency assignment planning
CNS/MET SG/16 IP/30 (Rev.) -2-
Agenda Item 7 (3)

and publishes, from time to time, lists with coordinated frequency assignments (COM Lists). These
lists are related to the Regional Air Navigation Plans.

1.2 To date, updated frequency assignment planning criteria, intended for Global use, for
VHF air/ground communication systems operating in the frequency band 117.975 137 MHz is
nearing completion.

2. Need for updating frequency assignment planning criteria.

2.1 In most Regions, the frequency assignment planning criteria that are being used,
although having been subjected to limited updates over the recent 20-25 years, are limited with
respect to the application in frequency assignment planning. The methodology that is being completed
in ICAO allows for more flexibility in frequency planning and improving the efficient use of the
available spectrum on a global basis. It also supports developing a global database of frequency
assignment as part of the Global Air Navigation Plan.

2.2 Annex 10, Volume V is subject to a revision as per State letter 2012/33 dated 24
April 2012. This revision has removed from Annex 10 most of the current guidance material and
moved this, amended as necessary, in the Handbook, Volume II. This brings together, in a single
publication, the spectrum management and the frequency management aspect of use by aviation of
aeronautical frequency bands.

2.3 The current material in the Handbook Volume II concentrates on revised frequency
assignment planning criteria for air/ground VHF communication systems (voice and data) and is
based on the work that has been completed to date by the ACP Working Group. It is expected that
Part II will be available for publication in a timely manner to support the related update to Annex 10,
Volume V, Chapter 4.

3. Implementation of frequency assignment planning material by Regions.

3.1 Completion of the Handbook, Volume II, is planned at the upcoming ACP Working
Group F meeting (September 2012). After review by the Air Navigation Commission, the material is
expected to be approved by ICAO and published, around the first or second quarter in 2013.

3.2 The frequency assignment planning criteria in the Handbook are to be implemented
on a Regional basis, updating or replacing most of the current material in the Air Navigation Plans.
For the APAC Region this means that the planning criteria which were agreed at the ASIA/PAC/3
Regional Air Navigation Meeting (Bangkok, 1993) will be amended through the relevant Conclusions
of the ASIA/PAC Planning and Implementation Group (APANPRIG). A detailed review of the
material in the Handbook Volume II is foreseen prior to review by the CNS/MET group in 2013 and
subsequent approval by APANPIRG. A workshop is being proposed to clarify the updated planning
criteria in the Asia/Pacific Region.

3.2 Eventually, after detailed review in the APAC Region of the new frequency
assignment planning criteria, amendments to the relevant regional provisions to implement these new
planning criteria will be developed for approval by APANPIRG. The same procedure will be applied
in other Regions.
-3- CNS/MET SG/16 IP/30 (Rev.)
Agenda Item 7 (3)

3.3 The updated frequency assignment planning criteria are presented in Appendix to this
paper for information of the CNS/MET SG meeting. Participants and States are invited to provide
comments. These comments can be submitted through the Secretariat of the APAC Office for review
by the ACP.

4. Action by the Meeting

4.1 The CNS/MET group is invited

i) to note the material in the Appendix on the revised VHF COM frequency
assignment planning in the frequency band 117.975 137 MHz;

ii) to note the ongoing global developments on updating the frequency assignment
planning material for application on a Regional basis.

ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Doc. 9718
ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for
Civil Aviation

Part II
Frequency assignment planning criteria for aeronautical radio
communication and navigation systems

Part II of the Handbook is intended to assist States in frequency assignment planning for
aeronautical communication and navigation systems. Part II includes frequency assignment
planning criteria for VHF air/ground communication systems (voice and data). Chapters addressing
VHF/UHF radionavigation systems, non-directional beacons, HF frequencies are in preparation.
The approval of frequency assignment planning criteria rests with the Regional Planning and
Implementation Groups (PIRGs) and should be based on the provisions of Annex 10, the
material in this Handbook and relevant Regional Air Navigation Agreements.

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL METHODOLOGY FOR COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS.................................................5
1.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 COMPATIBILITY MODEL ..........................................................................................................................................5
1.2.1 Compatibility assessment ..........................................................................................................................5
1.2.2 Protection of the desired signal .................................................................................................................5
1.2.3 Determination of the desired signal at the victim receiver antenna .....................................................7
1.2.4 Calculation of the undesired signal at the victim receiver antenna......................................................8
1.2.5 D/U ratio. ......................................................................................................................................................9
1.2.6 The effect of the adjacent channel rejection ...........................................................................................9
1.2.7 D/U ratio at the receiver input....................................................................................................................9
1.3 PROPAGATION MODELING .....................................................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Free Space Propagation Model .............................................................................................................9
1.3.3 Aeronautical propagation curves ............................................................................................................ 12
1.3.4 Calculation of basic transmission loss when both the undesired transmitter and desired receiver
are on the ground ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 NET FILTER DISCRIMINATION (PLACEHOLDER) .................................................................................................... 14
IN THE BAND 117.975 137 MHZ ............................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 ICAO documents relevant to frequency assignment planning in the band 117.975-137 MHz ...... 15
2.2 INTERFERENCE MODEL ........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Interference model for aeronautical frequency assignment planning ................................................ 16
2.2.3 Separation-distance ratio method ........................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Minimum signal level method .................................................................................................................. 19
2.2.5 The effect of the radio horizon ................................................................................................................ 23
2.2.6 Protection based on line-of sight separation ......................................................................................... 23
2.3 FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENT PLANNING CRITERIA .................................................................................................. 24
2.3.1 General planning criteria .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Typical signal parameters ........................................................................................................................ 25
2.4 ALLOTMENT OF THE FREQUENCY BAND 117.975 137 MHZ............................................................................ 26
2.4.1 Special frequencies................................................................................................................................... 26
2.4.2 Regional allotment plans .......................................................................................................................... 27
2.5 FREQUENCY SEPARATION AND CHANNELING ...................................................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Frequency separation between VHF COM channels .......................................................................... 27
2.5.2 Protection of 25 kHz frequency assignments from 8.33 kHz assignments ...................................... 28
2.5.3 Channeling ................................................................................................................................................. 28
2.6 SERVICES AND DESIGNATED OPERATIONAL COVERAGE ..................................................................................... 28
2.6.1 Services ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
2.6.2 Coordination of special frequencies ....................................................................................................... 29
2.6.3 Table of uniform values for designated operational coverage (DOC) ............................................... 29
2.6.4 Coverage at very low angles from ground transmitter ......................................................................... 31
2.6.5 Interference from FM broadcasting stations.......................................................................................... 32
2.6.6 Co-location of facilities ............................................................................................................................. 32

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

2.6.7 Coordination of frequency assignments ................................................................................................ 32

2.7 CALCULATION OF SEPARATION DISTANCES (METHODOLOGY) ............................................................................ 32
2.7.1 Frequency and/or distance separation................................................................................................... 32
2.7.2 Co-frequency separation distances ........................................................................................................ 32
2.7.3 Adjacent frequency separation distances .............................................................................................. 38
2.7.4 Co and adjacent frequency consideration in a mixed environment where 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz
frequency separation is being used ....................................................................................................................... 40
2.7.5 Frequency planning criteria for area services ....................................................................................... 41
SERVICES)........................................................................................................................................................................ 43
2.8.1 Calculation of distances to the radio horizon ........................................................................................ 43
2.8.2 Table of separation distances ................................................................................................................. 44
2.9 SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR VDL (VDL MODE 2 AND VDL MODE 4) ............................................................. 46
2.9.1 VDL operating co-frequency with other VDL or VHF COM voice systems....................................... 46
2.9.2 VDL operating on adjacent frequencies with other VDL or VHF COM voice systems ................... 46
2.9.3 Operation of VDL on the surface of an airport ...................................................................................... 46
APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 49
APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX D ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61

List of tables
Table 2-1 Typical values for various parameters for VHF communication systems (transmitter) .................... 25
Table 2-2 Typical values for various parameters for VHF communication systems (receiver) ......................... 26
Table 2-3 Frequency allotment and special frequencies ................................................................................... 27
Table 2-4 Channeling / frequency pairing for frequencies with 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz separation ..................... 28
Table 2-5 Table of uniform designated operational coverage ........................................................................... 30
Table 2-6 Distance as function of angle above horizon ..................................................................................... 31
Table 2-7 Adjacent frequency separation distances for a mixed 25 kHz/8.33 kHz environ .............................. 41
Table 2-8 Distance to radio horizon with aircraft at maximum altitude .............................................................. 43
Table 2-9 Minimum geographical co-frequency separation distances between stations .................................. 44
Table 2-10 25 kHz guard band (channels) between DSB-AM, VDL mode 2 and VDL mode 4 (air-air) ............ 46
Table 2-11 25 kHz guard band (channels) between DSB-AM and VDL (modes 2 and 4) on the surface of an
airport ................................................................................................................................................................. 47

List of figures
Figure 1-1 Schematic diagram of the complete scenario to be analyzed ............................................................ 6
Figure 1-2 Schematic diagram of the minimum signal scenario .......................................................................... 7
Figure 1-3 Schematic diagram of the desired signal path to the receiving antenna ............................................ 7
Figure 1-4 Desired signal path when minimum field strength is specified ........................................................... 8
Figure 1-5 Schematic diagram of the undesired signal path ............................................................................... 8
Figure 1-6 Radio Horizon versus physical horizon ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 1-7 Propagation through ducting ............................................................................................................ 11

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Figure 2-1 Model for establishing separation distances .................................................................................... 16

Figure 2-2 Desired signal and undesired signal path to desired (victim) receiver ............................................. 17
Figure 2-3 Model for establishing separation distances when minimum field strength is specified .................. 20
Figure 2-4 Vertical polar diagram of antenna 30 m above ground level ............................................................ 21
Figure 2-5 Minimum desired signal at antenna and undesired signal path to desired (victim) receiver antenna
........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-6 Propagation path greater than radio line of sight ............................................................................. 23
Figure 2-7 Reduction in distance to the transmitter when receiving above the horizontal plane through the
ground antenna .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 2-8 Separation based on radio line-of-sight ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 2-9 Separation distance based on the 5 to 1 distance ratio ................................................................... 33
Figure 2-10 Interference mechanism between broadcast services ................................................................... 35
Figure 2-11 Interference mechanism between broadcast services and air/ground services ............................ 36
Figure 2-12 Geometry for calculating separation distances for AS communication services ............................ 37
Figure 2-13 Adjacent frequency separation for air-ground services .................................................................. 38
Figure 2-14 Adjacent frequency separation between broadcast services ......................................................... 39
Figure 2-15 Minimum separation of area services ............................................................................................. 42

Figure A - 1 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 125 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1 .............. 50
Figure A - 2 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 300 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1 .............. 51
Figure A - 3 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 1 200 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1 ........... 52
Figure A - 4 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 5 100 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1 ........... 53

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Chapter 1. General Methodology for Compatibility Analysis

1.1 Introduction
This chapter describes a general methodology that can be used in the analysis of interference between similar
and dissimilar radio systems and provides the procedures for calculating the distance and frequency
separation required to prevent harmful interference to systems used by aviation for communication and (radio)
navigation purposes.

For a more detailed analysis, taking into account the aeronautical compatibility requirements, the method as
described in ITU-R Recommendation SM.337 on Frequency and distance separation may be used in some
cases. Also relevant are the provisions of ITU-R Recommendation SM.1535 on The protection of safety
services from unwanted emissions.

1.2 Compatibility model

1.2.1 Compatibility assessment
The electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment should be calculated by the following method:
Step 1: determine the desired signal level (and spectral distribution) at the desired (victim) receiver
Step 2: determine the undesired (interfering) signal level (and spectral distribution, including noise) at
the desired (victim) receiver input, taking into account the total receiving system performance requirements as
per Annex 10;
Step 3: determine the interactive effects among the desired and undesired signals for various
frequency separations, while meeting the total receiving system performance requirements. These effects can
be determined through actual measurements or trough analysis.
Step 4: determine from the data obtained in step 3, the degree of frequency and/or distance
separation required to provide the required level of service to ensure that any interference received by the
victim receiver is not harmful;
Step 4: determine, for establishing frequency/distance separation requirements, the appropriate
propagation model.

Note: In all cases, the co-frequency protection requirements have to be assessed, preferably through
measurements. The procedures described in Recommendation ITU-R SM.337 would allow, under specific
conditions, to develop the frequency/distance separation when the interfering signal is not co-frequency with
the desired signal while meeting the system performance requirements.

1.2.2 Protection of the desired signal Protection of the desired signal can be considered along two principles. The first principle calculates the actual field strength of both the desired and the undesired signal at
the receiver antenna, taking into account the distance to the (desired) transmitter. On the basis of the
established D/U ratio, the maximum signal level of the undesired (interfering) signal determines in turn the
maximum level of the interfering signal, before the interference becomes harmful as shown in formula (4) in
paragraph 1.2.5.. This principle is illustrated in Figure 1-1.

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

antenna receiver
e.i.r.p D
input Pd input RPd

Feeder Antenna Propagation Antenna Feeder

Transmitter Receiver
loss gain loss gain loss

PTd Fd Gd Ld Gr Fr PTr
antenna receiver
input Pu input RPu

Feeder Antenna Propagation

loss gain loss

PTu Fu Gu e.i.r.p U Lu

Figure 1-1 Schematic diagram of the complete scenario to be analyzed

F d: feeder loss for the desired transmitter (dB)
Fr: feeder loss of the receiver (dB)
F u: feeder loss for the undesired transmitter (dB)
G d: gain of the antenna of the desired transmitting system (dBi)
Gr: gain of the (desired) receiver antenna (dBi)
G u: gain of the antenna of the undesired transmitting system(dBi)
L d: propagation loss for the desired signal (dB)
L u: propagation loss for the undesired signal (dB)
PTd: output power of the desired transmitter (dBm)
PTu: output power of the undesired transmitter (dBm)
Pd power at the antenna of the desired receiver
Pu power at the antenna of the desired receiver
RPd power at the input of the desired receiver
RPu power at the input of the desired receiver The second principle uses the minimum field strength at the receiver antenna (signal in space) as is
specified by ICAO for all communication and navigation systems. This minimum field strength has to be
assured throughout the designated operational coverage of the facility. Similar to the first principle described
in paragraph, on the basis of the established D/U ratio, the maximum signal level of the undesired
(interfering) signal can be determined, before the interference becomes harmful. This approach is more
appropriate to establish protection throughout the designated operational coverage compared to the method in
paragraph This principle is shown in Figure 1-2. In cases where the interactions between the desired and the undesired signal have not been
properly established (e.g. through actual measurements) protection of the desired (aeronautical) signal should
be based on securing that the undesired signal is well (6 10 dB) below the noise floor of the aeronautical

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

input RPd

antenna input Pd
(as specified)
Antenna Feeder
gain loss

Feeder Antenna Propagation Gr Fr PTr

loss gain loss antenna receiver
input Pu input RPu
PTu Fu Gu e.i.r.p U Lu

Figure 1-2 Schematic diagram of the minimum signal scenario

1.2.3 Determination of the desired signal at the victim receiver antenna

The following diagram illustrates the scenario to be analyzed.
Desired signal (transmitting system) Pd RPd

Feeder Antenna Propagation Antenna Feeder RF filter /

Transmitter Receiver
loss gain loss gain loss Detector

PTd Fd Gd Ld Gr Fr NFDd
Receiving system
Figure 1-3 Schematic diagram of the desired signal path to the receiving antenna

The received power at the antenna of the receiver can be calculated by summing the transmitter power,
antenna gains and feeder losses as shown in formula (1)


PTd output power of the desired transmitter (dBm)
F d: feeder loss for the desired transmitter (dB)
G d: gain of the desired transmitter antenna (dBi)
L d: propagation loss for the desired signal (dB)
Pd: power of the desired signal at the antenna of the receiver (dBm)

The propagation loss Ld is calculated in accordance with the appropriate propagation model as developed by
the ITU. See section 1.3 on propagation modeling and using the propagation the model to calculate the path

When the minimum desired signal level at the receiver antenna is specified and used in compatibility
calculations, the scenario as shown in Figure 1-4 applies. In this case, Pd at the antenna of the receiver is as
is specified in the relevant provisions of Annex 10.

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Receiving system
Minimum specified
desired signal Pd Antenna Feeder RF filter
at antenna gain loss Detector

Gr Fr NFDd
input RPd

Figure 1-4 Desired signal path when minimum field strength is specified

This modifies formula (1) into formula (2).

( 2 ) (xx is as specified by ICAO; for the conversion from V/m to dBm see
paragraph 2.3.2)

1.2.4 Calculation of the undesired signal at the victim receiver antenna

The Figure 1-4 illustrates the undesired signal path to be analyzed.

Note: the need for calculating the signal level of the undesired signal applies to both principles as identified in
paragraphs and and further clarified in paragraphs 1.2.2. and 1.2.3 respectively.

Pu Receiving system

Antenna Feeder
gain loss

Feeder Antenna Propagation Gr Fr

loss gain loss
PTu Fu Gu Lu
Undesired signal transmitter system
Figure 1-5 Schematic diagram of the undesired signal path

The received power at the input of the receiver antenna can be calculated by summing the various transmitter
power, antenna gains and feeder losses as indicated in formula (3).


F u: feeder loss for the undesired transmitter (dB)
G u: gain of the undesired antenna (dBi)
L u: propagation loss for the undesired signal (dB)
PTu: output power of the undesired transmitter (dBW)
Pu: power of the undesired signal at the receiver antenna (dBm)

The propagation loss is calculated in accordance with the appropriate propagation model developed by the
ITU. See section 1.3 on propagation modeling and using the propagation the model to calculate the path loss.

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

1.2.5 D/U ratio.

After having calculated (or used the relevant ICAO standard value) the values for the desired signal and the
undesired signals at the receiver antenna, these signal levels, in order to protect the desired signal from
harmful interference from the undesired signal need to comply with formula (4):


Pu = power of the undesired signal at the receiver [detector] (dBW)
Pd= power of the desired signal at the receiver [detector] (dBW)
D/U: Protection ratio (dB) as required by Annex 10 or established through measurements

Note: if the compatibility analysis is for determining compatibility between an aeronautical system and a non-
aeronautical system then a safety margin in the order of 6 10 dB should be added to the required D/U ratio.

1.2.6 The effect of the adjacent channel rejection

When the frequencies are offset (i.e. the frequency of the desired signal differs from that of the undesired
signal) the adjacent channel characteristics of the desired receiver will attenuate the desired signal before it is
being processed in the receiver. The factor with which these signals are attenuated is the Adjacent Channel
Rejection (ACR). The ACR is either the ACR as specified by ICAO (typically for intra system compatibility) or
the ACR obtained by measurements (typically for inter system compatibility).

The power Pu at the antenna, as calculated with formula (3) becomes for adjacent frequencies


1.2.7 D/U ratio at the receiver input

For both the desired signal and the undesired signal at the receiver antenna gain Gr and receiver feeder
losses Fr are the same. Therefore the D/U ratio at the receiver antenna is the same as the D/U ratio at the
receiver input.

1.3 Propagation modeling

1.3.1 Introduction
The ITU has developed a number of propagation models some of which are applicable to the study of the
planning criteria for aeronautical systems and the protection of those systems from interference from other
radio systems that are either sharing the frequency band or operating in adjacent frequency band.
The common propagation models used in aeronautical spectrum studies are described in sections 1.3.2-1.3.4
below and their applicability including the advantages and disadvantages are described in section 1.3.5.

1.3.2 Free Space Propagation Model

The free space propagation model as defined in Recommendation ITU-R P.525 assumes an ideal propagation
path where the transmitter and receiver antennas are considered isotropic antennas located in a perfectly

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

dielectric, homogeneous, isotropic and unlimited environment with no obstructions. The free space attenuation
or propagation loss can be calculated with formula (5)


Lbf : free-space basic transmission loss (dB)
d: distance
: wavelength
Note that d and are expressed in the same unit.

The same formula can be re-written using the frequency instead of the wavelength:


f: frequency (MHz)
d: distance (km).

f: frequency (MHz)
d: distance (NM)

It should be noted that the propagation of radio waves, typical of VHF and UHF frequencies, is subject to a
number of additional conditions, compared to the free space propagation. Refraction and ducting as described
below as described below can extend the range over which this propagation model is applicable:

Refraction Gradual changes in the refractive index of the atmosphere causes the bending of radio waves to
bend slightly towards the Earth. The effect is that radio waves can propagate beyond the physical horizon to
and can be received up to a distance which is commonly referred to as the radio horizon as shown in Figure 1-
6. Along this path no other (significant) losses than the free space propagation loss between the transmitter
and the receiver has to be considered. Variations in the refractive index of the atmosphere however cause the
radio horizon to vary as well. The effect of refraction is corrected in radio propagation by calculation the
distance to the radio horizon using a 4/3 Earth radius. The 4/3 Earth radius approximation has been derived
based on a standard atmosphere at sea level and is therefore not universally applicable. However, it is very
widely used and provides a good approximation to describe the effect of radio path propagation globally.

Figure 1-6 Radio Horizon versus physical horizon

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Ducting The change in refractive index is normally linear and gradual, but under certain atmospheric
conditions a layer, of warm air may be trapped above cooler air, often over the surface of water. The result is
that the refractive index will decrease far more rapidly with height than is usual. The rapid reduction in
refractive index (and therefore dielectric constant) may cause complete bending down, as illustrated in the
Figure 1-7. The unusual atmospheric condition traps the radio waves in a duct. Extreme bending of the radio
waves between the top of the atmospheric duct and reflection of the radio waves from the surface of the Earth
may propagate the radio waves over extreme long distances (e.g. more than 500 NM). Other phenomena
such as sand storm may also cause ducting of radio waves.

Figure 1-7 Propagation through ducting

Other unusual weather conditions (or other phenomena such as sand storms) can also cause ducting.

In aeronautical frequency assignment planning neither variations in the refractive index of the atmosphere
(which causes variations in the distance to the radio horizon and effectively modify the 4/3 factor)) nor the
effect of ducting is taken into account. In cases where these phenomena cause serious problems,
consideration can be given to accommodate different criteria.

In the aeronautical standard propagation model free space propagation conditions are assumed when the
transmitter and the receiver are within the distance to the radio horizon (line of (radio) sight).

The distance to the radio horizon (4/3 Earth radius) can be calculated using equation (9).

( ) (9)

dRH: the distance of the station to the radio horizon (NM)
hTx: the height of the transmitter above the Earths surface (feet)

Note: The same formula can be used to calculate the radio horizon of the receiver by substituting the height of
the transmitter with the height of the receiver.

Applying this formula to both the transmitter and the receiver (e.g. between an airborne transmitter and an
airborne receiver) formula (10) can be used for the calculation of the distance to the radio horizon between the
transmitter and receiver.

( ) ( 10 )

dRH: the radio horizon separation distance between the transmitter and receiver (NM)
hTx: the height of the transmitter above the Earths surface (feet)

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

hRx: the height of the receiver above the Earths surface (feet)

1.3.3 Aeronautical propagation curves

Recommendation ITU-R P.528 Propagation curves for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation services
using the VHF, UHF and SHF bands contains a method for predicting the transmission loss in the frequency
range 125-15 500 MHz for aeronautical and satellite services. The method uses an interpolation method on
basic transmission loss data from sets of curves. These sets of curves are valid for ground-air, ground-
satellite, air-air, air-satellite, and satellite-satellite links. The only data needed for this method are the distance
between antennas, the heights of the antennas above mean sea level, the frequency, and the time
percentage. The curves of Recommendation ITU-R P.528 are contained in Appendix A. These curves are also
avialble in a tabular format (spread sheet).
This Recommendation, also, gives the calculations for the expected protection ratio or wanted-to-unwanted
signal ratio exceeded at the receiver for at least 95% of the time, R (0.95). This calculation requires the
following additional data for both the wanted and unwanted signals: the transmitted power, the gain of
transmitting antenna, and the gain of receiving antenna.

This propagation curves are based on empirical data of actual propagation losses for 5%, 50% and 95% time
availability. Within the radio horizon these curves are consistent with free-space path loss and allows for an
offset to account for the various time availability percentages. These curves were derived from the IF-77
model. The curves are also valid when the propagation path extends beyond the radio horizon and were used
to determine the attenuation of radio signals beyond the radio horizon.

Aeronautical frequency assignment planning is based on the curves for 50% of the time. These give a good
approximation of the free space propagation (until the radio horizon, beyond which the path losses as in
paragraph apply. For propagation over the horizon and based on Recommendation ITU-R P.528 curves for 125 MHz,
1 200 MHz and 5 100MHz the following path losses expressed in dB per nautical mile (a) were established:
in the band 108 137 MHz a is 0.5 dB/NM
in the band 960 1215 MHz a is 1.6 dB/NM
in the band 5030 5091 MHz a is 2.7 dB/NM

If the actual distance d between the transmitter and the receiver is less than the distance to the radio horizon,
the free space transmission loss can be calculated with formula (8).

If the actual distance d between the transmitter and the receiver is greater than the distance to the radio
horizon, (i.e. the receiver is beyond direct radio line of sight of the transmitter), the total transmission loss is
the sum of the free space transmission loss for the distance to the radio horizon and the transmission loss for
propagation beyond the radio horizon (e.g. 0.5 dB/NM for VHF frequencies as shown above. The total
transmission loss can be calculated with formula (11).

( ) ( ) ( ) ( 11 )

A Windows version of the IF 77 model is contained in the ICAO frequency assignment planning program
FREQUENCY FINDER and can be used for assessing more precise signal parameters. Normally, for radio
paths up to the radio horizon, aeronautical frequency assignment planning is based on free space propagation
loss. For the path beyond the radio horizon, as in formula (11) the transmission loss is calculated, depending

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

on the frequency range, as shown above in paragraph Applying the IF-77 model may result in a more
accurate prediction of the actual radio wave propagation characteristics.

1.3.4 Calculation of basic transmission loss when both the undesired transmitter and
desired receiver are on the ground In certain situations, both the undesired transmitter and the desired (victim) receiver can be located
on the ground (e.g. the aircraft is on the surface of the airport and may interfere with a ground receiver station
or a ground transmitter may interfere with an aircraft receiver). Applying in this case free space propagation
loss will result in unrealistic low transmission losses when free space propagation is applied. More realistic
models that should be applied in these cases is either the two-ray (or flat Earth model) or the Egli model. Two ray or flat Earth model
To calculate the received power taking into account the effect of the ground, the two ray ground reflection
model or flat Earth model can be applied and gives a more accurate prediction of the received power
compared to the free space model with formula (12)
( 12 )

In this formula is:

PU = Received power (dBm) at the receiver input
eirpU= e.i.r.p. of the undesired (interfering) transmitter, including antenna gain and cable losses
d= distance (m) between (undesired) antenna and (desired) receiver
H T= transmitter antenna height (m)
H R= receiver antenna height (m)
G R= receiver antenna gain (dB)
L R= receiver cable losses (dB)
Lpol = polarization discrimination (dB) (assumed to be 10 dB if direction of polarization differs 90) Egli model

The Egli model can be used to predict propagation losses taking into account the effect of the terrain, when
both the transmitting and the receiving antenna are located relatively close to the ground. The Egli model
offers a more accurate prediction of path loss compared to the free space model. The Egli model is based on
measured path losses and converted into the following mathematical model and provides an alternative
generic method to predict propagation losses when the antennas are close to the ground and includes an
empirical frequency dependent correction for frequencies greater than 30 MHz:
The received power from an undesired (interfering) transmitter can be calculated with the formula (13):
( 13 )

In this formula is:

PU = Received power (dBm) at the receiver input

eirpU= e.i.r.p. of the undesired (interfering) transmitter, including antenna gain and cable losses
d= distance (m) between (undesired) antenna and (desired) receiver
H T= transmitter antenna height (m)
H R= receiver antenna height (m)
G R= receiver antenna gain (dB)
L R= receiver cable losses (dB)
Lpol = polarization discrimination (dB) (assumed to be 10 dB if direction of polarization differs 90)
f= frequency (MHz)

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

1.4 Net filter discrimination (placeholder)

(to be added)

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Chapter 2. Aeronautical VHF air-ground radio communication

systems operating in the band 117.975 137 MHz
2.1 Introduction
The frequency band 108 137 MHz is allocated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to the
Aeronautical Mobile (Route) Service (AM(R)S) and used for air-ground voice and for air-ground and air-air
data link communications. The use of this band is regulated by the ITU through the ITU Radio Regulations and
relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports. Details on these Regulations can be found in Volume I of this
Handbook. Specific provisions pertaining to the aeronautical use of this band is in the relevant ICAO SARPs in
Annex 10, Volumes III and V. This chapter contains technical and operational material on the assignment and
use of frequencies in the band 117.975 137 MHz. Material on the use of the band 108 117.975 MHz by the
aeronautical mobile (R) service (GBAS/VDB and VDL Mode 4) is in Chapter 3 of this Handbook on VHF/UHF
navigation systems (ILS, VOR, GBAS/VDB, VDL Mode 4, DME; in preparation).
Note: The use of the allocation to the aeronautical mobile (R) service in the band 108 117.975 by aviation is
subject to the conditions as contained in ITU Resolution 413 (WRC-12).

2.1.1 ICAO documents relevant to frequency assignment planning in the band 117.975-137
a. Annex 10 Volume III (Communication systems),
i. Part I (Digital data communication systems) Chapter 6 VHF air-ground digital link
ii. Part II (Voice communication systems) Chapter 2 Aeronautical Mobile Service
b. Annex 10 Volume V, Chapter 4 Utilization of frequencies above 30 MHz and Attachment A -
Considerations affecting the deployment of VHF communication frequencies
c. ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plans and relevant ICAO Regional Air Navigation Agreements

2.2 Interference model

2.2.1 General An aircraft can be subject to interference caused by transmissions from other (nearby) aircraft and
from ground stations. These interfering transmissions can be generated on the desired (operational) frequency
(co-frequency interference) or on frequencies adjacent to the desired frequency (adjacent frequency
interference).The general model (as described in Chapter 1) which is used to establish separation distances
between co-frequency and adjacent frequency assignments is illustrated in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. The protection of communications from harmful interference requires that, in general, a signal from
a desired RF source that is received will not receive simultaneously a signal from another (undesired) RF
source that can cause harmful interference to the proper reception and processing of the desired signal. This
is achieved by securing that in the frequency assignment planning process the undesired RF source is
separated in distance (in case both sources operate on the same frequency) from the (desired) receiver or,
when operating on adjacent frequencies, is sufficiently separated in frequency and distance. The distance
separation (or the frequency/distance separation) needs to be sufficient to bring the undesired signal level at
the desired receiver to a value below which the interference, if any, is no longer harmful and the receiving
system performance requirements are met..

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2.2.2 Interference model for aeronautical frequency assignment planning The model used for establishing (co-frequency) separation distances in aeronautical frequency
assignment planning for systems used in the band 117.975 137 MHz for VHF air-ground communications,
based on the general method in Chapter 1 and is illustrated in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. This model assesses
interference at the antenna input (signals in space). Specifications for aeronautical systems as established by
ICAO also refer to signals in space. RF emissions that are co-frequency (or adjacent frequency) to the actual operating frequency of
facility A in Figure 2-1 (e.g. emissions from aircraft b in Figure 1-2) may interfere with communications
within the designated operational coverage of the desired station/service (area A in Figure 2-1). Frequency
assignment planning for both the facilities A and B in Figure 2-1 needs to secure that no harmful interference
is caused between the station operating within the designated operational coverage of facility A and of facility
B. This is achieved by securing sufficient geographical separation between the facilities.
Note: Within the designated operational coverage of a single frequency, all aircraft (and the ground station)
operate as a party line where multiple users are using the same frequency.

Station A Range = RA = dd
Station B Range = RB

Figure 2-1 Model for establishing separation distances For air/ground communications, the protection of the desired aircraft receiver (which is
communicating with a ground station) from harmful interference caused by transmissions on another aircraft
(operating on the same of an adjacent frequency) is normally the most constraining factor in securing the use
of these frequencies free from harmful interference. This model is illustrated in Figure 2-1; the schematic
diagram of this model is in Figure 2-2. In Figure 2-1, aircraft station a that is receiving signals from the (desired) ground station A can
be interfered by transmissions from aircraft station b (or any other undesired RF source). The separation
distance between aircraft station a and aircraft station b needs to secure that level the (undesired) signals
received by aircraft a from aircraft b are sufficiently below the level of the signals received from ground
station A to prevent harmful interference. The signal ratio necessary to protect the desired signal from
harmful interference from the undesired signal is the protection ratio (D/U).
Note: in case ground station B (or both ground stations A and B) is an aeronautical broadcast station
(e.g. VOLMET) a different geometry as shown in Figure 2-1 applies. This is further described in paragraphs and The signal level of the desired and the undesired signal at the aircraft antenna can be calculated
with the method as illustrated in Figure 2-2.
The level of the desired and of the undesired signal at the (desired) antenna input can be calculated with
formulas (14) and (15) as shown in Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.2.3 and 1.2.4.
The level of the desired signal at the antenna is:
( 14 )

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The level of the undesired signal at the antenna input is:

( 15 )

Formula (4) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.2.5 shows that

Note: for both the desired signal and the undesired signal, the antenna gain and the feeder losses of the
receiving station are the same when the frequency of both signals is the same (co-frequency) or when both
transmitters operate on the (first) adjacent frequency (25 kHz). The ratio of the desired to the undesired signal
at the antenna is therefore the same as at the receiver input.

antenna receiver
e.i.r.p D
input Pd input RPd

Feeder Antenna Propagation Antenna Feeder RF

Transmitter Receiver
loss gain loss gain loss filtering

PTd Fd Gd Ld Gr Fr PTr
antenna receiver
input Pu input RPu

Feeder Antenna Propagation

loss gain loss

PTu Fu Gu e.i.r.p U Lu

Figure 2-2 Desired signal and undesired signal path to desired (victim) receiver

In formula (14) Ld is the free space propagation loss for the designated operational range (DOR) of the
desired facility (A in Figure 2-1) and can be calculated with formula (8) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2:

In formula (15) Lu is the separation distance between the undesired RF source (aircraft b in Figure 2-1 and
the desired receiver (aircraft a in Figure 2-1) and can be calculated as follows:

( ) .

From this formula, the free space separation distance between the desired receiver and the undesired
transmitter can be calculated. This separation distance presents the minimum free space separation between
the desired receiver and the undesired transmitter.

2.2.3 Separation-distance ratio method

In case the e.i.r.p of both the desired transmitter (A in Figure 2-1) and the undesired RF source (b in Figure
2-1) are the same, the (required) D/U can be expressed as the ratio between dSEPDIST and dDOR in the formula
For the desired signal at the receiver antenna:

For the undesired signal at the receiver antenna:

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Note: equal e.i.r.p. for ground and aircraft transmitter is normally assumed in frequency assignment planning
for aeronautical air/ground communication systems. The e.i.r.p includes the transmitter output power and the
effect of cable losses and antenna gain. Tables 2-1 and 2-2 in paragraph 2.3.2 provide typical values normally
used in compatibility analyses)
The desired to undesired signal ratio (D/U) equals (formula (4) in Chapter 1); Pd and Pu are expressed
in dBm).

( )

Ld and Lu are respectively the propagation losses along the radio path from the desired transmitter and from
the undesired transmitter to the receiver and is based on free space propagation conditions. Ld is the
designated operational range of the desired facility. The free space propagation model is documented in
paragraph 1.3.2 in Chapter 1. In case the separation between the desired receiver and the undesired
transmitter is larger than the radio horizon of each station, the effect of the propagation beyond the radio
horizon needs to be considered. The effect of beyond-the-radio horizon propagation is described in paragraph
1.3.3 in Chapter 1 and paragraph 2.2.5 in this Chapter. The free space propagation loss is calculated using
formula (8) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2 as follows:


which brings

( ) ( 16 )

Formula (16) demonstrates that the desired to undesired (D/U) signal ratio can be expressed as the ratio
between the distance from the receiver to the undesired transmitter and the distance to the desired transmitter
under free space propagation conditions. For aeronautical VHF air/ground voice communication systems, ICAO SARPs specify that the D/U
protection ratio for air/ground voice communication systems is 20 dB (signals in space). In areas with
frequency congestion, a D/U protection ratio of 14 dB may be used.
Substituting in formula (16) D/U = 20 gives a separation distance ratio (du/dd) of 10. In case (in free space) the
distance from the receiver to the undesired transmitter is 10 times larger than the distance to the desired
transmitter (when both the desired and the undesired transmitter radiate with the same e.i.r.p.), the signal ratio
of the desired signal to the undesired signal is 20 dB.
Substituting in formula (16) D/U = 14, gives a separation distance ratio (du/dd)of 5. In case (in free space) the
distance from the receiver to the undesired transmitter is 5 times larger than the distance to the desired
transmitter (when both the desired and the undesired transmitter radiate with the same e.i.r.p.), the signal ratio
of the desired signal to the undesired signal is 14 dB.
Note: free space propagation conditions only apply when the transmitter and the receiver are within radio line-
of-sight of each other (within the radio horizon).The separation distance ratio (du/dd) assumes equal e.i.r.p. of
both the desired and the undesired transmitter station. See section 2.3.1 for the application of the D/U ratio of
20 dB or of 14 dB. The interference model described paragraph 2.2.2 and the distance ratio method in paragraph 2.2.3
calculate (directly or indirectly) the desired signal level at the receiver antenna (or the receiver input). This

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

model takes into account that when the distance between the desired transmitter and receiver is decreased,
the actual signal strength at the receiver increases and, while meeting the required D/U criteria, the distance
from the undesired (interfering) transmitter to the receiver may be decreased.
Note: The minimum signal level method, described in paragraph 2.2.4, is based on the protection of the
minimum field strength throughout the designated operational coverage of the desired service. The frequency
assignment planning constraints in this case are more restrictive. Adjacent channel separation distance ratios can also be calculated using this method. When
calculation the adjacent channel separation, formula 21 calculates:

For adjacent channel calculations, taking into account the adjacent channel rejection ACR, this formula can be
re-written into
( )

( ) ( )

( )

Note: is the distance from the undesired transmitter to the receiver.

The D/U ratio to be used in (normally 20 dB) depends on the regionally agreed frequency assignment planning
The minimum geographical separation distance between facilities operating on the first adjacent channel
(either 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz) is normally 10 NM. This implies that designated operational coverage areas where
adjacent channels are in use need to be separated by at least 10 NM.
For a mixed environment where both 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz channels are being used, different adjacent
channel criteria apply (see paragraph 2.7.4). The method in paragraph 2.2.3 below is recommended for
determining adjacent channel separation.
The distance-ratio method cannot be used for determining geographical separation distances for area services
(e.g. ACC, FIR) or for cases where the transmitter is located well outside the center of (or even outside) a
circular service area.

2.2.4 Minimum signal level method Annex 10 (Volume III) has established minimum field strength levels (signal in space) for the
air/ground communication systems that can operate in the frequency band 112 137 MHz. Protection of
aeronautical VHF air/ground communication systems is typically based on the principle that the minimum
desired signal is not subject to harmful interference when the interfering (undesired) signal is 20 dB or more
(or 14 dB, as required) below the specified minimum field strength (of the desired signal), in accordance with
the provisions in Annex 10. ICAO has specified in Annex 10 (Volume II) that the minimum field strength for
VHF COM air/ground voice communication systems should be 75 V/m throughout the designated operational
coverage. (Re. Annex 10, Volume III, Part II, paragraph; the desired to undesired (D/U) ratio is either
20 dB or, where applicable, 14 dB

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Note: These field strength levels, together with other relevant data such as typical values for ground and
airborne transmitter power, are reproduced in Tables 2 1 and 2 2 (see paragraph 2.3.2 below).
When protecting only the minimum specified field strength level (which, from the frequency assignment
protection point of view is the safest method), the method used for establishing co-frequency separation
distances does not take into account the radiated energy of the desired transmitter but requires that the
minimum specified RF signal throughout the designated operational coverage area is protected. Generally,
this method provides for better protection compared to the distance-ratio method described in paragraph 2.2.2
since it takes into account that the VHF COM antenna does not radiate in al directions the same energy (the
VHF COM antenna is not an isotropic radiator). See also paragraph below. The minimum signal level method is described in paragraph in Chapter 1, Figure 1-2. This
method is illustrated in Figures 2-3 and 2-5. In this method, protection of the desired signal from harmful
interference requires that a signal from an undesired source (e.g. aircraft b in Figure 2-3) at the desired
receiver is sufficiently below the minimum signal level (75 V/m) of the desired signal (and NOT the actual
signal level as calculated in paragraph 2.2.2 and 2.2.3).

E=75 V/m a

Station A Range = RA
Station B Range = RB

Figure 2-3 Model for establishing separation distances when minimum field strength is specified

This model also applies to calculating separation distances when the desired receiver and the undesired
transmitter are operating on adjacent frequencies. Due to the effect of RF selectivity of the desired receiver,
the minimum separation distance in this case is smaller than when they are operating on the same frequency.
The undesired (interfering) station can be an aircraft station or a ground station. Effect of the vertical polar diagram of VHF COM antennas The minimum signal level method takes into account the structure of the vertical polar antenna
diagram for the VHF COM antenna which is not radiating in all directions with the same energy, as is shown in
Figure 2-4 and in areas between the lobes, radiates less energy.
It the system design for VHF COM systems should secure that for the ground station the conditions of Annex
10 (which specify the minimum field strength) are met. Since the alternative (or simplified) model does not
take into account the actual e.i.r.p. of the desired ground station (transmitter), no separation distance ratio
criterion as described in paragraph can be developed. The minimum signal level method is recommended for use in particular when compatibility with
dissimilar systems (e.g. VHF COM voice and VDL) has to be established.

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Figure 2-4 Vertical polar diagram of antenna 30 m above ground level The minimum signal level method requires that the signal level of the undesired (interfering) signal
be calculated at the antenna of the receiver. The desired signal level is 75 V/m. The D/U ratio( Pd Pu
(dBm)) is 20 (14) dB. The analysis below describes this method which is illustrated in the schematic diagram
in Figure 2-5.
input RPd

input Pd Antenna Feeder RF
(75V/m) gain loss filtering

Gr Fr PTr
antenna receiver
input Pu input RPu

Feeder Antenna Propagation

loss gain loss

PTu Fu Gu e.i.r.p U Lu

Figure 2-5 Minimum desired signal at antenna and undesired signal path to desired (victim) receiver antenna The (desired) signal level (Pd) at the antenna is 75 V/m (-82 dBm). The level of the undesired
signal (Pu) (from aircraft b in Figure 2-3) is calculated formula 21 in paragraph
(at the receiver antenna)
(at the receiver antenna; Pu is for most transmitters typical 25 W)
For Pu = 25 W (44 dBm), Fu = 3dB and Gr = 0 dB,
( )

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems In this scenario (D/U = 20 dB), and assuming a typical transmitter power for the undesired aircraft
transmitter of 25 W, the minimum separation distance between the desired receiver and the undesired
(aircraft) transmitter needs to secure that the transmission losses over the radio path are 143 dB.
Formula (8) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2 calculates that for a free space transmission loss of 143 dB (f = 127
MHz) a (free space) distance of 1428 NM is required. This distance is greater than the distance to the radio
horizon for aircraft at an altitude of 45000 ft. The effect of the radio horizon is described in paragraph 2.2.5.
Calculations for establishing the minimum separation distance between facilities are in section 2.7. In case the protection ration is 14 dB (see Section 2.3.1), the required free space transmission loss
is calculated as follows:

Formula (8) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2 calculates that for a free space transmission loss (f = 127 MHz) a
(free space) separation distance of 718 NM is required. This distance is greater than the distance to the radio
horizon for aircraft at a maximum altitude of 45000 ft. The effect of the radio horizon is described in paragraph
2.2.5. Calculations for establishing the minimum separation distance between facilities are in section 2.7.
Note: When applying the minimum signal level method as described in this section, the application of a D/U of
14 dB or 20 dB has no (or a limited) effect on the minimum separation distance with a co-frequency interfering
station since in both cases the free space separation distance that is required to secure protection of the
desired signal from harmful interference is more than the sum of the distances to the radio horizon of the
respective facilities. The minimum signal level method as described in paragraph can also be used to calculate
the adjacent channel separation distance as follows:
(at the receiver antenna)
( ) (at the receiver antenna)
Where the total transmission loss for the undesired signal
(ACR is +60 dB for the first adjacent channel)
For Pu = 25 W (44 dBm), Fu = 3dB and Gr = 0 dB,
( )

( )

(for the values of Pd and Pu above)

If ACR =60 dB (first adjacent channel rejection),

( )
For f=127 MHz and D/U=20 DB
Note: To protect the receiver to the muting threshold (5 V/m or Pd= -105.6 dBm) a minimum separation
distance of 21 NM would be required.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

The minimum geographical separation distance between facilities operating on the first adjacent channel
(either 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz) is normally 10 NM. This implies that designated operational coverage areas where
adjacent channels are in use need to be separated by at least 10 NM.
For a mixed environment where both 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz channels are being used, different adjacent
channel criteria apply (see paragraph 2.7.4).
Editorial note: The EUR FMG has developed provisions for the calculation of adjacent channel geographical
separation for 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz facilities operating in a mixed environment. Additional material will be
inserted in this paragraph clarifying these provisions. Temporary, the adjacent channel criteria developed by
the EUR FMG have been inserted in paragraph 2.8

2.2.5 The effect of the radio horizon The effect of the radio horizon on the (radio) path loss is shown in Figure 2-6
Radio horizon
Station A Range = RA
Station B Range = RB
Distance beyond line of sight = dBLOS

Figure 2-6 Propagation path greater than radio line of sight

In cases where minimum required free space separation distance between the receiver and the undesired
(interfering) transmitter, as calculated with the methods in paragraph 2.2.3 or 2.2.4, is greater than the sum of
the distance to the radio horizon, the calculation of the total separation distance needs to include the
conditions applicable to the over the horizon propagation. The radio signals over the horizon are attenuated
at a much faster rate per nautical mile compared to free space propagation. This is shown in the ITU
propagation curves in Appendix A. For VHF frequencies, the attenuation beyond the radio horizon is
0.5 dB/NM. (See Chapter 1, paragraph
In the example given in Figure 2-6, the total free space loss (propagation loss) between aircraft stations
a and b is equal to sum of the free space attenuation of the path (RHA + RHB) to which the attenuation
dBLOS needs to be added.
With formula 11 in Chapter 1, the total path loss between aircraft stations a and b as shown in Figure 2-3
can be calculated as follows:
( ) ( ) ( )

In this formula RHA, RHB and dBLOS are expressed in NM; f is expressed in MHz. RHA and RHB can be
calculated with formula (9) in Chapter 1.

2.2.6 Protection based on line-of sight separation When the minimum required separation between the designated operational coverage of facilities
operating on the same frequency is larger than the sum of the distance to the radio horizon of each facility (to
obtain the required D/U ratio (20 dB or 14 dB)) at the edge of coverage (maximum range and maximum
height), the frequency assignment planning criteria for co-frequency assignment planning as contained in
Annex 10 Volume V requires that the designated operational coverage areas for each facility are separated by
no more than the sum of the distances to the radio horizon (see paragraph and Appendix E)

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This implies that when the separation distance is indeed determined by the sum of the distance to the radio
horizon of the respective facilities, the required D/U protection ratio is not met in a small area at the closest
points between the two designated operational coverage areas. It is however recognized that it is highly
unlikely that two aircraft will be at the closest point at edge of each designated operational coverage area at
the same time. The size of the small area depends on the dimensions of the designated operational coverage
of the two facilities. In some specific cases however, as described in paragraph 2.7, the effect of propagation beyond
the radio horizon has to be considered when establishing geographical separation distances.
Note: The calculation of minimum separation distances for various air/ground communication services is
described in paragraphs 2.7 and 2.8.

2.3 Frequency assignment planning criteria

Note: This section describes the frequency assignment planning criteria for VHF air/ground voice
communication systems. Frequency assignment planning criteria for the VHF air/ground data link (VDL Mode
2 and VDL Mode 4) are in section 2.9

2.3.1 General planning criteria Provisions concerning the deployment of VHF frequencies and the avoidance of harmful
interference are contained in Annex 10, Volume V, Chapter 4, section 4.1.5. (Amendment 86) For the ease of
reference, these provisions are reproduced in Appendix E. The latest amendments to Annex 10 should be
consulted in case additional amendments were introduced. For co-frequency assignments the minimum geographical separation between facilities shall
be such that the designated operational coverage of each facility is separated by a distance not less
i. required to provide a D/U ratio of 20 dB;
ii. the sum of the distance to the radio horizon of the designated operational coverage area of
each facility.
Alternatively, in areas where the frequency congestion is severe, a protection ratio of 14 dB can be
used on the basis of a Regional air navigation agreement
i. facilities using a common frequency do not require frequency protection between each other (e.g.
Extended Range facilities)
ii. the distance to the radio horizon is calculated as shown in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2 with the formula

( )

dRH = the distance of the station to the radio horizon (NM)
h = the height of the transmitter or receiver above the Earths surface (feet)

iii. the application of the minimum separation distance based on the sum of the radio horizon distance of
each facility assumes that it is highly unlikely that two aircraft will be at the closest points between and
at the maximum altitude of the frequency protected service volume of each facility

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iv. details on the calculation of separation distances are in paragraph 2.7. Paragraph 2.8 contains
separation distances for the uniform designated operational coverage for aeronautical services as
identified in paragraph 2.6.
v. the separation distance shall be calculated for aircraft operating at the maximum range and maximum
height of the designated operational coverage.
vi. in cases where broadcast services (VOMET) are involved, the minimum geographical separation
distance required to obtain a protection ratio D/U of 20 dB is established relative to the ground
broadcast transmitter. For adjacent frequency assignments, the minimum geographical separation between
facilities shall be such that points at the edge of the designated operational coverage of each facility
are separated by a distance sufficient to ensure operations free from harmful interference.
i. the edge of the designated operational coverage is at the maximum range and maximum height.
ii. for facilities operating with 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz channel spacing, the adjacent channel separation of 10
NM has been established.
iii. protection is based on an Adjacent Channel Rejection (ACR) of 60 dB with the first assignable 25 kHz
or 8.33 kHz channel.
iv. In a mixed environment, where both 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz channel spacing is deployed, the adjacent
channel separation as shown in Table 2-6 is to be applied when making frequency assignments

2.3.2 Typical signal parameters Table 2 1 contains typical values for ground and airborne transmitter power that can be used in a
detailed compatibility assessment.
TRANSMITTER Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground
Output power transmitter (typical 44 dBm 50 dBm 42 dBm 44 dBm 44 dBm 44 dBm 42 dBm 45 dBm
ground station output power is 25 (25 W) (100 W) (16 W) (25 W) (25 W) (25 W) (15 W) (32 W)
or 50 W (44 or 47 dBm)
Feeder loss (assumed) -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB
Antenna gain (assumed) 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB
EIRP 41 dBm 49 dBm 39 dBm 43 dBm 41 dBm 43 dBm 40 dBm 44 dBm
(12.5 W) (80 W) (8W) (20 W) (12.5 W) (20 W) (10 W) (25 W)

Adjacent frequency emission (Transmitter) for VDL specified in Annex 10, Vol. III, Part I, paragraph 6.3.4
1st adj fr. (16 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -18 dBm -18 dBm -18 dBm -18 dBm -18 dBm -18 dBm
2nd adj fr. (25 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -28 dBm -28 dBm -28 dBm -28 dBm -28 dBm -28 dBm
4th adj fr. (25 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -38 dBm -38 dBm -38 dBm -38 dBm -38 dBm -38 dBm
8th adj fr. (25 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -43 dBm -43 dBm -43 dBm -43 dBm -43 dBm -43 dBm
16th adj fr. (25 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -48 dBm -48 dBm -48 dBm -48 dBm -48 dBm -48 dBm
32nd adj fr. (25 kHz bandwidth) Not specified in Annex 10 -53.dBm -53.dBm -53.dBm -53.dBm -53.dBm -53.dBm
Table 2-1 Typical values for various parameters for VHF communication systems (transmitter)


RECEIVER Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground
Min signal at receiver antenna 75 V/m 20 V/m 75 V/m 20 V/m 75 V/m 20 V/m 75 V/m 35 V/m
Annex 10, Vol. III (-82 dBm) (-93 dBm) (-82 dBm) (-93 dBm) (-82 dBm) (-93 dBm) (-82 dBm) (-88 dBm)
part II part II part I part I part I part I part I part I 6.2.2. 6.3.2 6.2.2. 6.3.2

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems


RECEIVER Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground Airborne Ground
Feeder loss -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 dB
Antenna gain 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 2 dB
Min. signal at receiver input -85 dBm -94 dBm -85 dBm -94 dBm -85 dBm -94 dBm -85 dBm -89 dBm
Out-of-band immunity performance of receiver as per Annex 10, Volume III, Part I, paragraph and Volume III, Part II, paragraph (DSB-AM).
1st adj. Ch -40 dB -40 dB -40 dB -40 dB -40 dB -40 dB
4th adj. Ch -50 dB -50 dB -60 dB -60 dB -60 dB -60 dB -60 dB -60 dB
Table 2-2 Typical values for various parameters for VHF communication systems (receiver)

Conversion from input power (dBm) to field strength (V/m and v.v.) was with the following formula:
( 17 )
Pr is isotropically received power (dB(W))
E is the electric field strength (dB(V/m) and
f is the frequency (GHz) (ITU-R Recommendation P.525-2 refers).

This formula can be re-written into:

( 18 )

Pr is the signal at receiver antenna (in space) in mW,
E is the field strength at the antenna in V/m
F is the frequency f in MHz.
[dB(V/m) = 20log(V/m)]
is expressed in dBm (power relative to 1 milliwatt)

2.4 Allotment of the frequency band 117.975 137 MHz

2.4.1 Special frequencies Annex 10, Volume V, Chapter 4, paragraph 4.1.1 and Table 4 1 has established a general
allotment of the frequency band 117.975 137 MHz. The main sub-divisions of this band are the frequency
bands allocated to both international and national services and frequency bands solely allocated to national
services. Specific allotments to services are to be determined regionally. Appendices C and D contain these
regionally agreed allotment plans. In practice, not much consideration is given to the allotments for national /
international use.
Frequency assignments for international use are those that are required as per regional Air Navigation Plan.
These frequencies are identified with ICAO in the frequency assignment plan. Other frequencies are for
national use and are identified as NAT in the frequency assignment plan.

Annex 10, Volume V includes provisions for the use of specific frequencies as follows:

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

136.925 MHz CSC VDL M4

136.975 MHz CSC VDL M2
123.45 MHz Air-Air
123.1 MHz SAR
121.5 MHz EM

123.7 MHz

129.7 MHz

130.9 MHz
122 MHz
118 MHz

137 MHz
National/International National National/International National National/International

Aerodrome Surface Aeronautical Operational Control

(bandwidth determined regionally)

Frequency (MHz) Usage Comments Annex 10, Volume V

121.500 Aeronautical emergency frequency Guard band* 121.450 121.550 MHz
Aerodrome surface
121.550 122.917 -
123.100 Auxiliary frequency (SAR) Guard band* 123.050 123.150 MHz
123.450 Air-to-air communications Outside range of VHF stations
128.825 132.025 Aeronautical Operational Control Range to be determined Regionally** (Rec.)
136.925 Common signaling channel Reserved for VDL Mode 4
136.975 Common signaling channel Reserved for VDL Mode 2
Only for frequency assignments
136.500 136.975, Note 1
with 25 kHz channel spacing
* the frequencies 121.450 MHz, 121.550 MHz, 123.050 MHz and 123.150 MHz are assignable frequencies
** regional allotment plans have determined the actual band for aeronautical operational control communications
Table 2-3 Frequency allotment and special frequencies Regional allotment plans provide for the use of the frequency band 136 137 MHz by VDL (VDL
Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4). In Europe the frequency band 136.700 137.000 MHz is reserved for VDL.

2.4.2 Regional allotment plans In addition to the general allotment plan in Annex 10, all Regions have developed a more detailed
allotment plan through which operational services are allotted to certain frequency bands and included these
in the relevant ICAO Air Navigation Plans (ANP). The prime goal of these allotment plans is to accommodate
new frequency assignments in the sub-bands allotted to a particular service. Appendices C and D contain a
detailed overview of these allotment plans. Frequency assignments should preferably be made in accordance with the provisions of the
Regional allotment table. However, in case a particular requirement for a frequency assignment cannot be
made from within the sub-band that is allotted to the relevant service, other sub-bands can be considered to
satisfy the requirement. The Regional frequency allotment plans also include provisions for sub-bands for
aeronautical operational control (AOC) communications. Regional allotment plans provide for the use of the frequency band 136 137 MHz by VDL (VDL
Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4). In Europe the frequency band 136.700 137.000 MHz is reserved for VDL.

2.5 Frequency separation and channeling

2.5.1 Frequency separation between VHF COM channels

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems Annex 10 stipulates that the minimum separation between assignable frequencies in the
aeronautical mobile (R) service shall be 8.33 kHz. (Annex 10, Volume V, paragraph This provision
recognizes that in Regions or areas where 25 KHz channel spacing provides for an adequate number of
frequency assignments to meet national and international requirements equipment designed for 25 kHz
channel spacing will continue to be used and continue to be protected. The introduction of 8.33 kHz channel
spacing in Regions or areas requires a Regional air navigation agreement for the mandatory carriage of
equipment designed for 8.33 kHz channel spacing. Currently, 8.33 kHz frequency separation has only been introduced in the EUR Region. All other
Regions have agreed to base frequency assignment planning on 25 kHz frequency separation. This implies
that radio equipment designed for 50 kHz or 100 kHz frequency separation that may be still in operational use
is not always be protected from harmful interference that can be caused by stations operating on adjacent 25
kHz or 8.33 kHz frequencies.

2.5.2 Protection of 25 kHz frequency assignments from 8.33 kHz assignments In Regions that continue operation of communication equipment designed for a frequency
separation of 25 kHz, frequency assignments are protected from harmful interference from the use of
frequencies operating on multiples of 8.33 kHz, both within the same Region as well as in adjacent Regions
(see Annex 10, Volume V, paragraph, note and, note 2).

2.5.3 Channeling Normally, in aviation (e.g. in radio telephony) the frequency in use is identified by the actual
frequency. For the use of 8.33 kHz frequencies, the frequency identification for 8.33 kHz frequencies is
replaced with a channel identification that is using a number (similar to the identification of a frequency) which
is mapped to the actual frequency in use. The channel/frequency identification to be used for identifying
frequencies with a channel spacing of 8.33 kHz is as shown in Table 2 4.
Frequency Frequency
Channel #
(MHz) separation (kHz)
118.0000 25 118.000
118.0000 8.33 118.005
118.0083 8.33 118.010
118.0167 8.33 118.015
118.0250 25 118.025
118.0250 8.33 118.030
118.0333 8.33 118.035
118.0417 8.33 118.040
118.0500 25 118.050
118.0500 8.33 118.055
118.0583 8.33 118.060
118.0667 8.33 118.065
118.0750 25 118.075
118.0750 8.33 118.080
118.0833 8.33 118.085
118.0917 8.33 118.090
118.1000 25 118.100
Table 2-4 Channeling / frequency pairing for frequencies with 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz separation

2.6 Services and designated operational coverage

2.6.1 Services

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems Frequency assignments are made to implement specific aeronautical services as follows:
TWR Aerodrome control service
AS Aerodrome surface communications
AFIS Aerodrome flight information service

APP Approach control service
ATIS Automatic terminal information service

En route
FIS Flight information service
ACC Area control service

Other functions
A/A Air-to-air
A/G Air-to-ground
AOC Aeronautical operational control
VOLMETMeteorological broadcast for aircraft in flight
GPS VHF En-Route General Purpose System
EM Emergency
SAR Search and rescue

2.6.2 Coordination of special frequencies No frequency coordination of frequency assignment planning is necessary for the emergency
frequency (121.500 MHz) and the SAR frequency (123.100 MHz) as these services are available globally at
each station where this service is required. The provisions in Annex 10 include a guard band for these
frequencies to prevent adjacent channel interference. Also, no specific frequency assignment planning is
required for the air-to-air communication channel 123.450 MHz as this channel is to be used only in remote
and oceanic areas when the aircraft is out of the coverage of VHF ground stations.

2.6.3 Table of uniform values for designated operational coverage (DOC) Frequencies for aeronautical radio communication services are (normally) implemented to satisfy
the operational need for specific services. These services, and their uniform designated operational coverage
areas, are as in Table 2 4.
Designated Operational Coverage (DOC) Mode
Range (NM) Height (ft) Comments
TWR 25 4000 Height above ground A/G
TWR/L 16 3000 Height above ground; only in EUR
PAR 25 4000 Height above ground A/G
25 4000
AFIS Height above ground A/G
EUR: 15 EUR: 3000
AS Limits of aerodrome Surface A/G

50 12000
EUR: 25 10000
75 25000
EUR: 40 EUR: 15000

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Designated Operational Coverage (DOC) Mode

Range (NM) Height (ft) Comments
150 45000
EUR: 50 EUR: 25000

ACCL Area 25000 Within specified area; max range155 NM** A/G
ACC-LL EUR: Area 15000 Within specified area; max range120 NM**
25000 Within specified area; max range 130 NM**
ACC-I Area A/G
EUR: 35000 Within specified area; max range 185 NM**
ACCU Area 45000 Within specified area; max range 200 NM** A/G
FIS-L Area 25000 Within specified area; max range 155 NM** A/G
45000 Within specified area; max range 200 NM**
FIS or FIS-U Area A/G
EUR: 23000 Within specified area; max range 120 NM**
VOLMET 200 45000 Maximum range 200 NM* BC

Other functions
200 45000
EUR: 60 EUR: 20000
A-A 200 45000 Maximum range 200 NM** A/G
A-G 200 45000 Maximum range 200 NM** A/G
AOC 100 250 Not protected; max. range 100 NM A/G
EM N/A N/A No frequency coordination required A/G
SAR N/A N/A No frequency coordination required A/G
GPS 200 45000 Maximum range 200 NM** A/G
Table 2-5 Table of uniform designated operational coverage

i. For designated operational coverage marked with **, see paragraph 2.6.4
ii. Different DOC areas may be specified by States
iii. DOC for AOC only provided to enable compatibility assessment when frequencies for AOC are shared
with ATC services; different DOC may be specified.
iv. For area services, no frequency protection is provides outside the specified area.
v. Unless specified by States, the DOC for A-A and A-G is assumed at 45000 ft. / 200 NM
vi. Mode: A/G: air/ground communications; BC: (ground) broadcast communications Additional functionality concerning the use of these services in the column comments may be
added to the services as follows:
CD Clearance delivery
CTA Control area
DF Direction finding
ER Extended range
PAR Precision Approach Radar
RCAG Remote controlled air-ground communications
SR Surveillance Radar

These additions do not alter the basic service or the DOC for which the frequency is required and should be
included as a remark to the frequency assignment in the COM list in the global table of frequency

Certain services may not require protection because they are not in operation to provide safety-of-life service
(e.g. for Gliders, Balloons). However, when these services are shared with ATC services, a compatibility
analysis is required (see also paragraph

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems Non-standard DOC (Range and Height) may be implemented as and when required. Reduced
DOC, where operationally acceptable, may alleviate frequency congestion. The use of common frequencies, preferably Region wide, to satisfy requirements for specific non-
protected applications such as light aviation, gliding and balloon activities is recommended as such use
increases the efficiency in frequency assignment planning. Frequencies for aeronautical operational control are not protected through frequency planning.
These frequencies are normally assigned on the basis of the traffic loading that is expected. (E.g. within the
same area, smaller airlines can share the same frequency for operational control purposes).

2.6.4 Coverage at very low angles from ground transmitter Due to the vertical polar diagram of the antenna of the ground station, at very low angles the
radiation of the transmitted energy is too low to provide coverage over a large area Also, the distance to the
aircraft decreases if the angle of the radio path with the horizontal plane through the ground antenna
increases. As an example, for an aircraft operating at 45000 ft., the distance to the ground transmitter
decreases as shown in Table 2-6.(4/3 Earth radius).

Angle Distance (NM) Distance (NM)

(degree) Height: 45000 ft 25000 ft
(radio 261 261
.1 252 186
.2 245 178
.3 237 171
.4 230 164
.5 223 158
.6 217 152
.7 210 146
.8 204 140
.9 198 135
1 192 130
Table 2-6 Distance as function of angle above horizon

The geometry used in these calculations is shown in Figure 2-7

1 Flight level (max)
0 A
B 261 N

Figure 2-7 Reduction in distance to the transmitter when receiving above the horizontal plane through the ground

On the basis of the principles in, in case for certain services no actual maximum Designated
Operational Range has been specified, the maximum operational range within which frequency protection is
provided can be about 80% of the distance to the radio horizon. For certain of these services, a maximum
operational range has been incorporated in table 2-4.

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It is recognized that States may require different values for the designated operational coverage from the
uniform values in Table 2-5 for certain services.

2.6.5 Interference from FM broadcasting stations The risk of interference from FM broadcasting stations operating in the band 87 108 MHz is
generally not considered for frequency assignments in the band 117.975 137 MHz.

2.6.6 Co-location of facilities ICAO frequency assignment planning does not include protection against interference that may be
caused in case facilities are co-located (e.g. interference due to intermodulation products).

2.6.7 Coordination of frequency assignments Frequency coordination must take place with all States which may be affected by a proposal for a
new frequency assignment or where the characteristics of an existing assignment are modified. Normally,
such coordination is effected through the ICAO Regional Offices which have a central and coordinating role in
frequency assignment planning.

2.7 Calculation of separation distances (methodology)

Note: The material contained in this section can be used in areas where frequency assignment planning is
based solely on 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz frequency separation. Paragraph 2.7.4 contains material to be considered
when establishing separation distances in a mixed 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz environment.

2.7.1 Frequency and/or distance separation Protection of frequency assignments from harmful interference is achieved through frequency
and/or distance separation. Normally, the determining factor in frequency assignment planning is the risk of
interference between two aircraft, operating within different DOC areas at the closest point. As normally the
ground station is located well within the DOC area, the ground station is protected when the aircraft (receiver)
is protected from harmful interference. The separation distances provided in this paragraph are the minimum distances that need to be
maintained between the ground stations that provide the relevant service. The separation distances have
been established using the method and provisions in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 and comply with the frequency
assignment planning criteria as specified in Annex 10, Volume V. Practical values for the separation of co-
frequency facilities are in section 2.8.

2.7.2 Co-frequency separation distances Air/ground communication services.
Protection of co-frequency assignments for air/ground communication services (involving aircraft
transmissions) is obtained by securing that the D/U ratio is in accordance with the regionally agreed value.
The D/U ratio can be either 14 dB or 20 dB (see paragraph 2.3). Circular service areas

(i) Separation distance is based on D/U = 20 dB or radio line-of-sight distance
As described in paragraph 2.3 and as per the requirements of Annex 10 the minimum required separation
distance from the edge of the DOC (of the desired) ground station A to another (undesired) aircraft, operating

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

on the same frequency (and outside the desired DOC), should be not greater than the sum of the distance to
the radio horizon from each aircraft station.

As shown in Figure 2-8, the minimum distance between the DOC of the service areas is equal to

The distance to the radio horizon can be calculated with formulas (8) or (9) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2. In
these formula, the factor hTX and or hRX is the designated operational height of the respective DOC areas.

As shown in Figure 2 8, when the ground stations (with circular coverage and the ground stations are
located approximately at the center of this coverage area) have a designated operational range of RA and RB
respectively and RHA and RB is the distance from the respective aircraft to the radio horizon, the minimum
separation distance between the ground stations is:


Radio horizon
Station A Range = RA
Station B Range = RB
Figure 2-8 Separation based on radio line-of-sight

Separation distance is based on D/U = 14 dB (1 : 5 separation distance ratio) or radio line-of-sight.

As described in paragraph 2.2.2 and as per the requirements of Annex 10 the minimum required
geographical separation distance between the edges of the designated operational coverage areas can be
calculated with the separation distance ratio method as follows. This method has been implemented in Europe
[and North America].

To meet the 14 dB protection requirement, the distance between the (desired) aircraft receiver and the
(interfering) aircraft transmitter needs to be at least 5 times the distance between the (desired) aircraft receiver
and the desired ground station.
5*RA or 5*RB

Figure 2-9 Separation distance based on the 5 to 1 distance ratio

In Figure 2 9 the designated operational range for ground station A is RA and for ground station B is RB.
Aircraft stations a and b operate at the closest point and at the edge of the respective DOC areas. If the
(minimum) separation distance from aircraft station a to aircraft station b is at least 5 times the distance from
aircraft station a to ground station A (5*RA) aircraft station a is protected (14 dB) from interference from aircraft

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

station b. Vice versa, if the distance from aircraft station b to aircraft station a is at least 5 times the distance
from aircraft station b to ground station B (5*RB) aircraft station b is protected from interference from aircraft
station a. The minimum required separation distance between the two DOC areas A and B is the largest of

(Max) [5*RA or 5*RB]

The minimum separation between the ground stations (circular coverage for A and B and the ground stations
are located in the approximate center of the DOC) is the larger value of

(Max) [ (RA + 5RA + RB) or ( RA + 5RB + RB)]

In cases where the value (Max) [5*RA or 5*RB] is larger than the sum of the distances to the radio horizon of
each facility (RHA + RHB) as described in 2.2.5 and above, the radio line-of-sight criterion should be
used. The minimum total required separation distance between closest points at the edges of the respective
coverage areas is therefore:

(Min) {[RHA+RHB] or (Max) [5RA or 5RB]}

Note 1: In both cases above, the edge of the DOC area is the point where the aircraft can operate at
maximum designated operational range and height. Application of the 5 to 1 distance ratio assumes that the
e.i.r.p of both the [desired] station and the [undesired; interfering] station are the same. Where the e.i.r.p of the
transmitters is different, adjustments to the 5 to 1 distance ratio are necessary (see paragraph 1.3.4).
Note 2: The application of the 5:1 distance ratio in frequency assignment planning is not recommended for
area services or for services with circular DOC when the ground station is located well outside the center of
the circular service since in these cases the worst case where the 5.1 distance ratio needs to be met is not
always the closest point between the DOC areas considered. In addition, it should be recognized that the
benefits for efficient frequency assignment planning using the 5:1 distance ratio are marginal. Only in areas
where frequency congestion is becoming desperate, the use of the 5:1 distance ratio for frequency
assignment planning should be considered.
Note 3: in both cases above, once protection of the aircraft receiver a is secured, also the ground station is
protected from harmful interference (from aircraft station b since the ground station is well beyond the radio
horizon of aircraft station b. Area services For area services (such as ACC or FIS; see Table 2-5) the minimum separation distance
between the DOC of the area service (ACC, FIS) and the DOC of other service areas (which can either be an
area service or a circular service) is the distance between the closest points at the edge of the area service
and of the DOC area of the other service. This scenario is illustrated in Figure 2-15 and described in
paragraph 2.7.5 To secure protection of both services from harmful interference using radio line of sight
criterion the distance between these (closest) points shall be at least the sum of the radio horizon of each
aircraft at maximum Designated Operational Height. The distance to the radio horizon between these points
can be calculated for each point with the formulas (9) and (10) in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2.
As pointed out in Note 2 to paragraph, the use of the 5:1 distance ratio for co-frequency assignment
planning for area services is not recommended.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems Broadcast services (ATIS and VOLMET) Broadcast services such as ATIS and VOLMET are characterized by ground-to-air transmissions
only and do not involve airborne transmissions. As a consequence, only interference from the (undesired)
ground broadcast station needs to be considered. Because to the continuing nature of the broadcast
transmissions, protection of the (desired) signal) down to the muting level of the receiver is necessary.
A VOLMET (ATIS) broadcast station normally has a maximum designated operational range is 200 NM and a
maximum designated operational height of 45000 ft. see paragraph 2.6.4 and Table 2-4). For an (undesired)
VOLMET transmitter with an e.i.r.p. of 100 W, the field strength at the (desired) aircraft, when the VOLMET
station is 15 NM beyond the radio horizon of the (desired) aircraft) will be approximately at the receiver muting
level of 5 V/m (-105.6 dBm).

The designated operational coverage for these broadcast stations is normally the maximum that can be
achieved (200 NM at flight level 450). The interference mechanism is shown in Figure 2 10.
a Broadcast station B
Broadcast station A
Figure 2-10 Interference mechanism between broadcast services

The minimum separation distance between two (ground) broadcast stations is

RA+RHA+15 (NM)

To secure compatibility when station B is the wanted broadcast station and aircraft B is the desired receiving
aircraft station, the minimum separation distance between the (ground) broadcast stations A and B is

RB+RHB+15 (NM)

To secure compatibility between the two broadcast stations the minimum separation distance to be maintained
between the ground broadcast stations A and B respectively is the larger value of:

(Max) RHA + RA + 15 or RHB + RB + 15

Where: RA is the designated operational range for ground broadcasting station A

RB is the designated operational range for ground broadcasting station B
RHA is the distance to the radio horizon of aircraft A
RHB is the distance to the radio horizon of aircraft B
(Distances in NM)

The minimum separation distances between the edge of the designated operational coverage of each facility
is 15 NM.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems Broadcast and air-ground services To protect an aircraft station receiving broadcasts from a ground station from another station
providing air/ground communications the mechanism as shown in Figure 2 - 11 applies

RHA RHB Broadcast station B
Radio horizon
Air/ground station A
Figure 2-11 Interference mechanism between broadcast services and air/ground services

In order to protect aircraft B, which is receiving (only) broadcast information from ground broadcast station B
(e.g. VOLMET or ATIS), from interference that can be caused by transmissions from aircraft station A, the
same methodology as described in paragraph applies (separation distances in case both the
undesired and the desired station provide air/ground communication services.

To protect aircraft station A from interference that can be caused by (ground ) broadcast station B, the
minimum separation between the two ground stations needs to be (see paragraph


However, the distance to protect aircraft station B from interference from transmissions from aircraft station A
is always greater than the distance to protect aircraft station A from interference that can be caused by
broadcasting station B. Geographical separation between the facilities should be based on the method as
described in paragraph Aerodrome surface communications (AS)

Aerodrome Surface communications provide an essential safety service. In case the separation distance is not
sufficient, clearances or other instructions that are intended to be used solely on a nearby (undesired)
aerodrome can be understood as a valid instruction on the desired aerodrome. For AS communications, the
actual difference in height (above MSL) with a nearby airport or the effect of anomalous propagation may need
to be considered. A height difference of 100 m with the nearby aerodrome would result in the radio horizon (of
the nearby aerodrome) being increased to about 25 NM. The resulting (D/U) would be 15.5 dB. (See the
Appendix to this paper)

Along the same principles as for aircraft in flight, as described in paragraph, the minimum separation
distance can be calculated with the formula RHA + RHB as illustrated in Figure 2-12.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Figure 2-12 Geometry for calculating separation distances for AS communication services

In Figure 2-12, the parameters are:

AS(D) and AS(U): Designated operational coverage for aerodrome surface communications (5 NM/100 ft.)
AC(D): Desired aircraft (antenna height 30 ft.)
AC(U): Undesired aircraft (antenna height 30 ft.)
AS(D): Desired AS ground [base] station (antenna height 100 ft.)
AS(U): Undesired AS ground [base] station (antenna height 100 ft.)
RH (AS-D) and RH(AS-U): Distance to the radio horizon from the edge of coverage (12.3 NM)
RH(AC-D) and RH(AC-U): Distance to the radio horizon from the aircraft at maximum range (6.7 NM for 30 ft.)

Using formulas (1) and (3) in Chapter 1 the required transmission loss can be calculated as

In this formula (dd=5 NM)

and (du is the distance to the radio horizon between the two ground
stations which is for stations at a height of 100 ft. (30 m) above the terrain 2*12.3 NM. A is the required
transmission loss beyond the radio horizon)

( ( ) )

For ( ) =24.6, the factor A (transmission loss beyond the radio horizon) equals 6dB. This
corresponds to a distance of 12 NM. As a result, the total minimum separation between the two ground
stations should be 36.3 NM (37 NM). Since the antenna height above the terrain of the ground station (30) is
higher than that of the aircraft station, this separation distance will protect the communications with an aircraft
(on the surface of an airport) as well as vehicles using AS frequencies.

Note: when using the two-ray propagation model (see Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.4), the minimum separation
distance between the two ground stations would be slightly more than 25 NM.

In frequency assignment planning, the DOC for AS services is circular with a designated operational coverage
of 5 NM / 100 ft. The minimum separation distance between the DOC of two (co-frequency) AS services is
equal to the sum of the distance to the radio horizon of each station. This would provide for a co-frequency
separation distance between the ground stations of 35 NM.

If so desired, on the basis of regional agreements, the separation distances to be applied can be amended. In
addition, consideration could be given to increase the minimum separation distance to a value that would
reduce the undesired signal to below a squelch level of 5 V/m at the [airborne and ground ] receiver antenna.
However, when considering that more realistic propagation models for ground-ground propagation as in
Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3.2 will result in better protection, the separation distance of 35 NM between AS
ground stations may provide sufficient protection.

Adjacent channel protection for AS services needs to be provided by securing that the DOC of the undesired
(interfering) station is separated by at least 10 NM from the DOC of the desired station.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Editorial note: if so desired, this paragraph can be simplified. Note that in the case of AS services, protection if
offered to the ground station as the antenna height of the ground station is greater than that of the aircraft
station on the surface of the airport. Unprotected services Certain services are not protected from interference and in many cases, no coverage has been
determined for these services. An example is the use of frequencies for aeronautical operational control or for
special uses such as for gliders and balloons. Assignment of frequencies to stations is in these cases normally determined on the basis of the
traffic loading that can be expected by the users of these -unprotected- frequencies. As long as these
frequencies are in operation exclusively for unprotected use, these assignments should not be subject to
interference calculations. When these frequencies are shared with protected services, consideration needs to be given
whether the use of the unprotected frequencies may cause interference to frequencies (co- and adjacent
frequency) which do require protection from harmful interference and an assessment of potential interference
should be undertaken. This may result in a situation that while the protected service is to be protected from
interference from the unprotected service, the unprotected service is in turn also protected from interference
from the protected service. In these cases, establishing a DOC for the un-protected service is necessary. In the interest of efficient frequency assignment planning it is important to realize that when
frequency assignments to unprotected services are being made, these should preferably be concentrated in
one (or more) sub-bands solely reserved for unprotected services. Where feasible, such sub-bands should be

2.7.3 Adjacent frequency separation distances Air/ground communication services (25 kHz or 8.33 kHz frequency separation).

The minimum separation between aircraft operating on the first adjacent (25 kHz or 8.33 kHz) frequency used
in frequency assignment planning is 10 NM as illustrated in Figure 2-13. In paragraph and
calculations for adjacent channel separation are provided. This separation distance applies to frequency
assignment for use by equipment designed for 25 kHz frequencies (channels) or for 8.33 kHz frequencies
(channels). The separation distance in cases where equipment designed for 8.33 kHz bandwidth is used in the
same area where equipment designed for 25 kHz bandwidth channels is used is described in paragraph 2.7.4.
a b

10 NM
Station A Range = RA
Station B Range = RB
Figure 2-13 Adjacent frequency separation for air-ground services

The minimum separation between two ground stations operating on the first adjacent 25 kHz frequency is:

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RA +10 NM +RB

This minimum separation distance prevents adjacent frequency interference between two aircraft and applies
when one (or both) aircraft stations provides air/ground communications. Adjacent frequency separation distances between broadcast services (ATIS, VOLMET). In case both ground stations are broadcast (VOLMET, ATIS) stations, the minimum adjacent
frequency separation distance between the aircraft and an unwanted (interfering) ground broadcasting station
is 13 NM as shown in Figure 2 11.

13 NM
Station A Range = RA
Figure 2-14 Adjacent frequency separation between broadcast services

The minimum separation between two ground broadcast stations, operating on adjacent frequency, is

RA + 13 NM
RA is the designated operational range for ground broadcast station A

Similarly, for broadcast station B, the minimum separation distance between the two ground stations is
RB + 13 NM
RB is the designated operational range for ground broadcast station B (not shown in Figure 2 14)

The minimum separation distance that needs to be secured between the broadcast stations A and B is the
larger value of:
(Max) RA + 13 NM or RB + 13 NM

In this case, the DOC for adjacent channels may overlap with each other. Adjacent frequency separation distances broadcast and air-ground services In this case, two different interference mechanisms need to be analyzed as illustrated in Figures 2-
13 and 2-14. The minimum separation distance can be calculated as follows:

Aircraft a is involved in air/ground communications with ground station A (Range R A)

Aircraft b is receiving broadcast messages only from ground station B (Range R B)

A - the minimum separation distance between the two ground stations to protect the aircraft station a from
interference from the (broadcasting) ground station b, as described in paragraph, is
RA +13 NM

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RA is the designated operational range of the station providing air/ground communications.

A the minimum separation distance between the two ground stations to protect the broadcast receiver
(aircraft station b) from interference from aircraft station a. With the method as described in paragraph,
the minimum distance between the aircraft stations is 10 NM. The minimum distance between the ground
stations is

RA +10 + RB
RA is the designated operational range of the air-ground communication service and
RB is the designated operational range of the broadcast service

To secure protection of both services, the minimum separation between the ground stations is the larger value
(Max)RA +13 NM or RA +10 + RB

2.7.4 Co and adjacent frequency consideration in a mixed environment where 8.33 kHz
and 25 kHz frequency separation is being used

Note: The following criteria have been developed by the EUR Frequency Management Group and may require
further consideration, in particular with regard to the protection of frequencies using off-set carrier (CLIMAX)
systems. Co-frequency separation criteria should be used when the 8.33 kHz frequency and the 25 kHz
frequency are the same (e.g. channel 119.000 and 119.005 operate both on the frequency 119.000 MHz). Co-
frequency separation criteria should also be applied between an 8.33 kHz frequency and a 25 kHz frequency
which are separated by 8.33 kHz MHz. (e.g. channels 119.010 and 118.990, using frequencies 119.0083 MHz
and 118.9917 MHz respectively) are considered both co-frequency to the [25 kHz] frequency 119.000
(119.000 MHz)) At least [33] NM should be the separation distance between the edges of the DOCs when the 8.33
kHz and a 25 kHz frequencies are separated by 16.67 MHz (e.g. channels 119.015 and 118.985, using
frequencies 119.0167 MHz and 118.9833 MHz). Note: These frequencies are considered co-frequency to the next 25 kHz frequency (e.g. co-
frequency to 119.025 MHz and 118.975 MHz respectively. At least 10 NM should be the separation between the edges of the DOCs when the 8.33 KHz
frequency and the 25 kHz frequency are separated by 20 kHz (i.e. the same criteria as for a 25 kHz adjacent
frequency. At least 4 NM should be the separation distance between an 8.33 kHz frequency and a 25 kHz
frequency which are separated by 25 kHz (e.g. channel 118.000 (25 kHz) and 118.030 (8.33 kHz) which use
the frequency 118.000 MHz and the frequency 118.025 MHz respectively) Table 2 7 gives an overview of the separation distances to be maintained in a mixed 25 / 8.33 kHz
environment. The values for the adjacent frequency separation are in NM. C indicates that the co-frequency
separation criteria (line-of-sight or the 1 to 5 distance ratio needs to be applied.

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118.0000 C C C 33 10 4
118.0000 C C 10 4
118.0083 C 10 C 10 33
118.0167 33 10 C C 10 4
118.0250 10 4 33 C C C C 33 10
118.0250 4 10 C C 10 4
118.0333 C 10 C 10 33
118.0417 33 10 C C 10 4
118.0500 4 10 4 33 C C C C 33 10
118.0500 4 10 C C 10 4
118.0583 C 10 C 10 33
118.0667 33 10 C C 10
118.0750 10 4 33 C C C C 33 10
118.0750 4 10 C C 10 4
118.0833 C 10 C 10 33
118.0917 33 10 C C 10
118.1000 10 4 33 C C C C
118.1000 4 10 C C
Table 2-7 Adjacent frequency separation distances for a mixed 25 kHz/8.33 kHz environ

2.7.5 Frequency planning criteria for area services For area services, the separation distance is measured from the edge of the coverage of the area
service. When the two services considered include a circular service, the separation distance is from the
station providing the circular service to the closest point of the edge of coverage of the area service.

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Figure 2-15 Minimum separation of area services

Note: RLOS is radio line-of-sight Co-frequency geographical separation for area services The minimum separation between the designated operational coverage of two area services is
equal to the sum of the radio line-of-sight for each area service at the limit of the DOC (coverage). This
method provides frequency protection throughout the DOC of the area service. In Figure 2 15 around the
each of the area services a buffer zone equal to the distance to the radio horizon for an aircraft at maximum
altitude of the relevant DOC has been established. The minimum separation to protect the two area services
from harmful interference is established at the closest point between the service areas. In many cases, for large designated operational coverage areas of area services, a single
ground station cannot provide coverage throughout the service area. In these cases, where required,
additional coverage is provided through installing extended range stations (forward relay). These stations can
operate on the same frequency (using the off-set carrier system as specified in Annex 10, Volume III) or on a
discrete frequency. Not in all cases full VHF coverage is provided, in particular for lower flight levels. When the same frequency used by an area service is also used by a broadcasting service (which is
a circular service), the minimum separation is the larger value of the following:
a. to protect the aircraft receiver at the edge of the area coverage, the minimum distance to the ground
broadcast transmitter should be at least the distance to the radio horizon + 30 NM from the limit of the
DOC of the area service
b. the minimum distance from the aircraft broadcast receiver to the airborne transmitter at the edge of
the area service should be at least the sum of the distance to the radio horizon (radio line-of-sight) for
each aircraft. The minimum distance from the edge of the DOC of the area service to the broadcast
transmitter should be at least the sum of the distance to the radio horizon for each aircraft plus the
range of the broadcast station. The methodology for establishing the minimum separation distances is the same as provided
in paragraphs 2.7.3 and 2.7.4. However, in order to secure protection of area services throughout the DOC,

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separation distances are measured from the limit of the DOC rather than from the ground station(s) providing
the area service. Adjacent frequency geographical separation for area services The minimum separation distance between the designated operational coverage of two area
services are to be separated (at the edge of coverage) by at least 10 NM when in each of the two areas the
first adjacent frequencies is being used. (In this case, in figure 2 15 the buffer zone around the area service
is 10 NM) The same condition applies when one of the services is a circular service. In this case, the minimum
separation between the edge of the designated operational coverage of the area service and the ground
station of the circular service is the range of the circular service + 10 NM When the adjacent frequency used by an area service is used by a broadcasting service (which is a
circular service), the minimum separation is the larger value of the following:
a. to protect the aircraft receiver at the edge of coverage, the minimum distance to the ground broadcast
transmitter from the edge of coverage should be at least 13 NM.
b. the minimum distance from the aircraft broadcast receiving to the airborne transmitter at the edge of
the area service should be at least the sum of the distance to the radio horizon (radio line-of-sight) for
each aircraft plus 13 NM. The minimum distance from the edge of the DOC of the area service to the
broadcast transmitter should be at least 13 NM plus the range of the broadcast station.

2.8 Separation distances (air ground communication services and

ground based broadcasting services)
2.8.1 Calculation of distances to the radio horizon
Applying the methodology as described in paragraph 2.7.2, separation distances between the edges of the
designated operational coverage areas have been calculated using the distance to the radio horizon (R LOS) as
Symbol Service range (NM) Service height Radio horizon
TWR 25 NM 4000 ft. 78 NM
AFIS 25 NM 4000 ft. 78 NM
AS Limits of aerodrome Surface N/A
APP-U 150 NM 45000 ft. 260 NM
APP-I 75 NM 25000 ft. 195 NM
APP-L 50 NM 12000 ft. 134 NM
ACC-U Specified area 45000 ft. 260 NM
ACC-L Specified area 25000 ft. 195 NM
FIS-U Specified area 45000 ft. 260 NM
FIS-L Specified area 25000 ft. 195 NM
VOLMET 260 NM 45000 ft. 260 NM
ATIS 260 NM 45000 ft. 260 NM
Table 2-8 Distance to radio horizon with aircraft at maximum altitude

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The minimum separation distance between the closest point of the designated operational coverage area of
each service are summarized in Table 2 9 and are in accordance with the methods described in paragraph
2.7.2. Separation distances involving air/ground communication services have been calculated as shown in
paragraph and are limited to the sum of the radio horizon of each facility. When using non-uniform
values for the designated operational coverage of the services in Table 2-5, the minimum geographical
separation between the can be calculated as shown in paragraph (separation distance based on
radio line-of-sight distance). The minimum separation distance between broadcast services (VOLMET, ATIS) assumes a
designated operational coverage for these services of 260 NM / 45000 ft. See also paragraph

2.8.2 Table of separation distances Separation distances between the edge of the designated coverage areas
25/4000 25/4000 Surface 150/450 75/250 50/120 Area/450 Area/250 Area/450 Area/250 260/450 200/450

TWR 156 156 338 273 212 338 273 338 273 338 338

AFIS 156 156 338 273 212 338 273 338 273 338 338

(Note 2)

APP-U 338 338 520 455 394 520 455 520 455 520 520

273 273 455 390 329 325 390 455 390 455 455


212 212 394 329 268 394 329 394 329 394 394

338 338 520 455 394 520 455 520 455 520 520
(Note 1)

273 273 455 390 329 455 390 455 390 455 455
(Note 1)

338 338 520 455 394 520 455 520 455 520 520
(Note 1)

273 273 455 390 329 455 390 455 390 455 455
(Note 1)

338 338 520 455 394 520 455 520 455 15 15

338 338 520 455 394 520 455 520 455 15 15

Table 2-9 Minimum geographical co-frequency separation distances between stations

Note 1: All distances are in NM.

Note 2: Frequencies for aerodrome surface communications should be selected from the band 121.600
121.975 MHz. This band is reserved exclusively for aerodrome surface communications. No separation

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distances with other services are provided. Should it be necessary to share frequencies for AS with air/ground
communication services, the minimum geographical separation distance can be calculated as shown in
paragraph and assuming a designated operational coverage for aerodrome surface communications
of 5 NM/100 ft. In the EUR Region, the table of separation distances has been developed, taking into account
i. Different values for the uniform designated operational coverage (see paragraph and
Table 2-5.
ii. Application of the separation-distance ratio method (5:1) using the D/U protection ratio of 14 dB.
For information purposes, this table is reproduced below.

EUR Table of separation distances

16/3000 25/4000 50/250 40/150 25/100 Area/450 Area/350 Area/250 Area/150 271/450 60/02050

AFIS/TWR 80 125 250 200 125 328 297 261 218 328 241

TWR 125 125 250 200 125 339 308 272 229 339 252

APP-U 250 250 250 250 250 455 424 388 345 455 300

200 200 250 200 200 412 381 345 302 412 300

125 125 250 200 125 384 353 317 274 384 297

328 339 455 412 384 522 491 455 412 522 300
(Note 1)

297 308 424 381 353 491 460 424 381 491 300
(Note 1)

261 272 388 345 317 455 424 388 345 455 300
(Note 1)

ACC-LL 218 229 345 302 274 412 381 345 302 412 300

VOLMET 328 339 455 412 384 522 491 455 412 10 211

241 252 300 300 297 300 300 300 300 211 124

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i. Separation distances in NM.
ii. All distances in red/italics have been calculated using the 5:1 distance ratio. Other separation
distances are limited to the radio horizon.
iii. Separation distances between VOLMET and ATIS were calculated assuming an antenna height of the
VOLMET/ATIS transmitter of 65 ft. (20m)

2.9 Separation distances for VDL (VDL Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4)
2.9.1 VDL operating co-frequency with other VDL or VHF COM voice systems The same planning criteria as used between VHF voice systems (20 dB protection ratio) should be
used. The separation criteria are those as described in paragraph 2.7.2. The designated operational coverage
for VDL Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4 facilities need to be separated from the designated operational coverage of
a co-frequency VHF-COM voice (DSB-AM) system with at least the distance to the radio horizon of each
service. .
Note: This applies also to frequency assignments between VDL facilities.

2.9.2 VDL operating on adjacent frequencies with other VDL or VHF COM voice systems
The 1 frequency, adjacent (25 kHz) to either a DSB-AM frequency or a VDL frequency should not be used in
the same airspace.

The 2 frequency, adjacent (25 kHz) to a DSB-AM frequency should not be used in the same airspace for
VDL Mode 4.

Interference source
Victim DSB-AM 1 2
VDL 2 1 1 1
VDL 4 2 1 1
Table 2-10 25 kHz guard band (channels) between DSB-AM, VDL mode 2 and VDL mode 4 (air-air)

Note: The numbers in Table 4 are guard-bands (channels). The next frequency that can be used without
frequency planning constrain is 1 channel higher (e.g. a desired DSB-AM station that is interfered by a VDL
Mode 2 aircraft station requires one 25 kHz guard band.. The next frequency, 50 kHz away, can be used in
the same designated operational coverage without any frequency assignment planning constraint.

2.9.3 Operation of VDL on the surface of an airport Attention is drawn to the possibility of interference between DSB-AM and VDL Mode 2/4 when these
systems are used on the surface of an airport. The following adjacent channel constraints have been
developed under the assumption that the minimum separation between an aircraft on the surface of an airport
and the ground station (transmitter/receiver) is at least 210 m. This is considered a realistic scenario at most
airports. However, aircraft at the surface of an airport can be separated at closer ranges. Protection has been
considered at the minimum required field strength and calculations have been made assuming free space
propagation conditions. Measurements at a number of representative airports showed that in many cases the
minimum fields strength is about 10 12 dB higher than the minimum required.

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems On the basis of an analysis performed by the Aeronautical Communications Panel, the following
frequency assignment planning constraints have been developed for VDL Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4, when
operating with aircraft on the surface of an airport.
Interference source
Victim DSB-AM - 4 4
VDL 2 4 1 1
VDL 4 4 1 1
Table 2-11 25 kHz guard band (channels) between DSB-AM and VDL (modes 2 and 4) on the surface of an airport Interference can occur if the frequency separation between a VDL frequency assignment (guard
band) is four channels (25 kHz) or less. In this case interference between aircraft stations can be prevented
through securing that the minimum field strength of these systems is at least 70 dBm at the antenna. Any
interference that may be caused in ground based receiving stations (i.e. not aircraft stations) can be mitigated
through using cavity filters that block in these receivers the reception of unwanted signals from transmissions
from aircraft operating on the surface of an airport.


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Appendix A Aeronautical propagation curves for 125 MHz, 300 MHz, 1200 MHz and 5100 MHz
(Source: Recommendation ITU-R P.528)
Appendix B Terms and definitions
Appendix C Regional frequency allotment plans
Appendix D Regional frequency utilization table

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Appendix A

Appendix A contains the propagation curves as per ITU-R Recommendation P.528-3

The following points are to be noted:

1 Figures A-1 to A-4 show median values of the basic transmission loss at the frequencies 125, 300, 1
200 and 5 100 MHz for the time availability of 50%.

2 Each figure consists of three curve sets where the upper, middle and lower sets provide h 2 values of
1000, 10 000, and 20 000 m, respectively.

3 Additional curves and further details on their application are contained in ITU-R Recommendation
P.528-3. This Recommendation also includes the curves in a tabular format (spreadsheet).

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Figure A - 1 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 125 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1

Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 Free space

160 h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
240 h1 = 60 m
260 h1 = 1 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

a) h2 = 1 000 m

120 Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
200 h1 = 30 m
220 h1 = 60 m
h1 = 1 000 m
280 h1 = 10 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

b) h2 = 10 000 m

Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 h1 = 1.5 m
160 h1 = 15 m
180 h1 = 30 m
h1 = 60 m
240 h1 = 1 000 m
260 h1 = 10 000 m
280 h1 = 20 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

c) h2 = 20 000 m

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Figure A - 2 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 300 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1

Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 Free space

160 h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
240 h1 = 60 m
260 h1 = 1 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

a) h2 = 1 000 m

120 Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
200 h1 = 30 m
220 h1 = 60 m
h1 = 1 000 m
280 h1 = 10 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

b) h2 = 10 000 m

Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 h1 = 1.5 m
160 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
h1 = 60 m
240 h1 = 1 000 m
260 h1 = 10 000 m
h1 = 20 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

c) h2 = 20 000 m

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Figure A - 3 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 1 200 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1

Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 Free space

160 h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
240 h1 = 60 m
260 h1 = 1 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

a) h2 = 1 000 m

120 Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
200 h1 = 30 m
220 h1 = 60 m
h1 = 1 000 m
280 h1 = 10 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

b) h2 = 10 000 m

Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 h1 = 1.5 m
160 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
h1 = 60 m
240 h1 = 1 000 m
260 h1 = 10 000 m
280 h1 = 20 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

c) h2 = 20 000 m

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Figure A - 4 Curve sets for basic transmission loss at 5 100 MHz for 50% of the time for values of h1

Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 Free space

160 h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
240 h1 = 60 m
260 h1 = 1 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

a) h2 = 1 000 m

120 Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

h1 = 1.5 m
180 h1 = 15 m
200 h1 = 30 m
220 h1 = 60 m
h1 = 1 000 m
280 h1 = 10 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

b) h2 = 10 000 m

Free space
Basic transmission loss (dB)

140 h1 = 1.5 m
160 h1 = 15 m
h1 = 30 m
h1 = 60 m
240 h1 = 1 000 m
260 h1 = 10 000 m
280 h1 = 20 000 m
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800
Distance (km)

c) h2 = 20 000 m

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Appendix B

Terms and definitions

Designated operational range or height (DOR or DOH) The range or height to which an aid is needed
operationally in order to provide a particular service and within which the facility is afforded frequency

Note 1 The designated value for range or height is determined in accordance with the criteria for the
deployment of the aid in question.

Note 2 The designated value for range or height forms the basis for the technical planning of aids.

Designated operational coverage (DOC) The combination of the designated operational range and the
designated operational height (e.g. 200NM/FL500 is the designated operational coverage for an aid with a
designated operational range of 500 NM and a designated operational height of 50.000 ft (Flight Level 500).

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Appendix C

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Appendix D
Regional frequency utilization table

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

118.0000 118.005 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0000 118.000 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.0083 118.010 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0167 118.015 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0250 118.025 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.0250 118.030 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0333 118.035 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0417 118.040 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0500 118.055 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0500 118.050 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.0583 118.060 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0667 118.065 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0750 118.080 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0750 118.075 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.0833 118.085 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.0917 118.090 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1000 118.100 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.1000 118.105 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1083 118.110 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1167 118.115 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1250 118.125 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.1250 118.130 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1333 118.135 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1417 118.140 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1500 118.150 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.1500 118.155 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1583 118.160 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1667 118.165 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1750 118.175 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.1750 118.180 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1833 118.185 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.1917 118.190 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2000 118.200 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.2000 118.205 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2083 118.210 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2167 118.215 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2250 118.230 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2250 118.225 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.2333 118.235 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2417 118.240 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2500 118.250 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

118.2500 118.255 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2583 118.260 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2667 118.265 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2750 118.275 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.2750 118.280 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2833 118.285 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.2917 118.290 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3000 118.300 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.3000 118.305 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3083 118.310 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3167 118.315 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3250 118.330 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3250 118.325 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.3333 118.335 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3417 118.340 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3500 118.355 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3500 118.350 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.3583 118.360 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3667 118.365 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3750 118.380 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3750 118.375 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.3833 118.385 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.3917 118.390 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4000 118.400 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.4000 118.405 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4083 118.410 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4167 118.415 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4250 118.425 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.4250 118.430 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4333 118.435 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4417 118.440 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4500 118.450 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.4500 118.455 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4583 118.460 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4667 118.465 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4750 118.475 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.4750 118.480 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4833 118.485 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.4917 118.490 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5000 118.500 ACC-U TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.5000 118.505 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5083 118.510 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5167 118.515 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5250 118.525 ACC-U TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.5250 118.530 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5333 118.535 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5417 118.540 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

118.5500 118.550 ACC-U TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.5500 118.555 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5583 118.560 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5667 118.565 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5750 118.575 ACC-U TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.5750 118.580 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5833 118.585 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.5917 118.590 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6000 118.600 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.6000 118.605 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6083 118.610 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6167 118.615 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6250 118.625 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.6250 118.630 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6333 118.635 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6417 118.640 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6500 118.650 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.6500 118.655 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6583 118.660 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6667 118.665 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6750 118.675 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.6750 118.680 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6833 118.685 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.6917 118.690 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7000 118.700 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.7000 118.705 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7083 118.710 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7167 118.715 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7250 118.725 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.7250 118.730 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7333 118.735 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7417 118.740 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7500 118.750 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.7500 118.755 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7583 118.760 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7667 118.765 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7750 118.775 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.7750 118.780 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7833 118.785 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.7917 118.790 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8000 118.800 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.8000 118.805 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8083 118.810 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8167 118.815 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8250 118.825 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.8250 118.830 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8333 118.835 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

118.8417 118.840 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8500 118.850 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.8500 118.855 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8583 118.860 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8667 118.865 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8750 118.875 TWR TWR TWR TWR, APP TWR TWR
118.8750 118.880 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8833 118.885 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.8917 118.890 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9000 118.900 TWR ACC-L, ACC- TWR TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- TWR
118.9000 118.905 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9083 118.910 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9167 118.915 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9250 118.925 TWR ACC-L, ACC- TWR TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- TWR
118.9250 118.930 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9333 118.935 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9417 118.940 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9500 118.950 TWR ACC-L, ACC- Not allotted TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- Not allotted
118.9500 118.955 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9583 118.960 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9667 118.965 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9750 118.975 TWR ACC-L, ACC- Not allotted TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- Not allotted
118.9750 118.980 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9833 118.985 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
118.9917 118.990 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0000 119.000 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.0000 119.005 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0083 119.010 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0167 119.015 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0250 119.025 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.0250 119.030 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0333 119.035 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0417 119.040 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0500 119.050 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.0500 119.055 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0583 119.060 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0667 119.065 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0750 119.075 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.0750 119.080 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0833 119.085 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.0917 119.090 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1000 119.100 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.1000 119.105 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

119.1083 119.110 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1167 119.115 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1250 119.125 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.1250 119.130 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1333 119.135 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1417 119.140 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1500 119.150 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.1500 119.155 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1583 119.160 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1667 119.165 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1750 119.175 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.1750 119.180 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1833 119.185 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.1917 119.190 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2000 119.200 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.2000 119.205 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2083 119.210 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2167 119.215 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2250 119.225 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.2250 119.230 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2333 119.235 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2417 119.240 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2500 119.250 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.2500 119.255 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2583 119.260 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2667 119.265 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2750 119.275 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.2750 119.280 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2833 119.285 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.2917 119.290 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3000 119.300 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
119.3000 119.305 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3083 119.310 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3167 119.315 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3250 119.325 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
119.3250 119.330 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3333 119.335 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3417 119.340 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3500 119.350 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
119.3500 119.355 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3583 119.360 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3667 119.365 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3750 119.375 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

119.3750 119.380 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3833 119.385 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.3917 119.390 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4000 119.400 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.4000 119.405 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4083 119.410 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4167 119.415 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4250 119.425 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.4250 119.430 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4333 119.435 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4417 119.440 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4500 119.450 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.4500 119.455 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4583 119.460 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4667 119.465 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4750 119.475 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.4750 119.480 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4833 119.485 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.4917 119.490 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5000 119.505 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5083 119.510 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5167 119.515 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5250 119.530 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5333 119.535 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5417 119.540 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5500 119.555 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5583 119.560 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5667 119.565 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5750 119.580 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5833 119.585 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.5917 119.590 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6000 119.605 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6083 119.610 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6167 119.615 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6250 119.630 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6333 119.635 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6417 119.640 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6500 119.655 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6583 119.660 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6667 119.665 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

119.6750 119.680 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6833 119.685 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.6917 119.690 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7000 119.700 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP RGA (TWR, APP) APP-L, APP-I APP
119.7000 119.705 Not used Not used Not used RGA (TWR, APP) Not used Not used
119.7083 119.710 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7167 119.715 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7250 119.725 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.7250 119.730 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7333 119.735 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7417 119.740 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7500 119.750 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.7500 119.755 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7583 119.760 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7667 119.765 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7750 119.775 APP-L APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
119.7750 119.780 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7833 119.785 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.7917 119.790 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8000 119.805 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8083 119.810 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8167 119.815 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8250 119.830 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8333 119.835 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8417 119.840 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8500 119.855 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8583 119.860 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8667 119.865 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8750 119.880 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8833 119.885 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.8917 119.890 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9000 119.905 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9083 119.910 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9167 119.915 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9250 119.930 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9333 119.935 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9417 119.940 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9500 119.955 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9583 119.960 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

119.9667 119.965 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9750 119.980 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9833 119.985 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
119.9917 119.990 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0000 120.000 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.0000 120.005 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0083 120.010 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0167 120.015 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0250 120.025 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.0250 120.030 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0333 120.035 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0417 120.040 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0500 120.055 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0500 120.050 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.0583 120.060 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0667 120.065 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0750 120.075 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.0750 120.080 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0833 120.085 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.0917 120.090 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1000 120.105 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1083 120.110 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1167 120.115 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1250 120.130 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1333 120.135 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1417 120.140 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1500 120.155 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1583 120.160 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1667 120.165 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1750 120.180 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1833 120.185 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.1917 120.190 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2000 120.200 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.2000 120.205 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2083 120.210 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2167 120.215 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2250 120.225 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.2250 120.230 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2333 120.235 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2417 120.240 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2500 120.250 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.2500 120.255 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

120.2583 120.260 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2667 120.265 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2750 120.275 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.2750 120.280 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2833 120.285 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.2917 120.290 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3000 120.300 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
120.3000 120.305 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3083 120.310 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3167 120.315 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3250 120.325 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
120.3250 120.330 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3333 120.335 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3417 120.340 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3500 120.350 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
120.3500 120.355 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3583 120.360 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3667 120.365 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3750 120.375 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
120.3750 120.380 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3833 120.385 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.3917 120.390 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4000 120.400 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.4000 120.405 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4083 120.410 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4167 120.415 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4250 120.425 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.4250 120.430 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4333 120.435 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4417 120.440 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4500 120.450 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.4500 120.455 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4583 120.460 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4667 120.465 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4750 120.475 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.4750 120.480 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4833 120.485 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.4917 120.490 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5000 120.500 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.5000 120.505 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5083 120.510 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5167 120.515 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5250 120.525 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.5250 120.530 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5333 120.535 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

120.5417 120.540 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5500 120.550 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.5500 120.555 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5583 120.560 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5667 120.565 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5750 120.575 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.5750 120.580 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5833 120.585 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.5917 120.590 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6000 120.600 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.6000 120.605 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6083 120.610 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6167 120.615 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6250 120.625 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.6250 120.630 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6333 120.635 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6417 120.640 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6500 120.650 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.6500 120.655 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6583 120.660 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6667 120.665 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6750 120.675 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.6750 120.680 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6833 120.685 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.6917 120.690 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7000 120.700 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.7000 120.705 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7083 120.710 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7167 120.715 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7250 120.725 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.7250 120.730 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7333 120.735 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7417 120.740 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7500 120.750 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.7500 120.755 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7583 120.760 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7667 120.765 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7750 120.775 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.7750 120.780 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7833 120.785 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.7917 120.790 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

120.8000 120.800 TWR APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.8000 120.805 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8083 120.810 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8167 120.815 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8250 120.825 TWR APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.8250 120.830 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8333 120.835 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8417 120.840 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8500 120.850 TWR APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.8500 120.855 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8583 120.860 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8667 120.865 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8750 120.875 TWR APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
120.8750 120.880 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8833 120.885 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.8917 120.890 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9000 120.900 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.9000 120.905 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9083 120.910 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9167 120.915 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9250 120.925 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.9250 120.930 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9333 120.935 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9417 120.940 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9500 120.950 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.9500 120.955 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9583 120.960 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9667 120.965 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9750 120.980 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9750 120.975 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- APP TWR, APP ACC-L, ACC- APP
120.9833 120.985 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
120.9917 120.990 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0000 121.000 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.0000 121.005 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0083 121.010 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0167 121.015 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0250 121.025 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.0250 121.030 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0333 121.035 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0417 121.040 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0500 121.050 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.0500 121.055 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0583 121.060 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

121.0667 121.065 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0750 121.075 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.0750 121.080 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0833 121.085 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.0917 121.090 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1000 121.100 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.1000 121.105 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1083 121.110 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1167 121.115 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1250 121.125 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.1250 121.130 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1333 121.135 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1417 121.140 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1500 121.150 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.1500 121.155 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1583 121.160 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1667 121.165 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1750 121.175 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.1750 121.180 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1833 121.185 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.1917 121.190 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2000 121.200 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.2000 121.205 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2083 121.210 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2167 121.215 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2250 121.225 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.2250 121.230 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2333 121.235 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2417 121.240 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2500 121.250 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.2500 121.255 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2583 121.260 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2667 121.265 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2750 121.275 APP-I APP-L, APP-I APP TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I APP
121.2750 121.280 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2833 121.285 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.2917 121.290 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3000 121.300 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
121.3000 121.305 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3083 121.310 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3167 121.315 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3250 121.325 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
121.3250 121.330 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3333 121.335 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3417 121.340 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3500 121.350 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
121.3500 121.355 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

121.3583 121.360 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3667 121.365 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3750 121.375 APP-I APP-U APP TWR, APP APP-U APP
121.3750 121.380 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3833 121.385 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.3917 121.390 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.4000 121.405 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.4000 121.400 APP-I APP-L, APP-I Not allotted TWR, APP APP-L, APP-I Not allotted
121.4083 121.410 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.4167 121.415 Not used Not used Not used TWR, APP Not used Not used
121.4250 121.425 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4250 121.430 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4333 121.435 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4417 121.440 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4500 121.450 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4500 121.455 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4583 121.460 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4667 121.465 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4750 121.475 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4750 121.480 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4833 121.485 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.4917 121.490 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5000 121.500 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5000 121.505 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5083 121.510 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5167 121.515 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5250 121.525 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5250 121.530 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5333 121.535 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5417 121.540 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5500 121.550 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5500 121.555 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5583 121.560 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5667 121.565 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5750 121.575 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
121.5750 121.580 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.5833 121.585 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.5917 121.590 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6000 121.600 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.6000 121.605 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6083 121.610 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6167 121.615 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6250 121.630 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6250 121.625 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.6333 121.635 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6417 121.640 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6500 121.650 AS AS AS AS AS AS

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

121.6500 121.655 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6583 121.660 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6667 121.665 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6750 121.675 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.6750 121.680 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6833 121.685 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.6917 121.690 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7000 121.700 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.7000 121.705 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7083 121.710 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7167 121.715 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7250 121.725 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.7250 121.730 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7333 121.735 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7417 121.740 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7500 121.750 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.7500 121.755 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7583 121.760 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7667 121.765 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7750 121.775 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.7750 121.780 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7833 121.785 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.7917 121.790 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8000 121.800 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.8000 121.805 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8083 121.810 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8167 121.815 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8250 121.825 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.8250 121.830 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8333 121.835 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8417 121.840 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8500 121.850 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.8500 121.855 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8583 121.860 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8667 121.865 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8750 121.875 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.8750 121.880 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8833 121.885 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.8917 121.890 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9000 121.900 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.9000 121.905 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9083 121.910 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9167 121.915 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9250 121.925 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.9250 121.930 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9333 121.935 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9417 121.940 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

121.9500 121.950 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.9500 121.955 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9583 121.960 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9667 121.965 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9750 121.975 AS AS AS AS AS AS
121.9750 121.980 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9833 121.985 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
121.9917 121.990 Not used Not used Not used AS Not used Not used
122.0000 122.000 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.0000 122.005 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0083 122.010 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0167 122.015 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0250 122.025 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.0250 122.030 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0333 122.035 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0417 122.040 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0500 122.050 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.0500 122.055 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0583 122.060 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0667 122.065 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0750 122.075 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.0750 122.080 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0833 122.085 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.0917 122.090 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1000 122.100 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted RGA TWR, APP Not allotted Not allotted
122.1000 122.105 Not used Not used Not used RGA TWR, APP Not used Not used
122.1083 122.110 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1167 122.115 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1250 122.125 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.1250 122.130 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1333 122.135 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1417 122.140 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1500 122.150 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.1500 122.155 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1583 122.160 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1667 122.165 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1750 122.175 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.1750 122.180 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1833 122.185 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.1917 122.190 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2000 122.200 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.2000 122.205 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2083 122.210 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2167 122.215 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2250 122.225 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.2250 122.230 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2333 122.235 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

122.2417 122.240 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2500 122.250 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.2500 122.255 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2583 122.260 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2667 122.265 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2750 122.275 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.2750 122.280 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2833 122.285 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.2917 122.290 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3000 122.300 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.3000 122.305 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3083 122.310 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3167 122.315 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3250 122.325 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.3250 122.330 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3333 122.335 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3417 122.340 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3500 122.350 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.3500 122.355 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3583 122.360 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3667 122.365 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3750 122.375 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.3750 122.380 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3833 122.385 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.3917 122.390 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4000 122.400 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.4000 122.405 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4083 122.410 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4167 122.415 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4250 122.425 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.4250 122.430 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4333 122.435 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4417 122.440 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4500 122.450 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.4500 122.455 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4583 122.460 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4667 122.465 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4750 122.475 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.4750 122.480 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4833 122.485 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.4917 122.490 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5000 122.500 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted RLA Not allotted Not allotted
122.5000 122.505 Not used Not used Not used RLA Not used Not used
122.5083 122.510 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5167 122.515 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5250 122.525 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.5250 122.530 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

122.5333 122.535 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5417 122.540 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5500 122.550 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.5500 122.555 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5583 122.560 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5667 122.565 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5750 122.575 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.5750 122.580 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5833 122.585 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.5917 122.590 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6000 122.600 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.6000 122.605 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6083 122.610 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6167 122.615 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6250 122.625 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.6250 122.630 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6333 122.635 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6417 122.640 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6500 122.650 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.6500 122.655 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6583 122.660 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6667 122.665 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6750 122.675 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.6750 122.680 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6833 122.685 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.6917 122.690 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7000 122.700 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.7000 122.705 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7083 122.710 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7167 122.715 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7250 122.725 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.7250 122.730 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7333 122.735 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7417 122.740 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7500 122.750 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.7500 122.755 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7583 122.760 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7667 122.765 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7750 122.775 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.7750 122.780 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7833 122.785 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.7917 122.790 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8000 122.800 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.8000 122.805 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8083 122.810 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8167 122.815 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8250 122.825 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

122.8250 122.830 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8333 122.835 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8417 122.840 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8500 122.850 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.8500 122.855 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8583 122.860 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8667 122.865 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8750 122.875 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.8750 122.880 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8833 122.885 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.8917 122.890 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9000 122.900 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.9000 122.905 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9083 122.910 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9167 122.915 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9250 122.925 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.9250 122.930 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9333 122.935 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9417 122.940 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9500 122.950 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.9500 122.955 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9583 122.960 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9667 122.965 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9750 122.975 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
122.9750 122.980 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9833 122.985 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
122.9917 122.990 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0000 123.000 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.0000 123.005 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0083 123.010 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0167 123.015 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0250 123.025 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.0250 123.030 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0333 123.035 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0417 123.040 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0500 123.050 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.0500 123.055 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0583 123.060 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0667 123.065 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.0750 123.075 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.0750 123.080 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.0833 123.085 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.0917 123.090 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.1000 123.100 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.1000 123.105 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.1083 123.110 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.1167 123.115 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

123.1250 123.125 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
123.1250 123.130 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1333 123.135 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1417 123.140 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1500 123.150 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.1500 123.155 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1583 123.160 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1667 123.165 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1750 123.175 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.1750 123.180 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1833 123.185 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.1917 123.190 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2000 123.200 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.2000 123.205 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2083 123.210 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2167 123.215 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2250 123.225 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.2250 123.230 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2333 123.235 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2417 123.240 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2500 123.255 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2500 123.250 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.2583 123.260 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2667 123.265 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2750 123.275 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.2750 123.280 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2833 123.285 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.2917 123.290 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3000 123.300 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.3000 123.305 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3083 123.310 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3167 123.315 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3250 123.325 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.3250 123.330 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3333 123.335 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3417 123.340 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3500 123.350 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.3500 123.355 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3583 123.360 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3667 123.365 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3750 123.375 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.3750 123.380 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3833 123.385 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.3917 123.390 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4000 123.400 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.4000 123.405 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4083 123.410 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

123.4167 123.415 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4250 123.425 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.4250 123.430 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4333 123.435 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4417 123.440 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4500 123.450 Air-Air Air-Air Air-Air Not allotted Air-Air Air-Air
123.4500 123.455 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4583 123.460 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4667 123.465 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4750 123.475 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.4750 123.480 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4833 123.485 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.4917 123.490 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5000 123.500 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.5000 123.505 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5083 123.510 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5167 123.515 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5250 123.525 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.5250 123.530 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5333 123.535 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5417 123.540 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5500 123.550 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.5500 123.555 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5583 123.560 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5667 123.565 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5750 123.575 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.5750 123.580 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5833 123.585 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.5917 123.590 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6000 123.600 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.6000 123.605 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6083 123.610 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6167 123.615 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6250 123.625 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.6250 123.630 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6333 123.635 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6417 123.640 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6500 123.650 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.6500 123.655 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6583 123.660 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6667 123.665 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6750 123.675 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
123.6750 123.680 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6833 123.685 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.6917 123.690 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
123.7000 123.700 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

123.7000 123.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7083 123.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7167 123.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7250 123.725 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
123.7250 123.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7333 123.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7417 123.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7500 123.750 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
123.7500 123.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7583 123.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7667 123.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7750 123.775 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
123.7750 123.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7833 123.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.7917 123.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8000 123.800 ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
123.8000 123.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8083 123.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8167 123.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8250 123.825 ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
123.8250 123.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8333 123.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8417 123.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8500 123.850 ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
123.8500 123.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8583 123.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8667 123.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8750 123.875 ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
123.8750 123.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8833 123.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.8917 123.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9000 123.900 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
123.9000 123.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9083 123.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9167 123.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9250 123.925 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
123.9250 123.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9333 123.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9417 123.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9500 123.950 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
123.9500 123.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9583 123.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9667 123.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9750 123.975 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

123.9750 123.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9833 123.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
123.9917 123.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0000 124.000 APP-I APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.0000 124.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0083 124.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0167 124.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0250 124.025 APP-I APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.0250 124.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0333 124.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0417 124.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0500 124.050 APP-I APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.0500 124.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0583 124.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0667 124.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0750 124.075 APP-I APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.0750 124.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0833 124.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.0917 124.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1000 124.100 Not allotted FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.1000 124.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1083 124.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1167 124.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1250 124.125 Not allotted FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.1250 124.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1333 124.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1417 124.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1500 124.150 Not allotted FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.1500 124.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1583 124.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1667 124.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1750 124.175 Not allotted FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.1750 124.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1833 124.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.1917 124.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2000 124.200 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L Not allotted ACC
124.2000 124.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2083 124.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2167 124.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2250 124.225 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L Not allotted ACC
124.2250 124.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2333 124.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2417 124.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2500 124.250 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L Not allotted ACC
124.2500 124.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2583 124.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2667 124.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

124.2750 124.275 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L Not allotted ACC
124.2750 124.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2833 124.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.2917 124.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3000 124.300 APP-I TWR ACC APP, ACC-L TWR ACC
124.3000 124.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3083 124.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3167 124.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3250 124.325 APP-I TWR ACC APP, ACC-L TWR ACC
124.3250 124.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3333 124.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3417 124.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3500 124.350 APP-I TWR ACC APP, ACC-L TWR ACC
124.3500 124.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3583 124.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3667 124.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3750 124.375 APP-I TWR ACC APP, ACC-L TWR ACC
124.3750 124.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3833 124.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.3917 124.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4000 124.400 APP-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.4000 124.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4083 124.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4167 124.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4250 124.425 APP-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.4250 124.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4333 124.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4417 124.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4500 124.450 APP-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.4500 124.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4583 124.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4667 124.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4750 124.475 APP-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.4750 124.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4833 124.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.4917 124.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5000 124.500 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
124.5000 124.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5083 124.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5167 124.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5250 124.525 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
124.5250 124.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5333 124.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5417 124.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5500 124.550 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

124.5500 124.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5583 124.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5667 124.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5750 124.575 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
124.5750 124.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5833 124.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.5917 124.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6000 124.600 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.6000 124.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6083 124.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6167 124.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6250 124.625 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.6250 124.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6333 124.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6417 124.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6500 124.650 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.6500 124.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6583 124.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6667 124.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6750 124.675 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.6750 124.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6833 124.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.6917 124.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7000 124.700 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.7000 124.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7083 124.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7167 124.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7250 124.725 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.7250 124.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7333 124.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7417 124.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7500 124.750 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.7500 124.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7583 124.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7667 124.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7750 124.775 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
124.7750 124.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7833 124.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.7917 124.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8000 124.800 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.8000 124.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8083 124.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8167 124.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8250 124.825 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.8250 124.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

124.8333 124.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8417 124.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8500 124.850 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.8500 124.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8583 124.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8667 124.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8750 124.875 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
124.8750 124.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8833 124.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.8917 124.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9000 124.900 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.9000 124.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9083 124.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9167 124.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9250 124.925 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.9250 124.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9333 124.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9417 124.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9500 124.950 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.9500 124.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9583 124.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9667 124.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9750 124.975 APP-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
124.9750 124.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9833 124.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
124.9917 124.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0000 125.000 Not allotted APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.0000 125.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0083 125.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0167 125.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0250 125.025 Not allotted APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.0250 125.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0333 125.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0417 125.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0500 125.050 Not allotted APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.0500 125.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0583 125.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0667 125.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0750 125.075 Not allotted APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.0750 125.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0833 125.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.0917 125.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1000 125.100 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.1000 125.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1083 125.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1167 125.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1250 125.125 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

125.1250 125.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1333 125.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1417 125.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1500 125.150 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.1500 125.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1583 125.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1667 125.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1750 125.175 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.1750 125.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1833 125.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.1917 125.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2000 125.200 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.2000 125.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2083 125.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2167 125.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2250 125.225 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.2250 125.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2333 125.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2417 125.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2500 125.250 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.2500 125.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2583 125.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2667 125.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2750 125.275 FIS-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.2750 125.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2833 125.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.2917 125.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3000 125.300 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.3000 125.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3083 125.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3167 125.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3250 125.325 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.3250 125.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3333 125.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3417 125.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3500 125.350 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.3500 125.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3583 125.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3667 125.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3750 125.375 APP-I ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.3750 125.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3833 125.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.3917 125.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

125.4000 125.400 ACC-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.4000 125.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4083 125.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4167 125.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4250 125.425 ACC-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.4250 125.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4333 125.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4417 125.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4500 125.450 ACC-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.4500 125.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4583 125.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4667 125.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4750 125.475 ACC-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.4750 125.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4833 125.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.4917 125.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5000 125.500 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.5000 125.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5083 125.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5167 125.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5250 125.525 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.5250 125.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5333 125.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5417 125.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5500 125.550 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.5500 125.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5583 125.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5667 125.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5750 125.575 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
125.5750 125.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5833 125.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.5917 125.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6000 125.600 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.6000 125.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6083 125.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6167 125.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6250 125.625 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.6250 125.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6333 125.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6417 125.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6500 125.650 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.6500 125.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6583 125.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6667 125.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6750 125.675 ACC-U APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.6750 125.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.6833 125.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

125.6917 125.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7000 125.700 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.7000 125.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7083 125.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7167 125.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7250 125.725 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.7250 125.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7333 125.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7417 125.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7500 125.750 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.7500 125.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7583 125.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7667 125.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7750 125.775 APP-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.7750 125.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7833 125.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.7917 125.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8000 125.800 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.8000 125.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8083 125.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8167 125.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8250 125.825 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.8250 125.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8333 125.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8417 125.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8500 125.850 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.8500 125.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8583 125.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8667 125.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8750 125.875 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
125.8750 125.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8833 125.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.8917 125.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9000 125.900 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.9000 125.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9083 125.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9167 125.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9250 125.925 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.9250 125.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9333 125.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9417 125.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

125.9500 125.950 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.9500 125.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9583 125.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9667 125.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9750 125.975 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
125.9750 125.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9833 125.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
125.9917 125.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0000 126.000 APP-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.0000 126.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0083 126.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0167 126.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0250 126.025 APP-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.0250 126.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0333 126.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0417 126.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0500 126.050 APP-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.0500 126.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0583 126.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0667 126.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0750 126.075 APP-L APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.0750 126.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0833 126.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.0917 126.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1000 126.100 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
126.1000 126.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1083 126.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1167 126.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1250 126.125 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
126.1250 126.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1333 126.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1417 126.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1500 126.150 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
126.1500 126.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1583 126.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1667 126.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1750 126.175 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
126.1750 126.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1833 126.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.1917 126.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2000 126.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2083 126.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2167 126.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

126.2250 126.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2333 126.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2417 126.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2500 126.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2583 126.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2667 126.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2750 126.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2833 126.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.2917 126.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3000 126.300 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.3000 126.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3083 126.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3167 126.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3250 126.325 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.3250 126.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3333 126.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3417 126.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3500 126.350 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.3500 126.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3583 126.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3667 126.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3750 126.375 FIS-U (GPS) APP-U ACC APP, ACC-L APP-U ACC
126.3750 126.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3833 126.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.3917 126.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4000 126.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4083 126.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4167 126.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4250 126.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4333 126.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4417 126.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4500 126.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4583 126.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4667 126.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

126.4750 126.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4833 126.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.4917 126.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5000 126.500 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
126.5000 126.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5083 126.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5167 126.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5250 126.525 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
126.5250 126.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5333 126.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5417 126.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5500 126.550 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
126.5500 126.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5583 126.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5667 126.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5750 126.575 ACC-U APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
126.5750 126.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5833 126.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.5917 126.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6000 126.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6083 126.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6167 126.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6250 126.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6333 126.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6417 126.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6500 126.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6583 126.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6667 126.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6750 126.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6833 126.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.6917 126.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7000 126.700 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.7000 126.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7083 126.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7167 126.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7250 126.725 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.7250 126.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7333 126.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7417 126.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

126.7500 126.750 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.7500 126.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7583 126.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7667 126.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7750 126.775 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.7750 126.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7833 126.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.7917 126.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8000 126.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8083 126.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8167 126.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8250 126.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8333 126.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8417 126.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8500 126.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8583 126.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8667 126.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8750 126.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8833 126.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.8917 126.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9000 126.900 FIS-U (GPS) FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.9000 126.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9083 126.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9167 126.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9250 126.925 FIS-U (GPS) FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.9250 126.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9333 126.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9417 126.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9500 126.950 FIS-U (GPS) FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.9500 126.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9583 126.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9667 126.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9750 126.975 FIS-U (GPS) FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
126.9750 126.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9833 126.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
126.9917 126.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0000 127.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

127.0083 127.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0167 127.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0250 127.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0333 127.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0417 127.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0500 127.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0583 127.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0667 127.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0750 127.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0833 127.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.0917 127.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1000 127.100 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.1000 127.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1083 127.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1167 127.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1250 127.125 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.1250 127.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1333 127.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1417 127.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1500 127.150 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.1500 127.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1583 127.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1667 127.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1750 127.175 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.1750 127.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1833 127.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.1917 127.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2000 127.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2083 127.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2167 127.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2250 127.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2333 127.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2417 127.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2500 127.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2583 127.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

127.2667 127.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2750 127.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2833 127.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.2917 127.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3000 127.300 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.3000 127.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3083 127.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3167 127.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3250 127.325 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.3250 127.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3333 127.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3417 127.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3500 127.350 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.3500 127.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3583 127.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3667 127.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3750 127.375 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U GPS APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U GPS
127.3750 127.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3833 127.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.3917 127.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4000 127.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4083 127.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4167 127.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4250 127.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4333 127.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4417 127.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4500 127.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4583 127.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4667 127.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4750 127.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4833 127.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.4917 127.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5000 127.500 FIS-L ACC-L GPS APP, ACC-L ACC-L GPS
127.5000 127.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5083 127.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5167 127.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5250 127.525 FIS-L ACC-L GPS APP, ACC-L ACC-L GPS

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

127.5250 127.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5333 127.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5417 127.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5500 127.550 FIS-L ACC-L GPS APP, ACC-L ACC-L GPS
127.5500 127.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5583 127.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5667 127.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5750 127.575 FIS-L ACC-L GPS APP, ACC-L ACC-L GPS
127.5750 127.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5833 127.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.5917 127.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6000 127.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6083 127.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6167 127.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6250 127.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6333 127.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6417 127.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6500 127.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6583 127.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6667 127.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6750 127.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6833 127.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.6917 127.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7000 127.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7083 127.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7167 127.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7250 127.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7333 127.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7417 127.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7500 127.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7583 127.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7667 127.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

127.7750 127.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7833 127.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.7917 127.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8000 127.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8083 127.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8167 127.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8250 127.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8333 127.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8417 127.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8500 127.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8583 127.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8667 127.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8750 127.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8833 127.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.8917 127.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9000 127.900 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I VOLMET, APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I VOLMET,
127.9000 127.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9083 127.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9167 127.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9250 127.925 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I Not allotted APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I Not allotted
127.9250 127.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9333 127.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9417 127.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9500 127.950 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
127.9500 127.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9583 127.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9667 127.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9750 127.975 Not allotted APP-L, APP-I ACC APP, ACC-L APP-L, APP-I ACC
127.9750 127.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9833 127.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
127.9917 127.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0000 128.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0083 128.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0167 128.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0250 128.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

128.0333 128.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0417 128.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0500 128.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0583 128.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0667 128.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0750 128.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0833 128.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.0917 128.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1000 128.100 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
128.1000 128.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1083 128.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1167 128.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1250 128.125 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
128.1250 128.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1333 128.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1417 128.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1500 128.150 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
128.1500 128.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1583 128.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1667 128.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1750 128.175 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L, ACC- ACC
128.1750 128.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1833 128.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.1917 128.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2000 128.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2083 128.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2167 128.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2250 128.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2333 128.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2417 128.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2500 128.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2583 128.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2667 128.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

128.2750 128.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2833 128.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.2917 128.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3000 128.300 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.3000 128.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3083 128.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3167 128.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3250 128.325 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.3250 128.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3333 128.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3417 128.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3500 128.350 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.3500 128.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3583 128.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3667 128.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3750 128.375 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.3750 128.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3833 128.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.3917 128.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4000 128.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4083 128.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4167 128.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4250 128.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4333 128.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4417 128.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4500 128.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4583 128.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4667 128.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4750 128.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4833 128.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.4917 128.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5000 128.500 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
128.5000 128.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5083 128.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5167 128.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5250 128.525 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
128.5250 128.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5333 128.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

128.5417 128.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5500 128.550 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
128.5500 128.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5583 128.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5667 128.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5750 128.575 ACC-U FIS-L, FIS-U ACC APP, ACC-L FIS-L, FIS-U ACC
128.5750 128.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5833 128.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.5917 128.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6000 128.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6083 128.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6167 128.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6250 128.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6333 128.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6417 128.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6500 128.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6583 128.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6667 128.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6750 128.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6833 128.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.6917 128.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7000 128.700 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.7000 128.705 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7083 128.710 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7167 128.715 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7250 128.725 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.7250 128.730 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7333 128.735 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7417 128.740 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7500 128.750 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.7500 128.755 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7583 128.760 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7667 128.765 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7750 128.775 ACC-U ACC-L ACC APP, ACC-L ACC-L ACC
128.7750 128.780 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7833 128.785 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.7917 128.790 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

128.8000 128.805 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8083 128.810 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8167 128.815 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8250 128.825 ACC-U VOLMET, Not allotted APP, ACC-L VOLMET, Not allotted
128.8250 128.830 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8333 128.835 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8417 128.840 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8500 128.855 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8583 128.860 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8667 128.865 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8750 128.880 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8833 128.885 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.8917 128.890 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9000 128.900 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
128.9000 128.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9083 128.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9167 128.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9250 128.925 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
128.9250 128.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9333 128.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9417 128.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9500 128.950 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
128.9500 128.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9583 128.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9667 128.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9750 128.975 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
128.9750 128.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9833 128.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
128.9917 128.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0000 129.000 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.0000 129.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0083 129.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0167 129.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0250 129.025 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.0250 129.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0333 129.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0417 129.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0500 129.050 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.0500 129.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0583 129.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0667 129.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0750 129.075 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

129.0750 129.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0833 129.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.0917 129.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1000 129.100 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.1000 129.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1083 129.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1167 129.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1250 129.125 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.1250 129.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1333 129.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1417 129.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1500 129.150 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.1500 129.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1583 129.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1667 129.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1750 129.175 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.1750 129.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1833 129.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.1917 129.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2000 129.200 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.2000 129.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2083 129.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2167 129.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2250 129.225 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.2250 129.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2333 129.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2417 129.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2500 129.250 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.2500 129.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2583 129.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2667 129.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2750 129.275 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.2750 129.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2833 129.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.2917 129.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3000 129.300 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.3000 129.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3083 129.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3167 129.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3250 129.325 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.3250 129.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3333 129.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3417 129.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3500 129.350 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.3500 129.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3583 129.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3667 129.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

129.3750 129.375 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.3750 129.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3833 129.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.3917 129.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4000 129.400 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.4000 129.405 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4083 129.410 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4167 129.415 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4250 129.425 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.4250 129.430 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4333 129.435 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4417 129.440 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4500 129.450 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.4500 129.455 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4583 129.460 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4667 129.465 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4750 129.475 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.4750 129.480 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4833 129.485 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.4917 129.490 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5000 129.500 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.5000 129.505 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5083 129.510 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5167 129.515 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5250 129.525 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.5250 129.530 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5333 129.535 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5417 129.540 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5500 129.550 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.5500 129.555 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5583 129.560 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5667 129.565 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5750 129.575 ACC-U AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.5750 129.580 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5833 129.585 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.5917 129.590 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6000 129.600 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.6000 129.605 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6083 129.610 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6167 129.615 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6250 129.625 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.6250 129.630 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6333 129.635 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6417 129.640 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6500 129.650 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.6500 129.655 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6583 129.660 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

129.6667 129.665 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6750 129.675 ACC-L AOC APP APP, ACC-L AOC APP
129.6750 129.680 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6833 129.685 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.6917 129.690 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
129.7000 129.700 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.7000 129.705 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7083 129.710 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7167 129.715 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7250 129.725 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.7250 129.730 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7333 129.735 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7417 129.740 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7500 129.750 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.7500 129.755 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7583 129.760 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7667 129.765 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7750 129.775 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.7750 129.780 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7833 129.785 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.7917 129.790 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8000 129.800 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.8000 129.805 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8083 129.810 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8167 129.815 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8250 129.825 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.8250 129.830 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8333 129.835 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8417 129.840 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8500 129.850 Not allotted AOC APP Not allotted AOC APP
129.8500 129.855 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8583 129.860 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8667 129.865 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8750 129.875 Not allotted AOC Not allotted Not allotted AOC Not allotted
129.8750 129.880 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8833 129.885 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.8917 129.890 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9000 129.900 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
129.9000 129.905 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9083 129.910 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9167 129.915 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9250 129.925 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
129.9250 129.930 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9333 129.935 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9417 129.940 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9500 129.950 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
129.9500 129.955 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

129.9583 129.960 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9667 129.965 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9750 129.975 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
129.9750 129.980 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9833 129.985 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
129.9917 129.990 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0000 130.000 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.0000 130.005 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0083 130.010 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0167 130.015 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0250 130.025 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.0250 130.030 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0333 130.035 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0417 130.040 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0500 130.050 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.0500 130.055 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0583 130.060 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0667 130.065 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0750 130.075 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.0750 130.080 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0833 130.085 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.0917 130.090 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1000 130.100 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.1000 130.105 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1083 130.110 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1167 130.115 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1250 130.125 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.1250 130.130 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1333 130.135 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1417 130.140 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1500 130.150 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.1500 130.155 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1583 130.160 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1667 130.165 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1750 130.175 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.1750 130.180 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1833 130.185 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.1917 130.190 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2000 130.200 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.2000 130.205 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2083 130.210 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2167 130.215 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2250 130.225 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.2250 130.230 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2333 130.235 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2417 130.240 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2500 130.250 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

130.2500 130.255 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2583 130.260 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2667 130.265 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2750 130.275 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.2750 130.280 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2833 130.285 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.2917 130.290 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3000 130.300 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.3000 130.305 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3083 130.310 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3167 130.315 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3250 130.325 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.3250 130.330 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3333 130.335 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3417 130.340 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3500 130.350 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.3500 130.355 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3583 130.360 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3667 130.365 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3750 130.375 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.3750 130.380 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3833 130.385 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.3917 130.390 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4000 130.400 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.4000 130.405 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4083 130.410 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4167 130.415 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4250 130.425 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.4250 130.430 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4333 130.435 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4417 130.440 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4500 130.450 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.4500 130.455 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4583 130.460 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4667 130.465 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4750 130.475 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.4750 130.480 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4833 130.485 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.4917 130.490 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5000 130.500 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.5000 130.505 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5083 130.510 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5167 130.515 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5250 130.525 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.5250 130.530 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5333 130.535 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5417 130.540 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

130.5500 130.550 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.5500 130.555 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5583 130.560 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5667 130.565 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5750 130.575 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.5750 130.580 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5833 130.585 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.5917 130.590 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6000 130.600 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.6000 130.605 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6083 130.610 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6167 130.615 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6250 130.625 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.6250 130.630 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6333 130.635 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6417 130.640 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6500 130.650 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.6500 130.655 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6583 130.660 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6667 130.665 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6750 130.675 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.6750 130.680 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6833 130.685 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.6917 130.690 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7000 130.700 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.7000 130.705 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7083 130.710 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7167 130.715 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7250 130.725 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.7250 130.730 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7333 130.735 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7417 130.740 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7500 130.750 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.7500 130.755 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7583 130.760 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7667 130.765 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7750 130.775 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.7750 130.780 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7833 130.785 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.7917 130.790 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8000 130.800 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.8000 130.805 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8083 130.810 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8167 130.815 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8250 130.825 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.8250 130.830 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8333 130.835 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

130.8417 130.840 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8500 130.850 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.8500 130.855 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8583 130.860 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8667 130.865 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8750 130.875 Not allotted AOC AOC Not allotted AOC AOC
130.8750 130.880 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8833 130.885 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.8917 130.890 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
130.9000 130.900 ACC-U AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
130.9000 130.905 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9083 130.910 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9167 130.915 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9250 130.925 ACC-U AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
130.9250 130.930 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9333 130.935 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9417 130.940 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9500 130.950 ACC-U AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
130.9500 130.955 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9583 130.960 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9667 130.965 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9750 130.975 ACC-U AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
130.9750 130.980 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9833 130.985 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
130.9917 130.990 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0000 131.000 Not allotted AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.0000 131.005 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0083 131.010 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0167 131.015 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0250 131.025 Not allotted AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.0250 131.030 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0333 131.035 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0417 131.040 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0500 131.050 Not allotted AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.0500 131.055 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0583 131.060 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0667 131.065 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0750 131.075 Not allotted AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.0750 131.080 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0833 131.085 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.0917 131.090 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1000 131.100 FIS-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.1000 131.105 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1083 131.110 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1167 131.115 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1250 131.125 FIS-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.1250 131.130 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

131.1333 131.135 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1417 131.140 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1500 131.150 FIS-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.1500 131.155 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1583 131.160 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1667 131.165 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1750 131.175 FIS-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.1750 131.180 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1833 131.185 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.1917 131.190 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2000 131.200 ACC-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.2000 131.205 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2083 131.210 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2167 131.215 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2250 131.225 ACC-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.2250 131.230 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2333 131.235 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2417 131.240 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2500 131.250 ACC-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.2500 131.255 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2583 131.260 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2667 131.265 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2750 131.275 ACC-L AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.2750 131.280 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2833 131.285 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.2917 131.290 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3000 131.300 FIS-U (GPS) AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.3000 131.305 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3083 131.310 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3167 131.315 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3250 131.325 FIS-U (GPS) AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.3250 131.330 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3333 131.335 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3417 131.340 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3500 131.350 FIS-U (GPS) AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.3500 131.355 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3583 131.360 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3667 131.365 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3750 131.375 FIS-U (GPS) AOC AOC APP, ACC-L AOC AOC
131.3750 131.380 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3833 131.385 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.3917 131.390 Not used Not used Not used APP, ACC-L Not used Not used
131.4000 131.400 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.4000 131.405 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4083 131.410 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4167 131.415 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4250 131.425 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

131.4250 131.430 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4333 131.435 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4417 131.440 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4500 131.450 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.4500 131.455 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4583 131.460 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4667 131.465 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4750 131.475 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.4750 131.480 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4833 131.485 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.4917 131.490 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5000 131.500 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.5000 131.505 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5083 131.510 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5167 131.515 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5250 131.525 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.5250 131.530 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5333 131.535 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5417 131.540 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.5500 131.550 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.5500 131.555 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5583 131.560 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5667 131.565 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5750 131.575 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.5750 131.580 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5833 131.585 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.5917 131.590 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6000 131.600 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.6000 131.605 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6083 131.610 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6167 131.615 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6250 131.625 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.6250 131.630 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6333 131.635 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6417 131.640 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6500 131.650 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.6500 131.655 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6583 131.660 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6667 131.665 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6750 131.675 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.6750 131.680 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6833 131.685 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.6917 131.690 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.7000 131.700 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.7000 131.705 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7083 131.710 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7167 131.715 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

131.7250 131.725 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.7250 131.730 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7333 131.735 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7417 131.740 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7500 131.750 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.7500 131.755 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7583 131.760 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7667 131.765 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7750 131.775 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.7750 131.780 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7833 131.785 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.7917 131.790 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8000 131.800 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.8000 131.805 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8083 131.810 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8167 131.815 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8250 131.825 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.8250 131.830 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8333 131.835 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8417 131.840 Not used Not used Not used Blocked Not used Not used
131.8500 131.850 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.8500 131.855 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.8583 131.860 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.8667 131.865 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.8750 131.875 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.8750 131.880 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.8833 131.885 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.8917 131.890 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9000 131.900 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.9000 131.905 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9083 131.910 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9167 131.915 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9250 131.925 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.9250 131.930 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9333 131.935 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9417 131.940 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9500 131.950 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.9500 131.955 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9583 131.960 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9667 131.965 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9750 131.975 AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC
131.9750 131.980 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9833 131.985 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
131.9917 131.990 Not used Not used Not used AOC Not used Not used
132.0000 132.000 Not allotted AOC AOC ACC-U AOC AOC
132.0000 132.005 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0083 132.010 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

132.0167 132.015 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0250 132.025 Not allotted AOC AOC ACC-U AOC AOC
132.0250 132.030 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0333 132.035 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0417 132.040 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0500 132.050 Not allotted Not allotted VOLMET, ACC-U Not allotted VOLMET,
132.0500 132.055 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0583 132.060 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0667 132.065 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0750 132.075 Not allotted Not allotted VOLMET, ACC-U Not allotted VOLMET,
132.0750 132.080 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0833 132.085 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.0917 132.090 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1000 132.100 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.1000 132.105 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1083 132.110 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1167 132.115 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1250 132.125 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.1250 132.130 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1333 132.135 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1417 132.140 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1500 132.150 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.1500 132.155 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1583 132.160 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1667 132.165 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1750 132.175 ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.1750 132.180 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1833 132.185 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.1917 132.190 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2000 132.200 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.2000 132.205 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2083 132.210 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2167 132.215 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2250 132.225 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.2250 132.230 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2333 132.235 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2417 132.240 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2500 132.250 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.2500 132.255 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

132.2583 132.260 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2667 132.265 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2750 132.275 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.2750 132.280 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2833 132.285 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.2917 132.290 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3000 132.300 FIS-U (GPS) ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.3000 132.305 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3083 132.310 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3167 132.315 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3250 132.325 FIS-U (GPS) ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.3250 132.330 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3333 132.335 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3417 132.340 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3500 132.350 FIS-U (GPS) ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.3500 132.355 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3583 132.360 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3667 132.365 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3750 132.375 FIS-U (GPS) ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.3750 132.380 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3833 132.385 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.3917 132.390 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4000 132.400 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.4000 132.405 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4083 132.410 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4167 132.415 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4250 132.425 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.4250 132.430 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4333 132.435 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4417 132.440 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4500 132.450 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.4500 132.455 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4583 132.460 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4667 132.465 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4750 132.475 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.4750 132.480 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4833 132.485 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.4917 132.490 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5000 132.500 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

132.5000 132.505 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5083 132.510 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5167 132.515 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5250 132.525 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.5250 132.530 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5333 132.535 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5417 132.540 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5500 132.550 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.5500 132.555 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5583 132.560 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5667 132.565 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5750 132.575 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.5750 132.580 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5833 132.585 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.5917 132.590 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6000 132.600 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.6000 132.605 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6083 132.610 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6167 132.615 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6250 132.625 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.6250 132.630 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6333 132.635 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6417 132.640 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6500 132.650 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.6500 132.655 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6583 132.660 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6667 132.665 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6750 132.675 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.6750 132.680 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6833 132.685 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.6917 132.690 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7000 132.700 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.7000 132.705 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7083 132.710 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7167 132.715 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7250 132.725 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.7250 132.730 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7333 132.735 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

132.7417 132.740 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7500 132.750 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.7500 132.755 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7583 132.760 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7667 132.765 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7750 132.775 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.7750 132.780 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7833 132.785 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.7917 132.790 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8000 132.800 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.8000 132.805 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8083 132.810 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8167 132.815 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8250 132.825 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.8250 132.830 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8333 132.835 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8417 132.840 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8500 132.850 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.8500 132.855 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8583 132.860 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8667 132.865 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8750 132.875 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.8750 132.880 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8833 132.885 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.8917 132.890 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9000 132.900 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.9000 132.905 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9083 132.910 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9167 132.915 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9250 132.925 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.9250 132.930 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9333 132.935 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9417 132.940 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9500 132.950 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET, ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- VOLMET,
132.9500 132.955 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9583 132.960 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9667 132.965 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9750 132.975 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

132.9750 132.980 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9833 132.985 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
132.9917 132.990 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0000 133.000 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.0000 133.005 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0083 133.010 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0167 133.015 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0250 133.025 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.0250 133.030 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0333 133.035 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0417 133.040 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0500 133.050 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.0500 133.055 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0583 133.060 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0667 133.065 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0750 133.075 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.0750 133.080 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0833 133.085 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.0917 133.090 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1000 133.100 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.1000 133.105 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1083 133.110 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1167 133.115 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1250 133.125 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.1250 133.130 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1333 133.135 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1417 133.140 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1500 133.150 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.1500 133.155 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1583 133.160 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1667 133.165 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1750 133.175 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.1750 133.180 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1833 133.185 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.1917 133.190 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2000 133.200 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.2000 133.205 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2083 133.210 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2167 133.215 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

133.2250 133.225 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.2250 133.230 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2333 133.235 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2417 133.240 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2500 133.250 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.2500 133.255 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2583 133.260 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2667 133.265 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2750 133.275 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.2750 133.280 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2833 133.285 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.2917 133.290 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3000 133.300 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.3000 133.305 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3083 133.310 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3167 133.315 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3250 133.325 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.3250 133.330 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3333 133.335 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3417 133.340 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3500 133.350 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.3500 133.355 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3583 133.360 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3667 133.365 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3750 133.375 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.3750 133.380 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3833 133.385 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.3917 133.390 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4000 133.400 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.4000 133.405 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4083 133.410 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4167 133.415 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4250 133.425 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.4250 133.430 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4333 133.435 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4417 133.440 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4500 133.450 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.4500 133.455 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

133.4583 133.460 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4667 133.465 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4750 133.475 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.4750 133.480 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4833 133.485 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.4917 133.490 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5000 133.500 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.5000 133.505 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5083 133.510 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5167 133.515 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5250 133.525 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.5250 133.530 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5333 133.535 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5417 133.540 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5500 133.550 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.5500 133.555 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5583 133.560 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5667 133.565 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5750 133.575 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.5750 133.580 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5833 133.585 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.5917 133.590 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6000 133.600 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.6000 133.605 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6083 133.610 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6167 133.615 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6250 133.625 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.6250 133.630 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6333 133.635 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6417 133.640 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6500 133.650 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.6500 133.655 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6583 133.660 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6667 133.665 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6750 133.675 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.6750 133.680 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6833 133.685 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.6917 133.690 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7000 133.700 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

133.7000 133.705 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7083 133.710 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7167 133.715 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7250 133.725 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.7250 133.730 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7333 133.735 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7417 133.740 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7500 133.750 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.7500 133.755 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7583 133.760 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7667 133.765 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7750 133.775 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.7750 133.780 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7833 133.785 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.7917 133.790 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8000 133.800 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.8000 133.805 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8083 133.810 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8167 133.815 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8250 133.825 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.8250 133.830 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8333 133.835 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8417 133.840 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8500 133.850 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.8500 133.855 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8583 133.860 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8667 133.865 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8750 133.875 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.8750 133.880 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8833 133.885 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.8917 133.890 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9000 133.900 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.9000 133.905 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9083 133.910 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9167 133.915 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9250 133.925 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.9250 133.930 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9333 133.935 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

133.9417 133.940 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9500 133.950 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.9500 133.955 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9583 133.960 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9667 133.965 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9750 133.975 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
133.9750 133.980 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9833 133.985 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
133.9917 133.990 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0000 134.000 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.0000 134.005 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0083 134.010 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0167 134.015 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0250 134.025 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.0250 134.030 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0333 134.035 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0417 134.040 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0500 134.050 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.0500 134.055 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0583 134.060 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0667 134.065 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0750 134.075 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.0750 134.080 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0833 134.085 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.0917 134.090 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1000 134.100 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.1000 134.105 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1083 134.110 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1167 134.115 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1250 134.125 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.1250 134.130 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1333 134.135 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1417 134.140 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1500 134.150 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.1500 134.155 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1583 134.160 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1667 134.165 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1750 134.175 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

134.1750 134.180 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1833 134.185 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.1917 134.190 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2000 134.200 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.2000 134.205 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2083 134.210 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2167 134.215 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2250 134.225 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.2250 134.230 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2333 134.235 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2417 134.240 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2500 134.250 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.2500 134.255 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2583 134.260 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2667 134.265 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2750 134.275 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.2750 134.280 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2833 134.285 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.2917 134.290 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3000 134.300 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.3000 134.305 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3083 134.310 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3167 134.315 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3250 134.325 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.3250 134.330 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3333 134.335 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3417 134.340 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3500 134.350 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.3500 134.355 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3583 134.360 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3667 134.365 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3750 134.375 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.3750 134.380 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3833 134.385 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.3917 134.390 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4000 134.400 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.4000 134.405 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4083 134.410 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4167 134.415 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

134.4250 134.425 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.4250 134.430 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4333 134.435 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4417 134.440 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4500 134.450 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.4500 134.455 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4583 134.460 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4667 134.465 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4750 134.475 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.4750 134.480 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4833 134.485 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.4917 134.490 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5000 134.500 Not allotted ACC-L, ACC- ACC ACC-U ACC-L, ACC- ACC
134.5000 134.505 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5083 134.510 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5167 134.515 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5250 134.525 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
134.5250 134.530 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5333 134.535 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5417 134.540 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5500 134.550 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
134.5500 134.555 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5583 134.560 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5667 134.565 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5750 134.575 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
134.5750 134.580 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5833 134.585 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.5917 134.590 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6000 134.600 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.6000 134.605 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6083 134.610 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6167 134.615 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6250 134.625 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.6250 134.630 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6333 134.635 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6417 134.640 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6500 134.650 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.6500 134.655 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6583 134.660 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6667 134.665 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6750 134.675 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.6750 134.680 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.6833 134.685 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

134.6917 134.690 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7000 134.700 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.7000 134.705 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7083 134.710 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7167 134.715 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7250 134.725 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.7250 134.730 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7333 134.735 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7417 134.740 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7500 134.750 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.7500 134.755 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7583 134.760 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7667 134.765 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7750 134.775 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.7750 134.780 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7833 134.785 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.7917 134.790 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8000 134.800 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.8000 134.805 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8083 134.810 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8167 134.815 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8250 134.825 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.8250 134.830 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8333 134.835 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8417 134.840 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8500 134.850 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.8500 134.855 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8583 134.860 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8667 134.865 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8750 134.875 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.8750 134.880 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8833 134.885 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.8917 134.890 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9000 134.900 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.9000 134.905 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9083 134.910 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9167 134.915 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9250 134.925 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.9250 134.930 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9333 134.935 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9417 134.940 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9500 134.950 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.9500 134.955 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9583 134.960 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9667 134.965 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9750 134.975 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
134.9750 134.980 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

134.9833 134.985 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
134.9917 134.990 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0000 135.000 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.0000 135.005 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0083 135.010 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0167 135.015 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0250 135.025 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.0250 135.030 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0333 135.035 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0417 135.040 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0500 135.050 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.0500 135.055 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0583 135.060 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0667 135.065 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0750 135.075 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.0750 135.080 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0833 135.085 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.0917 135.090 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1000 135.100 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.1000 135.105 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1083 135.110 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1167 135.115 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1250 135.125 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.1250 135.130 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1333 135.135 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1417 135.140 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1500 135.150 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.1500 135.155 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1583 135.160 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1667 135.165 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1750 135.175 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.1750 135.180 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1833 135.185 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.1917 135.190 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2000 135.200 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.2000 135.205 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2083 135.210 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2167 135.215 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2250 135.225 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.2250 135.230 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2333 135.235 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2417 135.240 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2500 135.250 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.2500 135.255 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2583 135.260 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2667 135.265 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2750 135.275 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

135.2750 135.280 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2833 135.285 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.2917 135.290 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3000 135.300 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.3000 135.305 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3083 135.310 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3167 135.315 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3250 135.325 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.3250 135.330 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3333 135.335 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3417 135.340 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3500 135.350 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.3500 135.355 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3583 135.360 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3667 135.365 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3750 135.375 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.3750 135.380 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3833 135.385 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.3917 135.390 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4000 135.400 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.4000 135.405 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4083 135.410 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4167 135.415 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4250 135.425 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.4250 135.430 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4333 135.435 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4417 135.440 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4500 135.450 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.4500 135.455 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4583 135.460 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4667 135.465 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4750 135.475 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.4750 135.480 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4833 135.485 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.4917 135.490 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5000 135.500 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.5000 135.505 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5083 135.510 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5167 135.515 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5250 135.525 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.5250 135.530 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5333 135.535 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5417 135.540 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5500 135.550 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.5500 135.555 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5583 135.560 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5667 135.565 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

135.5750 135.575 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.5750 135.580 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5833 135.585 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.5917 135.590 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6000 135.600 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.6000 135.605 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6083 135.610 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6167 135.615 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6250 135.625 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.6250 135.630 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6333 135.635 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6417 135.640 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6500 135.650 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.6500 135.655 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6583 135.660 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6667 135.665 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6750 135.675 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.6750 135.680 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6833 135.685 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.6917 135.690 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7000 135.700 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.7000 135.705 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7083 135.710 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7167 135.715 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7250 135.725 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.7250 135.730 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7333 135.735 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7417 135.740 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7500 135.750 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.7500 135.755 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7583 135.760 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7667 135.765 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7750 135.775 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.7750 135.780 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7833 135.785 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.7917 135.790 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8000 135.800 Not allotted FIS-U (GPS) ACC ACC-U FIS-U (GPS) ACC
135.8000 135.805 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8083 135.810 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8167 135.815 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8250 135.825 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.8250 135.830 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8333 135.835 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8417 135.840 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8500 135.850 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.8500 135.855 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8583 135.860 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

135.8667 135.865 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8750 135.875 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.8750 135.880 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8833 135.885 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.8917 135.890 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9000 135.900 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.9000 135.905 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9083 135.910 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9167 135.915 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9250 135.925 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.9250 135.930 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9333 135.935 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9417 135.940 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9500 135.950 Not allotted Not allotted ACC ACC-U Not allotted ACC
135.9500 135.955 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9583 135.960 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9667 135.965 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9750 135.975 Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted ACC-U Not allotted Not allotted
135.9750 135.980 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9833 135.985 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
135.9917 135.990 Not used Not used Not used ACC-U Not used Not used
136.0000 136.000 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.0000 136.005 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0083 136.010 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0167 136.015 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0250 136.025 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.0250 136.030 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0333 136.035 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0417 136.040 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0500 136.050 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.0500 136.055 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0583 136.060 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0667 136.065 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0750 136.075 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.0750 136.080 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0833 136.085 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.0917 136.090 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1000 136.100 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.1000 136.105 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1083 136.110 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1167 136.115 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1250 136.125 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.1250 136.130 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1333 136.135 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1417 136.140 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1500 136.150 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.1500 136.155 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

136.1583 136.160 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1667 136.165 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1750 136.175 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.1750 136.180 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1833 136.185 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.1917 136.190 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2000 136.200 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.2000 136.205 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2083 136.210 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2167 136.215 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2250 136.225 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.2250 136.230 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2333 136.235 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2417 136.240 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2500 136.250 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.2500 136.255 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2583 136.260 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2667 136.265 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2750 136.275 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.2750 136.280 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2833 136.285 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.2917 136.290 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3000 136.300 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.3000 136.305 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3083 136.310 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3167 136.315 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3250 136.325 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.3250 136.330 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3333 136.335 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3417 136.340 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3500 136.350 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.3500 136.355 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3583 136.360 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3667 136.365 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3750 136.375 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.3750 136.380 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3833 136.385 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.3917 136.390 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4000 136.400 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.4000 136.405 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4083 136.410 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4167 136.415 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4250 136.425 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.4250 136.430 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4333 136.435 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4417 136.440 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4500 136.450 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

136.4500 136.455 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4583 136.460 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4667 136.465 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4750 136.475 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.4750 136.480 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4833 136.485 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.4917 136.490 Not used Not used Not used Not allotted Not used Not used
136.5000 136.500 Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted Not allotted
136.5000 136.505 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5083 136.510 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5167 136.515 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5250 136.525 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.5250 136.530 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5333 136.535 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5417 136.540 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5500 136.550 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.5500 136.555 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5583 136.560 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5667 136.565 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5750 136.575 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.5750 136.580 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5833 136.585 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.5917 136.590 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6000 136.600 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.6000 136.605 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6083 136.610 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6167 136.615 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6250 136.625 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.6250 136.630 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6333 136.635 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6417 136.640 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6500 136.650 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.6500 136.655 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6583 136.660 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6667 136.665 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6750 136.675 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.6750 136.680 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6833 136.685 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.6917 136.690 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7000 136.700 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.7000 136.705 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7083 136.710 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7167 136.715 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7250 136.725 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.7250 136.730 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7333 136.735 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7417 136.740 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

Frequency Channel AFI APAC CAR EUR MID SAM

136.7500 136.750 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.7500 136.755 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7583 136.760 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7667 136.765 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7750 136.775 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.7750 136.780 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7833 136.785 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.7917 136.790 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8000 136.800 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.8000 136.805 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8083 136.810 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8167 136.815 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8250 136.825 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.8250 136.830 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8333 136.835 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8417 136.840 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8500 136.850 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.8500 136.855 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8583 136.860 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8667 136.865 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8750 136.875 Not allotted VDL Not allotted VDL Not allotted Not allotted
136.8750 136.880 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8833 136.885 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.8917 136.890 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9000 136.900 VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL
136.9000 136.905 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9083 136.910 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9167 136.915 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9250 136.925 VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL
136.9250 136.930 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9333 136.935 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9417 136.940 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9500 136.950 VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL
136.9500 136.955 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9583 136.960 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9667 136.965 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9750 136.975 VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL VDL
136.9750 136.980 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9833 136.985 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
136.9917 136.990 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked
137.0000 137.000 Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems


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ICAO Handbook on radio frequency spectrum requirements for Civil Aviation Version 2012 -3
PART II Frequency assignment planning criteria for radio communication and navigation systems

- END -

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