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QTR 2 WK 4a

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QTR 2 WK 4

MODEL PROBLEMs w/ Decimals

Problem A: Remember to write an expression!

How many 8-ounce bottles would be needed to hold as much
water as thirty-one bottles that each holds 16 ounces?

Multi-step multiplication and division problem.

Problem B: Solve these multi-step problems. Show your work.
What is the value of 4.25 17 x 122? 1. 26.1 1.8 x 65

2. 2.25 25 x 35
Multi-step multiplication and division problem with

3. 5.60 80 x 45
Luke runs each morning before school. On Monday he ran 4.34 miles. PROBLEM #3:
On Tuesday he ran 2.456 miles. On Wednesday he ran 2.5 miles. On
Evan and four of his classmates entered a story they wrote into a
Thursday he ran 0.275 miles. On Friday he ran 0.5 miles. His goal for
contest at the mall. The team won the contest, and their prize was
the week was to run 10 miles. Did Luke meet his running goal for the
money. Each person on the team received $15.75 individual prize.
week? How do the miles he ran compare to his goal? Explain your
How much money did the team win altogether? Explain your thinking

Kaitlyn bought the following items at the school store: 10 pencils
for $0.23 each, 7 pens for $0.27 each, and 2 posters for $0.55 Chloe made ribbons for school spirit day. Her roll of ribbon was 10
each. How much money did Kaitlyn spend in all? Explain your thinking yards long. For each individual ribbon she needed 0.25 ft. How many
ribbons could she make from her roll? Explain your thinking.
Jayla ran 3.56 miles in 25 minutes. Brittany ran 2.20 miles in
PRACTICE PROBLEMS: 25 minutes. How much farther (in miles) did Jayla run in 25
Rebecca saved $175.35 in June and $132.50 in July. Then she minutes?
bought a bicycle for $195.80. How much of her savings from
June and July was left?

The Great Western Circus buys 100 pounds quantities of

Jug A has 2.17 liters of water and Jug B has 0.79 liters less cotton candy at one time. On day one of the circus, they sold
water than Jug A. Find the total volume of water in the two 21.66 pounds of cotton candy, and on day two, they sold
jugs. 34.57 pounds of cotton candy. How much cotton candy in
pounds was left over to sell on day three?

Noahs mass was 46.9 kg and Trevors mass was 51.2 kg. Six
months later, Noah gained 1.8 kg, but Trevor lost 2.1 kg. Find
their new total mass.

Glenda weighs 102.06 pounds. Her twin sister, Julia, weighs

94.34 pounds. How many less pounds does Julia weigh?

Samantha has a ribbon that is 12.06 meters long. Savannah

has a ribbon that is 3.8 meters shorter. What is the total
length of the two ribbons?

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