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MelanoBronze Stimulation of Melanin Synthesis For Tanning and Protection SOFW 2006 PDF

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International Journal

for Applied Science

Personal Care Detergents Specialities

from D. Schmid, Ch. Liechti, F. Zlli:

7-2006 Stimulation of Melanin Synthesis

for Tanning and Protection

D. Schmid, Ch. Liechti, F. Zlli*

Stimulation of Melanin Synthesis for

Tanning and Protection

Keywords: melanin, monks pepper, beta-endorphin, acetyl tyrosine

Introduction quinone by tyrosinase. After the gener-

Abstract ation of DOPA quinone two separated
Pigmentation determines skin color and pathways which both include several in-
is the body's own protection against so- termediate steps lead to the formation
he neuropeptide beta-endor-

T phin, principally known to in-

duce an analgesic effect and
a feeling of euphoria in the cen-
lar ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It consists
of melanin which is a composition of
mainly two substances, the black-brown
eumelanin and the reddish-yellow pheo-
of eumelanin and pheomelanin (Fig. 3).
Pigmentation of the skin is controlled
by hormones which are synthesized and
distributed by the pituitary gland. The
tral nerve system, was shown in melanin. In melanocytes melanin is syn- alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone
the last years by several research thesized and stored in organelles called (alpha-MSH) is a cleavage product of the
melanosomes. Melanocytes are located large precursor protein proopiomelano-
groups to play also a role in pe-
in the basal layer of the skin epidermis, cortin (POMC) (Fig. 4). It mainly regulates
ripheral organs such as the skin. the pigmentation process in the skin and
in the so-called stratum basale (Fig. 1).
There, beta-endorphin was found Thanks to dendrites melanocytes are exerts its effect through MC1R, a G-pro-
to participate in the regulation of able to spread melanosomes and with tein coupled receptor. The gene expres-
pigmentation. Monk's pepper (Vi- them the enclosed melanin within the sions of both POMC and MC1R are in-
tex agnus castus) is a shrub native skin by transferring them to keratino- ducible by UV radiation. Similar to al-
cytes (Fig. 2). pha-MSH, beta-endorphin is a cleavage
to the Mediterranean area with
The biosynthesis of eumelanin and product of POMC in melanocytes as well
black berries that are used as (Fig. 4). A research group demonstrated
pheomelanin can be initiated from ei-
herbal medicine. Compounds of ther the hydroxylation of phenylalanine that the receptor for beta-endorphin,
these berries were found to exert to tyrosine or directly from tyrosine. Ty- mainly the mu-opiate receptor, is also
a beta-endorphin-like activity. In rosine is hydroxylated to dihydrox- expressed in melanocytes. They conclud-
studies with melanocytes we yphenylalanine (DOPA) and to DOPA ed that the beta-endorphin/mu-opiate
could show that an extract of
Monk's pepper berries stimulated
specifically the melanin synthesis.
In vivo a combination of acetyl ty-
rosine, a stable substrate for
melanin synthesis and the Monk's
pepper berries extract induced
skin tanning. Detailed analysis of
the in vivo experiment showed
the individual effects of acetyl ty-
rosine and the plant extract.

Fig. 1 Histology of the skin. The stratum basale where melanocytes are located is
highlighted in yellow

2 SFW-Journal | 132 | 7-2006


receptor system is functionally active in

the regulation of melanocyte biology. In
melanocyte cultures beta-endorphin was
found to stimulate melanocyte dendric-
ity, proliferation, and pigmentation (1).

Tanning ingredients

In self tanning (sunless tanning) prod-

ucts the substance dihydroxyacetone
(DHA) is often applied as a standard in-
gredient. It binds to proteins of the stra-
tum corneum and stains the upper layer
of skin cells. The tan results from the so-
called Maillard reaction between alde-
hydes or ketones and the amino acid ly-
sine, leading to a colored product. Unfor- Fig. 2 Melanosomes are distributed among keratinocytes and gather on the apical
tunately, such pigments do not absorb UV side of the nucleus.
radiation and consequently do not pro- Melanocyte (M), keratinocyte (K), dendrite (D), melanosome (m)
vide any sun protection. In addition, the
tanned outer cells peel off in the natur-
al regeneration cycle and the skin turns
pale again after a short time.
Many tanning products that stimulate
the synthesis of natural melanin in the
skin contain acetyl tyrosine. This sub-
stance is a natural amino acid bound to
acetic acid and provides the substrate for
the generation of melanin synthesized
along the lines of the physiologic path-
ways as described in the introduction.
Contrary to DHA the skin tan gained with
acetyl tyrosine consists of melanin and
therefore has natural sun protection
qualities and remains in the skin for a
much longer time.

Fig. 3 The synthesis of eumelanin is stimulated by alpha-MSH through its receptor

Monks pepper and skin tanning MC1R. During high tyrosinase activity the equilibrium is shifted to eumelanin syn-
Monk's pepper (chaste tree, Vitex agnus-
castus, Verbenaceae) is a deciduous shrub
domiciled in Mediterranean Europe and
Central Asia. The berries contain essen-
tial oils, fatty oils, diterpenoids, keto-
steroids, iridoid glycosides (agnuside and
aucubine), saponins, and flavonoids. In
ancient times Monk's pepper was used
for several indications such as inflam-
mation, dropsy, spleen enlargement, pre-
menstrual syndrome, or for the treat-
ment of injuries. In monasteries' kitchens
Monk's pepper was often used as surro- Fig. 4 Proopiomelanocortin and its cleavage products ACTH, MSH, and
gate pepper taking advantage of the beta-endorphin
anaphrodisiac effect. Today, the Com-

SFW-Journal | 132 | 7-2006 3


mission E monograph has approved the Studies and Conclusions NaOH. The optical density was measured
use of Monk's pepper for irregularities of at 405 nm against melanin standards.
the menstrual cycle, premenstrual dis- The effect of Monk's pepper extract on Cell viability was analyzed by a standard
turbances, and mastodynia. melanin production of melanocytes in MTT assay.
Monk's pepper was found in latest re- culture Melanin production of melanocytes in
search to contain phyto-endorphins. This Melanin production and cell viability of culture medium alone amounted to 37.1
has been shown by assessing the affini- normal human melanocytes (R6-NHEM- microg/ml. Monk's pepper extract was
ty of an extract of Monk's pepper to the 2) were analyzed after incubation with added in the concentrations of 0.25%,
mu-opiate and kappa-opiate receptors. different concentrations of Monk's pep- 0.13%, and 0.06%. Addition of the ex-
In competition binding studies with ra- per extract during 10 days. Cells were tract let to a concentration-dependent
dioligands the endorphin-like compounds cultured in a standard medium at 37 C increased melanin synthesis of 54.5, 41.6
were observed in the lipophilic fractions and 5% CO2. After incubation melanin and 36.2 microg/ml, respectively (Fig. 6).
of the extracts. The researchers accord- was extracted with a solution of 0.5 M Monk's pepper extract at 0.25% in-
ingly suggested possible pharmacologi-
cal effects of Monk's pepper via opioid
receptors (2). Functional activity through
mu-opiate receptors of the Monk's pep-
per extract was tested by a US research
group, too. The functionality even turned
out to be highly significant. Therewith,
an agonistic activity of Monk's pep-
per extract has been demonstrated for
the first time (3). Since beta-endorphins
stimulate melanocytes, substances pos-
sessing agonistic functional activity
through mu-opiate receptors presum-
ably effect a similar stimulation. Monk's
pepper therefore is very likely to exhibit
melanogenic and dendritogenic proper-
ties like beta-endorphin as well.
Fig. 5 MelanoBronze stimulates tanning even without sun exposure. When we are
exposed to sun light, the hormone alpha-MSH is produced that induces pigmen-
MelanoBronze combination of tation (upper line). When at the same time MelanoBronze is applied, pigmentation
acetyl tyrosine and Monks pepper is highly accelerated because there is with beta-endorphin another inducer pre-
extract to stimulate melanin sent and with acetyl tyrosine additional substrate for the enzyme tyrosinase (mid-
synthesis dle line). When MelanoBronze is applied, there is also tanning without exposure to
sun light because MelanoBronze contains the inducer beta-endorphin and adds
In MelanoBronze acetyl tyrosine and the additional substrate for tyrosinase (lower line)
extract of Monk's pepper cause increased
formation of melanin through two dif-
ferent mechanisms. Acetyl tyrosine, the
stable and water-soluble substrate for
tyrosinase accelerates melanin synthesis.
The more substrate is present, the high-
er the turnover of the synthesis reaction.
Like UV radiation and the hormone al-
pha-MSH the beta-endorphin-like com-
pounds in the extract of monk's pepper
induce melanocytes to start melanin for-
mation. In presence of the beta-endor-
phin activity of the extract the melanin
formation is induced even without sun
exposure. The individual contribution to
pigmentation of acetyl tyrosine and the
plant extract in MelanoBronce in pres- Fig. 6 The effect of Monk's pepper extract on melanin production of melanocytes
ence or without sun light is shown in in culture
Fig. 5.

4 SFW-Journal | 132 | 7-2006


creased melanin content by 47% and by

12% at 0.13%. Results of the MTT assay
showed that cell viability did not change
in presence of the extract compared to
the control. The experiment therefore
clearly demonstrated that the extract
specifically induced melanin production.

The effect of MelanoBronze on

skin pigmentation
Creams containing 2 and 5% of Melano
Bronze and only acetyl tyrosine in a con-
centration corresponding to the amount
of 5% MelanoBronze were compared Fig. 7 Stimulation of tanning by MelanoBronze. The last column shows the tan-
with a placebo test cream. The test prod- ning effect of a product with only acetyl tyrosine, in the same concentration as
ucts were applied twice daily on the in- present in the 5% MelanoBronze test product
ner side of the forearm by 20 women
with the age between 20 and 55 years.
Skin tanning was initiated with UV ir- Summary protection against UV radiation, the
radiation of 1.1 MED once daily during principal cause of skin aging. Thanks to
one week. Tanning was measured with a MelanoBronze stimulates melanin syn- its tanning and protective effects
chromameter. thesis by two different mechanisms. The MelanoBronze is highly suitable for sun
After applying the placebo control cream beta-endorphin-like effect of Monk's protection products as well. It is further-
tanning reached after one week a value pepper leads to induction of the melanin more perfect for application together
of 1.83 (Fig. 7). Using the creams con- formation process, independent of sun with self tanning ingredients like DHA
taining 2% and 5% MelanoBronze tan- exposure, whereas acetyl tyrosine accel- and for tanning bed lotions to acceler-
ning could be clearly enhanced to values erates the melanin synthesis reaction. ate the tanning process.
of 2.15 and 2.72, respectively. Tanning The contribution of both factors in stimu-
with the cream containing only acetyl lation of tanning could be demonstrat- References
tyrosine reached 2.3. ed in vivo.
The study showed that application of Stimulation of melanin synthesis leads (1) Kauser S., Schallreuter K.U., Thody A.J., Gum-
creams with MelanoBronze resulted in to a regular, even, and persistent skin tan. mer C. & Tobin D.J. (2003) Regulation of human
epidermal melanocyte biology by beta-endor-
a significant and dose dependent en- In contrast to self tanning ingredients phin. J Invest Dermatol 120(6):1073-80
hanced skin tanning compared to the based on aldehydes or ketones Melano
placebo cream. Comparing the effects of Bronze enhances the natural protection (2) Meier B., Berger D., Hoberg E., Sticher O. &
5% MelanoBronze with the same con- factor of the skin against UV radiation. Schaffner W. (2000) Pharmacological activities
centration of acetyl tyrosine alone clear- For Melano Bronce there are many dif- of Vitex agnus-castus extracts in vitro. Phy-
tomedicine 7(5):373-81
ly demonstrated the distinct in vivo tan- ferent applications possible. The benefits
ning efficacy of the Monk's pepper ex- of Melano Bronze in skin care products (3) Webster D.E., Lu J., Chen S.N., Farnsworth N.R.
tract. are a fine, healthy tan and additional & Wang Z.J. (2006) Activation of the mu-opi-
ate receptor by Vitex agnus-castus methanol
extracts: Implication for its use in PMS. J
Ethnopharmacol Epub ahead of print

* Authors addresses:
Dr. Daniel Schmid, Christina Liechti,
Dr. Fred Zlli
Mibelle AG Biochemistry
Bolimattstrasse 1
5033 Buchs

SFW-Journal | 132 | 7-2006 5

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