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Esperanto: in Your Pocket

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Further Information . About the EoPako .

Books Your complete EoPako contains 4 brochures:

Esperanto: Language, Literature & Community Esperanto: the document you are holding in your
by Pierre Janton & Humphrey Tonkin hands right now. It introduces the Esperanto language
and shows you how to use EoPako
Esperanto, Interlinguistics & Planned Language
by Humphrey Tonkin The Gram: the entire basic grammar of Esperanto in a
single A4 sheet

Esperanto: A Language for the Global Village
by Sylvan Zaft The Prep: a few exercises and answers to give you

in your pocket
a chance to train and practice the language
Esperanto Associations
Universal Esperanto Association The Words: a short, 2-way word-list of a few basic
Nieuwe Binnenweg words to get you started. You can find complete dic-
NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam Netherlands tionaries at your local Esperanto Association, or on the internet!
The Gram and The Prep, have numbered lessons. Each
Australian Esperanto Association day, start by reading your new lesson for the day from
143 Lawson Street The Gram. Then, do the follow-up exercises in The Prep
Redfern NSW 2016 Australia get vocabulary help from The Words, as needed. By dedicating about 15 mins/day, after a week you will
be able to understand simple texts, and know how to put
Esperanto League for North America together several sentences.
P. O. Box 1129
El Cerrito CA 94530 USA This is by no means a complete course! It is a general introduction, enabling you to get a general feel for how the language sounds and works. If you find youd like to
know more about Esperanto, the next step is to contact
Esperanto Association of Britain your local Esperanto Association or to enroll in one of
Esperanto House Station Road Barlaston the many free online Esperanto courses, such as:
Staffordshire ST12 9DE England

You can also start practicing your Esperanto at any time,

by chatting online with other esperantists!:

For more Esperanto resources, have a look at: discover a new language
in just one week!
EoPako is updated and improved on a regular basis.
Check your local Esperanto Associations website for the
latest version!
Esperanto: what is it? . How useful is it? . How can I learn it? .
Esperanto is a language. But it is a somewhat special Esperanto has been officially recognized and endorsed
by UNESCO. It is now spoken in over 100 countries, by
Using the EoPako
language. It was first thought of at the end of the 19th This 4-brochure pack enables you to start learning the
century. It was made specifically in order to enable easy approximately 6 million people. There are many ways in
which Esperanto can be useful to you: basics of Esperanto within just a few days have a look
communication between people of different languages. at the section titled About the EoPako, on the back of
As it was made specially for this purpose, Esperanto can this brochure.
be learnt very quickly discuss and correspond with people from a variety of
countries and cultures, at the same time, without being
As a matter of fact, Esperanto is the easiest of all liv- hindered by linguistic barriers, and as an equal On the Internet
ing languages. There are no exceptions, no irregular is a site of web-based courses
verbs. Nevertheless, it is a rich language: you can truly discover other cultures and get updated on the to suit every level of expertise. It also has an online chat
express everything with it. However, because it is built world-wide scene, by having access to a vast source of area - so you can practice your Esperanto with other
on just a few rules and structures - that are totally magazines, newspapers and books translated directly students.
logical - we can learn it in very little time. Right after from every major national language
being introduced to the language, beginners quickly find Download the free program Kurso de Esperanto, from
themselves experimenting with their first sentences in cheap travel: thanks to Pasporta Servo a world-
Esperanto. wide network of willing esperantist hosts who offer free
(or almost-free) accomodation! The long-running Free Esperanto Course is a well-
This is excellent, because rather than wasting hours known, email-based correspondence course. It is run
learning complex grammar rules, well have more time join in international gatherings and festivals, with by dedicated volunteers from around the world, and is
to spend with other fun and important things! - like music, shows and art in Esperanto, as well as many other available in several languages. Sign up at:
communicating with others, and making new friends. national languages.

Learning Esperanto has also been proven to help with the access an international network of experts in almost For even more internet Esperanto resources:
learning of other languages. So, any way you look at it, every profesional field. Every member of the Univer-
learning Esperanto is always an advantage! sal Esperanto Association has free access to a list of
hundreds of ambassadors - or delegates - who are
Add to that the fact that Esperanto does not belong to specialists in a wide range of fields. This list is constantly With Books
any country, and that everyone can learn it. It is freely updated and officially maintained by the UEA! Esperanto Learning and Using the International Lan-
available - and is suitable - for everyone. It promotes guage, by David Richardson, published by the Esperanto
a sense of linguistic equality, as it is everyones second And many more uses! League of North America.
language - so everyone relates through it as equals!
Teach Yourself Esperanto, by John Cresswell & John
Hartley, published by the Ntc Pub Group.

Being Colloquial in Esperanto: A Reference Guide

by David K. Jordan

And many, many others, available through all good

bookshops, as well as your local Esperanto Association.

With a Teacher
It is very likely that close to your home or work there is
an Esperanto course available. To find out, contact your
local Esperanto Association see the addresses on the
back of this brochure!
THE GRAM Conjugation & Basic Verb Tenses indicate change of place, and it can also be used when
a preposition is omitted.
The same verb ending is used for all persons, in every
have you ever heard tense no irregular verbs: Examples of usage:
+i - infinitive. Paroli = to speak.
of a language whose +as present. Mi parolas = I speak.
Mi trinkas akvon (akv-o-n) = I drink water.
Mi amas vin (vi-n) = I love you.
entire grammar fits +is past. Ni parolis = We spoke. Mi iras Parizon (Pariz-o-n) = Im going to Paris.
+os - future. Oni parolos = One will speak.
on a single sheet of paper? +us conditional. Li parolus = He would speak.
Mi venos lundon (lund-o-n) = Ill come on Monday.
+u - imperative. (Vi) Parolu! = Speak! [You shall speak!]
Lesson 1 . Lesson 5 .
Lesson 3 .
Alphabet & Pronunciation Correlatives
Every letter is pronounced in every word, and everything Numbers 45 quite logical words.
is written exactly as it is pronounced. Esperanto does not
Cardinal: i- ki- ti- i- neni-
use the letters Q, W, X and Y. We do, however, have 6
nul (0), unu (1), du (2), tri (3), kvar (4), kvin (5), ses (6), (some) (what) (this) (every) (none)
other letters , , , , and and some of the usual
sep (7), ok (8), na (9), dek (10), cent (100), mil (1000), +u iu kiu tiu iu neniu
letters are pronounced differently:
miliono (million). (one) some(one) which|who this (one) every(one) none(-one)
A, B, C (ts), (ch), D, E, F, G (as g in gag), (as g
Examples: dek du (12), dudek unu (21), ducent (200), mil +o io kio tio io nenio
in genie), H, (as the ch in loch), I (as ee in bee),
nacent sesdek ok (1968). (thing) something what this (thing) everything nothing
J (short i, as y in yes), (as s in measure), K, L, M,
Ordinal = +a. Unua, dua = first, second... +a ia kia tia ia nenia
N, O, P, R, S, (sh), T, U (oo), (short u, as w in
Adverb = +e. Unue, due= firstly, secondly... (kind) some kind what kind this kind every kind no kind
woman), V, Z. In Esperanto, the emphasis is always on
Noun = +o. Dekduo, dekoj = a dozen, tens. +e ie kie tie ie nenie
the second-last syllable of the word.
Multiple = +obl+a. Duobla, triobla = double, triple. (place) somewhere where there everywhere nowhere
Fraction = +on+o. Duono, kvarono = half, quarter. +am iam kiam tiam iam neniam
Word Endings Group = +op+o. Duopo, triopo = duo, trio. (time) sometime when then always never
No exceptions in Esperanto: +el iel kiel tiel iel neniel
Every noun ends is o parolo = speech.
Lesson 4
(manner) somehow how thus every way no way
Every adjective ends in a parola = oral. . +al ial kial tial ial nenial
Adverbs end in e parole = verbally. (reason)
for some why for this for every for no
reason reason reason reason
Plural is made with a j paroloj = speeches.
Infinitive verbs with i paroli = to speak. Question +om iom kiom tiom iom nenion
some, how much this much every no quantity
To make yes|no questions, we put u at the beginning (amount)
a little quantity
Articles of a sentence: +es ies kies ties ies nenies
u li manas? = Is he eating? (...s) someones whose this ones everyones nobodys
There is only one definite article, la:
Jes, li manas = Yes, hes eating.
la parolo = the speech, la paroloj = the speeches,
Ne, li trinkas. = No, hes drinking.
There is no indefinite article (no a, an, some):
parolo = a speech, paroloj = some speeches. Lesson 6 .
Lesson 2 . To make a negative sentence, we just need to insert the
word ne right before the word that it negates. Sufixes
Mi ne kantas = I am not singing. Placed between the root and the end of the word.
Ne mi kantas = it is not me singing.
Personal Pronouns names of living beings:
mi (I), vi [or ci, seldom used] (you), li (he), i (she), i (it), Accusative +ul (person): juna = young, junulo = a youth
oni (English one), ni (we), vi (you), ili (they), si (self, +an (member): urbo = city, urbano = a citizen
In order to indicate that a noun is the object of a verb,
used as the reflexive pronoun). +ist (profession): pano = bread, panisto = baker
we append n to the noun - and also to its adjectives,
By appending a to the personal pronouns, we get the +in (feminine): patro = father, patrino = mother
which is unlike English.
possessive adjectives: +id (offspring): koko = rooster, kokido = chick
The n ending is also used with adverbs of place, to
mia, via, ilia... = my|mine, your|yours, their|theirs... +estr (chief): urbo = city, urbestro = mayor
names of things: vapor+ip+o (vapor + ship) = steam boat
+a (concrete): nova = new, novao = the news okul+vitr+o+j (eye + glasses) = eye glasses subordinating
+il (tool): trani = cut, tranilo = knife sam+temp+e (same+time+ly) = at the same time ar = because, kvankam = although, ke = that,
+ar (collective): arbo = tree, arbaro = forest kvaza = as if, se = if
+er (element): mono = money, monero = coin coordinating
+ej (place): panejo = bakery Lesson 7 . sed = but, a = or, kaj = and, do = so|then|therefore,
nu = well|now (interjection) , nek = neither|nor
+uj (container): monujo = purse
+ing (holder): kandelo = candle, kandelingo =
candlestick Participles Adverbs
abstract nouns: hiera = yesterday preska = almost
+ec (quality): bela = beautiful, beleco = beauty Present Past Future hodia = today apena = barely
+ism: nacio= nation, naciismo = nationalism morga = tomorrow nur = only
Indicative +as +is +os
nun = now almena = at least
qualifiers: Active +ant-a +int-a +ont-a us = just now anka = also
+ebl (capability): manebla = edible tuj = immediately e = even
Passive +at-a +it-a +ot-a
+em (inclination): kredi = believe, kredema = balda = soon tre = very
credulous jam = already tro = too (much)
+ind (worthy): ridi = laugh, ridinda = ridiculous active participles:
Li estas kantinta = He has sung. ankora = yet for = away
+end (duty): pagi = pay, pagenda = outstanding
verbial: Li estas kantanta = He is singing (right now).
+ig (transitive): rua = red, ruigi = make red Li estas kantonta = He is going to sing. Prepositions
+i (intransitive) ruii = to get red, to blush Vi estis skribinta = You had written. al = to kun = with e = at
Vi estis skribanta = You were writing. por = for de = from sub =under
universal: Vi estis skribonta = You were going to write. el = out of en = in sur = on
+et (diminutive): domo = house, dometo = cottage i estos foririnta = She will have left. anta = before irka = around super = over
+eg (augmentative): domego = mansion i estos foriranta = She will be leaving. malanta = behind apud = next to dum = during
+a (pejorative): domao = hovel, slum i estos forironta = Shell be going to leave. eskter = outside inter = between ekde = since
+ad (continuity): parolado = lecture kontra = against is = until sen = without
+um (other uses): brako = arm, brakumi = embrace passive participles: la = according to krom = besides post = after
La akvo estas trinkita = The water is drunk. malgra = despite per = by (use of) pro = due to
La akvo estas trinkata = ... is being drunk.
Prefixes La akvo estas trinkota = ... is going to be drunk.
pri = about
anstata = instead
tra = through trans = across

Placed before the root of the word. La pano estis manita = The bread had been eaten.
La pano estis manata = ...was being eaten.
mal+ (opposite): bela = beautiful, malbela = ugly La pano estis manota = ...was going to be eaten. Expressions
re+ (repetition): legi = read, relegi = read again La foto estos vidita = The photo will have been seen. Saluton! is la revido!
eks+ (past state): eksministro = ex-minister La foto estos vidata = ...will be being seen. Hello! See you!
mis+ (error): miskompreni = misunderstand La foto estos vidota = ...will be about to be seen. Bonan tagon! Bonan nokton!
ek+ (sudden start): ridi = laugh, Good day! Good night!
ekridi = burst out laughing Mi nomias... Kiel vi fartas?
bo+ (in-law): bopatro = father-in-law Lesson 8 . My name is... How do you do?
pra+ (generation before): avo = grandfather ju pli... des pli... kaj... kaj...
praavo = great-grandfather the more... the more... both... and...
fi+ (shame): fama = famous, fifama = ill reputed Comparatives au... au... nek... nek...
dis+ (separate): doni = give, disdoni= distribute either... or... neither... nor...
ge+ (bi-gender address): gepatroj = parents, inferiority malpli... ol less... than

Word Creation
superiority pli... ol more... than
u vi komprenas ion? .
equality tiel... kiel as... as
Esperanto is a bit like Lego blocks. All you need to do is If so, then this means you now know all the basics of
start combining pieces on a solid base, and you will build la plej... the most... Esperanto - and you can start using it!
something new. In the same way, you can easily create la malplej... the least...
words using suffixes and prefixes, and combining roots:
i) how many flowers do you see?
Lesson 3 . j) when I understand the language, Ill speak.
k) What is a house?
a few short exercises l) whose car is this?
to get you to start Write out the numbers and dates
practicing your To write the dates in Esperanto, follow the formula:
[weekday], la [number of day]+a de [month], [year]. Lesson 6 .
knowledge of the
international language! weekdays, starting on Sunday: dimano, lundo,
mardo, merkredo, ado, vendredo, sabato.
Translate to English
months of the year: januaro, februaro, marto, aprilo, La 5-an de majo, mia fratino iris al la malsanulejo. i ne
see reverse for answers majo, junio, julio, agusto, septembro, oktobro, novem- estis malsana: i nur iis patrino.
bro, decembro. ia ido estas knabeto. Li eble iam ios fikaptisto a
ipestro - kial ne?
Lesson 1 . Ex: 15/12/1859 = la dek-kvina de decembro, mil okcent Mia fratinido multe atas mani kaj li ofte dormas. Kiam
kvindek na. li askultas rakontojn, tio tuj dormigas lin. En mia ra-
kont-libro, estas kelkaj poemoj, kiujn mi atas legi al li.
Fill in the word endings a) 73 b) 101 c) 20th d) 655 e) 14/07/1789 Dum la matenmano, li kelkfoje ludas anstata mani.
f) 9,999 g) 4 h) Wednesday, 27th February Li tiam uzas la manilojn, kiel ludilojn. Tio multe ridigas
Ex: the beautiful boys = la belAJ knabOJ
i) 2,046 j) 18,442 k) 75,793 l) 2,088,405 nin: li estas tiom ludema!.
a) the white horse = la blank eval
b) some blue balloons = blu
c) to speak quickly = rapid
Lesson 4 . Lesson 7 .
d) some dogs and cats = hund kaj kat
e) at length (length-ly) = long
Translate to Esperanto Fill in the verb endings
f) the large birds = la grand bird
g) a good cake = bon kuk a) The fire is warm. a) He had caught the fish = li est kapt la fion
h) to eat well = bon man b) She is writing a word. b) He is going to buy it = li est aet in
i) a red and green wall = ru kaj verd mur c) They ate the legumes. c) A house is being built = domo est konstru
j) to laugh and to cry = rid kaj plor d) He will help me. d) It will have been eaten = i est man
k) truly happy = ver feli e) Did you see my brother? e) We were about to drink = ni est trink
f) Birds fly fast. f) My arm is broken = mia brako est romp
g) Do you want to drink? g) The photo had been hidden = la foto est ka
Lesson 2 . h) I am not sleeping, Im tired. h) The dentist has worked = la dentisto est
i) You were running = vi est kur
i) Was the film good?
j) I am not reading the magazine (right now). j) The cake will be eaten = la kuko est man
k) The kids will have played = la infanoj est lud
Translate to English k) Can you work? No, I cannot.
l) We often use the telephone.
Not necessarily word for word.
Lesson 8 .
a) La domo estas granda. Lesson 5 .
b) Ni rapide skribas.
c) La birdo estas blanka, i flugas. Translate to Esperanto
d) Mi estas juna viro. Translate to Esperanto Hello! My name is Maria. I live in Sydney. It is a very big
e) Li atendu kaj askultu! city. I do not have a car, but I do not go to work by bus.
a) why do you prefer fish?
f) i iros, manos kaj dormos. I prefer to go by foot, because my house is close to my
b) someone found paper.
g) Rigardu : pluvas forte! workplace.
c) she hid the book there.
h) Ili estis vivaj. I am a translator. So, I speak several languages. I like to
d) we are always clean.
i) Nia granda evalo multe manas. travel very much, and during my trips I often speak Espe-
e) he listens to music, like me.
j) Mi volus kanti. ranto with my friends. I always travel by train.
f) my father eats nothing.
k) La blua akvo estas pura. I like also to listen to music, and to go to the theatre.
g) they repeat every word.
l) Li estos bona patro. Theatre is the most interesting art... in my opinion :-)
h) such is our hope.
See you!
ANSWERS Lesson 3 . Lesson 6 .
note that there is always
more than one way Write out the numbers and dates
a) sepdek tri Translate to English
to say the same thing -

b) cent unu On the 5th of May, my sister went to the hospital. She
especially in Esperanto! c) dudeka was not sick she only became a mother. Her child is a
d) sescent kvindek kvin little boy. Maybe someday he will become a fisherman, or
Some alternative answers e) la dekkvara de julio mil sepcent okdek na a captain why not ?
can be seen in brackets f) namil nacent nadek na My sisters child really likes to eat [likes to eat a lot] and
g) unu kvarono he is often sleeping. When he listens to a story, it [this]
see reverse for exercises h) merkredo la dudek sepa de februaro makes him sleepy. In my story book, there are some
i) dumil kvardek ses poems, which I like to read to him.
j) dek okmil kvarcent kvardek du During breakfast, he sometimes plays instead of eating.
Lesson 1 . k) sepdek kvinmil sepcent nadek tri He then uses the cutlery [eating utensils] as toys. This
l) du milionoj okdek okmil kvarcent kvin makes us laugh a lot. He is always in the mood for [feels
inclined towards] a game !
Fill in the word endings
Lesson 4 .
a) la blanka evalo
b) bluaj balonoj
Lesson 7 .
c) rapide paroli Translate to Esperanto
d) hundoj kaj katoj
e) longe a) La fajro estas varma. Fill in the verb endings
f) la grandaj birdoj b) i skribas vorton. a) li estis kaptinta la fion
g) bona kuko c) Ili manis la legomojn. b) li estas aetonta in
h) bone mani d) Li helpos min. c) domo estas konstruata
i) rua kaj verda muro e) u vi vidis mian fraton? d) i estos manita
j) ridi kaj plori f) [La] Birdoj rapide flugas. e) ni estis trinkontaj
k) vere felia g) u vi volas [deziras] trinki? f) mia brako estas rompita
h) Mi ne dormas, mi estas laca [mi lacas]. g) la foto estis kaita
i) u la filmo estis bona? h) la dentisto estas laborinta
Lesson 2 . j) Mi ne legas la gazeton. i) vi estis kurantaj
k) u vi povas labori? Ne, mi ne povas. j) la kuko estas manota
l) Ni ofte uzas la telefonon. k) la infanoj estos ludintaj
Translate to English
a) The house is big. Lesson 5 . Lesson 8 .
b) We write quickly [fast].
c) The bird is white it flies [is flying].
d) Im a young man. Translate to Esperanto Translate to Esperanto
e) He shall wait and listen! a) Kial vi preferas [la] fion? Saluton! Mi nomias Maria. Mi loas en Sidnejo. i estas
f) She will go, will eat and will sleep. b) Iu trovis paperon. tre granda urbo. Mi ne havas aton, sed mi ne iras al
[Shes going to go, is going to eat...] c) i kais la libron tie. laboro atobuse [per atobuso]. Mi preferas iri piede
g) Look: its raining heavily! d) Ni iam estas puraj. [piediri], ar mia domo estas proksima al [apud] mia lab-
h) They were alive. e) Li askultas muzikon, kiel mi. orejo. Mi estas tradukistino [tradukisto]. Do, mi parolas
i) Our big horse eats a lot. f) Mia patro manas nenion. plurajn lingvojn. Mi multe atas vojai, kaj dum miaj
j) I would want to sing. g) Ili ripetas iun vorton. vojaoj mi ofte parolas Esperante [en Esperanto] kun
k) The blue water is clean [pure]. h) Tia estas nia espero! miaj amikoj. Mi iam vojaas per trajno.Mi atas anka
l) He is going to be a good father. i) Kiom da floroj vi vidas? askulti muzikon kaj iri teatron [al teatro]. Teatro est la
j) Kiam mi komprenos la lingvon, mi parolos. plej interesa arto... la mi :-)
k) Kio estas domo? is la revido!
l) Kies estas tiu ato?
THE WORDS frat-o
sole, alone
the basic words frukt-o fruit kultur-o culture pet-i ask for son-o sound
in a 2-page funkci-i function kun with pied-o foot special-a special
gazet-o magazine ku-a laid down plen-a full spert-o experience
mini-dictionary, eneral-a general la the pli (ol) more (than) star-i stand
to help increase is until, to labor-o work (ne) plu (no) further tat-o state (polit.)
glass tired plur-aj several strat-o street
your vocabulary!
glas-o lac-a
grand-a big, large land-o country poem-o poem stud-i study
grav-a important last-a last popol-o people sub under
grup-o group leg-i read post after sufi-a enough
ust-a exact, just legom-o legume pot-a postal sukces-o success
Esperanto > English . halt-i stop lern-i learn pov-i be able to sun-o sun
hav-i have libr-o book precip-e especially super above
aer-o air decid-i decide hejm-o home lig-i tie, bind prefer-i prefer sur on
ag-i act dekstr-a right help-o help lign-o wood pret-i ready tabl-o table
akcept-i accept demand-o question histori-o history lingv-o language pri about tag-o day
akv-o water dezir-i desire, wish hor-o hour lud-i play produkt-o product tamen however
al to direkt-i direct ide-o idea man-i eat proksim-e close by teatr-o theatre
ali-a [an]other divers-a varied inform-i inform mank-o lack of propr-a own telefon-o telephone
alt-a tall, high dol-a sweet instru-i teach man-o hand prov-i try ten-i hold
amik-o friend dom-o house interes-i interest mar-o sea publik-a public ter-o earth
am-o love don-i give ir-i go maten-o morning pur-a clean, pure tim-o fear
ankora still, yet dorm-i sleep jar-o year memor-o memory rakont-i tell tra through
anstata instead of dum during jes yes met-i put rapid-a fast, quick traduk-i translate
anta before edz-o husband et-i throw mez-o middle regul-o rule tran-i cut
apart-a separate ekster outside jun-a young mir-o marvel rekomend-i recommend trink-i drink
aper-i appear ekzempl-o example kaj and mon-o money rimark-i notice trov-i find
apud next to, by elekt-i choose kamp-o field mult-a much ripet-i repeat tuj immediately
artikol-o article en in kant-i sing naci-a national river-o river tu-i touch
art-o art esper-i hope kap-o head natur-o nature romp-i break universal-a universal
asoci-o association est-i be kapt-i catch ne no, not rond-a round urb-o city
atend-i wait facil-a easy kar-a dear neces-a necessary ajn-i seem uz-i use
a or fajr-o fire ka-i hide nom-o name salon-o parlour varm-a warm
ad-i hear fakt-o fact kaz-o cause nov-a new sam-a same vend-i sell
askult-i listen fal-i fall, drop kelk-a any, some nur only san-a healthy ver-a true
at(omobil)- car far-i do, make klas-o class oft-e often an-i change vesper-o evening
atobus-o bus fenestr-o window knab-o boy okaz-o occasion at-i like vest-o garment
atun-o autumn, fall fest-o celebration kolekt-i collect, gather ol than sci-i know viand-o meat
balda soon film-o film kolor-o colour opini-o opinion se-o seat vid-i see
best-o animal fin-i finish komerc-o commerce ordinar-a common sen without vir-o man
bezon-o need fi-o fish kompren-i understand organiz-i organise send-i send vitr-o glass
bild-o picture flank-o side komun-a [in] common pac-o peace ser-i search viv-o life
bird-o bird flav-a yellow kongres-o congress pa-o page serv-o service vizit-i visit
bon-o good flor-o flower kon-i know pan-o bread sid-a seated voja-i travel
ef-a principal flug-i fly konsent-i agree paper-o paper signif-i mean, signify voj-o way, route
cel-o aim, goal foj-o turn, time konsil-o advice pardon-i forgive sinjor-o mister vok-i call
cert-a certain forges-i forget kontra against part-o part ip-o ship vol-i want
u ? (question) fort-a strong kost-i cost patr-o father situaci-o situation vort-o word
da of (quantity) frap-i hit, knock kresk-i grow pec-o piece skatol-o box zorg-o care
English > Esperanto .
(question) u ? collect kolekt-i fruit frukt-o magazine gazet-o product produkt-o telephone telefon-o
about pri colour kolor-o full plen-a make far-i proper dec-a tell rakont-i
above super commerce komerc-o function funkci-i man vir-o public publik-a than ol
accept akcept-i common komun-a garment vest-o marvel mir-o put met-i the la
act ag-i common ordinar-a general eneral-a mean signif-i question demand-o theatre teatr-o
advice konsil-o congress kongres-o give don-i meat viand-o read leg-i think pens-i
after post cook kuir-i glass glas-o memory memor-o ready pret-i through tra
against kontra cost kost-i glass vitr-o method metod-o recommend rekomend-i throw et-i
agree konsent-i country land-o go ir-i middle mez-o repeat ripet-i tie (knot) lig-i
aim cel-o crazy freneza good bon-o mister sinjor-o right dekstr-a tired lac-a
air aer-o culture kultur-o group grup-o money mon-o river river-o to al
alone sol-a cut tran-i grow kresk-i more (than) pli (ol) round rond-a touch tu-i
and kaj day tag-o hand man-o morning maten-o rule regul-o train trajno
animal best-o dear kar-a have hav-i name nom-o same sam-a translate traduk-i
anymore (ne...) plu decide decid-i head kap-o national naci-a sea mar-o travel voja-i
appear aper-i desire dezir-i healthy san-a nature natur-o search ser-i tree arbo
art art-o direct direkt-i hear ad-i necessary neces-a seat se-o truth ver-o
article artikol-o drink trink-i help help-o need bezon-o seated sid-a try prov-i
ask for pet-i drop fal-i hide ka-i new nov-a see vid-i turn turn-i
association asoci-o during dum history histori-o next venonta seem ajn-i turn (time) foj-o
autumn atun-o early fru-e hit frap-i next to apud sell vend-i under sub
be est-i earth ter-o hold ten-i no, not ne send send-i understand kompren-i
before anta easy facil-a home hejm-o notice rimark-i separate apart-a universal universal-a
besides krom eat man-i hope esper-i occasion okaz-o service serv-o until is
big grand-a edit redakt-i hour hor-o of de several plur-aj use uz-i
bird bird-o enough sufi-a house dom-o of (quantity) da shine bril-i varied divers-a
book libr-o especially precip-e however tamen often oft-e ship ip-o various mult-aj
box skatol-o evening vesper-o husband edz-o on sur side flank-o visit vizit-i
boy knab-o exact ust-a idea ide-o only nur sing kant-i wait atend-i
bread pan-o example ekzempl-o immediately tuj opinion opini-o situation situaci-o want vol-i
break romp-i experience spert-o important grav-a or a sleep dorm-i warm varm-a
brother frat-o fact fakt-o in en organise organiz-i soon balda water akv-o
bus atobus-o fast rapid-a inform inform-i other ali-a sound son-o way voj-o
call vok-i father patr-o instead of anstata outside ekster special special-a window fenestr-o
can pov-i fear tim-o interest interes-i own propr-a stand star-i with kun
car ato few kelk-a know sci-i page pa-o state (polit.) tat-o without sen
care zorg-o field kamp-o know (acq.) kon-I paper paper-o stop halt-i wood lign-o
carriage vagon-o film film-o lack mank-o parlour salon-o street strat-o word vort-o
catch kapt-i find trov-i language lingv-o part part-o strong fort-a work labor-o
cause kaz-o finish fin-i last last-a peace pac-o study stud-i write skrib-i
celebration fest-o fire fajr-o lay down ku-I people popol-o success sukces-o year jar-o
certain cert-a fish fi-o learn lern-i picture bild-o sun sun-o yellow flav-a
change an-i flower flor-o legume legom-o piece pec-o sweet dol-a yes jes
choose elekt-i fly flug-i life viv-o play lud-i table tabl-o yet ankora
city urb-o foot pied-o like at-i poem poem-o tall alt-a young jun-a
class klas-o forget forges-i listen askult-i postal pot-a teach instru-i
close by proksim-e forgive pardon-i loose perd-i prefer prefer-i
cloth tuk-o friend amik-o love am-o principal ef-a

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