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Practice Career

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Practice Career

The unit of competency, Practice Career Professionalism, is one of

the competencies of COMPUTER SYSTEMS SERVICING NCII, a course which
comprises the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for a TVET trainee to
The module, Practicing Career Professionalism, contains training
materials and discussions related to enriching knowledge and attitudes
needed to have more doors in every career with professional behavior and
In this module, you are required to go through a series of thorough
discussions in order to understand each learning outcome. Each learning
outcome are Information Sheets, Self-checks, Task Sheets, and Job Sheets.
Follow and perform the activities on your own. If you have questions, do not
hesitate to ask for assistance from your facilitator.
Remember to:
Read information sheet and complete the self-checks.
Perform the Task Sheets and Job Sheets until you are confident that
your outputs conform to the Performance Criteria Checklists that
follow the said work sheets.
Submit outputs of the Task Sheets and Job Sheets to your facilitator
for evaluation and recording in the Achievement Chart. Outputs shall
serve as your portfolio during the Institutional Competency
Evaluation. When you feel confident that you have had sufficient
practice, ask your trainer to evaluate you. The results of your
assessment will be recorded in your Achievement Chart and
Progress Chart.

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You must pass the Institutional Competency Evaluation for this
competency before moving to another competency. A Certificate of
Achievement will be awarded to you after passing the evaluation.

You need to complete this module before you can perform the module
on Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures.

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No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

1 Participate in Workplace Participating in Workplace 500311105

Communication Communication

2 Work in a team Working in a team 500311106

Environment Environment

3 Integrate Personal Integrating Personal 50031110

Objectives with Objectives with 7

Organizational Goals Organizational Goals

4 Practice Occupational Practicing Occupational 500311108

Health and Safety Health and Safety

Procedures Procedures

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Practice Career

UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Practice Career Professionalism

MODULE TITLE: Integrate Personal Objectives with

Organizational Goals


This module covers the knowledge; skills and attitudes in promoting

career growth and advancement, specifically to integrate Intra and Inter-
personal objectives and relationships with organizational goals to maintain
professional growth and development.

Nominal Duration: 5 hours

At the end of this module, you MUST be able to:

1. Understand Personality Development.

2. Understand the importance of personal Reputation.
3. Have a broad understanding of business etiquette and how it applies to

the work environment.

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Practice Career

Qualification Title : Computer Systems Servicing NC II

Unit of Competency : Practice Career Professionalism

Module Title : Integrate Personal Objectives with

Organizational Goals

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to gain
the knowledge to understand what is personality development and its
importance to have a broader understanding with proper etiquettes and how
it will be applied in the work environment. This consists of skills and
competencies needed to in order to perform Self-checks, and Job Sheets.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, you MUST be able to:

1. Understand Personality Development.

2. Understand the importance of personal Reputation.
3. Have a broad understanding of business etiquette and how it applies to

the work environment.


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1 Design own guideline for professionalism inclining to information
2 Guidelines must be in accordance to the key elements and ethical

LEARNING OUTCOME #1 Integrate Personal objective with

Organizational Goals


Professional & Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

Key Elements Of Professionalism

Professionalism in the Information and Communication Technology

Industr y


1. Design own guideline for professionalism inclining to information

2. Guidelines must be in accordance to the key elements and ethical

CONDITIONS: The student/trainee must be provided with the following:

Tools(i.e. Paper & Pen/Pencil) and test instruments

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Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning


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Practice Career
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 1

Understand Personality Development

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet 3.1-1: This Learning Outcome deals with the
Integrate Personal objective development of the Institutional
with Organizational Goals Competency Evaluation Tool which
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Answer Self-check 3.1-1
after finishing a competency of the

Go through the learning activities

outlined for you on the left column to gain
the necessary information or knowledge
before doing the tasks to practice on
performing the requirements of the
evaluation tool.

The output of this LO is a complete

Institutional Competency Evaluation
Package for one Competency of Computer
Systems Servicing NC II. Your output
shall serve as one of your portfolio for
your Institutional Competency Evaluation
for Integrate Personal objective with
Organizational Goals.

Feel free to show your outputs to your

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trainer as you accomplish them for
guidance and evaluation.

After doing all the activities for this LO,

you are ready to proceed to the next LO:
Set and meet work priorities

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Information Sheet 3.1-1

Integrate Personal objectives with Organizational Goals

Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Understand Personality Development.

2. Understand the importance of personal Reputation.
3. Have a broad understanding of business etiquette and how it applies to

the work environment.


We all know that some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business

leaders are notoriously difficult to work with -- and work for -- given their

large personalities and perfectionist tendencies. That might give the

impression that simple professionalism is an outdated concept. After all,

didn't these guys get to the top in part by not playing well with others?

An uncompromising, take-no-prisoners approach might work well for a few

visionaries. But on the off-chance that you're not one of them,

unprofessional behavior can undermine your relationships with colleagues --

and limit your career. The definition of professionalism focuses on the

competence or skill that's expected of a professional. Being professional in

the workplace means much more than simply wearing nice attire or

possessing a college degree or impressive title. Rather, a true professional

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possesses several important characteristics one can apply to any type of


Personality Development

Personal goals affect how an employee performs. While they can serve

as motivation to be more productive and more successful, they can

also cause conflicts between staff or between work and home.

Businesses are most successful when employees personal goals

are aligned with corporate goals. This can be difficult to do at times, but it is


Most of the time, personal goals should still be work-related, such as

achieving a sales volume, working a number of hours, organizing a specific

project, or improving specific skills. Finding common ground between these

personal goals and your organizational priorities can be hugely productive.

The easiest way to do this is to simply ask employees what they think the

team can do to help them reach their personal goals. Make sure you follow

up by clarifying how their own goals are contributing to the overall team


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Professional & Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

Professionalism and ethical behavior in the workplace can benefit your

career and improve your working environment. Understanding examples of

professional and ethical behavior can help you to develop your own effective

work habits. Be conscious of how you treat co-workers and your workplace

attitude and you can improve your productivity and effectiveness.

10 Key Elements Of Professionalism

1. Pay attention to the cultural norms in your organization, and follow

them. If you watch how others in your office operate, you'll learn all sorts of

important things about "how we do things here." For instance, you might

observe that everyone shows up precisely on time for meetings, that they

modulate their voices when others are on the phone, and that people rely on

email for non-urgent questions. These are important signals for what will be

expected of your own behavior and you'll come across as tone-deaf if you

ignore them.

2. Be pleasant and polite to people, even if you don't like them. You will

have to work with people whom you just don't care for, and even with people

who aren't very nice. You'll look far more professional if you don't let them

get under your skin and instead remain cordial and easy to work with.

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3. Take work seriously. If you make a mistake or something doesn't go well,

don't brush it off or use cavalier responses like "my bad." Accept

responsibility for your part in what went wrong. Part of taking work

seriously leads to

4. Speak up when work isn't getting done on time or when there are

problems with a project. Part of taking real ownership for your work means

that you're responsible for alerting your boss when things are going off

course, rather than trying to ignore it or just hoping that no one notices.

5. Realize that getting feedback on your work even critical feedback

is part of the job; it's not personal. Getting angry or defensive or otherwise

taking it personally when your manager gives you feedback can be an easy

trap to fall into, but it will make you look less professional. And after all, if

you care about doing your job well and advancing, don't you want to know

where you need to do better?

6. You need to write clearly and professionally. That means no text

speak, and correct punctuation and capitalization. This doesn't mean that

you need to write as if you were addressing the Queen of England, but you

do need to take care that you don't sound like you're texting a friend from a

nightclub either.

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7. Be flexible. Yes, your workday might formally end at 5 p.m., but if staying

an hour late will ensure the newsletter goes to the printer on time, you

should do it unless that's truly impossible. That doesn't mean to ignore

important commitments in your own life, but you shouldn't let important

work go undone just because of your quitting time. Similarly, be

flexible when it comes to changes in work plans, goals or other things that

might evolve as work moves forward.

8. Show up reliably. Unless you have pre-scheduled vacation time or you're

truly ill, you should be at work when they're expecting you to be there. It's

not OK to call in sick because you're hung over, or because you stayed up

late last night watching soccer, or because you just don't feel like coming in.

9. Be helpful, and do more than solely what's in your job

description. The way that you gain a great professional reputation which

will give you options that you can use to earn more money, get out of bad

situations and not have to take the first job that comes along is by doing

more than the bare minimum required. That means always looking for ways

to do your job better, helping out colleagues when you can, and not balking

at new projects.

10. Don't treat your manager as your adversary. If you have even a semi-

decent manager, she wants to see you do well and isn't your enemy. But if

you instead see her as someone whose job is to enforce rules, spoil your fun

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and make you do things you don't want to do, it will show and it won't look

good. Treat your manager as a team-mate, one who has authority over you,

yes, but one who's working toward the same goals as you are. (And if you're

not sure whether this is true of your manager, that's a big red flag to pay

attention to.)

3 Reasons Why Professionalism Is Essential In The Workplace

In many organizations, the professional conduct of employees is often not

considered a priority. Professionalism includes the behavior and physical

presentation of staff, and is evident in the way they conduct themselves. It is

apparent in areas such as verbal communication and how well employees

adhere to company policies. Professionalism exists within the workplace, as

well as with external stakeholders such as customers and clients. While

sometimes overlooked, the professional behavior of all staff is necessary for

the long-term success of a business regardless of its size. If youre

wondering why, read the below three reasons to understand its overall


1. Respect is increased

When professionalism is valued within an organizational culture, the

majority of employees will behave in a similar manner. A professional

environment establishes respect for not only authoritative figures, but also

clients and fellow colleagues. It also helps to limit inappropriate personal

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conversations, or those which could be considered disrespectful. The level of

respect for a customer or business partnership is also evident when an

employee continually behaves professionally, despite inappropriate

comments from the other party.

2. Business reputation will flourish

A company known for its positive reputation and professionalism is one

which will stand the test of time. When it comes to choosing one provider

over another for a particular service, the one with most positive feedback is

likely to be selected. Employee interactions and relationships with key

stakeholders are one of the most important contributors to this positive

brand association.

3. Conflict is minimized

In a professional business environment, employees will be less likely to

resort to conflict to solve an issue. Professionalism fosters a respectful

culture, which should see conflicts be handled in the correct way.

Professional employees tend to understand boundaries more clearly, and

solve any minor issues in an efficient and respectful approach. Professional

behavior also helps staff avoid offending clients when they have a different

perspective, as well as offending those from different cultures or


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Professionalism in the Information and Communication

Technology Industry

An ICT professional, in the view of the Australian Computer Society (ACS),

is someone eligible for its professional level of membership. This level is not

easily achieved and thus, in the view of the ACS, ICT professionals are a

subset, perhaps a small subset, of the generality of ICT practitioners. The

ACS does not view professionalism in multiple grades. Rather, a person is

either an ICT professional, or they are not. They either meet the criteria for

membership at the professional level, or they do not. They can either take

on professional responsibilities at SFIA level 5, or they cannot.

Factual and theoretical knowledge of ICT in broad contexts.

Advanced, coherent body of knowledge in a discipline/field involving

critical understanding of theories and principles.

Advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation required to

solve complex and unpredictable problems in a discipline/field of ICT.

Exercise management and supervision [skills] in contexts of work

activities where there is unpredictable change.

[Competent to] Take responsibility for complex technical and professional

activities or projects.

[Competent to] Review and develop performance of self and others.

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Knowledge: facts, information and skills acquired through experience

and education.

Skills: the ability to perform a task.

Capability: a standard necessary to perform a specific job.

What is professional development for ICT professionals?

The ACS specifies its professional level of membership in terms of

knowledge, skills and capability. Professions Australia defines a profession

in similar terms; the possession of special knowledge and skills in a widely

recognized body of learning derived from research, education and training

at a high level (Professions Australia, 1997).

Considering, again, the definitions of an ICT professional provided above, it

seems reasonable now to define professional development as the

acquisition of, and the continuing possession and use of, facts,

information, and skills necessary to perform a task.

Code of Behavior

A Code of Behavior is a set of conventional principles and expectations that

are considered binding on a person who is a member of a particular group

(such as a professional body or a municipality). An ethical code generally

implies documents at three levels:

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Code of business ethics;

Codes of Conduct for employees; and

Codes of professional practice.

Sometimes the terms ethical code and code of conduct are used

interchangeably but a distinction should be made. A Code of Ethics sets out

the values that underpin the code whereas a Code of Conduct sets out

restrictions on behavior and is rules-focused as opposed to principle-


A Code of Practice assists professionals conduct business honestly and with

integrity. A Code of Practice (professional ethics) is adopted by a profession

to regulate that profession.

Self-Check 3.1-1: FILL IN THE BLANKS

1. Sometimes the terms ___________ and ________are used

interchangeably but a distinction should be made.

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2. A ________________ is a set of conventional principles and expectations

that are considered binding on a person who is a member of a

particular group (such as a professional body or a municipality).

3. ______________ includes the behavior and physical presentation of staff, and

is evident in the way they conduct themselves

4. One of the three (3) reasons why professionalism is essential in the

workplace where professionalism is valued within an organizational culture,

the majority of employees will behave in a similar manner


5. An ICT professional, in the view of the __________________, is someone

eligible for its professional level of membership.

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Answers to Self-Check 3.1-1

1.) ethical code and code of conduct

2.) Code of Behavior
3.) Professionalism
4.) Respect
5.) ACS

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Practice Career
Information Sheet 3.2



Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Understand different Personality Types

2. Determine how Personality Types affect performance

3. Understand how each personality types is linked to work environment

4. Prepare ones career which includes on personal competencies

5. Design and build an actual career stating strengths, interests and



Many factors make a person unique in his or her own way. One of this is

personality. We can define personality as the distinctive and characteristic

pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior that define an individuals

personal style of interacting with the physical and social environment.

Personality plays an important part in the identification and choice of

specific career. The first step to career choice and planning understands

oneself. According to Holland (1985), a person may possess the following

personality types:

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Realistic technician/engineer

Investigate scientist/chemist

Artistic musician/sculptor

Social teacher/social worker

Enterprising salesperson/lawyer

Conventional accountant/banker

Realistic and Investigative types lack interpersonal skills and have difficulty

with emotional expression of feelings. The artistic and social types are

emotional in the expression of feelings and may dislike highly ordered and

repetitive activities.

The personality type one has is linked to specific work environments.


1. MENTAL ASPECT refers to his intellectual capacity.

2. EMOTIONAL ASPECT a person emotional make up is shown in his

likes and dislikes.

3. SOCIAL ASPECT how well a person conducts himself with other

people and how well he observes the rules of etiquette that govern


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4. PHYSICAL ASPECT heredity and environment determine the entire

physiological system of an individual. Posture, body build and size,

compression and facial expressions, as well as the appropriateness and

condition of clothes, comprise the physical appearance of a person. It

has a lot to do with personality.

5. MORAL ASPECT this aspect personality has to do with a persons

awareness of the differences between what is wrong or right.

6. SPIRITUAL ASPECT is the consciousness of the higher values in life.

DEVELOPMENT a continuous change for improvement in all aspects of the

person: motor, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral.

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (outer self) Personal and social

relationship of a person with others which develops systems of shared


INTRAPERSONAL DYNAMICS (inner self) dealing with ones inner self, like


VISION Philosophy of life.


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The exploration of ones interest and aptitudes lead one to formulate career

and educational decisions. It is important for one to focus on personal and

social development.

Know Thyself it means giving more than what is observed or what is

public knowledge as ones name. It means really knowing oneself in terms of

ones strengths and limitations. Ones sense of identity is usually defined by

individual traits and goals, by personal; achievement and fulfillment, by

social responsibilities and relationships.

A. Strengths

These are qualities, which we consider valuable or helpful in the things that

we do. These are usually seen as positive and traits that enable us to

achieve what we set out to do.

B. My Interests

Ones interests are usually manifested in what one chooses or prefers to do.

A person may be interested in a basketball game, in reading a book, or in

gardening. Any of these activities may give a person a sense of satisfaction or


C. Parents Interests and Expectations

The career development of an individual and ones career decision- making

skills will be enhanced if the family becomes involved in the process. The

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family has expectations, dreams, aspirations, and hopes for each member,

which ultimately influences the persons goals and choices.

D. My Values

A persons values are his/her personal convictions about what is desirable.

Values influences how a person acts and what we expect of others. These

also influence our choices and our goals.

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Practice Career
Task Sheet 3.2-1

Title: Your own career

Performance Objective:

1. Prepare ones career which includes on personal

2. Design and build an actual career stating strengths, interests
and goals.

Supplies: Availability board, pen, paper, related information sheet,



A. Strengths

Come up with five traits, which you consider as your strengths. In

what instances have these become helpful?






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Assessment Method:

Use the Performance Criteria Checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist for Task Sheet 3.2-1

Criteria YES NO
1. Related to job.
2. Gives impact to the organization.
3. Can lead to betterment of the organization.
4. Can contribute to the overall vision of the organization.
5. The skill set is relevant to the organization and to the job.

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Task Sheet 3.2-1

Title: My Interests

Performance Objective:

1. Prepare ones career which includes on personal competencies

2. Design and build an actual career stating strengths, interests
and goals.

Supplies: Availability board, pen, paper, related information sheet,



1. What are some of your interests? List some of them and identify why
these or things are interesting to you.

2. What are some activities you are not interested in or prefer not to indulge.

3. What do your interests reveal about you?

C. Parents Interests and Expectations

1. What does your father expect of you? How does your mother want you to

2. Discuss with your parents or guardians your goals. Find out what their
views are.

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Assessment Method:

Use the Performance Criteria Checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist for Task Sheet 3.2-1

Criteria YES NO
1. Related to job.
2. Gives impact to the organization.
3. Can lead to betterment of the organization.
4. Can contribute to the overall vision of the organization.
5. The skill set is relevant to the organization and to the


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Self-Check 3.2-1: FILL IN THE BLANKS
1. _____________ refers to his intellectual capacity.
2. ________________ is an aspect personality that has to do with a

persons awareness of the differences between what is wrong or right.

3. ______________________ means giving more than what is observed or

what is public knowledge as ones name.

4. ___________ and __________ are types of interpersonal skills which lack

and have difficulty with emotional expression of feelings.

5. ______________plays an important part in the identification and choice

of specific career.

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Answers to Self-Check 3.1-2
3. Know Thyself
4. Realistic and Investigative
5. Personality

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LEARNING OUTCOME #2 Set and Meet Work Priorities

Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Business planning
Eight key employability skills
Employment planning


1. Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and

organizational goals and objectives.

2. Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work

priorities and commitments.

3. Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and

facilities are followed as per established procedures.

CONDITIONS: The student/trainee must be provided with the following:

Tools and test instruments


Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning


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Practice Career
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 2

Configure Network Services

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet 3.2-1: This Learning Outcome deals with the
Set and Meet Work Priorities development of the Institutional
Competency Evaluation Tool which
Answer Self-check 3.2-1
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Read Information Sheet 3.2-2: after finishing a competency of the
Manage personal work qualification.
priorities and professional
development Go through the learning activities
outlined for you on the left column to gain
the necessary information or knowledge
before doing the tasks to practice on
performing the requirements of the
evaluation tool.

The output of this LO is a complete

Institutional Competency Evaluation
Package for one Competency of Computer
Systems Servicing NC II. Your output
shall serve as one of your portfolio for
your Institutional Competency Evaluation
for Practice Career Professionalism.

Feel free to show your outputs to your

trainer as you accomplish them for

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guidance and evaluation.

After doing all the activities for this LO,

you are ready to proceed to the next LO:
Maintain Professional Growth and

Information Sheet 3.2-1

Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

Define skills

Describe the skills audit process

Position descriptions

Understand Performance indicators

Missions, visions and organizational goals

In any responsible position in any company that you ever have, it is a given

that there will be more work to do than there are hours in the day. You could

kill yourself, trying to do everything that needs to be done, and still not

manage to complete it all. As an employee, your most important task is to

determine priorities, so that the things that need to be worked on are

those that receive your time and attention and that of your department.

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Priorities have to be established based upon what is best going to meet

your companys needs. But, thats not always easy to determine. What often

looks like the best possible solution may not actually be so.

Properly determining priorities requires understanding the various tasks

that need to be done, how they relate to your companys goals and how they

compare to other tasks that also appear important.


The most common form of prioritizing tasks is by a simple ABC method. In

this method, you make a list of all the tasks that you have to complete, and
assign them a letter code:

A = High priority, very important to get this done

B = Medium priority, this should get done

C = Low priority, it would be nice if this could get done

It is assumed with this method that you know how important the various

tasks are in regard to your companys and departments goals. Otherwise,

the priorities you place on the individual tasks really have no value.

The next step in the process is to add a due date for each of these tasks.

Most important tasks need to be completed by a particular time. If they

arent completed by that time, they move from just being important to being

important and urgent. Some items may not have a due date, especially

things that are priority C. However, a priority C item, that never gets dealt

with may become more important over time. For this reason, some people

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put a start date on the items as well. That way, even items that may be a

Priority C will have some visibility.

Business planning

Business planning is essential for the continued survival and success of an

organization. Strategic planning is carried out by top level managers and

affects the goals and direction of the whole organization. Everyone in an

organization is involved in implementing business plans. Parts of business

planning may include:

A vision and or mission statement

Specific goals

A definition of the target market or customer base

A strategic response to legislation and codes of practice

Documented policies and procedures

A record keeping system

A strategy for dealing with technology

Identifying and meeting training needs

Employment planning

Most businesses will plan for the future and employ staff to help to achieve

these goals. When organizations advertise a position the business will ask

for particular skills (competencies), experience and qualifications. More

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information about job seeking is provided in a later chapter in these notes

but some brief information is provided here so that you understand the

importance of understanding what your skills and competencies are. When

you apply for a job it is likely that the position will be defined by a job


Job descriptions and position descriptions

These documents are a brief description of a position or job in an

organization. A job description is a list of the general tasks, or functions,

and responsibilities of a position. Typically, it also includes to whom the

position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the

person in the job, salary range for the position, etc.

Key performance indicators (KPI) and Key results area (KRA)

A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI) is a measure of

performance Such measures are commonly used to help an organization

define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making

progress towards its long-term organizational goals.

The KPIs differ depending on the nature of the organization and the

organization's strategy. They help to evaluate the progress of an organization

towards its vision and long-term goals. Individual positions will also have

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KPIs that the individual who holds a specific position will be expected to


KRA is an acronym for Key Responsibility Area. In management Key

Responsibility Areas are used in the assignment of tasks and duties to

employees. An important use of KRAs is the segregation of duties. Every

employee in an organization is given specific KRAs for which he or she is

exclusively responsible. A typical role will have 3-5 KRAs. The security guard

in a company will have the KRA of allowing and restricting entry to the site.

A KRA of an employee in Quality Control is to approve samples only after

checking that they conform to (meet) standard and specifications. KRAs help

individuals to clarify and define their roles. KRAs cover about 80% of the

work in an organization. The remaining tasks are usually those where

responsibility is shared between individuals and departments.

KPA stands for Key Process Area. These are areas where the responsibility

for results lies with a specific department or employee.

The eight key employability skills considered essential for effective

work participation are:

1. Communicating

2. Teamwork

3. Problem solving

4. Initiative and enterprise

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5. Planning and organizing

6. Self-management

7. Learning

8. Technology

TABLE 1: Evaluation and assessment of knowledge and skills necessary

for the career or specific position chosen.

Competency Current level of Improvement

skill Needed Competent

Low Med Yes No

1. Own work goals
1.1 Serve as a
positive role
model through
personal planning
and organization
1.2 Prioritizing
work to meet work
1.3 Dealing with
contingencies to
2. Set and meet
own work
2.1 Prioritise and
demands to
achieve personal,
team and

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goals and
2.2 Use
efficiently and
effectively to
manage work
priorities and
2.3 Maintain
appropriate work-
life balance, and
ensure stress is
managed and
health is attended
3. Develop and
3.1 Assess
knowledge and
skills against
standards to
needs, priorities
and plans
3.2 Seek feedback
from employees,
clients and
colleagues and
use this feedback
to identify and
develop ways to

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3.3 Use
suitable to
personal learning
style/s to develop
3.4 Participate in
networks to
enhance personal
knowledge, skills
and work
3.5 Identify and
develop new skills
to achieve and
maintain a
competitive edge

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Self-Check 3.2-1: Enumeration

1. List down the eight key employability skills

2. Parts of business planning
3. PrioritizingABC

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Answers to Self-Check 3.2-1

1. List down the eight key employability skills

1. Communicating

2. Teamwork

3. Problem solving

4. Initiative and enterprise

5. Planning and organizing

6. Self-management

7. Learning

8. Technology

2.) Parts of business planning

A vision and or mission statement

Specific goals

A definition of the target market or customer base

A strategic response to legislation and codes of practice

Documented policies and procedures

A record keeping system

A strategy for dealing with technology

Identifying and meeting training needs

3.) PrioritizingABC
A = High priority, very important to get this done

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B = Medium priority, this should get done
C = Low priority, it would be nice if this could get done

LEARNING OUTCOME #3 Maintain professional growth and


Philosophy Of Training
Maintain Professional Growth And Development

Qualification Standards

Techniques For Selection


1. Training and career opportunities are identified and availed of

based on job requirements.

2. Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of

career advancement

3. Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are

obtained and renewed.

CONDITIONS: The student/trainee must be provided with the following:

Tools (Paper and Pen/Pencil) and test instruments

Appropriate software applications/programs

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Practice Career

Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning



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Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 3

Perform testing, documentation and pre-deployment procedures

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet 3.3-1: This Learning Outcome deals with the
Maintain professional growth development of the Institutional
and Development Competency Evaluation Tool which
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Answer Activity Sheet No.3-3.1
after finishing a competency of the
Perform Task Sheet 3.3-1 on qualification.
How to test the network
Go through the learning activities
outlined for you on the left column to gain
the necessary information or knowledge
before doing the tasks to practice on
performing the requirements of the
evaluation tool.

The output of this LO is a complete

Institutional Competency Evaluation
Package for one Competency of Computer
Systems Servicing NC II. Your output
shall serve as one of your portfolio for
your Institutional Competency Evaluation
for Practice Career Professionalism.

Feel free to show your outputs to your

trainer as you accomplish them for

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guidance and evaluation.

Information Sheet 3.3-1

How to Maintain Professional Growth and Development

Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Attract and retain competent members.

2. Motivate members to strive to increase their contribution to the


3. Achieve maximum value from their work in return for training and

development cost incurred.

In rapidly changing environments, both organizations and the people who

make up those organizations must engage in continual growth, or risk

becoming obsolete. All too often, professional growth is a hit-or-miss

process. Learning opportunities selected are often those that meet

immediate needs rather than future needs.

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Professional development helps build and maintain morale of staff

members, and is thought to attract higher quality staff to an organization. It

is a process of improving and increasing capabilities of staff through

access to education and training opportunities in the workplace, through

outside organization, or through watching others perform the job.

A career, the pursuit of consecutive, progressive achievement especially in

public, professional, or business employment, is a personal choice that

entails commitment, perseverance, and a plan. Professional growth in a

career requires the continuous acquisition of knowledge and

skills through study, instruction, investigation, and practice. It is an on-

going process.

Career planning involves visualizing what you want to be doing in the

future within your profession. Career planning enables professionals

to set goals and define specific tasks that must be accomplished in order

to reach those goals. At the same time, career planning considers options,

and alternatives. Flexibility is important as we cannot know the future.


It is common in business to have employee whose performances are not

satisfactory and who are sometimes an actual problem to management. In

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getting the right man for the job there must be a better system in selecting

the best man for the job.


The first requirement of the selection process is knowledge of

1. the exact nature of the work in the vacant positions

2. its duties and responsibilities

3. the requirements of the job, such as mental effort, skill and physical


A JOB DESCRIPTION tells what is done on the job, how it is done, why it

is done, and the skills involved in doing it.

JOB SPECIFICATIONS to determine the right kind of man needed for the

job it is necessary to know the specific qualifications of the man who is to do

it, the amount and type of experience needed to perform the job, special

training on the job and on jobs related to it, special abilities and aptitudes,

age, physical qualifications and other requirements.

JOB ANALYSIS the study of each job operation involved in a certain job. It

includes information about the essential abilities, experience, and training

to do the job.

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TRAINING this involves observing others who are skilled in the

performance to be learned and /for following instructions.


1. Capacity for human growth everyone in an organization should

dedicate himself towards constant personal growth and development in

order to make the company grow and develop.

1. Unique value of each human person each one is a person in his own

right, different from all others. Each one must be developed and trained.

2. Training and development is established on the belief in the possibility

of an ideal union between the organizational objectives and the

employees interest.



1. Equitable manpower development treatment.

2. Opportunities for deserved advancements, promotions or transfers.

3. Favorable work situations in which maximum contributions can be


4. To be kept informed on training matters affecting him.

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A good manpower development program must provide a planned strategy for

a continuing development of the abilities of all employees and officers so

that they can continue to maximize their contribution towards the

attainment of the companys goal and at the same time achieve their own

employment goals.

Formal training and development prgrams should be directed towards

the following:

1. Preparation of staff for specific new job assignments.

2. Expanding working skills, functional espertise and management


3. Broadening working perspective, inter-functional understanding and

business outlook.

Manpower development and training requires the harmonized efforts of

the following:

1. Trainee who must have the motivation and capacity to learn and apply

his learning.

2. Trainer who must have the expertise and interest to teach.

3. Immediate superior who must put his confidence in the trainee and

provide him with opportunity to apply his learning.

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Practice Career
Task Sheet 3.3-1

Title: How to Maintain Professional Growth and Development

Performance Objective:

Identify trainings and career opportunities.

Supplies: Availability board, pen, paper, related information sheet,

Activity Sheet, Pen


1. Read Information Sheet No. 1

2. Analyze the importance of qualification standards including the

trainings and career opportunities.

3. Answer the Activity Sheet No.1

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Assessment Method:

Use the Performance Criteria Checklist

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Activity Sheet No.3-3.1

1. Give your own opinion on the effectivity of an individual to work

depends on his qualification to the job.


2. Complete this statement : formal training and development programs

should be :


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Performance Criteria Checklist for Task Sheet 3.3-1

Criteria YES NO
1. Discussed the effectiveness that relates on the

objectives in maintaining Manpower Development.

2. Discussed insights on trainings and actual activities

which will direct on expanding working skills and


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Practice Career
Competency Assessment Tools

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning [continued]

Questions with Answers

What is interpersonal relationship?

(outer self) Personal and social relationship of a person with others which develops

systems of shared expectations.

(inner self) dealing with ones inner self, like emotions

Why we need to consider Aspects of an individuals personality?

It is vital to consider individuals personality in order to more lucrative in the

work environment and to have better working environment.

What is the importance of Planning ones career in maintaining growth and


So that it can lead one to formulate career and educational decisions. It is
important for one to focus on personal and social development.

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Practice Career
Oral Questioning Checklist
Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Qualification: CSSS NC II
Unit of competency: Practice Career Professionalism
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
The candidate will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions. The assessor
should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory response

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

1. Importance of qualification standards?

Why do we need to consider Employment Planning?

3. Aspects of an Individuals Personality consist of several

aspects, why is it important in career professionalism?
4. Can task prioritization important? Why?
5. How can we align self-goals towards company goals?

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The trainees underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Feedback to trainee:

The trainees overall performance was:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Assessors signature: Date:

The candidates responses were:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

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Practice Career
Work Related Project

Candidates :

Assessors Name :

Qualification :


Units of Competency :

Date of Assessment :

Time of Assessment :

Instruction for demonstration

Given the necessary supplies and materials, the candidate must be able to perform the
following task in two (2) hours:

Check ( ) to show if evidence is

OBSERVATION : performed

Yes No N/A

The Candidates output was:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Candidates Signature Date:

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Assessors Signature Date:

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Specific Instructions for Work Related Project

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Answer to Work related Projects

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Practice Career
Candidate Portfolio Record Sheet

Item number

instrument Pre-assessment

Materials Developed Instructional

Pre-assessment Result of

Validated Training

Training Activity Matrix

Related CS and CBC

Session Plan
Type of evidence
[insert information in the column]
The evidence shows that I

1.1. Identified learners training requirements.
1.2. Identified and analysed relevant curriculum
1.3. Identified the current competencies of target
1.4. Compared competencies to be attained with
the current competencies of the target group.
1.5. Determined and validated the training
2.1. Prepared plan for series of training session.
2.2. Identified relevant training methods and
delivery modes.
2.3. Selected appropriate training methods and
delivery modes to adhere the required
2.4. Identified and organized resources required
for the series of training session.
2.5. Identified sequence of training activities.
2.6. Prepared and documented plan for a series
of training session.

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3.1. Prepared basic instructional materials that
are focused on key concepts and ideas related to
work activity.
3.2. Identified trainees characteristics and
3.3. Selected the appropriate media for the
3.4. Prepared instructional materials that are
clean, legible and appropriate to trainees.

Candidate signature: Date:

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Portfolio evaluation form

Candidate name:

Assessor name:

Competency standards: TVET TRAINERS

Unit(s) of competency: PLAN TRAINING SESSION

The evidence provide by the candidate is:

valid authentic sufficient current recent consistent

The contents of the portfolio provided satisfactory evidence that the Item no(s)
candidate [tick the box]:
1.1. Identified learners training requirements.
1.2. Identified and analysed relevant curriculum documents.
1.3. Identified the current competencies of target group.
1.4. Compared competencies to be attained with the current
competencies of the target group.
1.5. Determined and validated the training requirements.
2.1. Prepared plan for series of training session.
2.2. Identified relevant training methods and delivery modes.
2.3. Selected appropriate training methods and delivery modes to
adhere the required competencies.
2.4. Identified and organized resources required for the series of
training session.
2.5. Identified sequence of training activities.
2.6. Prepared and documented plan for a series of training session.
3.1. Prepared basic instructional materials that are focused on key
concepts and ideas related to work activity.

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3.2. Identified trainees characteristics and needs.
3.3. Selected the appropriate media for the trainees.
3.4. Prepared instructional materials that are clean, legible and
appropriate to trainees.

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Candidate name:
Name of third Contact
party: no.
Relationship with employer supervisor colleague other
Please specify
Please do not complete the form if you are a relative, close friend or
have a conflict of interest]
Dates the candidate worked with From: To:
The candidate is being assessed against the competency standards for

We are seeking your support in the judgment of this candidates competence. Please
answer these questions honestly as a record of the candidates performance while
working with you. Thank you for your time.
Comments regarding candidate performance and experience
I can verify the candidates ability to: Yes No Comments to support
Not my responses:
(tick the correct response] sure
Check the availability of all resources

required for training.
Identify alternative resources for contingency

Identify and arrange appropriate training

locations according to training needs.

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Third party signature: Date:
Send to:

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