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Fyp Rice Husk d6467 Nurul Nadia Samin

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A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Chemical Engineering & Natural Resources

University Malaysia Pahang

27th JANUARY 2012



Adsorption method is simple and relatively cost-effective, thus has been widely used.
Several materials are derived from natural resources, plant wastes or industrial byproducts. Rice
husk is a byproduct of the rice milling industry. It was chosen because of its granular structure,
chemical stability and its local availability at very low cost and there is no need to regenerate
them due to their low production costs. The purpose of this research is reduction of Fe(II), Zn(II)
and Cd(II) using Rice Husk. Besides that, this research is also to investigate the potential of rice
husk for reduction of Fe(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) heavy metal ions by the effect variation of contact
time, adsorbent dosage and initial concentration. The adsorbent was prepared by collecting the
rice husk, dried and ground the rice husk using grinder and mechanical sieve to specify the
adsorbent to certain size. 0.5g of rice husk as adsorbent with 50 ml adsorbate was kept constant
for this experiment using 100 mg/L for initial concentration then there were placed on orbital
shaker, operated at 150 rpm by varied time in 10 minutes to 120 minutes. For variation adsorbent
dosage, the solution was set for different of dosage from 0.3 until 1.8 grams then placed on
orbital shaker at constant 150 rpm and 25C. Initial concentration from 10 until 125 mg/L was
used with adsorbent samples in optimum weight and time then placed on orbital shaker at
constant 150 rpm and 25C. Adsorption process using rice husk was found to be suitable at initial
concentration on 100 mg/L. Kinetic studies were conducted where both pseudo-first order and
pseudo-second order yield value of R2 from 0.885 to 0.961and from 0.955 to 0.999 for each
order. Adsorption isotherms were described by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.
Langmuir equation was found to represent the equilibrium data for adsorption of Fe(II), Zn(II)
and Cd(II) using rice husk ( 0.942 < R2< 0.981), and the maximum adsorption capacity was
highest for Cd(II) with 1.4793 mg/g.


Kaedah penjerapan mudah dan agak berkesan dari segi kos, dengan itu telah digunakan
secara meluas. Beberapa bahan yang diperolehi daripada sumber-sumber asli, sisa tumbuhan atau
hasil sampingan industri. Sekam padi adalah hasil sampingan industri pengilangan beras. Ia
dipilih kerana struktur berbutir, kestabilan kimia dan ketersediaan tempatan pada kos yang
sangat rendah dan tidak perlu untuk menjana semula mereka kerana kos pengeluaran yang
rendah. Tujuan kajian ini adalah pengurangan Fe(II), Zn(II) dan Cd(II) menggunakan sekam
padi. Selain itu, kajian ini juga untuk menyiasat potensi sekam padi untuk mengurangkan Fe(II),
Zn(II) dan Cd(II) ion-ion logam berat oleh kesan perubahan masa, dos adsorben dan kepekatan
awal. Adsorben telah disediakan dengan mengambil sekam padi, dikeringkan dan dikisar kepada
saiz tertentu. 0.5g sekam padi sebagai adsorben dengan adsorbate 50 ml adalah malar bagi
eksperimen ini menggunakan 100 mg / L untuk kepekatan awal maka diletakkan di atas
penggoncang orbit, yang beroperasi pada 150 rpm oleh pelbagai masa dari 10 minit hingga 120
minit. Untuk dos perubahan adsorben, larutan telah ditetapkan untuk berbeza dos daripada 0.3
sehingga 1.8 gram kemudian diletakkan di atas penggoncang orbit pada 150 rpm yang berterusan
dan 25'C. Kepekatan awal dari 10 hingga 125 mg / L telah digunakan dalam sampel adsorben
dengan berat dan masa yang terhad kemudian diletakkan pada penggoncang pada 150 rpm dan
25'C. Proses penjerapan menggunakan sekam padi didapati sesuai pada kepekatan awal pada 100
mg / L. Kajian kinetik telah dijalankan di mana kedua-dua pseudo-tertib pertama dan pseudo-
tertib kedua di mana hasil nilai R2 dalam lingkungan (0.885-0.961) dan (0.955-0.999) bagi setiap
tertib. Penjerapan bagi Fe(II), Zn(II) dan Cd(II) akan diterangkan oleh kedua-dua Langmuir dan
Freundlich model.



1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem of Statement 4
1.3 Research of Objectives 4
1.4 Scope of Research
1.5 Rationale and Significances



3.1 Materials 11

3.2 Apparatus 11

3.3 Flowchart 13
3.4 Experimental Procedure 15

3.4.1 Preparation of Adsorbent 15

3.4.2 Preparation of Adsorbate 16

3.4.3 Preparation Standard Curve 16

3.5 Preparation of Sample

3.5.1 Effect of Contact Time 16

3.5.2 Effect of Adsorbent Dosage 17

3.5.3 Effect of Initial Concentration 17

3.6 Analyzing Sample 19


4.1 Calibration Curve 20

4.2 Effect of Contact Time 21

4.3 Effect of Adsorbent Dosage 22

4.4 Effect of Initial Concentration 23

4.5 Kinetic Study 24

4.6 Isotherm Study 26





Table Page

4.5 Pseudo-First Order and Pseudo-Second Order Kinetic 26

Model Constants
4.6 Langmuir and Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm Model Constants 28

C.1 Effect of Contact Time on Fe(II) 42

C.2 Effect of Adsorbent Dosage on Fe(II) 42

C.3 Effect of Initial Concentration on Fe(II) 43

C.4 Effect of Contact Time on Zn(II) 43

C.5 Effect of Adsorbent Dosage on Zn(II) 44

C.6 Effect of Initial Concentration on Zn(II) 44

C.7 Effect of Contact Time on Cd(II) 44

C.8 Effect of Adsorbent Dosage on Cd(II) 45

C.9 Effect of Initial Concentration on Cd(II) 45

C.10 Calibration Curve for Fe(II) 45

C.11 Calibration Curve for Zn(II) 46

C.12 Calibration Curve for Cd(II) 46



Figure Page

3.4.1 Flow Diagram of Preparation of Adsorbent 15

3.5 Flow Diagram of Adsorption of Fe(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) Using 18

Rice husk Process

4.1 Graph of Calibration Curve of Heavy Metal 20

4.2 Graph of Heavy Metal Efficiency, % vs Contact Time, min 21

4.3 Graph of Removal Efficiency, % vs Adsorbent Dosage, g 22

4.4 Graph of Removal Efficiency, % vs Initial Concentration, mg/L 23

4.5.1 Pseudo-First Order Kinetic for Cd(II), Zn(II) and Fe(II) 24

Adsorption Using Rice husk

4.5.2 Pseudo-Second Order Kinetic for Cd(II), Zn(II) and Fe(II) 25

Adsorption Using Rice husk

4.6.1 Langmuir Isotherm for Cd(II), Zn(II) and Fe(II) 27

Adsorption Using Rice husk

4.6.2 Freundlich Isotherm for Cd(II), Zn(II) and Fe(II) 28

Adsorption Using Rice husk


AAS Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer

Cu(II) Copper(II)

Zn(II) Zinc(II)

Fe(II) Iron(II), Ferum(II), Ferrous



Appendix Page

A Material Safety Data Sheet of Zinc(II) Sulfate 36

B Material Safety Data Sheet of Iron(II) Sulfate 39

C Result Data 42




Nowadays, the contaminations of water resources not only cause from pollution but also
from failing to treat the water successfully. Due to the discharge of large amounts of metal-
contaminated wastewater, industries bearing heavy metals, such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, As, Pb, Fe
and Zn, are the most hazardous among the chemical-intensive industries. Because of their high
solubility in the aquatic environments, heavy metals can be absorbed by living organisms. Once
they enter the food chain, large concentrations of heavy metals may accumulate in the human
body. If the metals are ingested beyond the permitted concentration, they can cause serious
health disorders (Babel and Kurniawan, 2004). For example, Cadmium causes serious renal
damage, anemia, hypertension and itai-itai. Usually, this resource comes from industry liquid
waste. This condition can bring bad effect because the untreated liquid waste may contain heavy
metals ions that are not good to environment but also to human. Heavy metal contamination
exists in aqueous wastes of many industries, such as metal plating, mining operations, refining
ores, paint and pigments, tanneries, chloralkali, sludge disposal, radiator manufacturing,
smelting, alloy industries and storage batteries industries, etc. (Kadirvelu et al., 2001). The
presence of heavy metal ions is a major concern due to their toxicity to many life forms.
Conventional methods for removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions include
chemical precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption (Gode and Pehlivan, 2006) and membrane
filtration technologies. Among them, adsorption method is simple and relatively cost-effective,
thus has been widely used. Several materials are derived from natural resources, plant wastes or
industrial byproducts.

Biosorption is a promising technique for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous
environments especially when adsorbents are derived from lignocellulosic materials (Coelho et
al., 2007). The search for new technologies to remove toxic metals from wastewaters has
directed attention to biosorption, which is based on metal binding to various biological materials.
Biosorption is a fast and reversible reaction of the heavy metals with biomass. Laszlo and Dintzis
(1994) have shown that lignocellulosics have ion-exchange capacity and general sorptive
characteristics, which are derived from their constituent polymers and structure. The polymers
include extractives, cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, lignin and protein. Agricultural by-products
vary greatly in their ability to remove metals from solution. The ability of biological materials to
adsorb metal ions has received considerable attention for the development of an efficient, clean
and cheap technology for wastewater treatment at metal concentrations as low as 1 mg/L (Chong
and Volesky, 1995).

In recent years, special attention has been focused on the use of natural sorbents as an
alternative to replace the conventional adsorbents, based on both the environmental and the
economical points of view (Babel and Kurniawan, 2003) and (Bailey et al., 1999). Natural
materials that are available in large quantities, or certain waste products from industrial or
agricultural operations, may have potential as inexpensive sorbents. Due to their low cost, when
these materials the end of their lifetime, they can be disposed of without expensive regeneration.
The abundance and availability of agricultural by-products make them good sources of raw
materials for natural sorbents.

The removal of heavy metal ions using low-cost abundantly available adsorbents:
agricultural wastes such as tea waste and coffee (Orhan and Buyukgungor, 1993), hazelnut straw
(Cimino et al., 2000), peanut hull (Johnson et al., 2002), sawdusts , pinus bark (Vazquez et al.,
1994) and different bark samples (Seki et al.,1997), coconut husk (Babarinde, 2002) , Ponkan
mandarin peels (Pavan et al., 2006), modified cellulosic materials (Acemioglu and Alma, 2001),
corn cobs (Hawrhorne-Costa et al., 1995) , apple wastes (Maranon and Sastre, 1991), wool fibers
(Balkose and Baltacioglu, 1992), tea leaves (Tee and Khan, 1988), banana and orange peels
(Annadurai et al., 2002), sugarcane bagasse (Khan et al., 2001), papaya wood (Saeed et al.,
2005), maize leaf (Babarinde et al., 2006), leaf powder (Hanafiah et al., 2007), grape stalk wastes
(Villaescusa et al., 2004) and different agricultural by-products were used and investigated.
(Marshall and Champangne, 1995 and Pehlivan et al., 2006)

Rice husk is a byproduct of the rice milling industry. It is one of the most important
agricultural residues in quantity. It represents about 20% of the whole rice produced, on weight
basis of the whole rice (Daifullah et al. 2003). The estimated annual rice production of 500
million tones in developing countries, approximately 100 million tones of rice husk is available
annually for utilization in these countries aloe. Traditionally, rice husks have been used in
manufacturing block employed in civil construction as panels and was used by the rice industry
itself as a source of energy for boilers (Della et al. 2001). However, the amounts of rice husk
available are so far in excess of any local uses and have posed disposal problems. It was chosen
because of its granular structure, chemical stability and its local availability at very low cost and
there is no need to regenerate them due to their low production costs.

The main constituents of rice husk are: 64-74% volatile matter and 12-16% fixed carbon
and 15-20% ash (Armesto et al. 2002; Daifullah et al. 2003). The rice husk composition are:
32.24% cellulose, 21.34% hemicellulose, 21.44% lignin, 1.82% extractives, 8.11% water and
15.05% mineral ash (Govindarao 1980; Rhman et al. 1997; Nakbanpote et al. 2000).


Heavy metal pollution has become one of the most important environmental problems.
The heavy metals such as ferum, cadmium, zinc, and copper are widely used in industries such
as metal cleaning and plating, mining operations, printed circuit board, refining ores, sludge
disposal, fertilizer, paints and pigments. The effluent from these industries spreads into the
environment through soil and water streams and accumulates along the food chain, resulting in a
high risk to human health. Removing this heavy metal need advance technologies that consume a
lot of money. Hence, another alternative of low cost adsorption system is tested using rice husk,
unused residues that could hopefully help to reduce pollution.

Rice husk is an agricultural residue produces from rice milling industry being thrown
away or burned and some used for power production from combustion. However, this
inexpensive waste can also be a solution to reduce water pollution. This alternative could save
not only money but increases the usage of rice husk. Thus, this research will determine whether
rice husk could be an effective adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions contained in
wastewater discharged by the industries.


To investigate the potential of rice husk as natural adsorbent to adsorb Fe(II), Zn(II) and
Cd(II) ions by the variation of contact time, adsorbent dosage and initial concentration.


1.4.1 Analyzation of the potential of rice husk as a low cost natural adsorbent to adsorb

heavy metal ions from solution.

1.4.2 Investigation and observation of the process condition effect for Fe(II), Zn(II) and

Cd(II) that can be removed by using rice husk.

1.4.3 Determination of the effect of process parameters to the percentage removal

efficiency of heavy metal ions by analyzing the result of initial and final

concentration for each variable using Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer : Contact Time Adsorbent Dosage Initial Concentration

1.4.4 Determination the kinetics study of different of heavy metal using rice husk as

Adsorbent by various kinetic models.



In this experiment, heavy metal ions, Fe(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) acts as the atoms and
molecules attached, called adsorbate. This solid or liquid surface, or adsorbent such as activated
carbon is one of the material used in adsorption process, but it does not remove metal
completely. Therefore, researches had studied to find other natural resources that could be an
alternative to activated carbon. The cost of this research is lower because the material is easily to
find and equipment also the common one is used. Furthermore, the aqueous solution that is
ferum, zinc and cadmium solution are easily to prepare. Hence, this research would give benefit
to chemical industries to manage their waste disposal.

The processing and transformation of agricultural residues into heavy metal with good
adsorption properties would alleviate problems of disposal and management of these waste by-
products, while providing a high quality end product for water and wastewater treatment that
could potentially expand the carbon market (Kalderis and Bethanis, 2008). Rice husk is chosen
in this research because it is selective towards metal ion adsorption, effective, economically
feasible because it can be easily found as waste at rice factories, and also benefit for the



Kaneco et al. (2000) had studied adsorption method such as ion exchange and membrane
separation is simple one for the removal of heavy metals. However, there is a limit in the
generality in developing countries because chelating and ion-exchange resins are expensive.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to develop the economical adsorbents of heavy metals which can be
generally utilized in developing countries. Previously, we reported the removal method of heavy
metals (Ag, Au, Co and Ni) with economical materials. In the present study, removal of
cadmium(II), chromium(VI), copper(II) and lead(II) in wastewater was further carried out by
adsorption with silicate rocks and mineral oxides. These materials can be obtained commercially
because those are easily synthesized and fairly uniform in their chemical and physical properties.
Therefore, the adsorbents are costly-adaptable treatment medium in developing countries. Since
the heavy metals adsorbed onto the adsorbents can be readily stripped with acid solutions, the
adsorbents can be reused several times. Finally, when the materials are released into the
environment, there is little potential of secondary pollution owing to inherently nature minerals.
Among these materials, montmorillonite and silica gel showed very high adsorption capacities
and were successfully applied in the removal of heavy metals in the rinsing wastewater from
plating factory. Since this proposed water treatment system is expected to be useful, rapid,
simple and cheap for the adsorption of heavy metals in the wastewater, it can be practically
suitable for developing countries.

Cay et al. (2004) had studied the heavy metal contamination exist in aqueous waste
streams from diverse industries such as metal plating, manufacturing, batteries, as well as
agricultural sources where fertilizers and fungicidal sprays are intensively used. Cu, Zn, Hg, and
Cd are harmful wastes produced by industry that pose a risk of contamination groundwater and
other water resources. Heavy metals are not biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living
organisms, causing various diseases and disorders. For example, cadmium causes serious renal
damage, anemia, hypertension and itai-itai.

Bhattacharya et al. (2006) had studied the reduction of the pollutant to an acceptable level
is necessary when toxic metals are present in aquatic system. Adsorption and ion exchange
processes are the most useful methods to remove them. These methods explore the availability of
different kinds of adsorbents associated with convenient procedures for obtaining high
efficiency. A large number of different adsorbent materials containing a variety of attached
chemical functional groups have been reported for this purpose. For instance, activated carbon is
the most popular material; however, its high cost restricts its large-scale use.

Yang et al. (2002) has done research the activated carbons can be commonly produced
from coal, wood or agricultural wastes such as coconut and palm shell, corncob, rich husk, etc.,
activated by physical or chemical process. Because of their special pore structure, they have
super adsorption capacity and are generally used in variety industrial and domestic fields, such
water treatment, solvent decolourization, catalyst supports of fuel cell and surpercapacitors. In
recent years, there is growing interest in the production of activated carbons from agricultural
by-products and residual wastes.
Orhan et al. (1993) stated the agricultural products and by-products has been widely
investigated as a replacement for current costly methods of removing heavy metals from water
and wastewater. Some of the agricultural materials can be effectively used as a low-cost sorbent.
Modification of agricultural by-product could enhance their natural capacity and add value to the
by-product. In this review, an extensive list of sorbent literature has been compiled to provide a
summary of available information on a wide range of low-cost agricultural product and by-
product sorbent and their modification for removing heavy metals from water and wastewater.

Friedman et al. (1972) stated the idea of using various agricultural products and
byproducts for the removal of heavy metal from solution has been investigated by number of
authors and the efficiency of number of different organic waste materials as sorbents for heavy
metals. The obvious advantages of this method compared to other are lower cost involved when
organic waste materials are used. Activated carbon adsorption appears to be a particularly
competitive and effective process for the removal of heavy metals at trace quantities. However,
the use of activated carbon is not suitable for developing countries because of its high cost. For
that reason, the uses of low cost materials as possible media for metal removal from wastewater
have been highlighted.

Ahmad et al. (2009) investigated the removal of Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions from aqueous
solutions by adsorption on agricultural waste. Batch kinetics and isotherm studies were carried
out under varying the solution of pH, contact time and adsorbent dosage. Adsorption isotherms
of Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions on adsorbents were determined and correlated with common isotherm
equations such as Langmuir and Freundlich models. The thermodynamic parameters like free
energy, enthalpy, and entropy changes for the adsorption of Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions have also
been computed and discussed. The heat of adsorption [H = 31.47 kJ/mol for Cu (II) and H =
20.07 kJ/mol for Pb (II)] implied that the adsorption was endothermic in nature.
Mohammad R. H. (2011) explained in their study by the experiment of the removal
of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution was performed using pine needles powder using batch
adsorption technique. Parameters studied including adsorbent dose, particle size, agitation speed,
pH of solution, contact time and initial Cr (VI) concentration, where the adsorption process was
found to be highly pH dependent and the optimum pH range for adsorption of Cr (VI) was found
to be between 2 and 3. Adsorption isotherms were modelled with the Langmuir, Freundlich,
DubininRadushkevich and Tempkin isotherms, resulting with Langmuir equation that is found
to be the best representing the equilibrium data for Cr (VI) - pine needles powder system than
other isotherms with R2 =0.9946 and the maximum monolayer adsorption capacity was found to
be 40.0 mg g-1 at 298K.

Rahman et al. (2005) stated the rice husk is an agricultural waste, obtained from the rice
mills after the separation of rice from paddy. It is mostly used as a fuel in the boiler furnaces of
industries like sugar, paper, etc. to produce steam. The rice husk ash (RHA) is collected from the
particulate collection equipment attached upstream to the stack of the rice husk-fired boilers.
Rice husk ash is available in plenty and almost free of cost. Rice husk ash has good adsorptive
properties and has been used for the removal of various dyes, adsorption characteristics of
malachite green on activated carbon derived from rice husks produced by chemicalthermal
process, heavy metals, and other compounds like chlorinated hydrocarbons. Average particle size
of RHA was 150.47 m. Bulk density and heating value of RHA were found to be 104.9 kg/m3
and 9.68 MJ/kg, respectively. Proximate analysis showed the presence of 0.73% moisture, 5.37%
volatile matter, 88.0% ash and 5.90% fixed carbon in RHA. High amount of ash indicates that
RHA is basically inorganic in nature. Elemental analyses showed 7.424% carbon, 0.061%
hydrogen, 0.846% nitrogen, and rest others. The heating of rice husk at different temperatures
produces RHA containing different contents of carbon and silicon dioxide. Nakbanpote et al.
(2000) reported that the RHA heated at higher temperatures had reduced percentages of carbon
but an increased proportion of silicon dioxide. Almost all of the carbon was lost when heated at
temperatures 400 C. In the paper mills, rice husk is heated at temperatures 700 C to generate
steam. Therefore, it is expected that the amount of carbon will be very small in rice husk ash.




i. Rice Husk
ii. Ferrous (II) Sulphate FeSO4
iii. Zinc (II) Sulphate ZnSO4
iv. Cadmium (II) Sulphate CdSO4
v. 0.1 M NaOH
vi. 0.1 M HCl
vii. Distilled Water


i. Volumetric flask 5ml, 10ml, 25ml, 50ml, 100ml and 1000ml

ii. Beaker 50ml and 100ml
iii. Conical Flask 100ml and 250ml
iv. Sieve shaker
v. Magnetic Stirrer
vi. Glass rod
vii. Hot plate
viii. Whatman filter paper
ix. Micropipette 10 to 1000L
x. Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)
xi. Orbital shaker
xii. Oven
xiii. Grinder
xiv. pH Meter
xv. Syringe filter


Paddy Tree Rice Husk Rice husk were dried at

60C for 24 hours.

Rice husk were grinded Rice husk were filtered Rice husk were treated
to get the smaller size. and dried at 60C for 2 with 0.6M acid citric.

Rice husk were sieved Ferum (II) sulphate, Calibration Curve of

into 1.0 mm Zinc (II) sulphate and Ferum (II), Zinc (II)
Cadmium (II) sulphate and Cadmium (II)
solution solution

The percent removal Samples of Ferum (II), Working solution of

was analyzed using Zinc (II) and Cadmium Ferum (II), Zinc (II)
AAS (II) solution and Cadmium (II)


3.4.1 Preparation of Adsorbent

The rice husk were bought from BERNAS rice mill Simpang Empat, 2700 Perlis. The rice
husk was washed with distilled water to remove any impurities and dried at 60C for 24 hours.
45 grams of rice husk were treated with 900 ml of 0.6 M citric acid and stirred with magnetic
stirrer for 2 hours. The pretreatments of rice husk can remove lignin, hemicelluloses, reduce
cellulose crystallinity and increased the porosity of surface area. Many researchers found that the
modified rice husk exhibited higher adsorption capacities than unmodified rice husk ( Wan Ngah
and Hanafiah, 2008). The mixture solution was filtered and dried at 60C for 1 hours. The dry
rice husk treatment then crushed by using grinder and sieve to the size of 1.0 mm.

Rice husk is collected at local rice mill

Rice husk is washed with tap water and distilled water several times

Rice husk is dried at 60C in dryer for 24 hours

Rice husk is treated with citric acid and stirred for two hours

Material is crushed and sieved in size range (100-150 m) particle size

Figure 3.4.1 Flow Diagram for Preparation of Adsorbent


3.4.2 Preparation of Adsorbate

Adsorbate solution having concentrations of 1000 mg/l of Fe (II), Zinc (II) and Cd (II) were
prepared by dissolving exact amount of FeSO4. xH2O, ZnSO4. H2O and CdSO4.xH2O in distilled
water respectively. Adsorbate solution of heavy metal is placed in different volumetric flask for
usage of working solution.

3.4.3 Preparation of Calibration Curve

Standard curve was prepared by dilution of Ferum (II), Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) solution
into 0 until 10 mg/L. Standard or calibration curve is a method used to determine the unknown
concentration of Ferum (II), Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) solution by comparing the unknown
concentration with a standard sample of known concentration. The method can convert the value
of absorption (ABS) from Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) reading into the value
of concentration. Hence final concentration of ferum (II), Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) solution
can be known.


3.5.1 Effect of Contact Time

5ml of Fe (II) from adsorbate solution was poured into 100 ml conical flask and added
distilled water until 50 ml. The pH of Fe (II) solution is kept constant by adjusting using 0.1 M
of NaOH and 0.1 M HCl until all six solutions analyzed using pH meter reaches pH 6. The
adsorbent dosage is kept constant at 0.5 grams, where the rice husk is weighed using weighing
board and placed into the conical flask containing Fe (II) solution. The solution and rice husk
was shaked using orbital shaker at constant speed of 150 rpm at 25C for different variation of

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