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Review The Direct Strength Method of Cold-Formed Steel Member Design

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The paper reviews the Direct Strength Method which was adopted in 2004 as an alternative to the traditional Effective Width Method for designing cold-formed steel members. It discusses the development and current progress of the Direct Strength Method.

The two main design methods discussed are the traditional Effective Width Method and the Direct Strength Method.

Cold-formed steel members present challenges like local plate buckling and cross-section distortion that must be treated in design. Their manufacture and thinness also enhance the possibility of unique limit states like web crippling. Their lack of symmetry further complicates simple design methods.

Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

Review: The Direct Strength Method of cold-formed steel member design

B.W. Schafer
Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21218, United States

Received 30 April 2007; accepted 18 January 2008


The objective of this paper is to provide a review of the development and current progress in the Direct Strength Method for cold-formed
steel member design. A brief comparison of the Direct Strength Method with the Effective Width Method is provided. The advantage of methods
that integrate computational stability analysis into the design process, such as the Direct Strength Method, is highlighted. The development of
the Direct Strength Method for beams and columns, including the reliability of the method is provided. Current and ongoing research to extend
the Direct Strength Method is reviewed and complete references provided. The Direct Strength Method was formally adopted in North American
cold-formed steel design specifications in 2004 as an alternative to the traditional Effective Width Method. The appendices of this paper provide
the Direct Strength Method equations for the design of columns and beams as developed by the author and adopted in the North American
c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Direct Strength Method; Effective Width Method; Cold-formed steel; Stability; Finite strip method; Thin-walled

1. Introduction North America the traditional Effective Width Method, also

known as the unified method or the main specification
Cold-formed steel members are typically thin-walled, i.e. lo- method [1], and the Direct Strength Method, also known as
cal plate buckling and cross-section distortion must be treated the Appendix 1 method [2]. The Effective Width Method is
as an essential part of member design. These complications also available, in some form, nearly world-wide for formal use in
provide certain opportunities, as local plate buckling, in partic- design, while the Direct Strength Method has only been adopted
ular, has the capacity for beneficial post-buckling reserve that in North America, and Australia/New Zealand. Other design
can be drawn upon for increased strength in design. As a re-
approaches include: Reduced Stress, Effective Thickness, the
sult, the ultimate efficiency, e.g. in terms of strength-to-weight
Q-factor approach and more recently the Erosion of Critical
ratio, can be quite high for cold-formed steel members. The
Bifurcation Load approach championed by Dubina [3,4], all of
challenge for any cold-formed steel design method is to in-
which are worthy of mention, but not detailed here further.
corporate as many of these complicated phenomena, that are
largely ignored in conventional design of compact sections,
into as simple and familiar a design method as possible. Further 2.1. Effective Width Method
complicating the creation of simple design methods for cold-
formed steel members is the lack of symmetry in many cross- The basis for the Effective Width Method is well explained
sections, the enhanced possibility of limit states related directly in textbooks and Specifications; the essential idea is that
to the use of thin steel sheet such as web crippling, and other local plate buckling leads to reductions in the effectiveness of
unique characteristics of their manufacture and application. the plates that comprise a cross-section, as demonstrated in
2. Design methods for thin-walled members Fig. 1(a). More formally, this loss in plate effectiveness can be
understood as an approximate means to account for equilibrium
Currently, two basic design methods for cold-formed steel in an effective plate under a simplified stress distribution as
members are formally available in design specifications in opposed to the actual (full) plate with the actual nonlinear
longitudinal stress distribution that develops due to buckling, as
E-mail address: illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Each plate in a cross-section is reduced

c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0143-974X/$ - see front matter
B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778 767

(a) An effective C-section determined as a (b) Semi-analytical finite strip solution of a C-section in bending showing
composition of effective plates, with the effective local, distortional and lateral-torsional buckling as well as the moment to
width of the flange plate shown along with the cause first yield.
actual flange plate under nonuniform longitudinal

Fig. 1. Fundamental steps in the strength determination of a C-section by (a) Effective Width Method and (b) Direct Strength Method.

to its effective width, and this reduction from the gross cross- rolled) steel design that it may impede use of the material by
section to the effective cross-section, again as illustrated in some engineers in some situations.
Fig. 1(a), is fundamental to the application of the Effective
Width Method. The effective cross-section (i) provides a clear 2.2. Direct Strength Method
model for the locations in the cross-section where material is
ineffective in carrying load, (ii) cleanly leads to the notion If the effective width (or section) is the fundamental concept
of neutral axis shift in the section due to local-buckling and behind the Effective Width Method, then accurate member
(iii) provides an obvious means to incorporate localglobal elastic stability, as shown in Fig. 1(b) is the fundamental
interaction where reduced cross-section properties influence idea behind the Direct Strength Method. The Direct Strength
global buckling (although specifications often simplify this Method is predicated upon the idea that if an engineer
interaction somewhat). determines all of the elastic instabilities for the gross section,
i.e. local (Mcr` ), distortional (Mcrd ), and global buckling
However, the common two-dimensional nonlinear stress
(Mcre ), and also determines the moment (or load) that causes
distribution that is shown to explain the effective width of
the section to yield (M y ), then the strength can be directly
a plate is itself an approximation, representing the average
determined, i.e. Mn = f (Mcr` , Mcrd , Mcre , M y ). The Direct
of the longitudinal membrane stress and ignoring variation
Strength Method has been mentioned in textbooks and review
in stress through the thickness as well as variation in stress
articles [58]. The method is essentially an extension of the
along the length of the plate. Thus, the true effective width
use of column curves for global buckling, but with application
is far more complicated than typically assumed and existing
to local and distortional buckling instabilities and appropriate
effective width equations only correlate to average membrane
consideration of post-buckling reserve and interaction in these
stress conditions in a plate. Further, the Effective Width Method
modes. The development of, and continued research into, the
(i) ignores inter-element (e.g. between the flange and the Direct Strength Method is explored further in this paper.
web) equilibrium and compatibility in determining the elastic
buckling behaviour, (ii) incorporation of competing buckling 2.3. Long-term goals
modes, such as distortional buckling can be awkward, (iii)
cumbersome iterations are required to determine even basic It is important to recognize in any discussion regarding
member strength and (iv) determining the effective section the Effective Width Method, the Direct Strength Method,
becomes increasingly more complicated as attempts to optimize or other semi-empirical design methods that none of these
the section are made, e.g. folded-in stiffeners add to the plates design methods are theoretically correct. Rather, a complicated
which comprise the section and all plates must be investigated nonlinear problem is simplified in some manner so that
as being potentially partially effective. The Effective Width engineers may have a working model to design from without
Method is a useful design model, but it is intimately tied resorting to testing every individual member. These models
to classical plate stability, and, in general, creates a design serve us well when backed up by the application of reliability
methodology that is different enough from conventional (hot- to incorporate uncertainty in their predictive powers.
768 B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

It is this authors contention that the long-term goal

for thin-walled member design should be a fully nonlinear
computational simulation. To this end, the computational
member elastic buckling stability analysis that is at the heart
of the Direct Strength Method is a useful stepping stone. In
particular, the underlying mechanics for the member stability
solutions, in e.g. the finite strip method [9,10] are necessary
(but not sufficient) for understanding fully nonlinear analysis.
Such a nonlinear analysis will also need to incorporate
geometrical and material imperfections into a consistent
reliability framework so that we may provide engineers with
a realistic prediction of strength and sensitivity that can be used
in design.
Fig. 2. Comparison of the Direct Strength Method predictor curves with test
More attempts to understand the inputs to thin-walled data for columns (equation numbers refer to those used in the North American
member strength such as geometric imperfections and residual Specification [2]).
stresses [11] as well as modelling assumptions (elements,
material modelling) related to the underlying mechanics are Ptest is to Pne , the maximum strength due to global buckling
needed [12]. Finally, for a full structural simulation the member (thus reflecting localglobal interaction), while for distortional
analysis will need to be wedded to realistic connection and buckling the normalization of Ptest is to Py , the squash load of
system models. While these remain long-term goals this author the column. Fig. 2 indicates that the Direct Strength Method
contends that we should try to place as much emphasis on is a reasonable predictor of strength over a wide range of
mechanics that we can agree on today (such as member elastic slenderness. Reliability of the method is further discussed in
stability) into current design codes and specifications as we Section 5.
drive towards more robust solutions in the future. Interaction of the buckling modes was systematically studied
for localglobal, distortionalglobal, and localdistortional
3. Direct Strength Method for columns: Development buckling of the columns. Based on overall test-to-predicted
ratios, and when available the failure modes noted by the
For columns, the beginning of the Direct Strength Method, researchers in their testing, it was determined that localglobal
though it was not called this at the time, can most clearly interaction should be included, but not distortionalglobal, or
be traced to research into distortional buckling of rack post localdistortional interaction. For instance, if localdistortional
sections at the University of Sydney [13,14]. In particular, interaction is included, by replacing the maximum load in
Hancock et al. [15] collected the research and demonstrated that the Direct Strength Method provisions with the distortional
for a large variety of cross-sections the measured compressive strength, Pnd , instead of the global strength, Pne , (see
strength in a distortional failure correlated well with the Appendices A and B for the expressions) this results in
slenderness in the elastic distortional mode. As is often the overly conservative predictions: 169 of the 187 tests would be
case with attempts to determine an origin, we can go back identified to fail in localdistortional interaction and the average
even further as Hancock attributes his methodology to Trahairs test-to-predicted ratio would be 1.35 [16,17]. Neither the failure
work on the strength prediction of columns undergoing mode nor strength prediction is consistent with the observations
flexuraltorsional buckling. In this regard it becomes clear that from the tests when localdistortional interaction is included for
the Direct Strength Method is not a new idea, but rather the all columns. As a result, it was recommended to only include
extension of an old one to new instability limit states. localglobal interaction in the Direct Strength Method.
Development of the Direct Strength Method beyond Recent work [18,19] has questioned whether local
distortional buckling was completed using a much wider set of distortional interaction should be included in some specific
cold-formed steel cross-sections and tests that included failures cases, particularly when the elastic critical local and distortional
in local, distortional, and global flexural or flexuraltorsional buckling loads are at similar levels. Work is ongoing to
modes [16,17]. For the 187 columns gathered in [16,17] determine the most appropriate way to identify and predict the
hand solutions and numerical (finite strip) solutions for the strength for the small number of columns that do have potential
elastic buckling were calculated. For local buckling the strength localdistortional interaction.
curve was selected to be similar to that previously found for
beams (see the following section for further discussion). For 4. Direct Strength Method for beams: Development
distortional buckling, one of the curves suggested by Hancock
et al. in [15] was employed. For global buckling the existing The first mention of the Direct Strength Method occurs
specification expressions [1] were employed. in [20] and was closely coupled to the development of the
The resulting Direct Strength Method provisions for method for beams, in particular, application of the large
columns are summarized in the Appendix A of this paper database of sections that was collected by the author to explore
and comparison with the test data is provided graphically in two problems: distortional buckling in C- and Z-section beams,
Fig. 2. Note, that for the local failures the normalization of and local and distortional buckling in deck sections with
B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778 769

intermediate stiffeners are engaged is defined as distortional

buckling failures.
In the development of the Direct Strength Method for
C- and Z-section beams separation of local and distortional
buckling failure modes was initially somewhat difficult and
complicated by the bracing and boundary conditions used in
the testing, which typically restrained distortional buckling in
part, but not necessarily in full. Nonetheless, expressions were
arrived at as provided in the Appendices A and B and adopted
in [2]. A recent series of flexural tests and complementary
finite element analysis on a variety of C- and Z-sections in
local buckling [2426] and distortional buckling [2527] used
specific details to isolate the two modes and unequivocally
Fig. 3. Comparison of the Direct Strength Method predictor curves with test demonstrated the robustness of the Direct Strength Method
data for beams (equation numbers refer to those use in the North American
Specification [2]).
predictions for C- and Z-sections failing in either the local or
distortional mode. A summary of the performance of these
multiple longitudinal intermediate stiffeners in the compression sections is provided in Fig. 4. Recently, additional testing
flange. At the same time Hancock and related researchers at the focused on distortional buckling has also been completed [28].
University of Sydney demonstrated that distortional buckling Finally, it is worth nothing that the testing on C- and
failures for a wide variety of failures were well correlated Z-section beams has focused on strong-axis bending and
with the elastic distortional slenderness [15,21]. The form of associated buckling, extension to weak-axis bending has been
the presentation of the Direct Strength Method for beams assumed. This assumption is justified in part by the inclusion of
evolved somewhat from [20]. In particular, curve (2) of [20] hats and decks in the experimental database, these sections are
as discussed in [22] is identical to the distortional buckling bent about their weak-axis, and are similar in their behaviour
expressions developed in [21] and became the distortional to a C-section in weak axis bending. Further, the major-axis
buckling Direct Strength curve. For local buckling, curve (3) bending modes are considered more critical since the primary
effect of weak-axis bending in comparison to strong-axis
of [20] was employed. Appendix B of this paper provides
bending is the elimination of global lateral-torsional buckling
the Direct Strength Method expressions for beams, and the
performance against experimental data is graphically provided
in Fig. 3.
5. Reliability and comparison to Effective Width Method
Note, for the beam data of Fig. 3 all of the Mtest values are
normalized against the moment at first yield, M y . This is due 5.1. Reliability
to the fact that all of the test data employed were for laterally
braced members. It is worth noting that while localglobal The reliability of the Direct Strength Method was
interaction was experimentally examined for columns, and established using the limit-states design format in use in the
the same methodology applied for beams, localglobal, United States: Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
distortionalglobal, and localdistortional interactions have Chapter F of [29] provides the formal expressions for deriving
not been experimentally examined in the context of the the resistance factors, where capacity ( Rn ) must be greater
Direct Strength Method for beams. Based on the findings than demand ( Q) in the LRFD format via Rn > i Q i .
for columns localglobal interaction has been included and A target reliability of 2.5 was employed. The resulting
localdistortional and distortionalglobal interactions ignored. resistance factors (s) for the Direct Strength Method of [2]
The performance of laterally unbraced beams deserves further and the Effective Width Method of [1] are provided in Table 1.
study, not only in the context of the Direct Strength Method Overall, Table 1 indicates that the reliability of the Direct
and potential interactions, but also to better understand how Strength Method is as good, or better than then Effective
warping torsion should be treated. For moderate rotations Width Method. Table 1 also indicates that for beams the
the influence of the torsional stress on local and distortional Effective Width Method has a lower reliability than the target
buckling modes is real [23] and its potential inclusion in the reliability (calculated is less than specified ), this is
Direct Strength Method is worthy of further study. attributed primarily to the inability of [1] to properly account
The beam data of Fig. 3 show far more distortional buckling for the distortional buckling limit state. For the Direct Strength
failures than the column data of Fig. 2. This is due to two Method, most noticeable is the approximation inherent in using
reasons: (i) distortional buckling failures are more common a single factor for beams (or columns), instead of different
in typical C- and Z-sections where the web is stabilized by factors for each limit state, i.e. local or distortional. The
the tensile portion of the bending stress and (ii) the database decision to use a single factor introduces a certain level of
of sections includes a large number of deck and hat sections approximation in the method.
with longitudinal intermediate stiffener(s) in the compression For the Direct Strength Method the statistics used in the
flange buckling of those members in which the longitudinal reliability calculation of Table 1 are summarized in Table 2;
770 B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

(a) Local buckling in beams. (b) Distortional buckling in beams.

Fig. 4. Comparison of Direct Strength Method for beams to tests and additional FE results for C and Z sections in (a) local and (b) distortional buckling.

Table 1 included are the sample size, n, mean test-to-predicted ratio,

Reliability of design methods Pm , and coefficient of variation, V p , broken down by use (beam

or column) and cross-section type. Table 2 underscores the
Beams Columns relatively large sample size of tests used to develop the Direct
Strength Method and the overall statistical accuracy of the
AISI (1996) specification [1]
Based on DSM dataa,b 0.77 0.82
approach. Some statistical bias based on the cross-section type
Specified 0.90 or 0.95 0.85 is observed; this bias is ignored in the current implementation
Direct Strength Method [2] of the method.
Local (Mn or Pn controls) 0.89 0.79
Distortional (Mnd or Pnd controls) 0.93 0.90 5.2. Element interaction
Combined 0.92 0.85
Specified in [2] 0.90 0.85 While the reliability calculations provides an overall
a Sections which are outside the geometrical bounds of [1] or include
comparison of the Effective Width Method and the Direct
longitudinal web stiffeners or other features not covered in [1] are excluded
Strength Method they do not shed much light on the detailed
from the calculation. differences between the two methods. For example, for columns
b The DSM data includes all the tested sections cited in [2] as shown in Figs. 2 the Effective Width Method and the Direct Strength Method
and 4. provide similar levels of overall reliability, but do so in very
different ways. Systematic error in the strength prediction of
Table 2
columns using the Effective Width Method [1] is demonstrated
Summary statistics for Direct Strength Method development in Fig. 5. Recent work [3033] has underscored the importance
of sharing these more detailed comparisons.
n Pm VP
In Fig. 5 the strength predictions of the Effective Width
Beams Method and the Direct Strength Method are compared as a
C-sections 185 1.10 0.11
function of the web slenderness of a C-section column. As
C-sections with web stiffeners 42 1.12 0.07
Z-sections 48 1.13 0.13 web slenderness increases the Effective Width Method solution
Hat sections 186 1.10 0.15 becomes systematically unconservative. This behaviour is
Trapezoidal sections 98 1.01 0.13 exacerbated by the fact that for typically available C-sections
ALL BEAMS 559 1.09 0.12 as the web becomes deeper the flange width remains at
approximately the same width, so high web slenderness is
C-sections 114 1.01 0.15
C-sections with web stiffenersa 29 0.88 0.14 strongly correlated with high web-to-flange width ratios (i.e. C-
Z-sections 85 0.96 0.13 sections which are narrow). This detrimental behaviour is
Rack sections 17 1.02 0.05 primarily one of local web/flange interaction, not distortional
Hat sections 4 0.98 0.02 buckling. Since the Effective Width Method uses an element
ALL COLUMNS 249 0.98 0.14
approach, no matter how high the slenderness of the web
a Thomassons (1978) tests contribute to the low P , more recent tests by
m becomes, it has no effect on the solution for the flange.
Kwon Hancock (1992) showed much better agreement. See [2] or [37] for full In contrast the Direct Strength Method of Fig. 5(b), which
citations and further details. includes element interaction (i.e. interaction between the flange
B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778 771

(a) Effective Width Method of [1]. (b) Direct Strength Method of [2].

Fig. 5. Test-to-predicted ratio for (a) the Effective Width Method of [1] and (b) the Direct Strength Method of [2] for all lipped channel columns used in the
development of Direct Strength Method predictor equations plotted as a function of web slenderness (h/t).

and the web), performs accurately over the full range of sections are optimized the Direct Strength Method provides a
web slenderness. Proper inclusion of element interaction is simpler design methodology with wider applicability than the
necessary for accurate strength prediction of these columns. Effective Width Method.
Taken to extremes, inclusion of elastic element interaction
can also work against the Direct Strength Method, making
6. Practical developments
the method overly conservative. This fundamental limitation
of the Direct Strength Method was reported in the first paper
to propose the approach [20]. When one part (element) of the Implementation of the Direct Strength Method has required
cross-section becomes extraordinarily slender that element will a number of practical developments beyond the initial research.
drive the member elastic critical buckling stress to approach This section covers these practical developments as related to
zero. The Direct Strength Method will assume the member the Direct Strength Method adopted in [2]. These developments
strength, like the member elastic critical buckling stress, will focus on three main areas: the definition and use of prequalified
also approach zero. In contrast, the Effective Width Method sections, performing serviceability (deflection) calculations
presumes only that the element itself (not the member) will have using the Direct Strength Method, and design aids developed
no strength in such a situation. Deck or hat sections in bending for engineers employing the Direct Strength Method in practice.
with low yield stress and very slender (wide) compression
flanges without intermediate stiffeners tend to fall in this
category and thus have unduly conservative predictions by the 6.1. Prequalified sections
Direct Strength Method, but quite reasonable predictions via
the Effective Width Method. However, ignoring inter-element
interaction, as the Effective Width Method traditionally does, During the formal codification of the Direct Strength
is not universally a good idea as illustrated for the C-section Method in [2] it was determined that the users of the method
columns in Fig. 5. should be aware of the cross-sections employed to verify the
For optimized deck sections with multiple longitudinal approach. Further, it was decided that the geometrical and
intermediate stiffeners in the web and the flange (see e.g. [34]) material bounds of the cross-sections used in the verification
the Direct Strength Method is highly desirable over the of the Direct Strength approach should be able to use the
Effective Width Method here the benefit is primarily derived factors (Table 1), but new sections falling outside
convenience not theoretical. If a computational solution the boundaries of tested sections should use slightly reduced
is employed for determining the elastic buckling stresses (more conservative) factors. Thus, the idea of prequalified
(moments) an optimized deck section is no more complicated section (or limits) was established, and [2] includes a number
than a simple hat for strength determination; but for the of tables that provide the geometrical and material bounds
Effective Width Method the calculation of effective section for prequalified members. Essentially, the prequalified sections
properties and accurately handling the effective width of the in [2] represent a summary of the experimental database used
numerous sub-elements leads to severe complication without in verifying the Direct Strength Method. It is perhaps worthy
increased accuracy, or worse in the case of many specifications to note that this experimental database is larger than that used
(e.g. [1] or [29]) no design approach is even available for such for determining the Effective Width Method approach of [1]
a section using the Effective Width Method. In general, as or [29].
772 B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

6.2. Members with complex stiffeners and extension of

prequalified sections

In 2006, based on the work in [35] and [36] the limits on

pre-qualified sections in [2] were extended to cover C- and
Z-section beams with complex lip stiffeners. For columns the
category of Lipped C-Section and Rack Upright were merged,
as a rack upright is a C-section with a complex stiffener. In
addition, the complex stiffener limits from the original Rack
Upright category were relaxed to match those found for C-
section beams with complex stiffeners. Finally, the Effective
Width Method of [29], i.e. the main Specification for North Fig. 6. Reduced stiffness as a function of service moment for a 9CS2.5x059.
America, was restricted to only cover with simple lip stiffeners
thus the Direct Strength Method became the preferred
approach for these more complicated sections.

6.3. Development of new and optimal cross-sections

No definitive method has yet been established for extending

the limits of a prequalified section, but in [37] initial guidance
is provided. Of particular interest is the potential to use a
small number of tests and extend one of the prequalified
categories to this end the statistics of Table 2 (n, Pm , V p )
are provided for use. For a new section the reliability may be
calculated independently using Chapter F of [1] in the same
manner as completed for Table 1. For a new section, which
is similar to an existing section in most respects, the existing
results (n, Pm , V p ) may be combined with the new test results
to determine if the new sections provide the same level of
reliability as the old. Further details are provided in [37].

6.4. Deflection calculation (serviceability)

To examine serviceability, deflections are typically deter-

mined at the service stress level of interest. In the Effective
Width Method, to account for reduced stiffness due to cross-
section instability, the effective member properties are deter- Fig. 7. Example beam chart for a Z-section with lips.
mined at the service stress. The Direct Strength Method uses
a similar philosophy, but since the equations are in terms of development. The Design Guide includes nearly 100 pages
strength, the implementation is more awkward. As detailed of design examples. The Design Guide provides a complete
in [2] the service level moment (M) is used as the peak moment discussion of the details associated with application of the finite
(i.e. M replaces the yield moment M y in the expressions) and strip method, and the difficulties encountered as well. Topics
the deflection strength Md of the cross-section is determined. covered include: indistinct local mode, indistinct distortional
The ratio of these two moments (Md /M) provides an approx- mode, multiple local or distortional modes (stiffeners), global
imate reduction in the stiffness of the member at the service modes at short unbraced lengths, global modes with different
moment, M. Results of the calculation for a typical C-section bracing conditions, influence of moment gradient, partially
are shown in Fig. 6 while the full solution is detailed in [37]. restrained modes, boundary conditions for repeated members,
The approach follows the same basic trends as the Effective members with holes, boundary conditions at the supports not
Width Method for reduced stiffness in a cross-section. pinned, and built-up cross-sections. The discussion is directed
at aiding engineers who need the finite strip method for more
6.5. Design aids than just cursory use.
The Design Guide provide complete details for development
As detailed in [38] a Design Guide for the Direct Strength of beam span tables or charts and column height tables or
Method [37] has recently been authored to aid engineers in the charts using the Direct Strength Method. An example beam
application of the Direct Strength Method. The Guide covers chart is provided in Fig. 7. In this example one can readily
the following areas: elastic buckling, overcoming difficulties see how the local buckling strength, Mn` , is a reduction below
with elastic buckling determination in the finite strip method, the global buckling strength, Mne . The point where Mn` and
beam design, column design, beamcolumn design and product Mne merge (approximately 9 ft) indicates that local buckling
B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778 773

no longer provides a reduction in the strength of this beam (in 7.2. Inelastic reserve capacity in beams
the main Specification [29] this occurs when the stress used
to determine the effective section, Fn is low enough that the Inelastic bending capacity exists in cold-formed steel beams,
section is fully effective at that stress.) Further, the detrimental despite their fundamentally thin-walled nature. For example,
impact of distortional buckling on intermediate length beams is for the experimental results reported in Figs. 3 and 4, of over
shown in Fig. 7. 500 flexural tests on cold-formed steel beams approximately
Additional information on the design of purlins using the 100 tests are found where the bending capacity reaches 95% M y
Direct Strength Method beyond that in [27] is also offered or greater including observations as high as 118% M y , where
in [39]. Further, the behavior of purlins as struts was explored M y is the moment at first yield. Current methods to account for
in [40]; however, comparisons to the Direct Strength Method inelastic reserve capacity, see e.g. [29], are highly involved and
did not incorporate the beneficial influence of rotational restricted in their use. A Direct Strength Method that accounts
restraint to the purlins as discussed in [37] and detailed for inelastic reserve has recently been developed [42].
in [25]. Built-up sections are explored in [37] and in recent Using elementary beam mechanics, and assuming elastic
research [41]. The work reported in [41] has been corrected perfectly plastic material, the inelastic compressive strain at
since its publication and the authors should be contacted for failure is back-calculated for the tested members. Simple
corrected comparisons to the Direct Strength Method. relationships between local and distortional cross-section
As engineers employ the Direct Strength Method on novel slenderness to predict average inelastic strain demands, and
cross-sections one important piece of advice from [37] is that a relationship between average strain demand and inelastic
when in doubt about whether to define a given buckling mode as bending strength are established. These relationships are
local or distortional it is always conservative to assume it is both combined to provide direct design expressions that connect
modes. Such an approach is conservative, but ensures reduced cross-section slenderness in local or distortional buckling with
post-buckling strength at intermediate unbraced lengths (i.e. the the inelastic bending strength of cold-formed steel beams.
distortional reduction) as well as inclusion of interaction effects The tested members are also augmented by a detailed finite
(i.e. localglobal interaction). element study of inelastic local and distortional buckling
and the inelastic strains sustained at failure. The elementary
7. Advancing the Direct Strength Method mechanics models agree well with the finite element models
for the average membrane strains, but peak membrane and
flexural strains can be significantly higher. Thus, the local
A significant amount of research work is ongoing in
strain demands on the section can be significantly higher than
relation to the Direct Strength Method. The following sections
the predicted average inelastic strain demands; nonetheless,
summarize recent research on the Direct Strength Method, most
predicted strain demands remain lower than expected ductility
of the work detailed below has not yet been adopted in the
for commonly used sheet steels.
7.3. Members with holes
7.1. Shear
Research is actively underway to extend the Direct Strength
No formal provisions for shear currently exist for the Direct Method to members with holes [3033,4347]. (Note, the work
Strength Method. However, it is recommended in [37] that in [32,33] is an updated version of [30,31].) The primary
existing provisions [29] could be suitably modified. As a complication with extending the Direct Strength Method to
rational analysis extension the existing equations from [29] are members with holes is that the hole introduces the potential for
recast into the Direct Strength format and are suggested for use interactive buckling modes triggered by the hole size, spacing,
geometry, etc. The finite strip method is not well suited to
for v 0.815 Vn = Vy (1) handle members with holes therefore elastic buckling analysis,
for 0.815 < v 1.231
Vn = 0.815 Vcr Vy (2) the key input in the Direct Strength Method, must at least in the
for v > 1.231 Vn = Vcr (3) research phase, be completed by general purpose finite element
where In [4345] data on existing cold-formed steel columns with
holes is gathered and eigenvalue elastic buckling analysis is
v = Vy /Vcr ,
(4) completed using shell element based finite element models that
Vy = Aw 0.60Fy , (5) explicitly include the holes and treat the boundary conditions
Vcr = critical elastic shear buckling force. accurately. Model results, such as shown in Fig. 8 where
distortional buckling occurs near the hole, but local buckling
For members with flat webs where Vcr is determined only for away from the hole are common. The existing Direct Strength
the web, these expressions yield the same results as in [29], Method expressions, but with Pcr` , Pcrd , and Pcre defined as the
for more unique cross-section Vcr can be determined by finite minimum elastic buckling mode that displays characteristics of
element analysis or other methods. Further research to validate local, distortional, and global buckling respectively, were found
these expressions for unique sections is needed. to provide a reasonable and conservative strength prediction.
774 B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

Fig. 8. Mixed local and distortional mode that occurs because of a hole in a
C-section column.

Work on columns with holes continues with (i) analysis to

determine the influence of hole spacing, (ii) new experiments
on columns with holes to augment the data for sections
failing with high potential for distortional failures and/or
localdistortional interaction, and (iii) nonlinear finite element
collapse simulations to further augment the existing and new
experimental results [46,47]. In addition, a parallel study on
beams with holes has also initiated and initially shows that
with proper care in determining elastic buckling the existing
Direct Strength Method provisions appear adequate for beams
as well [47].
Fig. 9. Proposed interaction diagram solutions for local buckling of unlipped
7.4. Angles C.

Although angles are geometrically one of the simplest cold- reported in [52] and discussed in [53]. Please note, the results
formed steel members they are not prequalified for use in of Fig. 9 differ from those reported in [53], in which it was
the Direct Strength Method implementation in [2]. Recently, assumed that a linear interaction diagram could be used for the
Rasmussen in [48] extended his work on angles to include Direct Strength Method, and no elastic buckling analysis was
a Direct Strength Method approach. The work explicitly performed for the eccentric loading.
considers eccentricity thus requiring a beamcolumn For any applied combination of P and M (which defines the
approach even for nominally concentrically loaded angle angle in the interaction diagram) the combination that causes
columns. Consistent with the Direct Strength Method the first yield, y , and elastic buckling, cr , (typically determined
developed beamcolumn approach uses the stability of the by finite strip analysis) are constructed. Using the same basic
angle under the applied compression + bending stresses which Direct Strength Method equations as before, but now replacing,
accurately reflects the fact that some eccentricities (away from e.g. Pcr and Py with cr and y the nominal capacity, n ,
the legs) benefit the strength and others (towards the legs) do may be determined. An example of the resulting Direct Strength
Method interaction curve is illustrated in Fig. 9. As discussed
above, the methodology has been applied to angles in [48].
Work performed in [49] examines a Direct Strength Method
Comparison to long-column data is provided in [54] with
approach that ignores eccentricity for angle columns, and also
further discussion and an example in [55]. Further experimental
further explores the relationship between local-plate buckling
and analytical research in this area is currently underway.
and global-torsional buckling of equal leg angle columns; these
authors argue that when one considers the potential for multiple 7.6. Using pure mode analysis from GBT or cFSM
half-waves along the length local-plate and global-torsional
should be treated as unique modes. For now, the Direct Strength Application of the Direct Strength Method is greatly
Method detailed in [48] is the most consistent and rational aided by computational elastic buckling analysis. In fact, the
extension of current design methodologies, though the work development of the Direct Strength Method equations relied on
in [49] may eventually provide a simpler approach. the finite strip method, in particular [10]. However, the finite
strip method does not always provide a definitive identification
7.5. Beamcolumns of the modes (i.e. which result is local, distortional, and/or
global buckling), see [56] for example. Further, the finite
The design of beamcolumns represents an opportunity element method (using plate or shell elements to comprise
for the Direct Strength Method to significantly diverge from the section) provides no definitive method for identifying
current practice. Since the stability of the section can be the modes. The Direct Strength Method requires that the
considered directly under the applied loads (P) and moments modes be positively identified so that the equations may be
(M) the interaction between P and M becomes cross-section applied. Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) [57,58], and now
specific; instead of the invariant interaction equations used the constrained Finite Strip Method (cFSM) [10,59,60] provide
in design specifications such as [29]. A basic methodology methods for definitively separating the buckling modes from
for the application of the Direct Strength Method for beam one another. This not only provides the potential for a cleaner
columns was proposed in [50,51] and a complete design and clearer implementation of the Direct Strength Method, but
example using this methodology provided in [37]. The method goes much further to opening up the possibility of automating
is conceptually summarized in Fig. 9 where a cross-section the strength calculation, which enables optimization efforts,
specific interaction diagram is constructed for the sections such as [61].
B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778 775

One word of caution about the application of the pure design aids are now available for engineers who want to
mode solutions of GBT (e.g. [62,63]) or cFSM, they are not apply the Direct Strength Method in design. Expansion of the
identically the same as those used in developing the Direct Direct Strength Method to cover, shear, inelastic reserve, and
Strength Method. As shown in [64,65] the minima in the finite members with holes are all underway. In addition, development
strip method curve (e.g., Fig. 1(b)) include interaction with of a Direct Strength Method for beamcolumns continues
the other modes. In the case of local and global buckling this and will provide cross-section specific interaction with far
interaction generally is small, but in the case of distortional greater accuracy than the simple (essentially linear) interaction
buckling the minima (i.e. Pcrd ) identified by the conventional equations in current use. Much work remains for the continued
finite strip method may be as much as 10% or more lower development of the Direct Strength Method, but the efforts of
than that identified by GBT or cFSM when only focused on many research groups around the world makes it clear that the
distortional buckling. While it may be possible to recalibrate the Direct Strength Method is on path to be a completely viable
Direct Strength Method curves to these pure mode solutions alterative design procedure for cold-formed steel member
for now it is recommended that the GBT or cFSM solutions be design.
used only for determining the critical half-wavelength but the
all mode or conventional finite strip method solution be used Acknowledgments
for determining the elastic buckling load (or moment). The American Iron and Steel Institute is gratefully
acknowledged for their support in nearly all of the research
7.7. Other materials: Stainless steel, hot-rolled steel, alu- presented herein. In addition, the author would like to
minum, plastics acknowledge the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. CMS-0448707 for their funding support. Any opinions,
While not the focus of this review, the application of the findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
Direct Strength Method to other materials where cross-section material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect
stability plays an important or dominant role in the strength the views of the National Science Foundation. Finally, recent
determination is underway. For example, in stainless steel research by Tom Sputo and Jennifer Tovar that was shared with
see [66]. for hot-rolled steel see [55], for aluminum see [67 the author lead to the inclusion of Fig. 5.
69], and for thermoplastics see [70]. The basic methodology has
even proved useful in investigating the stability of more unique Appendix A. Direct Strength Method for columns
cross-sections such as the human femur [71].
(As excerpted from Appendix 1 of the North American
7.8. Elevated temperatures Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Members, 2004 Supplement to the 2001 Edition.)
Researchers [72,73] have begun to investigate the applica-
1.2.1. Column design
bility of the Direct Strength Method for the design of cold-
formed steel members under fire conditions. The work is in its The nominal axial strength, Pn , is the minimum of Pne , Pn ,
beginning stages and is numerical in nature. Using shell ele- and Pnd as given below. For columns meeting the geometrical
ment based finite element models and appropriately modifying and material criteria of Section, c and c are as
E and f y to reflect a simulated elevated temperature both re- follows:
search groups show good agreement with the Direct Strength
USA and Mexico Canada
Method expressions (suitably modified for the lower E and f y ).
Significant research in this area remains, but the initial results c (ASD) c (LRFD) c (LSD)
1.80 0.85 0.80
are promising.
For all other columns, and of Section A1.1(b) apply.
8. Conclusions Flexural, torsional, or torsionalflexural buckling
The Direct Strength Method is a new design methodology The nominal axial strength, Pne , for flexural, . . . or torsional-
for cold-formed steel members. The method has been formally flexural buckling is
adopted as an alternative design procedure in Appendix A of the  
for c 1.5Pne = 0.658c Py
North American Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members, as well as in the Australian/New 

Zealand Standard for cold-formed steel design. The Direct for c > 1.5Pne = Py (
Strength Method employs gross cross-section properties, but
requires an accurate calculation of member elastic buckling where
behaviour. Numerical methods, such as the finite strip method c = Py /Pcre
or generalized beam theory, are the best choice for the required
Py = A g Fy (
stability calculations. The reliability of the Direct Strength
Method equals or betters the traditional Effective Width Method Pcre = Minimum of the critical elastic column buckling load
for a large database of tested beams and columns. Extensive in flexural, torsional, or torsionalflexural buckling . . . .
776 B.W. Schafer / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 766778

where Local buckling
The nominal axial strength, Pn , for local buckling is M y = S f Fy , where S f is the gross section modulus
referenced to the extreme fibre in first yield (
for ` 0.776 Pn = Pne (
Mcre = Critical elastic lateral-torsional buckling moment . . . .
for ` > 0.776
" 0.4 #  0.4

Pcr` Pcr` Local buckling
Pn = 1 0.15 Pne
Pne Pne The nominal flexural strength, Mn , for local buckling is
where for ` 0.776 Mn = Mne (
` = Pne /Pcr`
( for ` > 0.776
Pcr = Critical elastic local column buckling load . . . 
0.4 ! 
Mcr `
Pne is defined in Section Mn = 1 0.15 Mne
Mne Mne Distortional buckling where

` = Mne /Mcr`
The nominal axial strength, Pnd , for distortional buckling is (
for d 0.561 Pnd = Py ( Mcr` = Critical elastic local buckling moment . . .
for d > 0.561 Mne is defined in Section
0.6 !  0.6

Pcrd Pcrd
Pnd = 1 0.25 Py Distortional buckling
Py Py
The nominal flexural strength, Mnd , for distortional buckling
where is

d = Py /Pcrd for d 0.673

( Mnd = M y (
Pcr d = Critical elastic distortional column buckling load . . . for d > 0.673
Py is given in Eq. ( 0.5 !  0.5

Mcrd Mcrd
Mnd = 1 0.22 My
My My
Appendix B. Direct Strength Method for beams
(As excerpted from Appendix 1 of the North American
d = M y /Mcrd
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Members, 2004 Supplement to the 2001 Edition.) Mcr d = Critical elastic distortional buckling moment . . .
M y is given in Eq. (
1.2.2. Beam design

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