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Catalogue of Shunli

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Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Tablestaca de Z - SLZ
Contents / ndice
Z Sheet Pile SLZ

Company Introduction ............................................................................................................2

Introduccin de la Compaa .................................................................................................3

Z Sheet Pile SLZ..................................................................................................4
Tablestaca de Z - SLZ

U Sheet Pile - SLU..................................................................................................8

Tablestaca de U - SLU

Sheet Pile SLL ...............................................................................................10

Tablestaca de - SLL

Straight Web Sections- SLS ................................................................................12

Tablestaca Recta- SLS

Trench Sheet Pile SLT ......................................................................................13

Tablestaca de Zanja - SLT

H Pile SLH ........................................................................................................14

Pilote H SLH

SLHZ Combi Wall-SLHZ.......................................................................................15

Muro CombinadoSLHZ-SLHZ

Tubular Pipe Pile...................................................................................................16

Pilote de Tubo

Combi Wall OZ .....................................................................................................19

Muro Combinado OZ

Box Pile.................................................................................................................20
Pilote de Caja

Corrosion Protection.............................................................................................24
Proteccin contra la corrosin

SHUNLI STEEL GROUP, Steel Grades.........................................................................................................25

Grados de Acero

LEADING MANUFACTURER OF STEEL Useful Accessories................................................................................................................26

Accesorios tiles

Standards & Tolerances........................................................................................................27

PILING IN THE WORLD Estndares & Tolerancias


Projects Presentation............................................................................................................31
Presentacin de Proyectos

Leading manufacturer
manufacturer de
of Shunli
sheet pileSteel
pile theGroup
in the
in world

Shunli Steel Group, since 1996, as the pioneer of the global cold-formed sheet pile industry and the leading

Z Sheet Introduction

manufacturerof the combined piling walls, devotes himself into the vast expanse of the steel industry in order to make
Pile SLZ

the sheet pile industry superior.

No matter where you are worldwide, it is easy to find the products of Shunli in over 60 countries and regions, and it has
been a common view that if you need sheet piles and pipe piles, come to Shunli to find it!

de de

Huge Assets Scale: Covering 260,000 square meters.

Z - la
Stable and Sufficient Capacity: Annual Producing Capacity one million tons of steel piles.

Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights: Owning over 20 National Invention Patents and the exclusive national invention patents

of cold-formed sheet piles, Shunli Steel Group is the only manufacturer of cold-formed sheet piles with Proprietary Intellectual
Property Rights in China.
Bellwether Researcher: The Chairman of Shunli Steel Group is a professional expert in the modeling of cold-formed sheet piles
and the developer of the first highway fence in China. He gained the only invention patent of cold-formed sheet piles in China, as
well as National Prize for Progress in Science.
Jiangsu Shunli Steel Group, desde el 1996, como el pionero global de la industria de tablestacas rolladas en fro y
Powerful Technological Team: Consisting of Doctors, the professional R&D team provides customers with comprehensive
fabricante lder del muro combinado, se dedica a la enorme extensin e desarrollo de la industria de tablestacas y de acero.
service from the selection of project scheme, designing, manufacturing to constructing.
No importa en qu lugar del mundo ests, es muy fcil encontrar los productos de Shunli en ms de 60 pases y regiones, y
Abundant Resources and Low Price: The factory is 5km from BaoSteel, 10km from Maanshan Steel. Raw materials such as
ha sido un conocimiento comn de que si necesitas tablestacas y pilotes de tubo, vienes a Shunli a buscarlos.
coils, steel plates are sufficient. In addition, since Shunli is the close strategic partner of BaoSteel and Maanshan Steel, low price
and reliable resources of productions are guaranteed. The high tensile sheet piles and marine grade raw materials joint invented Escala grande: Ocupa un rea de 260,000 m2
by Shunli and steel mills are widely used over various environment worldwide and marine projects. Capacidad estable y suficiente: la capacidad de produccin anual de tablestacas es de 1,000,000 toneladas
Properly Equipped Factory: Having the biggest production line of cold-formed sheet piles over the world so far, Shunli Steel Group Derechos de propiedad intelectual: Shunli posee 20 patentes de invencin nacional y las patentes de invencin nacional
has formed the complete industry chain of engineering products. The productions of Shunli cover all kinds of cold formed sheet exclusivas de tablestaca rollada en fro. Shunli es la nica fabricante de tablestacas rolladas en fro en China con derechos de
piles, tubular pipe piles, combi walls, cold-rolled and hot-rolled clutches and all piling accessories that are needed in the current propiedad intelectual.
global market. Investigacin lder: el presidente de Shunli es especialista de la formacin de acero laminado en fro en China y es el creador
Super Convenient Logistics: The factory is close to Yangtze River logistical port and next to railway station, as well as highway. It d la primera valla de baranda de la autopista en China. Gan el Premio Nacional de Avance en la Ciencia y el nico patente de
is easy to transport over-length large-scale cargoes. invencin nacional de tablestacas rolladas en fro.
Global Quality Assurance: Achieved the CE Certificates, FPC Certificates for sheet piles, pipe piles and steel structure and API
Grupo grande de ingenieros: Shunli tiene un grupo excelente de Investigacin y desarrollo tcnico compuesto por doctores, que
for pipe piles.
ofrecen a clientes buen servicio del diseo, fabricacin, orientacin de construccin y mantenimiento de tablestacas.
Sales Throughout the World: Productions are sold to over 67 countries and areas. Besides the powerful sales network, the net of
Recursos ricos y buen precio: la fbrica est a 5 kilos de Baosteel y a 10 kilos de Masteel, de modo que tiene recursos ricos de
after-sale service is extensive at the same time.
materia prima como rollos y placas de acero. Y adems, ambos grupos son alianza estratgica de Shunli y pueden ofrecernos
Fast and Convenient Delivery: Having over 55 production lines, guarantee fast and on time delivery.
mejor precio, productos de primera calidad y tiempo de entrega. Shunli tiene cooperacin exclusiva junta con la fbrica de acero
Pre-sales and After-sales Services: Shunli provides global one-stop service which includes designing, producing and installing.
Customized design of sheet piles and project design are offered before sales. In order to ensure that the customers feel carefree para la investigacin de acero de alta resistencia especfica para tablestacas y acero corrosivo para las obras martimas, que se
all the way through purchasing process, Shunli helps complete projects such as marine engineering and water conservancy han usado ampliamente en los proyectos hidrulicos y martimos mundiales.
projects. Equipo completo y bueno: Shunli tiene la lnea de produccin de tablestacas laminadas en fro ms grande del mundo, que
ha formado la cadena completa de la industria de productos de ingeniera. La produccin de Shunli cubre todos los tipos de
tablestaca rollada en fro, pilote de tubo, muro combinado, candado rollado en fro y caliente y otros accesorios que se usan en el
mercado global.
Logstica super-conveniente: la fbrica est al lado del puerto del Rio Yangtz, que facilita el transporte de piezas muy largas.
Tambin est cerca de la lnea ferroviaria y autopista, que disminuye el costo logstico.
Garanta mundial de calidad: ha logrado los certificados CE, certificados FPC de tablestacas, pilotes de tubo y estructura de
acero y API para pilote de tubo
Red de venta global: los productos de Shunli se exportan a 67 pases y se ha equipado la red de servicio de post-venta completa y
Buen plazo de entrega: posee 55 lneas de produccin, garanta rpida y entrega a tiempo.
Servicios de post-venta y de pre-venta: Shunli ofrece el global servicio ONE-STOP que incluye el diseo, fabricacin y
orientacin de instalacin. El diseo personalizado de tablestacas de acuerdo con el proyecto se ofrece antes de la venta. Shunli
ayuda a proyectos completos, tales como proyectos de ingeniera y marinos con el fin de garantizar que los clientes pierden sus

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus

Tablestaca de Z - SLZ
Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section
Z Sheet Pile SLZ

Secciones W H T rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Momento de Inercia Mdulos de Seccin
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
SLZ11-1 575 260 8.5 128.7 58.1 101 13860 1066
SLZ11-2 575 260 9.5 138.9 63.2 109 14563 1120
SLZ12-1 670 302 8.5 126.1 66.1 99 18726 1239
SLZ12-2 770 344 8.5 120.0 72.6 94.2 22413 1302
SLZ12-3 575 260 10 155.9 70.4 122.4 15845 1217
SLZ12-4 700 314 8.5 122.7 67.4 96.3 18889 1202
SLZ13-1 670 303 9.5 136.9 72 107.5 19381 1279
SLZ13-2 770 344 9 125.0 75.6 98.1 22579 1312
SLZ13-3 575 260 10.5 161.0 72.6 126.4 16540 1272
SLZ13-4 700 315 9.5 134.6 74 105.7 20537 1303
SLZ13-5 700 316 10 140.4 77.2 110.2 21420 1355
SLZ13-6 650 350 8 119.5 61 93.8 22799 1303
SLZ14-1 670 304 10.5 153.6 80.8 120.6 21220 1395
SLZ14-2 770 345 9.5 131.1 79.3 102.9 23396 1355
SLZ14-3 770 345 10 137.2 82.9 107.7 24315 1409
SLZ14-4 700 316 10.3 146.1 80.3 114.7 22258 1407
SLZ15-1 700 420 7 109.2 60 85.7 31087 1480
SLZ15-2 700 450 7 108.4 59.6 85.1 33203 1475
SLZ16-1 575 350 8.5 141.7 63.9 111.2 28009 1600
SLZ16-2 640 400 8 127.4 64 100 32421 1620
SLZ17-1 630 379 8.5 137.1 67.8 107.6 31592 1666
SLZ17-2 700 420 8.5 133.0 73.1 104.4 37135 1767
SLZ17-3 575 350 9 148.0 66.8 116.2 29040 1659
SLZ17-4 575 370 9 148.4 67 116.5 31798 1718
SLZ17-5 575 350 9.5 156.2 70.5 122.6 29796 1702
SLZ17-6 675 430 8.5 133.0 70.5 104.4 36820 1712
SLZ18-1 630 380 9.5 150.4 74.4 118.1 34220 1801
SLZ18-2 700 420 9 139.2 76.5 109.3 37991 1808
SLZ18-3 575 350 9.8 160.1 72.3 125.7 30962 1767
SLZ18-4 575 350 10 163.4 73.8 128.3 31578 1804
SLZ18-5 675 420 9 141.1 74.8 110.8 37990 1808
SLZ18-6 630 381 9.9 157.2 77.8 123.4 35721 1874
SLZ18-7 700 440 9 140.9 77.4 110.6 41587 1890
SLZ19-1 630 381 10.2 163.8 81 128.6 35803 1879
SLZ19-2 700 421 9.5 145.6 80 114.3 39592 1880
SLZ19-3 675 390 10 156.6 83 122.9 37475 1921
SLZ20-1 700 421 9.9 152.0 83.5 119.3 41031 1948
SLZ21-1 575 350 11 189.2 85.4 148.5 36631 2093
Z sheet pile,with continuous form of the web and the location of the interlock symmetrically on each side of the eneutral SLZ22-1 575 350 11.5 199.1 89.9 156.3 37913 2166
axis,it has great improvement on the section modulus. Followings are the main advantages: SLZ23-1 575 350 12 208.4 94.1 163.6 39530 2258

1.Large width,good installation performance; SLZ24-1 700 449 10.5 172.4 94.7 135.3 55256 2460

2.Extremely competative of section-modulus to mass ratio; SLZ24-2 575 350 12.5 219.5 99.1 172.3 41558 2374
SLZ24-3 700 480 10 163.3 89.7 128.2 58912 2454
3.Increased inertia for reduced deflection
SLZ24-4 700 540 9.5 156.7 86.1 123 66447 2460
4.Good corrosion resistance
SLZ25-1 630 440 10.5 180.8 89.4 141.9 54750 2488
SLZ25-2 675 440 11 183.4 97.2 144 55500 2522
La tablestaca Z, con forma continua de web y simtrica locacin del candado a cada lado del eje neutral, SLZ25-3 575 350 13 227.4 102.6 178.5 43459 2482
tiene gran mejoramiento en el mdulo de seccin. Las ventajas principales son: SLZ26-1 630 470 11.5 197.7 97.8 155.2 63318 2695
1.Anchura larga y buen funcionamiento de instalacin; SLZ26-2 700 460 11.5 187.3 102.9 147 59887 2603

2.el mdulo de seccin es muy competitivo; SLZ26-3 675 430 12 199.1 105.5 156.3 56023 2605

3.Mejor inercia para aumentar la resistancia de tablestaca y reducir la deformacin estructural; SLZ26-4 700 500 10 167.3 91.9 131.3 65322 2612
SLZ26-5 700 470 10.5 176.3 96.9 138.4 62047 2640
4.Buena resistencia a la corrosin
SLZ27-1 675 460 12 200.3 106.1 157.2 62336 2709

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus

Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section

Tablestaca de U - SLU
Z Sheet Pile SLZ

Secciones W H T rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Momento de Inercia Mdulos de Seccin
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
SLZ27-2 630 480 10.5 185.0 91.5 145.2 65379 2723
SLZ28-1 630 440 12.5 213.6 105.7 167.7 60621 2754
SLZ28-2 700 461 13.2 214.6 118 168.5 65537 2755
SLZ28-3 700 461 12 200.1 110 157.1 64901 2815
SLZ28-4 700 500 11.2 188.5 103.6 148 70005 2800
SLZ28-5 700 480 11.5 189.4 104.1 148.7 67502 2812
SLZ28-6 700 481 11 184.5 101.4 144.8 66546 2766
SLZ32-1 675 485 12 212.1 112.4 166.5 77985 3215
SLZ34-1 675 500 12 215.9 114.4 169.5 84865 3394
SLZ35-1 675 500 12.5 224.3 118.9 176.1 87685 3506
SLZ36-1 675 485 13 234.1 124.1 183.8 87785 3620
SLZ36-2 700 540 12.2 215.9 118.6 169.5 97450 3609
SLZ36-3 630 490 12.5 235.5 116.5 184.9 88299 3604
SLZ37-1 700 500 13 231.8 127.4 182 92562 3702
SLZ37-2 675 485 13.5 242.5 128.5 190.4 89960 3709
SLZ38-1 675 485 14 249.8 132.4 196.1 91989 3793
SLZ38-2 700 570 13 230.1 126.4 180.6 109180 3830
SLZ39-1 700 560 13.5 239.9 131.8 188.3 110180 3935
SLZ40-1 700 550 13.8 244.2 134.2 191.7 110027 4000
SLZ41-1 700 540 14 251.8 138.4 197.7 111480 4128
SLZ42-1 700 550 14 253.1 139.1 198.7 115747 4209
SLZ42-2 700 550 14.2 258.7 142.1 203.1 115660 4205
SLZ43-1 700 560 14 253.9 139.5 199.3 119843 4280
SLZ43-2 700 560 13.5 248.4 136.5 195 120877 4316
SLZ44-1 700 540 14.5 271.3 149.1 213 118995 4403
SLZ44-2 700 550 14 256.9 141.2 201.7 121091 4403
SLZ46-1 580 540 14.2 291.2 132.6 228.6 124708 4618
SLZ46-2 700 525 15.2 287.0 157.7 225.3 121241 4616
SLZ46-3 700 560 15 281.0 154.4 220.6 129611 4628
SLZ46-4 700 600 14 258.2 141.9 202.7 138283 4609
SLZ48-1 580 570 15 306.6 139.6 240.7 137234 4814
SLZ48-2 580 540 14.5 304.3 138.6 238.9 130267 4819
SLZ48-3 700 550 15.2 288.4 158.5 226.4 132187 4805
SLZ50-1 580 580 16 322.2 146.7 252.9 145656 5022
SLZ50-2 580 530 15.5 316.9 144.3 248.8 132744 5008
SLZ50-3 700 530 16 302.5 166.3 237.5 133465 5036
SLZ50-4 700 560 16 298.5 164 234.3 140578 5020
SLZ50-5 580 520 15 322.3 146.7 253 133709 5142
SLZ52-1 700 550 16 305.2 167.7 239.6 143742 5226
SLZ18-800 800 500 8.5 127.1 79.9 99.8 46474 1858 U sheet pile has many advantages as following:
SLZ20-800 800 490 9.5 141.1 88.7 110.8 49026 2001 1.It combines great profile depth and has excellent statical properties;
SLZ22-800 800 500 10 149.7 94 117.5 54142 2165 2.It is quite suitable for re-use due to the symmetrical form of the single element;
SLZ23-800 800 530 9.5 147.1 92.4 115.5 61811 2332
3.It is possible to assemble the piles into pairs in the factory,this way could improve the quality and performance of installation
SLZ25-800 800 520 10.5 163.1 102.6 128 65060 2501
4.Good corrosion resistance performance
SLZ27-800 800 520 11.5 176.1 110.6 138.2 69419 2670
SLZ28-750 750 560 10 165.4 97.4 129.8 78780 2813
SLZ30-750 750 550 11.2 183.2 107.9 143.8 82741 3008 Ventajas de la tablestaca U:
SLZ32-750 750 560 12 197.2 116.1 154.8 89690 3202 1.La seccin de la tablestaca U tiene anchura grande, que garantiza la excelente propiedad esttica.
SLZ23-750 750 530 9.5 150.6 88.7 118.2 61642 2326
2.La estructura simtrica facilita la reutilizacin.
SLZ23-700 700 530 9.5 154.4 84.9 121.2 61450 2318
SLZ25-750 750 520 10.5 167.4 98.5 131.4 64854 2494
3.Se puede asamblar las tablestacas en pares en la fbrica. Esta manera puede mejorar la calidad y funcionamiento de
SLZ25-700 700 520 10.5 171.8 94.5 134.9 64618 2485 instalacin.
4.Buen funcionamiento de resistencia a la corrosin

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus
Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section
Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section

Tablestaca de U - SLU
Momento de
Momento de Secciones W H T rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Mdulos de Seccin
U Sheet Pile - SLU

Secciones W H T rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Mdulos de Seccin Inercia
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
SLU17-3 650 500 8 140.1 71.5 110 41197 1647
SLU5-1 600 150 8.5 119.7 56.4 94 3800 508 SLU17-4 600 460 8.5 153.9 72.5 120.8 38299 1665
SLU5-2 600 150 9.5 135.7 63.9 106.5 4162 554 SLU18-1 750 460 9 148.8 87.6 116.8 41641 1810
SLU5-3 400 210 6 104.5 32.8 82 5621 535 SLU18-2 600 460 9 163.3 76.9 128.2 41410 1801
SLU6-1 600 180 8.5 125.1 58.9 98.2 5464 606 SLU18-3 600 460 9.5 170.1 80.1 133.5 42006 1825
SLU6-2 600 280 6 89.6 42.2 70.3 9038 645 SLU18-4 750 441 9.3 150.3 88.5 118 39296 1782
SLU6-3 600 309 6 89.0 41.9 69.9 10005 647 SLU18-5 600 430 8.5 154.1 72.6 121 35930 1670
SLU7-1 600 300 6 92.9 43.7 72.9 10508 700 SLU18-6 600 435 9.3 187.0 88.1 146.8 41781 1921
SLU7-2 600 340 6 95.0 44.7 74.6 13273 780 SLU18-7 600 430 9 163.3 76.9 128.2 38919 1810
SLU7-3 600 310 6.4 93.6 44.1 73.5 10539 680 SLU20-1 750 460 10 164.6 96.9 129.2 44916 1952
SLU7-4 600 320 6.5 98.2 46.3 77.1 11872 741 SLU20-2 600 450 10 181.5 85.5 142.5 42013 1867
SLU7-5 600 325 6.5 100.8 47.2 79.1 15540 771 SLU20-3 600 450 10.5 189.2 89.1 148.5 43245 1921
SLU8-1 600 360 6 96.1 45.2 75.4 14749 819 SLU20-4 750 480 10.5 173.4 102.1 136.1 49525 2063
SLU8-2 600 340 6.5 102.2 48.1 80.2 14888 875 SLU20-5 700 480 10 179.2 98.5 140.7 48911 2037
SLU8-3 600 325 7 109.9 51.8 86.3 14258 876 SLU20-6 650 540 8 150.1 76.6 117.8 54535 2019
SLU8-4 750 320 6 87.1 51.3 68.4 13025 813 SLU20-7 600 460 9.5 172.2 81.1 135.2 44048 1915
SLU8-5 600 320 7 103.1 48.5 80.9 12338 770 SLU20-8 600 470 9.5 176.7 83.2 138.7 47676 2028
SLU8-6 600 325 7.3 107.8 50.8 84.6 13355 821 SLU21-1 750 500 10 169.2 99.6 132.8 53069 2122
SLU9-1 600 360 6.5 105.1 49.5 82.5 17360 964 SLU21-2 600 500 9.5 175.2 82.5 137.5 50293 2011
SLU9-2 600 330 7.5 115.8 54.5 90.9 15313 927 SLU21-3 400 420 10.5 247.4 77.7 194.2 43670 2078
SLU9-3 750 320 7 101.8 59.9 79.9 14507 906 SLU21-4 600 470 9.2 173.9 81.9 136.5 48615 2068
SLU9-4 600 355 7 111.7 52.6 87.7 16823 947 SLU22-1 600 500 10 191.1 90 150 55161 2205
SLU10-1 600 300 7 114.4 53.9 89.8 19078 1031 SLU22-2 600 490 9.5 182.8 86.1 143.5 54083 2206
SLU10-2 600 310 9 141.7 66.7 111.2 16056 1035 SLU22-3 600 510 10 192.0 90.4 150.7 59635 2338
SLU11-1 600 380 7.5 123.3 58.1 96.8 22313 1174 SLU23-1 700 500 10.5 191.7 105.4 150.5 56811 2272
SLU11-2 600 360 8 131.6 62 103.3 20095 1115 SLU23-2 650 540 9 172.0 87.8 135 62640 2320
SLU11-3 600 400 7 117.5 55.3 92.2 23716 1185 SLU23-3 750 480 10.5 180.4 106.2 141.6 54701 2278
SLU11-4 575 360 8 133.8 60.4 105 19890 1104 SLU23-4 600 450 12 227.8 107.3 178.8 51450 2286
SLU11-5 600 310 9.5 148.8 70.1 116.8 17160 1106 SLU23-5 750 505 10 173.4 102.1 136.1 57409 2274
SLU12-1 600 380 8.5 140.4 66.1 110.2 22936 1206 SLU25-1 750 500 11.5 200.6 118.1 157.5 62563 2502
SLU12-2 500 360 8 143.9 56.5 113 20701 1150 SLU25-2 600 490 11.5 224.7 105.8 176.4 61535 2511
SLU12-3 700 440 7.5 115.8 64.2 90.9 26978 1225 SLU25-3 500 450 12 259.9 102 204 56224 2500
SLU12-4 600 360 9 147.8 69.6 116 22670 1259 SLU25-4 750 510 10.6 187.5 110.4 147.2 64086 2513
SLU12-5 450 360 9.5 182.0 64.3 142.9 24930 1384 SLU26-1 750 500 12 212.0 124.8 166.4 65330 2612
SLU12-6 600 360 8.5 140.4 66.1 110.2 21600 1200 SLU26-2 500 450 12.5 271.0 106.4 212.7 57454 2552
SLU13-1 675 420 7.5 123.6 65.6 97 28931 1378 SLU26-3 650 540 10 193.2 98.6 151.7 69043 2557
SLU13-2 600 310 10 163.9 77.2 128.7 19552 1260 SLU26-4 750 540 10 178.3 105 140 69190 2562
SLU13-3 500 355 8.5 154.6 60.7 121.4 21816 1229 SLU27-1 600 500 11.5 230.6 108.6 181 67348 2693
SLU13-4 700 440 8 126.6 69.6 99.4 28765 1307 SLU27-2 600 420 15 296.8 139.8 233 57625 2745
SLU13-5 700 400 10 159.7 87.8 125.4 31012 1550 SLU28-1 600 500 12 244.8 115.3 192.2 70976 2840
SLU13-6 500 340 10 180.1 70.7 141.4 22195 1305 SLU28-2 600 480 13 265.1 124.9 208.1 67764 2823
SLU13-7 600 360 10 163.4 77 128.3 23114 1283 SLU28-3 600 560 10.2 206.8 97.4 162.3 75158 2683
SLU13-8 575 360 10 166.1 75 130.4 22786 1265 SLU28-4 600 565 10.5 216.1 101.8 169.6 80813 2860
SLU13-9 400 290 11.5 233.8 73.4 183.5 19546 1347 SLU28-5 600 590 10.8 225.6 106.2 177.1 89362 3029
SLU13-10 600 408 7.5 127.4 60 100 26105 1279 SLU30-1 500 500 13 299.6 117.6 235.2 75459 3018
SLU13-11 600 400 8 138.6 65.3 108.8 26720 1335 SLU32-1 600 252 13 276.1 130 216.7 84310 3211
SLU14-1 750 445 8 126.0 74.2 98.9 31802 1429 SLU32-2 600 515 14 293.9 138.4 230.7 82664 3211
SLU14-2 675 435 8 133.1 70.5 104.5 31589 1451 SLU32-3 750 645 11 207.5 122.2 162.9 102790 3186
SLU14-3 750 408 8.5 132.2 77.9 103.8 29055 1424 SLU32-4 700 560 12 235.7 129.5 185 90815 3245
SLU14-4 600 430 8 136.4 64.3 107.1 30273 1407 SLU32-5 670 520 14 275.4 144.8 216.2 82566 3175
SLU15-1 675 420 8.5 142.2 75.3 111.6 31944 1520 SLU32-6 600 595 11.2 233.4 109.9 183.2 91276 3068
SLU15-2 500 360 10 183.7 72.1 144.2 25820 1434 SLU32-7 600 600 11.5 242.3 114.1 190.2 96141 3204
SLU15-3 600 422 8.2 145.9 68.7 114.5 32633 1546 SLU32-8 600 605 11.8 251.3 118.4 197.3 102098 3375
SLU16-1 750 440 9 143.6 84.5 112.7 35660 1620 SLU35-1 700 560 13 261.3 143.6 205.1 97765 3492

SLU16-2 400 395 9 198.1 62.2 155.5 31782 1608 SLU35-2 750 608 12 231.2 136.1 181.5 105070 3456

SLU16-3 600 420 9 159.4 75.1 125.1 33916 1615 SLU37-1 750 610 13 256.4 151 201.3 114296 3746

SLU16-4 700 450 9 148.0 81.4 116.2 36787 1635 SLU37-2 700 600 13.5 268.9 147.8 211.1 111822 3730

SLU16-5 650 480 8 141.7 72.3 111.2 40508 1687 SLU40-1 750 610 14 278.3 163.9 218.5 122670 4021

SLU16-6 750 411 9.3 146.5 86.3 115 33230 1616 SLU40-2 700 580 15 304.6 167.4 239.1 115719 3990

SLU16-7 600 430 8.5 154.1 72.6 121 35930 1670 SLU43-1 750 610 15 300.6 177 236 132280 4338

SLU17-1 750 430 9.5 151.3 89.1 118.8 37094 1724 SLU43-2 750 615 16 316.6 186.4 248.5 133633 4345

SLU17-2 500 340 11.5 220.9 86.7 173.4 28257 1662 SLU46-1 750 630 16 327.0 192.5 256.7 145784 4628

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus

Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section

Tablestaca de - SLL
Momento de
Sheet Pile SLL

Secciones w h t rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Mdulos de Seccin
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
SLL10-2 900 254 8 122.8 86.8 96.4 13138 1034
SLL10-3 900 313 7 109.2 77.2 85.7 16317 1042
SLL11-1 750 255 9 150.2 88.4 117.9 15256 1196
SLL11-2 900 255 9 140.0 98.9 109.9 14983 1175
SLL11-3 700 312.5 6.5 117.7 64.7 92.4 17327 1108
SLL12-1 1400 314.5 8.5 115.3 126.7 90.5 19077 1213
SLL12-2 1540 349 8.5 111.7 135.1 87.7 21966 1259
SLL12-2 900 314 8 124.8 88.2 98 18436 1174
SLL12-3 900 348 7 114.9 81.2 90.2 21125 1214
SLL12-4 1340 314.5 8.5 116.7 122.7 91.6 19040 1210
SLL13-1 1400 315.5 9.5 127.4 140 100 20973 1330
SLL13-2 1540 349.5 9 117.6 142.2 92.3 22949 1312
SLL13-3 750 347.5 7 129.8 76.4 101.9 23218 1342
SLL13-4 900 349 8 131.2 92.7 103 23944 1372
SLL13-5 1340 315.5 9.5 128.9 135.6 101.2 20916 1326
SLL14-1 1400 316 10 133.4 146.6 104.7 21919 1387
SLL14-2 1400 316.5 10.5 139.9 153.7 109.8 22678 1432
SLL14-3 1540 350 9.5 123.4 149.3 96.9 23847 1362
SLL14-4 1540 350.5 10 129.6 156.7 101.7 24977 1425
SLL14-5 750 348 7.5 137.6 81 108 24529 1414
SLL14-6 1340 316.5 10.5 141.4 148.8 111 22593 1428
SLL14-7 900 316 10 156.4 110.5 122.8 22978 1454
SLL15-1 750 348.5 8 147.1 86.6 115.5 26256 1512
SLL15-2 900 350 9 147.6 104.3 115.9 26683 1525
SLL16-1 1260 379 8.5 130.4 129.1 102.4 31326 1653
SLL16-2 750 349 8.5 158.1 93.1 124.1 28026 1613
SLL17-1 1400 423.5 8.5 126.0 138.5 98.9 36954 1745
SLL17-2 750 349.5 9 167.4 98.5 131.4 29618 1702
SLL18-1 1260 380 9.5 144.5 142.9 113.4 34659 1823
SLL18-2 1400 424 9 132.4 145.5 103.9 38234 1802
SLL18-3 750 350 9.5 176.7 104 138.7 31305 1798
SLL18-4 1600 449 8.5 122.7 154.2 96.3 41530 1850
Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus SLL19-1 1260 381 10 151.2 149.5 118.7 35936 1886
Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section SLL19-2 1400 424.5 9.5 139.4 153.1 109.4 40303 1898
Momento de SLL19-3 750 350.5 10 186.0 109.5 146 33050 1893
Secciones w h t rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Mdulos de Seccin
Inercia SLL20-1 1260 381.5 10.5 161.8 160.1 127 39065 2047
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m SLL20-2 1400 425 10 145.2 159.6 114 41428 1948
SLL2-1 700 146 4 56.1 30.8 44 1945 266 SLL20-3 1600 450 9.5 136.9 172 107.5 46336 2059
SLL2-2 900 155 4 53.2 37.7 41.8 2415 284 SLL22-1 1400 475 10 150.1 165 117.8 52048 2191
SLL3-1 700 147 5 70.3 38.6 55.2 2427 330 SLL22-2 1600 451 10.5 149.8 188.2 117.6 49213 2182
SLL3-2 700 148 6 84.1 46.2 66 2907 392 SLL23-1 1600 474.5 9.5 144.1 181 113.1 55650 2345

SLL4-1 600 249.5 3.5 60.9 28.7 47.8 5883 470 SLL24-1 1260 426.2 11.2 178.2 176.3 139.9 52149 2446

SLL4-2 700 149 7 98.1 53.9 77 3352 450 SLL24-2 1400 476.2 11.2 169.0 185.8 132.7 58512 2457
SLL25-1 1600 475.5 10.5 158.7 199.4 124.6 60208 2532
SLL5-1 700 150 8 112.1 61.6 88 3814 508
SLL26-1 1260 427.2 12.2 194.1 192 152.4 55990 2621
SLL5-2 705 152 8 113.1 62.6 88.8 3950 519
SLL26-2 1400 477.2 12.2 183.7 201.9 144.2 62045 2601
SLL5-3 750 250 4 63.6 37.4 49.9 6582 526
SLL27-1 1600 476.5 11.5 172.5 216.6 135.4 65401 2745
SLL5-4 600 250 4 69.7 32.8 54.7 6711 537
SLL28-1 1260 428.2 13.2 211.7 209.4 166.2 60145 2808
SLL6-1 700 251 5 82.5 45.4 64.8 8408 670
SLL28-2 1400 478.2 13.2 199.9 219.7 156.9 66192 2768
SLL6-2 750 251 5 81.0 47.7 63.6 8441 672
SLL28-3 1500 509.2 10.2 166.8 196.4 130.9 72606 2851
SLL7-1 921 252 6 91.2 65.9 71.6 9941 789 SLL29-1 1400 510.2 11.2 179.6 197.5 141 74056 2902
SLL7-2 750 252 5.7 93.8 55.2 73.6 9604 763 SLL30-1 1500 510.2 11.2 179.0 210.7 140.5 76918 3015
SLL8-1 750 252 6 98.1 57.8 77 10138 804 SLL31-1 1400 511 12 193.6 212.8 152 79733 3120
SLL8-2 750 252 6.2 101.4 59.7 79.6 10470 830 SLL32-1 1400 511.5 12.5 201.9 221.9 158.5 80906 3163
SLL9-1 750 253 7 115.2 67.8 90.4 11810 933 SLL32-2 1500 511 12 192.7 226.9 151.3 82772 3239
SLL9-2 900 253 7 107.6 76 84.5 11607 917 SLL33-1 1400 512 13 209.3 230 164.3 84655 3306
SLL9-3 700 311.5 5.5 99.4 54.6 78 14634 939 SLL40-1 1160 549.5 13.5 249.3 227 195.7 111652 4064

SLL9-4 900 312 7 92.9 65.6 72.9 13931 893 SLL42-1 1160 550 14 259.2 236.1 203.5 115910 4215

SLL10-1 750 254 8 131.5 77.4 103.2 13345 1050 SLL44-1 1160 550.5 14.5 274.9 250.3 215.8 121797 4420
SLL46-1 1160 551 15 285.2 259.8 223.9 126788 4602

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world
Straight Web Sections- SLS

Tablestaca de Zanja - SLT

Sections Width Height Thickness Section Weight Moment Modulus
Anchura Altura Espesor Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section
Secciones W H T rea Seccional Peso Por Pilote Peso Por Muro Momento de Inercia Mdulos de Seccin
Sections Width Height Thickness Deviation Section Weight Moment Modulus mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
SLT1-1 600 78 6 80.9 38.1 63.5 704 180
Anchura Altura Espesor Angle Area per Pile per Wall of Inertia of Section
SLT1-2K 600 78 6 81.8 38.5 64.2 726 185
SLT1-3 650 78 6 79.4 40.5 62.3 700 180
ngulo de rea Peso Por Peso Por Mdulos de
Secciones B H t Momento de Inercia SLT1-4 550 78 6 79.9 34.8 62.7 698 178
Desviacin Seccional Pilote Muro Seccin
SLT1-5 500 78 6 84.6 33.2 66.4 688 176
SLT1-6K 742 92 6 69.8 40.7 54.8 896 194
mm mm mm cm2/m kg/m kg/m2 cm4 cm3
SLT1-7K 400 50 6 70.7 22.2 55.5 250 100
SLT1-8K 400 48 4 47.1 14.8 37 165 69
SLS1 500 69.5 9.5 4.5 146.2 57.4 114.8 283 82 SLT1-9 300 36.5 3.4 48.4 11.4 38 84 46
SLT1-10 330 37 4 51.7 13.4 40.6 99 53
SLS2 500 71 11 4.5 168.2 66.0 132 321 91 SLT1-11 400 36.6 3.5 43.3 13.6 34 85 47
SLT1-12 400 37 4 49.7 15.6 39 92 53
SLT2-1 600 80 8 108.0 50.9 84.8 942 237
SLS3 500 72 12 4.5 186.5 73.2 146.4 365 102 SLT2-2K 742 94 8 93.4 54.4 73.3 1200 254
SLT2-3K 600 80 8 108.4 51.1 85.1 970 241
SLS4 500 72.5 12.5 4.5 194.4 76.3 152.6 382 106 SLT2-4K 742 93 7 81.5 47.5 64 1045 225
SLT2-5 650 80 8 105.7 54.0 83 993 236
SLT2-6 600 79 7 94.5 44.5 74.2 821 208
SLS5 500 72.7 12.7 4.5 196.4 77.1 154.2 390 108 SLT2-7 600 81 9 121.3 57.2 95.2 1058 262
SLT2-8 880 152 4 59.6 41.2 46.8 1897 251
SLS6 500 73 13 4.5 202.8 79.6 159.2 401 111 SLT3-1 880 154 6 89.6 61.9 70.3 2848 372
SLT4-1 880 156 8 122.4 84.6 96.1 3880 500

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Tablestaca de Z - SLZ
Muro CombinadoSLHZ-SLHZ
Pile SLZ
H pile-SLH
Z Sheet

Sections Dimensions Section Unit Moment of Section Modulus Section Modulus

Dimensiones Area Weight Inertia Mdulos de Seccin Mdulos de Seccin

Secciones h b t1 t2 t3 s rea Seccional Peso Unitario Momento de Inercia Wely Wely

mm mm mm mm mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm3 cm3 SLHZ -12+ SLZ18-1 COMBINED SECTIONS
SLHZ775MA-12* 820 530 16 16 9.5 12.5 281 220.7 332906 9093 7334 Sections System Width Weight Moment of Section Modulus Section Modulus
Anchura de Sistema Inertia Mdulos de Seccin Mdulos de Seccin
SLHZ775MB-12* 822 530 18 18 9.5 12.5 298 234.5 361403 9749 8008
Secciones a Peso Momento de Inercia Wely Wely
SLHZ775MC-12 822 530 22.5 21 9.5 14 331 259.9 405211 10641 9183 mm kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m cm3/m
SLHZ775MD-12 822 530 24.5 23 9.5 14 348 273.4 431400 11260 9829 SLHZ775MA-12* 1790 206.4 210070 6348 5365
SLHZ775MB-12* 1790 214.1 225991 6715 5742
SLHZ975MA-12* 1020 530 16 16 9.5 14 324 254.6 561955 12287 9987
SLHZ775MC-12 1790 228.3 250464 7213 6398
SLHZ975MB-12* 1022 530 18.5 18 9.5 14 342 268.6 607295 13126 10856 SLHZ775MD-12 1790 235.9 265095 7559 6759
SLHZ975MC-12 1022 530 23 21 9.5 16 381 299.5 679441 14292 12430 SLHZ975MA-12* 1790 225.4 338031 8132 6847
SLHZ975MB-12* 1790 233.2 363360 8601 7333
SLHZ975MD-12 1022 530 25 23 9.5 16 400 314.2 724009 15181 13281
SLHZ975MC-12 1790 250.4 403665 9253 8212
SLHZ680MLT* 659.5 527 14 17 9.5 14 267 209.7 207584 6719 5921 SLHZ975MD-12 1790 258.7 428564 9749 8688
SLHZ880MA-12 859.5 527 21 20 9.5 13 317 248.9 424417 10635 9217 SLHZ680MLT* 1787 200.6 140293 5030 4584
SLHZ880MA-12 1787 222.6 261632 7222 6428
SLHZ880MB-12 859.5 527 22.5 22 9.5 15 349 274.3 460989 11388 10137
SLHZ880MB-12 1787 236.8 282098 7643 6943
SLHZ880MC-12 859.5 527 24.5 23.5 9.5 15 364 285.7 484794 11996 10645 SLHZ880MC-12 1787 243.1 295419 7983 7227
SLHZ1080MA-12 1109.5 527 23 21.5 9.5 16 398 312.2 824205 15808 14013 SLHZ1080MA-12 1787 258 485353 10116 9112
SLHZ1080MB-12 1787 267.8 520706 10762 9739
SLHZ1080MB-12 1109.5 527 25.8 24 9.5 16 420 329.8 887381 16961 15134
SLHZ1080MC-12 1787 286.4 565050 11538 10553
SLHZ1080MC-12 1109.5 527 28 26 9.5 18 462 363 966625 18348 16589 SLHZ1080MD-12 1787 301.7 608161 12323 11320
SLHZ1080MD-12 1109.5 527 31.5 29 9.5 19 497 390.3 1043663 19752 17959 SLHZ1180MA-12 1787 311.9 642290 12867 11810
SLHZ1180MB-12 1787 319.7 670975 13370 12309
SLHZ1180MA-12 1119.5 527 33 30 9.5 20 520 408.6 1104652 20724 18835
SLHZ1180MC-12 1787 337.2 709759 14127 12965
SLHZ1180MB-12 1120.5 527 35 32 9.5 20 538 422.5 1155913 21623 19727 SLHZ1180MD-12 1787 348.2 748457 14782 13684
SLHZ1180MC-12 1119.5 527 38 34 9.5 22 578 453.8 1225220 22975 20899
SLHZ1180MD-12 1120.5 527 41 36 9.5 22 603 473.5 1294373 24146 22184
Sections System Width Weight Moment of Section Modulus Section Modulus
SLHZ680MLT* 660.5 527 14 17 10.5 14 274 215 212640 7015 5949 Anchura de Sistema Inertia Mdulos de Seccin Mdulos de Seccin
Secciones a Peso Momento de Inercia Wely Wely
SLHZ880MA-12 860.5 527 20 20 10.5 13 317 249 424125 10600 9213
mm kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m cm3/m
SLHZ880MB-12 860.5 527 21.5 22 10.5 15 349 274.3 460558 11355 10123
SLHZ680MLT* 2127 197.6 148912 5181 4679
SLHZ880MC-12 860.5 527 23.5 23.5 10.5 15 363 285.7 484512 11933 10661 SLHZ880MA-12 2127 213.6 248341 6866 6214
SLHZ880MB-12 2127 225.5 265470 7221 6642
SLHZ1080MA-12 1110.5 527 21.5 21.5 10.5 16 397 312.2 823972 15772 14011
SLHZ880MC-12 2127 230.9 276732 7493 6895
SLHZ1080MB-12 1110.5 527 24.3 24 10.5 16 420 329.8 887485 16931 15135 SLHZ1080MA-12 2127 243.3 436327 9298 8470
SLHZ1080MC-12 1110.5 527 26.5 26 10.5 18 462 363 966933 18321 16592 SLHZ1080MB-12 2127 251.6 466188 9843 8998
SLHZ1080MC-12 2127 267.2 503540 10496 9683
SLHZ1080MD-12 1110.5 527 30 29 10.5 19 497 390.3 1044110 19735 17957
SLHZ1080MD-12 2127 280.1 539824 11161 10325
SLHZ1180MA-12 1120.5 527 31.5 30 10.5 20 520 408.6 1105323 20715 18833 SLHZ1180MA-12 2127 288.7 568603 11622 10737
SLHZ1180MB-12 1120.5 527 33.5 32 10.5 20 538 422.5 1154874 21595 19717 SLHZ1180MB-12 2127 295.2 591899 12035 11152
SLHZ1180MC-12 2127 309.9 625494 12684 11709
SLHZ1180MC-12 1120.5 527 36.5 34 10.5 22 578 453.8 1226329 22974 20901
SLHZ1180MD-12 2127 319.2 658061 13234 12314
SLHZ1180MD-12 1120.5 527 39.5 36 10.5 22 603 473.5 1295600 24145 22188

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Nominal Wall Thickness mm

mm 5 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25.4
Tubular Pipe Pile


Pilote de Tubo
SSAW Tube Specifications Table 2620
Nominal Wall Thickness mm 2820
mm 5 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25.4
219 3120
273 3200
We also offer pipe pile with hot rolled and cold rolled clutch
813 Pipe Pile with Hot Rolled Clutch Pipe Pile with Hot Rolled Clutch
Pipe Pile with Cold Rolled Clutch Pipe Pile with Cold Rolled Clutch

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Muro Combinado OZ
OZ Combi Wall

Diameter Thickness Moment of Elastic section Sectional Mass Intermediary Sheet Piles: Doible SLZ18-1

inertia modulus area

D T I W A G interlock weight b Mass Isys/m Wsys/m

Diameter Thickness Moment of Elastic section Sectional Mass Intermediary Sheet Piles: Doible SLZ18-1
inertia modulus area mm mm cm4 cm3 cm2 kg/m (kg/m/2pile) m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m

D T I W A G interlock weight b Mass Isys/m Wsys/m 1600 17 2648510 33106 845.4 663.7 22.6 2.940 284.0 915520 11444
mm mm cm4 cm3 cm2 kg/m (kg/m/2pile) m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
1600 18 2799030 34990 894.6 702.2 22.6 2.940 297.1 966717 12084
864 10 244620 5665 268.3 210.6 22.6 2.204 173.3 130553 3022
1626 18 2939310 36155 909.3 713.8 22.6 2.966 298.4 1005539 12368
864 12 291510 6750 321.2 252.1 22.6 2.204 192.2 151828 3515
864 14 337720 7820 373.8 293.5 22.6 2.204 210.9 172794 4000 1626 20 3253820 40020 1009.1 792.1 22.6 2.966 324.8 1111577 13673

900 10 276880 6150 279.6 219.5 22.6 2.240 174.5 142856 3175 1626 22 3565970 43860 1108.6 870.3 22.6 2.966 351.2 1216820 14967
914 10 290150 6350 284.0 222.9 22.6 2.254 174.9 147856 3235
1700 17 3182770 37445 898.8 705.6 22.6 3.040 288.5 1061147 12484
914 11 318110 6960 312.0 245.0 22.6 2.254 184.7 160261 3507
1700 18 3364030 39575 951.1 746.6 22.6 3.040 302.0 1120772 13186
914 12 345890 7570 340.0 266.9 22.6 2.254 194.5 172586 3776
914 14 400890 8770 395.8 310.7 22.6 2.254 213.9 196987 4310 1700 19 3544640 41700 1003.4 787.7 22.6 3.040 315.5 1180184 13885

1000 11 417920 8360 341.8 268.3 22.6 2.340 187.9 197025 3940 1800 18 4000370 44450 1007.7 791.0 22.6 3.140 306.5 1287735 14308
1016 12 476980 9390 378.5 297.1 22.6 2.356 198.9 220755 4346
1800 19 4215560 46840 1063.0 834.5 22.6 3.140 320.4 1356267 15070
1016 14 553190 10890 440.7 346.0 22.6 2.356 219.6 253102 4982
1800 20 4430010 49220 1118.4 878.0 22.6 3.140 334.2 1424563 15828
1016 16 628480 12370 502.7 394.6 22.6 2.356 240.2 285059 5611
1100 13 655770 11920 443.9 348.5 22.6 2.440 213.1 286430 5208 1829 18 4198850 45915 1024.1 803.9 22.6 3.169 307.8 1338583 14637

1118 13 688890 12320 451.3 354.3 22.6 2.458 213.9 297806 5327 1829 20 4650060 50850 1136.6 892.3 22.6 3.169 335.7 1480965 16194
1200 13 853900 14230 484.8 380.6 22.6 2.540 217.3 353157 5886
1829 22 5098250 55750 1248.9 980.4 22.6 3.169 363.5 1622394 17741
1200 14 917280 15290 521.6 409.5 22.6 2.540 228.7 378109 6302
1900 19 4966200 52275 1222.7 881.4 22.6 3.240 324.9 1546086 16275
1219 14 962070 15785 530.0 416.0 22.6 2.559 229.5 392805 6445
1219 16 1094090 17950 604.7 474.7 22.6 2.559 252.5 444395 7291 1900 20 5219300 54940 1181.2 927.3 22.6 3.240 339.1 1624203 17097

1219 18 1224780 20095 679.1 533.1 22.6 2.559 275.3 495466 8129 1900 21 5471590 57595 1239.6 973.1 22.6 3.240 353.2 1702070 17917
1300 14 1169400 17990 565.6 444.0 22.6 2.640 233.1 459287 7066
2000 20 6097190 60970 1244.0 976.6 22.6 3.340 343.7 1838416 18384
1300 15 1250030 19230 605.5 475.4 22.6 2.640 245.0 489829 7536
2000 21 6392420 63925 1305.6 1024.9 22.6 3.340 358.2 1926808 19268
1321 15 1312310 19870 615.4 483.1 22.6 2.661 246 509368 7712
1321 16 1396610 21145 656.0 514.9 22.6 2.661 257.9 541048 8191 2000 22 6686750 66870 1367.0 1073.2 22.6 3.340 372.6 2014931 20149

1400 15 1565130 22360 652.7 512.3 22.6 2.740 249.5 586952 8385 2032 20 6397590 62970 1264.2 992.4 22.6 3.372 345.1 1910056 18800
1400 16 1665890 23800 695.7 546.1 22.6 2.740 261.9 623726 8910
2032 22 7016540 69060 1389.2 1090.5 22.6 3.372 374.2 2093612 20606
1400 17 1766200 25230 738.6 579.8 22.6 2.740 274.2 660335 9433
2032 24 7631750 75115 1514.0 1188.5 22.6 3.372 403.3 2276058 22402
1422 16 1746590 24565 706.7 554.8 22.6 2.762 262.9 647975 9114
1422 18 1956610 27520 793.9 623.2 22.6 2.762 287.7 724014 10183 2540 21 13182380 103800 1661.9 1304.6 22.6 3.880 380.4 3408634 26840

1422 20 2164820 30450 880.9 691.5 22.6 2.762 312.4 799398 11243 2540 23 14403690 113415 1818.7 1427.7 22.6 3.880 412.1 3723404 29318
1500 16 2053680 27380 745.9 585.6 22.6 2.840 266.5 738309 9844
2540 25 15619130 122985 1975.3 1550.6 22.6 3.880 443.8 4036662 31785
1500 17 2177660 29035 792.0 621.7 22.6 2.840 279.3 781964 10426
2997 21 21737000 145060 1963.4 1541.2 22.6 4.337 394.9 5021932 33513
1524 16 2154930 28280 758.0 595.0 22.6 2.864 267.6 767475 10072
1524 17 2285090 29990 804.8 631.8 22.6 2.864 280.4 812922 10668 2997 23 23759460 158555 2148.9 1686.9 22.6 4.337 428.5 5488259 36625

1524 18 2414730 31690 851.6 668.5 22.6 2.864 293.3 858187 11262 2997 25 25773720 171995 2334.2 1832.3 22.6 4.337 462.0 5952695 39724
1524 20 2672450 35070 945.0 741.8 22.6 2.864 318.9 948173 12443
1600 16 2497410 31220 796.2 625.0 22.6 2.940 270.9 864125 10802

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Elastic Section
Section Width Height Sectional Area Mass Moment of Inertia
b h y-y z-z y-y z-z
mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3

Pilote de Caja
SLBU Double Box Piles
SLBU14-2 750 455 198 155.8 55936 139274 2459 3472
Box Pile

SLBU16-2 750 463 219 172.6 65410 156639 2825 3898

SLBU18-2 750 493 225 177 76032 162682 3084 4048
SLBU20-2 750 515 247 193.8 87420 178321 3394 4411
SLBU23-2 750 560 260 204.2 109273 193298 3902 4770
SLBU25-2 750 568 281 220.8 123078 212951 4333 5260
SLCU Double Box Piles
SLCU12-2 600 407 168 132.2 34526 78082 1696 2386
SLCU12*-2 600 410 177 139.2 36902 81583 1800 2498
SLCU18-2 600 506 196 153.8 62198 93373 2458 2850
SLCU22-2 600 542 219 172.2 82306 108703 3034 3308
SLCU28-2 600 623 259 203.6 122256 128536 3924 3898
SLCU32-2 600 665 290 228.2 147836 141437 4446 4254
SLGU Double Box Piles
SLGU7N-2 600 345 112 88.2 16341 48273 946 1501
SLGU7S-2 600 357 117 92.6 18513 51801 1035 1605
SLGU14N-2 600 474 164 128.6 45729 75036 1929 2319
SLGU18N-2 600 476 195 153.8 59052 95907 2481 2945
SLGU22N-2 600 542 219 172.2 82306 108703 3034 3308
SLGU28N-2 600 623 259 203.6 122256 128536 3924 3898
SLGU32N-2 600 665 290 228.2 147836 141437 4446 4254
SLGU16-2 400 431 158 124 32483 35644 1505 1566

Section Width Height Sectional Area Mass Moment of Inertia Elastic Section Modulus

y-y z-z y-y z-z

mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3

SLBU Quadruple Box Piles

SLBU14-4 1237 1237 396 311.6 722734 11683

SLBU16-4 1245 1245 438 345.2 814727 13087

SLBU18-4 1275 1275 450 354 863672 13551

SLBU20-4 1300 1300 494 387.6 959575 14758

SLBU23-4 1347 1347 520 408.4 1065503 15817

SLBU25-4 1353 1353 562 441.6 1166446 17242

SLCU Quadruple Box Piles

SLCU12-4 1041 1041 336 264.4 410975 7894

Section Width Height Sectional Area Mass Moment of Inertia Elastic Section Modulus
y-y z-z y-y z-z SLCU12*-4 1041 1041 354 278.4 431878 8294
mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3
SLBU Triple Box Piles SLCU18-4 1141 1141 392 307.6 540696 9475
SLBU14-3 1030 895 297 233.7 317629 6891 6188
SLCU22-4 1177 1177 438 344.4 640739 10886
SLBU16-3 1045 911 329 258.9 359486 7754 6880
SLBU18-3 1075 936 338 265.5 384387 8157 7151
SLCU28-4 1258 1258 518 407.2 812717 12925
SLBU20-3 1084 945 371 290.7 427446 8927 7885
SLBU23-3 1138 991 390 306.3 480695 9710 8451 SLCU32-4 1302 1302 580 456.4 932977 14327
SLBU25-3 1155 1006 422 331.2 529240 10518 9158
SLCU Triple Box Piles SLGU Quadruple Box Piles
SLCU12-3 844 736 252 198.3 181506 4714 4299
SLCU12*-3 844 736 266 208.8 190880 4955 4524 SLGU7N-4 973 973 224 176.4 247502 5087
SLCU18-3 942 820 294 230.7 245776 6009 5218
SLCU22-3 994 866 329 258.3 295696 6837 5945 SLGU7S-4 987 987 234 185.2 265692 5382
SLCU28-3 1056 920 389 305.4 381028 8323 7215
SLGU14N-4 1102 1102 328 257.2 428343 7771
SLCU32-3 1076 938 435 342.3 438434 9437 8146
SLGU Triple Box Piles SLGU18N-4 1107 1107 390 307.6 533733 9640
SLGU7N-3 755 698 168 132.3 106858 2933 2830
SLGU7S-3 776 705 176 138.9 115382 3130 2974 SLGU22N-4 1177 1177 438 344.4 640739 10886
SLGU14N-3 897 781 246 192.9 193038 4851 4305
SLGU18N-3 943 822 293 230.7 243122 5921 5157 SLGU28N-4 1258 1258 518 407.2 812717 12925
SLGU22N-3 995 867 329 258.3 295696 6838 5945
SLGU28N-3 1056 920 389 305.4 381028 8323 7215 SLGU32N-4 1302 1302 580 456.4 932977 14327
SLGU32N-3 1076 938 435 342.3 438434 9438 8146
SLGU16-4 865 865 316 248 222920 5156
SLGU16-3 714 623 237 186 103634 3350 2903

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Section Width Height Sectional Area Mass Moment of Inertia Elastic Section Modulus Section Width Height Sectional Area Mass Moment of Inertia Elastic Section Modulus

b h y-y z-z y-y z-z b h y-y z-z y-y z-z

Pilote de Caja
mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3
Box Pile

SLBZ-800 Box Piles SLBZ48-700 1400 1100 710 558 979706 972518 17810 13069

SLBZ18-800 1600 1100 363 285 403146 660560 8062 7973 SLBZ50-700 1400 1060 745 585 969692 1011459 18258 13568

SLBZ20-800 1600 980 400 314 424483 729312 8663 8785 SLBZ52-700 1400 1100 754 592 1047444 1026295 19044 13766

SLBZ22-800 1600 1000 435 342 472528 814447 9450 9815 SLBZ Box Piles

SLBZ23-800 1600 1060 422 332 528259 770678 9967 9278 SLBZ18 1260 760 332 261 222966 365963 5868 5564

SLBZ25-800 1600 1040 459 361 558547 826026 10741 9954 SLBZ26 1260 940 440 346 434571 494569 9245 7472

SLBZ27-800 1600 1040 496 390 599858 889766 11535 10734 SLBZ46 1160 1080 595 467 781244 555517 14467 8974

SLBZ-750 Box Piles SLBZ48 1160 1137 628 493 888991 600685 15637 9676

SLBZ28-750 1500 1120 453 356 625406 732887 11167 9399 SLBZ50 1160 1140 661 519 922927 641608 16191 10258

SLBZ30-750 1500 1100 490 385 663809 772719 12069 9913

SLBZ32-750 1500 1120 527 414 732588 837922 13081 10706

SLBZ-770 & 700 Box Piles

SLBZ12-770 1540 688 327 257 178233 553348 5181 6929

SLBZ13-770 1540 688 343 270 183384 588274 5330 7369

SLBZ14-770-9.5 1540 690 360 283 192100 616030 5568 7723

SLBZ14-770-10.0 1540 690 375 295 200533 637616 5812 8000

SLBZ12-700 1400 628 303 238 137425 424714 4376 5822

SLBZ13-700-9.5 1400 630 332 261 150896 462841 4791 6361

SLBZ13-700-10.0 1400 632 346 272 158123 480298 5003 6606

SLBZ14-700 1400 632 361 284 164313 505768 5200 6944

SLBZ17-700 1400 840 329 259 268067 453579 6382 6226

SLBZ18-700 1400 840 346 272 278285 479242 6625 6585

SLBZ20-700 1400 842 378 297 303562 524854 7208 7200

SLBZ24-700 1400 918 435 342 419619 604745 9142 8287

SLBZ26-700 1400 920 468 368 444687 653882 9666 8947

SLBZ28-700 1400 922 503 395 478977 706933 10389 9634

SLBZ36-700N 1400 1080 533 419 713289 721000 13209 9821

SLBZ38-700N 1400 1140 569 447 828514 782243 14535 10633

SLBZ40-700N 1400 1100 606 476 824621 829791 14993 11279

SLBZ42-700N 1400 1100 645 507 870644 897751 15830 12148

SLBZ44-700N 1400 1080 674 529 885750 934311 16403 12568

SLBZ46-700N 1400 1050 708 556 891248 971946 16976 13062

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Classification Minimum Yield Ultimate Tensile Minimum Elongation

Proteccin contra la corrosin


Region Code Grade Mpa min. Mpa min. % min.


Grados de Acero
ASTM A252 Grade 1 205 345 18

ASTM A252 Grade 2 240 415 14

Z Sheet Pile

ASTM A252 Grade 3 310 455 -


ASTM A572 Grade 42 290 415 20

ASTM A572 Grade 50 345 450 18

ASTM A572 Grade 55 380 485 17

ASTM A572 Grade 60 415 520 16

ASTM A572 Grade 65 450 550 15

ASTM A690 A690 345 485 18

API 5L PSL1 X42 290 415 -

API 5L PSL1 X46 320 435 -

API 5L PSL1 X52 360 460 -

API 5L PSL1 X56 390 490 -

API 5L PSL1 X60 415 520 -

With years of technical development in coating jobs, Shunli is committed to providing high quality Corrosion Protection Systems that prevent
corrosion and extend the life of steel sheet pile and pipe pile. Shunli have professional in-house blasting and painting facilities that can provide a API 5L PSL1 X65 450 535 -

wide range of coating solutions from light primers to heave duty marine protections. API 5L PSL1 X70 485 570 -

The advanced facilities allow Shunli to fulfill clients different requirements. The blasting procedure will heavily influence the final coating effect, CSA 40.21 260W 260 590 20
thus we are using a mixture consists of 25% steel ball and 75% steel grit, which will help form peak and valley and as a result will increase the
coating adhesion on the steel surface.Pile surfaces are prepared for coating application in accordance with ISO 8501, which could reach SA2.5 CSA 40.21 300W 300 620 20
and SA3.0. CSA 40.21 350W 350 650 20

After surface preparation, coatings are applied to the piles in accordance with ISO 12944. Both blasting and painting are conducted in accordance CSA 40.21 400W 400 690 19
with the strictest conditions specified by the standards and the paint manufacturers. Environment including temperature, humidity, steel surface
EN 10248 S240GP 240 340 26
temperature and dew point are strictly checked and controlled before each coating job starts. Painting teams are not allowed to work when the
circumstance is not suitable for doing such jobs. EN 10248 S270GP 270 410 24

We are providing protective packing method to those coated products before delivery, ensuring the products from been damaged during transit. EN 10248 S320GP 320 440 23

EN 10248 S355GP 355 480 22

We have widely cooperated with domestic painting suppliers and also some international brand suppliers such as PPG, Hempel, AkzoNobel,
Cosco Kansai and Jotun. We are following strict process control system while doing coating jobs. EN 10248 S390GP 390 490 20
EN 10248 S430GP 430 510 19
Con aos de desarrollo tcnico en trabajos de revestimiento,se ha comprometido a proporcionar sistemas de proteccin contra la corrosin de
EN 10025 S460 460 540 17
alta calidad que evita la corrosin y prolonga la vida til de tablestacas y pilotes de tubo. Shunli tiene instalaciones profesionales de arenadora
y revestimiento en el taller que pueden proporcionar una amplia gama de soluciones de revestimiento desde la imprimacin hasta protecciones EN 10025 S235JR 235 360 17
marinas de alta resistencia.
EN 10025 S275JR 275 410 15
El procedimiento de voladura influir en gran medida el efecto finalde recubrimiento, por lo tanto estamos utilizando una mezcla consiste en 25%
EN 10025 S355JR 355 470 14
bola de acero y 75% arena de acero, lo que ayudar a formar el "pico" y "valle", y como resultado, aumentar la adherencia del recubrimiento sobre
la superficie de acero. Las superficies del pilote se preparan para la aplicacin de revestimiento de acuerdo con la norma ISO 8501, lo que podr Australia AS 3678 350 350 450 20
llegar a SA2.5 y SA3.0.
China GB/T 700 Q235B 235 500 26
Despus de la preparacin de superficie, el recubrimientos se aplican al pilote de acuerdo con la norma ISO 12944. Tanto el chorreo y la pintura
GB/T 1591 Q345B 345 630 20
se llevan a cabo de acuerdo con las ms estrictas condiciones especificadas por las normas y los fabricantes de pintura. El medio ambiente,
incluyendo la temperatura, la humedad, la temperatura de la superficie de acero y el punto de roco ser comprobado terminantemente antes GB/T 1591 Q345C 345 630 21
del comienzo de cada trabajo de recubrimiento. El equipos de revestimiento no se permite trabajar cuando la circunstancia no es adecuado para China
hacer este tipo de trabajos. GB/T 1591 Q390B 390 650 20

GB/T 1591 Q420B 420 680 19

Tambin ofrecemos mtodos de embalaje de proteccin a los productos recubiertos.
JIS A5528 SY295 295 490 17
Hemos cooperado ampliamente con los proveedores nacionales de pintura y tambin algunos proveedores de marcas internacionales tales como Japan
PPG, Hempel, AkzoNobel, Cosco Kansai y Jotun. Seguimos un estricto sistema de control del proceso al hacer trabajos de revestimiento. JIS A5528 SY390 390 540 15

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Relevant Service & Product Standard

Tablestaca &
product or Service Standard
Pile SLZ

Steel Sheet Pile EN10249, GB/T 29654-2013, ASTM A328

Tubular Pipe Pile API 5L, ASTM A252, EN10219
Welding AWS D1.1, AS1554, EN1011, CSA W59, GB50661-2011
Coating ISO 8501, ISO 12944

Cold-formed Sheet Pile Tolerances based on EN10249-2 (Dimension in mm)

Z Sheet


Designation Figure Nominal Dimension Tolerances

h200 4
200h300 6
Height (h)
300h400 8
400h 10

Single Pile 2%W

Width (w)
Double Pile 3%W

t=3.0 0.26
The tolerances on the wall thickness
3.0t4.0 0.27
of the profiles shall comply with the
4.0t5.0 0.29
Thickness (t) requirements of Table 2 of EN 10051,
5.0t6.0 0.31
for a nominal width of strip and sheet
6.0t8.0 0.35
over 1800 mm.
8.0t10.0 0.40

Bending Deflection 0.25%L


Dimension 2%L or 100mm

Length(L) 50

Shunli is aiming to offer his clients with one-stop service in piling projects. Accessories such as tie rods, cold rolled clutch and
hot-rolled clutch, waling beams (Angle steel, U channels and H beams), Hollow sections (RHS & SHS), bolts and nuts are all Mass
available to be procured from Shunli. Difference between total actual and theoretical mass delivered

Shunli tiene el objetivo de ofrecer a nuestros clientes el servicio one-stop en los proyectos de tablestacas. Los accesorios tales
Squareness of Ends 2% of width
como varillas, candados en fro y en caliente, vigas (ngulo de acero, canales u y vigas H), perfiles huecos (RHS & SHS), pernos
y tuercas estn disponibles en Shunli.

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Presentacin de Proyectos

Shiplock Expansion Project Central Fishing Port Project in Sanya, Hainan

Reclamation Project for Phase I of Oufei Project, Wenzhou South Jiangsu Cannal Improvement Project

Fishing Port in Erjiegou, Panjin Suzhou Project

Grand Canal Project Pingshen Line, Shanghai

Leading manufacturer of sheet pile in the world

Presentacin de Proyectos
Projects Presentation

Panama Project Russia Project

Houston Channel Project USA Reservoir Project Madagascar

Augusta Tourism wharf in Sicily Italy GOVA Project Netherlands

Palermo Project Italy

Project in Netherlands

Montoir Project France Project Metairie, Louisiana USA

Kota Kinabalu Project Malaysia

Strikes foot in China
Covers the globe

TEL: 0086-25-84722733



FAX: 0086-25-84730966

MOBILE: 0086-13905190622

QQ: 477798703 ; 236979001

SKYPE: joannaxh-xh, kevin-xu21

ADD(OFFICE): Apt,3405,New World Center Building B,

No.88 Zhujiang Road, 210008, Nanjing, China

ADD(MILL): NO2, Shunli Road, Nanjing Riverside Economic &

Technology Developmant Zone. 211178, Nanjing, China

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