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JULY/AUGUST 2004 $2.

by Mike Hayden

Circle K Acquisition Would Be Win/Win

n recent months there has been much talk across

I the state about the Kansas Department of Wildlife

and Parks proposal to purchase a 7,000-acre
ranch in Edwards County called the Circle K. The
When I was young, I enjoyed quail
hunting and fishing. It was easy to find
Circle K lies in the sand-sage prairie region along the the space. My grandparents both had
Arkansas River. Currently owned by the cities of good-sized Kansas farms. I didnt need any
Hays and Russell, the property is leased for irrigated public park.
farming. Now, the grandparents are old or have
In the coming months I plan to use my On Point died. The land has been sold. I still enjoy
columns to share my thoughts about why this project the outdoors; fishing, hiking, and bicycling
is so critical to the state of Kansas. Ill discuss issues with my eight-year-old. The problem now
such as sustainable water use, habitat restoration, the is finding the places to do these activities.
importance of public lands, and how the project will Not every Kansan has the family farm
be funded. to romp on. When I was young, I was dis-
More than anything, the Circle K represents a connected with the town kids who didnt
unique opportunity to move toward sustainable have access to land. I think some of the leg-
water use in the basin. Discontinuing irrigation on islators in Kansas are disconnected with
much of the ranch is important in the Middle the majority of Kansans.
Arkansas River Basin where water has been used so Much of my memorable outdoor time
heavily that the river doesnt even flow above comes from Missouri or Colorado. Kansas
ground as it passes through the Circle K. Reduction has wonderful opportunities if you know
of water usage is essential for the continued viability the people with the land. I dont know
of agriculture in central and western Kansas. those people. It is frustrating to see some
Furthermore, by making the ranch publicly acces- people in southwest Kansas not happy
sible for many outdoor recreation activities, over the Circle K.
including hunting, hiking, mountain biking, and
wildlife watching, the economy of the area will
become more diversified. Because Kansas ranks 49
out of the 50 states when comparing the amount of I hope you will follow this column in the coming
public land, a purchase like this has tremendous sig- issues to learn why the Circle K is such a critically
nificance to an increasingly urban and suburban important and unique opportunity. We must move
Kansas population. toward sustainable water use and increase the eco-
I recently received a letter from a man who lives in nomic viability of the surrounding area, while pro-
Lawrence that perfectly describes why the Circle K viding all Kansans more outdoor recreation
project is needed. Following is a section from that opportunities.
July/August 2004 Vol. 61, No. 4
1 On Point
Circle K Acquisition Would Be Win/Win by Mike Hayden

2 Cattail Battles
Recent dry-weather patterns have allowed staff to get the upper
hand on cattails at Cheyenne Bottoms. by Karl Grover
9 Digital Future
Its the digital age of photography, and a longtime professional GOVERNOR
photographer has jumped in with both feet. by Mike Blair Kathleen Sebelius

15 Trading Spaces John Dykes, Chairman, Shawnee Mission
In this team effort, an unwanted honey bee swarm is removed John Fields, Pittsburg
and taken to a new home. by Barbara Blaufuss Lori Hall, Salina
Dr. James Harrington, Liberal
18 Droughts Impact
Drought conditions are generally a hardship on fish and
Doug Sebelius, Norton
Shari L. Wilson, Kansas City
wildlife, but there can be some benefits. by Tommie Berger Kelly Johnston, Wichita

25 Mabel
Stories and wisdom gathered through time are traded for
Secretary Mike Hayden
Ass't. Secretary/Admin. Richard Koerth
friendship and a fish dinner. by Mike Blair Ass't. Secretary/Operations Keith Sexson
Director of Administrative Svcs. Cindy Livingston
28 Stream Team
Crews gather valuable information about aquatic life in Kansas
Director of Fisheries & Wildlife Joe Kramer
Director of Parks Jerold (Jerry) Hover
streams and rivers. by Kristen Hase Director of Law Enforcement Kevin Jones
33 Wild Currents Chief of Information and Education
edited by J. Mark Shoup Bob Mathews
Editor Mike Miller
45 Backlash Associate Editor J. Mark Shoup
Go Fishing Signs by Mike Miller Photographer/Associate Editor Mike Blair
Illustrator Dustin Teasley
Staff Writer Marc Murrell
Circulation Bev Aldrich
KANSAS WILDLIFE & PARKS (ISSN 0898-6975) is pub-
lished bimonthly (every other month) by the Kansas
Department of Wildlife and Parks, 1020 S Kansas Ave.,
Topeka, KS 66612. Address editorial correspondence to
Kansas Wildlife & Parks Magazine, 512 SE 25th Ave.,
Pratt, KS 67124 (620) 672-5911. Send subscription requests
to Kansas Wildlife & Parks Magazine, P.O. Box 8059, Red Oak,
IA 51591. Subscription rate: one year $10; two years $18; and
three years $27. Articles in the magazine may be reprinted
with permission. Periodical postage paid at Pratt, KS and
additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address
28 changes to Kansas Wildlife & Parks Magazine, P.O. Box
8059, Red Oak, IA 51591. For subscription inquiries call toll-
free 1 800 288-8387.
Front Cover: Drought is
helping Cheyenne Bottoms Editorial Creed: To promote the conservation and wise use of our natural resources,
staff to remove cattails and to instill an understanding of our responsibilities to the land.
restore the wetland to Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs described herein is avail-
former glory. Mike Blair able to all individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or
filmed this scene with a handicap. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to Office of the Secretary, Kansas
Department of Wildlife and Parks, 1020 S Kansas Ave., Topeka, KS 66612.
55mm lens, f/16 @
1/125th sec. Back: Drought
concentrates rough fish, Kansas Department of Wildlife Parks Website
making easy prey for wading
birds. Blair filmed this great magazine e-mail
blue heron with a 600mm
lens, f/5.6 @ 1/500th sec.

by Karl Grover
Cheyenne Bottoms area manager, Great Bend
photos by Mike Blair
associate editor/photographer, Pratt

Siltation and the normal aging process of a marsh make

cattail control increasingly difficult at Cheyenne Bottoms.
However, the silver lining of the latest Kansas drought is
that it has allowed management staff to get ahead in the
ongoing cattail battles.

he sun peeks over the horizon. Wisps
of fog hang over the waters surface,
and small shelves of ice cling to
plants and soil. Duck decoys rock gently
with the waves. A flock of 11 mallards
appears in the distance. Skilled calling
entices the group to approach and join the
birds resting below. On their third pass,
they make a final approach. From 35 yards,
hunters select their green-headed targets
and test their shotgunning skills.
This once common scene has played out
too seldom the past couple of years at
Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area since a
nearly three-year drought limited water
entering the basin. By the fall of 2003, only
one of nine pools had water, nearly elimi-

nating duck hunting opportuni- the Bottoms. With two years of succession. An aging Cheyenne
ties. Goose hunting, while not poor water habitat, was there Bottoms has predictably illus-
the best, was still available, and any good to come of it? The trated this model. Over time, silt
more than 780 hunters returned answer to that question is a carried by erosion from sur-
the required Daily Hunt Permits resounding, Yes! rounding high ground was
in 2003-2004. Birdwatchers had For the past eight years, the deposited in the Bottoms low
some decent shorebird viewing staff at Cheyenne Bottoms has areas. Wetlands became shal-
opportunities the past two years, kept busy taking advantage of lower, allowing cattails to
since birds were forced by low dry weather. The hidden become established. In time, cat-
water to within 50 yards of the blessing of drought allows nec- tails covered square miles of this
main dike road. Pheasant essary habitat improvement in 19,000-acre waterfowl area.
hunters had more than 5,000 the marsh. Most notably, this Efforts to reverse this problem
acres of additional dry land to involves cattail control. Recent have been the chief management
walk in search of their quarry. events, coupled with accelerated activity at Cheyenne Bottoms for
Likewise, deer hunters had ecological processes, have added decades. But cattail control is dif-
much more ground than usual to a note of urgency to the work ficult. Spraying is costly and can
cover. But Cheyenne Bottoms is routine. affect desirable plants, and cat-
first and foremost a waterfowl It is a biological fact that any tails are extremely hardy and
area. The majority of hunters wetland will eventually be over- resistant to mechanical control.
and birdwatchers who visit the grown with emergent plants like Disking the plants to chop and
property look for the many cattails. Open water gradually destroy tuberous roots is the best
species of waterbirds that stop at disappears. This process is called control method but relies on dry

Cattails quickly take over shallow-water areas, and during wet-weather patterns, it can be almost impossible for management staff at
Cheyenne Bottoms to reduce cattail coverage. Large, dense stands of cattail reduce the areas value to wildlife and hunters.

In the 1993 USDA aerial image of Cheyenne Bottoms on the left, large areas covered with dense cattail growth. However, the
1999 USDA photo at right shows the the open water results of intensive control efforts.

conditions both to farm the tractor was obtained in 2003. dry, and another burn is con-
plants and dry them out. In This equipment, coupled with ducted to re-expose the soil for
years of normal rainfall, it is dif- the renovation effort completed disking or scraping.
ficult to disk these wetland in 1998 (see Kansas Wildlife and To complicate matters, one
plants, and chopped roots have Parks magazines, March/April disking does not kill cattails.
adequate moisture to overcome 1992 and September/October Seldom do two diskings work.
injury, anyway. The recent pro- 1998) has greatly increased the Normally, three or four trips
longed drought has allowed a staffs effectiveness in managing over the plants are required
window of opportunity to help a marsh the size of Cheyenne during a two-year treatment
Cheyenne Bottoms recover from Bottoms. before cattails actually die.
cattail invasion. Before equipment can be Disking improves the marsh
Cheyenne Bottoms has employed in the cattail war, habitat by re-opening solid
approximately 13,000 wetland pools first have to be dried. stands of cattail, and it also
acres. Until the mid-1990s, inad- Structure renovation, sub- favors the growth of annual wet-
equate equipment combined dividing pools and construction land plants. Many annuals pro-
with wet conditions hindered of pump stations, has made this duce seeds that ducks eat.
the fight against succession of task easier. Once a unit is dry, Annual plants are most com-
the marsh. Tractors with less residual plant material is monly associated with marshes
than 80 horsepower ratings and removed (usually by burning) to in the early stages of succession.
12-foot disks were simply too allow a disk to penetrate the Disking, however, does nothing
small to accomplish substantial ground deeply enough to expose to address the primary cause of
habitat reclamation. In 1995, the cattail root systems. Most years, cattail establishment silt accu-
Kansas Department of Wildlife burned cattails must be disked mulation. In other words,
and Parks (KDWP) purchased a immediately to prevent disking merely treats the
30-foot tandem disk. The fol- regrowth, which prevents proper symptom of marsh succession.
lowing year, a 280-horsepower disking. Weather and unit size Removing the silt actually
tracked Challenger tractor was can affect this timing. If reverses the aging process, at
added to the inventory. In 1998, regrowth does occur before least on a limited basis. This is
a second 30-foot disk was disking is complete, mowers where the scraper is useful.
acquired, and a pull-type scraper must be used. Sixteen and 20- Scrapes were originally
was purchased for KDWP by the foot sickle bar mowers were pur- located in pool perimeters where
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in chased for this purpose. Mowed cattails had become well estab-
2000. A second used Challenger material must then be allowed to lished. The removed silt could

Controlling cattails is no simple
matter. First, an area must be
drained and dry enough to
allow equipment in. Then the
cattails must be burned (oppo-
site page) to remove litter. If
regrowth occurs before
burning, mowing may be nec-
essary And finally the roots
must be disked. It normally
takes three or four passes with
a disk during a two-year treat-
ment to actually kill the plants.

of islands in the pools. The orig-

inal islands were built in the
1950s in association with 167
concrete hunting blinds placed
in the three hunting pools.
Island construction reached its
peak during the renovation with
the placement of 10 large (1 to 5
Level ditches have been acres) islands in Pools 3 and 4.
dug in many of the These islands were located in
hunting pools at the areas with dense, chronic cattail
Bottoms. These accom- stands and served as a consoli-
plish several purposes. dation structure for tons of silt
One is to provide hunter excavated from the adjacent pool
access to the interior of bottoms.
the marsh from perimeter As you might imagine,
then be easily placed on nearby parking lots. Pools 3 and 4 KDWP did not simply dry out
fire guards or food plots, away received the deepest and longest all 13,000 acres of wetland and
from the wetland. Removing silt of these ditches. Additional level start disking. A progression of
from the marsh also contributed ditches were dug in Pool 4. events has led to the present.
to diverse habitat available to These improve hunter access Most years, area staff worked
waterbirds. Scrapes are now and also serve as travel lanes for when weather conditions, reno-
used throughout the Bottoms. A duck broods hatched in the vation construction schedules, or
typical scrape measures 70 yards upland grasslands. Most duck research efforts allowed.
by 100 yards and is about 8 to 12 broods are raised in the marsh Basically, the time line was as
inches deep. The longevity of area where escape cover is easily follows.
these openings varies from one accessible. Spoil dirt from the In 1996, Pool 4 was dry to
to seven years, depending on a ditches forms adjacent islands. accommodate structural renova-
number of factors. In recent These add diversity to the marsh tion work. Since the tractor was
years, scrape emphasis has and provide loafing sites used acquired late in the year, few
shifted from main pools to pot- by many marsh-inhabiting acres were disked. The first
holes in the upland grass sur- species. scrapes were constructed in Pool
rounding the marsh. Many of One practice used at 4 late in 1995, using a rented
these potholes have become Cheyenne Bottoms since its scraper.
choked with cattails. development is the construction The first serious disking

began in Pool 4A in 1997. While Meanwhile in Pool 3B, we had re-established themselves in
that work was conducted, Pool disked about 460 acres. We also a low wet spot. With Pool 3 dry,
4B was drained to prepare it for sprayed 50 acres of cattails in we dug one scrape in Pool 3A
treatment. By July of that year, Pool 4A. The use of herbicide and seven more in Pool 3B.
4A was completed and 4B applications is limited, due pri- Spring rains of 2001 flooded
begun. From 1997 to 1998, Pools marily to cost, and the fact that Pool 2, which flowed into Pool 3,
4A and 4B were disked four chemicals kill good wetland impacting the cattle grazing pro-
times. Two additional scrapes plants as well as bad ones. In ject. It also flooded into Pool 3B,
were dug in Pool 4A. We con- 1999 our digging efforts focused where it irrigated areas disked
cluded work in Pool 4 in 1998 on cleaning out a mile-long the previous year. But following
and moved into Pool 3. boating channel in Pool 3B. the rains, disking was again
During September, we In 2000, we had the second accomplished on about 500 acres
mowed, burned, and twice year of the cattle project in Pool of cattails that had re-established
disked about 600 acres there. 3A. We were able to disk about in Pool 3B. Herbicides were
Two scrapes were also con- 1,000 acres of cattails in Pool 3B applied to approximately 100
structed in Pool 3B. twice, and sprayed about 180 acres in Pools 4A and 4B. These
In 1999, a three-year livestock acres. The chemicals were used pools were again developing a
grazing study was begun in Pool on a patch of cattails growing in large stand of cattails, and the
3A. This project sought to deter- a part of the pool that was too herbicide was applied in a
mine whether cattle could con- wet for a tractor and disk. We manner to break up these areas.
tribute to cattail control within also disked about 600 acres in Previous experience showed that
the marsh. (See Cattail Cattle Pool 5 and sprayed an additional once a large stand of cattails is
in the March/April 2002 issue.) 90 acres in Pool 4A where cattails segmented by disking or herbi-

cide application, muskrats move Dry weather continued into Through completion of the
in and enlarge openings through 2003. That year, we disked more recent structural renovation and
their use of remaining plants. than 2,000 acres in Pool 2, most acquisition of needed equip-
Wet conditions prevented the of it twice or more. We also ment, though, the staff at
use of the scraper in 2001. disked the shorebird nesting Cheyenne Bottoms should have
The drought of 2002 allowed area two times. Approximately a fighting chance to reverse the
us to turn the corner on cattail 1,200 acres in Pool 3 were disked aging of this valuable wildlife
control. Pool 2 was dry for the twice. Herbicides were applied area.
first time in more than 10 years. to more than 50 small plots of Now, early in 2004, one can
This allowed us to mow and disk phragmites. This wetland grass look across vast expanses of
2,060 acres in Pool 2. We also has recently showed up at the open marshland free of cattails
twice disked about 950 acres in Bottoms and can pose a severe for the first time in decades.
Pool 5. There was also great marsh threat due to its aggres- Effects of the drought dry
opportunity for silt removal. Two sive establishment. The Long pools are immediately evident,
upland scrapes were dug in Pool Lake project was completed, but this has been a blessing in
4B, and two scrapes were also reclaiming approximately 22 disguise. Hard work and hard
placed in Pool 5. A 10-acre upland acres of a cattail-choked pothole. weather have provided a
pothole was cleaned out in Pool 2. Marshland management tech- fighting chance to drastically
Historically, this pond provided niques have been used at restore Cheyenne Bottoms to its
excellent teal habitat but had Cheyenne Bottoms for decades. former glory. The future looks
become completely choked with Declining water availability, vig- bright for Kansas first Wetland
cattails. Additionally, we initiated orous hybridized cattails, and of International Importance.
the reclamation effort of Long natural accumulating silt are Now, just add water.
Lake, an upland area on the west problems that make manage-
side of Pool 2. ment even more difficult.

Cheyenne Bottoms renovations have allowed managers to move water more efficiently and
dry pools for cattail control. However, acquisition of specialized equipment such as a tracked
tractor (with scraper attached above) and large discs is also critical to successful management.

Digital Future text and photos by Mike Blair
associate editor/photographer, Pratt
Believe it. This dyed-in the-wool film burner has converted to the digital age.
Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks?
he buck appeared on the year-old 10-pointer, it was a expecting little. Normally, this

T ridge just as the sun was

breaking the horizon.
Drats! The deer would drop to
beauty, but not really big enough
to covet this early in season. The
deer worked toward a sunlit
lens, a heavy tripod, and ISO 100
Fujichrome film could deliver a
reasonably good wildlife scenic
the south, steering it away from opening about 200 yards away, at that distance. But I had nei-
the narrow cut that harbored my and then I remembered the dig- ther film nor tripod. Instead, Id
bowhunting stand. I raised my ital camera in my backpack. stuck the lens on my new D100
binoculars to judge the size. A 2- Idly, I picked it up and looked Nikon digital camera body, a
through the 200mm lens, combination that fit into my
hunting backpack. I wasnt plan-
ning to photograph, and figured
the digital would be better than turned out to be
nothing after all, our graphic an excellent
designer who insisted it was photo, and I was
time to move toward digital immediately
imaging had done the research, curious how the
bought the camera, and now I camera would
had the new-fangled thing. So I perform with a
tried it. real wildlife
Hand-holding the lens at a lens.
manual setting of f/4, 1/320 Next morning,
second, I snapped the silent I was back in my
shutter when the buck paused to blind, this time
look my way. By now, tendrils of with the digital
fog were playing among the camera attached
A display on the digital camera back provides instant review
cedars, lending a ghostly look to to a 600mm of composition, sharpness, and exposure. If you dont like it,
the scene. I pushed the review Nikkor lens and delete it and try again.
button, and zoomed the image Gitzo tripod.
on the data back until the buck When a pair of mature bucks normal 35mm frame of film. An
filled the two-inch screen. walked the same trail as their co- image focused onto the smaller
Hmmm. Sharper than I hort earlier, I got some terrific receiving area made a subject
expected. Nice lighting, too. I close-ups. Something about the appear closer and allowed more
put the camera away and picked photos was different better. telephoto effect with the same
up my bow. Maybe a second Only later did I realize my tele- lens. I had actually pho-
buck would come my way. photo lenses were longer tographed those deer with a
Later, at home, I plugged the when attached to a digital 960mm lens.
camera into a TV and checked camera more than 50 percent I began to experiment with
the photo at full screen size. It longer! This was because the digital daily, using it in all kinds
was immediately evident that image receiving area, known as of circumstances. The results
the image was good, very sharp the charge-coupled device were impressive. One by one,
and well saturated. I down- (CCD,) was smaller than a advantages became evident, and
loaded it to my laptop and
opened it in Adobe Photoshop 7,
tweaking the color and sharp-
ening even further. The snapshot

A small plastic card (left) serves as film in a digital camera. Images can be downloaded to a television monitor and zoomed to judge
sharpness before downloading to a computer. These are a few of the advantages digital photography offers.

within a month, I was using the ufacture films currently available digital manufacturers had devel-
new camera exclusively. for the indefinite future.) I admit oped much higher resolution
Meanwhile, professional out- to feeling no such nostalgia. My cameras, ranging from 11 to 15
door photographers argued in personal philosophy on filming megapixels. Capable of fabulous
trade journals about the dangers nature and wildlife is to use the saturation, these cameras are
of abandoning film, lack of ade- best means possible to capture very expensive and require huge
quate digital resolution, and the outdoors as it is. Digital amounts of memory for each
inaccuracies in image publica- imaging provides dramatic image taken. Given these draw-
tion. At Kansas Wildlife & Parks, advantages and actually backs, Im still comfortable with
we tentatively published our improves color and sharpness by the 6 megapixel camera. It easily
first digital images without fan- removing the need to scan produces sharp and colorful
fare. They looked fine. Then, film for printable separations. prints and reproductions up to
drawing from our first year of This can result in better maga- poster size. Because of this, I
digital pictures, we published zine images. recently purchased a similarly-
our first fully digital photo issue Following are the reasons I sized Nikon D70 as a backup
in January of this year. Judging now shoot digital exclusively. camera. The D70 has a number
by public comments, the new First, the camera. The Nikon of improved features with a
technology was well accepted. D100 was one of the earlier lower price tag. As camera
Numerous questions on digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cam- prices drop and features
photography followed, and this eras made, and was chosen in increase, Id recommend that
article will focus on that issue. part because it fit my current interested photographers pur-
Some seem hesitant to leave system. At the time of purchase chase nothing less than a 5
film behind, wanting to hold on (September 2002,) it had the megapixel camera.
to that long and historical era. highest resolution available, 6.1 Nothing is perfect, and my
However, the photography Megapixels, for digital cameras. Nikon digital cameras have their
industry is in rapid change, and Technically, this meant that the drawbacks. First, minimum ISO
Kodak recently announced it is CCD had 6.1 million light-gath- setting for both models is 200,
transitioning further research ering points on a frame. The normally considered a grainy
from film to digital imagery more pixels, the better the reso- setting that is limited in ability to
(though it will continue to man- lution. Within months, however, produce clean and colorful pho-

Using photo processing software such as Photoshop, a digital image can be improved by lightening shadowed areas of a face and
removing distractions from the background. Note the absence of posts, poles, and wires in the photo at right.

This is the storage feature which
allows a quick series of contin-
uous photographs. With my
former Nikon F5 film camera and
motordrive, I could shoot an
entire roll of film at a rate of 8
frames per second. When
shooting high-speed sequences
like flying ducks, this increased
the chance of getting a sharp pic-
ture. The digital D100 allows only
three quick frames, and then it
must wait for a short period to
process the photos before contin-
uing. Depending on format
selected, each frame comprises 17
megabytes, so the buffer holds 41
megabytes of storage. This much
information in simple text would
equal more than 1,200 magazine
articles the length of this one.
Even so, a three-frame buffer
Dramatic images can be created by combining digital photographs. However, these are
forces one to choose shots care-
deceptive and will be used in this magazine identified as photo illustrations.
fully. (Flip side: extra depth-of-
field, increased telephoto effect,
tographs. Frankly, this hasnt in manual mode only, albeit with and Photoshop sharpening tools
proven a problem and is rarely excellent results. Shooting as help offset the need for rapid
noticeable. On the plus side, ISO much as I do, I can usually guess firing as a means of getting sharp
200 provides a free stop of the correct exposure within a digital images.) The D70 buffer is
depth-of-field at a given shutter stop. At any rate, adjustments slightly larger, and some digital
speed. Translated, this means it can be made instantly by models are bigger yet. When
is easier to focus accurately on shooting a test shot and buying a camera, be sure to check
moving subjects such as flying reviewing the image on the data this feature.
ducks or running deer. My stan- back screen. Even so, Id prefer These digital disadvantages
dard digital exposure setting for metering information through are minor when compared to the
sunny, front-lit subjects is now the viewfinder (though pur- benefits. A host of film problems
f/11 @ 1/640 second, an chasing appropriate lenses no longer apply. Film age and
amazing advantage over the would be very expensive and storage, high film and processing
f/5.6 @ 1/500 second I needed not worth the cost.) Lack of auto- costs, processing turnaround
for Kodachrome 64. Even so, focus makes no difference, since time, set ISO speeds, latitude, and
there are times when an ISO 100 I always focus manually anyway. color shift problems are things of
setting would be useful. Some Recommendation: Though auto the past. Risk of mechanical
digital cameras allow this. If you features are nearly perfect on scratching, photo loss, or damage
are planning to buy a digital modern digitals, buy a digital in transit or publication is elimi-
camera, be sure to consider this SLR camera that allows manual nated. The ability to instantly
issue. exposure. If you have old lenses, process an image in ways
More annoying, nearly all of use them and save your money. before undreamed of, is also a
my Nikkor lenses are old-style Otherwise, buy new-style lenses plus for digital imaging.
and activate neither metering that work automatically. My digital film is a 256-
nor autofocus systems in my A final disadvantage of digital megabyte Compact Flash card
digital cameras. The lenses work cameras is a limited buffer.

(about $90.) It holds 24 high-reso- have published pictures taken in loaded and printed directly from
lution images which are down- conditions so dark that the orig- the camera at photo shops or
loaded to a computer for inal subject could scarcely be other venues, but personal con-
processing. The card is then re- identified. If you are thinking trol and further use of the images
formatted to use again indefi- about buying a digital camera, depends on a computer and pro-
nitely. Four of these cards look for one with RAW capability. cessing software. All digital
support my daily work. Erasing Instant pictures are an advan- camera systems come with some
unwanted photographs as I tage for every photographer. In type of editing software, but if
shoot, I rarely end up with more the case of Kansas Wildlife & Parks you are serious about working
than 100 photos in a day. Thus, magazine, digital imagery has with images, Adobe Photoshop is
memory cards worth $360 have eliminated the problem of a must. The professional version
saved many thousands of dollars waiting 10 days to review is expensive, but fortunately,
in film and processing costs. shipped film. Not only does this Photoshop Elements is inexpen-
Photographers who shoot a lot of reduce deadline constraints, it sive and easy to use. Such editing
film can quickly pay for a digital eases potential problems when software provides a world of
camera through reduced expense. shooting outdoor subjects. For effects to improve or even sal-
Digital memory cards are also instance, filming a bird nest vage a bad picture. Sharpness,
available in smaller or larger sometimes requires elaborate color, and brightness are just a
storage capacities, priced accord- lighting setups to create usable few of the many adjustments
ingly. photos within dark shadows. offered. In seconds, a jet contrail
A fabulous advantage of dig- Since nestlings hatch and fledge can be removed from a skyscape,
ital photography is the ability of in a period of about two weeks, or a blemish can be removed
many cameras to shoot in RAW nest photos shot on film were from a persons face. Pictures are
mode. This allows correction of seldom available for review until easily resized and tooled to allow
exposure and color balance after it was too late for a re-shoot. home printing on a computer
images are taken. Corrections up Digital imagery, however, pro- inkjet printer. Or they may be
to two stops either way are vides instant photographs and is instantly shared via the Internet.
instant and easy. Using this fea- often effective even without Due to the tools available for
ture in combination with strobe lighting. digital imaging, the question of
Photoshops additional tools, I Digital pictures can be down- photo ethics must be addressed.

Digital RAW images allow instant exposure adjustment after the shot is taken. The original photo (left) was taken in conditions far too
dark for film. After computer processing, the image is acceptable.

It is possible to create composite and feel we owe it to readers to In short, photographs in this
images of impossible situations define our work. magazine will continue to be real
that did not occur. It is easy, for Nothing will be added to our photographs, never manipulated
instance, to place a whitetail buck magazine photographs, though to add contrived drama. Other
from one photo into a beautiful in some cases, information might digital art that combines pictures
snowy scene in another. Similarly, be removed. For instance, a dis- may be used for effect, but such
it is easy to place a dead calf in tant power line that seems to run manipulations will be identified
the nest of an eagle, creating the through an anglers head might as a photo illustrations and cred-
illusion that an eagle carried it brushed out, or a blade of grass ited to whomever produced
there. Ducks can be placed on obscuring a coyotes nose might them.
ponds; a coyote can be placed be removed. Color will not be The digital age brings incred-
before a full, rising moon. These added to photos but might be sat- ible new possibilities. Im excited
photo illusions, indistinguishable urated by a few percentage about technology that brings
from actual photographs, are points. These things fall within such speed and control to pho-
beautiful but deceptive. the realm of normal photographic tographers. Its refreshing to
While this may translate into tools and techniques, and have come back from a day outdoors
art or humor for some individ- been used in producing outdoor and immediately see what was
uals, it represents a serious ques- photographs for decades. accomplished. As this rapidly
tion for those who publish Masking, dodging, or burning changing technology unfolds,
images. Is the photo real or fake? will continue in their historical even better things lie ahead.
At Kansas Wildlife & Parks, we manner, though faster and easier
have often discussed this issue in digital format.

Tradin g
Spa c es
by Barbara Blaufuss

Bees picked the wrong place for a new hive, but with
a couple of lucky breaks and some hard work, they
ended up with a new hive in a better location.

Mike Blair photo

strange coincidence, I had two
pringtime is exciting for many reasons and one of my

S favorites, as a beekeeper, is being called to collect a swarm. It

is natural for honeybees to swarm in the spring; to divide
their colony in half and take their queen to a new location. They
phone messages, one from a man
who had spotted a swarm of bees
on his place and the other from a
man looking for bees. The first
leave queen cells in the old hive so the remaining bees will shortly was from Roger Wells, saying he
have a new queen. This is the way a honeybee hive reproduces. had found bees in a log at the
center of his woodpile. Roger is
Every beekeeper I know has people are watching. Or swarms the national habitat coordinator
stories of dramatic swarm can cling to a farm implement for Quail Unlimited, and works
retrievals. Bees choose places and take hours to disappear into out of his home in rural
high and low to gather in a dense a new home. Americus.
cluster while scout bees look for a The swarm in this story was Later that same morning, I had
new hive location. Swarms are relatively complicated and inter- a message from Tim Menard,
sometimes as big as a basketball, esting for the ease and efficiency wildlife biologist with the U.S.
hanging from a small limb and with which it was hived by com- Fish and Wildlife Service at the
taking as little as three minutes to petent men, mostly non-bee- Flint Hills National Wildlife
hive. This is especially nice if keepers. One May morning in a Refuge at Hartford. He had

started a hive of bees earlier in
April and the colony had dwin-
dled to a handful. He wondered if Its not uncommon to see
swarms of wild honey
it was still possible to replace bees in spring as they
them. Nice timing! I told him search for new hive loca-
about Wells swarm and we tions. This particular
agreed to meet later to go to swarm ended up in a
Wells farm. That evening we hollow log which was part
loaded our chain saws in my of a brush pile that the
landowner planned to
truck. Menard brought a beehive, move. It took a team

Mike Blair photo

I brought my camera, and we effort to move the hive.
both brought protective clothing,
veils, and bee handling
tools. On the way, we
tried to guess what we
might find and how we
might move bees from a
log into a hive.
Wells place is a sea of
grass. His 300-plus acres
provide an excellent
example of enhancing a
farming operation with
wildlife management

Barbara Blaufuss photos

practices. An excavation
contractor from the area had been about 20 percent of
working that morning to clear a swarms that find homes
trail to Wells lake when he in the wild survive,
spotted the bees in the woodpile. while closer to 80 per-
They were already making a cent survive when hived
home in a log, entering through a by a beekeeper. If we
crack in one end. The men said it were successful, it would be a years as a fire fighter with the
had been a long time since either winning situation for everything Forest Service. He began to cut
of them had seen a swarm. and everyone involved. sections from the far end of the
Its been about 20 years since As we approached, we could bee log, moving carefully to
two kinds of mites parasitic to see the log pile from the road a avoid harming the colony.
honeybees somehow swept quarter-mile away. This pile of A few minutes later, an
across this country, killing bees ash trunks came from trees opening to the cavity appeared.
and putting beekeepers out of removed when the lake was built. Now it was time to place queen
business. Domestic beekeeping The bee swarm had moved into a pheromone into a hive box that
has recovered through the use of log almost dead center in the pile. Menard had brought to house the
miticides, but it is estimated that They could have stayed there, but bees. Pheromones are chemically
95 percent of the wild honeybees Wells planned to move the pile active scents that the queen, the
are gone. Wild bees used to polli- later on. bees, and even the larval bees
nate our fields and gardens, the Using a tractor and chain, the emit from glands. The emission of
ones that sent out most of the log containing the hive was these scents controls the behavior
swarms we used to see in the selected and removed from the of the colony. This important bee-
spring. A few remain, and now pile. Once it was free, Menard keeping tool can be purchased
we had a chance to collect a wild went to work with the chain saw, from a beekeeping supplier.
hive. It is estimated that only a skill he learned working five Using a front-end loader on
the tractor, the opened log was

now suspended over the pre- walked into the hive. Tim loaded
pared hive box so that gravity the box on his truck and returned
would coax the bees down into to his home at Hartford.
their new home. At first, about a Three weeks later, young bees
gallon of bees fell out onto the top crawled out of cells on the frames
of the frames in the box. This in Menards hive. Several frames
excited us. But unfortunately, no were full of pupae, so that a
more bees came out. Menard sug- month later, the hive had doubled
gested we lower the log and cut it in size. Menard added a second
again. box to accommodate the expan-
Thousands of bees were sion, and a narrow box at the
exposed by this last cut, and hives bottom served as a col-
many of them fell into the hive. lector for harvesting fresh pollen.
None of the men were wearing Each day the bees went out to
anything in particular to protect distant fields, working the native
them from the bees. Most of the wildflowers and meadow plants
time during this operation, hun- so that the hive might have
dreds of bees were flying around honey. Menard manages his
the log. But none seemed inter- After the section of the log with the prairie acreage with timely pre-
ested in stinging. Typically, most bees was separated, the log was scribed burnings to encourage
honeybees in swarms found in positioned over a hive box. forbs like butterfly milkweed and
recent times are closely related to wild alfalfa that are especially
queens that have been in the box. The log was heavy, but attractive to his bees.
domestic hives. These bees are the three men were able to lift it. So ended a successful project
livestock, bred for gentleness as With this, the work was done for involving man and nature. Now
well as productivity. They can the evening. We looked west and under the nurture and protection
and do sting, but are not gener- spotted deer on the dam and of a skilled beekeeper, the hive
ally aggressive. relaxed to enjoy the Kansas could continue to perform its
Now, the question was sunset over the lake. important role in natural pollina-
whether the queen was in the The next day, a pleasant hum tion. In return, it would yield the
hive or still in the log. This was from the hive box indicated the sweetness of the land to be
important, since the bees would bees intended to stay. By now, enjoyed by its steward. As such,
follow her. Soon, we noticed bees nearly all the bees had left the log. the experience was another
carrying sawdust and debris out We waited for evening until the chapter in the endless goodness
of the hive box. At the same time, last of the flying of outdoor Kansas.
dozens of bees on the hive bottom workers returned
board were bending to expose a to the hive for the
gland in their tails and fanning night. As Menard Barbara Blaufuss photos
their wings to spread the pushed denim
pheromone from this gland. into the hive
They were apparently trying to entrance to close
attract bees still in the log, into it, the last bee,
the hive. Both behaviors indi- fanning on the
cated that the queen was now in bottom board,
the hive box.
We decided to leave the short Once it was determined that the queen
log piece containing bees on top bee had moved to the hive box, the
bees were left overnight to allow the
of the hive box overnight. The rest of the hive to follow. Tim Menard,
extra time would allow all the right, took the hive home to replace a
bees to finally join the queen in hive he had recently lost.

by Tommie Berger
district fisheries biologist, Sylvan Grove

Few of us appreciate long-term drought, and it
often makes life particularly difficult for
wildlife. However, there are a few that benefit
from dry conditions.

photos by Mike Blair

en years ago, you were
reading articles in this
magazine about the effects
of flooding and high water on
Kansas wildlife. The 1993 floods
and the wet years from 1993
through 1996 resulted in some of
the best fishing western Kansas
has ever seen. These flood years
followed severe drought condi-
tions of the late 1980s and early
1990s. Even so, I would say that
most people have forgotten
about the drought years, while
clearly remembering the wet
For the past couple of years,
we have again experienced
drought conditions throughout Drought is obviously hard on fish populations, especially in small lakes and ponds.
Kansas, particularly in the west. However, lowering water levels can have benefits in larger lakes and reservoirs by
We have seen decreased moisture allowing vegetation to grow along shorelines and predator fish easy access to prey
fish. Benefits are generally realized when water levels return to normal.
conditions in just about all sea-
sons, and we have experienced
several hotter-than-normal sum- the priority list when the water not immune, and water with-
mers, warmer-than-normal win- runs out. However, raccoons and drawals can intensify the effects
ters, and what seems like more great blue herons might have a of drought conditions. This is
radical fluctuations in both tem- different feeling toward drought especially true for western
peratures and rainfall. Farm conditions than we do. Kansas reservoirs such as
ponds are drying up throughout Smaller lakes like state fishing Webster, Kirwin, and Sebelius,
the state, western Kansas reser- lakes and community lakes are which support irrigation func-
voir water levels are plum- also affected. In some areas of tions. These reservoirs have
meting, and farmers are having a the state, even state fishing lakes experienced such low water
tough time raising decent crops. have gone dry. Others are criti- levels during dry periods that
Things are tough out there! cally low and may go dry before the sport fisheries are damaged.
Lets look at some of the the drought breaks. Some Webster and Kirwin reservoirs
impacts drought conditions have impoundments used for munic- both entered 2004 more than 20
on fish. When you drive past ipal water supplies have to deal feet below conservation pool.
your favorite lake or farm pond, with poorer water quality, water Cedar Bluff, on the other hand,
the evidence of drought is conservation measures, and even where irrigation no longer
obvious. Dried up farm ponds water rationing. Some towns occurs (the department pur-
mean limited water for livestock and cities are now searching for chased a portion of the storage
and any wildlife living there, alternate water supplies just to in 1992,) was 6.8 feet low on
including fish. Untold numbers satisfy municipal and industrial January 1, 2004. The department
of fish have perished as farm needs. A lot of us take water for will continue to work with irri-
ponds have gone dry, and many granted and perhaps mumble gation districts and other stake-
more are threatened in critically and grumble during the wet holders in an effort to reduce
low ponds. Some pond owners years, but it is usually the extreme dewatering in the
may have salvaged fish to eat or drought years when we realize future. To a lesser degree,
moved them to other ponds. But how valuable water really is. eastern Kansas reservoirs are
generally, pond fish are low on Large reservoirs certainly are impacted by mandated releases

for downstream water supplies, low water levels challenging. recede during dry cycles, the
water quality, minimum stream Water hazards crop up that no water volume decreases slowly.
flows, endangered species man- one had to worry about before. Obviously, that tends to concen-
agement, and commercial inter- Rivers and streams are trate the fish into a smaller area
ests on the Missouri River. impacted too. Many western and should make them easier to
Low water levels on large Kansas streams are dry again, catch. This works up to a point.
reservoirs affect fishing opportu- and some eastern rivers are Once the fish become extremely
nities in a number of ways. experiencing low levels. Folks crowded and water quality
Marina operations are designed pretty much get used to the begins to suffer, they may not
to function their best at or near creek getting low or drying up, bite or be easy to catch.
conservation pool levels. If pool but they know that when the As lakes recede, shoreline
levels drop significantly, some rains come, it wont take long for habitat becomes high and dry.
marina operations are negatively the fish and other critters to That means fish preferring
affected. State Park facilities at return. Overall, low water woody habitat or vegetation are
most reservoirs are much the levels in streams and rivers looking for something else to
same. Campers prefer to camp dont cause as much concern as utilize. If there are in-basin
close to the water. Many want to those in lakes and reservoirs. brushpiles or other habitat, those
park their boats close to their When it comes to fish and fish will congregate around the
campsite for convenience and fishing, drought conditions are deeper structure, and that
security. With water levels not all gloom and doom. should make them more vulner-
down, boat ramps are often too Experience tells us that there is able to anglers at those locations.
short or may be completely out good in everything, and we can As the larger fish get concen-
of the water. Courtesy docks find some good in regards to trated, they also tend to eat up
have to be moved. And boaters drought and fishing. As the the available forage and become
and boating anglers often find ponds, lakes, or reservoirs hungrier. If the lake refills, often

Obviously any fish in this pond

perished or were moved. Many
game fish are lost when small
ponds dry up during drought
because moving them is difficult.

the reduction in smaller fish is a pletely dry, just the opposite to grow. When re-flooded, the
benefit because they may have might happen when weeds lakes were just like new.
been overpopulated or stunted. growing on the shoreline are Current water level manage-
Biologists use intentional winter suddenly inundated. All those ment plans on many of our
drawdowns at times for just this weeds then die, begin to decom- Kansas reservoirs request draw-
purpose. pose, and take the oxygen right downs yearly in an attempt to
Usually during dry periods, out of the water. Fish kills are bring about just such a situation
water recedes slowly and terres- common in these situations. just on a more limited scale. The
trial vegetation begins to grow Sometimes, it seems we cant effect may not be as dramatic, but
on the exposed shoreline. The win no matter what happens. the flooding of any terrestrial
longer the water is down, the After water levels recede or vegetation provides nursery
more vegetation that grows. Of shoreline habitat deteriorates in areas for many fish species, a
course, that is what happened in large reservoirs, fish populations smorgasbord of aquatic insects
the western Kansas reservoirs begin to change. The littoral and invertebrates, as well as
back in the 1970s and 1980s. zone fishes bass, crappie, escape cover from predators.
Trees, brush, and other vegeta- bluegill are out-competed by Gizzard shad, the most important
tion grew, and when those lakes the more open-water species forage species in our Kansas
re-filled in 1993, that flooded white bass, wipers, and walleye. reservoirs, love flooded vegeta-
habitat provided perfect condi- We have seen that switch in all tion as a spawning habitat.
tions for fish that prefer shallow our Kansas reservoirs, once as Flooded vegetation helps clear
shoreline such as bass, crappie, those reservoirs aged, and again the water, muffles the wave
and bluegill. These lakes were when some of the lakes were low action, and helps prevent shore-
born again. But in farm ponds or for a long enough time to allow line erosion. Ask any fisheries
small lakes that do not go com- lots of new terrestrial vegetation biologist and he will tell you there
is probably not a better
management tool than
flooded vegetation to
enhance a fish population.

Flooding of vegetation
not only benefits fish
species, it helps other
kinds of wildlife.
Waterfowl benefits are
well documented. Most of
our aquatic furbearers
prefer flooded habitat.
Both types of wildlife can
be negatively affected
when drought conditions
reduce preferred habitat.
Waterfowl may fly right
over Kansas during the
fall when water condi-
tions are poor. They also
find limited nesting
habitat in the spring when
its dry. Beaver and
This wetland shows the effect of drought. No ducks will stop here this spring. The mud
mounds visible are crayfish chimneys, built as crayfish burrow to maintain contact with water.
muskrats have to follow
the water levels down, and

increasing in some areas
of the west. But range-
land conditions have
deteriorated due to the
drought and overgrazing
of dry pastures. Prairie
chickens do best when
residues left from the
previous growing season
are 12 to 30 inches tall. In
central and eastern
Kansas where CRP
stands may become too
tall for chickens, drought
or treatments that thin or
shorten a stand of grass
such as controlled
burning, managed
grazing, strip disking,
and inter-seeding, may
benefit prairie chickens
and other game birds. In
normally drier western
Kansas, though, drought
can be harmful to prairie
This great blue heron wont complain about the drought, yet. Dropping water levels concen- chicken habitat in the
trated fish in a very shallow pool, creating a smorgasbord for the opportunistic wading bird. short term.
Quail numbers
they become extremely vulner- few years, turkey numbers in have really been down
able to predation when they lose Kansas have increased signifi- the past couple of years, but the
their secure aquatic environment. cantly. Since a majority of our effect of drought is uncertain.
In the past few years, anyone turkeys are Rio Grande and they The tough winter of 2001/2002
who has driven across the are adapted to more arid envi- was the real demise to recent
Sunflower State has seen evi- ronments, they have flourished quail numbers, but less-than-
dence of drought conditions in in dry conditions. At the same optimum nesting and brood
regards to terrestrial habitat. With time, though, expanded riparian rearing conditions have not
limited rainfall, not only do crops zones and better nesting condi- helped.
have a tough time growing, so do tions due to habitat succession Pheasants are a different story.
the weeds, trees, and grasses. from prior wet years has helped Out west where the drought has
Wildlife habitat is all that stuff increase turkey populations. Jack been most severe, pheasant num-
out there that provides cover, rabbits appear to favor recent bers generally remain down but
food, and protection for our dry periods and have increased responded favorably to the nice
wildlife species. When it gets dry, to the point that they are again spring of 2003. Still, drought has
habitat simply diminishes in both fairly common in some areas. certainly been negative with its
quantity and quality. Of course, it Upland game bird numbers effect on the herbaceous cover
affects some species more than certainly cycle up and down pheasants need.
does others. with varying weather condi- The emergency drought
Some wildlife species benefit tions. Over the past decade, release of CRP for haying and
from dry conditions. Turkeys are prairie chicken numbers seem to grazing the last couple of years
a good example. Over the past be holding their own or has had some limited effect on

habitat. Some WIHA areas have do well because of dry weather, concentrate sick deer, rather than
been affected by these practices, then a lot of the nesting potential directly causing increased deer
and hunters have sometimes for pheasants is lost. Chick- mortality.
been disappointed to arrive at a rearing habitat is also critical. If We also have lots of other
WIHA tract to find that part or hot, dry weather reduces forbs wildlife out there that are
all of it had been hayed or and insects, game birds will affected positively or negatively
grazed. On the other hand, these suffer. And, of course, winter by dry weather over extended
practices do have a positive cover and food is also important. periods of time. Certainly,
long-term effect of removing If drought limits winter cover amphibians and reptiles that
excess litter which hinders and there is little or no waste require moist conditions can be
movement of young game birds. grain or weed seed production, severely affected. Effects of
Periodic spring controlled then the birds will not fare well habitat loss on non-game bird
burning of CRP has similar in cold and snowy weather. species may be positive or nega-
effects. Certainly, drought condi- What about deer? Most would tive. Some furbearing animals
tions can affect hunters whose probably agree that our deer are more affected by dry weather
favorite dove hunting pond may population is seldom limited by than are others.
have dried up, whose favorite food or habitat conditions in this Many of these populations
duck marsh is as dry as a bone, agricultural state. Deer easily have adapted to the Kansas envi-
or who planned to hunt a WIHA find food and are mobile enough ronment over eons of time,
tract that was hayed late in the to adjust to limited habitat con- through drought cycles as well
summer. But, a year or two later, ditions and reduced water sup- as wet ones. Most Kansas fish
the hunting may actually be plies. But several deer diseases and wildlife have evolved,
better in some situations. appear to be related to limited adapted, and survived all the
Still, habitat is the key to sur- water that occurs during weather conditions that Mother
vival for all these game birds. drought. These are hemorrhagic Nature hands out. The strong
And habitat is critical at all times diseases which tend to show up have survived, the weak have
of the year. Nesting habitat in in late summer/early fall in con- not. We humans can control lots
the spring is important, as are centrations of deer around lim- of things in our world today, but
weather conditions. Cold, wet ited water sources. Such diseases the weather certainly isnt one of
springs or dry, hot ones both are spread by biting midges and them. We may not like what we
work to diminish game bird pro- not by deer-to-deer contact. are dealt, but we still have to live
duction. If green wheat does not Drought conditions may simply with it.

Mable S pring sunshine filters
through a window and
warms a small teddy
bear that sits by my
couch. It might seem out of
by Mike Blair place among art, antlers,
shells, nests, and decoys kept
to remind me of outdoor
interests. But it has a place
and a reason. The teddy bear
reminds me of Mabel.
Mabel lived in a small
frame house in Cherokee, a
tiny woman with a big heart.
Her modest home was full of
homemade dolls spun by
arthritic hands that hurt
when she sewed. To sit with
her, you first had to clear a
chair of stitched monkeys,
birds, or fancy girls. Only
then was there room enough
to visit.
Mabel was 89 years old, a
double amputee who was
fiercely independent and
somehow managed to live by
herself. Her life was chal-
lenged by wheelchairs, aches,
and oxygen hoses that criss-
crossed the floor, her chair,
and her. But pity found no
place at Mabels house; she
wouldnt allow it. Years of
A friendship built of circulatory problems had
eventually taken both her
common interests, though legs. She didnt complain, but
from different generations, sometimes mentioned how
strange it was to feel lower
provides rewards beyond extremities no longer there,
and ghost pains that hurt
expectations. from places now gone.

All of that was a momentary came to get her. She spoke of Him the fun of a bullhead and the
distraction, though. Bright eyes with the confidence and happiness sizzle of catfish in a pan. And it
and a ready smile were Mabels of a mom expecting her grown-up would be my turn to wish Id been
trademarks. She had a sparkle kids for dinner. He was coming there.
rarely seen in a person of any age. soon, she said, and she was going Boy, I miss those things, she
Mabel was often in pain but off to Glory. And she expected said one day, as I got up to leave.
seldom showed it. Instead, shed you, whoever you might be, to get What I wouldnt give for a good
assert her plan to ignore the right and come along later. mess of fish!
trouble and live and sew until she My stories werent so different The words stuck with me,
died. Her mind was sharp and when it came to the outdoors. In drifting in and out through the
clear, and she could recall in detail fact, our acquaintance was cast
happenings that spanned nearly a when Mabel read my book,
century. She never locked her Prairie Chronicles. Its pages
door, and if it was warm outside, wander through outdoor
she might not even shut it. thoughts and family adventures
Nothing bothered her much, that seemed to mesh with hers.
except being caught without her A series of circumstances
teeth. In that case, she would fuss involving my college-aged
and quickly wheel away to find daughter one day brought us all
her dentures. Once they were in together at Mabels home. For
place, she leaned into a conversa- the several years that followed, I
tion like an eager child at story visited when time allowed, even
time. So we spent our time telling after my daughter graduated
stories, the best of which were and moved on.
hers. Mabel kept a birdbath and
You learned two things from feeder outside her picture
Mabel: First, nothing made better window and spent hours
memories than a creek bank and a watching birds come and go.
fishing pole. Her favorite recollec- Hot or cold outside, she always
tions came from decades earlier, wanted to know what was hap-
camping with her family now pening in the woods. Nothing
gone, and spending nights on a delighted her more than hearing
river around a soft campfire while how a bobcat sneaked in to a
catching catfish. Shed name the predator call, or how a buck
creeks and strip mine lakes from crossed through a sunlit opening weeks that passed at my home,
several counties where shed lived, as leaves fell from the trees. Id half a state away. Then one day,
and by the time she was finished, show my wildlife pictures on a when clouds rolled in and weather
you could hear mosquitoes hum laptop computer and recount the prevented work, there came a
from those faraway evenings. Id excitement felt when animals chance.
listen, thinking of my own kids came close. After that, she always I was two hours from Mabels
now grown and gone, of our own asked about the fishing. house, and it was four hours until
outings, and feel thankful for a life I talked of fly-fishing, the fun of suppertime. She wouldnt know I
that still included the sort of places tying a fly and casting it to the lair was coming, and that made things
she could visit only in her mind. A of a bluegill or largemouth. Shed iffy. In fact, I wasnt sure I could
quiet whisper always crept in to question in such detail that you pull it off. The midday September
say that my time for simple mem- wondered if she planned to try it pond held no guarantees as I
ories was coming, too. later. Then, shed drift back to the strung the fly rod carried for such
The other thing she talked river and remember a cane pole odd moments while traveling. The
about was working until Jesus and a mess of worms on a hook, water was free of weeds, but a

herd of cows stood belly deep bluegills might get friendly with a etknife; the race to arrive in time.
across the way, making it muddier smaller hook. The kind of fish I Finished cooking, we sat and
than I might have hoped. Even so, caught didnt matter; I just needed ate fish and enjoyed the evening.
the pond had always been a good enough for a meal. She ate five pieces a record, Im
one, and Id known the owner More because of Mabels wish told, for her dwindling daily con-
since childhood. I dropped down than my skill, fish accumulated sumption about which a visiting
the dam and made a cast into despite the poor conditions. A nurse constantly scolded her. And
water low from drought. The fly bass hit here, a sunfish there, and Mabel was happy. The simple
fought against an east wind, soon the bucket contained enough meal was a kings banquet, the
always a bad one for serious small fish for a meal for two. I fil- conversation a ballroom dance.
leted, washed, and packed the If I ever did something right, it
meat in ice. Then I headed for happened that afternoon.
Mabels house, hoping that things I saw her twice after that, once
would work out as planned. in a hospital and much later at her
She was asleep when I got there home. She was busy sewing in our
at 6:00, folded almost in half in her last visit. A local TV station had
wheelchair. I saw her through the interviewed her about her
screen door and knocked gently, work, and friends and strangers
hoping not to startle her. She from a large area had donated
awoke with the instant energy of a thread and fabric for her hand-
light switching on, at once happy made bears. Now she was
to have a visitor. famous, she said.
Have you eaten yet? I asked. She sewed the bears in all
Not yet, she grinned back, colors and gave them to area
toothless. patrolmen for use when a child
Wheres your pan? was involved in a car wreck, a fire,
She sat in the kitchen then, or problem at home. She was
watching and talking as I found proud of her bears, which took
the supplies needed to start 27 steps to hand-make.
supper. Her dishes were clean and Ive got to hurry, she told me.
arranged neatly in the drainer Ive got all this material to make
rack, impressive since Mabel up before Jesus comes. I dont
could barely reach into the sink to know how long Ive got, but Im
wash dishes from her wheelchair. going to work until He gets here!
fishing. The yellow wooley But somehow, she always man- Spring sunshine filters through
bugger pulsed through the water, aged. a window and warms a small
searching for anything hungry. I fried the boneless fish in an teddy bear that sits by my couch.
A bass struck the fly. The ancient black skillet, and its smell The bear reminds me of Mabel.
floating line snapped taut, and I filled the house like a long-for- She made it for me before she left,
wasted no time to enjoy the fight. gotten perfume. As I worked, and somehow, it fits among my
Food fishing, I snatched the small Mabel talked non-stop, antici- outdoor treasures.
bass into a waiting bucket. The 12- pating its taste and wanting to Ill bet shes up there dancing in
inch fish was a good start. know about the catching. I told it Glory, and maybe fishing along a
It took a while for another hit. I all: the smell of a late summer creek. Down the trail a few years
switched colors, tying on a black pond; muddy cow tracks along behind her, I keep heading that
bugger for better visibility in the the waters edge that made it hard same way. Im glad I knew Mabel
murky water. To up the odds, I to walk; the hint of autumn on a and heard her stories. Meanwhile,
added a dropper tippet and a size fresh wind; the fun of a tugging Ill keep saving mine.
10 sinking gnat, hoping that line; cleaning chores with a pock- For later on, you know.

S tream
Team by Kristen Hase
aquatic ecologist, Pratt
photos by Mike Blair

Crews of trained biologists are

surveying streams and rivers
across the state. The information
they gather on the fish and inver-
tebrates living in Kansas streams
provides valuable insight into the
health and condition of our
flowing waters.

ansas is home to a diverse white perch, and western mos- help biologists make informed

K and abundant group of

stream-dwelling organ-
isms, including approximately
quitofish. Non-native mussels
include the Asian clam and zebra
mussel. Stream communities
management decisions. Until
recently, though, little was known
about many Kansas stream com-
135 kinds of fish, 45 kinds of have changed dramatically over munities. The Kansas
mussels, and many more insects, the years due to impoundment Department of Wildlife and Parks
worms, and crayfish. These num- construction, dewatering, and (KDWP) began surveying stream
bers change as new aquatic ani- other physical and chemical fishes in the 1970s. Prior to that,
mals come into the state changes. most surveys were done by state
(accidentally or intentionally,) or Changes in stream life can be universities and were localized
as species are extirpated. subtle and take many years. In within river basins.
Approximately 20 species of fact, most of us may never notice It wasnt until 1994, though,
Kansas fish are non-native, some of these changes. But they that an intensive stream survey
including the common carp, can be important signals that can program was initiated the

Steam Assessment and current status of fish and inverte- veys have been completed. The
Monitoring Program (SAMP). brate populations in flowing Upper Arkansas and Cimarron
Supported by federal grants, pro- waters across the state. The ani- river basins will be completed
gram projects include statewide mals of interest include both this summer. Other surveys have
surveys, basin surveys, and game and non-game species. To included statewide surveys at
watershed or countywide sur- date, more than 1,000 surveys some USGS stream gaging sta-
veys. Since 97 percent of Kansas have been completed, and tions (see website list), surveys in
land is privately owned, most approximately 100 more will be Johnson County streams, surveys
stream surveys are done on pri- completed this summer. Waters on public lands, and assessment
vate property with landowner surveyed range in size from of white perch on stream commu-
permission. Efforts are ongoing small, unnamed tributaries, to nities. Approximately 50 sites are
to document stream animals on large rivers. planned for re-survey about
public lands as well. The core of SAMP is the basin every five years to assess aquatic
For the last 10 years, KDWP has surveys, which involve a three- communities over time. Long-
been collecting, studying, and year survey of 140-150 sites term trends will be important as
recording fish and aquatic inver- within one or two of the river land-use changes, especially near
tebrates (animals without back- basins. To date, the Neosho, urban areas.
bones) from Kansas streams. Kansas-Lower Republican, and Range information for Kansas
SAMP is designed to assess the Lower Arkansas river basin sur- aquatic species is important, since

continued monitoring data such as dissolved
will identify any future oxygen and water pH
changes. Stream surveys are recorded. Riparian
also track the range vegetation (vegetation
expansion of such new- along stream bank) is
comers as the Red River assessed at the canopy,
pupfish, inland silver- understory, and herba-
side, and white perch. ceous layers, and adja-
The program also cent land-use is also
examines relationships recorded.
between the physical Fish are collected with
and chemical environ- backpack or tote barge
ments of streams and electroshockers and var-
how these impact the ious seines. Shocking
related biological com- allows a crew to sample
munities. And stream in submerged brush
surveys help KDWP Stream crews sample wadable streams and rivers using piles where a seine
assess the sport fishery equipment such as the backpack electroshocker, above. cannot be used. In addi-
potential of a stream, as tion, electroshockers are
well as the biological response to mally conducts each survey. Site more effective at collecting larger
stream bank stabilization pro- length ranges from 150-300 fishes often associated with in-
jects. meters, and 11 transects are stream structure. Seines are more
Survey sites are selected by a evenly spaced along this length effective at collecting smaller
variety of methods. Some are ran- for physical measurements. fishes in open water. Both collec-
domly chosen, while others are Extensive physical, chemical, and tion methods are used at each
specified by grants. Most sites biological information is gath- site. Fish are measured and aged,
have been surveyed only once, ered. Fish and macroinverte- and sport fish are categorized
but a few are surveyed annually brates are collected. Water data (from smallest to largest) as
for several consecutive years. Still such as stream depth, width, and stock, quality, preferred,
others have been revisited every flow are measured. Chemistry memorable, and trophy.
five to six years. Each stream
survey provides a snapshot of
the community. The goal of every
survey is to collect all species
which occur in the stream.
However, there is no attempt to
collect all individuals, and it is
likely that some species are
missed, especially if sampling
conditions are poor.
Sampling procedures require
that a stream be shallow enough
to wade, but big rivers are sur-
veyed in wadable portions, or
during periods with low flow.
Surveys have been done on
nearly all of the major rivers of
the state, including the Kansas
and Arkansas rivers.
The main goal of the stream program is to learn about fish and mussel distribu-
A crew of five trained biologists tion across the state. Continued monitoring will allow biologists to track trends.
known as a stream crew nor-

Since 1994, nearly 1,000 stream surveys
have been completed across Kansas.
While fish and mussel specimens are
collected, macroinvertebrates are also
cataloged. Each sampling attempts to
show a shapshot of life in a particular
stretch of a stream.

find these shells along the shore-

line of ponds and lakes. Most
mussels prefer flowing water, so
most other species can only be
found in rivers, especially the
larger rivers of southeastern
Stream crews collect data from
May through September. Data is
recorded, and collected speci-
mens are preserved for study and
assessment during the winter.
Recorded data provide a fish list collected and are the most Assessment allows comparisons
for each site. common predator in small between the current snapshot
Macroinvertebrates, including streams. Other commonly of a particular location with ear-
mussels, are collected by hand encountered fish include the red lier conditions. Marked differ-
searches and dip nets. Mussel shiner, channel catfish, and cen- ences in species composition
lists are generated for each site, tral stoneroller. The majority of normally indicate a change in the
and mussels are categorized as sport fish collected were in the community. These changes are
live, recently dead, or weathered stock category. Because samples then studied to determine factors
shells. Insects are sorted at sites are limited to wadable streams, that may affect the health of the
for later identification. Insects are large fish are seldom taken. stream.
the primary food source for many However, surveys indicate that For instance, deteriorating
fish, and thus provide an overall many Kansas streams offer good water quality may diminish cer-
picture of the health of the site angling opportunities. tain sensitive species like mus-
(foodweb). Forty-two mussel species have sels. If a sensitive species
To date, 110 Kansas fish species been collected, the most common gradually disappears over time,
have been collected. The majority being giant floaters, pondmus- its likely that chemical and phys-
were minnows (red shiner, cen- sels, and pondhorns. These are ical changes in the water are also
tral stoneroller, sand shiner, and thinner shelled and tolerant of a evident. Increased stream
bluntnose minnow.) Green sun- variety of conditions, including nutrient loads from run-off may
fish were among the top five fish ponds. Its not uncommon to cause aggressive algae blooms.

These data can provide early and suckers. Some streams are the Neosho madtom and Topeka
warning of developing environ- even clear enough for snorkeling, shiner live in the state, and col-
mental problems and shape envi- which is a good way to see fish lection with seines in their habi-
ronmental policy. doing what they do in their habi- tats should be avoided.
The adventure of discovery is a tats. Aquatic insects can be col- Besides monitoring Kansas
daily part of a stream crews lected by flipping rocks or streams, SAMP also includes an
work. But its also possible for examining aquatic vegetation. extensive aquatic education pro-
many Kansans to see what lives Mussel shells can easily be found gram. Throughout the year, sev-
in our streams. KDWP fishing on lake shores and gravel bars. eral field programs are conducted
regulations allow for the collec- Because many aquatic species are for audiences ranging in age from
tion of minnows with approved on the states Endangered, grade school children to adults.
gear (seines.) Many of the other Threatened, and Species in Need For aquatic education opportuni-
fish species can be collected on of Conservation lists, its impor- ties or a list of planned stream
hook and line, such as sunfish tant to know something about the surveys in your area, contact
area you plan to KDWP or visit some of the web-
collect. Species sites listed at left.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on these lists are KDWPs Stream Assessment
Stream flow information, including flood stage considered rare, and Monitoring Program is an so a collecting important yardstick for the health
permit from of Kansas streams and rivers.
Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and KDWP might be Knowing the condition of our
Streams (KAWS) needed. Also, states waterways and associated
Protection, enhancement, and establishment of two federally wildlife helps steer management
wetlands and riparian areas in Kansas listed species practices toward healthy resources for future generations.

Aquatic education program

The tote barge electroshocker lets biologists sample larger fish and is especially effective for sampling where brush or other structure
makes seines ineffective. Fish are momentarily stunned by the electric current and are netted when they come to the surface.

Send letters to the editor by e-mail to l e tte r s
Edited by Mark Shoup the hunters of this state a professional- rights groups.
looking stamp. I'm sorry we don't have a pretty state
LOVE YOUTH TURKEY This is pent-up frustration. I believe duck stamp anymore, but rest assured
most hunters feel that the money is going that more of the money you spend on
Editor: to a good cause. Anymore, it just seems that stamp is going to waterfowl habi-
I want to thank the department for the that the state is taking advantage of its tat than was under the previous system.
2004 youth turkey season. On Saturday, hunting citizens by cutting corners, over- I hope this answers your questions.
I took my two sons and a neighbor's son. taxing, and coming up with new things to Shoup
It was the first time the three of them charge us for, like the HIP stamp.
had a chance to bag a turkey. I have been quiet for too long. I am
We had a textbook morning with GOOSE BAND
sure I will deal with it, but I needed to
many willing gobblers active and talking say what I feel. Editor:
to us. At about 7:30 a.m., we had three I love hunting, and I love Kansas. It We have seen the same Canada goose
big gobblers come in and put on quite a just seems that the state sometimes for- two years in a row here in Wichita. It
show at about 50 yards and then move gets that little things make a difference. has a green neck collar and a tag on its
right into our decoy. My oldest downed Why can't we have a nice stamp again? leg. The number on the collar is 27TR.
his first gobbler ever at about 15 yards, Brian Rhodd Could you tell us what it means?
and the other two boys were so excited Circleville L.E. and Dorothy Debrot
they could hardly speak. Although the Wichita
other two did not have success, they Dear Mr. Rhodd:
are hooked. Your department has guar- I'll address the state duck stamp Dear Mr. & Mrs. Debrot:
anteed that we will have these three as first. The purpose of the stamp is to I am unfamiliar with a neck band
hunters for the rest of their lives. raise money for waterfowl habitat marked 27TR, but you might get infor-
Any dads who did not take advantage of development. Until about 1993, we had mation by calling the Bird Banding
this wonderful weekend really missed an a contest each year to create a col- Laboratory number, 1-800-327 2263.
opportunity of a lifetime. Thanks. It is a lectible stamp. This was under an However, if it is a green neck collar on
memory that I will carry with me forever. agreement with Ducks Unlimited, a Canada goose, and the number/letters
Todd Sheppard which helped defray the cost. However, are 27RT, this would be an old-timer
Olsburg the lack of participation and the cost of banded as a gosling June 9, 1992, on
printing stamps consumed much of the Mined Land Wildlife Area near West
WHY NO DUCK STAMP? money that was supposed to go to the Mineral in Cherokee County.
ducks, which is the purpose of the Marvin Kraft, waterfowl
Editor: stamp in the first place. Collectors just research biologist, Emporia
I just wanted to vent my frustration weren't purchasing enough to make it
with the state of Kansas and its water- worthwhile, so we went to the generic
fowl stamp. Up until a few years ago, stamp. The waterfowl have been the WOMENS TURKEY HUNT
Kansas had a very nice stamp each year winners in this move.
that featured artists from around the Regarding hunting license fees, those Editor:
state, similar to how the U.S. Fish and have raised slower than the rate of infla- I want to thank Brent [Konen, KDWP
Wildlife Service does their stamps. When tion over the years. Regarding taxes on area manager] and all the other volun-
I went to purchase my federal and state hunting equipment, those are federal, teers and organizations that helped put
stamps, I found that the state has not state taxes, but again, that money is on the Women's Turkey Hunt last spring
increased its stamp prices and kept a used to develop the resources necessary at Council Grove. I do not believe a sin-
generic stamp. This is outrageous. for maintaining healthy wildlife popula- gle bird was taken, and the weather was
The state just can't seem to get tions. (Taxes on motor boat fuel aid the a little rough, but the hunt, in my opin-
enough of my money quick enough to federal Sportfish Restoration Act.) ion, was a great success. The credit for
spend on anything it deems necessary. I The HIP stamp is a federal program, this success it goes to the Department of
pay to hunt by buying stamps and too, designed to glean more scientific Wildlife and Parks for efforts in conjunc-
licenses, pay taxes on my hunting equip- data on the populations and harvest of tion with the other volunteers.
ment, taxes on my overpriced Kansas doves and other migrants, largely to I would also like to encourage KDWP
fuel to go hunt, taxes on my paycheck. defend hunting seasons on these to continue to expand these types of
The least the state could do is to provide species against lawsuits from animal opportunities because they will help

forge and shape the future of hunting. canyon of Lake Scott Park. To summa- opinions have changed due to new infor-
Please pass along our thanks to Brent rize, if the dramatic beauty of Kansas is a mation. We cant keep doing things as
and forward to any of the managing precious gem, then your magazine is the we always have although much of the
staff, as well as Mr. Hayden, our thanks jewel box that displays and preserves it. I public and the business community
for a job well done. look forward to reading future issues. dont seem to understand that lack of
Tom and Julie Rives Paula Harrison water demands certain limitations that
Augusta Owensboro, Kentucky humans cant control.
As an educator, I want my students to
TURKEY WIHA THANKS HIGH PLAINS CONCERN understand that part of our ability to
survive is our ability to adapt. Western
Editor: Editor: Kansans are going to have to adapt if
I just wanted to take a minute and say Recently, the Hays Daily News pub- they wish to remain here. Mr. Haydens
thanks for all your hard work; it really lished several articles regarding message is a call to that adaptation.
paid off for my spring turkey hunting this Secretary Haydens stance shift on wise My students understand that we have
year. I am from Chicago, and my friend is use of the Great Plains. As a longtime a quality of life unavailable in cities.
from Kansas City. I come to hunt in resident of this part of the state and a Although many of them want to get
Kansas about five times a year. I hunt all student of arid regions, I want to thank away for awhile, most acknowledge that
over the Midwest, and Kansas is my him for acknowledging that his mind has they would like to raise their families in
favorite. We appreciate all that you do. changed due to information he has a rural place like Ellis. They enjoy the
The weird thing is, we saw about 40 acquired since serving as governor. easy access to the outdoors and to a
turkeys all weekend, only heard one After attending an environmental liter- rural lifestyle. Many of their families use
other gunshot, and saw no other trucks. ature seminar at Wichita State public lakes, hunting areas, and other
I am not use to that. In other states, you University and three National outdoor recreational facilities.
have to pretty much stay out over night Endowment for the Humanities seminars Kansans have an opportunity to create
to get a spot, let alone a great one. We covering western Kansas issues, I huge tracts of land that lend themselves
were hunting northwest of Atchison. became an avid reader about environ- to all sorts of outdoor uses that encour-
Keep up the great work, and I will mental issues facing arid regions. After age the public to better understand the
visit your state again in the fall. 10 years of such reading, I realize that world they live in and make a living
Robert Naurath many of my western Kansas neighbors while doing this.
Chicago, Illinois are clinging to the promises of Because my husband is a natural
booster/boomer propaganda of the late resource officer, and I am an avid out-
GEMBOX MAGAZINE 1800s. They arent looking at facts when door person, teacher, and writer, we per-
it comes time to make decisions concern- haps feel more strongly than others that
Editor: ing this land we call home. more people need to protect our envi-
I just received my first issue of your I appreciate that someone of Mr. ronment and work to live in it in a sus-
magazine and wanted to tell you how Haydens stature is willing to challenge tainable manner. Please continue to take
much my family and I enjoyed the pho- popular opinion in the western part of your message to the public.
tographs. I delighted in each page and our state and to acknowledge that his Karen Birdsong Madorin
then hurried to the next. The pho-
tographs captured the essence of Kansas
and filled me with the very same joy I
feel when I am visiting the state.
My friends who travel I-70 don't real-
WAY o u t s i d e
by Bruce Cochran
ize what lovely surprises await just a few
miles to the north or south. I've told
them that the interstate bypasses every-
thing that makes the state special. Your
magazine is something I can share to
visually support the opinions of a big-sky
Kansas native who now lives in tree-cov-
ered Kentucky.
To me, the leafy loveliness of this state
pales in comparison to that of the
broadly beautiful Flint Hills in spring;
wind-blown wheat; sun-colored, towering
chalk formations; vibrantly-painted
prairie wildflowers; and the verdant

l aw
more than 140 geese. At that point in the in possession of 28 Canada geese and
BAD APPLE season, a hunter could legally take three
Canada geese and 20 snow geese daily.
three snow geese. The hunters confessed
to the previous weeks haul of more than
The next day I received a call from a 140 geese. A fifth individual was con-

T he law enforcement community is

recognized as a tight-knit group;
that is, until a member of that
community breaks the law.
In October of 2002, I received a report
city employee in Attica, a small town in
the northwest corner of Harper County.
Someone had dumped eight garbage
bags full of goose carcasses at the citys
tree and brush burn site. I contacted
tacted and also confessed to taking part
in the previous weeks slaughter.
In addition to the freshly killed geese,
the officers confiscated frozen goose
meat and five shotguns with ammunition.
through Operation Game Thief, KDWPs Attica Police Chief Dave Miller, who led A variety of federal charges were filed on
anonymous hotline, 1-877-426-3843. The me to the city property. There we located five subjects for the following: exceeding
caller said a deputy with the Sumner the garbage bags and loaded them into the daily bag limit, exceeding the posses-
County Sheriffs Department had spot- the back of my truck. sion limit, transporting illegally taken
lighted, shot, and killed deer while on On Jan. 15, NRO Barker and I opened migratory game birds, using an
duty during third shift. the garbage bags and inventoried the unplugged shotgun, and taking migra-
Natural Resource Officer (NRO) Dan contents. We found 147 geese: 117 tory game birds with invalid state and
Hesket and I conducted the investigation. Canada geese, 24 snow geese, six white- federal stamps.
While speaking with the deputy, we fronted geese, and three mallard ducks. In addition to the deputy, four other
determined there was enough evidence All the waterfowl appeared to have been men were involved. All five pled guilty.
to charge him with hunting deer in a taken at the same time, and all had the Sentencing in federal court resulted in
closed season. He was placed on diver- breast meat removed. We re-packaged fines ranging from $2,000 to $3,000. The
sion by the court and required by his the geese, and I released custody of the men are now on probation, during which
department to attend the ethics portion evidence to Barker. time they cannot hunt, fish, trap, or be
of a hunter education course. The deputy The next day, NROs Barker, Dennis associated with anyone hunting, fishing,
was allowed to retain his job but received Zehr, and I met with U.S. Fish and or trapping. The deputy also forfeited his
two days unpaid leave. One of those days Wildlife Service Special Agent Manny Browning 10 gauge shotgun and resigned
was opening day of pheasant and quail Medina. We decided to conduct under- his position with the Sumner County
season, 2002. cover surveillance the next morning, Jan, Sheriffs Department.
But it didnt end there. On Jan. 13, 17. NROs Barker, Zehr, and Scott Carol Laue, natural
2004. NRO Jason Barker relayed infor- Hanzlicek helped Medina with surveil- resource officer, Mayfield
mation to me about a Sumner County lance at 6 a.m. on two separate residences.
deputy bragging of his goose-hunting At 9:45 a.m. Medina and Zehr con-
trips. The first hunting trip allegedly had tacted four individuals in Attica who
a harvest of 74 geese. One week later, a appeared to have returned from a hunt-
second outing resulted in a harvest of ing trip. The officers found the hunters

60 Deer, 114 Turkeys

For the past several years, remainder of the carcasses nated on Dec. 18, 2003, when On April 21, charges were
the Kansas Department of abandoned. In most reports, KDWP natural resource offi- filed against the Augusta man
Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) the deer were killed out of cers executed a search war- and a 17-year-old juvenile in
has been investigating a season and on land where the rant at the home of an Butler County District Court.
string of deer and turkey shooter did not have permis- Augusta man. Parts of 60 deer The charges against the adult
poaching incidents in a multi- sion to enter. and 114 wild turkeys were include two felonies and 24
county area. The poaching The investigation also confiscated, as well as several misdemeanors, and the
was reported to have revealed that the suspects had unused deer hunting permits. charges against the juvenile
involved shooting from a poached wild turkeys out of Six of the deer seized are clas- include one felony and 35
vehicle on a roadway. season, without permits, and sified as trophy animals under misdemeanors.
In many cases, the deer while trespassing. In some wildlife law. Several firearms Val Jansen, Region 4
were left for several days cases, only the beards of the believed to have been used in Law Enforcement
before only the head and turkeys were taken. the poaching activity were Division supervisor, Wichita
antlers were removed and the The investigation culmi- also confiscated.

i s s u e s
2004 Legislative Wrap-up
With the 2004 Kansas Legislature adjourned, the following is a summary of changes that impact outdoor recreation in Kansas.
Although for most Kansans, happenings in Topeka may feel far removed from the recreational opportunities they enjoy, the actions
of our elected officials have the ability to impact every facet of KDWP activities and the constituents they serve.

HUNTER EDUCATION Beginning Jan. 1, 2005, the minimum Legislature has directed the department to initiate a pilot pro-
age for taking hunter education will be 11 years. Persons gram regarding landowner deer management. The pilot pro-
younger than 12 will not need to have hunter education in gram would contain no more than five locations geographi-
order to hunt but must be supervised by a person 18 or older cally distributed throughout the state, and the landowners par-
while hunting. Persons between the ages of 12 and 15 must ticipating in the program would be guaranteed deer permits
have hunter education to hunt alone, but they may hunt with- valid only on their property, as determined through an agree-
out hunter education if supervised by a person 18 or older. ment with the department. Landowners in the pilot program
In addition, there will be no minimum age to apply for and would not be eligible to receive nonresident transferable per-
receive a big game permit, but persons younger than 14 must mits through the draw system. A sunset clause was placed in
have bowhunter education to hunt big game with archery the statute causing the pilot program to expire on Jan. 1,
equipment. 2008. The department intends to take public comment and
A nonresident hunter education course has been authorized request proposals from landowners at commission meetings
that is a combination online and hands-on course. The certifi- prior to announcing regulations.
cation will only be valid in Kansas and only through the fol- S TATE P ARK The legislature created a state park in
lowing January 31. Nonresidents must pay a fee to attend this Shawnee County, Park No. 24, to be named at a later date.
course. The creation of the state park allows KDWP to begin planning
MILITARY PERSONNEL LIMITED PERMITS KDWP has been on a potential donation of property within the county, effective
authorized to re-issue limited-draw permits to military person- July 1, 2004.
nel forced to forfeit their limited-draw permits in time of DISABLED LICENSEE ASSISTANTS Assistants who help dis-
armed conflict. Several limited-draw permits for elk were for- abled licensees fill their game bag and creel no longer must be
feited this past hunting season by soldiers from Ft. Riley, and licensed, effective July 1, 2004. However, the assistant may not
KDWP introduced this legislation to offer a small token of be a person who has lost their hunting, fishing, or furharvest-
appreciation for their service to Kansans and the nation. ing privileges. They must also be in close proximity to the dis-
WILD TURKEYS Wild turkeys have been removed from the abled licensee when conducting such activities in the field.
definition of big game, effective Jan. 1, 2005. The new statutes VESSEL DEALERS Beginning Jan. 1, 2005, vessel dealers
pertaining to wild turkeys retain some of the components and will be treated more like car dealers. The definition of vessel
characteristics of the former big game statutes, including dealers and the use of their vessels in their inventory have
penalties and tagging requirements. However, the primary pur- changed to allow more flexibility for the vessel dealers.
pose of removing turkeys from big game was to make the reg- GAME WARDEN DOGS Game warden dogs are now pro-
ulations easier to understand for new hunters. tected under statute the same as police and arson dogs. The
CRIMINAL HUNTING A new crime of intentional criminal statute makes it a crime to inflict harm, disability, or death on
hunting was created, effective July 1, 2004. Intentional crimi- a game warden dog, effective July 1, 2004.
nal hunting is hunting, shooting, furharvesting, or pursuing ILLEGAL COMMERCIALIZATION OF WILDLIFE The statute per-
any animal or bird, or fishing upon any land or water body of taining to illegally commercialized wildlife, in particular fish
another, by anyone who knows they are not authorized to do and mussels, has been updated to make use of a new version
so and 1) remains there after being told to leave or 2) the of the American Fisheries Society Publication No. 30. The
premises are posted with purple paint or signs stating written statute applies when wildlife has been illegally commercialized
permission only. Conviction or diversion for this offense and sets values for such wildlife.
requires forfeiture of hunting, fishing, or furharvesting privi- FARMERS AND HUNTERS FEEDING THE HUNGRY This statute
leges for six months, one year, or three years, dependent on authorizes the creation of a new fund for FHFH and a provi-
past criminal history. sion for a donation of $2 or more by persons purchasing hunt-
DEER ARCHERY MANAGEMENT UNITS The department has ing and fishing licenses and permits. All funds derived through
been directed to develop a minimum of nine archery deer man- such donations will be collected and remitted to FHFH.
agement units by Jan. 31, 2005. The department intends to SERECIA LESPEDEZA The sunset clause on a serecia les-
take public comment at statewide meetings throughout the pedeza test plot in southeast Kansas was removed, thereby
summer and fall prior to issuing a regulation. making the operation of the test plot permanent.
LANDOWNER DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Kansas Christopher Tymeson, chief legal counsel, Topeka

Buy Water fowl Stamps
Funds from the sale of state waterfowl stamps are used

n May 28, a new boat for "protecting and propagating migratory waterfowl,
ramp was opened on including the acquisition by purchase or lease of migra-
the Missouri River, tory waterfowl habitats in this state, and for the purpose
just in time for summer boat- of development, restoration, maintenance, or preservation
ing and fishing and to accom- of waterfowl habitats.
modate the increased activity Generally, the funds are used for wetlands acquisition and developing or enhancing wet-
that will most likely result lands on current landholdings. Ducks Unlimited is often a partner in wetlands work across
from the July 4 Lewis and the state. The 2004 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004) budget for the program is
Clark celebration in the area. $100,000, providing significant benefit to waterfowl habitat in Kansas.
The new boat ramp was a If you care about ducks and geese or any water bird purchase a Kansas Waterfowl
cooperative project between Habitat Stamp this year. Whether you hunt or not, the money will be well spent.
the city of Elwood, KDWP, Jim Hays, Environmental Services Section chief, Pratt
and the U.S. Army Corp of
The ramp is located under the White House Council on This action demonstrates more than 500 students.
the U.S. Highway 36 Mis- Environmental Quality. once again that hunters can McAdow also recruited at
souri River Bridge and con- An avid angler in his own have a powerful voice in con- least 10 new instructors and
sists of a 146-foot long single right, Bush fishes for bass on serving the resources they trained 12 while participating
concrete lane. A gravel park- the ranch when his busy enjoy. in numerous workshops
ing area and toilet facilities schedule allows. It is a pas- Shoup around the state, training
are available on the sur- sion he inherited from his fa- and recertifying 680 hunter
rounding 20 acres. ther, former President NATIONAL education instructors. Since
Attending the opening cer- George H.W. Bush, who is INSTRUCTOR 1989, McAdow has taught in
emony were various repre- perhaps the most famous OF THE YEAR 200 classes that certified
sentatives from the parties member of Ducks Unlimited. more than 13,400 students.

involved in the project, in- In addition to fishing, father he Interna- McAdows efforts went
cluding KDWP Secretary and son also enjoy hunting t i o n a l Hunter Edu- above and beyond, leading
Mike Hayden. quail on the Texas ranch. cation Association the way while he explored
LeAnn Schmitt, special as- Last December, prior to (IHEA) has honored Halstead cutting-edge teaching tech-
sistant to the secretary, the April tour, the current native Larry D. McAdow as niques, according to Doyle.
Topeka President Bush met with the nations top volunteer Larry was the driving
Ducks Unlimited President hunter education instructor force in modifying a com-
OUTDOORSMEN John Tomke to discuss wet- for 2003. McAdow was nomi- puter game for instructors to
INFLUENCE lands protection. When the nated by Wayne Doyle, use in class, says Doyle.
PRESIDENT president expressed his love Hunter Education Program The Hunting Game, by
of duck hunting on the Texas statewide coordinator for the Oquirrh, has many scenes

ast April, President Gulf Coast, Tomke reminded Kansas Department of and situations that are useful
Bush took leaders of Bush that 22,000 hunters Wildlife and Parks (KDWP). for hunter education classes.
hunting, fishing, and had filed formal protests of a Called the Winchester Larry worked closely with
conservation groups on a Bush Administration plan Hunter Education Volunteer Oquirrh to make this game
tour of his ranch near Craw- that could have enabled de- Instructor of the Year Award instructor-friendly and gave
ford, Tex. About 20 groups velopers to bulldoze 23 mil- after its sponsor, Winches- this training at workshops as
were in attendance, including lion acres of fragile wetlands. ter Arms this honor is be- well as to individuals and
Ducks Unlimited, Quail Un- According to many press stowed upon a nominee who groups of instructors around
limited, the Safari Club Inter- reports, four days later, the has significantly advanced the state, entirely at his own
national, and the National administration announced the cause of safe hunting on at his own expense.
Rifle Association. that the president had de- a voluntary basis. McAdow designed and con-
The president met with cided "not to issue a rule In 2003, McAdow orga- structed of one of the first
leaders of these groups, as that could reduce" federal nized and taught many trail walks in the state. In
well as writers from publica- wetlands protection, includ- classes, certifying 447 stu- 2003, almost half of the
tions associated with them. ing smaller parcels important dents. In addition, he pro- states classes used some
The visitors also met with to wildlife, called "isolated" vided a custom-made trail form of McAdows trail walk.
James Connaughton, head of wetlands. walk (hunter safety trail) for Shoup

h u n ti n g
Mourning doves are one of In Kansas, mourning The following essay was written by 11-year-old Sammie
the most widely distributed doves will be captured in Gumfory of Emporia. Sammies essay won a contest spon-
and abundant birds in North wire ground traps. Doves sored by the Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter of the National
America. In Kansas, about enter the trap through the Wild Turkey Federation and Bluestem Farm and Ranch
36,000 hunters harvest funnels in search of the Supply. The required topic of the essay was Why is hunt-
about 800,000 mourning grain but cannot get out ing important and why we should strive to preserve the
doves per year. because of the traps design. sport of hunting? Heres Sammies essay:
Because of the importance Traps are checked regularly,
of the mourning dove as a and trapped doves are Hi, my name is Sammie. I am 11 years old and I really
migratory game bird, wildlife removed and carefully exam- like to hunt. I have enjoyed it since I was a little girl. My
managers require certain ined to determine their age dad was the person who got me to enjoy hunting. At
information from which to and sex. Doves are then school some girls think its weird that a girl would
guide harvest management banded with U.S. Fish and like to hunt so much but I really dont care because hunt-
decisions. Information on Wildlife Service bands and ing is special to me.
dove survival and harvest immediately released. Some of those reasons are the fact that I get to spend
rates are keys to understand- Last summer, more than time with my dad. How much fun can that be? Also, the
ing the effects of annual 1,200 mourning doves were experience of what you can witness while on a hunt.
hunting regulations on banded in Kansas. In 2003, The best part is getting to spend time with my dad.
mourning dove populations. 37 Kansas-banded doves My dad and I have a special bond and hunting is a great
way to enjoy it. Hunting to me is a sport, not just a game
Banding is the primary tool were shot by hunters and
that you enjoy. The thrill of the kill is not what it is all
used to obtain this informa- reported to the Bird Banding
about its all about the whole experience. (Well, to me it
tion. Lab. About 65 percent of is). I do feel proud when I get an animal, I really do, but
This summer, Kansas and these doves were shot in that is not just why I like hunting. Hunting is such a fun
25 other states are partici- Kansas. and mysterious sport. I am really happy it was introduced
pating in the second year of By checking all harvested to the world. Also, I hope we hunters will introduce it to
a three year nationwide doves for bands and report- other family members and friends.
mourning dove banding ing banded doves, hunters The way to keep hunting a great sport is to encourage
study. The objectives of this help biologists manage this friends and family members who want to get into hunting
study are to determine important migratory game to just take a hunter safety course. Just go and check out
mourning dove harvest rates, bird. Because dove bands are a local hunting spot and see whats there and just looking
estimate annual survival, very small, hunters can eas- is fun. Same with actually hunting. When you get stuck to
provide information on the ily overlook them. KDWP is hunting believe me, youll probably like the sport for the
geographical distribution of asking dove hunters to care- rest of your life. I may be a girl, but I DO hunt BIG!!
the harvest, and develop and fully check all doves har- Sammie Gumfory,
refine techniques for a vested for the presence of a Emporia
future operational dove leg band.
banding program. To report a harvested,
Doves will be marked with banded mourning dove,
metal leg bands containing phone 1-800-327-BAND
an identification number and (2263). Banded birds may
a toll-free telephone number also be reported on the inter-
that hunters can use to net at Governor Kathleen
report the band. In return, Select Bird Banding Lab. Sebelius poses with
wildlife managers receive Hunters can keep the bands KDWP Secretary Mike
important information on the and will be provided a certifi-
number of banded doves har- cate identifying the age, sex,
Hayden, National Wild
vested, as well as location date, and location the bird Turkey Federation CEO
and date of harvest. More was banded. Rob Keck, and the
than 85,000 doves will be Helen Hands, turkey she bagged at
trapped and banded during wildlife biologist,
the next three years in these Cheyenne Bottoms
the Governors one-
26 states. shot hunt.

endangered species such as sea turtles
and the piping plover. And biologists
often rely on trappers and trapping to
obtain invaluable research information on
wildlife. License fees from trappers help
pay for this research.
Commercial by-products of trapping are
valuable, as well. Furs, of course, make
warm and attractive clothing, but the
by Mark Shoup trapped animal yields much more. Many

ve never been a trapper, so I could hardly be why people trap. Modern traps are actu- art supplies are made from trapped ani-
called an expert on the subject. However, in my ally designed to minimize or eliminate mals. Are you a woman who uses a make-
15 years of working for the Department of injuries, with the recognition that the up brush? If so, you might find it interest-
Wildlife and Parks, Ive come to know several people more comfortably an animal is held, the ing to know that your brushs bristles
who trap or have trapped, so Ive learned a few more likely it is to be captured. Large, often come from the fur of trapped ani-
things. First is that trappers and trapping may be toothed, steel traps are long-outdated. mals, usually mink or sable.
the most misunderstood and unjustly maligned of all Trapping is a tightly-regulated activity Again, contrary to popular belief, its
outdoorsmen and women. An extensive understand- with specific rules for types of traps used, not just the fur of animals that is used.
ing of species biology, attention to detail, and months how they are set, and how often they Glands can be used in perfume, and car-
afield require trappers to become the best of natural- must be checked. casses are often used for pet food and,
ists. Contrary to popular belief, endangered in the case of some species, eaten by
A common misconception is that trap- species may not be trapped. the trapper.
ping is just plain inhumane. I recently Only abundant species can be Currently, KDWP and the
attended a workshop where experts trapped, says Matt Peek, KDWP International Association of Fish and
explained traps, philosophy of trapping, furbearer biologist. In fact, raccoon, Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) are conduct-
and effective communication about opossum, skunk, coyote, beaver and even ing an ongoing research project on trap-
trapping. I learned that leghold trap bobcat are more abundant now than ping called Best Management Practices
is a misnomer, as is the idea that such theyve been in hundreds of years. But (BMPs). The goal of BMPs is to ensure
traps are designed to break legs or oth- because these animals are secretive and that animal welfare, trap efficiency and
erwise do damage. In fact, quite the nocturnal, most people dont see them selectivity, and user safety are continued
opposite is true. very often and dont realize how abun- and enhanced. Wildlife biologists,
The proper term for this common class dant they are. wildlife veterinarians, and other trapping
of live-restraint trap is foothold. They I once had a long conversation on this experts are studying all these issues to
are designed to catch the animal by the subject with a woman who worked for a ensure the future of this beneficial but
foot and hold it with minimal damage. In wildlife organization, and I could not con- much misunderstood activity.
this way, if a dog or another species the vince her that bobcats are plentiful in Among the many projects undertaken
trapper doesnt want is caught, it can be Kansas. She was convinced they are in this program is an ongoing study of
released unharmed. (Yes, some species- endangered. Old wives tales die hard. humane trap design. More than 70 traps
specific traps are designed to kill The river otters story is one benefit of have been studied so far, and only those
quickly and humanely, like a mouse trap.) trapping, but there are many others. that pass high performance standards will
In fact, the foothold trap is responsible Trapping is an invaluable tool in wildlife be approved by BMPs.
for the restoration of the river otter a habitat management. Most people are The Nov./Dec. 2002 issue of Kansas
favorite charismatic species whose charm- aware of the destruction that uncontrolled Wildlife and Parks magazine (Page 15)
ing looks and behavior enchant most of beaver populations can wreck on trees, contains a detailed guide to furbearers
the general public. The foothold trap is particularly in urban and suburban areas. that may be taken in Kansas. In a future
the tool of choice for biologists involved Trapping is often the best solution the issue, we hope to complement this insert
in river otter trap and transplant pro- only really effective one to this problem. with a detailed article on the furbearer
grams across the country for the simple Sometimes, dense populations of cer- BMP project.
reason that it catches and holds without tain furbearers cause outbreaks of rabies, In the meantime, look for some of the
inflicting serious injury. Because of this distemper, and other diseases. Trapping products mentioned above that you
device, river otters now thrive in areas can help keep these diseases in check. might use. Better yet, get to know a few
from which they were once extirpated. In other cases, predators may be so arti- trappers. Chances are, most will be
But you might ask, What about all ficially abundant because of urbanization libraries of information about the fasci-
those animals that chew their legs off in and modern agricultural practices that nating habits of wildlife you love and
traps? This, too, is widely exaggerated. they threaten other populations of ani- not just furbearers.
Obviously any animal that chewed off its mals. Trapping of predators has been
leg would escape, which is contrary to used to protect local populations of

fi s h i n g
waiting period pending
CARP ENTREE certification of the state
record. At this writing,
Many people turn up their noses at the the 30-day period had
thought of eating carp or buffalo fish, but not yet ended. Boldridge
most have not even tried them. has also made applica-
The biggest problem that most people tion for a world record.
have with carp and buffalo is the fine hair- Atchison Watershed
like bones in the meat. There are several Dam #7 was built in the
ways to solve this problem. Some of these early 1960s as a flood-
methods are grinding, pressure cooking, control structure for the
and scoring. city of Atchison. It now
Grinding and pressure cooking are doubles as a public fish-
familiar preparation methods, but many ing water under KDWPs
people may be unfamiliar with scoring. To Community Lake Assis-
score a fish, it may be left whole, halved, tance Program (CLAP).
or filleted depending on the size and Riley Man Lands Potential It has no river flow
how it is going to be cooked. (If fried,
these fish should always be scored first.)
World Record Paddlefish through which a paddle-
fish could swim natu-

Scoring is slicing two-thirds of the way he Kansas Depart- the fish was landed, they rally, so Tjemeland
through the slab sides of meat every one- ment of Wildlife knew they had some- speculates that someone
eighth to one-quarter inch across the fish. and Parks has re- thing special on their may have caught the fish
A sharp knife is need for this. After scor- ceived an application for hands. They rushed the elsewhere in the past
ing, the small bones will soften when the what would, if approved, fish to the office of the and put it in the lake.
fish is cooked, no matter the method. be not only a new Atchison Daily Globe, Paddlefish are filter-
Kansas state record pad- whose reporters called feeders that consume
SMOKED dlefish but also a world KDWP in Pratt. Then plankton, so it is un-
Scale and gut the fish. Soak it overnight record. they contacted local fish- usual for them to be
in salt water brine (1 1/2 cup of salt, 1 On May 5, Clinton eries biologist Kirk hooked in the mouth.
teaspoon Liquid Smoked per gallon). Pat Boldridge, Riley, arrived Tjemeland, who met They can be legally
fish dry. Brush with melted butter, sprin- at Atchisons Watershed them at Earnies Locker snagged in specified wa-
kle with salt inside and out. Put in a Dam #7 to test the carp in Easton, where the fish ters during the paddle-
very warm smoker until the dorsal fin fishing with a doughbait was weighed on certified fish season, usually
can be pulled out of the fish. Cover the recipe handed down scales. March 15-May 15. In this
coals with hardwood sawdust and smoke through several genera- Tjemeland identified case, however, a mouth
several hours. Eat while warm. tions of his family. He the fish and confirmed bigger than a basketball
had just thrown his line that it had not been met a doughball the size
in the water when he felt snagged which would of a quarter, and history
Fillet the fish and cut out red strips. Run
a tremendous pull, and be illegal in this water may be in the making.
inch-wide strips through meat chopper
the fight was on. His and certified the applica- The current Kansas
or grinder three times to finely grind the
brother and a friend tion for an official new record paddlefish is 90
bones. Pack in a covered dish and pour
watched as Boldridge state record of 144 pounds, 12 ounces, and
enough white vinegar to dampen the
fought the fish for some pounds. To their aston- was snagged in the
meat. Let set in refrigerator overnight to
time. At one point, his ishment, if officially con- Neosho River below the
soften bones.
brother started into the firmed, this will also be a Chetopa Dam during a
Mix with 1 cup of crushed crackers, 1/4 water with a landing net, new world record. special snagging season
cup of chopped onions, and one egg to but when he saw the The giant paddlefish on May 29, 1998, by
each pound of ground fish. Form into pat- monsters bill (called a often called a spoonbill Joseph Cole of Walnut.
ties and cover with corn flake crumbs. Fry rostrum) surface, he was 54 1/4 inches The current world
to a golden brown. dropped the net and fled long from eye to tail (75 record is a 142-pound, 8-
Ground carp may also be used in your the battle. inches from the tip of ounce fish snagged from
favorite fish loaf recipe. Boldridge then the rostrum to the tip of the Missouri River in
Leonard Jirak, fisheries handed his rod to the the tail) and measured Montana in 1973 by
biologist, Hartford friend and waded into 45 1/4 inches of girth. Larry Branstetter.
the water himself. When There will be a 30-day Shoup

n atu r e
found in Wallace, Logan, Gove, and portions of surrounding
counties, but small huntable populations may be found in por-
tions of counties to the south, all the way to the Oklahoma bor-
der. They may range widely within this area, as well, foraging
on forbs, shrubs, grasses, juniper, and sometimes cacti and
domestic crops. Travelers along highways K-96 and I-70 fre-
quently spot grazing pronghorns.
This slender, graceful animal has a deer-like body, weighs
between 90 and 125 pounds, and stands about 3 1/2 feet at
the shoulder. It has large, protruding eyes and a white or buff,
One of a Kind 4-inch tail. The pronghorns cheeks, lower jaw, chest, belly,
inner legs, and rump are usually white. The upper body and
outside of the legs are tan to brown. The male has a broad,
It is commonly called the antelope even KDPWs hunting black band down the snout, a black nose, and black neck
season on this game animal is called antelope season but the patch. The horns are black, as well.
pride of the Great Plains is not an antelope at all. Truly unique The pronghorns horn is a hollow sheath over a bony core on
in the animal kingdom, Antilocapra americana is properly called the skull just inside and above the eyes. The horns protrude up
the pronghorn. Although its scientific name means "American and outward, curving back in at the top. The males horns are
antelope goat," it is neither antelope nor goat. It is the sole sur- forked, or pronged, toward the front and may grow to 20 inches.
viving member of an ancient family dating back 20 million years. The females horns are not pronged and are much smaller.
The pronghorn is the only animal in the world with branched A heavy coat of hollow hairs insulates the pronghorn, allow-
horns. Unlike antlers, which members of the deer family shed ing it to survive temperatures from 130 degrees to 50 below
completely each year, horns are not shed. However, the prong- zero. Speed and keen eyesight are the pronghorns primary
horn annually sheds the outer sheath of its horns and is the defenses. It can detect movement up to 4 miles away.
only horned animal to do this. Sprinting in 20-foot spurts as In September, the male may breed several does. The does
fast as 60 miles per hour, the pronghorn is the fastest animal in usually produce twin fawns in May or June after a gestation
the Western Hemisphere. Although it cant keep a 60-mile-per- period of about 240 days. As with deer, odorless young prong-
hour pace for long, the pronghorn can run extremely fast for horns may instinctively lie motionless for hours as a defense
hours, unlike most speedy animals. against predators. Within days, the 16-inch-tall fawn will be
The pronghorn ranges from Saskatchewan, Canada, through able to sprint at speeds up to 25 mph. Still, only about 40 per-
the American Southwest and south into Mexico. Its great cent of fawns born in June survive until mid-July.
speed and tremendous eyesight make it perfectly adapted to Although pronghorns rarely jump fences, it is a myth that
the shortgrass prairies open plains and desert regions. they cannot do so. KDWP photographer Gene Brehm captured
In Kansas, the pronghorn inhabits open plains of western one doing just that in a photo that appears in the Sept./Oct.
portions of the state, primarily where large tracts of unbroken 1988 issue of Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine (Page 4).
shortgrass prairie remain. The largest populations may be Shoup

Sea of Grass
Grasses have always been essential to the survival of animals
including the pronghorn in the Great Plains and throughout
the world. More than 180 genera and almost 1,000 species occur
in the United States. Almost all human food comes from grasses,
either as plants we eat or as food for livestock.
Paleontologists believe that grasses first appeared about 70-80
Shortgrass Prairie
Mixed-grass Prairie
million years ago. Found in practically every habitat and on every
Tallgrass Prairie continent even Antarctica grasses are the most common flow-
Flint Hills Prairie ering plants on Earth. The accompanying illustration shows the
original range of prairie grasslands in North America.

n o te s
brings in the longest tail cle was the cover story for his new position.
feather receives a PCC intra- the April 5 edition. Simpson has also devel-
PCC IN SI mural T-shirt. The other sports in the oped proposals to obtain
Last November, the pro- weirdest intramurals were grants and coordinate with

ratt Community Col- gram was in its second year flag floopball (women only staff from Ducks Unlimited,
lege has one of the at PCC. The first year, a flag football), flickerball Playa Lakes Joint Venture,
weirdest intramural handful of students signed (rugby on a basketball National Wild Turkey Feder-
sports in the country. up, and in 2003, nine took court), underwater hockey, ation, and Quail Unlimited.
Don't believe it? Well, the challenge. Jude and wallyball (volleyball on Accomplished in the use
Sports Illustrated does. LeWallen brought in the a racquetball court). of geographic information
In the April 5 edition of longest feather. Gale Rose, systems (GIS), Simpson has
Sports Illustrated On Cam- The article came as a sur- Pratt Tribune also developed databases for
pus, an article on page 19 prise to faculty and administra- gathering and analyzing bio-
focused on five of the weird- tion at PCC. Correspondents logical information. These
est intramural sports on col- at Sports Illustrated On Cam- facets of his knowledge will
lege campuses across pus did all the research and PRIVATE LAND be extremely important con-
America, including intra- chose which intramural sports COORDINATOR tributions to KDWP.
mural pheasant hunting at fit into the weirdest category, Mike Mitchener, Wildlife

PCC. said Stephan Pechdimaldji, DWP has hired Section chief, Pratt
While pheasant hunting is publicist for the magazine. Brad Simpson as
hardly unusual in Kansas, it No one at PCC knew any- the new private
is seldom used as an intra- thing about the article, in- land coordinator, sta-
mural sport. Intramural cluding PCC President tioned in Pratt. Simp- STERNBERG
pheasant hunting is the cre- William Wojciechowski. "My son is a native Kansan MUSEUM EXHIBIT
ation of Kelley Maydew, di- first reaction was that being who grew up near Con-

rector of PCC Intramurals. featured on a most weird cordia. He earned a urgess Shale: Evolu-
"I wanted to try to attract list might not be construed bachelors degree in tions Big Bang," an
different people to intramu- as a great honor," Woj- wildlife biology from exhibit developed
rals," Maydew said. ciechowski said. Kansas State University by scientists at the Smith-
Maydew made pamphlets "But this is just another and a masters degree sonian Institution, is now
and put up flyers about the example of the innovation in environmental biol- open at the Sternberg Mu-
addition to intramurals and and creativity of Pratt Com- ogy from Emporia State seum in Hays through
got the sport underway. munity College students and University, where he Oct. 3.
One fact that makes this the activities staff," Woj- worked on pronghorn The exhibition, showing at
sport so unique is that is an ciechowski said. "Its just reintroduction in the major museums around
individual sport with no one example of why PCC is Flint Hills. Simpson North America under the
team involved. such a fun place to go to also worked as a sea- auspices of the Smithsonian
The rules for pheasant school or work." sonal KDWP biologist Institution Traveling Exhibi-
hunting are simple. Students Anytime Pratt Community aide and as a biological tion Service, focuses on
sign up with Maydew then College is featured in a na- technician in the Wi- what life on Earth might
go pheasant hunting. tional publication in a posi- chita area. have been like hundreds of
Hunters must have a valid tive light, it is a plus, Simpson left Kansas in millions of years ago.
hunting license, and they Wojciechowski added. There 1994 to pursue his career in Fossils found in a rock
have to provide their own is no better advertisement. wildlife management with formation known as the
hunting equipment. The in- The magazine is distrib- the Texas Parks and Burgess Shale offer us a
tramural competition runs uted free of charge to more Wildlife Department. Provid- glimpse of what life was like
the first two weeks of the than 70 major college cam- ing wildlife management 505 million years ago. These
Kansas pheasant season. puses across the country. technical guidance to pri- remarkable fossils open a
The goal of intramural Launched in September of vate landowners in Texas window into the distant past.
pheasant hunting is to bring 2003, Sports Illustrated On has given him intimate Sternberg Museum hours
in the longest tail feather. Campus is dedicated to col- knowledge of the federal are 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Tues-
Feathers are measured and lege athletics and college Farm Bill. He will help im- day through Saturday and 1
recorded for two weeks of sports interests. The weird- plement these programs p.m. until 7 p.m. Sunday; the
the season. The person who est sports competition arti- with Kansas landowners in museum is closed on Mon-

n atu r e ' s n o te bo o k
by Mark Shoup

one or more larval stages. In

Copes Treefrog & Tadpole the first, most have a tail
and gills but no legs. As
metamorphosis continues,
frogs and toads develop legs
and will at some point have
gills, legs, and a tail before
the tail and gills finally drop
away, and the frog or toad
familiar to everyone takes
Newts, tadpoles, salaman- Frogs and toads must lay form. Larval toads and frogs
ders, polliwogs, frogs, mud- their eggs in soft, milky, jelly- are usually called tadpoles or
puppies, toads: every kid has like sacs or strings in water polliwogs.
been hypnotized by these or other very moist areas. Salamander larvae may
critters at some time. They Kansas salamanders bear simply be called larvae but
may be found in pond or pud- live young. Reptiles may lay are often referred to as polli-
dle, a damp water meter hole hard-shelled eggs in arid wogs or sometimes mis-
or wet grass. In the case of habitat. (Some salamanders takenly mudpuppies. (See
the toad, they may appear and reptiles bear live young.) below.)
suddenly from the ground The most fascinating thing
after a spring shower. about amphibians is their Woodhouse Toad
Whatever you call them and development through meta-
wherever you find them, how- morphosis, which comes
ever, they are all amphibians. from the Greek word mean-
And some are larval stages ing to transform, or simply
of the adult. change.
Unlike reptiles, amphibians Once the eggs of amphib-
have no claws or scales. ians hatch, they go through

In the case of salamanders,
the tail develops further Kansas boasts nine species of salamanders. Two of
rather than disappearing, these are mudpuppies: the common mudpuppy and the
and the adult takes on a Red River mudpuppy. The eastern newt which is in the
scale-less, almost lizard-like salamander family is the only Kansas newt. Seven sala-
form. mander species may only be found in a few counties of
The mudpuppy is actually a southeastern Kansas. The most familiar of all Kansas
separate species of sala- salamanders is the barred tiger salamander, which may be
mander that retains its gills found almost statewide and is also the state amphibian.
in adult form. It is not a lar-
val stage of any of these yards in the middle of cities. spend most of their time in
species as the term mud- They burrow into the ground, trees. Their high-pitched
puppy is often used. where they hibernate songs are one of the many
Nine species of toads and through winter, emerging in pleasant notes of a summer
13 species of frogs inhabit late spring. night. Aquatic frogs are gen-
the Sunflower State. Of Contrary to popular belief, erally the larger frogs found
these, nine have nearly touching a toad does not in Kansas. The most well-
statewide distribution. The cause warts. Beware when known is the bullfrog, which is
Woodhouses toad is the handling them, however; their prized for its tasty meat.
most widely-distributed in defense mechanism when Leopard frogs are another
Kansas, followed closely by picked up is to urinate. common aquatic frog. Only
the Great Plains toad. Three groups of frogs make two species of microhylid
Although toads require their homes in Kansas: frogs occupy Kansas: the
water or moist areas to treefrogs, aquatic frogs, and eastern narrowmouth and
breed, most are found away microhylid frogs. As their the Great Plains narrow-
from water, often in back- name suggests, treefrogs mouth. The eastern narrow-
mouth frog has only been
found in one county in far
Mudpuppy southeastern Kansas.
Amphibians are fascinating
and beneficial creatures. Not
only do they eat a lot of
insects, many fill summer
evenings with a beautiful cho-
rus of song. For more informa-
tion on these animals, pick up
a copy of Amphibians and
Reptiles In Kansas, by Joseph
T. Collins. This book is available
at most Kansas Outdoor
Stores at state parks or
through the KDWP website,

Backlash by Mike Miller

Go Fishing Signs
met Lennie in the hardware store the other day and Lets go fishing tonight. It wont be that hot when the

I during our conversation, I reminded him how long it

had been since wed fished the Mulberry Pond. It had
been brutally hot, and Lennie was thinking about any-
sun goes down.
Fish arent biting today, Lennie cut me off.
How do you know, I said, figuring he was just
thing but fishing. avoiding getting out from in front of the air conditioner.
He was fiddling with something he d picked up from On the way home from work this afternoon, I noticed
a bin in the screws, nuts, bolts, and washers isle. Ignoring all the cattle in Grovers pasture bunched up along the
my remark about fishing, Lennie muttered, What the west fence. Uncle Stub says that means the fish wont
heck is this thingy? bite. Now, if those cows were spread out feeding, thatd
Thats a watchamacallit that goes on the end of your be a different story.
whirlybird sprinkler to regulate how much water comes Some people believe fish and wildlife movement,
out, I bluffed. especially feeding activity, is affected by barometric pres-
No its not, Lennie said with a sideways look, a little sure and moon phases. Ive always fished whenever the
worried I might really know. weather was good and I could get away, but I know fish
That would be a needle nozzle adapter a special- bite better on some days. I wanted more information.
ized nozzle for grease guns, an eavesdropping sales What are some more of Uncle Stubs signs?
clerk said over Lennies shoulder. I dont know what its Lemmie think, Lennie thought. Oh yeah, he says
doing in this isle. Give it to me. whenever his dog stares out the screen door for long
Guy thinks he knows everything, Lennie shrugged. periods of time for no apparent reason, the fish are biting.
Howd he know I didnt need a uh whatever he And if Uncle Stub looks out the kitchen window and sees
called that thingy? a squirrel walk the entire length of his backyard on the
You must not look like a needle nozzle adapter kind powerline, the fish will bite.
of guy. Now, what about fishing? I reminded. Maybe his dog was watching the squirrel, I said
What about fishing? Lennie said. Fish wont bite skeptically, without the faintest idea why either would
when its this hot. Besides the solitaire tables are wrong. have anything to do with fish biting.
You mean the solunar tables? I didnt know you Look, Uncle Stub has kept notes for yeeears. If youre
studied moon phases. I said, figuring Lennie was just going to make fun, Ill quit, Lennie huffed.
trying to shut me up. No, no. Im sorry. Please continue.
I dont, but Uncle Stub always knows if the fish are Well, the best sign is when Uncle Stub sees three dif-
biting. Beats me if he watches moon phases, but he has ferent colored cats on three different streets on his way
ways of knowing. Fish arent biting now. home from breakfast. Thats his cats of a different color
Well I better see if they have an air filter that will fit trifecta sign. When that happens, he always goes fishing,
our air conditioner. Things been running solid for a and he always catches fish.
week, I said and started on own way. Well call me if you get in the mood to go fishing
Your air conditioner has a filter? Lennie looked at some evening or , I guess, if you see a bunch of cats, I
me quizzically. Wonder of ours does? My wife sent me resigned and hung up.
up here to get something for yard work, but thanks to I was perturbed because I couldnt tell if Lennie was
you, Ive forgotten what it was. pulling my leg, or if Uncle Stub had pulled Lennies leg.
You can owe me, I said with a wave. Ill call you if Anyway, I figured Uncle Stub would go fishing at the
it cools down. drop of a hat now theres a sign Lennie didnt mention.
The weather stayed hot but I called Lennie anyway. I I went to the basement where it was cooler and busied
was curious about Uncle Stubs insight. myself putting away tools. Then, there it was, staring at
Did you remember what your wife told you to pick me from the top tray of my tool box a needle nozzle
up at the hardware store? I asked. adapter. Id bought it years ago to grease the wheel bear-
Nah, Lennie mumbled. I ended up buying an air ings on my boat trailer just never knew its proper name.
filter. Figured that would impress her, but it was the Finding it at that moment had to be a sign the fish were
wrong size. She made me take it back that afternoon and biting. I had to go fishing, just to see in the name of
pick up new blade for the lawn mower, which was what I research, if nothing else. The more excited I got about
supposed to buy when you distracted me. going fishing, the more I realized that maybe Uncle Stub
I think you have selective memory loss, I laughed. really does have it figured out.


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