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International Journal of Civil Engineering Research.

ISSN 2278-3652 Volume 5, Number 4 (2014), pp. 411-416

Research India Publications

Structural Audit of Buildings

A.B. Mahadik1 and M.H. Jaiswal2

Structural Engineer, Structural Department, MWH Global,
Bajaj Brand View, Wakdewadi, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Structural Engineer, Structural Department, MWH Global,
Bajaj Brand View, Wakdewadi, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


This paper deals to create awareness amongst the civil engineers,

residents and owners of building towards the health examination of
existing concrete buildings called as Structural Audit. The need of
structural audit is for maintenance and repairs of existing structures
whose life has exceeded the age of 30 years to avoid any mishaps and
save valuable human life. The concrete is widely used as construction
material being inexpensive, easy for construction, applications and
because of it high strength-cost ratio. More than ever, the construction
industry is concerned with improving the social, economic and
environmental parameters of sustainability. In India, from 1980
onwards the infrastructure industry witnessed stepping up of public
investment and growth in infrastructure industry which results in
construction of new multistory concrete apartments which are now in
the age of thirty plus years. There are many buildings during this
period and earlier have reduced strength in due course of time because
of structural deficiency, material deterioration, unexpected over
loadings or physical damage. If, further use of such deteriorated
structure is continued it may endanger the lives of occupants and
surrounding habitation. There is demand of appropriate actions and
measures for all such building structures to improve its performance
and restore the desired functions of structures which may leads to
increase its functional life. The periodical structural auditing and
diagnosis for health of existing buildings is thus utmost important for
finding the present serviceability and structural viability of structures.
The structural audit must be carried out following auditing norms,
methods of non-destructive testing and code provisions. The structural
412 A.B. Mahadik & M.H. Jaiswal

auditing will help to implement maintenance and repair work timely

which leads to prolonged life of the building and safety of the

Keywords: Structural Audit; Non Destructive Testing; Repair;


1. Introduction
In India there are many old buildings which have reduced strength in due course of
time. If further use of such deteriorated structure is continued it may endanger the lives
of the occupants and surrounding habitation. Appropriate actions should then be
implemented to improve the performance of structures and restore the desired function
of structures. Thus, it is utmost important to perform structural audit of existing
buildings and to implement maintenance/ repair work timely which will lead to
prolonged life of the building and safety of the occupant. To act more responsible and
preemptive towards the dilapidated buildings, the municipal corporation must issue
notices to the buildings and co-operative societies which are more than 30 years old to
carry out mandatory structural audit and submit the audit report. Structural audit
should highlight and investigate all critical areas and recommend immediate remedial
and preventive measures. It should cover the structural analysis of existing frame and
find critical elements for all types of loadings. It also helps in delivering a strong
building structure with cost effective solutions and appropriate maintenance program.
This paper deals with study of different parameter of structural audit including visual
inspection, non-destructive testing, core sampling and testing. It also emphasizes on
different repairs and retrofitting measures to be used for buildings after structural audit.

2. Structural Audit
2.1 What is Structural Audit?
Structural Audit is an overall health and performance checkup of a building like a
doctor examines a patient. It ensures that the building and its premises are safe and
have no risk. It analyses and suggests appropriate repairs and retrofitting measures
required for the buildings to perform better in its service life. Structural audit is done
by an experienced and licensed structural consultant.

2.2 Purpose of Structural Audit

To save human life and buildings
To understand the condition of building
To find critical areas to repair immediately
To comply with statutory requirements
To enhance life cycle of building by suggesting preventive and corrective
measures like repairs and retrofitting
Structural Audit of Buildings 413

2.3 Bye-Laws
As per clause No.77 of revised Bye-Laws of Cooperative Housing Societies: The
Society shall cause the Structural Audit of the building as follows:
For building aging between 15 to 30 years once in 5 years
For building aging above 30 years Once in 3 years

3. Stages in Carrying Out Structural Audit

3.1 Study of architectural and structural drawings, design criteria, design
calculations, structural stability certificate of existing structures
3.2 If architectural and structural drawings are not available, as built drawings
can be prepared by an engineer
3.3 Visual Inspection
3.3.1 Need of visual inspection
to recognize the types of structural defects
to identify any signs of material deterioration
to identify any signs of structural distress and deformation
to identify any alteration and addition in the structure, misuse which may result
in overloading

3.3.2 Scope of visual inspection

The inspection report should reveal the following listings along with photographs and

a) General information of the building

Name and address of the building
Number of stories in each block of building
Description of main usage of building viz. Residential, commercial,
Maintenance history of the building

b) Structural System of the building

Sub structure: Settlement of columns or foundations, Settlement of walls
and floors, Deflection and cracks in Retaining wall, Soil bearing capacity
through trial pits or from adjacent soil data
Super structure: Materials used and framing system of structure,
identification of the critical structural members like floating columns,
transfer beams, slender members, rusting of exposed steel and its extent.
Mention the status of all building elements like beams, slabs, columns,
balconies, canopy, false ceiling, chajja, parapet and railings with respect to
parameters deflection, cracks, leakages and spalling of concrete.
414 A.B. Mahadik & M.H. Jaiswal

Likewise, verify the status of water tank, staircase, lift and lift machine

c) Addition or Alterations in the building

Identification of change of occupancy
Alteration or addition of partition walls
Alteration or addition in loadings- stacking
Alteration or addition of toilets, water tank
Alteration or addition of balcony

d) Dampness and leakages

Detect the dampness in walls
Identify the leakages in Terrace, toilets, plumbing lines, drainage lines and
overhead tanks.

3.4 Non Destructive and Destructive Testing

In addition to visual inspection, the real strength and quality of a concrete structure
need to be checked with non-destructive tests. A number of non-destructive tests
(NDT) for concrete members are available to determine present strength and quality of
concrete. Some of these tests are very useful in assessment of damage to RCC
structures subjected to corrosion, chemical attack, fire and due to other reasons. These
tests have been put under four categories depending on the purpose of test as under:

3.4.1 Concrete Strength

Rebound Hammer Test: To measure surface hardness of concrete
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: To assess homogeneity of concrete, to assess
strength of concrete qualitatively, to determine structural integrity
Core Sampling and Testing: To measure strength, permeability, density of

3.4.2 Chemical Attack

Carbonation Test: To assess depth of carbonation and pH of concrete
Chloride Test: To assess total water/acid soluble chloride contents
Sulphate Test: To assess total water/water soluble sulphate contents of concrete

3.4.3 Corrosion Potential Assessment

Cover Meter: To measure cover of reinforcement, diameter of reinforcement
and spacing of reinforcement
Half Cell Method: To assess probability of corrosion in the embedded steel
Permeability Test: To assess permeability of concrete due to water and air
Structural Audit of Buildings 415

3.4.3 Homogeneity and integrity Assessment

Ultrasonic pulse velocity for determination of cracks and discontinuities

3.5 Core Testing

This is direct method of assessing strength of concrete. In this method cylindrical core
samples are taken from existing structures. The cores are visually inspected and tested
in laboratory to check its compressive strength.

3.6 Pushover Analysis

Generally Push over analysis is used to understand the existing capacity of structure
for seismic and gravity loading which will show different occupancy levels like
immediate occupancy, life safety and collapse prevention. The seismic evaluation of
existing buildings compares their capacity against earthquake demand at specific site
and concerns the potential earthquake-caused risk to building systems and elements
that are closely related to human life safety.

3.7 Identification of critical areas in building

Based on the above inspection, analysis and test results, the report should conclude the
critical areas that need immediate repairs and retrofitting. For example: number of
columns requiring immediate repair and strengthening, repair of critical slab and
beams, water proofing of terrace, toilet blocks, cracks in walls or structural elements

4. Post Structural Audit

4.1 Repairs
Based on the audit findings and recommendations different measures of repairs and
strengthening are carried out. According to ACI 546R-04, to repair is to replace or
correct deteriorated, damaged, or faulty materials, components, or elements of a
structural system. From this point of view, repair may be divided into structural repair
and serviceability repair. The former refers to the restoration of lost sectional or
monolithic properties of damaged members, while the later refers to the restoration of
structural surfaces to a satisfactory operational standard.
Obviously, poor design, poor construction, poor maintenance, incorrect usage, new
environmental influences or an intended increase of the loading or extension of the
structures lifespan can make repair and/or strengthening necessary.
Excluding technical considerations, the ultimate choice of method of repair and
strengthening of a concrete structure may also be influenced by factors like overall
quality of repairs and the size of individual repairs, access for repair, relative cost, ease
of application, available labor skills and equipment and client requirements including
future maintenance and economic considerations
416 A.B. Mahadik & M.H. Jaiswal

4.2 Strengthening and Retrofitting

Strengthening is the process of restoring the capacity of damaged components of
structural concrete to its original design capacity, or increasing the strength of
structural concrete. Strengthening of a concrete structure may be required due to
several reasons:
Change of usage which may cause over-stress in the structural member.
Serious materials and structural deteriorations which cause structural members
to be no longer able to carry the imposed loads with an adequate factor of
To increase the capacity for seismic resistance if the building is not designed
for it or the structure does not fulfill current design requirement corresponding
to seismic zones, R factor or so.
Strengthening of structural members can be achieved by replacing poor quality or
defective material with better quality material, by attaching additional load-bearing
material, such as high quality concrete, additional steel, thin steel plates, various types
of fiber reinforced polymer sheets, and so on, and by the redistribution of the load such
as by adding a steel supporting system. The purpose of strengthening is to increase the
load-carrying capacity or stability of a structure with respect to its previous condition.

5. Conclusion
The structural diagnosis is vast, important and highly responsible job which is
connected with lives of human beings. It is mandatory and advisable to carry out the
periodical structural audit of the buildings by professional experts and act immediately
through recommendations provided in audit report. The success of repairs and
restoration is always based on thorough knowledge, correct diagnosis and in-depth
studies of problems in building, proper repair practices and finally socio-economic
considerations. The effective implementation of auditing enhances the life span of
structure, prevents deterioration of building leading to sustainability.

[1] M. J. Monteiro and N. J. Pathak (2011), Article in International Journal of Earth
Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 0974-5904,
[2] Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 677-680.
[3] J. J. Shah (2008), Article in The Indian Concrete Journal, pp. 1726.
[4] Indian Standard: 13311:1992 (Part 1) NDT methods of Test- Ultrasonic Pulse
[5] Indian Standard: 13311:1992 (Part 2) NDT methods of Test- Rebound Hammer.
[6] ACI 546R-04 Concrete repair guide.
[7] ACI 562-12 - Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of
Concrete Buildings.
[8] Indian Standard: 456: 2000- Plain and Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice
(Fourth Revision).
[9] Indian Standard: 516: 1959- Method of test for strength of concrete.

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