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Last Chance in Monterrey: Meeting The Challenge of Poverty Reduction

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Oxfam Briefing Paper

Meeting the Challenge

of Poverty Reduction

On present trends, all the Millennium Development Goals will be

missed by a wide margin. As a result, there will be 56 million
additional child deaths and 75 million children out of primary
school by 2015. But trend is not destiny. An extra $100bn a year
in aid would be enough to realise the MDGs and honour our
commitments to the worlds poor.

13 March 2002
The International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in
Monterrey, Mexico, from 18-22 March, provides a last opportunity to mobilise
the financial resources needed to achieve the internationally agreed
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Failure to grasp that opportunity will
result in millions of avoidable child deaths, act as a brake on poverty
reduction, and reinforce already obscene inequalities between rich and poor.
The Millennium Development Goals call for universal primary education, the
halving of world poverty, and a two-thirds reduction in child deaths, with the
targets to be achieved by 2015. Each of the MDGs is achievable but only
with political resolve in poor countries, backed by an adequate flow of
resources from rich countries.
On present trends, all the MDGs will be missed by a wide margin. Dozens of
countries are off-track. If present trends continue, there will be 10 million
child deaths in 2015, compared with a target of 4.6 million. The cumulative
gap between MDG target rates for reducing child mortality and present
trends amounts to 56 million additional deaths between 2000-15.
Trend is not destiny. All of these outcomes, and the vast loss of potential and
suffering associated with them, are avoidable. But without a renewed aid
effort, it will be too late to achieve the MDGs.
Various estimates have been made of the costs of achieving the MDGs. The
World Bank suggests an indicative range of $40-60bn in additional aid per
annum. While difficult to calculate exactly how much money is needed, the
estimates made are in Oxfams view significant understatements of the
resources needed. The real cost of achieving the MDGs by 2015 will be
approximately $100bn in extra aid per annum.
The headline figure is large, but affordable. Ten years ago, donors pledged
to spend 0.7 per cent of their GNP on aid. Had they met this target, they
would now be spending an extra $114bn. Instead, they have cut their aid
budgets, to 0.22 per cent of GNP. Per capita aid to sub-Saharan Africa, the
region that is furthest off track for the 2015 goals, fell from $34 to $20 in the
second half of the 1990s.
The financing requirements for achieving the 0.7 per cent target are modest
in relation to government expenditure. The average increase in government
spending required for the G7 countries would be around 1.4 per cent.
Northern governments should set a five-year time frame for achieving the 0.7
per cent aid target. This would generate $130bn a year in additional financing
by 2007 sufficient not just to achieve the MDGs, but to sustain a broader
campaign against poverty. The costs of that campaign would amount to an
annual increase in government expenditure of 0.2 per cent over five years for
countries such as Britain and Germany, and 0.3 per cent a year for the US.
The costs of success in the war against poverty are modest compared with
other priorities adopted by governments:

Last Chance in Monterrey 1

The $11bn annual increase in spending required for the US represents
around one-quarter of the increase in military spending scheduled for
2003, and one-seventh of the tax cuts for the period 2002-14.

The EU could reach the 0.7 per cent target if it were to increase its aid by
an amount equivalent to the subsidies provided under the Common
Agricultural Policy ($35bn).
The current political background gives little cause for optimism. Several
major donors including Italy, France, Germany, and Japan have been
cutting aid. Others, notably the US, are allowing aid programmes to stagnate
at exceptionally low levels. Britain has set an encouraging trend by increasing
aid. However, its performance falls far short of the standards required for a
country seeking to provide leadership. Even the lamentably weak proposals
tabled for Monterrey by the Commission of the European Union, which called
for a target of 0.33 per cent by 2006, have been rejected by Member States.
Some Northern governments have stressed that 'trade not aid' should be the
dominant theme at the conference. That approach is disingenuous on two
counts. First, rich countries have failed to open their markets to poor
countries. Second, increased aid is vital for the world's poorest countries if
they are to grasp the opportunities provided through trade.
Oxfam is calling on each OECD government to agree to the following:

The international donor community should establish a five-year

timeframe for reaching the 0.7 per cent of GNP aid target.

Each low-income and middle-income country should develop clear plans

to realise the MDGs and work with donors in estimating the financing

The donor community should fully finance the $10bn Global Fund to
Fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and the wider programme
advocated by the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health.

Donors should act on their commitment to ensure that no national

strategy for achieving universal access to good quality education fails for
want of finance by developing a global initiative on education. This would
cost an extra $13bn per year.
Two years ago, rich-country governments joined their counterparts in the
developing world in making a solemn pledge to win the war against poverty.
It is time to redeem that pledge. Since the terrorist attacks of 11 September
2001, Northern governments have embarked on a war against the evils of
terrorism. But they have yet to commit themselves seriously to the war
against the evils of mass poverty, disease, and illiteracy.
The Monterrey conference provides an opportunity to make that
commitment. Northern governments have a choice. They can continue the
current practice of using UN summits to deliver large volumes of rhetoric on
poverty reduction, devoid of any financing commitments. Or they can commit
themselves to the investments in poverty reduction, health, and education
that could transform the lives of poor people, creating the foundations for
shared prosperity. At a time when globalisation is on trial as never before,
they cannot afford to fail.

2 Last Chance in Monterrey

Aside from the demoralising effect on the world at large and the
possibilities of disturbances arising as a result of the desperation of the
people concerned, the consequences to the economy of the United States
should be apparent to all Our policy is directed not against any country
or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.
US Secretary of State, George Marshall, Harvard University, 1947
We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the
abject and dehumanising conditions of extreme poverty, to which more than
one billion of them are currently subjected.
United Nations Millennium Declaration, 2000

Sixty years ago, the Marshall Plan laid the foundations for the social
and economic recovery of Europe after the Second World War. Its
architect warned that shared prosperity and collective security in one
part of the world could not be protected if mass poverty and hunger
reigned elsewhere. Political leaders of the day also had the vision to
Contrasts with today are striking. While governments in the rich
world seldom miss an opportunity to offer rhetorical commitments
on poverty reduction, they have collectively cut aid budgets to their
lowest-ever levels in real terms. Today, they are spending 0.22 per
cent of their GNP on development assistance, one-fifth of the level
provided to Europe under the Marshall Plan. While the world's poor
may figure prominently in the pre-Monterrey rhetoric of Northern
governments, they are conspicuous by their absence from the
priorities that guide budget allocations.
Starved of financial resources, strategies to close the huge gaps in
health, education, and living standards between rich and poor are
failing. The prosperity generated by globalisation in one part of the
world has gone hand in hand with mass poverty elsewhere.
At the UN General Assembly in 2000, the world's governments
pledged to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce child deaths, and
extend educational opportunity. Ambitious human development
targets for 2015 the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were
adopted. The International Conference on Financing for
Development, to be held in Monterrey, Mexico, from 18-22 March,
provides a last chance to mobilise the financial resources needed to
meet these targets.

Last Chance in Monterrey 3

Failure to act will reinforce inequalities between rich and poor
countries, and call into question the willingness of Northern
governments to support more inclusive forms of globalisation. While
private capital flows to poor countries are increasing, those countries
with the most entrenched poverty are being bypassed. Without
increased aid, they face an increasingly marginalised future.
As we show in this paper, none of the 2015 targets will be achieved
on current trends. Large numbers of countries are off-track for
achieving the targets in areas such as poverty reduction, child and
maternal deaths, and education and the gap between the required
rate of social progress and actual outcomes is widening. Sub-Saharan
Africa faces particularly acute problems. Data can express in
statistical terms the gap between MDG targets and current trends.
But behind the numbers are millions of preventable child deaths, tens
of millions of children denied an opportunity for education, and a
vast loss of potential associated with poverty.
Considerations of social justice, moral imperatives, and self-interest
combine to make an overwhelming case for decisive action at
Monterrey. Unfortunately, none of the proposals so far tabled by
Northern governments are even remotely commensurate with the
scale of the challenge.
Part 1 of this paper documents the slow pace of progress towards the
MDGs and sets out estimates of the costs for reaching the targets.
Part 2 assesses the affordability of these costs. Part 3 shows that,
contrary to some widespread misperceptions, development
assistance is a powerful instrument for poverty reduction and that
increased aid could bring the MDGs within reach. The paper
concludes by setting out an agenda for reform.

1 Missing the targets

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were a concrete
expression of what governments described as their collective
responsibility to uphold the principles of human development. They
endorsed a broad set of targets for 2015, including the halving of
extreme poverty (using 1990 as a base year), a two-thirds reduction in
child mortality (again with 1990 as a base year), and universal
primary education. If actual outcomes are used as a measure of
performance, governments are demonstrably failing to discharge
their collective responsibility. While human welfare has continued to
improve, it has done so at rates falling far short of those required.

4 Last Chance in Monterrey

Child mortality and health
Nowhere is this more apparent than in relation to child mortality.
Using UNICEF data, Oxfam has charted trends in child mortality
against the rate of improvement required to achieve the 2015 goal.
The picture that emerges is a disturbing one.
In the year 2000, there were 10.9 million deaths among children
below the age of five. If the world were on track for achieving the
MDGs, that figure would have been 8.9 million. In other words,
the gap between the 2015 target rate and the actual child death rate
was equivalent to around 2 million child deaths. That gap will
have doubled by 2015. On current trends there will be 9.6 million
child deaths in that year, compared with an MDG target of 4.2
million (Figure 1). The cumulative total of additional child deaths
between 2000-2015 resulting from the widening gap between the
MDG target rate and current trends will amount to 56 million a
massive loss of life.
There are striking regional variations in these trends. The gap
between trend and target rates is widest in sub-Saharan Africa. In
1990, the region accounted for just under one-third of child deaths
worldwide. By 2015 that share will have climbed to 55 per cent.
While South Asia is reducing child mortality more rapidly than
Africa, it too is off-track for the 2015 goal. If present trends continue
there will be 2.5 million child deaths in 2015, compared with a target
of 1 million under the 2015 scenario.
The bleak prospects for child mortality reflect a failure to address
both old challenges and new threats. Acute respiratory tract infection
and diarrhoea both continue to kill more than two million people a
year. Most of the victims are children almost all of them are poor.
Among the new threats, the magnitude of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
far exceeds the worst expectations of a decade ago. It is estimated
that 40 million people are infected. Over 16 million of the victims are
women and another 1.4 million are children under the age of fifteen.
HIV/AIDS is one of the most powerful barriers to achieving the 2015
targets in Africa, where it is now the leading cause of death. An
estimated 25 million people in the region are living with the disease.
Poverty-related malnutrition is at the heart of the failure to accelerate
progress in child mortality. There have been advances. UNICEF
estimates suggest that the prevalence of malnutrition fell from 32 per
cent to 28 per cent in the 1990s. However, progress has been uneven
and inadequate. In sub-Saharan Africa, almost one-third of children
suffer from malnutrition, which is the same proportion as ten years
ago (with the actual number of cases increasing). In South Asia

Last Chance in Monterrey 5

malnutrition rates have been falling, but even so, the 1990s ended
with almost half of all children suffering malnutrition.
Women continue to face disproportionate health risks. Over half a
million die each year from problems related to pregnancy and
childbirth. For every death, 30 more women are estimated to suffer
serious injury and infection. Almost half of these deaths occur in sub-
Saharan Africa, and another one-third in South Asia. In sub-Saharan
Africa, women face a 1 in 13 chance of dying in childbirth, compared
with a risk of 1 in 4,085 in industrialised countries. While there are
serious problems in measuring maternal mortality trends, evidence
suggests that there has been little change since the early 1990s.
Progress in child and maternal mortality is intimately linked to
improved access to water. Around one-half of the developing world's
population some 2.5 billion people lack access to basic medical
goods and services, or to safe water and sanitation. Lack of access to
water contributes directly to death and illness. It is implicated in the
deaths of the 2.2 million people from diarrhoea, the vast majority of
them children. Poor sanitation is also linked to the problem of
intestinal worms. These afflict an estimated 400 million school-age
children, contributing to malnutrition, anaemia, and an impaired
ability to learn.

Education for some

Trends in education mirror the scenario unfolding in health. There
are currently 125 million children not in school. The MDG target is to
achieve universal primary education by 2015, and gender equity by
2005. Both targets are on the brink of becoming unattainable.
The numbers of those out of school currently around 125 million
primary school-age children are declining. But there will still be
75 million children denied an education in 2015. As in health, sub-
Saharan Africa faces particularly bleak prospects. At present, the
region accounts for about 40 per cent of children not in school.
Projecting enrolment and population trends into the future suggests
that this figure could rise to over 70 per cent by 2015. Enrolment rates
fell in 17 African countries during the 1990s.
Gender inequities are among the most powerful obstacles to progress
in education. Women account for two-thirds of global illiteracy, and
young girls for a similar proportion of children out of school. The
system of gender apartheid at the heart of the education crisis shows
no sign of crumbling. In South Asia, girls spend on average about
half as many years in school (2.6 years) as boys (5 years). Wealth gaps
reinforce gender gaps. In India, the children of the richest 20 per cent

6 Last Chance in Monterrey

have already achieved universal primary education. Meanwhile,
fewer than half of those from the poorest 20 per cent complete
primary school.
Enrolment in school is only one dimension of the education crisis.
Many countries in Latin America, including Brazil, Peru and Bolivia,
have achieved near universal enrolment, but one-third of children do
not complete school. In South Asia, 40 per cent of the children that
start primary school drop out before completing five years of
education. Fully one-third of those that do complete emerge lacking
basic literacy skills. According to the World Bank, up to 100 countries
will fail to achieve universal primary education, defined as
completion of a basic education sufficient to acquire literacy skills.

Income poverty
Despite the continued expansion of the global economy, extreme
poverty remains a chronic problem. While the proportion of people
living on less than $1 a day has been falling, most of the decline has
been in East Asia. In sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin
America, progress has been too slow to achieve the MDG target of
halving extreme poverty by 2015.
Recent World Bank estimates suggest that at least 65 developing
countries are now off-track for the 2015 target, the majority of them
in sub-Saharan Africa. Using the simple method of projecting current
regional trends towards 2015 suggests that around one billion people
will still be living on less than $1 a day roughly the same as today.
The regional profile of poverty is changing, with South Asia and sub-
Saharan Africa accounting for a rising share of the total. In South
Asia the incidence of poverty is falling too slowly to prevent an
increase in absolute numbers of poor people. In sub-Saharan Africa
almost half of the population were in poverty at the start of the 1990s
and at the end of the decade. If current trends continue, the number
of Africans living below the poverty line will rise by 219 million
between 2000-15. In Latin America, the incidence of poverty is falling
at less than half of the target rate. As in sub-Saharan Africa, this
reflects the interaction of slow growth with highly unequal patterns
of income distribution.
An estimated three-quarters of the $1 a day poor live in rural areas.
Women are disproportionately represented as a result of their
unequal access to markets, assets, and income. Success in global
poverty reduction therefore has to be built on rural development
strategies that enable the poor in general and women in particular, to
capture a bigger share of the benefits from economic growth.

Last Chance in Monterrey 7

2 The costs of reaching the
Millennium Development Goals
More than additional financing will be required if the MDGs are to
be met. Improvements in the delivery and quality of services in
health and education are a precondition for progress. Money is not
the only input that matters or even the most important one.
However, many of the world's poorest countries lack the domestic
financial resources needed to achieve the 2015 targets. That is why
the Monterrey conference is so important.

The financing gap

Various attempts have been made to estimate the additional aid costs
of achieving the MDGs. According to the World Bank an extra $40-
60bn in additional aid will be required for the next 15 years. This is
broadly consistent with the estimate of the Zedillo report, which was
prepared in advance of the Financing for Development conference at
the request of the UN Secretary General.
Any attempt to estimate costs for achieving the MDGs includes an
element of speculation. However, both of the above exercises err on
the side of understatement, almost certainly by a very wide margin.
The World Bank's estimates understate the cost of achieving the
MDG health goals, and associated investments in water and
Drawing on the World Bank's own data, supplemented by estimates
carried out for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health,
Oxfam estimates the real costs to be closer to $100bn (see table 1).

Table 1
Additional aid financing requirements ($bn)
Halving income poverty1 46
Reaching MDGs for public health2 32
Universal primary education 3
(including incentives for girls education) 13
Access to water 4 9
Total 100

8 Last Chance in Monterrey

The costs of this investment in human development have to be
assessed against the potential benefits, both human and economic.
According to the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, aid
investments equivalent to 0.1 per cent of the GNP of industrialised
countries could avert eight million deaths a year by 2015. Using what
it acknowledges as extremely conservative estimates, the
Commission suggests that the increased wealth generated by
improved health would represent three times the costs of increased
health spending by rich and poor countries.
Just as the different aspects of deprivation are mutually reinforcing,
so are the benefits of human development. For instance, each
additional year of education is associated with an increase in output
of around nine per cent among smallholder farmers, with the
adoption of new technologies. Improvements in girls' education are
intimately related to better health, especially for children.
Comparative research across countries has found that each additional
year of maternal education reduces child mortality by around eight
per cent. Improved health is also one of the requirements for
improved learning.
The uncertainty that continues to surround debates on financing for
the MDGs highlights the need for all developing countries to work
with donors in developing reliable national estimates. This exercise
should be a central part of the process for preparing Poverty
Reduction Strategy Papers (see page 18). The financing requirements
should be reflected both in government financial frameworks and in
IMF/World Bank programmes. More immediately, and
notwithstanding current donor reluctance to increase aid, it is
important that the UN and the World Bank avoid tailoring figures to
suit rich-country preferences.
Whatever the precise costs of achieving the MDGs, two things are
clear. First, while there is scope for additional financing through
resource mobilisation in poor countries, through improved efficiency,
greater equity, and enhanced revenue collection, poverty imposes a
major financial constraint. The MDGs will not be achieved without a
major and sustained increase in aid spending. Second, increased aid
will not be enough. Past experience shows that political commitment
on the part of aid recipients is vital. Building health and education
systems that are responsive to the needs of the poor, and
reprioritising public spending to prioritise poverty reduction, are the
keys to success.

Last Chance in Monterrey 9

Closing the financing gap: a five-year schedule
for achieving the 0.7 per cent target
An important question for the Monterrey conference is whether or
not the financing requirements for achieving the MDGs are
affordable. The answer is an unequivocal 'yes'. While all rich-country
governments face budget constraints, none would be unable to meet
the UN target of spending 0.7 per cent of GNP on aid if this were a
political priority.
When the world's governments met at the Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992, they adopted a programme for action Agenda 21
setting out policies for combating poverty and improving living
standards. Northern governments agreed to finance their share of the
costs of these policies, partly by raising aid to 0.7 per cent of their
In the decade since the Earth Summit, aid spending has declined
substantially. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD), official development assistance
has fallen by one-third as a share of donor GNP, to 0.22 per cent
(Figure 2). Only five donors the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, and Luxembourg have achieved the 0.7 per cent target.
How big is the shortfall against the promise made at the Earth
Summit? If all OECD governments were spending 0.7 per cent of
their GNP on development assistance, aid flows would be $114bn
The world's largest economies the Group of Seven have led by
bad example. In terms of per capita spending, only Japan was
spending more on aid at the end of the 1990s than at the start of the
decade. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Italy, and
Germany have cut per capita aid by one third or more (Figure 3). The
United States, the world's wealthiest economy, allocates only 0.1 per
cent of GNP to aid, which is less than half of the OECD average.
In aggregate terms, net official development assistance fell from
$67.5bn in 1994 to $59.1bn in 1999. Although it coincided with a
surge in private capital flows to developing countries, very little of
that capital was directed to the poorest countries. Just 15 countries
receive over 80 per cent of private capital flows. Thus the countries
most dependent on aid have suffered major losses. Aid per capita fell
from $34 to $20 in sub-Saharan Africa in the second half of the 1990s,
and halved in South Asia over the same period.
Some of the deepest cuts have fallen in areas that have the most
potential to reduce poverty. For instance, at the end of the 1990s aid

10 Last Chance in Monterrey

flows directed towards agriculture were running at one-third of their
level in the late 1980s. This is despite the fact that rural communities
account for the overwhelming bulk of global poverty, and despite the
pressing need for public investments in infrastructure, marketing,
and extension services.
Two questions loom large for the Monterrey conference. First, are the
MDGs affordable? And second, what would the implications be for
government expenditure in industrialised countries?
The first question can be answered by reference to the 0.7 per cent aid
target. If all OECD donors were to commit themselves to achieving
that target within five years, and assuming a linear increase in
aid/GNP ratios, development assistance levels in 2007 would be
$131bn higher than today (Figure 4). 5 Around two-thirds of this
increase would have to be allocated to the achievement of the MDGs.
Measured against the performance of the past ten years and, more
immediately, against the proposals tabled by the Financing for
Development conference, the five-year time frame may seem an
ambitious goal. In the most far-reaching proposal under
consideration in the run-up to Monterrey, the Commission of the
European Union called on its members to undertake a commitment
to raise aid/GNP ratios to 0.33 per cent of GNP by 2006. However,
even if adopted by all OECD members, the EU proposal would
generate only $12bn in additional aid each year far short of the
requirements for achieving the MDGs.
Turning to the implications for Northern government expenditure,
the required increases in aid spending are relatively modest.
Excluding the United States, the current gap between aid spending
and the spending that would be required to reach the 0.7 per cent
target is equivalent to around one per cent of government
expenditure. For the United States, the figure is just under two per
Using a five-year timeframe, the costs of closing the gap between
current aid spending levels and those required to reach 0.7 per cent
of GNP would translate into annual increases of around 0.20 per
cent for Britain and Germany, rising to 0.23 for Japan, Canada, and
Italy, and 0.38 for the United States (Figure 5). The higher figure for
the United States is a reflection of two factors: the small current share
of GNP allocated to aid, and a smaller than (G7 average) budget in
relation to national income. For the United States, budget allocations
to aid would have to rise by almost two per cent over five years, or
0.38 per cent a year.6
At one level, prospects for the type of ambitious commitments
needed at Monterrey are bleak. European Union governments claim

Last Chance in Monterrey 11

that they are constrained by their stability pact, which sets a limit on
government budget deficits. Countries such as Germany, France,
Italy, and Britain have all come under pressure to curtail government
spending and borrowing. For different reasons, Japan, the world's
second largest donor, is even less likely to take a benign view of the
case for more aid. The economy is in recession, and the country has
by far the largest budget deficit in the G7 (and a huge impending bill
for covering bad debts in the banking system).
Notwithstanding these pressures, rich countries clearly have the
financing capacity to support achievement of the MDGs. Whatever
the rigours of the stability pact, the EU spends 25 per cent more
subsidising farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) than it spends on development assistance. Most of the $35bn
allocated to the CAP provides subsidies to large commercial farms
and corporations. If the same amount were allocated to development
assistance, it would be possible to more than double the aid effort of
EU member states and reach the 0.7 per cent target.
For the OECD as a whole, the $1bn a day currently spent
subsidising relatively high-income farmers and agri-business
corporations represents three times the additional aid required to
meet that target (Figure 6).
The United States would face a bigger challenge than Europe in
financing its commitment to the MDGs. Our estimates suggest that
the US would need to mobilise an additional $11bn a year in order to
reach the 0.7 per cent goal within five years. However, to put this
figure in context, it is equivalent to:
One-quarter of the increase in defence spending announced for
One-seventh of the annualised tax cuts announced under the 2001
reform package (Figure 7)
As in Europe, the US budget commitment to big farmers and
powerful agricultural interests is in stark contrast to the lack of
commitment to the world's poor. The USAID programme for global
public health provides vital support to developing countries and
poor communities in the fight against infectious diseases and
preventable child deaths. Yet the $1.3bn allocated to this
programme is equivalent in financial terms to the agricultural
subsidies transferred in 2000 to the state of Texas. In the same year,
the state of California received more in farm subsidies than
combined USAID spending on child survival, maternal health, and
basic education. Over half of the $21bn in US agricultural subsidies
is directed towards the wealthiest eight per cent of farms.

12 Last Chance in Monterrey

On a positive note, some governments have started to reverse the
deep cuts in aid budgets that occurred during the 1990s. The British
Government has been in the forefront of international efforts to
prioritise international poverty reduction in its domestic budget. In
2000 it increased the national ratio of aid to GNP from 0.27 to 0.31 per
cent, and it is committed to reaching 0.33 per cent by 2003-05.
Impressive as this turn-around has been in terms of restoring past
cuts, it falls far short of the standards set by Scandinavian donors.
The same is true for Canada. Having halved the share of GNP
allocated to aid in the 1990s, the government has now set a target for
raising development assistance. The world's largest donor, the
Japanese government, has also maintained an underlying increase in
aid, even with a reduction in flows associated with the East Asian
financial crisis.
Set against these broadly positive trends, major donors such as
Germany and France have reduced their aid/GNP ratios over the
past year, and the US aid budget is stagnating at historically low
levels. More generally, the record of even some of the strongest
performers, including Britain, falls far short of what is required to
achieve the MDGs.

3 Aid works for the poor

Over the past decade, international aid has generated a bad press.
Some Northern governments have justified their lamentable record
on development assistance by claiming that aid has a bad record in
terms of reducing poverty. Others argue that debates on aid divert
attention from other, more pressing concerns such as improving
market access. These assessments are exaggerated. Some aid has been
misused by donors and corrupt governments. But aid targeted at the
poor has achieved major results. Similarly, increased aid is not a
substitute for more trade (see Box 1), but it can help create the
conditions which allow poor people to benefit from trade. More aid
and more fair trade are both needed in order to realise the 2015

Last Chance in Monterrey 13

Box 1
Aid versus trade
International trade figures prominently on the agenda of the International
Conference on Financing for Development, partly at the behest of Northern
governments. These governments frequently declare that trade is more
important than aid as a vehicle for poverty reduction, partly in order to divert
attention from their record on aid. Unfortunately, their record on trade is as
bad, or worse.
Improved export performance by poor countries would generate far more
resources than any conceivable increase in aid. For example, if sub-
Saharan Africa increased its share of world exports by just one per cent, the
resulting foreign-exchange gains would amount to $70bn some five times
what the region receives in aid and debt relief combined.
Trade barriers in rich countries inflict huge costs on poor people in poor
countries. These costs amount to around $100bn a year. Moreover, the
industrialised worlds most restrictive trade barriers are targeted at goods
produced by poor people, such as labour-intensive manufactures and
agricultural commodities.
While Northern governments have unilaterally declared the Doha round of
World Trade Organisation talks a development round, they have so far
avoided any concrete commitments either to improve market access for
poor countries, or to reduce agricultural subsidies. The Monterrey
conference provides an opportunity to make those commitments.
Therefore, although action is needed on trade and trade could generate
substantial benefits for the poor it is not a substitute for aid. Aid will be key
to making trade work for the poor and reducing inequality and poverty.

Aid in practice, from local to global

As a development agency working in over 80 countries, Oxfam has
direct experience of working in aid partnerships. That experience
reflects a broader consensus that, despite its many problems, aid
In the Wajir district of Kenya, Oxfam is administering a nine-year
programme with pastoralist communities. Funded by the UK
Department for International Development, and based on priorities
developed by local communities, the Wajir programme aims to
reduce poverty and vulnerability by strengthening local livelihoods.
It has provided support for restocking programmes with sheep and
goats, financed the rehabilitation and construction of boreholes,
provided credit to women's groups, trained women health workers,
provided teaching materials, and funded training in basic veterinary
skills. By the end of the first phase of the programme in 1997, over
40,000 beneficiaries had been reached.

14 Last Chance in Monterrey

An independent review of the Wajir programme carried out in 1997
found that health and nutritional standards had improved, and that
dependence on food aid had diminished. Livestock mortality rates
were far lower than in non-project areas, reducing the level of
vulnerability. Improved survival rates for livestock, increased milk
production, and high returns to the credit made available to women's
groups generated a rate of return on project funding of over 50 per
cent. Apart from the immediate benefits in terms of welfare, the
Wajir programme has been increasing self-reliance in economic
terms. It has also actively supported the development of community
structures and enhanced the voice of women in community
Good aid is not about short-term transfers, but about building long-
term capacity. In Vietnam, Oxfam is working with donors and local
communities to extend health and education opportunities to
communities left behind in the country's economic growth, such as
indigenous people living in the mountainous areas. In East Timor,
Oxfam is working with support from the donor community to assist
community-based organisations working to develop the skills of
primary school teachers. In all of these cases, aid provides an
investment in the future.
For all its negative press, official development assistance has played a
critical role in supporting human development. Some of that support
is channelled through projects and programmes that make available
services that would otherwise be beyond the reach of the poor. In the
Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, USAID provides
grants to local non-governmental organisations for training health
workers in the treatment and prevention of killer diseases such as
HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Such support is vital in a country with
an estimated 3.5 million HIV cases, and an already over-stretched
health system.
International aid plays a vital role in financing access to basic
services. In countries such as Malawi and Uganda, governments
were able rapidly to increase enrolments in primary education by
phasing out education charges, increasing investment in teacher
training, and embarking on major programmes to extend access to
schools and teaching materials. In the case of Uganda, enrolment
rates increased from 54 per cent to 80 per cent between 1996-1998,
with some two million additional children entering the school
Without donor support, neither country could have sustained the
reform process. Donors account for over one-quarter of education
financing in Uganda. In Malawi, grants from USAID financed the

Last Chance in Monterrey 15

withdrawal of fees and provision of new teaching materials.
However, in contrast to Uganda, aid donors have failed to maintain
financial support for the reform process, forcing government to
consider restoring fees.
About one-third of official development assistance is channelled
through multilateral facilities, such as the International Development
Association (IDA) the World Bank's concessional arm. IDA plays a
critical role in many of the poorest countries. It provides long-term
loans at zero interest rates (but with a 0.75 per cent service charge),
with repayments over 35-40 years and a ten-year grace period.
Annual IDA commitments amount to around $5-6bn a year, and the
facility is the largest source of aid for sub-Saharan Africa.
Transfers from IDA play a critical role in social-sector financing. In
the Pakistan province of Balochistan, they have been used to finance
the construction of schools for girls and to train female teachers,
facilitating an increase in the enrolment of girls in a country with one
of the world's largest gender gaps in education. In Haiti, an
Economic and Social Fund supported by IDA has funded over 600
projects in health, sanitation, and education. In Honduras, IDA loans
have been used to rebuild and repair rural roads, schools, and health
There is no question that aid has been more effective in some
countries than others. Where governments have strong national
poverty-reduction strategies, as in Uganda and Vietnam, aid
generates very large returns for poverty reduction. But it is not just
the strongest performing countries that benefit. In economic terms,
aid is beneficial not just in providing basic services but also in
supporting the investments that contribute to growth. Cross-country
research consistently finds that more aid is associated with increased
domestic investment, even though the ratio of aid to investment
The strong record of aid as an instrument for improving access to
basic services and economic growth challenges the assumptions
underlying aid pessimism. It also graphically illustrates the human
costs associated with the chronic under-financing of aid budgets.
Nowhere are those costs more apparent than in relation to
international initiatives, where under-financing is acting as a brake
on effective delivery.
Public Health. In 2000 the UN Secretary General called for a $7-
10bn Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
These three diseases collectively claim 5.7 million lives a year. But
at the end of the first year of the Global Fund's existence, only

16 Last Chance in Monterrey

$1.5bn had been committed, and far less disbursed. The potential
benefits of aid far outweigh the costs.
Education. At the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000,
Northern governments pledged that no countries seriously
committed to education for all will be thwarted in their
achievement of this goal by a lack of resources. Two years on, no
international financing framework has been put in place. Efforts
to achieve universal education and improve quality remain
constrained by chronic under-financing, even in countries with a
strong commitment to reform.
Debt relief. The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
Initiative marked a major step forward in terms of achieving debt
sustainability. But under-financing has limited its effectiveness.
The headline figures are misleading in this respect. Total debt
service relief for the 23 countries covered by HIPC in mid-2001
amounted to a projected $34bn. However, 15 of these countries
were still spending more than 10 per cent of government revenue
on debt servicing. In more than half, repayments to creditors
were larger than spending on primary education; two-thirds were
spending more on debt than on health services. In the case of
Zambia, a country with rising levels of child mortality and rising
illiteracy, almost one-quarter of the government budget is still
allocated to debt repayments after HIPC Initiative debt relief.

The changing aid environment: PRSPs and

In the past, the effectiveness of aid has been compromised by bad
policies. During the Cold War, donors saw aid as an instrument for
developing geopolitical alliances rather than as a mechanism for
poverty reduction. Aid programmes were often donor-driven,
reflecting the priorities and concerns of rich countries. Developing
countries have had limited ownership. Meanwhile, practices such as
tying aid to goods and services provided by donors, or to policy
reforms dictated by donors, have undermined the potential for
poverty reduction. None of these problems have disappeared, but
reforms by donors and aid recipients are creating an environment in
which development assistance can have a more powerful impact on
human development.
The changing environment is epitomised by the adoption of Poverty
Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in low-income countries.
Countries seeking support under the HIPC Initiative and, to an
increasing extent, through other forms of aid, are required to have in

Last Chance in Monterrey 17

place a national poverty-reduction strategy. Prepared by national
authorities, PRSPs are a vehicle for developing such strategies. They
are intended to strengthen country ownership, to broaden the
representation of civil society especially the poor in the design of
such strategies, and to set out the public-spending priorities and
wider reforms aimed at reducing poverty. PRSPs also serve as a focal
point for dialogue between government and the international
community, with potential benefits for donor co-ordination.
There are serious problems with PRSPs. Consultation with civil
society has been mixed. In some cases, governments and/or the IMF-
World Bank have adopted schedules that preclude effective dialogue.
Many PRSPs place a premium on free-market reforms that owe less
to a considered strategy for reducing poverty than to the prevailing
received wisdom of the IMF-World Bank. And for all their changed
policy rhetoric, there is limited evidence of substantive policy change
in the World Bank or, more especially, the IMF.
For all this, the PRSP framework marks an important step in the right
direction. At their best, PRSPs have provided a powerful impetus to
poverty-reduction efforts. Uganda was the first country to produce a
full version, and it still represents best practice for integrating aid
programmes into a coherent government-led poverty strategy. The
Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) guides priorities in the
medium-term budget framework, and ring-fences expenditure
programmes that have a major bearing on the poor. Spending on
basic health, education, and rural roads has been increased sharply,
with donors increasingly abandoning a 'project-by-project' approach
in favour of broad budget support. Responsibility for monitoring the
PEAP resides with the Ministry of Finance, which puts poverty at the
heart of government planning.
While performance elsewhere has been more patchy, important
benefits are emerging. In Ghana, the influence of civil society
through the PRSP process has helped to focus attention on the more
deprived areas in the North of the country. The PRSP in Ethiopia has
set out strategies for building on improvements in primary
education, notably by reducing gender-based inequalities. In
Mozambique there have been improvements in vaccination coverage
and antenatal care, reflecting an increased budget commitment to
basic health services. Most PRSPs set out strategies for increasing the
share of government spending allocated to services utilised by the
poor, while at the same time identifying specific problems that
exclude poor people in general and women in particular from those

18 Last Chance in Monterrey

National ownership, accountability and the participation of civil
society are the three key building blocks for successful poverty-
reduction strategies. In this context, the New Partnership for Africa's
Development (NEPAD) represents an important change. Developed
and led by African governments themselves, NEPAD sets out a
compelling framework for successful development assistance. It
identifies the priority areas, such as rural infrastructure, health, and
education, where increased donor support is needed, while at the
same time seeking to build a new form of partnership between donor
and aid recipient.
One of the most innovative of NEPAD's proposals is for the OECD
and African governments to work together in developing a new
charter to underpin a development partnership. That charter would
include a framework for conducting independent assessments of
donor performance, while at the same time setting out strategies to
enhance the capacity of African governments to utilise aid
effectively. The NEPAD governments also want to formalise the best
practices that have emerged from the PRSP experience through
dialogue with the IMF and the World Bank.
The type of approach to development co-operation that has started to
emerge through PRSPs and from the governments behind the
NEPAD initiative provides fertile soil for improving the efficiency of
aid as a mechanism for poverty reduction. That is true both for
bilateral aid programmes and for international aid initiatives, such as
the UN Secretary General's Global Fund. More than at any time in
recent history, increased aid has the potential to generate major
advances in human development.
This is not to deny the scale of the problems that remain, both on the
side of aid recipients and donors. Many developing-country
governments are changing their budget priorities far too slowly, if at
all. Deep-rooted problems of corruption, excessive military spending,
and a bias towards services sparsely used by the poor, such as higher
education and curative health care, remain. Despite their own
rhetorical advances, many donors have failed to address serious
problems in aid quality. Among the central concerns:
Under-financing of education. Reducing inequalities in
educational opportunity between rich and poor countries, and
overcoming gender inequalities, are vital requirements for
poverty reduction. Donors recognise this in their aid policy
statements. Yet only around one per cent of OECD development
assistance is directed towards basic education, compared with 17
per cent for economic infrastructure. Most donors spend far less

Last Chance in Monterrey 19

on basic education for the poor than on higher levels of
Weak co-ordination. There is far too little co-ordination of aid
effort between donors, resulting in an increased administrative
and management burden on the limited resources of recipient
governments. All too often these governments are faced with a
multiplicity of aid agencies, each with their own reporting
requirements, financing cycles, and priorities. While donors pay
lip service to the need for improved co-ordination, recent
research by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department
shows that the problems posed by inadequate co-ordination may
be worsening, especially in the social sectors.
Inappropriate policy conditions. While there is a broad
consensus that aid works best in countries that have succeeded in
creating the conditions for high growth and poverty reduction,
there is less of a consensus on the policies needed to create these
conditions. Despite this, loan conditions associated with IMF and
World bank programmes in particular continue to place a
premium on one set of policies including trade liberalisation,
privatisation, and domestic market liberalisation deemed good
for the poor. The use of aid to leverage policy reforms in
contentious areas remains a serious problem.
Tied aid. Donors have been reducing the proportion of their aid
budgets that is tied to the purchase of equipment in donor
countries. However, the problem remains serious. Both Germany
and France tie more than 10 per cent of non-technical aid. For
countries such as Spain, Italy, and Canada the share rises to over
70 per cent. There is no reliable reporting on the overall share of
technical aid that is tied, although it is far higher than for non-
technical aid. Given that this category accounts for over half of
bilateral aid, it is clear that the practice of tied aid remains
extensive. On one estimate, tied aid reduces the value of aid
transfers by around one-fifth.
Aid geopolitics and competing priorities. While the excesses of
the Cold War have gone, the aid priorities of some donors
continue to reflect strategic self-interest rather than an interest in
poverty reduction. The huge increase in aid and debt relief
granted to Pakistan and other countries deemed to be allies in the
war against terrorism is a recent example. In some cases, the
policies of donor countries pull in different directions. In Britain
the Department for International Development has played a
leading role in supporting poverty-focused budgeting through
PRSPs in developing countries. Meanwhile, the Department for

20 Last Chance in Monterrey

Trade and Industry has actively supported the efforts of British
arms producers such as British Aerospace to cultivate new
markets in poor countries. The recent sale of an advanced air-
traffic control system to Tanzania, and efforts to cultivate a multi-
billion dollar market for fighter aircraft in India, are recent
examples of inconsistency in aid and trade policies.
Reforms are needed on the part of developing countries and aid
donors if the full potential of aid is to be realised. However, none of
the problems outlined above undermine the case for aid, or detract
from the need for a commitment to increased aid financing.

Success at the International Conference on Financing for
Development will require bold leadership. The economic slowdown
has created new pressures on national budgets in the industrialised
world. Meanwhile, many governments have responded to the
terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 by prioritising increased
military spending over the war against poverty.
This approach is wrong-headed and counter-productive. In the last
analysis, the mass poverty and deepening inequalities that are
accompanying globalisation pose a real threat to our collective
security. The problems associated with the social dislocation, disease,
and conflicts fuelled by deprivation do not respect national borders.
That is why the global war against poverty should be viewed not just
as a moral imperative, but as a matter of self-interest.
The Monterrey conference cannot realistically be expected to erase
the legacy of more than a decade of declining aid budgets and
chronic under-financing in development assistance. Nor can it be
expected to mark a major step-forward in other areas, such as trade.
However, with strong political leadership, vision, and a commitment
to build on the foundations that have already been laid, the
Financing for Development Conference could mark the start of a new
era in development co-operation.
To that end, Oxfam is proposing the following measures:
The international donor community should establish a five-year
timeframe for reaching the 0.7 per cent of GNP aid target.
Each low-income and middle-income country should develop
clear plans to realise the MDGs and work with donors in
estimating the financing required.

Last Chance in Monterrey 21

The donor community should fully finance the $10bn Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and the wider
programme advocated by the Commission on Macroeconomics
and Health.
Donors should act on their commitment to ensure that no
national strategy for achieving universal access to good quality
education fails for want of finance by developing a global
initiative on education. This would cost an extra $13bn per year.
Debt relief under the HIPC Initiative should be extended to
ensure that debt repayments do not undermine financing for the
MDGs, and that no government allocates more than 10 per cent of
revenue to debt servicing.
The creation of an independent monitoring and appraisal body to
monitor donor performance in Africa, as proposed by African
governments under the NEPAD initiative.

22 Last Chance in Monterrey


Figure 1

Child death trends and the MDGs (1990-2015)

Last Chance in Monterrey 23

Figure 2

Official development assistance as a percentage of GNP:

selected OECD countries (1988/89 and 2000)

24 Last Chance in Monterrey

Figure 3

Official development assistance per capita: G7 countries

(1988/89 and 1998/99)

Last Chance in Monterrey 25

Figure 4

Reaching the target: the five-year scenario for raising aid to 0.7
per cent/GNP

26 Last Chance in Monterrey

Figure 5

The costs of reaching the 0.7 per cent aid target as a percentage
of government expenditure: selected countries

Last Chance in Monterrey 27

Figure 6

The affordability of aid: total costs of reaching the 0.7 per cent
target versus OECD farm subsidies

28 Last Chance in Monterrey

Figure 7

The affordability of aid: the costs of reaching the 0.7 per cent
target versus tax cuts and military spending in the United States

Last Chance in Monterrey 29


This figure is within the World Bank's estimated range of $39-54bn.
According to the World Bank, the lower end of the range represents the
amount that could effectively be absorbed today in 43 countries that are off-
track for halving income poverty. The upper threshold represents the amount
that, in the World Bank's view, could be absorbed with improved policies in
22 countries. Our figure includes a Zedillo report proposal for $3.5bn
spending on urban renewal.
This figure is based on the recommendations of the Commission on
Macroeconomics and Health, which convened under the auspices of the
World Health Organisation. While the Commission's goals are not strictly
comparable to those set out in the MDGs, they represent a close
approximation. For example, its financing estimates target a two-thirds
reduction in deaths from infectious diseases and maternal mortality. Under
the financing strategy for achieving this target, the Commission proposes
mobilising an additional (that is, over and above 2001 aid spending on
health) $21bn in aid, rising to $32bn by 2017. We have used the latter figure.
Estimates for achieving universal primary education typically range from
$9bn by the United Nations to $10-15bn by the World Bank. Figures at the
lower end of the range tend towards understatement because they fail to
take into account two related problems. First, the cost of getting the most
marginalised children into school tends to be higher than average current
spending on children in school. Second, the need for incentive-based
financing schemes is overlooked. Such schemes have been successfully
used to increase female enrolment in Pakistan, and by the Brazilian
government to target the parents of around two million working children.
There is no consensus on the costings for achieving the MDGs for water
and sanitation. The World Bank cites an indicative figure of $9bn for basic
coverage in water, which we have used.
This figure assumes a weighted OECD growth rate of 2.5 per cent.
These figures are based on the assumption that the share of government
expenditure in GNP remains constant over the five-year period.

Oxfam International 2002 March 2002

This paper was written by Kevin Watkins. It is part of a series of papers
written to inform public debate on development and humanitarian policy
issues. The text may be freely used for the purposes of campaigning,
education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full.
For further information please email

30 Last Chance in Monterrey

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Published by Oxfam International March 2002

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-84814-470-5

Last Chance in Monterrey 31

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