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The Disaster Crunch Model: Guidelines For A Gendered Approach

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The Disaster

Crunch Model:
Guidelines for a Gendered Approach
Oxfam GB May 2012

The Disaster Crunch Model: Guidelines for a Gendered

Approach was written by Vu Minh Hai and Ines Smyth.
Oxfam GB acknowledges the assistance of
Dow Punpiputt in its production.

These Guidelines should be considered as a working

document and will be improved with inputs from
field experiences by practitioners. Your comments or
inputs are highly appreciated. Please send them to
Ines Smyth:

This publication is copyright but the text may be

used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy,
campaigning, education, and research, provided that
the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright
holder requests that all such use be registered
with them for impact assessment purposes. For
copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use in
other publications, or for translation or adaptation,
permission must be secured and a fee may be charged.

The information in this publication is correct at the

time of going to press. Published by Oxfam GB under
ISBN 978-1-78077-140-3 in May 2012. Oxfam GB, Oxfam
House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.


Oxfam is a registered charity in England and Wales

(no 202918) and Scotland (SC039042). Oxfam GB
is a member of Oxfam International. Oxfam is an
international confederation of 17 organisations
networked together in 92 countries, as part of a global
movement for change, to build a future free from the
injustice of poverty.
Globally disasters are occurring more often and in larger scale. Many policies and measures have been developed
to analyse their causes and consequences, in order to strengthen the resilience of individuals, communities
and institutions.

Such measures and policies often disregard that the effects of disasters are likely to be different for women,
men, girls and boys. Womens and mens (of whatever age) different roles, responsibilities, and access to
resources influence how each will be affected by different hazards, and how they will cope with and recover from
disaster. Inequality between women and men means that, despite the incredible resilience and capacity for
survival that women often exhibit in the face of disaster, they also experience gender-specific vulnerabilities.

For this reason, understanding how gender relations shape womens and mens lives and translating this
understanding into appropriate practices, is critical to disaster risk reduction (DRR). The Hyogo Declaration,
which sets out the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) (20052015), states that a gender perspective should be
integrated into all DRR policies, plans and decision-making processes.

The Disaster Pressure and Release Model also known as the disaster Crunch Model, helps practitioners to
understand and react to peoples vulnerability to disasters. The current Guidelines introduce new elements into
the Crunch Model so that it is able to take into consideration how women and men experience different levels
and types of vulnerability to disasters. This booklet is intended for practitioners and researchers engaged in
disaster risk reduction (DRR) work in the context of a changing climate.

Photo credit: Ruby Thursday More/Oxfam




Engendering the crunch model

1. Background Why make the Crunch Model more gender sensitive?

A framework that can be useful for understanding and reducing disaster risk is the disaster pressure and release
model also known as the disaster Crunch Model. This model shows that vulnerability (pressure), which is rooted
in socio-economic and political processes, has to be addressed (released) to reduce the risk of disaster.

Disaster crunch model

Trigger event Unsafe conditions

Hazards Vulnerability

The disaster Crunch Model states that a disaster happens only when a hazard affects vulnerable people. A disaster
happens when these two elements come together. A natural phenomenon by itself is not a disaster; similarly, a
population maybe vulnerable for many years, yet without the trigger event, there is no disaster. We can therefore
see that vulnerability - a pressure that is rooted in socio-economic and political processes - is built up and has
to be addressed, or released, to reduce the risk of a disaster. These processes may include poverty, age-related
discrimination, exclusion or exploitation based on gender, ethnic or religious factors. The outcome will be safe as
opposed to unsafe conditions, resilient or capable communities as opposed to vulnerable communities and
sustainable livelihoods as opposed to unsustainable livelihoods.

The progression of vulnerability1, provides an explanation for the interrelationships between different elements
that cause vulnerability. This model was the first attempt to bring the human factor into the disaster management
picture. Disaster risk management practitioners have used the model since then to examine the causes of
vulnerability during disaster risk assessment.

First developed by Blaikie, Wisner et al, in 1994. Terry Cannon, one of the original developers of the Disaster Crunch Model, has further
identified five components of vulnerability to help practitioners to obtain a more comprehensive understanding while analyzing risk. The
most important links are those that affect livelihood strength and social protection, both of which are largely dependent on governance to
determine how effective they are. Cannon argues that vulnerability should be defined in terms of five interrelated components that capture
all aspects of the exposure to risk from natural hazards: livelihood strength and resilience; well-being and base-line status; self-protection;
social protection, and governance. The linkages between these are important in understanding the causes of vulnerability and therefore how
to design policies to address it.

A Release Model was introduced as a counter model and has helped practitioners to identify disaster risk
reduction measures in a more comprehensive manner.

Oxfam has used these models as a framework for situation analysis in its guidelines for Participatory Capacity
and Vulnerability Assessment (PCVA). However, to date these models have not provided reference to the gender
aspects of vulnerability and capacity.

In order to realise Oxfams ambition of: putting womens rights at the heart of all our work, country humanitarian
teams in the East Asia region (now Asia), with support from the Global Gender Advisor and East Asia Regional
Change Lead for Building Resilience, have modified the Crunch Model to make it more gender sensitive. The
expectation is that DRR practitioners will switch gradually to using this version, replacing the original model, which
will help to identify gender inequality issues at the same time as analysing vulnerability and capacity.

2. The original Crunch Model

The original Crunch Model illustrates that a disaster occurs only if a hazard impacts upon a vulnerable group of
people. People are vulnerable when they are unable to adequately anticipate, withstand and recover from a hazard.

Figure 1 The Crunch Model

The progression of vulnerability

1 2 3


Fragile physical
Lack of: dangerous
local institutions locations
training Earthquake
buildings and
appropriate skills infrastructure
local investment High winds/
local market Fragile local (cyclone/hurricane/
access to:
press freedom economy typhoon)
ethical standards livelihoods at risk
structures low income levels Flooding
in public life Risk =
Vulnerable society hazard X Volcanic eruption
Macro-forces: vulnerability
Ideologies special groups at risk
rapid population Landslides
political systems lack of local
growth institutions
economic system
rapid urbanisation Drought
arms expenditure Public actions
debt repayment lack of disaster Virus and pests
schedules preparedness
deforestation prevalence of
declines in soil endemic diseases

Wisner et al, 2004 pressures that result in disasters: the progression of vulnerability

This original model has two main dimensions: hazards and vulnerability, both of which influence the disaster risk.
The level of disaster risk therefore depends on the magnitude of the hazard and degree of vulnerability of the
people. As explained above, a disaster will not happen if there is only hazard without a vulnerable community and
vice versa. For example: When an earthquake occurs in a deserted, isolated and uninhabited area, there is no
vulnerability and therefore no disaster risk, as there is no damage or loss to human beings. In order to understand
the complexity of a communitys vulnerability, both dimensions should be analyzed.

The behavior and trends of a hazard can be understood through examining its force, any warning signs, forewarning,
speed of onset, frequency, time of occurrence and duration. Climate, or weather related hazards, should also be
considered and analysed in the context of a changing climate, as the frequency, intensity and seasonality of
climate related hazards, such as typhoons, floods and droughts may be affected.

Three layers of social processes that cause vulnerability are: root causes, dynamic pressures and unsafe
conditions. The root causes lead to dynamic pressures that explain how the unsafe conditions have arisen and

For example, for people living by a river prone to sudden onset flooding:
unsafe conditions may be: poor housing conditions, dangerous location, risky livelihoods, lack of
disaster preparedness skills, etc.
dynamic pressures may be: no community organization for collective efforts to reduce flood risks, rapid
migration tendencies that change the social structure, the lack of local markets for small farmers to sell
their produces or buy agricultural inputs, etc.
root causes may be: government negligence of sand mining in that river, the lack of government policy
on flood warning systems and land use planning, poor men and women are not allowed to attend
meetings on flood mitigation and emergency response preparedness, etc.

3. What is the Gendered Crunch Model?

As already mentioned, the Crunch Model helps practitioners to understand and react to peoples vulnerability to
disasters. Gender relations underpin the roles and status of men and women in a certain socio-economic, religious
and cultural context. This means that women and men experience different levels and types of vulnerability to
disasters, including those caused by climate change.

The Gendered Crunch Model (see Figure 2 on the following page) essentially examines the gender aspects of
each element, or layer of the existing Crunch Model, to help us better understand how each differently influences
the vulnerability of poor women and men, boys and girls.


How to use the gendered

crunch model?

Figure 2 The gender sensitive progression of vulnerability

The gendered progression of vulnerability

1 2 3


Lack of:
Physical environment
Limited and skills of women
dangerous locations for living and
differential access and men
production by poor women, men and other
training and learning
of poor women and marginalised groups
opportunities for women
men to: unprotected buildings and infrastructure
due to gender stereotypes
without specific areas and facilities for Frequency,
power local markets for poor women, people with disabilities, children
structures women and men and elderly people
material and other freedom of media that and magnitude of
raises issues concerning Local economy weather related
the well-being of poor precarious livelihoods of men and women at risk,
women and men
hazards and
differentially affected by disaster risks, more
Ideologies accountability and effective burden on women
influence of climate
unequal gender governance of responsible low income levels, pushing men and women Disaster risk = vulnerability/ change:
representation in agencies into more risky jobs hazard X typhoon
political systems and Macro-forces:
Social relations
vulnerability floods
structures at national possible rapid population
special groups at risk, e.g. single female HH land slides
growth and demographic
and subnational levels heads, ethnic women,... drought
changes in the sex ratio
acceptability of lack of local institutions or unequal representation
rapid urbanisation - affects of women in decision making processes
violence against women and mens life and incidence of violence against women volcanic eruption
women livelihoods virus and pests
economic migration of men and Public actions / institutions
women for different lack of DP and institutions that address
purposes gender needs and capacities
between women national debt prevalence of endemic diseases among
and men and deforestation men, women, children
ethnic groups declines in agricultural
land and productivity

Modified from Wisner et al, 2004

Hazard and vulnerability are the two main dimensions that should be analysed when undertaking a
disaster risk assessment. Therefore, for each hazard identified, the respective causes of vulnerability -
with regards to both men and women, boys and girls - should be assessed.
In the process of analysing gendered vulnerability for the purpose of designing projects or programme
(whether in development, advocacy or DRR) the practitioner(s) is encouraged to ask a series of
questions (not exhaustive) relevant to each element of the progression of vulnerability, to best ensure
that gender aspects of each are comprehensively considered. Many of those will provide a yes or no
Depending on the answer, the DRR practitioner(s) should attempt to find out the reasons behind the
answer. This is meant to initiate thinking and discussion amongst team members and with partners and
other stakeholders.

The practitioner(s) can start at any point within any element to address these questions. It is an iterative
process (responses maybe amended through further analysis of the situation). In developing a
programme or project, the practitioner should essentially examine each element through addressing a
series of questions to best ensure that gender aspects of each are comprehensively considered.

The purpose of this exercise is to identify how a hazard affects men, women, boys and girls
differently; the specific aspects of gender relations and inequalities in their vulnerability;
their specific needs, concerns and priorities in reducing disaster risks; as well as to examine
the implications of these issues for programme design and implementation to promote more
effectively gender equality, address poverty and lessen suffering.

1. Root causes

What are the roles of women and men in existing governmental and non-government structures, within
the local society and the home? Do their opinions, especially of poor women and men and ethnic groups
have equal weight in decision-making processes?
Do women have similar access to and control over resources natural, economic, social, health and
legal to men?
Are women represented equally to men in governance and management structures, including in positions
of leadership?

What are the beliefs about gender roles and responsibilities that influence the involvement of women
and men in the political system/involvement in the public arenas?
Do similar beliefs and values also apply in the economic context? Are women mainly responsible for
household tasks? Are they vulnerable to forms of violence or discrimination?
Does economic development as well as DRR policies, strategies, plans integrate womens needs and
rights? Do they promote gender equality?
Is violence against women condoned or condemned in dominant discourse?

2. Dynamic pressures

How aware of disaster risks are women compared to men?

Do women have equal access to education and skill training opportunities to men? Are womens

educational levels comparable to men?
Do religious or cultural practices mean that women have less access to or engagement with other
people in local society or access to information?
Are there any restrictions on the media to raise issues related to gender inequality or gender based
Is there an awareness of the differential impacts of disaster on women and men?
Is need assessment for response and recovery gender sensitive?
Can both men and women have equal access to local markets?
What is the level of accountability of government agencies responsible for DRR? Are they transparent
in the way they are managing DRR? Do they get local women and men involved in DRR?

Macro forces
Has the population in the country/locality increased significantly in the last decade? Are there significant
changes in the sex ratio?
Is urbanisation taking place in an organised/planned manner considering potential risks that may affect
womens and mens lives and livelihoods?
Are both men and women migrating to urban areas? What are the impacts of their movement to their
families and communities at both ends?
What is the level of national debt? How is it affecting taxation or commodity prices?
What is the total percentage of forested area in the country/programme areas? Are local men and
women involved in preserving or afforesting or reforesting?
Are there national or local declines in the area of agricultural land? Have major crops declined in
productivity per hectare over the last decade? If yes, how are they affecting the livelihoods of men and
Do national or international socio-economic development policies/strategies consider their impacts on
poor women and men?
Are there major infrastructure developments within the locality/region (such as a reservoir, dam, road,
etc.) that may impact upon the lives and livelihoods of men and women differently?

3. Unsafe conditions

Physical environment (individual and community level)

Are settlements located in locations unsafe for vulnerable groups?
Are men and women aware of the risks posed by their location (e.g. landslide, flash flood prone areas,
sea surge or tropical storms in the coastal areas, flood plain)?
Are public and private buildings available as safe haven for evacuation at the time of disaster? Are
there suitable water, sanitation facilities for men and women?
Are local government staff able to consider specific needs of women and men?
Is there access to adequate health care and water and sanitation facilities, health insurance for both
men and women, especially for women who are pregnant, lactating or with babies, elderly men and

Local economy
Do women and men face risks in accessing natural resources for their livelihood activities?
What livelihood risks do women and men face? Would women and mens workloads be similar before,
during and after a disaster?

What are the differences in the access that men and women have to paid work? Are women and men
paid the same amount for a similar activity? If men migrate for livelihood purposes, how does this impact
upon womens workloads at home/generally?
If women migrate for work, what impact does it have on men and their families at home?
Is there evidence that women in the locality are taking on high-risk income generation activities (e.g.
unsafe working environment or commercial sex work)?
Are there options for poor men and women to take any form of insurance?
Are there existing community support mechanisms, e.g. womens groups, saving scheme, contingency

Social relations
Which groups are at risk? E.g. single female, single headed households, some ethnic women?
Is there evidence of violence against women?
What social and health benefits exist for women?
Is there evidence of trafficking of women and children?
Are women involved in DRR decision-making or in collective initiatives?
Are there organisations that work on gender or womens rights issues? Does the State protect womens
rights (through laws, policies, etc.)?

Public actions and institutions

Are there DRR institutions/organizations that address: both mens and womens needs and capacities,
or involve women and men in decision-making, or mention women and men equally specifically in
policies, strategies and plans?
Are there womens groups that take collective action to overcome their vulnerabilities (e.g. savings and
loan groups/self-help groups)?
How are women, men, girls and boys differentially impacted by endemic diseases especially during/in
the aftermath of disasters?

After analysing and understanding all causes of womens and mens vulnerabilities, and inequalities in the
programme/project areas, DRR practitioners can use the Release Model to help to identify measures to address
the causes of vulnerabilities at different layers, which eventually creates a safe environment, a resilient community
and a society where both men and women enjoy gender equality.



Figure 3 The original Release Model

The progression of safety

1 2 3



Development of: Protected

Local institutions environment:
Education Safer locations
Training Hazard resilient
Increase the Appropriate skills buildings and
access of Local investment infrastructure
vulnerable Local markets Diversification of
groups to: Press freedom rural income
power Ethical standards Aim for a A range of
structures in public life controlled measures to
resources situation: reduce certain
Resilient local
Macro-forces: No loss of life hazards:
Challenge any: Population and Few casualties flood controls
Ideology, political health Restricted damage shelter breaks to
systems or programmes Food security reduce wind forces
Increase low
economic system Managed incomes
where it causes urbanisation
or increases Adapt arms Public actions:
vulnerability industry for Disaster
development preparedness
purpose* Drought/cyclone/
Reschedule debt volcanic/landslide
repayments warning system
*This is particularly
critical in post-conflict situation

Wisner et al, 2004: The release of presures to reduce disaster: progression of safety

Theoretically, the pressure between hazards and vulnerabilities should be released to reduce disaster risk.
Hazards should be mitigated to reduce their intensity, thus affect vulnerable population less. Vulnerability should
also be reduced at different levels: activities need to be undertaken to turn unsafe conditions into safer
conditions, dynamic pressures will be reduced and root causes will be addressed. These DRR activities aim to
achieve a controlled situation and a resilient community, where there is no loss of life, few casualties, restricted
damage, food security and capacity to recover quickly from any impact of a hazard.

Similar to the original Crunch Model, however, the original Release Model provides few insights into the gender
aspects in the DRR arena. The following Gendered Release Model is an attempt to provide practitioners with some
reminders for consideration of gender issues when identifying DRR measures.

Figure 4 The Gender Sensitive Release Model

The gender progression of safety

1 2 3


Increase the Development of:
Local institutions,
access of poor especially womens
Safer locations and
women and men hazard resilient buildings
organisations and Infrastructures that
in vulnerable Equal education and meet specific needs
training opportunities Aim for a controlled A range of
group to: of women and men
power structures for both men/women, Diversification of rural situation and a gender sensitive
boys/girls income opportunities, resilient measures to
material and Appropriate skills especially for poor
other resources Local investment and women and men community Enhance forecast
markets for poor that promote and reduce
Resilient local
Challenge any: women and men economy: gender equality: impacts of Hazards
Improved effective
Ideologies, governance and
Strengthen equal No loss of life and climate risks:
political systems livelihoods opportunities
accountability of Increase incomes, No casualties e.g.
that prevent equal responsible agencies especially for poor Limited damage flood and typhoon
representation of Freedom of media women early warning
in raising gender issues
Food security
women and men Social relations: systems and controls
in management Macro-forces:
Special support to
planning trees as
structures vulnerable groups, e.g.
Population programmes windbreaks
single female headed
Belief or culture to prevent unequal
changes in sex ratio
HHs, ethnic women preserve water
practice that foster Prevention of any form
Urbanisation sources for drought
violence against programmes that
of gender based violence
women, or Public actions:
benefit both women
Economic system and men Enhance DRR/CCA
institutions that address
where it causes Reschedule debt
gender practical and
an increase in repayments
strategic needs and
Reforestation that
vulnerability involve both sexes
Epidemic prevention

*This is particularly
critical in post-conflict situation
Modified from Wisner et al, 2004

This model may be best used side by side the Gendered Crunch Model, following the analysis steps.

For each identified issue or problem, gender sensitive measure(s) should be defined, and practitioners should
What positive changes in the life of men and women, boys and girl will the measure bring?
How will they be involved in decision making processes and implementation of the measure?
Are their gendered needs, concerns and capacities addressed equitably?
What more can be done to achieve gender equality in this?
Are human, financial and material resources allocated adequately by the local authorities, government
and the responsible agencies to realise the measure?


conclusive notes

Additional uses of the Gendered Crunch and Release Models

It is hoped that practitioners will gradually familiarize themselves with the gendered version of the tool and use
it in ways that enhance their effectiveness and that of their organizations, for example, in the context of:
a) An analytical framework for PCVA: instead of using the original model, from now on, the Gendered
Crunch and Release Models can be used, as explained above, during the relevant processes. The steps
of PCVA are maintained.
b) Sex disaggregated information collected as a result of the PCVA process should form the baseline data
for future use.
c) Monitoring and evaluation of programmes/projects: The Gendered Crunch and Release Models can also
be used as a tool for monitoring and evaluation to check whether our programme/project is achieving
gender equality goals, or if womens rights are being promoted.
d) Advocacy and campaigns: From the analysis above, especially in the root causes of women and mens
vulnerability, advocacy and campaign messages can be developed.

Reference materials

Blaikie, P., T. Cannon, I. Davis & B. Wisner. (1994). At Risk: Natural hazards, Peoples vulnerability, and
disasters. London, Routledge.

B. Wisner, 2004, At risk: natural hazards, peoples vulnerability and disasters, Rutledge

Gender and disaster risk reduction: A training pack, Oxfam 2011

Focus 200, Disaster Risk Reductions: A Gender and Livelihood Perspective

Terry Cannon, 2008, Reducing Peoples Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Communities and Resilience,
Research Paper No. 2008/34, UNU-WIDER

Photo credit: Martin Parr Magnum Photos/Rocket Gallery
Womens and mens (of whatever age) different roles, experience different levels and types of vulnerability to
responsibilities, and access to resources influence disasters. This booklet is intended for practitioners and
how each will be affected by different hazards, and researchers engaged in disaster risk reduction (DRR)
how they will cope with and recover from disaster. work in the context of a changing climate.
Inequality between women and men means that, despite
the incredible resilience and capacity for survival that
women often exhibit in the face of disaster, they also
experience gender-specific vulnerabilities.

The disaster pressure and release model also known

as the disaster Crunch Model, helps practitioners
to understand and react to peoples vulnerability
to disasters. The current Guidelines introduce new
elements into the Crunch Model so that it is able
to take into consideration how women and men

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