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Make Trade Fair in The Americas: Agriculture, Investment and Intellectual Property: Three Reasons To Say No To The FTAA

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Oxfam Briefing Paper

Agriculture, Investment
and Intellectual Property:
Three Reasons to Say
No to the FTAA
While poverty, inequality and the concentration of wealth persist
in Latin America and the Caribbean, trade and investment
agreements are being promoted that would seriously limit the
possibilities of development and poverty eradication in the
countries of the region. The Free Trade Area of the Americas is
an agreement that would favor the interests of large
corporations over the rights of the people of the Americas.
Trade and investment have great potential for creating sustainable
development, reducing poverty and meeting basic rights. Instead of realizing
this potential, however, trade and investment have contributed to increasing
poverty, greater inequality between and within countries, and a greater
concentration of wealth produced by the global economy.
Oxfam International believes that these contradictions are a result of the
unfair rules that govern trade and international investment, as well as the
double standards by which rich countries and large companies define their
own terms for inclusion in the global economy, to the detriment of poorer
Oxfam International has launched the Make Trade Fair campaign, aimed at
changing international trade rules, especially those of the World Trade
Organization. However, parallel to the WTO, the plan to integrate Latin
America and the Caribbean into the Free Trade Area of the Americas is
moving forward at full speed. Some aspects go much further than the most
worrisome WTO rules, as in the case of investment and intellectual property.
In addition to the FTAA, the US is pushing for other bilateral and sub regional
agreements at an accelerated pace. A free trade agreement between the
United States and Central America (CAFTA), which reproduces the same
framework of rules, has been given particular momentum.
In 2001, 214 million people, nearly 43% of the Latin American population,
were living in poverty, 92.8 million (18.6%) of whom lived in abject poverty.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
projections for 2002 indicate a poverty increase of approximately 7 million
people, of whom nearly 6 million are living in extreme poverty. Any
integration project in the Americas should address this social reality, but the
trade and investment policies put forth by the FTAA do not promote
sustainable development and poverty reduction and could further intensify
the scenario of inequality and exclusion in the region.
Oxfam International opposes the FTAA and we, along with a broad range of
civil society organizations on the continent, propose that alternative rules be
discussed for a different type of integration, such as those put forth by the
Hemispheric Social Alliance and the continental campaign against the FTAA.
Eliminating poverty and promoting development in the Americas require
radical changes in the existing trade and investment rules. Oxfam
International has prioritized three themes: agriculture, investment and
intellectual property, for which we propose the following:

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 1

1. Fair Trade Rules for Agriculture, including:
Special and differential treatment in agriculture, taking into account
food security needs and the interests of small producers;
Putting an end to the dumping of cheap food by rich countries, which
destroys the livelihood of millions of farmers in developing countries
by forcing them to compete unfairly in their local markets;
Improved access to markets for developing country products;
Greater equity in the marketplace, giving countries the flexibility to
support small producers and regulate the monopolistic behavior of
transnational agricultural corporations.

2. Regulating Foreign Investment to Promote National Development,

Measures to develop links between the export sector and the local
economy, ensuring the development of local production capacities;
Promotion of international labor and environmental standards and
other measures to create positive contributions to sustainable
Controls to limit the flow of speculative and short-term investment;
Limits to foreign investors ability to bypass the laws and courts of
host countries, and the elimination of the concept of indirect
3. Intellectual Property Rules that Guarantee Public Welfare, including:
Promotion of reforms in the TRIPS agreement and implementation
of the Doha Declaration in order to reduce the price of medicines;
Prohibition of patents on genetic plant resources for food and
Keeping intellectual property protection out of the negotiations of the
FTAA and other trade agreements in the region.

2 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Oxfam International has launched the Make Trade Fair campaign,
which seeks to change international trade rules so that trade and
investment can contribute to sustainable development, reducing
poverty and meeting basic rights.
This document is part of that campaign, and it supports our
arguments against the FTAA and the alternatives that we propose. It
does not address the full agenda of the FTAA, but is focused on three
key themes for the region: agriculture, investment and intellectual
property. These themes illustrate the relationship between trade and
investment rules and poverty. They are closely linked to the work of
partners that Oxfam programs have supported for many years. Based
on this experience, Oxfam International believes that eliminating
poverty and promoting development in the Americas requires
radical changes in trade and investment and a different model of

1 Agriculture: Double Standards and

Agriculture is a crucial source of livelihoods in Latin America and
the Caribbean, and a key component in the strategies for poverty
reduction and development in the region. Agriculture is also one of
the largest industries in the world, though its international scope is
limited, given that only 10% of agrarian production is traded
However, the region is facing a chronic crisis in food security and
growing poverty in rural areas. Throughout Latin America and the
Caribbean, 54 million people suffer from malnutrition (11% of the
total population), the majority of whom are women and children.2
This is due to the flagrant double standards of liberalization of
agricultural trade, which maintain subsidies and protection in rich
countries and require liberalization in developing countries. The
crisis is worsened by the withdrawal of public investment in
developing countries and the fall in prices and incomes.
In the region, agriculture is the source of survival for millions of
people. In Latin American and the Caribbean, approximately 123
million people (25% of the total population) live in rural areas and
depend directly or indirectly on agriculture. Seventy-seven million
(63.7%) of them live in poverty, of whom 47 million live in extreme

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 3

poverty. 3 In the United States and Canada there is also a large
number of small producers who live in poverty. In the US, 14.2% of
the rural population is poor, and over 500 small farmers go bankrupt
every week.
Developing countries have special needs relative to their agriculture
sectors. These include ensuring access to food for their poorest
citizens, providing sustainable livelihoods for their large rural
populations, and guaranteeing foreign exchange for the payment of
essential imports. At the World Food Summit in 2002, the
governments of the world recognized these special needs,
reaffirming the fundamental importance of the production and
national distribution of food, sustainable agriculture and rural
development in achieving food security.4
However, current agricultural trade practices and the further
liberalization proposed under the FTAA do not consider this
important dimension of agriculture. Instead, they act in favor of
large-scale production and increase the dependence on imported
foods in Latin American and Caribbean countries. The survival of
small producers, for whom there are no alternatives to agriculture, is
being threatened by the rise in power of large agribusinesses and
their control over markets. Although agricultural production for
export offers opportunities for some, it is only one element for
achieving sustainable livelihoods. Agriculture is too vital to poverty
reduction, food security and environmental sustainability to be left to
the forces of the global market.

The Double Standards of Trade Liberalization

Agricultural liberalization policies are a clear example of the double
standards that exist in international trade. While the United States,
the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank promote
indiscriminate liberalization of agricultural markets in developing
countries, rich countries maintain subsidies and protectionist
policies. Both the US and the European Union continue to grant huge
direct payments to farmers.
The US goes even further than any other country on the continent in
its support for domestic agriculture. Despite rhetoric on reducing
trade-distorting measures, US internal subsidies increased through
the 2002 Farm Bill by 80% compared to those of 1996, granting more
than $180 billion in various measures to support US producers over
the next ten years. Export credits are also included as a tool of this

4 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

It must be noted that these generous subsidies do not reach small
North American producers. Rather, they are focused on benefiting
large agribusinesses. Sixty percent of the direct payments go to only
10% of producers, who control enormous commercial operations. On
the other hand, 50% of farmers receive little or no government
support. The cotton barons of western Texas are a particularly
significant example. They obtained $3.6 billion in subsidies last year,
more than they received from their actual cotton sales.
Due to its volume of exports, US agriculture policy plays a
predominant role in the global decline of commodity prices. The
combination of domestic policies that encourage low prices and tools
such as export credits make it possible to export grain at 60% of its
production cost, devastating small producers both in the US and in
developing countries.5 At the same time, the measures that the
developing countries employed to protect themselves from the
impact of this unfair competition have been widely eliminated over
the last 15 years.

In addition to the support measures for their producers, the US and

Canada have been using various types of tariffs and non-tariff
barriers to imports from Latin American and the Caribbean. Thus,
Brazil is believed to lose $1 billion per year in orange juice sales to the
US due to these protectionist measures.6
In Latin American and the Caribbean, trade liberalization began with
the IMF instruction to implement structural adjustment programs in
the mid 1980s. At the end of the Uruguay Round of negotiations of
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994, all
countries of the region had significantly cut their tariffs and
eliminated many of the non-tariff barriers to imports. Compared with
other developing regions, Latin American and the Caribbean have
the lowest tariffs. The average agricultural tariff is 59% for all
developing countries and 40% for the region (ranging from 25% in
Chile to 52% in Colombia). The average applied agriculture tariff (the
tariff that is implemented in practice) for all developing countries is
21%, while it is 14% for Latin America and the Caribbean (from 9.8%
in Chile to 20% in the Dominican Republic). 7
The majority of governments in the region have also eliminated non-
tariff related measures such as import permits, quotas and minimum
prices, which provided them with mechanisms to manage their
import levels. Domestic agricultural support policies in Latin
America and the Caribbean have also been undermined. The same
structural adjustment programs that sought balanced budgets
dismantled rural credit and marketing institutions and other
government support services on which small farmers depended.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 5

They also reduced public investment in rural infrastructure. In
Bolivia, public investment in agriculture fell drastically from 10% of
total national public spending in 1989 to only 4.45% in 1997.8
In many cases, these government institutions were inefficient and
subsidized the interests of the elite rather than the poor farmers.
However, they provided important services to producers who could
engage in markets on fairer terms. The dismantling of credit and
marketing structures has harmed rural women in particular who,
because they have fewer guarantees to ownership of land, have lost
access to key resources for their development.
These double standards have brought about predictable results.
There has been an increase in agricultural dumping with falling
prices and deterioration of living standards among small farmers
throughout the continent. Moreover, corporations have increased
their control over agriculture, which has resulted in an increase in
poverty and malnutrition.

Agricultural Dumping
One of the most important causes for the collapse of rural livelihoods
in Latin America and the Caribbean is dumping by transnationals
from the US, i.e. the export of products below production cost that
compete unfairly with local products and force global prices down in
an artificial manner. For example, the US exports wheat at 46% below
the production cost and corn at 20% below production cost.
Furthermore, when poor countries adopt open market policies, as all
Latin American and Caribbean countries except Cuba have done to
varying degrees, local prices match global prices. This means that
local farmers are deprived of to their own domestic markets, with
devastating effects on their income.

6 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Box 1: Agricultural Dumping in Mexico
Basic grains imports into Mexico under the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) have doubled between 1994 and 2001 to 110 million
tons with a value of $18.5 billion. In the case of corn, Mexico imports an
average of 6 million tons annually, compared to 2.5 million tons prior to
NAFTA. The market price of grains dropped, and the actual prices to
producers have fallen between 35%-60%. Today, the price of corn for
producers is $80 per ton. However, its production cost is $120 per ton.
This has resulted in the stagnation of domestic production of basic grains
and an increase in food dependency, which has affected the livelihoods of
over 2.5 million corn producers. However, due to the concentration of the
commercial chain between importers and distributors, this price reduction
has not benefited consumers, since the sales prices to the public continue
to rise. The price of tortillas, the base diet of the majority of Mexicans, has
risen from 0.80 pesos/kg in 1993 to 5.00 pesos/kg in 2002.
The current crisis in the Mexican countryside has forced an unprecedented
mobilization of rural organizations who are fighting for a revision of the
agricultural chapter of NAFTA as well as more equitable means of financing
and subsidies for small producers (approximately 40% of the total). In 2003,
NAFTA requires are that all tariff rates on agricultural products except corn,
beans and powdered milk be reduced to zero and the import quota limit be
eliminated, leaving Mexican producers completely unprotected from unfair
competition from dumping.

The US, however, has strict and sophisticated anti-dumping laws to

protect its own market, and it has no qualms about imposing its anti-
dumping obligations and compensation measures against other
countries. The most important US law to unilaterally address what it
considers unfair trade practices is Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act,
which gives the USTR considerable discretion in determining what
constitutes dumping. The US anti-dumping law has been used
against Chilean mushrooms and salmon, frozen Brazilian orange
juice, fresh flowers from Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico,
tomatoes from Mexico, and honey from Argentina.10
No Latin American or Caribbean country has been able to use
comparable measures against the US. In fact, the experience of many
Latin America and Caribbean countries with Section 301 has made
them distrustful of anti-dumping standards as a means of containing
US trade practices. The mere threat of invoking Section 301 has led
developing countries to restrict their exports, against their own
interests. Therefore, multilateral standards to fight dumping are
urgently needed.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 7

Increase in Corporate Control
The progressive reduction in government involvement in the Latin
American and Caribbean agriculture sector has gone hand in hand
with the growing concentration and vertical integration of the private
sector. Despite formal agricultural trade negotiations taking place
between governments, which are supposed to defend the interests
farmers and consumers in their countries, it is the transnational
agribusinesses that are the true beneficiaries of the US and
international rules that, to a large extent, they themselves designed.
The system is designed to progressively reduce domestic prices for
products so that large agriculture transnationals can buy their raw
materials at very low prices. At the same time, the transnationals
benefit from a complex export credit system and the US food aid
program, which make it possible to easily place their products in
international markets.
The result has been a consolidation of the agribusiness sector both
vertically (buying, processing, and distributing) and horizontally
(domination of an entire sector by a small number of companies). For
example, five large oligopolies (Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus,
Bunge and Archer Daniels Midland) control nearly 90% of the world
grain trade.11 These companies buy, transport and mill grain, feed
livestock they either own or have had produced under contract, or
convert grains into cereal, often crossing several national borders in
the process.
The consolidated control of the market by powerful groups of
corporate buyers contrasts with the fragmented supply of the
producers. Millions of small farmers and suppliers desperate to sell
their harvests for cash are at a tremendous disadvantage compared
with the transnationals. In addition, over the last fifteen years, the
withdrawal of government involvement in the production and
marketing of primary products in Latin America and the Caribbean
has encouraged transnational companies to be more active in the
producer countries.
Farmers that produce for the national market in Mexico or Bolivia are
not competing with farmers from the United States, but with the
major exporting corporations that are the principal beneficiaries of
the subsidies and other agriculture policies of the US. The
concentration of ownership and vertical integration in agriculture has
enormous implications for farmers throughout the region,
particularly because it increases dependence on imported food.
The FTAA ignores the unfair relationship between millions of
individual producers and a few large buyer corporations, and it does

8 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

not consider the need for government to regulate the monopolistic
behavior of transnational agribusinesses.

Falling Prices and the Impact on Rural

Thousands of rural Latin American and Caribbean families that
produce goods for local markets have seen their livelihoods
destroyed by the flood of cheap products, principally from the US.
This is particularly the case for small farming families, the majority of
whom have low productive capacity and face the challenges of
unstable infrastructures and weak government support institutions.
These farmers are not in a position to compete with the large-scale
production of more developed economies.

Box 2: Impact on Haitian Rice Growers.

In Haiti, poverty and malnutrition dramatically increased during the rapid
market liberalization period. When the tariff on rice was drastically reduced
from 35% to 3% in 1994/95, imports of subsidized rice from the US flooded
the domestic market and local production fell, devastating the means of
survival of 50,000 rice-producing families. Currently, two-thirds of the rice
consumed in Haiti is imported. Worse still, Haiti has not been able to
generate sufficient income to maintain the rhythm of food imports, leading
to increased debt.
Similar experiences occurred in the Jamaican dairy sector, which was
virtually destroyed by subsidized milk from Europe, and Guyana poultry
farms, which were closed due to the dumping of chicken from the United

However, it is not only farmers who produce for national markets

who have been impoverished by the liberalized agricultural trade.
Millions of small producers from the countryside who produce
coffee, cotton and bananas for export and the rural workers tied to
these products have also faced falling prices, the destruction of their
livelihoods and concentration of corporate control over the sector.
Deregulation of international trade in raw materials in the 1990s has
led to dramatic price reductions, with a devastating impact on small
producers in countries that depend on these exports to finance
education, health care and investment in development. Many of
these countries have heavy debt loads, which also reduce the
resources available to invest in human development.
In the specific case of cotton, the USs massive subsidies have made
prices fall even further, which is especially devastating to the
regions small cotton producers. In Peru, thousands of small cotton
producers have had to drastically reduce their cultivation while

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 9

cotton imports, the majority of which are of US origin, abruptly grew
284% in 2002.12
A group of transnational agribusinesses located in the US has long
dominated the regions trade, especially in tropical products. These
companies have actively intervened in trade negotiations to promote
their private interests, often at the cost of small producers. This was
the case in the claim filed at the WTO by the US against the European
Union, challenging the EUs preferential price on bananas produced
by small farmers in the Caribbean. The decision in favor of the US
position resulted in the abject poverty of thousands of banana

The FTAA and Agriculture

The likelihood that the FTAA can resolve these unfair trade practices
is undermined by the incredible power imbalance between the
countries that take part in the negotiations.
Thanks to the structural adjustment programs, the majority of Latin
American and Caribbean countries have conceded many of their
border and internal support measures. They have not had significant
export subsidies. Therefore, they have little negotiating power to
succeed in regulating US trade practices, which are so harmful to
their own agricultural products. This became evident in the FTAA
negotiations, which reached their most critical point at the Trade
Ministers meeting in Quito in November 2002. Several Latin
American and Caribbean countries insisted that the FTAA
negotiations stop unfair practices such as dumping of subsidized
agricultural products. Despite agricultural subsidies being included
in the official Ministerial Declaration for the first time, a unified
agreement was not reached on the matter, which was instead
referred to the framework of the WTO negotiations.
Significantly, the draft of the FTAA chapter on agriculture
perpetuates this power imbalance. It establishes an accelerated
reduction of tariffs, taxes and other national agriculture policy tools,
but fails to incorporate the existing WTO safeguard. At the same
time, it maintains credit programs for export that contribute to
dumping. The text on special and differential treatment only
considers a longer period for eliminating subsidies in developing
countries and the right for only the smallest countries of the region to
preserve domestic support policies, as established in the WTO13.
The key causes underlying rural poverty lack of public investment,
monopolistic behavior of the transnational agribusinesses and
declining prices are subjects that require attention and international

10 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

regulation so that agricultural trade contributes to development and
poverty eradication. Regional integration that favors development
would include measures to increase public investment in rural areas,
impose antitrust disciplines on transnational corporations, and
encourage alternative policies to increase the global prices of basic
products (such as holding buffer stocks and production quotas). The
negotiations of the FTAA, however, do not tackle these structural
The explicit purpose of the FTAA negotiations on agricultural trade
is to promote export opportunities, while limiting the three principal
methods used by governments to protect national producers: tariff
measures, support for domestic production and export subsidies. The
assumption is that government intervention in the market
discourages producers from innovating and modernizing and
prevents the most efficient producers from being successful.
This argument does not take into account historical experience. All
developed countries achieved their industrial development by
protecting and promoting their agriculture sectors in order to
guarantee food security and satisfy growing urban populations. No
country in the region can to generate sufficient options for
subsistence outside agriculture that make up for the current
destruction of rural livelihoods caused by liberalization.
The speed and sequence of integration are crucial considerations in
minimizing social costs. Rapid liberalization, as has occurred in most
of Latin America and the Caribbean, is reinforced in the proposed
FTAA. This rules out the development path used in various East
Asian countries, such as South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and
Taiwan, which succeeded in significantly reducing poverty. These
nations used small-scale agriculture to promote their economic
development and gradually liberalized agriculture exports. They
developed alternative sources of non-agricultural jobs before
reducing the restrictions on imports.
The FTAA negotiations consider agriculture for export as the goal of
rural economic development, rather than considering it as one
element within a broader plan to achieve sustainable livelihoods. In
the current negotiations on agricultural trade, exporters interests
have prevailed, and access to the lucrative US market for those
products that Latin America and the Caribbean can produce more
cheaply vegetables, flowers and other products with market niches
seems to be the sole objective of the governments in the Americas.
The liberalization of Latin America and the Caribbean in exchange
for access to the US market often has negative implications for

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 11

farmers who produce goods for the domestic market and restricts the
policy options for agricultural development.

Fair Trade Rules for Agriculture

Eliminating poverty and promoting development in Latin America
and the Caribbean requires changes in trade rules based on the
recognition of the right to sustainable livelihoods.

Special and Different Treatment for Agriculture

In the WTO negotiations, several developing countries have
proposed measures that would give them the flexibility necessary to
defend themselves against unfair trade practices. These measures
would allow them to undertake public investments relevant to rural
development and food security by exempting their key food security
products from liberalization commitments. Moreover, these measures
would better allow governments to promote development by
strengthening local and regional markets through protection
measures and incentives, including increasing tariffs and internal
A hemispheric integration agreement that promotes development
should allow developing countries:
Flexibility to support an increase in food production directed
toward rural development and basic food security crops;
Exemption from tariff reduction requirements and renegotiation
of tariffs for basic crops produced by small farmers;
Exception from commitments to reduce all internal support
measures that pursue food security goals;
Creation of a special fund to support the production and
marketing of small producers, with an emphasis on the
elimination of barriers that exclude women from their benefits.

Ban Dumping of Cheap Food

The FTAA trade negotiations must prevent US transnational
corporations from continuing to sell their agricultural surpluses at
prices lower than local production cost. Dumping lowers global
prices and weakens small farmers by establishing unfair competition
in their own domestic markets. This is why the following measures
are required:

12 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Eliminating any subsidies that permit export below the actual
production cost and strict regulation of credits for exports and
food aid;
Permitting importing countries to raise tariffs as a defense against
food dumping and implement safeguards to protect their markets
from cheap imports;
Reforming the internal support policies of the US in order to
eliminate their effects on unfair competition or export dumping
and the concentration of wealth and monopolistic practices of the
large agribusinesses. The large North American budget for
agriculture must be used to protect the environment, promote
food security, ensure the livelihoods of small producers, and
increase the prices of products throughout the continent.

Access to Markets for Developing Countries

Developing countries have opened their markets unilaterally while
rich countries maintain protection, carving out protected areas for
their agricultural sector. The continents poorest nations have lost a
large part of their negotiation power. Therefore, the following are
The US and Canada should relinquish their claims for greater
access to the markets of Latin American and Caribbean countries,
and renounce the minimum access obligations that is now
codified in the WTO;
Canada and the US should unilaterally reduce the tariffs on
products originating from the region, particularly those produced
by the poorest farmers;
The US and Canada should eliminate escalating tariffs, which
discourage value-added activities in the region.

Equity in the Marketplace

The liberalization of agricultural trade places small-scale farmers in
direct and unfair competition with the largest agribusinesses in the
world. Standards are urgently required that encourage government
support for increasing the market power of small farmers.
Disciplinary standards are equally important to control the
monopolistic behavior of transnational corporations. This would
help eliminate export dumping. Therefore, the following are

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 13

Allowing all countries the flexibility to support small farmers
through public marketing enterprises controlled by farmers,
marketing boards and similar mechanisms;
Instituting disciplinary standards on the monopolistic behavior of
the transnational agricultural trade and limiting the market
distortions that this behavior can produce.

2 Investment: People Before Profits

Investment has real potential to contribute to poverty reduction and
sustainable development. Foreign investment has become the most
important source of external capital, surpassing declining official
development aid by more than four times14. Yet the investment rules
proposed in the FTAA fail to capture that potential because they are
heavily weighted toward the protection of private investors rights
instead of considering development and poverty reduction needs.
These are the reasons why, in 1998, Oxfam objected to the negotiation
of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, which attempted to
expand the scope for investors rights. Today, these same rights
continue to be a priority for rich countries that press for stricter
investment rules to be included in the new round of negotiations at
the WTO and in free trade accords like the FTAA and bilateral
investment treaties.

Investment Patterns: Quantity Without Quality

Investment has boomed over the past decade, reaching
unprecedented levels to become the main source of financial transfer
from rich to poor countries. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has
increased in Latin America and the Caribbean almost ten times
during the 1990s, from 10.2 billion in 1990 to 95.4 billion in 2000.15
Although there has been a recent decrease in FDI inflows to this
region (in 2001, FDI flows to Latin America and the Caribbean
dropped to 85.3 billion), the overall trend has been towards large
increases in investment flows.
Governments, transnational companies and international financial
institutions have pushed the importance of foreign direct investment
(FDI) as one of the pillars of development. Developing country
governments in the Americas compete with each other to attract
investment through deregulation of capital controls and by relaxing
labor and environmental laws, while at the same time increasing
protections for investors. Free trade agreements and bilateral

14 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

investment treaties are the major mechanisms used by rich countries
to facilitate this significant movement of capital.
Despite the widespread conviction that investment is good for
development, the record in the Americas shows that FDI has had a
limited positive impact on economic growth and sustainable
development. Even taking into account the investment boom, the UN
Commission for Latin America records a meager 1.6% economic growth
rate for the region between 1998 and 2002,16 which is well below the 2.7%
annual rate required to reduce poverty according to the UN Millennium
targets. Poverty remains unacceptably high in Latin America (43% of the
population in 2001), with the number of people living in poverty up
from 200 million in 1990 to 214 million in 2001.17
Oxfam believes that quality investment can play a role in fostering
economic growth, employment, and more balanced regional
development. However, increasing the quantity of investment
without ensuring the quality will not promote sustainable
development. This is particularly the case with speculative capital
flows and indirect investment, which are often the center of
devastating financial and economic instability. The negative cycles
of financial and economic instability are directly linked to increased
rates of poverty.

Box 3: A Village Facing Mining Investment

Tambogrande, a village of approximately 18,000 inhabitants located in a
fertile agriculture zone in Northern Peru, has been considered in recent
years as a possible site for a controversial mining project by the Canadian-
based Manhattan Minerals Corporation. According to an independent
environmental impact assessment, if the mine were constructed, a local
river would need to be diverted, and about 8,000 citizens would have to be
relocated. In addition, there would be other significant environmental
consequences, including the pollution of water, land and air.
In June 2002, the citizens of Tambogrande, along with Oxfam partners
CONACAMI (the National Coordinator of Communities Affected by Mining)
and FEDEPAZ (a human rights group), organized a referendum that asked
the population whether it supported mining projects in agricultural areas
such as that in Tambogrande. Of the 73% of people who participated in the
vote, an overwhelming 94% voted against the mining operation. In
December 2002, the people of Tambogrande received a prestigious human
rights award commending their civic initiative in holding the referendum.
The investment rules proposed in the FTAA have the potential to crush
citizen initiatives like this one. This is because of the ease with which
corporations could initiate legal proceedings against governments that
attempt to regulate investment in order to protect the environment and
public health, as well as provide preferential support to domestic companies
in order to achieve their competitiveness.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 15

FDI can contribute to economic growth if it is linked to the local
economy. Moreover, FDI also has the potential to level regional
inequalities by stimulating economic activity and jobs in less wealthy
areas in a manner that is consistent with the local and regional
development plans that are determined democratically by the
population. Through the transfer of technology, investment can make
it possible for developing countries to improve their technology base
and retain greater value-added production. The role of governments
is central to this process to ensure that their investment plans are
carried out according to their development policies. But in practice,
free trade agreements and the FTAA limit governments ability to
make FDI play this positive role.
The emphasis of trade and investment agreements that the FTAA
intends to consolidate is the amount of investment, not the quality.
The scope of investors rights is increased, while their obligations are
decreased. This is to the detriment of the public interest and poverty
Mexico is a clear example of this. The flow of FDI to Mexico during
the NAFTA period between January 1994 and September 2002
reached an astonishing figure of $116.5 billion18. A large part of this
investment was directed toward mergers and acquisitions, in
conjunction with a wave of restructuring between multinational
companies. Citibank, for example, bought the largest bank in Mexico,
Banamex, in 2001. While this appears to be FDI, the merger does not
generate economic activity or additional jobs.
Over half of the investment in Mexico has gone to manufacturing,
including to high-tech products such as automobiles, electronics and
computers19. Companies use Mexico as a place to assemble products
for their re-export to the North American market, importing
components and technologies for this purpose. Exports have
boomed, tripling under NAFTA, but so have imports. According to
data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC) 20, foreign companies are responsible for two-
thirds of exports from Mexico, but the added value for Mexico is
limited. The latest-generation Ford assembly plant in Chihuahua
exports over 90% of its production, but it uses almost no local
supplies other than labor 21.
Nearly half of the FDI in manufactured goods goes toward low
value-added assembly production, most of which takes place in
maquiladoras along the US-Mexico border. This sector represents
half of the manufactured exports from Mexico. This is an additional
indicator that the apparent Mexican success in attracting FDI and
increasing its exports could not be directly copied in other countries,

16 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

since it is based to a large extent on Mexicos geographic proximity to
the US. In any case, the majority of Mexicans who work in these
factories do not have sufficient income to buy the goods that they
manufacture. The largely female workforce faces highly precarious
work conditions, and basic workers rights are frequently denied.
The contradiction between the potential of FDI for development and
the poor record of FDI in relation to sustainable development is
largely a result of investment provisions that focus
disproportionately on rights and protections for investors and
prioritize private profit over the public interest. The ability of
governments to regulate investment in order to protect citizens and
promote sustainable development is undermined by the investment
chapters of both NAFTA and the FTAA. If investment is to be a tool
for development, it must be bound by rules that enable governments
to play a positive role in promoting equitable development.

NAFTA and FTAA: Investing in Corporate

The most significant model for the investment chapter of the FTAA is
Chapter 11 of NAFTA. This set of rules expands investor rights
beyond the regulations that previously existed under the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and sets significant
limitations on the ability of governments to regulate investment to
achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction.
As in NAFTA, the FTAA chapter on investment includes22:
A broad definition of investment, including portfolio and
financial investments as well as traditional FDI, limiting the
possibility of regulating harmful speculative investments;
A mechanism to settle investor-to-state disputes that gives
foreign corporations the right to bring direct action against
governments for alleged breaches in investment rules, thus
bypassing domestic laws and national judicial systems;
Extensive protections for investors from a wide range of
governmental regulations. The enactment of a law, whether for
the environment, health or public well-being, which is perceived
as interference with the firms ability to obtain future profits from
its investment can be considered an indirect expropriation. This
has led to cases under NAFTA in which governments have been
forced to pay large compensation awards to investors;
Guarantees that foreign investors must be treated at least as well
as domestic investors (national treatment) and all member

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 17

countries be treated the same (most favored nation treatment).
The impacts of these requirements on emerging local industries
that do not have the ability to compete with foreign firms can be
devastating. They limit governments ability to help their own
companies, which would be perceived as discriminating against
foreign companies;
Prohibitions against the use of performance requirements. This
prevents states from requiring investors to purchase supplies
from local sources, meet minimum levels of domestic content, or
to meet employment targets, all of which could help boost local
The draft FTAA text replicates the investment provisions of NAFTA.
Corporations have used national treatment, indirect expropriation
and investor-to-state provisions to create legal challenges and
demand compensation in international dispute settlement
organizations, which have a reputation of being undemocratic and
lacking in transparency23. These cases have resulted in extremely
high costs and the erosion of domestic laws, the objective of which
was to protect citizens rights to a healthy and a clean environment.

18 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Box 4: Oil and Indigenous Resistance in Ecuador
The Shuar and Achuar are indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon
whose livelihoods are highly dependent on their land.
The discovery of oil in the lowlands of the northern region of Ecuador has
brought about devastating environmental impacts, which led three main
indigenous federations in the area to declare their unconditional opposition
to oil development on their land. In addition, they denounced the tactics
used by the US oil company Arco Oriente Inc. of offering employment,
water supplies, health care and air travel in order to pressure the Shuar into
granting permission to use their land.
At the request of Federacin Independiente del Pueblo Shuar de Ecuador
(FIPSE), an Oxfam partner, lawyers from the Center for Economic and
Social Rights brought a suit seeking to prohibit Arco from directly
approaching FIPSE individuals, communities and territories, instead of the
organizations legitimate leadership.
On August 24, 1999, carrying signs declaring No Oil Development on
Shuar Lands! hundreds of Shuar and Achuar people converged in the town
of Macas to present the suit to the local court. On September 8, 1999, a
judge ruled that Arco had violated the rights of the Shuar people to
organizational integrity and ordered the company to refrain from
approaching or negotiating with individual members of communities of the
FIPSE without authorization from the court.
Forcing Shuar residents to decide between the potential benefits of
increased investment and subjecting their ancestral land to open oil
development was a clear violation of the collective rights of the Shuar
peoples to determine how to manage their own natural resources
independently, as they had done for centuries. These rights are guaranteed
by the Constitution of Ecuador, as well as Convention 169 of the
International Labor Organization concerning indigenous and tribal peoples
and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
This type of legal victory would be difficult under the proposed FTAA,
whereby specific provisions of what is called indirect expropriation could
prevail over the rights of the local communities to achieve sustainable
livelihoods according to their own development options.

Contempt for Labor and the Environment

The provisions on labor and environmental protections have also
been widely criticized for failing to ensure that international
standards are upheld. The weak language contained in the FTAA
only recommends that countries do not relax their pre-existing labor
and environmental laws, whether they are effective or not. Countries
are only obligated to strive to ensure that such standards are not
weakened in order to attract foreign investment.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 19

The draft of the FTAA leaves open the possibility that governments
can be sued for maintaining these environmental and labor standards
if they are perceived by corporations to be barriers to trade that
impede profit-making. The failure to link investment and trade to
measures that promote sustainable livelihoods, such as the ILO core
labor standards and multilateral environmental agreements, restricts
their contribution to development and poverty reduction.
Rather than seeing investment as a way to promote sustainable,
equitable development, the FTAA provides implicit incentives for
investors to seek out the lowest level of environmental regulation
and the most freedom under which to operate, despite externalities
that could destroy the ecosystems and rural livelihoods. The FTAA
also fails to ensure real protection for indigenous people, whose
identity and survival depend on their right and ability to live within
their own relationship with their natural resources. Maintaining
environmental health and balance is fundamental to the very
existence of indigenous peoples, as is the right to determine their
own economic development. However, these values and needs are
neither recognized nor supported in the proposed FTAA.
Similarly, rich countries, multilateral organizations and corporations
pressure developing countries to open the provision of essential basic
services that are vital to the public well-being, such as health care,
education and the supply of water, to private investment. The
negotiations of the FTAA are another tool to increase this pressure. In
this way, all service provisions proposed in the FTAA are subject to
negotiation unless they are specifically taken off the table by
countries. By pressuring governments to accept greater liberalization,
the FTAA has the potential to limit their ability to provide the basic
services needed by all citizens, most notably the poorest.

Guaranteeing the Right to Sustainable


The draft investment chapter of the FTAA establishes specific

protections for investors that are greater than those relative to labor,
the environment and sustainable livelihoods. Moreover, the FTAA
would significantly restrict the ability of governments to regulate
investment and leaves them little room to promote the achievement
of broader development goals, such as linking investment to the
national and local economy, protecting space for the implementation
of national development plans, and the promotion of poverty
reduction strategies.

20 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

With its focus on protecting corporate interests over those of the
citizens, the FTAA, like NAFTA, lacks the minimal requirements
required to make investment work to reduce poverty, encourage
equitable and sustainable development, and ensure the promotion of
human rights. These fundamental requirements have, as their basis,
an assurance that governments retain the right to regulate foreign
investment in order to further national development and poverty
reduction goals. Specific recommendations that would ensure that
this occurs include:25
Performance requirements that create linkages between the
export sector and the local economy and promote reinvestment of
Measures to reinforce technology transfer in order to promote
development of local production capacity;
Flexibility to restrict investment when it has the potential to
threaten labor and environmental rights and when it does not
clearly contribute to development;
Protections for labor and the environment that require countries
and companies to respect international standards;
Controls to limit the flow of speculative indirect and short-term
portfolio investment, especially with safeguard measures in times
of financial crisis;
Exceptions from privatization for basic services that are vital to
the public well-being such as water, education and health;
Exclusion of the concept of indirect expropriation. Limit the
ability of foreign investors to bring international suits against
national governments. Disputes must first comply with the
national organizations and laws of the host country;
An active commitment by the US and Canadian governments to
monitor the behavior of its transnational companies so that they
comply with the national laws of the host country on investment
and human rights, for example, conditioning credits and
guarantees for investment on compliance with basic standards.
These measures involve substantial changes from what is proposed
in the FTAA and in the discussions at the WTO. If the rights of
investors continue to dominate and these considerations demanded
by citizens, womens organizations, indigenous peoples and local
communities affected by the investments - are ignored, the inclusion
of updated multilateral investment rules will not contribute to
promoting fair trade for the Americas.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 21

3 Intellectual Property and Public
Welfare 26

The negotiations on intellectual property (IP) in the FTAA27 provide

another reason for opposing the agreement. Without doubt, IP is a
fundamental theme for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It
involves developing the capacity and potential of countries of the
region with regard to knowledge, research, science and technology,
and the use of biodiversity. These are all key elements for
development and guaranteeing the quality of life of their
populations. However, the conditions under which IP is being
handled in trade agreements are a real obstacle to achieving these

Intellectual Property and Development

The objective of IP rules is to legally protect the ownership of ideas,
artistic creations and technological innovations through patents,
copyright, and trademarks. This protection should contribute to the
development of all countries. However, reality reveals exactly the
The principal international treaty that determines IP rules is the
Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS), introduced at the WTO in 1995. Of the principal
justifications for its existence were to guarantee ownership rights,
recover investment costs and stimulate innovation and to contribute
to development, by facilitating the access of developing countries to
technology transfer and research and development (R&D). All of this
has proven to be a fallacy.
TRIPS continues to intensify the monopolization of knowledge and
increase the differences between the rich and the poor because it
favors the interests of large companies at the expense of the public
interest. While millions of people are excluded from their basic rights
to health, food and education, knowledge is increasingly privatized,
directed toward corporate interests and designed for the rich
consumer market.
The enormous disparity that exists between industrialized and
developing countries weakens the argument that trade agreements
on IP contribute to development. Instead, they contribute to the
concentration of the economic power of industrialized countries to
the detriment of developing countries.

22 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Industrialized countries make 90% of R&D investments, own an
even higher percentage of patents, and are the largest IP
exporters. The United States is the largest investor in R&D with
40% of the total global. In 1998, it had a trade surplus of over $23
billion from IP exports.28
Economies need increased access to technology and knowledge in
order to increase their national development. Developing
countries are becoming importers of high tech goods and
knowledge protected by TRIPS. From the 1970s to 1995, when
TRIPS was signed, Brazils IP royalty payments were
approximately $300 million per year. But, since 1996, royalty
payments have grown to $3 billion per year in 199929. In Mexico,
only about 1% of patent applications are submitted by residents
of that country30.
The priority over what to invent and what to research is
determined completely by profits. R&D is directed toward
satisfying the rich consumer market and not toward the needs of
the poor. There is an urgent need for R&D in medicine and
agriculture. Millions of people are dying every year due to a lack
of access to medicines. However, less than 10% of the overall
expenses on health research is directed toward the 90% of the
most common diseases of the majority of the population.
Agricultural research is more targeted toward product
appearance and taste than to sustainable production, on which
the livelihoods of millions of small farmers depend.
TRIPS grants 20-year monopolies to patent holders on all
processes and products, a period that prevents any attempt to
transfer technology when one considers the speed of current
technological changes.
TRIPS does not include the protection of traditional IP. This
encourages biological piracy that affects indigenous peoples and
small farmers in developing countries who hold almost 90% of
the worlds biological resources.
The Hemispheric Social Alliances analysis of the FTAA text on IP31,
notes that all proposals stem from existing agreements at the WTO.
The FTAA uses TRIPS as the minimum reference, and there is
pressure to reach a framework that is TRIPS-plus, which would
even further increase monopoly advantages and limit access to the
few mechanisms that protect the rights of developing countries.
Whether in the case of patents, traditional knowledge, or access to
genetic resources and plant varieties, there is nothing in the current
negotiations that is at all favorable to Latin American or Caribbean

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 23

Intellectual Property and Health
The case of access to medicines demonstrates, in practice, the
negative consequences of an IP trade agreement based on the
interests of large companies. According to World Health
Organization (WHO) data, the diseases that cause the largest number
of deaths in poor countries are: pneumonia (3.9 million), HIV/AIDS
(2.6 million), diarrhea (2.2 million), tuberculosis (1.7 million), and
malaria (1.1 million) 32. Eleven million people per year could be cured
or live longer lives if they had access to medicines.
In Latin America and the Caribbean, HIV/AIDS is also the second
cause of death from disease. Currently, 1.8 million people are living
with HIV/AIDS in the region, with 110,000 deaths recorded in 2001
alone. After Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean is the region in the
world most affected by HIV/AIDS. Thousands of people affected by
the virus simply do not have access to retro-viral medicines.
The monopoly on patents and their minimum 20-year term make the
prices of medicines inaccessible to the majority of countries in the
South. This is because transnational companies, which have this
monopoly, determine prices while they greatly increase their profits.
In 1999, the patented triple retro-viral treatment for HIV/AIDS cost
between $10,000 and $15,000 annually per patient in industrialized
countries. In the same year in India, generic manufacturers marketed
the same combination of medicines for only $1,500. Today, the price
of generics has dropped to $295, which has forced the large
companies to drastically lower their prices. In Thailand, the price of
medicines to treat AIDS-related meningitis dropped to less than 1%
of their former price once the patent expired. In Brazil, an
internationally recognized program to distribute free HIV/AIDS
medicines was only possible due to government access to low-priced
generic medicines.
Not only is the pharmaceutical industry the principal beneficiary of
TRIPS, but it is also its principal mentor. The combined interests of
these transnationals and the US government were behind the
inclusion of TRIPS at the WTO. In the current negotiations of the
FTAA, the countries of the region are facing these same interests and
pressures under even more unfavorable conditions, given their more
vulnerable position of power in regional and bilateral negotiations.
The US has a complex global strategy relative to TRIPS, which seeks
to guarantee maximum protection for IP. Three tools are used:
Investigation and unilateral sanctioning. The US Trade
Representative (USTR) can use Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act,
which permits unilateral trade sanctions for countries that it

24 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

believes are acting against US trade interests. Section 301 can be
applied after a process of research and reporting in which groups
such as the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA) play an important role;
Bilateral IP agreements and regional and bilateral trade
instruments introduce specific measures in national legislation, as
is the case with the FTAA;
The TRIPS agreement and sanctioning mechanisms present at the
These tools give the US government many options, rather than
depending on only one option such as the dispute system established
at the WTO. The US government also seeks to guarantee the status
quo and prevent changes that are not in its interest.
Given the severe impact that TRIPS has on the public health of
millions of people in developing countries, Oxfam, along with other
organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, the Health GAP
Coalition and Third World Network, has been participating in the
global mobilization that pressed for the Doha Declaration in 2001.
The declaration establishes the priority of health over commercial
interests. Although it was a modest step, considering that has yet to
be implemented, it would be possible for developing countries to use
the safeguards present in TRIPS, such as the suspension of patents,
without fear of trade sanctions.
Suits brought by pharmaceutical companies against the government
of South Africa and by the US government against Brazil at the WTO
have been the most important precedents for creating international
public opinion and demonstrating the negative impact of the TRIPS
agreement. Considering the imbalance of forces in the region, it is
unlikely that national governments could mobilize such an effective
response under the FTAA.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 25

Box 5: Pressure on Brazil
In March 1987, PhRMA presented a petition to the USTR against Brazil for
not offering patent protection for pharmaceutical products, alleging
significant commercial losses for the US companies. In July 1987, the
USTR began to investigate and consult with Brazil, and, one year later, the
US President declared that Brazils policy was unreasonable. In October
1988, the US President used the authority of Section 301 to impose trade
sanctions on some Brazilian exports. As a result, in July 1990, the Brazilian
government announced the decision to create a law to offer patent
protection for pharmaceutical products and their production processes. On
May 14, 1996, the Industrial Property Law was approved. Pressure from the
US and PhRMA was so strong that Brazil began to comply with the patents
for medicines ten years prior to the date required by the TRIPS agreement.
In January 2001, the US government filed a complaint at the WTO against
the Brazilian law, arguing that it discriminated against imported products
and contradicted TRIPS. The suit cited Article 68 of the Brazilian law as
justification. This article states that if the patent holder does not
manufacture the medicine in the country within a period of three years from
its registration, the government can suspend the exclusive rights and
authorize another company to manufacture the product. At the same time,
PhRMA intensified its pressure on the USTR. The complaint generated a
strong national and international mobilization because it put the
internationally recognized Brazilian HIV/AIDS treatment program at risk.
Amazingly, Brazil never resorted to using Article 68 and never violated a
patent in the country. The pharmaceutical industrys main concern was
Brazils bad example of producing low-cost generic medicines and facing
up to the pharmaceutical giants by using legal safeguards in order to
guarantee the populations right to health. The complaint was withdrawn by
the US in 2001.

In its proposal for the FTAA, the US government is seeking TRIPS-

plus rules, which would grant greater IP protection than companies
currently have, and which goes back on the Doha Declaration. In
September 2002, Doctors Without Borders34 presented to the USTR a
clear critique of the US government position in the FTAA IP
negotiations, indicating the key points under discussion. Oxfam
agrees with this critique that argues that the US proposal would:
Severely restrict the use of compulsory licensing. This is a step
backwards from the progress in Doha, where WTO member
countries affirmed the right to use compulsory licensing in
accordance with their national legislation. The US proposal aims
to limit the use of compulsory licensing to four situations: non-
trade public purposes; declarations of national emergencies; other
situations of extreme urgency; or anti-competitive practices. This
could mean blocking compulsory licensing for price abuses, for

26 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Extend the term of pharmaceutical patents beyond the minimum
20 years established by TRIPS. The US wants to increase the term
of patents in exchange for earlier registration of generic drugs
and to compensate for possible delays due to administrative
procedures and regulation that occur when patents are granted
and new medicines are registered. This is not a requirement of
the TRIPS agreement, and it is not in the legitimate interests of
patent holders.
Grant excessive authority to regulatory bodies that enforce
patents. This includes the regulatory authorities notifying patent
holders of the identification of any company that is seeking
approval to market a generic version of a patented invention
while the patent is valid. These authorities would operate as
agencies that further reinforce the use of patents.
Grant pharmaceutical companies exclusive rights over data (for
example, results of clinical trials) for a minimum of five years.
The TRIPS agreement only requires that undisclosed data be
protected from unfair commercial use and competition laws that
are also unfair. Guaranteeing exclusive rights over
pharmaceutical data will result in delays and limit generic
competition in cases where the patent has expired or a
compulsory license has been granted.
The proposals presented by the US government in the FTAA only
confirm the intent to establish TRIPS-plus rules in the region.

Intellectual Property and Food Security

The biological and genetic materials that provide the main resources
to the biotechnology and seed industries are also the basis of the
means of survival of thousands of poor rural communities. The
requirements of the TRIPS agreement to protect plants under patents
or a sui generis system, such as the rights of seed breeders, have
serious impacts on food security and the protection of biodiversity.
The use of patents threatens to restrict the ability of small producers
to conserve, use, and sell seeds, which would seriously impact on
their means of survival. It is estimated that there are already over 900
patents on the five crops that amount to over three-quarters of the
world food supply, with only four transnational companies holding
over half of this number. 35 Almost all of these patents are controlled
by industrialized countries.
In addition, developing countries are pressured to adopt the rights of
the seed producers contained in the International Union for the
Protection of New Varieties of Plants (known as UPOV). The UPOV

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 27

adds one more mechanism to TRIPS to extend corporate control over
the supply of seeds. In regional trade negotiations, the situation is
more worrisome. Mexicos experience with NAFTA and the free
trade agreement with the European Union (EU), are examples of
TRIPS-plus rules. NAFTA obligates Mexico to use the 1991 version
of the UPOV, which is unfavorable to developing countries since it
conditions membership on granting exclusive rights over plants for
20 years. The EU used NAFTA as a reference and included the
adoption of the 1991 UPOV in its agreement with Mexico. The earlier
version of the UPOV, which gave farmers the right to keep and use
seeds to develop their own varieties, has simply been replaced in the
current trade negotiations.
Strong protectionist measures for biotechnology are another highly
controversial subject with regard to the benefits that they could offer
society. Despite the questions raised about genetic engineering, such
as its current inability to prevent genetic mutations in living
organisms, it is clear that the logic of the market continues to prevail.
The driving force behind bio-technological research and patent
controls is different from the initiatives to reduce poverty. Research is
directed at products that obtain higher profits on the market. Patents
provide companies with a double benefit: raising the prices of seeds
and promoting the sale of supplies.
The TRIPS agreement includes few guarantees against the creation of
monopolies. On the contrary, it encourages them. Control over
biotechnological innovations is highly concentrated in six large
industries that conduct commercial research in the area of genetically
modified crops. The extension of patent rights has contributed to the
concentration of power in the seed industry in several developing
countries. In Brazil, the process was followed by a wave of mergers
and company takeovers. Presently, only two companies, Monsanto
and Dupont, control three-quarters of the Brazilian corn market.36
Introducing these same negotiations in the FTAA would continue to
reproduce these same problems, since there are no proposals that
seek to change the framework established by TRIPS and UPOV.
Moreover, the proposed FTAA continues to ignore and contradict the
Convention on Biological Diversity, which could be considered in
trade negotiations as a counterweight to balance public and private
interests, especially with regard to biological resources.

28 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

Radical Changes in Intellectual Property
Oxfam maintains that:
IP must remain outside of the FTAA negotiations and other
regional and bilateral trade agreements in Latin American and
the Caribbean;
TRIPS-plus rules through the FTAA and other agreements are
The US must stop using Section 301 of its Trade Act and the
threat of sanctions to pressure countries for TRIPS-plus rules;
The US and all countries of the region should sign the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD);
The TRIPS agreement must be reconciled with the Convention on
Biological Diversity, stressing the obligation of patent holders to
present the origin of biological materials and obtain prior consent
of their original owners, communities and indigenous peoples;
Patents on genetic plant resources for food and agriculture must
not be permitted in any trade agreements. Rich countries must
not force the introduction of the 1991 UPOV as a system to
protect plant varieties;
The countries of the region must comply with the Doha
Declaration and promote greater reforms in the TRIPS agreement
in order to improve access to low-cost medicines.

4 Conclusions
[T]he current rules have not helped our countries overcome, nor even
reduce, our economic problems. We propose alternative rules to
regulate the global and hemispheric economies that are based on a
different economic logic: that trade and investment should not be ends
in themselves, but rather tools for achieving just and sustainable
Alternatives for the Americas, Hemispheric Social Alliance, December 2002, pp.8-9

Oxfam believes that radical changes are needed to trade and

investment rules in the Americas in order to promote poverty
reduction, respect for human rights and sustainable development.
These changes require greater and unified political will from Latin
American and Caribbean governments, greater capacity of civil

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 29

society organizations to make proposals and mobilize, and radical
reforms in the institutions and trade agreements that are being
rapidly implemented on the continent. An integration project must
be based on the participation of all actors including social
movements, parliamentarians, and universities and not only the
business sector and governments if it is going to address the social
inequality and poverty on the continent.
This document is in keeping with the set of proposals that support
Oxfams Make Trade Fair campaign. It also acknowledges the
important efforts by civil society organizations in the continent to
develop alternative proposals, in particular the Alternatives for the
Americas of the Hemispheric Social Alliance37.
Within the changes required, those in agriculture are essential, since
they are critical to ensuring the human right to food and poor
countries right to development. Rural and family agriculture still
provides the highest number of jobs and a large part of the national
income in the poorest areas of the Americas.
In this sense, a one size fits all approach to agricultural trade
would further damage developing countries and endanger the
livelihoods of poor farmers. Special and differential treatment must
include significant flexibility to raise tariffs and increase internal
support to achieve food security and development goals. The
implementation of any tariff reduction commitment must be based
on reaching development milestones, not arbitrary schedules that are
negotiated politically.
Similarly, the disproportionate focus on investors rights limits the
rights of developing countries to regulate foreign investments based
on national development needs. The principal of national treatment
that investors press for in the FTAA places at risk the development of
local technological and production capacities that all quality
investment should promote. In the same way, it blocks governments
and citizens ability to counteract the negative social and
environmental effects caused by much investment in the region.
Intellectual property rules must remain outside of the FTAA and
other bilateral and regional trade agreements, since they will only
result in maintaining the interests of pharmaceutical and
agribusinesses to the detriment of public health objectives and the
right of developing countries to guarantee food security and protect
biodiversity. At the same time, it is important to end the use of
mechanisms to apply pressure on developing countries, such as the
use of Section 301 of the US Trade Act, which threatens achieving
more equitable trade strategies in the Americas.

30 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

The enormous gap that separates these proposals from those
currently being negotiated leads Oxfam to believe, along with many
other organizations and movements on the continent, that the
proposed FTAA is not consistent with the promotion of sustainable
development in the Americas.
In short, an integral and radically different proposal is necessary,
which provides the flexibility required for the governments of
developing countries in the region to protect and promote the
interests of their farmers, workers, women, indigenous people, and
citizens, and thus restore their ability to choose their own
development and poverty reduction strategies.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 31


Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean. Panorama
Social de Amrica Latina, 2001-2002. November, 2002. Available at:
Ibid, p. 211
According to ECLAC and Institute for Food and Agricultural Development
Declaration of the World Food Summit: 5 Years Later. Rome. June 2002.
Oxfam International. Rigged Rules and Double Standards. 2002. Ch. 4.
Available at:
Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, November 2001.
ECLAC, op cit., p.109.
CODEDCO, Efecto de las Acuerdos GATS y ASA en los consumidores de
Bolivia (2001), La Paz, Bolivia.
Information from the Asociacin Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras
del productores del Campo (based on official statistics).
ECLAC, op cit. Ch. 5.
Cited in Murphy, S. Managing the Invisible Hand: Markets, Farmers, and
International Trade. The Institute for Agricultural Trade Policy/Canadian
Foodgrains Bank, 2002.
CEPES, Algodn: menos reas, ms importaciones. Agraria Magazine 40.
October 2002. Lima, Peru.
Draft text of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, Chapter on Agriculture.
Derestricted November 1, 2002. Available at:
Oxfam International, op cit.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Handbook of
Statistics. 2002. Available at
ECLAC. Proyecciones Latinomericanas 2001-2002. 2002. p.54. Serie
Estudios Estadsticos y Prospectivos, n. 16. Santiago, Chile. Available at
ECLAC.op cit.
Banco de Mxico, Balanza de Pagos. Taken from the National Institute for
Statistics and Geography.2002.
Oxfam International, op cit. Chapter 7.
ECLAC. Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1999.
Oxfam International, op cit.

32 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

FTAA draft text, op cit. Chapter on Investment.
See NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-to-State Cases: Bankrupting Democracy.
September 2001. Public Citizen and Friends of the Earth, and Alternatives for
the Americas. December 2002. Hemispheric Social Alliance. Available at
Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization, Articles. 7.1, 14.1,
15.1 and 15.2; and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, Articles 1.1 and 1.2.
Alternatives for the Americas, op cit.
The analyses presented are based on the studies and documents
prepared for Rigged Rules and Double Standards by Oxfam International
and the following documents used for the Cut the Cost campaign on
access to medicines:
- Fatal Side Effects: Medicine Patents under the Microscope. February
- Patentar la Injusticia: Las reglas del comercio internacional, una amenaza
para la salud de los pobres. February 2001.
- Priced out of Reach: How WTO patent policies will reduce access to
medicines in the developing world. October 2001
FTAA draft text, op cit. Chapter on Intellectual Property.
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Volume 55, Balance of Payments.
Gontijo, C.Study on intellectual property (forthcoming).
World Bank, 2002.
Documents from the Hemispheric Social Alliance:
- Alternatives for the Americas. op cit.
- El ALCA al desnudo: un anlisis ciudadano de las negociaciones
gubernamentales en torno al Area de Libre Comercio de las Americas
Analisis Preliminar: Borrador para Discussion #2. October 2002.
World Health Organization. Statistical Yearbook. 2000.
Oxfam International. Companhias Farmacuticas x Brasil: Uma ameaa
sade pblica. May 2001.
Documents from Doctors Without Borders:
- IP Negotiations in FTAA and Access to Medicines: Undermining
achievements of the WTO Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public
Health. March 2002.
- Testimony at the Public Hearing Concerning Market Access in the Free
Trade of the Americas Negotiations of the Office of United States Trade
Representative. September 9, 2002.
Action Aid. Patents and food security. Action Aid Briefing 5. 1999. London.

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 33

Wilkinson, J. and Castelli, P. The Internationalisation of Brazils Seed
Industry: Biotechnology, Patents and Biodiversity. 2002. Published by
ActionAid. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Oxfam International Rio de Janeiro, 2003

This document was written by Patricia Amat, Mark Fried, Katherine Daniels,
Simon Ticehurst and Katia Maia. It is part of a series of documents that were
prepared to contribute to a public debate on development policies and
humanitarian issues. The text can be freely used for campaigns, education
and investigation if reference is made to the source of information.
For further information, please send an e-mail to:

34 Make Trade Fair for the Americas

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Published by Oxfam International January 2003

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-84814-488-0

Make Trade Fair for the Americas 35

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