Oncoscience 01 0777
Oncoscience 01 0777
Oncoscience 01 0777
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Cancer cells acquire an unusual glycolytic behavior relative, to a large extent,
to their intracellular alkaline pH (pHi). This effect is part of the metabolic alterations
found in most, if not all, cancer cells to deal with unfavorable conditions, mainly
hypoxia and low nutrient supply, in order to preserve its evolutionary trajectory
with the production of lactate after ten steps of glycolysis. Thus, cancer cells
reprogram their cellular metabolism in a way that gives them their evolutionary
and thermodynamic advantage. Tumors exist within a highly heterogeneous
microenvironment and cancer cells survive within any of the different habitats that
lie within tumors thanks to the overexpression of different membrane-bound proton
transporters. This creates a highly abnormal and selective proton reversal in cancer
cells and tissues that is involved in local cancer growth and in the metastatic process.
Because of this environmental heterogeneity, cancer cells within one part of the
tumor may have a different genotype and phenotype than within another part. This
phenomenon has frustrated the potential of single-target therapy of this type of
reductionist therapeutic approach over the last decades. Here, we present a detailed
biochemical framework on every step of tumor glycolysis and then propose a new
paradigm and therapeutic strategy based upon the dynamics of the hydrogen ion in
cancer cells and tissues in order to overcome the old paradigm of one enzyme-one
target approach to cancer treatment. Finally, a new and integral explanation of the
Warburg effect is advanced.
In this regard, glycolysis is the cytoplasmic 1.1 First step. Glucose fixation
utilization of glucose, which is an example of a catabolic In this step, glucose is fixed intracellularly by the
pathway. Normally, glycolysis finishes with the entrance addition of a phosphate group to form glucose-6-phosphate
of pyruvate into the Krebs cycle and the mitochondrion and such phosphorylation prevents glucose efflux. This
in the presence of oxygen. Under certain circumstances, requires the addition of a phosphate group from ATP and
such as an insufficient supply of oxygen, pyruvate is needs hexokinase or glucokinase as a catalyst for this
converted to lactate and pumped out of the cell. In cancer reaction. This step requires Mg+2 as co-factor. It requires
cells, the conversion of pyruvate into lactate takes place about -17 KJ/mole under normal conditions [22] (Figure 1)
even in the presence of oxygen (aerobic glycolysis), (where G0 is the free energy of a reaction and the minus
and this was called the Warburg Effect after it was so (-) sign shows this reaction to be exothermic i.e. releases
termed by Racker [14] and has also been known through energy) (Figure 1). It is most likely that hexokinase has
the years as the first law of cancer biochemistry [15]. an anti-apoptotic function, which is why it might explain
Warburg defended all his life that the aerobic glycolysis its overexpression in tumors [23]. Precisely, this enzyme
of tumors was the primary cause of cancer. However, could be a glucokinase rather than hexokinase because it
time has proven this not to be true [8,16]. Among the is not inhibited allosterically [24].
many proposed mechanisms to explain the metabolic
Therapeutic targeting of this step: Mannoheptulose [36]. However, another main concern in
1. Glucose transport inhibitors: glucose is taken up solid tumors is the problem of those enzymatic inhibitors
by the glucose transporters Glut-1 or the sodium-dependent reaching all tumor areas as they probably reach only the
glucose transporters e.g. sodium-dependent glucose tumors outer layers because of low O2 tension and low
cotransporter-1 or sodium-glucose linked transporter 1 blood supply, so impairing drug diffusion [37]. Although
(SGLT1). Glut-1 and SGLT-1 are overexpressed in cancer the following step is not reversible, the glucose-6-
[25]. Targeting the Glut-1 transporter [26] represents a phosphatase enzyme exports glucose extracellularly [38].
potential anti-tumor strategy directed towards glucose Vanadium is also a potential inhibitor of the phosphatase
deprivation [27]. Also, it sensitizes cancer cells to death enzyme [39]. However, targeting this enzyme remains of
receptors by arresting them in G0-G1 phase [28], so re- doubtful value due to its variable expression in tumors
sensitizing them to a death ligand like TRAIL. [40,41].
2. At the substrate level, therapeutic attempts have 1.2 Second step: Gluco-Fructose isomerization
been tried by administering fake substrates which are
not normally reversed by insulin activity; e.g. 2-Deoxy- In this step Anti-AMF (Autocrine Motility factor)
D-glucose (2-DG) [2931]. Glucosamine also inhibits antibodies are correlated with arthritis and considered
hexokinase [32]. Furthermore, metrizamide also inhibits arthritogenic [4244]. Its role in chronic inflammation
hexokinase [33] but to a lesser degree in comparison to might collaborate in inflammation-related carcinogenicity
2-DG and glucosamine [32]. [45,46] since it is known that glucose-6-phosphate is
3. Chromosomal amplification also is another isomerized (intramolecular reaction, rearrangement) into
strategy to stimulate glycolysis [34] which could be fructose-6-phosphate by Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
targeted through siRNA [35]. (phosphoglucose isomerase or phosphohexose isomerase)
In summary, targeting hexokinase represents (Figure 2). This is a reversible reaction following Le
a seductive strategy in treating cancer, e.g. with Chateliers principle. This principle determines that in a
reversible reaction, when the concentration of a reactant/s
PFK-1 is a tetramer enzyme that consists of three Fructose-1,6-biphosphatase is one of the key
subunit types: muscle (M or A), liver (L or B) and platelets enzymes that mediates gluconeogenesis. It has two
(P or C) [70,71]. Phosphofructokinase of muscle is isoforms: Liver (L-FBPase) and muscle (M-FBPase)
composed of homotetramer 4M, the liver predominantly [96100]. Insulin decreases expression of FBPase-1 [101].
contains the L subunit in addition to M and P subunits. Although cAMP increases expression of FBPase-1 [101],
Brain and heart exhibit three subunits [72,73], which AMP strongly inhibits FBPase-1 [102,103]. Fructose-1,6
correlates with differences in tissue specialization. It biphosphate inhibits FBPase-1 [104] by acting
has been shown that tumors over-express PFK-1 and synergistically with Fructose-2,6biphosphate [105].
preferentially its L-subunit [74]. PFK-1 might be useful Also, Fructose-2,6biphosphate acts synergistically with
for monitoring of progression of some cancers and also to AMP to inhibit FBPase-1, and this inhibition is decreased
identify tumor stage [75]. at higher substrate concentrations [105]. The same study
In 1986, it was demonstrated in some strains of rats pointed out that alkaline pH decreases the inhibitory
that they only have M subunits in their muscles but that effect of Fructose-2,6 biphosphate [105] while FBPase-1
other organs differ drastically in tissue/organ proportion activity is increased at higher, alkaline pHi [106].
in PFK-1 subunit expression [72]. From this study a Role of FBPase-1 in mediating resistance
question was raised concerning if there is any possibility
that human ethnicity could lead to differences in tissue/ It has been shown that phosphofructokinase is
proportion of PFK-1. If this diversity is present it could down-regulated while FBPase-1 is up-regulated in
affect tumor behavior in certain cases. This could help radiation resistant cell lines. Both features together
to study tumor progression in terms of ethnicity and suppress apoptosis through increasing glutathione levels
management of cancer is different human populations. [107]. In this context, the PFK-1/PFBase ratio plays a
critical role in tumor proliferation and/or tumor resistance
PFK-1 regulation ratio while FBPase over-expression could be considered to
Interestingly, PFK-1 has the same kinetic be one important adaptive strategy of resistance. In other
characteristics in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions words, by providing more lactate, glycolysis supplies
[76]. Also, a slightly alkaline pHi is the optimum to an evolutionary advantage [108] as well as a metabolic
maximize PFK-1 activity [52,7780]. On one hand, it resource [9]. However, over-expression of gluconeogenic
has been known for decades that an alkaline pHi even enzymes during resistance might support the decrease
slightly above steady-state levels stimulates the activity of in glycolysis and so a reduction in proliferation rates,
this key glycolytic enzyme and inhibits gluconeogenesis. which is an adaptative cost of resistance. Expression of
Indeed, in cancer cells a high pHi situation can increase FBPase-1 leads to the formation of glucose-6-phosphate
the allosteric regulation of PFK-1 more than a 100-fold and therefore feeds the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)
and even a raise of 0.2 pH units can convert this enzyme [107,109].
from an inactive form to a fully active quaternary structure
[5,8083]. This post-Warburg, H+-related approach to Fructose - 2, 6-bisphosphate
glycolysis and tumour metabolism has originated during
the last few years a completely and integral new paradigm
in approaching oncological metabolic research and cancer Studying the mechanism of action of glucagon
treatment based upon the hydrogen ion dynamics of cancer on gluconeogenesis led to the discovery of Fructose-
cells and tissues [10,11,52,53,8489] 2,6-bisphosphate [110,111]. This molecule is crucial in
Furthermore, phosphocreatine inhibits PFK-1 [90] maintaining the glycolysis downward chain reaction and
while 3-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate act increasing commitment to glycolysis, especially when
synergistically with ATP to inhibit PFK-1 [90,91]. Finally, ATP levels are raised [112]. This step is irreversible. Since,
ADP, among other factors, activates PFK-1 allosterically as described above, PFK-1 is inactive under physiological
[92,93] (see Table 1). PFK-2 also activates PFK-1 through conditions and is activated by Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate
fructose 1,6 biphosphate, but during persistent exercise in synergistically with AMP [113], it seems that Fructose
frog muscle, fructose-2,6 biphosphate levels drop, while 2,6-bisphosphate has evolved in order to enhance insulin
Pi, AMP and ADP all activate PFK-1 during exercise [94]. activity [114] and so increase glucose uptake. Finally,
Thus, in persistent exercise, normal cell physiology relies palmitate decreases the level of Fructose-2, 6-bisphosphate
on endogenous activators in order to maintain energetic [115].
requirements and not only on fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
activity. Finally, clotrimazole has anti-PFK-1 activity in
vitro [95].
Figure 4: hydrolysis of Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate into D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GADP) and Dihydroxyacetone
phosphate (DHAP).
PGK also shows maximum activity at a cellular pH range of enolase and attenuates that of MBP-1 [195]. Moreover,
similar to that of cancer cells [174,175], which is alkaline the presence of hypoxia increases the production of ROS
[176]. and the expression of c-myc [195]. C-myc increases
2.3 Seventh Step production of mitochondrial ROS and it has been shown
to stabilize HIF1-alpha [196,197] suggesting a delegate
3Phosphoglycerate undergoes structural balance between C-myc, ROS and HIF1-alpha in
isomerization and yields 2-phosphoglycerate by maintaining cellular survival and tumor progression. In
phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) (Figure 7). PGM is conclusion, ENO-1 expresses different proteins that can
overexpressed in cancer and is correlated with poor be localized either in the nucleus as a tumor repressor
prognosis [177]. The maximum activity of PGM also [191] or in the cytosol as a glycolytic enzyme or, finally,
occurs at alkaline pHs [178]. at the cell surface, where it promotes invasiveness and
2.4 Eight Step metastasis [198]. It has a higher activity at pH 7.5 when in
phosphate buffer [199].
2Phosphoglycerate is converted into
Phosphoenolpyruvate by the enolase enzyme (Figure 8). In 2.5 Ninth Step (Formation of Pyruvate)
mammalian cells, there are three independent genetic loci: Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is converted into
, and . They code and express three different isozymes pyruvate through pyruvate kinase enzymes (Figure
according to tissue specificity. Alpha enolase (ENO1) is 9). This second step produces ATP at substrate level
found in most adult tissues, beta enolase (ENO3) is found phosphorylation. Pyruvate kinase has four isozymes
in muscle and gamma enolase (ENO2) is found in the PK L, R, M1, and M2 (Table 2) [200,201]. L-alanine is
brain [179]. a strong inhibitor of PK-L and hepatoma and has little
It has also been postulated that the enolase has effect on PK-M while phenylalanine inhibits PKM [202].
tumor suppressive properties [180] as it is absent in Phosphoenolpyruvate activates pyruvate kinase and
some tumors [181] while other data supported that it is fructose 1,6-biphosphate [60]. Epinephrine and glucagon
overexpressed in some malignant tumors [182]. One of phosphorylate and deactivate PK-L [203] while insulin
the possible answers for this inconsistency comes through dephosphorylates enzymes and activates it [204,205].
the understanding of the subcellular localization of enolase The ATP/AMP ratio is very important in determining PK
and its translational process. Enolase has been found at activity.
the cell surface as a plasminogen binding protein, which Although rabbit PEP binding with PKL is increased
was found to promote tumor invasiveness and metastasis with increasing pH from 6 to 8.5 [206], the effect of
[183], boosting immunization to prevent bacterial pH on PK activity is very intricate and is dependent on
virulence [184189]. Besides, at the cellular membrane the concentration of allosteric activators, ATP levels
enolase has also been found at the cytoplasm and nucleus and species variation [200,207,208]. This is why small
[190]. The ENO-1 gene is responsible for expression of changes in intracellular pH alters PK activity [209]. At
enolase-1 as well as for Myc-binding protein-1 (MBP-1); least in yeast, protons facilitate PEP binding but weaken
that is, the same gene provides two different proteins at the binding with Mg+2 and ADP [210].
translational level [191,192]. PKM2 can be translocated into the nucleus and
Enolase is very crucial in completing glycolysis induces cellular proliferation [211] unless it binds with
and, thus, so might promote tumorigenesis while MBP-1 other agents to induce apoptosis [211]. One can therefore
blocks the activity of c-myc expressing protein [193,194]. ask, what is the role of PKM in cells that are undergoing
Therefore, the key determinant that instigates either apoptosis? The most convincing answer is that apoptosis is
tumor growth or tumor regression is translation of ENO-1 an active process that needs energy [212214]. Therefore,
gene towards Enolase or MBP-1 expression respectively further work should be done to differentiate how and
(Enolase/MBP-1 ratio). Such an evolutionary fate might when the energy produced could be invested for tumor
be determined through microenvironmental selection, e.g. cell proliferation or exploited to undergo programmed cell
hypoxia. Tumor hypoxia preferentially selects translation death.
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