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IT@Intel White Paper

Intel IT
IT Best Practices
Supply Chain and IT Business Transformation
January 2012

Transforming Intels Supply Chain

to Meet Market Challenges
Executive Overview

Intel IT has helped to increase To support an efficient and responsive supply chain, Intel IT works closely with
many teams throughout Intel to formulate a strategy that integrates IT solutions
supply chain responsiveness
across all levels. While manufacturing technology and operations are at the center
and productivity while reducing
of Intels business, Intel recognizes that supply chain capabilities are critical to
process cycle time and
meeting market demands.
inventory levels.
These demands include the following: planning processes, Intel IT has helped to
Increased product mixes and volume increase supply chain responsiveness and
productivity while reducing process cycle time
Shorter delivery times
and inventory levels.
Increased responsiveness to change
Greater than a 50-percent reduction
in the time it takes to ramp up a new
More efficient and cost-effective manufacturing process
65-percent reduction in order-fulfillment
Increased competition as new products lead time
are introduced
50-percent reduction in order-to-delivery time
Increased environmental sustainability
Russ Hensley 3x increase in responsiveness to customers
Supply Chain Strategic Product Line Manager Changing government regulations
32-percent reduction in inventory
Intel IT Intel IT helps Intels supply chain meet these
21-percent increase in the number of
demands by partnering with the internal
Kumar Muthusami CPU units produced per headcount and a
business teams to re-engineer business
Revenue Demand Management 16-percent increase in CPU units produced
Intel IT processes and deliver more efficient
per capital dollar spent
information systems. These systems are
KC Quah associated with multiple aspects of supply Intels accomplishments in supply chain
Supply Network Capability Strategic Planner chain management, including planning, management have been recognized across the
Intel IT
demand forecasting, production planning, supply chain industry, as our rise on the Gartner
Jian Wu order fulfillment, warehousing, and logistics. Supply Chain Top 25 rankings demonstrates.
Enterprise Architect Through several initiatives in the last few Intel IT will continue to implement IT-enabled
Intel IT supply chain solutions to transform
years, including standardizing Intels enterprise
resource planning (ERP) platform, developing Intels business, helping to increase Intels
Mark Zinsli
automation and business intelligence competitiveness and market position.
Customer Fulfillment Product Line Manager
Intel IT solutions, and simplifying supply chain
IT@Intel White Paper Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges

Contents Background Intels primary supply chain for wafer

manufacturing is complex, as each integrated
Executive Overview.. ............................ 1 Manufacturing technology and
circuit or die goes through hundreds of steps
operations are at the center of Intels
as the product and materials move from the
Background. . ........................................... 2 business. Intel factories turn raw silicon
planning stage through production, packaging,
Just Say Yes Program: wafers into complex and advanced
warehousing, and delivery to customers. In
2005 to 2007 . . ................................. 3 integrated circuits. The manufacturing
addition, Intel is currently manufacturing
Just Say Yes Program: process produces integrated circuits
multiple generations of process technology in
2008 to 2010 . . ................................. 4 that are delivered to customers as
high volume in its manufacturing network of
finished goods or subsequently used
Specific Intel IT-Enabled 16 factories11 fabrication facilities and five
in the assembly of products such
Supply Chain Solutions: assembly/test factories spread across seven
2011 and Beyond. . ............................... 5 as CPUs, graphics processing units
countries, as shown in Figure 1. Approximately
(GPUs), memory units, communication
Efficient, Cross-organizational, 30 global warehouses handle the warehousing
and Automated Supply Chain.......... 5 controllers, motherboards, wireless
and delivery to customers of these products,
devices, and solid-state drives (SDDs).
Better Inventory Management. . ...... 6 shipping about 1 million PC units per day and
Dynamic and Automated fulfilling over 750,000 orders per year.
Intel recognizes that its supply chainthe
Order Management System............. 6 In addition to integrated circuits, Intel also
combination of people, technology, processes,
Transportation Optimization. . .......... 6 information, and resources required to turn maintains a diverse set of products, such as
Automated Invoicing materials and components into finished wireless controllers, software products, and
and Customs....................................... 6 goods and move goods and services to SSDs, serving many different markets. The
Automated Event Management: customersis critical to Intels success. The resulting complexity drives multiple supply
Improved Capital Supplier importance of the supply chain in Intels chain requirements and capabilities that differ
Payment Processes .......................... 6 continued manufacturing leadership and from the core wafer manufacturing supply
Results..................................................... 7 business growth has steadily increased over chain. Each of these additional supply chains
the last decade. requires planning, forecasting, inventory
Supply Chain Evolution. . ...................... 7 management, packaging, and shipping.

Conclusion. . ............................................. 8

Acronyms. . ............................................... 8

Intels Worldwide Manufacturing Network

Wafer Technology
Year Factory Generation
2001-Present Fab A 200nm
2003-Present Fab B 300nm
IT@Intel 90nm

The IT@Intel program connects IT 2005-Present Fab B 300nm

Fab C 65nm
professionals around the world with their Fab D
peers inside our organization sharing 2007-Present Fab E 300nm
lessons learned, methods and strategies. Fab F 45nm

Our goal is simple: Share Intel IT best 2009-Present Fab F 300nm

Fab G 32nm
practices that create business value and Fab H
Wafer Fabrication, Assembly/Testing Factories
make IT a competitive advantage. Visit
us today at or contact
your local Intel representative if youd
Figure 1. Multiple generations of process technology in high-volume manufacturing and the global
like to learn more.
nature of Intels manufacturing business add complexity to the supply chain.

Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges IT@Intel White Paper

As shown in Figure 2, there are also many Just Say Yes Program:
Competitive Economic
industry- and market-driven supply chain 2005 to 2007 Pressures Uncertainty
challenges. Expanding product offerings In 2005, Intel executives visited several Cost Sensitivity Strong Emerging
and shrinking product life cycles, new customers to get direct feedback and
Technically Environmental
and shifting market conditions, emerging discuss how Intel could better serve Challenging Sensitivity
Current Supply
regulations, and more demanding customer them. The goal was to improve business Chain Challenges
expectations require that Intel continue to processes based on real customer needs.
improve on existing supply chain processes
During these visits, customers indicated
while being able to quickly adapt to new
dissatisfaction with the order fulfillment Impacts
supply chain business requirements and
process: A typical response to changing an Volatile demand
create solutions to support them. Demanding customer requirements
order could take up to 1.5 weeks; during Shorter development cycles
Intel IT plays a key role in maintaining and that time period, the customer didnt know Faster time-to-market
transforming Intels supply chain to meet if Intel could promise to deliver the product Lower average selling prices
these challenges. Intel IT helps redesign New growth opportunities
when requested. The delay in response
Exploding product variety
business processes and deliver more efficient was due to the need for multiple levels of Environmentally friendly products
information systems associated with many approval; additional delays stemmed from and manufacturing
aspects of the supply chain management. multiple order changes.
These efforts include the following: Figure 2. Market pressures require an efficient
In response to this feedback, Intel launched the and agile supply chain.
Re-engineering the overall planning Just Say Yes program, which led to sweeping
and other processes: mid-range and changes to the microprocessor fulfillment
tactical demand forecasting, production process and an intense focus on customer
planning, master production schedule, responsiveness.
order fulfillment, and warehouse logistics
In the beginning of the program, IT data
Consolidating many legacy systems across analytics were used to develop a better
all business functional areas into a more awareness of the steps involved in the
efficient enterprise resource planning current processes and create a baseline
(ERP) system understanding of the situation. The data
Re-engineering large amounts of data points included the number of times a given
and data flows order changedan average of six timesand
Consolidating our master data relating what percentage of orders shipped without
to customers, suppliers, locations, and changesonly 1 percent.
products into centrally managed master Combining the knowledge from the data
data systems analytics with customer feedback, the
Developing a centralized workflow data- supply chain organization defined the
staging system to manage our CPU and program goals. The program would initially
chipset product planning data with much focus on four elements.
improved data-quality monitoring capability Improve Intels ability to respond quickly
This work has reduced the number of manual and positively to change order requests
processes, and data errors and associated Respond to customers within 24 hours
correction efforts; increased our supply chain with a committed dock date (CDD), which
efficiency and responsiveness; and helped entailed committing to a date for product
Intel better meet supply chain challenges. availability and having products available
The improvement in data handling and related in the warehouse within three days
business intelligence (BI) analytics can also
Reduce inventory levels
help identify problems early on and influence
the business to change behaviors. Reduce errors in demand forecasting 3
IT@Intel White Paper Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges

Just Say Yes Program: responsiveness and the reliability of order

Early Supply Chain 2008 to 2010 fulfillment, and also reduces the inventory.
The success of the Just Say Yes program from
Improvement Efforts A pilot conducted during 2007 and 2008
2005 to 2007 led to a continued focus on at two European distributor locations
In the early 2000s, Intel implemented improving customer responsiveness through provided proof that the VMI strategy was
a Customer Excellence Program several new initiatives. suitable for Intel. Intel positioned two
(CEP)a structured process for
Implementing new supply chain weeks of inventory at warehouses close
obtaining and prioritizing independent
performance metrics to the customersinstead of at a regional
customer feedback on the quality
or worldwide warehouse locationand
of Intel products and services. The Replacing manual processes with
allowed the distributors to book orders at
CEP uses an annual customer survey automated processes
their discretion instead of using the existing
to generate top-level customer Reducing the time between when tightly controlled process.
improvements. Feedback obtained a customer places an order and when
from the CEP survey is analyzed and The new approach virtually eliminated the
the product is received, known as the
compared with other Intel customer cycle by which customers order a product in
order horizon
feedback to identify issues that advance to hold the supply, then change the
Improving internal efficiency order multiple times as product requirements
have a high impact on customer
commitment and retention. The CEP In addition to increasing responsiveness, these become better defined. In 2010 VMI hubs
sets the stage for future supply chain efforts continued to increase productivity and helped reduce order-fulfillment lead times
improvement efforts. reduce process cycle time and inventory levels. by 23 days and contributed to a 26-percent
improvement in responsiveness.
Transition to standard metrics During the pilot, the lead time between
Replacing the original program metrics customers placing an order and receiving the
were industry-standard metrics that enable product decreased from three months to one
comparisons across supply chains. The new week. Also the product was available at the
metrics, also known as key performance customer location to be consumed as they
indicators (KPIs), are: required, without having to wait for shipment.
Order fulfillment lead time (OFLT). This KPI Customer feedback was exceedingly positive,
is the average time it takes to fulfill customer citing both a reduction in onsite inventory
orders, calculated from order creation to levels and lower overhead.
delivery. OFLT measures responsiveness. These improvements were enabled by Intel
Perfect order. This KPI is the percentage IT-built automated solutions that include real-
of orders that are delivered with items time order promising, daily hub replenishment,
and quantities in-full and on-time, per and supply optimization. These solutions
the customer request, with complete and help support supply chain responsiveness in
accurate documentation and no damage. several ways.
Perfect order measures reliability from a Supply targets are maintained, while
customer perspective. enabling a low-touch, automated response
Intel IT BI solutions help to enable dashboards to customer forecast changes.
that provide visibility to these new KPIs and Supply planners can respond more
identify early trends. precisely to support business goals when
problems arise or supply or demand varies.
Increase responsiveness Supply planners can recommend the use
through Automation
of inventory or earlier planned builds to
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) hubs, support current or near-term customer
located near large customers, provide forecast needs, while not using up inventory
better inventory management and faster or builds that are already committed.
product shipment. Dynamic VMI increases

Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges IT@Intel White Paper

Reduce Order Horizon To support these efforts, we developed key processors. In total, we expect a return on
Intel IT BI analytics helped to identify that infrastructural enablers, including analytical investment of approximately USD 124 million.
three-quarters of all customer change requests algorithms, standardized reporting, and alerts-
This new platform also enables increased
occur in the last four weeks prior to shipment. based planning. Intel IT and business process
standardization of business processes across
Asking customers to book orders several owners also developed new processes and
various business segments and increased
months prior to need and then managing these tools to enable efficient collaboration among
use of more advanced ERP capabilities in
orders through the multiple change requests supply chain partners. These innovations
the supply chain processfrom forecast to
had little or no value to either party. eliminated an estimated 95 percent of the
order fulfillment to warehouse. The new
2,000-plus spreadsheets that previously had
This new data served as the basis for a ERP system has provided the foundation for
been manually managed.
pilot project in 2007 and 2008, which improvements in several business process
shortened the order horizon significantly for areas, including the following:
a few customers. The results achieved high A more efficient supply chain that is
responsiveness to initial orders, and change
Specific Intel cross-organizational and automated
order requests were reduced by 40 percent.
Based on the pilot success, Intel has shortened IT-Enabled Supply Better inventory management using
simulation and modeling
the order horizon to less than a month for all Chain Solutions:
A more dynamic and automated order
non-VMI customers.
2011 and Beyond management system
The Just Say Yes program also drove significant Intel IT is working closely with Intel
changes to our business-to-business Optimized transportation
supply chain business teams to
capabilities and adoption of those capabilities. develop a supply chain strategy that Automated invoicing and customs
Prior to the program less than a quarter of Intel integrates IT solutions across all levels. Improved capital supplier payment
customer orders were automatedmost were One of the key elements of supply processes through automated event
manually entered. Given the new, short lead chain improvements has been adopting management
time from when the order is entered to when a standard ERP system.
the product arrives on the customers dock, These areas of improvement illustrate how
manually entered data was no longer viable for Through a multi-year effort, we have IT can help transform a fragmented, manual
most orders. Intel IT implemented automated transitioned from several instances of supply chain into one that supports business
processes that eliminated the delays and errors highly customized ERP applications to agility and productivity.
associated with manual order entry, for over a single ERP platform with a significant
three-quarters of our current customer orders. reduction in customized processes. An ERP Efficient, Cross-organizational,
customization is used when there is a gap and Automated Supply Chain
Improve Demand signal and between standard ERP processes and the We are moving away from supply chain
Simplify the planning process required business processes. However, capabilities that are specific to divisions and
A key part of our supply chain re-engineering customizations significantly increase overall functionsa narrow approach that duplicates
efforts was to increase responsiveness by support cost for the ERP system and make accountabilities and is overly dependent on
improving internal efficiency. We re-aligned it more difficult to keep the system current manual processes. Instead, our goal is a cross-
legacy planning processes to use actual with the latest software versions. organizational, automated supply chain that
orders in the system, combined with reduces inefficiencies and the costs associated
Re-platforming our ERP system has resulted
demand forecasts, as the primary signal with managing the overall supply network.
in a single, integrated system for forecasting,
to build product. In addition, we redefined One example is Intel ITs support of tactical sales
planning, and procurement, and has added BI
the supply planning process, eliminating or and operations planning with a foundation of
capabilities for increased data visibility and
redesigning 15 of the 21 steps. Our build high-quality data and master data management
budget controls. This has led to a 92-percent
planning process now consists of three that links the shop floor to the planning
reduction in ERP software customizations, a
tiers: production planning, master product process. This data foundation is based on an
90-percent cost reduction for implementing
scheduling, and production scheduling. During enterprise data warehouse, operational data
maintenance releases, a 40-percent reduction
re-engineering, we examined and streamlined store, advanced reporting solutions, and links
in the number of servers, and a 260-percent
the decision making process, the cycle time, to upstream and downstream infrastructure
increase in capacity by consolidating applications
and ownership. to provide BI capabilities.
on servers based on the latest Intel Xeon 5
IT@Intel White Paper Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges

Better Inventory Management Transportation Optimization suppliers offer one- to two-percent discount
Simulation and modeling capabilities help Intel IT has enabled automation and BI solutions terms for payment within 10 to 15 days of
planners predict inventory needs and helps to help optimize transportation routing and shipping. For a tool that costs USD 3.5 million,
decrease the likelihood of excess inventory. management of carrier performance and such a discount could amount to USD 70,000
Intel IT solutions enable multi-echelon payment. With the IT transportation cost- in savings per transaction.
inventory optimization to right-size safety stock optimization solution, we can use robust Until recently, the capital supplier payment
buffers across the entire supply chain, taking shipping strategies, such as ocean shipment, processes were hindering Intels ability to
into account complex interdependencies, long which is less expensive than shipping by air. procure and pay for equipment quickly and
lead times, demand uncertainty, and supply to take advantage of the prompt payment
The trade-offs between these transportation
volatility. The result is a reduction in excess discounts availablethe business was
modes is cost (higher for air) and lead time
inventory and an improvement in customer- capturing only about 50 percent of the
(significantly longer transport times on the
service levels. available discounts.
ocean). The IT solution allows the business
to identify when and where lead time is not To address this, we designed an automated
Supply Network Replenishment an issue. As a result, we have been able to process that pays suppliers early enough to
Intel has continued to focus on improving the increase ocean shipping by 30 percent. capture those discounts. We modified ERP-
VMI hub capabilities implemented through the
We have also increased our customer based processes for invoices and purchase
Just Say Yes program. Instead of relying entirely
responsiveness through better management of orders so that receipt is registered when a
on forecasting demand, Intel is implementing
third-party carriers transporting our products. freight carrier receives the equipment, rather
systems that are sensitive to consumption and
Tracking and providing visibility to the carriers than when the shipment arrives at Intels
replenishment signals. Using our integrated
performance help us better manage vendors. dock, enabling the supplier to be paid sooner.
ERP system, VMI hubs provide better inventory
Also, our automated shipment and payment Automating the process required coordinating
management and faster product shipment.
tracking system has increased on-time systems data from Intel, suppliers, and freight
We expect to continue extending VMI hubs to
payments by more than 90 percent. carriers. The new automated process uses a
more customers and include a wider selection
of Intels expanding product line. supply chain event-management application,
Automated Invoicing which tracks and monitors milestones (events)
Dynamic and Automated and Customs within a business process, providing real-
Order Management System Implementing a web-based invoicing system, time visibility to process status and alerts to
which enables suppliers to bill electronically, relevant stakeholders.
The significant changes in the management
has reduced invoicing issues by 75 percent. Our
and customer operational paradigm over With the new system, the discount capture
eCustoms system is a completely automated
the past few years have driven a continued rate for capital purchases has increased from
process that doesnt require a signature. It
evolution of IT solutions, including automated about 50 percent to more than 95 percent,
also provides a single location for documents
tools that guide order commits by applying exceeding the corporate goal and resulting
and data, improving our reporting ability.
business rules for allocation management in tens of millions in cost savings each year.
and booking. These solutions have also Payment based on ship date instead of receipt
enabled the automation of back-office
Automated Event Management:
date provides the incentive for suppliers to
order management transactions. We have
Improved Capital Supplier
prioritize production to ship tools as soon as
replaced static order-to-cash spreadsheets
Payment Processes
possible. Several suppliers consistently ship
with a system that enables us to dynamically Some of the equipment Intel buys to support
equipment sooner than the contracted lead
shrink and grow availability-to-promise (ATP) the production of new generations of
time, which accelerates the supply chain while
horizons, as necessary. And we are now able processors costs millions of dollars and could
reducing costs.
to segment demand signals. be antiquated within four years. Factories
therefore must get capital equipment up and In the future, we hope to apply this same
running as soon as possible, while taking event-management capability to monitor
advantage of any supplier discounts. Some and accelerate other supply chain activities.

Transforming Intels Supply Chain to Meet Market Challenges IT@Intel White Paper

Results Supply Chain Evolution

Intels Supply Chain
Since 2008, our supply chain While were much closer to the corporate Leadership Vision
transformation efforts have resulted in supply chain vision illustrated in Figure3,
significant savings and improvements in the transformation will continue as Internal Alignment
business velocity, responsiveness, and we implement additional IT-enabled Break down functional silos
Improve efciency and
efficiency, as summarized in Table 1. solutions to support changes in market effectiveness
conditions and new markets Intels +
As an indicator of the effectiveness of
product will serve in the future.
our supply chain transformation, Intel Just Say Yes
Customer responsiveness and
entered the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 Emerging supply chain challenges include delivery performance
ranking in 20091 at number 25. In 2010,2 the following: Inventory optimization
we rose to number 18, the biggest jump A continually increasing portfolio of +
of any ranked company. In 2011, Intel products and services, such as Ultrabook Cost Competitiveness
ranked number 16. 3 We were the highest devices, tablets, smart phones, and and Agility
ranked ingredient company (defined as Flexibility and lower complexity
embedded technologies Supply chain segmentation
a company that does not sell directly to 2012+
Issues related to the global supply chain,
end-customers). Also, Intel received the
including government regulations, available
2009 Supply Chain Innovation award from
infrastructure, worker location, environmental
the Council of Supply Chain Professionals
sustainability, and social media Figure 3. Intels supply chain vision builds
(CSCMP) for the Just Say Yes program. on early improvements to processes and
Emerging markets and expanding
customer reach
To address these challenges, we are looking
to implement agile and adaptable IT solutions
that can be used across multiple supply
chains. Clear identification and definition
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2009. of business requirements for the various supply chains, including service levels and
supply chain models, will allow Intel IT to
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2010.
more effectively deliver robust solutions that
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2011.
can be quickly changed to support market conditions and customer requirements.

Table 1. Results of IT-enabled supply chain transformation


50% faster ramp up Improved by more than 50-percent the time it takes to ramp up a new manufacturing process, including a 25-percent
reduction in supplier build times and a 95-percent reduction in request-to-order time
65% shorter lead times 65-percent shorter order-fulfillment lead times through automated allocation management and booking

50% faster order-to-delivery 50-percent faster order-to-delivery time through the use of VMI hubs, the IT solutions supporting the hub business
processes, and information visibility enabled through IT business intelligence (BI) solutions
300% faster response to 3x faster response to customers orders and change requests through an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP)
customers system and the automation of many steps in the order management and planning business process

32% inventory reduction 32-percent reduction in inventory through automation and vendor-managed inventory (VMI) hubs
1621% productivity increase 21-percent increase in the number of CPU units produced per head count and a 16-percent increase in CPU units
produced per capital dollar spent 7
For example, while continuing the make-to-stock Conclusion
(push) model for Intels traditional CPU product, Acronyms
Working closely with many supply chain
we are implementing pull and hybrid models to
business teams, Intel IT plays a key role ATP availability to promise
support some new product market segments.
in maintaining and transforming Intels BI business intelligence
In a push model, the supply chain is supply chain to meet market challenges. CDD committed dock date
run based on the demand forecast for We help re-engineer business processes
CPU central processing unit
finished goods, and inventory is managed and deliver more efficient information
to support the forecasted demand. Intel ERP enterprise resource planning
systems associated with many aspects
forecasts and pushes the inventory to the of supply chain management, including GPU graphics processing unit
warehouse and hub locations that seem planning, demand forecasting, production KPI key performance indicator
best positioned to support customers. planning, order fulfillment, and OFLT order fulfillment lead time
In a pull model, products are finished once warehouse logistics. SKU stock-keeping unit
the customer actually places the order. SSD solid-state drive
Some of the measurable effects of Intel ITs
In a hybrid model, certain portions of VMI vendor-managed inventory
contribution to supply chain transformation
the supply chain use a push model to
include decreasing the time it takes to ramp
stage inventory (either finished goods or
up a new manufacturing process by half, a
components) and then the final products
3x-increase in responsiveness to customers,
are created based on the pull model.
a 32-percent reduction in inventory, and a
Pull models offer several primary 65-percent reduction in order-fulfillment
potential benefits: lead times.
Increased responsiveness As the market continues to change and Intels
Reduced inventory and product obsolescence business evolves and accelerates, we will
in new and changing markets that require continue to implement flexible, adaptable,
higher SKU counts and expandable IT-enabled solutions that
will further transform Intels supply chain and
Varying levels of customer responsiveness.
increase Intels competitiveness.
In the future, the goal is for Intels supply
chain to have the ability to dynamically
select the right push, pull, or hybrid model
based on product type and product life cycle.

For more information on Intel IT best practices,


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