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The TM-25/200LP actuators provide Proportional
25 mm (1 inch) of linear movement of electric-hydraulic
valves for steam or gas turbines.
25 mm (1 inch)
Description linear output
The TM-25LP and TM-200LP Maximum work
actuators are electric-hydraulic, ratings from
proportional actuators for positioning 72 to 231 J
steam and fuel-control valves
requiring low/high force linear inputs. (53 to 170 ft-lb)
Factory setting determines if the Corrosion resistant
actuator output shaft extends or
retracts on increasing current.
Models are
Features available with
The actuators have aluminum cases and through-hardened stainless-steel internal parts. certification for
A 40 m low-capacity screen is provided in the supply inlet fitting to protect the torque motor Canada
servovalve in case of failure of the external filter. Hazardous
The units will operate with either centrifugal or fixed-displacement type pumps providing Locations
hydraulic pressure.
The actuators are calibrated at the factory for bias in the minimum-fuel direction in event of the Models are
loss of input current. available with
A dual-coil torque motor is optional for redundancy. The dual-coil actuator has an optional listings for United
position-feedback transducer. States Hazardous
For more information, refer to Woodward Manual 82450.
Specifications Models are
Output Shaft
Hardened 17-4 stainless steel 0.625-inch (15.88 mm) round, with one-inch square (645 mm) 17-4 compliant with the
stainless steel rod end attached by 0.375-inch (9.52 mm)/24-threads/inch threads. Optional rod end applicable CE
features 0.625-inch (15.88 mm) slot with 0.500-inch (12.70 mm) hole to pin linkage to valve. Other
designs are available. Directives
Work Capacity ATEX, Pressure
TM-25LP 72 J (53 ft-lb) at 2586 kPa (375 psig) Equipment,
TM-200LP 231 J (170 ft-lb) at 8274 kPa (1200 psig)
Output Force
TM-25LP 2833 N (637 lb) maximum at 2586 kPa (375 psig) in either direction Models are
TM-200LP 9074 N (2040 lb) maximum at 8274 kPa (1200 psig) in either direction
available with TIIS
Response Time Constant (25% to 75% step)
TM-25LP 0.065 second at 1724 kPa (250 psi)
and Korea-KC
0.150 second at 690 kPa (100 psi) certification for use
TM-200LP 0.045 second at 6895 kPa (1000 psi)
in hazardous
Hysteresis locations
TM-25LP 1% of travel
TM-200LP 1% of travel
Side Load
TM-25LP 222 N (50 lb) maximum
TM-200LP 222 N (50 lb) maximum
Woodward 82451 p.2
2-wire connection in 0.500-inch/14-TPI rigid conduit connector; 2x
Fluid Types 18 AWG (0.8 mm) wires extend approximately 91 cm (36 inches)
Mineral or synthetic based oils, diesel fuels, kerosenes,
gasolines, or light distillate fuels. 0.750-inch/16 TPI Hydraulic Supply connection
UNJF-3A (-08) (MS 33656)
Specific Gravity 0.875-inch/14 TPI Hydraulic Drain connection
0.6 to 1.0 UNJF-3A (-10) (MS 33656)
Recommended Viscosity
0.6 to 400 centistokes; 150200 SSU; ISO 32 grade
The attitude of installation does not affect the performance of
External Filtration Required the actuator.
10 m nominal, 25 m absolute Six-inch (152 mm) mounting flange with 2.938-inch (74.62 mm)
Hydraulic Cleanliness Level hub contains six 0.438-inch (11.13 mm) bolt holes on
ISO 4406 20/18/15 minimum 4.875-inch (123.82 mm) bolt circle; flange is approximately
0.625-inch (15.88 mm) thick.
Woodward recommends adequate dither be used on all
hydraulic actuators to minimize mA threshold and hysteresis TERMINAL SHAFT OPTIONS
which can result from second stage static friction or hydraulic TM actuators are available with either internal (female) 0.375-24
contamination. UNF threads or external (male) 0.375-24 threads. A clevis-type rod
end can also be purchased and installed on the external threads.
Dither is a low amplitude, relatively high frequency periodic
signal that is superimposed on the servovalve input current MASS / WEIGHT
signal. A typical dither signal generated by a Woodward control 9 kg (20 lb), approximate dry weight
25 Hz, 010 mA (tunable) amplitude
25% duty cycle, bipolar, square wave European Compliance for CE Marking:
These listings are limited only to those TM-25LP units bearing
Adequate dither is defined as that amount which produces no the CE Marking.
more than 0.0005 inch (0.013 mm) total oscillation in output ATEX Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive:
shaft position. Declared to 94/9/EC COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 23 March
1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
Supply Pressure concerning equipment and protective systems intended for
TM-25LP 5522586 kPa (80375 psig) use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
TM-200LP 27588274 kPa (4001200 psig) TM-25LP Single Coil: LCIE 12 ATEX 3022 X; Zone 1,
Minimum Supply Flow (Steady State) Category 2, Group II, Ex e IIC T4 Gb IP54
TM-25LP 3.8 L/min (1.0 US gal/min) TM-25LP Dual Coil: Zone 2, Category 3, Group II, Ex nA
TM-200LP 3.8 L/min (1.0 US gal/min) IIC T4 Gc IP54; LCIE 12 ATEX 3064 X; Zone 1,
Category 2, Group II, Ex d IIB T4 Gb c IIB T4 IP54
Maximum Supply Flow (Transient) Note: Special conditions for safe use are provided in manual 82450.
TM-25LP 18.9 L/min (5.0 US gal/min)
TM-200LP 18.9 L/min (5.0 US gal/min) Other European Compliance: Compliance with the following
European Directives or standards does not qualify this product
Ambient Temperature Range EMC Directive: Not applicable to this product. Electromagnetically
40 to +93 C (40 to +199 F) passive devices are excluded from the scope of the
Hydraulic Fluid Temperature Range 2004/108/EC Directive.
16 to 79 C (60 to 175 F) Machinery Directive: Compliant as Partly Completed
Machinery with 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery.
(For both TM-25LP and TM-200LP)
Pressure Equipment Directive: Compliant as SEP per
Input Current Range Article 3.3 to Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC of 29
20 to 200 mA May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member
Null current shifts of up to 4% of maximum rated current States concerning pressure equipment.
(200 mA) can occur due to variations in the following Other International Compliance:
parameters: hydraulic supply and return pressures, hydraulic
TIIS: The TM-25LP Single Coil Actuator is certified for use in
fluid temperature servovalve, and actuator wear.
Japanese hazardous locations per TIIS Certificate TC17927
Due to the inherent null shifts and position drift of all hydraulic as Ex e II T3 (155 C).
servovalves and proportional actuators, engine control KC Korea: Certified for use in explosive atmospheres per KTL
applications must be designed with these errors in mind. Certificate 14-KB4BO-0390X as Ex e IIC T4
Coil Resistance (at 21 C / 70 F) IECEx: TM-25LP Single Coil: LCI 12.0010X Ex e IIC T4 Gb IP54
26 (single-coil) TM-25LP Dual Coil: LCI 12.0011X Ex nA IIC T4 Gc IP54;
40 (dual-coil) Ex d IIB T4 Gb IP54
Maximum Coil Current North American Compliance: These listings are limited only
460 mA TM-25LP dual coil to those units bearing the CSA agency identification.
250 mA TM-25LP single coil CSA: CSA Certified for use in the United States and Canada
250 mA TM-200LP Single and dual coil actuators certified for Class I, Division 2,
Position Feedback Transducer Groups A, B, C, & D
Optional on dual-coil models only Dual coil actuators certified for Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D
Woodward 82451 p.3

Outline Drawing of Single Coil TM-25/200LP Actuator (Do not use for construction)

Outline Drawing of Dual Coil TM-25/200LP Actuator (Do not use for construction)
Woodward 82451 p.4

Single/Dual Coil Schematic TM-25/200LP Actuator

A change in control signal to the torque motor results in a proportional change in terminal shaft position as follows: In
the actuator, the torque motor servovalve is energized by the electronic control to generate a hydraulic pressure
differential which is applied to the ends of the second stage spool valve. Hydraulic supply pressure to the servo
piston is controlled by the second stage spool valve to move the double-acting piston and provide terminal shaft
movement. Internal mechanical feedback re-centers the torque motor flapper which equalizes pressure across the
second stage spool valve and stops terminal shaft movement.

For more information contact:

PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-1519
1000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525
Tel.: +1 (970) 482-5811 Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058

Distributors & Service

Woodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities.
For your nearest representative, call the Fort Collins plant or see the
Worldwide Directory on our website.

This document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as

creating or becoming part of any Woodward contractual or warranty obligation unless
expressly stated in a written sales contract.
Copyright Woodward, Inc. 19992015, All Rights Reserved

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