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Tax Case

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G.R. No.

178087 : May 5, 2010



Facts: Kudos Metal Corporation filed its Annual Income Tax Return (ITR) for the
taxable year 1998. (BIR) served upon respondent three Notices of Presentation of
Records. Respondent failed to comply with these notices, hence, the BIR issued a
Subpeona Duces Tecum dated September 21, 2006, receipt of which was
acknowledged by respondents President, Mr. Chan Ching Bio, in a letter dated
October 20, 2000.

Respondent accountant, executed two Waiver of the Defense of Prescription.

BIR issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice for the taxable year 1998 against the
respondent. This was followed by a Formal Letter of Demand with Assessment
Notices for taxable year 1998.

Respondent challenged the assessments by filing its Protest on Various Tax

Assessments on December 3, 2003 and its Legal Arguments and Documents in
Support of Protests against Various Assessments on February 2, 2004.

BIR rendered a final Decision on the matter, requesting the immediate payment of
the Respondents tax liabilities.

Respondent filed a Petition for Review with the CTA. CTA cancelled the assessment
notices issued against respondent for having been issued beyond the prescriptive

Petitioner moved for reconsideration but the CTA Second Division denied the
motion. On appeal, the CTA En Banc affirmed the cancellation of the assessment
notices. Petitioner sought reconsideration but the same was unavailing.


Held: Section 203 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (NIRC) mandates
the government to assess internal revenue taxes within three years from the last
day prescribed by law for the filing of the tax return or the actual date of filing of
such return, whichever comes later. Hence, an assessment notice issued after the
three-year prescriptive period is no longer valid and effective. Exceptions
however are provided under Section 222 of the NIRC.

The waivers executed by respondents accountant did not extend the period within
which the assessment can be made
Petitioner does not deny that the assessment notices were issued beyond the three-
year prescriptive period, but claims that the period was extended by the two
waivers executed by respondents accountant.

Section 222 (b) of the NIRC provides that the period to assess and collect
taxes may only be extended upon a written agreement between the CIR and the
taxpayer executed before the expiration of the three-year period. RMO 20-
[17] [18]
90 issued on April 4, 1990 and RDAO 05-01 issued on August 2, 2001 lay down
the procedure for the proper execution of the waiver, to wit:

1. The waiver must be in the proper form prescribed by RMO 20-90. The
phrase but not after ______ 19 ___, which indicates the expiry date of
the period agreed upon to assess/collect the tax after the regular three-
year period of prescription, should be filled up.

2. The waiver must be signed by the taxpayer himself or his duly

authorized representative. In the case of a corporation, the waiver must
be signed by any of its responsible officials. In case the authority is
delegated by the taxpayer to a representative, such delegation should be
in writing and duly notarized.

3. The waiver should be duly notarized.

4. The CIR or the revenue official authorized by him must sign the waiver
indicating that the BIR has accepted and agreed to the waiver. The date
of such acceptance by the BIR should be indicated. However, before
signing the waiver, the CIR or the revenue official authorized by him
must make sure that the waiver is in the prescribed form, duly notarized,
and executed by the taxpayer or his duly authorized representative.

5. Both the date of execution by the taxpayer and date of acceptance by the
Bureau should be before the expiration of the period of prescription or
before the lapse of the period agreed upon in case a subsequent
agreement is executed.
6. The waiver must be executed in three copies, the original copy to be
attached to the docket of the case, the second copy for the taxpayer and
the third copy for the Office accepting the waiver. The fact of receipt by
the taxpayer of his/her file copy must be indicated in the original copy
to show that the taxpayer was notified of the acceptance of the BIR and
the perfection of the agreement.[19]

A perusal of the waivers executed by respondents accountant reveals the following


1. The waivers were executed without the notarized written authority

of Pasco to sign the waiver in behalf of respondent.

2. The waivers failed to indicate the date of acceptance.

3. The fact of receipt by the respondent of its file copy was not indicated
in the original copies of the waivers.

Due to the defects in the waivers, the period to assess or collect taxes was not
extended. Consequently, the assessments were issued by the BIR beyond the three-year
period and are void.

Conversely, in this case, the assessments were issued beyond the prescribed
period. Also, there is no showing that respondent made any request to persuade the
BIR to postpone the issuance of the assessments.

The doctrine of estoppel cannot be applied in this case as an exception to the

statute of limitations on the assessment of taxes considering that there is a detailed
procedure for the proper execution of the waiver, which the BIR must strictly follow.
As we have often said, the doctrine of estoppel is predicated on, and has its origin
in, equity which, broadly defined, is justice according to natural law and right. As
such, the doctrine of estoppel cannot give validity to an act that is prohibited by law
or one that is against public policy. It should be resorted to solely as a means of
preventing injustice and should not be permitted to defeat the administration of the
law, or to accomplish a wrong or secure an undue advantage, or to extend beyond
them requirements of the transactions in which they originate.24 Simply put, the
doctrine of estoppel must be sparingly applied.
G.R. No. 202695, February 29, 2016


INC., Respondent.



For resolution is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court which petitioner Commissioner of
Internal Revenue (CIR) filed, praying for the reversal of the Decision1 of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) En
Banc dated March 6, 2012 and its Resolution2 dated July 12, 2012 in CTA EB CASE No. 637. The CTA En
Banc affirmed the Decision3 of the CTA First Division dated January 26, 2010 and its Resolution 4 dated May
4, 2010 in favor of respondent GJM Philippines Manufacturing, Inc. (GJM).

The facts, as culled from the records, are as follows:

On April 12, 2000, GJM filed its Annual Income Tax Return for the year 1999. Thereafter, its parent company,
Warnaco (ITK) Ltd., underwent bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in the transfer of ownership over GJM and
its global affiliates to Luen Thai Overseas Limited in December 2001. On August 26, 2002, GJM informed the
Revenue District Officer of Trece Martirez, through a letter, that on April 29, 2002, it would be canceling its
registered address in Makati and transferring to Rosario, Cavite, which is under Revenue District Office
(RDO) No. 54. On August 26, 2002, GJM's request for transfer of its tax registration from RDO No. 48 to
RDO No. 54 was confirmed through Transfer Confirmation Notice No. OCN ITR 000018688.

On October 1 8, 2002, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) sent a letter of informal conference informing
GJM that the report of investigation on its income and business tax liabilities for 1999 had been submitted.
The report disclosed that GJM was still liable for an income tax deficiency and the corresponding 20%
interest, as well as for the compromise penalty in the total amount of P1,192,541.51. Said tax deficiency
allegedly resulted from certain disallowances/understatements, to wit: (a) Loading and Shipment/Freight
Out in the amount of P2,354,426.00; (b) Packing expense, P8,859,975.00; (c) Salaries and Wages,
P2,717,910.32; (d) Staff Employee Benefits, P1,191,965.87; and (e) Fringe Benefits Tax, in the amount of
P337,814.57. On October 24, 2002, GJM refuted said findings through its Financial Controller.

On February 12, 2003, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued a Pre-Assessment Notice and Details of
Discrepancies against GJM. On April 14, 2003, it issued an undated Assessment Notice, indicating a
deficiency income tax assessment in the amount of PI,480,099.29. On July 25, 2003, the BIR issued a
Preliminary Collection Letter requesting GJM to pay said income tax deficiency for the taxable year 1999.
Said letter was addressed to GJM's former address in Pio del Pilar, Makati. On August 18, 2003, although the
BIR sent a Final Notice Before Seizure to GJM's address in Cavite, the latter claimed that it did not receive
the same.

On December 8, 2003, GJM received a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy from the BIR RDO No. 48-West
Makati. The company then filed its Letter Protest on January 7, 2004, which the BIR denied on January 15,
2004. Hence, GJM filed a Petition for Review before the CTA.

On January 26, 2010, the CTA First Division rendered a Decision in favor of GJM, the dispositive portion of
which reads:

WHEREFORE, the deficiency income tax assessment in the amount of PI,480,099.29, inclusive of interest,
for taxable year 1999, covered by Formal Assessment Notice No. IT-1731 6-99-03-282 and the Warrant of
Distraint and/or Levy dated November 27, 2003, both issued against petitioner by respondent, are

Accordingly, respondent is hereby ORDERED to cease and desist from implementing the said assessment
and Warrant.

SO ORDERED.5 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

When its Motion for Reconsideration was denied, the CIR brought the case to the CTA En Banc.
On March 6, 2012, the CTA En Banc denied the CIR's petition, thus:

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is hereby DENIED. Accordingly, the impugned Decision dated January
26, 2010 and Resolution dated May 4, 2010 are herebyAFFIRMED in toto.

SO ORDERED.6 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

The CIR filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the same was denied for lack of merit. Thus, the instant

The CIR raised the following issues:





The petition lacks merit.

Section 203 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended, specifically provides for the
period within which the C1R must make an assessment. It provides:

SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection. - Except as provided in Section 222,
internal revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3) years after the last day prescribed by law for the
filing of the return, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the collection of such taxes shall be
begun after the expiration of such period: Provided, That in a case where a return is filed beyond the period
prescribed by law, the three (3)-year period shall be counted from the day the return was tiled. For purposes
of this Section, a return filed before the last day prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered
as filed on such last day. (Emphasis supplied)

Thus, the CIR has three (3) years from the date of the actual filing of the return or from the last day
prescribed by law for the filing of the return, whichever is later, to assess internal revenue taxes. Here, GJM
filed its Annual Income fax Return for the taxable year 1999 on April 12, 2000. The three (3)-year
prescriptive period, therefore, was only until April 15, 2003. The records reveal that the BIR sent the FAN
through registered mail on April 14, 2003, well-within the required period. The Court has held that when an
assessment is made within the prescriptive period, as in the case at bar, receipt by the taxpayer may or may
not be within said period. But it must be clarified that the rule does not dispense with the requirement that
the taxpayer should actually receive the assessment notice, even beyond the prescriptive period. 7 GJM,
however, denies ever having received any FAN.

If the taxpayer denies having received an assessment from the BIR, it then becomes incumbent upon the
latter to prove by competent evidence that such notice was indeed received by the addressee. 8Flere,
the onus probandi has shifted to the BIR to show by contrary evidence that GJM indeed received the
assessment in the due course of mail. It has been settled that while a mailed letter is deemed received by
the addressee in the course of mail, this is merely a disputable presumption subject to controversion, the
direct denial of which shifts the burden to the sender to prove that the mailed letter was, in fact, received by
the addressee.9

To prove the fact of mailing, it is essential to present the registry receipt issued by the Bureau of Posts or
the Registry return card which would have been signed by the taxpayer or its authorized representative. And
if said documents could not be located, the CIR should have, at the very least, submitted to the Court a
certification issued by the Bureau of Posts and any other pertinent document executed with its intervention.
The Court does not put much credence to the self-serving documentations made by the BIR personnel,
especially if they are unsupported by substantial evidence establishing the feet of mailing. While it is true
that an assessment is made when the notice is sent within the prescribed period, the release, mailing, or
sending of the same must still be clearly and satisfactorily proved. Mere notations made without the
taxpayer's intervention, notice or control, and without adequate supporting evidence cannot suffice.
Otherwise, the defenseless taxpayer would be unreasonably placed at the mercy of the revenue offices. 10

The BIR's failure to prove GJM's receipt of the assessment leads to no other conclusion but that no
assessment was issued. Consequently, the government's right to issue an assessment for the said period
has already prescribed. The CIR offered in evidence Transmittal Letter No. 282 dated April 14, 2003
prepared and signed by one Ma. Nieva A. Guerrero, as Chief of the Assessment Division of BIR Revenue
Region No. 8-Makati, to show that the FAN was actually served upon GJM. However, it never presented
Guerrero to testify on said letter, considering that GJM vehemently denied receiving the subject FAN and the
Details of Discrepancies. Also, the CIR presented the Certification signed by the Postmaster of Rosario,
Cavite, Nicarter Looc, which supposedly proves the fact of mailing of the FAN and Details of Discrepancy. It
also adduced evidence of mail envelopes stamped February 17, 2003 and April 14, 2003, which were meant
to prove that, on said dates, the Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) and the FAN were delivered,
respectively. Said envelopes also indicate that they were posted from the Makati Central Post Office.
However, according to the Postmaster's Certification, of all the mail matters addressed to GJM which were
received by the Cavite Post Office from February 12, 2003 to September 9, 2003, only two (2) came from
the Makati Central Post Office. These two (2) were received by the Cavite Post Office on February 12, 2003
and May 13, 2003. But the registered mail could not have been the PAN since the latter was mailed only on
February 17, 2003, and the FAN, although mailed on April 14, 2003, was not proven to be the mail received
on May 13, 2003. The CIR likewise failed to show that said mail matters received indeed came from it. It
could have simply presented the registry receipt or the registry return card accompanying the envelope
purportedly containing the assessment notice, but it offered no explanation why it failed to do so. Hence, the
CTA aptly ruled that the CIR failed to discharge its duty to present any evidence to show that GJM indeed
received the FAN sent through registered mail on April 14, 2003.

The Court wishes to note and reiterate that it is not a trier of facts. The CIR mainly raised issues on factual
findings which have already been thoroughly discussed below by both the CTA First Division and the CTA En
Banc. Oft-repeated is the rule that the Court will not lightly set aside the conclusions reached by the CTA
which, by the very nature of its function of being dedicated exclusively to the resolution of tax problems, has
accordingly developed an expertise on the subject, unless there has been an abuse or improvident exercise
of authority. This Court recognizes that the CTA's findings can only be disturbed on appeal if they are not
supported by substantial evidence, or there is a showing of gross error or abuse on the part of the Tax
Court. In the absence of any clear and convincing proof to the contrary, the Court must presume that the
CTA rendered a decision which is valid in every respect. It has been the Court's long-standing policy and
practice to respect the conclusions of quasi-judicial agencies such as the CTA, a highly specialized body
specifically created for the purpose of reviewing tax cases. 11

The Court hereby sustains the order of cancellation and withdrawal of the Formal Assessment Notice No. IT-
17316-99-03-282, and the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy dated November 27, 2003.

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Tax
Appeals En Banc dated March 6, 2012 and its Resolution dated July 12, 2012 in CTA EB CASE No. 637 are
hereby AFFIRMED.

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