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NorCal S9 Assy V1

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The NorCal S9 Signal Generator

Assembly & Operating

Rev. 1.0
Song Kang, WA6AYQ
Bob Okas, W3CD

Copyright 2007 WA6AYQ, W3CD - All rights reserved

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
2. S9 Specifications ................................................................................................... 3
3. Assembly Notes ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Essential Tools and Supplies ............................................................................... 4
3.2 SMT Soldering Tips............................................................................................. 4
3.3 Parts Bag Component Locator ............................................................................. 5
4. Assembly ................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Bottom Side Assembly ........................................................................................ 5
4.2 Top Side Assembly .............................................................................................. 6
5. Testing ...................................................................................................................... 8
6. Altoids Tin Installation ........................................................................................ 8
7. Circuit Description .............................................................................................. 11
APPENDIX A. S9 Component Layout Top .................................................. 12
APPENDIX B. S9 Component Layout Bottom ............................................ 13
APPENDIX C. S9 Schematic ............................................................................... 14
APPENDIX D. Parts List...................................................................................... 15

Figure 1. Parts Bag Contents ..................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. SMT Capacitor Color Code....................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Completed Bottom Side ............................................................................. 6
Figure 4. Completed Top Side ................................................................................... 8
Figure 5. Drilled Altoids Tin...................................................................................... 9
Figure 6. Prepared Altoids Tin Ready For Board Installation............................. 10
Figure 7. S9 in an Altiods Enclosure ....................................................................... 10

1. Introduction
The NorCal S9 signal generator is a crystal-controlled oscillator which produces
switchable output levels at selectable frequencies. All of the board-mounted components
are included in the kit, all you need to add is a 9V battery. Rubber feet are supplied for
enclosure-free operation, or you can easily fit it into an Altoids tin.

The S9 level is useful for testing and calibrating receiver S-meters while S1 level can be
used for receiver alignment and sensitivity checks. The oscillator works with most
fundamental mode crystals, so you can substitute your favorite frequencies up to 15m.
The output harmonics also can be used to reach into the higher bands.

The majority of the components are surface mount technology (SMT), but are easily
mounted due to wide component spacing. If this is your first SMT kit, be sure to read the
assembly tips section which will guide you to a successful assembly.

2. S9 Specifications
Dimensions 3.5 x 2.125 x 0.6 (HWD), excluding connector
Power Requirements 9V battery, less than 2mA typical

Output Frequencies 3.579 MHz, 7.040 MHz, 10.116 MHz, 14.060 MHz

Frequency Accuracy Within +/- 1KHz

Harmonic Content 2nd: 4dBc +/- 2dB

3rd: 11dBc +/- 3dB
4th: 17dBc +/- 3dB

Output Impedance 50 Ohms

Output Level 1. Low: 1uV (-107 dBm)

2. High: 50uV (-73 dBm)

Amplitude Accuracy: 1. Low Level: +/- 3dB (2 dB typical)

2. High Level: +/- 3dB (1.5 db typical)

3. Assembly Notes

3.1 Essential Tools and Supplies

1. .010 (preferred) or 0.015 diameter rosin core solder

2. A temperature-controlled soldering iron. 600F 700F
3. Soldering iron tip diameter of 1/32 or smaller
4. Round point tweezers
5. A cookie sheet with raised sides is helpful to avoid losing parts
6. Headband or illuminated magnifier
7. Masking tape to hold the board during assembly

3.2 SMT Soldering Tips

Lead-based solder is being phased out, but 60/40 or 63/37 tin/lead rosin-core, .010
to .015 diameter solder is suitable for installing the components in this kit. You can
use .025 diameter solder for the thru-hole components. Silver-bearing, eutectic
solder is also acceptable, but not necessary. Do not use solder with an acid-core flux.

The assembly instructions below are organized to permit ease of component

installation. The silkscreen component outlines indicate the component locations and
orientation. Appendices A and B contain enlarged views of the Top and Bottom sides,

3.3 Parts Bag Component Locator

Figure 1 shows the bag layout and Figure 2 shows the capacitor color code used in
this kit.

Surface Mount

Color Value
Thru-hole Components
RED .01uF
Circuit Board
Figure 2. SMT Capacitor Color Code

Figure 1. Parts Bag Contents

4. Assembly
If you plan to install the S9 Generator in an Altoids tin, skip ahead to Section 6. Its
easier to prepare the tin before parts are installed on the board.

When youre ready to start building, secure the S9 board to your work surface using
masking tape to prevent movement. Well start building the board with the bottom
side. Refer to Figure 3.

4.1 Bottom Side Assembly

In the following order, install:

D1, marked either 5D or 5H

C2, Strip color RED
R4, marked 471
R5, 560
R2, 103
R3, 150

C3, Strip color RED
C4, Strip color YELLOW
Q1, marked 1A
C5, Strip color VIOLET
R6, 203

Inspect the solder joints and touch up as required. Figure 3 shows the completed
component installation.

Figure 1. Completed Bottom Side

4.2 Top Side Assembly

This side includes both SMT and thru-hole components. We will install the SMT
components first. Refer to Figure 4.

In the following order, install:

LED1, no marking. Make sure Black band is on the left.

R1, marked 392
C1, Strip color RED
R7, 620
R8, 241
R9, 620
R10, 750
R11, 121
R12, 750

Double check your work, especially LED1s orientation. Now its time to install
the crystals. The kit is supplied with popular QRP frequency crystals, feel free to
substitute your favorites, up to 21 MHz.

In the following order, install:

Y1 3.579 MHz
Y2 7.040 MHz
Y3 10.116 MHz
Y4 14.060 MHz
Rough up the tops of the crystals. Use fine sandpaper or an emery
Bend a piece of buss wire to form an L shape.
Insert one end into the ground pad just to left of Y1 and solder the
other end to the top of Y4. Trim the excess.
Solder the wire to the remaining crystals.
Solder the lead to the ground pad at Y1.

Switch installation is next. SW1 can be installed either way. SW2 fits in only one
orientation. The handle of SW3 should protrude beyond the edge of the board. Its
important to solder all of the tabs on SW3 to obtain proper signal attenuation in
the S1 position.

SW1 Set switch handle to the bottom position

SW2 Set switch handle to the far left position
SW3 Be sure to solder the 4 switch mounting tabs!

The battery terminals are up next. Make sure that SW1 is set to Off: Handle at
the bottom position. The terminals have some wiggle room, so a battery is used to
orient these properly.

Plug the positive and negative terminals into a 9V battery. Be careful

not to short them!
Using the silkscreen as a guide, mount the battery & terminals into the
board. The female positive terminal, or cup is installed closest to
SW3 while the male negative terminal is closest to the top edge of the
When you are satisfied with the alignment, solder the 3 tabs on each
Remove the battery.

Lastly, the output connector.

J1 solder all tabs

If you plan to operate the S9 Generator unenclosed, install the four rubber feet at the
corners. Smile, youre done! If youre going to install it in an Altoids tin, wait until
testing is complete.

Figure 2. Completed Top Side

5. Testing
Move SW2 and SW3 to their far left positions. Move SW1 to the down position and
install a fresh 9V battery. Flip up SW1 and check if LED1 is lit. If not, check R1 and
LED1. Make sure the battery clips were installed in the correct locations.

Next, connect a cable from J2 to a CW/SSB receiver tuned to 3.579 MHz. You should
hear a loud tone. Note the receivers S-meter indication. Flip SW3 to the other
position and observe the S-meter. It should have dropped substantially. Repeat this
procedure for the remaining bands.

If you are unable to hear any signal on any band, double-check all of the components
on the bottom of the board and SW2. If the S1 level is very weak, check R7-R12.

6. Altoids Tin Installation

Mark the mounting holes on the inside bottom of the tin using the bare board. Make
sure the top side is facing up. Drill three holes. The board mounting holes are sized
for 4-40 screws, so use a 1/8 drill bit.

Align the bare board to the holes and mark the location for BNC jack and output level
switch. You can eyeball the locations and be fairly accurate. A step-bit works very
well for medium to large holes. For the level switch, first drill a hole and then file to
rectangular shape. Frequent alignment checks produce the best results.

The top cover will need to be notched to allow clearance for the BNC jack. You can
snip the metal using wire cutters and file to shape and remove the burrs.

Figure 3. Drilled Altoids Tin

You will need three very short spacers to raise the board off the bottom of the tin. A
height of 0.1 is ideal. You can add an adhesive to hold them in place. A few layers
of electrical tape on the bottom will help insulate the components, as shown in Figure
6. Figure 7 shows the completed assembly.

Figure 4. Prepared Altoids Tin Ready For Board Installation

Figure 5. S9 in an Altiods Enclosure

7. Circuit Description
The S9 is powered by a 9V battery which should provide long service life because
less than 2 mA are required during operation. R1 drops the battery voltage and
supplies current to LED1, which serves as a voltage regulator and power-on indicator.
The voltage across LED1 is 1.88V +/- 10mV. D1 also serves a dual purpose: it
provides a further voltage drop and provides reverse polarity protection for the rest of
the circuit. The voltage between the cathode and ground is about 1.4V, since the drop
across D1 is about 0.5V due to the low oscillator current. C2 decouples the power

Q1, R2, R3, R6, C4, C5 and one of the switch-selected crystals form a low power
Colpitts oscillator. The oscillator output is taken from the collector through C3 and
supplied to an attenuator composed of R4 and R5. The attenuator output is nominally
50uV into a 50 load. SW3 selects between the S9 and S1 output levels. A 34dB
attenuator comprised of R7 through R12 provides the 1uV signal output. Two
separate pi networks were used to provide accuracy.

The oscillator output contains harmonics of the fundamental frequency. This is useful
for checking higher bands, but the signal level will be less than the fundamental. You
can install other crystals in Y1 through Y4 at frequencies up to 21 MHz.

APPENDIX A. S9 Component Layout Top

APPENDIX B. S9 Component Layout Bottom

APPENDIX C. S9 Schematic

APPENDIX D. Parts List

Item Qty Ref. Des. Value Description Color /Marking

1 3 C1, C2, C3 0.01uF 1206 Ceramic Cap RED
2 1 C4 18pF 1206 NP0 Ceramic Cap YELLOW
3 1 C5 47pF 1206 NP0 Ceramic Cap VIOLET
4 1 D1 MMBD4148 SOT23 Diode 5D or 5H
5 1 J1 N/A PC mount BNC jack
6 1 J2 N/A 9V battery clips
7 1 LED1 Green 1206 LED
8 1 Q1 MMBT3904 SOT23 Transistor 1A
9 1 R1 3.9K 1206 5% Resistor 392
10 1 R2 10K 1206 5% Resistor 103
11 1 R3 15 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 150
12 1 R4 470 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 471
13 1 R5 56 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 560
14 1 R6 20K 1206 5% Resistor 203
15 2 R7, R9 62 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 620
16 1 R8 240 Ohms 12065% Resistor 241
17 2 R10, R12 75 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 750
18 1 R11 120 Ohms 1206 5% Resistor 121
19 1 SW1 N/A SPDT Slide Switch
20 1 SW2 N/A SP4T Slide Switch
21 1 SW3 N/A DPDT Slide Switch
22 1 Y1 3.579 MHz HC-49 Fundamental Xtal
23 1 Y2 7.040 MHz HC-49 Fundamental Xtal
24 1 Y3 10.116 MHz HC-49 Fundamental Xtal
25 1 Y4 14.060 MHz HC-49 Fundamental Xtal
26 4 N/A N/A Rubber Feet


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