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HeartMath'Hypertension'Management by DR Childre Ehamh

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This is a comprehensive overview of hypertension incorporates conven-

tional medical wisdom as well up-to-date thinking regarding the impor-

tant role of stress. Readers will find clear explanations of hypertension: its
causes, deleterious effects on the body, and an explanation of the types of
drugs used to treat it. But they will also learn about our growing under-
standing of the important contribution of stress hormones and will learn
some simple techniques to engage their hearts and brains to restore inner
equilibrium and calmness. This will be useful for anyone who wants to
understand hypertension and the range of options available to address it.
Kenneth M. Riff, MD, executive director of the Hawaii
Heart Brain Center at North Hawaii Community Hospital

As this concise but meaty book emphasizes, hypertension is a major cause

of death and disability. It is aptly called the silent killer because patients
may have no symptoms until it produces significant damage. Although
there are numerous antihypertensive drugs, there is no algorithm that
guarantees which will work best in any given patient and many have seri-
ous side effects. In contrast, the HeartMath approach is completely safe
and its efficacy has been demonstrated in years of cutting-edge research on
heart rate variability feedback.
Paul Rosch, MD, president of the American Institute
of Stress

Connecting the mind, body, and emotions, Heartmath offers a quickly

learned, scientifically validated approach to decreasing stress and impact-
ing cardiac risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arrhythmia,
and chest pain. Everyone needs to learn these techniques.
Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, medical director of the Scripps
Center for Integrative Medicine
The holistic approach to hypertension described in this book is user-
friendly for patients of different ages. It addresses the essential bio-
behavioral nature of the problem directly, with ideas to heal and balance
body and mind.
Timothy P. Culbert, MD, medical director, integrative
medicine and cultural care, at Childrens Hospitals and
Clinics of Minnesota

Wilson and Childre present an up-to-date, highly readable, and compre-

hensive approach to managing high blood pressure. Using a combination
of evidence-based clinical recommendations (medications, exercise, and
diet) together with scientifically validated HeartMath tools, the authors
clearly and concisely explain the key role of the heart-brain connection
(heart intelligence) in the management of hypertension. If you have
hypertension, this book is a must read. If your blood pressure is normal
but your life is stressful (lets be honestwhose life is not?), I am con-
vinced that combining HeartMath tools with a good diet and adequate
exercise can help you achieve emotional balance and optimal health.
Alan P. Feren, MD, president of Feren Healthcare
Insights, LLC, and former chief medical officer of
Sutter Health Partners

One third of Americans have high blood pressure. It is therefore likely that
you or someone you love has this health problem (and may not even know
it). Do you know how high blood pressure happens? Wilson and Childre
teach us not only the causes of high blood pressure but how to take care of
it, with reduced medication or no medication at all. All Americans should
read this book.
Lee Lipsenthal, MD, ABHM, heart disease researcher and
president of the American Board of Holistic Medicine
The increasingly complex and ambiguous business world we now live in,
and the speed at which this world can change, can result in maladaptive
physiological responses in people. This often leads to a stress response
mechanism which can result in sustained hypertension, which in its
initial stages produces no symptoms. If sustained too long, it can result in
profound and serious future health effects. Whilst medication, with all its
potential side effects, has been the mainstay of treatment for several years,
HeartMaths research has been instrumental in demonstrating the role of
certain emotional states in our stress response mechanisms. HeartMath
philosophy and tools have shown that by influencing these emotional
states and their associated physiological mechanisms often responsible for
hypertension, patients can take control and positively improve their phys-
iology. This can result in preventing hypertension at an early stage,
avoiding or delaying medication, or significantly reducing the quantity
and dose of already prescribed antihypertensive medication.
Tony Yardley-Jones, MD, Ph.D., specialist in occupational
medicine at Chelsea & Westminster, London, UK,
and director of occupational health at the Royal
Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK

Stress and its consequences remain major hurdles as people search for
ways to improve quality of life and reduce susceptibility to illness. Wilson
and Childre have put together a well-referenced, scientifically supported,
novel approach to the management of one of our nations biggest
killershypertension. Knowing how vulnerable we are to developing high
blood pressure is what makes the HeartMath approach so interesting and
helpful. Having tools that can positively influence our responses to the
stresses of daily life is critical in the battle against heart disease and
stroke. Taking charge of our life stressors has great potential to decrease
not only our blood pressure but reduce our susceptibility to other stress-
related health problems. Enjoy the book and take the message to heart.
Kathy Berra, MSN, ANP, FAAN, past president of the
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation Cardiovascular Medicine and Coronary
Interventions, Redwood City, CA
While there are hundreds of books on controlling high blood pressure, The
HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension clearly stands out
as breakthrough work. Unlike any authors before them, Wilson and
Childre have clearly recognized the role stress plays in elevating blood
pressure and have developed scientifically-proven techniques for reducing
stress and, thus, lowering blood pressure. This comprehensive book
explains the causes of hypertension, the pros and cons of medications used
to treat the condition, and looks at both conventional and alternative
treatments. But most importantly, what you learn in The HeartMath
Approach to Managing Hypertension works! And that is a major step
Charles B. Inlander, president of Peoples Medical Society

This book not only discusses the link between stress and high blood
pressure, but also serves as a great resource for how to break stress and its
toxic effects in all peoplenot just those with hypertension. As the CEO
of a large hospital, I am wholly supportive of the HeartMath method-
ology to reduce stress in the workplace and in our daily lives. I have seen
it work in my organization. The pace of our culture has increased dramati-
cally over the past few decades, and if we do not take control of the issues
that cause stress in our lives, we will not be able to perform the important
services expected of us in the health care industry.
Mary M. White, chief executive officer of the Swedish
Medical Center, Denver, CO

This is a work that is informative and highly readable. It addresses a

significant public health problem in a straightforward and practical way.
You can feel the passion and caring put forth by these dedicated profes-
sionals. I can highly recommend it to anyone in the health care field as
well as individuals afflicted by this chronic illness.
Nick Hilger, senior vice president of strategic development
for United Healthcare
The HeartMath
Approach to Managing

Bruce C. Wilson
Doc Childre

New Harbinger Publications

Publishers Note
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the
subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in ren-
dering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or coun-
seling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to describe gener-
ally accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors
or omissions or for any consequences from application of the information in this book and make no
warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of the publication.

Some drugs and medical devices presented in this publication may have Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) clearance for limited use in restricted research settings. It is the responsibility of
the health care provider to ascertain the FDA status of each drug or device planned for use in
their clinical practice.

HeartMath, Heart Lock-In, and Inner Quality Management are registered trademarks of the In-
stitute of HeartMath. Quick Coherence and Freeze-Framer are registered trademarks of Quantum
Intech, Inc.

Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books

Copyright 2006 by Doc Childre and Bruce C. Wilson, MD

New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
5674 Shattuck Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609

Cover design by Amy Shoup; Text design by Tracy Carlson;

Acquired by Jess OBrien; Edited by Amy Scott

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wilson, Bruce C.
The Heartmath approach to managing hypertension : the proven, natural way to lower
your blood pressure / Bruce C. Wilson and Doc Childre.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-57224-471-9
ISBN-10: 1-57224-471-2
1. HypertensionAlternative treatment. 2. HypertensionPsychosomatic aspects. I.
Childre, Doc Lew, 1945- II. Title.
RC685.H8W527 2006

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America

08 07 06

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First printing

This book is dedicated to all people who want to take more

personal responsibility for their own health, learn about excit-
ing research that links stress and emotions to disease (high
blood pressure in particular), and use simple proven tools to
help lower blood pressure.
Using HeartMath tools has the capacity to change your
life in many ways. It has been the goal of the entire Heart-
Math team, since 1990, to understand how physical responses
to multiple stress-producing events in a complex world
impact health and how people might change those responses
to achieve better health and well-beingand eventually, a
better planet.

Foreword ix

Acknowledgments xv

Introduction 1
Prevention and Control The HeartMath Approach

Chapter 1
What Is Blood Pressure? 11
Problems with Blood Pressure Measuring
Blood Pressure A Closed System

Chapter 2
Causes of High Blood Pressure 17
Genetics Hypertension in African-Americans
Obesity Lack of Physical Activity Excess Salt
in the Diet Age People at Increased Risk for
Development of Hypertension Secondary
Hypertension The Kidneys The Adrenal Glands
Other Problems

Chapter 3
Dangers of High Blood Pressure: 31
Why Should You Treat It?
The Heart The Brain Kidney Disease
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) The Eyes
vi The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Chapter 4
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 41
Diuretics Beta-Blockers Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
Calcium Channel Blockers Other Types of Drugs
Used to Treat Hypertension An Important Comment
on Drugs

Chapter 5
Lifestyle Changes That Help Lower 53
Blood Pressure
Diet Exercise Smoking Stress

Chapter 6
Stress and Hypertension 61
Our View of Stress The Human Stress Response
A Slower Set of ChangesThe Hormonal System
The World in the Twenty-first Century When
the Stress Button Gets Stuck

Chapter 7
Resetting Your Thermostat 75
Stories of Resetting Pressure Levels When Stress
Becomes an Addiction The Power to Change

Chapter 8
The Big Connection 81
The HeartMath Story, as Told by Founder Doc
Childre Understanding the Power of the Heart
A New Research ToolHRV The Three Levels
of the Human Brain The Heart-Brain Connection
Contents vii

Chapter 9
The HeartMath Tools 93
How Controlling HRV Can Reverse Stress First
Things FirstRecognizing That Your Stress Button
Has Been Pushed NeutralThe Most Basic Tool
Quick Coherence

Chapter 10
Rewriting Your Patterns 105
Writing New Patterns Heart Lock-In

Chapter 11
HeartMath Studies 115
Early Results Correlating Mood and Blood
Pressure Beyond the Corporate World HeartMath
in Health Care HRV Feedback Tools Creative

Chapter 12
The End Is Just the Beginning 129

Classes of Drugs Used to 133
Treat Hypertension

Learn More About HeartMath 139

References 145

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and

mortality in the United States today. Although men with
heart trouble have attracted attention for years, cardiovascu-
lar disease also claims 500,000 womens lives per year, more
than all cancers combined. Yet despite these staggering statis-
tics, cardiovascular disease is totally preventable.
Western society suffers from what can best be described
as diseases of excess. These include diabetes, hypertension,
gout, and hyperlipidemia, all of which are major risk factors
for heart disease and stroke. Unfortunately, we live in a
society that has many addictions, including food, tobacco,
alcohol, and even stress. These addictions are frequently the
underlying cause for many of these medical problems.
To heal the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease, a
mind, body, and spirit approach is truly needed. Our physi-
cal bodies are greatly affected by the food we eat, the amount
that we exercise, and the length of time that we sleep. We
must also recognize that the human heart is deeply affected
by emotions such as anger and hostility. The way we live our
lives and who we share our lives with can have profound
consequences on our emotional and physical health.
x The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart attack

and stroke. It is appropriately referred to as the silent killer,
since many people have hypertension and dont know it.
Treating hypertension, like treating all of the other risk fac-
tors for cardiovascular disease, requires a multidisciplinary
approach. This means getting to the underlying cause of the
problem and making the necessary changes to reset the body
toward health, which comes from the Greek word for
Hippocrates said, let food be your medicine, and no
truer words have been spoken for the prevention of cardio-
vascular disease. Each year, 300,000 Americans die from a
combination of poor diet and inactivity. We now know that
30 to 50 percent of individuals with hypertension will be salt
sensitive. This means that the simple restriction of salt in the
diet, to as low as 1,500 milligrams per day, can have a pro-
found effect on blood pressure. Many people are shocked to
learn of the amount of sodium in common food items such as
cheese, pickles, and soup and items high in saturated fat such
as bacon and ham. I teach my patients to shop around the
periphery of the supermarket and focus on fresh fruits and
vegetables, avoiding canned items whenever possible.
Any nutrition program must be accompanied by proper
exercise. The benefits of exercise are enormous, and include a
decrease in body weight, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels.
Exercise will also lower blood pressure and decrease the level
of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. In addi-
tion, exercise helps us to sleep better at night and should be
the first treatment for insomnia. The combination of diet and
exercise can have profound effects on the body. We know
from the Lyon Heart Study that cardiovascular event rates
were decreased by 70 percent in individuals taught to eat
more fruit, beans, vegetables, and fish. We also know that
Foreword xi

men and women who exercise modestly, such as walking 1.5

miles per day, can decrease their risk of cardiovascular death
by 50 percent. There is no known medication that can achieve
these results, and this is why all of my patients at the Scripps
Center for Integrative Medicine receive a prescription for diet
and exercise.
Although diet and exercise are important first steps in
improving blood pressure as well as decreasing blood sugar,
weight, and cholesterol, they are just a piece of the puzzle.
We know from the American Institute of Stress that 75 to 90
percent of all visits to health care providers result from
stress-related disorders. As a cardiologist, when I first heard
this statistic I thought it must be too high. However, after
carefully assessing the reasons why people come to see me in
my practice, I quickly realized that this number was right on.
Stress leads to the release of hormones originally evolved to
assist us in an emergency situation. For example, if you have
an auto accident and are bleeding, your body produces
adrenaline to keep the blood pressure up, increase the heart
rate to pump more blood to your vital organs, and constrict
the blood vessels to minimize blood loss. The stress hormones
should absolutely be released in a state of true emergency
such as this, because they can be lifesaving.
The problem is that we have evolved to a point in our
culture where we are producing these stress hormones on a
daily basis, and in response to events that dont even come
close to being life threatening. Meeting deadlines, rushing
through traffic, and answering cell phones, e-mails, and faxes
is just a short list of how our society is accelerating. The end
result is that our body senses a threat much in the same way
as if we were bleeding or being chased by a tiger. Stress
hormones pour into our systems, the end result being an
increase in heart rate and occasionally disturbances in heart
xii The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

rhythm, as well as an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar,

and even cholesterol levels.
Many of the cardiac medications given on a daily basis
are designed to block stress hormones. Adrenaline, for exam-
ple, which increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and
raises blood pressure, is blocked by beta-blocker drugs. This
class of medication is given to lower heart rate and blood
pressure, and prevent heart attack. It is no surprise that these
medications also reduce the negative effect of adrenaline on
the heart. Aldosterone, like adrenaline, is a stress hormone
that raises blood pressure by causing salt and water retention.
Inhibition of aldosterone is one of the targets achieved by
initiating diuretic therapy (water pills) in individuals with
known hypertension or congestive heart failure.
The intriguing question is this: How can we change our
responses to stress and still maintain a system that will
protect us in life-threatening situations? Many lifestyle-
change programs are successful at helping individuals to
master the stress response; yoga, meditation, tai chi, and
progressive muscle relaxation are just a few of the techniques
that can be beneficial in this area. The HeartMath program
described in this book by Dr. Wilson and Doc Childre offers a
unique opportunity in the arena of stress management
because these techniques can be learned quickly and applied
immediately. Being able to recognize a stressful situation and
taking a quick time-out to begin a simple breathing technique
while shifting your emotional attitude has a profound effect
on the nervous system. It changes your physiology from a
fight-or-flight stimulated state to one of calm and clarity.
The simple end result is a decrease in stress hormone produc-
tion with a resultant decrease in blood pressure and heart
Foreword xiii

As you practice the HeartMath techniques found in this

book, you will learn how to quickly move from a hyper-
agitated state to one of wider perspective and positive
attitude. You will improve not only your physiology but your
cognitive brain function as well. HeartMath is powerful
Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC
Medical Director
Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine
La Jolla, California

Stress as a cause or a contributor to physical ailments is not a

new concept. Long before the science of medicine was devel-
oped, it was understood that emotions and outside pressures
could have significant health consequences. In the 1930s
Professor Hans Selye at the University of Montreal began to
scientifically study stress. His work opened many doors.
Beatrice and John Lacey made great advances in the 1970s
when they observed a link between the heartbeat and brain
As we enter the twenty-first century, new fields of scien-
tific exploration have emerged. Psychoneuroimmunology
studies the connection between emotions, the nervous
system, and the immune system. Neurocardiology examines
the electrical, chemical, and electromagnetic communication
between the heart, the brain, and the rest of the nervous
We are greatly indebted to all those who have pushed
and pulled, stayed up late at night and scribbled on napkins,
asking questions and searching for answers to how the
human system works and how health and well-being can be
improved. Our immense gratitude goes to our own research
team, headed by Dr. Rollin McCraty, which includes Mike
xvi The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, Jackie Waterman, and Ray Brad-

ley. Guidance and query from the Scientific Advisory Board
at the Institute of HeartMath is also greatly appreciated.
Special thanks goes to Dr. Mimi Guarneri, author of The
Heart Speaks, cardiologist, and medical director of the Scripps
Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, California, for her
enthusiastic support of HeartMath and willingness to write
the foreword to this book.
Finally, we are grateful to Dr. Deborah Rozman for her
boundless commitment, energy, and oversight in getting this
book completed; Amy Scott, who also gave us wonderful
editorial assistance; and Regina Valuch, medical librarian at
Columbia Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who deserves
special commendation for her skill and speed in producing
reference material.
Bruce C. Wilson, MD, FACC

According to the National Institutes of Health, the number of

adults with high blood pressure has risen dramatically over
the last ten years. In 1990, approximately one in four adults in
the United States had hypertension. In 2000, it was about one
in three Americans, or sixty-five million people over the age
of eighteen, with elevated blood pressure. This represents a
30 percent jumpa very worrisome trend, to be sure.
This is a big issue. High blood pressure is a major risk
factor for the development of heart disease, including coro-
nary artery disease (the number-one killer of Americans) and
congestive heart failure (the number-one cause for hospital
admission in people over the age of sixty-five). It is also a
major risk factor for stroke and kidney damage.
By now, most people know that the population is not
only growing older, but growing fatter as well. Obesity is an
epidemic in the United States and other countries, and efforts
are underway to reevaluate patterns of eating and exercise.
Being overweight is a very strong predictor of the develop-
ment of high blood pressure, in addition to many other dis-
eases, so it must be attacked on this front as well. It is said
2 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

that if your belly is the first thing to pass through the door as
you enter a room, youre in trouble.
As a society, we must face the music and stop this rapid
increase in the number of people who have hypertension by
preventing it, not just treating it. And it is preventable in
many cases.

Prevention and Control

As far as your number of birthdays goes, doctors know that if
you are fifty-five and you do not have hypertension, theres
still a 90 percent chance you will develop it sometime in your
life if you dont do something to prevent it. When you are
young, fifty-five sounds ancient. But when you get to fifty-
five, most feel they have many more years to go. People are
living much longer these days. The average life span now is
in the upper seventies and many live far longer. If the vast
majority of people over fifty-five will develop high blood
pressure at some time, they must start early if they are to pre-
vent high blood pressure and all of its health-deteriorating
Take obesity, for example. Because being overweight is
such a strong predictor for the development of hypertension,
and because it has become so common in young people,
guidelines have been published by the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute for physicians to help children and ado-
lescents as well as adults adopt heart-healthy eating habits,
lessen their intake of salt, and exercise more.
If you cant prevent high blood pressure and have to
treat it instead, then its better to do so without unwanted
side effects. Over the years, great progress has been made in
the treatment of hypertension. Todays culture seems to want
to take a pill and make everything right. However, many of
Introduction 3

the medications now used to treat high blood pressure, while

effective, cause other health problems in a number of people
taking them. Many people need to be concerned about possi-
ble side effects, especially when multiple medications are

Natural Help
There has been a major shift over the years to try to use
more natural therapies. Indeed, the understanding that the
human body has a great capacity to heal itself has been the
subject of many areas of research.
In this book we will first examine the current under-
standing of high blood pressure, its causes, and the problems
it can create. Then well discuss the pharmacologic treatments
of hypertension. We will see how various classes of medica-
tions work, as well as review some of the side effects that can
be experienced by people taking them. The middle section of
the book will explore the biology of stress and the many ways
it can harm you, even though your bodys response to stress
(physical threats) was originally designed to help you.
Finally, the chapters toward the end will be your education in
the HeartMath approach to lowering blood pressure by inter-
fering with this built-in stress response. Lowering your blood
pressure while reducing the stress in your life sounds like a
real bargain, doesnt it?

The HeartMath Approach

We will open the door to a recent and very exciting area of
researchone which examines how the heart communicates
with the brain as well as the rest of the bodyand how this
4 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

has resulted in an effective and proven natural treatment that

has lowered blood pressure for many.
Findings at the Institute of HeartMath in California have
allowed us to probe deeply into this area, which is now
known by many in the scientific world as neurocardiology.
Loosely defined, neurocardiology is the study of the inter-
action between heart and brain. We will examine this area
and the ideas behind it in chapter 8.
Researchers at HeartMath have used technology to look
into these patterns of heart-brain communication, and coined
the phrase heart intelligence to describe how the heart receives
and processes information and sends it to the brain. Labora-
tories all over the world are now engaged in this area of
As these patterns of heart-to-brain communication were
better understood, Doc Childre and the team at HeartMath
were able to develop very simple and easily learned tools to
help people transform stress by changing the underlying
physiological and biochemical reactions that take place inside
the body quite automatically. One reason why these tools
work so well is that the electrical signals from the heart are
roughly fifty times stronger than the signals from the brain!
The HeartMath work has been fascinating, and people all
over the globe have been able to employ these tools to lower
stress and increase performancein the corporate world,
schools, all four branches of the military, and especially in
health care. Youll get to read some of their stories in the
latter half of the book.
It turns out that use of the HeartMath tools also pro-
duces a drop in blood pressure in many people who use
them. This observation, while not unexpected, has provided
doctors with an entirely new approach to the treatment of
hypertension. Readers of this book will learn the scientific
Introduction 5

background of this research, and also learn the tools that

have been very effective for so many who use them for lower-
ing stress and blood pressure.
Many people have been able to use the HeartMath tools
to avoid the need for medications. Some have been able to
lessen the amount of medications taken. Some have gotten off
their medicines completely. Just as is the case with pills, there
are some for whom the tools wont lower their blood
pressure. But there are never any side effects to HeartMath,
except living healthier, living better, performing at higher
levels, and appreciating life to a much greater extent.

How HeartMath Found Me

My own introduction to HeartMath came in 1997. At the
time, I was researching methods of stress reduction for
patients with heart disease. Abundant medical literature had
been accumulating over the prior decade that clearly demon-
strated the link between stress and heart troubleespecially
the connection between hypertension and coronary artery
disease, which causes heart attacks and more deaths than any
other illness in the United States and most other developed
countries. The exact mechanisms were not understood, but
doctors knew that those who had suffered a heart attack or
needed bypass surgery fared much worse and had a much
higher chance of having another cardiac problem if stress in
their lives was not addressed in some way. There was also
strong evidence that relieving stress in these individuals actu-
ally reduced the likelihood of future cardiac events (heart
attacks, being hospitalized again, needing angioplasty or
surgery, or death). There were even data on how many health
care dollars could be saved if stress could be lessened in these
6 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

So I went on a search to see how patients in cardiac

rehabilitation programs were being taught stress reduction,
or if they were being taught it at all. I found many different
methods being taught in many different ways, but nobody
was measuring the amount of stress relief being achieved,
because it was not measurable. There was no yardstick for
stress, or its interruption.
Most people, whether they went to medical school or
not, know that excess stress is harmful. As a cardiologist, I
had been trained to modify risk factors for heart disease. I
was adept at using medications to lower blood pressure, drop
cholesterol levels in the blood, help people to stop smoking,
and reduce blood sugar in diabetics. About the only thing I
felt I couldnt do was change the parents of my patients
(many of whom had already had that idea). My frustration
was that stress remained behind the black curtainno one
could measure it, so it was difficult to know how much bene-
fit came to those who were able to lessen it, and by what
Then my world changed, quite by accident. A man who
worked in the hospital where I was doing all my cardiology
work approached me one day with an article in his hand
from Natural Health Magazine (Thomson 1997). He said, Hey,
youre a heart doctor; what do you know about this Heart-
Math stuff? I told him that I had never heard of it. He
handed me the magazine and I told him that I would get back
to him the following week at a meeting that both of us would
be attending.
I read the article that same day. It was clear by about the
fourth paragraph that some very interesting pieces of a long-
standing puzzle were coming together. I read about the Insti-
tute of HeartMath in Boulder Creek, California, started by
Doc Childre, a man vitally interested in our innate responses
Introduction 7

to stress and the effect of those biological reactions on our

health, our performance, our perceptions, and ultimately our
well-being. The language in the article captivated me. I
decided to contact the Institute.
The man who answered the phone was a British physi-
cist who was part of the HeartMath team. I told him all about
my career in academic medicine and cardiology, and that I
was fascinated with what his colleagues at the Institute had
learned about how the heart signal was so powerful, and how
they were able to observe its influence over brain functions,
immunity, blood pressure, and many other things related to
health. I asked him if I might visit their laboratory. He told
me that he thought it would be best, in light of my interest in
helping my cardiac patients, for me to take the stress reduc-
tion seminar myself. While I was there, he would be happy to
introduce me to the research team and arrange for me to
spend some time at the lab if that was my desire.
Three weeks later I boarded an airplane, armed with a
fistful of articles on something called heart rate variability
(HRV). This is the tool that the scientists at HeartMath had
used to gain a window into the inner workings of the heart
and the nervous system. (Well spend a lot of time on that
subject in this book.)
After the arrival of about twenty other attendees, dinner
was served. We were assembled after dinner in the con-
ference room, where thousands of people have learned the
HeartMath tools over the years. Dr. Rollin McCraty, the
laboratory director, spent about an hour showing us slides
that described the fascinating research that had been done
there, along with work on HRV that had been accomplished
in other laboratories around the world.
Perhaps it was because I am a cardiologist, or perhaps it
was just because I am who I am, but I was completely
8 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

captivated with the beauty and simplicity of their work and

their findings. Over the course of the next few days I learned
the science and vocabulary of how people communicate with
themselves internally during different emotional states and
when confronted by various threats, either real or imagined. I
learned the physiology of the stress response and why people
behave the way they do when under stress, and how it affects
their health in the moment and in the long term. Sort of
funny for a cardiologist who had been educated at some very
prestigious institutions, yet really knew nothing about this!
But nobody else knew much about this, either. Thats what
research is all aboutlearning new things, and realizing how
wrong we all are until the next layer of the onion gets peeled
and we see whats underneath.
This research was the foundation of understanding the
power of the heart, quite literally. I had been taught that the
heart was simply a pump, just as you were. But here I learned
how the heart has its own little brain composed of thou-
sands of nerve cells that send very influential information to
the brain on top of your shoulders. Once this discovery was
understood by the HeartMath research team and they began
measuring the information the heart was sending, they were
able to devise very simple tools that help people break the
stress response. As I mentioned earlier, an overactive stress
response becomes quite toxic to health, and millions of us are
actually dying faster than we need to because of all the nega-
tive effects that stress has on so many of our internal systems.
I could see immediately that the tools taught in this
program should not just be limited to those who could make
the long and winding trip to this incredible place in the
coastal redwoods of California, but should be integrated into
health care in general. After all, I had started out looking for
Introduction 9

scientifically documented, measurable, and successful ways

of breaking the stress response for heart patients.
I spoke to some of the staff at HeartMath about my idea
of integrating their methods into cardiac rehab programs. I
told them that hospitals themselves had become very stress-
ful places for many reasonsregulations, chronically ill
patients with acute problems, fearful families, and demand-
ing schedules to name just a few (no mention here of unrea-
sonable doctors, youll note). I therefore also felt we should
make these tools available to nurses and other hospital
employees so they could better cope with the stresses of their
work, and ultimately give better care to their patients.
I can tell you that when I returned home and proposed
a pilot program in my own hospital, I was greeted with a
look from the president of my hospital that told me he
thought I might have ingested a toxic substance while visiting
California. Although I persevered, and fought endlessly for
the development of this program, it took the curiosity of
Diane Ball, a nurse who heard me speak of HeartMath at a
national cardiac rehabilitation meeting, to really get the ball
rolling. The results in her institution (Delnor Hospital in
Aurora, Illinois) have been spectacular, and have been
reproduced in other hospitals. The Health Care Division at
HeartMath was created in the process. The rest, as they say, is
history, and its being written right now.
I have been delivering lectures on the science of Heart-
Math and seminars to teach these tools since 1997. It is a real
passion for me. I will often teach individual patients these
tools in my office, as well. Whether its to reduce their blood
pressure, or to enable them to alleviate stress and its many
negative effects for any number of other reasons, the
HeartMath program has been what many of my patients have
called a lifesaver.
10 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

I invite you to accompany me on a short journey. Youll

learn a lot about blood pressure, its effects, and its treat-
ments. Best of all, youll learn how to use the remarkably
easy and effective HeartMath tools to cut stress in all aspects
of your life. If we happen to lower your blood pressure in the
process, well be happier and youll be healthier. If this
sounds a little too good to be true, remember that Im a
doctor, and a heart doctor at that. You have to believe me. Its
a rule. Read on.
Chapter 1

What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing out against

the walls of the blood vessels. As blood is pumped out of the
heart into the arteries that lead away from it, there is a certain
pressure in the system created by this pumping action of the

Measuring Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is measured in a few different ways, but the
most common method at the time this book is being written is
called sphygmomanometry (SFIG-mo-man-AH-muh-tree). Its a
big and unwieldy word that refers to inflating a blood pres-
sure cuff on the arm (or leg, in some cases). Air is slowly let
out of the cuff while the person taking your blood pressure
listens with a stethoscope below the cuff to hear the pulse.
When the person first hears the pulse as the cuff deflates,
the pressure is recorded as the systolic pressure. Its called that
because with each beat, the heart squeezes blood out of the
main pumping chamberthe left ventricleinto the main
blood pipe leaving the heart, called the aorta. This contraction
of the heart muscle that ejects blood out into the pipes of
12 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

your circulatory system is called systole (SIS-toh-lee). So every

time the heart beats, the blood that is ejected during systole
creates a rise in pressure in the arteriesthe branches off the
aorta that carry blood away from the heart to all of the organs
and muscles of your body. It just so happens that a conve-
nient artery in which to measure your blood pressure is in
your arm, but as mentioned above, it can be measured in the
leg also, or almost anywhere else in your body if special
equipment is used.
Everybody knows that there are two numbers recorded
when blood pressure is measured. We talked about the top
number above. The bottom number is called the diastolic
pressure. It reflects the pressure in the arteries when it is at its
lowest, right before the heart pumps blood out into the
system again. During diastole (dye-ASS-toh-lee), the heart is
relaxing and filling up with blood. So, blood pressure is
recorded as two numbers:

systolic pressure

diastolic pressure

A Closed System
The circulatory system is a closed system. This means that
there are no valves anywhere in the pipes to let blood out. In
addition to the pumping and filling of the heart, pressure is
maintained in this closed system by the tension in the walls
of the arteries.
Arteries have a layer of muscle in their walls. This mus-
cle layer can contract or relax and have a great impact on the
What Is Blood Pressure? 13

pressure in the overall system. Arteries that supply blood to

muscles and organs have the ability to dilate (enlarge) under
conditions when more blood is required. For example, if you
are running, the muscles in your legs need more oxygenated
blood because theyre working harder. So the arteries feeding
your leg muscles relax and expand in order to deliver the
needed fuel to your muscles.
When your arteries dilate, the pressure in the entire
circulatory system would drop, except for the fact that your
heart is pumping harder and faster to help increase the blood
supply to the leg muscles that need it. This boosts pressure
instead. In addition, the contraction of those leg muscles
helps to squeeze the arteries and veins (veins have the job of
bringing blood back to the heart) while you are running,
maintaining pressure in the system.
There is a wonderful and incredible balance in the body.
If the brain senses a drop in blood pressure, the heart speeds
up and also pumps harder. A message is also sent to the
arteries to clamp down, or constrict, and raise the pressure
back toward normal. If blood pressure gets too low, you feel
faint, because not enough blood is getting to your brain. You
turn pale. This is because the arteries in the skin are all con-
tracting at the same time to help raise the pressure and main-
tain blood flow to the vital organs of the body.
On the other hand, if you get overheated, the arteries in
the skin dilate in order to get more of your blood to the
surface of the body, so the heat can be radiated out into the
atmosphere. A message is also sent to your sweat glands to
squeeze water through your skin, so as it evaporates you are
cooled down.
The blood pressure is therefore maintained by the con-
striction and relaxation of the arteries as well as the pumping
of the heart. There is an elaborate series of feedback
14 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

mechanisms in place so that the pressure doesnt drop too

low or get too high in a healthy person.

Problems with Blood Pressure

Problems occur in the body when the blood pressure gets too
high (hypertension) or too low (hypotension).

What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pres-
sure. Hyper means too much, and tension, of course, means
pressure. That part is easy. Whats not easy is figuring out
what causes it most of the time. Well get to that later.
Most people have been told that normal blood pres-
sure is 120/80. Every few years, experts in the field meet to
review scientific research and the current guidelines on blood
pressure in order to update them if necessary. Currently,
blood pressure is classified as:
Normal (optimal): less than 120 systolic and less than 80
Prehypertension: 120139 systolic or 8089 diastolic, or
Stage 1 Hypertension: 140159 systolic or 9099 dia-
stolic, or both
Stage 2 Hypertension: greater than 160 systolic or
greater than 100 diastolic, or both (Chobanian et al.
So, if your systolic pressure is greater than 130, and
your diastolic pressure is over 80, you have some degree of
What Is Blood Pressure? 15

Scope of the Problem

Research published in 2004 (Fields et al.) indicates that
the number of adults with hypertension in the United States
had risen from fifty million to sixty-five million during the
previous ten years. Before 2004, we were shocked to learn
that one in four adults in America had hypertension. Now its
even moreone-third of adults have it!

Symptoms of Hypertension
The majority of people who develop high blood
pressure are completely unaware of it. This means that it is
important to check blood pressure periodically because it can
be elevated, and often is, with no symptoms at all. In fact,
many symptoms that are commonly associated with hyper-
tensionheadache, nosebleed, dizziness, and faintingare
seen just as commonly in people with normal blood pressure.
Often these symptoms of hypertension are also associated
with complications from the disease (see chapter 3).

A Word About Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure can indeed be too low. If someone has
an accident that causes excessive bleeding, the pressure will
drop. Certain medications (some of them used to treat high
blood pressure) can lower the pressure too far. Various
neurological conditions can cause sudden drops in blood
pressure, causing fainting in more severe cases.
When blood pressure gets very low, you go into shock.
This implies that there isnt enough pressure in the system to
adequately push blood through the arteries to the vital
16 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

organs that keep you alive, like the heart and the brain. It is
obviously a life-threatening condition.
Milder drops in blood pressure that dont threaten life
are called hypotension (hypo means under, or too low). Some
people do just fine with blood pressures of 85/50, and doc-
tors treat some people with conditions such as congestive
heart failure to reduce their pressures down to these levels.
Other people feel terrible when their systolic pressure drops
from 150 down to 130. Like everything else in life, everyone
is different, and its not the number that counts; its how well
the person is doing and feeling.
In chapters 2 through 5, were going to discuss problems
related to hypertension and then the drugs and lifestyle
changes that help to lower blood pressure.
Feel free to jump directly to chapter 6 and the chapters
that follow to get to the heart of the matter and learn the
HeartMath tools. You can always come back to the technical
Chapter 2

Causes of High Blood


This may seem surprising to you, but in the vast majority of

cases, doctors have no idea what causes hypertension. They
know the predictors that can contribute to it, such as stress,
obesity, and diabetes, but this isnt the same as the cause. In
medicine, when doctors dont know the cause of something,
its usually referred to as idiopathic, meaning were idiots
when it comes to knowing the cause. When doctors dont
know the cause of high blood pressure, a special term is used
called essential hypertension (also called primary hypertension).
Unfortunately, essential hypertension is the diagnosis in 90 to
95 percent of people who have high blood pressure. Thats
unfortunate because it offers no insight into a cause that
might be treatable, or even preventable.
The origins of the term essential hypertension refer
to an outdated idea that a rise in blood pressure was neces-
sary to maintain balance in the human system. It was
viewed as an adaptive reaction. Dr. John Hay, writing in the
British Medical Journal in 1931, opined that doctors shouldnt
18 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

measure blood pressure because they might feel compelled

to lower it.
This notion was very common at the time, and probably
contributed to the delay in realizing the dangers of hyper-
tension. It also put a damper on the idea that lowering the
pressure might be helpful. Many doctors held this belief well
into the late 1940s.
Dr. R. W. Scott, a prominent physician in the middle of
the last century, speculated that elevated blood pressure
might very well be a natural response, guaranteeing a more
normal circulation to the vital organs of the body (hence the
term essential hypertension).
In modern times, even though the exact causes of hyper-
tension remain a mystery most of the time, its known that
there are some conditions that may cause high blood pressure
or make it worse. Physicians often screen patients for these
conditions when they see the pressure is unusually high, and
will dig deeper or refer the patient to a specialist if the patient
does not respond to recommended lifestyle changes and/or
Doctors generally make sure that the blood pressure
really is high before prescribing medications to bring the
pressure down. Some people have white coat hypertension,
which means that their pressure is only high when they are at
the doctors office. While this condition usually needs no
treatment, physicians want to make sure this is actually the
case through repeated testing. Real hypertension is very com-
mon and leads to many other illnesses and complications if
not detected and treated in some way to bring the pressure
back to the normal or optimal range.
Despite an inability to come up with the exact cause of
high blood pressure in the majority of cases, physicians know
that there are a number of factors which may predispose
Causes of High Blood Pressure 19

individuals to hypertension. Looking at these factors can help

reveal better approaches to prevention and treatment.

Not many years ago, the medical community felt that
researchers would find the gene responsible for high blood
pressure, just as theyve identified certain genetic markers for
other diseases. That turned out to be naive, since it seems
now that many genes are involved. It is true, though, that
hypertension can and does run in certain families. You are
more likely to develop high blood pressure if others in your
family have had it.

Hypertension in African-Americans
Over the years it has become obvious that high blood pres-
sure acts a little differently in the African-American popu-
lation. African-Americans have an increased incidence and
prevalence of hypertension, and higher complication rates,
including death, than whites or other ethnic groups. They
also have a higher incidence of kidney damage as a result of
high blood pressure, and more patients progress to the point
of kidney failure and dialysis.
Much speculation has been offered as to why this might
be the case. African ancestors lived in hot, dry climates,
which required their bodies to conserve salt (sodium) and
water internally. This worked well when their intake of
sodium was low, as was the case on the African continent.
But as the population migrated and time passed, the diets
became much higher in salt. Some researchers think that
African-Americans living in cultures with higher salt intake
may be more susceptible to sodium overload. It has been
20 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

observed, for example, that when the Xhosa people of South

Africa migrated to urban areas and increased their sodium
intake, they suffered a significant rise in their blood pressures
(Sever et al. 1980).
Whatever the reasons, doctors know that hypertension
seems like a different disease in African-Americans. A greater
effort needs to be made, therefore, to screen this population
and treat them aggressively, by any means, in hopes of less-
ening the dangerous outcomes. It also means that their treat-
ments should be tailored more specifically to aim at getting
rid of excess salt and water as a first line of therapy.

Obesity is a very strong contributor to hypertension. Being
significantly overweight is an epidemic in many countries
today. Its an ongoing disease, not a cosmetic problem. It
affects you in many waysnot just how you look.
Obesity is a complex disease that is a consequence of
taking in more calories than you burn off. It is influenced by
many factors, such as family history, race, level of activity,
and environment. Portion size is a major contributor to over-
eating. Fast-food restaurants often give people more calories
in one meal than they need in an entire day.
As society progressed from a time when it was neces-
sary to do physical work all day (hunt for food, grow food,
and build dwellings) to the modern era, when most work is
done from a chair while staring at a computer screen, people
simply burned fewer calories. All of the modern conve-
niences have left people melting into the couch.
Obesity contributes to other diseases as well. Type 2
diabetes was usually seen in middle age as a direct conse-
quence of obesity. Now its showing up in children as they
Causes of High Blood Pressure 21

get fatter. Type 2 diabetes contributes to coronary artery

disease, eye disease, and many other conditions, including
premature death.
Obesity is also a strong risk factor for the development
of high cholesterol and heart disease. Sleep apnea, a disease of
disordered breathing during sleep causing many other
medical complications, is also predominantly a disease of the
So obesity creates many problems, not the least of which
is hypertension. The bottom line here is this: Weight gain is
associated with higher blood pressure, which can contribute
to many other diseases.

Lack of Physical Activity

Modern technology allows you to accomplish much more
while physically doing much less. When was the last time
you changed the channel on your TV set by getting up and
walking across the room?
People who engage in regular, sustained physical activ-
ity have lower blood pressures. They also have less obesity,
less heart trouble, and less depression. Many people feel that
they must engage in strenuous activity like running or weight
lifting to lower their risk of these diseases. While more vigor-
ous exercise can provide other benefits, simply walking for
thirty to forty minutes a day has been shown to be sufficient
for lowering disease risk.
Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise (sustained
exercise that raises the heart rate but doesnt put sudden
strain on your system like heavy weight lifting), has many
benefits beyond lowering blood pressure. It can:
! Strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system
22 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

! Help your muscles to utilize the oxygen delivered by

the blood more efficiently
! Improve energy levels and endurance
! Improve muscle strength
! Strengthen bones
! Increase flexibility and balance
! Reduce body fat
! Help to reduce tension, stress, and depression
! Improve sleep
! Increase self-esteem

Excess Salt in the Diet

Too much salt in the diet can be harmful. The chemical name
for salt is sodium chloride. Nutrition labels on foods now list
how much sodium is contained in a serving of whatever is in
the box, can, or bottle. Sodium is present in high amounts in
certain types of foods. Ketchup and pickles are great exam-
ples of high-sodium foods. Many canned soups and most
snack-food items (potato chips, corn chips, and the like) are
very high in salt also. Any type of meat that has preservatives
to prolong its shelf life, such as sausage, hot dogs, or bacon,
will contain high levels of sodium.
One of the problems with salt intake is that some people
seem to be more sensitive to salt than others, meaning that
they are more likely to develop hypertension in response to
excess sodium in their diet. There is no way to predict who
might be salt sensitive. There has been extensive research
over many years on salt and its potential contribution to high
blood pressure. Evidence for this causative role includes the
Causes of High Blood Pressure 23

! In large populations, the prevalence of hypertension

rises with the levels of sodium intake.

! Most groups with very low sodium intake have no

hypertension. When higher levels of salt are intro-
duced, hypertension develops.

! Certain animals seem predisposed to high blood pres-

sure when fed high-sodium diets.

! Despite the fact that less than half of people are salt
sensitive, dietary salt restriction will lower blood
pressure in most people.

As you get older, youll naturally lose stretch in many of
your tissues. Your blood vessels are no exception. Elasticity is
the word that describes how stretchable something is. As you
age, the elasticity in your arteries decreases. This means that
when the heart is pumping blood into the arteries, the pres-
sure will rise if the arteries have lost some of their ability to
expand. Picture arteries made of soft rubber. Each time the
heart squeezes, it ejects blood into the pipes to keep it circu-
lating around the system. As the pipes grow stiffer over time,
the pressure in the system will go up if the volume of blood
being pumped remains the same. This is sometimes referred
to as hardening of the arteries. This term is also used to
describe the buildup of plaque on the inside of the arteries,
especially the heart. But you get the ideaas the pipes lose
their ability to stretch over the years, they dont absorb the
shock of the pulse as well as they used to. Rigid pipes make
for higher pressure.
24 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

People at Increased Risk for

Development of Hypertension
You have an increased risk of having hypertension if you:
! are over the age of thirty-five
! are overweight
! eat foods that are high in salt or fat, or both
! are not active
! smoke
! drink excess alcohol (more than two drinks per day)
! have family members who have high blood pressure
! are African-American
! are pregnant
! take oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
! are under stress
We will spend a great deal of time on the last topic on
the list, but first lets look at some of the medical conditions
that can cause high blood pressure.

Secondary Hypertension
Secondary hypertension is the name given to high blood pres-
sure that is known to be caused by something else. Only
about 5 percent of high blood pressure falls in this category.
Many other diseases can elevate blood pressure by a number
of mechanisms.
Causes of High Blood Pressure 25

The Kidneys
The kidneys are frequently the cause of hypertension for
many reasons. This is because the kidneys help to regulate
blood pressure. As blood is pumped out of the heart into the
main artery, the aorta, it travels throughout the body. The
aorta gives off many arteries that feed all of the organs,
muscles, and other structures. When blood goes through the
kidneys, it passes through the renal (kidney) arteries. The
kidneys are very complex filtering machines that filter out
toxins that will then leave the body via the urine.
Blood passes from the aorta through the renal artery
and into the kidney itself, where it is pushed through a fine
mesh of very small blood vessels that act like a sieve. After
going through this filter, the blood travels through a loop of
blood vessels that control salt and water balance. This allows
water to be reabsorbed back into your circulation to keep
everything in balance. Ultimately, toxins and whatever salt
and water you dont need pass from the kidneys down pipes
called ureters into the bladder, which you empty periodically
when the urge hits you. Now things get a little more compli-
cated. If you were to design a monitoring system to keep
track of blood pressure (too lowjust righttoo high), the
kidney might not be such a bad place to put this monitor.
After all, the blood has to circulate through the kidneys at the
proper pressure to filter out toxins and balance salt and
If the kidney sees low pressure, it might get nervous
that not enough pushing pressure is present to adequately
filter out the bad stuff. This could be because the blood pres-
sure actually is low, or because there may be a partial block-
age of the renal artery with cholesterol, just as can happen in
the heart. Another condition related to this is called
26 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

fibromuscular dysplasia. This is always considered when a

young woman develops hypertension because as rare as this
problem is, it is almost never seen in men or older women.
For some reason, scar tissue forms in the mouth of the renal
artery, thus decreasing blood flow to the kidney. Luckily, this
is easily treated in most cases with angioplasty, just like doc-
tors treat partially blocked arteries in the heart. Angioplasty
is performed by placing a balloon into an artery under X-ray
guidance and blowing it up to open the channel for better
blood flow.
Regardless of the cause, when the kidney sees, or
thinks it sees, low pressure, it produces a hormone called
renin (REE-nin). This hormone is spilled from the kidney into
the circulation and acts on another chemical, which then acts
on another, and in the long run the message goes to the arter-
ies in the body to squeeze down, thus raising the overall
pressure in the system. This phenomenon of contracting
arteries in the body is known as vasoconstriction (vaso means
blood vessel). The arteries have muscles in their walls for
exactly this reason.
Imagine you lived thousands of years ago, and while
you were walking through the jungle, you encountered a
tiger that was inconsiderate enough to nip your leg. You
would lose a lot of blood, and, of course, your blood pressure
would drop. Your kidneys would sense this drop in filtering
pressure and pour the hormone renin into your bloodstream.
This would start a long chain reaction that would eventually
cause your blood vessels to constrict, thus raising the pres-
sure and keeping you alive. If your blood pressure drops too
low, your brain stops working and your heart stops beating.
This is considered to be disadvantageous in most circles.
Another consequence of renin production by the kid-
neys is the triggering of the production and release of other
Causes of High Blood Pressure 27

hormones and chemicals from the adrenal glands, which sit on

top of the kidneys. These substances not only contribute to
the constriction of the arteries, but also pass through the
kidneys and cause them to reabsorb salt and water back into
the circulatory system, thus helping to raise blood pressure
by maintaining the fluid volume in your blood vessels.
One could imagine that many things might go wrong in
this complicated organ called the kidney. (And you thought
its only job on earth was to make urine and wake you up in
the middle of the night!) Many diseases, including hyper-
tension itself, can create damage to the kidney. Tumors, infec-
tion, diabetes, autoimmune diseases (lupus, for example) or
kidney stones can also cause kidney problems resulting in
higher blood pressure. As mentioned above, buildup of
cholesterol in the renal artery can create a partial blockage
and thereby decrease blood flow into the kidney, fooling it
into thinking the blood pressure in the entire system is low,
triggering renin production and raising pressure.

The Adrenal Glands

We just mentioned the adrenal glands in the last section. One
of their jobs is to respond to signals originating in the kidney,
but sometimes they act on their own.
Each adrenal (ad means on top of; renal means kid-
ney) gland looks like a little triangular hat sitting atop the
kidney below it. It is made up of two parts: the middle core,
known as the medulla, and the outer layer, known as the cor-
tex (cover). The medulla makes adrenaline (whoawhat a
coincidenceadrenaline being made in the adrenal gland!). It
also makes and stores a couple of other closely related com-
pounds, which quickly and markedly raise blood pressure in
a crisis situation.
28 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

The outer cortex of each adrenal gland makes a

hormone called aldosterone (al-DOSS-ter-ohn). Aldosterone is
a very powerful compound that travels (not very far) by way
of the blood to the kidney, where it tells the kidney to
reabsorb sodium (salt) before it goes out in the urine. Since
everything in the body must remain in balance, water is
reabsorbed along with the sodium.
All of this filtering, excreting, and reabsorbing goes
along for years without a hitch to make sure you get rid of
toxins and things you dont need, while saving things that
you do need. But problems can occur, causing increased
sodium and water reabsorption and retention, and you get
bloated. This bloating usually occurs inside your blood
vessels. In other words, your blood has more liquid in it, and
that pushes against the inside of your blood vessels, raising
your blood pressure.
As discussed earlier, only about 5 to 10 percent of high
blood pressure has a known cause (so its called secondary
hypertension, remember?). But of all the causes for hyper-
tension, these disorders in the adrenal gland are probably the
most common. And doctors are finding that a number of
cases that were diagnosed as essential hypertension were
really caused by overactive adrenal gland tissue. It can be
sort of tricky to ferret out this problem and make the diagno-
sis, so physicians have missed it in some people.

Other Problems
Weve seen how the kidney makes its own hormone, renin,
that raises blood pressure when it senses that the blood flow
lacks proper force. Its a built-in system to prevent you from
dying of too little blood pressure (also called shock). As
stated earlier, the kidney can be fooled by a partial blockage
Causes of High Blood Pressure 29

in the renal artery that feeds it, either by cholesterol or by

scar tissue. It can also be affected by a myriad of hormones
produced in other glands around the body. We spent some
time talking about the adrenal glands, both when they
function normally and when they produce too much of one
substance or another that elevate blood pressure, sometimes
rather wildly.
Nerve signals and hormones from the brain serve as
messengers to raise blood pressure often through many steps.
Pain or cold temperatures can do this, too. Fortunately, these
are only temporary conditions in most cases.
So while most hypertension is primary, or essential
without a known causea few cases are secondary to other
illnesses or conditions. When a doctor diagnoses high blood
pressure, he or she will decide how diligently to look for the
known causes, since they are only present about 5 to 10 per-
cent of the time. Certain basic screening tests are usually
ordered, and treatment recommended when necessary. But to
look for all sorts of rare causes in every patient is not cost-
effective, given that high blood pressure is so common and
the secondary causes are so rare. Physicians will often think
about these other causes when theres something unusual,
like young age, certain specific signs or symptoms, or a
sudden rise in blood pressure when it was normal or under
good control in the past.
Keep your eyes on the adrenal glandstheyre going to
turn up again when we discuss how stress affects people in
many more ways than just elevating blood pressure.
Chapter 3

Dangers of High Blood

Pressure: Why Should
You Treat It?

The problem with high blood pressure is that most people

cant feel it. That means that a person could have elevated
blood pressure for a long period of time and be completely
unaware of it. Doctors learned quite a bit about the conse-
quences of hypertension by leaving it alone for years. Unfor-
tunately, they got a very good lesson about what goes wrong
when blood pressure stays high. There are a number of
organs and structures that are the targets of chronically
elevated blood pressure. This chapter deals with target organ
damage, which you should be aware of.

The Heart
The heart is known as the most important organ in the body
for obvious reasonsit pumps blood all through the body to
deliver oxygen and other nutrients for proper functioning.
32 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Some would argue that the brain is more important than the
heart, since it doesnt make much sense to be alive if your
heart is pumping away and you cannot function. But if the
heart goes, everything goes.
Many things can go wrong with the heart over time, but
hypertension exerts a particularly harmful influence on it.
Heart disease is the number-one killer of people in most
countries. But what do we mean by heart disease?

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

The most common form of heart disease is coronary
artery disease. The coronary arteries are the ones that sit on the
surface of the heart, sending branches down into the heart
muscle to nourish it with fresh oxygen. The term coronary
means like a crownthe arteries encircle the heart on its
surface much like a crown might.
The main problem with arteries is that they get clogged.
This occurs when there is inflammation of the artery wall and
scar tissue forms. Cholesterol is a big contributor to the
inflammation, and it becomes part of the scar tissue in the
artery wall. These cholesterol deposits are called plaques.
Hypertension also contributes to the inflammation and
scar tissue formation by exerting a greater force against the
inside of the artery wall. This concept is called shear force,
since the column of blood coursing through the blood vessels
at a higher pressure can cause small tears in the lining, result-
ing in damage and inflammation. Nicotine from cigarettes
causes a chemical inflammation of the artery wall. Therefore,
a smoker with high cholesterol and high blood pressure will
have a very high likelihood of getting coronary artery dis-
ease. It is important to control blood pressure because the
higher it is, the faster plaque develops.
Dangers of High Blood Pressure: Why Should You Treat It? 33

Heart Attack
The dangerous and often deadly consequence of CAD is
heart attack. The medical term for heart attack is myocardial
infarction (myo means heart; cardial means muscle; infarc-
tion means tissue death). Heart attack is a very specific
term; it means the sudden blockage of blood flow to the heart
muscle, resulting in the death of a segment of this muscle.
Heart attack doesnt mean dropping over, although some
people do drop over. In fact, about half of the people who die
of a heart attack do so before reaching a hospital.
Contrary to what you might think, heart attack doesnt
happen because more and more cholesterol builds up on the
inside of a coronary artery like rings on a tree. Instead, one of
the plaques actually ruptures. Why this happens all of a
sudden is the subject of a great deal of medical research.

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

This is a term with a rather nasty sound to it. Heart
failure makes it sound like a person is making a beeline for
the inside of a pine box. But people with this diagnosis can
actually live for a very long time, thanks to many advances in
medicine over the past fifty years or so.
Heart failure is really a constellation of problems rather
than a disease. It means that the heart is not functioning
properly, so that blood is not being pumped around the body
efficiently. The end result is that your tissues are not receiv-
ing adequate blood supply to meet their needs. People with
heart failure frequently suffer from fatigue. They also tire
easily when exerting themselves, because decreased pumping
action from the heart does not deliver enough blood to the
leg muscles during walking or other exercise.
34 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

But the most common reason for the heart not to be

pumping well enough to meet the bodys needs is coronary
artery disease. People who have had one or more heart
attacks lose heart muscle in the process. The more heart mus-
cle that is lost, the weaker the pump. This can happen with
one big heart attack, or a number of smaller ones over time.

How High Blood Pressure Causes Heart Failure

As blood pressure rises, it provides higher and higher
resistance to the blood flowing out of the heart into the aorta.
The higher the resistance in the pipes, the harder the pump
has to squeeze to get the blood out into the system to feed the
organs and muscles. At first, the heart muscle thickens as it
pumps minute after minute, hour after hour, against this
resistance. Think of your biceps muscle on your upper arm as
you hold a five-pound weight in your hand, bending your
elbow to lift this weight an average of seventy-two times a
minuteforever. At first your muscle gets larger (you might
even get a date!), but eventually your arm will tire and
become weaker, unable to lift the weight and eventually
unable to flex your elbow even without the weight in your
The same is true for the heart. So if high blood pressure
goes undetected or untreated for a long time, your heart
muscle gets progressively weaker. It doesnt actually fail, at
least not until the bitter end, but it fails to meet the needs of
the tissues that have a lot of work to do.
What about the congestive part? As the heart weakens,
blood, and hence pressure, backs up in the system. The lungs
cant empty blood into the heart as well because of this
pressure backup, and therefore become congested with blood
themselves. This causes some of the water in the blood to
squeeze through the very thin walls of the blood vessels and
Dangers of High Blood Pressure: Why Should You Treat It? 35

into the air sacs of the lungs. That makes it harder to breathe,
because oxygen cant pass through the air sacs into the blood
vessels when the air sacs are flooded with water. The pres-
sure continues to back up into the right side of the heart,
which has the job of pumping blood into the lungs. Then
blood has trouble getting back into the heart from the body.
Eventually this backup causes edema, or swelling, in the
rest of the body, especially the ankles. When the heart cant
pump adequately, people get fatigued (there is inadequate
blood supply to muscles), and develop shortness of breath
when they try to exert themselves. As CHF gets worse, these
symptoms not only occur during times of exertion, but also
with less and less activity, and finally even while a person is
at rest.
Hypertension was the most common cause of congestive
heart failure up until the middle of the last century. Because
of this, there was finally a push to treat blood pressure and
return it to normal levels. More aggressive therapy for high
blood pressure has dropped it into second place as a cause of
CHF, but far too many people still suffer from this syndrome.

The Brain
The brain is very sensitive to high blood pressure, both
acutely (moment to moment) and chronically (over the long

Stroke is very much like a heart attack in that tissue dies
as a result of interrupted blood flow. In this case, its brain
tissue, not heart muscle. Stroke has therefore been called by
some a brain attack.
36 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

The Two Mechanisms of Stroke

Stroke, known in medicine as a cerebrovascular accident,
or CVA, can occur for two reasons. The most common reason
is that a little chunk of cholesterol plaque, just like that which
is present in the coronary arteries of the heart, breaks loose
from a blood vessel supplying the brain and travels up into
smaller and smaller vessels, finally getting stuck when the
size of the chunk is bigger than the vessel it is traveling in.
This cuts off blood flow to a segment of the brain. The resul-
tant loss of function is related to where in the brain this float-
ing plug, or embolus, ends up. It may cause damage in the
area that controls speech. It may create problems in motor
areas of the brain, causing loss of function of an arm, or a leg,
or both. Facial drooping on one side may be the result of loss
of function in the muscles of facial expression.
Blood clots also embolize (break off and travel else-
where). Some blood clots may form in the heart, while others
originate elsewhere and pass through the heart, eventually
moving into a vessel in the brain. Whether its a blood clot or
a bit of cholesterol debris, the floating material eventually
gets to a point in the brain circulation where it blocks flow
and tissue dies. These strokes, known as embolic strokes,
regardless of what the embolic material is, are by far the most
common type, accounting for about 85 percent of all strokes.
The other type of stroke is caused by rupture of one of
the blood vessels in the brain. The most common reason for
this, as you might guess, is high blood pressure. When pres-
sure gets too high one of these vessels may burst, causing
bleeding or hemorrhage in the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke is usu-
ally more serious and harder to recover from than embolic
stroke. Aneurysm, or weakening in the wall of the arteries (in
Dangers of High Blood Pressure: Why Should You Treat It? 37

the brain in this case), can be the source of hemorrhagic

stroke. An aneurysm looks a little like a bulge on the inner
tube of a tire. This segment of the artery wall is thinner and
weaker, and can rupture even when the blood pressure is
normal. But aneurysms are far more likely to burst and cause
a stroke if blood pressure is high.

Dementia is a term used to describe decreased cognitive
mental function. It is an abnormal process. Although all of us
have a certain decline in brain function as we get older, many
people are quite sharp well into their nineties or even after
age one hundred.
Probably the best-known type of dementia is Alzheimers
disease. However, this type is not associated with hyper-
tension. Midlife blood pressure elevations are predictors of
other changes in the brain that lead to cognitive impairment
and decline, and the risk for the development of dementia
can be significantly reduced by normalizing the blood
pressure (Hershey 2003).

Hypertensive Encephalopathy
The term hypertensive encephalopathy (en-SEF-uh-
LAH-path-ee) describes a syndrome of severe hypertension
accompanied by brain dysfunction and neurologic impair-
ment. Complete resolution of this dangerous and frightening
problem can be achieved if the blood pressure is quickly
lowered, usually with intravenous medication in an intensive
care environment (Heistad, Lawton, and Talman 2003).
38 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Kidney Disease
It is difficult to separate the cart and the horse when it comes
to hypertension and kidney disease, because hypertension
both contributes to and accelerates kidney disease and is also
a consequence of kidney disease. As kidney function deterio-
rates, doctors use the term renal insufficiency. When kidney
function is extremely poor, and eventually absent, its called
renal failure. At this point, the patient will die in the course of
a couple of weeks if he or she does not undergo kidney dialy-
sis, a complicated but routine procedure whereby the blood is
withdrawn from a vein, sent through a series of external
filters to remove toxins and water, and returned to the circu-
lation. People can live for years while undergoing dialysis,
although their quality of life is usually significantly dimin-
ished. The other option for a patient with end-stage kidney
disease is to undergo a kidney transplant operation.
Hypertension is the most important risk factor for pro-
gressive loss of kidney function. People with normal blood
pressure and kidney disease usually develop high blood pres-
sure as their kidney function deteriorates, creating a vicious
cycle of worsening kidney function and ever-rising blood
pressure, ending often in renal failure (Anderson 2003).

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Peripheral arterial disease refers to changes in the aorta and its
branches, the arteries. We have already discussed renal artery
disease, in which cholesterol buildup in the renal arteries
decreases blood flow into the kidneys and tricks the kid-
neys into thinking the blood pressure is too low. This triggers
Dangers of High Blood Pressure: Why Should You Treat It? 39

the release of the kidney hormone renin, which then sets the
chain reaction in motion that ends with salt and water
reabsorption in the kidney and squeezing of the arteries, thus
raising the blood pressure.
Other blood vessels including the aorta itself can be
victimized by hypertension. Aortic aneurysms can form along
any part of this main blood vessel, or one of its branches. An
aneurysm, as discussed earlier in this chapter, is a weakened
and expanded segment of artery, much like that seen in an
inner tube of a tire before a blowout. As higher blood pres-
sure pounds against the lining of the aorta or any other
artery, it can cause a rupture, most often leading to rapid
death. Sometimes the force of blood under high pressure will
rip the lining of the aorta. This is called aortic dissection, or a
dissecting aneurysm if it occurs in one of the enlarged areas.
This can be catastrophic, since rupture can occur if pressure is
not lowered. Quite often, urgent surgery is required to repair
the aorta. Also quite often, there isnt time.
When cholesterol narrows the carotid (cuh-RAH-tidd)
arteries that go north from the aorta up to the brain, stroke is
a potential problem. When the arteries that go down into the
legs are narrowed by this process, known as atherosclerosis,
people may develop pain in their calf muscles when they
walk. The medical name for this is claudication, and it is
relieved by stopping for a short time. In severe cases, the toes
and feet, being the farthest things downstream, lose their
blood supply and turn black, a condition known as gangrene.
Amputation is required.
Hypertension is a very important culprit in all of these
problems. When it is combined with diabetes and smoking,
the likelihood of developing peripheral arterial disease is
much higher.
40 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

The Eyes
When you visit your doctor and she places an ophthalmo-
scope against her eye to look into yours, she is looking for
signs of hypertension, among other things. The eye is the
only human organ where the blood vessels can be directly
visualized. A number of changes can occur in the arteries, the
veins, and the optic nerve that connect to the eye, and the ret-
ina, where vision is detected on the back surface of the
eyeball. These changes are graded in terms of severity, and
give the physician valuable information about the duration
and extent of hypertension. High blood pressure accelerates
eye problems caused by diabetes. Treatment for severe
diabetic eye complications is more successful when blood
pressure is normal.
So now that youve been to medical school (we left out
gynecology, orthopedics, and a few other topics), youve seen
how far-reaching the effects of high blood pressure are. This
is why it is so important to know what your blood pressure
is, and to treat itone way or anotherto return it to the
normal range and avoid the complications youve been read-
ing about. In the next chapter, well review the options for
Chapter 4

Drug Treatment of

When it finally became clear that hypertension was a signifi-

cant health problem with many negative consequences, the
medical community began treating it with drugs earlier and
more aggressively. As time has gone by, more physicians
have kept a closer eye on their patients with high blood pres-
sure, rather than taking a wait and see approach. As differ-
ent drugs and drug classes were developed, it was noted that
many people required more than one drug, a scenario that
well discuss after talking a bit about the various classes of
pharmacologic agents that have been employed.
It wasnt until the 1940s and 50s that big changes in the
treatment of hypertension took place, partly due to the fact
that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt eventually died of a
stroke, but also suffered from congestive heart failure and
kidney failureall complications of his long-standing hyper-
tension (Bruenn 1970). Although many drugs were tried in
the early days of treatment, compounds began to be devel-
oped in the 1950s through the 1970s that evolved into the
newer drug classes currently in use. In the 1980s and 90s a
couple more families of medications hit the scene.
42 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Today there are four basic classes of antihypertensive

medications used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Occasionally doctors will have to pull out one of the older
drugs for a patient who is refractory, or not well controlled on
the newer agents. Well concentrate here on the treatments
that are commonly used and usually quite effective if the doc-
tor and the patient are willing to persevere and deal with the
art of medicine, often known as trial and error. You may
have heard of some of the treatments well describe in this
chapter. Understanding them in greater detail can be helpful
in treating high blood pressure.
We will discuss the classes of drugs below, and you can
find examples of these medications in the appendix at the
back of this book.

Diuretics are drugs that cause the kidney to put out more
water. Getting rid of more urine is known in the medical
business as diuresis, so diuretics are compounds that make
people visit the restroom more frequently.
The diuretics were the first of the modern drugs for
blood pressure, and were developed in the 1950s. The way
they work is to cause more sodium to be excreted into the
urine. Remember that water follows salt. The bodys balanc-
ing mechanisms ensure that water goes out, too.
The most commonly used drug in this category is hydro-
chlorothiazide, more easily referred to by both doctors and
patients as HCTZ. Others are listed in the appendix.
Some people are particularly sensitive to the actions of
diuretics. African-Americans, the elderly, diabetics, as well as
people with metabolic syndrome (obesity, lipid disorders,
hypertension, early or established diabetes, and early
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 43

vascular disease) respond quite well to these drugs (Papade-

mitriou, Sica, and Izzo 2003). People with salt sensitivity are
also good candidates for this class of medication.

Side Effects of Diuretics

If the main action of this category of antihypertensives
is to rid the patient of water, then an obvious consequence of
taking them might be volume (fluid) depletion. This is
unusual, especially at a low dose.
When you excrete sodium and water, you also get rid of
potassium, another salt in your system. Some patients who
either require a higher dose of a diuretic or are very sensitive
to it can deplete their potassium stores and may require a
potassium supplement.
Years ago it was commonly thought that abnormalities
in blood lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) may develop in
some patients, along with elevations in blood sugar. At
current doses, both of these things are unlikely, but should be
Elevations of uric acid, with the resultant development
of gout, can occur, although this is uncommon. Magnesium,
another salt in the blood, can also drop, which can interact
with the low potassium problem and contribute to rhythm
disturbances in the heart.

The beta-blocker drugs have been around since the 1970s. The
Greek letter b is the symbol for beta, so doctors use it
frequently when referring to these drugs: b blockers. These
drugs decrease the force of contraction of the heart. Recall
that with each squeeze of the heart (systole), blood is ejected
44 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

into the aorta and eventually into all the branching arteries.
Arteries possess the quality of elasticity, and therefore stretch
a little with each beat of the heart. Beta-blockers, by reducing
the force of the hearts contraction, lower the pressure trans-
mitted into the blood vessels. Beta-blockers also reduce heart
rate, so it is common for people taking them to notice a
slower pulse. In fact, they are often used to slow the heart
rate in people who suffer from rhythm disorders character-
ized by rapid heartbeats.
There are a number of other ways by which beta-blocker
drugs may lower blood pressure. Some of them lower resis-
tance in the walls of blood vessels, causing them to dilate,
and thus pressure falls. They also blunt some of the signals
coming out of the brain and central nervous system. In addi-
tion to their use in hypertension, they have widespread appli-
cation in the treatment of a myriad or different heart
conditions. See the appendix for a list of commonly used

Side Effects of Beta-Blockers

This is a category of medication that might cause
trouble in certain types of patients. For example, people who
have a history of asthma should not take beta-blockers,
because these drugs can trigger asthma. Most people with a
condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, most
commonly known as emphysema, should also avoid them.
Some disturbances of heart rhythm that can cause slowing of
the heart rate can be made markedly worse if these drugs are
given to patients with these conditions. As a matter of fact,
thats how doctors have learned that some people have these
rhythm problems. It is not uncommon for elderly patients to
have slower heart rates due to aging and scarring of the
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 45

electrical conduction system in the heart (the built-in pace-

maker and the wiring related to it). Oftentimes a slow
heartbeat isnt even noticed by a patient, but when
beta-blocker drugs are used to treat high blood pressure, the
medication may slow the heart rate even further, and symp-
toms ranging from mild fatigue to dizziness or fainting spells
can occur. Beta-blockers should also be used with extreme
caution in diabetic patients taking insulin, since they can
mask the symptoms of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia.
Although it was commonly believed in the past that
beta-blockers may have caused or worsened depression, most
psychiatrists no longer believe this to be true.

Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme Inhibitors and
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
Back in chapter 2 we talked about causes of high blood
pressure. You may recall that the kidney, when it sees (or
thinks it sees) low blood pressure, makes a hormone called
renin, which triggers a series of reactions that result in higher
Theres an enzyme we need to talk about called angio-
tensin converting enzyme. Since thats such a long name, lets
just call it ACE. In general, enzymes are chemicals found all
over the body that help certain reactions take place, sort of
like little biochemical helpers.
When renin is released by the kidney, it acts on another
substance that is floating around in your bloodstream that
was manufactured in the liver. The result is a chemical called
angiotensin I. ACE converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a
very powerful substance that has the job of constricting blood
46 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

vessels and raising blood pressure. Remember that this is all

part of the great scheme to keep your blood pressure up if its
falling because a tiger bit your leg off and youre bleeding.
All the cells in the body have receptors on them in order
to receive chemical messages that are being sent around the
body in the blood. Because our bodies are made up of spe-
cialized organs and structures that have specific tasks, the
receptors on the surfaces of these cells are specialized, too. It
makes no sense for your liver to be receiving messages that
are aimed at the kidney, or for the special brain cells that tell
you what flavor you just tasted to be receiving messages
about how much to squeeze on your arteries to raise your
blood pressure. So groups of cells with specific jobs have very
specific receptors on them.
The muscle layer in the walls of your arteries has recep-
tors for this powerful angiotensin II stuff. When it is circu-
lating in the blood, it lands on these receptors and causes
contraction of the muscles, resulting in constriction in the
arteries, and thus higher blood pressure.
So if somebody wanted to figure out a way to lower
blood pressure, he or she might look at this chain reaction
that ends in angiotensin II sitting on the receptors in the walls
of your arteries and see that by blocking the converting
enzyme that changes angiotensin I into angiotensin II, you
might just get the blood pressure to come down. Brilliant!
This trick actually works, and works rather well. But
ACE inhibitors have a funny habit of causing an annoying,
dry cough in about 15 or 20 percent of the people taking
them. For years, people had to simply live with it or stop
taking the medicine. Then somebody got another bright idea,
and that was to make a drug that interfered with the angio-
tensin II receptors right on the artery walls themselves. Drugs
were designed to do just that, and oddly enough they were
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 47

named angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). All the good stuff

(lower blood pressure) resulted, without the cough seen
when ACE was inhibited. Because the ACE inhibitors and
angiotensin receptor blockers work in the same general way
by not letting the artery walls constrict, we lump them
together in one category.

Side Effects of ACE Inhibitors

As mentioned, a dry, nonproductive cough is seen in 15
to 20 percent of people who take ACE inhibitors. This is not
seen with ARBs, and thats exactly why they were invented.
Deterioration of kidney function, determined by a blood test,
must be looked for in patients starting these drugs. A signifi-
cant rise in the potassium level in the blood can occur and
must be evaluated shortly after starting these drugs. ACE
inhibitors have a particularly worrisome side effect, which
would be characterized as an allergic reaction, that only
occurs in 1 percent of patients taking them. It consists of
severe swelling of the lips, mouth, and tongue, and can cause
blockage of the airway. This is called angioneurotic edema, and
is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. This
can also happen with the ARB drugs.

Calcium Channel Blockers

This is a mixed group of drugs that has been quite effective at
lowering blood pressure since the 1980s. All of the drugs in
this class work on the principle that when calcium enters into
a muscle cell, it gets involved in the process of contraction of
the muscle. All arteries have a middle layer of muscle, so
blocking the entry of calcium into these muscle cells
through the calcium channelswill cut down on the muscular
48 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

constriction in these arteries. The result: lower blood pres-

sure. See the appendix for a table of calcium channel

Side Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers

Nifedipine and the related drugs in the top part of the
table in the appendix can cause ankle swelling (edema). This
is just because they are doing a good job of dilating the arter-
ies. As a result, blood pools in the ankles because people
spend most of their waking hours in the upright position. Its
simply a matter of gravity. Because these drugs are such
good artery relaxers, people can also experience flushing
and/or a more rapid heartbeat (the hearts normal response
to a drop in blood pressure). Verapamil can slow the heart
excessively in some susceptible patients, a problem seen
much less often with diltiazem.

Other Types of Drugs Used

to Treat Hypertension
The four major categories above are the most commonly used
drugs in the treatment of high blood pressure. There are other
categories of drugs that may be necessary in specific patients
with special situations or in patients for whom no combination
of the above medications will bring the pressure down. Lists of
these medications can be found in the appendix.

Aldosterone Blockers
We reviewed the physiology of aldosterone in chapter 2.
Aldosterone is made in the adrenal gland and travels to the
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 49

kidney to save sodium (salt) and water. It also acts as a con-

strictor of blood vessels. Blocking aldosterone may lower
blood pressure by both mechanisms. These drugs are most
often used in conjunction with other drugs, or may be used
alone. High potassium is the most common side effect.

Alpha Blockers
If there was a beta, there has to be an alpha, right? Alpha
refers to the constrictive effect of norepinephrine (noradrena-
line) on blood vessels. Alpha blockers interfere with this.
They are also used for other conditions like frequent night-
time urination in men with enlarged prostate glands.

Sympatholytic Drugs
These are older drugs with numerous side effects, and
therefore are rarely used. Sympatholytic refers to decreasing
the outpouring of nervous system hormones (sympatho means
sympathetic, or your fight-or-flight chemistry; lytic means
to cut).

Direct Vasodilators
Vasodilator medicines dilate the blood vessels. These
meds act directly on the arteries. They are used only in
special situations.

An Important Comment on Drugs

Sadly, the fact is that most people will not have their hyper-
tension controlled with only one drug. Most high blood pres-
sure is treated by primary care doctors (family practitioners
50 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

or internists). Specialists are called in when blood pressure

control has not been achieved, or if there are special problems
with diagnosis or treatment. By the time this happens,
patients may be taking three or four medications for blood
pressure alone.
When blood pressure isnt controlled by a low dose of
one drug, doctors often will add a second (or third, or fourth)
medicine to the mix. This is because as higher doses of any
one medication are taken, there is a greater chance for side
effects to develop. In addition, there are often multiple and
related problems contributing to increased blood pressure. So
its common to see a diuretic combined with any of the other
classes of hypertensive drugs. To make it simpler for the
patients, some companies have developed combinations of
these medications: ACE inhibitor with diuretic, ACE inhibitor
with calcium channel blocker, alpha blocker combined with
beta-blocker, and so forth.
Heres a general statement that will apply to every drug
or other treatment modality in this book:

Just because scientific studies have shown that certain groups of

people will respond better (or worse) than others to a particular
drug or other intervention, there is no guarantee, or even assump-
tion, that an individual person in that group will respond in the
same way.

For most people, this is just plain common sense, but

human beings are very complex creatures (have you
noticed?). Genetic makeup, lifestyle, age, and other behaviors
and conditions all come together to create individuals who
may or may not conform to the textbooks on who is supposed
to get better on what drug or with what treatment.
Because people can vary so much in how they respond
to medications, this often becomes a journey with the doctor,
Drug Treatment of Hypertension 51

the patient, and perhaps others such as nurses, dieticians, and

family members. Its an exploration that always involves trial
and error. It requires a relationship of trust, education, and
commitment so that the proper outcome is achieved and
harm avoided.
If a physician says, Take this once a day and see me in
two weeks, with no other explanation, or if the patient fails
to report that he or she developed a rash on the prescribed
drug and stopped taking it (no wonder the pressure is still
up), the goals of treatment will not be met and the relation-
ship between all involved parties will not be optimal.
No doctor wants to give a patient a drug that will cause
a side effect. Doctors sometimes wonder why a patient will
go home with a prescription, look it up on the Internet or
hear a high-speed verbal warning at the end of a TV ad, and
call back saying, Im not taking this drugit can cause
impotence (or hair loss, or heart rhythm abnormalities). The
odds of these things happening, of course, are very low. Its
usually a matter of not quite enough explanation by the phy-
sician or nurse of potential side effects and the likelihood of
them occurring. But no doctor can list all of the possible prob-
lems, just as no patient should assume a physician would
give him or her a drug that would be likely to cause harm.
The purpose of this book is to help you understand your
blood pressure and describe some of the treatments that may
help you. Now that weve explored the drugs that are used,
well look into the many ways in which you can help your-
self. Its unlikely that theres any doctor who wouldnt jump
for joy to have a patient who could avoid the use of medica-
tion entirelyreally.
Chapter 5

Lifestyle Changes That

Help Lower Blood Pressure

For years the medical community has focused on the drug

treatment of hypertension. Many people, however, want to
play an active role in their own health. They may wish to
avoid prescription medications altogether, or they may feel
that even if medicines are needed, they would like to do
whatever they can themselves to help. There are a number of
ways in which you can make a big difference in lowering
your blood pressure.

We discussed in chapter 2 the fact that salt is an important
contributor to hypertension. Some people are salt sensitive,
meaning that they have a significant rise in blood pressure
when they take in moderate or large amounts of sodium, the
component in table salt that we measure and monitor. As we
said earlier, even if a person is not particularly salt sensitive,
blood pressure still falls when sodium intake falls. But is it all
about salt?
54 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

There are other elements in the diet, often called nutri-

ents, that can affect blood pressure. Some interesting studies
in the 1990s showed that many people are missing certain
nutrients in their diets. It turns out its not only about what
you eat, but also what you dont eat (Thorogood, Hillsdon,
and Summerbell 2003).
It turns out that calcium, magnesium, and potassium are
important elements that often get left out of todays diets or
are consumed in only small amounts. A diet that is high in
refined or processed foods is low in these nutrients. You
might remember from chapter 2 that sodium content is high
in packaged foods such as crackers, chips, and pretzels.
Sodium is also high in ketchup and most canned soups.
Pickles are particularly high in sodium because they are
pickled in brine, another name for salt water. By purposely
moving away from these foods and eating more fruits and
vegetables, you reduce sodium intake and increase magne-
sium, potassium, and calcium. Low-fat dairy items are a
particularly good source of calcium.

Saturated Fat
Fats come in three main categories. Saturated fat is found
in butter, lard, cream cheese, and coconut oil (also called
palm oil on the containers of many foods). These are fats that
raise your cholesterol and clog your arteries.
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the other
types of fats. More of the fats you eat should come from the
monounsaturated (olive oil, canola oil) and polyunsaturated
(corn oil, safflower oil) categories. A recent controversy has
popped up because health experts have been recommending
monounsaturated fats over polyunsaturates. It appears that
some of the studies these recommendations are based on may
Lifestyle Changes That Help Lower Blood Pressure 55

have had design flaws, so throwing out safflower oil in favor

of olive oil may not be right. Do reduce saturated fat, though.
Its highly recommended that you limit your total daily
calories from saturated fat to less than 10 percent, and less
than 30 percent from fats in general. Fats have more calories,
ounce for ounce, than other foods. If you eat more calories
and dont burn them off, youll gain weight. When your body
weight goes up, your blood pressure goes up.

The DASH Diet

The DASH (Appel et al. 1997) study was a U.S. govern-
mentsponsored research project conducted at four large
medical centers (DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to
Stop Hypertension). The scientists found that blood pressure
was reduced with an eating plan that is low in saturated fat,
cholesterol, and total fat, and high in fruits, vegetables, and
low-fat dairy products. This eating plan also emphasized
poultry, fish, nuts, and whole-grain products. This diet is low
in red meat, sweets, and beverages containing sugar. As you
might imagine, the DASH diet is rich in potassium, magne-
sium, and calcium, as well as protein and fiber.
Unlike many previous studies that were done pre-
dominantly on white males, the DASH study included many
women and African-Americans. The researchers compared
three eating plans, each of which had a fixed amount of
sodium (3,000 mg). The first diet was a usual diet for many
Americans. The second was similar, but had increased fruits
and vegetables, and the third was the DASH plan, with
specific servings of all of the groups and a limit of 2,000
calories per day.
The results of this study were really remarkable. The
diets with extra fruits and vegetables and the DASH eating
56 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

plan both dropped blood pressure significantly, especially in

the participants who had higher blood pressure. Not only
that, but these reductions were seen within two weeks.
Everybody was sort of surprised to see how effective these
diets were, so they did a second study where participants
either consumed a typical American diet or the DASH diet,
but this time both groups had a salt restriction. Once people
were assigned to the American diet or the DASH diet, they
were followed for a month with either a normal sodium
intake, a moderate reduction of sodium (2,400 mg/day), or a
significant salt reduction (1,500 mg/day).
This second study showed that reducing salt intake
reduced blood pressure in both diet groups. The DASH group
always had lower blood pressure than the other group. The
biggest blood pressure drop was seen in the DASH group
consuming only 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. Again,
those with high blood pressure showed the biggest drop, but
those with normal blood pressures also had a large decrease.
So whatever your diet is now, your blood pressure will likely
drop if you cut your sodium intake. And if your blood pres-
sure is up, youll get a lot more bang for your buck if you
limit your salt and follow the DASH diet.
For more information on lowering your blood pressure
with the DASH diet, visit the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institutes Web site,
/public/heart/hbp/dash/introduction.html, or call (301)
592-8573 and ask for publication #06-4082.
Here are a couple of other tidbits before we leave this
discussion on diet. A study from the Brigham and Womens
Hospital in Boston (Winkelmayer et al. 2005) showed that
blood pressure went up in women who drank more than four
cola beverages per day (diet or regular), but no hypertension
developed in women who got their caffeine from drinking
Lifestyle Changes That Help Lower Blood Pressure 57

coffee instead of cola. Because doctors have known for a long

time that coffee consumption raises blood pressure in the
short run (right after drinking it), they also assumed that it
contributed to the development of hypertension. This inter-
esting study casts some doubt on that, and raises concerns
about excessive cola-beverage consumption.
And youre going to love thishaving a small amount
of dark chocolate (one ounce) might help, since the dark ver-
sion has twice the amount of flavonoids found in milk choco-
late. Flavonoids are chemicals found in the skins of dark fruits,
red wine, and dark beer that can help to dilate blood vessels.
But keep your chocolate consumption to a small amount to
avoid excess fat and sugar. Both of these areas (caffeine and
chocolate) should be fertile for more research. You may wish
to volunteer.
All of these dietary details are important, but they
become trees in the bigger forest of lifestyle changes that
can help you maintain lower blood pressure. You dont want
to lose sight of the forest for the trees.

Regular exercise is good for you in so many ways. It feels
good. It helps to reduce your weight (even a ten-pound
weight loss can lower blood pressure). It changes your
metabolism. It also blunts big swings in blood pressure seen
in inactive or deconditioned people, often known as couch
potatoes. It even improves your mood.
The important thing about exercise is that it should be
done regularly. That means almost every day. Everyone has
days when they just cant make time for it, but if your rule of
thumb is to exercise every day, then it isnt so bad if you miss
a day or two here and there. And you should exercise for
58 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

thirty minutes or more a day. Simple walking is just fine

you dont have to try out for the Olympics! Often doctors will
advise their patients to walk fast enough that it is just slightly
difficult to speak in a normal conversational voice. Swim-
ming and biking are also great because they avoid wear and
tear on the joints. All of these are good examples of aerobic
exercise, the most important kind for cardiovascular fitness
and lowering blood pressure.
The other type of exercise is called isometric exercise.
Heavy weight lifting is a good example of this type of exer-
cise, and is generally not recommended if you have hyper-
tension. If you have to grunt while you do it, its probably
isometric. Lighter weights with more repetitions should be
fine, though, and can also help with flexibility.
Both diet and exercise can be challenging issues, even
for me, Dr. Bruce Wilson, one of the authors of this book. Im
chronically struggling with building enough regular exercise
into my day or my week. My job as a physician doesnt
require me to move around very much. I love to play tennis,
and do so regularly, but a couple of years ago I developed a
painful foot condition called plantar fasciitis. Lots of people
get this, and regardless of all the medicines, injections, and
physical therapy you get, it just takes a long time to go away.
I was off my tennis schedule for more than a year, and had a
hard time doing any exercise. When it finally went away, I
got back to the court and promptly hurt my elbowundoubt-
edly from being deconditioned. Eventually I had to stop play-
ing again to let my elbow heal. By not cutting back on my
diet when I was unable to play tennis, I gained about twelve
pounds and felt like the Goodyear blimp.
Now that Im back playing tennis again, I feel better, but
I have a hard time committing time every day, or most days,
to regular, aerobic exercise. I can almost always find an
Lifestyle Changes That Help Lower Blood Pressure 59

excuse, especially when Im traveling, which is frequently. So

Im just like most everyone. But I remind myself all the time
that both diet and exercise are important. Stewing over them
or feeling stressed or guilty about not living up to my diet or
exercise plans just makes things worse. Staying emotionally
balanced is probably the most important lifestyle change that
you can make. As youll see in the next chapter, emotional
stress is a big contributor to high blood pressure. The
HeartMath techniques in the last section of this book will
help you develop the emotional balance you need to gain
more control over lifestyle issues and the changes you want
to make.

The nicotine in cigarette (and also cigar and pipe) smoke
causes a faster heartbeat and constricts blood vessels, both of
which cause blood pressure to go up, at least temporarily.
Smoking also causes the platelets in your blood, whose job it
is to stick to the walls of blood vessels to start the process of
blood clotting if you get a cut, to stick to cholesterol plaques
on the insides of the coronary arteries that feed the heart. The
platelets then become involved in the process of making the
plaques grow. On occasion, the platelets can trigger a blood
clot in an artery, which could block it off completely and
cause a heart attack. Everybody knows that cigarettes cause
cancer as well as emphysema and many other health prob-
lems. If you are a smoker and need help quitting, call the
Quitline of the American Cancer Society at (800) ACS-2345.
60 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

In most books and articles about hypertension, there is
usually only a paragraph or two about stress. Thats mostly
due to the fact that stress had not been measurable in the
past. Yet most people feel that stress is contributing to their
high blood pressure, and then the stress of the struggle to
manage it also weighs on them. Dr. Stewart Wolf was one of
the first researchers to examine the role of stress in hyperten-
sion, in his seminal book Life Stress and Essential Hypertension
(1955, Williams and Wilkins).
We have a lot of compassion for the stress most people
feel today. Tremendous progress has been made over the last
ten or fifteen years to understand the underpinnings of stress.
Thats why Doc Childre, one of the authors of this book,
started the nonprofit Institute of HeartMath, to research the
mechanisms of mental and emotional stress and find solu-
tions. The science behind stress has led to the development of
effective tools to help people change their stress habits. Lets
take a journey together and learn what your stress wiring
is doing to you, and what you can do to reprogram it.
Chapter 6

Stress and Hypertension

Well, now were down to the core issue, arent we? Thus far
we have defined normal blood pressure and hypertension.
Weve looked at other diseases that cause high blood pres-
sure, as well as things that contribute to it. We spent some
time going over medications and lifestyle changes that can
help to bring blood pressure down. Its time now to tackle the
mysteries of stress.

Our View of Stress

The definition of stress seems like it might be a little different
from person to person. After all, stress for one individual
might be a fun and exciting challenge for another. Some
people are a complete wreck when they have to give a speech
in front of a crowd, while others relish the chance to get on
the stage and perform.
What are you actually feeling when you experience
stress? Emotions are central to this experience for everyone;
typically feelings such as tension, worry, anxiety, irritation,
frustration, anger, lack of control, or helplessness have been
62 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

triggered when people say they feel stressed. Research

done at the Institute of HeartMath has clearly shown that
while thoughts and mental processes clearly play a role
in stress, it is unmanaged disturbed emotions that
provide fuel for its sustenance. It is also emotions
more than thoughts alonethat activate the physiologi-
cal changes composing the stress response. . . . A
purely mental activity, such as mentally recalling a past
situation that provoked anger, does not produce nearly
as profound an impact on psychological processes as
actually engaging the emotion associated with that
memoryactually re-experiencing the feeling of anger.
(Rein, Atkinson, and McCraty 1995)
So it appears that the psychological effects of negative emo-
tions contribute heavily to the effects of stress on the brain
and body (McCraty 2006).
Most people spend a lot of time worrying or complain-
ing about specific events that have occurred in the past, are
bothering them in the present, or might be coming up in the
future. Troubling news, problematic weather, difficulties with
personal finances, the overgrown lawn, or a poor grade on
your daughters history exam are all events that may be
labeled as stress-causing. Add to that the traffic jam, the
lady in front of you in the grocery store checkout line who is
writing a check but forgot her drivers license, and your ado-
lescent son who has found that challenging your ideas,
appearance, or anything else is a sport. You may believe that
if something could just be done about these problems, then
life would get better and youd have less stress. Oftentimes,
however, thoughts and feelings associated with stressful
events play over and over in your mind until they become
habitual. Eventually, you cant even identify a specific event
that triggered the ongoing anxiety or anger.
Stress and Hypertension 63

That Was Then, This Is Now

Daily living used to have fewer events and was a lot
less complicated. Now, so much is going on at the same time,
pressing in on people from all sides. Some refer to current
times as the information age. Everyone is bombarded with
more and more information and complexity.
Recall how stressed many of us felt even back in the
1980s, before cell phones and e-mail. Now the information
flowing through the galaxy is incessant. People can reach you
anywhere, anytime, so they do. Your e-mail in-box fills up
just as soon as you finish with the last batch. And have you
noticed that the mere appearance of certain names in your
in-box or your voice mail is enough to trigger your emotions?
Most people we know feel like theyve got information over-
load and theres no shutting off the faucettheres no down-
time. And they feel theres not much they can do about it. Its
the feeling of overload and lack of controlover issues and
eventsthat creates and accumulates stress.
Looking more deeply at the problem, wed like to intro-
duce a more scientific definition of stress.
Stress is the emotional and physiological reaction to a
perceived threat, whether real or imagined, resulting in a
series of adaptations by the body.
From this scientific view, stress really isnt all the stuff
that happens to you day in and day out. Stress is your reac-
tion to it.

The Human Stress Response

Lets examine, for a moment, how the stress response devel-
oped over time. Its believed that humankind first showed up
on this planet somewhere around 100,000 to 200,000 years
64 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

ago. It was a different place back then. There were lots of

physical threats to people as they walked through the jungle.
Some paleontologists might argue about whether humans
inhabited the Earth at the same time as the saber-toothed
tigers, but that species makes a good example of a very real
Imagine walking through the jungle and happening
across a saber-toothed tiger and two of her cubs. That tiger
sees you as a wonderful lunch for the family. It would be
extremely beneficial for you to have an automatic reaction
system built into you so that you might, if you were really
lucky, run like the blazes and escape. To put it another way,
your statistical chances of survival would be much greater if
you had an automatic switch that would immediately acti-
vate your system in a number of ways to help you to avoid
becoming the tigers lunch.
Luckily, humans have just such a system. The autonomic
nervous system (ANS) is the part of your nervous system thats
automaticautonomic is just another name for automatic.
This part of the nervous system requires no thoughts or
calculationsit kicks in immediately when you are faced
with a threat to your survival. The autonomic nervous system
has two branches.

The Sympathetic Nervous System

The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system
is frequently called your fight-or-flight system. This term
was coined by Dr. Walter Cannon, a physiologist working in
the beginning of the last century who was widely considered
the godfather of stress research. We now commonly use this
phrase to describe what happens when the sympathetic ner-
vous system is activated. When faced with a physical threat,
Stress and Hypertension 65

this system is turned on in a fraction of a second to prepare

you to either fight the enemy or flee from it. Depending on
what or whom you encounter, and under what circum-
stances, one of these two responses would be most appropri-
ate. If a person half your size kicks you in the shin, you may
stay and fight. But if youre looking eye-to-eye with a tiger,
its more advisable to take your chances with a rapid escape.
With either response, an entire cascade of events occurs
faster than you could say Holy %$@#! The nerves in the
brain quickly send signals along the nerves in your body that
constrict your blood vessels, immediately raising your blood
pressure. Your heart rate jumps up so your body can pump
more blood to your muscles and you can run faster. Arteries
in your skin constrict, making it less likely that youll bleed to
death if the tiger bites you. Blood is directed away from
organs that really arent necessary while youre running for
your life, such as your kidneys and your digestive tract. You
certainly dont want to be wasting your energy digesting the
breakfast you ate this morning when your muscles need to
use that oxygen-rich blood to get you out of there! Your
pupils dilate so you might see a few more things (like that
tree branch just ahead) while youre running. The hair on the
back of your neck stands up so you might feel more elements
in your surrounding environment. Again, it takes only parts
of a second for all these elements of the sympathetic nervous
system to spring into action.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System

The parasympathetic branch is the other arm of the ANS.
Its function dominates when theres nothing perceived as
threatening in your environment. Imagine yourself relaxed on
the couch, watching a rerun of an old movie and eating
66 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

popcorn. You have very little sympathetic activity playing in

your nervous system now, and the parasympathetic arm is
running the show. Blood is preferentially being delivered to
your stomach and intestines to help you absorb and digest
your food. Your heart rate is probably a little slower than
usual, because you have no need for it to be fast. Your blood
pressure is also lower. Youre relaxed.
But suddenly theres a loud ring from the telephone
right next to you. You jump about three inches, your heart
starts pounding, and you feel sweaty. See how fast that was?
You grab for the phone and calm yourself, realizing its not a
tiger (or a burglar alarm) but just a friend calling to chat.
Soon that sympathetic jolt is withdrawn as you realize theres
no physical threat, and the parasympathetic arm returns
things to normal.
Remember our definition of stress: the emotional and
physiological reaction to a perceived threat, whether real or
imagined, resulting in a series of adaptations by the body.
That phone ringing a moment ago wasnt a threat at all, but it
startled you when you werent expecting it. Have you ever
been walking down a dark street at night and noticed a
shadow that, at first, seemed like a mugger? In those first few
moments before you realize it is just a shadow, the perceived
or imagined threat acts just as powerfully to activate your
fight-or-flight response as a real mugger would have. If you
spent time in rational thought about whether that was a
mugger or just a shadow, you might be without your wallet
before you realized it. So its good that your alarm system is
activated immediately.
To understand stress, its important to recognize how
fast these swings in the autonomic nervous system take place.
Stress and Hypertension 67

Have you ever been driving your car along a quiet residential
street when a young child rides his bike down a driveway and
out in front of your car? Did you notice how fast that prickly
sensation spread all over your skin, and how quickly your
heart was pounding? These alterations in sympathetic and
parasympathetic functioning occur very rapidly because
whether its a tiger, a mugger, or a kid on a bike, your ability
to react is directly related to how fast your switch is thrown.

A Slower Set of Changes

The Hormonal System
In recent years, scientists have learned about a second stress-
response system. This is a cascade of events referred to as the
neurohormonal response because its a long series of reactions
involving nervous-system signals to many glands all over the
body. These signals cause the production and release of
hormones to increase your chance of survival during times of
threat. These changes take a few minutes to get started, and
may last minutes to hours.
Imagine now (you wont like this) that the saber-toothed
tiger catches you. In most instances your survival mecha-
nisms no longer matter, because you are now lunch. But just
suppose that your fellow tribesmen spear the tiger after just
one little bite on your leg. Once youre wounded, but not
dead, you need a system to help you survive. Your hormonal
system is going to provide you with some neat tricks. Its
cascade of chemical steps is about 1,400 reactions long. These
complex reactions can do many things. Well take a look at a
couple of the major ones.
68 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Cortisol is known by some as the mother of all stress
hormones. Thats because cortisol is released in large quanti-
ties when you perceive or feel stress. We talked in chapter 2
about the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys, how they
produce adrenaline (also known as epinephrine), and how
adrenaline can raise blood pressure. While adrenaline is pro-
duced in the central core of the adrenal gland, cortisol is
produced in one of the three outer layers. Once it is released
into the bloodstream, one of cortisols main actions is to raise
blood sugar or glucose. It does so by helping to break down
stored sugars from places like your liver and your muscles.
Its critical that your blood sugar stays high enough because
the brain only knows how to use one type of fuel, and
thats glucose. The rest of your body also needs glucose to be
readily available as an energy source.
Back to our story. A tiger just bit you, remember? Since
its unlikely that youll be able to get to a mango tree for a
sugar rush any time soon, your body will need to break down
its stored sugars to make glucose so your brain can think
about what to do next. Your muscles will need more fuel to
respond. So, its a neat design of nature to have a built-in
cortisol system to raise blood sugar.
What else does cortisol do? Both directly and indirectly
(by interacting with other hormones) it raises blood pressure
by causing constriction of the arteries and interacting with
the kidneys to save salt and water. (Remember that these
functions also elevate blood pressure.) That seems like a
rather bright idea right about now because you-know-who
just bit your leg, and if youre bleeding away on the river
bank, your blood pressure is dropping. When blood pressure
gets dangerously low and cant push the right amount of
Stress and Hypertension 69

blood to your organs, youll go into shock. When shock

comes from hemorrhage, or heavy bleeding, its called hemor-
rhagic shock. So cortisol does a couple of key things to help
you surviveit raises blood sugar and raises blood pressure.
These responses to the stress of a tiger biting you sound
like a great idea. Hold that thought.

Cortisol and Emotions

There are a couple of other important things you should
know about cortisol. This potent hormone is also triggered by
any negative emotion, such as anxiety, anger, or hostility, as
well as depression. Theres a feedback loop at work, too. Just
as a bad mood triggers stress and cortisol release from your
adrenal glands, that same cortisol, if it hangs around in your
bloodstream for a while, can help to create a bad mood. We
refer to this as a vicious cycle, because it feeds on itself. Bad
mood triggers cortisol, which then makes you feel bad emo-
tionally, which ends up creating more cortisol, which then
makes you feel worse. If this feedback loop goes on long
enough, you can feel submission and despair. Some call it
burnout. This is one of the reasons that chronic stress from
events that you repeatedly respond to with emotions like
worry, anxiety, or anger can lead to depression. Its not bad
to have these emotions trigger cortisolit is a necessary part
of survival physiology. Its the inability to let go of them that
keeps cortisol pumping through your system, causing burn-
out and depression. Chronic stress also leads to lack of men-
tal clarity. Dr. Robert Sapolsky, a stress researcher at Stanford
University, discusses this at length in his book Why Zebras
Dont Get Ulcers (1998). Other scientists have also reported on
the effects of cortisol on a multitude of sites in the brain,
including inhibition of the ability to remember or think
clearly (Newcomer et al. 1994).
70 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Before you experience despair just from reading this,
take heart! (Oohgreat linewere getting close to the best
part.) Nature has a habit of keeping everything in balance.
Theres a yin and a yang in almost every system. That little
adrenal gland has a whole bunch of other tricks up its sleeve,
but probably the coolest one is the production of another
hormone called DHEA. Since those letters dont make a
word, they must stand for something long and complicated:
dehydroepiandrosterone (no pronunciation help needed, since
not even the scientists who work on this stuff every day call it
anything other than DHEA).
DHEA is more difficult to explain because it hasnt been
studied for as long or in as much depth as cortisol, its adrenal
cousin. DHEA seems to counteract some of the effects of
cortisol. Although cortisol is a necessary hormone for every-
day function, by providing DHEA to counteract cortisol, its
as if Mother Nature knew that you were only supposed to get
an extra dose of cortisol every now and again, and only in
times of real danger when theres a physical threat to your
survival. Its good to limit your exposure to things like tigers.

DHEA and Emotions

Just as cortisol production can be triggered by negative
emotions, DHEA production can be related to positive emo-
tions, such as happiness, love, care, gratitude, and apprecia-
tion. Conversely, DHEA can help create those same uplifting
feelings while its running through your bloodstream. As
opposed to the vicious cycle described earlier for cortisol,
DHEA seems to be at the center of a virtuous cycle, because
DHEA helps create positive mood, and positive mood helps
create more DHEA.
Stress and Hypertension 71

DHEA has created a fair amount of controversy in the

last ten years. While its fair to say that it has beneficial
effects when released naturally, there is more than a little
concern about taking it as a supplement or as a treatment.
While cortisol is an end product (it doesnt go on to become
something else later), DHEA can be converted to one of the
sex hormones, estrogen or testosterone. So taking a DHEA
supplement can create side effects related to the sex hor-
mones, such as facial hair in women or prostate enlargement
or stimulation of prostate cancer in men.
There has been interest in DHEA as a vitality booster or
an antiaging compound, which comes from the knowledge
that DHEA is associated with positive mood. DHEA is
produced in only very small amounts up until the age of six
or seven years, then its turned on and produced in large
quantities up until the thirties or so. As you age, DHEA grad-
ually declines so that by around age seventy-five its only at
about 25 percent of the level it was fifty years earlier. Its
obvious that young children and people over seventy-five
feel positive emotions, even though their bodies dont make
much DHEA, so its not a necessary component of these feel-
ings. There are many other factors that contribute to positive
and uplifting emotions, most of which have to do with the
heart, which we will address later on. Nevertheless, people
have wondered if taking DHEA supplements later in life
could provide a fountain of youth of good feeling and
better health. Athletes take it as a performance hormone in
hopes of doing better in competition, but, as with any steroid,
if its discovered in their system the athletes will be
There havent been many long-term studies on the effects
of taking DHEA supplements. While mice have been studied a
little more, mice arent humans. And the number of people
72 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

studied has been quite small. Researchers who studied DHEA

with high hopes for the DHEA pill are now the very ones
warning people against taking it because of the side effects
they have seen. Many are quite worried that DHEA shouldnt
be a supplement at all because of its potent hormone effects,
but be available only as a prescription drug for those with
DHEA deficiency. Its not that there isnt excitement about this
hormone, but until more is known about it, we recommend
that your body be in charge of producing your DHEA and
rebalancing your system. And there are ways to naturally
increase your bodys production of DHEA.

The World in the

Twenty-First Century
All of this time spent on what adrenal glands dowhy they
greatly increase cortisol when your survival is threatened and
why they make more DHEA when times are goodis leading
to the core issue. While its essential that your body crank up
adrenaline and cortisol if a tiger is nibbling at your heels, the
truth of the matter is that for most people, there arent many
tigers today.
Not that there are never any tigersafter all, you could
fall over the railing at the zoobut for the most part, modern
culture is almost devoid of the ever-present physical threats
of the past. There certainly are times when your life can be
endangered, like a drunk driver crossing the median and bear-
ing down on you at 60 miles per hour. Or you might be at an
ATM machine when a guy with a gun approaches and
demands your money. Or a natural disaster may be destroying
your home and you need to get out fast. In those instances,
its essential to raise blood pressure. Its critical that you have
Stress and Hypertension 73

a built-in system to squirt you full of adrenaline so you react

very quickly. If that car accident actually happened and you
were severely injured, without cortisol you would die.
Aside from instances like the ones above, for most
people in modern culture physical threats are few and far
between. Yet the stress button is being pushed all the time
by all sorts of things, and eventually it gets stuck in the on

When the Stress Button Gets Stuck

When was the last time you actually enjoyed a traffic jam?
How did you feel last time you got the runaround by one of
those phone answering systems that endlessly tells you to
press different numbers depending on what youre calling
about, then doesnt give a clear option for what you need?
How do you feel after arguments with spouses or adolescent
children, financial challenges, constant deadlines, information
overload, home/work conflicts, difficult bosses, problematic
employeesthe list of stress triggers goes on and on. The
sad fact is that all of these negative feelings trip your stress
alarm system just as if youd been cornered by a tiger. Most
people are bathing in adrenaline and cortisol when they were
only meant to get an extra squirt every now and then.
What are the consequences of this? There are many.
Since this book is about hypertension, well focus on that.
Stressful emotions activate the sympathetic nervous system,
and then increase adrenaline to make your heart beat faster
and your blood vessels constrict. Stressful emotions also trig-
ger cortisol, which causes blood vessel constriction and salt
and water retention in the kidneys. The result is elevation in
blood pressure. Its not hard at all to see why chronic stress,
resulting from an ongoing accumulation of all the little stress
74 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

reactions, is a direct link to high blood pressure. No wonder

its called hyper-tension.
There are lots of other things that go wrong when you
take a long hot bath in cortisol and adrenaline. Dont forget
that the leading cause of death is heart disease. As we
mentioned, cortisol also raises blood sugar. High blood sugar
contributes to obesity, as well as abnormal cholesterol levels,
which both contribute to coronary artery disease. If your
blood sugar gets too high, or stays elevated, you develop
diabetes. All these stress-induced factors combine to create
the chronic diseases that are killing most people.
How odd, then, that the chemical reactions that natu-
rally take place in the body, in an attempt to improve
peoples chances of living if they are threatened, are actually
killing them. People are dying of their own survival mecha-
nisms because the environment has changed drastically and
stress is everywhere. How about thatdying of the bodys
own survival mechanisms. So what do you do?
Chapter 7

Resetting Your Thermostat

A thermostat typically has something to do with temperature,

but here we are referring to resetting the controls for blood
There are little clusters of nerves in the heart and along
the arteries coming out of the heart that sense pressure. These
sensors relay information into the area of your brain that
regulates a lot of basic functions: breathing rate, heart rate,
and blood pressure. This part of the brain is quick to make
changes because it is partly responsible for your survival.
These changes fall into the category of reflexes. They
occur almost instantaneously and without any input from the
thinking part of your brain. The reflex that involves sensing
pressure and then responding with instructions to change
your heart rate and relax or constrict the blood vessels is
referred to as your baroreceptor reflex. Baro is the latin root for
pressure, as in barometer, an instrument that measures
atmospheric pressure.
Ever since the 1930s or so, researchers have found a
number of factors that can reset blood pressure reflexes.
When some people experience stress frequently, or for
prolonged periods of time, their systems get used to the
higher blood pressure that often comes with it. After awhile,
76 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

the control systems and sensors recalibrate to this higher

pressure. Once that happens, the system will do everything it
can to maintain this higher level of blood pressureits job is
to regulate blood pressure around a set point that it thinks is
normal. This mechanism of resetting is a common reason
why scientists believe people develop hypertension. If your
blood pressure is up often enough, or long enough, the new
level seems normal and the reflex is reset in the brain.
The good news is that it doesnt take that long to recali-
brate the system back down to a healthier normal. Thats
what HeartMath is all aboutphysically throwing that
switch that will help reset the controls back to normal. Before
we teach you how to do exactly that, we have a few stories
about people just like you who have achieved great success
with the HeartMath program.

Stories of Resetting Pressure Levels

My first experience with this happened right in the hospital
where I (Dr. Bruce Wilson) practice cardiology. A young
nurse of about twenty-three came to me one day and told me
that her blood pressure had been elevated recently. She had
recently been married, had a wonderful relationship with her
new husband as well as her own family, and had begun to
consider having a family. She loved her job and was not a
high-stress type of person. I had seen her in many situations,
and never saw her lose her cool or appear frustrated or
I told her that I would prefer to teach her the HeartMath
techniques than put her on medications, especially since she
was considering pregnancy. But her pressure was quite high,
and after doing some basic testing, I put her on a small dose
Resetting Your Thermostat 77

of medication, which brought her pressure down nicely. I

then worked with her on HeartMath.
Within two or three weeks her pressure normalized, and
I was able to taper her off the medication entirely. She was
impressed, as was her doctor (me!). Not all of my patients
would be this easy, or drop in such a short period of time, but
I was very encouraged; one for one in the success column.
Another doctor wrote to us saying that hed been using
the HeartMath tools to teach his patients how to lower their
blood pressure:

One of my patients had uncontrolled hypertension

(220/110), even with medication. She also had chronic
insomnia. At her second session learning HeartMath,
her blood pressure at the beginning of the session was
200/110; at the end of session it had dropped to
130/70. I sent her home with HeartMath tools to
practice. I also told her to purchase a home blood
pressure monitor to record her readings twice a day
while practicing HeartMath. When I saw her for her
two-week follow-up, her daily blood pressure readings
were all 130/70 to 140/80. She was also sleeping
through the night for the first time in years, despite
having taken prescription sleeping medications all
those years.

Its known that negative emotional states can produce

stress, which can then lead to higher blood pressure. One
study found that people who say they are feeling anxious or
depressed are two to three times more likely to go on to
develop high blood pressure than calmer, happier indi-
viduals (Jonas, Franks, and Ingram 1997, 45). Drs. Louise
Hawkley and John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago
have been studying loneliness for a long time. They
78 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

published a study in 2006 that found that loneliness in people

nearing retirement age was associated with higher blood
pressure. Chronic feelings of social isolation were related to
as much as a thirty-point rise in systolic blood pressure by
the age of sixty-five, and this was independent of other risk
factors (Hawkley et al. 2006).

R. W., a psychoanalyst, was very familiar with

loneliness and social isolation in his patients. He had
his own health problems as well. He was attempting
to manage his own diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
He had tried numerous ways to manage all three,
including prescription medications. R. W. succumbed
to the same feelings of anxiety, guilt, and despair that
he found in his own patients. He knew he needed
something else to help him change the pattern. A
doctor taught R. W. the HeartMath tools. After three
months of practice, his diabetes came under control; he
lost twenty pounds and his blood sugar fell from 300
to just over 100. His triglycerides dropped from over
500 to 100, and his blood pressure went from 150/78
to 130/84. More importantly, the HeartMath program
allowed him to see he could control these conditions.

In chapter 5, we talked about the recommended lifestyle

changes to lower blood pressure. Most people with high
blood pressure have heard all about these recommendations.
We also talked about how hard it is for many people to suc-
ceed in making these changes. They may try some or all of
them, but often cant seem to stick to a program. They often
engage in yo-yo dieting and exercising, and feel tremen-
dous anxiety and guilt when they dont follow through.
Many people give up trying to fight against their bodies set
patterns. They feel helplessness and despair.
Resetting Your Thermostat 79

When Stress Becomes an Addiction

Stress in itself can become an addiction, just like food, alco-
hol, drugs, or gambling. Your baseline level for stress or any
other addiction gets set into your system over time. Many
people feel that they wouldnt know who they were if they
werent bathed in stress hormones all day. Stress addictions
can shape your sense of identity.

J. B. is a forty-nine-year-old attorney with a

tumultuous personal life and a very stressful law
practice. He has high blood pressure and a very strong
family history of heart disease. He suffered a massive
heart attack and survived against heavy odds.
HeartMath was part of his cardiac rehabilitation.
During his training he learned how negative
emotions impacted his underlying health. But you
dont understand, doctor, J. B. protested, I deal with
anger very wellI really blow my lid and get it out
of my system, and then Im done with it. J. B. was
quite surprised to learn what was actually happening
on the inside when he had his daily rants. He thought
that he was actually helping himself by exploding. He
didnt realize that he was sending his blood pressure
sky high. J. B. came to realize that he was addicted to
those outbursts, and with a little more insight, he
admitted that they made him feel important.

J. H., a high-tech entrepreneur, provides another exam-

ple of stress getting wired into the bodys hard drive:

I am a hypertensive. I belong to the group which

statistically makes up around 30 percent of the
population. HeartMath helped me achieve control
of my own hypertension and my addiction to stress.
80 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

I was always going, going, going; taking that next

cup of coffee to keep the adrenaline pumping while
trying to keep my uncontrolled emotions from getting
me in trouble in relationships. Now that I have
learned to regulate my emotions and increase the
percentage of positive emotions like care and
appreciation flowing through my body, I dont have to
take hypertension drugs at all anymore. The drop
below my previous blood pressure levels was
significant and I now experience clinically normal
blood pressure. Over the years, I experimented with
diet and exercise to see what effects they had on my
pressure. I knew what effects coffee and smoking had
had on my blood pressure, and while I found that diet
and exercise regimens made a slight difference, they
did not break the stress addiction. The HeartMath
tools did. The emotional freedom gained has had a
significant impact on my whole sense of well-being
and on my relationships.

The Power to Change

The Institute of HeartMath found that there is a very special
mode that the heart and cardiovascular system can shift into
that helps give people the power they need to reset unhealthy
baseline patterns. We will talk more about this mode in
upcoming chapters. The important point now is to know that
the HeartMath tools you will learn in chapter 9 were scientifi-
cally designed to help you shift into this empowered mode.
Regular practice of tools to increase heart coherence has been
shown to reset the baroreflex system (Lehrer et al. 2003) and
lower blood pressure (McCraty, Atkinson, and Tomasino
Chapter 8

The Big Connection

Now that weve taken a look into how the body and emotions
respond to all sorts of stress triggers, whether real or imag-
ined, and read some case histories of people who have
learned to reset their blood pressure thermostats, its time
to delve into the HeartMath story. It provides some very
exciting information that offers real hope. HeartMath
research has everything to do with your heart, and how your
heart talks to your brain.

The HeartMath Story,

as Told by Founder Doc Childre
In the early 1970s I began researching the physiology of stress
and emotions. I found that when people were under mental
or emotional stress, they often perceived relationships and
issues quite differently from when they were experiencing
positive feelings, or were at peace with themselves and their
lives. When people experienced genuine feelings of gratitude,
care, appreciation, or even love, their perspective often
82 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

widened and they intuitively saw how to resolve problems

that were troubling them.
Back then there were no universities studying the effects
of positive emotions on health and performance, as there are
today. Hundreds of self-help books and courses were avail-
able that tried to teach people how to be happier. I found a
common thread in many of these philosophies and traditions:
fulfillment was said to exist in the heart. I wanted to know
if this was true.
Have you ever noticed that at times you feel strong
emotionseither positive or negativein the center of your
chest? Many writers and artists have portrayed this observa-
tion in one way or another over the ages. Philosophers, poets,
musicians, playwrights, and lovers throughout history have
written or spoken of feelings that seem to come from the
heart. The Latin word for heart is cor. The French word for
heart is coeur. The Spanish word for heart is corazn. People
today speak of core values that come from the heart. They
use phrases all the time like heartfelt emotions, or heart-
broken, or put your heart into it, or the heart of the
I felt intuitively that there was a real and physical
connection between the heart and emotions. I knew that my
heart felt full when I was loving or appreciating someone,
and my heart felt constricted when I was angry or hurt. I
decided to expand my research to understand why this was
so. So I delved into the field of neurocardiology, studying
how the heart and brain work together, to see if I could figure
out something about the math of the heart.
In 1991, I formed the Institute of HeartMath, a nonprofit
research organization in Boulder Creek, California, to study
the physiology behind what had been poetic lore for thou-
sands of years. I assembled a team of psychologists,
The Big Connection 83

physiologists, and other scientists to build an electrophysiol-

ogy laboratory to research the connections between heart and
brain in greater depth than what was in the current literature.
We gathered together a prestigious board of scientific advi-
sors to guide our research. World-renowned psychiatrists,
cardiologists, brain researchers, mathematicians, and physi-
cists, along with engineers and biofeedback experts, helped
design our study protocols and critique the incoming data.
Heres a look at what we found.

Understanding the
Power of the Heart
Scientists have known for many years that electromagnetic
waves are generated by many structures in the body. Brain-
waves are a good example. The machine that measures brain-
waves is called the electroencephalograph, or EEG. Your
stomach and intestines generate electromagnetic waves as
they contract and relax at regular intervals. This helps to
optimize the absorption of nutrients and water so you have
the fuel to run the machinery of your body.
The hearts electromagnetic waves were first measured
in 1903 with the development of the electrocardiograph, usually
referred to as the ECG or EKG. A fact that can seem very
surprising is that the hearts electrical signal (ECG) is actually
about fifty times stronger (in electrical amplitude) than the
brains signal (EEG). Although this had been observed for
over a hundred years, nobody wondered about the signifi-
cance of ituntil recently.
The observation that the hearts waves are stronger than
the brains sort of goes against how scientists and the rest of
us view the human system. Most scientists have been taught
84 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

that the brain controls everything. It therefore makes little

sense that the signals coming from the heart would be so
much stronger than the signals coming from the master
control center, or that it would matter.
But thats what research is aboutlooking at the obvi-
ous and challenging assumptions. Scientists now have dis-
covered that they can measure your heartbeat by detecting
the hearts electromagnetic waves eight feet away from your
body! On the other hand, if they want to measure your brain-
waves using this same type of equipment, they can only
detect them a couple of inches away from your head.
Scientists know that electromagnetic waves carry infor-
mation. Radio waves are a common example of how informa-
tion is sent out via electromagnetic waves. The waves that
your heart and brain generate carry information that is sent
through your body and out into the space around you, just
like a radio transmitter. Yet the hearts signals have much
more power.

A New Research ToolHRV

Our HeartMath research team, headed by Dr. Rollin McCraty,
wanted to know what the heart waves and brain waves were
doing and saying. We learned that the heart and brain talk to
each other in a number of ways, one of which is through the
autonomic nervous system. We came upon a process that
gave us a window into this conversation. By analyzing the
patterns of heart rate variability, or HRV, which is derived
from the ECG, we could see changes in peoples mental and
emotional states.
Everybodys heart rate varies. Of course it has to. When
you are asleep, your heart beats slowlymaybe only about
50 or 60 beats per minute. When youre running up a hill, it
The Big Connection 85

might be beating at 160, or even higher, to help bring more

blood to your leg muscles. So your heart beats as fast or as
slow as it needs to beat. While the source of your heartbeat
your own built-in pacemakeris right in the heart itself, the
messages that regulate the speed of the heartbeat come down
along nerves from the brain to the heart. Your heartbeat is
independent of the brain, but its modulated by, or influenced
by, the brain. Your brain needs to vary the heart rate in order
to meet the perceived demands of the moment, whether run-
ning from danger or lying perfectly still in bed.
You may be interested to learn that HRV technology
isnt new; its whats inside the fetal monitor of obstetrics
units in every hospital. When a woman is having a baby, the
doctors and nurses watch the babys heartbeat. But its not
just the rate of the babys heartits the pattern of how the
heart rate is changing, or varying, that holds the valuable
information. It tells the doctor whether the baby is in distress
or whether everything is just fine.

Analyzing the HRV Pattern

The pattern of change in heart rate is analyzed by cardi-
ologists to predict survival after a heart attack and survival in
general (Stein et al. 2005). By analyzing the HRV pattern of
change in a different way, the research team at HeartMath
found that peoples emotional states are also reflected in their
HRV patterns (McCraty et al. 1995).
What do the patterns shown in figure 1 mean? These
patterns are from the same person, recorded while she was
experiencing different emotions. Notice the heart rate scale on
the left of each of the recordings. The average heart rate is the
same in both recordings, averaging about seventy beats per
minute. But the top pattern shows the heart rate going up
86 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Figure 1: Patterns of heart rate variability (HRV)

The top panel demonstrates a very irregular pattern, known also as a chaotic
pattern. The pattern on the bottom panel is very regular, or orderly, demon-
strating a property known in physics as coherence.

and coming down in a very erratic pattern. Herky-jerky

would be a very good way to describe it, wouldnt you say?
Actually, when physics experts are analyzing wave forms like
this, they use the term chaotic for the top pattern.
The bottom pattern has a very different look to it. When
physicists see a very orderly pattern like the one seen on the
lower graph, they use the term coherence. So the top pattern of
changing heart rate is chaotic, while the bottom pattern is
The Big Connection 87

Emotions and HRV

The significance of these two different patterns is strik-
ing as you watch them change in real time. We can attach a
small, portable heart monitor to you and record your heart-
beats and HRV patterns for twenty-four or forty-eight hours
at a time. Its interesting to observe that a somewhat chaotic
pattern is present almost all the time that you are awake and
active. Thats because your sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems are speeding up and slowing down the
heart rate in order to meet the needs of the moment. How-
ever, when your stress response has been activated, or when
you are experiencing negative emotions such as anger, hostil-
ity, or frustration, the pattern goes haywire and looks a lot
like an earthquake graph. (Isnt that how you feel sometimes
when you are emotionally upset?)
The coherent pattern can occur when you are in the
most deeply relaxed stage of sleep. That makes sense, because
your heart rate is gently fluctuating up and down, not being
influenced by events or emotions, while your body is in the
process of regenerating itself. But the coherent pattern occa-
sionally is seen also during the time you are awake. Why?
The HeartMath research team made a rather astounding
observation. We found that the coherent pattern is often seen
when you are feeling sincere, positive emotions, even while
you are active. Its also found during times of peak perfor-
mance, even when your heart rate is very high. The coherent
pattern isnt generated by low heart rate or relaxation, it is
generated by how you feel (McCraty et al. 1995). People have
used a number of terms for this coherent statebeing in
sync, or in a positive flow, or in the zone. Everyone falls
into the zone from time to time, usually inadvertently. Profes-
sional athletes seem to experience this more than most, but
88 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

the zone also can occur when you are working, communi-
cating, or creating. Its characterized by clarity, a sense of
timelessness, effortlessness, and positive mood.

The Three Levels of

the Human Brain
As animals evolved, they developed three layers in the brain.
The first layer, present in virtually all animals, has survival
functions in it. This first brain resides at the top of the spinal
column, just inside the skull, at the back. The centers in this
area of the brain regulate breathing, heart rate, blood pres-
sure, and many other functions necessary for keeping the
body alive. Obviously, these are all very automatic functions
you dont have to think about how fast your heart should be
beating or how many times a minute to breathe. This part of
the brain in humans is often called the hindbrain because
its in the back.
The second layer that developed is known as the
midbrain. Certain structures in this midbrain, which sits on
top of the hindbrain, have complex connections that deal with
emotion and memory. Together, these elements of the mid-
brain make up what is called the limbic system. One structure
in the limbic system is particularly interesting because it acts
as an emotional memory scanner. Its called the amygdala
(uh-MIGG-dah-lah). The amygdala is always scanning whats
going on in your experience right now, and comparing it to
all the events in your emotional memory bank. Even if you
have repressed a memory because it may have been unpleas-
ant, the amygdala will react to whats happening to you at
this moment based on what you have experienced before.
The Big Connection 89

The reason the amygdala is so important is that it serves

as the general alarm button for your entire system. Suppose
you are walking down a street late at night by yourself. That
might be a little frightening, depending on what city youre
in. As you turn a corner, theres a large shadow just to your
Lets pause this movie for just a moment. If you have
lived in very safe places your whole life, and still do, there
might not be anything at all in your emotional memory bank
that looks like this. But suppose you were once held up at
night at gunpoint, or were frightened in another way in a
similar situation. Your amygdala remembers that feeling and
its association with that experience.
So now that youre in potentially similar circumstances,
your amygdala is probably sending warning signals to your
system. When you round that corner and see a shadowfull
alert! The amygdala triggers your entire brain and nervous
system to go into survival mode. As mentioned earlier, there
are about 1,400 biochemical reactions that start to take place.
The sympathetic nervous system immediately is activated for
fight or flight. Adrenaline spills into your system, further
raising your heart rate and blood pressure. Shortly thereafter
cortisol shows up, raising your blood sugar and your blood
pressure to prepare you for the danger that you sense.

Pattern Matching
The notion of a left brain and right brain with entirely
separate functions is fading. Researchers now realize that its
not quite as simple as one function coming from one side of
your brain, and another coming from the opposite side.
Theres a lot of crossover. Dr. Karl Pribram, while head of the
Neuropsychological Laboratory at Stanford University, found
90 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

that the brain acts much more like a pattern recognition

machine (Pribram and Melges 1969). It is always looking for a
pattern to match to a previous experience or situation. Famil-
iar situations that have been positive experiences do not set
off your alarm system. But if that amygdala matches whats
happening right now to something that has had a bad
outcome in the past, ding! ding! ding!your survival
physiology is activated. You see, this emotion and memory
pattern recognition in your limbic system has a lot of advan-
tages to it. The faster you can match a pattern for danger, the
more likely you will react to it and avoid harmphysical or
psychological. Positive associations are also stored in this
limbic system, so recognizing the earmarks of a pleasurable,
caring, or nurturing situation is important, too, because youll
be drawn to it.

The Top LayerThe Cerebral Cortex

Lets get back to those three layers of the brain. People
are different from all other animals in that humans devel-
oped a huge layer of gray matter on top of the other two.
This layer is called the cortex (cover, or cap). While many
other animals have a cerebral cortex, the human brain is
about 80 percent cortex. Higher order brain functions occur
up on top. Your ability to think, reason, calculate, learn,
speak languages, do math, and many other complex func-
tions resides up here in the executive suite. One of the big
advantages of this part of the brain is that it allows you to
ponder what might happen in the future. Its where fore-
sight and planning come from. Perhaps most importantly,
you form opinions and judgments because of this layer. All
of this depends on that big cortex on top.
The Big Connection 91

The Heart-Brain Connection

Now that weve reviewed what happens in each of the three
layers of the brain, lets get back down to the heart. But
before we do that, pause for a moment to recall key points
from earlier in this chapter:
! The electromagnetic signal of the heart (ECG) has
about fifty times more amplitude than your next big-
gest signal generatorthe brain (EEG).

! Your heart signals can be measured about eight feet

away from your body, while your brain signals can be
measured only at or near your brains surface.

! Heart rate variability (HRV) technology allows doc-

tors and scientists to see how your heart and brain are

! Your heart rate patterns (HRV) reflect your emotional

state. The chaotic pattern is seen during periods of
stress and negative emotion. The coherent pattern is
seen during periods of sincere, positive emotion and
when youre in the zone.
Now lets add to this summary a relatively new discov-
ery in the field of neurocardiology: The information being
sent north from heart to brain is far more abundant than the
amount of information going south from brain to heart.
(Cameron 2002). Once again, this violates the basic assump-
tion that most people were taught: that the brain controls
everything. Lets look a little deeper.
The signals ascending from the heart go up to the
survival centers in the hindbrain where blood pressure, heart
rate, and respiratory rate are controlled. This part of the brain
analyzes the incoming information and makes changes
92 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

(Breathe faster, dummyyour oxygen is getting low!). But

theres more.
These very powerful heart signals affect not only these
most basic functions. They also affect your feelings and your
emotional memory center in the midbrain, the amygdala. In
fact, the cells of the amygdala synchronize to the pacemaker
cells in your heart (Frysinger and Harper 1990). So if your
HRV pattern is highly chaotic, the amygdala often matches
that to a negative emotional experience and automatically
recalls that negative feeling. Your brain waves up in the cor-
tex are also affected by those powerful chaotic heart signals,
coloring how you think and perceive (Sandman, Walker, and
Berka 1982). Your heart signals reach all the way to the top,
altering all of those complex functions (van der Molen,
Somsen, and Orlebeke 1985). So your executive-level process-
ing, such as calculation, communication, planning, and cre-
ativity, is affected by the pattern the brain is recognizing from
the big signal generator belowthe heart.
That seemed totally upside down to scientistsbut its
true, and it makes a lot of common sense to people who have
learned to listen to their hearts. The beauty of research is
that it eventually reveals what had been overlooked or mis-
understood in the past. Rather than being shocked by these
new findings, its time to see how to put them to work.
Chapter 9

The HeartMath Tools

You can learn to shift your emotions and change your HRV
pattern to reverse stress and improve your health. Dr. Grant
Slinger, director of Keystone Wellness Clinic in Rockefeller
Plaza, New York, and a licensed HeartMath provider, teaches
his patients how to do just that.
A. P. was referred to Keystone Wellness by his
primary care physician because he was hypertensive,
obese, prediabetic, and unable to lose weight.
A highly successful owner of a company in the
high-stress construction industry, A. P. had a lot
of anxiety and anger. He harbored a kitchenette
and vending machine in his private office, where he
ate chocolate bars and other goodies. When he went
to a restaurant, he couldnt resist emptying the entire
bread basket. A. P. had tried controlled eating plans,
but was unable to follow them. He knew what to do
but couldnt stick to it. He knew that a lot of his
problem was due to the stress he was under. He was
in fear for his health, which he knew was in danger.
When A. P. came to us, his blood pressure was
160/80, Dr. Slinger reported. We explained how the
HeartMath program works and that he did have
94 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

control over changing his HRV. That was a big aha

for him. He decided to use the HeartMath program
without messing around. After his first session, he felt
much better and his family commented that he seemed
more at ease. A. P. said that using the HeartMath
tools to change his HRV pattern to the coherent mode
interrupted his thought and emotion process. After five
training sessions at the clinic, he found that he was
becoming more aware of what he was eating and had
more control over it, even in the midst of difficult
business decisions. In just over three months, he lost
thirty-eight pounds and his blood pressure dropped to
120/70. This time period included the holiday season,
when the temptation to eat even more was greater.
His temperament changed completely. He was smiling,
and more relaxed overall. Recently, A. P. suffered the
loss of a family member. He was able to handle it
without returning to his old habits.

Stress has been shown to be a very powerful component

of many diseases, not just hypertension. It may even be a
more powerful risk factor for heart disease than smoking,
blood cholesterol levels, or genetics. And in many cases,
reducing stress can help reduce these other risk factors.

B. N. wrote: My husband has seen a dramatic

decrease in his blood pressure (from 200s/100s to
90s/60s and 70s!) since he started using the
HeartMath tools two years ago. His cholesterol is
now less than 200 (it was close to 300). The tools
gave him insight into what coherence feels like, so
that when he feels his stress level rising, he can shift
into that state. His meds have been reduced and we
anticipate that hell be able to discontinue them at
The HeartMath Tools 95

some point. We have also worked with his diet and

exercise, including yoga. This didnt seem to impact
the BP and cholesterol too much, perhaps because
theres a lot of genetics and family history with high
blood pressure and cholesterol. I can honestly say
that learning to shift out of stress in the moment
as it arises is what essentially changed his BP, his
cholesterol, and his life in a very positive way!

How Controlling HRV

Can Reverse Stress
When an event occurs that triggers your stress response,
nerve centers in your brain rapidly send signals to other areas
of the brain to respond. At this point the response is uncon-
scious, and you have not yet experienced the actual feeling.
Signals are sent down the nerves to the heart, glands, and
other organs and an entire cascade of 1,400 biochemical reac-
tions is set into motionall part of the alarm system. When
these signals arrive at the heart, they create a chaotic HRV or
heart rhythm pattern. Then this chaotic pattern is sent back
up to the limbic centers in the midbrain that deal with emo-
tion. The amygdala recognizes the chaotic pattern. This is
when you actually feel the anxiety, panic, or anger.
Up in the executive suite of your cortex, these chaotic
signals from the heart inhibit cortical function. The smart
part of your brain shuts down to a degree. After all, you
dont need to be able to do your calculus homework when
youre being chased by a tiger. This turns out to be an expla-
nation for why people do really stupid things when theyre
stressed out or badly frightened. Everybody certainly has had
that experience.
96 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Fortunately, the opposite is also true. When the HRV

signal from the heart is coherent, the brains three levels all
synchronize and you experience what is called cortical facilita-
tion (improved function). Its all systems go. Your field of
perception is wider, your reaction times improve, and you
see solutions more easily. You interpret events in the envi-
ronment differentlymore clearly; and you react in a more
productive waymore intelligently. Now you know why
Doc coined the term heart intelligence.
Right about now you might be saying to yourself, If
these heart signals are so powerful, and the pattern they are
sending up to the brain so profoundly influential over all
these areas, wouldnt it be great to find a way to throw a
switch so that coherence is being broadcast instead of chaos?
This is exactly what HeartMath is about. Now that you
understand that chronic, recurrent stress signals are actually
harming you in many ways, it would be far better for your
blood pressure and your higher brain function if your big
signal generator was singing the coherence songunless
your life is actually being threatened at the moment.
By using HRV technology, the researchers at the Insti-
tute of HeartMath were able to observe the changing rhyth-
mic patterns of the heart while people experienced either
stressful or positive emotional states. Once they saw that, all
they had to do was experiment in their laboratory with differ-
ent triggers that might help throw the coherence switch.
While many techniques developed over hundreds or
even thousands of years (meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi)
can be effective, they often dont work immediately and cant
be done in the moment. Dont forget that once that rapid
stress response occurs, it can continue uninterrupted for long
periods. As stated earlier, many people have become habitu-
ated to stressit seems to be present most of the time. They
The HeartMath Tools 97

need something to stop the stress reaction as soon as it

starts right now!

First Things FirstRecognizing That

Your Stress Button Has Been Pushed
If you are going to learn to stop your stress response and all
of its consequences, youre going to have to be more in tune
with how it feels when it has been activated. Many people
experience this chemistry so much of the time that it has
become white noise in the background. Some even say that
its normal to live like thisits just the way the world is
It doesnt have to be this way. But if youre going to
learn to throw your switch, you have to pay attention to your
stressful feelings. Your internal radar screen has to become a
little more sensitive, so you can know when your stress but-
ton has been pushed and then you can take steps to turn it

NeutralThe Most Basic Tool

The concept of neutral is not new. One of your mentors might
have told you to try to stay neutral. Neutral is a pretty
good place to be. Think of the neutral gear in your car that
allows you to pause and shift direction should the need arise.
Neutral allows you to evaluate things more clearly and go in
the best direction for the situation. It prevents you from react-
ing in a way that will bring you more trouble. If youre going
sixty miles an hour, however, its going to take you awhile to
stop or slow down to neutral and change direction. Most peo-
ple know exactly this feeling when they get into an argument
98 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

or disagreement with someone they really care about. The

emotions run high, and they blurt out something in the heat
of the moment that they know theyll regret even as the
words are passing through their lips. That little voice in the
head says, Oh no, I didnt just say that . . . I wonder how
long its going to take to recover from that one? In many
situations people wish they could get to neutral faster. They
canby engaging the power of the heart first.

The Neutral Tool

Think of Neutral as a time-out zone where you can
step back, neutralize your emotions, and see more options
with clarity. The HeartMath Neutral tool has only two simple
steps: Heart Focus and Heart Breathing.

Heart Focus
When you feel your stress button being pushed, recog-
nize it. Then shift your attention from all that internal noise
and chatter in your head down to the center of your chest
the area around your heart. (After all, if youre going to use
this master pendulum, youll need to engage it by focusing in
that area.)
1. Simply let your attention drop gently down to
your chest, and try to focus there. The next step
will help you keep your focus in this area so
youll be able to maintain it.

Heart Breathing
Imagine that you are slowly breathing in and out
through your heart. Of course, you cant actually breathe
through your heartthats what your lungs are for. But
The HeartMath Tools 99

engaging your heart and using your imagination is very

important to the process. So slow your breathing down a
little. Count to five or six while youre breathing in through
your heartslowly and easilyand let it out to a count of
five or six. This helps regulate your HRV. Now, gently, with-
out extra work or effort, forget counting and just let the air
come in and go out in that easy rhythm while you try to
disengage from stressful thoughts and feelings.
2. Take a time-out; breathe slowly and deeply.
Imagine the air entering and leaving through
the heart area, or center of your chest. Try to
disengage from your stressful thoughts and
feelings as you continue to breathe. Repeat this
a few times, keeping your focus right in the
center of your chest until youve taken the
charge out of the negative thoughts and
emotions and you feel your stress response
Neutral is a great place to be. It stops the energy drain
associated with all of that nervous-system traffic and com-
plicated chemistry. It enhances brain function, giving you a
range of choices that will help, not further complicate, your
situation. Neutral is helpful even after the stress response has
been triggered and you have reacted by doing something
stupid that will bring you, and possibly others, more stress.
At any point in the chain reaction, you can use the Neutral
tool to stop it in its tracks. If you want your blood pressure to
be lower, you will want to stop reacting in a way that keeps
pumping all those stress chemicals into your system.
B. R. was diagnosed with malignant hypertension, the
most severe form. B. R. says:
100 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

The doctors told me that I should have had a stroke

and died. My blood pressure was 250/140 when I was
admitted to the hospital. They couldnt do a stress test
because my blood pressure was so high and they were
going to give me an injection to do an invasive test.
I remembered the HeartMath tools that Id been
taught but hadnt been practicing. I was lying on the
gurney when I told them, Give me fifteen minutes,
Ill breathe through the heart and get it down. After
fifteen minutes, I got it to 190/120 but it was still
too high. After five more minutes of deeply focusing
in my heart and heart breathing, it went down to
150/90 and my cardiologist was shocked. They put
me on three medications and regular practice of
HeartMath tools. I really learned to practice Neutral.
I had to. Now, six months later, I have my blood
pressure under good control.
Neutral is powerful. It changes the tune playing on your
internal hard drive. In most situations, the Neutral tool takes
less than a minute to be effective if you mean business. You
can do it ten, twenty, even fifty times a day, just for practice.
Then it can become an automatic response when you really
need it.
But Neutral is only the first part of the process. The
emotional charge is gone, but you may still be feeling anxiety
or tension. You need to make an emotional shift. So lets take
regulating your HRV one step deeper, so you can make this
positive shift in the direction of not only less cortisol, but
more DHEA.
The HeartMath Tools 101

Quick Coherence
Quick Coherence is a rapid three-step technique to shift your
emotional state and have positive emotions running through
your system. This helps you get the coherence pattern going
on your big signal generator so that all of the functions in
your body synchronize, and all the stress chemical pathways
reverse. Youve already learned the first two steps of Quick
Coherence (Heart Focus and Heart Breathing); theyre the
same as the Neutral tool.
Now lets add the third step, Heart Feeling. In this step,
you will engage a positive emotion to shift into coherence.
Back in the early 1990s, when the team of researchers at
the Institute was experimenting with various triggers to
switch over to coherence, they listened carefully to Docs
earlier research findings and personal experiences. He had
found that intentionally generating sincere, positive feelings
of love, care, gratitude, and appreciation gave people more
mental clarity. These happen to be the same positive emo-
tions that all the worlds major religions have asked people to
practice over hundreds and even thousands of years. Perhaps
their founders intuitively knew that these positive emotions,
sincerely felt, change the heart in some way.
That smooth, rhythmic, orderly pattern of coherence
gets broadcast by your heart, your most powerful beacon.
That signal goes north up to your brain, hitting the emotional
centers in the midbrain, like your amygdala. This coherent
pattern helps override negative emotional programming and
gets transmitted all the way to the frontal lobes of your brain.
Thats when you can actually choose, with that smarter part
of your brain, to respond more intelligently to the situation
youre in. You experience cortical facilitation and are likely to
102 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

see more appropriate ways to respondways that will bring

you less stress, not more.
In the laboratory, the HeartMath scientists observed that
the mood or emotion of appreciation seemed to be the easiest
switcher of the HRV pattern over to coherence. While all
genuine, positive emotions will do this, appreciation worked
fastest for most people, most of the time. But again, any posi-
tive feeling will work if sincerely practiced. A positive feeling
state is just thata feeling. Its not a thought process. You
want to genuinely feel the appreciation. If you cant feel
appreciation (and some people cant at first), simply pick
someone or something that youre grateful for, or care very
much for, to appreciate. Even if you cant feel the feeling of
appreciation, having the attitude of appreciation will start the
process. This worked for M. H., a successful corporate lawyer
with high blood pressure.

M. H. was overweight, pale, and couldnt look you

in the eye. He was extremely unhappy and stressed
and was classified as an emotional eater. He had been
to doctors and knew everything he should be doing
correctly, but he couldnt stick to it. He didnt think
he could have control. After four months of practicing
HeartMath and what he calls appreciation attitude
shifting, he stopped emotional eating and lost nearly
30 pounds, going from 296 pounds to 269 pounds.
His blood pressure also went from 162/110 to 122/84,
allowing his doctor to decrease his blood pressure
medication by 50 percent. He is now much happier
and more able to deal with stress. In his words,
Its spooky how differently I feel.

When youre first learning the Quick Coherence tech-

nique, it can be helpful to remember a time or moment in
The HeartMath Tools 103

your life that makes you feel good by just remembering it.
See if you can pick one of those times right now. It doesnt
matter what it isa warm beach, a sunset, a mountaintop,
being with someone you love, a pet, or even a favorite meal.
Its not thinking about that experience that helps you get
coherent, its the actual feeling you have from recalling it. Its
not a picture to be imaginedits your positive emotional
memory of the experience.
As you gain experience with the HeartMath tools, you
will want to build a file of these positive moments in your
past that you can recall when stress is triggered, to help you
activate a positive feeling. Remember, youre switching feel-
ings to get into coherence, not to get an A on a test. As you
get into more coherence, youll have more intelligence avail-
able to you on how to best respond to a situation.
What youll find as you practice Neutral and Quick
Coherence is that things that used to give you stress wont
bring about those same reactions anymore. Those frenzied,
reactive feelings will increasingly be replaced by more
balance, calm, and clarity. Thats because coherence is
becoming a dominant pattern in your system more and
more of the time. Your brain function is changing. You enjoy
a broader field of perception, and youre more open to the
many things going on all around you that bring you sincere
appreciation. You develop a keen awareness of when youre
coherent and when youre not. When your stress physiology
is in gear, youll notice that your field of vision is narrowed,
as if youre looking through a straw, and only at the
enemy, not realizing that enemy is your own limited
So its time to try all three of the Neutral and Quick
Coherence steps:
104 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

1. Heart FocusShift your attention to the area of

the heart and breathe slowly and deeply.

2. Heart BreathingKeep your focus in the heart

by gently breathingfive seconds in and five
seconds out through your heart. Do this two
or three times.

3. Heart FeelingActivate and sustain a genuine

feeling of appreciation or care for someone or
something in your life. Focus on the good heart
feeling as you continue to breathe through the
area of your heart.
As you try to sustain this positive feeling, youll find
that your thoughts will wander or youll be distracted by a
phone ringing or voices nearby. Thats okay. Simply return to
the heart breathing, and after a few cycles in and out,
reengage that positive feeling.
Neutral and Quick Coherence are the most basic tools,
and the ones youll need in order to switch out of the stress
response thats raising your blood pressure, so that you can
lower the pressure and keep it down. Frequent practice of
these tools can take place almost any time or any place
while walking, driving, or even in the middle of a stressful
Coherence training isnt relaxation therapy. Relaxation
is a state of low activity and can lead to drowsiness. Being
able to relax is important, but you can be relaxed and still feel
worried or depressed. Coherence, triggered by the orderly,
rhythmic pattern in the signal from your heart, is associated
with positive feelings and positive energy, as well as clear,
efficient thinking that helps you interpret information with
less bias. Creativity is enhanced and problem solving is sim-
pler. Thats why people sometimes call periods of sustained
The HeartMath Tools 105

coherence the zone. Its where they perform at their best.

Coherence stops energy drain in the most physical sense. It
builds the power to rewire your system to healthier and more
efficient function.
Chapter 10

Rewriting Your Patterns

If we are going to help you rewire your system to change

your blood pressure, were going to have to help you rewrite
your patterns and reset your thermostat. As stated earlier,
many people get so bombarded by events and negative emo-
tions that their system stays stuck in a negative pattern of
responses. Those negative emotions create chaos, psychologi-
cally and physiologically, which can become so familiar that
it feels normal. The greatest news is that by using your heart
you can rewrite those patterns without as much time and
effort as you may think.

Writing New Patterns

Do you remember learning how to drive? What an anxiety-
provoking experience that was for most people! You had to
learn each step. It required lots of cortical brain function.
Your cognitive skills had to be used over and over: Hold the
steering wheel at ten oclock and two oclock. Put on your turn
signal. Look over your left shoulder. Check the rearview mirror.
Now check the side view mirror; now look over your shoulder again.
Now change lanes. Prepare to turn left. Put on your turn signal
108 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

again. Foot off the gas; now gently apply the brake. Now,
hand-over-hand, turn the steering wheel. Now recover, back to
straight again. Now more gas.
Exhausting! And that was just learning how to make a
turn. Ultimately you had to learn how to do something as
complicated as parallel parking. It required lots of focus, and
attention, and calculation, and experience, and repetition.
If you were asked today how you drive your car to
work or to the grocery store, youd probably name the route
you take. But if asked specifically how you operate your car
to get from point A to point B, youd have no recollection of
all those steps. Now you are able to drink your cup of coffee,
answer your cell phone, and speak to the other person, all
while driving a two-ton machine, often at high speeds and
with multiple manipulations. And you get to work just fine.
How does that happen?
After performing the same tasks over and over, repeat-
ing each step many times, these actions eventually become
automatic. They are performed by a lower portion of your
brain, saving your cognitive areas for matters such as evalu-
ating driving conditions, or navigating through unfamiliar
When actions become automatic, they have imprinted a
pattern that has become familiar. Once this happens, mes-
sages are sent much more quickly and easily along the path-
ways of the nervous system. More traffic along the familiar
pathways creates easier travel. We refer to this as rewriting the
neural architecture.
Fortunately, you can rewrite the neural architecture in
your stress response system, even if youve had the same
responses to situations multiple times. Once the research
team at the Institute of HeartMath learned how the brain and
the heart were interacting, we saw the potential for grooving
Rewriting Your Patterns 109

new pathways using the master pendulum. With a little

practice, you can change your internal habits.
Heres a story from a grateful patient, S. H., that
describes her process of rewriting.

For the past five years, every time I went to the

doctor my blood pressure was elevated. I passed it
off as white coat syndrome. Last time I went to the
doctor he said that since it was elevated every time,
he would assume that I do have hypertension. I used
a blood pressure monitor at home and found out that
indeed my systolic blood pressure was running around
140145. I was not able to lower it below that. My
diastolic pressure was fine. I had tried to avoid facing
the facts.
My doctor did some tests to rule out other
problems like kidney dysfunction or salt imbalances
in my system. After those came out negative,
I considered that my stress level and out-of-balance
emotions might be the source of my high pressure.
I can be a pretty high-amp person. Then I took a
little time to reflect on just this past year. I was
functioning at a very high level in my job, bringing
in more sales than I ever had. I remodeled and
painted my home. I faced some of my biggest fears,
and had some other physical challenges. I had lost
two close friends to cancer. Could I possibly have
reset my system to believe that stress was the norm?
A very close and respected friend gave me the
advice that I would be able to calm myself and reset
my system. I knew that many people had good results
lowering their blood pressure using the HeartMath
tools. So I set out to do it.
110 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

I began by taking short time-outs during the

day to use the Quick Coherence technique. First I
would tune in to how I was feeling inside. Next I
would take a few seconds and tell myself I was going
to calm myself. Next, I would take about twenty or
thirty seconds to breathe a feeling of calm in and out
of my heart. Then I recalled a time I felt very calm
and peaceful inside, such as sitting on the top of
a ridge with friends quietly looking out over the
mountain ranges.
I have been doing this for about two weeks now.
I stop and do it whenever I catch myself with too
much amp inside, or when I have an emotional
reaction to something, or catch myself holding my
breath. By being more conscious all day long as to
whether I was relaxed or not, I discovered that I
was moving too fast and out of sync.
After one week, I began to get some readings
between 120 and 138, mostly in the lower range.
This gave me hope. I added two special ten- to
fifteen-minute Heart Lock-In sessions [the technique
you will learn in this chapter] to my day, while
listening to Doc Childres Heart Zones music. I focus
on calming myself and sending appreciation to myself
for doing this and then sending appreciation to others.
More and more during the day when I catch myself
getting overly concerned or upset about something,
I say to myself, Its just not worth it and do a
Quick Coherence exercise.
When I am deeply relaxed my systolic blood
pressure runs lower. I am now able to actually feel
inside when my blood pressure is up. I feel a nervous
feeling running in my veins and it is more difficult to
Rewriting Your Patterns 111

relax. So I stay with Quick Coherence, repeating the

steps, until I feel myself relax deeply.
I know I have to stay very diligent to reset my
system. I often wake up with the adrenaline running
in my system. But I feel there is real hope in applying
the HeartMath tools to reset this. I have made a
commitment to myself to stay very steady with my

Heart Lock-In
The final technique you will learn in this book is called Heart
Lock-In. While there are a number of other HeartMath tools
and techniques, the use of Neutral, Quick Coherence, and
Heart Lock-In will be the most helpful to you in lowering
your blood pressure.
The Heart Lock-In technique is to be used daily, to help
sustain coherence to rewrite your pathways and make a
psychological and physiological habit out of more beneficial
responses. This technique builds on the steps that youve
already learned, with slight modification.
1. Shift your attention to the area of the heart and
breathe slowly and deeply.
2. Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of
appreciation or care for someone or something
in your life.
3. Send these feelings of appreciation or care
toward yourself and others.
After shifting your attention to the center of your chest,
and breathing slowly in and out through your heart, send
these feelings of appreciation or care to yourself and others.
Sending feelings may seem strange at first, but everyone
112 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

unconsciously sends feelings to their bodies and to other

people all the time.

Your Energies Do Affect Others

Did you ever wonder why some people always seem to
affect you negatively, while others always seem to make you
feel great? Relationships between people, at home or at work,
are based on the same principles of coherence and chaos. The
very powerful heart signal is not only causing contractions in
your heart muscle. That big signal is doing lots of things to
youphysically, emotionally, and mentally, as weve seen.
Remember how we discussed that the strong electromagnetic
field generated by the heart can be measured well outside
your body? The latest research from our laboratory has
shown that these signals are also picked up by other peoples
nervous systems.
Your stress and negativity really do affect other people,
just as your positive emotions have an effect. The Heart
Lock-In technique helps you to become more conscious of
this process. By learning to intentionally send positive emo-
tions to yourself and others, you sustain coherence longer
and increase its positive effect.
A good place to start step 2 is to appreciate yourself for a
minute or two. There are probably many things about your-
self that you could appreciate. Go aheadnobodys looking.
If you have trouble finding something, simply appreciate
yourself for reading this book and making a sincere effort to
lower your blood pressure and improve your health. You are
in charge here. This isnt your doctor telling you what you
have to do, or writing you a prescription. It isnt anything
thats going to give you side effects (except the side effects
of having cortical facilitation and possibly improving your
Rewriting Your Patterns 113

health, your home life, and your work life). Now appreciate
yourself for practicing these tools. Youre taking the time, and
doing something for yourself, as simple as it may seem.
After appreciating yourselfreally feel that appreciative
attitudejust shift a little and radiate that appreciation out to
others. You might pick members of your family for this
exercise today. Tomorrow you might pick people who have
helped you out in times of need. Or your book club, or your
tennis group, or people you are close to at work or at your
church. Simply expand the focus of your appreciation
outward from yourself to those around you.

Sustaining Coherence
Try to sustain appreciative feelings and attitudes in a
Heart Lock-In for five minutes or longer. The longer you can
do this and hold it, the better it is for you and your system.
Youre learning to sustain coherence.
Remember, if your thoughts wander or you are dis-
tracted in some other way, its not a problem. Just go back to
Heart Focus and Heart Breathing. Once youve gotten back
into your heart breathing rhythm, simply return to appreciat-
ing yourself and then radiate appreciation out to your chosen
group for this session.

When to Practice Heart Lock-In

Practicing the Heart Lock-In technique for ten or fifteen
minutes every dayall at once, or divided into two or three
sessionshelps to very quickly groove beneficial pathways
driven by coherence. Its ideal to spend some time at the
beginning of each day doing this, before the horns in your
world start blowing, and the phone calls start pouring in, and
114 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

the e-mails start flooding your in-box. Why not start the day
with a coherent program playing in your system?
Most people find that doing a Heart Lock-In a couple of
times a day helps to accumulate energy and recharge their
emotional system. It cushions the impact of day-to-day stress
and reduces energy drain. Doing a short, midday Lock-In is
very effective for offsetting the feeling of afternoon drag. That
drag results in less focus and motivation. Its also a time
when you might be tempted to snack or grab another cup of
coffee to pump up your energy level. Let Heart Lock-In
reenergize your emotional system instead.
Another time to use Heart Lock-In is just before sleep.
Many have found that doing the Heart Lock-In technique at
this time promotes a more restful sleep and is especially help-
ful with insomnia.
Practicing the Heart Lock-In technique while listening to
background music that lifts your spirit can increase its
positive effects (McCraty et al. 1996; McCraty et al. 1998;
McCraty, Atkinson, and Tomasino 2001). Coauthor Doc
Childre has created two music CDs that are designed to be
used with Heart Lock-In to facilitate coherence and emotional
regeneration (see Learn More About HeartMath).
Heart Lock-In helps to rewrite the old, automatic pro-
gramming and to lock-in a new pattern so that when you
need to quickly use Neutral or Quick Coherence in the heat of
the moment, the coherent pattern and pathway becomes more
accessible, and eventually preferred.
In a short while, and with some regular practice, you
wont have to stop and recall all the steps of the tools. For
example, with Heart Lock-In, all youll need to remember are
the key words: shift, activate, and send. Your switch will be
readily available to you. You will find that simply shifting
your attention to your heart will start the cascade of positive
Rewriting Your Patterns 115

reactions inside, just as your old habits triggered the negative

You have control over your programming. Now have
some fun and use these tools. You will be surprised to look
back and see how often you were hijacked by your old
responses, and how effective your new responses have
Chapter 11

HeartMath Studies

HeartMath began designing and delivering training pro-

grams based on these tools to corporations, health profession-
als, and individuals in the mid-1990s. Many companies,
especially the larger ones, had begun noticing that stress was
taking an increasing toll on their employees at all levels. One
of the symptoms was the number of health care dollars
being spent on stress-related complaints. Ten years later that
number is much higher. The American Institute of Stress esti-
mates that between 75 and 90 percent of visits to primary care
physicians are related in some way to stress (Rosch 1991).
Another observation made by large employers was that
productivity was affected by stress and stress-related ill-
nesses. Absenteeism was much higher in workers who
reported high levels of stress. Companies were beginning to
realize that the stress epidemic was very costly to them.
The Institute of HeartMath has always been a data-
driven organization. Our scientists and advisors felt very
strongly that our interventions should be carefully monitored
to validate their effectiveness and so that we could make
refinements to our methods. So when we designed the first
HeartMath corporate training program, which took place at
118 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Motorola in 1995, we also designed a statistically analyzable

questionnaire to measure personal and organizational stress
and the symptoms and problems that went with it. Before
administering this questionnaire, physiological measures
were collected. Blood pressure, of course, happened to be one
of them.

Early Results
Forty-eight employees at three levels within Motorola were
selected to participate in a HeartMath stress-management
course. Nine executives, nine software engineers, and thirty
factory workers attended, but blood pressure recordings were
only available in the first two groups (executives and
engineers). Five of the participants were found to have
Six months after the subjects participated in the pro-
gram where they learned HeartMath tools and were encour-
aged (but not mandated) to practice them daily, the blood
pressure readings had dropped significantly in all five of the
subjects. In addition, further reductions were seen immedi-
ately after the participants were asked to practice a variation
of the Quick Coherence technique while their blood pressure
was being monitored.
Its important to realize that this program was not
designed to lower blood pressure, but rather to give the
participants tools to reduce their own levels of stress and
enhance their enjoyment of work. Blood pressure was simply
one of the variables being measured in the process. Follow-up
testing six months later found that contentment, job satisfac-
tion, and communication all improved in the group as a
whole. Not surprisingly, feelings of tension and anxiety were
reduced, as were physical symptoms of stress.
HeartMath Studies 119

Five people with hypertension is a very small number.

But in this early research study, the HeartMath team was
very excited to see that blood pressure dropped significantly
in each of the five participants. It was a great beginning.
We noted something else back in the mid-1990sthat
people attending the corporate programs gave stress only
minor acknowledgment. But as time went along and more
seminars were delivered, more and more people admitted
that stress was a bigger and bigger problem in both their
personal lives and at work.
Shortly after this first study, the team designed another
study specifically to evaluate whether Inner Quality Manage-
ment, a corporate stress-management program using the
HeartMath tools, could improve emotional health and reduce
blood pressure in employees at a large and well-known
global information technology company. The study was
based on earlier observations that the HeartMath techniques
had favorably altered autonomic nervous system measure-
ments (McCraty et al. 1995; Tiller, McCraty, and Atkinson
1996), reduced cortisol levels and increased DHEA levels
(McCraty et al. 1998), and enhanced immune activity
(McCraty et al. 1996; Rein, Atkinson, and McCraty 1995).
Twenty-eight male and female employees of this
company were assigned either to a group that received the
HeartMath Inner Quality Management training, or to a con-
trol group that was waiting to be trained in these tools. The
two groups had essentially the same characteristics (height,
weight, gender, blood pressure levels, and whether or not
medications were being taken for hypertension), though there
was a slight difference in the average ages of the two groups
(forty-eight in the treatment group versus forty-three in the
control group).
120 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

The results of this study were also very encouraging

(see figure 2). After three months, the average drop in systolic
blood pressure was 10.6 points for the people who learned
the HeartMath tools. The diastolic pressures dropped as well.
Interestingly, both systolic and diastolic pressures also
dropped by small amounts in the control group waiting for
HeartMath training (McCraty, Atkinson, and Tomasino 2003).
This is often seen in scientific studies. Scientists believe that
when people are being paid attention to in a study, even
though they are not in the active treatment group, changes
can occur no matter what the study is measuring (blood pres-
sure, in this case). This is precisely why its important to have
a control group in a research experimentso the observed
changes can be compared between the treated subjects and
the control subjects. In this case, the diastolic pressures, even
though they dropped by an average of 6.3 points in the exper-
imental group, were not different enough from the drop seen
in the controls (3.9 points) to reach statistical significance.
How does the big drop in systolic blood pressure seen
in the people practicing the HeartMath tools compare to some
of the other lifestyle changes that hypertensive patients are
encouraged to make? A 10.6-point drop in systolic blood
pressure would be equivalent to the changes expected with a
forty-pound weight loss, or twice the drop expected with
either a salt-restricted diet or an exercise program.
Because the study was designed to cut stress in the
workplace, the researchers were also gratified that in addition
to lowering blood pressure, treatment also significantly
decreased depression and other symptoms of stress, and work-
ers developed a more positive outlook about their jobs. These
results point out once again that mood is highly correlated
with blood pressure.
HeartMath Studies 121

Figure 2: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure in males and females practicing
HeartMath tools vs. those waiting to be trained.

Correlating Mood and

Blood Pressure
In another very interesting study conducted by the National
Center of Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Maryland, Dr. Bruce Jonas and his colleagues
followed almost 3,000 people with normal blood pressure for
up to sixteen years. They looked at both blacks and whites in
two age groups (2544 and 4564). There was a high
122 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

correlation between the development of high blood pressure

in people with high levels of anxiety and depression. This
study was important because it showed that people with neg-
ative emotional states (mood) are two to three times more
likely to develop hypertension in the future (Jonas, Franks,
and Ingram 1997). The physiology of this was discussed in
the last chapter when we discussed the emotions of stress. T.
M.s story, below, is a great example.

T. M. is a fifty-two-year-old male executive in a

high-tech company. There is a strong family history
of hypertension. Since 1986, T. M. had gone to
extreme measures to manage his high blood pressure
transferring to less-stressful positions, leaving his job
altogether (twice), losing weight, exercising, removing
salt from his diet, and growing, preparing, and
canning all his own food without saltall to no avail.
An internist suspected that T. M.s condition was
anxiety related and prescribed Serzone, an
antidepressant medication with antianxiety effects.
Initial success was short-lived. After several months,
T. M. noticed his blood pressure creeping back up
until it reached an average of 170/110. T. M. attended
a HeartMath seminar in the fall of 1998 and found
that he could bring about profound improvements in
his high blood pressure using the HeartMath tools. In
a letter written in March 1999, four months after his
introduction to the techniques, T. M. reported that his
blood pressure readings were as low as 97/75, readings
he had not seen in over twenty years. He was able to
stop taking the Serzone and noted, My family has
commented that I am noticeably different, a comment
I never received while using prescription medications
for anxiety.
HeartMath Studies 123

Beyond the Corporate World

Have you ever thought that your job must be the most
stressful one on earth? Oddly enough, you are not alone. The
Institute of HeartMath completed a fascinating study of
correctional officers in three prison facilities (McCraty et al.
2003). (Still think your job is the most stressful?)
The study enrolled eighty-eight officers and split them
into two groups. The control group waited for the program,
while the study group learned about health risk factors and
attended a seminar on stress management using the
HeartMath tools. Follow-up took place after three months.
Although the numbers were relatively small and the
follow-up period was short, the biggest problem with this
study was that the study group and the controls were all in
the workplace together. On top of that, some of the members
of the study group were married to members of the control
group waiting to take the course later, so there was quite a bit
of crosstalk between groups.
Despite these problems, which made the statistical com-
parison between groups more difficult, this study made some
fascinating observations. After three months, the officers
reported the following changes:

! decreased stress ! increased goal clarity

! decreased anger ! increased motivation

! decreased fatigue ! increased productivity

! decreased hostility ! increased gratitude

! decreased impatience ! increased positive outlook

! decreased overall ! increased perceived

psychological distress managerial support
124 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

But what about blood pressure? Both their systolic and

diastolic pressures fell significantly. As seen in figure 3,
significant reductions were also seen in the following:
! Heart rate
! Blood glucose
! Total cholesterol
! LDL (bad) cholesterol
! Total/HDL cholesterol ratio

Taken together, the government organization that com-

missioned the study determined that all of these improve-
ments added up to a projected healthcare savings of about
$700 per employee per year.

HeartMath in Health Care

Its clear from years of experience and scientific testing that
learning and practicing the HeartMath tools can make a very
big difference in your life. As a cardiologist, I (Dr. Bruce
Wilson) had my first experience with HeartMath in the con-
text of finding a scientifically based program of stress reduc-
tion for patients with heart disease.
After initially resisting the offer to attend a program, I
found myself riveted to my chair back in 1997 as Dr. McCraty
spoke about the original research done at HeartMath. The
observations about the very powerful communication between
the heart and the brain nearly knocked me off my seat. Like
other physicians, I was taught throughout my medical educa-
tion to doubt everything that passed in front of me. Thats a
good thing, for the most part, because it helps doctors guide
their patients to interventions that are based on hard evidence.
Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Glucose

230 48 160 110

220 150
46 105
mg mg mg mg
210 *** 140 ***
/dL /dL /dL /dL **
44 100
200 130
42 95
190 120

180 40 110 90
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

Systolic Blood Diastolic Blood Heart Rate

Pressure Pressure
126 84 78
124 76
122 74
m m
m 120 *** m 80 **
BP 72
Hg 118 Hg M *
78 70
116 68
114 66
HeartMath Studies

112 74 64
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

Figure 3: Physiological Measures of Experimental Group Before and After


N = 43
126 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

But there I sat, a heart doctor who had passed all the tests
along the way, having my nearly-etched-in-stone model of
how the heart and brain worked turned literally upside down.
I was fascinated by how the heart rhythm shifts into the
coherent state when you feel positive emotions, such as
appreciation or care. I immediately saw how this coherent
state would be important for my patients, because their
cardiovascular systems would operate much more efficiently.
Getting synchronization between all systems in the body
makes them all more efficient, using less energy to accom-
plish more. Thats really what the word efficiency means.
The early HeartMath studies told me that just shifting
into this state of coherence could reduce most peoples blood
pressure around eight to ten points. If they practiced regularly,
they could reduce it more. I could see that by teaching my
patients how to make this shift, they might not only reduce
their stress, but with practice they could retrain their internal
pathways so that coherence would become more familiar to
their hearts and brains. This in turn might very well return
the set point or thermostat that controls their blood pressure
to more normal baseline levels and, potentially, lead to
long-term reductions in their blood pressure readings.
As I mentioned in the introduction, it wasnt long before
my thoughts turned to helping the caregivers in hospitals as
well. Their own stress levels often get in the way of giving sin-
cere care, despite all the boxes being checked in the charts.
With a lot of ingenuity and careful listening, the HeartMath
team developed a Health Care Division and a program for
hospitals to help nurses and other staff to manage their own
stress better and deliver care from the heart. Nurses have to
have lots of brain power, too, but having reached this point in
the book, you are now well aware of what happens when neg-
ative emotions and stress prevent coherence from the heart.
HeartMath Studies 127

The Delnor Story

The first hospital to implement the HeartMath program
was Delnor Hospital in Aurora, Illinois, near Chicago. That
hospital is now famous for incorporating the HeartMath tools
into their local culture. They were experiencing very high
levels of turnover in their nursing staffa very expensive
problem. After training 400 people in their hospital in the
HeartMath tools, their overall turnover ratio dropped dra-
matically in the first year from 27 percent to 4 percent. The
nurse turnover savings alone were estimated at $880,000 in
that first year. Their patient satisfaction scores improved dra-
matically, as did their employee satisfaction. They calculated
that in that year alone, they saved over $2 million by actually
influencing their internal culture with HeartMath. Tom
Wright, the chief operating officer, commented, HeartMath
gave us the tools to move from required courtesy to genuine
care. As a result, we have achieved our benchmarks in patient
satisfaction and employee satisfaction excellence. Without
HeartMath, we could not have reached our potential.
Delnor has continued to enjoy huge savings every year
since having the HeartMath program in place, and has won
multiple awards for it. Many other hospitals and systems
have since brought this program to their employees and have
not only saved millions of dollars, but changed the culture of
care from the heart up, not from the top down.

HRV Feedback Tools

Many health care providers have learned of the HeartMath
program and have incorporated it into their practices.
Physicians, chiropractors, psychologists, biofeedback experts,
and others have been trained to teach the tools using a
128 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

computer-based HRV software program. This technology

displays the HRV (heart rate variability) pattern in real time
through the use of a finger sensor or an ear sensor. In
addition to many other features, it feeds back to the learner
how coherent the heart signal is in many different ways. This
technology, in fact, was used by many of the people with
high blood pressure who were mentioned in the stories a
little earlier, to help with their HeartMath tool practice.
Many health care providers now use HeartMath tools
along with the HRV feedback technology with patients
having many different health issues, both physical and emo-
tional. One therapist has been able to get over 400 children
off drugs for ADD/ADHD. There are many success stories
from learning to increase and sustain coherence levels.

Creative Stress
Stress, at times, can make some people more productive. It
can motivate themfor awhileuntil they lose focus and
their energy drops. But when stressful attitudes and feelings
continue day after day, month after month, they take a toll.
Its the unmanaged stress reactions to people, issues, and sit-
uations that contribute to unhappiness, strained relationships,
accelerated aging, and physical diseases. Blood pressure
happens to be just one of the diseases, and a very common
one at that.
The practice of HeartMath tools has helped people all
around the globe. You have now seen the results: People who
use the HeartMath techniques have gained an understanding
about how they react to small or annoying events and
changed their responses. This practice has helped them to
then change their responses to bigger events. They have
learned that the ability to throw their master switch to
HeartMath Studies 129

coherence is quite simple, and therefore quite powerful. The

benefits are essentially endless.
The big picture is that you can learn to bring yourself
less stress and become more efficient and effective at the
same time. You can choose how you wish to respond to situa-
tions in life. In doing so, you may very well improve your
blood pressure. And there are no side effects.
Chapter 12

The End Is Just

the Beginning

You undoubtedly purchased this book because you wanted to

do something about your blood pressure. Whether youre the
type who doesnt like the idea of taking pills and medica-
tions, or you want to do something for yourself in addition to
taking meds, you were interested enough to open these pages
and learn about the HeartMath program and its tools.
You joined us on a journey. You learned a fair amount
about blood pressure along the way, such as the fact that 90
to 95 percent of hypertension is termed essential hyper-
tension, meaning without a known cause. Lots of things can
contribute to high blood pressure, but only 5 to 10 percent of
the time can doctors identify a specific physical problem
causing it.
You were guided along a brief tour of the complexities
of the human body. You saw how the kidneys react to
hormones from the adrenal glands and make their own blood
pressureraising substance when blood pressure drops or
when they are simply fooled into thinking the pressure is
132 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

You had a review of pharmacology, and saw how the

different types of medications are supposed to lower your
blood pressure. We say supposed to because sometimes
they dontand they may have side effects. Almost every-
bodys blood pressure can be returned to the normal range,
given enough time, effort, and patience on the part of both
the patient and the physician, but its not always a smooth
ride. You also read about what happens when hypertension
is not adequately treated.
But then another view began to unfold. You had a
glimpse into the physiological world of stress and how it
affects your entire system. You learned that your brain is a
pattern-matching organ and that events in your environment,
even though they may not threaten your survival, can trip the
alarm system just as life-threatening situations do. Your emo-
tional responses are an integral part of the stress response,
and begin to form patterns that, when reinforced over and
over, can become habitual. That patterned stress response
with all of its 1,400 chemical reactions can poison your sys-
tem in many ways, not the least of which is to give you
Stress is becoming an epidemic all over the world:
Reporting on the results of a poll conducted by the American
Psychological Association, Kate Schuler wrote in an article for
USA Today on February 23, 2006, that about half of the
respondents said they were worried about levels of stress in
their lives, and only about half of those who were concerned
were taking steps to deal with that stress. People may attend
seminars or buy books or watch infomercials that tell them to
change their diets or exercise more, but theyre often too
stressed-out to follow through. They seek comfort in things
that only compound the problem (eating, drinking, smoking,
drugs). Going on vacation, going to church, attending a yoga
The End Is Just the Beginning 133

class, or learning to meditate can all be helpful, but they all

have to be done . . . later. And the stress returns when they
walk back through the door to work or home.
The HeartMath tools you learned in this book have two
very attractive characteristics: They are easy to learn, and
they work. This is possible because new research has shown
that the heart is not just a pumpits an extremely powerful
signal generator that eclipses the power of the brain signals
many times over. Instead of arguing with those little, tiny
brain waves, HeartMath enables people to naturally engage
the heart, and coax it into sending coherence throughout the
system, markedly altering brain function and stopping the
toxic stress response in its tracks.
The world has become a complicated place, and its not
likely to become less complicated. There is no pill, or
machine, or exercise program, or lottery ticket that will wipe
stress overload off the map.
Over 50,000 people on five continents have learned the
HeartMath tools. They have learned, quite literally, to go to
their hearts to manage their emotions and gain new perspec-
tives. Because the tools are so simple and easy to learn, many
are quite surprised to see themselves coming up with new
perceptions and answers. This is why we use the term heart
intelligence. The trick, once these tools are learned, is to
practice going to the heart to achieve coherence before the
breaking point in order to maintain physical and emotional
health . . . and lower your blood pressure.
Just as with all the antihypertensive medications, there
is no guarantee that your blood pressure will normalize if
you practice and use these tools. But there arent any side
effects except being emotionally and physically healthier, and
having the ability to respond differently to the ever more
complex world around you.
134 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

There are a number of other HeartMath tools and appli-

cations. People in individual, corporate, health care, and edu-
cation programs have learned a host of simple techniques
since the early 90s. As a side effect, there was a surprising
drop in blood pressure in those who used and practiced the
HeartMath tools. Thats eventually how this book came to be
written. Having high blood pressure is a wonderful reason
for you to have found HeartMath. Learning small, simple
techniques to activate your heart intelligence can make so
much difference in negotiating the stress out of your system.
Start practicing these heart techniques with the small
stressesthose tiny things that get to youthe short traffic
jam, the empty paper tray in the copier, the long line at the
grocery store. Once you get a little practice engaging your
heart to reprogram your responses, move up to your bigger
stresses and see if you dont also see them from a different
anglea wider perspective. If you cant solve or relieve a
problem completely, and often you cant, you can at least
take some of the emotional charge out of it. Over time, youll
be surprised to see a lot of problems improve without you
having wasted or drained your energy in the process. Youll
see that its the significance that you assign to any issue that
ramps up your stress response until the response is actually
bigger than the issue itself. These tools, by changing brain
function at the highest level, allow you to see the problems in
a different light, and often from another angle, which will
ultimately lessen their significance. This is done by first
changing the heart. As the saying goes, A change of heart
changes everything.
Congratulations. You have taken some personal respon-
sibility. It all started with your blood pressure. But youve
walked through a bigger doorwelcome.

Classes of Drugs Used

to Treat Hypertension
136 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

TABLE I: Diuretics
Generic Name Trade Name

Bumetanide Bumex
Chlorthalidone Hygroton
Ethacrynic acid Edecrin
Furosemide Lasix
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) HydroDIURIL, Microzide
Indapamide Lozol
Metolazone Zaroxolyn, Mykrox
Torsemide Demadex

TABLE II: Beta-blockers

Generic Name Trade Name

Acebutolol Sectral
Atenolol Tenormin
Carvedilol Coreg
Labetalol Normodyne, Trandate
Metoprolol Lopressor, Toprol
Nadolol Corgard
Pindolol Visken
Propranolol Inderal
Classes of Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension 137

TABLE III: ACE inhibitors/ARBs

Generic Name Trade Name

ACE Inhibitors
Benazepril Lotensin
Captopril Capoten
Enalapril Vasotec
Fosinopril Monopril
Moexipril Univasc
Perindopril Aceon
Quinapril Accupril
Ramipril Altace
Trandolapril Mavik

Candesartan Atacand
Eprosartan Teveten
Irbesartan Avapro
Losartan Cozaar
Olmesartan Benicar
Telmisartan Micardis
Valsartan Diovan
138 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

TABLE IV: Calcium channel blockers

Generic Name Trade Name

Amlodipine Norvasc
Diltiazem Cardizem, Tiazac
Felodipine Plendil
Nicardipine Cardene
Nifedipine Procardia, Adalat
Verapamil Calan, Isoptin, Verelan

TABLE V: Aldosterone blockers

Generic Name Trade Name

Eplerenone Inspra
Spironolactone Aldactone

TABLE VI: Alpha blockers

Generic Name Trade Name

Doxazosin Cardura
Prazosin Minipress
Terazosin Hytrin
Classes of Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension 139

TABLE VII: Sympatholytic drugs

Generic Name Trade Name

Clonidine Catapres
Guanabenz Wytensin
Methyldopa Aldomet

TABLE VIII: Direct vasodilators

Generic Name Trade Name

Hydralazine Apresoline
Minoxidil Loniten
Learn More About

Explore other HeartMath books, learning programs, music,

software, seminars, and professional training to reinforce and
advance what youve learned in this book. More details can
be found online at

Books and Learning Programs

Childre, Doc and Deborah Rozman. 2006. Transforming Anxi-
ety: the HeartMath Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry
and Creating Serenity. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publi-
cations, Inc.
Childre, Doc and Deborah Rozman. 2005. Transforming Stress:
The HeartMath Solution for Relieving Worry, Fatigue, and Ten-
sion. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Childre, Doc and Deborah Rozman. 2003. Transforming Anger:
The HeartMath Solution for Letting Go of Rage, Frustration,
and Irritation. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications,
Childre, Doc, and Howard Martin. 1999. The HeartMath Solu-
tion. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.
142 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Childre, Doc, and Bruce Cryer. 2000. From Chaos to Coherence:

The Power to Change Performance. Boulder Creek, CA: Plane-
tary Publications.
From Chaos to Coherence (CD-ROM). Boulder Creek, CA:
HeartMath LLC and
Childre, Doc. 1998. Freeze-Frame: A Scientifically Proven Tech-
nique for Clear Decision Making and Improved Health. Boulder
Creek, CA: Planetary Publications.
Childre, Doc. 1992. The How To Book of Teen Self Discovery.
Boulder Creek, CA: Planetary Publications.

Music by Doc Childre

These recordings are scientifically designed to enhance the
practice of HeartMath techniques and tools.

Heart Zones. Planetary Publications.

Speed of Balance. Planetary Publications.

Quiet Joy. Planetary Publications.

emWave PC
Powered Stress Relief System (formerly known as the
Freeze-Framer )
The emWave PC is a patented interactive learning system
with a heart rhythm monitor and pulse sensor. This soft-
ware-based program allows you to observe your heart
rhythms in real time and assists you in increasing coherence
to reduce stress and improve health and performance
Learn More About HeartMath 143

emWave Personal Stress Reliever

emWave Personal Stress Reliever represents a breakthrough
in stress reduction technology. This stress reliever helps to
build a cushion between you and day-to-day stress, thereby
enhancing energy and performance. This mobile device
weighs just 2.2 ounces and is small enough to fit in your
purse or pocket, so you can take it with you and use it any-
time, anywhere.

emTech Media Products

The emTechT products were created by utilizing information
from a variety of HeartMath sources. They offer some of the
best subject-specific information found in the HeartMath Sys-
tem, and are available as e-booklets, audio programs and
interactive learning modules.

Test Edge Interactive CD-ROM -

Grades 9-12 and above
This unique interactive learning program helps students
balance their mental and emotional systems, which is critical
for successful learning and test taking. Without this balance,
feelings of anxiety and fear jam the connection between what
students really know and what they can actually express,
especially while taking tests.
The TestEdge practices are also designed to help
students deal with the emotions they carry into the classroom
stemming from peer pressure overload and problems at
home, which can slow or block learning.
144 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

HeartMath Seminars and Training

HeartMath provides world-class training programs for orga-
nizations, hospitals, health care providers, and individuals.
HeartMath training is available through on-site programs for
organizations and through sponsored workshops, seminars,
and conference presentations.

Licensing and Certification: Training to

Become a One-on-One Provider
HeartMath offers licensing and certification to health care
providers, coaches, and consultants wanting to use
HeartMath tools and technologies as part of the services they
provide to clients in a one-on-one professional model.

Licensing and Certification: Train the

Trainer Programs for Organizations
HeartMath offers licensing and training to organizations
wanting to make the HeartMath tools and technologies a part
of their offerings to internal customers, employees, or
For information on products, seminars, and workshops,
call (800) 450-9111, e-mail, visit the Web
site at, or write to: HeartMath, 14700 West
Park Avenue, Boulder Creek, CA 95006.

Research and Education

The Institute of HeartMath (IHM) is a nonprofit research and
education organization dedicated to understanding emotions
Learn More About HeartMath 145

and the role of the heart in learning, performance, and

well-being. IHM offers programs for use in educational and
classroom settings, including:
! TestEdge programs for improving academic perfor-
mance and test scores
! Resiliency programs for teachers, administrators, and
! Emotional Security Tool Kit for Children and Teens, which
includes HeartMath techniques to reduce anger, worry,
and anxiety, adapted for children ages two to eighteen,
available for free at
For information about Institute of HeartMath research
initiatives and education programs, corporate sponsorship,
donations, or endowments, please call (831) 338-8500, e-mail, visit the Web site at, or
write to: Institute of HeartMath, 14700 West Park Avenue,
Boulder Creek, CA 95006.

Anderson, S. 2003. Pathogenesis of hypertensive renal

damage. In Hypertension Primer, 3rd ed., ed. J. Izzo Jr. and
H. Black. Dallas: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Appel, L. J., T. J. Moore, E. Obarzamek, W. M. Vollmer, L. P.
Svetkey, F. M. Sacks, G. A. Bray, T. M. Vogt, J. A. Cutler,
M. M. Windhauser, P.-H. Lin, and N. Karanja. 1997. A
clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood pres-
sure: Results from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyper-
tension (DASH) trail. New England Journal of Medicine
Bruenn, H. 1970. Clinical notes on the illness and death of
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Annals of Internal
Medicine 72:57991.
Cameron, O. 2002. Visceral Sensory Neuroscience: Introception.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Chobanian, A. V., G. H. Bakris, H. R. Black, W. Cushman, L.
Green, J. Izzo, D. Jones, B. J. Materson, S. Oparil, J. T.
Wright Jr., and E. J. Rocella. 2003. Seventh report of the
Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Hypertension
148 The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension

Fields, L. E., V. L. Burt, J. A. Cutler, E. Rocella, and P. Sorlie.

2004. The burden of adult hypertension in the United
States 1999 to 2000: A rising tide. Hypertension 44:398404.
Frysinger, R., and R. Harper. 1990. Cardiac and respiratory
correlations with unit discharge in epileptic human tempo-
ral lobe. Epilepsia 31:16271.
Hawkley, L., C. Masi, J. Berry, and J. Cacioppo. 2006. Loneli-
ness is a unique predictor of age-related difference in sys-
tolic blood pressure. Psychology and Aging 21:15264.
Hay, J. 1931. The significance of a raised blood pressure. Brit-
ish Medical Journal 2:4347.
Heistad, D., W. Lawton, and W. Talman. 2003. Pathogenesis
of acute hypertensive encephalopathy. In Hypertension
Primer, 3rd ed., ed J. Izzo Jr. and H. Black. Dallas:
Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Hershey, L. 2003. Pathogenesis of mild cognitive impairment
and mixed dementia. In Hypertension Primer, 3rd ed., ed. J.
Izzo Jr. and H. Black. Dallas: Lippincott, Williams and
Jonas, B., P. Franks, and D. Ingram. 1997. Are symptoms of
anxiety and depression risk factors for hypertension? Lon-
gitudinal evidence from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study.
Archives of Family Medicine 6:4349.
Lehrer, P., E. Vaschillo, B. Vaschillo, S. Lu, D. Eckberg, R.
Edelberg, W. Shih, Y. Lin, T. A. Kuusela, K. U.
Tahvanainen, and R. M. Hamer. 2003. Heart rate variabil-
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Bruce C. Wilson, MD, FACC, was director of acute cardiac
care at the University of Minnesota before going to the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh to direct the University of Pittsburgh
Heart Institute. In 1991 he returned to his hometown of
Milwaukee, WI, where he started a private practice in cardiol-
ogy, and was chief of cardiology and director of medical
education at Columbia Hospital. He is clinical associate pro-
fessor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and
has won numerous teaching awards throughout his career.
Dr. Wilson has been giving lectures and teaching seminars on
the HeartMath tools for stress reduction and better health
since 1997, and helped develop their health care division.

Doc Childre is the founder and chairman of the scientific

advisory board of the Institute of HeartMath, the chairman of
HeartMath, LLC, and the chairman and co-CEO of Quantum
Intech. He is the author of eight books and a consultant to
business leaders, scientists, educators, and the entertainment
industry on Intui-Technology. His HeartMath System and
proprietary heart rhythm technologies for coherence building,
called Freeze-Framer and emWave Personal Stress
Reliever, have been reported on by, USA
Today, NBCs Today Show, ABCs Good Morning America,
ABCs World News Tonight, CNN Headline News,,
CNN Lou Dobbs, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business
Review, The Economists Intelligent Life, Business 2.0, Modern
Health Care, Health Leaders, Prevention, Self, Natural Health,
Alternative Medicine, Psychology Today,, Golf maga-
zine, Golf Illustrated, Allure, Cosmopolitan, FIRST for Women,
Womans World, New Woman, GQ magazine, Mens Health,
Mens Fitness, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chroni-
cle, the San Jose Mercury News, and numerous other publica-
tions around the world.

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