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Crane Safety Training For Engineers and Supervisors Presented by The Construction Institute of ASCE Funded by An OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant

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Crane Safety Training for Engineers and Supervisors

Presented by the Construction Institute of ASCE

Funded by an OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant


This course is intended for construction engineers, supervisors, and owners, who want to learn more
about crane safety on construction sites, and how to develop comprehensive crane safety plans that are
both safety-program-compliant and project-specific. The goal of this training is to raise awareness of
engineers and managements roles, responsibilities, and influence with regard to safety on the
construction worksite including crane safety. The ASCE/CI OSHA-sponsored Crane Safety Training
course will prepare engineers and supervisors to utilize their management and technical training to
implement safety as a core objective of the construction project.

The program will also provide high-level technical background, legal and regulatory explanations; and
expert guidance to deal effectively with all players on the project owner to subcontractor - relative to
crane operations.

Identify the elements of a site specific crane safety plan
Recommend best practices regarding management roles and responsibilities for crane safety on
construction sites from owner to subcontractor
Become familiar with the different types of mobile cranes
Cover hazards associated with crane operation and explain how the crane safety plan will minimize
the risk of crane accidents
Explore current regulations, standards and certification programs

Establishing a Crane Safety and Lifting Program
Mobile Cranes and Alternate Lifting Methods
Rigging Awareness
Site Preparation
Preventing Crane and Lifting Accidents
Regulations and Legal Aspects

Course Organization:
This participants guide has been developed to expand on the information provided in the workshop slides.
Seasoned crane professionals will guide you through the sessions while providing their unique experiences
and lessons learned. The slides and participants guide are prepared for you as take away resource for
later reference. To maximize the benefit of this training, we encourage you to take notes, participate
actively in classroom exercises, ask questions, and share your experiences this will enrich the
experience for all in attendance. A companion website will be available for you as a resource and
discussion platform because we know that safety does not contain itself to a 3-hour training course

The ASCE/CI Crane Safety Training Course is designed as a 3-hour core training session with information
that all engineers, managers, supervisors should have when working with cranes on construction sites.
There are also three supplementary plug-in modules: Rigging Operations, Alternative Lifting Methods,
and Standards, Regulations and Certifications, that can be added to the training session if requested. All
of this material will be provided to every registered participant in the course slides and participants guide;
however, this material may not be covered in the classroom depending on the time allotted for the on-site
training session.

The learning objectives for each module will be clearly indicated at the beginning of the module. At the
end of each module, there will be a comprehension check for your own use to help you realize the
important take away points intended by the instructors and to help you gauge your understanding of the
material presented.

1. ANSI: American National Standards Institute. Provides the accrediting

methodology for development of ASME standards among others.
2. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Produce a collection of 28
volumes on the safe use of equipment in the workplace
3. Boom: A pivoting structure attached to the upper that supports the ball and/or
4. Boom Angle: The angle above or below horizontal of the longitudinal axis on
the boom base section.
5. Boom Length: The distance along the centerline of the boom from the center
of the boom foot pin to the center of the boom point sheave pin.
6. Crane: A Crane is a lever and the simple principles of movement apply. The
weight of the load, times the distance from the fulcrum, is the overturning
7. Critical Lift: Any lift: utilizing multiple cranes; exceeding 85% of total capacity
of the crane at lift radius; over an occupied structure or public street; of lifting an
item of high value or long replacement time.
8. Jib: An extension attached to the boom point to provide additional boom length
for lifting specified loads.
9. Load Moment: The force applied to the crane by the load. The leverage the
load exerts on the crane. (Calculation: gross load times the horizontal distance
form the tipping axis to the center of gravity of the suspended load).
10. Outrigger: Extendable or fixed members attached to the mounting base that
rest on supports at the outer ends used to support the crane.
11. Qualified Person: One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate,
or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience
has successfully demonstrated ability to solve or resolve problem relating to the
subject matter, the work, or the project. (OSHA definition)
12. Radius: The horizontal distance between the centerline of rotation and the
center of gravity of a suspended load.
13. Rated Capacity: The maximum allowable lift for the crane. A crane can safety
operate at rated capacity only when operating at the minimum lifting radius which
is the horizontal distance from the center of the rotation of the crane to the center
of gravity of the load; with minimum boom length. In the industry the size of the
crane is commonly referred to as the rated capacity.
14. Tipping Axis: The point or line about which a crane tips commonly called the
15. Lift Director: Responsible for each lift or series of lifts on a jobsite. Ensures
compliance with crane safety plan and appropriate lift plan.

16. Safety Coordinator: Coordinates all crane activities and control operations
on the site. Only one safety coordinator on a job site. Safety Coordinator may
be responsible for multiple Lift Directors.

I. Introduction 2
II. Roles and Responsibilities 2
III.Safety Plans and Programs 7
IV.Safety Plans: Zones of Responsibility 11
V. Site Planning & Equipment Selection 15
VI. Working with Mobile Cranes 18
VII. Hazard Analysis 23
VIII. Regulations, Standards and Codes 25

I Hazard Awareness 28
IX. Regulations and Standards 29

Table 1 Roles and Responsibilities Matrix 4
Table A-1 Minimum Required Clearances 28

Figure 1 Zones of Responsibility 9
Figure A-1 Power Line Clearances 28

I. Introduction

Reference slides # 1-5__

Key Concept: Introduction

Significant risk to individuals and property associated with crane and hoisting operations
justify special efforts to improve crane and hoisting safety as an integral part of construction
site safety.

Cranes are essential tools for many construction projects. Cranes have multiple uses and
configurations on projects that range from residential and commercial through heavy industrial,
infrastructure and marine construction.

Crane accidents cost time and money for a number of reasons:

cranes are expensive,
loads are often of high-value,
cost of substitute crane service,
project progress disruption, short term,
project schedule disruption, long term,
insurance and compensation costs,
litigation costs.

Studies by The Business Roundtable indicate that reduction of accidents and corresponding
accident severity lowers accident costs by as much as 8% in direct construction labor payroll.

II. Roles and Responsibilities

Reference slides # 6 - 18

Key Concepts: Roles & Responsibilities of Management

Safety is ALWAYS from the Top Down
All management & supervisors play specific roles
Contract documents spell out roles & responsibilities

Many organizations are involved with crane safety on the construction site. While the key
organization is the contractor, many others, ranging from Crane Manufacturers to Industrial
Associations are significantly involved. Many of these organizations are not actually present on the
construction site. All of these organizations are collectively referred to as "Responsible
Organizations". The "Work Performed" is the collective group of diverse tasks that these
organizations perform.

Work Performed:

A. Project

Contract Document. The contract between the owner and the entity constructing the project.

B. Crane
Design. The complete design of the crane and attachments, including supplying necessary
operating and maintenance manuals.
Fabrication. The fabrication of the crane and attachments.
Manuals. All manuals for operation, maintenance, erection, dismantling and transport,
including load rating charts for all configurations and ground loadings for various outrigger
Certification (Crane). Required by Governmental agencies to assure that the crane is
mechanically and structurally able to perform within the criteria established by the

C. Operation
Crane Safety Plan. The Crane Safety Plan is a compilation of on-site crane operations
planned in detail. It is part of the Site Safety Plan and utilizes appropriate elements of the
Crane Safety Program and conforms to instructions in the contract documents.
Transport (On Site). Moving the crane within the site.
Transport (Off Site). Moving the crane to and from the site.
Erection. Original assembling and any subsequent reassembling of the crane at the job site.
Use. The operation of the crane.
Dismantling. On-site crane's final tear down and load out or any interim tear down for
movement on site.

D. Training of Employees of the Entities Constructing the Project.

Managers. Corporate and site management including project managers, superintendents,
engineers and safety personnel.
Supervisors. Supervisory personnel directly or indirectly involved with crane operations.
Riggers. All rigging personnel or personnel doing rigging operations.
Operators. All crane operators.

The Responsibility Matrix shown on slide 7 and page 4indicates that there are 13 "Responsible
Organizations" that may perform any number of the 15 items of "Work Performed" at any of nine
"Responsibility Levels." These combine to make an extremely complex situation. A clear
definition/understanding of each of these matrix elements is essential because readers come from
various technical and work backgrounds and may interpret these elements differently.
This course will provide the owner, the PC/GC/CM, the crane provider, the crane user and all
others involved in crane and hosting operations with the methodology to enhance crane safety on
construction sites, thereby reducing or eliminating crane accidents.
Construction site crane operations involve many entities. These entities may never have worked
together as a group nor worked together on a specific project. Therefore, establishing coordination
and communication is of prime importance.
All on-site entities must have safety programs with cranes being a part of most of these
programs. One of the PC/GC/CM's responsibilities is to coordinate these programs and to develop a
site-specific safety plan for the project. The PC/GC/CM, the crane service provider and crane user
must all know what specific duties and responsibilities are assigned to each. These duties and
responsibilities must reflect project conditions so site specific requirements must be addressed in a

plan called the Site Specific Crane Safety Plan. The plan shall include elements of the various safety
programs and address site-specific conditions.
Table 1. Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

Responsible Agencies/
Organization Agents Construction Project1 Crane

Construction Manager

Architect & Engineer (A&E)

(PC/CM) Prime Contractor/

Owner (Public or Private)

Certification (Personnel)

Service Provider (SP)2

Professional Societies
Industry Associations

Crane Owner

Work Performed
Contract Document G G G G G A p
Design G G P
Fabrication G G P
Manuals G P
Certification G G R S p A S
Crane Safety Plan R S a P C
Transport (On-Site) R P C
Transport (Off-Site) R S P C
Erection R P C
Use R P C
Dismantling R P C
The Training of:3
Managers G G p p G
Supervisors G G p p G
Riggers G G a S S G
Operators G G a S S S S G
If the Owner and A & E are one entity then the owner has the responsibilities of both.
The SP may be employed by the PC/CM or other User. If the SP is the PC/CM or other User then SP
responsibilities always flow upward to either the PC/CM or other user.
Employees of either the PC/CM or User.
A = Action Agent Primary. The organization that initiates the performance of and may perform the work.
a = Action Agent Secondary. An organization that performs the work and passes the work product to the Action
Agent Primary
G = Guidance. An organization that provides guidelines, manuals, and/or suggestions relating to the "Work
p = Primary Responsibility. An organization that is responsible for assuring that certain work is performed.
P = Primary Responsibility plus Primary Action Agent. An organization that is responsible for assuring that
work is performed as well as being the Action Agent for performing work
S = Secondary Responsibility. An organization that does not have Primary Responsibility but has a compelling
interest in seeing that the work is performed
C = Sets crane capability. An organization that sets the crane's capability
R = Makes rules. An organization that makes rules for various crane operations
Blank - No designated responsibility

Owners Involvement in Crane Safety
Owners should recognize that active, aggressively applied principles of safety management
definitely impact schedule, quality, productivity and costs. Owners should also recognize that these
aggressively applied principals will impact safety. This is supported by research conducted for The
Business Roundtable, a group of buyers of major construction services, which asserts that active
owner participation in the pre-construction and construction operations results in a three to five fold
accident reduction. This reduction of accidents and their corresponding accident severity lowers
accident costs by as much as 8 percent of direct construction labor payroll; a compelling economic
incentive for owners to demand construction safety.
The owner initiates a construction project and owner involvement and influence must remain
throughout the project. The owners involvement in construction site safety, and in particular crane
safety, begins during the concept or project design phase at which point the owner must instruct the
Architect/Engineer (A&E ) to aggressively address safety from the beginning.
Prudent owners establish safety criteria as a part of contractor prequalification. The contractors
prior safety experience, or Experience Modification Ratio (EMR), the availability and experience of
its safety personnel, the overall safety policy of company management and the corporate safety
program shall be a part of the construction prequalification process. Many of these criteria will have
as significant an effect on the overall project as financial and other criteria which are commonly
included in the prequalification process.
The owner must define at this phase of the project what the owners involvement in the project
will be. Is the owner going to participate directly in project activities, such as on-site meetings,
safety presentations, employee orientations, safety inspections, etc., or does the owner intend to rely
on monitoring of these necessary processes as they are performed by the PC/GC/CM? Alternatively,
the owner can elect to provide third party participants for these activities.
Whatever choices the owner makes, the owner must clarify its position to the construction team
during the design/development phase so that a complete, informative set of contract documents is
prepared. The owner should keep in mind that experience indicates that the more direct involvement
on the part of the owner, the better the financial and accident results tend to be.
The owner must also consider the impact of the construction operations, particularly large cranes,
on the facility and on adjacent properties.
Owners shall instruct their A&Es to include the requirement for a Site Safety Plan into the
contract documents and require the submittal and approval of such plans prior to the commencement
of construction.

A&Es Involvement in Crane Safety

Even though we have said that the owner must instruct the A&E to be aggressive in safety
matters, the A&E, on the other hand, has an obligation to inform the owner that involvement in
safety matters is essential. The A&E must assist in the prequalification selection process to guide the
owner. This is particularly true when an owner may not be construction-oriented.
The A&E must also prepare the construction documents to reflect the owners choices for jobsite
organization and management, particularly with respect to the owners choices for safety operations,
and crane safety in particular.
As the design of the project progresses and constructability reviews reveal crane safety issues,
the A&E must address these issues or include a specific requirement in the contract documents for
the contractor to address these issues. The design of the structure and its components can have a
major impact on crane safety during construction.

Impediments to Involvement
Even though aggressive involvement in safety on the part of the Owner and the A&E have
proven to be of great benefit, both in humanitarian and financial terms, Owners and A&Es have
built-in biases that may prevent these improvements from happening easily. Listed below are some
of these biases along with suggestions for overcoming them.

Expensive. Involvement does not come free. Owners must pay for the A&Es additional effort in
creating the plans and specifications as well as any monitoring efforts during construction.
If the final benefit was not far greater than these costs we would not recommend such

Hard to Quantify. Benefits are hard to quantify and may appear to be non-existent.
The results of accidents from the owners point of view can be very damaging because bad
publicity is always a problem. It is the owner, as well as the PC/GC/CM, that are in the public eye.
To direct the public concern back to the PC/GC/CM requires a costly public relations effort. While
property damage is usually the responsibility of the PC/GC/CM, personal liability can be directed to
the owner for not providing a safe place to work. The owner is not protected by workers
compensation laws as is the PC/GC/CM. The owner's indemnity may be inadequate.

A&Es Competition. A&Es may be reluctant to suggest safety involvement to an owner because of
the additional costs involved. This is particularly true if the A&Es competition recommends
As a remedy, contractors should recite the benefits of safety involvement to the owner and make
an effort to quantify it. By not becoming involved in safety, the owner must assume greater liability
and cost risk.

Not an Expert. A&Es are usually not experts in safety matters and therefore feel less than qualified
in suggesting safety programs.
Following the strategy shown on slides 38-43 on plans and programs, the A&E can take the
position that it is the PC/GC/CM's responsibility that safety plans be effective. The A&E is merely
using a check list to see that certain subjects have been addressed in the plan and that such plans be
monitored for compliance. The contractor, in most cases, is the expert and identifies the hazards.
The issue of oversight for compliance does not require expertise, only verification that the contractor
is doing what the plan said it would do.

Perceived Liability. A&Es may be unwilling to assume the perceived liability associated with their
involvement with safety, particularly when the A&E is less than expert in the subject.
Follow the "Not Expert" strategy shown above.

III. Safety Plans and Programs

Reference slides # 19- 58

Key Concepts: Safety Planning

Safety must be planned
Safety Program is the corporate philosophy
Safety Plan is the implementation of the corporate philosophy
Site Specific Safety Plan Start early Specific to site and job to be effective
Lift Plans: General, Production, Critical

The construction operations are controlled by a Prime Contractor, General Contractor, a

Construction Manager or a combination of these entities (PC/GC/CM). The PC/GC/CM is
responsible for planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling all construction operations. The
contract documents assign safety oriented duties to the PC/GC/CM which shall be incorporated into
the Site Safety Plan. It is the PC/GC/CM's responsibility to assure that applicable topics from the
Crane Safety Program and the entire site-specific Crane Safety Plan are included as a part of the
overall Site Safety Plan, encompassing all project participants. All portions of the Site Safety Plan,
which includes the Crane Safety Plan, remain the responsibility of the PC/GC/CM, regardless of the
crane Service Provider or User.

Crane Safety Program and Crane Safety Plan There is a difference!

The Crane Safety Plan is a part of the Site Specific Safety Plan. It is site specific and
addresses crane issues on a jobsite. Within the Crane Site Specific Safety Plan are items
which detail who, when and how certain processes are performed, as well as lift
plans that describe the procedures to be utilized for each lift.
The Crane Safety Program is a generalized crane safety document that represents long-
term corporate policy. It shall reflect company policy for maintenance and use. Every
entity that owns, utilizes or has a crane on the site shall have a crane safety program.
The Site Specific Safety Plan is prepared by the Prime Contractor/General
Contratctor/Construction Manager (PC/GC/CM) in cooperation with the subcontractors.
It shall cover all phases of safety on a construction site including crane safety. The Site
Specific Safety Plan must address requirements and concerns expressed by the owners
design team and requirements in the contract documents.

The PC/GC/CMs Safety Program shall define the requirements for any crane brought onto
the construction site. This Crane Safety Program shall establish the criteria for inspection of the
crane, definition of critical lifts, lease or ownership requirements and operator qualification.
Multiple contractors, each with their own Safety Program, working on the construction site,
need to implement their Safety Programs in a consistent and harmonious manner to avoid overlap,
omissions and conflicts. The process by which this is accomplished is the Site Specific Plan, which
reflects the overall safety on the site and defines responsibilities for each activity.
The owner and owners design team shall require the preparation of Site Specific Safety Plan
as part of the contract documents.
The Site Specific Safety Plan reflects not only the needs of the contractors on the site, but
also the concerns of the owner and design team. The owner and the design team shall require the
preparation of the Site Specific Safety Plan as part of the contract documents. The project owner and
the design team shall include in the contract documents specific requirements addressing the hazards
and concerns identified for the contractor to document in the Site Specific Safety Plan.

Crane Safety Plan

This section describes management's role in execution of the plan. It is the PC/GC/CM's
responsibility to:
Analyze the locations where the contract prohibits or limits crane operations as well as
locations that the PC/GC/CM has determined to be hazardous. Devise a method for assuring
that these locations are not used for crane operations.
Establish procedures and priorities for the use of the crane by the various Users. Users who
do not have an approved Crane Safety Plan with individual approved Lift Plans shall not be
allowed to utilize the crane or lifting service on the site.
Assure that crane Service Providers have satisfactory procedures for the inspection and/or
load testing of cranes, both when cranes first arrive on the site and on a periodic basis during
the course of construction. ANSI B30.5, Mobile & Locomotive Cranes, Section 5-2,
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance, and also section, 5.2.4, Rope Inspection, Replacement
and Maintenance, as well as other applicable local, state and federal standards apply.
Assure that the employees of the PC/GC/CM, Subcontractors and other Users performing
rigging and lifting operations as well as crane Service Providers are familiar with proper
rigging procedures and that rigging is supervised by knowledgeable, competent persons and
that these workers have an adequate employee orientation prior to their commencing work.
This should be accomplished at on site meetings prior to start of construction, and as deemed
Establish well-defined operational criteria and a means of determining compliance. These
criteria should include: the effect of weather, configuration of the crane which may be
permitted, movement and transportation of loads and other direct operational uses.
Require each User to submit to the PC/GC/CM, for approval, a lift plan for production lifts
and the criteria under which these are going to be performed and a separate lift plan for each
critical lift.
Establish a procedure for disseminating the plan to all parties involved.
Monitor Users to assure that they are following the terms of the Site Safety Plan.
Review the Crane Safety Program of Crane Service Providers.
Prepare the Crane Safety Plan.
Establish a procedure prohibiting on-rubber lifts and/or travel without a permit and a specific
crane movement plan.
Confirm that a Lift Director is assigned and identified for each lift.

What is in a Site Specific Safety Plan?

The preparation of a Site Specific Safety Plan starts with the project concept. A listing of hazards
and concerns developed by the owner and the design team during the concept and design phase shall
be compiled and addressed in the project documents.
Requirements for access to the facilities, protection of owners existing operations, if any,
utilization of areas of the property, protection of adjacent property and public must be
addressed in the contract documents.

Hazards and concerns of the owner and the design team shall be addressed as part of the
contract documents. A specific solution to the hazards and concerns need not be
presented, but the contract documents shall clearly require the PC/GC/CM to address
each topic. Each contract document topic included in the documents shall include the
contractors Safety Program topic and generate a Site Specific Safety Plan topic as a

Lift Plans

General Lift Plan

Lifts that are neither Critical nor Production fall in this category. For example, the unloading of
miscellaneous supplies or the delivery of lumber to a carpenter crew are general lifts.

The general lift plan should:

list any restrictions that are necessary because of weather limitations, time of day and/or
temperature restrictions;
require that the weight of the load be known;
give a description of the general arrangement and use of rigging equipment such as "no
chains allowed" or "no slings made with cable clamps" or any other general admonition that
the Service Provider feels is appropriate to site conditions;
outline the procedures used to assure that rigging equipment has been inspected properly;
require that there be a Lift Director in charge of each lift. This person may be the crane
operator, a rigger or carpenter, but must be someone who is experienced and understands the
task to be performed. There must be no misunderstanding as to the person in charge;
have a requirement that a signal person be assigned and clearly identified as such to the
operator. If multiple signal persons are required, a thorough briefing on the sequential
communication with the crane operator is required.

Production Lift Plan

Production lifts are repetitive and do not fall into the classification of a critical lift. Production
lifts may all be covered by one lift plan that outlines the parameters and the equipment to be utilized
as well as the procedures.

The production lift plan is an extension of the general lift plan and should:
contain a physical description of the class or group of items to be repetitively lifted including
size, shape, weight and center of gravity. The description for a class or group must include
the most adverse properties for crane operation such as the heaviest or largest that will occur
in the class;
list operational factors such as lifting and swing speeds, and the travel path;
address hazards from failure of the rigging and/or collision. A hazard evaluation should be
performed in order to identify and eliminate these potential hazards. Hazards associated with
lifting over personnel and congested areas should be eliminated by either controlling access
to the area or by changing the path of the lifting operation;
list specific restrictions over and above those for the general lift plan that are necessary
because of weather limitations, time of day and/or temperature restrictions;
identify the specific type and minimum capacity of the lifting equipment required.

identify the specific arrangement of rigging equipment;
identify any special rigging fixtures which might be required. The fixtures should be
designed in accordance with applicable regulations and standards;
require that rigging and lifting equipment be subject to specified inspection intervals and that
a documented trail of the history of inspections and/or certifications be maintained;
require that a designated leader of the rigging crew be appointed. This leader may be a
foreman of the Service Provider or other party specifically designated to perform the
leadership functions needed by the rigging crew.

Critical Lift Plan

Any lift utilizing multiple cranes is a critical lift. Other critical lift criteria would be the weight
of the equipment to be lifted as compared to the allowable lift, the swing area of the lift, the overall
risk, difficulty or complexity of the lift, toxicity of the product being lifted and other considerations
at the discretion of the producer of the lift plan. The Crane Safety Plan sets appropriate limits on
these parameters and contains a list of Critical Lifts. Critical Lifts require individual lift plans.

IV. Safety Plans: Zones of Responsibility

Reference slides # 44 46

Key Concepts: Safety Plans: Zones of Responsibility

Zones of Responsibility
Safety Coordinator In charge of all crane activity on job site
Lift Director In charge of all aspects and personnel on one lift or series of lifts.

Figure 1. Zones of Responsibility

Outrigger support shown as a dual responsibility. The Lift Director must assign this responsibility to the Rigging Function or to the

Operator-Hook upward

Rigging-Hook and

Rigging Function
Management/Lift Director

Lift Director
The Lift Director is responsible for the entire lift and must assure full compliance with the Crane
Safety Plan and the appropriate lift plan.

Responsibilities. The Lift Director is responsible for:

assuring that a copy of the lift plan is current, present in the work area, and signed off in
accordance with the Crane Safety Plan;
assuring that each of the other parties, e.g., riggers, operators, and signal persons, understand
their functions;
assigning/identifying a designated leader of the rigging crew and clearly identifying this
leader to all other parties concerned with the lift. This leader may be a foreman of the
Service Provider or other party specifically designated to perform the leadership functions
needed by the rigging crew. The leader's responsibility is to:
(1) ensure that the rigging personnel are properly trained and thoroughly briefed in the
procedure to be implemented;
(2) ensure that the equipment and/or lifting devices specified in the lift plan are available
and are current in their documentation and inspection;
(3) survey the lift site and the path of the load as well as the landing area for hazardous or
unusual conditions which may not have been anticipated in the lift plan;
(4) be present during the entire time that a critical lift is in progress. Prior to any lift, the
director should communicate with the all participants to assure that they are fully
aware of the requirements of the lift plan.
assuring that a signal person is assigned. If multiple signal persons are required, a thorough
briefing on the transition between signalers with the crane Operator is required. If electronic
communication between the signal person(s) and the crane is utilized, a redundant system
should be implemented and/or a fail-safe procedure instituted whereby a lack of
communication would stop the lift;
identifying the signal person to the Operator and others concerned with the lift and, in the
case of multiple signal persons, the director must assure that all concerned understand the
areas of responsibility for each signal person;
addressing the outrigger area of dual responsibility by assigning the responsibility for the
work in setting up the outrigger supports as well as the suitability of the outrigger setup.
Riggers usually set the outrigger supports and, if required, do the manual work in positioning
the outriggers themselves. This outrigger work is done with the cooperation of the Operator
who determines the outrigger configuration from the load chart. The Lift Director must
assure that the outrigger work is done in accordance with any special instructions in the lift
plans. If a crawler requires cribbing or mats then such cribbing or mats, are also in this area
of dual responsibility.

The Lift Director must make a definite and clear assignment of the outrigger duties and
responsibilities to avoid misunderstandings concerning the status of the outrigger operation.
Considering all of the individuals that could be involved with the outrigging operation there is
substantial chance for such misunderstanding.

Safety Coordinator
The Safety Coordinator is responsible for all crane activity on a construction site.

Responsibilities. The Safety Coordinator is responsible for:
assuring that certifications for all cranes on site are current
assuring that required inspections are current and that noted remedial action is completed
assuring that permitted work locations for the various cranes have been identified
maintaining a site plan which reflects permitted work areas and travel paths for all cranes
developing a procedure for site severe weather warnings and verifying that it is operational
reviewing and maintaining lift plans for all lifts on site and assuring proper approvals have
been maintained

Rigging Function
Personnel who attach the load to the hook, signal the crane Operator, land the load and perform
other ground based operations are performing the rigging function and must be trained in crane and
rigging operations sufficiently to perform their assigned task as outlined below.

Responsibilities. Under the supervision of the Lift Director, rigging personnel are responsible for:
the rigging function from the bowl of the hook downward ;
verifying the actual weight of the load and communicating this information to the Operator;
the stability of the load, requirement for tag lines, and load pick-up and set down procedures;
signaling or directing the movement of the load by communication with the Operator and the
receiver of the load;
attaching (rigging) the load using suitable lifting gear;
positioning other rigging personnel as required;
where multiple signalmen are utilized, a means of communication must be provided between
them and the crane Operator, to assure a smooth transition;
landing/placement of the load;
assisting in the placement of cribbing or blocking under the crane or its outriggers and
generally assist in the crane set-up;
assisting and informing the Operator in maintaining clearance from obstructions and in
confirming the stability of the crane.

The Operator controls the lift yet follows signals from the rigging personnel. If the Operator
deems the lift unsafe, he or she may abort the lift at any point from initial pick up to final placement.

Responsibilities. Under the supervision of the Lift Director, the Operator is responsible for:
assuring that there is an approved lift plan in place and that he has a copy;
all crane movements from the hook upward as well as swing and travel motions;
confirming from which individual he will take directions
being familiar with his equipment and the operating manual, including load charts and
inspection requirements;
confirming that the configuration of the crane is appropriate for the load to be lifted and in
conformance with the load chart;
being aware of the site conditions above, at, and below the ground;
confirming the weight of the load;
knowing the location and destination of the load

reporting all problems to appropriate supervisors for correction or repair prior to the lift;
reporting all problems to the next Operator.
Service Provider
The crane Service Provider is the party responsible for bringing the crane onto the jobsite and
controlling its operation.

Responsibilities. The Service Provider assures:

that the erection and/or dismantling procedures which were provided by the manufacturer of
the crane are implemented and adhered to;
that the initial inspection prior to the initiation of the crane operation is performed along with
whatever load tests and/or certification may be required;
that the Operator and/or oiler are adequately trained and competent to operate the class of
machine to which they are assigned;
that the certifications (crane owner responsibility) of the crane are in accordance with the
Crane Safety Plan and regulatory requirements, and that the on-going inspections are
that, for the lift in question, the crane Operator:
(1) is fully aware of the requirements of the Crane Safety Plan as well as provisions of the
Site Safety Plan that may impact crane operation for the lift in question.
(2) understands Operator's responsibilities as defined in Figure 1, Zones of Responsibility on
page 9
(3) is aware of the lift plan for the lift in question, be it a Critical Lift Plan, a Production Lift
Plan or a General Lift Plan and understands the swing and movement restrictions
imposed by the plan.
(4) is fully aware of the identity and authority of the Lift Director and will report any
concerns related to the safety of the lifting operation and/or the lift plan to the Lift
(5) is aware that the lifting operation for the lift in question should not proceed if it does not
conform to the lift plan and that deficiencies or deviations in these lift plans will be
reported immediately to the Lift Director.

A User of the crane services may be any entity on the construction site that is engaged in rigging
and/or hoisting operations and uses a crane Service Provider or is a crane Service Provider.

Responsibilities. Even though the PC/GC/CM is ultimately responsible for the Crane Safety Plan,
the User must assure that the plan contains a Critical or Production Lift plan covering the operation
in question and that the rigging equipment and procedures are within the scope of these lift plans.
The User shall assign a Lift Director as required by the lift plan and assure that the Lift Director
is experienced and competent to perform the operation described in the lift plan. The User is directly
responsible for the area in the Zones of Responsibility designation for Rigger's functions. The User
shall assure that the rigging crew is qualified to perform the rigging function and that the rigging
crew is thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the lift plan for the lift in question.

V. Site Planning and Equipment Selection

Reference slides # 59 - 71

Key Concepts: Working with the Equipment

Site Evaluation and Preparation
Selecting the right equipment for the job
Equipment Inspection

The construction crane is generic to all construction sites from the single family home
construction site to the international mega project. Proper equipment for the task, qualified operators
and appropriate supervision are of equal importance for all projects, regardless of size.

Site Planning and Preparation:

Review the site to determine the appropriate equipment for the application. If the job site
supervisor is not familiar with the equipment to be used at the site, he or she should consult with
qualified personnel to be certain that all safety and production aspects have been addressed and that
operating personnel are qualified and licensed when required, to perform their assigned tasks. Traffic
patterns must also be considered for delivery of materials.
The site shall be properly checked and prepared for use prior to equipment set-up. Roads shall
be clearly marked and identified to prevent confusion or potential accidents. The area should be
cleared, made as level as possible and compacted to support outrigger, track and tire loads.

Equipment Selection
The equipment selected for the job shall be of proper capability and size. Cost, at the expense of
safety considerations, must never be the sole determining factor.
For example, use a 42-meter boom which has a longer reach, instead of a 36-meter boom if the
36-meter boom is 4 meters short of reaching the corner of the pour. The additional cost of using a
42-meter boom will offset the additional cost of labor to install and remove the pipe extension used
with the 36 meter boom.

Equipment Inspection
Current inspection documentation shall be verified on all equipment. If documentation is
unavailable, the equipment shall not be used until a qualified individual completes an inspection, and
all necessary repairs have been made and documented. Inspections should be performed thereafter
at the manufacturers recommended intervals or by the following schedule:

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance

Initial Inspection. Prior to initial use, all new, repaired, or altered material placement systems shall
be inspected by a qualified person.

Regular Inspection. The two general classifications of regular inspection are designated as
frequent and periodic with respective intervals as follows:
Frequent Inspections. Daily to monthly interval inspections shall be performed by a designated
qualified person and at a minimum shall include the following:
Safety devices for proper operation;
Boom controls for proper operation and engagement;
Boom, jib, hooks, straps, latches and outriggers, for proper operation and engagement;
Hydraulic hoses for wear, rubbing, and cracking;
Hydraulic and engine oil levels;
Boom and outrigger structures for visible deformations, cracks, and damage;
Tires for sufficient tread depth and adhesion if re-treaded, proper inflation, cuts, and loose
wheel lug nuts;
Remote Control boxes and cables for proper operation, exposed and broken wires,
controls or plugs.

Complete inspections of the material placing boom, and structural support system shall be
performed by a qualified person at the intervals listed below:
First five yearsevery 2,000 working hours, or at least once per year, whichever occurs
Five to ten yearsevery 1,000 working hours, or at least once per year, whichever occurs
Ten years and olderevery 500 working hours, or at least once per year, whichever
occurs first.


The manufacturer shall provide a preventative maintenance schedule to minimize the
possibility of mechanical failures and excessive and unnecessary wear.
A preventive maintenance program based on the machine manufacturers and truck
manufacturers recommendations shall be established for working material placement
systems. Dated records of maintenance performed shall be maintained.
Under severe conditions or if excessive wear is noted, scheduled intervals must be
adjusted to prevent breakdowns and excessive wear.
Maintenance shall be performed by a designated person.
Maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturers recommended
All guards shall be reinstalled, all safety devices reactivated and maintenance equipment
removed after maintenance is performed.
Welding on the boom, outrigger, or structural member shall be performed in accordance
with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Replacement parts shall meet or exceed the manufacturers specifications.
Missing or unreadable operational labels and safety signs shall be replaced.
Lubrication shall be performed according to the manufacturers recommendations and

Machinery shall not be in operation while lubricants are being applied, unless the
lubrication point specifically requires movement for the lubricating procedure. Automatic
or remote lubrication systems shall be verified for proper functioning.


Regulatory Agencies. Review Federal, State and Local requirements for the use of these devices and
any restrictions that may be applicable to the jobsite prior to placing them in service.

Installation, hazards, lock-out/tag-out procedures, operation, inspection, testing, lubrication,
maintenance, safety sign information and location guide.

Operator Training and Operation. Operators shall be trained and written certification of training
shall be available before an Operator is allowed to use any of these devices. In cases where other
craft personnel will be using these devices, Operators shall be similarly trained and certified.
Non-English speaking Operators shall be trained and be able to understand the operating manuals
supplied in their native language.

VII. Working with Mobile Cranes

Reference slides # 71 - 137

Key Concepts: Working with Mobile Cranes

Working with Subcontractors
Crane Set Up Considerations: Outriggers, Tailswing, Confined Spaces
Site Conditions: Ground Bearing
Understanding load charts
Safety Devices

Whatever the size or nature of the site, crane operations are complex and can present hazards.
The well-prepared Crane Safety Plan reduces the complexity to manageable and understandable
elements. Procedures for assuring compliance with the plan are essential, for even the best Crane
Safety Plan does nothing toward safe operations if it lies in the office, unread and unused. The
procedures will vary from site to site, but what will not vary are the operational criteria for the crane
and rigging equipment.
OSHA requires that cranes be operated in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Load
charts and the operators manual supplied by the manufacturer have become the primary resource for
safe operation of the crane. In addition, the ANSI standards provide guidance in developing a crane
safety plan.
Load charts are complex, reflecting different boom types, boom lengths, rigging configurations,
jib configurations, as well as other information in a document which consists of many pages of
Manufacturers have typically provided their load charts data in different formats and in many
cases, the same manufacturer utilizes different formats for different models. The change from
manufacturer to manufacturer makes planning lifts complex and difficult.

Load Charts
Although cranes vary significantly in their design and in their use, there are common rules which
must be observed in their operation. The most important of these is the adherence to and
understanding of the information in the crane load chart. The crane rating chart is the most
important operational document. A durable rating chart(s) with legible letters and figures shall be
provided with each crane and attached in a location accessible to the Operator while at the controls.
This document defines not only the allowable load that a crane can lift in a specific configuration at
a given radius but also the physical conditions that must exist for this allowable load to be
applicable. This document may be in electronic format.

Uniformity. A quote from ASCE Policy Statement No. 424 states: ASCE supports efforts in the
construction industry to promote and specify safety improvements which: Encourage manufacturers
to standardize load chart formats and equipment control configurations, with all manuals written in
the language and vernacular of the end user in addition to SI units and containing detailed
explanatory graphics.

Rated Capacity. "Rated Capacity" is probably the most misunderstood term in the crane industry.
Not only is this true with those that don't work with cranes as their primary occupation, but even

with professionals in the crane industry there is confusion. Many professionals consider "Rated
Capacity" as the allowable lift at any given configuration. In this chapter we have applied the much
narrower definition that "Rated Capacity" is the maximum allowable lift for the crane. Even though
most manufacturers no longer use "Rated Capacity" as a model designation, people in the industry
still commonly refer to the size of the crane as its "Rated Capacity."
A crane is referred to as a 40-ton or 200-ton machine, when in fact it can lift that weight only
under manufacturers specified conditions. At longer radii or with a longer boom it may not lift a
considerably lesser load.
A crane can safely operate at its "Rated Capacity" only when operating:
at the minimum lifting radius which is the horizontal distance from the center of the rotation of
the crane to the center of gravity of the load;
with minimum boom length.

A "40-ton" crane can only lift 40 tons with the shortest possible boom section and as close to the
crane as possible. As the radius increases, the allowable lift decreases. Increased boom length at the
same radius also reduces the allowable lift of the crane.

Allowable Lift Rating. The allowable lift rating for a crane is based either on:
structural capacity of the boom, pendant lines or other structural or mechanical devices in the
crane to which appropriate safety factors have been applied;
tipping or overturning which usually occurs at a large radii with long booms. These Load ratings
do not exceed 75 percent for crawler mounted and 85 percent for carrier mounted cranes, of the
load which would cause tipping with crane standing level on a firm uniformly supporting

Most load rating charts indicate either structural competence or tipping as the basis for the
allowable lift. It should be noted that the tipping capacity numbers in the chart are 85% of
overturning. This leaves little latitude in estimating the load and/or determining the radius. A
weight scale and a tape measure are the most reliable method for determining the capacity.

Criteria. All load charts for cranes assume several basic criteria are being met in order to achieve
the allowable lift.
The crane is completely and correctly assembled.
The load is static. Load charts do not account for dynamic forces imposed by the
acceleration of hoisting, lowering, stopping, or swinging the load nor do they allow for
wind, temperature or other environmental effects.
Load charts assume that the crane is level and remains level throughout its swing.

The Construction Safety Association of Ontario suggests that as much as 50 percent of the
allowable lift capacity of a crane is lost due to a 3 degree out of level condition when utilizing a long
boom at a short radius. At 1 degree out of level this loss is 30 percent of the allowable lift capacity
of the crane. One degree is approximately 2 inches for outriggers spaced 10 feet apart. A firm base
and constantly level conditions are critical for safe crane operation.
A study performed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) indicates that not only is the
stability impaired by an out-of-level condition, but the stressed and consequent deflection in the
boom is equally as severe.
It should be noted that as a crane picks up a load, the radius will increase due to stretch in the

pendant cables and deflection in the boom.
Load Chart Details

Accessories. Load charts can be complex documents listing numerous booms, jibs and other
components which may be employed to configure the crane for various tasks. It is critical that the
chart used is for the actual configuration of the crane. Load charts show allowable lift capacity at a
specified boom length and radius. Interpolation between the published values IS NOT
permitted, use the next lower lift capacity value instead, unless otherwise specifically instructed by
the manufacturer. Operation in chart areas which have no published value are not permitted.

Attachments. This also applies to devices which may be attached to the boom. Most commonly a
jib, whether erected or not, when attached to the boom must be considered as part of the load when
using the main load line and conversely main load rigging is considered as load when using the jib.
All load attaching devices, including the lines, hook/s and block/s must be included as part of
the load being lifted. All load charts have extensive notes and warnings. The crane Operator as well
as all supervisory personnel associated with rigging and lifting operations must be familiar with
these notes.

Safety Devices
The most important single element in the reduction of crane accidents is the Operator. Crane
safety devices are also important elements. Unfortunately, unlimited use of safety devices will not
result in a perfectly safe operation. Safety devices may instill a false sense of security. Devices used
in place of competence and good judgment on the part of the crane operator contribute to accidents.
However, judicious use of effective devices will result in operations that have acceptable risk.

Many cranes are equipped with various safety devices as described in detail in the Appendix.
There are two common types of safety devices:

Load Indicating Device. A load indicating device (LID), indicates the load on the main lifting
line. This indicated load, when appropriately modified for parts of line and friction effects,
indicates the weight of the lift. If this value exceeds the allowable lift, the device will provide a
warning and may also inhibit operation.
Load Moment Indicator. A load moment indicator (LMI) is a device which senses both the load
and the boom angle, and by correlating the boom angle with the allowable lift at that angle
provides a warning and may inhibit operation.

Device Effectiveness
These devices can be very effective when the crane is level, on solid ground and has its
outriggers firmly placed. Absence of any one of these conditions renders either device
completely inadequate.
These devices are specific for the configuration of the crane. Such devices cannot detect a
change from single to multiple part rigging or the presence of a jib on the crane boom.
Even the most sophisticated devices that are installed on cranes today depend upon the
competence of the Operator and supervisors to insure the configuration of the crane matches
the assumed condition of the device to assure the crane is operated safely.

Transportation, Erection and Dismantling

Engineering Requirements
Some cranes have high axle loads that create high ground pressures when they travel. Ground
pressures can be even higher during erection and dismantling. Tower cranes and mobile cranes
positioned on structures induce significant loads. The contract documents should require the
PC/GC/CM to advise the owner or the owner's representative of these crane-imposed loads. These
loads and their effects are not always obvious. For this reason, a Professional Engineer shall
determine imposed loads, evaluate the effects of those loads and design such supports as may be

Mobile cranes and tower cranes require detailed movement planning, including appropriate
travel routes with considerations for width, height, and gross vehicle weight limitations. The
responsible party should resolve potential problems with the appropriate transportation authorities.
This may include securing special permits.
Transportation precautions include proper tie-downs that must prevent:
load shifting during transit;
damage to sensitive components from travel vibrations; and
tie-down damage. Cable or chain tie-downs can easily damage lattice boom chords and

Only qualified personnel shall supervise the erection of the crane. As defined by OSHA, 29
CFR 1926.32(l) states: "Qualified" means one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate,
or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully
demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the
Before crane erection begins, a qualified person shall carefully inspect the crane for any damage
that could affect the safe operation of the crane. Personnel who are to be erecting or jumping the
crane shall be specifically trained and have a copy of the manufacturers procedures. Boom
damage caused by tie downs may not be obvious but can have serious consequences. Such damage
is likely to be unobserved during a normal inspection. Once the crane is erected, the damage may
not be visible from the ground, so special care must be taken in this regard before erection. Casual
inspection is not adequate.
All bolted and pinned connections shall be checked to assure that fasteners and keepers meet
manufacturers requirements and have been correctly installed.
For tower cranes, specialty cranes and mobile cranes, an erection plan shall be required. This
plan shall be a component of the Crane Safety Plan. It must include any specific procedures needed
to carry out the instructions supplied by the crane manufacturer and to adapt them to the particular
site conditions. The plan shall include drawings showing clearances to all potential obstructions.
The locations for unloading shipped components shall be shown on a site drawing.
Local regulations may require third party inspection and/or certification before the crane may be


Dismantling is not the reverse of crane erection. New permanent structures that are now close to
the crane location may create conditions that make dismantling more difficult than assembly.
Therefore, it is necessary that a dismantling plan be prepared along with the assembly plan for all
tower cranes and for larger mobile and specialty cranes. The plan must follow the manufacturers
recommendations. Clearances shall be carefully determined. This plan will be a component of the
Crane Safety Plan.

VII. Hazard Analysis

Reference slides # 137 - 157

Key Concepts: Hazard Analysis

The most effective plan for accident prevention is the identification and
elimination of hazards during design and preconstruction phases.
Location and Access
Power Lines

Good management of crane and rigging operations requires that a hazard analysis not only be
performed by the A&E during the design and preconstruction phases but that it be part of the
PC/GC/CM's Site Safety Plan. Indeed, a primary goal of a site safety plan and a crane safety plan is
to identify and eliminate hazards.

Location and Access. Cranes positioned near or attached to a structure can have a major impact on
the structure. The allowable loads and their points of application should be clearly defined and
approved by a licensed engineer. A&Es must require an analysis of cranes/derricks attached to or
supported by the structure. Having large cranes adjacent to a structure may also have a detrimental
effect on the structure foundation.
The determination of allowable crane locations should reflect concerns for public exposure,
adjacent structures, employee and public travel paths, underground structures, previously excavated
areas, overhead obstructions and all other factors which impact on safe crane and rigging operations.
In addition, load travel paths may have to be defined. Areas that present a severe hazard to
personnel should be declared prohibited operating areas or as restricted employee and public access

The Public. The A&E must consider the impact of crane operations on the public. Noise, dust,
traffic, and other typical nuisances inherent with crane operations may require restricted working
hours. These considerations or requirements should be specifically part of the contract documents.
ANSI A10.34, Public Protection, as well as other applicable local, state and federal standards apply.
The ASCE and, in particular, the CI Committee on Crane Safety have devoted significant efforts
to the safety of the public, recognizing that because of the configuration and use of cranes, they
present significantly more hazard to the public around a construction site than do other construction
operations. Numerous recent crane accidents have resulted in death and injury to the public.
Planning crane operations to be safe and to minimally expose the public is crucial to providing for
public safety around construction sites.

Existing Facilities. Construction within the confines of an existing facility requires that the A&E
consider how existing structures and personnel impact crane operations. For example, consideration
must be given to such areas as parking, employee and public access, utility lines, railroad tracks and
other potential obstructions. Provisions may be required prior to the start of construction for the
removal, relocation and/or protection of these areas. These considerations may require constraints
on the size and number of cranes and the boom lengths of individual cranes.

Power Lines. Power lines do not suddenly appear in the middle of a construction site. Provisions
must be made for either deactivating or relocating power lines or imposing restrictions on crane
locations. Slide #5 shows that crane contact with electrical lines is a leading cause of fatal crane
The OSHA regulations publish minimum clear distances which must be maintained from power
lines of various voltages. The most recent editions of ANSI B30.5, Mobile & Locomotive Cranes, in
paragraph 5-3.4.5, recommends that it is advisable to perform the work so that there is NO
possibility of contact with power lines and provides illustrations emphasizing this point. This
standard also establishes procedures in 5- for crane operations near de-energized and
grounded power lines and in 5-, for crane operations within the erected/fully extended boom
length of the prohibited zone, with power lines energized. These recommended procedures should
be instituted on every construction site as policy and be a part of every lift plan. Applicable OSHA
and ANSI B30 standards, B30.5-, 5-, and 5-, in particular, are more stringent
than federal standards and provide more guidance for safe operation of cranes in the vicinity of
power lines.

Size of Components. Lifting of major components, such as boilers or large air conditioning units
should be analyzed to eliminate the hazards associated with unusual weights, centers of gravity,
heights or position in the structure. Controlling the size of the component or establishing a location
or placement sequence more favorable to placement can result in significant savings in crane and
rigging costs as well as reducing any hazard.

VIII. Regulations, Standards and Codes

Reference Module 2, slides # 1- 22

Key Concepts: Regulations, Standards and Codes

U.S. Regulations: OSHA
Consensus Standards: ASME B30.5
Local and International differences

System of Regulations

United States System

The system of regulations, standards, and codes developed in the United States allows significant
flexibility, permitting the user to define specific requirements within its framework.

In the United States, regulations have been promulgated by legislative or regulatory agencies that
set forth minimum requirements. This results in regulations that require a minimum standard for
the protection of individuals and the public at large. In practice, such minimum standards are
frequently exceeded in order to have machines that are safer and easier to use.

Consensus Standards
In addition to the federal, state, or local regulations, there are a significant number of consensus
standards. These standards reflect general agreement of an industry representative group. Standards
produced under the consensus system, while generally reflecting a level of performance significantly
above the minimum regulation standard, reflect the state of the industry or "best practice."
Consensus Standards usually lag behind the state of the art in the industry.

Standard Specifications
In addition to the consensus standards there are a significant number of standard specifications.
These specifications are produced by manufacturers or manufacturer's associations as well as user
associations such as the Associated General Contractors (AGC). These standard specifications
provide an industry-wide standard when regulations or consensus standards are not available, not
sufficiently detailed or are inappropriate to serve as a specification in a contract or a purchase
document. These standard specifications serve as a purchaser's benchmark for quality in a service or
product. Examples of these standard specifications come in the AGC's Manual of Accident
Prevention, the USACE's Accident Prevention Manual and most recently, the Department of
Energy's Crane and Rigging Plan. These are, in effect, standard specifications for performance
which require a level that is higher than the regulatory requirements and may exceed many of the
consensus standards. These standard specifications may even reflect a state of the art and may
require levels well above industry average. In addition to the preceding documents, many
professional organizations produce a code of practice that is a standard specification for the guidance
of their members.

Recent Trends
There is movement toward adopting consensus standards as regulatory law whenever a
consensus standard is available for an area that needs regulation. There are now instances in the

U.S. system where regulatory agencies have adopted consensus standards. The advantage to
adopting consensus standards as regulatory is that it reflects a consensus of industry. The
disadvantage is that consensus standards represent an industry average which may put an undue
burden on those below the average because it will require closer adherence to state of the industry by
all members of the industry. This trend also places a significant burden on the standards-producing
organizations to create and maintain their standards not only as state of the industry but as possible

See Appendix for more detailed information on regulations and standards.


APPENDIX I. Hazard Awareness

Figure A-1. Power line clearances

This area should be avoided

This area should be avoided

Danger zone area

(see General Note)

APPENDIX II. Regulations and


British, Canadian, and

European Systems
In Britain,
Canada, Normal Voltage, kV Minimum Required Clearance, ft (m) and
Europe, (Phase to Phase) [Note (1)] the
distinction Operation Near High Voltage Power Lines between
regulatory and
consensus to 200 17 (5) standards
does not Over 200 to 350 20 (6.10) exist.
They Over 350 to 500 25 (7.62) develop
Over 500 to 750 35 (10.67)
standards Over 750 to 1000 45 (13.72) through
Operation in Transit with Boom or Conveyor Lowered
GENERAL NOTE: For minimum radial distance of danger zone, see Table A-1
to 0.75 4 (1.22)
Over 0.75 to 50 6 (1.83)
Over 50 to 345 10 (3.05)
Table A-1. Minimum Required Clearances
Over 345 to 750 16 (4.87)
Over 750 to 1000 20 (6.10)

(1) Environmental conditions such as fog, smoke, or precipitation may require
increased clearances.
committees such as the British Standards Institute and the Canadian Standards Association. These
committees may have less input from industry representatives than in the U.S system. Compliance
with British and Canadian standards is not a voluntary act such as compliance with ANSI or ASTM
Standards may be in the US. It is compulsory. The final result is a regulation in the British and
Canadian systems that reflect a state of the industry rather than the minimum requirements.
Although this system may set a higher minimum for operating performance, it does not benefit
from the use of a consensus method for developing the standards. The system also inhibits early
standards for "state of the art" developments because most "state of the art" developments should not
yet be mandatory.
In the British, Canadian, and for the most part European systems there is an advisory document
usually referred to as a guide which that is designed to assist and implement the standard and
generally provides a step by step "how to comply" instruction.


Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 91-596
Concepts and Techniques of Machine Guarding, OSHA No. 3067, 1980
Regulations and Standards adopted by OSHA
Code of Federal Regulations, General Industry Standards, Title 29, Part 1910
Code of Federal Regulations, Construction Standards, Title 29, Part 1926
Safety and Health Regulations for Marine Terminals, Title 29, Part 1917
Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring, Title 29, Part 1918

Other U.S. Regulations & Standards

National Electrical Code, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Chapter 6, Article
610, Cranes and Hoists
Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1, US Army Corps of Engineers,
Department of the Army
Mobile Power Crane and Excavator Standards, PCSA Standard No. 1, Power Crane and
Shovel Association (PCSA), a Bureau of the Construction Industry Manufacturers
Mobile Hydraulic Crane Standards, PCSA Standard No. 2, PCSA
Hydraulic Excavators and Telescoping Boom Cranes, PCSA Tech. Bull. T-6

Local Law
New York City Local Law 73 and the amendment to the New York City Building Code
Reference Standard RS 19-2 relating to power operated cranes and derricks. Adopted on
September 14, 2006, titled Safety of Public and Property During Construction Operations.
City of Los Angeles Crane Regulations


American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Safety Standards for Cableways, Cranes,
Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings

ANSI A10.28 Work Platforms Suspended from Cranes or Derricks

ANSI A10.18 Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toeboards
ANSI A12.1 Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Toeboards
ANSI A14.3 Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladder
ANSI B30.1 Jacks
ANSI B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes
ANSI B30.3 Construction Tower Cranes
ANSI B30.4 Portal, Tower, and Pedestal Cranes
ANSI B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes
ANSI B30.6 Derricks
ANSI B30.7 Base Mounted Drum Hoists
ANSI B30.8 Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks
ANSI B30.9 Slings
ANSI B30.10 Hooks

ANSI B30.11 Monorails and Underhung Cranes
ANSI B30.12 Handing Loads Suspended from Rotorcraft
ANSI B30.13 Storage Retrieval (S/R) Machines and Associated Equipment
ANSI B30.14 Side Boom Tractors
ANSI B30.15 Mobile Hydraulic Cranes (NOTE: B30.15-1973 has been withdrawn. The
revision of B30.15 is included in the latest edition of B30.5)
ANSI B30.16 Overhead Hoists
ANSI B30.17 Overhead and Gantry Cranes
ANSI B30.18 Stacker Cranes
ANSI B30.19 Cableways
ANSI B30.20 Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
ANSI B30.21 Manually Lever Operated Hoists
ANSI B30.22 Articulating Boom Cranes
ANSI B30.23 Personnel Lifting Systems
ANSI B30.24 Container Cranes
ANSI B30.25 Scrap and Material Handlers
ANSI B30.26 Rigging Hardware
ASSI B30.27 Material Placement Systems
ANSI B30.28 Balance Lifting Units
ANSI B15.1 Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus
ANSI B56.1 Safety Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks -- Low Lift and High Lift
ANSI B56.5 Guided Industrial Vehicles
ANSI B56.6 Rough Terrain Fork Lift Trucks
ANSI B56.11 Forks and Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Fork Lift Trucks, Hook Type
ANSI C2 National Electrical Safety Code
ANSI MH 27.1 Specifications for Cranes and Monorail Systems
ANSI N14.6 Standard for Special Lifting Devices for Shipping Containers Weighing
10,000 Pounds (4500 kg) or more for Nuclear Materials ANSI Z35.1
Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs
ANSI/IEEE C2 National Electrical Safety Code Interpretations, 1961-1977, Inclusive
ANSI/IEEE C2 National Electrical Safety Code Interpretations, 1978-1980, Inclusive, and
Interpretations Prior to the 6th Edition, 1961


Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), "Handbook, SAE Recommended Practices, Volume 4,

Society of Automotive Engineers"

SAE J115 Safety Signs

SAE J159 Crane Load Moment System
SAE J185 Access Systems for Off-Road Machines
SAE J220 Crane Boomstop
SAE J375 Radius-of-Load and Boom Angle Measuring System
SAE J376 Load Indicating Devices in Lifting Crane Service
SAE J765 Crane Load Stability Test Code
SAE J820 Crane Hoist Line Speed and Power Test Code
SAE J881 Lifting Crane Sheave and Drum Sizes
SAE J874 Method for Locating the Center of Gravity
SAE J959 Lifting Crane, Wire-Rope Strength Factors
SAE J983 Crane and Cable Excavator Basic Operating Control Arrangements
SAE J987 Crane Structures - Method of Test
SAE J999 Crane Boom Hoist Disengaging Device
SAE J1028 Mobile Crane Working Area Definitions

SAE J1040c Performance Criteria for Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for
Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, and Mining Machines
SAE J1063 Cantilevered Boom Crane Structures - Method of Test
SAE J1180 Telescoping Boom Length Indicating System
SAE J1238 Rating Lift Cranes on Fixed Platforms Operating in the Ocean Environment
SAE J1257 Rating Chart for Cantilevered Boom Cranes
SAE J1289 Mobile Crane Stability Ratings
SAE J1332 Rope Drum Rotation Indicating Device

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME HST-1M Performance Standard for Electric Chain Hoists
ASME HST-2M Performance Standard for Hand Chain Manually Operated Chain Hoists
ASME HST-3M Performance Standard for Manually Lever Operated Chain Hoists
ASME HST-4M Performance Standard for Electric Wire Rope Hoists
ASME HST-5M Performance Standard for Air Chain Hoists
ASME HST-6M Performance Standard for Air Wire Rope Hoists
ASME NOG-1 Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge,
Multiple Girder)

Crane Manufacturer's Association of America (CMAA)

CMAA No. 70Specification for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes
CMAA No. 74Specification for Top Running and Under Running, Single Girder, Electric
Overhead Traveling Crane

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

NFPA 505 Powered Industrial Trucks, Type Designation and Areas use FPA 70 National
Electrical Code

Power Crane and Shovel Association (PCSA)

PCSA-4 Mobile Power Crane and Excavator Standards and Hydraulic Crane Standards


Department of Energy (DOE)

DOE Order 5480.4


British Standards
BS7262:1990 Specification for Automatic Safe Load Indicators
BS7121 Part 3 Published in May 2000 (Requirements for Mobile Cranes)

European Standards
EN 12999
EN 13000 The forthcoming harmonised European standard for crane design, due to come
into force in 2010.

FEM, the European manufacturers association of materials handling, lifting and storage
equipment. Section I - Heavy Lifting and Handling Equipment
FEM 1.001 (10.1998) Rules for the design of hoisting appliances

FEM 1.004 (07.2000) Recommendation for the calculation of wind loads on crane
FEM 1.005 (11.2003) Recommendation for the calculation of tower cranes structures in
out of service conditions
FEM 1.007 (11.2003) Recommendation to maintain tower cranes in safe conditions


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