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Dementia Resources Books Magazines

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The document discusses various books and activities for people with Alzheimer's and dementia across different stages of the diseases.

Some activities mentioned include Best Friend's Book of Alzheimer's Activities Vol. 1 & 2, Montessori-based activities, Movement with meaning, and Read-aloud books for memory-challenged adults.

The books Guide to the spiritual dimension of care for people with AD and related dementia and Spiritual journey of family caregiving are described as providing guidance on spiritual care.

Recommended List of Books & Magazines

Subject Category Book Title Description

Activities Best friend's book of Best Friend's Book of Alzheimer's Activities

Alzheimer's activities describes 147 activities suitable for all care
Vol. 1 / D. Troxel & V. setting including home care for early and late
Bell, 2004 stages. It contains formal and informal activities
and suggested music and songs; activities that
are adaptable; activities for unprogrammed times
such as evenings, and those focusing on
men and intergenerational groups.

Activities Best friend's book of Volume 2 of Best Friend's Book of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's activities Activities contains 149 new activities and themes
Vol. 2 / D. Troxel & V. for adults with dementia covering all stages in all
Bell, 2007 care settings. Includes topics not easily found
elsewhere like avoiding surprises and
conversation tips. Creative art projects,
interactive games, and evening activities are
included and those for persons in their 50s and
60s like using the internet and community
Activities End-of-life Namaste The Namaste Care Program provides guidance
Care Program for on implementing peaceful activities and sensory
people with dementia / experiences for persons with advanced dementia
J. Simard, 2007 stressing their individuality and dignity. Notable
are the recommendations for creating special
rooms in nursing facilities for those dying with
little additional cost and bereavement activities
for staff.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 1
Subject Category Book Title Description

Activities Let's look together : an Let's Look Together offers 29 full-color

interactive picture book photographs depicting easily recognizable
for people with emotions and everyday images with suggestions
Alzheimer's and other on how to use. Activities include reminiscence
forms of memory loss / by triggered by the images, the telling of stories
R. Cebul Ziegler, 2009 about the images, what might precede or follow
certain actions, and more. Includes conversation
starters. Promotes family interaction.

Activities Montessori-based The goal of this activity resource in two volumes

activities for persons is to improve basic activities of daily living skills
with dementia / C. Camp and to provide ideas for recreational pastime.
(editor), 2001 Using principles of Montessori education, the
books include activities for basic tasks like
eating, dressing, interacting and socializing as
well as sensory stimulation and exercise.

Activities Movement with A movement program for facilities that

meaning : a emphasizes the five senses and is designed for
multisensory program for early stage Alzheimer's. Gentle dance and yoga-
Individuals with early- simulated movement, breathing exercises,
stage Alzheimer's poetry, and other sensory activities are tools
disease / B. Larsen, 2006 helping relax, improving balance, decreasing
disorientation and increasing socialization.
Activities are adaptable to many settings and
individuals and include details and step-by-step
instructions for strengthening the movement
skills of those in early stage.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 2
Subject Category Book Title Description

Activities Read-aloud books for This series of read-aloud lap books for persons
memory-challenged with Alzheimer's and their caregivers includes
adults / L. Burdick. Sunshine on My Face ; Wishing on a Star ; and
Happy New Year to You and are meant to
stimulate conversation and create pleasant
associations. The titles are available at

Activities Shadowbox Press This collection of eight interactive books are

books - interactive books designed to provide an easy and effective way to
for memory-impaired improve the quality of communication between
adults / M. Schneider & caregivers and memory-impaired adults. Titles
D. Drapac, 2011 include: America - Bible Verses - Colors - Dogs
and Puppies - Flowers - Fun and Games -
Seasons - and Wild Animals. For more
information visit
Activities Therapeutic thematic The nine-step process of Therapeutic Thematic
arts programming for Arts Programming (TTAP) addresses
older adults / L. Levine- cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects
Madori, 2007 of care. The program makes use of a range of
artistic experiences, including music, dance,
poetry, sculpture, and photography and is aimed
at stimulating all areas of brain functioning.
Especially geared toward recreation activity
Activities Through the seasons : Produced in large-format and color, the theme of
an activity book for Through the Seasons incorporates the five
memory-challenged senses to encourage conversation and multi-
adults and caregivers / sensory stimulation. The Let's Talk About... and
C.R. Green & J. Beloff, Let's Try... questions and discussions are starting
2008 points to help create positive associations and
enhance memory.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 3
Subject Category Book Title Description

Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's Disease Based on the Guidelines for Alzheimer's Disease
guidelines pocketcard / Management listed under the Free category, this
California Workgroup on pocketcard includes assessment
Guidelines for recommendations and instruments, algorithms
Alzheimer's Disease for diagnosis and treatment, non-pharmacologic
Management, 2010 management recommendations, detailed drug
tables with dosing, supportive organizations and
Alzheimer's Disease American psychiatric For more technical and in-depth treatment of
publishing textbook of Alzheimer's disease, the textbook provides
Alzheimer's and other clinical characteristics of Alzheimer's, diagnostic
dementias / M.F. Weiner evaluations, and treatments along with basic
& A.M. Lipton, 2009 research of its causes in six parts with
appendices. For more information on this
comprehensive text, visit:

Alzheimer's Disease Mayo Clinic on Mayo Clinic has produced a concise guide on
Alzheimer's disease / R. Alzheimer's, covering the basics of brain
Peterson, 2006 function; the causes, signs and symptoms of late-
onset memory loss; how it is diagnosed along
with the effects on the person, families, and
caregivers. A quick guide for caregivers provides
an overview of such topics as medical
complications, home safety, managing
medications, problem behaviors, and includes a
glossary, resource list, and a narrative of one
caregiver's experience.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 4
Subject Category Book Title Description

Bio-Autobiography Caregiver : a life with Events that lead to his wife's diagnosis and
Alzheimer's / A. Alterra changes in his responsibilities are the subjects of
2008 this winner of the 2009 American Journal of
Nursing Book Award. Backed with medical
research, the author reflects on his wife's
memory loss, deteriorating motor functions and
personality changes as well as shares anecdotes
on their support-group and daycare experiences,
drug trials and his family's advocacy efforts.

Bio-Autobiography Finding life in the land A journalist takes a leave from her regular
of Alzheimer's : one assignments to work in a nursing home as a
daughter's hopeful story / resident assistant in order to gain first-hand
L. Kessler, 2008 knowledge of care. At the same time she works
through feelings of guilt over her own mother's
death from Alzheimer's eight year before. High
turnover and the challenges of providing care are
a revelation. Her work guides her through
attachments and losses both as she gains an
appreciation for the individuality of each resident.

Bio-Autobiography Jan's Story / B. CBS News reporter Barry Petersen writes about
Peterson, 2011 his wife, Jan Chorlton, also a television reporter,
and her diagnosis with young onset Alzheimer's
Disease at age 55. What it means for their life
together unfolds for two who have reported
important world events, none of which prepare
them for this very personal one.

Bio-Autobiography Losing my mind : an "I have a clear sense of history, I just don't know
intimate look at life with whether it is mine," writes Thomas DeBaggio. A
Alzheimer's / T. former writer, the author documents the impact
DeBaggio. 2003 his diminishments and the realizations about
Alzheimer's have on himself at age 57 and his

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 5
Subject Category Book Title Description

Bio-Autobiography Measure of the heart : a After helping her parents handle early stage from
father's Alzheimer's, a long distance, the author leaves her job to return
daughter's return / Mary home and help care for her father. Feeling as if
Ellen Geist; 2008 she constantly fails, she also learns new skills by
trial-and-error and from her mother who handles
caregiving competently. Ultimately she finds her
way developing her own techniques which then
become the lessons learned to be shared with
the reader.

Bio-Autobiography Mother in the middle : A A neurologist faces the challenges of raising two
biologist's story of caringdaughters while caring for her mother whose
for parent and child / S. Alzheimer's is rapidly changing. Called into
Lockhart, 2009 question constantly are her roles of "physician"
versus "daughter" with profound results and
poignant lessons.
Bio-Autobiography Speaking our minds : This book provides a window into the lives of
personal reflections from seven people who have Alzheimer's disease.
individuals with Through insightful interviews and sensitive
Alzheimer's / Lisa Snyder. commentary, the author covers such areas as
2009 coping strategies, changes as the disease
progresses, barriers to living life fully,
communicating with the person, and issues of
young-onset. Written for the person with the
disease and anyone who interacts with them.
Bio-Autobiography Thousand mile stare : The author gives an historical account of the
one family's journey discovery of familial Alzheimer's within a family,
through the struggle and beginning with a persistent aunt who lead the
science of Alzheimer's / author and his siblings to clinical trial participation
G. Reiswig, 2010 related to the young onset Alzheimer's gene. At
the same time they wrestle with issues of
whether to test for the gene and whether to have
children. At the time of this writing, his nieces
approach the age when the disease may express

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 6
Subject Category Book Title Description

Bio-Autobiography Ten thousand joys and Aphasia and ultimately the complete loss of
ten thousand sorrows : speech due to Alzheimer's, along with a Buddhist
A couples journey approach to coping are the key focuses of this
through Alzheimers book for an English professor and his wife. The
(formerly Majesty of your author remains candid about their increasing
loving : A couple's sense of disconnection and burdens of
journey through caregiving and with that provides useful
Alzheimer's / O. suggestions for families with the disease.
Hoblitzelle, 2008
Brain Health Strengthen your mind : Strengthen Your Mind contains dozens of
activities for people with activities and worksheets for persons with early
early memory loss by K. memory loss across a broad range of interests to
Einberger & J. Sellick, stimulate the mind, memories, and the senses.

Caregiver 36 Hour Day (4th edition A comprehensive yet manageable guide on the
or latest available) / N. care of those in all stages of Alzheimers. The
Mace & P. Rabins, 2006 writing is straightforward and combines practical
advice with specific examples. It covers all
aspects of care including the characteristic
problems of dementia, independent living, daily
care, behavior and mood, and health issues. It
also focuses on the legal, financial, and
emotional aspects of caring. Considered by many
experts to be a "must" for the Alzheimer family.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 7
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Alzheimer's advisor Regarded as one of best consumer health books

(legal issues) / J. of 2008 by Library Journal. Alzheimer's Advisor
Vaughan, 2008 is reviewed as empathetic and straightforward in
its approach to legal and ethical issues
associated with Alzheimer's disease. Using real-
life situations, the author covers estate planning,
emotional issues of caring, coping with the cost
of care, living wills, power of attorney and
guardianship, treatment and diagnosis, finding
the right lawyer, paying for the cost of legal help,
and legal issues for the Alzheimers patient who
moves. See table of contents at

Caregiver Alzheimer's early A practical family guide for comparing normal

stages : first steps for brain aging with Alzheimers, developing a
family, friends, and philosophy of care, providing information on the
caregivers / D. Kuhn, nature of the disease and ways to manage it, and
2003 offering advice on how to relieve caregiver
stress. Information is evidence-based and draws
from the author's clinical experience. It also
includes first-person caregiver accounts.

Caregiver Ambiguous loss : The author, who is a family therapist, provides

learning to live with insight into the complexities of grief in families
unresolved grief / P. who have experienced ambiguous loss in a
Boss, 2000 variety of situations including Alzheimer's where
the person may be physically present but
psychologically lost.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 8
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Caregiver's path to A clinical bioethicist and educator offers

compassionate techniques for determining whether a loved one
decision making : can make decisions, and if not, who then should
making choices for those make them and how. Four tools provide a step-
who can't / V. Kind, 2010 by-step process for thinking through difficult
situations. Questions to ask in nearly every
medical and quality-of-life situation and tips for
improving communication among family
members and caregivers are provided.

Caregiver Coach Broyles' Frank Broyles, former University of Arkansas

playbook for athletic director, authored this book based on his
Alzheimer's Caregivers experience caring for his wife. Spiral-bound for
/ F. Broyles, 2009 caregivers and written in the format of a football
playbook, it is easy to read and understand. It
offers a substantial collection of practical
information and comes with a "Pocket Reference
of Tips and Strategies" that a caregiver might
need quickly.

Caregiver Complete guide to Outfitting the interiors and exteriors of homes

Alzheimer's-proofing and discussions on how to cope with the potential
your home / M. Warner, problems related to safety, navigability and
2000 comfort for the person with Alzheimer's is the
focus of this practical book.
Caregiver Cuando el dia tiene 36 Cuando el dia tiene 36 horas is the Spanish
horas (Spanish Edition) / edition of The 36-Hour Day. Translated in 1997,
N. Mace & P. Rabins, it offers the same information and guidance for
1997 those in all stages and covers all aspects of
Alzheimer care.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 9
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Dignified life. The best The philosophy described in Dignified Life works
friends approach to from the premise that dementia care is based on
Alzheimer's care : a treating the person like a best friend and drawing
guide for family from their strengths rather than their
caregivers / V. Bell & D.weaknesses. Stories demonstrate the natural
Troxel, 2000 desires we have to build friendships and
therefore communicate effectively and connect
with the persons being cared for.
Caregiver Help for Alzheimer's Contains a robust collection of care content in all
caregivers, family and aspects of the disease. Among other practical
friends / J. Robinson, topics is 35 pages devoted to eating, dining
2006 environments, menus, health issues that affect
eating, and dysphasia.
Caregiver Inside Alzheimer's : how For families or professionals wanting to know
to hear and honor more about making a meaningful connection with
connections with a the person with Alzheimer's. The author covers
person who has dementia six basic principles on how people connect with
/ N. Pearce, 2007 one another: by intention, free from judgment,
love, openness to receive love, silence, and
thankfulness. Internalizing the principles can help
in all stages of the disease
Caregiver Learning to speak Relating to the person with Alzheimer's in their
Alzheimer's / J. Coste, world is the focus of Learning to Speak
2004 Alzheimer's . The author concentrates on the
method she calls the Habilitation Model which
works on minimizing stress, promoting positive
emotions, maximizing success, and optimizing
function to enhance communication. It includes
practical care, techniques for ensuring the
person's dignity and for promoting positive
experiences between the caregiver and the

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 10
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Living your best with Living Your Best with Early Stage answers
early stage : an essential questions not usually addressed in an office visit
guide / Lisa Snyder 2010 including medical, emotional, practical and legal
questions asked by persons who are first
diagnosed. It includes advice from other people
with the disease and is a practical resource that
explores the person's own experiences and
concerns while providing direction and resources
for managing daily life. Includes
strategies for coping, managing symptoms,
finding meaningful activity, planning for the
future, easier communication, participating in
research and clinical trials, and more.

Caregiver Los Mejores Amigos en Los Mejores Amigos en el Cuidado de

el Cuidado de Alzheimer's is based on the Best Friends
Alzheimer's / V. Bell & D. principle created by the same authors. This
Troxel, 2008 Spanish version describes how the fundamental
components of friendship work toward ensuring
quality of care and more rewarding activities for
persons with the disease and caregivers.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 11
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Managing nutrition in Managing Nutrition in Dementia Care offers

dementia care : a practical ideas to improve eating and nutrition for
supportive approach for people with dementia. It includes nutrition goals,
caregivers / Alzheimer's dietary guidelines and food guide pyramid for
Association Western New older people, nutritional risk checklist, and food
York Chapter, 2001 safety guidelines. It gives suggestions for storing
food safely, getting enough fiber, measuring
dietary fiber, getting enough fluids, spotting the
signs of possible dehydration, avoiding drug and
food interactions, determining a reasonable
weight, increasing calories to prevent weight loss,
using finger foods, changing food textures to
reduce chewing and swallowing problems,
positioning for better eating and drinking, and
reducing undesirable mealtime behaviors.
Available at

Caregiver Memory books and The use of graphic cueing systems in this
other graphic cuing resource aims at helping people with memory
systems : practical impairments function more independently and
communication and effectively. The visual and written aids - most
memory aids for adults often a combination of words and pictures - helps
with dementia / M. prompt the answers to common questions and
Bourgeiis, 2007 offers reminders of daily living. Recipient of the
Mature Media Award in 2008.
Caregiver Moving a relative with Moving a Relative with Memory Loss
memory loss / L. White summarizes many of the issues involved in
& B. Spencer, 2006 moving and offers advice on making the move
easier. Topics include keeping a relative at
home, locating a residential care home, talking to
the relative about moving, planning the move,
moving in, and common emotional reactions to

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 12
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Navigating the Navigating the Alzheimer's Journey aims at

Alzheimer's journey : a providing easy-to-understand information and
compass for caregiving / tools to help caregivers get results with everyday
C. Bowlby Sifton, 2004 challenges in positive but realistic terms. The
content includes: Care for the caregiver -- Living
in the moment -- Basic information on dementia --
Communicating with someone who has dementia
-- Creating a supportive environment --
Maintaining a familiar lifestyle -- Success with
daily life activities -- Using leisure activities for the
person's "re-creation" -- Understanding,
preventing, and responding to behavioral
symptoms -- Care planning.

Caregiver Sexuality and the Sexuality and the Alzheimer's Patient provides
Alzheimer's patient / E. information that is not typically covered
Ballard, 1993 elsewhere. It addresses such concerns and
issues as affection and self-esteem, touch,
behaviors that only appear to be sexual, explicit
sexual behaviors and how to cope with them,
perspectives of professionals and family
caregivers, questions to ask nursing staff, and
the special role of the professional in helping

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 13
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver Stages of senior care : Written as a guide to help seniors remain in their
the step-by-step guide to homes for as long as possible, this resource
making the best emphasizes the importance of planning and
decisions / P. & L. Hogan, tackles a range of difficult subjects related to
2009 aging and living arrangements. The book
identifies the signs that indicate when it may be
time to consider additional care and explores the
options and their pros and cons. It includes
questions to ask and further considerations when
looking for care providers. Advice for long
distance caregivers, family disagreements about
kinds of care, and funeral arrangements is also

Caregiver Understanding difficult Understanding Difficult Behaviors was written for

behaviors : some families and professionals in all settings of care.
practical suggestions for The resource's aim is to help caregivers
coping with Alzheimer's understand that there can be many possible
disease and related explanations for why challenging behaviors arise.
illnesses / R. Spence & It begins with why difficult behaviors occur and
L. White, 2007 the importance of good communication. Next,
the behaviors are laid out identically, each with
definitions, possible psychological, medical, and
environmental causes, coping strategies, and
other considerations.

Caregiver What if it's not Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) is one of the

Alzheimer's : a largest groups of non-Alzheimer diseases after
caregiver's guide to Vascular Dementia. This resource considers the
dementia / L. & G. Radin clinical and medical care issues, disease
(editors), 2008 management, home adaptation, behavioral
issues and finding a medical team to treat it. It
also explores the role genetics plays, drugs for
FTD and non-pharmaceutical interventions.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 14
Subject Category Book Title Description

Caregiver When love gets tough : In this guide for making the nursing home
the nursing home placement decision, the author outlines a
decision / D. Manning, decision making process, how to understand the
2006 emotions and guilt that may accompany the
move, and how to develop a healthy relationship
with the loved one once made. He also discusses
family meetings, legal and financial issues and
working with the facility.
Children/Teen Grandma's Cobwebs / Grandma's Cobwebs is written from the
Pre-school - grade 3 A. Frantti, 1998 viewpoint of Claire whose grandmother has come
to live with her and her family. Claire's
experiences with her friends lead her to endure
some hard lessons but in the end understand her
grandmother's Alzheimer's better. The book
includes an educational supplement of questions
and answers for children about Alzheimer's.

Children/Teen Getting to know you This illustrated childrens book tells the story of
Pre-school - grade 4 Rubin Plotnick / R. David and Grandma Rosie, who has dementia
Rosenbluth, 2005 and whose unpredictable behavior threatens to
embarrass him in front of a new friend. Through
trial and error David discovers the importance of
looking beneath the surface to really get to know
someone and learns that Ruben is not just the
coolest kid, he also has the warmest heart.

Children/Teen Remember me? A young girl's grandfather can't or doesn't want to

Pre-school - grade 3 Alzheimer's through the remember her anymore. This upsets the girl who
eyes of a child / Te wonders if she did something wrong.
acuerdas de ci? Understanding comes after Grandfather's
(Bilingual/Spanish) / S. Alzheimer's disease is exposed." Description
Glass, 2007 from

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 15
Subject Category Book Title Description

Children/Teen Singing with Momma Nine-year-old Tamika uses photographs, school

Pre-school - grade 3 Lou / L. Jacobs Altman & yearbooks, movie ticket stubs, and other
L. Johnson, 2002 mementos to try to restore the memory of her
grandmother, who has Alzheimer's disease."
Description from
Children/Teen Still my grandma / V. A young girl describes her special relationship
Pre-school - grade 3 Van den Abeele, 2007 with her grandmother, both before and after
Grandma contracts Alzheimer's Disease."
Description from

Children/Teen Wilfrid Gordon Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, a small girl,

Pre-school - grade 3 McDonald Partridge / M. knows and likes old people in the home next
Fox, 1989 door, but her favorite is Miss Nancy Alison
Delacourt Cooper who also has four names.
Hearing that she has lost her memory, she
begins asking questions about memory and
throughout the book discovers all the things that
memory is for the residents including Miss
Children/Teen Striped shirts and Libby becomes concerned when her
Pre-school - grade 3 flowered pants / B. grandmother begins to forget certain things and
Schnurbush, 2006 wears clothes that do not match. Her parents
help her to understand that her Nana is in the
early stages of Alzheimer's disease and what that
means." Description from

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 16
Subject Category Book Title Description

Children/Teen What's happening to Maria Shriver has written a full-color, hardcover

Pre-school - grade 3 Grandpa? / M. Shriver, children's book about a grandparent with
2004 Alzheimer's disease. Shriver walks a girl through
acceptance and a beginning understanding of
her Grandpa's condition. This well-meaning book
is clearly and lovingly written.

Children/Teen Alzheimer's Disease This book for teens discusses Alzheimer's

Grades 4 - high (Health Alert Series) / M. disease, including what it is like to have the
school Targ Brill, 2006 disease, the history and research, and how
people cope with it." Description from
Children/Teen Alzheimer's Disease Examines the history, causes, and treatments of
Grade 4 - high school and memory drugs / C. Alzheimer's disease and the impact of the
Borda & D.J. Triggle, disease on families and society." Description
2006 from
Children/Teen Alzheimers disease : a In this book the author offers a well-researched,
Grade 7 - high school forgotten life / E. Landau, clearly written resource for young people with a
2005 personal or scholarly interest in the disease.
Adapted from a review by the American Library
Children/Teen Alzheimer's Disease Provides an overview of Alzheimer's disease,
Grade 4 - junior high (Just the facts) / J. describes what it is, the history of the disease,
school McGuigan, 2005 what it is like to live with this form of dementia,
and some of the available treatments."
Description from
Children/Teen Graduation of Jake Fourteen-year-old Jake recalls how he has spent
Grade 4 - junior high Moon / B. Park, 2002 the last four years watching his grandfather
school descend slowly but surely into Alzheimer's
disease." Description adapted from

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 17
Subject Category Book Title Description

Fiction Before I forget / L. Pitts, A man recently diagnosed with early-onset

2009 Alzheimer's disease takes a road trip to visit his
ailing, estranged father, with his troubled teen-
aged son" --Provided by publisher; description
Fiction Gate (the) : things my An intimate novel of an eighty-year old woman
mother told me / S.I.S. spending the last years of her life at the Institute
Law, 2007 of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The problems
she must face are as different as they are
unexpected from anything one can imagine in the
'outside' world, not the least of which is her
husband's gradual deterioration under the
unforgiving progression of Alzheimer's disease.
As we follow the inevitable loss of her own
faculties, we discover what unexpected
compensations nature offers to those whom no
one else can help. Surprisingly, the book is
spiced with abundant humor...." Description from

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 18
Subject Category Book Title Description

Fiction Lost : a novel / A. On a cold January morning, Susan leaves her

Lichenstein, 2010 husband alone for a few minutes and returns to
find him gone. He has Alzheimer's disease, and
he has wandered alone into a frigid landscape
with no sense of home or direction. The massive
search for her husband brings Susan together
with Jeff, a search-and-rescue expert and social
worker preoccupied with his young wife's
betrayal. In Jeff's care is Corey, a young boy
rendered mute and abandoned by his family after
setting a fire in which his older brother was killed.
As the temperature drops and the search-and-
rescue effort builds towards a startling climax,
each of the three reflects on their life choices as
they struggle with haunting and persistent
questions: How am I responsible? What more
could I have done?" Description from
Fiction Still Alice / L. Genova, Alice Howland, happily married with three grown
2009 children and a house on the Cape, is a
celebrated Harvard professor at the height of her
career when she notices a forgetfulness creeping
into her life. As confusion starts to cloud her
thinking and her memory begins to fail her, she
receives a devastating diagnosis: early onset
Alzheimer's disease." Description from
Fiction Story of forgetting : a Resigned to memories of the family he has lost,
novel / S. Merril Block, seventy-year-old recluse Abel Haggard spends
2009 his life alone on the family farm while, hundreds
of miles away, fifteen-year-old Seth Waller seeks
to uncover his mother's genetic history after a
diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's." Description

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 19
Subject Category Book Title Description

Free Acute hospitalization The disease process can increase confusion,

and Alzheimer's anxiety and agitation in a hospitalized individual
disease : a special kind with Alzheimer's disease. Acute Hospitalization
of care / North Carolina and Alzheimer's Disease will provide hospital
Department of Health and staff with facts about the disease, communication
Human Services Division tips, personal care techniques, suggestions for
of Aging, c [?] working with behaviors and environmental factors
to consider in the ER and in the hospital room.
Free to order and download at

Free Alzheimer's disease : Unraveling the Mystery - as it it often referred to -

unraveling the mystery / explains what AD is, describes the main areas in
National Institutes of which researchers are working, and highlights
Health, 2008 new approaches for helping families and friends
care for people with AD. It includes the basics,
what happens to the brain in Alzheimer's, cutting
edge research, improving support for caregivers,
and more. Free to order or download at

Free By us for us guides / The By Us For Us Guides are a series of

Murray Alzheimer guides created by persons with dementia and
Education and Research intended to furnish persons with dementia with
Program, University of the tools to enhance their sense of well being
Waterloo, 2010 and manage daily challenges. Free to order or
download at

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 20
Subject Category Book Title Description

Free Caring for a person A 146-page easy-to-read guide for caregivers

with Alzheimer's containing information on the many aspects of
disease : your easy-to- caring for the person and oneself, such as the
use-guide from the basics, when to seek additional help, medical
National Institute on issues, end-of-life care and special issues like
Aging / National Institute medicines and joining a clinical trial. Free to
of Health, 2010 order or download at
Free End of life : helping with Helping With Comfort and Care provides an
comfort and care / overview issues commonly facing people caring
National Institute on for someone nearing the end of life. Information
Aging, 2010 is based on research, such as that supported by
the National Institute on Aging and supplemented
with expert knowledge. The 72-page booklet
uses the terms comfort care, supportive care,
and palliative care to describe individualized care
that can provide a dying person the best quality
of life until the end. Free to order or download at

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 21
Subject Category Book Title Description

Free Guidelines for The 2008 Guidelines update and expands the
Alzheimer's 2002 version. Developed by the California
management / California Workgroup on Alzheimer's Disease Management
Workgroup; 2008. through the collaborative efforts of experts, the
guidelines support a team approach to quality
management of Alzheimer's disease. They stress
the importance of an accurate assessment,
treatment options, approaches to patient and
caregiver education and support including
evidence that links positive patient outcomes to
caregiver education and support. Information on
legal considerations and new evidence on
management of the disease in very early and end
stages is included. Free to download at

Free Home safety for people A comprehensive booklet that identifies potential
with Alzheimer's / problems in the home and offers possible
National Institute on solutions to help prevent accidents. Includes a
Aging, 2010 checklist to help make each room safer and
specific home safety tips to help cope with some
of the more hazardous situations. Included are
techniques for managing driving and planning for
natural disaster safety. The booklet ends with a
list of resources for family caregivers. Free to
order or download at

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 22
Subject Category Book Title Description

Free So far away : twenty So Far Away is organized in a question-and-

questions for long- answer format. Each of the commonly asked
distance caregivers / questions has a brief answer. The ideas,
National Institute on suggestions, and observations are from people
Aging, 2010 with knowledge or experience in long-distance
caregiving. Each situation may be adapted to
create an entirely different and practical solution.
Free to order or download at

Free Talking with your A good patient-doctor relationship is a

doctor / National Institute partnership where patients, doctors and other
on Aging, [c ?] healthcare professionals can work as a team.
This 48-page booklet provides suggestions on
how to prepare for a visit, what to say, what to
ask, discussing sensitive matters, who else
should be involved, and more. Talking with Your
Doctor is a good resource for persons in early
stage and caregivers. Free to order and
download at
Free Your life your choices : Your Life Your Choices is a 52-page workbook
planning for future outlining the situations and decisions people
medical decisions. How commonly face and preferences available under
to prepare a personalized different health conditions. Relevant and
will / R. Pearlman, H. thoughtful questions and discussions provide
Starks, K. Cain, et al., c guidance through such areas as one's beliefs
[?] and values, health conditions and treatments,
healthcare preferences, and communicating
one's wishes. Free to download at

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 23
Subject Category Book Title Description

Historical Alzheimer's disease : In this historical account, qualified scientists and

the changing view / R. leaders in Alzheimer research write and speak
Katzman & K. Bick, 2000 about the science of Alzheimer's and about those
responsible for raising the public's aware of the
disease. Increase in research funding,
establishment of diagnostic criteria, early drug
development, and the birth of the Alzheimer's
Association are covered through generous and
candid interviews.

Historical Decoding darkness : the Decoding Darkness is a written account of the

search for the genetic research of Rudolph Tanzi starting with his work
causes of Alzheimer's / in locating disease genes and their proteins to
R. Tanzi, 2001 exploring the role of amyloid as a cause of
Alzheimer's disease. He recounts his steps in a
narrative of scientific discovery while weaving in
the stories of the families he worked with.
Acclaimed as part mystery, part science, and part
Historical Forgetting (the) : A journalist and occasional commentator for NPR
Alzheimer's portrait of an gives a compelling account of Alzheimer's
epidemic / D. Shenk, disease from its scientific discovery and the
2003 common beliefs of the day to the present
epidemic, splicing together evidence of the roles
played by various scientists, policy makers,
caregivers, and persons with the disease.
Includes commentary on an array of historical
and social issues related to Alzheimer's and
anecdotes about memory loss in famous

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 24
Subject Category Book Title Description

Historical Hannah's heirs : the In the late 1890s a Ukrainian woman died with a
quest for the genetic then-unknown brain disease which had caused
origins of Alzheimer's premature dementia by mid-life. In 1985, the
Disease / D. Pollen, author first came into contact with one of her
1996 heirs who appeared to be in the early stages of
Alzheimer's disease. When studying her family
history, a link seemed possible and thus began
his pursuit of the genetic connection while at the
same time a determination to help the family.

Magazines / Journals Caregiver assistance A 4-page monthly newsletter on topics of interest

news / Comfort of Home to direct-care workers for building caregiving
skills. Contains illustrations and self-care tips.
The information can be used for self-training
through a quiz insert with each issue. Subscribe

Magazines / Journals Caregiver Newsletter / A weekly newsletter containing guest columns

Caregiver Media Group and feature articles with information in
manageable pieces for busy caregivers.
Subscribe or read past issues at
Magazines / Journals Perspectives : a Perspectives is published quarterly with a grant
newsletter for individuals from the National Institute on Aging. Feature
diagnosed with articles, tips, advice, news, and book reviews
Alzheimers disease / L. written by Lisa Snyder and guest authors
Snyder (editor) constitute the first such national newsletter for
persons with Alzheimer's. For order information

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 25
Subject Category Book Title Description

Magazines / Journals Preserving your Preserving Your Memory is from the Fisher
memory: the magazine Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation
of health and hope containing tips for caregivers, research updates,
interviews, articles on healthy living, and
crosswords and other games. Download for free
magazine or subsribe to the print version.

Magazines / Journals Take Care : self care for Take Care is a quarterly newsletter of the
the family caregiver / National Family Caregiver's Association with
National Family evidence based research and practical caregiver
Caregivers Association advice. A "question and answer" column and
(NFCA) resource information is included. Sign up or read
past issues at

Magazines / Journals Today's Caregiver Today's Caregiver is a national magazine for

Magazine / Caregiver caregivers that contains feature articles,
Media Group interviews, book reviews, letters, poetry,
advertisements and advertiser index. Specific
articles are searchable from the search function.
Download issues in PDF or subscribe at

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 26
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Alzheimer's action plan Through the combined knowledge and

: the experts' guide to the experience of the authors, families and
best diagnosis and healthcare professionals have a practical manual
treatment for memory for putting together a plan of action for
problems / P. Alzheimer's care. Topics include best tests for
Doraiswamy, L. Gwyther, determining the disease, effective and
T. Adler, 2008 noneffective medical treatments, coping
strategies for behavioral and emotional changes
in mild to moderate stages, access to clinical
trials, and more.

Professional Assisted living Contributors of this text examine how care and
residence : a vision for housing is changing for older people who need
the future / S. M. Golant assistance. Sections include overviews of the
& J. Hyde (editors), 2008 state of assisted living and factors forming its
future and design and operation. It includes
discussions on government regulations and the
role consumers play as a market force.
Caregivers, operators, professional
organizations, private investors, government and
technology will determine its prospects and
availability. A good resource for local providers
planning to build assisted living or nursing

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 27
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Bathing without a battle Like the first edition, this resource offers an
: person-directed care of individualized, problem solving approach to
individuals with dementia bathing and personal care. Strategies and
/ A.L. Barrick, 2008 techniques that are practical for the home setting
and staff instruction, and based on clinical
research and experience. In the new edition, the
authors introduce historical material on bathing;
handling pain, skin care, determining appropriate
levels of assistance, transfers and the
environment. It also covers ways to support
caregivers through education about the person's
needs with an emphasis on self care, and the
changes required of person-directed care.
Insights from direct caregivers are included.

Professional Best friends approach Being a best friend to the person is an innovative
to Alzheimer's care / V. model of care developed by the authors that
Bell & D. Troxel, 2002 stresses calm and empathy when guiding the
person to acceptable behavior. Cueing and
actual responses help the caregiver learn
precisely how to handle specific situations and
transfer that knowledge to other complicated
predicaments. The approach presented takes
time and energy, but its effectiveness and
compassion make it a rich and plentiful resource
for professional caregivers and families.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 28
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Best friends staff : Best Friends Staff contains stories and
building a culture of care discussion from facility staff already using the
in Alzheimer's programs / Best Friends TM approach. Case studies
V. Bell & D. Troxel, 2001 demonstrating successful programs, ideas for
implementing change, and advice on staff
training and retention are included with exercise,
activities, games and resources.
Professional Care of the older adult Review articles in this text, cover topics about
in the office setting : an elders in primary care. These include:
issue of primary care / L. Approaches to office care of the older adult and
Lawhorne (editor), 2005 the specter of dementia; geriatric assessment;
nutrition and aging; dementia care: critical
interactions among primary care physicians,
patients, and caregivers; reducing fall risk in
older adults; urinary incontinence; hypertension;
approaches to appropriate drug prescribing;
depression in the older adult; primary care
physician's role in nursing facility care; and end-
of-life care for older adults.
Professional Counseling the This resource is a work based on lessons
Alzheimer caregiver / M. learned from 15 years of clinical experience and
Mittelman, C. Epstein, A. observation and demonstrated treatment
Pierz, 2002 interventions. It outlines the symptoms of
Alzheimer's at each stage, describes the
caregiver's and counselor's roles throughout the
disease, offers ways to develop individualized
care plans for behavior and psychological
symptoms, and provides ideas for support
services for at home persons and decision-
making guidance about placement. A practical
guide for healthcare professionals who
collaborate care for persons with dementia.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 29
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Critical thinking in long- Critical thinking and the role it plays in nursing
term care nursing : skills and resident care for reducing medical errors is
to assess, analyze, and the focus of this book. The authors offer a
act / S. Cohen, 2008 resource to nurse managers and educators for
teaching these skills to staff. Critical Thinking in
Long-Term Care Nursing explains these
principles and how to encourage nurses to use a
critical thinking approach. How to lead classroom
sessions, learning strategies, and handouts are
also included.
Professional Dementia care plan A manual of 50 behavior-based care plans is
dictionary : a behavior- presented with the possible causes of various
based care plan idea behaviors, their potential consequences, and
book / M. Nolta & B. Hall, interventions and activities. Dementia Care Plan
2005 Dictionary includes a glossary of medical
terminology, coding for the skilled nursing
minimum data set and quality indicator
compliance, plus a reverse index for nursing
Professional Dementia care training This resource is an interactive training manual to
manual for staff help direct-care workers re-examine their
working in nursing and working practices and build their skills. It can be
residential settings / D. used as a self-training guide under supervision or
Walsh, 2006 by educators in a structured setting. Contains
photocopiable exercises, discussion and
questions to prompt care workers to reflect on
their style of work.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 30
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Dementia reconsidered Tom Kitwood, professor who developed the

: the person comes first / Bradford Dementia Group, University of Bradford,
T. Kitwood, 1997 United Kingdom, is often described as the father
of person-centered care. Dementia
Reconsidered he illustrates the nature of
dementia and what is reasonable to expect of the
person when quality of care is high. Kitwood
reappraises older attitudes towards persons with
dementia. He draws on research, analysis, his
own experiences in an innovative point-of-view
placing "personhood" at the center in practical
terms like using knowledge of the person's past
for positive daily interactions. Recommended for
professionals, graduate student and families who
are interested in learning about the origins of the
culture of care.

Professional Design innovations for Building on the concept of culture change in

aging and Alzheimer's / dementia care, the author offers practical advice
E. Brawley, 2005 on environmental design for facilities caring for
persons with dementia. Evidence-based
throughout, the resource is both comprehensive
and practical covering a wide range of design
issues for maintaining functionality,
independence, and good health. Two hundred
photographs provide guidance. Topics cover
information not easily found elsewhere such as
lighting, acoustics, floorcovering, fabrics and
color, but also concepts like vision, hearing,
mobility and more. Search
for the table-of-contents.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 31
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Designing for This is the author's first book on environment for
Alzheimers disease : providers and design professionals. Innovative
strategies for creating and practical solutions related to facility design,
better care treatment, and resident safety are covered. It
environments / E. links therapeutic goals and specific design
Brawley, 1997 concepts like lighting, acoustics, and color and
covers areas not easily found elsewhere. The
design ideas can be applied to residential
facilities, assisted-living, and homes.

Professional Developing support The author's book has been widely used in many
groups for individuals care settings since it was first published.
with early stage Intended to help people cope in the early stage of
Alzheimer's disease : the disease, in a format that is easy to follow, it
planning, implementation, includes ideas, solutions and insights on running
and evaluation / R. Yale, a dementia support group.

Professional Enduring self in people This book demonstrates a person's unique self
with Alzheimer's : persists throughout the course of the disease
getting to the heart of and how much can be done in care settings to
individualized care / S. support a person's sense of identity. Drawing
Fazio, 2008 from a diverse body of research it brings together
the recommendations of best thinkers and
practitioners to illustrate the importance of
providing dementia care that recognizes and
supports personhood. Translating research into
practice, the author provides strategies for
restructuring the physical and social environment
to facilitate person-centered care.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 32
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Evidence-based The book was published to help improve quality,

geriatric nursing outcomes, and costs of healthcare for elders in
protocols for best long-term care facilities, hospitals, and the
practice / E, Capezuti community. In its third edition, it is again targeted
(editor), 2008 to individual nurses and institutions. Each
chapter addresses a clinical problem that older
people face and summarizes the "best practice"
for that problem. The third edition includes
numerous revised and updated chapters and
new topics. Educational objectives, assessment
of the problem, nursing intervention and care
strategies, and case studies are included.

Professional Living with grief : This companion book to the 2004 Hospice
Alzheimer's disease / K. Foundation of America teleconference, examines
Doka, 2004 a multitude of grief and related issues
surrounding Alzheimer's disease that define the
overall challenges and opportunities for
healthcare. Notable is a chapter on grief in the
person with the disease and in the caregiver.

Professional Palliative care for Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book
advanced Alzheimer's of the Year Award for 2010, this title is an
and dementia : introduction to palliative care standards for
guidelines and standards advanced dementia. It reviews the philosophy of
for evidence-based care / person-centered care, addresses assessment,
G. Martin & M. Sabbagh planning, implementation, and evaluation
(editors), 2010 measures. The basic human needs of persons in
advanced stages are covered as well as more
complex care decisions while supporting the
person's right to autonomy.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 33
Subject Category Book Title Description

Professional Validation breakthrough Based on a technique created by the author, this

: simple techniques for book teaches caregivers how to use validation
communicating with instead of reality orientation to improve
people with Alzheimer- relationships with persons with dementia. Used
type dementia / N. Feil, effectively, it is a compassionate communication
2002 style and intervention for caregivers wanting to
bring out persons who withdraw and interact with
greater sensitivity.

Spiritual/Inspirational Caregiving : the spiritual Caregiving contains a blend of powerful real-life

journey of love, loss and stories, medical and financial information, and
renewal / B. McLeod, discussion on topics such as depression, stress,
2000 housing, home care, and end-of-life. The author's
personal experience with caregiving and faith
lays the groundwork for this book of spiritual and
practical insight.
Spiritual/Inspirational Guide to the spiritual A resource and guide for professionals,
dimension of care for volunteers and anyone involved in the pastoral
people with AD and care of persons with Alzheimer's. The guide
related dementia / E. explores the physical and spiritual well-being,
Shamy, 2003 dignity and freedom of choice of the person, and
how these can be fostered. It examines the
volunteers own sense of empathy, understanding
and support of the person and also presents
practical advice on memory cueing and leading
worship for those with dementia.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 34
Subject Category Book Title Description

Spiritual/Inspirational Spiritual journey of The author has chosen the content of her book
family caregiving / S. based on personal experiences as a care
Karas, 2008 consultant and as producer of a monthly
caregiver newsletter. In an open and broadly
defined framework, she offers advice and
discussion on the spiritual aspects of caregiving
that are informative and supportive.
Recommended for persons with either a religious
or non-religious background.
Spiritual/Inspirational You are one of us : A 65-page, easy-to-follow book with suggestions
successful clergy/church for ways clergy and churches can help their
connections to members with Alzheimer's and their families.
Alzheimer's families / L.
Gwyther, 1995

Volunteerism Model volunteer This handbook features 40 policies that you

handbook / B. Wittich, might want to consider when working with
2002 volunteers and developing a volunteer handbook.
A large reference section includes publications,
organizations and websites to help write a
volunteer handbook.

Core List of Books and Magazines Perpared by the Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library 35

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