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Exclusive Jurisdiction of RTC and MTC

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EXCLUSIVE 1. Actions involving Not more than P300,000 In all other cases in
ORIGINAL PERSONAL PROPERTY in Province or P400,000 which the demand,
JURISDICTION in Metro Manila exclusive of IDALEC or
2. Actions demanding Not more than P300,000 the value of property in
SUM OF MONEY in Province or P400,000 controversy exceeds
in Metro Manila P300,000 in Province or
(amount of sums of money P400,000 in Metro
demanded is EXCLUSIVE of Manila
interest, damages of whatever
kind, attorneys fees, litigation
expenses and costs (IDALEC),
the amount of which must be
specifically alleged but the
filing fees thereon shall be

(damages will only be

excluded if it is merely
incidental to a principal action.
If the claim of damages is the
principal action then the
amount of damages shall be
determinative of jurisdiction)
3. PROBATE PROCEEEDING, Gross value of the Gross value of the
testate or intestate estate is not more than estate exceeds
P300,000 in Province or P300,000 in Province or
P400,000 in Metro P400,000 in Metro
Manila Manila
4. Actions in ADMIRALTY and Not more than P300,000 Exceeds P300,000 in
MARITIME jurisdiction in Province or P400,000 Province or P400,000 in
in Metro Manila Metro Manila
5. Actions involving TITLE or Assessed value of the Assessed value of the
POSSESSION of REAL property is not more property exceeds
PROPERTY than P20,000 in P20,000 in Province or
Province or P50,000 in P50,000 in Metro
Metro Manila Manila
Provisional remedies Subject of litigation
in principal actions is incapable of
within their pecuniary estimation
Inclusion and In all cases not
exclusion of voters within the exclusive
jurisdiction of any
court, tribunal,
person or body
exercising judicial
and quasi-judicial
Cases covered by Rules Under Sec 5.2 of
on Summary Procedure: Securities Regulation
Forcible entry and Code:
unlawful detainer -Cases involving
actions with devices or schemes
jurisdiction to resolve employed by or any
the issue of ownership acts of the board of
only to determine the directors, business
issue of possession; associates, its officers
irrespective of the or partnership,
amount of damages or amounting to fraud and
unpaid rentals sought to misrepresentation
be recovered. Where -Controversies arising
attorneys fees are out of intra-corporate
awarded, the same shall or partnership relations
not exceed P20,000 -Controversies in

BP 129 Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, as amended by R.A. 7691

elections or
appointments of
directors, trustees,
officers or managers of
such corporations,
partnership or
-Petitions of
partnership or
associations to be
declared in a state of
suspension of payment
Other civil cases In all civil actions and
except probate special proceedings
proceedings, where falling within the
total claim does not exclusive original
exceed P100,000 in jurisdiction of Juvenile
Province or P200,000 in and Domestic Relations
Metro Manila Courts and of the Court
of Agrarian Relations as
now provided by law.

BP 129 Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, as amended by R.A. 7691

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