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Optimization and Design Numerical Modeling and Advances in Fabrication Technologies To Optical Performance

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302

Optimization and Design Numerical Modeling and Advances in Fabrication
Technologies to Optical Performance
Nadeem Khargan Alhareeb
Thiqar University
Biomedical Engineering department

AbstractPhotonic crystals and Nano photonics have received a great deal of attention over the last decade, largely due to improved
numerical modeling and advances in fabrication technologies. To this day, fabrication and optical behavior remain decoupled during the design
phase and numerous assumptions are made about perfect geometry. As research moves from theory to real devices, predicting device behavior
based on realistic geometry becomes critical. In this dissertation, a set of numerical tools was developed to model micro and nano fabrication
processes. They were combined with equally capable tools to model optical performance of the simulated structures. Using these tools, it was
predicted and demonstrated that 3D nanostructures may be formed on a standard mask aligner. A space-variant photonic crystal filter was
designed and optimized based on a simple fabrication method of etching holes through hetero-structured substrates. It was found that hole taper
limited their optical performance and a method was developed to compensate. A method was developed to tune the spectral response of guided-
mode resonance filters at the time of fabrication using models of etching and deposition. Auto cloning was modeled and shown that it could be
used to form extremely high aspect ratio structures to improve performance of form-birefringent devices. Finally, the numerical tools were
applied to metallic photonic crystal devices.

INTRODUCTION semiconductor and other inorganic materials have been

As research moves from theory to real devices, predicting extensively investigatedand developed during the past decades
device behavior based on realistic geometry becomes critical [1 to meet the demands of high-speedoptical communications and
7]. Even small distortions can lead to dramatic changes in large-scale integrated optical circuits [3], the
optical behavior [8]. In this dissertation, a set of numerical tools stringentrequirements of next-generation optical
was developed to model micro and nano fabrication processes. communications networks are pushing thelimits of
They were combined with equally capable tools to model conventional materials. As a new material available for optical
optical performance of the simulated structures. Using these integratedoptics, polymer materials remain among the lesser
tools, nano-optical elements were design and optimized by studied and developed materialsdespite having properties
coupling fabrication to optical behavior. Experimental results amenable to future requirements. Recently, however,more
achieved in the lab verify the concepts developed in this attention has been given to polymeric materials for use in
manuscript.Devices used in high speed optical communications integrated opticaldevices because of several advantageous
networks comprise a wide arrayof material systems [1]. Among features [4]. These features, and manipulationof these features
the key material systems are silica (both fiber andsilica-on- to accomplish feats impossible or not easily achieved with
silicon), silicon oxynitride, sol-gel, dielectric thin film, lithium traditional inorganic materials, are the subject of this
niobate,galium arsenide, indium phosphide, magneto-optic manuscript.
materials, birefringent crystals,and polymer. Such a wide array
of material systems is necessary because of theunique I. NANO-OPTICAL ELEMENTS
requirements of the constituent passive or active componentry Conventional micro and diffractive optics consists of
[2]. Passivedevices in integrated optics include simple macroscopic surface-reliefstructures usually designed using
waveguides, arrayed waveguide gratings,Bragg gratings, thin scalar methods [9]. Basic passive optical components such
film filters, and microring resonator filters. Important aslenses [10-12], prisms [13], and mirrors [14] can be
activeintegrated optical devices include modulators (using miniaturized and arbitrary shapes realized.These devices have
electro-optic, acousto-optic,or electro-absoption effects), found a host of applications in imaging [15, 16], adaptive
amplifiers (using heterostructures, quantum wells,or rare-earth optics [17], sensors [18, 19], microscopy [20, 21],
doping), and switches (using electro-optic, thermo-optic, communications [22-24], micro-fabrication [2, 5, 6, 25],beam
electro absorption,or micro-electro-mechanical means). These shaping [24], and more. Material properties, however, remain a
building-block passiveand active components are fundamental fundamental limitation. Photonic crystals (PC) are structures
in higher-function devices such as opticaladd/drop with sub-wavelength periodic material propertiesthat can
multiplexers, interleavers, routers, variable optical attenuators, produce sharp electromagnetic resonances. These structures
gainflattening filters, sources, receivers, and detectors.While provide a means ofcontrolling and engineering the bulk
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
electromagnetic properties of materials. Many novel anduseful II. SIGNIFICANCE OF NANO-OPTICAL ELEMENTS
phenomena have been observed that promise significant impact Photonic crystals and other nanophotonic structures hold
on future photonicsystems. Useful properties include forbidden great promise for manyapplications, and the research
transmission [21] and unique dispersive propertieslike negative community is beginning to integrate them into higher
refractive index [22]. levelsystems like NOEs.NOEs should find a host of
applications multiplexing and demultiplexing signals due
toinherent spectral filtering properties of photonic crystals,.
This could include wavelengthdivision multiplexing (WDM) in
fiber optic systems, color filtering in imaging systems,
andmore.Devices based on NOEs could be an enabling
technology for system miniaturization. Dimensions of optical
integrated circuits may be reduced through more efficient
routing ofwaveguides using tighter bends and improved
crossing. Imaging systems can be made morecompact by
replacing complex multi-element lens systems with single
element NOEs. Reducingsize and number of components in a
system can also lead to improved reliability and lower cost.
Display technology may benefit as well. Due to the porous
nature of photonic crystals,they can be backfilled with a
number of materials with tunable optical properties. Liquid
Figure 1: Nano-optical elements crystalscould tune the index contrast, moving the band gap, and
effectively changing color. Sensor technology can exploit
Nano-optical elements combine functionality of micro and highly sensitive optical resonances to detect many
diffractive optical elementswith the optical properties of things.Chemical sensors could be formed by backfilling with
nanophotonic structures like photonic crystals. NOEs can chemically sensitive materials. Highlysensitive acoustic,
enhanceperformance of devices by providing a means to seismic, pressure, stress, strain, and vibration sensors could be
circumvent fundamental limitations imposed byconventional made bydetecting small deformations of the lattice. Imaging
materials. Concept diagrams of several nano-optical elements systems are likely to benefit from the ability to engineer optical
are provided inFigure 1. An example simulation is depicted in materials.Properties such as negative refractive index could be
Figure 2 where a lens has been formed inside a photonic designed into imaging optics to reduceaberrations. This issue is
crystal. When light within the photonic band gap is applied, it particularly severe in ultra-miniaturized systems. When more is
is completelyreflected. When light from outside the band gap is known about NOEs other applications should become apparent.
applied, it is transmitted and focused by thelens. In this manner, Thesemay include beam steering, bio-photonics, adaptive
multiple functions have been multiplexed into a single device. optics, and more.


Mechanisms causing nano-optical elements to deviate from
their perfect geometry fallinto two categories. First, random
distortions arise from random fluctuations in size,
alignment,surface roughness, and other volumetric
inhomogeneities. Random distortions are difficult topredict and
quantify because simulations are often very large and statistics
of the fluctuationsmust be understood. Second, deterministic
distortions produce similar effects, but repeatthroughout the
element. Deterministic distortions tend to affect optical
behavior most severelybecause the same electromagnetic
disturbances are encountered many times throughout the
entirestructure. Fortunately, these can be predicted by modeling
fabrication. Despite this, randomdistortions remain the most
heavily studied. As nano-optical elements move from theory
topractice, understanding both mechanisms will be critical. For
Figure 2: Multifunctional Nano-Optical Element random distortions, the most commonly studied photonic
crystal is the stacked-bar, orwoodpile, structure [23, 24]. Two-
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
dimensional arrays of cylinders [25] and inverse opals [8]have variations, bands should retain their symmetry. The small
also been studied among others [17]. Width of the photonic degree of asymmetryobserved in this example is attributed to a
band gap seems to be thedominant figure of merit to asses how slight anisotropy of the supercell used in thecalculation, so it is
resilient a photonic crystal is to fluctuations in itsgeometry. a purely numerical artifact. It should be noted that while
Virtually no work can be found on how distortions affect the random distortion isvisually most dramatic, it is the more subtle
dispersive behavior ofphotonic crystals. Most literature deterministic distortion that is most serious. For thisreason, it is
concludes that fluctuations on the order of 10% to 15% of important to predict optical behavior of nano-optical elements
thelattice constant lead to a 40% to 50% reduction in width of based on realisticgeometry.
the photonic band gap. A notableexception is the inverse opal,
where the band gap resides at much higher frequencies between
the8th and 9th bands. For inverse opals, the band gap was
found to completely close if fluctuationsexceeded just 2%.
Two-dimensional photonic crystals were found to be more
sensitive to sizefluctuations than variations in alignment. As
may be expected, transverse magnetic (TM) modeswere shown
to be more sensitive than transverse electric (TE) modes.Very
little work investigating deterministic distortion can be found in
the literature.Deformations arising in an autocloning process
were addressed in Ref. [19]. This dissertationhas contributed to
studies on holographic lithography, NFNP, and more [1-7]. It
was shown thatoptical absorption during holographic exposure
leads to photonic crystals where fill factor varieswith depth.
For negative photoresists like Epon SU-8 [4], photonic
crystals become thinnerwith depth leading to chirped lattices
with broadened spectral response. High contrast exposureswere
shown to be quite robust to reflections and standing waves Figure 3: Comparison between random and deterministic distortion
during exposure. A face centered-cubicphotonic crystal was
To demonstrate the impact of realistic geometry on a real
able to tolerate 20% reflection from a substrate
structure, reflection from twoface-centered-cubic photonic crystals are
whilemaintaining similar optical performance. It was shown
compared in Figure 4. A depiction of the unit cellsare shown at the left
that performing multiple exposures cansuperimpose different side of the diagram. The perfect geometry is rendered in blue, while
lattices forming hybrids with optical properties of both.Figure 3 amore realistic geometry resulting from holographic lithography is
compares severity of random and deterministic distortion for rendered in red. Reflectionfrom a ten layer slab from both lattices are
one specificphotonic crystal. The lattice is a 2D array of air compared at the right side of the diagram. Width ofthe band gap is
cylinders in a dielectric medium with r=12.The leftmost slightly wider for the realistic case and red-shifted to a longer
diagram in Figure 3(a) shows the perfect photonic crystal wavelength. Peakreflection of the realistic structure is lower. A kink
with uniform holes,its Brillouin zone, and the photonic band observed in the spectrum of the realisticphotonic crystal suggests there
is interesting dispersive behavior that is completely missed
structure for both TE and TM modes. Bands aresymmetric
whenperfect geometry is assumed.
about because the lattice is symmetric through a rotation of
90. In Figure 3(b)and (c), the lattice is distorted leading to
altered band structures. Distorted bands, represented bysolid
lines, are compared to bands of the perfect photonic crystal,
indicated by dashed lines. InFigure 3(b), deterministic
distortion is introduced by increasing hole size by 10% of the
latticeconstant. Bands of the distorted lattice retain their
symmetry, but are offset in frequency withincreasing severity at
higher frequencies. A band gap has opened for the TE modes
between thefirst and second bands. The TM band gap has
shifted by around 30% to higher frequencies andis wider. In
Figure 3(c), random distortion is introduced by randomly
varying hole size by20% of the lattice constant. It is
immediately obvious how less the bands are affected by
randomfluctuations. This is partially due to overall average Figure 4: Comparison of perfect and realistic FCC photonic
refractive index remaining the same. Forpurely random crystal
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
IV. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR NUMERICAL Figure 5 compares theoretical results obtained in Ref. [13] to
MODELING benchmark simulations for all electromagnetic simulation tools
To predict geometry of NOEs, key steps in fabrication must outlined in this dissertation. Numerical resolution, spectral
be identified and modeled accurately. A background in suitable resolution, and simulation time is summarized in this figure. A
numerical methods is helpful. It is best to seek techniques close-up of the simulated resonances is provided in the bottom
capable of handling large scale problems with high volumetric right diagram. Numerical dispersion has shifted the resonance
complexity since realistic devices are rarely comprised of peaks to slightly longer wavelengths in the models employing
perfect geometric patterns and can be quite large in terms of the finite-differences.Etching, developing, and deposition
optical wavelengths of interest. For electromagnetic processes can be modeled by tracking progression of a surface.
simulations, finite-element methods [10] and finite-difference There are four popular approaches found in literature. These
methods [11-17] are attractive, particularly when metals are are string methods [9, 4, 5], cell volume methods [3, 6-10],
incorporated. For 2D simulations, the finite-difference level set methods (LSM) [1-3], and fast marching methods
frequency-domain (FDFD) method is accurate, simple to (FMM) [13]. String, or marker particle, methods resolve the
implement, and excellent for modeling complex structures of surface with a number of discrete points. During simulation,
finite size [5, 6]. The transfer matrix method [2, 8] is popular position of each point is updated based on position of
for 2D and 3D structures, especially when they contain metals. surrounding points and a local rate function. These methods are
For layered and periodic dielectric devices with moderate to very fast and efficient when surface topology is simple,
low index contrast, rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) smooth, and continuous. This is the case for much of grayscale
[9-12] is very fast and efficient. Finite-difference time-domain lithography and analog devices. When structures are complex
(FDTD) [3, 4] remains a very powerful tool for modeling finite with detached surfaces and sharp bends, the method can
sized devices, large scale structures, and characterizing devices become unstable and is difficult to implement. For these
over very broad frequency range. FDTD has difficulty reasons, the string method is mostly limited to 2D problems.
resolving sharp resonances or any abrupt change in spectral Cell volume methods represent bulk materials as an array of
response, but it is exceptionally capable of identifying if cube shaped cells. Each cell is assigned a fictitious volume that
resonances are present and locating their position in frequency is adjusted as the surface progresses. Cells with zero volume
represent points where the bulk material does not exist. Cells
where the volume is filled represent points where the bulk
material is present. Cells with partially filled volumes
interpolate position of the surface. The main trick
implementing these methods is modifying how cell volume is
reduced based on the direction the surface is moving through
the cell. This is a difficult calculation in the cell volume
framework and fine grids are needed to obtain accurate results.
For this reason, cell volume methods require large amounts of
memory and run slower than string methods, but are able to
handle arbitrarily complex surfaces and extend well to three
dimensions. Of all techniques, LSM and FMM seem to offer
the greatest compromise between speed, flexibility, and
efficiency while being able handle very complex geometries.
Level set methods may be the most generalized and most
rigorous technique for modeling evolution of surfaces.They are
best tailored for modeling etching and deposition due to the
bidirectional nature of the surface and surface dependent
growth rates encountered in the process. Fast marching
methods are incredibly fast and accurate algorithms best suited
to model processes like developing where surfaces progress in
only one direction and rate depends only on position. Both
LSM and FMM offer much simpler means of calculating
geometric properties of the surface such as surface normal and

Figure 5: Benchmark Simulations for EM Simulation Tools

IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
V. MAXWELLS EQUATIONS AND THEOREMS take many forms. To understand optical behavior in nano-
Maxwells equations are the fundamental laws that govern optical elements, it is necessary to have an understanding of
behavior of all electromagnetic energy. They are based on a Maxwells
macroscopic view of how waves interact with matter and may

Table 1: Maxwell's Equations

equations and how they are applied. A summary of Maxwells density (W/m2), and magnetic field intensity (A/m)
equations is provided in Table 1. respectively. Electric charge density v (C/m3) and electric
current density J G (A/m2) represent sources that can induce
A. Time-Domain Form electromagnetic fields or be induced by the fields.All materials
The most widely used form of Maxwells equations are are comprised of charged particles that are displaced in the
differential equations, as opposed to integral equations. In time- presence of an applied electric field. Accelerating charges
domain form [24], these are: radiate fields that combine out of phase with the
D (t ) v (t ) (1)
applied wave. The overall effect is to modify propagation so
waves behave differently than they would in a vacuum. To
B (t ) 0 (2) incorporate these effects in a simplified manner, they are
treated macroscopically through the constitutive parameters
B (t )
x E (t ) (3) (t),(t) , and sometimes (t). In general, these are time-varying
t tensor quantities that relate to the fields through the following

D (t ) equations that involve convolutions.
x H (t ) J (4)
The field parameters D , B , Eand E represent electric flux
density (C/m2), electric field intensity (V/m), magnetic flux
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
C. Wave Equations
Perhaps the most significant aspect of Maxwells equations is
that they predict propagating waves. The curl equations show
that time changing electric fields induce curling, or
(7) circulating, magnetic fields in the immediate vicinity.
The dielectric permittivity characterizes how well a material Likewise, time changing magnetic fields induce circulating
electric fields. In this manner, oscillating fields continue to
can store energy imposed by an electric field. Permeability induce other
quantifies how efficiently energy is stored due to an applied oscillating fields and a wave is formed. To better understand
magnetic field. The conductivity arises from free charges the wave phenomenon, it makes sense to combine Maxwells
that form electrical currents in the presence of an applied curl equations since it is the interaction of these two equations
electric field. that
B. Frequency-Domain Form predicts propagation. The combined equation is called a wave
Transforming Eqs. (1) - (7) to the frequency-domain equation and it is possible to derive it in terms of just the
simplifies the mathematical framework by reducing magnetic field or just the electric field. Wave equations enable
convolutions to simple products. fully rigorous analysis of electromagnetic problems using a
single equation while incorporating all
(8) information from both of Maxwells curl equations.
To begin deriving full vector wave equations, Eqs. (21) and
(22) are written as
(12) Taking the curl of these equations leads to:

(13) (25)
In this form, it is possible to eliminate the terms D , Band J The curl operations on the right side of these equations can be
from Maxwells equations. replaced using the original curl equations. This leads to the full
vector wave equations.

(16) (27)

The wave equations can be written in terms of the free space
Most often permittivity and permeability are not tensor
wave number k0, where k /c .
quantities. In addition, charge vis usually ignored and 0

conductivity is incorporated into a complex permittivity term.

Under these conditions, Maxwells equations assume their most
familiar form. (29)

This manuscript designed and optimized several nano-optical
elements by considering how fabrication affects their optical
(22) behavior. Background was given to understand device
theory. Numerical tools were discussed and detailed
formulations were provided for each along with block diagrams
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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 296 - 302
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Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering department, university of
ThiQar, Iraq

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