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RFP 6518 Solid Waste - Recycling Services - 2010

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Prepared By:

Washtenaw County Purchasing

Administration Building
220 N. Main St., B-35
Ann Arbor, MI 48107

Crystal Wake, C.P.M., CPPB

Senior Buyer
(734) 222-6761
Finance Department
Purchasing Division
P.O. Box 8645, 220 N. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
Phone (734) 222-6760, Fax (734) 222-6764


February 1, 2010

Washtenaw County Purchasing Division on behalf of Washtenaw County Facilities is issuing

a Request for Proposal (RFP) #6518 for Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling
Services for a three-year period for various Washtenaw County buildings.

Sealed Proposals: Vendor will deliver one (1) original and (2) two copies which is clearly
marked as such and must contain original signature(s) to the following address:

Washtenaw County
Administration Building
Purchasing Division
220 N. Main St. Room B-35
Ann Arbor, MI. 48107

By: 4:00 PM on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2010

Proposals received after the above cited time will be considered a late quote and are
not acceptable unless waived by the Purchasing Manager.

Please clearly mark your envelope with the following: "SEALED RFP # 6518".

Please direct purchasing and procedural questions regarding this RFP to Crystal A.
Wake at (734) 222-6760.

Please direct specific technical questions regarding this RFP to Cynthia Every at (734)
222- 6865.

Thank you for your interest.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


Definitions: County is Washtenaw County in Michigan.

Bidder an individual or business submitting a bid to Washtenaw County.

Contractor one who contracts to perform work or furnish materials in

accordance with a contract.

Purpose of Proposal:

The Washtenaw County Facilities Management is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to
provide Solid Waste collection, Disposal and Recycling Services to various County Buildings.
Vendors have the option to bid on Section 1 or Section 2 or both Sections for the following services:

Section 1: Solid waste collection and disposal service

Section 2: Recycling collection and processing at the Contractors facility


A. Washtenaw County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of
this RFP. If a proposal is selected, it will be the most advantageous regarding price, quality
of service, the Contractors qualifications and capabilities to provide the specified service,
and other factors that Washtenaw County may consider. The County does not intend to
award a Bid fully on the basis of any response made to the proposal; the County reserves
the right to consider proposals for modifications at any time before a Bid would be awarded,
and negotiations would be undertaken with that provider whose proposal is deemed to best
meet the Countys specifications and needs.

B. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive or not waive informalities or
irregularities in bids or bidding procedures, and to accept or further negotiate cost, terms, or
conditions of any bid determined by the County to be in the best interests of the County even
though not the lowest bid.

C. The price quotations stated in the bidders proposal will not be subject to any price increase
from the date on which the proposal is opened at the County Purchasing Office to the
mutually agreed-to date of Award.

D. Proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the provider to its provisions for at
least a period of 90 days. Failure of the successful bidder to accept the obligation of the Bid
may result in the cancellation of any award.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services

E. In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFP, the entire proposal
document with any amendments should be returned with addenda provided. Deadlines for
submission of the RFPs may be adjusted to allow for revisions. To be considered, original
proposal and two copies must be at the County Purchasing Division on or before the date
and time specified.

F. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically providing a straight-forward, concise

description of the Contractors ability to meet the requirements of the RFP. Proposals shall
be written in ink or typewritten. No erasures are permitted. Mistakes may be crossed out and
corrected and must be initialed in ink by the person signing the proposal.

G. In the event, the County receives two or more bids from responsive, responsible bidders, one
or more of whom are Washtenaw County vendors and the bids are substantially equal in
price, quality and service, the County shall award the contract to the most responsive,
responsible Washtenaw County vendor. For purposes of this section, Washtenaw County
vendor means a company which has maintained its principle office in Washtenaw County for
at least six (6) months. Maintaining a Washtenaw County P.O Box is not, in and of itself,
sufficient to discretion under this section to determine if a company qualifies as a Washtenaw
County vendor and if two or more bids are substantially equal.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


The proposal shall include all of the following information (failure to include all the information could
result in disqualification):

1. Qualifications: Please list your companys years in business, staff profile and experience that
qualify your company to provide the services required by Washtenaw County.
(Attach as Addendum A)

2. References: List three (3) references from current customers receiving the same or similar
service(s). Include name, contact name and phone number.
(Attach as Addendum B)

3. Concurrence: with Section V: Terms and Conditions. Please indicate in writing that your
company will meet these provisions.
(Attach as Addendum C)

4. Concurrence: with Section IV. Contract Provisions. Please indicate in writing that your
company will meet these provisions.
(Attach as Addendum D)

5. Statement: of any recycling programs your company currently offers.

(Attach as Addendum E)

6. Description: of how your company will collect recyclable material. For instance, do you collect
recyclables and solid waste in separate containers, or are recyclables commingled with solid
waste? Does your company use separate trucks to collect recyclables vs. solid waste?
Please provide all relevant collection details.
(Attach as Addendum F)

7. Reporting: Washtenaw County requires that tonnage and/or volumes be reported quarterly
for recycling and solid waste collected. Please explain how your company will track, record,
and submit these data.
(Attach as Addendum G)

8. Bidding: All Contractors bidding on recycling are required to bid on Option A (see pg. 13 &
14). Contractor may also submit pricing for processing at their own facility, Option B (no bid
sheet provided). If your company opts to bid on Option B, please provide the name, address,
and description of the facility where recyclables will be processed.
(Attach as Addendum H)

9. Miscellaneous: Describe any additional tools your company can provide Washtenaw County
to assist in improving the Countys In-House Recycling Program: e.g., educational materials,
collection containers, employee incentives, etc.
(Attach as Addendum I)

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


If a contract is awarded, the selected Contractor will be required to adhere to a set of general
contract provisions that will become a part of any formal agreement. These provisions are general
principles that apply to all Contractors providing service(s) to Washtenaw County, as follows:


Section 1 - The Contractor is to report to Facilities Management and will cooperate and
confer with him/her as necessary to insure satisfactory work progress.

Section 2 - All reports, estimates, memoranda and documents submitted by the Contractor
must be dated and bear the Contractor's name.

Section 3 - All reports made in connection with these services are subject to review and final
approval by the County Administrator.

Section 4 - The County may review and inspect the Contractor's activities during the term of
this contract.

Section 5 - When applicable, the Contractor will submit a final, written report to the County

Section 6 - After reasonable notice to the Contractor, the County may review any of the
Contractors internal records, reports, or insurance policies.


This contract begins on (MONTH, DAY, YEAR) and ends on (MONTH, DAY, YEAR).


Section 1 - The contractor will provide the required services and will not subcontract or
assign the services without the Countys written approval.

Section 2 - The Contractor will not hire any County employee for any of the required services
without the Countys written approval.

Section 3 - The parties agree that the Contractor is neither an employee nor an agent of the
County for any purpose.

Section 4 - The parties agree that all work done under this contract shall be completed in the
United States and that none of the work will be partially or fully completed by either an offshore
subcontractor or offshore business interest either owned or affiliated with the contractor. For
purposes of this contract, the term, offshore refers to any area outside the contiguous United
States, Alaska or Hawaii.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


The contractor will protect, defend and indemnify Washtenaw County, its officers, agents,
servants, volunteers and employees from any and all liabilities, claims, liens, fines, demands and
costs, including legal fees, of whatsoever kind and nature which may result in injury or death to any
persons, including the Contractors own employees, and for loss or damage to any property,
including property owned or in the care, custody or control of Washtenaw County in connection with
or in any way incident to or arising out of the occupancy, use, service, operations, performance or
non-performance of work in connection with this contract resulting in whole or in part from negligent
acts or omissions of contractor, any sub-contractor, or any employee, agent or representative of the
contractor or any sub-contractor.


The Contractor will maintain at its own expense during the term of this Contract, the following

1. Workers' Compensation Insurance with Michigan statutory limits and Employers

Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of $100,000 each accident for any employee.

2. Comprehensive/Commercial General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit

of $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The County
shall be added as "additional insured" on general liability policy with respect to the
services provided under this contract.

3. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with
Personal Protection Insurance and Property Protection Insurance to comply with the
provisions of the Michigan No Fault Insurance Law, including residual liability
insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 each accident for
bodily injury and property damage.

Insurance companies, named insureds and policy forms shall be subject to the approval of
the Washtenaw County Administrator. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Insurance policies shall not contain endorsements or policy conditions which reduce coverage
provided to Washtenaw County. Contractor shall be responsible to Washtenaw County or insurance
companies insuring Washtenaw County for all costs resulting from both financially unsound
insurance companies selected by Contractor and their inadequate insurance coverage. Contractor
shall furnish the Washtenaw County Administrator with satisfactory certificates of insurance or a
certified copy of the policy, if requested by the County Administrator.

No payments will be made to the Contractor until the current certificates of insurance have
been received and approved by the Administrator. If the insurance, as evidenced by the certificates
furnished by the Contractor, expires or is canceled during the term of the contract, services and
related payments will be suspended. Contractor shall furnish the County Administrator's Office with
certification of insurance evidencing such coverage and endorsements at least ten (10) working
days prior to commencement of services under this contract. Certificates shall be addressed to the
County Administrator, P. O. Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI, 48107, and shall provide for 30 day written
notice to the Certificate holder of cancellation of coverage.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


The Contractor will comply with all federal, state and local regulations, including but not
limited to all applicable OSHA/MIOSHA requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


The Contractor promises that it has no interest which would conflict with the performance of
services required by this contract. The Contractor also promises that, in the performance of this
contract, no officer, agent, employee of the County of Washtenaw, or member of its governing
bodies, may participate in any decision relating to this contract which affects his/her personal
interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which he/she is directly or
indirectly interested or has any personal or pecuniary interest. However, this paragraph does not
apply if there has been compliance with the provisions of Section 3 of Act No. 317 of the Public Acts
of 1968 and/or Section 30 of Act No. 156 of Public Acts of 1851, as amended by Act No. 51 of the
Public Acts of 1978, whichever is applicable.


The Contractor promises that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other
than bona fide employees working solely for the Contractor, to solicit or secure this contract, and
that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employees
working solely for the Contractor, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other
consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach of
this promise, the County may cancel this contract without liability or, at its discretion, deduct the full
amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee from the
compensation due the Contractor.


The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment
because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, physical handicap, age, height,
weight, marital status, veteran status, religion and political belief (except as it relates to a bona fide
occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the business).

The Contractor will take affirmative action to eliminate discrimination based on sex, race, or a
handicap in the hiring of applicant and the treatment of employees. Affirmative action will include,
but not be limited to: Employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertisement; layoff
or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training, including

The Contractor agrees to post notices containing this policy against discrimination in
conspicuous places available to applicants for employment and employees. All solicitations or
advertisements for employees, placed by or on the behalf of the Contractor, will state that all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color,
sex, sexual orientation, national origin, physical handicap, age, height, weight, marital status,
veteran status, religion and political belief.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


The parties understand that the County has enacted a Living Wage Ordinance that requires
covered vendors who execute a service or professional service contract with the County to pay their
employees under that contract, a minimum of either $10.88 per hour with benefits or $12.75 per hour
without benefits. Contractor agrees to comply with this Ordinance in paying its employees.
Contractor understands and agrees that an adjustment of the living wage amounts, based upon the
Health and Human Services poverty guidelines, will be made on or before May 1, 2010 and annually
thereafter which amount shall be automatically incorporated into this contract. County agrees to
give Contractor thirty (30) days written notice of such change. Contractor agrees to post a notice
containing the Countys Living Wage requirements at a location at its place of business accessed by
its employees


The Contractor shall provide the services set forth in Article I without discrimination on the
basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical
handicap, or age.


All documents developed as a result of this contract will be freely available to the public.
None may be copyrighted by the Contractor. During the performance of the services, the Contractor
will be responsible for any loss of or damage to the documents while they are in its possession and
must restore the loss or damage at its expense. Any use of the information and results of this
contract by the Contractor must reference the project sponsorship by the County. Any publication of
the information or results must be co-authored by the County.


This contract is binding on the County and the Contractor, their successors and assigns.
Neither the County nor the Contractor will assign or transfer its interest in this contract without the
written consent of the other.


Section 1 - Termination without cause. Either party may terminate the contract by giving
thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


The Contractor is responsible for all applicable state and federal social security benefits and
unemployment taxes and agrees to indemnify and protect the County against such liability.


The parties will conform to the code of ethics of their respective national professional


Changes mutually agreed upon by the County and the Contractor, will be incorporated into
this contract by written amendments signed by both parties.


This contract is to be interpreted by the laws of Michigan. The parties agree that the proper
forum for litigation arising out of this contract is in Washtenaw County, Michigan.


This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior
representations, negotiations or agreements whether written or oral.



Washtenaw County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this
RFP. If a proposal is selected it will be the most advantageous regarding price (see "Low Bidder,"
below), quality of service, the Contractors' qualifications and capabilities to provide the specified
service, and other factors that the County may consider. The County does not intend to award a Bid
fully on the basis of any response made to the proposal; the County reserves the right to consider
proposals for modifications at any time before a Bid would be awarded, and negotiations would be
undertaken with that Contractor whose proposal is deemed to best meet the County's specifications
and needs.

Low Bidder:

Low Bidder will be determined according to several factors including price, collection methodology,
and responsiveness to the bid.

Term of Bid:

This is a three (3) year bid from date of contract and the prices reflected in the bid are for the three
year period.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services



1. The Contractor will be responsible for the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid
waste generated at designated facilities in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws.

2. The Contractor will provide containers for the collection of solid waste materials
generated at each designated facility.

3. The Contractor will collect solid waste on a regularly scheduled basis, determined by the
Contractor and agreed upon by the County.

4. The Contractor will maintain a clean area around dumpsters. The Contractor must pick up
and remove any debris created as a result of the collection activity.

5. The Contractor will be able to respond to irregularities in waste generation. The Contractor
shall respond within 24 hours to any unforeseen/special pick-ups requested by the County.

The container sizes and collection frequencies currently in use for each County building are listed
No. of Size (cubic Pickups/
Building Name Address City ZIP
containers yards) week
Administration 220 N. Main 48104 1 6 5
Service Center 4133 Washtenaw 48108 2 6 1
1 8 1
Youth Center 4125 Washtenaw 48108 1 6 2
Juvenile Court 2270 Platt Rd. 48104 1 8 1
Facilities Mgt. Center 2155 Hogback Rd. 48105 1 6 1
Corrections Facility 2201 Hogback Rd. 48105 5 6 3
Department of Social
2140 E. Ellsworth Ypsilanti 48197 1 6 1
Department of Social
22 Center Street Ypsilanti 48198 2 6 3
Chelsea Court 122 S. Main St. Chelsea 48118 1 2 Biweekly
Eastern Co.
415 W. Michigan Ypsilanti 48197 1 4 1
Government Center
Western County Ann
705 N. Zeeb Rd. 48103 1 6 2
Service Center Arbor
Head Start Facility 1661 LeForge Rd. Ypsilanti 48198 1 6 2
Delonis Center 312 W. Huron 48103 1 8 3
Facilities Mgt. Center 2155 Hogback Rd. 48105 1 30 As needed
CSTS 750 Towner Ypsilanti 48198 1 6 1
Saline Court 1000 N. Maple Saline 48178 1 6 1
Varies 1 30 As needed

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


Washtenaw County has a strong commitment to waste reduction and recycling. Recycling is official
County policy and employees have been participating in a program for over ten years.

Since 1997, the County's In-House Recycling Program has consisted of a two-stream sorting
process, as follows:

Mixed Paper Mixed Containers Cardboard/Styrofoam

White Ledger #1 PET Plastic Bottles Boxes
Colored Ledger #2 HDPE Plastic Bottles Frames (Certificate)
Computer Print Out Milk Cartons Press Board
Copier & Laser Print Paper Drink Boxes (aseptic) Cups
Newspapers Steel Cans Containers
Magazines Aluminum Cans Peanuts/Popcorn
Boxboard Packing Materials

Materials are collected in County offices in corrugated boxes lined with colored or translucent plastic
bags. Materials are then transported outside into 90-gallon collection carts. Paper is generally
emptied into the carts loose, while rigid containers are kept in the plastic bags. Historically, mixed
paper has represented over of materials collected. Typically, over 180 tons of office paper is
collected from Washtenaw County facilities every year. Cardboard has been collected and delivered
to the Comprehensive Drop-off Station at 2950 Ellsworth Rd. approximately 4,042 un-compacted
cubic yards of cardboard were collected during 2009.

In addition to those items listed above, corrugated cardboard and Styrofoam should also be
collected for recycling. County staff will flatten cardboard/Styrofoam and place in a dumpster
provided by the Contractor. Please list items that are not acceptable for recycling.

Washtenaw Countys In-House Recycling Program will:

Be easy to understand Foster high participation

Be easy to implement Achieve a high recovery rate
Be convenient for employees Produce high quality recyclables
Capture a variety of materials Track program performance (in terms of yards or tons diverted)

The successful Contractor will:

1. Provide external collection containers as needed for recyclables at each location (e.g. carts
or Dumpsters; may differ by location according to space availability and contractors
collection method)
2. Collect recyclables on a regularly scheduled basis, determined by the Contractor and agreed
upon by the County.
3. Work with the Countys In-House Recycling Program Coordinator to ensure that materials
are sorted properly and according to specification.
4. Provide quarterly reports to the Countys In-House Recycling Program Coordinator on the
volume or tonnage of materials collected.
5. Provide quarterly reports to Washtenaw County on the composition of materials collected,
based on an internal audit of Washtenaw County materials.
6. Provide recycling of Styrofoam products.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services



No. of Pickups Monthly
Name Address (cubic Annual total
containers per week price
Administration 220 N. Main 1 6 5 $ $
Service Center 4133 Washtenaw 2 6 1 $ $
1 8 1 $ $
Youth Center 4125 Washtenaw 1 6 2 $ $
Juvenile Court 2270 Platt Rd. 1 8 1 $ $
Facilities Mgt. Center 2155 Hogback Rd. 1 6 1 $ $
Corrections Facility 2201 Hogback Rd. 5 6 3 $ $
CSTS 2140 E. Ellsworth 1 6 2 $ $
Department of Human
22 Center Street 2 6 3 $ $
Chelsea Court 122 S. Main St. 1 2 Biweekly $ $
Eastern Co. Government
415 W. Michigan 1 4 1 $ $
Western County Service
705 N. Zeeb Rd. 1 6 2 $ $
Head Start Facility 1661 LeForge Rd. 1 6 2 $ $
Delonis Center 312 W. Huron 1 8 3 $ $
CSTS 750 Towner 1 6 1 $ $
Saline Court 1000 N. Maple 1 6 1 $ $

Facilities Management As
2155 Hogback Rd. 1 30 $ Per Load
Center needed
To be determined Varies 1 30 $ Per Load
(C&D materials)

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services

Location Address Containers Freq. of Price per Service Monthly Annual

(number & size) pickup Pick-up events per cost cost
Saline Court 1000 N. Maple, Saline 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Weekly $ 52 $ $

Children Services 4125 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor 2-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

Service Center 4133 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor 3-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Biweekly $ 26 $ $

Juvenile Court 2270 Platt Road, Ann Arbor 2-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

Facilities Mgt. Center 2155 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Weekly $ 52 $ $

Correctional Facility 2201 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor 1-30yd roll-off Biweekly $ 26 $ $

Sheriff's offices 2201 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor 2-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

CSTS 2140 E. Ellsworth, Ann Arbor 5-MP, 2-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services
Continue (Section 2, Option A)
Location Address Containers Freq. of Price per Service Monthly Annual
(number & size) pickup Pick-up events per cost cost
Public Health 555 Towner, Ypsilanti 5-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Weekly $ 52 $ $

WCSC 705 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor 3-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Bi-Weekly $ 26 $ $

CSTS 750 Towner, Ypsilanti 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Biweekly $ 26 $ $

ECGC 415 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

Head Start Facility 1661 LeForge Rd., Ypsilanti 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $

1- 6yd Dumpster Monthly $ 12 $ $

Huron Valley Child 2940 E. Ellsworth Rd., Ypsilanti 1-MP, 1-MC Weekly $ 52 $ $
Guidance Center


To be Determined Varies 1-30 yd roll-off As Needed $ Per Load NA NA

x-6yd Dumpster = cardboard dumpster

x-MP = x-90 gallon Mixed Paper bin
x-MC = x-90 gallon Mixed Containers bin

PLEASE NOTE: Washtenaw County does not guarantee that all buildings will receive recycling services. The County may choose to
initiate recycling services only at certain buildings, and reserves the right to add services to other buildings at any time during the
course of the contract per the prices provided in this bid sheet.

RFP #6518 Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services


_______________________________ _________________________
Signature Company Name

_______________________________ __________ ______________

Print Name Company Address

_______________________________ _________________________
Title City St. Zip

______________________________ _________________________
Telephone # Fax #

______________________________ __ ____
Federal Tax ID # Email Address

The above individual is authorized to sign on behalf of company submitting


Proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the provider to its

provisions for at least a period of 90 days.

By checking this box we hereby certify that we are a Washtenaw County

company as defined in Section I., G. above. If proven otherwise you may
be subject to Disbarment and/or Suspension of doing business with
Washtenaw County.


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