Dehydrogenation by Heterogeneous Catalysts
Dehydrogenation by Heterogeneous Catalysts
Dehydrogenation by Heterogeneous Catalysts
Daniel E. Resasco
University of Oklahoma
Encyclopedia of Catalysis
January, 2000
with an increase in the number of moles and can be represented by the expression
compared to the cracking of the hydrocarbon, since the C-C bond strength (about 246
kJ/mol) is much lower than that of the C-H bond (about 363 kJ/mol). However, in the
presence of a suitable catalyst, dehydrogenation can be carried out with minimal C-C
bond rupture. The strong C-H bond is a closed-shell orbital that can be activated by
oxide or metal catalysts. Oxides can activate the C-H bond via hydrogen abstraction
because they can form O-H bonds, which can have strengths comparable to that of the C-
H bond. By contrast, metals cannot accomplish the hydrogen abstraction because the M-
H bonds are much weaker than the C-H bond. However, the sum of the M-H and M-C
bond strengths can exceed the C-H bond strength, making the process thermodynamically
possible. In this case, the reaction is thought to proceed via a three centered transition
state, which can be described as a metal atom inserting into the C-H bond. The C-H bond
bridges across the metal atom until it breaks, followed by the formation of the
carried out on oxides as well as on metal catalysts. In fact, both types of dehydrogenation
isobutylene from propane and isobutane, in the production of C6 to C19 mono-olefins from
contribution, the chemistry involved in these reactions will be discussed, with particular
emphasis on the effects of catalyst structure and composition on the catalytic properties.
temperatures and low pressures. The equilibrium conversion can be readily calculated by
the expression:
Kp = x (h+x) P (1)
(1 x ) (1+ i + h + x )
number of moles of inerts and hydrogen, per mole of alkane in the feed, respectively.
temperature is illustrated in Fig. 1 for typical hydrogen/alkane (h) and inert/alkane (i)
feed ratios. In some industrial operations, part of the hydrogen produced is recycled to
inhibit the formation of coke on the catalyst. However, at a given temperature, the
equilibrium conversion decreases with the hydrogen/alkane feed ratio. For example,
Therefore, the hydrogen/alkane feed ratio is a compromise between coke suppression and
conversion. Contrarily, when inerts, such as steam or nitrogen, are added to the feed the
used commercially for the production of isobutylene and propylene, respectively. One of
tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). In the United States, MTBE has been used in relatively low
concentrations as an octane booster in gasoline for more than 25 years. However, since
1992, it has been used in high concentrations in a large number of cities, to meet
requirements of the Clean Air Act in the oxygenated and reformulated gasolines. In
combustion and reduce emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic
caused by water contamination have arisen, which may have an impact on the MTBE
continuous growth. Thus, the needs for C4 olefin production will probably remain high.
C4 olefins are mainly produced from FCC (about 50 %) and steam cracking (21 %).
olefin supply and so, production of a single specific alkene is sometimes required. In
those cases, the direct catalytic dehydrogenation is the ideal solution. Propylene is an
important basic chemical building block for plastics and resins. Its worldwide demand
has steadily grown for the last 15 years and it is projected that, in the coming years,
demand growth for propylene will be equal to or even higher than that for ethylene.3
Similar to isobutylene, propylene can be produced as a by-product from FCC and steam
cracking operations. However, in response to the growing demand and for the greater
flexibility in the olefin pool that a dedicated process has in comparison to cracking units,
several propane dehydrogenation plants are now being operated in the world.
characteristics of these two types of catalysts will be discussed here, together with some
designers to develop efficient reactors for this difficult task. Several options have been
tested and several have found successful applications. Among the various commercial
processes available for dehydrogenation of propane and isobutane, one can find fixed bed
reactors, operated in isothermal or adiabatic form. Some include cyclic operations, others
include continuous catalyst regeneration with moving beds, or with fluidized beds.
activity for activating C-H bonds, coupled with an inferior activity for the rupture of C-C
surface, only low-coordination number sites (steps, kinks) are able to catalyze the C-C
bond breaking, while essentially all Pt sites catalyze the rupture of the C-H bonds.
Another undesired side reaction that competes with dehydrogenation is coke
formation. Since both, hydrogenolysis and coke formation, are more sensitive to the
support structure than dehydrogenation, any impurity or inactive species on the surface
may act as a site diluent and should increase the selectivity toward dehydrogenation.
This effect is well documented and has been observed in a number of bimetallic
systems.7, 8 In addition to the dilution of sites, other more subtle factors may play a role
in altering the activity of the Pt surface. For example, significant differences in the
magnitude of these effects have been detected in a series of Pt catalysts promoted by the
addition of different metals, which are themselves inactive, such as Sn, In, Pb, and Cu,
but can alter the properties of Pt.9 It was found that the promoting effect among these
metals was highest from the addition of Sn and lowest from Cu. In fact, Sn has been the
(D) H2 + 2 * 2 H*
conditions, which showed a much larger extent of deuterium in the isobutylene product
than in the isobutane. Also, it was seen that the small fraction of isobutane that contained
deuterium was fully deuterated, indicating that the dissociative adsorption of isobutane is
These results support the hypothesis that step (A) is the slowest step and are in line with
earlier observations that show that as the hydrogen pressure increases, the
dehydrogenation rate decreases as a result of the competition of hydrogen and the alkane
for adsorption sites.13 Accordingly, the following rate expression should represent the
where rD is the net dehydrogenation rate, kA is the rate constant for the
dissociative adsorption of isobutane (step A), Keq is the overall equilibrium constant for
isobutane dehydrogenation, and is the fraction of sites free of adsorbed species. The
isobutane coverage under reaction conditions is practically negligible12 and the fraction
of free sites can be determined from a expression derived from the assumption that the
only species on the surface are hydrogen and isobutylene, which are in equilibrium with
the gas phase. Accordingly the expression for the fraction of free sites can be expressed
KC 8PiC 4 H 8
1 + KDPH 2 1 + 2 KDPH 2 + KDPH 2 +
4 PiC 4 H 8 KC
where KC and KD are the equilibrium constants for isobutylene desorption (step C)
and hydrogen adsorption (step D) , respectively. Combining equations (2) and (3)
excellent fits have been obtained on a number of reaction data over a wide range of
temperatures, concentrations, and catalysts.14 All the fitting parameters thus obtained had
catalysts. This kinetic expression clearly explains the reaction orders obtained on most
previous studies, i.e., first order dependence with respect to the alkane and negative half
Pt for the dehydrogenation of lower alkanes. First of all, and as mentioned above, it
Similarly, the addition of Sn has a profound effect on the catalyst life. The Pt-Sn catalyst
retains a much higher activity than the pure Pt catalyst. The enhancement in selectivity
and stability, clearly illustrated in Fig. 2a and 2b, can be explained in geometric terms by
the dilution of Pt ensembles by Sn. As described above, this dilution greatly reduces the
activity towards reactions that require a large ensemble of Pt atoms to constitute the
active sites, such as hydrogenolysis and coking. Also, the increase in selectivity of the
pure Pt sample with time on stream shown in Fig. 2b can be explained by the same
geometric arguments. The carbon deposited during the reaction plays the role of an
inactive species that inhibits undesired reactions, including coking. This explanation
accounts for two observations on the pure Pt catalyst. Both, the selectivity and the
stability of the catalyst improve as a function of time on stream as the number of large
ensembles is reduced by the presence of carbon. On the pure Pt catalyst the initial
deactivation is very fast. Thus, it is difficult to measure the true initial activity of
lower than on the bimetallic catalyst. In fact, pure Pt may be initially more active, but
after a short time it deactivates while the bimetallic retains its activity. This phenomenon
The higher initial activity of pure Pt catalysts can only be observed when high
supports and on catalysts prepared by various methods. In some preparations the addition
containing the Sn precursor (typically SnCl2) and then of another solution containing the
relatively low because Sn tends to interact with the support becoming segregated from Pt.
Therefore, to maximize the metal-metal interaction, other preparations have been used.
For example, the use of an aqueous solution containing both Pt and Sn precursors and
preparation, both metals are deposited on the surface in the same compound and, after the
thermal treatment, a high degree of alloyed metals can be obtained. Other methods
in the selective deposition of Sn over the Pt surface.18 For example, the catalyst can be
solution is added onto a pre-reduced Pt/support sample, without exposure to air. The H
that remains adsorbed on Pt is responsible for the reduction of the Sn(C4H9)4 , causing the
The catalyst preparation may critically influence the Pt-Sn interaction and
consequently the catalytic behavior. As illustrated in Fig. 3 for a series of Pt-Sn catalysts
supported on silica, the promoting effect of Sn strongly depends on the method employed
Although alumina and silica have been the two supports most widely studied for
properties. For example, KL zeolite has been proposed to be an effective support for Pt-
Sn dehydrogenation catalysts. It has been reported20 that these catalysts maintain high
and the rest is in the form of Sn2+ ions, exchanged with K+ previously present in the
zeolite. It was further hypothesized that the K displaced from the zeolite framework can
interact with the Pt-Sn alloy particles, promoting the activity. The promoting effect of K
several Pt and Pt-Sn catalysts.20 In the table we compare the reaction rates per gram of
Pt. It is generally accepted that the best form of comparing the activity of a series of
catalysts is in terms of turnover frequency (TOF), based on the number of sites as
phases co-exist, the TOF may be misleading. The chemisorptive capacity of Pt is greatly
changed when it is alloyed with Sn. For example, it has been shown that the heat of CO
adsorption drops from Pt to PtSn alloy by as much as 20 kJ/mol.21 This energy difference
consequently, in the observed adsorption capacity. In recent work,22 it was observed that
isobutane stream. However, the catalyst was almost as active for dehydrogenation as at
the beginning of the reaction. The reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the
unalloyed Pt is rapidly covered by coke, while the Pt-Sn alloys remain more or less free
of coke. Since alloyed Pt does not adsorb significant amounts of CO the CO/Pt measured
on the fresh catalyst was mainly due to the fraction of unalloyed Pt, which after a while
contributes little to the activity. The situation is very similar for the chemisorption of
hydrogen. Verbeek and Sachtler23 have shown that Pt-Sn alloys adsorb very little
hydrogen and have ascribed this decrease to a lowering of the heat of adsorption.
Microcalorimetry studies24 have shown that, even though the addition of Sn resulted in a
large decrease in the saturation adsorption coverages for H or CO, the heats of adsorption
at zero coverage on Pt:Sn samples were similar to those on pure Pt. However, it must be
noted that these SiO2-supported samples were prepared by sequential impregnation and,
as shown below, this technique leads to a large fraction of unalloyed Pt, which may be
responsible for the measured high heats of adsorption. For changes in the initial heats of
adsorption to be seen, the majority of Pt needs to be alloyed with Sn. In fact, when
higher Sn concentrations were used in those studies,24 the heats of adsorption at zero
coverage decreased significantly, in agreement with the idea mentioned above. Only at
very high H2/hydrocarbon ratios, at which the deactivation is less pronounced, the TOF
values for Pt and Pt-Sn catalysts are normally found to be similar. It is generally
observed that the initial deactivation increases with the amount of unalloyed Pt, then the
unalloyed Pt in the sample is not related to the catalytic activity. However, CO and H2
chemisorption primarily occurs on the unalloyed Pt. Therefore, for bimetallic Pt-Sn
process and, as a result, the hydrogen titration of preadsorbed oxygen conducted at room
temperature only reflects the exposed fraction of unalloyed Pt, but that conducted at
150C titrates both alloyed and unalloyed Pt. As a result, the difference between the two
uptakes reflects the exposed fraction of alloyed Pt. This is an interesting method,
although the possibility of hydrogen spillover onto the support,26 may lead to
overestimation of the density of alloyed Pt. To rule out this possibility, Rajeshwer et al.
which showed the same uptake as the monometallic Pt catalyst. However, values of H/Pt
uptake ratios much greater than one have sometimes been observed, which is hard to
explain without invoking spillover onto the support or, as suggested by some authors,
3.1.4. Structure and Composition of Pt-Sn Catalysts
its exposed sites is well established and can be readily accomplished by standard
described in the previous section, the same task is much less straightforward with
bimetallic Pt-Sn catalysts. Pt and Sn are able to form a number of ordered Pt-Sn alloys,
strongly depends on the nature of the support, thermal treatments, impregnation method,
anions present, etc. In addition, the chemisorptive properties of these alloys are less
understood than those of pure Pt. Another fundamental question related to these systems
is the oxidation state of Sn under reaction conditions. Upon reduction, tin may remain in
the SnII or SnIV forms or may get reduced to the metallic Sn0 state and form PtxSny alloys.
Pt-Sn alloys are more easily formed when the support interacts only weakly with
the Pt and Sn, such as in the case of silica-supported catalysts. One of the techniques
commonly employed to determine the oxidation state of supported metals and identify
after calcination at 350C.22 The TPR for the pure Pt catalyst shows a H2 consumption
peak at about 125C. The profile for the bimetallic Pt-Sn catalyst has two H2
consumption peaks. The first one appears in the same position as that for pure Pt
(125C), while the second has a maximum at 200C. This peak is associated with the
reduction of a Pt-Sn alloy. EXAFS studies28 conducted on the same set of samples
confirm that the bimetallic Pt-Sn/SiO2 catalyst has both unalloyed Pt and alloyed Pt-Sn.
Fig. 5 shows that the radial distribution of the bimetallic sample clearly exhibits two
peaks. However, as shown in the simulated data of Fig. 6, neither the pure Pt or the PtSn
alloy alone exhibits those peaks. Only when both Pt and PtSn coexist is that the two
peaks appear. Therefore, the presence of the two peaks in the radial distribution of the
Pt-Sn/SiO2 catalyst demonstrates the presence of both unalloyed Pt and PtSn alloy. The
fitting of the experimental data indicated that, in that sample 35 % of the Pt was
unalloyed, and 65 % in the form of the PtSn alloy. Using other alloys, such as Pt3Sn and
PtSn2 resulted in poor fits. Similar conclusions were obtained from Mssbauer
spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction data.29 These results indicate that, on silica support,
PtSn alloy is formed upon reduction in hydrogen. By contrast, when alumina is used as a
support, the reduction of Sn to the metallic state is much more difficult. Studies of Pt-
Sn/Al2O3 catalysts with tin loadings in the range 0.3 5.0 wt % showed no evidence of
metallic tin, even after reduction at high temperatures. Only when the tin loading is
increased to very high values, a small fraction of metallic tin can be obtained. Fig. 7
% Pt, 29 wt % Sn) catalyst.30 It is observed that, even with such a high Sn loading, the
accepted that if a given metal of very low catalytic activity is distributed uniformly over
the surface of a more active metal, the activity of the active metal is greatly affected for
reactions requiring a large ensemble of atoms, but it is only moderately affected for
reactions that require a single site. This effect can be explained by simple geometric
dilution of the active sites by the presence of the inactive atoms. However, the question
that still generates controversy is whether the atoms of the active metal that remain
exposed to the gas phase are chemically (or electronically) altered by the presence of the
inactive metal. In many cases, the electronic modification of the active species is very
small compared to the more notable geometric effect. For example, large activity losses
are typically observed for the ethane hydrogenolysis on Ni when small amounts of Cu are
added to the catalyst. However, much lower effects are observed on the same catalysts
for the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane31. In that case, geometric effects are clearly
In Pt-Sn alloys, both geometric and electronic effects seem to play significant
considered a good technique to probe the electronic state of an atom in its environment.
In the LIII XANES spectra, the so-called white line feature is a prominent pre-edge
maximum that shows significant variations with changes in the oxidation state of the
metal. Among the various contributions to absorption in this region, the most important
unoccupied d states and, as a result, the white line notably increases in comparison to that
of the metallic Pt. Accordingly, an alteration of the Pt LIII edge shape caused by addition
of Sn would indicate an electronic modification of Pt, caused by the presence of Sn. This
alteration has, in fact, been reported in several papers, and it is illustrated in Fig. 8. The
reduction in the of the white line intensity has been taken by some authors as an
indication of a decrease in the density of unoccupied d states in Pt, which means that an
electron transfer occurs from Sn to Pt. Other authors32 have postulated that the
intermetallic interaction may involve sp orbitals. The Pt-Sn bonding in Pt3Sn alloys
would involve the occupied Sn 5p and the unoccupied Pt 6sp. The resulting donation of p
electrons from Sn to Pt would only have an indirect effect on the d states of Pt.
Recent quantum chemical calculations support these results and show that Sn
donates electrons to both 6sp and 5d orbitals. These calculations used density functional
theory (DFT) and were conducted for two types of Pt and Pt-Sn clusters. In the first type,
keeping a fixed interatomic distance of 2.77. To study the effect of Sn, three Pt atoms
were replaced in the corners of the top layer. These two clusters were called Pt19 and
Pt16Sn3, respectively. In the second type of cluster, the distribution of 10 Pt atoms was
optimized for energy minimization, letting the interatomic distances relax from the bulk
value of 2.77. Here, the effect of Sn was evaluated by replacing four Pt atoms by Sn
atoms, three at the corners of the top layer, and one at the bottom. Table 2 summarizes
the Mulliken electron population of the 6s, 6p, and 5d orbitals in three top Pt atoms for
the four different clusters. A clear increase in electron population is observed in both the
6sp and 5d orbitals when Sn is added in the cluster, indicating an electron donation from
Sn to Pt.
Even when electronic interactions do occur, they may not necessarily have
significant effects on the catalytic properties. The analysis of the nature and energetics of
adsorption of certain adsorbates may help determine whether electronic effects have
important influences in catalysis. For example, in the Pt-Sn system, the adsorption of
ethylene has been a sensitive probe that has provided important information.33 It is
known that on pure platinum, ethylene can adsorb in different forms. At low
temperatures, -bonded ethylene and di- bonded ethylene species can be observed.
9, when the adsorption of ethylene is conducted on a Pt/SiO2 catalyst at 70C, two bands
are typically observed at 1506 and 1428 cm-1. These bands are due to -bonded ethylene
and di--bonded ethylene, respectively. Under these conditions, the measured initial heat
temperature (25C), the bands at 1506 and 1428 cm-1 almost completely disappear and a
new band at 1342 cm-1 dominates the spectrum. This band is due to ethylidyne. At this
temperature, the initial heat of adsorption increases to 157 kJ/mol, consistent with a
stronger interaction of the ethylidyne species with the surface. A different behavior is
observed on the Pt-Sn/SiO2 catalyst. For this catalyst, the same two bands at 1506 and
1428 cm-1 are observed at low temperatures, but they do not disappear when the
ethylene and di--bonded ethylene species to ethylidyne is much less pronounced on the
bimetallic catalyst than on the pure Pt catalyst. Then, not only the bands corresponding
to -bonded ethylene and di--bonded ethylene species are more intense, but also the
the small ethylidyne band observed on the Pt-Sn catalyst may in fact be due to adsorption
sites on the small Pt fraction that is not alloyed with Sn. The microcalorimetric data on
the Pt-Sn catalysts are also consistent with the IR data. The observed heat of adsorption
at room temperature was only 135 kJ/mole, much lower than on pure Pt, which was 157
kJ/mol. The observed hindrance in the ability of Pt to form the ethylidyne surface species
when Sn is added could just be due to a geometric blockage by Sn of the 3-fold Pt sites
necessary to stabilize the ethylidyne species. In fact, that may certainly occur. However,
the DFT quantum chemical calculations have shown that, even when Sn is not occupying
the 3-fold Pt sites, it may exert an electronic effect that prevents the stabilization of
ethylidyne. The calculated changes in energy, per mole adsorbed, when -bonded
ethylene, di--bonded ethylene, or ethylidyne species form on Pt and Pt-Sn clusters are
ethylene with Pt for all three species. However, the effect is most pronounced for the
ethylidyne species. On the Pt-Sn clusters, very small, if any, exothermicity is predicted
by these calculations for the adsorption on the 3-fold Pt sites. Moreover, the Mulliken
electron donation from ethylidyne to the 6sp orbitals on Pt, accompanied by back-
donation from the 5d orbitals to the adsorbate. This analysis further shows that the
repulsive interaction for the formation of ethylidyne than for the formation of -bonded
ethylene or di--bonded ethylene. Therefore, it seems that when Sn is added to Pt, both
geometric and electronic effects contribute to inhibit the stabilization of ethylidyne on the
deposition. The high temperatures and low pressures necessary to achieve high
equilibrium conversions are conducive to the rapid formation of coke. The use of
promoters and the operating conditions, e.g., temperature and H2/alkane ratio, are
parameters that can be adjusted to modify the rate and extent of carbon deposition.
A typical kinetics expression that describes the rate of carbon formation has the
where P iC4H8 and PH are the partial pressures of olefin and hydrogen, respectively,
C is the concentration of carbon on the surface, and k1, k-1, Ka, and Kb temperature-
dependent parameters that are a function of the catalyst. Here it is important to note that
the expression predicts a strong inhibition of coke formation by both a negative term in
and a term in the denominator that result from the competition for adsorption sites. The
expression also predicts that the rate of coke formation is expected to be higher initially,
when the amount of carbon on the surface is low. Both trends are in fact observed
carbon on the surface begins to inhibit further deposition is a strong function of the
catalyst composition. For example, while on a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst, the rate of formation
require frequent regenerations. Different regeneration procedures have been tested, the
most common ones involving oxygen, but other alternative, or complementary methods
effect of the regeneration treatment with oxygen is the burning of the carbonaceous
deposits. It is generally accepted that two distinct coke burning processes occur as a
Therefore, the oxidation of coke in contact with (or in the close vicinity of ) the metal
particles can readily occur at relatively low temperatures. By contrast, the coke deposited
on the support, away from the metal particles, can only be oxidized at high temperatures
because it requires the spillover of activated oxygen from the metal onto the support.
programmed oxidation (TPO) technique. When the support is alumina two distinct
oxidation peaks are clearly observed, one at about 450C and another above 500C. A
clear demonstration that the one at the lower temperature is associated with the metal was
conducted on Pt and Pt-Sn catalysts.35 Both, the dehydrogenation activity and hydrogen
chemisorption capacity were completely restored after a partial oxidation of the coke
deposits at 450C. These results clearly demonstrate that the coke removed by high
temperature oxidation is located on the support, rather than on the metal. A second
important result obtained in the same investigation was the demonstration that the relative
amounts of each of the two types of coke is a strong function of the Sn/Pr ratio in the
catalyst.35 As illustrated in Fig. 10, an increase in the amount of Sn causes not only a
decrease in the amount of coke on the metal but also an increase in the amount of coke on
the support, indicating that the presence of Sn enhances the mobility of coke, or its
In addition to the burning of coke, other secondary undesired effects may also
occurs. The reason for this is that at the intermediate temperatures (e.g., around 400C)
Pt is in the oxide form, which interacts with the oxidic support, slowing down the Pt
mobility. However, above 500C, Pt oxide becomes unstable and metallic Pt is more
susceptible to sintering.
The oxidation treatment not only may cause metal sintering but it can also alter
the interaction between the metal and promoter due to a disruption between Pt and Sn
that tends to occur under oxidation conditions. For example, temperature programmed
increasing temperatures and increasing periods of time, showed that the H2 consumption
peak associated with the reduction of Pt-Sn alloys, significantly decreased while those
illustrated in the TPR of Fig. 11, the segregation was also observed in co-impregnated
catalysts, which started with a much higher extent of Pt-Sn interaction. The fresh catalyst
exhibited H2 consumption peaks at about 146 and 186C, which correspond to Pt-Sn
phases richer in Pt and Sn, respectively. After an oxidation treatment conducted at 500C
to eliminate the coke formed during reaction, the peaks clearly split, generating a peak at
125C, which corresponds exactly to the reduction of unalloyed Pt, and a broader peak
centered at about 240C, which can be ascribed to bimetallic phases rich in Sn. TEM
evidence also supports the proposed segregation phenomenon. TEM studies on model Pt-
Sn catalysts,36 have shown that oxidation at 550C for 1 hour resulted in severe
oxide and migrated to the surface of the particle. SnO2 formed a ring around the edge of
the particle in contact with the SiO2 support. The Pt did not form an oxide but became
metallic Pt at the core of the particle. Subsequent 18 hour reduction (650C) resulted in
results show that, in fact, the effects may be very large. As shown in Fig. 12, the
a much higher propensity of the catalyst to form coke. As compared in the TPO profiles
of Fig. 13 for a Pt-Sn/SiO2 sample, after the first run and after an oxidation./reduction
cycle followed by reaction. A much greater amount of carbon was produced on the
catalyst that had been subjected to the oxidation/reduction regeneration treatment. Note
that on silica-supported catalysts only one TPO peak is observed, as opposed to the
alumina-supported catalysts described in Fig. 10, where one peak corresponds to coke on
the metal and one on the support. Therefore, all the coke formed in this case must be
associated with the metal. When the comparison is made between Pt-Sn bimetallic
catalysts and pure Pt catalysts, it is observed that the latter forms much more coke, and
the TPO peak appears at somewhat higher temperatures, due to a more refractory nature
of the carbon. In the case of the Pt-Sn sample, after the oxidation/reduction cycle, the
TPO peak shifts to the same position as that observed on pure Pt catalysts. This shift
indicates that some of the alloy has been destroyed, leaving behind patches of unalloyed
Pt, on which the formation of the graphitic carbon is more favorable. The regenerated Pt-
Sn catalyst still form less carbon than the pure Pt sample, but almost four times the
amount found on the fresh bimetallic sample. Therefore, the activity loss observed after
the oxidation/reduction cycle can be linked to the partial destruction of the Pt-Sn alloy,
which results in an increase in the deactivation due to coking. Under oxidizing conditions
at high temperatures, the Sn forms an oxide and, at the expense of the subsurface layer,
the exterior becomes rich in Sn. The Pt, which does not form an oxide, is metallic and
becomes the core of the particle. Reduction at high temperatures results in the
destruction of the oxide and possibly redistribution of the Sn, opening patches of pure Pt.
recombination of the alloy, short reduction times do not allow for this to occur.
Consequently, after the oxidation/reduction cycle, the bimetallic particles have become
possible that pure Pt ensembles are present allowing for the formation of more refractory
alumina-supported catalysts, the disruption of Pt-Sn alloys by the high temperature
is a process that has been employed for many years in the regeneration of naphtha
reforming catalysts, but has also been applied in the regeneration of dehydrogenation
treatment is the redispersion of the Pt particles, which may have sintered during the coke
form and effectively re-disperse the Pt when these species are anchored by the alumina
support. When Sn is present on the catalyst, the effect of chlorine during the
oxidation/reduction cycles depends on the type of support and the Sn loading. For
example, on alumina, Sn may block the anchoring sites of the support, thus inhibiting the
redispersion process. But, at the same time, oxychlorination of bimetallic Pt-Sn catalysts
enhances the contact between Pt and Sn. Thus Cl may have the effect of minimizing the
Pt-Sn segregation that would normally occur in the oxidation treatment without
acidity on the support, which must be neutralized to avoid the increase in coke formation
Other regeneration methods include the use of steam, either during the
regeneration or continuously during the reaction. Steam can help to reduce the formation
C + 2 H2O CO2 + 2 H2
This reaction is accelerated by the presence of alkali ions, which are sometimes added to
the catalysts as promoters, not only to favor this reaction, but also to eliminate support
moving bed reactors. In this process, the catalyst is continuously regenerated in a separate
(surface area about 100 m2/g) containing Pt (< 1 wt %) and promoted with Sn and alkali
metals (e.g. Li). In some patents,39 it is implied that Co and Zn can also been used as
promoters for these catalysts. The STAR process from Phillips Petroleum40 employs a
m2/g. This support exhibits a unique stability at high temperatures in the presence of
steam, and this is essential in this case because the process involves the use of steam as a
diluent, at a high steam/alkane feed ratio and relatively high pressures, i.e. up to 3.5 atm..
In addition, due to its non-acidic nature, the support does not promote undesired side
reduce coke formation and increases selectivity. As mentioned above, when a diluent
such as steam is added, higher equilibrium conversions can be obtained. In this process,
the operating alkane conversion at 600C is close to 50 % and the overall selectivity is
reported to be 95 %.
3.2. Chromia-based dehydrogenation catalysts:
Several oxides are able to readily catalyze the activation of C-H bonds via hydrogen
abstraction. In this step, the oxygen species plays an important role in the formation of a
surface O-H bond after the rupture of the C-H bond. However, the crucial role is played
by the surface cations, which are thought to be responsible for the initial activation of the
C-H bond. Chromium oxide has been known as an effective dehydrogenation catalyst for
many years.41 The first chromia-based catalysts were developed at the onset of World
War II, when the sources of natural rubber were suddenly discontinued, and butadiene
alumina is the preferred support. Zirconia has been recently considered as a promising
Several kinetics studies have been conducted for the dehydrogenation of lower
catalyst (Cr2O3 18 %, Al2O3 82%, ZrO2 0.25 %) has showed that the dehydrogenation of
PiC 4 H 8 PH 2
k ( PiC 4 H 10 )
rD = K
(1 + KEHPiC 4 H 8 PH 2 + KEPE + KHPH 2 ) (5)
Similar to expression (3), obtained for the Pt-based catalysts, this expression predicts a
first order with respect to the alkane concentration. However, as opposed to the situation
on the Pt catalysts, for which the inhibition by hydrogen was due to a competition for
adsorption sites with the alkane, on the chromia catalysts the best fits of the experimental
data were obtained when the hydrogen terms in the denominator were neglected. This
result is an indication that, on chromia catalysts, hydrogen does not strongly inhibit the
adsorption of alkane.
ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and chemical analysis). However, the exact nature of the
active site is still controversial. The nature of the chromium species existing on the
surface of a calcined catalyst are not only dependent on a number of parameters, such as
type of support, pre-calcination temperature, and chromium oxide loading, but they also
change during the reaction. On a calcined sample, two types of Cr6+ species have been
normally found. One of them is grafted Cr6+, anchored to the alumina support by
interaction with the surface OH groups. The second type of Cr6+ species on calcined
samples is not chemically bound to the support. The amount of each of these species can
be estimated by first extracting the unbound fraction with water, and then titrating (by
iodometry) the extracted and solid fractions. The remaining amount of chromium left on
the surface is Cr3+. This oxidation state can be either in the form of crystalline aggregates
undetected by XRD. A typical distribution of each of these species as a function of
observed that, at low chromium loadings, the grafted Cr6+ is the dominant species, as the
amount of Cr increases, the fraction of soluble Cr6+ begins to increase, reaching a plateau
at about 2 wt % CrO3. Interestingly, when the Cr loading was kept constant on alumina
supports of varying surface area, the amount of grafted Cr6+ increased linearly with
surface area. In the present example, at Cr loadings higher than about 4 wt % CrO3 the
Cr3+ species begin to form. At the high-loading end, they are the dominant species on the
species are reduced to Cr3+. Fig. 15a shows XPS spectra of a calcined 15.3 % CrO3 on
alumina catalyst. The peaks obtained in the binding energy region corresponding to Cr 2
p3/2 were fitted with contributions from Cr6+ and Cr3+ states, taking into consideration the
multiplet states that arise from the spin-orbit splitting. A significant fraction of Cr6+ has
been clearly observed in all calcined catalysts, being the dominant form on the catalysts
isobutane/He feed. An interesting difference between the two calcined samples in Fig.
15a and 15b is clearly evident. The K-promoted catalyst shows a higher Cr6+/Cr3+ ratio,
which was also confirmed by chemical analysis and was ascribed to the formation of a
The interesting point is that the Cr3+ species are supposed to be the active species,
but not all Cr3+species are equally active. In fact, it is believed that the chromium species
initially present on the calcined catalyst as dispersed Cr6+, are more active than -Cr2O3.
many cases, the pre-reduction step is omitted because the reaction environment is
reducing and the reaction temperature is normally high enough to induce the
it eventually reaches the same conversion as one that has been pre-reduced in hydrogen
alkali promoters, typically 1 wt % K. The beneficial role of the alkali is related to its
ability to poison the acidic sites on the alumina and to inhibit the undesired cracking and
coke formation, associated with acidity. However, the alkali promoter plays a role in
determining the nature of the Cr species present on the catalyst surface. As mentioned
above, the presence of K may lead to the formation of a potassium chromate (Cr6+) phase.
Although this phase is destroyed under reaction conditions, depending on the K and Cr
concentrations, its formation may inhibit the generation of less active forms of Cr3+, e.g.
-Cr2O3. For Cr concentrations of the order of 15 wt % CrO3 and above, the addition of
When the K concentration exceeds about 1.2 wt % K, the formation of the less active -
Cr2O3 is enhanced. On the other hand, at low Cr concentrations, e.g. 10 wt % CrO3 and
3.2.3 Typical Preparation of a Chromia-based Dehydrogenation Catalyst
The -alumina support (surface area 80-100 m2/g) is impregnated with an aqueous
solution of CrO3 and K2CrO4 to derive a loading of chromium of about 5-7 wt % Cr and
calcined in flow of air at 600C for 6 h. During this calcination step, decomposition of
between the chromium and aluminum oxides. Before reaction, the catalyst is sometimes
activated in situ by reduction in hydrogen flow at 500C. Alternatively, the reduction can
be induced by the reaction mixture. After the deposition of chromium oxide, the surface
area typically remains almost unchanged with respect to the original alumina support,
which indicates that the chromium oxide does not agglomerate or plug the pores of
catalysts instead of alumina may have interesting advantages. Among the potential
years has attracted the attention of researchers for applications in several reactions. In
most catalyst preparations, the support precursor is hydrous zirconium oxide, which is
in the solution a gaseous flow of ammonia in an inert carrier. The precipitate is finally
washed to eliminate traces of Cl-. Without the addition of any promoter, the zirconium
oxide rapidly loses its surface area upon heating to the high temperatures required by the
phase transformation from the metastable tetragonal phase into the monoclinic phase.
However, the presence of foreign species, able to interact with the surface of zirconia,
significantly retards this transformation and helps retaining relatively high surface areas.
This resistance to surface area losses by addition of foreign species has been observed on
ceria- and lanthanum-doped zirconias. In all these cases, the preservation of surface area
parallels the retention of tetragonal zirconia. Fig. 16 illustrates this trend for a series of
chromia-zirconia catalysts. As the Cr content increased, both the surface area and
fraction of tetragonal zirconia, retained in the sample after heating at 873 K, increased.
alumina catalysts are the Catofin, the Linde-BASF, and the Snamprogetti-Yarsinetz FBD.
In the Catofin process, the reaction takes place at sub atmospheric pressure and in the
chromia. The process does not use hydrogen or steam as a diluent or to decrease coke
formation. So, the coking rate is very fast and a cyclic operation is required. Each cycle
includes the reaction period, discharge of the reactor, and regeneration/reheating in situ.
The regeneration/reheating involves the burning of the coke. This step not only
eliminates the coke from the catalyst, but also brings the temperature up, after cooling
down due to the endothermicity of the reaction. Typically, about 2 % of the feed goes to
coke and the reaction cycles are of the order of 8 min. The complete cycle, including
regeneration/reheating is finished in less than 20 min. Most of the activity is regained
after the regeneration/reheating step. However, a slow irreversible deactivation does take
surface area and a phase transformation to the less active form of -chromia. To
compensate for the activity loss, the process temperature is increased, but this
temperature increase accelerates the phase transformation and consequently the rate of
catalyst is continuously transferred from the reactor to the regeneration zone and back to
the reactor. The catalyst contains 12-20 wt % Cr2O3 supported on a mixture of high
transition aluminas.
In addition to the Pt- and chromia-based catalysts other materials have reported to
be active and selective for the dehydrogenation of lower alkanes. For example, zinc
titanates have shown moderate activity for isobutane dehydrogenation.43 These materials
exhibit some economic and environmental advantages. Their cost is low in comparison
to the Pt-based catalysts and they do not exhibit the toxicity of the chromia-based
catalysts. A recent study44 conducted on zinc titanate films has shown that there is a clear
the Zn/Ti ratio, several phases may be present on these catalysts. When the Zn/Ti ratio
was lower than 1, the phases present were hexagonal zinc metatitanate (ZnTiO3) and
titanium dioxide (TiO2). At higher Zn/Ti ratios, the main phases were cubic ZnTiO3 and
cubic Zn2TiO4. The maximum dehydrogenation activity occurred for a Zn/Ti ratio close
dehydrogenation reactions. However, even at low dosages S binds very strongly to the
surface of Ni and forms stable surface sulfides. When the sulfur concentration is high
these catalysts is that not only the dehydrogenation rate exhibits a zeroth-order
dependence with hydrogen, but also the rate of deactivation is much less affected by
hydrogen than most typical Pt-based catalysts. This difference is probably due to a much
weaker interaction of H2 with the sulfided nickel surface than with typical Pt catalysts.
equilibrium. Several approaches have been used to remove part of the hydrogen
produced during the reaction from the reacting mixture, thus shifting the equilibrium
conversions to higher values. The most promising approaches involve the use of
membrane reactors and the addition of hydrogen acceptor materials. For the selective
because they only allow the hydrogen diffusion through the membrane due to the high
solubility of dissociated hydrogen in the Pd bulk. The addition of Ag improves the
mechanical properties of the membrane, reducing brittleness and modifies the hydrogen
17. The dehydrogenation catalyst is placed inside the membrane tube. Part of the
hydrogen produced by the reaction diffuses out of the reaction zone and it is swept away
by a high flow of purge gas that passes by the shell side of the tube. Recent advances in
silicalite in the host material have been tested with promising results in dehydrogenation
these materials are large enough to produce a high permselectivity and dramatic enhances
in dehydrogenation conversion.
the presence of hydrogen acceptor materials. For example, the conversion of isobutane to
isobutylene was found to double its equilibrium value in the presence of an intermetallic
In the presence of Zr2Fe, the initial isobutylene yield was 45 %, which almost doubles the
phase. However, after the intermetallic compound was converted into the hydride form,
Alkylsulfonate are widely used in industry for the manufacture of detergents and
sulfonated. The typical dehydrogenation of C6-C19 normal alkanes is carried out on Pt-
based catalysts at temperatures around 450-520C. Most of the concepts discussed above
for the dehydrogenation of propane and isobutane can be applied for these catalysts. The
typical catalyst is Pt supported on alumina, which is promoted with alkali (e.g., Li) to
neutralize the acid sites and to improve selectivity and catalyst life. As discussed above,
the main cause of catalyst deactivation is coke formation, and one way to extend the life
where side reactions play a minor role, when using higher alkanes, the formation of side
products such as aromatics is not uncommon. Therefore, the reaction is operated at low
conversions (e.g., lower than 15 %). As a result, the post-reaction separation process
plays a very important role. After the dehydrogenation reactor, hydrogen and light
alkanes are first separated while the olefins and unreacted alkanes are sent to the
alkylation unit, where the olefins react with benzene to yield the alkylbenzene. After this
rubber, resins, and insulators. The principal form of styrene production is the direct
iron oxide catalysts promoted with various oxides. This process is normally carried out
either isothermally or adiabatically in the presence of a large excess of steam, which has
several benefits in the reaction. First of all, as shown in section 2 (see Fig. 1), the
presence of an inert moves the equilibrium toward higher conversions. Second, the
addition of steam supplies the heat required by the endothermic reaction. Finally, the
presence of steam at high temperatures helps to inhibit the formation of coke on the
catalyst surface.
Among the most common promoters added to iron oxide, the alkali oxides have
the most noticeable effects on catalytic activity and selectivity. As illustrated in Table
4,49 the addition of K in the form of K2CO3 causes an increase in activity of about an
order of magnitude over the activity of unpromoted Fe2O3. This promoting effect reaches
starts decreasing, while the selectivity to styrene slightly increases. The selectivity is
typically high. In addition to the main dehydrogenation reaction, some side reactions
occur. The most common side reactions are cracking to benzene and ethylene or
Although several species co-exist in the K-promoted catalysts under reaction
conditions, the most active phase is believed to be KFeO2. This phase forms from the
interaction of a highly dispersed F3O4, mixed with Fe2O3, and K2Fe22O34, which acts as a
K source.50 The active KFeO2 phase can be found on the edges of hexagonal platelets
Several forms of catalyst deactivation have been identified for this type of catalysts under
ethylbenzene dehydrogenation.52 The first one is the common coke deposition, typical of
all the dehydrogenation catalyst. The second type is more unique to this type of catalysts
and it is due to the blocking of sites by the CO2 produced from the reaction of steam with
the carbon deposits. These two forms of deactivation are considered reversible because
both, coke and adsorbed CO2, can be eliminated by the same steaming treatment.
in these catalysts. The most important one is the loss of K from the active phase, KFeO2.
This reaction may occur by hydrolysis (with steam) or by direct reduction (with H2),
which results in the generation of KOH. In this form, K can migrate and becomes
segregated from the Fe-containing phases. Under industrial conditions, this irreversible
process occurs very slowly, and as a result the catalyst life can be of extended to up to
two years. To stabilize the active KFeO2 phase other promoters, such as Cr and Ce, have
28. A. Borgna, S. M. Stagg, and D. E. Resasco, J. Phys. Chem. 102, 5077 (1998)
29. Y-X. Li, K. L. Klabunde, and B. H. Davis, J. Catal. 128, 1 (1991)
30. Y. Zhou and S. M. Davis, Catal. Lett. 15, 51 (1992)
31 J. H. Sinfelt, Adv. Catal. 23, 91 (1973)
32 . P. N. Ross, J. Vac. Sci. Tech., 10, 2546 (1992)
33. J. Shen, J. M. Hill, R. M. Watwe, B. E. Spiewak, and J. A. Dumesic, J. Phys.
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34. F. Buonomo, D. Sanfilippo, and F. Trifir, in Handbook of Catalysis, p. 2140
35 L. Lin, T. Zao, J. Zang, and Z. Xu, Appl. Catal. 67, 11 (1990)
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Table 1: Isobutane conversion over a series of Pt and Pt-Sn catalysts. 400 C, 12.5 Torr isobutane, 75 Torr H2, and 760 Torr
total pressure (from ref. 20)
600 650 700 750 800 850 900
Pt x 2
20 Pt
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
TIME (min)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
TIME (min)
-15 0 15 30 45
a c
- 70C
- 70C
Pt cluster
1 2 3 4
Fourier transform (a.u.)
240 C
125 C
186 C
146 C