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Sideband Emission (ISB) and Is Treated Fully in Section 4-4.3. It Is Used For HF

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Forms of Amplitude Modulation

This section on amplitude modulation defines, describes and lists the main applications
of the various forms of AM used for telephony and TV: particularly the various forms
of SSB. The International Telecommunications Union (I.T.U.) Radio Regulations also
define and describe all forms of emission, however modulation

A3E (previously A3) Double sideband, full carrier. As already discussed, this is

"standard" AM, used for broadcasting and by now for very little else.
R3E (previously A3A) Single-sideband, reduced carrier. This is a pilot carrier system,
treated in Section 4-4.2. An attenuated carrier is reinserted into the SSB signal, to
facilitate receiver tuning and demodulation. Except for so-called maritime mobile distress
frequencies (also known as SOLAS-Safety of Life at Sea), especially
2182 kHz, it is being steadily replaced by BE, on a worldwide basis.
H3E (previously A3H) Single-sideband, full carrier. This could be used as a compatible
AM broadcasting system, with A3E receivers. Distortion not exceeding 5 percent
is claimed for H3E transmissions received by an A3E receiver.
J3E (previously A3J) Single-sideband, suppressed-carrieT.This is the system so far
referred to as "SSB," in which the carrier is suppressed by at least 45 dB in the
transmitter. It was at first slow to take off, because of the high receiver stabilities
required. However, with the advent of acceptable synthesizer-driven receivers, it
swiftly became the standard form of SSB for radio communications.
B8E (previously A3B) Two independent sidebands, with a carrier that is most commonly
attenuated or suppressed. This form of modulation is also known as independent-
sideband emission (ISB) and is treated fully in Section 4-4.3. It is used for HF
point-to-point radiotelephony, in which more than one channel is required.
C3F (previously A5C) Vestigial sideband (used for television video transmissions).
A system in which a vestige, i.e., a trace, of the unwanted sideband is transmitted,
usually with a full carrier. This system is treated in Section 4-4.4. It is used for video
transmissions in all the world's various TV systems to conserve bandwidth.
Varactor diode modulator A varactor diode is a semiconductor diode whose junction
capacitance varies linearly with the applied voltage when the diode is reversebiased.
It may also be used to produce frequency modulation. Varactor diodes are certainly employed
frequently, together with a reactance modulator, to provide automatic frequency correction for an
FM transmitter. The circuit
of Figure 5-13 shows .
such a modulator. It is seen
that the diode has been
back-biased to provide the
junction capacitance effect,
and since this bias is varied
by the modulating voltage
which is in se~es with it,
the junction capacitance will also vary, causing the oscillator frequency to change accordingly.
Although this is the simplest reactance modulator circuit, it does have the disadvantage of using
a two-terminal device; its applications are somewhat limited. However, it is often used for
automatic frequency control and remote tuning.
Types of reactance modulators There are four different arrangements of the reac-'tance
modulator (including the one initially discussed) which will yield useful results.Their data are
shown in Table 5-3, together with their respective prerequisites and output reactance formulas.
The general prerequisite for all of them is that drain current must be much greater than bias
network current. It is seen that two of the arrangements give a capacitive reactance, and the other
two give an inductive reactance.In the
reactance modulator shown in Figure
5-12, an RC capacitive transistor
reactance modulator, quite a common
one in use, operates on the tank circuit
of a Clapp-Gouriet oscillator.
Provided that the correct component
values are employed,any reactance
modulator may be connected across
the tank circuit of any LC oscillator
(not crystal) with one provision: The
oscillator used must not be one that
requires two tuned circuits for its
operation, such as the tuned-base-
tuned-collector oscillator. The Hartley
and Colpitts (or Clapp-Gouriet)
oscillators are most commonly used,
and each should be isolated with a
buffer. Note the RF chokes in the
circuit shown, they are used to isolate various points of the circuit for alternating current while
still providing a dc path.
Direct Methods
Of the various methods of providing a voltage-variable reactance which can be connected
across the tank circuit of an oscillator, the "lost common are the reactance modulator and the
varactor diode. These will now be discussed in turn.
Basic reactance modulator Provided that
certain simple conditions are met, the
impedance z, as seen at the input tenninals A-
A of Figure 5-11, is almost entirely reactive.
The circuit shown is the basic circuit of a
FET reactance modulator, which behaves as a
three-terminal reactance that may be
connected across the tank circuit of the
oscillator to be frequency-modulated. It can
be made inductive or capacitive by a simple
component change. The value of this
reactance is proportional to the trans
conductance of the device, which can be
made to depend on the gate bias and its
variations. Note that an FET is used in the explanation here for simplicity only. Identical
reasoning would apply to a bipolar transistor or a vacuum tube, or indeed to any other amplifying
Theory of reactance modulators In order to determine z, a voltage v is applied to the terminals
A-A between which the impedance is to be measured, and the resulting current i is calculated.
The applied voltage is then divided by this current, giving the impedance seen when looking into
the terminals. In order for this impedance to be a pure reactance (it is capacitive here), two
requirements must be fulfilled. The first is that the bias network current ib must be negligible
compared to the drain current. The impedance of the bias network must be large enough to be
ignored. The second requirement is that the drain-to-gate impedance (Xc here) must be greater
than the gate to-source impedance (R in this case), preferably by more than 5: I. The following
analysis may then be applied:
1. This

equivalent capacitance depends on the device transconductance and can therefore be varied with
bias voltage.
2. The capacitance can be origin~lly adjusted to any value, within reason, by varying the
components R and C.
3. The expression gmRC has.the correct dimensions of capacitance; R, measured in ohms, and
gm, measured in siemens (s), cancel each other's dimensions, leaving C as required.
4. It was stated earlier that the gate-to-drain impedance must be much larger than the gate-to-
source impedance. This is illustrated by Equation (5-17). If Xc/R had not been much greater than
unity, z would have had a resistive component as well.
If R is not much less than Xc (in the particular reactance modulator treated), the gate voltage will
no longer be exactly 90 out of phase with the applied voltage v, nor will the drain current i.
Thus, the input impedance will no longer be purely reactive. As shown in Equation (5-17), the
resistive comeonent for this particular FET reactance modulator will be l/gm' This component
contains gm, it will vary with the applied modulating voltage. This variable resistance (like the
variable reactance) will appear directly across the tank circuit of the master oscillator, varying its
Q and therefore its ootput yoltage. A certain amount of amplitude modulation will be created.
This applies to all the forms of reactance modulator. If the situation is unavoidable, the oscillator
being modulated must be followed by an amplitude limiter.The gate-to-drain impedance is, in
practice, made five to ten times the gate-to source impedance. Let Xc = nR (at the carrier
frequency) in the capacitive RC reactance
FET so far discussed. Then
Mathematical Representation of FM
FromFigure5-1d, it is seenthat the instantaneousfrequencyf of the frequency-modulated
wave is given by
f= fe (1 + kVmcos wmt)
where fe = unmodulated (or average) carrier frequency
k = proportionality constant
Vmcos wmt = instantaneousmodulatingvoltage (cosinebeing preferredfor
simplicity in calculations)
The maximum deviation for this particular signal will occur when the cosine
term has its maximum value, :t 1. Under these conditions, the instantaneous frequency
will be
f = fe (1 :t k~",)

so that the maximum deviation 0 will be given by

The instantaneous amplitude of the FM signal will be given by a formula of the
v = A sin [F (wc,wm)] = A sin 8 (5-5)
where F (wc,wm) is some function of the carrier and modulating frequencies. This
function represents an angle and will be called 8 for convenience. The problem now is
to determine the instantaneous value (i.e., formula) for this angle.
As Figure 5~2 shows, 8 is the angle traced out by the vector A in time t. ,IfA
were rotating with a constant angular velocity, for example, p, this angle 8 would be
given by pt (in radians). In this instance the angular velocity is anything but constant. It
is governed by the formula for W obtained from Equation (5-2), that is, W = w;(I +
kVmcos wmt). In order to find 8, W must be integrated with respect to time. Thus

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