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Chemical Engineering Journal: Yong-Ming Dai, Jhong-Syuan Wu, Chiing-Chang Chen, Kung-Tung Chen

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Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376

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Evaluating the optimum operating parameters on transesterication

reaction for biodiesel production over a LiAlO2 catalyst
Yong-Ming Dai a, Jhong-Syuan Wu a, Chiing-Chang Chen a,, Kung-Tung Chen b,
Department of Science Application and Dissemination, National Taichung University of Education, Taichung 40306, Taiwan, ROC
The Teaching Center of Natural Science, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu 30401, Taiwan, ROC

h i g h l i g h t s

 LiAlO2 was rstly used as a novel catalyst for transesterication reaction.

 Conversion efciency of soybean oils to biodiesel using LiAlO2 can reach 97.45%.
 The catalytic results revealed that LiAlO2 maintained its activity after six catalytic runs.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The LiAlO2 catalyst was prepared by solid-state reaction and then applied to the biodiesel production by
Received 17 March 2015 transesterication reaction between methanol and soybean oil. This was the rst attempt to use LiAlO2 as
Received in revised form 5 June 2015 a catalyst for biodiesel production. It was found that the catalyst of 4 (mol(Li2CO3)/mol(Al2O3)) being cal-
Accepted 9 June 2015
cined at 900 C showed the optimum activity. XRD, BET and FE-SEM demonstrated that the Li compound
Available online 16 June 2015
was incorporated into Al2O3 to form LiAlO2 with an enhanced basicity. The maximum conversion
achieved 97.5% with 2 h reaction time at 65 C, 24:1 M ratio of methanol to oil and 8 wt.% of catalyst.
LiAlO2 could be easily recovered and reused for six cycles without signicant deactivation.
Solid-state reaction
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Soybean oil

1. Introduction However, major quality related problems were encountered

and it was the main hindrance for large scale industrial production
Under the effects of energy crisis, biomass energy, with the of biodiesel by homogeneously catalyzed transesterication.
strengths of renewability and low pollution, is considered as a sub- Production costs were rather high as the process involved catalyst
stitute for petroleum to release the energy crisis in a short period could not be recovered or reused, and the separation of fatty acid
of time [13]. Biodiesel, produced by vegetable oil and animal fat methyl esters (FAMEs) from the catalyst generated large amounts
through transesterication, is a kind of renewable energy, which of wastewater, resulting in the loss of useful materials [10,11].
presents the characteristics of biodegradability and non-toxicity. These problems provided an impetus to search for basic solid
Besides, it emits less exhaust than fossil diesel does so that it is and more stable catalysts [12]. In recent years, alkali metal (Li,
an environment-friendly fuel. Such an alternative fuel has been Na, K) or alkali earth salts were loaded on metal oxide (SiO2,
widely developed for the increasing utilization of petroleum, Al2O3, MgO, ZrO2) for improving the catalytic activity of mixed
expanding local air pollution, and global green house [46]. A com- oxide catalysts [1015].
plete biodiesel technology is regarded as the complex system engi- Nevertheless, the use of basic solid catalysts generally requires
neering, covering several techniques of catalyst preparation, more severe reaction conditions to obtain higher conversion, for
transesterication reaction, and waste oil reuse [79]. example, high catalyst amount, high temperature and long reac-
tion time, for the transesterication reaction than in the case of
homogeneous catalysts. Furthermore, there are some problems in
the low reaction rate, easy deactivation and the high viscosity
Corresponding authors. Tel.: +886 4 2218 3406; fax: +886 4 2218 3560. increasing the mass transfer resistance. However, this reaction is
E-mail addresses:, associated with several difculties in using basic solid catalysts,
(C.-C. Chen), (K.-T. Chen).
1385-8947/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376 371

from an industrial perspective, involving the surface active sites reaction parameters, such as reaction temperature, reaction time
being easily decayed upon exposing the catalyst to air. The methanol/oil ratio, catalyst amount and conversion of various oils
chemisorption of carbon dioxide and water on the surface sites to biodiesel.
form carbonates and hydroxyl groups, respectively [1319]. Most
of the basic solid catalysts need to be resolved the removal of water
and carbon dioxide from the surfaces to enhance their catalytic 2.3. Catalyst characterization
activities [20]. Chen et al. [21] and Wang et al. [22] found that
Li2CO3 catalytically tolerated the exposure to air. This presented The base strength of the as-prepared catalyst (H_) was deter-
important benets when considering the industrial application of mined using Hammett indicators. All samples were characterized
Li2CO3 as a solid catalyst, and the possibility of storing and han- using XRD with Cu Ka radiation (MAC MXP18, Tokyo, Japan,
dling the activated catalyst without taking special actions pre- k = 1.540 56 ). The microstructure of the as-prepared catalyst
vented from contact with the ambient air. was observed using a eld emission scanning electron microscope
Additionally, lithium-based catalysts showed a very high activ- (FE-SEM, JEOL JSM-7401F, Tokyo, Japan). The specic surface area
ity promoting transesterication reaction [2123]. Xie et al. [24] was analyzed using BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET) surface area
reported that signicant enhancement of catalytic activity was measurements (Micromeritics Company ASAP, 2010).
achieved for NaOH supported Al2O3 leading to a highest basicity.
Zabet et al. [25] reported that CaO was better dispersed on the
2.4. Analytical methods
Al2O3 support and enhanced the conversion. Modication of the
previously synthesized catalyst with Al2O3 to improve its structure
The FAME concentration expressed as the biodiesel purity of the
and properties was among the factors [24,25]. The compound
product was determined using a gas chromatograph (Thermo Trace
LiAlO2 had favorable thermophysical, chemical, and mechanical
GC Ultra, Thermo Co., Austin, Texas, USA) equipped with a ame
stabilities at high temperatures [26]. In addition, LiAlO2 could be
ionization detector and a capillary column (Tr-biodiesel (F),
used as a catalyst and catalytic support because of its excellent
Thermo Co., length: 30 m; internal diameter: 0.25 mm; and lm
electron transfer properties, high surface alkali, and a higher cat-
thickness: 0.25 lm). Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas at a ow
alytic activity than the common Al2O3 support [20]. Furthermore,
rate of 2 mL/min. The oven temperature program started at 120 C
it was suitable for transporting the reactants and products, result-
with an increase to 220 C at a rate of 30 C/min and an increase to
ing in a low diffusion resistance in the catalytic process. Therefore,
250 C at a rate of 10 C/min. The temperature of the programmed
LiAlO2 had great potential for the use as a catalyst.
temperature injector was 90 C for 0.05 min and increased to
In the present work, LiAlO2 was used as the heterogeneous cat-
260 C (programmed temperature) at a rate of 10 C/min. The
alyst in the soybean oil transesterication reaction with methanol
diluted solution with methyl heptadecanoate was added as an
for biodiesel production. To the best of our knowledge, this was the
internal FAME standard. FAME amounts were calculated using
rst attempt to use LiAlO2 as a catalyst for biodiesel production.
the internal standard method (according to the EN 14 103
Effects of several parameters, such as calcination temperatures,
method). The most common peaks were observed at C16:0,
methanol/oil molar ratio, catalyst amount, reaction temperature
C17:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3 as shown in Fig. 1. The con-
and reaction time, were studied. Moreover, the catalyst reuse in
version was determined according to the following equation
various oil transesterication reactions was evaluated in order to
perform a biodiesel production. RA  AEI CEI  AEI
Conversion %   100%
2. Materials and methods
RA: Sum of areas of all peaks ranging from C14:0 to C24:0, AEI:
2.1. Catalyst preparation Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester IS area, CEI: Concentration
(mg/mL) of Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester solution, VEI: Volume
Soybean oil (Great Wall Enterprise Co., Taiwan), methanol (ACS of Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester solution added to sample, m:
grade, ECHO Chemical Co., Taiwan), Al2O3 (Shimakyus Pure Mass of the sample (mg).
Chemicals, Osaka, Japan), and Li2CO3 (Shimakyus Pure Chemicals,
Osaka, Japan) were used as received.
The solid-state reaction was used for the preparation of LiAl
mixed oxide catalyst. Al2O3 powder was added to an aqueous solu-
tion containing Li2CO3. After stirring and being dried at 110 C for
12 h. The mixture was thoroughly ground, followed by calcination
in air.

2.2. Transesterication

Transesterication reactions were carried out in a at-bottomed

ask equipped with a reux condenser and a magnetic stirrer.
Soybean oil was added to the ask and heated. In order to minimize
the mass transfer limitations, each was mixed with stirring at
300 rpm. All experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure.
After the reaction, deionized water was added to the reaction mix-
ture to stop the reaction. Biodiesel and glycerol layers were easily
separated because of a difference in their densities. The supernatant
was ltered using common lter paper, and excess methanol and
water were evaporated prior to FAME analysis. To optimize the
reaction conditions, experiments were performed by varying Fig. 1. Chromatogram obtained from GC-FID analysis of FAME.
372 Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376

3. Results and discussion Table 1

Base strengths of Al2O3 powder and the prepared catalyst in various Li: Al2O3 molar
3.1. Characterization of the LiAlO2 catalyst
Catalyst Li/Al2O3 molar ratio Basic strength Conversion (%)
Fig. 2 shows the XRD pattern of LiAlO2 calcined at 6001000 C Al2O3 0/1 H_<7.2 0.15
for 4 h. The main peaks corresponding to LiAlO2 (JCPDS Li/Al2O3 1/1 7.2<H_<9.8 64.59
Li/Al2O3 2/1 9.8<H_<15.0 60.87
01-073-1338), Al2O3 (JCPDS 83-2080), and Li2CO3 (JCPDS
Li/Al2O3 3/1 9.8<H_<15.0 97.09
87-0728) were the main components of cement. Although LiAlO2 Li/Al2O3 4/1 9.8<H_<15.0 97.11
was a complex material and the main peaks of its XRD pattern usu- Li/Al2O3 5/1 9.8<H_<15.0 93.74
ally overlaid one another, the major phase change in LiAlO2 was *
Reaction conditions: 12.5 g soybean oil; methanol/oil molar ratio, 24:1; catalyst
observed after its calcination. From above results, it could be amount, 6 wt.%; reaction time, 2 h; methanol reux temperature and conventional
deduced that LiAlO2 appeared an amorphous phase when the cal- heating method.
cination temperature was lower than 800 C. On increasing the cal-
cination temperature to 900 C, crystallization occurred, with the suggested the presence of a macropore structure. In BET surface
phase transformation to crystalline LiAlO2. The preparation of area measurements, the specic surface area of LiAlO2 was
LiAlO2 by using Al2O3 and Li2CO3 was a solid-state reaction. As 1.02 m2/g. The inset in Fig. 3(c) shows the pore size distribution
the temperature was increased, the lattice surface and the internal of LiAlO2. The pore size distribution calculated using the BJH
state changed, leading to a continuous increase in the reactivity of method showed a broad pore size ranging from 70 to 110 nm.
Li2CO3. When the reaction temperature reached the melting point The surface morphology of LiAlO2 was examined using FE-SEM.
of Li2CO3 (650 C) [21], Li2CO3 entered a molten state. Within the Fig. 4 presents the FE-SEM images of LiAlO2 samples with a spher-
temperature range 800900 C, the following equation ical and impermeable porous surface. Small mineral aggregates and
agglomerated particles were presented when the molar ratio
Li2 CO3 Al2 O3 ! LiAlO2 CO2 increased because of the formation of metal oxides. According to
the gure, spherical particles of various sizes with an average diam-
strongly shifted to the right. This was possibly resulted from the
eter of approximately 10100 lm accumulated on the surface.
complex reactions between Li and Al compounds; Li+ was sucked
into the gap in the Al compound crystal layers and reacted with
3.2. Reaction studies
Al3+ to produce LiAlO2. Suski and Tarniowy [27] identied the crys-
tallographic form of LiAlO2 produced in the reaction. Table 1 sum-
3.2.1. Effect of calcination temperatures on the transesterication
marizes the base strengths of Al2O3 and LiAlO2 in various Li:
Al2O3 molar ratios. The results showed that a Li: Al2O3 molar ratio
Table 2 shows various calcination temperatures for
>2 resulted in the formation of the active solid base catalyst
LiAlO2-catalyzed transesterication. In order to investigate the
(LiAlO2) with H_ ranging from 9.8 to 15. Thus, the incorporation
effects of calcination conditions, several calcination temperatures
of lithium compounds into Al2O3 could result in a remarkable
(600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 C) were considered, the conversion
increase in the number of solid basic sites and hence the catalytic
was increased and the optimal calcination temperature for the cat-
alyst was at 900 C. At this temperature, the highest conversion of
The FE-SEM images of LiAlO2 calcined in air at 900 C are shown
94% was achieved; the conversion rate decreased when the tem-
in Fig. 2. LiAlO2 had the uniform micro scale plate-type and
perature was 1000 C, and a further increase in the calcination
particle-type mixed structure and 25 lm in lateral size as shown
temperature suppressed the catalytic activity of LiAlO2. As can be
in Fig. 3(a). It appeared that LiAlO2 powder tended to agglomerate
seen, a calcination temperature of 800 C was not sufcient to pro-
into larger particles. Fig. 3(b) shows the elemental composition of
duce highly active LiAlO2 for transesterication and, according to
LiAlO2 determined using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
the literature [28], the deactivation of the catalyst after its calcina-
According to the gure, Li and Al were the main components.
tion at high temperature is probably the result of the loss of active
Fig. 3(c) shows the nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherm
sites, by the sublimation and agglomeration into the structure.
curves of LiAlO2. The LiAlO2 catalyst exhibited type III nitrogen
Therefore, the optimal calcination temperature was 900 C in this
adsorptiondesorption isotherm. The LiAlO2 catalyst showed a dis-
tinct hysteresis loop in the larger range of ca. 0.41.0 P/Po which

3.2.2. Effect of methanol/oil molar ratio g and catalyst amount on the

transesterication reaction
The inuence of methanol/oil molar ratio on the conversion
over LiAlO2 is indicated in Fig. 5. Because transesterication is an
equilibrium reaction, the ester formation can be increased by
employing an excess amount of methanol to drive the equilibrium
toward the product formation [27]. According to Fig. 4, the conver-
sion rate increased considerably with an increase in the amount of
methanol. An increase in biodiesel yield from 72% to 90% by mass
was obtained when the methanol to oil ratio was increased from
6:1 to 24:1 but decreased to 4% with the methanol/oil mole ratio
30:1. The optimum molar ratio of methanol/oil was found to be
around 24:1. Yee et al. [29] indicated that the methanol/oil molar
ratio should be higher than the stoichiometric ratio of these sub-
stances to drive the reaction toward completion (i.e., the formation
of methyl esters). The lower biodiesel yield might be due to the
high alcohol content (more than optimal ratio) which interfered
with the phase separation of glycerol due to an increase in the sol-
Fig. 2. XRD pattern of LiAlO2 prepared at various calcination temperatures. ubility of glycerol in methanol.
Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376 373

Fig. 3. (a) Morphology, (b) elemental analysis, and (c) nitrogen adsorption desorption isotherm and pore size distribution of LiAlO2 calcined in air at 900 C according to

Moreover, the amount of catalyst also affected the rate of reac- in the entire process. Therefore, the reaction was conducted at
tion. The LiAlO2 catalyst was used for studying the effect of catalyst various temperatures. According to Fig. 6, the conversion rate
loading (2, 4, 6 8 and 10 wt.%) with the reaction temperature 65 C increased with an increase in the reaction temperature. The
and the methanol/oil molar ratio 24:1. The conversion result is conversion gradually increased from 45 C to 75 C and reached
shown in Fig. 5. The conversion was found to increase with the the maximum 95.7 at 65 C. Both free fatty acid and triglycerides
increase in the catalyst amount from 2 to 8 wt.% and then decrease initially required the activation of their respective carboxylic or
with the increase in the catalyst amount above 8%. The conversion carbonyl functional groups to start the reaction. To favor the
was found to be the maximum at 8 wt.% of catalyst amount when methanol nucleophilic substitution on free fatty acids, a compara-
compared to 2, 4 and 6 wt.% of LiAlO2 catalyst amount. This might tively high reaction temperature was required to activate this
be due to the formation of mixing problem and resistance of mass carbonyl group [32]. Thus, temperature clearly inuenced the reac-
transfer [30] at higher catalyst loading. Wang et al. [31] also tion rate and biodiesel conversion. According to a previous study,
observed similar results, when the conversion rate increased with the reaction temperature dominated the reaction rate, and the con-
an increase in the catalyst amount. version rate increased with an increase in the reaction temperature
[33]. However, methanol was easily volatilized at 75 C to reduce
3.2.3. Effect of reaction temperature and time on the the amount of methanol to participate in the reaction. Fig. 5 indi-
transesterication reaction cated that the conversion was found to increase with the increase
Fig. 6 shows the effects of the reaction temperature and time on in the catalyst amount from 1 to 6 h and then decrease with the
the conversion rate. The reaction temperature was a crucial factor increase in the catalyst amount above 2 h. The conversion then
374 Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376

Fig. 5. Inuence of the catalyst amount and methanol:oil molar ratio on the
conversion rate (reaction conditions: soybean oil; 12.5 g, reaction temperature;
65 C, and reaction time; 2 h).

rates of castor oil and waste cooking oil to biodiesel are shown in
Table 3. It was found that Li4SiO4 was the most suitable catalyst
giving 82.99% and 94.3% conversion. The good catalytic perfor-
mance was dependent on the strength of basic sites as well as upon
their amount. Table 3 also showed that the basic strength and the
catalytic activity were affected with various materials of solid base
catalyst, and the large basic strength led to the high activity at
transesterication reaction.

3.3. Reusability of the catalyst

Fig. 7 shows the effect of air on the catalytic activity of LiAlO2.

Fig. 4. FE-SEM images of LiAlO2 used in the solid-state reaction at 900 C for 4 h
with Li:Al2O3 molar ratios of (a) 1:1, (b) 2:1, (c) 3:1, (d) 4:1, and (e) 5:1. This study investigated the effects of exposure to air on the cat-
alytic activity of transesterication reaction. According to the g-
ure, no difference in the conversion rate (93.785.9%) between
decreased probably due to the formation saponication at longer the air-exposed catalyst (2472 h) and the freshly prepared
reaction time. The optimized reaction temperature for the transes-
terication of soybean oil to biodiesel thus was around 2 h.
The earlier research of solid base catalyst for transesterication
reaction is shown in Table 3. Comparing LiALO2 with other various
solid base catalysts [2123,34], it could be clearly found that
LiALO2 showed the good catalytic performance for a transesteri-
cation reaction. For various solid base catalysts, LiALO2 showed
the higher catalytic activity (used for 5 cycles) than that of
Li2SiO3, Li2CO3 and CaO on conversion. When comparing the exper-
imental results in this study with CaO catalyst, the activity of
LiALO2 was higher than that of CaO, while LiALO2 showed the bet-
ter conversion (exposure time for 72 h) than CaO. The conversion

Table 2
Inuence of calcination temperature on the conversion rate.
Calcination temperature (C) Conversion (%)
600 32.65
700 31.75
800 63.46
900 94.62
1000 2.46
Reaction conditions: 12.5 g soybean oil; methanol/oil molar Fig. 6. Inuence of reaction time and reaction temperature on the conversion rate
ratio, 24:1; catalyst amount, 6 wt.%; reaction time, 2 h; methanol (reaction conditions: soybean oil; 12.5 g, methanol:oil molar ratio; 24:1, and
reux temperature and conventional heating method. catalyst amount; 6 wt.%).
Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376 375

Table 3
Comparison of conversion by different catalyst.

LiAlO2 Li4SiO4 Li2SiO3 Li2CO3 CaO
Best conversion (%)a 98.06 98.17 96.12 95.50 96.16
Conversion (%)a (used for 5 cycles) 90.13 93.46 88.41 89.10 11.21
Exposure time (72 h)a 85.72 94.24 95.47 96.9 1.07
Castor oil (high oleic acid) 5.13 82.99 81.46 83.11 12.81
Waste cooking oil 2.80 94.31 86.51 84.68 25.39
Basic strength (H_) 9.8<H_<15.0 15.0<H_<18.4 15.0<H_<18.4 9.8<H_<15.0 15.0<H_<18.4
Reference 21, 23 35 22 2123, 35
For soybean oil.

Fig. 7. Inuence of LiAlO2 exposed to air for 2472 h on the conversion rate
(reaction conditions: soybean oil; 12.5 g, methanol:oil molar ratio; 24:1, and
catalyst amount; 6 wt.%). Fig. 9. Comparison of the conversion rates of various oils (reaction conditions:
soybean oil; 12.5 g, methanol:oil molar ratio; 24:1, catalyst amount; 6 wt.%, and
reaction temperature; 65 C).

lixiviation of the active phase, the transesterication reaction

produced FAME contained 0.3 ppm of lithium. Thus, the LiAlO2
catalyst showed a high operational stability and LiAlO2 was an
air-insensitive catalyst, facilitating its practical application.
Compared to the previous results over other heterogeneous base
catalysts [35,36], a lower reaction temperature and better reusabil-
ity were observed for the LiAlO2 catalyst.

3.4. Optimization of the reaction parameters for different oil using

LiAlO2 catalyst

The conversion rates of different oil to biodiesel are shown in

Fig. 9. The conversion rates of soybean oil, olive oil, canola oil,
cacao oil, corn oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and used cooking oil to
biodiesel were 97.45%, 14.41%, 28.43%, 70.57%, 8.44%, 95.74,
3.65%, and 2.65%, respectively. A higher concentration of free fatty
acids than that of an alkali catalyst should not be used for transes-
Fig. 8. Reusability of LiAlO2 after six reaction cycles (reaction conditions: soybean terication because of the possibility of saponication [37]. The
oil; 12.5 g, methanol:oil molar ratio; 24:1, catalyst amount; 6 wt.%, and reaction
results showed that FAME conversion in the used cooking oil and
temperature; 65 C).
castor oil with high free fatty acid concentration was considerably
affected. Therefore, the performance of the same catalyst under the
catalyst (97.5%) was observed, verifying that the catalytic sites of same reaction conditions varied for different oil.
LiAlO2 were tolerant toward CO2 and H2O contained in air. Thus,
LiAlO2 was air-insensitive, resulting in easy catalytic reaction. 4. Conclusion
The catalytic results revealed that LiAlO2 maintained its activity
after six catalytic runs (Fig. 8). The conversions of soybean oil were LiAlO2, synthesized by a simple solid-state reaction, was very
97.45%, 95.77%, 88.18%, 89.33%, 89.63% and 84.24% when the cata- active in the transesterication of soybean oil. Several reaction
lyst was used for 6 cycles. When the ltered liquid after the transes- variables were studied, and the optimal catalyst amount was found
terication was analyzed by ICP for evaluating the degree of to be 6% (w/w). The methanol/oil molar ratio of 24:1 yielded the
376 Y.-M. Dai et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 370376

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