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Life Cycle Inventory

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Life Cycle Inventory

for an Inkjet Printer

Jason Ord

Tom DiCorcia

December 21, 2005

ME 589 EcoDesign and Manufacturing

FALL 2005

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

In this report we provide a lifecycle inventory for an inkjet printer. The goal of the study
is to increase awareness among engineers and product planners of the extended
(lifecycle) material flows of the components that make up a typical inkjet printer. In
addition, this study can be used to identify parts of the printer lifecycle that have large
flows of materials of concern (such as green-house gases) for a more in-depth look. We
built the inventory with the assistance of a life-cycle database and via a literature search.
This approach is relatively fast and can yield high-level, crude, but useable results.
The study identifies the use phase as having the greatest environmental resource flows.
The measured consumption of raw materials, production of solid waste and effluents into
air and water were all dominated by use of paper, the flow of electricity to the printer and
the consumption of ink cartridges.
Although the electronics used in the printer make up less than 14% of the printer weight,
these parts had significant associations with greenhouse gases and SOX probably from
the amount of copper reported. The Boustead database provided little information for
electronics. This is an area where a better estimate would be valuable.


The authors would like to thank the following individuals for providing assistance:

Professor Steven J. Skerlos

Professor Gregory A. Keoliean
David V. Spitzley
(Table of Contents)

I. Introduction
In selecting materials, product engineers have been trained to optimize quality, cost and
delivery. If the cost of a material reflected the environmental impact of its use, then
traditional design methodologies would yield products that would have a low impact. In
fact, this is not the case. Material costs usually do not include most of the environmental
costs associated with their extraction, processing of by-products and eventual disposal.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful tool for measuring the environmental
impacts that otherwise may not be adequately accounted for. Armed with this
information, product engineers can make material and process selections that can make a
product more environmentally friendly, which besides being a generally good thing
can be of considerable economic value. Businesses, institutions and consumers are
increasingly evaluating products and vendors on their environmental performance.
Access to entire markets can depend on meeting legislated environmental design
A complete LCA includes a life cycle inventory, an analysis of the environmental
impacts, and an analysis of potential improvements. The life cycle inventory defines the
materials and energy associated with a product over its life cycle from extraction of the
raw materials, throughout its useful life, to eventual reuse, recycling or disposal at end of
life. See the figure below for a visual explanation of the life-cycle inventory [1].

energy water

transport transport transport utility

materials recovered
raw material materials
gathering & manufacturing use end-of-life
processing recovered

effluents airborne solid waste

Figure 1. A Products Life-cycle Inventory

The impact analysis evaluates the effects of the material flows identified in the inventory
stage. The improvement analysis or life cycle interpretation includes
recommendations for lessening environmental impacts.

II. Goal of the Study

The goal of the study is to take a first-pass look at the extended (lifecycle) material flows
of the components that make up a typical home inkjet printer. This rough-cut at the
overall material flows will help guide more detailed studies that can more accurately
assess the true flows as well as evaluate the effects different design strategies have on the
material flows.
The advent of computers and the internet have drastically increased the amount of
printing done at home from the days of electric typewriters. Given the amount of school
reports, photos, recipes printed at home every day in the United States, it is very likely
that home printing exerts a significant impact on our planet. Since the majority of home
printers incorporate inkjet technology, this report focuses on printers of that type.
The intended audience of product engineers can use this study to gain a broad
appreciation of the magnitude of the material flows for different parts of the printing
system life cycle, to stimulate thinking about the environmental impacts of their decisions
and to build support for more extensive life cycle analysis within the printer division.
This study is not intended to provide information at a level of accuracy or completeness
that would be needed to assess the actual environmental impact of the specific printers
involved, so it should not be used to evaluate these printers against any external standard,
nor should this study be used to compare these printers with an LCA for another product.

III. Scope of the Study

Rather than a complete Life Cycle Assessment, this study is limited to a Life Cycle
Inventory Analysis. An Inventory Analysis can still provide a snapshot of a products
interactions with the environment. Although this snapshot does not directly tell the story
of the actual impacts the product has on the environment, we will present the inventory
results of material flows that are know to have high environmental impacts.
Given the limited time we had to conduct this study, the scope is limited to the that of the
material inventory database we used and as is the case for electronics, the data we could
find via our own searches. In general the material inventory database estimates the
inventory down to the raw material level but this is not true for every element we
analyzed. Therefore, the scope varies for different elements in our study and depends on
the depth of data readily available. Although this scope definition is not adequate for a
true LCA we feel it serves our original goal, which is to identify the key material flows
in a home inkjet printers lifecycle. We estimated the inventories for the following items
in this LCI:
1. Production Phase (includes raw material gathering and processing,
a. Printer
i. Mechanical components
ii. Electrical components
iii. Final printer packaging
iv. Final printer shipping (container-shipping portion only)
2. Use Phase
a. Printer Electricity Consumption
b. Printer Paper Consumption
c. Printer Cartridge Consumption
i. Mechanical components (not including ink)
ii. Electrical components
iii. Final cartridge packaging
iv. Final cartridge shipping (container-shipping portion only)
This LCI does not include the end-of-life phase beyond tracking the amount of solid
waste material. No energy recovery or recycling was considered.

IV. LCA Methodology, Modifications and Limitations

4.1 Methodology
Wherever possible, the LCA definitions and guidelines of the ISO 14040 standards are
The LCA database used is Boustead Model 5.0 from Boustead Consulting Ltd. Therefore,
the system boundaries, energy mix and material flows will be consistent with the
Boustead model.
4.2 Functional Unit
The functional unit for this study is 100 pages of printed output. The lifetime we assume
for the printer is 3 years. We further assume that an average of 7500 pages will be printed
in these three years, so 100 pages represents 1/75th of the printers life.
4.3 Key Assumptions
Some of the information used in this report is taken or measured from an actual inkjet
printer. For instance, the printer mechanical and electrical inventories, and the printer
electricity usage are based directly on the measurements of one inkjet printer brand and
model. Other information, such as cartridge yields are taken from the manufacturers
published data are were not independently verified. When neither of the first two
categories of information were available, we made our own assumptions and documented
them. An example of this is the printer usage profile, which includes our assumptions on
the lifetime of a printer, the types of pages printed, etc. The use profile is described in
the results section and detailed in the appendix.
4.4 Limitations
Printed wiring board (PWB) and electronic components are not modeled in the Boustead
database and life cycle inventory information for these items is not readily available from
other sources. We broke down the electronic components as best as we could, isolating
and weighing key materials and using external references to estimate key resources used
in the production of the circuit boards and semiconductors. Refer to the section on PWBs
for more detail. Materials we could measure or estimate which are a subset of the total
were entered into Boustead and aggregated with the other, non-electronic, materials that
were previously entered into the model.
As is typical of products that consume materials and energy, much of the environmental
impact for these printers involves the use phase. Inkjet printers are machines for
producing printed pages, and they unavoidably consume paper and ink throughout their
useful life. Printed paper and the cartridge materials are included in this study, but the ink
in the cartridges is not.
Inkjet printers are energy consuming products. Although this study uses accurate
information for the energy consumed by the printers during the different modes of
operation printing, standby, and sleep mode assumptions are made regarding the
average use profile. Refer to the section on energy use for more detail.

V. Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

5.1 General Product Description
The subject of this analysis is a general purpose inkjet printer designed for home use.
General purpose refers to the fact that it is designed to do a satisfactory job of printing
both text and photos, but not optimized for either, so it will likely be used for both types
of work by most owners.
There is no mechanical duplexer, but the printer will prompt the user to turn over the
pages for printing on two-sides. The printer accepts two types of ink cartridges one
optimized for text printing, another optimized for photo printing.
A packaged printer comes with a black ink cartridge, a color ink cartridge, a power cord,
an external power supply (brick), a USB cable a CD-ROM (with software), and
The dimensions are approximately 460 mm wide by 220 mm deep by 170 mm high and it
weighs about 3.6 kg. The list price for the printer at the time of the analysis is under

5.2.1 Polymers
The printer uses polymers for its covers, primary structure, and mechanical parts. The
two most common polymers in printer we analyzed are primarily high-impact-
polystyrene (HIPS) and acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS). In order to make this
study more tractable, the printer plastics not ABS or HIPS were assumed to be ABS for
modeling purposes. 86% of the polymers in the printer are recyclable, where the others
are not due to the presence of fillers. The Boustead database had codes for the ABS and
HIPS, but no manufacturing codes such as palletizing and injection molding. Thus, the
intermediate material processing, packaging, and shipping are not included in the scope
of this report.
5.2.2 Metals
The printer employs galvanized steel sheet-metal for structure, plated steel shafts, copper
(in the motors) and some aluminum. All of this material is considered recyclable,
although the copper in the motors could be considered a knock-out element that would
inhibit steel recycling. Again, the Boustead database had codes for all three metals raw
materials but nothing for the processing, packaging, and shipping and thus were not
included in this report.
5.2.3 Electronic Assemblies
There are surprisingly few published LCAs for electronic products particularly for
PWB assemblies and electronic components. PWB and electronic components are not
modeled in the Boustead database used for this printer LCA, so we turned to published
papers and industrial sources to estimate inventory flows for the electronic assemblies in
the printer. The information is not comprehensive and what we were able to collect does
not neatly align with Boustead, but the affect of these distortions on the overall LCA for
the printer should be small as the weight of the electronic components make up just 3%
of the printer weight. Even so, we chose not to ignore the electronics because their
environmental impact can be disproportionate to their weight.
The electronics in the printer consist of six printed wiring board (PWB) assemblies
totaling 256 grams. These are all lead-free assemblies. The circuit boards are made of 1.6
mm thick epoxy coated glass fiber cloth laminate plated with copper. This is consistent
with standard FR4 laminate a very popular substrate. Through a complex, wet process
of masking, lithography and plating, electronics manufacturers create a printed circuit
board (PCB) from the un-patterned laminates. The epoxy (polyamide resin) may be
mixed with a brominated flame retardant. Standard FR4 boards come in one ounce and
two ounce copper referring to the amount of copper foil per square foot. Some of this
copper is stripped away and additional copper is plated on to form the circuit pattern. The
total estimated weight of copper in these circuit boards is 11.9 g. Based on industry
average figures provided by the Printed Wiring Board Resource Center (PWBRC) water
used to make this printers boards totaled 8 liters.
In this printers assemblies, small electronic components are surface mounted and larger
components are mounted to the boards using through-holes. The equipment manufacturer
Vitronics estimates that wave soldering consumes 0.000202446 kWh/cm2 of PWB area.
This is the figure for lead-free solder and VOC-free flux which are environmentally
preferable, but require more energy in process.
Connecting wires and cables in the printer were measured, and contain 88 g of copper.
There is an additional 17 g of copper in two coils and two transformers mounted on
circuit boards.
The passive components mounted on the PWBs are ignored. There are 16 semiconductors
of varying size and type. All use plastic packages. Williams published an oft cited paper
that highlighted the fact that input materials for a semiconductor have a mass that is many
times the weight of the finished product. We used figures from this paper to estimate
some of the major inputs for the semiconductors in the printer. Some of these figures
have been questioned, but alternative figures are not available.
For all of the electronic assemblies we obtained the following total inputs, which were
entered into Boustead:
Major Inputs
Process Electric (MJ) 52.5
Process Water (l) 150.5
Copper (g) 121.8
Epoxy (g) 34.6
Glass (fiber) (g) 22.0

For supporting information please refer to the electronics section of the appendix.
5.2.4 Printer Packaging
The printer packaging consisted primarily of a cardboard box, along with paperboard and
polystyrene restraints. In addition, the printer packing included polycarbonate (in the
form of a compact disc), and paper (users manuals). All of these items were modeled
with the limitations described in the polymers section. The details of the paper modeling
will be described shortly.
5.2.5 Printer Shipping
Since we did not know the final assembly location for this particular printer, we assumed
it was manufactured in Tianjin, China, which is an industrial city near Beijing. We
included in this model an estimate of the container-shipping from a port near Tianjin to
Oakland, California.
5.3 Use Phase
As is typical of products that consume materials and energy, much of the environmental
impact for these printers involve the use phase. The three primary aspects of a printers
use phase are paper, ink cartridges, and electricity. We assumed in this study that the
printer is used in the United States, and thus used average United States figures for the
energy generation inventories.
5.3.1 Consumables
InkJet printers are machines for producing printed pages, and they unavoidably consume
paper and ink throughout their useful life. Paper
Printer paper was not included in the Boustead model, but information suitable for the
inventory was collected from other sources. Ink Cartridges
The cartridges in this study are simplified to consist of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
glass-filled polyester and electronics. The estimates of these materials are subject to the
same polymer and electronics modeling constraints listed previously. The ink is not
included in the scope of this study due to the analytical complexity of reducing it to its
constituent elements and the general lack of information about the material flows
associated with those elements.
5.3.2 Energy Use
Inkjet printers are energy consuming products. Although this study uses accurate
information for the energy consumed by the printers during the different modes of
operation printing, standby, and sleep mode we make several assumptions regarding
the average use profile described in more detail later in this report.
VI. Results and Discussion
VI.1 Outputs Reported
For each functional unit of 100 pages printed, we provide the amount of lifecycle
resources expended. We track 11 items in four categories described in the table below.
We chose these items because they are significant factors in the planets ecology.
Units per
Main Output Category Sub-categories
100 pages
Energy/CO2 Energy MJ
CO2 Equivalent 1EE4 mg
Air Emissions Dust (PM10) mg
CO mg
SOX as SO2 mg
NOX as NO2 mg
Hydrocarbons mg
Water Emissions BOD Biological Oxygen Demand mg
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand mg
Raw Materials / Solid Waste Raw Materials mg
Solid Waste mg

These outputs are defined per Boustead as:

Energy Total gross energy, which is the sum of fuel production and delivery energy,
energy content of delivered fuel, energy use in transport and feedstock energy.
CO2 Equivalent The 20-year Global Warming Potential (GWP) from all Greenhouse
gases (GHG) emitted, expressed as an equivalent weight of CO2. This total figure is the
sum of GHG from fuel production, fuel use, transport, process, biomass (negative) and
fugitive emissions (from the storage and transport of gasses).
Dust (PM10) The amount of dust, with a particle size of less than 10 microns, that is
released into the atmosphere.
CO Carbon Monoxide released.
SOX as SO2 The amount of Sulfur Oxides (SOX) released, expressed as an equivalent
weight of SO2.
NOX as NO2 The amount of Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) released, expressed as an
equivalent weight of NO2.
Hydrocarbons The weight of hydrocarbons released into the air from all sources.
BOD The weight of chemicals that impose a Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the
water into which it is released. Water emissions are the cumulative totals traced back to
material extraction and they are net releases after treatment.
COD The weight of chemicals that impose a Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the
water into which it is released. Water emissions are the cumulative totals traced back to
material extraction and they are net releases after treatment.
Raw Materials Sum of the weight of all materials extracted from the earth including
compressed gases, and adjusted for sulfur obtained from other waste processes such as
oil refining.
Solid Waste The total weight of solid waste traced back to material extraction. Total
waste exceeds materials used in the printer and consumables because activities, such as
mining coal for electricity generation, create a substantial amount of waste.

VI.2 Base Case Description

A base case was constructed that represents the expected usage for an average printer..
This use profile is detailed in a table in the appendix. The key features are:
Use Parameter Assumed Value for Base case
Printer lifetime 3 years
Total number of pages printed 7500
Pages printed per week 48
Printing time per week 0.16 hours
Standby time (power on, not printing) 50% 24 hrs/7 days; 50% 8 hrs/5 days per week
Power off time (plugged in) 50% zero time off; 50% 104 hours per week

The electricity consumed, the weight of paper used and the number of ink cartridges
consumed were derived from the base case use assumptions. Electricity and paper weight
were directly entered into Boustead. The ink cartridge was broken down into its materials
and the weights of these were entered into Boustead.
The weights of all non-consumable materials in the printer were put into the production
subcategory. This category was further subdivided into additional categories, including:
Production Printer Mechanical The resources expended in production of the non-
electronic components of the printer, but not including the packaging, shipping or
Production Printer Electronics The resources expended in production of the electronic
components of the printer, including the electronic circuit board (PWB) assemblies,
power supply, power cords, and all cabling, but not including electronic components in
the consumable ink cartridges.
Production Printer Shipping and packaging The resources expended in production of
the packaging and transport of the printer to its user.
Use Electricity Electric energy consumed in operation of the printer following the
base case assumptions.
Use Paper Paper consumed in operation of the printer following the base case
Use Cartridges Ink cartridges consumed in operation of the printer following the base
case assumptions.
The following report sections present the results of our analysis with discussion.
VI.3 Base Case: Energy and CO2 Equivalent
This section examines energy consumed and CO2 equivalents emitted in the production
of the printer and also its consumables electricity, paper and ink cartridges.

Energy and CO2, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)




60 Use



Total Energy (MJ) CO2 Equivalent (1E4 mg)

Figure XXA shows that the use phase dominates the lifecycle energy consumed. The CO2
emissions, as expected, are also highest for the use case, but the use phase for CO2 does
not dominate the production phase to the extent it does for energy consumed.
In figure XXB, we see that paper consumed in the use phase provides a negative
contribution to CO2 equivalent emissions. This explains why the use phase is not as
dominant for CO2. The negative CO2 emissions surprised us, and although we tried to
get an explanation for this phenomena from the Boustead software group (who were
generally very helpful throughout this process) we were unable to obtain one as of this
writing. One possible explanation is that the Boustead model assumes that the trees cut
for the paper are replaced with new trees which consume greater amounts of CO2 than the
mature trees cut down.
Energy and C02, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)



Production- Printer Mechanical

50 Production- Printer Electronics
Production- Printer Shipping and Packaging
Use- Electricity
0 Use- Paper
Total Energy (MJ) CO2 Equivalent (1E4 mg) Use- Cartridges


VI.4 Base Case: Air Emissions
This section examines the pollutants emitted to the air in the production of the printer and
also its consumables electricity, paper and ink cartridges.

Air Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)




8000 Production

6000 Overall



Dust (PM10) CO SOX as SO2 NOX as NO2

The figure above shows that the use phase dominates the lifecycle air effluents in every
category reported here. In the figure below, we see SOX is at least as much caused by
paper consumption as it is by electricity consumption. On the other hand, NOX is mostly
a product of electricity consumption. Paper consumption is also associated with most of
the particulate generation.
Air Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)


Production- Printer Mechanical

3500 Production- Printer Electronics

3000 Production- Printer Shipping and


Use- Electricity
Use- Paper
Use- Cartridges


Dust (PM10) CO SOX as SO2 NOX as NO2
VI.5 Base Case: Water Emissions
This section examines the pollutants emitted to water in the production of the printer and
also its consumables electricity, paper and ink cartridges.

Water Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)





4000 Use




The figure above shows that the use phase highly dominates the lifecycle water effluents,
and that Chemical Oxygen Demand seems to be much more of a problem than Biological
Oxygen Demand. In figure below, we see that paper consumption is, by far, the largest
cause of Chemical Oxygen Demand.
Water Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)


Production- Printer Mechanical

5000 Production- Printer Electronics

4000 Production- Printer Shipping and


Use- Electricity
Use- Paper
Use- Cartridges

VI.6 Base Case: Raw Materials and Solid Waste
This section examines the materials used and solid waste generated related to the
production of the printer and use of its consumables electricity, paper and ink cartridges

Raw Materials and Waste, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)






Raw Materials Solid Waste

The figure above shows that the use phase highly dominates the weight of total raw
materials consumed.
In the figure below, we see that paper consumption is, by far, the greatest contributor to
raw material depletion and solid waste production.
The amount of solid waste is greater than the amount of raw materials used, because
primary material and industrial waste is generated during the process of extracting raw
Raw Materials and Waste, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)


Production- Printer Mechanical
Production- Printer Electronics
Production- Printer Shipping and

Use- Electricity

Use- Paper

Use- Cartridges


Raw Materials Solid Waste
VII. Improvement Scenarios
This section addresses the question of what could be done to reduce the environmental
impact of using this inkjet printer. The two largest contributors to inventory categories
are paper consumption and electricity consumption both during the use phase.
Paper clearly dominates in raw materials consumption and water emissions. Paper use
also is a major contributor to SOX and particulate air emissions, as well as solid waste.
Electricity use dominates greenhouse gas production, and is the primary cause of SOX /
NOX air pollutants. Not surprisingly, electricity use is also a major contributor to the total
energy consumed about equal to that for paper.

VII.1 Reduction in Paper Use

The amount of paper used in the production of printed pages can be cut significantly by
greater use of duplex (two-sided) printing. This printer does not have a mechanical
feature that automatically flips paper over. It does have a software feature where the
printer can be directed to print alternate pages, instruct the user to manually return the
printed paper stack to the feeder in the proper position for printing of the remaining sides.
If more users could be encouraged to use the software duplexing feature, or if the
manufacturer were to offer automated duplex printing on this model, a significant amount
of paper could be saved and this would reduce the overall environmental impact of the
To test this Life Cycle Inventory outputs were recalculated assuming that full duplexing
were used. For purposes of analysis, we cut the number of pages of paper consumed in
half. In practice, the actual amount of paper saved would be somewhat less than half
because not every page would be printed on both sides. Single page (one-sided) print outs
make up a significant portion of documents printed. Photographs, in particular, tend to be
printed on one side. Multiple-page documents also usually include some single-sided
Results are shown in the charts below, which compare several outputs for single-sided
versus full-duplex printing. Wherever paper was the dominant driver for a particular
environmental impact, cutting paper consumption in half naturally nearly cut that
environmental impact in half. It is interesting to note that the equivalent CO2 emissions
rise with the duplex scenario, clearly a function of papers negative CO2 emission
described earlier. Whatever the mechanics of this phenomena, the net impact to the
environment from increased paper consumption is harmful, when the increase in
pollutants such as COD and SOX are considered.
Energy and CO2, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)





Overall Base
Overall Duplex




Total Energy (MJ) CO2 Equivalent (1E4 mg)

Air Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)




Overall Base

Overall Duplex



Dust (PM10) CO SOX as SO2 NOX as NO2
Water Emissions, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)





Overall Base

Overall Duplex




VII.2 Reduction in Electricity Use
In our base case we assumed that half of printer users would leave their printer power
switch on all of the time, and half would turn their printers power switch off at nights
and on weekends. Even when in so-called standby mode that is power switch on, not
printing this printer draws 5.9 watts of power. The printer is not designed to go into a
sleep mode after printing because it takes some time to reset itself if power is cut, and this
delay could affect customer satisfaction.
Notwithstanding the problems with start up delays, Life Cycle Inventory outputs were
recalculated assuming that the printer was turned off whenever it was not printing. This
reduced energy scenario is probably not achievable given customer desires and the price
level of this printer, but this extreme case provides a good test case should future
technology permit a low cost printer to go into very low power standby when not
The chart below shows that total energy consumption for the low power mode (identified
as off) is 32% lower than our base mode. The improvement for greenhouse gas
emissions was dramatically better a reduction of 92%. The total energy reduction drop
is not as significant as the CO2 drop because the feedstock energy of the paper is also a
significant contributor to total energy.

Energy and CO2, Base Case (per 100 pages printed)




Overall Base
Overall "Off"



Total Energy (MJ) CO2 Equivalent (1E4 mg)
VIII. Sensitivity Analysis
Although the bulk of the printer and consumable materials had codes in the Boustead
database, there were some components, materials and processes that were not in the
database. In these cases either a reasonable substitute was entered, or, in some cases, the
component or material was omitted. To test the impact of these substitutions and
omissions on our overall conclusions, we performed some sensitivity analysis.
VIII.1 Sensitivity Analysis Production- Printer- Electronics
Electronic components and electronic fabrication processes, in particular, were not well-
represented in Boustead. Electronic components make up about 13.6% of the total weight
of the unpackaged printer, but only 1.5% of the weight of the paper consumed over a
typical printer lifetime. To better understand the sensitivity of our results to different
input values for the electronics we recalculated the LCI outputs two times and plus and
minus 50% of our nominal (estimated) impact from the electronics in the printer.

Model Sensitivity to Production Electronics Inventory

(Total Equivalent CO2)

% Change in Total CO2 Equivalent



-50% 0% +50%



% Change of Total Production Electronics Inventory

The figure above shows that the parameter in the model most sensitive to production
electronics, total equivalent CO2, changes about 10% with a 50% change in the total
production electronics inventory. Considering that it is likely we under-estimated the
electronics inventory, this sensitivity is important but not great enough to invalidate our
model for the purposes intended.
VIII.1 Sensitivity Analysis Production- Printer Mechanical
We feel that we were able to do a reasonable job breaking down the printer mechanical
items into material inventories, albeit with some simplifying assumptions and the
inability to model processes such as injection molding and stamping. However, the
sensitivity analysis below shows that the portion of the model most sensitive to the
production mechanical phase only swings 6% when the entire mechanical inventory is
changed 50%. Thus, the mechanical modeling is adequate for our models goals.

Model Sensitivity to Production Mechanical Inventory

(Total Equivalent CO2)


% Change in Total CO2 Equivalent



-50% 0% +50%



% Change of Total Production Mechanical Inventory

Finally we tested our models sensitivity to the assumption that one printer is used for
every 7500 pages. We tested the models response at a printer life of 750050%. This is
a large turn on a significant knob, so we expected some dramatic results. First we looked
at the most sensitive parameter to production, total equivalent CO2. This parameter
showed a large response, +35% given a 50% decrease in printer life in pages. This large
swing is likely due to the fact that the paper is modeled as having a negative CO2
contribution and keeps the use phase from completely dominating this category. A more
representative response is seen in the next figure, which shows a 15% increase in total
electricity consumed for a 50% reduction in printer life in pages.
Model Sensitivity to Pages per Printer Assumption
(Total Equivalent CO2)

% Change in Total CO2 Equivalent

-5% -50% 0% +50%

% Change of Pages per Printer Assumption

Model Sensitivity to Pages per Printer Assumption

(Total Energy)


% Change in Total Energy



-50% 0% +50%


% Change of Pages per Printer Assumption

IX. Conclusion and Recommendations

We believe we met our goal of creating a high-level life-cycle inventory of an inkjet

printer that could serve to show general trends in material flows and to point out key
areas for more in-depth study. The sensitivity analyses clearly show two dominant
contributors: paper and electricity. The material flows associated with paper
consumption impact water quality (oxygen level via COD), resource consumption, solid
waste, and air quality via SOX and particulate emissions. Electricity consumption
impacts the planet temperature with greenhouse gas production. The air pollutants NOX
and SOX are hazardous at ground level but are more likely released at higher altitude
where they have time to form acids and therefore cause acid rain. In addition, NOX
enables urban smog production.
Our goal in this study is to understand the parameters of the inkjet printer and its
operation and communicate these parameters to individuals in a position to make
decisions that can reduce environmental impact of the printer over its full lifecycle. The
individuals with the most impact on lifecycle impact for most products are the designers
and product managers who engineer and request product attributes.
The first product attributes that a designer is likely to consider would be the materials,
components and processes used in the physical printer. While these product
characteristics do impact lifecycle impact, our study clearly shows that the consumables
in the use phase of a printer have a much greater impact than printer itself. To understand
this, one need only consider that the paper consumed in a typical home printers lifetime
weighs over ten times the amount of the printer itself. Instead of focusing on material,
mass and process decisions, decision makers should look more closely at how they can
reduce consumption of paper, electricity and ink cartridges.
There may be apparent obstacles to reducing impact in the use phase. The manufacturers
business model may be based on sales of consumables. Eliminating paper entirely from
the process would probably not be an operational recommendation, because we work
from the assumption that customers purchase the printer in order to get hard copy printed
outputs. It may seem that electricity consumption is determined by user behavior and
hence out of the hands of the designer. It is not our purpose to provide advice on how to
overcome these kinds of obstacles, the report just identifies areas where the biggest
problems exist and these may be the areas that provide the most opportunity for
[1] Streamlined Life-Cycle Assessment, Thomas Graedel 1998, Prentice-Hall
Edge, for publication in November 1999 issue of Circuitree magazine. Copyright held by
Lee Ritchey of speeding edge, September 1999.
Stabcor: Groundbreaking PCB and Substrate material, Marketing information by VME
Bus Systems. At
(CTS) Lead Free Process Overview, CTS Manufacturing Solutions, June 2005.
(Turbini) Laura J. Turbini, Gregory C. Munie, Dennis Bernier, Jrgen Gamalski, and
DavidW. Bergman. Examining the Environmental Impact of Lead-Free Soldering
Alternatives, IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 24, No.
1, January 2001.
(Vitronics) Marquez, Ursula, Lead Free Soldering, Vitronics Soltec powerpoint
presentation, October 18, 2003.
Williams, Eric D., Ayres, Robert U., Heller, Miriam. The 1.7 Kilogram Microchip:
Energy and Material Use in the Production of Semiconductor Devices, Environmental
Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 24, 2002. 2002, American Chemical Society.
Printed Wiring Board Resource Center.
A1. Electronics
The printer has six printed wiring board (PWB) assemblies totaling 97.3 grams 3% of
the weight of the printer. These are all lead-free assemblies.
There are also three ribbon cables and three small wire cables, as well as one piece of
ferrite ceramic.

Table A.1 PWB Assemblies

ID Wt Area Circuit A*Lay Vol Board Glass Epoxy Cu
(g) (cm2) layers (cm2) (cm3) wt (g) wt (g) wt (g) wt (g)
1 03 62.5 37.1 2 74.2 5.89 10.60 5.94 4.66 4.53
2 41 17.8 15.0 2 30.0 2.38 4.29 2.40 1.89 1.83
3 13 7.8 6.0 2 12.0 0.95 1.72 0.96 0.76 0.73
4 05 5.4 5.2 1 5.2 0.83 0.99 0.83 0.16 .32
5 55 2.0 2.6 1 2.6 0.41 0.50 0.42 0.08 .16
6 14 1.8 2.1 1 2.1 0.33 0.40 0.34 0.06 .13
7 L 158.2 69.6 1 69.6 11.05 13.26 11.14 2.12 4.25
Tot 255.6 137.6 195.7 10.80 31.75 22.02 9.73 11.94
* Board Material: FR4 PCB is 1.8 gm/cm3; glass cloth with weight 0.16 g/cm2. Epoxy
weight is taken as Board weight glass weight.

A1.1 Printed Circuit Boards

Through a complex, wet process of masking, lithography and plating, electronics
manufacturers create a printed circuit board (PCB) from the un-patterned laminates.
The boards are 1/16 (approximately 1.6 mm) thick epoxy coated glass fiber cloth
laminate. These dimensions suggest that the boards are made of FR4 material. The FR
stands for Flame retardant. A brominated flame retardant is mixed in with the epoxy.
FR4 has a density of 1.80 g/cm3 (Vme Bus). It uses 8 layers of glass fiber cloth with a
weight of 0.02 g/cm2 per layer, or 0.16 g/cm2 for eight glass layers. The epoxy
(polyamide resin) has a density of 1 g/cm3. A layer of copper foil is adhered to the outer
surface of the board. Two (circuit) layer boards have two copper foils one on each side.
One layer (single sided) boards have one copper foil. The un-patterned copper-clad
laminates are manufactured in a press.
Copper cladding standards are one-ounce copper and two-ounce copper which refers
to the weight of copper covering one square foot of board per layer of cladding.
Assuming two-ounce copper for these boards, the relative weight of copper foil is:
(2 oz / ft2) x (28.3495231 g / oz) x (0.0010764 ft2 / cm2) = 0.061 g/cm2
The total estimated weight of copper in these circuit boards is 11.9 g.
Average water used in PCB manufacturing is 10 gallons per layer-foot-squared
(PWBRC). For these boards:
195.7 cm2 * 0.0010764 ft2/cm2 * 10 gal/ft2 * 3.7854118 liters/gal = 7.97 liters
The average amount of sludge created (for offsite shipping) is 26 pounds per 1000 layer
ft2 (PWBRC). For these boards:
195.7 cm2 * 0.0010764 ft2/cm2 * 0.026 lbs/ft2 * 453.5924 g/lb = 2.5 g

A.1.2 Electronic Components

The board assemblies include a wide variety of electronic components including
connectors, coils integrated circuits (ICs), electrolytic capacitors, ceramic capacitors,
resistors, diodes, light emitting diodes (LEDs), and a crystal oscillator.
A.1.2.1 Integrated Circuits
There are seven ICs on the board assemblies -- four larger logic and memory devices, one
intermediate sized chip, and six small chips.
Williams estimated the following impacts for a mature 32 Megabit DRAM chip
manufactured on 200 mm diameter wafers. The package size is 2.7 cm2. The die size is
1.2 cm2.
Weight of chip 2.0 g.
Weight of epoxy in chip 0.7 g.
Weight of copper in chip 1.2 g.
(Boustead: epoxy is 64 MJ/kg; Copper is 140 MJ/kg)
Considering yield, input silicon wafer is 1.6 cm2 per chip.
Chemical input (45 g/cm2 x 1.6 cm2): 72 g
Energy to produce these chemicals 1.5 MJ to 39 MJ, depending on assumptions.

A1.3 Electronic Assembly

The board assembly components are both through-hole and surface-mounted. The largest
board has components mounted on both sides. All boards are RoHS standard lead-free.
The solder is probably SnAgCu. The most common ratio outside Japan is the NIST
standard of 95.6-3.5-0.9 tin-silver-copper, but the Japanese ratio of 96.5-3.0-0.5 tin-
silver-copper is increasingly specified worldwide (CTS). These solder alloys have a
melting temperature of 217 C, as compared with 183 C for SnPb (tin-lead) solders
(Turbini), which means that energy consumption in fabrication will be higher for the
lead-free solder. One manufacturer of wave soldering machines for leaded and lead free
solders estimates that lead-free wave soldering requires 3% more energy. Use of VOC-
free solder flux (vs. alcohol-based) increases energy consumption by 8%. Wave solder
machines have a forced convection pre-heater to set up flux. The power consumption for
162 boards using SnAgCu solder and VOC-free flux was measured at 19.5 kWh for 162
boards. Each board in this study was 9.6 x 9.6 inches (Vitronics). Energy consumption
per cm2 of PWB assembly is:
19.5 kWh / (9.6x9.6)*(1/2.54x2.54)*162 = 0.000202446 kWh/cm2
Wave solder energy for the board assemblies in the printer:
EWS = (0.000202446 kWh/cm2)*(137.6 cm2) = 0.027857 kWh (27.86 Wh)
Wave soldering is the most energy-intensive process in board assembly. The energy
required for the automated assembly and pick and place machines will be ignored.
A1.4 Cables and Wires
There are three ribbon cables and three bundled copper wire cables, as well as one piece
of ferrite ceramic associated with the ribbon cable.
The ribbon cable material is from Hitachi Cable Co., Ltd. and consists of tinned copper
foil traces in a PET polyester insulation. The total weight of the ribbon material in this
printer is 7.0 g. Of this weight approximately 3.7 g is copper and 3.3 g is PET.
The copper wire (standard electrical) has a total copper content of 1.8 g.
The ferrite filter weighs 9.9 g.

A1.5 Copper Content

The total estimated weight of copper in these circuit boards is about 12 g
Total weight of copper in all connecting wires and cables is 88 g.
There is also a significant amount of copper wire in two coils and two transformers on
PWB assemblies. The total weight of copper in these coils is 17 g.
The total weight of copper in the semiconductor chips is about 5 g.
All other copper in the circuit board assemblies is deemed to be negligible.
The total copper in the electronic assemblies is 122 g.
Note that additional copper in the printer can be found in the electric motors and the
power cable/power supply unit.
Table A.2 Electronics Breakdown

Pkg Die Wafer Chip Cu Epoxy

Area Die/Pkg Area Area Weight Weight Weight
No. Identifier Length Width (cm2) ratio (cm2) Yield (cm2) (g) (g) (g)
1 1825-0069 18.7 18.7 3.497 0.444 1.554 0.625 2.487 2.6 1.6 0.9
2 Hynix 519A 22.2 9.5 2.109 0.444 0.937 0.625 1.500 1.6 0.9 0.5
3 ST 1825-0035 13.5 13.5 1.823 0.444 0.810 0.625 1.296 1.4 0.8 0.5
4 TI 54E73RTG4 9.5 9.5 0.903 0.444 0.401 0.625 0.642 0.7 0.4 0.2
5 ST25P32V6G 9.5 7.1 0.675 0.444 0.300 0.625 0.480 0.5 0.3 0.2
6 ST B5205 4.4 4 0.176 0.444 0.078 0.625 0.125 0.1 0.1 0.0
7 f df2AR 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
8 PHN210T/AM330 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
9 MCRBLEPD 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
10 S516/R518 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
11 S516/R518 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
12 power 9 7 0.630 0.444 0.280 0.625 0.448 0.5 0.3 0.2
13 twin1 6 4 0.240 0.444 0.107 0.625 0.171 0.2 0.1 0.1
14 twin2 6 4 0.240 0.444 0.107 0.625 0.171 0.2 0.1 0.1
15 small 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
16 small 4 3 0.120 0.444 0.053 0.625 0.085 0.1 0.1 0.0
Totals 7.916 8.245 4.947 2.886

Semicon Process inputs / cm2 chips Source Notes
Fab Electricity (kWh) 1.5 11.87 Williams
Packgng Elect (kWh) 0.34 2.691 Williams
Water (l) 18 142.5 Williams 2 to 58 liters per cm2
Cu 4.947 Williams
Epoxy 2.886 Williams

Chemicals, input (g) 45.2 357.8 Williams

Cu (g) 11.94 Ritchey
Glass (g) 22.02 Ritchey
Epoxy (g) 31.75 Ritchey
Water (l) 7.97 PWBRC
Sludge (g) 2.5 PWBRC

PWB Assembly (kWh) 2E-04 0.028 CTS Mfg

Copper in Wires (g) 87.98

Copper in Coils (g) 16.97
Al in wires, USB (g) 0.1

Major Inputs
(electronics) Notes
Process Electric (MJ) 52.5
Process Water (l) 150.5 Assume de-mineralized
Copper (g) 121.8 Assume electrolytic copper
Epoxy (g) 34.6
Glass (fiber) (g) 22.0
A2. Base Use Case Assumptions
Usage Calculations Base Case
Description Figure Note
Printer Lifetime (years) 3 Estimate, sensitivity analysis required.
Printer Lifetime (pages) 7500 Estimate, sensitivity analysis required.
Average Print Mode Speed 5 Slow to allow for photos, etc.
Printing Power (watts) 44.0
Standby Power (watts) 5.9
Off Power (watts) 0.6
Energy Useage Calculations
Weekly Pages Printed 48

Weekly Printing Time (hours) 0.16

Weekly Printing Time (s) 574.96
Weekly Printing Energy
(joules/week) 25298
Weekly Time Not Printing
(hours) 167.8
Weekly Time On Standby
(hours) 103.9 See assumption below.
Weekly Time Off (hours) 63.9 See assumption below.

Weekly Time On Standby (s) 374044

Weekly Time Off (s) 230181
Weekly Standby Energy
(joules/week) 2206860
Weekly Off Energy
(joules/week) 138109
Total Printing Energy
(megajoules) 4
Total Standby Energy
(megajoules) 345

Total Off Energy (megajoules) 22

Total Energy (megajoules) 371
Paper Useage Calculations
Assume 20 lb average paper weight,
20 lb, 30 gsm 75.2 virgin. Photo paper not considered.
A-size area (in^2) 93.5
A-size area (m^2) 0.06
Mass per Page (g) 4.54
Paper consumed over printer Waste code omitted because it is
lifetime (kg) 34 embedded in 4353.
Cartridge Useage Calculations
Pages per Small Black
Cartridge, 5% Coverage 450 According to published specifications
Pages per Large Black
Cartridge, 5% Coverage 800 According to published specifications
Pages per Small Color
Cartidge, 15% Coverage 260 According to published specifications
Pages per Large Color
Cartridge, 15% Coverage 450 According to published specifications
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Large Black Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at 10%
Consumed 19 density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Large Color Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at 10%
Consumed 11 density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Small Black Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at 10%
Consumed 33 density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Small Color Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at 10%
Consumed 19 density, all colors.
Energy Usage Assumptions
50% of printers standby for 24hours/day, 7 days/week
50% of printers on for 8 hours/day, 5 days/week
24/7 Printer Weighting 168 8400
8/5 Printer Weighting 40 2000
Hours per Week 168
Weekly Time on Standby
(hours) 104 62%
Weekly Time Off (hours) 64 38%

Use Case -- DB Codes

Database Code Description Value Unit
Fuel prod. core 22897 Electricity use - US 371 MJ
Mat. proc. core 4353 Mechanical printing paper 34 kg
A3. Low-Power Use Case Assumptions
Usage Calculations -- Low Power Case
Description Figure Note
Printer Lifetime (years) 3 Estimate, sensitivity analysis required.
Printer Lifetime (pages) 7500 Estimate, sensitivity analysis required.
Average Print Mode Speed 5 Slow to allow for photos, etc.
Printing Power (watts) 44.0
Standby Power (watts) 5.9
Off Power (watts) 0.6
Energy Useage Calculations
Weekly Pages Printed 48

Weekly Printing Time (hours) 0.16

Weekly Printing Time (s) 574.96
Weekly Printing Energy
(joules/week) 25298
Weekly Time Not Printing
(hours) 167.8
Weekly Time On Standby
(hours) 0.0 See assumption below.
Weekly Time Off (hours) 167.8 See assumption below.

Weekly Time On Standby (s) 0

Weekly Time Off (s) 604225
Weekly Standby Energy
(joules/week) 0
Weekly Off Energy
(joules/week) 362535
Total Printing Energy
(megajoules) 4
Total Standby Energy
(megajoules) 0

Total Off Energy (megajoules) 57

Total Energy (megajoules) 61
Paper Useage Calculations
Assume 20 lb average paper weight,
20 lb, 30 gsm 75.2 virgin. Photo paper not considered.
A-size area (in^2) 93.5
A-size area (m^2) 0.06
Mass per Page (g) 4.54
Paper consumed over printer Waste code omitted because it is
lifetime (kg) 34 embedded in 4353.
Cartridge Useage Calculations
Pages per Small Black
Cartridge, 5% Coverage 450 According to published specifications
Pages per Large Black
Cartridge, 5% Coverage 800 According to published specifications
Pages per Small Color
Cartidge, 15% Coverage 260 According to published specifications
Pages per Large Color
Cartridge, 15% Coverage 450 According to published specifications
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Large Black Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at
Consumed 19 10% density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Large Color Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at
Consumed 11 10% density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Small Black Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at
Consumed 33 10% density, all colors.
Assuming all large cartridges over life.
Total Small Color Cartridges Assumes average page is printed at
Consumed 19 10% density, all colors.
Energy Usage Assumptions
50% of printers standby for 24hours/day, 7 days/week
50% of printers on for 8 hours/day, 5 days/week
24/7 Printer Weighting 168 8400
8/5 Printer Weighting 40 2000
Hours per Week 168
Weekly Time on Standby
(hours) 104 62%
Weekly Time Off (hours) 64 38%

Usage -- DB Codes
Database Code Description Value Unit
Fuel prod. core 22897 Electricity use - US 371 MJ
Mat. proc. core 4353 Mechanical printing paper 34 kg
A4. Inventory Tables

Printer Materials
Item Mass (g) Note
Metals (total) 910
Steel 696
Aluminum 165
Copper 49 Motor windings.
Plastics (total) 2179
Recyclable 1887
Non-recyclable 292
851 g of ABS includes other
ABS 163 categories
HIPS 1472
Other Plastics 544 Modeled as ABS.
Includes elastomers, etc.
Other, General (total) 144 Modeled as ABS.
Includes external cables and
Electronics 507 power supply.
Printer (total) 3740
Includes metals, recyclable
Recyclable Materials (total) 2947 plastic, copper.
Recyclable Materials (%) 79%

Printer Mechanical DB Codes

Solid waste 9 Metals (Process)
Mat. proc. core 4499 Cold roll alloy 3004
Mat. proc. core 4619 Produce general steel products
Mat. proc. core 4710 Copper wire production
Solid waste 8 Plastics (Process)
SA core 30 ABS
Solid waste 8 Plastics (Process)
SA core 50 High impact polystyrene

Printer Electronics DB Codes

Database Code Description
Solid waste 28 Electronics waste (Process)
SA core 24 Epoxy liquid resin
SA core 74 Electrolytic copper
Fuel prod. core 4297 Electricity use - CN
Mat. proc. core 3612 Demineralised water production
Mat. proc. core 3643 Iron chromite production
Mat. proc. core 4499 Cold roll alloy 3004
Mat. proc. core 4619 Produce general steel products
Mat. proc. core 4904 Glass fibre production
Cartridge Materials
Item Mass (g) Note
Plastics (total) 20
PET + 15%GF 20
Not measured. Assumed to be
Other Plastics ? PET.
Not measured. Assumed to be
Other, General (total) ? PET.
Printing integrated circuit, flexible
Electronics 4 circuit.
Black-21g, Color-42g. Not
Ink 21 modeled.
Cartridge (total) 45

Cartridge -- DB Codes
Database Code Description
Mat. proc. core 4209 PET (high mol wt) production
Solid waste 8 Plastics (Process)
Solid waste 28 Electronics waste (Process)
SA core 24 Epoxy liquid resin
SA core 74 Electrolytic copper
Fuel prod. core 4297 Electricity use - CN
Mat. proc. core 3612 Demineralised water production
Printer Packaging
Item Mass (g) Note
Polystyrene 0.014 Shipping restraints.
Polycarbonate 0.015 CD.
Paperboard, Cardboard 0.881
Manual, etc. Waste code is
Office Paper 0.107 embedded in 4353.
Packaging (total) 1.017

Printer Packaging -- DB Codes

Database Code Description
Solid waste 2 Paperboard containers (Process)
Solid waste 8 Plastics (Process)
SA core 27 Polycarbonate

SA core 49 General purpose polystyrene

Mat. proc. core 4350 Production of paperboard
Mat. proc. core 4353 Mechanical printing paper

Cartridge Packaging
Item Mass (g) Note
includes cartons, brochures, and
Paperboard 27 return envelope.
Hybrid plastic/foil pouch. Not
Other, General (total) 1 modeled.
Packaging (total) 28

Cartridge Packaging -- DB Codes

Database Code Description
Solid waste 2 Paperboard containers (Process)
Mat. proc. core 4350 Production of paperboard
Final Shipping
Description Figure Note
Assumed printer and cartridge final
assembly in Tianjin, China and shipped
out of Tanggu via container ship to
Oakland California. Direct distance
(not actual shipping route). Initial and
Sea Shipping Distance (km) 9537 subsequent trucking inventory ignored.
Assume product is shipped in bulk and
Printer mass (kg) 3.74 boxed in the United States.
Cartridge mass (kg) 0.093 Includes packaging.
Printer Sea Figure (tonne- This is the figure used in the Boustead
km) 35.7 Model.
Cartridge Sea Figure This is the figure used in the Boustead
(tonne-km) 1 Model.

Final Shipping -- DB Codes

Database Code Description
Mat. proc. core 3547 Sea transport - average
Mat. proc. core 3547 Sea transport - average

Put in raw data from boustead model runs

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