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Sulphur January-February 2016

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Number 362 January | February 2016


Whats in issue 362
Welcome to our interactive
7 version of Sulphur Issue 362 COVER FEATURE 1

8 Refinery SO2
Please use either the buttons on the left or top emissions
9 right of the page to navigate your way around this
10 interactive PDF
Copyright Issued six times per year, or bi-monthly. All rights reserved. No part of
12 this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any Sulphur market
form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise trends
without the prior written permission of the Copyright owner.
Sulphur burning
16 optimisation
Sulphur plant
20 design
Refinery SO2 emissions ISSUE 362

28 Sulphur market trends
30 Sulphur burning optimisation

Sulphur plant design

Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 London SE1 7SJ, England
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
Web: w

5 Whats in issue 362


8 Refinery SO2
10 Cover: Oil refinery flare stack. 10
18 Changing sulphur market trends
elgol / Janos Gal, principal sulphur analyst with Fertecon, provides an overview of the COVER FEATURE 2
11 changing global sulphur market, in the wake of new supply sources.

Sulphur market
24 Controlling refinery emissions of SO2
Environmental legislation is continually tightening, and nowhere more so than
13 for emissions of sulphur dioxide. Refineries are now being targeted as one of

14 the major sources of this pollutant.

15 15
28 Sulphur 2015
A review of the 31st Sulphur International Conference and Exhibition, held at Sulphur burning
16 the Sheraton Centre, Toronto, in November 2015.

17 17
32 The Shah project
An overview of the huge Shah gas project, which came on-stream last year,
18 producing up to 3 million tonnes per year of additional sulphur. COVER FEATURE 4
Sulphur industry news
19 18
35 Sulphur 2015 index
Chevron starts sour gas Sulphur plant
production at Luojiazhai. A full listing of all news items and articles published in Sulphur last year.
20 design
38 Sulphur burning optimisation
21 Selecting optimum equipment for sulphur burning in sulphuric acid plants is
not a trivial matter, however, when analysed by industry experts with deep
knowledge of the process, command of cutting edge analysis tools and the

23 ability to integrate analytical results with robust equipment designs, facility

owners can realise improvements that meet and even exceed their goals.

48 Designing for ease of future operation

A. Slavens, L. Dreitzler, and S. Khan of UniverSUL Consulting and J. Sames
of Sulphur Experts address the design and execution shortcomings which can
26 Sulphur burning ultimately lead to poor sour gas treating and sulphur plant performance.
Optimising combustion of sulphur JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 in acid plants. REGULARS
28 3
4 Editorial

29 4
6 Price Trends
Read this issue online at:
30 6
10 Market Outlook

31 Published by:
11 Sulphur Industry News
Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 8
14 Sulphuric Acid News London SE1 7SJ, England
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 9
16 People/Calendar
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
Web: w

Are carbon Whats in issue 362

co-polymers the

Refinery SO2
9 future of sulphur? emissions


ulphur is, as long-term readers of this mag- NASA has become interested in the sulphur-car-
12 azine are probably only too well aware, a bon copolymers as a potential building material for Sulphur market
unique material in terms of many of its prop- Martian shelters, as both sulphur and carbon are trends
13 erties. So unique, indeed, that some have compared readily available on the surface of Mars, reducing
it to carbon in terms of the variety of its chemistry. the payload required to carry astronauts out there.
And that connection is coming a step closer with pro- In a recent challenge to 3D print a habitat for the
14 nounced new interest in polymeric forms of sulphur. Martian surface, a team led by associate profes- COVER FEATURE 3
Most conventional plastics, and indeed most sor Gianluca Cusatis of Northwestern Universitys

natural fibres and organic materials, are made from McCormick School of Engineering used a sulphur
long carbon skeletons. Sulphur has already had a concrete made from gravel aggregate and molten Sulphur burning
16 role in modifying these via the vulcanisation pro- sulphur as a binding agent. The material developed optimisation
cess, developed by Goodyear in the 1840s, which by Cusatis team was more than twice as strong
17 We may only
joins the long carbon chains with sulphur bridges as typical sulphur concretes, which the team attrib-
be at the tip and increases the natural materials durability and uted to the fine particles of the Martian soil. When
18 tensile strength. Now the shoe is on the other foot, adjusted for Martian gravity, it would be as strong as COVER FEATURE 4
of the iceberg however. Under the right conditions, sulphur concrete used for Earth skyscrapers.
19 of what sulphur usually an eight-membered ring structure can be
broken into eight atom chains which can then join
All of these applications from batteries to
space engineering are so far very niche areas. But
Sulphur plant
20 co-polymers together to form long sulphur chains. These long the Arizona researchers say that we may only be at design
may be able chains of sulphur can be joined together to create a the tip of the iceberg of what sulphur co-polymers
21 solid plastic by cross-linking with carbon atoms in a may be able to do, as they continue to characterise
to do. process which is dubbed by analogy reverse vulcan- the various combinations of S and C. If so, it might
22 isation. Recent research by the University of Arizona be an intriguing solution to the perennial problem
has shown that the polymers can be customised via of what to do with excess sulphur, especially in an
23 the process and mix of carbon used to suit a wide era that is processing more sour gas than ever.
range of applications, simply by heating carbon and Sulphur producers and handlers have become used
24 molten sulphur together at 185C, without the need to regarding mixtures of carbon and sulphur from
for a catalyst. Nanoparticles can also be added to dirty or contaminated sulphur to black carsuls as

25 the mix to give the end plastic the required proper- a waste problem to be dealt with, but the current SULPHUR

ties. The polymers formed can be moulded into a research is indicating that in future they may even
variety of shapes, and astonishing detail is possi- be an opportunity.
26 ble. By varying the organic content, the research-
ers say, the polymers can produce hard, glass-like JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 plastics, or tacky, malleable substances which have
potential as adhesives.
28 This physical tuneability has recently led to their
use as a cathode material for the new generation of
29 lithium-sulphur batteries that are being developed,
as we reported in the previous issue (Sulphur 361,
30 Nov/Dec 2015, pp19-21). Some sulphur polymers
also reveal remarkable optical properties, assuming
31 a native transparent, ruby-red colour. Richard Hands, Editor
Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 London SE1 7SJ, England
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

4 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Web: w

February arrival to Aqaba. According to Whats in issue 362
some traders, the buyer is fully covered for

Meena Chauhan, Research Manager, Integer Research (in partnership the year through agreed contract volumes
6 with ICIS) assesses price trends and the market outlook for sulphur. and the tender was simply a price checking

exercise. COVER FEATURE 1
In Brazil, Vale is expected to consume
SULPHUR of the weaker sentiment as prices in less sulphur in 2016, due to the pressure
8 China dropped below the Middle East f.o.b. from the downstream phosphates market Refinery SO2
Bearish mood range. The next tender in the Middle East weighing on its outlook. The devaluation of emissions
9 is expected to test the export price level in the Brazilian Real has also been a bear-
The global sulphur market has had a Tasweeqs 19 January tender for 35,000 ish factor for the market. Contracts for Q1
10 sluggish start to the New Year. Follow- tonnes of sulphur for February loading 2016 in Brazil for Vale were heard settling
ing the upward push from Middle Eastern and will likely influence the next round of at $122/tonne, but discussions were COVER FEATURE 2
11 producers at the end of 2015, buyers in monthly price postings. ongoing with some suppliers.
key markets retreated to the sidelines. Contract negotiations have been a In the domestic European market, con-
12 The seasonal holiday period also slowed major focus in the market, with discus- tract discussions for Q1 2016 centred Sulphur market
trade. Sulphur demand through 2015 fell sions between North African buyers and around a potential rollover before the sea- trends
13 short of expectations overall as the bear- producers stalling. The uncertainty in the sonal break but end users were looking to
ish downstream processed phosphate market appeared to be the main issue, international developments and the weak
market and slump in commodity prices with spot prices dropping significantly in macro economic conditions to push for a
14 took its toll. Major consumers OCP/ China. Both OCP, Morocco and GCT, Tuni- downward correction in mid January.
Tier 3 gasoline standard of 10 ppm becomes effective COVER FEATURE 3
Morocco and Mosaic/US cut production sia were still in talks in mid January. Q4 Spot prices in China were heard as low
15 in the light of weaker end product mar- 2015 contracts were settled in the $112- as $110/tonne for crushed sulphur in January 1, 2017 and the EPA implemented a credit averaging,
kets. In the first half of January, little 128/tonne range. Increased supply mid-January, with offers up to $125/t Sulphur burning
16 banking and trading (ABT) program for transition purposes from
interest was seen in China or other key from the UAE in 2016 from the Shah gas However, the range was disputed due to optimisation
markets including Morocco and India, project will be a consideration in discus- the lack of interest and limited confirmed Tier 2. Are these options secure and sustainable for your refinery?
17 stalling developments. sions as ADNOC will be placing this under deals. Many buyers remained on the side-
Middle East producers dropped prices contract rather than in the spot market. lines for much of the month in import
It is not too early to develop a solution to Tier 3 using Merichems
18 for January monthly contracts, a reflection New supply is also due online this year in business as local prices for sulphur were patented non-dispersive caustic treating technologies. COVER FEATURE 4
of the weaker outlook. However, Tasweeq/ Qatar, from the two phases of the Barzan considered more attractive. The slow ferti-
19 lizer market led to some processed phos- Merichem Company optimized several caustic treating technologies to support
Qatars price of $119/tonne f.o.b. Ras Laf-
fan and Adnoc/UAEs price of $122/tonne
project, potentially adding around 800,000
t/a of sulphur capacity to the export mar- phates producers moving into turnaround, Tier 3 gasoline production. These technologies have been chosen for multiple Tier 3
Sulphur plant
20 f.o.b. Ruwais were widely received with ket. Meanwhile ADNOC was heard settling further slowing activity and market interest.
projects since 2013. Merichems technologies, THIOLEX and REGEN, were chosen
scepticism in the market. Aramco Trad- Q1 2016 contracts with end users in the Inventory levels at key plants were heard
21 ing meanwhile posted $115/tonne f.o.b. mid-$120s/tonne and high-$110s/ to be healthy, adding to the bearish tone. to extract mercaptans from various refinery streams. Merichems REGEN platform
for February, signalling we are entering a tonne f.o.b. Ruwais with traders. There is speculation of renewed interest
is a key component of the final processing solution that allows treating options to bring
22 period of lower prices. However, industry On the demand side, JPMC/Jordan emerging ahead of the Chinese New Year
sources suggest the price drops from pro- closed a purchase tender for 40,000 holiday period, although this could be tem- product sulfur levels down to 2 PPMW.
23 ducers have not captured the full extent tonnes of sulphur on 14 January for pered by developments in the phosphates
Merichem has licensed over 350 THIOLEX and REGEN units worldwide. To learn more
Fig 1: Chinese port sulphur inventory Dec 2013 Dec 2015 Fig 2: Middle East sulphur prices Jan 2014 Jan 2016
24 about how these technologies can benefit you ahead of the Tier 3 transition visit
25 million tonnes US$/tonne SULPHUR

1.8 200 Qatar QSP f.o.b.

26 190 ADNOC OSP f.o.b.



Merichems REGEN Platform

180 Aramco Trading f.o.b.




1.2 170











Remove product sulfur down to 2 PPMW


29 130
Maintain Octane
30 110 Reduce Hydrotreater Demand
0.0 100
Reduced CAPEX / OPEX
Jul 14

Jul 15
Jan 15
Jan 14

Jun 14

Jun 15
Oct 14

Oct 15
Feb 14

Feb 15
Apr 14

Apr 15
Nov 14

Nov 15
Dec 13

Dec 14

Dec 15
Sep 14

Sep 15

Aug 14

Aug 15
May 14
Mar 14

Mar 15
May 15

Jan 14
Feb 14
Mar 14
Apr 14
May 14
Jun 14
Jul 14
Aug 14
Sep 14
Oct 14
Nov 14
Dec 14
Jan 15
Feb 15
Mar 15
Apr 15
May 15
Jun 15
Jul 15
Aug 15
Sep 15
Oct 15
Nov 15
Dec 15
Jan 16

Proven FIBER FILM Technology Southbank House, Black Prince Road

32 London SE1 7SJ, England
Source: Integer Source: Integer
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33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

6 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Web: w @MerichemCompany


market. Stocks at the nine major ports in SULPHURIC ACID Pan Pacific Coppers scheduled mainte- Whats in issue 362
5 China totalled 1 million tonnes in January, nance at its Saganoseki smelter in Octo- ENGINEERING IS OUR PASSION
a level expected to be maintained in the Commodity slump ber-December 2015. Through 2H 2015, a
Your partner when it comes to sulphuric acid.
months ahead. price difference was seen between North

Over in India prices also softened in The continued collapse of global commod- West Europe export prices and North East COVER FEATURE 1
parallel with trends in China as well as ity pricing, including copper, zinc and nickel Asia exports, partly due to the more bal-
pedestrian domestic demand moving into continues to weigh on the outlook for sul- anced market seen in Japan and Korea,
8 2016. Major buyers were heard covered in phuric acid. Contract discussions in NW due to the turnarounds and regular ship- Refinery SO2
January by scheduled contract shipments. Europe were continuing in mid January for ments to China. emissions
9 One buyer, CIL, issued a purchase ten- Q1 and H1 2016, with rollovers expected After a protracted period of discus-
der for around 25,000 tonnes for Febru- by sellers. End users are pointing to the sions, Chilean contracts for 2016 have
10 ary arrival. The market was expecting to weaker sentiment in the international been confirmed. The price range has
see a low price in the tender due to the market and well as the drop in sulphur as moved down as expected to $50-58/tonne COVER FEATURE 2
11 absence of interest from other end users. signals for potential decreases however. CFR Mejillones, reflecting a decrease of
FACT is due to hold a planned turnaround Low prices remain a key feature of the NW $27-28 compared to 2015. This is the
12 in Cochin in March, and has ample sul- European export market, though netbacks lowest price agreement since 2010, when Sulphur market
phur inventories in the interim to cover its were holding in the single digits in January prices were at $35-45/t Mejillones and trends
13 requirements. The buyer is likely to enter as producers remained unwilling to accept is a reflection of the bearish market senti-
the market following the turnaround in negative f.o.b. prices. ment. Demand for acid has continued to
April. IFFCO purchased 35,000 tonnes of Sulphur-based acid prices in the Medi- be lower in 2015, with imports in October
14 sulphur at the end of 2015 in the spot mar- terranean region were heard around $38/ at 158,404 tonnes compared to 161,754 COVER FEATURE 3
ket and remains covered until May. Prices tonne f.o.b.. OCP/Morocco has remained tonnes in October 2014. Integer continues
15 in India were heard around $125-130/t active in the market, with arrivals reflect- to forecast lower imports in the coming
on a notional basis in January. ing its regular contract shipments as well year for Chile. Sulphur burning
16 The continued erosion of oil prices as spot cargoes. For the month of January, Over in Brazil, a number of cargoes optimisation
has impacted sulphur production in the over 50,000 tonnes of acid were expected were agreed at the end of 2015 for January
17 US as well as the outlook for growth in oil to arrive for the buyer, with OCP heard cov- shipment. In Petrobras tender for 8,000-
sands based sulphur from Canada. While ered through until March. Prices in North 15,000, an award was made at $35/
18 refinery utilization rates have remained Africa were heard in the $20s/t tonne for mid-December to mid-Jan- COVER FEATURE 4
healthy in the US the switch over to In North East Asia, discussions for uary arrival. Mosaic also secured 9,000
19 sweeter crudes has led to a drop in
recovered sulphur output in many areas
Q1 2016 contracts have been underway.
South Korean producers have advanced
tonnes. Yara agreed an 18,000 tonne
cargo which was heard priced at $40-45/
Sulphur plant
20 through 2015. With the outlook for oil talks in China, with some agreements tonne Timac also expressed interest design
pricing remaining bleak for 2016, Inte- heard concluded at $18-20/tonne, for 10,000 tonnes for mid-January arrival,
21 ger is forecasting a flat year for sulphur reflecting netbacks of $1-3/t f.o.b.. Over but a deal was not heard concluded. Con-
production in the US in its base case in Japan, sulphuric acid exports dipped tinued demand from Brazil will be crucial
22 scenario and has revised its outlook for by 50% in November 2015, down to just in the months ahead as an outlet for key
production from Canada. 96,000 tonnes. This came on the back of suppliers and to support acid pricing.
Price indications SULPHUR
Table 1: Recent sulphur prices, major markets
27 Cash equivalent July August September October November
Sulphur, bulk ($/t)
28 Vancouver f.o.b. spot 145-155 144 115 105-115 120-125
Adnoc monthly contract 155 135 115 125 130
29 China spot 150-168 140 118 110-138 125-145

30 Liquid sulphur ($/t)

Tampa f.o.b. contract 137 137 137 110 110
NW Europe 170-200 185 185 153-185 153-185
Sulphuric acid ($/t)
Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 US Gulf spot 70-80 68 60 45-55 40-50
London SE1 7SJ, England
Source: CRU
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HUGO PETERSEN GmbH Tel. +49 (611) 962-7820
33 Rheingaustrasse 190-196 Fax +49 (611) 962-9099 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
65203 Wiesbaden A subsidiary of Web: w
8 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016


Market outlook Sulphur Industry News
5 Historical price trends $/tonne KAZAKHSTAN Whats in issue 362
6 1,000 1,000 Kashagan operators facing $740 million fine
Agip KCO and the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC), accident, totalling 2.8 million cubic metres according to the Envi- COVER FEATURE 1
Sulphur (Vancouver f.o.b.) the operators of the Kashagan field, have been issued with a ronment Ministry, which is in receipt of a report from the Atyrau

Liquid sulphur (NW Europe) $740 million fine for the pipeline failure at the Kashagan oil and Department of Ecology into the incident.
8 Sulphuric acid (Ex-term Tampa) gas field, according to the Kazakhstan Ministry of Environment Oil production at Kashagan began on September 11th, with Refinery SO2
and Water Resources. The fine is for damages resulting from commercial production due to begin on October 1st. On Sep- emissions
9 750 750 sour gas flaring at the processing facilities, following the pipe- tember 24th, however, a routine inspection of the gas pipeline
line leak on September 24th 2013, which saw highly sour gas running from Island D to Bolashak revealed a gas leak. The
10 released from a burst pipeline near the Bolashak onshore unit. Kashagan field was shut down for repairs until October 6th, when
Residual sour gas was flared at onshore and offshore Kashagan oil production was resumed. The company said that the gas leak COVER FEATURE 2
11 facilities during September and October 2013 as a result of the in the pipeline was caused by sulphide stress cracking.

12 500 500
Sulphur market
SAUDI ARABIA content while minimising octane loss and Nine firms are already in contention trends
13 reducing consumption of hydrogen and util- for the first phase of the project, covering
Sulphur loading facility contracts ities. This project has been managed by dredging and reclamation, as well as the
Axens APC experts in close collaboration detailed design and construction of quay
14 awarded with SAMREF engineers. walls and berths. Front-end engineering COVER FEATURE 3
Saudi Arabias Zamil Industrial Investment The SAMREF refinery is a 50-50 joint design (FEED) work on the overall project
15 250 250
Company says that one of its subsidiar- venture between Saudi Aramco and Exxon has been undertaken by WorleyParsons.
ies has been awarded an 11.8 million riyal Mobil Corporation, formed in 1981 to Sulphur burning
16 ($3.14 million) engineering, procurement develop oil refining facilities at Yanbu,. The AUSTRIA optimisation
and construction (EPC) contract from South refinery began operations in 1984 with a
17 Koreas Posco Engineering & Construction design capacity of 263,000 bbl/d of Arab OPEC says there is no incentive to
Company to build a sulphur rail car load- Light Crude, but has since been expanded invest in SO2 scrubbing
18 0 0
ing facility being developed by Saudi Ara- to process 402,000 bbl/d. COVER FEATURE 4
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
mco at Jubail. The rail car loading facility The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Source: BCInsight
is being built to facilitate the removal of
molten sulphur from the Wasit and Berri
Countries (OPEC), based in Vienna, has
said that there is little incentive for
Sulphur plant
20 gas plants in Khursaniyah and transport Sulphur facilities part of new port ship owners to invest in sulphur dioxide design
about 10,000 t/d of molten sulphur to the development scrubbing technology prior to 2020. That
21 SULPHUR increased availability from Vancouver NW European exporters may look to Maaden facilities at Waad Al Shammal is the year that the International Mari-
to offshore markets in 2016. How- diversify markets in preparation for and Ras Al Khair. As per the deal, Zamil Oman Oil Company, via its subsidiary time Organisation (IMO) aims to intro-
22 Prices are likely to drop further before ever, railed volumes to the US may the start up of Sherritts Cuba sulphur Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Services Duqm Terminal, has invited expressions of duce a 0.5% global cap on sulphur cap
stabilising and potentially recover- offset the decrease from US domestic burner. Company will provide engineering design interest (EoIs) from competent engineering in bunker fuels, although a review later
23 ing later in Q1 2016. China remains refineries. Brazil to remain a key outlet for produc- services; materials procurement, supply, firms for a contract to build storage and this year could see this date pushed
the wild card, with an uptick in trade Planned leaching projects may face ers as a key source of spot purchases, installation, testing and commissioning; handling facilities for a major liquid stor- back to 2025. The IMO has said that
24 expected to help improve the market. delays during this period of low metals supporting the market in the short term and third-party consultancy services. It will age terminal and dry bulk facilities planned shipowners can reduce emissions of
However, further price erosion is likely pricing and impact the outlook for sul- outlook. also be responsible for the review and cer- at the seaport. The facilities form the sec- SO2 in other ways, for example by the

25 before stimulating significant interest in phur demand growth. The outlook for domestic acid produc- tification of the high-pressure water mist ond phase of works which are intended to installation of exhaust gas scrubbing SULPHUR

import volumes. Outlook: Prices to weaken in key mar- tion in China is expected to continue to suppression system, automatic wet sprin- underpin the development of a major refin- systems, but OPECs World Oil Outlook
Middle East export volumes will be a kets such as China and India, before rise but has been revised down due to kler system and the extinguishing control ing and petrochemicals hub at the adjoin- notes that there are questions remaining

focus point for the next 12 months, stabilising during Q1 2016. The pro- the low price outlook for metals. system for the railcar loading facility at the ing Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Duqm over scrubber waste stream disposal and
as Shah continues to ramp up as well cessed phosphates market may support US contracts have been agreed in the Wasit Gas Plant and Berri Gas Plant. on Omans Wusta coast. thus the future acceptability of the tech- JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 as Qatars Barzan project adding addi- sulphur in the spring, as expectations $85-150/st Southern US range for Interested contractors should submit nology, and the uncertainty over the date
tional volumes in 2016. fell short in 2015, with a recovery antici- 2016, up $10/st at the low end com- New control system for letters of interest by January 22nd to seek of implementation is also a deterrent
28 The bearish outlook for oil prices in pated from the market this year. Overall, pared to 2015 as the market showed desulphurisation plant prequalification to participate in a tender to investing now. OPEC also notes that
2016 will continue to weigh on US average sulphur prices likely to remain length into the New Year. for the selection of an engineering, procure- while the cost of fuel is likely to rise as
29 recovered sulphur. Further delays to oil in a similar range to 2015 levels for the Outlook: Global prices are likely to The Saudi Aramco Mobil Refining Company ment and construction (EPC) contractor. refiners install desulphurisation technol-
sands and oil refinery projects will add next few months. remain low in the coming months, with (SAMREF) has selected Axens to evalu- The contract will entail the detailed design, ogy to produce low sulphur marine fuels,
30 to the more conservative outlook for potential support from a recovery in ate, develop and implement an advanced procurement and construction of a pack- these costs can generally be passed on
supply from North America. SULPHURIC ACID sulphur possible later in Q1. Limited process control (APC) system for their age of works that includes, among other to final customers, by raising delivered
31 Indian buyers report good stocks and planned smelter turnarounds may keep Prime-G+ unit, which is used for the desul- things, liquid storage tanks, pipelines and costs per container, per tonne of coal
buying interest may be subdued for the Spot prices in Chile likely to remain the market from recovering significantly phurisation of fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) loading facilities, dry bulk handling facili- or per barrel of crude. Nevertheless, the Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 coming months. under pressure due to low contract as continued competition from Mexican gasoline down to ultra-low sulphur levels. ties for pet-coke and sulphur storage, ship organisation acknowledges that the same London SE1 7SJ, England
The start up of Mosaics melter in price settlements as well as ample sup- exports may weigh on trade to Latin The objective of the APC system is to pro- loaders and conveyors, buildings, roads uncertainties are also a deterrent to refin- Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Tampa, Florida is likely to lead to ply in the region. America. vide precise control of product sulphur infrastructure, and associated utilities. ers investing in such upgrades today.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

10 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 11 Web: w


World-class Technology CONTENTS

5 UNITED STATES The projects include reduction of the sul-

for Worldwide Markets Whats in issue 362

phur content of fuels as well as emission
Axens to expand its sulphur cuts of greenhouse gases and pollutants
6 by about 90%, as well as use of petroleum
abatement portfolio
residues, low-sulphur diesel and cogenera- COVER FEATURE 1
Axens says that it has agreed to buy all tion. The ultra low-sulphur gasoline project,
assets and technology relating to sulphur which will cost $3.1 billion and be com-
8 removal products from Scutter Enter- pleted in 1Q 2016, will allow Mexico to We deliver a wide range of products and services, from engineering Refinery SO2
prises, LLC, for an undisclosed sum. Scut- produce 212,500 bbl/d of the fuel, while emissions
9 ter, based in Chesterfield, Missouri, was the $3.9 billion low-sulphur diesel project studies through to full EPC projects for the Sulphuric Acid Industry
created in 2009 and specialised in solid will help cut imports of the fuel.
10 sulphur scavengers for gaseous and liquid Luojiazhai gas plant.
streams. Axens says that the purchase CANADA COVER FEATURE 2
Products & Services:
will reinforce its adsorbent portfolio by the concentrations in the Chuandongbei fields
acquisition of the HydroCat range, which average around 7-11%, making for higher RioTinto allowed to increase
12 will now become part of Axens AxTrap operational risk and higher standards for SO2 emissions Sulphur market
adsorbent product line. These adsorbents technical processes. Chevron, with a 49% The British Columbian Environmental Acid Plants trends
13 offer competitive purification solutions stake, is the project operator, and brings con- Appeal Board has ruled in favour of Rio
Sulphur Burning
to process streams containing moderate siderable operational experience with sour Tinto Alcans permit to increase sulphur
amounts of sulphur in applications such gas production. The project has faced delays dioxide emissions (SO2) from its 60-year Metallurgical
14 as landfill gas, biogas, associated gas or from its original start-up date of 2010. Initial old Alcan aluminium smelter in Kitimat.
Spent Acid Regeneration COVER FEATURE 3
CO2 treatment, enabling the utilisation of production is targeted at 250 million scf/d The permit, granted in 2013, allowed Rio
15 these greenhouse gases with minimal envi- (approximately 3 bcm per year) in the first Tinto to increase SO2 emissiosn as part Acid Purification & Concentration
ronmental impact. Axens says that it will phase, rising to 750 million scf/d in 2018. A of the companys modernisation of the Wet Gas
Sulphur burning
16 also retain all Scutter personnel in order to 30-year production sharing deal between the aging Kitimat smelter. The project, which optimisation
ensure continuity of service to existing and two companies was signed in 2008. nearly doubled the plants production, Proprietary Equipment
17 future customers. will decrease greenhouse gas emissions
MEXICO Converter
This acquisition gives us a great oppor- but raises sulphur dioxide emissions by
18 tunity to complement Axens portfolio of
Fluor wins Hidalgo refinery upgrade 56%. The BC Ministry of the Environment Gas-Gas Exchanger COVER FEATURE 4
adsorbents, said Jean Sentenac, Chair- granted Rio Tinto permission to modernise Acid Tower (brick lined and alloy)
19 man and CEO of Axens Group. Thanks
to Axens global commercial network, we
Fluor Corporation says that it has signed a
contract with Pemex to supply detail engi-
the smelter but did not require the com-
pany to install scrubbers. Locals environ-
Acid Cooler Sulphur plant
20 expect a strong development of sales of neering, procurement and construction mentalists challenged the permit but the Furnace design
these new AxTrap products in North Amer- (EPC) services for the utilities and offsites appeal board ruled in favour of upholding SARAMET piping & acid distributor
21 ica and internationally. that are part of the Tula Refinery upgrade the initial ruling.
Venturi Scrubber
at Hidalgo, Mexico. The total contract
22 Worker killed by sulphur pile collapse value is $1.1 billion. AZERBAIJAN
A worker at the Port of Tampa was killed by This project is a major step to Technical Services
SOCAR awards refinery contract Turnaround inspection
23 a collapse of a sulphur pile while operat- increase Pemexs competitiveness, said
ing a front end loader, according to local Juan Carlos Santos Fernandez, director The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
Operations troubleshooting
24 authorities. Hillsborough County Sheriffs general of ICA Fluor. We are proud to be in Republic (SOCAR) has selected Axens
Process optimization
Office said that the Gulf Coast Bulk Equip- the position to support them in the devel- to license clean fuel technologies for

25 ment employee was moving sulphur to a opment of the strategic projects required SOCARs Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery at the Feasibility studies SULPHUR

trailer at the Port Redwing site when the by the country, providing Mexican engineer- port of Baku as part of a major moderni-
CFD (Fluent) analysis
30-foot pile collapsed. The US Occupa- ing and construction resources. sation project for the refinery. The mod-
26 tional Safety and Health Administration has Once the upgrade project is completed, ernisation programme will see the refinery FEA (Ansys) study
begun an investigation into the incident. the refinerys processing capacity will increase its annual processing capacity JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 increase from 315,000 bbl/d to 340,000 from 6.0 million t/a to 7.5 million t/a, as
CHINA bbl/d. The projects mechanical completion well as bringing the refinery output to Euro-
28 is scheduled for the second quarter of 2018. V standard. As part of the project, Axens is
Production begins at Luojiazhai providing the following technologies:
29 On January 12th, the China National Petro- Government plans $23 billion A Prime-G+ gasoline desulphurisation
leum Corporation (PetroChina) and US refinery upgrades unit with a design capacity of 1.2 million t/a.
30 partner Chevron announced that they had A Prime-D diesel hydrotreater unit with Chemetics Inc. Chemetics Inc.
begun commercial sour gas production at Mexican president Enrique Pea Nieto has a design capacity of 3.0 million t/a. (headquarters) (fabrication facility)
31 the onshore Luojiazhai A sour gas field on announced investments totalling $23 bil- Axens says that SOCARs interest Suite 200 2930 Virtual Way 2001 Clements Road
December 30th. Luojiazhai is part of the lion over the next three years to upgrade in them as a partner stems from Axens Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5M 0A5 Pickering, ON, Canada, L1W 4C2 Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 $6.4 billion Chuandongbei project, a sour state-owned oil giant Pemexs six refiner- involvement in the STAR refinery project in Tel: +1.604.734.1200 Fax: +1.604.734.0340 Tel: +1.905.619.5200 Fax: +1.905.619.5345 London SE1 7SJ, England
gas development in Chinas southern sour ies, making petroleum production more Turkey, supplying naphtha, kerosene and email: email: Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 gas-rich Sichuan basin. Hydrogen sulphide efficient in a changing environment. diesel hydrotreating processes.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

12 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Chemetics Inc., a Jacobs company Web: w


Sulphuric Acid News
5 FINLAND of arbitration, and under an international UNITED STATES to technical recycling from wastewater
BRAZIL Whats in issue 362
agreement that forms part of Australian streams in Europe today, which total

6 New acid plant for Harjavalta smelter law, it is not possible to challenge the
merits of an arbitration decision in court.
New sulphuric acid alkylation process around 1,000 tonnes P2O5, in the form of
struvite. Details such as the required effi-
South32 may bid for Anglos
phosphate business
Refining Hydrocarbon Technologies (RHT) ciency of the recovery process and plant COVER FEATURE 1
Boliden is planning to build another sul- requirements by 40%, as heat will be CANADA Ltd, based in Kay, Texas, says that it has availability of fertilizer is to be defined in South32, the aluminium, coal and manga-
phuric acid plant at its Harjavalta smelter recovered, resulting in higher energy effi- completed pilot testing and is now ready collaboration with Swiss stakeholders, nese producer spun out of BHP Billiton last
8 in Finland. The company says that this ciency. In addition the removal of minor Ariane gets go-ahead for Lac a Paul to commercialise its new sulphuric acid according to the European Sustainable year, is reportedly considering bidding for Refinery SO2
will continue the development of its process bottlenecks on the copper side The Canadian province of Quebec has alkylation process. Alkylate, the main com- Phosphate Platform. Anglo-Americans $1 billion niobium and emissions
9 copper-nickel business and will lead to will make future expansion projects pos- approved plans for junior mining company ponent in high-octane gasoline, is produced phosphate business in Brazil. The company
improved environmental performance sible on both the copper and nickel lines, Arianne Phosphates to develop the C$1.2 by catalytic reaction of C3C5 olefins with TUNISIA is said to have sent out requests to invest-
10 and operational efficiency. Boliden Har- according to Boliden. billion Lac Paul phosphate rock project. isobutane in the presence of a strong acid
Plans for new acid, TSP plant
ment banks as it seeks to hire an adviser
javalta currently operates two acid plants The performance of Boliden Harjav- The open-pit mine is expected to create catalyst. Although there has been progress to assist in the bidding process. First-round COVER FEATURE 2
11 which produce sulphuric acid and liquid alta has developed positively over several 475 construction jobs and 375 permanent in the use of solid acid catalysts, sulphu- Groupe Chimique Tunisien (GCT) has bids are due by the middle of next month,
sulphur dioxide from smelter off-gases years. This investment improves our tech- mining and processing positions, with ric acid alkylation has become increasingly signed an agreement with several Chinese and Anglo is seeking to complete the sale in
12 formed in the copper and nickel smelt- nical infrastructure which is fundamental commercial production expected to begin popular in recent years due to safety and companies in order to create a new triple one transaction, rather than split the niobium Sulphur market
ing processes. The new, more efficient for our long term competitive position. in 2019. Lac Paul will produce approxi- environmental concerns with hydrofluoric superphosphate (TSP) plant. The CEO of and phosphate assets. Large North Ameri- trends
13 acid plant, will be part of an investment Continuity of the site together with the mately 55,000 t/d of ore, with an annual acid alkylation, according to RHT. GCT subsidiary Gafsa Phosphate Company can fertiliser companies may participate in
programme running to 2019, with a improved environmental performance is production of 3 million t/a of apatite con- The RHT process is based on classi- (CPG), Romdhane Souid, said that the pro- the auction, according to Bloomberg. Anglo
total investment cost of euro 90 million. important for our local community too, centrate. Measured and indicated mineral cal sulphuric acid alkylation chemistry that duction capacity of the new Mdhilla 2 unit confirmed last month that it would work to
14 Once operational, SO2 emissions will be said Timo Rautalahti, General Manager reserves are 590 million tonnes. has been used since the 1940s, but uses will be 400,000t/a of TSP. The plant is sell the business this year, as part of a plan COVER FEATURE 3
reduced by 20-25% and cooling water Boliden Harjavalta. Jean-Sebastien David, Ariannes COO, a unique mixing device that requires less due to be on-stream in 2018, with a total to raise $4 billion to cope with the collapse
15 said in a press statement: There could energy and maintenance than alternative investment of 600 million Tunisian dinars in commodity prices. It has already raised $2
not have been a better way to end the year processes, and works at lower tempera- ($310 million), and will include sulphuric billion from sales of two of its Chilean cop- Sulphur burning
16 mine will pave the way for future explora- for Arianne and the region as a whole. tures at essentially isothermal conditions, and phosphoric acid capacity. per mines, as well as South African platinum optimisation
AUSTRALIA tion in the area, and Venus says that once The Ministerial Decree represents the according to Amarjit Bakshi, president and CPG had a far more successful sec- production and its tarmac business.
17 Freight train derailment causes production is up and running and cash most significant milestone to date for the CEO of RHT. Low-temperature operation ond half of 2015 as compared to the first South32, based in Perth, Australia,
acid spill flowing, it has an extensive exploration project and with it, The board and the Ari- favours the formation of the desired high- half, with production rising from 935,000 was created last year as BHP narrowed its
18 programme planned for 2017. Initial pro- anne team want to thank the Government octane product (trimethylpentanes and tonnes of phosphate in 1H 2015 to 2.3 focus to copper, coal, iron ore and oil. COVER FEATURE 4
A freight train carrying sulphuric acid duction will be 600,000 t/a for eight years. of Quebec for the confidence they have dimethyl hexane), while minimising side million t/a in 2H 2015. Tunisia is looking
derailed in December in a remote area of
Queensland, northern Australia. According
Venus says that it is also developing rail
and port infrastructure programmes.
shown in this project through the issu-
ance of the Decree and, of course, greatly
reactions, such as polymerisation, dispro-
portionation, cracking and the formation of
to bring phosphate rock production to 6.5
million t/a in 2016, according to Souid,
Sulphur plant
20 to Queensland police, 819,000 litres of appreciate the support we have received unstable esters of H2SO4. now that there has been a resolution to
GB Minerals completes test work for design
acid was on board the 26-car train at the Iffco payment upheld from the municipalities and organizations Other features of the RHT technology are the strikes and protests that have plagued phosphate project
21 time. A 2 km exclusion zone was estab- that have been behind this project. The a reduction in acid consumption to about Tunisian phosphate production over the Phosphate junior GB Minerals says that it
lished around the crash site, necessitating The Supreme Court of Victoria State has company says it will now focus on securing 50% of the conventional processes and an past few years. has successfully completed its phosphoric
22 the closure of a nearby highway. One of the upheld a ruling by a Singaporean arbitra- financing for the construction phase. advanced coalescer design and operating acid and diammonium phosphate (DAP) test
carriages was found to have ruptured, and tion panel that Legend International Hold- conditions for enhanced separation of the SAUDI ARABIA work based on the output of its beneficiation
23 an estimated 31,500 litres of acid leaked ings must pay Indian fertilizer company NAMIBIA acid and hydrocarbons. As a result, a neu- pilot plant at its Farim phosphate project.
out, although according to police, testing Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (Iffco) tralisation stage required in conventional Maaden to borrow $1 billion The company says that CaO/P2O5 ratios con-
Weatherly trades acid price cut for
24 by the Queensland Department of Environ- A$55 million over a $1 billion phosphate
Tsumeb option
processes is not needed, which results in a The Saudi Arabian Mining Company tained in the Farim phosphate are amongst
ment and Heritage Protection in the area deal that went sour. Legend owner Joe dry process, with reduced corrosion issues. (Maaden)s subsidairy Waad Al Shamal the worlds lowest at 1.41, resulting in low

25 of the incident indicates that the nearby Gutnick was accused by Iffco of selling Namibian copper producer Weatherly Inter- Phosphate Company has secured a 4 bil- sulphuric acid consumption and less phos- SULPHUR

Horse Creek waterway was not adversely them a large stake in Legend in 2008 via national says that it has sold its option to SWITZERLAND lion riyal ($1.07 billion) loan from the state- phogypsum production. Results indicate that
affected. The train was carrying acid to fraudulent misrepresentation. The deal purchase the Tsumeb tailings facility from owned Saudi Industrial Development Fund a 34.0% P2O5 product could be achieved by
26 the Mount Isa phosphate processing site. was part of an offtake agreement that was Dundee Precious Metals for $4 million.
Phosphorus recycling becomes (SIDF) as part of its plans to build new washing, scrubbing and particle sizing only,
Three train crew were injured in the inci- to see Iffco take up to 5.0 million t/a of The consideration will be paid via Weath- obligatory phosphate capacity in the country. A SR900 and that by adding a silica flotation step, the JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 dent, but none seriously. phosphate from Legend, worth about US1 erly receiving a discount of $40/t on acid Switzerland has become the first country million facility will fund building an ammonia grade could be increased to 35.9% P2O5.
billion at the time. Iffco bought 34 million that it purchases from Dundee for use at in the world to make phosphorus recov- plant, while a separate loan for the same The successful phosphoric acid and
28 New mine to start up this year shares in Legend, ending up owning 15% its Tschudi heap leach operations. JORC ery and recycling from sewage sludge and amount will finance construction of a diam- DAP tests clearly demonstrate the viability
of the company. However, Legend did not resources at the Tsumeb tailings dam were slaughterhouse waste obligatory. The new monium phosphate plant. Both loans will be of the Farim project and further support our
29 Australian mining company Venus says produce the phosphate due to a slump in estimated in 2011 at 12 million tonnes at regulation came into force on January 1st repaid in 14 semi-annual installments over belief that the Farim phosphate deposit is
that it expects to begin production at its price, and the value of the shares fell at 0.48% copper, 0.77% lead, 0.63% zinc and 2016, with a transition period of 10 years. seven years, with the two plants to be built one of the highest quality in the world. The
30 new phosphate mine in north-west Queens- the same time. 12.74 g/t silver in 2011. Industry analysts Switzerland banned the direct use of sew- in Ras Al-Khair. Two further loans of SR1 benefits downstream to potential custom-
land by the middle of 2016. The news fol- Speaking to the Australian press, Mr RFC Ambiran say that, given expectations of age sludge on land in 2006, so the regu- billion and SR1.2 billion respectively will ers are even more apparent with these
31 lows successful test pit mining at Korella, Gutnick said that he would appeal the acid consumption of 20 kg/t of ore treated lation will lead to technical recovery and fund building plants to manufacture sulphu- results. The company is in active discus-
170 kilometres from Mount Isa. The com- ruling, and argued that Iffco should have during 2016 and 10 kg/t thereafter, the sale recycling in the form of inorganic products. ric acid, phosphoric acid and phosphate con- sions with multiple parties for key offtake Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 pany said in a statement that it expects performed due diligence on the deal. How- will have a payback period of four years, with Swiss sludge and slaughterhouse waste centrate in Waad Al Shamal. These loans agreements and we hope to start updating London SE1 7SJ, England
production to begin in 1H 2016, with first ever, the contract with Iffco had a clause an estimated reduction in copper production together already represent an annual are for eight years and will be repaid in 16 shareholders on these discussions, said Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 shipments of rock in May or June. The which obliges Legend to accept the result costs over that period of $59/t. flow of 9,100 tonnes P2O5, as compared semi-annual installments. Luis da Silva, president and CEO.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

14 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 15 Web: w
Its about

Fluor Corporation has agreed to acquire team will be formed by Storks existing DuSolo Fertilizers has appointed Giles Whats in issue 362
100% of Stork Holding BV, based in the management combined with the managers Baynham as its new chief executive officer.

Netherlands, for e695 million ($755 mil- of Fluors Operations & Maintenance busi- Darren Bowden has resigned as interim
6 lion). Stork is a global provider of main- ness. The combined group, branded Stork CEO, but will remain with the company as

tenance, modification and asset integrity and headquartered in the Netherlands, will a director. Baynham is a mining engineer COVER FEATURE 1
services associated with large existing have an annual turnover of approximately and financier with 19 years experience in
industrial facilities in the oil and gas, e2.1 billion ($2.3 billion) and a total of the natural resources industry. He is experi-
8 chemicals, petrochemicals, industrial and approximately 19,000 employees. enced in the evaluation and financing of min- Refinery SO2
power markets. Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan ing projects, from early stage exploration to emissions
9 The acquisition of Stork is consist- (PotashCorp) has announced that David production. He began his career as a mining
ent with Fluors goal to further enhance Delaney, Executive Vice President and engineer with Rio Tinto, before working at
10 our integrated solutions capabilities Chief Operating Officer, will retire effective various financial entities including Mizuho
in thoughtful, strategic ways that will from January 31st, 2016. Delaney has Corporate Bank, NM Rothschild & Sons, and COVER FEATURE 2
11 increase the value we deliver to our clients held his present position since 2010, and Endeavour Financial, and was a co-founder,
and shareholders, said Fluors Chairman led the company through the largest expan- director and president of CB Gold Inc.
12 and CEO David Seaton. Storks business sion programme in its history. DuSolo Fertilizers chairman Eran Fried- Sulphur market
is largely driven by ongoing operating Davids contribution to the companys lander said; Mr. Baynhams experience in trends
13 budgets and is therefore less impacted success spanned almost two decades, financing mining projects make him a great
by volatile commodity prices. In addition, said Jochen Tilk, president and CEO. addition to DuSolos management team,

14 Storks continuous site presence will help

us improve our ability to meet our custom-
ers needs throughout the full lifecycle of
Having spent the majority of his career at
PotashCorp leading our Sales team and
more recently our Operations group David
and he will be focused on executing the
Companys development plan. We would
also like to take this opportunity to thank
Temperature and Turbulence COVER FEATURE 3
15 an operating plant, and provide Fluor with built many strong relationships with his col- Darren for his significant contribution over
an ongoing earnings stream and robust leagues and others within the industry, and the last 6 months and are pleased that his Push 30% more acid gas
Sulphur burning
16 growth opportunities.. will be missed. experience and expertise will still be availa- through your furnace optimisation
Following the acquisition, Fluor will begin With Delaneys departure, the presi- ble to the company in his role as a director.
17 combining its Operations & Maintenance dents of the companys business units DuSolo is processes high-grade phos-
organisation with Stork. Current Stork CEO, Mark Fracchia, Raef Sully and Paul Dekok, phate into direct application fertilizer in Brazil.
18 Arnold Steenbakker, will lead the com- of the Potash, Nitrogen and Phosphate It says it intends to capture 30% of the mar- COVER FEATURE 4
bined group and report directly to Fluors units respectively, will now report directly ket for phosphate in the north-eastern region
19 CEO, David Seaton. The management to Tilk. of the Cerrado in the coming three years.
Sulphur plant
20 design
21 Calendar 2016
JANUARY Chancery House, 53-64 Chancery Lane, MAY
22 London WC2A 1QS, UK.
27 22-26
Tel: +44 20 7903 2167
23 ASRL Chalk Talks and Poster Session,
CALGARY, Canada.
Email: 2nd Annual Brimstone Sulphur Symposium,
Contact: ASRL, University of Calgary, Destroy as much as 50% more NH3 and
24 Alberta T2L 2K8 Canada. AFPM Annual Meeting, Contact: Brimstone STS Ltd
Tel: +1 909 597 3249
BTX in the high temp mixing zone Blasch VectorWallTM
Tel: +1 403 220 5346 DALLAS, Texas, USA.

Fax: +1 403 284 2054 Contact: Yvette Brooks Fax: +1 909 597 4839
Email: Email: Email:
for ammonia destruction HHFWLYH=RQHPL[LQJ
21-24 84th IFA Annual Conference 2016,
27 66th Laurance Reid Annual Gas
SOGAT 2015, MOSCOW, Russia.


Conditioning Conference, Contact: IFA Conference Service
28 NORMAN, Oklahoma, USA.
Contact: Dr Nick Coles, Dome Exhibitions.
Tel: +33 1 53 93 05 25
Contact: Betty Kettman,
29 University of Oklahoma. Email:
30 Email:
MARCH TSI World Sulphur Symposium, 10-11
31 13-15 VANCOUVER, Canada. 40th AIChE Annual Clearwater Conference SOGAT Booth #9
Phosphates 2016, Tel: +1 202 331 9660 2016, CLEARWATER, Florida, USA. Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 PARIS, France. Email: Email: London SE1 7SJ, England
Contact: CRU Events, Web: Web: Contact us today to design a VectorWall Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 WKDWZLOOW\RXUH[DFWUHTXLUHPHQWV Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

16 Web: w Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 800-550-5768 / +1-518-436-1263


6 Changing sulphur Fig 3: Turkmenistan sulphur exports

Fig 4: Chinese sulphur demand by quarter

Whats in issue 362

2013 2014 2015
7 2,500
production exports consumption surplus
8 2,000 Refinery SO2

000 tonnes

000 tonnes
1,500 emissions
9 2,000

Janos Gal, principal sulphur analyst with Fertecon, provides an overview of 1,000
10 the changing global sulphur market, in the wake of new supply sources. 1,000
11 500

0 0
Sulphur market
anadas top spot on the world sul- phur exports surpassed 8 million t/a, but high as possible knowing they could slash 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
phur stage will soon be overtaken this has steadily declined, falling to just them at any time if necessary. Source: Fertecon Source: Fertecon trends
13 by the Middle East, as sour gas over 4.7 million tonnes in 2015, as shown
fields across the region will add several in Figure 1. Exports to US
million tonnes of sulphur to the worlds In the future, more Canadian sulphur will operate its plant and from where it Additionally, with high logistics costs expects sulphur availability to improve,
14 annual supply. It is estimated that the might be poured into block if Middle East- At present Canada has more than 11.5 mil- will reduce its purchased requirements. from Canada to Tampa and fewer molten which in the long-term it hopes will keep COVER FEATURE 3
current global output of 53 million tonnes ern prices reduce substantially as more lion tonnes sulphur in block with the expec- As such, it remains to be seen whether it sulphur rail cars, it could become uneco- its price at affordable levels.
15 per year could increase to more than 70 supply comes into play. During the early tation that this could increase further in the will buy less liquid from Canada, Mexico nomical at some point to import sulphur
Sulphur burning
million t/a by 2018, and most of the addi- 2000s, the psychological barrier for future, and not just due to lower price lev- or the US domestic market. In terms of from Canada. In contrast, bulk sea freight Brazil
tional supply will emerge from the Middle Canadian exporters was about $50-60 fob els. Mosaic, one of the largest consumers freight costs, the most expensive freight is rates are falling as a result of a supply glut optimisation
East and Central Asia. Vancouver and if prices fell below that, of Canadian liquid sulphur, is building its from Canada (more than 3,000 miles and and a slowdown in commodity trading activ- Moving further south, Brazil has already
17 The dominance of Canada as the exports were reduced until prices went own sulphur remelter with an annual capac- around $100/tonne from Northern Alberta). ity, so it is perfectly possible that shipping experienced some changes in its buying
worlds primary supply source largely up again. However, since then mainland ity of 1 million tonnes. It will import solid However, according to some indus- sulphur from the UAE could actually be patterns for sulphur. In 2015 Vale imported
18 stemmed from its role as the main sup- freight has gone up some sources sug- sulphur for the plant from various sources try sources, the Mosaic remelter will not cheaper than bringing liquid sulphur in from a substantial volume from the UAE due to COVER FEATURE 4
plier to the US and also its importance as gest $80-90/t so the minimum export such as Kazakhstan and the Middle East. necessarily cause in itself more Canadian Canada. What is also important to remem- increasing availability from Adnoc. Vale
19 a solid sulphur supplier from Vancouver to
various markets, including China and Aus-
cost is likely to have increased accordingly.
The challenge that Canadian exporters
The plant was expected to start up in
December but Mosaic decided to delay
tonnes to be blocked. That is because in
a balanced market the Canadians would
ber is that Mosaics sulphur consumption
is not changing, but what will change is the
already imports from Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia, but they are not regular shipments,
Sulphur plant
20 tralia. Most of the sulphur in the country is face when it comes to competing against bringing the plant on-stream until late Janu- export offshore whatever they dont ship form in which it consumes the sulphur. whereas quantities from the UAE were sub- design
derived from oil and gas production (as in the Middle East is that they have to get the ary 2016 because of extremely high liquid to Florida. So its the global balance, which In terms of negotiating power, having stantial at 160,245 tonnes in 2015 with
21 almost every other country in the world), sulphur to Vancouver (1,000 miles from sulphur availability and it needs to be able is not impacted by whether Mosaic buys an in-house remelter could give Mosaic the the potential to increase further in 2016.
but unfortunately for the sulphur produc- the production sites) while at the same to fulfil their molten contract commitments. liquid from Canada or imports solid, which flexibility to reduce its reliance on domes- Another source of additional supply for
22 ers, they are located far from both Vancou- time remaining competitive against ex- Assuming that Mosaic operates the determines blocking in Canada. Canadian tic suppliers and to use the plant as a bar- Brazil has been and will continue to be
ver and the largest consumers in the US. Middle East values. Therefore, if the Mid- plant at full capacity, it can potentially dis- exporters will also have to be globally gaining chip during contract negotiations. the US Gulf. Imports into Brazil between
23 Whereas most of the tonnes shipped dle East cuts prices below $80-90 fob, we place 1 million tonnes/year of liquid sul- competitive if they want to remain in the According to press reports, the construc- January and November 2015 stood at
from Vancouver are transported in solid can reasonably expect the Canadians to phur that it is presently buying from the sulphur business even if it means nega- tion of the plant cost more than $20 mil- 689,767 tonnes, and if US producers
24 form, buyers in the US consume liquid sul- reduce exports, although the Middle East- US, Mexico and Canada (see Figure 2). tive netbacks from time to time. lion, so if Mosaic achieves a $20/tonne need to increase exports further, they are
phur. From 2004 to 2006 Canadian sul- ern sellers might prefer to keep prices as What is not yet clear is at what rate Mosaic The remelter will also result in the emer- reduction in just one quarter due to the best placed to compete on pricing being

25 gence of new trade routes that never before cost saving from the remelter, it will have the closest to Brazil. The proximity of the SULPHUR

Fig 1: Canadian sulphur production Fig 2: US sulphur production existed, such as sulphur shipments from already paid for itself based on a quarterly US Gulf also means lead times are shorter
the UAE and Kazakhstan to the US Gulf. It consumption of 1.25 million tonnes sul- and Brazilian buyers already tend to rely on
26 14,000 10,000 could also force US Gulf producers to make phur. Mosaic has already imported a total US material for spot purchases.
exports (GTIS) production (IFA) inventory (AER) 9,000
production exports imports
more solid sulphur and export it to Brazil or of 59,000 tonnes Kazakh sulphur and one The third main supply source for Brazil JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 12,000
8,000 other markets such as Morocco, Namibia UAE cargo in 2015 for commissioning runs in 2015 was the FSU, with Russia at just
10,000 7,000 or elsewhere, although options are some- and for its other 50/50 joint venture re- under 418,000 tonnes followed by Kazakh-
28 what limited given the distances involved melter in Galveston. stan at 417,196 t, more or less the same
000 tonnes

000 tonnes

8,000 6,000
to major markets in China and India. What Mosaic says that it intends to buy solid volumes as in the previous two years.
29 6,000
might happen is that more US Gulf sulphur sulphur to feed the melter from various How much of an impact the additional
will make its way to Brazil, prompting Brazil suppliers and not from any one specific UAE sulphur and Mosaics remelter will have
30 4,000 3,000
to buy less from Kazakhstan. The Kazakh supply source or region which it expects on Brazil remains to be seen, but what is
2,000 2,000 sulphur which is not sold to Brazil could will help it to provide flexibility in pricing. certain is that the countrys consumption will
31 0
1,000 then end up in the hands of Mosaic. One While significant sulphur production expan- likely remain stable with little room for short-
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 might argue that this makes little sense as sions are taking place in the Middle East, term growth, so if it decides to buy more
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 these shipments will very likely pass each there are also expansions taking place in from one place, it necessarily follows that its London SE1 7SJ, England
Source: Fertecon Source: Fertecon other on their respective voyages, but this Kazakhstan and in several other locations requirement from one or other of its tradi- Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 scenario is looking increasingly likely. around the world. Therefore, the buyer tional sources will be reduced accordingly.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

18 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 19 Web: w


5 Kazakhstan tics remain complicated and quantities may the Middle East, where supply will increase
All paths

Whats in issue 362

lead to
therefore be reduced over the coming year. by several million tonnes during the next
Kazakhstans sulphur availability at present few years. Abu Dhabi could become the
6 is about 2.5 million tonnes/year, and this China largest sulphur supplier in the world as a

could increase to about 3.5 million tonnes/ result of huge quantities produced from COVER FEATURE 1

Lewis Pumps
year when the severely delayed Kashagan gas Chinas role as an importer of Turkmen sul- various sour gas fields.
field starts up in 2017 (see Figure 3). The Ten- phur could become more dominant, espe- Adnocs annual sulphur production is
8 gizchevroil (TCO), block has now been broken cially since PetroChina has direct access expected to gradually increase to 5.5-6.5 Refinery SO2
up and shipped out of Kazakhstan and thus to this source of supply. Current estimates million tonnes by the end of 2016 from 2.5 emissions
9 exports started to decline from August 2015. suggest that about 500,000 tonnes sul- million tonnes per year in 2013 with addi-
Fertecon therefore expects that between phur was shipped to China in 2015, which tional capacity coming online at the Shah
10 now and 2017 exports will remain steady could double next year with the develop- gas field and also from oil refining. In the
at around 2.5 million t/a. The main destina- ment of a new route through Ust Luga. very long term, the Bab gas field could also COVER FEATURE 2
11 tions have been Brazil, China, Morocco and If China buys more from Turkmenistan be developed into a major source of sul-
more recently the US. In a similar way to Bra- and its domestic production also increases, phur, increasing the countrys annual out-
12 zil, if Kazakhstans exports increase to one it will more than likely reduce its imports put further to 8 million tonnes. Sulphur market
country this year it will need to export less from its traditional suppliers in the future. The operations at Shah include an trends
13 to another given the limited supply forecast China is the worlds largest consumer and 11,000 tonnes per day sulphur handling
through 2016. Being landlocked, most of the importer of elemental sulphur. It imported facility, a new railway line, new port facili-
sulphur is railed to Ust Luga in the Russian just over 11 million tonnes of sulphur in ties and an additional 300,000 tonne stor-
14 Baltic for onward shipment to Brazil, US and 2015, equating to about one-third of global age unit, which will bring Adnocs storage COVER FEATURE 3
Morocco. Most of the deliveries to China are sulphur trade 9 see Figure 4). capabilities to nearly 600,000 tonnes. The
15 transported by rail through Alashankou. The Chinese fertilizer sector is the main plant will process 9,200 t/d of sulphur.
Turkmenistan could also become a consumer for the production of sulphuric A large part of this supply has been Sulphur burning
16 major source of supply in the future, hav- and phosphoric acid, consuming about 16 committed to OCPs phosphate units optimisation
ing started up a substantial sour gas field million tonnes of sulphur annually. It is esti- in Morocco, consuming about 2 mil-
17 near Galkynysh. Sulphur output in the coun- mated that the phosphoric acid industry lion tonnes per year UAE sulphur from
try is estimated to increase from minimal accounts for two-thirds of total sulphuric 2015/2016. The Shah unit has already
18 amounts five years ago to 2.5-3.2 million acid use in China. The increase in domestic reached full production capacity. Adnoc COVER FEATURE 4
tonnes by end 2016/2017. Some sales sulphur availability could potentially result in has also plans to supply Mosaics new sul-
19 are concluded under contract while large vol-
umes are also auctioned off at the Turkmen
a drop in imports and could ease Chinese
end-users reliance on Middle Eastern sul-
phur remelter while exports are expected
to increase to Brazil, India, China and
Sulphur plant
20 Stock Exchange. The last known sales by phur supply. Domestic sulphur supply is other parts of Southeast Asia as well as design
auction were at $23-25 ex-works in 2015. forecast to increase to an estimated 7.7 South Africa.
21 An increasing number of tonnes from million t/a by 2017 from the current level The biggest advantage the UAE has Lewis pumps are the world standard for pumps and
Turkmenistan have been finding their way of 5 million t/a. In 2015, the countrys aver- is its modern rail and port infrastructure,
valves in the sulphur chemicals industry. Offering a family
22 to China as well as other destinations and age monthly sulphur production rate from enabling it to move sulphur fast. The first
of steam-jacketed sulphur pumps, outstanding reliability in
it has been suggested that exports could various refineries was 420,000 tonnes. phase of Etihad Rail, a rail link across the
high-temperature sulphuric acid, and new designs for molten
23 increase in 2016 if traders find alternative Assuming that China buys an additional UAE, was completed in 2014, connecting
salt energy transfer, Lewis continues its long tradition of
trade routes, for example via Ust Luga in 1 million t/a from Turkmenistan and its Shah and Habshan to the port of Ruwais.
superior products and services.
24 Russia. Some have dismissed this, arguing annual domestic production rises by 2 mil- The 266 km stretch is used for moving
that freight from Ust Luga to China would lion tonnes by 2017, it will displace 3 mil- granular sulphur to the port from produc- Standard replacement parts are always available. Emergency
25 be prohibitively high. Nevertheless there has lion tonnes imported sulphur from supply tion plants. It can carry up to 22,000
service or parts to any major airport worldwide within 72 SULPHUR

been speculation that at least one trader sources such as Canada and the Middle tonnes of sulphur each day on 110 rail-
hours. No matter what your application, when you need a
has received a substantial discount on East unless consumption goes up at the cars, equivalent to 360 truck-loads.
26 rail freight from Turkmenistan to Ust Luga, same rate for fertilizer production but this Another Middle East major is Saudi
superior product with exceptional service... all paths lead to
which might be advantageous and which is not expected. Imports from India also Arabia. Its total sulphur capacity in 2014
Lewis. Customers in over 100 countries cant be wrong. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 could make it work for delivery to China. increased in 2015 and this is unlikely to was around four million t, which will gradu-
Exporters from Turkmenistan have so far change as some Chinese traders receive ally increase to about 5.6 m tonnes/year
28 been using two ports, namely Poti in Georgia a subsidy if importing from Iran and India. by 2017. The main sulphur handling and

and Bandar Abbas in Iran but, as already As such, to maintain or grow their market export facilities are located in the Red Sea
mentioned, Ust Luga in Russia is also being share, Middle Eastern suppliers may cut and at Jubail. On the Red Sea coast there
considered. At present it is understood that prices to compete against suppliers such as are refineries in Yanbu and Rabigh, which Vertical Chemical Pumps
30 excess sulphur that is not exported or con- Turkmenistan and Canada; the latter in turn also serve as export ports. Minerals
sumed in the domestic market is stored in may decide to pour more sulphur into block. The increases will come from oil refin-
8625 Grant Rd. Solutions
31 the open at nearby sites. Current freight ing and additional capacity from the
St. Louis, MO 63123
cost estimates vary widely, generally rang- Middle East offshore Wasit gas field as well as sour
T: +1 314 843-4437 Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 ing between $100-150/tonne to China and associated natural gas processing from
F: +1 314 843-7964 London SE1 7SJ, England
slightly less to Morocco. So far Morocco has Aside from all the changes in North Amer- Saudi Aramcos Khursaniyah plant and the Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 bought close to 100,000 tonnes but logis- ica and Asia, the real game changer will be commissioning of the new Karan process- Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
Copyright 2012, Envirotech Pumpsystems, Inc.. All rights reserved. LEWIS and LEWIS PUMPS are registered
20 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 trademarks of Envirotech Pumpsystems, Inc.; WEIR is a registered trademark of Weir Engineering Services Ltd. Web: w


ing plant with a 300,000 tonnes/year sul- Fig 5: OCP sulphur demand tonnes per year of sulphur. A third plant, sulphur consumption, or about 45,000 high cost and high risk ores. The spread many have begun to ask how the imminent Whats in issue 362
phur recovery unit. the Waad al Shamal, is under construc- tonnes per month. The first shipment of of the high pressure acid leach (HPAL) and sulphur Tsunami will change the global
There are also major developments in tion. It will have capacity to produce 1.5 sulphur to JIFCO, the joint venture between heap leach (HL) processes consume vast landscape. With more stringent environ-
6 the oil refining sector. Yanbu Aramco Sin-
sulphur, 000 tonnes
million tonnes P2O5 per year, with an IFFCO/India and JPMC, loaded in Ruwais, quantities of sulphuric acid, most of which mental regulations as well as fewer options

opec Refining Company (Yasref), a joint ven- 12,000 annual requirement for a further 1.5 mil- Abu Dhabi mid-June 2014, comprising a is produced on site using sulphur burners. to store sulphur, oil and gas producers will COVER FEATURE 1
ture between Saudi Aramco and Sinopec, lion tonnes sulphur. The plant is expected 50,000 tonnes shipment from Adnoc. Total sulphur consumption globally for this be hard pressed to ensure that the smooth
started up production at the new 400,000 to start up in late 2016. JPMCs main plant in Aqaba has been sector is estimated between 4.5-6.0 mil- running of operations will not be disrupted
8 barrels/day refinery in Yanbu in 2015. The
The Saudi national rail operator has producing at around 60% capacity through lion tonnes/year. by a pile of sulphur which they cannot shift Refinery SO2
refinerys sulphur capacity is estimated at already bought 1,200 tank wagons to 2015 due to production limitations. This The main companies that use sulphuric from their backyard. New gas and oil devel- emissions
9 35-50,000 tonnes per month. Saudi Aram- 8,000 serve Maadens Waad al Shamal Indus- should increase in 2016 following a acid for leaching are Sherritt (Cuba, Madagas- opments will increase sulphur production
cos other brand new plant, the Jazan refin- trial City. The wagons will be used to carry debottlenecking project, which theoreti- car), Ramu (Papua New Guinea), Vale (Indo- to an estimated 71 million tonnes by 2018
10 ery in the Kingdoms southwest is expected 6,000 molten sulphur and phosphoric acid on the cally should increase the buyers sulphur nesia, New Caledonia), Glencore and FQM in but at the same time major downstream
to be operational in 2016 with a nameplate NorthSouth Railway. These plants sul- requirements in the long run. A third plant Australia, Taganito and Coral Bay in the Phil- developments are lagging behind and so COVER FEATURE 2
11 capacity of 400,000 barrels per day.
phur requirements will be met by domestic in the country is the IJC plant, majority ippines as well as Skorpion Zinc in Namibia. it seems that a major surplus of sulphur
liquid sulphur supply, thus reducing Saudi owned by JPMC with a 224,000 tonnes Another zinc leaching plant is in Moorseboro, is imminent. As with anything, the easiest
Sulphur market
Demand Arabias export capabilities. P2O5 phosphoric acid capacity. US, with a similar capacity to Skorpion Zinc. way to compete will be to reduce prices
2,000 Another potential outlet for some of the Other new minor outlets from the However, demand from the copper belt in and at present Middle Eastern suppliers trends
13 On the demand side, one of the two main extra sulphur from the Middle East could metals and fertilizer industries that are Africa, especially Zambia, is decreasing are best placed to shift large volumes at
developments at present that could soak be Tunisia, but that entirely depends on expected to start-up around the world because of the start-up of new sulphuric acid short notice as they have the best and lat-
up large quantities of sulphur is OCPs the political situation in the country. Due to between 2016-2018 include Indonesia, plants attached to copper smelters. Noracid est in logistics technology. How this will
14 2015 2016 2017 2018 future
massive expansion programme at Jorf strikes and various other geopolitical fac- Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Cuba. has a major sulphur burner in Chile that also play out remains to be seen, but there are COVER FEATURE 3
Lasfar and Safi in Morocco. OCPs initial Source: Fertecon tors, imports in 2015 dropped to 519,550 t, serves the domestic metals industry. certainly a few exciting years ahead.
15 plant is to construct a total of 10 new inte- down from close to 1 million tonnes in 2014. Metal leaching Sulphur burning
grated phosphate units at Jorf Lasfar, with Prior to the start of the social unrest in Tuni- Conclusions Janos Gal is Fertecons principal sulphur
financing for four of those in place and the lowed thereafter by the phosphoric acid unit. sia in 2011, when the phosacid units were The metals industry is one of the fastest analyst working on its weekly sulphur optimisation
first two already commissioned. The next Another important consumer will be running close to capacity, Tunisias annual growing demand segments for sulphur with As we have seen, it appears that the next report, as well as a new monthly report
17 two will be brought onstream over the Saudi Arabias phosphates industry. There sulphur requirement was nearer to 1.8-2.0 various advancements in metal processing, two-three years could be very eventful as published by Fertecons parent company,
next two years. Once four are built, OCPs are currently two plants operating in the million tonnes in a normal, pre-uprising year. enabling companies to process previously supply will inevitably outstrip demand and Informa, to be launched in February.
18 annual sulphur requirement will increase country, one of which is the Ibn al-Baytar Jordan has become an important out- COVER FEATURE 4
by 2 million tonnes by 2017-2018, as DAP plant in Al Jubail which operates on let, consuming nearly 1 million tonnes/
19 each burner has an annual capacity for
500,000 tonnes sulphur (Figure 5).
purchased phosphoric acid.
The other major prospective consumer
year sulphur with the addition of new
phosphoric acid capacity. JIFCOs new
Sulphur plant
20 OCP is expected to start-up JPH-2 dur- is The Maaden Phosphate Company near phosphoric acid plant has a daily pro- design
ing Q2 2016. As with JPH-1 in Q2 2015, Ras al Kair in Saudi Arabia with an on-site duction capacity for about 1,500 tonnes
21 the 1.45 million tonne/year sulphuric acid sulphur burner to produce sulphuric acid. P2O5 phosphoric acid, 4,500 tonnes sul-
unit will be brought on-stream first, to be fol- The sulphur burner consumes 1.5 million phuric acid equivalent to about 1,500 t/d
Radial Flow Gas-Gas Heat Exchangers
Fig 6: Changes to global sulphur trade patterns Experience:
23 Introduced in 1977
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24 More than 300 in service worldwide

25 Features and Benefits: SULPHUR

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27 Typically 20+ years leak free life with minimal maintenance
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28 Advanced design options to suit demanding services

Innovative solutions for your Sulphuric Acid Plant needs
Chemetics Inc. Chemetics Inc.
(headquarters) (fabrication facility)
31 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Pickering, Ontario, Canada
Tel: +1.604.734.1200 Fax: +1.604.734.0340 Tel: +1.905.619.5200 Fax: +1.905.619.5345
email: email: Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 Chemetics Inc., a Jacobs company
London SE1 7SJ, England
Source: Fertecon
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

22 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 23 Web: w



Controlling refinery Whats in issue 362

that the main source of SO2 emissions Fig 1: Historical emissions for the US refining industry
5 at the time was from sulphur in fuel fired
in furnaces and boilers, representing just
6 under 60% of emissions. Next came fluid 600

emissions of SO2
catalytic crackers (13.5%), which use a SO2 NOX VOC PM10 COVER FEATURE 1
fluidised catalyst to contact the feedstock 500
at high temperature and moderate pres-

thousands of tonnes
8 sure to vaporise long chain molecules and 400
Refinery SO2
break them into shorter molecules. The emissions
9 refinery sulphur recovery unit represented
Environmental legislation is continually tightening, and nowhere more so than for emissions of about 11% of SO2 emissions and the flare
10 sulphur dioxide. Refineries are now being targeted as one of the major sources of this pollutant. stack(s) 5%. Another 11.5% came from
miscellaneous sources, including delayed 200 COVER FEATURE 2
11 coking units, used for thermal processing
of heavy fractions to produce gasoil and
12 petroleum coke.
Sulphur market

S trends
ulphur dioxide has gradually for the bulk of these stationary source for a 24 hour period and 30 ppb for an As a result of switching to cleaner
13 emerged as a major focus for gov- emissions. annual average, with a secondary limit of burning fuels for furnace and boiler firing,
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
ernments in attempting to control Standards for SO2 levels in ambient 500 ppb for a 3 hour average. The NAAQS these days the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC)
ambient air quality. It has been shown to be air vary quite widely globally, but the most was revised in 2010, establishing a 1 hour is generally the largest source of refinery
14 year
responsible for an array of adverse respira- influential standard has been set by the sulphur dioxide standard of 75 ppb, with emissions of SO2 (as well as other pollut- Source: AFPM COVER FEATURE 3
tory effects, including airway inflammation World Health Organisation, which in 2005 compliance based on the 3-year average of ants such as NOx, carbon monoxide, par-
15 in healthy people and increased respira- set guideline values for SO2 levels which the annual 99th percentile of 1-hour daily ticulate matter, and heavy metals). SRUs
tory symptoms in vulnerable groups such anticipated an eventual reduction to 20 maximum concentrations. Failure to meet often routinely have a tail gas treatment and Europe, most refineries have already Seawater, which is naturally alkaline and Sulphur burning
16 as children and the elderly and especially g/m3 for a monitored 24 hour average, the standard during that period mandates unit (TGTU) to remove SO2 and other pol- made this change. The other major cluster contains a mix of metal carbonates and optimisation
people with asthma. Initial attempts to via intermediate targets of 125 g/m3 and the establishment of a State Improvement lutants before they are emitted to air, and of remediation strategies involve removing hydrogen carbonates. There is no disposal
17 control SO2 emissions focused mainly on 50 g/m3, and a maximum average of Plan with three years for the offending site can routinely achieve 20-50 ppmv levels of SO2 from stack/tail gas emissions via flue of waste to the land, but heavy metals and
the power industry as the largest emitter, 500 g/m3 for a short (10 minute) expo- to bring itself into compliance. The stand- SO2 in the tail gas, and sometimes lower. gas desulphurisation (FGD). FGD systems chlorides are present in the water released
18 especially from coal-burning power plants, sure. A number of countries have moved ard is considered a near source standard, Measures that have already been taken have been installed and operated on many to the sea, and of course the process is COVER FEATURE 4
in order to deal with the phenomenon of to the WHOs first interim 24 hour stand- with measurements taken at the bound- to bring SO2 emissions from refineries industrial and utility boilers and on some suitable only for plants at the coast.
19 acid rain, but as the power industry has ard. In Asia, for example, these, include ary/fenceline of the establishment. under control have had considerable effect. industrial processes for a number of years,
Sulphur plant
cleaned up its act with the installation of Hong Kong, Vietnam, Pakistan, and South But over and above these national In the United States, as Figure 1 shows, and can remove 70-98% of the SO2 in the Wet regenerative processes
20 scrubbing systems and a switch in some Korea. India is close to the second interim standards, some states require tighter refinery emissions of SO2 and other air pol- flue gas, depending on the type of system design
countries to other feeds like natural gas, target, and Singapore is moving towards control on SO2. For example, in Californias lutants have substantially decreased over and operating conditions. The most popular wet regenerative pro-
21 so the regulatory focus next shifted to the final target. San Francisco Bay Area, where five refiner- the past decades, and this has occurred in FGD systems can be broadly split into cess is the Wellman Lord process, which
ambient air quality in cities as a result ies are clustered, the Bay Area Air Qual- spite of a move towards processing crude once-through and regenerable systems, involves removing highly diluted SO2 from
22 of vehicular emissions of sulphur oxides, European standards ity Management District recently passed with greater density and increasing sulphur according to whether the scrubbing rea- the flue gas in the absorption section
leading in turn to the progressively lower two new regulations to reduce emissions content. Annual average sulphur content gent can be re-used, and each of these and then turning it into rich SO2 gas in
23 sulphur content standards for fuels that we European SO2 emission standards are sub- from refineries; Regulation 12, Rules 15 of crude oil used by the US refining indus- categories can be further subdivided into the regeneration section. In the absorp-
are all familiar with. ject to a bewildering variety of controls. The and 16 to track refinery emissions, and try increased from 0.9% in 1985 to 1.4% wet and dry systems. Regenerative sys- tion stage, ash, hydrogen chloride, hydro-
24 More recently, however, with these general limit is 125 g/m3 for a 24 hour address emission increases at refiner- in 2005 and closer to 1.5% by 2015. At tems produce sulphur either in its elemen- gen fluoride and SO3 are removed as
major sources largely dealt with, so exposure and 350 g/m3 for a 1-hour expo- ies, with more new rules in the pipeline the same time crude distillation capacity tal form or as sulphuric acid, and hence the hot flue gases are passed through a

25 the regulators emphasis has begun to sure. However, for refineries the European to achieve a 20% reduction in emissions has increased slightly, from 15.6 million produce a useable or marketable product, pre-scrubber. The gases are then cooled SULPHUR

shift again, now back towards stationary Commission ruled in October 2014 on the and associated health risks by 2020 over bbl/d to 17.8 million bbl/d, while utilisa- while one-through systems tend to produce and fed into the absorption tower where
sources of SO2. Sulphur dioxide has been best available techniques (BAT) which were and above current mandated standards. tion rates have stayed relatively constant a waste sludge which must be disposed of. a saturated solution of sodium sulphite is
26 chosen in this case to represent all SOx to be employed under the Industrial Emis- Phase I of this includes New Rule 9-14 for at around 90%. Nevertheless, as regula- Regenerative systems have higher capital sprayed from the top onto the flue gases,
emissions, since it makes up an estimated sions Directive (IED) Directive 2010/75/ reducing SO2 from coke calcining by add- tions continue to tighten, so refiners are cost but lower waste treatment costs. The which reacts with the SO2 to form sodium JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 97% of all SOx pollution, according to the EU, which sets a sector-specific BREF (BAT ing an emission limit, and Phases II and III continually having to look at ways of further main types of FGD systems are shown in bisulphite. The concentrated bisulphite
World Health Organisation. There have REFerence document) containing informa- include draft amendments to rules cover- reducing their sulphur dioxide emissions. Figure 2. is then collected and passed to an evap-
28 already been considerable improvements tion about the sector and the latest emis- ing SO2 emissions from FCCs, refinery fuel Wet non-regenerative processes mainly oration system for regeneration. In the

in SOx emission reduction from stationary sion control techniques used. Binding BATs gas combustion and refinery sulphuric acid Remediation strategies include some form of line/limestone scrub- regeneration stage, steam is used to
sources, but while the State of California include specified BAT Associated Emission plants, and emissions of SO2 from sulphur bing, generating gypsum (calcium sulphate) break down sodium bisulphite. The sodium
estimates that SO2 emissions form station- Levels (BAT-AELs) which feed through to plants. As noted above, one of the easiest ways as a by-product. These have been particu- sulphite produced is recycled back to the
30 ary sources fell from 132 t/d to 59 t/d over Emission Limit Values (ELVs) for sites. for a refinery to reduce its SO2 emissions larly favoured for power plant applications flue gases.
the period from 2000 to 2015, because Refinery emissions is to burn lower sulphur fuels, generally due to the high SO2 removal efficiency and Increasingly popular among other wet
31 emissions from mobile sources fell from US standards involving switching from fuel oil to low sul- low costs involved. Other alkalis include regenerative processes is the Shell Can-
148 t/d to 19 t/d over the same period, In an oil refinery, SO2 emissions can come phur fuel oil, LPG, gas, or desulphurising sodium hydroxide (which produces liquid solv process, which uses an aqueous Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 so stationary sources now represent 75% The US used to set a National Ambient from various sources. A study in 2001 by higher sulphur fuels prior to firing. How- waste), ammonia (which produces ammo- amine solution. The gas to be treated London SE1 7SJ, England
of the states SO2 emissions, as opposed Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) limit of 140 European refiners organisation CONCAWE, ever, in regions where SO2 emission limits nium sulphate, which can be sold as ferti- is first saturated in a water pre-scrubber Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 to 45% in 2000, and oil refineries account parts per billion (equivalent to 196 g/m3) covering 70 European refineries, showed are most stringent, such as North America lizer) and magnesium oxide or hydroxide. and is then contacted with the amine
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

24 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 25 Web: w


solution. The amine solution is regener- Fig 2: Flue gas desulphurisation techniques Whats in issue 362
ated by steam stripping. A slipstream of
the amine needs to be purified to prevent
6 the accumulation of salts. The scrubbing
flue gas desulphurisation

by-product is water-saturated SO2 gas COVER FEATURE 1
recovered by steam stripping. Cansolv is
highly selective for SO2.
8 Labsorb is a regenerative scrubbing
once-through regenerable
Refinery SO2
process which utilises an aqueous solu- emissions
9 tion of sodium phosphate as a scrubbing wet dry wet dry
buffer for the absorption of SO2. It gener-
10 ates a >90 % concentrated SO2 stream
limestone forced lime spray drying Wellman Lord activated carbon
that can be used as feed to a SRU or a sul-
oxidation COVER FEATURE 2
11 phuric acid plant. The scrubbing solution
is regenerated using low-pressure steam, limestone inhibited sorben injection
12 which virtually eliminates the discharge of oxidation
Sulphur market
liquid effluents from the scrubber.
lime dry ciruclating FGD Cansolv trends
13 SNOx is a regenerative catalytic process
which combines a initial de-dusting stage,

followed by a wet sulphuric acid and selec- magnesium Labsorb
14 tive catalytic reduction stage, and is able to enhanced lime
control both NOx and SOx emissions.
15 seawater WSA

Carl Friedrich
Sulphur burning
16 Dry and semi-dry scrubbing sodium (hydroxide)
There are four types of dry/semi-dry

FGD spray dryer absorber (SDA), sorb- ammonia scrubbing
ent injection, and dry circulating FGD. (Walther)
18 Both sorbent injection and spray dryer COVER FEATURE 4
daul alkali
absorber processes are non-regenerative

is smiling.
processes. The most common choice to
date for dry scrubbing has been the spray
Sulphur plant
20 dryer absorber, which is actually a semi- recover it in the form of concentrated sul- to elemental sulphur with CH4, H2 or CO. design
dry process. In this process atomised lime phuric acid of commercial grade. In a WSA Throw-away methods are more usually
21 slurry is sprayed into the flue gas within plant, SO2 conversion is similar to the SO2 used in the power industry, with lime the
the reaction vessel. SO2 reacts with the conversion in a conventional acid plant most common material used. About 70%
22 slurry to form calcium sulphite (CaSO3). A based on absorption, except the catalytic of the FGD capacity in the United States
part of this reacts with oxygen to form cal- conversion takes place in a wet gas. The use wet lime scrubbing with forced oxida- The New Model 888 Tail Gas analyzer brings
23 cium sulphate. The dried reacted particu- WSA technology treats the furnace off- tion (LSFO), wet lime scrubbing with mag-
the highest accuracy and reliability to sulfur recovery.
lates are collected at the downstream in gas directly from upstream gas cleaning nesium enhanced lime (MEL), or dry lime
24 an electrostatic precipitator or fabric filter. plants. No further drying is required, since scrubbing using conventional spray dryer
This process requires production of cor- the humidity present in the off-gas is used absorber. Dry lime scrubbing with circulat-
As the father of the process, Carl would appreciate that our third-generation
25 rectly sized lime slurry droplets and proper to hydrate the SO3 generated in the con- ing fluidized bed absorber is more widely SULPHUR

residence time such that the particulates verter and produce sulphuric acid. used in Europe. Approximately 75% of the analyzer solves the three most common external failure modes:
are dry but well related when reaching the FGD systems installed on utility boilers are
26 1. Advanced auto-ow control (proactive response to adverse conditions).
ESP or fabric filters. Although well-proven, Process selection either lime or limestone scrubbing.
2. Flange temperature alarm (early warning of poor-quality steam). JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
this process can be difficult. Refineries are coming to see amine
27 Sulphur dioxide removal solutions can be regenerative processes as among the best 3. Ambient temperature up to 60C/140F (superior performance in hot climates).
28 Recovery of sulphuric acid very site and process specific. The key options, as they can be highly selective for
AMETEK has been the leader in tail gas analysis for more than 40 years, with more
design considerations include inlet SO2 SO2 and equipment/process design is
Among the various FGD processes, DeS- concentration and variation, efficiency and completely conventional. The only waste than 100 million hours of run time. Visit our website now to learn more.
29 ONOX process produces sulphuric acid outlet concentration requirements, scrub- effluents are the acids, particulates and
as the end product. Sulphuric acid can be bing liquor pH, liquid-to-gas ratio, preven- very small acid flow from heat stable salts
30 produced in the Wellman-Lord Process by tion of scaling and plugging, liquid and removal.
aqueous absorption and desorption, con- gas distribution and contact, by-product Depending on the technique used,
31 centration and then oxidation of concen- handling and disposal, remoteness of increasing use of SO2 removal techniques
trated SO2 to sulphuric acid catalytically. site etc. Regenerative FGD processes are could end up producing more sulphur or Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 The wet gas sulphuric acid (WSA) suitable for high concentrations of SO2, sulphuric acid. Where acid alkylation is in London SE1 7SJ, England
technology developed by Haldor Topsoe and the concentrated SO2 stream from a use this offers an immediate synergy with Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 is a popular method to remove SO2 and regenerative method can then be reduced refinery operations.
2015 by AMETEK Inc. All rights reserved. Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

26 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Web: w



Sulphur 2015 Whats in issue 362

2018, most of that increase coming from that source, and the closure of a Canadian demand and led to overcapacity in the
5 7 new refineries. smelter may also mean more US imports supramax size, leading to a shortening of
On the phosphate site, Youssef Bous- from Europe. the scrapping period to 22 years, although
6 likhane of OCP gave a producers perspec- Steve Sackett, now managing Tra- the overcapacity is less pronounced for

tive. noting that while global phosphate deCorp Chemicals, gave an overview of handymax ships. In the longer term, bun- COVER FEATURE 1
demand continues tog row by about 2% the sub-Saharan African region, where ker fuel costs due to new IMO regulations
t/a, and probably up in 2015 compared to year on year, in Asia this is 3.7% and 2.7% increased metal production is leading to will drive freight rates upwards the new
8 the previous year. in South America, offering market oppor- extra acid production. In 2014 the region SO2 limits in emission control areas are Refinery SO2
A review of the 31st Sulphur The total world supply of sulphur in tunities. However, non-integrated DAP pro- produced 8 million t/a of acid, mainly from especially a bigger issue for smaller ships. emissions
9 International Conference 2015 will be 59.5 million t/a, up 3.3 mil- ducers currently face economic difficulties South Africa and Zambia, but by 2018 new Jerry DAquin looked at the issue of
lion t/a from 2014. North America is now due to market volatility. smelter capacity in Zambia, Namibia and airborne sulphur during vessel discharge,
10 and Exhibition, held at the running second to the Middle East as a OCP meanwhile continues to push the DRC will take this to 10.7 million t/a, reprising some of the arguments from his
Sheraton Centre, Toronto, supplying region, with the advent of e.g. ahead with its major development pro- and demand is likely to fall short of this by article in Sulphur 360 (Sep/Oct 2015). COVER FEATURE 2
11 in November 2015.
the Shah project in the UAE. There is also gramme, spending $17 billion from 2008- 1 million t/a. Steve called this the metal Re-melting of contaminated sulphur can
more sulphur from Chinese sour gas and 2025 to double its mine capacity and triple producers curse, and looked at where the be one of the most challenging aspects
Sulphur market

12 Turkmenistan. Looking out to 2020, supply its fertilizer production with 10 integrated excess acid might go. In Namibia, Skorpion of sulphur handing, as described by Jim
continues to shift eastwards, with Asian DAP units. Two of these are currently on- Zinc is converting from a sulphur burner to Irani of Enersul. Some of the issues that trends
13 supply increasing 4.5 million t/a and Mid- stream, with the third and fourth to be up a roaster/smelter, while Dundee Precious need to be dealt with include moisture
dle Eastern supply by 5.4 million t/a, rep- and running by the end of 2016, bosst- Metals has also build a smelter acid plant. content, which can lead to acidity/corro-
resenting 80% of new capacity between ing OCPs sulphur consumption from 4.5 There is some new demand from Swakop sion, increased thermal duty, foaming etc;
14 them. Growth continues in Saudi Arabian, million t/a to 7 million t/a. The second Uranium, but moving hundreds of thousands particulates, which can clog downstream COVER FEATURE 3
Chinese and Central Asia sour gas produc- phase, due for completion by 2020, will of tonnes of acid will outstrip rail capacity. equipment, and trapped hydrogen sulphide
15 tion, Conversely, there will be a continuing take sulphur consumption to 6 million Can it be done by road? Exports are possible and residual hydrocarbons, which can lead
slide in Canadian sour gas supply, with sul- t/a with another six plants. This has lead via Walvis Bay, but probably with negative to toxic emissions. Enersul have experi- Sulphur burning
16 phur production dropping from 2.6 million OCP to re-evaluate its sulphur purchase netbacks. Zambia and the DRC have tended ence with dealing with highly contaminated optimisation

t is a difficult time for international now represent 49% of Chinese GDP). India t/a to 1.8 million t/a, countered by a 1 programme, with 1.1 million t/a of new to be symbiotic, and some DRC sulphur (up to 30% non-sulphur) sulphur, with sul-
17 sulphur markets, with the slowdown is now the worlds growth leader at 7.3% million t/a rise in North American refinery storage for liquid and solid sulphur at Jorf burning capacity could close to take acid phur recovery of 90-99% and contaminant
in the Chinese economy coming at the in 2015 and an estimated 7.6% in 2016, production. Lasfar,a nd Youssef indicated that OCP from Zambia, but border delays can make capture of over 80%, some of which can be
18 same time as large new sour gas plants helped by low oil prices. On the demand side, phosphates was in the market for new long term sup- the cost of importing acid $130/t, and the used for road fill. COVER FEATURE 4
are starting up around the world, leading China is now pursuing what it describes continue to lead, with extra production in ple agreements. sulphur burners supply vitally needed elec-
19 to the long-awaited fall in sulphur prices. as a silk road policy, boosting trade to Morocco, China and Saudi Arabia repre- tricity. Some producers might end up hav- Sulphur fertilizers Sulphur plant
This all no dobut contributed to the slightly Russia and Europe via the Middle East senting 4 million t/a of extra P2O5 demand Acid markets ing to neutralise acid for disposal, although
20 subdued mood at the CRU 2015 Sulphur and West Asia, and building 39 railways to 2020, and globally an extra 1.5 million new industries could be stimulated if acid Tuesdays papers closed with a session design
Conference in Montreal in November. across the region. Looking towards e.g. t/a of sulphur demand. Continuing expan- On the acid side, CRUs Thierry Tran becomes effectively free. on sulphur as a fertilizer, beginning with
21 After an introduction from Mike Gal- vehicle sales in India, she forecast that sion at existing nickel leaching plants asked whether 2015 was a pivotal year. Shells Peter Zissos, who explained his
lagher, CRUs new General manager for emerging markets will help support com- could add another 0.5 million t/a of sul- There have been cutbacks in the copper Sulphur handling companys approach to its Thiogro sul-
22 Fertilizers, Patricia Mohr of Scotiabank modity prices. phur demand. But the bottom line is that sector in the US, Chile and Central Africa, phur enhanced fertilizer technology, which
reviewed current macroeconomic develop- On the oil market side, Iranian oil will the global market will be in surplus in 2015 focused on SX/EW production, although Mosaics new sulphur melter at New Wales encapsulates micron-sixed particles of
23 ments. The recovery in commodity markets help keep markets oversupplied. Although and the surplus will increase to 3.3 million copper-based demand is still expected to in Florida is a game changer for the US sul- both sulphur and sulphate to allow sul-
after 2009 was very rapid in spite of the US shale output is down 600,000 bbl/d t/a in 2018 and still stand at 2.8 million increase to 2018. Some of this depends phur industry. Mark Gilbreath, from devel- phate availability throughout the crop cycle,
24 recession in Europe, she said, and China on its peak, production has been very resil- t/a in 2020. Stock building is likely to take on the timing of the Tia Maria project in opers Devco presented an overview of the as sulphur is slowly oxidised to sulphate.
pushed prices to a peak in April 2011which ient. Canadian exports have likewise been place in Turkmenistan, Alberta, Norilsk in Peru, however. Asia has seen a trend new facility, which was in commissioning He also explained the innovation and prod-

25 was almost as high as that of 2008. EU up in 2016. The battle for market share is Russia and possibly also Central Asia and towards regionalisation of the acid market, at the time of the conference. It can handle uct development process and philosophy SULPHUR

sovereign debt issues have led to a slide now moving into heavy sour crudes, with Iran. Lower prices of around $115/t f.o.b. with Japan and South Korea now focusing 1.0 million t/a of sulphur on a dry basis, within Shell.
since then, but the sharp dip in 2015 has some production cutbacks likely by 2018. Middle East will drop to $100/t by 2019 on India as an export destination, although and can handle up to 6% moisture. Modu- The Sulphur Institutes Don Messick
26 been due to the slowdown in the Chinese and only rise slowly thereafter. buyers there have seen some price sensi- lar construction has speeded the pace of has been an evangelist for sulphur fertiliz-
Isaac Zhao of CRU covered the vital JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
economy and the battle for market share Sulphur markets tivity as to whether they purchase sulphur the project ground was only broken in ers for many years, and he reprised sul-
in oil markets. Added to this has been the Chinese market, which consumes 16 mil- or sulphuric acid, and PPLs new sulphur November 2014. phurs benefits, noting that in Europe there
deflationary effect of a strong US dollar The sulphur market overview was given lion t/a of sulphur and imports 10.7 million burner has reduced imports. In the Phil- The remelter gives Mosaic more options are now typical sulphur application recom-
28 (lower prices in non-dollar markets), fears by CRUs Peter Harrison. Sulphur is, he t/a. While fertilizers and other phosphoric ippines, meanwhile, requirements have to bring solid sulphur from overseas, and mendations of 20-45 kg/hectare, espe-
over the end of quantitative easing and ris- said, a very volatile commodity, with a acid uses consume 61% of sulphur in all increased but will dip with the re-start of the sulphur freight market was the subject cially for oilseed rape, leading to 750,000
29 ing interest rates, and worries of a hard price swing between $100/t and $200/t forms, the industrial sector is increasingly the PASAR smelter. Asias acid surplus for the next speaker, Marc Pauchet of tonnes S of ammonium sulphate and other
landing for Chinas economy. several times during 2014 and 15. The important, with titanium dioxide, fibres, will increase slightly to 2020, leading to Braemar ACM Shipping. Sulphur is mainly sulphur fertilizer consumption. In the US
30 Nevertheless, Patricia said that she current seasonal dip has been lower than resins and hydrofluoric acid production more competition for European exporters, carried in handysize (10-20,000 dwt) or some states now recommend 20-55 kg/
believed base metal markets were likely expected, but the rebound already seems major consumers. Pyrites still supply 23% who are also facing more competition from supramax (50-65,000 dwt) vessels, but ha, and Canada 40-70 kg/ha for oil and
31 to come up over the next two years due to have started. There is some sign of a of Chinas sulphur needs, with brimstone Mexico for cargoes to the US, while new represents less than 1% of the total dry legume crops. The North American sul-
to supply side developments. Socita fore- disconnect between Chinese port stocks 44% and smelter acid 32%. Sour gas pro- sulphur burning acid plants in Cuba and bulk freight market and only 2% of the phur fertilizer market is about 1.5 million Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 casts 6.9% GDP growth for China in 2015 and prices, as China begins to produce duction and new refineries continue to Namibia will also lower import demand, but handysize market. Bulk trade is driven by tonnes S per year. There is also growing London SE1 7SJ, England
and 6.4% in 2016 as it makes progress on more domestic sulphur, but Chinese increase sulphur availability, expected to the revival of the Mexican domestic copper the steel and coal industries, and plateau- recognition of sulphurs benefits in India Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 its shift to a service-led economy (services import volumes are still at 10-11 million increase by 3.6 million t/a from 2014 to sector could crimp acid availability from ing Chinese steel production has reduced and China, where sulphur nutrient deficit
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28 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 29 Web: w


is a large problem. The current global sul- tem capable of handling acid gas streams that dual detectors are better than single determining step) without the presence impurity levels in terms of mercury, arsenic brings additional technical risks, and Whats in issue 362
phur fertilizer market is about 10 million with different compositions, including ones. Both speakers also argued that dual of O2. This allows use of a wider variety and halides. He presented case studies to potential equipment failure rates must
tonnes S, but the estimated requirement ammonia as the main contaminant. wavelength pyrometer detection was supe- of sparge gases, including Claus process show a range of solutions to these issues. also be built into the calculation.
6 is still double that. Traditional S-containing Ralph Weiland of Optimised Gas Treat- rior to dual colour pyrometry, the latter of vapour itself. The catalytic degassing has Kansanshi Mining in Zambia has Matthew Viergutz of DuPont MECS

fertilizers like TSP, SoP and AS are now ing looked at the effect of methyl monoeth- which can be affected by changes in gas a smaller contact zone and hence footprint installed a new metallurgical acid plant looked at trends in acid plant design over COVER FEATURE 1
being joined by a variety of complex sul- anolamine (MMEA) on the performance of composition. than conventional oxygen degassing. as part of its new copper smelter. Doug- the past 30 years, including cost-effective
phur enhanced fertilizers. tail gas and acid gas enrichment units. Chris Onysko of Aecometric considered las Louie of DKK Engineering and Stefan wet gas processes for small plants, and
8 As a highly reactive amine, its presence design challenges for acid plant burners
Waste heat boilers Mohsler of Outotec took delegates through the converse move to very large scale Refinery SO2
Sulphur recovery even in relatively small concentration (<1% and tail gas incinerators in SRU plants. the plant design concepts and construc- double absorption plants to achieve econ- emissions
9 w/w) can cause tremendous loss of selec- Failure to control temperature can lead to The final papers in the sulphur recovery tion and commissioning of the facility. omies of scale. Tightening emissions leg-
The technical sessions were held on tivity by increasing the absorption rate of many problems, from inadequate ammonia section concerned waste heat boilers. Smelter start-up occurred successfully in islation is now also changing plant design,
10 Wednesday and Thursday in two parallel carbon dioxide. Using ProTreat software it destruction to shortened combustor and Mark Welters of Innalox presented his March 2015. while energy recovery and on-stream time
streams, begun by Tom Engert of Cameron is now possible to construct simulations refractory lifetimes in tail gas incinerators. companys patented two piece system On the SO2 emission side, Laurent affect operating expense. MECS believe COVER FEATURE 2
11 Custom Process Systems, who described that properly account for degradation and Many of these problems can be solved at (TPS) of ferrules and refractory blocks for Thomas of Shell Cansolv looked at the that their new Maxene design is able to
the use of the Thipoaq biodesulphurisa- contamination which can reveal these the design phase, to prevent issues from tubesheet protection which places the combination of Bayqik and Cansolv scrub- synthesise these trends into an integrated
12 tion system, which Cameron licenses from potential pitfalls during the design phase occurring. By-passing clean acid gas to blocks behind he ferrules instead of sur- bing technologies and the synergies that solution, and it has begun basic engineer- Sulphur market
Paquell BV, to remove H2S from wellhead rather than the more expensive option of destroy ammonia, diverting combustion rounding them, acting like a flexible blan- exist between the two processes for reduc- ing on its first grassroots Maxene plant. trends
Robert Buckingham of General Atomics
13 gas in a sour gas application in Illinois. An remediation during operation. air to cool a combustor and inducing swirl ket to protect the tubesheet. The blocks ing SO2 levels in off-gas.
alkaline solution removes H2S, and the sul- Tail gas lines carrying Claus process in tail gas to regulate incinerator wall tem- have an overlap to prevent gases or radia- Finally, Kieber Jurado of the Southern presented a study of a sulphur-burning tur-
phide solution then reacts with bacteria in gas after the final condenser stage and peratures can be easily implemented dur- tion by-passing them. Peru Copper Corporations Ilo plant gave bine using exergy analysis. He showed that
14 the presence of oxygen to produce solid lines leaving air swept sulphur pits are ing this phase, avoiding more expensive Finally, Elmo Nasato examined the an operators eye view of metallurgical the turbine combustion can lead to much COVER FEATURE 3
sulphur, which is removed by filtration. prone to corrosion but the phenomenon is remediation later. impact of waste heat boiler design on its acid production. The No1 acid plant, with higher electricity generation than conven-
15 Lean acid gas applications can be prob- poorly understood. Peter Clark of Alberta An interesting paper by Angie Slavens operation and reliability, including mechan- a design capacity of 525 t/d, has been tional suphur burning, and proposed sul-
lematic for Claus plants. Benoit Mares of Sulphur Research Ltd presented the discussed the trade-off between SO2 and ical considerations, tube to tubesheet expanded to 1,050 t/d, and a future expan- phur as an energy carrier, storing energy Sulphur burning
16 Prosernat explained the use of Smartsulf results of ASRL studies which show that CO2 emissions. Sulphur recovery efficiency welds, start-up procedures, steam quality, sion will take that to 1,690 t/d, as well as recovered from solar power and then burn- optimisation
reactors, on their own for lean acid gas wet sulphur corrosion is inevitable below has climbed since the 1970s, from around boiler feed water composition, boiler water converting it to a 2:1 double contact- dou- ing it to generate power when needed.
17 applications, or downstream of a Claus the water dew point, which could occur 93-97% to 99.2%, 99.9%, and now even blowdown and ceramic ferrules. ble absorption (DCDA) configuration. Herbert Lee of Chemetics considered
plant to deal with H2S slip. The reactor where sulphur build up allows insulation of 99.99%. However, high sulphur recovery the merits of anodic protected stainless
18 incorporates an internal heat exchanger the interior of the pipe from external heat. efficiency comes with a penalty in terms of Metallurgical acid Sulphuric acid catalysts steel vs non-anodic protected silicon alloy COVER FEATURE 4
which recovers the heat of reaction and Stainless steels are far more resistant than CO2 emissions. Taking five different cases, stainless steel in a sulphuric acid cooler.
19 improves the sulphur recovery rate sub-
stantially. The lean gas configuration has
carbon steels, however. Such corrosion
can almost always be mitigated by raising
she showed that CO2 emissions start to
climb exponentially as you reach very
The sulphuric acid section of the confer-
ence began with two sessions on metal-
Two papers concerned sulphuric acid
catalysts. Via computational fluid dynamic
Alloy coolers are costlier for larger cooler
sizes, but have better corrosion resistance
Sulphur plant
20 seen application in biogas clean-up. the temperature and proper heat tracing. high sulphur recovery efficiencies. They lurgical acid production. John Orlando of (CFD) modelling, Christina Schmitt of at higher acid temperatures or cyclic tem- design
Kinetics Technology has been working Forough Fatemi of Jacobs Comprimo only increase by 20% moving from 97% to Noram Engineering & Constructors noted BASF highlighted new developments in perature variation.
21 on H2S removal strategies with the Univer- Sulphur Solutions considered the ways 99.9%, but there is a big jump to 99.99% that the concentration of SO2 in feed gas BASFs acid catalyst pore structure and Brian Lamb of MECS presented case
sity of Salerno, and Simona Cortesa of KT in which liquid sulphur can build up in a for a very small gain in SO2 recovery up to to a metallurgical acid plant can vary form geometry to ameliorate pressure drop in studies in next generation furnace designs
22 presented the fruits of this research, the SRU, potentially leading to problems such 480 tonnes of CO2 per incremental tonne 6-13%, occasionally reaching concentra- environments with high dust accumulation. for sulphuric acid plants, using technolo-
Catalytic Membrane Reactor (CMRS) pro- as solid sulphur blockages, fire and equip- of S recovered. tions below the autothermal limit and Per Sorensen of Haldor Topsoe con- gies like VectorWall and CFD modelling to
23 cess, which cracks H2S to H2 and S and ment damage. Causes can include block- leading to incomplete conversion and centrated on acid converter start-up, when craft customised solutions to meet indi-
removes the H2 to drive the equilibrium, age of sulphur rundown lines by catalyst Degassing increased SO2 emissions. He proposed a emissions can be at their highest, and vidual needs.
The last paper was taken by Leonard
24 as well as recovering H2. The novel tech- dust or debris, which can combined with skid-mounted sulphur-burning system as steady state models inadequate guides to
nology is now proven at an experimental sulphur to form a sulphur concrete, Shell supplies its sulphur degassing tech- an ado-on to generate additional SO2 at plant performance. In order to improve pre- Friedman of Acid Engineering and Consult-

25 stage and is moving to a pilot plant to dem- blockage in improperly designed lines, or nology to reduce H2S content of molten such times. This can also provide a solu- dictive modelling, a semi-empirical math- ing, who showed the damage that can be SULPHUR

onstrate it. malfunctions in the heating system. All sulphur down to below 10 ppmv. However, tion for SRUs, using SO2 to convert H2S to ematical model has been set up for an SO2 caused by hydrogen explosions in acid
Amine Experts Mike Shellan presented of these can be mitigated, e.g. by paying regulatory authorities are now also look- S and boost capacity. converter with parameters adjusted to both plants 15 in the past 15 years, as com-
26 the Seven Deadly Sins of Sour Water Strip- attention to dust removal during catalyst ing at the emissions of SO2 from sulphur Haldor Topsoe has made an improve- dynamic and steady state conditions. He pared to only one incident in the 30 years
ping; incorrectly designing the sour water loading, and proper design of e.g. steam plants, with World Bank standards of 150 ment to its wet gas sulphuric acid process compared model simulations with operat- before that. Hydrogen is generated by JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 stripper column; incorrectly controlling heating systems. mgSO2/Mn3 often cited exiting the incin- for metallurgical acid plants, as described ing data from real world acid plants. weak acid corrosion and builds up in stag-
the overhead and acid gas temperatures; Temperature measurement is also vital erator, equivalent to 35 ppmv in the stack by Morten Thellefsen of Haldor Topsoe. An nant areas of the plant. Single absorption
28 gas. Ries Janssen of Shell Global Solu-
poorly managing the sour water; poorly for smooth operation of the Claus furnace. improved heat exchange layout replaces Acid plant operations plants avoided this issue but the move
operating or designing the flash vessel and Steve Croom of Delta Controls spoke to tions showed that this can be achieved the molten salt system with a combination to double absorption plants means there
29 feed stabilisation tank; inadequate removal the advantages of two-colour pyrometry using its pressurised version of the tech- of gas/gas heat exchangers and a high The final sulphuric acid papers on Thurs- is less of a draft through the plant to
of solids and liquid hydrocarbons, lack of a in reaction furnace temperature meas- nology, which allows for recycle of the vent pressure steam system. The new layout day began with a strand on heat recovery. remove hydrogen, while a switch to e.g.
30 detailed sour water analysis; and neglect- urement, which can solve the problems gas without influencing sulphur run-down improves process control and plant opera- Stefan Braeuner of Outotec considered shell and tube heat exchangers allows
ing the sour water stripped metallurgy. He caused by occlusion using a single colour pressure and replaces the degassing pit tion, he said, especially for fluctuating the trade-offs in installing a heat recovery water leaks into the acid. To ameliorate
31 was followed by Giuliano LaPorta of Siirtec pyrometer. The same subject was also the with a safer pressure vessel. flows and SO2 levels. system in a hypothetical 4,500 t/d acid the problem he suggested eliminating
Nigi, who presented a case study on an topic for David Ducharme of LumeSense A new degassing technology was pre- Fluctuating SO2 feed levels was also plant for increased energy efficiency. The stagnant areas where the H2 can build Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 SRU with a dual stage sour water stripper Technologies, who compared eyeball/col- sented by James Hartman of Controls the topic for Colin Bartlet of Outotec, in process can show a return on investment up, reducing the surface area available for London SE1 7SJ, England
system and ammonia incineration section, our chart estimation, thermocouples, and Southeast Inc, which uses a catalyst to the light of declining sulphide ore grades within 2.4 years, although it involves the corrosion, and detecting water and steam Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 where the challenge was to design a sys- of course pyrometers, and also concluded expedite H2Sx decomposition (the rate worldwide, which often also bring higher generation of hot sulphuric acid, which leaks early on.
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30 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 31 Web: w



The Shah project Whats in issue 362

In the meantime, the front end engi-
5 neering and design (FEED) study for the
project was completed by March 2009
6 and individual optimisation studies for

the fields sour gas reserves were car- COVER FEATURE 1
An overview of the huge Shah sour gas project, full production, producing 1,000 million ried out by Occidental and BP. Adnoc
scf/d of sour gas, with a gas processing completed negotiations with Occidental
8 which came on-stream last year, producing up to plant to extract a nominal 500 million scf/d Petroleum in early 2011, and formed a Refinery SO2


3 million tonnes per year of additional sulphur. of sales gas (as well as 23% H2S, the raw new joint venture company, Al Hosn Gas, emissions
9 gas also contains 10% CO2). In addition the to develop the project. Because all of
project would produce 4,400 t/d of natural the preliminary work had been done at
10 gas liquids, 33,000 bbl/d of condensate, this point, construction was able to begin

he largest development in the sul- government began casting around for a and 9,200 t/d of sulphur (3 million t/a). almost immediately.
11 phur industry last year was the start- development partner to provide technical The four sulphur recovery units the larg- The completed Shah facility, Abu Dhabi.
up of the massive Shah sour gas expertise in sour gas recovery. Bids for the est in the world to process the 1 billion Project development Sulphur market
12 project. Shah and other similar projects in Bab and Shah gas field developments were cfd of sour gas would each have a capacity recovery units with tail gas treatment for loading and export were to be devel-
and around the Arabian Gulf region have sought in April 2007, but companies were of 2,500 t/d of sulphur production. The project was initially split into 10 pack- units, each with a capacity of 25%. Pack- oped under package eight. Finally, pack- trends
13 the potential to radically change the global reluctant to bear such a large technical and In July 2008 the Abu Dhabi National ages. The first involved development of age four covered offsites and utilities, ages nine and ten covered plant roads,
market for sulphur. environmental risk, and so the two projects Oil Company (Adnoc) sighed a $10 billion the gas gathering system, covering the package five gas, condensate and natu- security fences and support facilities, and
were separated out, with Shah tendered development agreement with ConocoPhil- development of wells, pipelines and gath- ral gas liquid pipelines, and package six non-process buildings such as workshops,
Abu Dhabi first, in August 2007. Four pre-qualified lips, and a year later the parties agreed to ering lines. Package two consisted of the initially included a 275 km liquid sulphur warehouses and vehicle maintenance. COVER FEATURE 3
companies tendered for the overall project; share the project cost via a new joint venture gas processing plant, including includes pipeline to carry sulphur from the Shah Saipem was awarded the engineering,
15 The rationale from Abu Dhabis side is a ConocoPhillips, Occidental, Shell and Exx- company which would set up the project, in four acid gas removal units, each with field to Ruwais via Habshan. Package procurement and construction (EPC) con-
fairly simple one the Emirate is short of onMobil. In 2008, a 3D seismic survey was which Adnoc would have a 60% stake and a 25% capacity, two natural gas liquid seven involved the development of a tract to build the gas process plant and Sulphur burning
16 gas. The UAE as a whole produced 57.8 conducted of the field and three appraisal ConocoPhillips 40%. In April 2010, however, (NGL) recovery trains with a capacity of sulphur terminal with a liquid sulphur stor- the sulphur recovery unit, as well as the optimisation
bcm of natural gas in 2014, virtually all of wells were drilled between 2006 and 2008. in the wake of the global banking crash 50% each, and two condensate hydro- age capacity of 21,000 t/d and 11,000 EPC contract for the gas and NGL pipelines.
17 it from Abu Dhabi. However, consumption, Technical studies were carried out by Shell ConocoPhillips decided to end its partner- treater trains with 50% capacity each. t/d of granulation capacity. Storage facili- Fluor licensed its sulphur recovery technol-
led mainly by the rapidly growing cities of and ExxonMobil, while the conceptual study ship in the Shah gas project as part of the Package three consisted of four sulphur ties for solid sulphur and marine facilities ogy for the SRUs. However, Adnoc had a
18 Abu Dhabi and Dubai, was 69.3 bcm. Ten was carried by Fluor Corporation. companys shift in focus from downstream COVER FEATURE 4
years ago the UAE was a net gas exporter, The scope of the project was decided and midstream activities towards upstream
19 and it still exports 8 bcm per year from
the Das Island LNG terminal (see Figure
during FEED to cover 32 sour gas wells at exploration and production.
Sulphur plant
20 1). However, in return it has to import 18 Fig 1: Abu Dhabis gas processing facilities design
bcm per year of natural gas along the Dol-
North Field
21 phin pipeline from Qatar. Historically most
of the UAEs gas output was associated
Ras Laffan
22 gas from oil production, but not only is the
supply of this limited, it is also controlled Dolphin
23 by OPEC quotas. Therefore, like neighbour-
Umm Shaif Dubai Fujairah
ing Saudi Arabia and Oman, in order to Doha

24 generate new gas to run power plants, the

country has been forced to look deep into Das Island Khuff
25 the desert, where there are large, deep SULPHUR

gas fields of highly sour gas. The first of
these earmarked for development has Abu Dhabi
26 been the Shah field, but there are other
large fields at Bab and elsewhere (Hail, Ruwais
Al Ain
27 Shuwaihat).

28 Bab
Shah Bu Hara Asab OMAN

29 The Shah gas field, around 210km south- U.A.E

southweest of Abu Dhabi, was first discov-
30 ered as long ago as 1966. It is part of a KEY:
large gas-bearing formation 60km by 11km, S
Shah Gas pipeline
31 although Abu Dhabi does not quote its Gas field
reserves separately. As the gas was found LNG terminal Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 to be highly sour (23% H2S), it was left to SAUDI ARABIA Gas processing plant London SE1 7SJ, England
lie under the desert. Abu Dhabis change Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 of heart came in the mid-2000s, and the
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32 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 33 Web: w


5 Fig 2: Layout for main gas processing plant at the end of 2013, and the Shah gas field-
Article Issue Pg Whats in issue 362
Ruwais rail link by the end of 2014.
Gas production began in January 2015, ASRL reviews
6 Current research strands within ASRL Sep/Oct 41

index 2015
ramping up to full capacity of 1 billion
Taking advantage of existing equipment in a Claus SRU system Mar/Apr 29
scf/d of raw gas by October. All gas pro- COVER FEATURE 1
cessing trains and sulphur recovery units Catalysts
were operational by this date, and all prod- A better picture of working catalysts Jan/Feb 44
8 ucts being produced to specifications. Selection of sulphuric acid catalysts grows Jan/Feb 50 Refinery SO2
Soot formation on Claus catalyst Nov/Dec 32
9 Sulphur output A complete listing of all articles and news Claus plants/SRUs
Analysers and next generation SRU control Jan/Feb 32
10 Prior to the start-up of Shah Abu Dhabis sul- items that appeared in Sulphur magazine Benefits of heat stable salts in tail gas treaters Jul/Aug 34
phur production came mainly from the Hab- during 2015. Boosting sulphur recovery with sub-dewpoint processes Mar/Apr 44
11 shan processing plant, using associated gas Desulphurisation of coke oven gas
Direct reduction of SO2 to elemental sulphur

from the Bab and Habshan fields, which was

12 taken to the port of Ruwais for export. Total Highsulf Plus makes its debut May/Jun 30 Sulphur market
output from these sources was about 1.5 mil- How to avoid problems with BTX
Limiting factors in reaction furnace linings
13 lion t/a. There was an additional 400,000 t/a
Sour to power Sep/Oct 62
from the Das Island LNG facility, and 100,000
Sulphur recovery technology trends Sep/Oct 46
t/a from the Ruwais refinery, for a total out-
14 Timely furnace replacement at Burnside Jan/Feb 52
change of heart on the heated sulphur pipe- In order to manage the risk from H2S, put of 2.0 million t/a. But the major expan-
Conference/meeting reports
line which would have been the longest the gas processing plant is split into three sions at Habshan and Shah have boosted
15 such line of tis kind in the world and liquid zones; western, central and east, with production from the two fields to 22,000 MESPON 2015 Nov/Dec 30

sulphur facility during 2009-10, because the high pressure sour gas confined to t/d, or about 7.5 million t/a by late 2015.
TSI comes to Spain May/Jun 24 Sulphur burning
16 of technical and environmental risks, and the western area. The central area holds Etihad Rail said in September 2015 that it
TSI preview Mar/Apr 24
SOGAT 2015 May/Jun 28
eventually decided instead that all of the amine regeneration for the gas sweetening had already transported 2 million tonnes of
17 sulphur from the site would be granulated process, the sulphur recovery units and a sulphur to Ruwais, and that it expected to be
Sulphur 2015 preview Sep/Oct 24
Vienna Brimstone Sulphur Recovery Symposium Jul/Aug 32
at the Shah site, and then transferred by central refrigeration section, as well as the transporting 7 million t/a during 2016. Shah
18 rail to handling facilities Ruwais. The deci- plant control room and many of its utilities alone will be responsible for 3 million t/a of
Health, Safety and Environment
Making sulphur safer by degassing May/Jun 43
sion was made easier by the parallel deci- systems. The eastern area includes the this. To move it, Etihad Rails fleet currently
19 Managing the risk of H2S Nov/Dec 28
sion to build a rail line from Abu Dhabi to
Ruwais as part of a national rail network,
natural gas liquids recovery plant, residue
gas compressors, condensate hydrotreat-
comprises seven locomotives and 240 hop-
per wagons. Phosphates Sulphur plant
20 which the Shah line could connect to. Eti- ers, chemical and product storage facilities Phosphate demand for sulphuric acid
The return of SSP
Jul/Aug 20
Jan/Feb 20
had Railway was given the contract to build and administrative and non-process build- Bab
21 the 265 km stretch of the rail line from ings, which are deliberately placed as far Product forming and handling
Shah via Habshan to Ruwais. The contract from the sour gas section as possible. With Shah now up and running, attention Airborne sulphur particulate in formed sulphur handling Sep/Oct 30
SUDIC specifications mind the gap Jan/Feb 24
22 for the granulation technology was awarded has turned back to the Bab project, originally
Sulphur storage Nov/Dec 22
to Enersul, which provided 12 of its GXM1 Progress slated to be developed in parallel with Shah.
23 sulphur granulators and associated equip- Like Shah, Bab has a provisional price tag Special supplements
Sulphur forming project listing 2015 May/Jun 22
ment for the sulphur plant, which is located EPC packages were awarded in early 2010, of $10 billion and is aiming to extract 1 bil-
Sulphur recovery project listing 2015 Mar/Apr 34
24 15km away from the main gas processing and the first work camp at Liwa was up and lion scfd of raw gas. The gas at Bab is even
plant in order to provide additional safety in running by January 2011, at which time sourer than at Shah, with an average H2S Sulphur industry/markets

25 the event of a sour gas blowout. A heated development drilling began. The pace picked content of 33%, which will inevitably lead to Americas refining renaissance Jul/Aug 28 SULPHUR

sulphur pipeline connects the gas plant to up with the accession of Occidental to the more sulphur production perhaps 15,000 Lithium sulphur batteries Nov/Dec 19
the sulphur forming plant. project and by May 2011 the main access t/d or more. Shell was selected in 2013 to Sour gas update Mar/Apr 20
26 road and site preparation work and fencing develop the project with Adnoc, and com- Sulphur a refiners perspective Jan/Feb 30
Sulphur from oil sands May/Jun 18 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 Technical challenges was completed and the site handed over to pleted a pre-FEED study early last year. A
Sulphur in fertilizers Sep/Oct 30
the EPC contractors. Work was 45% com- full FEED study was to have begun this year,
Tightening regulations on sulphur in fuels Sep/Oct 32
Project development presented consider- plete by May 2012 and 90% of engineering but in January 2016, Shell announced that
28 able technical challenges for the companies achieved by June that year, with develop- it was withdrawing from the project, com- Sulphuric acid markets
involved. The gas lies up to 5km down, with, ment drilling completed by July. Water and menting that an evaluation it had conducted Acid leaching for metal extraction Nov/Dec 24
29 as noted, 23% hydrogen sulphide and 10% power supplies and all piping interfaces concluded that for Shell, the development Smelter acid update Jul/Aug 24
Sulphuric acid in Europe Sep/Oct 28
carbon dioxide content. At that depth the were complete by May 2013, and the pro- of the project does not fit with the compa-
30 temperature is 150C and the pressure as ject was overall 90% comnpelte at the end nys strategy, particularly in the economic
Sulphuric acid reclamation
Sumitomo a change in focus
high as 5,500 psi. The remoteness of the of 2013, with 17 wells drilled on five pads. climate prevailing in the energy industry.
31 site also meant that work had to begin from Well drilling continued throughout 2014, and The company is currently concerned with its Sulphuric acid technology
A bigger future for SX Sep/Oct 76
scratch; building roads to allow access for a all 32 wells in the phase 1 drilling program giant merger with BG. Production from Bab Furnace replacement Southbank House, Black Prince Road
Maintaining your sulphuric acid plant May/Jun 34
32 site population of 35,000 during the construc- were completed by the end of 2014, several was tentatively set for 2020 a couple of at DuPont, Burnside,
Polymers in sulphuric acid service May/Jun 38
London SE1 7SJ, England
tion phase, who must operate 210 km from months ahead of original plan. Meanwhile, years ago, but looks certain to slip from that Sulphur 356, Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
Sulphuric acid process simulation and monitoring Jul/Aug 40
33 the nearest city in temperatures of 50C. the Habshan-Ruwais rail link was completed date now. Jan/Feb 2015, p52.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

34 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 35 Web: w

2 INDEX 2015 INDEX 2015

3 Sulphur industry news Sulphuric acid news

5 Country Sulphur industry news Issue Pg Country Sulphur industry news Issue Pg Country Sulphuric acid news Issue Pg Whats in issue 362
Kansanshi smelter
Bahrain BAPCO awards plant contract Mar/Apr 10 Poland Tecnimont to upgrade Gdansk refinery Sep/Oct 12 Angola Licenses granted for phosphate export Jan/Feb 16 ramping up, Sulphur 359,
6 Belgium Work begins on Antwerp coker Jan/Feb 11 Qatar Research collaboration on sour gas pipe corrosion Jul/Aug 11 Australia Cobre Montana pushing acid route to lithium Jul/Aug 15 July/August 2015, p17.

7 Brazil OCP buys 10% stake in Brazilian distributor Mar/Apr 12 Start-up for acid gas removal unit Jul/Aug 11 More job cuts at BHP Billiton Sep/Oct 20 COVER FEATURE 1
Russia Ammonium sulphate granulation plant Jul/Aug 14 Outotec buys Kempe smelting technology Jan/Feb 14
Canada Construction complete on CCS project Nov/Dec 11
Progress on phosphate mine Nov/Dec 16
8 Fire takes Syncrude upgrader offline Nov/Dec 11 Lukoil commissions SRU train
Tecnimont to build Gazprom refinery
Jul/Aug 13
Jul/Aug 13 Rare earths leaching project passes approvals stage Mar/Apr 14 Refinery SO2
VMG and OGT announce alliance Nov/Dec 11
Saudi Arabia Bidding under way for Fadhili gas plant Mar/Apr 10 Ravensthorpe nickel mine closed after acid spill Jan/Feb 14 emissions
9 China Chuandongbei start-up set for October Sep/Oct 12
Bids in for Fadhili gas plant Sep/Oct 12 Ravensthorpe to operate at 70% capacity Mar/Apr 14
Denmark Topsoe wins award for bunker fuel scrubbing system Jan/Feb 11 Study prefers nitric acid for leaching May/Jun 14
Contracts awarded for Fadhili gas plant Nov/Dec 12
10 Egypt Major refinery upgrade May/Jun 11 PetroRabigh tenders for SRU Nov/Dec 12 Botswana BCL studies sulphuric acid plant viability Jan/Feb 16
Technip to expand MIDOR refinery Sep/Oct 15 Samref completes desulphurisation unit Jan/Feb 10 Brazil Cash raised for Tres Estradas feasibility study Sep/Oct 20 COVER FEATURE 2
11 Finland Neste takes largest turnaround at Porvoo May/Jun 10 Wasit gas plant begins partial commissioning May/Jun 10
MBAC considering mothballing Itafos Mar/Apr 15

France Axens to install HDS technology in Donges refinery Nov/Dec 12
Wasit not yet processing sour gas
South Korea Contract awarded for residue upgrading expansion
Sep/Oct 12
Canada Agrium considering selling phosphate business Jul/Aug 16 Sulphur market
FMC and PROSERNAT in technology alliance Nov/Dec 12
Total to close La Mede, add desulphurisation May/Jun 11 Turkey Major refinery upgrade programme May/Jun 10
Arianne in cost-cutting exercise
Arianne Phosphate looks to additional finance
13 India Bharat to double refinery capacity Sep/Oct 15 UAE Gasco awards contracts for IGD phase 3 Mar/Apr 10 Arianne secures deal with First Nations Jul/Aug 16
Country Sulphuric acid news Issue Pg
BPCL to press on with refinery expansion Jul/Aug 14 Legal challenge to IMO sulphur regulations? May/Jun 10 Converters in place for Clean AER project Sep/Oct 18 Peru Focus studying Bayovar expansion May/Jun 12
14 First sulphur cargo from Mangalore Jan/Feb 11 Outotec to provide gas cleaning for zinc refinery Jan/Feb 12
Gujarat refinery sulphur upgrade Jan/Feb 11
Shah reaches full capacity
Shah start-up slips to Q2
Copper North revises Carnacks assessment
Copper North revises leaching plan
14 Southern Copper abandons Tia Maria copper project May/Jun 12 COVER FEATURE 3
15 Paradip refinery commissioning 1Q 2015 Jan/Feb 11 Shah to reach capacity in 2Q 2015 May/Jun 10 Outotec buys Kovit Engineering Sep/Oct 18 Tia Maria delayed but still continuing says SCC Jul/Aug 16
Iran Iran looks to South Pars JVs Sep/Oct 14 Wintershall optimistic about Shuwaihat field Mar/Apr 10 Potash Ridge acquires SOP project Sep/Oct 18 Rep of Congo Cominco optimistic about Hinda Jul/Aug 17 Sulphur burning
16 SRU at Pars phase 12 not yet operational Mar/Apr 10 UK New sulphur enhanced urea technology Jul/Aug 12 Start-up for carbon and SO2 capture project Mar/Apr 14 Russia Acid plant commissioned at uranium mine Nov/Dec 17 optimisation
Talks on Oman pipeline resume Sep/Oct 14 Total fined for sulphur accident Jul/Aug 12 CFIh buys Giprochim Jul/Aug 15
Chile Antucoya delayed into 3Q Sep/Oct 16
17 Italy Diesel solutions highlighted at conference Nov/Dec 12 Total to cut output at Lindsey Mar/Apr 12 Mines reopen after floods May/Jun 12 Copper smelter modernisation Jan/Feb 16
Vertical sulphur pumps Jul/Aug 12 Output issue at Caserones Sep/Oct 16 DuPont holds acid emissions technology seminar Sep/Oct 21
Kazakhstan Funding arranged for Pavlodar refinery revamp Mar/Apr 12
18 Kashagan start-up in 2017 according to Shell May/Jun 10 USA Abrasion resistant ceramics for oil sands operations Sep/Oct 14 Outotec to upgrade Porterillos copper smelter Jan/Feb 14 In-situ uranium leach to begin next year Mar/Apr 15
EIA revises down expected RFO demand Nov/Dec 13 Russia moves to Euro V standard May/Jun 14
Kashagan still aiming for late 2016 Sep/Oct 15 China BASF to build electronics grade acid plant Jan/Feb 12
19 Oil production at Kashagan to resume in 2016 Mar/Apr 12 Keystone clears Senate hurdle Jan/Feb 10 Saudi Arabia Rail wagons contract signed for Maaden Nov/Dec 16
Kuwait Refinery contracts awarded Sep/Oct 12
Keystone XL pipeline rejected Nov/Dec 13
Chinese-Israeli phosphate joint venture
Commercial reference for solid acid alkylation
Jan/Feb 12
Sep/Oct 18
Waad al Shamal on track for 2016 Mar/Apr 16 Sulphur plant
20 Malaysia Axens selected for RAPID project Jul/Aug 14
Melter tank delivered to Mosaic project
Permit review for Albany oil sands terminal
Jul/Aug 11
Jul/Aug 12
ICL in Chinese joint venture Nov/Dec 14 Senegal Minemakers buys Baobab phosphate project Nov/Dec 16 design
ZChP to build phosphoric acid plant in Senegal Jan/Feb 16
Mexico Cooperation agreement for oil and gas projects Jul/Aug 14 Port Arthur reports operational upset Jul/Aug 11 Egypt Contract awarded for phosphoric acid plant Jul/Aug 15
21 New oil and gas bonanza in Mexico? Sep/Oct 14 Post-conference workshop Jan/Feb 10 Egypt to establish $460 million phosphate zone Jan/Feb 12 South Africa Elandsfontein awards phosphate contract May/Jun 13
Phosphate barge sinks May/Jun 12 Montero moves to pre-feasibility study Sep/Oct 16
Pemex puts refinery upgrades on hold Mar/Apr 12 Sulphur recovery tail gas analyser Jan/Feb 10
22 Oman Petrofac awarded contract in Oman Jul/Aug 11 Venezuela Sulphur output at El Palito to increase Mar/Apr 12 Finland Partnership for slurry pumps in metals processing Nov/Dec 17
S America Outotec to deliver solvent extraction technology May/Jun 12
Syria Islamic State in charge of phosphate mine Jul/Aug 16
India GSFC begins work on new DAP plant Mar/Apr 16
23 Tajikistan Loan for construction of acid plant Mar/Apr 15
Indonesia Month long outage at Gresik Sep/Oct 18
Togo Strike at phosphate mines Jan/Feb 15
24 Bapco awards plant Jordan Jifco plant inaugurated Nov/Dec 16
Tunisia Phosphate production down again May/Jun 14
contract, Sulphur 357, JPMC concludes acid agreement Mar/Apr 16
25 March/April 2015, p10. JPMC signs export deal with India and Serbia Jan/Feb 15 Phosphate trains collide in Gafsa Jan/Feb 16 SULPHUR

Uganda Chinese joint venture for phosphate development Jan/Feb 14
Kazakhstan First delivery from Eurochem phosphate mine Nov/Dec 16
26 Study on new smelter May/Jun 13 USA ASARCO required to remediate SO2 emissions Nov/Dec 14
Cardero in restructuring to develop copper leach Sep/Oct 20
Madagascar More problems for Ambatovy Jul/Aug 16
Construction nears completion on gasification project Sep/Oct 18 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 Morocco OCP takes 1 billion debt facility for expansions May/Jun 12 Delays for Paris Hills phosphate project Mar/Apr 16
Symphos discusses acid emissions Jul/Aug 15 Fibreglass acid rank trailer Nov/Dec 14
28 Namibia Bannerman reports successful leach trial Sep/Oct 16 Florence leaching project clears environmental hurdle Jan/Feb 15
Commissioning begins for Tsumeb smelter Sep/Oct 16 Freeport looking at job cuts Sep/Oct 20
29 Concerns over sulphuric acid transport Jul/Aug 15 Mosaic settles over waste allegations Nov/Dec 14
Mississippi Phosphates idles DAP production Jan/Feb 15
Heap leach demonstration at uranium project May/Jun 13
30 Phosphate uncertainty continues Sep/Oct 16
Uranium recovery from phosphoric acid Mar/Apr 16

Tanker order for Tsumeb Nov/Dec 16 Uzbekistan Acid capacity to increase 40% May/Jun 13
31 Tsumeb acid plant nears completion Jan/Feb 12 Vietnam Vietnam approves new SSP plant Mar/Apr 16
New Zealand Chatham Rock Phosphate faces fallout from refusal May/Jun 13 World Copper majors cut production, jobs Nov/Dec 14 Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 Permit refused for offshore phosphate mining Mar/Apr 14 Zambia CCM forced to stop production over pollution Nov/Dec 17
London SE1 7SJ, England
Norway Major titanium dioxide project gets approval May/Jun 14 FQM says smelter production is ramping up Jul/Aug 17 Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

36 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 37 Web: w



Sulphur burning Whats in issue 362

Fig 1: Cross section of furnace and spray coverage for different nozzle types and low velocity areas. This information
5 can then be used to analyse the spray
gun placement. Fig. 2b is the tempera-
6 ture profile with the spray guns turned on.

And Fig. 2c shows the particle tracking COVER FEATURE 1
of the sulphur itself. All of these can be
used to compare actual performance with
8 any maintenance issues or in conjunction Refinery SO2
with studies to optimise performance of emissions
9 the furnace. Getting to a solution is typi-
Optimum equipment for sulphur burning in sulphuric acid plants is not a trivial matter. cally quicker and less costly than repeated
10 However, owners and operators can benefit from technology providers with deep knowledge online tests, and benchmarks can be set
for future analysis as well. COVER FEATURE 2
11 of the process, command of cutting edge analysis tools, and the ability to integrate analytical Another problem that producers may
encounter is spray nozzle turndown. Turn-
results with robust equipment designs. Thus, when analysed by the right industry experts,
down of the nozzle refers to the effective Sulphur market
facility owners can realise improvements that meet and even exceed their goals. operating range of the nozzle, or the ability trends
13 to turn down the flow rate from peak flow
conditions to low flow conditions.
Proper atomisation and consistent
14 Source: Spraying Systems Co. performance is required during start-up, COVER FEATURE 3

he sulphur furnace in a sulphur burn- The spray nozzle needs to handle a a relatively low cost to operate as compared low flow operation, as well as peak sul-
15 ing sulphuric acid plant is generally bulk mass of fluid that is delivered through to a pneumatic nozzle since it does not phur throughput. Methods used to adjust
a large horizontal cylindrical ves- it at a specific pressure drop. When this require compressed air. with mass transfer applications such as spray pattern opens up enough that wet- the flow rate are to use multiple sulphur Sulphur burning
16 sel of carbon steel, lined internally with mass of fluid exits the nozzle, it is then Pneumatic spray nozzles require com- evaporation and combustion. A more use- ting of the furnace bottom is a concern. guns or to adjust the operating pressure of optimisation
refractory brick. Air and liquid sulphur converted into a predictable drop size pressed air to provide primary atomisation. ful number is the Sauter mean diameter None of the spray droplets shown in Fig. the individual nozzles, or a combination of
17 are fed into the furnace via a sulphur gun spectrum with a specific spray coverage The liquid and the gas can meet either (D32), which is a means of relating the 1b of the pneumatic spray nozzle impact both. When changing the pressure to obtain
equipped with an atomising spray nozzle or distribution inside the furnace. The drop inside or outside of an air cap depending volume to surface area of a single droplet the wall and it appears that all of the different flow rates, it is important to real-
18 or a rotary cup burner. The internals of a size and coverage required depends on the on the design chosen. Pneumatic nozzles to the total volume to total surface area sprayed sulphur is more able to be vola- ise that the performance of the respective COVER FEATURE 4
sulphur furnace are important to ensure performance characteristics of the furnace. can create either a flat spray or a round of all of the droplets. Another important tised. Further analysis would show that all spray nozzle changes as well. For instance,
19 complete combustion of sulphur to sul-
phur dioxide. The reaction is highly exo-
These include the length and width of the
furnace, heat load, amount of oxygen for
spray pattern, and they produce the small-
est droplets of any of the conventional
drop size parameter for applications where
residence time is a concern, such as the
of the sulphur was converted prior to the
furnace exit.
with a hydraulic nozzle, as you decrease
the pressure in order to decrease the flow
Sulphur plant
20 thermic resulting in a large temperature combustion, placement of baffles, and spray nozzles. gas moving through a combustion furnace, Atomisation is key and is the critical rate, drop size increases and the spray pat- design
increase. A waste heat boiler downstream flow rate of the air through the furnace. is the maximum drop size, since it is this first step as the sulphur is injected into tern or coverage collapses. Changes occur
21 of the furnace is used to remove much of Common problems droplet that will take the longest to evapo- the combustion furnace. Knowing what with air atomising nozzles as well; however,
the heat of combustion. Spraying Systems Co. spray Common problems associated with molten rate or combust. One must account for it happens to these spray droplets and how the changes are more subtle. This is due
22 The design of the sulphur furnace must
nozzle types sulphur spraying include spray atomisa- as well. When comparing different spray it affects the furnace operation can be to the ability to alter the atomising air pres-
achieve good gas mixing and full combus- tion, turndown, plugged nozzles, and sul- nozzles, it is important to clarify which drop enhanced with CFD. Figure 2 shows three sure along with the sulphur feed pressure
23 tion of sulphur prior to leaving the furnace Spray nozzles can be split into two broad phur gun design. size parameter you are using. different furnace profiles. Fig. 2a tracks in order to help maintain a more consistent
and entry to the boiler section. Sulphur categories, either hydraulic or pneumatic The reason that atomisation and drop Figure 1 shows the cross section of the combustion gas as it moves through performance across a wider range of flow
24 droplets impinging on the baffle or checker (also called air atomising or two-fluid noz- size is so important is that it directly a furnace and the spray coverage of a the furnace. rates.
walls will vaporise immediately and burn zles). Hydraulic spray nozzles use only the affects the rate of heat transfer between hydraulic and pneumatic nozzle. It can be This shows what it looks like without Figure 3 shows a BA nozzle spraying

25 to sulphur dioxide. Any unburned sulphur liquid back pressure to determine the flow the combustion gas and the sulphur. Too seen in Fig. 1a that the drop size from the any sulphur injected and can provide valu- 5 gpm and 2 gpm (upper left and lower SULPHUR

that impinges on the carbon steel surfaces rate, spray pattern, and droplet atomisa- often, spray nozzles are chosen based hydraulic nozzle is large enough and the able information about turbulent spots left pictures, respectively) and then a
of downstream boilers, ducting and heat tion. Pneumatic spray nozzles use an addi- mostly on their flow rate instead of on their
26 exchangers will corrode the steel. tional fluid, typically compressed air, to performance. Drop size affects overall sur- Fig 2: Furnace profiles
provide primary liquid breakup. Hydraulic face area. For example, by merely breaking JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
Understanding spray technology spray nozzles can be further classified into up a single 500 micron droplet into sev-
spray pattern types such as hollow cone, eral equally sized droplets of 100 microns
28 When producing sulphuric acid from molten full cone, and flat spray patterns. each, the surface area can be increased by
sulphur, it is critical that the sulphur is For sulphur burning, the most common almost 500%.
29 atomised into sprayed droplets such that types of nozzles are hollow cone hydraulic However, this is not the way spray noz-
combustion occurs efficiently and within nozzles and pneumatic since these typi- zles operate. They do not create 100%
30 the design parameters of the furnace. cally have larger free passages and create equally sized droplets. The sprayed vol-
Each furnace is designed to accommo- smaller droplets than the other nozzle styles. ume comprises many different size drop-
31 date a particular throughput of sulphur to The BA sulphur burning nozzle is a com- lets that make up the drop size spectrum.
oxidise into sulphur dioxide; however, the monly used hollow cone spray nozzle for sul- The volume median diameter is a standard Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 form or the size of the sprayed droplets phur burning. It produces small to medium way of characterising the size droplets that London SE1 7SJ, England
produced becomes a major factor in deter- size droplets, has a fairly large unobstructed a particular nozzle will produce. However, Source: Spraying Systems Co.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 mining when this combustion occurs. flow passage to minimise clogging, and has this number is not useful when dealing
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

38 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 39 Web: w


4 Supported by

5 Fig 3: Spray performance MECS furnace design Whats in issue 362

New products, technologies, and design
6 tools are changing the way sulphuric acid

plant furnaces are designed, operated, and COVER FEATURE 1
maintained. Modern technologies are now
combining experience with sophisticated Beach Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi
8 design tools. The result is a holistic view Refinery SO2
of the furnaces operation and the oppor-
tunity to craft highly customised designs,
March 2024, 2016 emissions
targeted at solving specific problems for
10 owners and operators.
Capturing this opportunity requires ana- COVER FEATURE 2
11 lysing furnace designs with a combination
of detailed sulphuric acid process knowl- March 20
Sulphur market
SOGAT Technical Tour
edge as well as modern tools like CFD
modelling, in order to obtain an in depth trends
13 understanding of the challenges at hand,
Source: Spraying Systems Co. the process environment, and the key vari- March 20
SOGAT Workshops
ables that can be manipulated. Once an
14 analysis is complete, technology providers COVER FEATURE 3
Fig 4: Hybrid sulphur gun Some possible remedies are to use a sul- must make critical design choices. In doing
15 phur gun that has a cleanout port, purging so, it is advantageous to have access to
Sulphur Recovery (Day 1)
with steam or air, or use air atomising noz- highly customisable and adaptable tech- Sour Oil & Gas Process Optimisation (Day 1) Sulphur burning
16 zles so that the atomising air pressure nologies in order to take full advantage of optimisation
will continually move any low flow sulphur the analysis that was performed. Dehydration of Natural Gas (Day 1)
17 through the gun. Merely attempting to use For example, it is useful to run a CFD
the largest possible orifice can lead to poor model to identify improvement opportunities March 21
Source: Spraying Systems Co.
atomisation issues with hydraulic nozzles,
since larger orifices require less pressure
for a furnace with three baffle walls. However,
if the analysis reveals the existence of dead SOGAT Workshops
19 drop, which means larger droplets and a
more limited turndown.
zones in the furnace, the analysis is of very
little value without the existence of a tool
Sulphur Recovery (Day 2) Sulphur plant
20 FM pneumatic nozzle spraying 5 gpm and Sulphur gun design is more of a mechani-

that can solve this problem. MECS Vector- Sour Oil & Gas Process Optimisation (Day 2) design
2 gpm (upper right and lower right pic- cal issue, although it can affect performance Wall ceramic furnace internals are a highly
Dehydration of Natural Gas (Day 2)
21 tures, respectively). It can be seen that if it is not designed properly. The sulphur customisable furnace technology capable of
as the liquid pressure supplied to the BA gun must be designed to allow for thermal being engineered in a variety of different ways Managing BTX in Lean Acid Gas
22 nozzle is reduced in order to reduce the expansion without damaging any internal in order to align its performance with both the
Implications along the Sulphur Supply Chain in
flow rate, the spray performance changes. feed pipes in the gun or any joints. needs of owners and operators as well as the
23 It can easily be seen that the spray pat- Steam jackets are typically used to cool implications of a thorough analysis. Future Market Conditions and Potential Solutions

tern is streaky and less uniform and that the gun and help maintain proper molten MECS VectorWall ceramic furnace
24 there are larger droplets being produced at sulphur temperatures inside the gun. Dur- Internals are constructed from a series of March 22-24
the lower pressure. For the FM pneumatic ing the design phase, code compliance hexagonal blocks that stack together with-

25 nozzle, the change is more subtle and no such as with ASME B31.3 is suggested, out mortar and remain fully supported on 12 International SOGAT Conference

visual difference can be detected. and during manufacture, certified welders all six surfaces, as shown in Fig. 5a.

The performance is more consistent should be used and relevant non-destruc- Each individual block can be fitted with March 22-24
even at the lower flow rate and pressure. tive examinations should be performed. a vector tile in order to create custom flow

Plugged nozzles are yet another concern,
and whenever there is a set orifice size,
Furthermore, there are sulphur guns that
provide operators the ability to use either
patterns inside of the furnace, as shown
in Fig. 5b. Thus, flow fields can be manipu-

there is potential for something to build a pneumatic spray nozzle or hydraulic, lated using this technology in order to cre-
28 up or lodge within that orifice. This is why which provides the flexibility to conduct ate the desired combustion environment
installing properly sized strainers upstream testing with minimal changeover time and and to ultimately help facility owners to
29 of the nozzle is important. However, plugged less cost than purchasing a second gun. meet their various objectives.
nozzles can also occur due to certain operat- Figure 4 is an example of a spray gun
30 ing conditions. Contaminants, such as car- that is designed to ASME B31.3 specifi- Reduced pressure drop
For detailed Programmes and to register your place,
sul, in the sulphur may be a problem. Also, cations and has a steam jacket. The bel- CFD analysis shows that furnace pressure
31 during low flow conditions or when sulphur lows is used to allow for thermal expansion drops can be reduced by using a single

guns are removed, the molten sulphur no without damaging the gun internals. This MECS VectorWall in place of a conven- Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 longer has the velocity it did at higher pres- particular design also accepts either a tional baffle wall design while maintaining London SE1 7SJ, England
sures/flow rates, and the molten sulphur is pneumatic spray nozzle (as shown) or with sufficient levels of mixing to allow for com- Ocial For further information please refer to or contact Nerie Mojica Organised by
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 allowed to solidify inside the nozzle itself. an adapter accepts a hydraulic nozzle. plete combustion. Dome Exhibitions  PO Box 52641  Abu Dhabi  UAE Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
T: +971 2 674 4040  F: +971 2 672 1217  E: Web: w
40 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016


5 Fig 5: MECS VectorWall ceramic furnace internals ventional baffle design, some particles will Fig 8: Recent VectorWall installation for narrower residence time distribution to leverage many of these factors in a Whats in issue 362
miss the baffles and have residence times way that facilitated the execution of a chal-
that are less than the average; some parti- lenging furnace replacement project on an
6 cles will hit the baffles and have residence ambitious schedule.

times that are larger than the average. Due to timing and footprint constraints, COVER FEATURE 1
In optimising the performance of a fur- the new furnace was to be fully bricked
nace, it is useful to be able to analyse the prior to the plant shutdown and then
8 distribution of these various residence times moved into place during the plant turna- Refinery SO2
in order to see what portion of the particles in round. To execute such an ambitious plan, emissions

9 the furnace are exiting the furnace too quickly proper planning, analysis, and mechanical
and what portion of the particles are in the stability of the furnace were key. While
10 furnace for longer than they need to be. proper bricking is an important aspect of
Figure 7 compares the residence time mechanical stability, the HexWall design COVER FEATURE 2
11 Figure 6 shows the typical pressure the 2nd and 3rd could be opened somewhat distribution associated with a typical brick includes additional attributes that enhance
drop improvement associated with the more, while still controlling net temperature baffle design to the residence time dis- overall mechanical stability.
Sulphur market


12 MECS VectorWall design, as compared and gas strength. A temperature set point tribution associated with a VectorWall Conventional baffles are made out of
to a furnace with a baffle wall design. for the sulphur flow was reduced in keeping design. Note that the narrower residence brick and mortar and are susceptible to trends
13 In 2015, a sulphuric acid plant owner with the modified flow pattern, and the plant time distribution associated with Vector- cracking. Thus, it is not uncommon for
sought a replacement for their existing is still fine tuning this arrangement. An early Wall design causes an increase in the facility owners to rebuild conventional baf-

furnace, and selected a MECS furnace combined pressure drop reduction closer to overall furnace efficiency. Fig 9: MECS HexWall installation fle walls on a regular basis. Additionally,
14 design, utilising a single VectorWall in 10" vs. the 2" savings in the furnace alone The narrower residence time distribution the stability of a conventional brick baffle COVER FEATURE 3
place of conventional baffle walls. In this has been observed. Temperature and gas achieved by the VectorWall design indi- wall can vary substantially depending upon
15 particular case, the use of VectorWall strength control are as good as ever, and cates that a higher percentage of particles the skill of the installer.
ceramic furnace internals proved to be even flame stability is not compromised by pass through the furnace in an amount of

By contrast, MECS HexWall ceramic Sulphur burning
16 even more advantageous than indicated the revised flow pattern. The plant is hope- time that is closer to the design point than furnace internals are keyed into the brick optimisation
by the general analysis above. ful that in the long run there is a marginal would have been the case with a conven- lining of the furnace, and stacked together
17 The furnace was designed to burn capacity increase available as well. tional design. Thus, VectorWall technology without mortar. The resulting furnace baf-

enough sulphur to raise gas strength and can be implemented in a way that allows for fle walls are both sturdy and flexible, much
18 temperature in a 4.5% SO2 stream to auto- Increased capacity higher thruput in debottlenecking projects. like a well-built bridge. The advantage to COVER FEATURE 4
thermal conditions for the converter. The A sulphur furnace can be thought of as a In one such case, in 2015, the owner the facility owner is a sturdier structure
19 roaster gas flow is split into three streams
one used as combustion air for the
plug flow reactor. Such a reactor is designed
for a certain target average residence time.
of a sulphuric acid plant sought to replace
a furnace with a larger furnace that would Reduced capital, operating, and

MECS VectorWall design. By using a more
that can be erected in a fraction of the
time it would take to build a conventional
Sulphur plant
20 sulphur burner, and the other two mixed Thus if one can identify the total gas flow allow future capacity increases at the site. maintenance expenditure efficient furnace that can achieve complete baffle wall. This results in reduced installa- design
with the resulting hot gas upstream of the rate, the size of the furnace can then be However, a larger furnace is more expen- combustion in a smaller space, material tion costs and avoided future maintenance
21 2nd and 3rd baffle in the furnace. Each selected to match the target average resi- sive, particularly for retrofits where plot While it is true that the ability to eliminate and assembly costs can be reduced. Table and repair work. Figure 9a illustrates how
acid gas duct is equipped with a damper dence time. If done properly, the actual aver- space is limited and the window of time for furnace dead zones, reductions in pres- 1 shows an example of the savings that are the HexWall is keyed into the furnace lin-
22 to control flow, and facilitate mixing. Net age residence time of the furnace will be installation is tight. In this case, a Vector- sure drop, and reduced residence time dis- possible with a 10% reduction in furnace ing and stacked together without mortar
pressure drop of the system as a whole equal to the target average residence time. Wall design was used in order to narrow tributions all impact the performance of an volume, using VectorWall ceramic furnace (Fig. 9b).
23 ranged from 15 to 25" wc. However, the average residence time is the residence time distribution and use the existing furnace, it is also true that these internals to reduce installation time (thus In this case, the facility owner was able
With the VectorWall in place, the fur- an average of the many different residence overall furnace volume more efficiently; the realities can impact capital and operating reducing installation costs). to execute an aggressive turnaround plan
24 nace operated well with the first damper times that individual particles will have as installation is currently in operation and is expenses substantially. Less obvious furnace replacement which not only preserved the mechani-
open much farther than previously, and even they pass through the furnace. In a con- shown in Fig. 8. For furnace replacement projects at costs include downtime, plot space, and cal integrity of the new furnace, but even
existing facilities, there are many costs that hidden start-up costs, such as the fuel gas enhanced it. Additionally, the HexWall SULPHUR
Fig 6: Pressure drop for 3 baffle walls vs 1 VectorWall Fig 7: Residence time for 3 baffle walls vs 1 VectorWall enter into the project budget. Material and required for refractory cure-out. was installed in approximately one-third
labour costs associated with building and In 2013, a sulphuric acid production the time it would have taken to install
26 Source: MECS bricking a furnace are obvious elements of facility owner sought to replace an existing conventional brick baffle walls, resulting
this equation that can be reduced using an furnace with a HexWall furnace in order in substantial savings in turnaround costs. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
Table 1: Capital savings for a 10% reduction in furnace size (US Gulf Coast pricing basis)
Price using conventional baffle design Price using VectorWall design
29 ($1,000) ($1,000)
Steel shell (materials only) 115 105
30 Brick lining and baffle/VectorWall installation 1,150 900
(including materials and labour)
VectorWall 0 150
Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 Total 1,265 1,155 London SE1 7SJ, England
Source: MECS Source: MECS Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

42 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 43 Web: w


5 NORAM sulphur burner technology Fig 10: NORAM-Cellchem SO2 production system with an SF burner and Fig 11: NORAM pressure-atomized sulphur burners Figure 11 shows some details of NORAMs Whats in issue 362
heat recovery system pressure atomised sulphur burners.
NORAM supplies two types of sulphur
6 burner system: pressure atomisation and Source: NORAM Outotec LURO2 sulphur burning
air atomisation. Table 2 compares pres-
sure atomisation and air atomisation for
sulphur burners. The LURO burner with rotary cup technol-
8 ogy has been a core element of Outotecs Refinery SO2
Air atomised sulphur burners sulphuric acid plants based on sulphur emissions
9 NORAM-Cellchem CF sulphur burners combustion for more than five decades.

The Cyclone-Flame (CF) technology was Recently, Outotec LURO2 sulphur
10 developed for systems that require small burner (see Figs 12 and 13), a new burner
amounts of SO2. These systems typically model has been introduced to the industry COVER FEATURE 2
11 burn 0.5 to 8 t/d of sulphur (i.e. producing to address the changes the global mar-
1 to 16 t/d of SO2). kets have been undergoing for example
12 Two sizes of the CF burners are availa- in terms of environmental regulations and Sulphur market
ble as standard. Practical operating capac- energy efficiency not to mention a con- trends
13 ity ranges are 0.5-4 and 1-8 t/d of sulphur stantly changing competitive landscape.
respectively. At this scale, heat recovery The atomisation technology with a rotary
from the sulphur combustion gases is typi- cup is completely different from traditional
14 cally not economical and a quench cooling nozzle technology and comes with numer- COVER FEATURE 3
system is normally utilised. ous advantages. The burner is fed with
15 The NORAM-Cellchem designs can NORAM-Cellchem SF sulphur burners in very effective mixing of the gas reac- molten sulphur at 145C via steam-heated
be engineered in skid-mounted sections, The Spiral-Flame (SF) technology was tants, and a downstream afterburner made piping. When it reaches the rotary cup atom- Sulphur burning
16 which reduces the total plot space required, developed for systems that require larger concentrations of up to 19+% SO2 attain- iser, the molten sulphur is directed into a optimisation
reduces shipping costs, and allow for easy amounts of SO2. These systems typically able without risk of sulphur carryover. conical rotating cup, which is the heart of
17 installation on site. The skid-mounted sec- burn 5 to 600 t/d of sulphur (i.e. producing At medium scale, energy recovery can the atomiser. On the cups inner surface,
tions can be assembled and integrated into 10 to 1200 t/d of SO2). become economically attractive. When the a homogeneous sulphur film is formed and
18 the site equipment much faster than con- The Spiral Flame (Type SF) sulphur cost of fuel is high, or when the plant site atomized by an axial air stream as it leaves COVER FEATURE 4
ventional designs. One skid contains the burner first introduced in 1960 required requires additional steam, energy recovery the edge of the cup.
19 sulphur melter, filters and sulphur pumps.
Another skid contains the CF burner, the
only one third of the volume of conven-
tional burners. High-velocity combus-
can be utilised at even smaller scales. For this
reason many SF burner systems are equipped
On the basis of this rotary cup atomis-

ing technology the Outotec LURO sulphur
Sulphur plant
20 gas cooling tower, strainers, pump and tion air is introduced tangentially to the with a waste heat boiler to produce high pres- burner family comes with the following design
cooler for the circulating water. The units combustion chamber, imparting a spiral sure steam. This steam can be utilised for operational and maintenance benefits :
21 have the size of a standard container. path to the flame. The turbulence resulted process heating or for production of electricity formation of ultra-fine droplets regard-
less of plant load;
22 Table 2: Comparison of pressure atomisation and air atomisation for sulphur burners uniform heat distribution;
prevention of sulphur carry over from
Pressure atomisation Air atomisation (CF and SF burners)
23 furnace downstream;
Technology NORAM sulphur burners utilising NORAM-Cellchem sulphur burners utilising elimination of steam leaks within the

24 pressurised sulphur guns air atomised nozzles sulphur combustion furnace;

Sulphur capacity, t/d 33 to 1,000+ 0.5 to 600 easy and fast removal of burner;

25 single burner configuration; SULPHUR

Equivalent SO2 Capacity, t/d 66 to 2,000+ 1 to 1,200
no changes in burner configuration
Equivalent H2SO4 capacity, t/d 100 to 3,000+ 1.5 to 1,800 a) Delivery from NORAMs fabrication shop. throughout whole operation window
26 SO2 concentration using air* up to 17% SO2 up to 19+% SO2 using combustion air. b) Site installation.
including pre heating phase.
c) Sulphur gun assembly.
95+% SO2 can be produced utilising JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 oxygen enrichment
d) Refractory lining.
e) Sulphur gun nozzle. These benefits have been incorporated
Required size of sulphur burner and larger smaller f) Computational fluid dynamic simulation in every LURO sulphur burner since its
28 sulphur pumps of sulphur furnace temperature. Source: NORAM introduction in 1964, but current market
Required furnace residence time, seconds 1 to 3 0.3 to 1 seconds demands and todays technology have
29 Liquid sulphur pressure 7-12 bar(g) Sulphur pressure: 1 bar(g) allowed Outotec and its partner SAACKE,
Atomisation is achieved by adding on site. Figure 10 shows a schematic repre- Pressure atomised sulphur burners a German company with an 80-year tradi-
30 pressurised air at 1-4 bar(g) sentation of a typical SF sulphur burner sys- Sulphur burners utilising pressure atomi- tion of providing combustion technology to
Minimum turndown rate, % 70 for a typical gun. Further turndown 8 to 12.5 tem. The product is hot concentrated SO2 gas. sation are common in the sulphuric acid the global market, to make enhancements
31 requires multiple guns in service A quench tower can be installed downstream industry. The pressure atomised technol- which increase the performance and
to cool the gas further. The system can be ogy was developed for systems that require expand the burners general capabilities. Southbank House, Black Prince Road
Sulphur droplet diameter, mm ~1 ~ 0.1
32 tailored to deliver pressurised gas or to use large amounts of SO2. These systems The targeted increase in capacity was London SE1 7SJ, England
* Delivery of pressurised SO2 gas is also available. Source: NORAM oxygen enrichment for maximum product SO2 typically burn 33 to 1000+ t/d of sulphur achieved through a 40% boost of the Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 concentration. (i.e. producing 66 to 2000+ t/d of SO2). nominal sulphur burning capacity reaching
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

44 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 45 Web: w


Learn and network CONTENTS
Fig 12: Outotec LURO2 sulphur burning system control approach, the LURO2 burner opera-
with industry leaders Whats in issue 362
5 tion can be fully integrated into a plants
DCS with the option of a supplementary
6 condition monitoring system.
Customers who are using a lance- COVER FEATURE 1
7 equipped furnace and are evaluating a The Sulphur Institutes
capacity increase of their sulphuric acid plant
8 will find that switching to Outotecs LURO2
burner translates to benefits in operation,
Sulphur World Symposium 2016 Refinery SO2
April 11-13, 2016 | Vancouver, Canada N
9 maintenance and furnace size. The efficient
combustion makes it possible to achieve a
10 higher throughput with the same furnace. Now in its 10th year, the symposium brings together

Thus, costs and shut down time associated COVER FEATURE 2
11 with a revamp can be minimised with Outo- sulphur industry leaders for three days of education
tecs LURO2 as the upgrade solution.
12 The windbox which has undergone a re- and networking events! Register or learn more: Sulphur market
design and standardisation procedure is trends
13 equipped with a set of guide vanes. With
a small sight glass integrated it allows as

supplement to the furnace sight glass the

14 flame monitoring from the burners posi- COVER FEATURE 3
tion. The pipe racks located on the burner
platform serves for the safe media sup-
ply according to the international stand- 0RVDLF6XOSKXU0HOWHU Sulphur burning
16 35 t/h of sulphur burned by a single unit.
The LURO2 can also be used during
Besides the enhanced burner, the sys-
tem typically includes a primary air blower,
ards. To ensure smooth maintenance, the
LURO2 burner is mounted on a moving
Herman Wittje, The Mosaic Company W optimisation

start-up processes when the sulphur fur- pipe racks for instrument air and liquid sul- unit allowing easy access to the rotary cup Mark Gilbreath, Devco USA LLC
nace and converter are heated with diesel
fuel. The oil atomisation during start-up is
phur as well as an ignition device. Complet-
ing Outotecs burner system is the BMS for
atomiser unit.

Outotec LURO sulphur burner family
also achieved using air and the rotating the machine control cabinet, a local control main features can be summarised by: Meena Chauhan, Integer Research Ltd.
19 cup technology no additional equipment
is needed. As an alternative natural gas
box and a secondary air windbox, which
helps achieve an efficient combustion at
single burner capacity up to 35 t/h of
liquid sulphur *OREDO3KRVSKDWH6XSSO\DQG'HPDQG Sulphur plant
20 can also be used as pre-heat fuel. low emission levels. operational range up to 15 to 110% of -H+RO]PDQ3RWDVK&RUS design
The burners drive has been modified Due to its atomisation of sulphur into the nominal sulphur load
21 so that a flange motor is now in place ultra-fine droplets regardless of the plant high operating quality also during load
with a magnetic coupling to the burner load, the burner allows the furnace size to changes 3HWHU+DUULVVRQ&58
22 shaft thus eliminating the need for a belt be minimised and limits the effects from small furnace due to excellent atomization
drive with wear parts such as the V-belt.
Replacing the rotary cups belt drive with
thermal shocking to the refractory lining.
Typically a LURO-equipped furnace has a
easy and fast removal of burner
atomisation with primary air from drying

a frequency-controlled direct drive and a 2-3 times smaller combustion chamber tower by rotating cup.
24 magnetic coupling device enables also than a conventional one and the use of %XON)UHLJKW0DUNHW2XWORRN
the sulphur film thickness to be con- an internal baffle wall is obsolete. With
trolled precisely allowing an operation its high performance in the partial-load %ULDQ0DORQH0'6+3 SULPHUR
window with extended load conditions operational range the burner requires no References
from 15-110%. mechanical adjustments such as a nozzle 1HZWKLV\HDU
26 In addition, an automatic grease lubri- replacement when the plant is operating
 Munro C (Spraying Systems Co): Under-

cation system has replaced the old oil at lower loads. To meet operators plant
standing spray technology to optimize sulfur
burning, prepared for AIChE Central Florida
27 system as well as the burner manage-
ment system (BMS) associated with it to Fig 13: Outotec LURO2 burner
Section (June 2015).
logistics-minded delegates! Includes an HPHUJHQF\
 Lamb B and Ullrich R (MECS, Inc.): Unique
28 ensure a reliable and safe operation. Also furnace challenges and highly customized UHVSRQVHLQWHUIDFLQJVFHQDULR on accidental sulphur
noteworthy is that with the LURO there is designs, written for Sulphur (Dec 2015),
29 no steam cooling inside the combustion  Mahecha-Botero A., Kyle Loutet K, Nikolaisen and sulphuric acid releases during transport.
chamber which prevents leakages. K, Murdock A and Cooper CG (NORAM): Sta-
30 The new burner still includes classic bilization and capacity increase of sulphuric

features such as excellent sulphur distribu-

acid plants and sulphur recovery units Use Sponsored by: 2FLDO3XEOLFDWLRQ
of skid-mounted sulphur burners for SO
31 tion and atomisation, turndown flexibility, supplementation, Sulphur 2015 Confer-

a small combustion chamber, low sulphur ence, Toronto (Nov 2015). Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 feed pressure and online load changes  Schdde J and Storch H (Outotec): Outotec

London SE1 7SJ, England
which translate to zero down time for noz- LURO2 sulphur burning system, written for Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 zle replacement. Sulphur (Jan 2016). (YHQWV#6XOSKXUQVWLWXWHRUJ
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

46 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Web: w



Designing for ease Whats in issue 362

over the lifetime of the facility. Engineering be avoided unless specific design aspects Operating and maintenance costs play a
5 fees account for the smallest percentage are deemed unsafe or unfit to achieve significant role in the overall lifecycle cost of
of project costs. project objectives. Procurement of equip- a facility. In the hypothetical example shown
6 Major grassroots project schedules typi- ment, instrumentation, piping and all in Fig.1, O&M costs account for approxi-

of future operation
cally range from 48 to 72 months. The typi- other bulk materials required for construct- mately 30% of the NPC; however, this fig- COVER FEATURE 1
cal project execution schedule for a major ing the facility is carried out during this ure will vary greatly depending on the type
project comprises the following stages: stage. Construction can be included in the of facility and level of processing required;
8 feasibility (6%) EPC contract or contracted separately by lifetime O&M costs in the range of 40-50% Refinery SO2
pre-FEED (9%) the owner. For the purpose of topics dis- of NPC are not unheard of for complex facili- emissions
9 FEED (22%) cussed in this article, a single, lump sum ties. Thus, if energy efficiency measures
A. Slavens, L. Dreitzler, and S. Khan of UniverSUL Consulting and J. Sames of Sulphur Experts EPC (57%) EPC contractor is assumed. Mechanical and utility consumption costs are not care-
10 address the design and execution shortcomings which can ultimately lead to poor sour gas commissioning and startup (6%) completion (MC) is the most significant fully considered during project execution, a
milestone during this phase, which signi- significant portion of the lifecycle costs are COVER FEATURE 2
11 treating and sulphur plant performance. Design-stage fallacies can harken back to initial The feasibility stage is typically carried out fies construction completion prior to the overlooked, often times without the owner
by the owner and any necessary special- commencement of pre-commissioning and even recognising the lost opportunity.
assumptions used in determining the design basis for the facility when complete information is
ist consultants (e.g. drilling contractors or commissioning activities. Sulphur market
simply not available. They can also arise from poor decision-making, forced by project cost and analytical testing companies) to determine The commissioning and start-up Common design and execution trends
13 schedule pressures. In many cases, it is purely a matter of lack of experience which can lead to whether developing the asset is an eco- phase of the project is normally under the
nomically viable undertaking. This scope responsibility of the EPC contractor, who
design flaws that negatively impact the final delivered product, which operators must then live of work is often conducted prior to bring- must prove process guarantees during a The introductory discussion, while not nec-
with for the 30+ year lifetime of the facility. ing any major engineering contractors on performance guarantee test run (PGTR) essarily specific to sulphur plant design and COVER FEATURE 3
board. It is important to note that not every before the plant will be accepted by the operation, gives a basis for illustrating the
15 project requires a formal feasibility study owner. Successful PGTR completion is the various complexities and oversights that
Sulphur burning
he continuous, smooth operation of a Unfortunately, designers rarely oper- phase and the duration of these activities final project milestone before the plant is can occur throughout various stages of a
16 sulphur recovery facility affords mini- ate and operators rarely design, and as
Fig 1: Typical project lifecycle costs
can vary widely, depending on the complex- turned over from the EPC contractor to the project. These deficiencies can ultimately optimisation
mal operator intervention, results in a result, there are knowledge, experience ity of the development. owners operations team. Process technol- impact the end-users ability to operate the
17 lowest operating and maintenance (O&M) and communication gaps that occur. It is The purpose of the pre-FEED stage is ogy licensors also typically have involve- facility and leave a legacy of poor operation
costs and reduces the number of shut- not uncommon to see the same design to address and resolve many of the ques- ment during the PGTR period, as their final that lingers for decades. Design-stage prob-
18 downs required for replacement or repair mistakes repeated year after year in differ- tions identified during the feasibility stage license fee payment is tied to successful lems can result from flawed initial assump- COVER FEATURE 4
of equipment, instrumentation and piping. ent locations, with various clients, simply and to validate the decision to continue completion of this milestone. tions used in determining the design basis
19 Start-ups and shutdowns generate the
most wear and tear on a sulphur plant, so
because painful operating experiences
have not been fed back to project execu-
with front end engineering design (FEED).
Technology alternatives are typically evalu-
Engineering fees make up a small por-
tion of the overall cost associated with
for a facility when complete information is
simply not available. They can also arise
Sulphur plant
20 minimising unnecessary trips is essential. tion teams. On the flip side, it is also not ated during this stage and initial licensor developing and operating a plant; approxi- from poor decision-making, forced by pro- design
All too often, the design, execution and uncommon for operations personnel to selections are made to finalise the basic mately 10% of the total installed cost ject cost and schedule pressures. In many
21 construction of these plants do not take have a limited understanding of the com- process flow diagram. Sometimes a high- (TIC) of the facility. However, the front end cases, it is purely a lack of experience that
into account critical elements that will plexities, challenges and pressures that level cost estimate (+/30% accuracy) is engineering phases consume up to about leads to an inferior design. Below are some
22 ensure the ease of future operation, opt- occur during the execution of a large- carried out as well. The duration of this 40% of the project execution schedule. of the more common areas where execu-
ing instead for a quick and cheap delivery. scale grassroots development. Tradeoffs stage depends on the complexity of the This combination of low contribution to tion complications occur and/or design
23 Almost inevitably, this type of approach between plant flexibility and project cost/
development, but typical timeframe is in cost and significant contribution to sched- flaws are introduced.
leads to designing in problems, some of schedule must be considered, but the key the range of 6-8 months. ule illustrates that it pays to invest in ade-
construction Decisions made solely on the basis of cost
24 which may not become apparent to the is to prioritise whats most important and The primary purpose of the FEED stage quate engineering during the initial stages
operator for many years after commission- ensure that compromises to critical sulphur lifetime operating & is to further develop the pre-FEED design of the project schedule to ensure that the While project implementation costs are
maintenance cost
25 ing and are then very difficult to correct. plant safety and reliability are not incurred. to finalise and freeze the design basis project design basis is finalised and fro- extremely important to the overall develop- SULPHUR

Most plants are expected to operate detailed engineering for future phases of the project, as after zen before moving into the next stages of ment of an oil or gas asset, there are com-

for 30+ years and many existing facilities Background pre-FEED + FEED this phase, equipment and materials pur- execution. mon pitfalls that can occur if the singular
are now into their fourth or fifth decade of (includes licence fee) chasing will commence. In most cases, a Procurement and construction are the goal is to build the lowest cost facility. Pri-
operation. With old age comes experience; It is helpful to have an appreciation for basic definitive estimate (+/10% accuracy) is primary contributors to overall project exe- oritising cost minimisation, without regard JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 some good, some bad. In many cases, project cost and schedule parameters which developed as part of FEED, for the purpose cution costs (approximately 90% of TIC) for other project objectives, can ultimately
designs that were considered leading-edge help to illustrate the complexity of a major of project budgeting and authorisation for and for this reason, it is important to final- lead to detrimental effects.
28 40 years ago are now suffering operating project undertaking and which provide a grassroots project. A net present cost expenditure (AFE) approval. ise and freeze engineering before moving
problems that current designs are less context for the various design and execution (NPC) convention is adopted throughout The primary purpose of the engineer- into these phases of the project. Chang- Technology license fees
29 likely to incur because of improved under- shortcomings referenced throughout this the article to make reference to out-of- ing, procurement and construction (EPC) ing specifications for procured items and/ Proprietary and/or licensed technologies
standing of the lifecycle by the designer. article. While the primary objective of a pro- pocket costs for the owner/operator, but stage is to construct the processing facil- or any other basic design premises during are often required for development of an
30 Operators of these older plants have ject is to build a well-functioning plant that is the reader must keep in mind that when ity in accordance with the objectives and EPC will have a major impact on cost and oil/gas production facility. An analysis of
learned to live with design shortcomings, safe, robust and reliable, delivery costs and product sales revenues are considered, specifications developed in previous proj- schedule. Changes during this stage also the various technologies available is typi-
31 but now the communication of this type of schedule are huge drivers which determine the facility will actually have a net present ect phases. Engineering conducted dur- increase the likelihood of errors and omis- cally carried out during the early stages of
experience is filtering its way back through how this is accomplished. Tradeoffs must value (NPV) rather than cost. As shown ing this stage should only be that which sions which can result from inadequate project execution (feasibility, pre-FEED and Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 to designers and newer designs are imple- often be considered. in Fig. 1, major equipment and materials is necessary to develop sufficient detail change management if a high level of dili- FEED) and technology selections are made London SE1 7SJ, England
menting changes that address long-term Figure 1 illustrates the qualitative constitute the majority of project costs, for constructing the plant. Redesigning gence in communication and tracking is on the basis of ability to achieve guaran- Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 operating problems. project lifecycle cost for a typical major followed by construction and O&M costs features developed during FEED should not maintained. teed product and emission specifications.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

48 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 49 Web: w

Announcing the
4 2nd Annual Middle Eastern Brimstone CONTENTS

Whats in issue 362

Sulfur Recovery Symposium
5 Fig 2: Licence fee representation, as a function of net Fig 3: Licence fee representation, as a function of net
present cost present value
technology C
technology A May 22-26, 2016 at the Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort, Abu Dhabi, UAE COVER FEATURE 1

8 Refinery SO2

licence fee, $million

licence fee, $million
Brimstone has hosted its famous Sulfur Symposia for over 20 years, with successful conferences emissions
net present cost, $million

technology B

net present value, $million

technology B
9 in Vail, Vienna, and beginning last year, in Abu Dhabi. Building on the success of last springs
conference, this years Middle East Sulfur Symposium will be held in Abu Dhabi during the week of
10 technology C
technology A May 22nd. The heart of any Brimstone Sulfur Symposium is always the interactive, open exchange COVER FEATURE 2
11 technology A of information between attendees, both during the sessions and after hours.
technology A
technology B
technology B
technology C
Sulphur market
technology C
The 2016 Program includes: trends
13 capacity capacity Presentations by industry experts, operating companies and suppliers
Annual technical presentations by the Petroleum Institute and Alberta Sulphur Research
Multiple open floor Q&A sessions related to sulfur recovery and treating COVER FEATURE 3
There may be several technologies that are than a competitors, the capital and oper- process guarantees are unfulfilled and engi-
15 capable of meeting these specifications, ating cost savings will also be substantial. neering fixes are required to achieve desired Panel discussions on: Startups & Shutdowns , BTEX Management,
but the capital and operating costs of each Therefore, the higher license fee and solvent process performance. Operations War Stories , Process Safety and Environmental Update Sulphur burning
16 may differ significantly. To truly understand cost are likely warranted. Paying a premium Another potential pitfall is that the pre- optimisation
which option is the most cost effective, it for superior technology can be justifiable ferred EPC contractor may be selected
17 is crucial to carry out a full NPC analysis for and should be welcomed by the end-user if on the basis of capital cost only, without Attend the Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium in Abu Dhabi and learn more about
each technology. it results in an improvement to the overall consideration for O&M costs. As shown in how to keep your plants operating safely and efficiently.
One thing that is often misunderstood economics of the development. Fig. 1, O&M costs can make up a significant COVER FEATURE 4
about license fees is that a technology portion of the facilitys net present cost and
19 Technology selection by the EPC contractor
with a lower NPC advantage (or higher
NPV) should demand a higher license fee There are times when owners prefer to leave
therefore require proper evaluation in order
to understand which EPC bidder truly has
Sulphur plant
20 than a technology which provides less eco- technology selection to the EPC contractors the superior offering. In this type of situa- design
nomic advantage. In other words, an owner discretion and thus include the licensors tion, the owner should ask for utility guar-
21 should be willing to pay more for a technol- process design package in the scope of the antees from each bidder and ensure that
ogy which will improve their profits over the lump sum EPC bid; referred to as license + operating cost is also taken into consider-
22 lifetime of the development. However, if a EPC (LEPC). It is most common to see this ation in a lifecycle cost evaluation.
lifecycle cost analysis is not thoroughly car- approach when multiple similar technolo-
23 ried out, a license fee comparison cannot gies or open art processes are available, Major discrepancy in EPC bids
be fully understood. Ideally, the license fee as is often the case with sulphur recovery. Figure 4 provides a breakdown of the major
24 should represent a percentage of the NPC While this contracting strategy may simplify activities that occur during the EPC phase
the owner will save by employing the tech- the owners involvement in the execution of a project. At the completion of FEED,

25 nology. This concept is qualitatively repre- process, due to the fact that pre-FEED and a request for quotation (RFQ) for lump SULPHUR

sented in Fig 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows that FEED contracts can be eliminated, there are sum EPC is prepared, which is intended
when comparing technologies, the lower potential drawbacks as well. to specify design details to be included
26 the NPC achieved, the greater the license One major concern is that there is no in the scope. The objective is to ensure
fee that is warranted. Figure 3 represents way to ensure that a thorough evaluation consistency of EPC bid content. The con- JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 the same trend but with NPV rather than of all major technology licensors has been tract is intended to protect the owner in
NPC; the technology with the highest NPV carried out. The owner may not see this as this regard; however, the best lump sum
28 demands the highest license fee. a serious concern when the primary goal projects are those where the contract is
The key takeaway is that the license is simply to obtain a plant that will meet signed and rarely or never referenced
29 fee and/or cost of certain proprietary items process guarantees, with appropriately because the contractor knows that the
associated with a technology should never stringent liabilities in place as insurance. owner wants a robust, well-functioning
30 be evaluated in a vacuum, but must be con- However, if the EPC contractor selects an plant, with all their specifications included,
sidered in the context of the overall lifecycle incompetent or inexperienced technology and the contractor has enough experience
31 cost of the development. For example, a par- provider, all parties will ultimately suffer to deliver. With respect to scope definition,
ticular solvent for H2S removal may be more when the plant doesnt perform as intended. there are always going to be gray areas For further information and to register visit: Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 expensive than others and/or command a Additionally, when the license agreement is because it is impossible to include every London SE1 7SJ, England
higher license fee; however, if it results in held by the EPC contractor, the owner loses single detail in an RFQ; this is where expe- Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 a circulation rate that is significantly lower leverage with the licensor in the event that rience and track-record become critical. Brimstone STS Limited
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577
6547 South Racine Circle, Suite 1600, Centennial, CO 80111, USA
50 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Web: w
Tel: +1 909 597-3249 / Fax: +1 909 597-4839


5 Fig 4: Typical project schedule with EPC detail WHE tubes (larger diameter tubes mean Fig 6: Qualitative illustration of increasing complexity throughout project execution Whats in issue 362
a longer WHE). However, the owner would
benefit immensely from this more robust feasibility pre-FEED FEED EPC precommissioning
6 feasibility commissioning design, which would minimise catalyst foul- & start-up

6% & start-up 6% ing (soot deposition), WHE tube plugging, COVER FEATURE 1
tube/tubesheet failures and refractory
FEED EPC repairs over the lifetime of the facility.
8 22% 57%
While the thermal train is one of the Refinery SO2
pre-FEED most critical areas in a sulphur plant, few emissions
9 9% engineering
construction systems installed as part of a lump sum operating
EPC contract actually represent genuinely
10 robust designs because of project cost

pressures. Some of the important details prime contractor
11 EPC tender procurement that would contribute to a robust mechani-
cal design of this system are described in
industry literature1-4.
PMC Sulphur market
Decisions made solely on the basis of trends
Fig 5: SRU thermal train
13 schedule
Project schedules can range from relaxed

to reasonable to extremely aggressive, COVER FEATURE 3
depending upon the level of pre-planning
15 that has been carried out and the motiva-
tion for project completion deadlines. While drilling &
Sulphur burning
16 the time required to bring a development analytical
contractor optimisation
to fruition is extremely important, there are contractor
17 certain pitfalls that can occur if the singular
goal is to complete the project on a fast-
18 track schedule. Below are some examples equipment instrument piping and construction 3rd party COVER FEATURE 4
which illustrate how prioritising schedule suppliers suppliers steel supplier subcontracts performance
(100s) (10s-100s) (mech, civ, I&E) testing
19 over all other project objectives can lead to
detrimental effects on the facility.
Sulphur plant
20 design
Tendering EPC before FEED is complete
21 Figure 6 provides an illustration of the new facility. In these instances, clone addressing more stringent SRE require- In either case, the intent of the review
number of parties involved in each stage projects are often considered. However, ments. For this project, costs and sched- is lost, which introduces process perfor-
22 of project execution and shows that as a there is rarely such a thing as a true ule were optimised, but only through the mance risk.
A contractor who has built several similar cost of a standard SRU. A small-medium project progresses beyond the FEED stage, clone unless it is just a duplicate train in project teams dedicated focus on many of
Assumptions made when information is
23 plants for satisfied customers has already size thermal train is shown in Fig. 5. This the number of project personnel and par- an existing facility, such as a new SRU in the topics addressed in this article.
not available
traversed a learning curve, along with all portion of the plant also happens to be allel project execution activities increase an existing sulphur recovery complex. But
Licensor document reviews
24 of its associated cost and schedule chal- one of the most critical for robust, reliable dramatically, reinforcing the need to avoid even in this scenario, there is a reason During the early stages of a project it is
lenges, while an inexperienced contractor performance. Residence time in the reac- major design changes that would have a why the capacity is increasing, such as dif- Licensor review of for construction draw- difficult to develop a definitive design

25 may not know what he doesnt know and tion furnace and basic mechanical design knock-on effect on a huge number of activi- ferent feedstock or changes to upstream ings is a requirement included in most basis and objectives for contractors to SULPHUR

the project is likely to suffer as a result. details of the thermal train (burner selec- ties and procured items. During the EPC processes, so an exact copy may not be technology license agreements, with the work toward due to missing or unavail-
When lump sum EPC bids are received, tion, refractory design, size and number of tender and contractor selection period, it is possible. Even in the case that the feed- intended purpose of giving the technology able information. For example, raw feed-
26 a discrepancy greater than about 10% WHE tubes, number of WHE passes, etc.) even more important to minimise changes, stock is identical to other trains, layout provider a chance to review what is actually stock information may not yet be available
should be a flag to the owner to check are typically dictated by the SRU licensor. as any modifications to tender documents and hydraulics may not be. Also, sulphur being constructed and flag any concerns from test well campaigns, feedstock sup- JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 and determine whether all bidders have However, in the case that the licensor or would need to be propagated to all bidding recovery efficiency (SRE) regulations may that might impact the plants ability to ply agreements may not yet be finalised,
considered the correct scope of work and EPC contractor is attempting to minimise parties to ensure that the scope is con- have changed in the time since the previ- achieve process performance guarantees. final emission regulations may not yet
28 made the same assumptions. Sulphur capital cost, the quality or size of these sistent throughout all EPC bids. This is yet ous project(s) were carried out, requiring However, due to schedule pressures, EPC be mandated by regulatory bodies and/
plant details are particularly important to items may be compromised to still meet another illustration of why it is important additional tail gas treating facilities. contractors often dont send documents to or turndown requirements may not yet be
29 examine, as there are many critical know- process guarantees during a performance not to short-cut the front-end engineering For clone projects that require transfer- the licensor at all, or send them too late, known. The owner must strike a balance
how related items that an inexperienced test but not necessarily provide a robust activities and to ensure that the design is ring a design from one facility to another, after the construction phase is well under- between meeting the overall project sched-
30 contractor will miss. design that would effectively deal with nor- truly frozen before proceeding on to EPC there is an even greater possibility for way. Even when documents are transmit- ule and minimising rework. In order to
One of the most opportunistic areas for mal process upsets. Increasing residence tendering and further stages of execution. changes due to varying utility conditions, ted at the appropriate time, licensors may keep changes and associated costs within
31 cutting corners to save cost is around the time in the reaction furnace from the indus- plot availability and/or client specifications. not have the time or appropriate personnel reasonable bounds, finalisation of major
thermal train of the sulphur recovery unit try average of 1 second to 1.5 or even 2 Clone projects One industry technical paper5 describes a available to carry out a thorough review, if design basis issues should occur before Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 (SRU) - burner, reaction furnace (RF) and seconds (for hydrocarbon and/or NH3 burn- Plant operators often wish to copy an clone project which involved copying the the project has fallen from their radar in FEED commences. London SE1 7SJ, England
waste heat exchanger (WHE) - which is esti- ing SRUs) can increase cost significantly, existing plant or unit within a plant, either design of a sulphur recovery complex that the time since the process design package The following specific examples illus- Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 mated to be about 25-30% of the capital as can a selection of larger diameter inside the existing facility or as part of a had been built seven years prior, while also was completed. trate some of the possible effects of
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

52 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 53 Web: w


5 Fig 7: Unexpected COS in acid gas line with expected design conditions. The such as fuel co-firing8 or acid gas enrich- to the reaction furnace, on automatic tion is another potential advantage of an Whats in issue 362
incinerator stack SO2 analyser had not yet ment. Of course, it is best if the designer control, based on the high tail gas ana- integrated flowsheet. Figures 8 and 9 pro-
been commissioned and the EPC contrac- is aware of the presence of BTX prior to lyzer H2S:SO2 ratio reading. vide an example of a hypothetical gas plant
6 not in tor was unable to obtain stack samples, commencing engineering work so that Off-ratio SRU operation (significantly application employing non-integrated and

7 AI
so stack SO2 concentration could not be the facility can be designed accordingly. lower than 2:1) resulted in higher than integrated amine systems respectively. COVER FEATURE 1
H2S = 3,000 ppmv checked. In many cases, experienced licensors will necessary combustion air flow, sul- Figure 13 illustrates that by using partially
After several days of troubleshooting, assume the presence of BTX compounds phur recovery efficiency was negatively loaded amine from the TGTU in the AGRU,
8 AI COS appears as
gas including collecting radar scan data on the (up to ~1,000 ppmv) in sour gas plant SRU impacted and load on TGTU increased. the number of equipment items and amine Refinery SO2
H2S in analyser
AGE absorber, the presence of COS in the designs, regardless of whether the design High SO2 in the SRU tail gas resulted in circulation rate can be reduced, optimising emissions
9 acid gas feed to the AGEU was discovered, basis stipulates their presence. However, insufficient H2 in the hydrogenation reactor. capital and operating costs.
INCINERATOR which was never included in the design doing so can have a significant impact on SO2 breakthrough to the quench column
10 basis, underlining the need for compre- capital and operating costs of the SRU. occurred, lowering quench water pH. Ineffective amine flowsheet integration
hensive analytical data. The amine was not Caustic was injected into the quench While an integrated flowsheet can provide COVER FEATURE 2
tail gas
capable of removing organic sulphur and Unknown heavy hydrocarbons in acid gas water circulation system to increase pH. advantages, the added complexity can
therefore COS in the feed slipped from the and knock-on effect Caustic overdosing resulted in high present possibilities for design oversights
Sulphur market
acid gas

12 from absorber through to the incinerator. The In this specific example, the owner of a pH and inadvertent H2S absorption in if not properly considered. An integrated
analyser was not configured to measure sour gas development did carry out well quench water. flowsheet can introduce limitations which trends
13 COS and it caused an interference with the testing to determine raw gas composition Regeneration of amine in the TGTU pro- arent commonly encountered; these can
COS in H2S measurement, producing a reading prior to constructing the amine and sulphur duced a recycle stream that was pre- be overcome but may require the designer
acid gas which was two orders of magnitude higher plants, and discovered heavy hydrocarbons dominantly CO2, which further cooled to deviate from a business as usual
14 enriched
amine acid gas than the actual H2S value. The end result of significance. Thus, the designer added the reaction furnace temperature. approach. For example, it is common to COVER FEATURE 3
was that COS slippage increased SO2 a chiller at the outlet of the acid gas knock Additional fuel was co-fired, further consider relatively low end of run (EOR)

semi-lean amine emissions beyond the regulation limit and out drum, upstream of the SRU reaction exacerbating the problem. SRE (92-93%) for the SRU when designing
the SRE process guarantee could not be furnace, which chilled the acid gas to the TGTU because the only material impact Sulphur burning
16 REGEN lean amine met. To correct the problem, COS will have 0C, to condense heavy hydrocarbons. Of The irony (or sheer luck) of this exam- on the TGTU design is a marginal increase optimisation
to be converted to H2S upstream of the course this reduced the reaction furnace ple was that shortly after start-up it was in circulation rate, which does not have an
17 AGEU and the operating company is cur- operating temperature, which was already discovered that not much hydrocarbon appreciable influence on TGTU capital or
rently considering options to achieve this. going to be relatively cool when processing was being knocked out in the chiller and operating cost. However, when the TGTU
18 applying incorrect or incomplete feed gas capacity because of additional CO2 in the If the presence of COS had been com- lean acid gas with approximately 50% H2S. detailed analysis confirmed an essentially is integrated with the AGRU, increasing cir- COVER FEATURE 4
assumptions. feed, which consumes process volume. municated in the original design basis, The knock-on effect which subsequently hydrocarbon-free acid gas. Thus, the chiller culation rate in the TGTU also increases
Unknown sour gas composition
Corrections for such problems can
range from changes in operating schemes
the SRU/TGTU scheme would have been
reconsidered. It could have been designed
ensued is listed below:
Significant heavy hydrocarbons were
was deemed no longer necessary. Once
the chiller was shut down, the need for co-
semi-lean flow to the AGRU and may nega-
tively impact the overall optimisation of the
Sulphur plant
20 Not all oil and gas reservoirs are created to complete plant redesign, depending on to accommodate COS via routing the present in sour gas well fluid sam- firing was discontinued and plant operation system. Thus, an integrated design may design
equal. Many have a fairly constant compo- the magnitude of discrepancy between absorber overhead to a hydrolysis bed, ples and some of these species were was stabilised. require the TGTU designer to reduce their
21 sition throughout; however, there are also design and actual conditions. Accurately with subsequent H2S removal in the TGTU, expected to make their way into the
Neglecting project lifecycle
typical margin on sulphur recovery effi-
many examples of stratified gas fields forecasting the full range of feed conditions or the AGEU might have been eliminated in acid gas feeding the SRU. ciency guarantees. Additionally, the more
22 with varying composition, depending on and compositions is critical; a world-class favor of fuel co-firing in the SRU. The SRU designer elected to install a considerations tightly-designed TGTU will be less tolerant
the location and depth of a particular well. plant design is useless if not designed for chiller in the acid gas stream to reduce its During the early stages of a project, it is of SRU upsets, meaning that operations
23 Development of a design basis for a gas the feedstock it must process. However, Unexpected BTX in acid gas temperature to 0oC and condense heavy important to consider lifecycle objectives personnel may need to more strictly con-
treatment facility requires appraisal well drilling and producing appraisal wells is There have been several examples of sour hydrocarbons upstream of the burner. such as integration of flowsheet synergies trol SRU operation within certain operating
24 testing in various locations in the field, expensive and time-consuming; thus, a gas plant developments in which well flu- The process simulation showed that (for optimised lifetime operating costs) boundaries.
thereby defining the full range of sour gas complete assessment of field composi- ids were not specifically tested for aromatic the reaction furnace would be lower and implementation of features that will If different licensors are selected for

25 compositions that may be encountered tions and conditions is rarely known at hydrocarbon components such as benzene, than required for adequate hydrocarbon accommodate future operating require- the AGRU, SRU and/or TGTU, the pro- SULPHUR

during production. This is important for the start of a project and some level of toluene and xylene (BTX). As a result, the destruction (< ~1,050C). ments. If these types of opportunities are cess guarantee interfaces can present
ensuring the upstream units, including the assumption is normally required. SRU designer was unaware that these cat- Fuel co-firing was employed in the not explored early-on, they become much challenges, both during execution and
26 acid gas removal unit (AGRU), can meet alyst-poisoning compounds would be pre- design to increase reaction furnace more difficult and costly to implement later, performance guarantee test run. The end
the treated gas specification, regardless of Unexpected COS in acid gas sent in the acid gas feed. In most of these temperature. as the design is progressed, equipment is result is usually the compounding of licen- JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 feedstock. It is also important for opera- In the specific example illustrated in Fig. 7, cases, lower than required reaction furnace The process simulation showed that purchased and construction commences. sor design margins on top of one another,
tion of the SRU, which can be negatively a gas plant AGRU was designed to produce temperature results in incomplete destruc- the formation of COS and CS2 would The following specific examples illus- possibly eroding many of the benefits of
28 impacted by lower than design H2S com- a lean acid gas which would require enrich- tion of BTX in the furnace and ultimately increase in the reaction furnace as a trate some of the possible effects of integration in the first place.
position. If the impact is dramatic enough, ment prior to processing in an SRU/TGTU6. poisons the Claus catalyst, essentially ren- result of fuel co-firing. neglecting project lifecycle requirements.
29 acid gas H2S composition can drop so A selective amine was employed in the dering it ineffective. Overall SRE of the SRU Titanium dioxide catalyst was included Not designing and/or pre-investing for
low that SRU reaction furnace operation acid gas enrichment unit (AGEU) and TGTU. is then only that which can be achieved in in the first converter for improved COS/ No amine flowsheet integration future operations
30 is not possible due to flame instability Upon start-up of the AGEU, the analyser on the reaction furnace (60-70%), resulting in CS2 conversion. In a sour gas development, amines are Owners are often aware that future regu-
(< ~25 mol%). Low H2S content can also the absorber overhead indicated extremely excessive SO2 stack emissions. After start-up it was observed that tita- typically employed for main gas sweeten- lations may come to bear either during
31 impact the ability of the reaction furnace high H2S content (~3,000 ppmv vs. 40 To correct the problem, various means nia was not capable of adequate COS ing in the AGRU and for H2S removal in the project execution or after the plant has
to destroy contaminants, which can result ppmv design), despite the fact that most have been employed, including BTX conversion, which appeared as high TGTU. Integration opportunities exist for commenced operation, and are therefore Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 in catalyst poisoning or ammonia salt plug- other indications (absorber temperature removal in upstream carbon beds7 or H2S in the tail gas analyzer, which was reducing capital and operating costs, as faced with the dilemma of attempting to London SE1 7SJ, England
ging. Lower than design acid gas H2S com- profile, rich and lean amine H2S content implementation of design features aimed not configured to measure COS. well as improving the quality of the acid evaluate and address these requirements Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 position also reduces sulphur production and acid gas H2S concentration) were in at increasing reaction furnace temperature, Additional combustion air was admitted gas feeding the SRU9. Plot space reduc- at the start of the project, or waiting until
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

54 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 55 Web: w


5 Fig 8: Non-integrated flowsheet trays in existing AGRU absorber(s), add- Claus reactor in the SRU into TGTU hydro- Missing critical design details 2. Martens D., Porter M. and Stern L.: Why do
waste heat boilers fail?, Sulphur Magazine Whats in issue 362
ing new SRU trains and/or employing genation service. The reactor was deemed
No. 354 (Sep-Oct 2014).
oxygen enrichment 10. to be of sufficient size when Claus catalyst As stated previously, it is often a lack of
6 treated stack Future CO2 capture requirements can be was replaced with hydrogenation catalyst; experience during one or more stages of 3. Piper A. and Proctor J.: Understanding
gas gas todays limiting factors on reaction furnace
accommodated through a host of provi- however, the existing reheater was only the project, which leads to the delivery of an
linings, Brimstone Vienna Sulfur Sympo-
sions for future modifications, either capable of achieving 230C outlet temper- inferior design. Table 1 provides a listing of
sour sium 2013, Vienna, Austria (May 2013).
gas upstream or downstream of the SRU; it is ature, while a minimum outlet temperature critical sulphur plant design details that are
8 AGRU INCINERATOR noteworthy that capturing CO2 upstream of 240C was preferred for EOR catalyst frequently missed by inexperienced EPC con- 4. Young M., Maldonado S, Koscielnuk D., van Refinery SO2
of the SRU provides an added debottle- operating conditions and presulphiding. tractors. While it is true that as more bells Son M., Piper A. and Proctor J.: Limiting fac-
9 necking benefit by freeing up SRU capac- Thus, the process and mechanical condi- and whistles are included in the design, the tors on reaction furnace linings part 2 - A
case history, Brimstone Vail Sulfur Sympo-
lean rich TGTU ity previously consumed by the CO2. tions for this revamp project were such cost of the plant increases, most of the
amine amine tail gas sium 2014, Vail, Colorado (Sep 2014).
10 that routine project execution methodolo- items documented in the table are neces-
SRU If considerations for future operating gies could not be followed blindly. sary for a sulphur plant that is robust, reli- 5. Slavens A. and Didriksen K.: A novel pairing
of technologies to achieve todays sulphur
11 ARU
acid gas
tail gas
requirements, such as those described While it is expected that the project able and easy to operate. Additionally, many
emission stringency at lowest lifecycle cost,
above, are thought through during early would have turned out to be successful, of these errors and omissions also possess
12 stages of project development, design pro- due to the diligence and focus of the proj- inherent health, safety and environment
SOGAT 2011, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Mar 2011).
Sulphur market
lean semi-lean visions can be included that will facilitate ect team, it was never completed because (HSE) risks. Items are ranked by relative 6. Cicerone D.: AGE absorber troubleshoot-
ing, Brimstone Vail Sulfur Symposium
13 amine easier and more cost-effective transition to the refinery was shut down prior to proj- severity, in terms of impact on operations
2014, Vail, Colorado (Sep 2014).
new operating conditions at a later date. ect completion. Known risk areas were as and/or level of difficulty associated with cor-
listed below, all of which were being con- recting the problem, with 5 being the most 7. Crevier P., Adab A., BaAqeel H., Hummam
14 TGTU recycle gas Neglecting considerations for special
TGTU sciously mitigated during execution: severe and 1 being the least. I. and Misfer A.: Saudi Aramco eliminates
regenerator types of projects inadequate presulfiding due to low
Claus catalyst deactivation caused by aro-
15 matics using activated carbon, 57th Laur-
There are certain types of projects which temperature, resulting in poor catalyst Summary and conclusions ance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Sulphur burning
require a departure from standard execu- performance over the lifetime of the
16 tion practices to achieve success. Two facility; There is a need to strike the right balance
Norman, Oklahoma (Feb 2007).
8. Racz A., Hughes M., Slavens A. and Street
Fig 9: Integrated flowsheet major examples are revamp projects and inadequate conversion of COS in TGTU between robust, efficient SRU operation
17 those that involve deployment of first-of- hydrogenation reactor due to low tem- and lowest lifecycle cost, because the real-
R., Update on the start-up of the world-class
sulphur recovery facilities at GASCOs Hab-
a-kind technologies, both of which require perature and insufficient hydrogenation ity is that project budgets are not unlim- shan 5 Integrated Gas Development (IGD),
18 treated stack special attention to detail. Because of the catalyst activity, especially at EOR con- ited. There is no substitute for experience, SOGAT 2014, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Mar 2014). COVER FEATURE 4
gas gas location of an SRU at the back end of a ditions; throughout all stages of project develop-
9. Lamar J., Slavens A., Brok T. and Nikolic D.:
19 sour
processing facility, revamps are fairly com-
mon, as any upstream changes will have
SO2 breakthrough from TGTU reactor to
quench column, especially at EOR cata-
ment. Prioritisation of the critical aspects
of SRU plant design pays dividends
Enhanced sulfur recovery from lean acid Sulphur plant
gases reprise.the impact of the upstream
20 AGRU INCINERATOR an impact on operation of the sulphur lyst conditions. through sustained, reliable operation and acid gas removal unit, 61st Laurance Reid design
complex. Additionally, sulphur plants lend optimisation of project lifecycle costs. Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, Okla-
21 themselves to duplication, due to the First-of-a-kind, unproven technology in Operators who have not experienced the homa (Feb 2011).

lean rich TGTU fact that a single facility will often require multiple trains pain of trying to operate an unreliable unit 10. Tonjes M., Hatcher N., Johnson J. and Ste-
22 amine amine tail gas multiple identical trains. However, when Due to the fact that most sulphur recovery may not recognise the value that the minor vens D.: oxygen revamp checklist for sul-
new technology and/or configurations are facilities require multiple trains, it can be additional up-front engineering cost can phur recovery facilities, 50th Laurance Reid
SRU Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, Okla-
23 ARU
acid gas
tail gas
required, special care should be given to tempting to simultaneously deploy a new offer. Additionally, owners who do not have
homa (Feb 2000).
ensuring that any substantial risk is not technology or configuration in more than a clear understanding of whether they have
24 propagated across multiple trains. one unit, for a multi-train project. However, selected the lowest lifecycle cost alterna- 11. Slavens A. and Jorgensen C., Teaching
an old sulphur recovery facility new tricks,
The following specific examples illus- in one particular sulphur plant example, a tive may be incurring lost opportunity costs
SOGAT 2009, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Mar 2009).
25 trate some of the possible effects of new, unproven technology was employed on a daily basis without even knowing it. SULPHUR

neglecting special execution requirements in multiple trains and subsequently turned Project and operations personnel must 12. Mosher A. and Ogg D., SRU overpressure
lean amine required for revamps and first-of-a-kind out to be incapable of meeting process find ways of effectively communicating and scenarios: waste heat exchanger failures
26 applications. performance guarantees. After start-up understanding the others perspective. with different sulfur sealing technologies,
semi-lean amine and an unsuccessful performance test, Experience shows that when these parties SOGAT 2015, Abu Dhabi (Mar 2015). JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 Revamp third stage of existing Claus SRU a plant modification was engineered and are not aligned, plant reliability and oper- 13. Clark P., Hornbaker D. and Willingham T.,
to TGTU hydrogenation service implemented in each train. The project ability will suffer, ultimately eroding profit Preventing corrosion in sulphur sotrage
28 In this example, an existing SRU required incurred significant costs and downtime margins and creating the potential for HSE tanks, Sulphur Magazine No. 345 (Mar-Apr
the new regulations are actually in place. Future required increases in sulphur an increase in sulphur recovery efficiency but eventually performance guarantees risks. The key is to prioritise whats most 2013).
29 The latter allows the owner to postpone recovery efficiency can be accommo- through the addition of a tail gas treating were achieved. important and ensure that compromises 14. Croom S.: Considerations of temperature
investment but may also result in higher dated by including provisions for future unit11. This type of project is performed reg- This example illustrates the point that it to critical sulphur plant design parameters measurement in the claus thermal reaction
30 overall project costs and negative impacts addition of a TGTU, modifications to the ularly and is often not even referred to as a is not only the responsibility of the licensor are avoided. furnace.
on future operability and plant layout. Con- selected TGTU technology and/or rout- revamp because the TGTU is designed and to stand behind their process guarantees, 15. Hauer R., Juddy Z. and Sames J., The seven
31 versely, with a limited amount of planning ing the sulphur pit vent stream to the constructed as a standalone unit. How- but it is also crucial for the end-user to References deadly sins of process analyzer applica-
and/or pre-investment during early engi- front of the SRU. ever, in this case, the operator was limited research the technology to ensure that its tions, SOGAT 2011, Abu Dhabi (Mar 2011).
1. McGuffie S., Martens D. and Demskie M.: Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 neering stages of a project, many of these Future requirements for increased on plot space and was also looking to min- performance has been demonstrated and A robust SRU WHE design, Brimstone Vail 16. Nasato E:, Utility considerations for sulfur London SE1 7SJ, England
challenges can be avoided. Some specific capacity can be accommodated by imise capital expenditures, and therefore proven in a sufficient number of commer- Sulfur Symposium 2012 Vail, Colorado (Sep recovery units, Sulphur Conference 2014, Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 examples: including provisions for changing out decided to convert the third reheater and cial references. 2012). Paris, France (Nov 2014).
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

56 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 57 Web: w


5 Table 1: Frequently overlooked critical sulphur plant design details Table 1 (continued): Frequently overlooked critical sulphur plant design details Whats in issue 362
Item / Description HSE Relative Comments Item / Description HSE Relative Comments
6 risk? severity risk? severity

GENERAL PLANT OPERABILITY / RELIABILITY Operating sulphur condensers with an elevated LP steam pressure due to Not 3 Facility LP steam header pressure may need to be reduced; COVER FEATURE 1
Poor plant layout creates problems for liquid sulphur lines; examples Maybe 4 Difficult to correct; most likely operations will just need to find high steam header pressure; limited temperature approaches can lead to likely if this is not possible then SRU LP steam may need to be
include sulphur lines which are not free draining or excessive distance ways to cope. large condensers and possible sulphur viscosity issues. downgraded to LLP steam quality.
8 from pit to condensers, resulting in elevated plant and long rundowns. Inadequate steam tracing of mist eliminators in sulphur condensers leads Not 3 Demister and/or heating system can be redesigned; it may be Refinery SO2
Poor plant layout creates problems for overall plant hydraulics, potentially Not 4 Difficult to correct; most likely operations will just need to find
to possibility for plugging and high pressure drop, which decreases sulphur
plant capacity and may trip the unit, if blockage is severe enough.
likely tempting to remove the mist eliminator, which is not advisable
(especially in final condenser) due to risk of significant SRE emissions
9 reducing plant capacity. likely ways to cope.
decrease from sulphur vapor carryover.
Inability of SRU/TGTU to achieve required turndown due to one or more Not 3 More severe if plant is required to operate at turndown for Inadequate provisions for catalyst loading/unloading when designing Yes 4 May be very difficult to modify and operations/maintenance
10 of the following: controller ranges, burner design, excessive heat losses, likely long periods of time, in which case, continuous co-firing reactor nozzles, manways and platforms leads to possibility for difficult personnel will likely have to learn to cope; if pyrophoric
sulphur fogging. scheme may need to be adopted. or unsafe maintenance procedures; sufficiently sized N2 purging hydrogenation reactor catalyst unloading provisions/ COVER FEATURE 2
11 Mixing sour water stripper (SWS) gas and acid gas prior to preheating, Not 3 Can be corrected by moving mixing point to just upstream of system to be provided for allowing unloading of pyrophoric
hydrogenation catalyst, if applicable.
procedures are not properly designed, could lead to serious
safety concerns (authors are aware of one death).
leading to ammonia salt precipitation in the piping and/or burner. likely burner and/or employing preheating but downstream plugging

may have occurred. Extending castable refractory inside catalytic reactors to top of vessel Not 1 Catalyst in top of vessel can be removed upon inspection. Sulphur market
rather than terminating it above the top of the catalyst bed leads to likely
Oxygen enrichment of an air-based SRU without properly checking WHE,
refractory, and other potentially affected items to handle new operating
Yes 5 In the worst case, WHE failure can occur, introducing
overpressure and loss of containment concerns. potential for improperly installed castable to fall onto catalyst bed trends
13 conditions10. leading to blockage or channeling.
Inadequate cooling of sulphur in pits in warm climates can lead to Not 3 Damage to pumps likely to occur prior to detecting a problem
No provision to bypass downstream SRU (through a start-up vent) Yes 2 Not all plants have this feature; either need to perform a very
14 to allow refractory heat-up and/or dry-out with excess air, after the thorough sulphur sweep prior to shutdown or operate at
high viscosity and damage or failure of pumps; also, high temperature likely and possible caking of solid sulphur product in stockpile with

plant has already contained sulphur. stoichiometric conditions during fuel firing, which can
molten sulphur can lead to poor quality solid sulphur product if resulting dust formation; correcting the problem requires COVER FEATURE 3
granules cannot be cooled. turning off steam to sulphur pit, addition of cooler or
15 introduce overheating concerns. introduction of cooling medium to steam pit coils.
EQUIPMENT Improper design of sulphur storage tanks heating and/or venting Yes 4 If tank is improperly designed, can be very difficult to correct Sulphur burning
16 Over-design of the unit, thinking bigger (more contingency) is better, Not 3 More severe if plant is required to operate at turndown for systems leads to potential for sulphur condensation, solidification,
corrosion, iron sulphide deposits, fires and/or explosions.
and fire/damage/loss of containment may occur before a
problem is detected; one solution for improved heating can optimisation
which is not usually the case for sulphur plants; an oversized unit can likely long periods of time; possibly mitigated by installation of
be external bolt-on jacketing 13.
17 lead to problems achieving turndown. multiple trains.
Inadequately sized manways in refractory lined equipment limits ability Not 1 Likely something operators will have to learn to cope with.
Insufficiently sized acid gas knockout (KO) drum that is inadequate to Maybe 2 One major event can result in major refractory damage; to enter equipment for inspections. likely
18 accommodate foaming and/or other carryover events from upstream
larger and/or additional drums can be installed.
Improper securing of screens on bottom of catalytic reactors lead to Not 2 Can be corrected but requires a shutdown of the unit and a COVER FEATURE 4
potential for catalyst falling into rundown lines and seal legs. likely full catalyst bed dump; cleaning of rundown lines and seal
Improper refractory/thermal shroud system design for reaction furnace, Yes 4 If improperly designed, skin temperature measurement
19 legs can be extremely difficult.
leading to hot spots (sulphidic corrosion) and/or cold spots
(acid condensation) on carbon steel 3,4.
program may be required but is not easy to achieve;
eventually, refractory will have to be repaired or replaced.
Poor fabrication/inspection of HP BFW exchanger welds (final condenser Maybe 3 Problem wont be detected until a leak occurs, which could Sulphur plant
20 No coordination between vendors of SRU burner/reaction furnace/WHE Maybe 4 If not properly designed and subsequent modifications are
and sulphur cooler), leads to potential for tubesheet leakage and water/
steam into process with associated corrosion.
result in major corrosion in the unit. Multiple tubes may be
affected and therefore entire tubesheet requires inspection design
with regard to flange alignment and installation tolerances leads to required in field, could lead to possibility for eventual loss of and repairs as necessary.
21 possibility for serious fit-up problems and/or overstressed nozzles;
preferred fit-up assurance solutions: 1) share flange templates between
containment. For a small SRU, multiple catalyst beds in a single reactor or multiple Not 3 Gas bypassing will be detected by low SRE; may be difficult to
condensers in a single shell; improperly designed internal baffle can likely get a good seal, depending on the equipment design details.
vendors, 2) ship all items to one location for shop-fit up prior to transport,
22 or 3) welded connections to be performed in field.
lead to leakage and reduced SRE.
Oversized WHE on incinerator, leads to overcooling of exhaust gas Not 2 Damage likely to have already occurred before the problem
Inadequate number of, or poorly located, sight-ports in RF for monitoring Maybe 3 Likely something operators will learn to cope with but could (especially on turndown) and acid condensation inside stack. likely is detected; WHE operation can be discontinued or steam
23 flames, refractory and WHE tube sheet face; thermocouples (TCs) fail but present reliability or safety risks in the long-term. temperature raised.
visual inspection of color doesnt lie.
A TGTU start-up ejector is often a good alternative to a start-up blower, Not 2 Steam tracing and N2 blanketing can be added at a later time
24 Utilising main burner for refractory dryout which may not be capable of Maybe 4 It is possible to hire a third-party vendor to supply a but must be steam traced, nitrogen blanketed and located at a high likely but most likely operations will discover that the ejector is not
sufficient turndown to meet temperature ramp-up schedule provided dedicated dryout burner that can be carefully controlled; point to avoid corrosion, especially when not in service. operational when they need it, which may delay start-up.
by refractory supplier; leads to excessive heat-up curve and possible refractory however, damage to refractory may have already occurred No provision for a vacuum truck connection on sour water/amine Not 1 Vacuum truck connection can be added but contamination of SULPHUR

damage, especially a concern for large units. with main burner attempt. sumps leads to pumping contaminated drains back into the unit. likely process may have already occurred.
Improperly designed and/or fabricated WHE tubesheet with inadequate Yes 4 A tube failure is the only result that would alert operations
26 temperature protection (refractory/ ferrules) presents tube/tubesheet that there is a problem; may or may not be correctable
leak risks 1,2. without WHE replacement. Over-thinking the shutdown logic; not everything needs to trip the SRU Yes 2 Logic can be modified but requires experience and confidence JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 Not considering horizontal/tangential outlet nozzles from condensers Not 2 Not easy to correct but not likely to cause significant problems and the burner management has to allow reliable startups not in operation.
and WHE vapor outlet (WHE may condense sulphur at turndown) likely unless nozzles are located at excessively high elevation in just safe ones; too many trips actually makes the plant less safe if the
operator has to bypass many of them regularly.
28 leads to possibility for sulphur collection in bottom of exchanger and
associated tube blockage and/or corrosion concerns.
outlet channel; cleaning of sulphur from low points is required
to prevent corrosion during a shutdown. Employment of fully manual or fully automatic burner management system Yes 3 Logic can be modified but requires experience and confidence
Use of expansion bellows in exchangers rather than flexible tubesheets; Maybe 3 Something operators will have to learn to cope with unless (BMS) introduces safety concerns and prevents smooth transition throughout in operation.
29 expansion joints are not required (if tubesheet is designed properly) and exchanger is replaced, which is not likely. various operating modes natural gas, co-firing, acid gas (AG) and SWS gas;
present leakage concerns. a supervised manual system is required for highest safety and reliability.
30 Improper choice of reheater type, such as hot gas bypass or fired in-line Maybe 4 Something operators will have to learn to cope with unless
Poor front end measurement of air and acid gas flows; the most accurate Maybe 2 Instrumentation can be changed, controls can be tuned and
tail gas analyzer will be of little use to the trim air valve if feed forward flow logic can be modified but requires experience and confidence
burner (acid gas or fuel), especially when BTX is present, can lead to catalyst BTX poisoning of catalyst is occurring, in which case,
measurements to main air control valve contain significant error. in operation.
31 fouling and/or poisoning (note that there are appropriate times to implement
various reheater types but experience is required for appropriate selection).
replacement with steam heaters would be required.
Flame detection for both AG and fuel gas (FG) improperly calibrated and Yes 3 If it is not realised that this can be a problem, it might not be
tested in the field (in a hot and cold furnace) could result in false flame-on detected unless a deflagration occurs; can be calibrated but Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 Incorrect steam pressure and/or reheater design that does not
allow for maximum heat input for catalyst heat soak or presulfiding
Maybe 3 Operators will likely have to learn to cope, but ineffective
heat soak could lead to safety concerns if sulphur cannot be condition in the worst case, resulting in safety concerns, as combustible requires experienced personnel to be present during all modes London SE1 7SJ, England
(for TGTU catalyst). removed from catalyst beds prior to shutdown. gases can be introduced without a flame. of operation. Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 2567
33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

58 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 Sulphur 362 | January - February 2016 59 Web: w


5 Table 1 (continued): Frequently overlooked critical sulphur plant design details Table 1 (continued): Frequently overlooked critical sulphur plant design details Whats in issue 362
6 Item / Description HSE
Comments Item / Description HSE

No start-up, sacrificial thermocouple in reaction furnace and therefore Maybe 1 Thermocouple can be inserted through pyrometer port but it Crosses not provided at all changes of direction in jacketed sulphur piping Not 4 Very difficult to correct and operators/maintenance personnel COVER FEATURE 1
no ability to measure temperature during heat-up and refractory dryout. only measures gas temperature, not refractory temperature. leads to inability to rod-out any solid sulphur blockages that may occur. likely will likely have to learn to cope, which may lead to regular
plant trips, depending on the reliability of the jacketing system.
8 Oversized and/or poor choice of main and trim air control valves leads
to inability to achieve tight tail gas ratio control, especially if feed stream
Maybe 2 Valves can be changed but catalyst bed fire and/or soot
deposition may have already occurred.
Refinery SO2
flows/compositions are changing.
Presence of low points and pockets in SRU piping where liquid sulphur Maybe 4 Very difficult to correct and operators/maintenance personnel
9 Lack of proper furnace temperature measurement design with regard to Maybe 3 Difficult to add/modify nozzles and refractory later to
and/or acid can accumulate leads to plugging and/or corrosion concerns. will likely have to learn to cope.
In multi-train facilities, poor inter-connection of SRU trains for flexibility Not 3 Drip legs can be installed but collecting/draining liquid sulphur
type, quantity, location and installation details; minimum of 2 ceramic accommodate new or additional devices; operators will likely
10 thermocouples and 2 infrared devices (from approved suppliers) is have to learn to cope with what they have, which could lead to
(i.e. no common acid gas header). likely can be difficult; consider small above-ground sealing device.
recommended 14. safety and/or reliability concerns. Poorly located or no sample valve availability (location and type) Yes 4 Can be modified but not always easily, especially if sample COVER FEATURE 2
11 Very limited number of thermocouples in catalyst beds and/or incorrect Maybe 3 Difficult to add/modify nozzles later to accommodate new or impacts ability to collect plant operating data; Strahman piston-type connections are not accessible; plant test data will be
locations within the bed leads to inability to assess catalyst performance additional TCs; operators will likely have to learn to cope, sample valves are required for process samples and pressure profile unavailable, making it difficult to troubleshoot the unit.
12 and/or inability to detect hot spots, should they occur. which could lead to reliability concerns. testing regular valves will become blocked with sulphur and also Sulphur market
Overly long or poorly configured sample line for analyzers results in Maybe 2 Can be corrected but may take time to realise there is a
present a safety concern for H2S release during the unblocking process.
excessive lag time and inability to tightly control the process 15. problem; if analyzer relocation is required, analyser shelter
13 location may be a problem.
Not providing static mixers for hot gas bypass reheat schemes leads to Not 1 Static mixer can be added but may be difficult to correct
possibility for temperature stratification inside catalyst bed with potential likely catalyst operating conditions before doing so.
No H2S/SO2 detector in pit vapor space for indication of potential Yes 1 Analyzer can be relocated but it should be noted that there are for sulphur condensation.
14 explosive conditions and/or fires, or improperly located to give an
accurate reading.
other more effective means of preventing explosions; sulphur
pits operate at a vacuum, so collecting a pit space sample can No access for portable O2 analyser at WHE outlet impacts ability to No 1 Nice to have but not necessarily required. COVER FEATURE 3
assess plant performance during start-up before analysers have
15 be difficult.
been commissioned.
Excessively long SRU tail gas line with inadequate heating; both sections Maybe 2 Can be corrected with the addition of external bolt-on jacketing
Sulphur burning
16 Client specifications do not always explicitly dictate number and Yes 5 If this is never discovered during execution, the plant will be of tail gas line are to be heated and N2 purged (to TGTU and bypass to but corrosion and/or plugging may have already occurred and optimisation
placement of H2S monitors and leaving this up to an experienced started up and operated without adequate protection and it is incinerator); a leaking tail gas valve can result in sulphur plugging the line will be difficult to clean.
17 contractor leads to the possibility of unsafe conditions in various likely that only a serious event will reveal that there is a and/or acid corrosion in bypass line to TGTU.
locations throughout the facility. problem (in one example, an entire SRU/TGTU facility was
Poor quality steam traps and/or associated monitoring; one of the simplest Maybe 4 Difficult to correct if wrong type of steam traps are already
equipped with only a single H2S monitor!)
18 devices in the unit can bring the entire plant down if not properly designed, installed; consider wireless, acoustic monitoring system to
Routing pit vent vapors to the reaction furnace without proper safety Yes 5 Can be modified but facilities operating without such installed and maintained 16. alert operations when maintenance is required.
measures in place, including steam-jacketed plug valves in series; safeguards may not realise the risk and an incident may occur
19 if flow is lost, higher pressure reaction furnace gases will flow
backward into the un-lined piping, leading to loss of containment and
before the problem is known/corrected. UTILITIES
Sulphur plant
20 H2S release.
Use of refinery fuel gas or other fuel with inconsistent composition can lead to Yes
catalyst bed fires or soot deposition due to inability to accurately determine
2 Fuel source can be changed but catalyst damage and/or fires
may have already occurred; additionally, burner operation with design
Use of orifice plate rather than venturi flowmeter in combustion air line Yes 5 Can be changed but facilities operating without such air demand16; natural gas or other fuel with constant new fuel composition must be checked.
21 to reaction furnace burner; orifice plate incorrectly detects reverse flow safeguards may not realise the risk and an incident may occur composition (e.g. LPG) is required.
as forward flow and may not trip the plant, leading to acid gas release before the problem is known/corrected.
If purging reaction furnace nozzles with air, BMS does not automatically switch Yes 3 Can be corrected with piping / BMS logic but fires may have
to atmosphere through blower intake, which should be elevated but
22 often is located at grade.
to N2 on a trip, resulting in O2 ingress and fires in unit16. already occurred.

Incorrect location of air intake and outlet on sulphur pit, leads to Yes 5 Can be changed but facilities operating without such Inadequate duration of N2 purge on reaction furnace shutdown can result Maybe 3 Logic can be modified but burner damage may have already
23 inadequate sweep and possible explosive conditions in pit vapor space. safeguards may not realise the risk and an incident may occur in burner damage due to radiant heat from reaction furnace refractory16. occurred; sometimes insufficient N2 is available in the facility
before the problem is known/corrected. and another purging medium such as steam may need to be
Neglecting to design reaction furnace refractory system for fuel firing Maybe 4 Excess air or N2 may need to be utilised for cooling but
25 Inadequate purging of dead legs throughout SRU/TGTU leads to potential Maybe 2 Can be modified but may have a significant plugging or requirements for heat-up leads to potential for refractory damage16. refractory damage may have already occurred. SULPHUR

for plugging with sulphur and/or acid condensation and corrosion concerns. corrosion event prior to recognising a problem.
Inadequately sized, improperly located or infrequently utilised continuous Yes 2 Can be corrected but tube failure may occur prior to
blowdown on SRU WHE leads to possibility for scale build-up on tubes recognising that there is a problem; often times, a root cause
26 Inadequate steam jacketing of liquid sulphur lines leads to potential
for plugging with solid sulphur.
Maybe 3 Can be difficult to correct; bolt-on jacketing is a possible
solution; rodding out and/or remelting solidified lines can be and eventual tube failure16. analysis does not even identify the true cause so failures can
a challenge. be repeated again and again. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 Sulphur seal-legs that are not sufficiently deep to withstand the Yes 4 Can replace with above ground sealing devices but may Excessive steam pressure in sulphur jacketing, leading to high viscosity Not 1 Steam pressure can be reduced.
maximum possible pressure in the unit (shutoff head of the blower); experience overpressure event before problem is recognised; and reduced flow16. likely
28 depth of sulphur seal legs is estimated in FEED, but must always be if above-ground devices are used, WHE pressure relieving
Failure to preheat BFW above sulphur freezing temperature prior to Maybe 3 BFW should be steam heated above sulphur freezing point
checked after air blower selection is made and shutoff head of blower scenario should be checked 12.
utilising it as the process cooling medium in SRU final condenser and/or prior to entering final condenser or sulphur cooler.
29 is known.
sulphur cooler leads to potential for sulphur plugging16.
Undersized rundown lines, which promote plugging and/or build-up of sulphur Maybe 3 Replace with above ground sealing devices but may experience
Nitrogen blanketing of sulphur pits and tanks leads to build-up of Yes 3 Likely a relatively straightforward change to purge with air but
30 level in condensers, reducing surface area for condensing and possibly
leading to liquid sulphur carryover to the TGTU in the worst case.
sulphur carryover event before problem is recognised.
pyrophoric iron sulphide and potential for fire when air is eventually fire may have already occurred.
introduced; air is the preferred sweeping medium to avoid build-up
31 Inaccessible rundowns prevent visual inspection and access for Yes 3 The industry is moving toward replacing look boxes with fully of iron sulphide13, 16.
rodding-out solid sulphur plugs; if look boxes are available, they are enclosed sight ports, which allow confirmation of sulphur flow
often sealed to prevent loss of containment and are therefore deemed without H2S release, and can be installed in existing rundown Presence of heavy hydrocarbons in hydrogen supply to TGTU can lead Not 4 Difficult to correct if appropriate H2 source is not available Southbank House, Black Prince Road
32 ineffective for visual inspection. lines; if adequate rod-out connections are not provided, this is to soot deposit on hydrogenation catalyst. likely and TGTU is eq uipped with a steam heater (rather than London SE1 7SJ, England
something operators will have to learn to cope with. inline burner).
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33 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 2577

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3 Advertisers index
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Technical Editor: LISA CONNOCK Ametek Process Instruments 27 Mr John Fedyna 1 215 323 9304

Contributor: MEENA CHAUHAN Blasch Precision Ceramics 17 Mr Jeff Bolebruch COVER FEATURE 1
2nd Annual Brimstone Middle Eastern 51 Mr Mike Anderson
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Agents: SOGAT 2016 41 Sulphur burning

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19 Next issue: March/April 2016
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SOGAT 2016 Conference, Abu Dhabi
Issued six times per year, or TSI Sulphur World Symposium 2016, Vancouver, Canada
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No part of this publication may be
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Common mistakes in sour water stripping A higher demand for sour water processing capacity
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and more stringent environmental legislation have led to an increased focus on the availability and
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24 recording or otherwise without
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reliability of sour water treating units. This article describes the SWS process and highlights common
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25 More efficient heat recovery Sulphuric acid technology companies are constantly making SULPHUR


ISSN: 0039-4890
incremental improvements in heat recovery. Case studies for heat recovery in acid plants based on
Design and production:
26 JOHN CREEK, DANI HART sulphur and metallurgical off-gases will be presented.
Sulphuric acid project listing A round-up of new global sulphuric acid capacity, both sulphur JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016
27 burning and metallurgical acid production.
Iran and the Gulf The easing of sanctions on Iran offers the chance for the increasing volumes of
28 Printed in England by:
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Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire,
Moroccos phosphate boom OCP continues to move forward with its ambitious plans for new
29 SK17 6AE
phosphate mining and production, with a major knock-on effect on the countrys sulphur requirements.
2016 BCInsight Ltd
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Whats in issue 362
Dont forget the next issue
7 of Sulphur March/April 2016 COVER FEATURE 1

8 Refinery SO2
Sulphur market
Sulphur burning
16 optimisation
Sulphur plant
20 design

26 ISSUE 362
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