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Information Technology: Test #2A - 2013 Grade 11

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Information Technology

Test #2A 2013

Grade 11
Duration: 60 Minutes

Read the following instructions carefully.

1. This test is consists of 60 items. You will have 60 minutes to answer them.

2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered a, b, c, d. Read each item you are about
to answer and decide which is the best.

3. On the question paper, circle the letter that corresponds with the answer of your choice.

4. Fill in the required information on the lines below:

Name: ________________________________________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________

Group: ________________



January 2011 (Paper 01)


1. Which of the following is an example of the type

of data that visually records meetings?

a) Audio
b) Graphics
c) Text
d) Video
a) Barcode reader
2. Which of the following can be considered as b) Joystick
peripheral devices? c) Light pen
d) Touch terminal
a) Primary storage media
b) User interfaces 6. Which of the following is an example of a
c) Secondary storage media manual input device?
d) Operating systems
a) Barcode reader
3. Three basic operations that are performed in b) Keyboard
CORRECT sequence by the computer are c) Mouse
d) Plotter
a) output, input, processing
b) input, processing, output 7. Which of the following is NOT an example of a
c) output, storage, input hexa-decimal number?
d) storage, input, output
a) 121
4. Which type of interface does the following b) ASCII
diagram illustrate? c) BCD
d) C

8. Which of the following is a hardware user


a) GUI
b) Icon
c) Menu
d) Touch screen

a) IDE
d) USB

9. Which of the following signals does the diagram

below illustrate?

5. Which of the following devices is suitable for

input of the data in the illustration below?


a) ADSL d) It is more expensive than using an off-the-

b) Analog shelf package.
c) Broadcast
d) Digital 16. Which type of cable is used for cable TV?

10. Concentric circles on a hard disk are referred to a) Aluminum-alloy

as b) Co-axial
c) Fiber-optic
a) buffers d) Twisted-pair
b) cylinders
c) sectors 17. When a file is placed on a disk, the data is
d) tracks
a) deleted from the disk
11. The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) b) read from the disk
c) saved to the disk
a) has high-speed storage areas d) shared on the disk
b) is also called memory or main memory
c) performs mathematical calculations 18. A type of utility file used to remove application
d) sequentially access and decodes program program is
a) a file compression program
12. To get to record number 50 from the beginning of b) a trouble-shooting program
a tape of 100 records, you would have to c) an antivirus program
d) an un-install program
a) convert to disk
b) fast forward to record 100, and then read 19. What is the corresponding decimal equivalent for
backwards from there the binary number 101?
c) first read records 1 through 49
d) go directly to record 50 a) 2
b) 4
13. Which of the following is NOT true of optical c) 5
disks? d) 8

a)Pictures and text can be stored. 20. What is the corresponding decimal value of the
b)Can store large amount of data. octal number 12?
c)Reading and writing is through laser beans.
d)Information can be accessed faster that a) 3
magnetic disks b) 12
14. What is encryption? c) 10
d) 1010
a) The use of passwords on data
b) Committing a computer crime 21. What is the function of a network of computer?
c) Disguising data and programs
d) Writing security code a) Organizes data among computers
b) Allows users to obtain data from a central
15. Which of the following is NOT true about computer
writing custom software? c) Receives data from one computer
d) Enable two or more computers to
a) It takes a long time to produce. communicate
b) It contains all the features that are required.
c) Many other computers will have this same 22. Which of the following CANNOT represent
software. typical bi-stabe?


a) 1, 0 c) temperature
b) On, off d) weight
c) Red, green
d) Y, N 28. Which of the following is NOT a function of a
23. What is the function of utility software?
a) Blocks external requests to connect to a
a) It checks the amount of memory needed to computer.
perform tasks. b) Is available to all homes and businesses.
b) It can be used to split a program into c) Prevents unauthorized access to a network or
manageable blocks. computer.
c) It coordinates the flow of information d) Protects a computer from hackers.
between the input and output devices.
d) It perform function such as checking disk 29. Cable transmission media does NOT include
a) co-axial
24. Jono is interested in fixing hardware faults and b) fibre-optic
malfunctions in computer equipment, and c) satellite
d) twisted-pair
installing new systems. He may want to consider
a career as 30. Which of the following is an example of a
CORRECTLY formatted e-mail address?
a) an electrical engineer
b) an end-user support
a) Lana.happy@net
c) a maintenance engineer
d) a system engineer
d) lana@happy@net
25. Which of the following actions is an example of
a consistency check? 31. Which of the following activities is involved in
a) Examining whether or not a field is the
required type in a date field a) Compiling a program
b) Requiring a user to enter his or her e-mail b) Drawing a flowchart
address twice c) Planning a solution to a problem
c) Testing that only letters are entered in a name d) Writing a program
d) Ensuring that numbers are positive in a 32. A series of geometrically shaped boxes connected
quantity ordered field by arrows is an example of a

26. What is the name of the folder that houses the a) bar chart
web pages in the fictitious URL given below? b) flowchart
c) program chart d) structure chart
33. At which stage of program development should
a) http documentation be included?
c) Fun a) After the debugging phase
d) Index.htm b) During the design phase
c) During the testing phase
27. Heat sensors are used for detecting d) At every phase

a) activity 34. The Pascal statement x := 4; means

b) light


a) storing the value 4 in a variable x b) An error message

b) storing the value x in a variable 2 c) An infinite loop
c) declaring the value 4 to a variable x d) Nothing will be printed
d) declaring the value x to a variable 4

35. Which statement in Pascal does the symbol :=

represent? 39. How many times will the loop be executed by the
following statement?
a) An assignment
b) A conditional For mark := -1 to 5 do
c) A declaration Writeln(^);
d) A variable
a) -1
36. Assigning P to GRADE means that GRADE b) 0
should be declared as c) 5
d) 7
a) integer
b) real 40. The structure below represents
c) string
d) char

Items 37 38 are based upon the following

declaration in Pascal.

Var list, index : Integer

Cost : Real
Grade : Char

37. What is the output of the following fragment of

code below?
a) sequencing
For index := 1 to 4 do
b) repetition
Write (>);
c) selection
d) ordering
a) >
41. An interpreter converts
a) program code line by line
b) >>>>
b) an entire program
c) >
c) a program efficiently
d) There will be no output, because the code has
d) the language to source code
an error.
42. The first step in solving a problem is to
38. What is the output of the fragment of code
below? a) develop the algorithm
b) test the solution
Cost := 2.5; c) evaluate solutions and specify the best
While cost < 2.5 do solution
Begin d) define the problem
Write (---)

a) ---


43. The Pascal term used to get data typed using a PC298 29.9 40 26 20
3 9
keyboard is called CP299 21.9 32 10 20
4 9
a) read CP304 29.9 20 2 10
b) input 5 9
CP305 32.7 22 2 12
c) write 6 5
d) output CP306 16.9 19 7 10
7 9
44. The Pascal code to declare an array LIST with 10 CP307 16.9 17 9 10
8 9
letters is 9 MB607 4.99 42 20 20
MB608 11.9 64 32 20
a) VAR LIST: ARRAY[1...10] of char; 10 9
b) VAR LETTERS:ARRAY[110] of string;
c) VAR LIST: ARRAY[1 to 10] of char; 49. The values in Column B should be formatted
d) VAR LETTERS: ARRAY[1 to 10] of string; using the

45. A low-level language is categorized as a a) comma format

b) currency format
a) first generation language c) money format
b) second generation language d) percentage format
c) third generation language
d) fourth generation language 50. Which formula should be placed in cell E2 to
obtain the Stock Balance?
46. Extracting information from a database can be
achieved through the use of a) =C2-D2
b) =C2-F2
a) files c) =D2-C2
b) objects d) =F2-D2
c) queries
d) reports 51. The formula to display the text LOW in cell if
stock Balance is below the Re-order level is
47. Modifying a table structure does NOT include
a) =if(E2<F2, , LOW)
a) adding new fields b) =if(E2<F2, LOW, )
b) adding a record c) =if(E2>F2, LOW, )
c) deleting fields d) =if(E2>F2, , LOW
d) viewing the fields

48. Which of the following is NOT a data type used

in database?

a) Number
b) Logical
c) String
d) Date

Items 49 51 refer to the spreadsheet below. Items 52 53 refer to the graphic below.

2 CP292 9.99 26 12 15


56. Which of the involved in testing

A following does a website?
Click to add title
NOT show the
text at the bottom a) Checking the
B Click to add
of the page? hyperlinks
subtitle b) Choosing an
a) Header appropriate
b) Footer design
52. At which stage of a presentation will the above c) Footnote c) Using a test
d) Endnote audience
slide appear?
d) Using a web
57. In the text 3x2 browser
a) First
b) Second the number 2 that
c) Last appears raised is 60. Which of the
d) Fourth an example of following type of
software would be
53. To add a title New Syllabus, a) multiplication the MOST
b) a power appropriate for
a) double click on the rectangle A and type the c) a subscript
d) a superscript showing
information in
b) double click on the rectangle B and type the
58. Linking to another tables and reports?
c) click on the rectangle A and type the text webpages can be
achieved by a) Database
d) click on the rectangle B and type the text
b) Presentation
creating a c) Word
54. Which of the following is NOT a formatting
a) layout processing
feature in word processing?
b) hyperlink d) Spreadsheet
a) Page alignment c) index page
b) Page break d) home page
c) Page length
d) Page number 59. Which of the
55. Copying a paragraph and pasting it in another activities is NOT
document is an example of

a) a mail merge
b) a block operation
c) saving the document
d) combining document


End of test


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