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Tiny Seed Lesson

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UNT Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor Teacher (if

Haley Lee Special Education applicable):
Saginaw Elementary Misty Pier

Subject area(s): Unit Lesson Title:

ELA, Art, Science Topic/Theme: Tiny Seed
Life Cycle

Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:

Art 2 Listening (C) learn 2. Use creativity and insight to
new language recognize and describe patterns in
2.2.bThe student is
structures, natural phenomena.
expected to: create expressions, and
3. Listen actively and effectively in
effective compositions, basic and academic
vocabulary heard
group discussions
using design elements 3. Synthesize and organize information
during classroom
and principles; 4.2.B effectively
instruction and
The student is expected interactions;
to: design original 3 Speaking (E) share
artworks; Reading information in
cooperative learning
2.14c describe the order
of events or ideas in a (H) narrate, describe,
text; and explain with
4.6 increasing specificity
and detail as more
sequence and
English is acquired;
summarize the plots
main events and explain
their influence on future
2.10.b observe, record,
and compare how the
physical characteristics
of plants help them
meet their basic needs
such as stems carry
water throughout the
4.9.a investigate that
most producers need
sunlight, water, and

carbon dioxide to make
their own food, while
consumers are
dependent on other
organisms for food;

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

Students will be able to describe how plants receive their nutrients and how they grow.
Students will be able to recall the sequence the main events of a story told to them
Students will be able to use multiple items to create an original artwork representing the
cycle of blooms. Students will be able to discuss flowering plants as a group with clear
and appropriate language.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)
Teacher will assess prior knowledge. Formative: Students will answer questions about
the growth of a blooming plant.
Formative: students will characterize the differences in seed types.

Materials and Resources

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Fast and slow motion flower bloom video:

Here is an audio and picture reading of Tiny Seed if needed

Construction paper Glue

Pipe cleaners Crayons

Seeds (tomato, sunflower...)

Magnifying glass
Pictures of what seeds will become (typically on seed packet)

Management of the Instructional Environment

Teacher will read, show video and explain art task.
Paraprofessionals will assist students in focusing on the book, and remaining
comfortable during the video. During the art time, paraprofessionals will help
as much as they feel needed- but allow students to make their own creations.

Book reading will be in the break area on the reading rug. Seed investigation
will be at the exploration table.

Flower Life Cycle art will be at the teacher table with Ms. Lee in the middle
and a paraprofessional on each side.

Technology Integration

Students will use YouTube to watch the life cycle of a flower. Students can also
use the iPad to look up seeds at the exploration table.

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

All students will listen to the story.
Advanced students will be prompted open response questions while other students will
receive yes/no questions or acknowledgement of the text.

Seed Sort
All students will attempt to study seeds and compare their differences such as size,
shape, color and texture.
Some students will be asked to sort the seeds by differences.
Some students will have the opportunity to feel the seed and hold them.

Advanced students will write the names of each stage of the flower/bloom cycle and add
arrows (Seed, sprout, flower).
All students will attempt to make a flower life cycle art piece. Students that are unable to
cut, glue or color with ease can draw their own depiction of a flower or seed.
Students will receive help with placement and glue for their artwork as needed.


Day 1 Engage 5 Minutes

Assess prior knowledge. The teacher will invite students to the teacher table
where she will talk about plants that bloom. For visual and engagement
purposes, the teacher will provide silk flowers for students.
How do flowers grow?
Do flowers need the sun to grow?

How does a plant begin?
What are some ways we use seeds? Where are the petals of the flower? What
part is this? (Stem)

Introduce time lapse videos.

Day 1 Explore 20 Minutes

Invite students to the reading rug

Picture walk of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Model the title, authors name and the front and back of the book. Predict
what the story might be about.
Discuss the colors, movements and art seen on each page.

Read The Tiny Seed and ask related questions throughout the story.
Reinforce Environmental goals with discussions of mountain, desert and
oceanic life.
Find the tiny seed on each page.
Ask a student to touch the bird.
Follow seasons as they progress and ask what the weather might be like.
Admire the flower growing, ask the students how it started.
Explain how rain, water and sunlight helped the flower grow and wind carries
the seed to a growing place.

Ask students to recall what happened in the story.

Day 1 Explain 10 Minutes

Create a Life Cycle artwork

Invite students to the teacher table
Students should use pipe cleaners for seedlings and stems.
They should either cut petals or color some on their page.
Students will also glue seeds next to the flower and sprout to show the
beginning of the cycle.
There should be roots and grass or soil evident on their page.
Once everything is glued/cut/added, students can draw arrows showing the
cycle of blooming plants. Advanced students can name parts of the cycle or
write a sentence.

Day 1 Elaborate 10 Minutes

Invite students to the exploration table

Seed Sort
Students will analyze seeds as a group and characterize them based on size,
shape, color and texture. Students can look at the seeds with a magnifying
glass and weigh the seeds. We can use this time to research where these

seeds grow and how they are carried. These questions are student-led and
may be few in number, so guide the questions when possible.

Day 1 Evaluate 5 Minutes

Students will show their understanding by presenting their (dried) art to the
class in their own words. Non-verbal students can point or display their work
without explanation.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

This lesson was fun to plan and even more fun to teach. I enjoyed how excited
the kids were seeing the real plants and playing with the seeds. The craft was
not motor skills friendly, but that was actually helpful. Making my students
with motor skill deficits glue on a pip cleaner was a challenge and they had to
manipulate the materials to make it work. The craft with flower part labels
was really well done by the students and the paraproffesionals were such a
great help with all the cutting and pasting. It was easy to tell it was a new
type of lesson for everyone in the room and it went well. I dont feel like I got
a full 45 minute instructional time after transitions from one part of the room
to another and questions my students cant refrain from asking but I think we
managed time well. Hopefully we can return this type of lesson when flowers
start to bloom!


2 0 0 5 0
- 1 8 9 - 4 8
__________ ___________

3 0 0 7 0
- 2 9 1 - 6 9
__________ ___________

Count 7 poms
Add 2 poms
Count 5 poms
Add 4 poms
Count 6 poms
Add 4 poms

Count out 12 poms

Count out 7 poms

Count out 4 poms

Count out 9 poms

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