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Tut Sheet 4 SCH RNT Freeb SHO

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PH-107 (2016)

Tutorial Sheet 4
(Wave Mechanics)

* Problems to be done in tutorial.

J: Free State Problems:
P68: A beam of particles coming from left with energy E approaches a potential barrier
given below.
V(x) =0 for x<0
V(x) = Vo for x0
Obtain expressions for the transmission and the reflection coefficients and show that
their sum is one.

P69: A beam of electrons with energy E = 4 eV approaches from left hand side a
potential barrier defined as V(x)=0 for x<0 and V(x)=5 eV for x>0. Find the value of
x inside the barrier for which the probability density is one-fourth the probability
density at x=0.

P70*: A beam of particles with energy E approaches from left hand side, a potential
barrier defined by V=0 for x<0 and V=Vo for x>0, where Vo>E.
(a) Find the value of x=xo (xo>0), for which the probability density is 1/e times the
probability density at x=0.
(b) Take maximum allowed uncertainty x for the particle to be localized in the
classically forbidden region as xo. Find the uncertainty this would cause in the
energy of the particle. Can then one be sure that its energy E is less than Vo.

P71: (a) A beam of particles of energy E is moving in +x direction is incident on a

barrier of height Vo (Vo<E) at x = 0. Find an expression of the reflection and the
transmission coefficient.
(b) If the transmission coefficient in the above problem is 0.36, find E/ Vo.

P72*: A beam of particles of energy E and de Broglie wavelength , traveling along the
positive x-axis in potential free region, encounters a one-dimensional potential
barrier of height V=E and width L.
(a) Obtain an expression for the transmission coefficient.
(b) For what value of L (in terms of ), will the reflection coefficient be half?
P73: A beam of particles (mass 500 keV/c2) moving along negative x direction of energy
3 eV is incident on a potential given by
V= for x0
V= 5 eV for 0<xa
V= 0 for x>a
The value of a is equal to the de-Broglie wavelength of the particles (in the region
x>a). Write the wave function of the particles in terms of the amplitude of the
incident wave. What is the ratio of the probabilities of finding the particle at x = a/2
and at x = a.
P74: A beam of particle of mass m and energy Vo (where Vo is positive constant) is
incident from left on the following potential barrier.
V = 0 for x < a and for x > + a
V = Vo for a x + a
Where a . Write the wave functions in all the three regions and apply
boundary conditions, clearly stating them. Find the transmission coefficient of the

P75*: A beam of particles of mass m and energy 9 Vo (Vo is a positive constant of

energy dimension) is incident from left on a barrier given below.
V=0 for x<0

V=5 Vo for x d ; where d
V= nVo for x d; where n is a number, positive or negative.

E=9Vo V=5Vo V= nVo


x=0 x=d

It is found that the transmission coefficient from x0 region to xd region is 0.75.

(a) Find n. Is there more than one possible value for n?

(b) Find the un-normalized wave function in all the regions in terms of the
amplitude of the incident wave for each possible value of n.
(c) Is there a phase change between the incident and the reflected beam at x=0?
If yes determine it for each possible value of n.
Give your answers by explaining all the steps and clearly writing the boundary
conditions used
P76: A beam of particles of energy 9Vo is incident from left on a double potential barrier
defined as follows:
V 0 for x 0
V 5Vo for 0 x d
V 8Vo for x d

Here, d and Vo is positive. Find the wave function of the particle in all
the regions in terms of the amplitude of the incident wave. Also find the reflection
and transmission coefficients and show that their sum is one.

K: Bound State Problems:

P77: A particle of mass m and energy E (E>V2) is confined to potential well of the
following type.
V= for x<-L and for x>L
V=V1 for L<x<0
V=V2 for 0<x<L; V2>V1
(a) Find the equation governing the energy of the particle.
(b) Find the ratio of the probabilities for the particle to remain in negative x to
positive x.
(c)Take the limiting case of V1=V2 and show that the energies come out to be same as
that of a particle in a one-dimensional box of length 2L.


-L 0 L

P78*: A particle of mass m is confined to a one-dimensional box described by V=0 for
0<x<L and for 2L<x<3L; V=Vo for L<x<2L and V= , everywhere else. It is given
that the ground state wave function of the particle is independent of x between

(a) Find L in terms Vo and m

(b) Find the percentage probabilities of finding the particle in three different regions
of different potentials.
(c) Sketch the wave function everywhere in box.


0 L 2L 3L

P79: Consider a one-dimensional potential shown in the figure below. This is described
by V= for x0; V=-Vo for 0<x<L and V=0 for xL.

(a) For a beam of particle coming from right with energy E>0, what is the reflection
coefficient? Can you guess the answer without doing the calculation?
(b) Find the equation that governs the energy for the bound state. Normalize the wave
function for this case.
(c) For a given value of L, what should be the value of Vo, so that there is only one
bound state.

0 L

P80: Consider a potential well given below.

V= 2Vo (where Vo is positive constant) for x 0
V= 0 for 0< x<L
V=Vo for x L
Find the range of the values of L, for which only one bound state would appear.
P81: Consider a potential well as defined below:

V=V0 for x < 0; V=0 for 0 < x < L; V=V0 for x> L

(a) Find the value of V0, for which the particle will have only one bound state at

(b) Find the values of x in the classically forbidden region, for which the probability of
finding the particle will be (1/e) of the value at x = L.

P82: Consider the following one dimensional potential well (Vo is positive)
V 0 for x 0
V Vo for 0 x d
V 4Vo for x d
Find the un-normalized wave function for a particle bound in the well and roughly
plot it in your answer-book for the ground state. Find the equation that determines
the energy of the quantized levels. Find the least value of d for which a bound
state will exist.

P83*: A particle of mass m is in the second excited state (n=3) of an 1-d infinite square
well which extends from x=0 to x=L. Suddenly the well expands to double its size
(i.e. from x=0 to x=2L), leaving the wave function undisturbed momentarily. If the
energy of the particle is now measured, what are the probabilities of finding it in the
ground state and in the first excited state (n=2)? At a later time the wave function of
the particle is given by the same functional form, but now extends between x=0 and
2L. Find out the probability of finding the particle in the ground state and n=2 state

L: Three Dimensional Box:

P84*: A particle of mass m is confined to a three dimensional box of sides L,L/2, L/2.
Find the energy levels of the particle. Find also the wave functions and energy
corresponding to lowest energy level that exhibits degeneracy.
P85: A particle of mass m and total energy E is confined to a three-dimensional potential
well characterized by the following potentials.
V= - Vo for 0 x L and for 0 y L/2 and for 0 z L/2
V= + everywhere else
(Vo , L, E are positive)
(a) Starting from three dimensional time independent Schrdinger equation, obtained
the quantized energy level.
(b) Deduce the value of the lowest energy level that exhibits degeneracy. Give the
corresponding un-normalized wave functions.
(c) Find the maximum value of Vo in terms of L and m, for which no negative energy
state exists.

M: Harmonic Oscillator:
P86: A particle of mass m is under the influence of a potential V m 2 x 2 , where x is
the displacement from origin and is a constant. The ground state wave function of
m 2
this particle is given by (x) Ae 2
. Find the mean values x , x 2 , px
and px 2 corresponding to this wave function and the uncertainty product. For
integer k, you may use the following integrals.

1 3 ...(2k-1)
0 u e du
2 k bu2

2k 1 b 2 k 1

2 k 1 bu2
e du
2bk 1
P87: A particle of mass m is under the influence of a potential V= m2x2, where x is
m 2
the displacement from origin and is a constant. Show that ( x) Axe 2
is a
solution of the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with the above potential. Find
the value of energy for this state.

P88*: For a particle bound in a particular one-dimensional potential with a property that
V(0)=0, the two solutions of Schrdinger Equation are given by (x) and
x 1(x). The energies corresponding to these solutions are E1 and E2 where E1 E2.
Find the un-normalized (x) , the ratio E2/E1 and V(x).
P89*: (a) One of the solutions of the Schrdinger equation for a particle of mass m
experiencing a potential V kx 2 , k being constant is Axe x . Find out the value

of and the energy.
(b) Find the value of x xo , beyond which the region is classically forbidden for the
(c) Consider a particle bound between xo x xo in the following potential
V Vo for x xo
1 2
V kx for xo x xo
V Vo for x xo
Can Axe x still be a valid wave function for the region xo x xo ? Please

give precise reasons.

N: Spherically Symmetrical Potential:

P90*: If the wave function (r , ,,t 0) for the case of hydrogen atom is written as a
product of three functions as (r , , , t 0) R(r ) ( ) () then it can be
shown that the radial pert of the Schrdinger equation can be written as follows.

1 d 2 dR 2m
r E
e2 1
R 0
r 2 dr dr 2 4 or r2

where the symbols have their usual meaning. For the ground state of hydrogen atom
=0. For this state

(a) Show that (r , t 0) Ae a is a solution of this equation. Find the values of
A, a and the ground state energy.
(b) Calculate the mean distance, root mean square distance and the most probable
distance between the electron and the nucleus in terms of the Bohr radius.
(c) What are the classical and quantum mechanical probabilities of finding the
electron ar r>2a.

You may use the following standard integral.

e x dx (p 1) p(p); p 1 0
P91: A particle is bound in a potential well of the type V(r) =-Vo for r <a and V(r)=0 for
r>a. The wave function (r , , , t 0) for this case is written as a product of three
functions as (r , , , t 0) R(r ) ( ) () and the radial part of the
Schrdinger equation can be written as follows for =0.
1 d 2 dR 2m
r E V R 0
r 2 dr dr 2
The symbols have their usual meaning. Solve this equation to find the equation
which would lead to energy states.
(Hint: Use the substitution (r)=R(r) r, to reduce the equation into a more familiar
differential equation)

P92*: The and parts of the Schrdinger equation are given as follows.
sin d d 2
sin ( 1)sin ml

d d
1 d 2
ml 2
d 2

If we substitute w = cos and write P for in the first equation, we get the
following equation.
d P dP ml 2
1- w dw
2w ( 1) P 0
dw 1 w2
It is given that P Aw 2 B is a solution of this equation. Find the possible values
of , and m . Write the form of and for these cases.

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