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Fruit Part 1

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Fruit PART -1



Fruits are such a delight to the senses of all the foods available to us, fruits
are the most attractive, delicious and enjoyable. Of all natural foods, that is, the
foods we can eat in their natural state, fruit is the food we are most attracted to and
that first entices our senses. Humans are born with a natural instinct for sweet foods
and in nature, that instinct naturally draws us to fruit.

Fruit is one of the most healthy and natural foods in existence. There are
thousands of different types of fruit available to eat, all of which provide us with
strong health benefits. Fruit contains a large number of naturally occurring vitamins,
minerals and plant phytochemicals that help benefit health. It has also been shown
that eating the whole fruit or juice is best to gain the benefits rather than taking
supplements to provide each nutrient separately.

It has been recommended that we should be eating at least 5 pieces of fruit

every day in order to gain the full health benefits of eating fruit. We all think eating
fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. Its not
as easy as you think. Its important to know how and when to eat.

Benefits of Eating Fruits:

Fruits is the best source of the natural sugar needed for energy,potential for
weight control, more energy for exercising ,reduced risk of cardiovascular
diseases,reduced risk of developing cancers lower blood pressure ,potential
to lower cholesterol ,reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, potential to
slow down age process
Fruit is packed with vitamins, and still represents the best source of vitamins
in any food
Fruit is packed with anti-oxidants.
Fruit is easier to digest than grains. Fruit is basically pre-digested.
Digesting ripe fruit hardly requires any digestive enzymes, and is thus less
taxing to the body.
Fruit is alkaline forming (whereas meat, fish, grains and legumes are acid-
Fruit contains an abundance of pure water.
Fruit is easy to eat. It doesnt require much preparation.
Fruit is beautiful. All of our senses are nourished by fruit, not just our taste

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


People who eat lots of fruit live longer. A study published in the British
Fruit contains lots of fiber, which is necessary for optimum digestion

Journal (September 2001), showed that fresh fruit offers the best bet for a long life.
The results of a study showed that frequent fruit eaters had a 32 percent lower risk
of dying from cerebrovascular disease such as stroke, and a 24 percent lower risk of
dying from ischemic heart disease, than those who ate fruit less than once a day


name:Prunusamygdalus Batsch)

The word "almond" comes from Old French almande or alemande, Late
Latin amandola, derived through a form amingdolouhha from the
Greek (cf amygdala), an almond. The al- in English, for the a- used in
other languages may be due a confusion with the Arabic article al, the word having
first dropped the a- as in the Italian form mandorla; the British pronunciation ah-
mond and the modern Catalan ametlla and modern French amande show a form of
the word closer to the originalWonderfully delicious

.The sweet almond contains about 26% carbohydrates (12% dietary fiber, 6.3%
sugars, 0.7% starch and the rest miscellaneous carbohydrates), and may therefore
be made into flour for cakes and cookies (biscuits) for low-carbohydrate diets. Found
in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel, almond is
a very nutritious nut. It is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and
magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds contain the
most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.

Both sweet and bitter almonds are available. Usually, sweet almonds are edible and
bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, which is used to add flavor to food.
Almonds are usually eaten raw, but people also add them as ingredients in salads.
Almond milk is a delicious drink.

Health benefits are

1. Good for brain:

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in development of the brain.

Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food
item for growing children.

2. Regulates cholesterol:

Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level of high density

lipoproteins (HDL) and reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL), thereby
effectively controlling cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol.

3. Good for heart:

Mono-saturated fat, protein and potassium contained in almonds are good for the
heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart diseases. The
presence of magnesium in almonds helps to avoid heart attacks. Almonds help
reduce C-reactive protein which causes artery-damaging inflammation. Almond is
also a source of folic acid. They therefore help to reduce the level of homocystein,
which causes fatty plaque buildup in arteries.

4. Skin care:

The benefits of almond for skin care are well known, and hence a massage with
almond oil is often recommended for new born babies. Almond milk is also added in
some soaps as almonds help in improving the complexion of the skin.The sweet
almond oil is obtained from the nuts is an excellent emollient; helps to keep skin
well protected from dryness. It has also been used in cooking, and as carrier or
base oil in traditional medicines in aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic

5. Regulates blood pressure:

Potassium present in almond helps to regulates blood pressure. Almonds are very
low in sodium which also helps in containing blood pressure , and protects against
hardening of the arteries.

6. Prevention of cancer:

Almond improves the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing
colon cancer.

7. Protection against diabetes:

Almonds also help in reducing the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. This
offers protection from diabetes.

8. Good in pregnancy:

Almond contains folic acid. Folic acid helps to reduce the incidence of birth defects
in newborn babies.

9. Weight loss:

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Unsweetened almond milk helps one to reduce weight. The mono-saturated fat
contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. Studies have
revealed that almond rich low calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in
shedding their weight.

10. Prevention of constipation:

Almonds are rich in fibre. Like most other fibre rich food, almonds also help in
preventing constipation. Make sure you drink good amount of water after eating

11. Boosts energy:

The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin helps in energy production.

2. AMLUK/WILD PERSMON (Scientific name:

Wild persimmons are very high on my favorite wild food list. Perhaps its because
theyre related to one of my all-time favorite fruits: black sapote, also known as the
black persimmon or chocolate pudding fruit.

Wild persimmons are as sweet and luscious as dates, with warm cinnamon notes.
Theyre similar in flavor to cultivated, imported varieties such as Hachiya and Fuyu,
but wild persimmons are smaller, only one to two inches in diameter.

Like many wild edible plants, wild persimmons are higher in nutrients than their
cultivated counterparts. Theyre especially high in vitamin C and calcium.

You can find wild persimmon trees, also called American Persimmon trees, in rocky
or dry open woods, prairies, abandoned fields, and at the borders of woods. The
American Persimmon is distributed across much of the eastern and central U.S.
south of the Great Lakes region (click here for a range map).

Wild persimmons trees vary considerably in the quality of the fruit produced. Some
groves, locations, and even individual trees produce better fruit than others. So

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


when you find a good tree, make sure to make a mental note of its location or way-
point it on your GPS.

New foragers (and even newcomers to cultivated persimmons) always make the
mistake of eating persimmons before theyre ripe, because its hard to believe just
how soft and mushy they have to be to be good. Under-ripe persimmons are so
astringent that they make your mouth shrivel and pucker.

The time of persimmon ripening is variable. Sometimes the fruits ripen early in the
fall, while other times they retain their bitter quality until after the first frost. Lucky
for me there are several trees at the farm with ripe fruit right now!

The best way to determine whether persimmons are ripe is to wait for them to begin
to drop off the tree. Taste a persimmon thats fallen off the tree if its somewhat
gelatinous and deliciously sweet, you can shake the tree and then gather up the

If the tree is too large and sturdy to shake, theres nothing wrong with collecting the
fruit that have fallen to ground. The ants find them so fast that youll easily be able
to tell which fruit have recently dropped and which have been sitting for a few
hours. You might also have competition from persimmon-loving wildlife such as wild
turkey, deer, raccoons, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, and even coyotes.

Persimmons are wonderful eaten raw out of hand, but you must remove the seeds if
you want to cook with persimmons. To make persimmon pulp, simply push the
ripe persimmons through a colander with the palm of your hand and discard the
seeds and skins that do not pass through. The pulp can be used
in cakes, breads, cookies, pies, fruit, jelly, jam, and any other recipe that calls for
pulp or puree from wild or cultivated persimmons. Persimmon pulp can also be
frozen for later use.



()Scientific name:Malusdomestica)

The proverb "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.", addressing the health effects
of the fruit, dates from 19th century Wales. Research suggests that apples may
reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Compared to

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


many other fruits and vegetables, apples contain relatively low amounts of vitamin
C, but are a rich source of other antioxidant compounds. The fiber content, while
less than in most other fruits, helps regulate bowel movements and may thus
reduce the risk of colon cancer. They may also help with heart disease, weight
loss, and controlling cholesterol. The fiber contained in apples reduces cholesterol
by preventing reabsorption, and (like most fruits and vegetables) they are bulky for
their caloric content.[58][61]

An apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoid which
enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon
cancer, heart attack & stroke. Apples contain minerals like calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, and
selenium. They also contain vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic
acid, folate, vitamin C, B6, B12, A, E, folic acid, and tocopherol. Phenolics and
phytochemicals like procyanidin B2, epicatechin, and quercetin are common

The skin contains most of the apple's important nutrients. Raw apples are higher in
many nutrients and phytochemicals than cooked apples. Apples that are raw and
unpeeled, are a great source of many important phytochemicals, such as ellagic
acid and flavonoids (especially quercetin).For example, fresh whole apples and fresh
apple juice contain approximately 100-130 milligrams per 100 grams (roughly 3 1/2
ounces) of chlorogenic, ellagic, and caffeic acids. In cooked or commercial apples,
the content of these compounds is at or near zero.

1.Bone Protection
Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and polyphenols both are powerful antioxidant .100g of apple an

give an antioxidant effect that equal to taking about 1,500mg of vitamin C. French researchers

found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal

women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples,

also strengthens bones.

2. Asthma Help

One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered

from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma

than children whose mothers ate few apples.

3. Alzheimers Prevention

A group of chemicals in apples could protect the brain from the type of damage that triggers such

neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinsonism, according to two new studies from

Cornell University food scientists.An ingredient in apples called quercetin is thought to prevent free

radical brain damage which is generally responsible for Alzheimer's.

4. Lower Cholesterol

Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber (fibre), which is effective in lowering cholesterol

levels.lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol

by as much as 16 percent.

5. Lung Cancer Prevention

According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of

developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin

and naringin in apples.

6. Breast Cancer Prevention

A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast

cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed

six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.

7. Colon Cancer Prevention

The skin of Apple contain pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system by

supplying galacturonic acid. Pectin helps prevent protein matter in the intestine from spoiling,

reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


8. Liver Cancer Prevention

Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.

9. Diabetes Management

The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin

and may help in the management of diabetes.

10.Weight Loss

A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while

dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.

11. Kidney Stones

Apple cider vinegar when used as beverage can help to prevent the formation of kidney stone.

12. Apple and Brain Function

Apples and apple juice may be among the best foods that baby boomers and senior citizens could

add to their diet, according to new research that demonstrates how apple products can help boost

brain function similar to medication.

13. Grow some hair.

Apparently, apple promotes hair growth too. I think this is one of the more peculiar health benefits

of apples.

14. Improve eyesight.

Apples can help with some eye problems, and tend to strengthen the eyes. The high Vitamin A and

C content also helps to treat night blindness.

15.Treat Anemia.

Iron (apples have plenty of this) encourages increased hemoglobin levels therefore treating


Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan



(Scientific name: PrunusarmeniacaL.)

Native to China, the apricot is cultivated in all of Central and Southeast Asia and in
parts of southern Europe and North Africa. It was doubtless among the fruits
brought into southern California early in the 18th century by Spanish missionaries.
The American Pomological Society lists 11 varieties grown in the United States in

(Prunusarmeniaca), stone fruit of the family Rosaceae that is cultivated throughout

the temperate regions of the world.Cool, delicious and golden-orange colored
apricot fruits are must during summer months to beat the heat. Botanically, they
belonged to the family of Rosaceae of Genus, Prunus and scientifically named
as Prunusarmeniaca.

The fruits have almost uniform size, 4-5 cm in diameter, and weigh about 35 g. In
structure; it is a drupe; a single seed is surrounded by flesh. The seed is enclosed in
a hard stony shell, often called a "stone".

Apricots contain vitamins A, alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin,

lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C, E, K, B6, B12, niacin, thiamin, ribloflavin, folate, and
pantothenic acid. They also contain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium,
potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, and selenium as well as
dietary fiber.

The health benefits of apricot include the following:

1. Constipation:

The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in
the treatment of constipation. The insoluble cellulose acts as a roughage which
helps the bowel movement. The pectin absorbs and retains water, thereby
increasing bulk to stools, aiding in smooth bowel movement.

Earache: Apricot oil is good for earache.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


2. Fevers:

Apricot juice is often given to patients suffering from fever as it provides necessary
vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body. It also detoxifies the body. Some
people also use steamed apricot during fevers.Blend some honey and apricots with
some mineral water and drink to cool down fevers. It quenches the thirst and
effectively eliminates the waste products from the body.

3. Skin disorders:

Apricot oil is good for skin care. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not keep
the skin oily when applied. Apricot is not just useful for maintaining the skin smooth
and shiny, it also aids in treating a number of skin diseases including eczema,
itching, scabies, etc.

4. Anemia:

The high content of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for anemia sufferers.
The small but essential amount of copper in the fruit makes the iron available to the
body. Liberal consumption of apricot can increase the production of hemoglobin in
the body. This is ideal for women after their menstrual cycle, especially those with
heavy flow.

5. Cancer:

The seeds of apricot are believed to aid in treating cancer.

6. Asthma:

It is also believed that apricot oil is anti-asthmatic in nature and helps in treating the

7. Eyes/Vision:

The high amount of vitamin A (especially when dried) is essential to maintain or

improve eyesight. Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair

8. Digestion

Take an apricot before meal to aid digestion, as it has an alkaline reaction in the
digestive system.the fruit leaves an alkaline ash, after digestion, and effectively
treats indigestion, dyspeptic attacks and acidity. Begin your day with 2 apricots.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan



BUILDING(Scientific name: Persea Americana Mill )

Avocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere in the world. Avocado is
sometimes called avocado pear or alligator pear, and AguacatePalta in

The avocado is a fruit abundant in antioxidants, minerals, phytonutrients, dietary

fiber and monounsaturated fat. The world, especially in developing countries, is
trying to adapt avocado as one of substitutes to cope for the shortage of nutritious
food production.

Originated in Mexico and Central America. However, today, avocados are being
planted and harvested in countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand,
Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China, Japan, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina,
Bolivia, Chile, Ethiopia, Spain, Palestine, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand,
Malaysia, and Hawaii. Oh, yes, you can plant it even in your backyard garden and it
is adaptable as long as the climate does not go below 5C during winter season.In
Pakistan it can be cultivated in different areas especially in Frost free Areas.

1. Avacado inhibits Prostate Cancer

Avocados have been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.

2. Oral Cancer Defense by avacados

Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados are able to seek out pre-
cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming
healthy cells.

3. Breast Cancer Protection

Avocado, like olive oil, is high in oleic acid, which has been shown to prevent breast
cancer in numerous studies.

4. Eye Health and Avacado

Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed
fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two disabling
age-related eye diseases.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


5. Avocados Lower Cholesterol

Avocados are high in beta-sitosterol, a compound that has been shown to lower
cholesterol levels. In one study, 45 volunteers experienced an average drop in
cholesterol of 17% after eating avocados for only one week.

5.Heart Health and avocados

Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help regulate homocysteine
levels. High level of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart
disease. Besides that, avocado also contains vitamin E, Glutathione and
monounsaturated fat which help in maintaining a healthy heart.

6. Stroke Prevention
The high levels of folate in avocado are also protective against strokes. People who
eat diets rich in folate have a much lower risk of stroke than those who don't.

7. Better Nutrient Absorption

Research has found that certain nutrients are absorbed better when eaten with
avocado. In one study, when participants ate a salad containing avocados, they
absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes
lycopene and beta carotene) than those who didn't include avocados.

8. Avocados the Glutathione Source

Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, an important antioxidant that
researchers say is important in preventing aging, cancer, and heart disease.

9. Avocados the Powerhouse of Vitamin E

Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin E, an essential vitamin that protects
against many diseases and helps maintains overall health.

11. Anti-aging properties

Being rich in antioxidants, avocado is beneficial in preventing aging symptoms. The

glutathione in avocado may boosts immune systems, slows the aging process, and
encourages a healthy nervous system.

12. Avocados and Body Building

Avocado is one of the most recommended fruits as well as a food for bodybuilding
and medicine for cholesterol-related heart diseases.

13. Cure bad breath

Avocados are one of the best natural mouth wash and bad breath remedies. It is
cleanses intestine which is the real cause of coated tongue and this unpleasant

14. Weight gain

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


The avocado has 200 calories for 100 grams. Typically, fruits has approximately 60-
80 calories for 100 grams. Due to the high amounts of calories, avocado is a best
diet for people who want to gain weight. Avocado is a healthy source of calories,
unlike many other calorie-dense foods that may contain excess saturated fats and

15. Good for pregnant

Avocados are good for pregnant women since the high folate content in them helps
in the development of brain and other tissues of the baby. The B6 vitamin in these
fruits may help in reducing nausea that is associated with pregnancy.


Scientific name :Musa acuminata,

The word banana is derived from the Arab word "banan," which means finger.

Bananas offer an excellent source of potassium and vitamin B6. They are also a
good source of fiber, magnesium, carbohydrates, vitamin C, riboflavin, and biotin.
Since bananas have a lower water content than most other fruits, they contain
more calories and more sugar than those fruits. The health benefits are summarized
as below

1. Bananas Provide Energy

Because of the abundance of vitamins and minerals, bananas are a great source of
natural energy. Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or
workout for an hour and a half. Bananas are also ideal for eating during that midday
lull when you feel tired and sluggish.

2. Bananas regulate the bowel system:

The best solution to constipation is eating a banana a day. This is one of the major
health benefits of bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber that helps in regulating the
bowel functions ,bananas are a natural source for lessening the effects of
constipation without causing other bowel problems such as diarrhea

3. Bananas reduce the risk of heart diseases and blood pressure:

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Bananas are rich in potassium, which is very vital for the muscle contraction and
proper functioning of the heart and nervous system. Thus reduce the risk of heart
diseases and blood pressure.

4. Bananas reduce depression . Can Lift Your Spirits

Tryptophan acids are present in bananas and these help in reducing depression and
thereby improve your mood and also .reducing stress levels. In this age of stress,
this health benefit of banana is truly great.

5. Eat bananas for healthy bones:

Probiotic bacterium is present in banana and they help in absorbing calcium and
increasing the digestive ability .in bananas. Green bananas are especially helpful in
absorbing calcium.
6. Reduce menstrual pains with bananas:
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 that helps in regulating blood glucose levels. This
helps in balancing your overall mood and hence reduces menstrual pains.
, bananas have a level of vitamin B6 that helps to regulate blood glucose level and
help your overall mood.
7. Bananas help ulcer patients:

Another major health benefit of bananas is their capability of fighting intestinal

disorders. Eating a raw banana reduces irritation in the stomach and reduces the
effect of over acidity.

8. Bananas and anemia:

Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also rich in iron; therefore, eating a
banana increases iron and thereby high hemoglobin. When hemoglobin content is
increased, naturally anemic conditions decreases.

9. Quit smoking by eating bananas:

Smokers have a high level of nicotine; minerals in banana like potassium and
magnesium and vitamins B6 and B12 help in reducing nicotine. Smokers, take a
note of this and quit smoking by taking bananas.The B vitamins and other minerals
that they contain reduce the physical and psychological effects of nicotine
10.Bananas increase brain power:
Research proved that potassium in bananas helped to increase mental alertness
and boost brain power. Remember this health benefit of banana and make your
child eat a banana everyday to score high in studies.

11.Reduce itching of mosquito bites with bananas:

Rub the itching or swelling area with the inside of banana peels and see for yourself
how soon you get relief from mosquito bite itching or swelling.
With these health benefits of bananas, I am sure everybody will now start to grab
bananas and there will be acute shortage of bananas.

12. Bananas Help Soothe Ulcers

As a way to prevent and treat ulcers, bananas help to reduce the acidity that some
foods can leave in the stomach. They help reduce the irritation of the digestive

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


system by leaving a protective coating around the inner walls, making it a natural
way to promote intestinal health as well.
13. Banana Peels are Good Fertilizer

Bananas can also benefit your garden. Instead of throwing the peels away, banana
peels are ideal fertilizer for gardens and soils. Rose bushes benefit a great deal from
the peels. If you have a certain plant that you want to blossom, simply bury a few
peels next to it by the roots. In a few weeks, the plant will be huge
14. Kidney health

With the help of potassium that they contain, bananas also reduce the risk of kidney
stones who are associated with calcium excretion in the urine.

15. Banana For warts

Rub the exterior of the banana peel against the wart to make them go
away. For practical reasons, you can wrap the peel in tape or something
else to keep it in place.


Scientific name: Cucumismelo var. cantalupensis[1] Naudin )

Cantaloupe (also cantaloup, mushmelon, muskmelon, rockmelon or spanspek

) refers to a variety of Cucumismelo, a species in the familyCucurbitaceae which
includes nearly all melons and squashes

Melons provide a good source of potassium and vitamin C. Like many other fruits,
they are also fat and cholesterol free; high in water content; and are relatively low
in calories. Many melons originated in the Middle East and their popularity was
gradually spread across Europe. Of all the melons, ancient Egyptians and Romans
mostly consumed cantaloupes and muskmelons. Christopher Columbus

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


transported melon seeds to the United States and Spanish explorers eventually
cultivated Melons are in the same gourd family as squashes and cucumbers

1. Promotes good eyesight

Vitamin A is best known for its important role in preserving and improving eyesight.

2. Helps combat infections

A delicious way to prepare this fruit is to make them into a smoothie, a perfect drink
for kids and grownups alike to help strengthen the immune system and thus fight
off viruses which can cause sickness.

3. Promotes healthy teeth and gums

Loose teeth and bleeding gums may be a sign of a deficiency of vitamin C in the
body. Load up on vitamin C-rich foods such as the cantaloupe for that beautiful

4. Prevents UTI

In addition to its high water content which helps flush out the bacteria from your
system, the cantaloupes high vitamin C content also works to increase the acidity
level of the urine, decreasing the harmful microbes that may be present in the
urinary tract.

5. Promotes fast healing of wounds

Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients which make them the
most widely-used supplements. But with the cantaloupes high dose of vitamin C,
who needs supplements? Add them in salads or eat as is to help form collagen, the
protein which makes skin and scar tissue.

6. Helps lower blood pressure levels

It contains nearly the same potassium in bananas. Potassium helps in fighting

hypertension by slowing down the effects of sodium in the body.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


7. Helps prevent leg cramps

Potassium also plays a critical role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission
that a deficiency will result in muscle weakness and cramping.

8. Promotes fertility

Planning to have a baby? Dont forget to include one of the richest source of folatein
your dietthe cantaloupe. Folate, also called folic acid, is widely known for its
importance in pregnancy especially in its vital role in reducing the risk of nervous
system problems in newborn babies.

9. Helps prevent anemia

Have you heard of macrocytic anemia? It is a condition due to a deficiency of folate

and/or vitamin B12 in the body. When there is a lack of folate, the red blood cells
becomes bigger than their normal volume.

10. Promotes the Health of Your Lungs

A recent study showed that consumption of a vitamin A-rich food like cantaloupe is
also beneficial to smokers. If youre a smoker or someone who is constantly exposed
to second-hand smoke then you might want to make cantaloupes a regular part of
your diet. One of the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke reportedly created a
vitamin A deficiency in the body. When you start incorporating more vitamin A into
your diet, the deficiency is reversed and you also lower your risk of developing lung
diseases like emphysema.

11. Reduces Stress

Cantaloupe might also be an ideal fruit to eat during those times when you are
feeling anxious and stressed. Cantaloupe is rich in potassium which normalizes the
heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain. As a result, you feel
more relaxed and focused.


Scientific name: Citrus aurantiumL. )

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


The name "bitter orange", also known as Seville orange, sour

orange, bigarade orange, and marmalade orange, refers to a citrus tree
(Citrus aurantium) and its fruit. Many varieties of bitter orange are
utilized for their essential oil, which is used in perfume and as a flavoring.
Bitter orange is also employed in herbal medicine as
a stimulant and appetite suppressant. Slivers of the rind are used to
give marmalade its characteristic bitter taste.

1. Weight Loss

Bitter orange is also known as citrus aurantium. it has been used in Traditional
Chinese Medicine to treat chest congestion and stimulate gastrointestinal functions.
In the past few years bitter orange has been marketed for weight loss.

2. Digestive Problems

Only the peel of bitter orange has proven medicinal value, mainly for digestive
problems and a few other health concerns.

3. Folk medicine

In folk medicine the flower of bitter orange is also used for treatment of
gastrointestinal disorders, nervousness and insomnia, gout and sore throat, and
even for obesity.

4. Appetizer

In Chinese (Oriental) medicine, the flower of the bitter orange is used to increase
appetite and to ease chest and stomach pain, and vomiting.

5. Reduces Blood Pressure

Homeopathic practitioners use both the peel and the flower to remedy headaches,
aid weight loss, indigestion, abdominal pain (epigastric), constipation, dysenteric
diarrhea and high blood pressure

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


6. Bitter Orane and anxiety

In Latin America, the leaf of the bitter orange plant is prepared as a tonic and used
as a laxative, a sedative for insomnia, and to calm anxiety.



The blood orange is a variety of orange (Citrus sinensis) with

crimson, blood-colored flesh. The fruit is smaller than an average orange;
its skin is usually pitted, but can be smooth. The distinctive dark flesh
color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family
of pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon
in citrus fruits.[1] The flesh develops its characteristic maroon color when
the fruit develops with low temperatures during the night. [2] Sometimes
there is dark coloring on the exterior of the rind as well, depending on the
variety of blood orange. The skin can also be tougher, and harder to peel
than other oranges

Blood oranges are a source of vitamin C like all citrus fruits. It also provides 28% of
the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber. Oranges can also be a valuable
source of folate, calcium, and thiamine.

Some blood orange juice may be somewhat tart, while other kinds are sweet while
retaining the characteristic blood orange taste. The oranges can also be used to
create marmalade, and the zest can be used for baking. A popular Sicilian winter
salad is made with sliced blood oranges, sliced bulb fennel, and olive oil. The
oranges have also been used to create gelato, sorbet and Italian soda. Blood
oranges are also popular in vinaigrette-style dressings, and are sometimes used to
flavour niche-market beer.

Red pigment, anthocyanin, is an antioxidant. The pigments begin accumulating in

the vesicles at the edges of the segments and at the blossom end of the fruit, and

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


will continue accumulating in cold storage after harvest. Due to its pigments the
blood orange contain greater amounts of antioxidants than other oranges. Blood
oranges have a unique flavor profile compared to other oranges, being distinctly
raspberry-like in addition to the usual citrus notes.

1. Nutrients in oranges are plentiful and diverse.

The fruit is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in
dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight.
Pectin, by its action as bulk laxative, helps to protect the mucous membrane of the
colon by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances as well as by binding to
cancer causing chemicals in the colon. Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood
cholesterol levels by decreasing its re-absorption in the colon by binding to bile
acids in the colon.

2. Oranges, like other citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin (provides about
60% of DRI); Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of foods rich
in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and also,
scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood.

3. Orange fruit contains a variety of phytochemicals. Hesperetin and Narigenin are

flavonoids found in citrus fruits. Naringenin is found to have a bio-active effect on
human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and
immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to reduce oxidant
injury to DNA in vitro studies.

4. Oranges also contain very good levels of vitamin A, and other flavonoid
antioxidants such as alpha and beta carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and
lutein. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A also
required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is also essential
for vision. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from
lung and oral cavity cancers.

5. It is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine

and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from
external sources to replenish.

6. Orange fruit also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and
calcium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids helps control
heart rate and blood pressure.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan



Scientific name:Cyanococcus Rydb.)

Blueberries are flowering plants of the genus Vaccinium (a genus which also
includes cranberries and bilberries) with dark-blue berries and
are perennial.Species in the section Cyanococcus are the most common fruits sold
as "blueberries" and are native to North America (they were not introduced into
Europe until the 1930s)

1. Blue berry cures Cancer

Blue Berries can prove to be bliss for the cancer patients, for they contain certain
compounds like Pterostilbene (excellent remedy for colon and liver cancer) and
Ellagic Acid which, in harmony with Anthocyanin and other anti oxidants like
vitamin-C and copper, can do miracles to prevent and cure cancer..

2. Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers believe that consumption of blueberries may help prevent the cognitive
decline associated with Alzheimer's disease. One recent study found that
consumption of wild blueberry juice improved memory in seniors.

3. Hepatitis C

Studies have found that a chemical in blueberry leaves can slow the progression of
disease in people infected with hepatitis C.

4. Heart Disease
The high fiber content, those brilliant anti oxidants and the ability to dissolve the
bad cholesterol make the Blue Berry an ideal dietary supplement to cure many
heart diseases. It also strengthens the cardiac muscles

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


5. Urinary Tract Infections

Studies have found blueberries to be potentially helpful in preventing urinary tract
infections by inhibiting the growth of the bacteria that cause these infections.

6. Constipation& Digestion:

While roughage (fiber) in Blue Berries keep away constipation (Of course, a single
piece alone will not do. You need to eat a big handful of them), the vitamins,
sodium, copper, fructose and acids improve digestion

7. Cholesterol
Studies in mice have found that a compound in blueberries lowers cholesterol as
effectively as statin drugs but without the side effects.

8. Blood Pressure
Animals studies have found that blueberry consumption helped to regular blood

9. Antioxidants
Blueberries are full of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help prevent disease,
including anthocyanins, a potent antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation.

10. Brain Health:

The anthocyanin, the selenium, the vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, the zinc,
sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese etc., among
others, can prevent and heal neurotic disorders by preventing degeneration and
death of neurons, brain-cells and also by restoring health of the central nervous

11. Been proved to preserve vision:

Blueberry extract, high in compounds called anthocyanosides, has been found in

clinical studies to slow down visual loss. They can prevent or delay all age related
ocular problems like macular degeneration, cataract, myopia and hypermetropia,
dryness and infections, particularly those pertaining to retina, due to their anti-
oxidant properties. Blue Berries contain a special group of anti oxidants called
Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin etc.), Flavonoids (like rutin, resveritrol, quercetin
etc.), in addition to others such as vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A, selenium,
zinc and phosphorus, which are very beneficial and essential for the ocular health


Scientific name:AnacardiumoccidentaleL.)

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


1. Cashew Nut Nutrition

The health benefits of cashew nuts can be linked to their nutrition. Cashews contain
160 calories and 13g fat per 28g portion. The fat in cashew nuts is mostly in the
monounsaturated form. Cashews are the winners for zinc content and are also rich
in copper, potassium and magnesium. They are also a source of vitamin K and
vitamin B6.

2. Cashews for Heart Disease Prevention

Monounsaturated fats are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, especially
when they replace saturated fats in the diet. Large epidemiological studies have
linked nut consumption with a reduced risk of heart disease.

3. Cashews for Bone Health

Cashews are rich in magnesium and copper, both of which are necessary for healthy
bones. Magnesium also helps with the absorption of calcium into bones. It also helps
promote normal sleep patterns in menopausal women. It also helps promote normal
sleep patterns in menopausal women.

4. Cashews for Free Radical Protection and Energy

Copper, which is in high supply in cashews helps form part of the enzyme
superoxide dismutase, which helps mop up free radicals and is also an essential
part of energy production.

5. Weight Management

Cashew nuts have a high energy density and high amount of dietary fiber, both
have been attributed to a beneficial effect on weight management, but only when
eaten in moderation

7. Hair Melanin

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Cashew nut consumption helps the body utilize iron, eliminate free radicals, develop
bone and connective tissue, and produce the skin and hair pigment melanin.


Scientific name: Manilkarazapota(L.) P.Royen )

Manilkarazapota, commonly known as the sapodilla, is a long-

lived, evergreen tree native to southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
An example natural occurrence is in coastal Yucatan in the Petenes mangroves
ecoregion, where it is a subdominant plant species. [2] It is grown in huge quantities
in India, Pakistan and Mexico, and was introduced to the Philippines during Spanish

CHEEKO Sapodilla or Sapota or chikoo, a delicious tropical fruit is rich in vitamins,

minerals and health benefiting anti-oxidant tannins. The fruit is soft, composed of
easily digestible pulp made up with simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that
when eaten replenishes energy and revitalizes the body instantly.

1. Diarrhea

Chickoo is high in tanning. So, it is believed that when chickoo is boiled with water,
the decoction is good for curing diarrhea. Some people prepare a tea with the bark
of the sapodilla or the chickoo tree to cure dysentery and diarrhea.

2. Pulmonary Problems

A mixture made of chickoo flowers and fruits can bring relief and can prevent
pulmonary problems.

3. Cough and Cold

A concoction made with the old chickoo leaves can prevent cough and cold as well
as diarrhea.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


4.Culinary uses:

The sweet, grainy texture and flavor of the chickoo fruit makes it a favored
ingredient in salads and desserts. Chilled and sliced chickoo is a dessert in itself. It
can also be used in custard batter or in baking. Chickoo can also be made into pies
or whipped up with salads.

4. Nose Bleeding

Sapodilla helps in preventing nosebleeds,

5. Cancer

Taking sufficient quantity of ripe chiku will protect colon system preventing chances
of colon cancer

6.Eye Vision

Vitamin A contents in ripe chiku fruits take care of vision, lung and oral health even
at the old age also helping to enjoy younger happy life.

Scientific name: Theobroma cacao L.)

1. Enhances mood:

The regular consumption of pure cocoa uplifts mood and also keeps an individual
more active. It improves ones life by giving energy to their muscles and by
improving glucose metabolism. The mood elevating effect of cocoa is due to the
presence of phenylethylamine.

2. Depression and Stress relief:

Cocoa is a powerful anti depressant and hence gives relief from stress
and depression. Cocoa has no significant side effects. Many medications are used
for treating depression but they have side effects. So now you would have
understood which one is better. The Polyphenolic extract obtained from non-roasted
cocoa contains plenty of flavonoids that makes cocoa, a great anti-depressant.

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


3. Reduces disease risk:

Those who consume cocoa regularly have less than 10% chances of having strokes,
heart failure, cancer and diabetes. Diabetic patients can take sugar free dark
chocolate so that they can prevent any adverse effect on insulin levels.

4. Improves blood flow:

Cocoa consumption is highly recommended by many physicians because it has high

levels of epicatechin which improves blood flow.

5. Lowers high blood pressure:

Have you ever wondered why the people who live near San Blas Island off the coast
of Panama have never complained about high blood pressure or other
cardiovascular diseases? Well, this is because of the amazing health benefits of
cocoa (their daily cocoa consumption is around 3 4 cups). The flavonoids in cocoa
brings down the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

6. Fights Aging and Skin Problems:

Who wants to get old? Definitely, nobody; thus you should immediately start taking
cocoa since it helps fight aging with its high-flavanol content. In the recent times
cocoa has become so popular in skin and beauty industry due its effective benefits.
Cocoa contains flavanols that helps vascular tissues to relax which improves blood
vessel function and also give a glow to the skin. Cocoa is effective in treating skin
damages, dark spots, acne and other skin problems. It even has anti-cancer
properties that can help to prevent skin cancer.

7. Improves digestion Prevents Constipation:

Cocoa is quite helpful in improving digestion and relieving constipation. The rich
amount of magnesium present in cocoa keeps the bowel movements normal and
also promotes digestion. You can take magnesium supplements but why to go for
that when tasty dark chocolates are available.

8. Other Benefits:

Cocoa is very helpful for feeding mothers since it helps increase breast milk. It helps
to regulate the inflammatory / immune responses in blood vessel walls.


Scientific name:Vaccinium erythrocarpum

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Fresh cranberries are low in calories and are an excellent source of vitamin C,
soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. They also provide a good source f manganese and
copper. Cranberries are a rich source of anthocyanidins, which are antioxidant
pigments that give fruits and vegetables their blue, purple, and red pigments.

1. Eradicate E. coli

Compounds in the juice can actually alter antibiotic-resistant strains, making it

impossible for the harmful bacteria to trigger an infection. A small pilot study from
Harvard Medical School and Rutgers University found that eating about 1/3 cup of
dried cranberries yielded the same effect.

2. Help prevent strokes

Research on pigs with a genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis--narrow, hardened

arteries that may lead to heart attack and stroke--found that those fed dried
cranberries or juice every day had healthier, more flexible blood vessels.

3. Kidney Stones

May help prevent you from forming kidney stones.

4. Digestion

May help you to have better digestive health by limiting the growth of harmful

5. Cholesterol

May help to raise your HDL (good cholesterol) levels and lower your LDL (bad

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan


Go to Part -2

Benefits of eating fruit by Allah Dad Khan

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