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Final Thesis Of: Premium Collection and Investment Pattern of Nepalese Life Insurance Companies (Madan Raj Pandey) .

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Submitted by:
Madan Raj Pandey
Balkumari College
Symbol No: 2410014 / 2068
College Roll No. 70 (2066-068)
T.U. Regd. No.: 7-2-241-322-2006

A Thesis Submitted to:

Office of the Dean
Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master's in Business Studies (MBS)

Narayangarh, Chitwan
November, 2016

This is to certify that the thesis

Submitted by
Madan Raj Pandey

Premium Collection and Investment Pattern of Nepalese Life
Insurance Companies

has been prepared as approved by this department in the prescribed format

of faculty of management. This thesis is forwarded for evaluation.

Dr. Guna Raj Chhetri
Thesis Advisor/Chairperson, Research Committee

................................... ..........
Mr. Baburam Panthi Asso. Prof. Shiva Prasad Poudel
Program Incharge Principal


We have conducted the Viva-Voce examination of the
Thesis presented by

Madan Raj Pandey

Premium Collection and Investment Pattern of Nepalese Life
Insurance Companies

and found the thesis to be the original work of the student and written
according to the prescribed format. We recommended the thesis to be
accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Master Degree in Business Studies (MBS)


Chairperson, Research Committee: .

Member (Thesis Advisor): .

Member (External Expert): .



I hereby declare that the work done in this thesis entitled "Premium
Collection and Investment Pattern of Nepalese Life Insurance Companies"
submitted to Balkumari College, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan
University is my original work. It is done in the form of partial fulfillments
of the requirement of the degree of Master of Business Studies (MBS) under
the supervision and guidance of Dr. Guna Raj Chhetri, Lecturer of
Balkumari College.

Date: .............

Madan Raj Pandey

T.U. Reg. No: 7-2-241-322-2006
Balkumari College


This thesis entitled "Premium Collection and Investment Pattern of

Nepalese Life Insurance Companies" to the Tribhuvan University faculty of
management for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Master in
Business Studies degree at Balkumari College. It would have been almost
impossible to complete without cooperation and help from different section
of intellectuals.

I would like to express my gratitude of thesis supervisor Dr. Guna Raj

Chhetri, Chairman of research committee & respected lecture of Balkumari
College Narayangarh, Chitwan, for his valuable suggestion and guidance.
His continuous cooperation and coordination has been instrumental in the
process of preparing this research work.

My special thanks go to Principal Asso. Prof. Shiva Prasad Poudel and

Mr. Baburam Panthi, Program Incharge MBS and lecturer of Balkumari
College for their proper encouragement & cooperation.

Madan Raj Pandey

Balkumari College


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Focus of the Study 3
1.3 Statement of Problems 4
1.4 Objectives of the Study 4
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Significance of the study 5
1.7 Limitations of the Study 7
1.8 Organization of the Study 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 9
2.1.1 Meaning of Insurance 9
2.1.2 Types of Insurance 10
2.1.3 Premium Collection 15
2.2 Review Legal Provision 17
2.3 Review of Journals 20
2.4 Review of Previous Thesis 21
2.5 Research Gap 27

3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Research Design 28
3.3 Population and Sample 29
3.4 Nature and Source of Data 29
3.5 Data Collection Procedure 30
3.6 Data Processing procedure 31
3.7 Data Analysis Tools 31
4.1 Ratio Analysis 38
4.1.1 Return on Premium 38
4.1.2 Claim Paid to Premium Collection Ratio 39
4.2 Evaluation of Investment Pattern and Composition 40
4.2.1 Return on Investment 41
4.2.2 Investment to Total Premium Collection 42
4.2.3 Investment on Government Saving Bond to Investment Ratio 43
4.2.4 Investment on Fixed Deposit to Total Investment Ratio 44
4.2.5 Investment on Share to Total Investment Ratio 45
4.3 Statistical Analysis 46
4.3.1 Correlation between Premium Collection and Investment 46
4.3.2 Correlation between Net Profit and Total Investment 47
4.3.3 Correlation between Claims Paid and Total Premium 48
4.4 Trend analysis 49
4.5 Presentation of Primary Data 53
4.5.1 Condition of the Premium Collection at Present Situation 54
4.5.2 Premium collection system of Insurance Company 55
4.5.3 How is the collection from premium at present insurance market?57
4.5.4 Insurance company's satisfaction with the rate of premium 58
4.5.5 Customer Satisfaction with premium rate and provided service 59

4.5.6 Concerned with investment management and portfolio 60
4.5.7 To maintain desired maximum beneficial investment policy 60
4.5.8 Priority in formulating investment policy 61
4.5.9 Suitable sector for investment 63
4.5.10 Able to get desired return from investment 64
4.5.11 Current Investment Situation of Insurance Companies 65
4.6 Major Findings of the Study 66
5.1 Summary 70
5.2 Conclusion 72
5.3 Recommendation 72
Bibliography 74-75
Appendices 76-86


Table No. Titles Page No.

4.1 Return on Premium of Insurance Companies 38

4.2 Claim Paid To Total Premium 39
4.3 Return on Total Investment 41
4.4 Investment to Premium Ratio 42
4.5 Government saving to total Investment 43
4.6 Fixed Deposit to Total Investment Ratio 44
4.7 Share Investment to Total Investment 45
4.8 Correlation between Premium and Investment 46
4.9 Correlation between net Profit and Total Investment 47
4.10 Correlation between Claim Paid and Total Premium 48
4.11 Trend Analysis of Premium Collection 49
4.12 Trend Analysis of Investment 51
4.13 Trend Analysis of Net Profit 52
4.14 Condition of Premium Collection 54
4.15 Premium Collection System 56
4.16 Premium collection at present market 57
4.17 Insurer Satisfaction with premium rate 58
4.18 Clients Satisfaction with premium rate 59
4.19 Maintain desire beneficial investment policy 61
4.20 Priority in formulating investment policy 62
4.21 Suitable sector for investment 63
4.22 Able to get desire return from investment 64
4.23 Current Investment Situation of Nepalese Insurance Companies 65


Figure No. Titles Page No.

4.1 Trend Analysis of Premium Collection 50

4.2 Trend Analysis of Investment 51
4.3 Trend Analysis of Net Profit 53
4.4 Condition of Premium Collection 55
4.5 Premium Collection System 56
4.6 Premium collection at present market 57
4.7 Insurer Satisfaction with premium rate 59
4.8 Clients Satisfaction with premium rate 60
4.9 Maintain desire beneficial investment policy 61
4.10 Priority in formulating investment policy 62
4.11 Suitable sector for investment 63
4.12 Able to get desire return from investment 65
4.13 Current Investment Situation of Nepalese Insurance Companies 66


A.D. : Anno Domini

ALICL : Asian Life Insurance Company Limited
B.S. : Bikram Sambat
Coeff. : Coefficient
CV : Coefficient of Variation
Eng. : Engineering
FY : Fiscal Year
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
Govt. : Government
Inv. : Investment
Ktm. : Kathmandu
Ltd. : Limited
Misc. : Miscellaneous
NLICL : National Life Insurance Company Limited
P.E. : Probable Error
PLICL : Prime Life Insurance Company Limited
Pvt. : Private
r : Correlation
SD : Standard Deviation
SN : Serial Number
T.U. : Tribhuvan University



1.1 Background of the Study

Insurance has the stability and resources to shield you from the volatile risks in
everyday life. For the development of the country, the existence of financial
market and capital market is regarded as an essence. The government and
individuals firms are playing vital role in financial and capital market through
investing the collected resources within the recognized and national sector like
productive industry and financial area yet expecting reasonable benefits
themselves. (Mishra, 2011: 78)

Insurance policies are written by business organizations called 'insurer'. In

order to function properly, these insurers must have large number policyholders
who are obtained either by directly representatives or through agents". He again
stated ' insurance is a technical business involving the skills of statistician,
financial analysts. Engineers, Physicians, Economists, Layers and others.
Contracts must have been carefully drafted, underwriting restrictions must be
determined, rates must be established equitable by analysis all the factors
including the public interest.

Insurance distributes the cost of the risk over a large group of individuals
subject to the same risk, in order to reimburse the few who actually suffer from
the risk. It is a social service whereby one party, the insurer or insurance
company, agrees to meet certain stated risk in return for a money consideration
paid by number of other parties, the insured; the money consideration is called
premium. A fire insurance company, for example, will in consideration of
payment of a premium, issue a contract called a policy, in which the insurance
agrees to reimburse the insured for a fire loss, but not is excess of amount
stated in the policy and with the provision that the loss occurs during the period
for which the policy runs. The essence of the insurance scheme is that, it is a

social device, that it involves the accumulation of funds, that it involves a
group of risks, and that each person of firm who becomes the members of the
group transfers the his risk to the whole group. (Maher, 2010: 58)

The purpose of insurance is to reduce the uncertainty and worry caused when it
becomes aware of the possibility of loss. It does this by spreading the economic
burden of the losses among members of group. Insurance does not prevent the
loss but it relives the financial burden.

In the context of Nepalese insurance companies, they provide various insurance

policies and charge premium under insured risk and nature. Insurance
companies collect fund through various clients (people and organization) as
premium and invest on various sectors. So all the insurance companies are
responsible for their client's interest. This study looks and analyses different
insurance company's premium collection and investment situation and sector.

Among such financial institutions and intermediaries, insurance companies are

also the major ones. Integrated and speedy development of the country is
possible only when a competitive insurance service reaches nooks and corners
of the country. Insurance company occupy quite and important place in the
frame work of every economy because it provides certainty to the industry,
business and capital for the development of the industry, trade and business
investing the fund collected as premium. Insurance companies are capable of
providing industrial finance, government finance or even personal finance.
They provide different finance through their own investment policy pattern
based upon their own corporate objectives and nature of the line of insurance
business. Insurance contributes to society by favorably affecting the
apportionment of the factors of production, engaging in loss prevention
activities, identifying losses serving as a basis of the credit structures,
eliminating worry and providing a channel for investigable fund.

1.2 Focus of the Study

Insurance companies are one of such financial institutions, which collect their
fund from premium. Premium means a certain charged amount, which paid by
the insured to the insurer for bearing risk and uncertainty. There are two types
of premium: Gross premium and net premium. These two premiums further
subdivided into two parts. They are single premium level premium usually the
insurance companies follow only one types of premium. With accordance to
their nature of corporate objectives.

As significant differences in the nature of insurance, mainly there are two types
of insurance life and non-life. Life and non-life premium is non refundable. For
life insurance companies, they have to refund the premium that collected to
insured with bonds. However, general insurance does not have such burden.
That is why the premium collection of both businesses in different headlines.

Investment is one of the major parts of all financial institutions. All financial
companies invest their excess fund to the desirable sector with profit motive.
Investment means to outflow of the fund at adjustable return. For investing,
investment pattern is the formulation of the investment strategy based upon the
organizational and financial character of the particulars firm itself. Investment
policy will be the preliminary decision of selecting the proper investment
sector based upon single or joint consideration of safety, liquidity,
marketability, profitability, and stability or else. Usually, such investment
pattern aims at arriving to the optimized or agreed mix of risk return from the
investment. Investment fund for the insurance companies are the excess
amount after claims paid and managerial expenses.

i.e., Investment fund = Premium Collection (Claim Paid + Managerial Expenses)

The investment fund should be used in such sector that they could maximum
return. But insurance company's investment portfolios are regulating by the
Insurance Board of Nepal. Under the rules and regulation, every insurance
company must invest their 75% investigable fund declared as compulsory
sectors and rest 25% in other sectors.
1.3 Statement of Problems

Nepalese insurance companies are the successful enterprises of Nepal, which

are still running the insurance business with out suffering any losses from the
date of establishment until now. So not only national insurance companies,
nowadays, more international insurance companies are also opened in our
country to transact to insurance business. Many investors and business person
involved in insurance business, so there are 25 insurance companies established
and operate their service and activities. Most of the companies are earning
profit each year. However, it is not significant and satisfactory against the
volume of transaction if we give an overlook in the balance sheet and the profit
and loss account. The volumes of transaction are increasing tremendously year
by year but the growth of net earning is not in the same ratio. It is because of
private waiting under raining and cut-throat competition in the market.

Another big problem of such institutions is to be mobilizing collected fund in

suitable sector. Nepal is an underdeveloped country and most of people live in
village and they are illiterate. Like this, the geographical situation is not favor
for the expansion of insurance business. Poverty is also main problem, the last
reason is most of Nepalese people do not faith on insurance and companies are
not taking interest to solve these kinds of problems.

To overcome the above difficulties the researcher forwarded the study to

provide the appropriate suggestion for the major difficulties on which the study
is conducted.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to analyse the current situation of
premium collection and investment position of insurance companies in
Nepal. The specific objectives of this study are spelled out as:
i. To evaluate the premium collection and investment pattern of
Nepalese life insurance companies.

ii. To examine the relation between premium collection & investment,
net profit & investment, claim paid & premium collection of life
insurance companies in Nepal.
iii. To examine the trend of premium collection, investment and net
profit of life insurance companies.
iv. To analyse the views & opinion of insurer and clients of life
insurance companies.

1.5 Research Questions

All the insurance companies of Nepal are less because of the following

i. What is the condition of premium collection and investment pattern

of Nepalese life insurance companies?

ii. What is the relation between premium collection & investment, net
profit & investment, claim paid & premium collection of life
insurance companies in Nepal?

iii. What is the trend of premium collection, investment and net profit
of life insurance companies?

iv. What are the attitudes of life insurance insurer and clients towards
life insurance companies?

1.6 Significance of the study

Insurance is one of the most flourishing services even in the developing

country like Nepal. There are 25 insurance companies existing in Nepal.
( till 2016) Among which 16 are general insurance, 8 are
life insurance and 1 underwrites composite business. Insurance
companies are focusing only in urban and main city of the country, they
are capturing each other's market. They do not try to issue new policy and
create potential market. They are satisfied with the existing position and

do not get suitable and steady sectors to visit their fund for more return.
Now, they are investing their fund in traditional sectors only. So a new
study is required on the topic of premium collection and investment.

The study is needed to frame out the premium collection and investment
position of Nepalese insurance industry. Insurance companies need
soundly mobilized its collected fund. Thus, it would be better to evaluate
the condition of Nepalese insurance companies. It is also needed to
disclose the utility of insurance in Nepalese prospects. The study focuses
the insurance market and probability of future expansion in Nepal and is
concerned to trace the weak area to suggest fund, policy of insurance and
scenario of premium collection and investment too. It is the study on
collected premium under various policies and suggests what the
weaknesses are and how to improve them. The study is important itself
because it is the researcher's study of the heart of insurance system.

Now a day, insurance is overcoming commonly as almost business but

the concept of insurance is not old in Nepal. Liberal economic policy
breaks the monopoly system and brings competition in insurance
business; private insurance companies have been started competitive and
aggressive competition in this business. Because of such type of
competition, management has to make efficient; on the other hand,
premium rate has been reduced. Reduction in rate brings the strong
possibility of reduction in profit volume, but at the same time it can make
people motivate in insurance company and can know about the current
situation of insurances companies in Nepal. It also helps the researcher to
research in new way and field of collecting premium and investment of
fund, and series of the studies on other insurance companies in Nepal.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The study aims at findings the facts and the trend of the investment and
premium collection within the Nepalese life insurance company.
Therefore, the scope is limiting within the insurance companies
operating. Every activity has its own boundary, as the same way this
study has also some boundaries, which cannot be ignored. These
boundaries are called as limitations of this study. The limitations of the
study are:

1. The whole study has been deal with some selected life insurance
company's premium collection and investment pattern.

2. This study has been concentrated in premium collected from

sample companies and the data has been collected from insurance
board. Research based on secondary data is not far from the
limitation to inherent character. But some primary data have been

3. This study was concern at least five FY 2010/11 to 2014/15

period's data and conclusion drawn confines only to the limit

4. Time and resources constraints can be another factor that limited

the scope of the study.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This study has been organized into five chapters, which are as follows:

1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Research Methodology
4. Presentation and analysis of data
5. Summary, Conclusion and recommendation

First chapter contained introduction of the study. It is all about the
background of the study, focus of the study, statement of the problems,
objectives of the study, significance of the study and limitations of the

Second chapter deals with the review of literature. A literature review is

an essential parts of all studies. It is a way discovers what other
researchers have covered and left in the area. It contains conceptual
review of the study and review of related studies. Conceptual review
covers theoretical review of terms and items used in thesis writing and
review of related studies is all about the studies made before related to
this topic.

Third chapter of current study included research design, population and

sample, sources of data, data collection procedure, date analysis and tools

Fourth chapter deals with data presentation, tabulation and analysis of the
study. In this chapter the study are presented and these data are analyzed.
Based on these analyses data, major finding of the study are confined.

Fifth chapter contained summary, conclusion and recommendation of the

study. In this chapter, the summary of the thesis after data interpretation
and analysis is presented. Also from the summary conclusion of the thesis
and recommendation for improvement or growth are presented.

At the end of this thesis bibliography and appendix are attached.



2.1 Conceptual Framework

It covers the theoretical review of terms and items used in thesis writing.
The main source of this part is from review of books, booklets, annual
reports etc. The following studies have been undertaken on conceptual

2.1.1 Meaning of Insurance

Insurance, in its pure insurance function may be likened to the springs of

vehicle. It absorbs the shock and distributes it over all risks insured in the
same class. It permits a free functioning of credit and industry generally
but does not eliminate loss. The retarding effects of loss are still present.
The burden of loss is still in society (Mowhary and Blanchard, 2009: 4).

The general legal requirement of insurance as, the rights and obligation of
the parties to an insurance agreement are determined largely by reference
to the general laws, which govern contracts. The agreement by which
insurance is effected is contract in which the insurer in consideration of
the payment of a specified sum by the insured agrees to make good the
losses suffered through the happening of the designated unfavorable
contingency. The insurance contract need not be in writing, but as a
matter of business practice, such agreements are ordinarily written. Even
social insurance, such as workers compensation are written through the
terms appear in a state law rather than in private agreement. In its most
basic form, the insurance mechanism is simply a process in a group agree
to share the losses that may occur to various members of the group in
advance and the fund so created, augments by interest, and is used for the
purposed of paying losses and expenses. Further, the conditions

surrounding the transfer of risks from individuals to the group are
carefully set forth in detail, in a formal contractual agreement. The
organization that brings the group together and manages its affair is
called an insurer, and it is typically a stock or mutual corporation.
(Bicklhaupt, 2010:13)

Insurance is useful device for solving complex social problems.

Compensating victims of industrial accidents is handled by compulsory
workers, compensation insurance; and indemnifying innocent automobile
accidents victims is handled to some extent by financial responsibility
laws with most people comply by furnishing evidence of ownership of
automobile liability insurance. Some insurance is used to help, solve the
financial problems of unemployment; old age, disability, death and
medical care for the aged (Maher, 2010: 8) Insurance is affected with the
public interest and is consequently subject to government regulation,
mostly by the states.

Developing modern society plays various roles in a society. They bear a

major character, the inevitable uncertainty surroundings. Due to the
uncertainty and competition factor, the concept of insurance and its
evolution was enforced and these days it is for more strengthening due to
very competitive business environment and many dropped down
situations. Thus, the insurance seems as an auxiliary for the modern
society and organized business company as well as individuals. Before
familiarizing to the concept of insurance, it is essential to know about risk
and risk management.

2.1.2 Types of Insurance

All the insurance companies provided certainty against the risk. When
they can define in the generic concept, it will take the form like social
insurance and private insurance. But, we have divided the insurance in

two parts as life and general insurance. Life insurance may be defined as
the certain sum of money either on the death of the insured or on the
expiry of the fixed period. Life insurance concerned only about physical
and mental accident risk. General insurance considers all insurance
except life insurance. However, we can classify the insurance as the life
insurance and non life insurance. Some of experts and writers separator
the insurance in different viewpoint i.e. forms the potential insurers view
and other. When viewed form professional use insurance will take two
board forms as life and non life insurance. We can to see all the insurance
under the view of risk point.

1. Life Insurance

Insurance provide protection against a wide variety of risks. However,

life insurance provides sum of amount against the various risks relating to
the human being body through issuing different policies. Life insurance is
financial instrument for providing post death resources to support
survivors or pay obligations of the state of the deceased. Generally, life
insurance, as a type of insurance plan conducted by the insurers, is
directly related with providing assurance agonists the economic part of
human life. Life insurance contract may be defined as the contract, where
by the insurer, in consideration of a premium undertakes, to pay a certain
sum of money either on the death of the insured or on the expiry of the
fixed period. Life insurance is particularly, concerned with that aspect of
human life. Since the insurance of assurance of a person's life is
impossible because of the certainty of death of a person once born, life
insurance only provide assurance against the economic aspect of human
life, not the assurance against the life, itself. Life insurance provides
future benefits against unseen future accident and it helps to live comfort
in retirement life. Life insurance never fulfill losses of human life, it

measures in amount of various risks and provide sum of amount in
accordance to policy. Life insurance plays a vital role in the society.
Therefore, it is also known as the social insurance too. Life insurance can
be defined as "a contract by which the insurer, for a certain sum of money
or premium proportionate to the age, health and other circumstances of
the person. Whose life is insured if such person shall die within the period
limited in the policy, will pay the sum specified to the persons in whose
favor such policy is guaranteed.

The life insurance companies have proved to be a highly efficient means

for channeling capital funds into those areas of the national economy, and
into those uses, in which market demands have been strongest. They have
responded quick and imaginatively to the changing capital requirements
of the American economy incorporation.

The fundamental function of the insurance business is to furnish

protection against the financial demands occasioned by disability, old age
and death. It has sometimes been termed "Income Replacement
Insurance" because it provides such necessities as food, shelter and
clothing if illness, injure, or death cuts off the income of the breadwinner.
It is all of this and, as will presently be noticed, much more (Magee,

Nepalese Insurance Act, 2048 (section 2-1) has defined life insurance as
the contract of insurance, effected on human life on the basis of age to
pay a fixed sum to the assured or his nominee, on death or on the
happening of any contingency, dependent on human life in consideration
of payment of a fixed installment premium by the insured. Insurance
company provides various policies in accordance insured interest and
desire. We can see following policy in life insurance commonly:

Endowment policy, whole life policy annuity, term insurance and
survivorship policy.

Following insurance companies provide the life insurance service in


a) Rastriya Beema Sansthan

b) National life insurance company limited
c) Nepal life insurance company limited
d) Life insurance corporation (Nepal) limited
e) American life insurance
f) Asian Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
g) Prime Life Insurance Company Ltd.
h) Surya Life Insurance Company Ltd.
i) Gurans Life Insurance Company Ltd.

The scope of life insurance business is seen to be bringing because of its

nature and popularity. Therefore, the various investors are interested to
invest in life insurance business, although having restriction of
Government and challenges of other affecting factors.

2. Non Life Insurance

Non life insurance is also known as general insurance. It is a pure

insurance because it can measure any risk in terms of money. General
insurance is the insurance of property and liabilities risk of insured
against some specified cost i.e. the premium. It includes property
insurance, liability insurance and other forms of insurance. General
insurance considers all the risks and it provides certainty against the risk
through certain sum of money. General insurance responsible to payment
of an amount to insured. But when the accident is held by negligence of
insured, where the insurer does not responsible to pay any amount against

the risk. Insurer and insured may agreed to accept every kind of risk
under their contract and the risk transfer through the insurance. But the
coverage written by the property and liability insurance insurers may be
divided into five types, physical damage or loss, loss of income and extra
expenses resulting from physical damage to property, liability, health and
collateral. We can classify the insurance into life insurance and non- life
insurance. Nowadays, under life insurance also many types of policies are

Following insurance companies provide the non-life insurance (General)

service in Nepal.

a) Nepal Insurance Company Ltd.

b) The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.
c) National Insurance Co. Ltd.
d) Himalayan General Ins. Co. ltd
e) United Insurance Co. (Nepal) Ltd.
f) Premier Insurance Co.(Nepal) Ltd
g) Everest Insurance Company Ltd.
h) Neco Insurance Company Ltd.
i) Sagarmatha Insurance co. Ltd.
j) Alliance Insurance Co. ltd.
k) N.B. Insurance company Ltd.
l) Prudential Insurance Co. Ltd.
m) Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd.
n) Lumbeni General Insurance Co. Ltd.
o) N.L.G. Insurance Co. Ltd.
p) Siddhartha Insurance Co. Ltd.

2.1.3 Premium Collection

Premium is the certain amount of payment, which is paid by the insured

to the insurer for bearing uncertain risk, peril or hazards. Usually,
premium calculated under different method as considering different
affected factor. "Premium can be ascertained either by numerical rating
system, evaluates each and every item and marks are assigned to them
according to their merits and degrees influencing risk". (Robinson
2010:87). Insurer charges the premium differently accordance to nature of
risk. Thus, the judgment and personal evaluation play vital role in rating/
fixing premium. Therefore, the various factors to influence the risk. The
management and ownership are very important factor while risks are
evaluated for rate fixing.

Generally, the insurer charges higher premium for higher riskier

insurance and lower premium for lower riskier insurance policy. The
premium is always directly affected by the nature of risk expenditure of
office, other expense and written period. But, "A strong case exists for
reviewing the rates of premium and simultaneously to exercise greater
control over expenditure to generate a reasonable surplus in their
insurance business". (Insurance News & Views, 2013:11). Generally,
only premium is one of the main sources of raising funds for insurer. So,
insurer should obtain sound management for calculating premium amount
and collection process. Different insurance companies or insurer may
charge different premium to insured under their objectives and goal with
accordance to the policies, risk and uncertainty.

A) Types of Premium and Calculating Process

We can find various premiums to paying insurer according to the policy.

But the premium is fundamentally of two types. Net premium is
calculated considering mortality and interest rate. Therefore, the rate of

death of person and interest directly affect on the premium amount to
calculating under net premium method. Similarly, the assumed interest
rates the expenses of organization and the mortality rate directly affected
calculation of premium under gross premium method. "The net premium
is based on the mortality rate, the assumed interest rate, the expenses and
the bonus loading". (Mishra, 2011:203)

To make easier calculation of the premium amount, the two premiums are
further subdivided into two parts.

1) Single Premium 2) Level Premium

1. Single Premium

According to single premium system, the amount of premium is not

divided into installment. The insured oblige to pay all premium amounts
in humus basis. It makes difficult to insured because of paying heavy/
large amount in one time. We can further define single premium as 'it
makes to a system to paying all amounts in only one investment'. Net
single premium is that premium is received by the insurer in a lump sum
and is exactly adequate, along with other return earned thereon, to pay the
amount of claim wherever it arises whether at death or at maturity or even
at surrender. It does not provide for expenses of management and for

2. Level Premium

Life insurance is usually, issued on a level premium basis, which means

that the same premium is charged through out the life of the contract. So,
the level premium is paid periodically in installment. The level premium
system was once a starting yearly, quarterly and monthly. The level
premium system was once a starting innovation because it was reasoned
that due to the rising probability of death with age, it would be impossible

to charge a flat premium that would compensate for the rising mortality
costs. The first insurance policies were issued of one year only and were
renewable at the end of this year at a higher rate, if the insured was still in
good health. These contracts are still available and are known as yearly
renewable policies. Usually, the level premium is suitable for the life
insurance policies and for the purpose of limited income able person.
Therefore, the level premium ideas are considered one of the most basis
advances ever made in the development of the life insurance. With this
concept, it becomes possible to issue policies for longer and longer period
until finally whole life contracts were made a regular part of the business.
Actuaries using refined mortality statistics could calculate exactly how
much had to be charged during the yearly years to the contract in order to
make up for the rising mortality const of the later years.

Level premium is easily converted by the net single premium. Hence, the
single premium of a given policy can be easily converted into level
premium by establishing ratio between net level premium and net single
premium. Because the net single premium is the present value of all net
level premiums is also equal to the total of present value of all claims. It
means present value of all net level premium is equal to the net level
premium is equal to the net single premium.

2.2 Review of Legal Provision

Various experts, authorities and master degree's students have conducted

a number of researches relating to the insurance business. Among them,
only few are related with the investment aspect of the insurer and insurer
business. Although there are many research conducted in insurance fired
we can find only little work in aspect of premium collection. Therefore,
this may be the suitable and worthy attempt on this subject matter.

Insurance Act, 2049 (1992)

(Act No. 42 of 2049 B.S.) Date of the Royal seal and the publication:
2049.9.2 B.S. (16 December, 1992)

First amendment; 2052.9.20 (January, 1996), second amendment:

2058.10.10 B.S. (29 Jan, 2002)

Only related terms and conditions are reviewed form insurance act 2049


Whereas, it is expedient to establish an Insurance Board to systemize,

regularize, develop and regulate the insurance business, in the twenty first
year of the regime of King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, the parliament
has made this act.

Short Title and Commencement

1) This act may be called the "Insurance Act 2049" (1992).

2) It shall come into force on such dates as Nepal Government, by

notification published in the Nepal Gazette, may appoint.


Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act,

a) Board means the Insurance Board constituted pursuant to section 3.

b) Chairman means the chairman of the board.

c) Member means the member of the board and the word includes the

d) Insurer means a corporate body registered pursuant to section 10 and

the word includes the re-insure.

e) Insurance business means life insurance business or non life insurance
business and the word includes the re-insurance.

f) Life insurance business means the business relating to a contract

regarding to the life of any person under which he or his heir in the
event of his death, will be paid a particular amount in case a specified
amount is paid in installment on the basis of his age.

g) Non life insurance business means other insurance business other than
life insurance business.

Insurance Premium to be paid before holding the risk

No insurer shall hold the insurance risk of any category of insurance

business until it receives the premium of the insurance to be obtained by
it. It shall be deemed that the insurer has undertaken the insurance
business only after receiving the insurance premium by it for holding the

Provided that, if any practical difficulty arises due to any reason for
paying the amount in a lump sum, this section shall not be deemed to be
prohibited to issue an insurance policy on the guarantee of a bank or the
Nepal Government relating to the payment of the outstanding amount
within a specified period.

Repeal and Saving

1) The Insurance Act, 2025 is hereby repealed.

2) All the actions taken and functions performed before the

commencement of this Act shall be considered to have been taken or
performed pursuant to this Act.

2.3 Review of Journals

A) Insurance Industry and Risk Management in Nepalese


The insurance industry clings to tariffs as a way of generating their

income than evaluating risks and pricing, not singled out for
understanding for risk factors in each. Beema Samiti have been directly
controlling over premium rate factor in fire and allied insurance and
motor insurance portfolio. The decision of Beema Samiti is mandatory
and has the force of law. This control over premium rates through tariff
indicates that the industry is still nascent in the development of its
underwriting skills, and cannot compete internally; we have yet
pretensions of technical expertise to face market reality of risk
management. The insurance industry is afraid that without tariff barriers,
it will collapse. As long as the industry does not learn how to rate
individual risk on their own merit, risk management will not gain a

Businesses that are profitable and unprofitable are both under the tariff
regime. Motor business that is contributing to huge losses is still under
tariff. Why not remove the tariff barriers and permit the industry to adopt
a realistic rating for motor business that each company feels is good for
it? By adopting a flexible rating, each company for its survival will learn
how to treat good drivers with benefits and bad drivers with penalties.
Companies are however, afraid that a non tariff regime will let loose
forces of indiscipline in the own den which they will not be able to
control. It is a management problem and not customer made issue. Unless
challenges are thrown and tougher market, conditions created for progress
and survival. The industry cannot grow with sled maturity.

2.4 Review of Previous Thesis

Various experts, authorities, MBS students have conducted a number of

researches relating the insurance business. Among them, only few are
related with the investment aspect of the insurance business. Although
there are many research conducted in insurance field we cannot find the
work in respect of premium collection.

Pathak (2012) Evaluation of Financial Performance of Nepal Insurance

Company and Himalayan General Insurance Co. Ltd". The primary
objective of the study were:

i. To analyze and to evaluate the financial performance of NIC and


ii. To examine the financial position of sample insurance company.

iii. To analyze the growth of premium and investment pattern of

sample insurance company.

Mr. Pathak used secondary data's only to evaluate the financial

performance. He used the five years data. His findings were as follows:

i. HGIC and NIC have not been following better policy to keep
sound liquidity position.

ii. Creditors of both companies are in safe side, investment in total

assets of HGIC is higher than NIC. The degree of financial risk of
NIC is higher than HGIC.

iii. HGIC has mobilized its assets effectively than NIC.

iv. The profitability ratio of both companies shows that the change in
insurance premium collection of HGIC ranged about 6.6% to
196.84% where as the same of NIC ranged about 9.7% to 34.54%
high fluctuations is found in HGIC than NIC.

Recommendations by Mr. Pathak

i. Both companies are suggested to increase their cash balance to

meet their short term obligation.

ii. The total assets ratio can be improved by proper, effective and
optimum utilization of total assets and avoiding unnecessary
investment in total assets.

iii. HGIC is suggested to increase total revenue and gross profit for its
sustainability and meet the competition.

The relationship between these two theses is only on the conceptual

sector, as both studies are on insurance business. Mr. Pathak focuses on
financial performance and he included premium collection an investment
position. Besides these reviews of specified books, articles, master degree
thesis, idea and material are taken from various web sites, magazines,
published and unpublished booklets, journals, broachers, news, financial
statements etc are taken for the preparation of this thesis. Daily
newspapers are another reliable and important source.

Adhikari (2013) A study and investment policies and practices of

commercial banks in Nepal. Thesis research work is concerned to find
what are the main policies used to invest the collecting premium of
insurance industries. The specific objectives were:

i. To analyze the investment policies of sample commercial banks.

ii. To analyze the investment practices of sample commercial banks.

iii. To examine the financial position of sample commercial banks.

iv. To analyze the growth of investment policy of sample commercial


To conduct these researches, both primary and secondary sources of data
have been used. The time period was six years. In that study, Mr.
Adhikari has pointed out various findings and recommends action. Mr.
Adhikari used different financial and statistical tools like ratio analysis,
cash flow, co-relation, standard deviation etc. The main findings and
recommendations of Mr. Adhikari's study were as follows:

i. Major portion of investment was incepted within the head

'Government Securities' and 'Bank Fixed Deposit' of both life and
non life insurance industries.

ii. The portfolio falling within the compulsory sector had uniform
return rate. However, in an average, the return form the
government securities were highest and the return from the policy
loan was lowest.

iii. Net investment income of the life assuror and the industry was
around three fourth of the net premium collection and net
investment income of the non life insurer with the industry was
around two fifth fo the net premium collection.

Recommendations by Mr. Adhikari

i. The insurer should enforce the diversification among the

investment portfolio.

ii. The life assures should concentrates on the diverse portfolio

holding as compare with the non life insurers.

iii. While investing within the particular sector, the insurer needs to
consider the mutual inter link, age of transaction too.

The relationship between Mr. Adhikari's study and this study is that both
focus on investment. Investment policies and position are related in each
other. Both studies use financial and statistical tools. There is more than

seven years gap between these two studies and Mr. Adhikari study for
whole insurance industry and this study like only three specific
companies. Mr. Adhikari focused on investment policy only while this
study is based on premium collection and investment pattern.

Chaudhary (2014) A study and premium collection and investment of

Insurance company in Nepal. Thesis research work is concerned to
collecting premium and investment of insurance industries. The specific
objectives were:

i. To analyse the premium collection and investment pattern of Nepalese

insurance companies.

ii. To analyse the relationship between the major variables in relation with
the investment & premiums of NICs.

iii. To analyse the effect of premium collection and investment pattern to


To conduct these researches, both primary and secondary sources of data

have been used. The time period was five years. In that study, Mr.
Chaudhary has pointed out various findings. This study main finding are
as follows:

i. The ratio of premium collection is higher in fire insurance and motor

insurance and lower in marine and engineering policy.

ii. Claim paid ratio is increasing according but the percentage increase is
very low in respect to increase in premium collection.

iii. Interest earned on total investment is also not satisfied. Interest earned
on investment is lower that is only 5.85% in an average.

iv. Investment on premium shows that more than 50% of premium amount
is investment in different sector. The percentage is up to 111% due to
investment from other source like capital and share.

v. The test of hypothesis of total premium of five sampled insurer has
significantly different. It indicates that the premium amount of
companies has differed.

vi. The test of hypothesis 'F' statistic of an income earned is significant

different at 5% level of significance. It means there is variation in
income earned ratio of Nepalese insurance industry.

vii. Regarding customer's satisfaction of service and premium rate, different

result has come out. About 5% have excellent service while 30% are in
good side, 40% are in satisfactory side and 25% are satisfied with
present premium rate and services.

Shrestha (2015) A study in premium collection and investment position

of National Life and General insurance company limited". The study
covered seven years period.

The main objectives of this study were:

i. To find out the position of National Life and General Insurance co.
ltd. in the insurance industry of Nepal.

ii. To analyze the premium collection of NLGI.

Mr. Shrestha used both primary and secondary data to analysis his study.
Like this, he uses different financial and statistical tools like ratio
analysis, trend analysis, co-efficient of correlation, mean, standard
deviation and T test etc. Based on the analysis Mr. Shrestha finds many
conclusions. His main findings are as follows:

i. Premium collection on first life premium to total life premium

collection is rising and falling trend- this ratio is highest. There was
inconsistency in first premium collection.

ii. Fire premium collection to total general premium collection ratio
was varied from 23% to 34% and it indicates that fluctuation rate
was not so diversified.

iii. Marine premium collection to total general premium ratio varied

from 1% to 4% which indicated that the ratios were in
approximately in stable order.

iv. Miscellaneous premium to total general premium collection had

slightly fluctuated but in increasing order.

v. Life premium collection to total premium collection was in

increasing trend. The least contribution was 23.06%.

vi. Investment on different sectors were also fluctuating trend and

major portion of life investment went to bank fixed deposit it
contributed 88.23% in highest and 69.71% in lowest.

Recommendations by Mr. Shrestha

i. The company should collect more first life insurance premium and
issue new policy.

ii. The company should diversify its life investment and increase
investment in policy loans.

iii. The company should establish research and development

department and increase the efficiency of employees.

There is close relationship between Mr. Shrestha studies as both studies

are about premium and investment. Mr. Shrestha study used seven years
data and taken only one insurance company NLGIC, but this study is
conducted by taking three insurance companies and five years data. In
addition, there is long gap between these two studies.

2.5 Research Gap

There is long gap between the previous researcher's and this study. This
study uses three life insurance companies which was selected different
from previous researcher's. Previous researchers focused on investment
policy only while this study based on premium collection and investment
pattern of life insurance companies. They used only financial tools and
ignored statistical tools but this study used both financial and statistical
tools. Previous researcher's study based on descriptive way only but this
study used descriptive and analytical basis. This study takes primary data
while previous researcher's studies are based only in secondary data.



3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is a systemic way to solve the research problem.

In other words, research methodology describes the methods and process
applied in the entire aspect of the study. Research methodology refers to
the various sequential steps (along with a rational of each steps) to be
adopted by a researcher in studying a problem with certain objectives in
view. Thus, the overall approach to the research is presented in this

These study aims at presenting, evaluating and finding about the premium
collection and investment pattern, along with investment return of
insurance companies. The study will draw an actual scenario of premium
collection and investment pattern of Nepalese insurance industry. This
chapter describes research design population and sample nature and
source of data, data collection procedure and data processing procedure
and analysis tools.

3.2 Research Design

A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for

acquiring the information needed. It is the overall operational pattern of
framework for the project that stipulates what information is to be
collected, from which source and by what procedures. Thus, a research
design is a plan for the collection an analysis of data and is a plan,
structure and strategy of the investigation to obtain and answer to
research questions. For research there exist different types of research
design like, historical research, descriptive research, case study research,

field study research, analytical research, true experimental research and
so on. This study mainly concerned with historical research as secondary
data collected through published and unpublished materials. However, the
primary data and information are also used whenever and wherever
necessary. This study follows descriptive and analytical research design.

3.3 Population and Sample

A population refers to any collection of specified group of human beings

or non human entities. In other words, population refers not only to
people but also to all items or universe that have been chosen for study in
which the research is based. A small portion chosen from the population
for studying its properties is called a sample and the number of units in
the sample is known as the sample size. The method of selecting for study
a small portion of the population to draw conclusion about the
characteristics of the population is known as sampling.

In order to fulfill the objectives of the study premium collection and

investment pattern of life insurance companies, three life insurance
companies as sample are selected. Portions included in the sample was
carefully selected by consulting with lecturers and best judgment of
researcher. So precisely saying, all 9 life insurance companies are the
population of this study ( and among them, only 3 are
chosen as convenience for the sample. Here, Prime life insurance
company, Asian life insurance company and National life insurance
company are taken to the study as a sampled among the insurance
industries in Nepal.

3.4 Nature and Source of Data

In order to achieve the objectives of the definite series of analysis can be

introduced. The research has been based on the description of the primary

and secondary data for the historical performance assessment and the
future prediction of planning and upcoming policy and implementation
among the insurers. Hence, in the study primary as well as secondary data
will be used to collect necessary data and information.

Primary Data

The sources of primary data are the opinion survey. The primary data can
be collected from various insurance companies for the opinion on
investment of insurance fund, its policy and premium and other relevant
factors. Primary data can be collected through questionnaires, field visit
and information received from the respondents. Altogether, views of 60
respondents including staff, experts and concerned persons of sample
insurance companies, insurance board and Rastrya Beema Sansthan are
taken in preformatted questionnaire sheets.

Secondary Data

This study is based on secondary sources of data. The data relating to

premium collection and investment pattern of insurance companies can
be collected different insurance companies and Beema Samiti, Nepal
Stock Exchange, Government agencies and bodies, published and
unpublished books, journals, newspapers, reports, thesis articles etc are
used the sources of the secondary data.

3.5 Data Collection Procedure

For primary data, information has been collected by developing a set of

questionnaires. Information and data can be also collected from
respondents through field visit. Secondary data are collected through
annual reports, different books and publications, web sites, periodicals,
newspaper etc.

3.6 Data Processing procedure

The information or data obtained from the different sources are in raw
form. From that information, direct presentation is not possible.
Therefore, it is necessary to process data and converts it into required
form. After then only, the data are presented for the study. This process is
called data processing. For this study, only required data are taken from
the secondary source and presented in the study. For presentation
different tables are used. Similarly, in some case graphical presentation is
also is made. As far as the computation is concerned, it has been done
with the help of scientific calculator and computer software program.

3.7 Data Analysis Tools

In order to get the concrete results from this research the various collected
data from primary sources and secondary sources have been coded and
tabulated in required form. Tabulated data has been processed and
analyzed in descriptive way by using mathematical tools, statistical tools
and financial tools wherever necessary. Graphs and charts have also been
presented to interpret the finding of the study. As per topic requirements,
emphasis is given on statistical tools rather than financial tools. So for
this study like ratio analysis, trend analysis, percentage indices, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, coefficient of determination etc are
going to use.

I) Financial Analysis Tools

Generally, the financial analysis tools were used for the purpose of the
assessment of the financial position to a particular organization. For the
purpose of this study, ratio analysis are performed in the study. Certainly,

ratio analysis showed the position of premium collection, investment
return and their contribution on overall performance.

a) Ratio Analysis

The term ratio refers an arithmetical relationship between the components

or variables. Ratio can be expressed as percentage, fraction and stated
comparison between numbers. In simple words ratio analysis or financial
ratio express, the relation between the accounting figures mathematically.
It is an indicator for evaluating the financial position and performance of
a firm.

As for this study, ratio analysis is used to present the position of the
investment and its performance as compared with the overall position and
performance of the insurer. In order to analyze the investment pattern and
performance of premium collection followings ratios are used.

Net Income
Return on Investment =
Total Investment

Total Investment
Investment to Total Premium =
Total Premium

Govt. Saving Bond

Govt. Saving Bond to Total Investment =
Total Investment

Fixed Deposit
Fixed Deposit to Total Investment =
Total Investment

Investment on Share
Investment on Share to Total Investment =
Total Investment

Claim Paid
Claim Paid to Premium Collection =
Total Premium

Investment on EF
Investment on Emergency Fund to Total Investment =
Total Investment

Total Interest
Interest Earned to Total Investment =
Total Investment

II) Statistical Analysis Tools

Generally, the statistical tools are used for attaining accuracy on analysis
and study. According to this study's objectives, here following tools are

a) Arithmetic Mean (Average)

"Average are statistical constants which enables us to comprehend in a

single effort the significance of the whole. (Gupta, 2010; 35). Arithmetic
mean represents the entire data by a single value. It provides the gist and
gives the bird's eye view of the huge mass of unwieldy numerical data. It
is calculated as:

X =


X = Mean value of Arithmetic Mean

N = Number of Observations

X = Sum of observations.

b) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is the best tools to study fluctuation in any data. It
is usually denoted by the letter sigma ( ). Karl Pearson suggested it as a
widely used measure of dispersion and is defined as the positive square
root of their arithmetic mean of a set of value. It can be computed by
using following formula

Standard Deviation ( ) = ( x x) 2

N 1

Greater the magnitude of standard deviation, higher will be the

fluctuation and vice versa.

c) Coefficient of Variation (CV)

It is defined as the standard deviation divided by the mean of expected

return. CV is the relative measure of risk. It measures the risk associated
with the each unit of return. It should be used to compare investment or
return when the standard deviation and expected values of companies or
scheme differ.

C.V. =

A project, scheme, or company with low CV has less risk per rupee than
having high CV.

d) Coefficient of Correlation

By this statistical tool, the degree of relationship between to variables is

identified. In other words, this tool is used to describe to which one
variable is linearly related to other variables. Two or more variables are
said to be correlated if change in the value of on e variables appears to be
linked with the change in other variables. The correlation analysis refers
the closeness of the relationship between the variables. Correlation may
be positive and negative and ranges -1 to +1. Simple correlation between
interest rate and deposit amount, interest rate and credit or lending
amount and interest rate(both deposit rate and lending rate) and inflation
is computed in this thesis. For example, let us say that the correlation
between interest rate and inflation is positive. It indicates that when
inflation increases, interest rate also increases in same direction and vice
versa. For our study following reference is used.

Correlation may be positive or negative and ranges from -1 to +1. When r

= +1, there is positive perfect correlation; when r = -1, there is perfect
negative correlation; when r = 0, there is no correlation and when r < 0.5
then there is low degree of correlation.

When ' r ' lies between 0.7 to 0.999 (or -0.7 to -0.999), there is high
degree of positive or negative correlation.

When 'r' lies between 0.5 to 0.699, there is moderate degree of


The simple correlation coefficient, r, is calculated by using following


Nxy xy
rxy =
Nx 2 (x) 2 Ny 2 (y ) 2


rxy = Correlation between x and y

Nxy = product of No of observation and sum of product of x and y.

xy = Product of Sum x and Sum y

e) Coefficient of Multiple Determinations (R2)

The square of the multiple correlation coefficients is called coefficient of

multiple determination. It is very useful tools to interpret the value of
multiple correlation coefficients. The main significance of the coefficient
of multiple determinations is to represent the portion of total variation sin
the dependent variable that is explained by the variations in the two
independent variables.

Coefficient of multiple determination = R2 `

f) Trend Analysis

Trend analysis or Time series analysis enables us to forecast the future

behavior of the variables under study, changes in the values of different
variables and past behavior of a variable. In the data related to time span,
there are three components of time series like secular trend or long term
fluctuation, short term or periodic variations and random or irregular
fluctuation, in this study, time series of premium collection, investment
and net profit are shown in the figures. The experts to deal with variants,
which changes, in value with time are, used time series. Variations of
such quantities are analyzed by presenting on the graphs.

Y = a + bx

The above trend equation can be calculated using following two normal

Y = na + bX (i)

XY = a X + bX2........... (ii)


Y = Variable

X = Time span



For the purpose of study and analysis, secondary and primary data are
used. Based upon the data, interpretation and analysis are done for
findings and conclusion. All the theoretical concept of premium is
mentioned in the above chapter, which may be enough for the theoretical
idea. Therefore, here, only quantities analysis are described, which is
related to the premium collection and investment pattern and their

4.1 Ratio Analysis

4.1.1 Return on Premium

It is the rate of average premium income. This ratio shows the portion of
income or return on total premium collection. Return shows the
performance and the earning capacity of an insurer in comparison to the
premium collection.

Table No. 4.1

Return on Premium of Insurance Companies (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 6.41 11.29 16.22 4.42 9.97 9.66 4.09 42.37
ALIC 6.26 4.89 5.93 1.92 8.14 5.43 2.04 37.66
NLIC 11.21 9.23 9.38 10.12 11.31 10.25 0.87 8.57

Source: Appendix III

Above table, show the ratio of return of premium of sample companies.

According to table, Prime Life insurance company has the increasing
trend of return to 6.41 in 2010/11 and reach to 16.22 in 2012/13 then it
decreased to 4.42 in 2013/14 and after it increased to 9.97 in 2014/15.
Asian Life insurance has decreasing trend to 6.26 in 2010/11 and reach
1.92 in 2013/14 and after that it has increased to 8.14 in 2014/15.
National Life has also decreasing trend to 11.21 in 2010/11 and reached
to 9.38 in 2012/13 and after that it has increasing trend and reach to 11.31
in 2014/15. From the above table it is clear that National Life insurance
has low risk while Prime Life and Asian Life has moderate risk.

4.1.2 Claim Paid to Premium Collection Ratio

When the risk is accrued, it is the liability and responsible of insurance

company to pay the claim. The large amount of claim force insurer to
bear loss. Therefore, the claim paid determines the insurer's profit and
loss. Claim paid to premium collection ratio is the average claim paid on
premium. It is the extent to the ratio of cash outflow from claim to cash
inflow as premium collection. It shows and measures the performance of
risk evaluation and feasibility study of policy and premium charged
calculation. Generally, low ratio seems the good performance and high
ratio seems bad performance of company.

Table No. 4.2

Claim Paid To Total Premium
(Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 20.13 22.73 56.99 44.66 46.19 38.14 14.31 37.53
ALIC 8.53 9.55 12.62 40.55 46.83 26.62 16.57 70.14
NLIC 15.98 13.47 22.90 44.67 45.50 28.51 13.89 48.72

Source: Appendix IV

From the above table, it is clear that the claim paid ratio of most
insurance companies is fluctuated every year except Asian Life insurance.
Prime Life insurance paid higher claim while Asian Life insurance is in
low position in comparison to other insurance companies. Looking at five

years performance the lowest claim paid is 8.53 by Asian Life insurance
while highest by Prime Life insurance i.e. 56.99 in 2012/13. The above
table shows that the Asian Life insurance company has the higher
standard deviation and variance of risk also i.e. 16.57. From the
calculation of C.V. all insurance companies are in moderate risk except
Asian Life insurance. From the above table Prime Life insurance pay the
average 38.14% yearly, in respect to premium collection; this is sign of
good performance and success.

4.2 Evaluation of Investment Pattern and Composition

Investment may be defined as the purchase by an individual or

institutional investor of a financial or real asset that produces a return
proportional to the risk assumed over some future investment period.
Investment is the current commitment of the savings that compensates for
the time involved, the expected rate of inflation and uncertainty involved.
To stare in other words, an investment is a vehicle into which funds can
be placed with the expectation that they will generate positive return or
their value will be preserved or increased. Here, quantitative analysis is
mentioned which are related to the investment and investment pattern.

Analysis and evaluation of investment portfolio and pattern could be done

efficiently through statistical and financial tools. Here, investment pattern
analysis is calculated through trend analysis. For the comparison of all
respective matter of investment, the mean standard deviation and
coefficient of variation is also used. Likewise, to evaluate the return on
respective portfolios and investment ratio analysis is used. To attain the
objective of study purpose all the concerned studies and analyzed are
used. This evaluation chapter purpose moves along with the studies
objectives therefore only those ratios are calculated and analyzed, are

very important to evaluate in investment policy and pattern, which are
mentioned below.

4.2.1 Return on Investment

For meeting the objective, every financial institution has to invest capital
and get certain return on it. Return on investment shows the success and
failure of company. It is the rate of average investment income. It shows
the proportion with respect to investment. This ratio shows the
performance of the investment and it indicates whole investment portfolio
performance. Here the total investment consist the investment optional
and compulsory sectors and the net income carried from profit and loss

Table No. 4.3

Return on Total Investment (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 8.75 18.73 14.51 6.23 9.54 11.55 4.48 38.81
ALIC 14.98 8.89 8.85 3.03 15.32 10.21 4.56 44.65
NLIC 11.68 11.27 9.92 12.03 13.59 11.69 1.18 10.14

Source: Appendix V

The table show that the return on investment varies between companies
and differ year to year. The lowest return 3.03 percent was of Asian life
insurance in 2013/14 and the highest was 18.73%, of Prime Life
insurance in 2011/12. The return of Prime Life insurance is 8.75 in
2010/11 and increased to 18.73 in 2011/12 and after that decreased and
reached to 6.23% in 2013/14 and again increase and reached to 9.54 in
2014/15. Asian Life insurance has return of 14.98 in 2010/11 and fall
down to 3.03 in 2013/14 and after that it increase and reached to 15.32 in
2014/15. National Life has decreasing trend from year 2010/11 to year
2012/13 and after that it has increasing trend and reached to 13.59 in

2014/15. From the mean value calculate, it is shown that the return of all
companies is not satisfied as it varies from 10.21 to 11.69. The standard
deviation shows that there is low variation in return. CV show that Asian
life insurance has low return in high risk where as other has medium
return in moderate risk. Thus from the calculated and analyzed data, it is
clear that the net profit on investment was not satisfied. Insurance
companies should invest on the sector that is secure and give more return.

4.2.2 Investment to Total Premium Collection

It is the rate of average investment to premium collection. This ratio

measures the investment ratio in percentage. It helps to know what
amount of premium collected is investment in different sectors in
aggregate. Since in the beginning companies had to invest in capital and
are include in investment, no exact table can be drawn from this ratio.

Table No. 4.4

Investment to Premium Ratio (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 73.2 60.3 111.8 70.87 101.39 83.51 19.62 23.49
ALIC 41.8 55.0 63.5 63.28 53.12 55.34 7.97 14.41
NLIC 96.0 81.9 84.5 84.11 83.18 85.94 5.11 5.95

Source: Appendix VI

The above table shows the investment to total premium ratio of insurance
companies. The table show the mean ratio of investment to premium ratio
of all companies is above than 50%. NLIC has highest investment ratio
i.e. 85.94 in average. The lowest ratio is 55.34 of ALIC in average. Asian
Life insurance and National Life insurance have not much fluctuate in the
ratio as it varies from 41.8 lowest in 2010/11 and 63.5 in 2012/13 of
Asian Life and for National Life it varies from 96.0 in 2010/11 is highest
and lowest of 81.9 in 2011/12. Prime Life insurance has highest ratio of

111.8 in 2012/13 and lowest ratio is 60.3 in 2011/12. The standard
deviation and CV of companies has fluctuated from 5.11 to 19.62 and
5.95 to 23.49 respectively. National Life insurance has low SD and CV
i.e. 5.11 and 5.95 respectively. Similarly Prime Life insurance has high
SD and CV i.e. 19.62 and 23.49 respectively. It means National Life has
low variation at low risk and Prime Life has high variation with high risk.
From the investment policy published by insurance board in 2060, it has
been stated that all insurance companies must keep 50% of the collected
premium amount in saving fund for payment of claim. So, companies
could invest only 50% of their premium collection and other investment
through shares and capital.

4.2.3 Investment on Government Saving Bond to Total Investment


This ratio is the average government saving bond investment. It shows

the proportion of investment on government saving bond. The entire
insurer invests their fund making portfolio planning. Among the various
areas of investment portfolio, it is the secured investment instruments. In
this, the companies have not to bear risk in their investment. This
investment has low but certain return and very low risk. The ratio
measures the percentage of investment of particular insurer in
government saving bond.

Table No. 4.5

Government saving to total Investment (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 15.94 14.01 12.78 8.18 9.59 12.1 2.85 23.53
ALIC 21.82 21.96 20.47 26.58 17.26 21.62 3.01 13.89
NLIC 16.5 14.83 13.09 13.65 13.03 14.22 1.31 9.22
Source : Appendix VII

According to table Prime Life insurance has decreasing trend and start
from 15.94 in 2010/11 and fall down to 8.18 in 2013/14 and after that
little bit increase to 9.59 in 2014/15. Asian Life insurance has almost
constant level of government saving but fluctuating little high 26.58 in
2013/14 and decreased to 17.26 in 2014/15. National Life insurance has
almost same ratio of government saving bond. The low value of standard
deviation and CV shows the investment in government saving bond has
low or little variation and low risk.

4.2.4 Investment on Fixed Deposit to Total Investment Ratio

The banks fixed deposit is the main investment sector of Nepalese

insurer. The entire insurers deposit their fund in fixed deposits. The
investment on bank fixed deposits to total investment ratio is the average
of investment on fixed deposit. It is the secured investment sector
therefore, almost all insurer invest their higher fund in fixed deposits.

Table No. 4.6

Fixed Deposit to Total Investment Ratio (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 75.07 78.10 76.26 53.56 54.43 67.48 11.06 16.39
ALIC 75.53 75.38 77.87 71.96 81.59 76.47 3.18 4.16
NLIC 72.87 75.61 78.55 77.62 77.82 76.49 2.06 2.69
Source: Appendix VII
Above table shows that the all insurance has highest percentage of
investment in fixed deposit. All insurances have almost same range of
investment in deposit. Asian life insurance has highest percentage of
81.59 whereas Prime Life insurance has lowest percentage i.e. 53.56 in
2013/14. Prime Life insurance has highest percentage of 78.10 in 2011/12
and lowest percentage of 53.56 in 2013/14. The Asian Life insurance and
National Life has almost same percentage ratio in overall five fiscal
years. Prime Life insurance has high variation and National Life has low
variation. But all insurance has very low value which proof that there is
low variation and risk in fixed deposit investment. The greater percentage
of fixed deposit investment shows that till now insurance companies are
not investing in other sector having high return and high risk. For the
development and growth these companies should investment on other
secure and highly return sector also.

4.2.5 Investment on Share to Total Investment Ratio

It is an average of share investment. This ratio shows the share of

different company's share in total investment of particular insurer and
insurance industries as well.

Table No. 4.7

Share Investment to Total Investment (Ratio in %)
Insurance Fiscal Year Mean S.D. C.V.
Company 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
PLIC 4.84 4.25 7.64 36.13 33.47 17.27 14.39 83.32
ALIC 2.65 2.66 1.66 1.47 1.15 1.92 0.62 32.51
NLIC 10.64 9.56 8.37 8.72 9.92 9.44 0.82 8.67

Source: Appendix VII

The above table shows that Prime Life insurance has increasing trend and
reached from 4.84 in 2010/11 to 36.13 in 2013/14 and after that little
decrease to 33.47 in 2014/15. Asian Life insurance has almost same in
year 2010/11 to 2011/12, after that it has decreasing trend and reached to
1.15 in 2014/15. National Life has almost decreasing trend and reached
from 10.64 in 2010/11 to 8.72 in 2013/14 and after that increased to 9.92
in 2014/15. The standard deviation and CV of different insurance are low
values except Prime Life insurance which has high CV. From the table of
share investment to total investment we can see that almost all insurance
has same amount of investment in share. The variation of percentage is
due to the increase or decrease of total investment amount.

4.3 Statistical Analysis

Uses of financial tools only are not considerable for analysis and
evaluation of this study. So, some statistical analysis tools should also to
use for analysis. Under this term various statistical mathematics likes,
trend analysis and coefficient of correlation are used for the purpose to
find out tendency, relation and distinguish between premium collection
and investment pattern. For this purpose, following measures are

4.3.1 Correlation between Premium Collection and Investment

This relation is between the premium collection and investment of

particular insurance company within the five years period. It gives the
correlation between premium collection and investment of companies
through which we can compare and analysis its relationship.

Table No. 4.8

Correlation between Premium and Investment
Insurance r Relationship R PE 6PE Remarks
PLIC 0.7401 High degree +ve 0.5486 0.1362 0.8169 Insignificant
ALIC 0.9025 High degree +ve 0.8146 0.0559 0.3356 Significant
NLIC 0.9757 High degree +ve 0.9519 0.0145 0.0869 Significant
Source: Calculated by Excel

From the above table, Prime Life insurance has correlation of 0.7401,
which is high degree positive correlation. Coefficient of determination is
0.5486 and 6 times probable error is is 0.8169. Hence, the relation is
insignificant in case of Prime Life insurance. Asian Life insurance has
high degree positive correlation i. e. 0.9025 and it has 6 times probable
error is 0.3356, it means there is significant relation between premium
and investment. Similarly National Life insurance has high degree
positive correlation i.e. 0.9757 and 6 times probable error is 0.0869. It

means that NLIC has significant relation with the premium and
investment. So from the above table we conclude that only Prime Life
insurance has the insignificant relationship while other remaining
insurance has significant relations.

4.3.2 Correlation between Net Profit and Total Investment

This relation is between the premium collection and investment of

particular insurance company within five years period. Generally, the
profit earned strongly depends upon the investment. If the investment
amount is high then definitely profit will be high. In this, investment is
assumed as independent variable and net profit is dependent variable.

Table No. 4.9

Correlation between net Profit and Total Investment
r Relationship R PE 6PE Remarks
PLIC -0.125 Low degree -ve 0.0157 0.2969 1.7814 Insignificant
ALIC 0.4981 Moderate +ve 0.2481 0.2268 1.3608 Insignificant
NLIC 0.8551 High degree +ve 0.7313 0.0810 0.4863 Significant

Source: Calculated by Excel

From the above table there is adverse relation between net profit and
investment of Prime Life insurance because there is low degree negative
correlation i.e. -0.1255 and 6 times probable error is 1.7814, it means that
there is insignificant relation among them. Similarly Asian life insurance
has moderate degree positive correlation i.e. 0.4981. ALIC has 6 times
probable error are 1.3608, it means that there is insignificant relationship
between net profit and investment among this insurance company.
Similarly National life insurance has coefficient of correlation is 0.8551,
which means that there is high degree positive correlation between net
profit and investment among this insurance. In the case of 6 times

probable error the value of National Life insurance is 0.4863. It means
that there is significant relationship of National life insurance.

4.3.3 Correlation between Claims Paid and Total Premium Collection

This relation is between the premium collection and investment of

particular insurance company within the five years period. If the
transaction of insurance (premium collection) is high then automatically
its claim paid will also be higher. Therefore, it may have negative or
positive relation. For finding out the relation, the coefficient of
correlation is determined. In this term, we assume premium to be the
independent variable and claim paid to be dependent due to its nature.

Table No. 4.10

Correlation between Claim Paid and Total Premium
r Relationship R PE 6PE Remarks
PLIC 0.7493 High degree +ve 0.5614 0.1323 0.7938 Insignificant
ALIC 0.9621 High degree +ve 0.9256 0.0224 0.1346 Significant
NLIC 0.8498 High degree +ve 0.7222 0.0838 0.5029 Significant

Source: Calculated by Excel

The above table shows that the relationship between premium collection
and claim paid of three insurance companies. The coefficient of
correlation of Prime Life insurance company is 0.7493 which has high
degree positive correlation. The 6 times probable error of Prime Life
insurance is 0.7938. It means it has insignificant relation between claim
paid and premium. All other remaining two insurance companies have
high degree positive correlation i.e. the value are 0.9621 and 0.8498 of
Asian Life and National Life insurance companies respectively. They all
have significant relationship between claim paid and premium because
the value of correlation coefficient of these insurance is higher than their
6 times probable error values.

4.4 Trend Analysis

Trend analysis plays an important role in the analysis and interpretation

of financial statement. Trend in general terms, signifies a tendency. It
helps in forecasting and planning future operation. Trend analysis is a
statistical tool, which shows the previous trend of the financial
performance and forecasts the future financial results of the firms.

A) Trend Analysis of Premium Collection

Premium collections are the important part in insurance sector hence its
trend for next five years will be forecasted for future analysis. This is
calculated by the least square method. Here the effort has been made to
calculate the trend values of premium collection of PLIC, ALIC and
NLIC for further five year.

Table 4.11
Trend analysis of Premium Collection (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
117.65 126.60 274.31 202.03 140.81 152.83
162.52 138.71 207.04 250.33 183.55 173.14
96.06 150.82 222.98 298.63 201.64 193.45
236.82 162.93 338.96 346.92 214.23 213.76
141.03 175.03 449.83 395.22 227.03 234.07
187.14 443.52 254.38
199.25 491.81 274.70
211.35 540.11 295.01
223.46 588.40 315.32
235.57 636.70 335.63
Source: Appendix II

Above table and below figure shows that premium collection of PLIC,
ALIC and NLIC. All insurance companies were increasing trend. The rate
of increment of premium collection for ALIC seems to be higher than that
Figure 4.1
Trend analysis of Premium Collection


Rs. in Millions





2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Fiscal Year

Source: Table No. 4.11

B) Trend Analysis of Investment

Here, the trend values of investment between PLIC, ALIC and NLIC
have been calculated for further five year. The following table shows the
actual and trend values of PLIC, ALIC and NLIC.

Table 4.12
Trend analysis of Investment (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
86.09 83.72 114.56 94.82 135.18 137.58
97.98 102.10 113.85 129.76 150.38 151.29
107.40 120.47 141.68 164.71 170.42 165.00
167.85 138.84 214.48 199.65 180.20 178.72
143.01 157.21 238.96 234.59 188.84 192.43
175.58 269.54 206.15
193.95 304.48 219.86
212.32 339.42 233.57
230.69 374.36 247.29
249.06 409.31 261.00
Source: Appendix II

Figure 4.2
Trend analysis of Investment
400 NLIC


Rs. in Millions






2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Fiscal Year

Source: Table No. 4.12

Above table and figure shows that investment pattern of PLIC, ALIC and
NLIC. All insurance companies were increasing trend. The rate of
increment of investment pattern for ALIC seems to be higher than that
C) Trend Analysis of Net Profit
Under this topic, an attempt has been made to analyze trend analysis net
profit of PLIC, ALIC and NLIC for further five years.
Table 4.13
Trend analysis of Net Profit (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
7.54 12.25 17.17 9.54 15.79 14.50
18.35 12.68 10.12 13.06 16.95 16.95
15.58 13.12 12.54 16.59 16.90 19.40
10.46 13.55 6.50 20.11 21.68 21.85
13.65 13.98 36.61 23.64 25.68 24.30
14.42 27.17 26.75
14.85 30.69 29.20
15.28 34.22 31.66
15.71 37.74 34.11
16.15 41.27 36.56
Source: Appendix III

Above table and below figure shows that net profit of PLIC, ALIC and
NLIC. All insurance companies were increasing trend. The rate of
increment of net profit for ALIC and NLIC seems to be higher than that

Figure 4.3
Trend analysis of Net Profit


Rs. in Millions





2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Fiscal Year

Source: Table No. 4.13

4.5 Presentation of Primary Data

Primary data are the first hand data, which are relevant for analysis in a
meaningful manner. Thus, primary data are collected for the first time
from the related field and possessing original character. Primary data are
also called field data.
This chapter concentrates on using aforementioned methodology to meet
the objectives of the study and set forth a logical and qualitative
framework to recommended probable solution to the problems that is in
herein within investment and premium collection aspect of the insurance
industry. For this purposes, some the collected questionnaire answers are
analyzed and studied. The questioner was distributed to the management
and the respective insurers. The respondents were regarded as the
representative of the entire management for the purpose of analysis and
classification of the primary data, a simple ranking method is used
wherever felt appropriate. While ranking, rank 1st was assumed as top

most prioritized and the last number imparted for the query was assumed
as last prioritized. Where the ranking was not possible or necessary, a
simple objective (yes/no) question was used. For classification of the
views, percentage method was used, considering the total number of
respondent as 100%. Further, such classification was supported with the
graphical and tabular presentation, wherever necessary. The number of
respondents for the queries has differed due to the differentiation
regarding the formation of the insurers. So, the number of respondents for
each query is shown in sample questionnaire separately. The focus of
study is on premium collection and investment pattern of life insurance
companies, so questionnaires are prepared for fulfilling the objectives.
4.5.1 Condition of the Premium Collection at Present Situation
This query was intended to find out the condition of premium collection
of Nepalese insurers. Nowadays, there is high competition in every field
of business, so insurance is not far from this. Therefore, because of high
competitive market, every insurance company has to labor more. The
competition has directly affected the premium collection. The following
chart shows the number of person and percentage in the favor of options
given in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.14

Condition of Premium Collection
Options No. of Respondents %
Excellent 0 0
Good 45 75
Satisfactory 15 25
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.4
Condition of Premium Collection
25% 0%


Source: Table No. 4.14

According to the above table and figure, around 75% of the companies
are in good situation in collecting premium where about 25% are in
satisfactory situation. No one company is in excellent situation in
collecting premium.

4.5.2 Premium collection system of Insurance Company

The system of collecting premium is differing to each other according to

their objective and policy. However, they cannot run off from the act.
This query was intended to find out the condition of premium collection
system Nepalese insurer. This question is theoretical aspect. There are so
many factors, which the question was attended. The following chart
shows the number of person and percentage in the favor of options given
in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.15
Premium Collection System
Options No. of Respondents %
Right 30 50
Some what right 26 43
Satisfactory 4 7
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.5

Premium Collection System
Some What Right



Source: Table No. 4.15

Among the entire respondents, 50% are in the favor of first option 'Right,
around 43% are in the favor of 'Somewhat right' and about 7% are in the
favor of 'Wrong'. From this view, it can be concluded the premium
collection system of insurance companies is not in good stead, it should
be made corrective so that companies can collect more premium through
best system and method.

4.5.3 How is the collection from premium at present insurance
This query was intended to find out the collection trend and present
collection ratio of premium at Nepalese insurer from market. This
opinion gives us the position of premium collection of Nepalese
insurance company and whether they are able to meet their target or not.
The following chart shows the number of person and percentage in the
favor of options given in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.16

Premium collection at present market
Options No. of Respondents %
Less than expected 20 33
In between expected 40 67
More than expected 0 0
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.6
Premium collection at present market
Less than expected
In between expected
More than expected



Source: Table No. 4.16

Among the respondents, around 67% of the viewers have found that they
are able to collect the target premium in between expected, that is they
are just to meet the target. Other 33% found that their target of collection
of premium is less than expected. No one is in the view of premium
collection more than expected.
4.5.4 Insurance company's satisfaction with the rate of premium
In order to find out the views of insurer regarding the premium rate on
different heads or policy, this question is included in the query. As
insurance board directly regulate and fixed the rate of premium under
different policies, this query is forwarded to know the opinion about
whether they are satisfied or not. The following chart shows the number
of person and percentage in the favor of options given in the opinion
Table No. 4.17
Insurer Satisfaction with premium rate
Options No. of Respondents %
Yes 6 10
No 11 72
In between 43 18
Total 60 100
Source: Field Survey 2016

From the above table and below figure, it is clear that more than 72% of
the respondents are not satisfied with the present rate of premium. Only
10% in the favor of present rate and 18% of the persons think that they
are in between. So, with the above data collected, we can conclude that
most of insurer wants change in premium rate which should be fixed by
formulating a committee including them.

Figure No. 4.7
Insurer Satisfaction with premium rate
18% In Between


Source: Table No. 4.17

4.5.5 Customer Satisfaction with premium rate and provided service

Premium is the amount that the customer has to pay for being insured.
The rate of premium varies between the same nature of company not
exceeding and below the range fixed by the insurance act. In order to find
out whether customer or clients are satisfaction with premium rate and
service provided by insurance companies this query is included. This type
of question is verbally asked to the persons coming for service to the
concerned companies. The following chart shows the number of person
and percentage in the favor of options given in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.18

Clients Satisfaction with premium rate
Options No. of Respondents %
Good 21 35
Satisfactory 24 40
Bad 15 25
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.8
Clients Satisfaction with premium rate
25% Bad



Source: Table No. 4.18

The above figure and chart shows that about 35% of the respondents have
good experience of service provided by the companies and the premium
rate while more than 40% have satisfactory level. More than 25% people
are badly responses by the insurance companies and are not satisfy with
the present rate of premium and trend of collecting premium.
4.5.6 Concerned with investment management and portfolio
For success, plan, policies and effective management must be well
designed and applied. To find out how well insurance companies are
aware about it, this query is intended. Through this question, the weight
given by the insurer to their functioning is, as financial institution through
investment management can be known. Here, 100% of insurers are in the
favor of option 'significant concern'. It means all of the companies invest
their fund according to the investment management and portfolio.
4.5.7 To maintain desired maximum beneficial investment policy
This question was intended to find out the present status of the insurer
related to the investment policy and their perception regarding the present
environment. Here the opinions of the respondents are segregate in term
of maintaining desired level of investment policy. The following chart

shows the number of person and percentage in the favor of options given
in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.19

Maintain desire beneficial investment policy
Options No. of Respondents %
Yes 28 47
No 12 20
In between 20 33
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.9

Maintain desire beneficial investment policy
In Between


Source: Table No. 4.19

From the above table and figure, we can say 47% of the respondents think
that insurance companies are success to maintain the desired beneficial
investment policy as they have planned to implement. About 33% are in
between and 20% of the respondents are in against regarding to maintain
desire beneficial investment policy.
4.5.8 Priority in formulating investment policy
As different companies give focuses to different terms and conditions, to
find the views of insurer regarding the priority in forming investment

policy, this query is mentioned in questionnaires. The following chart
shows the number of person and percentage in the favor of options given
in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.20

Priority in formulating investment policy
Options No. of Respondents %
Portfolio of investment 21 35
Return from investment 25 42
Objectives of investment 14 23
Total 60 100
Source: Field Survey 2016
Figure No. 4.10
Priority in formulating investment policy
Portfolio of Investment
Return from Investment
Objectives of Investment



Source: Table No. 4.20

Above table and figure shows that about 35% of the respondents are in
the favor of giving priority in portfolio while forming investment policy.
About 42% think that they should focus on return from investment and
23% are in the opinion of objectives. Therefore, respondents are totally
diversified in the case of giving more while formulating investment

4.5.9 Suitable sector for investment

More premium collection only cannot neither fulfill the companies'

objectives nor meet the target of company's profit. Therefore, for getting
the objective and increasing the wealth of companies, every company
should invest their collected fund in most profitable, liquid able and
secure sector. So, to know in which sector today insurance companies are
investing, this query is prepared. The following chart shows the number
of person and percentage in the favor of options given in the opinion

Table No. 4.21

Suitable sector for investment
Options No. of Respondents %
Fixed deposit 23 38
Gov. saving bond 18 30
Share 19 32
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.11

Suitable sector for investment
Fixed Deposit
Gov. Saving Bond



Source: Table No. 4.21

The above table and chart shows that the investment sector is different for
different insurance companies. About 38% of the respondents are
interested to invest the collected premium and fund in fixed deposit while
30% wants to invest in government saving bond, 32% in share. The upper
three sectors are the use to insurance companies, which get more weight.

4.5.10 Able to get desired return from investment

Choosing the best method and sector of investment only does not fulfill
the objective of the companies. To determine the success, one should
look into the return of investment that the company. Thus, this query is
intended to find out whether insurance companies are able to get the
desire return from the investment or not.

Table No. 4.22

Able to get desire return from investment
Options No. of Respondents %
Yes 19 32
No 18 30
Little 23 38
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Among the observed query around only 32% of the respondents, think
that they are getting the desired level of return from present return.
Besides these about 30% of respondents are in against and suggest
improving the investment policy or sector as they have seen that the
return from the investment in present context is not sufficient. About 38%
of the respondents give opinion that only little return is gaining from
present investment so need to improve this situation.

Figure No. 4.12
Able to get desire return from investment
Fixed Deposit
Gov. Saving Bond



Source: Table No. 4.22

4.5.11 Current Investment Situation of Nepalese Insurance

This question intended to find out the weight given by the insurers to the
current investment system of Nepalese insurance companies. Now a days
we are facing critical crises and worse situation in national economy
which directly affects the insurance companies also. For finding how well
companies are taking this situation, this query is forwarded. The
following chart shows the number of person and percentage in the favor
of options given in the opinion survey.

Table No. 4.23

Current Investment Situation of Nepalese Insurance Companies
Options No. of Respondents %
Excellent 12 20
Good 44 73
Satisfactory 4 7
Total 60 100

Source: Field Survey 2016

Figure No. 4.13
Current Investment Situation of Nepalese Insurance Companies



Source: Table No. 4.23

Among the observed query, around 73% are in the favor of the opinion
satisfactory; it means Nepalese Insurance Companies are facing problems
from current situation. Other 20% respondents thinks that the current
system of investment is good and only 7% are in the favor of excellent
and good, it is about in satisfactory position.

4.6 Major Findings of the Study

This chapter concentrated on drawing the conclusion of all analysis and

providing suggestive package of premium collection and investment
aspect of Nepalese insurance industry with the help of secondary and
primary data.

The major findings of Secondary data were as follows:

i. The life insurance company has not consisted in the investment

proportion of various investment sector and investment portfolio
too but they have similarity in investment sectors, however the
return on premium and interest earned to total premium collection
ratio of insurance industry are in fluctuate trend in study period.

ii. Claim paid ratio is increasing according but the percentage increase
is very low in respect to increase in premium collection.

iii. Return on investment is not satisfied. The average of return on

investment of insurance of five years is about 8.67%.

iv. Investment on premium shows that more than 50% of premium

amount is investment in different sector. The percentage is up to
111% due to investment from other source like capital and share.

v. The coefficient of correlation between investment and average net

profit earned seems to be high degree but insignificant relationship
in case of Prime Life insurance but all other have high degree
positive correlation and significant relationship.

vi. The coefficient of correlation between premium and investment of

Nepalese life insurance company has high degree positive
correlation with significant relationship.

vii. The analysis of correlation between premium collection and

investment of sampled companies show different relationship
among the companies. Except National Life insurance because it
has significant and high degree positive correlation.

viii. The analysis of correlation between premium collection and claim

paid of sampled insurer and industry has positive relationship.
However Prime Life insurance has insignificant relation but all
other have significant relationship.

ix. Premium collection, investment and net profit of PLIC, ALIC and
NLIC were increasing trend. The rate of increment of premium
collection, investment and net profit for ALIC seems to be higher
than that NLIC and PLIC.

The major findings of primary data were as follows:

i. In the case of premium collection condition of Nepalese insurance,

there are variations of view. 75% of the insurers are side of good,
25% are in side of satisfactory and none is in side of excellent. But,
50% of the respondents are satisfied with the premium collection
system and rest 43% and 7% are in side of somewhat right and
wrong system.

ii. However, almost, of the insurer can collect the premium under
their target. Only 33% of the insurer cannot collect under target and
67% are able to collect in between target. However, more than 72%
of the insurance are not agree with the premium rate that is issued
by Beema Samittee (Government of Nepal).

iii. Regarding customer's satisfaction of service and premium rate,

different result has come out. About 5% have excellent service
while 30% are in good side, 40% are in satisfactory side and 25%
are satisfied with present premium rate and services.

iv. The premium collection rate of Nepalese insurance industry has

been fluctuating trend under all respective policy in each year and
differentiation in investment amount with respective investment
sector (optional and compulsory). But almost of the insured
chargeable rate of premium is based on beema samittee's
regulation. However, as for life insurance, premium is calculates
personal character sticks of insured person under based on Beema
Samittee's regulation and policy.

v. All the insurer or insurance industry prefers the portfolio to

investment a fund and they accept its essence in investment.
However only 47% of insurer utilizes and maintain the maximum

beneficial investment policy among the insurer. Among the
investment sector 33% of the insurer addressed their importance in
fixed deposit, 20% are in side of government saving bond and rest
of favor to make combination of investment sectors. Their view
shows the higher preference to bank fixed deposit of insurer.

vi. Giving priority while forming investment policy, more than 35%
are inside of portfolio, 42% concerned with the return from
investment and 23% give priority to objectives. So, most
companies now are focusing on the return from the investment.

vii. From the data collected from the all respondents, 7% think that
current investment system of insurance companies is excellent
while 20% think of good and remaining 73% are only satisfied
with present investment system.



5.1 Summary

Investment means to outflow of the fund as adjustable return. For

investing, investment pattern is the formulation of the investment strategy
based upon the organizational and financial character of the particulars
firm itself. Investment policy was the preliminary decision of selecting
the proper investment sector based upon single or joint consideration of
safety, liquidity, marketability, profitability and stability or else. Usually,
such investment pattern aims at arriving to the optimized or agreed mix of
risk return from the investment. Investment fund for the insurance
companies are the excess amount after claims paid and managerial
expenses. Premium collection and investment are the major tasks for
every insurance company. More premium collection means more income
and more investment means more return. Therefore, this study is
concentrate on the premium collection and investment position and
pattern of insurances industry in Nepal. Companies are aimed at
evaluating and analyzing the premium collection trend, investment sector
and ratio.

Insurance contributes to society by favorably affecting the apportionment

of the factors of production, engaging in loss prevention activities,
identifying losses serving as a basis of the credit structures, eliminating
worry and providing a channel for investigable fund. Insurance has been
introduced to safeguard the interest of people from uncertainties by
providing certainty of payment at a given contingency. According to
nature, characteristic and objective of the insurance company, they are
also referred to as financial intermediaries.

As significant differences in the nature of insurance, mainly there are two
types of insurance life and non life. Life insurance premium is non
refundable. For life insurance companies, they have to refund the
premium that collected to insured with bonds. However, general
insurance does not have such burden. That is why the premium collection
of both businesses dealt in different headlines. Insurer charges the
premium differently accordance to nature of risk. Thus, the judgment and
personal evaluation play vital role in rating/fixing premium.

Insurance business is found in urban area only. In Nepal, there is the

possibility of extending the insurance business in remote area. This party
can be taken as an opportunity.

Among the 25 insurance companies, the study has been taken to evaluate
the premium collection and investment pattern of industry through the
sample basis. The study analyzed the annual report of five years starting
from 2010/11 to 2014/15 of Prime life insurance company, National life
insurance company and Asian life insurance company are taken for the
purpose of the study. Primary and secondary data are collected from
relevant sources and to reveal the problems, financial as well as statistical
tools are applied. The recommendation is provided based on findings
from analysis.

In this study, an attempt is made to find out and provide independent

views of the premium collection and investment pattern of insurance
companies. For the presentation, analysis and evaluation primary and
secondary data from the various sources are taken like annual reports of
respective companies and other applicable sources as well as journals,
articles, newspaper related to concerned subject matter. Necessary help is
taken from insurance board, Nepal stock exchange and relevant web sites.

5.2 Conclusion

This study is concentrate on the premium collection and investment

position and pattern of insurances industry in Nepal. Companies are
aimed at evaluating and analyzing the premium collection trend. Ratio
analysis show that as the transaction amount is increased, the increase in
percentage is not so satisfactory. Increase in premium collection has
fluctuated nature and investment fund is low in comparison to other
financial companies.

In the context of Nepal, insurance business is one of the business, which

has not any loss and it suffered at profit from establishment date to till
now. But the trend of premium collection investment and profit earned
are fluctuated. Almost of the companies followed the investment policy at
investing a fund but some insurer give less importance on investment
policy and they invest their fund only accordance to government rules
and regulation and management desire. Although the entire insurer
concerns with investment management and they heartily accepted if too.

After the 2049, a number of insurance companies are established and

working which is going today also. Altogether, there are 25 insurance
companies until 2069. From the ananysis and presentation of the data we
are coming into following conclusions:

5.3 Recommendation

The recommendation are made as per the analysis of primary, secondary

and valid findings from the study as well as relating information about
Nepalese insurance industry. They have barrier from government rules
and regulation and through other relevant side these correctives action
needs to be introduced:

i. All insurance companies must take some steps to decrease the
inconsistency. To take any proper decision, to run the organization
smoothly, each ratio should be consistent. Therefore, the
companies must start research and development programmed train
their work force effectively and scientifically.

ii. The entire insurer should follow the investment policy and
improves its management. In addition, should maintain and make
uniformity on premium collection under all insurance policies.

iii. The entire insurer should improve their premium collection system
and investment systems too and try to increase customer service by
providing different facilities and to withdraw unnecessary process
of insurance and followed scientific insurance system.

iv. Insurance premium fund should be invested in different sector

other than HMG bond and bank fixed deposit is order to inherence
the life standard of people thereby increase the insurance premium.

v. Insurance companies should maintain their claim paid ratio as for

size of the transaction because the claim paid ratio directly affected
to the income generate.

vi. The insurance companies should introduce new policies and

attractive strategy to make ease for the development of insurance


A) Books & Journal

Bicklhaupt, D. L. (2010). General Insurance, Illinois: Irwin Homewood.

Dangol, R. M. (2004). Financial Management, Kathmandu: Taleju

Prakashana, Bhotahiti.

Dowrie, G.W. and Fuller, R. D. (2003). Principle of Insurance, New

York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Gupta, S. C. (2000). Fundamental of Statistics, Bombay: Himalayan

Publishing House.

Kothari, C. R. (1994). Research Methodology, Methods and techniques,

New Delhi: Vikash publication House Pvt Ltd.

Magee, J. H. (2012). Life Insurance, Illinois.: Richaed D Irwin Inc.


Maher, R. I. and Emerson, C. (2006), Principle of Insurance, America:

Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Maher, R. I., (2010). Fundamentals of Insurance, Illinois: Irwin,


Mishra, M.N. (2011). Insurance Principle and Practice, New Delhi: S

Chand & Sons company Ltd.

Mowhary, A. H. and Blanchard, R. H. (2009). Insurance, New York: Mc.

Graw Hill Book Company Inc.

Robinson, R. I. and Wrights M., Dwayne (2010). Financial Markets, the

accumulation and allocation of wealth, New York: MC
Graw Hill Book Company.

Williams, S. (1995). Risk Management and Insurance, New York: Mc-
Grew Hill Book Company.

B) Unpublished Thesis:
Adhikari, N. D. (2013). Insurance Industry in Nepal, A study on
investment policies and practices, An unpublished Master
Degree Thesis, T.U. Kathmandu.

Chaudhary, S. K. (2014). Premium Collection and Investment of

Nepalese Insurance Company in Nepal, An unpublished
Thesis submitted to T. U.

Pathak, A. R. (2012). Evaluation of Financial Performance of Nepal

Insurance Company and Himalayan General Insurance Co.
Ltd, An unpublished Master Degree Thesis, T.U.

Shrestha, S. (2015). A study on Premium collection and investment

position of National Life and general Insurance Company
Limited, An unpublished Master Degree Thesis, T.U.

C) Annual Reports:

Insurance News and Views, (2013), Insurance Board, Kathmandu

Nepal Insurance Act 2025, Insurance Board, GON., Kathmandu
Nepal Insurance Act 2049, Insurance Board, GON, kathmandu
D) Website:

Questionnaires for Research
This questionnaire is prepared only for assist the research conducted for
the partial fulfillment of requirement of the Master of Business Studies
(MBS) Degree. The collected views will be used for the purpose of the
study and will not misuse anywhere. Therefore the views and opinions
will be kept confidential and will not be published anywhere.
Name of Insurance Company ........................................................
Name of Representing Personnel: ..................... Designation : ..................
Schedules of Questionnaires:
1. What condition is of the premium collection (of insurer) at present
situation ?
2. How is the premium collection system of yours insurance company?
Somewhat Right
3. How is the collection from premium, at present insurance market?
Less than expected
In between expected
More than expected
4. Are you firms satisfied with the various rate of premium under
different insurance policy?
In Between

5. How well are you/your firm concern with the investment management
and portfolio?
Significant concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not concerned
6. Do you feel that your firms are able to maintain the maximum
beneficial investment policy?
In Between
7. While forming the investment policy, what will be you / your firm's
preferences among these?
Portfolios of investment
Return from investment
Objective of investment
8. Which sectors are suitable for the purpose of invest to the insurer?
Fixed deposit
Gov. saving bond
Share in market
9. Is the present investment able to gain desired return?
10. How is the current investment system of Nepalese insurance

Appendix II
A) Trend analysis of Premium Collection (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
117.65 126.60 274.31 202.03 140.81 152.83
162.52 138.71 207.04 250.33 183.55 173.14
96.06 150.82 222.98 298.63 201.64 193.45
236.82 162.93 338.96 346.92 214.23 213.76
141.03 175.03 449.83 395.22 227.03 234.07
187.14 443.52 254.38
199.25 491.81 274.70
211.35 540.11 295.01
223.46 588.40 315.32
235.57 636.70 335.63
Let trend line be
Y = a + b x. (I)
Where x = X - Middle year

Y b=
N x 2


a = 150.82 a = 298.63 a = 193.45
b = 12.11 b = 48.30 b = 20.31
Where as
Yc = 150.82 + 12.11 X of PLIC
Yc = 298.63 + 48.3 X of ALIC
Yc = 193.45 + 20.31 X of NLIC

B) Trend analysis of Investment (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
86.09 83.72 114.56 94.82 135.18 137.58
97.98 102.10 113.85 129.76 150.38 151.29
107.40 120.47 141.68 164.71 170.42 165.00
167.85 138.84 214.48 199.65 180.20 178.72
143.01 157.21 238.96 234.59 188.84 192.43
175.58 269.54 206.15
193.95 304.48 219.86
212.32 339.42 233.57
230.69 374.36 247.29
249.06 409.31 261.00
Let trend line be
Y = a + b x. (I)
Where x = X - Middle year

Y b=
N x 2


a = 120.47 a = 164.71 a = 165.0
b = 18.37 b = 34.94 b = 13.71

Where as
Yc = 120.47 + 18.37 X of PLIC
Yc = 164.71 + 34.94 X of ALIC
Yc = 165.0 + 13.71 X of NLIC

C) Trend analysis of Net Profit (Rs. in Millions)
Actual Trend Actual Trend Actual Trend
Value Value Value Value Value Value
7.54 12.25 17.17 9.54 15.79 14.50
18.35 12.68 10.12 13.06 16.95 16.95
15.58 13.12 12.54 16.59 16.90 19.40
10.46 13.55 6.50 20.11 21.68 21.85
13.65 13.98 36.61 23.64 25.68 24.30
14.42 27.17 26.75
14.85 30.69 29.20
15.28 34.22 31.66
15.71 37.74 34.11
16.15 41.27 36.56
Let trend line be
Y = a + b x. (I)
Where x = X - Middle year

Y b=
N x 2


a = 13.12 a = 16.59 a = 19.40
b = 0.43 b = 3.53 b = 2.45

Where as
Yc = 13.12 + 0.43 X of PLIC
Yc = 16.59 + 3.53 X of ALIC
Yc = 19.40 + 2.45 X of NLIC

Return on Premium Collection on Insurance Companies

Amount 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Prime Profit 7,536,119 18,347,181 15,582,928 10,464,171 13,645,472
Premium 117,650,311 162,518,942 96,062,278 236,824,438 141,034,038
Percentage 6.41 11.29 16.22 4.42 9.97
Asian Life Profit 17,165,038 10,121,927 12,542,403 6,497,829 36,607,924
Premium 274,313,926 207,039,326 222,975,659 338,964,494 449,834,061
Percentage 6.26 4.89 5.63 1.92 8.14
National Profit 15,791,022 16,949,364 16,902,350 21,680,122 25,676,528
Premium 140,808,000 183,551,000 201,637,000 214,230,450 227,025,000
Percentage 11.21 9.23 8.38 10.12 11.31
Source: Annual Report of Concern Life Insurance Companies

Claim Paid to premium Collection Insurance Companies
Figure in Million
Insurance Amount
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Prime Life Claim 23.69 36.93 54.75 105.76 65.15
Insurance Paid
Company Premium 117.65 162.52 96.06 236.82 141.03
Percentage 20.13 22.73 56.99 44.66 46.19
Asian Life Claim 23.39 19.77 28.13 137.45 210.67
Insurance Paid
Company Premium 274.31 207.04 222.98 338.96 449.83
Percentage 8.53 9.55 12.62 40.55 46.83
National Claim 22.50 24.72 46.18 95.69 103.29
Life Paid
Insurance Premium 140.81 183.55 201.64 214.23 227.03
company Percentage 15.98 13.47 22.90 44.67 45.50
Source: Annual Report of Concern Life Insurance Companies

Appendix V
Net Return to Total Investment of Insurance Companies

Insurance Amount
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Prime Profit 7,536,119 18,347,181 15,582,928 10,464,171 13,645,472
Investment 86,087,429 97,976,663 107,404,419 167,853,929 143,006,429
Percentage 8.75 18.73 14.51 6.23 9.54
Asian Life Profit 17,165,038 10,121,927 12,542,403 6,497,829 36,607,924
Investment 114,564,700 113,852,800 141,679,797 214,479,797 238,959,284
Percentage 14.98 8.89 8.85 3.03 15.32
National Profit 15,791,022 16,949,364 16,902,350 21,680,122 25,676,528
Investment 135,181,410 150,383,060 170,423,029 180,196,200 188,840,000
Percentage 11.68 11.27 9.92 12.03 13.59
Source: Annual Report of Concern Life Insurance Companies

Appendix VI
Premium Collection and Investment of Insurance companies
Figure in Million
Insurance Amount
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Prime Investment 86.09 97.98 107.40 167.85 143.01
Life Premium 117.65 162.52 96.06 236.82 141.03
Insurance Percentage 73.17 60.29 111.81 70.87 101.39
Asian Life Investment 114.56 113.85 141.68 214.48 238.96
Insurance Premium 274.31 207.04 222.98 338.96 449.83
Company Percentage 41.76 54.99 63.54 63.28 53.12
National Investment 135.18 150.38 170.42 180.19 188.84
Life Premium 140.81 183.55 201.64 214.23 227.03
Insurance Percentage 96.00 81.93 84.52 84.11 83.18
Source: Annual Report of Concern Life Insurance Companies

Appendix VII
Investment Portfolio of Insurance Companies
Prime Life Insurance Company Ltd.
FY Amt. Fixed Govt. Share Emgc. Total
Deposit Security Inc.
Bond Fund
NRs. 64,626,019 13,725,000 4,164,981 3,571,429 86,087,429
% 75.07 15.94 4.84 4.15 100
NRs. 76,515,253 13,725,000 4,164,981 3,571,429 97,976,663
% 78.10 14.01 4.25 3.65 100
NRs. 81,907,009 13,725,000 8,200,981 3,571,429 107,404,419
% 76.26 12.78 7.64 3.33 100
NRs. 89,907,500 13,725,000 60,650,000 3,571,429 167,853,929
% 53.56 8.18 36.13 2.13 100
NRs. 77,850,000 13,725,000 47,860,000 3,571,429 143,006,429
% 54.43 9.59 33.47 2.49 100
Source: Annual Report of Prime Life Insurance Company

Asian Life Insurance Company Ltd.

FY Amt. Fixed Govt. Share Emgc. Total
Deposit Security Inc.
Bond Fund
NRs. 86,532,400 25,000,000 3,032,300 - 114,564,700
% 75.53 21.82 2.65 0.00 100
NRs. 85,820,500 25,000,000 3,032,300 - 113,852,800
% 75.38 21.96 2.66 0.00 100
NRs. 110,332,500 29,000,000 2,347,297 - 141,679,797
% 77.87 20.47 1.66 0.00 100
NRs. 154,332,500 57,000,000 3,147,297 - 214,479,797
% 71.96 26.58 1.47 0.00 100
NRs. 194,960,000 41,250,000 2,749,284 - 238,959,284
% 81.59 17.26 1.15 0.00 100
Source: Annual Report of Asian Life Insurance Company

National Life Insurance Company Ltd.
FY Amt. Fixed Govt. Share Emgc. Total
Deposit Security Inc.
Bond Fund
NRs. 98,500,000 22,300,000 14,381,410 - 135,181,410
% 72.87 16.50 10.64 0.00 100
NRs. 113,700,000 22,300,000 14,383,060 - 150,383,060
% 75.61 14.83 9.56 0.00 100
NRs. 133,861,595 22,300,000 14,261,434 - 170,423,029
% 78.55 13.09 8.37 0.00 100
NRs. 139,874,560 24,600,000 15,721,640 - 180,196,200
% 77.62 13.65 8.72 0.00 100
NRs. 146,946,000 24,600,000 17,294,000 - 188,840,000
% 77.82 13.03 9.92 0.00 100
Source: Annual Report of National Life Insurance Company


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