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Gas Viscosity: Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method

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Gas viscosity

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of the internal fluid friction (resistance) to

flow. If the friction between layers of the fluid is small, i.e., low viscosity, an
applied shearing force will result in a large velocity gradient. As the viscosity
increases, each fluid layer exerts a larger frictional drag on the adjacent layers
and velocity gradient decreases.

The viscosity of a fluid is generally defined as the ratio of the shear force per
unit area to the local velocity gradient. Viscosities are expressed in terms of
poises, centipoise, or micropoises. One poise equals a viscosity of 1 dyne-

The gas viscosity is not commonly measured in the laboratory because it can
be estimated precisely from empirical correlations. Like all intensive
properties, viscosity of a natural gas is completely described by the following

( )

The above relationship simply states that the viscosity is a function of pressure,
temperature, and composition. Two popular methods that are commonly used
in the petroleum industry are the:

Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method

Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin Method

Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method

Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows (1954) developed graphical correlations for

estimating the viscosity of natural gas as a function of temperature, pressure,
and gas gravity. In this method the following two figures should be used.


A gas well is producing at a rate of 15,000 ft3/day from a gas reservoir at an

average pressure of 2,000 psia and a temperature of 140F. The specific gravity
is 0.72. Calculate the gas viscosity.


Ma = 0.72 * 28.96 = 20.85

Determine 1 from the first figure which equal to 0.0113

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

pTr = 600/395.5 = 1.52

pPr = 2000/668.4 = 2.99

determine viscosity rate (g/1) from the second figure which equal to 1.5.

The Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin Method.

Lee, Gonzalez, and Eakin (1966) presented a semi-empirical relationship for

calculating the viscosity of natural gases. The authors expressed the gas
viscosity in terms of the reservoir temperature, gas density, and the molecular
weight of the gas. Their proposed equation is given by:

* ( ) +

( )

g = gas density at reservoir pressure and temperature, lb/ft3

T = reservoir temperature, R
Ma=apparent molecular weight of the gas mixture

Example: Rework the previous example and calculate the gas viscosity by using
the Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin method.


Determine z from the chart which equal to 0.78

( ) ( )
( )

( )

( )

* ( ) +

( ) * ( ) +

Initial Gas In Place.

Initial gas in place (G) can be determined through two methods:

a. Volumetric Method.
b. Material balance.

Volumetric Method

The standard cubic feet of gas in a reservoir with a gas pore volume of V g cu.ft.
is simply (Vg / Bg), where Bg is expressed in units of cubic feet per standard
cubic foot. As Bg changes with pressure, the gas in place also changes as
pressure declines. The Vg may also be changing, owing to water influx into the
reservoir. The Vg is related to the bulk reservoir volume by the average
porosity and the average connate water saturation.

( )

Where: is the initial gas in place, SCF

is the bulk volume, acre-ft

connate water saturation, fraction

gas formation volume factor, ft3/SCF

is the porosity , fraction

Example: Calculate initial gas in place for a reservoir at 1500 psi and T = 140
C. given:

Thickness = 40 ft.
Reservoir area = 2178 * 104 ft2.
Average porosity = 22%.
Connate water saturation = 23%.

assuming the following composition:

Component Mole fraction (Yi)

CH4 0.6
C2H6 0.3
C3H8 0.1

Solution: First of all we have to find Zi for each component at given P and T
from charts which:

Zi CH4 = 0.99 Zi C2H6 = 0.75 Zi C3H8= 0.435

Component Mole fraction (Yi) Zi (from charts) Yi Zi

CH4 0.6 0.99 0.594
C2H6 0.3 0.75 0.225
C3H8 0.1 0.435 0.0435
Zm = 0.8625

T = 140 C = 5/9 (F 32) T = 284 F

( )

( )

( )

Material Balance Method

If enough production-pressure history is available for a gas reservoir, the initial

gas in place G, the initial reservoir pressure Pi, and the gas reserves can be
calculated without knowing A, h, or S w. This is accomplished by applying law of
conservation of mass to the reservoir and associated production. The general
material balance equation for a gas reservoir is:

( )

For most gas reservoirs, the formation and water compressibilites are too
small compared to the gas compressibility, therefore, the second term on the
left-hand side of the equation can be neglected.

( )

In a volumetric reservoir where neither water production nor water

encroachment present, the equation reduced to:

( )

Where: G is the initial gas in place

Gp is gas produced
Bgi is initial gas formation factor


( ) ( )

Because the production is isothermal process.

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( )

( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )
( )

( )


A dry gas reservoir contains gas of the following composition:

Mole fraction

Methane 0.75

Ethane 0.20

N - Hexane 0.05

The initial reservoir pressure was 4200 psia, and temperature of 180 F.
The reservoir has been producing for some time, two pressure surveys
have been made at different times:

P/Z (psia) Gp (MMMSCF)

4600 0

3700 1

2800 2

a) What will be the cumulative gas produced when the average reservoir
pressure has been dropped to 2000 psia?

b) Assuming the reservoir rock has a porosity of 12%, the water

saturation is 30% and the reservoir thickness is 15ft , how many acres
does the reservoir cover?


Comp. yi Pci Tci yiPci yiTci

Methane 0.75 673.1 343.2 504.8 257.4

Ethane 0.20 708.3 504.8 141.7 110.0

n- Hexane 0.05 440.1 914.2 22.0 45.7

Total= 668.5 413.1

a) To get Gp at 2000 psia, calculate Z and then P/Z, use the pseudo
critical properties:

( )


Plotting P/Z vs. Gp will give:

( )

Substituting the value of P/Z=2500 in this equation yields:

( )

( )

b)Substituting P/Z=0 into the straight line equation, Gp=IGIP

( )

( )

( )
( ) ( )


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