National Certified
Pipe Welding Bureau
General Welding
National Certified
Pipe Welding Bureau
Revision date: April 2, 2013
National Certified
Pipe Welding Bureau
1385 Piccard Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Fax: 301-990-9690
General .............................................................................. 3
Joints ................................................................................. 3
Filler Metal ....................................................................... 3
Postweld Heat Treatment ................................................ 4
General .............................................................................. 5
Joints ................................................................................. 5
Electrodes and Filler Metals ............................................ 8
Preheating and Interpass Temperature .......................... 9
Shielding and Backing Gas ............................................ 10
Cleaning .......................................................................... 13
Environmental Requirements ........................................ 14
Welding Technique ......................................................... 14
Welding From Two Sides................................................ 15
Visual Examination ........................................................ 16
Repairs ............................................................................ 18
Stamping of Welds .......................................................... 19
Safety .............................................................................. 19
Welding Hazards ............................................................ 20
Welding Lens Shades ..................................................... 21
ASME-P-Numbers .......................................................... 24
Filler Metal
Postweld Heat Treatment
Care shall be taken when cutting the pipe to make the plane
of the cut square to the axis of the pipe, so that the flat land
and root spacing will be uniform all the way around the pipe.
The surfaces to be welded and the inside and outside
surfaces of the base metal shall be cleared of all
contamination for one inch back from the bevel before the
pipe is aligned and tack welded. Special cleaning methods
shall be used when specified in the Welding Procedure
alignment has been achieved. This may require the addition
of weld metal to outside pipe wall. It is recommended that
alignment be verified by using Hi-Lo gauges after has been
fit-up and tack welded.
Electrodes and Filler Metals
Low hydrogen welding electrodes, such as E7015, E7018,
E8018, E9018 and E308-16 shall be purchased in vacuum-
sealed plastic wrappers or hermetically sealed containers.
After removal from the containers, these electrodes shall be
stored in holding ovens at 200 to 300F. Welders shall not
take more electrodes than can be consumed in the time
permitted as shown in Table 1 when using leather rod
pouches or other unheated containers. These electrodes are
not permitted to be stored in pockets of clothing, since they
will absorb body moisture. The use of portable holding ovens
is recommended. Electrodes that have been exposed to the
atmosphere for more time than permitted by Table 1 shall be
destroyed or baked at 700 50F for 2-hour minimum.
Low-Hydrogen Electrode Exposure Time Limits
E7018 8 hours
E8018 4 hours
E9018, E502 2 hours
E10018, E11018 2 hours
E308-16 8 hours
E3XX-15 and E3XX-16 electrodes. The electrode E502 is
intended to include all E4XX, E5XX and E7Cr electrodes.
Proper gas coverage is indicated on most materials by a
silver or light gold color of the weld bead. After breaking the
arc, keep the torch over the weld bead long enough to
prevent it from oxidizing. Filler metal and tungsten should
also be kept under the protection of the inert gas until it has
cooled to well below the temperature at which it was
glowing. Purging of the hose and torch assembly is
recommended if the equipment has not been used for several
damage them. The dams should be connected to ropes or
wires that can be used to pull them out after welding is
complete. Do not remove dams until at least three weld
passes are complete, and the weld is cool enough to avoid
damaging the dam material. Purge dams are also
commercially available.
slight gas flow outward from the opening, then making the
tack. Replace the tape after the tack is made. Repeat this
process at each location at which a tack is desired. After
tacking, turn the purge gas flow rate up, remove that tape
and grind, feather and inspect each tack, then replace the
tape, and reestablish the purge. Make the initial weld by
peeling back about 2 inches of tape on one side of a tack
weld, reduce the purge gas flow rate until there is a slight
outward flow, and begin welding. Peel the tape back no more
than a couple of inches at a time to be sure that the purge is
maintained and to preclude aspiration of air into the inside
of the pipe.
The completed weld shall be cleaned using the method
described in the Welding Procedure Specification for
interpass cleaning.
Environmental Requirements
Welding Technique
The welder shall visually inspect each weld bead for defects.
Any defects, including significant slag and porosity and all
cracks shall be removed by grinding or by carbon arc gouging
following by grinding.
Beads not more than 3/4 inches wide are permitted for any
welding process when the WPS permits weaving. When
stringer beads are required by the WPS, the weld shall be
made without significant motion of the electrode transverse
to the direction of travel.
Prior to depositing the next weld bead, any weld metal build-
up which may have been left at any weld stop or re-start
locations shall be ground to blend uniformly with the
surrounding deposit and base metal contour.
WPS which allows backwelding to make repairs from the
second side.
Visual Examination
The weld metal for butt welds shall fill the groove until the
weld metal is at least flush with the surrounding base metal.
There is no minimum reinforcement required for groove
welds, although welders should aim for approximately 1/16
inch of reinforcement in order to avoid conflicts with
inspection personnel over adequacy of fill. Reinforcement
shall merge smoothly into the surrounding base metal, and
it shall not exceed the values given in Tables 3 and 4. Where
the root side of a weld is accessible, it shall also be
Lack of fusion
3/16" thick and when backing gas is required for the original
Stamping of Welds
pant cuffs or folds where hot metal can lodge while
Welding Hazards
Know the base metals being welded and know the type of
hazardous fumes that may be created when the metal is
heated to welding temperatures.
Welding Lens Shade Selections
Application Number
Determining Purge Time
This table calculates time for various pipe or tube sizes
based on the flow rate and volume changes specified
ASME P-Numbers
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
1 A-36 Structural Shapes, Plate
A-53 All Seamless and Welded Pipe
A-105 Forgings
A-106 A,B,C Seamless Pipe
A-108 1015,1018, Bars, Tube
A-181 C1.60,70 Pipe, Flanges
A-216 WCA,B,C Castings
A-234 WPB, WBC Pipe Fittings
A-285 All Plate
A-333 1,6 Seamless and Welded Pipe
A-334 1,6 Seamless and Welded Pipe
A-350 LF1,2 Forgings
A-352 LCA, B Castings
A-420 WPL Forgings
A-515 All Plate
A-516 All Plate
A-519 1018, 1020 Bar, Tube
A-671 CA,CB,CC Fusion Welded Pipe
A-672 A,B,C,E Fusion Welded Pipe
API-5L All Seamless and Welded Pipe
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
Chromium Molybdenum Steel and Alloys
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
Steels Alloyed with Nickel
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
9A A-182 FR Pipe Flanges, Forgings
A-203 A,B Plate
A-234 WPR Pipe Fittings
A-333 7,9 Seamless Pipe
A-334 7,9 Welded Pipe and Tube
A-350 LF2, 5, 9 Forging
A-352 LC2 Castings
A420 WPL9 Fittings
A-714 V (Yolloy) Seamless and Welded Pipe
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
9B A-203 D,E,F Plate
A-333 3 Seamless Pipe
A-334 3 Welded Pipe and Tube
A-350 LF3 Forging
A-352 LC3 Castings
A420 WPL3 Fittings
Stainless Steel and Alloys
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
8 A-182 F3XX Pipe Flanges, Forgings
A-213 TP3XX Seamless Tube
A-240 Type3XX Plate
A-312 TP3XX Seamless or Welded Pipe
A-403 WP 3XX Pipe Fittings
10H A-182 F50,51 Pipe Flanges, Forgings
A-789 All Seamless and Welded Tube
A-790 All Seamless and Welded Tube
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
15E A-182 F91, F92 Pipe Flanges, Forgings
A-213 TP91, TP92 Seamless Tube
A-217 C12A Casting
A-234 WP91, 92 Pipe Fittings
A-335 P-91, P-92 Seamless Pipe
A-336 F91 Forging
A-369 FP91, FP92 Forged Pipe
A-387 Gr 91, Cl 2 Plate
A-691 Gr 91 Fusion Welded Pipe
Aluminum and Aluminum Base Alloys
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
21 B-209 1100,3003 Sheet, Plate
B-210 1100,3003 Tube
B-211 1100,3003 Bar, Rod, Shapes, Pipe, Tube
B-221 1100,3003 Bar, Rod, Shapes, Tube
B-234 1100,3003 Seamless Tube
B-241 1100,3003 Seamless Pipe, Extruded Tube
23 B-209 6061,6063 Sheet, Plate
B-210 6061,6063 Tube
B-211 6061,6063 Bar, Rod, Shapes, Pipe, Tube
B-221 6061,6063 Bar, Rod, Shapes, Tube
B-234 6061,6063 Seamless Pipe, Extruded Tube
B-241 6061,6063 Seamless Pipe, Extruded Pipe
B-247 6061 Forgings
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
31 B-111 All Seamless Pipe
32 B-111 Brass Seamless Pipe
B-171 C44300 Seamless Pipe
B-359 C44300 Seamless Pipe
34 B-111 Cu-Ni Seamless Pipe
Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
41 B-161 N02200,1 Pipe, Tube
42 B-165 N04400 Seamless Pipe and Tube
Monel 1
43 B-163 N06600 Seamless Pipe and Tube
Inconel 600
B-167 N06690 Seamless Pipe and Tube
Inconel 690
B-443 N06625 Seamless Pipe and Tube
Inconel 625
B-516 N06600 Seamless Pipe and Tube
B-517 N06600 Seamless Pipe and Tube
B-564 N06600 Seamless Pipe and Tube
B-564 N06625 Seamless Pipe and Tube
B-564 N10276 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
Hastelloy 276
B-619 N06022 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
Hastelloy 22
45 B-163 N08020 Seamless and Welded Pipe
Alloy 20
SB-407 N08800 Seamless Pipe and Tube
Incoloy 800
B-423 Alloy 825 Seamless and Welded Pipe
Incoloy 825
B-462 N08020 Forgings
Alloy 20
B-463 N08020 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
B-464 N08020 Seamless and Welded Pipe
Trade name is listed below Type/Grade the first time it appears.
B-464 NO 8020 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
B-464 N08026 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
B-468 N08020 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
B-468 N08026 Forgings, Smls and Welded Pipe
P Spec. Type or
No. Numbers Grade Product Type
51 B-337 1,2,7 Seamless and Welded Pipe
B-338 1,2,7 Seamless and Welded Tube
B-363 WPT1,2 Seamless and Welded Fittings
52 B-337 3,12 Seamless and Welded Pipe
B-338 3,12 Seamless and Welded Tube
B-363 WPT3 Seamless and Welded Fittings
Item PW4