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THE BLOOD BOWL GLOSSARY Amorica: The mystical land where Blood Bowl in its Blitzer: A player who mixes speed, agility and hitting
THE LINGO original form was once played and was probably power in equal measure and consequently is always a
Away from the invented, known only by its mention in the sacred book fan favourite. Often far too charismatic off-pitch for you
highfalutin talk of of Nuffle. to hate them for being so darned talented.
officials, coaches and
players, theres also a Apothecaries: A catch-all term for sideline medics, Blocker: The brick wall of the team. A blockers job is
wealth of parlance in barber-surgeons and other self-proclaimed masters of to stop the other teams players from getting where
use amongst fans anatomy who specialise in patching up players who they want to, even if that means ripping their legs off in
suffer grievous injuries. Unsurprisingly, Blood Bowl the process. Occasionally, a blocker will notice that the
Ballhog: A player game features a ball.
reluctant to pass; or, a keeps them busy!
pig that is fattened up Blocking: The act of smashing into an opponent with
specially for the Armour: As laid out in the Nuffle Book of Amorical
Football, each player who sets foot upon the sacred the maximum possible force.
traditional half-time
roast, beloved of Gridiron must be attired appropriately. Although the first
Blood Bowl coin: Each game of Blood Bowl starts
Halfling teams and teams wore modifed battle plate, this made for some
with a coin toss. This used to be done with any old coin,
their fans. very slow games, and in recent years great leaps have
but in the early 2480s the NAF realised it had a great
been made in constructing lightweight (but resilient)
Bang-bang play: The chance for commemorative merchandise. It wasnt long
sports armour.
act of blocking an before official Blood Bowl coins were being
opponent into the manufactured in their masses,each featuring the logo
Assist: The act of helping a team-mate get the boot
path of one or more of a different team, event or player. Ironically, lots of
into an opponent. Referees are staunch traditionalists and have carried on
teammates for a
second, even more using whatever is in their pocket at the time.
Assistant Coach: A right-hand-man (or woman, or
ferocious hit. orc...) to the head coach. Often a retired player, looking Bob Bifford: Retired ogre player and commentator
Blowout: Originally, a to keep one foot in the door. extraordinaire. One half of the famous presenting duo
heavy defeat to nil. Jim and Bob.
Nowadays, more Astrogranite: A hard playing surface which was briefly
often the name for a GOOD AFTERNOON, SPORTS popular two decades ago because playing on it caused Bribe: Bribes are heavily regulated by the Referees and
sudden, unexpected
dive taken by a
speedster owing to a
more injuries than the players could inflict on each other.

Ball: According to the guidelines laid down by Sacred

Allied Rulekeepers Guild. A bribe consists of a single
payment of 100,000 gold pieces, made at least thirty
minutes before kick-off to the appointed treasurer. In
pulled hamstring, Commissioner Roze-El, a regulation Blood Bowl ball exchange, the head coach may request that, at a given
unfortunate stumble
GREAT ISSUE OF SPIKE! must be one-and-a-half spans long, one span across at signal, the Referee looks away from whatever is
or carelessly aimed MAGAZINE. WHAT HAVE WE its mid-point, and a prolate spheroid in shape. As no currently happening on the pitch. Many find it a shame
crossbow bolt from one is sure what a prolate spheroid is, this latter part is that such a fine tradition has had all the fun taken out of
the stands. GOT FOR YOU THIS MONTH? generally held to mean sort of egg-shaped, but it but it is generally agreed that bribe regulation is a
WELL, LETS SEE... pointier. necessity.

in association with Bugmans XXXXXX
- a brew as frothing as the players!
Catcher: A player who favours speed over armour, Half-time: A game of Blood Bowl is divided into two Quick Snap: At the beginning of a drive, the offence
Dugout: Formally, an
dodging past the opposition and heading up-field as halves, as per Nuffles holy decree. Half-time is a are meant to wait until the ball is in the air before they
off-pitch area for the
quickly as possible in the hope of catching a pass and chance for players to rest and recuperate, and (in bigger start moving. Of course, in the air is fairly subjective
teams; colloquially,
scoring touchdowns. Hilariously fragile, almost without stadiums) for match organisers to wow the crowd with and sometimes a team will get running as soon as the
the result of a forceful
exception. spectacular shows. kickers foot touches the ball. Most Refs allow it, as
block into the turf.
trying to tell a mob of charging orcs to settle down and
Chainsaw: A brutal weapon which uses a clockwork or Head coach: Whether a charismatic leader or a get back in line has its risks. Grease-Up:
steam-powered motor to drive a rotating, bladed chain. stone-cold tactician, a Head Coach is responsible for Repeated fumbling or
It goes without saying that the use of a chainsaw is running a Blood Bowl team. Its not an easy job you Referee: Often the most unpopular person on the pitch, failure to catch or pick
utterly, completely against the rules but Refs tend to have to have business acumen as well as the ability to but still undeniably necessary, the Refs job is to ensure up the ball involving
wait until a drive ends before ejecting the offending think on your feet and manage a team of frenzied that both teams play more or less fair. (Bribes subject to multiple players, often
player, for fear of losing a limb or two. nutters but the draw of fame and fortune will always current guild rates, all calls are final.) from both teams.
ensure there are plenty of candidates.
Completion: A pass which is caught by another player Referees and Allied Rulekeepers Guild: We have Grot-lobber: A big
on the same team. Inducements: Some call them lucrative sponsorship been informed by our sponsors that we have to give the guy with a penchant
opportunities, others bribes. In truth, theyre anything official definition of the RARG, which is that they are a for passing
Daisy Palmers Slow-acting Shoe Grease: This you can tempt a rookie team with to rope them into a hard-working bunch of officials who keep the violence at (sometimes the ball).
game against a team thats entirely likely to kill them. the right level and stop nefarious players from
bacon-based gloop is sold through reputable houseware Hall o Famer: A
attempting to ruin what is an otherwise honorable and
suppliers, and is covered in disclaimers stating that, living great. Less
Jim Johnson: One of the greatest (un)living gentlemanly sport.
despite the amusing name, it should not under any often, a player past
circumstances be used to grease the shoes of Blood statisticians in the sport, and one half of the famous
Sacred Commissioner Roze-El: The first scholar to their best.
Bowl players, no matter how good they are at running commentating duo Jim and Bob. Oh, and hes a
vampire but best not to think about that too much. study the great book of Nuffle after its discovery,
and how much they deserve to be taken down a peg or KO: Kick-off; or,
Roze-El translated the ancient text and put in place the
two. Halfling coach turned catering magnate Davvo knock-out. A popular
Kick-off: At the start of each drive, when the Referee first draft of the Blood Bowl rules.
Daisy Palmer has refused to comment. practice amongst
blows the whistle, a member of the defence kicks the spectators in the
ball down the pitch to their opponents. Kick-offs are an The Blood Bowl Open: One of the four major Open
Drive: The period of time between a kick-off and the stands is to place
Tournaments that were founded in the wake of the
interruption of play, either by one team scoring or the explosion of action, usually accompanied by a roar of small side-bets on
NAFs collapse in 2489.
clock running down. approval from the crowd (and the occasional thrown how soon one will
rock, but thats hardly worth worrying about). follow the other and
The Chaos Cup: The first of the four major Open
Dugout: A trench-like enclosure on the sidelines of the Tournaments that were founded in the wake of the which will come first.
pitch. Each team has one dugout, from which the Lineman: Either the hard-working, underappreciated
NAFs collapse in 2489. Last bath: The big
all-rounders who form the backbone of a Blood Bowl
coaching staff shout encouragement (and expletives), one. The final curtain.
team or the ones you feed to the other sides trolls, The Dungeonbowl: The most unusual of the four
the reserves cool their heels and injured players take a We aint going to
depending on who you ask. major Open Tournaments that were founded in the wake
well-deserved rest. overtime. RIP.
of the NAFs collapse in 2489, involving subterranean
Long Bomb: A pass made at to a player at least 45 play, a hidden ball and magical teleportation... Man-to-boot: A
Dump-off pass: The act of throwing the ball to a
paces away, generally used as a last resort. Not to be popular if partisan
teammate just before you get blocked. (See also
confused with Long Bomb Luggins, backup reserve The Spike! Magazine Open: One of the four major response to the
dump-off face, the expression made by a player as they
player for the Greenfield Grasshuggers, who got his Open Tournaments that were founded in the wake of the suggestion of foul
fling the ball over their shoulder in utter panic.)
nickname because he was also only ever used as a last NAFs collapse in 2489. Sponsored by Spike! Magazine, play; i.e. the prone
resort. the finals also play host to the Spike! Magazine Team of player moved into an
Dungeon: The catacombs that can be found beneath
most larger Blood Bowl stadiums. They are generally the Year and Player of the Year awards. opponents boot, not
Majors: A collective term for the four major open the other way around.
used for storage or for pulling injured players off the tournaments, which act as milestones in the Blood Bowl
pitch by way of a handy trapdoor, but during Thrower: A player who has a good arm and loves to
calendar: the Blood Bowl Open, the Chaos Cup, the show off, pitching the ball down the field with stunning Mikki Finsson: A
Dungeonbowl season the tunnels are cleared out and a Dungeonbowl and the Spike! Magazine Open. potion, elixir, peptic or
accuracy and making sure they look good while doing it.
whole different version of the sport takes place. similar of the
NAF: Although its simply known to its fans as Blood Touchdown: The act of scoring a point by crossing into invariably
End Zone: At either end of the pitch is a line, the area Bowl, the full name of everyones favourite sport is non-performance-
the opposing End Zone while carrying the ball. Always
beyond which is known as the End Zone. If a player Nuffle Amorical Football. The NAF was also the name of enhancing variety,
cause for celebration and only the occasional riot.
manages to make it into the End Zone while holding the the governing body that was established to regulate the named for the rather
ball, they score a point for their team! Sounds easy but sport and which published the first full set of rules in Weapons: The rules of Blood Bowl are very clear on the unscrupulous owner
the other team are generally pretty keen to stop it 2409. Sadly, the NAF collapsed in 2489, leading to the subject of weapons: they are outlawed, no ifs, no buts! of the famed Beard
happening... rise of the Open Tournaments, but its legacy is still felt However, personal protection equipment is allowed and Hammer tavern
to this day. without question and theres a bit of a grey area just down the road
Exhibition Play: As well as participating in league play, between the two which has led to lots of purely-defen- from the Oldbowl.
teams will often play exhibition matches against old Nuffle: The lost god of the ancient Amoricans, and sive-honest spikes being affixed to armour plates. Some
rivals as a way of drumming up support for a new patron deity of Blood Bowl. Various sects of Nufflite teams (particularly Goblins) are even more blatant, Stretcher filler: A
season or making some more gold for the coffers. priests and priestesses have worked tirelessly to bringing everything from chainsaws to short-fused casualty; a player with
bombs onto the pitch, in the hope of causing some a known propensity
uncover more information about the mysterious god, but
Final: The last game of a tournament, between the two damage before they get sent off! for becoming such.
information is so rare (and contradictory) that a true
teams who have made it through the play-offs. Finals picture may never be built up. Of course, most fans are Twelfth man: The
are always grand affairs, with all of the tie-in happy simply to praise Nuffle when their team is doing Wizard: Wizards are huge fans of Blood Bowl, the collective support;
merchandise youd expect. well, and curse him (or her?) when things go against Colleges of Magic even sponsoring big events, in also, a riot or pitch
them. particular the Dungeonbowl. The game seems to turn invasion. As a result,
Foul: A player who acts in an unfair manner, attempting these ordinarily reserved individuals into screaming many players dislike
to undermine the rules of the sport, will be called for a Pass: The act of throwing the ball to a team-mate. maniacs, which can get dangerous for their fellow fans being the often
Foul by the Referee. Well, if the Ref sees it, that is. when the fireballs start flying! overlooked (or unfairly
Penalty Shoot-out: A method for resolving tied games blamed) actual No. 12
Gridiron: The offical, ritually significant name for the during league play. Although its origins have been lost in on the roster.
Blood Bowl pitch. To be classed as a Gridiron, a pitch time and are arguably the result of a mistranslation
must be built in accordance with the Nine Regulations, somewhere along the line its a firm fan favourite, Walk-on: A player of
as laid out in the Book of Nuffle. especially given the tradition for the victorious team to such consistently
throw their crossbows to the crowd in celebration. good form they are
Hail Mary Pass: A last-ditch, down-to-the-wire almost guaranteed to
attempt to get the ball up the pitch at any cost. Most Play-offs: The games played at the end of a start every game;
players are too sensible (or, more likely, terrified of their Tournament between its highest-ranking teams, to alternatively, an
coach) to risk losing possession in such an obvious and determine which two will face off for the Final. instance of trampling,
flamboyant way. deliberate or
Pogo stick: An inventive secret weapon used by the otherwise.
less sensible type of Goblin.

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