Unconfined Compression Test 33
Unconfined Compression Test 33
Unconfined Compression Test 33
Laboratory Tests
Winter 2017
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland
The purpose of this experiment was to load our soil sample with different levels of normal
loading in order to determine the undrained shear strength and unconfined compressive strength
of the specimen.
2. Determine the deformation at 15% strain of the soil sample, so that we know when to end
loading incase loading has not peaked.
i. Find the volume and density of the specimen
ii. Weigh a moisture cup so that the moisture content can be determined afterwards.
3. Align the specimen in the compression machine. Adjust so that the sample is just making contact
with both platens (loading cell reading = 0.5kg). Zero both load device and deformation dial.
4. Start the test and take load and deformation readings at 10, 25, 50, 100 and every 50 to 100 dial
divisions after, until one of the following occurs:
a. Load decreases on sample significantly
b. Load holds constant for four readings
c. Deformation is significantly past 15 percent strain, say to about 20 to 25 percent
5. Weigh the sample immediately after removing from the compression machine for water content
8. Compute the strain, corrected area, and stress for 8-10 spaced points and create a stress vs. strain
9. Find the values of qu and cu on the stress-strain and Mohrs circle plots.
The samples used for testing were prepared by the TA prior to conducting the experiment,
therefore we can not conclude that standard preparation procedures were followed as per ASTM
Standards for the unconfined compression test specified by ASTM D2166 that were not followed
during the experiment include:
Zero the deformation indicator or record the initial reading of the electronic deformation device.
Apply the load so as to produce an axial strain at a rate of 12 to 2 %/min. Followed by recording
load, deformation, and time values at sufficient intervals. During the experiment, the axial strain
rate per minute was not recorded.
The rate of strain should be chosen so that the time to failure does not exceed about 15 min. As
mentioned above, the rate of strain was not recorded.
Sample 1 (Our)
Diameter Type (g)
Type (mm) Cup 9.8
Dia 1 33.42 Cup w/
Dia 2 33.4 sample 35.1
Dia 3 33.39 Sample
Average before 25.3
Dia. 33.40 drying
after drying
Type Length (mm)
Height 1 64.68
Height 2 65.06
Height 3 65
Area (cm2) Average8.76158 23.41%
Height 64.91
Chart and Graph
Soil Sample 1
Stress (kPa) 150
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
% Strain
Mohr Circle
qu= 292.76 kPa cu=qu/2 = 146.37 kPa
Stress (kPa)
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
% Strain
Mohr Circle:
qu= 366.55 kPa cu=qu/2 = 183.27 kPa
The group manually recorded the data produced by the unconfined compression test until the
failure condition was met. Through plotting the stress vs. strain chart and the Mohrs circle for
specimen testing, an unconfined compressive strength of 292.76 kPa was obtained, while an
undrained shear strength value of 146.38 kPa was achieved. As per table 12.4 of the course
textbook, 200-400 kPa is an expected unconfined compressive strength value for very stiff clays.
The specimen tested in lab appeared to be very stiff as it was visibly compact and exhibited
stiffness upon handling. It is reasonable to surmise that the clay was very stiff due to the data
extracted, although the origin of the specimen was unknown, therefore it is impossible to source
the projected values for strength of the provided soil type. The moisture content for the clay
specimen was determined to be 23.41%/22.17%, respectively per two sample cans. Potential
sources of error for the lab include:
The soil sample cans were left unattended overnight in an oven to dry, thus potential disturbance
of soil samples may have occurred, skewing moisture content values.
To commence loading, the instrument must contact the face of the sample before zeroing the
instrument. For this reason, some measure of strain may have occurred prior to zeroing the
As with all experiments requiring manual record of data, communication error may be present
through either record or statement of the experimental data. Skew in the data unexplainable by
typical experimental error may be attributable to either incorrect record or communication of
experimental values.
From the experiment we were able to determine the undrained shear strength (cu) and
unconfined compressive strength (qu) of our soil specimen at different levels of normal loading.
The expected results were achieved, as we increased our normal load (starting at 1 kg), and
increased the load by 10, 25, 50, 100 and 50 dial divisions thereafter until failure occurred to find
our maximum shear stress to be 146.38 kPa. We had further success in our experiment in the
plotting of our strain- stress curve and Mohr's circle. The lab helped demonstrate how the
undrained shear strength and unconfined compressive strength can be determined through the
unconfined compression test method.