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An Irish English Dictionary

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) an etitreto Hanguages*


The Irish Words are first given in the Original Letter, and again in Italic, for the accommodation of those who do not
read the Language in its ancient Character.






i . j j

Qlr> cdtdiji pot >rc2tj4, Cectgdfg"ij< gdoiilge, d CColifce, CDdg a pudit,
cum drj cfdoi estbdp ttdgdUdig, d >bdile ?1 ftofcnudfi,* J^udb-

poclijt, 7c.

1S pdod ei?e gdn 6il gjti)), Qtrjdldc 1jfe pfltleiii pitj,

gd zr$fe udi) ijd mbptdtdfi mbi), ledbdji nd fijt-ccedpc f>ftoin) bemii),
gat) lot, 5dl) eoldi ced/ic, gdn pof Qlj) giollct Cdoimgm, pd ro/t medf,
gd Cfteopaib' d T)6id)di/i d boioeif. Y gdc Ugodjt djtfdi cimnedf.

gd fwild yCjtib d hgt;t dig, Sedncdf pd dg f

Ud cl Cld OOhile d gealtjwiig, pfdlce^ Ce2lC^fy?t dgdf Cf^llSl,
Ciojjdf d bpeijt d cced6ij<, budij-ftero ftojbct, cede 2lod *)d robudt,
*2l ccojmfedt drjojf, gd focdlijt. 1f d* Cedogdiobtd bfyft flU2lf).

lig )d rob^ted)-;! noy- d /ted, 5d J4dom ud phd^c, andfg ;td,

Cjtud ledbdift Cigye \a nipcabc, pee, ftedndrt, dgdf dmndij,
Cnudfdc tjd Sedjiji fudijtc jte ffldf, go leo/t pf, ndc dc/tom fte ludt,
J4dc budw, gdn Cocdl/i d wodoji-gtdf. e rod/t-fdo-d/t pili 'guf gldij yuati.

21 ji lbdi/t CjtDd, lgdib* 'y Cdbg, f>fdc tedpc dooif dn 1J4^11S p?lll
"21 ccrotiol pOfjl^l r)d ngldf-geu5, (gdn cpeojidit eoldc nd ccomdil,)

CDdc ppbif py, ge budn d tm, 'dfi bptip d mirmigtt go bedcc,

'Sdn pie CDumdn-feajtc COdC Qlobdgdn. gdn SQl^flS 1';1 d ccimpedcc.

QU cetftft Oie, iwc oudl 5, Oy pioji, gdti udil, gu^ eimned lede
'Sd4 ngabdil-mined, pe lm-l, Cnudf ai oudp-cedp Dd gdobdltdcc,
Cigedjioac, bjiudodo, COjtdn, pidrj, ldif, gdrj OifBjtds, if >ig ti,
rfauf Copmdc ijttedpc CijUe^dt}. Oipcifr onnedfcd d t)'eift1]4J4.





SCc. SCc. SCc.

The many proofs of friendly attachment your Royal Highness has

given to Ireland, entitles you to the admiration and affection of all Irishmen.

This alone would be sufficient to bind me to you with every sentiment of esteem;

but my debt of gratitude is greatly increased indeed, by your gracious condescension,

in permitting me to announce you as the Patron of my Dictionary of the Irish;


That your Royal Highness may long continue the Protector and

Patron of Science, and the ornament of your exalted Station is, and ever will be,

the sincere wish of

Your Royal Highness's

Most devoted and obliged,

Most faithful and humble Servant,

Dublin, 1st. Nro; 1817.
The great utility of a knowledge of the Irish language to those who wish to give a satisfactory account of the
vernacular dialects and antiquities of most nations in Europe, has been confessed by Lhuyd, Bullet, Leibnitz,
and other learned foreigners ; and its absolute necessity to all who are desirous of becoming intimately acquainted
with the emigrations, history, laws, manners, customs, religion, and learning of the early inhabitantsof Ireland,
is so obvious, as to preclude the necessity of impressing it on the mind by any species of argument To
strangers it is therefore interesting ; but to the natives of Ireland, the preservation of this beautiful and expres
sive language should be of the utmost importance. In the several hundreds of ancient Irish manuscripts which
still survive the erosive tooth of time, or the devastating hands of barbarous invaders, are to be found the ve
nerable memorials of the piety, learning, wisdom, valour, and achievements of our ancestors. la the composi
tions of our Senachies, in our annals, and other historical documents, the migrations, contentions, settlements,
and domestic polity of the primitive inhabitantsof the country, are related with at least as much fidelity, and
deserving of as much credit, as the early records of any other nation. In our laws will be seen strong proofs of the
civilization of out forefathers : in them provision is made for the protectiou of property, the reward of virtue
-and merit, the prevention of crime, and the punishment of vice. In our medical books it will be found that
our physicians had as much knowledge of the human frame, and as much skill in the treatment of disease, as
the physicians of any other nation at the same period. And in the works of our bards may be discovered the
grandest and most pathetic descriptions, the most sublime flights of fancy, and the most romantic tales of
luxuriant imagination, displayed in elegant and appropriate language. These, however, for a number ofyears
have been a locked up treasure to all who have not made Irish MSS. a particular study ; and even to the studious,
much labour and difficulty have occurred before a knowledge of them could be obtained ; owing to the want of a
Dictionary, to explain the meanings of the many thousands of words to be found in them, that no longer exist
in the living language of the country.
That a great portion of our language should be nearly forgotten at the present day, will not be much won
dered at, when it is considered, that tor some hundreds of years it had been the policy of Government to use
every mean in their power to eradicate our language, and to deprive our people of every opportunity to ob
tain education- For this absurd purpose our books were destroyed, acts of parliament passed, school
masters persecuted, and where laws or severity were found ineffectual, recourse was had to ridicule, to shame
the people out of the most energetic, and, as Sir W. Temple has since described it, the most original and
unmixed language now remaining in Europe. But even ridicule, that powerful engine over weak minds, has
failed in producing the desired effect ; and the Irish language still exists a living memorial of the refinement to
which our ancestors had attained, and of the encouragement given by them to learning and learned men. This
silly policy is at length laid aside ; the reign of prejudice has expired, and is in a great measure succeeded by
candid inquiry and rational investigation.
To elucidate our antiquities and bring fairly before the public the claims of ancient Ireland to a literary cha
racter, superior to that of neighbouring nations, the pens of some highly talented geniuses, have of late years
been employed. Amongst those to whom Ireland is indebted for the rescuing of her history and language from
obscurity, the Earl of Ross, and the late General Valiancy, hold the most distinguished places. By thelabours
of these gentlemen, and others skilled in our ancient tongue, the Irish language is proved to be nearly the
same as the Phoenician, and many lights have been thrown upon the early periods of our history.
Independently of the claims which this language has upon the general scholar for consideration, and upon
the descendants of the aborigines for protection, if merits the attention of the Divine, the Lawyer, the Physi
cian, and of all those who have to converse with the people, whose living and only language it is. It is the only
mdium through which instruction can be conveyed to at least four fifths of the people of Ireland. The Divine
therefore, who neglects this language, should consider how far he is competent to discharge the duty he owes to
those souls committed to his care. The great utility of this language to the Lawyer, is proved frequently in the
year. In every county, at every sessions, trials occur in which prisoners or witnesses can be heard only through
the medium of an interpreter, probably but ill qualified for such an office, and who, by the mistake of a single
word in the evidence, may cause the acquittal of a murderer, or the murder of an innocent. The consideration
of a possibility of such an occurrence, has caused Sir W. C. Smith, Bart, one of the Barons of the Exchequer,
to study the Irish language, in which he has made great progress, and set a praise-worthy example to other gen
tlemen of the Bar. To the Physician several cases mu>t have occurred where his scientific skill was baflled by
his ignorance of the language in which only his patient could clearly point out the nature of his complaint. And
every person who has dealings in the country, has daily proofs of the inconvenience arising from a want of the
language of the people with whom he has to converse.
To remove the impediments which heretofore stood in the way of learning our language, I have compiled the
Worknowofferedtothepublic,and have spared neither labour nor expense in making it as perfect asl could, tho'
with very small encouragement given by my countrymen. Indeed in the articlesof pecuniary or literary aid, ffiare
but few obligations to confess. Of those from whom I have received more than half price, or in some few cases
more than the full price of a single copy, I have none to name but the Earl of Charlemont, Baron Smith, the Rev.
E. O'Reilly, principal of the Academy at Navan, and Sir W. Betham, King at Arms. Of literary assistance towards
completing my Dictionary, I have none to acknowledge to the living, except to my invaluable friend, the Rev- M. P.
Kinsela,late chaplain to the nunnery at Harold's Cross, and now retired to a convent of hisorder in Spain; hekindJy
pointed out to me the most of the Hebrew words which are found to agree with the Irish in the course of my Book.
But if my acknowledgments to the living be few, I am ready to confess my obligations to the dead. My col
lection of words from ancient glossaries, vocabularies, and other documents, is copious, and several hundreds
of those words which I have added to the collections published in the Dictionaries of my predecessors,
were collected, with a view to publication, by the late Mr. William Haliday, Junior, of Arran-quay. That
young gentleman, after acquiring a knowledge of the ancient and modern languages usually taught in schools,
enriched his mind with the acquisition of several of the Eastern languages, and made himself so perfect a master
of the language of his native country, that he was enabled to publish a Grammar of it, in Dublin, in the year,
1808, under the fictitious signature of E. O'C. and would have published a Dictionary of the same language,
if death had not put a stop to his career, at the early age of 23 . To the liberality of Doctor Llnngton, the pre
sent Provost, and to the Fellows of Trinity College, who gave me the privilege of their library, I am indebted
for a "Teat number of words to be found in the body of my Dictionary, besides the principal part of the words
now in common use, that are to be found in my Supplement. These I collected from a large MS. Dictionary
in the possession of the College, compiled by Teig O'Nachten for publication in the year 1739. When I was
making my collection it never occurred to me, that the words daily used in common conversation, and familiar to
myself! mHit have been omitted by former Compilers ; and taking it for granted that they were not omitted, I ne
ver examined further into the matter, but proceeded with the printing of my Work, and had nearly finished it
before I perceived the omission. As I was desirous to make my Book as tull and perfect as I could, I determined
on publishing a Supplement, and to insert in it such words from O'Nachten's Dictionary as had been omitted,
and a number of other words that I had collected since my beginning to pnnt, and which of course could not
have been inserted in their proper places. Upon every occasion when 1 found it necessary to consult the
MSS in the Library, I have experienced the most obliging attention from the Librarians, the Rev. Doctors
Barret and Wilson, for which they have my sincere thanks.
As mv Work was intended to answer in some degree for a Dictionary of the Scottish Gaelic, as well as the
Irish I have retained in it several words from Shaw's Dictionary, and a number of others which I collected from
,nn lern Scottish publications. Some of these I have marked Sh. and Sc. and others that are not so marked will
Zdiscovered by their orthography. It is to be observed, however, that all those wrds so marked are not con-
TSa to the Scottish dialect ; many of them I have since found in O'Nachten's Dictionary, to which Shaw had
^cess and in other modem books, particularly those written by Authors of the North ot Ireland
Im the course of the Dictionary some words will be found differently spelled, as ban, a bird ; Scriobhadvir,
writer &c. ; which again occur at Fun and Sgrobhadir. This is unnecessary to those who are acquainted
with Irish books, but to learners it can not fail to be useful. , , . ,
In the compilation of my Grammar I have found great assistance from those of my predecessors, and have
l Undftd so much of their rules with my own observations, as 1 conceive may be useful in giving a general idea
f Tri h Grammar In the Grammars of the Rev. Doctors Stewart, Neilson and O'Brien, and those of the late
Mr Halidav and my friend Mr. Ly nch, much has been done to reduce the grammatical rules of O'Mulloy,
M'Curtin and Vallancv to a standard ; but still much remains to be done. It was not the work of a few indivi
du of one nation or'one century, that established the grammar rules of the Greek and Latin languages upon
1 nrinanent basis; it has been the work of ages, and to which the learned of various nations have contributed.
Jf such was the case with dead languages, perfection is not to be expected from a few essays on the Irish, which
i% a livine language, and therefore subi ect to mutation.
mv Grammar I have ventured to deviate a little from those who have gone before me, with what degree of
mnrietv it is for others to decide. In taking the initial changes of nouns as the rule by which to discriminate
?l > declensions, my friend Doctor O'Brien has gone before me ; but I have made one inflexion more than he
h because as the initial changes of nouns beginning with consonants naturally divides them into two declen-
' so the variation from the primary to the aspirate form to which nouns beginning with vowels are subject,
hv dVsthem into two declensions also. In giving but one conjugation to Irish verbs, I differ from Doc-
t r Stuart and O'Brien ; but I do so upon the authority of all our ancient MSS. in whicn the first person
ngular, Indicative Mood, active voice, always terminates in aim or m, and the initial changes are the.sanie,
whether a broad or a slender vowel be the last in the root.
Those that are acquainted with the Press, will be inclined to excuse a few typographical errors which do not
tpriallv affect the sense, and of which description are, I hope, the most of the errors to be found uncorrected
mv Work If it shall be found that I have omitted much, let it be remembered that I have added a
1 pat deal and if my Work is not so full or perfect as was expected, still it contains upwards of 20,000 words
more than are contained in. former Irish Lexicons, and consequently so much the nearer to perfection.
I n what I have done, my principal design was to render a service to my country, by giving facility to the study
w " orimeval history, and to the learning of a language, venerable for its antiquity, necessary to the philo-
? er of every nation, and dear every genuine Insuman. If the Volume I now offer to the Public shall
mCrmit with
sionthat approbation
comtnenee and support
Printing from my countrymen
the Irish-English which I was
Dictionary, onceis taught
which to expect,
now nearly I will,
ready with God's
for the Pree.
If an the contrary, it shall meet with disapprobation and neglect, I shall bow with respect to Public Opinion
nd sit down with the reflection, that, thougn I have not obuiued success, I have endeavoured to deserve it.


A. Rev. Michl. Canny, Maynooth. Wm. Gregory, Esq. Sec. Civil

Rev. John Collins, Ditto. Department.
Lieut Col. Luke Allen. Rev. Denis Collins, Ditto. Rich. Gregory, Esq. M. R S. &c.
Mr. Edward Allen, Liffey-street. Robert Codd, Esq. Navan.
Mr. John Anderson, Jun. Tho James Critchley, Esq.
mas-street. John Conroy, Esq.
West Archer, _Esq. Gardner's- John Caley, Esq. Highland Society of Scotland,
place. Roderick Conor, Esq. 5 copies
Mr. James Callan, Francis-street. Rev. Tim. Hoghegan, Maynooth.
B. Mr. William Cassin, Eden Quay. Rev. Patrick Hughston, Do.
Mr. James Conolly, Meath-street John Hogan, Esq. Mountrath-st.
The Hon. Lord Bannatyne, of Mr. John Clarke, Henry-street. Danl. Haliday, Esq. Arran-quay.
the College of Justice, Edin Jas. Hardiman, Esq. Paradise-
burgh. D. row.
Sir William Burdett, Bart. E. H. Holdcroft, Esq. Upper
Sir Wm. Betham, Dep. Ulster Right Hon. William Downes, C. Gardner-street.
King at Arms, 4 copies. Justice King's Bench, Mr. M. Hart, Harry-street
Dominick Bellew, Esq. Castle- Rev. Morgan Darcy, P. P. St Au- Mrs. Hughes, Britain-street.
Bellew. deon, Dublin. Howard, Esq.
William Bellew, Esq. Rev. Peter Doyle, Moyvore. Doctor Harold, S.Gt.Georges-st.
W. T. Bookey, Esq. Rev. Cors. Denver, Maynooth. Thos Heney, Esq. Aston's-quay.
Iter. Mr. Branagan, Bohermeen. Rev. Philip Dowiy, Ditto. T. Hutton, Esq. Summer-hill.
John Dominick Byrne, Esq. G. R. Domeville, Esq. Santry.
Most Rev. Doctor Thomas Bray, G. Downes, Esq. A. B. Scholar,
R. C. Archbishop of Cashel. . C. Dublin.
Her. Mr. Beaufort, Cork. Mr. Charles Dykes, Bolton- street Wm. Illingworth, Esq. Tower,
Rev. Pat. Brady, Meath-st. Chap. Laurence Delany, Esq. Navan. London
Rev. James. Brown, Maynooth. Mr. Darcy, Thomas-street. Rev. Mathew Joyce, Maynooth.
Rev. John Brady, Eitto. Mr. John Dillon, Montgomery-st Rev. Andrew Jennings, Newry.
Rev. Patrick Brenan, Ditto.
Rev. George J. Browne, Ditto. E.
Rev. Patrick Ban non, Ditto.
Rev. Christopher Boylan, Ditto. Mr. Cornelius Egan, Francis-st Rev. M. P. Kinsela, Harold's-
Mr. Simon Boshell, South Great cross.
George's-street. F. Rev. Rich. Kendrick, Francis-st.
Mt. Thomsts Bourke, Thomas-st. Chapel.
Mr. Owen Brady. Sir Charles William Flint. Rev. Mr Kearney, Do.
Mr. Joseph Bergin, Essex-street John Leslie Foster, Esq. Maurice Keating, Esq.
Colonel Blacker. Rev. Michael Fitzmaurice, May Rev. Jos. Kennedy, Maynooth.
Mr. S. Brvson, Belfast nooth. Edward Kelly, Esq. Do.
Chas. . Bush, Esq. Sol. General. Richd. Farrell, Esq. Maynooth. Mr. M. Kennedy, Cross Poddle.
RightHon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald. Mr. Patrick King, Sackville-st.
. Sir C. Wm. Flint. Mr. Wm. King, Moore street.
Mr. Wm. Kane, Park-street.
Right. Hon. the Earl of Charle- G.
mont, 10 copies. L.
Rev. Doctor Bartholemew Crotty. Sheffield Grace, Esq.
President of the Royal College Rev. Doctor Gannon, F. T. C. D. Right Rev. Doctor Lindsay, Bi
Maynooth. Rev. Rich. Gibbon, Maynooth. shop of Kiklare.
Philip Crampton. Esq L. L. D. F. Rev. Robt. Grace, Ditto. Right Hon. the Earl of Leimm.
T. C. Dublin. Mr. Wm. Gaynor, Swift's-row. Rev. Doctor Ledwich, York-st
Doctor Adam Clarke. Rev. Edw. Groves. Rev. Mr. Logan, Navan.
Rev. John Conolly, Diocese of Rev. Mr. Gough. Rev. Edmond Larkin, Maynooth}
Clogher. Right Hoc Henry Grattan. 2 copies.

Rev. Thomas Lawlor, Do. Right Hon. Sir John Newport,

Mr. Lonergan, Mathematical As Bart.
sistant, Academy, Navan. Nicolls, Esq. M. D. Navan Right Hon. Earl of Ross.
Mr. Mich. Lynhain, Michael's- Pat Nicolls, Esq. Navan- Rev. Corn. Roony, Maynooth.
lane. Rev. Wm. Neilson, D. D. M.R. Rev. Edw. Ryan, Monaghan.
Mr. Peter Lavallee, Anderson's- I. A. Dundalk, 2 copies. W. Robertson, Esq. Cork.
Court. M. Richmond, Esq. Bridgefoot-st.
Mr. Christ. Lynch, L. Dorset-st. O. Mr. Philip Reilly, Usher's-street.
Pat. Lynch, Esq. Record Tower. Mr. Bern. Reilly, H alston street
John Lecky, Esq. Coik. Right Hon. Standish O' Grady, Mr. James Reillv, Thomas-steet.
Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Mr. Myles Reilly, Pill-lane.
M. Right Rev. Doctor O'Shaughnes- Captain Henry Regnetd.
sv, R. C. Bishop of Killaloe.
Right Hon. Lord Manners, Lord Very Rev. Peter O'Reilly, R. C. S.
Chancellor of Ireland. Archdeacon of Meath. Rev. J. H. Singer, M. A. F. T
Right Hon. Sir Wir. M'Mahon, Rev. Paul O'Brien, Irish Pro CD.
Master or' the Rolls. fessor, College, Maynooth. Right Hon. the Lord Selsey.
Right Hon. the Earl of Meath. Rev. Eugene O'Reilly, Principal Sir Wm. C. Smith, Bart. 8 copies.
Right Rev. Doctor Marum, R. C. of the Academy, Navan. Sir John Sinclair, Bart.
Bishop of Ossory. Rev. Mich. O'Shaughnassy, May Rev. P. Smith, Diocese of Meath.
Sir John M'Gregor Murray, Bart. nooth. Rev. James Sheridan, Do.
Sir Capel Molyneaux, Bart. Rev. Jeremiah O'Connel, Ditto. Rev. John Sheridan, Do.
Rev. Mr. Mullen, Bohermeen. Rev. Mich. O'Halloran, Ditto. Rev. Thos. Shannon, Maynooth.
Rev. Mr. Molloy, Dunderry- Rev. Wm. O'Heffernan, Ditto. Rev. Farrel P. Sheridan, Do.
bridge. Rev. Terence O'Neill, Ditto. Pat. Smith, Esq. Do.
Rev. Peter Maguire, Maynooth. Rev. Martin O'Flinn, Ditto. Edw. Sheridan, Esq. M. D. Do-
Rev. Thomas Murphy, Do. Rev. Hugh O'Reilly, Ditto. minick-street.
Rev. Dan. Malone, Do. Rev. Mr. O'Hai.lon, P. P. Slane. Mr. J. Sheridan, Johnson's-court.
Rev. Chas. M'Nally, Do. Daniel O'Coimell, Esq. Merrion Doctor Stephenson, Belfast
Rev. John M'Neal, Do. Square.
Rev. Patrick M 'Nicholas, Do. Miles John O'Reilly, Esq. Heath. T.
Rev. Alex. M'Cabe, Do. Pat. O'Reilly, Esq. Ballybeg. Most Rev. Doctor Troy, R. C
Rev. Patrick M'Gauran, Do. Neale J. O'Neill, Esq. Post Office. Archbishop of Dublin.
Rev. James M'Namara, Do. Edm. O'Neill, Esq. Green Castle. Rev. Mr. Todd, Librarian to the
Rev. James Malone, Do. Mr. Robt O'Reilly, New York. Archbishop of Canterbury.
Rev. John M'Encrow, Do. Mr. Jas. O'Flanagan, Dame-court. Rev. Jas. Touhill, Maynooth.
Rev. Timothy M'Carthy, Do. Mr. Hugh O'Reilly, Baggot-st Rev. Francis Tynan, Do.
Rev. Patrick Macken, Do. Mr. Mich. O'Keeffe, N. Clmrch- Rev. Thomas Traynor, Do.
John Macken, Esq. Cole Alley. street. Colonel Talbot, Malahide.
Wm. Monk Mason, Esq. Har- Doctor. Tennent, Belfast.
court-slreet. P. Wm. Tennent, Esq. Do.
Henry J. M. Mason, Esq. Kildare- Mr. Robt. Thomas.
street. Right Hon. Robt. Peele, Chief Thomas Edlin Tomlins, Esq.
Wm. S. Mason, Esq. M. R. I. A. Secrelary to the Lord Lieute
Camden-street. nant V.
Jas. M'Nulty, Esq. Usher's-quay. Right Rev. Doctor P. J. Plunket,
John M amara, Esq. Sandy- R. C. Bishop of Meath. Doctor George Vesey, Chaplain
mount Right Rev. Doctor Geo. Plunket, to his Royal Highness the Duke
Leonard M'Nally, Esq. Harcourt- R. C. Bishop of Elphin. of Kent, Beresford Place.
street. Right Rev. Doctor Power, R. C.
Mr. Ardle M'Mahon, N. Earl-st. Bishop of Waterford. W.
Doctor M'Donnel, Belfast. Hon. and Rev. Rich. Ponsonby. Rev. James Wilson, D. D. F. T.
Rev. Francis Power, Professor of CD.
N. the French Language, College, Rev. John Wallis, Maynooth.
Maynooth. L. Wall, E^q. M. D. Arran-quay.
Right Hon. Lord Norbury, Chief Rev. John Pentony, Maynooth. M. Waish, Esq. Fishamble-street.
Justice Common Pleas. Mr. Weekes, Baggot-street






CHAP. I. a dot over them, or writing the aspirate b after them,

lose their original simple sound and take another, and
Of the Letters. in some cases become entirely silent. The immutable
consonants arc I, n and ft ; and are 80 called because
The modern Irish Aibgkitir, or Alphabet, consists of they never admit of a dot or an b to be placed over
seventeen letters, besides the aspirate b. They are them or after them in writing, although they vary their
arranged by our Grammarians in the following order. sounds in pronunciation. The mutable consonants are
Xd. >, . , c. , 0. e, e. p, F. 5, 5. 1, i. , , t>, p, 5, n>, p, f and i.
I, l. CD, m. ^T, i). , o. p, p. 7?, p. S, i". So much has been said on the sounds and powers of
the letters, in the remarks prfixe d to each letter in the
, c. U, , or r, f). course of the Dictionary, that but little is necessary to
Some of our modern Grammarians exclude from be said on those subjects here. There are, however,
the catalogue of our letters, and value it only as some things so slightly touched upon, that some further
mark of aspiration. But it is ranked amongst the let remarks may be necessary and useful.
ters both in the Uraiceacht and the book of Oghams,
and in several of our oldest manuscripts it is prefixed
to the genitive case singular of all feminine nouns, be CHAP. II.
ginning with vowels ; and to all the cases of the plural
number, except the genitive, of nouns of either gender Of the Vowels.
that have vowels for their initials. It is however, ne
cessary to observe, that in many of our ancient books The rule Caol le Caol and leathan le leatkan,
this character does not appear, and its place is supplied treated of in the remarks on the letter A, was first in
by a dot placed over the initial vowels before which the vented for the sake of Euphony, and is natural enough
aspirate is required. in most cases, the tongue itself naturally seeking such
In the Uraicecht the characters Z and <f are ranked facilities. But it has been carried too far, and some of
amongst the letters, and are frequently used in old vel the diphthongs that are found in most of our old books
lum manuscripts, though totally rejected in modern have been unnecessarily sacrificed to it by modern wri
writings. The first represents the sound of sd, and the ters. For I cannot perceive any more violence offered
latter that of cu. In ancient manuscripts are also to to the tongue in pronouncing saeradh, naebhadh, or
be found the characters and X; the first is used as a noebeadh, as formerly written, than in pronouncing saor-
contraction for ca and cath, and the latter as a numeral adh, or naomhadh according to the modern orthography.
for ten. This rule of writing a slender with a slender, and a
The Alphabet is divided into two principal classes, broad with a broad vowel, is not always observed in the
vowels and consonants. These are again divided into manner prescribed. For we find that some, even of our
broad and slender vowels, and mulable and immutable best writers, will frequently make the leading vowel of a
consonants. The broad vowels are d} o, r, the slender subsequent syllable unnaturally broad or slender, to
niake it correspond with the final vowel of the syllable
and I, The mutable consonants are such as by placing A preceding
preceding it. Thus amhuil and ach are improperly CHAP. III.
written earnhnil and each in the terminal ions failleamh uil
and gangaideach, deceitful, to make thera correspond Of the consonants and their divisions, combinations
with the final vowels in the primitive words faill and and influence on each other.
gangaid, deceit. In like manner oir, a common termi
nation to derivative nouus, is written eoir, when its pri Besides the division of the consonants into mutables
mitive ends in slender vowel, as coillteoir a woodman, and immutables, they are again divided into labials, as
cairptheoir a charioteer, derived from coill a wood, and m> P>f- dentals, d and t, palatals and g 1, quids /, n,
cairp or cair, a chariot. r, .
The vowels of each class, when unaccented, may Consonants are subject to aspiration, eclipsis, suppres
be indifferently written one for the other, as bolg a sion and extinction.
bag may be written blg or bulg ; and faille welcome, Aspiration has been already spoken of in the first
may as properly be written Jailti. Chapter,
The vowels have three quantities, long, short and medium. Eclipsis is when a radical or primary consonant loses
The first belongs to such vowels a* are made long by the its sound by the intervention of some adventitious letter.
usage of the language, or by poetic licence. The usage of All the mutable consonants are subject to eclipsis except
the language made the same vowel sometimes long and m. S never suffers eclipsis but when it is preceded by
sometimes short, to discriminate words similarly written, the article an, and followed by /, n, or r.See Syntax
but of different meanings. In writing the long vowels are at pronouns.
distinguished from the short by having an accent placed im, as in beata, life, dp mheaia
over them, called sine Jada, as in bs death, srn, a nose, or 5, cidll, reason dp ccicill, or dp gcidll
ilud, an ear, bd, a deed, min, ; whilst those that are D, boica-f hope dp nicdy
short have no distinctive mark, as bas, the palm of the
hand, droch, bad, tum, a bush, Jed, a narration, and b or p, pldvc, a prince, dp bptdit or dp pplctrc
win, meal. The same rule applies to such diphthongs > a garden, dp D&opz
tts vary in their pronunciation, as in Jar, grass, and b or p, , a pen, dp bped, or dp p pect)
Jear, a man. The medium or middle quantity belongs
to vowels and diphthongs coming before the double z, fide, a rod, dflofldr
letters nn, rr, and ng, as in ball, a limb, ceann, a head, i or c, zrm, a bush, dp erm, or dp zzrm.
dorr, anger, and long, a ship.There are no quiescent When is eclipsed by J or b, before a consonant or
a slender vowel, it always sounds as v. But when it is
final vowels. followed by a broad vowel, it sometimes sounds as
It is asserted by all our modern grammarians, that,
vowels are never written double, and that more than Itor be remembered, that, although the adventitious
three vowels can never follow each other in one word
without the intervention of a consonant. But this rule is letter only is sounded, the possessive letter must never
not without exception. In the Annals of the four Masters, be The
and in all our more ancient books aa very frequently samein accidents
writing. which cause eclipsis in conso
occurs, and beoaibh, and other words of that kind are not nants require n to be prefixed to initial vowels as, or,
uncommon in the works ofsome ofour best writers. These gold, ar n'6r, our gold, &c.
latter are generally, although perhaps improperly, di Suppression is when an aspirated consonant is restored
vided by the insertion of a mortified d, g, or t, as, be- to its genuine pronunciation by the extinction of its as
odhaibh, breoghaibh, ceothaibh, &c. pirate. This happens when consonants of the same kind
For the elision or suppression of vowels, see Syntax capable of aspiration meet together in compound words,
or when one of them ends one word and the other
at the Article. begins the next, the first of them whether aspirated or
The diphthongs are hirteen in number, ae, ai, ao, ea,
et, eo, eu, ia, io, iu, oi, ua and ui; of these ae, ao, eo, eu, not suppresses the aspiration of the other. Thus gob
, iu and ua are always long, and the remainder are m/ir, lmh bheag, taobh mhin, sUid dhoilgc, sop fhliuch,
sometimes long and sometimes short. brie chorcra, slat thin, &c. must be pronounced gob mr,
The triphthongs are five aoi, cot, iai, iui, and uoi, al lmh beag, taobh min, stad doilge, sop fliuch, brie corcra,
slat tim, &c. L, N and coming before d or / causes
ways long. suppression of the aspirate, as ceann dhubh, gontha, Juil
It is impossible to give a correct representation of
the sounds of Irish diphthongs or triphthongs by any thais dhearg, must be pronounced ceann dubh, gontu,Jutl
usual combination of English vowels. They can be taisExtinction
dearg. of consonants happens when two letters of
perfectly learned only by the ear. But they are repre
sented as nearly as possible by corresponding English the same kind meet in a compound word, so that one
sounds in the grammar of the Rev. Paul O'Brien, and of them terminates one part, and the second begins the
in the For-oideas of Mr. Patrick Lynch, to which next, in which case only one of them is pronounced.
works I beg leave to refer the reader. Thus searbh and bhlas being joined will sound searbh-
The diphthongs , and oe, and the triphthong aei, las.The consonants c,J, I, n, p, rand t are sometimes writ
are common in ancient MSS. tho' rejected by modern
ten double. The writers of the middle ages often wrote
writers. mm, and ss, but these are rejected by the best writers as
not answering any purpose of the language.
Cc sound*
Ce sounds as g, ff" as bh, pp as b, and tt as d. These In like manner, when n follows d, the d loses its
are never used but in the beginning of words, except , sound, as ceadna is pronounced as if written ceanna
which is sometimes used in the termination. LI, nn, and Under this head may be classed the character ng, cal
rr cause the vowels that precede them, to be pronounced led ngedal, or ngiatal. It has a sound peculiar to itself,
full and strong ; they never begin a word, but frequently which can be Teamed by the ear only. The ng in the
occur in the middle and end of words. english word long has some faint resemblance to it, but
When I comes after d, or before in a word, the d the Irish ng is more nasal. When it happens to come in
and n lose their sound, and the word is pronounced as if the middle of a word, as in caingean, it must be pro*
written with II; as codla sleep, brigh na colna power of nounced as if written cai-ngean.
the flesh, where codla and colna are pronounced as if
written colla, \


Of the farts of Speech Ma Curtin says, the most infallible way to discover
the gender, is to observe the difference between e and i,
The ancient Irish reckoned only three parts of Speech, he and she ; for when e agrees with the noun, it is mas
pearsa, ainm, and iairmbearla, person, noun, and adjunct. culine, and when i agrees with it, it is- feminine; and in
Person included the verb, i. e. the agent and his action, proof of this, he quotes the following rann, or verse,
or passivenesa; Noun, the name of all objects and in f tr) 5dbct/i, git t) cede,
struments of action ; and Adjunct included the circum
stances of time, place, manner, &c. 4f d ojx, rod roitilecCc,
The Model ns reckon ten parts of Speech, viz. Arti f H COfijt, roett )?,
cle, Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Participle, Ad ttf njerjcn, rott boiwo.
verb, Preposition, Interjection, and Conjunction. But this rule is far from infallible; and there are
thousands of nouns in our language, that are sometimes
Of the Article. declined as masculine, and sometimes as feminine, even
by our best writers. Thus the word Abhal, an apple,
The Irish has but one Article, en; it is equivalent to the is made feminine by a writer of eminence, who writes,
English definite article the. It has only one variation, Vf i fO tkt) xxbly whilst the writers of the books of
na, which it suffers in the genitive case singular of die Leacan, Ballymote, and the Irish Bible, make it mascu
feminine gender, and in all cases of the plural, whether line. By this it appears there are nouns common, to
masculine or feminine. When the article follows the both genders.
prepositions do or o, fa or fo, the a is extinguished in The distinction of genders is perhaps best knswn, by
the article, and we usually say and write don, o'n,fa'n, placing the article before the noun in the genitive case
fo'tt. It is thus declined, singular;- if agrees with the noun, it is masculine, if
na, it is feminine.Example,
Nom. an, the, Nom. na, fmep ttn cnif, themarrowof the Bone. Mas.
Gen. an, Mase, na Fem. of the, Gen. na ro tt Ithme, the bulk of the hand. Fem.
Dat. do'n, to the, Dat. do na Nouns beginning with vowels require a t prefixed in
. the, Acc. na the nom. and ncc. cases, if they be of the masculine
Voc. "Voc. gender, but feminine nouns require h to be prefixed to
Abl. o'n, or ua an, from the . bna, or ua na the genitive; as an t'athair the father, Masc. na hinse of
the Island, Fem.
Of the Noun. All proper names of men, and in general all names of
offices belonging to men alone, and all nouns signifying
To Nouns belong number, gender, case, and declen males, as fear a man, tarbh a bull, are masculine.
sion. All proper names of women, offices peculiar to women,
There are but two numbers belonging to Irish nouns ; nouns signifying females, and the proper names of coun
the singular and plural. tries and rivers are feminine.
The genders are two ; masculine and feminine. Diminutives ending in ean or an are masculine, as
Notwithstanding the many rules laid down by differ bealan, a little mouth ; cuislean, a small vein ; those end
ent Grammarians, for discovering the genders of Irish ing in eog. in, or og, are feminine, as dreiscog, a bramble
nouns ait is still a matter of difficulty and uncertainty . cludog, a concealment ; cluigin, a little belt
Derivative* ending in ach, aidhe, uidhe, aire, each, oir, dicious in our grammarians, to limit the number of their
or eoir, arc masculine, as marcach, a horseman; gadaidhe, declensions to live, or to take the varieties in the termi
thief; fogluidhe, a robber; sealgaire, a hunter ; airg nations of* our nouns, as the standard by which to mea
each, plunderer ; Jigheadoir, a weaver ; slanaigfylheoir sure those declensions. For the changes in Irish nouns
a. saviour. are not confined to varieties merely final, like the Latin;
Derivative or abstract nouns ending in * or ens, are but like the Hebrew and other oriental tongues, its ini
masculine, as donns, misfortune; sonas, happiness; tin- tial variations are of the greatest importance.
}:eas, sickness. Those taking an increase and ending In Irish, there are several nouns consisting of a single
in a slender vowel, are feminine ; as buaine, perpetuity, letter, as a, a hill, a cart; e, pity; , an island; o, an
doimhne, depth, profundity. ear, &c. and there are thousands of nouns terminating
Abstract nouns terminating in acht or eachd, arc fe in vowels, which, with the exception of a few htro
minine. clites, never vary their terminations, in any of the cases
Most nouns whose last vowel is b*oad, or an e followed of either numbers, except the dative plural.
by a consonant, are masculine ; and those whose last
vowel is small, are feminine example,bogha, a bow.
Nouns compounded of two substantives, always retain
the gender of the latter, as bainliagh, a doctress, and SINGULAR. TLURAL.
bainrigh, a queen, are counted masculine, because liagh, Norn, an bogha, the bow, Nom. na bogha, the bows,
a physician, and righ, a king, are of the masculine gen Gen. an bhogha, of the bow, Gen. na mbogha,
der; hut righbhean and liaighbhean, words of the same Dat. don bhogha, to the bow, Dat. dona boghaibh,
meaning, are considered as feminine, because bean a Acc. an bogha, the bow. Acc. na bogha.
woman, is of the feminine gender.
To this, and other nouns of this description, Mac
Of Case and Declension, Curtin and others give a second plural, boghadha.
I But this is only the second plural of the poets, and
The ancient Irish acknowledged but three cases of called by them, ard iolradh, . the treating of which,
nouns, called ainm, taoibhreim, and tuilreim ; nominative, belongs to prosody.
genitive, and dative. The moderns reckon six cases ; The initials of all nouns, whether vowels or conso
nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, and nants, are subject to variation in different cases, except
ablative. Of these the accusative is the same as the those beginning with the immutable consonants, or with
nominative, and the ablative is like the dative. The voc d or t following the article. On this account, and for
ative of masculine nouns is generally like the genitive, the reasons abovementioned, I think that our initial varia
but the vocative of feminines is sometimes like the nomi tions should determine the number of our declensions,
native. and I shall call that class of nouns, beginning with vow
EXAMPLE. els, that take no variation in the initials of the cases of
the singular number, but are aspirated in the genitive,
Nora, fear, a man, Nom, bean, a woman, the first declension. Nouns beginning with vowels, that
<xen. fhir, of a man, Gen. mna, of a woman, require t prefixed to the nominative and accusative cases
Voc. a fhir man. Voc. a bhean, woman. singular, and allow no initial change in the genitive sin
gular, 1 shall call, the second declension. All nouns be
Most of our modern grammarians having adopted the ginning with mutable consonants, that suffer aspiration
Latin as the model of their grammars, have given us, five in the nominative and accusative singular, and preserve
declensions, six cases, and two numbers, inexact confor their simple powers in the genitive singular I call the
mity to their model. Had they examined with an im third declension : and all nouns whose initials are aspi-
partial eye, the very diffrent structure of the two lan rable consonants, but do not suffer aspiration in the nom
guages, they could hardly avoid perceiving the impro inative or accusative singular, and are aspirated in the
priety of making one, a standard for the other, par genitive singular, are of the fourth declension.
ticularly in what regards declension and syntax. Before we proceed to give examples of these declen
Declension is a statement of the changes a noun un sions, it may be necessary to notice the variations, to
dergoes in the different relations of persons and things which initials are subject in gentler and case ; and also
to each other, either active or passive, singular or plu the variations, to which the terminations of nouns are
ral. The nominative and the accusative express the sometimes liable.
agent, and the immediate object of his action. The no 1. Nouns of the feminine gender beginning with a
minative with the genitive express the relation of one vowel, suffer no change in the nominative and accusa
thing to another. The nominative and dative convey tive singular, but require h prefixed to the genitive sin
with the agent, the motives and instruments of his ac gular, and to all the cases of the plural, except the geni
tion, to whonb for whom, or with what view ; as may al tive, which takes n as a prefix.
so the accusative and genitive, with the addition of some 2. All nouns masculine, beginning with a vowel, must
particles. The four cases are suffiicient for all these have t prefixed in the nominative and accusative singu
purposes, and the ablative in Irish being the same as the lar, suffer no change in the initial of the genitive sin
dative, is superfluous. gular, but take n in the genitive plural, and h in all the
The latin grammarians finding that all the nouns in other cases of the plural,
their language, except some htroclites, had but five 3. All nouns feminine beginning with mutable conso
varieties in their terminations, very properly made five, nants, except those beginning with s, must be aspirated
the number of their declensions* But it was inju

in the nominative, dative, and accusative cases singular, a horse, laocti, a hero, crocli, saffron ; genitivo singulur,
and retain their natural powers in the genitive singular. eich, laoich, croich or croigh.
In the plural, the leading consonant suffers no aspiration The quantity or length of the vowels or dipthongs in
in any of the cases, but it must be eclipsed in the geni the nominative singular is preserved throughout all the
tive, if it be one of thoso consonants that suffer eclipsis. other cases in both numbers.
4. Nouns of the masculine gender beginning with as- Words having a or o, for their last vowel, are often
pirable consonants, except t, must preserve their natural irregular in their attenuation, and the dipthong ea is
sounds in the nominative and accusative singular, and be generally changed to ci, as nominative singular, mac, a
aspirated in the genitive and dative. In all the cases of son, biadh, food, sliabh, a mountain, leac, a flag, crann,
the plural, except the genitive, the initial preserves its a tree, sop, a wisp, easbog, bishop, cnoc, a hill, will be
natural power, but in the genitive it must be eclipsed come, in the genitive singular meic or mic, bidh, sleibh,
unless it be an m or an s. ' lice or leice, crainn or croinn, soip or suip, easboig or eas-
When s is the initial of feminine nouns, and followed buig, and cnoic or cnuic.
by a vowel, or by I or r, it requires t prefixed in all cases Some nouns of one syllable having one short vowel,
of the singular except the genitive. In the genitive sin or a short dipthong, terminating their nominatives with
gular, and in all the cases of the plural it preserves its consonants, require an a subjoined to the final conso
natural powers. nant in the genitive singular. But these, our ancient
When s is the initial of a masculine noun, and fol grammarians considered irregular. See Table, No. 2.
lowed by a vowel, or by / or r it suffers no variation or Nouns ending in ir in the nominative singular, except
prefix in the nom. or accus, singular, but must have t derivatives ending in oir, if they be of the masculine
prefixed to the genitive and dative. In all the cases gender, will make their genitive singular in ar or ara ;
of the plural it preserves its natural powers. feminines will make their genitive singular in a, ach
Nouns beginning with d or I having the article or acha. See Table No. 2.
prefixed suffer no aspiration, but are eclipsed in the ge Nouns of two or more syllables, ending with an aspi
nitive plural. rated consonant in the nominative singular, seldom vary
Nouns beginning with s, followed by b, c, d, g, m, their terminations in any of the cases except the Dative
ft, p or t, suffer no initial change in any of the cases. plural. Some however, do take an e subjoined to the
Thus we see that the initial variations of nouns serve genitive singular, as foghluidh, a robber, genitive Jogh-
to distinguish their gender, number and case. Tuidhe. Some transpose their final consonant, and if it
L, N and A, suffer no change in writing when they be a </, the d upon variation becomes t as teangadh,
are the initials of nouns ; but the same accidents which a tongue, teangtha tongues. Some nouns terminating
cause variation in the sound of the other consonants, their nominatives singular in vowels take na or ana, as
cause a variation in the pronunciation of these letters, an increase in the genitive singular and in the nomina
according to the gender of the noun to which they be tive and accusative plural. See Table, No. 2.
long. . Substantives ending in im or idhm generally make their
Some writers make use of eclipsis instead of aspira plurals in anna.
tion in the dative singular of their nouns, if the initial Some nouns ending in amh, have different forms for
be susceptible of eclipsis. Thus for do'n chrann, they their genitive singular, as, nominative singular, breilheamh,
write do'n gerann. a judge, genitive singular breithimh or breitheamhuin.
Having given the most remarkable initial variations to In all regular nouns the dative singular generally ter
which nouns are subject, it may be necessary here to minates like the nominative.
give some account of the changes which the last sylla The dative plural of nouns, of one syllable frequently
bles of nouns undergo in declension. terminates like the nominative plural, as na fir, the men,
Regular nouns of the masculine gender ending in dona fir, to the men, but nouns increasing in their no
unaspirated consonants seldom change their final letter; minative plural, terminate their dative plural in ibh ; as
but if the last vowel be broad it suffers caohtghadh, or crub, a paw, cruba, paws, dona crubaibh, to the paws<
attenuation, by having an {'inserted after it; as, nomina sidle, eyes, dona suilibh, to the eyes.
tive singular, brat, a garment, fod, a sod, casr, a ham
mer ; gen. sin. brail, fbid and csir.
Regular nouns of the feminine gender terminating
in unuspirated consonants require e subjoined in the ge
nitive, and if the last vowel be broad in the nominative
it will also require attenuation as well as increase in
the genitive ; as nominative singular tir, a country, grib,
mire, bas, a palm, cos, a leg ; gen. sin. tire, gribe, baise
or boise, and coise.
Regular nouns ending with an aspirated d or g, sel
dom vary their terminations in any of the cases of the
singular number.
When regular nouns terminate their nominative sin
gular in aspirated, the genitive singular generally ter
minates in an aspirated g ; but there are some nouns
of one syllable that terminate both cases in eh, as each, TABLE
TABLE, No. 1.

the variations in the terminations of the genitive singular, and the nominative
and genitive plural of regular nouns of either gender.


m 04i* 2
5S s -I
- -i
I 5'
' '
db ib-d ib-brt db Cab, a mouth. mf di) cdibj -bd, caib, caba gcab
ibe bd db leb, a lip. /. nd laibe, Idba na Idb.
ob ib *fee db Clidb, the breast, . an clibj clibe i te Dd gclidb.
ibe ibe db Gab, a lock of hair. f. cibe, cibe,-ati na gcidb,
(( 1 1 de tTucic, a verse, th.. du praic, pudic na bprac.
ice Cd de &1, a hand. /. gldice, gldcd, na ngldc.
d d6 , a monk. . dn rdndig, rodnaig na mand,
ice cd d Oedc, a bee. beie, bedea na robeac.
* Cd d Seippedc, a plough, f. nd peifjigie, peipftead icC peipjteac,
6 16 1 d6 ga, a withe, in. dl) goid gai ga.
ibe le d , a needle. /. fndtdibe pndtaie na pnarab
'F dp a sign or mark. m. l) g^Cllp na ng^ap.
ipe F dp 6 rap, a toad. f. na brdipe brapa na robrap.
5 ' ' 5 Cftdg, a paw. . dn ptig na gcpdg,
5 bag, a fish. /. H dige agd net nag.
il il dl Sgal, a hero. m. du pgdit r5dil na fgal.
lie Id dl Wiopbal, a miracle. /. Da roio/tb^te, roi Oftbald nd miopbal.
<> m-d im dm Sldro, a lock of wool. m. di) cflim plciim-a na pldm.
inte dm Coldm, a dove. na colaime coldmd nd gcoldro.
m m du an Bjtadin, b^ddin na robftddn
- d dt) na piogame -pogdnd na fiogan.
If, ip, d dp an cndip-a cnaip-d gendp.

V V dp bp, a son. m. dn bciiji, bdijt, na mbdji.

ye d er na clei^e, Ctldpd, na gcliap.
if, f V df Oldf. taste. n. an blaip-a, blaip-a, na robldy.
ipe dp na gaife, n<t ngetp.

de Cdc, cat. . di) cdic, cdic, ma gede
d de Side, a rod. /. Dd fldice, fldcdi W fide

le ec , a tooth, m and /. dn peicc peicc va bpecc.

ice ec pec. infirmity, f. Dd perce peice va bpec;
t-d e C, jealousy, m. dn iir, -d i, -d' va v.
le-d i C, rope. /. Dd cioe cie., -d va c.

'5 peg, a cut. m. dr) peig Pe'5 va bpeg.

e,-d e5 S?5> a branch. Dd gig gige, -d' va Dgg
il el bl, the mouth. itu dr) bil bil Dd mbl

m eir Sen, a senior, m. dn Cfeir) fein va -fen.

ijt-d eI CDejt, a blackbird, m. dn ieifi rneift-d va .
CD-rncejt, a tribe. /. Dd , ro-rncirte va m-rrrcejt.
if-d 6j-, behaviour, m. an bif-d bif-d va robf.
f* lf, comfort. jT Dd life ldfd d ly.
cd ec pet, a sinew. 7. dn peic-ce pedd Dd bpec.
ice-d ec Cftec, science. f. Dd C/teice Cfteite-d Dd gcjiec
ibe ib. pib, a snare. /. Dd ftibe, rtibe Dd D/ub.
ice 1 Caincic, a canticle, f. Dd cdinciee CdinciC Dd gcdiDCic:
ibe l glipi, a voice, f. Da glipie, glipibe, D Dglipi.
e ' dip, drink, f. Da drpe aipe Dd Ddip.
e '5 15, a pit, dike, /. Dd 015e 615e Dd Dlg.
l-d il Sil, seed. m. dt) Cfil fil-d Dd fil.
le il C0151II, a secret, jf. Dd coigile coigile Dd 5C0151II.
im-tt in 5fro, a battle, nr. an g/uro gfuro-a Dd Dgrtirr).
irne-d im ginn), a portion, m. Dd gftime, gruroe-d Dd DgrOlD.
d pin, wine, m. dn pin-a pind va bpn.
ine i) Scjtin, a shrine, f. Da fC/iine fCjiirje va {cjd.
e 'P Sgleip, a boast, f. va rgleipe j-gleipe Dd fgleip.
dcd bjidtdi^, a brother, m. dn b^dtdri-d bfidtdftdcd Dd mbrtatdri.
e i/t COip, a part. /. Dd roi/te, mi/te Dd lT)1rt.
V Sm*-, a duel, m dr) fljlf, fmT Dd fnif.
ife Slif, a chip. /, Dd flife rlife Dd yliy.
1 1 ODirric, a promise, m. d tmnic 11 Dd miDIC.
ice ic ic, a remainder, f. dr) Tce, ice Dd D1C
ib ob gob, a beak, m. d!) goib 501b Dd DgOlb.
ibe ob b. plaistcr. f, dn obe ibe Dd Db.
ic, a bjxoc, s. a badger, m. d) bpoC bftoc Dd rrrbrtoc.
ice-d ploc, the cheek. /. Dd ploice-d D* bploc.
re2 5 ra
3 _
5' .
ras* <' (5
5' S
( 5' "
a s

Vi 5' 5'
O 10 1,d o ftb, a road, ?w. ft /tl-t \b.
ie ie Como harmony, /. com^ie comioe-d tiocgcomo.

5 'S Clog, a bell, : du I015 cloig-t H d gclog.

16e ige-d 05 pg, a kiss. /. ta pjge, pjge-d tld bpg.
Ol il ll, d ol Scl, a school, . dtl fcjl f cjl-d tiafcl.
le le, -dcd ol geimiol a fetter. /. W geple gejmledcd tldngepjL
) im, -i im, -d Cjtom, the nose. m. dti |tojm Hd gc^omd.
ime ime -tt , an oak. f. hojme omd tid iiom.
itfe t .il, -t on Cjttf, a mark. m. t| Cftjf|-d cpjnd gC^M.
, - t ine, -tt 5jton, d track. /. tlt Sftojtle d g/tojtle-d Hd ttgjtoH.
op V 1p, -d Op Sop, a wisp. . dtl CfOjp fojp-d tld fop.

ojt ijt,-d Oft. Sco/t, a stud of Horses, m. dn fcoi/t, -d fCOl/t, -d Dd f.

ijte irie, -d Oft. pleasure. /. 7)d goipe goi,te, -d )d ngOft.
Of f If, -d Of. JMf, a custom, . dn nif Dlf, -d na nf .
ife ife of. 6of, palm of the hand. /. fid boife boife, -d tit mbof.
1 1, -d oc. Oloc, a cave. . dn bloic blojc, -d Dd mbloc-
ice oc. oc, fire,/. nd boice boice Ad mboc.
vb ib ib, -d ub. /tub, a chariot, . dn , ^-ijb, -d nd 7)pub.
ibe ibe, -d ub. i-rfb. a loop. Dt Vrjbe l-i^be, -ct Hd lb.
VC 1 w, -d uc. Scuc, a pile of sheaves, m. dn fCTjC ft-7C -d Dt fCUC.
1 d uc. OOuc, a pig./. }t ; m-jee, -d tld muc.
Hb i" 16, -d ub. Scu6, a form, m. dn fC17 fCr;, -t nt fCU.
te ie, -d u. tub, puddle. /. Dd lije, t d uo
Uf 'F ip, -d up. Scup, a hair of the head. ?. dn f07p fCTJp, -d )t fCUp.
" 5ju-g, a wrinkle, m. g/t^g it ng|trg.
vi il ll til. pobul, a tribe, . dn pob-rjl pobr;l nt bpobul.
le d ul. -bacul, a crozier. /. tld bdc-rle bdcult nd mbcul
um m im urn. Cum, a fight, . dn Tjm ;, -d Dt gcum.
ime, -d d urn. Crjum, a maggot. /. nt entine, -d cnuod Dd genuin,
;n i, -d un. gdf un, a little boy. . dn dfTjn, -d -d 1)d ngdf ).
lije , -d un. jlun, a generation. /. d gbfne, glifne, t nd ngln.

1/1 U/t. Sedfft, gravy, , jjn Cfedfifft Wl fetfUjt.

ljte d ujt. SiUft a kinswoman. /. dn fvrjfte fUpt
Uf If Uf. Uuftttf, a journey, . dn CUftTJf cu,ti7f, -d m ocu/tuf.
ife, -d ife, -d uf, guf, an opinion./. 5^> -d fid nguf.
c 1 1, <k uc. Spue, an eunuch, . dn fpTffc fpife, -d fld fpC.
ice, - d uc. Cjtuc, an appearance. /. fld CjtTjie, d CpUCt nd gCftuc.
TABLE, No. 2.


Nom. Sing. Genit. Sing. Dative Sing- Nom. Plural. Genit. Plural. Dative Plural.
dgj death- . dgd, dg, d5d d5 dtjB.
Cdc, a battle, m. Cdtd, Cdt, caed Cdt cdtdiB.
Cdf. a cataract. n. edfd, edy, edfd ef edfdib.
Tedftc, a grave, w. pedjtcd, pedjtc, ped/tc ped/ic pea^cdiB.
Teoil, flesh, f. peold, peoil, no plural.
-r\, blood, f. pold, do plural.
Coil, the will. f cold, coil, cold. coil, coldiB.
COil, honey./. medid, nnl, no plural.
Cic, a shower. . ciotd, cedtd, 1, cite, or ceded C)t, ceataiB.
/t-rjm, a back. m. ftorod, b/vrro, /tomd. b\\r,m, ftomdiB.
pic, a tremor, m. c^edtd, C/llt, Crtedtd. CjtlC, cpitiB.
CDtjf, the sea. f. rodpd, IWtyd. mr,n, djtTjb.
Eldic, a lord. . & /" platd, pldice, pldlt, pldtd. pldit, plaitib.
loc, a lough, . locd, Idcd, lo, locd. loe, locai b".
Sioc, frost, . j-edcd, fioc, yeaed. yioc yeacaiB.
Slioc, a tribe, . fledcd, ylioc, fledcd, flioc, yledcaib.
loc, a fault, . locd, loc, locd. loc. lodib.
T2ioc, a race. m. jiectcd, jtiot, ftlt. fiedtd, jtiot rutiB.
lot, corn. . otd, IOC, ltd, no plural,
Oiojt, a spit. m. bioftd, bed/id, biojt, bip, bedjtd. bio/t, bedrtdiB.
lamentation, f. gold, g"U gold. 1> golajB.
jrion, wine. . piond, pion, pi, pod. porj pionaiB.
luy, an herb. . lofd, l"f, loy d. lUf, toyr;b.
Uc, the breast, in. ocd, ucd, UC, ocd. ucb, iicodib.
Sput, a stream . f rtotd, yjtoed. yjiotaiB.
gut, a voice, . gotd, 5u> gotd. > gutaib.
Cifv, wax. f. cedytac, eed/idcd ceijt, no plural,
aip, an . /. dftdc, djtdcd, dift, d^ded. dlft, djtdcdib.
ltaijt, a father, . dtdjl, dttjtd, dCdlft, dta^d, ait^edc. atdifi, aitfiedc. atd/tdib, ditjtedcdb
dfdijt, flame. /. ldfd;td, IdfJtdC, Idydi/t, laypaca, Idfdljt, Idypacdib.
G* or> acbair>/. cdtdftac, or ) cttdijt) caca^ \
CdtftdCd. catpdcdiB.
Caicijt 5 cdtjtacd, y caitiji,$ editing
Obdijt, work. /. oib^e, oibjtedc, obdift, ob^Yjj, oib^e, oibjieacd, obaifi,-acd, oibjtedcdib.
Cjiitirt, a cup. ./. c^icpe, -ac, cprciji, Cftitfte,-ac. c^itfteaj c^itffib, -eadib.
Seamairt, a chamber, /. |-eiiDfie, yedm^rg, yeamjtd. yeamaifi, feamftdi!).
Sudndc, a pall, jf, yudiTice, yudtiaig, yudncd. yudndc yuancdib.
Smldc, a trush. . & /. ymled, ynjilce, yroldig, ymlcd. ymolac ymlcdib.
Culac, a hill. / ruled, tul-rg, culac, ruled, culac, culaib.
COaaiT), morning. /. maine, noaain, mdibre. tnaain maibmb.
Cold?, a bodv. /. colnd, col-rrj, ColT)d colan, colnaib.
Qhm, soul. . anamd, d)irod, anam, ndmd. dndm anamaib.
CerttjtiD, quarter. f. ceatridmam, -ojd, cedt^dmiffl, cedt^dtnrjd. cedtjtarnd), ceatpdmriaiB.

Nom. Sing. Genit. Sing. Dative Sing; Nom. Plural. Genit. Plural. Dative Plural.

Cmttyyd, a neighbour./. cmd/<fjn, Con)d^ydin,-dT)d, cmd/tydv cmdrifdivrjb.

<lftcc or , a loin. /. drtdr), djirjfl, dj/tne, driYjne, drid, or djtdb" dirimb.
Cedngd a tongue. /. cedugdi, cedrn, ced5d cedugd edugcdib
gudld, a shoulder, gudl-rj, gitttrtTie. 5Udibiedb, -dr}. gudilnib.
ftojd, a choice. /. jtog^n, jtogdn, riorgfle, jtoijriib.
^Idoie, an infant, m. Wdoiii), rtoitifl, )doiedrd. Tidoio'edn. ndoibedndib.
ile, a flood. /. iledn ilioy) lllT), iledwd, l le, iledridib.
Caojtd, a sheep. /. Cdoipectc, -de, CdOlprg, Cdoi^ij, Cdoiftedc, Cdoj<v;b.
file, a poet. m. piliti, pled. pili, piledt, piled&tjb.
01516, an attack. yoigit, foigiS, fOjgtib.

Some nouns that end in dhm, and im, in the nomina ., a woman, is quite irregular.
tive singular, end their nominative plural, in ana, as SINGULAR. PLURAL.
snuidhm, a knot, nominative plural snadhmana ; nomi Nom. Bean. Nom. mna.
native singular, ceim, a degree, nominative plural, ceim- Gen. mna. Gen. a,
eadh, or ceimeana. Dat. mnaoi, Dat. mnaibh.
Some nouns of two or more syllables ending in amk, Besides the nouns ending in vowels exhibited in the
have a regular and irregular declension. foregoing table, there are others that differ from their
EXAMPLE. nominative singular in some cases only.
Nom. daileamh, a butler. Norn, dailimh,eamlmin. Bo, a cow.
Gen. dailimh, or Gen. daileamh,an. SINGULAR. PLURAL.
dailemhuin. Nom. Bo. Nom. Ba, bai.
Dat. daileamh,am. Dat. daileamhuibh,nuibh. Gen. Bo, boin. Gen. mbo.
Of this kind are ollamh, oireamh, breitheamh,Jeicheamh, Dat. boin. Dat. btiaibh.
Jeattsamh, diiikamh, &c. Cro, a hovel.
Others ending the nominative singular in amh, are SINGULAR. PLURAL.
more irregular in their genitive singular. Norn. Cr, Nom. Craoi, craoithe.
Gen. Craoi. Gen. cr.
EXAMPLE. Dat. Cr, cr. Dat. craoibh, craoithibh.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. Br, a handln ill.
Nom. congnarhh, help. Nom. congnuimh, congnamha, SINGULAR. PLURAL.
[and conganta. Nom. Br. Nom. Brinte.
Gen. congnaimh, congnamha, Gen. brn. Gen. brn, brointeagh.
and conganta. Gen. congnamh,congnamhagh. Dt!t. brin. Dat. brintibh.
Dat. congnamh. Dat. congnamhuibh, congan- Sri, a womb, belly.
Of this latter description, are, Cognamh, Cagnamh, Nom. Br,
lionsgnamh, oghnamh, Jbghnamh, cosnamh, cangnamh, Nom. brnn, broinne, brainne.
Gen. brnn, brinn. Gen. brnn.
&c. Dat. . Dat. bronnaibh.
Derivative nouns ending in oir, have their cases vari , a nut.
ously formed. SINGULAR. PLURAL.
EXAMPLE. Nom. . Nom. , ena, cnaoL
Clairseoir, a harper. Gen. . Gen. .
Nom. Clairseoir. Norn, clairscoire, clairseor- Dat. enoibh, cnaibh.
uigh. , a hound.
Gen. Clairseoir, clairteora, Gen. Clairseorach, clairsc Nom. . Nom. con, cun, lia.
and clairseoracfu oruigh. Gen. con, cun.
Dat. ciairseoraibh, clairseor- Gen. , con.
Dat. clairseoir. Dat. coin. Dat. conaibh.
chaibh. Ga, a spear.
Nom. Go. Nom. ga, gai, gaoi, gae, gaoiihe.
Gen. ga, gai. Gen. ga, gai, gaoitheagh, gaethe.
Dat. ga,gei. Dat. gaibh, gaoithibh, gaethibh.

Lu, a day. Ri, a king.

Nom. L. Nom. laethe, lasithe. Nom. Ri, Nom. righthe.
Gen. lue, laoi. Gen. la. Gen. Righ, riogh. Gen. r, righ.
Dat. Li, lo. Dat. laethibh, laeithibh. Dat. Ri, righ. Dat. righUh.
Mi, a month. Draoi, a druid.
Nom. m. Nom. mosa. Nom. Draoi. Nom. Draoithe, draoidhe.
Gen. misa, mhios. Gen. m, mos. Gen. Druadh. Gen. druadh, druiiheadh.
Dat. mis. Dut. mosaibh. Dat. Draoidh. Dat. draoithibh draoidhibh.'
In this way are declined, taot, >ao, aot, ,


The gender of a noun causes the principal variation The dative singular generally terminates tike the no
in its initial, and in the changes to which the vowel in minative singular in both genders. But the initial of
the last syllable is sometimes liable. A noun of the fe the dative having the article prefixed, is sometimes aspi
minine gender, beginning with a vowel, suffers no varia rated and sometimes eclipsed according to the custom
tion in the initial of any of the cases of the singular of different provinces, as cos, a foot, do'n chos, or do*
number, except the genitive, which requires an h pre gcos, to the foot. Some nouns have two datives in both
fixed. Masculine nouns singular, require t prefixed to numbers, as fear a man, dative singular, Jear or firs
the nominative and accusative cases, but the genitive dative plural, feara, or fearaibh.
and dative cases suffer no initial change. In the plural The nominative and accusative plural is generally
of either genders n must be prefixed to the genitive, and like the genitive singular, and the genitive plural is like
h to all the other cases. the nominative singular. Some nouns transpose the final
Nouns feminine, beginning with mutable consonants, consonant in the nominative plural as geimheal a fetter,
except s, suffer aspiration in the nominative, dative, and makes geimhle fetters.
accusative singular, but never vary the initial of the geni The dative plural is formed by adding aibh or ibh, to
tive singular. Masculine nouns beginning with such the nominative singular, as sagart, a priest, do na sagar-
consonants suffer no change in the nominative or accu taibh.
sative singular, but suffer aspiration in the genitive and Some nouns that transpose their final consonant in the
dative singular. In the plural of both genders the ini genitive singular, form their dative plural by adding aibh
tial consonant suffers no variation in any of the cases, or ibh, to that genitive, as, ualach, a burden, genitive
except the genitive which must be eclipsed, unless it be singular, ualcha ; dative plural, aakhaibh.'he ablative
an m or s. is the same as the dative in both numbers.
Nouns feminine, beginning with s, followed by a vowel,
repuire t prefixed to the nominative and accusative sin REGULAR NOUNS
gular, but make no change in the genitive singular.
Masculine nouns of this description suffer no change in
the initial of the nominative or accusative singular, but DECLINED WITH THE ARTICLE.
require t prefixed to the genitive singular. In the plu
ral of both genders the initial suffers no variation in any First declension, Feminines having vowels for llwir
of the cases. initial.
Nouns of the masculine gender ending in unaspirated
consonants and having their last vowel broad in the In this declension the genitive singular requires h to
nominative singular require an i added to the vowel, be prefixed. The nominative, dative and accusative
or the vowel or diphthong changed for an ' in the geni cases singular, suffer no variation. In the plural, n must
tive singular ; as crann, a tree, ceann, a head, make the be prefixed to the genitive, and A to all the other
genitive singular, crainn and cinn. Feminine nouns re cases.
quire the same changes as the masculine in the final EXAMPLE.
vowel, but increase by the addition of e to the final con- Oigh, a virgin.
onant, as doch, the breast, scalg, a chase: make ciche and SINGULAR. PLUKAL.
seilge, in the genitive singular. Nouns having ta, or eu, Nom. an oigh, the virgin. Nom. na hogha, the virgins.
in the nominative singular, make eoi in the genitive sin Gen. na hoigh, of the virgin. Gen. na nogh, ofthe virgins.
gular, as mar, a finger, sgeul, a story, become upon Dat. do'n oigh, to the virgin. Dat. dona hoghaibh, to the
variation meoir, and sgeoil. Those having ia in the last virgins.
syllable of the nominative singular, change ia into , in Acc. an oigh, the virgin. . hogha, the virgins.
the genitive singular. Second

Second declension, Masculines beginning with wxels. In this declension substantives beginning with s, fol
In this declension the nominative and accusative sin lowed by a vowel or by I or r, suffer no variation in the
gular require t prefixed, the genitive singular suffers no initials of the nominative and accusative singular, but
variation. In the plural n is prefixed to the genitive, require t prefixed to the genitive and dative singular. The
and all the other cases require prefixed. initial suffers no variation in any of the cases of the plu
EXAMPLE. ral number.
Jasg, a fish. EXAMPLE.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. Sop, a wisp.
Nom. an tiasg, the fish. Nom. na Mise, hiasca, the SINGULAR. PLURAL.
fishes. Nom. an sop, the wisp. Nom. na soip or sopa.
Gen. an eise. Gen. na n-iasc. Gen. an tsoip, or an tsuip. Gen. na sop.
Dat. do'n iasg. Dat. dona hiascaibh, hiasca. Dat. do'n tsop, or tsuip. Dat. do na sopaibh.
Ace. an tiasg.. Acc, na hisc, hiasca. Acc. an sop. Acc. na soip.
Sruth, a learned man.
Third declension, Feminines beginning 4sith conson Nora, an sruth, the learned man. smith, srotha.
ants. Gen. an tsruith, tsroiha Gen. na sruth.
Dat. do'n tsruith. Dat. do na sruthaibh.
In this declension all mutable consonants except, d, Acc. an sruth. Acc. na smith.
s or t, must be aspirated in the nominative, dative and'
accusative singular. In the genitive, the initial suffers
no variation. In the plural number the leading conso
nant suffers no change in any of the cases except the Adjectives, like substantives, suffer changes in their
genitive, and in that case it must be eclipsed h it be one initials and terminations which mark their relation to other
of those consonants that suffers eclipsis. words.
EXAMPLE. The same accidents that cause variation in the initials
Colam, a dove. of substantives influence the initials of adjectives.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. When the adjective is absolute, and precedes its sub
Nom. an cholam, the dove. Nom. na colaime, or colaina. stantive, it suffers no variation in the singular number,
Gen. na colaime, or colama. Gen. na gcolam. whether the gender of the subsequent noun be masculine
Dat. do'n cholam, do'n cho- Dat. dona colamaibh, or feminine. As, Is scimheach an fear, is sccimheach an
laime, or do'n gcolam.
Acc. an cholam. Acc. na colaime, or colama bhean.
When the adjective precedes the noun it suffers no
In this declension nouns beginning with s, followed by change in its termination.
a vowel or by / or r, must have t prefixed to all the Adjectives ending with vowels never vary their termi
cases of the singular, except the genitive. nations in any case.
Sigh, a sprite. Adjectives beginning with vowels and preceding their
Norn, an tsigh, the sprite. Nom. na sighe. substantives, require a t prefixed to the nominative,
-Gen. na sighe Gen. na sigh. .
dative and accusative, singular masculine and to the ge
Dat. do'n tsigh. Dat. do na sighibh. nitive feminine, and to nominative and dative plural of
Acc. an tsigh. Acc. na sighe.
Slat, a rod. both genders.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. Adjectives following their substantives, and having
Nom. en Islat, the rod. Nom. na slaite. mutable consonants for their initials, (except s,d, ort,
Gen. na slaite Gen. na slat. following a noun ending with J must be aspirated in
the nominative, accusative and vocative singular, femi
Dat. do'n tslat, Dat. do na slalaibh. nine gender, and in the genitive, dative and vocative,
Acc. an tslat. Acc. na slaite. singular, masculine ; in the plural number the genitive
feminine must be aspirated, and the genitive^singular must
Fourth declension, Masculines beginning with conson be eclipsed.
ants. . Adjectives following their substantives, and termi
nating in immutable consonants, and having their last
In this declension all initial aspirable consonants, vowel broad in the nominative singular, and being of the
except s, followed by a vowel, or by / or r, must be aspira masculine gender, will require an i placed after the broad
ted in the gen. sing, and retain their natural powers in the vowel, or the broad vowel changed for an i in the geni
nominative and accusative singular. The initial of the tive singular. In the nominative, dative, and accusative
dative singular must be aspirated or eclipsed. In the singular it will take a broad increase, and the genitive
plural number the initial suffers no variation in any of must be likethe nominative singular. Adjectives of this
the cases except the genitive which must be eclipsed. description belonging to nouns of the feminine gender,
EXAMPLE. will take a small increase in the genitive singular, and a
Cneae, the skin. broad increase in all the cases of the plural except the
SINGULAR. PLURAL. genitive, which must be like the nom. singular.
Nom. an eneas, the skin. Nom. cneis, cnis. Adjectives following their substantive and having an *
Gen. tin chneis, an chnis. Gen. na geneas, or ccneas. for their last vowel before an immutable consonant in the
Dat. do'n chneas, chnios. Dat. do na cneasaibh. nominative singular, take no change in the genitive mas
Acc. an eneas. Acc. cneis, cnis. culine,

cutinc, take a email increase in the genitive ferainino and if its last vowel be slender, or by attenuating the last
in the nominative, dative, and accusative plural of both vowel if it be broad, und adding e to its termination ; as
genders, i he genitive plural is like the nominative min, smooth, mine, smoother; garbh, rough, gairbhe,
singular. rougher. 7 sa or ni bhus, contracted into nios, is often
Some few adjectives of one syllable, having their last prefixed to this form of comparison, as nias mine, nios
vowel broad, take a broad increase in the genitive femi. gairbhe.
The superlative is of the same form as the common
Adjectives declined with their noun and article. comparative, having the affirmative as prefixed ; as as
mine, or as mine air bitIt, the finest that is.
Crann ard, a high tree. Mase: There is a superlative very common in use of the same
SINGULAR. PLURAL. form as the positive ; as geal, white, toigheal whitest.
Nom. an crann ard, the high Nom. na crainn aird. But the particle ro, cannot be strictly considered as a
tree. mark of the superlative, no more than the particles an,
Gen. an chrainn aird. Gen. na gerann ard. fir, stir or ur, which only express an eminent degree of
Dat. ao'n chrann, or don Dat. do na crannaibh arda, quality ; as, ro laidir, very strong, anbhochd, very poor;
gerann ard. fir mhailh, perfectly good, sr dhearg, excessively red,
Beann ard, a tall woman. Fern. ur iseal, very humble.
Nom. an bkean ard, the tall Nom. na mna airde, or The following adjectives are irregular in compari
woman. arda. son.
Gen. na mna airde. Gen. na mban ard. POSITIVE. COMPARATIVE.
Dat. do' mhnaoi ard, or aird. Dat. do na mnaibh airde, Matth, good. fearr, feirrde.
or arda. Ole, bad. measa, miste,
Brat dearg, a red garment. Masc. Mor, great. mo, moide. '
SINGULAR. PLURAL. Beag, little. lugha, lughaide.
Nom. an trat dearg, the red Nom. na brait, or brota Gearr, short. giorra, girride.
garment. dearga. Fada, long. faide, sia,faidide, seidide.
Gen. an bhrait dheirg. Gen. na mhrat ndeirg. Furrus.l
Dat. do'n bhrat deirg, or do'n na brataibh dearga. Uruta, J eaSJ> usa, usaide.
mbrat dears. Teath, hot leo, teithe, teithide.
Lmh dearg, a red hand. Fern. Deagh, good. deach.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. Fogus, near. foicse, foisge.
Nom. an lmh, dhearg, the red Nom. na lmka dearga.
Gen. na limhe deirge, Gen. na lmh dhearg.
Dat. do'n lmh or limh dhearg. Dat. do na lmhaibh The pronouns are of seven kinds; Personal, Posses
dearga. sive, Relative, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Indefinite,
Fear laidir, a strong man. Masc. and Compound.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. The personal pronouns, are, me, I, lu, thou, e or se, he,
Norn, an fear laidir, the strong Nom. na jir laidire. i or si, she.
The possessive pronouns are, mo, my, do, thy, a, his,
Gen. an fhir laidir. Gen. na bhfhear laidir. her, their. They are only the genitives of the personal
Dat. do'n fhir, or do'n bhfhear. Dat. do na fearaibh lai pronouns.
dire. The personal, the possessive, and the compound pro
Bean min, a mild woman. Fern. nouns have a simple and an emphatic form. When the
SINGULAR. PLURAL. personal pronouns are emphatic, the first person singular
Nom. an bhean mhin, the mild Nom. na mna mine. requires se or ise subjoined, the second person sa, the
woman. third si, sin, or san. The first person plural requires e
Gen. na mna mine. Gen. na mban mhin. subjoined, the second person se, and the third san, as
Dat. do'u mhnaoi mhin. Dut, do na mnaibh mine. mise myself, tum yourself, ssin or sean, himself, ,
sisi, herself, inne, or sinne, ourselves, sibhse, yourselves,
COMPARISON OP ADJECTIVES. and siadsan or iadsan, themselves.
When possessive pronouns are emphatic the increase is
In our ancient manuscripts arc to be found various not made to the pronoun but subjoined to the substan
forms of comparison, as glas, green, comparative, glaise, tive immediately following it. The increase to all the
glaiside, and glaisither, greener or more green. This las* persons of the singular number, and to the second per
form is not used by modern Irish writers. Writers of son plural is sa ; the increase of the first and third per
the Scottish Gaelic use the second form, but they cut son plural, is ne and nan. These are commonly united to
off the final e, as trom, heavy, truim or ir.dmid, hea the noun, but would be more properly connected with
vier. it by a hyphen ; as mo lamh-sa, my hand, or ar limh-ne,
There are but few adjectives of more than one ar laimh san, our hands.
syllable that admit of this second degree of comparison. The word fein, self, own, is subjoined to both per
The comparative most commonly used by the moderns is sonal and possessive pronouns ; as me fein, tu fein, ray
formed by adding au e to the termination of the positive, D self,

self, thyself, mo chos fein, my own foot, do shrttn Jein, Jam, under me ; fut, thee; fui fuidke, ;fnichi,
your own nose. fuithi, her. Fuiun, us ; f\dbh, ye ; futha,futhfa, them.
Possessive pronouns declined. Friom, with me ; yWf, thee ; him ; yh'a, her.
Me, I. Friuinn, us ; fribh, ye ; them.
SINGULAR. PLURAL. lonam or ionnam, in me ; ionnnd, in thee ; ann, in him,
Simple form. Emphat. form. Simple form. Em. form. it ; /, in her, it. Ionnainn, us ; ionnaibh, ye ; ionnta,
Nom. me, I. mise, myself. Nom. sinn, we. sinne. them.
Gen. mo, mine or Gen. ar, our. Z,/m, or /, or /earn, with me ; thee ; /ew, him ;
of me. fe, /, her. /.im, us ; ft/, ye ; fco, them.
Dat. damh or domh, Dat. duinn, for Orm, on me ; or, thee, air, him; uirre, her. Oruinn,
for do me. do inn, us ; oraibh, ye ; orra, them.
Acc. me, me. mise. . inn or , us. . Aim, nom, with me ; riot, thee ; ris, him ; ria, her.
Tu, thou. Rim, us ; ribh, ye ; riu, them.
Nom. , thou, tusa ; thyself. Nom. ibh, sibh. sibhse. Romham, before me ; romhad, thee ; roimhe, him ;
Gen. do, of thee. Gen. bhar or A;r. roimpe, her. Romhainn, us ; romhaibh, ye ; rompa, theiu.
Dat. duit, for cfo <, dil sa ; Dat. , for do, ibh, Seacham, without me; seachad, thee, seche^ him;
dibhse. /;/, her. Seachainn, us; seachaibh, ye; Seacha, them.
Ace. thu, thee, *Awa Acc. ibh, sibh, ye, tAse, Thoram, thorm, over or beyond me; thorad, thort,
sibhse, you. thee; thairis, him; thairsi, her. Thorainn, us; thoraibh,
Voc. 7m, thou. Voc. ibhse, O ye. ye ; tharsa, them.
Si, she. Trim, through me ; frfr/i, thee ; /ra", him ; /rt//, her.
Nora, m, she sisi ; Nora. siad. siadsan- Trinn, us ; frii/j, ye ; trtompa, triotha, them.
Gen. a, hers, of her. Gen. . i/nim, from me ; ait, thee ; unr/A, him ; uaithi, her.
Dat. di, for do i. Dat. doibh, doibhsean. Vainn, us ; uaibh, ye ; uatha, them.
Acc. her. isi ; Acc. *. iadsan. Uasam, above me ; uasad, thee ; uaia, him ; as//, hei .
S, he, it. Uasainn, us; uasaibh, ye; !aa, them.
Nom. /, he, it. ssin ; Nom. *, siadsan. Utnam, upon me ; umad, thee ; utme, him ; uimpe, her.
Gen. a, his, its. Gen. a ; . Vmainn , us; umaibh, ye; umpa, them.
Dat. rfo, to him dosan ; Dat. doibh, doibhsean
Acc. e him, it. , Acc. iad, iadsan. Possessive compounds.
In ancient manuscripts slum and sum are frequently
subjoined as an emphatic form to the different persons of Am, in my ; aa", in thy, or ', his, her, their ;
the possessive pronoun s, as " dos faoi Dia each chui- , your.
gesium ;" " Feargaither iadsum fris an manach." Corn or , with, or to my; *, with thy; con'a,
Relatives are, a, who, which, that, all that, what with his, her, their ; cr, with our ; bhur, with your.
ever ; and noch and nocha, who, which. Dom, to my ; dod, to thy ; rf'a, to his, her, their. Dar,
Demonstratives are, so this, these, here, sin, that, to our ; do bhur, to your.
those, there, sud or ud, that, or those there, yon. Fom, under my ; fod, under thy ; fo n'a, under his,
Interrogatives are, cia ? ce? ci? who ? which, cidh? her, their ; for, under our ; fo bhur, under your.
what? cred? what? cad? what? ca? what? where? Lm, with my; Ud, with thy; le n'a, with his, her,
Indefinites are, gach, each, all, every, eigin, some ; their. Lr, with our ; le bhur, with your.
cuid, some ; aile, eile, oile, other ; uile, all ; neach, any from my ; d, from thy ; n'a, from his, her,
one, an te, an ti, he who, the person that ; ce be, cidh be, their. Or, from our; bhur, from your.
gidh be, whoever, whatever. Ce, cidh and gidh, are con ifem, with my ; red, with thy : r na with his, her,
tractions for cia, who, which, and 'be, is a contraction for their ; Rr, with our; r bhur, with your.
badh or budh, was, were. Trem, through my ; trd, through thy ; ir n'a, through
Compound pronouns are personal and possessive pro his, her, their ; trr, through our ; tr bhur, through
nouns compounded with prepositions. your.
There are four kinds of verbs ; Active, Passive, Imper
Agam, with me;agad, -thee; aice, -her; aige, -him, sonal, and Neuter.The Impersonals have always a
it ; Againn, -us ; agaibh, -ye ; , -them. passive termination ; the Neuters have no passive voice.
Asam, out of me; asad -thee \ as, -him, it; aisie, To verbs belong person, number, tense, and mood.
-her, it; asainn, -us; asaibh. -ye; asta. -them. The persons are three ; I, thou, he she or it, singular ;
Chugam unto me ; chugad, thee, chuige, him ; chuice, we, ye, they, plural.
her ; chugainn, us ; chugaibh, ye ; chuca, them. The numbers are two ; singular and plural.
Damh, to me ; duit, thee : do, him ; di, her. Duinn, The tenses are three ; present, past, and future.
us ; duibh, ye ; do/M, them. There' are six moods; imperative, indicative, consue
Dim or /, off me ; dit or diof, thee; de, him; a, tudinal, potential, conditional, and infinitive.
her. Dinn, us ; ooA, ye ; diu, them. There are three participles; present, past, and future.
Eadram, between me ; cadrad, thee ; eare, him ; edri, Each of the tenses has a relative form, which is always
her. Edrainn, us ; eadraibh, ye ; eatorra, them. governed by a relative pronoun expressed or under
Forram, upon me ; farrat, thee ; fhre, him ;fuirri, stood.
her. Forrainn, us ; forraibh, ye ; forra, them. When

When Verbs are emphatical, they take the emphatic Fuil, is, it is, is to be found in most of its moods
encrease described under pronouns ; as Gonamaoidne, let and tenses in old MSS. bnt in modern writings, and in
us wound. In ancient MSS. sum, som, seom, somh, sium the colloquial language, it is seldom used but in asking
or siumh is used as an encrease to the Verb, in the in- or answering a question.
-Jicative past tense o*' both numbers ; as ghniodhsum, he Affirmative present.
made, performed ; ro biseom, he died ; fuairsum, he Sing. 1. Fuilim, or fuil me, I am ; 2. fuir, or fuil
found ; ro featsatsum, they related ; gabhsatsomh, they tu; 3. fuil, or fuil se : Plur. 1. Fuilmid, or fuil sinn,
took. we are; 2. fuilthidh, or fuil sibh ; 3. fuilid, or fuilsiad
Verbs like nouns suffer variation in their initials and Negative present.
terminations. Their initial changes are caused by cer Sing. 1. M bhfuilim, or n't'l me, I am not; 2. tit bhfu-
tain prefixed particles, expressed or understood ; those ilir, or ni'ltu: 3. ni bhfuil s, or nil se: Plur. 1. V
on the terminations mark their inflexions, in person, bkfuilmid, ni bhfuil sim, or ni'lmid, we are not ; 2. ni
number, tense, and mood. bhfuilti, ni bhfuil tibh, or nt'l sibh ; 3. ni bhfuil tiad, or
If a Verb has for its initial a consonant that will suffer ml siad.
eclipsis, it must be eclipsed after the particles da, if ; Present Interrogative.
fa, for which ; go, that ; iar, after ; nach, not ; nocha, 1. A or an bhfuilim, or bhfmlitn, am I ; 2- or an
not; and the interrogative, an, whether; as da mbeid- bhfuilir, or bhfuil tu; 3. a or an bhfuil se, or bhfuil:
hinn, if I would be ; an gceilim, do I conceal. Verbs 1. A, oran bhfuilmaoid, or bhfuileam, are we ; 2. a or
beginning with vowels, and coming after any of these an bhfuikibh, or bkfuilsibh ; 3. a or bhfuilsiad, or
farticles, will require n prefixed ; as go n'iarrfamn, until bhfuuid.
require. Raibh, was, (contracted from ro bhi,) is mostly used
When a relative pronoun, expressed or understood, in asking or answering questions. It has only one tense.
or the particles, ar, nachar or nar, gur, do, , ni, nir, Affirmative.
or sul, come before a verb beginning with a mutable Raibhas, or raibh me, 1 was ; raibhais, or raibh tu, thou
consonant, it must be aspirated in the active voice ; as wast ; raibh, or raibh t, he was : Rabhamar, raibh sinn,
ar mhealais ? didst thou deceive ? In the passive voice we were ; rabhabhar, raibh sibh, ye were ; rabhadar,
the initial suffers no change from these particles. When raibh siad, they were.
do comes before f in the active voice, it drops the and The interrogative is the same as the affirmative, only
unites with the verb, as dfhsadar, they grew ; but in placing the interrogative particle a or an before each
the passive voice the o jnust be written, as do faladhc se, person, as an raibh tu ? were you ?
he was enclosed. Where do is understood, aspiration takes The negative is also the same form, only prefixing ni,
place also in the active voice ; as bhi, for do bhi, he was. no, not, to each person, as ni raihas, I was not.
Coiyugatien of bi, is :
Bi, or b tu, be thou; bidh, or bi s, let him be;
There are five auxiliary Verbs, viz. as or is, it is; btdhis, biodhmaiod, or biodh sinn, let us be ; bidhidh,
ta, is, it is ; fail, is, it is , bi or bidh, it is, exists ; and bidh sibh, be ye; bid, bidhid, bidis, or bidh siad, let
raibh, was. them be.
As or is, is only used in two tenses of the indicative, Prohibitive ;N , be not.
viz. is, is, and ba, was, which is sometimes written budh, INDICATIVE MOOD.
and bo. Present tense, indefinite.
Is me, I am, or it is I ; is tu, it 'a you ; is e, it is he f Bidhim, I be, I exist ; bidhir, bdhin tu, you be ; bid-
is sinn, it is we; it sibh, it is ye; is siad, or iad, it is hin s, he be ; biodhmur, biodhmaoid, or bidhinn sin, we
they. be ; blodhbhur, btdhinn sibh, ye be ; bidhidh bidhinn siad,
Ba me or budh me, I was, it was I ; ba tu, se, sinn, they be.
sibh, siad or iad.Ba or budh is used in old MSS. for Present tense, positive.
both prter and future tenses. Taim, ta me, I am ; tair, iaoir, or ta tu, thou art ; tii
Fa is often used for ba, as fa he anfear. se, ata, he is ; tmur, tmaoid, tm, t sinn, we are ; ta
Interrogative present. bhur, talhaoi, ataoi, ta sibh, ye are ; taid, t siad,
An me? is it I? an tu, an e. An sinn? is it we? en they are. Or, as it is sometimes improperly conjuga
tibh, an iad or an siad. ted ; atim, at me, I am ; ataoir, at tu, thou art ; ata,
Negative present. ata s, he is ; atamaoid, ala tinn, we are ; ataoi, at sibh,
Sing. 1. Ni me, (contracted from ni is e me,) it is not ye are ataid, they are.
me; 2. ni tu; 3. ni , or ni h. Plur. 1. Ni sinn, it is Past tense.
not us; 2. ni sibh j 3. ni hind. Bhidhis, bhdhas, bhis, bhi me, bha me, or do bhios. do
In old MSS. we find bai, boi, bui, and uoi, written for bhi me, I was ; bhidkeis, bhadhais, bhi tu or do bhadhais,
ba. T is used only the in present indicative, as tim% I do bhi tu, thou wast ; bhi se, bha se, bhi, or do bhi se, he
am ; tarr, thou art ; t, he is ; tmaid, or tmaoid, we are , j was ; bhtmur, bhmar bhi sinn, or do bhamur, do bhimur,
talhai, or tthaoi, ye are; tiiid, they are; or Sing. 1. j do bhi sinn, we were ; bhibhur, bhbhar, bhi sibh, or do
t me, I am; 2. ta tu; 3. ta .-fPlur. 1. ta sinn; 2. ta bhibhur, do bhbhar, do bhi sibh, ye were ; bhdarjbhdar,
sibh ; 3, ta siad. It is used as the positive affirmative bhi siad, or do bhiodar, do bhdar, do bhi siad, they
of . A is sometimes prefixed to the present tense, as were,
ataim, I am ; &c. Relativf
Relative form, do b.'ti ; as, an Jeardobhi, the man INFINITIVE MOOD.
that is.
Negative, ni. Do bheith, or a bheith, to be; ag biith, being; ar
Future tense. mbeilh, on being; iar mbeith, having been ; ar ti bheith,
Bind, beid, beidh me, I shall be ; biadhair, beidhir, beidh about to be, on the point of being ; chum a bheith,
tu, thou ehalt bo; beidh, beidh se, he slmll be; biidhmur, to be, in order to be.
biodhmnod, biim, biidhmid, beidhsinn, we shall he ; biidh- These latter tenses are the participles of this verb.
bkur, biadhaidh, biidh sibh, ye shall be ; bidhid, biadhaid, Do, is commonly prefixed to the past tense indicative
bid, they shall be. and consuetudinal but it may be omitted.
Relative, bhias ; as, is me bhias.
Present tense.
Sing. 1 . Bidhim, bim, or bidhinn me, I am usually ; 2. Formation of the tenses.
bidhir or biann lu, bidhean tu 3. bi, biann se or bedhean
s ; Plural. 1. bimaoid, biann sinn or bidhsinn, ACTIVE VOICE.
; 2. bithidh, or Wann sibh : 3. bidhid, bid or
biann siad. The root of the Verb is the second person singular,
Relative. Bcidheas, bhis, bhidheann ; that usually is. Imperative mood.
Interrogative, an mbidheann. The Imperative mood suffers no change in the initial
Negative, ni, prefixed to each person. of the verb, but it varies in the terminations of its per
Past tense. sons. The 3d pers. sing, is formed by adding adit, to the
Do bhinn, I was usually ; do bhitha, ; do bhidhcadh. root; 1st pers. plur. ends in am, or amaoid ; 2d, in aidh
Do bhims bhimaois, we were usually ; do bhithidh, ; or aidhe ; 3d, in aid or id.
do bhidis. Indicative mood. The Verb suffers no initial
Relative, do bhidh or do bhithcadh. change in any of the persons of the present or future
Future tense, wanting. tense. The 1st person sing, ends in aim or im ; 2nd,
potential mood. in air or ir 3d, in aidh or iah, or in, an, with the pro
Sing. 1 . Bheidhiuu or bhiidhfinn or do bheinn, I would noun subjoined. The first pers. plur. ends in mar, maoid,
be ; 2. bhiidheadh, ; 3. bheidh s. Plural, 1. Bhidh mid or am ; the 2d, in bhar, thaoi, or thi 3d, in aid or
sinn, we would be,; 2. bhidh sibh, ; 3. id. The Relative, ends in eas or as.
bhe'tdhdis, bhiidk siad. Past lense. If the initial of the verb be capable of
The tenses of this raood may be formed, by prefixing aspiration, it must be aspirated in all the persons of both
as or , for the present, ba for the past, and budh, for numbers, whether do, the sign of the past tense, be writ
the future, to such words as coir, right, eigin, necessary, ten or not. In the termination, the 1st pers. sing, takes
Jeidir, power, ability, &c. followed by the pronoun which as or eas ; the 2d, ais or is ; the 3d, is the same as the
should be the nominative case to the verb, and by the 2d sing, Imperative, with the pronoun "subjoined; the
infinitive of the verb itself; or by tigim, I agree, con 1st plur . takes am or amar, to the root of the verb, the
sent, or caithfidh, it obliges, compels. As, is Jeidir 2d, abhar ; the 3d, adar or sad. Or all the persons may
abheith, I may be ; ba choir dhamh a bheith, I should have be expressed by adding the proper pronouns to the root
been ; isigin dhamh a bhiith, I may be ; ni thig a of the verb The Relative, is the same as the root.
bheith, I cannot be ; caithfidh me a bheith, I must be. Future tense. The 1st pers. sing, terminate in Jad oi
conditional mood. Jead : 2d in Jair or fir ; 3d in Jad ; the 1st plur. ends
Present tense. in Jam, mar, maoid or mid y 2d, in Jaidhe ; 3d, Jaid
Sing'. 1. Ma bhim, ma bhidhinn, ma bhidhinn mi, if I or fid. Or the persons of both numbers may be ex
be ; ma bhidhir, ma bhidhinn tn, ; 3. ma bhidhinn se, pressed by adding Ja or Jadh, to the root, and sub
bhionn, ' ; Plural, l. Ma bhidhinn, sinn, ma bhiom, joining the proper pronouns. Sometimes J is not used
ma bhimaoid, if we be, - ; 2. ma bhidhinn sibh, either in writing or conversation, but this is a corruption
; S. ma bhidhinn siad. that thould be rejected, except in verbs of more than
Past tense. one syllable, which never take an J, but have eo in
Sing. 1. Da mbidhin or da mbidh m, if I were, ; their second syllable, a&eirigh, arise, eircochadh m, I will
2. da mbeidheadh, da mbeidh tu, ; 3. da mbeidh or arise.
da mbeidh se. Plural, 1. Da mbeidh sinn, da mbeidhmaois, Consuetudinal mood. Present tense, generally like
if we were ; 2. da mbeidlithi, da mbeidh sibh, ; 3. the present indicative.
da mbeidhdis, da mbeidh siad. Past tense. The initial requires aspiration. The
Future tense. termination of the 1st pers. sing, is inn 2d, tha ; 3d,
Sing. 1. Ma bhiom, if I shall be ; 2. ma bhionn tu ; adh ; the 1st plur. ends in mail or maois, 2d, aidhe, 3d,
3. ma bhionn se, ; Plural, 1. Ma bhiomaoid, ma aidis Relative, in adh.
bhionn si?m, if we shall be ; 2. ma bhionn sibh ; 3. ma Potential mood. Present tense, 1st pers. sing, ends
bhionn siad. in Jainn, finn or inn, 2d in Jadh or Ja, 3d, in Jad ;
the 1st plur. in mnis or maois; 2d, in Jaidh or Jidh ;
3d, in Jaidis or fidis.
Conditional mood. Has the same terminations in
all its persons as the Potential.

Infinitive mood. This mood is generally formed It is the custom in speech and writing, to place da be
by adding adh or eadh to the root ; but there are several fore the verb in the past tense, as do mhealas, do mhea-
verbs thut fotm their Infinitive differently. lais, &c. : but it is as correct to omit it, as above.
Participles. The initials of Participles suffer no va In ancient MSS. ad, do, ro, dos, ros, and nos, are fre
riation in the present or future tenses. In the past tense quently used as marks of the past tense.
the initial sutlers either aspiration or eclipses, as the na A and ad are sometimes prefixed to the present tense.
ture of the Letter may require. Participles are formed Future tense.
from the infinitive, by prefixing a or ag to the present, Sing. 1. Mealfad, mealfadh me, I will deceive: 2.
iar to the past, and air ti to the future mealfuir, mealfadh tu ; 3. mcatfaidh, mealfadh se: Plur.
CHANGES OF THE PASSIVE VOICE. 1. Meal/am, mealfumar, mealfamoid, mealfadh sinn ; 2.
Imperative mood. All the persons of this mood mealfabhar, mealfaidhe, mealfadh sibh S. mealfaid,
have tar or tear in the termination, followed by the pro mealfadh siad.
per pronoun. Or they may be formed by by tne aux Relative, mhealfadh, that will torment.
iliary or bidh and the past participle, as bidh me mealta, Interrogative, a or an.
let me be deceived. Negative, ni.
Indicative mood. The present is formed by adding consuetudinal or habitual mood.
tar or thar, tear or thear, to the root ; the past tense Present tense.
takes adh or eadh to the root ; the future is formed, by Sing. 1. Mealaim, I usually deceive; 2. mealann tti;
adding, Jar, fadhar, Jaidhear, fir, fidhir, and some 3. mealann s: Plur. I. mealann sinu ; 2. mealann sibh;
times ar, to the root. 3. mealann siad.
Conditional mood. Present tense ends in iar ; past Past tense.
nense in taidhe or ti. Sing. I. Mhealaim, I used to deceive; 2. mhenltha ;
Potential and Conditional moods end in Jaulhe 3. mhealadh : Plur. 1 . mhealamois ; 2. mhcalaoidhe ; 3.
or fidhe. mheahdaois.
Infinitive mood and Participles have ta, tha, Relative, mhealadh, that used to deceive.
te, or the, added to the root. In this tense as in the past indicative, do is omitted,
In the oral language, and in several of the old books, although it is commonly written.
the passive voice is formed by the auxiliary verb tnim, Potential mood.
and the passive participle, as, taim lionla, or ta me lionta, Sing. 1 . Mhealfaim, I could or would deceive ; 2.
I am filled. mhealfadh; 3. mhealfadh s: Plur. 1. Mhealfadhmaois,
In the following conjugations there are different forms mhealfaidh sinn ; 2. mhealfaidhe, mhealfaidh sibh ; 3.
given for each person. The first of each are those that mhealfaidh, mhealfaidh siad. Here do is omitted, as
are used in old M SS. and are mostly obsolete ; the lat in the past tenses of the indicative and consuetudinal.
ter are those in common use. The various times and persons of this mood may be
Conjugation of COealt, deceive : formed, according to the directions given at the poten
ACTIVE VOICE. tial of the auxiliary bit as, is feider a mhealadh, I
IMPERATIVE MOOD. can deceive, &c. still varying the pronoun according to
Sing. 2. Meall, deceive thou; 3. mealadh sc, let him the person.
deceive; Piur. 1. Mealam, mealamaoid, mealadh conditional mood
sinn, let us deceive ; 2. mealaidhe, mealaidh tibh, de This is the same as the potential mood, only placing
ceive ye; 3. mcalaid, mealaidis, mealaidh siad, let them da, ma, if, &c. before the verb, as, da mealfainn, if I
deceive. would deceive, &c.
Negative, na, prefixed to each person, as, na meall, infinitive mood
deceive not. Do or a mhealadh, to deceive.
indicative mood. PARTICIPLES.
Present tense. ' Present, dg mealadh ; Past, iar mealadh ; Future, air
Sing. 1 . Mcalaim, I deceive ; 2. mealair, mealan lu, ti mealadh,
; 3. mealaidh, mealann se, , Plur. 1. Mealam, PASSIVE VOICE.
mealamar, mealamaoid, mealann sinn, we deceive ; 2. IMPERATIVE MOOD.
mealabhar, mealthaoi, mealann sibh, ye deceive ; 3. mea- Sing. 1 . Mealtar me, or bidh me mealta, let me be de
laid, mealann siad, they deceive. ceived ; 2. mealtar thu, bidh tu mealta ; 3. mealtar c, bidh
Relative, mealas, that deceives. s mealta: Plur. 1. Mealtar inn, bidfisinn mealta; 2.
Interrogative, an, a or nach; as, an mealaim, mealtar ibh, bidh sibh mealta ; 3. mealtar iad, bidh siad
Negative, ni, as, ni mhealaim. mealta.
Past tense. Negative, na.
Sing. 1. Mhealas, mheall m, I deceived ; 2. mhealais, IKDICATIVE MOOD.
mheall tu, ; 3. mheall, mheall se: Plur. 1. Mhea- Present tense.
lamar, mheallam, mheall , we deceived; 2. mhealabh- Sing. 1 , Mealtar me, tim, or ta me mealta, I am de
ar, mheall tibh, 3. mhealadar, mhealaid, mheall ceived ; 2. mealtar thu, tir mealta, ta lu mealta : 3.
mealtar , t se mealta : Plur. 1 . Tmar mealta, mealtar
siad. inn, t sinn mealta ; 2. lbhar mealta, mealtar ibh, t sibh
Kelative, mheall.
Interrogative, ar, nachar, ornar as, ar mhcallas. mealta ; 3. mealtar iad, ta siad mealta.
Negative, nior, as, nior mhealas.

Interrogative, a or an, as an mealtar me, INDICATIVE MOOD.

Negative, ni, as, ni mealtar me. Present tense.
In this tense the t that follows the root of the verb is Sing. 1. Feudaim, I may or can, I am able; 2. fea-
sometimes aspirated, as, mealthar me, I am deceived. In dair ; 3. feudaidh s ; Plur. 1. feudamar, feudamaoid,
every other respect it is like the Imperative. feudaigh sinn, we may, &c. 2. feudabhar, feudaigh sibh ;
Past tense, 3. feudaid, Jeudaidh siad.
Sing. 1 . Mealadh me, or do mealadh me, bhi me meal- Past tense.
ta, I was deceived; 2. do mealadh thu, bhi tu mealta ; Sing. 1. D'f lieudas, dfheud m, I could, or I was able ;
8. do mealadh , bhi se mealta : Plur. ]. do mealadh inn, 2. d'f/ieudais, d'fheud tu ; d'fheud s. Plur. 1. d'Jheuda-
bhi sinn mealta ; 2. mealadh ibh, bhi sibh mealta ; 3. mar, d'fheud sinn, w.c could, &c. 2. dfeudabhar, d'fheud
mealadh iad, bhi siad mealta. sibh > 3. d'fheudadar, d'fheud siad.
Interrogative, nar. Future tense.
Negative, nior. Sing. 1. Feudfad,feiidfaidh me, I shall be able ; 2. feud-
Future tense. fair, feudfaidh tu ; 3. feudfaidh or feudfa n. Plur. 1.
Sing. 1. Mealfar me, mealfaidhear me, or beidh me. feudfamar, fcud/amaid, Jeudfa sinn; 2. feudfubhar,feud-
mealta, I will be deceived ; 2. mealfar thu, mealfaidhear fadh sibh ; 3. fcudfuid, feudfadh siad.
thu, beidh tu mealta ; 3. mealfar e, mealfaidhear e, beidh CONSUETUDINAL OH HABITUAL MOOD.
se mealta : Plur. I. mealfar inn, mealfaidhear inn, beidh Present tense.
sinn mealta ; 2. mealfar ibh, mealfaidhear ibh, beidh sibh Sing. 1. Feudaim, I am usually able ; 2.feudainn tu ;
mealta ; 3. mealfar iad, mealfaidhear iad, beidh siad me 3. feudainn s. Plural 1 . feudainn sinn, 2. feudainnh,
alta. feudainn siad,
Interrogative, a or an. POTENTIAL MOOD.
Negative, ni. Sing. 1. D'fheudfainn, I might, or I could be able ;
CONSUETUDINAL OR HABITUAL MOOD 3. d'fheadfadl tu; 3. d'fheudfadh sc. Plur. 1. d'fheud-
Present tense. famaoi<, d'fheudfadh sinn ; we might, &c. 2. dfheud.
Mealtar me, I am usually tormented, &c. as in the faidhe, d'fheudfadh sibh ; 3. d'J heudfaidis, d'fheudfadh
present indicative. siad.
Sing. 1. Mealtaoidhe me, I used to be tormented; 2. The persons of this mood are the same as the optative,
mealtaoidhe thu ; 3. e : Plur. 1. mealtaoidhe inn ; only prefixing da or ma, if to each, as da bhfeudfain, if
2. ibh ; 3. iad. I could, &c.
POTENTIAL MOOD. ertn, do or make.
Sing. 1. Mealfaidhe me, beidhinn mealta, I would or active VOICE.
could be deceived ; 2. mealfaidhe thu, beidheadh mealta ; IMPERATIVE M 00.
3. mealfaidhe e, beid se mealta. Plur. ] . mealfaidhe inn, Sing. 2. Dean, do, make; 3. deanadh se, \et him do,
beid sinn mealta ; 2. mealfaidhe ibh, beid sibh mealta ; 3. or make. Plur. I. deanamaoid, deanamaois> deanam,
mealfaidhe iad, beid siad mealta. deanadh sinn; 2. dcanaidhe, deanadh sibh; 3. deanaidis,
Do, is sometimes written before each person in this deanadh siad.
CONDITIONAL MOOD. Present tense.
Sing. I. Da mealfaidhe me, da mbeidhinn mealta, if I Sing. 1. Deanaim, I make or do ; 2. deannir, deanadh
would be deceived ; 2. da mealfaidhe thu, &c. and so lu ; 3. deanaidh, deanadh se. Piur. 1. Deanamar, dean
through all the persons in both numbers as in the Poten amaoid, deanaidh sinn, 2. deanabhar, deanlhaoi, deanaidh
tial. sibh ; 3. deanaid, deanaidh siad.
Do or a bheith mealta, to be deceived. Sing. 1 . Do rinneas or rinneas, rinn me, I did do, or
PARTICIPLES. make; 2. rmnis, rinn tu; 3. rinn se. Plur. I. rinnea-
Present. Mealta, deceived. mar, riitnseam, rinn sinn, we, &c. rinneabhar, rinn sibh,
Past. lar na bheith mealta, having been deceived. 3. rinneadar, rinrmad.
Future. Air ti bheith mealta, about to be deceived. Or, Sing. 1. Do dhcauas, dhein me. 2. dlieanais, dhein
OF IRREGULAR VERBS. tu ; 3. dhein, dheinse ; 1- Plur. dheanamar, dhein sinn ; 4.
There are several Verbs in the Irish language consi dheanabhar, dhein sibh ; 3. d'heanadar, dhein siad.
dered irregular, as they borrow some of their moods and Interrogative, a ndearna me? did I do? or make ?
tenses from other verbs, not now used but in those tenses, Negative, ni dhearnas, I did not.
although the radical verbs are to be found in aucient Future tense.
manuscripts. i . Sing. Dheanfad, dheanfadh me, I will make, or do.
The conjugations of the most used of these irregulars, 2. dheanfair, dheanfadh tu ; 3. dheanfaidh, dheanfadh
are here given, and they require particular attention from sc; 1. Plur. dhanfam, dhanfamaoid, dh.iifadh sinn;
the learner. 2. dhennfabhar, dhanfaidhe, dheanfadh sibh ; 3. dhean-
ACTIVE VOICE. faid, dheanfadh siad.
Feudaim, I can or may, or am able.This Verb wants The rest of this verb is regular, except in the Infini
the Imperative and Infinitive Moodb, and the Participles. tive and Participles.
It has no Passive Voice, infinitive

INFINITIVE MOOD. Future tense.

Do, a dheanadh, or do dheanamh, to do. 1. Sing. Derfad, dearfadh me, I will say; 2. dearfair,
PARTICIPLES. dearjadh tu; 3. dearfadh s; 1. Plur. Dearfatnar,
Present. Ag dcanadh, or dianamh, doing or making. dearfamaoid, dearfa sinn ; 2. dearfabhar, derfadli sibh ;
Past. lar ndanadh, or ndanamh, having made, or done. 3. dearfaid, dear/a siad.
Future. Air ii dcanadh, airti dantha, or dcaumha, chum Relative, a dear/as, that will say.
deantha, or deanmha, about to do, or make. A, is often prefixed to the present and past tenses of
this Mood as, a deirim, I say ; a dubhairt, he said.
PASSIVE VOICE. consuetudinal moos.
Present tense.
IMPERATIVE MOOD. Deirim, I usually say ; deireann tu, &c. as in Meal-
Sing. 2. Dantar thu, bi tu deanta, reidk, be thou laim.
done, or made. The Past and Future tenses are formed, as in Meallaim.
INFINITIVE MOOD. The Potential and Conditional Moods are formed like
Present tense. the same moods of Meall, deceive.
1 . Singular. Dantar me, tim dianta, tam reidh, i INFINITIVE MOOD.
m danta, t me ridh, I am made, or 1 am done, &c. Do, or a radh, to say.
Past tense. PARTICIPLE8.
1. Sing. Do rinneadh me, or bhi me danta, I was Present. Ag rdh, saying. Past. lar rdh, after say
done or made, &c. ing, or rdite, said.
Future tense. Future, Air ti raidh, about to say.
1. Sing. Dianfar or danfmidhear me, bedh me deanta, , PASSIVE VOICE.
I will be done or made, &c. Abarthar, let it be said. Deirthear, is said. Dubh-
CONSUETUDINAL MOOD. radh, was said. Dearfar, will be said. Deirihi, used to
1. SDg. Dantaoi me, I used to be made, &c. be said. Dearjaidhe, might be said.
1. Sing. DhtanfaidJi me, or bhidkinn, danta, I would Cig, come, consent.
be made, &c. IMPERATIVE MOOD.
CONDITIONAL MOOD. 2. Sing. Tig, or tar, come thou ; 3. tigeadh, taradh,
1. Sing. Da ndcaiifaidh me; da mbeidhinn deanta, or tagad s; 1. Plur. tigeamaoid, tagamaois, tagad sinn ;
reidh, if 1 was done, &c. 2. tigdh. tagaoidh, tagaid sibh ; 3. tigid, iigidis, taga-
INFINTIVE MOOD. daois, tagaid siad.
Do or a bheith deanta, to be made. INDICATIVE MOOD.
Present tense.
5>)iro, / do, or make. 1. Sing. Tigim, I come ; 2. tigir, tig tu ; S. tig, tig se.
1. Sing-. Gnim or gni me, I do, 1 make, l.gnin, gni tu ; 1. Plur. tigeam, tigeamaoid ; 2. iigthaoidh, tigeabhar, tig
3. gnidh, gnidh se ; 1. Plur. gnimid, gni sinn, 2. gnidh- sibh ; 3. tigid, tig siad.
thidh, gni sibh, 3. gnidhid, gnid, gnidh siad. Relative. Thigcas, that cometh.
Gnidis, they used to do. Past tense.
Qnitear, is done. 1. Sing. Thingeas, thinic me, I came; 2. thingis,
Gnifear, will be done. thngais, thinis tu; 3. thinic, thainig s. 1. Plur.
The rest is borrowed from de'an. thnacsam, thngamar, thinic sinn ; 2. tnngabhar, thi
2!bairi, say, speak. nic sibh ; 3. thncatar, thangpilar, thinic siad.
ACTIVE VOICE. Relative, thingeas.
IMPERATIVE MOOD. Future tense.
1. Sing. Abuir, say thou; 2. abraidh se; 1. Plur. 1. Sing. Tiofad, tiocfadh me, I will come ; 2. tioc-
abram, abramaoid, abraidh sinn ; 2. abraidhe, abraidh Jair, tiochfadh tu; 3. tiofaidh, tiocfadjt se; 1. Plur.
sibh ; 3. abraid, abraidis, abraidh siad. tiofam, tiocjamar, tiofamaoid, tiocfadh sinn ; 2. tioc-
INDICATIVE MOOD. Jaoidhe, tiocj'abhar, tiocfadh sibh; 3. tiocfuid, tiocfadh
Present tense. siad.
1. Sing. Abraim, corrupted to, beirim, ad bheirim, Relative, thiofas.
and deirim, I say, 1 speak ; 2. deirir, dcir tn ; 3. it beirt consuetudinal mood.
deir, dtir s; 1. Plur. deirmid, deheamar, deir sinn; Present tense.
2. deirthidh, deireabhar, deir sibh; 3. deirid, deir 1. Singular. Tigim, 1 usually come ; 2. tigeann tit.
siad. 3. tigeann
siad. s. 1. Plur. tigeann sian ; 2. sibh ; 3.
Relative, a deir, that says.
1. Sing. Dubhras dubhairt me, (contracted fiom do Past tense.
abras and do aliairt,) I said ; 2. dubhrais, dubhairt tu ; 1. Sing. Do thiginn, I used to come ; 3. thigtha, thou,
3. ad rubairt, dubhairt s ; 1. Plur. dub/u amur, dubhairt &c. as in the Consuetudinal past tense of Meall.
sibh ; 3. dubhradar, dubhairt siad. POTENTIAL AND CONDITIONAL MOODS*
Relative, a dubhairt, that says. These are formed like the same moods of Meall.
Do or a ieacht, to come.

PARTICIPLES. Past tense.

Prrient. Ag tendit, coming. Past. dteacht, 1. Sing Chonnarcas, chonnairc me, I sew; '2. chonn-
having come. Future. Ar ii tendit, about to tomo. arcais, 3. dionnairc, chonnairc sc ; 1. Flur, choiincamar,
Tendit, is often written, liuchi, tighcaclit and toigheacht, chonnairc sinn ; 2. chonncabhar, chonnairc sibh; S.chonn-
in old AISS. cadar, ad chiad, chonnairc sind-
Cio', go. Relative, chonnairc. Interrogative, an bbfaca" tu.
IMPERATIVS .MOOD. Chonnaic, is sometimes written and pronounced instead
2. Sing. Tidh, imthigh, go thou ; S. teithend se, of Chonnairc.
imlhipihcadh, imthigh se, or tidh se : i. Flur, teadhamaoit, Future tense.
itadhad sinn, imithms, imthighmid, imthigh sin tedhmis, 1. Sing. Chidhfead, chijidh me, I will see ; chidhfir,
Icidhnnd, or teidh sinn ; 2, imlhighe, teidheadhedh, or chidhdh tu ; .chidhfendh, chidhdh se. 1. Plur. xhidhfc
imthigh sibh ; 3. Icidheadis, teidhcud siad, imthigltid, im amar, chidhfeam, chidhfcamaoid, chidhdh sinn ; 2. chidh'
thigh siad. Jidhe, chidhjeabhar, chidhdh, sibh ; 3. chidhfid, chidhdh
Present tense. Relative. Chidhfeas.
i. Sing. Teidhim, teidh me, I go ; 2. te'idhir, teidh tu; CONSUETUDINAL MOOD.
3. teidh, teidh se, 1. Plur. Teidhmid, leidhenmar, teidh Present tense.
sinn; .2. teidhidh, teidhcabhar, teidh sibh i ii. teithid, 1. Sing. Feicim, I usually see; 2. Jaicir or Jaiceann
cidh siad. tu, &c. ox chidhim, I usually see; chidhir or chidheann tu,
Relative. Theidhcai. &c. like Meall.
1. Sing. -Do chuadhas, chuaidh me; I went; 2. chu- Chidhnn, I would see, &c? like the Potential of Meall.
adhais, chuaidh tu; S. chuaidh, chuaidh se; 1. Plur. CONDITIONAL MOOD.
chuamar, chuaidh sinn ; 2. chuibhar, chuaidh sibh; 3. Da bhjeirnn, It I would see &c like the Conditional
chundar, ad rachdadar, chuaidJi siad. of Meall.
Relative, Chuaidh, that went. INFINITIVE MOOD.
Future tense. Faicsin or db faicsin, to see.
1, Sing. Rachfad or radiad, rachfadh me, I will go ; PARTICIPLES.
2. rachair, rachfadh tu; 3. rachfaidh, rachfadh se; 1. Present. Ag faicsin, seeing. Past. Iar bhjaicsin. Fu
Plur. rachfamaoid, rachfam, rachfadh sinn ; 2. rachfa- ture. Air ti faicsin.
bhar, rachaidh, rachfadh sibh ; 3. rachfaid, rachfadh PASSIVE VOICE.
Relative. Rachfas or rachas, that will go. Faicthear ihu, be thou seen ; Jaictfiear , &C. See.
Present tense. Present. Faicthear me, chithear me, thu, , &c.
1. Sing. Rachaim or theidhim. I usually go; 2. theid- Past. Connarcadh m or conncadh me, thu, , &C
hinn tu, rachainn tu ; 3. theidhinn se, rachainn se. 1. Plur. Future. Chidhjear m, thu, , &c.
theidhinn sinn, rachainn sinn, 2 sibh ; 3. CONSUETUDINAL MOOD.
.siad. Faicthidh or Chithidh, used to be seen.
Do rachainn or do theidhinn, I used to go, &c. like Faicdhe me, I would be seen.
meall, in the Indicative past tense. CONDITIONAL MOOD.
Relative. Theidheadh, that used to go. Da bhjeichfidhe m, if I would be seen.
Rachfainn, I would go, &c Da raclifainn, if I would active voice;
go , Ac. like these moods of meall. IMPERATIVE MOOD.
INFINITIVE MOOS. 2. Sing. Tabhair or tug, give thou ; tabhradh, tugadh,
Do or a dhul, or D'imtheacht, to go. 1. Plur. tabhramaoid, tugumaoid ; tabhraidhe, tugaidhe ;
PARTICIPLES 3. tabhruid, tuguid.
Present. Ag dul ag imtheacht, going. Past. Iar nutil INDICATIVE MOOD.
iaving goneFuture. Air ti dul, about going, Present. Bheirim, I give, &C. like Mcallaim.
fttic or pei/c, see, behold. Past. Thugas or thug me, I gave, &c. like Mhea/las.
ACTIVE VOICE. Future. Bhcarfud, or bhearjadh me, or tabharfad, or
IMPERATIVE MOOD. tibhrad, I will give, &c
2. Sing. Faic, Jcic or Jeuch, see thou ; 3. Jeachadh; Consuetudinal mood. Bheirinn, thugainn, thoirbhi'
or feuchadh se, let him ses. 1. Plur. feuchamaois, Jeuch- rmn, or tabhrainn, I usually give, &c.
amaoid, Jeuchaidh sinn ; 2. Jeuchaoidhe, Jeuchaidh Potential mood.Bheirnn, I would give, &c
sibh; 3,jfcuchaidis, Jeuchaid, Jeuchaidh siad. Conditial mood.Da mbeirfinn da dlabhairnu, if
INDICATIVE MOOD. I would give.
Present tense. Infinitive mood.Do or thahhairt, to give.
1. Sing. Chidhim, I see ; 2. chidhir, chidh tu ; 3. chidh, participles.
chidh se. 1. Plur. chidhmid, chidli sinn ; 2. chidhthidh Present. Ag taibhairt. Past. Iar dlabhairt. Future.
chidh sibh ; 3. chidhid, chidh siad. Air ti do bheir-
Relative. Chidheas*Interrogative, an bhjaiccann PASSIVE

PASSIVE VOICE. Participle,Ag cloisiin, or ag clos, hearing.

Beirtear, tucthar t/iu. Be thou given, &c. Imperative.Cluintear thu, be thou heard, &c
INDICATIVE MOOD. IndicativePresent. Cluintear me, I ara heard, &c.
Present. Beirthear me, or tugthar me, I am given, &c. Past. Cualadh me, or cluineadh me,8c. Iwas&c Future.
Past. Tagadh me, 1 was given, &c. Cluinjear me, I will be heard, &c
Future. Beirfear me, or tabharjar me, I will be Consuetudinal mood. Cluinthidh, used tobe heard.
given, &c. Potential moodCluinfidhe me, I would, &c.
Consuetudinal moodBeirthedh, tucthaidh, ortabh' Conditional mood.Da gcluinfidhc me, If I would,
arthaidh, used to be given. &c
potential mood. Beirfidhe me, I would be given, &c. Infinitive.Do or a bheith cluinle, to be heard.
Conditional mood.Da mbeirfidhe me, If I would be Prticiple.Cluinte, heard.
given, &c. pig, find, get.
Infinitive mood.Do bheilh thabhartha, tobe given. ACTIVE VOICE.
eijt, / bear, take, carry, bring forth. IMPERATIVE MOOD.
ACTIVE VOICE. 2. Sing. Figh,J'ghadh tu, find thou ; 3.Jghadh,Jg-
imperative mood. hadh se ; 1 . P\{ir.Jgham, Jghamaoid, Jaghamaois, faga-
2. Sing. Beir, take thou, bear thou, bring thou forth ; adh sinn , 4.fghaoidh,faghadh sibh ; '.JaghadaoU,Jgh-
3. beireadh, beireadh se; I. Plur. beiream, beirmid, aid, Jaghadh siad.
beireadh sinn ; 2. beiridhe, beireadh sibh ; 3. beirid, beiri- INDICATIVE MOOD.
dis, beireadh siad. Present. Fghaim, I find, Jaghair, Jaghann tu, se,
indicative mood. sinn, 8c.
Present tense. Past. Fuaras^fuar me, I found, &c
1. Sing. Beirim, I take, bear, &c. ; beirir, beireann tu ; Future. Fuighead, orJiiigheadh me, gcabhad, or gcabha
3. beir, beireann se ; 1. Plur. beirearn, beirmid, beireamar, me, I will find, &c.
beireann sinn; 2. beirthidh, beireann sibh ; 3. beirid, beireann Consuetudinal Gheibhinn, I use to find, &c.
siad. Relative Bheireas. Potential.Fghainn,Jaighinn, or gheabhjainn, Sfc.
Past tense. Conditional.Da bhjghfainn. If I, &c
I. Sing. Rugas, rug me, I bore, took, &C, ; 2. rugis, Infinitive.D'Jhghail, to find.
rug tu; 3. rug, rug se ; 1. Plur. rugnmar, rug sinn ; 2. ' Participles.Present. Agfagnail. Past. Iar bhjagh~
rugubhar, rug sibh ; 3. rugadar, rug siad. Relative rug. ail. Future. Air ti bhfgha.
Future tense. PASSIVE VOICE.
1 . Sing. Beirfcad. beirfeadh me ; I will bear, take. &c. ; Imperative Fghthar, be found.
2. beirfir, beirfeadh tu, Sc. Indicative Present. Fghlhar me, thu, e, 8c, or,
Consuetudinal mood. Beirim, I usually bear, &c. Jrithear me, I am found, &c. Past. Frith,Jrilheadh
beireann tu, Sfc. as in the Indicative present. me, orJuaradh me, I was found, &c. Future. Fighjear
Potential mood.Beirfinn, I would take, &. me, geabhfar me, thu, e, Sc.
Conditional mood.Da mbeirfinn, Sc. Consuetudinal.F'ghthaoidh, Jaighthedh, geabh-
Infinitive mood.Do or a bhreith, to bear, carry, &c. thaoidh, used to be found*
Participi.f.s.Present. Ag breith ; Past. Iar Potential.Faighfidhe me, geabhjaidhe me, 8$c.
mbreith ; Future. Air ti bhreith. Conditional.Da geabhjaidhe me, &c.
PASSIVE VOICE. Rig, reach, or, arrive at.
Imperative.Beirthear thu, be thou born, taken, &c active voice,
Infinitive.Present. Beirthear me, thu, Sfc. thou, imperative mood.
&c. Past. Rugadh vie, Sfc. I was born, &c. Future. 2. Sing. Righ. reach thou, arrive, righeadh, tigheadh
Beirfear me, 8,-c. I will be born, &c. se; I. Plur. righeam,righeamaoid ; 2. ri^heah iinn ; 3.
Potential mood.Beirfidhe me, I would, &c righeadaois, righeadh siad.
Conditional mood.Da mbeirfidhe me. &(C. indicative mood.
Orn, hear, Present. Righim, I reach, arrive, righir, righidh tu, se,
active voice. sinn, sibh, siad.
Imperative.2. Sing. Cluin, hear thou; 3. cluinidh Past. 1. Sing. Riachtas, Riacht me, Rangas, Rainic
se ; 1 . Plur. cluinidhmis, cluinidh sinn ; 2. cluinidhe, me, I reached ; 2. riachtais riacht tu, rangais, rainic tu ;
cluinidh sibh ; 3. cluinidis, cluinidh siad. 3. riacht, riacht se, rainic, rainic se. 1. Plur. Jiiachtamnr,
Indicative mood.Present. Cluinim,cloisim, I hear, rangamar, rainic sinn ; 2. riachtabhar rangaihar, rainic
2. cluinir, cluineann tu, thou, &c. Past. 1 . Chualas, sibh ; 3. riachtatar rancatar, rangadar, ramie siad.
chnaladh me, I heard ; 2. chualais, chualadh tu, 8c. Future. Riachtjad, righjead, riachtjadh me, righjeadh
Future. Cluinfead, cloisfead, cluinfeadh me, Sfc. me, tu, 8c. 1 will, &c.
Consuetudinal mood.Present. Clninim I usually Consuetudinal.Righinn, riachlainn, I used, &c.
hear, as in the Indicative. Past, cluininn, I used to Potential.Righfinn, I would, &c.
hear, &c Conditional.Da righfinn, If I would, &c.
Potential.Cluinfinn, I would hear, &c. Infinitive.Do or a rochtain or riachtain, to
Conditional.Da gcluinfinn, If I would bear, &c. reach, &c.
Infinitive.Do chtoistinn, to hear. F Participles.
Participles.Ag, lar Air ti rochtain or Feuch, lo ! see behold !
riachtain Mairg! woe !
OF IMPERSONAL VERBS, Mo naire ! shame ! fy I
All Impersonate are of the neuter gender, and have Mo nuair ! alas !
passive terminations in their various Moods and Tenses. Mo thruaighe ! my grief !
luazdp, it is reported. Och J Ochan ! uch ! alas.
Imperative.Luadhlhar, let it be reported. conjunctions.
Indicative.Present. Luadhtar, it is reported. Past. Conjunctions are Copulative, Disjunctive, or Condi
Luadkadh, it was reported. Future. Luadhfar, it will be tional.
reported. The Copulatives are, acas, ocas, agus, as, or ti ; and
Consuetudinal.Lundhlhaoidh, it is usually, &c. the Disjunctives are, ach, acht, but ; 'na or iona, than ;
Potential.Luadhfaidhe, it would be reported. no, or, nor.
Conditional.Da Luadfaidhe, If it would &c. The Conditionals are an, ar, whether; Biodh, al
; OF ADVERBS. though ; da, if; ge, gidh, though ; gur, that ; ma, if ; o,
Adverbs are of different kinds and used to denote since, seeing that, because ; na, ni, ocha, not ; sut, be
time, place, manner, quality, &c. fore ; nar, nachar, whether or not.
By prefixing nr to Substantives, and go to Adjectives
they become Adverbs, or Adverbial expressions ; as, ar
ccul, back, away, ar ttus, at first ; go hole, badly, go bog,
eoftly. , SYNTAX.
The principal Adverbs and Adverbial expressions are
to be found under their proper heads in the Dictionary. ARTICLE.
PREPOSITIONS. 1. The article agrees with its substantive in gender,
The following simple Prepositions never coalesce with number and case. It is always placed before it, and next
any other words in composition ; to it, except when an adjective intervenes : as an crann,
A, in, out of ; Chum, to, unto ; Dar, by ; Fa, about ; the tree; na croinn, the trees ; t'og /hear the young
Gan, without ; Go, that ; Go, Gus, to ; Tar, after ; Mar, man ; an ogbhean, the young woman. It adheres to its
Hie ; Os, above, over ; Reir, according to ; Ria. before ; substantive in all cajes except the vocative.
Sa, San, in ; Seach, Seacha, in comparison with ; Tim- % When the article comes before nouns beginning with
chioll, about ; Tnd, through. vowels it causes / to be prefixed to the nom. and accus,
The following Prepositions unite with other words in singular of masculines, and h to the genit. of feminines ;
composition, mostly with Pronouns. as an t iasg, the fish ; na h'oigh, of the virgin.
Ag, at with ; An, Ann, in ; Air, Ar, on, upon ; As, . 3. When it precedes substantives beginning with mu
out of ; Chuige, to, towards ; De, Di, of ; by, off, from ; table consonants, except d, s and t, it causes aspiration
Do, to ; Eidir, between ; Fa, Faoi, Fu, Fuidh, under ; in the nom. and accus, singular of feminines, and in the
Jon, in ; Le, with ; 0, from ; Re, Ris, with ; Rnimh, genitive of masculines ; as an bhcan, the woman ; anfhir,
before ; Seach, by, besides, without, except ; Tar, Tairis, of the man. In the dative singular, whether masculine
over, across; Tre, through; Vadh, from; Uime, Um% or feminine, it causes aspiration, or eclipsis.
about. 4r. When it precedes nouns beginning with s, followed
The manner in which these Propositions are com by a vowel, or by /, n, or r, it requires / prefixed in the
pounded with other words may be seen at compound nom. dat. and accus, of feminines, and in the gen. and
pronouns. dat. of masculines ; as, an t'sigh, the sprite, an i'slat, the
The preposition Do, is, by the moderns generally, rod, Jem. an t'suip, of the wisp ; an I'srotha, of the
although improperly, written for Dc or Di. The learned stream, mase.
Doctor Stewart of Dingwall, in his very valuable grammar 5. In the plural number na causes h to be prefixed to
of the Scottish Gaoidhilig, observes, that * De and Do vowels in the nom. and dat. and n. in the genitive, as na
have been long confounded together, both being written hogha, the virgins, na n'ogk, of the virgins. When the
Do. It can hardly be supposed that the composite initial is a mutable consonant, except s, na causes eclipsis
words, dhiom, dhiot, SfC would have been distinguished in the gen. as na gerann, of the trees.
from dhomh, dhuit, 8c. by orthography, pronunciation, 6. When the article is preceded by a particle, ending
and signification, if the Prepositions, as well as the Fro in a vowel it loses the a, and the n is joined to the parti
nouns, which enter into the composition of these words cle ; thus, do, to o, from, Ja, under, de, of, followed by
had been originally the same. In dhiom, Sc. the initial an, the, are written and pronounced do'n, to the, o'n from
consonant is always followed by a small vowel. In dhomh, the,fa*a, under the, de'n of the. This last is improperly
fyc. with one exception, it is followed by a broad vowel. written do'n by modern Gaelic writers.
Hence it is presumable, that the Preposition which is the 7. The article is omitted after a, in ; as, a blifiadlinaise
root of dhiom, fyc. must have had a small vowel after d ; Bhriain, in presence of Brian. It requires s prefixed
whereas the root of dhomh, Sc. has a broad vowel after after arm, in, as, aim san eaglais, in the church. When
d." In the. justness of these remarks, Doctor Stewart is the noun following the article begins with a vowel, the
borne out by the testimony of our ancient Manuscripts. is generally separated from the article and joined to the
interjections. noun, as ami sa nuair in the hour. When the noun fol
A ! oh ! lowing the article begins with a consonant the n is omitted
Eist ! hush ! attend ! listen ! as aim sa dligh, or sa dtig/i, in the house.
Fa raor ! alas ! 8 When

8. When two substantives come together, one govern eolach air dhlighe, skilled in law. Some have a dative
ing the other in the genitive case, the article is sometimes governed by de, as, lan d'Jkuaith is dfheirg, full of hatred
omitted before both, as Mainistir Chabhain do thionsg- and wrath.
nadh, the monastery of the Cavan was begun. When the 7. Adjectives signifying equality, or similitude, require
substantive governed is limited in its signification the le, or re, with a dative case, as, coimhionnan re Dia, equal
article is always written before it ; as, cumhachd an Tigh- with God, comhluath ris na heitibh, swift as the roes.
earna, the power of the Lord. A possessive pronoun 8. Numerals whether cardinal or ardial, so far up as
joined to the noun governed excludes the article, as, neart ten, or any multiple of ten are placed before their nouns,
ar laimhne, the strength of our hands. as, tri crainn, three trees, an trots crann, the third tree ;
9. There is no indefinite article in Irish. A tree, a but any intermediate number between tens has the noun
fish, a man, &c. is expressed by simply saying, or writing in the plural, between the members of that number, as,
crann, iasgfear, &c. trifir deag, thirteen men, se crainn arfhichil, twenty six
1. When two substantives come together the latter is 9. The numerals aon, one ; da, two ; cause aspiration,
put in the genitive : as fear tighe, the man of the house, except in nounstbeginiiing with d, or t, following aon ; as,
fiiaim an chlairsigh, the sound of the harp. The infinitives aon clieann, one head ; d shidl two eyes : tri, ceathair,
of transitive verbs, in like manner, govern the genitive of cig s, all the multiples of tens, and all the ordinals
their object ; as, ag imirt fithchille, playing chess, iar will have the noun in its primary form, as, tri cinn,
mealladh a charad, after deceiving his friend. Literally, three heads, ccithre crainn, four trees ; cuig fir, five
at the playing of chess ; after deceiving of his friend. men; fiche colama, twenty doves; coagad baird, fifty
2. An adjective generali}' agrees with its substantive in poets ; cead righthe, a hundred kings ; - seacht,
gender, number, and case ; as lamhdhearg. a blood-red seven ; ocht, eight ; naoi, nine, and deich, ten ; cause
hand, na laimhe deirge, of the, &c. do'n lamh, or laimh eclipsis, as, seacht ccosa, seven legs, or feet, ocht
dhearg, ' to the, &c. na brait or brata dearga, the red gcaoirigh, or ccaoirigh, eight sheep, naoi bhflatha, nine
garments ; na mbrat ndeirg, of the red garments; do na chiefs, deich dleanglha, ten tongues, da, two, and all
brataibh dearga, to the red garments. In several MSS. the multiples of ten prefixed to a noun have the noun in
the adjective is made to terminate in the dative, like its the singular number, as dafear, two men ; dafear deag,
substantive ; do na brataibh deargatbh. But when the twelve men ; fiche crann, twenty trees ; mile marcach, a
adjective is in predicate of a proposition, and the noun thousand horsemen. But if an adjective follows the
in the subject, the adjective and substantive do not neces noun the adjective must be in the plural number, as da
sarily agree ; as Uli Peadaragus Pol LAN de charanthacht ; crann mora, two great trees.
Is firiuneacli breitheamhnasa an Tighearna, agus ccurt go 10. The first and most usual form of comparison takes
hiomlan. In like manner when the adjective serves to ina, iona na, or no, than ; before the following noun ; as,
modify the verb, it does not agree with the noun in gen isfearr madradh beo iona leomhan mharbh, a living dog is
der, number, or case, as, rinn me an scian gear, I made better than a dead lion. The second form of compari
the knife sharp, or, I sharpened the knife. Here the ad son never takes 'na, than, before the noun, thus it is said,
jective does not agree with the noun, because it modifies bagiliihir sneachta 'naon oidhche ceachtar a di laimh, whiter
not the noun, but the verb. But if we say, rinn me ann than the snow of one night was either of her two hands.
scian gheur, I made the sharp knife, the adjective agrees But it is never said gi/ithear na, $.Superlatives are
with the noun, for it distinguishes that knife from others, formed by prefixing as to the positive ; as, bean as mine;
and is aspirated in the initial to make it agree with scian, the mildest woman.
which is of the feminine gender, For the initial changes of nouns and adjectives, see
3. The adjective is usually placed after its substantive, pages 4, to 12.
as,fear laidir, a strong man ; bean min, a mild woman ; PRONOUNS.
but when they are in different clauses, or when the ad 1. There is no variation for the distinction of case, &c.
jective is asserted of or concerning the noun, it sometimes in any of the pronouns, except the personals, and these
precedes, as, is laidir an fear sin ; as doiligh an l so, agree with the nouns to which they refer in gender, num
that is a strong man ; this is a sorrowful day. ber, and case ; as, is Dia naomtha e, he is a holy God ; is
4. Adjectives of one syllable may be prefixed to their deas an chailin i, she is a pretty girl ; Is mailk na daoiue
substantives, and united to them, forming one compound iad, they are good men.
word, asogbhean, a young woman, seanreacht the old law. 2. If more than one or two persons or things, be
5. Substantives signifying the same person or thing spoken of in a sentence, or if the antecedent be a noun
require the adjective be tween them, as, an laoch luaih- of multitude, the pronoun is the third person plural, as,
mhar lughaidh. In poetry the adjective is sometimes in feardha agus banda do chruthaigh se iad, male and female
serted in the middle of its substantive, as, ' he created them, drang do bhiodh refog/da ar muir iad,
" Os Dealbhna bheag calma an chimin, they were a people that were robbers on sea.
" ?11--*1.-11." . The possessive pronouns always precede their nouns,
6. Adjectives signifying profit, proximity, fitness, and as, mo lamh, my hand. When they are joined to the
their opposites, require a dative case, as, is mailk dhuit, noun governed, the article is omitted, as, neurt bhur lamh,
it is well for you ; is coir dhuit, it is proper for you. the strength of your hands.
7. Adjectives signifying power, skill, knowledge, 4. The possessive pronouns, mo, my ; do, thy ; a, his ;
dimension, &c require a dative case governed by the pre cause aspiration in the initials of their substantives ; as,
position air, as, nearlmhar air fhairge, strong on sea ; mo dhorn, my fist ; do mheur, thy finger ; a chos, his foot.

lifo before a substantive beginning with vowel orJ, ruaidh ui Raghallaigh do g, Donald, Son of red Giolla-
loses o, and unites with the substantive, as m'anam, my Josa, (the servant of Jesus,) O'Reilly died. O'Neill
soul, mjheoil, my flesh ; Do, in like manner loses o, and da thabhairt tuarasttail do Thighearna Tuadhmhumhan
the rf is changed into t or h before vowels; as Caintn, or i. e. do Thaidhcc mac Tkoirdhealbhaigh ui Bhriain
hiinm, thy name; tjhearg, thy anger. Some wnlers do O'Neill gave hire, or wages, to the Lord of Thomond,
not commute the for t beforeJ, but write or say djhcarg, (North Munster,) i. e. to Teig, son of Torlogh O'Brian.
4 Mast. 1463.
5. A, her; before nouns beginning with vowels, causes 4. When two or more nouns are joined together in a
h prefixed, as, a hendain, her face ; before consonants sentence, if the first noun be of the singular number,
the noun must be in its primary form ; as, a cos her foot. the verb must be singular also, whether the following
6. The plural possessive pronouns , our; bhur, your; nouns be singular or plural ; as, do ghabh iarsin tuirse
ande, their; cause eclipsis on (he following consonants, agusJearg mdr Jir Eireand, after that great grief and an
except s, and require prefixed to nouns beginning with ger seized the men of Ireland ; na dhiaigh sin do chuaidh
vowels ; as, ar ngort, our garden ; bhur ndia, your God; s siosgo Capernaum, Jein agus a mhathair, agus a dhear-
r. gcosa, or a ccosa their feet; ar n'athair, our father; bhrailhreacha agus a dheisciobail, after that he went
bhur n'arn, your bread ; a rad their jealousy. The down to Capernaum, himself, and his mother, and his
compound possessive pronouns have the same influence brethren, and his disciples ; do iondsaigh Murcha, agus
as their primitives, upon the initials of nouns following Dalgcais, agus naLochlannaigh a cheile, Morogh, and the
them. Dalcassians, and the Danes met together.
7. Relative pronouns, whether expressed or under 5. In the past tense the particle do may be omitted,
stood, always precede the verb ; as, an Jear a chongnaim except the verb begins withy; or a vowel ; thus shiubhtas,
is mJienilas me, the man that 1 support is he who de I walked, is as correct as do shiubhlas : but if or a vow
ceives me. el be the initial'of the verb, do can never be omitted ;
8. Dmonstrative pronouns immediately follow the as, do Jreagair duine d'a mkuinntir , one of his people
nouns or adjectives with which they are connected, ex answered him ; do admhadar, they confessed.
cept when the substantive verb is understood ; as an Jear 6. The pronoun is omitted when the personal termina
so, this man ; bhean sin, that woman ; na daoine ud, tion of the verb is used ; as, siubhlair, you walk ; do shi
those people; but when the substantive verb is understood, ubhlas, I walked. These personal terminations are con
the demonstrative precedes its substantive ; as, so an stantly used in all the old MSS. and in most of the prin
fear, hereis the man. ted books ; and even in the oral language of the present
9. The Demonstrative pronoun so, is often written , day, they are frequently used by the common people,
when joined to a noun whose last vowel is broad ; as an except in parts of the province of Ulster, where the pro
crannsa, this tree; when following a noun whose vowel noun is generally used with the verb ; as,'siubhlann tu, or
is slender, it is sometimes written se, and si ; as an tme siubladh tu, thou walkest ; do shiubhal me I walked. In
se, this fire; an mhirsi, this portion. late books of the Scottish Gaelic, the personal termina
10. iKTETaoGATivE pronouns, when a question is tion of the verb is beldom or never used.
asked, generally vary not in form, whether their objects 7. The infinitive mood and participles govern a geni
or respondents be masculine or feminine; as, ca duine? tive case ; as chuaidh s a gearradh'chrainn, he went to cut
what man ? ca bean ? what woman ? / thusa a mhic ? a tree; do bhi Snlnmh ag deanmh a thighe Jin tri bliadh-
who art thou my son ? da thusa a inghean ? who art na deug, Solomon was building his own house thirteen
thou my daughter ? but when a question is particular, jears ; bhi siad ag arguin na tire Ja gach leith, they were
the personal pionoun, following the interrogative, distin plundering the country on all sides; iar mbriseadh an
guishes the gender and number of the object ; as, cia he, chonnartha, after breaking the covenant ; ar ti did a
or cc, an fear sin? who is that man? cia hi, or ci an cheannach arbhair, about to buy corn.Active partici
bhenn sin? who is that woman? hiad, or cid na ples cause aspiration in the mutable initials of nouns of
dream d? who are those people ? the masculine gender
11. Interrogatives always precede the object to which 8. The infinitive has its object before it in the accu
they refer, or the verb by which they are governed. sative ; as, an Jear do chur a gcarcair, to put the man
12. An interrogative combined with a personal pro into prison.
noun asks a question, without the aid of the substantive 9. Passive verbs or participles never govern any case.
verb; as, an e an Jar? h he the man They never vary from the first person in any tense, and
VERBS. are always followed by personal pronouns.
1. A verb agrees with its nominative in number and 10. Interrogatives prefixed to verbs, in the active
person ; as, do bhuail sc, he struck ; do bhualadar, or do voice, present and future tenses, require the initial of
bhuail siad, they struck. the verb to be eclipsed, if it be of the class subject to
2. Verbs active govern the accusative case ; as, buai~ eclipses ; and if the verj begins with a vowel, must be
lim thu, I beatjou; do bhuail lu an Jear, you beat the prefixed. In the past tense, the initial must be aspira
man. ted, if it be a mutable consonant.
3. The nominative generally follows the verb ; as, Ar 11. Negatives cause aspiration in the initials of all
ttus do chruthaidh Dia neamh agus titlamh, In the begin the tenses, in both active and passive voices.
ning God created heaven and earth. But in poetry and 12. Interrogatives prefixed to verbs in the passive
in old MSS. particularly the Annals, the nominative fre voice, have the same influence in the present and future
quently precedes the verb ; as, Dtnhnall mac Ciolla Josa tenseSj

tenses, as in the active voice. In the past tense they tor, beyond; and ire, through, cause aspiration. A, out
cause no change in the initial of the verb. of, and o, from, prefixes h to vowels, as a h'Eirim, out
AUXILIARY VERBS. " u of Ireland.
1. The auxiliary verbs with the aid of a a'oun, and of ' 4. Ag, at ; chum, to, for with ; go, to ; le, re, by with ;
the prepositions, ag, ar, fio, le, icad/i, united with perso os, over about ; require the noun in the primary form.
nal pronouns, supply the place of verbs denoting pos G, to; le and r, with; and trc, through, require A
session, want, power, necessity, or any affection of tho , prefixed to nouns beginning with vowels ; as, o hit, go
body or mind. ' hait, from place to place, ; le hanfadh gaoithe,by a storm
As or is, and take do, or le, combined with a pro of wind; re Mr mor, with great slaughter; but before
noun, after the noun ; and ta, bi,fuil, and raibh, take the personal pronoun a, his, &c. require n, prefixed, as
ag,ar, and uadh; as, is Jeidir lioni a dheanamk, I ipay le n'a, &c.
do; ba choir dhamh a dheanamk, I should do; is igean 5. When the article comes between a noun or adjec
dhamh, I must ; tfairgiod agam, I have money ; Ihfuil tive, in the singular number, and a preposition, the noun
or agad, you have no gold ; ta an t'airgiod agus an for or adjective suffers eclipsis ; as, ai an ditr, out of the
uainn, we want the silver and the gold; t fhios agam, country, &c. De and do, are exceptions ; these require
I know ; l gradh agam, I love ; t fuacht orm, I am aspiration in mutable initials, except those beginuing
cold ; budh ocras orra, they were hungry. with s, which must be eclipsed, de'n tsron, of the nose ;
2. When as or is, follows a word ending with a vowel, do'n tsuil, to the eye.
or ba or budh precedes a word beginning with a vowel, 6. As, gus, is, leis, ris, 1res, are used before the ar
the verb drops its vowel and unites with the word before ticle instead of a, i, go, le, re, and tre.
or after it ; as, ma's (mais) ftor sin, if that be true; 7. De, of; do, to ; fa, Jo, upon, under, about ; pre
b'igean damk, I was obliged, it was compulsion to me ; ceding the article an, cause the omission of a, and unite
b'fhcidir leal, you might ; you had the power or ability. with the n ; as, den, of the ; do'n, to the, &c.
Ba or budh causes aspiration on mutable initials of adjec 8. The measure or extent of a thing, requires air,
tives of the masculine gender following them, except d or prefixed to the term expressive of height, depth, length,
t as ba chumachtach an fear , he was a powerful man : breadth, &c. as, da iroigh air airde, two feet high ; ceith'
but it has no influence on adjectives of the feminine gen re troighihi air dhoimhneacht, four feet deep ; se troighthi
der, as, budh min an bhean i, she was a mild woman. air leithead, six feet broad; ochl diroighthi air fad,
ADVERB. i eight feet long.
1. The intensitive particles an, ele, ro, sar, cause as 9. Prepositions ending in vowels require n prefixed to
piration in the initials of words following them, except the personal pronoun a : as, le n'a chos, with his foot;
words beginning with d, s, or t. An and ro, are prefix Ire n'a coir, through her fault ; n'a ccearl or goeart,
ed to substantives as well as to adjectives ;as angklaodh, I from their justice
a great shout ; rofklaith, a great prince; anmhbr very INTERACTIONS.
great ; rimhilis, very sweet. 1. The interjection is always prefixed to the vocative
2. Do and ro, are often prefixed to Verbs active, as and causes aspiration in mutable consonants ; as, a dhuinc!
marks of the past tense, but the}' are not the cause of Oh man !
aspiration ; active verbs in the past tense, must be aspi- 2. Mairg,wo, requires a dative case ; as mairg dkamksa,
pirated whether those particles are expressed or not. wo to me !
When do, is used before a vowel or Jh, it loses the None of the other interjections govern a case.
'in the active voice, and the d, unites with the verb, as CONJUNCTIONS.
d'aithin, he knew ; d'fksadar, they grew. Passive verbs 1. The Conjunctions agus, as, or is, and no, couple
suffer no change in their initials from these particles. the same cases of nouns ; as fear no bean, man or wo
PREPOSITIONS. man ifenrdha agus banda, male and female.
1. The Prepositions a, ag, ann, as, de, do, fa,fo, faoi, 2. The conjunctions a, an, nach, whether ; da, if ;
fnidh, go, gus, gan, i, is, iar, idir, le, leis, mar, o, os, re, cause eclipsis in the initials of active verbs, but have no
ria, ris, roimh, seach, iar, Ire, tres, are always prefixed influence on the passive voice.
to the object they govern, and require a dative case. 3. Ar, nach, , nachar, whether; gur, that; ma, if;
2. A, ann, i, in ; air, on ; go, fhat, until ; iar, after ; mar, as ; ni, n, not ; , if not ; na, iona, than ; o,
ria, before, cause eclipsis ; as, a ccath, or gcath, in since seeing that; cause aspiration.Nocha, not, pre
battle; a, tTeamhair, or dTeamhair, in Tarah ; air Unis fixes n to vowels and to f, when followed by a vowel, as
or dtuis, at first; air mbeith, on being; do chualabhar go nocha n'fhuil, there is not.
ndubhradk ris na seinnsearaibh, ye have heard that it was 4. Ma, if ; o, since, seeing that ; cause aspiration in
said by the elders ; ag Hag at i n' Uisneach, go ttainig mutable initials of verbs, except t, is, it is ; thus, ma
Tuathal Teachtmliar, at a stone in Uisneach, until the mhealaim, if I deceive ; ma t, if he is.
coming of Tuathal, Sx. iar mbuaileadh, after beating; 5. As and is, are only contractions of agus, and.
ria ndibirt, before exile. A, in, prefixes n to vowels, as When the conjunction as or is, precedes the auxiliary
a n'uamhann, in dread ; Ann, in, requires sa subjoined verb ni, or is, it is ; the conjunction loses its vowel and
before consonants, as annsa tlr, in the country. Air, unites with the verb ; as, 'sas mor an obair, and great is
on, is sometimes used without causing any variation in the work ; in like manner when it is followed by a voca
the initial of the following noun, and sometimes it causes tive case, it drops its vowel and joins with the sign a; as,
aspiration. Go, that, prefixes n to vowels. 'sa Dhia, and Oh God.
3. A, out of; de, of; do, to; fa, Jaoi, fuidh, about, over, G or
under ; idir, between ; mar, as ; o, from ; roimh, before ;
tar or ira ; ter or ire. When s is placed over a conso
. . OF CONTRACTIONS. nant, it represents the sound of ear, and ss, stands for
The Irish MSS. particularly those of modern date, s ss
earr, thus j-( p} representfear a man, wadjearr, better.
abound with contractions, nor are our printed books
totally tree from them. The books printed and published A knowledge of the various contractions used in our
by the Franciscan Friars at Louvain, in the early part of ancient MSS. is absolutely necessary to every person who
the seventeenth century, very frequently have an , or may wish to consult those venerable remains of our coun
try s literature. A copious table of them, containing
vowels placed over the consonants thusj! * &c. When near four hundred examples, and an account of the
n is placed over a consonant it has the sound or power of Ogham, or secret manner of writing used by the old Irish,
is to be found in the Grammar of my esteemed friend,
, or radh, as gradk, love ; when a vowel is written the Uev. Paul O'Brien, Professor of the Irish Language
5 at the College of Maynooth.
over a consonant it has the sound of r united with it
before or after ; thus _ _ &c. represent the sounds of
V, I.,




Abbreviations > Authorities,


A. Compart. Comparative.
A. or Adj. Adjective, . Ablative, Acc. Accust. P. Common Prayer, in Irish, printed 1690.
Accusative. Conj. Conjunction.
Adamnames, Abbot bf IColuira Cille, died A. D. 703. Cor. Cormac's Glossary. A glossary of our language,
Adv. Adverb. written by Cormac Mac Cuillionain, King of Munster
Am. Amergin, son of Milesiue. and Bishop of Cashel, who was killed at the battle of
Am. . C. Arahra Coluim Cille. Bealach Mughna, A. D. 908. A very ancient copy on
An Con. Annals of Conaght. vellum of this work is in the library of Sir William
Ar, lisf. Annals of Inisfallen from A. D. 250 to 1320. Bethara, and another in the collection of the compiler. .
An Tig. Annals of Tigernagh. D.
Aongus ftrt naoir, Angus O'Daly, sirnamed the Satirist, Dat. Dative.
and the Red Bard, was of the family of O'Daly of D. F. Dalian Forguill, or Eochaidh Dalian, as he- was
Lough Foyle, lived in the reign of Elizabeth. otherwise called, lived about A. D. 580. He wrote
the Amhra Coluim Cille, an imperfect copy of which
Ballim. The book of Ballimote, the original of this book is in Marsh's Library, another in the library of William
is now in the Library of the lloyal Irish Academy. It Monk Mason, Esq. and another written in 1313, in the
is a large folio on vellum, compiled from more ancient compiler's collection -of MSS.
MSS. by persons patronized by Timothy M4>onagh, Dim, Diminutive.
Prince of Coran, about A. D. 1390. It appears that Dinn Sean. Dinn Seanchas.
this book was sold by the M'Donagh's to Hugh Dubh Donl. Donlevy's Irish Catechism.
O'Donnel, Prince of Tir-Conell, A. D. 1522, for 140 E. .
milch cows. Eacht. m. na M. Eachtra mac na Miochomhairle ; a
B. Ru. Bard ruadh, the Red Bard. See Aongus na naoir. romantic and humourous tale in prose and verse.
Box. Baxter. A Gaelic translation of Baxter's call to Eock. O'F. Eochaidh O'Flinn, a poet of the 10th century-
the unconverted. Printed Glasgow, 1755.
B. Br. Beatha Brighide ; life of St. Brigid. Fel. Aon. Feih're Aonguis. A festilogy, written by An
. C. C. Beatha Coluim Cille ; life of St. Colum Cill. gus the Culdee in the beginning of the 9th century, i
B. Cr. Beatha Criost ; life of Christ. possession of the compiler.
B. Fion. Beatha Fionnain ; life of St. Fionnan. Fem. Feminine.
B. Fionch. Beatha Fionnchoin ; life of St. Fionchua. Ferm. Book of Fermey; a vellum MSS. written A. D.
B. Las. Beatha Lasrain ; life of St. Lasrain. 1487, in possession of William M. Mason, Esq.
B. Maodh. Beatha Maodhog ; life of St. Maodhog. Fiech. A hymn on St. Patrick, written by his disciple St,
B. Moch. Beatha Mochua ; life of St. Mochua. Fiech, first bishop of Sletty.
B. Oilbhe. Beatha Oilbhe ; life of St. Ailbe. Fl. Mac L. Flann Mac Lonain, died A. D. 896.
B. Pad. Beatha Padruig ; life of St. Patrick. FL Main. Flann Mainistreath, died 1056.
These lives are on vellum, written 1436in possession F. Mast. Annals of the four Masters.
of the compiler. For. Foe. Forus Focail, an Irish Vocabulary in verse, by
Br. L. Brehon Laws and Comments." Copies of those John O'Dugan. Sir William Betham bas an ancient
formerly in the possession of Sir John Seabright, and copy of this, and 1 have another.
other ancient law tracts, in the hands of the compiler. Fut. Future.
Brog. Brogan's Hymn on St. Brigid, Irish verse, written G.
about A. D. 520. Gen. Genit. Genitive.
C. G. Caomh. GiollaCaoiinhghin, a poet of the 1 Ith century.
Cair. m. E. Cairbre mac Eathna. G. Modh. Giolla Moduuda, a poet of the 12th century.
Car. Torlogh O'Carolan, a famous poet and musician. - ' Imperat.
Chron. Sc. Chronicon Scotorura.


tion of an Irish scholar. The General made no ac

Tmperat. Imperative. knowledgement of his obligations to O'Neachtain.
Zins/'. Annals of Inisfullen. O'Reilly, See Registery.
Inter. Interjection P.
K. P. A. \ Parthas an anma, the Paradise of the soul,
Kcal. Keating's History of Ireland, and other tracts, Par. An. J a catechism, printed at Louvain, 1645.
Irish MSS. When the page is particularised it refers Pers. Person.
toa volume of this history, printed page for page with Plur. Plural. .
an English translation, by the late VV. Haliday, Esq. PL Plunket's Latin and Irish Dictionary MSS. This
L. book was compiled at Trim in the county of Meath,
Leb. Br. Leabhar Breac, in the library of the Royal by brother Richard Plunket, a Franciscan Friar A. D.
Irish Academy. 1662. The original is in Dr. Marsh's library ; a copy
l.cb. (labk. Book of Conquests, by the four Masters. of it is in the library of Trinity College, and an im-,
Leb. M'Pnr. See M'Par. perfect copy in my collection.
Lec. Book of Lccan, in possession of the Royal Irish Prep. Preposition.
Academy. Prop. Properly.
JLoch. an C. Lochran an Chreidmheach, a Catechism, by Pron. Pronoun.
Father O'Molloy, printed at Rome, 1676. R.
M. Reg. O'J. Registry of the house of O'Reilly, or book of
'Maol. M. Maolmuire Othna, a poet and historian, A. D. Cavan, compiled by the Mac Egan's, hereditary Bre-
855. hon's of East Breifne.
Mc.C. or Mc.Cur. Mc.Cirrtin's Dictionary and Grammar. S.
Mc.Don. McDonald's Gaelic Vocabulary. .S. and Sub. Substantive.
Mc.Par. Leabhar Mac Partholain, a valuable miscellany, Sc. Scottish Gaelic words.
on vellum, written 14:73, now in the library of William Sa A, Scathan Sacramuinte na haithridhe ; the mirror
M. Mason, Esq. of the Sacrament of Penace, Louvain, 1818.
MuL O'Mulloy's Catechism and Grammar. .St-, an Ch. Scathan an Chrabhuigh ; The mirror of the
4 Mast. Annals of the four Masters. Religious, Louvain, 1616.
N. Sc. Sp. Scathan Spioradalta, the spiritual mirror.
Norn. Nominative. S. F. St. Fiech's hymn on St. Patrick.
jV. S. Nominative Singular. SA. Shaw's Dictionary.
o. .S/w,;'. Singular.
O'T?. O'Brien's Irish-English Dictionary. S.JT. Substantive, feminine.
O'Cl. O'Clery's Vocabulary, printed at Louvain, A. D. S. m. Substantive masculine.
1643. S. nr. and /. Substantive, masculine and feminine.
O'Cal. O'Gallagher's Irish sermons, printed. S. Maodh. Life of St. Maodhog.
O'G. Old vellum vocabularies, and old glosses upon the P. Scotch Gaelic poems and prose.
laws, and other tracts in the Phaenian dialect. T.
O'Gn. Fearflatha O'Gnimh, poet to the O'Neill's of T. D. Tadhg dall O'Higgin.
Ciannaboy, lived A. D. 1556. T, Mac D. Tadhg Mac Daire.
O'Hickey, A large medical book on vellum, partly origi . O. N. Tadhg O'Neachtain ; see O'Neackain.
nal, and partly translated by O'Hickey, A. D. 1450. Teg. Cormaic. Tegasg Cormaic, Cormac's instructions to
Old Z.U. An old Litany, in possession of William Monk hie son Cairbre, monarch of Ireland in the middle of
Mason, Esq. the third century.
Ol I P 7 Several very ancient fragments on various sub- Teag. Cr. Teagasg Criosdaidhe, Christian Doctrine, by
i t- l'ects, vellum and parchment, in possession of Bonaventure O'Heoghasa, printed at Antwerp, 1618.
01,11 ' S the compiler. ' * Tig. Tigearnach, the Annalist, died A. D. 1088;
. N. or (FNeachlam, Poems and other tracts, by the Tor. Eig. Torna Eigis, a poet of the 4th century.
O'Neachtaina ; Teig, John and Teig, father, son, 'Tor. O' Maol. Torna O'Maolcotwiire, a poet, died 1468.
and grandson, who lbve<l at the beginning and middle Tor. Cr. na. Toruigheacht na Croiche naomhtha, vellum
of the last century. The younger Teig was a school MS. of the 14th century.
master in Dublin. There is in the library of Trinity Tuir an uain, Tuireadh an uain neamhdha, a poem of the
College a large English- Irish Dictionary compiled by 17th century.
him, with an intent to publish it. It appears by a Tuir b. d. Tuireadh an bheathadhcighionaigh.
memorandum at the end of the work, that he spent six Udh. Mor. Udhacht Mhorain, the testamentary precepts
ytars at it, and finished it in the year 1739. Through of Moran son of Maoin, chief Brehon to Fearadhach
the indulgence of the Provost and Fellows of the Col Fionnfachtnach, Monarch of Ireland, A. D. 94.
lege, I had access to this book, by which I have been V. Verb.
enabled to add a great number of words to my collection. V. imp. Verb imperfect, or impersonal.
In the year 1741, the younger Teig made a collation Vis. AJ. Vision of Adarananus, Abbot of I-Coluim Cille,
of the Punic speech in Plautus, with the Irish. The who died A. D. 703.
original is in my possession, and General Vallancey had Voc. Vocnt. Vocative.
-the use of it long before he published his collation of Vulg. Vulgar, Vulearly.
that speech, which first obtained for him the reputa Wars of . c. e. Wars of Conn of the hundred bottles.

(From the Irish-English Dictionary, published in Paris, 1768, by the Bight Btv. Doctor
O'Brien, . C. Bishop of Cloync.J
THE letter A, is the first in the alphabets of almost all languages, though anciont historians inform us, as
O'Flaherty, upon the authority of the book of Lecan, observes, that the old Irish, like the ^Ethiopians or
Abyssines, began their alphabet with the letter B, and therefore the Irish called it Beith-luis-nion, from its three
first letters, B. L. N. However, in imitation of other learned languages, and particularly the Latin, whose
alphabet was first introduced into Ireland by the first Missionaries of the Christian Religion, the modern Irish
thought proper to begin their alphabet with A. This letter is one of the five vowels (called cuig gttthaidlie in
Irish,) and is pronounced broad like aw in Knglish. It is distinguished by the appellative of Ailm, which seems
to signify strictly and properly, the palm-tree, called palma nobilis, and therefore deserves precedency ; although
Mr. O'Flahertv, notwithstanding the alfinityof the words Ailm and Palma, interprets it the fir-ate, lat. abies. It is
not unlike the Hebrew Aleph, and the Chaldcean i>nd Greek Alpha. By our grammarians it is ranked among the leathan-
guthaidhe, or broad vowels ; and in our old M?S. we find a, o, and a, written indfferently one for the other, as in
agas, ocas, agus. And, as also in dear, deor, deur, a tear, &c. Thus among the Eolians we find written for A,
as strotos for Stratos an army, ono for ano, meaning, over or above, and the Latins have imitated them, saying domo,
from the Greek damo, to tame, or subdue; as also Fovius for Fabius, according to Festus, and forreus for
A was sometimes written for the ea of the moderns, as dagh for deagh, good, &c. It begins all those diphthongs,
which in Irish are called na ceithre hamharchoill, or the four aphthongs, viz. ao, aoi, ai, ae. Note that ao (which
isa modern aphthong, as is the modern triphthong aoi, and is substituted instead of ae, and oe, used by our
old writers,) is pronounced broad like long, or the Latin , in the words saoghal, an age, lat. smculum, andaos,
age, lat. atas. The triphthong aoi, is pronounced like in the English words been, keen, &c. but more nearly
like ui in the Irish for which it has been substitated by the moderns. It is an inflection of ao, and formed directly
from it, as from maol bald, comes maoil, and maoile, bald and baldness ; saor, daor, produce also s ioir, daoir,
&c. so that the Irish triphthong in general, is formed by adding an to the diphthong, and thus serves to express,
the genitive case and other inflections of the same word, as aoi from ao ; eoi from eo ; iai from ; iui from iu ;
and uai fromiwr. Analogous to the genius of the Irish language in this manner of inflecting the diphthongs inte
triphthongs, it is observable in the Ionic inflections of nouns, that they frequently use oio for ou in the genitive
case ; and nothing more common in the Greek language than a vowel extraordinary, and sometimes two, added in
the beginning, middle or end of words, that they may sound the sweeter, or that the verse may flow the more
pompous and musical. Thus for one example amongst many, the Phoenician tribe who are called Gephyrxi in the
Latin edition of Herodotus are written Gephyraioi in his Greek original, 1. 5. c. 57, 58. So that if we would
compare both languages together, we should find a much greater number of such inflections and variations in the
Greek than in the Irish. And they are the less puzzling in the latter, as the tbree vowels are all pronounced with
one breath and in one syllable, and as no vowel but the i is added to the diphthong to form the triphthong.
But this singularity seems peculiar to the Irish language, that no two or three vowels joined to each other in the
same word, can form two different syllables. For which reason our bards or versificators who frequently wanted to
stretch out words by multiplying their syllables according to the exigency of their rhymes, devised the method of
throwing in between the two vowels an adventitious consonant (generally a d or g, aspirated by A,) in order to
stretch and divide the two vowels into two different syllables. And as this consonant was quite foreign to the
natural frame of the word, so it entirely corrupted and disguised its radical formation and structure. It must be
confessed this method has the sanction of a respectable antiquity, and is countenanced by examples, if not pre
cedents, not only in the Welsh or old British language, but even in the Greek, wherein the lolick digamma,
(which is the V consonant and was pronounced by the/Eolics, as it is still by the Germans like F,) was inserted
when two vowels met together. For example, the Jaunes was pronounced Javones, or rather Jafones, and Jaon
changed it into Javon, &c. vid. Stillingfleet origin, p. 560. Thus also an adventitious d is inserted between
two vowels in many Latin words, both to distinguish the syllables and prevent a hiatus, particularly in compounds
whose first part consists of the iterative particle re, while the following part begins with a vowel, as in the words
redargue, redeo redigo, redimo, redintegratio, &c. But certain it is notwithstanding these examples or precedents,
that this rule together with another devised in like manner by our bards or rhymers, I mean that which is called
cool le caol, agus leathan le leathan, have been woefully destructive to the original and radical purity of the Irish
language. This latter rule (much of a more modern invention than the former, for our old MSS. shew no regard
to it,) imports and prescribes that the two vowels thus forming, or contributing to form, two diflerent syllables by
the interposition of a consonant, whether such a consonant be adventitious to, er originally inseparable from the
radical formation of the word, should both be of the same denomination or class of either broad or small vowels;
and this without any regard to the primitive elementary structure of the word. So that if the vowel preceding
the consonant should originally happeu to be of the class of broad vowels , , u, while the vowel following the
same consonant should be of the class of small vowels e, i, or vice versa; in that case the vowel preceding the
consonant being of a different class from that which follows it, must either be struck out entirely to make room for
a vowel of the same class with the following (for it is the vowel following, the consonant that commands the change
in the preceding, without being subjected to any in itself) or else another adventitious vowel must be piaced after
it of the same class with the subsequent.
I shall instance only in two words amongst many others, both to illustrate those two rules by way of exemplification,
and to shew how prejudicial they naturally must have been to the primitive purity of the Irish language, by chang
ing, corrupting and metamorphosing a great number of its words from their original and radical structure. I shall
first exemplify in the Irish word Gall a Gaul, plural ' Gaul; which are the Celtic words upon which the Latin
words Gallus Galli, have been formed. Nothing more evident from the most ar>cient monuments of the Irish
nation, than that the national name of the first Celts who came to Ireland, (whether they arrived there immedi
ately from Gaul, or rather after remaining for some tract of time in the greater British Isle, as Mr. Lhuyd
gives good grounds to think) was Gall in the singular and Gaill in the plural ; and that their language was cal fed
Galic, or Gailic, though it is equally certain this same national name of (all, and Gaill, in the plural, was after
wards applied by the old natives to other colonies that followed these primitive Celt into that Island from different
parts of the Continent, and even to the English adventurers whom they called Clanna GmII, as well as Sasunuic ;
which must have proceeded both from their having forgot their own origin on account of the change Iii their
national name from Gaill into Gaidhil, fee. and also from the knowledge they traditionally preserved of the
Gaulish nation, of its great extent, as well as of its vicinity with the British Isles; all which circumstances occa
sioned that the generality of the old Irish Celts and Celtiberians, who probably were the hrst planters of Ireland,
imagined that the strangers who came amongst them from time to time, whether immediately from Britain or other
wise, must have originally proceeded from Saul. Now the Irish bards or rhymers wanting to stretch out this mono
syllable Gaill into two syllables to serve the exigency of their verses and rhythmical measures, have tiret formed
it into Gaidhill agreeably to the former of the two rules now mentioned, and when the second rule caol Ic caol, &c.
took place, it required that an / or an E should be thrown in before the consonant D, by which means it turned
put Gaidhill or Gatdhil instead of its original simple formation Gaill. So likewise the word Galic w Gailic mean
ing the Celtibernian language was changed into < laidltilic or Guedkilic, genit. Gatdhilicc or Gaedhilge, from which
last spelling it has been changed by our modern grammarians into Gaod/iailic, genit. Guodhailge, by the unnatural
substitution of ao, instead of <r, or a, of the antients, absolutely ordering that we should pronounce their ao just as
we do oe in the Latin word Clum.
Guidll, another writing of the same word, meaning the Irish peuple, and Gnidhilic their language, are found in
some Irish manuscripts of good antiquity, from which the moderns, by abusively substituting aoi, instead of vi,
though carrying another sound, have turned tUeir words into Gaoidhil and Gaodhilic genit: Gaoidhilge, which is
the gothic and uncouth shape, in which, to conform with the modern orthography, 1 must let it stand in the
frontispiece of my Dictionary. I have just hinted thai Guidhil and Guidhilic is not to be counted a modern manner
ef writing these words ; which truth is confirmed by Welsh manuscripts of respectable antiquity, wherein the
Irish are called Guydkil and sometimes Guydilod, and their language Guidhilec. Apropos to this writing of the
Welsh, I cannot but observe by the bye, that it hence appears this old nation must have always judged the
primitive Irish and the Gauls to be originally one and the same people, inasmuch as we find in Mr. Lhuvd's
ArchaHogia (compart. Etymol. pag. 23. col. 3.) that the VVelsh or old Britons interpreted in their language the
Latin word Gallus or Gallicus by Guyihiltg, a word w hich is plainly and literally of the same formation of those
whereby thev distinguish the Irish people and their language. Before I have done with the words Gaill and
Galic, Gailic, or Gaelic, I think it pertinent to remark that notwithstanding the complex and inform shape of the
words Gaidhil, Gaedhil, Gaoidhil, and Gaidkilic, Gaedhilic, and Guoidhilic, into which they have been changed,
?'et the originals from which they were derived are still preserved in their primitive simplicity by the veiy
ormation of these latter words, which is very nearly the same as that of the former, inasmuch as the adventitious
letters dh are not pronounced, and serve only to distinguish the syllables : which shews that this was the only
purpose they were first thrown in for. We should not in the mean time forget that it is to this change made
in the words Gaill and Galic, doubtless by our heathenish bards, who inserted the letter d, that we owe the
important discovery necessarily reserved to their successors who embraced Christianity, of those illustrious
personages Gadtl and Gadcitu ; the former an usher under that royal School-master, Pheniusa Farsa, King of
Scythia, in his famous school on the plain of Sennaar, where this Gadtl invented the Irish alphabet, and tho
Gadelian language, so called, as it is pretended from his name; and the latter a grandson of that king by hie
son JViu/i, married to Scot*, daughter to Pharaoh Cingri, as our bards call him, instead of Cinchrcs, king of
Egypt, under whose reign they tell us and our Gadelus were cotemporaries and great friends, and fron
this Gadelus our learned bards gravely assure us that the Irish derive their name of Gadelians, who, they tell
us were also called Scots from his wife the Egyptian princess Scota. This discovery I have said was necessarily
reserved to our christian bards, as their heathenish predecessors most certainly could have no notion of the plain
of Sennaar, of Pharaoh, or of Moses ; objects nut to be known but from the holy Scriptures, or some w i ting*
derived from them, such as those of Josephus, Philo, &c. never known to the Irish bards before Christianity.
I have remarked in another work, not as yet published, that our christian bards did not lose much time in availing
themselves of the sacred history to iiauie this story, inasmuch as we find it word for word in the scholiast on the
life uf St. Patrick by Fiach, bishop of Sloipte, one of that Saint's earliest disciples ; which scholiast the learned
and judicious Colgan places towards the end of the sixth century. This date is much earlier than that of the
manuscript<:alled Leabhar Gubhala, or the book of conquests, wherein our tory now mentioned is embellished
with further circumstances.
The other word I mean to produce as a remarkable example and proof of the alteration of the primitive and radical
frame of many words of the Irish language, caused by the above described rules aud other innovations of ou*
modern copists and rhymers, as well as by the corruption proceeding from vulgar pronunciation, to which
indeed all languages have been subject (even the Latin, witness the words nudiustertius, iridi, postridie, &c.)
the word I say I mean to exemplify in, is Bliadhain or Bliaghain, a year, lat. annus. The original formation or
construction of this word was, Bel-ain, or Bul-ain, i e, the circle of Belus or of the Sun. Ain or amn in Irish,
signifies a great circle, as its diminutive aiime, vulgarly fainne, means a small circle or a ring, vid. ain, ainn,
cmne, infra ; and Bel or Beal was the Assyrian, Chaldsean or Phajnician name of the true God, while the
patriarchal religion wa* generally observed ; and very properly, as it signifies Dominus or Dominator in Latin.
This name was afterwards attributed to the Sun, when those oriental nations generally forgot, or willingly swerved
from the worship of the true God, and adored that planet as their chief deity. See Gutlerus origines mundi,
lib. 1. cap. 9. SchediusdeDiis Germ. . 7. Tiriuus in cap. 2. Osee Y. I t. It is very certain that the primitive
Irish observed this idolatrous worship of the Sun under the name of Bl or Bai, whatever part of the world they
derived it from, as appears very manifestly by those religious fires they lighted with great solemnity on May-day ;
a fact which is evidently proved by the very name whereby they distinguished that day, which is still called and
known by no other name than that of L Beal linne, i e, t he day of the fire of Bel or Belus. This solemnity they
celebrated in honor of the Sun, under the name of Beal, on this first day of their summer, when the benign
influence of that planet begins to restore new life to both the animal and vegetable world in most parts of our
Now lb s word Bel-ain being changed by the . vulgar pronunciation into Ble-ain and Bli-ain, in which position it
required the insertion of an aspirated d or g, consequently turned out Bliadhain or Bliaghain, according to the
-former of the two rules above explained, and then the latter rule of Leathan le lea!han to vindicate its right, to share
in the new creation of this word, threw in the vowel a before the adventitious consonant to agree with the
subsquente, so that the original word having thus received two adventitious letters besides the asp rate A, i
thereby metamorphosed from its original form Bel-ain to Bliadhain or Bliaghain, for it admits of both these
writings. I shall finish these remarks with Observing that the word Ain or Ainn (which is the latter part of the
compound word Bel-ain, signifying the great circle of Belus, i e, the solar circle or annual course of the Sun)
is the Celtic original upon which the Latin word Anus was formed, it was afterwards written Annus, for Quintilian
informs us that the ancients did not double their consonants. Varro assures us that the proper and original
signification of this word Anus or Annus is a circ or great circle, whose diminutive A au tus or Annulits signifies a
tmiall circle or ring. His words are nam ut parvi circuli unnuli, sic wagni dkeuantur unni* But the word annm
is now exalted to mean solely and properly the solar circle or annual course of the Sun, whilst Anus, its more
ancient wri ting, is degraded to signify no mote than the circular form of the podex. Vid. Littleton ad voces
Anus, Annus, Annulas. Other examples, to observe it by the bye, of words of an honorable meaning at first,
being afterwards degraded to -a dishonorable signification and vice versa, will be found in the following
Dictionary at the od Cniocht.

2t62t ABA 216?? ABR

VC, in Irish called Vjlm, is the first letterof the VBaI, abhal, s. an apple, an apple-tree
u)b5jr]j or alphabet. For its various sounds or ViBlp]it*jn, abhalfiadhain, s. a wilding, a crab apple
powers see above, and the -grammar at the end of Vfblopt, abhalghort, s. an orchard
the Dictionary VibAn, abhan, s. a river ; properly .
4(, A, is a possessive pronoun, his, her, its, their: Vibancup, abhantur, s. success, good luck, aprosper-
It is also a relative pronoun, that, who, which ous adventure
Vf, A, is sometimes written for the article the ; as VibAoi, , s. a descent, setting, as the sun, " go-
* oe<wi t)Crt)nj5 *baOj pop 4n pjn." *s //jAe ChanaiiK
%t A, is used as a sign of the infinitive mood ; as Vbaj, a;/r*> s. a marsh, a boggy piece of land
fthejr,. to be Vibap, abhor, see At>6ap
V(, A, a mark of interrogation, *bp ulpe an pm ? Vibapa, aburach, adj. marshy-
Vi, A, a sign of affirmation, * VibapAC, abharach, 8. a manly youth
.Vi, Ay a preposition, equal to in, , * Vibftpcpa, abhastrach, . the barkings f a- dog
t>rujp Vbc-it>, abhcoid, s. a jest, ironical joking
Vi, A, is a sign of the vocative, ft t)4 ! Vbcjoe, abhcoide, an advocate, see abacjo
Vi, A, sometimes signifies out of, or from, like the Vibt>ac, abhdhaCf lordly courage, Shaw.
Latin e, hejpjo Vbajne, abdhainc, the religious belonging to ar*-
Vi, A, is sometimes used as a sign of the future, pre abbey
sent, and prter tenses Vibjl, abheil, adj. terrible, dreadful, see apBeil
Vi, A, is sometimes written for 45 a sign of the Vib pojup, abhfogus, prep, near, close by, at hand
participle present Viblaftait, abhlabhar, }\ 1>
- mUte> dumb'
1 _
Vi, A, s. a hill, height, eminence ; luck, prosperity ; BUBp, ,
a chariot, car, cart ViBiac, abhlach, s. a carcase
V^b, ab, s. a lord, master, abbot, father. Heb. ab. ViBlan, abhlan, s. a wafer ; a portion of meat, fish, or
Vb,. ab, s., an butter, which a person may eat at his meals with
Vi b, ab, v. is sometimes used for but) was, lep b bread, &c. a condiment, vulgarly called kitchen
mjAJi, dnm Viblancojppejgfce, abhlanchoisreigthe, the consecrat
Vib, ab, abusively used for bej, as beo e ed host, the blessed Eucharist-
Vib,, 6, s. a cause, matter, business, -, for the Vfblr, a/af, death, po abUjc, he died
<ake of Vibrhajnj, abmhaing, s. power, strength
Vib, abh, s. a rivar Vibrhafcajp, abmhalhair, s. f. amother abbess
Viruc, , s. a dwarf, pigmy, manikin; a sprite Vibog, abog, s. a voice
4ib*t,.abhach, the entrails of a beast; a proclama Vbpa, abra, s.- a poem ; a speech, saying .
tion, a terrier, a small dog, hence Vibpa, abhra, adj. dark
VibACw, abac/id, s. gain, great doings ViBpa, abhra, s. an eyeKd
Vioac, abhacht, s. ironical joking Vibpat), abrad, adj. far removed, exalted. jftea>
VibA, abhadh, s. a camp, encampment, dwelling, Vibp)m, abraim, v. I say, speak, predicate, figure
abode ; a net in the form of a sack to catch fish ; Vibpn, abhran, s. a song, a poem, an ode
a satire, a lampoon VibjtAn, abran, the month of April
Vibaro, abaidh, s. a bud Vfbpan, abrann, adj. lustful, lecherous; bad, eril ;
VibA|t>, abaidh, adj. ripe naughty
VibAjreAc.'o, abaideachd, s. abbacy Vibpa, abrann s. bad news
Vib*jl, abail, s. death, abad Heb. ViBpan , abhran donog, s. Lemma minor, duck-
Vb*)l, abail, adj. dead, expired meat
VtbAjlr, ubailt, s. death1; Heb. oved Vibpaop, abhraoidh, plur. of abpa, the eye-brows
VibAjp, abair, s. say thou, 2d pers. imperat. of *bp)m - Vibpa p, abhras, s. a ready answer
Vibajpr,, abairt, s. speech,, articulation, education, Vibpap, abhras, s. yarn of any kind, the produce of
politeness, good-manners the hand, abpap, i. e. lamopa" 0. g.
Vibajt, abaity s. custom, habit, manner

^5, ab/isan, s. a furrow, trench, hollow 9ccouajji, s. accobliair, wish, desire, avarice, covet-
9tbpt>*l, absdal, s. m. an apostle ousness
%]"1], absdalach, adj. apostolical %1, accomhal, s. a tie, bond, obligation
ibpoAla, absdulahd, s. apostleship Viccujl, accuil, adv. backwards, .
%1^, ab$dldii} <1. apostolic, see 9(, achd, conj. but, except
brolop, absoloiil, s. f. absolution, forgiveness 4Ltv, achd, s. a case, state, condition
!, abstal, see *bpo*l, &c. ^ifjiA, achdra, s. an expedition by sea or land ;
'-tbptoltACA, abstoltachadh, adj. effectual. travels, adventures
?{bu, abu, the war cry of the ancient Irish. Hence 3(coin, achdran, ) ,
Crom a boo, Butleirach a boo, &c. Aboi, Heb. olinft, achdranach, \ adventurer, a traveller
ffbu}T>, abui'd, s. birtli-day, nataUdy. " Abujo j. U Scfuin, acjuin, s. tools, tackles, furniture ; ability,
bjie>ce." o. g. capacity
?(cpu)iie*, atfuineach, adj. having tools or tackle ;
SbJS ^ {adj.ripe, ready, expert, alert,thrifty able, sufficient
%'bii]5, abuigh, s. a bud %c1a)ui, achlaim, v. to chase
9buje4, abuighcadh, ripening ?(c1ab, achladh, } s. fishing, fishery, art of fishing;
?(bu|5)in, abuighim, v. to ripen %U}t), achlaidh, ) a chase, chasing, pursuit ,
Abulta, abulta, adj. able '#1>, acluidlie, adj. smooth, soft, polite, civil, ge
%bultAct>, abullachd, s. ability nerous
, abhus, s. a wild beast of any kind ^ilAjp, achlais, s. a chase ; the arm-pit ; an arm
, , s. a speech, tongue ; refusal, refusing, de ticmtc, acmac, s. a circuit, compass, surrounding
nial ; a son ^criiAjng, acmhaing, s power, puissance, wealth
fc, , used in old MSS. for 45, see 5 ^, atmhaingeack, adj. powerful, puissant,
?(c, , s. a skirmish rich
(, acA, conj. but, except ?cmu]n, acmhuin, 1 se pum, and *cpu-
Sa, flcAff, 9. a mound, bank, rampart; a rock ^ctfiujneAC, acmhaineach, 3
, achad, s. afield Wcmur*n, achmhusan,s. a reproof, reproach, censur
?icAOAm, acadamh*, s. an academy. Shaw ^, achmhusanaidlu, s. a censor
Wcaj-, acaidh, s. an abode, habitation ?<86, achmhusanath, adj. animadversive
vicAjoeat), acaideadh, s. a tenant, an inhabitant %riiup*nAjm, achmhusanaim, v. to reprove, rebuke,
SicAjn, acain, see Acpum censure
ieAjp, acais, s. poison ; cursing ^, acnamhach, s. the food of a labourer, ;. *.
Wc*jre*c, acaiseach, adj. poisonous, malicious " ppom pjf> objw." Cor.
3ic*niAji, ac/iatnair, adv. soon, timely ^oda}}, acobhair, s. avarice, penury, covetousness,
6]1, acharnait; adj. short, abridged. ?<cob]iA, acobhra, s. a wish, desire
^]6, achainaireacht, s. abridging, abridg oBjiac, acobhrach, adj .covetous, desirous, avaricious
ment . ^comal, acama/, s. an assemblage, assembly, heap
$fca]t, achar, s. a distance ing together
4CAJ1, achar, adj. sharp, sour, tart 9(comAlAjm, acomalaim, v. to collect, accumulate,
^caja, acara, an acre of ground, see * increase, heap
SfcAjH, acara, s. convenience, conveniency, use; the %con, aeon, s. a refusal, denial
use of a thing 4coy, acor, see acoda)
%cajac, acaracn, adj. convenient, useful, necessary, ?c}ia, acra, s. an acre of ground
obliging, respectful, moderate %'c|ac, acrach, adj. hungry
^cApt>, acaroihd, s. moderation, respect, gentle 4\c)Ajm, acraw, s, \o agree, consent,
ness %'cjtA, acrann, s. a knot
$(*1, acaran, s. lumber ScpAA, acrannach, adj. knotty, entangled, intricate
^(ccAjjie, accaire, s. an anchor j an acre of land SicpAApn, achrannaim, v. to entangle
fcAfphoLl, acarpholl, a road forshipe, see Acc*]*p4j SicpAp, ^.?, s, hunger
^), achatradh, s. a sprite, dwarf %cjtApAC, acrasacK adj. hungry
9ccA)tu]fe, accarruighthe, moored, anchored %1, acsal, s. m. an angel
%ccA)]i)m, accairrm,y. to moor, to anchor 9(cp*l, //, adj. generous, noble
5(cc4jn, accain, s. a complaint, a$ accajp, - ?(cuil, /, s. an eagle
ing, sighing %cjp i. on cu)p, from the cause, c. g.
tyccAfipAjo, accarsaid, s. a port, harbour, road for Wet, acht, see ac and Ac
ships ^cr, acht, s. a body ; a nail, hoof, or claw ; a statute,
^ccAp, accas, j . ] Mgg f . a decree, covenant, ordinance ; danger, hazard
^CAp, J 01 peril; a giving, a gift ; an actor deed ; a condi
'WccAptAji, accastair, s. an axle tion ; " aj liAcAjb pjn," on those conditions
^ccjo accin, on account of, at the end of. cUr,

-, acht, conj. and, . g. ?(4n4jm, adhaaaim, v. to kindle or light up

%cc4jm, achtaim, v. to ordain, decree, order, com '411, adluinn, s. the herb colts-foot
mand %* nt4, adhanta, adj. kindled, exasperated
^rbgj, acthbeag, conj. almost, but, except ?<440, adhanthacht, s. blushing, kindling
%cc(\nft, ahteheana, adv. however %4), adhar, s. snow, froat
%cujav, achtitgluidh, ordination, ordaining, de ^4j4o, adharadh, s. adoration ; joining, adhering to
creeing ?<:ahac, adlitrach, s. a warshiiir, au adorer
9cup, aras, writton for gup %AfAjm, see p ami
9 arf, adj. illustrious %*)tc, adharc, s. 1, trumpet
9t>, a, used for 4, in thy, ft pj4n4)pe, in thy %|4, adhareach, adj. horned, having horns
presence, tu. 4 up*, thou art awake, or ^04]>c4rhu)l, adharcamhuil, adj. horny, full of horne
in the state of being awake V(A]ic5, adhareog, s. a cornicle
ad, is also used for , as atj Dejjtjm, 4 clop, %A}tc-pej, adharc-feidh, s. harts-horn
I say, I bear ?4jic-p}454C. adharc-fiaghach, s. a hunting horn
?i, ad, is in like manner, sometimes used for j ^A)ic-phu4}l, adharc-phudhitir, s. a powder hoi-
in the perfect tense of the indicative, and the pre <*}u, adhart, s. a pillow, a bolster
sent of the potential, as <t> rx-ppba, I wrote, 9C4jr4, adlutrtha, adored
. ft rcppbftj, I would write %01*1 adhartar, s. a dream
(n, ad, s. water 3(a p, adlias, s. good, prosperity
adh, s. a beast of the cow kind, at> ftbrftjg, a 304pt4}lt, adhastair, s. a halter
buffalo ^(, adhbha, s. an instrument, 4O4 ceo)!, an
?, adh, is an intensitive particle, as , instrument of music; a palace, house, habitation,
great praise room, garrison, fortress, a dungeon
4ix>, adh, s. a law ; felicity, happiness ; good luck %t>6* o*u4, adhbha othna, s. a house built of clay
%, adh, fit to do any thing. Sliaw and stone, " aD4 ocn4 . <?. 4D4 u]je AC4pck>CA,
%4, ada, s. victory. Slum quasi u4tu)e, ua . e. ujp, oc4p o, , e. oioc." o- g.
3f404]p, adabhair, s. play, diversion, sport Wcr, adhbhaehi, see 4dacc, joking
^45, adag, s. a sheaf of corn, a bundle of sheaves , 3(o64, adhbhacht, s. gain, great doings
a shock ^oTiActftC, adhbhachtacn, adj. jocose, merry ; gross,
%*4D*)1, adhaghabhail, a. a lawful .taking fat, in good plight
9*]5, adhaigh, s. the face, countenance, com %B4]lpe4, adlibhairseach, s. a carder of wool or,
plexion, pi. *)jte flax
tft)l5, adhailg, s. desire, will ; consent ^BaI, adhbhal, ad), great, prodigious, wonderful ;
itxvjlgne, adhailgne, s. the toll of a mill ; poverty ; 4 Mast. 1444. nimble, quick, active ; thrifty
the law of arms ?(D4ltloc4)i*e40, adj. abhalthrocaireacli, most mer*
Qfoftjll, adhailt, s. a precipice ciful. p.
S4)ji, adhair, s. fire ?(004ntp]te4c, s. adhbhantrireach, a sort of musie
%4, adhairein, s. a lapwing, a touchet containing three notes, called geftncpujge,
?(*]}, adhairein, dim. of aajic okpAjje, 54p pu4nt)4)e.
f4)jt;, adliairt, s. a front, van, ?(da], adkbhar, a cause or motive; a subject or
%4l, adhal, a flesh-hook matter to be converted into some other form ;
%ftll, adhall, adj. deaf, see or*ll 14 )54, , a person fit to be a lord aBap
?(all, adhall, s. sin, corruption 54)|e, a cause of laughter
^"ftlrn, adhaltan, s. m. a du U stupid fellow ib4i4, adhbharach, adj. lucky, fortunate
?/ftlrw*ie, adhaltraidhel , , %0}4, adhbharas, s. carded wool
4bb\Tywt,adhaltramch,y- an ^ulteret %b4j 5]1*, ad/ibhar gaire, see 46a j*
ty4ltf*An*r, adhaltranas, s. adultery %ob4p, adhbhas, s. a garrison
tfcAim]], adhamhair, adj. similitudinary, . 1 9iBcl4p, adhbhchlas, s. pleasure, joy ; ostentation*
riwjrteftc, o.g. vanity, fame
%44, adhamhra, s. admiration TOl4p4C, adhbhchlasach,a.y pleasant ambitious,
$frh, adhamh, adam, e. " homo no terrigena* vain glorious
(n t*lmuie4r) cor. r $fbo ! adhbo, inter, see ftbn
9(T>*ml4j) adamraidh, v; be went, o: g. ?boc)e, adhbhocoide, V s. an advocate, in-
V4rhn a jn, adhamknain, the proper name of a ma* j ! ?(Boc]e40, adhbhocoidcacK J tepcessev.
homnculos, . <?. " jpbecA *nm* 4)." Co)'. ; ?(t)DOc6je*c, adhbhocoideachd, s. advocacy, plead
^4, adamant, s. a diamond ing
^arh^4C, adhamhrach, adj. blessed %t>ae! adhbhe! inter), hail, may you live
^0Amrt*yvm, adhumlimidim,y. 1 bless, love, adore SebjiApjjt, adhbhrasoir, s. carder of wool or
V(<n, ad/tan, s. a cauldron { flax
^4nft> adhanadh, see ftiift * "'mi'],
%7>tf f AGA

Vtiouj, adkbuidh. s. joy, merriment, a foundation VnAje, adhnaidhe,} .

Vio coda, ad coda, s. the dispensation of law that VinAoj, , } adJ- old> ancient
is every mans' due. " ao * /. e. oljjea dj^ear Vionijp, adhnair, "j s. villainy ; confusion, shame-
nea np454]!, no oo gejb neAC." Br. L. Vinijpe,. adhnaire,] facedness
% copa, ad coda, v. it was enacted, " ao cod* /' .c. ^04)4, adhnaircach, bashful, modest, demure
*po no po ." 2Jr. Z. Viomjoj, adhomroi, v. it happened to me, i. e. com.
Vio coo* rocnge rjouA, </ coda sotknge siodhugh- r/Ajnjc. o. g.
adh, i. e. oljeA bfiejrearn ri*>> 100 , VooAtA, adhonnathadh, s. sovereignty
tlie judge is bound by law to make peace. Br. L. Vojiac, adhrac, s. a refusal, denial
Vioesri, adead, v. it is. o. g. Vo^a, adhradh, s. adoration
Virejrcjoe, adcitchidhe, ugly. .. VicjiAjieojib adhraightheoir, s. an adorer
Vioeoo, ai'o</. _ , , Vijujm, adhraim, v. I adore
VforeAo, rf>tt/, J v.I shall relate 2iji4r, adhras, s. adoration
ViojrUj, adhfhlaith, s. a legitimate sovereign- %<, erfre, arise, " 4ii<e Acorib) a monuAll
KpuAniA), adhfhuathmhar, adj. odious, abomi 5 50 jeApACAc j-jofATnA." Udhact. M.or.
nable, detestable %T!}e, adre, v. he refused
tyi\bti\Kii),t-c:,adhfhiiath7nhamclid, s. fem- abomi %cj*r, adrath, s. horror, detestation
nation ^uAtrtiA}, adhuathmhar,z'y tenible, homd, dread
ti5*)jj, adhghair, lawful, just ful, execrable
Vioju 5*r 411, agas anail hither aod thither ?(t>UAmAivAc, adhuathmharacht, s. horror, abomi
4M. 1452 nation
VUcao, ?(e, as, s. the liver; possession
, / adhlcadh,
,,, , "i} s. a ,burial,
. , interment
. .
'?(et>, aed/i, s. the eye
ToIacatiac, adhlacanach, a grave-digger,, an under %et>A], aedhar, s. the air, sky
taker ^fetieAjiAc, acdhearadh, airing
Vil4C4jm, adhlacahn, v. to inter ^coAjiAjm, aedharaim, v. to air
ViUjc, adhlaic, s. a longing desire after what is good %ecA]t4rhu]l, aedharaimhuil, adj. aerial
VioUjcte, adhlaicthe, buried, interred ^et>eA]i4o, acdhcarthachd, s. airinei*
'-oU}^, adhiaigh, he has a right by law, i. e. 9(ep, eer, s. the air, sky
14. . g. %e]Af>, aerach, s. aerial
/ ] _ , "Vs. a- youth fit to bear arms '), aeradh, s. satirizing
IbUnadhlann ( 0/ t0 take the military ?iejAjrn, aeraim, v. to air
VoIaocoa, adhlaochda, i , J
' ' ) degree
Vim, adhm, s. knowledge,, skill ^Aejt>4, aerdlia, j > J
, adluntt, adj. knowing, skilfuL ^e^eAt), aereadh, airing
Vwtiat), adhmad, s. timber ^ejtiAc, acrthacht, s. airiness
ViwiAj^rrn, admhaighim, v. to confess; Vier, ? s. an age. " eorriAjn. Z. et
VioriA)leA, admhaileacb, a professor fol. SI,
ViorhA)l, admhail, s. f. a confession,, profession, Vier , aesar, s, God
declaration ViefApog, aetharog, s. an aerial being
ViorriAj]]m, see AOrbAjjvm Viecpe aethre, s. /. of or eAjip a fin.
Hforh*ll, admhail, adj. wanton^ desultory, nimble Vf port, e/erf, s. gold
Vbmw, adhmhar, \ 1 fortunate >15 a/raiS,ie> "sing
ViomA})Ao, adhmharach, J J ViFfl0"' '1> s* m- tne mas3 or eucharistie
VorholA, adhmholadh, s. praise, flattery otfering
ViomolAjm, adhmholaim, v. I praise, extoL ^5 e ' a S1S11 ^ present participle
Vfrriw^m, see AomAjjjm V(5, at, by, with
tfiiAcal, V(, a^, s. a notch or nick ; a beast of the cow kind ;
7* . . ' adhnacal,
,, i , >> s. see aoIacao a' bottle, conflict, fortune, luck, happiness, pros
VionAo, adhnachd, j
$(01, adhnacal, preserving or keeping the law, perity ; fear, awe, astonishment
'''- <?. cojrheo olijio Atioujne. 40 /'. e. olj- V(ca, aga, whose, whereof
eA, *] /. . ], ca ;'. <\ cojmeAO." Cor. gl. <%za, aga, s. leisure, time, opportunity; the bottom
VinAc4]nn, adhrtacaim, v. I inter of' any depwh, an addition
Vin4, adhnadhyS. a kindling of fire ; fen'or, heat, Vrac, aghach, adj. warlike, brave
^_)) agad, used for 4 tu, with thee, to thee
VinAjceA, adhnaiccadh, buried, interred. Ferm. V540 agadh, s. see a^a
VionApoe, adhnaidhe, s. age ; an advocate, a ^_4_( agag, s. a habitation, settlement. Shaw,
agaibh, with ye, unto ye
; i i ! i -
5*)^. aghaidh, s. the face, front, complexion ; op WJ /, s, a swan ; a herd ; a region, tract, country
position um 54)t>, in opposition to me, pi. 4)gte territory, patrimony, inheritance; a cause; a
}*5*j, aghaidh, v. imper. of 454 jm dispute, the learned
aghaidh, be merry, be happy ?0> ai, adj. wise, learned
b*)m, aghaim, v. tobe afraid or astonished; to put Vijb. qibh, s. similitude 5 a tribe
or place Sijbce, aibhche, a scholar. Sh.
o - *,' aSainn, with us ], aibhchtadh, s. the bleating of sheep, low
S*ii'5 "gairg, s. f. agaricus, a kind of mush ing of cattle ; " j4jhe ce4ji4, 1. e. po bejcea
room ce4tjt4." Cor.
^5* If aghais, s. ease, rest %'jBe ! aibhe ! inter), all hail
^*)> aghaiseach, adj. easy, tranquil, quiet %jDe4p4, aibheasach, adj. terrible, wonderful, strange
^BAjrjm, aghaisim, v. to ease, to rest arrogant ; vain ; gay, joyous
^5*11, ^//, s. a speech Sijbeappea, aibhearstacht s. an adversary
^grtlU, agalladh, 1 s. a dialogue, conversation} ^ijejr , aibheis, s. the sea, a gulph, the deep ; emp
^511, ugallamh, \ discourse. Gen. jalm. tiness ; vain glory, great boasting
*f5*lljm, agaUaim, v. to speak, converse ^joell, aibhell, s. f. a spark of fire
^g*m, agam, with me, at me, to me ?.], aibherseach, adj. adverse ; evil
Sigam, agamh, a doubt, suspicion %)bcjt)i>, }
^gumup, agamus, the action of striking. ". ?<)b)r]f, >s. f. the Irish Alphabet
^5> <*f<r, s. revenge fybijtjiO
^b*P*> agarach, a pretender, a claimer ?<)b5jr|e4rhu)l, aibgitreamhuil, adj. alphabetical
3(5*]i4jm, agaraim, to revenge, pursue, challenge ; %)bjo. s. f. a habit
dispute, plead, expostulate %)bjT>, aib'tdh, s. straw, stubble; blasted ears of
^fgajt;, agart, s. revenge corn
^5 aghart, s. a bolster Qi]bp, a'ibidh, adj. ripe, full grown
SgApf-*, aghartha, adj. deaf ; diminutive, little %]4, aiihideach, adj. huge, great, enormous
3f5pc, agartach, adj. revengeful, vindictive, 3i]b]t>]l, aibidil, s. the alphabet
litigious fjbjiean, aibrean, the month of April
9(5<), agartam, see 4g4]4]Tn #jDpe4, aibhreanny a castrated buck-goat J.
$f54]ttp, agartas, s. a suit, plea %), et*&, s. f. a spark
^5* conj., and 3tjDle4, aibhleach, adj. sieged
%54pto)ji, aghastoir, s. a halter % )Dleo, aibhleog, s. f. a red coal ; a sparkle ; a
^gcuje, agcuinne, in opposition, see co]fie flake of snow
?t>*, aghdha, of or belonging to a fight or battle, %joleo54, aibhleoga, adj. sparkling
contentious, quarrelsome SfiBpe, aibhse, s. a sprite, apparition ; a diminutive
^oaojr, aghdaois, v. let them put or place, e. creature
cujjiw'jr. o. g\ 3<)Dpe40, aibhseach, see ajlk-apac
SKjec, aghet, old wine. Staa?. Sjccjlne, aiccilne, vassalage, servitude
^grhp, aghmhor, s terror, great fear, "45 rhoj 9(jct>e, aicdhe, according to, 4jcoe 44],
i. e. e4gU rrlop." 0. g. according to desire, o.g.
9rb*]t, nghmhar, adj. lucky, fortunate, prosper Kicoe, aicde, s. a veil ; bodkin ; ring ; a building,
ous, happy foundation
%m4]4c, aghmharacht, s. prosperity, auspici- 4i]ce, aice, s. a tribe, family ; nourishment, nurture,
ousness food, support, a troop ; desire, choice
3ijn4, ^, wisdom, discretion, prudence ; see 9i)ce, aice, led, C4p4 4jce, a led horse
%ce, aice, , ^ } s. f. a leading
^5n4]t>e. aghnaidhe, s. an advocate, pleader %]ce4t5, aiceachd,} 0
^5n*J5e*CT aghnaigkeacht, s. advocation ?(]ce4)ii, aiccarigh, s. a deacon, governor
^tgn4p, aghnas, s. pleading, argumentation Sjce, aice, adv. near, close to, hard by, 4m djce,
954}, aghnasam, v. to plead near me
(gt4, arhradh, s. expostulation, challenging; 3(jce4l, aicheal, s. an eagle
00 45p4t>, to expostulate, challenge, charge S(ice4)t, aicear, adj. strong, mighty, angry, cruel,
Sigpajm, agraim, v. to challenge, plead, dispute, severe, sharp, disagreeable to all the senses
pursue ^jceroe, aiceide, s. a tenant, o.g.
%gf-4l, agsal, adj. gnerons, noble $(jcje4cr, aicfeaiht, s. power, might
^5up4io, agurad, adj. mild, coaxing, deceitful. )>, aicid, s. f. disease, sickness; an ache, stitch
Sh. <Xjc)v-t]i]oUT\<\tz, aicid chriothmacht, the palsy
Sfgur, agus, conj. and Wjcjoe, aicide, accidents
Wicioer, aicidcach, adj. unfortunate
; ' D ^icjoei,
2t)5 IG

'jcjtseAd, aicideachy s. a sick or diseased person

Jijll, aichillt s. great lamentation fcpjcjn, humb,e' ******
Sjcjm, , \. to pray, beg, beseech, entreat ' > faithful, true
^cpeftio, aicidheachdy a patrimonial right . ^Ofcj'&nea, aidhilgneach, s. a dairy maid
Con. 1225 $frojug4]m, aidiughaim, v. to own, to agnize
3ijcjll, aichill, adj. able, potent fijle, aidhle, s^a cooper's adze
Sfjcjllr, aichiilidh, adj. dexterous, handy Ojime, aidlime, s. a military dress ; apparel, rai
^jcjllpeadr, aichillidheacht, s. dexterity ment -y a gorget, necklace ; goods, chattels ; an
9f)cer, aideacht, s. a lesson instrument ; coarse or rough land
Sijcme, aicme> s. a sort or kind, a tribe, sect of Sprejjre, aidlimheiltey consumed, destroyed
people %prhjlle, aidhmille, s. destruction, ruin, confu
^]cne, aime, s. nature sion
%)me*n, aidhmhean, refuge. Sh.
*jcn, iV, inheritance, patrimony Sprhjlljm, aidhmhiim, v. to consume, destroy, pre
$ jcje, aicthidhe, s. fear, dread vent
?jtj, '</, s. apiece, portion, Siprhor, aidhmhos, pleading, arguing, reasoning,
3ijt>, aid, adj. cold see 4n4r
4(y6, aidh, s. a refuge Spne, aidhneys. age ; an advocate, see 4t>n4)t>e and
SipBm, aidhbham, to fascinate. Sh. 4gn*r
3jt>Be4n, aidhbhean, %. a stranger, foreigner; an ^prhjgce, aidmhighthe, confessed!
inn ; a deed, action %]t>ne*r, aidlineas, s. an argument, a pleading
3(icBe4n, aidhbhean, adj. remoter long, evil, bad ?(jT>ne*r4Cc, aidhneasachd, s. pleading
$fjt>fi]l, aidhbhtil, s. a wonder, a boasting 9ipne4p-bjte4b4C, aidhneas-breagach, s. a sophister
3)Bjl, aidhbeil, huge, vast, enormous Sjwie4r4jm, aidhneasaim, to plead, argue, oppose
StreBjle4, aidhbheueach, a braggart $f)ne4.]-o]]t, aidhneasoir, s. a pleader, an oppo
3f)t>Bjl4t, aidhitheilacht, s. hugeness, greatness, nent, advocate
enormity, wonder, boasting ti>npe, aidhnidhe, s. an advocate, pleader
fpbejr, aidhbhsis, s. the ocean 4Cje)p, aieir, of or belonging to the air ; properly
" B)OJJ,. ) in 44f oot*}, 4ejp
Cp] lumm c'ujrce en roim)t> f)FH* aifir' s> blame, fault
Le4, 4pBejr, bon bl**, Sfjppjofi, aifrionn, s. m. the unbloody sacrifice ol
tinman* * 11." For. Foc. the Mass
$00Be*reojp, aidhberseoir, s. an adversary ' a'i^> * lce> An. 4 1435
3(jcBlj5jm, aidhhhlighimr v. to enlarge, encrease t)5' "'i^t atU- generous, valiant
*jt>ljug<r>, aidhbhliughadh, enlarging, encreasing ^jjBejle, aighbheile, s. terror
^roooll, aidhbholl, adj. attrocious ^}5e *S* with or at him, or it
%]bju, aidhbhrugh, bewitching, eye-biting. Sh. ^)&, ge, tx)4ie, to canyon, to act, to uphold ,
?fpBre, aidhbhsc, s. an old sort of Irish song or < 4 cA)lc]o 4J5e." Chron. Scot.
c)tonn ^J5e> ^> ac4- stout, valiant
Sjbrjn, aidhbhsin, s. a phantom,, or sprite %jje, aighe, s. a hind ; a hill.; courage, valour ; a
VijoBflujaT), aidhbhsiughadh, s. multiplication beam, prop, support
Spceall, aidhcheall, \ mischief, violence ; eye- Sije4C, aigeach, the sounder of a deep. Sh.
%jle*t), aidhchleadh, J biting. Sh. ^]e4j, aighear, s. mirth, joy, gladness
Sipe, aidhe, s. a monition, an advice ; a house, Siden, aighean, see 404
habitation, fortress ?f)5e4i4, aighearach, adj. glad, joyful, merry, airy,
lybe, aidhe, instruments, i.e. 4t>B*,instruments,..^.
4, aidheach, s. amilch cow. ?()ge4l4fct;, aighearacht, see 4]e4j40c
3jT>e4C4T>, aideachadh, s. agnition |" ^jge4nC4, aigeantach, adj. chearful, high minded,
fpe4j, aidhear, s. a chipping or cracking of the
skin, from being exposed to the weather spirited
*)44*, aigeantackd, s joffi. chearfulness
?(pe4j4C, aidhearach, adj. aerial, airy, blithe, <]ge4nr4r, aigeantas, > J '
merry ?(jg]n, e/^irm, s. f. the ocean, the deep
i)t>e]t, aidhearacht, s. blithesomeness, mern- ?ij5)lne, eij-i/^if, s. verity, truth
^peeparhud, aidhearamhutly adj. aerial
tt)e]t)5e, aidheitire, adj. deformed a lace
Sfjgjol, a/^/o/, s. the bottom of a valley.
^pppea, "{ U. a demonstration %])ol, ^/'/, adj. puffed up, elate
^jciokim, aigioiaim, v. to grieve, to vex
^('* aidhdhcadh, adj. demonstrable
51*. AIM

^)5)l*)rt aigiolain, s. an ear-ring ; tassel ; chain > Sfjll, /7/, s. f. ajourney

tag , s. f. a bridle
%)g)onr*, a'igionta, intentions s. f. praise
aigiorachd, s. f. an argument, dispute ; t(|ll, /7/, s. f. a course, place, stead, turn
arguing a;//, s. f. a loss; error, 4t4joii4 S<v*jjt ]UjU
^)5)l*jni, aigioraim, to argue ; to punish ; to visist Sijll, a/7/, s. f. hearing
^fjgne, aighne, s. f. nature, the mind %]U, aitf, adj. noble
%jjne, aighne, s. a prophet, an advocate, pleader, ifjU, ///, v. go thou, come thou. Imper. of *jrjm,
i. e. ' j | ], no gnpr ], i. . \>1 na I g
C4)ne4n," . g. jllbjl, 7, s. abridle-bit
%)5ne, aighneach%adj. liberal generous 3()11}, aillbhruachach, adj. having steep or
tjgneAt), aighneachd, s. liberality,, generosity rocky brinks or borders
ijgnein, aighnean, s. ivy Sijlle, aille, s. f. handsomeness ; ornaments, praise
2)ne4n-t(lrnu)n, aighnean-talmhum, s. ground-ivy Stjlle, aille, adj. handsome, fair
^)ner, "ighneasA . Sijlle, <z/7/e, superlat of *Uj
%,5njor, aighnios, ]8*4 ^ille<o, ailleachd, \ . ,
eu, s. a stone, rock pasting, prickle; a rebuke,, ^^, /7/W,, { s. f. handsomeness
a mouth ; petition, request ; a disgrace ; arms, 3]lleb4n, ailleaganr s. a gew-gaw
weapons; will, pleasure -r m*t> jl 1, if you Sjlle, aillean, s. a causeway ; a pit ; a beau, a mi*
please nion
;7, adj. noble, beautiful, shamefaced jilean, ailleann, s.m. elecampane
m7M, s. a flock herd, drove Sjleog, ailleog, s. f. a swallow
tijIBeag-cluajre* ailbheag-duaise, s. an ear-ring;
^ijlojn, ailbhin, s. a small flock of any kind ^jllEeen' ^'^eaw^adj. smooth ; soft
4i)\c, aile, s. a stone, destruction $jllg0*n*jm, aillgeanaim, v. to make fine, to smooth,
$fjlce, ailce, s. manners, behaviour or soften.
tijlcj, ailcith, s. a strand stone ?fj5e*r*C, aillgeasachd, s. ardency.
3(jlcne, ailcne, s.. paving stones ^j|lge4pD4, ailtgeasdha, adj. ardent
Sijlcnenao, ailcneachachd, paving ^dl)** ailliadh, s. roaring, vociferation,,*?, r.
^lcne*4n, ailcneachan, s. a paver ^)l')5)m aittighim, v. to beautify, make handsome
Sjle, eife,. adj. another, see ojie ?hlljn, ailim, adj. another,, a second
,, adj. all, see ujle 9fjlljonojp, aillionoir, s. a caterer
Sjle, mUy s. smell tyjlljr, e////'i, s. f. a canker, a spreading sore. Gen.
%)le*c, aileach, s. m. a stone horse, astallion n* h4)llfe
fjle*c*, aileachta, s. jewels; /.e. reojo, . . ?ijlljuD*]b ailliubhar, s. a salmon, o.>
^(jleaj, aieag, s. the hickup Willre, aiilse, s. f. a fairy, a diminutive creature ; a
%jle*n^ ailean, s. orts, remnants, leavings delay, heedlessness, neglect
ijle*), alear, s. a porch $f)llre4C, aillseach, adj. negligent
^jle*r, e/7ftw, s. a plesant country ^)"nSJm' aillsighitn, v. to neglect
^lpar, ailfeas, s. abridle bit ?i)llyeo, aillseog, s. f. a caterpillar
tfjlge*, ailgeadh, s. forgiveness 3i jlm, fl^'"> tne name of the letter A
^jlgeAn, ailgean, s. noble offspring %jlm,. aittn, s. f; a palm tree, a fir tree-
9,|e4n ailghean, s. want ^ilm, ailm, s. f. an elm
jljean, ailghean, adj. powerful, strong; soft,, %ilrh ailmh, s. a flint stone. Sh.
smooth %jlme4t>, ailmeadh, s. m. a prayer- :
)15> ailgheas, s. f. a desire, a longing appetite; flmeos, ailmeog, s. f. the elm.
an alms ;-. a needing or false desire to go to stool.. ?Olrnin, ailmhin, a flock
Fer. 88. ^i|jjie, e;7tie, s. a mistake
^flgjne, ailghme, softness, smoothness, %,lp7 e/7p, s. any gross lump or chaos
Sijljrn, ailim, v. to entreat, beg, beseech, pray SKilt;, /, s. f. ahouse, a knife, an eminence
ttllim, "il'm> v- to hear 4i\\z', ailt, adj. stately, noble, grand, high
^jljm, ailim, v. to nourish, foster %ilt, ailt, contracted for *)1 le4r, you desire
3jlm, ailim, s. f. alum , ailt, plu. of 4lr, a joint, section, &c.
3(jl]t ailidh, adj. white. Shaw %jlce4rhu)l, ailteamhutl, adj. dire, direful
4hhn, ein adj. another Sfilteoilt, '^"' \ an architect, caroenter
SjllBjl aillbhil, s. a bridle bit pleine, ailtire, )
$(iliorh]nT' ailiomhaint, nourishment ^'^be^nt, aimhbcart, s. an evil action, mischief
, alionta, airy, of theair. Sk. ' s jrhbe4it4c,
%\a, aill, s. f- a high mountain, a great steep,* pre*
cipice, a rock or cliff
2l)ff AIN

^]4*6, aimhbeiirtach, adj. mischievous Sirnbcenllac, ainbhcheallach, adj, rough, rugged, o. g.

Sjriieojn, aimhdheoin, s. unwillingness, reluctance, ^(jnbeac, ainbheachf s a drone; rain ; " i. .
nijvheojn, in opposition to )omw, no peepiuj." . g.
3()riroeon*c, aimhdheonach, adj. unwilling, reluct ^jnbeac, ainbheachl adj. manifold, intense, co
ant pious
Si) he, aimhe, crowing ^jnfjapac, ainbheasachf adj. ill-bred, unmannerly,
^jmejn, ainheagan, s, an abyss rude, humoursome
Sjiea, aimheann, adj. pleasant, agreeable ?i|nfte*jr, ainbhearty s. an ill action, or evil deed
VjrieoUc. aimhcolach, ~> adj. ignorant, unlearned, limbed, ainbhfil,' s. impudence, sliauielessness
VirheoljA, amhtvlgach,\ unskilful SCjnbpeap, ainbhfeas, s. ignorance
itfjrhpeojl, aimhfheoil, s. f. raw flesh, proud Sijnbpeapac, ainbhfeasacht adj. ignorant, rude'
flesh $())1, ambhfeile, s. stinginess, impudence,
%)rnup, aimhgheiir, adj. edgeless, unsharp badness, naughtiness
itfjrh )Cjr, aimkghliocais, s. imprudence, folly, ^jnbpercea, ainbhfeitheach, adj. rude, ignorant
unskilfulness %jnbpeo)l, ainbhfheoil, proud flesh
)), aimid, s. f. a foolish person, either man ?i)nbp]4, ainbhfhiach, s. a debt
or woman ; its diminutive is %jnbpjt>, ainbhfidhf s. a savage or ferocious animal
9fjmj|tjp, aimhiris, s. f. infidelity. Fis. Ad. ^JnDT15 ainbhfigh. s. rainy weather
vijmjjttne, aimirtne, s. voracity, greediness Sijnbpvne, ainbhfint, s. a foreign tribe, strangers,
V(jrri)]itnedC, a'mirtneach, adj. voracious, sordid *l4 ccpjo Avnrippie."
?()mler, aimhleas, s. hurt, detriment, ruin Sjnrjpjop, a nbhfios, s. ignorance, rudeness
3< pille (-, aimhleasach, adj . foolish, imprudent *?(jnbp|ora, ainbhfiosach, adj. ignorant, rude
Sipblearg aimhleasg, adj. slothful, indolent ?<jnbpO)f, ainbhfoiU adj. brave, valiant, intrepid
S(]riile*f<n aimhleathan, adj. narrow, straight Sijnble, ainbhle, see avnopejle
^jrhleatajne, aimhleathainne, s. straightness, narrow 'Amblen, ainl'len, s. a battle
ness %jnb><b, ainbhreag, s. a hyperbole
Sphljo. aimhlionn, see ajmleafon %)*5, ainbhiragh, adj. unhandsome, unpleas-
^]mne*]r, aimhneart, s. m. force, violence ing, odious
viprinenpr. aimhneart, s. weakness $(jnb><;4, ainbhreagachf adj. hyperbolical
Vijrhneaptmftp, aimhneartmhar, adj . weak, feeble %jnb|te4f4C, ainbhreathach, adj. injudicious
Sirmpep, aimhretdh, adj. unready, difficult, dis ^nbteec, ainbhtheach, adj. siormy
quieted, disturbed, disordered " Sujcjm po tpt,
S(jmjtep, aimhreidh, s. f. strife, uneasiness; ob ljniei puac ;
stinacy ; a defile, a fastness, plur. a)rhpe]t)e Cp)o<; pop mo rir, *t>bl r,
3(pri|tepbjm, aimhreidhim, v. to disturb, disagree er, t>om pu*t ;
^(^, aimhreighteach, s. difference, disa 9()]) t>u)do bat bean.
greement Bjiogajp blat> ;
^^. aimhreighteach, adj. discordant, fac Fjftl a hapim ] "I** "earn,
tious Op st)" 51|
^(pTipejr, aimhreis, adj. difficult (>*1 $, cc jiuet,
9ijrhpi*p, aimhriar, s. mismanagement pu pom clap ;
S^mpir, aimrid, adj. barren, sterile Noc a pjp lo pjl,
9(rmp]oeAtr, aimrideacht, s. barrenness, sterility Spi po pupb." Leb. Gab.
ippjor, aimhrioch, s. disguise )je, ambhthinne, s. a storm
%rm|i]o6r, atmhriocht, s. disguise, ambush. 4. Mast, % jnbfea, tiivbhthcunn, s. spring tide, a flood
pa-sim Sijneat), ainchead, to bury, f.
9(1> aimrios, s. error V ^neengal aivcheangal, s* a great tie, a bond
Sfjmrjji, aimsir, s. f. time, a season %jneanrjp, aincheantais, s. a toy or trifle
Sfjmr]u4t>, aimsinghadh, s. temptation ; aiming 9ijnce4jit>, aincheard, s. a buffoon ; a fallacious fel
Siprtrp) jajm, aimsiughaim, v. to tempt, aim low ; an impostor
, am, s. f. a ring ; a rush ; fire ; the eye VjneapTuc, amcheardach, s. an unskilful workman ;
9(jn, in, adj. honorable, praise worthy a buffoon
%yn, am, a negative particle answering to the %jneft]it>*, aincheardach , adj. obstinate ; petu
English in or un ; it is written an, when the lant
following vowel is broad, as , unseasonable ; 9i]ne4jT>r,, aincheardach t, s. buffoonery
it is also intensitive, having a meaning the very %)0*, aincheart, s. injustice
reverse of the foregoing example, as ftjnteap, 3(|ne*p, aincheas, Is. a doubt, dilemma, dan-
excessive heat Sijncejpr, aincheist,l ger
%jnn, ainun, the liver. Sh. %])1,
Vijnceojl, ainceoii, evil upon them, t. e. ujlc ?cjne, eine, s. music, harmony, melody
*jnjJ, ,, ] 8' impudence, folly ; ?0ne, aw, s. experience
^incjdAco, ainchia!dkachd, f Pe<f,shness for- ?ijne, aine, s. truth
'J wardness 'jne, /, s. abstinence, fasting. "lprpjAjne
^jnj4l4, ainchialdha, adj. imprudent, foolish ; rucAco ruar tie rjeect tpj rhu)] juia )
testy, peevish rjfmA], /'. e. rpjA i'jn Ajne a mbuj "Sojre tp)*
3fjnq, aincidh, s. a doul)t fopongiiA c ]TA|j*." Fis. Adamn.
?Jtic)Fe4c, aincinneach, adj. skilled ), aine, s. a drinking cup
aincis, s. a skin or hide '^jnc-cpenege, aine-lrenegc,s. a colander, a strainer,
9ijnqreAct>, ainciseachd, rejection, rejecting o.g.
^ijnjng, ainching, s. a champion 9fjneA, aineach, s. m. horsemanship
2(jncleACOArm, ainchleachdaim^ v. to disguise %)5]0, aineadargnaidh, renowned, famous.
tfjnlju, ainchliu, s. a peevish person Shaw.
^jncjtje, aincridhe, s. vengeance; 4M. 1461 3(jneAt>, aineadh, s. a gnashing of the teeth
%jnoj)oR4, aincrionna, adj. foolish ; also very wise, *)neArh, aineamh, s. a blemish, blot, stain
acute $fjneAThAc, aineamhach, adj. blemished, maimed
^jncpjoRAjk, aincroinnailt, s. acuteness, keen 4i )}0, ainearbsach, adj. mistrustful
ness 3(jneAjt, aineart, violence, oppression, see *jrh-
SfjncpejeeAh, ainchreideamh, s. infidelity, unbelief, neAjic
irreligion, deism 9/jneAjtr, aineart, s. weakness, inability
?t'jnfte]orheAC, ainchreidmhcach, adj. infidel, unbe 9 yneApA, aineasach, adj. brave, hardy
lieving 9ijneAr5j), aineasgair, adj. unpolished, rude
^jnpjoftArhujl, ainchriostamhuil, adj. unlike a % jnejpeAB, aineifeachd, s. inefficacy
christian 9/jneireAct>A, aincijeachdach, adj. ineffectual
9ijn}jortAtT)Uo, ainchriostamhlachd, s. antichris- $(jneolAC, ahieolach, adj. ignorant, unskilful, rude,
tianism, opposition to Christianity simple ^
3)ncjjortupe, ainchriostuidhe, s. an antichristian 9i)neolp, aineolas, s. m. ignorance, rudeness
%)ncfjoreupe4C, ainchriostuidheach, adj. antichris 9/mej, einer, adj. great
tian ^*, ainfheadh, adj. plenteous, abundant
Sjnoe*}, aindear, s. a marriageable young woman $(jnp]AC, ainfhiach, s. a great price, overvalue
^ijnoear, aindeas, adj. unhandsome, awkward 9|jrip}eA5AjA, ainfreagarach, adj. unanswerable,
?(jnojpe, aindeise, s. unhandsomeness, awkward unaccountable
ness 4f|nfuil, aivfhuail, a chamber-pot. W.
9)nr>ejre, aindeise, s. affliction, calamity %]51, aingeal, s. an angel or messenger
^jnoejreAC, aindeiseach, adj. calamitous S'jnseAl, aingeal, s. fire, light, sunshine
Vimoejtpjp, aindeithr, s. ft great haste, speed ; %jnge4lA5, aingcalag, s. the plant angelica
also slowness ^jngeAn, ainghean, s. excessive love ; hatred, dis*
vi]nteo]n, aindeoin, s. see Ajrmbeojtt like
^jnceonAc, aindeonach, adj. see 0 Sangen, aingen, the holy ones. Sh.
^pvoeonAc, aindeonacht, s. reluctancy, unwilling 9irn)t>, aingidk, s. envy, spite, malice, hatred
ness ^jngje, aingidhe, adj. envious, spiteful, malicious
3ijnt>]At>A, aindiadhach, adj. ungodly ljnjpbeAr, aingidheacht, s. wickedness, malicious
%jnT>)At*ct, aindiadhacht, s. ungodliness ness
*)nt>jAi]A)5, aindiarraigh, adj. angry fjTigpjm, aingidhim, v. to envy, hate, detest
tijrrojujo, aindiuid, s. obduracy, petulance, obsti ^inglpe, amglidlie, a;lj. angelical, bright,
nacy in in, final impenitence SijnfclpbeACt, ainglidkeacht, s. an angelical state,
%]ncju]ceA, aindiuieach, adj. obdurate, obstinate, angelicalness
petulant ^rnlvmAm, cinghlimam, 1 tQ Cllte> s/
SiptsjujljgeAc, aindiuiligheacht, s. concupiscence ^pigleAjiATn, amgluearam, J
~\ s. illegality, injustice, ^)1&1,*' aingiorradh, a short cut. h.
^jneljje, aindlighe, f trespass, misrule, con- 9^)nj4rtrhA|tA, ainiarmharthach, adj. precipitant,
fjnljjeAD, aindligheadh, t fusion, tumult, usur- powerful
j pation, transgression 9/1111, ainicim, v. to protect, to save, ' Ajnjc
SfjntiljgeAC, amdligheach, adj. illegal, unjust, tu
Ainicim, ainicim, s. to wait, delay, to shun
fjrmljteA, amdlightheach, s. a lawless person, an ^ a'midheanamh, s. needle-work, embroi-
out-law ; a transgressor, usurper derv, . . *]. o.g.
Sfrne, aine, s. delight, joy, pleasure ?ijn]m, airam, s. orAjnm, s. a name
^(jne, aine, s. agility, expedition, swiftnes E

ijnjrh, ainlmh, s. a blemish, see jnjori S(ynmnemu)l, ainmntamhuil, adj. renowned, famous
Tjnjrnec, ainimhneach, s. a blemish ^^nmnjjim, ainmnighim, v. to name, denominate
ijnjmneAthujI, ainhnneamhuil, adj. renowned, fa- assign '
, mous ^jnrnnijte, ainmnighthe, part, denominated, Darned,
fynjoc, ahiiocht, s. m. oppression, tyranny, inhospi- assigned
tality, cruelty 2frnmn]5ie, ainmnighthe, s. an assignee. Sh.
^,n,ocr6, ainiochtach, ) adJ 0PPressive, tyran- ^jnrnnjujAc, ainmniughadh, s. naming, mentioning
jitjotcdMlb almochtmhar,} "g^1? lllhos- dedicating "
%'j, aim, s. f. a great circle
Sjnjoan, ainiodhan, adj. unclean, impure jfie, aime, s. f. vulg. f4jne, a ring ; the dim. of
^rnjocnar, ainiodhnas, s. uncleanness, impurity Ajfi
*u jiijom, ainiomh, s. a spot, a blemish or stain on a 3()fiftrh4b> amnamhag, a Phoenix Sh.
person's reputation Vjea, ainneadh, patience. Sh. .
SjnjomaT), ainiomad, too much VijiVjjte, ainnighte, made patient or tame. A.
3jnjr, a/H/, s. f. anise St'jjm, ainnimh, a wilderness.
Sjnjur, einius, s. a sooth sayer fjfijlb ainnir, see 4jnoc4}
3tjnjur>, ain'tud^ s. error, depravity $i|f, ainrris, needy, '/i.
?i]njuo4C, ainiudach, adj. depraved %], ainnisachct, low condition. Sh.
Stjnle, /(, s. f. a swallow 4(yn\\m, ainram, 1 understand. Sh.
ijnle, ainle, s. an insect with four legs and a winged V.inpiAD*!', aintiabhar, s. an usurer
tail, always living on trees ; called also car cjiaj, ?(inj*)cr4n4, amriachtanach, adj. necessitous, poor,
and jeaplofc miserable
^iinle, ainle, s. a wild cat. Sh. Sirnpjanca, ainrianta, see 4}nffijantA
ijnle, ainle, adj. well featured, fair SijnpjaiitAC, ainriantach, see 4jn]-pj4nt4C
?ijnle*cc, ainleacht, s. fairness, softness, smooth ?tjnjtj4nract, cinriantacht, see 4)nfij4nr4Cr;
'iqnjtjoc'o, ainriochd, s. f. a pitiful condition ; a mi
^ijnlettnrriAjn, ainleanmhain, serable stete
ijnlertnmnjnr, ainlcanmhaint, "Iy' ,' Persecu lon ^jiireapc, s. f. hatred; excessive love
9]nled, ainleannach, s. a persecutor ^)5)1' s a 'arSe knife or dirk
3tjnlennjrn, ainleaimaim, y. to persecute; ]n- ^)5)*> tf72i'" . f. fury, rage, extravagance
le*nf*o me tu, I will persecute you %5')440, ainsgianach, s. a furious or extravagant
Cjnlear, ahleos, s. disservice, mischief ; harm to pel son
^05')* ainsgianach, adj. farious, outrageous,
one's self
^jnleoijiom, ainleathront, s. oppression, injustice extravagant
Sijnleog, ainleog, s. a swallow ; corruptly pajnleog %|5)4, ainsgianta, part, broken down, de
Srnljo, ainlionn, s. a condiment. stroyed
Svnrrwjr, ninmhais, exhausting, lessening Si in rjf ainsi, v. she came, . . ee4cr4jn. o.g.
9(]nm*)t, ainmchlar, s. m. a catalogue, enrollment ?jnrpj4m4C, aintpiamach, a cruel person. .
Sirnmeabc, ainmealachd, s. notoriety, renown. Sh. ^]nfji]4nt4, ainshrianta, part, unbridled, de
fjnrhear, ainmheas, s. recompence bauched
?{jnrher, ainmheas, s. disrespect ^rnf4, ainshrmntach, s. a libertine
^jnrhe4SAii4, ainmheasardha, adj. excessive, huge ; S*)nf}i]4nt4cc, ainshrtantacht, s. inflexibility, obsti-
inordinate, intemperate na^niTit4r, ainshriantas, s. m. libertinism
^'', ainmheasardhachd, s, f. intempe Sipfl]
jnteU, amteach, a fast from flesh. Sh.
rance, excess eli, "aneach, adj. boastful
fjnrhep, ainmheid, s. f. a wonder
%jnmj*n, ainmhian, lust, passion, desire, concu ^ntea, ffn/wnn, adj. very thick, very stout, braced
piscence -stiff
p, over-si.-- .
2ijninjan*c, ainmhianach, adj. lustful, passionate %)4, fli^> s- excessive or scorching heat;
#jnTh|T>, ainmhidh, s. f. a beast, a brute ; pi. Ajn- inflammation
' 'ritsacn. adj.
S(]nre4f4, ainteasach, au|. hot,
nut, feverish
rmnte <nte4ru)e4f, ainteasutghcachd, s. f. fe fererishness,
%)nrfi)e4c, ainmhidheach, adj. brutal, brutish
Sjnrbj'eac'o, ainmhidheachd, s. f. brutality
%jiirhjii, ainmhinn, adj. rugged, rough, coarse Simtejftj aintcist, s. f. a false witness
tyjnrhjrneac, ainmhisnemck, s. rashness, precipitancy, Sijnteif, amteith, adj. flagrant
or as it is often used, hesitancy, irresolution, %jnr)e4lin4, ahitighearna, s. m. a tyrant, an op
weakness pressor
^rnmnACAT), ainmnachadh, an appointment. Sh. ^jnrjjeAlinftct, aintigheamacht, s. tyranny, oppres
^(pimne, ainmne, s. patience sion
fyrnmue, ainmne, adj. patient; i, e. pontine 6.

^JncJ5ePnAtiujl, aintighearnamhuily adj. tyran Wjpceatwl, airceadal, s. prophecy

nical %Jlce4r>4l, aircheadal, s. poetry; druidic incanta-^
^Inc)5eAI,n*r> aiitigheamas, see ^ tions
^jncjun, aintiun, s. an anthem, . P. ^JJtcealla, airchealladh, s. theft, sacrilege
?jncji*n, aintrcan, adj. very strong; ungoverna WjpceAltju, airchealtrach, s. a hind of the third
ble, inflexible year, a cow
%[>)b, aipchidh, adj. ripe Sijpcean, airchean, s. the end, border or boundary
%jpe*o, aipcheachd, s. ripeness of a country
^jpol, aipol, s. m. Apollo ijpean*, aircheana, adv. henceforth, from thence
3(jp, azr, on, upon, at, in, with, of, concerning. forward
Inold MSS. it is written jrop, see AjnBcea ^jpceA, aircheann, s. an ovrseer
-Ujp, air, v. imper, of Ajpjm, I number, reckon ^jpea, aircheann, adj.certain, positive, . e. npcjfree,
?i)P, air, v. imper. of *)jjm, 1 watch o.g.
azr, v. imper. of Ajpjgjm, or ejpjgjm, I arise ?)pcenr, airceas, s. maturity
Hff, air, genit. of *p, slaughter ^jpceAf, airceas, s. straightness, difficulty
3ijP> <"/", adj. destroyed 'jpceAro, aircheasd, s. wailing, meeting
a/V, adj. plowed ^jpeftrcAjp, aircheastair, s. genuine mirth
4()V> an; v. he says third pers. present, of ubpAjm, 3(]p]t>cojn, airchidechoin, \s. an archdeacon,
isay ^jpcjTjecAvn, airchideochain,) 4M. 1402 et infra.
9ijp, the east, see ojp %jpjll, airchill, s. lying in ambush i
301* *Jr> a*r ", adv. back, backwards ?ijpcjll, airchill, keeping, . e. cojrhAo
4Clfa air> adj. respectful 3(jpcjllAjm, airchllaim, v. to lye in wait
SijpbijTijm, airbhainim, to ail. <S%. SljpjnoeAc, airchindeach, s. a superior, prior of a
^(Ipbe, uirbhe, ribs, s. e. Arne, o.g. convent, provincial of a religious order. 4 Mast.
(jp5e, airbhe, s. f. a story, a kind of poem, /. e. ?ijpcjneA, aircineach, taking one with another. Sh.
Ajnjm <]>, o. g. WjpcjeAC, aircinneach, s. m. a chief of a clan, see
SfjpbeAc, airbheach, adj. furrowed, ribbed AjnjnoeA
%jpbeAt>, airbheadh, s. a division 9<jjcjoft, airchionn, s. a side, border ; ** Ajp]on
^jpbeABAjm, airbheadhaim, v. to divide tjpe, o.g.
9ijpbe<i*r, airbheart, s. meaning ^ihciorA, airciosachj^l ^eed>' glu""ous,
9()}be4tr4, airblieartach, adj. sagacious > 1 . hungry, ravenous, vora-
^jftbeajicdjm, airbheartaim, v. to lead, to move %jpc,re*c, atrciseacK j cio^ifficlt, straight
about % jpjr, airchis, s. a pledge
ijpbeAptojr, airbhearibhith, life. 5A. ^*)> *^> s- expostulation, a complaint, i. e.
9(jpbeipr, airbheirt, v. he found, t. <?. jpjf, no eAccAOjne. o. g.
. o.g. S^jpcir, airchis, s. an occursion, meeting, waiting
?f)pDejpc, airbheirt, s. a leading, drawing, direct c#jpjrAjm, airchisaim, v. to complain, expostulate
ing. o.g. ^ijjtjpoe, airchisde, s. lamentation for the dead
Sijpuejpr, airbheirt, s. pi. words, . . bpjAtpa. . g". ^jpjreACT, airchiseacht, s. help, aid. Vis. Ad.
%jlT)joneec, airbhidneach, adj. noble 'tfjpc-luAcpA, airc-luachra, s. an eft
3ijpbjn, airbhin, a bundle, a load. W. Sjpe, ai'rrf, s. a coast, a country, region
?(jpbjeAC, airbhinneach, adj. respectful 3(jpo, airdy s. a point of the compass
Qijphjpe, airbhire, s. a reproach, blame "fipo, aW, s. elevation, eminence,, happiness
Sjpbjpe, airbhire, s. f. an armfull airdy s. state, order, improvement
Sijphpe, airbhre, s. a host, legion, army, multitude %Wo, aird, adj. loud, public, orpo, publicly
Sijpc, *iVc, s. a chest ?ijpt>oeA, airdbheadh, s. cutting, ?. teAfgAo, no
3iipc, fliVc, s. a sow geAppAt)
4()\ic, airct s. a straight, a difficulty, hardship, great ^lpxsbeAnoAjm, airdblicandaim, v. to cut.
hunger, hence AjpcjreA, a hungry distressed 9ant)BeAnt>iuce, airdbheandiuce, s. an archduchess
person ?jpt)bpe)teArh, airdbhreitheamh, s. m. a chiefjudge,
9(]pc, aire, s. a lizard chiefjustice
tfjpc, /'rc, s. an ark SfipoeA, airdcheann, s. m. a superior, a governor
2i}pc, aire, s. the cork-tree ^jpceivviAr, airdchcannas, s. superiority, sovereign
ijpcAjn, aircain, a stopper for a bottle ty ; supreme dominion
'#jpcc, airee, s. plunder "'ipocjm, airdcheim, s. f. dignity, eminence, office
?jpceAC, airceach, adj. corky "ijlioci'jmeA, airdtheimeach, adj. stately, dignified,
SijpceAC, airceach, s a plunderer-
^'pceac, airceach, adj. ingenious fjp^jmjm, airdcheimim, v. to strut, walk majesti-
3(jpcet>, airceachd, s. heresy, improp. for ejJtjceACt> ci^'^ ^pt^jrnaeAcr
(jpceA>, airceadh, s. an earnest penny


*&ll*ocjmne4c, airdchelmneachi, s. f. dignity %JpJ)Qg4ihl4ct>, airdrioghamhlachd, s. sovereignty,

Vt)]tojinnj5jiii, airdcheimnighim, see e]jit)cem]rn monarchy
^Jfojor, airdchios, s. chief rent, head rent ^)peji]o4rhujl, airdrioghamhuil, adj. monarchal,
%lft)u], airdchur, s. power, might princely
3f)pne, dirde, s. f. height, highness, eminence ^)1'^5^1'1]> airdsgeimhlcoir, s. a curious inqui
^jpoe <vn ], <^? /< miara, s. high- sitive person
water mark ^^, airdthighearna, s. in. 1 a supreme lord,
Qijpe, airiihc, s. f. a sign, a mark '&jpt)|ijaf, airdthriath, s. . J a sovereign
Vi)jt>e4rbo5, airdeasbog, s. an archbishop ?()te, aire, s. f. notice, heed, care, attention, watch
<%)p-oc*fbo$o)'oeAtz,airdeasbogoideacht< ] ^"ek ^'
vij]e, aire, s. f. a fishing weir
* j ]5, airdcasbuigeacht, j ;^c]ltliocese
?0l*e, aire, s. f. a judge
V jjieert, airdhean, s. a sign, a symptom ; position 9(|]e, a/rc, s. f. a servant
of a thing %jpe, e/re, s. f. a name to the different ranks of no-
Wjfte*n<k]ri, airdeanaibh, s. pi. constellations bilit}\ Sh.
%)Jte*pc, airdhearc, s. an entreaty, prayer, peti ?(]]ie, s. m. a noble, a noble person, a privileged
tion person
"i)lT>ettr-40, airdheasach, adj. sublime i)le4, aireach, (i. 5J4t> pl*< 4.) a degree of no
'Aifcjre*t)men, airdamanach, s. a high steward bility is often put in old law books for ojfit^pc,
fJl*'pog]ii, airdfhogharach, adj. altisonant noble, illustrious, privileged or wealthy. Thus
V< jlt>pf)otlu]5eit>, airdfriothluightadh, s. archdea the man rich in cattle was called bo 4jjte4, from
conry bo and 4]}ie4c. 9('jje4, is often compounded,
%)}of}ipflu)5ieo]i, airdfriothluightheoir, s. an as ajpe4pejo, noble-like, which in modern Irish
archdeacon would be expressed by 4]]it>e4|c4ifiu]l. ^ijjiea-
"t}t*eojn, a'tnlgheoin, e. f. great noise, tempest, pejbe, comprehends every degree of nobility from
hurricane the b 4i)ie4c to the king
"ij]i, (lirdhi, s. a wave ?i)]ie4C, aireach, s. a herdsman
Vi'jjiornrhe, airdinmlte, s. high rank, eminence, ?'jpe4, aireach, s. ingenuity
mightiness ?ijpe46, aireach, adj. violent, hostile, unpleasant
^]IT))nrhe4, airdinmheach, adj. eminent ?i)le4, aireach, adj. vigilant, attentive, circum
jiTijem, airdkm, s. a whetstone ; " i. e. cloc, spect, curious
ejrnjjt pp}f jf<oBjift5fe} ijinwo mjlearmo boc." 9<]pe4C*l, aireacal, s. an oracle
o.g. 3(jj<e404r, aireachas, s. feeding of cattle ; the office
9)po]r)fi, airdinntinn, s. f. elevation of mind, high- of a herdsman ; pastoral life
spiritedness, pride, haughtiness, arrogance (), aireachas, s. attention, circumspection,
SKjlojc)e<ic, airdinntinneach, adj. proud, high- chariness
minded ?ijl*e*t4r, aireachtas, s. an assembly
)|0)*>, airdhiobhadh, s. m. execution, destruc %j]ie4t>, aireadh, doing, making, meeting, i. e.
tion, death 441, . g.
?Jltt>jujce, airdiuice, s. an archduke %jfie44, airead/ta, adj. excellent, famous, pleasant,
%])ieleo5, airdleog, s. f. a sudden jerk, a pull . . oj]e4r>4, o. g.
%}>, airdmheas, s. fame, esteem %)He4rh, aireamh, s. m. a number, numbering, nu
Si)j*t>jie4cr, airdreacht, s. a synod meration, enumeration
?J1t>1 , airdreacMas, s. a convention, assem %)440, aireamhach, s. a numerator, accountant
bly 3fipe4rh4c, aireamhacht, s. f. numbering, enume
Sjtiopim, airdreim, s. high stile, magnificence, ration
flight in poetry ; rant ?)jie4ih4]n, aireamhain, complaining, missing the
fipwpjmeac, airdrcimeacfi, adj. notable, famous, absence of any thing
sublime, having sovereign sway, magnificent 3(j}e4TTi4)m, aireamhaim, v. to count, number, enu
$)lT>lyrher, airdreimheas, s. providence ; subli merate
mity ?(jlie4rh;ojp, aireamhthoir, s. a calculator, enume
?0l*oH*5bjjm, airdriaghlaighim, v. to rule su rator
preme 3ijle4ii4, aireanach, s. a beginning
^)?34^14)5*), airdriaghUghtheoir, s. a sove 3(j]ie4p, airear, s. a bay or harbour
reign ruler airear> s- satisfaction
?,)pX5j15 airdrigh, s. m. a monarch, a supreme lord 2tjle4H, airear, s. a choice
^)l*>l*)5e> airdrighe, s. a kingdom; an empire 3ilPe*P a'rear> s- fod, victuals
71)17 AIR AIR

^)Ve*V> airear, s. pleasure, pleasantness |0W5> g/en. of 4)1, a chief, a noble
9)jieAjiioa, aireardha, adj. pleasant JWse e/nv4e, pl. of *]pe, a herd
^^ (lirea.'g, s. the apple of the eye, sieht N()P)5e,,ct>> aingheachd, s. f. sovereignty
?<JJe<r, aireat, s. .a space of time, period, " po ?0lJ5)m airighim, v. I feel, perceive, heed, mind,
5040 4C4j" tuojne jomr* cfttopju en observe, note, calculate, compute, enumerate,
4llt \\n. 4. M. 1432 ^JPjbteojp, airightheoir, s. f. an asceitainer
*Jlel, airel, s. a bed ^JltjIleA'p, airilleadh, s. m. a law
?(]\), airclaim, to lay in bed. Sh. fjpjlleat),, airilleadhy s. hire, wages
^ipele*, aireltachy a sleepy person. Sh. %)1*)1, airiltean, s. a fashion
]*$&, airfeadh, prepos. amid, amidst, among, ^i)V)\tc<xn, airiltcan, s. hire, wages
throughout vi)l)lce4n, airiltean, s. equity, justice
?0lFpeAC, airfideach, adj. harmonious ?0Pj,ri> airim, see Ajpjjjm
^JPfjceAt?, airfideudh, s. harmony vtjpjm, airim, v. to watch ; prop, jrajpjm
^01*5. fl/r^, gen. of <tp5, a prince ?0lp, airinn, s. friendship
^Jl*5e airghe, s. f. a place for summer grazing in %]jijoc4r, see4jpertC4p
the mountains ?*}jtjo6t, airiocht, instead, or in place of
*0l*5e, airghe, s. a herd ?i]]t]ocr, airiocht, s. a faction, party, clan
^JJtgeac, airgheach, adj. herbaceous %)p)o6c, airiocht, s. a cantred, canton, district
^, airgheach, s. one who has many herds, ^jUprap, airiochtus, s. a convention, assembly
of or belonging to a herd 'jfjorh, airiomh, s. m. ploughing, agriculture, hus
^, airgead, s. silver, money bandry
^JPgeae, airgeadh, s. regard ^JPJPe, ai) ire, s. a curse .
^OpgeAOAjm, airgeadaim, v. to regard %JJ){", airis, s. history
ijpgean, airghean, s. a bridle rein ^)> eir?> s- knowledge
^0P5eftri airghean, s. a symptom, a sign ^) a"''s> s- charcoal,' a firebrand, ", e. *)tje,
?f jp^ean, airghean, s. a peculiarity
9ijft5jm, airgim, v. to spoil, rob, plunder, drive or %]jt)pe, airise, s. recital, rehearsal, narration
take away ^i jpjrea, airiseach, s. a rehearser
^W)m> airghim, v. to heed, mind, observe, take ?(}}ijre4, airiseach, adj. apish
care of WJ]J]")n, atrista, s. history, rehearsal, recital
Sijjtjjm, airghim, v. to ask, seek, demand jpjrjn, airisin, s. an appointment, order, array,
^Opgjn, airgin, s. a pix, a small box *JWrJn C4**
^OPBJot airgiod, s. silver, money ijfijrjm, airisim, v. to watch, wait, see ojpirjm
S)l5]OT)4, airgiodach, adj. pecuniary, argent, ^]1 "irim, v- t0 dwell, rest, stop, delay,
bountiful " Ii] Jto ipjr nejU." 4. Mast 1416
?jl&joo-beo, airgiod-beo, s. quick-silver %]j)rne, airisne, hereafter. Sh.
^JP5]ot,5*> airgiodgha, adj. of silver (]j]uj4t), airiughadh, perception ;.also perceived,
VijPSjoxs 1ua6ja, airgiod-kachra, s. spira ulmria, observed
meadow-sweet SijpjuAjm, airhtghaim, v. to awake, consume. Sh.
^WSJOf-toyc* airgiod-toit, s. hearth-money c]|tle, airfe, s. f. counsel
^IPbllb airghir, s. f. a cow-calf tjple, airle, s. f. a loan
'#fr5ne, airgne, ls.robbery %yy,\ebh, airleach, s. a skirmish
%)5>, airgneadh, J * ?<])ilec4t>, airleacadh, s. lending, borrowing; usury
^)P5*e, airgthe, part, spoiled, plundered %)jU?ACAjm, airleacaim, v. to lend, to borrow
^jpgreAC, airgtheach, s. a robber, plunderer, spoiler ^jjileACAC, aiiieacthach, adj. ready or willing to
3(j}5te4c, airgtheach, adj. bountiful, generous in
bestowing silver ij]ile4cro]]i, airleacthoir, s. a lender, an usurer
$i}J), ein, s. a general %))tleo5, airleog, s. a high flight ; a project ; a fling,
V<j!5reo]p, airgtheoir, s. a plunderer, depredator,
jostle, toss
robber %jjle454, airleagach, adj. adventurous, enter
$fj]]t>, '/'?/;, s. f. a plum ' prising; full of projects
9jpjt>, ;/'</, keeping or attending cattle ^pljjte, airhgthe, lent, borrowed, adventitious
?}tjt>, <pr/'dA, s. a sign, a mark, Ajppb n* cpoje %)ll)ns, airling, s. a corps de reserve
?ijpr, a/ndA, s. a spectre, apparition, vision , airm, s. arms, weapons; see apm
%)P]t>, airidh, s. a dairy %ym, airm, s. f. a place
Sjpve, airidhe, adj. certain, particular, especial, %jj!Tnc]}or, airmchnos, s. m. a belt worn by a soldier
to fasten his arms
ijprce, eirfe, taking, conquering. " i.e. *B*jlno F jJtmeA,
ADftltA." o.g.
eserving, finding
i;? air 2US AIS

, airmheadh, s. m. a herd of cattle $)prn4l4c airsnealach, adj. dejected, dumpish

, airmheadh, s. m. a kind of measure 9ijjce454l, airteaga/, s. m. an article
?]}rne*4)m, airmheadhaim, to measure, to weigh. S(jpte4rfi, airteamh, s. an inch
/t. $j]tt4n, airtean, s. a stone ; . e. br. . g.
^jprhencc, airmheacht, s. f. distinction 4C)\tzel, alrtel, s. f. a couch or bed
%)]tm*jtc, s. an order or custom %]pc]C4l, airtical, s. m. see 4]pce4g4l
?i)pme])jg, airmeir/g, s. f. galium aparine, goose- S^ptjn, airtin, s. f. a pebble
grass, catch weed .'jptjne, airtine, s. f. a flint stone
^ipmjejn, airmghein, adj. well born %]lt)i, airthir, s. the east
^ijjtrhp, airmhid, s. f. honour, worship, reverence *]P*J1* ^'"thirt adj. eastern
3(jlm], airmidh, & f. an order or custom ?(]jrn4l, airtneal, s fatigue, weariness
3ijpmjr>, airmid, s. a swan. ^jjtn4l4, aiitnealach, adj. weary, tired, lan
^jpitijt), airmhidh, s. an interdict guid, weak
ijprhv, airmhidh, s. f. a vow, a promise, gen. *]]- ?jjcne4rn, airtneamh, s. a grinding-stone, a whet
m]t>e stone, used for sliarpning arms
?jlrirjojn, airmhidin, s. f. honour, respect, rever 4()r, eis, back, adv. t4}t *jp, 4}J *jr, afterward^
ence backward
ijjtrhjone, airmhidneach, adj. venerable, res ?ijp, , s. f. a hill
pectable 9(jp, , s. f. a fort, strong hold, a covert
3fj]trrnm, airmhim, v. to reckon, count, enume %jp, , s. f. a loan
rate ?<jp, ais, s. f. a car, a cart, waggon
i]pmjne, airmine, s. f. observance, worship %jp, , s. f. shingles to cover houses
3ijprbjn)m, airmhinim, v. to count reckon, enume 3ip, ais, s. f. dpendance, tz* 4)p 454m
rate, calculate {, /, s. f. age, 4)p 44], the second stage of
SfjjtmUri, airmlaim, s. an armoury human life, reckoned from 7 to 16 years, L. Lec.
^jjirhneec, airmhncach, s. a man who has much 3)p, ais, adj. free, willing, 4j} 4jp no 4]J ej5)on
corn. " i. e. yeivp 1 mbj 4]tt>4]t ]omt>4." ), aise, s. f. a request, petition
Cor. g. ?(jpc, , s. f. damage, trespass
^)lm-te]ne, airm-theinc, s. f. fire-arms %]pc, aise, s. f. a stain, a blemish, o.g.
^]l-mA]r, air-mais, adv. back, backwards ?i]pce4t>, aisceadh, s. a cleansing
'%)1|, airndeall, s. a stag. o. g. %jpc]mnj5e4t>, aisceimnigheachd, s. retirement
3ijfine, aime, s. f. sloes ^jpcjmnjjjm, aisceimnighim, \\ to retire, withdraw
3fj}ine, ej'rw, s. f. a watching or sitting up at night ?(jpcejp, aisceir, s. a ridge of high mountains
^ijjine, aime, pl. of a kidney Sfjpcjni, aiscim, v. to teach, enlighten. L. Lec.
^jjne4C, aimeach, adj. vigilant %jpcjm, aiscim, v. to request, crave, ask
^j]uie4t>4, airneadha, the seed of shrub trees. Sh. %jpcjm, aiscimt v. to clean, search or examine
%i]]met*c, airneadhach, adj. shrnbby. <W. $(jpi04]b aisdar, s. a star; *pt4f
$ijltne4rh, airneamh, s. m. a grinding scone, whet ijpne, aisde, pron. out of her, it
stone, hone ), aisde, f U f. a poem
t()jin*n, airman, s. a watching at night ^3pwe4t), atsdeadh,y 1 *
, airneas, s. vigilance fjpoe4, aisdeach, s. a gay diverting fellow
?(), aixneasach, s. a watchman ^(jpoeac, aisdeach, adj. gamesome, sportful
3<jjtner4C, airneasach, adj. vigilant, watchful ^(ipoe4C4n, aisdeachan, s. m. sports, games, diver
1!(jlne4r4]e4C, airneasaidheaeh, adj. nephritick sions, jests, playing pranks, impositions '
?ijlne4rblu*>4, airneasgrudach, anti-nephritick ^jpt>e4ll>4t), aisdnealmdh, s. catoptricks
Kjpnejr, airneis, s. f. cattle ; chatties, moveables, #}Pe4j, aisdear, s. a journey, a wandering, stray
furniture ing
t')pneo, airneo, else, otherwise. M. ^jpt,e4jtu54-b, aisdearughadh, travelling, removing
%jpo]le, ''/, adv. together, YY)T *Pjle, thro' %jpoeoj4Ct>, aisdeorachd, s. see *]p,oe44]n
or with each other ?Jp)eo)l*' oisdightheoir, s. m. a jester, player; a
Sijpjtoe, airrde, s. a sign ; " *Wce n* cjtoje." Z. cheat
Breac. <2qpt>jolt, aisdior, see aipweAp
fypnrce, airrsce, s. f. the hinder part of the neck ^.^ge^co. aisdigheachd, s. see 4jpt>e4CAjn
9(jjjtre, aime, s. f. a vault, arch, arcade %ip>]]n, atsdrein, s. f. an exchange
3(jjipge, airsge, s. f. contemplation , ^-opj^ aisdridh, s. f. a digression, translation. .
9(jjip)e4r, airsidheacht, s. the act of standing up. ^jpcpjjm, aisdridhim, v. to digress, travel, trans
. e. re*r4rh. o.g. late. A.
typhon, airsion, upon him
*JrT0P a^rson> ac*v* behalf, for sake

"OPPJSeec, aisdrghtheach, s. a traveller, wanderer, 2fjpne4c, aisneach, adj. ribbed

roamer Sjpnejjm, aisneidhim, v. to name, tell, relate
$(,Yvpj$be*t, aisdrightheach, adj. mutable *0) aisneis, s. f. a naming, telling, relating
*fjp|JS*e*4p> aisdrightheachd, s. mutability ^jpnejpjm, aisneisim, v. to make manifest, to tell,
jft>|)m, aisdrim, to remove from one place to relate
another ^jpphjlUm, aisphillam, v. "to retort, return. Sh.
*Jj?l*jug40, aisdriughadh, s. m. vicissitude, revolu 2jpl|mn];jm, aisreimnigim, v. to reciprocate. Sh.
tion ^jppjmnju^-, aisreimmughadh, s. m. reciprocation
tijre, aise, s. f. death ^JITl^e, oissidhe, out of it, from it. 4 Mas. passim.
^jreAc, aiseac, s. restoration, restitution %]pre, efc, out of her, or it, from it
%), aiseach, adagio. . ?ijpte, aiste, s. f. a poem
3jpe4CAt>, aiseacadh, s. restoring %jpte|, aistcar, see Ajpt>eAj
^jpeel, w/, s. jollity. ptero, aisteidh, s. the hatch of a ship. A.
%jrea!Be, aisealbhadh, s. repossession, restoration, '-)preoj]t, aisteoir, s. f. a cheat, a jester, merry
restitution an drew '
KjreftlBajm, aisealbhaim, v. to repossess, ; to re ?fjpteojjear, aisteoircacht, s. a comedy, the actions
store or give back or pranks of a merry andrew
9ijrejl5, aisedg, adv. behind jpqe, aistidhe, pi. of ajptero
^jpejlbim, eiseilgim, s. to stay behind ^0rrJ5e*^> aistigheadh, s. composition, invention
^^)* aiseirghidh, . f. resurrection, see e)r- ^iptrjpm, aistighim, v. to feign, invent
Si'jptjjieoj], aistightheoir, see 4jpteo]]
^JH^PSP' rirghih, some part of a mill. Sh. ?)preo)i4, aisteoirch, s. m. atravellef
^eW\m' ais irghim, v. to rise again %)pc]ieo)li, aistreoir, s. an officer whose duty it was
9ijppjme4cc, afeidhmeacht, s. f. a disbanding to ring the bell in the steeple of the church. The
^jppepmjm, aisfeidhmim, to disband. Sh. lowest of the seven degrees of ecclesiastical of'
%)P5Ajftm, s. abrogation, recalling ficers. " ?fjpt]teojji, ;'. e. 4jpcjie4c atpeojp, i. e.
9(jp5*jpm4m, aisghairmam, to call back. Sh. bejm clujc no ecjto jucx, no u4]ptjieoj} mran
^]5> t's$e> s- a present or free gift *ploc clo)5t]e, nojprpeojfi, ;'. e.jpreA *)ipeojjt
^jpget), aisgeadh, s. a desire ]nc*n ]p brhcloc." Comm. on Br. Loi
3jp5ejnel4C4, aisgeinealachadh, s. degeneracy Sk'jpcjjjim, aistrighim, v. to travel ; remove from
9i]p5ejtie4l4Cr), aisgeinealachd, s. regeneration one place to another ; change ; altar ; translate
ilpjejneaU] j]m, aisgeinealaighim, to degenerate. W. 9i)pri)5te40, aistrightheach, s. a traveller
Sfjrjeip, aiseir, s. f. a mountain, as ajrse'}]*, or ^jpcpjjtea, aistrightheach, adj. inconstant, change
ejpg'jj })4 04, t he ridge of mountains which sepa able
rate leat Aujn r"rm leatmoja $(]pt)i]f.e, fiistrighthe, adj. altered, changed
Sijrjpe, <#, s. f. a petitioner Wjrrpjo, aistrioch, adj. inconstant. Sh.
SK)-:eo4]m, aisghleodhaim, v. to recall 9ijpti]064t>, aistrioghdh, s. a progress, a journey
^]p]ce4, aisiceacli, adj. crafty, ingenious %jpr;pju5*, aislriughadh, s. alteration, change, pro
Sijpjm, , v. to depend, trust, confide gress
jpjoc, aisioc, s. restitution, repayment %)r, ait, s. f. aplace, stead
%lp]Oc, aisioc, s. a ferry %jf, aith, s. f. a hill, an eminence
%'jpjoc, </, s. a vomit 4(]t, aith, s. f. a skirmish
$(jpjoc*, aisiocadh, s. restitution, restoring , aith, a kiln ; plur. ajfce
^4,, , ) v t0 rest0 bacfc s. a ford
i)P)054jm, atsiogann, ) r ' VA, like ) and *n, is sometimes reiterative,
tijpjon, e/'jmn, s. a crown, a diadem and sometimes a negative particle, as x>'4]tbeori4t),
9(jpion, aision, s. arelick to revive, resuscitate ; and o^jtpjoga, to de
%)p]op, aisios, s. an inclination to vomit throne or unking ; see quotation at t
^jrTOat>, aisiughadh, s. alleviation ?(jt, ait, adj. comical, strange, arch
^0nu5*)m' aiS^uS^m> v- t0 al'evlate, assuage , ait, adj. glad, joyful, pleasant, pleasing,
Sfjplat, e;'/eer, s. m. a spring tide b'p liom
Sfjpljne, tusleine, s. f. a shrowd, i. e. jne ajpe. , aith, s. a tongue
. g. Sijt, aith, adj. quick, sharp
$jplm5, ew/nf, s. f. a dream, a vision $*4jt>|m, aithaidhim, v. to know, to perceive
^plm^m, aislingaim, v. to dream 9]*, aithbhe, s. f. the ebb of the tide
Sf,pl,n5e4C, aislingeach "L a dreamer ^), aithbhearaim, v. to bring forth again.
^plm^eac, aishngtheach, J %ltbe4pt4, aithbheartha, adj. regenerate
^')|)*'6' aislingeadh, dreaming Sijtbeo, aithbheoy come to life again ; resurrection
^(jpne, aisne, s. f. a rib from the dead

tflcbeoTw,, aJhbheodhadh, s. a revival; ']- 'jtealUc, aitheallach, s. reseating; i. t, *]tfU)-

t>iuj4t>. o. g.
^, aithbheodhaim v. to revive 9i)te*ih, aiUamh, s. m. a proof, a convincing argu
*%)>], aithbheodhchhain, s. reviving, enliven ment
ing $f]temujl, aiteamhuil, adj. local
^'jtDjop, aithbhior, s. blame %]re4, aiteann, s. m. furze
"ijrojojMc, aithbhiorach, s. m. a reprover, censor , ai/heaiiHta, "I adj. known, familiar, free,
^ Ftyopat), aithhhioradli, s. m. reproach, censure, %]fe4nr4, aitheantach J sociable
blame, blaming %)4, aitheantas, s. knowledge, acquaintance
?ijrBjopjm, aithbhioraim, v. to blame, censure, jT-en7-4jm, aitheantaim, v. to know, to comment
reprove ^ijeA]ii4c, aitheartach, another, a different thing ;
^lyearii, aitheamh, s. a fathom a change
$!jWe4r, aithcheas, Is. f. a concubine, a "^ear, aitheas, adj. unanimous]
^i]rcer<]t)e, aithcheasaidhe, J whore %jte4r, aitheas, s. m. a blemish, stain, an upbraid
%ler, aithcheas, v. appeared ; ran opee ing
4jfcear rojllpe mj 3(jce4r, aiteas, s. gladness, joy, pleasantly-, drol
^]4, aithcheasach, adj. wborish lery
"< Jtce4rac, aithcheasach, s. a whore-monger. !. . ^.jrear, aiteas, s. a dwelling, aplace of safety
%)rear*jm, aithcheasaim, v. to play the whore, to ?ijte4r4c, aitheasach, adj. glad, joyful
whore vareare, aithcasc, s. admonition, advice, a lecture
"i)rce4rA]m, aithcheasaim, v. to illume, to shine. Sh. V.]fe4rTe4cr, aitheasdeacht, s. rehearing, an appeal
?()repro)]t, aithcheasttir, s. a fornicator, adul ^FelP5e> ailheirghe, s. resurrection
terer ?i jrejP5(ni, aitheirghim. v. to reascend
>i)fceo, aithcheo, s. blame, reproach ; a contradic- ?i)trene, aithfene, s. redemption
t i tier Sjtypio, aithfriovn, see 4jyjt]ofi
]~<"], achim, v. to pray, beg, intreat, beseech %jr5e4]ip, aithghean; adj. compendious, brief,
%1*0>], aithcheodhaim, v. to disapprove, dis short
like, contemn %]rge4]p, aithghcarr, adv. soon
9flEjm, aitchim, v. to deny %)e4i4t4T>ojp, aithghean adoir,\s. an abbreviator,
^jcmiaym,' aithchhnaim to border, welt, embroi ?>}f:^e4]ip0]], aithghearroir, } abridger
der. Sh.. %jtea]]u;a, aithghearrtha, abridged
^ijfcjiejoearh, aithchreidcamh, s. apostacy. t]ie)n, ithghein, like another; one's self
2i]tcjmeac, aithchimeach, s. a petitioner %}rejn, aithghein, ) s. f. regen era-
vi]fcum]ii, aithchumair, adj. brief, compendious %]rje]neamurn, aithgheineamhuin, J tion
ijre, aile, s, f. room, roominess, scope, location, % ji^ejnjm, aithgheinim, v. to regenerate
locality Vjr^emre, aitgheintc, adj. regenerate
9)ce-4r*]l, aite-chaynhdhad, s. f. a rendezvous %)t5)oin*4, eithghiorra, s. an abridgement
"jiceanai, ailhdheanumh, v. to undo, re-do, rei S()fj, aithi, adj. moist
terate ^)c|-o, aiV/, s. f a sequent, an asp ; a peevish
^O^eimnj^ym aithdhcimhnighim, v. to re-assert person
^fjre-y.olla, aite-follach, s. a lurking place %>, aitide 1 f submission; see a^pjn
fjte-jttUm, aite-falamh , s. a vacancy
%ire-n40ifi, aitc-naomh, s. a sanctuary %)rj<o']n, aithidin, s. f. a little venomous creature ;
^]ce-i p4]|-oeo]t4cn, s. a parade, play-ground a little beast
^--, aitc-taisbcumulh, s. a stage, place
of exhibition %)5, atha:gh,
?i'.]re-t.vjr5> aite-tais, s. a reposity, a station Vij-)5e4f> aitigheas, inhabiting, dwelling
Vijre-re^ea, aitc-tcitheadh, s. a place of refuge, ?(jrie4r, aitigheas, s. reluctance, unwillingness,
a retreat see ))5]
SKjte, aithe, s. lending ; ', e. j4rAC-. o. g.
*<4f"', . "Isee4,rc,m
?<]te, aithe, s. f. revenge
Sijfe, e/'M, adj. keen, sharp; i.e. ^p. o.g. %)r);]m, aitighim, v. to dwell, inhabit
i'jfe4C, aitheach, s. m. a giant, a soldier, a clown V)j-))m, aitighivi, v. to prove, convince
cA]feac, aUheach, s. a sow )^, aitighthe, adj. inhabited, populou
%)fe4, aitheach, adj. gigantick ^jrjle0jj1> ait'ghtieoir, s. f. an inhabitant, resi
9(]re4C, aiteach, adj. anxious, careful dent, dweller
^, aithcadh, s. a stealing away, retiring pri 4C)vyn, aitin, s. f. a hat, a cap
vately 4. jr.jn, s. f. fire
?yte4T>, aitheadh, elfshot 1 Sijrin, aithin, s. f. ihc liver

Vjrjc, aithnne, s. f. a firebrand ; charcoal vVjfepeAw, aithreadh, s. repentance, sorrow, com

3tjrjnjrm aithin'tm, v. to ordain, order, command punction
], aithiobhar, s. m. banishment, expulsion ?l)peAmujl,, fatherly
"fjcjol, aitiol, s. juniper , aithreas, s. repentance, compunction,
'#]t:jo}iac, adhiorach, s. a mystery ; trade, art, sci 5A&A]m A]f]*eA]-, I repent ,
ence vijcjteA]*, aithreas, healing, curing. Sh.
vi)t]o.f, a/Au?, s. pleasantry ? jf pejtjgjm, aithreitighim, to re-unite, ..
'jcjjt, aithir, s. a fat 1 1 er, pro]. aa]P - P)t>e, aithridhe, s. f. penance, repentance, tears,
vjf jp-lup, adhir-lus, s. ground-ivy sadness, grief
^jfjp-njrhe, aithir-nimhe, s, f. a serpent ?ijrpjt>eAC, adhridheach, adj. penitent, sorrowful
%)jr, a/M, s. f. affront, abuse vijfpjje, adhrighe, see Ajrpje
%]fjr, aithis, s. f. shame; confusion ^jtpjgeAC, aithrigheach, see AjppeA
3f)f]re<K, aithiseach, s. f. an abusive person ?fjf p)5)m, aithrighim, v. to arise, awake, see ejjtj-
SjijpjSjm, aithisighim, 1 v. to abuse, affront, de- 5Jm ,
^fjHpjm, aithisim, J fame jijn, aithrin, s. f. a sharp point
jcjpjugAt, aithisiughadh, s. abuse, defamation aithrin a sharp or satirizing tongue, a
2]cjuDAft, ailiubhur, s. a hill, . scold, " Ajrpjn 2. <r. pjn A)c, i . e. zetn$*b ajc ppj
9jr}ub*ji, aithubhar, s. see AjcpbAp liAjp." Cor. gl.
fjele, adhle, s. f. an old rag "(jrpje, adhrinnv, s. f. a calf
fjele, aith.'e, prep, after, AliAjtle rjn, after that Vjipjo^A, aithrioghadh, s. dethroning, dethron-
'jclejm, ailhleim, s. f. the result, consequence, ment, see quot. at a
inference ^jtpjo^Ajm, aithrioghaim, v. to unking, dethrone,
%jtleoj]teAco, aiihleoireachd, s. f. amusement, amus see
ing *?i ] ji j j*, aithris, s. f. an imitation
Sijtlejcj'oe, aithletide, requited. SA. Sfjtjfjr, aithris, s. f. a report, recital, narration, re
^jtl'jnjugAt, adhliniughadh, s. delineation hearsal
vjrljonA, aithlionadh, s. reinforcement, recruiting ^jpjreA, aithriseach, s. a narrator, story-teller,
%]fril, aithmheal, s. repentance a tale bearer
'jrrhAlA, aithmheala, s. compunction, penitence, 3]r]i]reAC, aithriseach, adj. contrite
sorrow VijcpjreA, aithriseach, adj. narrative
3(]trhAlA, aithmhealach, penitent, sorrowful ?jtpjpeAt>, aithriseadh, s. rehearsal, tautology
^jirheAr, aithmhcas, s. the ebbing of the sea. /. 9fit]t)rgel, aithrisgeal, s. rehearsal, a legend
tjtAA-. . g. ^itpjpjm, aithrisim, v. to report, relate, tell, re
^]--1, adhn-an-la, height of the day. Sh. count _
Sirene, aitne, s. dwellings, dwelling, houses, offices %]cp]r]m, aithrisim, v. to imitate
^jfne, aithne, s. f. knowledge, acquaintance ^jtpjpceAc, aithristeach, see AjcpjpeA
ijrne, aithne, s. f. a commandment, precept vrcpcpjobAt), adhscriobhadh, s. a transcript, trans
Sjrne, aithne, s. f. store cribing
?ijtne, aithne, adj. known, npj* but) 3(jrpcpjoA]m, aithscriobhaim, v. to transcribe
%jfneAc, adhneach, adj. treasured, hoarded up 'A)f pcppAOOjp, aithscroibhadoir, s. f. a transcriber,
%jtnj5jm, adhnighim, v. to know copist
^j-njjfce, aithnighthv, adj. known ; free ; sociable %jfpi5j)jobA, aithsgriobhadh, see Aj-pcpjooA
Witnjm, aithnim, v. to command, enjoin> direct, ^jfp5PjobAoojp, adhsgriobhadoir, see AjcpcpjouA-
bid, order 00)]
Sijtnjm, aithnim, v. to know ^ijrpspiobAim, aithsgnobhaim, see AjfpjpjobAjm
%]fnjm, aithnim, v. to recommend, commend 3i)r peAllAjm, aithscalLtim, v. to review
Sjtpe, aithre, s.ia beast of the cow kind %)*1, aithsiocain, s. reconciliation. <./.
%jr]teAb, s. f. a habitation, dwelling c^-iTr.]OT\o\A]m,adhtionolaim, v. to re-assemble, to rally,
3ijrpeADA, aitreahhach, s. an inhabitant, resident 4. Mas. 1431.
^,- aitreahhach, adj. habitable ?'']-), attdcan, adj. humble, respectful
%j-peADA)t>, adreabhaidh, dwelling, inhabiting, re , /, s. a brood, or the young of any animal; *
siding 6 ,
^jtpeAtiAjm, aitreabhaim, v. to dwell, inhabit ?l, /, s. m. a rock, a stone
SjpeAC, aithreach, s. a farmer , /, s. nurture, food, aliment
S#jipeAc, aithreach, adj. penitent, conjunctive, , al, s. fear
srry ., , , al, s. a horse
^jcjieACAr, aithreachas, s. m. repentance, compunc ?(|, al, adj. subdued, conquered, humbled, t. e.
tion ]5^. o.g.
SijtpeAco, aithreachd, s. a genus I*, /, s. a wound
G ?(!a,

#11, allain, s. f. a season

4(1*, ala, s. a trout
?(.'1, ala, s. nursing 11* ];e, allaithe, adj, changed ; discomfitted
?(U, ala, s. wisdom, prop. ! SilUn, //, adv. in former times ; formerly, '
vda, /, s. a swan %llAr-rnuj}e, allas-muire, s. hypericum perforatum.
St. John's wort
*,' //, } s- wisdom' skill> craft 9<11duaac, allbhuadliach, adj. victorious, all-con
9(1 At>, aladh, adj. speckled quering
?6, alack, s. a brood, tribe, generation, crew ; the SUBuaac, allbhiiadhach, s. a princeTs hall. SA.
naiis in a boat. Sh. 9llcA]lle, allchaille, of or belonging toanodicrbody,
c-tiht, alack, s. activity, alacrity, a request. Sh. . . coIIa ejle
9(lA-]iArh, alach-ramh, s. a set or bank of oars. Milieu , ullcliur, s. m. transposition
$dt, alacht, big with young. Sh ?illjlo]i, allghloir, s. f. jargon, gibberish
*U\*b, aladh, s. malice; a lye ?(lljlop, allghlos, s. mischief
9(1>, aladhnach, adj. crafty, comical dJgopt, allghort, s. m. an orchard ; prop. aaL
'lftje, alaidhe, s. f. an art or trade ojtr
vjm, alaim, v. to nurse, to foster 9iliiiA, allmha, s. a drove or herd of cattle
9il*im, alaim, v. to hail, to salute, to praise, to mag 'dlrhujpe, allmhuhe, s. importation. Sh.
nify ^llmujjtceAt), allmuirceadh, the cuerease of days.
vilajm, alaim, v. to seize upon. Sh. Sh.
4(Um, /, adj. fair, handsome ; clear^ bright,, 9dlrhu}AC, allmhurch, s. a foreigner
white 9illij0A, allmhurdha, adj. exotic, outlandish
, alaineacht, s. f. beauty %llm]K>ACr, allmhurdhacht, s. barbarity
^lrtr, /$, adv. after ?illc, eVofl1, adv. formerly, anciently, '
%lb, s. a height, see A)Jp 9lljAon, ailraon, "1 s. a foreign voyage, journey, or
2!t* /ff,I ] s. Scotland 9illjt)An, allrian, J expedition
%|, allsmhain, knotty, full of knots. Sh.
flbonac, albanach, s. a Scotchman 9iUrmuAji, allsmuainn, a great float or buoy. Sh.
, albanach, adj. Scottish 9<lltA, allia, adj. wild, savage
Qdb&po, albard, s. a halberd %11, allLicht, s. wildness, savageness
SilCAing, alchaing, s. f. an armoury. Co?'.^. %lltA]iAC, a/ltarach, adj. opposite, reverse, diverse
<l-ejle, al-cile, one by another %11, alitas, s. savageness
^lfat, ef/b/A, s. a cause or reason ; i. e. jl A.gur 9illu]5, alluig/i, see
VAjt. o.g. Milium, alluin, adj. fair, handsome
?illun, allun, s. . a bind, 1ao Aujn, a fawn
Vtlg**, efe,
Stk, algach,]"ladj.
J noble, brave 9ilmAnA)c, almanaic, s. an almanack, vulg.
lg*t, efeat/, s. f. nobility 9ilmcAT)A, almchadha, adj. charitable, giving alms'
^, feej> s- a false desire to stool ; see Ajlgeer Slmoje, almoinne, s. pi. almonds
&1T, //, adj. other, strange; i.e. ejlc %1), almsain, s. f. alms
9(11, //, ad), all, universal, aII-Buatiac ^) olmsava, alms-deeds
%11, //, adi. great, prodigious, mighty 9(lor, ^j s- f- alles
f(W, all, adj. foreign, alien, , from the fother Ion, ff/on, s. a stone
side, hence Urhup ; adj. exotic, from 11 and V,lor, /os, adv. after -
nui)}* %1, alfa, mountain?, see A}lp
*, all, adj. wild Sijlr, alt, s. a nursing, -Ajlre, a nurse
Sill, //, s. abridle Silt, i//, s. a high place, an eminence ; an edifice
(H, //, adj. another le, alt, s. a brook, a valley. Sh.
Seil, //, s. a hall. Sh. alt, s. an action, deed, or fact
11, //, s. a rock, a cliff (lt, alt, s. a condition, state, order. Lug. O'Chr.
oil, ail, s. a generation, race 9(lr, alt, s. a leap
V(11a, alla, the most high. Sh. %t, //, s. a division or portion, part, chapter of a
e//?> ., "Is. a hall; 4M. 147 L book
%11ax>, alladh,} ?flt, a//, s. time
0(11) allabhair, s. echo ; t. e. mc aIIa. . g. Qdt, /, s. a joint, an article
(llAbA]li, allabhair, s. a host, multitude, a great %lr, a//, 6. exaltation
army %lr, a//, soon. SA.
KI'.a?, alladh, s. excellency, fame, greatness %1]1, altairt, s. a flock, herd, drove, a covey
VillAr, //7>, s. a present ?(lrArnuil, altamhuil, adj. arthritick
SIIa, atorfA, to go, to meet %, /, s. asmalljbrook. W.
^11a}c, a'.laidh, adj. savage, wild 9( ltn, c/r> s. a short joint
21 AMA Slfle AME

VdcotA, altochta, visiting c#rhAjlt, amhailt, s. f. death

Vltojp, altoir, s. f. an altar. Gen. aIco^a, *ltojpe, V(rhjn, amhain, adv. only, alone
) 9i ifiAjn, amhain, s. f. a river
^16, altoracht, belonging to an altar. M'C. ^mAjn-yejtjtie, amain-fheilhide, amphibious beasts.
^ItjH, altra,s. a foster father, aIcjia, a nurse oh.
VlcpAC, altrach, s. one that fosters ^. pmaimi, s. occupation
^Icja;,a, altraghadh, moving ^rriAjpc, amhaircy gen. ofAriiAjtc, vision, sight
, ultram, s. nursing, acajP, , a foster %riiAj]ic, amhairc, adj. visual. 07;.
father %uj]treAC, amhairseach, adj. doubtful
*(h\i&m*)m, altramaim, v. to nurse, to foster VmAirjm, amaisim, v. to hit
^', altranas, s. m. fostering, fosterage %1, amaldch, adj. curled
ilcu^n, altugkadh, s. m. a thanksgiving ; grace at VirhA-ll, amhail, s. a visit, i*. . , o. \
meat %niAltA, amalla, bound, i. . ceAiigAjlte, o.g.
Silcuj^jm, altuighim,. v. to give thanks, to salute %, amhan, adj. holy,, sacred
^bcup, alius, s. m. wildness, savageness, barbarity vri>An, amhan, s. a river
,. aluda, s. wounds VmiAncoll, amliancholl, the letter X, the four aph-
Slugajn, alughain, s. f. potters clay thongs, or diphthongs and triphthongs, beginning,
Vlujn, aluln, adj. handsome, see allujn with the letter a
^luj, aluinn, s. time %', avihantas,\ s~m. good Tuck, prosperity;
i&'luui, alum, s. alumn ViriiAticuji, amhantur, J royalties, royal privileges
VdumA, alumach, adj. aluminous %riiAon, amhaon, s. twins, plurality
Vim, am, s. time %rha), amhar, s. a vessel to hold malt in ; a mash
Vim, cm, s. a people, o m, sea-faring people kieve "
4ivn, am, adj. soft, moist 2TT)Ajt, amhar, s. musick
%rh, amh, a negative particle, as in dmnajpeac, , amarach, s. fondness
shameless, compounded of am and nAjpeA- VfmpAc, amaradt, to-monow
t'rh, amh, s. f. a fool, a simpleton 3rhA)iA5, amharag, mustard
?irn, amh. s.. denial %mAjA], amaraich, s. scurvy grass. Sh.
%rh, amh, s. ocean (\, amharc, s. m. vision, seeing, sight
tim, amh, s. a kind of fishing net % jc, amharc, s. m. a fault
irh, amhT adj. bitter, sour ^, amharc, v. look, behold ; i. e. ru. . g.
S(m, em, adj. raw, unsodden, crude, unripe- ^]", amharas, s. doubt, suspicion
fthj adj. bad, naughty 3(rhApara, adj. suspicious, dubious
?(rii, , conj. as, but %]1, amarca, s. fondness, facetiousness
%rn, ?/, adv. even, also ^, amarcach, adj! fond, over-kind
^ni*j amha, s., a man, person SimAjtcAjm, amarcaim, v. to love
%mA, s. the hameof a horse-collar VirnAjtCAjm, amharcaim, v. to see, to look, view, keep
?mAC, amach, adv- out, not at home, fo , 3rhAjiclA amharclann, s. a theatre, amphitheatre
henceforward. %11, amharcoll, the letter X,- the four aph-
?rru>07mzt-,v.imper. mood, begone! go out! thongs
1er, 1) %5, amharg, s. woe
VirhAC, amhach, s. a dwarf, see aT>a %, hitting, marking
Vitiac, amhach, s. a terrier %', ma5, s; m. a soldier; an ambuscade; an at
%riiAC, amhach, s. a vulture or any ravenous bird tack, pi. , and Amujr
'' amhad, s. crudeness, rawness $(, amas, s. leisure
i^nut:, )s. a madman, a simpleton, a %, amhas, s. m. a wild ungovernable man, mad
^ amadan, f foolish silly person, a fpol man
VimAT>Aco, amudachd, Tin i- %, amhasach, adj. dull, stupid
?(riiAfAn, amhasan, s. a dull stupid man'
SriiArn, amhasan, s. asentery, fresh man
^rhApgp amhasog, s. f. a silly woman
/mAt5n-mo)tic]. amadan-mointich, a dotterill. W. ^, amhastrach, s. a barker, a growler
^, amaideach, adj. silly, absurd, inconside 3irhArt}iAjm, amhastraim, v. to bark, to growl like a
rate, fantastick dog
%'m*)h email, adj. broken, lost ?<nibuAt>*, amhbhuadha, adj. unsettled, unfounded,
SimAjl, amhail, s. evil, mischief disturbed ; i. .
%rh*J> amhail, adj. like SmcA, amdhadh, s. permission, permitting, suf
^rhAib amhail, adv. as, like fering
5imA]b etV, s. a visit ?meAr5, ameasg, prep, among, amongst
3(}110, amhailleach, similitudinary ?imreAp,
AMR 21/^21 ANA

%mpero, amfeasd, never. .SA. ?(, amhras, ) , ,

%rmiur, , } s- t,oubt' suspicion, suspense
'JrhgAji, amhgir, Is. affliction, tribulation, dis-
Vimgapaft, amhgarudh, J tress, sorrow ^, amhrasach, adj. doubtful
-%ti5*p*, amhganch, adj. afflicted, troubled, dis ^^, amhrusaghadh, doubting
tressed, sorrowful Kmy-}, amri, a cupboard. Sh.
^mgApAjm, amhgaraim, v. to afflict, vex, disturb %rh)iujrj5ce, amhruisighthe, adj. mistrusted
ViiiiU, amhla adv. thus, so, in like manner ^nirgAOjleAT, amhsgaoikadh, s. a lax, looseness, or
nilivbaj)), amhlabhair, s. f. bad delivery,, stammer flux
ing 3irivcA, amhthach, s. the neck or crag. M. Don.
^mUbjuc, amhlabhrach, s. m. a stammerer, stut %mu)-o]U5At), amuiditighadh, besotting
terer, mutterer Simujg, amuigh, adv. without, out
"iiUb]4c, amhlabhrach, adj. mute, dumb; thick- ^mulcA, amhtdcach, adj. beardless
spoken ?(mur, amus, s. an ambush, an ambuscade or sur
VimU, amlach, 1 ,. prise, a violent attack or onset ; a soldier, see
fcmlAS, />,|?115 1
Vf.Uj, amhlaidh, seearhU 3(mup, amus, s. protection; "a cjijop tie!
'Amlivjjt, amhlair, s. a fool, an oaf. //. t]dj*mu)c ujle A)j ." oldparch.
$ml)r, amhlaisg, bad beer. <SA. ?imur, amus, s. leisure
^iftlifg4, amhluisgach, a brewer of taplash. Sh. ?(mur, amhus, adj. restless
^mliu, amhluadh, confusion, distress. 7/. ^imuj-A, amusach, s. one that keeps his appointment
%mm, , adj. mischievous, had %murAt>, amusadh, hitting, aiming at, attacking
vimm, amin, s. time ^murrpAt), amhastradh, barking, howling
%'mmajm, ammaim, to re&ise ^murujgte, amumighthe, assaulted
*]1, arrimar, s. a trough %(r\, an, the definite article, au rujne, the man
, ammar, see ] ?(n, an, an interrogative particle, . rumo ?
vimmit]-4)m, ammasaim, to strike, 4 M. 1406 Vin, an, is sometimes an intensitive particle, and at
^rhmur, amhmus, s. m. an attack, 4 M. 1449, see other times a negative or privative particle, as
Anrhj, very -great, Ag, bad luck, ^,
^0, amhnach, adj. abounding in rivers unprosperous, , unripe, see Ajn
%mn4]te, amhnaire, s. f. shamelessness, immodesty, 3(n, an, 2d person imperative of
impudence %n, an, it remained, 3d person singular of AnAjm
^ninajpeac, amhnaireach, adj. shameless, immodest fyn, an, s. m. a man. Br. L.
9frim*r, amhnas, adj. impudent, troublesome, im %n, an, s. a kind of vessel
portunate ?in, an, s. water; seeApbcjp
, amhnas, adj. difficult, hard %n, an, s. a lie
1#, amhnas, adj. unusual, extraordinary, re Un, an, s. a year
markable %n, an,' s. fire
^,';/'/*, adj. severe, sharp, " ca; cjioa aii- ?<n, an, s. one
." Chron. Scot, and . g. %'n, , s. union, unanimity, "muriA tr) in B'ejpj-
%'rhne, amhne, himself. -. oRcajd." O. Gil.
*mri], amni, adj. generous. Sh. ?u, an, adj. still, quiet
VinjAii, amni'jn, s. folly. Sh. ?in, an, adj. evil, bad
9imnu|t, amhnur, adj. shameless. W. V(n, adj. noble
frhnur, amhmis, s. m. destruction, plundering, o. g. %n, an, adj. pleasant
%npi, ampah s. famine,, hunger %n, , adj. pure
Vimphc, amplach, adj. voracious ?fn, , adj true
%mpU, ampladh, s. voracity %n, , adj. swift
QfmplArhu)!, amplamhuil, adj. voracious %, , s. the mother of the Irish Gods. Cor. g.
?(, s. a poem, prop. Jiia, ana, the Son of God. ', . . . .
^iijtA, amhra, s. the hilt of a sword "(, , s. riches, wealth, plenty
, amhra, s. a dream, a vision VinA, , s. a drinking cup, tankard
'ftihjiA- amhra, s. an elegy, lamentation for the dead, ", , s. continuance of fair weather
mourning ?(, am, s. ill luck, misfortune, o.g.
, amhra, adj. wonderful, i. . ^^. o.g. ?nA, ana, adv. truly, certainly, o. g.
?]\, amhra, adj. good, great, noble ?(, , s food. Cor. g.
aYttijia, amhra, adi. prosperous, lucky ?(1>, aiiabcachdalachd, s. haughtiness.
, amhra, adj. dark, gloomy, ol>scure Sh.
%1]1^] amhraghein, adj. well-born, well-de- vinftbA]i, anabar, excess, too much. Sh.
scended ", anabarrach, excessive . SA.
) amhran, s. a poem, a sonnet %',

%, aliabas, offscourings. Sh. ^), anaim, v. to wait, stay, remain, dwell, rest,
^)1*, anabhirach, very pointed, sharp. Sh. halt, " nj jto '." 4 M. 1421, prop. jAnAjm
, anabuidh, adj. unripe, crude, sharp, sour iinAjnbjteAt), anainbreadh, adj. insatiable
nobujoeacr, anabuidheacht, s. crudeness, abortive- $(), ana/V, s. praise, . . " AnAjj, t. e. nj ,
ness ac jpmolAt>." . g.
^nc, anac, s. a wound %]|, anairt, s. f. bandle cloth, narrowlinen
^n*c, anach, s. a path ^nAjpc, anairt, adj. soft, tender, mild, gentle, hu
^n*c, anach, s. anger mane, weak; see
4ix\bt, anach, s. a washing, cleansing 3nAjr, /', adv. after, afterwards
(, anach, s. a tinging or colouring, " 6 p4"-5 %4]5), anaisgim, v. to Crave or beg. SA.
* n'4))tm l| jto." ?<n4)tne, anaithne, s. m. a known man; from , a
^^, anacaidheach, s. m. a squanderer man and a jene
3(n4C4jl, anacail, s. quietness, rest WnAjtnjo, anaithnid, unknown. O'B.
?fncft}l, anacail, s. preservation, protection, relief, ^(nAjtnjm, v. I know not
deliverance, mercy 'nAjtnje, anaithnighthe, adj. unknown
c#nAjt|tj0e, anaitkridhe, adj. impenitent. S. 93
3inaAjm, anachaim, v. to avoid, shun
%), anachain, s. f. danger, misfortune ; abad ^nl, /, s. f. breath
accident ?nl, s. f. an annal, pl. 1
^, anacair, s. f. affliction, restlessness ?(1, analach, s. a chronicle, annals
^1, anacal, s. a quiet person. S'/ (\'\), analachd, s. chronology
3irwcA], anacar, s. affliction, calamity #1, analaim, v. to breathe
, anachan, s. one that keeps in the way. M. ^11, anall, adv. from beyond, over, hither
^inAAOjnjm, anachaoinim, to deplore. SA. SnAo, anallod, adv. formerly, in former times
^, anaceartas, s. m. injustice %, </, s. . life, soul
SinAcejrt, anaceist, difficulty. S/ '-, anamh, adj. rare, seldom
?inAinr,4, anachintach, uncertain. Sh. ^, anamhac, s. f. an animal
^itiAclAt, anaclachd, s. restlessness. Sh. , anamhach, adj. lively
?inAcl4]m, anadaim, v. to preserve, protect, watch %44), anamhain, s. a panegyrist
over ^), anamhain, s. a poetic term, . e. Ajnm
31, anacleachda, inexperience. Sh. 4)ce*oA)l. o. v
3nAcne4pBA, anacneasda, cruel, dishonest, unsafe ^, anamchara, s. a bosom friend
^inAcojmpeA, anacoimseach, vast, infinite. Sh. ^, anamchara, s. a penitent, " lopeph
^fnAcorhtjtom, anacotnhthrom, injustice. 14 rh)c nojp." Chron. Scot.
9in4j4, anachrach, adj. full of pity 3inAmco)t>, anamchoidh, bra"e. Sh.
3(iiA|At>, anachradh, s. a wretch, an object of pity '?<nArhpeo)l, anamhfheoil, s. f. proud-flesh
3in4C)ur, anachras, s. pity, compassion ^, anamoch, late. SA.
SKnAcpejeeArii, anacreideamh, s. infidelity ^, anamhras, s. suspicion, mistrust, misdoubt
^, anacrcidmhach, adj. infidel '3(nArhp4r, ammhras, s. diffidence]
9inAculA, anaculach, lean. Sh. ^(n4riijt4rA, anamhrasach. adj. diffident
3(, anacht, s. quietness, rest, tranquillity ^n4, anann, s. a name of Ireland. 0/a" MSS.
, anachuram, care, anxiety. SA. %)], anaoibhin, s. woe
%>, ?, s. delay %40)), anaoibhin, adj. unpleasant, disagreeable
, anadh, s. danger %40), amois, nonage. SA.
^, anaenfeacht, adv. at once %|, anart, s. f. a draught causing death. Cor.g.
%riA5, fl/iej, adj neat, clean %4, anascacht, s. mixture
^(5, anagli, s. m. bad luck, unhappiness, infelicity '4), anascaim, v. to mix
i'nA54)r, anaghaidh, prep, against, in opposition to 3(>4, anasda, adj. adj. stormy
^nAglAjr, anaghlais, hog-wash. Sh. $, anasdud, adj. very old, " ]fectA ."
^, anaghoirasach, inconvenient. Sh. Br. L.
V.'nA]c, anaic, s. a wound ?<5]*, aasgar, adj. restless, irksome
.'nAic. anale, 2d. person imper, of ]] %, /, adj. plain, manifest
^TiAjce, anake, s. f. saving, protection 9<nbA, , adj. immature
^4), anaicc, adv. near to ^, anbha, adj. huge, great, prodigious, por
4fn1jll> anaichill, adj. restless i tentous, terrible
inAjcpm, anaicim, v. to save, protect, relieve 9int>A)l, anbliait, adj. haughty, unbridled
'PAjcjm, anaicim, v. to beware, 44] 1, take %n>Ajl, anbhail, adj. dissolute, shameless, o. g.
care VinhAjne, anbhame, s. f. weakness, fainting
v(nA)5e, anaighe, part, doing, . . . , g. SinDAine, anbhaine, s. f. extasy
} H *nB*ro)5i
?tf3 . AND 21/V5

%])5* anbhalsdigh, anabaptists, pl. of - Sfrreju, andiudh,

^nojug, andiugh, \ adv. to-day
?/1, anbhal, adj. exceedingly great, enormous. ^no)urh, andiumh,)
o.g. SinoljgA, andlighach, s. m. a transgressor
SiiBaii, anbhann, adj. weak, infirm %fiol]5e, andigheach, adj. illegal, prop. jntdjgeAC
%, anbarac/i, adj. egregious Sfnoojg, andoigh, bad estate, condition. Sh.
SfnB&f, anbhas, s. m. a sudden death '1, s. sadness
3inDApt>Ac, anbhasdach, s. m. an anabaptist ?(nt>on, conj. although
%At>, anabhathadh, s. m. deluge ?(>00, andolhchas, s. m. presumption
^nbf^ine, anbhfaine, Is. f. invalidity, weak- ^norcArAc, andvthchasach, adj. presumptuous
4in6p*]neA0r, anbhfeineacht, I ness ^fticjiAr, andras, s. a fury, infernal divinity
%TiBp*n, anbhfann, adj. weak, feeble 3fnt>lAro aaf ljr, andrasd agas ans, ever and
inbrot), anbh/od, s. m. error, ignorance, . . - anon. Sh.
. . ?()116, androbhlasach, s. a great squanderer.
inbpojl, anbhfoil, adj. brave, courageous Sh.
%), anbhianach, adj. sensual, lustful; prop. ^, andualarase, s. catechresis
41) Sdveujl, anduil, s. f. avidity
9(>, anbhochd, adj. very poor Vncujl, anduil, s. f. inordinate desire
%nbot), anbhodh, s. m. falsehood, villainy Sincujne, anduine, s. m. a wicked or bad man
Sinoop, anbhor, s. a great swelling ?(n6, , see Ane
^inbojtb, anbhorb, adj. furious 1\>^\, aneadargnaidh, s. a stranger. Sh.~
^(nbjtjt, anbhrith, s. f. broth ^ne*5Al, aneagal, s. m. terror, dread, astonish
9(nBjion, anbhrod, s. m. a tyrant ment. Sh.
%nbpoT5A]m, anbhrodaim, v. to tyrannize ^(r\e\, aneal, s. f. a swoon, a faking fit
^nbpojo, anbhroid, s. f. tyranny S(neA}Ar , anearas, s. the bench, fardiest astern in a
9(nb]tu]t, anbhruith, s. in. broth galley, i. . rear jAptAjiAC on liqnj. o. g.
?(nbu4n, anbhmn, s. uneasiness, anxiety, unsteadi ?ne4)ib4jm, anearbaim, v. to distrust
ness 9<neA]brA, anearbsa, s. m. distrust
Sfnbumeact), anbhuineachd% s. weakness, faintness, %njp, amis, s. f. a skin or hide
instability ' 3(npA, anfa, s. m. a storm, a tempest
-#), anchaint, s. f. ill language, sauciness, re ?(npAC, anfach, adj. stormy, tempestuous, whelm
viling, backbiting ing, overflowing, swelling
$(T\j)t>e4, ancha'ndeach, adj. unfriendly SinpAO, anfad, adv. whilst
3inAjt, anchaith, "Is. squandering, spend- %Tip4t>, anfadh, seeanp*
WhcAjieATri, anchaithtamh,] ing, prodigality ^npAriA, anfadhach, see
2<rtCAvc)m, anchaithivi, v. to spend, squander 2npAjt>, anfaidh, adj. stormy, see
%nc*>meA, anchaithmhcach, adj. prodigal, voraci ?(npAjne, anfhaine, s. f. weakness, debility
ous. S. . 77. ^'' anfhairsing, adj. vast, wide
^, anceadna, excessive. 5. ?npA, an/ami, adj. weak, debilitated
^, ancheas, s. the wife of a hero ; /'. . n %, anfas, s. fear, dread
Iaojc. . g. 3(1, anflaith, s. an usurper, a tyrant
^pcojjie, ancoire, s. f. and m. a ship's anchor %n[pe]n, anjf'ein, s. a wonder. For.foe.
tyncpoje, anchroidhe, s. m. a wicked or bad heart Stippe, anfine, s. strangers
c^n}UAr, anchruas, s. m. illiberality, hardness ^, anfobhrachd, s. a skeleton
9(!, andach, s. m. anger ftipocAl, anfhocal, s. m. a proverb, a bye word
vfncA, andach, adj. evil, bad SinpocAl, anfhocal, s. m. a curse
'JintiAc, andadh, adj. just ?i'npocA)n, anfhocain, s. f. peril, danger
SnoA}5, andalgh, s. f. sin %0]41, anfhoralamh, s. m. constraint
9nT)}l, andad, s. f. affiance, confidence ^npoHAlAm, anfhoralamh, danger. Sh.
Enran, andan, foolhardy. Sh. ^npopUn, anfhorlan, s. m. puissance, oppression,
^, andana, s. . presumption, foolhardiness tyranny, usurpation
^noiiAC, andanach, adj. presumptuous, foolhardy ^npot, anfhoth, adj. vigilant
%, andanadas, s. . presumption, boldness %, ^, s- {> dar)ger> Peril see jng
fftrre, ande, adv. yesterday %n^, <nF, s. f- renown, fame, reputation
2fnoeAA]f>, undeaghaidh, prep, after Sing, ^, s. f- a string
inoejg, andeigh, prop, after <#5, ang, s. f. atwistorturn
inoejjiA, andeirach, adj. mournful, of many tears. %n5, an, adj. great
SA. prop. AjnrupA %ng, ^, ad), rank
3nt>e)r~|n, andeistin, s. squeamishness ?(5, aj conj. but, except, . . . ^.
%n)A]5, andiaigh, prep, after ^nga,

^inga, angach, adj. full of nails I ^niyi0l* anmhor, adj. enormous, immense
^n5*t), andgadh, s. a gusset 2(nmo}t4t, anmhordhacht, s. m. immensity
SCn;4jj, ^/, s. f. a tenter %nmu5e4n, anmhugean, s. ostentation. Sh.
^n5*Jr5e**> angaisgeadh, s. good fame, good re- ?(nmume4t, anmhuineacht, s. f. weakness, langour,
pute. . e. tng, cl, 454c 5]|-c;e4t), rrwj. A g. languishment, eraziness, invalidity ; prop. 44-
^n5*n5*> angangach, s. m. a snare ine4rj
Vng4p, <jer, adv. near, hard-bye ' ?nmun4jm, anmhunaim, v. to stay, tarry. Sh.
*n}, tmgar, s. f. a stall for cattle %n, ann, adv. there, therein
*n5.tlon, angathlmnach I ad: glittering Sin, , pron. in him, her, or it
4(n4tron4c, angathtonnach,) J & 5 3inac, annac, s. evil
504)>, angbhaidh, s. f. sin. 0. . %, annach, s. anger
9fn54], angbhaidh, adj. unjust, hard, cruel $6, annach, adj. clean
Sfn^jT), angbhaidh, adj. valiant, stout, coorageous 3(n*cc4jm, anactaim, v. to cleanse, purify
^injDUf, angbhus, s. m. a glutton, a spendthrift, o.g. %40, (/, pron. in thee.
^ngclil, angclu, s. a champion. . B. ?tft4t>, annadh, s. delay
%4]cte, annaicte, s. a cleansing, purifying
*W. U an anchorite
Yingcpujpe, angcruire,) %jcte, anaicthe, adj. cleansed, purified
9fngl40, anghlaodh, s. m. a roar, shout, outcry 9ffU]t>, annaid, s. f. a year
^nglo, anghlonn, s. adversity, oppression-; danger i&TiAjm, qnnaim, v. to stay, remain, dwell
^ngloi, anglonn, adj. very strong. Sh. 9crt4m, annam, pron. in me
54, angna, s. respite, delay %4rh, annamh, s. a wilderness.
^Cngiuc, angnath, s. a relation ; delay, respite, pi. "rUm, annamh, adj. rare
4ngTI44 trforh, annamh, adv. seldom
njrmf, aiignathach, adj. unusual ^, annamhachd, s. seldomness, rareness,
ngnorir.^aT, angrwdhugkadh, s. adversity scarcity
SingnoiiujA, angnodhughadh, s. prosperity, see %4, annann, s. f. a name of Ireland
4]n and 4n %4r, anas, s. m. rarity
?n5P4t), angradh, s. m. hatred, animosity, dislike ?f-c4jr> ann-cais, adv. presently
3(54>, angradh, s. m. doating love, excessive %5Vc4li, an-car, adv. near to
love 9,'-cm, adv. a far, far off
9n5]t44, angradhach, adj. loving 9-co]n4m, ann-coinamh, adj. opposite
9ngp4)D, angraibh, s. a ruler, a chief. Sh. ?-cjioc4', an-crochadh, adj. impending, depend
%ri5]4jr, angrais, s. an engine. Sh. ing
$fnjoct>, aniochd, s. m. cruelty, inhospitality mjg, anndeigh, adv. after
Sinjoorh*!, aniockdmhar, adj. cruel 9rtroc4l, annfhocal, s. m. a word of course, a pro
^n'jor, anios, adv. up, from below verb
Vfnjut), aniud, s. m. error, {depravity, prop. 4))> 3(ft54jim, annghairm, s. f. an appellation, naming
^mjut>4C, aniudach, adj. depraved, perverse je, annine, pron. in us
?(npi5, aniugh, adv. to-day, in old MSS. it is written %o]t>, annoid, s. f. a church
jn 145, see Ancjuj, &c. ?(Ror4c, annosach, adj. unusual, strange
injup, anius, s. a soothsayer %4, annrac/U, s. f. the highest degree of poetry
V(nu4,4jieft, anluathghaireach, adj. overjoyed. next the ollamh
lhnl. 'jiacrj, annracht, s. f. a fit of crying
%nlut>u)4m, anluchduigham, to surcharge. Sh. Smjiojp, anntoir, last night. Sh.
Vinm4, un ma, ) i %4, annsa, adv. here; in the
' ' J- plur. ot 4mm, a name Sir, adj. hard, difficult
^imrmn, anman, S
%nm]t, anmaith, s. tlie reverse of good, evil 9fnr4, ansa, adj. dear, beloved
fnnu, anmann, s. m. an animal, a beast. 4. Mast. , anasacht, s. f. love, affection
passim. ^r4ii annsan, pron. in him, in them
^inrrwom, anmhaoin, s. m. hatred, pique, strife 3,'rin, annsm, t adv. jn that place, there, then
^nrrwom, anmhaoin, s. great riches Krvi-o, annsud, J
VinnwrUt), anmhasladh, s. m. excessive abuse, out ^ro, en, adv. here, herein
rage tmKre. fWifw/, adv. yonder
Sinmfynpe, anmcinidhe, s- evil doing. SA. %t4, annta, in them
^nri)4n, anmhian, s. . lust, concupiscence, sen 9'1]1, anntoil, s. f. lust
suality ?(u. annurm, adv. over, to the other side
5(nrh]4nftC, anmhianach, adj. lustful, sensual oinocT, anochd, adv. to-night
^inmo, aiimhoch, adj. late, longsome. Sh. $?noi]h ' alVl- ^ ('1 east
9inriioc4o, anmhochad, s. m. lateness ?ino)r, adv. now
4nriiot>, anmhodh, s. m. disrespect filOJ,
ANS 2102) AOD

ftnon, anonn, adv. over, to the other side ; here, 3inrtJAntAC, anstrantach, adj. concupiscent
now; *gar 11, here and there, now and %nfUgp*T>, ansugradh, s. m. scurrility
then %nrm, antam, \j wlv-
, m the time; whilst, when.
nein, en/en,
3norgA]lc, anosgailt, s. a charm
3inpAcc4jp-cei, anpaccair-cear, s. a sole, flounder SCnrAltcujrne, antarcuisne, s. great contempt
%n}4, aura, s. m. the dregs of men, the meanest of SintAjtpAjng, antarraing, s. f. strife, debate, con
men tention
%n|a, anra, %ntjc]i]ort, anticriost, antichrist
np, ,
*nv4, ^ .. the next degree to
antt,ls-m-aPetof SintlAct*, antluchd, s. displeasure, dislike
nUt.enrtrifAj anolUm SinrUr, an//.f, s. m. a merry trick ; a fair for cattle
^npAt>, anrad/i, s. a boon, a petition ?(1, antlasacli, s. m. a facetious merry fellow
^ntt4b4}j.r, anrabhairt, \ ... ~. ^nclAfAjm, antlasaim, v. to play pranks
SincogpAW, anttgradh, s. evil desire
%}>, anrudhan, v. to grive, afflict 3(ntojl, antoil, Is. f. inordinate desire,
3n]Aj, anraidh, s. m. a champion ?nrojljeAt, antoilighcacht, J or will ; ill-will, lust
%n)iftjm, anraim, v. to seek a boon %ntojleArhlACt>, antoiieamhfachd, s. f. wilfulness, ob-
?<n]i, /-, s. m. abundance stin
^n|, , 1 s. m. misery, tribulation, distress, ncojIeArhujl,, adj. wilful, headlong,
^npc, anrod/i, J hardship obstinate, obdurate, libidinous
?(njr, anrod/i, s. m. bad weather, from An and jt 9intojljm, antodim, v. to lust after a thing
or peo, frost Sntorhull, antomhull, s. m. gluttony
^npo-oAc, amodhach, adj. afllicted, troublesome, VincoirtAk)!, altomhaltoir, s. m. a glutton
vexatious ?inciA*, antrath, s. m. a wrong or improper season
Sinpoje, anroidhe, adj. oppressed, hard set time .
?n]*o]e, anroidhe, adj. mutable ^ncjiA, antrathach, adj. unseasonable, untimely
3fnpo)cea, anroidhtench, adj. oppressed ?int]iArA, antrathach, abortive. Sh.
3(nnojt>r<eAcr, awoidheacht, s. f. oppression %ncpom, antrom, adj. grievous, oppressive
9(npujAC, anrurach, adj. most noble, i. . po *)peac, %ncjiomuAt>, antromughadh, s. an aggravating, ag
AVA. 6>. Z1. gravation
%, adj. hard, difficult Sintpomujjni, antromuighim, v. to aggravate
^inrom, ansomn, j J ' %], antnias, s. m. great pity, sympathy
, ansamhlachd, s. m. difficulty 3(ntpuACAntA, anlruacunta, adj. pitiful, compassi
$(nr*mUt5, ansamhlachd, s. m. incomparability onate
^nr*mlu)re, ansamhluighthe, adj. incomparable ' %iuada}, anuabhar, s. m. excessive pride
%nrnt, ansant, s. f. covetousness, avarice %nuA)b]teAC, anuaibhreach, adj. over proud
%nfnt ac, anshantach, s. a covetous person ; a greedy %nuA)j, anuair, adv. when ; in the time
gut, a gormandiser %nuA]p, anuair, s. f. a storm
9(nreA]tb, anscarg, adj. much withered, decayed or 3inu4jlr)n, anuairsin, adv. then, that time
dried up 3inuA)r, armais, adj. fierce, oruel
^nuAjfle, anuaisle, s. basenet* MlPar. passim.
9(nre]5, anserg> s- g.reat ,ove " ^nreP *' ' <mr*>
no , *fejpc . e. pejtc mop." Cor. %nuAjrl)j)m, anuaislighim, v. to debase. S. A. 44.
inrAjne, ansgaine, 1 a ch ^nuAjrljiiB'; amiaisliughdh, s. debasement
Vinrb*)ne1> ansgaineadh, J SimiAlAC, amialach, s. m. a burden, over weight
ViurgAipt, ansgairt, s. f. thicket 9(nuAlAi]m, anualaighim, v. to over-load, oppress
^*)1,' unsgairt, s- ^ a great clamour, an outcry %miAf, anuas, adv. down, from above
iftnr^AiJiceAC, ansgairteach, adj. clamorous 9fnu*rl, anuasal, adj. ignoble, mean
9fnr5)pt;)Tn, ansgairlim, v. to shout, to bawl 9tnu], | s-f- the eaves of a house
VtnrAojlreAtt), ansgaoiltcachd, s. f. freedom, liberty %od, ao/(, s. m. similitude, likeness
from bonds ?o)'ac, aobhach, adj. chearful
Sfnpjn, , see %oa, aobhdha, adj. beautiful. . Maodh.
nrocejp, anshocair, s. f. uneasiness, restlessness, %obt)AC, aobhdhachd, s. beauty
disquietude, mutability %ont!ACt), aobhdhachd, s. obedience
tnfocAj, anshocar, \adj. uneasy, restless, mu- ViobpAU, aobtan, s. m. the month of April
%npocp*c, anshocrach, ( table <ob]uiR, aobrunn, uncle. JA
ttnrlog, anslogh, s. m. a great host %ot>, eodA, s. m. an eye.
Sinfog, anshogh, s. m. misery, adversity, affliction <' < AgAf TSCAJIC ^ CA)f,
^(nj-, anshran, s. m. a ladle Cjtj l)Anmo>A pu)rc )5!],
%nj-juyr, anshruith, s. a poet, see ati}ia A5A|- 1 0 giiAf gAjjim,
Don rhAAj ] a reenejnm." F. Foc.
^ m- concuPiscence <%, aodh, s. m. the liver


, aodh, s. f. fire ^ojtjeftt, aoidheacht, s. f. hospitality

4lob, aodh, s. f. the Vesta of the ancient Irish ^ojeaira, aoidheachtach, adj. hospitable
^ior, aodh, s. a sheep hopear, aoidheadh,!
, aodh, s. Hugh, the proper name of a man , aoidheadhe,is- a Suest' aVlsltor
^ocac, aodach, s. m. cloth %'ojeAcoAjm, aoidheachdaim, v. to entertain, to
SoAjjie, aodhaire, s. m. a shepherd, a pastor lodge
9fr>*}we*e, aodhaireacht, s. m. keeping sheep, Sfojoeg, aoideog, s. f. a hair-lace, a fillet, head-band
herding cattle vojceigjm, aoideoigim, v. to bind the hair
9oflA, aodann, s. f. the face Vt'ojg,, ^, s. f. a skeleton
#ot>f-Tia-r|tjne, aodann-na srcine, the front stall of 9(ojg, eo/g, s. m. a hero
a bridle Sfojl, aoil, s. f. the mouth, the cheeks
9ot>aj, aodhar, s. a fiery desolation Sfojl, aoil, adj. pleasant, fair
Voonpimn, aodarmait, s. a bladder. 7/. vojloj, aoibhinn, s. f. a small herd or flock
^onAjfte, aodhnaire, an owner. SA. lYojlBpeo, aoilbhreo, s. m. a lime kiln
3ooAp, aodochas, s. f. see fyojleAC, aoileach, s. m. a gazing-stock. Nahum S, c.
, aadochasacli, s. see 6 v. -
3ot>|a, aodhradh, satirizing %ojlea, aoileach, s. m. dung
?(opU4rh], aofliuathmhar, adj. detestible, horrible, v(o)leAntA, aoileanda, adj. beautiful, fine, excel-
abominable, odious ent, charming
^5* a0SasS> s- m. see creeps ?)10, aoileannacht, s. beauty. Sh.
9(oi, , s. f. discipline, instruction Sojlreg, aoilseog, s. f. a caterpillar
Sloj, /, s. f. a swan %o)leAt), aoilleadh, s. m. a chewing
Soj, , s. f. a confederacy, compact SojlleA, aoilleadh, s. m. basting, AojlleA peojl
4o], aoi, s. a stranger, a guest SiojHjm, v. to baste, to chew
Wo), ao, s. f. knowledge, science ^ojltjjeAC, oiltigheach, academical. Sh.
%o), /, s. f. honor, respect 3ojn, aoin, s. f. a rush
], aoi, s. f. a trade 3orn, , s. f. honour, respect
%o), /, s. m. possession vojn, flo/, s. f. a fast
%], aoi, s. f a place, a region, a country, an %0]n, eoin, s. one, an ; is never used for
bland one but in compound words, where the first vowel
(), aoi, s. m. descendants, a tribe of the second member of the compound begins
9(o], aoi, s. a request, a petition ; , e. ]4j]iu). . g. with a slender vowel; ex. AOjnmrj, aojwij
fojB, oiM&b, s. r. a courteous civil look Sio)n]ieAC, aoinbhitheach, adj. co-essential
%ojo, , s. f. a patrimony 3iojn6)neAmAm, aoinchineamhain, one event. Sh.
(ojd, aoi'AA, s. f. a tribe. O'Dugan 'ojnrtA, aomdeag, adj. eleven
'#o)0, ao'AA. s. f. likeness, similitude. O'Dugan Siojne, aoine, s. Friday
9io)6. /, adj. pleasant, civil, courteous %ojne, aoine, s. fasting, abstinence, see ejne 1
%o)o, ao/A, adj. neat, elegant 9iope*c, aoineach, adj, fasting
SiojTie, aoibhe, s. civility SiojnpeACt, aoinfheacht, adv. at once; along with
9(o)5e, aoibhe, s. neatness, elegance ^CompeACC, aoinfheacht, s. union, unison. Sh.
9(0]T>eAl, aoibheal, s. f. a spark of fire ; " fjo ^ojnjjn, aoinghin, adj. only begotten
eoiBel n pAWigA." Old. proverb 9iojnjm, doinim, v. fast, to abstain
Sojoeal, aoibkeal, adj. pleasant, merry ??0))|)), aoinnintinn, of one mind
Qiojoearhujl, aoibkeamhuii, adj. grateful, satisfied iomirrjfieA, aoininntinneach, adj. unanimous
2)], , adj. joyful, pleasant; fair SiomneA, ainneach, s.
%'o)Djoll, aoibhioll, adj. giddy. W Siojnnj, aoinnidh, s. any thing
9(), aoibhle, s. f. a sign, a mark, a token %o)i, , gen. of , a curse. 7/t'. Arur
Sfoirjgimy aoibhUghim, v. to mark, note ; to ex oji, ao/'r, gen. of aoji, a satire
plain an omen. Sh. %0)pAm, aouain, a ploughman. <W.
QojnneAc, mibhneacR, adj. glad, joyful ?.o]je, aoire, s. f. asatinst
9(ojfie, aoire, s. f. satirizing, railing
s. m. joy, delight <Hu\$e*bxs\b,aoireachdin, blaming, e\claimingagainst
ieak. Sh. Sh.
3ioro*meA6, aoidaineach, adj. leaky. Sh. \, aoireadh, s. the corner of a sheet or sail
'ojoe, ooide, s. a web ()\1, aoireadh, s. a field. Sh
Siope, ewtftr, s. youth ?iuj|*vm, aoirim, v to satirize ; to curse
Soje, aodhe, s. a skilful or knowing person ^ojlpujiim, aoirsidgkim, v. to enhance the value
^ojoeac, aoideach, adj. youthful of. Sh.
%'ojoeAC, aoideach, s. a milch cow fojp, aois, s. f.age
I fojptAnAjpe,
21<W . AON 210C JOT

Vojj-CATUwe, aoistanaise, s. f. the second stage of %on]|ic]fle4r, aoninntinneas, s. f. unanimity

human life, reckoned from 7 to 16 3fonrh4-4jj-Fjjt, aonmha-air-fliichit, twenty-first
^ol, aol, s. m. lime Somu-oeg, oonmha-devg, eleventh
^olttt), aoladh, white-washing, plastering %onrh4-t>eug-4jjt-^]6]c, aonmha-deug-air-fhichit,
SioUoojjt, aoladoir, s. a plasterer, a white-washer thirty- first
3iolajn, aolain, s. f. learning %ono, aona, the one, first. Sh.
SiokmeA, aolabituchy s. m. an academic, academi Siono-ou, aono-deug, the eleventh. Sh.
cian ?(onp*c4n, aonracan, s. m. a solitary person ; a wi
^oUjnje, aolainighe, s. f. a student dower
$iol4)nj5)m, aolainighim, v. to educate Sonpacnac, aonracanach, adj. solitary, desolate,
^olajroeac, aolaisdeach, adj. tedious alone
$folam, aolamh, a doctor, a professor. tyonjwcnac, aonracanach, adj. particular, singular
3iohm, aolim, v. to lime ; to whitewash ; to plaister ?ionj4C4n4ct), aonracanachd, s. f. solitude ; desola
^olirn, aolim, v. to instruct tion
9follphIroAf aollphlasda, s. a parget, or plaster. Sh. %)1444, aonracanas, s. f. solitude, desolation
9tollphlftpou]e, aollphlasduichc, s, a plasterer. Sh. ^ionjiacanoa, aonracanda, adj. solitary ; singular
^olfojtn, aolsorn, s. m. a lime-kiln %5, aonriogh, s. a monarch. Sh.
^olre, aolte, taught, instructed ^onrloje, aonsloinne, of one tribe or family
9fol-c)g, aol-tigh, s. a school, a college %ont4, aonta, s. consent, a licence, lease
iftohrojjt, aolthoir, s. a fosterer ?(onc4, aonta, s. celibacy, aomadh, s. a bending, inclination, procli ?(4, aontach, adj. accessary
vity tfont44t), aonlachadh, s. consent, consenting
3oni4jm, aomahn, v. to bend, to incline, to lean %onc4o, aontachd, s. acquiescence
^oma, aomtha, adj. oblique #ont4C4C, aontachach, \adj. willing, consent-
3(on, , s. one, a unit, any ^ontuigenc, aontuigheach,} ing
9(on, aon, s. m. a country Wj^t, aontigheachd, j cohabitn
Sfon, , adj. e:x:ellent, noble, good ^on-j^ear, aontigheas, J
fona, aonach, s. m. a fair, an assembly 3iontu)j, aontiugh, part, united, agreed to
iona, aonach, s. m. a prince %'onrojl, aontoil, s. f. one accord, one mind
itfon4c, aonach, s. m. a hill %orrcu)5)m, aontuighim, v. to consent, to agree ; to
?(on4C4t>, aonackadh, s. m. adunation, uniformity obey
Monaco, aonachd, s. unity ^onruii4t>, aontumhadh, adj. marriageable. Keat.
9on4t))tc<ic, aonttdharcach, s. an unicorn. itra/. and wars of . . c.
^onagpajcjm, aonagraicAim, v. to wallow ^ontpomar, aontromas, s. madness, levity. Sh.
ionap, aonar, adj. alone ?(oncujfe, aontuighthe, adj. united, consenting
^onajiac^ aonarach, adj. solitary 3(onua)j*, aonuair, adv. once, one time
$fon]MkT>, aonarachd, s. solitariness,, singularity %o]*, , s. m. a satire
^ionapan, aonaran, s. m. a solitary person. . P. %op, aor, s. m. a curse, 4M. 1414.
Sonapnac, aonaranach, adj. lonely, destitute %'ojiAAr, aorachas, s. in. a railing, satirizing
^onapa, aonaradha, adj. solitary, single, lonely %ojtT, aort, s. a ship
$(onbll, aar.bhall, one spot, *] Ball, in one ;, aos, s. m. a tree
place ; together %or, aos, s. m. age
^,'onDjt, oonbhith, co-essentiality %or, o, s. m. a community ; a sect of people, op
%4*10, aoncaihaireach, \ adj. of the same ci- cdo]l or cjnjl musicians, , poets, *or
ioncatpa, aticathrach, J ty 45<vr earpa, young and old people, ^,
iont>a, aonda, adj. simple, singular, particular, un friends, relations
mixed ; it is the opposite of cumupc ?(orc, aosach, adj. old, ancient, "or e)P)ft 4or4]5
*ont>acr,, aondacht, Is. m. unity, uniformity, same- U4r4]l."
3,'onc4cr, aontacht, J ness %orAl, aosar, s. m. God
^tonttatac, aondathach, adj. of one colour %orti4, aosda, adj. old, aged, antient
, acnduine, s. any one ^ornaco, aosdachd, s. m. age, antiquity
TfonplAjt;, aonflaith, s. a monarch 9/ornan, aosdan, s. a soothsayer. .
%opyl*lte, aonfiaitheach, adj. monarchial %or4, s. f. the moon, prop : fj*
^onplajieaco, aonflailheachd, s. monarchy VopTi4lb aosnihar, adj. old, aged
(onr. uj];, aonfuirt, wallowing, 2d. Peter, 2, 22. ^orrhajiaco, aosmharachd, s. m. age, antiquity
^tongam, aongcm, v. to move, stir. A. Sort*, ooi/e, see 4op*
^'onjnejfceac, aonghneitheach, adj. homogeneous %ot, aoth, s. a bell
%onut4,c, aonghuthach, adj. consonoua %ot, eof/i, s. a crown
^onjtj, aonnithinn, s. f. one mind ifot,

(, aoth, s. any servile work, particularly plough Sip4cul, aracul, s. m. a cell or grotto ; a retired or
ing unfrequented dwelling
Wot, aoth, adj. small, little %p*o, arad, Is. a ladder, , ApA ua-
^oaco, aothachd, s. ringing of bells, Sjiao, aradh,J t4jb." i?ra\ v. r.
o4f>, aothadh, adj. clean, pure SipAty , s. a running upon or against a hill,
^otajm, aothaim, v. to ring bells ^ 4pA, i. <?. Jtjr no pj4t) ppj Iia. 4 i. e. C4 4po."
^P. ap, )
^P*> V,fS,m- an ape SipA, aract, s. f. a loin
9p*, apod, s. m. death, . " 50 flApAt> t>e. 0. g. SipAo, arad, adj. strong, brave
3fp*)t>, apaidh, adj. ripe %p4t>A, arada, s. a severe punishment
fp*)t>, apaidh, gen.of ApAc, death SipAt>4jn, aradain, s. f, a desk or pulpit
^p*mUc, apamhlacht, s. m. apishness, foolishness Sip4t)4pi, aradhan, s. abuse. A.
^parhujl, apamhuil, adj. apish, foolish %p44jn, aradhain, s. f. reward, ApADm u}lc . .
^pj], aprainn, s. f. mercy, pity T5J10 jol. o.
SpAjrlAr-CA, arafhlasca, s. f. the running of the reins
VipAjoe4n, see ApAWAjn
^Pjtn, aprun, s. m. *an apron ^*)5~1** araigh-sriana, s. the reins of a bridle
Sprcojljce, apstoilice, adj. apostolick Spile, araile, .
^Prtol, apstol, s. m. an apostle pi ll, /tf, lCOnj' ' 83 m,Uch' /S "
%P*, apthoch, adj. mortal Sipjlle, ereit, J more' see 1*)1 and ftl)11
SiPujg, apuigh, adj. ripe, mature SipA^rn, , v. to plough
Sfp, ar, s. m. slaughter, destruction, plague SipAjn, arain, s. a ploughman, see Aojpajn
Sfp, ar, s. m. the slain in fight, 4jp An p, upon the Sipjrre, araiste, s. an orange
slain %p4rhu}l, aramhuil, adj. officious
fft er s. m. tillage, ploughing, husbandry Sipn, era,i. m. bread
Sift , s. m. guiding, conducting SipAn, aran, s. familiar conversation
Sip, ar, s. m. a bond, chain, tye Sipn, aran, s. m. subsistence, employment
Sip, ar, adj. bound, chained, 4pcu, a chained dog SipAn, , s. the name of several hills in Ireland,
Sip, ar, pron. our Scotland and Wales
Sip, er, is sometimes used in MSS. for o}p, or 4), SipA/i, aran, sometimes used for the plural of ,
" 4p jr, /. e. om 4 t4Vo." 0. \ a loin
Sip, ar, verb defect. *p fe said he SipnA, aranach, adj. alimentary
Sip, ar, prep, on, when,. at, in, for, by, with ; *p SipnAjlt, arapailt, s. f. a pannier, a bread-basket
pon, for sake of; 4p 4n 1, upon the earth ; SipimftA, arancha, s. a pantry
4p tcjr, in the beginning, at first, see 4jp Spnjp, arancoir s. m. a baker
Sip, ar, placed before a noun forms an adverb, as SipAOp, araoid, s. a cover, a table-cloth
opujm, backwards SipAojp, araoir, adv. last night, prop. Apjp
^p*, ara, s. m. a page, a lacquey, servant, a cha SpAon, araon, adv. both, together, in one
rioteer %, aras, s. m. a dwelling-house, a dwelling, a
Sipa, ara, s. m. a conference habitation, a room, an appartment
SipA, are, s. f. the loin, pi. pan* SipAfAC, arasach, s. m. an inhabitant
Sip*, era, s. f. a bier 2ip4f4C, arasach, adj. inhabitable
SipA, ara, s. m. rowing. 0. g. Sip4rAjm, arasaim, v. to dwell, inhabit
Sipa, ara, s. a tract of country Sip4t4p arathar, s. a ploughing, cultivating
Sipa, , interj. an expletive particle SipbA, arbha, s. f. corn, " 454p ,
SipAD4, araba, for sake of gefpn bn ], neo 00 ) ACAppAjng
%p*c, aracy s. m. a conflict arbha, *C4f } 6 mujllj." Book of Ferm. fol.
SipA, arach, s. m. a plough share; utensils for 88. " ?(< 100 ^e**r 1 hA]DAA rpj
ploughing J- ])." . fol. 89.
SipA, arach, s. fishing tackle 3(pbA, , conj. yet, nevertheless
Sip4c, arach, s. a fishing weir ?(pbAC, arbhach, s. m. havock, destruction
SipAC, araA, s. f. a bier ^pbAjm, , v. to destroy
SipAC, arach, s. f. a gallows, a gibbet, .^. , arbhar, s. m. corn ; grain of any kind
Sijtac, arach, s. m. strength, puissance, power %, arbhar, s. m. a host, an army, prop. Apnwp
Si, aracar, s. m. rowing ; motion %pBApA, arbharach, adj. fertile, full of corn
SipCAr, arachas, s. m. power, might, insurance ?pfiAp<ct>, arbharachd, s. embattling an army
%]i4co*, arachdach, adj. puissant, powerful SfpbapAjm, arbharaim, v. I array
SipAcoAj", arachdas, s. m. puissance, might, power ^]5, arbhraigneach, adj. scarce of corn
VpAcjp, aracoir, s. an insurer ^Pfip*l5ne*> <HbhraiSneach, s. a snare. SA.
^(1|5], arbhraigmm, I ensnare. Sh.
?ilc, arc, s. a chest, ark, a dwarf, a pig, a bee or %pt5w>luve, ardj'holuigheach, adj. of great blood,
wasp, a lizard, a collection, the body high-born
ijtogeojp, ardghois, s. a liberal art
4(pc, an; s> impost, tribute
3pt>wjpjpe, ardghoire, s. a master of arts
2jc, arc, s. f. a collection
?ifc, arc, adj. small, also swift ^pogAorrrup. ardghaotimhar, adj. boisterous stormy
VijtcAjn, arcain, a little pig ?(>51, ardghlan, adj. eminently fine, as oileen
%p4]ngel, archaingeal, s. m. archangel ^pojjlopAc, ardghlorach, adj. clamorous, lombas-
Vjican, arcan, s. f. a cork, stopper
VipceAn*, archeana, adv. henceforth, in like manner tical
^polo]), ardghloir, s. m. clamour, bombast
>(pce*ac, archtannach, s. m. an archdeacon, a chief ^pcgorA, ardghothach, adj. loud-spoken, noisy
of a tribe Sfpoijul, ardgbul, s. m. loud lamentation
%}tejr, ffrm, s. f. abide
^ipciiucj**, archluachra, s. an eft, newt or lizard Sipngur, ardghuth, s. m. a loud voice
3ipnn, arclwn, s. a fierce dog ?<, aidmhaor; s. m. a chief magistrate
vifiepd, arcra, s an eclipse ?<prriiApAig. ardm/iaruigli, s. an admira!. .
]1, archu, s m. a chained dog ^ItniioriAt), ardmhonudli, s. great affluence
S|tcu), anuill,.s. f. a hermit's ceil %>, ardmhor, lofty
Vpipg, ardog, s. f. for oprg, a thumb
9fpii]pg, s. f. an experiment
%'ftup, archur, s. sucking ?i jloolUrii, ardollamk, s. in. a chief teacher, a pro
9]ti>, or/, s. a height, top, summit, eminence, ascent fessor, or doctor
"(jio, ard, adv. mighty, great, noble, eminent, high, ^, ardollamhnaeht, s. m. "| the of-
lofty . ^, ardoUamhantacht, s.m. J fice of
vpr., ard, s. f. a point of the compass a chief professor, or doctor
>, aid, s. apart, place, "a ran eajUjp." ^]foo]}ieAcx4r, ardoireach/as, s. m. a convention, an
Vijit!c*p, ardaclutdh, s. height, top, submit assembly
9. pmroc, ardhachtach, adv. high, stately, grand %pt>opup, ardorus, s. m. the lintel of a door, vulg.
^jcoAljim, ardaighim, v. I elevate, extol, exalt
iipoagA, ardagkadh, s. honor, promotion $f|fo|ic, ardrach, s. m. a lord, a sovereign
?()?;<0, ardaigeantach, adj. high-spirited, %, ardrach, s.m. gain, profit
high-minded %jt5pi5, ardrigh, s. m. a supreme king; an empe
ijit>*i5e4nrc-e, ardaigeantach; s. high-spiritedness ror
?(ptM)5ne, ardaignc, s. elevation of mind Sipopeacrap, ardreachias, see \)<
3)51, ardaiiigcal, s.m. an archangel %popuj, ardruich, a house. Sh,
?<pArr., ardhatnh, s. a plough ox "popAgap.^, ardshagart, s. m. a high priest, pontiff
^poin, ardan, s.m. pride, a hillock, a small emi 9(pt>peanar, ardsheanadh, s. m. a synod, council
nence ^jt-orgiijrhleojp, ardsgeimhleoir, s. a curious person.
% jtt>n4, ardanac/i, adj. high, proud, elate, high- Sh.
minded ^popgol, ardsgol, s.m. acollege, university
%|*>4)5], ardanaighim, v. to embolden, elate ^ippujgeacojp, ardshuighcadoir, s. m. a president
9(jit>4(tc, ardharc, s. ensign, colours, blazon, coat of '^, ardtaoistach, s. a chieftain ; a colonel
?(pt>ugar>, ardughadh, s. elevation, promotion, ho
%*, ardharc, s. request, entreaty nor
$fp*p, ardhas-ach, adi. high, stately^ bold ^jtwijjte, arduighthe, adj. exalted, elevated, ho
VijfoAT-Ajt'' ardatkair, s. m. a patriarch nored
^, ardbheandiiu, s. an archduchess 3>]p, an ir, adv. last night
^poTpjcAi, ardbhx'iihtamh, s. m. chief judge %P5, arg, s. m. a champion, Mars, also a chest or
cpcc.Anrojp, ardchantoir, s.m. archchanter coffer
?{<*], ardchatlwir, metropolis, throne, arch *15> s- f: milk ,, ,
5, er, ad|. famous, noble, also white
bishop's* see
iftprnoc-paipe, ardchnoc-fairc, a chief or great Vpg, ''^, s. a corn skep. a shock of corn
beacon. Sh. Stpgaw, argad,s. a stopping or hindrance
9}T>rrMjf:e, nrdchomhairle, s. a senate, parliament -pgajm, ergaim, v. 1 rob. plunder
^, urrlr.homas, s.m. supreme power ?|;t>a, argdha, adj. military, warlike, valiant
?*p\x:uucr, arddnim/iuclit, s.m. supreme power &), argain, e. plundering, robbing
^pt>up, ardchur, tax, tribute ? 1*11* rghaire. s. f. an obstacle, hinderance
2tyt>p!*F, ardfhlaith, s. a supreme lord, sovereign SftiarpjTr., argkairim, v. I keep, tierd
9(1!14]-0, ardfhlailheacht, s. sovereignty arghairt, he or she kept, " 4]tA]pr Uece
*051*> ardwgliarach, adj. loud-sourding nDi yop meoon Rejre." Brogan.

^l'5nc, argnach, s. m.l ,, * ' cl]4t, j* Ajtojle a cconAcrAjfi,

^Pgnojp, /^r,S.m.ja robber %urhAn." Tigernach, 1152
?f5nA, argnadh, s. m. robbery, plundering, devas- ^ftojll, aroill, adj. much, man)', " gup opcAjg
tn t l/ln
tation rj4t>, Ajtojll t)o jjaa1u)d comAjjile rjn." Ti
20*lot>, arlodh, s.7 . , gernach, 1152
ldog, er/W, s. I some Partof the slJe Sfor, aros, s. m. a dwelling, habitation, bouse
%'jtlojg, arloigh, s. proper. rjlo], a gathering, arr, s. m. a stag, a hind
bringing home the harvest ?ipjA, a/Te, s. treachery
^pannjm, argnaim, v. I rob, plunder ?I}tA, , s. a pledge
^jiSujmjnr, argulmeint, s. an argument ?p}AC, arrack, s. m. a pigmy, a dwarf
^l*5uJn arguin, s. an argument; plunder, depreda ?ltjwc, arrach, s. a centaur
tion ?(ji]ia6, arrach, Is. a likeness, spectre, appari-
3ip5*oj), argthoir, s. a destroyer, a plunderer ', arracht,} tion
^145 flr^ chiefs. Sh. 3PP44J, arruchar, steering, rowing. S/
9iljn, emn, s. friendship. SA. ^ At4 , arrachta, } ad> fronS' '&1.' P?wer-
fjtjp, a/75, adv. again %, arvchtach, j, '> Passant,
?ipm, arm, s. in. the army, armour, weapon, arms
\, arm, s. m. a place, situation, 4. Mast, passim. ^lipAtr, arrachtacht, \ s. m. supremaej;, might,
9(}iTnii> urmach, s. m. slaughter, a slaughterer %jp4CtAr, arrachtas, J power, bravery, courage
9firr*, armac/i, adj. armed, warlike ?()tp4t), arradJi, s. m. an ornament
% jim*CT), armachd, s. m. feats of arms ^jtjtAt), arradh, s. m. merchandise, ware, plur.
9ijmam*jl annamhail, adj. armed, warlike , see *
?t Jm*}5. armhaigh, s. a buzzard 3(}pAjr>, arraidh, s. evil actions
SKjimaJSie, armaighthe, adj. armed Sijl4)5'oeAC, arraighdeach, adj. negligent
^(jmji, aimail, s. f. arms, weapons, an armory %j*IAjn5, arming, s. f. convulsions
itfjmijire, atmailte, s. f. an army ^Pr**Jn5> orraing, s. f. a stitch, a sharp pain
%lmjlce4, armaUteack, adj. having armies ^*1 , s. f. joy, delight, pleasure, hap
^pmAjm, armaim, v. I arm piness, o. g.
?([m4)Ie, armoire, s. a cupboard, closet 9fp)i4)r, arrais, s. f. a streaming or running. o..
^, armann, s. m. a chief, a prince, officer ^Piujrim arraisim, v. to arrive or reach at
(]1*1 armara, s. a rebuke, check 3()}io4]t>j arrchoghaidh, s. the liound that first
i|tm, armcha, s. m. an armor}' winds or comes up with the deer in hunting. Sh.
%jtmcu)ti5, armcuing, s. f. an armory SVffjipb, arridh, adj. generous
frprhjnojm, armlundim, v. to reverence, worship, 9ijjtt)Ar, arrodhacht, s. a keeping, fencing, sup
honor porting, o.g-
9<>1, amnlann, s. m. an armory , arroid, s. f. vice
Siprhojt it, ar-ni/iorack, s. m. a Britton %}>p]X5|m, arroidim, v. to corrupt, vitiate
Siprhojujcc, armhoraicc, adj. the people of Brittany %jt)on4C, anonach, adj. becoming, fit
, artr.tha, adj. armed %}1*), arronaidhim, v. to fit
?<pmc4)r5, armthttisg, adj. see AJimAi ?jipii}re4C, ariuiseach, adj. obvious
?<fmuj, armuinn, exiles jir* , ad- o]d ancient aged
^pmujTite, armuinte, adj. blessed
2(|jmuir, armuis, s. f. arms in heraldry ', arsachd, s. age, antiquity
?i|tmu]iiT]nn, armuintim, v. to bless ?Cftr4]5)m, arsaighim, v. to antiqiiate
Sijin, erw, s. m. a judge ?tttrAiim, arsaighim, v. to tell, relate, " 4}irA)
?(pn, ?, s. a kidney u/n AcU." Old M SS.
Vi|n], amaidk, s. a band, bond, surety ?()14, arsan, s. m. a sage, a man old in wisdom.
3(}np, arnahlk, adj. severe, cruel, hard L. Lee.
fpriA)5, aniaigh, s. f. a prayer, plur. pTUige : %4114, arsanta, adj. anUent
prop, upnaj ijtrnAl, arsited, s. m. sadness, sorrow
-\%, arriaighim,^ to pray, ", btr*, SprnAlAC, arsnealach, adj. sad, sorrowful
*1**)51- " St. I\ %j|-on, ariOT/, prep, for account of; in room of
^}, arnath, part swollen, puffed up ^pi'Uj^eact), arsuigheachd, s. ancient deeds
%pne, ??^, a sloe ^^ arsuigheoiff s. m. antiquary
%poc, aroch, adj. straight. Sh. , art, s. m. a bear
4jioc, aroch, s. hamlet, a little shielding. JA. Sfpt, erf, s.m. a stone
V<|W], aroich, s. field of battle. 5/. %nr, art, s, . house, tent, tabernacle
tfpjle, ew7, pron. other, another, " ]<o fA^AjD 1 %']!,
*n Cardinal Papyro pallium ', pallium
21S21 ASA 21S5 ASO

Spr, art, s. m. a limb ^r*J5ce, asaighte, adj. shod

SJt, art, s. m. flesh SipAjm, , v. to kindle
, ai t, s. . God SipAjn, aia/, s. f. an ass
Sipe, art, s. m. the proper name of a man SipAjjte, asaire, s. a shoemaker, Heb. asar, to bind
SiJr, art, adj. noble, great, generous ^rAFJ5Jnrb asaitighim, v. to abandon, evacuate
Sipr, art, s. m. a ship SipAl, asal, s. ni. an ass
9(}t, >/, s. m. hardness, cruelty SipAm, asam, v. to do, to make. Sh.
" Cjuur, ftt hen*]nm 50 ; Sfpin, /, s. f. a stocking or hose
J *n*j}r ajtuti 00 rriaot riijn ; Spn, asan, adj. evil, bad. Cor. gl.
'AWn bftlb ; raoj bot>4]f njr ; SpntA, asunta, s. . sedition, dissent, prop : -
^Oaojn gpA; ]r mjpcAip."
For. Foc. SipAO], asaoidh, s. f childbirtli. . g.
Sifted, ////, s. a spell SpApc, asard, s. debate. Sh.
Vip'u, artach, f. m. a quarry %p<*lT>ji, asardoir, s. a litigious person. Sh.
9(fj-(u\ artach, adj. stoney SpAjtUjgeacT), asarlaigheachd, s. magie, divination
arthach, s. m. a ship or boat by herbs, intoxication
^P^*)5im> art/taig/iii, v. to sail, to remove Sipe, ase, s. m. pride
^prca]lAj]i, artchadair, s. f. a quarry, stone pit. SipcAjm, ascaim, v. to ask, beg, demand, pray, be
SptcAjpejl, artchaireil, s. quarry. "//. seech, poo ApcA)t> bjtjjjcte aj eugnAjpc an
SftteAgAl, arteagal, s. m. an article
S<i>re)nc, arttine, see Ajirje Sipc4j}t, ascairt, s. f. budding, sprouting
Vpcene, artene, s. gravel SipcAjjtt, ascairt, s. f. tow, hards; the wadding of
Sijtrjcul, articut, s. m. an article gun
S jirjfie, artinne, s. ni. a flint, /. . 4oa|t r)e. 0. g. vpcAl, asea!, s. m. a conference, conversation
Vq*7]tA, /, s. an artery or vein, " , i. . SipcAl, ascal, s. m. increase, flowing of the tide
yejr, 41TIU1I cupljje tpe . ppjojtAT> SipcaU, s. f. the arm pit
*." Finn. SipcAll, ascall, s. m. a violent attack, a forcible onset
SijttpAC, atthraih, s. m. a ship, wherry, boat SpCAOjn, ascaoin, s. f. a curse, excommunication
SipfjiAjj;, arthraigh, s. a demonstration, proof SipCAOjntAm, ascaointam, v. to curse. Sh.
Si]r}A)j;jm, arthraigh'im, v. to do or make Stpc4), asear, s. m. a guest
%]>f]U))m, arthraigh'im, v. to sail Spcat, ascath, s. m. a soldier, a champion
%)if|];)m, arthraigh'im, v. to encrease or enlarge SipccA, asccad/i, s. m. a gift, a present, pl.
^ipfuj^m, artkuighim, v. see *|4]5) ApCCAA, " JtACpAT", ApcCAA )Omt)A OjleoO^.'*
?pT:u)|t)p, artuird/iis, s. augmentation. Sh. 4. M. 1474.
^1 , s. f. a way or passage SpcriA, asenadh, s. m. ascensin
Si]<upc, arusc, s. m. a lord SpcnAjm, ascnaim, v. to come, approach ; to mount,
Sipupg, arusg, s. m. the neck ascend ; to enter
Sip, Ai, prep out, out of 3ipcnArh, ascnamh, s. m. ascension
Sip, a?> aux. v- 's it 's> see grammar SipcjiA, ascra, s. a dry cow
Sip, *, a, sign of the comparative degree, 4p mu Sip, aschu, s. m. a water dog
t>oriin<l no t>onc4 Sipcii, eschit, s. m. an eel ; apcu yAjpge, a conger
Sip, as, conj. and; a contraction of 4511p eel
Sip, .?, s. f. a cataract, waterfall Sipcu, ascuch, an escape. Sh.
%p, es, s. f. drink; such as milk, ale, beer, water Sfpcuajm, ascuchaim, to escape. Sh.
fr, as, s. f. a shoe, a sandal, " jj po ta SipoA, aida, prou, out of them. . . )
tlo]qb. Fer. 85. SpoAl*, asdar. s. m. a journey
Sip, as, adj. projected S(pcA|>, asdur, s. journeying, travelling, " 1 tsa
SpAC, ffa//, s. a shoemaker jiAljAp as 1 pjn tplj^." Mac na
SipAC, asach, adj. shod, Mioc.
Sipac, , adj. milky, watery ?pt>i\li}, asda7-oir, s. a porter
^, asad, pion, out of thee, from thee, . e. 4p % ptJAT", they can not, i. . [peABAt
tu ?ipt>eA, asdeach, adj. pleasing, " ]ie)] >
SipA, asadh, s. a kindling, lighting up AUTipe]]B, a i ]pi I]ub4]f Apoertc 1a -oja, ro gnj-
SpA, asadh, stopping, standing, resting, anchoring iep ] tAAm " Vis. Ad.
3fpA]n}tmjni, asafirmim, v. to remove Spn|A],e, asdraighe, s. a traveller
SipAVojm, asaidhim, v. to kindle Spea. ascadh, adv. yes, a term of affirmation
Sip4it>, asaidh, s. resting, stopping ''YpopA^jm, asdraiglum, v. to travel, remove
SipA)]tn, asaidhim, v. to stop, stand, rest Sip^c, asgach, s. m. a winnower
SpAjjm, asaidhim, v. to rebel, revolt Sh. SiprAim, asgaim, v. to winnow, cleanse

*TS*H, asgall, s. f. the arm-pit, r*lin' idem 3(r, ath, a reiterative particle, a adajI, retaking.
?f5n4m, asgnanh, s. a going, migration, progress, Slit, ath, is sometimes used as a prefix to express
i. e. imteedc. o. g. privation, " AicAojpeAC no rnAm 00 c-iSliAO]leAC-
, asinnleachd, devices. Sh. loj m)i eocAgAjm, 4 peApgAl jua
'-ftpjon, asioTi, s. f. a crown, diadem 454)1 )*uaj rhejc ooRcawa o o)}t)ne4t) )
?(rl*, aslach, s. a request, petition jome." 4. M. 1409. When prefixed to words
ht, aslach, s. temptation whose first vowel is slender, it it written ajc. " %J*-
^pUjjjm, astaighim, v. I beg, request, wJf rivjpe po PJojiC f-5uj1C4 U4 %AOjlpe40lO]Tl, ) A )0riAl)4
AplAige ." Fer. 161. con %uri4n le |0410 U4 Conco64j)*, -j Con-
9(plofAr>, aslonnadh, %. m. a discovery, telling, re ooAp m4c tojpcAiDAj aHiac pjn t>o ])ogAt> atiajc
lating pan %jt>eo SjonAj 50 pjp&e." An. Inisf. 1 143.
SfplonAti, aslonnadh, s. m. a search. 0. g\ 1, atha, s. a green plain, a lawn, an open plain,
3(4, asna, s. m. a rib a platform, vug. a
3pn4C, asnach, adj. ribbed ?(, atha, s. the cud ofa cow
9(0, asnadh, s. m. a sigh ; prop. orn*t> 1, ata, v. it is
Ornats, asnadh, s. m. a rib, see 3(ca, ata, s. f. a hat or cap
fnog, asnog, s. f. a fan to winnow corn with %a, atha, s. a blast of wind
^, asnasach, s. m. a hewer of wood or stone '#, athach, s. m. a giant; a plebeian, a clown
^, asrannach, s. m. a traveller, a stranger &, athach, s. m. a stammerer, a man of vulgar
9(r]tul4, asrula, v. he eloped, t. e. r>o po loj language
, assain, s. f. greaves, " 4 phjtAjp Ajp 3ft4, atachy s. m. a request
1]5)." Fer. , athach, s. ni. a while, a space of tim
$(rrujt>jm, assuidhim, v. to set as the sun, " Appuj ?f;4-540ire, athach-gaoithe, s. a blast of wind
51'), . f. , no 00 omnAj 5J)4n." Liit*t, athach, s. pi. waves, i. e. zo*
^T4, athach, s. m. fermentation
^jtaI, s. a javelin, a spear or pike %E4AnAjm, atachanam, v. to prate. St.
3ptl, s. a chip or lath %t4Corhn4jc, atac/wmhnaic, s. f. a surname, ' e.
^ptAp, astar, s. a journey comAjnm o.g.
%rc4jto}j, astaroir, s. a porter. TV. *), athaidh, s. f. a while, space of time
frcAf, astas, ajavelin, a pike. 0. g. ^(tAjlle, atlutille, s. f. inattention
4ir*4jl<u]n5, astharruing, abstract. Sh. %;A]ke, athailte, a scar. Sh.
3(, asteach, adv. in, inwards, leAct* Apte4, 3icAjmeAo, ataimheachd, s. redemption
flattened inwards, compressed %A]e, athainne, s. f. embers, a firebrand, rulg.
?irze&i, asteach, adv. within, at home ; it is a con yAjtje
traction of 4' or 4r4 ce4, in the house ^)\ athair, s. m. a father
%rr]g,, adv. out, from home ; contracted from %A)i*-Ali;it44p, athair-altrannas, ) s. m. a foster- fa-
Ap a' or An rjj, out of the house c#t4]p-4lc)iomA, athair-altroma, J ther
iprojl, astoir, adj. proper, right, lawful, i. e. )p c4jit-B4]pc]5e, athair-bhalsdighe, s. a god-father
rpp. o. g. %t4])t-ce]e, athair-cede, \ s. m. a father-in-
^ipt^Ajm, astraim, v. to bear or carry aside %c4)p-61e4rhn4, athair-chleamhna, > law
?ip^|i4]m, astraim, v. to travel, to go afar off ?rA]]tt)eAT), athairdheadh, adoption. 57.
%'ptu|t))m, astuidhim, v. to retain, keep, " t'jji t>o ?4])), athaird/iim, v. to father, to adopt. Sk.
bqji > 4]5]: 4}4 rjienpu jn r>4 teng4]o cc ^(\\*-), athair-dhiobkadh, s. m. a patrimony
t>]A rhjntut), olt)4p ]n roen t>o Apruc." Br. )-\)*, athair-liath, s. mountain sage
Laws. S(t4}i-lupA, athair-lusa, s. ground-ivy
, astrannach, s. m. a traveller, a stranger StAiH-CAlmum, atair-talmhuin, s. yarrow, milfoil,
3(pr,fiolu)5e4Ct, astroluigheacht. s. m. astrology achillea millifolium
frcul, astul, s. a pole or pike staff, a staff used in %)1, athairnc, s. the father of learning. 1. e.
walking, i. e. pljpeA no 54 ljulkp. o.g. Af,A]l 4 llAOJ. o. g.
3fpu}0, asuibh, pron. out ofye, from ye ?-Aj]ie4rhu)l, athaireamkml, adj. fatherly
?piqe4'c>. asuidheadh, s. kindling, 45 Apu)t>et> SicAjpeAmlACt, athaireamhlacht, s. in. fatherliness
3ipum, asum, pron. from me, out of me l4(f4]ieo5, athaireog, s. f. an aunt by the father
^pu|tl4]5)m, asurlaighim, v. to support. Sh. ^]-))), athair-faoisidm, s. m. a fathex
(r, at. s. f. milk coniVssor
^Hv, at, s. m. a swelling, blistering or rising of the ^frtjp^eAcn, athamgheachd, s. patrimony. A.
skin, T>0 At t>0CO|> WAjp, eAei, s. f. a rebuke, reproach, abuse
, atfi, s. m. a kiln 3(f*/p, athais, s.f. confusion
^it, ath, s. m. a ford, gen. A)t or aa pl. ?it*]r, etai*> s. f. woe, desolation, destruction
ath, adj. just, lawful

4t4jr4C, ataiseac/i, adj. woeful, desolate, sorrow 3iarce, athchaite, adj. worn out, cast off
ful 3tcAntAj]te4CE, athchantaireacht, s. m. recantation
9(t4jpe4c, athaiseach, s. a revilr, an abusive per ^cc40]t), athcaoid, s. f. sickness, ailment, complaint
son ^tcio)t)e4c, athcaoideaih, adj. sickly
tt*]re4t, othalseacht, s. reviling, rebuking 3(040]n, athchaoin, s. f. a complaint
9i4jrjm, athaisim, v. to revile, reproach. 3icc4|Hjm, athcharaim, v. I mend, repair, restore
9t4je, atliaitht, s. tirae ?(C4itip, athcaroir, s. m. a restorer. o..
Sftl, /, "adj. deaf ^teaptjn, athchartoir, s. m. a renewer of a lease
Sitall, alhall, s. m. a flesh hook or other privilege
%'4tm1, athamluil, a looking after, perceiving. Sh. %r4r4oj, athchasachdich, a repeated cough. 5/.
?(t*n, atlian, s. f. fire %tc4r4t>4jm, athchasadaim, torecharge. 4.
3ft]4l atharachal, adj. alterant, alterative %04|, athchasaim, v. I return, I untwist
JtpAjat), atharaghadh, s. alteration, change %t4ft>4, athchasda, adj. returned, retwisted
%c4j4)ci:e, atharaicthe, adj. abstract ?<xce4rr>4j5jm, athcheasnaighim, v. to re-examine.
5i*p*tm]ln, atharamharc, s. aeroscopy. SA. 5*.
%r4fftj5)m, atharaighim, v. to change, vary, alter, tcejmnjjjm, athcheimnigh'm, v. to recapitulate.
differ, diversify) variegate, flit, shift, modify, Sh.
translate %'fccoat>, atlu/wgadh, s. m. rebellion
athardha, adj. paternal 'togajm, athchogahn, v. to rebel
%ca]t4, athardha, s. adoption, inheritance by right %tjme4i4n, atluhoimhearan, s. f. a register
of adoption Wojmip, atlulioimir, adj. short, abridged
$ic4jeol*r, cthareolas, s. aeromaney. ;. %-ojm]|e, athchoimire, s. f. an abridgement
#ta)iAcr, atliardliacht, s. m. patrimonial rights %to]P)^te, athchoirighthe, adj. rectiiied, repaired,
3ici54t>, atliargadh, s. aconflict, skirmish, engage mended, patched
3iforha)jtc]m, athchomhaircim, v. to shout out
?()54], alhargaibh, s. f. importunity, solicitation again. SA.
?ic*ji54jm, aihargaim, v. to engage in fight, skir Srcorhajple, athchomheirlc, s. f. dissuasion
%iom4)iil)53m, athchomhairilghlm, v. to dissuade
mish Sitomajt*c, athchamarach, s. a petitioner
?(4 alhargamh, s. m. a conflict, skirmish
3ttl54rh, atharghemk, see 4A]ac*l *2iicom4]t4C, athchomarach, adj. inquisitive
tycapjul, at/iariul, s. aerology. 5. 3(iom4)4', athchemaradk, s. asking, requiring
^i^jiiruom, atlutrmhaoiu, s. m. patrimony , athchemharc, s. permission
2*]ime), atliarmheigh, a barometer ?(, athchomherc, s. a request, petition, a
*it*)tmacr4T!, aharmachtadh, s. m. parricide question
Wtdome** r \adj.
V<iftl]m4t>, atharrughadh, s. m. alteration, 'differ Sficome*], athchomghear, J J short, brief
ence, change, variety, distinction, discrimination
i4]tjuj5)m, atharruighim, v. to exchange, alter, ^fongfa, athcliongtha, part, requested, petitioned
Vreop, athchot, s. expulsion
remove Sircopujao, athchorughadh, s. a repairing
Wif, ktas, s. m. victory ; rejoicing
Vf*r5, aihasg, s. m. a word Vtcort*]", athchostas, s. aftercost. SA.
%tct), athalhad, reunion. <S4. %cci4t>, athchradh, s. m. restitution ; a restoring or
3fil)4, athbliach, s. m. strength repairing
?(tb*, athbliach, s. m. anatuck ?if]iA]m, <tttu-hraitit, v. I restore ; or recover
', ctkbhach, s. m. a change, or difference of 3rciU)jBjm, athchrinnighim, v I rally
time. . . )1 n* nuajpe rm. . g. ?(rcujm]]tc, athchuimin, s. f. rehearsal of a cause
, athbliach, s. m. a renewal of pain, f. ^rujrhne, aihchuimhne, s. f. recollection
?(fujriin]5jm, athchuimhnighim, v. I recollect
pjne. o. . ... 1 s. f. a repeated re-
Vifb*, athbliach, s. m. a second death %fcu3n5e, athchuwge, I kion
%-1>*1, athbkar, s. m. aftercrop mcujn5e4, athchwngeadh, j ^ntr|y> dFemand
(tbeU, albela, v. you will die, '-'nebele hopont
?(cu)n)m, athchuingim, v. I request, entreat be
mun* mojrrj."
^ athbhlas, . m. aftertaste seech
^tbl*r<v]m, atkbhlasaim, . to re-taste cumgieojjb athchmngthewr, s. m. a petitioner
:>*], atlib/i rodahn, v to resuscitate ^'rcujjijm, athchuirim, v. I banish, expel; sur
itbu*b)m, etkbkualaim, v. to re-act render, give up
^rc^na, athchagnadh, chewing the cud. Sh. um4, athchuma, s. m. want of power, wenkncss.
3(tc45nftjm, athchagna'm, to chew the cud, rumi 4 M. 1406.
?(tum4]m, ahchumaim, v. I deform, transform
nate. Sh. ^tcumajjt,
%fc4jpr, athchairt, s. f. renewal of a lease ; a repair
4(ttmhA]]i, athchumhair, adj. concise, brief, abridged "}, athlochar, s, thanks
%'rcum*j]e<0c, athchumhaireacht, s. brevity, abbre VitrrulAjpr:, athvihalairt, s. f. another or second
viation change
Sifcup, athchur, s. m. a surrender, giving up 9irrhAl4jcim, athmhalairtim, v. I re-change
9(fcu)r)5ceo]|t, athchuingtheoir, s. in. a petitioner ^1, athmhaoltas, s. m. shame
2ircu]t, athchur, s. m. banishment, exile nartjm, aihnachaim, v. I give up, deliver
^cjolajm, athdhiolaim, v. I repay, refund 3(, athnacht, v. they gave, e. cujpp. o. g,
%ffu]o)m, athdhruidim, v. to-open ^itnAgAjo, athnaghaid, v. they come, i. e. ^).
%xo|tujm, athdruim, an antient name of Tara. L. o. g.
Let: ?tnA], athn.tigh, s. giving, bestowing
$(fcp*r, athfas, s. a new or second growth ^, athnamh, s. great store, treasure, spoil
SicpApAjm, athfasaim, v. to grow again 3(ineA)CAj5jm, athneartaighnn, v. I reinforce
Sir purtrglft, athfhuasgladh, s. redemption ^tnuAACA; athnuadharhudlis. renovation, re-
itjADijl, athghabhail, s. a retaking of spoil, resump .'tnuAgA, athnuaghadh, J newal
tion of property or rights ^rnuAAjm, athnuadhaim, )v. I renew, reno-
Sicgafiajm, athghabhaim, v. I resume, retake, repos %40]5), athnuudhaighim, ) vate
sess W'tnuAA]5eoji, athmuidhaighthcoir, s. a renewer,
^a*))*!*6 athghairre, s. f. a brief, an abridg repairer
ment, prop, ar^ejppe %ton, <o, seeArAti
fr^Ajjte, athvhaire, adj. concise, precise ', atrach, s. m. a.boat, a wherry
%c5<tjfjr>t athghairid, s. a short time S(fc|ur>, athradh, s. repetition
^5*JPl athghairid, s. abbreviation, contraction, 3frp], athrainn, s. f. sub-division
briefness Vfjwjjm, athraiimim, v. I sub-divide
9ftg4)|tp, athghairid, adj. short, brief 3icpeo}tn)5jm, athreoraighim, v. I reconduct, re
%c5*jpjm, athghairim, v. I recal, repeat trieve
%i5*]]jm, athghairim, v. I echo, re-echo itpojn, athrochin, recovering. Sh.
^fcjeAjtpajm, athghearraim, I shorten ; abbreviate ^irjteor, athreos, s. improvement, amendment
^rjejnjm. athgheinim, v. I regenerate
4(tp)uiit, athriuchach, s. m. a man that changes his
^iijeinrhjn, athghmmhin, s. regeneration . country
Scjjejujte, athgheirre, s. a brief, see arjaippe %f[u]5, atJeruigh, v. he arose, or removed
Sif 5Uc*jm, athghlacaim, v. I resume ; take back *2f;juij, athruigh, s. an increase
^cjtanA, athghlanadh, s. a cleansing, brightning, ^iciutjjeAC, athruighach, s. m. a wanderer, an incon
refining stant person
^Urujm, athghlanaim, v. I refine, purify, furbish 9ft]fU]5et>} athruiheadh, s. a removing, changing
9(f 1, athghlanta, refined, purified, polished VrjuijgeAt), athruigheadh, s. captivity
2frloji4)m, athghloraim, v. I resound ?(c]Hij5jm, athruighim, I change, alter, vary, walk,
^rjnot), athghnodh, s. a renewing, i. e. ecnuAugA. remove, " ni 110541) re 50 ."
. g. ^iipujjA', athrughadli, s. m. variableness, incon
Htbvibf cl*)e, aththinnas clainne, after-pains. Sh. stancy
))\, athionntaidh'.m, v. I return, turn again- 9irpe4ll4-, athsealladh, s. m. retrospect
ath-la, nest day, another time ^fcrgAlAjm, athsgalaim, v. I resound, rebellow
%fUt>, athladh, s. a wound or scar V:rt>]uit4}m, attisdnuaim, v. 1 reconduct
^clja, athlaghadh, s. procrastination, dilatnriness ?(:re4lbAC4, athsea bhachadh,'S. reversion, repos
%fUjajm, athla^kaim, v. I delay, procrastinate, pro session
rogue, prolong ^5)<*]' asgriobhaim, v. I transcribe
?icUri, athlamh, s. m. profit, advantage, treasure, ?icpnii4jneAt>, athsmiaineadh, s. second thought, re
spoil, i. e. ca>a)1. . g. flection
\, athlamh, adj. expert, dexterous, ready, %rfmu4jnrj}m, athsinuaintighim, v. I reflect, con
quick, nimble, brisk, active, officious ; punctual ;
sensible %rpmu4inr]u4T), athsmuatntmghadh, s. reflection
^cIattiaco, aihlamhachd, s. dexterity, activity, offici- 2irmuinr), athsmuintidh, second thought. Sh.
ousuess ^troc|u4t>, athshocrughadh, s. m. re-establish
9(rlATi-m*li4, athlan-mara, reflux of the sea ; next
tide. sh. ment
?;ruit>inb4, athmidliiitghadh, s. m. a second proof
?(tle4ru^At>, athleamghadh, s. reformation <%rT) att, . callosity, exuberance, swelling
%i:leAfU)5)m, athleasulghim, v. I reform, mend, im VircAjs, arftofW, "l a requset
prove ^rctu)5, attuigh, J 1
\)], athleimim, v. I rebouud. Sh. %rx4ice, , adv. near-hand
?irlejtjt>e, athleitidhe, part, requited, retaliated ccAjm, , v. I bellow
. 2tU? AR

%**)15), aththairgeadh, s. an assembly, congre ^(curtrU, athuasgladh, s. redemption, prop.

gation, " 4r4)}i5eo4)i, /'. e, cpnojlnut).'" o. g. puarjja,
%trd)jre4, athtaoiseach, s. m. a chief deprived of 3(u, aw, s. f an ear. Cor.
his lordship, see the quotation at 4;
irceoj, alteoghadk, s. m. a dwelling, or habita ^u6A)i, , j"neaia- Lor-
tion ?(ut)4c, audhackt, s. m. death. ?(ut)4cr, . .
^itryn, attin, s. f. furze, gorse UABftc, i. e. U4 ppja fecr, t. e. jn rn tte ]n
^(ccogftjm, aththogaim, v. I rebuild oujne pjtj* fer , . e. b*r." Cor.
4irxor*)5)m, athtosaighim, v. I recommence ^(axiA)Ue, audhadle, s. f. deafness ; inattention,
^i-tpape, attraidhe, adv. in the first place " . e. neavhejp'oear:, no clu*ro*ll." o.g.
?tfrjtur, athtruas, s. m. compassion %>*11, audhall, atlj . deaf
%tt]tuftr*6, athtruasach, adj. compassionate ^)114], audhal/aim, v. to deafen, to be deaf.
. %itx\]z\m, aththuitim, v. I relapse Pl.
^(tiujn, athuair, adv. again, other times Sulom, atilom, wanting an ear
?cu4rnji, athuamhar, adj. terrible, horrid, detesta %unpc, aunase, s. m. an ear-ring or chain, "i.e.
ble aue 1. e. )in4pc no bjiixs jm cluapAjb n*
3icu*rhjtACT>, athuamharachd, s. m. abomination r<e]t6l4i." o g.
9icuAmiu, atkuamarach, adj. abominable , aurdach, s. a solemnizing
^ujtjnAjp, aurgnais, s. an exalted or noble prayer


is the second Letter of the Irish Alphabet, as well as of most other Alphabets ; it is the first consonant, and is called
a labial letter, because the lips are mostly used in the formation of it. In Irish Manuscripts of late ages it is
written for P, both b and p being made commutable one with the other, as in the words dubh black, doibh to
them, 6, it was, they write duph pa, &c. which is also the case with the Greeks- and Latins, for the formet
write bikros for pikros, amarus ; and the Latins wrote poplkola and publicla indifferently, and populus and
publiai; also scriptum, and not tcriblum from sciibo. By putting a tittle or point over this letter in Irish,
(which is a late invention, being not to be found in any old parchments,) it sounds like the Latin v consonant, as we
have no such letter in our alphabet, which is the case of the Greeks, though their or beta is often rendered in
Latin by <v, as Greek Barrhon, Latin Farro, Greek Birgilios, Latin Virgilius, Greek biote, Latin vita; Irish Beatha,
and when t'ttled, it sounds veatha, vita. The name of this consonant in Irish approaches much closer in sound and
letters to the Hebrew name of the said letter, than either the Chaldean Betba, or the Greek Beta, it bemg in Irish
Beith, and in Hebrew Beth. Beth signifies a house in Hebrew, and Both in Irish is a very common name for an open
house or tent. It is to be observed, that the Irish consonants, b, c, d, g,p, t, by a full-point or tittle set over any of
them, do thereby lose their simple strong sound, and pronounce after the manner of the Hebrew bh, ch, dh, gh,ph, th,
which are simply and genuinely aspirated ; on the other hand, it is to be particularly noticed, that the now men
tioned Hebrew consonants, by them called Begad-Kephat, memoria causa, by fixing &Dagesch or full-point in the
.middle of any of them, do thereby also lose their simple aspirate sound, and pronounce strong like the Irish
b, c, d, g, p, t, so that the addition of a full-point to any of those Irish consonan'., change it immediately into its
corresponding letter of the Hebrew; and again, the addition of a full-point to the above mentioned Hebrew
consonants, changes them into their corresponding letters of the Irish. By this kind of reciprocation between tho
Irish and Hebrew languages, the antiquityof the Irish, or Celtic, seemi to be sufficiently demonstrated : although it
must be confessed, that the using a full-point in either of the two languages is of a late invention, these consonants
being naturally wrote down, and the strong or aspirate pronunciation of them being left to the judgment of the
skilful readers, who, doubtless, wanted no such points to direct them ; thus the modern Spaniards, who use the i and
the t, indifferently for each other, pronounce the word biter to drink, as if it were written biver, Sac. as did also
the ancient Romans, ex. Hic se Bivo omnibus suis benefecit. And bidit for vidit, bixit for vixit, bcto for veto,
iolucrii for volugrit, Bendere for vender, .Ve. Vide Lhuyd. compar. Etymol. pag. 22,

, b, the second letter of the Irish Alphabet is called k*cf)5jm, bacaighim, v. to make lame or halt ; to
bejc, which signifies the birch tree cripple
b, b, is one of the Irish numeriealjletters, and repre *caj1, bacail, s. a stop, see bc
sents 300 ot'Ajm, bacaim, see bcA]jm
, ba, v. was, were, have been. It is the preter- OACAjm, buchaim, v. to make drunk
perfect tense of the verb bjm OAajjte, bachaire, s. a drunkard
b, ba, s. cows, plur. of bo 0ACAJPJU5A, barhairiughadh, drinking, sotting
bi, ba, s. death DicAipeA, bacaiseach, adj. obstructive
, ba, adj. good, simple oaaI, bchai, s. a curl
b, ba, prep, under. It is used for p, ; " b ape. 1, bacha/
/'. . opp." o.g. t>Aol, bachol, I s.m. a staff, crosier, crook; gen. bal*
, b, imperfect tense of AtAjm : was bAul, bachul,}
b*Ajn, baaiit, v. inij)erat. of buejnjm, to cut or mow 1, bacal, s. a slave ; a prisoner
down, *] 1uacja, to cut rushes ; proper. bicU, bacala, s. a bakehouse
buajn bciljm, bacailim, v. to bake
, baan, s. the matrix of a cow ; vulg. bjiuAn bCAlcA, bacalta, adj. baked
bab, bab, s. a babe, baby 11, bachall, s. a clipping, shearing, i. c. bedjiA.
0, babachi, s. childishness ; innocence ; sweet o.g. '
ness , bachallaim, v. to clip round, to trim, to
, baban, s. a baby shear
, baban, s. a tassel, short bits of yarn or thread , bacn, s. the' hinge of a door, a hook;,
6, babanach, adj. tasseled, having tassels, stake to which cattle are tied
fringed , bachanta, prating
t>ADOAj5, babhdaigh, s. a batchelor, a sweetheart, a 0, bachantachd, s. garrulity
person who sues or courts for another bACAp, bachar, s. the herb lady's glove
]]!, bubloir, s. a prater, a babbler bdap, bachar, s. an acorn ; beech mast
"bAblojp, bablo-r, s. a name by which S. Patrick was ], bachar, food for swine, " i. e. mucejpc. .
called. Cor. e. b}A)ceAp jmA riA5Ajo mucA." Cor.
, babhluan, s. a name for a woman ; " - , bacas, s. a captive, a hostage. Cor.
lun. i. e. nomen mulieris, quasi Babilon* ;'. e. , bacal, s. a captive. CLL
confusio interpretatur. i. e. no cumuf5 jn <enDu]l , bacc, s. a shepherd's crook
m )loepA]U ruj a muij SeiiAjp." Car. , baccat, s. cow- dung. Cor.
bTin, babhun, s. m. an inclosurefor cattle, a town; bAccjm, baccim, v. to crooken, or make crooked
prop. bArVn. Heb. Buchn. bftf ld, bachla, s. a cup or chalice
bac, bac, s. a hindrance, impediment, stop, let, ob 1, bachla, s. f. an armful, gen. bdjcle
struction blrt, s. m. a herdsman, a rustic
, bac, s. a notch or tooth of a rack in a flax wheel acIac, bachlach, adj. curled, crisped, frizzled
' , bac, s. a prop, support, a fulcrum ; a tbowl 1, bachlach, s. m. acudgeller
or pin in the gunwale of a boat to keep the oar in 15, bachlag, s. a lisp or stop in the speech ; a
its proper place when rowing little curl, the head of a stick
, bac, s. a spade or shovel ; , i. . lA)e. o. g. bAclA5, bachlagachAcn seeUtUc
In modem Irish it is written and pronounced r*c 15, bachlogach,)
, bac, s. a crook, a hook on which a door hangs 10, baclamhach, adj. disabled or crippled in
by the hinges, a hinge the hands
, bach, s. drunkenness; " ceo nt> pin, bftclobpA, bachlobhra,\s. pimples in the face from
i. e. ceo merce n ppn." Cor. bdclubpA, bachlulhra, J drink ; a surfeit from drinking
0, bach, s. a rout, breach, defeat, a violent attack bftl^, bachlog, s. f. small curl, dim. of daaI
t)c> bach, adj. loving -, bac-, s. a pit-fail, a trap or snare to
catch hares or other game
SJ^1-, halt, crippled bAc-nA-heargupe, bac-na-heasguidc, s. the hough
IjdC, bach, adj. drunk or ham. 04i;c.
tjAcacATs bacachadh, s. m. a laming bAc-u*-I*)&e' bac-na-righe, s. the hollow of the arm
t)AC4t>i bacad, s. m. a hostage, a captive upon bending the elbow. O'Hic.
fcicAt), bacadh, s. cow-dung , bachoide, s. the boss of a shield
fcCAt), bacad, s. m. a stop, see bc bAcopim, bacoidim, v. to go by crutches. PI.
1)aca5, bacag, s. a trip or fall ., focht, -
bAc4pe*^r> bacaidheacht, s. lameness u.A i-inpir. bach-t'unneas, s. sickness arter drink
1)' bacaighimi v. to stop, impede, let, hinder, '" backtoran, \ s. the noise of drunk-
obstruct -, bachthorman, j arda
1)AC*Jsfrt>- bacaighim, v. to crooken .b.iccr,
621J BAI

, achina, s strife, contention, bftgrt, baghach, adj. tight. Sh,

*cut>r, bacudhas, s. an oven, Sh. b*54c, baghach, adj, kind, friendly, loving, syn>
o*cu54p, bacughadh, s, an obstruction, hindrance, pathetic
bindring btJ4C, baghach, s. m. a soldier
J*cuje, bacuidhe, \ lamenes. V)54t>, baghadh, s. fighting, quarrelling
^-, bacuidheacht, ) s' lameness b454jT>, bagaid, s. f. a cluster
c")e> bacuighthe, lamed b*54jm, baghaim, v. to promise, to pledge one's
fa^ _ m> (ho wi m cl word
, had, s. m. a boat b;4)m, baghaim, v. to fight, quarrel
k,kl, Aerf, s. m. a bunch, bush, cluster, tuft, thicket bft5*JlS bagair, s. threading, a threat ; bo^tr,
, badli, s. m. an opening ; a bay ; a harbour the same
bi, badli, s. m. love, friendship bAAUc, baghalach, adj. dangerous ; see ^
>, badh, v. was b^nra, hganla, adj. warlike
, badhacli, adj. loving, friendly ^, baganta, adj. corpulent, tight. .
, badacfi, adj. having boats, possessed of boats b*;;aj, bagar, s. a threat, threatning, commination,
btw, badhach, adj. famous, great, noble ; *' be)ic a huff
b*c." T<rr. Eig. ^^, bagarach, adj. threatning ; huffish
, badaclid, s. boating b4g4)ft]m, bagaraim, v. to threaten
0>, badhtidh, s. the sea. Cor. }1, bagart, see b*4jt
bOAjj, bada/gh, adj. delicate, dainty ^, bagartha, adj. threatened
04], badhaim, v. to drown, die, perish, see b*5rt|if]}, bagarlhoir, s. m. a threatener ; blusterer;
cjuot. at 4]iil")fe4. Heb. Abad. a hufl'er
, badn, s. a tuft of trees ; a tuft of hair ^, baghlach, see bAAb
bP4ii4C, badanach, adj. busiiy, shrubby, covered ba^fjeip, baghlhiniieas, s. a surfeit
with under-wood bsroj'ojm, baghlhoidim, v. to wrangle, to chide
1>4>4]|, badisdoir, s. m. a boatman ^, bagun, s. bacon
, badhbh, s. m. a tract of land bAgui, baghuth, see bejcet> '
bi , badhbh, s. f. a vulture ; a royston crow, any b*j, bat, v. sometimes used for dj ; ) re, he was
ravenous bird ), eif, s. f. a twist, turn; a bent, bending;
>), badhbh, s. f. a scold crookedness, a crook
, badhbh, s. f. an ill-inclined woman ; a witch, bAjcuapU, baicbhearla, s, a solecism, crooked rea
a fairy woman ; a bean rjge, supposed by the soning. PI.
vulgar to attend on particular families bA]C)m, bakhim, v. to touch; to tak ; to strike
, badhbh, s. the north, the north wind bAjcpeao, bauhstad, v. they took. i. . **.
, badhbha. adj. evident, maniset. Eoch. CP Fl. CPCL.
>, badhbhacht, s. the croaking of a raven, or bAjcrjijor, baithtliinnios, s. see bjfjneftf
noise made in the throat of any bird of prey b]t>, baidh, s. f. a wave
, badhbhdhun, s. m. a bawn ; an inclosure ; b]t, e//' s. f. love
a fortress b4]t>*l, baidal, s. a tower
bt)54]]ie, badhghaire, s. sot, a fool, a coquet )>16, baidalach, towering
bAo-muUj, bad-muhuch, the top cluster, the hair b]we, baidhe, s. f. gratiiude, thanks; kindness,
on the top of the head. Sh. amity, alliance
boojjt, bado.r, s. m. a boatman bfe, baidhe, predicting, prophesying, prediction
bacon, badhon, s. a little haven, road, rampart, bul )>, f longanimity
wark, a bay of the sea. Sh. , baidhcaih, s. an assistant, co-adjutor, a
'^, badsaoir, s. m. a boat or ship-carpenter comrade
baeijul, bacghal, s. m danger, peril ', baidheach, adj. friendly, kind, grateful
bxer, bad:':, adj. werk, silly, simple bApCAC, buidhcach, adj. lair, noble
>, bag, s. m. a , baidheechd, s. friendliness, friendship
b5, bagh, s. m. strength, power, virtue , baidhtachas, s. grace, favour; thankful
bi^, bagh, s. m. a battle, conflict, skirmish
t>45> bagh, s. kindness, respect, friendship )*-, baidheadh, drowning
^45, bagh, Si an estuary; an arm of the sea
Jjj, bagh, s. a promise, obligation, bond, tye bdee* s. a cow sta II. A.
brt]*emu,l, baidheamhf } ad:. ee b*pe*
t)*5> bagh, s.ja word bAiteAiiiA)l, baighcamhchad, j > >
livt, Ae, s. a leaning, inclination, propensity , ... ,, , j "I s. friendliness; the
v' V b'Th, " adj.
'* trembling,
i i* i _t_:
shaking, .1.;
quaking t]A'fl. batdheamhlachd I ^ Q, h
b?'t, baghach, adj. warlike, quarrelsome bA]5eAilAcr, batgheamaladii, J Jng
tjilc, baghoch, adj. corpulent, bulky bAj'jm,
21J BAI 621) SAI

J*l)m, baidhim, v. , to speak, talk, prmoise t>4jne4t>4, baincheadach, s. an authorised person

Ve- *
?*J5Jm, baighim '
0' Cl. to4)ne4t>4, baincheadach, adj. authorised
^]Xn> ia'dh, ;}
, -r,j v.
* * to
/ endear
vuuvni to4)ne4T>4jrn, baincheadaim. v. to authorize.
J^jm, baidhim, v. to prophecy to4)njt), bainchidh, it belongs. /V.
to,*Pjn, ^tn> s. a little boat, dim. of bit b4)nlj4rhujl, bainchliamhuU, \ s.amother-in-law,or
J*)ce, <tt/, drowned to4jnclj4rnujn,^>cA//awu///,/ daughter-in-law. PL
wjoijm, baidhthim, v. to wash ; to drown toijncjtjor a, baincriotha, s. white clay ; pipe-clay
tt*lrDh,.~ ^:^ . atoad pi tojnt>e4)5, laindheatg, } ,. , .
to4i,e*p?, WArcr|,{adJ- flesh-coloured
to4jnt)j4, baindia, s. a goddess
**)&e, baighe, s. a combat, battle, fight to4jnt))5, baindigh, s. feminine, modest, unassuming
^*J5jn, baighin, s. f. waggon to4)noujle4m, bainduileamh, s. a goddess
**]5]m, baighim, v. to perceive, apprehend, con tome, baine, 1 .
vince ), W,)s;m-Inilk
*A)jle, biighle, s. a fawn tojne, baine, adj. whiter, compar. of bn.
**jl, bad, s. aplace, a residence ; hence b*)le to4jne4c, baineach, adj. milky
bail, s. prosperity, good luck to4)n4t, baineacht, s. the actions of a heroine ; wo
^4)1, bad, s. the allowance of a mill to the poor. SA. man slaughter. Keat.
4)1, bail, contracted for but) 4)1, it was pleasing to4)ne4l4, bainealach, dropping of rain. SA-
b*jl6e, bailbhe, s. dumbness ; stammering to4jne4nt4, baineanta, adj. effeminate
fcojlc, baile, s. a flood )05, bainesog, s. a ferret
to*jlc, '/r, s. a ligature to4)ne-bo, baine-bo, s. cow's milk
toajlc. baile, adj. bold, Strong to4jne-b)c*5ce, bame-binntighte, s. thickened milk
t*)lc, baile, adj. strait to*)ne-c40)4C, baine-caorach, s. sheep's milk
to4jlce4c, bailceach, s. a strong, or stout man . common prim-
to4*Jc4C, ba'dceach, adj. rainy to4ine-bo-ble4r, baine-bo-bleaiht,! rose; oxliP;
tvnle, </e, s. m. a town, a village, a home ; plural . > i i . , . L ' > common cows-
to4)ne-bo-bupe, -bo-buidhe, H agi]s>pai_
t><4le, baile, s. m. a clan, a tribe * gl es
to4)le4c, baileach, adj. stingy, careful to4jrie-54rhn4, baine-gamhnach, s. honey-sukle
b*jle-mj54j, baile-margaidh, a market town to4]ne-50)ic, baine-girty s. butter-milk
4]1-5414), bale-gheamhraidh, ground always to4|ne-mjljr, baine-milis, s. sweet-milk
ploughed. SA. to4]ne-mii)ce, baine-muice, sow thistle, see bljoct-
to4*le-pu*)r, baile-puirt, a sea-port. SA. j0C4t>4n
b4)l)5)m, bailighim, v. to accumulate to4)ne-nujr, baine-miis, s. beestings
tbjljjie, bailighthe, accumulated to4jne-p4rii4]i, baine-ramhar, s. curdled milk, thick
b4]l)u4t), baliughadh, s. accumulation
b'4'11, b'aill, for tou 4)11, was pleasing milk
to4jrtfe4t>4n4, bainfeadhanach, s. a female piper
1)4)11440, baillehreaihadh, s. trembling toajnyejr, bainj'lieis, s. f. a wedding feast
to4]llt), bailled, s. a ballad to4jnpjt)nrce, bahijirinsce, s. the epicene gender
to4ll)n, ballein, s. f. a little bubble ; a boss or stud to4*nfite45i4t>, bamfhteagradh, s. a bond or stipula
to4)lle*ne, bailleine, s. f. a small shell tion
to4)Un, baille, s- f. a drink to*jn5> baing, on a sudden, by surprize
to4)lle6g, bailleog,' to4]n5e4))i4cc, baingearracht, s. a goddess. PI.
S' l s. f. a twig, sprout, or sucker to4jn5e4rt, .baingeasta, adj. light, nimble
tMjlej;, bailee.f J ......
to4jUeos;4c, bailleogach, adj. full of twigs or suckers to4)Ti5), bainghidh, adj. lacteal
1)4*11), battti, s. m. a bailiff to4)n)jil4, bainiarla, s. a countess
to4jll|5e4t), bailligheachd, s. the office of a bailiff; to4*njt>e, bainidhe, s. rage, fury, madness, 4j*
bailiwick , bu)le ]f 4]) bjnpe."
to.v|H ), baillim, v. to drink toiinpe, bainidhe, adj. crazy, silly, lunatic
t)4)lm, buihn, s. balm, balsam to*)njm, bainim, v. to belong to, na b4)njo J)f
t)4]lt, a*7, s. a belt, a cingle to4jn]m, *''*, v. to cut down, Ujnjm **
"b4*lte4, beilteach, adj. full of towns to4)n]m, v. to take away, carry oil, bajnjm
tj4jlr:e44]-, bailteachas, s. planting towns, coloniz
ing to4)njon, bainion, adj. female, leorh4n b4jn]on, a
t>4*n, bain, s. f. a drop, pi. b4*njB lioness
t>4]nrj, bainbh, s. a little pig to4)njon4r, bainionas, s. muliebrity, womanhood
to4jnJ)t>e4e, bambhidheachd, s. farrowing, pigging t>4)njr; bainis, s. f. a wedding, a wedding feast ;
t)4jnojn, bainbhin, s. a sucking pig gen. b4jnre
21) BAI 631J SAI

^Jn)r5'v bainisg, s. f. a little old woman t>*]l*J5jm bairighim, I bestow, confer. Se. po.
oajnleoriiAn, bainleomhan, s. a lioness 04)i]le, bairile, s. a barrell
^^, bainliagh, s. adoctrees, a female physician bjpljn, bairlinn, s. f. the foam of the sea, a rolling
tJajj, bainni, s. madness, see b*mjt>e wave
;t)Ajnpi]onf*, bainprionnsa, s. princess bijpjn, bairin, s. f. a cake of bread
b*)n]tjogn, bainrwghan, s. a queen b4)pjn, bairinn, s. a firebrand
, bainseuck, s. a plain - field; asheepwalk, bijpneAC, bairneach, s. a kind of shellfish called a
a solitary place limpet
, bainseach, adj. retired, desolate bijpneA, bairneach, adj. angry, morose, perverse,
bA)iipe*co, biinseachd, s. feasting untoward, frightful
t)amj-e*5*, bainseaghadh, s. desolation, destruction, t>A)pne*, bairneach, adj. filial
desolating, destroying bjjineAc, bairneachd,s. judging, sitting in judge
b*jnre*ri)ujl, buinseamhuil, adj. belonging to a wed ment
ding, Ao>\ b*mpeftrnn)l t>4jjinj5)m, bairnighim, v. to fret Sh.
*]5)]|0, bainsgriobhaidli, s. a bill or note b4](injm, bairnim, v. to judge, to sit in judgement
*)5!, bmsgeal, s. a star bA]jt}j4l, biirrial, see daijijaI
t}*jnpp)pe5, kthispireog, s. f. a sparrow-hawk *)11*)5045)4)1, bairrighihuaghbhail, s. a sounding
bAjnteoUt!, buinteoladh, s. a female thief horn. Sh.
b*nrj45]tn*, bmntiagharm, s. a lady ; a gendewoman bajptqcjn, bairricin, s. a ferret
14}ncpe4DA6, baintreabhach, s. a person cut offjroui b*)]ip)n, bam-in, s. the top, foretop
his tribe ; a widow, a dowager bajpreAc, bairseach^ s. scold, a shrew
*)*044, bnntmibhachas,} ^Aa4ih b4jp|e4Ct>, baitseachd, a satire, scolding
b*jntpe4b*o, baintreabhacd, J bj}re05, bairseog, s. i. a young scold
bint, buir, ig. ri, a game at hurling ; a contest, bijppeojp, bairseoir, s. a scold
b] jie, baire, j a goahng b*)lp5eo, buirsgeog, s. f. the top of the windpipe
b*j)*ce, bairche, s. a battle. Sh. b&jPDse, bairsighe, s. brawling, scolding
bajpce, bairche, adj. strong, brave, stout. ' bjP'njm, jirsighim, v. to brawl, to scold
bajpcjn, barcin, s. a ferula b4jr> bais, s. f. folly, levity
t)4)jc)n, baircin, s. cross sticks, or side timbers in a ]> bais, s. f. lust, lechery
house between the rafters ], bais, s. f. water
*), bairckne, s. a fight by women 4), s> f. the palm of band
1j*]JtT>e4l5, hairdhealg, s. a hair pin b*p, b<*s, J
b4Mvip, bairdhcis, s. a point or end ; D4)]ti>}p an bAjrc, baisc, adj. round
b4]pc4)lc, baischaile, s. raddle, ruddle, red chalk
b4;pt>p]m, bairdhcsii, v. to point b4jrceAll, baisceaJl, s. a clown, a savage
iMjpcjrre, bairdlieise, pointed b4jrcrheftll, baiscmheatt, s. a collection, a gathering
bjpe, four*, s. a goal, a starting post ; cul b4)je, a bAjrcne, baiscne, s. a tree
coi-ps de reserve t)4)rc|t)0t baiscriotk, s. raddle; seeb*jp4jlc
1)4]jte, laire, s. death b4jpe, ifltWt, . \s. a baptist
t)4)l40, bairead, s. a bonnet, cap, hat, helmet, or t)4)prieo)li. baisdcon,}
any kind of head-dress b4jpe, fairfe. } g. a fornicator. 5.
t)4]l4t>tltom, baircadhlrom, adj. light-headed ; b4jpT>eo)lb uaisdemr,i
quick, nimble 4]^40, baisdeach, adi. rainy
t)4)]<]n, b.rein, s. binders, rafters, . ribs or small fc4jpse4t>i baisdeadh, s. baptism, baptizing
beams laid on houses. . e. bappa ye, no tAoBAjn. V4jpt>e4t>, baisdeadh, s. f. rain
O'C/. bairesc, s. the froth of water, or any other beipoeAThujl, baisdeamhuil, adj. rainy
barere, 1)4]>, baisdidh, adj. baptismal
liquor when boiling bAjp^m, baisdim, v. to baptize, to dip
bi-jji^eAn, bairghean, s. m. and f. a cake; prop. b4)pt>)m, baisdim, to shower as rain ; to baste
bAjpec, baiseach, adj. flat
t)4]]5e*nr4, bairgheanta, swift. <. b*jreACt>, baiseachd, s. palmistry
tthpgjn, bairghin, s. a begotten son. SB. b4jpe4l, baiseal, s. pride, arrogance
t)4)l5)m;4C, bairghintach, s. a bringcr forth ofF sons. Wel, laisealach, adj. proud
t)ire*mu)l, baiseamhuil, adj. foolish, lustful
ta]l]Al, ,
bairial, s. a shoe string or buckle, a shoe b4ire4rhl4CO, baiseamhlachd, s. lechery
latchet ; cover of a book *)4>*> baisfeaclidach, adj. deadly, deathgiv
t>4i]tp, &W<ta, s. bellowing, roaring, lowing
bjpjjeAn, bairighean, s. m. and f. a floor, a plot of
21L BAL bill BAL
*JI"W4 baisfhionn, adj. esh-coloured ; reddish h*i 5/' bal&aois> s- the learned
Odjpne, baisgne, s. a tree
! ? T ;/ m- a sPtt 4 mark> astain> freckle, a
>Jr|e, baisiech, s. an . . L. * , a//, J speck
*)|140, baisleacA, s. a handful of any thing * , /, s. m. place
fc*jrre, baute, ) I , at, s. m. a way. i.e.beU6. 0.
^jrteojp, baisteoir, \ s' see * , s. m. a ball, a globe
J/r e' s- a showering, sprinkling, basting. * i ^' s" m' a welPon an instrument
lieb. Baste b , /, s. m. a limb, a member, a part ; pl. boili
JbjrseA, baisteach, see bajroea b", /, s. m. acabit
oajrcej, fcjwfcr, s. water. Sh. *[|, /, s. m. a wall, a rampart
*), baistim, v. see b*jrt>jm *, etrc/, adj. spotted, .freckled, marked,
b*jr, a//, s. a lure, a decoy striped
toAjt, baith, s. a clown, o. g. , bullaeA, f
-jtc, biite, adj. drowned 1, ,\*'
t>*)ce4c. barach, s. clown ; vrdg. bonA *115-15]; bullag-losgain, a toad-stoll, fuz-
bAjceA, baitheadh, suppression; Urownmg bailajm, bulliiim, to speckle
lAjea, biithearm, s. cenain or inevitable death bAk)jt>|m, ballairdhim, v. to divulge, disclose, re
t)*jfe*r, baiieas, s. m. the forehead, brow, pate port, proclaim
bjcejt, baiter, s. water. Kent. bailan, bailan, s. a teat, dug, udder
bAjtjn, *, s. f. a small stick
11, bailan, s. a shell ; a husk or covering
t>jtjneicn, baitineacd, s. chastising with a small stick bailan, bailan, s. a broom
or rod bailan, bailar-, s. a churn or madder, a tub
bt]t,)r, baHhis, gen. of bjieer b*Uan-b)frcaca]v, hallar.-binnachaidti, a cheese-rat.
)pelea p, baitselear, s. a bachelor, an unmarried SA.
man, a man who has taken his first degree in a col tMlUn-lorguin, bullan-losgitin, a mushroom. SA.
lege to*llAit>A, ballard-acA, s. a noble
fcijcreojp, laitseoir, s. a chairwoman or man. SA. ballajtoac, ballardhach, adj. conspicuous, gorgeous
bxh, baiacA, s. in. a gia-it, a sturdy fellow^ a fellow, balla)t>a, baardhadh, proclamation, declaration
a clown balla}tt>4)m, ballardliaimt v. see bAllAj]r}m
baUc, balach, ?. m., a conceited fellow, . . beet 110, ballartachr adj. noisy, turbulent
bot. o.g. , billasdadk, declaration, publication. PI.
b*U*rhu]l, balachamhuil, adj. clownish, foppish ball-bap, ball-baid, s. a hawser or halsr
, balachan, s. a youth, a stripling bAll-bpeAcfA, ball-breadha, spotted, variegated
tula, baladk, s. a smell, scant, odour b*llcj)t, balhhritA, s. trembling
balai, baladk, s. righting. Sh. bAll-wejfe, ball-teisc, s. an instrument, a tool, a
bAlagam, balagm, s. a mouthful. Sc. p. useful weapon. Sh.
balajje, balaighe, s. profit, advantage 11-)), hafl-dbmhair, s. the privy member
, adj. dumb ; mute ; inarticulate in ut ->11], ball-dobhrain, s. a mob. Shj
terance ; Heb. Balaim to shut the mouth. bAeAt, halleacht, s. .n enclosure round a grave, a
, balbhachd, \s. dumbness; inarticulation; tomb.
tjAb<, balbkadh, ) stammering; stuttering ^, ballfaobhrach, s. an edged tool
t)4lbJ5eACt, baibfiaigheacAt, s. the act of making bAllpeAjtoA, ballfeardha, s. the membrum virile
dumb, silencing. LI1Pur. 83. ' bAlljAUp, rallghclar, ?. the rheumatism ; the gout;
tttlrjuim, balbhaim, v. to make dumb ; t: BalDAttAjt a kind of plague
bpeageealBa." bJlrriAS baRmhagaidA, s. a Uughing stock
balbn, balbhan, s. a dumb person ; a mute 115, balhasg, s. a ligament connecting the
balbAiiajm, bjlbhanaim, v. to strike dumb bones at the joints to prevent dislocation. Hie.
bale, bale, s. m. a hardness on the surface of the *1!5. ballnasgr s. the joints> the limbs. Lh. O'B*
earth occasioned by frost or dry weather; a stop and Sh.
or baulk 1105, ballog, s. a blot. SA.
'., bale, adj. great, mighty, strong, stout , ballog, s. die skull
1], balcaim, v. to balk 1165, ballog, s. a shell
balcanrA, balcanta, adj. stout, firm bAll5-br5<)> ballog-losgainn, s. a mushroom'
tlcrh]t, balcmhar, adj. great, large, corpulent bAlI-ojbpc, ball-oibre, s. a tool to work with
t>Alg, blg, s. m. a great gap. O'Cl. jj^llo^reAC, balloisgteacA, s. a lobster
b4l>, blg, s. . a leather bag . 11-1, ball-aalacA, maculation, macule. SA.
twig, blg, s. m. a man of erudition ^U-PAmpuill, ball-sampuill, an example, a speci
fcAlgAn-repit), balgan-seididhj a fuz-bafl. $h\ men. Sh.
*1*) balgair, s. . forf billf balls& s-aUot' sPot' p1' b*llr5<V1*t,(liirG]11c>
62W BAN Mltf * BAN ' i

bAlJrejjic, ballseirc, a beauty spot bAnjfte, banthaire, \s. a female friend; a wo-
^*^-r5e)5t ball-sgeig, s. a laughing stock 4]>, bancharadh, \ man of pleasure
t>*llr5jo, ballsgoid, s. a halyard, for trimming tunAomre, banchaointe, 1 s' a waling maid ; a
the sail of a ship b4nc4o)nce4,aWW^,j concubine, astrum-
to*llr5jt>jm, balbgoidim, v. to blister
^*"-coj)tm4jr5, ball-toirmaisg, an obstacle. Sh. b4n]le, baiicheile, s f. a wife.
blhtjjeact, balluigheacht, s. blotting, staining b4n-lj4rhujfi, ban-chliamhuinn, a female relation ;
fcilrri, talma, s. balm a daughter- in-law
"blmujet>, balmuigheadh, embalming b4noj5e, banchoigle, s. a female companion ; a cup
blmujjjm, balmuighim, v. to embalm gossip
bait, eft, s. a belt. . . . b4ncjrhoeAc, banchoimhdeach, s. a waiting maid ; a
1, bait, s. welt, a border. Sh. female companion
balcAc, baltadh, a welt or border, pl.balrajje. PL bAijrhoeAcr, banchoimhdeacht, s. female asso
1>, baltadh, a fetter, chain, a bolt; piur. bal- ciation
]0 bAncongA'ntA, banchonganta, s. a female assistant, a
baltjn, &/, health, safety. Sh. midwife
, s. f. a woman bancontAjm, banchontaim, v. to stipulate
b*n, 7, s. truth b4nc]*urcj]te, banchruitire, s. a female performer on
bin, tfn, s. light, white. Heb. bahin ; white, bright, the '/
sparkling b4nu)rle4n4, binchuisleanach, s. a female piper
ban, s. copper , bandha, s, female, feminine, modest, deli
1>, .7, s. the foot or pedestal of any thing ; a cate
foundation ; prop, bun t)4nt>4lr;4, bandhalta, a foster daughter
t>4n, ban, adj. certain bano, bande, ?
bin, b$u, adj. pale
tun, ban, adj. waste, uncultivated, desolate, bad bAnojteo), bandraoi,
b*n, bun, "I j. . to4nrj44, bandruadh, > s. a druidess ; a sorceress
W, W/J,)adJ- usuaI> common b4tiO]ujt>e, bandruidhe,)
, jwa, s. death 4)14, bandutleamh, s. a goddess
, banab, s. an abbess bAnfA)t>, banfhaidh, s. a prophetess
, banabh, "I a80Ajn 4440, banfeadanach, s. a female piper, or
, banabh'm, J '. c P'g performer on the flute
t)in<it), banadh, whitening, bleaching banp 4>44, banfeadhmanach, s. a female stew
Mitt, hmM, \ fne. "Me, dearoy- ard ; a house-keeper
b4Tifior4]^, banfiosaigh, s. f. a fortune-teller
b4npl4), bmniaith, s. a female chief; the wife of
t)An-4t>(ilc]in40, ban-adaltranach, s. an adulteress a chief, a lady
bnftjt), banaid, s. paleness b4nplgr4, bandugsa, s. the monthly courses ia
J)4Ti4]jjm, banaighim, v. to waste, to pillage, to plun women
der b4npuAT)4, banfhuadach, s. a rape
)4n4!5jm, banaighim, v. to whiten, to bleach, to b*n5, bang, s. a nut. o. g.
make pale 4, bang, s. the touch
24}, banalm, v. the same asb4n4jj;jm bATig, bung, s. a reaping
*4], bais, s. f. a wedding feast, a wedding b4i)g, bung, s. a hindrance
44]*, banaiteacTi, adj. serious bangac, bangadh, s. a promise
*1|)4, banaltra, "Is. a nurse; a foster-mo- "\ s. an amazon ; a
t)4n4lr]um, banaltrum, J ther toAn^Ajj-bpeAC, banghaisgidheach, ( female chani-
,t4n4lrjtum*ct), bana/tiumachd, s. nursing 451, bungal, t pion ; a coura-
1)44*14, banamhaltu, \ adj. womanish, shame- j geous woman
t)4Ti4rnlr4C, banamhaltach, f faced, modest bngliif, banghlas, adj. pale
, banamhlachd, s- effeminacy bn;otm, biinghorm, adj. lurid, azure
tj4Ti4'rhu]I, banamhuil, see 4414 ], bani, madness, frenzy. Sh.
l)*Ti4ji*, baara, s. a maid servant , banmhac, s. a son-in-law
41, banasal, s. a she ass t)4nm4tA]l. banmhathair, s. a mother-in-law
1)40, />M, "i , bann, s. a bond, a bill
|}4>, banbhan, V see , s, a belt, a girt, a bandage, a chain ; a
t)4nbjn, banbhin, ) hinge
%*nbi bemba, an old name of Ireland bA, bam, s. a band of men
, bann, s. a marching or journeying
6210 BAO 62143 BAR

ba, binn, s. a deed or fact

ba, bmn, s. death
ba, bann, s. a bal!, . . ljapro. 1 /. 0], baoibh, s. f. a foolibh mad woman
ban, bann, s. an interdict, suspension, censure baojBearhujI, baoibheamhuil, adj. foolish, silly
ban, bann, s. a proclamation baojtie, baoidhe, Is. patience, Ioji-
ban, 7, s. a law baopeariilar, baoidheamhlacht, J ganimity
t>*, .frt, s. a measure baojl, baoil, s. f. water,
bafU, brmnach, s. a fox baojl, eo/7, s. f. madness, a fit of madness
baia, b'innach, adj. active, actual b*ojp, baois, s. f. folly, levity, madness
bant>, bmnachd, s. subtlety baojp, baois, s. f. lust, concupiscence
bailag, bannag, a cake. 5c. baojp, baois, s. f. water
banajpe, banmire, s. a person who prunes or grafts
trees 22: ) * toc> -
ba-Bpajgpe, bann-bhraighide, s. cravat ; a neck baojpea, baoiseach, s. a foolish or inconsiderate per
band son
baaom, bannaomh, s. a female saint baojpea, baoiseach, adj. foolish, silly, inconsiderate
baft-eangajl, bann-cheangail, s. an obligatory bond b*Jr5e> baoisge, s. a flash of light
bafioujpne, bannduime, s. a wrist-band baojpgea, baoisgeach, 1 shining, glittering
balrn, bannlamh, s. a cubit baojpgeamad, baoisgeamhail, j bright
baleaajm, bunnleannaim, v. to act the part of a mid baojrgam, baoisgam, to peep, look in.
wife baojrcea, baoisteach, s. a brothel
baOhlaap, bannoglachas, s. bondage ; lawful servi baojt, aoM, adj. youthful, light
tude baojtpeprhea, baoithchreidmheach, adj. credul
bafipac, bannsach,, s. a dart, an arrow ous
b4paop, bannshaor, adj. free by law, licenced, baola, baolach, s. m. a combatant
authorized baop, baos, s. fornication
banpaoppacd, banshaorsachd, s. legal privilege, a baop, eoj, s. caprice, whim, frenzy ; folly, wicked
licence ness. Heb. Baasb, to do avile deed
banpaoppajjm, banshaorsaighim, v. to licence , baosach, adj. capricious
bafipopn, bannshorn, s. a kind of griddle, or bake baoppa, baosrach, adj. frantic, whimsical; vain
stone baoppa, baosradh, s. vanity, vain glory
bacjp, banntoir, s. a person who covenants or baoi, booth, adj. weak, soft, simple
binde , baoth, adj. frightened, terrified. Heb, Baath,
baupe, bannuidhe, s. bail, security to terrify '
banglac, banoglach, s. a servant maid baotan, baothan, s. a simpleton ; a blockhead
banpa, banrach, s, a pen, a fold, banpa c<epac baoianao, boathanachd, s. foolishness
banpa, banrach, s. a smock or shift baofan, baothan, adj. foppish, finical, effeminate,
banpaapn, banrachaim, v. to pen up light
banpjjan, banrighan, s. a queen. Lib. Lec. 10, 3. baotantar, baothantacht, s. foppery, effeminacy,
*5*1, bansgal, s. a woman, jp cpe banpgal tai- levity, garrulity
njg bay an Djt." A i?, baoantap, baotnantcs, s. simplicity
banrlba, bansglabha, s. a female slave baoca)p)5, baithchaisig, adj. riotous
banpgor, bansgoth, s. a son-in-law. PL baotlejmna, baothlamnach, wild, leaping. Sh.
banfeap, *, 1 afi baorpa-a, baothradhach, adj. speaking like a fool
banpeapa, banshearach, J J baof pgnat), baothshugradh, s. foolish joking
banca, s. a niece baocuauap, baothuabhar, s. arrogance ; foolish pride
banca]pte, bantaiste, convenience baocuajnpea, baothuaibhreach, adj. arrogant
bantpa, bantrach, s. Fingal's seraglio. SIL. baotuajnjtju^ai), baothiuiibluiughadh, arrogating >, bantrach, s. avvidow. Sc. prop. bajTrpea- bp, zr, a son. Bar
bap, i ir, s. m. a learned man, a scientific man
bantuafa, bantuathach, s. a lady; a land-lady bp, bar, s. the sea
baooalra, baobhalta, adj. simple, foolish bip, bir, s. the hairof the head
baoBaltact>, baobhaltachd, s. simplicity bap, bar, s. m. a chief
"beot>, baodh, adj. wild, foolish, inconsiderate b*p, bar, s. m. bread, food. Heb. Barah
bao-an, baodhan, s. a calf bap, s. sway, excellency, pug pe art bp
>>, baodrod, see ba]preao bap, for, s. a point; a dart; a lash
beo^al, baoghal, s. peril, danger. 77<r. Bahat, to be bap, , s. corn, 4 M. 1422
terrified, disturbed bp, ??*> s- the head or top of a thing
b4p, bar, s. an advantage, bp *ojpe rojluirn."

, or oujt, bar, or bhur, jour, yours bpc, iure, s. f. a boat

, bar, says, " bnp ojrjn." fc4]tc, bare, s. a storm
, bara, going, travelling , ere, s. a book
, ara, s. anger *1, bare, a;ij. much, many
b4pc4r, barcachd, s. embarkation
], bata, s. the palm of the hand
}4, ra, s. m a barrow; -, a wheel bar bApc4jm, batcaim, v. to embark
row b4l*C4)m, barcaim, v. to die
bipac, barach, for , morrow. " t. . 4 n* bi- 1})1, barcaim, v. to break out, burst out
bajicL, bardunn, s. a library
]ac." L. Lec. 10. 2.
, barach, adj. fruitful, fecund , burcne, s. a female cat Cor.
, barcw, s. bridewell. Sh.
$Hb ""*"
*]0, dr</, s. m. a poet
]1>, baradh, s. death; "bA]ut>. . i. be*l4>no 1)* /></, s. a corporation
b}ejt op n* nt)*0]ne." Cor. oijtt), 6-, s. m. a guard, a garrison, pi. bpt>4 -
" un -in GnM
po t*5*)D 1 > ]rjn C4jrlen."
' - J
]) bpjgejn, bar a bhrigem, s. silver weed 4 M.
bAparhujl, baramhuil, s. f. an opinion, conjecture, 1442.
supposition bpr4CT>, bardachd, poetry. Sh.
t*J(mu)l, baramliu'd, s. f. a simile, comparison, like 041>40>, bardachd, a corporation town. Sk.
ness s. hardship, the pro-
" fc*)*Arhujl tx> ojd b4]iT4]5C4cr, bcrrdaighcacht, 1 fession of a bard,
Fu)5]oll -ojr 4no]0Dojt>, >41, bardumlilacht, writing of satires or
Da rnprn je cpodjce ^ J lampoons
No ljon rojppjrne cjllet>." : 14|*o4),e4r, bardaigheas, s. a lampoon
O'G. b4jit)4l, bardai, s. a drake
, baramhlach, adj. conjectural 4]OArnii]t, bardamhvit, adj. bardic, bard-like ; sati
1*54), baramhlaghadk, s. supposing, conjec ric, addicted to satire
turing bipo4r, bardas, s. a lampoon, a satire
4]11*]5], baram/t/aighim,\\. to suppose, con- bpncojmjoc, bardctwimhioc, la dramatist.
bAjiArhUjm, baramhlalm, } jecture; to compare n*ji,o-'ce4iljlu]c, bard-dealbhchhiith,} Sh.
40, baramotrc, s. wormwood bP5 barg> ac- burning, red hot
*<, s. m. a baron &' bargo, s. maritime district
b4pn, baran, s. . food, bread. i/iri. barah] b4ll]i> barLnn, a rolling sea
b4p4U, baran, s. a judge txvjm, /, s. a judge ; a learned man ; a lawgiver
1, baran, s. a champion, a warriorj bapn, bm, s. a nobleman
b4pna> baranachd, s. a barony fc4pn, ",7 s. a fight, a battle
, barann, s. a degree or step \)4ltne4C, barneach, s. a limpet,, a cunner
t>4)trt, barann, s. a sUoke, a blow 1 foVr, s. m. the top, head or summit of a thing ;
1)4 pan, barann, s. anger the hair of the head
, barona, s. a warrant barr> s- m- a croP
, barona, s. a pledge, pawn, surety to*lT> barr, s. m. a helmet
)*4, burantach,. adj. warranting , *err s.m. overplus
4]>4, bai antas, s. commission ; surety, a war Urr> s- m- a,';on
rant b&VV bair, s. excellency, sway, advantage
tH|tATirA]5iTin, barantaighbn, v. to warrant
t)4j*nr4mu)l, barantamhul, adj. warrantable, au b4pr> arr' s- sewe)> grease. PL
thentic; U5W4! bp*nr4riwjl bajijt, err, s. the end of a thine (1.
b*]t*tj barath, lying in wait. b4)tp, farr, s. death. 0
t,4pb4, barba, s. severity, cruelty bap /*, arrtf, s. a bar
tjapbajle, barbaik, s. barriers, battlement b4}J4, /"Ta, s. a spike
t)i*b4li4, barbarach, s. a barbarian t)4fji4, ana, s. grease ; scum of a not
fcapbAp'A, barbardha, adj. inhuman ; barbarous, t)Aj*p4, barra, s. a court
cruel, obscene t>4Jp4uu4t>, barrabhuadh, )
Jtopbepftt barbardhacht, s. inhumanity, cruelty, b4fi4Bu4t>4]l, barrabhuadhall, \ s' a musical horn
barbarity, barbarism, incivility 44-04114*, -bhaUadK s. battlements, para.
bapbjp, barborr, s. barber
t>ayibj*onaTi tuvti con, barbraonan nan con, tormentiL t)alil4lj4)]c, barrabhailc, entablature
Sh- b4ll**blE> barrabroig,
t)rtPI4c, barrach, s. tow s. f. the barberry
Jj \tree
, barbrog, s. f. tlie barberry bush
brtJiJiAc, eirec^ s. tops or branches oftrees .
621S BJS

})>, bairachad, a cottage, a hut. Sh. barbdjpe, basbaire, s. a fencer
t)*ftp4*ol, barrachaol, s. a pyramid *rbujoeAc, basbruidhcach, adj. lecherous
, barrachas, s. overplus, surplus; great b*pb}u.peAcr,, bisbruidheacht, s. lechery
sway -buAlA, bas-bhualadh, s. a clapping of hands
])0, befrackt, s. supererogation, overplus, su , base, adj. red
periority , fajp, ad), round
t)*pjta-4rhujl, barrachtamhuil, adj. bold, brave; b*pcAC, basca] h, s. a bailiff, a catchpole
excellent OArcAjm, basca m, v. to apprehend
b*)tjA, barradh, s. a hindrance, a bar brtfCAjpm, bascairm, s. a circle
bAjtjurpppAjp, barradhriopair, a butler. .S'A. , bascall, s. a wild man in the woods
bapjUj, barrag, s. scum, loam. Sc. ]0, bdscarnach, s. clapping of hands, lamen
b*} jhsaI, barraghal, branches of trees tation
^^, barraghlach, \ S> t0PSOt Drancftes oi trees
, bascarnach, stammering. (.
b*tMA]ce, barraichte, adj. surpassed, excelled , bascart, s. cinnamon. Sh.
to*)*fjbeA0E, barraidheacht, see b*jjAc and b]*- , bascart, s. cinnabar. (. . 0yN. and
t)AjjA)5)ri, barraighin, a mitre ; turband bAfc-CAjtnte, basc-carnte, adi. globular
t)ppA,rr,er;W/, b -cpjATi, basc-criadh, s. ruddle
1}A|t|Ujr<"e, barrante,) bApccfiuj, basccrumn, v. be it good to us ; " /. <?. *
bApjtAirujp, burramhais, s. a cornice mAjt u], /'. e. bjfeAj 50 mAjc t>u)5." 0. -.
b*Jfwiiui]i, barramhuil, adj. gay, genteel, sprightly, !, basceal, s. good news
generous , basceid, s. m. a basket
b*f)iAii, barran, the tops of mountains toApcujft, bascuir, s. red lead
)*[, b.irrandach, adj. warrantable; certain, , basdullach, adj. showy, gay
sure bApcAjto, s. m. a bastard
, barrat, a heading of thorns laid on the top bApgA, basgadh, s. oppression, trampling
of a wall bAp^Ajm, basgaim, v. to stop or stay, to check
t>A}lbuje, barrbiiidhe, yellow head. Sh. bApgAjm, basgaim, v. to drown, oppress, trample 1
, bai rchas, s. curled hair Heb. Bus.
, barrchust, pericranium. Sh. 45*], basgaire, s. a mournful clapping of hands
fcAppo, barrdog, s. f. a box; a pannier; a hamper bApgluAjbe, basgluaidhe, s. vermilion, red lead
bAjl*F)on, barrfionn, white-topped. Sh. p540t>, basgaod, s. a basket
t)A}}*5]), barrghlor, vociferation bAplA, baslach, s. the palmful
^, ba-rghlorach, adj. vociferous bplg, baslog, s. a place of execution
1>*lP5n)um> barrgniomh, s. supererogation bApriiAj, basmhar, adj. mortal, perishable, deadly
t)A]j5ucT5, barrguchd, s. a blossom. Sc. bipmAfA0o, basmharachd, s. mortality
b*lp5, barrog, s. f. weeds that grow in water. Sh. toipugAt), basughadh, s. a putting to death, dying
^, barrog, s. f. a young girl bpujjm, basuighim, v. to kill, p.
*^5 barrog, s. f. a stitch ; oppression in sickness bipu]gte, basuighthe, deceased
b*!*l*05, barrog, s. f. a knot bAp)lle, basoille, s. a vassal or tenant
|)Alp5, barrog, s. f. a rod, a twig, a switch, a wattle bAppA, bassa,.s. fate,, fortune
b*PP5 barrog, s. a hold in wrestling ; grappling, bAC, bat, ? s m a stic]{> staffr baton
seizing , bata, J
bji}to5A)m, barrogaim, v. to grapple, to embrace , bath, s. death, murder, slaughter
t)Apo)b)n, baroigin, s. f. alittie girl , bath, s. the sea
toApptoft, barrtlionn, see bAjipcur tut, bath, s. a hut, tent, booth, cottage
tupn, barun, s. m. a baron , atj s. a bay
bAjintACr, barunlacht, s. a barony brtf, aA, s. thirst
bip, bas, s. m. death bit, bath, adj. simple; prop. bot
fcAr, s- f- te palm of the hand . bath, kiue, plur of b
** . s. slaying jjAf A, "v. destruction, drowning, b*r
\ pA)m, basaim, v. to put to death ; JSTrf. Bus, to tram b**, bathadh, J see AjnbfeAC. i/ei. Bahah
ple, despise, pollute , at, a stick, a pole or dranch. Heb. Bad
**, bamire, s. an executioner. 1 . 58. -|)1, bata-earcail, a pole to push on a l>oat
1, basal, s. judgment ]1, batail; s. a skirmish, hght
baal, s. pride, arrogance -jl, daily threatning, terrifying.
**1*' basasca-nas, s. t'ne base in music ut Aim, bithaim, v. to drown, die, perish
fcr*1"!*^0' basamhlachd, s. mortality jAtA]m, bathaim, v. to blot out, suppress, cancel,
tr*"1")1' baSam/luil> atlj- deadly, mortal eclipse
&e?i BEA SEA

, bathaintc, s. a prey or booty in cattle beanuA-bejnjofi, beachmtadh-beimonn, *j

batajp, batair, s. acudgeller ; an idler oeecnuA-colujmcjIle, beachnuadh-coluimcille, V s.
fcatftjjieact), balaireaehd, s. cudgelling ; idling be40nu4-Fjp,on, beachnmdh-firimn, J
t)t*jp, bathais, s. baptism, " jejn jtpjT 50 * St. John's Wort. Hypericum perforatum
*]." Z. Bree. ^, beachrainim, v. to grieve, trouble
aaI, Me/, s. m. danger. Htb. Ballahah, for !, beachrainim, v. to put astray ; to stray
Behalah, terror, danger be4j4n, beachran, s. wandering, straying
toaralaj, balhalakh, s. a vagabond. Se. , beacht, s. a multitude
, balhamh, drowning, eclipsing, cancelling , beacht, s. a ring, a- circle, a compass
, bathan, s. a cottage , beacht, s. a covenant, compact, a surety
, bathar, s. wares " , beacht, s. perception, feeling, idea
, bathas, s. the top of a thing, 1> cjft, the , beacht, adj. perfect ; exact
crown of the head beACCA, beaehta, s. carriage, behaviour
btt&v, bathat, v. he hath, it is with him ; " . e. At* beAtAjjeACc, beachtaigheacht, s. criticism ; accuracy
*)5e." O'Cl. benctAjm, beachtaim, v, to encompass, surround,
, baten, s. a sudden death. Cor. embrace
barjoprn, bathgovm, adj. azure, light blue beAtAjm, beachtaim, v. to criticise
, bath/ach, s. see 1 beAtAjpe, beachtaire, s. a critic
barln, bat/dan, s. a full tide ; the flux of the sea beAccAmujI, beachtamhuil, v. see beAcoArhirjl
!, bathlan, s. a calm beAcoji, beachtoir, s. a spy
tJ4tl*o, bathlaodh, s. a helmet, a hat bAtj, bead, g. sorrowful, or mournful news.
bacfpu, bathshruth, s. a calm stream, a smoothly bAt, bead, s. harm
flowing stream , bead, s. flattery
boipjio, bathroid, s. a token bad, bead, s. a trick
bftrpr, batros, rosemary bAT>, bead, s. pity
be, be, v. for hue , it was bCAtsAcr, beadachd, s. impudence, flattery
t), be, v. is, exists, noc 4)1 be bawAgAn, beadagan, s. a forward impudent fellow
b, be, s. life bAt>Ait>e, beadaidhe, s. a flatterer, a parasite
b, be, s. night* beAi04]t>e, beadaidht, s. a lover of dainties
b, be, s. the visage, face, countenance bAOApe, beadaidhe, s. a scoffer, jeerer, mocker
be, be, s. f. a woman ; pl. bjte bAn4jr>e4, beadaidheach, adj. sweet-mouthed
, bcabh, s. a tomb, a grave bAr>A'jt>e4r, beadaidheacht, adj. sweet-mouthed-
beb*jm, beabha'im, v. to die ness ; having an epicurean taste
beAOAjf, beabhais, v. he died bAoj, beadidh, adj. forward, impudent. Sh.
, beabanachd, s. mangling bA>)t>eA6t, btadidheaiht, s. forwardness. Sh.
b^ub*ne)]m, bcabanaighim, v. I mangle, tear , btadaidhean, s. a scoffer, a jeeref
, beach, 1 . abee , btadaidhean, s. a parasite
beAn, beaihan,} bAOA)eATiA, beadaidheanach, adj. scurrilous
,' bcac, 1y s. a mushroom
, bAr>4jt>eAnACt, beadaidheatiacht, s. scurrility, scoff
, ing
^, beachach, adj. abounding in bees be4X54p]m, beadaidhim, v. to love dainties
t)C4C4jm, beacaim, v. to dwell beAPA)*)m, beadaidhim, v. to be forward, to be im
t>e4C4])te, beachaire, s. a bee-hive pudent
jjeACAn CApnjl, s. a wasp bcAtsAiim, beadaidhim, v. to mock, scoff, jeer, flout
^, btacama, s. a common prostitute bAt!4)>)m, leadaidhtm, v. to flatter, to act the pa
jjeAc.r, beachd, s. an opinion, thought, conception rasite
HjeAcr>4At>, heachdachadh, affirmation ; allegation ; b4-PA)5c, beadaighe, see
consideration )56, beadaigheach, see
t>e4C-oejt>, beachdaidh, adj. see be4ct>)t> bACAjjeAcr, beadaigheacht, see *
beact>Aj)m, beachdaighim, v. to certify or assure bACA)5im, beadalghim, see ]
foeae*]m, beachdam, v. to meditate, consider, per beAttn, beadan, s. a parasite
bcA^n, beadan, s. a calumniator
)!, beachdamhul, adj. authoritative bAon, beadan, s. calumny
"beACt*'mnl, beackdamlmi!, adj. roundish, circular bAWATiA, beadanach, s. a calumniator; back-biter
, beachdidh, sure, certain. SA. , beadanach, adj. calnmnious, slanderous
*1, beachlann, s. a place where bee-hives are , h adavachd, s. calumniating ; flattering
t>^At)Aj)Ac, beadaraeh, adj. pampered, indulged
set; a bee-hive: O'B.
J>el>uAc, bcachlannach, adj. storet} with bee-hives <?> bead-, v. imp. that shall be
6621 BEA BEA
, beadfhoraobhadh, s. a register, com bealtejne, bealteine, the first day of May; so called
mentary from the fires lighted on that day by the pagan
biaga, beadhglia, s. a start Irish, in honour of the god Beal, see belltajne
bea-oog, beadog, s. a lying woman ; a gossip, a gilt be4n, bean, s. f. a woman, a wife ; gen. miiAOl, pi.
beaopa, beadrach, adj. frolicksome, sportive, play mna r
ful, frisky ; fond be4n, bean, s. f. a goat
, beadradh, s. playing, joking, fondling, toy be4n, bean, s. a blow, a kick
ing; fondness, endearment 4 be4n, bean, s. f. a step or degree
"*5, beag, adj. small, little, diminutive bean, bean, adj. quick, nimble
beagn, beagan, s. a little, a few bean4C4rcj5e, beanachaslighe, housewifery, parsi
'544), bsganaim, v. to make little. Sh. mony
beagcejllj, beagcheillidh, adj. of little sense ; sim be4n4t>, beanadh, s. m. a reaping, cutting, shearing
ple ; half-witted 4>, beanadh, s. dullness, bluntness a
beagjonr*, beagchionta, s. a foible
be4n4t)4lc|4n4, bsanadhaltranach, s. an adultress
fcagittrt, beagdhata, s. a stingy fellow be4fiA54t>, beanaghadh, s. a salutation ; prop. beAnu-
be*geagl6, beageagiach, adj. fearless "A
*be*5pl4, beagfkolaA adj. of little value, despica- )5, beanaid, v. they finish, " . e. yoptup no
fce45ua, beagliiach,} ble, contemptible cjijonajsjo." o.-.
leagluftrhai, beagluachmhar, adj. cheap, despica ), beanaim, v. I belong to, appertain to
ble be4n4jm, beanaim, v. I reap, mow, shear, cut
"beagm, beagnch, adv. almost ), beanaim, v. I draw out, " 00 bean a cloj-
b^g-njpea, beag-naireach, adj. shameless eam AmAc." M'Par.
beagpojdb, beagshaoghalach, adj. short-lived 4], beanahn, v. I strike
fceagfujsre, beagthuigse, s. f. absurdity, nonsense 441, beanaltra, s. f. a nurse
"be*!, beat, s. m. a mouth, an orifice, a hole 44)1, beanamhuil, adj. womanish, feminine
bni, beal, s. m. the god Belus, the sun -bAje, bean- buile, s. f. the lady of the place or
t)e4l, beal, s. m. sands, sand-banks on the coast Ilk. Sc.
baU, beala, s. a veil -bAjre, b?an-bainnse, s. f. a bride
<, beala, v. to die, " 54c *on tAjrm5]or cloj- -DAjtujn, b-an-baruin, s. f. a baroness
t>e*rh, if 1']4 4c bU." L. Breac. -DuaAjlle, bean-bhuachaille, s. f. a shepherdess
b4k, bealach, adj. blubber-lipped -, bean-buidseach, s. a sorceress
, bzalach, s. m. a road, way; a gap, inlet or bean-cajiajts, bean-caraid, s. f. a female friend
bean-cejle, bean-cheile, s. f. a spouse, a wife
\*>, bealadh, s. m. an anointing bean-joc, bean-chioch, s. f. a wet nurse
b^ln, bealan, s. a little mouth; dim. of b4l bean-cjajt),. bean-chinnaidh, a female namesake.
beallkc, bealbhach, s. m. a bridle-bit Sh.
"beAluAn-fuiA, bealbhan-ruadh, s. f. a kind of hawk bean-clearAjt>e, bean-chleasaldhe, s. S. an actress
balcajnrea, bealchainteach, adj. talkative -cljAmujn, bean-chliamhuin, s. a female relation,
b4lc|44c, bealchrabliach, s. m. a hypocrite a daughter-in-law, a sister-in-law
balpbac', bealclirubhach, adj. hypocritical beancoba), beanchobhar, s. m. a horn ; pi. beanco-
balcpna, bcalchrabhadh, s. m. hypocrisy BjlA
babbftuyojm, bealdhruidim, 1 v. to stop ones mouth, beancoojw, beanchobhra, s. pi. horns or forks
b'4lt>un4)m, bealdhunaim, J I silence , beanchobhrach, adj. horned, having
414]<54, bealfhothargain, s.,f. agargarism horns
be4lfof P454, bealfhothragadh, s. a gargling of the beancogancA, beanchoganta, s. a midwife
mouth beAn-ojrheatiAc, bean-choimheadachd, s. a waiting
be*l5*c, bealgach, adj. prattling, babbling maid ; a bride maid
bAljpA', bcalghradh, s. f. dissimulation, false love -, -chomharba, s. a dowager, a fe
beal], bealif broom. Sh. male successor
baloioear, bealoideas, s. oral instruction, tradition bean-6lti)t]le, -chruitire, s. f. a female harper
bealpa, bealradh, s. m. a dialect, speech, phrase beAn-cujrleanAvj, bean-cuisleanaigh, s. a female
balppieac, bealraidhtheach, adj. famous piper
balpA-eac, bealradhteach, adj. prating, talkative , beandluichd, s. effeminacy
bearcAv, bealtaidh, adj. unclean , filthy, dirty, sordid, , beandacht, s. m. see beanacr,
mean bean-Tjalra. bcan-dalta, s. a foster-daughter
be4rc4ie4cr;, bcaltaidhead, s. uncleanness bean-ojA, bean-da, s. a goddess
41|, bmltaine, s. f. a compact, agreement bean-njuc, bean-dmc, s. a duchess
be4ltan, beallan, see bealrap -, b.-aii-draoidh, s. f. an enchantress
662t SEA BEA

tteen-eccre, lean-eccte, s. f. an aged woman , beannachar, "Is. cow boms; 1. e, " *

-*^^, beanfaidh, s. a prophetess be44cuij, beannachuir, J bo." 0. ,
-ffttrt, bcan-fathach, s. a giantess be44cr, beannaxhd, s. m. ablessing, salutation ; pro.
*-104, bean-feadhmanack, s, a hand-maid beAfro4c
-, bean-fealltoir, a female murderer be4U]jm, beanna'tghim, v. I bless, consecrate ; greet,
^n-reapjujn, bean-fearrain, s. a landlady salute
^oiibftjm, beangaim, v. I graft' bc44j5fe, beannaighlhe, adj. blessed, consecrated
J^an-gujrsie, bean-ghaisgidhe, s. a heroine be44j]jteoj]*, beamiaightheoir, s. one who consecrates
oeangin, beangan, s. f. a branch, bough, scion, or blesses
graff be44)m, beannaim, v. to steal, &c. sec *44
^eanjn, beangan, the blaue of a fork be4nin, beannan, s. f. a little hill
~e4n-lujne, bean-ghhiine, s. f. a midwife t)eA4f, beannann, s. furniture, houshold goods
~e<ni-5fiii4p)]i, bean-gkmadair, s. a female brewer beAg, beannog, s. f. a coif, kercher, or linen rap
^CAn-]4}tl4, bean-iarh, s. a countess worn by women
^-Uo, bean-laoch, s. a heroine t>e4n-o]]ie, bcan-oighre, s. f. an heiress
"ean-lejj, bean-leigh, s. f. a doctress be4nji]o4n, beanrioghan, s. f. a queen
^-1, bean-leomhain, s. f. a lioness -54|, bean~shagart, s. m. a priestess
be4n-leon4, bean-leona, s. f. midwife be4nr}o4C*)l, beansionnachail, perverse, spightful;
keen-majgjpojj, bean-mhaghisdir, s. mistress like a vixen. SA.
-)]*, -mharcuis, s. a marchioness be4frc4, beanntach, adj. mountainous
fc"n-mo)-it]4oi|i, bean-mor-mhaoir, s. a peeress beAm:e4CC4j)ie, beanttachtairet s. f. an embassadress;
bean-njijeat), bean-nighcadh, s. awsh-woman a female messenger
bean-muphoro*, bean-nuadhphosda, s. a bride be4n-tejte, beanteite, s. f. a woman after child-birth ;
beanoja, beanogha, s. a grand -daughter literally a fusty or frowsy woman
;;1, beanoglach, s. a maid servant 4-)054)|, bean-tiogair, s. f. a tigress
fcean-ojsfie, bcan-oighre. s. f. an heiress be4n54T>, beatmughadli, s. m. a blessing, beatifica
bean-oj'tiA, bean-osda, s. f. a hostess tion
-|1], bean-phrlunsa, s. princess be4n54t), beamtghadk, s. m. a recovery ; 0 Be*r
<-1)1, bean-ridfre, s. a knight's lady pe 4n rjomUn
ben-j]o, bean-riegh, s a queen be4]i, bear, s. m. a spit, a spear, a javelin 5 plural
beAn-rcjuD4]iT>, been-sdiubhard, s. a house keeper beep*
1>e4n-ro]ub4ft>40r>, bean-sdiubhardachd, s. house bajt, w, s. m. a bear
keeping ]4, eera, s. m. ajudge
be4n-reAlj;4]}te, bmn-sealgaht, s. a huntress beA]Ar, bearacht, s. m. judgment
451, be/msffal, s. an old woman be4p4, bearqdh, s. m. a telling, relating, relation
be4n-r)ubUj, .-siubhlaih, s. f. a woman in child be4jtat>, bearadh, s. m. a bearing or carrying away;
bed a bringing forth
be4n-f-njorh, bean-shn'wmh, s. f. a spinster be4]t4]m, bearam, v. I take away ; I carry ; bring
-tj^e, bean-tighe, s. f. the mistress of a bouse, a forth, give; see be]ljm
landlady 44, , s. m. a pin
4;]54}14, beantighcarna, s. a lady, a gentle-
, beantrach, s. a house of women, a se be4tb4, bearbha, s. still water
raglio beapTwt), bearbhadli, s. a boiling, seething; smelting,
4-4+, bean-tuath, s. f. a country wench refining
4-4^44, becm-tuathanach, s. the wife of a bert]ibA]m, bcarbaim, v. I smelt, refine; boil; dis
husband -man solve; liqnify
44|-1, beamtttsal, s. a lady, a gentlewoman 4)4], beai'blwim, v. I shave or cut off the beard
be4, beann, s. f. a degree, step 41], bearb/ioir, s. m. a refiner or smelter of
bo4fi, beann, s. f. a cornet metals
be4, beann, s. f. a born ; a drinking cup , hearbhoh, s. m. a barber
fce4, bean, s. f. a skirt be4p5, bearg, s. m. anger, outrage
bean, beann, s. f. a mountain ; prop, ben be4]tf, karg, s. m. a soldier, a champion
fce4, beann, s. f. regard, attention ; nj jpujl , bearg, s. m. a maurauder
454m opr." 4?;0, beargach, adj. angry, outrageous
beA4C, beannach, adj. horned, pointed, peaked; 4^1, beargachd, s. m. the action of a soldier
forked, chequered be4j,n4, beargna, s. the vernacular language of a
t)C44C4?>, beannachadh, s. a blessing, benediction ; place ,
grace to meat

^*lU, bearla, s. m. a language j a dialect ; die Eng , beartha, part, bom, shorn, &c,
lish language 0e4}r4, beartach, adj. rich, wealthy
fceapU-yejne, beorla-feine, s. the dialect in which fce4jit4, beartadh, s. richness
the laws of the ancient Irish, and several other va be4ic4j5jm, beartaighim, v. I wield, brandish, flou
luable tracts are written rish
be4jl4-fjIroe, bearla-filidhe, s. the poetic dialect be}t-4)5jm, beartaighim, v. I yoke ; tuck up, ga
l)e*pU5*p, bearlagar, s. m. a jargon ther, shrug
-tejbpe, bearla-teibidhc, s. a mixed dialect 4)5], beartaighim, v. I play
b*Ym, beam, "| i u i be*pr,4j5jm, beartaighim, v. I meditate
, breach, knot, crevice, be4|tt4)m, beartaim, v. I threaten ; 1 point
bjn6, bearnack, adj. gapped, full of gaps, chap ]4)1, beartatre, s. a brandisher
ped be4]tC4]t, beartar, s. a cast, a shot, a stroke, *< 4p
)*>, bearnadh, s. a making a breach or gap mo e4p4 ct>4 be4jc4| 4p 4)), i. e. t>*
1>epn)m, bearnaim, v. I make a breach ; I tap or T>rpjB4pc4t ujiop 4p tur." ' /.
broach ; rojgcee yjon be4pt4f, beartas, s. riches
)*-)1, bearna-mhiol, s. the hare-lip be4pc4p)54it), beartafhighaidh, s. a weaver's loom
}-)10, bearnan-bearmch, s. m. dande bertptojf, bearthoir, see be4|icoip
lion. Leontodo taraxacum be4jitj4, beartrach, s. in. a pair of tables, or chess
toeapnin-bjltjne, bearnan-beiltine, s. f. marsh mari boards
gold, meadow-bouts. Caltlia palustris be4jn>rfe4>4jt>, beart-treabhaidh, a plough. S.
t)ejn4n-by)5)t)e, bearnan-brighide, s. f. see bejt- be4}c-uo, beart-uchd, s. a potrel
- be4itu4t), bcartughadh, s. m. a wielding; medi
tejj, bearr, adj. short, brief tating ; tucking up
be4]ip4, bearra, s. plur. of ], a spear bap, teas, s. rent, tax, tribute
|]), bearrad/i, s. a clipping, shaving, lopping b4r, beas, s. behaviour, manners, conduct
"beajijuw, bearrad/i, s. m. short hair b4j-, beas, adj. certain
), bearradh, s. a shred, slice, segment, cut bAr4, beasach, \a(lj- well-behaved; eor-
, bearradh, s. the tops or cliffs of mountains 44]1, beasamhuil, } rect
or rocks b4pcn4, beasctiadh, s. peace
44>, bearradh, s. a tripping along; walking 4>, beascnadh, s. any land that is inhabited,
lightly i. e. 54c t)l no 546 ] mbjo bpla-*. ' .
be4jij*4T>n, bearradan, s. f. scissars, snuffers '/, every country having languages
t>e*)t]<rjp, bearradoir, s. m. a barber, shaver be4rcn4jr>, beascnaidh, s. accommodation, agree
^, bearrag, s. m. anger ; eeebeAjt^ ment
t>e<njt4]m, bearraim, v. I shave, shear, cut, clip, lop be4rcn*j5]m, beascnaighim, v. I agree, accommo
4)40, bearraideach, adj. light, nimble date
t>e*]i|i4ri, btarran, s. gall; grief; pain, smart be4rcti454t>, beascnaghadh, s. agreement, accom
be*pjt*nft. bearranach, adj. miserable; mournful; modation*.
lamentable be4ron, beaschon, s. a syllogism
*1], bearranaim, v. I molest, trouble, vex 4, beasg, s. a harlot
4]*4, bearran, s. f. a small bundle ; faggot or beAp")" bcasguin, s. a colon
sheaf be4pn4]t>)m, beasnaidJiim. v. confederate
]14, bsarrtha, part, shaved, cropped, shorn , beastan, s. f. a grievance
, m>abarber be4r, heath, s. the beech-tree, see bejc
beji|-o]jt, bearrthoir, ) be4t4, b'atha, s. f. life
oe4j];5, bcarrthog, s. f. a razor ^ be4t4C, beathach, s. a beast, an animal ; pi. beA4]
be4}tr, b.tart, s. an engine, machine, frame and be4t4)=;eec
be4}ir, b?art, s. a mode or manner of doing a thing be445*> bcathaghadh, s. food, nourishment,
4, fcer, s. a load, bundle, or truss bread ; a benefice or place ; provender, an al
be4]ir, i?ar, s. . dress, clothing lowance of meat
4, beart, s. . judgment be4f454, beathaghadh, s. education, bringing
4|1;, beart, s. m. a game at tables be4tuj*t), beathughadh,] up
J>e4t, beart, s. m. a covenant, condition, agree be4t4l4 beathaidh, living, 4rnbeu4pb, amongst th*
ment living
|*, beart, s. threatning be4t4]5jm, beathaighim, v. I feed, nourish, sup
4, eart, s. f. an action, deed port, eduoate
** beart, third person, perfect tense of the be4t4)5*e, beathaighthe, adj. fed, nourished
verb beipjm -4<5&)1 beathtfightheoir, s. feeder
t>e*pi*i heartha, adj. clean, fine, neat, genteel

be*tajn, beathain, s. f. diet, food ; livelihood, in bjm, beim, s. f. a stroke, blow, cut
come bjm, beim, s. f. a tribe, stock of people, generation
^, beatha/ga, adj. cardiack bjm, beim, s. f. help
bc*T*mujI, beathamhuii, adj. lively, brisk, nimble, bjm, s. f. a beam, block, or piece of timber
mercurial, gay, smart, pert, animated, vital, high- bjm, beim, s. f. a blemish, stain, spot
mettled bjm, beim, s. f. a step, pace ; see cjm
beatman, beathmhan. s. a bee bjm, beim, s. f. oppression ; reproach
beaioioa, beathodach, s. a beaver bjmceap, beimeheap, s. a whipping stock
beatn, beathog, s. f. a bee bjmea, beimeadh, s. a striking
beafog, beathog, s. f. a beech tree bjrnjm, beitnim, v. I cut, strike; reap; loose,
beargujjte, bealhoguighthe, adj. stung, as by a untie
bee b|mnea, beimneach, adj. effective. Teg. Cor.
beajia, beathra, s. water bjmnea, bsimneach, adj. vehement, violent
beaiugac, bcathughudh, see beacaja bjmneac, beimneach, adj. reproachful, contumeli
beb, brbh, v. died; from beabajm, I die ous, cutting, abusive '
beoajj-, bebhais, v. died, " bebajr an caro Colman." bjmpea, beimreach, ad. talkative
Fei. Jon. bjne, banc, s. f. a bin
bec, bec, s. f. a point bejnc, beinc, s. f. a bench, a seat
"be, 'bec, s. f. a beak or bill be|ncjji, beincoir, s. a banker
becalac, bechdalachd, ambition. SA. bjne, beiiie, s. a champion or famous hero
benel, bechnel, s. gavelkind bjne, being, s. the evening
, beesn, s. a poet's, or philosopher's bn- bjne, berne, s. a separation or disjunction
bexrna, bexsnyj guage in composition. lir.L. bejnejo, beineid, s. f. the Minerva, or goddess of
bt>, bed, s. a deed, an act, action ; an exploit, war of the Irish ; " bjnejo. ;'. . baoo, be, . e. ben,
practice ocaj- neje, i. e. caf, acap 'ca pjbljnajb." Cor.
bt>, bed, s. a sorrowful story, mournful news bejnjo, beinid, s. f. a witch, evil-inclined woman
be, bed, s. fruit bejnjn, beinin, s. f. a little woman ; dim. of ben or
bo, bed, s. evil, injury, hurt, damage bean
br>, bed, s. a book ; hence bcrojjtjoba bej, beinn, s. the summit of a hill or mountain
>5, bedhg, s. a fright ; a sudden start, " Fejljm bejiijo, beinmd, s. f. cheese-rennet
mac Cogam me;c Njll jee ii] rijll c'g bejjn, beinnin, s. f. a pinnacle
^." 4 Mast. 1441. bejre, beinnse, s. f. a seat, a bench
bfcfojjijoua, bcdfoiricbhadh, s. a commentary ; a bejj, beir, v. imper. of bejujm, I bring
registery or recording of matters bejjDi5jr> bciibhighis, s. an anniversary, feast, or
be*;, beg, see beaj, litde vigil
bjc, beic, s. f. an outcry, roaring, lowing bejpjacar. beiriatas, s. a birth, a gift
bjce, bcice, ~ s. clamorous weeping. I7eb.Be- bejpjm, beirim, v. I bear, bring forth
bjcea, be'icca'Xh, \ chi, Beche, and Bechith bejjijm, beim, v. I bear, carry
bejeajpe, beichairc, s. a bee-hive bejjijm, beirim, v. I say
bjeea, beiceach, adj. clamorous; roaring bejpjm, beirim, v. 1 give
bejcearac, beiceasach, adj. skipping, hopping bejjtjm, beirim, v. I take
bjcjjj!, beicighil, s. an outcry bejjijm j aneaji, beirim /anear, v. to observe. S/i.
bjcjm, bcichn, v. I roar, cry out bejjtrcjan, beksetan, s. m. a razor
b^jcjoan, beiciochan, \ s. f. a brawler, a prater ; a bejjir, beirt, s. a loom
bjcjpe, W>r, [ prattler bejjit;, beirt, s. a couple ; a brace
bejcljmneacc, beicleimneacht, s. a dancing, or skip beipt, toi, s. m. help, assistance
beflit, beirt, s. m. a fence, a covering, protection,
bepar, beidhuidh, a lamprey. Sh. armour
bej^ca, beidead, s. a patching bejttr, beirt, s. m. a burden
}\, bei/, gen. of bai or beul, the mouth beiwt, beirt, s. m. an addition
bejloa5, beilbhas., s. corn poppy beijtr. beirt, v. said, at> beflir; for bejpt
-, bcilbhan-ruadh, s. a buzzard beijtie, beirthe, part, born, brought forth
be)be<vl5. beildearg, having red lips beiMt'jn, ieirtrtb s. f. a little burden
t)2)le, beile, s. a meal's meat bir, Aw, s. f. a base viol
beilean, beilean, s. the mouth be'' ne, beisgtne, s. peace, quiet
fceille, beille, s. a kettle, pan, caldron 1-, beisgtne, s. ointment, oil
te Ue*, beilleach, adj. blubber-lipped b , beisin, s. f. abason
be Han, eiilean, s- blame, reproach beirc, gan-oflWT> abeast
t>ejl-, beilt, s. a belt or cingle be ' eAml*ct, beisteamhlacd, s. bestiality, beastliness
J'L bejrce*mu)l,

t>e]pcenmu)l, beisteamhull, adj. bestial beoArfiujl, beodhamkuil, adj. lively, animated, vi

bejrtjn, beistin, s. f. a little beast gorous
bejrtpe, beistre, s. a vestry beoojl, beodil, s. assets, goods, chatties, :'. e. -
bejr, beit, twain, both
bejf, beith, s. a being or essence ; prop, brc beo-eAOAjpe, beo-eachdaire, s. a biographer
bejc, beith, the name of the letter beo-eAAjpea, s. beo-eackdaireac/id, s. biogra-
toej, s. f. a birch tree, birk ; betula alba,
bejc n* , the beech tree ; fagus sylvatica beofAcpAC, beofanntrach, s. see beocorspa
bejteAC, beitheach, s. m. a beast beopeaAjm, beofeannaim, v. see beoorbpajm
toejeamujn, beithcamhuin, plur. of , a bee beofeaajjceojjt, beofeannaight/ieoir, s. see beoor-
bejtjn, beiiin, s. f. the scorched, or frost-bitten grass
of the hills beogajnearh, beoghaineamh, s. quicksand
bejtjl, beitli'd, s. Bethlehem beooncA, beoghonta, adj. vigorous. 4 Mast. 1472.
bejtjlS beitir, adj. clean, neat beojl, eo/, verbal. Sh.
bejfc]]S beithir, s. a bear fceojlA, beodgha, adj. oral
bejtnjuj, beithniur, s. St. John's wort ; hyperi- tjeojljACC, bcoiiidhacht, s. oral tradition, or instruc
cum tion .
bl, bel, s. m. a mouth, see 1 beojll, beoill, s. fatness
beU, belach, s. m. a road, way, passage; seebe*- beojp, beoir, s. beer
Iac beojp-aol, beoir-chaol, s. small-beer
bel} a, belra, s. m. a parish ; an ecclesiastical division beojpsojpt, beoirghoirt, s. brine, pickle
of land ; a district ; " an ljon r'jjte 54c tuAj*, beojjHajcjlS beoir-laidir, s. strong beer
*n ljon txoje jn 54c tjjt, an lpn 1 n 5 ca- fcol, ft/, s. m. a mouth, see bai and beul -
454]- an ljon xbojne jn * bel}." Z. -ffr. fceol, beol, s. a robber. S'h.
bellrajne, belltaine, s. the month of May ; " bell- tjcolAC, beolack, adj. talkative
rajne, /'. e. bjlltene, . e. cene b|l, i. e. -cene fceolAo, bcolaoch, s. m. an active soldier
fojnme, . e. t>* iene -ojnmec* njtjr na tjeolopeAr, beoloideas, s. see beojlpar;
tsjiAje con rmcetUjD mp4jo pojuib combejjt- fceoluAjt, beoluadk, s. hot embers
t>jr cefc}*<e etAjipAjb aj caca t,eopt>A]*c, beoradharc, s. m. quick sight, discern
DljanA." Cor. ment
t)en, ben, s. f. a vehicle t,eo)<AAlcA beoradharcacfi, adj. quicksio-hteti
ben, ben, s. f. a woman ; see bean t,eor beos, adv. yet, beside, . e. fp
bener, bendkecht, s. m. a blessing, a farewel beorA> ^oi<lc adJ- bright, glittering; brisk, dap
benojie, bendxhthe, adj. blessed. Par. An. 41. per, spruce
bent>)5jm, bndighitn, v. I bless, consecrate, greet beor*J5)m> beosaighim, v. I ornament, deck out,
benetsjn, benedin, s. f. tormeutil; septfoil; tormen- beautify
tilla erecta beora*!"**' beosgaradh, s. a divorce
benjo, beneid, the Minerva of the ancient Irish ; beorl4)nce' beoshlaintc, s. life rent
" benejo, /. e. np, i. e. nomn viri, be est l>eorm*l*** beosmharaeh, adj. expensive 5 luxurious
nomen, a ben ; ba nemna span jn 11] )*!1*60' beosmharackd, s. m. luxuriousness
rjn." Cor. IjeotA, beot/ia, s. animality. Sh.
benjjean, beneigean, \ s. a rape ; the vio- ', ijeotAC, beothach, s. m. a beast
benj;;n]UAt>, beneignhtghadh, / lation of a woman ^eotACAti, btothachadh, s. animation
be, benn, s. f. a summit, a mountain beotACAl, btothachal, adj. lively. S/i.
berucc, bennacht, s. m. a blessing jjeotACAn, beothachan, s. an animalcule
beujA, bennughadh, s. m. a blessing, benediction ^eotA]5)m, beothaighim, v. I enliven, inspirit
beo, beo, s. the living t,eotA)5reo)Jb beothaightheoirt s. an ehlivener
beo, beo, adj. living, alive ^eoAl, beothal, waving. SA.
beo, beo, s. cattle ; any living creature ^), beothamhlachd, s. m. liveliness, quick
beoan, beochan, s. f. a. small fire ness, pertness
beoAncA, beochanta, adj. vigorous tjeofArhu)l, beothamhuil, adj. see beAAmujl and
beocotfun, beochomhan, s. a warron jjeoAtriujl
, beochosgrack, s. alive ^eotopAC, beothorrach, adj. quick with child
beoorPAjm, bcochosgraim, v. to Hay alive &^> beothughadh, s. enlivening. 44.
beot>*. adj. lively, sprightly b'^oiu ipmjjteA, beothuisJiihightheach, adj. vrviparous
|>eoT)ct, beodhackt, s. n. courage, vigour, spright- b?!Ai b,nai/i, arfj. talkative, prattling. Z.
Iiness JjohBac, berbhadh, s. refining, see
beoriAjrh, beodhaim, v. I quicken, enliven bergna, adj. irritable, easily provoked
u 1 berla, see be*jlAP bepiAo,
EU b)2l BIA
bulojoe p, beuloidt as, s. m. tradition ; oral instruc
beppA, berradh, s. the hair of the head
, berread, s. a cap, a hat bulphupjojt), beulpliurgoid, s. f. gargarism
bepc, bert, s. f. an action, deed bum, beum, s. a cut or gap ; the track of a moun-
t>' pe, bert, s. m. see beapt and bejpt
t>p, bes, s. f. a bottle bum, beum, s. a stroke, a taunt
"bf, m, s. f. the belly bumAjm, beutna'm, v. I cut, gasb, slash, strike ;
bp, fcj, s. f. rent, tribute taunt
bp, bes, s. m. behaviour ; see bap and bur
bumna, beumnach, adj. full of cuts
bp, bes, s. an art, a trade bujila, beurla, s. m. see bapla and |>1
bp, bes, adj. exact, careful bupra,' beurtha, adj. genteel, well-spoken ; sharp
bp, bes, see bup, beus, s. quality, moral virtue
t)p, fei, conj. and bupe, beusa, s. education, instruction
bpcriA, bescna, s. peace| , beusach, adj. moral, civil, courteous, edu
bpcnA, bestia, s. a territory, tract of land ; see
be perm bxna, bexva, see becpn*
, bescna, s. a lease, agreement, compact
"bipBiia, besgna, s. a territory ; see , and b], bi, s. the living ; " i. e. beo. ac b) bjaia, ", .
^ 5* beo bjAte." WC'lcr.
), bi, adj. living, cebj
bet, beth, s. birch ; seebejt b), i/, s. a wound, wounding, o.g.
bec bet, s. f. a charriot bi, bi, adj. small, little, fine
bet, bet, s. a shameless young man ; "bec, i. . a
betula, i. e. o^pclac mnjfieAC, unde dicitur, b], bi, v. was; answering to all persons, singular
and plural, bj me, bj tu, bj pe, &c. see b*
T>u]ne 6." Cor. b], bi, for bu ], it was she
befeuc, betheaeh, adj. effeminate
, belheaeht, s. effeminacy bjac, biach, s. m. the male organ of generation j
betejgneau, betheigneachadh, s. a rape, violation " Ijjac, i. c. b*U , AriiAjl ]>."
of a woman
bere}tle*0, beterleach, s. m. the old law, the old testa "0* x>t) won ,
5oru rpjocAp cc jme,
betlujpnion, bethluisnion, s. an ancient name for the BjAllpAj cjt> 1) * b),
Irish alphabet, from its three first letters, , L, and 1)* loe* cjme."
N. bjAcact, iachachd, s. priapism
bur>, beud, s. a deed ; see ho
b]*f), biadh, s. m. meat, food, sustenance
bur, beud, s. vice, harm ]>, biadhach, adj. alimentary
bujo, hsud, s. pity bjAt>, biadhachadh, s. m. alimentation
bunn, beudach, adj. hurtful, iniquitous
bmo-pcU, beud-jhoclach, adj. taunting, contume b]At><icU, biadhachlann, s. ro. a kitchen
bj4vAt>, biadhadh, s. m. feeding, nourishing
lious bjAt>An, biadhan, s. f. slander
buBg, beudog, s. a prating woman
bni, held, s. m. the mouth ; see bai bjAticeApT), biadheheard, s. a tavern or victualling-
bni, beul, s. m. the sun ; see bai house
bulrt, beulach. adj. fair-spoken ; ilattering buwiAp, biadlmhar, adj. abounding in food, plen
bul*]]ieacr, b. ulaireacht, s. tradition. Mu. 256. tiful
b]A>t)Ap, biadhmhar, adj. esculent
bul]-, beu/ars, s. prattling, babbling, mouthing
buluipcrtc, beulaiseach, adj. argute, subtle, witty bjAWtA, biadhta, adj. fed, fatted ; CArii bjAiccft. Prcr.
bulajf]i]p, beulaithris,-s. tradition 15, c. 7,v.
', beulanach, adj. talkative biAf>-up-6unA)n, b.adh-ur-eunain, s. f. wood sorrel
b|Awt-A, biadhtha, s. m. a bait
t)iibn<c. bntlanach, s. the bit of a bridle
1)ulT)), beulbkinn, s. asweetmouth ; Mattery bjA^tA, biadhtaeli, s. m. a hospitable generous man ;
bulbjea, b -.xbhiunea.h, adj. sweet-mouthed ; me a public victualler ; a person whose duty it was to
supply the King's household with provisions, to
lodious, sweet-spoken furnish the standing army of the kingdom or pro
b6u\bocv,beulb/wehd, s. a poor mouth ; pleading po
vince with necessaries, and to furnish travellers
verty with entertainment
b 'nlcAip, bmlrhair, adi. fair-spoken, flattering
blAtirACAr. biadhlachas,~\ , r.
bud-epba, beul- chrabhach, adj hypocritical . , " biaanfacnd,
bjrttitACT), , Lj J>s. m. hospitality
1 J
bnIcjbat>, beuteln abhadh, s. m. hypocricy
bulfl*0)te(ii, beu/dtii ao'idheaehd, s. incantation b]AtAjm, biadfitaim, v. I feed, nourish
b]Atili, biadhtoir, s. m. a public victualler j
bulmac, beulmliach, s. m. the bit of a bridle
b]A5, biagfi, see ), food. Heb. Bag

Jjajjbce, biaidhte, adj. fed, nourished J5) eg-Bjte, bileog-bhaite, s. water lily
?J*ll, biail, s. f. an axe, a hatchet Oj'j*n, bilian, a. f. a small vessel. Cor.
J4J, bial, s. water bjl), *, a tuft. SA.
fci-tn, ,a, g. a skn> peJt hide bjljt>, s. lips, plur. of bile
J*n"'**r*je> bian-leasaighe, s. a tanner; currier bjlin, bilin, s. a fiddle
oj*r> v. that shall wound ; . . . . g. bjll, bill, dj. small, little, .
bjAfo, /, s- m- a oeast ; a worm, a reptde bjll, bill, s. a leper. SA.
bjlle, /7/, s. f. a bill ; bjlle oeAlujgte, a bill of di
t>j<tro*mujl, biasdaimhuil, adj. brutish, churlish vorce
bjAro-o0, liasd-donn, 1 bjlle, bille, s. f. a rao-'
>:*,/ otter
t| He, bille, s. f. a fool
bjAfog, biasdog, s. f. a worm, an insect bjlle, bille, s. f. a boss, a stud, wars of . . . bille
bjArc, s. m. see bj*p and bjAro 1
bjAc*, biatach, s. a raven bjlle, bille, s. f. the trunk of a tree
bjACA, biatach, see ]6 bjlle, bille, adj. poor, mean, weak, contempti
t)Jr44r, haladlas, , . . ,, . . ble
bjlle, bille, adj. small, little, few ; " bjlle, i. e. ceapt,
]4*, biatas, s. m. betony; beet-root; sea-beet; I. e. ." Cor.
bjAcujp, biatuis,} beta maritima bjlle, bille, s. smallness, fewness, want; " bjlle, .
t>)<*t*t>, biathadh, s. m. bait, a lure genAjoe." Cor.
bjbrA, bibhsa, s. deprivation bjlleAo, billeachd, s. poverty
bjcAjpe, bicaiie, s. a vicar. M'Par. bjll At>, ,
billead,' )Js. a ,billet
.,, .
bjeAjtb, bichea-b, s. mercury, quick-silver
"4, bjlleog, billeog, s. f the leaf of a tree, or of a book ;
bjeaS,bid/ic/ieard, ] see ,bj*t*e*pp
bdhchcardach, |s'
this word and bjleoj are dialectic corruptions of
bAcejp, baceir, s. f. a cup mujlleo5 ; see oujlleog
bjt>, W, s. f. a hedge, a fence bjllegac, see bjlcjA
bjt>, , s. f. the song of birds bjIleR-An-rpojne, billeog-an-spoinc, s. colts-foot
bjrujn, bidain, a little bit. 67;. tussilage
, bid/Ma, s. a second death. Cor. bjlleog-m4j, billeog-maiih, s. lettuce ; lactuca
bjoen, bidean, s. f. a fence bjlleoj-nA-nun, billeog-na-neun, s. wood sorrell
bjoeAnrA, bidheanta, adj. frequent, continual bjlj cujge, bilich chuige, marigold. Sh.
bjeAntAr, bid/ieantas, s. m. frequency bjlreanga, bdteangach, adj. well-spoken, sweet-
bjoeg, bideog, s. f. a dagger, a dirk tongued
bjt>jr, bidhis, s. f. a screw bjlujt, bilur, s. bestort; knot grass; snakeweed
tojxsre, bidse, s.a strumpet bjm, bim, v. 1 am
)., hdseach, adj. whorish, unchaste bjn, bin, s. a son
t)jope4CB, bidseachd, s. whoredom bjno, b nd, adj. harmonious, melodious, o. g.
bjecj. Aie", a strong man. S'/i. bjne, bine, adj. evil, bad. o.g.
bj, gen. of beaj, little b,n5ei, binger, vine r. the acid of wine
bj, s. glue ; pitch ; birdlime ; any glutinous bjnej5fe, bmeigre, )
matter bigh-chraobh, s. the gum of trees to,np, binid* brennet
t))5-cp40, bjrij-oeAn, bimdean, 3
toj5un, bigeun, Vg- f acoif cap> cowi} haii-lace bj, binn, adj. true
bjil, binn, adj. sweet, melodious, see bjn
b)5jl, bigil, s. f. a vigil. Jjonl. bj, binn, s. the hopper of a mill
bjl, W/, s. hair, beard ; the mane of a horse, o. g. bji, binn, s. a hill ; see bej
bj, binn, s. regard, respect, rj jfujll bj ^
toll, /7, s. f. a blossom
toil, HI, s. f. a mouth ; the beak of a bird
toil, bil, s. an idol ; " bjl, /. e. bj *1, i. e. oja bj, binn, s. an accusation ; a sentence
bj, binn, s. a voice. Sh.
- g- biAjn, bintuiin, s. a pinnacle, or top. Sli.
tojl, bil, adj. good bjfiAjnjSjrn bitmainighim, v. to cacuminate. J.
tojl, bil, adj. double bjjffiUoA, binb/iladnach, adj. high-famed; elabo
tojle, bile, s. f. a mouth, a lip. For. foe.
tojle, bile, s. f. a border, a welt rate
tojle, bile, s. m. a large tree ; a cluster of trees. Heb. to6lJ**l*> binvbhriathrach, adj. eloquent
bjDJij^tJAT:, binnbhriathracht, s. eloquence
bul bjceolmA}, binncheolmhar, adj. harmonious
tojle, bileog, s. f. a leaf bioAin, binndain, s. see bjnjx and bjnjceAn
tojleo5*c, bikogach, adj. leafy J ' bjceaUn,
6)0 BIO )0 BIO

^]1, binndealan, \ s. a forehead-cloth, to bind bpio;ajrn, biodhgaim, v. I start, rouse, bounce

Ojfbjol, binndiol, S the heads of chiJdren b)ot>54ml4T>, biodhgamhlachd, s. m. vivacity
, bmne, compar. of bp, sweet bjo54rhu]l, biodhgamhuil, adj. active, lively
je, , s. a judgment, decision, decree b)05*, biogadh, see bpibgat)
oje, , 'l b]O4jm, biogaim, v. see bpt>5ajm
, ineas,\s- m- harmony, melody
bpgarilat), biogamhlachd, s. m. see bjot>54rhUt>
bjeftc, binncach, adj. peacked, horned; having b)05*rhujl, hogamhuil, adj. see bjocpirhujl
pinnacles b)6l, tool, s. m. a viol ; a kind of musical instrument
b]e*c, binneach, adj. hilly ; mountainous bplajpeac, biohireaih, adj. abounding in cresses,
)1, bintalta, 7 ad. pretty, handsome, neat, " rjut bp!*jp3ac."
binarcac, binealtadi, j fine bplap, biolar, s. m. cresses ; common water cress
tj*lr*c, birmealtack, adj. musical, melodious, har bplapgajica, biolar -ghardha, s. 111. garden cress
monious biolap-^pjajAjn, biolar-ghriagain, s. m. common la
"bjiicAmlftc, binneamhhtch, adj. melodious dy's smock ; cuckow-ftower ; cardainine pratensis
bpean, binnean, s. f. a bell; * guji biien bplajt-mujjte, biolar-mhuire, s. brooklime ; veronica
C]*jum *)}." . 1043. This means beccabunga
forma! excommunication by the ceremony of bpia]-r Jta^a, biolar-tragha, s. scurvy-grass ; scrooby-
'inging a bell grass ; cochlearia officinalis
[;, bmncar, s. a hill. Si. 1|4-], biolar-uisgr, see bpl]-Tnuj]ie
bpe4)t, binnear, s. 2 hair pin ; a bodkin for the hair. bjokp, biolar, dainty, fine, spruce. Sh.
Sh. bjoUrSflC, biolasgach, adj. talkative
bpep, binne'm, s. a pinnacle bjolAfS*^ biolasgadh, s. m. a talking, prating
bjnjiurac, binnghuthach, adj. sweet-tongued ; melo bjol*rg4e, biolasgada, s. rowing, oaring
dious bjojt, bior, s. m. water, a spring. Heb. beer ; sec
bj-oj, -og, s. a grandson. Sc. 4jt>oe]p
bjrea, binnteach, adj. having the quality of curd- bjop, bior, s. m. a spit to roast meat on ; a pin,
ling bodkin. Heb. beriach
bpceACAt), binteachadh, $. coagulation, curdling b]op, bior, s. m. a sharp point, b]0)t cuajIIc
bjtjjjm, bintighim, v. I coagulate, curdle bpf, bior, s. m. the edge or brink of a river, or
bjnre, binse, s. f. a seat, a bench other water. c. ujmeal ujyge. 0. g.
bjobU, biobla, s. a bible, a book bjopa, b-orach, s. a female calf
bjocj}e, biocaire, s. m. a vicar bjopAC, biorach, a colt
bjocjot4, biocionnta, adj. common, general.
bjopac, biorach, adj. sharp pointed; mucronated ;
bpepnear, biochiontas, state of being common. S^.
piercing ; horned
bjoconr, bincontts. ta. a viscount b}ojtt>, bioradh, s. a piercing, pricking
t)joc]i4m, bioc/iuram, s.-m. anxiety bjojin, bioran, s. f. a little stake ; a pin ; dim. of
bpt v. suppose ; let it be ; " bpt> a pja-
bjopn, bioran, s. m. strife
bp*, b odh, conj. although, notwithstanding ; *' bjo
nTseacAt," although he went. 5. A. 23. bjojtanA, bioranach, s. m. a contentious person
bjojiina, bioranach, s. n\ a pincushion
bjoc, s. the world. Sh. , bioramtchan, s. a pinmaker. Sh.
bpt> lejtjt), WA leiihid, s. dog's violet
bjotjin, biodan, s. f. calumny, falshood ; Zfr. Bies )0114]5, bioranaighte, adj. vexed
bppaji, biorar, "j water- cresses, sisymbrium,
]0440, biodanach, adj. tattling, prating
bio4ti*> biodanach, s. m. a tattler, tale-bearer bpp-f)t^i bior-fheir, j nasturtium, aquaticum
b)Ojtbo54, biorbhogha, s. a rainbow
',, biodhbha, s. m. a guilty person ; a bad man.
Teg. Cor. " jf bjoB* b*jf ." Matt. 26, v. 66. bppSuApvn, bioibhuafan, a.m. atoad; a water ser
bpofia, biodhbha, s. m. an enemy; an adversary pent
tJcBn*f, biodhbkanas, s. m. discord, enmity t))o]c44. iorchanna, s. an urn ; a water-pot
bppcrj biorchli, s. a stream of water
bP*z, *//<, s. m. a start, a fright
h otic, biodhg, s. m. a sudden or short fit of sickness ; biopojl, biorehoil, s. an instrument for beheading
)il CouaI ceant) ma^a^mac Fea^ura na pjg Sh.
. rxean'iejn o nea|toajh: 00 <on ua]pe." , biorchomhladh, s. a water sluice; a
Leb. gabh. " Sejn m*c Ph]l]b mejc bplia lora flood gate ..
pu*) u] R45*ll*]5 ^ bpejrne, 4on t>ob bpt>4C, biordhach, adj. watery; abounding witb
leap]* pea agap *11 ** ^*"1 <'*5 100 water .
]5 pa pmra, ] trulla ^." 4 Mast. biowwonuf, biordhorus, see bp|totnl4t)
t)1n]ir14C4l) biorfhiacal, s. m. a tooth-pick
1400. blodhgadh, s. stinng, rousing,
]050, . startling biov,om, borg/ioin, s. a iiwd-gate ; a dam
" bjoji5ie*r4),
fcj*5PeAr*j, b/orghreesaidh, s. an awl bjftclj, bircli, seebjojtlj, Cor.
bjojt nm bpjce, bkr nam bride, dandelion. Sh. bJJieAo, /' s. a cap, bonnet. Sh.
bjojtop, bioror, s. m. the edge or brink of wa ojfijeAtxih, bfheadan, a water pipe. -S.
ter, " b)ofoj, i e. mon5 tjobjiAr no , op, bjjtf'jon, birfhion, s. metheglin
. . mon^;." Cor. bjjijce, frV/te, s. a filh/. Sc.
bjojiphocA, biorphota, an urn. &i. )), birid, s. f. a breeding sow
> s.the bird
bjpp, &>/, s. f. a shrew, a scold '
- cjA|'g4j]t, biorra-an tiasgair, called )}), birin, s. f. a little pin
ojojiJM cjiupjn, orre chruidhin, king's bflHhjn, birmhein, s. ooziness or moisture
isher b)jjiA, birra, s. standing water ; a marshy field,
bjopjuc, biorrach, s. . a marshy field t>)|p<e, birr*, I abounding widi water, hence Birr
b]o|jc, biorrach, s. m. al)oat, a cot, a currach bjoppte, biorra, J a town in the King's County
bjofp*c-l4cn," blorrach-lachan, s. common reed- bjpr, birt, s. f. a hilt, haft, a handle
grass ; arundo phragmites bjpr, inflection and plur. of bejpt, a load
bjopptxe, blovrdha, adj. watery. O'C?. b\rr bis, s. a buifet, or box
bjoppve, biorra, s. f. a watery plain ), biseach, s. m. the crisis of a disease. Ofic.
bjopjujo, biorrald, a cap, a helmet .
t>Jo)l*jt>, biorraidh, s. a steer ; a young bullock bjreA, biseach, s- proe^ty, ^ profit,
, biorraidh, s. f. strife, contention
tojo]tp<t)T>e, biorraide, s. f. a twig, anozier, a sapling . . J f*!" )5> leaP yeaf
bjfeA^A, biscagha, icicle* hanging from the eaves of
tojoppn, biorran, s. f. anguish of mind houses. /.
bjoppnAC, biorranach, s. m. a disturbed, distracted, bjrjm, v. he was; " U)*e #> c)TVjc ft<onmAj>
or distressed person c'jAjiAp b) no cam rjonjn, ~ bjpjm oe ejinajfce
)), b.orranach, adj. distracted fPJA t)JA ]." jP. ^Vo.
, bioiranaim, v. I disturb, perplex, vex, b)t, V/, s. a wound
hamper, distract b), s. the world
bjoppnAjjie, b arranaire, s. m. a fomentor of strife bji, //r, s. lile, existence, being, essence
t>jo)lS*nfl*4) blorrganta, adj. perplexing, hamper bji, s. custom, habit
ing bjtoeAnttr, bithbheanus, s. enmity
bjojipor, biorros, s. m. the water lily bjrbeo, bithbheo, adj. everlasting, eternal
bjoppp, biorrshruohk, the old bed ofa river %cBl]5> bithbhrigh, s. essence
bjojpijtatc, biorshuileach, adj. quick-sighted ; sharp- bjiouAn, bit/ibhuan, adj. see bjBeo
sighted bjtBuAriTACOj b'tlibhmntachd, s. eternity
t)Jof*li biosar, s. m. silk bjtcjte, bithchinte, adj. precise, punctual
1>jOf*J, biosar, s. m. corruptly written for bjolaji, wa bjtqreACo, bithchin'"achd, s. punctuality, preci
ter cress sion
bjorAp-phejrr, biosar-pheist, s. f. a silk worm bjtcufnnn, blthchuram, %. ni. anxiety
bjos, bioth, s. m. the world , bjfcjiAmA, bJhc/mramach, adj. anxious; over-
bjoc, <o//t, s. m. life ; existence careful
bjor, /o/A, s. m. a being ; the living bjte, bithef adj. female; belonging to die female
tjor, iotf, \ s. gum of trees ; pith sex ; elFeminate
bjot-cti*o]D, bioA-chraoibh, ] of wood
bjteAiiiAnCA, bilheamhanta, adj. diievish
t)i<)rnii^*ne, biotkhhiiaine, s f. eternity b]f, bheamhanta, part, stolen
^jO^nuajpeiVB, btothbliuaireadh, eternal trouble
b]-CAmnAc, bitheamhmch, s. m. ariiief
tyotounn. biothb'nian, adj. everlasting, perpetual, b^rjn, bithin, s. f. being, existence. Kent.
eternal bjtjopjiA, bitiorra, a<lj. chearful, blithe.
bptouft.ntacT), biothbhiantachd, s. m. eternity, per
bjrjr, beets. 7.
petuity b tie, biihre, lifcme. /<.
bjof-eom, bioth- ooin, s. f. birdlime tytj-jojs b-thshwr; s. life everlasting
) 51*'' biothghrafadh "I s.4m. eosmo- b)q'-plb bithsliior, adv. always
bjoili*]D!t,**> bioihghrmbhtheachd, } graphy bicumen, bitumen, ' s. pitch ; (this word seldom oc
]0*?, bmthghrana, adj. always ugly
b)[t, bir, the inflection of bjop, water curs.)
bins, biusr, adj. small, litde; the same as be*^
IjjH, Or, s. a spit, see bjo)t
4M. 1439.
tyj, >, adj. short bjuj], btughi, s. a strong man. Sc. po.
bjl**5, Vtfg-, s. the fore-tooth in brutes. Sh. biup, Huidh, s. a champion. Sc. po.
b)t*5-lot>*l"j birag-lodain, a bandsticle. St
^, biraideach, adi. high-headed. bnd*|, bhdar, s. nose-smart ; see bjoUj
bjutAj-, biuthas, . report, name, rupuution, fame,
bjl>o5*> birbhogha, s. Iris, a rain -bow
renown, praise
mi BLA 21 BLA

w*' if3 S' m* a town' vil,age' P,ace of residence bbjnjc, A/e/'nt'c, s. f. suet, lard, fat ; prop, blonc
a, bla, s. m. piety, devotion WAjnjceA, blainiceach, adj. fat; full of suet; abound
> /a, s. m. the sea ing in fat
bj, /a, s. m. the womb ; fruit of the womb bUfl-j}, blaisghear, s. an acid, sour or crabbed taste
bl, bla, s. m. a green field ; a lawn blAjj-jm, blaisim, v. I taste ; prop. bUrAjm
1)1*, /a, s. m. a cry, a shout bl]t, blaith, s. a blossom
bl, /a, adj. yellow bljc, /<, adj. plain, smooth ; compar. bUytc
bl, bla, adj. healthy, safe, well bl|:eAr*, blaitheasach, adj. smooth, polished
bl, /a, adj. prepared, ready, finished, i. e. ]jt>. bl]tfle*r5, blaithfleasg, s. a garland of flowers
blijtjm, blaithim, v. I smooth, polish
bl, /, adj. commendable; fit to be done. Teg. Cor. blAjjn, blaithin, s. f. a little blossom; dim of
1, blacht, s. m. a word bUit
1, blad, e. m. the mouth bUjtljAj, blaithliag, s. f. a pumice stone ; Pl. a po
b\v, bladh, s. m. renown, fame lished stone. Sh.
blew, bladh, s. m. a blossom, a flower ; a nosegay, a bUme, blame, adj. sound, healthy. PI.
garland bUn*5, blanag, s, f. see blong
1, bladh, s. m. a share, part, or portion ; seeblo blanc, blanc, s, a farthing. Sh.
or bloj bUno]i, blandar, s. m. ilattery, simulation
6, bladh, s. m. flattery bl*nt5Ajt*]m, blandarahn, v. I flatter; I gloze
, bladh, s. encrease of fame. Sh. 1, blaoch, s. a whale
bl, bladh, s. essence, meaning bUot), blaodh, s. breath. Sh.
t>Ut>, bladh, adj. smooth bl*or>, blaodh, 1 _ , .
blAOtsog, a/,Ja J. s. m. a shout,' a cry
blaodnog, J
bUA, bladhach, adj. renowned ; famous
l)l*t>4, bladhach, adj. effectual blAOAc, blaodhacht, s. m. conclamation
Waoac, bladhach, adj. guttural bUotJ-eun, blaodh-eun, a bird-call, &i.
1>, bladhach, s. t. buttermilk blAOAg, blaodhag, s. a noisy girl or woman. JA.
1>, bladhacht, s. m. the act of breaking or blAot>A]m, blaodhaim, v. I shout, cry '
crumbling bbotiAjm, blaodhaim, v. I find. Zbr. jE^jr.
t>l4t>ftjm, bladhaim, v. I break, crumble, pulverize 1>6, blaodhmanach, s. a clamorous or noisy
blAOAjpe, bladaire, s. m. a flatterer person
l)lAA]jie<ct, bladairsacht, s. m. flattery ; the act of , blaodhmanach, adj. clamorous, noisy
flattering: coaxing 105, \blaodhogach, adj. noisy, clamorous
bl*t>AjJi)m, bladairim, v. I flatter, sooth, coax bbopAC, blaodhrach, adj. clamorous
, bladar, s. m. blandiloquence, flattery, sooth blaoj, blaor, s. a cry. A.
ing blo]iAm, blaoram, to cry. SA.
, bladarach, adj. flattering bUofc, blaosc, \ s. the scull ; a husk ; scale or
t>lt)0jre, bladhbhaiseach, s. increase of fame, 15, blaosg,j shell
. r. bjreAc . . g". blAorgAOjn, blaosgaoin, s. a small shell; dim. of
>5], bladhghahn, v. I cry, shout blAorc or blAOfb
t>UT-. bladhm, s. m. a flirt, bounce, or brag blip, blar, s. a plain, afield
bUt.hAjc, bladhmhalc, s. reputation &r, s. m. a spot, a star or mark on the face
blAmA, bladhmann, s. m. a boast ; boasting ; praise ; of a horse or other beast
self-complacency. Keat. 1, blar, s. a dispute, contention ; a battle
bUm<m*c, bladhmannach, adj. boasting 1*, blaran, s. a little field, a green spot ; dim.
), bladhiiiannadh, s. m. a boasting, brag of
ging bUy, blas, s. m. a word
0), bladhmannaim, v. I boast 1, blas, s. m. taste, flavour, zest
fcUwfPomC' dtadshronach, adj. flat-nosed bby. blas, s. . heat, warmth
*]11, blagair, s. f. a blast, puff, boast bUr> blasa, adj. savoury, well flavoured, palatable,
1*<1> blagaire, s. m. a boaster, blusterer sweet
t>l541e4c-, blagaireacht, s. a boast, the act of 1, blasachd, s. m. the act of tasting
boasting, blustering; vul. slajAjpeAcr 1> blasadh, s. in. a tasting
bhgjWm, blagairim, v. I boast, bounce, bluster 1)> blasaim, v. I taste
t)lg4ntAf, Magantas, s. m. a bragging or boasting bUf)11 blasain, s. f. a smack, flavour
|)14man, blaghmann, s. m- see bl4t>m*n bbroA, blasda, adj. feigned
^jAgm4AC, blaghniawnach, s. m. a boasting or blus ', blasda, adj. see
tering fellow bl*roAct, blasdacht, s. savouriness
bU]5mlc' V.aighmhic, see blt>rna]c bUt, WA, s. m. a form, fashion, manner
toUjncato, blaincead, s. f. a blanket; vul. bUii #iA> " Praise
ie BLE 0 BLO

"\p, blath, s. m. a flower, a blossom blejo, bleid, s. f. a cajole, wheedle, flattery

1, blath, s. m. a field blero, bleid, s. f. request, petition
], /a/A, s. fruit, effects. S. bl)T>, bkidh, s. f. a drinking cup
*, blath, adj. white, cleaa blit), bleidh, . ....
blt, Math, adj. warm blroe, bkidhe,\s-{-mkmS
, foA, adj. sweet blepeAmujl, bkideamhuH, adj. adulatory; trouble
1*6, blathach, s. m. buttermilk some, impertinent
bltAC, blathach, adj. warm blejceApAct, bleidearacht I s' m' flattery> adulation,
, blathach, adj. flowery bleuet, bYedra7htAt' j " 'wheedn
1>, blathachd, s. m. floweriness begging
Wta, blathadh, s. m. politeness, smoothness blepjpe, bkidire, a beggar
t)l*cAj5, blathaigh, s. women; . f. mn. . blej-rhjol, bleidh-mhiol, s. a whale. Sh.
bl*t*j5)m, blathaighhn, v. I flourish, bloom, flower blejn, o/'n, s. f. a harbour, a haven
t)liij5jTTi, blathaighim, v. I polish, plane, planish blejt, bleith, s. a grinding
smooth blejtjm, bleithim, v. 1 grind
br/Ajgjm, blathaighim, v. I warm blun, bkun, s. see blan
Waiajlle, blathaiUe, mark of a stroke. Sh, bljAcAjn, bliadhain, \
', blathaim, v. see blt]5)m bl]AA)n, bliaghain, s. f. a year
1, blathan, s. f. a small flower ; dim. of bUi; bl]AAn, bliaghan, )
1, blathas, s. warmth, heat bl)At>AnA0, bliadhanach, s. a yearling
"blcjnt, blathchaint, s. flowery language 1]06, bliadhanacht, )
bltjnteA, blathchainteach, adj. sweet-tongued bljAtuncAjn, bliadhanchain, \ s' an ,{
blt-rleArgAt), blath-fhleasgadh, s. a nosegay; a 1|)1, bliadluinamhuil, "J
garland of flowers 1]5)1, bliaghanamhuil, J- adj. yearly
, blathmhar, adj. warm bl]A5AncAmujl, b/iaghantamhuil, J
t)ltm<v)f, blathmhar, adj. flowry, fruitful. MlPar. blj*n, //an, see blun
42. blpjm, blidhim, v. to milk. SA.
bltmA]*, blatmhar, adj. white, clean bl v ' A ,11 s* 0f a^10t'1 or 9P"l'e
, ^(| personuPon
. << die mouth
bUtrn*!, blathmhar, adj. plain, smooth blm, blmn, j ^,, 0,;
t)l-na-mboo4)5, blath-na-mbodaigh, s. red poppy,
corn rose, cop rose, head-wark; papaver rhoeas bljii, blinn, adj. blind; *' bljn, i.e. cao." Cor.
blojbpjugAt), blathoibriughadh, s. embroidery, bljeAC, blineach, s. see blj, froth spittle, &c.
working in flowers Cor.
blarojp, blathoir, s. m. ajoiner, a polisher bljncAjn, blincain, a torch, a link. Sh.
blAiagAw, blathughadh, s. m. a flowering, blooming, bljoct, bliocht, s. fruit, produce, profit of a milch
flourishing cow
blitiigAti, blathughadh, s. m. a smoothing, planish bljocin, bliochan, s. bastard asphodel ; yellow marsh
ing, polishing anthericum
ble , bleachd, s. f. milk bI)ot, bliocht, see )
bleACt>, bleachd, kine, cows giving milk bbocA, bliochtach, ~\ . . . .
bljocniAp, bl,ochtmhar,ial-mA]iy> 6g mdk
bleACtAjjte, bkachtaire, s. a person who milks cows bljocc-jrocA'on, bliocht-fochadan, s. common sew
bleAccAjpe, bkachtaire, s. a wheedler, a soother; a
person, who, by soft speeches, endeavours to steal thistle ; sonchus oleraceou
into your confidence to turn it to his own advan bljonAC, blionach, s. a slow unhandy person
tage bljonA, Uionach, s. lean flesh. Se.
bleacmaji, Ueachtmhar, adj. abounding in milk bhorn, bliosan, s. f. an artichoke
b]e*tzm*\i, bleachtmhar, adj. fruitful bljPf, blipj'eachd, s. war. Sh.
bleAAjm, b'.eaghaim, v. I milk Ijljt, //A, grinding. SA.
1|), bleaghaithe, adj. milked blo*c, bloach, s. a whale ; prop.
t)le4An4]m, bkaghanaim, v. see bleAgApi
1, blean, s. the groin
1)15, bkasghanaoh, emulgent. Sh. blob)]te, blobaire, \ s. a person who talks at random ;
, bleathach, s. a bag or bags of corn for t)lobAjn, biabaran, J a stutterer
grinding:. 0"B. t)loc, bloc, s. m. copulation
bleAA, bleathach, adj. having a power to grind b'oc, bloc, \ad: round orbicular' ,
bleAAim, bkathahn, v. I grind bloc, 'ofA.J J
bleAisluriA, bkathghlunach, adj. knock-kneed, in- blo, block, s. m. the fat of any beast ; animal-fat
kneed blocn, blocan, s. f. a little block
blejo, bleid, s. f. impertinence bloibJtjtajm,

fclobppftjm, blochbar.raim, v. I point, or make sharP ) v J wouj(1 nf)t . j refrained7 i'-'e. 4

and round atone end, like a top , oo obftr-" O'C/.,
b!ot>, blodk, s. m. a fragment ; see hhb b-6t, bo-bhath, s. the murrain ; a mortal distemper
1>, blodhach, adj. broken, pulverized amongst coWs; . e. bo p. Cbr.
blot><jrn, blodhatm, \. I break in pieces ; " )14 bobelof, bobeloth, s. an ancient name of the Irish.
t)U] cc]ieerri<n*jn ? '.]!) )]1 alphabet, so called from its two first letters, JB and L
*5 190 bfejrn,vcA)0." 4. Mast. 1410. bo. bo! bo! bo! an interjection
blotxjjjie, '; s. m. one who breaks a thing bobgujHW, bubgumach, s. a blast; a fart
into scraps boc, hoc, s. m. a he goat
biODitjpe, Uodhaire, s. a battery, a place from which boc, hoc, s. m. deceit, fraud. Htb. Phuch
an attack isblodhideos,
to be made. s. SA. boc, boc, s. m. a blow or stroke
bloupeog, . a piece or fragment boc, boc, s. ni. a false or bastard dye or paint, fftb,
b!o ~, blogh, s. see bhb or > ; pl. bloAj and Phich
5<1]. bo ! bock ! interj. hey-day !
bio^at), blogadh, s. a crack, a noise boCar>, bocadhf s. m. a discussing or sifting of ft
b:o*t>, bloghadh, s. a breaking, powdering matter
bloj.ijm, bloghaim, see blorjin boc4)l,, s. f. ostentation
")5, bloivg, s. f. a bubble bocAjm, bocaim, v. I swell ; bud ; bring forth
OlojnjjAjn-jAjiAjti, blon'igain-garaldh, s. spinnge bocMjm, bocaim, v. I spring, bound, skip as a deer
t>lo)]'5, bloisg, s. f. a din, a noise bocage, bochaire, s. a logician
"blornar, blomas, s. m. ostentation , bocan, s. m. a buck goat
, blomasach, adj. ostentatious boci^n, bocan, s. m. a hook or crook
bjonj;, blonog, s. f. fat; seeblAjnj bocn, bochan, s. a cottage, a covering
blon^Ac, blonogach, adj. fat bocn, bo'-an, s. f. a hobgoblin, a sprite-
t)lf, i/or, s. m. a voice bocAna, bocanach, adj. hooked, bent
blfiAc, blorach, adj. noisy bocnAjm, bocanaim, v. 1 bend, make crooked
blojiAn, blorachan, s. a noisy fellow bocn-beAJtA, bocan-kearack, s. m. a mushroom. Sh.
bjor, Ww, adj. open, plain, manifest boc-eAjtba, boc-carbi, s. a roe-buck
1?). blosaim, v. I manifest, expose boa), bochar, s. cow-dung
blopc, i/W, s. m. a cougregatipn ; collection boco, bochd, adj. poor, needy, miserable, distress
blorc, b.'osc, s. m. a clear voice ed, lean, meagre. Heb. Boka, impoverished,
tjlopc, blofc, s. light plundered
t)!orC4c, bloscach, s. m. a strong robust man bo-o*r, bochdacht, s. poverty
t>|orcj]ie, Mwnwf, 1 s m a collecUjr boAt, bochdadh, s. a swelling, bloating.
bor<tj]m, bjchdaighm,\v. to impoverish, make
blofb*, blosgach, adj. explosive borAjm, bochdaim, ) poor-
blop54t>, blosgudh, s. ni, a sound or report bnAjm, bochdaim, v. to swell, grow tqrgid. Sc.
bbp b*jm, blosgaim, v. I report, sound a horn or > s. \ poverty, penury,
trumpet ; explode, make a noise boct>)ne, bochdalne, I indigence,wretched-
blorrnaojt, blosgmhaor, s. a public crier bocwAjneAcr, bochdaineacht, " ness, miserableness,
blot, bio!, s. . a cave or, den J pi. bor.*)net4
1, /^ . - who dwells in a cave bocon, bochdiin, a poor person, a beggar
blorajm, biotaim, v. I blot. Af'CUf* bofitmujjie, bochdnuighthe, adj, impoverwhd
tjloriiic, blolluch, see bios boecjr, s> f a spot or freckle; q stud of
blue, .''.'((7;, s> fatness bocjo, bocotd, boss ot- a sllield
t>|uyfc, b.'uire, s. crumbs, a fragment. S/i. bo5}t?, bigo-d, J
1, blulrid, a>lj pinched. S//.^ boccpedc, bjetoidtae, ) adj. spotted, freckled stud-
blui4 5, b'tauig, s. f. lard ; see blong boc]t?ea, bo.oidtuch, ) ded
blurAt, blusar, s. m. agrt noise, b-copeall, bo-co. miad!, s. stinking hedge, mustard-;
"b, bo, s. f. a cow jack by thy: hpdge ; sauce-alone ; jOrysimuiu al-
, bo, s. f. a fawn liaria ,
b..'), bi, an exclamation , bochna, s. f. the sea, a narrow sea, mouW of
bo-*Hoiti bo-alla\h, s. f. a. buffalo a, rive; see AjBc-jp
bod"*. , s. wisdom
to-^rpeAc, 9 aireack, see boclAC, bocrach, adj. wise
bon*, bobhadh, s. a bow. SA. prop, boA bocl4C, bocrach, s. a beggar
w>-T>Ame, bo-bhaine, s. a milch-cow bper bocht, s. a breach- LI.
b-B4)f, bo-bhaith, s. cow slaughter. S/i, b'>cr bochf, s. a fire. o. g.
1, Ae&w; s. Papa. S//. bo- locht, s. reaping, cutting down. ' CL
beer, bocht, see bod
605 BOG 60) /

kotat, bochtacht, see bocket J4o6jj, boghadoir, s. m. an archer

1>oc4jne, bochtaine, 1 , . bJ5*oipe*r, boghadoireacht, s. . archery
boM,ne*c, bochtaineacht,}see bowjne, b5*J5Pb bogaighim, v. I soften, make mellow
bocon, bochthonn, a swelling surge. Sh. b^b^&jrn boghaighim, v. I bend, arch, camerate
bocuin, bomm, a covering, Sh. o5*l5*e, boghaighthe, adj. arched, bent, crooked,
boo, bod, s. m. a tail vaulted
boo, bod, s. m. a man's yard
bo54jm, bogaim, v. I move, put in motion, wag,
t>oo, bod, s. m. fire. . g. shake, toss, stir
booA, bodach, s. m. a clown, a rustic, a churl bo54jm, boghaim, see boAjjm
, bodach, s. m. a kind of fish *, boghaire, s. deafness
boo4, bodach, an English pint. </. bo54-bj4om, borha-bhraom, ,
booannildcc, bodachamhlacht, s. m. clownishness, *5*-F bogha-fra, } s" a rain-bow
churlishness, boorishness 5*1, bogaleo, a bumkin. 5.
t)OQrnu|l,, adj. churlish, clownish, bjgAn, bogan, s. f. a soft egg, an egg in embryo
rustic, surly, boorish bjgnac, boganach, s. a soft fellow
bjoAC-jiuA, bodach-ruadh, s. m. a cod fish bo4), boghar, see bo4f>
t?oo45*co, bodagachd, s. an heifer that wants the bogAjujm, bigharabn, see bot>4)]tjm
bull bo5-bujne, bog-bhuine, s. a bulrush; Scirpus lacus-
bo4j]ie, bodhaire, s. adeafner; a troublesome per tris; corruptly boj5jun
son bo04)5, boghdaigh, s. a match-maker; a person who
bo4jpjm, bodhairitn,, v. I deafen ; make deaf oourts for others
, bodan, s. f. small cat's tail ; reed mace ; bo5l*ujre4, bogdhruiseach, adj. effeminate
Typha angustifolia bogopujpeAo, bogdhruiseachd, s. effeminacy
>4,-, bodan-dubh, s. f. great cat's tail, or bo-jjogen, bog-ghiogan, s. sow-thisde. Sh.
reed mace ; Typha latifoha t)o55luAjre4ct>, bogghluaiseachd, -s. floating, moving
-, bodan- measgain, s. f. common bogUc, boglack, s. a marsh, moor, fen
butterwort; Yorkshire sanicle ; Pinguicula vulgaris bogluACAjp, bjgluachair, see boB-bujne
t)oon-n4-cloj5]Ti, bodan-a-cloigin, s. f. yellow rat boglup, boglus, s. buglos, ox-tongue ; Lycopeis ar-
tle ; penny grass ; cockscomb ; Rhinanthus crista- vensis
galli bolup, boglus, s. bird's tongue ; Senecio palludocis
Oo4j, bodhar, adj. deaf bog-fejrhjn, bog-sheimhin, see bo-bujne and boj-
bop, bodhar, s. murrain of cattle. Sh. lu4C4|]t
bot>4]t4jm, bodharaim, see bo4jjim bot4jn, boghtain, s. f. an arched roof, a vault
bjtp4. bodharfach, s. a destroyerof cows. Sh. bogt4]n]m, boghtainim, I arch, vault
bo-om. bo-dhein, written in old MSS. for pjn bon, bogun, s. bacon
boog, bodog, s. f. rage, anger, fury bogup, bogur, adj. soft and fresh ; bo5 i up
boog, bodog, s. f. a heifer, a yearling calf bojuji, s. threat, threatning
boooB4, bodogach, adj. furious, raging bouprtjm, bigura'im, I threaten,
^, bodogachd, s. m. furiousness, frenz}*, mad bojere, boichde, s. f. poverty
ness bojcoe, boichde, compar. of bocr, poor
bopA, bodhradh, s. f. deafness ]4, boiceann, a goat's skin. Sc.
boof4jm, bodhra'm, v. see boAjJijm 1]0, boicinnch, s. a boy fourteen years old. Sh.
boel, boel, s. pith of any stalk. S/i. t)]j s. f. a vow
bopulin-bAn, bofulan-ban, s. mugwort; Artemisia b)*,bod, 1 f abottle
vulgaris bjoe, o/af,
bopuln-bupe, bofulan-buidhe, s. rag-weed bojt), rf, adj. neat, trim, spruce
bop uUn-ljat, bofulan-liath, s. see bopuln-bn boje, bo'idhe, adj. yellow ; prop, bupe
bog, bog, adj. soft, tender, penetrable bjeA, boidheach, adj. handsome, pretty
bo4, bogha, s. m. a bow bo)t>e4C, boideach, tolerable well .
bogc, bogach, adj. softish bo]r>e4C4n, boideachan, s. a bodkin.
bo54, bogach, s. a bog, moor or marsh bopeacn, boidht acan, s. f. the yolk of anegg ; prop.
bo^eo bogadh, s. tenderness buye4CAn
t54t), bogadh, s. a shaking, tossing bo]t>eAcr>, boidheachd, yellowness
t>o5T), bogadh, s. a steeping, softning }, hoidhead, s. beauty
bo5A, boghadh, s. cameration boped, boidcal, s. a pudding
bo5<'04, bogadach, s. gesture. /. bowed, boideal, s. boose. St.
l>o;4ti4, bogadach, adj. rocking, unstable. Zfr. boix)C4n, ieiiWfe, s. a yellow-hammer _
Bagheda bofbe4rftcr, boidheasachd, s. the yellowjaundice
t)o5*t>4n, bogadan, s. f. a shaking, waving, quivering boiwir, , s. drunkenness ; prop, prjr
601 BOL

fcojnean, boinean, adj. feminine

^ojreojg, boidheoig, s. f. a gold-finch bornean, boinean, s. a bud or sprout
o'jt>jrn, boidhim, v. Ivow bom*jo*n lorgejn, boinnaidan losgain, brown boletus.
ojtijm, boidhim, v. I thank , .
ooplja, bdhlia, s. puddle boje, borne, s. f. a drop
boidhliath, pale yellow bojne*ncA, boinneanta, adj. stout; well built
wjihjj, boidhmhis, s. the month of July
bojnneog, bomneog, s. f. a cake or bannock
"bappalc, biiflreult, s. a comet bojjlpeojp, boinnscoir, s. m. a person who throws or
*J5i s. f. a teat flings
boj^Blft, boigbliealach, adj. soft-mouthed ; open-
bojji, o/r, s. an elephant
mouthed bojpb, boirb, s. the brow of a ridge. Sh.
sdrtbt), boigbhealachd, s. stuttering, stammer-
bojpbe, boirbc, compar. of bojb
bombe, boirbc, ) s fierceness, roughness,
*15e ^5'T> s. f. a ring, a collar of gold ^, boirbeaclul, barbarity ; rankuess, lux-
fcojge, bnge, s. f. a small vessel or shell made of
gold, and given as a reward to poets and profes ' ') unancy
bojjib-ujij4rj<4C, boirbh-bhriathrach, adj. boasting,
sors Cor. vain-glorious
kJ5e> bge, s. f. softness t3ojfibce<x, bohbthcan, s. fierceness
boipjuri, boigiun, s. f. a bulrush; see boj-bujne
bojjie, boit che, s. a swelling, groaning; superiority
boj]e, boighre, s. deafness toojjte, boirchc, s. an elk; a buffalo ; " bojpe, e.
bobean, boigrean, s. flummery
bo)tj* 45, no 45 mp." CCI.
*5o)5nfyn> beigslubhin, see bog-pejrhjn boiic j)4, boirchi iadh, s. a kind of fat clay or slime;.
^15] boigsin, s. f- a little box
bojjce, boighte, s. allurement, bait. M'Cur. marl
bojj}ij4t)4, boirchriadhach, adj. bituminous
fcojjce, boighte, adj. camerated ; bent bjpei, boireal, s. an augur
bojoteo]], boightcoir, s. an allurer. M'Citr.
bojpjoft, borionn, adj. feminine
t>ojl, e/7, s. issue, success; use tooj]ijo4C, \boirionnach, s. a female
bojle, oV", s. madness, rage
), bois, see boj*
bojleac, boileach, altogether. bojpjt, boisaid, a belt. Sh.
ft' Is- a bubble bojpce.ll, boisceall, s. m. a hind ; a deer
*ujlg, buiig, J bojpcejl, boisceall, s. m. a wild or savage person
bo)la> s. a husk, pod, or shell bojpce.ll, boisceall, s. boasting, bragging
bojl&dn, boilgean, s. a quiver bojpcejl, boisceall, adj. fierce, cruel
bojlgtjoB boilgfionn, adj. white-bellied bojpeog, boiseog, s. f. a slap or gentle tap with th
bo)rj;ljont4, boilglionta, adj. full-bellied ; sated,
satisfied 0)54'0, boisgeadh, s. a sudden flash or beam of
bojlgphjapr, boUgphiasl, s. m. a bellyworm or maw
worm bjpge*mu)l, boisgeamhuil, adj. shining, luminous
bojljpjo, boilgseid, s. f. a bellows 0)54, boisgeanta, adj. hashing, dazzling
boill, boill, s. a knob or boss, as of a shield
t)0)ll*tvc, boilldhathach, adj. particoloured. Firm. bjpsjm, boisgim, v. to flash
bo)tyboith, s. a hut, tent, booth, tabernacle. Job.
fcojlljJjii, boillrinn, s. a ring
bojllrgearue, boiilsgeanachd, bulging out 27, 15.
bojceall, boitcall, s. m. haughtiness, arrogance
fc0lUr5e*ri*J^ boillsgeanaibh, s. hills, mountains;
)11, boiteall, adj. fierce, cruel, savage
any thing that bulges or swells out bojceAllgA, boiieallgha, adj. arrogant, presumptuous
]|*)> boilisgeanaim, v. to bulge or swell out boiten, boilean, s. a small bundle of hay or straw
fcojlrcen, boilscean, s. the navel boicinjm, boitinim, v. to boot, put on boots. St.
bojlrcen, boilscean, s. the centre of an army
boiciBce, boitighthe, part, past, ofbojrjnjm
fcojlreanar, boilteanas, s. savour, smell tjol, bol, s. m. a poet, a sage. Cor.
bojlreanorrtim, boiltcanasaim% v. I smell
bol, bol, s. m. science, art, skill
bojltneA, boitneadh, s. a smelling
tobet, bolachd, s. m. poetry
bo]ltnjt>jm, boiltnidhim, v. I smell
tjjn, boin, s. an inflection of b a cow fcolAt), boladh, s. smell
bom, boin, s. the vernacular language of a country ; boln, boln, s. f. a full-grown cow;
bb bolann, s. f. an ox-stall, a cow-house
i, e- bel'5Ui. o. g. bolb,'o/, s. a sort of caterpillar
]5, boinead, s. f. a cap or bonnet
bojneA boineadh, s. a running soie. SA. I bo'5 bolg, s. a cow
I boib' bolg, s. m. a pouch, a bag, budget, or sack
, boineadh, s. a budding or sprouting fcalK, *e^' s-m- a blister ; a pfmple
t>o)ne4C, boineach, adj. budding; sending forth buds
hotel ^fe* s- m- the beUy ' womb
or sprouts t?ol6,
bolg, bo/g, s. m. a ship 5 c*m.r, bolianas, s. m. a smell, scent
fc'5> hog, s. m. a breach ,"*.* boltnach, adj. olefactory, rank
bolg, bolg, s. m. a prince o cnj5jm, hlinighim, v. see '
bolg, Aa/j, s. m. a pair of bellows cnugat), boltnughadh, s. m. a scenting, smelling
fcl&> *34f> s- m- the steam of a person's breath ; 0 cfu, eWA, see
" bolg quasi belceo, i. e. ceo tejo beUjb " Dofrf(Acn, boltrachan, s. perfume
Cor. bclgach, s. m. a boil
faolga, bo cu)5, boltulgh, s. fetters, bolts
bolcujjee, boltuighthe,\ adj. scented; TjeA^-oolujj,
bolgac, bolgach, adj. abdominal ; pockey bolUJ5) boligh. J sweet scented
bolgAC-beAg, holgacA-beag, s. the small pox bolunC4, boluuta, adj. line, exquisite
bolgA-pjtAncAd, bV.gach-francach, s. the French pox; , boma, s. m. a boast, bounce
the venereal disease , bomanachd, s. the act of boasting, vaunt
bolga-mujce, bolgach-muice, s. the swine pock ing
1olb<*-n*-no]n, bolgach-na-neain, s. the chicken ', bomanaim, v. I boast, brag, vaunt
pock , bomannachd, spotted, chequered. Sh.
bolgAtiA, bolgadha, blowing bombAjtoujgeAr, bombarduigheacht, s. bombard
bolgAjm, bolgaim, v. to blow or swell ment .
tjolgam, bolgam, s. a sip, gulp, mouthful; dram bojnUcc, boinlacht, s. the produce or milk of a
bolgn, bolgan, s. the midriff cow ; /'. e. bo, lc." Cor.
bolgin, bolgan, s. a frock bojnlcte, biinlachta, ~\ adj. abounding in kine
fcolgn, bolgan, s. a small bag bojnkrriiAji, boinlachtmhar, y and miik
bolgin, bolgan, s. the middle or centre bo, bonn, s. m. a base, bottom, foundation, sole,
bolgn-bejc, bolgan-bekh, s. fox-glove pedestal; bocojpe, the sole of the foot; bon
fcolgin-bejcea, bolgan- bekeach, s. a fuzball trtppA, the groin
bolg-An-rol]}, bjlg-an-tsolair, s. a magazine ; a bo, bonn, s. m. a piece of coin
common place book bon, bonn, adj. good
bolsn-ujrse, bolgan-uisgf., s. a water-bubble , bonna, s. a sudden blast. Sh.
fcolg-ordc, btlg-chosach, adj bandy-legged , bonnach, s. m. an oaten cake
bolg-lup, bolg-lus, s. small wild-hugloss. Lycopsi^ boAjjie, bonnaire, s. m. a foot-man
arvensis , bonnamh, s. a tribe or family
bols-rAjjjrx, bolg-saighitt, s. a quiver bon, bonnan, _
bolg-r^pp, bog-seididh, s. m. a bellows -bupe,
u i , ... I> s. aa bittern,
bonan-buidne, crane a heron,
^-', bolg-shuileac, adj. having swelled or bonn-ljnA, bonan-liana, J
prominent eyes , bonnanta, adj. founded, fixed ; strong,
bolgujfe, bolguithe, adj. blistered ; puffed up stout
boll* boll, s. m. a bubble on water. Cor. bo-cumAt>ji, bonn-chumadoir, s. m. a last on which
boll, boll, s. m. the boss of a shield ; a gorget shoes are made
boll*, bolla, s. m. a bowl or goblet bonog* bonnog, s. f. a leap or jump
boll*, bolla, s. a kind of buoy fastened to fishing borAC, bonnsach, s. f. a dart, a javelin,
nets bonrftco, bonnsachd, s. leaping, jumping
boll** bolla, s. a boll, a measure used in Scotland borajbjni, bonnsaighim, v. I dart, pitch, throw,
bollos, bo/log, s. f. a shell, a skull ; top of the head leap, jump
IJ0H5, bollog, s. a bullock bo-rjAn, bonn-sian, s. a halfpenny. Sh..
111, , \ s' a" <> berald ; mas- boj, bor, s. . a swelling, puffing out
il1 y
115*11', i i ?, jr ofacourt
bollsgaire, ter * ceremonies; cryer
->er boj, hor, s. . pride ; prop. bojp
bojb, horbi adj. fierce, savage, cruel, barbaronsr
5*> bollsgaire, s. a bawler, a boaster ignorant, haughty luxuriant, rank ; pe*j bojib,
115*1-*' bollsgaire-bhuird, s. an officer a tyrant
amongst the ancient Irish, whose duty it was to bojbA, borba, )s. m. haughtiness, fierceness,
carve the meat at a great man's table bojibAt, borbacht,] barbarity
bDl|rg<v^e*c, bollsgairtach, adj. bluff bojbAjm, borbaim, v. I swell
*)!*]' hollsgairim, y- ' Prockiim ; cry aloud bojbn, borbhan, s. a complaint
boHfF*!*** bollsgaradh, s. m. a boaster ; a forward, boWDnAjm, borbhanaim, v. I complain, murmur
impudent, person boJBnb*t), borbhanughtdh, s. murmuring, mut
115*14, bollsgartha,. adj. boastful, bold tering .
11>, bolltadh, s. a bolt, a bar. Sh. boltbAj, horbar, s. m. a barbanan
bol,5, bohg, s. a heifer bowbAjiA, borhirdha, adj. barbarous
tjolrt*", holstar, s. bolster; vul. botb*r> barbus, s. m. haughtiness, fierceness, cru-
bltAnftjm, boltanaim, v. I smell

-], borb-bhrialhrach, adj, fierce or bop, oj, adj. certain

haughty in spech bop, foi, adj. abject, mean, low
bpcA, borcadh, s. a swelling bopn, bosan, s. f. a purse
bor4"54in, bosargam, s. f. applause
, bord, s. m. a board, a table
bjjc, bord, s. m. a border, coast, brink, edge. 4 bopjigujn, bosarguin, s. destruction. Sh.
Mast. 1463. l>orDU4)ijm, basbhumlim, I clap hands, I applaud,
bpoAjm, bordaim, v. to board, diet extol
, boj-BuAUt), bosbhiialadh, s. ra. a. clapping of hands,
tpoiii, bordair,~\ ,
Wc/r,js-m-aboarder ,
, bordan, s. a tablet bopc4, hosca, s. a coffer, a box
bjpo-beub, bord-bcula, s. the starboard bpo, bosd, s. a boast
t)5)to-cuU, bord-cida, s. the larboard bfCAihujI, hadanhml, adj. boastful, bragging
bpo-mpp, bord-mhor, s. a great table bor54jle, fo#a/r<r, 1 nnlaiise
boj4T>-ii)pge, bord-uisgc, s. a flood gte 54)11540, bosgairdeadh, ] ' ,
bHo-jipojii, bord-urchrohm, s. the mould -board bop^jiiojm, bosgairdini, v. applaud
of a plough bopluA, bosluach, s. a pick-pocket
bopg, borg, s. m. a village bopluAC, bosluach, s. ni. applause
bojtojme, boroimhe, s. f. a tribute, tax, exaction, con bophiA, bosluach, adj. nimble-handed, dexterous
tribution boplu4t4Cr, bosluathacht, s. m. dexterity
bojip, borr, s. m. a knob, a bunch, a hump bopg, foog-, s. f. a gentle blow or slap with the
bopp, borr, s. m. victory, conquest open hand
bopji, borr, s. m. majesty, greatness, grandeur ;4>, bostadh, s. a pillar, a post ; vulg.
bopp, borr, s. in. pride, insolence, haughtiness bopu4llA]m, bosuallaim, see bopoiiA]ljm
bopjt, borr, adj. great, noble, splendid, extraordi bzf bot, s. f. fire. Cor.
nary br, bit, s. f. a cluster, a bunch
, borra, bot, both, s. m. and f. a hut, tent, booth, cabbin,
. J? r s. m. a swelling
house. Heb. Both
, borradh,}
, birrach, s. m. a haughty man , bothach, s. m. a bog, a fen, a marshy place
bopjiAC., borrach, adj. insolent , bothach, adj. full of tents
, borracha, s. a bladder boc-l*ujn, bota-iaruin, s. a cob-iron
bop)iC4r, borrachas, s. m. insolence, bullying btjn, botain, s. a boot
bopf4t>, borradh, s. m. a file of soldiers bc4)jie4ct>, botaireachd, s. booty, prey
boftjiA, borradh, adj. parched. 5//. bor.Al, botal, s. a bottle. Sh.
bojtjiAA, borraghach, adj. warlike, valiant; from b^t4ll40, botallach, adj. fiery, fierce, furious, out
boj)i, and rageous
bojip*]5, borraigh, "| botin, bothan, s. a little tent, see bot
tJ0pl4)re> borraisde, \ s. boiTage bot4], bolhar, s. m. a road, street, lane, way, pas
boj*tA]cpe, borraitse, J sage
bo]i]4)m, borraim, v. I increase, prosper; swell, grow bo-t)5> bo-thigh, s. a cow-liouse, an ox-stall
proud brjn, botin, f a boot
"boppejm, borrahn, v. to parch. Sh. brjp, M'* )
boJipArhlAcr, borravihlacht, s. m. pride botg. boliog, s. seebofn
boppAmujl, borramhuil, adj. proud, haughty boe]iuniAo, bocrumaid, s. a slovenly woman. Sc.
-, borramotur, s. wormwood ; bsynthium boute, foudach, s. a pimp. 5//.
Ijopiin, borran, s. anger bourns, bntdag, s. a bawd. A.
, borras, s. m. solder bl'*> b]'a\ ]s. an eye-brow
bo}t]ih4)m, birrbhaim, v. I bail 1)H4], brai, i
** borrjhadh, s. m. indignation, anger; bii4b, the top or summit of any thing, e.g.
<?) Fjocu rxp 4n caca -j ]o e]ji'j5 4 , brae, s. m. a hand, an arm
l>4]ili4 T 4 boji]tf4 pe pjcpjn mv 4])5>." b]i4c, ><w, a market, a shop. i/i.
. Fionnch. b]i4C, brach, s. m. a bear
boWfUAim, borrfliua'm, s. a great noise ty, A/Wi, sometimes used for b]i4f, 50 bpac,
boJi]Trt> horrsa, a(ll- |)|1, grand, magnificent for ever
fcoppj-u-jlcAC, borrshuileach, adj. full-eyed 44, brocha, gen. of bp<\], malt
fcoppfAC, borrthach, adj. crook-backed bUc(l' h,ocac/'' ad3- greyish
, borrthorad/i, s. m. greatness, majesty, brtcA'P bracadh, s. m. a harrow, a rake
worship _ >, bracadh, s. a breaker. Sh.
t>op]iln> bomnn, s. a haunch, a buttock bitACAW, bracadh, s. m. suppuration, corruption.
bor, cs> s- f a ham'' the llaln" 0 tho ,:ancl
67?2l BRA

, brachadh, s fermentation, fermenting, *5)5), bragharruighibh, s. pi. gibbets

malting vulg. bjjjtujje
bjACAjp, brackadoir, s. m. a maltster bpAgA)!4:*, bragartha, adj. boastful
bpCAjm, bracaim, v. I borro, break bpAj, nrifA, s. f. malt
bj*cjm, bracaim, v. I embrace ,, /WcWi,/8- m. a stag, a buffalo
bjiACAjm, brachaim, v. I malt, ferment
bpan, brechan, s. f. brotb, pottage wjiAjeAr, braichtas, s. f. the refuse of malt; grains,
bp*n, hachan, s. any thing fermented; leaven. malt that has been used in brewing
Sh. bfiAjcAm, braicam, s. a pack-saddle. 5.
ty*^*, bracann, s, f. a glove, a gauntlet, a hand- bjiA)c, braicht, s. m. a mouth ; see
muff. Car. bftijo, braid, s. theft
:,' bracat, s. f. malt liquor ; . e. f4]1], bpjo, braid, s. f. a mountain
. l) pinme gnjcej o Bja)C." Cor. bffAjtt, braid, s. f. upper part; height
bjUccAjIle, braccaille, s. f. a gauntlet, a glove ; bj4jt>, braid, s. f. a collar
" bpc, /'. e. Urn, -J caI . e. cojmw." Cor. bjiAiAt), braidhadh, s. a clap of noise, or thunder
, brachd, s. hatred Sh.
bpao, brachd, s. a drop )5, braigh, \s. m. a hostage, captive,
bjuc, brachd, s. increase of wealth bjtijcen, braighdean,) prisoner; pi. b]*}5t>e
, brachd, s. mowing, reaping bfiAjjneAn, braighdean, s. a collar
tracts brachd, s. substance, sap, juice ^, braighdeanach, s. m. a captive
bjucA, brachdach, bjiAigoeAnAo, nnVrfiflnecArf,! *" m- *^?/1*-
bjiAcoAmup\ brachdamhuil, ^adj. substantial to&NMMr, braighdeanas f ver>7' . bondage,
, brachdmhar, } 1 JO 1 6 J restraint
, brachog, s. a pimple bjiAjje, braighe, s. a monosyllable. .W.
bfmg, brachog, s. blearedness bjAjjeAc, braigheach, a Highlander
bpaj-jleAC, brachshuileach, adj. blear-eyed bjtAjgeAw, braigheachd, s. imprisonment, constraint
bi40f]le4c, brachshudeacht, s. see bpAcj bjuj^eAii, braighean, s. quarrel, debate
bjiAcr, rar^, s. see bpAo ^, braighcanach, adj. quarrelsome
bjwcT;, bracht, s. m. a breach, gap, mouth, " . bpAj5jt>, braighid, s. the neck. 5//.
bjtjreA no b*l." o.g. bjA]]n, braighin, s. f. a quern ; see bjiAjn
, brachtun, s. wheat, o.g. bpAjsjite, braighire, s. a bag or budget
4>, bradh, s. a quern, a hand-mill. SV, ),1,, braighisieadS aco abrace]ct
>, bra'.lach, adj. thievish, roguish bjA)rlcAD, bromead, J
, bradach, s. m. a rogue bfiAjgleAn, braighlean, s. see bjieojlean
DfHtmcAjlb bradhadair,~\ %_ chatwood. bjtAjleo, braighlcog, s. f. a bilbeiTy
bjwAn, bradhan, J bjtAjle, irrtiVi-, s. heavy rain. Sh.
bjuwAjm, bradhaim, v. I oppose bjtAjljm, brailim, v. I feel
t>IAt)n, bradan, s. m. a salmon bJA)ljm, brailim, v. I reject, slight
b|ut)65, re%, s. f. a sly trickish girl bJAjn, ram, s. f. many, much, plenty ; t. jomAo.
bltAogAm, badogam, v. to flatter, to charm. Sh.
, bradhrudh, s. m. an ambush b|iA]n, W??, s. a quern, a hand-mill
bl>At>u]e, braduighe, s. in. a thief b]iA)iie> brairw, s. f. the first, a beginning, front,
, brae?i, s. m. a drop van. o. g. _ . , ,
}1, brafal, s. m. treachery, deceit bjAine, brame, s. a chieftain, captain, leader, o.^.
tjjAA, bragha, s. m. a captive, a hostage bpA]ne, , or b)t*)neAC lujnge, the captain
bJ5*. braga, s. f. a stream of water, a fountain ; of a ship
; - bjjiAg* ; <Pm bjjt." Cor. bjA]neAc, braineach, s. m. a cliief, captain, leader ;
bwAgA, ra^, Is. m. the upper part of the t. /?. \. . g.
*** braghadh,] breast }*), braineach, adj. much, many, numerous,
bp*I*x>, WAerf, s. m. the gullet or wind pipe, plenteous
bpappjAc, brahijhiach, s. m. a raven
throat braghadh, s. m. purulent or corrupt rat-
bjtAjAf), ]50, braingeach, s. a palace
b|iA], re/, s. f. the womb
bjA^AtjjA, braghudgha, adj. jugtilary bliAir, irais, s. f. a paroxism _
b)tA54)m, bragaim, v. I boast, bounce, bully bPAir brats, adj. fabulous, fertile in invention
bjiAjAjpe, bragaire, s. a braggart, braggadocio, boas b!A)r,' iri, adj. sudden, hasty, dating, intrepid
bWAire, braise, s. bread
ter, bully bragaireacht, s. gasconade, boasting
bpAjjit;> braghairt, s. abundle, trussorpack

t>|*)pe, braise, 7 s. hastiness, rapidity ; intre- jt*, brannrach, s. a pen, a fold

t>P*)re4, braiseadh,i,J1 pidity, boldnessi opapA, brannradh, s. a tripod, a stand ; a frame
opajragna, braseagna:h, s. m. a forged crime, a on which a cake is placed before the fire to bake
false charge, a slander opanpujge, brannruighe, s. pi. gibbets
fep*)fgul, brasgeul, s. m. afable, a romance bpatum, brannumh, s. m. a coat of mail
f*jpjofiUc, Braisionnlach, s. a false accusation ; see fcpafiuth, brannumh, s. m. chessmen
bfiftjpAgnec bpan-opgAjn, bran-orga'm, s. the royston crow
t>>4]rl4o, braislead, see b^vjjrlao bpao, brooch, s. m. the boundary of a country ; see
tyjr, braith, see bjfej bpuac
b|4]fbe4ft*, braitbbliearlach, adj. treacherous bpaoj, brao'i, s. eyebrows ; see bpe
]*0, braitkbheartach, adj. quarrelsome, bpaojgean, braoighean, see bpajgean
boastful ; /. e. mojiBujIleai no mopbp]4rp4C bpaoj^jlleao, braoighilleadh, s. a crack, a flaw
bluoj]lIeat>, braoighilleadh, s. a heavy shower of
t>l4)tcerm, braithchcim, s. a stag, a wild ox. Sh.
\1), braitheadh, s. a betraying rain
bjiajfejne, braitheine, s. everlasting fire tji40j5)lljm, braoighillim, v. I\crack, crumble
bpajreojj, braitheoir, s. an overseer, a spectator; a 40)11, braoiUeadh, s. a bounce
critic bpaojlle4t>, braoiUeadh, s. a nistling, rattling
tJjurfcrm, braithim, v. I betray bpaojlleoj;, braotlleog, s. f. a whortle berry
tojujtpn, braithim, v. I inspect, observe, spy, recon bpaojrg, braoisg, s. grinning, a gaping, a yawning
noitre, criticize bpaojrBeac, biaoitgcach, adj. gaping, yawning
bj*jtle, braithleadh, s. a crash ; bruising, break topaon, braon, s. m. a drop
ing topaonac, braonach, adj. sad, sorrowful
bj4)tljm, braithim, v. I break, bruise, mash bpaonac, braonach, adj. dropping, rainy
t>f4)rljn, braitlin, s. f. a veil, a mantle bpaona)m, braonaim, v. I drop, distil
t>lHjiljr, braithlis, s. wort bpaonan, braonan, s. f. a pig-nut
1>l4)tpe4C4f, braithreachas, s. m. brotherhood '|140, bi aoi, s. m. a gape, a yawn.
t))4jtje4rhujl, braithreamhuil, adj. brotherlike, bro bp40poac, braosdach, "\
therly bpaorail, braosail, I
bo-45,l, braosaighil, >84""8. 8a*
fep)t|t)tl, braithrin, dim. of bpifajp
topamac, bramach, s. m. a colt bpaorarhajf, braosamhuil,)
>pmA,pe, /r, \ noi felU)W bpar, iras, s. . bread, means of living, o.g.
444, bramanac/i, J bpar, bras, s. m. prosperity, increase. L. Lec.
tornan, braman, s. f. a crupper bpar, bras, s. m. a lie, fiction, romance
bpamnra, bramanta, adj. unpolished, boorish, bpar, ra, s. m. a covering for the head ; a hat or
sulky cap
4, ron, s. . chaff bp4p4, brasa, s. a vaunting, boasting ; flattery
bpan, ra, s. in. a raven ; a rool *> bras, \ adj. quick, nimble, brisk, lively,
, bran, ad), poor bparac, brasach, \ active, sudden
, bran, adj. black bparao, Prasad, s. m. rapidity
bpanap, branar, adj. fallow ; roappan bpanap, fal bparajlte, brasaille, s. m. lying praise ; panegy-
low ground rick
bpancar, brancas, s. a halter bpapa]pe, brasaire, s. m. a sycophant, a liar
bpanwae, brandae, s. m. a rook ; * . e. yjacoae." bpar*l,bn*'*'e' brasavgnaidhe, s. m. a sophister
btiarn*l*l* brasbharr, s. m. a bat or cap, a helmet
Cor bNArcomat, rascliomhadh, s. m. a counterfeiting,
, brandar, s. a grid-iron. Sh.
"bpantmnan, brandubhan, s. a spider ; a cobweb falsifying, belying
tpan^ac, bravgach, adj. snarling, jibing 4,., brascliomaim, v. 1 counterfeit, talsify
^, brangaim, v. I cavil, carp, snarl, jibe t>parornl,AC' bruschomhrac, s. m. a just, tilt, tour
bpan^ajpe, hanghaire, s. a corpse left in the open nament , , .
4-1' ira*-folt' seebpar-bapp-
air. Sh. bpar~*lue> brasgaille, s. m. a declaimer, an orator
bpa, bram, s. a burning coal or ember
Dpa, brann, s. f. a woman bnar^allat, brasgalladh, is. m. declamation, ora-
"bpaajm, brannaim, v. I consume ^, brasgallamh' ) tion> harangae"
bpapa, bratmra, s. m. a stand, a prop, support. 45*11*1' brasgallaim, v. I declaim, harangue
t)H4rS<n traigan, s. f. the mob, the vulgar
Cor. fcdTgul, brasgeul* s- m. a fable, a romance
-^, brannra-aigein, a stand to support a
brewing pan, or large pot. Cor. bp4r,l4i5, brasghruaig, s. f. a hat ; a wig; a false
bpartpa-bpa^at), brannra-braghad, s. n> the collar . head of hair .
I 4,),, brasil, , perjury. .
BRE 6/?e BRE
}0, brasodhach, adj. see ^ ^leAbn, breabm, s. f. a patch
, brat, s. m. a cloak, mantle, veil, covering , breac, s. f. the small pox. 'Hic.
, brath, s. m. a wreath or crown placed on the DjieAc, ra?c, s. m. a trout, a salmon
heads of heroes after a victory. Cor. , rwcA, s. . a wolf
ojut, broth, s. m. ajudge , breach, s m. malt
t)Jr, s. m. judgment, l **, the day of , breac, adj. speckled, spotted, freckled,
judgment, 50 bjc, to the day of judgment ; for parti-coloured
ever tjieACAt), breacadk, s. variety, piedness
bjut, brath, s. m. ruin, destruction t>IeACAjm, breacaim, v. I speckle, variegate, che
bjAt, ;vrfA, s. m. malt; see bjij* quer, embroider, carve
"bjiAt, ;a/A, s. m. treachery bjteACAjm, breacaim, v. to mix ; to pick a millstone
bjiAf;, /-/A, s. m. a design, * *; ^ o|ic , breacan, s. f. a plaid; a kind of striped or
l>ltt, ra/A, s. m. a remnant, fragment chequered stuff
bjiAi, bratk, s. m. a mass or heap rpjol, breac an tsiol, s. a wagtail. Sh.
bjAt, ire/A, s. m. a spy, a betrayer ; luit ojiaba, bpeaAO], breachaoi, s. indifference
spies, informers -), breac-bedi, s. a loach. Sh.
, brath, s. m. a lie ; e. bjig. 0. g. >, brcachd, ~\ ,. ... ; . ,
bjAt, fo-a/A, s. m. dpendance, expectancy bjieActJACA, breacdhata, J adJ' sPeck'etJ: spotted, pted
b\4tv,At, bratach, s. m. a standard, ensign, colours >>, breachdadh, s. a carving, mixing. Sc.
t>l4t, brathach, adj. continual b|teA0t)A]jie, breachdaighthe, part, mixed. Sc.
|>, brathadhy s. m. a betraying bjeACtAjm, breachdaim, v. to chequer, mix, embroi
), brathadoir, s. m. a betrayer der. Sc.
bpAtAjm, brathaim, v. I expect, depend upon bjeAt)n, breachdan, see
, brataim, v. I cloak, cover -jeAl, breac-gheal, s, a salmon-trout
-ftjm, brathaim, v. I judge bjieAclpn, breaclion, a drag-net
by*t)m, brathaim, v. 1 betray, deceive -, breac-mara, s. a roach
t>Jaj}, brathair, s. m. a brother ; also a cousin or bpeacg, breacog, s. f. a little cake
near relation. Heb. beritb. 4-], breac-seunain, s. a freckle. Sh.
]]1-, brathair-bhochd, s. m. a friar bjteAcj-ojlrj^Am, breacshoilsigham, v. to glimmer.
bjtAAjji-cejle, brathair-cheile, s. ro. a brother-in- Sh.
law -, breac-sholas, s. m. twilight
b)4t4]te*ijl, 'bralhaireamhail, adj. brotherlike, bpeACc, breacht, s. doubt
brotherly , breacht, s. a cause, reason. Lee.
]]*!, biaihaireamhlachd, s. m. brother- bpeACtAjt), breachtaidh, adj. strange, uncommon
liness bpeACtAjpe, breacthaire, s. a graving tool, a graver
b]utAj}ieo5, brathaireog, s. f. an aunt by the father , breachtan, s. f. wheat
1*))1], brathair'm, s. m. a little brother, dim. fcpeACcn, breachtan, s. f. fresh butter
of bpeACtAn, breachten, s. f. a custard
, bratamhla, adj. cloak-like t)jteAC7;n*5At>, breachtnaghadh, s. mixture
-, brathardha, adj. brotherly. AfW. tjjieArnAjse, breachtnaighthe, adj. mixed ; diffe
bjiiiAr, brathas, s. m. see rent ; particoloured
4r-bjo)n, brat-broin, s. m. a pall *05, breaehtogy see bpeAcfc
1*, brathchadh, s. va. pus, purulent matter, bneAcijj, breacthoir, s. m. an engraver
corruption bpeActojpeAr, breacthoireas, s. m. engraving, sculp
[1]1, bratlaimh, s. f. a towel, napkin ture
bjiArljon, bratlion, s. a sheet bneArpAts breachtradh, adj. strange; unequal,
topAtnAr, bratnas, s. m. a belt, a sash. Cor. various ; " i. e. ecfihu)l, no nejmjoriAB." o. .
bpAtog, 1 s. f. a rag byeACU]5]m, breacuighim, v. I besptckle, moule,,
bjwr 65, Anitof, 1 B f. w a'cateraiHaj variegate
tjliATCAt), brattadlifj 1 bweAcrhuc, breacmhuch, s. a magpie. Sh.
b|t-ull*]l* brat-urlair, s. a carpet biA, bread, s. a breach
bjiAUt;, rau, s. m. a judge. Cor. bpeAC, brcadh, 1 adj. fine, brave, well-favoured,
bie, iA e> a bill, headland. Sh.^ brie***' breadha,) comely, ornamented
*, breab, s. m. a kick bhAWAC, breadach, adj. broken
t>|teAb, breab, . a bribe ; vnlg. >, brcadachadh, s. a breaking
fcpeabAt), , s. m. a kicking 4)' breudhackd, s. finery, beauty, ornameni
^]11, breabadoir, s. m. a kiefcer breadhas. s. beauty, comeliness
*0), breabadoir, s. m. a weaver topAb. beug, s. f- a lie
-fc leAbAjm, breabaim, v. I kick, spurn

bpA^Ai, breagach, adj. false, lying t>leArArhu)l, breasamhuil, adj. princely, royal
t)pe45At>, breaghackd, see , breasaontadh, s. the royal assent. Sh.
^, breagadh, a, comfort *, breaschatkair, s. f. a throne ; a royal
bpngat), breagadh, s. allurement, decoying residence
t>jie*5*jc)m, breaghaichim, v. to adorn. Sh. ), breascholbh, s. f. a sceptre
t>]e*5*j, breaghaidh, s. an enthusiast. Sh. , breasda, adj. fine, handsome
bj*454j|te, breagaire, s. m. aliar, falsifier; an al- , breasda, adj. principal, chief
lurer , breasda, adj. lively, active
bjtagin, breagan, s. f. an allurment; bpin ]:]14, breas/hora, s. a throne
bplft, a child's toy. M'C. )15, breaslang, s. fraud, deceft
blt454]f)t>, breugarsidh, s. imagination. Sk. 1, breas/ann, s. m. a prince's palace ; the
bpcAgArlAC, bragaslach, s. ni. a deceitful vision ; a King's court
dream , breasnttm, s. a royal mandate
bit*j;Arl<jjm, breagaslaighim, v. I dream -ojpcjj-tie, breas-oirckisde, s. a prince's trea
^-, breagha-tea, s. an epithet applied to sure
Tara, . . eAtfw}]* bpea -, breas-rod, s. a royal road
tfirt;-jt*B(, brcag-chrabhadh, s. m. false piety, , breath, s. m. judgment, sentence, censur*
hypocrisy in religion ], breath, s. m. confidence
-), breag-dhealb.'iadh, s. m. an idol, a , breath, adj. clean, pure
lying image, a lying oracle, a false appearance bjteAtAC, breathach, adj. judicial, critical
1>]e45f*}>e4o, breogfaidheachd, s. enthusiasm. , breatain, s. f. Britain
Sh. , breathamh, s. m. a judge; see bpejiearh
bpeAjlu^m, breagluighhn, v. to forswear, Sh. bpeAtAmriAf, breathamhnas, s. m: judgment, dis
t)}K'5]iT>, breagradh, s. m. a lying story cernment; see bjiej^eArhnAj-
^^, breagradh, s. m. mirth, play bpeAtAf, breathes, s. folly. Sh.
)jie*5)i4', breagradh, adj. chearfui. Sk. -1, breath-la, s. m. birth-day
bnAgHUAje;, breagruaig, s. f. false hair, a wig ^, breutnnach, s. m. a Welshman
^, breagtkach, adj. lying, alkmng t>ie-4nA]5)m, breathnaighiw., v. I look, behold, per
b]e*ll', breails s. m. a knob at the end of either of ceive
the sticks of a flail, to keep the cjb'jn from flying bpeAnAjgjm, breathnaighiw, v. I judge, conceive,
off in threshing; the glands of the Penis imagine, design
bpeAUAc, breallach, adj. knobbed, knotty ], breatlinas, s. a clasp, broach, skewer, a
bpeAlU, breallach, adj. blubber-lipped thorn, tongue of a buckle; i. e. bj4tri4rc. o.g.
, breallan, s. f. darnel grass ; Lolium pe bpeAtrAjm, breathsaim, s. to number. Sh.
renne bje4tnujAti, breathnughadh, s. a judging, per
bpeAlln-leAiiA, breallan-leana, s. f. purple -spiked ceiving, noting
willow herb, loose-strife ; Lythrum salicaria blteAnujAt, breatlmugadh, s. arbitration, decision ;
, breallan, a vessel censure
bpeAnup, heama'm, s. a tai h Sc. bpeAtnujjte, breathmiighthe, adj. adjudged
, breamos, s. m. a mischance, an acci ^, breathughadh, s. see ^
dent bp, brech, s. m. a wolf ; a wild dog
bjtan, brean, adj. stinking, fihhy, putrid, corrupt b)te, brech, s. m. a brock, a badger
*'0, breanadh, s. a stinking, raising a stench tjpeiqn, breicm, s. f. a small trout; a sprat; dim.
, breaiiatm, v. to stink, cause a stink of hpeac
, breathtn, s. a dunghill. Sh. bpejcneopAr, breuhneoras, s. sculpture. Sh.
), breantadh, s. the fish bream. Sh. bujn, breid, s. f. a kerchief, a coif, a woman's
^, breantag, s. a stinking slut. Sh. head-dress
t>H*nrr, breantas, s. m. a stench, stink ; putre bjtir, brad, "Is. f. frize; a coarse kind of v.ool-
faction, filth bpro'), breidin,] len cloth
*' breas, s. m. a prince, potentate ijtu'peA, breidcadh, s. a dressing, attiring
, breas, s. m. a voice bjtei^e, bre'ife, s. f. a hole
fcjieftr, breas, s; m. a troop, a company, a multHndfi bjtejpe, breife, s. f. the nail of a person's finger ; a
, breas, adj. great, mighty, grand, prosper claw, a talon
ous bjtejjreAC, breifeach, s. m. a chain ; i. e. pluBjtAtx
breas, adj. clean, pure. o.g. o. g.
*> breas, adj. comely, well-shaped ]}', bre'ifneach, adj. full of holes
*' breataire, s. m. a babbler, a s) chopbant bl6j5, breig, gen. of bjieAj, a lie
]'1-, breasaireachd, s, m. chat, babble, bli, breig, s. a rustic, a boor. Sh.
prate t>]?)5,
|*, breasam. v. foreign. Sh.
bP]p> breig,
a false god 4j. false, counterfeit, oj* bpj5e7 ojejfjoncjp, breithiontoir, s. a
fuller, /V.
bl?,-P*l' ... wig, peruke bJej,pen, breiihir'each^. full seeof'
ffili^ ^Jgchiaibdoir, l wig-maker , , ~,btuii7eacnt
I";J5e*>, breigheadh, s. m. a violating or abusing Dpejcjpeftco, brcithireacfid, "s. interpretation. .
le)5fjop, breigfhios, s. m. enthusiasm &Pejtnju5*t), breithniughadh, s. apprehension, con-
*Pf)&n)5 breignigh, s. a fiction ception, conceiving
>Jte5JJodc, breigriocht, s. m. a disguise ; false ap opeo, r^, s. fire, flame
pearance pe0, m>c*, s. a brim, or brink
kp^JSPloctArm, breigriochtaim, v. I disguise Nocloc, breocloch, s. a flint
opejlljce, breillice, \ s. a coxcomb, fop, a dunce. ^Peo-ojpe, breo-coire, s. a warming pan
opejlleojp, breilleoir, f Sc. bjtso-cuAl, bno-chval, s. a bonefire, a funeral pile
bpejm, irr/m, s. f. a fart bpeor>p*ojteACc, breodhraoithcachd, s. pyromancy
bpjne, ^rw, compar. of bpftfi bpeo, r-e^-, s. f. a leveret
bpjne, brein", s. f. a stench bpeog, breogh, s. f. prosperity, increase
bpjneac, braneacht, s. filthiness bfteo^, breog, adj. weak, feeble
-, brcinati-brothach, bpeogA, boeogach, s. m. a baker
s. great daisy, }5], breogaim, v. I pound, bruise
bpjntejj-, breinteisdeas, bjieoRAjm, breogaim, v. I bake
s. dispute. M'C.
bpejr, r;'j, s. a tear, a drop bpeojlen, brcoilean, s. darnel ; vulg. bpA}leAn
^PeJr> Arm, s. f. increase, addition bpeojre, breoite, adj. sick, tender, delicate
bpejp, fcw, s. f. loss, hurt, damage. Donl. 102. bjteojteoct), breoiteachd, s. illness, sickness, tender
bpejrt>']ol, brtisdiol, s. usury ness ; a cachexy
fcpejrenrhu)!, breseamhuil, adj. increasing bpeolip, breolaid, s. a delirium
bftejrojp, breisoir, s. an usurer bpeoljoeAC, breolaideach, adj. delirious
bpejpg, breisg, adj. quick, active, brisk bpeon, raw, s. a blur, or spot
), breisgthe, part, moved, stirred, provoked ), brconaim, I spot, stain
)> breisi, s. a dropping or gentle falling of an}' , breothadh, s. consumption
liquid, distilling, distillation , breothan, s. wheat . ,
"bpejrjm, breisim, s. a shout ; a war cry , breothas, s. delirium
bpejr-jm, brcisim, s Jaughter bpu, breug, seebjtAg,
fcpe]rjm, breisim, s. a rout, defeat, breach bpujd, breugach, see ^
bpejyrm, breisim, v. I break, crack, tear bpuj;A, breugadh, s. a soothing, flattering
bpeifju, breisiudh, s. a happening, falling ' bpujrtjm, breugaim, v. to sooth, flatter, decoy, de
bpejrled, breisleach, s. a raving lude, entice
bpeipqon, breismon, s. writ, a mandate bpeujjrtjjie, bieugairc, s. see bpAjjAjpe
bpe]f, breith, s. m. a judge. Cor. bpujAjpertC-e, breugaheachd, s. tying
bperfc, breith, s. f. judgment, determination, sen bpujinAjCAm, breugnaicham, v. to gainsay. Sft.
tence, doom bj)iu5n]coj[, breagnaichoir, s. a gainsayer.
bpej, breith, s. f. a test bjeug|jot>, breugriocJid, s. disguise
bpevfc, breith, s. a compact. 7ftb. brith bjiun, brenn, see.b]tan
bpejr, breith, s. f. birth, nativity, descent blicunar, breunad, s. fetidness
bperf, breith, s. f. a row, a layer b|iunrtt>, bieunadh, see |<0
bpeji; breith, s. f. penance |4, brcunadas, s. caies? cariosity
bpejt, breith, s. f. a taking, bearing, carrying, bring bjiunta, brennta, adj. putrid, stinking
ing forth , brenntet, see
bpejt-cjrpj breitk-dhilliidh, s. sentence of con bpj, s. anger, wrath
demnation tojfj, ir/, 'S. a word
bpep^e, breithe, s. f. judgment, opinion, decision bpj, irr, s. bill, a rising ground. WelsJibre.
bpejeA, breitheadh, s. exposition, expounding, bp], !" i, s. a field, a plain, a lawn
interpretation bpj, br't, s; an effort
bpe]tet>, breitheadh, adj. natal, native bp), bri, prep, near
bpejieal, breitheal, s. coufusion. c. bpjf, 'zarf, s.. . a fragment, a remnant
\)}tei*earh, bratheamh, s. . a judge bp)A, briug, s. a mortal wound. Sh.
^-, breitheamh-bind, s. m. the master of bp]*n, Irian, s. a word; * bp]*n, . . e. bpjafdp.
the choir ; leader of a band. 7,ec. p]T>)r map bp]*n jrpju, . a^u-
bfe]ie*mnAr, breitheamhnas, s. m. judgment, sen bAjpt oo fip}ApA)b pju.'" WCl.
tence, decision }0, brlanar/i, adj. full of fair s'pet ches
bpejieAncAc, breiiheantach, adj. judicious bpjAA, brianna, s. a narrant *
bpjAA, brianna, s. an author, or composer

bpjnfi<, brianna, s. parts or divisions; e bjtji, i.e. bpiobAojp, briobadoir, s. m. a briber

, no ." O'Cl. bpjobajm, briobaim, v. I bribe
fcpjap, briar, a bodkin, a pin, a thorn; bpjap, . t. bpjor, W, s. m. sorcerv, witchcraft
ofilg nujiije njp, arhujl 4 , jrn* - bpjor., briocht, s. . colour,' complexion
tejB nerhe, bpj*p epg ?el5 numge." Cor. bpjor, briocht, s. m. a song; a piece of music
bpjrtji, briar, s. a briar bp per, briocht, s. m. a wound
bpjafap, briathar, s. f. a word, a verb bpjoc, briocht, s.m. a charm, a spell, an amulet
"]4)1, briathar, s. f. victory, conquest bppec, briocht, s. m. beauty ; splendor, brightness
"bpjatjtac, briathrach, adj. verbose, talkative bpjoct, briocht, s. m. an art or trade
"bpjapuao, hiathrachad, s, allegation, assertion bpjocrAjc, briochtaic, s. an amulet Sh.
"bpjfp*c<ir, briathi achas, s. elocution, rhetoric bpjotopAr, briochtoracht, a charm
bpjarp )5m, briathraigham, \ v. to affirm, to dictate, bpjor, briod/i, s. substance, see bpjo
bPj*fpm, briathram, J to swear to. 5//. bljot>*l, briodal, s. flattery. Sc.
'), no, s. a bribe ; a small sum of money bpjot>4l*, bnodalach, adj. flattering. Sc.
bpjrjaoupein, bribheadaidhcan, g. one that affects bl*J05' bnogh, s. an effort ; capacity ; essence, elixir
bp)05c, brioghach, adj. hilly
difficult words bPl5*c. brioghach, adj. efficacious, substantial, ca
bpjce, brice, s. a brick ; pi. bpjcj
bpjcejn-bet<t, bricein-beatha, a linnet pable
bpjcjn, bricin, s. f. a little trout 5<*, brioghach, adj. active, vehement
bpjet, bricht, s. a piece of musick accompanied by , brioghach, adj. bitter, violent; " nj b
C4p b<n*c bpjogA." Brog.
words bp)o4)peACc, brioghaireacht, s. efficacy
bpjr, bricht, s. a mask; a deception
bpjet, bricht, s. a charm, an amulet bpjosrhop, brioghmhar, powerful, strong; efficaci
bpjoeac, brideach, s. f. a virgin, a bride ous, substantial, able, hearty
bppea, brideach, s. f. a dwarf bpjoicojc, bnoichdic, s. an amulet. Lkuyd.
bpjces, bridcog, s. f. an image of St. Bridget, used bpjolUjpe, bricllaire, s. a whore-monger
on the eve of that Saint by unmarried guis, with bpjolln, briollan, s. m. a piss-pot, a urinal
a view to discover their future husbands bpjolln, briollan, s. m. a foolish ignorant fellow
t>]P*5 bridag, s. part of the jaw. Sh. bpjollog, briollog, s. an illusion
bpjollr54]pe, briollsgaire, s. m. a bully
*fcPJ5> brigh, s. virtue, essence, power, efficacy, bjt]ollr5*]pe, briollsgaire, s, m. a busy-body; a
strength ; ca;l! re 4 hpjg meddler in other people's affairs
T)1M?' briS^i s- P"ce, value, worth ; 4p ron neje bpjon, brion, s. inquietude, dissatisfaction
f* PJ5 c0 bMB because >4), briendataim, v. to counterfeit, paint
]<, "*> s- tne meaning, interpretation or sub- Sh.
bp]on5Apr4C, briongharsach, adj. visionary
stance of a thing bwion;4l*r4t:j briongkarsacht, I s- f a dream,
t>145' brigh, s. a tomb ypj a, 1 1 a^ L,./-,// vision,
bppns brionglad, I
t>lJ5i ir/^A, a miracle bpjonsljt), bnongloid, J J
b^j, rtf, adj. religious bjijonloijm, brioiigloidim, v. i dream
bp)5*c, brighach, irritable
bpjqo, brighid, s. Bridget, the name of a woman bf]o, brionn, s. m. a fiction, a he
t>f!)t>e, brighide, hostages ; jejll 54 bp)roe bpjo, brion, s. m. a drop
bpjHm, *, s. Clitoris biijofuc, brionnach, s. m. a liar
bpjllrgant*, bnilsgeanta, adj. masty. M'Cur. binorw, brionnach, adj. flattering; fair, pretty
bpjnt>, r/W, s. a grunt, growl, groan. Cor. bHioAl, brionnal, s. flattery. Sh.
bpjnoeAl, brindeal, adj. pourtrayed bjnofroA brionndal, s. caressing, toying
bpjor^b*!"' brtosargain, s. f. sophistry ; a sophism
bpjntjeAln, brindeahn, s. f. a frontlet
t)!jTeeDAt>, b. indeatbkadh, s. a disguising, cloak {1*' briaargnaidhe, s. a sophister
^!|,5}, briosargnaidheacht, s. sophistry
fcjjjnoealriaf, brindeaMadh, s. painting, sculpture, ^10, brioschroidheach, adj. brokenhearted
> '^adJ- britt,e,
pourtraying brindealbhoir, s. m. a painter a car
bp)nfe4lbjp, bpjor5, briosg, s. a start, a bounce
bV ^"^Mbrittleness, fragility
or5**> bnosgadh,} & J
ver ir.w/, s. a dream, a reverie
bpj, 104* briofgadh, s. a start, starting, spnnging
1 i "I i a wife, am;
, bnnneach,\ chi|dren> dame, an old wo
bjijell, bnncaU, J man> g hag **' bnosgamach, adj. crackling
or^P^l' kbsgarnam, v. to crackle
"b|]]5e, * itn ghthe, adj. hagridden b orlln, iriosgla, s. a skirret ; silver-weed, wild
bp)ob, s. a bribe 1 ' tansey,
20 ??0 BRO

tansey, goose-grass, goose-tansey ; Potentin an- b]ioc, s. a badger. Sc.

serina ' b)oo*, brochdach, adj. variegated. Y. /.
tyjorsijuc, briosglorac,
talkative, loquacious adj. babbling,
V B bjtochic, broclach, s. a warreib Sh,
bjtocojo, brocoid, see
opjorglopaje, briosgloraidhe, s. m. a babbler, a bpt>, roj/, s. pride, arrogance
prattler, a prater topo, /-o/, s. chastisement
JWr5J. briosgoid, s. f. a biscuit b)it>, brod, s. a goad ; prickle, sting
lJr5. brlosog, s. f. a witch, a sorceress bpo, >o</, s. a Sp0t) blemish
o|joc, brWf, s. prate, chitter-chatter bjtot), ro^, s. a pot lid
bpjoc, bnot, adj. speckled. A. bjoo, brod, s. the choice or best of grain
bj,r, bris, s. f. change, small coin , brodh, s. a straw, a stem
bjtjrc, imc, adj. ancient, old; withered, faded. , brodach, s. m. an exciter
Cor. bpooa, biodadh, s. m. excitement; prop, bpopu-
bjtjrc, brise, adj. nimble, active, brisk
bpjpc, /vjf, adj. brittle, frail, tender bjOT)*)m, brodaim, v. I excite, spur, rouse ; probe
bjjrc, ''"f, adj. free-hearted, open, generous , brodamhlacht, s. pride
"bpjroe, brisde, part, broken bpooftthuil, brodamhuiL ) ,. ,
"?) r/f> ifs. abrech, fracture, violation, bpowjl, Wot/, } adJ- Proud>
bpjreo, briseadh, S obreption; fraction bpo-p*)t), brodh-faidh, s. the ancient prophets
t)]ijreAt>, briseadh, s. a wound bjtorgAjnearh, brodghaineamh, s. gravel. 'A.
fcjjreat), briseadh, s. a breaking )]5, brodiag, s. m. needle-fish
tpjrea, briseadh, s. assimilation. JA. bpft, rof, s. f. a shoe, brogue, sandal
5 see bpjorg bpg, /g-, adj. sorrowful, melancholy
15> brisS* see bpjrc bpog, brog, s. a house, habitation
bpjrsIen, brisglean, see bjijorsln bpog, brogh, s. filthiness ; lewdness
bpjpjt), brisidh, see bj)re bpog, rogA, s. a stone
b*jrjm, brisim, v. I break ; dismember, disunite bjto, j. e. bpon, brogh, i. e. brtrmadh, bestowing*
Dpjreac, brisleach, s. m. defeat, the derout of an army o.g.
bjjrle*n, briska, see bjtjopgln bjtofcAC, brogach, adj. shod
bpjrtjije, brislighe, s. breeches bpogAC, brogach, adj. lewd, wanton
*"*1'15*? bristhroisgam, v. to breakfast bpogA, broghach, adj. filthy
t)ji]t,, r/r, adj. speckled, spotted, particoloured bpogac, broghad, s. m. increase, gain, profit
bjtj, brith, s. fraction vancement
btjr*c, britach, )adj. stammering like a Bri- bpo4|b)l broghaighil, s. filth, dirt
, britbalbh,) ton bpoAjn, brogham, s. excess, abuse, injustice
bjTC*jTe, btaire, s. a stammerer bpobujr. brogais, increase
t)pjte5l*j, brilheaghlaidh, adj. kind, gentle, cour fc]o5An*, hoganach, s. m. an active man
teous bpoa nft urhftjg, brega na chumhaig, s. butterwort.
1>]1))6, britinneach, adj. having the measles; Sh.
measlv, measled ]*> broganta, adj. active, lively
"bjijrjjor, britinnios, s. the measles t)jto5-b]iAj>e brog-braidhe, commun round-headed
bpjubcojji, briublUhoir, s. m. a brewer rush; soft rush ; seaves. Iuncus conglomeratus.
;)"> '', s. f. a helmet bHobpejts brotheid, a sandal, shoe. Sh.
t>j'o, /o, s. m. a champion, a hero b]io5<*i broghdha, adj. excessive, superfluous, great
bjto! >'o. s. f- a quern, a hand -mill bpo^A, broghdha, s. a footman. SJi.
bjt', bro, s. a multitude *> broghdha, forcibly. Sh.
bi*, *ro, adj. much, many, plenty bjiorA, broghdhach, adj. stately, grand, ,.
b, bro, adj. old, ancient bpo50]x>, brogad, s. beer
t>j, bro, adj. cutting, abusive, reproachful ; vehe
ment. o.g.
t)to*l, broar, s. a fault, error, crime, vice bpojcneA, brotaieach, adj. freckled
bjojr, o^o/, s- f- captivity, bondage
, roi'i, s- m. round-rooted bastard cypress. bpojojneell; broidineall, s. a rich garb or dress
Scirpus maritimus bpopjnAlt, bioidinealta, adj. embroidered
bpoc, *>f, s. m- a badger bjo)T)jne]pee6c, broidineircacnt, s. embroidery
bvoc, broc, adi.grey. 5. bio)j)oll, bioig.iioU, s.. the sea raven, a ccrmu
, brocach, adj. speckled in the face. Sh. . bpojlfA^' broiteadh, s. bustle, confusion
tnocAc! irwacA, adj. dirty, iil-scented, odious i. ^.j. bniUadhadh, s. brjwling, brawl, confu-
bpocn, *0, s- f-potiage, gruel
bpocn-DAje, brochan-hhaimie, s. f, milk pottage sion
67?0 BRO b?0 BRO

ttySfc bronnag, s. a gudgeon. 57.

bjojleo5, broUeog, s. f. whortle-berry bponajm, bronnaim, v. I give, bestow
"pojmejp, bwimeis, s. anger. J//, bpoiujm, bronnaim, v. I spend, consume, destroy,
l'ojmejp, broimeis, s. boldness. <S*. 1>15*']1, bronnghubhaU, s. f. conception
), broin, s. a height; a large company. S/i.
l'")nen, bromean, s. a poor silly person. SV. bjiojB()m, bronnghobhaim, v. I conceive
bjmnpgaojle, bionsgatile, s. m. a flux or lax
4ojneoj;, brtnneog, s. f. a rag
j^ojnco^c, broivrogttch, adj. ragged, fullofra<rS ]5<)1, bronnsgaodte, adj. having a flux
"Pojn, irm, s. f. the womb ; the belly -, bionnta, adj. given, bestowed
*<>)5, broinndearg, s. robin redbreast , brenntanuch, adj. frank, free, gener
"Pojnleif-aru, bromnhathanach, adj. big-bellied ous ' L,
"fojnljonro, broinnlionta, adj. full-bellied "4 s. m. a gift, present, fa-
^(J^ac,' broinnt/iach, a girth , bronntachas, I vour, ; beijtreap
^flojnrjopa, brntiotmch, grinding bjtotnap, bronntanas, > t>u]
^l'jroe, broisde, s. a broach ; vulg. , brannte, \ n'ujnm jopa cjtjopt."
^^151'. broisgim, v. I excite, provoke J Mull. 226.
^l'ojpnjn, broisnin, s. f. a small bundle of brambles, , bronnthach, s. see bfo)uac
&c. for fuel ; dim. of bpopn* bftop, f, s. . the track of a carriage wheel
ty*jr, broith, s. carnation, colour. Sh. ^), brosdughadh, s. m. an incentive, provo
ty'ojt, broith, s. raiment cation, excitement
10]>0, broithdheandha, adj. carnation, or flesh- toporoujgjm, bwsduighim, v. I excite, exhort, ac
tuate, rouse, hasten, make haste
coloured. PL bt>0|-ouj5ce, brosduighthe, part, accelerated, has
bpojfjm, broitkim, v. I crack
^I'ojfleog, htithleog, s. f. a crack or noise tened
bpopoujjreo)}), brisdu'ghlhetir, s. tr. a;> instigntor>
^Hojn^, broit/maj, s. a brat
'tyioUrj^, bwlasgach, adj. talkative, prattling a prompter
bfiobp^, brolasgadh, s. talking, prating, prattle ]5, brosgadh, s. m. an exltciy; :..>. pi/sbasion
, broliach, s. m. the breast, bosom b)op5<vl*, bro^galach, adj. prompt
, brol'arh, s. m. a prologue, a preface bjtopgaiftt), brosgaiadh, see bjior.-4;f,*.t>
^, brd'.achan, s. m. a naked ragged person |5*|), brosgalaim, v. see bjmrwujgjm
b|ioIla]5, brollaigh, s. boldness, confidence bjiopgftlra, brosgaltach, ad;, anthypnolick. O'Ific.
bnom, brom, breaking of wind. Sh. b]topgI, broxgal, s. lively talk, flattery
bpop5aii<, brosgalfach, adj. talkative ; flattering,
bpomac, bromach, s. m. a colt
, bremam, v. to break wind. Sh. bjtopn*, brosva, s. m. a faggot *
bpomitn, brcma?i, s. m. a boor, a rustic bpopn-bjje, brosna-brlght, the tracks or ruts made
bpomnac, brornanach, \ adj. unpolished, rude, rus- by the wheels of cars ; /. e. rejjtrpe . . g.
bfiomnnr*, bromunfa, ) tic, impertinent bjtopnajjim, brosnmighm, y see bjtopt5))m
]?6, bremurrudhusach, adj. bold, con bpoj-nftjgf- eo]p, brosntightheoir, see bjiopcAj^feojp
bfiopn"5*ti, brosnughadh, see bjtopou^i
; disobedient bfiof , bioth, s. m. flesh, . . peo]l. o. g.
bpn, s. m. mourning, sorrow, grief
bjtof, rs//i, s m. corn, i. . . . g.
bftn, bron, s. . fasting bpoi, broth, s. m. a mole, a ditch
bjtn, bron, adj. sour, bitter, disagreeable
bnon, bron, adj. perpetual. SA. bjto , broth, s. m. fire
, bronach, adj. sorrowful, mournful, plain bpof, hoth, s. straw; vulg. bjtob
tive, plaintfui, lamentable ; sorry ; jp bjionac me b)of , broth, s. m. broth
b]for, bre/h, s. m. an eruption on the skin
non r~''ul
?/ f ]" S. m. destrtrntion
honadh, bjtofi, brolhach, adj. scabby, eruptive
]10-)]1, bmn-hhrat, s. a pail ', brothachadh, s. m. improvement, thriving
bjfon-mulj, bron-mulinn, s. a mill-stone btiofajcjm, brothaichim, v. to thrive. c.
b]iof<*iiie, hwthaire, s. m. a.butcher
, /-5??, s. a gift <>r favour
bjio, bronn, s. an impresin, sign, mark ; " , brethaire, s. a chaldron
bror<vi}*ne, braihan~net s. f. down, hair, fur
elf n bio,v " S't. F. ~ s. m. a slaugh-
blio, rw, s. the breast. '.
bjmj, '<>", genit. of , the wob; " Jp - bpotdH.eeli?;^, brolhircargadh, / jj^f'
fhtipe ru ojo]] * } ^ }f beAUivjgc ]4> brmf i, brothigh, shamhles ; a
bjtotjners*. broihmarga, \ victua|lil)g.
]10^, bronnadh, adj. big- bellied house
, bronnadh, s. a i^iving^, bestowing
tjjiorUf, bronnadh, s. a destroying, destruction, bfiofAb, irtrf/i^, s. the bosom -
, brothas, s. . a mature, medley .
wasting, spending . .

ty0^, brothgha, s. m. a broach ; pin or buckle blt>e*]t5, brudcarg, s. the redbreast

worn in the breast bpj, ng//,} s- m: a. palace, a grand house, of
Woclu, brothlach, s. m. a pit or hole made in the bj5, brug, f building; a royal residence ; a
earth in Which the ancient Irish miiitia used to J town, a borough ; a fortified place
dress their meat ; see Keat. bjiug, J/'M-r, s> m. a fj^L 0ty
l*oU, brothladh, intent on mischief. Sh. , bpu5, rMor//, g. m. a heap, lump, monument
opolujij, brothluinn, s. f. uneasiness, disturbance bp 115, brugh, seebpu
WoclujnenC, brothluinneach, adj. uneasy, trouble bi5*, bmghach, s. an ascent, face of a hill, Sc,
some bji54C4p, bnighachas, s. m. the office of
Jtyotliijt?, broithluinnte, part, disturbed, agitated Teg. Cor.
op, s. f. the womb ; the belly bjmsArkjl, brughabhail, s. f. conception
Jlu, bru, s. f. a hind,, a deer biiugAt), brug/utdh, s. a bruising, pounding
P, bru, s. f. a country ; a district bi54p5e, brughmdhe, s. m. a husbandman, farmer,
b, bru, s. m. aborder, brink, edge, bank, burgher, plowman
01ua, bruach, J mound, boundary, confine &, brughaidhe, s. gormandizing
, bruach, adj. great bellied. '( Cl. bftusajm, brughaim, v. I bruize, pound
opuaipeAt>, bruachaireachd, s. hovering about ]15*, brughan, s. faggots. Sh.
bpuacin, bruackan, s. f. a fawn ^, brughbhorfa, s. ra. animosity
t)lU4n, bruachan, dim. of , aborder b|>uj, brut, s. f. the belly
"bluac]Ie, bmachbhaile, s. a suburb bjnijbjn, brutbin, s. f. a helmet
, bruachdhdj adj. stately, grand, magnifi b]u]Dre]o], bruibhthoir, s. m. a brewer. Pi.
cent bnujo, bruid, s. f. captivity, bondage
, bruaehdha, s. a traveller bpuj-o, bruid, s. f. anxiety, grief, sorrow
, bruachdhadh, adj. chink)', crannied. Sc. b]i]t>, bruid, s. f. a thorn ; any thing pointed ;
bnuAioArm, bruadhaim, v. to throng, to urge ** O uj neAKgn* ng oo ai*
bpuATJAjw, bruadair, s. f. a dream 5 ."
bHUAtsAjnjm, bruadairim, v. I dream , bruid, adj. sharp, keen, pointed
bjiuAj, bruaidh, s. m. a peasant bnujoe, bruide, s. a stab or thrust
bjiu4)o']j, bruaidir, see 1>}uiat>jw bpupe, bruide, s. a carrying, or bringing
bjU4jT>le*i, bruaidleann, s. f. sorrow, woe, grief , bruidheacht, s. a colony, prop, bpuj-
bjnuplea, bruaidleannach, adj. sorrowful, woful geACC
bwuAjoleAAo, bruaidleannachd, s. f. grief, sorrow bnu]oeAriA)l, bruideamliail, adj. brutish, brutal
, brucach, speckled in the face. Sh. , bruideamhlachd, s. m. brutality, beast*
bwuct, bruchd, s. m. and f. a belch ; a blast liness, gluttony
bwu, bruchd, s. m. an ejaculation b)u)en, bruidhcan, s. noise, strife
bwuw, bruchd, s. ra. froth , bruidheann, s. talk, speech. Sc,
, bruchdach, adj. belching^ )], bruuleanaim, v. I contend, dispute
, bruchdadh, s. m. eructation bj*ujT>jt>e, bruidhidhe, see bwuAjce
bnuoAt, bruchdadh,} pouring forth; going for- bHU])5)m, bruidhighim, v. I plant, colonize
!, bruchdal, J ward. Sh. bpujr>]m, bruidim, v. I enslave, torture
bpuoAim, bruchdaim, v. I belch; ejaculate; spring bujt>jn, bruidhin, s. f. a castle, fortress
up, pour forth bHurcjugAc, bruidiughadh, s. m. a besotting, bru
fcjMiojJ, bruchdoir, s. m. a belcher. 3/<CY. talizing
bjiucUf, bwchlas, s. the fluttering of birds going bpupljonrA, bruidhlionta, adj. cloyed ; satiated
to rest. Sh. b{u)neA, bruidhneach, adj. noisy; contentious
bnucs, bruchog, s. f. a chink, a cranny, an eyelet bwuyce, bruidhle, adj. bruised, beaten, oppressed
tiu5, bruchog, s. f. a leaking vessel bwupteofli, bruidhidor, s. m. a pestle
/, bruchtach, see bjuicoA bwujje, bruighe, s. m. an independent farmer keep-
bnuct-jw, bruchtoir, see b|tucojw in or an open house
bjmcH, brunir, s. a sponge t>fl]e, bruighe, s. m. land ; a farm
., brudhadh, s. a squeezing, poundmg bwujjeAt, bruigheachd, s. m. colonization ; a co
bl*uv*'o)p, brudhadoir, s. m. a pestle lony
blu4]m, brudhaim, v. I bruise, squeeze, pound bHuiseA, bruigheadh, s. a boiling, seething
, brudhaitach, s. a threadbare coat bjui^eAn, bruighcan, s. f. palace, a royal resi-
bHut>Ajf, brudhainn, s. m. warm weather dence. Heb. Birah
^, brudhainneach, adj. sultry, hot bwjsen, bruighean, \ g f ^ rreI?
bnutn, brudan, s. a salmon bw^'jn, bruighin, S "
bnuon, brudan, s. simmering 1)50, bngheamch, adj. riotous, quarrelsome
blu9e5, brudeag, s. a soliciung, or enticing bnuiim, bruighim, v. I boil, seeth
6?U BRU 6U21 SUA

tyajjn bruighin, s. f. a small fortress or castle ; a ttyut, /A, s. m. a glowing piece of metaL : anv
hillock thing red hot '
bpUjjileAco, bruighleachd, s. m. contrition bjtuc, bruth, adj. refined, pure, unalloyed, tem
bjiu],pe*, bruig/iseach, s. a womb with young. Sh. pered ; " mbpocA, . e. reaz
Ofujgre. bruighthc, part, boiled, sadden cc<oj." O' CL
bfnijlien, bmilkan, s. f- a vetch, a small pea btui*, bruthadh, see bjtu4t>
bjiujm, bruim, s. m. & a fart bjtucAojj, brutliadoir, see bjmoceojj*
s. m. common wheat grass, bpufcAjm, bruthahn, v. see bjiusAjm
ojtujmpaji, bruimfheav, f squitch grass, couch bjiuran, bruthan, s. f. chit-chat, prattle
Opujmrean, brutmscan, grass, dog's grass, quick bjucbpjogmA}i, bruthbhrioghmary adj. strong and
J grass; Triticum repens active
opujmnei, bruimneach, see bputjnac, huthinach, adj. sultry. 9/4.
Vjtujn, btuin, s. f. a large pot, a brewing-pan bjutm4p, bruthmhar, adj. strong, powerful
t>I*iijn, bruin, s. f. the womb, or belly bfmfrhAjlieAo, biuthmhaireachd, fainting throueh
}]>)5, bruindeargan, s. a robhia-redbreast heat. Sh. *^
bjiujnaoAC, bruineadach, s. m. an apron bu, h, v. was
61, bubhal, s. f. a horn ; a sounding horn
tjiuje, J matron; an old, hag buAOAl, buabhal, s. f. an apron
bu*h*l, buabhal, s. a unicorn. Sh.
bjiujne, run, an epithet applied to John the Bap , buabka, s. a cornet
tist. Seajn bfnije." P. t'UADAlAn, buabhalachan,
bpujnjn, bruinnin, s. f. the knap of cloth bn*B*ll6,l, buahhalloir, js- trumpete-
bpujntcAc bruinnteachy adj. big-bellied ; pregnant buc, buac, s. a buck or liquor prepared for bleach
bpujpeac, bmireach, s. m. a fragment. 2?. Fion. ing
bjmjr, fcii/j, s. f. small splinters of wood; branches buAC, buach, s. the brow of a. hill
of trees, underwood buAC, buac, s. a cap ; the crown of a vault. Sh.
fcpujr, bruit, s. L curtains, hangings buACAC, buachach, adj. fine, beauish
bpujt, bruith, s. flesh buACAn, buacachan, s. m. a bleacher
bjuijre, bruithe, see bpujoce bAAjl, buachail, s. m. a herdsman, keeper of cows ;
bpuje, bruithe, see bjtujjce a boy ; a servant
bpujceAC, bruitheach, adj. coctile buACAjlieAC, buachallleach, adj. having the care of
bjiii]te4t>jt, bruitheadoir, s. m. a boiler cows ; pastoral
bpujieAn, bruithean, s. a skirmish bneoAjIleAco, buachailleachd, s. m. herding of cattle
"bpujceen, bruithean, s. heat, warmth txiACAjr, buacais, s. f. the wick of a candle
bpujfym, bruithim, v. I boil ; bake buAcajp, buacais, s. f. confusion. Heb. Buch, to
bpujtjn, bruitin, s. f. the measles be confused
bjni]cjneAC, bruitineach, s. ra. one having the mea biiAAim, buachalan, see
sles ; the measles buACAft, buacar, s. cow-dung
t)|tujr)neai, briutineach, adj. measled, measly buAiAjtn, buacharan, s. . dried cow-dung used by
bjiujfne, bruilhne, s. m. a refiner of metals the poorer sort of country people for fuel
bpujtneAC, bruithneach, adj. hot; glowing as in a buAti, buadh, s. food, a bait
furnace buAt>4, baadha, adj. having virtues or good qualities
bjtujcnejp, bruithneior, s. m. see bflujne. . g. , j, ~\ adj. estimable, valuable, preci-
bjmllrgeAnr.A, brusgeantach, adj. impetuous , LA, -i^buAA, jewels
b}m, rw, s. . a DUAoni-, t y Duat>a, precious stones
bfum)m, brumaim, v. I vaunt backwards- buAA, buadhach, adj. victorious
b|ium<nte, brumaire, s. m. a pedant buAA, buadhach, s. tribute. Sh.
bjun, brun, s. a firebrand buAACAr, buadhachas, s. victory, triumph
bjtuor, bruos, v. he loves ; ** bjmor, i.e. re-pcAr." buAAjje, uadJiaighe, part, gained, won
Cor. buAAiJte, buadhavre, s. a conqueror. Sk.
bjtur, brus, s. m. small branches of trees bUAt)A]lt, buadhairt, s. f. trouble
} brusam, to browse. Sh. bUAA, buadhall, adj. triumphant; all-conquering
bpurcuj, bruscar, s. f. baggage, broken ware bu4t>A]b> buadharg, s. m. a victorious heroe
bfurS4l*> brusgar, s. f. the mob buAtJApuc, buadharghuth, s. m. the voice of tri
t)jtuc, <4, s. m. hair of the head umph ; the shout of victory
bpur, s. m heat, warmth ^, buadharghuth, s. a yell, a cry of pain
tyuif, bruth, s. . strength, power bu4*l*** buadhartha, adj. troubled, grieved
fcput, huth, s. m. rage, fury >1, buadhalachd, s. m. success, prosperity
bu.A**r> buadhas, see buAtMCAp
6U21 BUA 61 BUA

Ju4e*U, biutdhhful, . & timbrel ; a trumpet bu4)f)c, buaific, s. f. an antidote

ouup, hiadkfadh, threatning Ou4)Fph]*rr, buaifphiast, see -
ou4Dfodrt, buadhfhoclach, adj. triumphant in words. bu4)5, buaig "1 s. f. a cup, a chalice.
Jieat. bu4j5ne4c, bua,gneach, J Cor.
kuagur, buadhghuth, s. shouting of victory ; cla 0U4]l, buail, s. a step ; a degree
morous ^ ' ttiAjle, buaile, s. a fold
u*iUjn, biiadhlain, s. a judge; judgment buAjleA, buaihadh, s. striking, threshing
}!, buadhmhar, adj. victorious, triumphant bUAiIgl*]-, buailghlas, s. a ml-pond ; prop. 1-
ou4t>n*r, buadhnas, s. a threat, o. . 5'*r
"u*^*|'*c, buadhnasach, adj. threatning. o.g. buAjlj, buaiM, s. an ox-stall ; cow-house : dai-
uoaj^jm, buadhuighim, v. conquer ; triumph buAjljw, buai/idb,)
t)u*e, buae, s. a foundation, Settlement biujljle, buailile, s. a mower, a reaper. O'i?.
bu*F, ^/; g. f. a toad buAjllrte, buaillite, s, water-lilly. $7.
t>u*r4, buafa, s. f. a serpent buAjljm, buailim, v. I strike, thresh, beat
toup, buafach, adj. poisonous, virulent bu4jlr, s. a locker, a niche. Sk.
"buApj^s buufi'dh, s. f. poison buAjlce, btiailte, adj. beaten, threshed
, bm/adh, adj. threatning, menacing bu4jlre4c, buailteach, adj. that striketh, liable. Sh.
, buafan, s. f. a young toad bu4jlte4C, buailteaeh, s. a dairy-houee
.144, buafanan,
bin, buafanan I s* muw>rt, Arte"
. 4)104, buailteachan, s. a"flying camp. Sh.
t)U4pnn bmfanan liathj mis,a ^'S8"8 bU4jltj]t, buai/toir, s. m. a thresher
BuAjIten, buaHtean,\s- \.^\^ ?f flail
biwpAnin buje, buafanan buidhe, s. corn marigold; buAjkjn, buailtm, j C "
goldins. hyrysanthemum segetum
brf4Fnin heargApin, buafanan na heasgaran, s. bhu4)m, bhuaim, pron. from me. Used frequently
groundsel; also, ragweed; St. James' wort Se for U4jm by M'Partholain
necio Jacobcea. bu4jn, buain, s. f. cutting, reaping, shearing
, buafarc, s. f. a viper bu4jn, buain, s. f. comparison ; equality
bu4r*4jjt,, s. an adder bu4)n, buain, s. f. deprivation
fcuArphiApr, buafphiast, s. f. a serpent buajncjnceacr, buaincinleacht, s. constant care or
t>u*5, buag, s. i. a quality, attribute attendance. (.
buA, Mjg, s. f. a spigot, a plug buAjne, buaine, compar. of , lasting ; " jp
buAjAjpe, buagaire, s. f. a tap or faucet bu4)ne ni fdoj*!."
t>U454]ft40i, buagairim, v. to tap. SA. buAjne, buaine, s. f. perpetuity, continuance
t>u4jB, biutibh, s. f. a cow. For. foe. bu*)nj5jm, baalnighim, v. I perpetuate, prolong
t)U4)bte, bmibthe, s. a threat buAjnjm, buainim, v. I cut, reap, mow ; loose, untie,
t)U4C, 6<<:, s. f. a pinnacle; the wick of a candle agbuAn a Ditg." ' .
t)U4)o, buaichd, s. the wick of a candle. Sr. buAinfeApA, buainsheasadh, s. perseverance
t)U4]ce, buaice, s. f. a wave buAjnfeArArh, buainshtasamh, \adj. persevering,
fcu4)ce46, buaieeach, adj. giddy buAjnfeArrriAC, buainsheasmhac, f steady, constant,
t)UAcjn, buacin, s. f. a lappet ; a veil buAjnre, buamte, adj. cut, mown, reaped; deceipt
tjuajqnjm, bitaicinlm, v. I blindfold buAjnceo)), buainteoirr s. a mower, reaper
, buaidJi. s. f. victory, conquest buA)jeAt>, buaireadh, s. m. trouble, vexation, temp
t*]t> buaidh, s f. excellence, qi-alification, attri
bute, virtue, power bu)peAT>)}b buaireadoir, s. m. a troublesome per
1>)40, buaidheadih, s. f. vexation, affliction son ; a tempter
t>n4]t>e4n, bwiidhean, s. f. a crowd, a multitude buA]]ieAf, buaircas, s. f. conclamation, confusion
a, buaklkeartha, adj. troubled, vexed )16, buaireasach, adj. noisy, v.exatious, tur-
410410]1, buaidhearthoir. s. m. a disturber bulent, tumultuous
t)U4i-5<*]11> buaidh-gfiair, s. a shout of triumph buAjltim, bvatrim, v. I , aggrieve, trouble
buft)jm, buaidhim, v. I conquer, overcome, pre- me, buairt, s. f. hardship, affliction
buAjpre, buairie, adj. distracted, tempted, -
*1* bmidhirt, s. f. trouble, affliction
bu4,'-,l'*> bunidh-larach, s. a complete victory founded
buAl, bual, s. m. water. Cor.
buAVneA*, bmtdhreadhy s. m. vexation, molestation, bu a1, bual, s. physic. ,
disturbance, trouble ; temptation buAlA 5, cAn#> balm cricket. Si.
bu4lt>t*e4T>0Jb bwi'dhreadoir, s. a disturber; bu4l4t, bualadh, s. m. a remedy, cure
buAlAt), tte/e^'> s-chastisement, beating, thresh-
*\"\, foioidhrim, v. I vex, disturb, molest
bn.-^it,buaiacht aA]- angry, fretting ; vexatieus l"S bUAlAOOJJI,

tiuUojj, bualadob', s. m. a beater, a threshec , buban, s. f. justice. e. g.

toiiftUjn?, , v. I strike, beat, thresh bubtAt, bubtadh, s. a threat, threalning
bualajnle, Imdainle, s. a sea-lark ; a wag-tail bue, bue, s. cover of a book, bulk. Sh.
11, bualchomhla, s. a mill-dam ; a sluice bucAmUi), bucamhlachd, s. bulkiness
biial](Ac, buakhrannach, s. m. a float or raft bncarhuri, bucamhuil, adj. bulky
t)UrtlUr, bualghlas, s. a mill-pond 1, bcla, s. a buckle ; vulg.
, buatiachd, s. a drove of cows. Sh. bucbjjjm, budaighim, v. I buckle
-, bualthach, , t)uc5, b'.trog, s. f. a bandage
oiiAlrpAC, Urach,
i .. L J> s. m. cow -dung b buepum, bucrum, s. buckram
0), buamasdoir, s. m. a blockhead ; an butupi, buchthulnn, adj. melodious. Sc. po.
inconsiderate person but, j//, s. the world, the universe. Wei. Byd.
, buan, s. f. a nurse \)U, s. . life, being, existence ; " i. e. b|oc
, buan, adj. good, harmonious nor>5Al." O'Cl.
, adj. fasting, durable, continual but>, budh, adj. cunning, wise, intelligent, skilful
, , "Is. a mower, reaper ; a hewer butroin, budlidhein, written in od MSS. for jjn
, buantidhe, ) of wood buj, ovgA, s. some kind of herb or plant of a blue
, buana, s. m. a billeted soldier or green colour ; " bug, i. e. luB 50pm n jIat
, buanack, adj. beneficial pip ApATfiAjlceAp rujie bjor 50pm no 5IA]-." O'Cc.
t)uArt<*T>, buanachadh, s. continuation, persever " \<] ron bu4, jr a t bpoj *
ance, continuance ." 'i>\
, buanacht, s. m. subsidy ; quartering of sol bu5, &wrA, s. f. a breach, a rout ; prop, buje
diers ; living on free quarters buA, bugha, s. fear ; a leek. Sh.
, buanacht, \ s. m. perpetuity, duration, bu?;* bugan, s. f. an egg laid before its time, not
, buanas, J perseverance bugog, bugog, ] baving a shell ; an embryo erg
)5, bumigham, v. to last. SA. biiSr, bugsa, s. f. a box ; the box tree
, buanand, s. f. a good mother. Cor. buibjolln, buibiollan, s. m. a coxcomb
, buanchuimhve, s. a chronicle buj, buich, s. f. a breach, a rout
, buandhlus, s. a theme b"jc, buk, plur. and gen. of boc
t)i4vnmAj]ieAeu]n, buanmhaireachduin, s. persever b"jcA)n, bmcain, a pimple. Sh.
ance. M'Don. . bujeAt), buicead, s. f. a bucket
, buonnachd, s. profit, gain bujcAt), buicead, s. f. a knob or boss
tjuAACOAmu]l, buannachdamhuil, adj. profitable bujejn, buic'm, s. a young buck ; a roe
biiAnfeArAjm, buansheasaim, v. I persevere bu)cljp, buideir, s. f. a buckler
tjuAnrfeApArb, buanlseasamh, s. m. perseverance. bujts buidh, "I adj. grateful, thankful j eon-
Keat. bujeA, buidheach, j tent, satisfied
t)u<vnrf , buantseasmhach, adj. persvrant, bujee, buidhe, s. f. thanks
constant, resolute. Keat. buje, buidhe, s. f. a breach
^-, buanughadh, s. constancy, steadiness b"jt>e, buidhe, s. f. piety. Donl.
*> buar, s. cattle of the cow kind; " %J bje, buidhe, adj. yellow
lujnrinpn clojiin "ieg ^ no or- bjt>e, buidhe, adj. benign, familiar
je*Tv coiiA mbuAi jiia noAingnrqb." 4 Mast. b'-ijceA, buidheach, s. f. the jaundice
1457. bupe*c*rt, buidhcacan, s. f. the yolke of an egg
, buarach, s. a spancel or fetter for cows bujfeACAr, buidheachas, s. thanks, gratitude
*, buarach, s. early morning ; ", i.e. b"je-onA)U, buidhe-chonadl, s. a plague that raged
bo , i. c. portAo, i. e. bo epje, i. e. in Ireland in the year 665. " Fuajp t>jApmojt>
mo," Cor. pu*n4)5'| bpo'n phl)j nsojpteAp
1)1>-4-), buarach-na-baoithe, s. -a lamprey ]!], AccAlAtpujm." Keat.
biiAf, bas, s. f. a trade, art, science bujceAcr, buidhcac/it, s. thankfulness, gratitude ;
, bas, s. f. the belly < piety; yellowness
, huas, s. f. a breach, rout , buidheacht, s. benignity
{, bas, adj. abounding in cattle. PI. ^, hlidhead, s. yellowness. Sh.
VuAfft, buasach, s. m. a man that has many cows ; 5 biiACfljpe, buidhcag bhuacaire, s. a yellow
m . t. pep 1] Anibjt ." Cor. hammer
buasarea, s. the diaphragm. SA. bupe-0!1' buidhc-mor, s. wild woad, dyer's weed,
, buathack, adj. great, mighty yellow weed ; Reseda tutela
buA*t>, bunthadh, s. willingness, extravagance '--)5, buidhe-ua-ningean, s. spurge ;
], foflfa, s. a boot Tithymallus
, bubhuch, adj. sly, crafty , buldhean, s. a troop, compati)-, crowd,
buhivn, i<w> s. m. a coxcomb multitude
UJ 8 6Ul BUL

^, buidheenatk,- adj. armmbti, agminal ^"ajn, huingin, s. a purchase, attainment, avail,

u)t>e*n-u)5e, bttidhcan-vighe, see behoof
peos, see ]*5 bujne, s. common sanicle ; Sancula biuro-
uJojn, fcedwi, s. a prickle. SA, poea
wijToj, buidinn, s. gain, advantfige. Sc. buje, bulnne, s. f. an lilcer
0!')5}, buidhnteacht, cooing like a dove bujne, buimie, s. f. a tap, spiggot, spout
PuJo|e, buidhre, s. deafn ess bujne, buinnt, s. f. a wave ; a stream ; a rapid river
]0|"-)0, buidsheatsidhe, s. mustaches bujne, buine, s. f. the set oil' in basket-making; the
buj5-DU|e, /*. ', "| bulirushcs; pi nr. ofbo;- thick welt or border in finishing any wicker work
bujgneac, buigneach, J oujrte bujne, buinue, Is. f. a branch, twig, dappling,
bu)5e, buige, s. f. softness, effeminacy bujrieos, buinneog,] sprout; a plant
bujge, <#s, compar. of bog, soft bujnea, buinneach, s. m. & f. the lax, a flux, looseness
bujerr, buinneatnh, s. effusion
bujen, buinnean, s. f. a shoot, a young twig or
^u)brin> buigsin, s. f. a little box brandi ; dim, of bii)e
bujl, bull, s. fruits, effects. SA. bujen-lena, buiniiean-leana, s. a bittern
bujle, s. f. an evil design, o. g. bujfijge, buinnighe, adj. troubled with
baile, builc, i , . . . bujjjte, buinnire, s. m a footman ; a_post-boy ; prop]
bu,ler., buileadh,]5' f" madness, rage, despa.r
bujleAcao, buileachadh, s. frugality. Sh. bujnrgjo, btnsgionn, adj. awry, wrong, irregular;
fcujlegojfi, buileaghthoir, one who cultivates or topsy-turvy ; prop, bun cjoi
improves bumre, buhlte, concern, concernment
bujletrh*jl, buileamkiiil, adj. mad, furious , buinteach, see bujjje
bujlein, builean, a small loaf bujnrjn, buintin, s. touching, belonging, relating,
bujlj, builg, s. f. bellows relation
bujlg, builg, s. f. a distemper amongst cattle buipbajn, bmrbjn, s. a cancer. Sh.
bujlg, builg, s. seeds of herbs. Sh. , buirbaineach, adj. cancerous
bujrgeAt), builgcadh, s. inflation, blistering bnjpbajnjsjui, buirbainigim, to cancrate. Sh,
bujlgen, builgean, 1 s. f. a blister, a bubble, pimple, bujjtbe, buirbe, s. wrath, anger, severity, fierceness,
buil^n, builgein, J vesicle harshness, ferocity, bloatednesss
t>uj5]m, builgim, v. I blister bujjtbe, buiibe, compar. of bo|ib
bujlgjiiac, builginach, adj. full of husks r blisters bujirejrt;**, buirdeiscach, s. m. a burgess, a free<-
bujlgltf, buiigleas, s. f. a blister; compound of man ; prop, bjtjsejr
bujlg 7 ler bujpeft, buiread, s. roaring, bellowing
bujlglAfAC, builglcasach, adj. spotted, blistered ; bujpeet, buireadh, s. gore, pus.
pock-marked bu)i*e*ftc, buireadliach, adj. warlike, prop. -
bujlj, builidh, s. death. For. Foe. , see bopjiA*c
bujljn, budin, s. f. a loaf HF^,m>/W!)| Vi j beHow
buiI||m, buUighhn, v. I improve, cultivate bujpeerAim, buiteasaim, )
bu)lm*c, builinach, s. a baker. Sh. bu]ffe, buhfeach, s. an ootc^-, bellowing
tJujlju^At), budiughadh, s. cultivation, improvement bu)l5]reA, bmrgaseach, s. m. see bujpccjre*';
t>U)1l, bud!, s. a mallet, mall bujppe, buiridhe, . a hoe ; a mattock. Sh.
bujlle, budle, s. m. and f. a blow, a stroke bujpljn, buirling, s. a sort of boat. Sh,
bujllea, builleach, adj. that gives blows bujitt, ir/, s. f. a jibe, taunt
bu]lleacr, bwlkachas, s. striking buire*!, buiscal, s. a bushel
bujllrgjn, builhgein, s. f. the centre, middle buircjn, buiscin, s. thigh armour. M.
bujlJrgjn, builsge'm, s. f. the midriff bnir&')n'"'^"' s' f' a uauacnor buttock
bujmbjol, buimbiol, s. f. a gimlet birre, buiste, s. f. a pouch, scrip, satchel
bujme, blme, s. f. a nurse, a mother 4 burcj, bustoir, s. m. a butcher
fcujmlcAp, buimlear, s. a stupid fellow. Sc. bu re, buite, s.f. fire ; a fire-brand
bujmpjr, buimpis, s. f. a pump; the sole f a sIoe , buiteahu h, s. a large fire. O'Pl.
burn*m, buinam, v. to touch, meddle, to belong, to bu ce*Ut>, _Tj buitadudh,
V - adj.
fierce .
take. Sh. buitleir, s. ni, a butlor
bujn'iof, buhuhios, s. f. a pension 14^, butlmreaeia, s. m. tiicoihceof
tl a butler
bumc')or-Ale, buinchiosaidhe, s. m. a pensioner bmrre,"/^, s. an icicle, Sh. i//
buuvreoin, buittfeoir, s. orts. S. burreA^W^^s.m.awitch
' 1 . . ) v. I arrive, attach, avail, earn buitreA^, bmUeacM, 1~s. m. witch-craft, - sorce-
bum^jm, buingnn, I benefit, profit, purchase,
burn^m, bumgmm, J w cunciiiate. Sh. bu creA*r , *y . . 1 :
bul, , s. m mod, maimer, fashion
X ' ' bul,

bul, s. m. a sand-bank or heap of sand on the bupAp, bunnudhas, s. m. authority ; see

coast , bunnudhasach, adj. see
1, bulan, s. a bullock, a steer bunpA, bunsachAs. a rod, twig, ozier; plur.
Jul*p, bulas, s. a pot-hook onupg, bunseg, J bnj-AA
Dulg, tu/g, s. a bulge. Sc. buncACA, buntata, s. a potatoe. Sc.
~uj5*c> bulgach, adj. prominent, bulgy. Sc. buncoifiAr, buntomhas, s. a well-founded opinion
ouljrr(,1)j bulistair, s. a bullace, a sloe burttop, buntop, adj. hasty, sudden
bulb, /, s. a bowl bujt, bur, 1
bulU, infla, s. an edict ; Pope's bull fchujt, bhur, J Pron-
bulU, bullach, s. the fish called Connor bup, r, s, a swelling, anger
bulg, /log, s. a bullock bup, /, adj. wrathful, angry; t. e. jreApgAc. o.g.
bnlg, s. a loaf. ir. , burach, s. a file of soldiers. Sh.
bulop, m/o, a prune. Sh. , burach, s. m. great valour; military feats,
bltA, /t, s. a colt ; vulg. exploits ; bupA tjij ipejnoeAB, ;'. e. boftpig
bum, s. the firmament ; an instrument rjpj ifejeA, no hoc." O'CV.
bun, bm, s. m. a root, stock, stump, bottom bujtA, burach, s. m. a swelling, a sore
bun, bun, keeping, taking care of bupa, burach, s. digging. -SV.
, bunabhas, s. an element bujiAjm, v. to fret, make sore. Sh.
, bunabhasach, adj. elemental, elementary , buramaid, s. wormwood. Sh.
, bunach, s. tow , buibun, s. m. wormwood. Mull.
, bunach, adj. clumsy bujo*n, burdan, s. a gibe, a sing-song. Sh.
bmwcAjt, bunachar, s. m. foundation, see bun*t>4p bujtg, burg, s. m. a village
bunt>, bunadh, s. m. origin, stock bnp5*)je, burgaire, s. m. a burgess, a citizen
, bunadhas, s. m. foundation, radix, origin, buj*jcAjn*c, buricaidach, s. a big fellow. SA.
principle, source, etymology, nature bujine, bume, s. water. -.
, bunadhas, s. m. authority bujtp, burr, see bojtp
, bunadhas, s. m. substance. Donl. bujip, burr, |s. m. a clown, a boor, a chuff,
, bunadhusach, adj. radical, fundamental, buil*|, burraidh, J a blockhead
cardinal, cliief, authentic bujt]tA)r, burrais, s. a caterpillar
bunajlt, bunaill, s. a fundamental article ; bunajlc buppArhujI, burramhuil, adj. surly, boorish, clownisli,
en cpepirh. Donl. chuffy, sulky
bnnAjlte, bunailtc, 1 adj. steady, fixed, atten- buj)tAl, burral, s. loud lamentation ; a roar of grief
]1;, bunailteach, J tive bupjulAc, burralach, adj. obstreperous in grief
bunAjpe, bunaire, s. a client. SA. bupujmr, bururus, s. warbling, purling of water
btmjt, bunait, s. f. a foundation, dwelling, habita- bhur, bhus, a sign of the comparative degree, and
tion has always nj before it, as nj Bur Ajp^e, higher
bunjteA, bunaiteach, adj. fundamental, principal bhup, bhus, v. shall be; " nj h ojjjte opt."
bun)tJ5)m, bunaitighim, v. 1 found, bottom, esta bhup, bhus, on this side ; " t<oB t>on ."
blish bup, bus, s. a mouth, a lip, a snout ; prop, pup
bunjtjm, bunaitim, v. to profess, inherit. SA. , busadh, adj. sulky, snouty; blubber-liped
, bunbhean, \ s. an old woman, an old bupcAjTs, busc.aid, s. a commotion. Sh.
bunAjlleA, bunchailleach, ) hag bupb*t>, busgadh, s. coiffure ; head-dress.. Sh.
buujall, bunchiall, s f. a moral bup5Ajm, busgaim, v. I stop, hinder
buncjop_, buncios, s. f. chief rent foupgAm, busgam, v. to dress. SA.
bnncjp, bunchuis,s. a first cause bupjoll, busiall, s. a muzzle. Sh.
l)unon, bundun, s. m. the fundament Ijupg, bussg, s. a kiss
t)unnn, bundun, s. m. a simple or silly person ; a foui, buth, s. a shop, tent. S'A. prop* bot
coxcomb. brA, buta, s. a boot ; a short ridge, a tun. Sh.
fcunon, bundun, s. m. a blunder fctA, butadh, s. boot, profit, gain ; adjunct
, bundunach, adj. silly, vain ; awkward, un butAjpe, buthaire, s. a chapman
gainly, blundering, bungling bucAip, te*, s- aboot ,
p. *t, bun/hath, s. absolute cause but a!, buthal, s. a pot-hook. SA.
bunlut), bunluchd, s. m. aborigines fcuAl lini> Afl /, s. fulcrum of an oar. Sh.
tounmAjr, bunmhais, s. the buttock t)UcAmu]C, buthamuic, s. common hyacinth; hare-
bu, bunn, s. work
bun, bunnan, s. m. a bittern bucs! ^> s- f- a thowl i see *1 "
bur, hunnos, s. f an old custom
bural, bunnsaidh, adj. strong, firm, solid REMARKS
bucjr bunntais, s. perquisites

This letter obtains the third place in the modern Irish Alphabet; as it does in the Latin, and other European Alpha-
bets. Our Grammarians distinguish it by the name of CM, which is the hazel-tree in Irish, Lat. Corylus, and so
every other letter of the Irish Alphabet is called by the name of some particular tree of the natural growth of the
country : for which reason the old Irish called their letters and writings Feudha, i. e. woods ; and so did the old
Romans call their literary compositions by the nam* of Sj/ha, when they wrote on leaves of trees, and tables of
wood * The Danes also called their Runics by the name of Bogstave, for the same reason and in the saiae sense. Vid.
Olaus Wormius de liter. Run. page 67. The, Irish or Coll, is ranked by our Grammarians among those consonants
they call bog-chonsoineadha, soft consonants: though it is to be noted that this letter invariably preserves a strong
sound, wheiever it stands in its simple and unaspirated state, whether in the beginning, middle, or end of a word:
so that of its own nature, it always carries the force of the Greek Kappa, or the English K, but when it is aspirated
by an h, subjoined to it, or a full point set over it, instead of the h, it then carries the soft, guttural or whistling
sound of the Greek Chi, or the Spanish X. >
Our Irish copyists have frequently substituted the letter G in the place of C; which substitution is indeed the more
natural, as they both may be regarded as letters of the same organ ; and yet this exchange was not always free from
abuse as it sometimes carried away the Irish words from their affinity with other languages, especially the Latin.
Thus, for Cabhar, Lat. Capra, a goat, they wrote Gabhar; for Camul, Lat. Camelas, a Camel, and metaphorically, a
simpleton, they wrote Gamut; for Deie, or Dac, Lat. Decern, they wrote Dag; for con orco, Lat. cum or , they
write gon, or go; for con a mbrSithribk, Lat. cumfratribus, they write gon a mbraithribh; for ngallaibh, i.e. con
gallaibh, Lat. cum Gallis, they write go n'gallaibh, &c. And, vice versa, our Grammarians have as frequently
substituted in the place of G, esteeming these two letters naturally conmutable with each other, like D and T, as
indeed they always were in most of the ancient languages. But it is particularly to be observed, that although the
letters and G usurp each other's places ; yet in the Irish language they never exchange sound or power, each
invariably preserving its own natural power and pronunciation wherever it appears. For is always a Kappa or ;
and G is as constantly a strong unguttural Gamma, excepting the case of their being aspirated by the immediate
subjoining of an h. This property seems peculiar to the Irish or Celtic amongst the old languages, since we see in
the oldes? draughts of the Hebrew and Greek letters, that the Gimel of the former and the Ganuna of the latter are
marked down, as having the force and pronunciation of either G or indifferently; which is likewise the case in
the Armenian, Ethiopian, and Coptic alphabets, as appears by the tables of Doctors Bernard and Morton. Thus
likewise do all the other letters of the Irish alphabet constantly preserve their respective force and power, without
usurping one another's pronunciation or function, as it happens in other languages ; in which often usurps that
of S, as in the Latin word Cicero, as does likewise T when immediately followed by the vowel i, and then by another
, vowel, as in the words Titius, Mauritius, usurpado, &c. So that if Lucan had to deal only with the Irish alphabet,
he would have had no room for the humorous quarrell and lawsuit he raised between the consonants of his
alphabet, for encroaching on one another, as those of most other alphabets frequently do, by usurping one anothers
function of sound and pronunciation. And this circumstance regarding the Irish alphabet is the more remarkable,
as its whole and primitive stock of letters, is but sixteen in number, the same as that of the first Roman, or Latin
alphabet, brought by Evandcr the Arcadian, which was the original Cadmean r Phenician set of letters -
municated to the Greeks. And yet our sixteen letters of the primitive Irish alphabet were sufficient for all the
essential purposes of language, everyone preserving its own sound or power, without usurping that of any other
letter. As to the h, it is only an aspirate in the Irish language, and never entered as a natural element into the
frame of any word; though, indeed, of late ages, it seems to have put on the appearence and function of a
letter, when used as a prefix to a word, that begins with a vowel, which happens only in words referred to females
or the feminine gender ; for in Irish we say ; a idhe, his face ; but as to the face of a woman, we must say ; a huiihe ;
in which tha h is a strong aspirate and carries such a force as it does in the Latin, heri, liodie ; the Greek, Itagios,
Heracleos, the French, hero, the English, host, &c. And as to the P, we shall in our remarks on that letter, alledge
some reasons which may seem to evince, that it did not originally belong to the Irish alphabet.
One remark more remains to be made on the letter C, which relates to the aspirate or guttural sound, (the same as in the
Greek cht) it is susceptible of at the beginning of a word ; a remark, which is equally applicable t-,tlw letter B, and
partly to other consonants of the Irish alphabet. In all the nominal words or nouns substantive of whatever gender
beginning with C, and bearing a possessive reference to persons, or things of the masculine gender, the letter C, is
aspirated ; but not so when they are referred to the feminine. Ex. a cheenn (masc.) his head ; a chos, his foot ;
(fem.) her head, a cos, her foot. So likewise in B, a bhuachail (masc.) his servant man ; a bheaa-sctdbha, (fem.)
his servant maid, a Bachail, her man servant, a bean scldbha her woman servant. But when those words, or any
other nominis, are taken absolutely, without reference to any thing, those of the feminine gender alone, are
aspirated in their initial letter, whether or B. Ex. an chos, the foot; an bhean-sclabha, the woman servant, an
Buachad, the man servant. So that this prefixing of the particle an before nouns substantue, is one method of
discovering their gender. But it does not hold good with regard to nouns beginning ith D or T.
Tid. JEneid. I. 6. Gellius 1. u.c. io. clan Gramimt. Cictio dc 1. 3 .Qj'ntiliao. 1. io. 3.

, ,
C216 a aie

, , stands for , the first, or for cae, a hun Cabaj, cabar, s. a lath. Sh.
dred C<*baji, cabar, s. m. a deer's horn, antler
Ca, ca, is an interrogative particle, and has various Cafta , cabhar, s. m. a goat
significations; as, how, what, where, when, Cafta, cubhar, s. m. a hawk ; any old bird
whence ; ci hajwoe ? c cujne ? ci pacaj t ? Cabawa, cabhara, s. a buckler, shield, defence
e huajw ? c hap ? Cabawfa, ccbaitha, adj. united, joined
Cha, cha, is a negative particle, the same as nj, Cafta nia, cabhartha, \ adj. helpful, assisting, con>
ch*V*jl, for nj jjujl CaBahfac, cabharthach, J fortabie
Ca, , . Caftaptapoe, cabhartaidhc, \ s m. an assistant, help-
.,, ca/,)s-ahouse Cafta)if)W, cabharthoir, J er, comforter
Caab, caab, s. concord in singing. Sh. Cabapran, a.basdan, s. to. a kind of curb fora horse
Cab, ceA, s. m. a mouth Cabla, cabla, s. m. a cable, chain. Heb. chable,
Cah, cab, s. a head, a gap chabalim
Cba, caba, s. a cap or hood, covering for the Caftla, cabhlach, s. m. see caftalac
head, a cloak or robe Caftla, cabhlach,\ .
Coftla, cabhlach, ) s- a fleet
Caba, cabachy adj. babbling, talkative
Cba, cabach, adj. tooddess, full of gaps, indented Caftla, cabhlach, adj. marine
Caba, caback, s. m. a ho. tage ; " t>'jr )lleax>ji cf Caftlaan, cabhluchan, s. m. a mariner <
anajp gan cajn an cabac." Caftlaw, cabhlachda, adj. naval
Caba, cabadh, s. breaking of land. JA. Caftlu^e, cabhluighe, s. ship tackle
Caba, cabadh, s. indentation, indenting Cabtj, cabog, s. f. a toothless woman
('aba rea pant, caba deasain, s. field or corn scabi Cabg, i'iibog, s. {. a prater
ous ; Scabiosa arvensis Caljo, cdblwg, s. f. a jack-daw
Cabaj, cabag, s. a cheese. Jr. Caftg, cabhog, s. f. apilli.ry
Cabala, cabala, s. a quean, drab, strumpet Cafts, cabhog, s. f. plundering, ransacking
Cabajlc, cahalc, s. a fleet, navy Caftg, cabhog, s. f. a great hurry, haste
]}, cabhair, s. f. support, help, succour Caftgad, cabhogach, adj. hasty, speedy, quick
Cabajpc, cabaire, s. m. a babbler, a prater Cabjta, cabra, s. a sepulchre
Caftajne, cabhaire, s. m. a supporter, assistant Caftna, cabhra, see caftajp, succour
C*ba)ieat>, cabaireachd, "1 s. m. and f. prating, bab- Cabwa, cabruch, adj. branchy, branching
Cabajpeaco, cabaiseachd, J bling Caftwa, cabhrach, s. m. an assistant, auxiliary, aider,
Caftajpjm, cabhairim, v. I help, aid abetter
Cabajp, cabais, s. f. babble, prate, chat Caftpa, cabhrach, acj. auxiliary, helpful
Cabajrjm, cbah'nn, v. 1 babble, prate Cabjtar, cabradh, s. a coupling or joining
Cabajprc, cabaifte, s. cabbage CaBwajjvm, cabhraighim, v. I help, aid, assist, suc
Caftal, cabhal, s the body of a shirt ; the unfinished cour ; also to conspire. PL
walls of a house Cabwa^m, cabrann, v. 1 join, unite, bind, tie
Cabal, cabal, s. a sl ip Cabnjr, cabrais, s. corn spurrey ; Spergula arvensis
Caftai, labhal, s. a chaldron, a large pan ; . c. cojpe. Cafir<41b cubhsair, s. f. a causeway, pavement. Sc.
o. g. Caftrainjce, cabhsairiche, s. a paver. Sc.
Cabal, cabal, s. m. a cable Cabun, cabun, s. m. a capon
Cabalac, cubalach, s, m. a tribute, rent. o.g. Cbn, cabun, s. m. a mean despicable fellow
Cabairi, cubam, v. to' indent, break land ; to catch. C<*c, cac, s. animal excrement
SA. Cac, cac, s. evil. Dor,
Cabn, caban, s. m. a cabin, booth, tent. Welsh, Cc, each, adj. all, every, each
Gabn Ca, each, s. the rest, the whole ; cac, signifies the
generality, and the universality of men ; " lingpe
Cabn, m. a caport
Cabun, cab-m, ) r eat a]H a lowg, the rest will pursue 011 his track.'"
Caftn, cabhan, s. m. a hollow plain ; afield ; " njon " 'carh |> Irngpeao ca, Adam from wIiob they
y)5 fe no caftan, bj no glei gan rjuftajl." are all [mankind] descended."
Be. P. Caca, caca, > a cake
Caftan aftam cabhan akhain, e. yellow water lily ; Cacae, cacadf, J
Nymphaa iu'ea. Cacac, cacach, adj. dirty, filthy
Caftanpad, cabkanshall, s. a prop or beam of a Caca, cacadh, s. a yawl
house Cacajm, cacaim, v. I go to stool
Cabanupe. cabanuidhe, s. m. a cottger Cacajm, cacaim, v. to idle. Sh.
Cabul, cubar, s. m. a conjunction, union, confe Caajn, cachai, v. they perfected, brought about ;
deracy " cacajn, no cacam, /. . )5. . g.
Cabajt, cabar, s. m. a joint Caajn, cachain, they sung
C3L3 CAD 71)

0, cachaad, day-break. Sh. CabIujB, cadhluibh, s. the herb cudwort

, cachein, y. stop, attend, listen; /'. e. cojrcjs. , cadhmus, s. haughtiness
rio ejrejs. o.g. C*nAjce, cadhnaice, s. possession. Sh.
CacIa, cacA, s. a gate. Sh. ], cadnakam, to possess. Sh.
CaciiAjm, caihnaim, v. I finish, effect, lo , cadhnama, adj. equal, alike
pass , cado, s. a blanket. Sh.
, cacradh, s. cacophony , cadran, s. contention
, ctfrAf, s. a maid servant, a bond woman , cadransa, "I adj. stubborn, obstinate, con-
Cace, cer^Y, s. a fast, tasting , cadranta,} tentious
, cdcht, s. confinement, streightness, distress , cue, s. a feast, a banquet
Cace, cacht, s. a streigbt, a narrow place ; bonds, , cae, s. a hedge
fetters , caech, adj. blind
Caer, cacht, s. the world )5], caee'dighis, s. a fortnight. 4 Mast. 146G.
, cachi, s. the body , cacmh, . a feast
, cacht, s. a shout , caernk, s. love desire ; Heb. cama, to love
Cac, cacht, adj. common, general; cacc, ge desire
nerally , cacmh, adj. fine, ban
Cttr,*, cachta, s. hunger , caer, s. f. fire-brand
CaccattiujI, cachtamhud, adj. servile , caer, s. f. a berry
Cab, cad, an interrogative particle ; cao w> pje t ? , caer, s. f. sheep
Cao, C/, s. a friend , cajradh, see cJiuvc
At), tW/, adj. high, holy c*5, cag, seecAbog
, cadhachy s. m. friendship ; alliance Cajajb, cagaulh, s. strangeness
, cadachas, s. attonement ^, cagaidh, adj. lawful, just
Cabab, cadad, s. an eclipsis or suppression of a let CAgAjlc, cagailt, s. f. profit, advantage
ter ; see grammar Ca^ajIc, cagailt, s. frugality, sparing
C*OAjm, cadaim, v. to fall, to chance, to happen Ca0aI, cagal, s. the herb cockle
CaoaI, cada!, s. delay, sleep. Sh. C*5AAjm, cagalaim, v. I spare
CabaI, cadhal, s. a bason CaaIcac, cagaltach, adj, frugal, sparing
CabaI, cadhal, s. a skin, a hide , caganta, part, chewed
CabaI, cadhal, s. colewort, kail , cagar, s. a whisper, a secret
CaoaI, cadhal, adj. fair, beautiful. Sh. ^, cagart, s whispering
CabaIac, cadalach, adj. drowsy, sleepy. Sc. 5|, cagaraim, v. I whisper
1, cadalam, v. to sleep, delay. Sh. ^|, cagladh, adj. sparing, frugal
CabaII, cadall, s. a battle. Sc. ^, caglaim, v. I spare, save
, cadaitach, adj. sleepy. Sc. ^, cagmdh, s. mastication, chewing, arrosion
, cadam, s. the fork of the hair. Sh. ^^, cagnaim, v. I chew, gnaw
, cadam, s. ruin. Sh. Ca], , s. a way, a road. Cor.
, cadamach, adj. ruinous. Sh. ), cat, s. a house. Cor.
)!, cadhamhaiL, adj. friendly ; fair ], , s. a cuckow ; " npjr ) ]
, cadan, ? s. m. cotton ; fustian, bombast, a ] >] mbo." 1 Cl.
, cadas, J pledget )), . caibkais, s. giggling, laughing. Sh.
, cadhan, s. a wild goose, a barnacle ], cabhdean, s. a number, a multitude
CABAjtur, 1. e. ctupur, cadarus, . e. caturus, whi Cajboean, caibhdean, s. a harlot, a piostitute ; any
ther, which way depraved or debauched person
, cadarus, s. contention. Sc. ), caite, s. a spade. Sc.
, cadarasaim, v. to argue. Sh. )1, caibeal, s. a chapeil a burying place. Sc.
, cadas, see Cib]B)l, caibidil, s. f. a chapter
, cadas, | s. m. friendship, fondness ]1>))1, calbidileach, adj. capitular
,7 cadhas, - , ^i ^ " _ Cjb'm, caibin, s. f. a hat, a cap
, cadhas, s. m. honour, privilege, indulgence, CfljbjACB, caibinnachd, s. talkativeness, prating
respect, glory C*jbne, caibne, s. f. the mouth
aba , cadliasach, adj. honourable, respectful ), caibhne, s. f. friendship
, cadath, s. tartan. Sc. Cajee, caichc, s. f. blindness
CabIa, cadhla, s. m. a goat Cajorhe, caicmhe. s. a kind of neck ornament
CabIa, cadhla, s. the small guts Cap, caid, s. f. a rock, summit
CabIa, cadhla, adj. catholic, universal , caid, see cup
CabIa, cadhla, adj. fair, beautiful Cap, caidh, s. f. an order, manner, fashion, genue,
Cab1a6a1, caihlachal, s. a goat-herd. Sh. mojd, mode
CabIajb, cadhlaid, s. a joker. Sc. Y Cajo,
car cat C2) '

C*), caidh, adj. chaste, pure, unspotted holy i C"'-' s' ^ Protect>on keeping
C*p, caidh, s. f. chaff C*JJ, ca/, s. f. a voice, a name
Cap, caidh, s. f. a hide or skin; pl. G*)| /, s. strength, valour, virtue. Heb. chai]
, caidh, adj. noble, generous C*]l, ca;7, s. f. a spear, javelin
Capee, caidhche, s. fine calm weather Cajl, cail, s. f. the back; a ccajl, behind
, caidhe, s. f. chastity, purity ]1)*5, cailainag, seedy, husky. Sh.
Cape, caidhe, s. dirt; a blemish CojUjng, cailang, s. seed, husk. Sh.
Cajo ? caidhe ? inter, who is he ? i. . c ? CajlBe, cailbhe, s. f. a mouth, an orifice
Cap ? '(? ? inter, what is it ? Cajlbea, cailbheach, adj. wide-mouthed
Capeae, caidheach, adj. chaste Cajlbear, cailbhcacht, s. yawning
Capea, caidheach, adj. polluted *"*}I-De4jtb, cailbhearb, s. a cow-herd; prop, caji-
pea a, caideacha, s. a spot, stain. 5//. Ifea]ib, from oftjl and j eapb
Capeacc, caidheaclid, s. f. chastity Cajle, ca/i, s. f. a shield, a buckler
Capeal, caidcal, s. m. a pump C*jlc, ce,7c, s. f. chalk, lime
Capeariiujl, caidkeamhuil, adj. decent, becoming Cajlceac, cadceach, ~\
Capean, caidhean, s. a turtle dove. Sh. Cajlcearhujl, cailceamhtid, J- adj. chalky
Capean, ca-dhean, s. the leader of a flock of goats. Cajlcga, cailcgha, J
SA. Cajlceanra, cailceantal v , , , , ,
Cadceata, cailceata, ^ adj. bard, obdurate
Capean, caidhean, adj. alone, solitary
Cdjpeo, caideog, s. f. an earthworm Cajlcjm, cailcim, v. I chalk
Capjn, caidliin, s. f. the female privy member Cajlc'jn, cailcin, s. f. small shield, a target
Capjol, caidiol, s. a sun-dial Cajlqn, cailcin, ?. f. a disorder of the eye
Cp|e, caidhlc, s. finishing )1, , s. f. a country woman, a quean, a strum
Caphxe, caidhlichc, s. thick fur. Sh. pet, a harlot
Cepljgre, caidhlightc, part, finished Ca)le, cei7e, s. f. narrowness, smallness
Capnj, caidhni s. f. a virgin C*jlea, caileach, s. m. a cock
Cappea, aidreach, adj. friendly, familiar, kind, C*]leco, caileachd, s. m. nature, natural endow
fond, conversant ments, affection
Capjieao, caidreadh, s. m. friendship, kindness ; Cajleact>)*, caileachdar,' s. passion of the mind
discourse, conversation Ojleac-puati, caileach-ruadh, s. a grouse cock
Capjtea, caidreadh, s. m. fellowship, society; part Cailearmql, caileamhud, J dj . jy, effeminate
nership in trade Capeanta, cadeanta, ) J 7
Cappear, caidreadh, s. m. cherishing, dalliance, Cajlear, A, }s. alethanrv
Ca)learat>, catleasadh, 3 bJ
^ s. m. amity, friend- Ca)le-Dala], caile-bhulaich, s. a cot-quean. .
i ship, familiarity, ac- Cajle-bjcluap, caile-bighcluain, . a kitchen-
, caidreamh, ' quaintance, a com- wench. 'A.
Cp]tearhac, caidreamhach, t panion, company, C]le-cej]tcp, caile-ceircin, s. a shuttle-cock
\ fellowship, society, C)le]5]n, caieigin, s. something. Sh.
^ intercourse, union Cadejbp, caileigin, s. a portion, snort space, awhile;
Cappeaniac, cr.idreamhaeh, adj. fond, acquainted, " c}l)5i )mf)]ie." P. A. 39.
conversant Cajlejjtom, caileiram, v. to babble. Sh.
^ . .. ... . "I v. I associate, cohabit, Co)l|pe)ib, cailfferb, see c4)lDeA|b
C*ppp)m, caidr.dhan, I c01, fondle> taress C(p5, ca//ff, s. f. a sting, malice, treachery
Cajopjin, caulnm, J en)b(ace <5, caig, s. f. resentment
C'rtjs, caig, used by the people of Munster for cap, C,tj|^Am, cailgam, v. to stick or prick. $A
Cftjl5e4riiu)l, cadgeamhuil, adj. pungent ; malicious,
Carjalam, caigalam, v. to lay up, to cover the fire. treacherous
Sh. C]le<r, cadghea*, s. disposition
Cajgean, caigean, s. two tied together. Sc. Crtjljcjn, cailicin, s. an old woman. Sh.
Cajjjoam, caigionnain, v. to link. Sh. Cftjlpeact, cadidheacht, s. f. qualification, quality,
C.,5ne, caigne, \ tQ winnow com genius
ajgpt'rtn, caigneten,) Cajlpap, cadidcar, s. phlegm, snot
Cajgnjiipi, caignighim, v. I winnow C,jl)e, cadigheach, s. m. a humorist
Cjl, c/7, s. f. desire, longing, appetite Ciljn, , s. a girl; dim. of ]1
Cijl, </7, s. f. a look, appearance )!], cadis, s. f. a chalice.
Cijl, ce//, s. f. an assembly, assemblage Ci!ife, cadise, s. the play of nine pins, or nine
Cijl, call, s. f. a condition, state holes
Cijl, /7, s. f. disposition, quality, cousiitution Cnljn-i, caiUndha, s. calends. Sh.

CjIJ, cail/, s. f. a path. Coi: 4), caimneach, adj. chaste

C#j]J, eetf/, s. f. loss C4)mpc4}, caimpear, s. m. a champion
Cajll, fe///, s. f. a trick C4jmpe, caimse, gen. of cAjmjr, a shirt or shift
]1|, '/i, v. to name. 5//. Cajmre, caimseog, s. f. falsehood, equivocation
^jlllft, cai/lchula, s. an old woman C4jmce, caimhte, s. a consumption
C*]lle, caille, s. f. a veil or cowl C4jrhte, caimhte, adj. contrite, overcome, outworn
C)lle, cailleach, s. a nun ; so called from her veil C4)riire4c, caimhtcach, adj. consumptive, extrava
^jlleac, cailleach, s. f. an old woman. Heb. Calach, gant, lavish
ld age Cjn, cain, s. f. rent, tribute, a fine, amercement,
CAjUeac, cailleach, s. a coward any command or duty imposed on one
C<jlle*c5, caiUeachag, a diminutive old woman Cijn, cain, s. f. reproach, satire
CajIleaA^-ceAii-tJuB/ cailleacheg-chcann-dubh, s. a C*jn, cain, a cann. Lh.
titmouse. c Cajn, , adj. chaste, undented
C*]He4camu)l, cailleachamhuil, adj. haggish ^-Ajn, cam, adj. devout, religious
C']lle4C4r, cailleachas, s. dotage ; cowardice C4jn, ,
^jn, cain, au
sincere, ,
faithful, mnuiu
Ojlleac-cuh, cailleach-dubh, s. a black nun ^jn, /', adj. just, fair, equal; "me oo pm c*
Cajllec-corac, caillec/i-chosach, s. a milliped. Sh. cjq c.jn."
C*jllec-opce, caillech-oidhche, s. an owl C4jn, cain, adj. beloved
CAjIlea, cailleadh, s. emasculation C4jnce, cainche, s. the quince tree ; uball capee,
Cajlleftrhajn, cadleamhain, s. loss, damage quince, apple. Br. .
C]llerhn4c, cailleamhnach, adj. defection Crt)nt>C4l, caindeal, s. a candle
C4]lle4n, caillcan, s. seed Cint)e*lb>A,
Cd]llein, caUlcanach, seedy Cjnt,e4lFo]i4,caiddcalbhra,
.^0,) ch*ndler
, .. , shop
C4jlle4p;, cailleasg, s. a horse or mare <]>)54, caind gheacht, s. a quantity, number
C4jlljm, caillim, v. I lose, destroy CijneA, caineadh, s. dispraising, satirizing, revil
C4jlljm, caillim, v. I geld, castrate ing, scolding, traducing ; dispraise, satire
C4JIIJ05, cailliog, s. loss C4jneo5, caineog, s. female privity. Sh.
Cajilte, caillte, adj. lost, ruined, destroyed C4|np)ce4, cainficeadh, s. confiscation, amerce
C4]llrel caillte. adj. castrated
C4)'lte40, cailllcach, adj. disastrous, hurtful, detri ment
CAjnpjcjm, ciinfic'm, v. I fine, amerce, command
mental, destructive, ruinous C4jnge4l, caingeal, s. a hurdle
Cjuteinie,cailltean, \
caillteanach,)5- m' an eunucl>, CrtjngeAn, caingean, s. f. a rule, cause or reason
4|54, caingean, s. f. a supplication, or petition ;
C4]llre4]in4C, cailltcarnach, s. a shrubby place ; a " oo ju l]om 5 ^ 5" ro 4."
nursery for young trees . Marg.
C4)llreo)j, cailltcoir, s. m. a spoiler CajnjeAU, caingean, s. f. a compact, covenant, league,
C4jlm]on, cailmhim, s. a light helmet or confederacy ; " ]tjne m ^ ]iem
Cnjlphj, cailphig, s. a sort of bottle, or jug fjlj." makes cAjngne in its inflec
C)lre, cailtc, see C4]llte
f-ijlre, s. hardness, rigour; i. . . . \ tions
CAjn^nAm, caingnam, v. to argue, plead. Sh.
^4)1], cadtn, s. f. hazle Cejnjm, cainim, v. I dispraise, traduce, satirize, .
Cjm, cam, s. f. a fault, stain, blemish scold, abuse
C*mtbulc, aim beul, adj, wry-mouthed Cv4je404)i, cainneabhar, s. dirt, filth
t^jmbepljn,, cairr.berling, s. a chamberlain. Mull. ]1, cainneal, 8. a channel
), caimhdean, see ]> Crtjel, cainneal, s. see 4]1
Cajme, WWW, crookedness Cajul, cameut, s. cinamon
C4jme4T), caimead, ) C4)nre4, cainseadh, s. a lavishment
Ciijme, canne, compar. of cam crooked Cjnpe4l, cahiseal, s. the chancel. .
C4irhe4c, caimheach, s. m. a protector ]|]1, cainseoir, s. a scolder, a shrew
C4ime4n, calmean, reproved, blemished. O'B. C4inreojiAcr, cainscoracht, s. m. scolding, satirizing
Cime4n, calmean, s- m. reproof, blame, a reproach
abusing, cursing
CCI Cnjnr), (ainsi, s. the face or countenance
CimeAn, calmean, s. m. a satire. Cor. C<i|nr, caint, s. speech, language, expression
C<nmec4n, caimecan, humpbacked Cjnre, cainte, s. a satirical poem. Cor.
Cimejn, caimn, s- a spot, stain; amte Cmte, cainte, part, dispraised
Cjmein*) caimeinach, adj. blemished CjnteAC, cainteach, adj. talkative, loquacious, ma
Cmijm, caimim, v. I reproach, reprove
ternir, caimis, s. f. a shirt, or shift licious
, camteachd, s. loquacity, speech
Cftjmlejlb camlcir, s. a bent stick used by butchers

Cjnteojp, cainteolr, s. m. a babbler, talkat C4)i54jn, cairgain, an herb. A.

son, a satirist C4]j5jm, cairghim, v. I abstain
C*rncjc, /|', s. f. a cainticle, a song C*JI5]m> cairghim, v. I forbid, prohibit
Cjnrj5jm, caintighim, v. I speak, reason c*Jl5)r> cairghios, s. lent; prop. 4>1<4)54, from
Cijpjn, caipm, s. f. a cap or cup ; cjpjn 4 gln quadragesima. Za/.
Cojprjn, <>//, s. a captain ; from die English c*)14FFb cairighim, v. I tremble; blush
^! cairighim, v. I rebuke; correct, mend
word #]105J?nj cairighim, v. I bewitch
C4)j, , see cjp
Cjf, ca/?', s. f. the gum <-*)f,)$)nij cairighim, v. I variegate
Crtjp, ta.'r, s. f. an image ^JPJ5ie4, cairighthcach, s. m. a revenger, re-
C*]jm, cairam, v. to mend ; send away, lay up. buker. o. g.
Cjrp)4t*fb cairiughadh, s. mending, rectifying.
C*]|m> cairam, v. to endear. Sh. TVg-. 6V.
CJ)'d, eairhh, a carcase, a dead body. C4])tjn, caitin, s. f. a darling
Cijj0> ciiirb, s. f. a chariot wjpjn, cairin, s. f. lean meat
)]|), ri, s. f. a plank C4)]jne, cairine, s. legs ; i, c, cor4. e. g.
ce/V, s. f. a fusee C*)ple, cairlc, adj. tumbled, tossed, beaten
C4j}i!e4C4n4m, cairleacanam, ShA v. I beat, strike,
Cajjtlj, cairbh, s. f. a ship
Cejaban, cftirbhan, s. a sail-fish C-'alpljm, cairlim, Ir. J toss, tumble
C*jbec*n, , s. m. a ship-boy C4]jim, cairm, s. f. a kind of ale among the old
CejjtbAm, cairbham, v. to man a fleet. Sh. Irish ; otherwise cojpm and cujpm
C*Jlujm, cairbhim, v. I shake, quiver C'4jpme4l, cairmeal, s. wild peas. Sh.
^'<)l*T>jn, cairbhin, s. f. a little ship C4]]tned, cairneach, s. m. a priest ; a druid
C*j|bjri, cairbin, s. a carabine C4jitnc46, cairneach, s. m. an osprey ; the bird called
C})tbjne40, cairbineach, s. a toothless person kings-fisher. Jr. Bib.
Crt]ftl)fte, cairbre, s. the proper name of a man C4)pne4c, cairneach, adj. stony. Ferm.
Crtjjibpe, cairbre; the name of several territories or C4)ppreo)p, carptheoir, s. m. charioteer
C*)ppie, cairpthe, adj. accursed
districts in Ireland (Jajppe4l, cairreal, s. noise. SA.
C*jjbne, cairbne, s. a charioteer
4]pce, cairchc, s. music C'4jppejp, cairreir, s. a carrier. Sh.
Cajpce, cairche, s. hair, fur ; e. jrjopAo. . g-, Cajppre, cairrse, s. a club. Sh.
C]]tce40, caircheach, adj. hairy Cajpr, cairt, s. f. the bark or rind of a tree
C4]pceft, caircheach, adj. eager Cftjfic, cairt, s. f. a cart, car, chariot
Cajpcea, caineech, adj. pleasant, agreeable C4jpt, cairt, s. f. paper, a card, chart, charter, deed,
CAj]icer, cairccas, a flight, sweat bond, indenture, diploma, map
CijftceAr, caircktas, s. a twist or turn C4jlc, cairt, s. f. a rock, a large stone
Cijpcear, cancheas, s. a little vessel. . C4|prce4p, cairtcheap, s. the nave or stock of a cart
*1)141, cairchasaim, v. I twist, turn wheel
*, cet'rfo '.. of C4]t4, a friend C4jpre, cairthe, s. a chariot. Sh.
Ciipne, cairtfe, s. f. friendship C<vjpre4, cairteach, adj. barkcy, cortical
Cantee, rnfe, s. f. peace C'4)pte4, tairtheach, s. a defendant in a process.
Ciijtre, '', s. f- delay, respite Sc.
. , , "I adj. friendly, favour- C4]prl, caii teal, s. acarteel. Sh.
Cipoe*, cairdeach I ab| , - C4)pr,e4l, catrteat, s. a challenge. Se.
C'4]pre4l, cairteal, s. a lodging
C*iHt)e<vfiiuvt), cairdeamhlachd, s. friendliness C4]pceo5, cairteog, s. f. a tumbril
, cairdea, s. f. friedship; 4] epprt, C4jpreoj]t, cairteoir, s. m. a waggoner, a carter
a gossip ; a sponsor to one's child at baptism C4jptjm, cairtim, \. see C4jtt4jm
C4]We*TtSi cairdhearg, s. ablush. Sh. C4ijt]U]l, cairtiuil, s. the mariner's compass
4]5*0)1, cairdegaeil, f: relations C4]ltl4, cairllann, s. a cartulary
C* nejSte, cairdighthe, adj. befriended C4jr, s. f. an eye ; see quot. at Wot>
C tnn*l, / sm. a Cardinal Cjr, s- f- cheese
CiHt>ion*lt*, cairdionalta, adj. cardinal, chief Cjr, c4 s. f. love, esteem, regard ; nj jpijl c<ijf
CaiHein, caireachan, s. m. a big mouthed person 454m 4 ; prop. 4
C*)le*A, caireamh, s. m. a brogue-maker, or shoe C4]f, cuis, s. f. a cause, reason
Cain s- rLent
maker caireamh, s. m. an embroiderer
C4ilie4rh, > C*ir, ce"> s-f- haste
C*Pe5, . f. a prating wench cais, s. f. haffed, dislike, enmity. C4)|,
* py cairfhiadh, s. m. a hart or stag

>], i e. rus rmapcAjp hu, ^ Cople)], caiscloir, s. m. a castle-builder ; a pro-,

.>1 * ; jector
% *5 44 rjf , C*jplj, cais, polished. Sh.
^5 cuj*j jpjn cj*ob}UA], Cajpljj cais!:, mild, gentle; . o.g.
C) 4l4j ul C4p C4)ti, C*)PJS*> caisliglilhe, adj. wrinkled, (olded
%j C4jp 4.54 1 rhatrtjj. C*jpme4cc, caismeuchd, s, march tune. S/
ft mpmjof*)/." ' /. C4jpme4cr, caismeaclul, s. m. an alarm, warning,
~*Jf> ci adj. neat, spruee, trim caution
*)> '. adj. agreeable, pleasant, o.g. Cajpmeacoa, caismeachdach, adj. warning, alarm
*)*> caisan, s. m. hoarseness ; phlegm. ing
Cojr- caisc, s. f. the feast of Easter, Passover ]}*, caismeart, s. etymology
C4jrC]*B, caischiabh, s. f. curled hair, a curl Crtjpmenjn;, caismeart, s. heat of battle ; armour; a
C4jpcj4*, caischiabhach, adj. haviug curled hair band of men for fight. Sh.
C43P, fttwt/, v. imper. listen, hearken. Sc. C4]pmeojT;4, caismeortach, s. an armed man. Sh,
C4jpoe40o, caisdeachd, s. listening. . Cajpji^oat, caisreabhacht, s. juggling, slight-of-
C4jfce4l, caisdea!, s. a castle, house, dwelling hand, leger -de-main
Cijpe, caisc, gen. of cajp, cheese Cftjppeog, caisreog, s. f. a wrinkle, a curl
C4jre, caise, s. f. a stream of any liquid ; pL C4jpje, Cajppeo^c, caisreogach, adj. wrinkled, curled, crisp
cajp|t>e pota ed
C4jpe, caise, s. f. a wrinkje, fold, twist, plait Cftjppjmjnve, caisriminidhe, s. a wrinkle. Sh.
C4jpe, caise, s. a cake CajpppUct, caissiolacht, s. m. a battlement
C4jpe, caise, s. f. passion, quickness C*jpre4l, caisteal, see c4ipoe4l
C*jpe, caise, s. f. a mushroom Cajptjn, caistin, s. a crafty fellow
C4jpe, caise, s. f. the private parts of a female ") s. common dan-
Cjpe, caise, s. f. discord, enmity, hatred C*jp-cpe4iD4}n, cais-isearbhain, delion ; piss-a-
ct]TV%aisT'}s' f' love affection regard C4)p-t;pe4iD4n, cais-isearbhan, bed ; Leonto-
dum taraxacum
** C*]pj m]opc4|p, cjp) pe4jic, C4]c, cait, s. a sort or kind
Do |)j 4 14] l4}nce4fic, Cjc, cait, interrog. where ? whether ? compound
Ro pg40]l ne4jic na. ccpompluftj x>, ed of 4 and 4)c
DjAp 04 COmUl C4JPJ." C4)t, cait, s. f. safe delivery in child bearing ;
For. Foc. " %]4)1 mjt 00 e*n4rh oo el %uj)tj (
C4]pe4, caiseach-, adj. wrinkled, plaited tpujm, i. . pujle 00 404]}tr 00 04II, 4 eng*
'4)>, caiscad, s. steepness, abruptness 00 4mU64jt, 4 op4 4)|i)nec, 4 Um -
*Jpe4c, caisead, s. fierceness to neo 454 j>4jBe pj 454)1 >)4 ,
C4jpe4t>, caiseadh, s. suddenness, rapidity C4jc mn40) tojtj4)5." 4 jviast. 1444.
^'Ajpe4l, caisval, s. m. a bulwark, a wall Ci j, caith, s. the male organ of generation. 0. g,
C4jpe4l, caiseal, ss m. a rock or stone on which Cj, caith, s. f. shame ; a blemish
tribute was paid by the ancient Irish ; " C4jpe4l,
Cjr, caith, s. f. chaff
J. e. cjopajl, e. 4)1 *n jop4, i. e. clo 5up 4. Cjt, caith, adj. dirty, unclean
t>cu5t4.o] ejop." O'' Ci. Cormac, in his glossary, C4J, caith, adj. chaste, mild, modest
amongst other derivations which he gives for the CejtBejjir, caithbheirt, s. armour
name of C.ishel, gives the following: " C4jpe4l, C4jrBe4jc4, caithbheartach, s. m. a soldier living
e. jl qopa, bejitwj o repajo e)jjon gup jn
on free quarters
be rin: Alit. C4]pe4l,- f. e. jl cjpe, . e. jo, Cjre, caite, adj. winnowed ; lue- cjte, winnowers
Crtjte, caites bmiised, a wound ; Heb. chame
Cajpearhan, caiseamhan, s. a shoe-maker. Sh. Cdjrea, caiteach, s. m. a winnow sheet
Cejpe4jto4ii, ceisearbhan, s, dandelion. Sc. 4]4, caiteach, s. m. chaff
C4jpeog, caiseog, s. the stem of a wed. Sh. Cjceic, caitheach, s. m. a sort of basket
Cijpeo)}, caiseoir, s. m. a. cheese-monger CjreA, aiteacii, s. m. the main sail of a ship
jp5, caisg, see cft)p C4jrea, caitheach-, adj. expensive, prodigal, waste
C4ip5a, caisgay adj. caseous ful ; consumptive
*)5)> caisgivi, v. see co]pim C4jteac, caitheach, s. m. a spender, spendthrift
C4)r)l-po, caisil chro, s. a coffin or bier C4jte4cap, caiUieachas, s. . prodigality
C4jpjol, caisioi, seec4jpe4l ,.,., 4]4>, caitheadh, Is. ir m. spenaing, consuming,
C4,pjol, caisiol, s. the foundation, of a wall or build vasteing ;. a consumption
Cejrearh, caithcamh, | wa
ing ; any stone building C4ite4vh4, caitheamhach, s. m. a spendthrift
C4irle40, casleach, s. a foot-path* a ford C4jce4n*iAcr, caitheamhacht, s. DO. ttcvastation, con
cJrW-rnmnc, caisleock-spuinc, s. touch-wood. A.
C S^SUto. adj. polished, smooth. Sh. sumption, spending
C4)pleftn, caislean, s. m. a castle

C*)te, caiteog, s. f. a kind of basket C4I, cal, s. keeping, watching, guarding

C*]te5, caiteog, s. a butter pot. Sh. Butter. O'B. C4I4, cala, "Is. m. a port, narbour, haven, fer-
m. a spendthrift, la- C4I416, caladh,\ ry
C*]ceo]j, caitheoir, visher, consumer ; a C4U, caladh, adj. hard. Welsh, calad
A^et eojji, caithelkeoir, linger, thrower, win- C4U, caladh, adj. frugal, thrifty
nower C4l4]m, calaim, v. I sleep ; prop, cobjm, or con-
C)i;re*, caithfeach, nigh to. SA. b]m
Cojtpj, caithfidh, v. it behoves, becomes ; it obliges, Calajnejp, calaindeir, s. f. a calender. C. p.
compels; un cc4)fpem? must I? am I obliged ? 1), calainn, s. f. a couch
Ci)t]i>e, cithidhe, s. m. a warrior, e.g. C4l)peaw, calaireachd, s. burying, inteiing
Cajcpn, caithim, v. I winnow C4lft]rte, calaiste, s. a college
Cnjtjm, caithim, v. I eat, spend, consume, wear out, CaUjc, calaith, see c*l*
waste CaUm, calam, v. to enter port. SA.
C*]rjm, caithim, v. I fling, hurl, cast, throw Calaojr, calaois, s. a cheat, guile
Cajjoc-rtjmnpe, caithiochd-aimsire, \ s" a P88**"1^ C4l4oife4, calaoiseach, s. a juggler
Cajtearh-ajmnpe, caitheamh-aimsire, j Jtsement Calb, calb, s. m. the head ; 00 4lb pe clojc cpuj-
C4]tjtl, caitin, s. f. shag or coarse hair. /. 4., calbh, s. m. hardness
Cajrjn, caitin, s. f. nap of cloth C40, calbh, adj. bald, bald pated. Heb. chalak
Cdjqn, caitin, s. f. blossom of osier CalBa, calbhach, s. proper name of a man ; de
Cajtjn, caitin, s. f. a little cat, kitten rived from calb
C<Kjnec, caitineach, s. m. a cloth-dresser Calbact), calbhachd, s. baldness
Caj^jneoc, caitineach, adj. curled, napped Calbf;4r, calbhthas, s. a buskin
C*jTjt, caitith, s. f. a bodkin, a pin, a thorn C4lfju4l4t>, calbhualadh, s. a hot battle. SA.
Cajt|oiii, caithiomh, s. waste, expense, extrava C4IC, cale, s. f. chalk; lime; prop, cojlc
gance C4IC, cale, adj. hard, obdurate, obstinate
Cajejugat), caitkiughadh, s. f. fighting, conquering Calc4t>, celcudh, s. driving, caulking. Sc.
Cajijuja-C4), cailhiughadh-caich, ~adj. conquer C4IC4, calcadh, s. hardness, obduracy, obstinacy,
ing ; ** i. e. rnom popbajp no cc, no o* ccup firmness
4 nt>jmbi)5." WCl. C4lc4ti, calcadh, s. hardening
CajMeoc, caithleach, s. m. chaff, husks C4lc4)m, calcabn, 1 jh f
C4]":riie, caithmhe, s. wasteing, spending. 2?/. C4lc4j5)m, calcaighim,) *
Cajrheu, caitInn beach, adj. wasteful Calcajgie, calcaighthe, adj. hardened, obdurate
C^jfcrhea, caithmheach, s. m. a spendthrift Calcam, calcam }s>acaulker. ^
C4)frhjle40, caithmhileadh, s. m. a soldier, a hero Calc4jpe, calcaire, )
Cajtne, caithne, s. f. a two year old heifer. Br. L. C4lc4m, calcam, v. to drive with a hammer, to caulk
Cj jiea, caithreach, s. m. a citizen C4l6e4}ic4jn, calchearcain, s. a shuttlecock
Cjcjte4C, caithreach, adj. bulbous C4l-ce4jrbc, cal-cearslach, s. cabbage
4jCj,e*m4', caitrcamaah, s. information. SA. Cal-colag, caI~clag> s- a cauliflower
Cajrpjm, caithreim, s. f. a catalogue of battles Calcu^a, calcughadh, s. obduracy, obstinacy
Cajrpjm, caithreim, s. f. victory, triumph Calejt, caleith, s. a ferry, a port, harbour
Cejpjm, caithreim, s. f. fame C4I5, calg, s. m. a sword, a sting, a prickle ; prop.
") adj. triumph- col5
C4)c]<]meac, caithreimeach, ant, victon- C4lt,4, calgach, adj. sharp, prickly
C4]tltjme*vhA]l, caithreimeamhail, ous, famous; C4I54, calgach, adj. angry, peevish
shouting Cal^m, calgaim, v. I sting ; exasperate
C4)f]n2]m]4t>, caithreimivghadht s. m. exultation, Calgajjte, calgaire, s. m. a wheedler
triumphing Calgaojr, calghaois, s. a cheat
C4jij)on4C, caithriohhnach, s. a cave. /. C4l40]fe4c, calghaoiseach, s. m. a cheater
Cajpjr, caithris, s. watching. Sc. C4lsb]<ujT>, calbhruid, s. false imprisonment
C4jt}i)re4, caithriseach, adj. watchful, attentive C^lgopuBon, calgbhrudhan, s. butcher's broom. SA.
Cajrlati, caithsloan, s. chaff. SA. Coll, call, s. loss. Sc.
C4jcte, cefVfc, interog. how, after what manner C4II4, ffl/&, adj. tame. Sh.
C4jcre, caitte, adj. necessary. SA. C4II4, a/ta, s. a veil, hood, cowl
Cijce, caithte, part, winnowed C44, callach, s. abat; i. . 4 lue. e.g.
C4I, /, s. kail, colewort, cabbage C4lb, callach, s. a boar. SA.
Col, cal, s. a joke C4ll4e, callae, s. a whelp, a puppy
Cal, cal, s. a voice C4ll*5*m, callagam, v. to flatter. SA.
C4I, cal, s. sleep, slumber 114104, callaicham, v. to tame. SA.

CaIIajc, callaid, s. a call, a shout; . . KAjltm. . g. , camaran, s. m. an idiot

CaIIajts callaid, s. craft, cunning; prudence; . e. 1, cambkeulach, adj . wry-mouthed
feljOCAr. 0. g. , camceachta, s. the constellation called
Lallajt), callaid, adj. crafty, wily. Cor. the plough, or ursa major
11|, callaid, s. a cap, wig, a fence. Sc. , camc/wsach, adj. bow-legged
CaIIaj, callaidh, adj. active, nimble, i//. -, camdhan, iambick. Sh.
, callaidhe, s. a partner Cmo ? earned f how much ?
, callaideach, adj. fenced, surrounded. CAmglAr, camglas, s. a red shank
CAmlopgAjn, camlorgain, s. a club-foot, a bandy leg
1], callain, 1 , , 15), camlorgaineach, adj. club-footed,
,, callaind,}5- calends bow-legged
11], callaire, s. m. a crier , camman, an eclipse. Cor.
C*lU]jeAt5, callaireachd, s. crying, shouting CAmmugAplA, cammhugarlach, adj. club-footed.
, callan, s. . noise, shouting, babbling O'B.
16, callanach, adj. clamorous, noisy CAmrhujn, cammhuin, s. the bird wry-peck
CaIIoao, calldachd, s. losses. Sh. |16, cammhuinealach, adj. wry-necked
CaIIjo, colloid, s. an outcry, complaint, wrangling, , camhnaidhe, s. a building or edifice ; a
noise ; a funeral cry, an elegy place of residence
, callaideach, adj. obstreperous, noisy; , camhnaidheachd, s. a settlement, dwel
complaining ling
CaIIojc, caMisi s- buffoonery. Sh. 5, cameg, s. f. acuri; a twist or winding; a
, calltarnach, s. a truss of weeds. Sh. curve ; a turn ; a comma
CAtuin, calltuin, s. hazel. 5c. CAmg, camog, s. f. a clasp, a tenter
CaIIujti, calluin, s. an entertainment prepared for the ^, camog, s. f. a small bag
new year. Sc. CAmg, camog, s. f. falsehood, equivocation
Alrm, calma, s. . rigour, hardness , camog, s. f. a temple. Canticles, c. 4, v. 3.
*, calma, adj. brave, valiant, stout, strong CAU15A, camogach, s. m. a liar, a sophister
*1>, calmachd, "Is. m. courage, bravery, CAmgAC, camogach, adj. crooked, curled, bent,
*, calmadas,} strength twisted
, calman, s. a pigeon ^, camogach, adj. quibbling, sophistical
Olnun-coje, calman-coille, s. a ring-dove , camogach, adj. meandiing
C*lmr, calmas, see 1 CAmojgjn, camoigin, s. a curled-headed child
C*lp, calp, s. m. the head. Br. L. , campa, s. a camp
1, calpa, s. m. the alf of the leg 15), campaighim, . I encamp
CAip, calpdha, adj. headed, having a head , campar, s. m. grief, vexation
CaIcaj, caltag, black guillemot Sh, , camparach, adj. vexatious, grievous,
, cam, s. m. a quarrel ; a duel troublesome
, cam, s. m. deceit, injustice CAmpiuAjn, campthuaim, s. an entrenchment Sh.
, cam, adj. crooked ; Heb. camak CmpsA, campughadh, s. m. encampment, en
, cam, adj. blind of an eye. Sc. camping
, camh, s. power, might ;, camraih, s. a gutter, sewer, jakes. Sh.
Catti, cam, adj. strong, stout, mighty CAmpojljc, camroilic, s. a club-foot ; so called from
, cama, adj. brave the vulgar opinion that a pregnant woman wiping
, camach, ,%. power her foot in a chnrch-yard, will have her infant with.
>, camadh, s. bending, making crooked a club-foot
]1, camailte, rubbed , camhsoir, s.m. a cause-way
CAiriAjm, camaim, v. I bend, crooken ^; camshronach, adj. crook-nosed
CAmj-ujleAC, camshuileach, adj. squint-eyed
, camus, s. m. a bay
1, camalla, adj. demure , can, adv. whilst, when
*1, camaltachd, s. demureness ? can? inter, what place? Af ? from what
, caman, s. m. a common or bent stick for place ?
hurling , can, prep, without, not having, wanting ; .
, camanachd, s. m. the game of commons or fAO) fACAponi.5." St. Fursa.
hurling , can, s. a lake
pcA^ltA^, caman scarraigh, s. Fumitory ; Fu , can, s. a small vessel. 0. g.
maria officinalis , can, s. f. time, a season
CAThAOjjt, camhaoir, s. the first appearance of day , can, s. bad butter. O'B.
light, or break of day Caia, cana, s. a whelp, a puppy

Cine, cana, s. m. an orer'of poets of the third de Cancijn, cantain, s. f. speaking, singing, chaunting
gree below an Ollamh. Br. L. CantA)jieAdt3, cantaireachd, s. pi. pronunciation
, cana, s. profit, gain, advantage 1]10, cantaireachd, s. singing, chaunting
, cana, 1 s. tribute, amercement, assess- , cantalaim, v. I cant, sell by auction
Cna, canach, ] ment Cancan, cantaoir, s. a press; canciojp pjon*
, canach, s. rn. cotton, down ; bombast , cante, see cAjnce
, canach, s standing water 11, cantlamh,^ . .c ,
], cantal, '}s-^- Sh,
, canach, s. m. treachery, deceit
Cna, canach, s. catstail, moss- crops. Sh. Cantj]!, cantoir, s. m. a chanter, singer
, canach, adj. soft, kind !, canto!, s. grief
Canaca, canachd, s. taxation, taxing Cnujre, canuichte, adj. mulcted. Sc.
Ciu, canadh, s. singing il n, canur, cotton
, canaen, the collector of a tax. Sh, C<ob, each, s, m. a clod
;, canaib, s. f. hemp <, caobh, . m. a bough, a branch
Cnajge, caiiai^he, s. dirt, filth >6, caobach, adj. cloddy
Cnajjce, canaighthe, part. sung. CoiDn, caobhan, s. a little bough or twig ; dim. of
], canaim, v. I sing
Canal, canal, s. a canal, conduit. Sh. >15, caobhan, s. m. a prison
rnS"' fe'TAw"' ? f- a language, dialect ;<c> caoch, adj. -blind ; blasted, empty ; cmv oo
Lrtnnuijn, canmhuin, J ob' C<ocax>, caochadh, s. blinding, blasting
Ciwrhin, canamhuhu ) C#cAt>, caocadh, s. a wink, beck
C<mmujn, canmhuin, , . 'Vs.
) f. pronunciation,
v accent C<o0aj, caoclutg, s. a turned shell. Sh.
, caiianach, s. m. a canon, canonist ; " sjoll* C<oAjm, caocliaim, v. I blind ; blast
n* n<om 1] A.5*r S*,cljr-r* 1 C<on, caochan, s. m. the fundament
5*)1 cc." 4, Mast. 1430. , caochan, s. m. a current of air ; a stream or
, canhas, s. m. canvas, sail-cloth rill
, canda, s. a moth ; see C<oan, caochan, s. m. singlings, whiskey in the first
Can^ajiujftm, cangaruicham, v. to fret, vex, canker. process of distillation
Sa. ?*. s. a fortnight
], canmhuin, see cnArhjn C<ocjop, caocios, j
, caiin, s. a vessel, a reservoir. *, caachda, adj. olind, blasted
, , s. full moon. SA. CcocIa, caochladk, s. a change, alteration
, canna, s. a can C<oclA]r>eA0, cacclaidheach, adj. changeable, variable,
, canna, s. a moth ; " ;'. e. Cu fjoflA, i. v leawrnA inconstant
map bjop. <1, caocklaldheacht, s. mutability, change-
^ eA^A)." ' Cl. ableness
CeA, cannach, s. sweet willow, myrtle <1]0), caochlaidhim, v. I change, alter, vary,
, cannach, adj. handsome, pretty v ariegate
, cannran, s. muttering, grumbling, conten <61, caochlan, s. a swift rill. Sh.
tion, dissatisfaction Cio--, caoch-na-ccearc, s. hen-bane; Hy-
*, cannraiiach, adj. dissatisfied, contentious, osvcanius niger
fretful C<oo, caochog, s. fk a nut without a kernel
1], cannranaim, v. I grumble, contend Ccocg, caochog, s. f. a fuzzball
anojn, canoin, s. f, a rule or cannon. C<oc5, c"ccni,g> s- f- blindman's buff
Onjn, canoin, s. f. a canon Col, caodh, s. a tear. Sh.
Cn)n, canoin, s. f. muttering. Sh, Qtab, caodh, s. good order, condition. SA.
, canonach, see , caodam, v. to come. O'
, canonda, atlj. canonical , caodhamhlachd, s. competency
CanntiAcr, canondaclit, Is. m. canonization ; ca- , caodhan, s. a person in good condition. Sh.
CAnonujft, canonughadh, } nonizing C)t>-coluim-c]lle, caad-coluim-cille, . St. John's
, cant, s. m. dirt Wort ; Hypericum perforatum
, canta, s. a lake, a pool, puddle j COie ? ? how. ?
, cantach, adj. dirty, miry, muddy C<o5, caog, s. f. a wink
;), cntale, see cAvntjc C<o5a, C(W";a(] ] fifty
]5)}1, cantaigheoir, s. m. a singer ; an ac OB*, erogad,
cent. PI. C<og<<i> caogach, squint-eyed. Sc.
CaheajI, /ai/, s singing C05 caogadh, s. winking
CantAjl, cantad, s. an auction or cant C<054ot>> caogadadh, fiftieth
CantAjl, cantail, voting for. Sh. C<05]m, caogaim, I wink
C210 CAO 2 CAO

*5-]10, caog-fhuileach, see caojac CAojn-x}i4cc, caoin-duthracht, s. devotion

CA5*)S)r caogthighis, s. a fortnight, fifteen days , caome, ] s- il dirge 5 Irish * or
4o), caoi} s. m. a road, way ,, f mentation for the dead;
C*b caoi, s. m. a method, manner, fashion ') bewailing, mourning
C*J caoi, s. m. a visit, visitation CAOjneA, caoineach, s. stubbles, moss. Sh.
C*oj, caoi, s. a cuckovr CAOjneACrtn, caoineachan, s. a polisher of stone. Sh.
), caoineachas, s. peace. Sh,
*0), caoidh, J S" a tear> ,amentation, mourning , caoineadh, s. baseness
C*0]e, cafl,c/e-, ) . . .. . )>, caoineadh, s. a dirge, lamentation
Caojao, caoichod,\s- f-bhndness , caoineas, s. mildness
C*o]e, caoidhche, adj. certain, sure. Mull. 17. ), caoinean, s. m. a lamentation, a dirge
C<*ojt>en, caoihheadh, \ s. m. lamentation, weep- Caojnjm, caoinim, v. I lament, cry
Cojt)}e4n, caoidhrean,] ing CaojnjujjAt), caoiniughadh, s. crying
Co))m, caoidhim, . I lament, mourn, grieve C40jnuj5jm, caoinuighim, v. I cry
CaojI, caoi/, s. f. the waist 16, caoinleach, s. m. corn -stubbles
C*o]le, caoile, s. f. smallness, leanness -5]1, caoin-nasgar, s, a garrison
C0)le4t>, caoileadh, s. m. narrowing CAOjnpe, caoinse, s. f. the face
Caojleanj, caoileang, s. a narrow district Ciojnf-uapAc, caoinshuarach, adj. indifferent
C*ojl-pjT, caoil-fhail, s. less stinging nettle ; Urtica , caoinshuarachd, s. indifference, as
urens " . pe rnation
C*o)lle, caoille, s. land CAOjnte, caointe, adj. lamented, bewailed
CrtOjrh, caoim/i, adj. gentle, mild, clean CAOjnteac, caointeacli, adj. sad, sorrowful, mourn
CAOjrhe, caoimhe, s. blithness ful, plaintive
C*o)rhe4*n, cao'mheachan, s. an entertainer CAOjp-Dejjte4C, caoir-bheirteach, adj. bearing ber
)40]", caoimheachas, s. society ries
C<o)me4rhujl, caoimheamhuil, see c<ojrh Cao)1)B, caoiribh, adj. flaming. Sc.
C*o]m]n, caoimin, s. the herb eye-bright CAOjpe, caoire, s. a sheep, sheep
CAOjmjn, caoimin, s. the murrain CAOjji^-qto, caoirigh-cro, s. a sheep-fold ; Heb.
)}6, caoiminach, a common for cattle ceroth
40)>, caoimhneamhlachd, s. m. kindness ]}), caoirin, s. f. a little berry ; a little sheep
CAO]mneArhujl, caoimhneamhuil, adj. kindly ]])-16, caoirin-leana, s. great wild valerian.
Caojrhnear, caoimhneas, s. m. kindness Sh.
CrtOimpb]*^ caoimhsgiath, s. m. a shield, buckler, , caoirlam, v. to beat with clubs. Sh.
escutcheon Caojjtle, caoirle, s. a club
Caojrhreac, caoimhthach, s. m. a bedfellow, a com C40)]tle, caoirle, s. a reed
panion CAojpleACo, caoirleachd, s. m. fighting with clube
CAOjmteAc, caoimhtheach, s. a stranger ; prop. caoj- CAomjhn, caoirilin3 dim. of CAOjple
rhjeac CAoiitte, caoirthe, s. aggrievence. SA.
Caojmiea, caoimhtheach, adj. strange, foreign, prop. ), coots, s. f. a farrow, a young pig; prop. c;j-
CAOmrfceA , caoiseachan, s. m. a swine-herd
Cdojrhf eftfcf, caoimhtheachas, s. strangeness Cao!, /, s. a calling together
Caojrhteaar, caoimhtheachas, s. association, soci CaoI, caoi, adj. small, slender, narrow, thin, subtile,
ety treble
Cojrhie*cr, caoimhtheacht, s. a country CaoIac, cao/ach, s. the herb fairy-flax. Sh.
C*o)rhi;e4t, caoimhtheacht, s. protection CaoIac, caolach, s. a cock. Sh.
Caojmjfe*, caoimhitheach, see ) CAolA-A)fli)o, caolach-aifrionn, bell to prayers.
C'aojmjfceecftf, caoimhitheachas, see cAojrhteACAr S/i
, caoin, adj. gentle, mild, sweet-tempered, 16->, caolach-dubh, s. the black cock. Sh.
kind, clement ; Heb. chen 1-1}, caolach-fraineach, s. turkey-cock.
C*ojn, caoin, adj. base Sh.
, caoin, adj. dry CAolAc-riiAO], caolach-fraoich, s. heath-cock. Sh.
, caoin, adj. pleasant, delightful, polished, 1-], caolach-gaoith, s. a weather-cock. Sh.
CAolAC-ujrge, caolach-uisge, s. a water-wheel ; a bird
, caoin, right side. Sh. called waterin. Sh.
, caoinchomhrac, s. peace, amity ; i e. 1--], caoi-an-duirne, s. the wrist
" rifcAin no ." . g. CaoIaw, caolad, s. minuteness, slenderness
, caoinchreatach, s. a writer of elegies. CAolAim, caolaim, v. I lessen, attenuate
1, caolan, s. m. a gut, a tripe; pi. CAoljn
SA. A 1.
], caoindealbh, s. a fine handsome form.
4 Mast. 1461.

CAoln-jmljocn, caolan-imliocan, s. the navel-string *]0, caomhnaidhe, s. m. a bosom friend, a

1, cuolas, s. a frith, strait narrow sea companion, bed-fellow
Caol-puf, caol-chruth, s. slender forra , caomhiiaim, v. I "spare, save, protect,
C4ol-orhn<i]t>, caol-chomhndidh, s. a narrow dwelling, defend, keep ; reserve, preserve
the grave g}, caomhnagar, s. m. ability, power
1)1, caolfail, s. nettles ; the herb heiriff. Sh. ^}, caomhnasgar, s. m. defence
Caolrijpge, caoliairge, s. a strait >5, caomhog, s. f. an affectionate woman
])|, caomsadheoir, s. m. a rehearser
^*}**"!' weak-voiced ]1, caomhshrath, s. a pleasant village
Caol-ri40)i, caol-mhaor, s. an apparitor , caomhtha. s. . sooiety, association
Cftol-rhjO|-rtCn, caol-mhiosachan, s. purging-flax. , caomht/iach, s. m. an associate, comrade
SA. companion, protection
CaoI-cu)]*, caol-tuir, s. a pyramid. AVer. , caomhtheachd, s. a company ; e. cojm-
, caomh, adj. gentle, mild, handsome, kind ,
, caom/i, adj. small , caon, s. a resemblance
, caomh, s. a feast , caonach, s. moss
, caomh, s. a running together ], caamam, v. 1 conceal, hide, resemble
, caomh, s. m. a relation ; '* SAmjiAo gojtto )! caonar, s. cotton
]f]n mbljAwAjnrj x>\ ngojji) jmr]Jt ]mc])n , caoiuir, adj. solitary
))1 meAjijtne, ua]J ] ]^)^0 1], caonaran, s. m. a solitary person
1* ." 4 Mast. , caonbhuidhc, s. m. gratitude
1433. 1*, laonduahch, s. a carver
, caomha, s. skill, knowledge , caondubhrachd\ . ,
, caomha, s. nobility ; " % caoiia ujle cl*]jt
chuji." CAont>ut|ACt>A, caonduthrackdach, adj. religious,
, caomhach, s. m. a friend, a companion devout
, caomhaidh,! , . . 405, caonnag, s. a nest of wild bees. Sc.
. . caomhaigh,
, i , )( adi.
J complete,
1 ' perfect
r , caonnag, s. a skirmish. Sc.
C<om*j5)m, caomhaighim, v. I complete, fulfil CAoAgA, caonnagach,; aJ;
adj. riotous
], laomhaim, v. I save, spare, protect, keep, , caonrusach, adj. tender, kind, gentle.
preserve ; prop. c*orh*jnjm Dow/. 326
CaottiaIc, caomhalach, adj. kindly, congenial, bland , caonla, adj. private, hid, secret
, caomhalachd, s. congeniality, gentleness, , caontach, adj. frugal
softness, kindness ,, ^>\adj. teazing, perplexing
, caomhan, s. a noble person. Sh. ), caepadh,) > >
, caomhanach, adj. mild, merciful, bene , caer, s. f. sheep ; plur. CAOjpe
volent Caoji, caor, s. f. a berry, a grape
, caomhantach, adj. sparing, saving, fru Crtop, caor, s. f. a candle
gal , caor, s. f- a Hash of light, flame, a spark of
), caomhantadh, adj. protected fire
, caomharrach, adj. private, secret Caojia, caora, s. a bunch of grapes or cluster of
1, caomhchlas, s. m. annihilation ; alteration, berries
decay |1->-;), caora- bad-min, s. stone-bramble.
61>, caomhchlodh, s. exchange of lands Sh.
1>, cuomhchlodhach, s. one changing abode Caojiac, caorach, s. mutton
often. Sh. Caojiac, caorach, adj. any thing belonging to sheep
C*om}*utAmujl, craomhchruthamhuil, adj. finely -, caora-bheanan, s. a ewe
shaped, firm. 162. , caorachd, s. cattle. Sh.
, caomhdha, s. m. poetry, versification Caojia, caeradh, s. a furnace ; Heb. cr
1], caomhloise, s. a pleasant blaze of fire ), caoradh, s. f. a sheep
, caomhna, 7 i < ^, caoraigheacht, s. herding of cattle
*, caomhnadh, m" Prot*'<>"> <^ ^;, caoraighecht, s. m. persons without any
, caomhna, Km<afren{i settled habitation, employed by the Irish princes
), caomhnadh, J to drive off the cattle of their neighbours with
, caom'ina, 1 r j , whom they were at war
" '. caomhnadh,
, ^l'jl Jt s. . food, nourishment , caoran, s. m. a dry clod used for fuel
?, caomhnach, s. m. a friend, a feeder , caorbhearlach, adj. berry-bearing,
, caomhnacha, s. ability, power ; Leb. bacciferous
breac Cop-T)}om*jn,
am CAR am CAR
Caop-cpomajn, caor~dromaln, elder berries. Sh. Capaoajm, caradaim, v. I befriend
Caopgeal, caorghea!, adj. red hot Cpaoap, caradas, s. friendship, alliance
CaopU, caorlann, s. m. a sheep-fold Capad-ullarh, carach-ullamh, s. an upper garment.
Caoppac, caonach, cocciferous. Sh. Sh.
Caoppan, caorran, service or mountain ash. Sh. , caradradh, s. m. amity, friendship, fa
Caoptajn, caorthainn, s. the quicken tree, quick
beam Capajat, caraghadh, s. a movement, motion, stir.
aop-calrhujn, caor-talmhuin, s. earth nuts Sh.
Ceop-re]ne, caor-theine, s. a firebrand
Capaje, caraiche, s. a wrestler. &\
Caop-remrjje, caor-theintighe, s. a thunder-bolt;
Cl*)o, caraid, s. a friend, a favourite
a flash of lightning
Capajo, caraid, s. a pair, a couple', a brace
Caor, caoth, s. f. a shower Capajoajm, caraidhaim, v. to wresde
, caothack, s. debacchation. S. Cajtare, caraidhe, s. a wrestler
Caota, caoihach, adj. showery
Capapoea, caraideach, adj. biparous
Caotpua, caothruadh, s. m. mildew
Capareao, caraidheachd, s. debate, dispute
Cap, s. m. a cart, a tumbril Capajjam, caraigham, v. to move, stir. Sh.
Cap, cap, s. m. a cap
Capujteacr, caraightheacht, s. m. a debate, dispute,
Cap, cap, s. an old person Struggling .t-u'j ..
Capa, capa, } Caparceojp, caraightheair, s. m. a disturber
Capan, capan, S v v
Capajlljn, capalan, s. a sorry little horse Capajm, carahn, v. I love
Capjpce, caraiste, s. a carriage
Capall, capall, , Capjpte, caraiste, s. baggage
C*pall, capul,] s- m- a horse 0 mare
Capajpte, caraiste, s. a beating, c. \
Capull-cojlle, -coile, s. the mountain cock ; Capajptea, caraisteach, s. a carrier
caperkailly. .
Cajtajr, /, adj. religious, devout. For. foe.
Capajm, capaim, v. I renounce, disown Capam, caram, to stir. Sh.
Capar, caput, s. the head. 'A.
Capplajt, capfiahh, s. a commander in chief. Sh. Capn, caran, s. crown of the head
Cajiantaj carantach, adj. kind . ..
Captare, caplait, s. the first day of Easter
Capan-cpejje, caran-creige, s. a conger eel, a
Caplajr, copiait, s. Maunday Thursday ; " i. e. laie
f let>e cpjpc aeop a ^pptal ujme." Cor. prawn
Caj<ojr, caraois, s. lent. 7?.
Capg, capog, s. f. the general name for the plant Capar, ceres, s. a first-rate ship. Sh.
called dock Capapojp carasoir, a captain of a ship. Sh.
Capg-pparoe, capog-shraide, s. sharp-pointed dock ;
Capb, caib, s. m. a basket
Kumex acutus Capb, i> > s. m. a litter, a bier, a carriage
Cap, car, s. a twist, turn, bending
Capb, carb, s. m. a plank
Cap, car, s. care Capb, carM, s. a ship
Cap, car, s. the jaw
Capbac, carbad, s. m. a carriage, coach, chariot, lit
Cap, car, s. a trick, stratagem, subterfuge
Cap, car, s. a bar in music ; a part ter, bier
Capbat, carbad, s. m. the jaw
Cap, car, adj. brittle, smart
Capbaojp, carbadoir, s. m. a charioteer, waggoner,
Cap, ;-, adj. nigh
Cp,<*r, ? f a friend carter
Capa, cara, 3 Capbaojp, carbadoir, \ can.ia e.maUer
Capa, can, s. a leg or haunch Capbajpe, carbaire, )
Capba]peat>, carbhaireachd, s. mangling ,
Capabas, carabhat, s. a band, a cravat Capbal, carbal, s. m. the palate of the mouth
Capac, carach, adj. deceitful, tricky
Capac, carach, adj. terrible, meandring. 4. Capban, carbon, s. m. an unlucky person
Cpac, carach, adj. friendly, faithful Capban, carbhan,s. a little ship
CapBanac, carbhanach, s. m. a captain of a ship
Capaca, carachadh, s.. moving. -Sc. Capbanac-ujrge, carbhanach-uisge, s. a carp. 5/4.
Capaal, caracha!, adj. motive. /i.
Capacat-cejlle, caracad-ceille, s. insanity , carbfwdach, s. m. a clown; a sailor
Cajiat, carachd, s. motion, movement. Sc. Capbup, carbhus, s. m. intemperance
Capaoa, carachdach, adj. athietic Capajllam, carcaillam, v. to destroy. SA.
Capaco3c, fei, 1 8 JA. Capea jp, caraz/V,) s f- a :> a prs011
Capcap, carear, ) J 1
Capacho, carachdidh, J
Capcap, carcar's. m. a chest, a coffer
Cpat), cerarf, s. a friend Capcajp, careis, s. f. a carcase ; vulg.
C*pa, caradh, s. interring. Sc.
Capa, cara/A, s. rectifying, adjusting Capo, card, s. sending. Sh.
Capare, caradach, adj. befriended, having many

*f^J^.Ca*?' .i~ \s- a card to comb wool or flax C4]J, cerr, s. m. a pike staff ; the haft of a javelin,
, carda, ) " * ' f. cj4i 54 54 ]4p4 f4]p." Cor.
CpoA, carda, s. a gossip , carra, s. m. bran
Cape*)*), cardaidh, I f fl , C4pp*, cerra, s. m. scab, the scald
Capis, cardaish,j s> fc Hesh 414, cara, s. m. a scald head
]1), cardalm, v. I set, plant, lay C4ii4, carrach, adj. scabbed, mangy, bald ; Heb.
CipoAjm, cardaim, v. I card or comb karrach
CAjfoAjr, cardais,?, you put or planted ; i. e. eu)P)jv 4, carrach, adj. stony, rocky
o.g. C4jtj4C4n, curracan, s, m. a model ; " CApp*cn
C&)fo}onl| cardional, s. m. a cardinal te4mpu]U rolrh4)n," 4 Mast. A. M. 5129.
C&|tt>)onlc, cardionalta, adj. cardinal C4ppA, carradh, s. m. a pillar, a monument ; prop.
^, carduighe, plur. of cpo
Cajtfocul, carfhccal, s. m. antiphrasis CAppAjcc, carraicc, s. f. a rock ; Welsh, carreg
Ca)jnu)5m, carinuigham, v. to separate things mix C4pji4]ce4, carraiceach, \ adj. rock), stony,' rug-
ed. SA. *1*), carraigeach, J ged
CajiIa, caria, s. a wool card. Sh. CAppA]t>, carraid, s. trouble, vexation, distress
C]tUc, carlach, s. a cart-load. SA. 4114)0, carraidheA
ri, ' ' ' _, ,, scah.
... ^s. the scald, , p,
Crtplaan, ca lachan, s. a wool-carder , carruiahe,} '
Caplag, carlag, s. a flock of wool. S. C4j]i4]T>e40, carraideach, adj. distressed, troubled^
CApUjpe, carlaire, s. a carder vexed ; vexatious, troublesome
Caplarh, carlamh, adj. excellent C4]tfi4jr>jn, carraidhin, s. f. sour buttermilk
Cejim<*r3*]6, carmasgaihe, s. dispute, broil, conten C4p)Aj5, carraig, see cappAjc
tion. Sc. CAppAjgeA, carraigeach, see above
C*jtino54l, carmhogal, s. a carbuncle , carran, s. m. a weed
C*(in, cam, s. m. apagan priest , carran, s. m. a reaping-hook
, earn. s. m. apagan altar , carran, s. sillabud. SA.
Cipn, cam, s. m. a pile of stones; aheap of any CAppun-cpejge, carran- creige, see cApn-cpejge
thing C4pp-y)ot>, carr-fhiodh, s. a knot in timber
, earn, s. a sledge. Sh. C*lppj*t>, carrfhiadh, s. hart
41 earn, js m.flesh carridh, s. seeking. SA.
C4Jti4, cama, S C4)jttt), carrthadh, s. m. a pillar, a monument, a
4, cama, four or five; t. ce*ji4) cuj- pier
5. o.g. C4]tpu)54, carruigag, s. a sort of pancake. Sh.
4, cama, s. booty, prey. SA. . C4ppu)jeo)p, carruightheior, s. an emendator ; a
C*pnU4n, carnaihan, s.'m. the insect called beetle mover
CJtna, carnach, s. m. a heathen priest C4pr4n, carsan, s. m. hoarseness; a wheezing
Cojin^ip, carnadh, s. riddance , carsanach, adj. hoarse
, carnadh, s. piling, heaping ]*e*l, car seal, for a while
Carnaje, camaid, ced, garnet. Sh. C4pri>, carsughadh, s. punishment
CdiinAjjre, carnaighthe, adj. heaped, piled C4pt, cer?, s. . the bark or rind of a tree
CpriAjI, carnail, s. a mote of stones C4jtt, cart, s. m. paper; a chart, charter; plur.
CA|najm, carnaim, v. I heap, pile C4JrAC
, carrtan, s. a hillock Cpr, cart, s. a quart, quarter, the fourth of any
C*]n-40il)5, carn-aoitigh, s. m. a dung-hill thing
'4]4-))1, carnan- haisil, s. navel-wort, wall- , cartha, see CApptA
pennywort; Cotyledon, umbilicus veneris CAprA, cartach, adj. barky
4|14-400), carnan- caochain, s. a mole-hill C4]t4, cartach, s. a cart load
C4jin-cu)vrine, carn-cuimhne, s. a monument Cajica, cartadh, s. cleansing. Sc.
C4yin-e45lu)r, cai~n-eagluis, s. excommunication. C4ltt4]r, cariait, s. f. a bodkin, a tambour needle ;
Sh. c4jir4)r, . . 45 (i. . 4 cpujrne4,)
C*t-ne4T'num, car-neamhuinn, s. a string of pearls. . . >*\ fop 4 cupt4p 4n ." Cor:
Sc. 44), cariai, s. mint
41>, carnfadhach. Jr.l .. . C4pt4l4]t>e, cartalaidhe, s. a board er
C4nF44t,, canfadhadJi. Sh.\ adJ' hoarse CAprAlAjm, cartalaim, v. to quarter
C4po)o, caroid, adj. penitent. SA. C4pt4m, cartam, v. to cleanse, purge, clear out ;
4}4, carpat, adj. corrupted tan. Sh.
C4pp, , s. m. a cart, dray, waggon ; Heb. ca- C4pr4n, carian, s. a crab
rous / , carthann, 1 s. m. charity, friendship,
Capp, carr, s. a spear. O'-ff. CAptA4, carthannachd, J kindness

Capame, carthannach, adj. charitable, friendly, j Capaoppe, casaoididhe, s. m. a complainant

kind, officious Capaopjm, casaoidim, v. I complain, accuse
Crtjiran-cupajg, carthan-curaigh, s. wild officinal , casar, s. m. a hammer; prop, capj
valerian; Valeriana officinalis , casar, s. m. a path
C*jic-jii]l, cart-iuil, s. a mariner's compass , casar, } , ,
Cuptlojn, cai tloinn, s. water mint ; Mentha aquatica Capol, casarach,\s- m- slaughter
Capt]], cartoir, s. m. a carman, waggoner , casarmanach, adj. free
Cancojr, cartoit, adj. devout , casamach, s, . lightning; aflame or
<1-1, car-tual, s. turning contrary to the sun, hash of fire
Sc. Capajnia, casamach, adj. showery, o. g.
Ofujce, caruiche, s. a wrestler. Sc, Capbala, casbaladh, adj. obvious. Sh.
C*Iujte, carwhte, adj. affected Capbajjtnea, casbhairmach, s. in. a limpet, a cun-
Cap, cas, s. an accident ner, a peniwinkle
Cap, cas, s. m. a cause, a case Capbana, casbanach, adj. parallel, side by side
Cap, cas, s. m. the plague Capbejnr, casbheirt, s. greaves; covering for the
Cap, cas, s. m. money legs_
Cap, ca, s. f. afoot; prop, cop Capqonajg, casbhonnalgh, s. antipodes. Sh.
Cap, cas, s. fear, pity Care, case, ) . ,. .
ro^ fs- a boat, ship, or other vessel
Cap, ca, s. concern, difficulty, anxiety
Car, , s. hair of the head ; twistet] lock of hair Capea]*, cascar, s. . drinking cup
Car, m, s. a shaft, a handle Cope jm, casceim, s. f. a step, pace; prop, cojp-
Cap, cas, adj. ingenious cjm
Car, cas, adj. steep Cap-ojpa, cas-choisgach, adj. anti-pestilential
Cap, ca, adj. hasty, passionate; abrupt, sudden, Cap-nom, cas-chvom, s. a sort of hoe or plough,
laconic used in the Hebrides
Car, cas, adj. wreathed, intwined, twisted, turned
cifra*' cat'}adj- wraPPed> twisted> braided
Cap, cas, adj. gentle, mild, small
Car, cas, adj. clever, active, nimble ; Jfcb. eliush, Caplaoj, casdh/ao!, s. curled hair
haste, prompted , caserbhan, s. succory
Capac, casach, s. m. an ascent Cap-pa-Haii, cas-fa-chrann, s. woodbine, woodbind,
Capact>a, casachdach, a coughing, cough honey-suckle ; Lonicera pereclymenum
Carar>A]e, casachdaighc, s. the herb cok's-foot Capg, casg, s. stopping, stop, hindrance
Carcter, casachdas, s. cough Capgajm, casgaim, v. I blink -
Carati, casadh, s. m. a bending, twisting, wreathing, Cargajpjm, casgairim, v. I slaughter, cut, hew,
intwining, turning, returning, spinning %
Carat-, casadh, s. gnashing. Sh. CapgajHt, casgairt, \ s. slaughter, slaughtering,
Carat>, casadh, s. a wrinkle ; gau cara ]n aoam CapcajBt, cascairi,\ butchering
, casaid, s. f. an accusation, complaint CapgajHt-puanajn, casgav't-, s. casing, bag-
Ca pap, casaid, s. f. an action, process flaying
Cpjt>ea, casaideach, adj. complaining, accusatory Capgeujng, casgcumg, adj. antasthmatic. Sh.
Capapjm, casaidim, v. I accuse, complain Capgiujtamap, casgthuitamas, adj. antipoplectic.
Capajm, casa'tm, v. I scorn, slight, disdain Sh.
Capajm, casaim, v. I bend, wreath, twist, turn, re Capia, casia, s. frizzled wool
turn, go back C*pl, caslach, s. children
Capajn, casain, pi. of capan, a path Caprvta, casmhar, adj. difficult, arduous
Capajn-ut), casain-uchd, s. a bit cut off a sheep Capg, casog, s. a coat, garment, cassock, cloak,
from the lip along the belly to the tail. Sh. covering ; Heb. casa, cisa
Capajw, casair, s. f. a glimmering light from old rot Cap-mo)t>a, cas-moidhach, s> the herb haresfoot
ten timber in the dark : it is commonly called Capnap, casnaidh, \ s. split wood, chip, a lath, \
tcine ghcalain Capnajs, casmaigh,] match. 4 Mast. 1434
Capajj, casair, s. f. a thorn, a prickle, a buckle, , casrach, s. m. slaughter, havock
clasp CapHu]ps, casnmg, adj. barefooted
Capa)], casair, s. f. a shower, hail; Welsh, Ceser Cappal, cassai, s. in. a storm
Capa), casai, s. m. a garment, a habit Cappal, cassai, s. ra. garment
, casern, v. to be angry. Sh. Cappajtft, cassarach, adj. branchy. Sh.
Capan, casan, s. m. a path Cape, c<wf, adj. chaste, pure, undefiled
Capan, casan, s. m. a pin, abroach; a thorn CapteajiBan, casteaibhan, s. succory
, casaoid, see capap Capteawban na muc, castearbhan , dandelion
Capaopeac, casaoideach, see capapeac Cartoir, castoit, s. f. chastity
1 Bb Capto?,
ait, CAT ce-a CEA

Cartop, casthor, s. a curled clock AtAm, cathamh, s. snow drift. Sc.

, ca&tsearbhan, see )}* CAcarn-rajpge, cithamh-fairge, s. sea drift, spoon
a rc um, casturn, see drift, fe
Arup, ro<r, s. . a hammer ; a knocker of a door n, cat/urn, s. a wild goose with a black bill. Sc.
-]1, cas-urla, see , catanach, adj. freezy, rough, shaggy
Caj-u)1ac, cas-urlach, adj. curled Caran-eat>aj, cathan-eadaigh, s. a web
Car, ca, s. m. a cat Caca]i, caiar, four. Car.
, /, far cao, what Cacap, cathar, s. mossy ground. &.
Cat, cM, s. m. an Irish battalion of 3000 men Catapiba, cathardlui, 1 adj. belonging to a city ; s.
Cat, catk, s. m. a tribe, descendants ; *' Comar 65 Cacapcac, cathardhach, ) a citizen
na Rajalla] abajt ^ reAjqt Catara, cathasach, see catajrcac
^ 4]]5 100 ^ rj jna jmrjj Catbapp, cathbhan; s. m. a helmet
cc ]* :]5 rem." 4 Mast* 1421 Caibpuic, cathbhruith, s. sowens, flummery
Cat, cat, s. 01. a battle Cacbpn, catl.bharun, s. m. a commander, an officer
Ca;, /, s. m. pollard, husks Cacbuaa, cathbhuadhach, s. m. a victorious warrior
Caca, cata, s. m. friendship ; " bj mop caca ea- Cacbuaa, cathbhuadhach, victorious in battle
CUjtJja." Cac-cpaj, cat-cruinn, s. m. a rat-trap
Cata, catha, s. m. worship CAt-cjtAOjreAC, cath-chraoiseach, adj. eager for battle
Caca, cata, s. a sheep cot. Sc. -, cath-fcar, s. a warrior
Caca, cathach, adj. belonging to battles . j, cathfiilh, see CAjf rjt>
Cata, cathach, adj. cbafiy CAtpujfte, cathfuirc, s. m. a caveller ; a babbler
Caca, cathach, s. m. damages or fines for trespass. CAtpujjteAC, cathfuireach, adj. cavillous
Br. L. rujpeAc, cathfuireacht, s. in. cavilling ; babbling
CacaAt), cathcchadh, s. striving, tempting CAr-jopgala, cath-iorghalach, adj. quarrelsome.
CacaCa, catachadh, \ . ,
Caca, catadh, I s- *mn& domesticating, Carlabajp, calhlahhair, "1 address from a general
Caca, cathadh, s. winnowing Caclahpa, cathlabhra, J to his anny before a battle
Caca, cathadh, s. a breach, a defile Catla, catlach, "I adj. catholic, universal, gene-
Catac-curp, cathadh-cuir, s. falling snow. SA. CacIaca, cathlachta,) ral. Cor.
Caca-mapa, cathadh-mara, s. spoondrift. SA. Caclan, cathlan, s. m. a battalion
Catag, Cathag, a jackdaw, ajay. Si-. Caclujb, cathiibh, s. cudworth. SA.
Cacacat>, cathaghadh, 1 . Catijtea, catlimlleadh, s. m. a hero ; a leader in
CAtlAr,, ^,
Cacaj, caaidh, s. nobility, generosity CAtlun, cathlun, a corn. SA.
Caca)e, cathaidhe, s. m. a warrior |1,,^,|5 ^
Cacajgjm, cathaighim, v. I fight ; tempt, try, prove CacoIac, catnolach, i .
Cacajjam, cataigham, v. to honor, reverence, to Cacjia, ? cairath ? when, what time ?
tame. Sh. CArjiejm, cathrehn, s. f. triumph
Cara^ce, calaighths, adj. tamed Ca^jqr, cathris, s. watching
.Catajm, cathann, v. see catajgjm jtjreA, cathriseach, adj. watchful, quick
Cacajm, cathaim, v. J winnow, fan CAfpujjreo)]!, cathruightlwlr, s. m. a citizen
, ,, ^ s. f. a city, a ward, a cathedral : Cacuat>, cathughadh, s. m. temptation
, "tfr, ( t K;uiah ^), cathughadh, s. m. fighting, rebelling
Cacao, ftrfW.j Wa, Caer CACuj^f.eotf, cathuighthcclr, s. m. a tempter, a fighter
Caa]]., tAir, j f. chai a bench C'cIcA , cat/deach dearg, s. red poppy, corn
Cataojp, cathaoir, 5 rose ; Papaver lihoeas
Cacajpape, cathairaidhe, s. m. a citizen }1, caubar, s. m. an old bird, a hawk. Cor
Catajp-ppgamu)!, cathair-rioghamhuil, s. f. a royal Ce, ce, s. f. the earth
residence; a throne Ce, ce, s. f. night, a spouse
]1-1), cathait-tabnkuin, s. yarrow, mil " Da Ajnm t-on oje gAn on,
foil. Sc. prop. atajp-ralmujn 4C4f ce ; n] bpg ,
Catajpi cathais, s. a guard, a centinel Ce jor Ajnm ejle ],
Catajr, ca/rt/j, s. hurry , * 5*-" For. foc.
Caajt, cathais, s. watching, attendance , ceach, each, every, all ; written in old MSS.
*] cathaiseach, adj. vigilant, watchful for cac, and 54c
Catajreac, cathaiseach, adj. noisy, clamorous CeACAjng, caichaing, adj. inaccessible; difficult
Carajrea, cathaiseach, adj. brave, stout, valiant, walking; e. xso-ijiig, f. e. oo-cjmnji,. o.g.
clever ; quick ; prop. catara. Cor. ]]1, ceachair, s. f. dirt, filth
Catal, -catha!, s. valour. Heb. cail CeACAjp, ceachair, s. f. penury, want, distress
cea CEA C62L CEA

, ceachardha, \*dj. dirty ; stingy, pe- , ceadfadh, s. m. a sense, faculty

Ce4d*]t, ceachardhach,} nurious , aaifadhach, adj. sensual; having
Cec*i40t, ceadiardhacht, s. penury, misery, stin senses or faculties
giness , cea.lfadhacht, s. m. sensuality
, ceachdar, see C40f4], ceadfaidh, s. presence ; >}5,
CeAcb-, ceachladh, s. cutting, destroying, slaugh in presence of
tering, mangling CAtif4)5C4r, ceadfaigheas, s. m. sensuality, beast
, ceachludh, s. digging, violating liness
CeAclAjm, ceachlaim, v. J dig, destroy,' slaughter, CeAT>p4j5te, ceadfaighthe, adj. sensible, relating te
violate the senses
Ccacao, ceachladh, s. violation, hackling, mangling, CeAclAj, ceadlaidh, s. blistering
destroying , ceaihlaim, s. I blister
Ce4l4C4j, ceachladar, v. they dig ; i. . ooIa- , ceadlonradhA , ,
T)AJ. . g. C4olo4t), ceadlonnadh, Jsm' breakfast
CeAchtc, ccachlach, adj. spent, worn CeATslufc, ceadluth, s. rejoicing
Ce*CTi4jm, ceachna'm, v. I sing; -] ; . . , ceadluthach, adj. joyful* merry
44>4]> , ceadmhadh, adj. hundredth
Ce4o)ji, ceachoir, s. a wetting, moistening CAomujntjj, ceadtnuintir, s. the elder branch of a
Ce4jiA, ceachra, s. love family
CeAcju, ceachra, s. a reward, e.g. CAomujntjpe, ceadmulntire, s. the first born
Ce4}4, ceachra, s. a covenant C4t>mumtj)te, ' ceadmulntire, s. inheritance m
CeAt, ccacht, s. m. lesson right of promigeniture
Ce4cr, ceacht, s. m. power ; eminence , ceadna, s. the same ; sameness, identity
Ce4t*, ceachta, s. m. a plough ; plough-share >4, ceadna, adv. first
Ce4c4jc, ceachtait, v. they love ; t. . gpAAjj). ' " H cabttu lijp cuj,
"S- CAOjmpjng U|p pp4) grijl,
, ceachtar, prou, each, either. Mulloy 111. Fejo > pejjn ^
4 Mast. 1445 4p rcujptm ralmujn r*pjtl4 30
, ceachtar, adv. either, or. Mulloy 116 he)ij." OTlin.
, ceachtlach, adj. coal black. . -], cead-nabhar1, s. m. an element, first
, read, adj. first cause
, cead, s. a hundred CeAisjj, ceadoir, adj. instant, immediate; "Djaji-
C6at>, s. m. a stroke, blow, wound mAp m*c )orii4)l u} bhejjtn wo j pjAojup
, cead, s. m. leave, permission, licence, liberty, *j bjteit ) cco}te pop locj tjg pjti Bjofi-
consent, dispensation, scope, deference, dis 4]51 t)5e4uj4t> mejc UomAjp, ) lejm 00 bjej
charge, submission, passsport g4n pjop 00 , 4p Aiiccojre jpjn loe,
C*t)4, ccadach, adj. striking 50 jo bjeAD 4 cc*r>0}p," 4 Mast. 1,3.97
-, ccadach, adj. talkative -:, cea-druidheacht, s. m. geomancy
, ccadach, s. cloth, a standard, colours CeAotomAjlr, ceadtmnai/t, s. f. a breakfast
, ceadacht s. m. permission CeAotujjeAC, ceadthuigheach, adj. venial. Sh.
4]5, ceadaigh, s. a session or sitting Ct>tjrmc*t>, ccadtuismcaih, s. m. tlie first born,
Cft', ceadaighitn, v. I permit, ailow, consent firstling
Ce4t)4j5)m, ceadaighhn, v. I dismiss, liberate, dis C4t>-tr, read-thus, s. m. an element, a beginning-
charge Heb. cadish, new
Ce4T>A);e, ceadaighthe, adj permitted, allowed CAt>u4)]t, ceaduair, s. an hundred times
Ce4t>4j5ted, cearfa/g/i^eet,aclj. allowable, sufferable C4BU4jl, ceaduair, s. f. the first time
1, ceadal, s. m. a story, narration 4>, ceadudh, s. f. a bed, a couch
Cc4T54l, ceadal, s. m. a battle, conflict Ce4o4t>, ccaiughadh, s. m. permission^ consent*
Cc4C4l, ceadal, s. m. malicious invention, detrac allowance
tion Ce4oii]5e4, ceaduigheach, adj. allowable
>!, ceadal, s. m. druidish incantations CeAl, ceal, s. m- a covering, a coa/se blanket* coarse
>1, ceadhal, adj. full of sores, blistered woollen cloth
, ceadamas, adv. in the first place ; first of Ce4l* ceal, s. m. a joint
all; chiefly, principally CeAl, ceal, s. m. a concealment, concealing
Ce4T>4om, ceadatin, s. Wednesday Ce4l, ceal, s. m- death and every thing terrible
, ceadas, adv. first, in the beginning " . <'. 4 OCAf CftC ) n'll4m4]T1." Coi\
>,1)6, ceadbhilich, s. centaury. Sh. C6a1, ceal, s. m, a mouth ; prop, eel
C4t>y4t>, ceadfadh, s. m. an opinion, thought, con 1, ceal, s. m. heaven ; "CeAl, L e. fierh, ntdicr-
jecture; testimony - tur, u]t c}An cjAp aj ceAl." Cor. (This is a
CEA ce2i

literal translation of Horace's compliment t , ceana, adv. however, nevertheless; *

Augustus. Ode 2d, book 1st.
Ce*l, ceal, s. stupidity. Sh. , ceana, adv. alike ; map
1, cea/, s. m. forgetfulness , ceana, inteij. lo! behold!
1, ceal, s. m. use CeATiADAn-beag, ceana bhan-beag, s. common self-
1, ceal. s. tine Hour heal ; Prunella vulgaris
1, ceal, s. m. sickness ; Heb. coli "4 s. common
1, ceal, s. m. prophecy -, ceanabhan-mona, f cotton graSS
1*", ctaladh, s. m. eating, mouthing, consum CeAna-nA-mnA, ceanach-na-mom, f ^^1^
ing ; Heb. cilla
CealAjm, cealavm, . I cat J polystachion
Ce*-]lrn, ceal-mrm, s. a place of concealment , ceanadh, s. m. favouring
'.},, s. m. sanctuary CeAnAjjjm, ceanaighim, see ^
1-, ceal-fhuath, s m. a private grudge ]1, ccanail, s. kindness, fondness, mildness
Cealt,, cealg, s. f. a thorn, skewer CeanAjp, ceanair, s. a hundred
Ceaig, cealg, s. f. treachery, deceit, malice, spite, . , ceanalta, adj. kind, mild, gentle, clear*
hypocrisy ), ceanaitachd, see ceAiijl
^, cealgach, adj. treacherous, deceitful, ma ]!, ccanamhuil, see 14
licious, spiteful, hypocritical, wily, cunning , ceanan, see ceAnajj
15], cealgaim, v. I deceive, betray, beguile, )], ceanburgae, s. m. a burgo-master
seduce, allure, cheat, sting , ceanchaomh, s. m. a chess-board ; back*
CeAlgAjjte, cealgaire, s. in. a cheat, a knave gammon table
^, cealgaireacht, s. m. deception, illu CeAnACAjji, ceanchathair, s. f. a metropolis
sion, hypocrisy; cheating, tricks, pranks , ceanda, see *
CeAljftjte, cealgaithe, adj. deceived, defrauded >*, ceandacht, s. identity, likeness
Ce*l5onnt>, cealgaonadh, s. m. dissimulation, de 1, ceanfolaidh, s, unreserved but virtuous
ception love. Sh.
Ceaiap^Ac, cealgrmach, adj. malevolent CeAiifolA]re, ceanfolaighthe. s. concealed love
10]1*> cealgoir, see cealgAjpe CeAngAjl, ceangail, s. f. a band, bond, restraint
CeAlftO^eACo, cealgoireacd, see cealt;ajpeACT: CeAngAjl, ceangail, s. f. a league, covenant; " 1U
11, ceall, s. f. a church ; a cell or place of retire Dorhnujll jomoppo -j ujjljn oBApy-pe o
ment jaIIaj %)e, ceAnAjl 1 -
, ceallach, s. m. contention, war, strife t>iAt) p]u." 4 Mast. 1433.
, ceallach, | s. m. proper names of CeAnsajl, ceangail, s. f. a jucture, annexation, astruc-
, ceallachan, ) men tion
, cealkidh, s. m. custody CeAngA}!, ceangail, s. f. a bunch of grapes
5]1, ceangailte, adj. tied, bound
CeUop, ceallghoid, h CeAn^AiIreA, ceangailteach, adj. astringent, astructive
CeAllmum, ceallmhuin, s. an oracle or prophecy CeangAlA, ceangalach, adj. obligatory
Ceallojp, ccalkir, s. f. muck, dung ^, ceangallan, s. a bundle, a packet
Cealljib cealloir, s. m. the superior of a cell or mo 51], ceangaltoir, s. m. a binder
nastery 5], ceangastair, s. f. walking, pacing, i. e.
, ceallphort, s. a cathedral church cjmnjugAt. 0. g.
', ceallshlaid, see cealUpgajn Cean^lAjm, ceanglaim, v. I bind, tie, join, secure
!1> cealswl, s. a closestool ^, ceangtha, v. they go, travel, i. e. cjmnj-
, cealt, s. m. apparel, clothes; akelt; ** i.e.
ce t>)t)u, uncle dicitur rtedealt, i. e. tsecrcju." Cor. , ceann, s. m. a head, a chief, a leader, captain ;
, cealtach, s. m. a belt the upper part, end, limit
1,], cealtair, s. f a cause or matter , ceannach, s. m. a buying or purchasing, deal
CeaitAjp, cealtair, s. f. a castle ing
CertlrAjji, cealtair, s. f. a spear ; see quot. at colg Ceaa, ceannach, s. m. a reward, retribution
cealtair, s. f. clothes Cea> ceannach, s. m. a league, covenant
Ce*it-mu]lleo)ji, cealt-mhuilleoir, s. m. a fuller CeAac, ceannach, s. m. power, superiority
<Je*n, cean, anciently written for 5*n, ; np , ceannachd, s. m. buying, purchasing
m)-jrh CeAti-A-ce)le, can-a-cheile, together
-, cean, s. f. favour, affection Ceaacpa, ceannachra, s. Epiphany. Sh.
Con, cean, s. f. a debt, fault, crime , ceannachtrach, s. the upper part of
, cea, s. quadrupeds, cattle ; " t>o hojpeAt) the throat
le hmsnjb , . e.-oo rjieaBat) le coj-aj ce* CeA-AT)A]jir, ccann-adhaht, s. f. a bolster

, ectmnaharceim, s. a plowman. ' SA. CeAH-gAlap, ceami-galar, s. the head-ache ; scales

i-ea-A^jt,, ceann-aghaidh, s. the forehead in the head, dandritT
CeAnAi, ceannaich, s. strife. Sh. ), ceanngkarbk, s. ruft-head
, ceannmdhe, \ s. m. a merchant; any CeAgUcdn, ceannglachan, s. a bundle. SA.
^, ceannaighe, J dealer CeAnsftAjih, ceannghraimk, s. motto, title
Ce44)5e*t, ceannaigheacht, s. m. merchandise _ "1 adj. headstrong,
CertnftjjeAcr, ceannaigheacht, s. . dealing, traffick ]^, ceamlaidir, I restiff, stubborn,
ing CeAnl]T>)jeA, ceannlaidtreach, J wilfuil, contuma-
Ce<iaj5jm, ceannaighim, v. I deal, purchase, traf- J ciQus
fick ^]>, ceannmaide, s. a blockhead
CeAiAjmrj}, ceannaimsir, s. a date. . CeAphujfgAje, cearmpkurgid, s. a gargle. S/i.
^, ceannair, s. a driver. SA. , ceannrach, s. a fillet, head-lace
CeAAjjic, ceannairc, s. rebellion, sedition, riotous- , ceannrach, s. m. a halter, horse-collar,
ness, perverseness tether
CeAfA)]iceA, ceannairceach, adj. rebellious, per , ceannreitach, s. propitiation, mercy
verse CeApjAc, ceannritkach, adj. headlong, SA.
CeAfiAjftcAm, ceannaircmn, v. to rebel. Sk. CeA]iu*t>, ceannruadh, s. celandine
CeAAjpe, ceannairge, s. strife ; " ^ ]m]tjorri n CeAjtujrs,- ^annruisg, s. a bare or bald head
ceAA]P5e cup epjjt rwoinjo ai]* bioc." Dtml. CeAW, ceanma, \ ld' gntle, clement,
90. ceAj-Ac, ^^cA,j ;;gtteous' bashfu1' cnt'-
CeAAjrc, ceannaithe, s. light. O'Cl.
CeAAjieACj ceanmrdach, adj. arrogant , ceannsackad, s. confinement, humilia
, ceannardachd, s. m. arrogance tion
, ceannart, s. m. a principal, chief, comman CeApAA, ceannsachadk, s. subduing, reducing
der, conductor, ringleader, comptroller , ceannsackt, s. m, lenity, mildness, meek
, ceannartas, s. m. sovereignty, chiefry ness, tameness, continence
CeAiur, ceannas, s. m. authority, power, superi ]5), ceannsaighim, v. I confine, curb, sub
ority due, humble
Cea'iAfA, eannasack, adj. powerful, mighty CeAnraj^re, ctamsaighthe, part, conquft-ed, sub
GeAf^fS, ccanasg, the forehead. SA. dued, curbed
CeAbejpc, ceamibeirt, s. a hat 1, ceannsal, "Is. m. rule, govern-
CeAbeipt, ceannbeirt, s. a helmet CeApAlAw, ceannsalackd, J ment
)], crannbtrach, s. bow of a ship. Sk. 1, ceannsalach, adj. coercive
, ceannbhrat, s. a canopy CeAipAlAjtie, ceannsalaidke, s. m. president or go
CeAfmjtjA-Ap, ceambhritlias, s. an adverb vernor
CedDpjAftA, ceannbhriathrach, adj. adverbial CeApcAlpin, ceannscalpan, s. dandritT
*, cemnchathach, s. m. chief of battle ; a Cep5*lA, ceannsgalach, s. a chief leader. Sk.
name given to the crozier of St. Fionnchuan B. CeAfirgAlAC, ceanwgalach, adj. active. Sk.
Fionnck. , ceannsgriobhin, s. a motto, title. SA.
1, ceanncaol, see )6 , ceannsimidc, s. a tad-pole
CeAficjte, ceanncinne, \ s. the head of a family, a 1*<)> eeannsraity s. capitadon. Sh,
CeAqfiv, ceanncinnidh, j chief of a tribe ]5, ceannstiiaighe, s. an arch. Sh.
CeAfclAon ceannclaon, adj. steep, headlong CeAnrujgeACti, ceannsuigheachd, s. in. merchandise
CeAorhjtAW ceannchomhradh, s. a topick |%4?>, ceannsuigheadk, s. subduing, reduc
CeAiicun, ceanneun, s. a goad ing
}!, ceanndail, s. lice CeAfirujim, ceannsuighim, v. I subdue, suppress,
, ceandanna, \adj. headstrong, obsti- manage, appease, mitigate
, ceamdanach, J nate, pertinacious CeArujcce, ceannsuighthe, s,ee ccApAjjfe
CeAonAo, ceanndanachd, \ $. m. obstinacy, per- !, ceanntar, s. m. a hundred, a canthred,
1 ceanndanadas, ) tinacity neighbourhood, side of a country
*51> ceanndargart, s. a red-start. Sh. CeAcwe, ceamdire, s. chief of a country
, ceanndubh, see CeAtjtb ceanntir, s. a promontory headland
*, ceannfatk, s. cause, reason -iiun, ceunntreun, adj. obstinate
, ceannftadhna. s. m. a general, leader, , ceanntrom, adj. drowsy, sluggibh, heavy
commander , ccanntur, . . the world
CeApeA'nACt, ceannfeadhnacht, s. m. captamry ceanntur, s. m. hie, an age
), ceannfinne, see ceAcje , ceanntur, s. m. a stall for cattle
jot>a, ceannodha, s. the end ot a ship timber. ]5*, ceannuaisgneach, adj. rash, preci-
Sh. Pite **-,
CeAp)o*c, ceannonnach, adj. white-headed
ce% cea CEA

-ujge, ceann-uighe, s. the end of a journey, a , cearb, s. m. an excrescence

stage, a goal , cearb, )s. m. cutting, slaughtering, tear-
Ceu]ger, cearmuigheacht, s. . traffick , cearba, j ing, violating
Cenu)5te, ceannuighthe, adj. bought, purchased , cearbach, adj. lagged
CeAujgtert, ceannuightheach, adj. mercantile , cearbach, adj. awkward
Ceau^teoj]!, ceannuightheoir, s. m. a merchant, , ccarbaim, v. I cut, wound, rend, vio
purchaser late
, ceannurradh, s. m. a captain, a chief ], cearbaim, v. I cane, engrave
, ceap, s. m. a resolution 11, cearbhall, s. m. carnage, massacre
, ceap, s. m. a block -), cearban-feoir, s. wound-grass, a
, ciap, s. m. a stocks ; 4) healing herb
Ce<tp, ceap, s. m. a shoe-maker's last CeftpDApAjm, cearbharaim, v. I carve, engrave '
, ceap, s. m. a rallying point in batde CeApb-, cearb-chnaid, s. a severe reflexion
, ceap, s. m. a piece of ground, a district ; limit, ], cearboir, s. m. an engraver
bounds , cearc, s. f. a hen
, ceap, s. m. a head, a chief , cearcach, adj. having hens
, ceap, s. m. the stock or nave of a wheel , cearcjill, s. in. a hoop, a circle
, ceap, s. m. a progenitor, stock of a tribe, head , ceatchall, s. m. a bed, a couch ; a bolster,
of a family a pillow
, ceapadhranrt, s. scanning. Sh. , cearchall, s. m. a carpenter's block
CeApAjgjm, ceapaighim, v. I form, found , cearcallach, adj. circular
CeApAjm, ceapaim, v. I resolve -, cearc-fheadh, s. a pheasant
CeApAjm, ceapaim, v. I stop, intercept, limit, bound -, cearc-fhrancach, s. a turkey-lien
)pe, ceapaire, s. m. a last- maker -), ceai-c-fhraoich, s. a moor-hen, heath-
], ceapaire, s. bread and butter. Sc. hen
), ceapairam, v. to spread upon, daub. 0]11, ceatchiall, s. madness
Sh. ^, ceat claighthe, adj. hooped, incircled
1, ceapal, s. stopping 1), cearc/aim, v. I hoop, circinate
1, ceapalta, part, stopped -loc, ceat c-kc, s. a heri-roost
, ceapan, s. m. a stump, a small block -, cearc-mhanrach, s. a hen-coop
, ceapan, s. in. a niggard -, cearc-themain, s. a partridge
, ceapanta, adj. niggardly , ceatchull, see
, ceapanta, adj. stiff, wrong-headed -ujrse, cearc-uisge, s. a water-hen, a coot
, ceapog, s. m. song, unisick ), ceard, s. f. an art, trade, business, function
CeAp-rgAOjljrti, ceap-sgaoilim, v. I propagate , ceard, s. f. an artist, mechanic ; a tinker ; a
5]1]1, ceapsgaoilim, v. I trace or separate refiner; -jp, a gold-smith
the branches of a family 50, ceardach, s. m. a forge
, cear, s. m. offspring, progeny , ceurdacht, s. a low or base trade
, cear, s. m. death )5, ceardaighe, s. m. a tradesman or artist
, cear, s. m. consuming, wasting, throwing , ceardamhlachd, s. m. ingenuity
], cear, s. placing, putting, planting CeApcATihujl, ceardamhuil, adj. jngenious, well-
, cear, s. in. interment, burial ; " wiought, artificial
reipc, i.e. no cujpcAB , i. e. ljge ;!." , ceardclw, s, m. a work-shop, a forge : In
( Ci. its inflexions it makes
, cear, s. . blood, gore ; Welsh, gwyar , ceardcha, s. m. a tabernacle
, tear, adj. red, ruddy , cearchas, s. an ingenious artist
, cear, adj. dumb -, ceat d-dhearg, s. oker, keel. Sh.
, ceara, s. blood 5-, ceard-uviha, s. m. a brazier or copper
, cearachadh, s. m. delirium, delirament ; smith
wandering, Graying 1, cearla, s. a clue
, cearachur, s. a grave 1, cearlaeh, adj. round
, cearaim, v. I perform, execute 10>, cearlachadh, s. conglobation, conglome
im, cearaim, v. I die, fall ; " bljAt>A)n ration
fl*n NeActAjn 0." 4 Mast. 1, cearlam, v. to conglomerate. Sh.
1452. CeApluigie, cearluighthe, adj. conglobate, conglo
, cearamh, s. cattle merate
, cearam, v. to press. Sh. , cearmna, s. a cutting; e. geAppAO. e.g.
, cearh, s. m. money, silver , cearmnas, s. m. alie, falsehood, trick
, ceaib, s. m. a rag , cearn, s. m. a man
, ttaib, s. m. a lappet ,
-21 cea

, , s. m. victory CA]**, ceasa, . m. punishment, suffering, vex-

, cearn. s. m. a corner *
C*r**,ceasadh V ' ation, torment, crucifixion,
Ceajtn, carw, s. m. expense ; spending adh,
" J passion
Ce* {tri, cearn, s. m. a kitchen , ceasachd, s. m. torment, pain ; mo -
, cearna, s. m. a corner
Ce*jtn*bin, cearnabhan, s. m. a hornet C4r4c, ceasacht, s. m. an excuse, an apology
CejtiiAC, cearnach, adj. victorious Ce*p40r, ceasacht, s. m. complaint, dissatisfaction,
, cearnach, adj. four-square grumbling, murmuring, finding fault
, cearnacht, s. m. virility CArat, ceasacht, s. m. disinterestedness. O'Gn.
CeapnAt, cearnacht, s. m. angularity CcAj-ACtAC, ceasachatac/i, adj. dissatisfied, discon
CeAptus-jlojne, cearnag-ghloine, s. a pane of glass tented
Ce4jn-Ajpjt)e, ceam-airrdhe, s. m. a trophy of vic CAj-AO, ceasad, complaint ; see
tory Cftr4, ceasadh, see c*rA
Ce4jn-t>UA)r, cearn-diiais, s. a prize given in ny CArAojj, ceasadoir, s. m. a tormentor
game of activity, as running, wrestling, &c. CAj-Ajm, ceasaim, v. I torment, crucify, vex
]>, ceamfeamadh, s. destroying , cease, ~\
Ce4]*n-iu4C, cearn-luach, see -euAjr , ccasd, U . m. a quest *-n, an enigma
Ce4Jn]]S ceamoir, s. m. a victor, conqueror , ceasgJ
)*!, cearr, adj. left-handed, wrong Ceri54, ceasda, part, tortured, crucified
Ce4)*lA), cearraich, adj. expert. Sc. CcArgAjm, ceasgaim, v. I ask, enquire
CeAjtpAcin, cearracan, s. m. a carrot 4, ceasla, s. m. an oar
Ce4piAm, cearram, see ce4jt4jm Ce*rl*, ceaslach, s. m. coarse wool
, cearrbhach, s. m. sport, plunder; see \\\)>, cea//slaid,} .,
quot. at f]oijiac Ce4rl], caxslaid, \ s- anlege
Ce4}>lT>6, cearrbhach, s. m. a gambler, gamester CeApA, ceasna, s. great want, necessity
*1*> ceartbhachas, s. m. gambling, gaming Ce4jm4, ceasnach, adj. complaining
, cearrbhall, s. m. massacre, carnage, spoil Ce*rn4, ceasnach, \adj- necessitous,
, cearrucan, s. m. a skirrett Ce4rnA)|te4, ceasnaightheach,} sad, afflicted
Ce*pt, ceart, s. m. justice, right, equity 4)5), ceasnaigheoir, s. m. a tormentor
Ceapc, ceart, s. m. a rag; an old garment CeApiAjgteAc, ceasnaightkeathtjls. complaint,
Ceajit, ceart, adj. just, right, true 44]5]1, ceasnaighil, j anxiety
, ceart, adj. small, little, few )5]1, ceasyiuighim, v. I complain, expostu
, ceart, adj. pointed late
Ce*jiteA, ceartachadh, s. an adjustment, prepara Ce4rnAjjm, ceasnmghim, v. I question, ask, en
tion , quire
Cepr4}5jm, cearlaighim, v. I adjust, correct, regu CeAfnj*, ccasnughadh, s. interrogation, exami
late, prepare, dress, put in order nation
Ce4iit4)lm> ceartaighim. I prune, trim, cut CeApngAti, ceasnughadh, s. tormenting, chastising
Ce*JtAiteo}}s ceartaightheair, s. m. a corrector, CeArngAC, ceasnu-hadh, s. complaining
regulator nu)5)m, ceasnuighim, see ceAi-nAigjm
, ceartas, s. m. justice, equity ; prerogative, CeArnujgf-eoji, ccasmtighilieoir, s. acatcchist, que
property, propriety, pretension, possession rist
CeAps]ejt, ccartbfireith, s. f. birthright Ge4pt, ceast, s. a question
Ce4lrjiep)orh, cearlchreidiomh, s. m. orthodoxy C4fc, ceasta, see 6> t
, eeartcreidinhaek, adj. orthodox CA[-c45]m, ceastaghm, v.- 1 correct, amend, chas
Ce4}tl4, ceartlann, s. m. a house of correction tise, punish
Ce4lclip, ceartiar, s. m. the centre or middle point C4rtnA, ceastanaeh, s. m. a tormentor
Ce4jtcrbl)orj4, ceartsgriobhadh, s. orthography , /, s. an hundred
Ce4lru4t), ceartughadh, s. rectification, adjustment, ear, ceat, adj. first
preparing, amending Ce*t, ceat, s. a song ; " jto e*r be*n*n mA-it
Ce4ptu4t>, ceartughadh, s. pruning, trimming, cut 14]*."
ting, paring Ce4, ceath, "1 ,
Ce4lt;u)re, ceartuighlhe, adj. regulated, adjusted, *4, 3-8
corrected ; measured Ce4i, ceath, s. cream
Ce4r, ceas, s. m. obscurity, darkness Ce4t, ceath,ccalhnaid, 1J 8, ..been
Ce4r, ceas, s. m. sorrow, grief, sadness Ce4tnAp, a st,eeP
Ce4r, ceas, s. m. irksomeness , ccathach, s. mist, fog
Ce4j-, ceas, s. m. sight, vision; t> tetr i. e. 4t> oi- Ce*tA6, ceathach, adj. showery
C4r. Heb. chazon CetA-CAm,
cec CEC ce) CEI

-, ceata-cam, s. the seven stars; prop. Cec, cechi, s. a lesson, lecture

*- Ceo, ced, to shun, avoid. (.
Cenrnjm, ceala'm, v. I sing, celebrate Cc, ced, a hundred, see
, ceatain, s. the month of May Cr>, ced, first, see c*x>
, ceathair, four CoAc, cedach, s. a mantle, garment, veil
CoAC, cedach, s. stripes, striding
, ceadaidh, s. sitting, resting
, cedas, adv. at first
Cegejn, cedghcitif s. the first-born
CeutAj|t or*o, ceathair-chosach, adj. quadruped, Cet>)AllnA, cedhghiana, s. surety, pledge
Jour- footed Cet>lut>, cedludJi, s. non-performance
Ceii4)]*-oeug, ceathah-dcug, fourteen Ccliro, cedlitdh, s. beginning
)-|!, ceothair-dhuil, s. the four elements ; Colur, cedluth, s. the first shout, applause
the universe Ceou, cdudh, s. a bed
Ceatrtjfi-gohlanac, ceathair-gobhUmach, adj. qua- Cejbe, ceibe, %. a spade
drifidous Ce)ojn, ceibhin, s. f. a fillet
Ce*i*j]-pot*, ceal*-ir-rotJiach, adj. four-wheeled Cejbjn, ceihhin, s. f. a lock of hair
Ceacajp-j-ljornftd, ceathair-shliosnach, adj. four- , /, first; used for in compound word%
sided when the first vowel of the second member of the
CcacaI, ceatal, s. singing compound is slender, as cp-j^g, c]t>-j4e}tupa,
, ccatham, v. to sing. 5. &c.
Ce4A]tD, ceatharbh, s. attroop, company, multi- Cpe, ceide, s. a market or fair
tude Cpe, ceide, s. a green or plain
Ce*fApt)*, ceathardha, belonging to four Cpe, ceide, s. a road
Ce*A}fnA, ceatharnach, s. m. a soldier ; a country Cpe, ceide, s. a hillock level on the top ; dim.
man cepjn
, ccatharnachd, s. m. valour, heroism , ceideamh, \ s. m. May; i. e. bel-
Cearjrat), cea/fadh, see , ceidtamhain, j tejne
, ceatfadhach, see CjegpjeACt, cdghrinneachd, s. . ripeness of
C*cpAt>4ct,.-a{/fa/ac, see >> age
, ceathmhar, adj. creamy . . Cepfce, ceidhche, see cojce
CeAtnAjT), ceathnaid, s. a sheep Cepjl, ceidil, s. m. a duel, conflict
, ceathoideach, adj. showery Cpp, ceidin, s. f. a hillock
, ceathra, s. cattle Ce), ceigh, s. a quay or wharf
CeArjtAA, ccatfuacha, 1 , ' CejgAjnAC, ceigainach, adj. substantial, thick, stout
CeAljAA<>, ceathmchadh,) - Cjl, teil, s. concealment, concealing
^'', ceatlirachadadh, fortieth Cjle, cede, s. m. a spouse, husband or wife ; a com
CeAtpArh, teathramh, s. a fourth, a quarter, a panion, associate. Heb. calla
quartan or fourth part of a stanza Cjle, celle, s. m. a servant
, ceathrami, s. m. the thigh Cjle, ceile, adj. joined, united together; ja
', ceahramk, s. cattle, see quot. at cojnme ejle, far asunder, separated
', ccathramha, s. a trencher C]leAb)iAc, ceHcabhradh, s. m. a farewell, adieu,
CeAf]*rnA, ceathramha, \ the fourth, the ordinal leave ; " CejleAUpAti cubac uAjmre t'ajiiijFi."
jiAirwo, ccathramhadh, J of four Cel. Cil.
e at -c<*q A, ceathramha-caerac/t, CiWbjtA, ceileabhradh, s. . festivity, solemniza
Ce4t]i4niA-luam-51)ollo^, Cecthrumha-luain-gr'tollog, tion, celebration ; " CejleADjiAti aii ^fff tjaca."
lamb's quarter, wild orache, fat hen ; rtiplex CejleAbpAt), ceileubhmdh, s. m. a coversation, dia
hastata logue ; " i. e. no corhCAjnt."
CeAjAma, ccathramhadh, s. a plough-land CjleAbjtAjm, ceileabkraim, v. 1 bid farewell, take
^, ceathramhan, s. a quadrant, see c- leave
CjleAbp*-)rn, ceileobhraim, v. I celebrate, solem
, ceathramanach, adj. cubical nize ; "V'J r\>) pAtAjb .^ 1)
CeAiiAAihu]l,cfArflHtAK/7, adj. brutish, morose, N %)e.U
surly CjleA, ceileadh, s. . junction, union
]1]>, ceathrar, four of anything Cjle-, ceile-de, s. m. a servant of God ; a culdec
CAtrmAjn, /, . the first of Summer; j Cejlejji, cei/eir, s. chirping of birds, warbling or
May-day ; the first feast of Samhuiti. Cor. song of birds
Cet, cedit, s. a plough-share CejljbpArV, ceilibrath. Sc. see cj'.eAbjiA
Cec, cedit, s. power, might, strength CC1I5, ceilg, gen. of ceAlg, deceit
ce) CEI ce) CEI
CejlgealUjmj ceUgheallaim, v. I betroth, enerare to CejnrnotA, cemmotha, adv. almost, nearly
another CejnljAt, cemnliath, adj. grey-headed
Ce*tgpuiM, cealgrunach, adj. deceitful, malicious, CejnreACAt), ceinnseachadli, s. m. appeasing
litigious t-ejnj-eAAjm, ceinnscachaim, v. I appease
C)l), ceilidh, s. visiting Ceip, cp, s. f. a shoe-maker's last
Cj'pjm, ceilidlrim, v. I visit Ccjpjn, ctipin, s. f. a planting-stick, a dible
Cj'j5e*c, ceiligheacht, s. m. copulation Cem-rujrlAj, ceip-tuislaidh, s. a stumbling-biock-
Ce)']<" ceilim, v. I conceal, hide, cover
Ce)l)}<m, ceiiiram, v. to chirp, warble. Si. Cjj, ceir,
' , s- f. wax
Cejl]orhujn, ceiliomhuin, s. secrecy Cjf, cetir, s. a berry
)1), ceilubhra, s. m. concealment Cejp-be*, ctir-bheach, s. bees-wax
Cejli, ceiil, . CejjioeA, ceirbheadh, s. carvin*
Cejlle, cet/le, J &a- of CJ*U> sense' &c' ]11, ceirbhealta, adj. graven, engraved,
Ci^t'rtV/,^' } inflexions of 11, a church Cpj|iojjeAcr, ceirbkeiveackt, s. ni. carving, engrav-
CejUp, -ceiWdfi, "I adj. sensible, rational, wise,
Cejllje, ceillidke,] prudent, sober, sedate Cjjio, ceird, gen. of ceAjtt, luce cejpoe, artisans,
Cejlljujn, ceilliuin, s. codfish craftsmen
Cejllrjne, ceillsine, s. homage, submission Cej^o-cpu, ceird-chru, s. a butcher, an executioner
Cejlt, ceilt, s. f. concealment, concealing ]-|5, ceird-thosaighc, s. sorcery, witchcraft
CejjtA, ceirdha, adj. waxen
Cej!re/^,}adj-hid concealed, secret
CjfieAc, ceireach, adj. abounding in wax
Cejlcjn, ceiltin, s. hiding, covering
Cejltjrjn, ceiltinitin, e. hidden meaning, equivo Cjpjn, CW, '{s. a plaster, a poultice
cation Cejjjjocn, ceiriocan, s. water elder tree
Cjm, ceim, s. f. a step, degree ; pi. cejmnjjeAcA s. a small dish, a plate, a
or cejmeafU Cejjinjn, ceirrun, platter ; " ^ cole pop
Cjm, ceim, s. i. elevation, dignity ; Heb, cum, to Cejjn, ceirn, cpjB cejjmje." Cair. mac
rise, stand Eath.
Cjm, ceimh, adj. smooth, mild, polished, . e. CAOjn. CejJipeA, ceirseach, s. m. a wood-lark
-g- Cejpple, ceirsle, s. a clew of yarn
Cjm-eAlg, ceimh-dhealg, s. m. a hair pin Cejpr, ceirt, s. f. a rag
,' ceimheasas, s. geometry, from ce and Cejpt, ceirt, s. f. a tree
meApAjm )1-)11, ccirt-abhcll, s. an aple tree
C|riijn, ceimkin, "| CejpteA, ceirteach, adj. ragged
C)ifijo, ceimhionn, > s. f. a hair-lace, a fillet Cejpreg, ceirteog, s. f. a little rag
Cjmleg, ccmhleog,) Cejpce, ceirteog, s. f. a ragged girl
CjmjorlAco, ceimitslacd, s. inferiority Cejpcle, ceirtle, 1 s. f. a bottom or ball of thread or
Cimmilea, ceimhmhileach,! . . Cejpdin, ceirtlin, J yarn
Cejrhphjo, ceimhphionn, \ see cel"lb CeAprleA, ceartleach, adj. globular
Ccjmnjt), ceimnidh, s. a springing forward; " no CeAjttljgte, ceartlighthe, adj. conglomerated
cejriinjti *p a ceAf'rAAjt) do >1 >0;0." Cejitl}m, ce'trtlim, v. I glomerate
CejmnjgeAc, eeimnigheach, s. m. a footman CejptrheAt>*n, ceirtmheadhan, s. the centre, the
Cjmn)5jm, ceimnighim, v. I advance, step forward middle ; " ] ^
CjmriJSceA, ceimnightheach, adj. progressive )."
CjmnrgeAt), ceimnightheadh, s. graduation Cjf, cris, s. f. a basket, a hamper
Cymnjoti, ceimniodh, 1 s. gradation, advancing Cejp, ceis, s. f. a spear, a pike,
CvmnjugAO, ceimniughadh, \ by degrees Cejp, ceis, s. f. loathing, want of appetite
Cejm-T;ojrA]c, ceim-toisakh, s. precedence, pass. Cejr, ceis, s. f. grumbling, murmuring
SA. C)p, ceis, s. f. a farrow, a young pig
Cjn, /i adj. far off, remote, long since ; Accjn Cjr, , s. f. a sow
*5* * BP5ur )1], ceischrainn, s. polypody
Cin, cein, s. time, awhile; An cjn Bj aR Ce]fo, ceisd, s. f. a question, enquiry, a problem
Cejn-;, cein-bheart, Is. a helmet, any cover for CejroeAitiujl, ceisdcamhuil, adj. inquisitive, suspi
jn-, cin-bheart, J the head, as hat, wig, &c, cious
Cejnpl, ceiniol, s. children CejpeACAn, ceisdeachan, s. a catechism
Cejnrrme}, ceinmhaer, interj. ! happy ! , celsdamch, adj. catechetical
CemmotA, \ceinmotha, prepos. besides, without, ex CeirX5eAnA]t)e, ceisdtanaidhe, s. m. a catechumen
cept Ce]pJB]rn> ceisdighim, v. 1 question
Dd Ce)pmAt>,
ceo ceo cm

CejpT>)ii54t> eeisdiughadh, s. inquiry, examination CeoljtApe, ceohaidhe, s. m. a chanter

Ceolpjriwm, ceolrimham, v. to modulate, play music.
|[|4"'' } S- fl a Sma11 basket' a hurdle Sh.
Cejreani, ceiseaiiach. s. a way made through bogs CeoltA, ceoltadh, s. music, singing
by laying down hurdles joined together CeotfiAji, ceomhar, adj. misty, dark
Cejreg, ceiseeg, s. f. a slip, youngling, young pig CeoriAfiAt), ceomharachd, s. darkness
Ceji Jn, ccisin, s. f. a young pig CeomjlceA, ceomilteach, s. mildew
Cejfjr, ceisis, s. grumbling, discontent, o.g. Ceop, ceor, s. amass, a lump
Cejrneam, ceisneamh, s. m. whining, complaining Ceor, ceos, s. hip. Sh.
Cejrnjfcjm, ceisnighim, see cejrcjjjm CeotA, cecthach, adj. dark, misty
Cejrnjm, ceisnim, v. I complain, whine without Ceopn, ceothran, s. ni. a small shower
cause >, ccpadh, s. silver; see cjm
Cejfr, ceist, see cejrt> , cepar, s. m. money, coin
Cejrte, ceisle, dear. Sh. Cepjonuf, cepitnus, adv. however, howsoever
, cetbheach, s. m. a gamester
CejjrmU, ceistiughadh, [* examination, enqui- Cewbreoii, cerbseoir, ) ,
Ceibnite, cerbstre, \s-m- abrewer
Cej-4)n, ceitain, May. SA. CepburAjp, cerbusair, s. a banker. 5/i
], ceitainach, of the summer. SA. CejtcAjll, ctrcaill, s. a night-cap, a protection for
CejieA, ceit,headh,\& carriage made of rods or the head ; a pillow. Cor.
Cejfjm, ceithim, ) oziers Cejiceno, cercend, s. m. a cycle ; " i. t. cuA]ftt
CejteAfmAC, ceithearnach, s. m. a soldier, a sturdy n'A]mf]]ie." Cor.
fellow Ce pen, ceren, see cejpm
Cejrpe, ceithre, four , cern, s. a square. Cor.
Cl, /, s. m. the mouth Cepnene, cernene, s. a dish or dishes
Cl, eel, s. m. prophecy > Cepub, cerub, s. a cherub. Com. p.
Cel-unlc, cel-bhak, s. m. strong or thick words ; Cet, cet, s. a mouth, aperture
' . . -, no bjijAtjiA Ujojiie." .. Cet, cet, s. prophecy
Celpi, celehin, s. a fine. Sh. Cet, ceth, for ca, battle
CelejiAw, celebhradh, see cejleAbf4t> CetAjm, cetaim, v. I sing ; " Jr }o cet"*n rjlj."
Celjm, celim, v. I eat Ballim. 54.
Cen, cen, written in ancient MSS. for ^, without Cetepn, cethern, s. m. a plundering saldier ; " i. t.
, cendfhochras, s. putting one letter for cet CAt, ocor opn opcAjn." Cor.
another Cetepn, cethern, s. m. a troop of military men;
Cenel, cenel, s. children, see cjnel " i. e. cojpe Ajmjte." Cor.
Cen-mo-tA, cen-mo-tlia, see cejn-mo-A CejtgjAnA, ceitgiallna, s. pledges for service
Ceo, ceo, s. m. mist, fog, vapour Cettup, cettus, see
Ceo, ceo, s. m. milk Ceuo, ceuchd, see ceAct and cet
Ceo,, ceo, conj. and Cut5, ceud, see
, ceoach, adj. dark, misty Cuo, ceud, s. m. a cantred
Ceoft*, ceoacht, s. darkness Cu^oA, ceadach, adj. centuple
, cccbhach, s. m. drunkenness Cuo-Ajne, ceud-aine, s. Wednesday
, ceobanach, adj. misty, drizzling CeuopAt), ceudfadh, see cAOfA
CeoBjim, ceobhrain, s. heavy dew failing like rain ^uTigejn, ceudghein, adj. first-born
, ceobhran, \ s. m. small rain, mizzling CutilonjAt), ceudlongadh, see cAtilonjAt
CeoBjiAon, ceobhraon,} rain CutjrheAr, ceudmhas, s. first fruit
, cecbhiaonuch, adj. mizzling, misty Cum, , see
Ceol, ceoL, s. m. music, song, melody CumAiTiujl, ceurnamhuil, adj. stately, majestie
Ceohj, ceolagh, s. purging flax; Linum. catbar- CuriA, ceuna, see
ticum Cup, ceusa, see
CeoUjjie, ceolahe, s. m. a singer, warbler Cupjm, ecusaim, see
Ceobjjieftt, ceolaireaeht, s. m. singing, warbling Cuj-oft, ceusda, see ceroA
Ceoln, ceolan, s. m. a little bell CeutAC, ceutach, adj. elegant, famous-
Ceoln, ceolan, s. m. a cross crying child Cj, ft, s- a hound, see cjocaj
Ceolbi, ceolbhinn, adj. harmonious J, ci, interj. see, behold
Ceolujpm, ceolchuirm, s. a concert Sh. ], ci, s. lamentation
CeolriA}, ceolmhar, adj. musical, harmonious
Ceo'iriwjiACt, ceolmharacht, s. m. harmonioueness 1' ] adv. how? who? what?- IM. ci
Cja, cw,J
Ceolojrlejrj, ceoloisleisi, s. dropping mists, rain. A. C]A, c/'e, adj. all, every. Heb. col
Ceol]Ajt>> ceolraidh, s. m, musicians^the muses Cja,

Cja,, cia, s. m. a man, a husband CJa}ac, ciarach, s. a young black girl. Sh.
)*,' cta, s. m. a reward C]a]ia]1, ciarail, s. f. a quarrel
C)j *', s. m. a covenant CJajiaIac, ciaralach, adj. perverse, froward
* * c:a as> adv. whence ? CjAjiAn, ciaran, adj. grey
|*, ciabh, s. f. a lock of hair CJajicajII, ciarcaill, see cepcAjll
CJB*c, ciubhach, adj. hairy, bushy CjAfg, czaroj, s. f. a chafer
Cjah*5in, c.abhagan, s. asmall curled lock Cj4jtpjn, ciarsain, s. f. grumbling
CjAOAg-ojlle, ciabhag-coille, s. a wood-lark. Sc. CjAjipeA, ciarseach, s. m. a thrush
Cjaban, ciaban, s. a gizzard C)4}.r)n, ;,, I kerchief
), ciabharttian, s. a shower. e. CjAfipjjt, ciarmir,]*' r" a KercmeI
Cj40-dac14c, ciabh-bhaclihch. adj. curl-haired C)a}ca, cwre,. adj. waxed ; bpp cja]ic*.
CjB-*poA, ciubh-chasda, s. curled hair CjApAjl, ciasail, s. f. a dispute, quarrel
CjaB-ceArvouB, aabk-ceanndubh, s. deer's hair CjACA, ciata, s. an opinion
CjAoppfi, ciabhfluoim, s. fair hair Cj4t4C, ciatach, adj. graceful ; esteemed
CjAbg, ciabhog, s. f. a small lock of hair, a side C]4tp4, ciatfach, adj. honest
lock C]4tf4t>, ciatfadh, s. admiration
CjAUpA, ciabhsa, tho' I was ; " i. e. ge no bj me." |4404, ciatachadh, s. gracefulness
C)b, c/, s. f. a hand
C], , s. m. mist, fog Cjd4]5, cibharg, s. a rag, a little ragged woman. SA,.
CjA, dach, s. m. sorrow, concern Cjben, ciben, s. the rump. Sh.
Cja, cm/, v. they lament Cj, eich, s. a greyhound. Welsh Ci
Cjao, c('e, v. they saw Cj, /, see cjo
CjAOAn, ciadan, s. height Cjc4l, cical, ") s. a cycle. Car. Cjcul 5]j4nt>4, solar
CjAtrujIU, ciaddkuiltach, adj. centifolious. i. Cjcul, cicul,} cycle
CjAtilup, ciadlus, s. curiosity. tfA. Cjc4jt, car, adj. greedy; it is figuratively applied
CjAltAf, cialtkar, let there be equality ; " i. e. cu-r to rage in battle, ascopgA] cjcaj*
t)jtom*)5eAf, no comrjtoiiiAjgieAp." Br. L. Cjet, eichet, walking ; i. e.cejmnju ad. o. g.
CjaI, cia/, s. f. death C)t), cichi, adj. cordial, kind
CjaU, ciaUf s f. sense, reason, motive Cjjp, cichis, s. complaint
CjaIIacab, ciallachadh, s. signifying CjUt>4, cichlada, see cjer
CjaIIcojajp, ciallchogair, s. a watch-word Cjl4t>4ji, cichladar, v. they walked ; e." cejmnj-
CiaIIba, cialldha, ge4C4l." e.g.
cLllmc, mtfW^A, ~\H" rat!ona1'
.. , Pr,udent'
, Ps- Cjp]te4}t, cichsithcar, v. they shall come or move ;
cJ.llmAp, ciaUmhar,) sessed of Sd se,ue t. e. 5lu4)rF)e4j. . g.
CjAllujjjm, cialluighim, v. 1 interpret. Mulloy. Cj b'e, A V, pron. whoso; cp b'e ajj b]t
Cplluj^eA, cialluigheach, adj. significant whatsoever, cp b'e cujne, whosoever
Cjrtll5At), ciatlughadh, s. interpretation, meaning C)]p, cidhis, s. a mask, a vizard
CjAtti, ciamh, see cjao CptpAt, cidhtracht, adj. however
_ . . . "is. sadness, weariness, som- C]5, eight s. a hind, a doe
^*)1, ctamiarr, I brousness; ,( c' ,)1), cigilttn, UIticUe
C)5]ltjm, cigiltm,i
CjamAllb ciamhair, adj. sad, gloomy C)5]lce, ^/, part, tickled
), cian, adj. long, tedious C])lte4, cigealtach, adj. ticklish, difficult
Cjap, cian, adv. far distant, long since CiglW, cighim, v. I see, behold
C]4ii4iuil> cianamhuil, adj. lamentable, solitary C)5le4t>, cigleadh, s. tickling
CjAn-pulajng, c:anfhulaing, s. f. longanimity, perse CiL, 7, s- ruddle
verance Cil, cil, s. equality ; . . comtpumA. Cor.
C}4Tirulji*5j cianfulaing, adj. invincible Ci], cil, s. f. chile
CjAnriuojn, ciaimhaoin, s. a legacy Cilpjn> c>!fin> s- the bellV
CjftnTfi4it4A, cianmharlluLtuiach, adj. continual, Cill, cill, s. partiality, prejudice
perpetual, long-lived Cil], cill, adj. partial
CjApjI, ciapad, s. f. strife, contention CillBlteAt, cillbhreath, s. a decision of the church;
CjApb, ciapalach, adj. contentious Cil'cejr cillceis, s. f. rough or coarse wool
Ci4pAlA)e, ciapalaighe, s. m. a quarrelsome person Cjlljn, ciltin, s. f. a little cell
CjepAlAjm, ciapalaim, v. I quarrel, contend Cim, cim, v. I see
), ciapam, v. to vex, torment, S'A. Cjm, , s- a drop
C,4)<, ;, s. m. a comb Cim, "> s- money, silver; tribute, "cpm J. e.
Cjujt, , s. m. defence, protection . T^on P5ec OJ bept* 4 cjp tjponiAiA)B-
CjAjt, or, adj. dark brown ; black pojlle * Ajnmnjjrt-o. Cjm ojn Apim ca; cjp*.
/ cjo /

r)" <lle. Cej>4T> 1154t; h*}nm tdr, CjrjeAifmA, cinneamhna ch, adj. fatal
*P * mjnce up mc no bejir<e * e'jp t>o kjneariiujn, c'mneamhuin, s. chance, fortune, fate,
pomajiftjB, umle dicitur ]r ] nemi, lot, allotment ; an omuious accident or destiny
cjm uajm obr nujm hj pujncejine pujnc." Cor. MneAp, cinneas, s. growth, increase
Mm-beo, cim-beo, s. quicksilver, mercury Cjj, cinvi, s. a megrim
Mmde*jjt4jgjm> cimehcartaighim, v. I rifle, pillage Mrijm, cinnim, v. I decree, appoint, 'assign, estab
, cimcach, lish, agree, contract, resolve ; surpass, excel, over-
Cjme*6, ieedft,is-a caPtlve
, cimeachas, s. captivity V;)n]ne-cA}trA, ctmiiiie-cartach, s. carter. Sh.
~lTOJm, cimim, v. I captivate, enslave Cjljtjji, cimlitir, s. a capital letter
4", ein, written for 5n in old MSS. Cjmjjie, cinnvihire, broken-down. Sh.
4n, s. a bed Cjftmjjte, ci/tnmhire, s. f renzy ; the vertigo
cin, cm, five CjpeAc, cinnseach, s. want
)>], fond of the name. Sh. CjpeAl, cinnseal, s. an aspersion
4"<Jt>, cinaidh, s. damages. i?r. Z. CjireAlA, cinnsealach, s. a man aspersed with blood,
J^jnbejpr, cinbeirt, s. a ruler, a governor if. /0//>#, 114.
V|nbej)iC(r, ceinbheirtas, s. dominion 9lnpjol, cinnsiol, s. m. a quarrel
1'^ } s- Whitsuntide ^Inte, cinnte, assigned, appointed
Cjte, cinnte, s. certainty
Cjne, cine, Cjfite, cinnte, adj. certain
s. m. a race, tribe, family, off Cite, cinnte, adj. close, stingy
Cjnet>, cineadh, spring, progeny, generation ;
C]nI, CjjreAC, cinnteach, adj. positive, certain
, ,,.,,, c'meal, cine , mankind CjteAo, cinnteachd, s. positiveness, certainty, stin
Cjneul, cinetil, j
^pifui, anew, '
Cjnear, cineadh, s. m. decree, appointment, de giness, confidence
creeing C)t;Jun, cinntreun, adj. obstinate
C)neeo*r, emendas, s. m. kindred CjrtteACAl, cinteaca/, ) s. coarse wool, coarse woolle*
Cjnel, cineal, s. m. a kind or sort ClnteAgAl, cinteagal, ) cloth, a coarse cloak
Cjnal, cineal, s. m. kindness, fondness Clnqjm, citighim, v. I appoint
Cmal, cineal, adj. dainty. Sh. Ontjn, cinthi, s. happening
Cjnalra, cinealta, adj. kind, gentle Clump, cinturA s-ah
Cm-altup, cinealtus, s. kindness, affection , cinur, J r
Cjne*mujn, cineamhuin, s. f. nature, fate, destiny, CJob, c;'oi, s. a sort of grass
accident. Mulloy 36. C)ob, dob, s. hards, tow
Cjnel, cine/, s. see ]1 Cod, cmM, see cjaI>
]<, cindeadh, s. conception C]oda1, ciobhal, s. the jaw-bone
Cjnj;, cing, s. "stepping, walking Cjo, doch, s. f. a woman's breast
Cuiji, cing, s. a king, head. Ltc. CjocAjp, ciocair, s. away, a road
c5> adj. strong C)oAn, ciochan, s. a tit-mouse
Cin^ec, cingeach, adj. brave CjocAj, ciocar, s. a starved or hungry hound ; . r.
Cjn^eACt, cingeachd, s. m. bravery eu ocliA. 0. ".
Cjn^eet), c'mgeadh, adj. valiant ^
CJOCAJ.AC, . ciocarachA
,n i. a<- greedy, ravenous,. having

C)n5]t, cinglt, s. a double goblet. Cor. Cjocajiwa, owrAa,J after r*" & &
Cin^f , cingtheacht, see qn^efto
)]5, adj. inherent, belonging to a family C)oc-A-mu]neAl, cioch-a-mhuineal, s. uvula. .
QnmeAf, cinmheath, s. a consumption CjolAjSjm, ciochlaighiyn, v. I change, I weaken
Cjnmjok, cimhiola, s. colours CjocpA, ciocrach, adj. see cjocajia
Cjnmjolot), cinmhidadh, s. a picture, image ; art of Cjojin, ciochran, s, m. a suckling
painting Cjocjur, ocras, s. hunger, grediness, longing,
Cjnmjolajm, cinmhiolaim, v. I paint covetousness ; Heb. cbicco, his palate
Cjnmjolfjjt, cinmhiolthoir, s. m. a painter CjocpAfn, ciocrasan, s. m. a hungry fellow
C]f>, cinn, inflexion of cea, a head C)oct, ciocht, s. children
C)iept4r> cinnbheartas, s. sovereignty Cjoct, ciocht, s. a carver, engraver
CjTiejpr, chmbheirt, s. a helmet, any kind of head Cjor, ciocht, s. a weaver
dress CjocrAt), ciochtadh, 1 s m en ed work
)]1>, cirmhheireadh, s. dominion Ciorn, ciochtan, ) 0
CjeftC. cinneach, s. surname. 5c.1 ]], ciochtam, v. I collect, rake, scrape
Cjne*co)n, cinnep.chdin, s. encrease C10? '^f.\who? what?
CjeAt), cinneadh, s. preparing, happening Ciot>? CiodA?}
Cjiie*mn, cinneamhna, adj. accidental Co, ciorfA, s'a maid
Cjorj ?

cm 7
CJ0T4J1 > ctodar ? wherfre 77>. cio '
Cjoeujge? ciodckuige? why? J F P CjopbAt, ciorbadh, s. ademption, privation, tkin
CjoF4, / 1 ' away, ciorbhadh, s. see qoppbAt)
Cjogl, s. a distaff, spindle CjopbAjm, ciorbhann, v. I take away, mutilate
Cjog*|, ciogal, s. a cycle Cjopbr-A, ciorbtha, adj. hurt
CJol, do/, s. f. death CjopcAl, ciorcal, s. m. a circle
Cjol, ciel, s. an inclination, propensity CjopcrtlcA, ciorcaldha, adj. circular
CjoU, ciola, s. a servant ; prop, gioli Cjopub, ciordhubh, adj. coal-black
CjoIajhi, cidarn, s. m. a vessel ; prop, cioItAJin Cjopjjal, ciorghal, s. feats of amis
CjoIcac, ciolcach, see giolcAc CjofigAl, ciorghal, adj. brave
CjH<c, c'ioUach, adj. superior CjojirhAjpe, ciormhaire, s. m. a letcher, a seducer
CJ0J5, ciolog, s. f. hedge-sparrow CjoprhAjpe, ciormhaire, s. a fuller; a person who
Cjo]pt>, ciolrathadh, s. chattering naps cloth
Cjolj4t4]m, ciolrathaim, v. I chatter CjoprriAjpe, ciormhaiie, s. m. a comb-maker; a
CjolfcAjin, cioltham, seecjolapn comber
Cjom, ciom, s. f. a bell, cymbal Cjojimam, chrmain, v. to wear out. <,
Cjom*, ciorna, s. a fault Cjof-rheAlA, cior-mheala, s. honey-comb
C)om, ciomach, s. m. a prisoner Cjop]AmA, ciorramah, adj. maimed, lame
CjomAjm, ciomaim, v. I card, comb CjopjiuA, ciorrbadh, s. m. slaughtering, wounding,
Cjomn, doman, s. m. carding, combing cutting, defiling
Cjorhdp, ciomhas, s. a border, brim, brink CjoppbAjm, ciorbhaim, v. I mangle, mortify, violate
Cjonibal, ciombal, s. m. a bell CjonjiDAm, ciorbham, v. to become black, Sh.
Cpn, don, s. love. Mulloy 102. Cjopbujgte, cicrbuighthe, adj. maimed, mangled
Cjon, cion, s. a fault, guilt, sin, desire CjopAmA, ciorlhamach, see cjojijiaitiac
CjonATTiujl, cionamhuil, adj. guilty CjojijtumAc, cirrumach, s. m. a maimed or disabled
CpriArtAjm, cionastaim, v. I bear person
Cjonccu4)]r, cionccuairt, ndv. before CjojiurgltAs, ciorusgrach, s. clearing or driving away
Cjoncoppn, cionchorran, s. m. a hook with the hands. Sc.
CjonoA, cionda, for , old MSS. Cjor, dos, s. m. rent, tribute, revenue
Cjonpjt, cionfath, s. occasion, cause Cjor, fio*, s, in. sin
1, cionfath, s. quarrel Cjoj-AC, ciosach, adj. importunate
CJonrrmlcAjm, ciomnhalcaim. v. I bear CjorcAt), ciosachadh, s. restraining, subjugation
CJonrhAj, cionmhar, conj. because
Cjo, ', s. a head, cause, account ^-
CJoRaca, ciormacha, s. the face. &4, Cjofl, c/ese, s. the wages for nursing
C)oiVj})oc4, cionnairiochtach, adj. blood-thirsty CjorAjn cioscam, s. tribute, tax
joa r, cionnas, adv. how ? CjopnAijte, ciosnaighte, part, subdued
Cjopjf, cionnsir, s. a censor Cpt, Wyii s- a Pea' a heavy shower
Cjong, cionog, s. f. kernel C]otAC, ciotach, adj. left-handed, awkward
Cjong, cionog, s. f. a small coin Cjocin, ciotanAs f the ,eft bftnd
Cjonj-puAt), ctonog-ruadh, s. a farthing
}}]*, cionradharc, s. fate Cowl, /| s. m. linsey-woolsey
Cjonju>A}ic4, ciom adhareach, adj. close, stingy-, Cjott*Ji| ciotfar, seems meet. Sh, .
narrow-hearted CiocMAniAC, chthvamuch, adj. mean, low
Cjonr*, c/'onte, s. guilt, crime, sin cjotiiArhAav), ciothramhachadli, s. mutilation, abase
Cjontac, ciontach, adj. guilty, criminal ment
Cjonr44ti, cimtaghadh, s. guiltiness, binning ; cri C,otrhAlb C'0/A7frtnr' . } adj. showery
minal knowledge CiotihAl*, ciolhmharach, J J ^
Cjonrajjm, ciontaighim, v. I accuse, blame 'Cip np, s. a liink or nie or soldiers
Cjonrap, ciontar, s. m. music Cipin '', s- f- a or dibble used for planting
Cpntjpe, ciontire, s. tribute. SA. ' 'tir, s. a comb; a key
Cjontga, ciontugiutdh, see C]ontAAt> CjH, tir, s. the cud
Cjopjn, ciopain, see ceApn tir, part, joined, united
Cjof, clor, s. f. a comb C'j|win, tirachan, s. a comb-case
Cjojt, cior, s. f. a cud, theja\T Cjpn, crenAs a cock's-comb, crest
C)o(>, cior, s. f. a hand Cmin, ein, J
CjojiAi, cioradh, s. combing m- a harrow
Cjo]*jm, cioraim, v. I comb Cjpb, Vi, s. a warrior
cju au

Cjpb, cirb, s. a turner Cjuln, //, s. m. a murmur

C)ule*4ji, ciuleab'iar, s. a greyhound
41b, cirb, s. haste, speed, hnrry
4lb, cirb, adj. fleet, swift Cjumaji*, ciumhair, s. f. a selvage, edge, border,
f.lfbrjpe, cirbsire, s. a penitentiary limit, bound
Cjuim, ciuma, s. half a span, a palm
^. cirbsire, s. a brewer
CjjtcAl, circal, s. a circle, a hoop C]uj, ciur, s. m. a merchant
Cjjte, cire, s. a sheep Cjuju, ciura, adj. merchantable
C)|)b, cire'th, s. f. insurrection, tumult, uproar C)u|*]m, ciuraim, v. I buy
Cjpjne*, cirineach, adj. crested Cjujtfe, ciuarllia, part, bought
CmjicAjm, ciurthahn, v. 1 maim, tear, batter
Ciytfna, cirthanach, s. a kitchen
CjujitAiriAC, civrthamach, adj. maimed
Cjr, fMi rent Heb. eis, a purse Ciu)c4m<jAm, ciurthamaicham, v. to hurt, harm.
}4, ciscean, s. a shepherd's crook
Cjpoe, cisde, s. a chest, a treasure SA.
C]Ujt4, ciuthrach, s. a bird having a red head
Cjroe, owfe, s. a cake
C)roemlu]5fe, chdeamhluightke, adj. capsulated Cl*b, clab, "I ,. , . .
|, claba,)^- ,
C)reAriiujl, cisdeamliuil, adj. capsular 1, c/r, s. m. an open mouth, a lip
CJPe65> f'sdeogA
C|ad, c/eM, the mange, itch
lfe4n, cisean, ^s. f. a box 1, clabacli, adj. thick-lipped, wide-mouthed
Cjrjn, ciseitt, J ClAbAjjte, dabaire, s. m. a babbler
jrl, td, '}s.m. Satan, sin CIadajp, clubhair, s. mead. A.
|]1, clabar, s. mud, dirt, filth
qrm, cisein, s. f. a basket, pannier 1)1, clabaracli, adj. dirty, filthy
jrl, eitel, s. walking CUbg, clabog, s. f. a scoff or jeer
jrl, cisel, s. the hollow space between two waves ^, clabog, s. f. a blbber-lipped woman
jfjpe, eisire, s. a romancer, a story-teller CUbftur, clabrus, s. opposite leaved golden saxi
jrmangd)]*, cismhavgair, s. a farmer of taxes
frage ; Chrysosplenium
Q^rh(0\t, cismhaor, s. m. a tax collector CUbpAl, chibsal, s. m. the column of a book
jrre*n, cisteanach, } s" a ^'tcnen ' VU^S- 1> , clablistar, s. a cloyster
}>, cisteanadh, s. rioting C1a6, clack, see cloc
C1a6at>aj]iact>, clacadairachd, s. masonry. Sc.
jf , CVA, s. a shower CIacajji, clachair, s. a mason. <r.
jteec, c'itheach, showery Cl40A))ieA0T>, clachaireachd, s. masonry
Qte]i, /, v. it seems, appears CACAjm, clachaim, v. I stone
cithi, V vou see 16, clachan, s. a village, hamlet
juAjng, civebaing, s. walking ClAn, cinchan, s. a ford, stepping stones
(4U]]f, ciuchair, adj. beautiful, dimpling |, clachan, s. a burying ground
qucaIt-o}]*, ciuchaltoir, s. a hearer, auditor C'lAC-ojrj, clach-oisinn, s. acorner stone
(j,ulft]ijm, ciuchlahhiin, I hear CIac foil, ctach na suil, s. apple of the eye
qucIaaji, cluchlathar, v. will be heard ; " cpiclAAp 1-]1], clachthochailtalche, s. a quarrier.
00 i. e. clo]fp]'4j no clujnp
c,r. Sh.
CIatd, cladh, s. m. a grave, dike, ditch, bank, mound
C))l, ciuil, gen of ceol, music
Cium, ciuin, ad. meek, gentle, still, quiet, mild, CIab, cladh, s. m. a wool-comb
ClAt), cWA, s. m. a flame, a flash ; clrtpjb rejne.
"J s. meekness, calmness, soft- Lec.
C)"inr, cnune, i n quietness, gentleness, CIa-ac, cladhach, s. m. dirt, clav, mire
CjUjneap, carneas, tranqu&ty
(^, c'mineachadh, \ s. appeasing, appease-
ClA)jjm, claidhighim, v. I dig, excavate
111^' ciuiniughadh,) ment, pacification Clt>Aj|e, cladhaire, s. 111. a rogue, plunderer
Cju^lal"1 unighim, 1 v. I appease, soften, pacify,
jujnjmi ciuinim, J assuage 1], cladhaire, s. m. a coward
ClAAjpeAt, cladhaireachd, s. m. cowardice
^;up]eo]}i, ciuinigheoir, s. a pacifier ClAOm, cladan, s. a bur, a flake ; 1> rneAt*
Ciu)lb ciuir, s. selling
cju]P> s-divulgmg ClAt)A]A)m, cladaraim, v. I betoss
iu7P*i uird, s- a trade Chopin, cladrin, s. wreck, disorder
cjujlijn, ciuirin, s. a covering CIa, clag, s. m. clapper of a mill
CiujPirtlB!"1' ciuirinighim, v. I cover 15], clagaim, v. 1 make a noise, ring, cackle
Ciu)F> cmrU s- a rag. Sk. 15*], claghaire, see clA-oAjpe
Cju]l*ce*c, cudrtcach, adj. ragged ClAjin, clagan, s. a little bell ; noise

Cl45p*, claghardha, adj. villainous Urn, clamh, s. m. mange

CU54<*. claghardha, adj. lazy, idle Clam, clamJi, s. m. a leper
15*0, claghardhacht, s. villainy, laziness CUrhn, clamhan, s. m. a buzzard
(j1a5ajuia, clagarnach, s. noise Clarhn-sobU, clamhan-goblach, s. m. a kite
15*1> claghartha, see 15]> CUmjiAt), clamhradh, s. m. a choir. Ferm. 35
Cl5*Pcr claghartas, see ^ CUrh|tAt>, clamhradh, s. m. scratching
CUsUft, claglann, s. a steeple CUmjiAjm, clamhraim, v. I scratch
Ugun, clagun, s. m. a flagon ; a lid CUmoAjjt, clamhdair, s. a lazar.
cUjBe, claibhe, see cUjm , clantpar, s. wrangling, dispute
cUjbejpje, claibeisidhe, s. m. a prating fellow Cl *mpA]4, clamparach, adj. litigious, wrangliing
Ujbjn, claibin, s. f. a tap or spigot Ci Ampp, clamras, s. . brawling, chiding
Cl*Jbjn, claibin, s. f. the latch of a doot CUriipA, clamhsa, s. a court, a close
CUjceA, claiccach, s. a steeple ; prop. clojgtertC CUrhujn, clamhuin, s. steel
CUjceog, claiccog, s. f. deceit CUnAC, danach, s. virtue. 0'2>.
Cl]e, claidhe, s. burial, interment, digging Clane, danach, s. fruitful persons. '2>.
ClJeAm, claidheamh, s. a sword CUno, caw, 7 s. f. children, descendants ; a tribe,
CUjneAriiAjp, claidheamhair, s. m. a bickerer CUR, clann, 3 clan
ClAjeamojjteCT), claidheamholreachd, s. fencing CUfU, clannach, adj. fruitful
Cljjm, claidhim, v. I bury, dig, lay a foundation CUfUc, clannach, adj. bushy, banging in locks
CUpeArhiijl, cladheamhuil, adj. ensiform, swordlike CUrtAts, clannadh, s. in. thrusting
CUj5, claig, s. f. a dimple, a dint CUp. clannar, adj. shining, sleek. Sh.
Cl*)5eR, claigeann, \ , . 1], clannmhaicm, s. descendants, rela
Cl4)5ju, claigiunn,]5- m" a "ku"' a BcaJP
tions _ i
ClAjgeAA-ppjne, claigeannach-sreine, s. the bead- CUrhA], clannmhar, adj. having issue, fruitful
stall of a bridle CUcAj, clanntar, v. was buried. " In 0-*]
Cl*)rh, claimh, s. f. the mange, itch, scurvy cUr*l n* t) cjteAAl , /'. e. cuj-
CUjrheAC, claimheach, adj. mangy, scorbutic jteAt) pAjApt cpAjbtea yn >-<."
CU)mrec, daimhstach, s. m. a leper CUoU, caochadh,\s. m. alteration, change, ati-
CUm, clain, s. engendering, begetting CUoclo, claododh, J nihilation
CU]j, clair, plur. of cU]t CUockjjjm, claochlaghim, v. I change, alter, vary,
CUjjj-B^l, clair-bheil, s. a lid, cover weaken the power of any person or thing, die,
Cljjiertt), claireadh, s. division, separation, dissolu cancel, annihilate
tion, releasing ClA0t>4)e, claodhaire, s. a fugitive, a silly fellow
Cb)iftt>4n*, claireadanach, adj. beetle-browed, Clooj, claoi, part, heard ; " jio cl<oj /. c. jio clop."
broad-headed OTlinn.
CUjjiejnige, claireinighe, s. a cripple, dwarf CUojeAt), claoidfieadk, s. defeat, oppression
CUjppjAcU, clairfhiacLi, s. the fore-teeth CUojt>|m, claoidhim, v. I defeat, oppress, destroy
CUjjtjm, clairim, v. I divide CUojce, claoidhte, adj. weak, defeated
CUjpjn, clairin, s. f. a small board CUoiteojp, cladhttior, V' m' a victor> c"-
Cljjtjn, clairin, s. f. a horn-book CUo tepojl, daoidhteroir,] 4eror; ar. oppres-
Cljpjn, clairm, V acr le >r9 'J sor, destroyer
Cl)it]ne*, clairineach, ) v" CUon, daon, s. m. partiality, prejudice, error;
Cl*jjjne<c, clairineach,' adj. crippled, lame nujne c!<on; 6 Uon
CUjppeAC, dairseach, s. m. a harp CUon, claon, adj. partial, prejudiced
Cljppeoji, clairseoir, s. m. a harper CUon, claon, adj. squint-eyed
Cl*j}ipeojje4o, chirseoinachd, s. m. playing oh the CUonAt), claonadh, s. partiality, bending, inclination,
harp deviation, digression, proclivity
CUjpce, clairthe, part, dealt, divided CUonUpi, daoiUaim, v. I incline, bend, derate
1], dais, s. f. a class. Cor. CUon-Ajto, claon-ard, s. an inclining steep
CUjp, clais, s. f. a furrow, pit, dike CUonAineAc, claonaireachd, \ . ..
CUonamU^, claonamhlachd, ]s'
CU|p, clais, s. f. a streak, stripe
1)-1, claisceadal, singing of hymns CUonbjteAtA, claonbreathaih, adj. partial in judg
CU^eacc, claisdeachd, 1 s heari ment
CUjptjne, claistine, ) 0 CUonbpejfe, claonbrelthe, s. an unjust sentence
CUjpeAC, claiseach, s. m. a sword CUonriiAjiba-o, claonmharbhadli, s. ni. mortification.
CUjrojrum, claisdmam, v. to hear Donl.
CUrr, /, s. a jest, ridicule CUonmApTUpi, claonmhaibhaim, v. I mortify
CU]te, claithe, s. a game CUoncA, chonta, part, bent
Ckjte, () s. a genealogical table CUonrAACr, cla:ntadhaeht, s. aptness, meanness
ce CLE ce CLE

Clappohp, dapshoias, s. m. twilight Cle*]"Ajrg, deasaidheach, adj. delusive

Clip, //-, s. m. a table, a board, any plain or flat 1>, ckasaidhtachd, s. m. delusion, craft,
piece subtilty, trick
CljiAC, darach, s. m. a floor CleApjiA, cleasradh, see 1*
Clijioc, darach, adj. bare, bald Cle*fu)5)m, deasuighim, v. I play, sport
CUjut), claradh, s. familiarity 1, death, s. m. a rib, a rod, a stake
CldjigAn, claragan, s. the fore-teeth. Sc. Clef, death, s. m. a wattle, wattled work
CUpajr, \claraidh, s. a partition, dividing Clea, death, s. m. a prince, a chieftain
Cljw)nmii54]c, clar-ainmiighaidh, s. a title-page CleAf;, death, s. m. concealing, a secret
|])0, dara'meach, s. m. a noseless person Clear a, cleatha, s. a goad, a rib
ClipcopA, clarchosach, adj. splay-footed. Cleaiac, deathach, adj. ribbed
Cid]*, clardha, part, divided, parted Cleecajpeecr, cleathaireacht, s. m. rusticity, rustic
Clfr*, clardha, adj. clear, bright, shining, fair, boldness,
beautiful , Cle*#ji, deatharV' m" * milch cow 1*.
Clpcui, clareadh, s. division, dividing Cle*toj, deathor, \ \ e- #*f ,51U jel-
Cl)t-ar>An, clar-eadan, s. the forehead J l*f, i. e. IuIjac. Br. L.
Cljt-, dar-eadanach, adj. broad-browed Clearjfo, deathard, s. eminence," fame. O'Cl.
Cl*]ij:jrtcii|l, clarfhiacuil,s. a fore-tooth Clettdji-rt), ckathar-sed, see clencojt
ClAji-jpe, clar-innsc, s. an index Cleefcujt, deathchur, s. relations by blood
Clipjut), clariudh, see clpea CleAtcup, deathchur, s. genealogical tree, branches
Clapg, clarog, s. a small table, tlie bottom of a car of consanguinity
or cart Cleapm, deathramh, s. partiality, prejudice
Cl*lr*j]b clarsair, s. m. a harper. Sc. CljB, cleibh, gen. ofcljab
Clap, cm, s. m. fat, tallow Cle]b'jn, dcibinn, s. f. a small basket
CUp, das, s. m. a pit, furrow CIe]t>e, cleidhe, s. a chalice or cup .
Clap, das, s. m. a lock; prop, lap Cljp, clelr, s. f. the clergy
Clap, das, s. m. melody, harmony Cljjcert, deitceach, adj. clerical
ChpAc, clasach, adj. fat, fatted CliHcedct, deirceachd,} , , ,. , , ,.
1, clasach, adj. crafty ; prop. !a6 C\\le*t*; ckireachd, * j derfchip, scholarship
, clasaidhe, s. m. a singer, chanter Cl)tqn, cleirc'm, dim. of 1]
1, dasba, s. a clasp ; vulg. Cljpee, cleiteach, s. m. a clergyman, clerk
1,, clasaigheacht, s. m. singing Clejf5<, cleirg/ia, adj. clerical
CUpbAjm, claslaim, v. I button, tye Clejr, deit, s. f. a feather, a quill
CUce, dathc, genealogy. Sc. Cle]t, cleith, s. f. a fence, covering
1], clathvaire, bashfulness. 5c Clejt, cleith, s. f. a hill, eminence
Cl, de, adj. partial, prejudiced Cleji, /', s. f. concealing, concealment
Cl, ele, s. the left, left hand; Welsh, cled Clejre, dette, s. f. a quill, feather
Cle, de, s. evil, injury Clejte, tfeithe, s. f. top of any thing
CJeACAC, deachach, adj. thick, clustering CJejfe, cleithe, s. an oar, a stake
CleAC-boje, cleach-boid, s. a good stick. Sh. Cleje, cleithe, adj. hid, concealed
1>, deachd, s. m. custom, habit, habi- ClejreC, cleiteach, adj. feathery, downy
CleAcA, c'.eachdadh, V tude, fashion, manner, ClejreAC, cleiteach, adj. craggy, rocky
ClcACoap, deachdas, J practice Clejrea, de.theach, adj. private
CIcactac, clcachdach, adj. usual, customary Clejiect), cleitheachd, s. lurking, privacy
Cleepr>A}m, e'eachdaim, v. I use, practise ClejreAt), deiteadh, s. a ridge of rocks
Cle46oAriiu)l, deachdamhuil, adj. habitual, custo Clejtn, c/Vw, s. m. a pent-house, eaves of a
mary house '
1>), deachd'm, s. accustoming. Sh. Cleyreot;, c7ci/#, s. f. a little quill
Cle.AviiriAp, ckamhnas, s. m. affinity, copulation Clerreo^c, cleitcogach, adj. downy
1>, dtaradh, s. m. familiarity Cleirrm, cleithim, v. I conceal
, deas, s. m. a play, frolic, prank, feat, trick, Cli-'yn, trm, s. f. a feathered dart, an arrow
sham, craft, dexterity ; Ueb. cheles Cl)t-r)jor5A)l, cleith-mhiosgair, s. a private
1, cleasach, adj. joking, sportive grudge
ClfApAC, cleasach, adj. craft}', cunning Cl-lArh4C, cle-lamhnch, adj. left-handed
CleapAtti, c/eaiachd, s. m. s|>ort, pastime Clerh*n*i demhava, s. mischief, evil, harm
CieApACt>AC, deasachdach, adj. [ilayful CleocA, cleoca, L a cjoa]{ W
CleApApe, deasaidhc, s. m. an artful man CleocAn.f/eoc", )
CleApAje, deasaidhc, s. m. a player, shewman, CleocAm, deocam, v. to cloak.
juggler, mountebank Cleot), cfcw/, s. a horse-fly

Ce pe, clerc, s. a curl JobAC, diobfuich, adj. curled, rough, hairy

Cler, ces, see cleas UjobAjm, cliobahn, v. I tear, rend
Cleiop, clethor, see cleACAjt y-ljobAjn, cliobain,\ . ,
Cier, c.W//, s. a staff, support ; metaphorically ap
plied to a prince ; " }> j gcrtjtmojri jn clet, M)ob5un4, cltobguna, s. a rug
^ le heiM nAjpgteAC." Ujob5, , s. f. a filly, a cot \
Clj, cli, see ele ~Jjoc, c/;oc, s. a hook
Clj, cli, s. a castle ^IjocAm, cliocam, v. to hook. Sh.
Clj, //', s. a successor to any church living ^ IJoca , cliorar, )
it, s. the body; the ribs Cljo|4A, ci^a,}s-m-oakmg
C'l), cli, s. strength p'j5*r><Jm> cliogaraim, v. I croak
C|j, cl:, s. a poet of the third order ^IjoltA, diolunta, adj. stout, potent, hearty
CjaB, diabli, s. m. a basket, a cage
CIjaB, cliahh, s. m. the chest of a man or beast ; Cljof-, chosSadh,is- m- astart> a bounce
that part of the body between the ribs C')or54, cliosgach, adj. skipping, starting
CIjaBa, cliabhach, s. m. a wolf ; a fox C'jotAC, cliotach, adj. left-handed
CI]*Bin, cliabhan, s. m. a basket, a cradle CljocAjp, cliothair, s. shelter, recess. 4 Mast. 1579.
CljADpA, cliabhrach, s. m. the side or trunk of the Cljpe, clipe, s. a fishing-hook
body Cljpe, clipe, s. fraud, deceit
CljaB-ygeAcfud, diabh-sgeathrach, s. m. a vomit Cljpjm, cliphn, v. I hook
CljAoujn, cliabliuin, '{ s. m. a son-in-law, a relation, Cl)r, /'*, gen. of cleAj*
CljAriiujn, cliamhuin,\ cousin; a near friend Cljj*, clis, adj. active, nimble
Cljat), cliadh, s. antiquaries CljreAt), cliseadh, s. skipping, jumping
C|]4>on, cliadan, s. m. a bur C'jrjm, clisim, v. I skip, jump
Cljarhnar, cliamhnas, see cleArhrur Cljrjm, clisim, v. I frustrate, deceive ,
CJjAj, cliar, s. m. an ecclesiastic ; a poet C'jrte, cliste, adj. active, swift
Cljf, cliar, s. f. a society, a troop ; cija} b<*jr- CljrceACT), clisteachd, s. activity, dexterity
54104 Clj, clith, adj. left-handed
Clj4)t4jt)e, chaiaidhe, ls m aDarj a songster Cl]t, c/iV, adj. close
Clj4(*4n4t>, cliaranadn, ) Clju, clith, adj. true, just
CljAjpeacr, cliaraidheacht, s. m. hardship, sing CIjajJ, clithair, seecleAfAp
ing CljteAji, ciithear, see cIjocaj*
Cl]4t, cliath, s. a hurdle, a harrow Cl]pe, clitlirc, s. m. a guard
Clj4c, chath, s. the treadles of a loom Clju, diu, s. m. fame, renown, good report
Cljar, cliath, s. m. a battle ; prop. l]40 CljucA, cliucach, adj. hooked
Cl)4r, cliath, s. m. the trunk or chest of a man Cljut), cliiulh, adj. squint-eyed
Clj4t, cliath, s. f. the darning of a stocking CIjuba), cliudhadh, s. m. celebration
CI]4t4C, cliathach, s. m. a battle CljuAjm, cliudhaim, v. I celebrate, extol
CIjataT), diathadh, s. harrowing Cl]ut)n, cliudan, s. m. a little slap
Clj44Ti, cliathan, s. m. the breast or side Cljum, /, s. a wolf
, cliatham, v. to tread as a cock the hen. CIjutA, cliuthach, adj. famous
Sh. Ci, clo, s. m. a nail, pin, peg
Cl]4f4]m, dialhaim, v. I harrow Ci, clo, s. m. a print, mark, character; an edition
Cljat-pojprie, cliath-foirsidhe, S. a harrow of a book
CljAi-lAjrhe, cliath-laimht, s. f. a hand-harrow Ci, clo, s. m. a defeat
CljACg, cliathog, s. f. a hurdle Ci i clo, s. m. the sea
Cl]4, diathog, s. f. the chine or back Ci clo, s. m. coarse cloth
CIjAjj, cliathoir, s. m. a harrower CIoac, cloach, s. a stone ; prop, cloc
CljAtJM, cliathrach, adj. breast-high CIoBa, clhhadh, s. tongs
CljAi-feAncAjr, cliath-sheanchais, s. a genealogical CIoBuaao, clobhualadh, s. printing
table CloBuAilce, clobhuailte, part, printed
CljoeA, clibheadh, s. stumbling, stepping Clo, clodi, s. the pupil of the eye. . Bible. Zech,
Cljbjn, clibin, s. a dew-lap, apiece 2. 8.
Cljbjr, clibis, s. f. tumult Cloc, doch, s. f. the herb henbane
C!jB]re*> clibhiseach, adj. peevish Cloc, doch, s. f. a stone
Cl)b)]-e*cti, dibhiseachd, s. peevishness ClocA, cloca, s. a cloak, pall
Cl]yc, clichidh, s. an assemblage CIocac, doc/iach, adj. stony
Claris, s. a bottle CloAim, clochaim, v. 1 stone, pelt with stones
ClocAjjte, clochaire, s. rn. a mason, architect
Fi CiocAjjteAcc
ao - clo CLO CLO

ClocAjpeet, clochaircacht, s. m. masonry Clogn, clogan, s. m. a little bell

Clocn, cinchan, s. m. pavement, causeway, step 1054, clogan, i
Clo5-e4, clog.cheann,) s> m- lbe skull
ping stones
Cloanam, //, v. to respire. SA. Clo5]m4, clogarnach, s. a ringing, tinklinK
Clocuf, clcchar, s. m. an assembly, congregation ;
154, c^o^,}3-"1- a bellfry
convent, college
Cloaf, clochar, s. m. a wheezing in the throat Clo5pn4t4t), clogsnnathad, s. m. a gnomon
Clocaba, clochara, adj. set with stones Uojeao, chichead, s. m. a pass-port
C0-&4I5, cloch-bhalg, s. a watchman's rattle. Sh. Clojc-jujl, doich-iuU, s. a load-stone
Clo-C), cloch-chlnn, s. a tomb-stone, head-stone Clo)rhe4ll4n, doichmheallan, s. hail
CIoc-c]c4]T>, cloch-dirocedh, s. a sort of morter Clojc-ne4pc, chich-mart, s. a pushing stone
Clot>4, clochdha, adj. stony ; of stone Clojcpn, clochran, s. a stone-chatter. Sh.
Cloc-pofnjji, c'.och-fhaobhau, s. a whet-stone 1)04, cloichreach, )
1)6*, cloichrean, ) s- m' a stony Place
ClojU4jl, clochfhuad, s. the gravel
Clo-gul, cloch-ghual, s. m. stone-coal Clo)]te4tn4C, doichrealhnac/i, s. polypody
CloUjn, clochlain, s. the stone chatter Clojcpne4t>4, cloic/mhneachda, s. hail
CIo-ljoD4}U}n, cloch-liobharain, s. a grinding-stone Cloj-j7eftt4l. xloich-shreathal, s. free-stone
Cio-muillj, cloch-mhudlinn, s. mill- stone Cloj-tejne, cloich-theim-, s. a flint
Cb-n4-fu)l, cloch-na-suU, s. the apple of the eye Cloj, CWt, s. f. a paddock, a yard
Cloojp, clochoir, s. m. a mason ClojT), doidh, see elope
Clooj}e4'o, clo-hoireachd, "s. m. masonry Clo)t>-bepmi]5, cloidh-bheimnigh, s. printing
Clocr4iili4n5f:4, clochtarranghtha, s- a load-stone Clojbe, doid/ie, s. f. a mound, rampart, ditch
Cloc-u4r4l, cloch-uasal, s. a precious stone Clojt>e4, cloidheadh, s. digging ,
Cloo, clod, s. m. a clod, turf Clojcea, cloidlieadh, s. amine, a quarry
Clot), clodh, see clo Cloje4m, cloidheamh, s. m. a sword
Clor, cl-odh, s. variety, change Cloppe, cioidhre, s. a coward, a mean fellow
Clothe, biodach, s. m. dirt, mud Clojt>jie4c, chidhreach, adj. cowardly
Ciooft, clodack, cloddy, muddy, sli- Clo]t>}te4Cc, cloidhreacht, s. . cowardice
1>44, clodanach, J my lojgjn, cloigin, s. f. a little bell
Clot>4jm, chdhaim, v. I print, stamp; conquer lojbjnea, cloiginetch, adj. curled, frizzled
Clot>4)]te, ciodherire, s. m. a printer .lo)5jon, cloigionn, s. a scull, pate
Clo4)]ie, clodhairc, :. m. villainy, guile dojgrhujb cloigmheur, s. the gnomon of a dial
Clot)4]ie4Ct>, clodhaireachd, s. printing ; deception ioj5ie4C, cloigtheach, s. m. a steeple, bellfry
Clot>4)je40o, clodaircachd, s. casting clods 10]5, clmdean, \ s. the sense of hearing, heai -
Clot>4m, clod-am, v. to clod. S'A. 1)]> cloisdin, t in
Cloran, clodan, s. small clod 11 fodim>\v. I hear
Clocou4]lre, ctohbhuailte, part, printed Clojfjm, doisivi, J
Clot>DU4l4, dodhbhualudh, s. printing, stamping Clojp)neA, doisdineach, adj. auditory
ClormuUjm, clodhbhu daim, v. see clot>*)m 1]]4', cloisdlncachd, s. acoustics ; hearing
Clot>cii|t4, clodhcuvth/t, see <:lobii4jlre Clo)t.]j doithear, s. m. a champion, conqueror
1>1*1 clodhghalar, s. m. a vertigo Clojreog, tlmtheog, s. f. a shrimp
Clo4jn, clodhain, s. a piece of new cloth Cloirjn, /'', s. f. a small sod
1>, chdhoir, s. m. a printer Cloth, clomh, s. m. a pair of tongs
Clorur, clodJiugliadh, s. m. drawing close together; Clom, clomh, s. m. an instrument to dress flax
i ngup. Sh. Clorpn, clomhaint, v. I dress" flax
Clowu54t), clodhughadh, s. m. printing Clo, cbnn, s. m. a pillar, chimuey piece
Clotiujsjm, dodhwghim, v. I approach, draw near Clop, clos, s. . hearing, report
Cloe, cleech, s. f. a stone ; " cloc, cjij Iwnmontw Clop, clos, s. m. a close
l, . e. o hj4)Tribjl4, clo brwtbyh, Clopc, closach, s. m. a carcase
cloe 4 bjiU n4)jibejt i. *p )n n) cloep 540 Clor*], dosaid, s. a study. Sh.
p<eo." Cor. Clot, c/WA, s. m. victory
Cloef, does, v. overcomes, for cl<oje*r Clot, cloth, s. m. fame, praise
CI05, clog, s. m. a bell, a clock Clot, cloth, s.m. wind
CI054, doga, s. m. tares Clot, cloth, adj. noble, brave, generous
CI054C0, clogachd, s. a bellfry. Sh. Clot4, clttha, part, heard, jio lot
CIo4t>, clogad, s. m. a helmet Clot4C, clothach, adj. famous, illustrious
Cl0h4, clogad, s. m. a measure Clot4t3, clothadh, s. m. assuaging
CI054H, clogad, s. m, a cone, pyramid
Clo54jm, ciogaim, v. I ring or sound as a bell

, clothand, \ " Clue* Ut), clugaladh, s. clucking

Clofo, clothomi, \ s- a stone Cluje, duiche, s. f. a battle, a game
Clot*]*, clothar} adj. chosen, elected Clujeos, duidieog, s. f. fraud, deceit
Chi, du, s. m. report, fame Chip, duid, Is. a nook, corner, angle; a
l, du, part, chosen Clujoen, duidean,) rag
CluAjn, duain, s. f. deceit, treachery Clu)5, duig, gen. and pi. of clog
C|u*rn, duain, s. f. adulation Clujj, c&, s. fun
Cluajn, duain, s. f. a plain, a lawn ; a remote or re Clujsjm, duighirn, v. I play, sport
tired situation Clmgjn, duigin,} ,.
CludpeojUo, duineorachd,\*- .m' flatte1' adU,k" Clo54n, dogan, ')s-d>mof c!o5, bell
Chu neojur, duineoras, \ tlon ;. > Clujrheec, duimheach, adj. feathery '
' 1 ' J ception ClujrheAlc4, duimlicaa, s. the royston crow
1*)], dunirc, s. m. a flatterer, seducer Clujm-eAltft, duimh-ealta, s. a flock of birds
Clu4]njpect>, duainireachd, s. see clunpeojwo Clujme-ciojnce, duimh-caointe, } s. a tragedy, a fu-
Clu4jn ljn, duain lin, s. corn spurry ; Spergula Clujtce-c<ojm:e, cluithche-cao'mte,) ncralsong
arvensis Clujrivce, duimhthe, s. a game
ChMjfjn, duaisitt, s. f. a porringer Clujn, duin, part, heard
Clu*]rl)*i, duaisliath, s. m. colt's-foot ; Tussilago Clumjm, duinim, v. I hear
frfara Cluj, duinn, s. partiality, prejudice
Clu]r-reo]T5, duais-seoid, s. an ear-ring Clumpm, duinsin, s. hearing, report
Cluanftjpe, duanaire, s. a flatterer Clumce, duinte, part, heard
Clu4n*]fe4, duanaiseadi, adj. retired, remote Clujnreojp, duinteair, s. m. an auditor
Cluang, duanog, s. f. a retired place ClujnteojpeATj, duinhoireadid, s. m. listening
Clu4TitAjpeACO, duantaireachd, s. crookedness, de Clurnteopac-o, duinteorachd, s. m. craftiness
ceit Clujntjn, duintin, a. hearing
Clu4ji4fi, duaran, s. m. a spunge Clujrrm, duisim,^v. I hear, ; from clor, hearing,
CluAjtn, duaran, s. a sort of dairy ; a thistle. Sc. Clojrym, doisim, ) report
Clu4}JAm, duaranach, adj. fungous, thistly Clujre, duithe, see clujce
CluAr, cluas, s. f. the ear ; a handle 1*4, duitheadi, 7 .. .
Clu4j-, duos, s. f. joy, gladness < CluiteAThu}!, duitheamhuil, J dicroiMf, sporuve
Clu4j-4C, duasach, adj. having ears, or handles Clu|ce*t>, duitheadh, s. gaming, sporting
CluAfAvn, duasain, s. f. a pillow, a pin-cushion Clujirm, duithim, y. I play
Clu4rajn, duasain, s. f. a box on the ear Clrh, dumh, s. m. a feather, down, plume ; furr,
Chur-an-pp, duas-an-fheidh, s. melancholy thistle. hair. Heb. chloim
8k. Clurh4C, dumhadi, feathers, plumage ; Un 00 clu-
Clu4f-C4)c)fi, duas-chaidn, s. wake-robin, cuckow- rh4
pint ; Arum maculatum Clrh4jm, dumhahn, v. I deplume, shear
CluAj-rruotn, duasmaothan, s. the tip of the ear Clmt40, dumhthach, adj. feathered ; bury
Cluarg, cluasog, see clu4j4]n Clut4jm, duthaghim, v. I chase
Clu4rr>4]lle, duasdaille, s. r. deafness Clutriujb duthmhar, adj. close, sheltered
Clu4rj4jne, duasfhaine, s. f. an ear-ring Clutj4t>, duthughadli, s. pursuing, chasing
,, i , ; t> \ s. creeping mouse-ear: hawk- Cn4, cna, adj. good, bountiful
Sr:} pil- Cn4b4j, enabar, s. drowsiness
Cn4b4)pe, cnabaire, l s. m. a jester, scoffer, jiber,
Club, dub, s. m. a club, stick Cn4t>4)le, cnadaire,l satirist
Club4t>, dubadh, s. a winding bay. Sk. 404, cnadan, s. m. a frog
Clt), //, s. m. a patch, clout Cn4C4)-D*lc* cnadar-bharca, s. ships
Chr, cfofM, s! m. burying ground 4$, cnag, s. m. & f. a knob ; a peg ; a wrinkle,
Clu, dudh, see clu crack or noise ; a knock
Cluxxv, dudach, adj. ragged, patched Cn4g, cnagh, s. m. a consumption
CloAt), dudadk, s- m. a cover, covering 45, cnagach, adj. knobby, rougt
Cl t>4im, dudaim,
Clt)45im, c/<fc^ro, \j v; T1 cover' mde
,., Cn454o, enagachd, s. m. knottincss ; sternness
4540, cnagadh, s. knocking down
Cluo4]gT;e, dudaighthe, adj. covered CnA54p, cnagaid/i, adj. bunch-backed ; bossed
Clux>A)m, dudaim, v. I cherish, warm Cn4fe4)t5, enagaid, s. a rap, a blow
ClTMjite, dudaire, s. m. a botcher, cobbler Cn4g4)m, cnagaim, v. I strike, knock
Clu4ifiii]l, dudhamhuil, adj. famous Cn454j]ie, cnagaire, s. m. a naggin
Cl'e, dudog, s. f. a concealment, a store Cn4]b, cnaib, s. f. hemp
CIU54JT1, dugain, s. f. a cluster, bunch CnjhcA, cnaibeachy adj. hempen
Clujajneac, ciugaineoch, adj. clustering Cn*p

Ciuvo, cnaid,s. derision, a scoff , cneasmhar, see

Cn*)oca, cnaideach, s. vexation CneArrhujp, cneasmhuir, s. f. a strait, frith
), cnaideaclt, adj. vexed, fretted Cne*ru4, cneasughadh, s. healing
Cn]ojm, cnaidtm, v. I deride, ridicule CneArujjjm, cneasnighhn, v. I heal, cicatrize
CnAjjceojl, cnaigcheoil, s. a murmur Cneerujgte, cneasuiglithe, adj. cicatrized
)50, cnaigtheach, s. sluggishness. O'V?. , cneatrom, s. m. a kind of horse-litter
CiiAjsteA, cnaigtheach, adj. sluggish. SA. Cnejt), cneidh, s. f. a wound
CnnjrhjjA, cnaimhfhiaeh, s. m. a rook ; a raven Cnejtrm, cneidhim, v. I wound
CnAjm^eo), cnaimgheoidh,s. a bird between a goose Cne^fljocc, cneidhshlUcht, s. f. a scar
and a duck. Sh. Cnej-pljom, cneidhshllochtach, adj. full of scars
Cnjrh]iAbt>, cnaimhreabhadh, s. bone-breaking Cnejm, cneim, s. f. erosion
CnajmreA, cnaimhseach, s. m. a midwife Cnejmjm, cneimint, v. I erode
CnA)p, cnaip, gen. of Cnejre*l, cneisgheal, adj. white-skinned
Cn*]peat5, cnaipead, \ s. a knot on timber ; a lump Cnjocr, cniocht, s. m. a soldier, a knight
CnAjpjn, cnaipin ) on any thing Cn]opA)]ie, cniopaire, s. m. a poor rogue
Cnajpe, cnaire, s. f. a buckle CnjopojpeAc, cniopaireacht, s. m. roguishness
j pce, enaiste, s. a bed -post Cn]]-, mis, s. f.the opening made in the warp by the
, cnomh, s. m. "1 , geers of the loom in weaving
Cnjr, cnaimhs s. f./aDone Cn]-el, cniteal, s. knitting
, cnamhach, adj. bony ]1'1, cintealta, adj. knitted
CnmA, cnamhach, adj. wasting Gn, cno, see cn
Cn*rh*m, cnamham, v. to waste. .9A. Cn, cno, adj. famous, excellent, generous
Cnrh*n, cnamhan, s. continual talking. <M. Cnoc, cnoc, s. m. a hill
Cnrn*]il4c, cnamharlach, s. a stalk. 5c. Cnoc, cnoc, s. . navew, nape ;
nrirriAiisa, cnamhmhargadh, s. m. shambles , ciucach, adj. hilly
;nTr.nj]ie*c, cnamhnaireach, adj. demure *}}6, cnocaireachd, s. walking a broad
CnArh-jiujgent), cnamh-rulgheadh, s. a cubit Cnocin, cnocan, s. ni. a little hill
CnArhup, cnamhuinn, s, a cancer, gangrene 0, cnocanach, see
), }s. f. consumption Cnocr4]jie, cnocfaire, s. an alarm post
, ,) r Cno-colle, cno-coille, s. a nut-grove
C'lAopeAt), cnaoidheadh, s. consuming, knawing Cno, cnod, s. m. piece, patch
Cnaopim, cnaoidhitn, ") v. I pine, languish, consume ; , cnodach, adj. gaining, winning, patched
Cnoj5)m, cnao:ghim,\ gnaw; corrode CnoAjpe, cnodliaire, s. m. a nut-cracker
CnAoj^re, cnaoighte, part, consumed, spent Cnorh, cnomh, a nut <$.
, cnap, s. m. a button, knob, bunch Cn-ihujne, cno-mhuine, see -)11
, cnap, s. m. a hillock , cnopstarra, s. a ball at the end of a
, cnapach, adj. knobby, knotty spear. Sh.
CnApAtsjp, cnapadoir, s. m. a button-mker CnopACAf, cnorachas, s. honor
Cnpe]5)m, cnapaighim, v. I collect, heap Cn-rpumce, cno-spuince, s. Molucca nuts. 5.
, cnapaim, v. I strike CnotAt), cnotadh, s. m. a knot
, cnapun, s. m. dim. of Cnorajn, cnotain, s. a cold. SA.
Cn4p-rc4jt]Ac, cnap-starradh, s. m. a stumbling- Cn,, } ;&f k
block Lnut), cnudfi,}
, enarra, s. f. a ship 1 s, m. a collection, acquisition,
Cnu*r, , I treasur ^Heesen, re.
, c?/, s. m. a sigh , a groan CnuArAo,cw*A</,J flecton '
>, cneadh, s. m. a wound
, cneadhach, s. . a wound giver , cnuasach, adj. recollecting, collecting
-, cneadhach, adj. having wounds; wound- CnuArAjSjm, cnmsaighim, v. I reflect, ponder
giving CnuAf*)5, cnuasaighthe, \ part, gathered, col-
, encadaim, v. I sigh, groan , cnuastu, 5 lected
CneArArhujI, cneadhamhuil, protecting. Sh. Cnu4f*]m, cnuasaim, r. I collect, gather
CneAm)le, encamhaire, s. m. an arthil fellow 4]5, cnuasapuigh, adj. fruitful
, eneas, s. in. the neck, the waist Cnuarx)^, cnmstoir, s. m. a collector
, eneas, s. . the skin Crm'bajpe, cmiadhaire, s. m. nutcracker
, cneasda, adj. modest, meek, well-tem Cnu)5, cnuig,
pered, honest, humane Cnu]tfieo5, cnuimheog.r,Je.f. a worm, a mite
, cneasda, adj. fortunate, ominous Criurh, cnimh,
, cneasduchd, s. m. mildness, meekness, Cnujrheac, cnuimheach, )adj. abounding n
humanity Cnu)rheo5*, cnuimheogach,) worms
: cog COG

Cnume, cnumhe, s. a filbert Coclegrtejre, cocleisteise, s. dropping rains. Sh.

nur a pln, cnuthurlan, s. m. a pig-nut , cochma, s. parity, equality
, , written in ancient MSS. for 50 Comje, cochmiche, s. keys. Sh.
Co ? ? interrpg. who ? which ? Cocoil, cocoil, s. burr, burdock ; Arctium lappa
Co, , like, as, 1])]* Cocol, cocol, s. . cuckold
Co, , a negative particle equal to nj Cocjtot, cocroth, s. a shield, target
, coach, s. a violent attack Cot), cod, s. a part, piece
, coan, adj . agreeable, well-seasoned Coo, cod, s. m. victory
Co<v]*x>, caard, s. husbandman, clown Coca, coda, v. impers, it requires, deserves
Cob, cob, s. plenty Coda, codach, s. in. invention
Cb, cob, s. f. a pall ; prop, cjb Cooa, codach, see caca
Cob. cobh, s. victory, triumph >6), codachadh, s. accession, addition
Cob*, cobhach, s. m. tribute Cooa, codadh, s. a mountain
Cob, cobhach, s. ro. a clown Cjl, cod/tail, see crrrojl
Codac, cobhach, adj. stout, brave Cot>Ajlle, codaille, s. a supping-room
CodajI, cobhail, s. f. an enclosure CoiaI, ce</e/, s. sleep
)1, cobhail, s. f. a woman's stays 1], codalian, s. mandrake. A.
CobAjp, cobhair, s. f. aid, help, support CooaIca, codalta, "I . 1 .,.
CobAjr, cobhais, s. f. conscience CotultAc, /, jadJ' sleeP*' ^n'ferou.
Coda1ea6, cobhaltach, adj. victorious CocaItao, codaltachd, s. m. drowsiness
, cobhan, s. m. a coffer CotiAlujge, codaluighe, s. m. a sleeper, a bed-cham
, cobhar, s. m. foam, froth ber
*), cobharach, adj. frothy, nappy Cot>*pmAnt4, codarmania, adj. vulgar
CoDAjtt, cobhartha, s. assistants Cot)4)]TiA, codarsna, adj. contrary
, codarsnachd, s. contrariety
, coe, adj. hard, rigid. 0. g.
, cobharthach, s. m. helper CocbjiAt), codhbhradh, s. an offering, sacraficing
, cobhartach, s. m. a prey CooUt), codladh, s. m. sleep
]^, cobharthoir, s. m. n assistant CorUjm, codlaim, v. I sleep
CobU, cobhla, s. a breach, cataract CooUpAn, codlainean, s. poppy.
CobU, cobhlach, s. m. a fleet, navy CotilujjfceA, codluightheach, adj. drowsy
, cobhra, s. a shield Cocnac, codhnach, s. a king, a iord
" Cejpe fcejt <n jel CotmA, codhnach, adj. charitable
Fjjajc, cobjiA, ), )11 ; C0105, codog, s. m. haddock
DjnjAt; jr rjio]5)dt 50 , Cot>jomA, codroma, adj. equal, even, uniform
Don ACDAjtj )r f." Cot>jomA0, codromach, s. m. a rustic, a clown
For. foc. , codtomacht, s. m. equality
Codja, cobhra, s. conversation ; prop. erijAt> Coejtomujjfce, codromuighthe, adj. adequate, ba
CobjugA, cobhragach, s. froth, sillabub. Sh. lanced
CobfAC, cobhsach, \ ^ Ccopomt*, codromtha, adj. uncivilized
, cobhthach,) a?> %,ct0,10us Cot>l*omiA, codromtha, adj. foreign, strange
CobtAC, cobhthach, the proper name of a man Coe, coech, adj. blind. Old MSS.
, cobhthach, s. m. a creditor Coerh, coemh, adj. little, small
Coc, , adj . manifest Crh, coemh, soon as, swift as, cm rh
Coca, coca, s. a boat ; Welsh, cooch CopjA, cofra, s. a chest, a box
Coca *e, m. a cook Copjtjn, cofrin, s. a little box
CocA]]e, cocaire, ) C05, cog, s. m. a mill cog
CoAjpe, cochaire, s. a strainer CogA, cogach, adj. warlike, rebellious
Cc4]]ieAct, cocaireacht, s. m. cookery C05A, cogadh, s. m. war
Cocal, cocha/, s. . a net CogAjt), cogaidh, adj. just, lawful
61, cochall, s. . a chasuble, , cowl, hood, CogAjm, cogaim, v. I war, make war
mantle ; a pod, husk, shell ; the pericranium Cogi]tr*f cogairseach, s. m. a whisperer
, cochallath, adj. capsular, husky CojaI, cogal, s. the herb cockle ; Agrostemma githago
CocAf, cochar, s. m. order, ceconomy CojaI, cogal, s. beards of barley
-, coc-bhran, s. m. a jack- daw CoaIc, coghalc, s. awash-ball
Cocci pope, cochcifoide, s. corn-poppy. Sh. CogArnujl, ctgamhuil, adj. warlike
Coc-t>u]tn, coc-dhurn, s. m. a buckler 05, cogar, s. m. a whisper
CoIac, cochlach, s. m. a hair lace, fillet CogAjt, cogar, s. m. an insurrection, conspiracy
oc lac, cochlach, adj. braided ; cqbjn cocIac CoKAWAim, cogaraim, v. I whisper
0 ' Gg Co^Ajm,

Cogapajm, cogaraim, v. I conspire Cojoea, coidheach, fighting

^, cegaras, s. m. peace, amity Cojean, coidhean, s. m. a barnacle
05*1, cogarnach, s. whispering Cojce4rac, coidheasacht, s. accommodation
Co&na, cognadh, s. chewing, ruminating Copejr, coidheis, s convenient, commodious
CObn*jm5 cognahn, v. I chew, bite Cojpjtjn, coifrin, s. f. the pix, a small box that holds
C5nar, cognamfi, s. gnashing the teeth the consecrated host
C5ojJire, cogoirse, s. a well ordered system Cojj;, coig, adj. five
C5P**> cogradh, s. m. conspiracy Coj^bjoUe, coigbhiolach, adj. five-leaved
C5rac, co^thach, s. m. a warrior Co]gje*, coigchreach, s. a sacking, pillaging
C5c*c, cogthach, adj. Quarrelsome, rebellious Coj^cpjge, coigcrighe, s. m. a stranger
Ct>5tAO), cogthaoi, s. a skiff Cojgcpjo, coigcrioch, s. a strange country, a limit
- CF^S'L \ s- "1. conscience Coj^cpjocar, ccigcriochas, s. m. remoteness, of place
^)5e> <jige\
coigeadh,jis. a fifth;' a fiut""-c
Co^u^ar, cogudhas, J province
Co5uara, coguasach, adj. conscientious
Co), coi, s. m. a poem Cojge4t>a, coigeadhach, adj. provincial
Co], coi, s. m. flesh. Cor. Coj5el na mban rjge, coigcal 71a mban sighe, sv
Cjb, coib, s. f. a troop, company great cat's-tail, reed-mace ; Typha latifolia
Cjb, coib, s. f. a copy Cojgel, coigcal, s. a noise, a clap
Cojce, coibhche, s. a dowry, reward Coj^ealac, coigealadh, s. sparing, preserving
Cojbce, coibhche, s. buying, purchasing. Br. L. Coj^elta, coigealta, s a conference
Cojbc]jm, coiblichighim, v. I purchase Cojgealra, co/gcalta, adj. spared. 5A.
Co]bc)e, coibhchighthe, part, purchased Coj^eam, coigeamh, see cojjeao
Coibjoti, coibhchiodh, adj. fierce, ravenous Cojseap, coigear, adj. five
Cjbealat), coibhdhealckadh, s. relations, o. g. Coj^eapt, coigeart, s. judgment
Cojbcean, ccibhdhean, s. m. a troop Co)5ea]r, coigeart, s. a question
CojbeanAcc, ccibhdhcanachd, s. m. a hosting Cojjeaprajm, coigeartaim, v. I judge, inquire
Cojbe, coibe, s. f. a spade 0|"';^}--^-;.-.,.)5
Coibejp, coibheis, s. f. equity, impartiality
/ Cojbe-rgJMp, coibe-sgraith, s. a breast-plough Co)5)1)Tn' c4Pmt v- 1 light up, kindle
Co)bl]t>e, coibhlidhe, s. m. companions at a feast Cojjjljm, coigilim, v. I spare, preserv e
Co)BIj5e, coibhlighc, s. m. copulation Co)5jII, cz//, s. a thought, secret
Cojbljge, coibhlighe, s. m. the law of correlatives, Co|5)lr, coigilt, s. a sparing, saving
viz. of Lord and vassal ; Master and servant ; Monk Cjale, coigle, s a companion
and Abbot. Br. L. Cjale, coigle, s. vassalage, o. g.
Co)Dne4r4ih, coibhiu asamh, s. a neighbour, relation Cojgleat), coigleachd, s. a train, retinue
Co}b}e4C4t>, coibhreaclwdh, s. m. comforting Cojjleat), coigleaM, s. commerce. 4,
Cojnjteac.ajm, coibhrtachaimt v. I comfort Cojgljjjm, coiglighim, v. I attend, accompany
Cojbpear, coibhscacht, s. becomingness Cojgne, ceigne, s. a spear, a javelin
Conrean, coibhscan, exorcism Cojpeac, coigrtach, s. a stranger. Sc.
Cojbrean, coibhseana, s. confession C0)5jea*l, coigreachal, adj. strange, foreign. St.
Co)bi:e, coibhthe, s. a hire. Sh. Co)g]]5, eoigrighy s. a bound or limit
Co]c, coic, s. f. a secret, mystery Co)5j)5en, coigrigheach, s. a stranger, foreigner
Co), coichA who, which; cajt peo, who is this. Co)-jt)i, coigrinn, s. five parts
Cu), tuich,] OldMSS. Coj^fljornac, coigshliosmch, s a pentagon. 5A.
Co]ce, coiche, s, f. a mountain Co j I, coil, s. acorner. SA.
Co)ce, coiche, s. f. a place, a way Cojlbjn, coilbhin, s. f. a small shaft ; the stem of a plant
, Cicce, see coige Cojlce, ceilee, s. a bed, bed-clothes
Copceapt, coicceari, s. talk, discourse Cojlea, coileach, s. m. a cock
Cojcceapt, coicceari, s. equanimity Co)le4-5*o]te, coileach-gaoitfo, s. m. a weather-cock
Cojen, coicheng, s. m. a joint obligation ; a joint Cojle40-]Mi*t>, coileach-ruadfi, s. m. a heath-cock
yoke. Br. L.
, coicme, s. a kitchen. Cor.
Cojcme, coichme, s. an udder ; a churn, shell Co)l4p, coilear, s. a hame, collar
Cojcme, eoichme, adj. small. O'B. CojIe4p4t, coileasadh, s. a lethargy
Co)cr, coicht, s. children Cojle]], s. f. a quarry, a mine
Cojc*jt>jr, coicthidhis, s. f. a fortnight. 4 Mast. 1410. Cojl]], ce/tr, s. f. the neck
Cop, ce/d, s. f. brush-wood Coiljce, clice, J s. f. the cholic, gripes, belly-
Copee, coidluhe, adv. always, ever Co]l)5)n, coiligin,S ache
Cojwcjor, coidhchios, Sc. see copepjf Cjl'jr, ctUis, s. cabbage .
Cope, coidhe, s. chastity
; coi ) coi

C'ojll, coill, s. f. a wood ; gen. cojlle Cojrmse, coitnde, adj. right, lawful
Cojll, coill, s. f. sin, iniquity Cojmoe, coimde, s. custom, use, practice
CoilI-c40}t4nt), coill-caorthand, mountain-ash, quic CjvoeA, coimhdeach, adj. safe, secure
ken-tree CjmoeACip, cohnlideachd, s. m. protection, atten
Cojlle, caille, adj. sylvan dance
CojUeoe, coilltadh, s. m. a hog CjrrvoeAnra, ccimhdheanta, adj. composed
C>jlleA, coilieadh, s. blinding Cjrht>eancACi;, co'imhdhcantacht, s. m. composure
Cojllea-, coilieadh, s. gelding Cojmoeep, cmvikdheas, adj. convenient, commodioiu
C'ojHea, coilieadh, s. infringing, plundering CjrheAr, coimhdheas, adj. handsome
Gojlle;, coilleog, s. f. a kind of large cockle CjrheArAct>, coimlidhcasachd, s. accommodation
Co]lle*)n4, coillcarnach, s. a woody place. SA. Cjrh0e4rAjte, coimhdheasaighthe, adj. accommo?
Cojlljc, eoiltid, v. they spoil, . e. mjlljo dated
Cojlljm, v. I blindfold, blind CojrirojjieA, coimhdhireach, adj. straight as
Cojlljm, coillim, v. I violate, plunder, trespass Cjifrc-jieactA, coimhdhreachta, part, conformed
Cojlljm, coillim, v. I geld Cjrrv]ejrne*o, coimhdhreimeachd, s. competition
CojllrhjAr, coiUmhias, s. f. a wooden dish Cojrhe*, coimheacli, adj. foreign ; careless ; secure
CojUmjn, coillmhin, s. f. a young pig Cojmea, coimheach, adj. like, alike
CojUce, coill/e, s. f. plur. o coj Cjrhftn, coimhead, s. rn. a watch, ward
Cojlbe, coillte, see cAjllce CojrhAAC, coimeadach, s. m. a watch, a guard
CojllceAC, coillteach, "1 adj. woody, wild, sin- CjrhADA, coimheadach, adj. watchful, attentive
CojUteArhujI, coillteamhml, j ful CjrhA'OAC, Coimheadach, adj. coupling, joining
Cojlhreojjt, coillteoir, s. m. a wood-man CjmAOACo, coimheadachd, s. m. watching, atten
Cojlpert, coilpcn, s. a rope. A. dance
Coj'~> coilt, s. f. a heifer CjrhAT>Are, comheadaidhcA keeper
Cjm, co/?ra, s. f. a cover, covering Co]rhAt>j]i, colmheadoir, J, "
Cjm, coimh, see corn CjrhAtiAjm, coimheadaim, v. I keep, protect
Cjm*jfie, coimhaire, s. fore-warning CojmAjt, co'nnear, s. an even number; cojqi no
C)riri>*pl*> cotmhbhearla, s. a conference cojmAji, odd or even
CjrhoAplACA, coimhbhearlachadh, s. a conjunction CojmeAjt, coimear, adj. short, brief
C)rho4jtluj5rec> comhbhearluighlheach, adj. con CrrheAf, coirnkeas, s. coolness of affection. Sh.
junctive CjrheAr, coimheas, s. m. equality, comparison
Cojrhoejpjrn, coimhbheirim, v. I contribute ]*1, coimeasam, v. to compare. Sh.
Cjriiceo^oc, coimhcheadughadh, s. consenting CjmeAyoA, coimheasda, adj. of equal worth
CojrbceAlj, coimhchealg, s. a conspiracy, c. p. C)meAj-5> coimcasg, s. f. a mixture
Cjrnce*nb*]lte, coimhcheangailte, adj. confederate CjrheAf&Ap, coimheasgaidh, s. equal speed, or
conjoint readiness
C]rhceAn5*l. coimhcheangal, s. a covenant ; union CjrneArAjm, ceimeasgaim, v. I mix
CjiMeanjUt), coimhclieangtadh, s. ajunction, unit CojrheAgnA, coimheagna, s. knowledge of cotempo-
ing raries
Cimeanglrtjm, coimhcheanglaim, v. I unite, conjoin G]rheA]-bA]i, comeasgar, s. m. a conflict
CjmceA, coimhcheannack, adj. commercial CjrhjpeACO, coimheifeachd, s^ m. co-efficacy
CjiceAfuct, cmhcheannacht, s. m. commerce CrrhjpeACTiAC, coimheifeachdach, adj. co-efheacious
Cjrhceard, coimkcheasa, s. a protection Cjrhej5e, coimheigeann, s. m. constraint
Cjvhcjmned, co'mhcheimneach, adj. concurrent Cojmejsnjgjm, coimhcignighim, v. I force, oppress,
CojrhcjmneAr, coimhchcimneachd, s. concomi exact
tan cy CjmjgneACA, caimeigneachadh, 1 s* m. m' oppresst"
Cjmcejrnnjjrn, coimhcheimnighim, v. I accompany CoimeiinjugAt,; coim/ieigniughadh,
' > ' xdh, Jf on,' compubi-
'" ' ;o '
Cojrheojl, coimhcheol, s. a chorus J on, constraint
CojrhceoUc, coimhcheolach, adj. choral C]rhej'.j5teo]]i, coimheilightheoir, s. m. a competitor
CjmcljAujn, coimhchliamhuin, s. a relation Cjriiejpge, coimheirghe, s. insurrection
CjrhjtepA', coimhchreapadh, s. m. contraction C6]me)]e, coimeirghe, s. allies, associates
Cjrhpeftpajm, coimhchreapaim, v. I contract Cjrheji]m, coimheirghim, v. I associate, assist
CjrhcpjorlAC, coimhclirwsluch, s. the confines of a CjmeolA, coimheolach, adj. conscious
country Cjrhf eAAft'j cohnhfheadhan, s. m. a troop, a com
CjrhlijotnnjA', coimhchriothnughadh, s. m. con pany
sternation, trembling CjrhpeAU-co^Ajr!, aiimhiear-cogaidh, s. m. fellow,
Cojrre, coimhdli, s- the Godhead, the Holy Trinity soldier
Crriroe, coimhdhe, s. a lord, master Cjmr]jm, covnhfighim, v. I dispose, arrange
Cojnvoe, cohnde, s. protection ; company CjrhfjorA, cQnhfhiosach}.Vi]. conscious
Cojnvoe, coimde, s. a large tub, a kieve Cojrh,

s. corres Cjrhljgjm, coimhlighim, v. I lie with, couple

Go) riij:j*e4g*jjr, coimhfreagairt, pond Cjrnrjon, coimhlian, s. m. an assembly, multitude
C) m j-peAgAjpeAo, coimhfhreagaireachd. Cjrhljona, coimlionadhy s. m. accomplishment, com
CnhppeAgAjAje, coimhfhreagaraidhc, s. m. a cor pletion
respondent CojrhljonAjjieojp, coimhiffnaig/itheoir, s. a fulfiller
CjrhppeagrtjHjm, cotmhfhreagaralm, v. I corres CojrhljonAjm, coimhlionaim, v. 1 fulfil, perform
pond, fit CjrhljofitA, coimhlionta, adj. complete, perfect
Cjmfie454iiac, coimhfhreagartliach, adj. corres CjrhljontAct, coimhliotitachd, see cjrhljonAt)
ponding, consonant, mutual, agreeable to Cjrhme]itAr, caimhmeaitas, see commoptAj"
Cojmfpengdpcojp, coimhfhreagarthoir, s. m. a cor CjrhmeAr, coimheas, adj. co-equal
respondent C)mmeAr, coimhmtas, s. consideration
CjTiippeagpAt), coimhfhreagradh, s. m. correspon ^]rhrne4r, coimhmeas, s. m. comparison, equality
dence, conformity CpbrneArAjm, coimhmeasaim, v. I compare
Cjmjejn, coimhghein, s. f. a general command or , coimhmcasda, adj. compared, of equal
order worth, equal
Cjmjlejc, coimhghleic, s. m. a conflict, struggle CjrhrneArj;, ccimhTneasg, s. a mixture
Cjtfigleufftjtie, coimhghleusaidhe, s. m. a composer, CjmrneArgA, ccimhmeasgad/i, s. commixion
compositor CimmeAfgAjm, coimhmeusgaim, v. I mix, compound
Cojrngleurajm, coimhghleusaim, v. I compose, fer CjrnrneArgiA, coimhmcasgtha, adj. mixed, huddled
ment , coimhmed, adj. equal in size; " . com-
Cjihgljedt), comihghlinneadh, s. m. fastening, adhe a mc, acaj* jnej ) cojmmo." Cor.
sion CjrhmjoncA, coimhmionca, adv. whenever
Cjrhjne, colmhgnc, s. historical and chronological CjmneA, coimhneach, adj. mindful
knowledge CjrhneAp, coimhneart, \ s' m: co,,fir-
Cjrhgitem4)5jm, coimhghreamaighirn, v. I adhere CojmneApcujAt), coimhneartughadh,j j2?n' con"
Cojrngjtertmujai, coimhgicamughadh, s. m. adhesion
C)m]<vrac, coimhiaihach, s. m. a compatriot CirbneAltu]]TTi, coimhneartuighim, v. I confirm
Cojmjce*,-, /mW, > s retribution C)rhneApru]5*e, coimhneartuighthe, adj. confirmed
Co]mjocAf, comhiocas, ) CojrhneAr, coimhneas, s. neighbourhood
Cojrnj'eec, coimhidheach, 7 s. m. a stranger, a fo- 4jm, coimhneasaim, v. I approach
Clm]T>ie*c, coimhidktheach, 3 reigner Co]mpleAf> coimpleasg, s. m. tumultuary noise
C|m}t>e*, Corqie, comhre, see cojjie, accord
iV/MwfA,/**-\ forpiirn
stranSe' ,orelgn CojrhiieA, coimhreach, adj. assistant
CjmjBeAw, colmh'idcachd, see 0)> C)rh)Alr, cointhreat, s. a constellation
CpbjjceAC, coimhightheach, see cojrhjtec Cjrhitjt), conhreidh, adj. plain, even
Cjrfjjmrjm, mhimighm |y Icomm te Cjrnjtjmfr coimhreimeas, s. m. competition
CojmmTjpcjrn, conn/umiram, J & Cjrhpjj, coimhreir, s. f. syntax, construction
C]riiim)}c, coimhimitc, s. f. commigration C]rn]i)]ijm, coimhreirim, v. I congree
)), coimin, s. a common 0])54, camhriachdanas, s. m. want, distress
Cojityoc, coimhioc, s. m. a comedy C]mH)4tu]n, coimhriatuin, s. generation, copulation
C)tTi]om!*n, cimhiomlan, adj. perfect as Cormjiprh, cobnhriomh, s. computation
Cjrhjom!4nAjc>, coimhiomlavaidh, adj. complete, C]rn}tjre4n, conhrisecm, s. meeting together
CjmreAC4, coimhseacach, adj. consequent
perfect CopbreACACo, comseacachd, s. consequence
C]mjomln4t), colmhhm'anadh, s. fulfilling, com-
Cjmre4C4rhujl> coimhseacamhtiil, adj. consequential
pleteing C}rhfe4r4TTi, coimhsheasamh, s. competition ; equili-
6)]1, coimhionann, adj. equal, co-equal, alike
0|)4|, coimhionannas, s. equality, equability brium .. , ...
Coirhre4rrn4cc, comhsheasmhachd, s. constancy
CojmiJi, ctimir, adj. brief, short
Cirhri'oeAt), coimhsheideadh, s. conflation
<3o]m]jie, coimire, s. a brief, abridgment CjrhreoUm, coimhsheelam, v. to convey. 4.
C'o)m]jic, coimirc, s. f. protection, mercy
Cojmjpcear, celmirceadh, s. protecting, saving Cjmnim, coimhstghim, v. I perceive ; comprehend
Cojm^iceoji, coimirctoir, s. m. a saviour, gtrardian as in a sum ,. , ,
Cjrhjrjol!, coimhisioll, adj. flat, level Coirhrib*e> coimhsighthe, adj. provident, frugal
Cjmljc, coimhlic, see cojrnjlejc Coimnte. coimhsighthe, adj. comprehensible
Coimfioplupe> caimhshiorruidhe, adj. co-eternal
C]T>)le4n54, coimhleanga, \ s. a running or marching
Coimriu^Ts cobnhsiughadh, s. m. comprehension
CjriiljoHb, coimhiionga, f together, a race Co mrlcACCAt>, coimhsleachtadh, s. a joint cutting
C6)mlepf, coimhleapthack, s. m. a bed-fellow
Cojrhj-iteASA'b, coimhshreagadJi, s. m. connection, re
0]**' coimhkapthanas., s. m. lying in bed
together, /'<?>". 60. lation r-
C]ihl]5e, coimhlighe, s. m. lying together, coupling
; COI ; coi
Cojrhrcjijr, cohahstrh, s. d isorder Cocean, coingean, s. m. an armed man
Cojmfec, coimhtheach, adj. exotic ConijjaII, coingiall, s. m. condition, qualification;
CojmceaAje, coimhtheachaidhe, s. m. a cohabitant Lojtigjoll, coingioll,] a loan, a pass, an obligation
Cjmce*c*r, cohnhtheachas, s. m. cohabitation Cojngjolh, coingiolladh, s. a complaint
Cjihrejr, coimhthe, s. a going together CojngjollA, coingiolldha, adj. conditional
Cjirjcrt, coimhthidheach, s. m. a stranger. Lev. ~Jn5JI> comgir, s. a pair
. 14, v. 29. Copin, coinghleic, . f. a quarrel
)mrjg,tj-, cobnthighas, see cojmreadp J-ojnjorg, coiniosg, s. furze
^, coimhthigheasach, see cjmteac*jt>e ^ojnjn, coinin, s. f. a rabbit
Cojrijonol, coim/ithionol s. m. an assembly, congre ^ojnle, coinle, 7 r , ,
gation Co,nleo5, coinleog,is-f- a bud, stem, stalk
Gjrfic]ojc4C, coirnhthiorthach, s. m. a compatriot Co]n-ACA]|f, coinn-athair, s. a wife's father
Cjriicjunft, coimhthrecmadJi, s. m. confirmation Coje, coinne, s. a meeting ; opposition
Cojmppeac, coimpreadh, 1 s. conception, ge- Cojie, coinne, s. a woman, a quean
Co]mpje*Tb4]c,co;'wpr/w/rf, J neration Cojneftl, coinneal, "J ..
CojmppearHjm, coimpreamhaim, v. I conceive Cojiijoll, coinnioll,p- a candle
Cojrhuc, coimhuc, see cojriqoc Cojealojte, coinnealbhaite, 1 % m. excommuni-
CojmreAC, comiseach, adj. indifferent; deliberate Cojne4ltrt, coinnealbhatlwdh,] cation
Cojn, coin, gen. & pl. of c CojnenlbarAjm, coinnealbhathaim, v. I excommuni
CojnBen, combtuadh, s. m. a feast, entertainment cate
CojnBeat>4, coinbheadh.ach, s. m. a guest at a feast Co)e4l5jt4, coinealbhra, s. m. a chandelier ; a chan
, coinbhearsaid, s. f. conversation dler's shop
Cojnojle, coinbhile, s. the dog-berry tree ; Cornus Cojeer, coinneas, s. a ferret
Cojnoljoce, coinbhlioct/s. m. a debate, conflict Copejlg, coinneilg, a comparison
CojnDjA4jo, coinbhraghaid, s. f. a disease in the Cojjcejjt, coinnicetr, s. a rabbit-burrow
throat Cojnjgjm, coinnighim, v. I meet, oppose
Cojnce, coince, s. f. haste, speed Cojjm, coinnim, s. a guest
Cojn), coincinn, s. . the brain C'0|j]cjoll, coinnirchioll, \ adj. kind, benign, merci-
CojnjeArat), coinchinneasadh, s. vertigo. Sh. Cojjpcle, colnnircle, \ ful, charitable
Cojncpjoce, coinchrioche, s. gag-teeth. Sh. Cojleojjt, coinnkir, s. a candle-stick
Cojrnoe, coinde, see cope )1], colnnlin, see cojnle
Cojnoeal, coindeal, see copea! Co}l|OC, coinnliich, s. stubble
Cojnt>e4lb, coindealg, s. m. counsel, persuasion Cojme, coinnme, s. cattle
Cojnoealft, coindealg, s. m. contention Coj-reACtv, ctin-feachta, s. m. laws relating to
)15, coindealg, s. m. criticising hounds
]>15, cohidealg, s. in. comparison, similitude Cojnrj, co'ms't, s. keeping, protection
^, coindealgaim, v. I advise, persuade Cojnri, coinsi, adj. fit, proper
Cojnjujp, coindhiuir, adj. straight as Co|nr]r Wmsias, s. conscience
Cojnopec, coindreach, s. m. impediment, restriction CojnrjneAt), coinsinead, s. protection, defence
CojntifieA, coindreach, s. m. mischief Cojnrpeac, coitispeach, s. m. a hornet; gad-fly
Cojncueac, coindreach, s. instruction, direction Cojnt, colnt, s. f. a woman
CoproneagAmi, coindreagaim, v. I separate, branch Cojntm, cointin, s. f. a controversy
Co]nt)e4, cointinneach, s. a contentious man
Cojno|e45*)m, coindreagaim, v. I fight Co)nt]e*c, cointinneach, adj. contentious
CojnojiegAjj, coindreagair, v. impers, it is run to- I CojntpnojWAC, coinlionoidcach, s. a custom. PL
gether; it is fought Cjp, coip, s. f. a tribe, a troop
CojnT>pe*mAn, coindreamhan, s. m. rage, fury Cjp, coip, s. f. a copy ; froth
Copier, coindrisy s. m. dog-briar ; Rosa canina Cojp-rcujujn, colp-scnblnn, s. f. a transcript
Cjnea, coincach, s. m. moss; fog Coji, coir, s. f. an air; business
Cojneat), coineadh, s. m. reproof, reproving Co ip, coir, s.f. sin, fault
Cojne4g4t>, coincaghadh, s. restraining Cjis coir, s. f. justice, right, property
Cojnet>, coined, see copojle Cjp, coir, adj. just, right, good, honest
Cojnpearaib coinfeasgar, s. m. evening Co^t, coir, adj. solitary.lonesome
CojnpeAfgoita, coinfeasgarach, adj. late Coi]i, coir, in compound words means false, deceit
Cojnpe*rjl, coin/easoir, s. m. a confessor ful'; )-1<0, a false clerk
Cojnr]4C4]l, coinfhiacail, s. dog-teeth , colraid, s. prohity, justice
Cojnrljoc, coinfiiochd, see coinljoco ]1)> coiraisach, adj. importaut, with an air of
, "'"fhodhaime, s. otters business. Sh.
Copi5e*D*c, coingeabhadh, s. retaimng Coube*, ccirbcach, adj. impious
" Hh Co]jibjie,


Cojpbfie, coirbre, s. m. the proper name of a man 1]0, coirninac/i, adj. frizzled, curled
Co)|nro)*U, coirnsdiall, s. f. a cup-board
^ojpbpe, coirbre, s. m. a charioteer Co)]tpt)ej]r;, coirpbheirt, s. f. rayment, clothes
^ojpce, coirce, s. oats. Welsh ceirch Cojppte, coirpthe, see cojpjpie
^ojpceA, coirceach, adj. abounding in oats Cojpp, coirr, s. a spear, a dart
Cojpceog, coirceog, s. f. a bee-hive )|, coirrcheann, s. m. a whirl-gig
v-ojfioeap, coirdeas, s. agreement CojppeAnAjm, coirrcheannaim, v. I make round and
Cjpojn, coirdin, s. f. a small cord pointed, like a top
Cjpe, cotre, s. f. raw flesh ; . e. coj jje, up
Cojppjoll, coirrioll, s. noise
nom i. e. peo)l orh." Cor. Cojppjolk, coirrioliach, adj. noisy
Cojpe, coire, s. f, a kettle, cauldron CojppoeADAjc, coirdeabhaidhfS. fighting with a spear
Cojpe, /re, s. f. a cavity, cavern, gulf CojprcpeACg, coirscreachog, s. f. a screech-owl
Co)l*e, coire, s. f. trespass, offence Cojpx;, coirt, s. f. bark ; see CAjpt
Cjpe s. f. justice, right Cojpte, coirthe, s. a sin, fault
C'ojpe, caire, s. f. an invitation CojpteA, coirtheach, adj. sinful, obnoxious
Coipe, coire, s. f. a ring, a girdle )6, coirtheacha, s. invective
CjJe, coire, s. f. accord ; syntax CojpteAci;, coirtheachd, s. culpability
C'jpeAC, coireach, adj. just, true. Manx.
Cojpteojp, coirteoir, s. m. a carter
CojpeA, coireach, adj. criminal Cojpteojp, coirthcoir, . criminal ; an ac-
CojpeAC, coireach, s. m. a malefactor Cojpijgeojp, coirthigheoir, ) cuser ; an informer
Co)peAAt>, coireachadh, s. censure Cojptjjjm, coirthighim, v. I sin
CojpeAwArhujl, coireachdamhud, adj. censorious
CojpeAcoAmlAco, coireachdamhlachd, s. censorious- Co)lt)5]m, coirthighim, v. I blame, accuse
Co]}tji)U5*t), coirthriughadh, s. m. impeachment
ness Co)j", cois, adv. near to, hard by
CojpaAtriAn,. coireaman, s. coriander
CojpeArhlAc, coireamhlacht, s. m. guiltiness CojrAgA, coisagach, adj. snug. Sc.
), coisbheart, s. any covering for the legs
Cojpearhujl, coireamhuil, adj. guilty
-\ s. earth kipper, or feet
Cojrcjm, coisceim, s. f. a step, a pace
, . ( 2: Co]rcjmn)jjm, coisctimnighim, v. I step
CojpeApAn-mujce,-^ f J "g,^ Cjfoe, coisde, s. f. a coach
J bulbocastanum 6), coisde, s. f. a jury
])110, coireancoUleach, s. wild campion ; Cjroeo]p, coisdeoir, s. m. a coachman
Cjpoeojp, coisdeoir, s. m. a juryman
Lychnis dioica CojrACo, coiseachd, s. m. walking
CojjterogabAC, coiretogabach, s. a brewer's cauldron.
), coiseamhan, s. m. a shoe-maker
Sh. CjreAnurg, coiseanuigh, s. preservation. Sh.
Cjpgnjorh, coirgniomh, s. m. satisfaction
Coj|tjaDum, colriabhuin, s. copulation. 5//. CjpeAnujAm, coiseanuigham \ v. to conjure, to bless
C)re*num, coiseanum, j one's self. Sh.
Cojpjj;, coirigh, s. ranges Co]f]t))X5, coiseididh, s. greaves
Cjpj5]m, coirighim, v. I arrange, correct
Cojpjjjjm, coirighim, v. I sin, offend CojreonA me, coiseona me, \. I will prove, maintain,
Cipigte, coirighthe, adj. dressed, amended defend
Cojpjteojp, coirightheoir, s. m. an accuser, corrector Coirjm, coisghn, v. I obstruct, hinder, impede,
quell, quench, allay, quiet, cease
Cojpjm, coirim, v. I teaze Cojrglp, coisglidh, adj. diligent, quiet, still
CojpjogAT), coirioghadh, s. satisfaction
CojpjpeArt, coiripeadh, |s. m. corruption, vil- Cojrgteojp, coisgtheoir, s. m. an obstructor, queller
Co]i)pfet), coiriptheachd, ) lainy Cojrpe, coisidhe, s. m. a footman
Coj[t]p)i>, coiripidh, adj. corrupt; corruptible Cojrysjm, "isighim, v. I walk, travel
Co]j)pte, coiripthe, adj. corrupted, depraved Cojrjn, coisin, s. m. a stem ; dim. of cof
CojpjujA', coiriughadh, s. m. accusation, censure )), coisinam, v. to win, gain, earn. SA.
Cjj|U5A0, coiriughadh, s. m. correction CojrpeAc, coisineach, adj. acquisitive. Sc.
Coinneojp, coisineoir, s. an acquirer. 5c.
Cojpm, >, s. f, ale Cjrjp, ceWV, s. f. a feast, entertainment
Cojpme, m. a drink drunkard CoinuntA, coisimta, part, earned
C'ojjjmeAC, coirmeoch,$ > CoirleAt*nA, coisleathanach, adj. broad-footed
Cojjtmeg, coirmeog, s. f. a female cup gossip
CojrljAtpjo, coisliathroid, s. f. a foot-ball
CojjirhjAn, coirmhin, s. conceit
Cojpmjn, coirmin, s. dim. of a , the proper Cojrljje, coislighe, s. a path
CirpeAC, coisreach, s. a feast
name of a man CojfpeACAti, coisreacadh, s. m. consecration, btes-
CojpneAC, coirneach, s. m. a part
Cojpnul, coirneuf, s.f. a corner; Welsh cornel Sin^ ojrpeACAjm,

Cojrle*C4jm, coisreacaim, v. I consecrate, bless C0I5, colg, s. a sword ;

Cojppe4c4n, coisreacan, see co)ppe4CA " 5e4n 454p colg tobj 54)1,
Cojrpeacc*, coisreactha, adj. consecrated Da f44] clopjrh cuj4p ;
Cojppj, coridh, s. f. infantry ; guests at a feast Ce4lcAjt 454p lujbne r>z
CJrP)5eA* coisrigheadh, s. r. sanctification, dedi Da 44] 54 4jioflejje." For. foe.
cation C0I5, colg, s. m. a beard or awn of barley, sting,
^)rl*]5)rn> coisrigkim, v. I bless prickle
Cojpjtjgte, coisrighthe, see cojpjeAcf;4 C0I5, colg, s. m. a fierce or piercing look
Cojpjjorht), oisriomhadh, s. scanning of a verse C0I5A, colgach, adj. prickly, bearded, scaly
Cojjreat, coisteacht, s. m. hearing; prop, clojp- C0I5AC, colgach, "j adj. fierce, smart, lively, ac-
te* CogApA, colgaradh, V tive, martial, smartloolring ;
Cjpteojp, coisteoir, see cojpeojp ColgAnrA, colganta, J fretful
Cojrreoujg, coisteonrtuigh, s. an extravagant man Colgn, cqlgan, s. m. a salmon
Cojt, cej'r, s. f. a coracle, a small boat ColgAn, colgan, s. a dove. Sc.
Co)tAj4tn, coitaicham, v. to press, persuade. 5. Colgcjtojojm, colgthroidim, v. I fence or fight with a
CojrceA, coitchcadh, adj. public, common sword
Cojtceoo, coitchead, s. m. an edict Colgtjjtujjm, colgbhniidhim, s. butcher's broom- Sh.
CojtceA, coitcheann, ] adj. public, cpmmon, gene- Colgj4p4, colgrasach, adj. prickly
Cojtcjo, coitchimn, J ral, universal, catholic Colguyoe, colguidhe, adj. peevish
Co)ceAAr, coitcheannacht, s. m. community Coljp, colis, s. cabbage : Caulis
CojrcjocA, coitchionnta, adj. customary, habitual, Coll, coll, s. the letter
familiar, ordinary, vulgar, universal, oecumenical Coll, coll, s. m. the hazel tree ; Corylus avellana
Cojtcjoceo, coitchionntachd, s. m. universality Coll, coll, s. m. a headthe neck. " Cor.
Co^ceojjv coiteoir, s. m. a cottager, a boat-builder Coll, coll, s. m. destruction, ruin
Cojteopn, coiteoran, 9. m. a limit, boundary ColU, collach, s. a fat heifer; t(.e. cok ]terh-
Coitjt, coitit, s. f. an awl, a bodkin 4l." o.g.
Col, col, s. m. an impediment, prohibition C0II4C, collach, s. m. corpulence
Col, col, s. m. incest, sin, wickedness C0II4C, collach, s. a boar
C04C, colach, adj. incestuous, sinful, wicked C0II4C, collach, adj. corpulent
C0U545, colagag, s. the first finger. Sh. CoIIacattiujI,, adj. boorish
CokjgneAct), colaighneachd, s. a colony C0II4, colladh, s. f. sleep, rest
CoUjm, ctlaim, v. I prohibit, forbid, hinder C0H4, colladh, s. sleeping
Cokjm, colaim, v. I plaister Coll45-ljon, collag-lion, s. an earwig. Sh.
Coli]}, colair, s. f. a collar ; vulg. C0II4J, collaidh, s. f. a two-year old heifer
CoUjpoe, colaisde, s. a college C0II4J, collaidh, adj. carnal, venereal
Cobnut), colamadh, s. a mine where the oars of me , coltaidheachd, s. carnality
tals are found CoIUjojn, collaidin, s. f. white poppy : Papaver som
1, colamna, s. a hide ; cokmnA fb niferum
1 Ajr, no Ajre, columna ais, no aise, the stages CollAjm, collaim, v. I sleep ; Heb. cholom, a dream
of human life ; " i. e. Ajmrjpe nAjenAc, - CollBume, ollbhuine,\ , f. .
cac, 5]11acc, ocUAr, ocor jbljecc." Colliojlle, collchodle, )*' a wood ot nazel
Cor. Coll-n, coll-ehnu, s. hazel nut, a filbert
10), colamoir, the fish called hake , //, seecoUn
ColArhujn, colamhuin, see coniriiAn CoIIa, collghach, adj. incestuous
Cobn, /an, s. a young cow CollgAo, cMghachd, s. m. carnality
CoIa, colann, s. f. the body, flesh, sense; gen, Coll-leAbAJ^j coll-leabuidh, s. a bedstead
com4 Colljt), colloid, s. f. noise, clamour
CoUf pn colasion, s. a collation ; vulg. Colljt>eAC, colloideachy adj. clamorous
Colo, colbh, s. m. a post, pillar, reed CoUocac, collotach, adj. soporific, sleepy
Colh, coibh, s. m the st -Ik or stem of a plant CollcA, colltach, s. a fleet
CoIBa, colbha, s. m. love, friendship, regard Colhiie, colluidhc, adj, carnal, venereal
ColoA, colbha, s. m. a sceptre Colm, ce/m, s. m. a pigeon, a dove
ColAjm, colbhaim, v. I sprout, spring Colrh, ce///4, see colb
ColDjt), colbhidh, adj. having pillars. Sh. ColmA, colma, s. hardness
iiuti* 1 s- tne calf of the Ieg; tlje shank, ColmAn-c4*4), colman-cathaichy s. a whoop. 57.
Co , colbhtha, I the j of a man ?rom kne^
1-]11, colman-coille, s. a quest, a ring dove.'
ColpA, rtrf/wi, J t0 tiie ancle
ColbiA, colbthach, s, a cow calf, a heifer ColmA, colmcha, 1 pigeon-house
ColcA, cokach, ) a bed of flocks ColmlA, colmhnn,) 1 & _
ColcAjo, colcatdh,) C0I05,

Col, colog, s. f. a steak, a collop , comhaimsearach, s. m. a cotempo-

Colp, colp, s. m. sec calp rary
Colp, colp, s. m. the thigh or haunch 0}]1, comhaimsearad, s. m. a synchronism.
Colp*, colpa, see 1 Lee 10, 1.
Colp*, colpa, Is. a cow, heifer, bullock, steer ^, comhaimseardha, adj. cotemporary,
1, /pack, j colt coetaneous
Coir, ctlt, s. m. meat, victuals, food , coma'm, s. f. an obligation, debt
Colr, coltach, adj. likely ComAje, , s. f. communion
ColtAjf, a coulter
u CriiAjnm, comliainm, s. m. a surname
Colt*|, collar, 'js.m.&f. CmAjp, cornait', adj. brief, compendious
Colrap, ciliar, s. m. the rower's bench in a galley CmAjji, comkair, adv. opposite, over against
ColtAp, collas, s. m. likelihood, appearance ComAj]tAm, comairam, v. to liken, compare. Sh.
, coltra, adj. dark, gloomy, obscure CiAjpbjm, bhifn, see crfiAjjirhjm
ColtjtAjje, coltratghe, s. a razor-bill. 5/;. CriiA]|tce, comhairce, s. f. mercy, protection
ColbAjpr, colubhairt, s. f. coleworts, cabbage CorhAjpcjm, comhaircim, v. I protect, assist
Colup, column, s. f. a christmas box, or new year's CoriiAjj*c]m, comhaircim, v. I cry, bewail
gift ; christmas cheer CoirMjpcjm, comhaiicim, v. I ask, enquire
Colum, colum, s. in. a pigeon, dove, ; Welsh colom- CoriiAjpcjr, comhaircis, s. f. assistance. 4 Mast. 1475.
men CoriAjpe, comhaire, s. f. aery, an outcry
ColurhAn, columhan, s. m. a prop, pillar, pedestal CtAjjieAm, comhaireamk, s. in. enumeration, count
Colp, colur, s. m. a dove ing
Com, com, s. m. kindred. Br. L. CiAjple, comhairk, s. f. counsel, advice
Com, com, s. m. the waist or middle, the body, the CoriiAjjtle, comhairk, s. a synod, council, confer
bowels ; -jfieap orm, the bloody flux ence
Com, comb, s. m. protection, guard, defence , tomhairkach, s. m. a counsellor
Com, comh, in compound words signifies equal, as CmAjpleA, comhaideadh, s. m. counselling, advis
much, so, as, with, union, &c. By the modern ing
Irish writers it is written cjrh, where the first vowel CmAjjlje, comhair/ighc, s. m. a monitor
of the second part of the compound begins with e CmAjpljjm, comhair/ig/ijn, v. I advise, counsel
or j ; as, in cjmjmjjic, , &c. In CmA)il|ce, comhairtighthe, adj. advised
ancient MSS. it is always written com CmAjjil)teo)jt, comhairlightheo.r, s. m. a counsellor
Com4, coma, adj. indifferent, easy CmAjpmjm, comhaitmhim, v. I number, count
Com*, comae/:, s. m. a breach, defeat CJajPP, comhanp, I Auktion, strife. Si.
, comach, s. a tax, toll. Sh. ^, comhatrpas,} *
Corhat), comhachd, s. m. power ComAj|(rjleA6At>, comhahsileachadh, s. discharge from
, comhachdach, see cuttiatsa service, manumission. SA.
ComAtsAmujl, comhacMamhuil, see curhAceirhu)l CriiAjppec, comhaisdreach, s. m. a fellow-traveller
ComAt>jji, ctm/iachdoir, s. m. a commissioner Comftjt, comaith, adj. as well, as good as, equal
, comkacmac, s. m. a circuit CorhajtieAT), comhadcheadh, s. m. competition
ComAg, comhachog, s. f. an owl ComATceAf, comhaitcheas, s. m. a neighbourhood
ComAt), comadh, see com* CrhAjtpe, comhaitidhe, s. a neighbour
Crruc, comhad, s. m. the two last quartans of a verse CorhAl, comhal, see curiiAl
CrnA, comhadh, g. ni. a condition, obligation 1, comhal, s. m. the jamb of a door, a door
CmA, comhadh, s. m. a mode, a mood, a compa case ; a monk's cowl
rison CorhAl, comhal, adj. bold, courageous
CrhAti, comhadh, s. m. an elegy, sigh, groan , nnhall, s. . the performance or execution
CmA, cvmhadh, s.,m. a bribe, reward ; pl. corn* of a thing ; M i.e. ]) 1 11 n co-
ComAojp, comadoir, s. m. a romancer 4]tA 0-"
CoiriAt>0)}*eA0o, comadoireachd, s. m. recital of ro ), comhalladh, s. m. performing, fulfilling
mance 11*, comhallaim, v. I perform, fulfil, do duty
Cttia5a1, comhagal, s. m. a conference, discourse s. m. a foster-brother, or sister ;
CmA]r, comhaidk, s. m. a keeper ^ " 0)A]tmA]t oo trol ]p pn o
CmAjceAr, comh iidhcheas, s. neighbourhood CrhAlt, comhalt, concoDAjp cpuvm re)c.
CriiAjlle, ctmhaille, s. a bestowing , comhalla, tAVg u) RuAjpc ^
Com*)lle, comhaille, s. pregnancy \ OgAf a mAlcA ejn." 4
CorriAjlljm, comhaillhn, v. I bear, carry J Mast. 1409.
ComA)lt)m, comuiltim, v. I join , comaltach, adj. fulfilled, performed
ComAjm, comaim, v. I find, invent , comhaltranas, s. in. mutual fosterage
, comhaim, v. I defend, protect , comamar, s. comparison. Sh.
CoriiAjm, comhaim, s. a spouse, a wife ComAfi irrjorrb,
cow coy COM

Coman, comhan, s. a shrine Coma r> comas, s. m. the pulse

Coming, comhang, see cumarng Comarac, comasach, adj. effective, effectual, pow
Coman mjonla, coman mionla, s. corn chamomile ; erful, capable
Anthmis arvensis Comarao, comasachd, s. m. capability, faculty
, comhannun, see cjmjofian Comaroaip, comasdair, s. a commissary. Sh.
Coman, comann, s. m. communion, society Comarca jpaco, comasdairachd, commissariot. Sh.
Comantip, comanntoir, 1 , r 55, comasggnumh, \ ..rlvin,
comkaointeoir, \ s' m- a be"ef^tor, 5)1, comasgmhiol, \ s> a chaos' '
Coiruojne, cmauine, s. f. a burden, injunction ; a be Combac, combach, s. a breach, defeat
nefit Cmbaj, comhbhaidh, sympathy
CoiTuojnea, comaoineach, s. m. the Holy Communion, Combare, combaidhe, s. assistance, friendship
the Blessed Eucharist Cmbjt, comhbhith, s. co-existence
Crivojr, comhatis, one of equal age. Si. Cmbjteac, comhbhitheach, adj. co-existent
CofTuolaco, comhaoiachd, s. a college. Sh. Cmbp)0acat>, comhbhrioghachadh, s. consubstan-
Cm<onta, comhaonta, s. mutual consent, agreement, tiation
concord, concurrence, unity Cmbajapajm, comhbhagaraim, v- I comminate
Cm<oncac, comaontach, adj. concordant, concurrent Cmbpajtpeac, comhbraithreach, adj. brotherby, con
Com<onracT>, comhaontachd, s. m. agreement, unity sanguineous
Cmaonca]5)m, comhaontaighim, v. I consent, agree Cmbpacajp, comhbhralhair, s. m. a companion, a
CTTKontgai, comaontughadh, see crhonra fellow
, camhaosda, adj.cotemporary,of equal age Cmbpatapacti, comhbhraiharachd, s. m. brother
Comap, comar, s. the nose hood, consanguinity
Comaj, comar, s. m. a valley Combpotsat), comhbhrodadh, s. m. compunction
Coma}, comar, s. m. the way, a meeting Cmbpuac, comhbhruach, s. m. the bounds of a
Comap, comar, see comajp country
Cmapba, comharba, s. ra. protection Combpuacac, comhbhruachach, adj. conterminous
Cmapba, comkarbha, s. m. a successor in an eccle Crbpugajm, comhbhrughaim, v. I compress, oppress
siastical office ; an abbot, a vicar Cmbpujcte, comhbhnudJtte, adj. contrite, crushed
Crhapba, com/iatba, s. a religious order of monks Coriibpuat), comhbhrughadh, s. m. oppression
among the old Irish. Keat. Coriibuapeapta, comhbuaidheartha, adj. seditious
Cmapbacc, comharbachd, s. m. vicarage Comuaj'pea'P, comhbuaidhreadh, s. m. mutiny, dis-
Cqmapbar, comharbas, s. m. succession sention, sedition, disturbance, commotion, contri-
Comapc, comarc, s. a part, a share bulation ; " eojan mac Sejn, rjgeapna riiu]n-
Corhapcajm, comharcaim, see comajpcjm tjpe "Whojlmoptia t>o cc, -j Sean ua Ragallajg
Cmapn, comhard, adj. equally high a riiac jjh toja jna le hua Njll, -j 1
*\ s. m. agreement, or rljoct Se|n u] ltagallajs ; 7 Feapgal ua llajal-
>, comhardadh, t correspondence in 1*) . e. mac om|r rhjp, oo fog* la pljot 4ai-
Crhapoujat), comhardughadh, I the composition of gamna u] Ragallaj, 7 le gallajb, gup po yap
j Irish verse coa -j coribuajcpeat eatappa." 4 Mast. 1449.
Comapacio)p, comaractholr, s. m. a protector Cmca)opeac, comluhaidreach, s. m. a correspondant
Corhapgajn, comhargain, s. f. a dispute ; a syllogism Cmajopeac, comhchaidrcach, adj. correspondent
Cmapnajr, comharnais, s. f. emulation Crheppeacar, comhchaidrcachas, s. . commerce,
Crhapra, comharsa, mutual correspondence
Cmapran, comharsan, J- s. f. a neighbour Crh6appeat>, comhchaidieadh, s. corresponding,
Comaprana, comharsanach,) correspondence
Cmattranaco,, comharsanachd,, "Ii neighbourhood
vuiiii4Mu 1U j Crha]t>pear, comhthaidreadh, j s. m. society, associ-
Comaprantac, comharsantacnd, J Ciiiajrpear, comhc/iaid/eas, j ation
Cmapranra, comharsanta, \ ,. ne:_hbourlv Cmcajopeato, comhchaidieachd, s. m. commerce,
Comapfnamu)!, comharsnamhuil, J adj" nciSnbourl) traffic
Cmapa, comhartha, s. m. a mark, sign, s)mbol, ci Comappeam, comhchaidrearn, v. to traffic. Sh.
catrice Cmcjnc, comhehaint, s. f. a conference
. . i comharthachadh,
i ,,i i 1I s. annotation, Criicajnr, comhehaint, s. f. controversy ; abuse
Cmaptaat), nointin Crhcajnteapat), coimhehaintearachd, s. singing in
Cmaptgat), ^WA^/W,j ^ Pinng
Cmaptujgym, comharthuighim, v. I mark, sign, Crhcajpcear, co'imhchairdeas, s. mutual friendship
note Cmcajpcjm, comhehahdim, v. I agree, accord
Comaptujgte, comharthughthe, adj. marked, ob Cmajpcpeadar, comhehairdrtachas, s. m. mutual
served correspondence, common interest, confederacy
Comaj-, comas, s. m. power, warrant, leave, indul C6rhl<ola)t>, comhchlaochlaidh, s. f. commutation
gence, hold, faculty I i Crhcloclaj'eac,

CrhclocldpeAC, comhchlaochlaidhtach, adj. cominu- rhcuepoma, comhchudroma, s. equilibrium

Crficut>pom, comhchudromach, adj. proportional
table Corhcu>t>omA)jm, comhchudromaighim, v. I equalize,
Cmlnl)e4cc, comhchlaochlaidhcacht, s. commuta-
bility CmcujDfieftat), comhcuibhreachadh, s. concatenation
Criil^cljBjm, comhchlaochlaidhim, v. I commute
CmcujBpjgjm, comhchmbrighim, v. I concatenate
r-x^A L _ comhchaoidhim,'\
/ i V, ^-V. TI condole,
, , ,bemoan Cmuj'oeaA, comhchuideachadh, s. coadjuvancy
Cmujo]5teo))i, comhchuidightheoir,s. m. a coadjutor
Crh4|Ujtie4Cx>, comlicharaidheachd, s. mutual strug
Cmcupg, comhchuivg, s. f. a joint yoke
gling Cmujngte, comhchuingthe, part, joined, yoked
CmcftjtnTft, comhchamta , adj heaped together
Cmujppn, comhchu'mm,, v. I arrange, dispose
CtceAnjal, comhccangal, s. a confederacy, union
Corhcujriq^ce, comhchuisnighthe, adj. congealed
CrheoljiAje, comhcheolraidhe, s. m. a chorister C0rhup*it)e46r, comhchuraidheacht, s. mutual strug
Crrtcjalb, comhchiiiUach, adj. synonimous
CrhcmiArACo, comhchnuasachd, s. collection gling
Crnrt, comhdha, s. equality
Crco)5p)5, comhchoigrigh, s. a border or limit Com4, comhdha, adj. equal
CrhojrfeA5At>, comhchoisreagadh, s. m. consecration
CmoAC, comhdach, s. m. a refuge, shelter
Cmojccean, comhchoitchean, adj. common, catholic
', comhdachadh, s. m. sheltering
Corhcom*m, comhchomain, s. f. communion, fellow Cmo4CAt>, comhdachadh, s. quotation, proof
ship CrhoAjim. comhdagthim, v. 1 build, I shelter; quote
Crhcorh4)}le, comhchomhairk, s. confederacy, com CtijI, comhdhail, s. f. a convention, meeting
bination Crhrt)l)m, comhdhailim, v. I meet, coincide
CmrhiJiHiiiirn, comhchomhairlirhim^) v' * 81> CrrTOA]rhreo)it, comhdhaimhseoir, s. m. a partner in
^ ,i 71 L combine,
*)1], comhchomhairhm, ) confederate dancing
01]01]51> comhdhaingnighim, v. I confirm
Crbongnijl, comhchongbhail, s. honor CoriroAjngnj^reojib coinhdha'ingmghtheoir, s. m.acon-
CmcoptsAC, comhchsrdach, adj. concordant
CrhcojtoACt, comhchordacht, s. m. concordance firmer
CorhoAjnjnjujAti, comhdhaingniughadh, s. confirma
Cmcopot), comhchordadh, s. m. concord, coinci
dence Crht>4jr, comhdhat's, s. f. resemblance
CmcoptsAjm, comhchordaim, v. I agree, coincide CtttoaIa, comhdala, s. a statute, a law. Sh.
Crhco]t,oArrtujl, comhcordamhuil, adj. compatible CrhAkA, comhdhalta, s. m. a foster-brother
Cmcoprnijl, comhchosmhuil, adj. alike, conformable CrtTOAlcAr, comhdhaltas, s. m. relation of fostering
CrhcormujleAr, comhchomhuilcas, s. equality, re Crhtxojne, comhdhaoine, s. cotemporaries
semblance CrAr, comhdhas, s. m. an equal right
Cmctijre, comhchraife, adj. sprinkled, conquas- CrrreAljtAW comhdhealradh, s. corradiation
sated CriveA-r, comhdheas, s. ambidexter
Crh*N<o)e4co, comhchraoidheachd, s. agreement Crrrolu;*, comhdhlutha, s. a compact
C6m]*4f, comhchras, s. m. good-fellowship Corirolut*, comhdhlutha, adj. assembled
Cmc]iAt4, comhclirathadh, s. m. conquassation Convoluitt, comhdhluthadh, s. contribution
CrhcpAAjm, comhchrathaim, v. 1 agitate Cimblut4]m, comhdhluthaini, v. I join, frame
Crhc{t4r]], comhchreatuir, s. a fellow-creature Crroojc, comhdhoich, as soon as
Crhpocac, comhchrochach, adj; coherent Cmro]l]or, comhdhoilghios, s f. condolence
Crhc]io<t>, c.omhchrochadh, s. coherence Crrrmnuc, comhdhunach, adj. conclusive
CorhcfUijm, comhckrmm, adj. orbicular, oval CorhfiunAT), comhdhunadh, s. m. confirmation
Cm|iuj)jm, cvmhchrunnighim,\. I assemble, con C0vhm4t>, comhdhunadh, s. m. conclusion
voke CnriiApn, comhdhunaim, v. I conclude, I keep
Cm|u)]f:e, comhchntinnighthe, adj. assembled ~ ' "-> s.
( m. a person of
Crhcpu)]i;teoi]b comhchruinv'tghtheoirt%. m. a col Crht)4)r, C*^ the same tribe
lector, compiler CmtC4rAC, comhdhuthchasach, f
or country
^^-, comhchru'innlughadh, s. m.. con Come4r, comheas, s. society. Sh.
gregation Comejpce, comeirce, s. dedication. Sh.
CmcpupAt), comchrupadh, s. m constriction Comejto, comherd, s. rivalship. Sh.
C0rhcpupA)m, comhchrupaim, v. I constrict Cmr4T5t44t, comhfhadthrath, s, equinox. Sh.
Crcpuf , comhchruth, s. equiformation ,
CrhuAn co5], comhchuan cogaidh, theatre of war. omf4f, tomhfhas,
w s. m. concre
44), comhfhasatm, v. I conecrete
Sh. CrnUrim,, 1
-s v.
.. I embrace
Cmu4f4, comhchuasach, adj. concave Comfl4)l, comhfhlaith,
~,bfhlnith. s.
. a demagogue
demacre ,
CrhcuopoiriA, comhcudroma, adj. of equal weight, orhfl4)te4C4i-,
equal importance
coy COM

^, comhfhlaitheachas, ) Sl m' .'0,nt Cob5u,> comhghul, s. condolence

^, comhfhlaitheachd, (sovereignty, Cm&up, comhgus, see compogup
CmplAiceAimur, <nmhfhlaheamhnastVomt , reiSn CrfibiipAc, comhgusach, adj. kindred
J equal sway CmjAticA, comhiadhta, adj. shut, closed
, comhfManilas, s. consanguinity C'mjft'tAt), comhiadhthadh, s. closing up
!, comhfocal, s. m. a synomine CmjngAjiie, comhingaire, s. m. grazing in common,
, comhfhocach, adj. synonimous right of commonage. i?r. Z.
, comhfhoghar, s. m. a consonant CrhjtAm, comhitham, v. to eat together. Sh.
CompogAjiac, cimhfhogharach, adj. consonant CrhU, comhla, s. m. a flood-gate, a door
Compa5*jfi-61uj5, comhfhoghair-cluig, s. a chime of Cml, comhla, s. m. guards
bells Com*, comhla, \ ,
Compogup, comhfhogus, s. m. consanguinity, neigh Cornil, comhladh, f s" m" a hom
bourhood CrhlaOAjpr, comhlabhairt, Is. f. conference, dia-
CmpojupA, comhfhogusch, s. m. a relation CrhlAopAt), comhlabhradh, j logue
Cmpor4)5]rj, comhfhosaigh'idh, s. resting, dwelling Cmlanp*jm, comhlahhraim, v. I confer, converse
C'if , comhfreagradh, s. conformity Crhlac, comhlach, s. m. a comrade, a fellow-soldier
CrnpuAj'eA', comJifhuaidlieadh, establishing Cmlctu)5e, comhlachluighe, a foster-brother
C<jTfif]Ie4t), comhfkuighkadh, s. m. a conference C6mtat>, comhladh, see comla-
Crpujl, comhfml, s. m. consanguinity Corhlap, comhlaidh, s. a passing or travelling in com
Compujljfce, comhfhuilidhe, s. m. a relation pany
Cmpuipmjm, comhfhuirmim, v. I compose ComUpjm, comhlaidhim, v. I travel in company
CnipuiAnjAp, comhfhulangas, s. m. sympathy CrhlTijp, comhlaidir, adj. strong as
CmpupcA, comhfhurtach, \ s.'comfort, confirma- CriilA]m, comhlam, v. rub
Cmpupi-Ao, comhfhurtachd, J tion, assistance Cmljp, comhlair, adj. quiet, even-tempered
CmpupcAjeojp, ctynhfhurtaigheoir, s. in. a com , comhlamh, adv. together
forter , comh/an, s. young hero
CompupuAjjun, comhfhurtaighim, v. I coeifort, help CrhlA, comhlann, s. m. a duel, a combat
CmjADjl, comhghabha'U, s. honor, generosity, love, , comhlannach, adj. quarrelsome
harmony , comhlanna.h, s.m. a fighter
Cmgjl, comhghai!, of the same tribe or family CrlAo, comhlaoch, see cmUc
Cm^j!, comhghai/, see cmgAOjl CrhlejA, comhleaghadh, s. coliqiiefaction
Cmjujle, comhghailc, s. a batde, conflict CrhleAAn, comhleaglian, s. amalgama
CmgAjp, comhgair, s. f. conclammation, rejoicing CmleAAjm, comhleaghaim, v. 1 amalgamate
CrhjAjp, comhghair, s. f. convenience Cmljonao, comhlnadh, see cpiljonAo
Cm^jpceaar, comhghairdeachas, \ s. m. congra- Cmljn, comhloin, . f. an obligation
CmgAjpojujA, comhghairdiughadh, j tulation Cmlo]pe, comhloise, s. f. equal light
Comjajprj^jm, comhgha'irdighim, v. I congratulate Cmlop^A, comhlosgadh, s. m. conflagration
CrhgAjpun, comhghairim, v. I shout, convoke ComluAoftjb comhluadar, s. ni. conversation, com
CmjAjpm, comhghairmy s. f. a convocation pany
Com comhghai, s. a fair breeze CmluAOAjtAUTi, comhluadaraim, v. I accompny
CmAO]l, iomhghaoil, s. consanguinity , comhluadrach, adj. companionable, fop
CoriijAojl, comhghaoil, s. a relation pish
CmgAp, comhghar, adj. near CmluA, comhluath, adj. as swift, as soon as
CmgAjiAC, comkgharach, adj. adjacent, convenient Cmluo, comhluchd, s. m. companions, partners
ComgAjiAm, comkgaram, v. to furnish. Vi. Cmluie, comhluidhe, s. m. confederacy, alliance
Cmgjol, comhghiol, s. a condition CmrhAjm, comhmhaim, s. f. a spouse, a wife
Cmljp, comhghlor, s. m. consonance Commijn, commain, a. f. mutual ailection and obli
Cm5liAC, comhglorach, adj. assonant gation, a gratuity
CmjlpiAp, comhghlcnmhar, adj. equal in glory Comma jnjm, commainim, v. I push
CrnjluApAt), comhghluasachd, s. fermentation ^, comhmhaoidhcamli, S; m. common
CrhsnAp, comhgnas, adj. genteel, noble ioy, gratulation
CmStioiieA'o, comhgnoitheachd, s. commerce CornriAoppeAC, comhmhaoidhfeach, adj. boastful, joy
ComgnotujAC, comhgnothughadh, s. conversation ous
CmjnumrA, comhghnumtha, adj. heaped together CrfimAopjm, comhmaoidhlm, v. I congriitulate, exult
Crno;<j, comhghotha, s. a consonant CommarcceAp, commailhcheas, see corhAjT>ceap
CmjpApteojp, comhghiaidhtheoir, s. m. a rival , . Is. riding
Cmgujljm, covxhghuii.m, v. I condole Corbm^pce, comhmairce, I CQm | in
CrimAficAje<vcr, comlimarcaidheacht, J ^^
Cmgujn, comhghuin, s. f. compunction, sorrow, re
morse; rujujpt'jg 'o'pjonnA ccorhgujne.'' CmmrtltAnA, comhmavihanach, adj. co-eternal
on Psalm 59, v. 5. ^-,
?? QOM

con Compn, compan, "j s. m.acompanion/com-

mmbl*4 )i p e4 r, comhm braithreachas.
tas,Y' sangui Compnac, companach, rade, colleague, con-
Cmmbj*)je*D, comhmbraithreachd^ achd, 5 nt Compnuje, compamiidhe, J sort, associate, fellow
CnimbpugAt, comhm brughadh , )s. m. contri- CompTirer, compaas, \ s. . fellowship, part-
CmmbpujtAct, comhmbrughthacht, ) tioa CompntAt>, compantachd, ) nership, association
Cmmbpujg, comhtnbncigh, ,. Comp*}i]c, comparaid, s. f. a comparison
Crhmb]u]te, comhmbruite, J J* contrate Comp)rA]5]m, compartaighim, v. I communicate
Coriimbjtujajm, comhmbrughaim, v. I bruise Compj>cuA, compartughadh, s. comparution
Coriimbiujpents comhmbuaircadh, s. tumult, uproar Compr, compas, a compass, ring, circle
Commea, Commheadh, s. free quarters Complur, compluchd, a set, a gang
ComrholUjm, comhmhollaim, v. 1 collaud Compftjt, compraid, see compajijo
Commoji, commor, s. the nose CmphpjopunAc, comhphriosunach, s. m. a fellow-
Cornmiu, comhmoradh, 1 prisoner
Cornmj.Cur, )*' comparison Compujft, compuir, s. f. the body, chest, trunk, the
Commujpsjrn, comhmuisgim, see coriimeatbAjm heart
, communaidhe, s. m. a communicant Comp, comhra, s. a companion. .
CommunApjm, communaidhim, v. I communicate CrnjtA. comhra, s. an ; a coffin
Commun, communn, s. communion, society CmjiAC, comhrac, s. m. a fight, conflict ; i. e. com
Cmmup, commur, s. a vale. Zee.
, comnadh, s. help, assistance CmjiAC*c, comhracach, adj. athletic
Cmnajrea, comhnahlheach, adj. constant CrhiiCA)m, comhpacaim, v. I fight, encounter
CmiiAjjm, comhnaidh'im, v. I dwell, cohabit CrhjAC4t>, comhrachadh, ,s. assembling together
. i_ "I s.m. a dwelling, habitation, , cemhrucham, v. to assemble. Sh.
1-1, / comhnaidhe,
, _ , i ' >I rest, . cohabitation,
, , P' . ,., CmjiACj], comhracoir, s. m. a combatant
. . aoid-
Commue, J ing>' a dwd)er Cijtti, covihradh, s. m. discourse, dialogue
Oormupo, comnard, adj. even, level. <S/i. Combina,
^, ' - , comrada, , "1} s. m. a comrade,, associate
, cmhnart. , comrannach, J '
. . 1 > j, i} s. m. equal, strength CmjAjce, comhraiceach, adj. militant
, comhneart,} 1 6
Crnujge, comhnu'igc, adv. always CmjiAicy, comhraicthidh, adj. fought
Crhnu)5jm, ccmhnuighim, v. I rest, dwell, continue Cmji*]t>-t)]re, comhiaidh-deise, s. interlocution
Crhnuj^teec, comhmiightheach, adj. continual, per Cmp<)t>)m, comhraidhim, v. I converse
manent, steadfast, habitual Crh)4ir>ce4, ctmhraidhteach, adj. conversable
Crhnujieoj], comhnuightheoir, s. m. a dweller Cmji]tT)5e, comhraidhtighe, s. m. a conversable
CrhobjiAj^teojji, cemhibraighthtoir, s. m. a co-ope person
rator Com)i4)5er, comraigheas, s. m. a form, fashion
Cm4t), comhoghadh, s. fulfilling, completing, per Ciiij4), tomhrainn, s. participation
fection Crhpejje, ctmhrainnidhe, s. m. a comrade
Crhglac, comhogladi, s. m. a fellow-servant CrhjArb, comhramhach, adj. active, i. e. gnjorii-
CrhojbpeAC, cemhoibreach, adj. co-ftlcient
Criiojbpjuec, comhoibriugkadh, s. co-operation C6mj*fi5*c, comhrangach, adj. wrinkled
Cmojjpe, comhtighre, s. a co-heir C0rb)i4fi4t), comhrannadh, s. m. distribution
Cmojjib, cmhoirb, s. f. dispute, affray Cmji44t>)t, tomhrannadoir,\ narta1,r
mjtatA, comhrannlach, js m'* Part^er
CrhoireanAc, comhoiseanach, adj- equangular
CrholcAr, comholcas, s. despite. >. Crii)i4j54]n, ctmhrargain, s. f. error. Old MSS.
Cmolroijt, comholtoir, s. m. a pot-companion Ci)tocc4]in, amhuclidam, v. I meet
Comon, temen, conj. but Crh]io54)m, cemhrogaim, v. 1 choose, elect
Como]i* comota, adj. co-cqual. Torn. Eig. CcmiiogAm, ccmhrogain, s. f. election, choice
, cvmoradh, see Cihpoj, comhreinn, s. f. a division, share, meal
ComltA, comoradh, s. an assembly, congregation Cmpupim, comhrvulhim, v. 1 concur
Comjujm, comoraim, v. I gather, assemble Crbiin4)5)m, comhrutiaighim, v. 1 communicate or
Cmjirur, comortus, s. m. emulation, contention Cmjun4im, comhnmaim, J impart a secret
Comolirujr, comortuis, adj. comparative. Sh. Crhpn, ccmhrun, s. m. conspiracy
Cmph*)lite4C, ctmhphairteach, adj. accessary Corhj)un54i, comhrunughadh, s. m. a conspiring
Cmph*)lrt'Ao, comhphab'teackd,s. m. accessariness mf4)5C4)p, comhshatghdair, s. a fellow-soldier.
Cmph*)lreoi]i, comhphjirteoir, s. m. an accessary
Compj]''C; compatit, s. f. a company C6mf4)5p, comhsaighidh, v. be ye quiet, or at rest
Cmpli4i]tryoe, comhpha'irtMr, s. m. a co-partner, C6vhrAmu|l, comhsavihud, see corrhud
cnllcrgae, accomplice, a communicant Crif4Ti4T)) comhsanadh, s. m. quietness, rest
Cmpiijr, emphais, s. f. compassion !, comhsanadh, adj. everlasting, perpetual

, comhsanaidhe, s. m. a residenter Corhcjup, comhthras.

, comhsanta, adj. quiet, placid CorhtjHt), comhtiracU,]"- m' a sweet sme11
Compejnm, comhsheinm, *. harmony Crnjiom, comhthrom, s. m. justice, right, equity.
CorhpejpjpeAc, comhsheirbhiseach, s. m. a fellow- Corhipom, comhthrom, ] fdJ' Just' "ht> eve,1
servant i*" , comhthromach, > evel, upright, square,
CorhpeomjtAjce, comhseomraiche, s. a chum.
Corhrgolftjfie, comhsgolaire, s. . a school-fellow Crhtforn*j5jrn, comhthromaighim, v. I balance,
Criirmu5*jm, comhsmugaim, v. I vomit level
Crfirillre, comhshoil/se,} .. tfts CmcpuACAiicA, comhthruacanta, adj. compassionate
r,.! i 1 comhshollus,
Compoiiup, 2/7 jJ- s. a constellation Crhc]iUA)5, comhthruaigh, s. compassion
Crhppuc, comhshruth, ) s. the confluence of Crh:|UA]5)m, comhthruaighim, v. 1 compassionate
Cmpftufcft, comhshruthadh, ) streams CrhtjUAp*jm, comhtkriiasaim, v. I contract
Cmppijpn, comhspairn, s. f. a wrestling or contesting CrhtuAju, comhthuaradh, s coiudication. <SA.
Crhf pjpnrm, comhspairnim, v. I contend, wrestle CrhuAjm, comhthmram, v. to contract. <M.
Crhpcjtji, comhstrith, s. strife, broil Crit, comhthudh, s. retreating; i.e. cojriicjompo
Crhpuant>, amhshuanadh, s. rest .
Crhpunjm, comshiianaim, v. I sleep with CorhrulgAt), comhthulgadh, s. a defeat, i.e.
Crhpu5]td]t>e, comshugraidhe, s. m. a play-fellow bpjpcA. . g.
Corhpuje, comhshuidhe, s. concession CmtuffComhthusg, when, first
CrhpujeACA, comkskuidheachadh, s. a contribution, Cmud, comhua, s. a cousin
system CrhuApal, comhuasal, adj. equally, noble
Compute, comhmigKthe, adj. compounded CittujDneo)], comhuibhneoir, s. m. a pot-companion
Crhpujjtjjea, comhshuirigkeach, s. m. a rival Corhujt), comhuidh, s. f. a present
Crhpujpijieftcc, comhshuirightheaclid, s. competition "\ s. making presents ;
CrhtA, comhtha, 1 s. m. a companion, a com- _, , . , i i . I attendance, " Do
CrhtAc, comhthach,] rade Crhui'oeAe, comhmdeach, f . '
, comhtha, s. . fidelity CrhupeAt,, comhuidcachd, \ ^JlltllT^
3t>leACocjop n* cijn
Come, comhtha, s.m. gifts, goods, property ; "eojan cmujTseco."
u N jll oo pu4pl5 txv mn<oj, ] cloj CrhujlleATu, comhuilkanach, adj. equangular
Njll mbupe, ', ] ^ coiticajd Comujjig, comuirg, s. f. a part, division
ojie." 4 Mast. 1422. CoTnujp5jm, comuisgim, v. I mingle, mix .
Crhcgdp, comhthagar, s. m. a commination Comulr, comult, s. m. scratching
Crhejncejdt), comhthaincaghadk, s. congratulation. ComulcAjm, comultaim, v. I scratch, rub
A. Comu, coviunn, s. society
CorhtAjte, comhthaite, s. a compact CorhuppA, comhursa, s. a neighbour
]*, comhthara, see < Con, con, sense, meaning
, comhtharachadh, s. consignment Con, con, gen. of eu, a hound
CrhtAytAC4rhu)l, comhlharachamhuil, adj. consign- Con a, cana, cat's tail, moss crops
able ConAbld, conablach, s. m. a carcase
CmAja)5]m, comhtharaighim, v. I consign, assign , conablachadh, s. cadaverous
, comhtharngl/ia, adj. contracted CoriA, conadi, s. in. a shirt ; the murrain
CrhtA|u)5re, comhtharuighthe, adj. flagrant , conach, s. m. prosperity, affluence
CrhtApujnsjm, comhtharuingim, v. I contract Con, conach, adj. canine
CrhtAr, comhthath, )s. articulation, syntax, Condlo, conachlonn, s. m. an equal, a fellow, a
CmiAAt), comhthathadh, ) commisure mate
CrhAAjm, comhthatharm, v. I join, articulate , conachlonn, s. m. a kind of Irish versifica
ComcAtujje, comhthathuighe, s. mutual acquaint tion, in which the same word that ends one line
ance begins the next, as
CrntpuAl, comhthional, see cojrhijono^l " Vtjlju }a n)en,
CorhtjonolAjm, comhthionolaim, v. I collect, assemble Ojt mujjt ;
CrrrGOfcb*]!, comhtogbhail, s. construction '-ticA pl]AO ,
CorhtoSAjm, comhthogaim, v. I construct SjteAd cojU cpAC." Aimevghi.
Crhcojl)5)m, cpmhthoilighim, v. I consent, agree , conachtach, s. m. a Conaglrt man
CrhojmpeAC, comhthoimseach, adj. commensurable ), conadh, s. m. rage, fury, madness
CrhfojmpeACO, comhathoimseachd, s. commensura- , conadh, s. m. timber, fire-wood
bility ConAt), conadh, s. m. prosperity
Crhro)pj;A, comhthoisgha, adj. as soon as , conadh, s. m. a canine appetite
CrhcojtAco, comhthorachd, s. m. commerce ConABAjl*, conadhair, s. f. noise, uproar
Crhrjia, comhtkra, adj. sweet scented ,
Cff CO/V

0), conadhairc, adv. therefore ; prop, con or CotlgAntA, congantach, s. m. an assistant

50 jjterjn, for that reason CongancA, congantach, adj. auxiliary
CotiajI, email, s. f. a plague CongAntojjt, congantoir, s. m. an auxiliary
ConejlBe, conailbhe, s. f. love, friendship CongArAC, congasach, s. m. a kinsman
ConAjIbert, conadbheach, adj. friendly, assistant ConsDAjjjm, congbhatghim, v. I keep, hold, attend
Con*)], conair, s. f. a way, a road 5)5*, congbhghtheas, 9. abstinence
ConAj]>e, conairde, as high as 50)1, congbiiail, s. f. a house, habitation, town
, corwirt, s. a pack of hounds ; hunting Consbla, congbhalach, adj. tenacious
Con^jrleo, conaisleuch, adj. busy Congolap, congbhalas, s. m. a stay, help, support
, conalach, adj. brandishing Couhujram, congbhutsgim, v. I restrain
Corail, //, s. m. love, friendship Con^cAjr, congcais, s. f. a conquest
11, conal/, s. m. a fruit, an ear of corn ConguiAjl, congmhail, s. a keeping, holding
1|, conaltra, s. conversation CongnAt), congnadh, s. m. help, succour
, norias, s. m. a carcase; a dispute Conguajm, congnaim, v. 1 help, assist
Compijm, conasaim, v. I dispute ; nnmber Con^nArh, congnamh, see conjnAt)
05, conasg, s. m. whins, furze ^, congra, s. a narrative, relation
Conl&A, conbhach, s. hydrophobia Cong]*)t>e, congraidhe, s. m. a narrator, relation
, conbhaidh, s. f. a stopping, withliolding CongjAjm, congraim, s. f. cunning, craft
, conb/iaidheas, s. f. abstinence Contain!, congiaim, s, f. apparel
Cotmaijim, conbhaighim, v. I stay, stop, abstain CongitAjm, congraim, s. f. a model, appearance
)1, ccmbkail, s. a holding, withholding ||), congraim, s. f. obstinacy, persuasion
Contwji, conbhalr, s. a dog-kennel ^, coKgraidhavi, v. to occupy. SA.
*), conbkaiscnt, s. the dog-berry tree ^, congrus, see congjiAjm
ConDajtfijT, conbharsaid, s. conversation, beha , congus, s. . co-action
viour Conla, coula, adj. witty, sensible, prudent
Conoct, conbhcchl, v. he, she, or it broke; I c. 00 Con'iA, conla, adj. chaste
b>jr. o.g. ConUc, conlach, s. m. straw, stubble, hay
ConBujeean, conbhuidhean, s. a guard ConU, conlach, adj. civil
Conclan, conclan, s. a comparison ConUcr, conlacht, s. f. civility
Conclue, concktiud, s. a conclusion Conlin, conlan, s. m. an assembly
, conchobhar, s. m. help, assistance 1, conlan, adj. healthy
Concolaji, conchobhar, the proper name of a man ConiTKol, conmaol, s. the proper name of a man
Conco)ce*lt, concoiceart, s. conversation ConrhAyim, conmhaighim, 1 v. I comprehend, con-
ConcojcceAptap, conalcccartar, v. be it righted ; it ConrhAjjljm, conmhaighlim, 3 tain, comprize
will be adjudged ; " . e. bpeocA]." Br. L. Co,Jco, s. . sense, reason ; a meaning
Com, cond, s. m. a keeping, protection. Br. L. Cofi, conn, s. m. the frame, the body
, couda, prep, until CoA-, connadh, s. m, wood, fuel
Concftlb*, condalbha, s. love, friendship Con* joe, comiaidlie, adj. crafty, cunning
Conair. comLiighh, f , C'jAj'neAr, connoidhntas, s. m. ratiocination
Concaojr, coiidao!.?, J CoAil, conad, see congriiAjl
, condanach, adj. furious CoAjl, connat, s. a civil farewel
?, condasachd, s. m. rage, fury CoRajI, connat, s. prudent, dirifty
CoiiopeagAr, coiidreagadh, s. m. a separation "], connailblie, see conA)lbe
CououaIa, cmduala, s. embroidery, sculpture CoAjpqm, connaircim, v. I see, behold
Conerce*r>, conesccadh, v. it was taken olF; . . Coftijicle, connairch; adj. soft, indulgent
DeanA-. 0. g. CoAip, connaichdh, v. it was enjoined or required
), coiifudh, s. m. a roaring ; conpwftA p*ll5e Co*lc, connat, one of the names of Tara
ConjACA, confadliach, adj. roaring, furious Coojr, connaoif, s. preserving, protecting
ConfUAT>Ac, confuadach, s> m. a vulture Cofkoj, connaoi, s. building
Confujlle, confuille, s. holding, withholding CoAjttA, connartha, s. earnest, a bargain
CotvgA, conga, s. f. a cotemporary CoRcar, connchas, v. he saw
05, conga, s. f. an instrument , connaosadh, adj. strait, narrow
ConA, conga, s. f. the antlers of a buck CoUn, connlan, s. m. a hero
CongAjn, contain, s. f. help, aid CoUc, connlacht, s. wisdom
ConjA]]teAo, conghaircadh, s. roaring CoitluAUTi, conlughaim, v. I retire, withdraw, depart;
ConA]f]m, conghairim, v. I roar, shout " Do >1 pU)t]Oy no onlugAB * ]-AThA)l
CongAl, conghal, s. a conflict 1} ]; " . G. 14.
Congal, conghal, s. gallantry, bravery CccAjpjrrhe, cmmtairismhe, s. a prince's court
Conganra, conganta, s. help, assistance Cotoijioimn, contoirbhrim, . I allege, maintain
afir a nop,
cop CO/? COR

CocAnoj-, conftanos, s. countenance Cjprtjll)5, coipchailligk, s. a coif

Coj-Aip, connsadh, s. advancement Cop, cor, s. m. music
Conojeu, cormoidheadh, s. m. protection, care Cop, cor, s. m. a twist, turn, return, circular motion
Conopo-jm, conoidim, v. I heed, regard Cop, cor, s. m. a cast, a throw
ConpAt), conradh, s. m. an agreement; a bier Cop, cor, s. m. surety
Con p Arup, conrannaid, v. they engage, ratify Cop, cor, s. m. a corner
ConpAojp, conradoir , .ri Cop, tor, s. m. a district, a neighbourhood
, ,, } * m- a bearer at a iuneral op, cor, s. m. a visit, an invitation
Conpojp, conroir, s. m. see conp<ojp Cop, cor, s. m. advancement, f. e. corATi, g.
Conpot4Ct, conrothacht, v. I arrived, o. . Cop, cor, s. m. a state, condition, circumstance, mean,
Conp4C4t>, consachadh, s. m. dissention instrument, measure, that which is used to obtain
Conf*)Ti, consain, s. f. a consonant any object. Vip cop, so that, to the end that; ap
ConreM, consabd, 1 m. a constable ; an officer cop ap bjt, J4p Aon cop, by any means, in any wise ;
Conf*pl, consapa, \ or the Galloglasses, or hea- 4p g*c Aon op, by all means : Cop 50 rhujnrje,
1 r J vy armed troops or the Irish that you may teach
Coftril, consul, s. m. a consul Cop, cort adj. odds
Confecp4t>, consecradh, s. m. a blessing CopA, cora, s. a choir, chorus, accord, harmony
Conpo)5jo, consoighid, v. they advance, engage Cp4, cora, s. peace
6]|>, consoinidh, s. f. a consonant Cp4, cora, s. a weir, a dam
ConppAjp, conspair, s. f. a dispute ; disputer Cop4, corach, s. justice
ConppAjpeAo, eonspaireachd, s. f. disputation , corag, s. m. a linger
, conspeach, s. m. a wasp Cop45PAt>, coragradh, adj. neatness, triamess
Conppjr, conspoid, s. f. a dispute, disputing )6, coraicheas, s. m. surity, protection
ConrpojoeAC, conspoideack, adj. contentious CopAjo, coraid, s. f. a pair, a couple
Conppopje, conppo'id'ighe, s. a disputant CopAjo, coraid, s. f. cheese-rennet
Conrppjjjeac, conspoidigheacht, s. m. disputation , coraidh, s. m. a bad man, . . " tmjne. o.g.
Conrp)t>pn, canspoidim, v. I dispute, argue , coroidh, s. m. the members of a church, a
Conrpulh, conspullach, adj. warlike, heroic chapter, a choir. 4 Mast. 1416.
1, canstabal, s. m. a constable CpAje, coraidhe, s. m. a champion
ConptAjpeAC, constaircach, adj. stiff . , coraidheachd, s. m. heroism
ConrcAl, consta!, s. m. counsel, advice Cop4)e4'o, coraidheachd, s. m. recognizance
Conrl, consul, see conpl, Cop4)5, coraig, conj. although
)]];, contabhairt, s. f. peril, danger CopA] jeAc, coraigheacht, s. m. wrestling
ConcADAjpt, contabhairt, s. f. doubt, chance CopAjm, coraim, v. I turn, twist, I fatigue
ConrADAjpteAC, contabhairteach, adj. doubtful CopAjre, coraise, s. a curtain
Cont*brt)jceA, contabhairteach, adj. dangerous CopnA, coranach, s. m. a dirge, the Irish cry
ConcAf, contath, s. a country , coras, s. m. an indication
Cont*5iA]m, contagraim v. I arm, allege Copb, corb, s. m. a coach, a waggon
ContAgAjpt, contagairt, s. affirmation , corba, s. lewdness, carnal knowledge
Con-Ajpjpme, contahismhe, s. a prince's court CopbAC, corbjtch, adj. lewd, lascivious
Conr*}, contar, s.*m. a doubt Copb4-cu]l, corba-cuil, s. incest
ContAp tujceAB, contar tuiceadh, so that he, she, or it CopbA, corbadh, s. a cast, a throw
went, i, e. 50 , . g. ), corbadh, s. wasting, spending
CnrAp, contas, s. see cnrftp Copbpe, corb.dhc, s. m. the cramp
ConrjiAcn, contrachd, s. a curse, misfortune CopbAjm, corbaim, v. I consume, waste
Concpjll, contradi, s. f. opposition CopbAjpe, corbairc, s. m. a cart-wright, coach-maker
ContpjfA, contrardha, adj. contrary CopbAipe, corbaire, s. m. a charioteer
ConcpptiAcr, contrardhacht, s. contrariety Cope, core, s. m. a brewing-pan ; a large pot
ContpuAt) contruadh, adj. lean, poor Cope, core, s. m. a knife, a whittle
ContpuAjpj, contruaisi, \ s. hearing, listening, i.e. Cope, core, s. children
ContiUjpj, contuaisi, ) ejrteAct, . \ CopcA, corcach, s. a moor, marsh
Copan, copan, s. m. a cup, a phial CopcA, corcach, s. hemp
Copn-ppeme, copan-sreme, s. the boss of abridle Copcn, corean, s. m. a small pot
CopAp, ropar, s. m. copper Copcup, coreur, s. purple or scarlet colour
CopAj, copar, s. m. comparison CopcupA, corcurach, adj. purple, red
Cops, fpog, s. m. & f. dock ; Lapathum -cojUe, corcan-coilU, s. a sort of flower
;, copog, s. m. & f. any large leaf of a plant CopAbAp, corchathbhar, s. the clasp or fasteuing of
CopjaC, copogach, adj. abounding with dock a helmet, a hat-band
Cop-ruAirjl, copog-tuaithil, s. Burr, Burr-dock: CopUonA, corchlaonadh, s. a bias leaning
Arctium lappa 'Copcg,

Coll*5.> crrag, s. the fore-finger. MlD.

Copcg, corcog, s. f. a bee-hive
Cop-copg, cor-c/ioppg, s. great water plantain; Alis- Copp*j]|, corraighil, s. gesture, stirring about
ma piuntago CoppAjgpn, corra'ighim, v. I erect, move, endeavour
, carera, s. purple, a red dye -mApgAp, corra-margaldh, s. die rabble
Copcpn, corcran, s. f. a pot , conan, s. a sickle, a hook
Cpoa, corda, s. a cord or line , corranach, 7 adj. crooked, barbed, hook-
, cordach, adj. consistent CoppntA, crranla, $ ed
Co'pt>AT>,cor</a<///, s. m. agreement, consistence, union ], corranaim, v. I barb
, cordaidhe, s. spasms Coppn Ijn, corran Im, s. com spurry ; Spergula
CopsAjm, corda'im, v. I agree arvensU
Cop^AjleAC, corgaileach, adj. tumultuous CoppoAjm, corrbhaim, v. I carve, engrave
^, corgas, s. lent Copp-CAgAjlt, corr-chagaiit, s. green and blue lumi
1, corUtc/i, s. in. bran, grit; apotome nous particles observed at raking the fire at night,
, corma, s. strong drink resembling glow-worms, said to forebode frost"
opnuc, cormac, s. the proper name of a man Copp-jUr, corr-ghlas, s. f. a heron
-, corm-nuall, s. a noise or talk occasion Coppjjlupt, corrghUusach, adj. well-prepared
ed by drink 5), corhghnan, s. f. a bittern
Copn, com, |s. m. a drinking-cun, a drinking- -rhUA,,corr-iasc,
Copp-iArc, corr-mhonadh, ) f' a crane> a stork-
Cojin*, corna, ) horn
CopnA, cornadh, s. a folding, rolling together Coppb, corrluch, s. overplus, remainder
Copnajm, cirnaim, v. I fold or plait Coppmeup, corrmheur, s. an odd finger
CopncUp, coincklar, s. m. a cup-board, side-board CoppibjAn, corrmhian, s. m. conceit
Connt, cornet, s. m. a musical instrument CoppocAt), corrocadhy s. m. excitation, persuasion
Copn'p, comin, see curpnjii CoppA, contha, adj. weary, fatigued
, cornta, adj. folded CoppugAt), corrugkadh, s. m. a motion, stirring
Copj, corog, s. f. a faggot, bavin Coppupe, corrutdhe, s. in. anger, wrath, motion
Coppi, coroin, s. f. a crown Coppujg, corruigh, s. fury, resentment
^, coionaim, v. I crown Coppu)geA6, corruigheach, adj. stirring, active
Copn-rimjpe, coron-mhuire, s. f. a rosary, set of beads CoppmteACC, corruigheacht, \ m" actlvlty
. .
CopontACO, corontachd, \ s. m. coronation crown- CoppujfteAr, corruighthcacht,]*-
CoponujAt), commghadh, J ing CoppujgeAt, corruigheadh, s. m. injury, anger
Copp, corp, s. m. a body, a corpse Copujjjm, corruighim, see coppAjjjm
\,, s. . niiserablebody, corpuscle, atom CoppAtJ, corsadh, s. a coast
. corpanla, adj. corporal, bulky Cp]-A)5jm, corsaighim, v. I coast, cruize
Copp-chpjo]"o, corp-chriosd, s. m. the eucharist CopfmAltA, corsmalta, s. trespass, injustice
Copp-Ljn, corp-leln, s. f. a winding-sheet Cpfojp, cotsoir, s. m. acruizer, coaster
-, corporachd, s. materiality CopiA, cortha, part, sown, planted
(JojipojtAjl, corporail, s. f. apart of the priest's vest CopfAt>, corthachd, s. m, lassitude
ments CopiAjp, corthair, s. f. a border, fringe
CoppopikA, , cortaobh, alone with
CoppopoA, corpordha, J adj. J bodily,
'* temporal
r , cortas, s. ni. debt
CoppjnAf), corpshmtsalre, s. m. an anatomist )), cortuathamhutl, s. a sinister turn
|), corpJnuisaircach, adj. anatomical Copinte, ctrthuighthe, adj. incensed, actuated
'1*|']>, coipdinasaireachd, s. m. anatomy CoptiAn, corudhan, s. coral"
CdppfnAj-Ajpjm, corpshnasairim, v. I anatomize CopugAt:, corughadh, s. m. an ornament, armour
Copp, c<w'i s- m- a snoilt> bill, beak CopugA, corughadh, s. m. mending, arranging
Co]tp, s. ni. a corner, enclosure, dwelling CopA, corughadh, s. m. a corps, battalion. 4 Mast.
Copp, con; s. ui. a pit of water 1461.
Copp, coir, s. in. an end, limit, border -, cor-urraidh, s. a surety
Copp, corr, s. f. any bird of the crane kind ; gen. Cop, cos, s. f. the leg, the foot
cuippe Cor, cos, s. f. consideration
Copp, corr, adj. odd, not even Cor, cos, s. m. a fissure
CoppA, corra, adj. lascivious, lewd , cosac, adj. footed, having feet
-Bn, c-jrva-bhan, s. a stork Cor , cos a aorrach, s. m. a couple beg
, corrach, s. m. a boat, a hide gar ; literally foot in a fetter
, enrrach, s. m. a marsh, a bog |-51, cosaghahhlacan, s. m. a straddle
, corrach, s. m. a fetter, a shackle >, csaidhcadh, s. m. instruction
, conach. adj. wavering, inconsistent, steep , cosatdhim, v. I teach, instruct
, corrachosach, s. a cheslip, millipedes CofAim, cosaim, V. I kick. Sh.
, corr 'cht, s. stirring, unseuleuness CofAjnr,
CoppAAOSAl, corrachaoghall, s. a grass-hopper
cm CRA
Copape, cosaint, s. f. a reply, defence
Cpaj}, cosair, s. f. a feast, banquet Copru, cosnadh, s. m. defence, preservation
Cpajjt, cosair, s. f. a bed ^opnati, cosnadh, s. m. gain, gaining, earning
Coparhajl, cosamhail, adj. alike, like Copnajm, cosnaim, v. I defend, maintain
Coparhlao, cosamhlachd, s. f. similitude, comparison, Copnajm, cosnaim, v. I spend
likeness, parable Copnarh, cosnamh, s. m. defence, protection, war
Coparhlaiat, cosamhlachthadh, s. allusion Copnarh, cosnamh, s. m. swimming
Copamlajm, cosamhlaim, v. I allude, liken Copnarhac, cosnamhach, s. m. an asserter, defender
Copan, cosan, s. m. a foot-path Copnarha, cosnamhach, adj. assistant
Copanajm, cosanaim, v. I defend, preserve Copg, cosog, s. m. the stem of a plant
Copanajm, cosanaim, v. I keep off, keep away Coppana, cospanach, adj. parallel
Copanca, cosanta, adj. kept off, defended Coppac, cosrach, s. m. slaughter, massacre
Copanca, cosanta, adj. perplexed, entangled Cop-juijpg, cos-ruisg, adj. bare-foot
Copanca, cosantach, adj. defending, keeping , costasach, adj. sumptuous, expensive
Copantac, cosantach, s. m. the defendant in a pro- Copcol, costol, s. a foot-stool
Copancojp, cosantoir, J cess Copujpge, cosuisge, s. wild chervil, wild cicely, cow-
Copap, ewer, s. a coat, mantle weed, cow-parsley ; Chrophyllum sylvestre
Copapaa, cosaracha, s. fetters Corpumac, cossumach, ~\ .,. , ,
Coppuma)!, cossumail, j s' rubblsh- Slh
Copbjp, cosboir, s. an object
Cope, coc, s. m. instruction, precept Coc, cot, s. f. a small boat
Core, ' cose, ~[ s. m. an impediment, hindrance, res- Cot, cot, s. f. a part, share, division, quota
Cof5, cosg, J triction ; a ceasing, failing, giving over Cot, coth, s. meat, victuals
Copca, coscadh, s. a stopping, suppressing Coca, cota, s. a coat, an outside garment
Corcajm, coscaim, v, I stop, hinder, suppress Cca-ban, cola-an, s. a groat. O'D.
Copam, coscham, adj. crook-legged Cocat), cotadh, s. m. a mill-stone
Corcjm, cosceim, s. f. a step, pace, degree Cocao, cothadh, s. m. supporting, protection
Copoam, cosdam, v. to cost, expend. Sh. Cotaati, cothachadh, s. dispute, obstinacy ; support
), cosdamhlachd, s. sumptuousness, ex- ing
pensiveness Crapg, cotaig, s. f. harmony, correspondence, friend
Coprsrhu)l, cosdamhu'd, adj. expensive, costly ship
Copoap, cosdas, s. in. cost, expense Cotajgam, cotaigham, v. to cover. Sh.
Copea pa, cosdasach, adj. expensive Corajsjm, cotaighim,- v. to be afraid. (.
Core, cose, adv. thence forward, ever since, hitherto Cocajgpn, cothaighim, v. I contend, struggle
C-j-einm, co-sheinm, s. harmony, chorus Coca)5jm, cothaighim, v. I feed, support, maintain,
Cops, cosg, see core preserve
Cor54)pt, J s discomfiture Ccn, cotan, s. a little coat
CorgAltr, cosgart, J Cotan, cothan, s. m. a cough, anhlation
Corg*l, cosgar, s. m. slaughter, havock Cota-ppeapa, cota-preasach, s. lady's mantle ; Al-
Cop5*]>, cosgar, s. m. victory, triumph, overthrow chemilla vulgaris
Copgapac, cosgarach,\ adj. victorious, triumphant; CotajB, cotchaibh, Jg shares
Corjjta, cosgrach, J slaughtering, destroying CcccanajT), cotchanaibh, ) r
Copgpa ^^, 1 ~ , ' Cotlon, cothlon, . s. viaticum, food fer a journey
^, cosgnidh, ) slaughter, massacre Cocon, cothon, adj. froth.
, cosgraidhe, lidhe, s. m. a conqueror, victor Cocpom, cothrom, see corhtpom
Copgppa'jnjp, cosgspadhthinis, adj. antapoplectick. Cotpcalcajpe, cothstalcaire, s. a victualler
Cotga, cothughadh, s. m. a stay, support; ram
Copla, cos/ach, adj. like part
Coplearan, cosleathan, adj. broad -footed Coiat), cothughadk, s. m. food, sustenance
Coplom, coilom, adj. bare-footed Coiujgteojp, cuthuig/itheoir, s. m. a preserver, sup
Copluat, cosluath, adj. swift-footed porter
Copmapoa, cosmasda, s. m. a blessing, . . cojppe- Cocea, cotia, s. a cottage
ca. 0. . Coccut), cottud, s. a mountain
Coprhujl, cosmhuil, adj. like, similar, emblematic Cotujp, cothuir, s. a border, selvage, bound, limit
Coprhujleacr, cosmhuileachd,Y m' s'im'l^e, like- Coutaptac, couthartach, s. plunder
Cofmu leap, /, ^ss comparity, re- Cpana. crabhudh, \ s. m. devotion, religion, hence
1 > 1 j semblance, imitation p abaco, crahhachd, \ bpa5-pabai>, hypocrisy
Coprhuilaop, cosmhuilachdidh, adj. figurative. Sh. Cpabac, crabhach, adj. devout, religious
Coprhnjleacca, cosmhuileachda, s. imagery Cpabam, crabham, v. to worship.
Coprhujleat), cosmuhileadh, s. m. an allusion, liken Cpabar, crabhat, s. a cravat; vulg.
ing ; also the compar. of coprmrjl ' Cjtac, , s. a crack
1 LI C]i4c;l,
cmi cm CRA

Cp4c]l, cracail, s. cracking i<v4]m, crannaim, v. I bar, bolt, barricade""

C|iac4jm, cracaim, v. I crack, snap 4-*]}, crann-airce, s. the cork tree
Cpacajpe, cracaire, s. m. a talker, a boaster Cp-4)]ine, crann-airne, s. the sloe tree
CfiacajpeAr, cracaireachtl, s. m. boasting Cp4-4ppjcoc, crann-apricoc, s. the apricot tree
Cjucan, Cracau, s. m. a hill side, a cracking noise. C}Mii4p64jp, crannarbhair, s. a plough.
SA. 'Cju-bn, crann-ban, s. sycamore tree ; Acerpseu-
Cpo, cradh, s. m. pain, anguish, torture N doplatanus
Cji*r>, cradhadh, s. m. mortification, vexation CjiAn-rjejie, crann-bheithe, s. the birch tree
Cpit)*]m, cradhaim, v. I pain, vex, torment CjH-B)U7;4]g, crann bhraiaigh, s. m. a flag-staff
, cradhgheadh, see cntjmeop Cjun-bpejt, crann-bkreith, s. tree of the covenant
, craebh, s. f. a branch, a bough, a tree, a C]t4-bucr*, crann-bacsa, s. the box tree
bush 40, crandhchwr, , . .
CP4C4p, crannchar, J s' lots> castlnS ,ots
5, crag, see cnag
pig, era:;, s. m. a paw Cp4n4)-p]reo54, cranc/iar-piseogach, s. divination
Cp4g, craa/i, adj. sleek by casting lots, magical divination
Cji5*t), cragadh, s. m. collision Cf4-4n4]5, crann-chanagh, s. the cotton tree
Cjigajm, cragaim, v. I collide Cjt4-c4]-j4jf, crann-casfhuis, s. a dwarf tree
Cjigajpe, crtigaite, s. m. a pawer, a mauler CpA-eojJlrjn, crann-codttin, s. the hazel tree
Cji^ajjiea), cragaireachd,\%. m. pawing, hand- Cfi4-cojpnel, crann-coirml, s. the cornel tree
C]i45*)fr, crag'airt, J ling C}t4-6}t]r, aann-ckrit/i, s. the aspen tree,
Cp A^<t|ftjrri, cragairim, v. I paw, handle roughly CjA-tj^e*c, crann-clmtheach, J- trembling poplar;
Cpagrhap, cragmhar, adj. rocky Clun-H]t)|, crann-chrithir J Populus treniula
Cf4]Fit)]5, craibMAiag/t, s. mortification Cpan-cu, crann-chu, s. a lap-dog
Cf<*jot>j5, wbhdhigh,- s. people who mortify the Ci4-cu]l], erami cuinn, s. the holly tree
flesh Cft4!-cu]nre, crann-cuinse, s. the quince tree
Cftajbreac, craibkthcach, adj. religious, devout Cjuficujpim, crannchuirim, v. I ballot
Cp4)Dceacr, cra bhiheacht, s. religion, devotion Cft*R-cuph4)lb erann-cuphair, s. the cypress tree
C]t4)T54l, craidhal, s. a cradle. '. Cpan-curt, crann-chust, s. the bark of a tree
Cl4]t>l45, craidhlag, s. a basket. SA. Cp4fro4, crannda, adj. decrepid, bowed
Cftjte, craidhtc, adj. miserable CjuA, cranndha, adj. woody
Cpjte, craidhte, part, tormented, vexed Cp4fTO4p4), cranndaraigh, s. m. the oak tree
Cjjt)te4Co, crajdhteachd, s. . misery, vexation, )4415-1*1), cranndcarg-hbhrals, s. the lau
pain rel tree
Cji4)5, cro/f, s. f. a rock ; Welsh, craig Cp4voej}ie4t>, cranndeireadh, s. the mizen-mast
Cf4]5e4, craigeach, adj. rocky Cjt4-t)olh, crann-doibh, s. ro. lottery
C|jrho], craimhor, adj. gross, corpulent C)4rojo4]n, cranndordain, s. a kind of music made
Cjupipjaps, craimpiasg, s. m. the torpedo by putting the hand to the mouth
CpA]n, crain, s. f. asow; a goose; the female of 4-], crann-eboinn, s. the ebony tree
any animal CpA-r:4jt>rj]le, crann-faidhbhiie, s. the beech tree
Cp4jn}m, crainim, see cpejnrnm and cpejnjm CjH-pjrtme, crann-faistine, s. sorcery
C)4 jft-ojl, crainnseoil, s. f. a boom, a mast Cjupe4jn4, crannfearna, s. the alder or am tree
C{i4jntre)le, craintsedc, s. tough phlegm Ciu-piojiuip crann-fioguis, s. the fig tree
(!)4], c;-aif, s. a small farm, field, glebe Cji4-f}o4)n, crann-fraochain, see jji40cn
<Jji4)re, craile, adj. shrunk jt4 jrujnre4n. crannfhuinsean, s. common ash tree;
Cf4i, cramh, s. m. concoction, digestion Cpajrumreog, crannj huinscog, J Fraxinus excelsior
Cft4tb4)m, cramhaim, v. I concoct, digest ^, cranngafan, s. henbane ; Hyosycamus
CfMrnan, cramha-n, s. m. blame, reproach Cji4n)l, crangail, s. lattices before the altar, for
CjurhftS, cramhag, s. a remnant, refuse ; caput separating the laity from the clergy
mortuum ; cjiArrmg 5U4}1, tne remains of coal, cin Cji454llcno, cranngallchno, s. the walnut tree
ders 45*1-1<, crannghal-leapa, s. a bedstead
C]4rho], cramhor, adj. gross. Sh. Cj454t, cranngath, s. m. a pike-staff.
, eraman, s. m. the haunch C}4-5e4nmcnii, cyann-geaimcnu, s. the chesnut tree
, ciampn, s. a knot, a clasp Cjft-5jubAjr, crann-giubhais, s. the pine tree
Cjftmp<]t>, crampaidh, s. f. a ferrule C}ie-5t4)n-*bulb crannn-grain-abhuil, s. the -
, , s. m. a lot; a tree, a mast, a bar, granate tree
bolt, a plough Cp4-]omAit, crann-iomchair, s. an axle-tree
Cj4t>, enmnadk, s. m. a choosing by lots Cj4Ia, crannlach, s. boughs of trees, staiksof plants
Cti4fi45bc, crannaghlachA acamentcr Cji4U4, crannlacha, s. teal
Ctt^lie, crannaUidhe,}*- m' a arpenter
Cjtft-lftbp*3r> cionn-labhrais, s. the bay tree
CjirtApe, crannaidhe, s. . a decrepid old man Cj4-l)p,
cm CR. cm
Cjift-Ij]i, crann-laii; s. the main-mast Cft<ou4C, waobhach, adj. arboreous
C.n-l)omo]n, crann- omoin, s. the lemon tree Cp<oo-4jlmeo5, craobh-ailincog, s. the elm tree
Cfun-io*n, crann- tachan, s. a churn-dash C|i<oB4)m, craobhuim, v. I branch, sprout
C>aii-lo]Oftjl, crann-loibhreil, s. the laurel Ire C|ia>Ijc<oir,u)Ti, craobhckaoxtliuin, s. the service tree
-1, -his, s. .) un ti se 1 ; Senecio vulgaris Cjt-ob-ciojmnar-feojl, craobh-caoimhnas-sgcoilt a ge
Cpau-malp*]]', crann-mhalpais, s. the maple tree nealogical tree. ,M.
Cjt*n-miolertji5, crann- maoldhcarg, s. the mulberry Cji,oB-co]bne4p(t, cracbh-caibhneasa, s. a genealogi
tree cal , a pedigree
Cpan-meAtiojn, crann-mheadhoin, s. the main-mast (-)1, eraobh-chosgair, s. laurel, trophy
Cpan-rherojl, crann-mhe-.dil, s. the medlar tree Cjuoo-riivomrtjn, craobh-dhromain, s. an elder or bore-
Cfa-neooAjji, crann-neochdair, s. the nectarine tree
tree C|iOD-eol46, craobh-eolach, s. an arborist
Cpaoj, crannog, s. m. a boat, a pulpit, a hamper, Cp<00)n, craobhin, s. bush, a bunch
a habitation CfAoojn-cno, craobhin-c/mo) s. a cluster of nuts
Cpa-ola, ciann-ola, s. the olive tree Cj4ob-uiD4]l, craobh-iubhair, s. the"yew tree
Cpa-pajlm, crann-pam, s. the palm tree Cj4on-le4rh*jn, craobh-leamhain, s. the elm tree
Cfia-phejnge, crann-pheinge, s. the fir orpine tree Cji40mujce pjat>, craobh mulctfiadh, s. hartstongue;
C'4-ph)rreo5, crann-pkenseog, s. a peach tree Adiantuni nigrum
Cpa-phu}, crann-pheur, s. a pear .tree CjtAon-ojiajnjr, craobh-orainis, s. the orange tree
Cpa-pjon, irann-pion, s. the pine tree CpAog, craobhog, s. m. an arboret
Cjt<m-phjor*n, crann-pkiosan, s. some missive wea CjiaoD-pheup, craobh-pfieur, s. the pear tree
pon. Sh. Cj40D-phIu]mb)r, craobh-phluimbis, s. the plum tree
Cpft-poDii}l, crann-pobhuil, s. the poplar tree Cj4obf540)le4, craobhsgaoilcadk, s. propagation,
CjHi-Hjarlaj, crann-riaslaidh, s. a sort of plough. Sh. dissemination,' delineation, setting down in gene
C)u>r4)lj5, crann- saiiigh, s. the sallow tree alogical table, publishing, preaching
}4-)1]5-], crann-sahgh-fhrancaigh, the Cf40nr54O)ljm, craobhs^aoilim, v. I propagate, dis
willow tree seminate, publish, explain, divulge, delineate
-, crann-saor, s. a carpenter Cf40C4t>, craochadh, s. withering, blasting
Cpa-ro4]]i, crann-sedair, s. the cedar tree C)t40]D, craoibh, s..f. a quern
Cpaii-reunc*, crann-scunta, s. sacred wood Cpaopte, craoidhte, adj. shod ; prop, cpujce
Cpa-rgope, crann-sgoidc, s. the boom Cnaoireac,
-rcjce, crann -scice, s. the sycamore tree X1 n
Cpaornea, I craoiseach, i >) s. a spear,
craosneach,) 1
' a Ja,tJ"
Cpa-rjpjr, crann-siris, s. cherry tree Cp*o]r-jn, craoism, 4
Cpa-rjrpojn, crann-sitroin, s. the citron tree 44, c*^> (s a glutton? a riotoua
Cju-rlearham, crann-sleamhain, s. horn-beam,
horse, or horn beech tree ; Carpinus betulus Cp40f4n, craosan, \ 1
Cp4-rn4TTi, crann-snamh, s. a canoe, a boat 4044, craosanach,)
-, crann-spreoide, s. a bolt-sprit Cpaor, f//s, s. m. excess, gluttony
Cp4-C4DU]1, crann-tabhuil, s. a sling CpAora, ciaosedhy adj. gluttonous
C|4f)-T4t4, crann-tata, s. the beam or' gathering. Sc. CjiaopoACO, craosdachd, s. inhumanity
Cjwrlc4}ii6, cranntarach, s. hoar frost Cji4orpot4p5*]n> craos/'htthargain, s. f. a gargarism
4-11]5, crann-tarraing, s. drawing lots CpaorglAnat), craosghlanadh, s. gargling
Cj4iir4i]4)n5, cranntarraing, s. a wooden pin CjtaorUriAjm, craosg/iLnaim, v. I devour
Cjta-rAjirupt;, crann-tarsumg, s. a cross-bar, a dia C^orlu**, eraoslugadh, s. a devouring
meter C]*Aoriu5Ajm, craoslugaim, v. I devour
Cf4ceA, crannieach, s. an arbour Cj4orl, craosol, s. m. drunkenness
CtAf-te4r4, crann-Uannta, s. a press, printer's press C}t4p4>, crapadh, s. m. contraction, shrinking
C}i4-tejle, crann-teilc, s. the lime tree C}t4p4t>, crapadh, s. m. crushing
Cp4-to504l4C, crann-togbhaheh, s. a crane, windlass,, Cjt4p4)m, crapaim, v. I contract, shrink, crush-
lever Cp4p4]iie, crapaiie, s. m. one crusheth
4-4)5, crann-iosaigh, s. the fore-mast C]t4p4]tA, crapara, adj. strong
Cp4-t]uiTri, c>ann-truim, s. the elder tree Cpaplujsjm, craplmgktm, v. I fetter, bind
Cp4-tujlm, crann-tuilm, s..the holm oak Cpapfft, cip/A, adj. warped
Cfw-tujre, crunn-nse, s. frankincense tree Cf4pur5ii)l, crapusgud, adj. twilight
CjHn-uinrion, crann-uinsionn, see 4-- Cpar, wai, s.m. the body
Cpa-uifse, crann-uisge, see c^npppeope )144, ,1 dim of c
|, craobh, s. f. a tree, a branch ]14]'], er, J
Cjiiob, craobh, s. f. some kind o musical instrument. C>4r5A, crasgach, adj. corpulent
Ftrm. 62. , CJMSgadh, see cjir54

CpArgjiAD, crasgradh, s. destruction * Cpeaoule, creadhouU, s. a lamprey. A.

, crathadh, s. skaking, a trill, aspersion ), creadradh, s. m. a chariot
>, crathadh, s. concussion, a jolt, nod CpeAb, creafog, s. f. powder, dust, earth
CpAAjm, crathaim, v. I shake, sprinkle Cpe5, creag, s. m. & f. a rock
p*c, crathruch, s. a plashy bog , crcagachfS. a cliff or clift ; " epeaca n*
Cjt, cri, s. m. the keel of a ship h4]lle."
C|, ere, s. f. clay, earth, dust Cpeagac, creagach, adj. rocky
Cp, ere, s. m. & f. the creed CjteA545, creagdg, s. sort of perch ; a conger eel
, creabhack, s. dry brush-wood 11*545-], creagmg-uisge, s. a perch
], creabhadoir, s. m. a beggar, a dun CpeagAn, creagan, s. m. a little rock
, creahhain, v. I crave, beg, dun , creagrnhar, adj. rucky
, creabhar, s. a wood-cock )5]5], creaghnwghlm, v. I tremble
CpeAbille, creabille, s. a garter CjieAm, creamh, s. garlic, prop.
CpeADoj, creabhog, s. f. a twig, a branch Cpeamapn, creamaim, v. I knaw, corrode, pluck
Cfiertop, creabhog, s. f. a young woman -gpav, creamh-garaidh, s. a leek
, creach, s. f. plunder, booty, ruin, woe Cpearh-mujce-pjat), creamh-muice-fiadh, s. hart's-
, creach, s. f. a host, an army, a wave tongue ; Lingua Cervina
, creach, adj. blind ; grey Cpeam-nuajll, creamh-nuaill, s. the noise of people
oj^L%*,} s; a sco1,p ' a cup Cpean, crean, s. a buying, purchasing
, creachach, adj. rapacious Cpeana, , s. following the trade of a merchant,
, creachach, adj. having shells or cups sea-faring
CpeACAt>, creachadh, s. depredation, plundering Cpeanapn, crcanaim, v. I buy, purchase
CpeACAnjp, creachadoir, s. m. a plunderer Cpeanapn, creanaim, v. I consume, remove
^, ereachaim, v. I plunder, rob, steal Cpeanajp, creanair, s. f. sedition
)6>, creachaireachd, s. sculpture Cneanau:, creanait, ~\ , .
n peancujpt;,
creancuirt, Jfs- a market place
, creachan, s. rocks. /.
, creachan, s. a hog's pudding peana], creanar, s. buying, navigating
, crcachann, s. the summit of a hill. 5c. Cjieaar, crannos, adj. neat-handed. SA.
p, creachar, s. a vestry. 7. Cpeapat), creapadh, s. contraction, i7e. charap, to
, creachd, s. a wound, sore, stripe crop, constrict
, creachdach, adj. wound-giving ; wounded 1, creapa!, s. entangling
, creachdaim, v. I wound , creaplaim, v. I stop, stay; entangle
Cp4rr4]i'e4c, crcachdairdheachfZfSy full of scars Cpeapae, creapadh, s. a bending or crooking
<'p(.'ACt>lop5, creachdhrg, s. m. a scar, cicatrice Cpeapaprt, cnapaim, v. I bend, crook
CpcAcrlopjAc;' creachdlorgach, adj. full of scars Cpeapal, creapa/, s. a retaining, withholding
^, creachdnatgluhe, adj. wounded Cpear, creas, see cpjor
C}teAlorcc4'P, creachlosccadh, s. m. destruction by pear, crai, adj. narrow, straight
tire; " bjrf bj^Fne5 1 ^Jl^UjB cji- Cpear, crea*, s. a shrine, a grave
yp le]r." 4 Mast. 1466. , crees, s. a planting, placing
, crciiChraim, v. I wound, scar, mark, stig Cpara, creasach, s. m. a spe;ir, pike
matize Cpearaim, crcastiyt, v. I set, lay; I tire
, creachtaih, see oac , crtasan, s. m. faith
-, creachiach, adj. sinful, ', e. . o.g. Cpt , /ta, } ^ n Labitation
45, creachiach dearg, s. bloody crane's- CpeAfcp, crasenos, )
bill ; Geranium sanguineum C|ieAr50]nAm, crca.^oivevi, v. to wound. Sk.
;, creachtaim, v. I wound, Luit CjeApT)iij|t, creasnJiuu, s. a strait of the sea
01, crer.chtoir, s. m. plunderer, spoiler CjieArnu^AC, ireasr.vghaah, s. finishing, closing
CpeAfjp, creachwir, s. m. merchant, . Cjie*rAr!, crcdsvghadh, s. a girding
CpeAifpeubAim, creach ti eubaim, v. I tear open , crt, s. the pppearante of one's complec-
? cread'/ what? what tiling ? . . Jtew lion ; state of body
, creadhach, adj. woundeu Cpeaf, creath, s. m. terror
>1, creadhal. adj. religious , creath, s. m. a swan
, cieadhbh, s. a shrinking , creath, s. in. science, knowledge, judgment
C]ie4fnA, c< eadhbha, s. a ligature, tie, or band Cpafa, creatha, adj. earthen
, creadhbha, s. an entangling Cpeata, creatha, s. the clergy, the learned
?>1*, creadhla, s. the clergy , creathach, s. m. a hurdle
, crcadhl-a, Is. clerkship; the office of a CpefAr creathach, s. m. faggots, brush-wood
CprrnA, crmdhna,] clergyman CpeaAn, crealhachan, s. in. a churn-dash
Cji64X5TA)l, creadmhail, s. f. faith Cpeta,
cm CRE cm CRI
, creathadh, s. m- a trembling CpeopAjm, creopaim, v. I seduce
CieAjm, creuthahn, v. I tremble Cjtern, cresan, s. m. a girdle
)!, creatair, adj. faithful, religious, holy Cperean, cresean, s. m. old earth, clay
C|4c4jj, creatair, s. m. a creator Cpefean, cresean, adj. religious, pious
Cjtearajp, creathair, s. f. a sieve Cpet, creth, s. f. art, science
CpeacAjpe, creathaire, s. m. a brize, gadfly Cjet4)i, ^'', s. f. a creature. Cor.
Cpeatajpe, creathaire, s. rn. an extortioner Cpuo, creuchd, see cpaco
, creathan, s. a shaking, trembling Cpuclopg, creuchdiorg, see cpaelopg,
"4 s. a sanctuary, a shrine; , creudfa, adv. why, wherefore
, creathar, ^ a place where the rer Cpujua, creugachadh, s. cragginess ; petrifaction
CjteAApjr, creatharait, f lies of saints are kept ; Cpeurrwc, creumhach, s. m. a rock
J 7frs/z crair, a relick Cpu54j5jm, creugaighim, v. I petrify
, creator, adj. consecrated, holy Cjeun, cretin, s. the body
Cjie*cn*j5jm, creatlinaighim, v. I shake, shudder, 7, s. m. the heart; prop, cjjoje
quaver ; make tremble Cfj, en, s. a body ; /'. e. cojpp. e.-.
Cpe4cm54t>, creathnughadh, s. trembling, shaking Cjija, cr/eA, s. trembling ; prop. c)]te4c
Cpeatjp, creatoir, s. m. a believer Cp)4t>, criadh, s. m. earth, cLiy
Cpe4p<i, creathrach, s. m. a wilderness Cp]44, criad/ta, adj. earthen
Cpea-alrhujn, creath-lhalmhuin, s. f. an earth quake Cjt)4t4t), criadhadh, s. dealing as a merchant
Cpedtujp, creatuir, s. f. a creature CpjAajt), criadhaidh, s. a dealer, a merchant
, creatur, adj. blessed Cjtj4t>4ooj|, criadhadoir, s. m. a potter
Cpcoac, crechdach, adj. sinful C]j*rwol, criadhuol, a. m. mortar
Cpeo ? er? ? see cjet> ? Cj)4ce4n5l4iri, criadhcheanglam, v. to cement Sh.
Cjie, credh, s. ore C]ij4-luc, criadh-luch, s. a mole
Cpe urh4, credh umha, brass ore Cpj4t>-u)pe, criadh-uire, s. a husbandman
Cpepearh, creideamh, \ s. m. faith, belief, fepu- Cp]4p*6, criapach, adj. rough
CpejoeArrmn, creideamhan, } ration, Christianity CppA], criathar, s. m. a sieve
Cie]t>ep, creideas, s. m. credit Cpj4CA)-me4l4, criathar-meala, s. a honey-comb
Cjejo*r, creideasach, adj. creditable CpjatJiAC, cr'iathrach, s. waste ground
Cpejt))ll-b*]r, creldhill-bhais, s. the knell of death C]*j4]t4, criathradh, s. m. a sifting
Cpejojm, creidim, v. I believe, credit Cjt]4Cj4]m, crtathraim, v. I sift
CpejTMTieec, creidmheach, s. m. a believer C})b, crt, s. swiftness, haste, speed
, creidmheach, adj. faithful, believing \t)t, crlch, s. a country, territory
Cpejwrriear, creidrnheacht, s. m. credulity, fidelity Cjijc, crcA, s. an end, boundary, limit
Cperom, crcidhm, s. m. a disease Cpjcejn, cricein, see lur 4 pujre44jn
Cpejcmeac, creidhmeach, adj. full of sores Cjtpe, cridhc, s. the heart ; ' t. e. cpji tie, /. e. con
Cpejwhear, creiilmhemach, adj. creditable 14*: ppr* mb) " Cor-
, creidhmirn, v. I knaw, corrode, chew Cj}lp, , s. buying, purchasing
Cueprjn, crtidsin, s. f. believing Cpilrn crilin, s. f. a box, a chest, coffer, pix
Cjtepte, creidte, adj. believed Cjjmc4]5, criwehaig, s. grumbling, reflecting. Sh.
Cje]Bceojji, creidteoir, s. m. a believer, creditor Cpjmg, critnog, s. f. a morsel, a bit
Cfie]5<)lb creigair, s. a grapple. 'A. CpjmteAl*;, crimtheart, s. second milking
Cpej5)o, creigioch, adj. rocky. JfWA creigiog CjnopeAr crindreas, s. m. a bramble
Cpejm, creim, \ s. f. corrosion, exesion, arro- Cpjne, rrtij ? s. rottenness, withering, fad-
Cjiejmear, creimead, ) sion, mordication Cnnect), crineachJ, } ing
CpejmeAC, cieimcach, adj. corrosive Cine*rri, criruamh, s. f. fate, destiny ; cloc 4 c]]-
Cje]mt3jp, crehnadair, s. a carper. SA. ne4iTi4, another name for the I145 p)l or stone
Cpejmjm, , 7 y j knaw of fate, on which our ancient monarchs received
*-)], cretnim, 3 the crown until about the year of our Lord 53,
Cjk jpjne, acisine, s. piety, austerity in religion when it was removed to Scotland
Cpejrneani, creisneamh, s. f. a scar , crineam, s. m. a fall
), cm'> s. f. a ridge Cyiine4]t, crinear, s. a falling
Cpejjp, cr^M/V, s. f. a body Cttinim, crinim, v. I knaw, bite ; tall
Cjtevjj, creltfttr> s- a drinking cup Cninrto crinlin, s. f. a box, ; a writing-desk
Cpejpjni crelthrin, s. f. a small sieve cjiinrhiob crinmh 'ol, s. wood-louse, a wall-louse
Cjiejcul', creithul, s. cradle, if. {4, crintach, adj. fretting
, , Cwiob, criobh, s. f. a jest, trifle
Cpe4)5*e, crennaighthe, adj. terrified Cjip, crioch, s, f. preferment
Cjieo*}, creodhar, s. m. a rail or sieve^ M m Cjijo,

C)i)o, crioc't, s. f. a territory, a country ; an end, Cpjorral, criosll, s. m. crystal ; WtA crisial
conclusion, a boundary, a'barrier CpjorralArhujl, criostalamhuil, 1 adj. crystaline, trans-
Cpjoan, criochan, s. striving , criostalda, j parent
CpjooAjjian, cricchdairan, s. the gag-teeth. SA. Cj]ot, erwfA, s. m. a shaking, trembling
C|tjocpea]A]", criochfcarainn, s. a land-mark. 'A. Cp)or4jjm, criotaighim, v. I hug, caress
C|tjon4)5jni, criochnaighim, v. I finish, conclude CpjotAjm, criothaim, v. I shake, tremble, shiver
Cjjocnn")lacr, crioclinamhlacht, s. f. completion, ac CpjoiArhujl,, adj. earthen
curacy Cppam, criothanach, adj. tremulous, elastic
CpjocmijjeA, criochnuigheach, adj. finite CppfomAOOjjt, criothchomadoir, s. m. a potter
Cfjocnujj;e*t>, cnochnuigheachd, s. finitude CpprorgAC, criothchosgach, adj. antiparaly tick
Cpjocnujjce, criochnutghthe, adj. finished CpjoryuAjp, criothfhuair, adj. bleak, cold, chilly,
Cfjonuj5eojl, criochnuighthtoir, s. m. a finisher CpprnAAt,, criothnachadh,\s- ?nbling, f^~
Cfocr=eo]l, criochs<reoil, ) i
Ci,occlu,ce, * an ePll0Sue
Cljocrmt>, criochsmachd, s. a government. Sh. Cp)ornuj5jm, crwlhnuighim, v. I tremble
CJ>jot>4J5Am, criodaigham, v. to pat, stroke. <M. CpjotreADAjpe, criothsdabhaire, s. m. a potter
Cpjonajpe, criodaire, s. a fondler. 5//. Cpjoifujleac, cr'uthshuiUach, adj. purblind
Cfjl* criodhar, s. m. a leech, a wood-cock Cpjplac, criplach, s. m. a cripple
Cp'jol, crio/, s. f. a chest, a coffer C]ijplACt>, cr'rplachdf s. m. decrepitude
CpjoniATian, criomadan, bits. Sh. CjijpUjjmi, criplaightm, v. I maim
Cpjorhf, criomhihan, s. m. a fox Cpjpg, cripog, s. f. a wrinkle
Cppriitan, criemkthan, s. the proper name of a man Cpjr, era, see cjijop
Ct']on, crion, adj. withered, dry, rotten Cpjr, erw, adj. holy, pure
CpjonA, criona, adj. old, ancient; prudent, sage Cpjf-ieAn^Al, cris-cheangal, s. a swaddling band
CpjonA, crioitach, s. m. dry sticks, faggols Cpjren, triscan, s. m. a priest
CpjonAjBjm, crionalghtm, > v. I dry, wither, fade, Cpjrljon, crislion, s. sinews
CpjonAjm, crionaim, J dwindle C]]G, errr, s. the back
Cjjoncn, Crimean, s. m. strife, tumult Cpjr, crith, seecJjoc
Cjtjt. m/A, s. f. ague, shaking; Welsh cryd
)}0]1, critlidealhhoir, s. m. a potter
', crioncanaim, v. I strive Cpjcea, critheach, adj. shaking, quaking
CpjonUc, crionlach, s. m. touch-*ood CpieAgAl, critheagal,\s. m. terror, astonishment,
Cpjon-rhwl, crion-mhiol, see eppirhiol CpjteAU, critheagla, $ dread, trembling
Cjtjonmon, crionmon, s. f. a collection, a store CpeAgAn, crtagan, s. m. a dwarf
p joa, crionna, ad j. sage, prudent, wise r> i crxiheaglach,
Cp,*e*5Ui,. -, ; ~>\ adj. terrified, astonished,
trembl ^
Cpjoruco, criennachad, s. m. prudence, wisdom, wit Cpjtp, mA^/i, j rib,e> horrible >
CpjonujA-b, crionughadli, s. withering, fading
Cpjor, crios, s.- m. a belt, girdle, cingle, band. Cji]ie&T\, crithean, s. the aspen tree ; Populus tr
Welsh, gwregis mula
Cj]or, crios, s. m. the sun ; Heb. chres Cp]rAlA}t, crithghalar, s. m. the palsy
CpjorA, criosach, adj. tight; having girdles Cpjcpe, crithide, s. cause of fear and trembling
Cji'jorA, criosach, | s. embers ; improperly written Cpjfcjm, crithim, v. I shake
Cpjoru|t), criosuidh, ) for gp'jor*t CpFllb crit^ri s- ^ a drinking cup
Cjijopo, criosd, Christ, the saviour of man C]t]tnil| crithneal, s. a shower
Cjijopo, criosd, adj. swift, quick, nimble Cpjtpe, crithre, s. sparks of fire from the clashing
CpjopoACO, criosdachd, s. Christendom. Sh. of arms ; small particles of any thing
CpjoyoAJSe, criosdaighe, s. m. a christian Cp)peot>At>, crithrcodhedh, weak ice, hoar-frost
CjjorcA]eAT>, criosdaighcachd, s. f. Christianity Cp]ut>AjnA, criudarnach, s. m. the hickup
>]>11, criosdall, see cpjorcal Cp)un, criun, s. m. a wolf
CpjorwArhlAo, criosdarnhlachd, s. Christianity Cp<5, cro, s. m. death. Cor.
Cjort>Amu]l, criosdamhuil, \ adj. christian; "aIaca Cp, , s. m. an iron bar
Cpjofouj, cricsduigh, f cpjort>Arini)l." Don!. C], ere, s. m. the eye of a needle
Cpprt>-A;A]1S criosd-athair, s. m. a god-father Cp, ere, s. m. a flock, a fold
Cpprla, crios!ach, s. m. a limit, border, bosom Cp, ere, s. children
CpjorlcAt>, crioslachadh, s. girding the loins Cp, ero, s. m. might, valour
CpprlA^im, crioslaighim, v. I gird, limit Cp, ere, s. m. a hut, hovel, pen, cottage, fortress
11]5, crioslaighthe, part, girded Cp, , adj. strait, narrow, close
C)tjorr, erlst, see cpjop CjioAn, croan, s. m. correction
CjijortA, criostha, adj. girded , croan, s. m. valour, might
aw CRO cm CRO

, crabh, s. . a band, a paw CpoicneAc, croicncach, adj. cutaneous

, crobhall, s. genitals pope, avidhe, s. m. the heart
CpoBang, crobluing, s. a strong-handed man Cpopeajp, croidluchair, adj. kind-hearted, clement
CpoB-ppjan, crobh-priachan, s. the herb crane's- C]ie4Ct, croidhcacht, s. m. a portion, dowry
bill ; Geranium Cpojrearhujl, croidheamhuil, adj. hearty, generous
CjtoBu!i54]B, crobhungaibh, s. clusters Cpope4rt, croidhean, s. m. a gallant, a lover
Cpc, croc, s. m. a horn Cpope-hpjrcAi), croidhc-bhriseadh,^ 4,-i,s. ni. a heart-
pc, croc, s. f. a crock Cpoje-bpj,
. .. . . croidhe-brugh,
0 , . breaking,
Cpo, croch, s. m. saffron Cpoj'oe-BpugA, croidhe-bhrughadh,) 4J crontrition
Cpo, croch, s. f. a gallows, a cross Cpopeog, croidheog, s. f. a mistress, a sweetheart
Cpo, crock, adj. red ; Welsh coch Cpjeog, croidheog, s. f. a brese, a gadfiy
Cpo, croch, adj. lofty, famous, excellent Cprjrjol, croidh/hionn, adj. white hoofed
Cpoc4, crocach, adj. horned Cpo)t>jI-b4]f, croidhil-bhais, s. a knell. &i.
, crocad, s. barley broth. Sh. Cpoj'. croiligh, s. f. pain, infirmity
CpoA, crochadh, s. grief, vexation Cpjljge, croilige, s. venesection. ".
Cpoa-b, crochadh, s. a hanging, depending, cruci- Cpo]l)e-4n-b4jr, croilghe-an-bhais, s. the pains of
, fyin death
Cpo4?>4n, crochadan, s. m. a pendulum Cpo]l]ge, croilighthcach, adj. infirm
CpocAWojp, ciochadoir, s. m. a hangman Cpojme44, ciomchtannach, adj. having the head
CpocAT>4]peAo, crocliadaireachd, s. m. the office of bowed down ; suppliant
a hangman Cpojmlp, croimlin, the temple of Crom ; the name
Cpo4jo, crochaid, s. cockernony. 5c of several places in Ireland
Cfiocur, crochaidh, s. height, eminence. Cor. Cpojmr]4i, croimsgiath, s. a crooked shield
Cpoajm, crochaim, v. I hang, crucify Cpojne, croine, s. swarthiness
Cpo4jpe, crochaire, s. m. an idle fellow, a hangman Cpojnjc, croinic, s. f. a chronicle, an annal
Cjocom, crocam, v. to beat, pound. Sh. Cpo]njce4ct5, croiniceachd, s. chronology, painting,
CpcAp, crochar, s. m. a body ; a bier the art of painting
Cp4pb, crocharb, V Cpomjcjm, croinicim, v. I colour, paint
Cpo4pb4t>, crocharbad, J Cpojnjcjm, croinicim, v. I try, pull, correct
Cpo4pr4, crocharsach, s. a sheep-fold. 5.
cJoJr/XV } f- a cross' a market Place
pu 4 )b,crochrmidh, the name of an idol amongst
the old Irish Cpo)rj:)4cl4, croisfhiacla, s. gag-teeth
Cpot4, crochtha, part, hanged Cpojrjrjjjl, croisfighil, s. f. praying with hands across
Cpt), frei/, see cpo Cpojr]m< croisim, v. I cross
CpotT, <re</, s. m. cattle, cows Cpojrljjm, croislighim, v. I envelope
Cpo, crodh, s. m. a down , a portion Cp)-r')5e> crois-slighe, s. a crossroad, a bye-way
Cpo, crodh, s. m. an image Cpojrljne, croisline, s. a diameter
Cpot>4, crodha, s. a slipper Cpojrl)54, croisUnngha, adj. diametrical
C|tot)4, crodha, adj. valiant, brave, strenuous Cpo)rop, croisoid, s. f. a rail, a barrier
Cpot>a, crodha, adj. fierce, terrible Cpojppj4l4], cioisriaghlaidJi, s. criterion
Cpo40, crodhach, adj. armental Cpojrpujjie, croisruighthe, adj. succint
Cpo04o, crodhachd, s. m. valour, might, bravery Cpo)ptp4> croistara, s. an alarm, a signaf to take
Cpo4jt>e, crodhaidhe, s. m. an heir up arms
Cpt>4)n, crodhain, s. the hoof of a cow or sheep Cpo]r-rocpA)r, crois- thochrais. s. a hand-reel tor
Cp64rhuil, crodham/tuil, adj. brave, valiant yarn
Cp-Doj, crodh-bhoinn, s. a bunch of berries porc, croit, s. f. a hump on the back
Cpt>juc4, crodhghuta, s. the hand-gout Cpo)t, croit, s. f. a small eminence
Cpol)nre4C, ciodhlinteach, adj. bloody, blood-shed- Cpo]i;e4, croiteach, adj. gibbous
Cpo)te40o, croiteachd, s. gibbosity
Cpox>rh4]n, crodhmham, s. me wrist Cpo)te4rh, croitheamh, s. an insect
Cpog, crog, s. a paw, a clutch Cpo]ijm, croithim, v. I shake, toss, sprinkle
Cpo4C, crogach, adj. pawed, clawed Cpojtre, croithte, part, waved, tossed, sprinkled
Cpo54ll, crogall, s. the crocodile Cpo-loc, cro-loc, s. a place where malefactors are
Cpog4n, erogan, s. a pitcher put to death
Cpo)Be4l, croibheal, s. coral Cpolojtjm, croloitim, v. I wound so as to draw blood
Cpojc, croie, s. difficulty ; a venison feast Cpolojcjgte, croloitighthe, adj. wounded mortally
Cpoj, croich, s. f. a gailows, cross pom, crom, s. m. God
Cpojt>e, croichde, part hanged Cpom, crom, s. m. a slough
Cpo]e44j5, croicheadaigh, s. hangings Cpom, crom, s. m. the nose ;
Cpojcjo, croicionn, s. f. a skin, hide \

" Ajnm oul4jn, Y)i 40 locc, CpofntA, crosanta, adj. froward, perverse
Fee rj4C4jI, tAonocr, CpofncAo, crosantachd,~\ .
Cpom rpn, jr o cIuas 5*n l*n, Cporg, crcsog, 'Jsee 1
Cujnre (154J n*6 4jmp]t>." Fer. foc. CporboA, croshgha, s. a cross-bow
, crom, adj. bent, crooked; Welsh crum CporoA, crosda, adj. awkward, morose, adverse, cap
pom, romh, s. m. a worm tious, crabbed
Cpomat), cromadh, s. a bending, bowing CporoAr, crosdacht, s. awkwardness, captiousness,
Cponu, cromadh, s. the side of a hill. Sh. contumacy
Cponujm, cromaim, v. I stoop, bend, bow, droop, lean CporoAltAcr, crosdaltacht, s. crossness, oddness
Cpomn, croman, s. . the hip, hip bone Cpopog, crosog, s. f. a small cross
Cpomin, croman, \ ,. Cporg, crosog, s. f. a small cup
Cpomn-lACmn, cronun-lachdan, }s'ma Klte pop 05, crosog, s f. perversen ess, obstinacy
Cpomn-lopi, et oman- loin, s. m. a snipe porp 4, crosra, ) ,
Cpomin-luAf, cioman-iuath, s.m. a fire-shovel rw,,A. j> s. a cross road
*-porp]4n, crosrian,
Cpom-onAjII, crom-chonadl, s. a plague that former Cport4, eraste, part, prohibited '
ly raged in Ireland Cpopr4r, crostacht, s. perverseness
Cpomcpu4C, cromzhruach, s. a famous Irish idol Cport4, crostal, \ s. a moss; the dye feuillemorte.
Cpom!e4c, cromlcac, f. f. a paan altar Cpot4l, crotal, ) Sh.
Cpomlur, crom'us, s. poppy; Papaver CpofU)le4C, crosudeach, adj. squint-eyed
Cjtom-n*-noujl!eo5, crom-na-nduillcog, s. the wood pot, croth, s, a form or shape
cock Cpot4, crotha, s. a cymbal
pom got), crom nan gad, s. a sort of Hebridian C]4t*c, crotach, adj. hump -backed
plough. i>h. Cpr.A-mAp4, crotach , s. m. acurlew
Cpomcg, cromog, s. f. a gallows Cpoc4t), crothadhy s. sprinkling
Cpomporg, cromrosg, s. a blue or grey eye; prop. Cpoi4jm, crtthaim, v. I coop, house, fold, pen
5 Cpo4jm, crotharm, v. I sprinkle
Cpomporg, cromrosg, adj. grey-eyed Cpot4jt, crotkait, s. a gravel pit
CpomfljeAnAC, cromshhttneanach, adj. hump-backed , crotal, s. an awn, husk, pod ; a kernel ; a
CpomieAj, cromthcar, s. m. a priest of Crom. cymbal
, eron, s. . copper Cpot4ln4, crolaida, adj. husky
Cpn, iron, s. m. time Cpot4n, crotan, s purple, dyer's lichen. JA,
Cpn, cron, s. m. a sign, mark, note, defect, fault Cpot4], crothar, s. m. a bier
Cpn, cron, s. m. an explanation Cport45, crottag, s. a sort of plover. Sc.
Cpn, cron, adj. ready, at hand, i. e. upUm. o.g. Cpoct4l, crottal, s. a kernel
Cpn, cron, adj. brown, dun-coloured, swarthy Cpu, cru, s. m. a pen or fold for cattle. Br. L.
pon , ci mach, s. m. a funeral dirge Cpu, cru, s. f. blood, gore; Welsh crau
CponAbjm, tw^A,, A' 1 v. Iblush
explain; I bewitch;
for shame ; I re- Cpu4b4)p4m, cruabairam, v. to chew, crunch. Sh,
Cpu4C, cruach, s. a rick or pile of any thing
Lpon*int, cronaim, I 1 1 Cpu4, cruach, adj. red
1 ' J bke, reprove
s. . the base in music ; CpU4C40, cruachaah, s. heaping, piling
ponAn, cronan, t any dull note; the buz- CpuA4f, cruachadh, s. hardening, drying. Sh.
, cionanuch,t zingofafly; the purring Cpu404jm, cruachaim, v. 1 heap, pile, stack
J of a cat CpuAam, cruccham, v. to dry, harden. Sh.
Cpoj, cronnog, s. f. a kind of basket or hamper CpuACin, cruachan, s. m. & f. aheap
Cpon5, aonog, s. f. a roundel, a circle, figure, a CpuACAn, crudihan, s. a drying, toasting
fortress Cpu4-04r, cruach-bhas, s. a bloody death
CponreAnc4]p, cronseanchais, s. an anachronism CpuA lu44p, cruach luachar, s. dwarf club-rush;
Cponr, cront, adj. green or grey scirpus cuispitosus
CponcA]j]m, crontaigh'm, v. I loath, abhor, detest Cpu4cc4la, hdalach, adj. coarse
CponrfAjlc, crontsaile, s. a green sea. Cor. CpuAC-phArpujg, cruach-phadiuig, s. the herb plan-i
Cponu^A, cromighadh, s. objurgation, explanation tain ; Plantago lutifolia
pop, cros, s. f. a cross, bin (Irai ice Cpur>, cruadh, s. a stone
Cporac, ensach, adj. streaked, beamed, scarred CpuAt, cruadh, s. steel
, crosadh, s. a crossing, hindrance CpuAt), cruadh, adj. hard, firm, difficult* .
Cpor*jm, crosaim, v. I cross, stop, hinder, debar CpuatiAC, cruadhach, adj. steely, of or belonging to
C\n)\'&x\*b,crosanach, adj. cross, perverse, surly, ob- steel
, crosanta, J stinate, peevish, froward CpuAt>4]5jm, cruadhaighim, v. I harden
4*6, crosanachd, s. m. perversness, obstinacy CpuAOAjl, cruadail, s. f. courage ; covetousness
Cpormo, crosanachd, s. m. a kir.d of versification. Cjiu)l, cruadhail, s. f. danger, hardship
cm CRU

CpuAAil, cruadhail, s. f. inhumanity, hardship
CpuAmlAc, cruadhakch, adj. hard, stingy, poor Cpubog, crubog, s. f. a knbt or contraction of a
CpuaaIa, cruadhalach, adj. inhuman, barbarous thread in weaving
CpuAA.Ae, cruadhalacht, s. hardship, rigour CpcA, cruca, s. a crook, a hook
CpuAtwltA, cruadhalta, adj. inhuman CpucA, crucach, s. a heap
CpuatmhaIac, cruadh-annalach, adj. asthmatick Cpuo, crudh, s. a shoe
CpuAAr, cruadhas, s. m. rigor, severity ; a crisis Cput>, crudh, s. a milking
CpuA-jr, cruadh-chais, s. affliction, difficulty Cpuo, crudh, s. goods, property, possessions. Br. L.
CjtuAcpa, cruadhchradli, s. m, austerity ^puOAo, crudhadh, s. a hardening
CjtuAT>jto]cned, cruadhchroicneach, adj. hide-bound CpuoAjm, crudham, v. I milk
CpuAcpo'jeA, cruadhchroidheach, adj. hard-hearted CpuoAr, crudath, s. a sword-belt
CpuAticujng, cruadhchuing, s. f. rigor, slavery Cpugld, crughalach, adj. hard, difficult
CpuAujpeA, cruadhchuiseach, adj. difficult CpujeAtA, cruidheachta,\
CjiuAtufiA}, cruadhmhar, adj. corpulent Cpuj^ACCA, cruifheachta, ) s> a carr,on crow
CjtiiAtunijneAlAc, cruadhmhuinealach, adj. stiff-neck CpujeApg, cndhearg, adj. scarlet
ed , cruidheata, adj. hard
CpuAt>rhu)ne<vlA0o, cruadhmhuinealachd, s. obstinacy Cpujojn, , s. f. the bird called king's fisher
CpuAmujneAluj'e, cruadhmhuinealuidhe, s. inflex C|ujce, cruidhte, part, shod
ibility CpujgneAti, cruighneachd, see cpujineAco
CjniAtmArgtA, cruadhnasgtha, adj. entangled Cpujm, cruim, s. f. thunder
puAoA, cruadhogach, adj. strict CpujiTKOOAnAC, cruimaodanach, adj. whole, entire. SA.
CJtuAt>o)5, cruadhoig, s. f. distress, necessity I CpujmA'OAnA, cruimeadanach, s. m. a down-looking
jtuAtmgA, cruadhughadh, s. induration person 3
C|uA5Af, cruaghadh, s. a strengthening CpujmA'OAnA, cruimeadanach, adj. wry-faced
CpuAjc, cruaic, s. f. a noddle, a scalp C|iujmjm, cruimim, v. I thunder
Cpu*]cce, cruaichte, adj. heaped, piled Cpujmj-ljen, cruimshlinnean, s. a hump-back
CpuAjt, cruaidh, s. steel CpujmteAp, .
CpuAj-, cruaidh, adj. hard, callous, severe Cjtujmjp, cruimthir, | s- m- a Pnest
CpuAjtiAjCAm, cruaidhaicham, v. to harden. . CpujneArAt), cruineasadh, s. a giddiness
, cruaidhbheuLch, adj. hard-mouthed CpujR, cruinn, adj. round, circular
CjuAjt>ceAnAjlce, cruaidhcheangailte, adj. hard Cpuje, cruinne, s. f. the globe of the earth
bound, intricate Cpujfie, cruinne, s. f. roundness
^, cruaidkcheanglaim, v. I bind, tie CpujeACA, cruinneachadh, s. a gathering
fast CpujeAcn, cruinncacav, s. m. a mass, a heap
CpuA]t>cejr, cruaidhcheisd, s. a riddle CpujeAcn, cruinneacan, s. m. a coronet
, cruaidheadh, s. hardening CpupeAt), autnneadh, s. circularity, roundness
C]tu4ro-lur, cruaidh-lus, s. sneeze-wort CpujeAn, cruinnean, s. a tuft
CpuAjte, cruaidhte, adj. hardened Cpje-eoUpe, cruinne-eolaidhe, s. m. a geographer
, ^, adj. red, orange colour Cpuje-eolAj-, cruinne-eolas, s. geography ; address
I J ^ ruas,* s. in.
? rigor
-"' Cpujfieg, cruinneog, a low round woman
Cpb, crub, \ s. f. a claw, a fang, a horse's hoof, the Cpujnjgte, cruitmighthe, part, collected
Cpb, crubh, ) paw of any animal Cpujjgeojp, cruinnightheoir, s. m. a collector
pub, crubh, s. f. the nave of a wheel Cpujjm, cruimim, v. I wrangle
CpbAt), crubadh, s. bending, making crooked Cpujjo, cruinnioch, s. f. dew, mist, fog
, crubach, adj. lame, club-footed Cpujjujaj crummughadh, s. m. a congregation,
, cruback, adj. difficult an assembly, gathering
-, cruba-eain, s. bird's-foot; Trifolium- CpujiijugAjm, crwnnhcghaim, v. I gather, assemble
ornithopodioides Cjtuilin, cruinnlin, s. an orbit
, crubaim, v. I bend, crook CliulrhullA, cruinnmhullach, s. m. a cupola
CpbA-pitAjf), cruba-fithainn, s. a haunch of veni CMuipUt), crulplachd, s. lameness, craziness. 5//.
son. <$/;. CHinplAicAm, crwplaigham, v. to lame. A.
CpbA-leornAjn, cruba-leomhaln, s. common lady's Cpu]plA]5ce, cruiplaighte, adj. crazy, lame, lamed. Sk.
mantle ; common vervain ; Alchemilla vulgaris CpujpceA, cruiicea, 1^,^ Sh
CpubA-lejpjn, cruba-kisin, s. columbine ; Aquilegia Cpu)r5jn, cruisgm, J
vulgaris n, s- f- aJ,uS> a sma11 Pltcl,e,r
Cpubn, cruban, s. f. a crab-fish ; a crooked creature Cpuirl opnoc, cruisgiornach, s. common reed grass;
CpuDerg, crubhasg, s. a crimson colour Arundo phragmites
Cpubgojn, crubgoin, s. a flood-gate CpuirjS, cr/]?A, s. m. music, song
Cpubjn--, crubin-na-sctona, s. dwarf moun Cpu rein, cruistin, s f. a lamp
tain bramble cfuj.U, ,f.aharp,anViohn,acymbal ^
ira cru CU2L

Cpujc, Crtt, s. f. a hmp on the back C]*uc1aoc1at>, cruthchlaochladh, s. transfiguration,

]), cruith, s. f. a dart metamorphosis
C]i\i)t, cruith, adj. ingenious, lively CituilAolj5]m, cruthchlaochlaighim, v. I transfigure,
Cjiujf;, cruhh, adj. valiant metamorphose
Cpujte, cruithe, 1 , CjiucIaco, cruihlackd, s. a sword-belt
Cj.u,teAt>, cruitheachd, J3, P* CputugA, cruthughadh, s. m. creation
Cju)te*6t>, auitheachd, s. creation. c. CjtutujjeA, cruthwghtach, adj. creative
Cju)re*cn, crutfacan, s. m. a dwarf CjmcujteACo, truthuitheachd, s. creation
Cpujreal, cruiteal, adj. pleasant, sprightly Cu, cu, s. m. a moth, an insect that knaws clothes
CjnijceoAjm, cruitheochaim, v. I shall prove, mention Cu, cu, s. m. & f. a dog, a grey-bound
Cpujreg, cruiteog, s. f. a female harper Cu, cu, s. m. a champion, a hero, a warrior
.Cpujrjn, cruitin, s. f. a hump-back Cu-aIIaj, cu-allaidh, s. m. a wolf
CpujtpieAC, cruitineach, adj. hump-backed Cua, cua, s. flesh, meat
Cpujrjn , cruithin tuath, the old Irish name for Cua, cua, s. m. a nut
the land of the Picts Cua, cua, adj. martial
Cpucjpe, emitir, s. a harper, fiddler; crowder , cuabhacan, s. m. a flesh-hook
CjtujineAC, cruithneach, s. m. a Pict CuAopujo, cuabhruid, s. the itch ; lechery
Cpujfneoo, cruithneackd, s. f. wheat Cu, cuach, adj. narrow
CpujtneAtx, cruithneachda, adj. wheaten Cua, cuach, s. m. the cuckow
Cjtujfjt]of, cruithriochd, s. a mode, mood , cuach, s. a curl
Cpum, dum, see cpom / , cuach, I . . . ..
Cuac5, !, j8" f' a bowl, a cup, a pail
Cjum, crum, s. sin ; /'. e. pe*c*. o. g.
Cpum, crumh, s. f. a maggot, a worm ; Welsh pryf Cuaa, cuachmch, adj. curled, frizzled
CpumA, cruma, s. half a quarter of a yard Cuacac, cuachadh, s. crispation
C|uma)m, crumaim, v. I bow, bend, worship CuACAjm, cuachaim, v. I fold, plait
Cpumiti, eruman, s. f. the hip-bone CuACn, cuachan, s. a bowl, a pail
Cjtumn, cruinan, s. m. a sort of crooked instrument , cuachan, s. a bird's nest
used by surgeons CuAn, cuachan, s. a plait or fold
Cjiumirmjtie, crumanaidhe, s. m. turner CuAAPA, cuathanath, adj. cupped ; plaited
C|um>], crumhar, adj. bloody, full of blood Cuacca, cuacca, adj. empty
, crumia, s. a bowl CuApolt, cuaChfhoU, s. curled hair
Cpurhe, crumhe, s. a hoof, a shoe. Sh. Ciucoj, cuachog, s. f. a fold, lap, or plait
CjtumuriiA, crumdhum/, s. dung ; . e. otjl. Cor. CuAcfliA, cuachshrann, s. a vehement snoring or
C)um5, crumog, s. f. a skirret snorting
CjtumfujleACt), crumshuileac/id, s. sourness of look CuAt>, cuadh, s. m. food
Cpn, crun, s. a crown ; five shillings Cuat>, cuadh, s. m. a wooden cup, i. t. cup* ]*).
Cputut), aunadh, s. coronation g-
CpTWjm, crunaim, v. I crown Cua, cuadh, s. relation, telling
Cjiuf&n, crumian, s. m. a groupe CuAoin, cuadan, s. m. a compliment
Cjiuncd, ci unta, adj. crowned CuAgn, tuagan, s. m. the hinder part of the head
1105, 15,> s- 1 necessity CuAjjiin, cuaghran, s. m. a knot, a knob, a kernel
CjipAc, crupadh, s. contraction, shrinking CuAjeAA, cuaicheannach, adj. curly-headed
CjuipAjm, crupaim, v. I contract CuajI, cuail, gen. of cuaI a coal
Cltupog, crupog, s. f. a wrinkle Cuo]l, /, s. an impediment to marriage. Sh.
Cp-phuc, cruphulog, s. f. a blood-pudding CuAjijn, cuailin, s. f. a bundle, a small faggot
CpuTKAi crusgadh, s. a box, a small coffer CuajIaw, cuailain, s. a lock, a curl, a wreath. W.
C|irg*0}let>, crusgaoileadh, s. the bloody flux CiiAjUjn auiaIa, cuailain amalaeh, s. a curled lock
C}u, , s. m. & f. a form, figure, countenance Cua ] 11, cuaill, s. f. a pole, stake, staff
Cjut, crut, s. m. the hand Cua jn, cuain, s. a corner ; a litter
pur, crutfi, s. f. curds CuA^nre, cuainte, adj. able
Cput, truth, s. f. a host, a multitude Cuaj jt>, cuaird, see cuAjpc
Cput, o-mA, s. f. strength, bulk }1, cuaireaJta, adj. curious
Cjut, truth, s. f. a description ]1 cuairsgeadh, s. a volume
CpuiAt>, truthathadh, see cputujA ]5 tuarrsgean, a wrapper
CputA]5]m, cruthaighim, v. I prove, aver, assert CuAipreAn, cuairsgean, s. the felloe of a wheel
ClutA)5)m, cruthaiah'm, v. I create CuA]Jir5eJn' cuairsgein, s. f. the core, the heart
Ciu*A)5te, truthaighte, part, created Cu]Pf)*) tuairsgiath, s. a crooked target
CjiutA)eo}l, cruthaightheoir, s. m. a creator Cu*)]ir5jt> cuairsgidh, s. a volume, bundle, fardle
CpufA)m, cruthaim, v. I milk CuAjrgjm, cuaisgim, \. I roll, wreath, wrap

CuAjprgce, cuairsgthe, adj. roiled, wrapped C"Ba5, cubhag, s. a cuckow

Cu4)|c, cuairt, s. f. a visit, sojourning, visitation, Sr*5"5'j5*P<> cubhag-ghiiogarach, s. a snipe
circle, circulation, tour , culhaidh, s. honor; " mo ."
CuAjjceacAj-, cuairteachas, a visiting, gossiping Cub*j, cubhaidh, adj. decent, fit, becoming
CuAvjtceojn, cuairteoir, s. m. a visitor , cubhaidheacht, s. fitness
Cuaj, cuaith, s. f. the country CubAjm, cubaim, v. I stoop, bend
CuaI, /, s. m. a coal CubAjng, cubhaing, adj. strait
uni, cual, i . CubAjnge, cubhainge, s. a strait
Cua1o5, cualog, Cuba j cubair, s. a cooper
CuaIIa, cuallach, s. herding cattle, CubAjr, cubhais, s. f. an oath. 7Yg\
Cua11act>, cuallachd, s. m. followers, dependants, CubAjr, cubhais, s. f. conscience
company CuBaI, cubhal, apparel, a religious habit
CuaIIaco, cuallachd, s. m. a colony , cubhar, s. m. a corner ; froth, foam
11], cuallaidhe, s. m. a companion , cubharach, adj. frothy, nappy
CudlUjt>e4Ct>, cuallaidheachd, s. society CubAjpe, cubaire, s. a black cock. Sh.
11, cuallasy s. m. an assembly , cubhas, s. m. a word, a promise, o. g.
Ciuttuji, cuamhar, adj. fleshy, fat, corpulent , cubhas, s. m. a tree, a block
Cu*rn*p5*]0, cuamhargaidh, s a flesh market Cuber, cubet, joking, game
Cuan, cuan, s. m. deceit CobjiAj, cubhraigh, adj. fragrant
, cuan, s. m. a bay, haven ; a field Cubjtujn, cubhruin, s. a coverlet
Cuan, cuan, s. m. a troop, multitude CucAjlre, cuchailte, s. residence, rest. o. g.
], cuanar, adj. soft CucAjlte, cucailte, s. a servitude, a secret,. o. g.
Cnaa, cuanta, s. a hill CuAjpe, cuchaire, s. m. a singer
, cuanna, adj. neat, fine, elegant, artful Cuajpe, cuchaire, s. m. a hunter
], cua; adj. crooked, perverse; Welsh gwyr CucA)peACC, cucaireacht, s. f, singing ; hunting
Cuaj. iiwr, adj. round CucArhAl, cucamhar, s. a cucumber
Cuaj, , adj. narrow CuccUre, cucclaidhe, s. a narrow way
, rtwr, s. a mixture ; " i. e. nj cujpceAp t]jo CucUjtse, cuclaidhe, s. a residence
Acejle." e. . Cucol, cuco!, s. m. a cuckold
, atara, s. a vessel Cut, cucht, s. m. a colour, a kind, sort
, cuaran, s. a sock, bandage Cur, cucht, s. m. an image,, model, appearance
Cupg, cuarog, s. a shoe or brogue made of unman CunApe, cuchtaidhe,. s. m. a maker, a former
ned leather CctAip, cucthair, s. a kitchen
^, cuarsgeach, adj. twisted CucujllAn, cucuillcan, s. yellow lady's bed-straw ;
, cuart, see cuAjpt cheese renning ; Galium verum
Cu*pc| cuartach, adj. current Cud, cudh, s. a head
, cuartacha, adj. ambulatory Cuoaco, cudackd, adv. also, likewise
CuAjtrAS-j-lusenac, cuartag-shluganachy s. a whirl Cutwjfl, cudainn, s. a cuddy, a kind of fish
pool CuoAjm, cudaim, v. 1 fall
Cu4jc4]tieft'o, cuartaidheachd, s. visiting CuoAjm, cudaim, s. a fall; a scar in thehead ; a de
Cu4jr4)5)m, cuartaighim, v. I search, investigate fect in the hair; an eruption on a mountain
|, cuartn, s. a maze, labyrinth CuoAjmeAfa, cudaimeasadh, s. the falling sickness
, cuartmhach, adj. circulatory CuoaI, cudal, adj. bad, wicked
Cupr^A, cuartughadh, s. surrounding; diligent , cudamach, adj. frail,, corruptible
search, enquiry Cut)A]mAn, cudarman, s. m. the vulgar
CuAjru)jie, cuariuighthe, adj. investigated CuoAjmiAntA, cudarmanta, adj. rustic, vulgar
, cuas, v. told ; " no at> ; i. e. oo bim- CuoApun, cudarun, s. cap or hood
re." <ra , cudma, s. abuse,. contempt
CuAf, , s. m. a cave, hollow, cavity Cuno, cudhnodh, s. haste, speed
, cuasach, adj. concave, hollow Cuos, &#, s. f. a haddock
, cuasachd, s. m. concavity Cug, cudhog, s. f. a jackdaw.
CuA^AtJA, cuasac/idac/i, s. a cough , cudrama, adj complete, regular, even,
CuAfAg, cuasag, s. honey-comb in hollow trees. Sh. just
, cuasan, s. m. a hollow, cavity Cuofcot, cudshaoth, s. an. apoplexy
CuA-uje, cua-uinne, s. a blind nut Cut>f<o, cudshaoth, s. an apology. S.
CuAtpog, cuathrog, s. a small bit. Ferm. 64. Cuocjtom, cudthrom, s. weight, stress
Cub, cub, s. a bending of the body CuofcpomA, cudthromach, s. weighty, momentous
CuaajI, cubhachail, s. f. a bed-chamber CuotpomACAti, cudthrcmachadh, s. bias, burdensome-
, cubhad, s. a cubit ness CuecjiomAjsjm
CU) cm CU) CUT

Cuctpomajgjm, cudthromaighim, v. I bias, gravitate Cup)5, cuidigh, see

Cu-, cu-ealba, s. a pack of hounds Cupjje, cuidighe, ^ m. an assistant, a
Cuejpt, cueirt, s. an apple tree CuiritteA, cuidightheach helper ; a second ; a
Cu-eunaj, cu-eunaich, s. a spaniel. Sh. ' ' 'j companion
Cuf4f, cufar, s. a bird of prey, an old bird Cupigjm, cuidighim, v. I aid, assist, succour
Curap, cufar, ) Cupjgte, cuidighthe, adj. assisted, holpen
CuFPo5, cufrog, \ s- a >'Press tree Cupjjteojjt, cuidightheoir, s. m. an abettor
Cu-puro4, cu-finda, s. a moth ; see c*ri CuiopgAo, cuidiughadh, s. assistance, helping
Cu-pajpne, cu-fodhairne, s. an otter - CupjugAc, cuidiughadh, s. narrowing
CugA, cugann, s. rich standing milk. Sh. CuprheA, cuidmheadk, s. m. a scoff, derision
Cjn, cuibh, s. a cup Cup-op, cuid-oidclie, s. a night's entertainment
Cu]b, cuit, s. a cub, a whelp, a dog Cuppj, cuidii, "Is. entertainment, diet, food,
Cujo, ', s. a bird, acock Cuppp, cuidridhyj fare, commons
Cupe, cuibe, s. a spade Cuj, cuig, s. f. counsel, advice. Cor.
Cu)be, cuibhe, adj. meet, fit ; competent Cuj5, cuig, s. f. a secret, a mystery. o.
Cujoe*rhu)l, cuibhcamJiuil, adj. decent, modest Cu)5- f"'g> adJ- five
Cujbear, cuib/ieas, s. decency CujoAg, cwgdeag, fifteen
Cu]be|r, cuibheis, s. f. enough Cujge, cuige, therefore, see cujece
CujBet, cuibket, s. fraud, deceit CujgeAt), cuigeadh, adj. fifth
Cujbjorac, cuibhiosach, adj. passable, decent Cue, ia/A, J s" m" & f' a
Cu)Bjte*, cuibhreach, s. m. a band, bond, fetter,
noose, manacle, entanglement s. common
Cu]bie04T, cuibkreachadh, s. catenation CujgeAg, cuigeag, cinquefoil
Cujbpenn, cuibhrean, s. an article Cu)5 mAp 40hu)ie, cuig mhear Mhuire, Potentilla
Cu]b])5)m, cuibhrighim, v. I bind, fetter reptans
Cujbjtijte, cwbhrighte, adj. bound, shackled CujgeAl, cuigeal, s. m. a distaff, a rock
Cn]op)o, cuibhrionn, s. a portion, lot, quotient CuigeAk, cuigealach, s. m. flax or wool prepared for
CujbfceAc, cuiblitheach, adj. equitable the rock, or distaff
Cuj, cuich, s. f. a secret, a mystery CujeA]*, cuigear, adj. five
Cu}6, cuich, pron. who. o. g. CujgeArh, cui^eamh, s. a district. Sh.
Cujcce, cuicce, adv. until CujgneAt, cuigneacht,s. cookery, o. g.
Cujeen, cuicen, s. a kitchen. Cor. Uli, Cuti, I
\\: cuileog,}8' f-afly.agnat
Cup, cuid, s. f. apart, share; a supper
Cup, ciiidh, adj. clean, pure Cuj, cuti, s. f. a couch, acorner; a closet, any private
Cup*l, cuidhat, s. a wheel, a spinning wheel. Sh. place
Cu]t)-4b]c, cuid-aluich, s. a litter. Sh. Cu)l, cu, adj. wicked, prohibited
CupAlAcr, cuidalachd, s. pride. Sh. CujlbeAld, cuilbhealach, s. m. a bye-road, avenue
Cupakm, cuidhalam, v. to wheel. Sh. Cjloejp, cuilbheir, s. f. a gun
CupAtAj}iT>, cuidhalairachd, s. wheeling, rolling, CujlDejjtc, cuilbheirt, a wile; a stratagem
spinning. Sh. Cu)Ibei}teA, cuilbheirteach, adj. wily
Cup *n tjtftf, mid an trath, s. a meal Cujlc, cuilc, s. f. a reed
Cupafiun, cuidarun, s. a cowl, a hood Cujle, cuilche, s. apparel, raiment
, cuidbheachd, s. decency CujlceA, cuilccach, s. a cloth, veil, hood
, cxiidbheachdach, adj. severed CujIceA, cuilceach, s. a steeple, prop. clojgreA
, cuideachadh, s. help, helping Cullc-l<, cfiuiic-chrartn, s. a cane
Cupeftac, cuideachadh, \ adj. auxiliary, help- Cujlc 4], cuiUcamhuil, adj. arrundaceous
CupeacAmujl, (uideachamhuil, J ing, assistant CujleAti, cuikhearin, s.. the noddle
CupeACAjjjm, cuideachdaighim, v. I accompany, CuilceAAg, cudcheannag, s. a bribe.
attend Cii]ltA}nAC, cuiltarnac, s. a place where reeds grow.
, cu'ideachtan, s. accompanying; com Sh.
pany C]luD, cuddhubh, s. a beetle
CupeACXAijre, cuideachaighthc, adj. accompanied Cujle, , every. Sh.
CupeAt), cuidcadh, s. m. help, aid CujleA, cuikach, adj. party-coloured
CupeAtiA, cuideadhach, adj. auxiliary CiijleAg-fjoAAjn, cuileag-shionnachain, s. a glow
, cuideamhlac/id, s. decency worm. Sh.
CupcAco, cuideachd, adv. likewise Cu]lea, cuiieann, s. a whelp, a kitten
CupeAo, cuideachd, s. f. a troop, company 1, cuilcann, s. holly ; Ilex aquifolium. Welsh,
Cupe*rhujl, cuidcarn/iuil, adj. decent, fit Celyn
]!, cuideamhuil, adj. intrusive Cujleen-tpAjA,
CU) cm
Cujlean-tp* ja, -trarha, s. sea Iioily ; Eryn-
m'"a ' CMm^n'uS^a^h * remembering, me-
guim maritimum
Cuile*|, cuiltar, s. a quarry Cuim|eAc, cuimrcach, s. m. an assistant
Cujleaps, cuileasg, s. a jade, a horse ^u)rnjie*n, cuim/trcan, s. a portion, a share
t-u] , cuikat, see cujjiean <-ujiri}teAn, cuimhrcan, s. a messing or eating toge-
CjjejrtJjjieojp, cuileisdightheoir, s. an eaves-dropper
Cujlf|4C4jl, cufhiaca, s. f. a bnck-tooth Cnjmj-e, cuime, s. a mark, aim, aiming
C'ujlyjon, cuilfhimi, 9. afair-haired person V-ujmpeftc, cuimseach, s. m. power, r. i. .
Cujlpon, cml/hiom, holly. 5. . g.
CiijlaeAjipAw, cuilghcarradh, s. back-biting Cujmr-, cuimseach, adj. adjusted
Cu]l5ert)f4]m, cuilghearraim, v. I back-b'ite Cujmreac, cuimseach, adj. mean, little '
Cujljoc, cuilkch, adj. flea-bitten ujmpCe, cuimsighihe, adj. modified
Cujljompo, cuiiwmpodh, s. a retient CujmpiugAB, cumsiughadh, s. a recording
Cujljopl, cuiliosal, adj. vile, worthless Cujn, , adv. when ? . . uajn ?
Cu]l]U5*t), cuiliughadh, s. a boiling. "//. Cnpie, mine, s. an angle, a quoine
ti] I ie, //, s. black cloth ; a qu ill CujneAt), cuineadh, s. m. mourning
CujHeurg, cudleasga, s. hazel rods or twigs Cujneag, cuineag, s. a copy. Sh.
Cujll|org, cuilliosg, see CAjUearg Cujne*! mujjte, cuineal mhuire, s. great white mul
Cujlm, cuilm, s. a feast. Sc. len ; hag's taper; lady's fox -glov es ; cow's lung
]1, cuilmeana, s. hides, skins wort ; Verbascum thapsus
Cjimjou^At), cuilmhionnughadh, s. abjuration , cuineam, v. to coin. Sh.
C)lmjoui5]m, cuilmhionnuighim, v. I abjure Cupeing, cuineang, adj. narrow; prop. crhAjrn .
Cu)lt>5, cuilog, s. a pair. S/. Cjne*r, cuineas, s. rest, quiet ; prop. cjujneAr-
Cujlre, '/, s. beating Ciijneo, wineog, s. f. a mote, a fanning r
Cu)lrean, cuilsean, s. the quilt or tick of a bed Cujneog, cuineog, s. barley and oats
Cujlfeompa, cuilsheomra, s. a bed-chamber C'ujneojj, cuineoir, s. a coiner, minter. Sh.
Cujlrjrear, cuilsirmteas, s. delay, negligence Cujng, cuing, s. a yoke, duty, obligation
Cujlt, ', s. f. a bed, a bed-tick Cujng-anAlac, cuing-analach, s. an asthma
CujrceA, cuilteach, s. a bake-house ]55*1, cuingcheangal, s. m. a thong or band
Cujlteac, cuilteach, adj. having corners by which the )'oke is fastened to a beast's neck
CujbrnAt>, cuiltseaiiadh, \ s.back-slid- Cujnojr, cuindis, v. they kept ; . e. t>o fiongDApjj".
CujIrrleAmnugdt), cuiltsleamhnughadh, ) ing o.g.
Cu'jm, Cttim, s. f entertainment, protection Cujnge, cuinge, s. f. a solicitation, entreaty
Cujm, cuim, s. f. a shirt Cxx^e, cuinge, ls. narrowness, straightness
CupTiAp, cuimhas, s. the list of cloth CujngeAo, cuingeadn, ) .
Cujme, cuime, s. hardness Cujngeac, cuingeach, see cujng])
Cii]rfie*lrA, cuimkealta, s. bruising CujngeA, cuingeadh, \ , requisition, petition, de-
CujmeAmA'o, cuimheamhachd, s. competency Cujn5p, cuingidh, J manding, request
Cujmejp, cuimeir, adj. neat, proportioned Cujngjti, cuingidh, s. m. a hero
CujmeoU, cuimhcoladh, s. wiping Cujngjm, cuingim, v. I desire, request, demand
Cujriea, cuimhgheach, 7 s. m. one compelled by *\ s. a couple, a pair, a team:
Cu)'5e41> cuimhgheadh,\ law. Br.L. Cujnsip, cuingir, [ cujnsjp cpl, a team of
CujmjeAt), cuimhgheadh, s. m. narration, a story Cujnsjieft, cuingreach, I horses ; cujnsjp , a
CupftPeAC, cuimhghreach, ? s. m. a straight, a narrow J yoke of oxen
CujmpeAC, culmhreach, y place, bonds, fetters Cujngjt, cuingit, s. two things of equal size united,-
Cujmpe, cumide, s. an appointed time a double goblet. Cor.
Cujmjn, admin, s. f. a little chest, a box Cujnjca], cuinicter, s. a rabbit borough
Cujmjn, cuimin, %. f. a common Cujnjgjm, cuinighim, v. I assuage, mitigate ; prop.
Cujrnjn, cuimin, s. f. cummin ; Cuminum cjun*)5)m
Cujmjnjh> cuiminibh, s. suburbs Cujnjn, cumin, s. m. & f. a rabbet
CujmleA* cuimleadk, s. intermeddling Cujniod, cuinweh, adj. angular
Cujriiien, cuimhlean, s. m. a wheel CumiotAoj, cuiniochthaoi, v. ye shall keep
Cu'jmne, cuimhne, s. protection, retaining Gumjo, cuiniodh, s. an angle
Cujmne, cuimhne, s. memory, remembrance Cujmol, cuinlol, s. a carnage
Cu]mne*j cuimhneach, adj. mindful Cuinljn, cumlin, even, in opposition to
Cu)mne4c4n, cuimhncachan, s. a memorandum ; a Ciij, cuinn, gen. of Co, a man's name
Cupe, cuhine, s. a corner, an angle, a quoin
]5}, cuimhnighim, v. I mind, remember Cuiein, cuinncin, s. a nostril
Curhnj;r.eo}]s cuimhmghthcoir, s. a remembrancer, 1 ' O o Cujneoj,
chronicler, recorder

Cujeog, cuinneog, s. f. a chum, a pail ; Welsh cyn- Cljtc, cuirt, see cujpo
Cujeog rhjge, cuinneog mhighe, wild angelica ; An Cuj}.teo5, cuirteog,^ 1 an aPPle tree
gelica sylvestris Cujpteec, cuirteach, adj. aulick
CujfjUjn, cuinnlain, s. a boll, stalk, or stem CjpreAmUcT), cuirteamhlachd, s. courtliness, courte-
Cujnpejn, cu'mnrein, s. a snout. Sh. ousness
Cuinje, , "Is. the face, countenance; see Cjprearhujl, cuirtcamhuil, adj. courtly, courteous,
Cujj-eal, cuhinseal, J quot. at cpom condescensive, complaisant, affable
Cujnj-e, cuinnse, s. a quince Cujpte*p, cuirteas, s. m. courtesy
Cujnpeoift, cuinseoir, s. m. a poinard )4, cuirtcasach, adj. courteous
^, cuinsgeallan, s. a stable Cujpreog, cuirteog, see cujpo
Cujntopuro p, cuinsorchuidh se, v. be will render, Cjpreoj, cuirteog, s. f. a kind of cup
return, or recompence Cujpreojp, cutrtcoir, s. m. a courtier
Cujp, cuip, s. f. foam, froth Cujjieoj], cuirlheoir, s. m. an inviter
Cujpapoeac, cuiraideach, cunning. Sh. , Cujpcjn, cuirtin, s. f. a curtain
CujpbearA, cuirbeachta, s. bird's claws Cujjcj), cuirtir, s. f. an eunuch
Cujjtc, cuire, s. f. a knife, a whittle Cujp, cuis, s. f. a cause, an affair, a reason, motive,
Cu)jce, cuirce, s. ats a plea, suit, procedure, law-suit
C'ujficeog, cuirccog, s. f. a hive CujrBujir*, cuisbhurta, s. a buffoon. Sh.
Clpele, cuiscle, s. a private affair
C,Vt, m*J"- Cujpoeog, cuisdeog, s. the little finger
Cujp, euird, s. a trade ; see *> Cujpjotrtv, cuisdhiotaidh, s. appeachinent, arrange
Cujpe, cuire, s. f. a feast ment
Cujpe, cuire, see cojpe Cujpe*n, cuisean, s m. a crime
Cujjie, cuire, s. the number five Cujpeoj, cuiscog, s. f. a stalk, a straw
Cuj|e, cuire, s. m. a multitude, throng, company Cu]peo5ac, cueegach, adj. cauliferous
Cujpe, cuire, s. a body of soldiers five deep Cujpgle, cuisgle, s. a fight, a battle
Cujjvea, cuircadh, s. m. an invitation Cujpjl, cuisd, s, counsel ; ;'. e. comnjjile. o. g.
CujpeAoa, cuireadach, adj. knavish Cujpjn, cuisin, s. f. a cushion
Cuj|te*r, cuireat, s. m. the knave at cards Cujple, cuisle, s. a vein, a pipe, a pulse
Cujpe*tp, cuireathar, v. it was done, it came to Cujf\ZV^Scu7ledhaeh, } ad-b > veined
Cujje-4t*]p, cuire-alhair, s. the master of a feast Cujplen, , s. a small vein
(']14, cuirialta, adj. curious Cujplen, cuislean, s. m. a castle ; prop. ca)ple*n
CupjaltACr, cuiriultacht, s. curiosity Cujplenec, cuisleanach, s. m. a piper
Cu.jijt>, cuiridh, 7 s. a feast, a meeting, occursion. Cujpleana, cuisleariuch, see cujpeogac
Cu]]tjT, cu/Y/f, J Lee. Cujple-rhp, cuisle-mhor, s. an artery
Cujppjn ban, cuiridinban, s. common parsnip ; Pas Cujpleog, cuisleog, s. f. a lancet
tinaca sativa Cujplm, cuislm, s. f. a pole
Cuipjm, cuirim, v. I put, set, sow, plant, invite, ren Cajplj cuisli/rn, s. a driuking-cup; a tube
der Cujpne, cuisne, s. ice, frost
Cujjijn, cuirin, s. f. a small pot, a can Cujpneamujl, cuisneamhuiL, adj. frosty
Cujpljun, cuirliun, s. a curlew Cujpnjgjm, cwsnighim, v. I freeze, congeal
Cujjim, mm, s. f. beer, ale ; Welsh cwrw Cujpnjce, cuisnighthe, adj. congealed, frozen
Cu))m, cuirm, s. f. a feast, a banquet Cujpon, cuison, s. nu a judge
Cujiimea, cuirrneach, adj. festive, festival Cujpoti, cuison, adj. wise, prudent
Cujpmeat), cuirmeadh, s. feasting Cujpte, cuisit, s. a couch
Cujpmjm, cuirmim, v. I feast Cujr, cuit, s. m. the head
Cufltmju^At), cuirmiughadh, s. banqueting Cujt, rtii', s. m. circumference
Cujpnen, cuirnean, s. a ringlet, the head of a pin Cuitbejl^ cuit.'.bheirt, s. a helmet, a hat
Cu)jneanc, cuimeanach, adj. full of ringlets Cujbe, cuithbhedh, s. sorrow, grief. 4 Mast. 1444.
Cujpnjn, cuirnin, s. f. a small vessel Cuite, cuite, adj. quit, even
ujppe, cuirpe, 1 adj . corrupt, wicked, im- Cuite, (uithe, s. a trench, a channel, a furrow
Cujjipteac, cuirptheach,} pious Cu]te' s. aden
Cu)]ipc4ct>, aiirpeachd, s. corruption, wickedness Cuite, Wiw, adj. sound, healthy, well
Culpeo]}, cuirpeoir, s. a carper. Sh. Cute*> cuiteac/L, s. m. a denial, refusal
Cu)jtrjm, cuirsim, v. I tire, fatigue Cui'eftC, cuiteach, s. m. a requiter
Cujppeac, cuirreach, s. a level plain, a marshy place Cuite4C, cuiteach, adj. equal, even with
Cujipe)l, cuirreil, adj. clear, evident, plain Cuiteac, cuitheach, s. m. foam, froth; rage, fury
' Cujte,
cm cul CUfl CUM

CujceAt, cu'iteadh, &. m. recompense, requital Clg, culog, s. f. one that rides behind another
Cujceal, cuiteal, s. the cuttle fish Culog, culog, s. f. a coltop
Cujtre*Jtt>*, cuilAfeardAa, s. m. an encampment, Culog, culog, s. f. turf, peat
military head-quarters CulpAjr, culpait, s. f. a defence from cold ; " cul-
Cujqj, cuitigh, v. he swore ; i. e. no mjonAjs- . g. i. e. cajI pure, pujt . e. ." Cor.
Cu]c)5^m, cuitigAhn, v. I reward, requite Culphoc, culphoc, see culboc
))5*, cuitighlhe, adj. atoned, requited CljtABApcA, culradharcacA, adj. circumspect
Cupjorh, cuitiomA, s. a recompense ClAjoeA, culthaideacA, adj. preposterous
Cujcjua, cuitiughadh, s. a reparation, requital CltAjpnjm, culthairngim, v. I retract
Cl, cul, s. custody, guard, defence CultA], culthaicA, s. f. a defence, redoubt, support
Cl, cul, s. m. the back part of any thing , cuitar, s. a coulter
Cl, cul, s. m. chariot ; a coin CulujjeA, culuigheacA, s. apparel
Culb) culag, s. turf, peat Se. Cum, cum, s.. the waist, see com
Cul*5, culag, s. cheek-teeth. Sc. Cum, cum, s. m. form, shape
CuIaj, culaidh, s. apparel, vestments Cum, cum, s. m. a combat, a fight, a duel
CuUp, culaidh, s. a tool, instrument, a boat Cum, cum, answers to the English particles to aud
Cul'4)t>-f|U)l, culaidh-shiuil, s. canvas for; as um rlejoe, um oejt, um Buj>
Culajm, culaim, v. I thrust or push back mbcAia, &c.
Cul* j |> culair, s. f. the throat, palate, chops CumA, cuma, adj. indifferent, equal
CuUnCAf, culantas, s. bashfulness CumA, cuma, s. m. a form, fashion, manner, model
CuUjurn, cularain, s. cucumbers CumA, cumha, s. a bribe, a reward
Culb, culb, s. m. an artist, a carriage-maker CrhA, cumha, s. sorrow, grief; lamentation
Cul-b)je, cul-baire, see bjpe CurhA, cum'ia; s. power, superiority
Cul-Doc, cul-bhoc, s. a he goat, a buck , cumacA, s. m. a breach, derout
Culc4)ne*t>, culchaineadh, see cljnc Cr4C, cumhacA, adj. plaintful, woeful
ClcAjnmi, culchainim, v. I back- bite, slander , cumhach, adj. narrow, strait
4Clc*jnr, culchaint, s f. calumny CurhACAg, cumhachag, s. an owl. Sc.
ClcrnteA, culchainteach, adj. back -biting CurnACAjl, cumhacail, s. acouch
Clcjnceojp, culchainteoir, s. m. a back-biter , cumAachd, s. f. power, force
Clcejmnju*t>, culcAcimniugAadA, s. tervigersation urn OA, cumacAda, s. a command
Culorrhejo, culchoimheid, s. a rear-guard 0>, cumAacAdacA, adj. powerful, mighty
Cubj, culdich, adj. retired, set apart. Sh. CmAnA, cumhacAdacA, adj. sad, sorrowful
Cle4jl*]r> cukaralais, s. a corps de reserve.. Sc. CurhAoArhujl, cumAachdamkuil, adj. mighty
CulgA, culgha, adj. hind Cuam, cumadh, see
CI54BAJI, culghabhail, s. adoption CumA, cumadh, see
Cl*D*jm, culghabhaim, v. I adopt Cum*, cumhadh, see crrw
Cul5*Jttj, culgairi, s. a charioteer. Lec. CrhAAC, cum/iadhach, see crh*
CulgAjytm, culgainn, s. a recalling Cum*o*m, cumadain, Is. m. a framer, shaper, de-
Culgajjijmjm, culghairimim, v. I recall CumAtsojP, cumadoir, J viser, fashioner
CuI1aca>, culghlachadh, -s. m. adoption CumAojpeAo, cumadoireachd, s. device, invention
Cul^UcAjm, culghlacaim, v. I adopt Cum*5, cumhag, s. acuckow. Sc.
Culj-Bporco, culid-bhrostadh, s. an incentive. SA. CumAjA, cumhagacA, adj. curling
Culp p*no)T>, culidh-fanoid, s. a laughing stock. SA. Cum*5-b >5A0-tjne, cumhag-bhogadh~toinet s. wag
Cuil}-ie*ll4)t), cuilidh-mheallaidA, s. a dupe. Sh. tail. Sh.
Cul-vce, cul-ithe, s. back-biting , cumalde, s. a drinking cup. 0. g.
CuaUa, cualla, s. a hood, a cowl CumAjl, cumail, s. holding
CulU, cullach, s. m. a boar CumA)l|m, cumailim, v. I touch, I wipe, rub off
Culljn, cullin, see )1 CumAjlc, cumailt, s. f. touching, wiping
Culloyo, culloid, s. f. noise, splutter, brawl CuiriAjm, cumaim, v. I shape, form, frame
, culloideach, adj. noisy, brawling CumAjm, cumaim, v. I hold, fasten, keep
ClmAipe, culmAaire, s. m. a wheel-wright ; cha ) cwnalneach, s. communion
rioteer CrhAjnj, cumhaing, adj. narrow, strait J
QXm^culmhasla ) s. back-biting * cum^a nSe* :IUJ- narrowness ;
ClrMflugAj culmhaslughadh, J 6 CrhAjnsjm, cumhaingim, v. I straiten, make narrow
C!rhArlu]]m, culmhasluighim, v. I back-bite Cum*])- cutnAais, a. f. a selvage, a border
ClmAflugteo)], *ulmhaslughtheor, s. m. a back Cum*)r5, cumaisg, s. f. a mixture
biter Cum*rim, cumasgim, v. I mix, blend
ClrhtAjtie, culmAictaire, s. m. a mutineer 1^> cumats^the, adj. mingled, blended
ClrhtAjjieA) culmhutaireachd, s. mutiny " Cum*l,
cuy CUM cup CUP

Cmel, cuma!, s. m. three com, the value of three Curhjuco, cumhrachd, s. fragrance
cows Cumpj, cumhrog, s. f. sweet apple tree
Crial, cumhal, s. f. obedience, subjection , cumhsanach, adj. peaceful, tranquil
Ciful, cumhal, s. f. a hand-maid, a bond-maid ; a >, cumhsanadh, s. tranquillity, rest
woman employed in turning a quern. Cor. ], cumhsanaim, v. I rest, repose
CuitiaI, cumhal, s. f. a hood, a covering CumpA, cumsgadh, s. ringing. Sh.
Criuro*, cumhtdha, adj. belonging to a servant CurhfgAl, cumhsgal, s. moving, stirring
Cm*rhu)j, cumamhuil, adj. shapely CmpgAA, cumhsgat/ia, adj. moved, provoked
Curh*n, cumhan, s. mourn fatness, a strait. Sh. CumpccugA, cumsccughadh, s. removal, expulsion ;
C'nman, cuman, s. a skinner ; a sort of dish. Sh. " CoAt\ UA f^jll cumpccujA plajfjor 1*
, cumhang, s. m. power, strength a riAc fjn, Cnp) eoAjn." 4 Mast. 1455.
Ciirhanjaca, cumhangacha, s. coarctation, narrow CmpSUgA-, cumhsgughadh, s. marching, journeying
ness CumfA, cumtha, adj. shaped, formed
>5], cumhangaim, v. I coarct, make narrow CumfAC, cumhthach, s. m. bribery
CniungpAc, cumhangrach, see curhgAC CumrAt, cumthadh, adj. dear, costly
, cumiinn, "Is. communion, society, mutual CumfAnA, cmnthano, adj. helping, keeping, o.g.
union", cummn, J friendship, union Cumul, cumhul, see cuttiaI
Cuman, cumantiy \ adj. common, ordinary, trite, Cumup, cumus, s. m. power, ability
, cumannta,) usual , cumusach, adj. able, sufficient
, cumannach, adj. alfcctionate Cumup5, ciimusg, s. mixture
], cumaoin, 9. fellowship, communion ? ? adv. when ?
Cum:ojn, cumaoin, s. f. an obligation , evn, s. time, hour
Currkojnea, cumao'mcach, sec cumajneac ^, cunabhaireas. s. slothfulness
, cumaontas, s. commonness, generality , cunablach, s. m. .1 carcase, a carrion
Cum*]t, cumar, s. m. a valley; the bed of a large CunA, cunach, s. dodder; Cubcula
river or a narrow sea; a point or place where Ciiat>a6, cunadhach, adj. having armies or assistant
streams or roads meet CuntiJtAC, cundrath, s. m. an agreement, league,
-, cu-mara, s. a sea hound ; the proper name covenant ; " i. . , i. . 00 pju
of a man OCAp ]1AC 11." Cor.
], cumaraicc, s. people living in a country CunjAjt), cungaidh, s. materials, tools
full of valleys and hills CungAncA, cunganla, ladj. helpful; lude cun-
, cumas, s. . strength, power CungAiicAC, cungantach, J ^, assistants
, cumasach, adj. strong CungAncil, cungantolr, s. m. a helper, assistant
, cumascc, s. a mixture CunfcAjtAC, cungarach, s. exigent
CumApgAC, cumasgadh, s. mixing CungAp, cunghas, s. a co-operating
, cumasgaim, v. I mix, mingle CungDAjljm, cungbhailim, v. I hold, fasten
, cumhdach, s. m. defence, protection CungOAjJteA, cungbhailteach, adj. firm, durable
Cuittoac, cumhdach, s. m. a veil, covering, cover of CunDAjlteACt), cungbhailteachd, s. durability
a book Cungjp, cujigir, see cujng)^
, cumhdach, s. an ouch, an ornament CungnAiti, cunghnamh, s. help, succour, aid
, umhdachta, adj. fenced, guarded Cunln, cunlan, see cojpeApn-muc
Cunvoft]im, cumhdaighlm, v. I fence, maintain, sup Cu, cunn, s. m. a body
port; roof in a building CuiA, cunta, S. friendship
CumgAC, cumhgach, s. m. a stumbling block CA, cunnach, s. . moss
CumgAc, cumhgach, s. in. straitness, distress CuAt), cunnadh, s. . fire-wood
, cumhlachtaidh, s. m. a sucking pig CuftAptAC, cunnarthach, adj. betrothed, pledged
1>, curnhladh, s. m. rubbing, wiping CmIa, cunnla, adj. modest
Cmv.Ujm, cumklaim, v. I rub, scrape, wear CuuIact, cunnlacht, s. wisdom- 0. g.
, (umhnanta, s. a covenant *, cunnradh, see cunojtAt
CumnAntjA, cumhnantgha, adj. federal , cunnradhach, adj. agreed upon
-^, cumhnantaighlm, v. I covenant Cuuil, cunnuil, s. objection
^, cumhnantuigne, s. a covenanter CiitAOAittt, cuntabluiirt, s. doubt, danger
Crhnnntu]e, cumhruntuighthe, adj. covenanted CntVj*)l*ceftc> cuntabhairicach, adj. doubtful, dan
Cumofi, cumcnn, see gerous
Cumfr*], cumpar, see compujp CuutA)m, cuniaim, v. I reckon, enumerate, tell
Cumpeijtf, cumpeird, s. bearing, bringing forth CntAp, cuntas, s. m. account, reckoning
Cumpa, cumhra, ad], sweet, fragrant CmApac, cunatsach, adj. keen, sharp, narrow
CuiipAA', cumhrachadh, s. an incumbrance , , acup. fab. gabiong
, cmnhrachaim, v. to encumber Cupn, fu/x'J 1 0 0
, cupar, s. m. conception, generation Cuppn bnpe, curran bhuidhe, s. a carrot
> , cupar, s. m. a hawk Cuppn tieApg, curran dhcarg, s. a radish
, cuphair, s. f. cypress
Cupp, currel, see eujppjl
Clip!*, /, s. a pair, twins CuppjjAln, currghalan, s. m. a bucket; a didapper
1], c:ip,'aim, v. I couple, pair , ctirfth, adj. weary, tired, fatigued
Cup, cur, s. m. an excursion, expedition. 4 Mast. Cuppfaj5jm, currthaighim, v. I tire, fatigue
Cuj, cr, s. m. an invitation. An. Con. 1225.
, cutrthus, s. m. lassitude
Cup, cur, s. m. orange colour, . e. bujc -j - , currthasachd, s. m. weariness
. . , cursa, s. a course or manner, row, rank, order
, cr, s. m. a surety, pledge, witness , cursach, adj. winding, meandering
}, cur, s. m. sowing, planting, sending, putting, , cursachd, s. traversing
throwing; snowing CiippAAt, cursachadh, s. a malediction, cursing
Cup, cur, s. in. power
Cup, cm, s. present time
Cup, cur, s. m. weariness, fatigue, irksomeness
Cup, cur, adj. difficult; noble , cursta, adj. bad
Cupo, curach, s. m. a body
CupjTADA, curstablia, s. a bucket
Cupa, curach, s. m. a small boat
Cuppujp, cursuir, s. f. a messenger. L. Br.
, curachan, s. ni. a skiff
CuptA, cwtha, part, fought, sent, set
Cup4C-n*-cu*j5, cu ach-na-cuuig, s. small-leafed
Cuprjp, curlhoir, s. an inviter
bellflower Cupuc, curudh, s. a banquet. Heb. cera
, curadh, s. m. a champion, a knight
, curadh, s. m. an obstacle; severe distress CpumAC, curumach, see
Cupp, curaid, s.f. a curate, c.p. Cur, cus, s. rent, see cjp
, curaideach, adj. frisky, cunning Cur, cms, s. a quantity, enough
0, curaidheach, adj. chivalrous Cuj'a, cusadh, s. a bending, inclining
, curaideacht, s. friskiness, cunning -g, cusag, s. wild mustard. Sc.
, curaidheacht, s. chivalry; tillage ; plant CurAjm, cusaim, see CAfAjm
Cuj-aI, usai, s. courage, strength
ing ; wrestling Curbojp, cusboir, s. m. an object, a mark to shoot at
Cupnj5e<n, curaighean, see cujpjn
^, curaigean, s. cheese-runnet , cusmasc, s. diversity
, cwam, s. m. care, attention, anxiety Cupmu, cusmunn, s. custom, impost
Cupp, cusp, s. m. a kibe
Cupam, curam, s. m. a prey, a prize
, curamach, adj. careful, attentive, busy , cttspach, adj. kibed
, cutamas, s. m. care, diligence , cusporachd, s. objection, argumentation
CupantA, curanto., adj. courageous, gallant Corpp*t>, cusporachd, s. throwing at a mark
CurppApjm, cusporaidhim, v. I object, aim at
, curantackd, s. m. bravery,
, curasan, s. m. a milk pail Cuppp-, cuspordlui, odj. objective
Cupe, cus, s. . skin
, curat, s. m. a knight
^, custairc, s. m. a skinner, a tanner
, crala, adj. heroic, brave 1, custal, s. m. a girding of the loins for run
, curba, s. lewdness
), curbiscach, s. an addition ning, &c. - e. rpupcala. . g.
Cuprum, custum, s. a ceremony, custom
CupcAj, curcag, s. asand-piper, a bird. 5.
CupeAjp, careis, s. f. flags ; a bull-rush Cur, CM/A, s. m. a head
, ^, s. rage, fury, fierceness, madness
CupcAjr, curcais, s. f. hair , cutach, adj. bob-tailed
, , s. m. acorner, an end, seile, situation , cuthuch, 1 adj. furious, raging, wild, sa-
Cupp, wrr, s. m. a pit, a fountain
, cuthaidh,} vage
, currach, s. m. a cap, woman's head-dress CtAjI, cuthail, X adj baghf j
, currach, s. m. a marsh, a bog, a feu CaI, citfAe/, ) *'
, currach, s. m. a level plain, a course CcAjleAn, cuthaihachd, s. bashfulness
), ctirrachd, s. m. sowing; a small farm , cutallaidhc, s. m. a companion, comrade
)5, curracaig, s. m. a lap-wing. Sh. Cuf1, cutharlan, s. any bulbous rooted plant
cuA)5, currac na cuaig, s. blue-bottle. Sh , cuthbhar, s. m. a helmet
, currach, s. m. a burying ground , cuthbharun, a sort of cap
Cuppn, curran, s. any kind of tap-rooted plant


The letter D or Duir, which is so called from duir, the oak tree, is now the fourth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and ie
ranked by our Grammarians, among the cruadh-consoine, or hard consonants; but by adding an A, or fixing a full
point above it, it falls under the denomination of light consonants, called in Irish consoine ead-troma. In our old
Manuscripts D and T, are written indifferently ; as, carad or carat, a friend ; iad or iat, them, &c. And this indif
ference is common also to the Greeks and Latins; as, Gr. oude and oute, neque, &c. ; and Lat. haud and haut, re-
liquit and reliquid, quodannis and quotannis, &c. In the Greek language, the third rank of the mute consonants is
T, D, and Tli, the middle consonant D, respectively corresponding to T and Th. Now it is to be observed, that
in the Irish language, any word beginning with T, will, in its variations, admit both D and Th ; as, Tima, a lord,
Lat. Tyrannus, and Gr. Tyrannos ; a d'tiarna, their lord ; mo thiarna, my lord, and so on with every word, whose
initial letter is T. The Irish D corresponds with the Gr. Delta and the Lat. D ; as, I;-. Dta, God ; Gr. Zeus, accust.
Dia, Gr. Titeos; Lat. Deus. Ir. dearcadh, to see, from dearc, the eye; Gr. derco, to see. Ir. do, two ; Gr. and Lat.
duo. Ir, Dis, two persons ; Gr. Dis, Lat. Bis, twice. Ir. Dac or dag, mi deich, ten; Gr. deca. .and Lat. decern.
The Irish D also agrees with the Gr. Th, or Theta ; as, Ir. Doras, Ang. Sax, Door; Gr. Thuras, accust, plur.
This Irish letter agrees in like manner with the Hebrew Daleth or DA, which by putting a full point over it be
comes a D. (See the general remarki on the letter B.) Ir. Diris;, or Dirk; Lat. Dirig, to direct; Heb. Derech,
via, iter, and Perach, drexit viam, tetendit. Ir. Duillc and Duillo, the page of a book, Heb. Deleth, folium,
pagina libri. The Irish language is industriously censured by some critics for admitting a superfluous D or Dh in
the latter end of several words; but these censurers should consider that this redundancy of the letter D was for
merly observed in the Latin, of which we have a remarkable instance left us in Fabr. lss. Antiq; Expl. p. 427,
Neve in publicod neve m privatod nevextrad urbem de scnatuos seiUentiad, &c. And we find a near coincidence of that
redundancy in the Hebrew Language; for as in the infinite mood of several Irish verbs, such as fealladh, to deceive,
Lat. /allere, dearcadh, to see, Gr. derco, D and its aspirate dh are not pronounc ed ; thus in the Hebrew Raah, to see,
leah, to toil or labour, &c. The final letter He or h, is not pronounced, but like the Irish Dh, becomes a mute or
quiescent letter. Many other examples of redundancies both of consopants and vowels, as also of barbarous forms
of words in the old Latin tongue may be produced from Signor Fabretti's collections of ancient Roman Inscriptions
and other writings : an/I this barbarity of the Latin we may trace down to the time of the first Latin poets, such
as Ennius and Nsevius, nay even as far as Plautus, in whose time the Romans did not think themselves entitled to be
excluded out of the number of the barbarian nations; since this poet not only calls Nievius Poeta barbaras,
but also says of himself on occasion of his version of a piece of Greek into Latin, M. Atticus (for that wa-i his name,
Plautus being only a nick name) vertit barbar. Whence it appears that Festus Pompeius was well founded in saying
that anciently all nations excepting the Greeks were called barbarians ; but the proud Greeks should in gratitude have
excepted the Phenicians, from whom they had received the knowledge of letters, and the Egyptians, to whom they
owed their Theology and Mythology. And indeed the Latin may be justly looked upon as a mere barbarian Lan
guage, when it was written in such a style as appears in the few following lines, Sluom ea res consoleretur, iovsisent censuere
Pious V. oiwvorsei homines virei, atque rnulieres sacra nequisquam fecisse velet, neve inter ibei virei Pious duobus, mulieribus
Pious tribus adesse vlent, nisi de P. R. Urbani, Senatuosque sententiad ntci supra scriptum est H/iice utei in conventionid ex
deicatis ne minus trinum noundinum Senatuosque, &c. Fabr. ibid. pag. 427. These two samples of the old Latin are enough
to demonstrate, that the Language of the primitive Romans, mm h famed as they have been, was at least as much
charged with redundant consonants at the end of words, as the Irish is thought to be ; and if those who censure it
for such redundancies of consonants, did but look back and consider the kind of Jargon their ancestors spoke and wrote
about four or five hundred years since, and even to the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, they could not but ac
knowledge it to be a much more uncouth and rude Language than the Irish ever hath been. Ins a well known fact
that the sons or grandsons of the chiefs and leaders of those English who adventured into Ireland on the expedition
in favour of the King of Leinster, and made settlements there under the protection of that Prince, became so
disgusted with their own native Language, that they utterly abandoned and forgot it, and spoke no other than the
Irish; insomuch that the English government judged it necessary to order an Act of Parliament by which the
English who settled in Ireland were strictly forbidden the use of the Irish Language under certain penalties. To all
which I shall add that those censurers of the Irish Language for a pretended redundancy of consonants, betray their
want of knowledge concerning the true marks of perfection and autiquity of Languages, of which marks the most
essential is thepreservation ofradical letters, which are properly the consonants ; and in this very point the learned Mr.
Lhuyd gives the Irish the preference of perfection before all otherdialects of the Celtic tongue, as may be seen in his
Archadogia, pag. 23, col. 1. But it is moreover to be observed, that in reality there are no redundant or superfluous
consonants in the words of the Irish Language, though there are some that are not properly radicals, originally
belonging tc the frame of the words they are found in. Of these non-radicals there are two sorts; the one consist
ing of consonants that are merely adventitious, of which there has been a good deal said in the remarks on the
letter A ; I mean those consonants that are thrown in between two vowels belonging to two different svllables. But
as those adventitious consonants have the sanction not only of antiquity, but also of examples in Greek and Latin,
and I dare say in most other ancient Languages, they are not to be counted superfluous; especially as they are o"
particular use in easing the voice by preventing a disagreeable hiatus. Another kind of adventitious consonants is
frequently found at the beginning of words, particularly when those words have a reference to persons or things,

as in the words ; a ti doirne, their fists, ar n' dchas, our hope, a g' cinn, their heads, in which the consonants (n) and
(g) are naturally foreign to the words they are prefixed to, though the nature of the laaguage absolutely requires
their being prefixed in such circumstances. But the other sort of consonants which are not properly radicals, are
yet neither adventitious nor foreign to the nature of the words, but do rather necessarily arise trom the inflections of
nouns and verbs, and therefore cannot be redundant. Nor do those non-radical consonants clog the Language or
render it disagreeable in its use; inasmuch as they are mollified, or rendered entirely mute or quiescent by the
aspirite (h) excepting only the consonant brought in as an initial, which is always pronounced; but then it eclipses
the radical consonant to which it is prefixed; so that the word is pronounced as if that radical consonsnt had no
existence, though all radical initials are religiously preserved in the writing, for the sake of preserving the
original structure and propriety of the Language ; a method which that candid and learned Welshman, Mr. Lhuyd,
highly commends, and shews the abuses which the non-observance of it by ihe Welsh writers has occasioned in
their Language. See Archaeol, pag. 23, col. 1.

bi, da, adj. two b*54-io)ol4], daga-diolald, s. a bolster. Sh.

04, da, adj. good ; t>4 , a good son O454, daghadh, s. empyreuma
04, da, conj. if; * is sometimes used for 45 ; as, DAgAjm, daghaim, v. 1 singe, burn
^ w ]4j>40, asking, begging, &c. b*54jt, daghar, s. m. wind
&'4, d', written for oo 4, to her, bis, their 5040, daghothach, s. a diphthong
&*4, d'a, written for no 4, or more properly x>e , of b4gre, daghte, adj. singed, burned
or from his, hers, or their 4)], daibhiy s. David, a man's name
4-404]C40, da-adharcach, adj. bicornous b4jhlj*5, daibhliag, see C4jrhlj45
*, dabh, s. a cow Sh. b]Bjj, daibhir, ) ..
0404, dabhach, s. f. a large tub, kieve, or vat b4,h|e4, daibhreach, ] ad> 0> Pr
bibnp, dabhar, s. m. a bucket, a pitcher b4jje*r, datbhreas, s. f. need, poverty
4-be4t4, da-bheatha, s. amphibiousness b4)ce, daice, of or belonging to a tribe
0*-40, da-bheathach, adj. amphibious b*jcejl, daicheil. Sc. see aatiujI
bBpojp, dabhsoir, s. m. a dancer b*)ejl4o, daicheilachd, s. handsomeness. Se.
)04, dabhliadhnach, s. m. a two year old bip, dai'd, s. m. a father ; Welsh dad ; Heb. dod
&4bo, dabhoch, s. farm that keeps sixty cows. $k. btjrBjJ, daidhbhir, adj. needy, poor
ABeujib, dachbkemla, s. an idiom. Sh. bjr, daif, s. f. drink
biceAiA, dacheannach, adj. biciptal, bicipitous bt)5, daigh, adv. for
bice4}n40, dachearnath, adj. biangulous )< daigh, s. hope, confidence, see oojj
b*o]|)4, dachorpach, adj. bicorporal b*]5, daigh, s. f. plunder, slaughter
bcop, dachosach, adj. biped b4)5, daigh, s. f. cause, matter
b4jut4C, dachrulhach, adj. biformed bAjg, daigh, s. f. fire, a firebrand
b^tdadh, U * jot, a whit, a trifle, a mote, b*j, daigh, adj. poisonous, irritable, furious
daiamh] any thmg, somewhat b4)j, daigh, conj. because ; on account of
bA)54Jlle, daighairle, s. good counsel. 0. g.
4t>4r, dadhas, s. m. a fallow, deer 4)5)0}45, daigkbhlorasg, s. fuel
bi-uj, da-deug, adj. twelve bajgjrhjol, daighchinnmhiol, s. enamelling
-)114, da-dhuieach, adj. bifoliated b4)5e4t>i daigheadh, s. giving, delivering
b4mun, dadmun, s. a mote, an atom 4]540, daigheadh, s. a good time, good opportun
bAomumc, dadmunach, adj. ato mi cal nity, great odds ; . e. oe45-e4
banoU, dadolack, s. a large knife b4)5e4j, daigear, s. a dagger, a poniard
, dae, s. m. a man, a person b4j5e4jt54, daighcargha, adj. fiery, furious
bte, dae, s. m. a house ; Ijoj-r>Ae, a palace bj5re*p, daighfcar, s. a rogue
04e, dae, s. m. a hand; po fjn b4)5)> daighidh, s. burning
, dae, s. m. a nunnery b*)5jm, daighim, v. I give, I do, dare, I burn
be, dae, s. m- a wall, a rampart btjgneA, daighnech, s. a fort, a garrison
bi-p*00!*** da-fhaobhrach, adj . two-edged b*j5ne4C0, daighneachadh, s, establishing
b4-t)*cl*c> da-fhaclach, adj.bidental b4)5nj5jm, daighnighim, v. I establish
bi- jicp, dafhiehid, adj. forty bill, dail, s. f. a decree, ordinance
bi-jrilte, da-fhilte, adj. two-fold bill, dail, s. f. delay, respite
b4fog4)i, dafhoghair, s. f. a dipthong bill, dail, s. f. a share, portion;
bi5, dagh, adj. good; -ihujncjp bill, dad, s. f. an account, history
b4j, dagh, s. m. good ; t>a no 15*54)6 -j t>Jo bill, dail, s. relations, friends
00 r>toc4i>. Cor. bivl, dail, s. f. desire, willingness
dag, s. f. a fish ; Heb. daga bill, dail, s. f. spanngness
^, daga, s. a pistol, a dagger. Sh. bestowing
bijl, dail, s- f- g'vi"g> best
b*54, dagath, adj. armed with a pistol. Sh.
7>'2) DAI mi DAL

i)!, dail, s. f. a separate tribe ^"b")^"1 daingnighim, v. I fortify, confirm

Cftj:, dail, s. l. a meeting, convention C,)n5T,]5te> daingnighthe, j)art. affixed, confirmed,
D*]!, Jai/, s. f. a plain, a field married; "Cap )p 4)115)11 rabajpt epjj
D)t, dail, s. f. the space between the rafters of a %ii)pe 45ur loj-pb. . . 1. v. 18.
iiouse 0)51)1154, daingniug/iadh, s. fortifying, ratification
Dftjl, dW/, adv. near, within reach 4jnojt>e, dainoide, s. a school-master
ijl-, dail-chalh, s. a pitched battle. Sh. bajp, dair, s. f. an ; Welsh dar
bjl-ciuc, dail-chuach, s. a sort of herb. Sh. b*j, dair, s. f. captivity; " O pvba 4 -
bijleao, daileadh, s. ni. tradition ; affiance bjlonoa 50 gcejn >)]-." M'Par.
bujjeam, dadeamh, see tujljom 4)p, dair, \
04),,e4, daireadh,)*- bu!lug ; 5 sajpeao
toijljn, dailan, s. f. a scoff
^jleo, daitcog, s. f. the date tree ' 4))i4m, datram, v. to bull, take the bull. Sh.
t5a)l)m, <iailim, v. I give, deal out 4)]ib, daub/i, s. f. a worin ; a little person
b*p|orn, daiiiomh, s. m. a butler ; " )n np leftg- bajpDeoj;, dairbheog, s. f. a tadpole
v4)ljorMn Phrtjiorrtn 40 , entrjr." Dejpbjie, daiibre, s. an oak, a nursery of oaks
Kau. This is a literal translation of the Hebrew 4)j)e, daire, tue proper name of a man
word Mashkeh, one who giveth to drink ), dairt, gen. of 4jji, also a wood
bajlle, dadle, s. blindness, darkness &4)je, dalighe, s. an oak apple
ojllj j, dadligh, adj. corpulent. Sc. 04)je, daiighe, ; dj oaken
))10, daillinntleuchtuch, adj. dull-witted 4JPC dairt, s. f. a clod, a heifer
bjle, daitthe, part, dealt, divided, parted 4jnte40, dairteach, adj. full of clods
)|, duitt/ie, adv. after 0), dais, s. f. aheap, apile, a rick
&*)lte, dailw, s. a foster-child 0)), daisgin, s. f. a writing-desk
b)lre, dailw, adj. nursed *jt, adj. quick, nimble, active
b]lrjn, dailtin, s. f. a foster-child tUjie, daithe, part, revenged
*]lt]n, dailtin, s. f. a jackanapes, a puppy 4)te4g4c, daithea^iiadh, s. revenge, revenging
bjlrjnear, dailtnicac/it,\s. impertinence, puppy- bajeATfibt), daithtamhlachd, s. comeliness, gran
bijlrjnear, dailtineas, J ism, rascality, scurrility deur
bajrn, daimh, s. a church, a house, people 4)ce4rhu)l, daitheamhuil, adj. colourable, feasible
ajrh, daimh, s. kindred, consanguinity, connexion 4)temu)l, daitheamhuil, adj. comely, handsome
4jm, daimh, s. assent, free-will t>4Fe4ml4, daitcamhla, i fc a foster.father sh
b*)rh, daimh, s. a poet, a learned man 04)te4n, ciaitean, )
bjrh, daimh, s. oxen 04)fe4rc, daitheasc, s. m. eloquence, a speech
4]rh, daimh, adj. troublesome 4)ce4rc, daitheasc, s. unanimity
banfwl, daimhal, adj. connected, allied. Sfn 4jreo)]i, daiiheoir, s. m. an avenger
ajtnceojn, daimhdheoin, in spite of, in opposition to 0iti, Daithi, the proper name of a man
bajrheac, daimheach, s. m. a companion, associate brtjf rge, daithighe, adj. coloured
0]rii-*c<n, daimh-eadan, s. a frontispiece t>4)f jm, daithhn, v. I revenge
bijrheamujl, daimheamhuil, adj. friendly, related 4)fle, fa/A/< adv- after
4)rh-jreo)l, daimh-jheoil, s. beef 4)tn]t>, daithnid, s. sorrow
brtjmjoc, daimhioch, adj. having many relations *)fte, daithte, part, dyd
4-)rhl)45, daimhliag, s. a church built of stone ; *j, dal, s. m. a share, division, lot
hence Duleek, in the County of Meath, where it 0|, dal, s. m. a tribe, a family; the land possessed
is said the first ecclesiastical stone building was by a tribe
erected in Ireland il, //, s. m. an assembly
4jmne, daimne, s. loss, damnation, damage bl, dal, s. m. a plain, a field, a dale
b*jmrjTi, daimsi, s. f. a damson 4I, dal, s. m. an assembly, concourse of people
bjn, dem, \ gen. of , a poem ; gne > ; pe4jt 041, dala, s. news, historical relations
4I14, dana,] rimjakindofpoemjamanof song 4I4, dala, s. an oath
&4jnt>eo)ii, daindeoxn, see oAjrmbeojn tula, dala, s. espousals, meetings
4]nje4ii, daingean, s. m. a strong hold, inclosure, 04 14, dale, as to, as for; eU na %u)rhne ^
fornlieation b44je4, dalaigheadh, s. assignment
?4)54, daingean, s. m. an assurance, contract, bhiibjrn, dalaighim, v. I assign, appoint
marriage bftl4n, </&, s. m. a great bulk
b*]n:;c4rt, daingean, adj. strong, secure, close bftUn-w, dalan-de, s. m. a butterfly
b.ijngiie, daingne, s. f. strength, stability b4lb, dalbh, s. m. a lye, contrivance
4jn5ne4Cti, daingnec.chd, s. f. a bulwark bj!b4, dalia, adj. impudent, forward
bajn^neaTriu)!. damgneamhuil, adj. fixable , dalbhdha, s. sorcery
trtjnjnjf, daingnid, s. compactness, firmness bale, dale, s. m. fire ^
' . . b4l540l,

* pol, dalgaol, s. tn. affinity o*rti|)A, damhra, s. m. the people

* , doli, adj. blind, puzzled , damhra, s. m. a wild beast
, daUadh, s. blindness, cecity, cecutiency, 4, damhsa, to me L e. oo mjre
blinding Arnj-4, damhsa, s. dancing
'*ll*j5ent, dallaighsanta. adj. fat, fatty o*rip4-'ojpe, damhsa-deisc, s. a strathspey
0*)50, daUaigeantaeh, \ adj. dulhvitted, fool- OArhpAJSjm, damhsalghim, v. I dance
011);)0, dallmtinneach, f ish, heavy , damhsoir, s. m. a dancer
0^ll4]m, jab, . I blind, blindfold, puzzle AihcAc, damhthach, s. m. a student
o*lUn*c, djllanach, s. a winnowing fan , damhtha, adj. scholastic
, dallma, s. delay, tediousness Amt4thiiil,, adj. scholar-like
All, dallog, s. f. a leech b,mujnce, damuinte, part, condemned, damned
0*ll5-ftn-pjt4oj, dallog-an -fraokh, s. a shrew Oit, dan, s. m. a poem, poetry, science
0alI5-j.-eojii, dalle og-fhemv, s. a dormouse, a mole , dan, s. m. work
, dallraim, v. I dazzle, I blind, , dan, s. m. fate, destiny, lot
Alljiuja', dallrughadh, s. dazzling, blinding , dan, adj. strenuous, undaunted, dictatorial
allpujjte, dallruiglithe, adj. dazzled, benumbed An, dan, adv. also, likewise. 4 Mast. 1469.
, dallta, like, likeness, in manner of. Sh. 0, dana, adj. bold, intrepid, impudent
, dalma, adj. obstinate, audacious n40T>, danachd, s. m. poetry
01, daltn, "Is. m. a foster-child, a pet, a disci- 4>, danachd, ~\ . ,
0ltn, dallan, / pie, a ward , danadJs, I s- m' "P^ence, pre-
b4rc4, dallad, adj. betrothed ^, damigheacht,) slimPtl0n> bldness
016, daltachas, s. fosterage, fostering An4j5jm, danaighim, v. I dare, defy, adventure
lrjn, <///;, s. f. a stripling AnAjj, danair, s. m a Dane, stranger, foreigner
, dam, s. m. a conduit, reservoir 0n4lojn5jop, danaloingios, s. a fleet, or squadron
, e//, s. m. a poet, a learned man , daar, adj. strange, peregrine
, damh, s. m. an ox 04]54), danargaid, s. money-worth, goods
, damh, s. ne. a people, tribe, family b.uiAjtcA, danartha, adj. danisb, foreign, cruel
, damh, a. learning, a poem 04, danat, s. a nurse
barn, damh, for oo me, to me 00, dandha, adj. fatal
., damhach, see oaoa , daiifhear, s. m. a Dane
, damhitdh, s. . permission, liberty 0, dannartha, adj. impudent, stubborn, opi
0), damhaim, v. I permit, allow nionated, undaunted, dictatorial
0*r*if, damhair, adj. earnest, keen b4A]tAo, dannarthachd, s. impudence, stubborn
Arrmjp, damhair, s. haste, hurry ness
*]' damhais, see ] , dont, s. a morsel, portion, share
bAriiAjnrj, damhainsi, s. acuteness, depth of erudition bncu}eACT>, dantuigheachd, practice of poetiy
Amjpte, damaiste, s. damage, detriment
^otdaochog,}s-{- Periwinkle, a sea-snail
, damhan, s. m. a young ox or bull
4m*n-ll4j. diimhan-alaidh, s. a spider caII, daochall, s. m. a morsel, a bit
0-11, damh-allta, s. a wild ox, a buffalo 04, dpochan, s. m. anger
4mant4, damanta, adj. damned, condemned ajcnA, daochanach, adj. angiy
. damhas, s. a dance tin), dar, s. a wicked man, a herce animal
]*, damhdatar, v. they forbore ; . e. oo 0>)1, daoil, s. f. a leech
pujingeA'oAp '<oin, a"aoin, for oe or oo 40jn ; " o'AOjnce4p."
bArqrej, damhje'idh, . a buck or red deer. Sh. jne, daoine, s. mankind ; men ; plur. of oujne
1, damhlann, s. an ox-stall .ojneAC, daoineach, adj. populous
, damhna, s. the matter out of which any thing cojneAp, daoineas, s. manliness
can be formed ; pjoj-AmnA, the mattei out of b.o]p-pe)^ daoir-bhreith, s. a severe sentence
which a king may be formed ; a person tit to suc iOjjJeA) daoireadh, s. dearness, costliness
ceed to-the crown fcta))Hrje, daoirfhinne, s. a subjected people, slaves
, damnadh, s. m. damnation, condemnation boil^l0"4 daoirgludla, s. a bondman, a slave
Amnat), damhnadh, s. a band or tye b-ojttmeArAc, daoirmtasdach, s. m. a task-master
], damnaim, v. I condemn, damn bojtipe, daoirse, 1 s> dearth, scarcity ; cap-
ArhnAtA]i>e, damhnartaidhe, s. m. a bullock boiw-*, daoirscachd, \ tivity>Wdage, slavery
OAmnujAti, damnughadh. s. damnation 0]]<1, danrsin, J
Amnuijjm, damnuigh'im, see OAmn4jm &, daoirghthe, adj. enhanced
^, damnuighthe, adj. damned, condemned boinrj5eoW' dawsighiheoiT, s. m. one who en
, , .,, 1 s. m. a schoolmaster, a hances
-, dwh-oidhe, I ch u, teacher
0mur1u4, daoii sig ''"dt, s. emiancmg
4rhphup<b V, damhfhupa, J f the people
1 Qq b^j}r)uAjm,

^JPrjUBAjm, daoirsiughaim, . I enhance D4pb, darb, s. m. a worm, a reptile

b4jib, darbh, s. m. a coach, chariot
<* daol, s. m. a bug, beetle, chafer
o<o , ,20/, g. m. a fierce animai b*pcft)n, darcain, s. f. a mast, or acorn
b4)C4n4jm, darcanaim, v. I gather acorns
O<ol, daol, adj. lazy
JFe*, daolfhear, s. m. a lazy man 4}1, darda/, s. m. bad weather, severe time
, darn, s. m. a school
o<o 05, daolog, s, f. an idle woman b*i-jjo4, dar-riogha, adj. superior to kings
~* ?5*c, daologach, adj. abqunding with beetles
D<o!5-Bj,e4, daolog- bhreac, s. a lady-cow, lady-bird b*-jtjji)h, da-riribh, adv. particularly
b4jtl]om, darliom, I think; with me
lady-fly b4jg, dars-, s. an oak
jj*m*Jnm, daomhaisim, v. I ruin, destroy
4]4, darsan, s. m. a murmur
b<on, 'aw, v. to raise up, ascend b4jtr*t), dartadh, see o4]jteA
, daonchon, s. the moral of a fable
b-onoujgnn, daonduighim, v. I put on human nature , dartan, s. m. a herd, a drove
b'ionjuj|, d'aonfhuit, adj. of one blood, akin b4|rl4C, dartlach, adj. impossible
bconjiojijle, daonghaoidhile, s. moral philosophy b4j\ das, s. m. a de.4c
b4f4o, dasachd, fierceness, boldness
*, daonna, adj. human, humane * pACt>4C, dasachdach, adj. fierce, bold, presumptuous
b<0R4co, daonachd, s. humanity, civility
kiOfiacca, daonachdach, adj. humane, civil, liberal 44, dasan, adj. binocular
^1, daor, adj. captive, condemned; guilty bp5)4:4, dasgiathach, bipennated
barj, dasidh, adj. furious, mischievous
^>1 <&", adj. dear, precious, costly
b4t, dut, s. diet.
bj4, daoruch, s. m. drunkenness , datk, s. a gift
**ojut>, daoradh, s. m. dearness At, dat/i, s. a colour, dye
b.opnTs, daoradh, s. m. condemnation, disapproving
fciojujm, daoraim, v. I condemn, convict 4; data, s, giving
4, data, adj. swift, nimble; af. e. luafc. 0. g.
w 1 jdaoranach,' }I s. m. a slave
, 04, data, adj. pleasant, handsome, agreeable
o<0}UI4, daorara, J b44b> dathablia, s. Hellebore
-Ojuppa, daorarra, s. m. dear goods b*t4, datlmdh, s. m. dying, a tincture
iOjiBooa, daorbhodach, s. m. a slave, a churl
.ojiUfi, daorchlann, s. slaves, plebeians, servants , dathach, adj. coloured, chromatick
b4t4p, dathadh, s a present er favour
iojiojjtjgie, darchoirtghthe,[aj. attainted
b4AT>jP> dathadoir, s. m. a dyer
*Xoitijl, daordhail, s. f. rigour 0 5, dathag, s. a worm in the human body. Sh.
^nijleac, daordliaiteach, adj. rigorous 44]14, dathagmhortach, adj. anthelmintick
b^opjta, daoroglach, s. m. an apprentice, a ser
b4t*]m, dathaim, v. I dye, colour
vant boy, a slave af ariiiar, dathamhlachd, s. honor, respect, decen
iopotpap, daorothras, .s. a cancer
cy, comeliness
b<oppA, daorsach, see ]40 *44, dathamknas, s. decency
bjtc4, daortha, adj. condemned, enslaved ; obnoxi
bAtemujI, datuxmhuil, adj. pleasant, comely) decent,
ous genteel, graceful
00f54ji, daosgar, adj. unteachable barn, datan, s. m. a foster-father
bop54), daosgar, s. m. refuse, remainder
bp54fplu4S|, daosgarsluagh, s. m. the mob, the dregs bt4n, dathan, s. colour, paint
b*A, dathann, s. spots. S. A. 60.
of the people b4f-lot>A, dath-chlodhach, adj. parti-coloured
b<of4jn, daothain, s. f. sufficiency, enough
b'*j, a'ar, for 00 4j, to our, o *]l cclojn , da'hc, s. agility
bteos*6 datheangach, adj. bilinguous
b'4jj, d'ar, 7 whose, whereof ; ne4 '*J
aj, Dathl, the proper name of a man
b'4f4b, d'arab,] \ fttjS, dathigh, s. a home. S.
bjt, fon?, adj. second bAtnAjti, dathnaid, s. f. a foster-mother
b4}4u4l, darabhal, s. m. an oak-apple, a nut-gall
b*fj*ti, dathughadh, s. dying, colouring
, j s m an Qaki fVdsh derw be, prep, of, thereof ; i. . e, of it
be! , adv. whence ; oe
, daiadh, s. rutting &, e, gen. of God
(-'> dara-deug, adj. twelfth f, gen. ot t>)4, a day ,
b jpAg, darag, s. a stone as large asa man can cast.
15-*), darg-thalmhuin, s. germander. Sc. fce, ea, see , a man
be4, rfea, s. science, learning, poetry
b.vjH 15p. daraighe, adj. oaken "4b4ti, deabhadh, s. haste, speed
4)55), darairgnegheadh, s. thought. U be4b*t>, deabhadh, \ s. a dispute, debate J a skir-
)14]15^5), darangneghim, v. I think. 0'2?.
00], deabhaidh,] mish, a battle '
bjpapj, dararich, slapdash. Sh. '
0], dcabham, T- IT hasten
, dars, s. m. a bouse a dwelling bep*jm,
dea 2)621 DEA

beAo*jm, deabhaim, v. I dispute, contend OeAtunAcc, deadhanacht, s. m. a deanery

eADloc, deabhlach, adj. stout, magnanimous , deadad, s. finding
, deabhlach, \ adj. contentious, quarrel- beAAjp, deadhair, adj. swift
beaBta, deabhthach, J some, litigious OeAt>bAD, deadhbhachd, s. a civility
eaBju, deabhradh, s. proof, testimony ; . e. "- OaAAl, deadhbhal, adj. wretched, woeful
Ba. . g. OAojf, deadiih, s. the tooth-ach
', deabhradh, v. was said ; . . . . g. bcAtsU, <&7</, adj. bold, confident
, deabhthach, adj. hasty, speedy , deadlas, s. m. confidence
, deach, s. a syllable. Cor. , deadhmann, s. a moth
, deach, s. following, o. g". beAibojl, deadho'd, s. f. dawn of day
, deacha, better ; compar. of oeA ^, deafhogharach, s. a diphthong
. deacach, adj. difficult 5, deag, adj. ten
60, deachadk, s. agoing, coming; vo . b'Ag, eTeag, v. died
ec. 10. 2. beAg, deagh, adj. good ; in the beginning of com
, deacair, adj. strange, wonderful pound words it signifies, well, good, fair, &c.
beACAjp, deacair, adj. hard, difficult ^, deagha, s. a chafer, a bug ; /'. e. t>*el o. g.
be*A][i, deachar, s. separation, desertion beAA-buje, degha-buidhe, s. yellow centaury ; Chlo-
ejj, deachair, s. following. ' /. ra perforata
bjACAjp, deachair, s. brightnmg, polishing, bright ^^, deaghageantach, adj. well-minded
ness beAgAjgne, deaghaigne, s benevolence
aAjn, deachain, see pucAin beAgAjlc, deag dit, s. a discharge, divorce
, deacarachd, see boAjAjnm, deaghaimn, s. good name
, deachasa, interj. lo, see, behold bfcAAjp, deaghair, see t>eAt>Ajj:
, deachbhidh, customarily. Sh. beAgAltAjm, deaghaltaim, v. I recall
, deachdadh, s. dictation, dictating ; a law ^), deaghamhlachd, s. dexterity, a knack
eAcoajm, deachdaim, v. I dictate, debate, teach, bAgAnAC, dcaganach, s. a deacon
account ^, deaghanach, adj. late, last
beaototf, deachdthoir, *)s- ~4' beAgAjirgAJt, deagharsgar, s. a chronicler,. antiquary
beAgbeup, deaghbheus, s. good manners, morality
eAouj5teo)lt, beAgbeupAC, deaghbheusach, adj. moral, civil, virtuous
1, deachlach, adj. hard, difficult beAgbkp, deaghbhlas, & a good relish, flavour
eAcrriA, deachmhadh, s. a tenth, a tythe beAgblApoA, deaghbhlasda, adj. well-flavoured, dain
, deachmhadh, adj. tenth ty
eAriiAjc, deachmhaic, see >1 &1, deaghhholach, adj. sweet-scented
, deachmhaing, adj.>strange, wonderful, a. g. beAgbo.A, deaghbholadh, ~\ s. a sweet smell.
beACrhAjns, deachmhaing, aoj. unable, diminutive ; beAgboltAn, deaghbholtan,. Y odour,, fragrance,
/. e. . . g. 51. deaghbholtanas,} perlume
, dtachmlioradh, s. courtesy,, affability beAjbolA, deaghbholadh, s. perfuming, embalming
eATTui^t), deachmhughadh, s. a tything beAgbolcAnAjmi deaghbholtanaim,} v" *5
0dACmuA)m, deachmhughaim, v. It} the beA5boltpA,m, deaghbholtraim, J fragran't
eAnAriiAp, deachnamhar, s. a decade
beApA, deachra, adj. separated beAgopAjipeACAp, deaghbhraithreachas, s. brother^
, deacra, coupar, of )]* hood
, deacrach% adj. severe, hard beA5bu)lACA, deaghbhuilachadh, s. frugality- Sh.
, deacrachd, s. difficulty, hardship beAgcouiAfi, deaghchomann, s. ingenuousness
, deachradli, s. anger, indignation beAojn5)oll, deaghchoingioll, s. integrity
beAjtAt), deachradh, s. arbitration, adjudication, dis , deaghchreidmheath, adj. faithful
crimination ; /'. e. jt>]]x>e#lu*. . 51]00, deaghchroidheach, adj. kind-hearted
bec, eecA, s. divinity, God-head b. AgcumtA, deaghcumtiia, adj. well- shaped
, deacht, adj. pure, genuine beAjoAjp, deaghdhair, adj. swift, nimble
beACtA, deackta, s. instruction, dictates beASAjp, deaghdhmry s. a just man
;], deachtaighthe, adj. taught, instructed beAAitceAp, deaghfhadhcheas, s. holy fear,, reve-
]], deachtoir, s. m. a dictator
, dead, s. m. a tooth, the jaw, set of teeth; beAKtocb, deaghfhoclach, adj. well spoken
sometimes used for ivory b 151*>, deaghfhoghradh, s. a diphthong
, dead, adj. meek, proper, decent, becoming beAtuin, deaghfhiun, s good-will
, deadh, s. the end , deagkghean, s. favour
bAACt, deadkacht, s. godliness, religion beASlllb deaghghloir, s. aftabihty
beT>A]l, deadail, s. releasing, weaning, separation beAlllileA, deaghghlotveach, adj. affable
bA*n, deadhan, s. m. a dean 00 " Oe55nojin,
2e2i DEA

bcggnjoTi, dtaghghniomh, s. a benefit, a good act be]f, deaith, adjt idle, silly, /'. e. rjrkojn. o.g.
~;', deaghgkuth, s. euphony be*]e, deaithach, adj. windy
oeajomajp, deagh'mmchair, s. a good comportment beal, deal, s. a blood sucker
Oeapfd, deoghla, s. salutation, good day bertU, deala, s. kindred, friendship
0fllrt04j]tt, dcaghlabhairt, s. oratory, propriety in beala, deala, s. refusing, denying
speech 1, deala, s. a churn, a cow's udder, a nipple
be4Iao*ji4, dcaghlabhartha, adj. conversible, well- be*!*, deala, s. a leech
spoken bealat, dealachd, s. m. a divorce, separation
fctMgjompA, deaghictnradh, s. good report bealftj^jm, dcalaighim, v. I separate, divorce, quit
0045115;4, deaghlabharthach, s. m. an orator bealn, dealan, s. m. a coal
eajUjH, deoghlabhrach, adj. well-spoken, elo , dcalanaeh, s. lightning
quent -, dealan-de, s. a butterfly
b'egU 50, cTeagla go, for fear that, lest that n-oopujr, dt alan-doruis, s. a latch of a door
Oei5l<cc, etsghlaoch, s. a good soldier be* In, dealbh, s. m. the visage, countenance, face,
oeAjIudjjcr, dtaghluaidhitchl, s. benevolence form, frame, image, figure, statue, picture
edjriiajpedc, dcaghmhahcach, adj. handsome, comely 1, dealbh, s. m. a sign, a signal
eagrfiAjf-jgjin, deaghmhhighim, v. I adorn bealo, dealbh, aJj. poor, miserable
easrhitjrjiijjAi), deaghmhaisiughadh, s. ornamenting bealljA, dealbha, s. a framing, fashioning
bcAgmeaf, deagkmheas, s. good esteem , dcalbhach, adj. resembling, handsome, in
e,t5,ri>eanmrtn, deaghmheanman, s. good courage genious, inventive, specious, pleasant
earhejrnea, deaghmheisneach, s. good courage, , dcalbhacha, s. speculation
confidence dealbhad, s. formation
bejjrhejrneArhujl, deighmheisneamhuil, adj. confident bertlBAtin, deatbhadan, s. m. a mould
, deaghmholadh, s. recommendation ]!), dealbhadoir, s. m. a statuary, a painter
e*5mupire, de.aghmhumte, adj. well-bred bealBAim, dcalbhaim, v. I frame, ,form
^, deaghnach, see ^ beAlBcmi, dealbhchluth, s. m. a drama, a stage-play
eAgna, deaghnad, s. frost eAlBciutAC, dealbhchlutliach, adj. dramatic
0eanr, deaghnos, s. a good custom beAloluA'o)], dealbhchluthadoir, s. m. a stage-
eaijnop, deaghncs, s. temperance, decency player
^,, deaghmsach, adj. decent, temperate eAlBljonioip, dealbhl'bhthoir, s. m. a painter
beajb}e*c*, deaglioibreacha, s. good works 0 Infijo , dealbhsgrobhaim, v. I limu
e*5o)oe, deaghoide, s. a good teacher 1 a, dea/bhtha, adj. fictitious
bjagopear, deaghoideas, s. good education 1", deabhthach, adj. pleasant
^, deaghoideasach, adj. discreet, well- 01)|, dealbhthoir, see oeAloAoojp
taught beAiDrojpeAcr, dealbhthoir(acht, s. delineation
be*5opouj5re. deaghorduighthe, adj. prudent, pro bertlDr, dcalbhus, s. m. misery, poverty
vident, well-ordered, well-regulated 1> dealg, s. m. a thorn, a skewer, a pin, a bodkin,
bee ijof>u)5jm, dcaglwrduighim, v. I regulate, me a prickle
thodize beAlsA, dealgach, adj. thorny, sharp-pointed
bej)irtc4]jtceAC, denghradairceach, adj. quick- beAlj-cluAjre, dealg-chluaise, s. an ear-pick
sighted 15))1, dealgfhiacuil, s. a tooth-pick
beajjiAprm, deaghraidhim, v. I love sincerely eAlfcfudr, dealgfhult, s. a hair-pin
bertjjin, deaghnui, s. good resolution eAljjonA, dealghionadh, laying waste. Sh.
beAgjiunoA, deaghrunda, adj. wise ^, dealgmidhc, s. m. a rebel, an out-law
05|1>0', dea^hnindachd, s. wisdom eAlnAjeA, dealgnaidheach, adj. unjust, unlawful
bertjif-omplA, deaghshvmpla, s. good example , deallas, s. m. zeal, hurry, quickness
be*i;j"-ompl.u-, deaghshomplach, adj. exemplary eAll*f4C, de.allasach, adj. zealous, nasty
beafif5, dcaghthuv', s, renown 11, deallrach, adj. like ; pjr like it,
beujf.ij-^A, d aghtha>gach, adj. renowned, famous compared to it
t^eAifciT, deavhthemd, S00cl, rePort beAljiA dealradh, s. irradiation, illumination ; bright
belfcjpUr, itaghthtisdeas,]*' ness, splendor, resplendence
beAjto-jI, deahtho'i1, s. f. benevolence , j . ,, , ~) adj. bright, shining,
beAll^AC, dealradhach f ,en.
begtodeA, deaghAteach, adj. benevolent 1*, dealraidhthcach,^ t)1cnt
beAgfpjAl, deaghikria!, s. ;i good gait
;-]|, deagh-uair, s. favourable time r3eAljviti]m, dca.'raidim, v. I shine, irradiate
b;*5M]l, dcaghuil, s. f. twilight; 5]1 mfljene, beAlfmj'e, deahmdhe, adj. brightest
dawn ; see )! bcAlju]eft'' dealruightheach, see -^^
b^ajj-Aioe, dcoghusaide, s. good ue beellfAt, deallsat, s. the) touched, resorted, vq-
)~, deaith, s. wind, air quented, " e. c*tAjllrei:." 0. g.

eftlc, dealt, s. f. dew be4jB4, dearbhach, adj. sure

Dehig, dealughadh, s. m. separation, divorce bea pBactajm, dearbhachtaim, v. I assure
edlujjed, dealuigheach, adj. separable beaj,B4ctujte, deaibhachtuighthe, part, assured
eluj5]m, dealuighim, v. I divorce, separate, leave, be4jio4tu)5ceojj, dearbhachtuightheoir, s. . an
forsake assurer
ealujjjte, dealuighthe, part, separated, divorced 4)<40, dearbhadh, s. certifying, assuring
eAm, deam, s. want, scarcity 4}40, dearbhadh, s' experience, confirmation,
bornai, deumal, , ., bearer, rfMr^/,j ^a,nty' assurance' Proof>
be*lhon, deamhon, J S- m' a dem0" r eyd SPmt
0eni*pp)n, demharruin, s. f. a mystery be4fB400jp, dearbhadoir, s. m. an affirmer, approver
eiiiap, deamhas, s. scissars, sheers be4jil)4t>f ujl, dcarbhadhshuil, s. autopsy
einhnojp, dcamhnoir, s. m. a conjurer be4jBajm, dearbha'tm, v. I prove, confirm, assure
eariinojjtertt, deamhnoireacht, s. conjuration be4Hl54]pt>e, dearbhairdhe, s. an accumulation of
earhnujge, deamhnuighe, adj. devilish. evils. Ann. Con. 1224.
e4riip*, dcamhra, see t>j<vriijtjt be4pb*jjtt>e, dearbhairdhe, s. a sign, token. 4 Mast
ean, dean, } , J452.
, dea^S'' Clm beftoa, dearbhann, s. an axiom, maxim
eenAoa, deanachdach, adj. vehement, grievous beajiDAjujrc, dearbharaisc, s. f. proverb ; a vessel
00, deanadh, Is. m. action, doing; luce >4- be4i)4ji-, dearbhart,
fceanam, deanamh, J ma rn4jt, doers of good bc4|iol]45, deatbhliag, >s. m. a touchstone
44>, deanadh, 1 bea)Di)5, dearbhog, )
0e*nrA0, ^a,}^-^6 beapBcliarhujn, dearbhchliamhuin, s. a son-in-law
eanaoo)], deanadoir, s. m. a doer beAjtBgnjom, dearbhghniomh, see oef.Ba
44, deanadas, s. doings, efficiency 4|1, dea'bhloma, s. a milk vessel
eanajm, deanaim, v. I do, make act, work 4)|44)}1, dearbhrathair, s. m. a brother
, deanas, s. m. a space, a while bejB}*44)j-44]l> dearbhrathair. athair, s. m. an
440, dcanasacli, adi. efficacious, efficient uncle by the father
be*r\ck>i*k,d<anc.hbdhacn, adj. of changeable colours be4}B]i4 4j}t-iriAt4)p, deaibhralhair-mhathair, s. m.
eancojpe, deanchoire, s. f. a cauldron an uncle by the mother
e*Ti5(n, dcangan, see re*n5<m b::4l0ttAjtne*r, dearhhraithreachd, \ s' f' fraterm"
-anriu, deanmhadh, )> s. an effect
. b. 4lBl4f4)t4Co, dea, bhrathurachd, f . ' s" 'l'U -
w v , ,
, deanmnaa, j J brotherhood
deanmhasach, adj. prim, coy be4|Bph)uf4}, n bhphiuthar, ) ,
bean, deann, s- impetuosity, force, haste a sister
be4iBfju]., dearbhsitiur, \
bean, deann, s. colour, figure ^ ^tsi j l/ji ") adj. confirmed, sure, cer-
beafug, deannag, a little quantity of any comminated * LiTi j u.l^u tain, tried, certified, as-
., dearbhthach,^ cemine
matter, a pinch. Sh.
beaajm, deannaim, v. I colour 44>, dearbhthachd, s. confirming, alleging
be*R*l, deannai, s. stir, hurry, haste be4}tBu)5jm, dearbhiaghim, v. 1 affirm, swear
beaalac, dcaanalach, adj. impetuous beA]c, dearc, s. f. the eye ; see quot, at V("ot>
beantd, deanta, part, done, finished bejc, dearc, s. f. a berry- ; a lizard
, deantach, adj. practical boapc, dearc, s. f. a cave, a grotto, sepulchre
, dcantanas, s. doings, deeds 44, dearcablia, s. m. an oak apple
be*nr*r, dtantiis, s. m. activity bc4)tcc, dearcach, adj. having berries
40, deantasach, adj. active , dcarcadh, s. alms; see t>j}ic
beuntg, deantog, s. f. a nettle b<4jic4t>, dcarcadh, s. beholding, seeing
beaficojlb deantotr, s. m an actor, a maker be4}tc4)m, dearcaim, v. I see, behold
beAji, dear, s. a daughter e4}iclu4]4, dcarcluachrach, s. a lizard, an eft
beaft, dear, s. a denial, refusal be4]cnA, dearcnach, adj. goodly, handsome
bityi, s- m- a Pop, a tear b4j-)n, dear-dhun, s. a penitentiary, oratory
, "> adj - great, prodigous 45, dcarg, \ adj. red, crimson, rosy, ruddy,
bajia rffer<1> s- notice, remark be4{t54n, dcargan,] sanguine
beapac, dcarach, adj. sad 4**> dea'gadh> s- plowing
be*tvs, ', </i/47g talmhan, fumitory ; Fumaria be4i*^> dcargadh, adj. erubescent
officinalis be4p5)5e*, dcargaightheach, adj. red-faced
0aM4teil' dearaonteach, adj. despairing be4j5*]rn, deargaim, v. I redden, I burn
, dearbh, s. . & f. a churn or milk pale be4p54jm, deargaim, v. I prepare, I plow
, dearbh, adj. graceful, handsome 4}*> deargan, s. m. the fish called bream
be<*lBj dearbh, adj. sure, certain, true, fixed beP5n, dcargan, s. m a flea
beajtB, dearbh, adj. peculiar, particular Rr be4j54il4c,

beAfgnAc, deargamch, s. m. a soldier, a red-coat ]-, dear-theach, s. an apartment in a mo

0eAj5n-<lt-, deargan-alt, s. a redstart nastery calculated for prayers and penitence
bert)tj;-qi]4t>, dearg -criadh , s. ruddle beA]-, re, s. the south, the right hand
e4f*:;Ti-rtt4)jc, deargan-fraoich, s. a gold -fir. ch be*]-, deas, adj. right, precise, correct, neat, pretty,
0|514>, dcarglasadh, adj. flaming, red-hot elegant, conscinnous, dapper
*1,5')(5- deargliagh, s. a surgeon bear, deas, adj. austral, meridional
eajtgrup, deargnaidh, adj. unlearned, o.g. , deas, adj. proper, decent; dexterous
P5nuij-e*c, dcaignuistach, adj. ruddy-faced beA]*AAt>, deasachadh, see cenpugat
^, dearrrwither, s. a bloody fight ), deasachd, s. qualification, quality
beapgrujle, deargthuik, s. a red flood , deasad, s. appositeness, prettiness
eapsunr, deavgunt, s. m. a flea , deasadan, s. m. a repository
bc.|!jc, dear/air, s. f. a gift, benefit beAfAjjm, deasaidhim, v. 1 prepare, get ready,
bsAjflcjAr, dcai highadh, s. a giving, bestowing knead, bake; trim,, dress, adorn, correct, season
bejlg*t>, dearlughad, s. inflicting, fastening upon beApAjm, deasaim, v. I stay, remain
), dearnuid, s. forgetlulness, negligence; beAj-Aln, deasalan, s. m. a buffet
an over-sight beApArhujl, deasamhuil, adj. southward, antarctic
0e*jim*t5*, dianncdach, adj. forgetful beArcAfcr, deascacht, j Remains, lees, dregs, yeast;
beAjtmATMj^e, dearmaduighc, see bearc**, deascadh, \ ^ApcACt r,onA,leesof wine,
!, deai viadaim, v. I forget, neglect 1 ) *5 ntsojne, the mob
be]m4T04rhu]l,, see beAfCA, deascadh, s. the last ; submersion
, dearmadtha, adj. forgotten , deasda, adj. eldest Ballim.
beAjtrnAjl, dearmail, s. anxiety beArcjmeA, deasceimcach, adj. having a stately gait
bo4jirn*]l, dearmhail, adj. huge, very great 1, deasfhoclach, ad. ready-witted
beAftTTU)}*, deavmhair, adj. excessive, vehement, beApgAt), deasghadli, adj. southern
violent, intense, extraordinary beApgAe, deasgadh, see
, dearmhara, s. a wonder 5)1, dcasgabhail, s. ascension
, dcarna, s. the palm of the hand beApgtiAr, dcasgnath, s. ceremony
beAjinap, dearnad, s. a flea beApgnAT A, ekasgnathach, adj. ceremonious
4|4)0)]1, dearnadoir, s. m. apalmister beApujn, deasguin, s. f. molasses, yeast, rennet, lees,
bt'(}mA'oo]fet>, dearnadoireacht, \ s. palmistry, chi- dregs
4], dearnaite, j rumancy be*p5u]neAC, dcasguincach, adj. barmy, dreggy
, dcarnaim, v. I handle beApUBAjp, deaslabhair, s. volubility
ihu]}*e, deama mhuirc, s. common lady's bCAplAbAptA, deasiubharthaA ,
mantle; Alchemilla vulgaris beApUBpA, deaslabhrach, J J ^
beAfijl, dearoil, adj. beggarly, poor, wretched beAplADitA, deaslabhradh, s. elocution
boApjleAt), dearoUeachd, s. want, defeat beAplirh, deaslamh, s. the right hand
bcApfiArn, deariasat, s. hurry ; snarling beAplnu, deaslamhach, adj. right-handed, dexter
, dearsach, adj. beaming, shining ous
beAftpA, dearsadh, s. a sun- beam, a ray beApliftACD, deaslamhachd, s. dexterity
]?, dtarsaigh, s. watching, vigilance beApojjieA, deasoircach, adj. spicy. Sh.
baAjipoiSeAt), dearsuigheachd, s. watchfulness beappojfieAt., dcaspoireachd, s. disputing
bsA]irA]5)m, dearsaighim, v. I watch bcAppojjteAt), dcaspoireachd, s. logick, a quibble
beA]rAjm, deatsaim, v. I shine, beam beAppojpjm, deaspoirim, v. I dispute
w 7 o/. "II s. I polish, beApgAt), dcasughadh, s. amendment, mending,
beAitrc-Aim, '5/7, ' file,
beATircnAim, dearscnawi, f exPose> explain, praise, adorning, preparing, qualification
11 1 ' 'J commend, excel beApujjeAt, deasuigheachd, s. vigilance
beA}rCA]*eA, dearscaitheach, adj. polite beApujgte, deasuighthe, adj. prepared, ready, adorned
b2A|tfCA)ieicr, deatscaitheacht, s. m. politeness beApujsteojp, deasuightheoir, s. m. a mender, a cob
^, dearscnaithe, adj. complete, finished, bler, composer, compositor
bright, polite, of good parts beAtA, deatach, s. smoke, vapour, exhalation
beAprgAjm, dearsgaim, v. see weAfipcajm beAtA-tAlrhujn, deatach-thalmhuin, s. fumitory
beAppAjte, dearsgaithe, s. science beAtAjgeA, deataigheach, adj. fuliginous
]*50, dearsgnadh, adj. devout beAtAjgeAt, deataigheacht, s. smokiness
beAjirgnu^At), dearsgmighadh, s. polishing ^, deataighim, v. I smoke
beAKbTune, dearsgnuighthe,\ f ,^mP,ete',fi"- bsAtAjgte, deataightht, adj. smoked
beAtArhu)l, deatamhuil, adj. full of smoke
beArujA, dealughadh, s. smoking
beAjtppiujsreAct), dearsgnuigluheachd, s. politeness, , deaicha, see ]1
excellence, elegance beBle, deb/iie} s, a diminutive

, deblmion, s. devotion, vulg. bejj, cif4V/, s. ice

becealn, dechealt, s. cloth; . bp no ljne. Cer. bejs, ac|v. after
, dtckedfaidh, s. war, buttle eJ3> ^'J^, adj. good, well ; see fceag
becpj, decsidh, s. protection. TVg. Cor. ^, dcighbheasach, adj. well-behaved
bo, ded, s. food, victuals bej5be*ra, deighhheatha, s. a good life
eSel, dcdhbhel, adj. poor, miserable bejjepioc, deighchriock, s. a good end
boe, dede, two ; " a;n no ." g. bejgearhujl, deigheamhuil, adj. inquisitive
bael, /t-/t/, s. f. a calf. Cor. bjgeam, deigheanach, adj." hind ermost, see eit-
bela, dedfila, adj. bold, impudent, presumptuous onad
becla, dedhla, adj. stout, magnanimous ; u tuatal b^jjeanuj^e, deigheanuighe, compar. of oejjeanAC
ceola -." be)j,pepme, deig/ifheidhme, s. good- use
beppoal, defhordal, s. error i3e]55")orn, deighglm'wmh, s. a good action
begaj, deghaidh, adv. behind ; 4 rroe^ap, after bergjomaji, deighiomchar, s. good conduct
bganac, deganach, s m. a deacon. 4 Mast. 1414. bjjonac, deighionach, s. the last, hindermost
bejgpep, deighflics, s. professorship bejjlarh, deighlamh, adv. afterwards. Sc.
bfjaoe, demie, s. care, diligence bejjlen, delghkan, s. a quire of paper
joear, deibheadh, s. m. a debate, a battle bejjrhjan, deigkmhian, s. m. good wili, benevolence
b^.jDeao, deibheadh, s. m. haste, speed bejjrjana, ikighmhianaeh, adj. well-meaning
bejbpe, deibhidhe, s. the first sort of an t>jftea, a bejjrhear, deighmheas, s. approbation
kifid of verse which requires that the first quartan bejrheapajm, deighmheasaim, v. I approve
shall end with a minor termination, and the second bej^rheapa, deighmheasda, adj. approved, estimable
with a major bejrhear'oaco, deighmheasdachd, s. approbation
bejBjp, deibhir, s. f. fierceness bejrhjn, delghmhein, s. f. sincerity, gracefulness
bejc, deich, adj. ten bej^ne, dcighnc, s. a lineament
bejca, deichach, decuple, tenfold. Sh. be^nepeac, deighneitheach, adj. handsome
bejcbljawan^ac, deichbkliadhangach, adj. decennial bej5njor, deighniomh, s. benefaction
bejcBpj^e, deichbhrighe, s. the decalogue beijnjorhac, dcighniomhach, adj. benevolent
bejccjjt, deiceir, adj. difficult bejscejrti, deigktkeisd, s. commendation
bejriut), deichmhaJh, adj. tenth bejlj deil, s. f. a turner's lathe
bjcrhj deichmhi, 1 December bejl, deil, s. f. a cow's udder, /'. e. bailan b. o.g.
bejrbir deichmhis, ' bejli deil, s. f. a rod, a twig
bejcrhjgjm, delchmhighim, v. I decimate bc]lb, deilbh, s. f. a figure
bejmjle, delchmile, s. a myriad bedb, deilbh, adj. fine, fair, sprightly
bejenearhap, deichneamhar, s. a decade, ten bejibealac, dedbealach, s. m. the meeting of two ways
bjcpjn, deicsin, s. seeing bejlbeo, deitbheog, }s. v a picture, a miniature, a
bejpitue, deichsithbhe, a decurin bejlB1. deilbktn, a little image or statue
bejpljopna, deiclishliosnach, s. a decagon bejl^ea, deilchead, adj. ill, bad, sad
bep, deidh, s. f. desire, longing bejteana, de'dcheannach, adj. biciptal
bep, deidh, s a protector, defender bjle, ;7, s. a deal, or plank
bejbea, deibhleadh, s. diminution bejlAeana, dc'tleadanach, adj. double-faced
bepag, deidag, s. a bauble be)leat>6]]t, deiieadoir, s. m. a turner
bejbleac, deibhleach, adj. diminutive bejleala, dcileala, s. the space of two days
bejoe, ifcwfe, s. f. obedience, submission bejleang, deilcang, s. a two-year old pig
bepe, deidhe, s. two things, a double proportion ; a beilear, dcileas, s. grudging through covetousness
pair or couple beiletopc, deilethorc, s. a two-year old hog
bpea, deideadh, s. the tooth-ache beily, s. f. a dolphin
bepearhujl, deidheamhuil, adj. desirous, fond of, ad bejlHJoat), dellglonnad, s. waste, havock
dicted to beil5]onajm, dedgionnaim, v. 1 lay waste
bepjofia, deidhionach, adj. last, late beilBne, deilgne, s. thorns, prickles
beipyp, deifir, s. f. difference be l&nea, deilgneach, s. m. spear-thistle
be]pj}i, deifir, s. f. haste, speed, quickness be,l5nea, deilgneach, adj. thorny
bejpjpeafc, deifireach, adj. hasty beJlBPjne, dedgreine, s. the name of Fionn Mac
beippeat), detjreadh, s. difference umhail's standard
bejppjim, detfrighim, v. I hasten, hurry be-ilpjm, deilidhim, v. I lean upon, adhere to, follow
be ytjsteoip, detfrightheoir, s. m. a hastener be lie**, dedigheagh, s. accusing
beirHiu^'c, deifriughadh, s. acceleration beilim. eVirn, v. I turn with a lathe
beirwymeapACt), deifrmhearachd, s. want. Sh. beiln, deilin, s. f. a little deal, or plank
bej, ">A> s> fire> a flame beiUi*> dcillidh, s. going or following
be)5, s> 4uest> search , 'eriht, V.7C, v. they part, Uiey separate
J J bejlIjiBjm,
re DEI

bejllygjm, deillighim, \ v. I leave, part from, sepa- bipc, rffVv, s. f. a temple

bejlljm, deillim, j rate bjitc, r(, s. f. alms
bejlm, daim, s. f. a sound, noise, trembling, part bjlcg, deircag, s. a penurious woman. Sc.
ing bjpceac, deirceac/i, adj. poor, beggarly
be)!m, deilm, adj. swift, quick ; much, many bjjtceac, deirceach, adj. almsgiving, charitable
bjpcteojjt, deirctheoit , s. m. an almsgiver J a beg
bejlm, deilm, s. f. trespass, robbery ; . e. jro5<ll- o. g.
bejlm, deilm, v. I exist, I live ; i". e. tAjjrni. o. g. gar, a miser
ejlmjm, deihnhn, v. I make a noise bejjte, dcire, s. the deep, abyss
bejlrhuc, deilmhuc, s. a pig of two years old bejjte, dare, \s. the end, the last, the rear,
bejlro5, deilseov, s. f, a s|ap with the open hand bejpea, deireadh, J the stem
bejloje, deiloidhche, s. the space of two nights bej]tef4, deireatmach,\wSj. last, hindmost, late,
be]!r, deilt, s. f. separation, setting a part bejjtjoiu, deirionnach, j latter
bejliapjiujn, deiltharruinn, s. a trigger or iron nailbej|ie*An, deireannan, s. a desert
b-jkpe, de-iltre, s. druid idols bejien4)5e, deremighe, s. a posterior
bejlrjiear, deiltreadh, s, gilding . bejjteojl, deireoil, adj. little, weak, poor
bejm, derm, s. f. lack, want bejjige, deirge, compar. of
beim, dcimh, ) ., bejpge, deirge, Is. redness, ruddiness;
beime, tm//f,}s-f-Protectlon bejjtgeaw, deirgead,] " oejjtge Jj."
bejrhe, deimhe, s. f. darkness; "ceyme nwijL" beipge, deirghe, s. separation, divorcement
be]me*r, deimlteas, s. a pair of sheers bejtijje, deirghe, s. leaving, stripping, desolation
bejmjn, deimhin, adj. certain, suie, true bepiije, deirghe, adj. sorrowful, . apa. o.^.
bejmne, dennhne, s. assurance, certainty bcjjijejne, deirgheine, v. he made
be]mneac, dcimhneach, adj. affirmative. Keat, bejpgyleet), deirginnlcadh, s. red cattle
bejrhnj']m, deimhnighim, v. I affirm, prove, ratify,bejpgljejg, deirgliaigh, s. a surgeon
confirm, allege bejpgljt), delrglidh, s. a buying or purchasing
bejmnjgce, dcimhnighihe, adj. affirmed, proved bej)ij, deirid, s. f. a secret, a mystery
bejrhnjgteojp, deimhnightheoir, s. m. a certifier, ap bejpj, deiridh. s. the end, the last
bepijm, den'itn, v. I say, I speak
prover , deirim, v. I dismiss
bejmn^ujdT), deimhniughadh, s. m. affirmation, asser
tion, demonstration bejjilj, deirliy s. a present, a reward
bejn, dein, adj. clean, neat be)|mioe, deirmide, s. dishonour, e. fjt-ojpmjejn
bi'jne, deine, s. cleanliness, neatness bej}}i)o, deirrid, see eejjtjt
' bjne, deine, s. ardoiir, vehemence bejjtjipeac, deirrideach, adj. secret, hid
btyne, deine, compar. of ojan bj|-, adv. after; " ojr f<oc4]]f.
b6jnect>, deineachd, s. m. keenness, violence t>Jr, A, gen. of T5)r
bjneac'OA, deineachdach, adj. rude, violent bejfceaiiT:, deisceart, s. the southern point or quarter
], deincas, s. f. rudeness, violence bejreeftptae, deisceartach, adj. southern
bqnerac, deineasacli, adj. violent, forcing beircjobal, deisciobal, s. a disciple
bejner*)5e, deineasa'ghe, s. lightning bejrcpjoe, deiscreide, s. discretion
beinTiea, deinmheach, adj. void, vain, frivolous -, dehcudiach, adj. discreet, grave
, de'avmheacka, s. toys, trifles bej]-ce*n, deisdean, s. abhorrence, disrelish
0)>40, deisdtanack, adj. abhorrent, nauseous
bejnmeftjj, dcinmheachoit, s. m. a pedlar, a toyman
, deinmheas, s. f. vanity bejpe, compar of , neat
bemrrrjje, deinmhighe, adj. violent bejre, dcc, s. neatness, elegance, beanty,
bejmhltilm deinmhighim, v. I vanish. O'B. w /feW [" symmet,y> exactness, de.Mer-
bejfe*o, mcatf, v ousness
bepm'jn, deinmhin, \ s. a vain fellow, a trif-
be]imiecan, dcinmheachan,} 1er bejre, A/if, s. a dress, accoutrements
bei re', deise, ge, of 1 or ceji", the right hand
' , . ~| adj. swift, active, nimble,
bejnmne, deinmne, 1 , h beireAC, adj. towards the south
b^nmnei, deinmneach, J ._ o ^ J
beireACt), deiseachd, s. convenience
epreATi deinseang, s. a kind ofpoetic composition beireact;, deiseachd, s. ornament, elegance
bel). Air, v- sa>' tnou bei rear, deixe, adj. ugly
beij, A" St- Anthony's fire eife*|]**i deisearrack, adj. sunny; exposed to
bejpu, deirbh, s. f. a churn; gen. aejjtne the sun
bej|tb-cl>vniu)Ti, dehbh-ckliamhuin, s. a son-in-law b'eirp, dcisidh, v. he or she sat, rested, stayed;
eiliD-jnprh, dehbh-gliiiiomh, s. an axiom or maxim Vein yn 4' ) *"<0)!' oc .''
11*5. deirb/iliag, see x>e*iiDlj4S beiri devsihh, s. accompany ing, ^.
hoiiibfeAt , den bh sheaihrack, \ o.".j,irrij deisidhim, v. 1 stay, remain
Dejlio,^*-! ' 5-s. a sister beirvp, deisidhim, v. I mend, improve, decorate
bejn *,
seo DEO ses DES

ejfjt , deisidh occa, they agreed to, or con oeojn, denn, s. will, consent, accord
sented 1 6 oeojj, /, adj. just, see ciow
eJrju5*, deisiughadh, s. a mending, ornamenting oeojjire*, deoirsch, )
Oeij-lean, deislea?m, s. f. a beam, or ray of light beojftreojf, rf>,rW, f s- - a slve, a porter
bejrmjjee, deismigheadh, s. dress, ornament Oeojpreojpeao, deoirseoireachd, s. wandering from
^e3rrn)5Jin deismighim, v. I dress, adorn door to door, begging
Oejrmjpe*, deismireack, ) - oeol, deal, see ejul
e)rm,r, deismis, '{adj. curious b-iolAwJjp, deoladoir, s. m. a sucker
oejrmjjie(t, dtismireackt, s. curiosity, superstition Odol5*n, deolagan, s. m. a honey-suckle
ejrmjpencr, deismireacht, s. a quotation, proof, quib Oeol4), deolaidh, s. f. aid, succour; a dowry
ble Oeol4j5, deolalgh, s. f. grace
bjrceAn, deistean, s. disgust, dislike, squeamishness ; DeoUjm, deolaim, v. I suck
abhorrence, disdain beol*, deolcha, s. sotting, tippling
ejrreanrt, deisteanach, adj. disgustful, squeamish bolc4]|, deolchair, s. f. a present
ejrteamjm, deisteanaim, v. I hate, abhor, detest beond, deonach, adj. agreeable, willing
bejpcjon, deistion, s. numbness , deomchd, s. the private parts of man or
ejtbji, deithbhir, adj. lawful. Br. L. woman
ejBji, deithbkir, s. f. a cause, i. . At>04p. . g. beon*]5)m, dconaighim, v. I allow, approve, consent,
ejcBjec*t), deithbhreachadh, s. making haste vouchsafe, grant
bejtljijjim, deithbhrighim, v. I hasten beon*j5e4, deonaightheach, adj. willing
ejtjrjji, deithfir, s. f. haste, speed bconta, deontach, adj. voluntary, wilful
bejtpj)te4C, deithfireach, adj. hasty, quick beontaco, deontachd, 1 ..
, demies, ' j * nj. willingness
bejtjne, dcithide, s. separation
bejtpe, deithide, s. care, diligence beonugAt), deonughadh, s. allowing, consenting
ejtjiie*c, deithineach, adj. dainty bej, dear, s. m. a drop, a tear
bejtre40t>4c, deithneachdach, adj. impetuous , deorach, adj. tearful
beitne*mAj, deithneamhar, s. a decade beojiAjo, deoraidh, s. disobedience
ejineftr, deithncas, s. f. haste, speed beo]t), deoraidh, s. a surety that withdraws himself
bejnef*c> deithneasach, adj. hasty, keen, violent beojiAj, deoraidh, adj. strong, stout
ejr,ne<r*)5jm, deithneasaighim, v. I hasten beojiAt), deoradh, *)* m' a "anderer, an exile,
bel, del, s. f. a nipple, a teat, i. e. j-jfij. . g. beopope, deoraihdeX a fugitive, a stranger, an
bea, dennach, s. dust. MlDon. ' ' ' ) alien, a beggar
befui), dennadk, s. variation beo)t4)tie*, deora'idheach, s. m. an exile, avagabond
eo, rteo, s. breath, air , dtoraidheacht, s. banishment
beo, <A?e, adv. ever beol4jo)m, deoraidhim, v. 1 banish
~1, deobhal, s. sucking
beoopocA, deobhronnta, adj. consecrated Sfth-"j"
. deoch, s. f. a drink beop4mu]l, deoramhuil, adj. tearful
, deochadh, s. a tender embrace , deoranta, 1 adj. strange, cashiered, ba-
eocAjm, deochaim, v. I cherish, embrace beojutA, deorata, J nished, foreign, strayed
]]*, deochair, s. f. a difference, or distinction beojt&oj, dearchaoi, s. bewailing. /|. 222.
beoal, deceba/, s. grudging 454, dcargnadh,\s. a stripping, cutting ofl;
beo-An-o|ujr, dfoch-an-dhoruls, s. a parting glass |40, dearnadh, J making naked
-)!, deoch-bheathamhvil, s. a cordial beotac, dtothadh, see t>eot>4
beocnejpe, deochbheire, s. a cup-bearer, a butler beo4l, deothal, s. suck, sucking. A.
beo-b]toAin, deoth-bhrochain, s. f. water gruel beofUm, deothalam, v. to suck. 'A.
eoc-ejpjojn, deoch-eiridin, s. f. a potion berne, deme, s. darkness
beoc-lejgeAp, deoch- leigheax, s. diet-drink berne, deme, adj. dark
beo-rlearhujn, deoch-s/eamhuin, s. a mucilage beoraUgAn, deothalagan, s. honeysuckle. /i.
so-plftjnte, deoch-shlalnte, s. a health, toast beoAr, deothas, s. m. desire
, deodha, s. henbane; Hyosycamus niger beoAfA, deothasach, adj. serious, desirable
fceotwrh, deodhatnh, God willing beftA, rferacA, s. plundering, sacking
fceotuno, deodhand, s. a deodand , derb/ifhine, s. relations, kindred
0eo5mujle*t4, deoghmuireadha, s. cup-bearers beitcAi, dercainn, s. f. despair of receiving recom
beojo, dcoidh,\s. the end, conclusion, finis, p* pense; " . e t>)leoem )n t*&bA)l pocpAjce." Cor,
eoj 5, deoigh, J eop, in fine bejm, rfff> s. health; e. rUmee. 0. g-.
beworc, derosc, s. a box, a buffet
&eo]5, fefl^, always. M. ber, s. f. land ; 4]peA , a person possessed
fceoig, deoigh, s. f. fire, flame
beoj. deoigh, adv. therefore; for the sake of of land ; one of the privileged orders of the anci
fceojj, deoigh, in compound words means good, well ent Irish. Br. L.
S s ber,

, des, s. f. a spot, speckle bjAuigjm, diadhuighim, v. I deify

bere, , s..a multitude, a troop bjfl*5mA, diafragma, s. the midriff
bercuj, desciiidh, adj. godly bjAgA, diagha, see cjaoa
Opjtui, desrutfi, s. m. a judge. Br. L. bjA]t), s. f. grief, sorrow. Car.
ber, g. F. victuals, food, diet bj*J5, dutigh, s. end, conclusion
bj*ji, diait, s. f. a dial
KJfbS*^ }*"<.>"> bjAjl, diail, adj. quick, soon, immediate
buo, /ea, see bj4|nrftjAii*t), diammkiannadh, s. affectation. Sh,
eugAje, deugaidhe, go deugaidhe Dia, Iwish, would b)*jnrh)l!e4, dianmhilleadh, s annihilation
to God bj4|nr5JjorpA, diainsgriosda, adj. annihilated
eunac, deunach, adj. sad b|4ij)e, diairidhe, adj. careless, prodigal
eunajm, deunaim, V. I do bjAjnme, diairmhe, adj. innumerable, infinite
eup, , see t>ei bjA]|tmjt)u, diairmittu, adj. disarmed. Cor.
upamujI, deuramhtril, adj. tearful bjAjrnjr, diaisneis, adj. unspeakable
eupge, deurge, quitting, leaving. SA. bj4I, //, s. submission
bup, deus, s. an ear of com bj4ll, <&a//, s. a knapsack
eupjn, deusin, s. an aspect bj4ll> diail, s. the arse or breech
bj, /, adj. two biliare, diallaid, s. a saddle
bj, <//', a negative particle ; when prefixed to words bjAllg, diallog, s. f. a bat
beginning with a broad vowel it is written t>jo bjaln, dialon, s. a diary or day-book
b), it, is sometimes intensitive, as o)jl biArhoin, diamhain. ) ,. . .
b,ATvo,n, diamhao,n,\ad^Me' l^y,
bj, A', s. want
bj, i, adj. little ; mj An bjAifwjn, diamhain, s. church goods; " /. e. mAjfi
b'j, d'/, e. wo j, j, i. e. to her, from her ITKOjn OlAtlA." o. g.
J4, d'ta, s. m. God bjArhAjp, diamhair, adj. occult, dark, secret
), da, s. m. a day bjAiTiAjjicejll, diamhaircheill, s. a hidden or mysteri
bja, rf/'a, s. m. plenty, abundance ; i. t. ljt. . ous meaning
j4-A]i;e*c, dia-aitheach, s. an atheist bjAmA]|e4t>, diamaireachd, s. mysteriousness
bjA-oorhtwjg, dia-domhnaigh, Sunday ]44, diamhan, adj. uDspotted, pure, perfect; i.
ja-luap, dia-luain, Monday e. B)4]njm, i. e. neAii4nrhe4. Cor.
bj4-m4jjir, dia-mairt, Tuesday ]44, diamann, s. food, sustenance
)4-), dia-ceadaoine, Wednesday b]*m4), diamhar, adj. see jattia)}!
bjd-tMjiTwjv), dia-dardaoin, Thursday bj4rii4], diamhar, adj. huge, enormous
bj4-?io)ne, dra-aoine, Friday bj4m4ltttojit, diamharbhthoir, s. m. a deicide
fe)4-fiu)jm, dia-satliuirn, Saturday &j4rii4]mn, diamharun, s. m. a mystery
0j4-]ie*, dia-aitheach, adj. atheistical b)rh4|-l4, diamhaslach, adj. blasphemous
bj*b4)l, diabail, without fire ; ', e. ) oiel b]4rhArl4. diamhasladh, Is. blasphemy, blae-
]4D.>1, diabhal, s. m. the devil ; Welsh diavoi )415*0, diamliaslughadh, J pheming
bjdiim, diabheum, s, m. blasphemy 0)4ri4fluj]m, diamhasluighim, v. I blaspheme
bjo!t>, dlabhladh, s. a doubling, sheath, doublet; bj4rh4rluj5teo)j>, diamhaslutghtheoir, s. m. a blas
double, twice as much phemer
bjDU)e, diabhlaidhe, adj. devilish, diabolical bjAmUo, diamhladh, s. a place of refuge
b)bl4)eec, diahhlaidheacht, s. devilishness b|4mlu4t>, diamhlughadh, s. colouring, making dark
bjao, diach, s, fate, destiny, end; " Dfjt)i b)4mlu54, diamhlughadh, s. concealment ; " | tp
ou}Tie a oja." G. Caem, on gcup fO]n t>4 jArhlugA 45 an mb4nr^^e4Ul^c.,'
b]4A]p, diachair, s. f. sorrow, grief ]4, dian, adj. sad ; vehement, violent, hasty
bjA)*A6, diatharach, adj. sorrowful b)4n, dian, adj. nimble, brisk; compar. oejne
bjAcon, diacon, s. m. a deacon bj4n4)Jm, dianairm, s. a place of refuge
||)>, diachrtideamh, s. m. deism ]44]" dianas, s. . vehemence, violence
bjcpeit>ihe* diachreidmheach, s. m. a deist )4440, dianasack, adj. dire, direful
b|AT>4, diadha, \ adj. divine, godly, god- t)j4n4tu|r<Se> dianathchuingey s. m. an importunate
b;At)4mu]l, diadhamhuil, j like, pious request
]*, dadhtach, adj. theological bj4nDl4jo, diambhlaid, s. f. power, authority
bjaar, diadhacht, s. f. godhead, godliness, theo bjAnc4D4pt, dianchubharthach, adj. assisting
logy, divinity - bj4norhl4, dianchomMa, s. an aid-de-camp ; an offi*
bjAAjpe, dradhalre, s. m. a divine, a theologian cer of ihe life guard
)04], diadhaireachd, s. divinity, theology )4ulo]64]fe4Ct>, d ianlorgaireackd, s. a close pursuit
b,e4n4rh, diadMammh, \ ^ deification bi4nloj*54, dianlosgadh, s. violent burning
bjAi, diadhughadh, J r ' ]41], dianlosgaimt \, I burn, parch up

]4ntomf, diantomas, s. obstinacy ; despotism bjbjjm, dibrim, v. I banish, expel

Dj*nio54j, dianthogar, s. eagerness 0JC4j|cjm, dicairtim, v. I peel
jnjtftt, diarath, adj. daily bje4l, dichea!, s. forgetfulness
bjapojn, diardain, s. anger, roughness bje*l, dicheal, see ojtcjoll
jajtina, diardanach, adj. angry, ireful bjcealUc, dicheallach, see cjtjolU
bjprhj*, diarmhar, adj. releated, allied. A'ee/. 66. bjedlc, dichealt, adj. unconcealed
bj]mup, Diarmuid, s. the proper name of a man b|eftlrjj, dichcaltair, s. the haft of a spear
jap, das, two, a pair; prop. tJf Dje*lc4j), dichealtair, s. a place of concealment, an
jr, dirai, s. for cur, an ear of corn enclosure, a deer-park
bj4r, afoj, corrup. for oe*r, the south bje4fuc, dichcannach, adj. headless
bjara, diasach, "1 adj. abounding with ears of jceafiat, dichcanmdh, s. decapitation
bjurrw, diasdiichfj corn bjeaApn, diceannaim, v. I decapitate
j*ppo*, diasfkada, "ladj. long-eared; Jtbitp )04, dicheannta, adj. beheaded
bjry4TJ4C, diasfhadach,] ]*|:544 bjcejljt), dicheiiidh, s. folly
bjarj4r>, diasradh, s. gleaning bjejlje, dicheilidhe, adj. foolish, inconsiderate
bj4rp4jm, diosraim, v. I glean bjdejljm, dicheilim, v. I forget
bj4tp4jrh, diatkraimh, adj. desert, desolate b]]4l, dichial, s. rh. frenzy
b'|D, t'M, for jB or r|B, from ye, of ye bjiejfc, dichleith, s. f. disclosure, discovery
bjBe, dibhe, s. thirst, . e. t>ji-}e bjclejtjm, dichleithim, v. I disclose, reveal
bjoe, dibhe, s. refusal, denying, separating, o. g. bjcimjpc, dichmairc, s. a going, passing
bjBe4, dibheach, s. an ant bjne4t>, diihneadh, see )*
bjBe*t), dibheadh, s. daubing, slandering. Heb. bjpejjm, dichreidim, v. I disbelieve
dibba, contumely bjjepe4rh, dichreideamh, s. m. incredulity
bjbe4t>4, dlbeadach, adj. negative bjcpejcrheAC, dichreidmheach, s. m. an infidel
bjBe4l4]5, dibhealaigh, adj. unpassable bj}terorhe*, dichreidmheach, adj. incredulous
0])11, dibheall, adj. old, ancient jcpepte, dichreidther adj. incredible
b|Be4)>54C, dihheargach, s. a robber b)t>, did, s. a pap, a dug. Heb. dad
bjDe4j54, dibheargach, adj. vindictive, furious bjoe, dide, s. gratitude
b)Be4pi4f>, dtbhcarradh, adj. consoling ]4, didean, s. protection, defence, refuge ; a-
b)Be4]*]4jm, dibhearraim, v. I console fort, a sanctuary
b)bedjti4, dibeartha, adj. banished b)oe4*j5)m, dideannaighim, v. I defend, protect
b|bep4C, dibearthach, s. m. an exile, a fugitive bjoednoji, dideanoir, s. a protector, guardian
bjbejpt, dilheirt, see njbjpc bjceAnta, dideattta, adj. protected, defended
bjBeojl, dibheoil, adj. dumb, mute bjoejn, didein, s. haste
bjBfe4]*b4C, dibhfeargach, adj. furious, vindictive bio]I, didil, s. great love, kindness
)454;, dbhfeargackt, s. cruelty, vengeance bJO)n, didin Keeope4n
bjBjejjie, dibhfeirge, s. wrath, indignation Djojon, didion, )
febjne, , j extremity Wnojp, }see *rce4no,p
bjbjne4o, dibineachd, ) J b)t>n)5eo)ji, didnigheoir, J >
bjbjj, dibir, s. neglect, forgetfulness- bjovcpb didiriu, adj. uncovered, disclosed. Gr.
jBjJ, dibhir, adj. private bjljoct>4t>, didhliochdadh, s. delight
b]Bj]*4C, dibhimch, adj. obscure, secret, hidden bje, die, s. a day. Cor.
bjBjpce, dibhirce, s. an endeavour. bje, diey s. lamentation. Cor.
bjB)ltce4C, dibhirceach, adj. diligent ; unruly, fierce, b)pe4t>c4^ difeadacha, adj. forward
violent bjj:4ro4 difheasogach, adj. beardless
b|bjl]m, dibirhn, v. I banish, drive away mib S* f" difference.
bibjpt, d.birt, s. f. banishment, exile bjp}e*51*i difhreagra, adj. unanswerable
bjble4n, dibhltatiyS. a part, or division bjruUing, dlfhula'mg, adj. intolerable
)14, dibble*, s. a pair; two of any bind bjs, s. f. a pit, a dike, ditch
b|Ble4 , dibhlcath, botli sides bj4)U dighail, s. f. profanation, loosening
b bl)5, d b/tgh,a]. vile, vulgar, worthless b,54]j, dighair, adj. violent, vehement, o. g.
bibl)5e4e, diblightAthd, s. wretchedness, debility, bl54)ln> digharrsi,. s. shame, modesty, bravery
a drooping state, the last stage of human life ; se b^Airv digem, v. to cluck as a hen
cond childhood b]h>e, d'.ghdhe, s. a commendation^ blessing
b)blj5im> d b1 ghim, v. I make cheap, vile, wretched biie, dighdhe, adj. gratitude
bljrt, d'bliu, s. f. a lump or mass of any esculent bii, /^, s. great desire ambition
vegetable, bruised and compacted, a dumpiing le, dighe, gen.. of t>eo, a drink
bihnc4, dbreadli, . expulsion b,i,e, dighe, s. satisfaL-tion
bjbpjB, dArigh, s. weakness, contempt ^ bie, </i. adJ- <> adequate
Jo bj^e.
b)lte, dike, s. nutriment
?)Se> dighe, s. fulfilling bjmbpj5, dimbrigh, s. f. weakness ;
be*t-. Ag,^ ad,. fu|| of ditches " %oj jngADAjl *nm* pjg
JbJm> dighim, v. I come, arrive at ; see rj5jm . cjl OApAi; ) ojmbjtjj."
0))5, dimbrigh, s. contempt. 5c.
OJsjnjm, dighinim, v. I suck bjmbpjjeA, dimbrigeach, adj. weak, feeble ; care-
Wb adj. firm, very great Jess, heedless; " i. e. neArhpujmjul, no
o;5jon, dighiona, adj. morose prh4J." o.g.
O15U, digia, at|j. evil bjmbu4), dimbuaigh, s. unsuccessfulness
ftffA/e, adj. very pure, immaculate, t. r.
bjmbu4)5e4C, dimbuaigheach, adj. unsuccessful
Oceana, dighreana, adj. bald b'jmjrjn, d'imchisin, to see, to behold. O'Cl.
Oj-jc, s. sorrow, pain ; t. <r. t>ojl)5. O'C/.
?'rlc',.f,"w at,i- hsty, quick ; /'. e. ob. 0. g. bjme, dimhe, s. protection
b)me4}54, dimheargach, see t>)De4f54
jl, /, s. literati ; /. . ,5). 0. g. bjrneup, dimheas, s. f. contempt, disrepute
Ojl, /, s. goods, possessions ; ;'. e. mtom. 0. g.
bjme4r, dnnheas, s. f. great honour, high esteem ,
0)1, <///, adj. fond, faithful e. me4p m]*, no mjftre4r. 0. g.
Dile, dile, s. love friendship, affection
bjme4p4, dimheasach, adj. proud, contemptuous,
Ojlb, dilb, s. f. a legacy scornful
bjlbea, dibeach, s. a legatee bjme4p40, dimheasach, adj. servile. Sh.
bjlbjge, di/bigfu} s> a testator 44, dimheasaim, v. I undervalue, despise
b|Ie, </7'0, ~)> s- f- a flood' deluge, inundation; b]me4r4rhu)l, dimheasamhuil, see ojrhe4r4C
bjlju, diliu, ) u)rce n* jijona )4>4, dimheasda, adj. despised, senile
bjle<i, <W?e<r, adj- beloved bjrhe4pt>Ar, dimheasdachd, s. disrespect
b,le*o, dileachd, bjmejpe, dimeise, s. uncomeliness. Sh.
bjleacran, dikac/idan,)1 s an r han> c, ?> bjrhejpnjj, dimheisnigh, adj. weak, irrresolute
b)le*54t), dileaghadh, s. digesting b,me)pnj5jm, dnnheisnighim, v. I discourage
bjleAgajm, dileaghaim, v. I digest food b|rii]ccjn, dimhiccin, s. contempt, reproach
j|e*5i4, dileagra, s. address bjrhm, dimhin, see oejrhm
b)le45l*]m, dileaglaim, v. I revere, reverence bjrhjn, dimhin, Is. f. provision, caution,
bjle,t5f4jm, dileagraim, v. I address b)mjne4CT>, dimhineachd, j heed ; confidence
bjleagaiifcojjs dileagarthoir, s. m. an addresser bjrhn]e4c, dimhnidheach, adj. sad
)154, dileaghtha, adj. digested bjmn]t>e4Ct>, dimhnidhcachd, s. sadness
b)leamnjn, dileamain, s. f. love, kindness b]mn)]m, dimhnighim, v. I aflirm, assert, vouch
bjleap, Veaj, ) adj. dear, beloved, faithful, accep- bjm]e4p, dimreas, s. f. need, necessity
bjliop. di/ios, J "table, proper bjn, din, adv. then, in like manner. Cor. It is often
bjle*rco)tiw, dileaschoimhadh, s. protection. 'Sh. written in old MSS. 4, 4, and nno.
bjlFI;;. dilfiughadh, s. despising bjn, din, adj. pleasant, delightful, agreeable
bjlSeA, dilgcadh, s. forgiving, forgiveness b)n, din, s. i", sucking, e. opal. 0. g.
b,15Jm s. I forgive bjne, dine, s. a generation. Exod. 1. 6.
b|13)o, dighionn, s. destruction, plundering bjne, dine, s. an age, a tribe
bjne, dine, s. a beginning ; also the first
b|!5Jn> L. emptying bjne4, ineach, s. a salutary draught ; ro Jtpe*
bil5)on*D, drfgwnad/i,)
b]ll**t>, diliadhadh, s- boiling, concoction rpe 4 5U)t>e t)jne4 r>on ujp^e. B. Las.
bjljn, dilin, for ever. W. bjn64t>4, dineadach, s. m. a frock
bjll4)n, diUam, adj. illegitimate, not in wedlock, un bjne4]ir, dineart, s. the power of God ; prop.
married. Sh. b)ne4jr, dineart, s. imbecility, weakness
b,jUn*r, , j g. fornication b)ne4]ir4]j,)m, dineartaighim, v. I weaken
b|||4ncr> dillantas, J bjn?, ding, s. f. a wedge
bj||e,/fe1, s. dills. m. an orphan. /. 182.
dillcach, bjnfte, dinge, s. f. thunder; oppression
bjlmajn, dilmain, adj. meet, proper |540, dingcadh, s. thrusting, pushing
bj.'rfii'J" ddmhuin; s. an unmarried man. Cor. bmsjm, dingim, v. I urge, thrust, suppress
bilre diUe, s. a sea plant ; see t>ujle*r5 bjngjib dingir, s. f. custody
bjlpe, dilse, "J s. love, affection, lovingness, bingfe, dingthe, adj. weaged in, pressed
bjlreo, diheachd, \ faithfulness, sincerity, fide- bin^re4o, dingtheachd, s. fat, fatness. S!S.
bini4C, diniath, s. a helmet, see cod]4
bjlr<*' dihad, J lity b.nib, dimb, s. drinking. ' Sh.
bjlpj, di/si,
bjInS'"1' s. subjugation
dihighim, v. I despise J bjnjm, Am. v. I drink, imbibe, suck
bjln5**> dilsiughadh, s. lessening, degradation binmia, dinmiach, adj. idle
J bju,

bj, dm, from, off us, . . bjockm*, dioclaonadh, s. m. a declension ~

jn, dim, s. a fortified hill ; Welsh din O]ocl<onrtjm, d.oclaonaim, v. I decline
jn,^ dim, s. f. a wedge bjodrh4]n5, diochmhmng, see riocurhAing
bjjj, dinneir, s. f. a dinner, vulg. O]om4jjc, diochmhairc, s. f. theft
jiijm, dinnmh, adj. weak, little ; . e. oepeojl. c. bjocojrhne, dioclwimhne, s. forgetfulness
jnjm, dmmmh, s. f. weakness, diminution, o.g. bjucojr5peA, diocho\s<idheach, adj. implacable
bjfjr, s. f. contempt 0)oOjr5]e, diochohgithe, adj unappeased
jnjr, dinnis, s. f. an oath, a proof, testimony bjoo,r5]te4co, diochoisgd/ieathd, s. implacability
jnpeojf, dinseoir, s. m. a wedge bioolrw, diocholna, adj. without body
bjnre*m, dinseumk, s. contempt ; i. . tApcujrne. . g. bocoTTMjic, diochomaic, adj. unasked
jo, 'o, a negative particle used in composition ; boCon4jpe, dlochonaire, adj. pathless, unpassable
see j b^ocjiA, diocAra, . diligence, attention
pac, dioach, for BjAtwc, divine b^oj4, diochrack, adj. diiigent, zealous
040, d.oachd, s. divinity ])6, diochracht, s. diligence. /Vr. 35.
b1o-ej|tme, dio-airmhc, see x>]jjirne bjocpon, dwchion, adj. immediate, without time
joB, db'i, of them, to them bjocj-4, eii>cs, adj. noble, lofty, stately, high
bobA, d'badh. s. a prick, a point bjoujB, diochuid, adj. small, little
bb)D*0, Uiob'i idh, s. m. death, ruin boujmne, diochuimhne, s. forgetfulness
&jo6*, diobhaih, s. m. subduing, overpowering b'joiijrhruA, dichuimhneach, adj. forgetful
, diub .a h, s. m. a portion, dowry, inheritance biuujrhnjsjm, dmhuimhmglum, v. I forget
joAj, diobhaidh, adj. impious, wicked b.iujrrmjB^e, dtocliuimhglitlie, adj. forgotten
ioD*)5e* diebhaigheadh, s. consuming b'ji;ujrhn|gie4C, diochuimhntglitheuch, adj. forgetful
io6]5)m, diobhaighim, v. I consume, destroy b')u]]ie4t>, iocnuntadh, s. expulsion
bjolkjl, diobhail, s. f. loss, defect, injury bjucum4)n5, diotliumhamg, adj. veiy narrow, very
ioBiijijm, dtobhailim, v. I hurt, I lose difficult
bjoo.jjife, diob^airthe, adj. destitute bwcufiAjm, diochuraim, v. I expel, banish
&oBijfei, diobhairt/ieach, s. m. an exile b)0t>4jljn, diodhaiUn, s. an atom, a mite
Ooda, diobhal, adj. old, ancient biotxojne4t>, diodhaoineadh, s. depopulation
joBta, dubhalach, adj. robbed, spoiled b']oc<ojrjm, aiodhaomim, v. I depopulate
v5oB*k, diob'nalach, adj. ablative biot>4t4)m,yKH^e^<wi, v. I discolour, tarnish
bjobAbo, diobhalachd, s. ablation bjot>4t>, diodadh, s. accusation
fanalact, diobhalachta, adj. damaged, frustrated boT>4jm, diodaim, v. I accuse
01*10, diobhaladh, s. damaging, annoying bjot>aft, d'wdann, s. advocacy, an assylum
]0044, diobhanach, adj. lawless b]ot)m4, diodhma, s. a fort, fortification, protection
1 i 54, diobhargach, adj. keen, fierce bjocn4t>, diodknadh, s. satisfaction
b1oo]5*t), diobhargadh, s. captivity, enslaving b)oi)U]lle, dwdhtlie, adj. leafless
boB*i4, diobhartha, adj. exiled, banished &)orUjn, diqf hlainn, adj. exanguious; pale
bioDnji, diobhar, s. disrespect, omission b']oul4ng, diofhuhng, adj. intolerable
bobl4C, diobhlach, adj. prodigal biopU, diofhola, see opphj
bioD'aA, d'ubhlacha, adj. material, of moment b^of|-n, diofoschan, s. a mulct paid for not mar
tfobbc*, diobhlachd, > ,. rying; prop, jophrcim
1:4, dicbhlas, ) 1 6 J bjog, dag, s. m. a ditch, a pit
boBj*, diobhradh, s. forsaking, failing bjo55, s- a breattl> life-
b1oD)t*jm, diobhratm, v. I forsake, proscribe bjoja, i/w^Aff, the worst
boDftAA, diobhratha, adj. discovered bio54B4]m, diogkabhaim, v. I lessen, diminish, lavish
boB}AAjm, diobhrathaim, v. I discover b'io5*, dioghadh, s. mischief , ,
ioDjtiAjm, diobhronaim, v. I comfort, console b0ft4])l, diogaigh'd, s. a noise. Sh.
tyoDujoe, d.obhuidhe, )s. ingratitude, un- b)o]l, dioghail, s. f. ofience
iobujedr, diobhuidkeacht, ) thankfulness b^og4]m, diogmm, v. 1 inclose, intrench
bioDujt>e. diobhidheach, adj. ungrateful b05*l4]Ui, dioghalaim, v. 1 revenge
t>ioc4)it>e*c, diichairdeach, adj. friendless bo4lr, dioghalt, s. m. revenge, vengeance
b;o4)it>e4r, diocltairdeas, s. f. enmity bjo54k4, dio^/iada, adj. revenged
iodiprjm, dioc/iairtim, v. I peel, decorticate b}oAlr4, dioghahach, \ adj. revengeful, vindic-
&io*l, diochal, s. m. diligence, vexation. A. ')054144, dwhaltasach, J live, outrageous
bjoal, lcAtf s- sullenness ]0544 dioghaltas, see jogalr
, diochallach, adj. diligent, assiduous bior4lt|lt, dioghdtoh, s. m. an avenger
&loc<oine, diochaoine, bemoaning tto54n, \ ad.i- spiteful, re> cngeful, fierce,
b'ocioll, diochioll, see -pjjoll 5414, dioganta,S cruel
bo4)r> diochlais, adj. darkness, obscurity; 2. . WolB, dioghann, adj. plentiful ; deep, defensive
o)0lufj i- sj-foluf, oojrc. . g.
2J0 DIO )0 DIO

bjogAncAdo, diogantachd, s. eruelty, vengeance bjolajcjie, dmlaithre, s. f. an expulsion. O'Cor.

bjog<ot, dioghaoth, s. a blast in corn bj jlA)ije4ioojp, diolaithreadoir, s. m. an expeller, a
bjogAjmApAcA, diogardasac'itach, adj. fierce, repul plunderer
sive; " cucfc tpojtj -j eacaj t>j054j*j**tft bjoUjijtjm, diolaithrim, v. I expel, displace
x>j }4]le orjn." 4. Mast. U61. bjoljcpjugAt, dtolaithriughadh, s. depopulation, re
0o*|r, dioghart, s. a decollation moving
; og* jitdjm, diogharthuivt, v. I behead )1, diolamhnach, s. m. a hireling, it is par
bjognAjl, dioghbhail, s. f. damage, destruction, loss, ticularly applied to a soldier who serves for pay ;
defect a brave stout man, a generous man
bjogfiAUc, dioghhhlach, adj. hurtful, noxious, profuse bjolnnap, diolanas, s. fornication, celibacy. Sh.
bjogo)g, dioghb'wigk s. ruin, destruction. O'Gh. bjolanbp, diolanlas, s. fornication
b}ogBujge*CAp, ditghbhuigheachtis, s. unthankfulnessj ]1;, diolanlas, s. manhood. Sh.
ingratitude bjoUpac, diolasach, adj. sufficient
b'iogouf, dioghbhuih, s. destruction. Sh. bjoUp*, diolasach, s. remuneration, redress
)05)n, dioghiomi, see ojgjoiiA bjolApo)rhAt>, diolaschoimhcad, s. patronage, pro
bjogU, diaghla, s. revenge; injustice; destruction tection
bjo^lujm, dioghluim, s. f. gleaning ; 5 ojoglujm an ]1)454]0, diolaschoimlicadaid/ie, s. m. a.
4]41 patron, a guardian
'ojlumi:*, dioghlumtha, adj. gleaned bjolboi, diolbhoth, "J '
bjoglup, dmghlus, s. darkness bjolbpui, diolbhruth, \ s. m. a shop
iojn*, dioghna, s. contempt bjoIun, diolchuan, J
^ogn, dioghna, adj. contemptuous bjolcoifiAn, diolcomhan, s. confederacy
b]olumt>AC, dwkhumhdac, s. reservation
0joInAc,^/z;^, ," appearance, or form , b'jolupAm, diolchuram, s. m. negotiation
b^ol-t>e)]ice, diol-deirce, s. an object of charity
bjognp, dioghnas, adj. rare, extraordinary. rog. b'jolrApgAt), diolfasgadh, s. m. an embrace
bjogjiAt), dioghradha, adj. morose, rude bjolgAO, diolgad, s. m. remission, forgiveness
bjogjuip, diograis, s. f. diligence ; a secret bjolgAt)A, diolgadhach, adj. forgiving
]ogji4]r, dioghrms, adv. constantly, commonly bjolgAjT>)m, dioigaidlum>\v. I dismiss, remit, for-
jojftAjpea, dioghraisectcb, adj. aealous, ardent, bplgAjm, diolgaim, J give
beloved bjoll4t>jl, diolladoir, s. m. a saddler
biogjup, dioghras, s. zeal, uprightness bjolb), diolleid, s. f. a saddle
b^ogpogAjm, dhgfirogaim, v. I belch ]11)>), diol/aidim, v. I saddle
bjollAjt, diollait, s. f. apparel; Welsh dillad
bjogujn, dioghuin, s. forcing, compelling bjolmAjn, diolmhain, adj. faithful, true, sincere
biogujil, dioghtiinn, adj. deep ; an ctojoe opgiijf ^1, diolmhanach, see >^10
bjjpjp, dtoisis, s. a diocese ioliKoin, dtolmhaoin, s. f. alimony
bjol, dW, s. propitiation, remuneration, redress, sa bjolrhujneAf, diolmhuineas, s. warfare
tisfaction, sufficiency biolooA, diolochdach, adj. faultless
bjol, diet, s. f. an object, an end bolcA, tW, adj. paid
bjol, dio/, s. f. selling, use; pay due bjoltjf, dioltoir, s m. a seller
bjol, diol, adj. worthy, sufficient b^olugAt), diolughadh, s. consumption, destruction
bjoU, diola, s. a flood bjoluigeaic, dielwghcacht, s. payment
bjolebje, diolabiche, s. a legator, SL bjolntA, dieiuiiiOj adj. valiant, stout, brave; hos
bjolat, diolacht, s. f. an orphan pitable, generous
' ]1, diolacht, adj. blameless bolntAp, diolunias, ) s. m. hosintality, genero-
bjobctcorii, diolachtchomh, s. protection bjAlntActs, dtoluntachd,) sity, courage, bravery
bjolA, dio/adh, s. paying, filling, satisfying ttfom, J>?, from or of me, /. e. ce me
bjolrhail, dioladmhail, s. f. a receipt, discharge t^omAT), diomadh, \ s. anger, indignation, dis-
bjolajt), diolaid, s. a cover, covering ^ombuAj, diomiuaidh, J pleasure
bjolAroeAt, diolaidhcacht, s. f. payment biorhAjn, diomham, adj. dormant. /.
bjoUim, diolaim, v. I pay, reward, recompense biohiAjp, diemhair, adj. obscure, secret, dark, pri
bjoUjm, diolaim, v. I sell, renew, change vate ; " njoft ojomAji t>}ne."
b)ol4jm, diolaim, v. I glean, lease, write J^oniAlA, diom/talat/i, see jogBAb
bjol)rhn)5#:e6)], diolabnhnightheoir, s. m. a weeder boniAltAf, diomha/tas, s. m. caution, heed
bfo'Ajn, diolain, adj. illegitimate. Sh. boTYiAlro]]*, diomahoir, s. m. a glutton
b oUmeA, diolaineach, s. m. a bachelor ^, dnnhanas, s. . a chimera, worldliness
b<oTTKOin, diomhaoin, Tadj. idle, lazy, rain,
,U)t]V, fhitf, \%t absence
bjoUjfpeACt, dtQiaitnreacfid, J etfKOpnew, dwrnhaotneuch, j trifling, frtvolous
' OJoihejneAf,
)0 DIO
bjorh<ojne4r, dimhaoines, s. vanity, idleness bjonsA, dlonghadh, s. preserving, keeping
*^oniii>j, diomkarr, see ojorh*j]t OjonS*)1", diongaim, v. I match, equal, overcome
OjombAg, diombdgh, s. m. grief, sorrow
jombAgA, diombagach, adj. sorrowful, mournful J"S*)Pj diongAah; s. f. a tribute, a benevolent suc
^omban, diombuan, adj. tiinsitory, fading 0)on54]jie4, dionghaireadh, s. succouring
^, diombuanas, s. m. inconstancy adj. worthy, fit, meet,
jombujead, diotnbuid'ieac/i, adj. unthankful, dis suitable, proper; " C-U
satisfied fangBilA, diovgb'ia/a,
ombujeiar, diondtuldheachas, s. m. ingratitude 'iongbkc, iongbhalach, tjjeApnA tsjn pup
iombuji, diombhuil, s. waste jongrrib, dioHgmhala, OU JE fjn OJ01TI >]-
bjomA, diomd/ia, see tyjomd \ COrhnw'lJt o'aOJ-
bmnc, diomdhacli, adj. displeased .'"
]ongtfi4lr4, diongmhaltal adj. sufficient, suitable,
jomjlbm, diomhillam, v. to destroy utterly. Si. worthy ; firm, confirmed, fast, fixed
0orlAf4, diomhla.iocht adj. profuse, liurtful bon5riiAlt4r;, diongmhaltaeht, Is. absoluteness, se-
0]54, diomhoghadh, s. enfranchisement L ^^, diongmhaltas, J curity
bjorhoAjm, diamhoghaim, v. I enfranchise bjonlonsphojit, dionlongphort, s. a garrison
b]orhojle4t>, diomhoileadh, s. demolishing 'jonluips, dionluirg, s. straying, error
'lorhola, diomke/ad/i, s. m. dispraise, censure bjo, <//jm, see jfl
')orhoUjm, diomholaim, v. I dispraise, blame bjorml, dionnal, s. a shot
'lorholcA, diomholta, adj. dispraised, blamed b|o4n, dionnan, s. a little hill
bjorholtftjm, diemholtai'm, see c'jomoUjm )540, dionngnack, \ adj. fortified* confirm-
)orholt,6)]i, diomholtoir, s. m. a slanderer bjognoA, dionngnothack, J ed
0]orhoc4)e4, diomhoikaighcack, adj. stupid bjopojgj, dionnsoighidh, even to
fc'lompac, diomrac, s. a temple b]0t4, dionnta, s. turning about
')orh]i4cr, diomhrachd, s. obscurity, darkness bjongUap, dionoglachas, s. m. heroism
bjorhpn, diomhran, s. m. a mystery b'jonpujje, d'ionsuighc, prep, towards, unto
bomjap, dittmran, s. . a hermit's cell bjonte, fom/e, adj protected, defended
jorhujnear, domhuineas, adj. legitimate bjonujgteojlb dionuighthtoir, s. m. a patron, pro
bjomur, diomus, s. m. pride, arrogance tector
bjomup4, diomusach, \ adj. proud, haughty, arro- biop4rhu)l, diopamkuU, adj. severe
bjompe, diemsach, $ g3111 b]o}, <//or, s. f. a law
jon, , s. f. shelter, protection, fence, safeguard, bjop, dior, adj. meet, proper, decent
patronage, refuge bjop, dior, adj. lawful ; 1. e. oljprjone. e. ^.
b'jon, dien, s. f. the surface, top, summit bjoji ! dior ! interj alas !
bjon, dion, s. f. the second semimetre or le*tj* of Ojopac, dioraeh, adj. just, right, equitable, erect,
a verse, consisting of two quartans; it is more com straight
monly called coma bio)t4Cji40, diorachrach, adj. lawless
bjom, dionach, adj. close-joined, water-light bjojum, diorain, s. f. a dropping
0)4>, dionachad, "1 s. security, tightning, stanch- b,op4ng4jm, diorangaim, v. I belch
bjonAr, dionadh, J in g bjojiAt^jm, dioraiaim, v. I annihilate
jon4oo)|, dionadoir, s. m. a protector bjo]6, diorbh, adj. severe
b}on4j5jm, dionaighim, ~i v. I protect, defend, shield, bjoj4, diorghadh, s. direction
bjon4]m, dionaim, j screen, secure, stanch boj54jm, diorgahn, v. I direct
0jonj]e4c, dionaireach, adj. shameless boj54p, dioigas, s. m. uprightness
bjonAjjun, dionairm, \ s. a place of shelter,, a place bjojm4, diorma, s. a troop, company, crowd, mul
b'jon)|r, dionairt, J of refuge titude; Welsh xtjxin
jon4)r;e4', dionaiteadh, s. dislocation bjojm40. diormach, adj. unfit to walk ; . i. ^jwjm-
0)4, dionasa, s. dissolution
jon4f4C, dionasach, adj. ardent bjo)mc, diormach, adj. numerous, infinite
|454'6, dionasgad/i, s. a disjoining, loosening b)0}m4, diorna, s. quantity, number
bjon4r5Ajm, dionasgaim, v. I disjoin,, loosen, ungird biOtffAr*c diorrasach, adj. rash, irascible
bjon4rst, dionasgtha, adj. dissolved ' j-
b,otHu)r& ferr"'5 . . , ^f s- denness,
bjonltyjo, dionbhreid, s. an apron
b]oppujrSe*' diorruisgeaihd. j neM
bjoriDpollA, dionbfollach, s. m. a preface
bjoncjnr, dionchaint, s. f. a defence bio1]u)rSe4C, diorruiageaek, adj. hasty, passionate
bjonCAjtn, diomharn, s, f. a fort bonrn, diorsan, s. m. bad news
bioncornAm, dtonchosnam, v. to garrison. Si. '1*1*^> dirui,im<:acll> s- m- an atom, a mite
fcjons, diovg, adj. worthy. S>4. bioHi''5*5, diorug/iaJA, s. directing
bionfcADAjl, dimgabkml, adj. worthy, fit, proper or*t4, s. a denying
' 1 D^opbojpeAo,

biopbojjieaco, diosboireachd, see >)}0 ^Pjl"1 dirighim, v. I direct, guide

P|opc, diosc, adj. barren, dry, not giving milk ^)145Jm> dirighim, v. I make straight
)orcn, dioscan, s. m. a gnashing of the teeth ; chew bjpjm, dirim, adj. numerous, plentiful
ing the cud bjjijme, dirimhe, adj. innumerable. 4 Mast. 1418.
^lorcojm, dioscaim, )v. I grind or gnash the b'])*jnt>, d.rind, s. f. a mountain in common
"lorcunajm, dioscanaim,\ teeth bipjpgleam, dirisgleam, v. to strip bark. Sh.
Porga, bij]uj*t), diriughadh, s. directing, diosgadh,
diosgair, \1 s- a noise> a sound, bjjipn, dirsan, see ouppn
J?opgt>, diosgadh, s. a shutting up, closing b)itjttcc, dirrthtach, s. solemnity, solemnization
biopgn, diosgan, s. a bundle, a ha.idful b'lp da, dice
5*1*> diosgar, Is. the vulgar, the mob, I b']p, Jis a pair, a couple, a brace
25**, diosgarnach, J the rabble b^pf dis, adj. two, both
bopg<ojlet>, dicsgaoileadh, s. separation, untying bip, dis, adj. poor, chilly, miserable
^iopgojljm, diosguoihm, v. I absolve, untie bpbe4*;4jm, dhbeagaim, v. 1 condemn, despise
biopU, dios'a, s. a die bpbe*5]m, diieagaim, v. J violate, profane
^opU, dioslann, a dice-box b]pbe]]ic, dtibeirt, adj. two-fo.d, double
biopmugam, diosmugam, v. to snuff a candle. bjpcjp, diseir, adj. fierce, nimble, active
^, diosnadim, adj. smooth, without knots bjpc)]we, discrude, s. f. discretion
biopolup, dwsholus, s. m. darkness bjpcpjoeac, disoetdeach, adj. discreet
]]}(, diospo.recchd, see T5eappoj]e*co bpcpjoe*p, discreideas, s. discretion
biot, 9/, off thee, from thee ; i. . t>e tu bjpcpejrea, discreiteuch, adj. separated
b]ot, tfiei*, s. a meal of victuals b)pe]r, /ser, s. f. a deserted place ; i. e. loc jr*p*)5
bjor, dioth, s. want bjpgjji, disgir, adj. sudden, quick
^otac, diotach, adj. condemnable, condemnatory bjp5pe]tp)4, disgreitsia, s. a disease
jocdc, diothach, s. destruction b|p|e, diste, s. m. property
bjocAojp, diotadoir, s. m. an assistant bple, diste, s. m. a die, dice
bjorAjrh, diothaim, v. I deface, I damn bjple, diste, s. f. reprisai. An. Cod. 1418.
fcjor*u54r>, diothalughadh, s. accusation bple, diste, 1 s. m. love, esteem, friendship,
bocujjijm, diothchuirtm, v. I drive off, expel biple*r, diskacht,) fidelity, loyalty
^oilijfjijget, diothlaitlmughadh, s. destruction, bple, diste, s. m. great generosity, great nobility;
consumption, removal, displacing . e. T5)-urt]ple, . e. uajple rbj. O'Cl.
bjofoip, d.othoir, s. m. a loser; a condemner bjple, <A'i/V, adj. dearer
bjorpa-, d'wtkrachi, s. weakness; . c. r>jne]tc 5S. Unity ; %} 4.4 )
bjotpeArh, dwthreamh, s. a wilderness, a desert r4t4j)i ]n macgap ar* n
jof-puejljm, iHmhruailim, v. I unsheath Spio|ii]t> n<orh, g*p *
b;oplajnte, dicthshlainlc, s. illness T>pleet )p ."
bjorpUjnteac, diothstainteach, adj. sickly ' ple4n, dislean, s. a dice-box
bocugrtf, diothughudh, s. destruction, annoyance )-1]5, di-sligheach, adj. deviating, uncouth,
jpjn, dipinn, s. a net straggling, imperious
biplji, diplinn, s. April. Sc. bjpljOb4t>, distiogadh, s. hiding, concealing
0)]*), dirainn, see ojpjn'o bjpijogftym, disliogaim, v. I hide, conceal
bjjte, rfiiri. s. a fine, tribute, price, reward, subsidy, bjpOTYiA, dishovia, s. want, scarcity. Cor.
hire, wages. Br. L. bjppjonpit), dispionsad, s. dispensation. Dont.
Ojpea, direach, adj. straight, upright, just bjpjio, disycad, an iiisirument used by the priest
0)|*ert, direach, adj. frugal to sprinkle the holy water on the people at Mass
ijieacan, direachan, s. a perpendicular. Sh. b), dith, s. want, defect, loss
', direachdas, s. uprightness 0), dit, s. the end, remainder
jieactAjm, dircachlaim, v. I geld b'jc, d'i/A, v. to suck, sucking
fc>ijient>, dureadk, s. a ])anegyric O'jr, '//, v. it remains, e. 100 b)Z
ttffteAti, direadh, s. ascending b|tb|]i, duhbhir, s. difference
b^eat^m, direadhaim, v. I ascend bjfee, dilt.c/ie, eating. 5//.
tyjjteetif*, dheadtha, adj. just, proper. Teg. Cor. ']4!, dithcheat, see T)jtcjoll
^^', dneagadh, s. a direction 0if-ce*lrAj, dilhchealtar, s. m. a necromantic veil or
b'ipejm, diren, scet^m covering that supposed to make things invisible
bpenie, dirime, adj. without way or passage, out of bjieAriAjm, dithcheattnaim, v. I behead
the way ^;*, dithcheannta, adj. beheaded
b^ieoil, diieoil, adj. weak, little, poor, mean b'ircdle, ditheheilte, s. f. folly. J).ni.
b:fieoldcr, dircolucht, s. weakness; diminution 'ir^'^leAC, dithcheilleech, adj. foolish, unreasonable
b^ge, dirghe, s. rectitude 4djoll, dithchioll, s. m. endeavour, industry
bjpjbe, rf.r/if, adj. hairless, bald b.icjolUc,

jicjolU, dithchiollach, adj. industrious, diligent, bjulcAjoeAc, dhdtaidheach, adj. negative

attentive, careful JulcAjeojp, diultaidheoir, s. m. a denier, refuser
ojriolUjm, dithchiollaim, v. I endeavour oju tAjm, diultaim, v. I deny, refuse, disown
ojrled, dithchkath, s. m. durance, affliction DjulcAjm, diultaim, v. I oppose
ojcibjol, dithdhiol, s. arrears bjunA, diunach, see >
ojtcujp, dithchuir, s. forcing, expulsion bjunlAoc, diunlaoch, s. a young hero. SA.
0)te, ditheach, adj. necessitous, defective bjum , adj. hard, difficult
Jte, ditheach, s. m. a beggar bjupnAjm, diurnaim, v. I gulp, swallow
Ojtenc, ditheach, s. m. a denial, refusal b|ur, dius, s. m. protection
0)0, dtteadh, s. condemning, sentencing bjuAC, diuthach, s. the name of a disease occasioned
0)ejn, dithein, s. darnel, corn-marygold, tare. S/i. by the rubbing of any thing against the skin;
Ojtjgear, dithigheas, s. inhospitality ** bjucAc, i. e. nomen doloris geneiAjt t>o }omco-
o)t]m, ifr'm, v. I condemn, sentence ITlAjlc T54 fljArtA mieAr;." Cor.
Ojtjrh, dtthimh, s. a heap bjuAA, diuthac/iadh, s. a fretting of the skin, ex
)*1> ithlnge, adj. dumb, mute coriation
Ojcjp, dithisd, adj. two. S. bjucActA, diuthachta, adj. fretted, excoriated
bjciu, 7/, s. any covering; see quot. at ce Alt bjutA, diuthadh, adj. worst
bjcUctAC, dithlaehtach, s. a motherless child
jilea, dithleach, adj. forgetful blj, dlidh, \ s- f a sma11 handful> a lock of
jcrrnrnjugAt), dithmhisniughadh, s. terrifying blA)eo5, dlmgheog,} haK
)to, ', adj. poor, needy. Coi1. blAjrh, dlaimh, s. f. darkness
0iH*t, dithracht.l
04*,5, rtr^, }s-weakne,B', want ofr strength
. bUojg, dlaoigh, \ see 10IA5 and ; oIaojs 5jm-
blAojt, dlaoith, j* Ajge, a lock of hair
ji;jeri, dithreab/i, s. a hermitage, wilderness blAojpepe, dlaoireidhe, adj. smooth
^, dithreabhach, s. m. a hermit, an exile bl*ojtpejt>e, dlaoithreidhe, s. combed wool or hair
bj-jieACCA, dithreachtach, adj. lawless bleAo, dleachd, s. f. a law, toll, custom, right, a due
ju, diu, s. a longtime ; Anoju, to-day bleAcoAjpe, dleachdaire, 1 s. m. a lawgiver, atoll-ga-
bju, diu, s. the cast of a dart ble*cojj, dleachdoir, j therer, a.custom-man
ju, diu, the worst. Sh. 1, dleasdanas, * m. duty
ju, , adv. here, in this place 1, dleasdanach, adj. dutiful, obedient
jubAjjtt, diubairt, s. f. deceiving, deceit, unfair 0l]e, dlighe, 9. m. a law, ordinance, right, due
advantage, flattery, boasting ljgeAC, dligheach, adj. lawful
jublat), diubladh, s. refuge bljgeAco, dligheachd, s. m. lawfulness, legality, legi
juBjiACAjm, diubhracaim, v. to cast, throw, fling timacy
juc, dine, s. m. the pip, a disease in fowl bljgeAXj, dligcad, s. m. a separation
bjuc, diuc, s. m. a duke bljjeAmujl, dligheamhuil, adj. just, obedient to laws,
juca, dmcadh, s. exclamation, crying out skilled in law
0)uCA]t>eAr, diucaidheacht, s. dukedom bljgeArhlActi, dligheamhlachd, see oljgeAo
bjucAjm, diucaim, v. I cry out, exclaim l)5eAn6, dligheanach, s. m. a lawgiver
bjucAjn, diuca!, s. the eyes Ol)5i, dlighidh, adj. perfect, excellent ; " tsljjp
bjuCAjjt, diucair, s. a buoy to keep up fishing nets r>ieA jr a At, 7. e. jr oeA^fgAjce, no rAjneA-
bjucrjup, diuchtras, s. m. jumping, rousing riiufl A JieA J]' AtA." Plunlc.
bjucjur, diuchtras, s. m. frustration, overcoming b!)5)m, dligim, v. I separate
bjutn, diudan, s. in. giddiness ljsjm, dlighim, v. I owe, have a right ; olj^eAr, I
bjuOAnAC, diudanach, adj. giddy ought
b)U5A)5)l, diugaighil, s. sobbing, sighing lj5rhA)5jpj]b dlighmhaighisdir, s. m. a master of
bj"5A]lpAifi, diughailfainn, s. sucking. SA. laws
j'ijAjm, diugaim, v. I cluck, cackle blijrhA]*, dlighmhar, adj. excellent, perfect, legal
&j 154 jrn, diugaim, v. I drin off 1)511, dighollamh, s. m. a doctor of law
bju|e, diughe, adj. worst, extreme, bad, sick bijsfeA, dlightheach, s. m. a lawgiver. Br. L.
bjujc, diuic, adj. sorrowful, repentant. 0. g. jgteAC, dhghtheach, see ol^euc
b)U)c, diwc 1 f sorrow gnef bijjceArhnAC, dlightheamhmch, s. m.alawgiver; luce
bjujt), diuid,l r t>lije, lawgivers, lawyers
biu)t>, diuid, adj. clean, pure )5-eAiujl, dlightlieamhuil, see t)lj5eArhu]l
b)u)r>, diuid, \ adj. tender-hearted, flexible, bljj-'-eoni, dlightheoir, s. m. a lawyer
bjujoeA, diuideach.] hence 4jnt>juT>eA bj^ionjfb dlighthicnoir, s. m. a magistrate, a jusfice
bjul, /, s. m. sucking of peace
bj ilAjm, diulaim, v. 1 suck bjpeAnA, dl sdeanach \adj. legitimate, lawful
biultA, diultadh, s. a negative , dlistcanach, J
bjurcat), diultadh, s. a denial, refusal " u bljpreAPAf,

bijpoeAnAp, dlisdeanas,"ls. m. legitimacy, lawful- bluiujgte, dluthuighthe, adj. knit, compacted, closed
ljfceenaj-, diisteanas,) nes3 in
bo, do, of, ojleAp oo mujjie o). Mull. 14.
bioo!n, dh,}6- f- a vainer, a cullender bo, do, a sign of the dative case ; caBaj} bupeartp
blocjiAjm, dlochraim, v. I press 00 OJA
bioctao, dbchtudhyS, separating, looseing; i. t. pgAO]- bo, do, a possessive pronoun, thy, thine, your; as
leAo. . p. oo lim
Olojje, dlo'tge, s. loosing bo, do, thy, the genitive of tu, thou ; as neapt oo
lorh, dlomh, to teil. W. lajrhe
blorfuo, dlomhadh, s. a denial, refusal bo, do, a sign of the infinitive mood, as oo Bejf-, to be
blorru-nn, dhmhaim, v. I refuse, deny bo, do, is generally prefixed to the verb in the past
blorhajm, dhmhaim, v. I make plain or manifest, tell tense indicative mood, and also to the potential
bbrrujp, dlomhais, s. f. denial, refusal, negation, a. g. mood ; as oo jtjfieAp, I did ; oo rheAlpAj, I would
biorhajpjn, dlomhaisin, s. f. destruction deceive. In old MSS. jto is frequently used in
b!uo, dludh, s. m. retribution the same sense ; as are also oop and pop
bug, dlug, s. avarice, covetousness, penury bo, do, a prepositive particle of negation, as oo-aj]-
lu)5, dhiigh, adj. active, nimble, prepared mjjfe, innumerable
lu)5, dluigh, s. f. place of one's birth, patrimony, bo, do, fo OA, two, , twice
patriotism, a natural propensity ; t. ourAjp boACAl, doacal, s. affliction
luj^e, dluige, s. f. a loosing, releasing; see oloj^e bo-Ajbpea, do-abhsea< h, adj. sad, gloomy, dark
b'ujrh, dluimh, s. f. a cloud, darkness, smoke bo-AjneapA, do-aighneasach, adj. indisputable
blunri, dlwmh, s. f. a blaze of fire. 0\Br. bo-Ajpe*, do-aireach, adj. imperceptible
blu|fce4n5*l> dlulthcheangal, s. m. a league, compact, -, do-airmheach, ) .
contract, bond, agreement bo-A,prn)5f.e, do-airmhghthc, } }- enumerable
SDlujrea, dlultheach, adj. dose, near -])5, do-aisdrighthe, adj. immoveable, con
blurteAt, dhiitheacht, s. approach, approximation, stant
nearness bo-Ajpneje, do-aisneidhc, adj. unspeakable
blujr)mjollim, dluthimehiollaim, v. I beset, sur bo-A]te, do-aithc, adj. undeniable
round, close in bo-<ojmjo, do-aoimidh, adj. inexorable
blujtjn, dtuithin, s. f. a close chamber, study, or bo-niApi*ujbte, do-aiharruighihe, adj. immutable
closet bob, dob, s. m. & f. plaster, gutter, mire ; Heb. dob,
0lujtrh]4n, dluithmhian, s. f. a purpose, intention dung
blurh, dlumJ,, J s ni> mucfa . bob, deb, foroo bu, it was, oob'ejgjn, it was neces
blup, dlus, j . sary
blur, dluth, adj. close, tight, confined, near, adjacent; bob, dob, s. m. a river, a stream
olur rcl, a close-stool bob, dobh, adj. boisterous, swelling, raging
blue, dluth, s. m. the warp of a web, an inclosure, a
blubtA, dluthechadh, s. m. an advance, approach, bbAOjt, dobaoir, s. m. a plasterer
approximation, closing in bbAjm, dobaim, v. I daub, plaster
bhicACt-, dluthachd, s. the act of warping, bringing bobjp, dobhair, s. immortality
together bobiipeAC, dobliaiseach, adj. immortal
blutAO)], dluthadoir, s. m. a joiner, a warper 1, dobhaladh, s. a rank smell
blutAjeoiji, dluthaigheoir, s. m. one who approaches boba}, dobhar, s. moisture, i. e. pljucAje
. . . ")v. I approach, draw near, bot>A}t, debkar, . . water, see Ajobjp
Wu M&F-/f''. advLce, enclose, be- , dobhar, s. . the bound or border of a country
blutAjm, dlutham, j siege, make close, pack bobAl, dobhar, adj. dark, obscure
bluA]rhjcje, dlutha'mhreidhe, s. fastnesses, defiles bobajt, dobhar, adj. impure, foul ; ooBaji, /'. e.
blufcap, dluthas, s. m. nearness, closeness, compact ojpp, (no oopj) i. e. jngUn, no jnjie." Cor.
ness bobApu, dobharchu, s. m. an otter
bhrrcAjtA, dluthchara, s. f. a close friend, an adherent bouAltpoioeA, dobharshoidheach, s. a pitcher, a
blt*itc4)), dlutheharcair, s. f. a close prison, a la bucket
byrinth , dobkart, s. f. mischief, harm
bluioo]cA, dluthdortha, adj. dark, obscure -]5*, do-ihasuighthe, adj. immortal
blutoojtcAco, dhhdorchaihd, s. f. darkness, obscu boBi, dobhidh, adj. boisterous, swelling
rity, opacity bbjjb doboir, s. m. m. a plasterer
blufcopeact, dluthoidheacht, s. f. an approach '1, doblioladh, s. a rank smell
blutf flam, dluthsglamh, s. m. a villain, a serrant bobonfc, dobhong, forcible possession, as " ja; tx>-
bluiu^A, dluthughadh, s. preserving, keeping toge Vjoni,'' a frt taken by force. Br. L.
ther, maintaining. Teg. Cor. bobJi AJ,
20C DOC 205 DOG

b&jiaj, dobhraidk, s. f. wetness boc, ctovir, s. restraint

bobjiAn, dobran, s. m. an otter bjcc, dockt, s. aversion
-11, dobhran-kaskathan, a beaver bjc, se/;/, adj. strait, narrow, close, fast
boDfijAf ju, dobhriathra, s. evil words , dockt, adj. instructed, taught
boDfj4tfAC, dobhriathrach, adj. ill-spoken JcAjm, dochtann, v. I strain, bind hard
baBpjg, dobhrigh, conj. because borjAjl, dochtrail, s. f. luxury
b-Jopji, dob/irilh, s. bread and water; " i. e. t)oBji boccjt, doctur, s. m. a doctor
T )t f. c. ujrce T ajioa)]; . e. cujc er* Ajcjij^e bocujn, dochuin, adj. enough
44 pentujoe jn ." Cor. bocujngeAo, dochuingeadk, s. a disjoining, unyokeing
, dobhro, will come ; /'. e. jijocpujo, to rpcpuj boujnsjm, dochuingm, v. I dissolve, unyoke
boojin, dob'iron, s. m. sorrow, grief, sadness bjum, dochum, s. an arbour
, dobhronach, adj. sorrowful, sad baum, dockum, s. company; " Cajnjg ua ]
j m*c Up)ljn 50 l)on a pocjiAVoe inA ocum."
boBfiona, dobki onadh, s. affliction, afflicting
bobpti*]m, dob-maim, v. I afflict 4 Mast. 1454.
booujea*]-, dobhuid/iechas, s. m. ingratitude, un- bo um, do chum, prep, to, unto, to the end that
bocumtA, dochumtha, adj. ill-shaped
thankfulness bocjiA, docta, s. sadness
bo, doch, s. one's native country bocju, docrach, adj. noxious
b.)C4, docha, s. thought, consideration. C#r.
>, i/oc^e, adv. likely, probable , docran, s. m. anguish
, dochad, adv ratlier , docuracha, adj. careless
bocdjji, dochair, s. a difficulty, hardship bot>, dod, to thy, i. e. 00 00
ocajpe*]-, dochaireas, s. m. harm, damage, danger , dodha, adj. of two, binary
botjl, dodhail, s. f. bad news
, docamhlach,} . 1 adj> . hard,' difficult botijl, dodhail, s. f. bad luck. 0. g.
, docamhlachd, s. difficulty, hardship boAjn5, dodhaing, adj. difficult, hard, hurtful
, dochann, s. harm, hurt, damage bJAjng, dodhaing, adj. dismal, sad, sorrowful
boaac, dockannach, adj. hurtful bot>e.lB*c, dodhealbhach, adj. deformed, ugly
oamjm, dochannaim, v. I hurt, damage bot>eAlujce, dodhealuighthe, adj. indissoluble, un
, dochar, s. m. hurt, loss, mischief, wrong alienable
, docharach, adj. hurtful, mischievous boeAntA, dodhcanta, adj. hard to be done, imprac
, docharl, s. a difficulty ticable
boAjttAC, Dochartach, s. a man's name bot>eAntAf, dodheantas, s. impracticability
, dcchas, s. a thought. M. bot)U)ne, dodhuine, s. m. a bad man, a rogue
boAp, dochas, s. m. hope, confidence -e, do-eth, s. disease, sickness
, dcchatach, adj. confident bop aaIa, dofhaghala, adj. hard to be found, rare
ocar)t>, dochasgaidh, adj. unruly bofAjcre, dofhaicse, \
, docheannsach, adj. inflexible, licentious b )pAjcre4c, dofhaicseach, > adj. invisible
^, docheanmachd, s. inflexibility, licenti boyAjcrjonA, difhaicsionach, )
bF*Jf0"* dofhaicsionna, s. invisibility
ousness, looseness bopAjrnejoe, dofhaitneidhe, ) adj . unspeakable, irre-
0oce*p*]e, docheannsaighthc, adj. unsubdued
occ)mn]j, docheimnigh, s. difficult walking, :)pA)pnejpe, dofJiaisneise. y vealable, ineflable
0oc]mii)u54t),"rAir''w^5 r bard travelling or b>plAj, doflainn, adj. bloodless, pale
ojns, docking, marching )puAp5lAr>, doj huasgladh, adj. inextricable
opulAtA, dofhdachta, \ - jntolerable unsuf.
boiu, dochlu,i J' ' " bopuAlA)n5, dofhua!amg,V |erablc rievoua
bockojte, dochlaoidhte, adj. unconquered, indefa opuUngtA, dqfhulangtha, J s
05A, dogadh, s. m. conflagration, scorching
tigable agA, dngadh, s. mischieving. Sh.
bocUopreACo, dochlaoidhtheachd, s. insuperability
, dochma, adj. weak, incapable 00A]ipe, doghailse, s. anguish, perplexity
]*5^*> dochoimeasgtha, immiscible t bogAjm, doghaim, v. I burn, singe, scorch
boo)mf]5*e, docho'msighthe, adj. incomprehensible bojAlAt), doghaladh, s. revenging. Sh.
bocoHpujgfe, dochorruightke, adj. immoveable bojAltAC, doghaltach, adj. revengeful
boctiAioe, dochraide, s. m. servitude bogAlcAp, doghaltas, s. m. revenge
bo|tA]T>e, dochraidk,; adj. grievous 005, doganta, adj. fierce
005, dogar, adj. sad, sorrowful; " )m m* plec
bopjf, dochraith, s. f. lust
bocpeprjn, dchreidsm, s. f. incredibility peel !-" FtL Aon'
0<, dogharta, s. beheading. Sh.
bvcpeyore, dachreidte, adj. incredible bftliuUn, dogniulan, adj. insupportable. 5.
bocpiocnAlS^e, dochriochnaigkthe, adj. interminable,
boUctA, doghladha, adj. impregnable
20J DOI 30) DOT

0(>51>, doghleasadh, adj. untuneable b)5, flg/, s. a testimony

Di>5lu*)pce, doghluaistc, adj. immoveable b)5, doigh, s. ways and means
ojnAt, doghnath, adv. always, usually b)5, /7/, adj. sure, certain, doubtless
^, doghnasach, \adj. ill-favoured, dis- bjgeAt), doigheadh, s. consuming, burning
ojnjpen, doghnuiseach,j gusting bjgeAt), doigheadh, s. hoping, adjusting
Oognjom, d.ghniomh, s. an evil action 0}^6, doigheamhlachd, s. hopefulness
bog]*, doghia, s. sickness, sorrow, anguish bjgeArujl, doigheamhuil, adj wtU-appointed
05J14, doghra, s. dulness, stupidity bjeArhu]l, deigheamhuil, adj. decent
boppAjn, doghrain, \ s. f. anguish, perplexity, dan- bjjAM, doighear, s. m. a spear
ogpujn, doghruin,) ger bjjjm, doighim, v. I hope, confide
0otAjne*c, doghraineach, \ adj. dangerous, grie- bj5ip, doighir, s. f. flame ; " ucAtAji ec *
^jpujneAc, doghruineach, > vous, painful, sor- oj5jt." Fiun.
&51*ujne*, doghrumgtach,) rowful, perplexing b)5l]*5, doig/dtag, s. f. a touch-stone
bogre, doghtc, adj. singed, burnt bjj'ijorii, doighniomh, s. m. a bad act, injury
oj, doi, adj. good ; " t>oj ujne." Cor. bjte, doightke, s. pangs
ojb, doib, s. f. plaster, daub bjgre, doighthe, adj. adjusted
boj, doibh, to them, from tliem, . e. w jb, re ]b bo)-e, double, adj. burnt, scorched
bjbelAc, doibealadh, s. daubing, plastering bojUjn, doilain, s. an eddying wind. Sh.
bojnedji, doibhcar,, adj. rude, uncivil boj.ApeA, doilameuch, adj eddying. Sh.
bo)b*r, doibheas, s. vice, bad manners bojl, doilbh, adj. dark, gloomy, obscure
0)(5, do.bheasach, adj. ill-bred ]1, aoiib'.eas, see oojigeAr
bojTipe, doibhre, s. sacrifice jlbeA, doub'itheach, s. m. a sorcerer
bojBpjr, doibhrith, s. sowins, gruel, Z. . ), t bojibieACO, doilbhtheachd, s. conjuration
jc. o.g. bjjlot), do M thi, s. sorcery
bjj, doich, adj. swift, quick OojIeAgA, dodcavha, adj. indissoluble
bo), doick, adj. early bijleAru^re, doileasitfhthe, adj. inseparable
boje, doiche, s. hope, confidence boiieijr, doileighis, adj. incurable
boje, doiche, compar. of ooj bjijj, duilelr, adj. dark, obscure, mystical
0)650, doicheadjadh, s. war, strife boileog, doiuog, s. f. a stone
bojeall, doicheall, s. churlishness b'))le-topc, dode-thorc, s. a two-year old hog
bjjceAlla, doicheallach, adj. churlish, inhospitable bojlge, doilghe, adj. sore, hard, troublesome
bojeAA, doicheannach, adj. two-headed
bjjceApA, aoichcannsa, adj. contumacious 'Oi>}\i<e,f,doilgheas, s. m. soiTow, mourning, trou
bojlior, dodghios, ble, affliction, melancholy,
bojceAjinA, doichearna, adj. churlish ruefulness
bojceje, doichddhe, adv. rather bojlgeA^A, doilgheasach, \adj. grievous, sorrowful,
]6)110, doichtallach, adj. ambiguous ; dull, obscure bo]liorA, doilghiosach, j sad, penitent, detrimental
bojC]t), doichidh, s. hastening bojijeACT), doilidhcachd, s. frowardness
bojjm, doichim, v. I hasten ]1]0>, doilidheadas, s. arduitv, arduousness. Sh.
])5, doiching, adj. inaccessible bo}l)5, doil.g, \ adj. difficult, dofeful, grieved, me-
bjjcme, doichme, adj. ill-shaped, i.e. o-umt* bo]l|, doigJi,} lancholy, lamentable
bjo, rfoz'rf, s. f. the hand bojll, doill, s. blindness, dimness
bjo, 0, s. f. a small farm bo]m, doim, adj. poor
'opce, doidhche, adv. by night :)111, oimhal, adj stormy. Sh.
JjcoeAC, doiddch adj. fond of dress ; strong. Sh. bojme, daimham, adj. deep, profound. Sh.
bo)T>eA,lA, doidhcaghla, \adj. individual, indivisible ; bu-]mcA]i, do-nnc/iar, adj. intolerable
)01, doidhcala, J spoken of a spirit ], doimheas, s. disesteem
]01, doidhealbhach, adj. ill-featured b]rneA]-0A, doimheasdha, adj. inestimable
bojtieAlbA, do dealbktha, adj. unformed bojrhejr, doimhas, adj. infinite
ojeAnrA, aoidheanta, adj. impossible, impracticable bojrhjn, diimlun, adj. deep, profound
bo , doidheantachd, s. impracticability bojrhne, doimhne,
bjwjeAl, doidgkeal, adj. white-handed bojineAct, aoimhneachd, Is. the deep, depth, pro
o|jujlr.J5f e, doidhiuiltighthe, irrefragable b.>)mneAf, domneas, fundity
boppeA, doidbeann, s. a duel ^, doimhneaias,J
bjf, oj/", s. f. a potion, a draught Oojrhnjj, doimhnigh, s. deepness, hollowness
0)]511;, doifreagartha, adj. unanswerable b)jrhn)5)m, doimhnighim, v. I deepen
bj;, d.^g'i, s. trust, confidence, hope b-]ompo}i;e, do-iompoighthe, adj. inconvertible
]>5, doindearg, of a reddish dun
b<>i, drgh, s. a manner, fashion, method bojneA, doineami, ] s. inclement weather, a tem-
bj, s- a guess, supposition, opinion bojnj-jo, deinshionn,] pest

bol, del, s. m. a kind of fishing net

bojneAc*, dmneamOa,]"*'*01"*?* teulPest0US Ool, dsl, s. m. a space or distance
bojnejrh, doineimh, adj. deep Ool, dol, s. m. an expedition, excursion
bojngean, doingean, s. bass. 5*. Ool, dol, s. m. a way, a road
bojngce, doingthe, adj. dumb, stuttering; /'. e. ooj- Ool, del, s. a going
teengac OlbAjpc, dolabhairt, | adj. inexpressible, ineff-
Oojne, doinnc, > . , Oo , dolabhartha, j ble, unspeakable
bojw, ^Jbrown- SL Oo ajo, dolaidh, s. loss, dtriment, defect
o-jnf)*i do-innsid/i, 7 adj. unspeakable, unaccount- Oo aj, dolaidh, adj. impatient, intolerable
Oo-jjpre, do-imistt,\ able Oljmgen, dolaimhgen, s. a two-handed sword
bojnte, wfr, s. a small black insect , dolamhach, adj. ambidextrous
Oojnte, B/e, adj. intelligible blAriA, dolamhach, s. m. ambidexter
bojpo, doirbh, s. f. a worm lrtrjAo, dolamhachd, s. ambidexterity
fctojpb, <'r, s, f. an attempt OoUp, dolus, s. in. grief, mourning, desolation
boj , dw'rM, adj. hard, difficult OoUp, dotas, s. m. abhorrence, disdain
bojjtb, doirbh, adj. peevish, dissatisfied OolApA, dolasach, adj. sad, melancholy, sick
u}JtBe)}}m, doirbhcheirim, v. I frame, model OoUpAjm, dtlasa'nn, v. I lament
ojpBeau, doirbheachd, s. peevishness Oolb, doib, s. sorcery
ojjbef, doiriheasi 9. anguish, grief , dolbhad, s. fiction
bojjtce, doitchi, adj. dark OoleAgA, doleaghtha, adj. illegible
ojjte, doire, s. captivity ; " btAji jpjn cojpe - OoleAnrhAjn, doleanmhain, adj. inimitable
bjlonuA." MlPar. 164. OoleApujjte, doleasuighthe, adj. irreparable
OojpeA, doireach, adj. woody bolejjeAp, doleigheas, adj. incurable
bo)-]ima, doi-reama, s. bye- paths, impassable places bolejjipjn, doilersin, adj. inexplicable
Oojpjgre, doireighle, adj irreconcilable bolpA, dolfa, seeeolrhA
bo)l]*lt>*, doiriardha, adj. difficult, ungovernable bol j, dolidh, adj. difficult
0o]1jaja, doiriarthachd, s. peevishness, perverse- ballj, dollidh, s. damage. Sh.
ness bolrhA, dolmha, s. hesitancy, delay, slownese
bojpjACA, doira ta, adj. lewd bo l, do lo, adv. by day, daily,
bojpjontA, doirionta, adj. sullen, dogged boluAj, doluaidh, adj. unspeakable
ojfiijTij, doitling, s. an isthmus, beech bolbrt j, dolubaidh, \ adj. inflexible, rigid, stubborn,
bojjtmjApA, doirmidhasadh, s. lethargy bolbiA, dolubtha, j unbending
bojpneog, doirneog, s. f. a handle of an oar, a stone bolug, dolugh, s. injury; i. e. . . g.
to throw with OolujeA, dolitigheadh, s. falling down. Si.
bojpneo0A, doirruogach, adj. full of round stones blum, dolum, adj. surly
bojppeA, doirseach, adj. full of doors, open bom, dorn, s. a house
bojjtpejj, doirsetir, s. m. a porter bo'm, do"m, pron. to my ; t. <r. mo
uippeojpeACo, doitseoir eachd, s. the office of a porter OomA, eww, a. want, scarcity ; ;'. e. t>)j"om*. Cor.
bojppjn, doirsin, s. folding doors. Sh. OomA, domhadh, the second
Oojpte, doirte, part, poured out bom'Aice, dem'rtice, near me, in my presence
ojjiceAC, dotrteach, adj. spilling bomAjl, domhail, adj. bulky
OojpteA, doirteach, 9. m. aspiller; "rojpteA poU." bomAjn, domain, adj. transitory
ojjtteAl, doirteal, s. a sink boriiAjn, domliain, adj. deep, hollow
bojpieAp, doirtheas, s. affliction, misfortune borhAjn, domhain, s. f. the breech ; i. e. ton. 0. g.
bojjtreojp, doirteoir, s. m. a shedder }1>0, domhaingrafaih, ?s. cosmogra-
bojptjgte, doirtighthe, adj. spilled borhAjnpbUJoDA, domhainsgrobhadhfi phy
bojjitjm, doirtim, v. I spill, shed bomAjljm, domairim, v. I speak
bojr, do//, s. f. a. grain of inebriating quality that OomAjpm, domairm, s. f. speech
grows amongst corn bom-Aj^m, aom-airm, s. f. an arsenal
Ooj*, doith, adv. soon bmAjtte, domhaithte, adj. irrmissible
bo-|fceall- dotthcheall, \s. churlishness, nig- boifiAn, domhan, s. . the world, universe
1*1, doithchearnas, J gardliness, abhorrence borhcojn, domhaoin. adj. bad, naughty, idle
ojtceAAC, doithcheallach, adj. churlish boriArier, domhanches, s. a request
Oojte, do'te, adj. quick, nimble, active borhAjt, domhar, see
oiteAujrB* doitheaguisg, \ adj. indcil, indocible, OrhAjiBiA, domharbhOia, adj. immortal
bojtepBAjp, dtithesgair, j unteachable borhApbtACO, domharbhthachd, s. immortality
bojtjm, doithim, v. I burn, I singe bombUp, domblas, s. . an ill taste, gall on the liver,
ojfnl doithir, s. f*a- covenant, contract bile, anger, disgust
boiiilb doithir, adj. dark, gloomy, obscure *>, domblasacha, s. insipidity ,
bojtjp. doithir, adj. deformed, ugly, unpleasant, X X ,
ill-humoured, dull

, domblasda, adj. unsavoury, insipid, dis bojtAjng, doraing, see eopujns

gustful, biliary bojtApgeAo doraingeachd, s. f. frowardness
ombujtieac, dombuidheach, adj. unthankful bojtAjnte, dorainnte, adj. indivisible
om'ceojn, dorrdheoin, of my own free will bojilA, drala, v. it happened
borhjnr, domhghnas, s. propriety, inheritance, pa bojiArujfcte, dorannsuighthe, adj. inscrutable
trimony bojtAj, dorar, s. m. a battle, conflict
bornjnj-, domhghnas, adj. hereditary , doras, s. m. a door, gate, boundary
borhUr, domhlas, s. m. a crowd, a bulk , dorbk, s. m. grass
barhljor, domhlios, s. a house surrounded by a moat , dorbhlus, . m. twilight; i. . /
or watered trench for a defence 1<oj ] oie, quasi p lux. vel coda p j-olur, wl
&ornti, domhnach, s. m. a great house, a church leur." Cor.
, domhnach, s. m. Sunday , dorbhlusdae, adj, dark. Cor.
orhnA, domhnach, adj. lamentable , dorbrmdhar, adj. rough, rushing
, Domhnall, s. m. a man's name bopbuj, dorbi, s. an animal living in water. Lee.
bomnArcAjm, domnascaim, v. I bind bop, or/, 7 adj . dark, black, dusky, abstruse, oc-
borhnon, or jrjj oomnon, domhnon, orfir domhnon, the , dorha, J cuit, obscure, mystical, shadowy
name of a tribe who settled in Conaght many cen bopAt, dorchacht, Is, darkness, gloom, cloudi-
turies before Christ , dorchadas, J ness, obscurity
borhnur, dovihnus, s. m. a place of residence , dorchadh, s. an eclipse. S.
borhojn, domhoin, see bopcAjcjm, dorchaidhim, v. I darken, obscure
borhot;u]5ec, domhethuigheach, adj. imperceptible, bopcjnc, dorchaint, s. f. ambilogy
unfeeling bopjnceAC, dorckainteach, adj. anibilogous
bomorujgeaco, domhothuigheachd, s. imperceptibility bpU, dorchlann, s. f. neighbours
bomut>Aj5ce, domudkaighthe, adj. inextinguishable, bopcujgte, dorchuighthe, adj. darkened
unperishable bpo, tor, ) s. m.humming, or muttering; hence
b'n, do'n, to the, of the ; . no *n, oe , bpoAl, dordal, J ojto , the othce of the dead
bon, don, adv. then bopA, dordha, adj. grisly, grim
bon, don, conj. although bopAt, dordhacht, s. f. grimness, sternness
bon, don, for sake of ; . e. *)J ron. o. g. bpoAjm, dordaim, v. I hum, buzz
bon, c, s. f. a gift ; /'. e. cjobIaca bpoin, dordan, s. m. a huming noise
bon, don, s. f. mischief, evil , dordanaim, see t>jOA]m
bon, don, s. m. a lord ; " oon tmal uAjn." bptjujlle, dordhuille, s. m. a folding door
bona, dona, adj. poor, unfortunate ; . e. oj *. Cor. bpertjgte, doreidhtighthe, adj. irreconcileabl*
, donadh, adj. evil, bad, aukward bo pjji, do reir, prep, according to
, donadas, s. . ill, miserableness bopgA, dorga, adj. despicable
bonAjjjm, donatghm, v. I make bad, injure opgA, dorga, s. a fishing net
]*, donamharc, s. naughtiness bjijAgUjte, doriaghlaighthe, adj. ungovernable
b'WAf, donas, s. m. mischief, misfortune, ill luck bpjApfc* doriartha, adj. insatiable, ungovernable,
bo, donn, s. m. a king ; see oon, a lord surly, peevish
bon, donn, s. m. a poet; a degree of the poetic or bp)Apt4Co, doriarthachd, s. f. insatiableness, pee
philosophic order. Br. L. vishness
bo, donn, adj. dun or brown bpyjrj, doridhisi, adv. again, old parch.
bo, don, adj. pregnant opUc, dorlach, s. m. a bundle, a handful
boAAt>, donnaghadh, s. destroying boplajng, dorlaing, s. m. an isthmus
1, donnai, s. the yells of a dog bojin, dorn, s. f. the fist ; Welsh dwrn
1>, donnaladh, s. yelping, howling bopn, dorn, s. m. a haft, a handle
boAlujgjm, donnaluighim, v. I bark, yelp bopn, dorn, s. m. a blow, a cuff
, donnant, v. to grow brown bopnac, darnach, s. m. a boxer, a buffer
boA^A, donnathadh, s. sovereignty, rule. Br. L. bopnc, dornach, see )1
boA, Donnach, s. the proper name of a man bopnA, dornadh, s. f. fisty-cuffs
bog, donnog, s. f. a kind of fish <5], dornadoir, s. m. a pugilist
bopuA*, donnruadh, bay or chesnut colour 0), dornadoireachd, s. pugilism
bo ojt>ce, adv. by night, nightly bojn*pn, dornaim, v. I box
bjt, dor, s. m. a door ; figurt, a confine bopnftTrtujl, dornamhutl, adj. pugilistic
bojiA, doradh, s. a line or rule ], dornan, s. m. a small handful
, doradh, at first, in the beginning, in the , domase, s. m. a manicle
first instance ; . . yo 6-\. . g. ', d'ornasc, s. a gold ring or chain. 0'2?.
bojtAj, doraidh, s. strife, disput opnult, erncbr, 1 s the hUt of sword
bojiAp, doraidh, adj. intricate , dornchul,!

Oopn-iojge, dorn-dighe, s. m. a finger-sucker bop5u4, dosguthach, adj. absurd

bopng, dornog, s. f. a small stone that a man can bopjn, fot'n, thereunto
cast with his hand f10J* doshior, adv. always, continually
ojtp, dorr, s. m. anger, wrath DopjuB4l, doshiubhal, adj. impassable
bojip, dorr, adj. indcil bpnuM, dosmachta, -adj. incorrigible,
ojj, dorr, ] adJ- harsn> very rough, fierce, 44)5*, dosmacAtatgAthe,) obstinate
owjte, dorrach f cruel' austere> unpleasant, dis- bormu4)nc]5te, dosmmintighthe, adj. incomprehen
'J pleased sible f?\A v , 7
, dorram, v. to grow angry. SA. b6ppjot4, dospionnta, adj. unsearchable
ojjin, don an, s. m. anger, vexation bppjijote, dosprichte, adj. stubborn, intractable
bojjn*, dorrawch, adj. irritable, vexatious bopji4, dosrach, see or4c
opp, dorrdha, see bop)4j, dosraicA, s. buffeting of water. A.
opppppoco, dorrsproclid, s. irritation boc, dot, see
ojjtie, dorrtheacA, s. m. a house-prayer or de *40, dothadh, s. singeing, scorching
votion, a seat of piety boc4jn, dothan, s. f. sufficiency
boppujgte, dorruighthe, adj. surly, grim bo*4l, oMar, "I
boiu4]*, dotkuar,]'- manver
^j^rsoird,he' } s m- a door-keeper, porter
boc4ll4)p, dotare/dais, s. f. a water-course
boppn, dorsan, s. m. a grasshopper bfcup, dothcAus, s. . hope, confidence
bojr]]tefto, dorsoireachd, s. f. the office of a door bcup4, dothchusach, adj. confident, hopeful
keeper bup4, dothchusadh, s. hoping, confiding
optac, dortack, adj. effusive i bur4]m, dothchusim, v. I hope, trust, confide
bjtt4, or/a, part, spilled bte4g4jps, dotheagaisg, adj.1 indcil
0jt*o, dortadh, s. spilling, pouring out bte44jpgre, dothtagaisgthe, adj. untaught
Ojttajm, dortaint, v. I spill, pour out btgt4, dothogtha, adj. rejected ; hard to rear
opuhi, dorubha, s. a line bororhap, dothomhas, adj. immensurable
bjiujgrjn, doniigsin, adj. unattainable botujgpe, dothuigse, s. mystery, mysteriousness
bopujng, doming, s. m. pain, torment, danger boiujgnn, dothuigsin, adj. unintelligible, mysterious,
bopuine, doruingeach, adj. uneasy, dangerous occult
bojmp, dorus, see . btiab, ra, s. m. a spot, stain
bop, rfw, s. m. froth, scum ; a cockade, a tassel , drabh, s. m. a cart
bor, s. m. a bush, a bramble, a thicket b]*4D, drabh, s. m. grains, refuse
boy, dot, s. m. a compact body of men b|44, drabhadh, s. separating
bor, dos, s. m. a nobleman, a hero ; . . uajt. b]t4b4)]te, drabaire, s. m. a dirty fellow, a sloven
bop, /o, s. m. a poet of the third order , drabhas, s. m. dirt, nastiness
bop, dos, a mark of the past tense ; cor yu)]tne*c- b|t4b4p40, drabhasach, adj. dirty, filthy
4], it happened, op tog4, it was chosen b)t4b4po4, drabasda, adj. indelicate, indecent
offtc, dosach, adj. bushy bj4b4f-040o, drabasdaehd, s. f. indelicacy
bpl, <</, s. m. slumber b|t4ti|n, drabkin, adj. idle. A.
bopn, dese, s. m. a small bush or tassel }41], drabhlin, s. trifles, idleness. SA.
bpdn, dosan, pron. to him bl4b5, drabog, s. f. a slut, a slattern
bp4]r*, doskarta, adj. troublesome, difficult bj4Dg, drabhog, s. f. dregs, lees
bppujgte, dosharwghthe, adj. invincible bl4Bg4, drubhogach, adj. dreggy
bpipioft, doshasda, adj. insatiable ]44, drachma, s. a drachm
bppujgte, doshasuighthe, adj. unsatisfied b}4t>, dVe<M, s. exercise
fcppujjteao, doshasuighthcachd, s. insatiableness bp4g, drag, s. m. fire, a thunder-bolt
bpcu|t)t), dosduraid/t, adj. intractable bjugv <fregA, s. . anger
bfe*nr4, dosheachanta, adj. inevitable bp45, drA, s. m. trouble
lit*, dosheallta, adj. invisible fi454t>, draghadk, s. pulling, drawing
opeoUw, dosheoladh, adj. innavigable &jfflg4]e4n, dragaighean, s. m. a fire-shovel
bopg4rc-4, dosgaidha, s. evils of the year. SA. 454}, draghaim, v. I pull, draw
bf5<ojlte, dosgaoilte, adj. indissoluble, inevitable bji45<)l<e, draghatrc, s. m. a drawer, puller
bp541t4, dosgartha, adj. inseparable 0MAj-4jIe4Ct>, draghaireachd, s. pulling, tugging
bopgeul, dosgeul, s. m. a romance biui^rhbt), draghamhlachd, s. troublesomeness
b0p5f>]opt>4, dosgriosda, adj. indelible 4|*)1, draghamhml, adj. troublesome
bn4KVr &*> a flint
extravagant bH4gDOt>, dragbhod, s. the lesser bear star
moroseness, ex
fer5u)e4C, dosguinmacA, adj. unfortunate
21 DRA

bj<or, rf/vw, s. m. trash

> s. a dragon -, draosdach, ) .. .
jnoorturhujl, draosdamhuil, \ ad-'' obscene smutty
bjugn, dragun, s. m. a horse soldier p<op4o, draosduckd, e. f. obscenity, -smut
&]t*, , s. m. a druid ; " i. . pu* *1, i. . opart, draoth, s. m. a pull, a tug, a pluck
4]41; ) jr tj]* 5)| - 0|not4t>, draothadh, s. pulling, tugging
0]i<oA)m, dtaothaim, v. I pull
)5-]0)*5, draigh-bhiorasg, s. fewel &l*4pAT>oj]t, drapadoir, s. m. a climber
OpajjeATi, draighean, s. a thorn b)4p4T>oijie*o, drapadoireachd, s. clambering
(iajgen, draghea/iach, adj. thorny, spiny 44,4-oppti4, 50 pipo*, drasda,-draS-
fA)5)on draighiotm, s. a dog-rose bush. '. da, go drasd, adv. hitherto, now, not yet
Jgnea, draighneach, \ s. m. blackthorn, sloe tree; bfi, /r, s. m. a sied
^Nlgneoj, diraighneog, } Prunus spinosa &f*e4, dreach, s. m. form, figure, image, counte
jjneac, draighneach, s. a great rattling noise as nance, a luoking-glasa
of thunder bje4, dreach, s. m. a habit, hue
)), diail/sain, s. sparkling light . jte4C, dreach, adj. sdly
b|i4)llp4jrt4, draillsainach, 1 adj. twinkling, spark- &Ie440, dreachach, s m. a statuary
|14]1!44, dra'dlsanta J ling. J/ 404, dieachach, adj. drawn, delineated
b|*4in, drain, 7 bpe4C4, dreachach, adj. fair, handsome
I4jnt, dramt,y pe404, dreachaih, s. portraiture, polishing
b}4|nc, draine, s. a snarling bpe444n, dreachadan, s. m. a mould
bp*jnc4nr, draincanta, adj. snarling &|ie404t)0]jt, dreachadoir, s. m. a painter, a statuary
bjij, drainn, s. a hunch or hump-back fe404)m, dreachaim, v. i figure, delineate
j4jntjm, draintim, drainneasoraim, >J ." j Srm
. bjte44niujl, dnachamhuit, adj. comely
pe4>, dreachd, s. an article, office, employment
bfAm, dram, see t>|e4m &jie4t>, dreachd, s. a troop, company
bjum, </, s. much, plenty 0je4T>4jm, dreachdaim, v. I signify
Vm,*, jc4ct>4))ie, drcachdaire, s. m. an historian
[411105, dramog,. J) s. a dram of spirits
r jieAf-ompU, drtachshompla, s. a platform, ichnogra-
bjirtrhibrejm, dramhabtaim, \ v. I kick, spurn, stamp,
|tftml4)m, dramlaim J tread bj4r, dreacht, s. m. a poem
0{m4]g, dramatg, s. a dirty mixture, crowdy. S. 0[4r, dreacht, s. m. a draught or pattern
(i4mjm, dramhaim, v. I grin jt4C4, dicathta, s. weakness
ji4rii4jr, dramhait, s. a drama bpe4te, dreachtet adj. ornate
j4rht)4]m, dramhdainty v. I mutter, grumble bje454, dreagadh, s. advertisement
j4n, A 7 rh or metre &jte454jm, dreagaim, v. I fight, wrangle
405, dranrg, j J ble4g4]m, dreagaim, v. I advertise
04>, drand, s. a small quantity bpe4g4n, dreagan, s. m. a dragon, fig. a champion
|44, drandan, s. m. the whistling of wind, or bpegupi, drtaguin, s. f. pickles
storm, humming noise or singing 411*4)) dreallanaidh, s. m. an augur
04)440, drandanach, adj humming 4, dteamh, adj. surly, sullen
bp4npm4o, drandanachd, s. singing, humming bjie4m, r, s. m. a tribe, family, company, people
j4nr, drant, "Is. snarling of a dog, grumb- bje4m, rwvr, ] s m a w of or stfaw
junrn, dranntan, J ling ojie4m4n, ditaman, )
bjMii, dranntadh, s. drawing up of the mouth, je4mn, dreaman, s. m. madness, furiousness
grinning 444, dreamanah, aoj. fanatical, mad
bp4c4jm, dranntaim, v. I snarl, grin &)te4rhn4, dreamhnach, s. m. a coxcomb
4440, dranntamch, adj snarling, envious &fe4rhn4C, drcamhach, adj. perverse, foolish
l*4fit*nu)5, dranntanuigh, s. a snarler, grinner bpe4rnn4jm, ., v. I rage, fret
bjuoj, draoi, s. m. a druitl, an augur, magician 4, dra, s. m. strife, debate
J40]t)e4cr, draaidheachfl, s. f. the di ni die worship bpe4n, drtan, s. a wren ; 1. e. cep n be^ ojpeo)f,
or form of religion ; magic, sorcery, divination no 54) n, . e. n to n) j4]rc)ne." Cor. WeisA
0)<ojt)e4r4', draoidheaditadh, . bewitching, en
chanting bne4n, drean, adj. bad, naughty
0Jtvee4'cT4pn, draoidheachtaim, v. I bewitch bpeon*'? dreanad, good
bjKO)f)f|or, draoidhfhios, s. druidic knowledge 44,- dreancad, s. m. a flea
bjwojte, draoithe, s. wise men. Matt. c. 2. v. 1. b)ie4n com4 , </>fa cemhac, s. a leg
bH<otfnc4, draoithneach, see cjw>) bpe4nt)4, dnandha, adj. repugnant, opposite, con
<0]54, draoighnean, s. m. a thorn
blUolpb draolin, s. f. tediousness, inactivity trary . _

ftean, dreann, see bpeolln, dreollan, s. m. a silly person

opean, dreann, s. m. sorrow, melancholy, paia , dreollanachd, s. silliness
Opean, dreamt, s. m. haste, speed bjieollin , dreollan teasbuidh, s. a o-rass-
Ofe*n, dreann, s. m. a battle, contention hopper
oje, dreann, adj. strong, firm bfeoje, dreoighte, adj. rotten, musty
, drcannacli, adj.1 speedy ; quarrelsome bneojgceaio, dreoighteachd, s. mustiness
, dreannad, s. m. rashness bpep, dies, "Is. m. news, a tale, rehearsal, re-
, dreannaim, v. 1 fight, contend bpepa, dresadh,J lation, a story
bpeanjtS dreanoir, s. m. an augur, a prophet , dresbheartach, s. m. a tale bearer
D|e4p*jm, dreapaim, v. I climb, clamber bpepeAifiujI, dreseamhuil, adj. prickly
b|tepjje<co, dreapaireachd, s. f. climbing bpjACAtjAjc, driachadaich, 1 s. stiffness, inflexibili-
, diras, s. f. aplace, stand, turn ])]}10), driachairachd, J ty, obstinacy. S.
, dreas, "Ir.- , ,, (], driachanach, adj. ailing, peevish
05, </^, j s- f' a bnar> bramble pjAmlAC, driamlach, s. m. a fishing line
, dreasach, adj. thorny, briery bpjcc, drice, s. a dragon
>, dreasachd, s. strolhng about, e. jom- bpjcc, drice, adj. angry
luAJt>jll. . g.
]-]1, dreasail, s. f. shreds, small bits bpjce, r/ft ] s" ' difference, distinction ;
bpjeA,\b, dricheadh, f { ^.^,].-
bpeApAjm, dreasaim, v. I break J cealotigA'o. . g.
|ieAptrhujl, dreasamhuil, adj. prickly bpjl, *;/, s. f. a drop
, dreasarnach, s. a place where brambles bpjlljm, dnllim, v. I drop
grow bpjlpeac, drilseach, adj. dropping
b(*e*po|U, dreaschoill, s. f. a thicket bpjm, s. the back ; a ridge of mountains
OperpAjreaji, dreasfaidhthear, v. shall be broken, bpjm a cjtAj, drim a chrainn, s. tue beam of a plough
f. c. bpjppAjceap. . . bpjm lujnge, drim hiinget s. the keel of a ship
fieApgjt), dreasgidh, see npeApArnujl bfjm uACt)A)An a cA}fAjn, drim uachdarain a chairain,
peAprhun, dreasmhun, see cpeApcojll s. the upper palate
, dreathan, ) bjijoPAp, diiodar, s. m. gore, matter ; dregs, lees
T50, dreathan donn, j s' wren b}t)OOAfrA, driodarlha, adj. mixed with dregs
Opct), drechd, s. m. a tale, a story, a poem bp i g, driog, s. f. a drop, a tear
bpeceng, drecheng, three persons bpjojAjm, driogaim, v. I trickle, drop, distil
pejDpe, dreibhse, s. a space of time, a while bpjopAjm, driopaim, v. I climb
bperce, dreige, s. f. ameteor bpjp, drip, s. f. affliction
pejgAjpeAc, dreigaiseack, adj. peevish bjtjp, drip, s. f. a snare
bjtjm, dreim, s. f. an endeavour, attempt bpjp, dris,
bpjm, dreim, s. f. emulation, contention bpjple, drisle, V see ojtejpeos
, dreimid, s. f. a saddle p ipleog, drisleog,)
bjtjmjm, dreimim, v. I climb ; I emulate bj]peAC, driseach, adj. abounding in brambles
bpjmjneAC, dreimineach, s. m. a gradation, degree bpjpeAC, driseach fa
bpjmjtte, dreimire, s. f. a ladder, stair, climax ), driseanta, ) >
bpurvjpe bupe, dreimire buidhe, s. yellow centaury ; pjp^n, drisin, s. f. a little bramble
Chlora pert'oliata bntle, & a sparkle
bj)m]je ftOjtm, dreimire gorm, s. woody night bpjfleo5,^to-,J r
shade ; Solanum dulcamara bpjtleA, drithleadh, s. sparkling
bjinrnpe mu)pe, dreimire muire, s. the less centaury ; 0|t)rleA, dritldeann, s. m. a rivet ; a sparkle
Gentiana centaurium bp]cly5)m, drithltghim, v. I sparkle
bpmrjw, dreimiridh, see oprnrjpe b[t)ublAC, driubhlach, s. m. a cowl
bjtejmne, dreimne, s. a cock fc>|i]uc, driuch, s. m. fretfulness, anger
" peAnAjnm Af timjc ; bpjucA, driuchadh, s. a standing on end, erection
Fjp )p * mojiijAiA]} ; ), driuchamhlachd, s. f. anger
^ c<)tA, cpejmne jaI ; iiiucArhu)l, driuchamhud, adj. angry
SeA^AC )p catjIa gADAji." For.foc jtmcAm, driucham, v. to stand on end. Sh.
b)te)mne, dreimne, s. warfare bf]uco, dnuchd, s. m. dew
bpejpeAC, dreiseach, see peApA bppM, dnuJiduch I ad. de_
bpejpeog, dreiseog, s. f. bramble, brier, black-berry nuictJATTHi)!, driuchdamhuil, \ J
bush ; Rubus fructicosus bniucoAim, driuchdaim, v. I bedew
bieoA]m, dreoghaim, v. to rot, wear out b)picrh*lS drnwhdmhar, see njtjuicAc
bjteojjn, , jawren bpo, rfre, s. a line
bjeolln, dreollan,) btmblA, drobhlachy see pjublAC
1 bjtoblAp,

OpobUj-, drcb/as, s. m. profuseness pooume, dmchduine, s. a bad man, a reprobate

~j*ftl*r> robhlas, s. m. misery Ottoeoluje, drochcoluighe, s. rh. a misleader
DpoBUr*c, drobhlasach, adj. miserable, pitiful jAjrcjn, drochfhaistin, s. f. misinformation
bjoc, droch,'s. m. death bjtojroAl, drochfhocal, s. m. a malediction
, roc'A, s. m. a coach wheel poAjle, drochghaile, s. apepsy
bpo, droch, ad j. bad, evil ; Welsh drwg bpocgne, drochgne, s. ill-nature
jtoc, roe/;, adj. scarce, little, short, difficult bpocgnejieAc, drochgneitheach, adj. ill-favoured
bpo, droch, adj. rijrht, straight, direct bponjor, drochghniomh, s. m. a bad action, misdeed
jio, droch, in compound words often has the mean- bpoguje, drochghuidhe, s. a bad prayer
bpojomA]!, drochiomchar, s. ill-behaviour
ingof the English prefixesun, im, mis,aspjtoc*)jt]t),
t)jtotu)5]>]n. When the second part of the com bpociompA, drochiomradh, s. evil report
bpoclAOAptAc, drochlabharthach, adj. ill-spoken, foul-
pound has its first vowel slender, the prefix is com
monly written ojmjc mouthed
bpo, droch, adj. dark. 0'C/. pocluAOA)*, drochluadar, s. foul means
, drochad, s. m. a bridge jtom<ojneAf, drochviaoineas, s. idleness
bpo -51, drochad-ihoghbhalach, s. m. a draw , drochmharbhadh, s. murder
bridge bpocmejpneAC, drochmheisneach, s. pr.silanimity; mis
05, drochagh, s. m. mischance, ill-luck trust
poAjmAj, drochaghmhar, bpocrhejpneAriiujl, drochmheisneamhuil, adj. faint
\ adj. ill-fated, un-
bpocAjriiApAC, drochagh mharach, ) lucky hearted
joc)5eAntAC, drchmgeantach, adj. ill-minded, be bpocmjocA)lre, drochmhiotailte, adj. alloyed, drossy
grudging bpocrhn*r>, drochmhunadh, s. bad breeding, inso
bjiocAjnm, drochainm, s. an ill name, disrepute lence
b)o*]nc, drochaint, s. f. abuse bpocmmte, drochmhuinte, adj. ill-taught, insolent
jtoAjpv, drochairidh, adj. unworthy bponAt>]ji, drochnaduir, s. ill- nature
bpoAjptAn, drocha'istan, s. idle naughty tricks bpocnp, drochnos, s. a bad habit
bjioAjpreAC, drochaisteach, adj. idle, mischievous bpocobAjjt, drochobair, s. foul doings, bad work
jtoAjie*rh, drochmthtamh, s. lavishuient, misappli bjioojpleA^At, drochoirleaghadh, s. mis-spelling
cation , drochradharcach, adj. dim-sighted
jtoAtfiAnrA]i, drochamhantar, s. ill-luck bpojiA)*, drochraith, s. f. lust ; t. e. t>pu)f. 0. .
0oc4npA)r, drochanfais, s. mistrust, jealousy, fear bpo^jAglACAt), drochriaghlachadh, s. misgovernment
bjocAn]:4)re, drochanfaiseuch, adj. jealous bpopmo, drochrind, s. a spear; " /. <?. jj oo 6ejj
bjiocbjl, drochbhail, s. f. unthrifuness, mismanage ." Cor.
ment bpopoj. drochroinn, s. foul dealing
b|tocbA]l, drochbhail, s. f. ill-luck bpopn, drochtun, s. malice
bHo0DAp*mu)l, drochbharamhuil, s. f. prejudice bpopApu)ie, drohshasuighthe, adj. ill-pleased
;, drochbheart, s. f. an evil action bpoful, droch.igeul, s. m. detraction
bpocpmuAjn, diochsmuain, s. a bad thought
bpoDeA]t;A, drochbhtartach, adj. vicious, evil-doing
bjtoueAA, drochbheatha, s. a bad life bpopu]!, drocAshuil, s. an evil eye
bjtocoup, droc'hbhem, s. ill-manners bpoppjo]A)T>, drochspioraid, s. f. an evil spirit
bjtocbupA, drochbheusach, adj. unmannerly, immo bporujSEe, drochsuighte, adj. ill-pleased
ral bpoiAr, drochthaig, s. an ill report or character
OjioblAr, drcchbhlas, s. an ill-taste , drochtheanga, adj. foul-mouthed
b|ocblAft>A, drochbhlaada, adj. ill -flavoured, vapid bjtociojIreAriAr, drochthoilteanas, s. demerit
tonoDobr, bitocfuA]Ar5DAil, drochthuarasgbhai,\see t>]ioc-
pocbohAn, drochtholadh,
dochbholtan, \) S- a bad
, , sme11,,
bpofuAjpirS- drochthuairaisg, J iAfg
itocb)1)***!1 dnthbhriathar, s. evil expression bjiofeuA], drochthuar, s. m. an ill omen
pocDunmbApA, drochbhunudkasach, adj. ill-grounded 0]5 drochthuigsin, s. misapprehensign
), drochchaidreadh, s. evil communica bpouAjp, drochuair, s. an evil hour
tion, sinful commerce pocumrA, drochumtha, adj. ill-shaped
OiwicieAioAf, drochhleachdas, s. mal-practice bpog, J/ ^, s. m. the motion of the sea
poUoTiAt!, drochchlaonadh, s. evil inclination bpgA, drogha, s. a fisher's line
poorhAjple. drochchomhuirk, s. bad advice bno5Ajo, drogaid, s. f. drugget
pocorhluA'OA], drochchomhluadar, s. bad company bpoBejl, droibheil, adj. difficult, hard
JDjiocumrcacao, drothchuinseachadh, s. mal-adminis bpoj, r0cA, s. f. a dwarf
tration Hoibeile, dmchbheile, s. hard fare
bpoccujjteAC, drochchuireach, s. m. wicked, impious bnoicleAtrAt), droichcleachtadh, s. habitual
|>, drochd, adj. dark, black, obscure Ono1C>e, droichdhe, taken up. .
bpocoAjl, drochdail, s. bad news , bttoieftSU, dreichtegla, s. criminal fear
bpoxxo)n)D drechdhaoinibh, t. wicked people 1 bpojeihujl,

bpojeAmujl, dro,chmmhuil,\ ,. , bponcjiojce, dronchrokhte, adj. perpendicular

Opoje4nrA, drokheanta, jadJ- dwarfish bjtononAt), drondunadh, s. shutting, stopping
pojdeojn, droicheoin, s. deep waters. Sh. bjion-onAjm, drondunaim, v. I shut, stop
OftojsejTice, drokhgelnte, adj. ill-begotten bpong, drong, s. m. people, a sept, a troop
Opojgnjom, droichghniomh, mischief, a crime bitong, drong; s. m. a part, sub-division ; " ejjte
Ofoic*n, dmchan, v. I wrong, abuse, do evil oil ojunj 5*jjl, yecA opong ja aIajd."
Djiojjnrjec, drokhinntinneach, adj. ill-minded, bpongclojibme, drongchtoidhme, s. soldiers. Teg. Cor.
opojjoo, droiehiod, s. m. a bridge , dronnnch, adj. white- backed
pojcljATTi, droichliam, s. shortness of breath bponn, dronnan, s. m. the back
Ojio)cme<rA, drokhmheasda, ill-reputed bjtos, dronnog, s. f. a hump, a small burden
b|iojrhejj-neAC, droichmheisneach, s. m. pusilanimity bjiormjlle, dronnudle, s. a right angle
opojcrhjn, drokhmhein, 1 s. f. malice, ill- bponujlleAnAC, dronnuiileanach, adj. rectangular
bpojcmejneAco, droichmheineachd, J will bfiotn, drothan, s. m. a breeze of wind
poimpral, droichmhiotal, s. m. dross , drothannach, adj. breezy
0)), drokhni, s. abad thing. Danl. 72. ), drothanfais, see t>j0CAnfA)j-
bpojcpepprh, drotchreidimnh, s. m. misbelief bftotlA, drothla, s. a ratter, a wain-beam
bjtojcpeoo, droiehreodh, s. wickedness bpotljjt, drothloir, s. m. a carpenter
|t0)C(tj45Ut), drokhriaghladh, s. misrule bjiotljjteAt), drothloireachd, s. the trade of a car
b|to]r5ul, droichsgeul, s. m. detraction penter
bpojcfjo, droichshionn, s. bad weather bjiUA, dniadhy s. m. a magician
ftojiejrTAm, drokhtheistam, v. to defame. $h> bpuAjp, druaip, s. f. lees, sediment
fo)cf)ot>, drokhthiod, see t>jojcjoo bpuAjpteojp, druaipt/ieorr, s. m. a tipler
bjtojijonrgnArh, drckhthionsgnamh, s. a conspiracy, bfUACA, druathadh, s. fornication
or evil imagination bpUACAjm, druathaim, v. I fornicate
ftop, droid, s. f. a stare or starling bpub, drubh, s. m. a chariot
bjto^eAr, droidheachd, see ojKojeACO b(tuD, drubh, s. m. a house, habitation
bjiojgeAmujI, droigheamuil, adj. active, affecting bjuio, drubh, s. m. a fool; . e. ojmfijo
foj5e*n, droigheaii, s. the deep, the depth |uoojp, drubhoir, s. m. a carriage-maker
bpojeaf, draigheann, s. m. black-thorn, sloe tree ; rir, druchd, s. m. a hearing, a raising up
" ^, i. . %<, i. . on ) rjio bfico, druchd \ ,
bW,d,uchdan,\S-m- dew
IAnc*)B *1 ) Aelg " Cor.
bfiojgneAC, iroighncach, adj. thorny bjico muyne, druchd na muine,see cjiujojn-mna
pormlin, droimlin, dim. of pomjn bpdcA , druchtadea, s. corn and milk ; " i. t. yt
(tojneAb, droineab, s. tackling blit." Cor.
bpojng, drang, see 0jttn, druchtan, . . cheese whey; a drop
jo], Aroinn, v. to make, do, be. Sh, Opuf, drud, s. f. an inclosure
pol, drol, s. m- a bay, a loop, plait bnu5A]]ie, drugave, s. m. a slave or drudge
bfml, drol, s. m. a quirk or stratagem puAifteACo, drugairctchd, s. f. slavery, drudgery
bftAfl^>aParOfP0t-bO0k bjmjDeAl, drwbheal, s. a dark place or recess
bjtjcon, druichdin, s. f. a light dew
bpoll, </ro//, s. m. a clumsy staff bjiujco^n, drukhdm, s. f. a kind of reptile
bjiom, drorn, s. f. a back ; see opujm bp]6o)n-mnA, drukhdin-mona, s. a kind of herb
, drama, s. m. a drum used for dying hair
bjiomAfjlb dromadoir, s. m. a drummer bpup, druidh, s. a druid, magician
, dromain, v. the back bmno, druid, 1 s. f. a stare, or starling ; Wehh
, droman, s. m. a dromedary bytuiTjeoB, dmideog, J drudwy
bpomAn, droman, s. m. the bore tree ; see tpomftn bnu]t>eAt, druid/ieacht, s. t. magic. Lec. 10. 2.
, dromana, s. declaring against, renouncing , druideadh, s. shutting, closing, cicatriza
a thing or person ; cujpjm * Iejp tion, closure
bjforh<nrnec , drcmhaoineach, adj. idle bnujeA, druidheadh, s. dropping, distilling
bpomclA, dromchla, s. a surface , druidheam, v. to pour'out, distil, ooze..
bjtomcollcojlle, dromcdlchodle, s. an ancient name drop; operate upon. M.
of the City of Dublin bnuioim, dr/tfi'w, v. I close, shut
bpomUt, dromluch, s. m. a vessel ; , e. le*pr*p bwuiote, druidthe, part shut, closed in
bjion, dron, adj. right, straight pujen, druighean, see t>j*jneo5
bfion, dron, adj. sure stedfast, firm
bjon<t>, dronadh, s. direction
bftonAvm, dronaim, v. I affirm, vouch bjiinm,
bpnjn, drtnain, s. a throne cjiujm Art omAjn

pujmbo5A, drw.mbovha , , biuoniAji, duadhmhar, see ouAt>4mii)l

|u,mbot, dmimboL; )* ay&nh> an arch Ou4t)ob*|ji, dmdhobair, s. hard labour
O|u]m-fjon, druirn-Jhionn, adj. white-backed ~' rfer, s. a dwelling-house
0]>u)mjne<, druimincach, adj. speckled. S/i. ~u*b /^, s. m. fatigue, weariness
D|iu|mcjpj)r, druimtiprait,' s. the old name of oiujneao, duaichneackd, s. f. deformity
Cluain-inhic-nois bu4jcn|gjm, auacnighim, v. I disfigure
ju]n, druin, s. f. needle-work, embroidery ou4]rt)5ce, duaichmghthe, adj. disfigured, ugly
OfMijn, druin, adj. polished, accomplished buAjnju5*t>, duaichniughadh, s. disfiguring
bpum, druin, adj. vigilant bu4], duuidli, v. has eaten
fnijne*, druineach, s. m. an artist, embroiderer bu4]c, '<, s. f. evil, misfortune
pumertca]-, druineachas, s. m. artifice, needle-work budjl, duail, see ouaI ^
'Ojt||>, rfrw', s. f. lust, lechery, whoredom biiAjle, duai/e, s. f. propriety
ujpeac, druiscach, s. m. a lecherous person bu4jUBe4}r, duailibhearta, s. a dialect
l*ujre4c, druiseach,
i ~\{ adj.' lustful, lecher-
. ,. biiAjrh, duaimh, evil. Sh.
^/re*Thu,l, rfnuWW, j ^J-n^schaSte' h" buajpc duairc, s. f. a surly person
buAjpc, duairc, } adj. surly, stern, churlish,
0pjpe<nhlao, druiseamhlachd, see T)jjr 40, duairceach,) morose, unamiable
pujreAldCTS, druiscalachd, s. moisture b'u4jp|D, cTuairibh, at times, asoften
0f)p)m, druitim, v. I lust bu*jp, duals, s. f. a reward, cost, wages
bjujjrU, druislann, s. m. a bawdy-house bU4jp, duais, s. f. the right hand
bpjplopjAti, druislosgadh, s. m. lust ], duais, s. f. a prince, a lord, a noble
bfuijpteoj], druisteoir, s. m. a fornicator 41, duais, s. f. a prize, merit, premium
ftupre, druiteach, adj. feeling 4], duais, adj. pregnant
puma, druma, s. a drum bU4jpe4, duaiseach, s. m. a rewarder
jtumAc, drumhach, s. m. a bastard son bU4]pe4, duaiseach, adj. gift-bestowing
bjtum*ts|ji, drumadoir, s. m. a drummer bU4jtn]t>, duaithnidh, adj. shut up, foreclosed
bpumn, drurnan, s. m. a ridge, back, summit bU4jtn)5te, duaithnighte, adj. obscure
bpumn, druman, s. m. the backband of a car or cart bU4|, dual, s. m. a duty, a law, office
pumb, dtumchla, s. m. the ridge of a house, top bul, dual, s. m. a loop, fold, plait
of a hill bu4l, dual, s. m. a lock of hair, a curl
p un*n, drunan, s. the back, the summit of a hill bu*l, dual, adj. meet, fit, proper
pung, drung, see *>Jon5 bul, dual, adj. hereditary
bpp, rM, see >)| buU, dualach, adj. in locks, thick
put, druth, s. m. & f. a fooj bu*l4t>, dualadh, s. carving
bput, raA, s. m. & f. a harlot, a rogue bii4l4T>|]*, dualadoir, s. m. an embroiderer
bput, druth, adj. foolish bu4l4)t>e, dualaidhe, s. m. a carver
bjiutAmujl, druthamhuil, adj. lascivious ; Welsh dry- buAl4jt>e40t, dualatdheacht, s. f. engraving
thyll , dmlaideas, s. m. sculpture
bpui;*no5, druthanog, s. f. a bawd uajm, dualaim, v. I fold, plait, carve
b|uthop5]|t, druthbhosgoir, s. m. a pimp bualn, dualan, s. m. a tress, a lock
, duthlabhradh , s. babbling, blabbing buAlg4p, dualgas, s. m. hire, wages, tribute
jtutUB)4)m, duthlabhraim, v. I babble buftlphuptjc, dualpurtuh, adj. shrieking, howling. St.
jtutUn, druthlann, s. m. a bawdy-house bu4lre, dualte, adj. context
pufcrrmc, druthmhach, s. m. a bastard buam, duam, s. m. a city; Welsh, din. ,
bfufrhnc)]t, druthmhancov , s. m. a pander 4, duan, s. a poem, a song
bpurojp, druthoir, s. m. a fornicator 4], duanaidhe, i s. . a rhymer, a chanter, a
u, d', s. m. a land, country, habitation, village, a 4], diuinane, j canter, a versifier, a poet
place ; " ^^ 1* BaIIajB pop B<0]e*hjD, cu 44], duanahe, s. m. a miscellany of poems
]n*f m*ph opS Ce*irjdjil." 4 Mast. 1407. U4nAjfte4CD, duanaireachd, s. f. chanting
,i, du, s. m. ink 44, duanarteach, s. a senator
bu, du, adj. meet, just, proper, fit &iunciHiire4Co, uiuuichruitheachd, \ g jj
u, dua, s. m a high mound, a high plain, o. g. 44ns<ojp. duan^aois, J .
0*], duabhais, adj. sorrowful 'Mnmokj'D, duanmolaidh, s. a panegjrric
, Duach, proper name of a man -, duan-mordha, s. an epic poem
u4f, <^> s. m. toil, labour, exercise -1>5, a"^- s. a rhyme, a poem
bu* s. m. eating 044, duantach, adj. full of poetry
', duadamhlachi, s. hardship u4nr6*c, duantachadh, s. versification, poetry
44t)*rhii)l, duadamhuil, adj. laborious, hard U4J*, dw> s. m. a verse, a part ^
bu43li, daadar, v. they eat
2>U6 DUIi 2> DUD

ua, duar, "1 . Oabon, dubhan, s. m. a burnt smell, soot

uji4, J 4 m- a word' a 85
, dubhdanach, adj. enipyreumatical
buAjiojuojeACo, duardraoiiheachd, s. f. a charm Dabun, dubhem, s. a didapper, a diver
buAppme, duarfhhu, s. poets ), dubhfhocal, s. m. an enigma
0uaj}, duaridh, s. a dowry. Sh. bubgAll, dubhghall, s. m. a Dane
u*}tcolft, duaitoladh, s. a division, a song, a word; bubglAf, dubkghlas, adj. dark grey
Muleon. bubjojim, dubhgorm, adj. dark blue, livid
buAp, duas, s. m. a pot bubjopmA, dubhghormadh, s. making black and blue
u*f4c, duasach, adj. inauspicious babjf, dubhith, s. a pudding. 67.
, adj. fierce; great, excellent bubkoe, dubhlaod, s. wintry weather
bub, dubh, s. ink, a black dye bubA, dubladh, s. a covering, lining, a sheath
bub, A, s. a lie, i. e. b\t. o. g. bublAj5]m, dublaighim, v. I double
bub, dubh, adj. great, prodigious bubUj, dubhladh, adj. wintry, dark
ib, dubh, adj. black, burned. Heb. dobhe bubUjeAC, dubhlaitheach, adj. melancholy, atribila-
, dubhach, see oaBa rious
, dubhach, adj. sorrowful, cheerless bubln, dubhlan, s. m. a challenge, defiance
, dubliachas, s. m. sadness, sorrow ; Heb. dove bubUnAjm, dubhlanaim, v. I challenge, defy
ubA, dubhadh, s. a pond, a lake bubUncAc, dubhlantaeht, s. challenging, defying
iifi*t>, dubhadh, s. mourning, blackning bubbcUnA, dubhlochlanach, s. m. a Dane
, dubhadan, s. m. an ink-stand, standish bublojt, dubhloith, s. f. melancholy
ub*5*n, dubhagan, s. m. blacking, ink bublojte, dubhloith, adj. melancholy
bnbujgjn, dubhaigem, s. the deep, the depths of the bublujsjm, dubluighim, v. I double, fold
ocean uneubm, dubhneulam, v. I obnubilate
bubAjlce, dubhailce, s. f. vice ub}, dubhrach, adj. bowery
biib4)lcea, dubaitceach, s. m. a vicious person ubjAt>, dubhrachd, s. f. care, attention, sincerity
biDAjlce*, dubhailceack, adj. vicious, wicked ubjtAoA, dbln achdach, adj. earnest, sincere, se
bubjlte, dubailte, part, doubled dulous, attentive
bubijlte, dubailthe, adj. double, cunning bubjiAt), dubhraih, s. a shade, an eclipse
ibjlteAC, dubailteachd, s. f. ambiguity, amphibo bubpAAC, dubhradhach, adj. shady
logy bubpuA, dubhruadh, s. a dark brown colour
bubAjm, dubaim, v. I dip, I duck bub|ur, dub/iras, s. m. a house, room, habitation
buoAjm, dubhaim, v. I blacken, condemn bubfur, dubhras, s. m. a gloomy wood
buoAipr, dubhairidk, s. a dowry. SA. ubpon, dubhron, & m. grief
bubijpc, dubairt, s. an earnest prayer , dubhronach, adj. grieved, sorrowful
bubAjj", dubhais, s. f. sorrow bubrjubAl, dibhshibhal, s. m. black stream. Sh. ,
, dubhalladh, s. want biibrlA, dubhshlan, see oubUn
bubt, dubalta, adj. double, false ubfnrhAje, dubhshnamhaid/te, s. m. a water fowl
bubilcft, dubalta, part, doubled called diver, or didapper
bubn, dubhan, s. m. a hook, a snare bubp\t*]t, dubhsraith, s. f. a foundation
bubn, dubhan, s. m. a kidney butr)lec> duhsuHeac, adj. black-eyed
bubn, dubhan, s. m. darkness bftcAl, dubhtal, adj. doubtful, uncertain
buDAn-Allft, dubhan-alla, s. m. a spider bulrcoiU, dubhtoill, s. hemorhoids. Sh.
^s, common uc, duch, s. m. ink
) self-had, bucj, aueaid, s. f. a ducat
ce4or, dubhan ceannchosach, all-hail, , duchan, s. m. war, battle
bubftnujt, dubhanuith, devil'sbit; uAft, duehann, s. m. music, i. e. ceol. o. g.
j Prunella , cAas, s. m. a visage, countenance
^ vulgaris buAr,eAe*>eet>utAr
bub*], dAar, s. m. darkness, a shadow . dud9:t the ear a rag, tingling of the ear;
bib*l4, dubharach, adj. shady a horn
bub(H4)t, dubharttidh, a jointure. Sh. dtiA, duda, s. steel
-, dub bhreac, s. m. a smelt oa, &, adj. having ears, horned, ragged
\> ibcetft, dubkeheist, s. a motto, superscription. Sh. bT>Al1e, dudaire. s. m. a trumpeter
biftcpAjse, dubhehraige, s. a ring ouzel. SA. but>AjVe*iT, dudaireaclld> s- noise of homs 01 tmmr
bubopAC, dubhrhosach, adj. black-footed
b>ibcor*, dub ichosaeh, black maiden-hair pets
ut)lc, dudl'ch, 1 seeoublAt)
bullo)X>eA, dubhchraidheacA, adj. black-hearted, bucUt), dudac'ui.j
joyless bui, :> s- f- a box " the ear
rtfal, AWcwUs abeetle buog, dudog, s.f. a small horn or trumpet
butxol, dubhdhaa!,) buoo,
) dui m) DUI

O11005, dudog, s. f. a measure of liquids containing bujllea, duilleam, s. m. a pin, thorn, a broach
a dram bujlleog, dudleog, dim. of cujlle, a leaf
u5*ct*t), dughachtadh, 9. bequeathing bujlleog*, duilleoga, s. a folding door
uAcrajm, dughachtaim, v. I bequeath bujlleo5*, dudleogach, adj. leafy, full of leaves
buj, dui, houses, habitations, I, e. teAg4jr. 0. g. bujlleojj-bajte bin, duilleog-bhaite ban, white water-
bu)b, duibh, see oojb lily ; Nymphcea alba major aquatica
bujbce, duibhce, s. a prince, a leader. Matt. 2, 6. bujlleO-bajce buje, duideog-bhaite buidhe, yellow-
bubcjof, dubhchios, s. f. black rent, tribute water-lily ; Nympha lutea
buje, duibhe, conipar. of , black bujlleo5 b^pe, duilleog bhrighide,) "ffi* f!
bujbe, dwb/ie, 1 bujlleog rrmjt, duilleog
bujBe*t>, dwiAead,}8- blackness, ink bu Ileo? mu, \ Lapsanacom-
, '
bu]be5n, duibheagan, s. m. depth, abyss ' 1 0 J munis
bu)D*5n4, duibheaganach, adj. deep, profound bujlleog n* c]ujtne4Ct4, dudleog na cruithneachta,
)11, duibheall, adj. quick, nimble, active common liverwort ; Heptica vulgaris
ljbealneac, duibhealneach, s. m. a necromancer bujlleup, dudleur, of or belonging to a leaf
b'i|Be]irt, duibheartha, adj. vernacular bu]llj4f5, duilliasg, s. pal mated fucus, dilse
bujbgert, duibhgeann, s. a sword, a dagger bu]llj4-5-n4m-be4, duilliasg-nam-beann, mountain
bujogejnte, duibhgeinte, s. the Danes, the black laver. SA.
gentiles bujllju4t>, duttliughadh, s. putting forth leaves
))!]*, duibhdiath, s. the spleen )11]11-)14, duilliur-feitIdean, honey-suckle,
bil)b t:ax5, duiblead, s. m. a doublet wood-bind ; Lonicera periclymenum
b .jfilea, dutbhkann, s. f. atrabilariousness, melan bu]lljuf-rpumc, duilliur-spuinc, colt's-foot ; Tussi-
choly lago frfara
bu)bie4ruc, duibhlcannach, adj. atrabilarious bujllrnjol, duilhnhiol, s. f. a caterpillar
bti]ble*nca, duibhleanntach, adj. sad, melancholick bujm, dum, adj. poor, needy, necessitous
bujble4fi4Co, aubhleanntachd, s. f. woe, sorrow bume, duine, s. m. man, either male or female, a
bu]bnul(, druibhnealach, adj. atrabilarious, murky man, any one ; Welsh dyn
buj5*m, duighum, v. to cluck as a hen. Sh. buine4ml4co, duineamhlachd, \ \ "linee, man-
b|l, jm/, s. f. an element bujne*ihl.r, duineamhlus, \ *
bjl, dull, s. f. a creature
* bjl, dud, s. f. delight, pleasure, desire, hope bu]ne4mu]l, duineamhuil, adj. manly, maolike
bjl, dull, s. f. partition, distribution bujne40A, duineabhadh, s. man-slaughter, mortality;
bujlbjjt, duilbhir, adj. anxious, sad, melancholy lit b. bath, to make desolate, hatha, desolation
bujlbjpeacr, duilbhireachd, s. f. sadness, gloominess bu)nc4n, duinean, s. m. a manikin
bujl^jne, dudchhine, s. hire, wages, ;'. e. ku re- bujne4^4, duineata, adj. manly
bujne-jcea, duine-itheach, s. m. a canbal
'i]le, dude, s. m. a servant. Cor. ))4>, du'inibhadh, see ou)ne4
bijle, duile, s. m. a pleasant country bU), dumn, 7 - us . or
bjle, dude, s. m. a poor creature bujne, duinne, j r .
bu)le*co, dulleachd, s. doubt, suspicion bu)nO]pcnec, duinoireneach, s. m. an assassin
bujleurj, duUensg, s. a kind of marine plant bujn-e, duinte, adj. shut
biijle4p5 * Iuoati, duileasgna habhan, s. broad-leav bu]], s. an oak tree, the letter ; Welsh dar
ed pond weed ; Potamogetn natans bujpu, duirbh, s. f. sickness, disease
bujljne, du'dgne, s. wages, hire, a premium " %n4 pjbpertf )4ji moc*
builjgjm, dudighim, v. I desire, hope Jj- mine 4jnm eo go]tt,
buj'jm, duilim, v. I delight, take pleasure in bujjtb 546 54I4} ]m le
bjlle, duillc, s. m. God e4p4et 4jnm > j-Ujnte." /*. /.
b j}lle, duillc, \ s. a leaf of atree or book ; a fold, 1*1, duirbheartach, adj. mutinous
bjjllei;, <udleog,) sheath, scabbard ; Heb. aleh bujpc, Ve, s. f. a dirk, a dagger
b j'!eD4H, dulleabhar, s. m. the leaf of a book b)|c, duirc, see ou4])c
)'.ieeb|i40, dukabhrach, adj. full of leaves bujjie, duire, s. f. a wood or grove of oaks
ujliea, duillcach, s. m. foliage bujpe, duire, compar. of cuj
ojllea, duilleack, J fu], rf fe bujpe, duire, \ s. harduess, stupidity, obstmacy,
builleoga, dudleogach,) J J' bu)je4T5, duiread,) difficulty
u|llec4Ti, duilleachan, s. a small book, leaf of a book bu)jme4bl454, duirmeabhraghadh, s. cabalhng
buillernii]l, duilleamhud, adj.- skilled 0)jf]on, duirshion, s. tempest
uilleTb4nt), dudkamhanachd, s. f. the Godhead bjp, duis, s. f. a crow
bij' 1444, dudleumhanta, of the Godhead ]r, "', s. f. a present
', duiUean, s. m. a spear uir, duis, s. f. a hand
bujllefcn, dwllean, see eujUeog

bjp, duis, s. f. wealth, riches, a jewel bna, dunadh, s. m. a multitude

bjp, Am, & f. a chief burujg, dunaigh, s. m. a host, an army, e. rlu.
bujp, </, s. f. Jove, esteem
ujp, ai!, adj. wonderful, strange bundjrn, dunaim, v. I shut, barricade, button, lace,
bujrjll, duischill, s. f. a sanctuary confine, secure
ujreal, duiseal, s. m. a spout , (/, s. m. a little hill or fsrt
ujpgjm, duisgim, v. I awake, rise, raise bun<oU)5, dunaolaigh, s. a dunghill
bjpgjollA, duisgiolla, s. a client , dunaras, s. m. a dwelling, habitation
fcjrjjjm, duisighim, see oujpgim , dunbAallacA, s. a mere fellow. SA.
jpjjte, duisightlie, part, awaked , dunbhalladh, adj. brindled
jr|t>, duisiughadh, s. awaking , dundear, s. an apartment in a convent for
bujpleog, duisleog, s. dilse prayers and penance
ujt, /, pron. to the ; i. e. oo za bunjojlpjgce, dunfhoilsighte, s. a manifesto. Sh.
U|t, duith, s. f. infamy ; i. e. oob, . e. t>ocl. Cor. bunpujgeao, dunfuigAeadh, s. stopping
ujtBajp, duithbhair, adj. deformed, dark, gloomy bunrjop, dunlios, s. f. a palace
fcuje, duithche, s. a country, region, territory bun lup, < /*, great figwort ; Scrophularia
ujtcepn, duithchern, adj. without fame or victory; nodosa
i. e. 5n clu n . Corm. ', dunmharbhadh, s. m. homicide
bujtjp, duithir, s. f. dawn , dunmharbhaim, v. I commit homicide
bul, /, s. m. a thought, desire umrupDiA, dunmharbAthach, s. m. a homicide
bul, did, s. m. a satirist bu, dunn, s. m. a doctor, teacher
bul, du/, s. m. a snare, trap, springe, gin bu, dunn, s. a dun colour ,
l, dut, s. m. fishing with nets bunphopt, dunphort, s. m. a fortified castle
ul, dul, s. the terraqueous globe O inrrt, dunta, part, shut, closed
ul. dul, s. m. an excursion, expedition. 4 Mast. , dunteach, see onttap
1897. bp, dur, s. m. water
ul, dul, s. every elemental and vegetable creature bp, dur, adj. dull, hard, stupid, obstinate
of God; "tug t>ja p ujIjB 1- up, dur, adj. firm, strong, i.e. OAjngeAn.. e.g.
rhum ( Colum jlle) cpAjf -j clo* upco, durachd, s. m. see
-, 1]4." &c. . . . bupAo, durachd, s. good will, a luck penny
ul, dul, see col , durachdach, see
ul, dula, s. a pin, a peg upAco^n , duracdin mena, round leaved sun
buUtAp, du/acAtar, adj. intolerable, i. e. oopulAjng dew ; Moor- grass ; Drosera rotundifolia
uUjgjm, dulaighim, v. I desire, 1 wish bupjcne, durakne, s. a cabal
uUjm, dulaim, v. I snare, trap bupJ5, duraig, s. f. an attempt
, dulbhar, adj. doleful, unpleasant bup*jn, durai, s. a dull obstinate fellow
ulbupacc, dulbarachd, s. f. dolefulness, gloominess ), durain, adj. affable
bupAjn, durum, cooling in water. Sh.
S*.-,!* , durantacha, s. f. rigidity, rigor
1*, dulcAanach, adj. dirty, miserable, pitiful upp, duras, s. a house, habitation
uliO]nreoc, Sulchaointeach, adj. mournful upb, durb, s. m. a distemper, a disease
ul<on, dulchoon, s. m. a lamentation tn'ipDAt;, dw bhatA, s. m. a cell
ul l*]rii Grtpbuij, rf//e /'/; Easbuig, s. the bpoooA, dwbhodach, s. m. a dunce
Sacrament of Confirmation biipcluATAC, durchluasach, adj. hard of hearing
ulUn, dulhm, see ouBUn ppojeA, durchroidheach, adj. hard-hearted,
bulmAjpe, duhnhaire, adj. allowable merciless, base
bulpeme, dulsane, s. f. a female satirist, i. t. be*n bupt>Al, durdal, s. cooing
a nue. o.g. u]on> durdan, s. a humming noise
01,, <. part, gone upc*n> durdan, s. m. a mote, dust
uItxoB, dultaobh, s. m. a page of a book bul5*> dur2> , ladi. surly
bum*, dumha, s. a place of gaming up5*ntA, durganta, b * '
urhfo, dumhla, adj. bulky, thick buppp TA]P5e durjhirfairgt, sea hard grass ; Rot-
urhUo, ^a, s bulkiness boliia incurvata
urhkr, dumhlas,) uplur, durlus, s. water grass
urhlui^irn dumhluighhn, v. I crowd , , s. m. a fist
tin, <m, s. m. a fortified house or hill, a fortress, bpnAiom, durnaidhm, adj. fast-binding; "CAmjg
fastness, a city otAn ) Bomnujll, tojpoeAlbAC, t oo pjne
burnt), dunadh, s. a camp, a dwelling a ApAcpA opnA]0m ]-" 4 Mast. 1 41 9.
unA, dunadh, s. m. a shutting, closing, fastning , durnasc, adj. quick, nimble; j. . . . g.

0ui|t, durrog, s. f. a maggot burgajm, dusgahnt v. I awake

buitre, *5)1,> dusairm, s. f. a calling, appellation
1 ' uuisa,
j ' )> s. m. a crack, a noise
^ .
, aunan, ) ' brjujjteoijt, dusgiiighthcoir, s. m. a monitor, one
ijtfftn, dursan, adj. sorrowful, bard, difficult who awaKens
, durtheuch, s. ni. a foundation, a cell, a hut, burbjn, diis/ain, s. f. a gloomy retired place
a cabin, church or temple brle)ec, duslainneach, adj. gloomy
bupunt*, durutita, adj. rigid, morose burljnj, dasiing, 8. dust
bup, dus, in order to, to the end that bupogUc, dusoglech, s. m. a client
bur, dus, written in old MSS. for no pjop burpin, dussan, s. a dozen, vulg.
bup, iw, a mark of the past tense; " ollarhnt, duthmhar ollamhanta, . fee farm
yucc." 4 Mast. 1434. butaj, duthaidli, s. a land, country, possession
bup dus, s. m. a fort, protection, refuge bucjn, duthain, s. f. deceit
ur, dus, 7 i . ^, duthan, s. a nation
butajt, dul/iar, adj. grim, stern, unpleasant, rough
flf,r'rfSr '}8' watchfulness, wakefulness buifca, dutheha, adj. genuine
burp, duthchas, s. the place of one's birth, an he
bpajste, dusaighthe, part, awaked reditr}- riiiht
bupjc, dusait, s. f. a place of refuge ^, duthchasach, adj. of one's country, natural
iirftl, dusal, adj. dusty to one by his family, hereditary, compatriot
bup*j, dusara, s. m. a client bufcarhujl,, adj. of a good family
bpjar, dusgadh, s. m. concitation, elevation, erec bufjt, duthith, s. a pudding
tion,state of being awake ; " me dp mo tnir- bufjr, duthraihd, s. diligence, assiduity
butpaoa, duthrachdacht adj. diiigent, urgent


E is the fifth Letter of the Irish Alphabet, and the second of the five vowels, of the denomination of Caol, or small
vowels. It is sometimes short and sometimes long, and thus answers the Gr. Epsilon and Eta, as Capellus ingeniously
observes of the Latin. E vocalis, says he, duarum Gracarum vim possidet; nam ciim corripitur, Epsilon est, cum
producitor, Eta est. It is in Irish called Eibha; or Edha, from Eadha, the Aspen-tree, Latin, trai.ula, which is
commonly called Crann criot.'iach, and is not unlike the name of the Greek vowel Eta and the Heb. Heth. It is
commutable only with I. and is very often, but more especially in ancient manuscripts, written and used for I
indifferently, and we find this indifference common to the Latins, as Dit for Dei, keri for here, vespere and vesperi, cinis
and einer, impubet and impubis, omnis for omnes, from decern is formed undecim, fromento, premo is formed redimo and
comprimo. E is the prepositive vowel in the five Diphthongs and Tnpthongs called na cuig Hedd/Ma, or heabhadh,
or the five Ephthongs, viz. ea, eo, eoi, eu, ei, and of these the Hebrews have eu, as Heb. Scaleu, Lat. tranquillus,
b.c. But Gr. and Lat. have both ra. and ci, as Lat. Ara, hei and Gr. ra, Lat. bene. Gr. tido, Lat. video, Sic.
EAC esta EAD
, e, pron. he or it; jr , cj* he? GACopAm, eachdranach,
! e ! interj. eh ! oh ! alas ! Heb. hah CACt>|tujn,
CA eachdmin, s. ,'history
s. f. a foreigner (
, e, s. pity ; i. . cpuA^. . g. e*cl*, eachlach, s. m. a servant, post-boy
, e, a negative particle. When prefixed to words GacIa, cachlann, s. m. a stable
whose first vowel is broad, it is generally written Cao1aV5, oWWetf, s. f. a rod, a goad, a horse-whip
a ; and before words whose first vowel is slender e*lei, eachleigh, s. a farrier
it is often written ei ^ eamit-, bV 1 v. to happen, tofallout, come
6, Eabha, Eve, a woman's name *5, eachmonz, S to
, cabkadh, s. the aspen tree ; Populus trmula ^cmAc, eacmacht, s. causing discord ; e. iotaa
e*D*t>*, eabhadha, the diphthongs and triphthongs CaniAt), eachmadh, horsing ; lijp ' e*cm*
'beginning with the letter bAcmAjng, eachmhaing, happening
e*o*ll, eabhall, s. a burning coal. M'Don. , eachnach, s. m. blasphemy
6, eaban, , ), eachredh, horses
e*b*lb eabar,is-mud> mire , eacrad/i, s. a pen, fold, cincture
, Eabhra, the Hebrew tongue 66), eachrais, s. f. a way, method; . . j-lje
eDf*c, Eabirach, s. m. a Jew, a Hebrew e*6|*jr, eachrais, s. f. a fair
, cabhrach, adj. Jewish, Hebrew Gacjhjt, eachrais, s. rowing
6)1>, eabhradh, s. m. iron , e*jt4, each arm, s. m. a bramble
6*Bp*]p, eabhrais, s. f. the Hebrew language 6aja, eachrann, s. m. an impediment, stumbling
, eabron, s. m. a pan, a cauldron block
eAhpujt, eabhruith, s. f. broth, soup GAcpur, eachrus, s. m. a house
e*buj, eabar, s. m. ivory Ga-rpjne, eaoh-steine, s. a courser, saddle horse
ec, s. f. the moon , e<zc/, s. f. an accident that moves sorrow or
, fac^, s. m. a horse compassion, catastrophe, death
, acA, adj. any Gacc, eact-, see
6aa, eachach, adj. abounding in horses Gact, eacht, s. f. a covenant
e*n, cachan, s. m. a reel to wind yarn Gacca, eachtach, adj. deed-doing; " Rj Sjojtluf
ean, eachanach, adj. stormy, blowing mj ActAc." Keat.
ecn-5<oje, eachan-gaoithe, s. a blast of whirlwind 6*]1, eachtamhuil, adj. conditional, doing great
, Eachann, Hector things
e*c<Dt>4c, eachaoduch, s. m. a horse-cloth eactA, eachtdha, adj. pure ; i. e. gUn
, eacartha, adj. stupid, blockish e*t)*, eachtradh, s. in. an adventure
e*ccm eaccamh, s. chance; > eACCAvh, it happened eatjun, eachtran, \ s. a foreigner, an adven-
, eacceart, see ejgceApt; ), eachtranach, j turer
)0}*, eackchior, s. horse-comb ]>, eachubhaidh, adj. unfit
Gaccji*, eaccoir, see agcjji e*t), ^ s, . knowledge, science, music
eAocomUjm, eaccomhlaim, v. I omit 6at>, tW, s. m. jealousy, suspicion
e*ccorhln, eaccomhlan, \ s. m. injustice, op- ), s. . obloquy, reproach
, eaccomhthrom, ) pression *>, s. m. zeal %
, eacconn, s. m. rage, want of sense ; t. . *5 e*t>, eadh, s. time opportunity, season
] co e*t), eadh, pron. he, it ; )r , it is, ) he*t>, it
, eacconnach, 1 adj. mad, outrageous, dot- is not
Gaccoaj), acconnaidk, 3 ing, absurd, foolish er>, eadh, s. law ; ', e. xjljje
e*ccon-t)U)ne, eaccon -duine. s. m. a foolish man Pa, s. a guard, protection ; . e. cojrheo. 0. g>
65, eaccosg, s. m. the face, countenance, like e*t)4, eadha, v. he went, or was sent ; / . ,
ness no t>o cu)je*t). 0. g.
. eaccosg, s. m. a degree e4t>4t>, eadhadh, the letter C, the aspen tree
e*ccoj-5, eaccosg, s. m. a framing or building >*)5) eadaighim, v. I clothe, dress
e*ccoj-rhujl, esceosmhuil, adj. unlike ec4)l, eadail, s. f. profit, benefit, advantage
GACCopmujle, eaccosmhuile, 7 s. f. disparity, eaoAjl, eadail, s. f. prey, spoil, booty, treasure
eACCOprhuileaco, eaccosnihwleachd, $ dissimilarity )1, eaiaileach, adj. rich ; profitable
eco, eachd, s. f. a deed, exploit, feat, act eAt)A)l]f, eadailis, s. the Italian language
, eachd, s. f. condition, state eACAjlleA, eadailleach, s. m. an Italian
Gacca, eachda, adj. clean, pure, neat, decent eAOAjk, Eadailt, Italy . ,
e*t*ile, eachdaire, s. m. an historian GACAjngpn, eadaingion, adj. weak, defenceless
e*6t5*lie*c. eachdaireach, adj. historical eadaingneachd, s. f. weakness, insecup
^, eachdaireachd, s. f. history, chronicle rity
eAwAjpjm, eachdainm, v. I chronicle eAOAjpe, eadairc, s. m. a j ealous person .
ecoA)m, eachdaim, v. I do, I act eACAipmeAf, eadairvieas, s. the art of invention
Aaa GaoaJ,
e2ig bag

64t>qteo]J, eadtreoir, s. imbecility, irresolution

eo*l, eadal, see *)!
, eaialach, adj. profitable , eadtreorach, adj. irresolute, weak, ig
, eadhavi, s. m. iron norant
, eudafij s. . the forehead, face, countenance ]}, eadtrocair, "| s. f. cruelty, se-
G*ocjc4jite4Ct>, ead trocaireachd, J verity
' eadhan,?. , )J s. .ivy; Hedra helix
>, eitdhadnan, ) J ' CAtstpocAjjieAc, cadtrocaireach, adj. unmerciful, mer
, cadanan, s. m. a frontlet ciless, pitiless
<?*t>|ipu]5]m, eadaorsuighim, v. I manumit , eadtrom, adj. light, brisk, nimble, giddy
G*t>A}, eadar, see ejrjp C4t>qom44n, ^0,)8- . lightness ease,
, eadar, written for , knowing 64T>tpujme, eadtmime, { \omfon' brightness,
, eadarad/i, s. division, interest 1 ' r J shining
e*olcop<0)o, eadarchosaoid, s. discord. 4 Mast 1411. 6>4, eadtroman, s. m. a bladder
et)4]i5A]n, eaiargain, see e*T>4jir5*jn G4ncpomuj5jm, cadtrmnuighim, v. I alleviate
, tadarghna, s. ingenuity Gat>tjoni454t), cadtromaghadh, s. alleviation, alleviat
54, eadargm, s. separation, desertion ing
e*t>*|5n4jm, eadarghnaim, v. I know, distinguish CarcnUn^, eadlulang, s. m. injury
A04f5ujoe, eadargliuidhc, s. supplication, interces GAwrubng, eadtulang, adj. incapable, unable
6>1)0, eadlurlabhradh, s. a solecism
sion C4t>u4,, eadughadh, s. clothing, dressing
G4t>4j*5u)creoj], eadarghuidhtheoir, s. m. a mediator,
GAoujjie, eadwght/ie, adj. clothed, attired
, eadarlamh, s. m. temporary happiness; 640UJ jeeojt, eaduightheoii; s. m. an attirer, dresser
Grtouj4rh, eadurchamh, of old
G4T)4|n4vc, eadamaidh, s. f. fraud, malice, deceit 6*5, ear, a negative particle
4>41440, ead.trnaidlwach, adj. crafty ^, f<j, s. m, the moon, i. . e4fg. . -.
, eadarscaradh, s. separation, divorce 645, <7, s. m. death
>|*5], tadarsgain, s. interposition, parting, 64g, eag, s. m. a notch
C454, <wf//i, gen. of 435, ice, l]ce e4*
-1, eadar-sholus, s. m. twilight Gag4C, caghach, adj. deep
e*04i-r]i4t, eadar-trath, s. noon or dinnertime G4g4]m, eagaim, v. I die, perish
C*'CDU)tie, eadhbhuid/ie, s. ingratitude 6454!, eagal, s. f. fear, dread, terror
GAeDujeAC, eadhbhuidheach, adj. ungrateful 64541146, eagallach, see eAgUc
G4t5f ul4]ri5, eadfhtt!aing, adj. intolerable, impatient 6454, tagan, s. m. a bottom
e4t>Tmj)ie, eadmhaire, s. jealousy 6454, egan, s. m. a gizzard
Cat>ttu}, tadmhar, adj. jealous, zealous G454I, fa^r, s. m. order, class, ciijpjm 4 n'eA4j
, radmharachd, s. jealousy, zealousness ^, eagar, s. m. a row, bank, bin
044, eadmheodhanach, adj. immediate, me GAgApAjm, eagaraim, v. I arrange, set in order
^, cagbroch, s. m. a carrion
4)5)54, eadoighigham, v. to despair. Sh. 654), cagcair, s. f. falsehood
Carojmjn, ecdohnnin, adj. shallow G4;c<ojne, eagcaoine, s. f. a sob, dying, groan ; a
Gat>f4p, cadothchas, s. m. despair complaint
0, eaothchasach, adj. despairing, despond G4,<oji, cagchaor, s. m. a sounding line
ing, hopeless GagceApr, cagceart, adj. unjust, incorrect
C4T>otc4p4jm, cadothchasaim, v. I despair, despond Gagc)]!, eagcoir, s. f. injustice, injury, wrong
, namely, to wit, viz. I. e. G45c]jie4c, eagcoireach, adj. unjust
Gat^ac, tudidh, adj. unfruitful, . . ^roprac. o.g. , ^ornto, V PPreSSOn'. n"
Gaojiat, eadiadh, s. m. lust, adultery, . f. opujp no

, eadradh, s. m. a division G45coj4 eagcorach, adj. unjust, oppressive
Gat^a^R, cadrainn, pron. between us GAgcojiujbie, cagcoruightfie, adj. injured, wronged
GajiaRa, eadranna, dangerous to meddle with , eagcosg, see eaccopg
G4t)ji), eadrib/i, pron. between ye Ggcopmud, eageosmhuil, adj. unlike, various
Gaojioaj], eadrochair, adj. unmerciful ^, eagcradach, see ejgcjteiwneA
G4T5ftoct, eadrocht, adj. plain, manifest, clear G45cpu4), cagcruaidh, adj. sick, weak, impotent
G4t>t4j)ijpe4T>, eadtairiseachd, s. f. alienation, ill-will ^, eagcruas, s. infirmity, sickness
G4t5C4]}ijp4m, eadtairisgham, v. to put out of doors , eagcubhaidh, adj. unfit, improper
GAStAjiDAC, eadtarbhach, adj. unprofitable 64cuti4cx, eagcumhacht, s. impotence
G4t>t*J}t4, cadtharra, pron. between them 5404, eagcumhachtAch, adj. impotent
, eadtorras, s. m. mediocrity G45U, /, s. m. fear, dread, terror
G4T>tl4jt, eadtlaith, "1 adj. courageous, un- G*'*> caglach, adj. fearful, timid ; horrid
G4t5tl4)tec, eadtlaitheach, J daunted, strong e45l4)p,

e*b'*]r eaglais, s. f. a church GaIa, ealadh, V" sklll knowledge, ar;, sei-
GAhjreAC, eaglaiseach, s. m. a churchman , ealadha, \ enc,e> Poence, wisdom, a
e*5l*jm, cag/aim, v. I fear, deter, affright CaUtum, ealad/iain, \ tnidc> , occupation, a mode,
451*)0, eaglaiseach, \ ad-b f b,onS: Ja. mood
Di " j. ? , i -, ? ing to tlie cliurcli GaUaju, caladhain, s. f. logic
e45l4jre*mujl, eaglaiseamhuil, J orcleriiy
ealAAntA, ealadhanla, adj . artificial, learned
GAslAjr-CAtujAt), eeglais-chalhughaih, s. the church ^, talad/tanta, adj. curious, ingenious
militant ATiA, ealadhanta, adj. alert, quick, ready
C5l)r-nemc, eaglais-neavihcha, s. the church tri 1040, ealadhantach, adj. artificial
umphant ealAtwntojii, caladhantoir, s. m. an artificer
e*bln, eaglan, s. m. a biting CaIaj, ealaidh, s. f. music, merriment
*'**' caglasda, adj. ecclesiastical Calajjm, ealaidhim, v. I steal away, desert, elope,
e*blu4t>, eaglug/uidh, s. frightning stray, stalk
e*5m, eagma, s. order Galajea, ealaidhtheach, s. m. a rvolter, deserter
e*5ni*t, eagmhacht, see eegcumacr GaIatti, ealamh, adj. quick, nimble
eAgmajr, eagmhais, s. f. reputation, fame GAlang, ealang, s. m. a fault, flaw
e4srii]r, eagmhais, prep, without, c5m*]r tajme Galajt, ealar, s. m. salt
e*5m]re4, cagmhaiscach, adj. very great G*1da, ealbha, s. a herd or drove
GAgmm, eagmin, prep, about, nigh to, by GaIc ealc } adJ- malicious, spiteful, envi-
CAgmjn, eagmin, s. a winding, circuit, meander CAlc'mA},' calcmhar, \ ou*> malevolent i dug-
en*, eagna, s. f. wisdom, prudence
^, ea-ina, s. f. a salmon Galcums, calchuing, s. a great band, or bond
GagnAc, eagnach, adj. wise, prudent GaIj, ealg, s. m. the face
5, eagnach, s. m. blasphemy G4I5, ealg, Ireland
^, eagnach, s. m. a complaint, reproach G4I54, ealga, adj. noble, excellent
^, eagnach, s. m. cause of grief; resentment Gall, call, s. m. atrial, proof, essay
Ga^dacc, cagnachd, s. f. prudence GaII, eall, see 1, and
GagnAp, cagnaih, adj. foolish, t. e. cccofiAp, '. e. GaIIa, ealia, s. a fit, t. .
eccj*lUp- o. g. GaIIauaji, eaabhar, s. f. an echo, f. e. mdc 11*. e.g.
GagnApe, cagnaidhe, s. m. a philosopher, a wise man CaIIaBajj,, eallabhair, s. f. confirmation, proof
GagnApeAC, tagnaidhcach, adj. prudent, wise GalAAjj, ealabhair, s. f. a vast number, a great
eagnapjm, cagnaidhim, v. I complain, accuse GaIIaaj], eallagair, \ multitude
e*gnA)]ic, eagnairc, s. f. love GaIIac, eallach, improperly for teAllac, a hearth
*5]), eagnairc, adj. querulous, complaining GaIU, eallach, s. m. cattle of any kind
e*5riAif, eagnais, prep, without GaIIac, eallach, s. m. a burden, a load
CagnjtcA)}0) eagnarcaire, s. m. a mediator Galla, eallach, s-m. an artful trick
GAgnuvoe, eagnuidhe, adj. expert, judicious GaIIac, eallach, s. m. a battle
GegnnpeACO, eagnuidhcachd, s. f. science Callac, eallach, adj. gregarious
Gajnujje, eagnuighthe, adj. deplored, lamented Callare eallaighe, s. m. household stuff, furniture
GagjiAOA, eagradha, s. enemies, i. e. e*-r5)lte. o.g. 6lUm, eailamh, s. m. wonder, astonishment
e*;|iAf)A)m, eagradhaim, v. I address, 5 eAgliA, , eallamhy s. ra. cattle given asa portion
addressing Callam, eailamh, s. m. plenitude, perfection, sound
e*5tAjT>eftr> cagraidheas, s. enmity, i. . ^^> ness ; . e. jomlajne. . g.
5}1]5], egriv4i,\ v. I set in order, digest, GaII, eallog, s. f. a log, a bracket
eA5JAim, eagraim, J ordain GaIIj-cat), callscadh, s. extreme heat
^, eagsamlila, \ s. f. strangeness, varie- ^, ealltin, a razor, a sword
eAsrArfiUt), eagsamhlachd, j ty, diversity GaIjat), caloghadh, s. eloping, stealing away
eA5rAmlu5At>, eagsamhlughadh, s. varying, diversify 10, eahcadh, s. coziness
ing 615, fe^' s> a scold
eAr*mlu]5)m, eagsamJiluighim, v. I diversify GAlf54)l, ealsgail, s. scolding
e*r#mu)l, eagsamhuil, adj. singular, matchless, GaIc, ealt, see ealra and 1]
strange, various, dissimilar, mixed, extraordinary, GaIca, calta, s. repentance
surprising !, ealta, 1 s. a flock, herd, covey, drove, trip,
G4I, eal, for.neAl, a swoon GAltAjn, eallain,] rout, pace, sounder, tribe
GaIa, eala, s. f. a swan GAltA-Afp*]'' eulta-assail, a pace of asses
CaU-hupbe, cala-buidhe, St. John's wort, see ftlkp GAlra-wAm, ealta-dhamh, a drove of bullocks
mii)|e GAltA-un, ealta-eunn, a covey or flock of birds
GaIa, erc//, s. m. a pin or peg to hang any thing on GAltA-pjAB-touc, calta-fiadli-thorc, a sownder of wHd
boars ;

elr.-54b4i, calta-ghabar, a trip of goats , eantort, in any manner ; xj'ion tpopt

Cftlta-niArupe-Alt, ealta-maduidhe-alta, a rout of PAnuAjj, eanuair, s. f. bad weather
, eanuair, adv. at once, one hour
^-, ealta-marcach, a troop of horse , canuc, s. m. an eunuch
6lc-mue, ealta-mhiic, a herd of swine (?Anujp5c, eanuisgc, s. a water-fowl
1)0, caltaidhr, adj. white , ear, the east, prop,
OaI^a, calughadh, see ealoa , ear, s. m. ahead
1];], ealiighim, v. I elope, steal off , ear, s. m. the fin of a fish
GaIuj jreAC, ealuightheach, s. m. a fugitive , caradh, s. a refusal
, eamhain, 1 ,. , , , , caradh, s. m. fear, terror, distrust
, ,)^-"'6 eAjAT>A|n-riiejne, earadhair-si cine, s. reins of abridle
GrtiTKijnpe, camhainse, s. f. wisdom Caja]5, earaigh, s. wares, merchandise
, eamhar, s. m. protection, covering ], caraim, s. riding
, eamhnadh, s. a doubling ; a fold, sheath or , eara'mi, v. I refuse, deny
doublet ; e. ttubU. . g. ]41, earais, s. f. the end or tail
tVrnAjt>te, eamhnaidhthc, part, doubled, o. g. 1, earal, s. m. an exhortation, caution
Gjmpujc, eampaid, s. f. a kind of stone 6*ja1a, earalach, adj. cautious, provident
6, ran, s. m. a bird, a fowl ^, earalaighim, v. I exhort
Gan, s. . water 61, earalas, s. m. forecast, providence
Can, , adj. any , eart. 1 , ,

, cal bec,i . Jf s. a roebuck
, canach, s. m. a moor, a marsh
-^, canach-garaid/i, s. endive , carb, la- j
' , . earbad/i,
>, i J}.s. an otter,' a command
Caare, eanasc, s. a ti-, engagement
>, eaiiascadh, s. untying, unbinding , carba, s. an occupation, employment
, eanbharr, s. froth of water; /'. e. UAn ujpee 6>, eaibadh, s. telling, relating
(Anupu)f, eanbhrtth, s. f. broth, soup ]1, earbail, s. f. trust
], eanchainn, see ]ncj ), earbais, inliibition, commanding
, tanchor, anywise, at all , earbaim, v. I trust, rely, confide
, eanda, adj. simple, single , earbaim, v. I bidt command
, eandachd, s. unity , carbsa, s. confidence, reliance, trust
, eanfaidh, s. declaring, explaining , eaibsach, adj. confident, sanguine
jo, eanfionn, s. an osprey, a kite eapbull, earbull, s. m. a tail ; /'. e. ] BaII
5, , s. m. a year 6jbull p]j, cai bull righ, stinking crane's-bill; Ge
, eang, s. . a point of land, a gusset ranium Robertianum
eAngAC, tangach, s. m. a fishing net, a chain of nets , earc, s. m. water
for salmon or herring fishing , ear , s. . the sun
CAngA, eaiigach, s. m. a babbler , earc, s. . any beast of the cow kind
' ^, eangach, adj. talkative, vociferous , earc, adj. red, speckled
^, eanghadha, adj. clean, pure ; /'. e. gkn. o.g. , earc, s. m. a salmon
eAnglA, eangla, s. an anniversary feast , earc, s. m. a bee, honey
eAngUjm, eanglaim, s. a lining , earc, s. m. a tax, tribute
GAnglA]]", canghlais, s. f. small mixed drink, as milk , earc, s. m. heaven
and water, &c. jUCTiA, earca iucna, white cows with red ears ;
^, eanghlor, adj. of one voice or speech . e. cjnel bo, i. . yjnoA ^. Br. L.
CAngnAm, cangnamh, s. m. generosity, prudence Cajicat), earcadh, s. filling, swelling, replenishing
eAngnATti, cangnamh, s. m. dexterity at arms ]|(-.]11, earchaill, s. a prop, post, pillar
eAngriArhA, eangnamliach, adj. generous, prudent eA}iA)Ue, s. a barring, hindrance
5*>, cangsad, v. they went forward or moved (), earcallam, to eraze. Sh.
1]1, eanlaihoir, s. m. a fowler )1), earcaim, v. I fill, replenish
1)0, eanlathoireachd, s. f. fowling , earchall, s. loss
CAnlujgreojp, eanluightheor, s. m. a poulterer eAjcArhu)l, earcamhuil, adj. heavenly, sweet, agree
1, ealmreachd, see eAnUtoipeACo able
eAnlujf-, eanluth, birds , earca, s. delicacies
eAe, eannech, adj. innocent, guildess <), eanhaoin, adj. splendid, very bright
eAnrAA, eansathadh, at once , earchaomh, adj. noble
, eansnam/i, an aquatic bird eAjct)A, earcihadh, s. making red. o.g.
, eama, adj. corpulent >|, earcJaois, v. they would or were wont to
;, eantog, see peAncog assemble; . e. t)oulA]%. o.g.
]]-5, eantoisg, on purpose, in one bulk e*itco*ift, earcdatha, coloured red
EAR e?is EAS
e4)c)t)uo, earcdhriuchd, s. m. mildew 04j)At>, earradh, s. m. dress, habit, armour
e*fclu<i]fA, carcluachracli, s. m. an eft e4pji4, earradh, s. m. wares, goods, commodi-
eAficp, earcra, s. a deficiency, eclipse G4|ji4)e, earraidhc, / ties, accoutrements
e4jci4tw, earchradhach, adj. finite, transitory e4]>]*t>4nc40, earradhantach, adj. faulty, bad
ejtC4, eardach, s. m. a feast, solemnity e4pi4jo, can aid, s. f. an error, fault, mistake
e4jt>4l4n, eardalan, s. m. a vagabond ; a piper, a C4)tjA)e, earraidhe, adj. vernal
*41, cardanal, ) trumpeter 64pj4j'oeAC, earraideach, adj. erroneous
4)>, cart,/, adv. whilst 64}*jiAjceA, earraideach, adj. wrangling, cros*
4jifl4]r, eaifhlailh, s. a nobleman, a grandee e*})4)t)|5ie, earraidighthe, adj aggrieved
e4ffl4)te4, earfhlaitheach, adj. aristocratic 4}4/, earraidhreas, s. f. the dog-briar
e*PFl4]ce4o, earf hlaitheachdA . G4jj)te4j, earraithear, v. to be served or attended
4?14)*4, earfhlaitheas, Js' 5'
G*Pl), earrinn, 1 . ,
eApfU4CC)4, earfhuaccra, forewarning
4}5, ar-, s. m. a hero, a champion G*])tun, earrunn, s. m. a share, action, division
Canada]!, earghabhail, s. a miserable captivity e4}tjup4)o, earrusaid, s. a sort of loose wrapper
eA)*AbAjm, carghabhawt, v. I apprehend, make pri C4pc4]tne4rh4, carthaitncamhach, adj. supremely
soner bright, splendid
e4]<54)m, eargahn, v. I build, frame 64pr*lrriujn, cartalmhuin, yarrow. Sc.
*l*5*)l*e, earghaire, s. m. prohibition, hindrance C4ifco54t>, earthoghadh, s. preference, first choice ;
6pg))m, earghairim, v. I forbid, prohibit i. e. cocog*. g-,.
eA|5Aj)t)m, earghairim, v. I congratulate e4r, cas, s. m. a cataract, waterfall, cascade ; Heb.
651, earghalan, see eAj4ln eshed, a pouring or flowing of water
GAjtgAln, earg/iahn, adj. noisy, clamorous , eas, a negative or privative particle which when
e4jg4}4t), eargaradh, see eAjigAjpe prefixed to words gives them an opposite meaning,
e4i5n4j eargna, adj. intelligent, learned as cAjit>e4r, friendship, eArpcAjpoeAr, enmity
e4jgn4, eargna, s. conception, quickness of appre- , easadh, s. sickness, disease ; non teapa
hnsion pU4]J OJt>e4
eapet, easaelh, s. health ; see quot. at oujpB
e4r4en4t), easaenadh, s. expulsion, banishment
e4jin4j, earghnaidh, adj. magnificent, worthy, vir 6**- casai> a pheasant. Sh-
tuous ApAjjm, easaidhim, v. I expel, banish
GajignAjea, eargnaidheach, s. m.a hero 6r4]lle, easaille, s. dispraise, disparagement
4)54)040, eargnaidheach, adj. learned e4rAillj5jm, easaillighim, v. I debase
64}5), earghnaimh, s. a feast, preparation e4r4jt)5jm, easaitighim, v. I displace, dislocate
e4j*5i4jm, eargraim, s. an impediment G4f4jm, easaim, v. I make, I do
CAjtUrijup, earlabhraidh, s. m. an advocate *r*Jlb easair, s. f. excess ; " R]roer mag R.4gm]]I
64]*l4t>, earladk, s. loosening, remitting tajjrjg ri* neolup4 g tje ef4jj jl."
, earlamh, adj. noble, grand, august 4 Mast 1405.
4, /^, - l s. galloping 61, casal, s. m. a tail
^, tarmaidheasa, ) r eAfAmUjn, easamlair, s. an example, copy, sample
64}imAt>, earmadh, arms e4r4rhluj5jm, easamhluighim, v. I vary, variegate'
eA}n, ftzr, s. barley 6<;, easaonta, see <>
4|4, earna, adj. knowing, experienced n . easaontach
. , 1I adj.
, earnadh, s. redemption, payment, assessment , J dissentious, re-
Oaftna, earnadh, s. promulgation, extension e4r<ont4t,4, easaontadhach,j ^ ^
*4, earnadh, s. prophecy , easaontachd, "1 s. disagreement, disobedi-
eAjineg, eamagh, s. iron , easaontas, J ence, rebellion
44)1, earnail, s. f. a part, share, endowment, de e4r<ontug4t), easaontughadh, s. schism
partment in any science 441 casflr, \see a cataract
4}4)1, earnail, s. f. a sort, kind 44)1, easard,)
e4pTi4rh, earnamh, see eApgnAtri e4r4]tt>, easard, s. a quarrel, foul house
, earnas, s. m. a bond, a tie e4r4jgu)n, easarguin, s. f. a tumult
tiAjinor, earnbhas, s. m. death by the sword ; " i. e. e4r4plu}ge4Ct), easarluigheachd, s. f. an incantation
1<', . Mr ]4]4. . . e4rAlluj5jm, easarhughim, v. I bewitch, charm
e4innet>e, earnnede, s. watching, guarding e4fba, aa, adj. little
e*)t], earr, s. m. an end, conclusion, tail, boundary e4rb*, ca, adj. vain, silly, idle, absurd
), ea?r, s. m. a champion, a hero , easbadh, s. vanity, idleness, . i. ))-
e*tiji, earr, adj. noble, grand 4. . g.
e*jtjA, earrach, s. m. the spring season e*rb*i>4, tasbadhach, adj. deficient, vain, silly
bb e*rbft-bpo4t>,
EAS esis EAS

e*pbi-bjioj;4w, easbadh-broghadh, the king's evil *5*)1 easgair, s. f. a storm, blustering wind
e4fb*], easbdidh, s. Joss, want, detect, absence *5* easgair, s. f. a warning, proclamation
541, easgal, s. m. a sound, a noise
, Ensbain, s.f. Spain 51, easgal, s. m. storm, I. e. ). o.g.
!, easbal, s m. an apostle 5*1> easgal, s. . roaring of waters, t. e. ^
Capbaloro, easbaloid, s. f. absolution
e]*bJt*, easbarla, evening-prayers upce. o. g.
, easboc, s. m. an order among the cj<0) or fire ^, easgan, s. an eel
C*P5*P easgar, s. m. a cutting off, or demolishing
worshippers , easgar, s. m. the plague
e*]-bog, eaibog, s.m. a bishop , easgar, s. in. a grain of corn, a kernel
5,*0, easboigoUachtX*- J. a bishoprick, a
eApfcOAjneA, easgbhaineath, adj. lunatic
CApglepAD, easgleasadh, s. confusion
eApgnAt, easgnadh, s. climbing, ascending
C*rbu]t), easbuldh, see
Carbujeoc, easbuidheach, adj. poor, defective eApgnAjm, casgnaim, v. 1 ciimb, ascend
5), casgtaim, v. I ask, beg, beseech
ei*c, ee*c, s. water 65|], casgraim, v. I fall
e<*fc, eeif, adj. old pApgujo, easguid, s. f. a hough, or ham
C*rcnj|it>ea, eascahdeach, adj.. inimical, unfriendly
6ApcA]]foeAp, eascairdeas, s. m. enmity C-Apgul, easgul, s. in. a wave
, easidhe, adj. conspicuous, remarkable
Carcftl, eascal, s. m. a storm , easionnracas, s. m. perfidy, dishonestj
, eascan, s. m. an old man, an elder
eApjorutujc, easionnruic, adj. dishonest
, eascan, s, m. the moon
, eascann, s. m. a water bucket |), easlubhair, adj. wjde, i.e. yAJltpmg. o.g.
eAplibjiA, easlabhra, s. bounty, courtesy, affability
J4pc4))n, eascaoin, adj. rough
*)], eascaoincas, s. roughness (Apljn, easlain, adj. sick, infirm
, eascar, s. m. a fall eArline, eas/ame,
e*rri4,nr, ^^,)s- 1 f- s;ckness'
. . . ..
}, eascar, shooting into ears, as corn
1)0, easlainteach, adj. sick
a ' cascara,
. -, "1>s. an adversary,
6]:, escarajd,} J' enemy 3 CApljne, easleine, a shroud, winding sheet
, eascnadh, s. ascension , easloch, s. m. a lake or pool
eAfCoBpAts, eascobhradh, s. relief, help )5, easmaigh, s. a lath, a spar
, eascema, \ adj. dirty, filthy, nasty, )1, easmail, s. f. a reproach, reproof
eApconuntA, eascomantar] foul, i. e. 1. o.g. )!, easmail, s.f. dependence
6, eascomala, adj. satisfied }14, easmailteach, s. m. a reproachful person
CapcomU, eascomla, s. departure, departing 4, casna, s. a rib. Mull. 35.
, eascoiig, s. water , casnadh, s. music, song, melody
CApconjpA, eascongra, s. aery, proclamation , easnadh, s. time
, easconn, s. m. an old man, an elder ), easnadh, s. a sigh
, easconn, s. the moon epn, w, > want of b f thel
, easnamh,)
, easconn, s. water; an eel
Cvpcon, eascmn, adj. foolish, i. e. nepricjlrjgce. o.g. , ease? s. f. a weazel, a squirrel, an eft
Caj-cjia-, easaa, s. a rocky ridge C a porn, easomh, "V
|1>, eascradh, s. a cup, a drinking vessel , easomhan, > s. welcome
, eascradh, s. walking, stepping , easomhna, )
, caschroidhcachd, s. 1". disagreement ), easomoid, s. f. dishonour, disrespect
, eascu, s.m. an eel eApomj'ceAC, easomoidcach, adj. disrespectful
]*, easeastarr, v. he prayed, /". . ujo eAponjp, easonoir, s. f. dishonour, abuse, theft
, easonorach, adj. dishonourable, thievish
re. o.g. eAponta, easontach, adj. rude
5, easg, I s the m00|1 ), easord, s. misrule, riotousness
, easga,$ , easordach, adj. factious
>, easga, 18. m. aneei eApoptsugAt, easordughadh, s. disorder, confusion
54, easga,}
^, easgaidh, s. a quagmire eApopouAt), easordughadh, s. wishing things dif
^, easgaidh, adj. easy, sensible, ready, nimble, ferent from what they are. SA.
active, officious 61], easorgain, s. f. striking, contending in
;, easgaidheacht, s. f. facility, agility, fight
speed, impetuosity ]" easorgain, s. f. contrition
eArgAp, easgaid, s. f. a boil 5*), casorgaim, v. I hurt, offend
e*rgA]t>, easgaidh, adj. easy, sensible ; nimble, ac IeApopsnAi), casorgnadh, s. squeezing, crushing
, easpadh, seeeApbtt
tive GAppAJftAjn,
eAj-Ajfie, easgaine, s. a curse, cursing
C2LC EAT ecc
CAppAjitAjn, easpartain, s. f. twilight, vespers GAtpeun, eatrcun, adj. weak
CArpujccojoenCn, easpuiccoideacht, s. f. a bishoprick, GAtjtom, eatrom, adj. light, slight, phrenetick
diocese , eitroma'ih, s. exonerating, alleviating
^*rPu)5-bin, easpuig-bin, greater daisy, ox-eye GAcpomin, catroman, s. m. a bladder
daisy; Chrysanthemum leucanthemuin CAc-|Ajn, eattrain, s. interfering, going between,
e*rpii)5ec, eaxpuigeach, adj. episcopal interposition ; onA mAc %hO)eAcAjn ]
^)5^> easpiugcachd, s. f. episcopacy CheAilAj5 rjje jinA ua 'ijne t>o jiDA '
*)5 rPeAJn> easpuig-speain, the herb ox-eye ^f^JSJcocc Aniimrjitefjn' po]t Ajoile."
daisy 4 Mast. 1424.
, easran, see CArjtujme, catruime, compar. of CACjiom
, easran, s. a dispersion, loosening CArfmvme, eatruime, I ,. . , .
CjrjHijr, easrannait, s. the world CAtpujuur., eatmimal, } s" JlShtness> levity
Gr|M)jce, easraoite, adj. loose ,], eattorus, s. m. mediocrity
, cassamhain, see CAttpocAjpe, cattrocaire, s. cruelty
Carcajtpujng, eastai ruing, s. extraction GATxpocAjpeA, eattrocaireach, adj. unmerciful
GAprr, eastat, s. m. an estate, vulg. GAtuA|ieAll, eatuuithcheall, s. m. imprudence, foil}*,
GApuAnAjm, easuanaim, v. I scum or skim unskilfulness
eApujpjg, easuirigh, adj. inactive 1)5, eMualaing, s. f. injury
CArurrul, easumha!, adj. disobedient, irreverent GbA)f, ce>% s. m. mire, dirt
CArurhlA, easumhla, , ,. . Gbeijr,, ebeirt,\ c ^ ,
eArumUo, easumhlachd, l8 ' .sobedience, ob- Gb,c, ebiri, '}s.f. topography
eruri,lAr, Wi/o*, J "'", haughtiness
6b)}, ebir, s. f. report, character
, easumhlach, s. m. a disobedient person. C61a, ebhladh, s. a kilt
>.. G61a, ebhladh, s. a burning coal
Arujt)A]m, casurraim, s. disrespect, disobedience GBU, ebhlach, adj. full of embers
, easunamach, adj. disrespectful, stub Coljng, ebhling, s. f. a skip, spring, leap
born G61j5eAt>, ebhligeaih, s. skipping, bouncing
, easumtmachd, ) s. f. disobedi- GBI05, tbhlog, s. f. embers
eApujfjtuTTiA^At), edsurrumagliadh, ) ence, rebellion GbjtAC, ebrach, adj. miry, dirty
CAru|juftp, easurrudhas, s. m. presumption, rebel GbpAO, ebrad, v. said. 4. Mast. 906.
lion GrjpjoncA, ebhrionla, s. a young gelded goat
CApuji]Hit>ApAC, easurrudhasach, adj. presumptuous- Cbpon, ebron, s. a kettle, cauldron
Caca, eata, s. old people Gbjton, ebron, s. iron. Cor.
Caca, cata, adj. old, ancient GBpon, ebhron, v. he, &c. rushed or sprang; /. e.
Gaca, eatha, si cattle and their offspring. Keat. ebljng, . . lmg
Gaca, eatha, s. corn. 0. . Gnul, ebhul, s. m. a coal of fire
Caa, <ra?/w, gone, sent Go, ce, s. an eclipse ; i. . . Cor.
Gaac, eathach, s. m. a mute , ecc, s. death ; o'cc pe, he died
, eeac/i, s. in. an elder, aged person ; -i. e. GccaI, cecal, adj. pusilanimous ; ', e. cjn jaI *]ce.
. 0. g. GccjaIaj, ecclallaidh, adj. foolish
Cr >, eathadh, going GccmA]p, eccmais, s. f. possession. 4- Mast. 142C.
, eathaide, birds ]|>, cccnairc, s. f. prayer, intercession
CArAjm, eathaim, v. I go GccnA]fic, eccnairc, the time past
-Al, //, s. m. pleasure, delight Gccne, cccneach, s. reproof, reprehension, complaint
*1, //, s. in. flight , cccmnaidh, see cccjaIIaj
Caca), eata/, s. m. the world GccoU, ecconnla, 1 unwfa s
1, eatal, adj. mild, gentle, silent, modest GccjioA, eccrwnna,$ > /
10, eataladh, s. a flight Gccops, eceosj, s. m. model, shape, likeness
eAruj, eathar, a vessel, ship, boat GccjtAOA, eccradach, adj. spiteful, unfaithful
'., eatarnaidlie, way-layers ; i. e. luco ejjtge GccjiAjoe, eccraide, s. enmity, spite
Gee, <?, adj. clear, evidenr, manifest
etU, eatla, s. sadnes--, dulness Gcec, /, v. they saw, espied, tryed ; .
eih, eathla, s. prayers, supplication , ecmacht, s. f. impotence
eAtlAjm, eatlaim, v. I fly , eena, s. eating, spending
, eatorra, pron. between them , ecna, plain, clear, evident, mani-
, eatotras, s. mediocrity Gcppe, ecside,} 'fest
]]^, eawrrthach, aj. barren GqiAiDc-ec, ecraohdhech, adj. irreligious. . ><.
, eatorrthachd, s. f. barrenmess Cc s. m. death, a deed that moves compassion
eACjtAtA, catrathach, adj. late C6r,' echt, s. m. a deed, exploit
, eatrarac'i, adj. weak, silly erow. cchtoir, s. f. a man of exploits; hence Hector
"' Gcj

G-o, cd, s. m. jealousy Gjt> ! eidh ! interj. hey !

to, ed, gain, s. m. profit, advantage Gjctjjje, eiddightc, s. ingratitude
, ed, s. m. defence, protection Cjoe, eide, s. cloth, apparel, raiment, ar-
6t>, ed, s. m. getting, obtaining, finding; . e. pa^ajl G)t>eAt>, cideadh, J mour
no 5<trj]l. e. g. )>, eiaead/i, s. dressing, arming
, ed1, 7 . ejceft, eideudh, s. catching, taking
e,, i/, js-cau,e' GjceAa, eidtadhach, adj. attired, armed .
eol, //, s. m. a treasure GjoeAiin, eticaran, s. m. an ivy bush or bough
, edalach, adj. rich, having treasure Gveft, eideann, s. m. ivy, gen. ejtme
, edhamh, s. m. iron Gjoen.5, eidhenog, see epeann
Cocojj, edaoigh, adj. uncertain GpeApDfiA, eideatbhtha, ad j. loose, dissolute
Cbejptjm, edhbcirtim, v. 1 dedicate CpoeApluAp, eidearluas, hurly-burly
Coopejmjm, eddreimim, v. I catch at GjoeApnAjc, tidtarnaidh, s. fraud, malice, ambuscade
Goejjnee, edeighneach, adj. gelded Gpoeprrjn, eideimhin, adj. uncertain, doubtful
, (/2, s. m. a receptacle Gjcejmnjoco, eideimhniochd, s. f. doubt, uncertainly
CortjiBopr, edaihhort, s. fate, fortune ; " et>Ajbopt, ), eidideach, s. m. a cuirassier
. <?. nojnen 00 j-eoni, i. e. peon no rnn e,oj5, tidigh, adj. ugly ; i. e. gji. 0. g.
l)5)m e'd'ghim, v. I clothe, dress, cover, arm
CoeAjtb, edcaibh, adj. false, uncertain Gjcjnce, etdintc, adj. doubtful. Ai.
!, edW, s. prayers, orations GjojoppAATri, eidiorfallamh, s. space
eo)w, , adj. ugly, deformed Gjtjjoppo, eidiorfhorm, s. a distance
Cojm, edim, v. I catch, apprehend GrojoppgApAjm, eidiorsgaraim, v. I scatter, disperse
Gojp, edir, see Gjojop-pollup, eidior-soltus, s. m. twilight
Go|]ie, ci'ie, s. hostages Gpojp, r, see pepojp
6ojJtbljrm,m, edirglimim, v. I endure, suffer epjp, rftr, prep, both, between
CojfiriieAtionto)]*, edirmheadhontolr, s. m. a mediator Gjrjp, eV, s. f. a captive
GorfiAJ, edmhar, adj. jealous Gjojp, adj. easily found, common ; i. e. popa-
Con, edhon, see eaojn 5*1. . g. .
Gopocc, edrocht, s. glory ; " po 5* Pa]Ujcc ppt ]))0*, eidircheart, s. an equal distribu. ive right.
1 5c0J5e 1* jm ." . P. 2*. 132.
Gcpoc, edrocht, adj. clear, bright, shining, resplen ) 1, eidirceartfocal, an interpretation
dent, plain, manifest ejT5]pe*lDT>, eidirdhealhhadh, s. a difference, dis
6t>teftn, tdteangtha, adj. dumb, mute tinction
Gpeaco, efeachd, s. effect, consequence, great things e]t))ptoedc*, eidirdhealbhtha, adj. distinct
, efcachdach, adj. effectual, sensible e)T>j]t>eAlu5At>, eidirdhealughadh, s. a difference,
Cpeaoa, e/eachdach, adj. that has done great things separation, division, distinction
Cpjp-, efirt, adj. without a monument Cor, ejti)pt>eAlu]5]m, e.dirdhealuighim, v. I separate, di
egceapr, egceart, s. m. iniquity, injustice vide, disjoin
GgcpjoiiA, egcrionna, adj. foolish ejt))pt))l]n, t'idvrdgin, s. devastation, ravaging
R5JPr &** EgJ'P1 eimin, eidirghin, s. distinction, interposition
GgjpreAC, Eg'tpteach, s. m. an Egyptian Gjrjpgleo, adirghleo, s a decree, judgment
Gjmacr, egmacht, s. weakness, impotence ejojjtgleocA, eidirghleodhach, adj. decretal, decre
e^r))!, egmhil, adj. handsome. 5. tory
55' s- a form 5 5 joi'b0)^ eiojitjleoioAjm, eidirghleodhaim, v. I judge, decree
=;0, egraidheas, s. r. enmity ejB)P5UA]lle, eadirguaille, s. tlie region of the back
ej, , a negative particle ellP5uPe' eidirg/iuid/ie, s. m. intercession
G-iA)t>, e-iaidh, s. grief, sorrow, affliction. Cor. ejcjji^ujjm, eidirghuidhim, v. I intercede
GjD|pr,, eibhirt, s. f. a saying, report, character e|Qir5upteo]p, eidirghuidhtheoir, s. m. an interces
ejfj)lc, eibhilt, s. f. recovery from sickness sor, mediator
], eiblead, s. interjection epjplen, eidir/en, s. f. captivity
ejbleat), eibhleadh, s. failing, wasting, dying Cjt>]preoT>An, eidirmheodhan, s. m. intervention, me
ejbleoj, eibhkog; s. f. a spark of fire diation
)1, ebhleogach, adj. full of live coals ejT>)P"ieoAnA, cUirmheodhanach, adj. mediately,
ejb.iim, eibhlighim, v. I die, perish indirectly
e|bl]5)m, etbhhghim, v. I sparkle, glitter ejt5)prneoAn*]pefc, tidirmheodhanaircach, adj. me
Gjbljr, eiblit, an interjection diatorial
e)cc]l*, tkcMadh, s. dotage QybftmcQbbn*ype*b-o,eidirmheodhanaireachd, s. inter
Gccjp, eccoir, see eAjcip ceding
^, cicearnadh, adj. unhardy, soft Cpi jtriitOAnu]ce, cid'irmheodhtmwghte, adj . mediate
Gjt>, cid, s. f. tribute, tax, subsidy Cjt>j|irrvjnju4r,

Cpjinfijnjuji, eidirmhinlughadh, s. interpretation eJSe*n> eigean, adj. scarce, hard

G)t>j|tri)]n)ua]ni, eidinnkiniughaiin, v. I interpret ^J5e4n404, eigeanackadh, s. constraint
^))P^e4n5fto, eid'irtheangachd, s. translation, version 6)54, eigeantach, adj. violent
6pj|tce4n5ujeojt, eidirlAeattguight/ieoir, s. . Gj$eanta,e^e'e;7i'ai7/, adj. necessary, needful,needy
translator Gjjeanrrtco, eigcantaJid, s. f. violence, force
6jO|jcj|e, eidirte, mediterrancuni G)5e4iitar, eigeuntas, see ejjeftn
, eicitrean, adj. weak *^15 ei$eas> s. a learned n;an
Gjojjtf ], eidirthriatJi, s. inter-regnum G)5h flg^< science
crljo, cidliliodh, Is. a plea, a case; demand of eJ5Jm, eighim, v. I sliout, ciy, coll
Crljorh, eidkliomh,) debt, claim Gj5m, see ej5e*n
Gjt>ne4C, eidhneach, adj. full of ivy Gjsjn. eigin, adj. truly, surely
Gjone^n, eidhnean, s. m. a branch of ivy Gj5Jn> t'gtn> adj. necessary, certain, some
6jpnen olrhuj, eidhnean tulmhuinn, ground-ivy; ejgjphe, Eigiph, Egypt ; i. e. j Cophr, the country
Glecma hedercea of the Cophts
G)]e,. ei/irc, 7 6|3]pce4, eigipteack, s. m. an Egyptian
fijte*5.c, eidhreagach, \ s' lce G)5l)Tie, eiglidhe, adj. mean, abject, weak, faint
6rte4c, eidhreach, adj. icy Gjjdpeer, e.gtidhtackdt, s. f. abjeetness
ejjte*t), eidhreadh, s. icing Gj^ne, eigne, s. f. a salmon
Gjpearu, eidhreanfath, s. m. an icicle Ornean, tighnean, see ajj,nein
|*4, eidreata, part, iced, frozen G)br,)51IT1> eignighim, v. 1 torce, compel, ravish
ejpr, eidhridh, s. ice Gjgnjgce, eignighthe, part, forced, ravished
6jpet>, efaichd, see epeao Cjgnju^t), eigniughndh, s. forcing, ravishing, a rape
jpeaoarhujl, ejftathdamhuil, adj. effectual Gjgpe, eighre, see ejjie
jpeapAC, eifeasach, adj. serious Gj^peata, eihgreata, see erojteat*
6}5, fi^/i, s. f. the moon Gjsre, ft^if, s. the learned ; see quot. at ej
" SPF ] agap ej5 rea, j5pe4, eigseacli, s. m. a school, study
Coir b)4, m*} 51*!' )5pe Gj5re4C, eigseach, adj. learned
Lofap t>4 ; Ijc , Gj&n> "if**, s. art, science, learning
bojne4 b4 lujnm '." For. foc. Gjspjt), eigsidh, s. eminence ; /'. e. ccjiAjue, no ef-
^15> t'gb. s. f. a roar, shout C4jpce
Gjge. eig/ie, s. a file ejbjn, eilain, s. an island. -M.
Cj5e4, eigheach, adj. clamorous gib]}, eiiair, s. a path or track
e)e4r, eigheadh, s. evocation, shouting ejleeeo, tilceadh, s. depredation
ej5ce4jc, eigceart, s. injustice, iniquity Ojlejm, eicim, v. I rob, spoil
e)5c]llj5e, eigceillighe, \ adj. irrational, brutal, ab- ejle, eile, adj. another, other
C)gc)<iU<i), eigcia/laid/i, J surd, silly, foolish ejle, e;Vt', s. a prayer, oration, adoration
ej^cjalbt, eigcialladh, s. dotage, folly ejle4c, eileach, s. m. a mill dam
e]5C]4llo4, eigcialldha, adj. irrational C)le*cc4]m, eileackdaim, v. I alienate, part with
ej5C]1ire, eigcinnte, s. hesitancy, doubt CjIjd, t'itoA, s. f. a hind ; Hib. aceleth
*\ adj. uncertain, doubtful, G]i)5)m, eilighim, v. I accuse, charge
Cljicjre, eigc'mnte, ' innumerable, uucalcula- Gjhbtei eilighthe, adj. accused, challenged
ejgepceac, eigcinnteach,~f ble, not tobecomprehen- ejijsreojji, edighthcoir, s. m. a creditor, accuser
j ded, not resolved upon Cjljorii, ediomh, s. sueing
ejscjceao, eigcinnteacd, s. hesitancy, doubt, un ejljorjiom, eiliotrom, s. m. a hearse, bier, coffin
certainty eil|U54, ciliughadh, s. accusation, accusing, charg
e)5cne4p4, eigeneasda, adj. rude, impolite ing, calling to account, demanding
ejjcneepac'o, eigcneaidachd, s. f. forwardness, rude ejll, eill, s. f. a thong, a latchet
ejll, eiil, s. f. a precipice ; i. e. pjll
ejgcojiTwt), eigcordudh, s. jarring ejll, eill, s. f an advantage, opportunity
eigcpej^m, elgcreideam. s. m. infidelity ejll, eill, s. f. a flock, herd, drove
ei5cjejt)rhe4c, eigcreidmheach,adj.infidel, irreligious ejll, eill, s an ell
ejgc|Joft#, eigcriomw, adj. unwise, imprudent eillje**, eillgheadh, s. burial, interment
e|gc})o4o, eigcrionnadid, s. f. imprudence, folly ejline4c, eillneadh, s. corrupting, spoiling
ejlne, eilne, I s uncleanness, pollution
eieerh. eigheomh, s. f. a shout, cry, call
ej5e*rhn)p, cigheamhthoir, s. m. a cryer ejbijm, eilnighim, v. I corrupt, spoil, violate
ejgean, eigean, s. m. foroe, violence, compulsion eiitjpe4C, edthreach, s. m. a pilgrim, a foreigner
^, eiean, s. m. necessity, need ejlu54, eilughadh, see ejljujn
ej5en, e^ean, adj. lawful, right, just ejm, Ww, s. f. butter
Gjm, eimh, s. f. a haft, liilt, handle GjpeACOArujI, eireachdamhuil, adj. fair, beauteous
Gjrrt, eimh, s. f. protection, sanctuary ; i. e. - GjpeA, eireadh, s. a burden, weight. A>af.
Gjm, eimh, s. f. a tail Gjpejpjg, eireirigh, s. a wake' or sitting up with the
Gjm, eimh, adj. quick, active, brisk, ready dead
G)nr<e, ehnhdhae, s. hairy ; /'. e. fjofitA ^JP^lPl eireirigh, s. drying of corn in a pot for
CjrboeAr, eimhdeadh, s. renouncing, quitting; " gj grinding, the grain and bread so prepared
b coen, 'g* mbj , epjp ) o ejm- 6jl5e, eirghe, s. assistants, auxiliaries
G)l5e> eirghe, s. mutiny, a raising up of the people
ejmeal, eimdheal, s. gile ; /'. c. oeo ullrnAj^ieAy GiHe, eirghe, ~\ . .
50 hobn pjp cojjte ] oadac o. . e/w. righ, j s- a nsin& UP' resurrection
Gjihe, eimhe, s. a cry, a call ejp^eAt), eirgheachd, s. f. the act of rising
GjrheAc, eimheachd, s. f. obedience, compliance )1*51 tirgnim, v. I rise, pass on, advance, mutiny,
G]if )r, ehnhfis, s. f. ready wit erect, mount
ejmj'oe, eivudf, s. m. a poet of the lowest order GjI5)oa6, eirgionnach, s. m. a pursuer
C]m)rc, eimhilt, s. f. procrastination, delay Gjpjc, eirlc, s. an amercement, fine, ransom, forfeit,
ejijtc, eimhilt, adj. tardy, slow, dilatory, prolix reparation
Gjrhjm, elmhim, see ejjjm OpjceA, eiriceach, s. m. a heretick
Cjrhjj, eimhir, s. f. emery ejpjceAt, eirictacht, s. f. heresy
Gjmieoj, eimldeog, see ftjbleg
C)n, , adj. one ejiJeAcr, ^ttcA/J8- a congealment, freezing
GjneAC, eineach, s. m. protection ; tuj co b , eiridin, s. f. attendance on a sick person ;
- jne the person so attended
GjneAc, eineach, s. m. a face, countenance 6|)45- eirigh! interj. arise! up!
GjneA, eineach, s. m. au armistice, cessation Cjp eirigh, s. a viceroy, chief governor
GjneA, eineach, 1 s. m. bounty, goodness, cour- 6jl*15e eirighe, is. f. a command or go-
Gjne*CAp, cineachas, J tesy, affability, generosity ejpjgeACo, eirigheachd, ) ' vernment
CjneActan, eineackhtii, s. m. protection, defence, safe e^jiim, eirim, s. f. riding, going on horse-back
guard Cjjtjm, eirim, s. a summary, abridgement; Ag
GjneAclen, elneachlan, s. m. redemption, amends ejpjm n heArpa
GjneAclan, eineachlan, s. m. tribute due to the chief ejjij, Eirim, s. an oblique case of )}, Ireland
for his protection ejpjocAC, ciriocach, adj. lieretical
GjnpeAco, einfoachd, at once ; , together C)pjonA0, Eirionnach, s. m. an Irishman
Cjng, eilig, gen. ofeAiij a track ejjtjr, e*V*, s. f. an aura, an account of time, chro
ejngjn, einghiv, adj. only begotten nological history
Gjn], ciiudh, s. f. any thing ]|1], eiris, s. f. a friend
Gjnrhp, einmheid, adj. of equal size Cjjijr, eiris, s. mistrust
Gje, einne, adj. hairy ; i. e. fpt* CjftjreAoi eiriseachd, s. f. chronology
ejnneA, einneach, s. any body, somebody 6jrle, eisle, s. a fragment, advice
ejio, einnid, s. f. generosity Gjpl joc, eislioch, s. m. destruction
(*>, e.nrcad, s. one thing, any thing ejjne, eirne, see ejple
ejnqjeAr, eingheas, s. f. co-habitation ejjmeA, eirneadh, s. a gift, present, favour, paying,
6]1*>, eipeladh, s. perishing, dying up db ryn po ejjineAt qop
Cjphjpr, iiphirt, see ejbjjti; ejjinjm, cirnim, v. I pay, give, bestow
ejpjptjl, eipistil, s. an epistle, a letter Gjjinjm, eirnim, v. I receive, call for
CjpbAll,, see ]11 ejjiji, eirr, s. a shield
, errhliearnaim, v. I transgress, break ejjtjt, Vr, gen. of eA}Ji, an end
:, tirbheirt, s. f. moving, stirring ejpj, ir, s. snow, ice; Welsh eir
0)jDe)]ic)m, erbheirtim, v. I move, stir ejpprce, eirrsce, s. a trunk, stump
Cjjibj], eiibhir, s. f. indirect enquiry ejprjm, eirsim, v. I arise
ejj)D])A, eirbhirach one that asks indirectly ejp, m, s. f. a man ; Heb. aish
(, circbheach, s. f. a wasp ejr, s. f. a band or troop
GjiiceArhujI, eirceamhuil, adj. heretical ], rtJ, s. f. a foot-step, trace
ejte, tire, s. a burden e)fc, rise, gen. of )*pc
ejjte, Eire, Ireland GjpceAc, eisceacht, s. f. exception, exclusion
, eircachd, s. beauty, fairness ejpceAt), eUceadh, s. cutting ; geAjjiAO
e,e*^, dveuckd "I co ration Gifcjm, eiscim, v. I cut off, except, exclude
GjpeAtttp, eireachdas,} 6 GjrceAptup, eisceaptus, s. m. blame, reproach
^^, eireachdas, s beauty G]fc)l, eiscir, s. f. a ridge of mountains
ejjiCAcAmU, eireac/idamhlach, s. f. comeliness Girtie, eisde, s. a trunk
" ejpeAc,
ejpoeAco, eisdeachd, \ s. f. hearing, attention, lis- eje4, eitheach, s. m. alie, falsehood, perjury, mis-
ejrceA, eisdeadh, J tening
eir)5*e, eisdightlu, part, heard ejiea, eitheach, s. m. an oak
)*)5^)1*, eisdig/uheoir, s. m. an auditor JteACA, eiteachadh, s. refusing
ejrojm, cisdim, v. I hear, listen e)re4cc*)l, edeaccail, adj. volatile
ejpeftt), eisead, s. seeking, research ejreA, eitheadh, s. a refusal, denying, falsifying
ejrenn, eisean, pron. he, himself eice*lU, eiteallach, s. flying, bouncing
ejrearcap, ,iseasiar, v. he prayed ejteAj, eithear, s. m. a boat
GjrejFS^ eiseirghe, s. f. resurrection ejteo5, eiteog, s. f. a quill feather
GjreJl*5)m> eisirghim, v. I arise ejteojp, eitheoir, s. m. a liar, perjurer
ejreola, ciseolach, adj. rude, ignorant, unskilful ejrj4)t, /', s. a demon
ejrpeojl, cisfheoiL see ojpj-eojl eJTr)5Jm> eitighim, v. I foreswear, abjure, refuse,
deny, contradict
ejrb'R, Wii&M, }s.f.afish.pond Gjtjm, eitim, s. f. danger, hazard
GjrBJlb eisghir, see ejrcjj ejrjoll*t), eiliolladh, s. flight
ejpj, fui, s. the Joins, . <r. }0. o. . ejtjjteAC, eitireach, adj. winged
ejf), /, s. track, footsteps, /'. e. jojlleac eJcJl*5'e> eitirghlcodh, s. distinction,
6jr), ni/M, s. pairs, accompaniments, . . $4& fij GjcjolAjm, eitiolaimA T
bjp ccojujo no 4 jpocAjj * ejle. o.g. ejtUjm, Mu'm, jv'1Hy
ejrjbjm, eisilhim, v. I drink G]cle4t), eitleadh, s. f. flight
Gjrj, eisidh, s. an enemy to peace 6]15, eitleog, s. f. a bat
ejrj, s. a denunciation of war ; " po uj- CjcleogAC, eitleaghach, adj. flying
ejrjo* a njpoe 54 fujpea." GjcleopACc, eitlcoracht, s. flying
Cjpje, eisidhe, adj. lightsome, lucid ejtne, eithne,
ejrje, eisidhe, v. he was ; " CoPitAC U4 30>0) ejtnea, eithneach, >s. m. a kernel
4t)B4jt rje4in4 ejpje 4} 4 u04j jjn o'e^." ejtneAAn, eithneachan,)
4 Mast. 1411. 6), eitre, s. a furrow
ejrpjm, eisidhim, v. I git Gjipe, eithre, s. a salmon
Cjfjl, iC, see ejpeoA Gjipe, eithre, s. a burden
Gjpjm, eisim, v. I trace, hinder Cjrpe, '/, s. an end, conclusion
Gjpjm, eisimh, see ejpjb 0)bpe, eithre, s. the tail of a fish
Gjpim, eisimh, adj. near, close at hand ejtpeft, eithreach, s. m. a wilderness
ejrjjl, eis'mnii, adj. weak, infirm 6jrteopac, eitrcorach, adj. feeble, weak
ejpjoct, eisiocht, s. f. a fool, a silly person ejpjceAT;, eithriceaclit, s. f. heresy
Gjrjon, eisiodhan, adj. unclean ejttjce40c4, eithriceachta, adj. heretical f;
CjrjomAjl, eisiomail, s. dependence, reverence ejtit]t, eitridh, s. f. a trench, furrow, ditch
Gjrjomajlce, eisiomailte, adj. unequalled &|tpe*ct, eitfeacht, s. f. departure, death-
6jpjomAl, eisiamal, s.m. valour, courage, bravery eu, e/a see e4k
Gjpjomlajp, eisiomlair, s. f. example, pattern ei^4, elaga, s. an eclogue. Cor.
eipjomlajt, eisiomlair, s. f. a parable. 27, v. 1. eic, e/c. adj. bad, vile, malicious
ejrjomUjpeac, eisiomlaireach, adj. exemplary CIcAjJte, elcaire, s. m. grief, sorrow, pain
eipjlb cir s- an oyster , eUuprAis eleastar, V .
ejpjc, eisith, s. f. debate, war eieAprjiAm, eleasiram, \ .
ejpljR, eislinn, \ adj. weak, infirm, pregnable, 61eAtjAC, eleathrach, s. m. one that carries a bier, a
6jpl]e4C, eistinneach, ) assailable bearer
Gjpljp, elis, s. f. neglect, mistake, forgetfulness eieA|A]m eleathraim, s. f. an election
ejpmbpetii*, eismbreatha, s. free, fair, or just judg eieAtpAin, eleathram, s. f. abier, a litter
ment ; laws of or for freemen eiepleog, elefleig, s. f. stinking orach ; Artiplex olida
ejpme4C, eismeach, adj. lying, false element, element, s. an element, vulg.
e)pme4c, eismeach, adj. unready tletpom, eletrom, s. m. a litter
ejppeAo, eisreachd, s. f. an orphan eil, ell, s. m. a flock, a multitude
ejpperota, eisreidheadh, s. scattering, loosening eil,//, s. m. abatrie
ejpceACO, eisteachd, s. death. Sh. eil, ell, s. m. hazard, danger
ejpteACO, eisteachd, s. listning, hearing elle*, eilea, s. elecampmie; Heleninm
ejptjm, eistim, v. I hear eiceApAieACt, ehesaidheacht,* f faeat
ejcce, eithce, adj. ugly, i. e. gjurw elceaperhlAt, elteasemhlacht, )
ejte, eit>; s. a quill, feather, wing eiton, i/wn, adj. steep, up -hill
ejre, efi) s. a piece added to the plough-share dut), /, s. ingress, / e. nol Aprese. 0. g.
eireA, attach, s. wings, fins Cm, , au expletive particle. I. 11." 2.
ejteAi, eittach, s. m. a refusal ,
en, en, s. m. a bird Co]p, Eorp, s. Europe
Gn, en, s. m. water, . t. ujpce. o. g. , eos, v. said, ftt eor, it was said
Gn, r/i, adj. one ; used only in compound words, Gotapji, eotarra, see eacojiji
luce entire Gpelaw, cpeladh, . dying, perishing
Cnbjtot, tnbroth, pottage ; " I. e. n ujpce } \\ Gphen, cphcach, adj. strong, vehement; Heb. aphie
4jiB*l." Cor. channels of torrents
Cnbpujce, cnbruithe, broth; u i. . u)pce bjtupe, Gpheac, cphcacht, greatness, magnitude
. e. ujpce peo!*." Cor. C|, er, adj. great, noble, good ; lieb, ereel, great,
Gn6e*n,]j, tncheunnaigh, s. the comb of acock powerful
Gnea, eneack, s. m. a shift, or smock G)M, era, s. denial, refusal
Crucian, enaclann, see ejneAia '|1>, eradh, s. f. apparel
Gnpo, enfai, x. will discover, manifest G|iA]Ir, et bhailt,s. f. death, destruciion
Gni4|f, enlaith, s. birds, a tiock of birds Gjtc, ere, s. in. heaven
Grme! enne I interj. behold! see!' , erca, v. slew, killed, wounded, t. e. tojicft)j,
O115, eng, s. a track or footstep no 00 ce* p. 0. g.
Gnpac, enrach, adj. alone, solitary Gjic4)l, ercail, s. filling; i. e. Ijonat). o.g.
, , s. f. an ear Gpcealln, erceallan, s. m. a pole, stake
Go, eo, s. f. a salmon ; Welsh eg C]ie*fcape, ercheanncaidht, most certainly, assur
, if, s. f. a tree, the yew tree edly
Go, eo, s. f. a grave, a place of interment ejicojt>meat>, erchoidmheadh, s. caution, care, avoid
Go, eo, s. f. a peg, pin, bodkin, nail, thorn, point ance ; i. f. o.g.
Go, eo, s. f. praise Cpcjieie, eichrelhe, adj. transitory, frail
, , adj. good, worthy, respectable Gicbejjt, enbeirt, s. f. a burden, carriage
, tobhrat, s. m. a head dress, coif, cap , ereanach, adj. late
Coap, Eoihaidh, s. m. a man's name, gen. Gata Gjiej;c, eregaeh, s. m. ice
Goajn, eochair, s. f*. a key Gpyuaccpa, erfuaccra, s. m. forewarning
Cocajji, eochair, s. f. a tongue GftjftBft)!, erghubhail, s. taking
Coajj, eochair, s. f. the brim, brink, edge Gpj, Erinn, an oblique case of G)j>e
6oC4)i, eochair, s. f. the gills of a fish Gp|, Erin, improperly written for Cjpe, Ireland
Cocajj*, eochair, s. f. a young plant, a sprout GjijoTuc, Erionnach,s. m. an Irishman
Coajf, eochair, s. f. a right angle Gpjofuc, Erivnnac/i, adj. Irish
Goco, tocho, plur. of , a horse. . Fionnch. CjtUIjJtftp, erlabhraidh, s. an advocate, intercessor;
Cocjtac, ecchrach, s. ni. the gills of a fish " Jp e bur bjiererh ocor* epUBjwvo ojrj jilo
, eochvaUh, s. m. a keeper of keys, a turn-key m Bji4t4." Vis. Ad.
05, Eoghan, s. m. Owen, a man's name Gjierh, erlamh, s. the AU Holy, or God ; " %jle 54
eo;in*-, eoghanacht, s. f. the descendants of Owen 5<o) >'<] *n ejibri."
the Great ; " i. e. eoanjocr, i. e. jocc cenel, . GpUrh, erlamh, s. m. a saint, a holy man
cenel Jio cjn 60541." Cor. eple, trie, s. counsel, advice
eo5ufi, eoghunn, s. youth 4 G}tm}t, ermhor, s. m. much, a great part, the most
Gojri, s. John, a man's name part ; " Ro krjrccreatrre b*jle mesparhjiecejn
Gojn, coin, gen. of n, or an 54 p ejimp 14 )." 4 Mast. 1455.
Gopipi*t)ct>, eoinfiadhachd, s. fowling G]ni4)l, ermail, s. f. a sign, prognostication
eojnfe*l5*jpe, eoinshealghaire, s. m. a fowler Gjine*t), emeadh, s. payment
Coinrjje, eointighe. a hen-coup, a fowl-house ejtne4t>, emeadh, s. propogation of knowledge
Gol, eol, \s. in. knowledge, science, philosophy, , crog, 1 s ice
!, eolas,} art; acharm, nostrum Gpogac, erogach, \
GoUc, o/af/', see eohi]t>e 1 G})i, err, s. m. an end, tail, fin
Gouc, eolach, adj. knowing, skilled, learned, scien G|>i4jr, erraid, s. f. a mistake
tific, expert Gp, es, s. an ox
Golcajpe, colcha'tre, s. m. sorrow, mourning Gp, es, s. m. food, i. . )>. . g.
eold*)je*c, eolchaireach, adj. mournful, sorrowful GfDA, esiha, adj dead, e. epBeo. Cor.
eolje, colgach, adj. knowing, skilful Gpceprup, esccplus, opposing
eoluje, eoluidhe, s. ni. a guide, director Gpoop, esdor, a halter. Heb. ezor
eolujl, cnluil, s. notice. Gpcon, escon, \ a water bucket# Cor#
1 up, eelus, see, eobr Gpc)i4, Cin/,J
<'4>, eonacian, s m. an aviary, a cage , A, s. a yoke of oxen ; " i. e. p, r. *. Mm
Gon-o|<oreat>, eondraoidhcadh, s. divination by birds oc4p pern, . e. copa)t." Cor.
Gopoiut, corbhre.!, s. m. a cap, a coif , esen, s. m. an unfledged bird
eonn*, toma, s. f. barley ; Hordemn distichon epn4t>, esnadh, s. a sigh, a moan
-,"""1-^ be>"e> bigg Cpijme*<,
eus EUQ
eue EUT
ertjme*, esrelmeach, adj. deviating Gugcpuj, eugcruaidb, adj. sick, weak
r, ess, s. ft a ship or vessel CugcjiUAf, eugctuas, s. m. sickness, infirmity
, 7 , , eugcutiijtom, eugcudthrom, adj. dissimilar, unequal
, etseacht, \ s- death
^u5F5*lb eugfog/iar, s. dissonance
Grre, sc, s. a fish Gugpog*jift, eugfegharach, adj. dissonant
ecu, et/, s. corn, jtDAjt. . g. -1) eug-Uos, s. a church-yard
e*p, 'e//W, s. a ferry-boat, t. e. eiop, . t*.
jt hj . Cor. eu5con), cugcomidh,\ adJ- ,rratlonal
Gtte, etliche, s. scarcity, thinness, few in number eugriiAjr, eugmhais, see ^]]*
ecupj, tang, s. a mute eugnu, aignach, s. m. reproach
6-], Etiopeach, an Ethiopian , eugsamhla, s. distinction
Gcjne, ethinge, adj. mute, dumb eu5r4ihu]l, eugsamkuil, adj. matchless, various
, etseacht, s. death Gui*r, eiadh, 1 ,
etrj, etsidh, s. hearing, listning, /'. e. ejrteace eulogy, escaPe' aerUon
, ette, s. age eule)5]m, eulaighim, v. I escape, desert
etcjonn, ettionach, s. m. an eunuch euAire, eulaighthcach. ) ,
errojtte, ettorthach, adj. unfruitful, barren euU|reo)r, eulaightheon, \ S' m' a desCrter
ecejejr]5)m, cttrelghm, v, I awake Gulpprivt), eul/artadh, s. slumbering
6ctuc)l, cttuachail, see CACtuAjtceA eulojj, culogJi, see eule
^, ettuailgneach, \ adj. insufferable, , P. Gun, , s. m. a bird, a fowl
eccuolftjnj, cttualdhig, S 00 tu'*1n5 Gunman, eunadan, s. m. an aviary, a cage
e~u4hjn5, etlualaing, adj. incapable, unable un*t>j]i, tumdoir, s. m. a fowler, a bird-catcher
eut;, eucht, see <cc eunoO]i-mftllujte, eunadair-malluichte, the devil
, eui, see * Gune'oojpeaiT:, cunadoiteaciit, s. fowling
Cut>*c, eudach, see eunbpjf, eunhhrith, s. broth, gravy
euoAti, eudadh, s. clothing, dressing
6(inpjo\ tunfionn, s. the kite
1, see ']\ Cunpopea, eunchroidheach, adj. timid, hen-hearted
16, eudalach, adj. rich eunpojlaP, ennfoghladh, s. a horn-owl
, eudan, s. the forehead eunlA)t, evnlaith, s. fowls, birds
, eiidmhav, adj. jealous, zealous, invidious eunlafi, eurann, s. m. an aviary
euom*l4t), eudmharachd, s. f. jealousy, zealousness unrjoTi, euntiov, s. a fowler's net
Cutocat, cudothchas, s. m. despair eun-u*rl, em-uasai, s. a foreign bird. Sh.
, fMj-, s. f- dying, death
eun-ujrje, eun-uisge, %. awaterfosvl
^), eugadh, s. dying
, , s. a denial, refusal
eugapn, eugaim, v. 1 die, perish
|]010, txirmah'tachd, s. f. galloping, riding
ea5*r. tugas, )likenesg)im3ge< sh. 5, e*>g, l,.ffthenraon
eurj, eusga,)
eujojtof, eugbhroth, see eA^bjtofc
eupsft*, eusgadh, see edrgmb
Cucojp, eugcoir, s. f. wronr, injustice
Ou5c)4, eugcrach, adj. injurious, unjust eu]>5jT>, eitsgidh, s. m. a morass, slough
eutpom, nttrm, see
Cu$c)iu*p, eugeruaid, s. ni. a sick person


! t

F is the sixth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and is called by our Grammarians Consoine lag, or a weak consonant. By
fixing a full point over it, or subjoining a., A, it loses a 1 force m the pronunc.afon, as: donfhear, or a lr ,s
pronounced don ear, or a ir, to the man? man. Afhile, his generosity, is pronounced : cile &c. it ,s called
/earn, from/ir, commonly femg. the elder-tree. Lat. abus I .. the same with the Hebrew.; because
the figure and sound of both letter, are very nearly the same. This letter agrees in many words with the Laim V
consonant, as : fear, a man, hence in the oblique and plur. fir, Latin true, Lat. Fwn, wino.
Latin, vinnm. Focal, a word, Lat. vocalis; feighil, a vigil, Lat. vigilia. It often.correspond.^w.h the Gr. phi *
ph.nfidh, pronounced /<^, a prophet, Gr. phatcs, and Lat. reto: feal and fula, dece.t. cheating, Gr phaulos,
Lat. vilis, Felga. a beech-tree, Gr. phg+ Lat. fagus &c When at.ttled or aspirated is prefixed to/, it is
pronounced like V consonant; as from fada, long, a lihfad, is pronounced, e vad; a binaire, is pronounced,
mute. It is evident, that the Greeks and Latins have also observed a close original affinity regard to the
letters /, b, v. and ph; as b for , Lat. base for vas:, cibica for cvica. Ir. beam, a spit, Lat. veru; and again, c,
fori, as, for abeo, roban for , Ir. bo, vestas iox bestias ; and sometimes i for f, as *r* for finges a
Cicero relates, and Ir. * the bottom of any thing. Gr. benthos and Lat ./W. Ir. ow* a terrible sound Gr.
bremo, Lat. /^, to sound or rattle : and again / is used for *, as s. ilare for sibilare, which the French call
sifiler, nf vobis for ab vobis. Menee we commonly sav sue.o for sublero, &c. We nnd, that was anciently
used among the Greeks for ph, and Plutarch tells us, that the: Macedon.ans always said Bzhppon tor Pbhppm ;
and Festus says, that they used albon for alphon, Lat. album. Note, that in words with the letter If) it
is quite eclipsed and of no force in the pronunciation, when it happens by the course ot speech, that (d) (t)
<m) or bh is prefixed to it. Ex. d'feil, of flesh, d'fear, of or to a man, are pronounced demi, dear, c. T'/ear,
thy husband, t'fe, thy flesh, are pronounced tear, tcoil, mfear, mfeo, are pronounced mear, meoil, Sec.
Ar bh'fir, our men. ar bh'fearau, our land or ground, are pronounced, as if written ;dr bhr, or ar vir ; ar ikea-
ram, or r vearan. So that the initial (f) is quite eclipsed, and taken no notice ot in the pronunciation, though >t
always stands in the writing for preserving the radical frame ot tne word.


Va,/, improperly written for , cause VaBjia, Fubhra, February

Va, fa, conj. that; " pA ngAjnteAp- VaKjia, fabba, s. a veil, a curtain, fringe
^ t>e." Vajia, fabhra, l[s. eye-brows, eye-laslies,
Va ! fa ! interj. fie ! VAtiiurirA, fabhranta,} eye-lids
Va, fa, forba, but>, was, were ; lrj ^ VAb|i*)m, fahhraim, v. I favour, befriend
Va, fa, prep, unrler, to, unto ; ' ccI}, under VAb|iAntAC, fabhrantach, adj. ciliary
the table, ' cojll, to the wood VADcojprc. fabhthoirse, s. negligence
Va, fa, prefixed to a noun substantive makes it au &,, fabhthoirseach, adj. negligent, careless
adverb Vac, fac, s. m. a kind of spade
Va , fa chu/, 1 , , , Vac, fach, s. the hele of a lobster. S/i. ,
Va fiujrn, fadhnm, \ backwards V , fachach, s. m. a puffin
Va oiriAjf, fa chomhair, before &c*)\, fachail, s. f. strife
Va be)\iwb,fa dheireadh, at length, lastly VacajII, fachalll, adj. full of wods
Va eoi, fa dheoidh, finally VACajm, fachaim, s. matter, cause, reason
Va bo, fa dho, twice VACAjn, fachain, s. f. a calling, temptation
V* leAi, fa kath, ] apart, distinctly, separately, one VACAin, fachain, s. f. fighting, engaging
V* rent, fa seac/i, J by one V&c,facal, see 1
Va pe 6e]le, fa re cheile, together VacIac, faclach, see poch
Va ]J, fa t/iri, thrice Vactj, facht, s. f. a battling or fighting
Va f;uAjA)in, fa thuaraim, towards Vac, facht, s. f. question; . e. F)AplA)e. o.g.
VaBaI, fabhal, s. m. an expedition, journey VACcnec, fachtnacht, adj. just
VA)All,yaMa//, s. m. a fable, romance Vas, fad, s. length, ]* , in length, j:at>, whilst,
VadaII, fabhall, s. m. a report, account; " om 0|1- ? how long ?
jor at) clujnjm ." Vao, fad, for thy, 5]) r*t> pheacAjtijb. S. A. 49.
VAAltAr, fabhaltas, s. m. profit, gain, income Vao, fad, under your or thy ; . oo
Vdaj, fabliar, s. a favour, friendship Vaw, fad, ) ad- J ta]l
VaBaji, fabhar, s. the eye-brow, eye-lid, the eye VArA, fado, ) J '
Vada]iac, fabharach, adj. favorable VAt.,
rag FAG
f2) FAI
X*i>,fadA, s. a eut
X*b,fadA, s. science V*5*> fagha, s. an attempt, an offer
, fadadA, s. kindling, lighting V*5*)l. fagail, see pasojl
Va'oo'-cluAjfe, fadadh-cluuise, priming of a gun, a V*54)l> fogha, s. getting, finding, obtaining
match. Si. V*5*jl>y^a^> adj. desolate
-, fadadh-crua'M, part of a rainbow in TC*bjm> fagaim, v. I leave, quit, desert, vacate
blustery weather, which sailors call a dog. SA. ^*!"1 foghaim, v. I get, obtain, find
X*T>Ab-^\>\iyn<ze,f(tdadA-spuince, s. touchwood, tinder V*5*b faga/, s. omission
VT>aj|m, fddaidAim, v. I kindle, excite, provoke Vg*k; faghal, s. m. power
Vagalta, faghalta, adj. gained, found, won
yaoaj^jm, fadaigAim, v. I stretch, lengthen
at>a)1, fadail, s. f. delay, lingering, prolixity ^^, fagAaltach , \ adj. profitable, advan-
4t>A|l, fadAail, see p4jl Vaaltajpeac, faghaltaiseacA, 3 tageous
TCaoajm, fadaim, see paoajgjm TCagalcap, fagAaitas, s. m. gain, profit, advantage
, fadaim, v. I expound, explain ; fatsa ^*5**^> fagharsach, adj. insipid, nasty
Yawala, fadalach, adj. tedious, lingering V^BajI, fagbhail, s. leaving, quitting
1*1), fadalaim, v. I linger, procrastinate 15)1 fagbhaim, v. I forsake, quit
TC4oaltac, fjdaltack, adj. long-jointed TCagoam, fagAbAam, v. to strip. SA.
, fadAb, s. m. a raven **5)5 fig'sgt adv. near. Sc.
TC*b, fadAb, s. m. a question, riddle T^AfeOjo, fagoid, s. a faggot, a bavin
V*t>b, fadAb, s. m. a knob, knot, bunch, excrescence ^, fagiAa, forsaken, forlorn
Tab, fadAb, s. m. a mole Vagr:a, fagtAa, adj. cruel. iA.
Vab, fadAb, s. m. opportunity Vajc, /', s. f. a sparkle
1Cab, fadAb, s. m. a fault X*)c ! y/c / interj. see ! behold !
XAX>b,fadAbA, s. m. cutting, wounding, i . pot>juT>4t>, VAjce, falce, s. a stitch, a tatter ; pajee con lepe
i. e. geappA, lio reapcAt. o. f. Vajee, faicAe, s. f. a field, a plain
VajceAcc, faicheacAt, s. walking in the fields
X*bb,fadAbA, s. m. accoutrements; " aj1a Con-
O04| J pAjI&e AjU CCjn jrpi zjf, ) }K> JOnorAJij %AC YA]ceac, faiceacAt, s. f. luxury
5]o1!a PhT-rpajg ] gojll gujt jto pjkojnea lajp VAjceA, faicheadh, s. seeing
pofqta, ] 50 fto anap, -j puajpj-; rhujntjj TCAjce*lac, faicealacA, adj. evident, manifest
oalampa o'jtjea, 'ajpm Ta'papb-nAngall." TCAjceAbo, faicealacAd, s. f. evidence
VAjceAlly/icA^//, s. wages, reward, salary
4 Mast. 1421.
\T4t)b, fadAb, see peatib X*)teb\\bt,fakAeailacA, s. m. a lamp, light, candle
Vaban, fadhban, s. m. a mle-hillock ^ ]\\, faicbeallacA, adj. luminous
TCAcluAfA, fadcAluasacA, adj. long-etred Va)ceArhu]l, faiceamhud, adj. important
>6, fadchosacA, adj. long-legged VAjceArhujl, faiceamhuil, in a trice
VajcjI, faicd, s. f. caution, guard, watch
, faddromanacA, adj. long-waisted
TCatim, fadhein, used for pjn in old MSS. VAjCjleAC, faicileacA, adj. cautious, wary
Vajcjll, faickiU, see pAjeall
Yaeoi 5, fadheoigh, adv. finally, after all
V<)jllert, fakhilleacA, adj. earning
VAcpualams, fad] Aualamg, }s. f. longanimity
j "fttlcjHjm, faiclUm, v. I guard, watch
VaopouUn^c, fidfAuatangacA, >adj. long-suffer- VA}c}m,jr72C'm^ v. I see
^Ajqn, //, 1 seeing, sieht, the countenance
Vaopualanjaj, fa4ftuafangaidh, j ing
Italap, fidhlaidh, loosing
^ajjoII, faithioll, see pAjceall
Vt>l*Jtn> fadhlaim, v. I distinguish ^ajjoj-, faichios, s. fear
^, fadogA, s. kindling, tepe mf ; ^Ajcpjnaj faicsinacA, adj. visible
YatJpoSala, fadshaogAalacA, adj. long-lived ^Ajcrjonr, faieonta, part, seen beheld
^aoptjcepa, fadstuideracA, adj. studious. Rf. 29.
Vaj, /</</, departure, going, exhaustion ; e.
Var, fadAt, s. the breath
tj*]5 nojmeAc. o.g.
Yraoteaga, fadtkeagacA, adj. long-tongued
>4*>, fadughadA, s. stretching, lengthning " Ro pa)* ealpa uUe." St. F.
' Ro p^p 4 ]1 ro dum njriie." Brog.
Vaelrhac, fadmAac, s. m. an educated person, a son A)b,faid/i, s. m. a prophet
of learning >P*)t)0)Ie, faidhbhile, s. the beech tree
, faemAadA, see
Yaera, faethadh, s. killing Tape, faide, compar. of
TP*eA]m, faethaim, v. I kill Vajee, faide, s. length
YTajiaeac, faidiacht, s. f. longitude
., faethe, )an inclination to laughter, Vajeat))jt, faidkeadoir, s. m. a prophet
TCaetea, faetheadA, ) laughter, paeieat) an jpe
TPapa ! fofa ! inter). strange ! Va)t>eat>)}ieao, faidAcadoireackd, s. f. the gift of
prophecy, prophecying
fagAa, s. m. a deathgiving dart ; . c. ipjiocj*
TPajoeamujl, faidheamhud, adj. prophetic

F21) Ol)

A]tcarhujI, faidheamhud, adj. critical, witty VA}leo, faiieog, s. f. a tump or hillock

Vajweocam, foideocham, v. to deceive. Sh. Vajleo, faiieog, s. f. the hickup
Vojceo^, faideog, s. f. lot, chance 1?A]le-curh)iA, faile-cunihra, s. a sweet smell
ro)t>, fuidid, s. f. distance VAjlseAd, fadgeach, adj. poor
Vrtji)jo)n, faidhidin, s. i*. patience TpAjljm.yaz'/giwj, v. I beat or cut; t. e. buAjljm, n
t*)t>e*cz,faidig/icac.'it, s. f. longanimity, longitude eApjA]m. o.g.
1p4])m, faidhim, y. I give up, yield IFAjlgJrs failgis, v. you strike or cut; e. buAjljr, no
Vojtijm, faidhim, v. I deprehend, devise, divine SeAiijwr- o.g.
Jaidhir, s. a fair ICajlp, failidh, s. exhaling, exhalation
VnjDjitjn, faidhirin, s. f. a fairing, a gift TPA)l)teAC, failighthtach, s. clandestine design
V]ore, faidscach, adj. lumpish VajIjuii failm, v. I smell
^*J5i fa'gh* s- m. a prophet Vjrrhujneal, jdilmhuinea/, s. m. acollar
^*15 Jaigl'> s- begging by patent or leave ; in Scot IPftjlnjjm, Janighim, v. I fail
land a thickster. S/i. ^jlnjuSA, jailmughadh, s. failing
-, faighdhc,s. help, succour,/, t. ^. o.g. ^*jll> Jodl, s. f. leisure
V]|e6)|t, faightadoi) , see ))1 ^Aill, faill, s. f. barratry, guile, knavery
VnjgeolAt*, faigheoladh, s. day 1Pill, /*//, s. f. a cliff, precipice ; prop. A)U
1f*J5J0]ne*i Jaighidneach adj. patient ya]II, y<J///, s. f. advantage, opportunity
Vjjm, foighim, v. I speak, talk ^Ajll, Jaill, s. f. the hickup
V*)5m, faigh'm, s. a sheath, scabbard, case ^Aill, foiU, s. f- teaching, exposition
A)U, /e'^j s- f- ruling, dominating
rjliMO&AM*. } s; words' talk' conTersation
V faill,
II s. f. )s.
>.. J"faifl, iserving
r rf. a_ kernel, a hard lump of
Va^leA, foighleadh, s. ivy -A)llj
Ydjgleat), faighleadh, s. taking hold of
VAjgleA, J'aigkleann, s. f. an armoury ^AjlleZ/aV/o s. danger, decay
YAj5re foigse, adv. near ^rtillen,/i^"j s- ,n- a- young sucker from the root
YjI, fad, s. f. the hick-up of a tree, root, root of the ear
Yi]\,faii, s. f. a rim or border, round the edge of a y:^\\e*i>,failleadh, 1 s. neglect, failure, omission ;
pot, bucket, &c. 1Pjll)5e fol4ghe> i *" *]H)5e, without fail
V]I. foil, s. f. a wring, a wreath, an ouch, a collar 1pA)lleAtriujl,, adj. deceitful
Ya)1, ///, s. f. company, society 'IpAjUje, faUlighe, s lapse
TPajI, fail, s. f. a place 1Pj|l)5eA, fadligheach, adj. negligent, heedless
^ijl, //, s. f. an inclosure, a fence
TPjlljSeA, failligheach, adj. drowsy
YAjll]5jm, jaillighim, v. I fail, neglect, delay
)l, /' adj. generous YjIljujA, foiMiughadk, s. failure, failing
Y*)lfje, Jailbhe, s. emptiness VAjllmp, falmhidh, s. f. emptiness
^Ajlbe, failbhc, adj. lively, sprightly
IPAjllreAc, faillseach, adj. sudorific
^A)lbeAr, failbheacht,\. f. livelii
liveliness, sprightli-
^AjlbeAf, fuilbheas, j ness 1P*jlln)m foUkighim, v. I perspire
^AjIBertCr, failbheacht, s. f. emptiness VajItp, failm, s. the tiller of a ship
^AilbeA, fa'dbhtadk, s. vegetation 1Ajl-mujce, fail-muice, s. f, a hog-stye
VAjlbeAb, fadbhcag, s. a ring Yjlpeoy/e'/rf'jf, s. f. a tump 01 hillock
^Ajlbejm, JaUbeim, s. blasting as of corn 1)1^1,//5/, a motto, superscription
Vjite, faille, s. welcome, salutation
Wj^j**^) v.I quicken, enliven Vijlre, //, s. a shield, see quot. at oobj*
pjlb)m, fui/bhim, J n ...
TpA]ltec, fadteach, adj. welcoming, agreeable
VAj'c> /a'^ s. f. a mouth, a gap, opening, a hair lip
*Ajlce, foilcc, s. bathing ]lt]t>, faitlidh, s. an invitation
^|, failceann, s. a lid Vjre))m failtighim, v. I welcome, salute
jlrju5*'b, fuiltiughadhfS. salutation, greeting
^ajlce-ret, fai!ce-teth, s. hot-baths
^4jlc)m,/eWl, v. I bathe Y^AjIcp, faiUin, s. f. an intermeddler
V*)lcT failc*i s- f- a P*1 VA]me, faim', s. f. a border, hem
^A^l-cluvvire, fad-chaise, s. f. an ear-ring
^'^\-tor\,jfail-ch(in, s. a dog-kennel
Y-4j1-ouac, fall-tuach, s. in. a violtt YTAjnce, famcht, s. m. a fox
VA)'e> s. a smell, scent VajTicelA, faindelach, s. in. a fool, a silly person
r*]le> fade> s- hedginS VAjne, faine, s. {. a wart
)le*nAP, faUeabhadh, s. death VTA)ne, fctinc, s. weakening, lessening, ar.guishment
^, faiUackan, s. m. an ear-ring YTAp fo'nS* s- ^ n '''i"1' f bish coin
V)'ertr s m. a shadow VA)n5- s- f- a riven
^, foinge, s. m. an insignificant fellow
f2lj FAI FAI

*}11 fainlghim, v. I fail V)]irpeo5, fairspeog, s. f. a large gull

t)nleog, fainleog, s. f. a swallow, prop, ajnleoj Volite, s. f. a feast
V*]nt>, fainnadh, see jrjoAD Y*Wte, fairthe, adv. soon, quickly, immediatelv
1P4jne, fainne, s. f. ignorance -^-, fairthe, adj. prepared; swift,
1)1, fair, prep, on, upon ^}pte<xt,fairtAeac/i, adj. officious, watchful
V*J1 ./eir, s. f. a ridge, an eminence tbWc\ebbb,fairtleachadh, s. overcoming
Tjt, s. the rising of the sun; " ]* ljm rjn X^]jceb,faisceadA, s. pressure, pressing
4jrce4t>, faiiceaih, s. a penfold, a fold
jrum, ejii Ijm pjt) f*]jt." . /7/.
^ajP*54n, fairagan, the tonsils. S. V4)fcje, faiscre, s. f. compulsion, violence
V*)P0, fob> s. f. weeds
Tp4]|bje, fairbre, s. a notch, impression V*Jr5Pe,/^,}s-f-cheese
Tpajltbpe, fairbre, s. a fault, stain, blemish T4)rojne, fandine, see pjrtpie
1p4)fD]tj*fc*jit, fairbhriathair, s. f. a word, predicate ^*)5 fa'sg> \ s. f. a fold, a pound, an indo-
)pB|t]5,/ai>r;, s. f. excess, i. e. limjpcj. o.g. V*)r5e* .isgeadh,) sure, a band, bond, tie, tying
1C4)I4n, fairchan, s. m. a knot 1C4jf e4o, faisgeadh, s. f. a squeezing, pounding
V4]pce, fairee, s. f. a mallet V4jp5e4n, faisgean, s. m. a cheese press
1p4)tce, fairee, s. f. extent ^*Jr5e*nmjlyaisjeaiAi7, adj. compressible, com
TC4jpce, fairche, s. f. a diocese, parish, church boun pressed, flat
daries V4jr5jm, faisgim, v. I squeeze, wring, compress,
TC4j}ice4ll, fairceall, s. f. a reward oppress, bind, tie, strain, urge
Tp4jl*c)ll, faircill, s. f. a pot lid, cover, &c. 1C4)rsne4, faisgneach, s. m. acathartick
4}|1, faircle, s. the uppermost, extremity 1p4jp5ce, faisgthe, part, squeezed, compressed
TC4jfcle, faircle, s. choice Y^jrgen, faisgthean, s. ni. a press ; a spunge
*W*VeiT> fairdhreis, s. f. a bramble 1P4jrpjn, faidin, see p4)rtjne
V*)Pe> Is- watch, watching, watchful- ^*Jr)5)m faisighim, see rejrjBjm
V4)Ie4, faireadh, | ness, vigilance 1p4jpie4t>, faisneachd, s. f. prophesying
1P4ile ! faire ! interj. watch ! guard ! take care ! V4]pie]f, faisneis, s. f. intelligence, rehearsal
behold! fie! T4 jrn)r>/'m> adj. speakable, intelligible
V4)le4, faireach, adj. watchful ^jruejrjm, faisneisim, v. I certify, publish, relate
TC4je44t>, faireachadh, s. awakening V4)pre4n)), faisteanoir, s. m. a soothsayer
V4jfieo5, faireog, see pjlpeog V4jpcine,/aMiwe, s. prophecy, omen
}\> eo5> fa^reog> * a kernel, gland 1p4jrtjne4C, faistineach, s. m. a soothsayer, augur,
V4jPeo54^> fa,reogach, adj. glandulous prophet, a wizard
p,]j|:on4', fairfonadh, s. warning Y4)rtjne4t>, faistineachd, s. auguration
^4)P5e fa^rSet s. f. die sea, a sea or wave, brine ^}yz)n)m,faistinim, v. I prophesy, foretel
^4)l*eolP fairgeoir, s. m. a seaman, a sailor faith, s. f. heat, warmth
^ fairgseoir, s. m. a spy *A)t, faith, s. f. apparel, raiment
X4)l*15*n fa'rlSan> an interjection of admiration
rjN5)m, /*V'^'w> 7 v ! watch d perceive Vjtbe, faitbe, s. f. a laugh
*4jl4m,//r/, j & r V4]tce4ct>, faithcheachd, a stalking gait, walking in
p|)i]n, fairin, s. f. a swarm, a multitude the fields
]15^' S- m' a brave warlike champion V4)ice4rhu)l,, adj. stately
**)1 along with him. M*Par. *yte*f,faitcheas, s. f. fear, apprehension
V4)l,]u*^)' fairiughadh, s. perception, watchfulness *A)T<ie*,faitc/ieas, s. f. bashfulness
Y4)P1be4t), fairtnheadh, s. position, situation V4)t], faithchidh, s. a green, or plain
YTeiJimjiri, fairmim, s. a train, retinue 1P4]fcjt>e4C, faithchidheach, adj. agrarian
^jjinjc, fairnic, v. came, obtained, *)1)- V4]tiomt4, faithchiomtha, adj. hemmed
<;4), . tSO *4]l4 4 wo te454)rh. o. g. Y*)te, faithe, s. f. the hem of a garment
X-Vn]C)m,fairmcm, v. I obtain, get, invent, devise Y4Jte4, faiteach, adj. fearful, shy
, fairseatTg,l adj. wide, large, extended, V)te4t>, faitheadh, s. failing, dying
*15>/<'5,'' 3 spacious V4jrc4l, faiteal, s. light
" s.plenty^largeness, Y4jteAl, faiteal, s. music
415' fairstne> . I. extent, wideness, V4)re4r,./"<tei, see T*)re*I"
4)"**>> }*&*' width bybeym\v,faitheimid, afield, green. Sk.
r(k]n]r^eiUb,fairsingeachadh, s. enlargement, am V4jtJ5}or' faitighios, s. f. reluctance, dread of bad
T(^l%|jm, faWsinpm, v. I enlarge, extend V4)*JTT>, faithim, s. the hem or border of a garment
r*m)">fa'rsio"> upon VAitim, faithim, v. I clothe. Sh.
1 ' Eee rtjije,
F4L 2 'VAL
1 8. male pimper
V7f]Te, fatthinne, s. f. a wart YAlcAjHe yjoAjn, falcairc fiodhain,* nel ; Anagal.-
TPajtje, faithinne, s. f. a fire-brand 1] puAjtt, falcairc fuair, i lis arveusis
TPajrjolcjji, faithioltoir, s. m. a broker
Tfajqftleoj, faithirkog, s. f. a swallow, a lapwirg 1C*lcuf, falcus, s. a shade, shadow. iSh.
ylea, faleadh, s. inclosing, fencing
Tjtljop, faithHos, s. f. a wardrobe
>Tft)r|pj-j]t, faithliosoir, s. in. a wardrobe keeper falgha, s. a jest
VaIjIcutA). falgleuta, s. a hedge
yAjfneA, fuithneann, s. a liking
TpAjnea, faithneann. 1 adj. resplendant, pleasing 1], falidh, softly. V/.
1, falidh, adj. quiet, easy, safe. CV.
V*)^ri)ono, /aithnynd, to look at
*)*np. fatknidh, s. f. a gland, a wart 11, .///, s. m. a satire
TfAjrpe, faitse, s. m. the south, southern point 11, fall, v. he, &c deprived, or he, &c. gave ;
, faitseach, adj. southward, southern e. , no oo tug. o. \
X*U fah s - a gri,dge, malice , //'/, s. dominion, sovereignty
11), fallaimhe,
Vil, ///, s. m. a prerogative, privilege ; u qp ljj* y*llA]meA, fallaimhcad, 1\ s" emptiness
Vl po jjft>*t t>|lpe caca ." Br. L.
yl, //, s. m. a king, privileged person VAllA]e, fallaimhe, compar, of
VaIIaju, jallan,\ adj. healthy, wholesome, safe,
yl, /W> s. m. a scythe, a spade, a trifle
yl, //, s. in. a wall, hedge, fold, circle 1p#ll4n, fallan, j sound, salutary
VAlUjne, fulJaine, f. ~j health, healthiness,
yl, fol, s. m. much, plenty, power, opulence YAAjneAC'o, fallaineachd, f. \ wholesomeuess, ,
1, felt s- m- guarding, tending cattle
yl, //, s. m. learning, science ; hence jnjr pjt VAjneAp, fallanieas, m. J soundness
11)5,.///^, s. f. a mantle, cloak
yI-T>op, fal-dos, s. m. a thorn-hedge 111)5 iujne, falining mhuire, common lady's
1-1, fal-mhonadh, a peat spade. Sh.
y^U, //, s. spite, grudge, fraud, treachery mantle ; Alchemilla vulgaris
10, falach, . m. a blanket, veil, covering ; - , fall-am, v. to come. Sh.
Iac, incognito, ', to abscond, Ag 10, co VAlUrii, folia mi, adj. void, empty
VAllrhAo, fallamhachd, s. f. emptiness
vering, a retreat dominion, do-
1, Jaladh, see 1 ^Cllif)n*6t>, fallamhnachd, s. f. / mination, so-
1 Fjo, falachda fionn, s Fenian encamp
, fallamhnas, s. m. > vereigntv,
ments ^AllArhnujA, fallamknugliadh, s. . \ rule, a king*
1][, fa/adair, a. orts. 5.
!'.4, Jaladas, s. m. spite, hatred, grudge J dorn
1), falaid, s. f. a gloss, polish, meal put on a VAlUrfinAim, fallamhnaim, v. I govern, rule
cake to prevent it sticking to the griddle 11])5}, Jallamhuighm, v. 1 employ
IPftUjjjm, falaighim. v. I lude, cover, conceal 11, fallan, s. . beauty, handsomeness
^, falaighthe, adj. absconded, covered, hid 111, fallan, adj. sound, healthy
ICAUj^rcji, falaigkthenir, s. m. one who hides or , fallanachd, s. f. health, soundness
VAlUpAt), fallasaclid, s. f. circumvention, deceit,
conceals deceitfulness, fallaciousness ; philosophy
, fcrfaim, v. I hedge, inclose
yaUjn, falain, s. f. a whale VAlmAOAjn, falmadair, s. a tiller. Sh.
yalAjpet falidre, s. ni. an ambier, pacer ^', fallmhughadh, s. emptying
Valhiiujjim, fallmkuigliim, v. 1 make void, empty
V*l*p"5i julaisg, s. moorburn. Sh.
yaUm, falamh, adj. hollow, empty, poor Vallnop, fallncs, s. misinterpretation
i val* Waco, VAlloip^eAC, falloisgcach, adj. combustible
K , ahao,
Y.A falarac/id,}
1 fataradn,
, ja Is- c vl.
} . ambling,
i pacinar,
0 horse- VAllopgA, fallosgadh, s. setting on fire, burning,
> 1
, JJalaras*!,
r , J[ manshipr combustion
1> falaraim, v. I amble VAllpA, falisa, adj. deceitful, false, lazy
TpAllr*> ftillsactid, s. f. deceit, falsehood, fallaci
1, falatas, s. m. chastisement
1*, falbhach, e. m. a body, carcase ousness, philosophy, laziness
1>, falbhach, s. m. troubled with thehickup VaIIujH, failninn, s. f. a mantle, a cloak
, falbhaim, v. I go away VAllup, fallus, s. sweat, prop. 11
10, falbhanach, adj. ambulatory VAupA, fallusach, adj. diaphoretick
, falblianachd, s. f. travelling VAllupAC4,///*ac/a^/i, s- f. exsudation
TaIc, file, s. sterility, frost aJMMB]1S falmadcir, s. m. a rudder
VaIc, falc, s. m. a flood VAlmujw, falmuir, s. f. a hole
VaIc, //, adj. barren, steril, baked, dry YaIiia, faire, see pUfuc-o
VAlcib-ter;, falcadh-teth, s. hot-baths VAl]iA]5]m, fa(raighim, v. I pace, amble
1*1, falyaim, v. I bathe VAlpA]J*e, jalsaire, s. m. a deceiver, a cheat
Y*lcA]ie, fcaire, s. m. a scoffer, cheat VAlpnAC, falsunai h, s. m. a falsifier
i ' YAlpnAt,

VAlpnAcr;, falsunackt, s. f. falsehood, treachery ViOAj)ir, jaabhairt, s. edge, temper

TPaIca, falta, plur. of ViA)m, faMaim, v. I rob
TC*lr,in, faltan, s. m. a welt, belt, ribbon for the head X<Ob*Tf,faob.iar, s. in. the edge of a sword, tool, &c.
Valturi* y,faltanas, s. m. an occasion, pretence V<oojiac, faobhrach, adj. sharp, keen-edged
Yftlc*rrr, faltonas, s. m. quarrel, enmity . ViobpAA, faobhrachaAh, s. whetting
TC*lurriAjn, falumhain, s. f. a sort of coarse garment V^obftAjm, faobhraim, v. I whet, sharpen
*m,fam, for my, 7. . mo ; pm cojptjb. P.i. I* V<o5jiu^te, faobhruighthe, adj. edged, whetted
y:<oc, faoch, s. m. a field
V*m, fan, under me, i.e. p* me
VAm, /, s. m. a mole ^), faochadh, s. a crisis in sickness
"pArrtAjp, famhair, s. m. a giant
1C*mo)j, famhoir, s. m. a mole-catcher Voo, Js- a Periwinkle, or seasnad
, famhthotr, s. m. a mole-hill Y<otz>, faochog, s. f the eye
', /', under the, on the, p *'n p*]P5e \r<oc05*6, faochogack, adj. testaceous
TCati, s. a wandering, straying, peregrination <ocbb-zu*c*)U,fiioc/iag-ttiachai/l, s. a whirl-pool. S.
or pilgrimage, A^t p , strayed sheep V<o*>, faodh. s. voice
1) , s. m. a church, chapel, fane
Tpn, ,
r4n, /,}) adj,prOI,e'
.. pr0peftBe St- /'""'.
Vot)A)m, faodliaim, v. I send, transmit; " %oh]rj
y;n, /, Is. a declivity, steep, inclination, jnpj Jio p<ojt> pjfie cu^At)."
*0, fanadh, J descent -paol, faodal, s. m. waif
), fanachd, s. f. staying, waiting V<OBlA]e, faodalaighe, s. m. a foundling
^AnAjcte*0, fanaUlkeach, adj. mad, frantic, fanatic ^obA', faodhbhadh, s. shouting, proclaiming
;]5, fanaigse, s. dog's violet ; Viola canina V)t>bA)m, faodhbhaim, v. I shout, proclaim
4], fanaim, v. I sta}-, wait, remain V5> fMS"' punishment
-yranajm, fanaim, v. I precipitate, throw down Vio)10 faoghaid, s. game, men that start game
^), fanamhaid, s. f. ridicule V^o5*}OAj6e, faoghaidaiche, carniverous birds. Sk.
^cinr, fanas, s. a void space VioSAlb /1'^'' s.' m. a sound, voice, a vowel
, fanear, s. observation, notice, heed V^oglujuce, faoghluinte, s. a probationer- Sh.
V*n5 fa"gf s- a pound, prison for cattle V<ob fae{> s- tne voice
4> I s- a raven, a vulture V<o) /C| s- a v'ce or turn
Yoo]>fao'> PreP- below, beneath, under
Vn5> Is- ai1 Irish coin ; gold or silver V<o)> fao'' PreP- about, around
r*)ns, faing,\ leaf V<0| > / wn ^or ^iat reason
TpAnAjm, fangaim, v I impound, inclose in a fold Viojb, faoibh, s. f. a relick, dead men's clothes
-1,/<-/<? s. f. an altar of rude stone, a stone r^6e*pb,pe,/^Awrfa/, ^ anusurer
in an inclined po.-iitin V40]C]m])ie, faotcntmtre, \
, faiilontay adj. slender Xo\i>, faodh, s. departing
Va"> i * ni. ignorance, i. e. Ajnbppr ,,p, faoidh, s. a voice, sound
, /, froTbCA) faoidheadh, s. piercing ; " *n 1^ jia
, fanna, \ adj. weak, faint, infirm ) , cpuAj ua cpjmra po pcopeaii."
;*, fannanta,} ViojeAm, faoidkeamh, s. a messenger
, fannackadli, s. painting 1C<o)t>jm, faoidhim, v. I sleep, rest; " po p^r> pop
, fanad, s. weakness, faintness lejc."
10, fannfad, s. a weak voice, ignorance^ /'. c, yreiwrn, faodaim,.v. I go, depart, send; see pAji
jep no ]1. . V)p0po, faoidhoid, s. a murmur
', j an* fithac/i, adj. ignorant *x,)bze*l*-*> faoidlitheach{a, s. messengers
TCAlAj, fannlag, adj. weak T)le**^.*f4. glad, joyfnl, thankful
IpacAf-, fixnnthath, adj. ignorant
VrtfrAjf fanntais, s. f. weakness, languishing V^ojleA, I s. a sea-gull
4]*, fantaiseath, adj. weak, iamt, feeble
VaR-aIoc, fanntaloch, waiting, resting. Sli. *-11, faoihdh, adj. generous, hospitable
X], fantinn, s. remaining, staying Yoilte*4e. fiodfieachd, s. f. hoSp:ulity
11*,/(/'^^, adj, negligent, careless Veill^m faollth,m> v- 1 reJoice
^, funnuighe, away. SA. 16'^. s. deceit
>>]||, jannu'ightfii, v. I faint. Sh.
Y*no]t), fanvil, s. f. mockery, ridicule, mimickry and
VAiio]t>eAt>> fanoidcah, s. ffl. a miruick, mocker
, fanoidcacli, adj. derisive,, mocking V<ojrn-l*'> /,.",' s- mterpretation
V<ob, /epW, s. m. prey, spoil fo/oin, adj. weak,, mean, vain, idle
far? FAR FAR

T<ojn, faoin, adj. sloping ]>, faradh, s. freight

ViojnblggAn, faoinbhlcagkan, s. gentleness, mildness, T , faradh, s. litter put in a ship to receive horses
good-nature VajiadajI, faradail, greater part
*a|a]I1, faraill, s. a visit
V<o,ne*co, /9- vamty' ldleneSS' 3 h,~ Va^aIac, faralach, adj. like
rjne.r, fao-neas, ) mera VajaII, farell, s. a sample, pattern
, faoineachd, s. f. enquiring, enquiry VlAll<i)Tn, farallaim, v. I bear, carry off, present
VOjnea, faoincaih, s. indulging VAjiAjm, faraim, v. I freight
V<ojneUc, faoineaLich, adj. foolish, silly TCajtAm, faram, s. noise
V<ninjm, faoinim, v. I indulge V*)i4m, faramach, adj. noisy
Voirea, faoiseadh, s. . helping, recovering, aid, |, faran, s. m. wild garlick
recovery from sickness , faran, s. m. a turtle
V)r5eo5, faoisgeog, s. a filbert Vajicon, faran, adv. together
TCcoipjoe, famide, 1 confession, confessing ! ! faraor ! interj. alas !
V<ojr)o)n, Jaoisidin, J e IPajiafO*, farasda, adj. solid, sober, easy
Tto)r|U#i faoisiughaih, s dispensation. /)/. 100. , farbhalla, s. a buttress
V0jfne, faoisneadk, s. bursting from the husk TCAjtDo, faibhonn, s. upper sole of a shoe
V<0)te, faoite., s. sending VAfhu}lle,/erWj//i s. a back-blow
o)T)n, faoitin, s. finding, obtaining Vajtc, farcha, s. a beetle, a mallet
V<ol, //, s. m. a prop, support VAjCAn, J arcan, common oak ; Quercus robur
Vtol, //, s. a whelp, puppy. For.foe. 1pA|icA-ce)nc)e, farca-teintidhc, s. a flaming thuo*
Vol, faol, s. m. patience, forbearance derbolt
V<ol,/e/, adj. wild VAjicbuAjr farcbuais, s. eaves- dropping
VaoIa, faoladh, s. learning VAppo]c)o, farchrolctonn, s. epidermis
VaoUib, faoladh, adj. learned VaJoac, fardach, s. m. quarters, lodgings, a house
Y*ol*jm, faolaim, v. I teach Vajit5ajI, fardai!, s. the major part of anything
TPdolcon, faolchon, the falcon Vpt)A, fardai, s. hinderance, delay
Vaolcu, faolchu, s.m. a wild dog, the wolf VAfitiAb, J'ardalach, adj. slow, late
VaoIcu, faolchu, s. m. a brave warrior YAiroopur, fardorus, s. m. the lintel of a door
Vdolf uUjng, faolfhulaing, s. a prop VAjtt)) n, fardin, s. a farthing
^oloc, faoloch, s. a bird of prey TCApeojtum, faredrum, s. a saddle-back
VaolrcAo, faoiseadh, s. burning, setting on fire Va^a*, fargadh, s. killing, destroying
Taolj-narh, faolshnamh, s. swimming VA]5Ajm, fargaim, v. I kill, destroy
^4orri, faomh, s. m. consent, permission VAjtgBAjr, fargbhais, that leaves behind
(*^, faomhadh, s. assenting, bearing with ]tj, fari, s. reins of a bridle
YAomApceac, faomaidhteach, adj. submissive, hum "ftP)r> farts, with him
ble 1pA}lAiqm, farlaicim, v. I cast, overcome ; t>o*
Vaorrupi, faomhaim, v. I assent, bear with, yield, ]tai1a)c
incline YApmAO, formad, s. envy
tAom*iA)\i,faomhathair, s. m. a predecessor ]*>, farmadach, adj. jealous, invidious
, faon, adj. void, empty, feeble ]11, farmhala,* eye-lids
, faobhach, adj. mild, meek, silent TpAjniAiqm, farnaicim, v. I find
VaontjiA./tfWrt. a0J- wandering, straying ^AftpAC, farrach, s. m. violence, force
>, faosadh, s. collecting; Heb. pasadh, to VapJiAC, farrach, s. m. pestilence, c. p.
gather | VaHPao, farradh, s. comparison
]>, faosaid, s. f. confession VAjipAt), farradh, \ s. company ; Am 7AJ1a, 'n p
^, faosamh, s. m protection, relief 1FaJ far ri, S ff*M*
Vnorarii, faosamh, s. m. strength, power YT4fl*)o, farraid, s. f. inquiry
*1, faosgla, s. a slit , farran, s. force, violence, anger, vexation
, faosgna, an auspice, omen, portent pji]inAC, farranach, adj. vexatious
^, faosgnach, adj. auspicious XAW*m*, farranta, tombs
\)1, faotuinn, s. getting VAjlntA, farranta, adj. great, stout, generous
*1 /er, prep- for, ? , farrantas, s. m. power
Y:*jpu)neo5, farruineog, s. a lattice. SA.
; ^Ajir* farsa, s. an instructor
Va^a ou), farach dubh, great fig-wort, kernel-wort; Apr*)ce, Farsaidhe, s. m. a Persian
Scrophularia nodosa ]41' iarsaing, adj. wide, ample
, faradh, s. a ladder V*lrAn, farsan, s. explication, discovery
^, faradh, s. a roost VApr"e*T>' farsneachd, s. f. width
^ farsniglm, v. I widen, increase 54t>, fastughadh, s. fastening, seizing
TC*P]-peo5, farspeog, s. f. a gull **rTU,!5jm, fastuighim, v. I stop, stay, seize
1C*f4t>, farthadh, s. a hen-roost VAr^ujjim, fitstuighim, v. I agree to
TCAJtu, farthadh, s. ferriage, a ferry VapujgeA, fasuighcadh, the knowledge of law or
1C*fcol, farthola, s. a buttress jurisprudence ; (a law tract) " /. e. pjp 05 jn yene-.
V4fu]n, n* hepe,farui/i m beinne, opening between uJr-" o-g-
mountains V*r)5)TT>. fusuighim, v. I destroy, lay waste
tW^Xbi faruisg, s. f. lees, dregs 1**, fath, s. f. a cause, reason, opportunity
V*Purc*5> fantsca?, s. an artichoke. Sh. 1C4, //A, s. f. skill, knowledge '
t^ft/as, s. growing, growth, increase /*, s. f. a poem
trap, fast adj. empty, vacant, hollow T*t, jfa/A. . f. h'eat
'**c, fasach, s. m. a desert, wilderness, road
fath, s. f. the breath, breathing
Tpra, fasach, adj. desolate, desert fath, s. f. a mole
TPr4C4t>, fasachadk, s. desolation, depopulation Xt, fath, "l s. f. a district, a field, a green, a lawn,
44, fatadh, s. a protuberance
^, fatha,] a plain
V*r*5 fa*"g> s. a beard. V. TCaia, fathaeh, s. m. a giant
yipajm, fasatm, v. I grow, increase TC44, fathaeh, s. m. prudence, knowledge
Verhll, fasmhuil, adj. growing, increasing 1p4t:404mu]l, fatliachamhvil, adj. gigantick, clownish,
Viprhud. fanamhml, adj. wild, desert boorish
V4rin, fasn?t, s. the refuse of grain V4f,4 U14, fathaeh tuath, s m. a plebeian
44ufasan, } fash V44n, fathati, s. m. a journey
Tt4fun, fasun, ) V4:4n, fathan, s. colt's foot; Tussilago frfara
Tp4p*nt40o, fasantachd, s. f. modisbness. JA. , fathas, s. m. skill, prudence, poetry
444, fdsanta, adj. decent, fashionable ttttfT, fafhast, seasonable, as yet. Sh.
^rburg, fa bilg, s. an empty bag, belly or house ^\, fathbhan, s. m. a mole-hill. SA.
Vaprjujn, fasbhuin, s. stubble Verane, fathbhanie, s. a muse. Sh.
faschoill, s. f. a young grove in its first, TCeifAjm, fathfhaim, s. the hem of a garment
second, and third years Vrttlojrsjm, fathleisghn, v. I char
ppciit. fascut, s. a rod. Cor. TCai-oroe, fath-o/de, s. m. a school-master
^4 p, /.ve*, adv. yet V4p5Ji)on40, fathsgriobhadh, s. under-writing, sub
paptw, fasdadh, "Is. protection, refuge, shelter, scripiion, subjoining
^*p4t>, fasgadh, J lee V4tp5*loB4, fathsgriobhadh, s. appendix
^4fj4ll4rh, fasfhallamh, adj. ruinous TCatp^jubre, fjthsgiobhte, adj. subjunctive
*, fasg, s. m. a prison, band, bond V4tii4)m, faiuaim, s. f. law
y4r54, fasgadh, s. sparks from red hot iron Ve /e, prep, under
^4r;;4, fasgadh, s. wringing, squeezing Ve /<?, s. a hedge, pound, penfold, enclosed field
Y*r54T>4j]*, faxgadair, s. m. a press Ve, fe, s. a measuring rod, a rod, a bough
^45*>4, fasgadan, s. m. a sconce, umbrella, shade Ve> fe, s. pity, a pitiful person
^45*], fasgare, s. m. a keeper, jailor Ve4D, feab, adj. good, upright, just
^45)>, fasgidh, adj. sheltered Ve*n,/iaW, conj. as
<454, fungan, s. m. a muscle Yeao, feabh, s. m. a widow
^:54'0,' faxgtiadh, s. winnowing, purging Ve4D, feubh, s. m. a conflict, skirmish
^541. fasgwm, v. I purge e4D, /faM, s. m. means, power, faculty
pipa, faslach, s. instigation. 5A. _ r 1 s. m. beauty, goodness, oprneH*
^plac,/iw/fliA, vacuity, void, space Vee^p, fiabhas, I decency, impruven,ent,
4 r Unit, faslairt, s. encampment Ve4bup, /,A^, $ ac|;oke
V4rlom4]tit, faslomairt, s, an expeditious way ofdres , eabhdha,s goodness, honesty, knowledge
sing victuab in the stomach of an animal amongst 1414, feabh ann, s. a sea-gull
the Highlanders. SA, Ve4ftji4, Feabhra, February
4prv|t, fasmhar, adj. vegetative VeaBpe, ftabhsa, s. rent
Vir**!, fasmhar, adj. lonely, solitary, desolate Ve*Bp4,/fe^e, s. science
Verne] f'isnaim, v. I cleanse, winnow Veaopa, feabbaeh, adj. cunning, skilful
Y4r-ri4-h<ori-ove, fas-na-haon-oidhche, s. a mush TCe4ot4, feab tha, see
room Veac, frac, s. m. the handle of a spade, a kind of
Virne, a"ne\it \s. f. a wheal, pimple, measle wooden spade edged with iron or steel
Ve4cc, feocc, s. m. a tooth, a mill cog
V*rn5, fbsyiogi s. f. a fan, a winnowing machine ".,, s. m. a journey
, fassach, s. m. stubble Vac. feach, v. see, behold
Y*rpn*, faSSradh> % barnes* Ve4C4, feacadh, s. a turning
Fff 4 3
fest FEA FEA

Te4C4t>, feaeadh, s. a pick- ax, mattock ), feadanaim, v. I pipe, whistle

Ve*o)i, feachadoir, s. m. a wizard, a seer }, feadar, see pejojp
Te44jo, feachaid, v. they sent, put, set, i. e. oo , fcadarlach, se ]*}]
cuj|e404p. o. g. TeOAjttACr, feadarthacht, s. f. possibility
Te4C4jm, feacaim, v. I bow, bend TeAb, feadhb, s. m. a fault, defect
Te\04jm, feachaim, v. I look, view TcAb, feadhb, s. m. a widow, a religious woman
, fcachain, s. a view, sight, trying , feadhbe, s. f. nun. Lee.
TeAAfl*, feachair, adj. sharp, acute, angiy, . tf. (t , feaah-chua, s. an extensive country
, feachd, s. a journey, expedition -, feadh chua, venison
, feachd, s. danger 5)1, feadhghailc, s. a noise in the belly of
, feachd, s. forces, trained-bands, levy some horses when trotting
, feachd, s. a good act, virtue, a miracle TeAogujle, feadhghuile, s. lamentation
, feachd, s. a grave, a country , feadhm, s. f. an army ; " lopec *
, feachd, s. a time, place, turn, vice, alter oo teccriiAjl 00 clojfi jA}imA04, 1
native ; . n'am, onetime, ')11, ano o]b." 4 Mast. 1398.
ther time, formerly, $a6 ajle , every other , feadhm, s. m. a battle
turn, 4n oi|i4 pe4co, in the second place , feadhma, s. service, superintendance
, feachd, s. land , feadhmach, adj. potent
, feachda, adj. crooked -, feadhmadair, s. m. a proprietor, one
, feachdadh, s. bending, moving that has the use of a thing
, feachsadar, v. they sent ], feadhmaim, v. I sene, make use of
, Jeacht, see )1, feadhmamhuil, adj. serviceable
Ter, feacht, a tribute on servants, or assistants , feahmanach, s. m. a governor, overseer,
, feachtar, v. was fought; " fer*j ca steward, servant
-." 4 Mast. ), feadhmanais, see
, feachtnach, s. m. prosperity, luck , jeadhmanta, adj. official
Te*tn*, feachtnach, s. m. manhood , feadhmantach, see
, feachtnach, adj true, just , feadhmantach, adj. officious
, feachtas, adv. once. Feim. , feadhmontachd, \ ,
, feadhn.antas, \ s- ^upermtendance
, fead, s. relation, saying
, fead, s. f. a sword, 1. . 1) 0^1], feadhmghlacaim, v. I take possession
, fead, v. sajs, 3d. pers, sing, of peA04]m, I re ^^^ j eaahmghnathughadh, s. usurpation
late , feadima, s. a tribe, host, army
tear>, fead, s. a bulrush , feadhnachd, s. f. captainry
, fead. s. a fathom , feadog, s. f. a flute ; a plover
, feadh, s. an island TeAouj,pl, feaduighiol, s. a whistle. Sh.
, fead, s. a whistle or shrill noise , feag, s. m. a tooth, offence
, feadh, s. extent, length, continuance; A)p TeAj, fcagh, s. . a fathom
, during a, feaghci, s. the beech tree; Fagus sylvatica
, feadh, s. timber, a wood o, feaghadh, s. seeing
, feaah, adj. whilst |, feaghad, see
, feadh, s. m. a lettr, a voice . feagadh, adv. perhaps
, feadha, s. a calm 1, feat, s. m. art, science ; i. . ). 0. g.
, feadha, adj. wild 1, fea!, s. m. a learned man, a poet
cojlle, feada coilie, bulrushes, wild sorrel. Sh. !, feat, adj. skilled, learned, rational
, fcadadh, s. relation, rehearsal !, fea/, adj. bad, naughty, evil
^)1, feadail, s, cattle TeAlin, fealan, s. m. a fiesh-worm
^), fcadatm, v. I relate, say TeAlb, jealb, s. f. a kernel, lump in the flesh
^}, feadaim, v. I whistle , fealbhas, s. f. misinformation ; i, e. opoc-
yreAajm, feadhaim, s. f. a band, troop, company -
-)|1, feadaire, s. m. a piper TeAlcAjo, jeakaidh, adj austere, deceitful, knavish
)11, feadaireadid, s. f. whistling, piping 1]0, ftalca aheacht, s. f. sharpness, knavery
*), feadhaircachd, s. f. strolling, idling 1], fcalcauiheas, s. a debate, dispute
)]*, feadhaircachd, s. f. a gift or present , ftally s. m. a horse
^, feadan, s. m. a pipe, reed, flute, a tube 11, ftall, s. m. a habitation, place of abode
, feall, s. m. treason, treachery, falsehood, de
eft^ni{?/SwW,, j wiid> SS* ceit, conspiracy, murder
, feadanach, s. m. a piper TeAlUjm, fcallaim, v. I deceive, conspire, fail
Tao*h*co, feadanacU, s. f. piping, blowing 4P, jeallan, s- felon, nescock. Sh.

Vealbume, fealldmne, s. m. a treacherous man Veajta-cojlheac./farann co'illteach, s. wood -land

Yealirhjan, feallmluan, s. f. a conspiracy VeajA-0)5Jieaco, fearann-oighreachd, s. a manor
Veallrarhnaco, feallsamhnachd, ) s" PnilsaP<>y *eapAn-r<0p, fearann-saor, s. a freehold
VeapA-rpeaoce, Jear<mn-t,eabhthe, s. plow-land
Yeallrarh, feallsamh, , ., ,, /Va,^ adj_ effectual, effective
ICeallrarhnac, feallsamhnach,y- m,,a Pbsopher,
*e*\\X*t, ftallsanack, ) soplmter ^eapftj-ao, jearasadh, s. imitation
beaporojp, fearasoir, s. m. an imitator, mimick
*e*llra, fealltack, ) adj- deceitful, perfidi- , yea; , s. f. a word
Veallramuil, Jtalltamhml oas> traitorous, inhu- ^eapb, /fer, s. f. a cow
J man, murderous Yeapb, Jearl, s. f. a bag, puffing out the cheeks
Yealkana, fealltanach, s. m. a perfidious man Yeapb, Jearb, s. f. goodness
Yealfcojp, fcalltoir, s. m. a traitor, a villain Veapb, fearb, s. f. a wheal, pimple
Vealon, fealon, s. a furuncle Yeapba, fearba, s. killing
Yearn, /earn, s. m. a tail Veap-bc, fear-bad, s. m. a boat-man
Yeanuc, feamach, adj. gross, superfluous, dirty Veapbajm, fearbam, v. I kill, destroy
Yeamacap, feamachas, s. in. silliness Veapbajpe, fearbaire, s. m. a herd's-man
Yeamaap, feamachas, s. m. superfluity, grossness Veapbn, fearban, s. crow-foot ; Ranunculus rpens
Veamajn, feamain, s. bladder-fucus beap-blanoap, fear-bandar, s. a flatterer
Yeamn, feaman, s. m. a tail Yeapboc, fearboc, s. m. a roe-buck
Yeamnac, feamnach, \ s. sea-ore, sea-weed, sea- Yeapboga, fearbogha, s. an archer
Yeamuj, feamwnn, ) wrack ; Alga marina Yeapbolg, fearbolg, s. a bag-man, a sheath, scabbard
Venne* , J'tiincad/i, wrestling Vea p bpAt, ttar-brath, s. a spy, betrayer
Ycaiica, fcancadh, s. bending, crooking Yeapbpatajg, fcarbhrataigh, s. a standard bearer
YeanCAr, feanchas, see )0 Yeap-bpejge, fear-breige, s. a puppet
XeTub,feannad/i, s. flaying Yeap-bpjonglop, fear-bricmgloii, s. a dreamer
Veeajm, feannuim, v. 1 flay Yeap-bpopcarhnjl, fear-broscamhuil, s. a cajoler
Yeano^, Jmhho, s. f. a royaron crow, a whiting Yeap-ceapc, fcar-ceard, s. an artificer
Yeata, feannta, adj. flayed, full of holes Yeap-ceojl, fear-ceoil, s. a musician
Yearcjp, feanntoir, s. m. a flayer Yeap cluajre, fear-cluais, s. an eave's-dropper
Yeant, feanlog, s. f. a nettle Veapujopeat), fearchuidreadh, adj. threefold
Yeiurcg-Bpusac, feantog-greugach, s. fenugreek; Veapcujpjo, fia'cunidh, s. m. an inviter
Fcenum Grcum Veapup, fearchur, s. . a champion, manhood,
Yeap, ', s. in. a man, a husband courage
Yep, /car, adj. good Veaptia, feardha, adj. manty, brave, male
Yap, /r> s. . grass Veaprao, fcardliachd, s. f. manliiiood, manhood
Yeapaar, /camenas, s. m. manhood Veap-cna, fear-dana, s. a poet
Yeapaap-bajle, fearachas-bade, economy Veai-oje, fear-dhghc, s. m. a lawyer
Yeapacar-tje, Jtaraehas-tight, s. husbandly, par Veap-t>palujn, fear-drab/u'uin, s. a buffoon, jester
simony Veap-eaiaibajn, fear-ealadhain, s. aman or science
Yeapatb fcaradh, s. happening, falling; " njop peap Veap-eipeacr, fear-eisdeacht, s. an auditor
<en bp<en rneta nu peaprana pujpr.e." . Pun Veap-pajpe na hcon rujt, fear-faire no haon sut/, a
Yeapaaco, fcaadhacha, \ s. f. manliness, force, character in an Irish novel
YeapArhiact) fearamklaihii,} might, power Yeap-yanop, fear-Janoid, s. a scoffer or jeefer
Yeejujrn, Jearaim, v. 1 give ; " po peapa pjlte Veap-puarn, fear feuehain, s. a beholder
rjopape. Ftrin. Veap-fill, fear-fill, s. a murderer
VeafiAnceApr., fea, andient, s. a buffoon Veap-fleat), fcar-fiead/i, s. a banqueter
VA)uipm. JearairiH, s. a hay-yard, hay-loft Veap-roipneapt, 'fear-foirneart, s. a robber
Vea)uj|-aj5, fearatsaiir, s. a ferry-man Veap5,yt'a>g-, s. . the sea
Ye^pa-peojpne, feara-feeirne, s. chess-men Veap5, /. s- m- anger
Yeap,urt*pc,7 earumhaic, s. a beholder VeAP5, feaig, s. m. a warrior, champion
, fearamhas, s. m. manliness Veap^a, feargach, a ], angry, passionate, brindled
Yeapamuji, fearaintuul, adj. manly, brave, adult Veapgaco, feargachd, s. f. anger, passion
Yeopn, feaan, s. wild gariick, cives Veap-gtojl, fear-gaoil, s. a relation
Yeapan, fearan, s. rn. a quest, a ring dove Tteap-5e)ll, fear-geill, s. a wagerer, pledger
Y'japan bpeac, fearun /mac, "I Veap- 5)ula)n, fear-gwlain, s. a carrier, bearer
Y^*p*n epjon, ,'/' eidhwn,js' m- a turt'e
Veapgna, fcargna, s. seniority, chieftainship >
Veapanoa, fcaranda, s. a buor, a farmer Veapsuca, feargudhadh, s. incensing, irritating
Yeapafi, fearann, s. m. land, ground, a country ICeap^ujte, fearguithe, adj. incensed
Yeapa-baP, fcarotin-ban, s. iey-Jaud Veait-iarftco, fear-iasachd, s. a borrower
1 J 1 Yeap-jficleact),
f62l FEA fes FED

TPeaft-jtleao, far-inntleachd, s. an engineer TCe4|itrii45, fearimkagh, s. a grave-yard, glebe-land;

YeftpjoiinT), fearionaJ, s. a deputy, a lieutenant 1. 1. pe4)t4 cjlle. o. g.
Venp 14|), fear-lbhairt, s. aspeaker Ye4)rrholl4, feartmholladh, s. a funeral oration
Yi^p-Uj, fear lnglit s. a lawyer Ye4]iu], fearthuinn, s. f. rain
Ve*)t!amjact(]t), fear iamhrachda'idh, s. a dealer Ye4jituje4c, fvarthmnneach, adj. rainy
Veap-leoncajn, fcar-leantam, s. a follower Ye4p, Jeus, see rjop
Y4jirh.ijc, fearmhaic, s. a strong able man Ve4r4c, feasac'i, ) ,- , .
Yep.mul, feasamhuil,)^- lowing, sMful
, fearmha?\ adj. grassy
Vc4|ivn.iT>, feat mad, s. bigotry Ye4p4g, feasag, s. f. a libre
, fearmadac/i, adj. bigotted, envious 1Pe4pc4)t,./'/ier, s. . the evening
Veojmi4t)0)}, fe;n madoir, . m. a biggot Ye4pc4ji4, feasc.irach, adj. late
Veaji-me4p, jear-mcas, s. a describer Ye4pc4fir|t4f;, feascartruth. s. evening-tide
Veap-mjco*)!, fcar-viiodad, s. a flatterer Ye4pc4} lu, feaicar luch, s. m. a bat, the dormouse,
VcAjtii, fear?), the Alder tree, the letter TP field-mouse, a buzzing insect that flies about in
Veopn, /earn, s. a shield the evening
Ye4jin, fearn, adj. good Ye4pc|U', feascradh, s. shrivelling, decaying
Vf*fn4, feartut, s. a leg <e*rT,fea$d, adv. never, ever
Ve4jn4, fearna, s. the mast of a ship Ve4p, feasd, "| adv. hereafter, henceforward,
Ycapnape, fearnaidhe, adj. masculine Ye4pt>4, f a-da, j forthwith
Ve*)t-Ti4-b*)fipe, fear-na-bainnse, ~] s. a bride- Ve4r^4, feasda, s. a feast, entertainment
Ye4p-nu4ti-popi>4, fear-nuadh-posda, J groom Y4ro4. feasda, s. a festival, festivity
Ve4}t-n*-C4]]in, fear-na-cairn, s. an out-law V4pt>u]5e4Ct), feasduigheachd, s. feasting
Ve4]-0)bje, fear-oibre, s. a workman Ve4rrof 4HZ4, feasfliotharvadh, 1
Veap-pifeOj, fear-piseog, s. a magician Ve4p5l4ti4,o, feasghlanadh, j &
TCe4|i-]t]n, fear-rum, s. a confidant Ve4p54l4)e, feasgalaidhe, s. m. a herald
Ve4]t-ra)|i4'P, fear-saoiadh, s. a deliverer Ye4pgop, feasgor, . f. separation
Ye4}i-roc4)l, fear-sotad, s. a flatterer Yeap?, feasog, s. f. a beard, fibre, feelers-
Ye<x\ini>A, /earndha, adj. aldem, or made of Alder Ve4p5, feasog, s. f. a herd
Veapo4, fearogha, s. a grandson. M'-Don. Ye4p054, feasogac/i, adj. bearded
Veapp, fearr, better Ye4prii4, feastrach, s. m. a muzzle, a gag
Ve4jt}, fearr, s. firmness Ye4pcj4, feastrach, s. m. a bridle-bit
)0, fearradha, see re4]MB4 Ve4r, feat, s. f. a whistle, a hiss
Ve4(t|bo|-54, fearrbisga, s. a breach, breaking; '. Ye4t, feat, s. f. music, harmony
e. btfree. . Ye4f,, feath, s. f. learning, skill, knowledge
Ve4intt>,io, fearrdhichd, see re4]t>4TJ Ve4, feath, s. f. protection, keeping
Y4pp4, f arsa, s. f. averse Ve4r, feath, s. f. a calm, tranquillity
^4]-4), fearsuid, s. f. a spindle TP eat, /ea/A, s. f. a bog
Ye4pp4]o, fearsaid, s. f. a strand-pit Ye4f 4t>, feathadh, s. the sight
Ye4]tr4p, feanaid, s. f. a cubit, a spindle TPe4;4)5jm, feathaighim, v. I calm, still
Ye4jir4jt>, fearsaid, s. f. a wallet **1, feathal, s. m. the face, countenance
Ve4jf4]j, franaigh, s m. a wise man, a sage Ye44l, feathal, s. f. a bowl, a cup, a cotFer
V<i4irn, /earsin, s. f. a short verse Ye4r4l, feathal, s. f. fur
TCe4jpcl, fearscal, s. m. a man Ve4f ml4Co, feathamhlachd, s. f. calmness, stillness
Ye * *> fearsda, s. a pool, standing water Ve4f 41H11I, feathamhuil, adj. calm, tili, quiet
Velr, feart, s. ro. an act, action 4n, feathan, s. f. fur, hair
Ve4pr, feart, s. m. virtue, attribute, repute 14, feathan, s. f. treasure
Ye4|r, //? /, s. m a miracle "\s. woodbine,
Ve4|c, feart, s. m. a grave, tomb
Ve4pt, feart, s. m. a country, land Ve4tle4*. feathleadh ( 1^'
Ye4tlo5 4 P*, >% /a c/;rara, ^ ^ pe,
Ve4]r, feart, s. m. a fair green
Ve4|tr4C, feartach. adj. virtuous, reputable j riclymenum
Ve4pr4)5)m, ftariaightm, v. I bury, inter re4tm4if, feathmaith, adj. sinewy
Ve4lr4]ile, fart die, s. a funeral oration Ve4fp540jle4t>, fenthigao leadh, s. the palsy
1Ce4jtr,4rhu)l, feaitamhuil, adj. reputable, miraculous Yeb, /if*, adv. while, whilst, as long as
Ve4|r4p,. teartus, s. m. a wheel ; ' 50 pobpjr re4j- Ye4p4i5)m, febhas ughmi, v. I correct, amend
T4J- c4|ib4Vo n hmjine." B. Fionc. Vec, fee, s. f. weakness, feebleness, bending
Te4p-51i4|rh. f<artgraimh, s. f. an epitaph Vece, ftce, s. f. a tooth ; see quot. atcjtom
Ve4i-ri5e, fear-tighe, s. m. a house-holder, hus Xe-o, fed, s. a narration, relation
bandman Vet>, fed, adj. hard, difficult
Yeepc-ltoro, feart-Iaoidh, s. an epitaph
fj FEI fe) FEI

Veo, fedh, s. calm, respite rcJ5'). feighltgh, adj. long

Veonjm, fedaim, v. I tell, relate reJ5J5jm, feighbghm, v. I catch, apprehend
?e-o*n, fcdhan, s. f. flight , fed, adj. secret, nil, in secret
Veoojl, fedoil, s. f. cattle rejl, feil, adj.
rjL/iZ, long

^eS>feg, s. m. acut, gash, slash
Vese*t>, fegead, s. biting rejle, feile, } s. f. a festival, a holiday, a market
1Cej6, y//4, conj. as ; " rej5 >]; ry." refjl. leighi/,)
Veil), /, adj. good ,1 %hj*,l, /'/ Mhichil, \ ... , ,
Vejo, feiliJi, s. f. riches, goods rajleojnpot), Fcileoinrod, \ Mlchaelmas
Ve|b, /f/A, s. f. goodness Ttejieom, Feil Eoin, Midsummer
), /, s. f. a. long life. /. aw. Vejl %*j*tujn, FeilMartuin, Martinmas
rej, fetbh, s. f. hereditary property Vejl bnj] 510e, Fed Bhrighide, Candlemas
1Coj, s. f. view, vision, sight ; Spjan |te Vql *n R|o, Fed an Riogh, Epiphany
*150, jomc*)p ojl, conyurh pop p) * c*- rjle, feile, adj. arrant, bad in a high degree
*)." "4 s. f. hospitality, generosity,
Ve|cm, fekam, v. to be in a continual motion to rjle, feilt liberality; cojpe pejle, the
fidget. SA. VjleAo, feileachd, I boiler of hospitality, a vessel
) u.sed by the Biatachs
f*)i /"V^}s' f> asinew P'ur- pejceand pelean* ^ejle Beag, feile blieag, s. a kilt
VeJce s- f- a chandelier yrejle pUjt, feileflaUh, s. a bad master
Vejceem, feicheamh, s. m. a protector, encourager yreilpjop, feilfios, s. m. & f. second sight
Vejce*rhujn, feicheamliuin, ve)l)ocn, feiocan, a May-bug
Tpejcneun, feichnean, >s. m. a debtor Veiljo, fcdionn, s. a sea-gull
^pe)tierhn*t,feic/itheamhnac/i, ) Tcejljop, fcilios, s. f. vanity, trifle
Tcejoe*, feidheach, s. m. dependancy TCejl)bp<i, feilihsach, adj. frivolous, trifling
Tpejoeog, feideog, s. f. a green plover TCejl)o-pUb>)tt, fedioslabhro.r, s. m. a wheedler,
|)1,/<, adj. faithful, just, true, chaste small talker, one who talks trifles
Vej]l, feidhil, s. f. dissolution, loosening Vejlpe, feilire, s. f. a calendar, a catalogue of feasts
Vejjl, feidhil, adj. long, elongated
^rejjl, feidhil. a-lj. conquered, subdued, appeased Velilgnjom, feillgniomh, j
Vejjlje, feidhilidhe, s. in. a follower Veille, /eirfr, s. a festival, a holiday, market-day
Vej)lmjt>, feidhilmidh, s. everlasting good ; "1. t. yrejllm)*n, feillmhian, see pe*llrhin
pepojl mjf, i. e. trw|f pec*." Cr- V)lne*o, feteachd, \ s. f. feasting, keeping hor
Ve||m, feidhim, v. I manifest, relate Vjlrjnja, fciltiiighadh,] lidays
Vejojt, feidir, s. f. power, ability ; ip pep>|] Ijom, Veilreog, feilteog, s. f. a cod-fish
I can, I must, nj pepjp lejr, be cannot Vejm, /W, s. f. need, use
Vejle, feidhle, s. continuing, dwelling Vejm, feim, s. f. occasion, perusal
Vejoljoe, feidhlidhe, s. m. a follower TCejrb, feimh, adj. negligent, neglectful
Vejcl pjm, feidldidhim, v. I follow, adhere Ve)meax), feimdhtaah, s. denial, refusal
Veji)Ub feidhliughadh, s. f. adherence VejmeoriiUc, feimeamhlaeh, adj. necessitous
Vejm, fetdhm, . f. the customary service due from VepneanSujl, feimeamhiul, adj. needful, necessary
a vassal to his Lord Vejmenn, feimean, s. tlie feminine gender
Vepm, feidhm, s. f. use, employment, business Veimjljc, fcimghlic, adj. providential
Vejmf enpajm, feilkmcheasaim, v. I usurp Vepnjnea, femmeach, adj. feminine, effeminate
VernwmUco, feidkmamhlaehd, s. f. need, neces *)n,fein, own self, *n lrh pjn, in his own hand,
sity jn* m p]n, in its own time; me pjn, myself, tu
Vejme*mu)l, feidhmeamhuil, adj. needful, neces- yjn, thy self
sary V]ne, feine, s. f. a farmer, boor, ploughman
Vejmgljc, feidhmghlic, adj. provident VjneacAp, feineachas, s. m. the code of Irish laws,
Veim|uj4t>, feidhmiughadh, s. serving, service judgments, history, genealogy
y:c\bm^b\}%yrn,fti.ihmshealbhaighim, v. I enjoy by , , . "\s. self-know-
right of long possession reinnop,/^/A/f, / j. .
V,npiopl.*o, femfhicsrachd, \ .
)5 /"?* superiority, preeminence, uppermost
Vejg, feih, adj. bloody
Veis, feig, adj. sharp Vjnp]opl*, fcinfhiWt, adj. conscious, expe
=15, pir- of a deLer . , , rienced _
Veite, fright* s. in. a warrior, champion, slaughterer V)" ro^*fnee*t,feinf/iognamteeth, adj. self-sufficient
Vejje, f*ighe> * ine t0P * house, bill, or moun r)npo54nt*p, feinfoghantas, s. self-sufficiency
tain 11**, feinghluasac/i, adj. automatical
Ggg Vjnlu*p6j|i,
feo FEO

Vjngliuj-j}, fcinghluasoir, s. an automaton Vejjn, fcithin, s. f. a tendon

VjnjU^oj-*!, feininosal, adj. condescending ^)> frithis, s. keeping, preserving
Vejnjjijorlaco, feinirioslachd, s. f. condescension ^-)> frithis, s. gathering, assembling
Vje, feinne, s. the celebrated militia of Ireland Vejrleog, feithicog, s. f. a husk, pod, tegument
jileada r, feinneach-te, s. militia. <M. Vejtrhe, feithmhe, adj. attended
Vjnmojir, jeinmhort, s. suicide Xe)ime*t,fetthmheach, adj. sinewy, strong, powerful
Vejfie gaRIa .feinne gabhla, "I common house-leek ; Vejirhejli, feithmheoir, s. m. an overseer, steward
Vcje tjie, feinnc time, J Sempervivumtectorum Vejtrheojpjje, feithmheoirighe, s. attendants, fol
V^lpe, feinnidhe, s. m. a soldier lowers
VL'injeftc, feinnidheatht, s. f. the exploits of the Vejine, feithne, s. f. a kernel. M'Par.
ancient militia of Ireland Vel, fei, s. . strife, debate
V^jnrpjj, feimpeh, s. f. self conceit, self love Vele, feie, s. a veil. Cor.
Vjnppipe*mu)l, femspeiseamhuil, adj. selfish, self- Vele*cn, feltacan, s. m. a butterfly
conceited, coxcomical Vele4pt4ji, Jeleastar, \ s. a water flag, iris, flowerde
X)\t, /fir, s. f. a bier, coffer Vele*rriom,//caj'pr, ) luce; Ins pseudacoius
Vjjijijr, fardhris, s. f. a bramble, briar gl'n0,5/^:^ } s- f" honeysuckle, oodbiud
Y')\tiT>, feiread, s. a ferret
Ve]jtn-reo]l lujnge, frimstoil luittge, see ^el. /t/^, s. . wages
Vejpprj, feirrsi, s. strength, courage Veli, Jell, see ye 11
Vejfirre, feirsde, s. pits or pooLs of water on the strand Vem, fem, "I f ..
Vemn, fanai, ) s' f" a Wlfe- a woman . ,
at low ebb
Veyjir, feirt, s. f. the track or rut made in a road by Verhjn, femhin, s. a plain, a field
the wheels of carriages Vme*hi)5jm, femdlualuighim, v. I enjoin
Vejy, /eis, s. f. a pig, swine, see Tspejmne TPen, fen, s. m. a wain, cart, waggon
Vejy, fris, s. f. carnal communication Ven, fen, s. m. a section of a book ; jrm le*D*r>
Vejy, jeis, s. f. a convention, convocation, synod jpjn jx. yen, y* u. C4)bjr>jl. O'Hick.
Ver\ce<vp, fenc/map, s. m. the stock of a cart wheel
Vjy'o ^feisA, } s' ^ an 1> feast Vtiec*y>;/<7Kwc/W, see yjneeey
Veir*, frisar, Venell*c, feneallach, s. m. cattle given in restitution,
J. " Jr
Vejram, A' J7} s. a Jyounffcat
jcisam, i. % ejc*. . g.
VejyceAfi, feisceann, s. a bog, a marshy place Veneojn, fenerir, s. m. a carter, waggoner
Vjpre, feisde, s. f. a feast, entertainment Veneul, Jauni, s. fennel
Vipojm, fdsditn, v. I feast Veneul-f*)C, feneul-atJiaich, s. fennel giant
v. I rest, remain ; " *S4p Veodon, jeocliadan, s. common way thistle, corn
thistle ; Serratula arvensis
>ejyjm, /ft,""> J )r mbajle." . 86. Veo*]m, Jeocham, v. to droop, fade, decay
V)p]fi, feisin, his own, himself, herself; the same as Veo*jt, fecchair, s. f. ingenuity, bravery ; i. e.
ym. 4 Mast, and oilier MSS. ]rle*c no ^ycedi). e. g.
V]pre, feitle, \ s. entertainment, accommoda- VeoCAn, feochan, s. m. a decay
Vjpre4p, fcisteas, j tion Veocdnin, fecchanan, see
Vejpr:e4p opee, feisteas oidhche, s. a night's lodging Veocru, feochla, adj. withered, dried
Xett, feith, s. f. honey-suckle ; see 1> Veocul4n.y''M//afl, s. a pole cat
Veit, feith, s. f. a sinew, a vein eox>*)x>, Jeodaidh, adj. hard
Ve)f, /VA, s. f. silence, tranquillity, calmness Veot>.vy, feedhas, adj. better
Ve]fc|ip*t>, feithchrupadh, s. a spasm, cramp Veopar, fcodhradh, s. a manner, fashion, feitheach, adj. sinewy Veo5*C4t>, feogachadh, s. drooping
TCejf.eaf), feitheadh, s. keeping, protection ^5*]) feaignim> v- I drop, fade
Vejiearh, feltheamh, s. waiting, attendance, minis Veo5*)n,/<:o/i, s. folk
tration Veo]5te, feoighte, adj. faded, withered, dried
Vejfearh, fcitheamh, s. taking care, watching Veojl, feoil, s. f. flesh, meat
Vep:e*rhn, feitheamhna, s. wisdom Veo)lcpo)t>eog, feoilchroidhcog, s. f. a flesh-worm
Ve)edm]i, j eatheuvihoir , s. m. an overseer Veojlt* feoildhalha, s. carnation colour
*)^4]1, feithcamhuil, adj. calm, quiet VeojlOjl, feoileadoir, s. m. a butcher
Yejieanac, feitheanach, v. sinewy Xeo)\eAx&]pe*Thujl,feoileadoireamhuil, adv. butcherly
Vejrejil*, feitearlach, see becepkc Veojljtea, feoilnheach, adj. carnivorous
Vejceorn, feitkeomh, s. m. a creditor Veofltrj. /r/nn, s. a farthing
Vejr-yeo]j, feithfeoir, s. m. a looker on, an overseer Veojpne, feoirne, s. chess
Ve)f.yoe, feiihide, s. f. a beast Veol, //, s. flesh, meat
Vejfjm, frithim, v. I wair, attend, stay VeoU^j], feoladoir, s. m> a butcher
J Veol4X5jpr,
feu FEU f)2 FIA

Veol4r>]je, feoladoirachd, s. butchering TPurruncAco, Jeudhmantachd, s. f. superintendatice

VeoUjpe, feolaire, s. m. a butcher, dealer in meat Vuog, fdiidog, s. f. a flute, a plover
Veolg, felglia, adj. fleshy, carneos Yustmr feuginhas, s. m. absence, want
115)1, feolghahhail, s. f. incarnation IPum, ./, see rjm
Veolriac, ftotmiiach, adj. hutcherly umA, feumach, adj. needy
VeolriAC, feolmliack, s. flesh meat. Sh. ' IPuTrmrhujl, feumumhtiil, adj. useful
reolttup, feolm/tar, adj. fleshy, carnal TPun, /, s. a cart or waggon
(1]0, fcolmhar'ackd, s. f. lust, carnality Vuj,/*Mr, s. . grass
, feonda, s. fox VunA, feufach, } ,.
Veojuca, fevrachadh, s. asking, enquiring ruw/feurgAa,]^- grass>'
Veojtaj^jm, ftoraiglum, v. I ask, inquire Vu|**i, feurachadh, s. feeding, grazing
Veopin, feomn, s. m. a green, a mountain valle}-, TCupn, feuran, s. m. cives
land adjoining to a brook or river Vujie, feurcha, ~\
Yeo\nn cu\i]Mfe,feorancurraig/i,s. waterhore-hound; Vupln, feurlan, s. m. ahay-loft, hay-yard
Lycopus europceus VujHoc, feur/oc,)
Veopln, feorlan, s. m. a measure containing four feurdris, s. a bramble
pecks TPupjtee, jeuritheach, adj. gramnivorous
ITeoftnrtn, feornan, s. m. pile of grass Vujtlocin, feurlockan, s. m. a grassy pool a 'lak
Veojt5, fecrog, s. f. a squirrel that dries
Ceotar, feothadh-, s. withering, fading ' * Veujmup, feuimhar, adj. grassy
, feothadav, see y:eo*en ", feiirthanr s. a grassy field ' '*
}CeotAjm, feothaim, v. I fade, wither Vujt tjtjm, / iWm, s. hay
icreoian, feothan, > .. . TPurgn, feusgan,s. m. the shellfish called a muscle
Veot*nin, feothanan,)* m' a ttmtle ^up5,y<oj, s. f. a beard
TCeotA]-, feothas, s. goodness, better. <SV. ^uj-gA, feiisogac/i, adj. bearded capillary
Veotar4)5)m,/eoAa/;/>rt, v. 1 correct, make better V) ! ^/ interj. iy
Ve}b, /Vr, s. a word s. poison, i. e. n)m. o. g.
Vejicejptne, ferceirtne, s. a preceptor, or rectifier 1PJ, yi, s. fretting, anger, indignation
of science ; the name of one of our old poets or T), s. piercing, wounding, tasttiing
philosophers; /'. . reap ceAjitAjge he*l*n# TPl, jt, adj. bad, corrupt, naughty
Vjten, feren, s. m. a thigh TPJ, yiT, s. land
, ferend, s. a cingle, girth, belt, garter VlAjtAf, fiabhras, s. m. a fever
Tfer, fes, s. m. a mouth, entry VlADjtAr-cpeAfcAC, fiubhras-creathach.
TCerojm, feMim, v. I kill, destroy VjAftAr-CABmA, fiabhras tadtnhac/i,)' an aSue
^ercpet), fesciedh, s. breaking ; i. e. bj)fe*t>. o. g. VjAbjiAf-cjteAtAC, fiabhras-crcachtach, s. a quotidian
<pet, fe:h, s. m. semblance, likeness; e. cput. o. g. fever
%et, feth, s. m. aggregation ; . cjnijfijujaw: e.g. VjAb|'*r feApin, fiabhras seachran, s. a -wandering
^dby feth, s. m> science, knowledge, instrtiction fever
^et;, feth, s. a sinew V]AjArAC, fiabhrasach, adj. feverish
Ct*, fetha, s. fur, hair VAb)Afor5, fiabhraschosg, s. a febrifuge
Vetle, fetilen, \ honeysuckle V]ac, fiac/i, s. m. a raven
peteog, fetAieog,J* Vjac, fiach ) s. m. price, a debt, an equivalent,
VeuBajm, feubiia'u, v. I wait VjACAn, fiachan,) news
.yuc ! yi-i/i / see ! behold f try, taste
Yuujm, fntchaim, v. 1 see, visit, try '^'/ A S. hunting
.TCuc*oj]t, Jeuchadoir, s. m. a wizard V)A, jfatA, j d- wortfay worth, valuable
, ftuchan, s. m. trial, seeing, a look, aspect
Tpuo, feud, a whistle TCjaa, fiachadh, s. value, worth, obligation, debt
Vuo, /cud, s. ability VjacajI, fiacail, s. f. a tooth
YuoAjm, /Twfo/m, v. lean VjAC*)l-mAOA)t), aca-mhadaidh, s. a dog-tooth, a
Vu^jrn, feudaim, j t wbisd j hiss fang
"IpuOAlUjm, feudal/aim, J ' V]AC*]lre, fiacailte, adj. indented, jagged
^ ^f^}s.f whirling, piping YjacaUc, fiacalach, adj. snappish
Vuo*Ut>, feudatachd, J r f e YiACAl-leojAjn, fiacal-leognam, s. dandelion
Vutiu, feudan, s. m. a flute, a pipe V)A-pA)llt5e, fiach-fairrge, s. a cormorant
Tuejm, ffudimh, being able ViacIac, fiaclach, adj. having teeth
Tuwm*. /Mach, \ adj TiAclA-cAlbAp,jac/a-ciirW, s. cheek-teeth
V acIa-coIIa^, fiada-collaigh, s. boar's tusks
IPiimAurAC, feiidhmsntac/i, adj. superintendant ltj*cl*-cojHe, ,fiaclach*coille} s, a pig
fJ2l FIA

>J<cl4-ro|t4jp, fiada-fonus, s. late grown teeih, teeth ^)45nu^4t), fiaghrtughadh, s. witnessiiib

of wisdom N45ni45*c fiughnu glhe, adj. witnessed, justified
Vj^cIrtgA, fiaeUtghadh, s. growing angry >!5nujre, J.agli nuise, s. witness, testimony
^"l40'4^1* fietlaighim, v. I grin, shew the teeth, ^Sr'i'ir'-^t fifighnu:seuch, s. m. a witness
grow angry J:l*SU|n, fiaghuin, s-, f. evidence, testimony
Violon cjunajt), fiaclan a dranraldh, s. grinning J4)?' Ja'g"> s. a deer
Y)*-m*f4, fiack-maia, s. acormorant ^^, Jiaitbluartach, adj. clement, compas
Y)**, fiadh, s. m. 'a lord sionate, hospitable
V1*t>. fiadh, s. m. land V)4]le, fiaile, weeds
fiadh, s. m. food, meat, victuals Vj4)l-reac, f.ail-thath, s. a house of office
VJ^ fiadh, s. m. witness, testimony VJ*1, s. m. a veil
yjAt>> JarrfA, s. m. a deer YTl4l, fiai, s. m. a ferret
fiad/ta, s. m. a good God. i. f. ro j4. 0. \ J adj. generous, liberal, bountiful
VP'* fiadha, s. a testimony, or witnessing
VJ4D4, /WAo, } ... fiai, adj. good ; . . ma|T. t>.#.
VJ*1 fiai, adj. modest; /'. <r. ii4)|te
i4,*0, fiadhidkad, \ s- *"ageness> Wlldnes* VHlaco, fialcchd, s. f. bounty, hospitality
VjAlar, fialas, s. a tribe
^j*f>ac, fiadhach, s. ni. venison V)ll4C,fidlaih, s. m. a hero, champion, knight errant
v.j4t>*, fiadhach, s. ni. detesting, hating, hunting V]4lrh4]iie, fia/mhairc, 7 s. f. liberality, boun-
Yjaaco, fiadhachd, s. f. hunting Vl*lrh4)jie4o, fialnOiaireaehd,$ ty, generosity
vj*4T>4n, fiadhadan, s. m. a witness Tj4 !rh4]teftr,fialmha.theas, s. f. munificence, liberality
^Cj4*)5e, fiadhaighe, s. m. a humsman YjAlihap, fialmhar, adj. bountiful, generous, liberal
^junAjle, fiadhaile, s. f. a weed V)*lteA5, fialteagh, s. a place where ferrets are bred
Yrj44jm, fiadhaim, v. I tell, relate Y)lrur, fialtus, s. . protection
Y^4*jn, fiadhaid, adj. wild savage V|4litf, fialus, s. a family
Yj*tuj}, fiadhair, s. r. ley land TT)*m, fiamh, s. m. a chain
^|4], fij'tdhait, s. a wild Yjarh, fiamh, s. m. a footstep, trace, track
j4aii, jiaahan, s. m. wildness, evidence Vl*rh, fiamh, s. m. hue
y;j4i4nra, fiadhunta, adi. fierce, savage, ferocious V)*rn, fi<nn, s. di. fear, reverence
v/j4t>4nr4o, fiadhantaehd, 1 s. fierceness, savageness, V]4rh, fiamh, adj. ugly, horrible, abominable
yjrtt)4nr4r, fiadhantas, J cruelty V|*rh4, fiamhach, adj. modest, shy
vj*t>4}, fiadhar, adj. known, 4t> pj4t)4]jt V) >rii4cr), fiamhachd, s. f. modesty, shyness
^)4o5e4t.ti., jidhbheathach, s. m. a wild beast Y]*rrMT>, fiamhadh, s. tracing, pursuing
]ulKc, Jiadhchullachf s. m. a wild boar ")!, mnhamhud, adj. brainless
yj*j.-i\l, fiadhal, s. f. a deer-park V)*nin, fiamhan, s. m. a heinious crime ; fear
jApo, jidhfhionn, s. a roe-buck |44, fiamarach, s. m. a glutton
^|rtfij;.vf, ji'dhghath, } s. a hunting spear, a hunting V>m4li4C'o, fiamarachd, s f. gluttony
]411|15, fiadhlorg, / pole V}Arri4tijMt>, fiamharrac/id, \ a. f. monstrousness, a
Y]4j;left^, fiadhy.hleanna, s. wild glens V)4ticoip, fiamhehoir, J monstrous crime
j4r>l4, fiad/tlatm, s. m. a deer-park VjArhIor, fiamhkchd, see jjarhAn
Y^etmiuc, fiadhmhuc, s. f. a wild hog VjAmojn, fiamo'm, s. wolves or foxes. Mulcm.
V|4mn)n, fiadhmliuin, s. f. a hare, wild animals in a VjAn-liot, fim-bhoth, s. a tent, hut, hunting-lodge
moor. "/. e. 5ej)ir)et>, i. e. pja-orhjol* ojo* ." Yjun-corgal, s- stripping the skin off a wild beast
Cor. YjAnU, fianl&h, \ s. m. a hero ofthe ancient Irish
Y)A-bni,A>,fi<idJimig/iad/:, s. approbation, attestation Yj4ril<oc, fianlaoch,y militia; an old champion
Y| nu)re, fiadhnuise, s. f. witness, testimony VjrtnU, fianlach, s. m. a multitude, a body of men
Yj'vcruijrertrs fadhruiseadh, s. hearing witness ViAtij fi-nn, s. m. a soldier of the ancient Irish militia
YjAt-'Hijfini, fiadhnuisim, v. I hear witness viaRa 61} fiama Eirionn, the soldiers of Fionn
TC)4P|opjr, fiadhroidis, s. a wild reddish mac Cumhail, who is called Fingal by Mr. Pherson,
.)*-, fiadhta, adj. froward in the po ms which he endeavoured to impose upon
Vj4t>uo,v>, f adhughadh, s. feeding, entertaining the world as translations from Oisin the son of Fionn
VMV^fi'fr*"*' , 1 adj. inquisitive X)*mt, fiannach, s. m. a giant, soldier ot Fionn's

Vj*l*v'*> fiafraigie, s- a question armv

V)44r4muil, - ,
fijntmclawhud, adj. gigantick
]4"?.*> fifiughadh, s. inquiring, asking Vi44t)e. fiaunaidhe, see rejRe
%\AV]m)<)> faf' u'gl,'m' v. 1 inquire, ask - , ) adj. as a Fenian (or
r^trU, fiajmeachtach I bJero ofthe ancknt
ri*ri*ulie' filTU!^k'!ur' Part- i'iterrogated
YiAs, fiag, \ s> rushes peeled and prepared for ^))04, fiavghnwmhach, j aclon>
Vj4S*i * n.aking candles

*JJ, fiar, adj. crooked, inclined -, "^JSJTTii ./^Awi, v. 1 tigtc

VjafbjW, adj. wicked, perverse
JJ*t>, U slanting
fiaradh, J inclining, twisting wreathing,

^")5ye, fighte, adj. woven, context
l*ljm, fiaraim, v. I incline', bend ^J?re, figMe, part, fought ; rjre. 4 Mast.
>J*1*J*, /, s. ni. crookedness Vjlbjn, //A, s. f. a lapwing
Vjeppojjtm, fiarfoirinn, adj. impetuous V]le, fiiey \
Vjapruj^e, fiarfuighe, s. m. a question ]1*>, >'WA, j & m- a 1!' a Poet
Vjlo*, fiurcgha, s. a great grandchild VjlAio, s. m. a fillet
Vjapfujleac, fiarshuileach, adj. sqnint-eyed TCjlc4rhujl,, adj. poetical
V)pr4, fiartha, adj. wreathed, twisted ^, fileata, adj. poetic
Vj4r, ^ai, v. I will tell, relate Vjleojj, fileoir, s. m. a spruce fellow, a crafty man
Vj*ro*j, fiasdar, s. m. anger fil'dh, s. m. a poet, philosopher
Vj4c, ^, see rj4t> and bj4t> Vjljeoco, fiUdhcichd, s. f. poetiv, philosophy
Vj4T4, fiata, adj. shy, distant, reserved Vjlpn, ./Kim, v. I am, I exist
Vj4cd, fialaclul, s. f. reserved ness Vjljn, film, s. f. a poetaster
Tcj4r4jl, fiatail, s. a weed Vjlle, fillead, s. a fold, plait, a cloth
^-j4C4mujl, fiathamhud, adj. wild Vjlle4c-be5, filleadh-beg, s. the kilt or petticoat part
Vj4r^l, fiathghal, s. m. a vetch * of a Highlander's dress
Vjoj4j, fibhras, s. confusion ; fever Vjlleog, Jilleog, s. a shawi, a plaid, a covering
Vjc, jfcA, s. f. a country village or farm TPjlleArg, filleasg, s. f. a fold or plait
V)ll)m,^///w, v. I turn, return, imply
W&SfiMdhaeh}*- a fee-<W Vjlljm, fillim, v. I fold, plait, lap, wrap, involve
Vjce4ll, fickcall, s. a buckler Y)\)f, fiis, v. that betray est ; prop. pjilef
Yjjo, fic/tid, see pjre ^jllre, filitc, a folding, ^ fjllre Uime
Vjcpri, fichim, v. 1 right Vjllre, fillte, adj. deceitful, treaclierous ; i.e. jre*U-
TTjcjm, fichim, v. I put, sell, break 4. o. g. i
)b,fiUh, adj. faithful ^)\\~, filitc, part, folded, plaited, implied
Wbc)y, fidhcAcis, s. f. a javelin, spear, lance Tvn>fimK s- f- drink, wine
^rjoeog, fidcog, s. f. a small pipe, reed Vjmjuertc, fim'meaclt, s. m. a hypocrite
TCjxseog, fideog, s. f. a sort of bird Vjmjnet), fimincttchd, s. f. hypocrisy
vrpeog, fideog, s. f. a small worm Vjn, fin, s. ni. wine, drink. Cor.
Vjo5e4, fidghead/i, s. a custom, manner, fashion VjnoA, Jinda, s. wool, fur, coarse hair. Cor.
*i5%> fidhgheis, see n^ejp ", fine, s. f. a tribe, family, kindred, nation
V))5|m, fidhighnn, v. 1 weave, knit ^|, fine, s. f. a soldier
yrjojl, s. f. a fiddle, violin Vjne, j> s- f- a vine, vineyard. Cor.
y:p]lei, fiddeach, s. m. a fiddle-maker Vjne44f, fineachas, s. m. an inheritance
V))le4, fiddeach, adj. of or belonging to a fiddle V|iie4C4f , fineachas, s. m. law
p)l|j, fiddeir, s. m. a fiddler TCjneAt)4C4r, fineadhachas, s. m. a nation
Vp)lej}e4Co, fidileireaehd, s. f. playing on a fiddle Vjn\l umipA, fineal chumhthra, common fenn-1 ;
fiddm, s. f. a small fiddle Anthum fceniculum
Vjojt, >*'r s- f- a teacher 1|1 mujpe, fineal mhuire, flix weed ; Sysimbrium
Vjojp, jW/r, v. consider thou sophia - .
>Tjcj}ie4', fidireachadh, s. considering VpieAl \'&, fineal sralde, sow fennel
Vjrjte4Com, fidireachdin, s. consideration, compas V)ne4lt4, finealta, adj fine, ciean, brave, concinnous
sion fidirim, v. I consider, weigh subtle
Vjojfijm, Vjne4Tfin4C, fineamhnach, s. abounding in vines
T]ol)nce*6t), fidlinteachd, s. f. fiddling V }neamu]Ti, fineamhuin, s. f. avine, vineyard
ICie, fig, s. f. a slit 1)), fineamhuin, s. f. a twig, ozitr
r%,fige, s.f.afig, fig-tree V|ne4]tn, fineurthan, s. . coarse long grass
Viie4*n, figheachan, s. f. a garland, a web Vjneos, fineog, s. f. a mite, a niggard
Vjneo54C, fineogach, adj. mity
]>11* ortmAjU -j )<\ Nejll." 4 Tjneo5404t>, fincogachadh, s. growing full of mites
, />'>"> s- f- a buzzard
Mast. figheadh,
?, 1401. s. weaving, knitting Vjnut, ?'^, s. m. a stock, lineage
)^\, finghal, s. murder, Fratricide
Vrire4t50)t*f4co, fighcadoireachd, s. JF. weaving Vime, finiche, s. jet. A.
ViieftTX'.tta, fitheadora, s. a woof or weft Vin|t>e4, fnidedth, "adj. wise, prudent
Villi, AflWi s.'f. a prayer, a vigil Vi. , fjofi >
Vjjm, v- 1 weave Plait' tmst - J y Hhh Vj,

V)ofi4t>, fiodhradh, s. fashion

"Tj, jinn, s. f. milk Vjoju, fiodhradh, s. written testimony
Vpoabej^, finndhalha'igh, s. a counterfeit fight
V)e, finne, s. f. attendance, testimony VjojtuB*, fiodhrubha, s. a wood, thicket
Yje,.fime, s. f. whiteness, fairness ; " jp mj*n ljom V]ot)jtu)5*m, fiodhruigham, to advert. 5.
tjtat op bUi ti* fje." Car. v)5> J#i s. f. a wall
Vjeall, finneall, "I . m. a shield ; see quot. at VJ05, ^oo-, s. f. a braid or wreath
V)oj4, fiogha, s. the weather or windward side
Vjfican, finneann,} coo]i4 ^Pi^f^ghuit, s. a four-square figure. 67*.
*JRe5*]ll. fimughui.1, s. FingallianF, inhabitants of
T-J5*lb foghar, s. a figure, sign
Fingall Vjogoojp, fioghdcir, s. m. a weaver
Vjll,fimull, s. m. a white cloud, t. e. nll pjo. o. g-
1))11)5), finnfhodlsigliim, v. I prolest Vjooojie4t>, fioghdoire^chd, see r)eat!0]]ie4o
V)t$e*lU]m finngtallaim, v. I process Jjosjrjj^ [s. f. a fig tree
"Ep^epzc, finngiinte, the white gentiles, Finlanders, VJO505, filgOg, \
Norwegians, distinguished in our old MSS. from Vjolj, fioiidh, see pjalp
)1)51], fiohuraim, v. I figure.
the uBgejnce or Danes Vjojupn*, fioghurdha, a figurative. ///. 244.
)Rjt>e, finnidheach, adj. vigilant, prudent
Vjjefto, finnidlwachd, s. f. care, vigilance VjoguH'o*, fiighurudha, s figuring, representation.
V);m, finnim, v. I understand Mull. 252.
Vj n, finnm, s. f. a small bird 1Pjol*l, ^o/ar, s. m. an eagle
Vjfv.n peojn, finninfceir, s. a grass-hopper T^olcfuj.reac, fidcfuuilh-ach, adj. bloody
ICjoriuU, fioinhaLch, s. m. a giant, ahuge fellow
Yjrtyejc, pnnreic, s. f. proscription
Vjte)ce.kOi)], finnreiceadoir, s. m. a proscriber IC^on, fion, s. m. wine
Vjfirgul, finnsgeid, s. m. a romance, story of the TPun, _/rw, s. m truth
V'loiuLul, fionabhal, s. m. a grape
Fenii V-joiidj:, Jwnail, adj. fine
YjpsuUo, fimsgeulach, adj. romantic
V|Y5ul*)e. finnsgeulaUhe, s. m. a romancer Vjon*j|eoc, fionaiseack, adj. manifest
Vjob, fiob, s. a small battle-axe Yonbii fioitbhoth, s. m. a tent, boo.h, scenery
TCjoBa), fi-Mar, see TPoncOft, fiunchaor, s. m. a grape
YJUTI04, ponda, a. cerulean, eerulous
TP^o, jfccA, s. m. a choir
Vjot, fixh, s. m. land TcVJl1*> fiondha, adj. vinous
TCjoc, s. m. wrath, anger, choler, ferity ^'100*!10' fiondeatc, s. m. a grape
Vfacauijl, ficihamhuA,} adj. wrathful, fierce, an- TC^nolop^/ic/Zo, s. m. a wine-press
Vo4, fi.c'idha, r gry, frowar, cruel, p onoiijlle, fionuuide, s. a vine-leaf
Vodrmj, fioc/im/iar, j handled TConeurhujn. fiontumhum, see '
-)00*> ficclimharachd, s. f. anger, fierceness 1] 1i)p5iCA, fionfhaUgihta, s. f. a wine-press
. fiochnasa, adj. dreadful VJonpu*)jte*p, Junflntaireat, ?. coolness, freshness
Vrjoripufui), Jwnfhuaradh, s. cooling, refreshing
\^4, fiochra, s. anger
^oiujl, fi>chu:l, adj. having twenty angles TCjunj uipmeA, fionfuirmtadh, s. a maxim
TCjongiij^ert^/.e', s. murder of a relation, treason
', fiodh. see pjoo ^jonjiU, fwrgtialach, s. 111. a murderer, a parricide
V)oo, jfifji/A, s. a wood, wilderness, a letter
V0ll5ui, fitingeur, s. m. vim g .r, >our wine
rlow, fjihach, 1^- iigneous woodv shrubby Y)on5"l*r., fionyliort, s. f. avine-yurd
TCjonl4D|t4)in, fiiiilbbhnum, v. I verify
, fiodhoth, shrubs
V^owiijm fiodhaim, v. I laugh Vionljop, fiont.os, s. a vine-yard
Ylotmpn, findhain s. f. a witness YfanriiAji, fionmhar, vinous, producing vines
cjorajp, fioddis, shrubs Vjo, Juan, . a cow. Cor.
V)ot)in, fiodhan, s. m. a cheese-vat V)o, fionn, s. milk. Cor.
^jox>Ut>, fiodhbhadh, s. a wood, thicket, wilderness t)uT\,fionn, s. m. a head, a chief; prop, cjo
VjoT>b*j, fiidhbhai, s. hollowness V|u, //?, s tnxips
Vlo*c, fiodhchat, s a wild cat, a mouse-trap Vjo. fionn, a. sincere, true, certain
Vioccofuri, fiodhchonnadh, s. cord-wood, brush-wood Vjo, Jn, a. small, little, few
^r,ot>5iil, fiodhghunl, s. m. charcoal Vjo, , a. white, pale, fair, true, fine, pleasant
Viom, fiodhnach, adj. manifest, plain Vjofu, fionnach, a. oW, ancient, antique
?Vmv*t, fiodArach, s. m. ship timber Vjonc*)n, fionnachdain, s. f. experience, disco
V]ocii*, fitUroch, 1 s iIlcrease very, knowledge. Kcat.
Vjofu, fionnalh, s. m. tue hair, beard, fur, wool
lotlT>, fiodhradh, J Y]OfuT5,/>M -'. s- m- a waggon, carriage
. ir rno)n 511p mua?,
Jn f)" 1 m*J* e V|O,m4C, fijnnadhmach, a. hairy, rough
b]t)b -, ] , omio, fionmiidh, a. old, oldish, oldeu
>* no >10]." /'er. {.
FIO fjr? FIR

Vjoajm, fionnaim, v. I look, see, perceive, pay for , fiorraidheacht, s. f. truth

Vjorujm, fionnuim, v. I flay, shear , fiorsa, s. necessity
Vjo4-j:40ll) fionna-fada, the middle finger Yjopr., jo/V, s. a miracle. " 4 Mast. 1414.
Vjoun-peojjt, fionnan-feoir, s. a grass-hopper YjDjtcn, fiorthan, s. m. long coarse grass
VjoruoB, fionnaubh, a. neat, clean, clear Yjoptobfljp, fiorlhobair, s. m. a spring well
Ypfkolra, fionnaolta, a. white-washed >jopiuj, fiorthuigh, s. a shoe
Yjoup, fionnar, a. cold Vo)tu4co4ft, fioruachdar, s. the top, uppermost
onnasgu, bands wherewith vines are tied V}opuAp*l, fioruasal, a. truly noble
Vjonc))j, jnnc/ioir, s. knowledge, wisdom ^]"1 jwrutghim, v. I verify, justify
)ontoymi\)\, fionnc/iosmhuil, a. probable Yjopujnea, fioruineachd, s. a defence.
Yiotofmu^eitvifioiinc/iostn/iuileac/id, s. f. probability Yjopujrge, fitruisge, s. spring-water
}oe*\z&,fionneatia. a. fine, whitened Yjop, jftw, s. m. knowledge, art, science, understand
Vjoe*lt4Co, fionnealtachd, s. f. fineness ing, vision, message ; t4vn) t>om' pjop
V)oHooc)),jiencAair,a. true tongued, /..^ yjop4C, osach, 1 j. i
fopana. Ztc. Vjopamu,!, ostmhal, J lowing, expert
TPjopa, Jionnfadh, s. m. the beard, hair, fur, wool yjopat), fiosaehd, \ s. f. sorcery, divination,
V|<>nfd*, fionnfadhach, a hairy, furry 1Cjop*jeco, osaidkeackd, \ occult science
Vjcf4040, jimnfadlutch, a. smooth, sensible. Sh. ^|04)0, fiosaidfie, s. m. a sorcerer, a soothsayer
Y]uf\ep\e}jionnfehine, s. a general. lor.Eig. VJIJf*Pjm> fiosaidhim, v I know
t] f]|fce4. fiomfirtheann, see || yrjopfu, osiach, a. knowing, inquisitive
TPJ >p}|e, fionnfAuaire, \ s. f. coolness, fresh- V)opf454, fiosiaghadh, s. enquiring, asking
)onf\iA)]ie'\tr>,0n>ifiiuaircac/id, ( ness, a gentle gale VjopjiAjjjm, fiosraghim, v. 1 know, visit
Yjop up, fionf/utar, a. cool, tepid VjoppAjjie, osiaightke, part, visited, sought
Yjopuafut, fimnfhuaradlt, s. a cooling, refreshing 1P|0pi4j5te*C, fiosraightheac'i, a. prying
V - j- n ; . "i v.I cool, rcfresli. Tjotsiim, fiothaighim, v. I fade ,
lCjofnajre, otlinaise, s. sorcery, poison. Sh.
vjonpuapoim, jionnjkmraim, i Vjofcnajfe, fiothnaise, s. had news, detestable news;
V|omeit>5, fionmnJieidhg, s. whey i. e. pi pe )" f- 'c no ")1^ le jpjn."
\ > \, fionn cbthaidh, a sober, abstemious. . g.
Yjoj. fionnog, s. f. a crow Y}ot\tr\,fiit/iran, s. m. common wheat grass, squitch
V |of, fionns, s. a well grass ; I nticum repens
Vj )'5|4far, fionns^iif/i^e'i, a white-shieded see pjop
V) pgo4, fionn'goth, a rlo.ver r)p,>, adj. fair, white
Vortrge, fionnsgothach, a. flowery V)|t4(n, firainrifS f a mountain
V) JWc, fionntiit', adj. hairy, woolly V]lb. fi b, s. f swiftness
Yjou*, ninua, a grandson's grandchild Vjtiboig, Ji btlg, s. the third colony that came into
Y) mujti, fionutr, s. f. the vine tree Ireland betre Miesius
X<mu\V)be, fionuir'id/ie, s. grapes 1t,lDp)5e, firbhieigt, s. puppets
Viol! fior, a. true, genuine, sterling, honest Y)fC4n. cm, s. a knot
, fivaJ'i, s. verifying, ceitifying YSpetpz, Jinhtait, s. m. justice, righteousness
V^o|i4?e.>ir>- tnadhafhd, s. f. veracity Vif r chrann, -ycamore tree ; Acer pseudo^
Yiot|tn, j '.um, v. 1 verify platanus s
, piaran, s. m. salutation, welcome 1|14, rdh'iltas, a. genuine, true, sincere'
Vopm, orun ch, a. credible, genuine ^pp)p, pdhris, s. a bramble
Vjoc4ivr,*)n, foi c'ianla , s. f. a sermon, instruction ripe, re, trinhj event
X^)\ti-A\M,orch(ita, s. f. a confidant vjpeat), fireatlid, )
)p )fniujle.\o, vchosmhulleuchd, s. f. probability ^)(te,>i, a. true, real, ;4 t oujne pipe, . cpjpt;
)opputut>, tt chruthughadhi s. a true proof, at vjpsA >:euc/li s- a a moor
tainder ^)jie4, fireudA, s. a bottom, a floor
Vfaptu, irdha, a. sincere, true, righteous fireadh, s. truth ; a flower
1op54t, nrg/iai; a. immediate, close at hand VJ|iat>, firead, s. a ferret
1'*, fiorghlan, a. pure, immaculate, sincere Ynp4n, firean, s. m. an eagle
Viotijlojne, fi)'gh!o'me, s. sincerity, quintessence ){14. fi;ean, s. the just, ilie righteous
ViojHooil, oiiochduT, s. the lowest part, bottom V)P*n, >>. lsee p]tt.ea
1Pofrh4jr. fivmhaith, a. perfectly good Viprtna, fireamxh, ( "
ftopimminr, irmamtint, s. f. the firmament Yipe, firtann, s. a chain, a garter
X]0]>0Vi>^orord!ia, a. illustrions Yltieaii, ^, a. male, mase nine
Yto|i|i4joe4C,./e"aidefch, a. frivolous, trifling Vine*, reannach, s. ni. a male
^^**,' >2;^fe' la. that speak* truth v, ' ApwBj fireannuchd, s. f. male kind, manhood
jV TPjpeafio*,
fie mi FLA

]>, fiicannda, a. male, masculine lacean, fiihean, s. m. a hog

Vipanta, fircanta, . true, just, righteous, loyal V^f), fithi, s. ways, customs, e. rljgce. o. .
Vi , firtantachd, s. f. integrity, righteousness, X~\i\\, fithil, s. m. a poetaster. CVr.
loyalty, faithfulness 1P)i]|, fithlr, s. m. a doctor, teacher
Vipun, fireun, s. the just TPjcpea, fithrtach, s. a kind of sea weed called dil*e,
Vpunajjjm,} :ustifv> verify or duilleasg, which people eat
*lleunjm,, \ Y' Jusnry " V]u, fiu, adj. edible
^-1* F)*5l*n fiffi^ghuin, s. f. a true testimony; at V]u, fiu, adj. worthy
tarder Vju,J, adj. like, alike
V]f|om*l, firiontal, s. the utmost coast or limit 1ju, j(m, s. worth, value, price
Vlip, finn, s. f. a manikin Yjubap, fiubhas, s. m. worth, dignity
i thetruth X]utAt,fiuchach, adj. that boileih
TCjuat), fiuchadh, s. boiling, boiling np
1Cli]feAC, firinneach, a. just, righteous, faithful, sin Vjucajm, fiuchaim, v. boil, spring up ; JTp. apha,
cere to boil
Vjfjea, firinneach, s. m. a just person Yrjuajpeac, fiuchamqchi, s. f. boiling rage ; Un
ViJijeaco, firinneacM, s. f. truth, verity t>'ye) cr t>'fjucajjieacc." A/'Par. 119.
Yjpjnjuja, firlniugkadh, s. justification V]u*nr*]", fiudhantas, \ s. m. liberality, generosity,
Vjpjnrcne, Jirinscne, s. the masculine gender V|u5*nrar, fiughantas, ) hospitality
Vjpjreacp, firinnteachd, s. f. righteousness Vjue, fiudhe, s. good stuff
^,^'0/, a. innermost, lowest ^uajjt, fiughair, s. f. memory
Vjjijoiiivort, firionadach, s. m. a deputy Vjugejjieac, fiughairtath, a having a good memory,
^j-leam, fir-lcamh, s. m. folly in the extreme, con hoping, expecting
firmed folly. Don/. V)uj*n, fiughan, s. m. a cheese-vat
VjilpnAt), firtitnadh, s. multiplying Vjujancac, fiughantac/i, a. generous, liberal
1])], fiiUonaitn, v. I multiply Vjugap, fiughar, s. m. earnest expectation, hope
V]lmeo]p, firmeoir, s. m. a farmer, vulg. Vjugj, fiughidh-i s. m. a hero
Yitinjariiajm, firniamhaim, v. I purify V]ull,//A s. treachery, deceit
. jp-p}4tn, fir-riachtanach, a. absolutely ne TCjun, fiuri 1 m aprice 1
cessary V)unar, juinas,} y ' .
"1["), first, s. strength, power Vjunta, fiuntach, a. worthy, deserving, condign
|tc, s. m. virtue, strength, perfection, merit. TCjuntar, fiuntas, s. m. merit, worth, dignity
1Piupt>, fiuradh, s. m. satisfaction, comfort, comple
V)lte4it, firthean, adj. bound, obliged tion; sufficiency ; i. c. rarao. o. .
Y^pun, fireun, s. an eagle Vjujin, fiuran, s. . a sapling, a certain rank weed
}r, s. f. colour, dying, tincture that cattle eat; metaphorically a young man
V)r, ^, s. m. a dream, vision, knowledge V)Upc, fiusach, adj. earnest
>T)upiriu]l, fiusamhuil, adj. like
Xne ffise,}5- visionary, a seer ]ut]t>, fiulhidh, s. some kind of missile weapon
Vireoj, fiseog, s. f. a young cat Vl<*]ce, jLiiche, s. a sudden blast of wind
Vij-;ric, fisidhe, s. m. aman of knowledge, a philo Vla)ec, fiaichtach, a. windy, blustering
sopher. Lev. 10. 2. TCUpce!^, fiaindearg, sanguine, murrey, a stay-
Tjt, /.r, s. f. life, living, food, vicftials, a collation nard colour in heraldry, used to express disgrace
V)t, jffti, s. f. land in a Family
V)til, fithal, s. a calf, ", e. laej b. Cor. Vbinweajibiacc, f-aindeargthachd, s. f. the bloody
Vii*t4i)t, filhathuir, s. m. a tutor. Ztr. flux
Vlfce, fithche, ~\ "pUf-, aith, s. f. milk
T\t ), fithchiod, I^enty, a score Vbjf> fidilh, s. m. & f. a lord, a hero, a flower
r^r>,fic/iid faith, s. f. a kind of strong ale
IP^cr, fichitt, J ViAjrbcrtjtrac, Flalthbhcartach, s. the proper name of
TP-jtceall, fithcheall, } s. m. a philosopher, i.e. y&i a man
Vic]4ll, fiihchiall, j -jc^ll. o. v, ylajrcjr'oe, fiaithchisde, s. m. a royal treasure
^, fithckiodvihadh, a. twentieth Vta}re<*cr>, fiaitheackd, s. f. government
V]tC]oll, fithchloll, s. m. a chess-board %"1), fialtktamhlach, see rlajfeamii)!
VUlfceAthletfi fiaiheamhlachd, s. i princefiness, ge
S^. ? * tabIes' chess-boards nerosity, shew, pump
Yi-jlle, fithchille,^
X]ie,fit!ie, see nre ]^^*) fiattheatnfi)ifls,\s.f. sovereignty, domi-
IClteac, fitheach, s. m. a raven VlAjteaf, aiiheaS) J nion, a kingdom, reign
Ypen, s. m. a quill
eu fu fOC FOC

V^ceArhnAp, flaitheamhnas,~) s. f. Heaven, the sky, \}uc*b, fliucfwdh, wet weather, . plp rur, "i. e.
Vbjcejtrup, faitheanas, > abode of the bles- rut pipe, ppp pop a mpe, rut . <?. rjon." Car.
sed YlpdA. fliuchadh, s. wetting, raoistning, rain
4Pl*lemujl, flaithemhuil, a. princely, generous VljucA^m, fliuchaim, v. I wet, water, moisten
VUjre*riu]l, flaitheamhull, 1 ,. , , . , YrpcAp, fliuchain, s. f. juice, moisture, wetness
X\^^t, flaithneasach, \ adJ' beavenly, celestial Ylp IjeulA, _/2/' bheulach, a. wet-mouthed, much
TpUjcf], flaithri, s. a calf; /'. e. l*eb. o.g. spitting, water-shipping
cl*l*Pli flaithri, s. milk; '. e. . o. . Y1ju1a6t>, fliuchlachd, s. f. wet, wet weather
>:l*mnft]e, flamhnaidhe, s. m. a heathen priest 11|6, fliuchras, s. m. moisture
>rl*n, _/??, s. m. blood VljupneAT), fliuchshneachd, s. f. sleet
y\*n, Flann, s. m. the proper name of a man YlpfujleA, fliuchshuUcach, s. watry-eyed
11_ ^, adj. red Vlp5,y2KgA, see pll and plp
Vl*bu)ne, flannhhumcach,\s. m. the bloody Vlo, jocA, adj. lax, soft
>rl*ir<ajle4t>, flannsgaoikadh, ) flux JlocAr,-^, js.m.alockof wool
TCUnj-u-jled, JftannshuUeach, adj. red-eyed VlocAp, fochas, i
TCUi, s. m. or f. a prince ; see pUp Ylj, flur, s. m. meal, flour, blossom
:1, flatta, s. a sitting, session Vlur, flusg, s. a flux
VlACAriiu1]!, flathamhuil, see pU^ieArhujl TPlu, fluth, s. m. a wen
TClea, fleadh, s. f. a feast, banquet S-o, fo, s. m- a king, prince, nobleman
Vlefttw, fleadhach, a. festive, convivial Vo, fo, s. m. honor, esteem, regard
TPleaTUAr, fleadhachas, s. f. feasting, banqueting Vo, /l>, s. m. decency
VleacAjm, fleadhaim, v. I feast Yo, /<>, adj. powerful, mighty, tn p p ppj
VleR u]pce, flcann uisce, s. various leaved water- Ultaj
crow-foot ; Ranunculus aquatilis Vo, fo, adj. good ; easy, quiet, unconcerned
Ylearc, fleasc, s. m. land ; . . peAjiA. . g. Vo, /, dv. like, alike, same
VleArg, flcasg, s. m. moisture ; /'. e. pIpA. Cor. Vo, fo, prep, under, towards
Vle*rs, fleasg, s. m. a wreath, coronet, diadem. Fer. Tto, y"o, sometimes used for , was
^> fleasg* s* m- a r(X' a wand Vo, fo, often written in old MSS. for 00 or jto, a
^{^, fleasg, s- m- a sheaf mark of the past tense
^leopg, fleasg, s. m. a ring, a circle, chain Vo, fo, in composition implies rarity
yleArAC, fleasgaeh, s. m. a corn field V0AC0, foachd, s. inquiry, asking
:\^^,, fleasgaeh, s. m. a youth, a bachelor, afiddler VoAjpn, foairn, s. f. a swarm, a crowd
yleArgAn, fleasgachan, s. m. a clown, a rustic VoDAjti, folhaidh, a. quick, nimble
TCleArgin, fleasgan, s. m. a treasure
Vle*r5l*rn4, jUasglamha, s. land, afield, a farm SMZ/,, } s- suburbs> villages
Ylep, yk/rfA, see pip VobA1)]*, fobair, s. f. advancement, rencontre un
^|ei]"oeo)l, fleisdeoir, s. m. a butcher dertaking, beginning
VlejroeoijieACt, flesdeoireachd, s. f. the business of 1)1, fobair, part, begun, commenced, ;'. e. no
a butcher i]onrcA). 0. g.
Ylejrtrm, fleisdim, v. I slaughter, butcher, flay YobAjp, fobhah; s. f. a salve, ointment
yrleotqiup, fleodruinn, s, f. a buoy YoBajji,, fabhair, adj. sick, infirm, weak
Vleopte, fleoidhte, adj. flaccid VoBa}*, fobhar, see pogrhAjt
Yrlc, flet, s. f. an edge VobAj,/beJ', or pobA{, it had like
Vlle, fliehe, s. m. & f. phlegm, moisture VobjtAt), fobhradh, an irregular verb signifying to
Ylleao, flicheachd, s. f. moisture, ooziness happen by accident
Vl]c)t>et, flicidheachd, s. f. humours, moisture 0blp, fobraidh, s d |and Br L
YljcrheAt), flichmheadh, s. any liquid measure Vobpiib, J 0
Vlldne, flichne, )s ^ , Vobjc, fobhith, conj. because
YrljcpieAtA, fiichsneachta,) ' VobtAn, fobhthan, s. a thistle
fligh* {s. common chick-weed; Alsine m- YobuAlAjm, fcbualaim, v. I strike gently
\\, fliod/i, J dia Vobujce, febhuidhc, a. tawny, yellowish
Ylpcr>, fliochd, the second dram taken before break Vobudle, fobhuille, s. a light blow
fast. 'Sc. Vo, /, adj. obscure
1>, fllodh, 1 s m an excrescence a wen YoAp, fochaid, s. f. scoffing
\,*\, fliodhan, 5 VocApe," fochaide, s. m. a scoff, banter
Vh,oAnAC, fliodhanach, adj. wenny , fochaidhe, s. m. a disease, disorder
Vl]or, flies, s. m. a lord, a prince VoAjoeA, fochaideach, v. derisive, derisory
niMm^v?'w' v. I water YocAjn, fochain, s. f. a cause, motive, reason
Vlpc, jiiuch, a. wet, moist, oozy, flabby, washy YoAin, fochain, s. f. disturbance, quarrelling
' Iii Yotijfr

YorAjp, fochair, s. f. presence, company, ffocAj]t Yot>A)t, fodhair, s. f. froth

a ejle, together, am pocajji, along with me VocKtjp'o, fodhaird, s. f. a plot, ill design
VocaI, focal, s. m. a word, a promise VoaIa, fodhala, s. litigation; division
VocaI, focal, s. m. a vowel, a noun VowaU, fodhala, s. petty causes, t. e. nvjnjreAn*.
VocaI, //, s. m. a command, warning, precept Yotja J*, fodar, s. m. fodder, provender for cattle
YocAUje, focalaidhe, s. m. a good speaker Vob, fodhh, s. a cutting down
VocaII, fochall, s. m. dirt, filth, corrupt matter Vowdwuio, fodhbhruid. ) a , , .
Vocal mgajt>, focal magaidh, s. a scoff, taunt, bye- VobtLibJodhchnumh,]*- fiends' funes
word Vot)-cjt]A*, fod-criadha, s. a brick
Voclphpurho, fccalphrcumhachd, s. f. etymology Voe*n, fodhean, pron. own, self. Bal.%.2.
Voc4lph{teuma)t>e, focnlphreumhaidhe, s. m. an ety Yojgjn, fodheigin, adv. dierefore, on that account,
mologist for sake of, . e. aj a fon. . g.
Vocan, Jochan, s. m. food, provender, forage Yowl*, Fodhla, one of the most ancient names of
VocAn, fechan, s. m. young corn in the blade, a Ireland
plant VopIa, fodhla, s. explaining, revealing
VoOa}*, fochar, s. ni. wind Vot>U, fodhla, adj. learned; hence OIIati fowl*
Voear, focas, adj. profuse, prodigal. Sk. Vot)1a]5, fod'nlaigh, a. lax, loosing ; dissolving
Ycr, fochas, s. m. voraciousness, . . gp c)tm Yot>Ia), foihlaigh, s. m. revealing; decisive
b|t>. o.g. YoovhA)n, fodhomhain, s. agulph
Vccejmnjjjm, ficheimnighim, v. I succeed Voopt), fodhord, s. m. a murmur, the humming of
Yocn, fochen, s. f. a good feast. Cor. bees. Wallis.
YocIa, foci/a, s. the north. Cor. Yiopo, fodhord, s. m. a loud noise. Sh.
VoU, fochla, s. a palace Vocope, fodhord, s. m. a conspiracy, a plot
Voclrt, Jocha, s. a den, a cave Yotopur, fodhorus, s. m. a wicket
Yolft, fochla, s. price, the worth or value of a thing Votjjia'p, fodradh. s. feeding or foddering cattle
YocIa, focla, s. a proposition, maxim Vocjua]|, fodruair, s. perceiving
VocIa, foclach, adj. vocal, wordy YoojmjpgeAtiA]*, fodtuirgeadar, v. they detained
VocIac, foihlach, . m. the lowest order or degree him ; . e. jat> pjn po fujpvg . o.g.
of poets or philosopl>ers YoouAjj, foduair, s. f. caution, observation, notice,
Yocln, focian, s. m. a pole cat i. e. yo t>eA}A. o. g.
TToclo]ji,y<!f/wr, s. m. a vocabulary, dictionary Voou^Ar, fodughadh, s. obstruction
VocmAO, fochmhad, s. m. scorn, contempt Vocujne, fodhuine, s. a mean man, a little man, a
Vocrrmjic, fochmarc, s. m. inquiry, research common soldier, a plebeian, a servant
Yocrhujne, fochmhume, s. harvest VorupluAf, fodurluas, adj. busy
VocnAt, fochnadh, s. dry rotten wood VofAn 1), fofatinan min, common sow-thistle J
YocnA]]tc, fochnahci see yocm]tc Sonchus deraeeous
Yocopa, fochora, adj. lying under stones,:. . jro VopjAA, ffiadha, s. deer-park, an inclosure
cloc*]b. o.g. Voj, fogh, s. nx. entertainment, hospitality
Vocuac, fochrac, ) , VogA, Joga, s. teaching, instruction
' > r i. >8, a reward, recompence Vo^A, fosha, s. a dart, an attack, a rape
VocjA]cc, fochrauc, S 1
Vo]AT5, fochradh, s. banishing, expulsion VogAjl, foghail, s. f. an inroad into an enemy's coun--
Vocf>A)c, fochraic, s. f. happiness, bibs, felicity try, robbery, plunder, offence
VoftAj-, fochras, s. m. the bosom VojAjlym, foghailim, v. I rob, plunder, attack
Voc)Ar, fochras, was dug, rojmr * ; an. VogAjljm, fogailim, v. I teach, instruct
Chron. Scot. Vo&A]P. fogair, s. f. a proclamation, command
Voce, focht, s. f. interrogation, asking a question Voa)1, foghair, s. a dipltthong
Youjoe, fochuidht, |s.m.a flout, jeer, de- Vo5A)l)m, fogairim, v. I command, publish
Vocu)ome*t>, fothuidmheadh, } rision, scorn VogAjpjm, fogairim, v. I chase, pursue
YociipmeAC, fochuidmtacli, s. joking, scoffing, a Vo5*)Pc fS^airt> s- chasing, pursuing, banishing;
mocker VoaI,/o^4 s. the whole
Youprijrn, fochuimhim, v. I scoff, deride VogAlAjoe, foghalaidhe, s. m. a robber ^
Vo6u]p, fochuin, s. f. a cause, motive, reason. YojAlAjm, foglutlaim, v. I rob, plunder
YoumA, fochuma, adj. indifferent V05AIT1, fogham, v. to forego. Sh.
Yocuy, focus, s. m. a spendthrift VogAnAjm, foghanaitn,\v. 1 serve, do good, suffice^
Yt>, fod, s. m- art, skill, sense, knowledge YonAjm, foghnaim ) satisfy
Vor, fod, s. m. a clod of earth, sod, soil, land ^05*, foghannan, s. m. a thistle
tw&l. fodach, adj. prudent, discreet r ~\ adj. gootl, prosperous, ser-
Vot>a|l, fodhail, s. f. a division, releasing, dissolving Vo5*^: f&?*> \ viceable, generous, brave,
Vo^AnrAC, joghantaa 'J mighty
Voi)A]lrm, fodhuiiim, v. I divide, loose, untie, dis
tinguish VoAnt*cr,

1P05ntt)} foghantachd, f. ) good"ess. prosperity, Vojljonat), foilionadh, s. a supplement

*5, foghantas, m. j suftaency, genero- Vo)cre, /o.w, adj. next, nearest
Vojr, s. f. a turf, peat
Yog<o, foghaoth, s. a gentle gale, a blast Voj, foidh, s. going, see yap
V054J, foghar, s. m. favour, c. p. Vopbjun, foidhbiun, a. quick, smart, ready
Vo5*lb JogAar, s. m. froth vope, Joide, see
-1*> Joghar, s. m. a sound, noise, voice, tone, TCojeA, foidheach, s. m. a beggar
accent, vowel Vojioeajic, foidheaic, adj. clear",0 evident
510, /tanwejL ^dj. echoing, sounding, VojeArc!, foidheastar, v. is sent, gone
Voltee, /.rtrf, ,1018' clamorous, ob- Vopje*, foidhrcach, s. m. a little image
J ) streperous VopjteACttA, Joidhreachda, s. likeness, similitude
TpogApo, foghard, s. tingling YopjubA, foid/iiub/iadh, s. a putting down, humili
Vogl)Tn, fogharaim, v. I tingle, make a noise ation
Vo5*ipc, fogarrach, s. m. an out-law ^-)5e> f*e> s- topmost part
Vo5<ltoji, fogarthoir, s. m. a public crier ^)5e f'i^et s. a voluntary contribution given to
wreSSSw. } prep' near> nigh' cl9Se to such of the decent poor as are ashamed to beg. It
also signifies the four first of the corporal works of
TpogUAnan, foghbhanan, s. a thistle mercy
yroslt, foghladh, s. robbery, trespass YojgeAfge, foigeasgc, next, proximate. Sh.
VoglAjm, foglaim, v. I loose", untie Yojgpe, joighide, \ c c .
yoglajm, foghlaim, 7 s. m. learning, instruction, VojfjV,n, yjghidin, } s- f forbearance
yoglujm, foglum, discipline VoJ5pe*c, foighideach, \ ,
V<>5Umjm, foghlamuim, v. I learn, ]to pogUjmrjc VoigjojneAC, fmghidiueach,] i' P
Lec. 11.8. VojgjDeA-, f'oighideadh, s. bearing patiently
VogUntc*, foghlamtha, adj. learned, ingenious ^-)5ln foighin, s. f. a green plat, a mead
Vogler jm, foMasaim> v. I grow pale VojgjoncA, foighiontacky adj. ample
yrojlujat), Joghlughadh, s. ransacking, robbing YojjontAf, foighionlas, s. m. amplitude
TCogluje, foghtuidhe, s. m. a robber ^oj^ljocArj/b.^-A/ocJ, s. m. low cunning : great pru
Vojlujjeft'o, foghluighcachd, s. rapacity dence
Yoglujsjm, foghluhghim, v. I rob, ransack Vojgre, folgsc, adj. next, nearer
Vojlujge \^zteJS,'lu,S,,efairS> ) s. m. a pirate, a Vo)5pe, foigse, s. nearness, proximity
V05rhA]*, foghmharach, j sea-robber Yjl, /o/, s. a while
Voglujmte, foghluimthe, adj. learned Yojlhjm, foilbheim, s. f. a blast, scandal, reproach
TCogiujmieAc, foghluimthcach, Is, m. a scholar, no- VoilBcjmnjugAt), fo'dbheimniughadh, s. blasting, scan
yoglujnre, foghlutnte, j vice, aj>prentice dalizing, reproaching
Yogrruji, foghmhar, s. m. harvest VojlhumA, foilbheuma, a. fierce, cruel, terrible
Vognat., foghnadh, s. service Yo)lceAT>)At>, joilcheadradh, s. abjuration, conjuration
YognAp, foghnaidh, s. improvement Vo)lceAcjAjm, foilcheadrahn, v. I conjure
Yo^n^b,fog''inaidh, s. enough, sufficiency Yo)leAt>)i)i*, foichtadroir, s. m. a conjurer
VognAmi, foghnaim, v. 1 serve, satisfy, do good Vo)lceAr, foilcheas, adj. dark, obscure
YognArii, joghnamh, s. f. servitude, slavery, assistance yrojleAbA, 'fo'deabat s. a truckle bed
ICognam, fog/mam, s. f. use, benefit, advantage, pro Vo]l*o, foilead, s. a fillet, coif
fit; " ffu-jl rognAvh aj parjrpin." Donl. 282. TCojleAnAjm, foileanam, v. I follow, hang after
Vogner, f oghnas, s. m. profit VojleAjtbA, foilearbadh, s. death
1Posh#d, fograih, s. exile, banishment YojIeAj-An, foileasan, s. m. an asp
TCogjAt>, fogradh, s. a warning, charge, caution, a Vojljm, fotlehn, s. f. a leap, skip, bounce
proclamation, ordinance 1Po)l,/o//, s. f. deceit, fraud
YogpA-jm, fograim, v. I warn, caution, decree Vojtfot, s- f- leisure
Vosful, foghtall, s. a murmur, great noise ; 1. e. Vojll, /, adv. slowly,- softly
jro5*p mjv Vo)H, /eiV/, adj. little; . e. beAg. 0. 5-.
Yogur, /ttf, see yogar and yogArg Voille, faille, s. smallness
Yogurge, fogusgt/ie, adj. approached YojlleA'o, foilleachd, s. f. a track, footstep
Vo], //, see < under - VoilleAoA, foilleachdach, s. m. research
Vo]e, foicke, under her, it VojIleArhnA , foilleamhna, a. proper, expedient
Vo-jeAl, foichtaIl,\s. f. a day's hire, wages, salary, VoilleAniujI, foilleamhuU, s. treacherous
oic]ll, foichilly J a reward, preparation VoilleAp, foil/ear, s, m. the bud of a flower
VocjrmrjugAT), focheimniughadh, s. succession, series Voilljg, foilUgh, a. hidden, latent, that does not cx-
Voicjlrjm, foichillim, v. I provide, prepare ternallv appear. The old parchments on medicine
-jleAC, fokhkach, adj. earning use tills word frequently in this sense
ro]leer, foichUadh, s. wages ojllj5ec, .

Voill, je*, foilli'heach, \ adj. negligent, sluggish,

ad ,n,e^ VojpceAAC, foircheannach, a. white-faced. Sh.
VojHje^ac, foUiightheach, j en> ' : - concealed, la- Vo])ic)mnjeAC, foircheimnigheach, a. precedent
YTojpcjmnjgjm, foirccimnighim, v. I proceed, pre
VujUjucr, foiliaicht, s. a tribe, descendants; . e. cede
rljot. o.g. Vojitjmniu^A', foircheimniughadh> s. preceding,
Vo)ilre, foillseach, a. declaratory proceeding, precedency
Vo]llrec4, foillseachadh, see ]ro)llrjuj,4i Vo)]tc']n, foircin, s. f. application, fomentation, env-
Vo)llp]5)ni, foillsighim, v. I reveal, publish, declare, brocation
shew, discover, manifest Vojpcinjm, foininim, v. I foment
Vojllrijre, foillsighte, part, manifested, declared :)]1]1, foirciobal, a. increased ; i. e. tjllte. . g.
ICojllpjgeo)], foiUsightheoir, s. m. a publisher IfojiicjobAl, foircicbal, s. m. a reinforcement
Vojllpug*i, foillsiughadh, s. declaring, manifesting, Vo))icjor4mu)l, foirclosamhwl, a. fat, oily
manifestation, declaration, discovery Yojlcpojcp, joirehroicionu, s. the fore-bkin
Vojllpjujet) an )^*], foillsiughadh an tighearna, ))11), joirdhealbh, s. m. a scheme
Epiphany VoweAlDArjj, foirdhealbhadoir, s. m. a schemer
Vojlmean, foilmcan, s. a bad or thread-bare dress Vo)it>e]}tc, foirdheirc, adj. more excellent
Vojlrcjdb, foiltchiabh, s. a leek TCojjuspjr, foirdris, s. f. sweet briar
V^]lu)jnn, foiluirm, s. a sea-gull >To)peamu)l, foircamhuil, a. steep, headlong
Vojmiojj, foimdhigh, adj. envious ; t. e. tnuatAc. o. g. YojpeAfi, foireann, s. a crowd, a multitude
>o)mv)r\,foi)nhdii!, s. f. a reward ; /. e. yojeAll. o.g. Vo])ie]t>jm, foireidim, v. I prevent
yrojrhojn, foimhdin, in expectation of, against TCojpigeAn, foireigean, s. m. violence
Vojmeftl, foimeal, s. f. consumption Yroipjgeanc)}*, foireigeantoir, s. m. an obstructor
Voj', fonn, under us Vo]Ji)5n)uAjm,/m^/-/;am, v.I oppress, obtrude
yrojne, foine, s. f. a wart ^o)p)5n)U5At), foireigniughadh, s. oppression
^rojnenc, foincach, s. m. a demand Vojpjl, foneil, a. clear, evident. . e. 1Poll*r. o. g.
^rojneapcA, foineareadh, s. a supplement Vojpjre, foiife, a. old, ancient
^rojnul, foineul, s. a small cloud, a gleam Voipye, foirfc, a. perfect, worthy
Y:ojnlj5jm, foinlighim, v. I submit TCojppeAC, s. m. an elder, a churchwarden
yroirteAll, foinncall, s. m. a fool Vc-jpyeAo, foirfeachd, s. f. perfection, old age
\)*, foinncamh, a. genteel, stately VrojppeAt), Joirfeadh, s. harrowing. Don/. 76.
, foinneasach, a. sightly V"o)tfjacIa, fonfhiacla, s. the fore teeth
Vojgim, foinnghim, v. I temper Vo]ie, /'^, a. taught. Sh.
Xjjgce, 'foinnighte, a. tempered VojpseAll, foirgeall, s. truth
Vojnre, J'oinse, T gec and U) Vojji jeAll*, foirghealla, s. witness, testimony
Yojnrcos, J . ' 1 f 1 1 s ^0]5)11, foirgluall, s. m. a pledge for protection, a
Vmrj, /Wsi wells, springs, fountains hostage for safety
]p, /'/-, s. f. help, relief; /'. e. pojjijojn. . g. Vo)j5]ol, foirghiol, s. declaration, manifestation ;
Vjp, /o', s. a ship's crew, a number of people stow iro)l51o1 n* Wfe ,
ed together owt\o\,Joirghiot, a. clear, evident; fjA )5)1
Vojjib, foirb, s. f. land foil's)0"' foirZhlU> s- decision, judgment
Vojitoec, foirbheach, s. m. an elder Voip ]ollA)m, foghiollam, v. I prove, declare
yrojiioeAo, foirbheachd, s. f. perfection Vo)jii;lACAm, joirghlacam, v. to occupy, &4.
Vo])i4)iluJ54TO> fiirailluigham, \ v. to deck, adorn. Voiiii,l]t)e, fcirglid/ie, a. true, certain
VojttBam, foirbham, ) Sh. Vo)it|;lpe, jdrghliuhe, s. m. nobility, truth
Voipl'im, foirbhim, v. I attend, am present Voi)i^l]^)r. feirgbdis, v. they used to swear
To]loe*lr, fovhheart, s. help, assistance Voij5neArh, foirgneamh, s. m. a building
0,1>4, foirbheartach, a. assistant Vollem ini, foirgnighim, v. I build
VjltoiieAtnu)5]rn, foirbhreathmghim, v. I diyine, VoU>t^]S*e< f"4ni&hthe> Part- b"ilt
coniecture Toy3n)teo)lt, fougmghtheoir, s. m. a builder
Vllbwer foirbrctth, s. i. prejudice ]]5^' foirgniughadh, s. building
VoiVbT4***l /oirMrwMar, s an adverb YoitijAjiAC, foiriarach, a. preposterous, eccentric
Vo lV)|]*rlAC, foubhnathrach, a. adverbial Vojpitjp, jouidin, s. f. pursuit. 4 Mast. 1468.
Voill)|ilo5. foirbhriogh, s. force, power Yrll,)l,)'0ln*m' foir}ridinaVl> v- t0 prevent. Sh.
Voinbte, foirbhthe, a. full, perfect onviti5]m> foirifighim, v. to perform, execute
6*-1, foircheadal, s. m. instruction, exhortation, 11]> foirighim, v. to stay, wait, dela^
admonition, catechism, a lecture, doctrine *, succours
Vomce4t)AUim, foircheadalaim, v. I instruct leal
Vo HceAoAliii, foircheaialoir, s. m. a preceptor VoiPimeAl, firitneal, the utmost part cr limit, cir
Voltee A, foircheann, s. m. a front, forehead, end, cumference or limit of a circle
conclusion Voj}ijmjolAC,
YojpjmjolAC, foirimiolach, s. a front Vojptci, Joirtchi, v. he cautioned, warned, com
Vojjijnjoia, foirmiolach, a. extrinsic, outward, out manded, . e. po . o.
side o)]iteAii)<z,,foirifiectgaisg, s. m. rudiments, Instruc
yrojpjn, foirin, see foinjc)Ti
Vo]Wjrye*.,/o/>ytW, a. fatidual, prophetical Yo)pterfra)l, foiitcamhuil, a. bold, stont, active
Vojpjpjn, foirinnsin, v. I bode, forebode, betoken Voiptgeftll*, foirtgkealla, s. evidence, a witness
1Coj]i]om|4t), foirimradh, s. m. a ceremony TCo)]it)be, foinibi, s. slaughter, massacre
VojpjomjujreAC, foiriomraidhteach, a. ceremonious Vojptjl, foirtil, a. able, strong, hardy
Vo|]t]on5*nt*, foiriongantach, a. prodigious fo)^r:)\e,/oirie, a. more hardy
Vo)ppn5*nc4j-,/o/V/iiwj'rtn/i/i, s. m. a prodigy
icojjijon, foirionn, see yujpjo Vojptde, foirtile, ) s" f- ^, greatness
>:o]i)*;|n, foiriihin, see pojjtjgtjn Vo,pt3le*c, foirtileacht, JJJJ1 i courage, for-
po)jjrne*, foirithncach, a. helping, assisting
Votyjf, foirthir, a. remote, foreign ; un pojjir^p,
VojpleAtan, foirltathan, a. extensive, large, general a bird of passage
Vojplenuja, foirleathnughadh, s. extension Vojpfojn, foirthom, a. enough
TCojpleatnujsjm, foiileathnuighim, v. I extend ^) /'"i s- f- leisure, rest, <v}j jro-jp
To]jtlejte4t>, foirkithead, s. expanse, enlargement Vojpj/ew, s. f. a habitation, habitance
Vojple'jteft'Ofl, fohleitheadach, a. full, extensive, Vojpcjoa, foiscimnach, s. m. malice, backbiting,
ample aery
TPojpljfjr, foirlidis, v. they vowed, swore, &c. i. e. VojptsmeA, foisdineach, a. serious
t>o rh)oi5t))f. . g. Vo)po]ne<i, foisdineachd, s. f. seriousness
ICojjtlon, foirlion, s. much, great, many Vo)j-AT5, foisead, s. m. a faucet
1CojjrjonA, foirlionadh, s. completion, abundance, VojpeAm, joiseamh, s. m. recovery
reinforcement, supplement, appendix Vo]pe*f, foiseath, s. m. refreshment
ICotyl^onajm, foirhonaim, v. I complete, fulfil Vojpje, foisge, a. next, near; compar. and super,
TCo]]tl]onc4, foirlionta, a. complete, perfect of pjup
TCojpm, foirm, s. f. a manner, form, image ^ojpjc^m, foisighim, v. I approach
Vo)]m, foirm, a. dark, obscure Vo]pgjiobAD, foisgriobhadh, s. a supplement, ap
oj)mal, foirmal, a. formal, clever, active
Vojpmela'o, foirmalachad, s. f. formality Vojpjm, foisim, v. I stop, stay, rest
Tpo]]me4n54m, foirmheangam, to prevaricate. Sh. YojpneA, foisneaeh, a. composed, quiet
ICojpne, foirne, s. dwellers, inhabitants, a brigade TCojpjte, foisile, s. a resting, residing
TFcijpne, foirne, v. it is understood, or it is chosen, Vojptee, foisteadh, s. hire, wages
. e. tujcceAji. o. g. TpojpceAdojjt, foistcachoir, s. m. a hireling '
)1*>, foirneadh, s. inclination, descent ojrce4r,*c> fohteanach, a. serious
ICojjtneAl, foirneal, appearance, colour ^ojpteAtiAC, foisteanach, a. arranged, in good order
Vo]fneA]tc, foimeart, s. m. oppression, violence TCojpqne, foistine, s. f. a resting, habitation
\roj]nieA|t, foirneartach, \ a. oppressive, vio- Vojptjneuc, foistincach, a. quieted, appeased
Vollne*jrrh*, foimeattmhach, ) lent, vehement To)t, foith, prep, about
Vojjmir, foirneis, s. f. a furnace Vojfa1, foithal, s. plundering, prey
Vo)ft]*|l, foirrcil, a. manifest, apparent rojtpe, foithie, s. woods
TTojitrCj-, foirscith, s. f. rest ro,tpe}b,/^rW,|hu
retreat,, foirseadh, j g harrowi rojf Jtejt, foithreith, )
rojpriw, foirsidh, j b
Vo)fne ]p potn**n ftithne is fothnagan, s. what is
Vo)freo]l, foirseoir, s. m. a narrower oldest and youngest in man
Voweo]ji, foirseoir, s. m. an officer, searcher, con Vol, fola, s. a short day, a little while
stable TPoIa, fola, s. a garment
YojpreojneAo, foirseoireachd, s. f. rummaging, VoIaB, folabk, s. going, moving, departing
searching Yo1ao4C, folabhach, a. moving, that provides for itself
11^, foirsgeamham, v. to deck, adorn. 5*4. VdlADAim, folabhaim, v. I go, depart, move
Y:o]ln5*e> Joirsigkihe, part, harrowed "1)1 folabhair, s. m. a mover, follower, creeper
j|*r)m> foirsim, v. I harrow, rummage, search
1, folabhan, s. m. stirring, continual motion
ICjltriobt), foirnoladh, s. propogation VoIaBjia, folabhradh, s. a good speech, pleading,
Vwrobim, foirsiolaim, v. I propagate reasoning ,
YoiptDe, foirtbhe, s. a cut, cutting off VoIaBjia, folabhradh, s. m. an insidious questioner ;
Vo-jpcbe ^Wtfoirtbhe gainne, v. he will cut necksor
throats ; " . <?. -^ no bjtAroe." o.g. i.e. "-i-
VoIaIjha), folabhradh, s. m. low language
VojptDpeAcnugA, foirtbhreathnughadh, s. divination Vo1adI> }rcb folabhradh ninnssi, s. m. one who
TPoWtcj, fohtchi, a. dark, obscure, black, swarthy talks
Vojptj, foirtchi, s. a shoe

talks whilst another is talking ; " i. e. ujne 45 1- Vollarhan, follamhan, s. m. a grace, ornament
dajjit; an pao r>o bejt t>ujne ejle 45 lADAj]tt." o.g. Vollarhnuja, foUamhnughadh, s. ruling, governing
VcjIac, folach, s. m. rank grass as a prince
Volac, folach, a. covering, hedging Vollarhmrj5]m, follamhnuighim, v. I rule, govern,
Vob, folach, a. hid, secret, private sway
VoIacaij, folachariy s. m. a concealment, hidden trea Vollar, follas, a. plain, manifest, evident, public
sure yollarac, jollasach, a. conspicuous
VoUo, folachd, s. f. bloodiness, a feud, a grudge yollaracc, follasachd, s. f. conspicuousness
VoUcrup, folaclitain, s. f. toleration, forbearance Vollarojol, follasdiol, s. an action 1
yolacrdin,folnchtain, s. f. water-sallad, water-parsnip Vollpac, folhacht, s. f. corruption, gore
Vo'a, foladh, s. learning ; /'. poglujm. 0. g. yollrc, follscadh, s. a scalding, burning
VoIa, foladh, s. a cover, covering Vollrjjm, follsighim, see yojlirjgjm
Volat), foladh, s. power, ability Volluj^re, folluighthe, a. bid, reserved, latent, occult,
YoIaw, foladh, a. powerful ; . curhActAC. 0. g. abstract
Volara, foladha, s. cattle, a dowry Vollujpea, folluheach, see pilar
Volarer, foladas, see !>]- . Vollujreacat), folluiseachadh, s. manifestation
Volaojji, foladoir, s. m. a bleeder, one who sheds Vollupeactf, folluiseachd, s. f. publicness
blood Vollupslan, follusglan, a. clear, loud
Vobjo, fo'aid, s. f. a veil Volrha, folmhach, a. that makes hollow or emptieth
yroU]5)m, folaighim, v. I hide, conceal Volrhajgjm, folmhaighim, see folarhajgrm
VoUjgre, folaighthe, la. secret, private, hid, VolriiAjre, folmhaise, s. advantage, opportunity, lei
VoU)CC4C, fobighlheach,} covered sure ; ./. e. VajII. 0. g.
Vol*)ne4cc, folaineachd, s. f. healthfulness VolriiAjre, folmhaise, a. hopeful, confident ; i. e.
Yoljp, folair, s. a command cumapa. 0. g.
Volajjb folarr ; nj poljj, it must, it is necessary; Volrhugar, folmhughadh, s. exempting, emptying
see rula]). Donl. 142. VoIrhu54t>, folmhughadh, s. instruction, learning
Volarh, folamh, a. empty, void, vacant, destitute Volomnap, fotomnaibh, s. wheels
^oUrhajjjm, folamhaighim, v. I empty Volorcajn, foloscain, s. a tad-pole
^o1aii]1, folamhail, a. bloody, blood-thirsty Volorcap, folsscain, wood crow-foot, goldilocks; Ra
ol*lu]m, jalaraim, v. I command, offer, proffer nunculus auricomus ,
^oUjnxTTi, folaramh, s. an offer, order Volops, folosg, s. a moor-burn, or mountain brook
yolaprnap, folartnaidh, s. sufficiency, enough Volopga, folosgadh, see roilorgar.
, folamoidheach, Volt, folt, s. m. the hair of the head
yrolancnapreac, folartnaidhthcuch,\1 a" e4na. Voir, foil, s. m. a tail. Job, 40. 17.
^1], folarnaidhcachd, 1 s. f. equality, Vole, ftIt, s. m. wages
yo!*)maprCA>, folartnaidhtheachd, J parity Voir, folt, s. m. deceiving, falling
YoUnmapjm, folar/naid/, v. I satisfy Volta, foltach, s. m. a vassal, hireling
;0), folrtoir, s. m. an emperor Volran, Joltan, s. m. a glib, a lock of hair
Vola f i //a, s. m. a slioe, sandal, slipper Volrjn, foltchibh, s. a leek ; prop. rojltcja
Volcao, folcadh, s. a lye of pot-ash, &c. Voltj), foltchibh, s. strength, power
Volcad, fo'cadh, s. bathing, cleansing of the hair by ?oM)At, fottliath, grey hairs
washing Volt)i. foltoir, see 10)
Vole**, fokhadh, s. a falling; }Lb. cid, his fall yoluajmajn, faluaimam, s. a giddy motion, running
VolcAjm, folcam, v. I bathe, cleanse away
Volcar, foldath, adj. generous Voluajmneac, foluaimneach, a. stirring, active, nim
Volpap, fo'/aidh, a. whole, entire ble
Volrape, fdfuidhe, a. corporal ; i. . e.f. VoluA]i, foluar, s. m. a foot-stool
V0I5, folg, a. active, nimble, qui -k Volu^, fclughadh > s b]eed
V0I5A, folgha, a. sanguineous Voluieacr, foliughiacht, ) 0
Vo!iom, joliom, v. I care not, it is equal to me; ;'. e. Voluje, foluidhe, s. m. a hood, veil, wimple
cum* l]!)m. 0. g. Volume, fohagheachA gecret
Volrr, folith, s. good luck; i. e. rn . o.g. Voiujjre, jolv-mhe, J
VoIiad, fcllabh, see plan Voluj^teojli fohghthenr, see placjjt
Vollac, follach, s. . water gruel, pottage VoIcab, foludhad, s. activity, nimbleness
VolUc, folluch, s. m. a covering, garment, military Vohimain, folumdn, s. bad clothes
colours VoKif,/;/?^} s- slowness; "'. i. luf, y<o), j. ocitiaII."
Vollat), folladh, government Vo'm, fm, under me, under my
Vol!a]ne. follainc, a letter Vorhail, fomhaol, s. a king's servant
VolUm, folium, v. to make hollow. Sh. Vomioji, maor, s. m. a corporal
Votarh, follamh, s. ancestors VoriiAjt,
eon F02 FOR

Vorfi4rn4c, fomhamughsdk, s. obeisance, hnmilia- ^1,*)) fort*hit, s. f. a forest, fox-cover, the

tion haunt of a wild beast
VotTMji, fomhar, s, m. liarvest, autumn Vojtjl, forai/, s. f. excess, superfluity
Votti4}*a, fomhardha, a. autumnal Vopjl, forail, adj. imperious
TCotnApjm, fomasaim, v. I obey Vojt4jle, foraiU, s. f. ornament
Vornjrsea, fomhlsgcach, a. half drunk VojiAjleaco, foraileachd, s. f. imperiousness
Vomojt, fonihor, }s..m. a pirate, a sea robber, Vop4)le4m, foradeamh, a. imperative
Vomojfa, fomhorach, j a giant Vopjljm, forailim, v. I command
Vomp, famos, s. m. obedience, respect, homage Voj*jljm, forailim, v. I offer, " jooDAjpt 4 *]Ff*Jn
Vmqpa, fomosach, a. dutiful, obedient c'poj4]l." Donl. 338.
Vmp, fomosach, a. august, noble Vojujm, foraim, s. a journey
VmpAjje, fomosaighe, s. m. a subject; i. c.nett y* Vo]*4jrh)m, foraimhlm, v. I remember.
VoJ4jnm, forainm, s. f. a pronoun, nickname
Vo'n, /', under the ; . . 4 Vot4)j, forair, s. f. a watch by night
104, fonaih, s. quantity, sufficiency Vojt4]je, foraire, s. f. a watch, ward, ambush
VojujrbeAn, foraisbhean, s. f. an old woman. lVallist
>ron*l, fonal, s. cold, rigor
Vori*riAO, fonamhad, s. m. jeering, mockery Vo)4)t,me4t>, foraitmheadh, s. remembrance
Vrurh*04, fonam/iadach, s. m. a jeerer, mocker Vofujtpjpjm, foraithrisim, v. I foretei, forebode
Vor,4rh4T>4C, foiiamhadach, a. contemptuous VojiI, forai, s. the head of a spindle in \vhich jg a
VoiUTrwoAjm, fonanthadaim, v. I jeer, gibe, mock groove where the 45 or band plays that gives
TCofi, /, s. m. land, earth it motion
VoimUtti, foralamh, s. m. an offer, order
Vo, fonn, s. m. delight, pleasure Vopn, foran, s. m. anger, wrath, vengeance
Vo, , s. m. desire, longing, inclination
Vopn, foran, s. m. a short verse, versicle, song
y:dC\,fonn, s. m. a tune, a song Voj4, Forann, Pharaoh ; the name of several kings
VorU, fannadh, s. m. a car, chariot
fomiadh, s. m. a journey, proficiency of Egypt
Voj4nc4, foranta, a. angry, resolute, presumptuous
VoUjm, fonnaim, v. I attune
>rocox>4jl, fonncodail, s. m. a lullaby )1<, foraos, Jsee >
yroii-T>j4t>4, fonn-diadha, s. m. a hymn
VoS-ou4]ti, fonn-duain, s. a recitative Vop<op45Uc, foraosaglach, s. an old man
Vonjf44C, fonnghradhach, s. m. a patriot Voft<or45l4, foraosaglach, a. old, ancient
Voi4jt, fqnnmhar, a. tuneful, melodious Voji4p, foras, s. m. knowledge, understanding
Vorfi4}, fonnmhar, a. willing, desirous, meek Vo)4p, foras, s. m. a ford
Voiri4}t), fonnmharachd, s. f. melody, inclination, Voj4r, foras, s. m. increase, augmentation, addi
propensity, meekness tion
Vop4p, foras, s. m. a law
Voj-4, fonnsa, s. a hoop ^* forast s. m. cessation, armistice
Vop]], fonnsoir, s. m. a cooper Voj4r, foras, s. m. depth, profundity, foundation,
1Con0T540, fomodach, | s. m. ajeerer, giber, moc-
Vooujje, fonnoduighe, ) ker bottom
Vonoi4, fommhad, s. m. jeering, mocking Vojf4r, foras, a. old, ancient, antique
Voji4rt>4, forasda, a. grave, sedate, sensible
Vonr4, fonsa, s. a troop, band Vfi4rT>4CT>j forasdachd, s. f. gravity, sobriety
TConr4oi4jm, fontabhraim, v. to rejoice, be glad
Voj, for, prep, before, beyond, above, on, upon Vop4r-roc4l, foras-focal, s. m. an etymologicon
, for, v. said, pop re, /'. ?. eyt re, said he, pop VopApn4, forasna, a. illustrated
jn ben, said the woman ; old MSS. Vopb, /er, s- m. a landlord
VopbA, forba, s. m. land, glebe-land
Vop> s. discourse, conversation
Vopb4, forba, s. ni. a tax, contribution
Vp> /<""> s protection, defence Vopb4, forbach, s. m. a funeral entertainment
Xo^tfor, s. enlightning, illumination Vopb4, foi bach, s. cutting, slaying, slaughtering
VOJI4, fora, X s a seat bench Vupbt>, forbaihy s. finishing, ending, spending
Vo]4t>4, foradha, ) ^, forbaidh, s. f. a superior
Vop4b4]T>, forabaidh, a. early, ripe before the time
Vo]4C, forach, s. m. a dispute, controversy Vopb*)!^,
Vopb4)lt], forbhadthigh,] ]adj.J accepte
Vop4CAjt, forachair, s. m. a watchman
^, foibair, v. grow thou, increase
Vo}t<Bfbe4n, fortcibhcan, s. an old woman Vojtb4)jtt, forbairt, s. increase, profit, emolument
Vo)t4)ec, foraidheach, a. fierce, cruel Vopb4]p, forbais, s. f. a victory, conquest
Voj4jeAT>, foraidheachd, s. f. fierceness, cruelty
Vojb4n, forban, s. m. excess, extravagance
Vop4it>te, foraidhte, a. undercited, foresaid Vojtb4, forbann, s. m. banns of marriage, proclama
Voj<4]S, foraigh, s. wages
Vo]t4j5)m, foraighm, v. I watch, guard tion of an edict
for? FOR FOR

Vopbufi, foriann, a. out-law, illegal; "i.e. tup t>lj- YopjuAjpAjm, forf/iuagralm, v. I proclaim
ea, i. e. nemr>ljprjne, nj op cjoi olj e." Br. L. VoppuAplujA, forfhuaslughadh, s. a vanquishing,
VopOAp, fbi bkas, s. m. a snare, ambush defeat
Voprjp;ojleAt>, Jorbhfaoikadh, s. mirth, rejoicing ropyujneog, forfhuineog, s. f. a window-shutter, lat-
Yopbpar, forbhrat, s. m. a cloak, upper garment . tice, balcony
VopbpjAfap, foi bliriathar, s. m. an adjective ]!, forgabhhail, s. f. forcible possession ;
VopDpuA, fotbhruach, s. m. a pinnacle popjAbiU, land taken by force. Br. L.
Vojc, foie, s. m. a fork VopijAjrhean, forghaimhean, s. Epidermis ; " , e.
^>fc,fre, s. m. the top, summit; i.e. uacea]. e.g. un cpojceAfi UACT^Ap."
, fore, adj. firm, stedfast ^0P5*]Pm forghuirm, s. a convocation
VopcA, forcach, adj. forked TCop jajpjm, forghairim, v. I convoke, summons
VopcA, forcad/i, s. teaching, instruction Vop^Ali, forghall, s. m. a lie, fable, romance
ICopAgpA, forchagra, s. a command, decree. St. Vop^AlAjm, foaghala.m, v. I tell, relate
TCopcAjm, forcaim, v. 1 teach, instruct Vopt,Ai, forgamh, s. m. a blow, a thrust, a wound
YopcAjm, forcaim, v. I fork, pitch with a fork Vopgarn, forgam, s. m. hurt, detriment
ropcAltrmjgAm, forchalmaigham, v. to prevail VopijAn, forgan, s. m. keenness ; anger
Vopn, forchmn, s. m. instruction, a sermon, o.g. VopjApc, forghart, s. the fore part ot the head
Vopcf, forear, s. ni. violence ; a wooden hook VopgAfo, forgased, s. precious stones or jewels,
Vop<orr, forchaoiv, s. f. ,a catch or quirk in words ;'. t. poju p. . g.
YopAr/pA*, foichathraclia, s. suburbs Vopj]*llnA, forgiallna, s. a pledge, surety. Br. L.
VopjtAcc, forchinntachd, s. f. predestination ^, forgla, s. election, choice
lPojcm*)t), forcmaidh, s. superfluity, excess Vopglu, forgla, for the most part
v . i L s. a protector o\ti\*c)m,forghlacaiiH, v. i prevent
, forchmnaidh, I uardi
TCopsnuijm, forgnuighim, v. I build
Voftojrhr)5e, fo-choimheadaighe, j fefendex*
Y opjo, forgo, s. f. a heifer
VopojmAtt, forcho'imhead, "I s. protection, defence, Vopjujn, forghuin, s. f. a wound
>, forchomhttdlit J safeguard, watching )' Jorley a- sincere, true
VopcomAl, forcomal, s. a binding together ^]5,/ />^, s. a rudiment, trial of skill
VopconpAt), forchongiadh, s. persuasion, advice, ^opUjrn, forlaimh, s. leaping, bounding
instigation, command ropUiTiAp, Jortamhas, s. m. possession
Vopcongprm, frc/iongrahn, v. Ibid, command yoplAmnu)5Jm, forlamhnuighim, v. I possess
Vopcpnb, forcraldli, s. a rising ; , Yropln, forlan, s. m. force, power, conquest
the dawning of the day opln, forlan, s. m. pain, superfluity, excess
*, forcraidh, s. superfluity, excess roplonsur, forlongus, s. m. banishment
VoppojceAi, farchroicrann, s. m. the foreskin, scurf copln, forlomV, s. deadly hatred
Vopcut, forcxith, s. the fo:e part of the head ropm, form, on me, i. e. yop me
Xofb*b, fordhahh, s. a lid, cover ^opmA, forma, s. a seat
, fordall, s. erring, straying, error ropm*c, formach, s. m. an increase, swelling
VopApc, fordharc, s. the light ropmt), formadh, s. m. fear, apprehension
TCoptupe, fordharc, s. plain, manifest ; noble ropniAti, formad, s. m. envy, emulation
, fordhorus, s. m. a porch \ropniAT)A, formadach, a. envious
, fordkrain, s f. a loin YopmAjl, formail, s. f. hire, wages
Yop-oul, foi'ikd, s. m. error VopmAjIqoe, formailtidhets. m. hired servants
10, fordulach, a. erroneous Vopnujpe, jormaise, s. f. ornament
, foreidam, to prevent. Sh. VopmAlAC, formalach, s. m. a hireling
Vp6jeAn, forcigean, s. m. force, violence, a rape , formam, s. m. taste
1fj)5neAC, foreigncack, a. violent, ravishing vropmArhu)!, formamhuil, a. shapely, sightly
, for/, s. a guard Vopmin, forman, s. m. a type, mould
VoprA]pe, forfnaire, s. a watch, guard ICopmnAj formna, s. much, great deal
YopyAjp, foifliaire, s. providence, watchfulness VoprhnA, formina, s. the shoulder, shoulder blade
TfopfAjpeAC, firfkaireach, a. watching, watchful Voprhp, formhor, a. many, several
VopjTAjpim, fertairhn, v. I watch, guard, lay in am Topna, forna, s. shipwreck, i. e. lonnAA. o.g.
bush, assemble ICopnAVeA, fornaidheach, s. m. a glutton
VoppocAl, forfhocal, s. m. a bye-word, a proverb Vopn^AOAjl, forngabhail, s. hardness
ICopjroApiA, forfhogartha, adj. advertised, pro ropnjajpe, fornghaire, s. a command, offer
claimed TopojweAp, foroideas, s. f. tradition. Keat. 158.
VoppojpAt), forfhogradk, e. m. advertisement, pro Vopo]oe*p4C, foroideasach, a. elemental, elemen
clamation tary
Xo^ntk^^ioy^, forfhmgarthoir, s. m. a proclaimer, , forerdia, a. renowned, famous
beti-man VopojiougAr1,

, joroidcas, s. a rudiment Vor, ./m, ) s. a delaying, staying, resting, ees-

yopoptrngrtj), foronlughadh, s. predestination VopAD, fosadh, \ sation
-yopopoujjim, fororduighim, v. I predestinate VopAD, jcsadli, s. an atonement
yopopru, fcrosna, s. enlightning; kindling VopAjm, fosaiw, v. I stay, rest, lodge
VoC4a)m, fosailaim,}
, for,tha,S them VopclAjm, josclaim, I v. I open, unlock
, forruch, s. an angling rod VopgUjm, fosglaim, J
yoppa, ftrratk, s. in. a pole or rod to measure land Vopcpjar, foscriadh, s. a mould. Sh.
, fon ach, s. ni. oppression, compulsion Vorcuilre, fescu'dtc, "I , , ,
)>, forratit, prep, near to, hard by, towards Vor5ujlre,>l/fc, j*" Pen> unlocked
yoppAjm, forraim, on me VopoAt), fosdadh, s. m. steadiness. Teg. Cor.
), j'orrainn, on us VofTJAim, fosdaim, v. I slop, hinder, dissuade
Voppn, forran, s. ni. oppression, destruction, defeat Vo[-oo5, foidogh, s. stopping, dissuading; .
VoppnA, forraJMcA, s. m. an oppressor, destroyer, rhjAn lejpjn A opoog n corhpAjc."
Voppopjp, fqrrdris, . sweet-brier ; Jasmine VopgA, fosgadh, s. m. a shadow, shelter
Voppejljm, forreilwi, v. I shine forth, manifest, dis VopjAvm, fosgaim, v. I approach
cover VopAicA, fosgaltach, a. open-handed
Voppo]cjm, forrciclm, v. I prevent VopglA, fosgla, \ s. a gaping, a chink, opening,
5,>>^/;, served, did service or good Vop^U, fosgladh,\ outlet
Vopppejoe, forrshik, s. the dropsy Vop5|uobA, fosgriobhadh, s. postscript
Voppuriu, forrumha, s. fringes Voplong, foslong, s. a mansion, dwelling-house
VoppurnA, forrumha, sent. HA. Voplanjphopr, foslongphort, s. m. a camp, encamp
, forrsanaim, v. I shine ment, harbour, a siege
Vopp<ojljm, forrsaoilim, v. I divine, foresee, forethink Vorlongpuopr-AiD, foslongphortudh, s. encamping, be
<0)14, forsaoillean, s. m. divination, foresight sieging
yoppcoiA, forsaothach, s. m. a basin VorlongphoptAjje, foslongphortaighe, the defenders
yoppgAj-e, forsgaite, s. fore-knowing of a camp or fortress
, forsmalta, s. injustice, trespass , fosra, s. m. a dwelling, abode
VoppmuA)nt)ym, forsmua'mtighim, v. I premeditatp yorpA, fosra, s. m. knowledge
VoprmuAntujAT), forsmmntughadh, s. premeditation Vof-, fosra, s. m. releasing, dissolution
Voppupe, forsuidhe, a. steady, mild, , fosra, s. m. a bed
TCoppujeojp, forsuidlmir, s. m. a president , fosradh, s. m. a clasp, cramp, clamp
Vojtfu]]m, forshuighim, v. I preside yoppobjc, fosrolaic, a. heavenly, superior
Vopt, /er, s. a fort, vulg. Vopt, fast, s. gold
Vop, fort/ta, s. a seat VorrjA, fosta, s. a prop, support
VoptA, forthack, s. a basin yoptA, fostadh, s. m. securing, pacifying
VopeAc, fortacht, s. f. comfort ^opcAjm, fostaim, v. I hire
VoptAitiU)l, fortamhuil, adj. strong yoprAjm, fostaim, see ffrujgjm
Voptan, fortan, a. tied, bound up ^ot, Jotft, s. m. a giant
VoptAn, forthan, s. m. plenty, much yoc, /"er, a. raging, storming, violent
VopiAn-spope, forthan-groidhe, a stud of horses yoc, < a. vigilant, fearful, shy
;], jortartnaidheach, s. m. a glutton. yot, //, a. watchful ; . e. puApACAjp. o. g.
VoptAp, fortas, s. m. straw, litter yoA, fotha, s. a reason, cause ; " /'. . ." ^.
VopcA, fortcha, s. clothing; j. o*. o. \ yofa, fotha, s. a foundation, import
VopteACCAjpe, forUieaclaire, s. m. an usher, a gen yotA, fotha, taken away, or out of
tleman, a squire yrof-A, /aMe, under them
VopteAgAps, fortheagasg, s. m. rudiments yrotA, fothach, s. m. a waste, wilderness ; i. t.
Voptojl, fortoil, s. f. a column
Yopti4]5, fortraiglu s. a rising, dawn, poptpAjs VotA, fothah, s. m. the glanders
Vo* fothach, s. m. a lake, a pond
Yo\izp,fortuin, s. f. fortune yotA, fothach, s. m. a giant
VoptnA, fortunach, a. fortunate, fruitful VotAc, fothach, adj. glandered
Vopua, foruadh, a. reddish VotAo, fothachd, s. t. interrogation
VopuAplugA-, foruaslughadh, see yopf UAplugAO VotAt), fothadh, see ^
VopugAjpe, forugairc, see VotA, fothadh, s. m. birch
VoV4,forus, see 1|* , , VotATrmr, fothamas, s. m. a warning
Vopup, forus, s. m. a dwelling, abode VotAn, fothannan, s. m. a thistle
*f> /0> adv- 1' still also' moreover VoAin be4nt)U)j*e, fothannan beanduighhe ; bles
Voy, /> I s. a prop, buttress, wall, or diteh sed thisde; Carduus benedictus
Vort>A, fonda, J L11 VoAjpCAAt),

YocajijteAAti, fothchaithreachadh, s. suburbs VlKoAnft, fraochanach, s. angry, rippling

1Pot]]t, fothir, s. a good country Y]<occeA)c, fraochchearc, s. a heath poult, grouse-
TPoiUjntea, fothlainteach, s. a novice, apprentice hen
Votlor5*t), fothlosgadh, s. burning of heath \, fraochdha, a. furious
VoolUjm, fotfiollaim, v. I undermine Vjuoji), fraoidh, s. skirts
TCoroj5*t), fothorgadh, s. cleansing, bathing Vla)jt>n*jre, fraoidhnaiseach, a. waving, flourishing
Vltiojleat), fraoileadh, a. tipsy
rotp^vom, fothragfhoin, ) ?c I; V)i<on, fron, s. places of shelter in mountains
VotWstoU^, fothlagtkobair,) Puficatl0n VpAf, fras, s. m. a shower, hail
VotjiAgA, Jothragadh, s. a bath Vjiar, fras, s. m. seed, small shot, any small round
Yl**r fras, adj. ready, active
Vot|*5obi*6, fothragthobrach, a. balneatory ^^, frasabhradh, see
Votp5*]m, fothragaim, v. I bathe, cleanse ^], frasach, a. showry, fruitful
TCotf*jc, fothraic, s. f. merit Yp4]*-c<ol, fras-caol, s. small seed or shot
Votpom, fothrom, s. a great noise, clamour, sound ^-], /*"**** s- hemp-seed
^1*"')"' fras-Unit, s. flax-seed
YoijtomArhujI, fothromamhuil, } a" muster'nS 0^ VtAr-luAjsej/raf./itgAe, s. shot
ICotjmm, fotrum, s. great fig-wort, kernel-wort ; Vji4fltc, frasrach,. a. showery
Scrophularia nodosa Vjte*c,/i eflC, a. crooked, bent
ICotfiup, folrus, s. orts ), freacadh, s. in. attendance
IPotu^A, fothughadh, s. a beginning ; a covering , frtacadan, s. m. a~ guard, watcb
Vorujge, fothuighe, s. glanders, a disease in horses VpeACAXsnAC, freacadanach, a. watching, hovering
Vjt*c, /roc, s. bleakness about
1C]t5, frag, s. f. a woman, a wife VpeACACn]>e, freacadanaidhe, s. m. a sentry
p*bi frag, s. f. a hand YpeACA)], frcacair, s. f. attendance
p*5> frag, Is, f, a shield, a buckler ; see quoU at YpeACAjib freacair, s. f. use, practice, frequency
1P]i*)c, fraie, J coop* VpeACA]!, freacar, s. witness, testimony
^t4jPle<*5At>, fraidreaghadh, s. a floating V]teACA}b,/rieca-n, s. m. a wrestling school, place
^P*)5 fra', s. a bush of hair of exercise
TCjiojj, fraigh, s. a walk, partition YpeAccup, freaccur, s. working, operating
VJ)5j fraigh, s. the sea, anarch YpeAcnAjltc, freacnairc, s. f. amity, friendship
ICpajj, fraigh, with cold ; " i. e. rpj )%, i. . rj) ^, freacnairc, s. f. the present time
tuacc." Cor. V)ieAcnA]ic, freacnairc, a. transient, transitory ;
Tclt*J5*Jri> fraigain, s. a little man with a martial erect Co)ieAA Nefll ajjid ) bhorimAjll,
gait. Sa. tjjeAjtnA r^e CotiajU oo eol j )) ^ j
1fp*lb*)r*^ fraigaisach, of or belonging to a fraigain mAjnjrrjjt puAj ]aj mbjtejfc bAjpe An beAc*
V)i<i)5eirnlco, fraigeamhlachd,s.i. shew of personal rpeAcnAjjic. 4 Mast. 1422.
strength VpeAcnA]j*eAC, freacnaireach, a. modern. SA.
^r]4]e*rhuil, fraigiam/iuil, a. ostentatious of strength \ VpeAcnAjpig, freacnairigh, s. moderns
VJi)le#c, fraileaeh, s. m. sea-weed j VpeAcnATTi, freacnamh, s. f. labour
VlAjnc, /Vfi'wc, s, f. France j VltCAnu^At), freachnughadh, \ s. exercise, exercis-
*]1 Framch, s. f. the French tongue ! VpeAcjiuA, freachrughadh, j ing
, framadh, s. a frame V|eAojrnT5, freachoimhei, s. reserve
jinc*c, Francach, s. m. a Frenchman ! VpcAojrheA'OAjm, freachoimheadaim, v. I reserre
Y]i4nc4C*rnu)l, Francachamhuil, a. Frenchman -like 1C]ieApu)5]m, freachruighim, v. I exercise, accustom,
Yponclur, franclus, s. Tansey ; Tanacetum vulgare discharge an office or duty
&, fraoch, s. m. heath, ling, hadder ; Erica vul VpeAt), freadh, s. a pillaging, plundering
garis VneAgAiJir, freagaht, s. answering
Vii<oc, fraoch, s. m. anger, rage, fury ; hunger VpeASAp, fre<gar>
X\\(t*b, fraochach, adj. heathy YpeArafat, freagaradh, }s.
S m. an answer, reply
Ywocaye, fraochaidhe, "| adj. angry, furious, fret- VpeA5A]tA]m, Jreagaraim, v. I answer, reply
Cb<oc*muil, fraochamhuil, f ful VpeASAjicA, freagarthach, a. answerable, accounta
<, fraochan, s. m. anger, rage ble
Vixoc^' fraochan, s. m. a patch on the toe of a shoe ; YjteAjAptojp, freagarthoir, s. m. a respondent, de
some part of a deer fendant
. , ~) s. black whortle-berries, bilber- VpeAnAjm, freagnaim, v. I work, labour
Vivocn. Jraocnan, f berrjeSj win(]_Derries, blea-
1P|iCA5nAj]c, freagnairc, a. transient
TPjt)6 Jraoctug, ^ berries; Vaccinium myrtillus
VjeA5tiAjic, freagnairc, s. f. conversation

TPpeAjTiArh, freagnamh, s. f. labour Vj)a1ca, frialta, a. free, freed ; vulg.

VpeagriApcjm, freagnarcaim, v. I converse IPpit), /rid, s. f. a letter
VjieagjiA, jreagrach, a. responsible, answerable Vpj, /WA, s. f. a forest, a park
Vje*5J4o, freagrachd, s. f. adaptation, answerable- Vpioeog, frideog, s. f. a small letter
ness VppeAn, fridhean, s. .- a bristle
Vl*e*51*A1j freagradh, s. m. an answer, answering TPppeAnA, fridheanach, s. care, diligence, circum
TCP^SPojnij freagraim, v. I answer, reply spection ; acquired knowledge
ypeArh, freamh, "Vs. m. a root, stock, lineage, p)ott\&mAi, frioc/mamhach, a. barbed, rAjgjoct flij-
, freamhach,) origin, original; sound sleep
, freamhach, adj. fundamental ^1<]6, friachnamhach a. diligent, eager,
Tppe*rrico, freamhachd, s. f. original ness Vji]on*rhu]l,/n'efAaiA/7j careful, circumspect,
, freamhadk, s. a taking root earnest
1p(*e4rb4rhujl, freamhamhuil, a. radical TCpjoctAil, friochtail, 1 . .
TCpearhpocAl, freamhflocal, s. m. an etymology Yppctn, /;/, j s" a >5
, freamhrollaim, v. I extirpate ICppctAlAjm, friochtalaim, v. I fry, parch
VleArhuA, freamhughadh, s. taking root YpjogcAbrAo, friogcabhsad, v. they arose
YleArhuj5)m, freamhwghim, v. I take root, radicate ^cP)r*J5en> friosaighen, s. a frying-pan
Ype*rnu]neAn, freamhuinean, s. a sucker YnPrS*jrn, yrwgewi, ) v' '? turn ^ md open
VpeAncA, freancach, a. winding, bending, turning friLom, \ bhaegm05u]h0f a 01
VpeAncAjm, freancaim, v. I bend, crook
lCpeAng, freang, s. a hide, skin Yppm, //, through mc, by me, with me ; t. e.
VjeApA, frcapadh, s. m. a cure, medicine
VpeADAt), freapadh, s. running, bouncing, skipping, TCppt, //, through thee, by thee, with thee ; /'. e.
Kicking ppjtu
), freasabhradh, s. opposition, unwilling YpjotAjpe, friotkairt, s. a guarding, watching
ness YpjotAjpeAC, friothaireach, a. watchful
YpeArc, freasc, adv. upwards Yjjof;A]jeA, friothaireach, a. splenetic, techy
VpeApDAl, freasdal, s. m. an angel guardian TPpiof-AjiieAo, friothaireachd, s. f. captiousness, cha
lEyeAf-oblffreasdal, s. . serving, waiting, attendance; grin
providence, lot, fate 1)*|1, friotal, s. m. a word, interpretation
jrpeAroAl, freasdal, a. attendant, ypeAroAjl YpiotAlA, friotalach, a. fretful, angry
TPjteApoAlA, freasdaloch, a. provident, providential YpjotAltAC, friothaltach, a. officious
)41], freasdalaim, v. I provide, serve, attend 1)]10), friothaltachd, s. f. ofHciousness
VpeApgASAjl, jreasgabhail, s. f. ascension into Heaven Vj]ocA, friothami, s. m. a bristle
51, / j cHmb d VpjoiAA, friothannach, a. bristly
1C|eAp5Ajm, Jreasgaim, ) ,Vl>)otDAlArhujl, jnothbharamhuil, )\ S> a Pa|ado^
Yl)0f:eAT)FAi, fuothcheadfaidh, ,
TCpejceaoin, freiceadan,.s. . a guard, watch
Ype]ceAx>*r\*t-o,freiceadanachd,s. f. watching, guard Vpjotbuuc, jriothbhmtk, s. a refusal, denial
ing TCpjotfiuAlA, friothbkuala, s. palpitation
Vltejjm, freidhim, v. I tell;. ", e. rnepjm. e.g. Vj]OAnT;A)leAo, friothchantaireachd, s. f. recanta
Vpejrh, freimh, s. f. a fibre tion
Yle)rheA, freimheach, .. I adj. fibrous YjijotconbeAr, friothchoidheas, s. antipathy
Vle)ieACArhuil, frcimheachamhuil, ) > Vrp)ocuA]pt, friothchuairt, s. a caper
V?e)ceA, freiteach, s. m. avow Vl]otu]ii]m, friothihuirim, v. I oppose, obstruct
Vpeitjsjm, freltighim, j yow YPIOa, friotlvadh, s. celebration
YtyotlAAt), friothlannadh, s. streamers
yrpeo, yy,, with them, by them, through them Yjtjot-luiceojii, friothluightheoir, s. m. a bawd, pro
Tierce, freset, s. confidence, hope ; i. e. ooicur. curer ; an administrator
Vfepce, /, s. reflection, thought YpjotlujsreojpeA'o, friothluightheoireaclij, g. f. ad-
Yytrcpe, frescre, s. anger; i. e. jeApg. o.g. ' ministration
TCpepcjie, frescre, adj. brittle, withered Vl]oinAr, friothnas, s. f. chagrin, fretfulness
*er5ft, fresgadh, s. climbing, waiting , VpiotnrAC, friethnasach, a. fretful, morose
Vrrlj5, fresligh, s. anger, resentment YpptojbiiujBjm. friothoibruighim, to wriggle. 5A.
ICpeerii, freumh, see pjteArii YpptojIeAn, friothoilean, s. m. a small or floating
^, jreumlmaidhe, s. m. a foundation island
YpeurhnA]t>|m, freumltnaidhim, v. I found, establish YpptoU, friothola, s. a covenant
Vjti, fri, prep, with, by, through, ou YfiptoUcAl, friotlwlochal, s. subservient
, fri, see flirt . , , YpptolAt), friotholedh, s. service,
VpjAj/ne, with her, with them VMiatolAiti, friotholamh, \ curation, administration
J' TjtpcolA,
FRl fU2l FUA

Vjtjotola, frith>!adh, see 1]*>1* *1)4> frithittsg, s..bait for fish

^\\y>rnU%\x>,fnlhdaghadli, s. attending, adminis )*)5./"&|, s. attending serving, waiting
Vl|f)o, frithidh, ad. alike, equal to, the same as
tering VlUqm, frdhim, v. i beget, "leanb no pjt)c pojjft
VjiprolAjjjm, frhthnlaighim, \ v. I serve, attend, ad-
Vjcol*im, friolfioiaim, J minister, procure phpAti."
Vf-Joco)4, friotkorlha, a. returning Vjijrjng, frit/ling, s. I", a relapse
V|ijotftj|m, friotkraidh'tm, v. I contradict V]>jf]]t, jriiAir, a. earnest, eager, fervent
vl*Jff*jlyroe|, Ytothsaiffidhear, that shall be served *pjf faillir, a. sore
T^fJp. ", s. m. a nailer, //r. Z. Vititipe, frithire, ) r r -i
fjtjf. fris, along with, with him, of him, through rJtje*, fnthireach, J atl> fret'r peevish
him, by him, or her ; o* which; " La jiAjbe Vpjrjni, frtthleim, s. f. a quick leap
V]on mac Culkjll nojiom !1.]11 p)jp * ICpfcljjmjm, fnthleimim, v. { leap, bound
}>|cew %ci n}Ug." old. pai ch. Vl)tne,/nMe, s. an uninhabited or unfrequented
V}jfcpr, friscart, s. an answer place; ''Ajfttjtrie Cotu]jie."
X- PJfCjm, frischt), v. hope IPjijfneApA, Jrithncasacli, a. fretful
V"|i)|Cj|-, frisis, s. hope, expectation V]i|fojce, frtthoide, s. an usher
Vl*jpmbe*bCAjTn,//Miear/e/w, v. I betray, deceive, ^1*)54> fritoig/itann, s. a frying pan
Y]>jT|teApA, frithreasa, s. contradiction, peevishness
kiN }|], frithrheare, s. a return of love, mutual
Vp j|Tiejri, frimeidh, v. he told or said
Vjijpnincle, fiisnindlc, commuted ; " Vine, ab eo regard
quod est vinca, i. e. n pinerhdm ; aj jp gnui jnt> ]]*) friths/ieasaim, v. I resist
lift (u) conpAjn bp ]n Ureneoip jejin (p) VltjrceACt1, frdhthcachd, s. a returning back
pji)pnjTvc!e 1 ]n Tigujel, ut est, vir, . . peji, yjijttejfjnt, frit/iiheithim, v. I scuddle
visio, i. . ], vita, . . pjr, virtus, i. e. yjjit, Vlo$, freSt s> a *'en> a inar;>h
qucmvis hoc non per singula cm rat." . T]K)5, frog, s. a pit -fall, a hole, a cleft
Vl*JrnJ^'e> frisninnle, s. attendance "*110> fr0S> s- a "S > an ai,hnal not found in Ireland
^rjjt, frith, s. f. suit, attendance. 4 Mast. 1414. before the roign of William the Third of England,
W)r< f'tt> s- tne niouth of a river whose Dutch troops first introduced it amongst us
^, frogachy adj. fenny, full of holes
yrfijr, /'/'///, s. f. fate
yj|f, yWM, a wild mountainous place yrjio5A]m, froghaim, s. f. injur}', wrong
yjtjf, /?'////, s. f. profit, gain, advantage ^, frogan, s. m. anger
Tppyt, frith, s. f. service, attendance ypogAntA, froghanta, a. pert, lively
VPF> fritl> dj. small, little , froighim, s. wrong, injury
yjijcfiAC, frithbhac, s. the barb of a hook yj0)meolup, froimheolus, s. m. experience
ypjilujle, fritkbaile, suburbs yftojnf A, frointhadh, s. a tugging or plucking
VjijcBeAjtr, frithbhtart, s. m. contravension, oppo ]-|1), froithlin, s. f. a whirl
sition ; " bfe*p4l m*c on* uj ceAAjg - <oj- VftoriA, fromhadh, s. m. a trial
11) 11] uj Che4ll4] hj - TPjiomAjm, fromhatm, v. I try, taste, examine, en
rjijA jiojle ] f)5) ua '>) o'cc ] < quire ; Munx probhaim
rpectriiAjn jn Kppjl." 4 Mast. 1464. tyomyb, fromhidh, a. hoarse
VpjfbeAHCAjm, frithbheartaim, v. I object, oppose, VjiorhtA, fromhtha, a. tried, experienced, ; cujne
. contradict pytomtA
Vj)fBu*Ut>, frithbhualadh, s. palpitation, pulsation, VjtopA, fronnsa, s. a kind of play, or mock wedding
pit-a-pat at wakes
V|tjf duajIccac, fritl.bhuailtheach, a. repercussive Yjiop, fros, a. dark, obscure
Vjijrbujlle,, s. a back stroke, a little rotu/}s:*"bi,l'0,"her"
stroke yjtu5A|A]m, fruearaim. v. I nick. S/i,
VpjcceAorAjt), friththeadfaidh, s. a witnessing, testi
Vu, fu, prep, under
mony VuADAjpt, fuabaitt, s. f. an approach to, attack, as
yjijtojlle, frilhchoille, -s. underwood
VtjfeApl, fritheagal, s. surprise sault, sally
Vp)e.v|Mo, frithearachd, s. f. peevishness , fuabart, s. spoiling
Vjtjeojlce, jritheoilte, a. attendant , fuach, s. m. a word
yjijfeol*, fntheoia, s. dispensation yuAAp, fuachaid, s. f. a jilt
VjtjceoU, fritheoladh, s. attending, ministering VuAAf, fuachas, s. m. acrj', out-cry
rjtjipolA )], frithfhclnfiora, s. rightful wages of ^TuACAp, fuachas, s. m. cold, coldness
vassalage ; " -' ruAjiApcajl r)jV)fACA.'' 7V#. yuACApA, fuachasach, a. chilly, frigid
VuACApAc, fuachasach, s. m. a den, cave, hole
Vpjtgujn , fiithghuin catha, the thick of the Vuacc, fuachd) s. cold, chilliness
31 FUA fU2l FUA

1Cuaco4, fuachda, s. an engraver 1Cu4jm 4 trjopfujg, fuaim a tsiorraigh, fumitory;

Vu*t>, fuaclidha, a. rebellious, perverse Fumaria officinalis
u4CDn, fuachdan, s. m. a sore or kibe on the heel Vu4jmjp, fuaimir, a. sounding
from cold Vunjmnea, fuaimncach, a. sounding, noisy
Vu4c*)n, fuaohtain, s. f. rebellion, perverseness Yu4jmneAmu}l, fummneamhuil, a. resounding
Vu4t>, fuadh, s. m. a vain silly fellow ^U4jp, futur, a. found
Vu*t>, fuadh, s. . a bier Vu4jfcpjotAjm, fuairchriothaim, v. I shiver with
Vu4t>, fuadh, s. m. a scare-crow cold
Vu4t>, fuadh, s. m. hatred Vu)pe, fuaire, s. coldness
1tu4T>, fuadh, s. m. a foe Yu4jpe, fuaire, a. cold
~\s. m. running away with, ^U4jpe, fuaire, a. colder
, . fuadach
, , , /
f elopement,
in ,und a rape, ra-
al'scram. Yu4jpe4T5, fuuiread, "1 s. coldness, a cool-
^"UAJP5Pe4t)4t>, fuairghreadadh, j mg blast
)Fuw6*, fuaiachadhJ *; %tz riumjg,
Vu4jpjot)4, fuairiodach, a. chilly
J press-gang ^U4]pjm, fuairim, v. find, discover t
Vu4t)cn, fuaiachd, s. f. robbery, depredation *"4)41> fuairsgeai, s. a silly story
TCuaTiAjgeAC, fuadaigheach, a. ravenous ?UA)\ii}x:, fttii)theit, s. waste, dispersion; pu*)pt]C
~ v. I elope with, run away , waste of property
VuA^gim, fuadghim, with, take oft; snatch V:u4jpje4r, fuairthidheacht, s. f. coldness, chilli
VuetiAjm, fuadaim, away, impress; "to ness
puAoajg j*o." VuAjr, fuiiil, s. f. judgment, a word
^, fuadaigheadh, s. compelling, forcing; Vual, fml, s. m. urine, water
" Cu4a1 ^ille o ul Apcongrhojl j ccujcce4t> Vu4l4t4, fualachta, part, boiled
, } * Be)t bl)<f04]n jre, -j 45 > oj4 ijg Vu4l4t4)m, fualachtaim, v. I boil
pe luct peace long jm jjl Coiujm Cjlle; jo Xn*Ubz*y,fualachtar, water speed-well, long-leaved
eIl)5 44 4 TTWJtA t)*p CO)b, 1 }0 JU4)t!4JgeA brooklime ; Veronica anagallis
) lih e4r pe ?<>Am, gup po b4]e4 rlong* Vu4l4ctAp, fualactar, creeping water parsnip ; Sium
con* jjojpnjo ojDrje." 4 Mast 1413. nodiflorum
TPiutup, fuadar, s. fa. haste, preparation to do a VuAln, fualiin, s. m. a chamber-pot
thing Vu4lim, fualan, s. m. a pimp
VuacapA, fuadarach, a. active, diligent Vu4l4r, fualas, s. m. a tribe, family . .
VuAmij*, fuadhmhar, a. odious, hateful 1Cu4lrC4]e, fualscaidhe, s. oziers, twigs
Vu4t>m4f<4e, fuadhmharachd, s. f. abomination, de Vu4loport40, fualbhrostach,s. m. a diuretic
testation 1Pu4h,org, fuatiosg, s. the stranguary
Vu4t>ji4t>, fuadradh, s. m. a bier Vu4l-lopg4t>, fual-tosgadh, s. heat of urine
Vu4t>p4t), fuadradh, s. hindering, crossing, forbid Vu*lpo]gf;)oc, fuatsoighthioch, s. m. a chamber-pot
ding 1u4m4]n, fuamain, a. bright, resplendant, likely
VuawjiAim, fuadram, v. I cross, hinder Vu4mn, fuaman, s. m. a shade, shadow
VHATHijge4C, fuaduigheach, a. ravenous Vu4m4n, fuaman, s. m. a rebound
Yuaoujgjm, fuaduighim, v. I snatch ^U4m4n, fuaman, s. m. whitene**
VuAtsujgfe, fuaduighthe, part, forced, taken ' or rU4mn4)gim, fuavmaighim, ) y j resounj reb0Und
snatched away, banished >U4mti4jm, juamnaim, )
Yu4gjl, fuaghail, s. sewing, stitching T-iumre, fuamsc, under me ,
^U4n, /, s. m. cloth, a veil, covering
TCu4g4l4]m, ficaghalaim, J ' * TcUAn4jm, fuannim, v. I cover, clothe
VuAgAjpt, fuagairt, s. f. adjuration, warning V414P, /*, a. cold, chHIy
YuAg4l4, fuaghala, s. a ring u4pAC4p, fuaracar, a. watchful
VuAgAprA, fuagartha, part, proclaimed, published ^444,/0.?, s. in. coldness
VuAgAjtii, fuagarihoir, s. m. a crier, proclaimer ^"U4p4-clu4]f4, fuara-cluaisa, a ship's ear-ring. Sh.
Va4gp4, fuagra, s. a proclamation, edict Vu4p4, fuaradh, s. a cooling, making cold
VuagpApn, fuagraim, v. I admonish, proclaim VuApA, fuaradh, s. a breeze, ablast
Viujo, jbai*/, s. f. a remnant ^U4p4t>, fuaradh, s. the windward, the weather side
^^./'^, s. m. an idler TuAp454t>, fuaraghadhj s. cooling, ease* relief
Vii4)t>le4Ti, fualdhhan, s. anger, fury Vu4p4g4'jm, fuaraghalm, v. I nourish, cherish
Vu4jT3}t}m, fuaidnm, v. I stagger, reel Vurtp4g4n, fuaragaii, s. m. a fan
Vu4)lfe4, fua'dfadh, s. leaping, skipping ru^^fuaraightm, h j coqj
Vii4)lf4t54Ti, fuailflieadan, s. m. the ureter Vu4p4jm, fuaraim, )
ru4)lg4, fuailgha, adj. urinary ' 1Cu4p4jgie, fuaraightht, adj. cooled
Vu4)m, //'w, s. f. sound, rebounding noise, echo, &y*)%bto)y,fuaraig>itkeor, s. m. afimner, a cooler
clamour, cry, report M mm ViwpAU,

VujiaIac, fuaralach, a. cold, chilly , fuasnadk, s. m. anger ; . peAjig. o. g.

VuejioUco, fuaralachd, s. f. chilliness Vu }, fuasnaim, v. I astonish ; " ,
YuAjin, fuaran, s. m. a spring, fountain, a pond for AgAp himeA^U An luce ]>* ] -
cattle to cool themselves in 1." Zc*. A-.
VuApintA, fuaranta, a. cooled, cold, chilly VuApnujcfeA, fuasnuidhtheach, a. tumultuous
, fuaras, v. I found, first person prter, of Vuac, fuath, s. abier
Vua, fuath, s. hatred, aversion, abhorrence
VuA]Apt>Aj}, fuarasdair, a. judicious VuAt.
fmthas, 7\ s- an ,maSe' sPectre'
. ...
, fuarbheann, s. a cold bleak mountain
, fuarbhodradh, s. benumbing Vuacac, fuathach, a. hateful, hatred, abhorrent, loath*
VuAjtfioU, juarbholudh, s. ungrateful scent, some, rancorous .,
VuAtAt), fuathadh, s. detestation, abhorrence, hatred
stench VuAAjp, fuathais, s. f. a den, a cave
-, fuarchasach, a. chilly, frigid
TCuajicjiauac, fuarchiabhadh, s. m. hypocrisy, inde- VuArA,slm >a^>, J j abho
VuArAjm, Juat/iaim, ) '
votion VuAr a1 ifiAt>A), //// a' mhadaidh, wolf's bane ;
VuApjtAiDieA, fuarchraihluheach, s. m. a hypocrite
VuAjtjtAprjteAC, fuavcnraibhtheach, a. hypocritical Aconitum
Vu4)ic}ftp*t>, fuarckrapadh, s. benumbing VuAtAmujc, fuathamuic, s. hare-bells, common hy
Vujt)act>, fuardhachd, s. f. coldness acinth ; Hyacinthus nonscriptus
Vunpoealr, fuardheait, s. mildew VuAApA, fuathasacfi, a. dreadful, horrible, frightful
ViiAjh,re, fiuniite, s. a cataplasm ViiAt: ^, fuath ghorm, bitter sweet, woody night
VuAjtlop, fuarloidft, s. f. remissness shade ; Solanum dulcamara
, ViiA]imAT>, fuarmadk, s. a form, seat VuACThAjJteACO, fualhmhaireachd, s. f. abomination,
Yuaj ^), / mharbhadk, s. perishing with hatefulness, loathsomeness
VuAtrh*}, fuathmhar, a. hateful, odious, detestable
cold, benumbing T-UAtog, fuaihog, s. armour, coat of mail
Vu*]im*)(Br4r, fuurmharbhthacht, s. f. numbness
VuAfinA, fuarnadh, s. a controversy - . . tk.*;nh a belt, girdle, circle ; /. e.
Vu4)5, fuarcg, s. f. crowdy, a mixture of meal and
water VuAcugA'o, fuathughad, s. detestation, abhorrence,
, fuarrac/i, a. helping, assisting ; i. e. poj-
pjineAC." o. r. hatred
ViiA}irA, fiiartha,\. they found, or happened to find; VuAujre, fuathuighthe, a. abhorred, hated
also they protected ; " /'. t. ), no - VuAe)5teojji,/MM'[A/r,s. a hater, misanthro
t>]i." e.g. pist
Vu*iu^at>, fuarvghadh, s. refreshing, refreshment, VubA, fuba, s. justice
VBa, fubha, s. a hurt or scar
cooling 1, fubal, s. a general's tent, pavilion
Vuarc<vrt]p, fuascaltoii, s. m. a saviour, redeemer
VbrA, fubta, s. putting down, humiliation ; . e.
VtiApcAjt, fuascar, see yu*rc}tftt>
VuAfCcU, fuasaladh, see riupjld popjuliAt). . g.
, fwscradh, s. in. fright, terror, affrighting Vbc*, fubta, s. threats, menaces
1Purtrc]i*]m, fuascram, v. I put to flight Vca, fucadhts- fulling, milling of cloth
VuAr5*llce, fitasgailte, a. untied, dissolved, slack -ecArjp, fucadoir, \ . m. a fuller, a napper of cloth:
<]?>> fuasgailteaclid, s. f. looseness, ease, VCAipe, Jucaiie, S a seducer, a lecher
<nx>. fud, under thy, under thee
openness, simplicity Yut>, lud, among, aj put), amongst SL
Vuer^Ulm, fuasgalaim, v. I redeem, set at liberty,
loose, uiitie, disengage, exempt, open VUt>4]l, /^//, f f a seam
VuAr-gh-A, fuasgaltach, a. aperient, aperitive VugAjl, fu jaih J
^, fuasg/adh, s. ransom, redemption V ]}0, fufaireachd, s. f. lamentation for the dead
VuAr5u-)5teo)j,/eig/w/5///V, s. . the redeemer, Vu5Ail,//w//, s. judgment
VU505, fughog, s. f. a thrum, a loose thread or end in
ViiAfbgAt), fuaslagadh, s. explanation, exposition weaving cloth
ViiArlAAt), fuaslagadh, s. ransom, redemption ; fuiccm, \ v. I find ; oop puce tf4ct> 50
"Se*jl]Am %yce tx> ua]I 1 Vu]5)m, fuigim, J meApjiA." O. F.
jfAllge, 5Af fUAfUccArnj* ." 4 Mast. icuur, fvgvsg, s. patience, steadiness
Vujbje, fuibige, s. an argumentator, disputant
1411. Vuice*r, fuicheachd, s. t. lust, lechery, copulation
VuAplAgApm, fuaslagaim, v. I redeem, ransom
15*, fuaslagaim, v. I explain Vu,0caI, s. f. reward
ViiArlAlc fuaslaic, s. f. an exposition Vim, hid, s. f. lighting, kiiuihng
VuArmAt), fuasmadh, 6, m. a blow Vup,/wV, s. f.cold. 0T./tf.


Vujw, fuidh, prep, under Jujlcep, fviltem, s. f. a hair

Vujb, fuidhhh, s. f. anger, wickedness, treachery uJmJ5 funnigh, s. a fading, decaying, wasting
Yu]oo, fuidhhh, s. f. a knob, a bunrh wijn, fwn, s. f. a veil, a covering
TPujibbacr, y'uidhbheachta, s. quarrels, wicked deeds, ]Pm ]n, /', s. f. the will, purpose
deceptions TPujn,/tt, s. f. a stop ; the end or termination of a
YurDAtAc, faidhbheachtach, a. quarrelsome, trea thing
cherous Vujnce, fuince, s. f. a fox
Yupe, fuidhe, under him ujnce, fuince, s. f. a fang, a talon
YuroeAc, fuidheack, a. thankful, joyful J-ujnweAmeAti, fuindeamcad, s. a foundation
Vupe*!, fuidheal, )s. m. a remnant, remainder, Yujnenn, fiimeachan, s. m. a kernel
VupU, fuidhlach, ) leavings of a feast , fuincadh, s. baking, boiling, smelting
up]j, fuidhir, s. f. gain, profit, advantage, prospe ru)neT>jp, fuineadoir, s. m. a baker
rity, bettering of one's condition VujncAT5j}e4r>, fuineadoireachd, s. f. the trade of
Yujtrp, fuidhir, s. f. a word baking
Yupji, fuidhir, s. f. a hireling, vassal, villain, servi VujneAl!, fuingeall, s. an ideot
tor, servant, slave Yujnjm, fuinim, v. I knead, bake
Ytrjt>jp, fuidhir, s. f. a veil Yumjm, fuinim, v. 1 cover, conceal
u}|lb fuidhir, s. f. a feudist ; one who subjects his Yujnjm, fuinim, v. I finish, conclude, stop, re?t ; i. e.
country to foreign hirelings ; a feudist who gets cp]onA]5)m, no piqprm. . g.
land under a strange chief not of his own tribe ; Yuil, fiiinn, s. land ; 4i com clejp Chujn ciojm-
" . e. fo c]j>, i. e. an t] tso be]j tjp po t>eo- p]n yuj Dpej* )1." . F.
}A]}6 4 4)]." Br. L. Viqi, fumn, the west
Xu)b\ie,fuidhre,s. attendants, sen-ants, pi nr. of pup-jp Vuje, fuinne, a. good, ", po pnttj , . e. maje. Cor.
Vujpeac, fuidhrcafh, a. naked, exposed Vujeot;, ficinneog, s. f. a window
Vulopeaco fuidrtnchd, s. mixing VujljucAi, fuinnliuchalh, s. a lever
1pii)x>i\e*bffuidreadh, s. paste V ~. f - Is- common enchanter's
YupjiAim, fuidraim, v. I mix V- s. r 7 r night-shade; Circa
VuljeAil, fuigheull, s. profit, gain romeHs*,fuinseasgac,i,f luftiana
1Cu]je*ll, fuigheall, s. relique, remainder Vujnj-e, fuinse, T common ash tree ; Fraximus
1Cu)e<ll, fuigheall, s. judgment ,*, /..rim, ^ excdsior
TCujjeftll, 'fuighealU a word TCujnj-eos, fmnseog, J
Yuijjm, fulghim, v. I get, obtain Vujiipeog co]lle, fuinnseog coilfe, mountain ash
Vjijm, fuigim, see p*5Ajm ; t>'p]s a tft Vujnre, fhlte, part. Rneaded, baked
%^/'^^' S- wora^ expressions, language TCujnreojp, fuinteoir, s. m. a baker
Yujgljm, fuighlim, v. I say, speak, teil, relate Vu)nteo]}eAo, fuinteoireackd, s. f. the trade of bak
ICujl, full, s. f. blood, gore ing
Xu)\'fiU s, f. a sore or wound ; ?'. e. c]JeAt no cneii ^u]iit]r, fuintldh, see -pujnre
Vu]l, fut, s. f. a family, tribe )jt, //V, s. a sign, token, semblance; i. e. r^ogAjn
YujIejoiitA, fuitchionnta, s. bloodguiltiness !Cu]fbp, . U. m. a strong man
Vu)'c]oro, fuilchtountach, a. bloodguilty ^u)|b)pneA, juiibirneach,) 0
Yujlooimvo, fuddkortadh, s. m. bloodshed u)eA, fuircach, \ s. delay, staying, waiting, tar-
Vujje*,>//cA, ladj. bloody, cruel \ru]peiw> fuireachd, J rying
YujIeacoA. fmleachdach, ) Yu))ieaA]i, fuircachair, a. deliberate, violent
Yuj'cac?, fuileachd, s. f. bloodiness, bloodshed VujpeAt,, //W/, ? s, m a preparation) feast*
Vu)le*f>, fuileadh, s. increase, profit, gain VujpeAg, fuireagh, >
Volearn, fuileasan, s. ni. an asp YrujpeAnal, fmrcaned, s. an urinal
yriqljac, fuiltat, a. bloody ynjlCA, fuireann, s. f. a crowd, multitude
Vujlpc, fuilidhe, a. blood- red ^, fuireas, s. m. entertainment
Yuilvm, fuilim, v. I am, exist Yujpjote, fuiriuhthe, a. ready, prepared, sensible
Yuil]n$e, fudingeach, a. patient, enduring Yu)l]t>re, ' fuhidhthc, a. ancient, old
^ujljn^eac, fuilingeach, a. armed with ashield or spear YuilMBim, fuirighim, v. I stay, wait, tarry, delay
u]lle<iT>, fuilleadh, "Is. encrease, addition, profit, yrup)TT), fuirimh, s. cattle of any kind
'., fmlleamh,} gain, reward Vujfiio, ' fmrionn, s. f. furniture
^jimft-jn, fuilmain, s. a bleeding toe, by striking it Vuijiio. fmrionn, s. f. land
against a stone. SA. Vujpjo, fuirionn, s. f. the crew of a ship, an army,
Vuifrjorlt]. fuilsiefri, s pumice a crowd, people
VinMll=;-|m, fuirl.ghim, v. I overcome, defeat
YinrreAcr, fudteacht, s. bloodiness, blcodsbed Vnjnhu-A, \uui:ughadh, s. overcoming, dele; iting
VivjItcAp, s- f- Xuftm, fuirm, s. f. a messenger f(

" Cj 50 %ii]jie Vii))m 06 t>jl, VunpA, funnsa, s. a hoop, a band

^5 Vu5J4 50 |5jpf, Vunp4t4t, funsadha, s. lands
Re , Vup, fur, s. f. preparation, i. e. ullmu^AO. 0. g.
0 mj*n pjcoo ." . . . IPUfMCAp, furacAar, a. watching, watch ful, wary
Vu)ftm, fuirai, s. t. a form, manner, fashion, mode VujiAAp au 1)5, fuxachar mac an Ealaigh,
Vujjimea, firmeadh, s. travelling, going, sending, a character in an Irish novel
visiting VupacjiAct), fuTachrachd, s. f. alertuess, watchful
Vujpmee, fuirmeadh, s. humiliation, Iessening,bend- ness
ing, bowing TCujiAcap, funches, "Is. expectation, watching,
Vuipmeaw, fuirmheadh, s. a seat, foundation , furachras,] weariness
Vuipme*l, fuirmeal, s. travelling ^pujtijl, JuraU, ? s. f. an offering, command,
Vuiprhe!, fuirmheal, a. tired, fatigued yu}4)leATTi, furaileamh, $ an order, incitement
Yiijprrvjt), juirmhidh, adj. hard YrujA|ii, furuin, s. m. plenty, abundance, excess
Vu)]miu54, fuirmiughadh, s. forming ])1, furaire, s. m. an out-guanl, scout, vidette
Vujwne, Fuhne, s. Hell yrupilAjm, furalaim, v. I offer, incite, provoke
1Cu)Jn]f, fuirneis, s. f. a furnace, stove yunn, fu> an, s. m. a welcome, salutation
Vujppe, f'uirse, s. harrowing yupUAC, furanach, a. courteous, civil, cautious
Vuj}reo]}f,/V3-, s. m. a juggler, a shew-man, a u]up, furas, a. easy, feasible, practicable
moutebank ^pupAp, furas, a. able
Vuip, /, adj. active, thrifty TCuJAr'*> furasda, a. easy to do, practicable
fxxyeo^, ftseog, s. f. a lark Vul*Apt>ACT>, furasdackd, s. f. easiness
Tujt, //, s. cold; t. e. puAct. Cor. Xuyioyn\(i*x>b]m,furcltoiniheaduim, v. I watch, guard
Vuv, fuit/i, s. f. a rag of cloth Vupbj, furbi, \ s. m. a strong stout fel-
Vujte, fuite, s. a sound, reiterating noise ^CujbA)lneAC, furbaimeach, J low, a clown
Vujre, fuithe, under it, or her VupbAj, fuibaid/i, s. wradi
Vujjt*, fuit/tir, s. f. good land ; i. . po rjp. Cor. VuJojA, furdhtrcha, a. mystical
Vulj], fulair, is a verb impersonal. When it has the YulpA)fe, furfhaire, s. m. a watch or guard
negatives a, nj or , before it, it signifiesobliga- Vujpoj]A>, furfhogiadhf s. m. precaution, warning
tion, n] pubtjp *rh, I must, nj puljj uj, we advertisement
should, we are obliged, nj poljp, it is necessary, ^upgAll, furghall, s. suggestion
it is requisite ; 'pe ^ u'* 100 5*],'> he Vu I'm, furm, s. m. a stool, seat, form
must be called. When it is preceded by an affir u]mp, furmhor, s. a great deal, the chief part
mative it has a contrary meaning ; as, ap jruljp Vu]muj], furmuir, s. f. a prompting, exciting
tiujr, you are at liberty, you have permission Vupnajpe, furnaidke, s. m. a dwelling, resting, stay
Vulan^, fulang, s. m. patience, forbearance ing
VuUng, fulang, s. m. passion, feeling Vul*n]p, fumais, s. f. a furnace
VuUng, fulang, s. m. a foundation, prop, shoar, 1))5), furnaisighim, v. I afford, replenish
buttress, support Yu]noct, furnocht, a. precious
Yulang, fulang, s. m. a stud or boss *\iyybu,furran, s. . common oak ; Quercusrobur
Vuln5, fulangach, a. patient, enduring, suffering, Yujt, furo, part, buried, interred ;J. e. po j. Cor.
hardy Yuppajn, fursain, a. evident
VubnApe, fidangaidhe, s. m. a sufferer, a patient Vuppan, fursatt, s. m. ame of fire
yrubngopn, fulangaim, v. I suffer, endure
u]tfftB, fursannadhy s. kindling, igniting
Vuhng* iAigne, fulanga na haigne, s. affections, Vu]pA4]m, fursannaim, v. I kindle
passions of the mind njrct>, furtachd, s. f. comfort, relief, ease, help
VulAii^Ap, fulangas, s. m. patience, endurance Yii)ttACi-o)|t, furtachtoir, s. m. a comforter; a helper
VuHa, fulla, s. a lie, falsehood, untruth ^uptA|^rm, furtaighim, v. I comfort, help, relieve
VuIIa, fulla, s. a leaping, skipping VuitA)u, furt/ain, s. f. satiety, sufficiency
1Cull*nj fullan, s. m. an ornament VufrAn, furthanac/i, a. plentiful
VulpanA, fulpanach, s. m. articulation orjoining of VuwrugAt), furtughadh, s. helping, relieving, com
things together forting
Vul|At>, ffff> }9. corruption, gore y:uyT\i)iteo)V,furtuig/iihet>ir,i. m.acomforter, helper
TCuippuf, fulshruth, j r > 6U,C
Vupif furus' see F"1**1"
TCnlur, fuluth, adj. nimble, i. e. ufrriAll. Cor. , Jusa, a. easy. Boni. 430.
Vu'm, fu'm, under me, about me ; " tjn - , fut, see
haitiac no .]0]-0 yum." Mull. 182. Vuta, futha, under them
Vu, fum, s. land, see pon VuTATTiuil, futamhud, a. foppish
Vu,./H?i, s. desire VucpA, fuha, under you, to you
TPuSAjjteojlt, funnaightheoir, s. m. an assuager

G is the seventh letter of the Irish Alphabet, and is ranked by our Grammarians in tbe number of heavy consonants*
called by the Irish Consoineadha troma, but when it i aspirated or marked with an (h) subjoined to it, it is counted
one of the light consonants, called Consoineadha, adrovia. In this aspirated state, (g) being the initial letter of
a word, is pronounced like y, in the English words, York, young, &c. or like the Spanish (i) consonant in the
word Jesus, Joseph; but (g) aspirated by a subjoined (h) in the middle or end of a word, is rendered quite qui
escent or suppressed in the pronunciation.
Thus the words Tighearna, a Lord, and Righ, a King, are pronounced Tierna and Ri. But ig) in its unaspirated and^
natural state has always the same strong power with the Greek Gamma. The very figure of the letter (g) in some
of our old parchments, is not essentially dissimilar to some of the cuts of the old Abrahamic and Phenician Gimel^
in the first alphabet or middle column of Dr. Bernard's table of old alphabets, published by Dr. Morton. The
Hebrews called this letter Gimel, we are assured by Grammarians, from its crooked figure, bearing some re
semblance to a camel, which in Hebrew is called Gamel or Gamal; and to observe it, by the by, Gamal, as well
as camul, is the Irish for a camel. In the Cadmean and Ionic alphabets, to b seea in the 8th column of Dr. Bernard's,
table, this letter (G) is called Gamla, which is but a variated writing of the Hebrew Gimel or Gamel, or the Syrian
Gomal, as the gamma of the less ancient Greeks is likewise but a different utterance of the Ionic word gamla.
It hath been observed in the remarks on the letter (C), that it is naturally commutable with (g), both letters being
of the same organ and nearly of the same power ; and hence in our old parchments, they are written indiiTerently
for each other, of which practice some examples have been cited. I cannot however but be of opinion, that this
indifference should be limited, and that the general and unlimited use of it should naturally be deemed abusivefor
the most ancient alphabets of the ilebiews, Pktnicians, Syrians and Greeks, have the gimel, and cap/t, or the gamma and
cappa, as two distinct letters of diffrent powers or functions, and consequently those letters are to be regarded as
two different radicals of words, in the original elementary formation of all dictions. The same indifference, or
interchangeable use of the letters (g) and (c) in the Latin tongue, and the latter being generally substituted in the
place of the former, appears from ancient Roman Inscriptions, and most particularly from that of the columna
Rostrata, erected in honour of Duillius the Consul, whereupon were engraved the words Macistratos, Leciones,
pucnando, Carthacinenses, copias, instead of Magistrates, Legiones, pugnando, Carthaginenses, From the man
ner of this inscription, some writers have concluded, that the letter (g) was not in the Roman alphabet,
nor used in the Latin tongue till after the first Punic war; and Plutarch informs us, it was brought in
by Sp. Carvilius, wherefore Dromedes calls it nova consona. But there is this other foundation forjudg
ing, that the Latins had the gamma or (g) from the beginning, as a quite different letter from the Cuppa ;
viz. that inasmuch as they received their alphabet from the Greeks, who had theirs fram the Phenicians ;
and as the Phenician alphabet hud always the gimel or (g) different from the caph or (C)pboth which different
letters were also from the beginning in the old Ionic alphabets, as appears by Dr. Bernard's 8th alphabet, column
yth, of his table it follows, that the Latins had also, from the beginning, both these letters with different power
or functions.
Nor do I believe it will ever appear, that the old Romans wrote cenus, ceneratio, cuudium, for genus, generatio, gaudium,
and other such words, which I cannot but think were always written with a gttmmaor (g) different from (C). The primi
tive Latin alphabet, as well as the old Ionic, contained the letter (K), orkappa, which served fora(C) as well as for a (K),
in the same manner as the Ionic gamla sei-ve.d for a (G) and a (C). But as the letter (K)was not agreeable to-thegenius of
the Latin tongue, to serve insteadof which the Latins changed the gammainto a (C), and then made aseparate letter of the
gammaor (g),whichthey removed into the seventh place, withafigui e or shape not much different from their (C), winch
remained in the place of the primitive gamma. This change of place was doubtless what gave occasion to Diomedes to
call the (G) a new consonant. The bare inspection of the old Latin alphabet, derived from the Ionic, as it was used
by the Romans about 714 years before Christ, to- be seen in Dr. Morton's edition, column 17, will be sufficient to
justify what hath now been advanced. In the meantime we should not have forgot to observe, that the name of
the lettei (G) in the Irish, is gort, which signifies the ivy tree, vulgarly called eid/mean, Lat. heder. Our Gram
marians commonly use ( c) or double (c) instead of (g), especially when the radical word begins with (c), as a
ccosa, their feet; a ccinn, their heads; which are pronounced, a gosa, a ginn. But the most correct manner of
writing these and the like worde is a g' cosa, a g' iun, &c.
Nnn 5
5216 GAB 52t3 GAD

, ga, is sometimes used for 5, a sign of the pre 454lc4r, gMialtas, s. m. the division of land amongst
sent participle 54 jt, saying, 5* rmujnet>, a tribe
iliin king , gabhaltas, s. m. conquest, or invasion
5a, ga, the same as c< ; 54 ? how long ? 54 h*r ? 14, gabhajias, s. m. land obtained by conquest,
whence ? a farm rented from a landlord
'Sa, 'ga, for, 45 4, as '54 ^056431 S4b4ltuje, gabhaltuidhe, s. m. a farmer
, ga, s. m. a spear, javelin 4]]1, gabhdaire, s. m. a cunning fellow, a
, gabh, take thou ; second pers. imper. of jada jm schemer
, gabha, s. m. a smith 4>4)4>, gabhdaireachd, s. f. cunningness
, gub'iach, a. dangerous, perilous , gabhidh, a. dangerous, strange, wonderful
>, gabhad, s, an artful cunning trick 4, gabhann, s. m. a smith
, gabhadach, a. cunning, artful 4, gabhann, s. m. a gaol, prison, pound for cattle
40, gabhadh, s. m. want, danger, need, occasion , gabhann, s. m. flattery
, gabadh, s. taking, conceiving , gabhar, s. f. a gaol
54)|, gabhidaire, s. m. a cunning fellow SaBaji, gabhar, s. f. a goat, a horse
, gabhadan, s. m. a receptacle, store-house " 544)t jp m4fc 454p pe4,
4*5, gabhagan, s. ni. a tit-lark TIA lie4C4)D 40} a,
]0, gabhaidh, a. strange P4t]jcc ce4 ))4, ip C4b,
]1, gabhai', s. f. a course, direction Ul4T> p|t4r4Ji } CI C4}tb4t>." FOT. /.
oadajI, gabhail, s. f. barm 4]1, gabhar, s. m. light, illumination, comfort
)!, gabhail, s. f. colonization, peopling. Keat. 160. SaBa)u, gabharach, a. goatish, skipping, bouncing
)1, gabhail, s. f. spoil, booty, conquest -, gabhar-bhreac, s. a buck snail. Sh.
)4)1, gabhail, s. f. taking, catching, making prisoner cpo, gabhar cro, ) enfold
54B4il-cjne, gabhail-cine, s. the ancient law of gavel )* Ia, gabhar lam, ) "
kind, by which the lands and property of the father ]< opee, gabhar oidhche, s. a snipe
was divided in equal proportions amongst the chil SAbjp, gabeis, s. f. prattling boy
dren 4, gabla, s. a gable
S4D4jl-pe4}tAj>, gabhail-fearainn, s. a bit of land, a 414, gabhla, s. a spear, a lance
little farm. Sh. , gabhlach, a. horned, peaked, pointed
4>], gabhaim, v. I lake, receive, conceive, go, 10, gabhlach forked
pass, fo 54041 pej'.B, they took, possession ; 4 0144, gabhlanach,}
gAoaj lejp, receive him, t>o 4540 n Sp]oj4]D 414], gabhlaim, v. I spring, shoot out
, was conceived by the Holy Ghost ; 5,40 !, gabhlun, s. m. a branch, fork of a tree
)irri4'o, go forward, 4 4 no 5414]> tp)-o, SAbUp, gabhlas, s. m. hate, hatred
the land we passed through ; 544 ampn, let *15, gabhlog, s. f. any forked piece of timber
us sing songs S4b5At>, gabhlughadh,%. . propogation, genealogy
4]40, gibhaineacht, s. f. smithery Saolujjjm, gabhhghim, v. I sprout, bring;forth
SabAjpe, gabaire, s. m. a prater, tattler , gabhnach, s. a stripper
)10, gabaircachd, s. f. prating, tattling 54, gabhthaA uken .
0), gabaisde, s. cabbage, cauliflower, colewort A)bte, g.bhte, \ r >
SaBaI, gabhai, s. f. a fork SaS-.ijn, gabhuin, s. f. a calf, asturk . _ .
1, gabhai, s. f. a gable, a prop 54bujii-tu4T>, gabhuin -ruadh, s. a yearling deer
1, gabhai, s. f. a descendant, a branch; 5AD4I 4, gach, a. each, every
ejne4lu]5, a genealogical braiMih ; plur. gAbbj^ 5444 ? gachona i what profit ? . . ^ ? 0. g.
SBaI, gabhai, s. burning into a flame , g ch , each thing, each time
5D4I, gabhai, s f. the groin >, gad, s. m. a withe,
, gaa, win twisted twig or ozier
aVjaI, gabhai, s. f. a day's labour, a yoking" Sao, gad,
41, gabhai, s. f. a folding, penning, 54D4I n* s. theft, stealing, thieving, bur-
4*>, gadndh, g'ary
CC<OJAC 5at54o, gadachd,)
SaViaItac, gahhaltach, a. capable, infectious Sat>, gadh, s. m. an arrow, dart
SiBAltAt1, gabhaltachd, s. f. contagiousness Sa, gadh, s. m. a skirmish, fight
, gabhaltas, s. m. stewardship. tat. on , gadh, s. m. peril, want
Luke IS. 2. *, gadh, s. . a voice

Su, gadh, s. m. a ray or beam ; at> ^fime |*)|jne/*i gaUmeacA, adj. flattering
Baoa, gada, s. a bar or ingot of any metal T'^,
, gadaidhe, s. m. a thief ; Heb. gadud English ' s- foreigners; now applied
rr only to the
B4jte, gadaighthe, part, stolen 5a)II, gaill, s. f. a sur]y \00
Ba-oajiti, gadaim, v. I lop, take, dig, pull, rob |*i I , s. f. speech ; 54)H, he spoke
S]penSu]l, gaihuireamhml, a. doggish, hound-like 5*j -, gadl-chearc, s. a duck or drake
Aaipin, gadhairm, s. f. a lap-dog 6aj e, yejf, s. a chop> cheek
Bacn, gadan, s. m. a voice, noise 5*j ea, gailleach, s. m. the gum
Batuft, gadhaf, s. m. a dog, a mastiff, a hound b\)Ue*b,gad!each, a. having large chops
B*oiujne, gadluine, s. f. a slender feeble fellow SAjlleAriiujn, gaillcamhw.n, s. f. offence
B*oiujne, gadluine, s. f. a salmon after spawning bAjIlan, gaillean, s. m. a strange or foreign bird
B*ot*, gadtha, part, stolen SajI eog, gailleog, s. f. a cuff, a blow on the cheek
, gaduighe, see gAtxipe SajIIjati, gaillian, s. f. a dart, an arrow
Baouj^ac, gaduigheath, a. thievish, furacious 5*)ll)4n, gadlian, s. f. Leinster
SAcuj^encc, gadmgheachd, s. f. theft, larceny, fura- 5i)Hj*n, gaillian, the name of a tribe of Vjp bojlg ;
hence Cojge SaIIjah or Leinster
BAt)u-)5)m, gaduighim, v. I steal 5]11)5, ^ailliasg, s. m. the fish called pike
, gath, s. f. the wind Sajlljm, gaitlimh, the city of Galway
js. a hook, any crooked instrument S]ll)m, gaillim, v. I hurt, gafa 5]HreAC, gaillseach, s. m. an ear-wig, a kind of
Baj:aI, gafiil, s. m. a hero black insect, dangerous to go near a person's ears
Bacai, gafann, s. henbane; Hyoscyamus niger SAjllfjon, gaillshion, s. a storm
, 5*]Hnoa, gaillshionnach, a. stormy
Si- gag, lit
b* j , gagadh.Jrs- eft SvjIrheAC-o, gaihnheachd, s. f. flattery, soothing
^A5*c, gagach, a. leaky, full of chinks 5], gaimhean, s. f. a skin, a hide
^, gagarth> growing into chinks or clefts SAiiiigjn, gaimhgin, s. f. a skillet
BajAj h, gagaint, v. I split, notch 5jrhj)f, gaimJirith, s winter, old parch.
^ft55*^> SaS%jCh< a- stammering in speech Sijn, gain, s. f. clapping hands, applause
^*5ft*n iabS'l"> s- cackling, a knot in timber 5a jn, gain, 1-
Bag^AiiA, guggamcli, s. noisy.speaking, cackling 5*|nrh, gainmh, ,
5vj, gai, s. m. a lance, a spear SAjnrheA, gammheach, \ '
), ai, s. m. a lie, untruth SAiea, gainneach, J
Sijbne, gaibliru:, plur. of 544, a smith 5)6, gainchtap, s. f. a pillory, stocks
^, gaibhntachd, s. f. the trade of a smith SAjne, gaine, s. f. a shaft ; also sand
S*]BceA0. gaibhtheach, s. m. a person in want, a con 5), gaine, s. f. hunger, scarcity
stant craver, a complainant 5*]*, gaineamhart, s. a sandy or gritstone
SajoteA, gaibhtheack,2.. querulous; cupe Ajofceac SAjneolJt, gaineoir, s. m. an archer
51, gaid, s. a father. Sc. 5jn5> geing, s. f. jet. agate stone
5*yo, gaid, s. theft, prop. 5030 5A)nrhjTi, gainmhei, a. sandy
5a}->, gaidh, plur. of 5A, an arrow 5a], gainn, s. f. the neck
Sajojn, gaidhbhin, s. f. a little study, closet 5], gainnc, s. scarcity
SAjo'jn, gadin, s. f. a little withe Saje, gainne, a. scarcer, poorer
5)}|, gaidhrin, s. f. a spaniel 5a)e, gainne, s. a reed, cane, an arrow
5)5e s- a Proud coxcomb , 5)e, gainne, s. afine. M1Par. 64.
Saj^e, gaige, s. stammering, stuttering SaieA, gainneadh, s. hunger, scarcity, fewness
5u)l, g<"t> s- f- smoke, vapour, fume SajneA, gainneach. s. m. a place where reeds grow.
5a)I, gall, s. f. slaughter Sapeat, gainneach, a. scaly, finned
Sai!, 2*' s> va'our> virtue; fe*, chail SAjeAC, rainneach, a. sandy
5rt]lbe, gailbhe, s. f. bluster, a tempest Saiio, gainnidh, . the scale of a fish
S.i-)loeAC, gaiibheachy a. blustery, tempestuous 51H gair, s. f- an outcry, shout, rejoicing, laughter
Sailoi, gailbhinn, s. a storm 1 5]1, gairbhall, s. m.'big limbed .
Sallcm, gailchin, s. f. a fine for manslaughter SAjtibpe, gairbchre, s. gravel
Salle, gadc, s. f. valour, bravery, . gAjfgeA* 5*l^e eir***,, )s. roughness, harshness,
5Aile, e*k s- ston,acn 5A1tiDeac, ~ gair bhcachd, coarseness
SaiIcac, gai'each, a. extraordinary SAjpoeAO, gavbhead, .1
5a leati gaileadh, s. evaporating, evaporation 511**, gairbheadach, s. m. a coarse garment
Sa leoe-j, gaUMe'mn, s. a great rough hill 5a,nl, gahbheal s f. gravel
g ^prer, gailefes, s. m. the Oesophagus, the throat Sa tio*U, gairbhealach, a. gravelly
i^fl \atlthe, a. stomachick ^ Part, gravelled
*)!)" s,to> s. f. a parasite

|*)IBeojl, gairbhtil, a. big-lipped SdjpmjneA, gairmineach, a. vocative, nominative

oA)lojjon, gai,hhfhion,s. bitterness 54]impop4)e, gairmposaidh, s. banns of marriage
*)fDjn cpeugi, gairbhin crtugach, s. a sort of plant 54jjmrcodle, gairmscoille, s. an assembly of bards
growing on rocks by the shore, good for bruises 54jmi4, gairmt/ia, a. invited, called
r*JpBfjon, gairbhshion, s. rough weather, tempest 54))ne4l, gairneal, s. a granar}', a barn
o4]]-4, gair-chath, s. a war cry, shout of battle 5)lle, gairre, a. next, nearer
Ajji-cpeug, gair-chreug, s. echo 54jjt Jjrj4, gairrfhiach, s. m. a vulture, a raven
*11t>e, gairde, a. sooner 54]jji]4, gaimach, a. ravenous
4)lt>e, gairde, s.joyfulness 5*JWjBe** gairrigeack, a. rocky
5i)}t)e*c, gairdtach, a. festive, joyful, joyous 5*)ll|m, gairrhn, s. a short form, a compendium
SajjioeAcr, gairdtachas, 1 s., rejoicing, plea- feajjtpea, gairseack, s. m. a lewd woman
5]|14, gairdeas, J sure 5*)]trerhujl, gaitseamhuil, a. wanton
R*]fT)j*n, gairdian, s. f. the arm 54]Hj-e4rnl4o, gairseamhlachd, s. f. lewdness, de
Sijjtojan, gairdian, s. f. a guardian bauchery
*II<t))4n5a, gairdiangha, a. brachial 54]jrejcle, gairseicle, s. a short life
S*jpojm, gairdim, v. I rejoice 54]pren, gairsen, s. horror, shuddering with fear
Sjjiiojn, gairdin, s. f. a garden 54ji*reoj|<, gairseoir, s. a shrew, a scold
5jjT>)5*, grdiughadJi, s. rejoicing, congratulation 54)Jirne4, gairsneac/i, a. horrible
^JP^jjm gairdighim, v. I laugh, rejoice 5])1, gairte, s. a narrow path
S*)lte, 1 s. m. a laugh, laughing, bawl- 54]fte4r, gairtheas, the glittering reflection of the
_5*)0, gaireadh,} ing, calling, laughter sun from the sea or a rock, or luminous body
5*Jl*ei Sa"ei s- m- reparation, amendment 5]pte,l, gairuil, f
*5.*]jteatio, gaireachdach, a. visible 54)pre)n, gatrtein,y K
5)*]0, gaireachdidh, s. laughter. Sc. Bjjvceos, gairteog, s. f. crab tree ; Pyrus malus
0][0, gaireadh, s. m. a vault 5iptvgea]tfi, gairtighean, s. the language spoken by
fcajpeel, gaireal, s. free-stone all the descendants of Adam, until the building of
S*|)e4lc colUpn, gairealach collaim, stinking hedge Nimrod's tower. " Ojjt ]p <on bjtl* oo Bj 5 r)l
mustard ; Erysimum alliaria Sajrh opug4t> ?(t>4}rh 50 cjrjocnu54t> 4 tujj
SAjppec, gaufec, s. a dimple on the cheek Ne4rh]tu4], i. e. b^jptjjepn *ynm *n BepU j-jn."
^*)1*5> ga'gf old parch.
S-vil^ean, gairgeann, Is.
f. a diver,
UiVC ' a cormorant ), gais, s. f. a torrent, stream
&4JP54I4, gairgala, s. an outcry. S/i. 4], gais, s. f. a surfeit
54)fi5e, gairge, s. f. fierceness 4}, s. f. craft, cunning, generalship. Lee.
Sajugepe, gairgere, s. a diver Bajj-cjip, gaiscid/, s. m. a warrior, a knight
5]fin g"iril"> s- f- dung, ordure Sajrce, gaisde, s. a gin, trap, snare
5*Jt15)n> Sa'r'n> s- f- * pilgrim's habit 54jrt>e, gaisde, a. armed, accoutred
5*)P5Il*e> ZairK!rei s- m- a diver 54]rt>)e, gaisdidhe, s. m. a painter
5*)l5n]oiTi4, gmrgniomhach, a. bigoted b4jrt>je4j-, gaisdidheas, s. m. painting
S4)J5n)orh4B0jjie4cc, gairgniomhadoireacht, s. f. bi 4), guise, s. a flaw, a blemish
gotry jj.e) gaise, s. boldness, valour, chivalry
S4)]l*e, ga'i'gre> s-.a pilgrim's habit 54jr5e, gaisge, s. braver}', feats of arms
5jf5un, gairgun, s. stale urine ajrge, gaisge, la. brave; luc 54jrse, brave
5*ilp Je<V^ a. short, lately, momentary, desul ^^), gai'geadh,} men
tory, precise hjjj-^ea, gaisgeach, s. m. a hero, a champion
S.vj]vj]n, gniridin, s. f. a periwinkle S)reiftlc?i gaisgeanihlachd, s. f. the doing f va
5*]ji]m, gairim, v. I laugh, rejoice, extol liant actions
5i]ljm, gairim, v. I call, bawl, shout 1-4)1, gaUgeamhuil, a. valiant, brave, warlike
54j]tjpne4o, gairisneach, a. horrible S*ir), gatsgidh, s. m. a champion, a war-
5){*)5, gairingean, s. f. a niece ^15!*' gaisgidfieaCh,) rior, a knight
&4)l!jrneAC, gairisneach, a. lewd, idle, nasty, terrible 4];04, gaisgidheacfid, s. f. feats, heroism
SOpleof, g'irlcQg, s. f. garlick; Allium sativum 4)54, gaisgeanta, a. brave
54j]ileo5 mu]]te, gavieag mhuire, s. crow garlick; gj^.j^^ guisidh, s. m. a stream, current
Allium vineale S4jp]i>e4t>, gaisidlieadh, s. flowing
"S^mtgat.rm, s. a title, name, calling, qualification, *)), gaisin, s. scanty crops
proc lamation, office, vocation 1, gaiste, 1 ( a snare, ^in, trap, wile
5<ijf m-co]!)i;, gairm-chodigh, s. cock-crowing b4ipceo5, gaistcog,}
54j]mc4c, gah-mcach, a. appellative 04)5, gaisteogach, a. crafty
S4]]tmj:e4|"4c, gairmfheasuch, a. bigoted b4]pt], gaistM, J s a gossip
54nim-cu]llejn, gahm-chuillcin, s. howling of dogs 5])5 glstlg/'>
SiVim-jdle, gairm-ghiUe, s. a oyer 54jprjro,
5]itmjm, gairmim, v. I call, qualify, dub

SAjpcjm, gaistini, v. I trepan, deceive SilIbolgAC, Gcdlbholgach, s. in. the French pox
bjpE^n, gaistin, s. f. a low crafty fellow 5* lleno, gaUchno, s. a walnut
ijrt^nclo, gaht/ncloch, s. a tom-tit, a small bird >111, gallchobhair, s. ambition of valour; ",A
>, gait, part, denied, refused, forbidden 5*11 , - ); bfle 5A)pc]" Hence
^, gaithean, s. a straight branch the fmniiy name of O'Gallagher
)], gaitin, s. f. a brief, an abridgment 51, gallda, a. belongingtoan Englishman ; strange,
Sal, fa/, see 5I foreign, surly, poor-spirited
8*1, gal, s. m. smoke, vapour, steam, heat 5lioao, gal/dachd, s. low-country of Scotland. Sh.
51, gal, s. m. a puff, gale i 54I 5<ojce, a gale of wind, SaIIatjc, Galladckt, s. f. English connexion ; associa
54I rujp, a blast or flame of straw tion, or habitation with the English; " O bpi*)rt
7, gal, s. m. warfare, valour, battle miol 00 5 eon rejm jrm ." 4 Maat. 1398.
5* I, gal, s. m. heat , gatldroma, s. a ketde-drum
5*llmu)ljo, gallmliuilionn, s. a mill-wheel
5*1' \ s. m. kindred, relations Sillgla, galloglach, s. m. servant
bm, gaol,) '
1, galabhas, s. m. a parasite Sl'glA, galloglach, s. m. a heavy-armed soldier
10, galach, s. m. valour, courage, fortitude , gallrach, a. infectious
SaIac, galachy a. valiant, brave SaIIju, gallradh, s. m. infection, disorder
1, galan, s. a noise 5H]iuj5jm, gallruighim, v. I omnate, portend ; tor
51, galanach, a. noisy ture
1, galan, s. m. an enemy S^lIpujje, gallruighthe, part, infected, disordered
5*Uf, galar, s. m. a disease, distemper, sickness , gallubh, the old name of Caithness
SeUp-buje, galar- bind he, s, the jaundice SaIIuc, galluch, s. m. a rat
5a1aji-j:ua)I, galar-fuail, the gravel , gallunach, s. m. soap
-^*, galar-gasda, the flux , galluran, s. wild angelica; Angelica syl
BAaf-m]l]cen, galar-milightheach, the green-sick- vestris
ness , Galltach, s. m. a Gaul
51-10, galar-plocadh, the quinsy , galllrumpa, s. a trumpet, clarion
<1}*-51;, galar-sgrutach, s. the itch 51, galrnha, s. hardness, hardihood, rigpur, valour
-, galar-Mh, the rot SaIttia, galrnha, s. m. an out- cry ; i. e. gjp
1], galasiar, v. they apoke to 51, galmas, s. m. a pledge
1, galbha, s. rigor, hardness 51, galoban, s. m. a dwarf
1, gaibhaidh, heat, warmth 5*l)5. gdoigt s- f- a shoe
^, galgadh, s. m. a champion, valour Saliv, galradhf s. m. sickness, disease
SaIsa, galgadh, a. stout, valiant 5*lp*)t>, galraidh, s. bodement
^, ge/|<, heat, causing vapour ; " . <?. 5*l]tAt>, galrughadh, s. m. divination
)m ffuilinge 5*1." Cor. SAlpujjeAr, galruigheas, s. m. sickness, punishment.
aIjac, galiath, s. a helmet Keat.
1), Galion, Leinster. Lee. 51)1]5], galruighhn, v. I punish, I sicken
11, gall, s. m. a stranger, a foreigner, an English SaIti, galun, s. a gallon ; a kind of lana measure
man 51, galun, s. . noise
11, gall, s. stone vases or boilers ; 41 i. e. cojjire Satti, gamh, s. a woman
." . g. , gamh, s. winter, cold; PFe/cA Y gaiaf
SaII, gall, s. in. a rock, a stone ; plur. jAjllcA* 5, , 7 November ; " . e. m) jArhon,
, gall, s. m. milk ], gamhain,.) i. e. inj ." for.
11, gall, s. m. a cock, a swan , gamaineach, a. scarce
5a11a, galla, s. f. a bitch 5)15. gamainighe, s. scarcity
511, galla, s. f. fairness, brightness, beauty ; , e, 51, ge"^> s- m- :i camel ; i/-6. gamal
5) le. Lee. !, gantai, s. m. a fool, a stupid
5aIIax>, gallad, s. a lass, a young girl , gamhann, s. f. a stitch
SaUai, gallaiih, a. hot , gambun, s. m. a leg
511, gallan, s. m. a branch SArhojup gamhehogus, s. m. a dent, notch
511, gallan, s. m. a rock , gamhnach, s. a stripper or unbulied
SAlUn-cuftjiA, gallan-curra, s. didapper ],' gnmhuin, s. f. a calf, ayeariing
5Hn-51teAcAi|, gullanrgreannchair, s. colts-foot; , gan, prep- without
Tussilago frfara ]1, ganail, s. f. a rail, fold, fence, hedge
511->1*, gallan-mor, butter-, pestilent-wort; 1, gandal, s. m. a gander
Tussilago petasites S^ncAjt), gangaid, s. f. falsehood, deceit, a bustle
-, gallantacht, s. gallantry, intrigue g4d]tl) gangaid, s. f. a light-headed creature
11<]1, galladle, \ 5]6, gangaidtack, a. false, deceitful
5*ll<o)le*, gallaleach,]*- soaP
5210 GAO 210 GAO

Sungpeat, gangaideacht, s. f. craft, knavery, de 5<o.|n, gaoiin, s. f. a sweet-heart

ceit |<J 4C, gaoj/ac/,, a. boiling. Sh.
5*, gann, s. poverty, scarcity oejUm, gaodam, v. to boil, seethe. Sh.
5a, garni, s. ajug or pitcher b^jiie, gaoine, s. goodness, honesty
5*fi, fan, s. a fort Siojne, gaoine, a. good
San, fan, a. scarce, little, short, difficult Scojne, ae/n-, a. chosen
5*, gann, a. strong, stout, thick 5<oine4t>, gaoineadh, s. erection, erecting, building
54*]l, gannail, s. lattices &oj)*b, ew//, s. the paunch of a deer
5*io<r, ganndas, s. m. a grudge, hatred &0|PPe,r, gaoirreas, s. m. a commodity, furniture,
Sarajt, ganntar, s. m. scarcity goods
San , ganra, s- m. a gander 5>1> ?"> s. f. wisdom, prudence
Snr*n, gaan, s. m. hunger ixojrp. gaoisid, s. f. hair of beasts
54, gantair, s. f. a prison, a dilemma Sojrnm, gaoisnein, s. a single hair
5B*1, gaoihar, s. m. occasion 5x)]rne, gaoisneach, a. hairy, crinse
5<o, ^eoa", s. a swan 5co]f, {, inflexion of yob
5<o, goodh, s. a leech 50)e, gaoitht, s. wounds
" N|4 tjteon, ag|- 1 mjle, 5])], gao'thimiisin, s. anemoscope
Lui 5 l<o 50 nrjopBla, 5<)5, gaoithieog, s. f. a blast, or blowing
CufAl 5i cojrhneupc 54 ajp 5<ol, s. m. love, liking, fondness 0
5<ot> )r eonar gu gepojn." For. foc. Sob gaol, s. m. a family, or kindred
5<ot>ajm, gaodaim, v, I wound. ( .F. 5<ol4, gaolach, s. m a sweet-heart, a beloved perso
&ot>4, gaodadh, s. a wounding 5<ol4C, gaolach, a. lovely, dear
;0*, gaodhas, v. he, she, or it, wounds or kills ; SioUo, gaolachd, s. f. amability
" e. onf nomapBup." 0. g. 5ol4)m, gaolaim, v. I break
5>5, ^,?, a. evaporation, flatness 5lbol, gaolbhola, s. consanguinity. Sh.
Sogf, ?, s. m. part of a thread spun finer Srtolrrmp, gaolmhar, a. allied, related, akin
than it ought to be Saolmap, gaolmhar, a. amorous, friendly
Sarj, gaoi, s. m. prudence, wisdom 54olrii4]t4o, gaolmharachd, s. f. amorousness, friend
5<o), gaoi, inflection of 50, a lie liness
Jxojcjn cut)5, gaoicin cuthigh, wake-robin, cuckoo- 540pn, gaoran, s. m. a little glutton
pint ; Arum maculatum , gaorr, s. dirt, dirt contained in the intestines
&, gaoid, s. theft, stealth. Sh. ^, gaorraim, v. I cram, glut
5-)>, gaoid, s. wind, blasts, flatulence Saopp, gaorrsach, s. m. a wanton
5iO]t), gaoid, s. f. a stain Saopra, gaorsachd, s. f. wantonness
5)1, gaoidheal, s. m. a hero, a man who by force 54opjre, gaorste, s. whirlwind
or by art gets above all laws ; " 5<oeal, i. e. gapl
i. . ) vo iej^ea 50 gait rj ^<xt mbr^n*." 54or4,
540rm4]i, gaosmhar,)jadj.prudent,
> skilful
Cor. Saopiea, gaosneach, a. crinigerous
!, gaodhcal, s. m. an Irishman, a Highland 54of, aoM, s. f. a dart, stitch, shooting pain
Scot. The accuracy of the following characters of 540t, <wM, s. f. theft
the Gaoldhils of the different Provinces of Ireland, 5*of, gaoth, s. f. the sea
may be easily appretiated by those who are acquain 5aof, gaoth, s. f. the wind ; Heb. gaah, and gaha_,
ted with the people. to blow
"5*>P)I %ujrme4c , jeolrhujj, , 54of, gaoth, a. wise prudent
^omhujjt, txojmbeac, mopgalac &oca, gaotha, s. streams left at low water
5<o)t>)l lajjnea f<obj4, njrhnea, fe*lrh4j &04C, gaothach i . windy, blustry
l4jrhu)it, ceolrhuni, txojriea, ^ 5t4Ti4, gaothanach, J J
5<0]]l n* ppearhujp, jocftl ljorho, 5<4>, gaothadh, s. a fall
54;4 )4514 Sarf^njap, gaoth-aniar, west wind
bponr4, ]$, Siof-onoilt, gaoth-anoir, die east wind
coD4ltc Tie4thp54rh4j<4." Anon. Scot-t>e<r> gaoth-dheas, south wind
Scojeen, gaoidhean, s. a false colour, a counterfeit Scot-cuatf^eajn, gaoth-gnvatrdeam, s. f. a whirlwind
5<o)oe4nr4, gaoideanta, a. idle, slothful Siofn^ipe^' gaothmhaireachd, s. f. pain, anguish
&)T>]ij5, gaoidhilg, s. f. the Irish or old Celtic lan 04, gatthmhfT, a. painful
guage .,1 U windy, blustery, blus-
5o1T5,m, z.iodim, v. to st^al, rob. Sh. 5cotrh4t, Saotn!r^!rach \ terous, boisterous, fla-
Roil, gno'lf a family, kindred 5(otrh4l4,^^HAflrcA,J tulent
*o]l,' gaoil, s. f. a wound 5<orrh(l4tw, gaethmharachd, s. windiness. bluster
bjl, *<>'l> s f- boning anger
GAR 5217? GAR

5>4]144, gaothmharanach, see 5<ocrii4j 5a}ib54jne4m, garbhgaineamh, s. m. gravel

5]5, gaothmheigh, s. an anemometer 5a [1050646, garbhghothach, a. hoarse
^I,*]5J,T1 gaothraighim, v. I winnow 54|1)1, garhhlcac, s. the rugged part of a country
50pn, gaothran, s. m. a fan olBle*j*, garbhieas, s. a shout
5cpu4t), gaothruadh, s. a blasting wind, mildew 5fBlj, gurbhlinn, s. a rough strong sea, pool, or
Siocpgulat), gaothsgeulachd, s. auemography stream
5a)-cu*t, gaoth-tuath, north wind 54j<blocc, garbhlocc, s. a crag, a thicket
S*ft, gar, s. m. profit, advantage, gain, good 5[blur, garbhlus, hay-ruff, catchweed, goose grass,
5aj, ^} s. m. desert, merit, commendation clivers; Galium aparine
5*j, gar, adv. near, nigh to, at hand 5*tboo4J5, garbhodaigh, s. a boor, a clown
5 ji, ar, prep, near; 4 rigai* 00 iejne 54pB}i4je4, garbhraitheach, s. stinking hedge mus
5aj, ger, adj. close ; 4 njmrjj* g4]t tard ; Erysimum alliaria
2>4J4, g^ra, ) a. useful, profitable ; near, neigh Sajfbjujtea, garbhraitheach, s. mithridate mustard,
&I4, garach, ) bouring wild mustard, bastard cress; Thlaspi campestre ;
54j4B4n, garabhan, s. m. bran Sinapis arvensis
54jt4B5, garabhog, s. wild mustard ; Synapsis ar- 54jbpon, garbhshion, s. a tempest
vensis 54jbto, garbhthonn, s. a boisterous wave
Sajuc, garach, s. m. a brawl S4]DU4jc, garbhuaic, s. f. a storm
54}4D4rhl4CB, garachdamhlachd, s. f. hugeness Sapujc, garbhuic, s. f. a concourse, a tumult
5aj4T)4rhujl, garachdamhuil, a. huge 54jt>4, garda, s. a guard, garrison
54]i4t>, garadh, s. m. a garden, hedge, dyke 5*|*opjg, gardrigh, s. a troop, company
5Aj4t>, garadh, s. m. gratuity 5*1*5, gargt a. rough, austere, firm, fierce, cruel, sore
54]t4, garadh, s. warming 51*5460, gargachd, \ s. rudeness, roughness, cruelty,
54jt4, garadh, s. m. a hiding place for wild beasts, 5*1 540, gargad, J soreness
a den or cave 5*1 10, gar'idh, s. a cave
54f4t>4n, garadan, s. m. a register, note-book 54JH4C, garlach, s. m. a young child
54j4t>iji, garadoir, s. m. a gardener 5*}l4, garlach, s. m. a bastard. 5c.
54j4jt>e4c, garaidheacht, s. f. merit Snjiluc, garluch, s. a mole
54j4)e, garaighe, second 5pm4, garma, s. a beam
54p4)lerhai4jp, garailemhathalr, s. f. a great- grand- 5* ft , garmach, a. vocative
aunt; great-grand- father's sister 54pm4C, garmach, s. m. a grandson
5}14]1, garaim, v. I gratify 54}m4r>, garmadh, s. m. a calling
544], garaim, v. I warm, heat 54}m4t5]f, garmadoir, s. m. acryer, proclaimer
5]*4rhujl, garamhuil, a. near, neighbouring 54}m4]n, garmain, s. f. a post, pillar
5*J4rhuiI, garamhuil, a. warm, snug 5*ltm4j, garmainn, s. f. a weaver's beam
54]4rnujl, garamhuil, a. useful, commodious g4}tm4n, garman, s. m. a gallows
54jin, garan, s. m. thicket, underwood 54jtrh4f4]ft, garmhatliair, s. f. a great-grandmother
5 tvn, garan, s. m. a blotch, a pimple 54fm4l)fi, garmaloir, s. m. a gardener
S4i4t4)t, garathair, s. m. a great-grandfather 54jn4l, garneal, s. a hutch
54jo, garbh, s. m. a scab, scabbiness; Heb. garab 5*to4, garogha, see 54 jm*
5*1*0, garbh, s. m. warfare, courage 54j)o, garoid, s. f. splutter noise
** 4(\tA 4]nm &]oll4 54 ol, 54joje, garoighe, a. the next
Jp 4)l]On Ie4p40t), 54f)t4, garrach, a. gorbellied
Sjrhjpc 4p )r, jr 54 54I 54fj4n, garran, see 5e4pft4n
3g4r jnjfjn 54c )onsn4t)." For. foc. 54}}t4n, garran, s. m. a grove or wood
54],, garbh, a. rough, rugged, coarse, boisterous S4jjtm, garran, s. m. a glutton, gorbelly
5*1*040, garbhach, s. m. a grandson ; prop. g4|trri4c 54}*14 54)nm4j, garran gainmhaich, a certain little
4)16460, garbhachd, \ s. roughness, inclemency, as- fish. A.
54TB4t), garbhadh, J perity> rudeness 54fjt6u4)c, garrbhuaie, s. f. noise, clamour
54]iB45-54j4}t>, garbhag-garaidh, savory. &r. 5njftBu4jc)o, gan bhuaicioch, a. noisy, clamorous
54jb4]5)m, />/, y j he gerate 5fT>4, garrdha, s. a garden
54fb4jm, garbaim, ) ra r 54jjB4o]}i, garrdhadoir, s. m. a gardener
54)b4ir, garbhah, s. a rough place 54fI.t)4r>o)}te4o, garrdhadoveachd, s. f. gardening
54fib4n, garbhan, s. m. bran 5^40, garrjhwch, s. m. a glutton.
541>440, oarbhanach, a. rude, raw, unexperienced g4ji|Ju]ce4o, garruiceachd, s. f. tattling, prating
54jDclut>4c, gaibhchludaeh,s. m. a coarse blanket, co 54f*fuic>m, farm cj'm, v. 1 prate
verlet , garrunnach, a. duty, shocking, horrible:
54jtb|>o, garh^ehrioch. s. a rough district Sabrn, ganan, "I & m a njj boy
SapouUj, garihchulaidh, s. m. a frize eoat
GE 5e2i GEA

5*Jr, gart, s. m. renown ; /. e. du. o. g.

5]), gart, s. . liberality, bounty, generosity s. m. a goose
S*pr, grtri, s. m. Standing corn > O r m
],, s. m. a head, threatening posture ), gcibliadh, s. taking, receiving, finding
Seabavm, gcabhaim, see gejlVjm
Sanaco, g^/, P- a sll0ut or. 8rcat CT 5 cla- , peabAaire,
Sj.rt>, garthadh, ) "'OUr' n0,Se - .. 1{* 0. a carper
5cAhra]]ie, geub sane, J 1
5eaor;A]geap, gcabhthuighcas, s. - fear, dread
5!, garthal, a. wnrm, snug
, garthan, s. m. a bonnet, cap, hat SeaAjjeo'o, gcachdaigheachd, s. f. a debate
-^, gatt-ghlaiinadh, s. weeding corn , ge<(/, s. m. a buttock, haunch
SaprjlAFmjce, gartghlannuMe, s. m. a vveeder , gead, s. m. a spot or star in the forehead of a
StptUn, garthnn, s. f. a corn yard horse
baptojp, garthoir, s. m. a cryer, a bavvler , gead, s. m. a ridge, bed, or small spot of
Spua, gara, s. a great-grandchild's grandchild; ground
literally a near descendant 5eat>, geadA, s. m. a goose, a tailor's iron
5ear>A, geud/ia, s. a pole, a boat-hook
, grw, see gup , geadar, see gcAtu
, grtj, s. f. a bunch
, gas, s. f. a stalk, stem, or bough of a plant; 5a-beag-p]o, geadh-beag-fionn, s. a barnacle
Sa-r-ub, geadh-dubh, s. a species of goose
Heb. geza Sa-la, geadh-lann, s. an inclosure for geese
, gas, s. f. a young boy, a military servant
-la, geadh-lann, s. a goose-quill. A.
Sapa, gasnch, a. bushy
>, gasadh, s. a springing or shooting out of Seaog, geadog, s. f. a small ridge
, geadus, s. m. a pike-fish
stems S*5> geagy s- f a bough, branch
SapcojiBrac, gascorlhthach, see apgojiriicAc
5]"> SasS> s- a ta''> an appendage 5*g> g<-g, s. f. a limb, member; a gaga, his arm*
5ap5n, %asSan> s- m- a PuPPy Sagac, geagacA, \ a. branchy, branched, hav-
Sdpfcna, gasganach, a. puppyish, petulant Sagamujljfttfgawu/, j ing boughs or branches
Sapgapa, gasgara, s. the posteriors 5*5*n, geagan, s. m. a small branch, gagn con
5ar;;o]irhf, gasgormhthach, s. m. a midwife mujp, an arm of the sea
coacta, fes na connachta, wild mustard ; Si- Sagnatsap, gcagnadar, v. they marched, . e. to
napus arvensis jrmrjgeacAp. . g.
, gaspidam, s. a hornet Sagnaim, geagnaim, v. I wound, i. e. gona^m
"j s. the common people, a band of Sagujte, geagu'ighthe, part, branched, boughed
\, gasra, i domestic troops, mercenary ol- Seal, geai, s. stubble
b*W*x>, gasradh, j diers Seal, geai, s. see gel
^-, gasradh, plur. of gap Seal, geal. a. fair, white, bright
, gasradh, a. salacious, hot, proud SeaUc, gcalach, s. m. & f. the moon
Sappaj'nj'e, gasraidknidhe, s. a stalk of fern Sealaat), gealachadh, s. bleaching
Sapt, gf> s. m. a snare, a wile ^etUtn\\i]^,e,gtatacAanuigAe, s. . the white of an egg
5 ei'' S- ni" a Pu^' a ^'ast 5aprg<o)e Sealats, gealadh, s. whiteness; ealat an laoj, dawn ;
5, ge/, s. m. an old woman Welsh goleu, light
, gasta, a. diligent, brave, brisk, generous, cle 5ealat5a)]tcea, gealadAairceacA, a. white-horned
ver, neat, ingenious, skilful, turne gapta, a cheat 5eala]5ims gealaigAim, v. I whiten, bleach, shine
, gastachd, s. f. ingenuity, cleverness, neat Sealajgce, gealuightAe, a. whitened, bleached
5eal4)l5p, gealairgidh, s. a prickle
ness Sealan, gealan, s. m. the white of the eye
5a prog, gastpg, s. f. a wile, a trick
Sapn, gasun, s. m. a boy, a little sorry fellow 5ealan, gealan, s. m. whiteness
5*, gat/i, s. m. a spear, javelin, sting Seaman, gealbhan, s. m. a fire
, gat/', s. m. a ray or beam ; gat gytjne Seaman, gealbhan, s. m. a sparrow
Sarbolg, gathbolg, s. a quiver 5ealban-cu]H)on, gealbhan-cudlion, s. bulfinch
5Aicu}p, gathcvip, s. a tent, a roll of lint put into a Sealbei'-S4!1*)^' ge<lll>Aan-garaidA, s.ahedge-sparrow
-!]0"' gealbhan-lion, s. a linnet^
wound gath-duhli, s. a weed, the beard of corn. Sc. 51-5])1, gealbhan-sgicboil, s. a bunting
- '^' f'u'ih> s- a poisoned arrow. SA. Sealca, gealcadh, s. m. whiteness
E*i-$Y^Cy galh-greme, s. a sun-beam Sealcaim, gealcam, v. I whiten
5*r-mu]e, gath-muirme, s. amane. SA. Sea Ico gealchos, s. white-foot
, gatiiiadk, s. a pike, alance 5eablu], gealdruigh, s. round-leaved sundew ; Dro
5, ge, s. f. the earth sera roumdifolia (
S, ge by some authors used for ca ; see ca Seall, geall, *. m. mtlk. Pr. Z. .
5e Se> 's sometimes substituted for gjio or gjo
ge2L GEA geai GEA

Seftll, geal/, s. desire, a bet 5e4n, gean, s. m. a sword ; see quot. at colg
s. a pledge, mort- Se4n, gean, s. m. a woman
511, geal/, gag^ ) 5e4n, gean, adj. lovely
5ell-b4jjntur, gealUbarantus, nge.II, mort- 544, geanach, a. good-humoured
j ^g*3^ 'ana" 5440, geanach, a. greedy, covetous
oeolb, gealladh, s. m. a promise, promising 544, geanackd, s. f. chastity
], geattaim, v. I promise, devote 544)0, geanaidhe, s. m. fewness, smallness, scar
5e*|Urhn*, geallamhna, s. a promise, promising city
Seallarhujn, geallamlmin, s. a promise, vow 5e4ti4jt>)m, geanaidhhn, v. I deride
5eAll-t))ngri]ug*c, geall-daingniughadh, s. a security, 544], geanaim, v. I beget, generate
earnest money 5e4n4jn, geanair, v. was conceived or born
SealljotAjm, gealldhiothaim, v. I forfeit 5e4n4)j, Geanair, s. m. January
, geallmhar, a. desirous 544, geanamh, s. m.' a sword
5e*Uhi4]*4o, geallmharaclid, s. f. desire, aspiration 54440, geanamh/achdfS. f. grace, beauty, come
5e*llg, geallog, s. f. a salmon-trout, a white salmon, liness
an eel - 544, gtanamhna, a. cl^e, pure
5e4llog-DU44]j*, geallog-bhuachair, s. a bunting 5e4n4mu]l, geanamhuil, a. amiable, graceful, comely,
5ell, geallta, a. promised acceptable
Sealltjn, gealltin, s. promising 54, geanas, s. m. chastity, modesty
ealltoll, gealltholl, s. a horse-leech 5444, gcanasach, a. chaste, modest
5e*lpujle*, gealshuiteach, a. moon-eyed 5e4n4p4'o, geanasachd, s. f. chastity
5e4lc, gealt, s. m. a word 5e4ngA, geangach, a. crooked ; apt to strike
Sealc, gealt, s. m. a cutting ; i. e. geaftpa. . f. 5e4ng4io, geangachd, s. comeliness ; striking
5e4lc4, gealta, a. whitened 5e4ng4jm, geangaim, v. I beat, strike
Se4lc4, geflltach, a. timorous, fearful, jealous 5e4nm4)t, geanrnaitli, s. good-will
Simitar., gealtach, a. astonished 54414, geanmaitheasach, a. benevolent
5e4lt4o, gealtachd, s. timorousness, fear 5e4nmcnu, geanmchnu, a. a chesnut
5e4lc4]ge, gealtaighe, s. m. jealousy 544),, geanmnaidh, a. pure, chaste, incorrupt
5e4lc4]g)m, gealtaigkim, v. I dread, fear 5e4nmnApbe, geanmnaidbe,
5e4lc4)pe, gealtaire, s. m. a coward 5e4nmn4]t)e4t, geanmnaidheacht, V s. chastity, purity
544<4, gealtaireach, a. cowardly, timorous 54, geamnnachd, J
5e4lt4]pe4t), gealtaireachd, s. f. cowardice, fear ge4nriiujn, geanmhuin, s. f. engendering, begetting
5e4lt4n4f, gealtanas, s. m. act of promising 5e44jjie, geannaire, s. m. a hammer, mallet
5e4ltjjt, gealtoir, s. m. a bleacher 5e4f4)ie4r>, geannaireachd, s. f. hammering, shar
5e4ltj4n, gealtran, s. m. a coward pening
SeAltujgjm, gealtuighim, v. I dread, fear. 5e*nt]tA")ge, geantraighe, s. a particular note in anci
5e4lg4t>, gealughadh, s. bleaching, whitening ent Irish music, which excites love or laughter.
5e4lu)ie, f'^/agen.of5e4l4c, the moon Cor.
5e4lu)ge, gcalmghe, J 6 ' , gear, a. sharp, sour, eager
5e4lujgte, gealuighthe, a. whitened, bleached 5e4j, gear, seege4jt],
ge*lujgteo)l, gealuightkeoir, s. m. a bleacher 54]i4g4t5, gcaraghadh, see g4jtgAt>, souring
5eln, gwlutiy s. m. a sparrow , 1 v. I sharpen, whet, make
S^Wgjm, gearaighrm, I ^ ^ ^
5e4m, gearn, see gem
gearh, geamh, s. a branch, a slip 5**l*jrn, geavaim, J satirJze
Se4m:n4C, geamanach, s. m. a servant, a lacquey 54l4]r, gearait, s. f. a warrior, a champion ; i." e.
5e4tri4ji, geamhar, s. m. a blade of corn ; corn in
grass or blade 5e4i4lt, fire7, s. f. a lively active person ; . .
ge4tnc<oc, gcamchaoch, a. purblind beot>4. o. g.
SeAmc^e, geamchaoiche, s. purblind ness 54pAic ''"'' s- f- a v.ire,n
5e4ml4, geamhlach, a. sandblind 544], rtft-ei'/, s. f. a samt
Se4til, geamhladh, s. m. a chain, a fetter 54)i4jr, gearait, a. holy
5e4mlg, geamhlog, s. f. an iron crow, a lever gajiait, gearait, a. wise, prudent
5e4rhg, geamhog, s. f. a branch, a slip 54H4ir, gearait, a. learned 1. e. roglimrt. . g.
5e4rht*'P, geamhradh, see gejrhje4t> 54ltn, gearan, s. m. a complaint, sigh, groan, sup
5e4mf)le*c, geamhshuileah, a. blear-eyed, pink- plication .
eyed 504)14, gearanach, s. complaining, accusative
5e4ti, gean, s. m. a smile S4HAnA)5im, gearanaighim, { v. 1 complain, sigh,
5e4n, gean, s. m. fondness, lore, favour 54i4n4]m, gearanaim, ( groan, accuse
ge*n,' S""> s- m- reproach ridicule

*, gearbi, s. tumour, a pustule fit, ^ee, s. m. mlk

^*, geai i, s. bran *6, gearthach, s. m. a flux
oejb*, gearbach, a. scabbed, scabby, rugged 5e4jcjj, geart/ioir, s. m, a carver, a hewer, tter
S^<v]b*]m, gearlaitn, v. i grieve, hurtj wound 54|itn4, gearthonach, an epithet applied to bbold
54fbiapo, gearblasda, a. tart, sour forward giris
o.Mficac, gear each, s. m. a nestling, an unfledged bird 54)*]50, gearthuigseach^ a. sharp-witted, quick
5''4|iC4jre*t>, gearcaUealh, S. Smartness, briskness of apprehension
5e4fojle)i, gearchoileir, s. assassin, cut-throat. Sc. 54|54t>, gearughadh, s. sharpening, souring
SeAjtcollAc, gearchol/ach, s. ra. a foal 54p5<i, gearughadh, s. soliciting, enticing
Sa*|icu)5, gtarc't>g, s. f. a'brood 54|uj5e*C, gearuigheacht, s. f. sharpening, bitter
tofepci'ijre, geurchuise, s. subtilty, extravagance ness, railing, satirizing
fee*j|pe*c, gearchuiseach, a. ingenious, Shrewd, 54jiu)5]in, geaiitigJtim, see 5e4jt4J5jm
subtile 5e4pun, gearun, s. a gerund
Sajtctqple, gearchuisfe, s. venisection 5e]'4, geasa, s. a guess, conjecture, divination
5*jbe*jc, geardhearc, s. m. a barberry 5e4j'4, geasa; s. a religious vow, an oath
Sertfij, gearg, s. m. a botch, a bile , geasa, s. a charm, enchantment
5e4]ts, see>, see 5*1*5 5e4p4o4n, geasadan, s. m. a shrub
, geargha, & a . _ , r jaVe,.m 5e4p4ojp, geasadoir, s. m. a wizard, charmer
5ei|*t,VVtt, J 5e4p400jje4o, geasndoireaehd, s. f. divination, sor
5|51],' gearghluais, s. a gloss or short note cery
5e4]ile4n4]m, gcarlcanaim, v. I pursue closely, per 5eAp4jm, geasaim, v. I divine-, foretell
secute 5e<piin, geasan, s. m. an oath, a vow
5enlennrhuin, gearleahmhuin, "| , . .. 5e4pl4c, geaslach, a. active ; r. e. snforhac. e.f.
!, geasmhaol, s. spinning; . e. j-njom. . g.
5*jrhA5*, gearmftagaUtC, s. ai. a scarcasm, a bitter 5e4pft5, geasrog, is. superstition, superstiti-
jest 5e4pp54, geasrogadh,) ous ceremonies
5en)m*jn, Gedrmaln, Gertnany 5eApf54C, geasrogach, a. superstitious
5eajime*p4c, geavmheasach, a. neat 5e4pjjj, geasroir, s. m. a conjurer
5s4j ne-jrh, gear nehnh, s. petty spurge; Euphorbia , gest, see 5JOf
peplus 5*1, geastal, s. m. a deed, fact
SeHjt, gearr, a. short, laconic 5e4pral, geastal, s. m. want, need, necessity
5*], gearr, s. m. a weir tor catching fish 5ertr, geat, s. milk
5*j}t*c, gi'arrac/, s. . the flux 5e*r4, geata, \ _ate
Se4ji}t*t>, gearr'dhi s. m. a cutiing 5e4t4t>, geatadh, j "
5eKptt, gearrad/i, s. m. a tax, tribute, rent 44]1, geataire, s. m. a small cake
Se4jj4t54!i, searraddn, see 5*}*454 5e4C4)t, geatdr, v. let him, &c. be woundedj ut.
54-1404, geat'idhuic'ach, a. sharp-sighted . 50^4*1
. . 16. , geatrach, a. fearful, timid
540-5], gearradh-guiri, s. a quail 5eAC]t4]m, geatraim, v. I adorn, make neat
5e4]]4n))i) tearradoir, s. m. a cutter , ged, s. m. the head
5e4ji]4)Tn, gcariaim, v. I shorten , ged, conj. but
Seaftjiin, gedrran, s. rft. a Work-horse, a hack Se, s. m. a goose
, Gearran, s. the last week in February 5ec4l, gedal, s. m. a reed
5e*Hjin-4jo, geartan-ard, s. a hobby. S/i. , gedas^s. m. pike-fisb
5*5)4, gearrasgian, s. a dirk, stiletto , geg, s. f. a bough, an arm
5e4pfcop4C, gearrchosach, a. short-boed SeJ&e4l, geibheal, s. a pledge
5e4]tpe4]ib4ll, gcarreaihall, s. a bob-tail 5ejbe4l, geibheal, s. chains, fetters
, gearr-cai bullae//, a. bohtailed 5e)Bjm, geibhim, v. Iget, obtain, find, receive
Seappjna, gearrfhladh, ?. m. a bare , ~) s. m. fetters, prison, cap-
5e4f]po)jtm, gearrfhoirm, s. an extract, abridgment ^, geibhonn, I tivity.bondage; any^ great
5e4]*r>5u)n> gearrghuin, s. a horse-leech 5e)D]on*p, geibhwnnas, $
54|5, gearrog, s. f. Fortune, fate, destino- Seiir Seibhih s- f- a valley
S 4 Jijt 4054 i<, gerrshaoghakch, a. short-lived Seiblp, geibleid, s. f. a sloven
541)1, gearrshuileach, a. short-sighted 5e-)blpeac, geibleidack, a. slovenly
S4J14, geartha, part, cut gejbli*>e4, geblerdeachd, s. f. slovenliness
SfjwiircitoA' gcartssmddh, s. . investigation. 5. Sejllbl^b geibhlighim, v. I fetter, put in chains
/. 21. 5eiDl]5im, geibhlighim, v. I pledge, mortgage
, gearsmacd> s. f. severity, wrath 5epc4l geideal, s. a fan
gearsom, s. entrance money , gfi/An', s. violence
-0!1*" ->'5- a cut-purse 5ej5eftrhu)l,

Sjseamtijl, geigeamuil, a branched, branchy Sejnenrhujl, geinneamhuil, a. cuneiform

ej'Ffe(5f4, geilIhreagrcdh, s. stipulation, reply ejnjjte, geinnire, s. m. a hammer
Sejjpjne, gei/fine, s. the first tribe, or firstborn oe]jre4t>, gf'mnireachd, s. f. hammering
bejljop, pufos, s. f. traffic Sejneog, geinneog, s. f. a pun die
ojll, geiil, s. meaning, sense, expression; cu)}ijm bejjrn, geinnim, v. I press, squeeze
*n gejll, I will declare Bejnce, geinte, s. a gentile, an infidel ; ?ty bu}
, gelll, gen. of =jaI1, the jaw c ocup t>eo>jA|* oc epitju pipie, -j n) pjl
jnoju, ocup cec ole 00 gnjcjp gejnce to Bnjtep
5sjlle, geiUt \ s' submission, obedience ujl] j tjp nejieno ir]n jmripreu, an b-ABHAir;
Sjlle, galle, s. gives, fetters ^ )\ mA." fit. Ad.
Sjlle*ojn, geilleachdin, s. obeying, reverencing, Sejnce, geinte, -) . ,
Semej, tM, JParL be^ot' beSottei1
3]lle<tml4co, geilleamhlachd, a. obsequiousness benceojf, genleoir, s. m. a begetter, sower, planter
Sjlle*riu]l, gedleamhuil, a. obsequious bejnrjle*, geintileach, s. m. a gentile, pagan
5jllj5jm, geillighim, \) v- 1T serve' obe3'
Sjlljm, gallim, w do
. homaSe
, Sejncjleac, geintileach, a. heathenish
5e)ntjleo4r, geintileachas, n
Sejlhop, geillios, s. kindness, friendship Sejntjlep, geintileas, ' .m" Paganism, ,do-
Sejllpjne, geillsinc, s. submission, hostage bejnclie, geintlihe, V 1**'>. geiltll|sm, in-
BepdjeAc, gdntlidbacht, V 1" sforcer-v'
Sejlm^ni.^ff/ZwKH. s. f. a pilchard Sejntlpeap, geintlidheas, ) WUeh<ft
Sejlc, s. f. pasture, pasturage
Sejlt, geilt, s. f. terror 5j|t oi/r, s. ?. suet, tallow, grease
3e)lt, geilt, s. f. a wild man or woman, one living in bjji-bpejedrmup, geir-breiiheamhnas, s. m. severe
woods judgment
Se|lc, -geilt, adj. mad, wild 5-Jle, fare, compar. of g*]!, sharp
5)m, geim, s. f. a roar, shout, bellow 5j)e, geire, ~) . .
Sejmea, geimeadh, s. lowing of cattle S |,er, geireaeht, Is' f' harPness, sourness, tart-
Sejmeal geimheal, \ s. chains, gives, fetters, res- Bjpe^, ^W, ) ness' harshess> s^-enty
5ejme*n, gcimhean,} traint, bondage, captivi- 5]}te) geireach, a. greasy
Scjrrqol, geimhiol ) ty jpejonAp, geireghoms, wounding severely, sharp-
|,m,m, gemim J cutting
Sejmnjm, bjpgjn, geirgin, samphire; Crithmum maritimum,
Sejmiea, geimnm,) ' 1
geimleach, s. m. a captive. MlPar. 6. &)|), geiridk, s. f. keenness
Sejirilent), geint/ileachd, s. f. a bond or chain
Sjmneft, gehnneaeh, a. lowing, beHowing bj|)m, in, j ' g
Serre, prrf*. mwinter b]jjncle4t), geirinUe.ichd, s. f. sagacity, subtilty
Sejmjieat), geim/ireadh, y S]|t]ncleoc, geirmtlcachdach, a. subtle
5)1]1, geimhreamhuil, a. wintry SjpleanAjm, geirleanaim, v. I prosecute, persecute
Sejrfipjr, getmhrith, s. m. winter. Cor. Sjpleanrhum, geirleanmhuin, ) f pereecuti
5ejn, w?, s.s.a aconception,
wedge 5j|le*nrhu)nc, geirleanmlmint, y ' r
gjn, gem, embryo, offspring; # 5jjleAnro)i, getrleantuir, s. m. a persecutor
]to gfe gjn Ixoj bjtoj." . Fionch. 5jjrhjn|54t>, geirmhiniughadh, s., a gloss or short
5jn, , s. a birth ; " O ^ 50 gjn Cpjpt." comment
5jn, gein, adv. long, far; anjn, while Bejjnel, geirneal7 s. m. a granary
5)>, geineadh, s. generation, begetting 5e)lnjn, geirnin, s. f. a snare
5ejne*o*n, geineadan,'. m. genitals 5e] jle, geirre, s. a brief, abridgment
Sejneala, gemealach, s. m. a genealogy, pedigree, 5ejftpp5]t, gcirrsgiath, s. a short shield
family, generation Sejnre**. g^^c/ias. agh-lftlass} aJamsel
Seinearhnac, geinearnhnach, a. genitive Sejppeob, geirseog, ) 6
SejneAihujn, geineamhuin, s. f. a birth, conception 5}p, fflj, s. f. a tribute
5ejne]ulc4, geinearalta, a. general 5jp, gets, s^f. a prayer
Sejneo, geineog, s. f. a gem Sejp, #>> s- f- a swa"
Sejnroe 5|-]e, geinide grinne, an extraordinary de 5)p> Sc"t s- f- a vow> promise, protest
gree of prowes. The glossarists explain this phrase 5ip, fe> s- f- a custom orcler .
thus : " ejnire ], /'. e. gAjpceA * ^ bjp, 5*> s- f- a prohibition or injunction
n<on-riAjt bujle.'" bipe*t>-, geiseadh, s. intreaty
5e)njm, geinim, v. I beget,, generate 5jpe*, geiseadh, s. imposing tribute ; *< gjpeivp
5))16, geiniolach, see gejne*l*c buAl* nrhAt) pi) pleArA"
Sejnmot, geinmotlia, prep, except, save gg. jg-e.f, s. f. a creaking noise, creak, roar
'EejnV geinn, s. f. a wedge Settle**, geiseadh, s. a creaking ^ ^j
Bejienc, geinneach, a. stout, firm-

Sejr&eainujI, geisgeamhuil, a. creaking, roaring SeonAj, geonaidh, s. a leech ; see quot. at aoio
SejrneAC, geisncach, enchanted. Sh. beorAt>n, geosadan, s. m. a small stalk, shaft, arrow
Sel, gel, s. m. frost, Chald, geled, ice Seorn, geosan, s. m. the belly
SeljocA, gclchiochach, a. white-breasted, old p. Seot, geoth, forgAof, the wind
Belcenj, geltenidh, s. light emitted from rotten , geoth, s. m. the sea, ocean
wood eo^At), geothadh, s. a bay, a creek
5cm, gem, s. m. a gem; " i. e. gemma ; i. e. n &V> ge>; s. ruminating ; Heb. gerah, to ruminate
Ijcc logriiAp." Cor. Sep, ger, conj. though, altho'
Sen, gen, s. m. a sword Sep, ger, a. sharp, sour
Sen, gen, s. m. a hurt, a wound SepAjnt, geniint, s. complaint
Scnpjor, genchrios, s. m. a sword-belt SpAir, grait, s. f. a virgin
, gendeabhaim, v. I fence 5jAre, grait, a. holy
SenopeAnAjm, gendreanaim, v. I fence, fight with a SpAjr, grait, see )
sword , gerar,\
Sen-opeanAjpe, gendreanaire, s. m. a gladiator, a SecAp, getar;\seeWV
fencer Sug, geug, see gAg
SenmocA, genmotha, adv. besides, over and above ; 5u5A, geugach, see ^aja6
" RuAjtJpi Su)Bne rneic Sujbne - 51, geulran, s. m. a fan
f*]5. t?o rh*p6t> 1 Caaj1 noun ConoAjp ~\ bup, geur, a. sharp, sour, edged
5a1!occ1a]5 ojie genmorjArom." 4 Mast. 1424. Sup, geur, a. seriou; j-muAjn 50 gup. S. A. 29.
Senmora, genmotha, prep, except, save only ; " N) SupACOA, gewachdach, a. sharp
p*j6e a SeAn ^enmof moppejreAp, ] - SupAt, geurad, s, sourness, sharpness
up luce ojie ) AgAj." 4 Mast. 5upAAt), geuraghadh, s. souring, sharpening
1431." |r pjrpb rJIA CIA ln bljAAjn ] A-tyU, geurag-bhilach, the herb agrimony. Sc.
*c ]>) SenmocA jn ^." Lee. 5]5), geiiraighim, v. I sharpen, sour, whet
, gentlidheach, s. m. a gentile, a heathen bnpA]neAn, geuraineachd, s. f. passing wit, sarcasm
, geocach, s. . a stroller, a vagabond; a pa upAjneAco, geuraineachd, s. f. argumentation
rasite 5, geuranack, a. sarcastic, argumentative
5, geocach, s. m. a glutton, spendthrift SupCAireA, geurchaiscadh, sharpness
^ a. gluttonous, raven SupcluAjr, geurch/uais, s. short notice, quick hearing
56, geocach, ous, edacious, vora Supcopg, gcurchosg, a. antacid
)!, geocachamuil, cious ; strolling, va- Supujre, geurchuise, s. m. subtilty
_ grant, profuse SupcujreA, geurhuiseh, a. subtle, yare
SeocAt), geocachd, s. f. gluttony 5up]:]orpA, geurfliiosrach, a. well-informed
)5), geocaighim,\. I stroll ; gormandize, spend SupjocAl, geurfhocal, s. m. a witticism, a gibe
in eating and drinking SeupfoclAC, geurfhoclach, a. full of repartee, witty
SeocAipe, geocah e, \ s. m. a debauchee, a reveller, Supfe, gcurg, s. a bile
Seoccoty, geocthoii rir, J a glutton Supb** geurgath, s. a dart, javelin
510, geccaireachd, s. f. gluttony SupjtleAfco, geurinntleackd, s. f. subtilty
SeocAiiujl, geocamhu'd, a. strolling, gluttonous SuppTCleACOA, geurinntleachdach, a. subtile
, geochd, s. m. a wry neck 5")0., geuschuireach, a. strict, rigorous
Seoc;jAC, gcochdach, a. having a wry neck 5]At)*p, giabhar, s. m. a prostitute, a whore
eo, geodh, s. m. a goose, plur. ^eop, geoisAC, 5ia), gial, J the jaw, cheek; Welsh, cil
georA, jeottACA', and gjtJjTe 5)aH, ?al , S * *
5)1, geodhlann, s. a goose-pen 5jaI1, s. m. a hostage, surety, pledge, deposit,
SeoyiA, geogna, s. a hurt, wound forfeit, a wager
Seojn, geoin, s. f. derision SiaIU, gMa, s. softness
Seojn, geoin, s. f. assurance, certainty, proof S^lUpeAr, giollaidheacht, s. captivity
Scojn, geoin, s. f. a confused noise 5jAllbp*t> giallbhrat, s. a neck-cloth, cravat
5eo]n, geoin, s. f. a fool, foolish person Slam, giamh, s. m. a defect, fault
5]1, gcoilrean, s. m- a fan 5]0, giamkach, a. defective, faulty
geolAc. gcolach s m. a bandage put round the shoul Siatic, gwnecA, a. lazy
ders and arms of the dead ; geolAC opr, is a com SiATiAipe. vanatre, s. m. a lazy person, an idler
mon imprecation SlbeA, g&cach, a. neat, pretty
SeolAti, geolaih, see jeolrAp ^.UoaI oibe.aU s. a covering, an outside coat
SeoUn, geolan, s. m. a fan
SeolmAC, geolmhac, s. m. a jowl ; geolniAc bpAtsm SW ^iu^r'
Sibne, thread. ,
Scolf , geoltkadh, s. a yawl 5 bne, s. a cupping-horn
Seon, geon, s. m. an oath, security, proof Sibne, g*"'' s- a greJ'-houiu1' a doS> cub
Z)v,gidh, who, what, gj b' )p b)t, whosoever BjobAAo, giobachad, s. roughness
5|o, gidA, ) conj. though, although, yet, not- bjobA, giobadh, s. m. a pull, tug
fejeAo, gidheadh, ) withstanding, nevertheless bjobAim, giobaim, v. I tear, tug, pull
5jr>jeAn, gidhrean, s. m. a barnacle 5]1, giobal, s. m. fur, down, hair
SiSJte, gigilt, - ,. , ,. )1, global, s. m. canvas, a garment, cast clothes,
5,5le, Ji>/W,}8- tlcklmS
a rag, clout
5j5)r Kitf s. a masquerade 5jobAb, giobalacA, a. hairy, ragged
5]5)rAjjiaco, gighisairahd, s. masquerading 5]obg, giobog, s. f. a gipsey
Sl'j1" v. I tickle 5)b5, giobog, s. f. a rag, fringe
5)5ne Pg*e> s. begetting, generation: i. e. gejne- Sjobog, giobog, s. f. a sheaf, bundle, handful
<tmu]n. o. g. sJbg, giobog, s. f. a largess, boon, meed, donation*
5)5Jt4nt), gigrantt, s. a whirligig. Cor. gift, gratuity, endowment
5)1, 7, s. water EjobgA, gubogach, a. ragged
5ll*]t>, gilaid, s. f. a little creek Bjobogn, giobogan, s. m. a fring
5jle, gile, compar.of ge*! white 5)oc, giodh, conj. though, altho'
]1, gileab, s. a chissel 5joca I, giodal, s. m. flattery
5]leb*im, gileabaim, v. I chissel 5jooaj, giodar, s. m. dung, ordure
3jle, gile, \ 5joeAt>, giodAeadh, see g)eeAt>
5)le4o, gileachd, > s. whiteness 5joj4n, giodhran, s. m. a barnacle
)1>, gdeadj )
5)ortjit, giodAtracht, adv. nevertheless, bowbeit
Sjljce, gilide, compar. of gel, white, fair blopc, giofacA, a. dutiful, officious
Sjlle, gille, see' sjoIIa , giofacAd, ) _ , .
5jlle*CAp)o, gilleacfiafiom, a. periwinkle, that dyes b)oF*)peAc, giofaireachd, J"' f' ^
purple, SA. 5]0fA)|e, giofaire, s. m. a client
b)lle*g*n, gilleagan, s. m. a doll Sjojrg, giofog, s. f. a female client, a gipsey
^Ue-bojwpe, gilk-boidhre, s. a fox. SA. SjogA, giogach, s. m. a bag, budget
]11-], gU-bride, s. an oyster-catcher 5jog4t>, giogadh, s. m. cringeing
5)llep)0clU)n, gillefionntruin, see 5]lle*6*fjoR. JA. BjOgAl, giogal, s. m. a following, pursuit
5)llej:uinbl), gillefuinbrim, a. periwinkle. SA. BjogAbjm, giogalaim, v. I follow, pursue
Sille-nr)iAjn, gille-mirain, s. a whirligig. A. BjogjtA, gioghrann, s. a plain
ajile mu lean, mu kann, s. a sea-weed like a Bjogun, giogun, s. f. a thistle -
rope. ./. bjoUe, gioladA, s. leaping nimbly
Sjlljn, gt/, s. f. an eunuch, a gelding )1), giolaid, s. f. a little crele
SjlljteAC, gillitheach, s. m. a page, a lacquey 5)oUm, giolam J
Silljee, gillitheach, a. faithful 5,1, gwlaman, )
5)lm, gilm, s. buzzard SjolAm-golAim, giolam-golaim, tittle-tattle
Sjlmjne, gilmeineacA, a. dainty EjolDjrr*, Giolbheisd, s. f. a Naiad
bjlnemg, gilnemAog, s. f. a water-adder Bjolc, /, \s. m. a reed, cane, broom
5jmljr>, gimleid, s. f. a gimlet SjoIcac, giolcacA,}
5jm, f/ffl, s. a fleak BjoIca, gii/cach; s. m. a place where reeds or canes
\\>, gimlcacA, s. m. one in fetters grow
5jn, gin, s. f. a birth 5jo1ca6 rlejDe, g'wlcach sleibAe, common broom ; Spar-
5]n, s. f. a mouth. For. foe. tium scoparium
5m, gin, s. f. a gum. Cor. 5)olcA]te, giolcaire, s. aflippant fellow
Bjnenlac, ginealach, see gejneAlA ?]olcAmu]l, giolcamhuil, a. broomy, reedy
ginealach, a. generation BjolcAnA, giolcamch, a. flippant
5)ne*fhnAC, gineamhnach, a. genitive SjoIcAnAt), giolcanachd, s. f. flippancy
SjneAmujn, gineamhuin, s. a bud, sprout, birth jolg, gielcAcg, s. f. a reed
SjneAibumeac, guineamhuimach, a. genial. Sh. Bioll, gioll, s. m. a hostage, pledge
Bml, g*/, see C)n4l bjoll*, giclla, s. m. a man servant, a boy, a lacquey
Smell, ginell, s- an order of battle in the form of a 5}ollAt>A trluAg, giolladha an tsluagA, the baggage
triangle, or wedgewise or attendants on an army
Sjng, ging, s. a bounce, a flirt 5jollA-A)fm, giolla-airm, s. an armour bearer
Smjm, g'"** see ejnjm biollA-AnjAp, giolla-anraidh, s. the attendant on a
5i, ginn, see gep a poet ; a chariotter. Leb. oiris
Smrrn, g'mtin, s. f. begetting, growing SjolU-bujltT!, giolla-butrd, s. a waiter, butler
Slob, giobt s. a tail 5jollA-cA]tbA)t>, giolla-carbaid, s. a coachman, postil
5jobA, fZoacA, a. rough, hairy, ragged lion
BiolU-coire, giolla-coise, s. a footman, a runner
Qqq SjollA-copAjn,
5J0 GIO 121 GLA

SjolU-copAjn, giolla-copain, s. a cup-bearer bjorcn, gioscan, s. m. gnashing, gjorcn-acAl,

bjolU-ej, giolia-eich, s. m. a groom, ostler gnashing of teeth
SjolU-eajiBujIl, giolla-earbhuiu,\&. m. a page, a SjorcTiA, giosconech, a. gnashing, grating
bjolb-ygunin, giolla-sguain, j train-bearer SjOfb, g'osg, ~\
Sjolle-gjulajn, giolla-giulain, s. m. a porter ojorgjn, giosgain, s. . barm, yeast
Sjoll4-5|fAjt>, giolla-graidh, s. m. a confident, a chief jorr, giost, )
servant, secretary SjorcAjpe, giostaire, s. m. an active old man
Sjolla-jomajn, giolla-iomain, s. m. a plough-boy 5]orx4]jieAy, giostaireas, s. old age
Sjolla-munni, giolla-muchain,s. m. chimney-sweeper S)ortA])teAr, giostaireas, s. activity
Sjolbo, giollachd, s. f. service, conduct, management 5]1, giostat, s. m. a fact, deed
of an affair Sjoca, giota, s. an appendage, dpendance
SjolUrhujl, giollamhuil, a. servant-like 5)1, giratan, s. a periwinkle. Cor.
Sjollftr, giollas, s. m. service Sippjr, girreis, s. f. insolence
5]olrfi4jm, giolmhaim, v. I solicit Sipt, girt, s. m. a girth, cingle
5jolmne, glolmanach, s. m. a tattler ], girtaim, v. I girth, lace
5]1, giolmanachdt s. f. tattling 5]rejl, giseil, s. f. a line
&J0TT1, giomh, s. a fault SjuoaI, giubhal, s. the chirping of birds
Slorh, giomh, s. a lock of hair 5lubn, giulan, "I _ ,,
)" giomh, s. a fleak ' SlubAnA, ?W, ) s- m- a fly ; ^ gwybodm
, giomhach, s. m. a lobster 5]uDAj-, giubhas, s. m. & f. fir, pine-tree ; Abis
5]om*na, giomaiiach, s. m. a hunter SjubpA, gtubhsach, s. m. a fir-wood, a forest of fir
]:6, giomantacht, s. f. hunting 5jucfAm, giucram, s. moaning, complaining noise
SjorhAp, giomhas, s. m. fringe Sjuge, giugach, a. drooping, starved
Sjomg, giotnog, s. f. a bolster 5ju]5, gtuig, s. f. a drooping trembling attitude
5jomjie, giomhreann, s. f. a part Siujl, ghlit, s. f. a following, pursuit
5)on, gion, s. will, desire SjulAjm, giulaim, v. I follow, gup gjujl, i. gup
S'jon, gion, power ; 50 gjon yo) jr clo)t>eArn leAn. . g.
5|on, gion, s. the mouth Sjuln, giulan, s. m. a bearing, carrying, burial,
5)on, gion, conj. alchougli, notwithstanding, however funeral
SjonAC, giomich, a. hungry, voracious, gluttonous Sjuln, giulan, s. . conduct, conversation, com
gjomco, gionachd, s. f. hunger, gluttony portment
Sjonajpe, gionaire, s. m. a greedy-gut SjulnAjm, giulanaim, v. I bear, suffer, carry
5|onDA)p, Gionbhair, January SjulnAjm, giulanaim, v. I comfort, behave
Sjonc, gionc, s. a dog 5ju)Iaca>, gmllachadh, s. cherishing
5jo]*acac, gioracach, a. talkative, noisy 5]urtiAr, giumfias, see 5]uDAf
5joj4C4ie, gioracaidhe, s. m. a chatterer |uRac, giunnach, s. m. hair, . e. polt. e.g.
Sjopacajm, gioracaim, v. I chatter, prate BjuJn, giuran, s. m. the gills of a fish
5)o)AC4n, gioracan, s. m. a babbler 5ju)ifAt>, giurrad, s. shortness
5jof4]c, g.oraic, s. f. loud talking, noise, tumult Sjuppe, g'urre, a. shorter
5j0p*ma, gioramhach, a. greedy, covetous -jurcA, giusta, s. a can, tankard
5)<>)*4, gioiamhachd, s. f. greediness, covetous- Bjujta!, giustal, s. jousts, tournaments ; the games
ness or athletic exercises formerly used by the Irish at
SjopAmn, gioraman, s. m. a hungry fellow their public meetings
Spinae, gioranach, see ^ BjutAl, giutal, s. m. cackle, prattle
5]0l5, giorog, s. f. dread, fear blAbAjpe, glabaire, see blAgAjpe
SiopgAc, gioiogach, a. timid, fearful blAbAjleAco, glabaireachd, s. f. talk, babble
5)0lp, giorra, a. compar. of geajj, short 51ac, glac, s. f. the palm of the hand, 1 mo Ujce
SpppAC, giorrach, s. . short and dry heath, or hair 51, glac, s. f. a fork, a prong
5)0jH*t)n, giorradan, s. m. a periwinkle , glac, s. f. a quiver
^0^tiJura,de'\S- buttock, a haunch 5Iac, glac, s. f. a narrow glen
, glacach, s. f. a strain or disease in the hand
Bjo^lA)"i, giorrarm, v. 1 glut, pamper, cram 1, glacach, a. forked
Siowub giorrughadh, s. abridging, abridgment BIaca, glacadh, s. acceptance, receiving, feeling,
5io]lui5*e> Vtrrutghthe, part, abridged apprehending
)> g'rru,sSc> a. inconsiderate , glacadan, s. m. a repository
frolt*U]m, giortalaim, v. I patch; mend 5Iacab)1i, glacadoir, s. m. a receiver
^, gioscan, s. m. the grating noise made by )>, glacaid, s a handful
the turning of a wheel or hinge that wants grease 1] , glacain, see sIacajI
or oil 1}1, glacail, s. taking, seizing, handling

51*crt)m, glacaim, v. I accept, receive, take, seize, 5U]nn, glainnfiach, s. m. glutton

feel, apprehend 5U]re, glaise, compar. of gl]-
bfocAjpe, glacaire, s. m. an apprhender, catcher '*]> glaise, s. poverty
&lAC]pe<t), glacaireachd, s. f. impressing bUjre, glaise, i s. greyness, greenness, ver
Shcjpeer, glacaireacht, s. f. handling, touching. 51]4, glaiseachd,) dure ; a shade, eclipse
5l4jrjn, glauein, s. a kind of finch
SUcU, glacalach, ).,,, , 5l4jrun, glaiseun, s. a green-linnet
5 4jr4)n-04]U}, glasain-daraich, s, a green -finch. $t.
Bldcn, glacan, s. m. a prong, fork 4jr4]n-re4l4]C, glaisain-sealaich, s. a wag-tail. ic.
Blacna, glacanach, a. forked 5l4]r-leun, glais-lcun, s. pepper-grass, lesser spear-
51cle4D4]|, glacleabhair, s. m. a pocket-book wort
blacg, glacog, s. f. a narrow glen SI4JC, glait, a. prepared
51co)n, glacoin, s. a bundle, a faggot Slm, glam, s. m. an outcry, shout, noise, clamour
Since*, glactha,
*I*cu,|te, 1
^MI^^,}Parttaken' . , .
handled, Slnw, glamach, a. edacious
5!4m4t>, glamadh, s. satirizing
pe. i/,gladaide. Cor. j
s. m. a gladiator
, . Sltmjm, glamaim, v. I devour, gobble
5l4m4jm, glamaim, v. I seize eagerly
, glaedh, see jIod 5l4m4jm, glamaim, v. I censure, criticize
EUe, glaedh, adj. broad blm4jm, glamaim, v. I cry out, bawl
51* f* /, a. broad 5l4m4jle, glamaire, s. m. a noisy silly fellow
SUfajpe, glafaire, see gkgjpe 144]1, glamaire, s. m. one that greedily snaps at
51 , "War, \ a thing
SUFJU, gllfoL, ) Mattering 5l4rh4]|e40, glamhaireach, s. m. a continual talker
5l4rii4)le4, glamhaireach, a. greedy, griping
5l<54))te, giagaire, s. m. a babbler, a prating fellow 5l4i4jlte4C, glamhaireachi, s. f. gluttony, voracious
Slagn, slogan, s. m. a clapper, the jack of a mill ness
51*54n-oo}u)p, glagan-doruis, s. m. the knocker of a 5l4m4]|te4ct>, glamaireachd, s. f. constant babbling
door Slrhr4n, giamhsan, s. m. a murmur, noise
51*54Jiid, glagartha, a. flowing slowly, sluggish Slimranuite, glamhsanuirhe,~\
Slftjb, glaib, s. f. dirty water, puddle J? ~ glamnsoir,
Swmrojp, i : Jr& m. a murmurer
5l]c, glaic, s. f. a handful, a grasp SUn, glan, a. clean, pure, sincere
5lA)ce*ra, glaiceasach, a. athletic 5Un, glan, s. m. a laugh ; i. e. 543)16
5l4jccjn, glaictin, s. m. a fardle, a bundle 514>, glanadh, s. m. washing, cleansing, purifying
5l*roe, glaidhe, s. fodder 54n4t>jj, glanadoir, s. m. a cleanser
BUjceArhujn, glaidheamhuin, s. a wolf ; " i. SUnajm, glanaim, v. I cleanse, brighten, purify
tfre." Cor. 5l4n4riiujl, glanamhuil, a. abstergent
)>1, glaidin, s. f. a glutton 5144, g/a)ias,.s. purity, brightness
a^trjneac, glaidineach, a. gluttonous 5l4nb4]b glanbhar, s. a.good head of hair
51)1, glixidineachd, s. f. gluttony 5l4nB4, glanbhdha, a. smiling ; of superior beauty ;
bl*)5n, s/ai/, see g^ipe t. e. gUn <ob4 ; gUn, i. e. b*]pe. 0. g.
5l4]fe4, g.'aiscach, s. m. foam 5144]1, glanfhair, s. a true sign or similitude ; . .
, } s. a great noise, clamour, veiling, gUn jrOfe4J

1*,, *fcA, j howling, pitiful complaint," a com-

monrepo'rt Sbng, glang, s. m. a shoulder
5l4njt4b4t>, glanrabhadh, s. clearness of expression
bljm, |', s. a hauling, dragging SUnU, glanlach, s. a fence, a dike
Sl&pti, glaimh, s. censure SUnUjSjm, glanlaighim, v. fence, enclose, intrench'
Sia-jrhje, gl'iimhghe, s. much, plenty; i. e. )om*t> 5Unrn4n, glanmhan, s. clean wheat ;. /'. e. m4?i gUn
51)], glamiun, s. f. a spendthrift, a glutton 5l4np404jc4, glanradharcach, a. clear-sighted
BUjmm, glaimm, s. a large mouthful, a gobbet SUnpujrc. glanruisc, common eye-bright; Euphrasia
5l]rnjim, glaimhnighirn, v. I roar, cry out officinalis
SUjmreo]Jb glaimseoir, s, m. a voracious eater 51414, glansa, clean thou ; 2d. pers, imper.of 5I4-
51], glaine, s. cleanness, brightness n4jm
SUme, glome, compar. of gUn, clean, bright 514, glanta, a. clean, washed
51*jne, glaineach, a. pellucid 54nr4]b}eAt), glantaibhreadh, s. clearness of expres
5l*)ne*co, glaineachdy 1 s. f. cleanness, neatness, sion
5, glainead, J brightness 5l4nco)le4C, glanthoUeach, a. curious. Sh,
5U-je, glainne, s. glass 51an]H, glantoir, s. m. a cleanser
BUjrtedCjl, glainneadoir, see blojneafcojj* SUntojueaco,
rojjtt glar.ioireachd, s. f. purifying, (
Slittercjftn-lKr, glainne-cian~amharc, s. a teles weeding
cope SlAriTOJpj,
*nsj))5, glantoirigk, s. snufFe
uflers 51eAt>, gleachd, see glejco *~ ~~
5<ob, , s. m.
- glue,
glue, bird-Ik
bird -lime 1, gltacuidhtacht, s. f. strife, variance
5<o,->, glaodh, s. m. a roar, shout, cry 51>, gleadh, ? ,
>^, glaodh, s. m. grief 5!), gleadhna, \ * tncks' sllaiIb bum0Ur
0]<DA, glaodhach, a. glutinous 5150, gleaghad/i, industry
51<ot>4, glaodhach, a. roaring, noisy 5leAAjr>, gleaghaidh, s. vegetation, bearing leaves
5!<ooaca, glaodhnehadh, s. agglutination 5eA5Ajm, gleaghaim, v. I keep, save
1040, glaodhadk, s. conglutination SiAgUn, gleaghlan, a. bright, clear, immaculate
5l>Ajm, gleodhaim, v. I glue, agglutinate bleAjliA, gleaghrach, s. a loud cry, shout
!*], glaodhalm, v. I call, bawl, roar, shout 5!eAgcA0, gleashtach, a. frugal,- savins
, glaodhan, s. m. pith of wood &'*Jlb gleair, a. neat, clean, fair
"IcoAnAC, glaodhanach, a. agglutinant, agglutinative 511, ghat, a. exceeding ivhite or clear
|(01, glaodhar, s. in. pertness, racket 51!)51, glealaighim, v. I whiten, blanck
bluKAti, gluoghan, pipes, tubes blArbfA, gleamhsa, s. a slow long draught of liquor
blooj, glaoidh, s. a heap, a pile SlArhpAC, gleamlisach, a. tedious, slow
<0)64, glac'idheamhan, s. m. a wolf 51, gleamhsa, s. continual speaking
Shjce, glaoulhlhe, part, called 5le4n, glean, s. following; /'. e. leAmfiAjn. o.g.
5!oji*n, gliwran, s. the blossom of wood-sorrel 5leAn54jrAC, glcangarsacA, a. tinkling
5l<or4], glaothar, s. m. a noise, prating, chit chat SleA, gleann, s. m. a valley, a glen
5l<ofAjunra, glaotharanta, a. noisy, prating 51, gkatmach, a. of or belonging to a
5l<oc]in, glaothran, s. m. a rattle 5leAtAmu)l, gleanntamhuil, ) valley, steep, shelvin
5', s. in. a lock SleAnAjm, gleanaim, \ v. I follow, adhere to, sti
5!, glas, s. m. lamentation ; ;'. e. gleo ], ', 51), gleannaim, J close to
51, s. m. the sea \ Skanntan, \ "le valley, a defife
51, gfo?, a. green, verdant, pale, wan, poor 5!eAjA]m, glearam, v. I follow
5U|-ejm, glnsaim, v. I lock, fetter, seal 51, glearthach, a, pliable, flexible
51<tr4)|ie, glasahc, s. m. a prattler 5!, gleas, Blur
1|-}1, gfasamhuil, a. greenish, pale, wan, greyish 510, gleasadh, s. preparing, making ready
1, glasan, s. m. sallad, a sort of edible sea wrack SlAfAjm, gleasaim, se glurAjm
1, glasbhan, a. pale SleArA, gletisann, s. a store-house
1, glasda, a. pent, stuck up, locked 5lArrhA]t, ghasmhar, a. mannerly, orderly
516>, glasdcM, ) s. f. paleness, wan- 51[. gleasta, s. provision
5lAfoftit>e*o, ^daidheachd, J ness, crudeness 51, gleasta, see glurtA
\\, glasdaidh, a. pale, wan 51>, gkastachd, s. f. neatness, readiness, order,
Urojtc, glasghort, s. m. a green plot good humour
, glasghort, s. in. fodder 51eArr6)f, gleastoir, s. m. a farrier
?1, glaslamli, s. m. manicles, fetters SlgeAl, glegheal, a. very bright, clear
SbrljA, gl^iath* a- greyish 51-5Un, gle-ghlan, a. bright, clear
SUrrh*?> glasmha^h, is. a green plain ; poetically SlBjn, gltbhiv, a. manifest, true
? leriAi^, v/asm/iagh, $ the sea 5lejc, gleic, H f. wrestling, josding, combat,
^, glus/eut, s. grass 5le]f, lcichd,) conflict, contest
5lArrhu)it, g'asmhwr, s. the green sea 5le)ce4t>, gleiceadh, s. wrestling, contention
SlAj-nulAC, glasnadach, a. pale, wan 5t:}ceAt>jl<, gleiceadoir, s. m. a wrestler
5105, g/cto/r, s. f. a water- wagtail 5le]ceAr, gleiceas, s. m. wrestling
51^ glasiadh, s. verdure Slejcjn, glelcein, s. a shuttlecock
5hrini|5e, ghsiuighe, s. greens for eating Sleiqm, gleicim, v. I wrestle, contend
gUrttuiijm, ghsruhhim, v. I make green 51ejcteo]], gUlcthevir, s. m. a wrestler
51a ruArne, green 5lc)t>eAt>, gohtadh, s. keeping, preserving
51, p/' , s. glee ; Heb. gui, sgilah, rejoicing 5le]t)teAC, gleidhthrach, a. frugal, saving, industrious
51e. a pure, clean SllteAl, gleigheal, a. exceeding lair or white
5, git, a. opt n, plain, discovered
5!)le, gleile, \s. f. whiteness, pureness
5', If, a. good, perfect bldcA^, gledtachd.J 'I
5l, gU, a. enough 5lliie, ^wV' s- > Punty
51eac, elcac, see jlejc 5l)l<e. gleire, s. much, plenty, a great deal
SleAcA^e, gleacadhe, s. m. a combatant 5 jie, Ar/"re> s- choice, election
5leACA)m. fie cam, v. I wrestle, striegle Slipe! j/'rr, a. chosen, elected ; !<o gljjie
5Icacai]i- tUacair, s. m. a sl.oot, loud cry bleilimejn g,e'rmt,sh ?- a commissioner
SleAAr, glcadias, s. m. a gallery 511))' tkirnJtemghim, v. 1 cemmission
ejfj, gitith, s. f. feeding, grazing Sj]"5jn, glmgin, s. f. drunkenness
o ejr, a. pure, neat, clean Shirjm, gUmm, v. i f0]iow cjing tQ
bjejre, gleithe, s. grazing bljfi, gUnn, s. light
6 e,tjm, gleithim, v. I keep, save Sljii, glinn, s. the sky
o'ejrjm, gleithim, v. I clear, manifest, cleanse 5lm, glinn, s. the world
b\e)z}\\ gleitinn, s. m. a hard fight, an obstinate battle 5ij, glinn, s. a fort, fortress, garrison
jejcjpe, gkithire, s. m. a grazer, a gad-bee 6l], glinn, a. clear, plain, manifest
oleo, gleo, s. m. judgment, decision Sljn, glmn, gen. and plur. of 5lem, a valley
51eo, gUo, s. . a fight, uproar, tumult, disturbance bljne, glmne, s. a habit, cloak
i>leor, gleodh, s. m. a sigh, a groan . Sljne, glome, s. bail, security
bleot), gleodh, s. m. cleansing, scouring, polishing 5l)e4, glinneach, a. full of vailles
5leot>, gieodh, s. m. conclusion, final decree Sljneao, glinneadh, s. in. following, pursuit
Sleoac, gleoihach, a. mournful Sljnearrj! glinneastar, "leneapcoosImeartaH,
Sleocijjm, gleodhaim, see glejrim hoc virtus Dei proestitit." Brog.
5leom*n, gleodhman, s. m. a drowsy fellow 5l]yre40u]n, glinnjheachuin, s. intuition
SieobrrunftC, gleodhmanachd, s. f. drowsiness 5l])t>, glinnidh, a. manifest, clear
bleopc*, gleqfathach, a. expert, clever SijjujA', glmniughadh, clearing, observing
51eojo, gleoid, s. f. a sloven Sljfe, glinntheack, a. flexible, pliant "
5!eojoe*mujl, gleoldeamhuil, a. slovenly Sljobac, gliobach, a. hairy
Steojp, gleots, s. f. babble Slpbpajm, gliobhraim, see gljppjm
Bleojpeat), gleolseadh, s. babbling 5l]oc*p, gliocas, s. . wisdom, prudence, ingenuity,
Sleojpjm, gteoisim, v. I babble craft, cunning ; learning, politics
Sieojre, g/eoite, a. handsome, pretty, neat, pure, Sljocpa, gliocsa, a. knowing, sagacious, sage
tight, curious Bl)ogft}i, gHogar, s. slowness
5leomano, gleomanachd, s. f. sluggishness 51|05j, gliogar, Is. a tinkling, ringing
Sleojiftiimp, gleoramas, s. m. vain boasting 5*14 gliogarsnach,\ noise
51, gleorann, cresses ; Nasturtium 1)0514, gliogfirach, s. m. a chink
Sleojto, gleorann, wild angelica ; Angelica sylvestris Bljo(4)m, gliogiaim, v. I ring, tinkle
Sleop, glens, s. m. lamentation Sljotrm, gliomach, a. slovenly
Sleops, gleosg, s. f. a vain silly woman Bljonuc, gliomach, s. . 1 a lobster, a long-limbed
51eop5c, gleosgach, a. stupid, clumsy, vain Sljomg, gliomog, s. f. J fellow
5leops*jpe, gleosgaire, s. m. a vain stupid fellow l)om4-pp4jnte4, gltomach-spainteach, s. m, a craw
51eop5*]te<o, gleosgaireachd, s. stupid gestures fish
5leof)p5, gleothaisg, s. f. a vain silly woman
Sleotan, gleothan, s. m. a clue
51eie, glethc, a. clean 51)on5*m, gliongam, J =>
Bieren, gleien, s. glue Sljop4)le, gliosaire, s. a prating fellow
Slup, gleus, s. m. custom, manner, fashion, occasion 5ljopr4jlte, g/tostaire, s. m. a clyster
51up, gleus, s. m. order, mood, trim, gage 51ju, gliu, s- glue
blup, gleus, s. m. the key or gamut in music 5l-jut>4ir4, glitidhalta, a. glued
blup, gleus, s. m. furniture ; the lock of a gun 5I)U5*'> g'IKaa> s> ine clucking of a hen
Siupajm, gleusaim, v. I prepare, tune, arrange 51, gliumh, . glue
5lupt>, gcusda, \ a. ready, prepared, tuned, ar- 5l,urr4, }a.s,ow
Bleupr*, gleiista, J ranged, couciunous, diligent
blupcuo, gleustackd, s. f. diligence, attention 5l)upT4o, glMstachd, s. slowness
?l]i, gliath, s. m. war, battle 5loc4)]te, glocaire, s. m. a lubberly coward;
bljaoaji, gliadar, s. m. loquacity, pertness 104, glocan, see ^bcn
blj*t>}t4, gliadrach, s. m. a drab 5ioC4j, glochar, 7 s. breathing, respiration
Bl)*op6, gliadrach, a. sprightly, wanton Slo4im, glocharnach, j with difficulty
5ljat>}t4C, gliadrach, a. glittering, resplendant lorin, glochdan, s. m. a wide throat
$l]b, glib, s. f. a lock of hair Blocnjo, glocntd, the morning dram in bed. <$if.
5l]b, gi b, s. f. a slut 5lo5, giog, s a soft lump
Bl]b, glib, a. slippery bloglup, gloglumn, rolling of the sea in a calm
5l]bple*rbjn, glibshleamhin, a. slippery with sleet blojo, s. m. an idiot
S\\c, glic, a. wise, prudent, cunning, crafty bloioe*rhl4CT>, gloichdeamhlachd, s. f. idiotism
g;ioj454t>, glidiughadh, s. in. moving, stirring 5io]dr)e4iriuil, gloichdtamhud, a. idiotical
5lpj)m> gUdwghim, v. to move, stir ilojl'ionr*, gliolionta, a. crammed
)), glifid, s. f. a voice Bloine, ^ei, s. t. glass, a glass
bijrjijm, glifrim, v. I talk, make a noise 51oineftc, gloinecicb, a. v.treoue
Sljnj %Un, s. a generation ; prop, 5IW1 ' Rrr Slo^neAtfiu)!,

Slojnearhujl, ghineamhuil, a. glassy 5lu4]pe4o, glmireachd, s. f. brightness, neatness

o.ojne-lojj.-jg^ gloine-loisgtheach, s. a burning-glass ^'u*ir s. f. device, invention
olojnja, gloing/ia, a. glassy *>'*)> i^'a's> s. f. a gloss, interpretation
olojnjp, gioind/i, s. f. glass 5Iu4}re, gluaise, s. cleanness, neatness
bjnpjm, gloinidhim, 1T1 - Slu4jroe4c, gluaisdeuch, a. affecting, moving, pa
Slojnjm, ^>, *j v. I glaze, vitrify thetic
olone*Bjj, gloinneado'ir, s. m. a glazier 5hi4}re4r, gluaiseadh, s. m. marching, going
Suia-jrjm, gluaisim, v. I go, pass, move, march
*, s- f" SlorJ' radiance Sltu'jrrhjnjgjt, gluaismhinighidh, s. glosses, explica
S!]}-r]om;ojn, glolr-diomhaoin, s. vain glory tions
b[.}Ti jnjjjjm, ghirghnighim, v. I glorify Sluejrre, gluaiste, a. moved, stirred, provoked
olj}rh), gUirmatatm, s. ambition, 51u4pt>A, gluardha, a. pure, glorious ; vociferous
Slojtmj4*c, gloirmhiannach, a. ambitious, proud, 5!ii4r, gliia", see glor*
vainglorious 5hi4p4t), gluitSGc/id, s. f. a motion, gesture, pathos,
Sljp-pjm, glnlr-reim, s. pomp, triumph, pageantry stirring, provoking, instance ; 5lu4r4Ct> n* ceatt-
Sljp-pjmeAC, ghir-reimeach, a. pompous y44, 5ll!4r4c 4 riib4U
lojpipnra, gloislionta, a. full-stuffed, crammed,, 51uar4Co4c, gluasachdach, a. motive
thick-sot 5lu4f5, gluasog, s. f. a water-wagtail
SIo^T-ipeucn, ghitlreachd, s. f. gluttony 5!u4r)j, gluasoir, s. m. an interpreter
i>lom*, gkmar, s. m. a bridle 5lu4jT4, gluasta, a. explained, interpreted, expound
Sloriup, ghmhar, s. m. a muzzle, an instrument tied ed
in the mouth of any young animal to prevent its 51uc4]B, glucaid, s. f. a bumper
sucking Slug, glug, s. f. the noise occasioned by the motion
, glomwn, s. f. the evening of liquid in a vessel, a rumbling noise
5k>n)t>, glonaid, s. t\ a multitude S!u4c, ghtgach, a. stammering
Stofi, glonn, s. m. a calf; . e. lae b. Cor. 5lu54)]te, g'ugaire, s. m. one that has an impediment
hlo, glonn, s. . a deed, fact in his speech ; a talkative nonsensical fellow;
5lo, glonn, s. m. a loathing qualm Slugan, glugan, rolling like a ship at sea
Slojle, glannaile, s. a glorious deed 51u4n4, gkigaiiach, a. rolling, unsteady, tottering
Sloima)i, glonnmhar, a. loathing Slujne, g/uine, gen. and plur. of gln
i-i J- 7 ; }-a. g ittennsr, fulgent 5ljne4-De45, gluineach-bheag, common knot-grass;
Slonjtac, glonnrac/i, J 0 0 & Polygonum
Slonjiajm, glonraim, v. I glaze 51|ne40-t>e4p5, glu'meach-dhearg, see5l)ne4-iiij
Slonjiui^fe, glonruighthc, a. glazed 51]ne4-ub, gluincach-dhubh, climbing knot-grass ;
Slop, g/or, s. m. a noise, voice, speech, talk Polygonum convolvulus
Slo]t, a. clear, neat, clean 5ljneac-rh[, gluincach-mhor, dead or spotted knot
Slojuc, glorach, a. noisy, clamorous, talkative grass, persicaria or arsmart ; Polygonum persicaria
Sljiac, glorach, a. famous. Tor. Eig. Slujne4-t;ei;, g'uineac(i-tetli, water knot-grass, water
SlfiaiT), glorachadh, s. f. glorification pepper, lakeweed, arsmart ; Polygonum hydropiper
, gloraim, v. I sound, make a noise 51umear4T>, gluineasadh, the gout in the knee
clpAjr, glorais, s. boasting, talk, prating 51)ne-|n. gluinehi, s. a garter
tjHjrea, gloraiseach, a. boasting, verbose 5!uppe4CA)m, gluinfheacaim, v. I bend the knee
, gloramas, s. m. boasting talk Slujnj, gluing, s. f. the shoulder
010], gloramas, s. m. burliness Slivjr^eA^ac, gluisgheagach, a. full of green boughs
5ltiF)U4)5im, gloi bhuaighim, v, I boast Slurmsftn, glumagan s. . 1 a d
Slope*, glordha, a. glorious Slumo, giumcg, s. t. J 1
Sipo*. glordha, a. talkative. /'. 37. ( Shin, glim, s. f. a generation, a step, or degree
blfian, glordhachd, s. f. glorification Sln, glun, s. f. a knee
5l|irru)ir>jm. glormkaotdhim, v. 1 boast 5}n*)m, glumim, ) j knee, bend tbe knee
Slpnuj, ghnnhar, a. giorious, famous, celebrated Slnlubim, g/unwaim, )
pmjr, ghrmheid, s. boasting Slunrop, glundos, a. bandy-legged
glopugar, gloruhadh, s. glorifying. 5". 19. Sinnen, glwgan, s. m. a clink
5lof4t>, glo adh, s. a gloss, comment 5nb4t), glunlubhauh, s. genuflection
lof, gloth, s. f. a veil, covering SKir, glus, s. f. light, brightness
glof, gloth, a. wise, prudent, discreet 5lut4jlie, glutare, s. m. a glutton
510^4546, glothagacli, s. frog spawn 5ur4]le4CO, glutaireuchd, s. f. gluttony
gloram, glotain, s. f. a bosom 5141, glvtairidh, s. m. a glutton
S'orne, glotaire, s. m. a glutton
5n4, gnu, I s. manner, fashion, custom
5lor4iie4-e, glotaireaihd, s. ('.gluttony
SriAt, gnath,)
&u4]i, gfoair, a. pure, clean, neat, clear SnalluT",

5n*Bluj-, gnabhlus, cudweed ; Filago, germanica 5nj, gni, s. m. a voice *""

5n)4, guia, s. m. knowledge
5n*t>n, gnadan, s. m. a murmur onj, pria, s. m. a tree
Srutmjjte, gnadhuighthe, a. accustomed 5nj4, gnia, s. m. a servant
5n*e, gnae, s. f. a woman 5n}4, gnia, s. m. a judge, a knowing person
5n*jr, gnais, the female privity njt>, gniadh, s. a doing service
5ii*)f-e4rrn, gnaithsheasamh, s. perseverance
5n*rii*n, gnamhan, s. m. a sea snail, periwinkle 5njc, gnic, s. knowlege
5n*rnuj|, gnamhuil, a. peculiar, proper 5n^t>, fnidh, s. m. a voice ; i e. gut. Cor.
5TWO), gnaoi, s. f. the countenance, a grin 5n)e*, gnidheadh, s. doing, effecting
5]0), gnidhim, v. I do, effect, make, bring (o pass.
>], gnaoi, a. delightful, pleasant Srvjocrum, gnioahsum, he made, performed, effected,
SrvO], gnaoi, a. stately, courteous, gentle, ingenious,
brought to pass; "bo gn]oorum 4C4r mjop-
respectable \)\ ]j"jn rn."
5n<ojt>e4riiujl, gnao'idheamhuil, a. modest. Donl. 432.
5n;o)fjor*t>, gnaoifhiosachd, s. f. physiognomy Snprh, gniomh, s. m. a parcel, division of land,
5n)piof4-je, gnaoifhtosaidhe, s. m. a physiognomist twelfth part of a ploughland
Snjom, gniom, s. nua fact, deed, action ; plur. gnjorh-
5n4r, s. custom, use *lr*
5nat, gnath, s. a manner, fashion, custom
Snou, griwmhach, a. active, actual, busy
, gnath,
5nc, s. prescription,
gnath, s. stature usage ; wo gn*i, always 5njorii44f, gniomhachas, s. m. activity, business^
5n*r, s. a soothing voice ; the lowing of cattle, agency
SnjoriiAcn, gniomhachd, s. f. efficiency
the bleating
', of sheep
nathach, a. customary, common, continual Sn^orhati, gniomhadh, s. acting,'doing, an action
SnaA, gnathhadh, s. custom, practice, manner 5n^ori4]t>e, gniomhaidhe, s. m. an agent, actor, doer
Sn)j)m, gnathaighim, v. I accustom, use, inure, ]4), gniomhaim, v. I do, perform, achieve
Sn'jomapta, gniomhai thach, a. actual, active
exercise, gnathainm,
practice 5niomom4r4, gniomhehomasach, a. powerful
5nt*jnm, s. a usual or common name.
Snfamfompla, gmomhshompla, s. an example
Keat. 5njorhcj]i, gniomhlhoir, s. m. an actor, agent
5n*f arh, gnathamh, s. custom, manner, habit
5njorhug4>, gmomhughadh, s. achieving
5n**r, gnathas, s. m. experience 5n}orhu)gce, gniomhuighthe, part, acted, achieved,
5nrtt*f|p, gnathathoir, s. m. an inhabiter, a dweller
SnrBupb, gnathbheurla, s. the common or vulgar effected
dialect of the country ; vernacular tonge Snjot, gnoth, s. a shout, uproar
5n5u]t>eec*r, gnathbhuidheachas, s. usual thanks- 5njrgjm, gnisgim, 1 j d ma]( eff M
Sniribim, gmstghm, j- tQ *
5narn<o), gnathchnaot, s. a beaten path Snjrjm, gntsim, )
5610, gnathchleachda, s. continual practice bnje, gnithe, s. transactions, deeds
Snitcujrhne, gnathchuimhne, s. perpetual remem 5n, f?, s. . jeering, mocking
5n, gno, s. . the sea
brance, tradition 5n, gno, s. m. business, affairs, concern
5neobr, gnatheolas, s. experience 5n, gne, a. stately, majestic, curious, ingenious
Sniff]Bfu]:, gnathfhiabhms, s. m. a constant or un
n, gno, s. jeering, mockery
remitting fever gn, gno, a. famous, remarkable, notable
5nffocal, gnathfhocal, s. m. a proverb, bye-word
5n04, gnoach, s. worthiness ; /. e. 044. . g,
SnfgUr, gnatkghlas, s. an ever-green 5n04c, gnoacht, s. brave actions, courage
Sn&tuga, gnathughadh, s. using, use, practising
Snatu^geojp, gnathuighcoir, s. m. a practitioner Snoen, gnodhan, s. an angry groan, noise, moan
Snaf.ujgcjop, gnathuighthior, a. more common; gngrtC, gnogach, a. sulky
gng4t>, gnoghadh, s. profiting
compar. of gnat*6 gnjg, gnoig, s. f. a sulky frown
Sne, gne, s. an accident or outward sensibile sign
5n, gne, s. a kind or sort, nature of a thing, temper gnojgeog, gnogeog, s. f. a sulky disagreeable woman
5n, gne, s. countenance, form, appearance, man 5nor, gno*, s. a mouth, a beak ,
gnot4C, gnothach, s. business
5ne<irhlCT>, gnedheamhlachd, s. f. tenderness, kind 5nr4, gnothach, 7 a actve
BnotAJSe**. gnothatghtaeh,) > ,
ness 5n6tg4t), gmihughadh, s. profiting, serving
5nr>e*n"iujl, gnedheamhuil, a. shapely, mannerly,
5ntg4, gnothughadh, s. purchasing, obtaining;
Sneaf, gneath, see ejrtet> ; t>o jneaf, was born eprcopojere lUt4-Bot x>o gnotgat oo um u)
5nrhjllim, gnemhiliim, \ I deform, disfigure 5h4llcOD4]l." 4 Mast. 1420.
Snofcuice, gnolhuidht, s. m. service
Snmjlte, gnemhdte, a. disfigured
506 GOB
J-UJ5JTT1, guothuighiin, v. I serve ; I purchase, ob Soblacan, goblacan, s. m. a stride
tain SoBlan, gobhlan, s. m. a prong, fork, weed-hook
Snuaft, gnuach, a. leaky boBlana, gobhlanach, a. pronged, forked
onuip, putts, s. f. the face, countenance SoBlan-gapiriea, gobhlan-gammheach, s. m. a sand-
5n)r, gnulS) s- f a notci, martin
S"]p,^ gnuis, s. hazard, danger, jeopardy SoBlan-gjoje, gobhlan-gaoithe, s. a swallow
Snjr-rnealla, gnuismhealladh, s. dissimulation 005, gvbhlog, s. f. a fork, prong
Sniijprfieallaim, gnuismheallaim, v. I dissemble, coun , gcbhnacht, see goBajneat
terfeit 5obg, gobog, s. f. a dog-fish ; a sand-eel
5ijprrielir)i>, gnuismheoOloir, s. m. a dissembler 5ob5, gobog, s. f. a little bill or mouth
5n]pni|je, gniiisnaire, s. f. shamefacedness 5-B]tea, go-bhrcath, s. an unjust sentence
Sriurh, gnumh, s. m. a dent, a notch bobujgce, gobuighthe, a. beaked
Snutii, gnumh, s. m a heap, a pile boa, gocha, s. liars
Snurha, gnumhadh, s. heaping, piling, amassing boca, gochadh, s. quality
Sn uniajl, gnumhail, s. grunting, groaning , gocaman, s. an usher or gentleman
5iupo*i5, fi sachdaigh, \ e. the lowing of a cow Sottmun, goclidmun, s. a watchman
Snupao, gnusadh, j to her calf boo, god, a. dumb
Snupa, gnusadh, s. a notch So, godh, s. knowing, knowledge
Snupgula, gnusgulach, a. grunting Socac, godac/i, a. giddv, coquettish
So, o, prep, to, unto, until, with, along with 5ot>ajm, godhaim, v. I know, I command
5o po, go so, adv. still, yet Soef, goeth, s. a purging, cleansing
5o, go, placed before an adjective forms an adverb ; bog, gog, s. a tittle, a syllable, nod
as, luat, quick ; 50 luac, quickly Soa, gogach, a. waveriHg, reeling
So, ?e, a sign of the optative mood ; 50 mbeanuge an Sogapeac, gogaideach, s. ni. a coquette
_ r]j;eal*na p]B bogapeac, gogaideach, a. coquettish
So, go, conj. that Sogapeacc, gogaideacht, s. f. coquetry
So, go, s. m. the sea Sogajb, gogai/d, s. a coquette
So, go, s. m. a spear
Sogajlle, gogaille, s. ni. a silly person
So, go, s. m. a lie, deceit, guile Sogajlleao, gogailleachd, s. f. dotage
So, go, s. m. a fool So^apn, gogatm, v. I nod, gesticulate
Sob, gob, s. m. a mouth, beak, snout ; Heb. gab
Sogal, gogal, ) cacklin prating
Sooa,. gobha, s. m. a smith
Bogan, gogan, $ > r 5
Sobad, gobach, a. prating, loquacious, beaked
bogallac, gcgallach, s. m. the cackling of a goose,
SoBacan, gobhacan, s. m. the titling
SoBa-gua, gobha-gunna, s. m. a gun-smith duck, or hen
Sogceaa, gogceannach, a. light-headed, having a
Sooa-, gobha-dubh, s. a water ouzle
bobajm, gobaim, v. I bud or sprout forth shaking head
bog-gear, gog-gheadh, s. m. a small goose
, gobhaim, v. I lessen or diminish ; " Njp
Sogop, gogor, light
p>)b to }tac a Ixopjg."
5ogp|lea, gogshuileach, a. goggle-eyed
Sobapca" gobhaineacht, s. f. smithery
5oj. goi, people
hoba}lecr, gobhaircacht, s. f. loquacity Sjbl, goibel, see gbl
Spbal, gobhal, s. f. a post, pillar, prop Sojbjn, goibin, s. f. a little bill or mouth
Sobai, gobhal, s. f. a fork, the groin bojbp, goibin, s. f. a sand-eel
5*11 gobhalran, s. compasses 5)], goibhin, s. a little hill
Soban, giban, s. m. a muffle; any external hindrance Sopneadr-, goibkneaehd, s. f. the trade of a smith
to speech 5o|Bp]op, goibhrios, s. a false colux
Sobnac, gobanack, s. m. a prattler Sjc. goich, s. liars, old. vel.
SoBap, gobhar, s. m. a goat, a horse Sjc, goic, s. f. a scoff, taunt
SoBap, gobhar, s. in. a fish called sgad'or shad
5]c, <wc> s. f. a cocking up of the head
Sobap-ojibe, gobhar-oidhcke, s. m. a snipe
Sjcearujl, goiceamhuil, a. scoffing; having an erect
SoBapp, gobharr, s. a periwig _
Soba-uifge, gobha-uisge, s. the bird called king's Sop, goid, s. f. theft
fisher gopeal, goidheal, see g<ope*l
Sob-eapgup. gob-easguidh, s. snapping Sopeala, goidhealach, a. Irish, Highland
Sbl, gobe!, s. m. the entrance to a harbour Sopealg, goidhealg, s. f. the Irish language ; i. e.
Songeons, gobhireong, s. compasses -ut elg, * e. guc epenoa, 4J jn ta}nm f)n
Sob-laoapta, #>b-labkarth;\ a red.sbnk SA rol* JtJiJO." Cor.
SoBlan-mapa, gob i/an-mara, J Soitfim. (g-o^m, v. 1 steal
SoBlac, gobhlach, a. forked, pronged
' Sojsjn,

Soijn, giigin, s. f. a silly person, a coxcomb ], goirte, s. saltness, sourness

010!)' oigiis, s. a tickling ; Welsh goglais Sojpte, goirthe, a. warm, warmed
ojI, got/, s. prowess, valour, virtue, chivalry 5o)pte4A, goirteachadh, s. hurting, souring
Sojle, goile, s. the stomach, great gut, appetite SojltceAt), goirteadh, s. acidity
SojleA, godeadh, s. boiling Sojpqm, goirtim, v. I hurt, make sore
5ojlem, godeam, s. prattling bojptjn, goirtin, s. f. a little field of corn
5ojle*rhii)n, goikamhuin, s. grief, sorrow boij-, sow, a. exalted, proud
Sojljm, godim, v. I grieve, cry, chatter Sojrte, s. a halter, snare
5o)l)m, godim, v. I boil Sojrcjg, goistigh, s. a gossip, one who answers for a
Sojll, godly s. a swoln angry face ( child at baptism
Bojll, goill,s. a shield Sojtne, goithne, s. a lance or spear
Sojll, goill, s. war, fight ; whatever causes grief Sojtne, goithne, s. a quick gait
5o]lle, goilleach, a. sour-looking, blubber-lipped Sol, gol, s. lamentation
Bojlleog, goilleog, see gAjlleog Bol, gol, s. a drop, tear ; i. . neop. 0. g.
Sojlljne, goilline, s. evil, mischief, ruin ; gjolU gojl- 1, gota, s. gluttony
Ime, a mischievous person, a bad man, the devil So 'eJ5 i0 bight adv. yet, by and by, hereafter, for
Sojlmrn, goilmin, s. f. a chatterer the future
5ojrh, goimh, s. anguish, vexation SolgAjp, golghair, s. lamentation
Sorrh, goimh, s. a grudge 5 1I05, golog, s. f. a budget
bormearhujl, goim/ieamhud, a. painful SoltpAjge, goltraighe, s. a note in Irish music which
5ojn, goin, s. f. a wound excites sorrow ; see ?(>]
Sojn, gain, s. f. a chapter or section of a book 5, gona, prep, with, along with ; ** gonA rjn
5oin, goin, s. f. delusion po 6in reAncAjt
gojneAt, goinead, s. painfulness , gonaah, s. a wounding, lancing, stinging
SojiVjm, goirim, v. I wound, hurt , gonadh, s. fascinating
Soie, goinneach, a. voracious, edacious SonAWAlpepjn, gonadhairesin, therefore, whereupon,
SojeA, goinneach, "la. pungent, stinging, wound- from whence
5 <]entA, gomneanta, J ing, keen, smart SonABm,
r- 1 ~ "'sgonadoirA ' U. _ ,
m. a wounder, piercer
Sojeog, goinneog, s. f. a fang SonAjpe, gonaire, J ' r
Somre, gointe, part, wounded ; fascinated boiiAjm, gonaim, v. I wound, sting, stab, fascinate
So-jpe, goire, a. near BonAjy, gonais, s. a prick, a wound
goipeaco, goireachd, s. closeness, nearness, conti SontA, gonta, part, wounded, stabbed, hurt
guity Soop, s4""" s* Kgbt ; prop. gAOAp
SojpgeAC, goirgeach, a. foolish 5op, gor, . . heat, lighi
SoipgeAo, goirgbachd, s. f. foolishness Sop, gor, s. . advantage, profit, gain, good
SojpeAj1, goireas, s. apparatus, tools Sop, gor, s. . nearness
SojpeAfA, goireasach, a. convenient Sop, gor, s. f. laughter, pleasure
Sojped, goireil, s. snug, convenient Sop, gor, s. f. a calling
Sojpgin-gApAyb, goirgin-garaidh, s. garlick SP> gr> s' f- tne matter formed in a sore by infla-
Sojpjn, goirid, s. nearness, a short space mation
Sojpim, goirim, v. I call SoP, gr> a- short
Sojpge, goirge, )s. dotage, fretfulness, SopAC, gorach, a. foolish
SojpgeAAj-, goirgeachas, peevishness 5opaAt5, gorachad,~\
go^pgeA, goirgeach, a. peevish 50PACC, gorachd, > s. folly, foolishness
go^eACT-, goirgheacht, see goppgeACAf 5opA)e, goraidhe, )
51P1, goirim, v. 1 call gopjceA, goraiceadh,\s. croaking, a croaking
gojimvjn, gomnm. s. f. woad SopjclAir, goraidais, j shout
gojpmeApp, goirmearr, s. f. a famous champion ; i. e. 5opA]ceArhu)l,, a. croaking, screeching
5AjrceAt>A0 o]}t>ejic. o.g. gopAjm, goraim, v. I heat, warm
EoipnAO, goirnead, s. a gurnard, gurnet , goramhach, a. greedy
5ol!lJSe, goirrige, s. a dolt, a fool 5opArhA6r>, goramhachd, s. f. greediness
5oipPire> ie'rr'ae' a" convement , goran, s. m. a pimple
5opg, torg, a. fierce, cruel
5o nreA, gobrseadh, s. a target SopgAjgim, gorgatg/um, v. I hurt, annoy
So s- famll,e ; ProP- *>*z Sonm, for/i, a. blue ; feAp gopm, a Moor
60, a- sore' uhurted , Sobm, ?erw a- red"not burned
Soint:, ro"''. a- sour' b,tfer' ^ Soim' gorm, a. noble, illustrious, excellent
Somt;, er> a- P001'-sPirilecl narrow, mean, greedy 5opm', gorma, s. a satyr
SojptWr04* goirtbhriseadh, s. m. misery, calamity |0|,, gorma, the sny^ azure

Soprfuc, gnrmhac, s. m. a grandson, a nephew SpbAjp, grabhadoir, s. in. an engraver, carver

5.'imc, gormhac, s. in. a brave sturdy servant 5pab]m, grabaim, v. I devour, cram
, gorman, see Ojpmpi , grabaim, v. I stop, interrupt; disturb
, gcrmun, s. blue bottles ; Centaurea cyanus , grabhaim, v. I carve, grave, insculp
fcopnrun pe* jt]4jg, gorman seurraigh, pansies, hearts 5], grabaire, s. m. a jester, an impertinent
ease, three faces under a hood ; Viola tricolor prattler
5ojirntiira, gormdkathach, a. cerulean, ceruleous 5p*b*ipe4t>, grabaireachd, s. f. gibble-gabble
3 pjrrgUr', gormghku, a. of an azure or blue colour 5ji*brtltt>, grabhaladh, s. engraving, sculpture
, gormrod, s. a passage through the sea, 1(]>, grabhalaidhe, s. m. an engraver
track of a vessel through the sea 1], grabhalaim, v. I engrave
>5, gonnrosg, a. grey-eyed Spobilra, grabhalta, a. graven, engraved, caned
^, gormuighthe, part, blued or made blue ,
, grablochd,
ffrffebri, )} s- a fault>
r . error> blot
i>opn, gorn, s. f. an ember, fire-brand, a coal
bojin, gom, s. m. the force of poison 5l*b5, grabog, see gpobajpe
Sojin, gorn, s. m. a murdering dart ; . e. 5 opn, i5*\ a. sudden, quick ; 4 ngpdcajj, 0f a
e. 5 ojpjne. Cor. sudden
5ojij, goirach, a. foolish, mad Spi, gradh, s. m. love, charity
, gorraidfi, s. foolishness, folly , gW, s. m. a step, degree, gradation, order
>, gradh, a. dear, affectionate
5 jppgeACAr , gorrgcachas, s. . dotage, peevishness,
5opp -c, gorrglieachd, J surliness 5pt>, gr<idh, a. noble, valiant, gorgeous
Sojtpujr, gorsaid, s. a cuirass *, grada, see 5pfA
>0, gradhach, a. loving, beloved, dear
5opt, gor.t, trie letter G ; the ivy tree ; Hedra hlix
, gort, s. . a garden, standing-corn, a field 5pAT)Avhujl, gradhamhuil, a. lovely
5ojt-, gort, ~t g^ famine, hunger , gradan, s. . burning the straw to obtaia
5opt4, gorta, j the corn instead of threshing; parched corn
Sopra, goitachf a. hungry, greedy, starving, spar 5pAt>*l*4C, gradcharach, a. nimble
ing sfngy ,. gradhdan, the complaining noise of hens.
SoptAcr, gortaehd, s. penury, want, starvatioD Sh.
, goriadh, s. staiTing, starvation , gradhdaoine, s. philanthropy
, gortaim% v. I starve, famish 5>1>, gradhlasda, fervent cbarky, burning lov
SopraUr, gorialadh, s. patching, mending , gradhmhar, a. loving, fond
Soptin, got tan, s. m. a hungry stingy fellow 5pirhapAt>, gradhmharachd, s. fondness, loving-
, gorlog, s. f. a crab tree ness, loveliness
goptglAna'o, gortghlanadh, s. weeding corn or garden5>)1>, gradhmhuileachd, s. loveliness, ama-
5oprlnro)i, gortghlantiir, s. m. a weeder bility
, gortreabluidh, s. misery SPatjuat,, gradhughadh, s. a loving, adoring
5]i*t>ujim, gradhuighint, v. I love
5op?u4t>, gortughadh, s. starving, hurt, oppression,
wronct souring, wounding ^, gradiiuighthc, a. beloved, dear
5opruy]m, g'A-tuighim, v. I starve, hurt ; sour 5p40u)^teojp, gradhuighlhcoir, s. m. a lover
Soprujjfe, gortuig/tlhe, a. starved, oppressed, hurt5tt4pv, grafa, s. a graft, graft, cion
gp, gouda, s. a host, spirit ^), grafadh, s. writing, engraving
bornojr, gostaoit, s. old age -, grafaim, v. I write, inscribe, scrape, grub
gof, olh, a. straight, even bp4Tn, trufan, s. a grubbing-ax
, goth, s. . a spear ecloc, groja na caoch, stone-crop, wait-
&>t,gotht > m. a vowel pepper; Seduui aer
, gothadh, \ bin, grajan ban, white horehound ; Ballot*
gof a, gothadh, s. an appendix alba
), gothadh, s. a tendency to bend 4 cub, grafan dub/i, stinking horehound ; Bal-
,, <A*' Is. a smart gait lota niger
>, gothnadh, S 0 , grafchur, a. grafting, engrafting
Soaiwc, goihanach, s. a brisk active man 5), grafchuraim, v. 1 engraft
4, gothanach, a. opprobrious , grafchiurtha, part, engrafted
*, \". ajavelin; t.,. . grafting, s- grunting as swine
5l**5> F'aS> s* m' tne Iw'se ^ crows croaking
54, gragh, see jmj
, grabach, a. notched, indented 5pA5A]m, gragaim, v. I cry out, bawl, squall, shriek
), grabada, s. a let, hindrance, impediment, SpAjAipe, gragaire, s. m. a glutton
opposition, obstruction, prevention , **11' gragallach> \ s- tne. clucking of a hen, the
*>, grMadh, s. carving, engraving ' bjiAfeiOjll, gragaoUl J cawing of a crow or daw
5?2l GRA 5#e GRE

5f*54n, gragan, s. m. the bosom 5Ji*)ne, grainnet a. rouncj; . >. epuj. a.

tj^Agin, graban, s. m. a manor, village, district 5f4)ne, grainne, a. surly ; f. gpuAmc-A. . g.
S^AfB, graibh, s. f. an almanack bltamea, gramneach, a. granulous
>l4joc}vjol4, graibhchriolach, s. m. the archives, or b4|ne-rhull*j, urainnc-mhullalgh, s. the top grain
repository of records on an ear of corn
SjijBpe, graibhre, s. a loud laugh ; " gjpe tjom." ipo, grainnidh, s. m. a grain
e. g. . bp4]jn, grainnin, s. f. a grain, a pinch
5j4)bjte, graibhre, s. a word, utterance, a dignified oftjnpea, grainseach, s. m. a grange, a farm
. expression ; 5(t4]npeo5, grainseog, s. f. a hard brittle cake
" . e. %*54Ji, . bf)tp 5p * ; ut est, bpAjnreojj, grainseoir, s. m. an overseer
2( rfmca lejgjno lea*]t> 5jt4)nte, grainthe, ) .
Rob rlonoat) )) 5p4mte4Co, graintheachd, \ s' uoanne*
"bjnoe duj ngofA 5], ^1**)5> gralsg> s. f. the common people, mob
o pjl ajine n pne." Cor. *)514, graisgeamhlackd, s. f. vulgarity
5}4))1], graibhri, s. a title *>11)5]' graisgeamhuil, a. vulgar
5)ii]t), graidh, s. a herd or flock 5]444, gramadach, s. in. grammar
Spajibeac, graidhcacli, s. m. a stallion SjMmAjge, gramaighe, s. m. a flesh-hook
>f*A)oal, graideal, s. a griddle 5}<44]5, gramaisg, s. f. the mob
5|i)0e5, graidheog, s. f. a beloved female 55<}1, gramasgar, s. m. a flock, company
5t*4jt>eojf, gradheoir, s. m. a lover, a sweetheart 5j4mj;, gramog, s. f. a buffoon, jester
Sjupljm, graidleim, S. f. a sudden bounce, a spring 5}i4n, , s. m. grain, corn
5*), graifne, Is. riding, horseman- 5, gran, s. m. hail
5j]:ne45*t), graifneaghadh,) ship; an alarm 5f4n, gran, s. m. shot ; je SJin jr pjlujt
5iejpne, graifne, s. a writing ^, granada, s. a grenade
5l4)pneo|j, graifneoir, s. m. a writer, scrivener SfirippoDj}ie, grandfhobhaire, s. m. the glanders
5|4jpneoj|e*o, graifneoireaihd, . f. penmanship SpnU, granlach, s. m. grain, corn
5j4)5, graig, a. evil, bad Spin 16*, gran lachan, lesser duck meat ; Lemma
5f4J5, graigh, s. f. a herd, flock, stud of horses minor
Sjtno, gronda, 1 a. ugly, deformed, detestable,
^ WW Is- superstition
SpAj^eACo, gniigeacni,\ ' SjiaRa, granna, j abominable
5|i5e*e, fm<{feM,i astailion 5j4j, granni, s. long hair
5fojnA4)d4m, graoinagaicham, to provoke, irritate,
5t*)5)fn, gratghim, v. I love, regard, esteem incense. R4.
|)5'|, graigin, s. f. a glutton 5]i<:o)ne, graoine, a. joyful, chearful, bright
Spanne r> graigineas, s. gluttony >1404, graoincaclias, s. joyfulness, chearfulnes*
St*4jm4]t, graimear, s. grammar Spiolref, graoltas, s. m. obscenity
5t*1n> grain, s. f. success SVorr, graosda ) a. flkhy bscene lewd
Sjtjn, grain, s. f. deformity, loathing, abhorrence, SlkoroA, graosdach,} ** *
nuisance, reproach 5p<oroac, graosdachd, s. f. obscenity, lewdness
5})-01, grain-abhal, s. a pomegranate 5]t4nr, ^/, a. grey, green
Sjirtjrf <l5ejrt, train aiein, common pilewort, lesser SlHnc, 'rtn, a. old, aged
celandine; Ranunculus ficaria 5j4p4t), grapadk, s. f. a dung-fork
Spanne, graine, s. f. a frown SpApAjm, grapaim, v. I climb
Tpajnce, graince, s. disdain, loathing Sjtapupe, grapuidhe, s. grapes
Spajnce, graince, a. sour, disagreeable 5l4r> re*, ")
54)5)1, graincighim, v. 1 detest, disdain 51*4*' SraJff' fs> S,ace' iavourr ud, liclp, succour
5]14]60> graimachadh, s. defoedation
5jt4Jne*t5, grainead, s. ugliness, deformity Sl4|-15)m> grasa'gmf y- 1 thanks. Cor.
Bj4ine*rhl*'0) grameamhlachd, s. f. abomination, ab gpr4rhu]l, grasamhuil, \ a. gracious, merciful, boun-
horrence, baseness 5trrh4jt, grasmhar, j tiful
5jApeArhu]l, graineamhuil, a. abominable, detesta 5it4pcli, grascre, s. arable ground
ble, ugly, odious 5ji4rrnl*AC' grasmharachd, s. f. graciousness
SpiuieAr** graine5a> the glanders 5lir4, grata, s. a grate
5ft*|ueo5, graineog, s. f. a hedge hog 5ji4t4, grata, a. excellent, noble, distinguished,
Sfiinihim, gramighim, v. I granulate honourable
5p]nji;]m, grainighim, v. I detest, deform 5440, gralarnach, a. noisy, clamorous
, grainitheach, a. granivoroue Sjurajtnai) gratarnaidh, s. conclammation
5j*)niUb*t>, frainlughadh, s. granulation 5ptun, grathun, awhile
Bpje, grainne, s. m. a grain 5w, <-, see 5]ltt _
Sji, gre, s. hair, fur; i. e. jpeafi jno ). . g. SpeAfvclujt, greanneluith, s. a comedy
6p, gre, a. grey 1>454|, greanngairbheas, s. hairiness
6|teaB(tjlre, grcabhailte, s. a helmet SpeAiijugAt), grcanniughadh, s. exhortation, defiance
>pe*6, rae//, s. m. a nut b)te4)u4, greanniughadh, s. erection of the hair
5e4c, gread, s. m. a stroke, blow 5peAnri4jt, greanndmkar, a. lovely, amiable, affable,
, greadh, s. m. a horse discreet
, greailadh, s. aridity, a burning, scorching 5)te4i4}b greannmhar, a. witty, facetious, pleasant
heat 5}teenrii4f4t>, greannmharachd, s. f. jocuudity, plea
5}ettt)4)m, grcadm, v. I whip, torment, crucify santness
5)ie*T>4jm, greadaim, v. I blight 5pe4rri4ji4c, greannmharachd, s. f. discretion
S]iet>4]m, grvadaim, v. I burn, scorch, parch 5pe4c4, greannta, adj. carved, engraved
SieAC*jpe, greadkaire, s. m. a stallion SpeArA, greannta, a. neat, handy
SjieAajjteaco, greadhaireachd, s. f. covering a mare 6peart40T>, greanntachd, s. f. neatness
fcjieaoiin, grcadan, s. m. a creaking , greanntasan, s. m. graving, carving
, s. ru parched corn 5|te4nii)5]rii, greannuighim, v. I defy
5|ieAt>n, greadan, s. m. snuff ]*, gras, s. m. a guest
4044, g'eadanach, a. fighting , gras, s. m. a manner
, greaianach, a. babbling, obstreporous Sp^4r, g>eas, s. m. protection, preservation
?fie*t)in4Ct5, greadan chd, s. f. parching of corn 5jie4f, gras, s. m. fine clothes, embroidery, needle
Sjitando, greadhanac/id, s. f. drolling work, furniture
, greadanta, a. hot, warm, scalding , greas, } usual
, greadhdach, a. joyful SfteAfA, greasach, J
Speacnoc, greadhnach, a. joyful, glad , greasa, s. visitors
04, readhnuchas, s. m. exultation, solemnity , greasachadh, a. hastening, inciting, en
tijieoj, greadog, s. f. a griddle couraging
, greadtha, part, scorched, parched, burnt , greasachd, s. f. preparation, reclaiming,
SpenujTi, greadhuin, s. m. a great number, a band exploring
troop, company -, greasadh, s. dressing, adorning, inticing
5|45, Greag, Greece SpApAve, greasaidke, s. m. a shoe-maker; embroi
SpAga, Greagach, s. m. a Greek, a Grecian derer, a maker of furniture
Spaga, Greagach, a. Greek 5jte4r4)lr, gicasailt, s m. an inn, tavern
5jte4ft4)m, greagaim, v. I deck, adorn 5)ieArAjm, greasaim, v. I prepare, dress, adorn
Spe*l*, greaLch, s. entrails 5|te4r4)m, greasaim, v. I hasten, promote, urge, en
SneAAC, gtealluch, ) , , courage
- il // i s- m- clay, loam
5}te<vll45, greallagn, ) SpeApAijie, greasairc, s. m. an inn keeper
, greullach, a. dirty , greasan, s. m. a web
Fpeallcj;, greallog, s. f. a swingle-tree, swinging-bar !ati, greaslann, s. m. an inn, hotel, tavern
510, grcalsach, s. a kind offish 5jie4ru54r), greasughadh, s. in. preparing, prepara
, gream, s. m. a bit; prop. 5pejm tion, reclamation
, greamadh, s. biting SpeArujgjm, greasuighim, v. I excite, hasten
5we4m4pe, greamaidhe, s. m. a flesh-hook Sjieaf, greaih, s. m. a noise, cry, shout
|14]5), greomaighim, v. I gripe, seize, hold, SpeAtAc, greathadh, s. dressing, preparing, winnow
enjoin ing
, greamana, plur. of gpejm, a bit , greathadoir, s. m. a dresser, winnower
, greamanna, s. gripes, stitches 5peAAOOj]teACT>, greathadoireachd, s. f. winnowing,
*-4|), gream-n.adhne, s. breakfast dressing
5peAmuA, greamurhadh, s. fastening, holding, cleav 5peAAjm, greathaim, v. I winnow, prepare
ing to, griping, enjoining SpeArU, greathlach, s. m. the intestines, purtenance
5pcamuje, greavmi^kthe, part, fastened, clinched 5p, grtch, s. m. a garden, a corn field
SfteAn, grean, s. gravel ; Welsh, graian and gruan byc, greek, s. m. a hound
-1, grcan-abhal, s. m. a pomegranate by(t, greh, s. m. a nut
5(144), greanaim, v. I carve, engrave, emboss Spec, greek, adj. salt
|*, grcann, s. in. love, friendship bjieyel, prfet, s. a breaking, a breach
5]*, greann, s. m. hue, colour SpdDel, greibhel, s. f. a gilt, afairing; gen. specie
b|ie4, greann, s. in. a joke, wit, facetiousness b(te]o, greid, s. f. a stroke, Keat.
, grear.n. s. m. rough uncombed hair; fair hair Spejot-Ao, greidendk, s. a sudden stroke of infection
, greann, s. m. a beard ; sec quot. at cpom ., "I s. a grid-iron, a griddle, an iron
, greannach, s. long haired, bristly, crested
SpeAA^, greannadhy s. engraving

fiejo-jm, tg'Ttilim, v. I blast, strike Spupajrn, greusnim, v. I embroider

^pejm, greidhm, see gpeam and gpejm 5fup-obft]], greus-obair, s. needle-work
2(')5> Greif, Greece 5pj*t>, gnoda, s. a hero, warrior, champion
jtj5Q4r, Greigeach, s. m. a Grecian 5pi*n, grii, s. f. the sun ; light
*PJ5ir> Grcigjs, the Greek tongue 5pj*n, grian, s. the bottom of the sea, lake, or river
bpejllei/i, greitlean, s. ni. a dagger, an old rnsty sword bpjan, grian, s. f. ground, land
je|m, greim, s. m. a bit, a morsel, a montb't'ul 5}, griemach, a. sunny, warm
ojiejtn, greim, s. m. a task, a hard word, a difficult 5]44, grianan, s. m. a sunimer-house, a walk arch
expression ed or covered over on a bill for_a commodious,
Spejm, greim, s. m. a gripe, hold prospect
5|iejm, greim, s. m. a stitch, pang, throb 5)4, grianan, s. m. a royal seat
5|ie)ni-*ccajje, greim-accairc, s. an anchor-bold 5), grianan, s. m. a green
bpejm 4 t)]4b*-jl, grcimadiabhail, devil's bit, scabi 5]444, griananta, a. sunny
ous ; Scabiosa succisa 5]4, grianan, s. a dial
Jiejmea, greimeadh, s. niordication pjanBajteA, erianbhaitheadh, a. sun-obscuring.
5le]me4rcftc, greimca'.tach, a. fixed, firm, fast-holding
pernipjAcujI, greimfkiacuiU s. a bite 5pj4nberto, grianbheackd, s. f. the zodiac
BpejmprlA, greimfola, s. the pleurisy bpjanbjlle, grianbille, s. glebe land
Epenrrrgjm, greimighim, v. I seize, gripe, take hold Sppnclo, grianchloch, s. a dial
bpejmjpe, grcimire, s. m. a grappling, pincers 5pj*nco]nea, griacoineadh, aphelion
Spejmjrg, greimisg, s, f. old clothes, trash, trumpery, bp]4ncpjof, gnanchrios, the zodiac
lumber 5]44, griandeatach, s. m. an exhalation
5je]mju5t>, greimiughadh, seizing, taking hold Bj)4n54rhfT;4t), griangamhstad, the winter solstice
Sjiejrhjvic, greimkric, s. samphire ; see ejp^n 5j]4nlo)r5te, grianloisgthe, a. sun-burnt, swarthy
Spnbeac, grenbheach, s. the zodiac pjAmfmp, grianmhar, a. sunny, warm
Spjne, greine, gen. of^pjAn, the sun bpjAmhujne, grianmhiine, s. black-berries
Spjneoj, greineog, see bpejjn bpj4np4]5jm, grianra'ighim, v. I sun, dry in the sun
Spjnpepen, greinferenn, s. the zodiac 5p]Anf), grianshamhstad, s. a summer solstice
5pjp, greis, s. f. a while, space of time bpjAnp54pi4t>, griansgarradh, s. a cranny, a chink
Spjp, jre/, s. needle-work, embroidery, fine clothes, ]440, grianstad, s. a solstice
furniture ; gen. of 5 B)t^4nu4)pe490ipj griarmaireadoix, s. m. a sun-dial
Spjp, r5, s. protection. 4 Mast. 1461 5p]b, grib, s. f. dirt, slough ; Heb. regeb
Spjp, greis, s. a champion 5pib, grib, s. f. an impediment, hindrance; see
Spjp, greis, s. pillaging, plundering ; i. e. opgAjn. quot. at V]or>p4
5jt]b, grib, s. f. a manger
Spjp, ^rt/j, s. an attack, surprise; " mc 5pjb> gr*bt s- f- tne feathers on the feet of birds
Spjbi a. swift, quick
Veapj*}! jApmAt>A mece ^)!!." 4 Mast. bpjD, yWW, s, a finger
1415. ^, tA, s. a griffin ; figure ; a fierce warrior
5j]be, gribe, s. boose
opejptyll, grcischill, s. a sanctuary
SjKjreac, greiseach, a. enticing 5p)be4, gribeach, s. m. a hunting nag
Spejreaco, greiseachd, s. f. soliciting, enticing 5[}beAt>, gribeadh, g. m. a manger
5P%5> s- f- grease 5!14, gribhean, "1
5p}p5jm, greisgim, v. I grease SpjBjngnea, gnbhmgneach, J 6
Sjl'ejrgjoll*, gretsghioUa, s. m. a dient 5p]Beo5, gribheog, s. f. haste, hurry
Spjrsjce, greisgithe, a. greased, greasy 5pjDeo454, gribheogach, a. hasty
opejCbifeACo, greisgitheachd, s. greasiness SjijDeogA, gribheogach,. a. timorous. .
Spjpim, gveisim, v. I embroider, fringe 5pioe4, grideadh, s. chilliness
Spjpre, greiste, a. brocaded 5p)Fc grifach, s. the measles. S.
S'ijireoj}, greisteoir, s. m. a carter, waggoner 5p]geo5, s. m. pebble, bead
Spejr;, gretf, s. a champion, warrior 5jijgle4C4n, gnglcachan, s. m. a constellation, an
Spe-jr, greith; s. dress, ornament asterisk
Sfteyi, grrt'M, s. a jewel, precious stone 5pjm, grim, s. war, battle t
5pl)4f, greliath, s. grey hairs Sjiim, ?rim, s. a grey substance growing on trees
Spent), grend, a. fair-cheeked ; " /'. e. 5pu4t>]rjnt, . SHimcApbA, grimcnarba, s. a female giant
. pjno ngpuaroe." Cor. SiiimApbA, grimcharba, s. an apparition
5, gresach, a. common SmmApbAO, gnmchat bad, s. m. a war-chanot
5jet, g', s. a gift, a present 5>{ml]At, grimchhath, s. a covert made of hurdles,
5lus*jr> Greugais, s. Greek 'akind of pent-house used in sieges
5pup, gretis, s. m. embroidery T11 5p)mcArhu)l,

5ljmeriiu)l, grimeamhu, a. warlike, martial, skilful 5}ioj--jiujtnjm, grios-ruithnim, v. I grow red, co

MTSeojp, grimsgeoir, s. m. a pedlar, a broker lour up
*PJn' Srin, s. a piece, morsel 5niopt4, griosta, a. stirred, provoked, moved
, grinn, s. a fort, garrison S^opu^o, griosughadh, s. kindling
5tjn, grinn, s. decency 5liopug40. griosughadh, s. excitement, provocation
5pioruig]m, griosuighim, v. I excite, stir, provoke,
otJn ^vnw, a. lovely, loving, elegant kindle, inflame
| ^/, a. neat, clean, pleasant Stfopujgte, griosuighthe, part, fried, kindled
5ji, grinn, a. workmanlike, artificial Sppt, grioth, s. the sun
, grinn, a. serious, attentive, diligent, deli 5)]540, grinongnach, s. m. a griffin
berate, profound 5>)> gris, s. tremor
5jjn-B)te*tnug(t>, grinn-bhreathnughadh, s. medi |)> gris, s. f. fire
tation. Boni. 454. 5pjr> gris, s. f. pimples, inflammation from heat of
Spjne, ', s. a pile of timber blood
5]jne4, grinneach, s. m. a young man 5lir grs> a. grey
Spjnea, grinneach, a. shaggy 5]t]rt>e4p5, grisdhcarg, a. colour compounded of red
5}]e4C4, grinneachadh, s. an effort and grey, roan colour
Spjen, grinneadh, s. dying, perishing Sjnppjon, grisfhionn, s. m. a sort of brindled colour
Spjrtatl, grinneal, ) s. m. the bottom of the sea, bed 5]5], grisgin, s. f. broiled meat
Splnjol, grinniol, j of a river, or channel 5lF, grith, s. f. knowledge, skill
5jtjne*r, grinntas, s. neatness, gentility Spjr, grith, s. f. a shout, outcry
Sjtjfi-eolar, grinn-eo.'as, s. m. profound knowledge 5]t]t, grith, s. f. the sun, see quot. at ejj
Spjjojm, grinnidhnn, v. I gather, assemble 5pvc4)l> grithail, s. the grunting of young pigs
Sjtjftrrm, gi innidhim, v. I wound, pierce SjnteA, gntheach, a. learned, wise, discreet, pru
Spjf^u, grinniudh, s. extinction, destruction, put dent
ting to death ; sfijfijuti popMpe cojnle, putting gpjun, griun, s. m. a hedge-hog
out the candle ; ^pjju 1er, destruction of the 5p]tul4rh4, grithulamhach, a. quick
bladder gpo, gro, a. splendid
5ti)ob*!*j", gobilas, s. . closeness 5pb4c, grdach, a. serrate, serrated
Bf]oc4p, griccas, s. m. a rumbling noise gjtol)4, grobadh, s. joining
Spjogn, griogchan, s. m. a constellation 5ttob4jm, grcbaim, see bj4l)4)m
5]Jolojgrn, gnolo'igin, samphire ; Crithmnum mari- bpob4n, groban, s. the top of a rock
timum Spots, grod, s. m. foam
5f7ollp(]m, griollsaim, v. I strike or slap Spot), tW, a. quick, active
5p)ofh, gnomh, s. a man's nail, claw, talon gpow, grod, a. rotten
bpjorh, griomh, s. a griffin gjiot), grod, a. smart, proud
5morn<, gp, grodh, s. m. a crow, an iron lever
griomhiha, ) a' grlffi"-hke
gjtot>4)m, grodaim, v. 1 rot
Sjijorruc, griomhach, a. digitated, clawed gpoen, grodan, s. m. a boat
Sf]0TTi4ji;)l,, s. a small motion gp, grog, s. f. the hair of the head
EpjorhCalUjjie. grlomhchallaire, s. m. a herald, one gpo4C, groghach, see 5440
that proclaims peace or war 5po)ble4, groibleach, a. long-nailt , having long
5piorh4)tb4C, griomhcharbad, s. a war-chariot talons
Spjorhpjimc, griomhshronach, a. hawk-nosed 5)5> Sroi5> s- f- a scrowl
Sjt^onnc, grionaclt, see 5]440 5jo)5* gro'*h> * a stud of horses, breed of mares
5)ioTi4e, gnomichd, see 5J^on}t4o 5l)5ejri, groigein, s. an awkard man
5}1541, griongal, ~i s. care, assiduity, zeal, 5]oi5eme4ct>, groigeincachd, s. awkardness
SplongaUo, griongalachd, \ sorrow gpojlen, grot/ean, s. m. a bilboe /
]5414, grtongaluch, a. industrious, assidious, gpojpe4n4, groiseanach, a. mouthed
careful gHOjp4p, groisaid, s. a goose-berry
Et*)on-no)nin grion-noinin, the plant turnsole gpO)p4]l, groisair, s. a goose-berry bush
gjtjonj4co, grionrachd, t. the warmth of the sun ; gpo]pge4c, grolsgeach, s. m. a droll
sun-rising gj,on, ron, s. a stain, blot, blemish
5liof4c, griosach, s. m. burning embers gjtono, grond, s. a murdering dart
5pjor4t>, gnosafih, s. abettance, encouragement gpolnp, gromlus, groundsel; Senecio vulga s^aris
Spjop4rm, griosaim, v. I entreat, beseech gttont4, grontach, a. corpulent
Sj)0f4m, griosam, v. labet, incite Bpon*4l4]m, gronthalaim, v. 1 grunt
554], gricsgaim, v. I fry, broil Stop4t), gropadh, s. a gulley, sewer
jt)or0jit, grioSQir, s. m. frying pan 5]top)p, fop'>> s- mallows

gros, s. a snout , grumachd, s. f. surliness

ajr, grosadh, s. a grace, twelve dozen , grumadh, s. m. a groom
5}6, giossach, a. having a large snout or mouth puriAjgam, grunaigham, v. to ground, to sound. Sc.
Sporptjjie, grossaire, s. m. a grunter Spunaiar, grunnachadh, s. grounding, sounding. -
5jorp)pe4o, grossaireackd,! bjiumt), grunnadh, s. gathering in heaps
g'osU ' J s. grunting &1, grunnan, s. m. a small heap
Spot, graA, s. m. curds ; gen. spuji;, plur. 5]* , grunnasg, s. groundsel
&11, grothal, s. m. coarse sand, gravel , grundas, s. m. dress, lees
5jotn, grothan, s. m. complaining, moan, noise, |junt, grunnt, s. the ground, bottom, foundation
purring , grunnt, s. thrift, carefulness
SpotUc, grothtach, s. m. a gravel pit SpurtCArnujl, grunntamhuil, a. industrious
&Jotl*, grothlach, a. gravelly ), grunntamhlachd, s. f. industry
5|otonrtc, grotonach, a. heavy-breeched, corpulent Spnrsys, grunsgigh, s. a truce, cessation of arms
, gruadh, s. m. & f. the cheek, brow SpncArhUo, gruntamhlachd, s. f. solidity, sense
, gruag, s. f. the hair of the head SpuncArhujl, gruntamhuil, a. founded, solid, sensible
^PU5> gfag, s- f. a woman, a wife ; Welsh gureig 5|iuntAr, gruas, s. m. dregs
Bju<5a, gruagach, s. m. a giant, an enchanter SpjtA, giurach, s. m. the measles
5purt5*, gruagach, s. m. the chief of a place Sput, ruth, s. m. curds
5jUA5*c, gruagach, s. an apparition or ghost, super- SpuA, gruthach, a. curdled, having curds
stitiously said to haunt houses to punish the delin 5u, g, prep, to ; see go
quency of its inhabitants. It is otherwise called 5u, gM, s. a lie, falsehood
;u5, gi*-, 1 s.* f. alight, giddy, silly headed
5)u54c, gruagach, s. m. a girl, a maid
Sftuegoc, gruagach, a. hairy- >U*J5"> guaigin,j person, a vain blockhead, a
phantastical fellow
5fu5)jte, gruagaire, s. m. a hair-dresser
SpuAg-bpjge, gt uag-brege, s. a peruke, periwig l!S,^S;r, } S- m- a chamPion
5fm5-pc<o)lce, gruag-scaoilte, s. dishevelled hair 5uA)lA]5Am, guailaigham, v. to go hand in hand. Sh.
fiUAro, graidh, s- m. & f. a cheek, brow SuATHeen, guairdean, s. a whirl-wind
Sjnuiert, gruaidhean, s. the liver BuAjpe, guairt, s. f. the hair of the head, a bristle
5jm*jm, gruaim, s. f. gloom, a surly look, ill-humour, buAjjie, guaire, s. f. an edge or point
surliness 5uA]fe, guaire, s. f. roughness
5ju]m^n, gruaimin, s. f. a sullen fellow SuAjpe, guaire, a. excellent, noble, great
Sjiuama, gruama, 1 a. gloomy, sullen, dark, mo- |ll.IWfc )a.bairy
SpuAinAC, gruamach, J rose, sour, gruff, obscure 5ua|P)oC, guainoch, } J
SpuAUiAo, gru iviachd, s. f. gloominess, moroseuess EuA]linjn, gua.rnein, s. a whirl-wind
5fU4m<, gruiimdk.i, a. surly, sour SuAiJif 5e*^ guairsgeach, a. having hair on the head
Bjuumg, gruamog, s. f. a surly little woman 5uA)JtcAm, guuirtain, s. a whirl-wind. Sh.
5], grubhait, s. m. the iiver 1 SuAjr, giM's> s-(- danger; a HqUajp, in jeopardy
Slut>)]te, giudaire, s. m. a brewer, distiller SuAjpbeAjt'A, guaisbheartach, a. enterpnzing, ad
5t*x54j}eACt), grudaireachd, s. f. brewhig, distilling venturous
Spnpjm, grufa:m, v. I engraft Sua)t;aI, guaital, s. desistance. Sh.
Sjmg, grug, s. m. a"warrior 5uA)ncAm, gua.ntam, v. to leave off, let alone, be
5jUg, grug, s. m. straimess, distress quiet. Sh.
Sjtug, grug, s. m. a lie, untruth 5ua1, gual, s. m. a coal, coals, fire
Sl^u, grug, s. m. a wrinkle SuaIa, guala, \ a shoulder
5l*u5> &ruS> a' niorose> austere, SuAlA, guaiann, )
Spng, grug, a. weak, feeble SuaIa, guala, see gob, gluttony
bpuga, grugach, a. wrinkled SuaIaBiaii, gualabhann, s. m. afire-brand
Spugo, grugach, a. morose SuaIao]!, gualadoir, s. m. a collier
SpugAjie, grugare, a. noble. Sh. 5'.iAAjn, gualain, s. f. a burnt dead coal
5}uj,4jte, grugare, a. having long hair. Sh. SuaIoa, gualdha, a. coaly
5pujt>, gruid, s. grains, matt 5uU, guall, a. low
5pup, gruid, s. beer, dregs, hog-wash SiiaIIac, gaallath, s. m. bandages round the shoul
3l*u)a> gruig, s. f. churlishness, inhospitaliry, a droop ders of dead men; hence the iaipreiation of
ing look jreolA ojc
gruin, s- a hedge-hog, porcupine SuAAim, guallaim, v. I blacken, burn
Sjiulin, grullan, s. m. a cricket SuAvhA, auamhuch, a, neat
, grum, la. grim, surly, severe 5 lrme, guamaJi, a. thick, plentiful, snniking
5jnm, grumach,$ * J> SuAmreAC, gmmalseach, a. quiet, comioriable

, guamnch, s. m. lamentation, wringing Suprcej^n, guinsceidin, s. f. a little scar

bu]jtofijpjm, guirb/irisim, v. I .exulcrate
or clapping of hands gu)]ip, guinn, s. f. a spot, blain, wheal, pimple
5*4, guanach, \ a. light, active ; nodding,
gupm, guirm, of blue
SiunajreA, guanasaih, J waving
guanac, gicmac/i, a. unsteady, light-beaded gujpme, guirme, s. m. an inn
5*1), guanalais, s. f. wavering, strolling gujpme, guinnc, s. blueness, greyness, verdure
g'iap^-bliACAiiiuju, guarthag-blealhamhiun, s. gnjpme, guirme, a. more blue
gujjimeACr, guirmeachd, s, f. blueness
milch cows bupmp, gun mm, s. any blue dye, indigo
u*r Suus> s. f, peril, danger
, guasachd, s. f. danger, jeopardy, adven btijpnt), guirnead, s. a gurnard
ujpceAT, guisceud, s. asear
ture gujpea, guiscach, a. leaky, full of chinks
^, guasachdach, a. dangerous, dreadful
5u*-ftCT*, guawkJach, a. painful. /iciej/. 5irj]'.it>, guiscad, s. a gusset, clock of a stocking
buu, ghbha, s. lamentation, mourning, a sigh bnjreiji, guiscir, s, a stocking. SA.
Sub*, gubha, s. a battle, conflict gujpeog, guiscog, s. a straw, stalk
gub|iejr, gubhrdih, s. an unjust sentence ujppi, guisim, v.I flow; vuig.
gubrac, gubr.thaeh,*. mournful, sorrowful , guitear, s. a gutter, conduit, gully-bol*
gl,c5> gucog, s. f. a bud, sprout ; bell, bubble bujrajtf*, guiteartha, a. channeled, canaliculated
SucojA, gucsgac'i, a. clustering Bujre, guile, s. a winnowing fan, a sieve
gU04, guda, s. tlie gudgeon, a kind of fish Sujrear, guiteas, s. denial, refusal
guiimj, gudhaim, see juyrum , gititineach, a. bashful
g'ic, guhbh, s. a great gift or present 51, gui, s. m. lamentation, weeping, crying out
gut>b, gud/ib, s. a study, school-house 5u,Ajm, gulaim, v. I weep, lament, moan
gulljA, guiba, s. the mouth
gub, gudhb, s. an armory *
girbAC, gudhbjch, a. studious, assiduous r'\ ' J > r s- eye-drop. SA.
5:,puji0)ll, gufurghoitt, s. false testimony
5'i5* guga. s> a St. Kilda goose, a tat fellow gn'diojn, gulchaoin, s. a cry, lamentation
bul<o]njm, guichaoinim, v. I lament
gugulUrg, gugullaigh, s. the clucking of a ben guiya, a. narrow
5u5u]n*)5, guguniaigh, ) gum, gum, s. gum
5454 jlle, gugailk, s. a silly talkative person gum*, gumha, s. a battle
5u5*n> gugan> s- a bud, flower, daisy 5um]t, guniar, s. a hilly country %
gu)bej|ineojw, guibheirneoir, s. m. a governor gun, gun, for 5411, without
bupbajn, Guidbhain, England gu'n, gW/l, for 0 gU 4TI
gupe, guide, s. dumbness ; i. e. bajlbe. 0, g. gun, gun, s. m. a breach
gupe, guidhe, s. f. a prayer, intreaty, intercession 5un, gun, s. m- a rapid river, a flood
guieACn, guidheac/uin, s. an imprecation gunbupe, gunbhuine, s. a spear, javelin
gujeatrmjn, gudkeamhain, s. a Mermaid gnnlA, gunlann, s. a prison, jail, or pound for cattle
gujreoip, guidhcoiv, s. m. a petitioner gu, gunni s. m.A pi isoner, a hostage
jiuprm, guidhim, v. i pray, entreat, beseech 0 _ ? gunnadh,
' j, Jis. a sffown
Bupuj^eoj]!, guidhuigheeir, s. m. a prayer, swearer gunAO,
gn]l5ne, gudbhne, s. a mouth, beak gu4, gunm, s. m. a gun
Kjl j;*jftn, guilghearan, s. a bitter lamentation guA-CAol, gumia-caol, \ s. m. a fusee, a fowling-
Sujljm, gudim, v. I weep, cry, bewail gu-bl4]c, gunm-glaic, J piece, an arquebuse
gujljrnne, guilimne, s. calumny gurwj^e, gunnaire, s. m. a gunner
5u)l]me4C, guilimneach, v. I calumniate, reproach guAipeao, gunnaireachd, s. f. gunnery, cannonad
gujlleo^, guitteog, s. chattering of birds, chirping ing, engineering
BujUe?, guiikog, s. exultation guA)lV)am, gunnairigkam, v. to cannonade. Sk.
gujlnea, guilncach, s. m. a curlew guna-mop, gunna-mor, s. m. a cannon
giiRcA. gunncha, s. m. a prison
gujmjon, guiinionn, s. a holy relick gujli, gunnoir, s. m. a gunner
ginn, gui, s. f. an enemy gunltogA, gunragadh, s. erring, straying
gup, guin, s. f. points, darts, pain, stitch bunF54im, ?unragaim, v. I err, stray
gupop, guinckenp, s. a pillory , gunta, s. m. a man of skill and experience, a
gummi, gutnim, v. I wound, prick, sting prving man
gup, guinn, see cjtuc - Bun4, gunta, a. prepared
gujfieac, guinneach, a. sh. rp-pointed, prickly, keen gunta, gunta, a. wounded
5ul]|e, guinnlie, s. the falling sickness gunrAbapr, guntabhart, see cuntAbajjit
Sujnrce**, guinscead, s. a scar , guntac/i, s. m. costiveness

Su], gur, s. nearness 5ujtcc, guttach, a. fierce

Sup, gur, s. m. a blotch, wheal, pus formed by inflam Sup, ^, s. m. weight, force, strength; 5*n
mation worthless
5u], gur, s. m. a brood of birds, incubation Surgit, s- m. death
Sup, gur, a. sharp, valiant, brave Sup, , s. m. anger
5uj, gur, conj. that; pjt mije 5up,w, s. m. a deed
5u(i*b, has sometimes the negative sense of ; as, Sup, gus, 9. m. a desire, inclination
"5!n 5nl'*b ejoe*]* le tmme p bjc cpfac gup, gus, s. m. sharpness
t>o tap opju," instead of j]on n joeej le hon Sup, gus, a. smart, sharp, keen
t>ujne, &e. However ujub has more frequently Sop, gus, prep, to, nnto, until, as far as, gnf ,
the contrary positive sense. hitherto, gurpjn thither, until
Suju, guradk, s. hatching 5r*]Sl'j gusailgAil, s. the lowing of a cowoverher calf
5ujtA)ce6, guraiceach, s. m. a blockhead 5uprii*j, gusmhar, a. valid, strong, powerful
5ujil)*t*, gurchliathah, s. m. a pallisadoe Suprrup, gusmhar, . sharp, keen, 50 juptrap, sharply
Sujtrm, gurda, s. a gourd 5*> gusSar> s- m> roaring, making lamentations
Sujuu, gurna, s. a cave, den, hole SupgujtUc, gusgurlaeh, s. m. a keen, sharp fellow
-5ujjun, gun an, s. grunting, lowing, bellowing 5upc4l, gustal, s. m. protection
Sujir, fr/, s. m. pain, trouble, fierceness 5upt4l, gustal, s. m. ability, affluence


II m not admitted as a letter into the Irish Alphabet, nor otherwise employed in the Irish Language than as a mere
aspirate, ,n the same manner as in the Greek. The Greeks anciently used (H) as a letter, 2nd not merely as an
rffaS ? ?4$har5C8 ' the7 m0St 8ncient A'phabets, and it is well known they wrote THEOS
with the different letters () and (H) instead of THEOS written with the single letter Theta. In the Irish Lan-
ginge (H) is prefixed as a strong aspirate betre words beginning with a vowel? and having reference to objects of
the Female sex, as a kaidh, her face; h'r, her gold; and secondly, when such words are preceded by the Irish
propositionsi to o re, with or by, which take place not only in ordinary words, as le h'r ueus h'airod, with gold
and silver, but also the names 01 Countries, Principalities and particular Clans, as h'OsruiMbh, hh'Vladb,
with or by the people of , with Ulidia; It is now called Uath, from Uath the whitethorn tree.


I is the eighth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and the third of the five vowels, of the denomination of caol or small
vowels. It is called lodha from lodha vulgo ibhar the yew tree, Lat. taxus, and is not unlike the Hebrew Jod, and
Gr. lota, as to its appellative. The Irish Language admits of no (I) consonant no more than the Greek, and it seems
to appear by the following examples that the Latins' did not use it as a distinct character, for they wrote, as rrisvian
tells us, peiiui for pejus, and eiius for ejus, &c. In our old manuscripts e and i were written indifferently one for
another, as has been observed in the remarks upon e. It is the prepositive vowel of those diphthongs ,and triphthougs
which are called na cig, Ifine, or the five iphthongs from lfin the gooseberry hush, Lat. grossuiaria, via. ia, iai, iu,
, and io, of which we find in used among the Hebrews, as Heb./, Lat, os ejus.
U 3,
)2i) JAI
1, i, s. an art, science jr-lpe, iaisg-linne, s. a fish-pond
J, i, . an Island ; . . Colujm ), the Island of I, ial, s. m. light
{, Columbus II, tail, s. a shoe ; Heb. naal, shoes
), i, pron. she, her ,11, tali, s. m. a flock, herd, drove
1, i, a. low, shallow All, tall, s. f. a latchet, thong ; Heb. naal, to latch,
J, i, prep, in ; " ConcooAjt mcc , i. e. shut
Cu*t>tfiuiAn, r<0) weprccnAjgte yn jccj-, ~ h] ffjlj- 11, lall, s. God forgive you. Sh.
> ccc." 4 Mast. 1483. aIIa, iallach, s. m. a brace, thong
i, , gen. and plur. of ua, a descendant; *4K}lH^n aIIac, iallach, a. full of thongs
]nge*n ] homn]H ben uj bfoogjll, tojjjt>e<lD , iallachrann, s. shoes
ccc." 4 Mast. 1549. Allin, iall'in, ) . , 1,.,
la, ta, s. a country. The ia of the Romans comes |11, tallog, \ s' m- a thong shoe-maker's thread
from this root ; Gall-ia, Ital-ia Ia1c5 leAtAjj, ialtogleathair, s. abat
la, iach, s. m. a salmon , ian, 3. a vessel
UUb,iachadh, Is' m' 11> a scream, aery, howl, n, ian, s. the blade of a sword
UU\,iackal, ) anoise ApAl, iapal, s. a controversy
, tar, s. the end, every thing last, every extre
ACAjm, iachaim, v. I scream, yell, howl mity . ,
1, iachd, s. a sigh. Kcat. p, tar, s. a weasel
Jaca, achdadh, s. a noise, cry, yell, lamentation ; , , s. the west
" o h]*rot> ) ^ rgl pjn 50 mop
]t, er, s. a bird
le jre*it*)D ejjjo." . . . , , a. dark, black *
4t>ft)m, iachdavni, v. I yell, howl ajt, , a. back, backwards, west
), lAchdar, s. m. the bottom, foundation, lower , , adv. after, afterwards
part , , for a)J, at, upon
])-04, tachdar-chanus, s. the bssus-eantus UpA-puAro, iaradh-ruaidh, the male weasel
in music pA.]n, larain, \ adv.. afterwards, again, anew, afresh,
)6r>*pu)5e, iachdaruighe, a. lower, lowest, inferior ajvan, , thenceforth
Jao, iad, pron. they, them , iatann, s. . iron
Jabati, iadliadh, s. shutting, closing, forming, sur apAgA, taranngha, a. iron
rounding *-*1, iarann-gheal, s. tin
Jati4)m, iadhaim, v. I shut, close, join, bind apbel, lslillalive
Jacal, iadal, s. a disease jbeo, larbhco,}
Jarifa, iWstf, pron. from these pbleotAn, iarbhltotJian, s. after-milk
1>, iadsan, pron. they, themselves AjiceAfi, iarcheann, see jAjjtceAfi
br-ryn, 1 pron. those jtornA]]ieArh, iarchomhaireamh, s. after-reckoning
1 T* 3J Hu^me, iarchuimhe, s. after-game
)orum, iudsum, pron. they, themselves, ; * - ft]tclcA, iarculta, a. churlish, backward
4]tei }4crum p^]f ." i?, //on. Apwie, iard, s. a faun ; i. e. bec cc. 0. g.
jAfUt, iadhshlat, s. honey suckle, woodbine ; Lo Ajtnrn, .'ordain, see )|)
nicera periclyinenum , iardheas, south-west
)<\<, ladh/a, a. shut, closed, joined A]iwj, iardhon,. s. a brownish, black
Ja ^> s- m- an island, a country jfpiO], urdhraoi, s. a remnant, posterity
|*ilDeo)l, iaiibheoil, s. a bridle-bit AjifApe, iaifaidhc, s. m. ward, custody, protection;
)jU]m, iaraim, v. I ask, seek, look for, beg At OOA OAJ )A)fA]t>e."
jApAm, iara.v, 1 adv. afterwards, agaii)*auewrafresh, AjtjrlAt, iarfhlaih, s. m. one next after the prince,
), iaramh, J thenceforth a feudatory, lord, one depending on a greater;
), iaran, s. m. iron hence }1, earl
lAjiDitepe, taibhreithe, s. after-birth, secundinej 4]1], iarfhlaitkeachd, s. f. aristocracy
offspring Ap5*l, iargal, s. a skirmish, battle, strife
]ayieA, aircheann, s. occiput, the noddle Ajt^AltA, iargalta, a. churlish
]]1}5, iairdrighe, s. progeny, posterity ^, iargan, s. m. groans of the dying
*]l,eb*ll1' ; s> consequence Aftj;AnA, iargaiiach, a. uneasy, in great pains,
Jaj1 jeuji, iuirfheur, s. m. after-grass. afflictive
))J5C]a11, iairgciall, s. m. afterwit
Alb<ot, iargaoth, west wind
)A)lmbeAllA, iairmbearla, an adverb according to A]i5nor>, iargnodh, s. m. anguish, grief
the modern grammarians, but the ancients called
Ajigu]!, irguil, s. f. a skirmish, battle
all words by this name except nouns and verbs
)]1, iairsceart, the west jt^udeA, iarghuihach, a. warlike, contentious
1 A]itpeB, iairtreabh, s. a habitation aj51, iargul, s. a remote district. Donl. 430.

ajiIa, iarla, s. m. an earl jAjirmA, iarsma, s. an incumbrance, burden

bjl*t, iarlacht, s. f. an earldom ; * Sjp jAjtrmA, iarsma, s. a new year's gift
)Fir 11 n* hejjteAfl occ ~] juplac cjlle baja )4)irmAC, iarsmach, a. benificent, generous
mc Sejn cAjm n jaj1a, )urx^ p jAppmAcr, iarsmacht, s. f. generosity, bounty
c, ]*ln5 S)ji eAcb*jJtc." 4 Mast. 1454 AjtpocAjn, iarsodhain, see ^jip^n. . v.
JajiIajcjju^ac, iarlaithriughadh, s. a preparation ]1, iarspealadh, s. after-grass
JajiIuj*, tarins, s. an earnest-penny ]AjttA)5e, iartaige, s. posterity, descendants
Jafmu, iarma, adv. after, afterwards 1]]5, iartaige, s. domestics, refuse
Iajhtiac, iarmad, s. a remnant jAjicp, iarthar, s. the west country; from jAp and
7**], masin, according to that, after that; .
e. t>o pjj rjn. e. lAjiiAjt, iarthar, ") western west
)4pmA)lte, iarmailte, s. the skies UyUyUt, iartharthach,]*" western> webt
)]tm]]t, iarmair, s. remnant, remainder )]<], iarttain, adv. afterward; " So Ajp 1]
lAjimAjtr, iarmart, s. riches ]11 rheje %hujjeAj*tAj 50 fojt*jce
JapmejiT;, iarmart, s. consequence, issue of an affair ejA tt)5)b jApctA)ii." 4 Mast. 1419.
lAptojj, tarthoir, s. m. a beggar
uWt, krmat, } s- offspring, progeny, posterity ), iarthnath, north-west
JajimbupU, iarmbeurla, s: a pronoun ; an indeclin 1a]ua1ac, iarualach, s. m. the after-birth, secundine
able particle lAimj-eAfOjt), iartnn-easaidh, s. a crisping iron
jApmbujlle, iarmbuille, s. an after-clap, a back-stroke JajU))P, iarumnidh, a. chalybeate, ferrous, fen ferrugi
]a)mibunut>Ar , iarmbunudhas, s. derivation nous
jAjirhejpje-, iarmheirghe, s. mattins, morning prayer, lAjtum, iarum, adv. after, afterward; then. Lec. 12.2.
rising early )6>, iasacdj s. a loan, use ; 4j]t jArAt, in loan,
lAjtmopoAcc, iannofoacht, s. enquiry, questioning borrowed
jAjtmojjteAcr, iarmoireacht, s. f. pursuit; "Jncj-Aj- Iatacao, iasafhad, s. profit, advantage
ceAiurh 1a oitca mAjr meg lArAcAie, iusachdaidhe,\ ,.
ujcjj, a} Ph|l|b ; meg ujojjt jcqp 1***' }S.m.acieditor
^ mojiA cotAbAjprJAjp- ^ujticjj IataIac, iasalach, a. easy, feasible
col U ^ hj ccloj ^, ) jrAlAt), iasalachd, s. facility
o*jr*50*jl cojb jtia uaca pop n* ), <ise, s. m. sauciness, petulance
ccjec. Ph]l)b bjtejt jajj jrjn )A]mojjeACT." lAj-ACA, iasatach, a. squeamish
4 Mast. 146 S. !*' Is- m a fish ; pysc
, iarmsma, s. a remnant lasg,) ' "
jAjmuc, iarmadh, 1 s. a chain of thread, a skein ; con- lAfCA', iascadh, s. a fishing out"
^AjiTiAn, iarnan, J fusion )56, iasgach, a. fishey, fishful :
})1, amachan, s. m. an iron tool , iasgachd, s. f. the act of fishing
jAjiriApoe, iarnaidhe, gen. and plur. of jaJaii ]Af5At)]l, asgadoir, s. m. a fisher; Welsh pysgodwr
}AjnAjc]m, iamaidhim, v. 1 smooth or iron linen- '*5 llc'*^ iasgair chladh, s. fish at spawning. Sh.
?A|tnco]fe, iarnao'sc, the iron- age lArgAjpe, iasgaire, s. m. a fisher, fisherman
Janncojre, iamaoise, s. after ages lArgajlteACf, iasgaireachd, s. f. fishing, the art of fish
jAjnoe, lamdoe, s. a fawn ing, fishery
) Ajin}]*, iarnoir, s. an iron monger '5*1 cipne4, iasfaire cairneach, s. an osprey.
aj, iarog,, s. f. a weasel Levit. 11, 13.anostnch. Job 32, 13. a king's fisher.
1aj5, 07, s. f. a puliet O'B.
IaJ^, wr<, s. f. anguish, grief bfsn, iasgan, s. m. a little fish, a muscle.
jAtfHe, iarradh, ~)s, a request, petition, prayer, ArgjcAc; iasgitheacii, s. piscivorous
IajijiajCj iarraidh, > demand, vow, search, quest, jAj'jlo, iasg'och, s. a fish-pond
, arrotas, )' bidding )5-]*1)5<> iasg-sliogach, s. shell-fish.
J 1 J jm, iartaim, v. I ask, seek, request, pray, irrtreat, jt, , s. land, a country
look after, search for IrttA, iathadh, s. surrounding, closing in
jAjt^ATA, iarrata, part, asked )]), iathaim, v. I surround, close up
)))0, larralaidhe, s. m. a probe ; the horn or 11., iaihiacht, s. a sigh
feeler of an insect Arlu, iatlu, s. a little feather or fin ; i: e,; ejte lu naj
lAfipui^reo]!, iarriitghtheoir, s.m, a beggar, seeker, beg
enquirer, a candidate Iacca, a. shut, closed. M*Par. 51
7AfrceA)tr, iarsceart, the west )b, s. a country, a tribe of people
, iarsceartach, a. westerly IT), :bh, second prson ioiperat. of jB)m
Ajiprn, iars'in, adv. after that, afterward, whereupon 'b, pron. ye, you
lAprmA, iarimir, s. a relick, remnant; Reh. iaresh, lbe*]i| ibhear, s. marble
to inherit, iresha, inheritance

})1, ibhim, v. I drink, imbibe IcIJimanat), iJirmamchd, s. Hydromancy

lone, ibhne, s. drinking Jojiur.eoantjj, idinnheodhantair, s. a mediator, in
Ifipic, ibhnCi a. of or belonging to marble tercessor
IDcea, ibhtheach, a. soaking, that drinks or imbibes b|]uhmjjrn, idirmlnighim, v. I expound, inter-
wet prei
le, ic, s. f. acure, remedy, balsam loj (immure, idirmhinighthe, part, interpreted
'c, ic, s. f. an affix, supply lt>Jltrhjnj5reoj}i, idirmhmightheoii;\s. m. an inter-
Ic, <, written in old ftJSS- for ag, at ljpceanjiojji, idh+heangthoir, J prter
Jca, '//, s. payment, redeeming Jtj]p-]t)5e4r, idir-rlgheuchd, s. an interregnum
lea, .:/, s. loosening, expounding. Lee. lojjiraniul tdirtamut, s. an interval
Ico aip , ichd air neaelid, at any rate lona, idna, s. arms, weapons
Ice, ttt, balm. Exec. 27. 17. lonu]c, idnuic, s. agoing, passing
Ice, /Ve, gen. of jc loo, idho, see jooa
leca, iceadh, s. healing, curing lool, idhol, s. m. an idol
leea, iceadh, s. suffering, paying for - lol-a]a. idhcl-adhradh, s. idolatry
Icjm, /, v. I heal, cure Ireapn, ifearn, s. Hell
Jcjm, icim, v. I supply, eek Ipjn, fin, s. f. a goose-beiTy
Icjtn, icim, v. I pay, suffer Irjnioe, ifinidla, diphthongs and triphthongs be
Jclur, iclus, s. healing by herbs ginning with the letter 1
Iclupavm, iclusaim, v. I heal by herbs Jpjrjonoa, ifrionda, a. hellish
lemape, chinare, s. a coming, passing, jcmaiic ]p )p]i)o, ifnoun, s. m. Hell
ojmapc, ingress and egress Ipitjoia, ifrionnacht s. m. a hellish fellov*
1er, icht, s. humanity, good-nature Ippjonac, tfrionnacA, a. hellish
lt>, id, s. a ring > s. a ring
Id, id, a. good, just, honest ) %, igh, s. tallow, grease
lr, id, pron. in thy, ", e. yn t>o, or y Igea, igheach, a. greasy
Jr>, id/i, s. a wreath, collar, chain ; " H]j Saxan lie *'iie }9' ^' '<' variety
vo o]< tjolajcea go Hua Nill, ) mac
605a }, i. e. oz piara aap oa fjeax 00 psajilajo, 11, il, a. great, much
1 1-6 )j>." 4 Mast. 1464. 11, il, a particle in composition meaning,- grar,
1>, </ , s. a ridge much, many
lr>, , s. use llac, ilach, s. m. destruction
/ U b'j idhad,
w'.uuj a.
ci, chaste,
V, ijuoia. y clear UBupa, ilblieusach, a. arch, of various ways and
loappalaii, idarfalamh, \ s. aspace, distance of time humours
loajipap, idarfas, > or place }!ceait>a, dcheardach, Is. m. a jack of all
loo]]t, iddir, at all. Sh. liceajnoajge, ilcheardaihe,\ trades
loeapp, idears, adv. towards lleajina, ilehcarnach, a. multangular
lt>ea]uunnap, idcarvmnas, s. a distance lljaJIec, ilchialLich, a. having many meanings
Itfjr, id'td, s. cold llumajps, iUhumaisg, s. f. a misceilaney
lojp, /V/'r, prep- between, betwixt lumajpgfe, ikhumaisglhe, a. miscellaneous
Jxfjp, /V, adv. at all llealBa, ildhcalbhach, a. well-featured
Jojji, ', conj. both, jt>j|t cljj agap tuat. Inisf. Ibbanat), ildheanadh, s. variation
1136. : llanajm, ihiheanaim, ,v^. I vary
lojjiapjan, idirasgan, s. a putting asunder, lut llcanmua, ildheanmuadh, s. an emblem
**** mediators, see epeajiapgana I He, He, s. f- an island ; " %ac me)c oiiftajH rw
loj|-c)an, idir-chian, adv. far off, afar, remotely lAlban, i. e. 5;olla erpujc mac bomna^ll ti.eic
distant eojn hile -os" 4 Mast. 1473.
lo]}ujt, idiichur, s. interposition lie, , s. a crowd, a multitude
bj^eama, idirdhealadh,
tdirdhealbhadh, Is' ******.. . ... lie, le, ls> f; diversity, difference
bjpoealugar., idirdhcalv.ghadh,) Ierence Heap, has,}
, i'tnf/, s. m. ordure, dung; gen. )lj
lojjioeailjarm, idirdhealbhaim, v. I distinguish llpilleax), ilfkillcadh, s. complication
Jtwnwr, WfrW, ) djstance Hp-ilrea, Ifhilteach, a. complex
Jojfigeanap, tairgeanas,) }ic,nea, dgneath, a. skilful
]D)]iu5, idireug, s. change of the moon llgneafcca, ilgnethcca, a. strange, unusual. Sh.
lojjipcar, iairfcadh, |s. room, roominess, )|njt,ear ilghnithcach, a. of ail sorts, diverse, various
Joippeapnat, idirfeasntdh, ) s|*icc , ikhraiiieach, a. very horrid, ugly
Jo]Hu*lHe> idirgnuaille, s. the space between the Lljijiapa, Hghreasach, s. m. an inn, lodging
shoulders ll5u)jm, i'.ghvjdhim, v. I vary, alter
IMC mi nib

Jljomao, iliumad, a. manifold, very ranch JnvA|, imdliai, s. a bed, couch

}U, ill, s. evil, ruin, destruction ; see ub\*ll Jmeaoajpe, imdheadaite, s. m. a zealot
JIUran, illasan, pron. themselves, the very same Jmeajajl, imdlw.aghail, s. protection
people Jmeal, imiheat, s. a league, covenant
Jlleatii, ilkabhar, s. a volume or tome Jmealla, tmdhcallach, a. sordid
Jileaba}, ilkabhar, a. of many books , imdhearbhadh, s. m. a proof
Jlleabpac, ilkabhrach, a. voluminous )me4ftb*]m, imdhcarbhaim, v. 1 prove
Jlplr)arc, ilphiasd, s. in. a serpent, snalcc, adder )me*jtbt*, imihearbhlha, part, proved, maintained
Jlphjaroa, ilpiasdach, a. abounding with serpents ]]5*>, tmlhcur^adh, s. m. a reproof, reproach
Jljfjncjm, ilriticim, v. I dance Jrmbeaugapn, imdheargam, v. I reprove, rebuke, re
Jlj)nceat>, ilrinceadh, s. a ball, promiscuous dance proach, dispraise
)ireA]"*m, ilsiieastimh, s. distance )me*ii5f:a, imdhcargtha, part, reviled, rebuked
Jm, tm, s. f. butter ; gen. jme Jnroicear;, imdluchcat, )
Jm, im, in my, on my, yn *t>*n, on my face Jmpneac, imdh^iead, \ 9" ProteCODS
Jm, im, prep, about; jm an 4mro Jnvoroeen, imd/iidean, s. protection
Jm, im, prep, with, along with ; " bo tajnjcc To]}i]- Jmojol, iW/'/, s. guile, deceit, fraud
oe*lb*c * im l<o*lb n* '." Jnvjoll, imdhioll, s. a feast
Jm*t>, imad, s. a bed ; gen. jmc*. L,tc. Jmtsjoll, imdioll, s. f. anger
Jm*t>, imad, s. an island. Zw. Jmoojiu'jr, imd/wni:s, s. m. a back-door
J mat, imad, see joma Jme, e, s. f. a fence, Br. L.
Jmaoujaw, iviadnghadh, s. multiplying ]me*r, imeacht, s. f. walking, going
Jmajn, imuin, s. driving Jmeacpajs, imcachtraigh, s. plough-bullocks
Jmamjm, imainim, . I drive Jmaxs, imead, s. jealousy
Jm*)]iec, imairec, \ s. plundering, devastation, ran- lma'oac, imeadach, \ ,
Jma)]i5>' imairg, ) sacking ' , .
Jmeaomaji, j i
imtaimhar, J} a. Jealous
Jmairjsjt), imaithghidh, s. use, custom, experience. Jmat)4)le, imeadaire, s. m. a zealot
SA. Jmc43*)l, imeagail, \ s. f. freight, fear, dread, ter-
Jm*pb*x>, imarbliadh, see jom*pba Jme*5la, imeagla, i ror
Jmbap, imbaidh, in amity ; in friendship ; " Coga Jme*slac, imcaglac, a. fearful, terrible, frightful
mop oo ejp^e epztjp u* Njll, ornn*llm*c ] Jme*5l*}m, imcagla'm, v. I fear
nhpero, ) e5n Nejll jee jijogam* Cenel Jme*5iu5*o, inn-aglughadh, s. affrighting, terrifying
eoj*]n. t*)U)5 ogan pubaj uj Ohorhnajl Copp- Jmeagluj^ce, imeagtuio/ulu, a. ailrighted, terriiied,
eealba, -j oo Jje ac*paojta oupnapm fji)f." 4. daunted
Mast. 1419. Jmeal, iincal. s. f. an edge, border, coast
Jmajibur, imaibhas, see )om*]ib*r indiscriminate plumier and destruction
Jmapcac, imarcach, see ]om*C(c Jme*l*, mear, s. marble
)mi]|ir, imairt, see )mjpc Jme*ro]!5*jn, ivieasorgain, s. f. strife, contention
Jmalac, imalach, a. remote, sequestered Jmejpr, imeirt, see jmjpc
Jmbe*fc, imbeart, s. playing, plotting ; "i. ..-njpt ; Jmeo6*m, imcocham, v. we will go, let us go
to*]' oo jmbejpc popp*, to plot their death )rhfeaca)n, imjheadain,\s. f. a draught, drawing,.
Jmbptr, imbirt. s. inflicting;; " CU Njll jajpi uj Jmpeatima, imfeadhma, J pull
Oh)rhn*)ll, '^, Cofi | Cojan t^Urha )mf), i/, see jmpjoea
Kon *tr)on-)l col 50 Vanado 'ojjjfi mac meje )m5-, imgliaoth, s. an ed lying wind
Sujone, l-Ab;olmujtie, u*jp b<oj un bomnajU, Coptji- Jm]*a5, imiadha?, s. a coupling or joining together
realbac Carjippeac *5 jmbj]*- * apcjrjoe poji mac Jiujleacai imikadadh, s. unction
me]c Sujbne ) foj ujle rpj* n* ajiarjiaT) Jnrjleaoajm, imikadam, v. I anoint
la clopi Njll." 4 Mast. 1461. Jmjljm, '/, v. I lick
Jmcjmnjjpn, imchamnighim, v. I walk round Jimpac, imirad, s. a ridge of land
Jmcvn, mc/m5 la farremote \s. a journey, deceseion, de-
Jmjan, imchian,\ Jmj}c tmirc, X: parlare, removing from
re moving
Jmceiftj imcheisb, s. perplexity Jmjlce, imirczadh, | Li ^lace
Jmcjll, imchill, prep, about JmjpCjm, l'l'4'J
imircim, v. ^1 remove,
^.vv., uupui
Jm]m, imchim, v. I.goon, proceed, march 1))%, imirighe, s. emigration, peregrination
Jmrpn, imchim, v. 1 conquer, overcome, oppress, Jmjpjm, imifim, v. I give, go, depart
force, compel, rescue Jmj)r, imirt, s. f. play, playing, dalliance
Jmcomjia, Imchamhradfi, s. Thesis Jmjprjm, imirtim, v. I play, game
Jmubap, imchtdhaidh, a. fit, proper Jnqntlan, imirtlan, s. a gaming house
jmcuu*ye*cT>, imchubhaidhcuchd, s. fitness, pro- JmUc, imlad, s. motion, stirring
priety Jml<>*}m, imuidaim, v. I change, move, alternate
Xxjc. i i'

Imlin, im/an, a. full, perfect, entire ]mre4tf4, imseachttachyS. m. a project

Jmlnaco, imlanachd, s. fullness, perfection Jmre4l5n4, imseargna, see rmearojijftjn
Jmleaoap, imleabhar, s. a tome, volume 'mf5eln5 insgeing, a small apartment
ImleaC, imleach, s. m. lick Imj-juuUjm, imshiubhlaim, v. I walk about, ramble
)mle*4t>, imleachadh, s. licking Jmfnjorii, imshniomh, s. heaviness, sadnes.4
)mleo5, imleog, s. f. the navel Imrrrjorfl, imshniomh, s. care, diligence
)mlj5)m, imlig/iim, v. I lick Jmj-njoriwc, imshniomhach, a. anxious, solicitous
Imljjce, imlig/ithe, part, licked Imppuf. , imshrutk, s. contrition
Jme4ct>, imtheachd, s. f. progress, migration, depar
lJpc^,hn)iocan,\s-m-the navel ture
Imljoc, imtioc, a. bordering on a lake 1mre4t>, imtheachd, s. f. an adventure, feat
Jmne, imne, adv. thus )mreou)e, imtheachduighe, s. m. a traveller, a
)mne]j-j]m, tmneisighim, v. I bind, tie person about to depart
Imnpe, tmntdhe, s. care, diligence Jmteaoujjfe, imtneachdmghthe, part, departed,
Imnjrea, imnidheach, a. careful, anxious, solicitous gone
)mri)rj, hnnisi, s. contention, disunion )mteapc, itntherc, a. long, i.e. , o.g.
Imnjfi, imnisi, s. a tie, bond, obligation )mrejic, imthearc, a. little, t. e. becc. o. g.
Imnjrjm, tmnisim, v. I yoke, tie Jmrjj, imthigh, v. begone, 2d pers. imper. of jm-
Impp, impidh, s. f. a twig, rod*
Jmpie, unpidlie, s. m. a prayer, petition, supplica )mf)5)m, vnthighim, v. I go, emigrate, remove
tion, intercession Jmjiearcpa, imthreascradh, s. wrestling
)mppe, impidhe, s. m. conversion, turning )|14], imthreascraim, v. I wrestle
Imppeac, impidheach, s. m. a petitioner, intercessor Jmiuajtgan, imthuargan, s. . a conflict, battle
Inippjm, impidhim, \v. 1 beseech, intreat, pray> Jmru]*, imthus, s. f. a progress, expedition
lmpu)5jm, impuighim,\ request, concert ) mrur, imthus, % f. history
7mp)i, impir, \ meur, imthusa, s. adventures, feats
mpijie, impjrej- m> an emPeror In, in, in old MSS. written for the article an
JmpjjieActi, imphcachd, s. f. an empire )n ? in ? interj. is it ? ' )n 45 pe*]i4)D bolg njt
)mpjjte<rhu]l, tmpireamhuil, a. imperial no )n 45 -,u4r4 e t)4n4jn."
Impose, impoighte, part, converted ]n, in, prep, in ; this is always use.d in old MSS.
7mp4t>, imradh, see jompao instead of the 4 of the moderns
)m]tt)4jm, imradhahn, see jomjirtoajm )n, in, s. a country
lmfiAre*, imradfitcach, see ]om}4jt)cen Jn, in, like 4n and *jn, is sometimes a negative
Imperii, imramh, see }om}rh and sometimes an intensitive particle, see 4jn
)m]te4cc4p\ imreacca'il, s. F. a meeting, rencontre and 4
jmpeaccujfj, imreacciubh, v. it happened, fell out )n, in, adj. little, small
)injtC4r, imrcas, \s. m. dispute, controversy, )n, in, a. used in compound words, means fit, proper
ImjtedfAn, imreasan, ) strife, misunderstanding lri4, ina, adv. than
)*, imreasanach, a. controversial, discor )n'4, iri"a, in his, her, &c.
dant Inip, inaid, than are ; " S&r me4r4 me mop1
)}140, . imreasanadh, s. contending, dis jnip fi4 be44t)4)j bjt]oe4ml4." S. . 52.
puting ^r)T)^te, inaitighthe, a. habitable
)mjie4]-jm, imreasaim, \v. I strive, dispute, ]n4r, inas, see.)on4p
}m|ieranjm, imreasanaim, J contend ]nbe, inbhe, s. quality, dignity, rank
Impearinujce, imreasanuidhe, s. m. a disputant Inbe, inbhe, s. happiness, temporal good
Impjmnjjjm, imre.mnighim, v. I travel, go about Jnoeec, inbheach, s. m. a notch
}mteii, mrnn, on or through Ireland, . )m Inneee, inbheach, a. eminent, forward, in perfect
jjijri, i. . 4 6)i-) ,Z?r. . healtli, in high rank
Impejre, miase, see jmfteor^n ]nrje40t4]Ti, inbheachtam, s. danger; e. contaBajit.
)mjulr, imrcult, s. a star
7rrr)t]m, imrim, s. a riding, apace or gait of a horse Inrjeeji, hbhear, s. m. the mouth of arivcr, an ostiary
)mjim, imrim, v. I play, amuse 7nTie)jr, inbheirt, s. f. a perfect birth
Jmpojlour, itr.rordus, see ))|, inbhir, see inreirojp
Inircjnj, imrcitig, s. f. a bed-, closet; "i.e. JnSljjejn, inbhlighain, s. the barking of a dog
hoi bee ijrr.ceelU )" . g. )nbjt45nu)5f:e, inbhreagnuighthe, a. fallible
Irnrcjn^jz'wisiwg, s. f. acover, coverings "i. e. curii- )ne4u]j, incheamiuigh, a. saleable, merchantable,
>." .. that may be bought
Jmre4c, imseach, a. revengeful nj, inchinn, s. the brain
)mrc4C*n, imseachan, s. m. rage, fury )nom4iui)5f-e, inchomamigfithe, a. notable


JnpeAcA, inchreachadh, s. blame, rep roach I 5> s. f. a neck of land

Jnpe*04t>, /c/ret7/'rf//,s.gleaningorleasingof com J"5> ^, 8. f. peril, danger
JnpeACArm, inchreachaim, v. I consider '"5 '"> ln composition like , , and jn, is some
Jncpepte, increidthe, a. incredible times a negative and sometimes an intensitive
JncpejmoACT;, inchreimlulhacht, a., corrosibility particle
Jn6)>jocnuj5t:e, inchriochnuighthe, a. finite JngAjite, ingaire, s. herding
)nju]ni5te, inchruinigktlu, a. leviable Jn^e, inge, conj. but
J no, rW, s. a head, the head of an arrow or javelin Jngean, inghean, s. f. a daughter
)nx>, ind, written in old MSS. for the article ), as JngeAjt, ingear, s. a level, perpendicular
4 jno fJJ1, for 4 fjjt IngeAjtAfi, ingearach, a. perpendicular
Jnt>e, inde, ) , . " Jngeoce, ingedthe, of twins in the womb ; what comes
Jm>e, nde*ck,r the fiS tree to perfect birth
Jnoearhujn, indeamhuin, a. fit for the devil, devilish, )nje)lc, ingheilt, s. f. feeding, grazing, pasture
termagant Jnsejlqm, ingheiltim, v. I feed
Jnoanc*, indeanta, a. feasible, practicable ^n55'*)n i*gglai*t s- uncleanness
Inoejbjp, indheithbhir, a. illegal; . a mplj^eArhujI. bgUn, inghlan, a. dirty, filthy, unclean
Br. L. Injjn, inghin, s. f. a daughter
Jrrojne, indine, s. a fight, engagement )ngjn-]le, inghin-cheile, s. a daughter-in-law
Jngjlt, ingilt, s. feeding, grazing
5ne{oiia,'?,}a- edible, saleable, payable JngjoltAr, ingioltas, s. pasture ground, ground fit for
Jnojolujge, indioluighe, s. m. one able to pay feeding
Jm^oluj^eAcr, indioluigheacht, s. ability to pay Jnjjp, ingit'y s. f. an anchor
IntsjongbAlA, indiangbhala, a. suitable, matchable ^n5]l* 'no'r> s* * a hne used by carpenters or masons
JnojoraltA, indiotalta, a. fineable 15]}1, ingir, s. f. affection, grief, sorrow
Jncjp, indir, sometimes written in old MSS. fer jojj Jngjujl, ingiuil,s. f. consequence, conclusion
Jne)le, rtfr*, a. angry, irritable JngjujIeA, ingiuileach, a. consequent
Jnoljgie, indlighthe, a. brutish, ungovernable ; " - Ingle, inghle, a. impure, unclean
jwoljjte." Bal. 8. 1 Inglp, inglcid, s. f. a hook
JnoljgteA, indlightheach, a. lawless Jnglje, inglinne, a. unfirm, loose, insecure
Jntdjor, indlios, s. a court Insno, inina, 7 , f. _
Ingne, J Jo
Jnr*)e, insaidhe, see
J , ineach, s. m. the woof, weft, or shoot in weaving )ngn]t>jm, ingntdhim, v. I nip, pinch
JneA, ineach, s. m. generosity, hospitality, keeping a Jn5iAj, ingrat, keeping, herding ; " 1 Acob Ag Jflbl1*)
c<ejAc." L.Brec.
good house ]nfjm, inghrcim,\s. f. persecution, oppression,
7, ineach, see )
JneArpeAr, ineachthreas, s. f. a fair or public meeting 7n5l>)rh, inghrimh, ) ravening
IneAgb, ineagla, s. terror, dismay Inypymte&b, ingreimthcach, s. m, a persecutor
-- tii:ji _ j. JnjACAj, Matar, s. a bowel or entrail
Jn]t>, inid, s. f. a shrove tide ; Welsh ynid
;uujo^, 6' J Jn), inida, )s bowels entais
JneAltA, inealta, a. neat, well made Jn}t>e, midhc, )
)1, inealtachd, s. neatness, being well done Injlr, inilt, s. f. fodder
JneAlrfiA, incaltradh, s. pasturage 7njrc)m, iniltim, v. I feed, graze
Jnejljgte, ineighthe, a pleadable Jnjnj, ining, a. clean, pure
Jnejrcjgte, ineistighthe, a. audible InjomAf, iniomchar, a. portable
JnfAjcrm, in/haiciin, a. visible, notable 7n|jr, inirt, a. weak
), infasda, a. obnoxious. SA. );, inirte, s. weakness, feebleness
Jn feAtmiA, infheadhma, s. manlike action. <W. 7n]r, us, s. f. an island
InpeAwnA, infheadhma, a. serviceable Jnjr, inis, s. f. distress, misery
)npeAj5u)te, infearguighthe, a. irascible jpjr, second pers. imper. of )nrjm
, infeatha, s. meditations 7n)pce, inisce, s. reproach
JrtreAAjm, infeathaim, v. I meditate Injrcjsjm, iniscighim, s. a garden. L. Breac
)<,//,. fit for a husband, marriageable )\))1, inisim, see jnrjm
Jn^pjol, /, s. a servant, inferior
7> *"ff>isit s. a swelling
JnpoAr, infhochas, s. choice, election )nir)l, inhit, )a inferior humble, obedient
>nppeA5A)ttA, infhreagartha, a. answerable, respon Jnipol, mist ol,)
njtte, iwM//i*, ecliblej eatabje
7ng, s. f. force, compulsion, obligation )n]ce, iiH, )
JnhoctAt), inlaochtadh, a. fit to bear arrtrs
J 5, '^-, s. f. a stir, move IrilCA,
im JNT

bW, inleadh, s. making ready, preparing InireAtAim, infheathaim, v. I meditate, design, think,
'"leilb inkighh, a. curable intend
Jnlejjre, inleighte, a. legible 1"5)UH, inngiull, s. m. result
IniejrrguU, inleithsgeuia, a. excusable InjApjiuj^e, iniarruighe, a. desirable
Inljtn, iiim, v. I prepare, make ready, level )n]e, mnighe, see pipe
Jnrhe, inmhe, s. rank, dignity, pre-eminence, pre Jjl, innil, s. f. a gin, snare
cedence Irijl mnil, s. f. an instrument, md cmjl
Inrr.e, inmhe, s. an estate, patrimony, land , innil, I
nrheA, inmheach, a. eminent, high, ripe, advanced Ijolro, inniolta, \ proneto, ready
^, inmheadhonach, a. mean, middle, in Jjle, innile, s. cattle
ward )ndl, innill, s. a fort, garrison, ] reAgAvo piU
IrtrheaBonar, inmheadhonas, s. temperanee Ijir, mnilt, s. f. a handmaid
lTim*eu]ce, hmheaduighthe, a. muliipliable Ifijoc, innioc, s. a blow
Jnmeallr*, inmheatlla, a. deceivable, fallible )OC'a, inniachadh, s. agitating
InrhearoA, inmhcasda, a. commendable, probable ]]o6p} inniochas, s. m. choice
Irimep, inmheidh, see jnme joll, innioll, see jcaII
5), inmheodhamch, see jnroeA'orM ]rrr, wm', . f. distress, misery
Inrnjai, inmhianna, a. desirable Jjr, innis, s. f. an island, glazing ground
Jnrh)lle]n, inmhillein, a. blameable l|feA, inniscad/i, s. telling, relating
Jivhujn, inmhuin, a. dear, Ifeloved, loving, aflable, J^jp-eAls*, Innts-talga, s. an ancient name of Ireland
_ courteous Jnirim,
~ ' innisim,' 7> v. ,1 .te ,, , say,, relate
Jn, inn, see ]no
), /, s. a wave Ijrjoll, innts oll, a. very humble
l, inn, pron. we, us ))pce, imuste, part, told, related
J, inn, adv. in, therein Jjjm, innitliim, s. inclination, mind, intention
1)>, innainadh, s. a want, deficiency , imiudh, "1 . . .
3ftjjt>, innaraidh, wages, hire, reward )re*, js-lelljng' 'elafng
JnBeAjt, innbhear, s. m. pasture; " Ag*r fjfie pob*l )n]un, inmun, s. f. an onion
* pBjp *p c)]i)5 Urn." InleAC, innleachd, s. f. an invention, contrivance
)t)j4t), inndradh, see jojtot IleftAC, innlcachdach, a. inventive, iageaious
)e, iW, s. the middle, midst; " ]fie An e*n* . e. ]leo5, innleog, s. f. a child's baby
meoon u.rge." o. g. ]nl)t>, inlidh, s. f. forage
Ie. inne, i , , , ^, . )l)5ceo]j, nnlighthcoir, s. m. an aimer
],4, s- a boW(* entra,1 Plur- wvc ]l)f, innlis, s. m. a candle
hie*c, inneach., s m. a curse )nl|U5A0, innugliadh, s. aiming, designing
)*, inncach, s. mi woof or weft )l)Ub*im innliughaim, v. I aim, intend
)ne*t)r inneadh, s. m. want JopcAt, innorcadh, s. killing, destroying
11, inneal, s. restraint ))), innorcaim, v. I kill, destroy
Jiieall, in/l, s. service, attendance )o]icA)n, innircam, s. murder
7ie*ll, inneall, s. f. an instrument, tool, machine )u)iajc, mnraic, a. legal, fit, proper
, inneall, s. f. a mode, mood, state, condition , innreaca, see pijieAciA
Ificoll, inneall, s. f mien, carriage, deportment ]fi)ieArAjn, tmireachtain, see jnpeAcr*
Jneull, inneall, s. f. dress, attire ]i|i)om, mnnomli, s. preparation
)e*ll, s. f. process ]ret>, mnseadh, s. telling, narration
)AUAt>, innralladh, s. an instrument, engine ] eAfc,A, tiueaga, s. scattered spots of arable land on
Jelc4, inncalla, a. well-adorned, neat, sprightly mountains, or in woods
)el-s, mneciltachd, s. f. nicety, neatness )nrW)n, i/wsg/H, s. a pronoun. SA.
Jelcp*t), inneall) adh, s, pasturage ),-joa, innsiodha, plur. of pjr, an island
JealrjiAjm, inneall) aim, v. I graze Kite, innte, s. kernel of a nut
, inneamh, s. in. increase, augmentation ]ce, lierJ m it> therein
JfVSjjm, inneidhim, v. 1 tell, verify liiteA^, tnnleach, s. a way or roail, a gate
)fej], s. 1*. dung )t)D, inntibh, living, lively ; ' f. beo. o. g-
)rieJl*y, inneiridh, s. sitting up, watching )rjle, inrf/> s. a budget, wallet, satchel
jReojn, inneoin, s. f. an anvil ; Welsh eirmion )c]lle, tnntilk, s. a drinking-cup
)feo]n, inneoin, s. f. a navel, the middle of a pool lrljv innlinn, s. f. the mind, intention
jeom, inneoin, in spite of; prop, ajrrroeojn ' . . ^f a. highminded, spnglit-
}eojn, inneoin, s. m. a hero, defender . )), inniinneech, . hearty, jolly, mer-
JneojneA, inneoincah, s. striking, stamping 1 )^1,^ ^ 5151
7eon}m, inneoinaim, v. I strike, stamp Itjs, nnrm^e, a. mental

, inntleamh, s. accusation, complaint loclup, tortus, s. healing herbs

nrljori, inntliomh, s. treasure locluj-A, ioclusadA, s. healing by herbs
cljorhc, inntitamhcha, s. a treasury locpn, iocran, s. m. an inferior, a tributary
, inntradh, s. entrance. SA. )6, iocAroidheachd, s. f. discord
, inntrum, v. to begin, enter. 4. bcflinte, tocsklainte, s. a healing draught, cordial,
tpar, inntras, s. entry-money. nectar
,no]b)tj5re, inoibrigAthe, a. operable, practicable JocpljnteAC, iocshlain {il, sanative,
Jnon, mon, forsake of, on account of; /. fon. wholesome, cordial
. g. )or>, i'oA, s. f. a chain, collar
nphpoA, tnphosda, a. marriageable Joe, #, 1 s. the cramp, rheumatism ; any kind of
, mreachla, s. pudding; . purg. . . )ooa, todAa, J pain
, inreactha, a. saleable, vendible Joda, todAa, s. the yew tree, the name of the letter J
npejjce, inreigAte, a. pleasant, agreeable, affable JoaI, todAal, s. m. an idol
nrce, ictf, s. a sign, omen IoaIaco, MAalachd, ) ...
nrce, '/.-i-C', s. a battle, assault JodaIjia,, MAaladhradA, \ s'
nrce, msec, }s- sPeech, gender, sex ; -- )oAlcpApe, iodhaladhtaidhe, _
nrcne,;^,r [cne> m^ulme gender; ben- )ot>AlpAjeo]p, iodhaladhratgheoir, ['s. m. an i dob
1 J Jnrcne, the feminine gender )oAlA]5e, iodhalaighe, S tor
nre, hue. gen. and plur.of jnjr, an island ; jnpe 5*11, JodIIac, loallacA, s. m. an Italian
tiie Hebrides )ooa1, Jodalt, s. f. Italy
nrs)jm, insgidhim, v. I dilute ), iodhan, s a pike, spear, javelin
5|, insgin, s. f. a gender )ot>*n, iodhan, s. affection, obedience
nr^jnea, insgineach, a. sprightly }, lodAan, s. a confirming, fixing
nrgne, insgne, see jnrcne )0, iodhan, a. sincere
nj-juftnl. insAtubhal, a. passable ), iodhan, a. pure, clean, undefiled
npi, insma, s. a push, thrust, cast; jnrma gAe. Z\ ]>, iodhanu, s. pangs, torments
nee, inte, see jre JooAjicup, iodarchur, s. an interjection
, intteacAd, s. ingenuity, invention, contriv )1, iodarfolamh, s. an area, court-yard
ance ] oda \*,iodai mhala,s. space between the eye-brows
ntleecoA, intleacAdacA, \ a. ingenious, witty, ), lodars, towards
nr,le*o*mu]l, intleachdamAml, J sagacious, subtle loDAptAmAl, loiarthamal, s. space of time, distance
nromAjrte, inthomaiste, a. measurable, artificial )ooac, iodhat, s. m. diet
, intreabA, s. want ]ot>hA]fjm, iodhbAairim, see jonpAjm
, intreabhtha, a. arable }), todhbhairt, s. f. a sacrifice, offering
nrjtUAg, intruagA, a. miserable, pitiable, poor )0t>fAjJreA, iodhbhaii teach, s. m. a sacrificer
ntpeoltA, intseolta, a navigable JoBejjijm, iodhbheirim, see iot>D]Ajm
ntu-jce, intuite, a. fallible, apt to fall )oprjej)<feA0, iodAbheirtheacA, s. m. a sacrificer
, iobdh, s. . death )ot>BjtAjm, iodhbhraim, v. I sacrifice, offer sacrifice
ODAjfit, iobhairt, s. f. an offering, sacrifice ]01)0, lodhlacaidA, s. conveyance
, , s. f. payment, rent )1, iodhlan, s. m. a leap, skipping, dancing
oca, toca, s. healing )>1, iodhlan, s. m. a hero, warrior
, iocadA, s. paying 1010, iodhlanadh, s. leaping, skipping
ocAje, iocaidAe, s. m. a tenant, farmer, tacksman )>!), iodhiunaim, v. I leap, skip
ocA)m, iocaim, v. I pay, suffer, endure ), iodhna, s. spears, arms
ocAim, iocaim, v. I heal, cure )0, iodhna, s. protection, safeguard
, tocas, s. . payment lonA, iodhna, s. staying, deliberation
oc-ejpic, ioc-eirk, s. kindred-money, ransom )ot>n*, iodhna, s. brightness, purity
otx>, iochd, s. f. clemency, good-nature, justice JoonA, iodhna, a. clean, pure, undefiled
otxs, iochd, s. f. confidence ), iodhnacA, a. valiant, warlike, martial
oit), eecrf, s. f. children JonA, iodAnach, a. abounding in weapons
, iochdamhlacAd, s. f. clemency, mercy lowiApe, iodhnaidhe, s. m. a staying, dwelling
ooArhujI, iochdamhuil, a. clement, merciful )ot>nocAin, iodhnocaid, v. i,hey give, bestow ; i. e.
ooAji, iochdar, s. m. die bottom, lower pari co)pBe]lip, no w bejpjo
ot>AjA, iochdarach, a. lower, lowest, nether Jotjon, iodhon, see eADOjn
ooApn, iochdaran, s. m. a subject, deputy, inferior ), iodhus, si m. a tower, fortress
odcAjtAm-A, lochdarama, a. deputed )o$, iV>, s. a mother
.' iochdarantacAd, s. f. inferiority Ioa, io^Aa, see }ot>*
ocrntAji, iochdmhar, a. merciful, clement logAjle, ioghaile, s. the pylorus, or lower orifice of the
S;4 } f- - stomach
Yyy _ Josn,

login, iogan, s. m. a bird's craw lo|rbC, iolmhodhach, a. manifold, various

login, iogan, s. m. deceit, fraud Jolphre, iolphosadh, s. polygamy
lona, ioganach, a. deceitful 1o1jat>, iolradh, a. plural
logldC*, ioghlactha, a. tractable )olj-jol4t>, iolshiolladh, s. a polysyllable
logU)ep)ge4, ioghlaithrigheadh, s. consuming lolf-ljorna, iolshliosnach, a. polygon
lojUjijiTjgim, ioghlaithrighim, v. I consume lolijlgie, iolthilgthe, a. amphibolus
'* iogkras, s. m. uprightness loltojC4f, ioltorchas, a. variance, debate
loi, iol, signifies variety, and is a compositive Jom, iom, a particle prefixed to other words in i
particle position, andsignifies much, many ; as, jom bu*jlre,
lob, iolack, s. m. mirth, merriment, shouting, di )om cojjnjle*c
version 14, mua, a. divers, diverse
JoU, iolmeh, s. m. loss, damage, destruction 1)44, iomachai; s. m. a bier
}14>, iolacadh, s. burial, interment )4>, iomad, )s. much, plenty, a multitude, a
jol*c*jm, iolacaim, v. I bury, inter )om4t>, iomadh, ) glut, plethora
JoUgo, iolaghach, a. brisk, sprightly, perk Jom4t>, iomadh, s. envy
joUgA, iolagall, s. m. a dialogue 16, iomadnch, a. numerous, infinite
IoIa^II, iolagall, s. m. damage )om4T>*C4t>, lomadackadh, s. multiplication
loUlm, Maim, 1 r . lom4C4)g, iomadaigh, s. plurality, superfluity
joUiVjm, iolairhn, ) v" 1 -' chanSe JonuoAjge, ioinadaighe, a. major
jokijtjm, wlairim, v. I annumerate lom4t>4i5jm, iomadaighrm, v. 1 multiply, increase
joUnirbeftt), iolairmheadh, s. an numeration )omt>4il, iomadhall, s. m. guilt, sin, iniquity
")1, iolan, a. sincere lom44rhl4io, iomadamhlhd, s. f. abundance, plu
loUft, iolar, s. m. an eagle rality, multiplicity, multitude
loUp, iolar, a. plural 14]1, iomadamhuil, a. multipliable, numerous
)oU|t, iolar, s. much, plenty lom*oug, iomadughadh, s. a multiplying
loi aw, iolar, 1 , . j. lomAgAlU, iomagalladhyS. m. a dialogue
**<>, m- dlvers y }om4g4ll4t>, iomagalladh, s. m. dispute ; u bnjan u*
)o1a|*4, iolardha, a. diverse, various, sundry %4jlle tjo 1a t>epbp4)p iob u*
1ob|-515*, iolar-ghreagach, \ s. m. a gier SCijlIe, cj)4 jom4g4ll4 . * m*c C*)t>g
Jol*J-c)om]oll(, iolar-tiamchiollach, J eagle u) %4jlle jAorvoe." 4 Mast. 1460
}olA]t-ujrce, iolar-isce, s. m. an osprey lom4g4lUrb, iomagallamh, s. counsel, advice
Joloupkc, iolbheusach, a. multifarious lomAgn, iomagan, s. m. flitting
}olr}uAg4, iolbhuaghach, a. all-conquering, victorious, lomAguvn, iomaghuin, s. f. anxiety
triumphant lom4gu)ne4, iomaghuineach, a. anxious, distracted
lolcorac, iolchosach, a. having many feet lomAi, iomaidh, s. envy
)olcjo)f>e6, iolchroidheach, a. double-hearted, de J on i aj, iomhaidh, s. an image, statue
ceitful )oni4}T>, iomaidh, s. a couch
olcpuia, iolchrttthach, a. comely, well-featured )oni4jg, iomaigh, s. m. a border
IoIcjiucac, iolchruthach, a. multiform, various, incon )om4)g, iomaigh, s. m. champaign ground
stant lorhAjl, iomhaigh, s. m. an image
lolu^pe, iolchuire, s. m. sadness, lamentation lonujgeACB, lotnaigheachd, s. f. imagery
lolvAtfira, ioldamIi$a,s. m. a ball, promiscous dance, a)orhA)ge4t>, iomhaigh eadh, s. m. imagination
country dance )orh4]eAo)t, imaigheadoir, s. m. a statuary, limner
lolt>nc, toldanach, s. m. a jack of all trades )om4)lle, ivtnaille, adv. together, along with
lolx>n*, ioldanach, a. ingenious )oniAi!r)ge, iomailliglie, a. utmost, uttermost
lotoafra, ioldathach, a. of diverse colours lonwjn, wmAin, s. f. a drove
lobbjl, ioldhuil, s. f. great desire, avarice )om*)n, iomam, driving before it.
)olg4, iolga, s. tongues ])], iomainirn, v. to drive, toss, twirl
JomAjneAC, iomaineach, a. coercive
Jolfut, 4*< of vanous tongues )om4)U)m, iomainirn, v. I force, compel, oblige
lolg]lle4, iolghlleach, a. complex. Joimje, iomainne, on us, over us, about us
lolglurac, iolghltusach, a. manifold, complicated )4), iomairce, s. removing, changing residence
)olgnef, iolgneathach, a. heterogeneous 14), iomaircidhe, a. decent, becoming, fit
lol|eftCT>, iolicheachd, s. contentment lom4)icroe4t, iomaircidheacht, s. f. decency
loIUn, eia, a. expert, mechanical lom4)i*c|m, lomaircim, v. I migrate
lolUnuie., iollanuidke, s. m- a master of any art lomAjpe, iomairc, s. a ridge ; Heb. amir
Jolrhdjceftf, iolmhaitheas, s. much good, great advan lom4fle4CO, iomaireachd, s. f. courting
tage I JomA)le4g, ivmainag, s. a skirmish
lolm<oyne4C, iolmhaoineach, a. opulent ! Jonwwgle, iomairgidhe, a. decent, becoming, fit
lolrhom)b, iehnhaoinibh, s. much goods and chatties Jom4jj5]e4Ct,

lonujpsjear, iomairgidheacht, s. f. decency omajrjn, iomchaisin, s. looking, observing

Jom)]i]Tn, iomairim, v. I play, game om<ojpe, iomchaoire, s. reflection
Jomajpjm, iomairim, v. I require, need omc<o|jie4, iomchaoireach, a. reflective
)oTU)]tc, iomairt, s. f. playing, gaming om<omn4p, iomchaomnas, \
)om4j]r,e4c, iomairteach, a. playful, gameful umciorhpar, iomchaomhras, ] s> a 4uest1011
JomA)itje, iomairtighe, s. m. a gambler omc4jt, iomchar, s. carriage, carrying, comport
lom]f;eo]|t, iomaitheoir, s. m. a censor, reprover ment, deportment, grace
)om)cjm, ioma'tthim, v. I reprove, rebuke omc4p4)m, iomchaiiaim, v. I carry, move, stir, de
}omll, iomall, s. m. a border, frontiers port, behave
loiiulUc, iomallach, a. remote, external omcapmal, iomcarmhal, s. a tribute, toll, custom
Jornale*)*, iomaltar, s. a centre omcapg, iomcharog, s. f. a female porter
Jomaltujt, iomaltar, s. a coming together, meeting omc4]'4]in, 07nchasaim,v. I murmur, complain
together, . e. comjluerc. . . omclojmeart, iomchloidhmheadh, s. sword-fighting
, iomansachdt&. immensity omlo|t>me]p, iomchlodihmheoii , s. m. a sword-
om*]t4rs, iomarasg, s. a proverb fighter, fencing-master
) orna ft * , iomarbhadh, s. . banishment omojmo, iomdioimhci, s. guarding, protecting
1>, iomaibhadh, s. m. a lie, deceit omcojriineapt, iomchoimhneart, a. strong, able
7omjiD*)ti, iomarbhaidh, s. . strife, contro omcojpe, iomchoire, complement
versy omo)je, iomchoire, s. reflection
)])5, iomarbhaighe, s. comparison omco)j*ne4C, iomchoirneach, 7 a. full of corners
)om4jiD4p, iomarbhas, s. m. strife, contention omco)]n4l4, iomchoirneaJach,y polygonal
Jom4]tD4p, iomarbhas, s. m. sin, transgression omoiii4)lc, iomchomkailt, s. attrition
7om4pD4f, iomarbhas, s. m. banishment omcomAjpc, iomchomairc, s. f. a petition, request
Jonupc, tomare, s. m. a ridge omcom4i]c, iomchomairc, s. f. a farewell
7om4jc4, lomarcach, a. numerous, superfluous, , iomchomhall, s. accomplishment, com
profuse, redundant, excessive, extravagant pletion
Jom4}tc4C, iomarcach, a. oppressive, arrogant. T. omcoTti4]tc, iomchomhare, s. a gifr, present, favour
Cor. oTnoriiin4t>, iomcomharnadh, s. many, much,
)440, iomarcadh, s. adding, addition, a glut plenty, e. jom4t5, no mojirt. . g.
Jom4pc4lt>, lomarcaidh, s. superfluity, abundance omoriin4lr, iomchomhnart, a. strong, able
Jomajtca'jt), iomarcaidh, s. arrogance omcomju, iomchomhradh, > , .
Jom*]tC4[", iomarcas, s. m. abundance, arrogance .
omomi45, . i_
tomcnomrag, J> s-, a inesis
Jomp4j, iomarchar, s. carrying, bearing omeopnam, iomchosnamh, s. defence, opposition
)om4jco|, hmarchor, s. m. error, straying omop<ojo, iomchosaoid, s. complaint, accusation
JoTmpoj, iomarchar, s. m. bewildering, maddening omcj4jm, iomchtaim, v. see jom*j4jm
Jom4jtu]i, iomarchur, s. tumbling, wallowing omjwp, iomchras, s. deportment, grace
Jonupcuj, iomarchur, s. rowing, steering with oars omepg, iomchrog, see jompg
7om4jr54l, iomarsgal, s. wrestling omcuD4jt>, iomchubhaxdh, "| a. fit, meet, proper,
)om4jc4j, iomartar, s. m. a centre ; " )4)4 omuj. iomchuidh, J decent
* 5<ojte, i. e. ce4)<r,l4j 4 <ojte," the centre omu]e4o, iomchuidhead, 1 s. fitness, pro-
of the windy a whirl-wind, will o' the wisp omcuD4ir>e4CT>, iomchubhaidheachd, ) priety
lom4]r4p, lomaras, s. . industry omcujttjp, iomchurthoir, s. m. a bearer, porter
JotmpuH, iomarull, ]omt>4, iomdha, s. anger
)om4rc)t4t), iomascradh, s. an inn or lodging-place omt>4, iomdha, s. a shoulder
, iomalred, v. you took, i. e. oog40cu. o.g. omt>4, iomdha, for )omc, much, many
)omb4io, iembaidh, s. excessive love, or friendship omt.4, iomdha, I s. a couch, a bed
)omb4, iombath, s. the adjoining sea, sea encom 4]^, tomdnaign,
passing an island om04t4, iomdhathach, a. parti-coloured
)omb4f4-b, iombathadh, s. overwhelming, swooning )4]154, iomdheargha, s. contumely
)omb4t4jm, iombathaim, v. I overwhelm, swoon , iomdhorus, s. the lintel of a door, a porch,
)omDolg4T>, iombholgadh, s. filling a back door
7omhu4]l)m, lombhuaim, v. I hurt, or strike omt>i4n, unndhran, s. m. a drawing to
}omou*)l]m, iombhuailim, v. I waste, destroy onvpons, iomdrong, s. drawing, pulling, attracting;
Jombu4jlte, iombuailtCy part much beaten . .-)0*1*5. - g~
)omc4C4t), iomchachadh, seeing, looking, i. e. pea- ompupea, iomdfiruuieadh, s. besieging, inclos
ojn. . g. ing, impaling
JomcAjnre4c, iomchainteach, a. expressive; " %o ompuyoeojl, lomdhrxdeoir, s. a besieger, beleaguer
bepc Splur po ojiejtjte jomante." Tor. Cr. na. omjnipjm, iomdhruidim, v. I enclose, shut it, im
omciijnieac, iomchaintheach, a. talkative pale, surround, wall in, besiege

fomjroc!, iomfhccal, s. m. ambages omnercftjm, iomnascaim, v. I bind, tie

JoniyojAr>, iovifhoicheadh, s. a bawling, crying out omne, iomne, adv. thus, in this manner
lampote*, w>icw S" ^1 reward' 1 omnuacftH, omnuachar, s. polygamy
ornle, iomlwige, a. of, or belonging to ivory
r ' * ' j 1). o. . omojll, iomoi//. a. polygonous
7omj:ojm, ontjhoichim, v. I cry out, bawl omojjieftrcAl, iotnoireascar, ") S- a wrestling,
lomyopiI, lomjLova'il, s. superfluity, excess, extra- omojfteApeftjiftjl, ioviotreascarail,\ throwing down
vagance omottjp, iomoltoir, s. m. an altar
Tomj-opcpAti, iomfhotcradh, s. m. droute, defeat; omop, iomcr, prep, between
" na jijogtac, nu trpjtt, ^ bporcA}* omopAC, iomorach, s. m. a border, margin
n 5 mboIj;At>, mujpn *| - omopA, iomorann, s. a comparison
na mc]irt)e, ru jj-join t]inpep omopAfCAl, iomoratcal, see jomoipeAj-cAp
11451,<1^> 1 lonijopcpAit) n* nurl *ji n lui)- omopM, lomoibhadh, s. m. controversy, contest,
JtjT-jD." 4 Jtfast 1504 contention
lompoppn, iomfhorran, s. m. a battle omopcA, iomordadh, s. m. a reproacii, expostula
lomyoppn, lovijhorran, s. m. a comparison tion
Jomf uajfseftlra, omfhuaisgealtach, a. nimble omopeAim, iomordaim, v. I object
Jomfuarglac, iomfhuasgiuch, a. apropos, good at a omcppAn, :o?nonan,s. m. a comparison
pinch. <M. 'omoppo, iomorro, conj. but
JumfuUng, icmfluilang, s. patience, long-suffering omoppo, iomorro, adv moreover, likewise
JomjaBftjl, ion.ghahha'il, s. f. taking, reducing omopcAj, iomorthaigh, s. comparison
)omgftBftjl, iomgiiabhail, s. f. sliunuing, erring, stray- ompor, tompoidh, s. exhortation, persuasion. Sc.
ompojgeftt), iompoigheadh, s. a conversion, turning,
)omc;aBft]rn, wmghabhaim, . I take, reduce. reeling, staggering
)om.5ftl>a|m, iomghabhaim, v. ] shun, avoid, err ompoijjm, iompoighim, v. I turn, convert, reel
}ornar, iomhas, s. learning, knowledge, judgment ompojgre, lonipoighte, a. turned, converted
lomgiot, i'Vighaoth, s. an eddying wind, whirl-wind ompol, iompol, see jompoll
JomjnofA(it>, iomghnothachadh, s. trade ompt), wmradh, s. m. fame, report
omgnujp, omghmiis, s. f. wonder onrpi iomradh, s. m. abundance, plenty, multi-
JomgujTn, iomgfuiim, s. a battle tude
Jomjjujn, iomgliin, s. pangs, agony , ompAAt), iomra,dhadht s. tlunking, musing
)1*], wvi/adeim, v. I move, exchange orn.pftnim, iomraahaitn, v. I muse ; make mention
3omU]t>, iomlaid, s. alternation, change 'ompAjcne, iomraichne, s. a mistake
lonVftjoeAC, iondaiieachj v. changeable, fickle omppeAO, iomraiahtad/i, s. a moving, stirring
JomU]5e, imbigS, a. umbilical. 5. , . . ., . "1 a. famous, eminent,
Jomlme, tomlaine, s. f. maturity, fullness, perfec
4]>6, vnnraidhteach i" renovvned, ce-
11 h
tion lebrated
)cmljner, iomlaineachd, s. f. fulfilling, accomplish ompiim, iomraidhim, v. I publish, divulge, re
ment, fullness, plenitude port, repeat
lomlftiteftt), iornlaiteudh, s. a rolling, turning, winding ompAjm, iomraim, v. I depart
)omlftti, iomlan. a. full, complete, perfect, intire ), iomraim, 1 v. I row
)1, iomianatm, v. I complete ompAthAim iomramhaim,
)oml>it!, lomlaoiihy s. change uf wounds ; . e. , lomtamh, "J
cneftt. 0. g. ompAm, iomratn, V s. rowing
TomUj-gftip, iomlasgadh, s. anxiety ompATOAt), ionuamadh,)
lomlftt, iomlat, s. gesture ompAthAj'ej iomramhaidhe, s. m. a rower
JomUr, iomlat, s. exchange, moving, stirring ompAf.b*!, iomrasgal, s. m. wrestling
)omljt>)m, lomlidhhn. v. I lick ompoll, iomroll, s. a wandering, error, blunder
lomlj, iomlog, s. f. a centre lomppjloc, iomrollfich, a. wandering
)1)^, mluisgtJie, a. adust ompotlft, tomrolladh, s. going off, departing
lomlorjft, iondosgah, s. adustion ompoll im, v. I go o^ depart, wander,
JomlorSftim, iomlosaim, v. J adure, parch stray, err
]1> iomkiadhaim, v. I talk much ompoTtfAinao, iotprordaid/isiod, v. they said
lomluA^I, rcmluaghal I s. wanllering,.strayHg ompopeuf, iomrordus, v. 1 said
ompvift^At), iomruagadh, s. a defeat, rout, skirmish
]omliiiiTiveftC, iomluaimveach, a. inconstant, fickle ompuAgAt), iomwagadh, s. invasion, routing, per
lomliiftf, iomhinS, s. 111. fickleness secution
}omlu<f5ft'. tmluasgedh.i. con motion lompuAAjm, iomruagaim, v. I defeat,rout, disperse,
Jomhiftt, iotnluaih, a. tickle, inconstant invade, persecute

)ompuA54|)ie, iomruagaire, s. m. an invader, perse JonAjpr>ij5te, ionaisdrighthe, a. mo'veable

cutor, disperser ]on]rj5te, tonaitighthe, a. habitabl
Jomjuijnjm, iomruimm, v. I assig, appoint Jon4jr)om;4, ionaithiontu, a. kuowable
Jomjiulla', iomrulladh, see jomjiollat) )ori4cji4, lonaltradh, s. pasture, grazing
lomps^jlertt, iomsgaoileadh, s. dispersion )on4rhu]l,zW/w^7, s. m. an equal, like; " AOuT>4]|Vtr
lomr5<o]l)m, iomsgaoilim, v. I disperse OljDpup, ni ipujl ]onmujl Sjdur 4j cujii C4lrhuju
)omr5<ojlteojib iomsgaoilteoir, s. ra. a disperser, squan 4}i jtot.4i." TV. (r. na.
derer Jonmuil, ionamhui/,1 . ,.,
Jonrt, wnann, ja. equal, alike
Jomr5}t), iomsgarthadh, s. separation
1. I j i _ a. _:... )4, ionan, conj. than
)on*, ionann, s. the same
Jon<ol4jm, ionaolaim, v. I white-wash
JomrnjorhAC, iomshniomhack, a. ghastly. SA. Jori4), tonar, adj. whidier
Jomfjmt, iomshruth, s. countertide Jon*]), mer, s. m. a coat, mantle
Jomrure, iomsuidhc,s. besieging; " C4jrl4n Sljcc- )4, tonar, s. bowels
)5 o 1* hu* norhn]ll poj omnall }>, ionaradli, s. clothing
eocchin uj ConoDAjp ]*] mbe]t t*j fon* jn Jon4]i4jt)e, ionaraidhc, a. notable
]omru]e rujji." 4 Mast. 1470 -}on4j4jm, ionaraim, v. I clothe
lornfa, Jonr, tonas, adv. than; " Nj bhjujl jre*p art 6j)jfV
)omr*, iomtha, 1
Wi/k)""1,s Fet*l* 1)** * 5ur * 5*1"
Jomfrtt). iomthachd, see Jormr, tonus, conj. so; 54]*, so that
Jomc4])e45, iomthaireag, s. people ; lur. o. g- ]on4p, tonas, s. treasure "
Jomt4)pe*5, iomthaireag, s. getting, finding )44, ionathar, s. bowels
Jomcnut, iomtnu/i, s. zeal, envy )on*)<b4, ionarbadhfS. va. banishmen,t, expelling, ex
Jomrnucjji, iomtnutho'tr, s. m. an envious person pulsion
JomtoNieat), tomthmneadh,\s. a going off, digres- Jon4jib4im, ionaibaim, v. I banish, expel, send into
Jomrojnju,, j sion exile
JomroltAjn, iomtholtain, a. free, voluntary )on4)b]itt>e}l, ionarbird/uil, s. a sluice
7omcot*j, iomtothaidh, s. wisdom, prudence )04})4, ionarbtha, a. banished, exiled
lomrpom, iomtrom, a. very heavy. ?. 59 )]0, ionbhaidh, s. a time or hour
JomtfiuArtwt, iomthruasdadh, much striking; i. c. )4, ionbhaidh, s. the time of a woman's bearing
)om-mbu*lt). . g. )onBol54]m, ionbholgaim, v. I fill, swell, extend
Jomtur, iomthusy s. . departure, migration, exodus, jonBu4}nre, ionbliuinte, a. ripe, fit to be reaped
a progress Jon4]5, ionchaibh, s. protection
Jomrur, iomthus,s. m. chance )on4)6, ionchaibh, s. intreaty
Jomiup, iomthtcs, s. m; history )oric4mjp, ioncamoir, s. m. an usurer
Jomiur, iomthusa, s. adventures, feats )onc*mor, ioncamos, s. usury, interest
lomtupA, iomthusa, conj. as to, with regard to Joncl<o|t>ce, imclaoidhte, a, superable
Jomuje, iomuinne, about us, concerning us )1)4, ionclaonta, a. flexible
JomujpeAt), iomuireadh, s. excess, exacting Jonojbde, ionchoibhche, a. saleable
lomujjijje, iomuirighe, s. wrinkles Jonco)ri4t>, ionchoimhead, s. protecting, keeping
lomupue, iomiirro, see jomopjio JoTicojmeAr, ionchoimeas, a. comparable
Jon, ion, s. the sun, a circle }onojrhn}f;e, ionchoimhntghthc, a. memorable
7on,on, in compound words signifies fitness, aptness, Jonco)rh}i]5te, ionclwimhrighthe, a. remarkable, ob
maturity servable, signal
lona, tona, adv. than "\s. m. incarnation, be-
)on*, iona, whereof, in which ..... 7 / coming incarnate ;
Jon, iona, see jn'* )<mtoh$*r>,mcholughadh,r ^^ e4JC]
, ioruich, s. m. a dirk
Jon, ionad, s. m. aplace or room, substitute; J jori4)ii." John 1, lf.
)on*]t> *n ]t5, a viceroy, vicegerent, lieutenant, Jonolnu]te, ioncholnuighthe, a. incarnate
jonconup, ionchomhartha, a. notable
deputy Jonori4]t4o, ionchomharthachd, s. f notablenese
Jon4c, ionadh, s. m. admiration, wonder
Jon4t>lujre, ionadhruighthe, a. adorable Jondornmjf, ionchomhmis, a. comparable
)on4ilsim, ionailghimA j wash cJeanse Joncorhnujf-e, ionchomnuighthe, a. habitable
7on4)hm, wnailim, J oncomoj4, ionchomora, a. comparable
54)1*, ionaire, s. the privity of a man or woman on6onrp]oe4, tonchonspoideach, a. disputable
?on*j]tm, ionairm, a. fit to bear arms jonojmjje, ionchoruighthe, a. moveable
)o*4)jrhj5te, ionairmhigkthe, a. numerable Jonorg, ionchosg, s. m. instruction, doctrine
Z z Jonco|-5*]m,

loncofgdjm, ionchosgaim, v. I teach ongnAtA, iongnatha, s. the dead

)Qncop]j, ionchosgthoir, s. m. a teacher ongujp, ionguir, s. matter
JoncopancA, ionchosanta, a. defensible ongujpjm, ionghuir'm, v. I feed or graze cattle
3onc}4p4l, ionchrasal, s. excrement onlac, ionlach, s. m. a lotion
lonpejm, ionchreimdha, a. corrodible 1>, ionlad, s. an acceptable thing
ioncujfj, ionchutbh, s. bowels onlati, lonladhA , .
lonujjt, ionchuir, s. engrafting
Jonujp, ionchuir, s. capable, comparable oiU4]t)ce, ionlaidhte, part, washed
Joncuntu]p, ionchuntuis, a. accountable onUjgjltl, n/afcAi,} J ,
Jonupta, ionchurtha, a. practicable onlajm, /eim, 3 v' 1 wasn
oncajnsnje, iondaingnithe, a. fortifiable onlajgce, ionlaighthe, part, washed
lont>iojii(, iondaortha, s. condemnable onla-jgieojp, ionlaightheoir, s. m. a washer
lonojjce, iondoighte, a. combustible, adustible onlogap, ionlaoghas, s. encrease
1>]10, iondradh, see jonpe onlapoa, ionlaida, a. inflammable
)onof4n, iondran, s. missing otilar, ionlat, s. washing
)ont>}i4n]m, iondranaim, v. I miss onUt, ionlat, s. a vessel for washing the feet
Jonpijge, iondsaighe, see jopaje onleanarhna, ionleanamhna, a. fit to be followed,
Jonojle, /nAkt 1 desirable practicable
lono]lerhu]l, iondueamhuil, J onleigie, ionle'tghthe, a. fit to be read
onoulta, iondulta, a. passable onlejipgulcA, ionleithsgeuldha, a. excusable
Jonoulrjgre, iondultaighthe, a. exceptionable. A. 'onluAjge, ionluaighe, a. valuable, precious
loncup, tondus, see joup onmagAp, ionmhagaidh, a. ridiculous
)>;, iondruthas, s. m. negligence , ionmhail, s. f. heaviness, fatigue
^onpojllpjjte, ionfoilhighthe, a. revealable, account orirh4]tce, ionmhaithte, a. ignoscible, pardonable
able <i '4, ionmhas, s. m. treasure
lonjrojri, ionflwinn, a. desirable |otirhe4llc4, ionmheallta, a. fallible
Jonpoppin, ionfhorran, s. m. a skirmish, battle , ionmholta, a. laudable, commendable
Jonpu4jt4t>, ionfhuaradh, s. coolness, refreshment onrhocujgeAC, iomnhothuigheach, a. percipient
)onpuftf!u]5te, ioitfhuathuighthe, a. detestable, abomi onrhotujgte, ionmhothuighthe, a. perceptible
nable onmut4, ionmhuchta, a. quencbable
Ion jubjngte, tonfhulainghthe,\&. sufferable, tolera- onrhujn, ionmhuin, a. dear, beloved, kind, loving,
onpukn*, ionfkulanga, J ble, passible Courteous
Jonga, tonga, s. f. a nail, claw, talon, hoof oiirhujneAC, tonmhu'tneach, a. beloved, lovely, desira
JongABjl, ionghabhail, s. f. circumspection, pru ble
dence ; management, conduct onrinimeAco, ionmhuineachd, s. f. courteousness, state
JongADajm, ionghabhaim, v. I manage, conduct, re of being beloved
gulate, guide oniYiup, ionmhus, s. m. treasure, riches
)5<*-), ionghabhaim, v. I attack, 'subject, reduce o, iorm, s. a point
)5*, ionghabhala, a. acceptable ofi, ionn, s. upper part, the head, top
lonjAopap, iongabhras, a. doubtless 'oacla, ionnachlann, see emeAcU
loiigaopg, iongachosg, a. antispasmodic o4t>, ionnad, in thee ; prop. aao
longjpe, iongaire, a. laughable, ridiculous oajl, ionnail, s. wash thou ; imper. of jonlajm
Ipn]pe, ionghaireadh, s. watching, taking care of orujpeACt, ionnaireaeht, s. f. a gift, present
15440, iongantach, a. wonderful, strange onm, ionnam, v. to club. Sh.
Jongancep, iongantat, s. m. wonder, surprize, miracle 04I, tonnai, s. m. military attire
ongej, iongar, s. m. matter, pus ofVtltAt), ionnaltadh, s. bathing
7ong4]t, ionghar, s. m. convenience, ionnaltoir, s. m. a bath
JongAjjd, iongharach, a. mattery, purulent " orian, tonnen, equal, same
Jon4p4, iongharach, a. convenient, commodious 44, ionnanas, s. m. equality
JongapacAc, iongharachadh, s. suppuration, aposte o4ji4t>, ionnaradh, s. m. a reward, hire, wages
madon oapajm, imnaraim, v. I reward
!ongB4|l, iongbhail, s. f. gesture cRapbajm, ionnarbhaim, v. I confine, destroy
JongUctA, ionghlactha, a. acceptable o4p, tonnas, s. treasure
Jongghn, iongglan, a. unclean, impure o4p, tonnas, adv. so that, insomuch that, therefore
7onlu|pre, ionghlnaiste, a. moveable or4t, tonnt, on thee, in thee
longna, iongna, s. arms, military weapons ocu)peat>, itmnchuireadh, s. grafting
longn*, iongna, s. a claw, talon, nail ofroutpAp, ionnduthras, s. m. chastity
lotignAc, iongnach, a. clawed, full of nails ooutpAp, tonnduthms, s. m. negligence
JongnAt, iongnadh, s. m. wonder, surprise, miracle oRUc, iomlach, s. m. complaint, accusation, blame
ongnApjm, iotignaidhim, v. I wonder

)onl4, tnmlach, ) s. m. causing discord, putting be- )oRco4t), ionntodhadh, s. a turning, winding
)olftC4, ionnlacha, ) tween people )ontoc4)m, ionntodhaim, v. I turn, roll, wind, invert,
)ol*]gjm, ionnlaigfiim, v. I complain, accuse tumble, wallow
oUjgieojj, ionnlaightheoir, s. m. an accuser, plaintiff locot)4)m, hnntodhaim, v. I scorn, slight, drive away
fonluc, ionnlat, s. washing, cleansing 1 , tonnua, s. m. a great grandson
loogDAjl, ionnogbhail, s. vigour, magnanimity, spright- )onu44]j, ionnuachar, a. marriageable. Keat.
liness Jonujne, ionnuinne, in us; prop. Aje
loojp, ionnoir, s. f. the bowels lour, ionnus, so that, insomuch that, however
lojvc, ionnrach, s. m. a medical tent )onlc4, itmolta, a. potable, drinkable
7onj40r, ionnrachas, s. m. integrity, candour, up )ouon6)tu]5te, iononoruighthe, a. reverend
rightness 1]4404, ionphianasda, a. punishable
1, ionnrachas, s. m. chastity, continence )onphp4, ionphosda, a. marriageable
Ionj4c*n, ionnracan, s. m. an honest upright person )onl4, ionrach, s. m. a tent for a wound
lop, ionnradh, a. fit to be said )on]A4r, ionrachas, s. m. fidelity, righteousness
Jopft, ionnradh, s. destroying, plundering, laying )onJo4t), ionronnadh, a. divisible, partible, separable
waste )*4, ionracan, s. in. an upright man
lojufjAC, ionnradhach, a. ravaging, plundering, wast )onr4C4t>, ionsachadh, s. breeding
ing ; that destroys, plunders )onr<rh*l*> ionsamhala, see )onr4mu]l
]o]u*|m, ionnradliaim, v. I plunder, devastate Jonprhlujgte, ionsamhluigthe, a. comparable
Jo|mjc, ionnraic, a. honest, upright, faithful, chaste )onr*mu)' tonsamhuil, a. alike
Jojtijte, ionnraidhte, a. proper to be said 440, ionsanach, a. tardy
)o]tam, ionnramh, s. m. service} attendance ; i. e. )onrTnct>u]f;e, iatismacduighthe, a. corrigible
ppioiolrtm )onrrp4]menc, iomtraiment, s. m. an instrument
Jofi)*n, jonnran, ) s m an reckoni )onr<ob, iontaobh, a. trusty, fit to be trusted
Jonpanat), tonnranadh, ) lont<ob4t>, iontaobhadh, s. intrusting
lo)un4']m, ionnranaim,y. I reckon )ont<ojb, iontaoibh, s. trust, reliance. Job- 15, 15^
)o|org ionnrosg, s. a word, term, or part of speech lonro, iontodh, s. deflexion, turning
orlr* ionnsa, a. hard, difficult ; i. e. nujre, i. e. nj )onto4t>, iontoghadh, a. eligible
bufr*- - S- loncolltA, iontollta, a. penetrable
)or, ionnsa, s. grief, sorrow lontomA^r iontomhais, a. measurable
lor*c, ionnsach, a. sorrowful, fatal )onrojtu), iontorthuidh, a. fruitful
Jori^p, hnnsaidh, ~\s. m. an invasion, attack, as- )ontpT>*b, iontrachdala, a. negotiable, merchant
lorippe, lonnsaidhe, y sault, sally, approach to, able
Jorupe, ionnsuiihe, ) irruption lonrujbie, ionluigthe, a. comprehensible
Jor*]5ee, ionnsaigheach, s. m. an aggressor lonrujte, iontuite, a. fallible
lonpujjm, ionnsaighim, v. I approach, attack, assault lonjl, ionuil, see 3onArhuil
'"*]5) tonnsaighim, v. I visit ; " Vepljmj m*c lonujceAfl, ionuitear, see ]n]4t4|i
Se44jn rhejc Ph]r)b uj Ra^Haj 4B4} cjsejtn* ]onujtju'4r, ionurrudhas, a. bailable
] ); , 1 50 hujt Upujm )o], er, s. whatever is behind you ; "A i. 546 *]
ts'ionrAl6** ni* lon*) ftn 1*15 Sccpn lojio, Vujt- U4)t )*1." f
n*rh(V]l, i Vej-ljmp 5ojl 4]p, T cc eoi JojiAijr, <, V f ingenuity
1*)51* mbiwy 0564, 45 *]*> 1 * 40- )oji4)lre4cr, lorailteachd,) J
! ) 4)))1 ^t* rjtu]m." 4 Mast. 1447 )oj4')lteAC, iorailteach, a. ingenious
}o>4rhujl, ionnsamhuil, a. such like ; comparable lopbAl, iora/, see eApbull
7orAmii)l, ionnsamhuil, s. similitude, likeness )ojCA)le, iorcaire, s. friends who hold a monthly
JopicrhA^ ionnsgathmhach, s. m. a looseness of the commemoration or prayers for the dead
skin IojicaIIa, iorcallach, s. m. a robust strong fellow
oflrmu4)nt]i;e, ionnsmuahttighthe, a. imaginable , iorchodachy a. evil, bad
)ofo]tug4t>, ionnshorchughadh, s. illuminating, en- lopojjte, iorchoire, s. posterity
lightning lopl, iordhalta, a. certain, continual
JonrugA, ionnsughadh, s. learning )o)54t>, iorgadh, s. guiding, directing
lonrujg, knnsuigh, see jon^ro jopgujl, iorguil, a. lowest, lowermost, nethermost,
)otA, <, into it, into them undermost
ionnta, adv. unaware, unawares lopjujl, iorghuil, s. f. fray, strife, tumult, skirmish,
JoRc4D4tt4, \onntabhartha, a. allowable broil, bustle ; contest, contention, concourse
lofteUr, ionntlas, s. m. delight )op5U]le4, iorghuikach, a. quarrelsome
JotUr, a- bnSJ cloperon joncUp, along ]ojujr> iorghuis, s. f. prayer, intreaty
o)tl<ocp4, iorlaochra, s. the rear-guard of an army
)ortr<oliu)fce, iormisaoruifhiAe, a. arable; any thing )ojl<m, ioilann, s. a cellar, larder, buttery
fit to be worked

Jopru, terna, ) , - )ji)*lb. triada, s. a pike-staff

JojHun, ioran, s- a hesP 01" sPUldIe of >'arn )p)5"*jr, irighnait, s. a gift
)ojp4)p, iorpais. s. f. die dropsy )p]on, trioun, see jjie*n
)o]tp4if, iorraith, g. f. service fijopal, irtate/, a. humble
JojtpibajpQejf, iorsubhaisgeith, s. the handles of a )]i]jte, it ire, 4. a curse, inalcdictioa
buckler 'pipe, /Vire, s. blame, anger
3o]nojretc, iorlaoiseach, s. in. the captain of the rear )|tjr tris, s. f. brass
guard > ,ri> s- r- a ben -roost
Jop, /'o, adv. down ; prop. p')0p ) |i]p, iris, s. f. a friend, lover
)op, , JESUS ; Heb. Jehosuah )j)p, /m, s. f. an assignation
', iosacht, s. a loan ; Heb. jashe )], iris, s. f. description, discovery
3op4t>, osa'dh, s. eating }|ijp, iris, s. f; a record, chronicle, history
'orejm, iosaim, v. I at I ]>)]* " 'J, s. f. a law
)or*l, a. low, mean, humble Jjtjp, iris, s. f. faith, religion
)orcn-D, ioscad, s. f. (he ham, ham-string Ipjp, iris, s. f. an epoch, ra
7opa, losda, s. a house, habitation Jljrec, iriseach, a. just, lawful, judicious, equitable
Jopcijl, iosdail, a. convenient, meet )jv}pe*l, iriseal, a. humble lowly
loptn, iosdan, s. m. a cottage IpjpeAl, iriseal, a. flaccid
lopoap, iosdas, s. m. entertainment, accommodation )pjpep, triscas, s. f. a present, new-year's gift
Jopg, iosgha, s. the cramp )prpleba]t, irisleabhar, . a diary, common-place
)op5*ji*e4r, iosgaircuchd, )4pa]pe*cx> book
)oplo, oslad, s. lowness Jp}ple4C4t>, irisleachadh, s. humiliation
lopUijjm, ioslaighim,\. I humble, lower, degrade }jipleat, irisleac/id, s. f. humility
7opI*fi, ioslann, see Soplan Jjt^pljjjm, irislighim, v. I humble
JopIu*, ioslugkadh, s. lowering, humbling ] ji)pne<}r4t>, isneartughadh, s. confirmation
lopjpe, iosoipe, s. f. hyssop ; Hyssonus irr, s. an end, conclusion
)opt4p, testas, s. m. a dwelling-place) residence. rrr, s. a fin or tail of a fish
7or. Eig. ]jjip]fbe, irrsithbhe, s. m. commander of
lot, ioth, s. f. corn jijitjteopuje, irrthreoruidhe,l the rear- guard
)pc, tri, s. m. death .
]Z\b!lotadh, } s- m- thirst' drou6ht' dr>'nesS Jp, is, the auxiliary verb is; jp , it is
), iotach, \ , . ) p, is, improperly contracted for *g*p, and
Jot*ihujl, iotamhuii,}3" tm^ )p, is, prep, under; ]p nejlju
)p4, isa, see jop
. ' ' V s. m. thirst Jp4, iia, whose, whereof
)ot*jTi4, iotharna, s. a rush-light Jpa, isa, pron. slie, herself
Jotcjiujnjjim, ioihehruinighim, v. I forage, purvey Jpa, isa, in that; jp* n'ajc
)ot54)jien, iothghairtach, a. fertile 1 pbejn, isbein, s. a sausage
loigAjjieact), iothghaireachd, s. f. fertility Ipe, ise, pron. he, himself
)otl*, lothlann, s. a granary', barn, cornyard Jpel, iseal, a. low private ; op jpe*l, privately, softly
iof bpgur, iothlosgadn, s. a blasting of corn )pe*n, isean, s. a chicken, the young of any fowl;
lotrrup, iothmhar, a. abounding in corn jpeen eoj, a goslin
)otm*p, iotmhar, a. thirsty Ipgeap, isgeas, s. m. doubt
Jotpp, iothros, s. the poppy or corn-rose )p], isi, pron. she, herself
);], Jothtaimach, s. m. an Italian Jpjm, isim, here ; po. . g.
)ph]n, ;/', see ]y)n pjn, , that, ;'. . . . g.
]ph)n, see ]f)tire )p)ol, isiol, a. low, secret
) 1, ir, see joji ))1*, isiomplar, s. . an example. Matt, i, 19.
>, s. f. anger ; Welsh iredh Jpljn, islain, s. m. an humble poor person
]p, ir, s. f. a satire, lampoon 7 pie, isle, a. lower
Jp, ;'r, s. f. a gift '7r')5'm ls^S^''m> v< ' humble, abase
]|c, irr, s. f. ravage, ravaging, plunder }pljgte, islighthe, a. humbled, abased
Ijicjlr, ircilt, s. f. the jamb of a door )pl)u4t>i isliughadh, s. humiliation
JpjulUc, irchiulluch, s. m. a monster )pji<elt), Israldha, a. Israelitish
7jcpA, icre, s. scarcity, want )r, , frequently used in old MSS. for ur}, there
1 le, ire, 1 f> round, lanci, a field are ; " ]t, o)ji
}pe*n, rtann,) 0 It, i'M, s. corn ; Welsh yd
]|te<p, ;'$, s. occur.-ion )te, ithc/ie, s. a petition, request, favour
Jp]Al, trie/, s. an answer, reply HomU, ithchomla, s. afile
trie/, s. salutation, greeting Hjp,

Jcjap, ithdkias, s. an ear of corn )u4Jf. iuchar, s. the dog-days

), te, interj. lo, see, behold ; ,{ jce 44." )ub, n/A, g. a day; an)ut>. to--day
Ballimote. 54 Iuoac, Iudach, ~\
Jte, 1 una) ert. ludaiahcachSi
Ize, te,
ite herei are. ; " )e )*io tujfc
v. )." - s. m. a Jew
luoujge, Iuduigtic, )
ce.o5, fag, ) s- feather' a mnfr a fio )uBjce4c, iudiccacht, s. f. judgment; Vi. bpej-
IreAC, ar, a. winged, fealhery, finned 4. . .
)ce4C, itheach, s. m. an eater JuQUiie, Juduighe, a. Jewish
JteacATi, iteachan, s. a bobbin of yarn; a weaver's lui, s. the month of July
quill Jul, /, s. . knowledge, learning, art, science,
j teat), ithtadh, s. eating judgment
Jtealao, itealachd, s. f. advolation lui iul, s. m. a guide
jreaU, itealadh, s. flying, voJitation )ul, iul, s. m. a mariner's compass
jceftUisiwi, itealaighim, v. I fly )ul, iul, s. m. way, service, attendance
Jceotxv, iteodha, s. hemlock ; Conium maculatum } uUje, iulaidhe, s. m. a leader
JreogAC, itcogach, a. feathered JullagA, iullagach, a. sprightly, light, cheerful
Jpen, itkfen, s. a car or dray for corn lulrrmp, iulmhar, a. wise, j udlcious
lcFi|o, Jthfrierm, s. m. Hell )iilm4]ic, iubnharack, a. skilful
)cyt]om>A, Ithfrionuda, a. Hellish ]ulm4jt4cr, iulmharacht, s. f. skill, skilfulness
J5*]iat), ithgharadh, s. a com yard luriul iumhal, see iuj
)cjm, 'Mm, v. I eat lurmpA, iumaracft, s. removing, changing place
}c]omjt), ithiomradh, s. a murmuring, grumbling )urh)t4c, iumhrach, s. m. a boat
)|, ithiomradh, s. backbiting, slandering )un, tun, s. m. a naughty creature
JtjomfwoAjm, ithiomradhamy v. I slander, back-bite )un4, tuna, see jonA
, ithiomraidhteach, a. slanderous, de Junp4n, iundran see jont>p4n
tractive, abusive )up4f, iunnras, s. m. the appearance of the sky,
Jjp, /A;'r, s. ground producing corn hurricane
)tjp, itir, prep, between, betwixt, amongst )ur<*c*T>> iunnsachadh, s. learning, education
Jcjp, iVAf, , hoth )unp4)5)m, iunnsaighim, v. I learn
)cjp, f/V, adv. again )unr4)5te, iunnsaighthe, a. learned
] ilft, ithlann, s. m. a granary lup, iur, s. m. the yew tree
jcpop, , s. . ahead )u]b iur, s. m. plunder, slaughter
Jcpofi Vre*, s. m. a headland ), iuramh, adv. afterwards, hereafter, moreover,
Jfce, i/A/, part, eaten prop. ]4]fAlTt
JuPaI, iubhal, s. . time ; . . 4)mrjp. . g". ] up4n, iuran, s. a sort of luxuriant plant which cattle
)ub*p, iubhar, s. the yew tree ; Taxa eat ; metaphorically a handsome youth
Juoap-beye, iubhar- beinne, \ . . Jup cpe)5e, iur creige, s. juniper
luT5A]-t4krh, iubhar-talamh, j s' Jun,Per ), iurram, s. fidgeting
Juo4-rlejDi, iubkar-sleibhi, s. ambrosia. Q'Jicei/. ) , iurram, s. the oar-song, a long libel or rhime
IuBjia, iubhrack, s. a stately woman luppAjr, iurpais s. restlessness, nestling
7uo)t4c, iubhrach, s. a vessel under sail )upp4)re4C, iurpaiieach, a. restless
JucA^p, iuchair, s. f. a key Jup 1), iur talaimh, s. juniper
)uc4]P, iuchair, s. f. a spawn Jurn, tusan, s. m. levity
]u4)]teog> inceireo;, s. f. a female fish


L is the ninth letter <>f the Irish Alphabet, and the first of the three Consonants b, N, R, which admit of op aspirate,
and are called by our Grammarians, coinsoineadha eadtroma, or light Consonants; It is called \a Irish Luis, vulgd
cdrthan, the quicken tree, lat. ornas, Tfiis letter being the initial of a word which has reference to the emala
Sex, is pronounced double, though written singly as, a lmb, her hand is pronouuced, al lmh, as in the Spanish
word llamar, and /10. L, beginning words referred ta persons or things of the plural number, ~b ^0 pronounced
double, as, a leabhar, their book,
*A \K

l,* la, latiajmar, ladarnas, s. m. boldness

j* Is. m. a day; plur. l*e, befceana, ltena,
X<e, latsar, ladas, s. m. firmness
n, ho, 1**>*, tojte, or lujce latig, ladhg, s. m. snow
Xa, la, prep, by, with 1> ladhgan, s. in. flummery
Xab, lab, s. m. a lip lacgpa, ladhgrach, a. hasty
, labha, s. the eye-brows ; see quot. at > lagpap, ladhgraith, s. rashness in demand or pro
, labhachd, s. f. matter mise
labajn, labain, s. f. a beggar latina, ladhna, s. dumbness
laDAjpt, labhairt, s. a speech, speaking, discourse laoopn, ladotn, a. bold
laban, ja, s. m. mire, dirt latonnact), ladornachd, 7 , , ,
0, labanach, s. m. a plebeian, day-labourer lw>pnar, , j s- boldness
Xabanta, abanta, a. belonging to a plebeian or la Xapac, ladhrach, a. forked
bourer lat>)iac, ladhrach, a. hasty
, labaona, s. dissimulation laopii, ladronn, s. m. a thief, highway-man ; /Fc/jA
, /, ) ewer .,dver llhadron
lAeii, &>,}"; Xujlgne, ladhuilgne, s. a day's wages
, labharahn, see laBpajm 1<, /<, s. m. a soldier, a layman ; " ]| l<e i
, labhartha, part, said, spoken clejpeac." 4 Mast. 1
1], labharthach, a. talkative, noisy, conversible X<etearhujl, latheamhuil, a. daily
XaBjia, labhrach, a. loquacious Xa-pjle, la-feUe, s. a festival, holiday
1, labhradh, s. speech, speaking, discourse lag, a, s. m. a hollow, cavity
1]*), labhraim, v. I say, speak 1*5> 1*1* a- weak, feeble, faint
lbjtar, labkras, s. m. a bay-tree Xag, f, s. law, order
X-Bpite, la-bhreithe, s. abirth-dayy day of judg laga, /atf, s. praise, fame, honour
ment 1a a, /ag^a, s. a gift, present
Xac, lach, s. reckoning lagat), laghadh, s. remission
Xa cj a' t> l oug, Ta chinn a1 da la deug, Epiphany tAgAO, laghad, s. fewness
, lacha, s. a duck or drake lagan, laghad, s. weakness
Ica, lachach, a. anatiferous, abounding in ducks lAgAjgjm, lagaiShim> v- 1 weaken, diminish, lessen
Xaa-ceafl]uai>, lacha-ccannruadh, the herb celan tAgAjpr, lagnairt, s. a lizard
dine. Sh. Xagarhlao, laghamhlachd, s. f. legality
Xa c] uAjne, //; chirm mine, a mallard. 5. Xagarhu]!, laghamhuil, a. legal, lawful
laca, lachadh, s. diving lagan, / s. m. flummery
,), foc/Wer,l m>adiver lagan, lagan, s. m. a little cavity
Xacajpe, lacnaire, ) Xaganac, laganach, a. full of hollows
Xcapn, lachaim, v. I dive lag-anal, lag-anal, s. a gasp, shortness of breath
la-lolaA)g, lacha-lcchlanna'igh, s. a dunter-goose lagan-meacaflte, lagan-meacliaire, s. a dimple
Xn, lachan, gen. and plur of li*
Taca], lachar, s. m. a vulture ; a large bird
taco, /aca", s. milk ; Welsh llaeth lagatpAg, lagatrag, s. the thigh. &4.
lar>, lachd, s. a family. 5c. Xag-beaia, lag-bheatha, s. low-living, weak food
Iaccac, lichdach, a. asphaltick lag-BpigeAC, lag-bhrigheach, a. weak, weakly, dis
, lachdaii, a. homespun-grey, dun, tawney couraged
, lachdmhar, a. wide lAg-po-roeac, lag-chroidheach,la. faint-hearted,
lAcrhAlb lachmhar, a. comely Xag-cipeAj lag-chuiseach, J pusillanimous
Xacna, /, 1 u dun to lagouga, laghivghadh, s. lessening, abatement,
Xactna, lachtna,) . J
Xacna, lachtna, s. a kind of coarse grey apparel lagoujgte, laghduighthe, part lessened, abated
Xao, /a, s. m. a water-course, a lade lag-piap, lag-fuar, a. chilled
Iat-, lad, s. a load laggAn, laghgan, s. jelly
1at>, ladh, s. a sending, mission laglam, laglamh, a. armgaunt Sh.
lat>a, ladhach, s. m. shooting laglrhac, laglamhach, a. weak-handed
lacajm, ladhaim, v. I send lagpac, laghrach, a. pronged, forked
larnjp, ladhair, s. f. the leprosy lagitaap, lagrachar, s. debility
lacan, ladhan, a. dumb lagr*lne' la2sane> s- diminishing, abatement
lamp, , s. f. a fork, prong lagrApe, lagsame, s. freedom, liberty, remission
1>] totar s. m. a toe l^tfca, lagthach, a. soluble, loose
Xacap, ^ s- m- a SC00P a ladJ* lAgf a| laghthach, a. generous, noble
lagtajpe) lagthaisde, i. abatement
XixjftfnA, ladarna, a. bold, dar lbu5
LAI 121) LAI

tKA, agudhadh, s. diminution, weakening l4)mle)5)m, laimhkigim, v. I manumit

|"45uJ5ce, laguighthe, a. weakened, lessened LjrHijor, laimhleighios, s. the art of surgery
1*5uj5teojjt, lagutghtheoir, s. m. an assuager, weak- l4)mrhe4ioo)n, laimhmhcadhoin, a. antarctick
ener l4)rhn), laimhni, s. a shaft
ljrhpjg, laimhrigh, s. pier, ford
til be, laibe, S s- f- mire' d,rt> ,
J*)*T5)** laimhsgiatk, s. a target, a buckler
1*)beo)int), laibheorad, v. I will speak Ljrhp5))oD4, laim/isgriobhadh, s. chirography, hand
1<*]), laibhin, s. f. leaven writing
t*l]e4c, Lbhreach, s, m. a coat of mail ; prop. lu)t- l4|riip5ji^ob4t50)p, laimhsgriobhadoir, s. m. a chiro
Pea grapher
lajBpeAl, laibhreal, s. lawrel 14)rhp)g)m, laimhsighim, v. I handle, finger, discuss
*), laicheas, s. a heroine, the wife of a hero 1jrhpu4, laimhsiughadh, s. handling
X]cne*r, laichneas, s. joy l4)riirjon4, laimhthionach, a. forgetful
X*)* /e/Vat, see lujo and lujjm l4jmf;)on4t), laimhthionadh, s. oblivion
l4jT>ecn, laidheachan, see lucean X4)rhf;)on4)m, laimhthionam, v. I forget
"t*)t)e4n5, laidheang, s. a coast or border of the sea l4)rh)o4, laimhthionnach, a. desirous, eager
l)jm, laidhim, see lupjm 1.4)riitjo4, laimhthionnach, a. given to chiromancy
l*Jt>]o, Laidionn, s. Latin Ljrhcjijge, laimhtrighe, s. quickness
XJ)o;))p, Laiditmnoir, s. m. a Latinist l4)n, //, s. fullness
X*)t)jj, //>, a. strong, stout 1.4)1)1)4'64, lainlibhliadhanach, a, perennial
1*)oj)te, laidire, a. stronger, strongest L4jne4t4)n, laincheatharn, s. a guard
1))}140, laidireacht, s. f. | , T,4)njmn}5)m, lainchamnighim, v. I wander
l#jt>)lie*r, laidireas, s. m. J^"^11 1jnc)4lur, lainciadhlus, a. newfangled
X4]tme, laidne, gen. of bjtjjo ljn^onu) jjm, lainchriochnuighim, v. I complete,
t4]Bjii5]m, taidrighhn, v. I strengthen perfect
1.4)o]*) 1154, laidriughadh, s. strengthening, invigo L4)noe4l)A, laindealrach, a. pellucid
rating L4)no4nT;4, laindeanta, part, complete, finished
*)51**^> toigbhridheach, a. weakened, dismayed Ljnoe4|, laindear, a. bright
X*)5e, //#, a. compar. of I45, weak time, /, compar. of ln, full
X*)e, laige, ~\ tjne laine, s. cheerfulness, merriment
Lftjne, laine, \s. fullness, plenitude ; filling,
)5' W ' >s- weakness> debility, infirmity
1.4)ne4t>, laineadh,) swelling
L4)rj, Ligsinn,) l4jne4, laineach, a. glad, joyful ; plentiful
X4)je, laighe, s. a spade, shovel l4jnpe4ll, lainfheall, a. entire, complete. O'FI.
1,4j5e4, laigheachd, s. f. weakness, debility, im X4)nrh4)]tle4, lainmhairleach, s. a sacrilegious person
potence I4]nrh'jlle4', lainmhilleadh, s. perdition
*)4, laighean, s. a spear, javelin, halberd "Ui, lainn, a. satisfactory, sufficient
X4)t;4, Laigheann, the province of Leinster 1.4)e, luinne, gen. of Ujojo, Latin
l4)5lje, lalghlinne, a. having spears l4)e, lainne, gen. of I4R, a spear, a blade
1,4)1, lait, s. f. a tulip \A)f\e*t> lainneaek, a. armed with a spear
jI, /) s. mould, clay 1,4)e4c, lainneach, a. coruscant
Xjrb, laimh, s. f. a hand 14)44, lainneamhlachd, s. m. buxomness
X*)mb4fb4)iT), laimhbhasbaim, v. I fence l41e4mujl, lainneamhxl, a. buxom, handsome
XjrhDejjit:, laimhbheirt, s. f. a muff, a sleeve l4jeo)lb lainnevir, s. m. a latinist
l4jme4pt), laimhcheard, s. ahandycraft, mechanic, t4ji]b tainnir, s. f. a coruscation
any mechanic trade l)pe4c, lainnreach, a. effulgent, lucid, radiant,
X<*)nic)4ftruJP' laim/tc/itarsuir, s. a handkerchief transparent, glossy
1_4)rhl4)b laimhchlart s. the sley board in a loom Ljnwjjm, lauxreidhim, v. I complete
X4)rhoe404f loimhdeachas, s. m. captivity limf>*), lainshiubhlaim, v. I traverse
Tijnroji, laimhdia, s. an idol, a domestic god l4inf-o)Hre, lainshoillse, s. transparency, diaphaneity
\)>, laimheadh, s. handling, presuming l4'!ph4}T>, laiphaid, s. an instrument ibed to form
l4)m4-04, hnheadach ) ^ m. a handUerchief horn spoons
L4)rnfO)Uc4t), laimhfodiead, J 1,4) p, //, s. f. a mare
ljrbjeUc, laimhgheatach, a. white-handed t4)]ie, />, ) s> tne tliigh, haunch, leg
*))404, laimhiadhta, a. tenacious t4)]i5e, lairge,S
XjmjbPjm, Icumhighidhim, v. 1 handle, secure, pre 1 lairec, rather than
with, along with ; , n
X4)rnle4D4p, laimhlealhar, s. m. a manual 4, //*, with him ; Ch4)nj5 '*], .
X*)ml)4;, laimhliagh, s. a surgeon l*S;to,Vhe,she, oritputs^r sends; u-cajj
l4jmle)ee4cx, latmhldgheachd, s. f. surgery

t J lais, s. f. a hand i 11;}*>, liim/.chcard, s. m. a mechanic

1 )-1,1, laisceanta, a. fierce lAiiieAffoAiiiujI, lamhcheardamhull, a. mechanical
1 ];-, la:sde, s. f. a latch lamcl|f, lamhchlat, s. m. battledore
-, lotse, s. , flash lAiiiclCAT, lamhchlcas, s. f. slight of hand
1)['0, laiseadh, s. throning, casting lmclj, tamhchli, s. the left hand
lAjpjrn, laiswi, v. I throw, cast down tAihojlle, lamhchoilie, s. a cubit
Ift'jfjoo, luh'tod, v. they put, they sent. . V. tAnicorhA]tr, larr.chomhart, s. m. aclapping of hands
lAirre, Lisle, part, lighted ", lamhdeanas, s. a restraint
1], iVA, s. f. a multitude , amhdhcas, s. the right hand
1 A|f, laith, s. f. milk "Lmjji, Limhdhoir, s. m. a glover
1.ajc, /a////, s. f. ale, strong drink l.Arht)]i))t)e, lamhdhtaoidhe, s. m. a chiromancer
1.A}t, /<?////, s. f. a banquet -, lam'dhradhcadh, \ s. chiromancy,
t Ajf, .////, s. f. the stomach 1)<0)0, lamhdhralheackd, J palmistry
lajre, lailhe, s. f, scales for weighing trhpujpr, lamhfuirt, s. f. handling, pawing
lAj-reariupj!, laUheftmhuil, a. daily lmpuj|r,e, lamhfirte, part, pawed, handled
Ijjreaj, laithea)\s, a provision, providing, gathering trhgA, lamhg^a, a. manual
"Hjfgiifi, laithgh*ur% s. verjuice, vinegar lrhjjtejm, lamhghrcim, s. f. a handle
la'ithigfi, gen. of laf*, dirt lirhlroijt, lamhlaidtr, s. f. strong hand, force
Irtjjlt, lailhilt, weighing with scales lifil]A5, lamhliagh, s. a surgeon
1|, laithort, s. a deadly draught; " i. e. bjc lrhrhuilleA, lamhmkuilleann, s. a quern, a hand-
Jtr." Cor. mill
1.Avje, luithre, s. f. cow 1, lamna, s. a space of time ; " on
^, laithreach, s. f. ruins of a building ojce 50 1 t>* 1)>."
lajf.peac laithreach, a. present lmiiAo, lam'nnadh, s. nativity, bringing forth
Tajf , laitlireachd, s. f. presence1 lArhnn, lamhnan, s. m. the bladder
lnjcpjgjm, laithrighim, v. I appear , lampa, s. a lamp
l*]t)p, /aiV/r, s. f. a lattice lAmpAji, lampar, s. m. a small bird, an unfledged
1<, Idach, s. m. a giant bird
lrh, lamh, s. f. a hand lAmpf5, lamprog, s, m. a glow-worm
, lamhach, a. having hands, active , lamhrachin, s. m. a handle, shaft
l.anW., lamhach, s. m. playing with, handling 'LrhjtAC'OAj', lamhrachdaidh, s. a handling, large
triwc, lamhach, s. m. slinging, casting, shooting; dealing
7A. laiuah, to throw tArri)iaoA)]m, lamhrachdaighim, v. I handle, finger,
*\ s. m. warlike manuvres, grabble, deal, discuss
\, lamhach, report of guns or cannon. trhjHgn, lamliragan, s. m. a fingering, handling
, limhaehas, luo ]1). bow-men, lrhpo, lamhrody s. a bye-road, foot-path
j slingers, artillery trhpo, iamhrog, s. f. an ignorant silly woman,
lrru, lamluidh, s. m. handling, groping dowdy
45, lamhagan, s. m. a glove lAmjtujg, lamruig, s. a black-bird with white spots,
^, lamhagan, s. m. groping supposed to be an alien-hawk. SA,
larhAjjvm, lamhaiglum, v, I handle, toss, project, t*mpAAt>, lamhsachadh, s. m. discussion
throw ! tArhpspjooA, lamhsgriobhadh, s. m. manuscript
lArhAjm, lamhaim, v. I dare, presume i lAiipom, lamhtknm, s. f. a heavy hand, injustice
Vm*)Jr, lamhairt, s. f. handling, pawing Xmu], lamhuigh, v. he shot ; from Iattia, shooting
), lamis, s, f. a poet lirhujjjm, lamhuighim, v. I seize, gripe
lamn, larnhan, s. a glove, a gauntlet, plur. Iaiti- tArhujgfe, lamhuighthe, part, seized, grasped, handled
'ajnpe tin, Ian, a. full ; Welsh ihann ; in composition it sig
l4riATin, lamhanan, s. in. a mitten > nifies perfection, enough, well ,
11], Unnhanart, s. m. a towel 1, Ian, a. before, superior to
IrtrhAn cat 14, larnhan cat leacain,' common , lan, see IaH
navel-wort, Umbilicus veneris , lana, s. a lane, a level walk
tAiiAn]|(. lamhanoir, s.m. a glover lAnAe, lanac/id, s. f. fullness
TAriiAn-]A]iuji, lamhan-taruinn, s. a gauntlet , Umamfoias, s. m. carnal copulation
, lamhannan, s. a bladder ,), lanamAuin, s. f. a married couple
lrinrA, lamhanta, a. menstruous lnopt>A, lanaosda, a. full aged
1,, s. m. a glove, Cor. XnfjA)cle, lanbhaichk, s. an armful
lmcAjA, lamhc/iaia, s. a handling, handles, hand l*nbA]iAr)U)l, lanbjramhil, s. likelihood. DonL
work lnb)!, lanbeil, s. a morsel, mouthful
lArhAliAjm, lamkcharaim, v. I handle ! lmoupeA, lanbhuidheann, s. a garrison
Ultf LAN L2Lp MP

Xncojpe, lanchoire, s. a large pan l*nrgft>at>, lansgrudadh, s. strict search

tnomla]m, lanchmnhlaim, v. perform, finish, ac XAnrgujfit, lansgnirt, s. f. a lap full
complish L4nrnaiat>, lansnmhad, s. f. a needle full
lanfoprtiiiUcE, hnchosamfdac/it, all appearance. Donl. lonro^lejp, Unshoilleir, a. evident, clear
1 ncjtjocnujgte, tanckrroclinkighthe. a. fivUv. accom t4nj-olurta, lanshohista, a. very brilliant
plished > l*nrujle4C, lanshuiUach, a. full-eyed
linc|a, lanchrodha, s. conrageous lantlar-, lantlachd, s. f. a perfect liking
lncuruco, lanchumhachd, s. plenipotence |*nco)l, //9//, s. f. satisfaction
tincum*o4c, lanchtmhaclulach, s. a plenipotentiary lncojle4, lantoileack, a. giving full satisfaction
l.*rn34mgrieaco, landaingneachd, s. f. perseverance lntolla, lantolladh, s. perforation
lnt>o)pn Lmdoirn, s. a handful, a maniple lncoppa, lantorrach, a. pregnant
l*n, tang, a. long, . t. * lnrupoa, lanthurbha, s. a guard
t*n5, r/f*, s. m. falsehood, treachery 1, /<?eA, a. partial, prejudiced
lang, lang, s. m. a pike, spear, javelin - laooca, laobhdha, s. bending, inclining
1*1154, langa, s. a sort of fish 1<, ^ g. m, a hero, champion, a soldier
lang4C, langach, a. slim, slender l4oarhu)l, laochamhuil, a. brave, heroic
l*ng4jo, langaid, s. fetters for horses tAocn, bochan, s. m. a would-be hero; dim. o'Io
l*ng4)T>e, hngaidhe, s. shmness uo-b, laod/i, see l<og
lang4jpe, langaive, s. foam Itfran, laodhan, see kojean
tengan, langan, s. ni, the breast ^oojg, i'aodoig, s. f. the little finger
langan, langan, s.m. noise; the lowing of deer ^5 kogh, s. m. snow
langan-Bpigajo, langan-bkraghaid, s. the weasand \to%, laogh, s.m. a calf; WW Iho
Xnga, langann, s. very littie, great scarcity l<oga, laogkach; a. abounding in calves
langejvjlac, langerilach, s. a lamprey. Sh. "UogalUj, laoghallaidh, e
langpejtj}, langfeitir, "Is. f. aside-line or fetter 5-]*>, /ev>^;}s-m-afawn
tangphejtjp, langpheitir, J fora horse or otherheast ^->5*ft laoghar, s. m. a claw, toe, a fork
lnglaice, langhlaice, s. a handful, a gripe la)gpeojl, laoghfheoil, s. f. veal
tngujn, langhuin, s. a period t>~'j5e4> laogh-ligheach, s. a cow that has newly
tanjmjpce, lanimirce, s. egress and regress calved
lnlgao, lanloghadh, s. a plenary indulgence l<og)i40, laoghrach, a. pronged, forked
Tnlua, lanluach, s. full price, full value l<oj, , an oblique case of 14, a day
, lanmara, s. a full tide, spring-tide Ico], butt s. m. hire, wages
lnrhujjteat), lanmhuireachd, s. f. repletion l<oj, laoi, s. m. a tail
1.4 , lann, s. m. land 1(0], /e, s. m. a song, poem
tari, s. m. a church, a house, repository 1)]> lacibhri, s. m. a tyrant, despot, oppressor
"l*, lann, s. m. a veil, vizard lao'idh, s. m. a poem, a hymn
la, /?, s. m. a gridiron l<ojt>, &, s. m. exciting, animating, i, t. SJie*-
"Lan, lann, s. m. a stud, a boss 440
la, lann, s. m. a scale of a fish, a fin X<0]t>e4, laoidheadh, s. an exhortation
tan, lann, s. m. & f. a sword, a blade, a knife X<0]t)e4n, lao'idhean, s. m. pith, pulp, marrow
laat, lannadh, s. peeling Xrajeana, laoidheanach, a. pithy, pulpy
la*a, lannadha, a. studded l<o-]eojl*, laoidheoir, s. m. an hymnist ; an exhorte
laajm, lannaim, v. I cut, put to the sword l<o]jm, laoidhim, v. I exhort, advise
1*IUip, lannair, s. f. radiance, gleam l<ojleaoA)t, laoileabhair, s. m. a diary
lanajpea, lannairtach, a. radiant, shining 1<)0, laoimheadhon, s. m. mid-day, noon-tide
lagan, lanngan, s. m. the lowing of the hind after Icojnnea, laoinneach, a. stately, fine, shewy
the deer lailJieult, laoireull, s. m. morning-star
Xagleurr;* lanngleusla, s. an incloeure l<om, s- m- a Dlaze of fire
lao})!, lannoir, s. f. a cow 1>nv4, laomdha, a. bent, bowed, crooked
lapac, lannrach, s. m. a vast flame liomt>4o, laomdhachd, s. f. curvature, crookedness
tafitrngAT), lannrughadh, s. m. glistening, gleaming, L^mr5a]JieAo,fa0m/eiVeac, s. f. barbarity ; gas
glittering couade .
l*}iu)g"ri, lannruighim, v. I glitter, shine, gleam tomrgume, /^, a. great, prodigious
lefittojrS lanntaoir, s. a partition lorhoc, laosbhoc, s. m. a castrated goat
tancoip, lantoir, s. a pantry. $. l<ot4mu)l, laotliamhuil, a. daily
lauit, /'>. s. f. gleam, glitter, splendor, ra- Xofcaw, //, s. m. a claw, a toe
Kotana, laotharach, a. digitated, bisulcoue
diance lanphunc, s. a full period or stop
tnphnnc, lapa, lapach, s. m. a marsh, a swamp.
1, lamaidhe, s. m. a pike-man t**c, A?pef, a- frost-bitten, benumbed ^

lpt>, lapaih, s. m. a paw, a fist 14i4p, lathar, s. m. a hidden meaning

X*paoti, apodan, s. m. a kind of sea-fish t4t4]i, lathar, s. m. a secret, a private story, a mys
14}, lar, s. m. the ground, floor, middle, centre ; tery
ttAft, lathar, s. m. strength, vigour
14], /er, s. presence ; prop. I4t4]i 1441, lathar, s. m. knowledge
ti|6, /, s. m. a field of battle tc4]*, lathar, s. m. an assembly, a place of meeting ;
lpac, larach, s. m. site or vestige of a building lt*]t 4n 4C4, field of battle
14j4C, arecA, s. m. a filley 1,44, lathar, a. near
1J*5, larag, s. m. armour; "/. e. lo )15-" Cor. I4r4ji4, lathurach, s. m. a swamp
"lpum/ larum, s. an alarm 144]106, lathardhacht, s. f. presence. /. 187
t*r, w, s. light, flame, fire tftjo, lathroid, s. f. an assembly
10, iasach, a. slack l4tj6n, latron, s. m. a robber ; " CeAA rrwc Cojp-
"Up, a. fiery, flammable, thatburneth pje, rhejc Vo54jit4 oo rh4pb4t> l4cpn4l.',
, lasachadh, s. slackening 4 Mast. 762
14, lasachd, s. f. inflammability 14cujlsne, lathuilgne, s. a day's wages
lr, lasadh, s. a lace t4ub4, lauha, s. an eye-brow
t4j-4t>, lasadh, s. lighting, kindling, shining te, le, prep, by, with
1.440, lasadh, s. lust te, fe, forejle, other; "546 le 14," every other day
l*r)m, lasaim, v. I light, kindle, burn, blaze, blush t4b, kab, s. m. a piece, fragment
, //, s. f. flame te4b4, leaba, ) , , . .
te4b*r,, kabadh, } s- m- a bed 5 Plur- le*P**
l*r4]]i-o]lle, lasair-choil/e, s. a gold-finch, a wood
pecker te4b4-be45, leaba-bheag, s. m. a pallet
l4r4}pjm, lasairim, v. 1 ignite, burn, inflame teaD, leabhach, a. awry, staring
144 144, lasair Uan, lesser spear-wort ; Ranun leAbA-cluuti, ieaba-chluimh, s. m. a feather-bed
culus flammula , LeADA-conlAjj, leaba-chonlaigh, s. litter, straw bed
I4r4]jcejn)5, lasairtemigh, s. a flash of lightning te4bA-cul-bejnc, kaba-chul-beinc, s. a bed formed by
T4r4rhu)l, lasamhuil, a. fiery the wall on one side of a Highland-house, the trunk
144], lasamhuin, a. fervent; } t4D4jp of a tree on the other, between which is placed
5J4 Uyariiujn > opr." P. . 23 enough of heath or straw, and some blankets, whi
1,4 rip, /., s. m. anger, passion, flash ther, as a public bed, the whole family and guests,
1.444, lasanta, a. passionate, flashy when there are any, are promiscuously admitted,
4440, lasantac/;!, s. f. habitude to anger A.
t4r)tAC, lasarach, s. m. flames, flashes of light teAbAC, kabadh, s. m. reading, a lecture
T4j\l4, lasarach, a. flaming, burning te40AT>)ii, kabhadoir, s. m. a reader
1.4 ptA, lasartha, a. flammable te404r>oj]te4t>, Uabhadoireachd, s. f. reading
l4ro, /ascf, s. ballast, lading te4b4-flocu)r, Icaba-fhlocuis, s. a flock bed
l4ro4, lasda, a. inflamed, ignited te4b4-p]i<oj, kaba-jhraoich, s. a bed of heath
1434, lasdach, a. saucy, imperious te4D4)}, kabhair, s. f. a margin
Xrtttledo, lasdalachd, s. f. sauciness, imperiousness teab4]m, leabhaim, v. I read
l4ro4]m, lasdaim, v. 1 load, lade, burden te4D4-lu4ci4)5, kaba-hachraigh, s. abed of rushes
le4D4], leabhar, s. m. a book
1454]]1, lasgaire, s. m. a flashy young fellow, a spark te4DAjt, leabhar, a. long, broad, extended, trailing,
T.4rot)4jn, lasodhain, therefore, by so muchas smooth, free
tArg, lasog, s. f. a small flame teAOAp, kabftar, s. m. a ship
144], lastain, s. f. a hem, edge teabftpAgAn, leabharagan, s. m. a library
l4fu)gie, lasuighthe, a. inflamed, ignited teAOAp-Ajrpiori, leabhar-aifrlonn, s. a missal
lit, lath, see lt te4D4p4n, leabharan, s. m. a little book
14t, /er, a foot teADAp-cl4p, leabhar-chlar, s. m. paste-board
\.&r,.lat/i, s. m. a youth, a champion teAD4)i-u)mne, kabhat -chuimhne, s. a diary
t*t, /, s. m. a dog teAD4)-cunr4)r, leabhar-cuntais, s. an account book,
1.4, lathach, s. m. mud, puddle, dirt, mir* a note book
l4464rhu]l, lathachamhuil, a. slimy, muddy te4D4p-te4l5, kabhar-dearg, s. arubrick
l4t4-jlr, lathailt, s. f. method teADAp IaR, leabhar lann, s. m. a library
t4t4}lce4, lathatlteach, a. methodical te4B4jt-meorhpAn*j5, leabhar-meomhranaigh, s. a re
t4t4]p, lathair, s. presence ; extent gister
144]], lathatrce, s. a thigh te4B}-poc4t>, leabhar-pocadh, s. a pocket-book
X44j)e4C, lathaireach, a. present teaBAp-pe^eato)]*, leabhar-rceadoir, s. m. a book
l4:4j]e4CT>, \lathaireachd, s. f. presence seller
T44]]te4rhu)l, lathaireamhutl, a. immediate te4D4p-r4)lm, tabhar-salm, s. a psalter
144], s. m. an acquisition, provision teADAp-upiuj,
16-21 LEA - 4e2i LEA

XeADAp-upnAj, leabhar-urnalgh, s. a prayer-book, teAjAojj, leaghadoir, s. m. a founder, smelter,

breviary refiner
XeAbA-fejrrjoj, leaba-sheistior, s. a couch, pallet XeA5A]o, leagaid, s. f. an oblation, offering
Lenbn-togDAluc,! leaba-thogbhalach, s. a folding bed teA5)o, leagaid, s. a legate
teobj, leobog, s. f. a piece, a fragment teAjAil, leagail, s. clipping, shearing, throwing down
teabg, leabog, s. f. a flounder XeAgAjm, leagaim, v. I throw down, fall, clip, shear
Xeobg-e*!!, leabog-chearr, s. f. a sole leAgAjm, leaghaim, v. I lick
, habhrach, a. bookish leA^Ajm, leaghaim, v. I melt, thaw, dissolve
, /we, s. f. a flag, a flat stone, a slate ; Welsh lhech XeAgAjm, leaghaim, see lejgjm
, haca, s. f. the cheek teA^Ajr, hagis, s. f. a seat
, leacach, s. the side of a hill. MlDon. ^, leaghan, s.m. liquor
Xe*Cft, leacach, a. flaggy, full of flat stones -*5> letgtuu, see lejgeAr
, leacadh, s. destroying XeAglAj, leaglaidh, s. rushes
|, leacaim, v. I flay, destroy lAgrA, leagsa, s. law, a lease
, leacain, s. m. the side of a hill, declivity XeAgtA, Uagtha, adj. fallen, felled, laid, lain
leACAjn, leacain, s. m. the cheek ^, leaghte, a. fused, melted
., leacanta, a. rigid, precise, neat ^, leaghthoir, s. m. a smelter, founder
te*c-e,iib l^c-eirr ls.aflaUeofice teAgtojp, leaghthoir, s.m. a reader, lecturer
Xe*c-0]x>jie, leac-otdhre, J lea 511jf o,': leaguithe, adj. fallen
teac-l)ge, hac-lighe, s. a grave stone. Sc. , ham, pron. with me
\ez, leacht, s. a lesson , leamh, s. a rower
, leacht, s. agrave, a pile of stones in memory team, leamk, a. hot
of the dead , leamh, a. importunate, troublesome
, leacht, \ with thee, them, belonging to , leamh, a. foolish, simple, insipid, mealy-
, leachtsa,} thee mouthed
, leachta, a. flattened, molten , leamh, s. the elm tree
], Icachtaim, v. I spread ,, leamhachas, \ s. m. simplicity, foolish-
, leachtan, s. m. a lecture, instruction, docu , leamhadas, ) ness
ment ,J XeArhAt), leamhadh, s. m. marsh- mallows ; Althaea
leAccujge, Icachtuighe, s. m. a sepulchre , leamhadas, s. m. importunity, imperti
XeAC-UA)je, leac-uaighe, s. m. a grave -stone, tomb nence
stone , leamaim, v. I nip
1, lead, s. breadth, width, latitude , leamhan, s. m. the inner rind of a tree
Xe^iead, )hesaid , leamhan, s. m. a moth, a butter-fly
re, / if, J , leamhan, s. m. the elm tree ; Ulm us cam-
, leaden, s. m. a head of hair pestris
, leadan, s. m. teazle ; Dipsacus fullonum ;, Itamhanbog, s. m. the horn-beam tree ;
, leadan, s. m. a litany ; musical notes Carpinus
, leadanaeh, a. praise ; musical , leamJtdhanach, a. fool-hardy
, leadanaeh, a. liaving fine hair ), leamhdhanachd, s. f. fool-hardiness
-rjortA, leadan-liosta, burdock ; Arctium XeArhfu*]!, leamhfhuair, a. tepid
lappa XeArhjruAjpe, leamhfhuaire, s. tepidity
a}* 1>, leadh ar leadh, alternate XeArhAUte, leamhghaire, s. a smile
, leadartha, part, torn, hacked, mangled. , leamhlacht, s. f. milk hot from the cow
-], lead-boise, s. a hand's breadth XeArhnACAt), leamhnachadh, s. stopping
leAwrt, leadhm, \ s. m. a moth ; see quot. at , leumhnachd, s. sweet milk.
, leadhman, \ , leamhnacht, s. f. common tormentil, sept-
]>, leadradb, s. m. cutting, hacking, mangling foil ; Tormentilla erecta
>]], leadraim, v. I tear, rend, mangle, maim , leamhnaire, s. a foolish shame
XeAou)5)m, Icaduighim, v. I beetle, distend )], leamhnaireath, a. coy
leAOUjipA, leadurra, a. elegant , eamkragan, s. m. a pimple on the eye
&, leagh, s. f. a physician ; gen. leAg* XAn, lean, s. sorrow, woe, misfortune, ruin
XeAg, leag, s. a precious stone , leana, s. a meadow ; a swampy plain
XeAAc, leaghach, a. colliquant , leamb-hacht, s> f. childishness, pusilani-
XeAgA, leaghadh, s. m. solution, dissolution, fusion mity
XeAgAt), leaghadh, s. m. a perusal, reading )11, leanaill, following, adhering
^, leaghad, s. m. a band, bandage ^, leanailteach, a. following, adhesive
XeAgAti, leagadh, s. m. a fall, falling, abatement, de , hanaim, v. I follow, adhere, pursue
feat ; XeAnAtbAjn, Uanamhain, s. a following, pursuing

leanarajn, kanmn/zain, s. goods, substance Ic4}i5*), Itargaidh, s. the sloping side of a conntry
leapgan, hargan, s. m. the slope of a small hill
teann, , [uvonte> P*' ' la jutiaca, curmhadadh, s. M, a dog-fish
3 uni 14|15)!, Icarsarl, . a
1*-}, kanans:gh,a. a iamiliar spirit, sraccubus tappjnac, keisnac/, a. acule, sharp-sighted
teananraco, La>uinUchd, s. f. whoredom, fornication leapfioo, Icart/iaod, s. a spring-tide
teatiaoaj, hurtador, v. they followed lapp, leartheid, sec i]tjiB
teatujtrac, ieanartaclt, s. in. the herb tormen-til ; la|-um)nt Itar-uimun, s. an onion, squill
see learhnacc leap, Itt, s. f. a blister, blotch, spot
teanB, leanbk, s. m. a chiki 1, leas, s. f. a note
teanuac, leanbhach, a. childish lap, h, s. f. the Hht
leanfiar, leanbhacht, leap, Inas, s. f. agmps
f. childishness, lap, /tws, s. f. a thigh
leannapbeacr, leanbhaIeackt, /
leanbap, leanbha*, ) pusillanimity tear, fees, s. f. a reason, motive, cause
teanhape, Ieanb'uihe, \ a. pusillanimous te*]-, m, s. f. profit, good, interest, advantage
ltJ*nbtijertc, Icatibhaidlieach, } cliihlish, innocent tear, /ai, s. f. a court, see l)o^
lean-alcjiam. Icanhh-altram, s. a foeter-child tapac, leasach, a. blistered, full of blisters
teanhan, hanoha, s. m. an infant tapaca, leasachadh, s. . blistering
leanlunacti, Icanbhmackd, s. f. infancy leapaca, leasachadh, s. . correcting, amending,
teanu-lju^ac, leanbh-Hug-hach, s. a puppet, a doll repairing, manuring
leAiigobpiig, leangobkrag, s. a snipe. lepaajl, husachail, a. epispastie, escharotic
,.,., , , . ~)s. f. following, pursuing, 1*4)5, kaseighim, v. I blister
tean nam, hanmha,n ) ^^ Ldhesion, tarajjjm, kasaijiim, v. I redress, reform, correct,
le^mujnr./^m^rt/.j emulatiun amend, satisfy, heal, manure
tea, /, s. the humours of the body ;plur. leane* tea rajte, scasaiglithet a. rectified, repaired, manured
"lean, leann, s. f. ale; any strong think leapajnm, kasainm, s. f. a nick-name
l*, , s. { a coarse cassock; a cloak or mantle leaparajp, leasathalt; s. ta. a step-father
lean, leattn, s. f. a coat of mail learc, kaiC, debility, sloth ; JItb. chashal
teaail, , s. f. a sweet-heart, a concubine teapcla, leaSC^annt s. step-children
leanam, leanam, v. to jilt. Sh. leapseapopafajp, leasdtarbhrathair, s. m. a step
leaajpe, leamiaire, s. m. a brewer brother
leafi-aol, leann-caol, s. small beer tearocajiDpjup, leasdearbhshiur, \ s. f. a step-
"Lenne*, leanndha, a. aleish, tipsey tea rt>ea[ibp)uta]l, leasdearbhshmthair, ) sister
teanou, kanndubh, s. f. melancholy tear5, Itasg, | , JothftJ
lea^up, leannghcur, s. f. alegar tear gatmip, leasgamnuil, ) J
tea-Upili, leann-laidir, s. strong ale teaj-gof, kasgolh, s. m. a step-son
tea-lajp&te, -laisgthe, s. dregs from brewing tearm5"jn, leasingh n, t. f. a step-daughter
whiskey tearluan, W^, 1 t q
leanojp, Icannsir, s. m. a brewer teapmac, leasmncc,} r
^, learnig, s. a little meadow teaj-lupe, kasluidhc, s. leaning upon, reclining
teantujn, leantutn,*.. following, adhesion tcarhi]]m, leasluid/iim, v. I recline
teantujn, leantuin, a. subsequent teafriiaiai), leasmhathair, s. f. a step-mother
teapta, leapt/ia, betonging to a bed tearmiittrayo, Icamhursaid, s. a gallon
teapia, leapthach, s. m. bedding tearfiftC, Itasroch, s. m. a thigh; plur. leerjtujg,
leap, /ier, for le , with our leapjia, learpaa
l*}, /, s. m. the sea terr 'f?SJ see '' gd
leap, feer, s. m. much, a great deal, many teaprap, kastar, s. m. a cup, a vessel
T-ap, a. clear, evident learrap, kastar, s. m. stale l>utter
taparhapc, learamhare, s. clear sight teaprajii kastar, s. m. a small boat
tapaimpca, learamharcach, a. clear-sighted teaprap leastar, s m. a bee-hive
taparrupca'o, leamharcachd, s. f. clear-sightedness teaprap, leaslar, s. m. the vessels and furniture of a
teappomm, Itardhromain, s. the ridge of a hill house '
leap f )], karfliaicsm, s. f. seeing clearly teapr)]i, leastoir, s. m. an arrow-maker
leapg, /irj, s. m. a little eminence, a plain, a beaten teapuj;at>, Icasuhaih, s. . education
Patn . . i teapgat, kasugliadh, s. . correcting, amending,
tears, /dug, ? the ram goose ; it is grey, nestles amendment, manuring
wkhin reach of the water, and never rises during teapiifeieoip, kasughtheoir, s. m. a repairer, correc
incubation. A small brown sort of scarth or cor tor, rectifier .
morant. Sh. tear, leaf, pron. with thee
leap^ac, lear%ach, a. steep teat,
ie-21 LEA LEI

tear, leath, a. apart, separate, respective ; pa leaf, leatnugao, leathnugadh, s. m. widening, extending*
severally scattering, spreading, flattening
teat, leath, s. half, a moiety, a piece leatnii5a5e]mjte, eathnughadhglieimhre, s. m. win
teat, /ttM, a. middle, middlemost ter quarters
leaf, /*, answers for the English ward, as leat- leanuygjm, leathnuighim, v. I enlarge, extend, scat
t>eap, southward ; letf westward, &c. ter, flatten
leata, /.', s. m. a bed teattiu]5te, leathnuighthe, part, flattened, enlarged
teat*, leatha, s. m. gain, profit leat5, leathog, s. f. a flounder, plaice
teatac, leathach, a. divided leaf05 ban, leathog ban, s. f. a sole
teatac buje, leathach buidhe, common lady's man teatg oeapg, leathog drarg, \ s. f. a fluke, a
tle ; Alehemilla vulgaris teafg pip u^re, leothog fir visit,) flounder
tearao, leathad, s. in. breadth leatg rhu]}e, leathog muire, s. f. a kind of large
leataoac, kathadach, a. wide, large, extended, full turbot called Talbot
Teafaioajjam, icatkadaigham, v. I augment, encrease, leaptyjn, leathphighin, ) , ,c
enlarge. SA. leatphp^n, Uatkphmghm, \ s" a 1
leaiajm, leathaim, v. I divide, halve leatphonr, leathphont, s. half a pound
leatejm, leathaim, v. I extend, widen ; " 50 po leat leaf ja, leathrach, a. made of leather
4jnm po ejjijri ujle." 4 Mast. 868 1|), leathraithe, half a quarter of a year. A
teata^nm, Uathainm, s. f. a nickname Mast. 1452.
tearamaon, leathamadan, s. m. a half- fool, a witling leapa, leathrann, s. m. a half
teat-ama, leath-amach, ~i a. external, outward, "Leatjurt, leathrann, s. m. a hemistich
leat-amujj, leath- amuigh,\ outside leatfiaa, leathrannach, a. partial
te*r-a-mu)5, leath- a-muigh, prep, except, besides, learjie, leathre, towards
as well as leatpjog, leathiogh, s. m. a copartner in government
tea+n, leathan, a. broad leatjioo, leathrod, s. f. a bye path
teatana, leathanach, s. m. a page of a book teatporg, leathrosg, s. purblindness
teatanaca, leuthanachadh, s. extension leatjiopgac, leothrosgfiach, a. purblind
Xeaianujjjm, leathanuighim, v. I widen, extend leacjtuao, leathruadh, a. reddish
Xeanooa, leataobhach, a. lateral; 50 leanoac, leaijurjrs. leathruisg, a. one-eyed
aslant leacrgajlcea, leathsgailteann, s. a joist, a plank
teatap, leatkar, s. m. leather tearrgul, leathsgeul, s. f. an excuse
"Leat-aptrj, leath-astigh, a. internal, inside learp^ula, Uathsgeulach, a. excusatory
"LearBpeac, leathbhreac, mate, fe."ow, marrow, cor tearp0ula]t>e, h'athsgeulaidhe, s. m. a mediator
relate. Si. lea^pujleac, leathshuileach, a. monocular
teaT-rjpujteat), kathbhruitheadh, s. parboiling "Leai-noD, leath-taobh, s. one side ; a flitch. 5.
"LeafBrjete, leathbhruithte, a. parboiled teat-riob, leath-taobh, a. askance, askaunt, sidewise
\e*tt<ot, leathchaoch, a. half-blind, blind of an eye teaf-tomalca, leath-thomalta, a. half consumed
Xearceaii, leaihcheann, s. side of the head teat-roa, leath-tonna, s. a butt, or half tun
teafceapcal, leathchearcal, s. a semicircle leat-cpom, leath-trom, s. in. oppression, affliction,
teatcot>at, leathchodal, s. dozing, slumber distress, partiality
teatcoolajm, leathchodlaim, v. I doze, sleep ill leatrpoma, leathtromach, a. oppressive, partial
Xearjiuje, leathchrwnne, s. a semicircle, hemis leaicjioma, leathromach, a. pregnant, heavy-sided
phere leatrpuphe, Icathtnome, s. oppression, pregnancy
teauro, leathchuid, s. a half share, partiality "Leaf uajpe, Icathuaire, s. half an hour
tear pao, leathfhad, s. a declivity, slope. Sh. leattqleaR, Iculhuiltann, s. an acute angle
Xearpao, leathfhad, s. breadth leaf ujlea, Uathuikann, a. half sitting.
leatp4t>, leathfhad, a. oblong tear, //j, s. m. a funeral pile
te4t5jl!)un, leathghaillmn, s. a pottle teb, /e///, s. m. a piece of untanned leather, a
tearjpabaf, leathghrabal, s. a farthing, or rather a fragment
halfpenny legaiti, lega'id, s.f. algate, ambassador
Xeaguala, leathghualadh, s. a mate, companion lega roe, legaide, s. f. a legacy
learjo, leathid, the hke, such telb, leibh, with ye
"Leatlaspa, leathlagsa, a. weakish, feeble tejbea, leibrann, s. a long stretch, a stride
le*leaf, eathleann, s. smalt beer lejbea, leibheann, s. the deck of a ship, a scaffold,
leatlujgea, leathluigheadh, s. lolling, leaning gallery
Xea*lu)6irri, ienthtuighrni, v. I loll lejbea, leibheann, s. the side of a hill
teairhapb, leathmharbh, a. half dead tejee, leice, s. f. neglect, nujne lejcce, a slothful
Teainfiap, ieathmhas, s. m. a buttock person
Xeainape, kathnaidhe, s. m. a roiling pin 4 . Vice,

l^cc} Icke, s. f. a diamond, any precious stone l)m, /, s. f. a leap

lijce, leict, s. f. in the Highlands of Scotland, is a tjm, /', s. f. milk
large crystal of a figure somewhat oval, which tejme, leimhe, Is. f. folly, simplicity, silliness,
priests kept to work charms by ; water poured upon tejme4r, himheas, \ flatness
it, at the present day, is given to cattle against ljmeAD])!, le'meadoir, s. m. a leaper, jumper
diseases. These stones are now preserved for l)me4t>j], Itimeadmr, s. . a dolphin
the same purpose by the oldest and the most su tjmj^te, leimighthe, part, leapt
perstitious in the country. Sh. ljmjm, leimim, \y. I leap, jump, bolt, hop,
leiceac, leicead, a. neat, elegant tjmnjjjm, leimnighim, ] prance, exult
"lejceanra, laceanta, a. exact, precise, neat ljmne4c, leimneac/:, a. leaping, bounding, desul
tjele, leide, . aspects, appearances tory
tepmeac, Icidmheach, s. m. desire t)mp5]An, leimsgian, s. f. a razor
ljorhea, Uidmheach, a. strong, robust, brave "ljm-ujrse, tim-uisge, s. f. a cataract
tejomige, leidmhighe, s. an appetite lejnbbpejc, hinbhbhreitk, s. childbirth
t<Jst lg, future ; nj huarhan t>ujr, m 50 lj." Ie)nblu4p54, leinbhluusga, s. a cradle
l]5, high, s. neglect tjne, /f;'/if, s. f. a shirr, shift, anv linen garment
1-J5> kigh, s- a physician tjne-Aifpjo, leine-aifrivnn, s. . the albor surplice
t-jge, k'ie> s. a league, three miles worn by the priest at Mass
tejgeal, leigeal, s. letting. SA. ljne-bjr, hhie-bhais, s. a shroud, winding sheet
I)je4c, Itigheach, . medical. SA. lem5en, leingean, s. a step-daughter. Sh.
tje40t>, leigheachd, s. practice of medicine tejfie, Ichme, by or with ns
tj^eAw, Icigeadh, s. permitting, permission, letting, lejncog, leinteog, s. f. a shirt or shift
discharging, leading ljp, leir, s. f. sight, perception
Xjgea, leigcadh, s. throwing, casting ljp, />, s. aggregate; go ljj, altogether
ligeA, kigheadh, s. readiog, perusal ljp, /(?/>, a. conspicuous, open, plaiu, manifest
XejseAcjji, leigeaoir, s. ra. a spigot ljp, hit, a. destructive, terrible
tje*rhu]l, Uighemnhuil, a. medical, physical lc||i, leir, a. wise, prudent
Xjgen, leigheann, s. m. instruction, lesson, erudition ljj, leir, a. close, managing
t,j5e4nc, leighcanta, a. proficient lflie, hite, s. austerity, piety
"ligear. kighcas, s. m. a cure, remedy, medicine, t]pe, hireadh, s. tormenting, paining, pain
healing Xiprol*cf leirfholach, s. m. a canopy
Ij5e4r4, Icigheasach, "1 medicinal, sanative leips, leirg, s. f. a plain, a road, a way
t.ejp> ^"ft s. f. a reason, a motive
ljjeAfAjm, leigheasahn, v. I cure, heal tejpjjm, Icirgim, v. I counterfeit, pretend
t)5e*y-cojc)o, leiglwas-cccliionn, s. a panacea ljpjje, leirighe, a. being in sight
tj^eajTA, leigheasla, a. cured, healed ljpjm, kirim, v. I pain, torment
Ljgejp, leigheoir, s. m. a mender, -founder, refiner
Xe,p,rr, km*, > >f aham nia]]et
Tejjom, higim, v. 1 let, permit, dismiss ; lead lejpir^]"' kirtstm, y
"lejgjm, Itigim, v. 1 throw, cast ; " lejgertri pjn liprneAf, leimieas, s. balancing, considering
j * glmjb." ljprir.eArAjm, letrmhensaim, v. 1 balance
, lejgjm, ieig/nm, v. I read Xjpm)lle*, Icirmhilleadh, s. in. destruction
Te}5jm 1{'' as> v- 1 unyoke, dismiss, expel lejppcon*, hirscona, a. obscure '
Tej5im fua, leigim gunna, v. I discharge or fire a gun ^jP|-gp^op, eirsgrios, s. utter destruction
"Le)5)m opm, Itigim orm, v. I pretend l-jprgpprr*' leirsgriosta, a. defaced, ravaged, ru-
lejjjn, Icighin, s. a student. Sh. ined, destroyed, despoiled, depopulated
Xe^jjomi Uighiom, s. reading, perusal tjpnri , s. f. sight, seeing
ljgjo, le'ighionn, see l]je4 l)pnrieAC' hirsineach, a. seeing, intelligent
t}j^or*rJ lghiontacht, s. f. reading, instruction teiprmuAjneAri, leirsmuaineadh, s. consideration, re
) tghtos, see leijeap flection
ljsjn, Icighin, s. a legion Xejpte, leirte, s. earnestness
1^)!lor5Ar>, kighlosgadh, s. m. cautery tejp, prep, with, wherewith, with him
"L^ljlorgajm, kighlofgaim, v. I cauterize -Lejp, lets, to the leeward. Sh.
t)"fuj' leigh-shull, s. an oculist lejr, fcw> apparently. 5A.
t)5te, leighthe, a. read ], i, )gen. ofleAr
tejjteA, leightheadh, s. a perusal, reading teire, leise,jb 1
lijteo)], leight/ieoir, s. m. a reader ljpBe4pr> kisbheart, s. m. trousers, breeches, ar
^^, lghtheoireackd, s. f. reading mour for the thighs
tejte 1, s. any thing melted leireAlb kisdhear, s. f. a step-daughter

ljpe, leise, s. f. happiness Lejftjri, leithrinn, s. fetters

lejpe*, leiseadh, s. mocking ; Heb. Juts le);pe, leithse, this side
a. lazy, slothful, lubber lejrpgul, leithsgeul, s. m. an apology, excuse
ly, luskish, languid, te]rpuU, hithsgeulach,&. apologtica!, excusatory
l^jpgead, eisgeach, tejcpuUjm, leithsgeulaim, v. I excuse, apologize
ljp5eftmujl, leisgeamhuil, iongsome, sluggish,
supine, unacrive lejrVjjt, leithir, s. f. the side of a country
"!)5> leisge, s. sloth, laziness, indolence leUb, hlab, s. f. a child, a little boy. Cor.
-15*, Icisgcan, s. m. a lazy person le'm, le'm, with my
")51, leisgeut, see lqtpjul lemne, lemhrte, s. fatness
*-eJnn5e*ni leis'mghean, s. f. a step-daughter ln, /t-, s. . woe, misfortune
lejr, leith, s. f. a half, a side, a turn ; y* lejr, indi lenme, lenme, . appearances, aspects, complexions,
vidual ; o pojn lejf, from that time to this faces; "lenme l<oc, i. e. lecle l<oc no *)%te Icot."
lejfj /eVA, s. f. account, respect, regard; " leji Cor.
<0)re." leo, leo, pron. with them
lejrBe, lesthbhe, s. partiality leo, leo, s. m. a member, a limb
l.e)fb)ie*c4c, leithbreacach, s. m. a correlative leo, ko, s. m. strength, might
1e]icdr>, Uithchead, s. fifty leo, leo, 7
teo5<vn, hogha,]*- m' a Ilon
)*01, leilhdhealbh, s."Bas-relief
Xejf }14), ledhdhreachdaim,\. I excuse leo04]t, leobhar, a. long
lejte, leite, s. water-gruel leoT>4]i, leobhar, a. tawdry
Lejie, /cwfe, s. the rot, a disease of sheep leo-nrhall, ko-chamhall, s. a chamelion
lejce, lei/he, s. moulciiness leot>, /, s. a cutting, hacking, mangling
lejte, hit/ie, s. the shoulder-blade leot)]m, leodhaim, v. 1 cut,, mangle ; j)o leoi
lerce, It'ithe, compar. and gen. of grey lern." Lee.
tejenc, eheach, s. m. a kneading trough leoj, s. m. a marsh
tejfen, Lithcach, s. m. a flounder, plaice XeogAC, eogach, a. marshy
\.e]tex>, hithead, s. greynes leogA, leogach, a. slovenly
te)feAo, lellhead, s. breadth leo5*t>, Uoghadh, s. flattery
te]f t atv-rmiiH. hithcad-r.icur, s. m. an inch teoAjm, leoghaim, v. I flatter, sooth
le")cjo. leilheid, ic^p, leogan, leoghan, s. m. a lion ; a moth
le}i-ejp, hitheis, s. f. derision, mockery leoinr4, leoghanta, a. lion-like
le)te*j4, le teardh'.t, a. literary teojjanreT), leoghantachd, s. inconstancy
Lejfeoj, Icithecg, s. f a flounder , leogarach, a. haughty, insolent
le^reoUc, hitheolach, s. m. a novice, a smatterer leogajiAt, leogaradh, s. haughtiness
LejcjcaUc, leithghealaeh, s. m. the half-moon leojp, feeiV, s., enough
lejT-g ), Leilhgh/inn, Denmark and Norway ; i. e. ]{15], leoirghiomh, s. satisfaction
lolj leontA, leomach, a. flirting, prudish
Le)flj]i, hithghhir, s. . false glory teom, /em, \ ,
teom4C4p, leomae/iesy y ' u
Lejjo, kitliid, s. f. the like, such, a peer, paragon
lejtjo, leithid, s. f. pap 14, leomaire, s. m. a fop
lejtpe, hithide, s. duplicative "Leorrmn, leomhan, s. m. a lion ; a moth ; a leech ,
Te)i'|re, leithinnse, s. peninsula :, Manta,! hon.1k heroic
lcyr.jme4l, htthimeal, s. m. a border or coast Leonc4, leonla,
Xeir/jmeal, hithimcal, a. partial leon, leortf .s. m. affliction, a wound, a moth
Iejfrme4l4c, hilhimealath, a. bordering, superficial,, "Leon, Icon, s. m. a lion
external leon4t), leonadh, s. m. a wounding, spraining.
lejqjb hitir,s. f. a' letter ; plor. lejrpea* 14) leonaim, v. I wound, sprain
Xe]fe*, hithhac/i,\&. partial, factious, aside, teont4, leonla, a. wounded, sprained
lejfiejt, leithlcith, J apart leonc4,- leontach, a. afflictive
lejtncAC'o, leithneachd, s. f. breadth ,4>, leontachd, s. f. luxation
lejf ph]ti5), hithphinghinn, s. f. a halfpenny leontao, leontachd, s. f. brave actions
lejf feo*p, hithi cachas, s. m. separation leont40o, leontachd, s. f. keenness of morals. Sh.
lejf je44p, leithreachas, s. m. unjust dealing teoji, leor, s. enough
teo]t, leor, a. sufficient. MlPar. 109
tejipea, leithreadh, a. aside, apart of a side, to
leojto]le4p, leordhoilgheas, s. f. contrition
teic|te, leithreann, s. partiality leoj5Ji*r*, leorghrasa, s. sufficient grace
Xejtppenc, hithiidheach, a. partial, factious leop, leos, s. m. a reproof, reproach
lejrppeaco, leithridheachd, s. partiality leop, leos, S. m. light
lejcjijjm, Uithrighim, v. I appear, come in sight leop, leos, s. m. a disclosure
1)21 LIA

teop, lees, s. m. a blush tiA, //e, s. hunger ; nip gebe tAjtc no Ija
teopajm, leosaim, v. I light up, kindle Ija, //a, s- a stream, a flood
leopcnurm, koschnuimh, s. a glow-worn s. a great stone, Ija pijl, the stone of
leop^Ac, kosghath, ") destiny on which the ancient Irish
leopmAtig, kosmhatig, >s. a ray of light Monarchs used to be crowned until
teoprheuji, leosmkeur,) tjA, iff, the time of Mortogh Mac Earc, who
tjt, 1er, with which, by which l)<e, />, sent it into Scotland, that his brother
Tepe, Iere, s. religion Fergus, who had subdued that county,
lp, /e, s. m. a bladder ; a bag filled with any thing might be crowned on it. It is now tu
lp, les. s. m. light, illumination j Westminster Abbey
lpc, lese, s. m. lust ; " lpc coli*." M'Par. \)&,Ita, s. wetting, moistening, . e. j:1jucao
tepe, lese, a. lame ; " /. e. lep ejpc, no quasi lope, Ija, lia, a. more, n|op Ija, greater, broader
i. e. ." Cor. Ija, lia, a. nimble, active
lpjmob, iesimcb, s. the ureter IjAbHn, liabhran, ~) , ,
lp-Up^A, les-lasgtha, s. a clyster Xialipin, habhrin, J8" a smaI1 book
tep-me, les-mac, s. m. a step-son Ijar, liuc/i, s. m. a kind of measure; asborelfull
leppAjJte, lespaire, s. m. a luminavy ; " In leppAjlte Ija, liac-h, s. m. a spoon, a scale
jp , i. c. guian; AcAp )n lerpAjpe )p lug*, ljc, Hack, s. m. bad news
. e. jnxs pc." BalLim. 8. 2. Ijacac, liackac, s. hog's dung
\.)*tby\ybe,liachbrighde, broad-leaved pond-weed ;
tte*Co, letheaehd,rArm*%* Potamogetn natana
\eiet, lethech, s. m. a kneading trough Ijac, Lache/, s. a multitude, a great many
tetc, lethech, s. ni. a large fish IjACln, liuchlan, s. a spoon-full
terip, letir, a. half wet; ' ;'. t. tjpjm * le, *c*r Ijac k>5*p, Hueh loghar, yellow water lily ; Nym-
pljc -jn 1er najle." Cor. lutea "
leixpom, lethtrom, s. affliction, l]A]t, liachro, s. a hog-stye
teubujoenc, leubaideach, a. worthless t3*C Jca, Hack reda, see rj* bji]gjioe
leur, leud, see 1 TjAcrajn, liachtam, s. f. wet, moisture, rain
leuogA', leudughadh, s. widening, extending l]Atjeo)j, liachtreoir, s. m. a reader, lecturer. i?r.Z.
lug, //g, s. a diamond, gem ; see lejee ]>, ltdh, s m. a ladle
tujA logrhaft, leuga loghmhar, s. precious stones, IjATibg. liadhbhog, s. f. a flounder
brilliant gems l)*b> '' see 'e45j a s'one
lum, , s. a leap, leaping /'ff/', s. m. a physician
tumATwj], leumadoii , see ljmeA'oj'p \)*%, liagh, s. m. the blade of an oar
lumAjm, leumaim, v. 1 leap tjAgn, lagan, s. m. a small stone
lumnac, leumnach, a. bounding, leaping IjagAn, l oga, s, ni. an obcliik
lumnA-iiAjne, leiimnach-uaine, s. a grass-hopper XjA^tieAl, liaghdhe*lg,%. m. a bodkin, clasp, broach,
leumpgAji, leumsgar, a. clever or button adorned with a stone
lun, leun, s. ni. woe, sorrow, grief tjAphutOg, Haphulog, s. f. a hog's pudding, sausage
lup, leur, s. seeing tjAp, Has, see ljop
lujtgup, leurgus, s. m. sight tjAp, Has, s. a hut for lambs, calves or sheep
teujtpjiuoaf', leursgrudadh, s. m. examination, in IjAt, Hath, s. a grey or aged person ; " 0 nji
vestigation \llAt> caa >) ) a Ija^u
lup, leus, s. m. light j ^!< a meoAti, ) *rig)Uu eoj^.**
lup, leus, s^e 1, a spot i'tr. 30.
lupa, kusach, a. escharotick l)Af, ///^, a. grey, hoar, hoary, stale, mouldy
liipac, liusuch, a. lightsome, having light 1], liatJit ch, a. pale, blank
lupACAr, Icusachadh, see lApugAt) IntAA'O, liathachadh, s. mouldiness
tupacarmi')!; leusuchamhu.l, a. epispastick 1|0, liathadli, s. making grey, a grey tinge
lupmtvm, leuschnuimh, see leopnujrh l|AfAr>, liat.'.adh,t. a tincture
lupat, leusgath, see leopgAt; IjAf, liathan, s. m. common marvgold ; Chrysan
lupujgjm, leumighim, see lApAji,jm themum segetum
1], /i, s. the sea IjAtbn.. Uathbhan, a. pale
l), s. colour, tinge ; Welsh lliw X]Tbu)be,l;all>huidfie, a. tawny
V) U, s. the complexion or air of the face IjAfeAjtc, liathchearc, s. the hen of the black cock,
V: h\. , 1 s. a law. #r. Z. a heath-hen
lutoftuf, iathdrus, s. mustincss
lj, lia, with them t}At*r, liatkghaih, s. a violent dart
lj*, /w, s. a hog, pig tjAt|lr, Lalhghlas, a. bleak, hoar
, liathghonn, a. azure, pale blue ln, Im, s. m. aline, thread, series, score
U*U**je, liathluachald,-\ , c . tjryo, Und, s. m. a disease ; Imo cluAjpe, deafness.
. tjarjieocAt., //e/r/W/Je,hoar_frost Cor.
IjAclup, liathlus, s. m. mugwort ; Artemisia vulgaris ", Uneadaeh, s. m. linen cloth
"LiAcIuf jjjo, hathlusroid, common cud weed; Fdago IjngeAc, Ungeadk, s. leaping, bounding, skipping*
germanica flinging, darting, flying off, going away
"i-JArog, /ifl/Ag-, s. f. a kind of salmon XPSjm lingim, v. I skip, leap, bounce
t)<*oj5fe, liathoighre, s. hoar-frost 1)5|)*. Lingria, s. England
lj*tf4, llathradh, s. sliding, rolling tnJ5e*, linighcadh, s. delineation, drawing
tj*tp4jm, liathraim, v. I slide, roll backward 1)51> linighim, v. I delineate
tjafum, liathram, v. to sprinkle on. W. 1)ri)5ieo)), linighthtoir, s. m. a delineator, designer
T-)*JeA, liathreach, s. hoar-frost 1)1, tajeante, s. an ill habit
1-JApeo, liathreo, s. hoar-frost Ij, Unn, see ljno
pjo, liathroid, s. f. a ball, a knob l), linn, s. f. a pool, the sea, water ; \y\ ljp, the
X)Atp)t>, hathroid, s. f. a roller ; chaff Ulyrian sea
X]4tc4r, lialAtas, a. mouldy l)ft, linn, s. f. an eye, period, time, generation ; pe
IJAtfuijps, liatruisg, s. f. a fieldfare a ljn
U*tup, liatus, s. m. a lettuce l|, linn, s. f. a streight, the entrance into a gulph.
1)6, libh, with ye Lec.
Xjbe*t>in, libheadhan, s. m. a dowry X), linn, s. f. ale, strong drink. Cor.
1)4>, libheadan, leviathan t), linn, a. wet
llbeApn, libhearn, s. f. a ship, house, habitation 1)5)0, linngineach, a. roundish
1), lbhearn, s. f. a dowry, cattle l)fijn, linnin, s. linen of clothes. SA.
Ijbpe, s. f. livery, luce ijbpe, servants, per IjRpeo, linnseog, s. f. a shroud
sons in livery. S. A. 24 1)50, linnsgearadh, s. genealogy. Sh.
IJce, lice, gen. of 1 1)>, linradkarc, common eye-bright; Euphra
Ijceog, /', s. f. a little flat stone sia officinalis
Ijcljt, liclith, s. a grave-stone 1), linseach, s. one clothed in linen
^Jcneen, Henean, s. m. a wedge tinte, Unte, a. full
iJoe, #fe, s. a little bit, a jot IjnteA, linteach, a. lineal
\)ne*b, lideach, a. stopped "LooA, liobhadh, s. smoothing
UedlBAjm, lidhealbham, v. I bepaint, dawb, depict IjobAgAC, liobhagach, s. a floating weed common in
1_jeAlB:A, lidhealbhtha, a. painted standing water. SA.
t|eAlbt]p, lidliealbhthoir, s. m. a painter, limner t)ob*)m, Uobhaim, "I v. 1 smooth, polish, file, bur-
1J5> ^ s. a ligature 1_jobpA)m, liobhraim, J nisb, daub
115 ''S^, s. a law. Br. L. tjoBAjpc, Uobhairt, s. delivery, delivering
1)5> s- a colour, tinge Ijobn, liobhan, s. m. a file
U5AC, %(zc/4, a. sly tjoon, liobhan, s. m. an elm ; Welsh lhuyven
1)5), lagadoir, s. m. a faucet 1), liobar, s. m. a hanging or projecting lip
51 I'gar, s- a tongue. Cer. , liobar, s. m. a slovenly person
lje, s. a licking ^)), liobharaim, v. I deliver
"LjSjeAc, Hgheach, s. a cow 1 jobApo, liobard, s. m. a leopard
IjgeAnj, hgheang, s. a ship -|), liobarnach, a. slovenly, awkward
lj5jm, Ughim, v. I lick -|), liobasda, a. slovenly
1)5 jm, ligim, v. I permit, allow; prop. le)5jm i -jobApoA0t>, liobasdachd, s. f. slovenliness
l)jie, lighthe, a. lambent ijODgpuA, liobhghruag, s. a wig
Ijl, ///, s. following, pursuing ; " po 1)1 a pojiAjnm 1 )0b0)t>eA0, lioboidcach, a. slow, lingering
ne. 1, liobrach, a. thick-liped
Ijl, HI, a. customary, usual ; , 50 pop 1)1 cc 4jleAt> 1jobpApe, liobhraidhe, s. m. a burnisher
Ajpm > ) aitiac." IjobtA, liobhtha, a. polished, filed
l)le, We, s. a lily -yobtAc, liobhthach, a. cosmetick
T,|leAt>, lileadh, s. licking or sucking; i.e. Ijjje, no IjobApA, lihthara, 1 a filed lishej
ojal." o.g. tpbee, liobhle, i
l)ljm, lilim, v. I follow, pursue t)OCA, lioca, s. a cheek ; prop. 1
1]1, Ultheach, a. flexible, pliant XjOCACAn, liocadan,
tjocAt)n, 401.UUU11, s. m.
in. a chin-cloth
Ijrn, lim, s. f. a leap tjocApo, liocard, s. a leopard
Ijn, lin, s. m. a quantity, parcel, number; "c]* IjocopAjp, liocorais, s. f. licorice
rjn" Lrc. 18. 4. tjon, bod, s. a lisping
l^n, lin, s. . flax, linen, net ; Wehh Hin tio*. liodha, a. strong, able
; 41) IJOPA,

l']oo4C, liodach, a. lisping 1), lionn, s. f. ale ; any strong liquor

ljor-)ge, Uodaghe, s. m. a iisper Ijoil, lionn, s. f. a humour in the body
X]ot>4ii, liodan, s. m. a litany t joblarrjp, lionnblastoir, s. m. an ale-taster
l^otn uc4jje, Liodan an ucairc, teazel ; Dipsacus tjoouB, lionndubh, s. melancholy, gloomy fits
fullonum l)oftu4t>, Iwnnruad/t, s. choler
Xjof4;i4im, iodarairp, v. I tear, rend, bruise tjougat), lionnugliudh, s. growing in humours
ljcTO[r, Uodart, s. tearing in pieces T.jon-ob4j]t, lionn-obair, s. net-work
IjoiujTrie, lodhraimhe,\ ., , , lon-objtajre, lion-obrai'lhe, s. m. a net-maker
-I105, 5., ' J s. the blade of an oar Ijonpa, homadh, s. a web
Ifag, /inj, see lug l]onji4r, Honrad, s. athin mixed unsubstantial draught
\, liogh, a. becoming, handsome lionta, lionta, plur. of Ipn 3
1 j 154c, lioghach, s, au superiority ^, lionta, a. fiiled, saled
11054*, liogadh, s. m. whetting, sharpning 1'140, liontach, a. full, satiate, satisfied
liog4jro, liogaim, v. I whet, edge ^ontaco, limtachd, s. f. satiety
l-lo4ID I'oghais, s. f. power, ability ^on-ujpge, Hon-uisge, s. a casting-net
Ijojan, lioghan, s. m. a trowel m, s- m* dispute, debate, strife
154, HogAar, s. a tongue "<>, t, s m. a house, habitation; a palace, court,
1,]o4t>, lioghadh, a. fair, fine, soft fortified place ; enclosures or stalls for cattle
Ijoija, iog/uid/i, a. able, strong, mighty tjop, los, s. m. the longing of a woman with child
T)or4, Hog/id/ia, a. fair, fine, soft 1,jop4)|i, liosair, s. f. a garden
ljo5i4, lioghia, s. a tongue l-opoa, liosda, a. slow, lingering, tedious, heavy
Ijom, , with me "Mopo4r>, liosdachd, s, slowness, tediousness, heavi
Ijoriu, liomhadh, s. smoothing, polishing ness
tjorhi'o]], liomhhdoir, s. m. a burnisher, polisher liorreil, Ihstail, "I K .. ,. . ,
Ijormjm, liomhaim, v. 1 polish, file, burnish
tjorin, liomhan, s. m. a file ljor4, liotach, a. lisping, stammering
ljoTii4i4, liomhara, \ a. polished, burnished, com- t]o4t5, liothadh, s. frightening, dissaving. Fer. 89
tjoriiia, Uomhlha, j plete Ijorpa, liothra, s. hair
"tjomjo, liomod, s. f. lemon ; an almond 1)^404, lithradharc, s. pomp
l.]omr4, liomsa, with me, belonging to me Ijp^n, ///?., s. f. a small measure in Scotland called
tpn, lion, s. rn. flax ; Welsh Utain, linen cloth a lippie
Ijon, , s. m. a line ; Welsh Hin tjpjn, lipin, trusting to, confiding in
Don, //sw, s. ,m. a net, a snare lir, a. much, numerous, many
\\ox\, lion, s. m. a parcel, number, quantity ljp, Is, s. m. a dispute, conflict: . e. oe*B*j. e. .
l'jona', lionadh, *. filling, swelling Ijp, /, s. m mischief, evil, bad, detriment
]0]1, -liowdoii, s. . a funnel, atundisu ljp5, lisg, s. feelers
tjoi4t>-m4yi4, lionadh-mara, s. the tide Ijpeuts Useadh, s. supposing, thinking, imagining
1 ionaiie-nte, honaighe-t ghe,~\ ... .
*//, * Jr s. cielmg,
Xjon4]5;e4'P, liona:gneattti, ' tablature ;r4t^n,}s-atongi,e;//- Iashon
fjonapn, lionaim, v. I till tjpim, iisim, v. to mean, imagine, think of
lion an 4D4jn, /w an abhain, various leaved water Ijr, /, s. f. activity, celerity
crowfoot ; Ranunculus aquatilis Ijc, hth, s. f. happiness, prosperity
l)on 4 natrmjn allap, hon an damhain allaidJi, s. tjf, //M, s. f. a jewel
cobweb tjf, Utk, s. f. a tint, hue, die
^, l.onaodach, s. linen, a shroud. Sc. tj, lith, s. a festival ; see Ijt la^fe
s. a tether, a spancel, a line Ijf-, 7, adv. formerly, of old
1)), Uoncaise, I from the head to the fore- \fe, lithe, s. f. porridge
ljoiico]re, lioncsise, foot, or from the fore to the \\te, lithe, s. f. viscidity-, sluggishness
J hind-foot of a beast "t]e4, litheadh, s. a flood, the overflowing of a riv
Xjoncap, lionckar, a. pleasing, delightful tjfeayt*. Hteardha, a. literal
"Ijon pe*] ]p Fe*P l'on fea)' 's far> PreP- one by X]reap, litheas, s. f. solemnity, pomp
one t]r|rh4jle, Itthnhaiie, s. a dis.sembler. 5//.
l^onmAp, Honmhar, a full, abundant, copious, ex !, s. f. a letter of the alphabet, a letter,
uberant, productive, fceound, numerous, plenty epistle
t^onrh*i)ie, lionmhaire, compar. of t]q|m]iac;, Ittirchomrag, s. a challenge
l^onrba jpeat, lionmhaireachd, s. f. multiplicity, abun l)tjftt>4, Mirdhay. a. literal ; " cjU Ijrjpa."
dance 24+
1} 4 mbean p]=,e, lian na mbean sig/ie, fairy flax, t^jltwelo^at), htirdheahghadh, s. a bill of divorce
purging flax i Liuuin catharticum. lirjlteac, litireach, a. epistolary

*-)eJl*"5I,)"j^i litir-ghrinnich, s. a challenge. Sh. Xoc*-, locadh, s. refusal, hindrance

T-)t)|t-l<tjrhe, litir-laimhe, s. a letter missive Xocjm, locaim, v. I refuse, hinder, balk
t]fcju5*, Uthiughadh, s. astonishment, surprise Xocajn, lochain, s. sea-grass or wrack
Uc-Uite, lith-lauhe, s. festival days X064I moA]\tt lochal mothair, s. brooklime ; Veron-
XJu, , v. to follow, pursue. Sh. iea beccabunga
-jjubif, liubhar, s. m. work, labour; see A")rt>eAC XcATi, /ochan, s. ni. chaff
XJuap, liubliar, s. m. a pole Xocn, /ochan, s. m. a small lake or pool
ljuo|b liubhar, a. broad, extended Xoc4]i, locar, s. m. a plane
X]UC, , ) . Xocji4)m, locaraim, v. I plane
Xjuj, //*, ( s- m- a shout, outcry, noise Xocup-jjHobAj, locar-grobMh, s. a plough-plane
Uugj /'if, s. m. a lame hand or foot Xoc*|tmin, lockarman, s. m. a pigmy
Ijug, %, s. m. a contracted sneaking look X4]n, iocharn, s. light, a candle
"Ljug, liugach, a. lame, disabled Xoc*jr54t*), locarsgathaigh, s. shavings
t]u54^> Hugach, a. sneaking, creeping Xo*r*j), loc/iasair, s. a shower of rain
Xju&a, liugadh, s. a creeping tochlejne, locbhleine, the region under the short ribs
Tj"5*JPe> liugaire, s. m. a cajoler toce, locc, s. m. a lake, a pool
Xjugjpeao, Imgrcaihd, s. f. cajolery toce, locc, s. a filth}' mire
X]uo)l)m, liughoUim, v. I lament, bewail Xoo, lovhd, s. f. a fault
Xjujrt, /, a. idle, Ia7,y, sluggish ; 14 %o t>* e*lt*n toco, lochd, Is. f. a nap, slumber, a wink of
n^oprao ljujn." Ter. Eis, Xoco*jn, loc/idahi,j sleep
Xjurh, liumh, s. m. a cry, noise Xocbac, lochdach, a. faulty, criminal
X)urht>, /iumhadh, s. a crying out Xocojj,jm, lockdaighim, v. I blame, reprove, damage,
lliirhijjmi liumhaim, v. I cry out, shout offend
Ijun, liun, a. slothful, sluggish XooAjgce, lochdai-hthe, a. blamed, censured
1)un*]e4r, liunaidheas, s. . idleness, sloth Xoo4]jr;eo)i, lochdaighlheoir,. m. a critic, censurer
Xj nnc lor, liunchlos, s. m. rest Xocojj, lochdoir, see locc]jt
Xju, liunn, see lenn and l]pn, humours of the body X0C054, loclidughadh, s. blaming, censuring.
Xjup, , s. m. a prathg noise Xo-i-jn, loch -lein, s. the flank
X]uJ*a, liurach, a. noisy, prating Xoclofuc, L'xhonnach, s. m. a Dane
X]up*]m, liuraim, \. I beat, strike XotriAm, lochmhadhm, s. f. eruption, of a lake
Xjuc, Hut, s. a lute Xog, lochog, s. f. a colt, filly
Xcpn, lochran, s. m. a lighted lamp, torch, light
Xcpau, lochranrtach, a. lucent, lucid, enlightened
X]uc*6*n, liulachan, s. m. a lute maker Iu-.a, ixhtadh, s. a loft
Xo, lo, s. arms, armour ", lochtach, a. faulty, sinful, wicked
Xo lo, s. m. a day loccii, lutntoir, s. a blmer, retractor, n'prover.
Xoi lo, s. m. a lock of wool XocomApin luchthomaidkin, see locrhawn
Xo, lo, s. m. water tocujrt, locuist, 1 f alocust
Xo, la, s. m. children, i. claii. . f. Xocujpre, focuiste,}
, lobh, a. rotten, corrupted, putrid too, , s. a passing, going
, lobhadh, s. rotting, corrupting, festering too, , s. m. puddle, mud
, ibhaas,s. m. rottenness, corruption^ ful- too, , s. a volley
someuess Xoo4i5e*, lodaigheadh, s. stagnating,, stagnation
*], hbahciw, s. f. a dwarf Xon<*il, lodal, a. bulky, cumbersome
Xob)p, lobais, s. f. craft, ingenuity, cunning X4jl|ii, lodatm, V, I load ; *g io*|l, loading
^, lohaiscack, a. crafty, wily, cunning loc*im, Maim, v., I go, pass, arrive at, contrive,,
Xob*f, lobhar, s. m. work, a day's work seduce
Xoftj, lobhar, s. m. a leper \o4\y\, lodain, s. the fia 1k or privy members-
XoD5c hbhgack, s. a cow with calf Xooin, 1, s. m. tnin puddle
XoE]i4t>, lobhradh, s. m. tlie leprosy X05, /o,*s m. a pit or dike of water, a small lough,
Xobf*, lobhiha, a. rotten, putrid X05, log, s. m, a dungeon
XoStao, lobhthachd, s. rottenness, putrefaction X05, log, s. m. a place
Xoc, loc, s. f. a stop, lett, hindrance X05, log, s. m. a hollow. Ge 23, 25
Xoc. loc, s. f. a place X05. //7, s. m. a stoppage, hindrance ; see loo
Xo, loch, s. m. & f. a lake, lough, arm of the sea; X05, Lathy s. m. God
Welsh Ihych X05, s- m- nre> etherial spirits
Xc, /sfA, a. much, many, every, all X05, /^4 s m. a loosing, dissolving, untyin;.
Xoc, loch, a. black, dark Cor
Xocft, lochadh, s. m. a fleece, a flock Xoj, logh, s. m. price, reward. Br. L.
leg*, logha, s. renown lojngrjjjm, loingsighim, v. I sail, set sail
log*, logha, a. splendid tojnj, //, s. the sciatica ; rheumatism
logA corhpojn, logha comhro'mn, s. partnership lopjo, /'</, s. f. a churn-dash, the instrument by
"LogAW, loghadh, s. a rotting, putrefaction which the milk is agitated in a churn
105*0, loghadh, s. m. an indulgence, remission, for lo), loinn, s. f. joy, gladness
giveness, jubilee ; peace, quiet ; " 00 ) log* lo), loinn, s. f. a corn field, a croft, a corn-yard
cji." toj, loinn, s. f. good condition, fatness
1.05*]t>e, hgaidhc, s. m. a fool loj, loinn, a. impetuous
to5*jm, loghaitn, v. I rot, putrify lojeAc, lomneach, a. joyful, glad
"LogAjm, foghaim, v. I forgive, remit, indulge to)e*c, loinneach, \ a. elegant, becoming,
1_05*|1*0, loghamhlachU, s. f. foolery tojiieerhujl, loinneamhuil, ) proper, neat
login, logan, s. m. a side or part of a country lo)e*ji*c, loinnearach, a. loud, sonorous
"Login, logan, s. m. peace LojneAjufc, loinnearachd, s. loudness
"LogAu, leghan, see log*t>, indulgence tojReapt)*, loinneardha, a. bright, shining, brilliant
log*, loghdha, s. allowance, indulgence, exemp 1)|>>, loinncardhachd, s. f. brightness
tion, remission lojejr, ianntis, s. f. wavering, rambling
lo5-ejne*i, logh-cineach, s. m. an ancient tribute "LojijieA, loinnreach, a. bright, shining
paid to the chief for his protection : this was com "Lojfieftt), loinnreadh, s. brightness
monly 2 1 cows. Br. L. "Lojpjm, lomnrim, v. I gleam, shine, lighten,
togrhAjt, loghmhar, a. excellent, famous, stately
tojjtc, /e/'re, s. a gammon
tojrh*}), loghmhar, a. bright
VojpgDejjtr, lohgbheirt, s. f. leg armour, stockings
Ipgrh*], loghmhar, a. valuable
LojriujHB, loghmharachi, s. f. excellence, bright lojpgjm, loirgim, v. I look for, inquire
ness, stateliness ljpgnorh, loirghiomh, s. satisfaction, amends
logt*, loghtha, a. rotten TojpgnjoriiA'o, loirghiomhadh, s. satisfying
togcAC, loghthachd, s. f. rottenness "LojiigniorhAlm, loirgniomhaim, v. I requite
lojb.tjn, loibain, s. one that toileth in foul and fair to]jigne*t), loirgneadh, s. a stalk
weather. Sh. lojrceAntA, loisceanta, a. fierce, fiery, blasting
1.0j, loic, s. f. a place lo]pc}on, loiscionn, s. a locust
"loj, loieh, s. f. a dirty hussy lojrT>}n, loisdin, s. f. a lodging, an apartment, a tent
Lo]ce, loic/ie, \ s. a light, candle, lamp, lightning, Xojrt^n, loisdin, s. f. a small kind of fish
Xoj*T>, loichead, J flame, splendour XojrojneA, loidineach, s. m. a guest, lodger
l]ce*T)*jite, loickeadalre, \ 1 lojre, loise, s. a flame
tojeAcjp, loicheadoir, } s- m- a chandler tojre, loise, a, inflamed
to]ce*rhl*o, loiceamhlachd, s. f, dotage, foolery lo]rg, loisg, "Lburnt
loppc, loidhre, s. the leprosy tojrge, loisge, J
lojge, hire, see hjge lo^pgeAC, loisgeach, a. of a burning quality
to]5e]c, loigeic, s. logic. Sh. lo)rge*t>, Icisgeadh, \ .
to]lge*, loilgheach, "Is. m. a new calved cow, a tojrgneAr, Wgneas, )
"LjljgeAC, loiligheach, J milch cow ; see l<og-rje* lo]fgeAn, loisgean, s. a burnt pimpernel. S.
tojm, him, s. f. milk lo]j-5)m, loisgim, v. I burn, singe
Xojmt^oghAjl, loimdtoghbhail, s. poverty, want lojrBJieAn, loisgrean, s. corn burned out of the ear
1], loime, s. bareness, baldness, poverty instead of being threshed
Xo)m]c, loimic, s. a phiister for taking off hair loggte, loisgthe, a. burnt
tovmrgwor, loimsgos, s. f. ruin, ruination lojrj, s. a fox
lo)mp5l4]Of*]m, loimsgriosaim, v. I eradicate, 1) Mssi, ?* a ^ame conflagration
ruin, ransack lojrn,<oiW>s. delight, pleasure, gladness, joyfulneu
to]n, loin, s. f. a rivulet lo^rteA, loisteach, s. m. a trough
to]ne*l<, loincar, s. light, a gleam or flash of light lojpreArhuil, lotcamhuil, a. slothful
"LojneApcA, loincardh, a. bright, shining l6]rtjn, loistin, s. m. & f. a booth, tent, lodging, en
tojne*]t*r, loineardhacht, s. f. brightness tertainment
tjnes, loineog, s. f. a lock of wool lojr, //f, s. f. a wound, wounding, a plague
lojnc;o|tjrre, hingbhrisde, ^ s. a shipwreck, tojreog, hiteog, ?.. nettles
LojngDj^re*, loingkhriseadh, ) wreck Xo)r]gce, loitighthe, a. wounded, impaired
Lojngeac, loingeach, a. nautical 1], hitim, v. I wound, hurt
tojngeAjr, loingeas, e. f. shipping, a fleet lo]rrrv)le, loitmluUe, to candy. Sh.
loingivop, loingshaor, s. m. a ship-wright XoicfeAlg]l*e, lo'itshealgaire, s. m. a rioter, debauched
lo,nfre*6, ^f^Ms.m, a mariner, pilot fellow
lopgreojiv kingston; J ' * lom, lorn, a. bare, lean

lome, lomadh, s. desolation, nakedness, baldness, lon*, /rwf, a. talkative

shaving lona, lonach, a. voracious
lomacjp, lomadoir, s. m. a shaver, sheerer, plunderer ton*jr, lona'tdh, he coloured, grew red
lomajm, lomaim, v. I rub, chafe, fret tonajg, lonaigh, s. a scoff, jest
lomajm, lomaim, v. I sheer, shave, make bare lon4igjm, lonaighim, v. 1 dwell ; 1)5], . .
lomajn, iomain, s. f. a shield crnajgy^T). . g.
lomajn, lomhain, s. f. a leading-string Lonajlt, lonatlt, s. a store-house, repository
lomji on, lomair chtm, s. a pack of hounds lonan, lonan, s. m. boasting
lomdjpr, lomairt, s. f. making bare, peeling, shaving, lonn, /, s. m. a tale-bearer, a prater
shearing . lonp, s. f. a frothing stick, a churn stick
.), lomaisteach, a. bare, bald, shorn tone*, loncha, s. a larder, buttery
lomn, loman, s. m. an ensign, banner long, long, s. m. light ; " long, /'. e. luacajin, . ft.
loman, loma, s. m. a small hand lj4ii no rotar." Cor.
"Lomn, loman, s. m. a crag of timber, a knot in long, long, s. m. the fish called ling
timber, a piece of timber stripped of its bark long, long, s. m. a ship
, lomanach, s. m. a bald man, a poor person long, long, s. m. a cup
lomar, lomanrty s. m. a bag, a pod long, long, s. m. a bed, a hammock
lomap, lomhar, a. brilliant, transparent, stately long, long, s. m. the breast
tomaj, lomar, s. f. a fleece Long, long, s. m. a house, residence, a place
lonupajm, lomaraim, v. I fleece, clip, pluck long, long, s. m. an enclosure, encampment
lomapgain, lomargain, s. devastation long, long, a. long; i. . , . g.
Iotti4|t;, lomartt s. a peeling, shearing longt>, longadh, s. supper
Lonujtt, iomart/ia, a. bald, bare, shorn, shaven longa, longadh, s. casting, throwing, devouring
lmbajp, lombair, a. hair, a fleece longain, longain, } . , . , .
tomcoj, lomcoidh, to carry. Sh. tongajj., longair, { s' f' a shlP s crew * ProP- 1"5
Lomcora, lomchosach, a. bare-footed tongajm, longaim, v. I devour, destroy, worry
tom, lomdhoy a. equal, equipoised, of equal longar, longas, s. banishment
weight \ shlPwreck
lomjgjn, lomeigln, s. tearing, stripping
lompollar, lomfhollas, a. clear, manifest longbjtajne, longbraine, s. the prow of a ship
tomUjm, lomlaim, v. I chafe, rub, fret long-ogaj, long-c/iogaidA, s. a man of war
lorn lin, lomtan, a. quite full. S. A. 70 tongpat>a, longfhada, s. a galley
Xomrt*, lomna, s. a string, a cord, rope tongp4jp, long/hair, s. f. a ship's crew ; " long
lomnoo, lamnochi, a. naked i.e. longpoji, i. e. pop lojnge, /'. e. pojjteaii lojnge."
tomnot,, lomnocbd J nakedness Cor.
lomnocoujge, lomnocnauig/ie, ) longloingean, longloingean, s. the gullet, any pipe
lomnji, lomnoir, s. a harper Long-rhajprjont, long-mkairsionta, s. a merchant
lomoj, lomoi, s. a shorn sheep ship
, lompas, a. sparing, niggardly longphopr, longphort, s. a palace, royal seat, a fort,
lompac, lomrach, a. effulgent, bright, shining, gor garrison, tent, a camp, parlour
geous longfvoji, longshaor, s. a shipwright
lompa, lomradh, s. a fleece of wool long-rpujljn, long-spuilin, s. a pirate
, lomradh, s. effulgence, gorgeousness long-cejne, loitg-teine, s. a fire-ship
lompicjl, hmradoir, s. m. a clipper, shearer, de- longtogDAjl, long-thogbhail, s. shipbuilding
pilator longcjojo, longtroid, s. a sea fight
lomj>-jm, lomraim, v. I shear, clip lonjn, lonin, s. a lane or passage for cattle
XompAjrteo, lomraisteach, a. naked, bare loi, lonn, see laii
lompai,preat>, lomraisteachd, s. f. nakedness Ion, lonn, s. m. anger, choler
Lome*, //, a. peeled, stripped to, lonn, s. m. high swelling of the sea
lonrjl, lomthoir, s. m. a barber, sheerer Ion, lonn, s. m. timbers laid under boats in order to
ton, /, s. . food, provision launch them the more easily
ton, Ion, s. m. an elk to, lonn, a. strong, powerful, fierce, bold
ton, Ion, s. m. a marsh, pond, morass, meadow tofiajm, lonnaim, see lona]g]m
ton, hn, s. m. cost, fare toRajn, lonnain, s. brightness
ln, Ion, s. m. a dwelling, habitation log)n, lonnogain, s. m. a passionate youth
Vn, Ion, s. m. light, splendour 1>, lonnra, I a. shiniug, bright, brave, illus
Ion, Ion, Is. hunger, voraciousness ionn, lonnrach, \ trious
ti nan lonadh, J lo jia, lonnrach, s. m. a blaze
ton, /, s. an ouzle, black bird loH4igim, lonnraighim, v. I shine, brighten
' 4E louga,

lougd, hnnughadh, s. an abiding, continuance, XoT^b'^A^ySfltsgadh-bhraghaid, s. the heart-burn

dwelling, sojourning top54n, losgan, s. m. a frog, a toad
top, lor, see leop lopgn, losgan, s. m. childhood
lope, lore, s. m. murder lopgn, losgan, s. m. a sort of dray or car without
lope, lore, s. m. the cramp wheels, a sledge
tojic, lore, s. m. a gammon, a haunch tope, lost, see lop4i
tope, lore, a. fierce, cruel tor, lot, s. m. a wound, hurt, bruise
lopcop, lorcchosg, a. antispasmodic tor, loi, s. . wool
lo]it5<ocA)Ti, lordaothain, s. sufficiency toc, lot, s. m. a whore, prostitute
lops, /org, s. m. progeny, offspring, a race of peo lor, Jot, s. m. a leg
ple, posterity tot, lot, s. m. washing, cleansing
lP5> lrg, s. m. a footstep, trace, track, print lot, loth, s. m. a beard
lopg, lorg, s. m. a troop, band, company tof, loth, s. m. sweat
lop&, lorg, s. m. a coat of mail lot, loth, s. m, a colt, filly
tops, lorg, s. m. a sign, signal tot4C, lothach, s. m. mire, mud, puddle
lopg, lorg, s. m. a log of wood, club, staff toc4t>, loladh, s. hurting, wounding
lopg, lorg, s. m. a woman lor4jm, lotann, v. I wound, bruise; whore, fornicate
X0J15, lorg, s. m. the thigh, haunch lo4)lb lothair, lavender. Sh.
topg, lorg, a. blind, total, lothal, see lo4l
lopg4, lorga, s. a leg, shin, stalk of a plant lor4p, lotar, s. m. a ruining, mangling
topga-ceacc, lorga-ceactha, s. the plough-tail;
track of the plough
lojiga-cpAj, lorga-chrainn, s. the trunk of a tree lotaj, lothar, s. m. a grey-hound, a dog
. lop, lorgadh, \%- cllinS' .il,vest- I04}, lothar, s. m. an assembly, congregatioa

lormireachd, \ cation,
1 ^ rpur- to-4p, lothar, s. m. a cauldron
1 0 " 0 ' _) suit, tracing lota)!, lothar, s. m. akieve, a trough
le pgAjm, lorgaim, v. I wound lotAp, lothar, s. m. cloih, raiment
lojtgAjm, lorgaim, "I v. I trace, search, enquire, Ior4ppo4, lotharrdha, a. wounded
lop^ippn, lorgairim,] investigate, follow, pursue I055, /efAef, s. f. a colt, filly
lopg4jpe, lorgaire, s. m. a follower, pursuer tocr, hit, s. <n. a drinking party, compotation
Xojgn*, lorgana.h, s m. a sluggard lu, lu a. liitle, small
lopgA-rjn, lorga-lin, s. stalk or stem of flax tu4, lua, s. a heap
lojigbcipc, lorgbheiit, s. cuishes lu4, /, s. an oath
lop, Ls, s. a growing or growth lu a, lua, s. water
lor, los, s. a tail, die point or end of a thing; Welsh lu4, mi, s. a foot, a kick
lbost tu4C, luach, s. m. \alue, price, wages, hire, reward
top, /, s. account, regard, consideration, sake I1144, nacha, s. frost
lop, los, s. intention, purpose, design lu404]m, luachaim, v. I hire
lop, /o, s. strength, virtue, a lop 4 UjeArh, * lop lu4C4))i, luachair, s. cluurush ; Scirpus palustris
a nejpr luacajp luacliair, s. f. splendor, brightness
lor, /o, s. an effect, consequence ; " 4<oilpe4loj lu4C4)]ine4, luachairneach, s. m. a place full of rushes
mue %vOjiti4n4)5 me]cc Oon4t>4, * Sein buje Iii44jim4n, luucharman, s. m. a pigmy
)! jopoj) 45 &<144]5 liucApn, luacharn, s. m. a light, lamp
mejc 5iolU Cp'jopc mejec on** j rmjg lujpg lu*ri4jpe, luachmhaire, a. more precious
) 45 t>o gaejl ). Cjonol on qpe no fipevt
topp4, 1 oe4D4) eo 4, -j p4)5)rc 00 lu4Crn4ji, luachmhar, a. precious, excellent
Iu4ift4}i4t>, luachmharachd, s. f. preciousness
cup ] %<ojle4l4] mejee 04, ] 4 cc luAcpA, Luachra, " the chief Druid and Magician,
4 lop." 4 Mast. 1409. considered by the pagan Irish as a deity, was op
14]>, losaid, s. a kneading trough posed by St. Patrick at Tara, in the presence of
tope, lose, a. lame, maimed, see lepe the Monarch Laoghaire and the Nobility, who
tope, lose, a. dumb composed the convention. Hence ear4)p Iua-
lopc4, loscadh, s. a laming, lameness p4." Seventh Life of St. Patrick m Colgan,
lopc4, loscadh, s. a burning, scalding. Lei. 10. 3.
page 126.
1 loseaim,
/ ' <f v. IT singe,
. ,
burn tiucpA, luachra, 1 gen. and plur. of luACAjp, a
top54jm, lorgaim ( 6 liupA, luachrach, J rush
topc4]n, loscain, s. a paddock Iu4p4c, luachrach, a. rush}', full of rushes
topec, Usee, s. m. a cripple
lu4, luadh, see 1
topec, Usee, a dumb, blind, lame, maimed
lu4t>, luadh, s. motion, moving
lop54t>, losgadh, see lopcA
lu4T>, luadh, s. mention, speaking

, litad, s. fulling Iu4)f5l4]-4, luaithghleasach, a. abrupt

luftD*, luada, } , ,. . lu4)cpe, luaithre, |
lut>*jcin, aA3,Vw, js-theImlefinger Iu4it}e4c, luaithreach, \ s> asfaes
*), luadhaill, s. motion, exercise Iu4)ipe4, luaithreach, a. expeditious, active
1)4], luadhaim, v. I move, go lU4jpe4', luaithreadhA . .
1*04], luadhaim, v. I mention, speak, hint tU4jcie4n, luaithrean, js' ashes dust Pwder
luAtwjpe, luaaaire, s. a flax-wheel ; lu*o4)pe tjom- lU4jtie4rriu]l, luaithreamhud, 1 ,
p)n, the flier of a jack tu4jr]e4ntft, luaithreanta, J a' dusty
Xuc*ltrt, luadhaltach, a. condign lu4m, /tiam, s. m. an abbot, a prior, a priest
1, luadar, s. m. motion, haste; " Ni h-]]] liurh, luamh, s. m. a corpse, a carcase
ljom 1 jp Fe*ll* o t>ean<t>." S. Maodh. tU4rh, luamh, s. m. a creeping sneaking person
tujjji, luadhghair, s. exultation tUAiTw'jn, luamain, s. f. veil
Xut>p, luairadh, s. m. fame, renown lu4mm, luamain, s. f. a stirring, being in motion
Tu*T>]tajt>jm, luadraidhim, v. I report 1u4m4j]te, luamaire, s. m. an astronomer, anaviga-
tueg, /, s. f. a doll tor, a pilot
Tung*, luagha, a. less lu4irun, luaman, s. m. a small hand
Xu44]]i, luaghair, s. f. a reward l,U4mn4, luamnach, see Iu4jmne4
Xu4l4r, luaghlas, s. fetters t,U4mn4o, luamnaclul, s. f. abbacy, abbotship
T.U45C4, luaghiita, s. the gout lu4ifiujje, luamhuire, see lu4rh
1,u4)c, /a;'A, s. f. lead lu4n, luan, s. m. a loin, kidney
"lu4), luaidh, went, luan, s. m. a son, a lad
Tu4jt>e, luaidhe, s. coition, copulation 1,iun, luan, s. m. a hero, champion
Xii4je4r, luaidheacht, s. f. merit, reward, pay, pre 1.U4ri, luan, s. m. a woman's breast
mium liun, luan, s. m. a grey-hound, a dog
liieren e4fl, luaidrcann, s. vagary lu4n, luan, s. m. the moon ; t>j4 lu4jn, Monday
lu4|D|ie4ure, luuidreannuidhe, s. a vagabond 4415> luanaisg, s. fetters, chains
liujj, luaigh, s. buying, price, purchase 145** luanasgiha, a. fettered, chained
1u*lg,. luaigh, a. pleasant, cheerful lu4]i4C, luarach, s. fetters
luAjije, luaighe, s. lead, a plummet LuajtoA, luardha, a. common, vulgar, awkward, slo
T.uA]5L-rtr, /i ugh-ac'it, *ee Iii4]c40& venly, sluggish
14)^, luaighthe, part, expedited luap, luai, s. . swiftness, dispatch
lu*)5fe, un ghthe, as suon as lu*rc4, luascad'i, s. m moving, rocking
Tiujl < , luaillcuth, s m. a mimic lupg4C, hbisgachi a. wavering, motive, moving
In til' , luailleath, 1 cur liurgajm, luas..tii, v. I swing, jolt, rock, drive
lii4jm, Iqgimh, see luait, an abbot lii4r>4n, luas:an, s. m. childhood
luam]|K4co, luatmreachd, s. f. activity ; volubility lu4rj;4n, luasga', s. m. a crudle, swing-swang
of Knalle 1.54, tuatgaii, s. m. a tossing, swinging
libi^mned, Iw.imruach, a. leaping, ranging, volatile, Iu4p54n4, luusganoch, a. that rocks or swings
fi.kie, transitory : tu4'54!Ho, Uiiiganachd, s. f. rocking, swinging
^^, luiimneachd, s. f. fukleiess, inconstan- 1 ti]4*54ii4]ci > luusgaiudhe is. . a rocker, swinger,
cy, instability, volatility, mobility, freakishness lu*f50Jl luasgoir, ) a rawer
]1|5^, hia.mhnight .e, s. a wave-offering. '/i. lu4rK"*- tuasgtha, a tossed, rocked
Xua)mn)i;re, luaimnighthe, part, waved, moved lu4f, hath, s mention, report
liujn, /.(4, s. the loins, Kidneys lu4f.,, s. the foot
Iu4jne4, luaineach, a. unsteady, ambulatory lu4i, lualh, s activity, agility
Iu4jn-e4| *, luain-ea.ia, s. nephnticfc pains liut, loath, s. ashes ; Welsh lludw
"luAmqn, luamtin, a. nephriikal tu4i, faith, a. swift, quick, tumble
4)14;4, luaire,gan,s. m. a grovelling person 1U44, Uatha, a belonging to ashes
Tu4)r:, lu.i'h, s. f. dust, ashes tn4T4t>, luathadh, s. hastening, making haste
lii4jre, luat'ne, a. quicker, faster, swifter Iu4t;4, luathadh, s. fulling, milling
Xu4jfe4t>, luailhea-, s. quickness, fastness 11440, luathadh, s. moving
Iu4)fbe4jir4, luawtbheariachy a. hasty lu4f45114, luathagra, a. swift to revenge
tu 4 jfentern, luairthev ghim, s. a rising up quickly Iu4f4|m, luathaim, v. I hasten
luejiejngpn, luairthcii ghhn, v. I rise quickly ; 1u4.4|m, luathaim, v. I full or mill cloth
tu44jm-, luathaim, v. I move
V)l"ri4menr." Fer, 89. tu4-ajjte4C, luathaireach, a. apprehensive, quickwit
tu4)ipe4i*54, luaithfheargach, a. irritable, prone to ted
anger 1144, luatharan, s. m. a sea lark

tuAcp, luathas, s. m. swiftness, fleetiiess tue, /, s. f. a captive, a prisoner

tuAfcbo, luat/ibhad, s. m. a flyboat tu, luch, s. f. a mouse ; Welsh llugoden
tuArcAjnteA, luathchaintcach, a. talkative, quick- tucAj-pAjpe, luchaidh-fhairge, s. sea-mice, a kind
spoken of small black sea-birds
tuAtgjpe, luathghaire, s. m. joy, gladness tuA]]i, luchair, s. f. a glittering colour, brightness
tuAtgAjpeA,/mjf/^<iracA, a. glad, joyful tuca)]*, luchair, s. clean, bright, resplendant
tuAfgajpea, luathghaireadh, s. rejoicing tucA]]e, luchaire, s. m. a mouser
tuAt gajpjm, luathghairim, v. I rejoice tuaipr, luchairt, s. a palace, a retinue
tuAtgpjp, luathghris, s. active fire ; inflammation tucApmAn, lucharman, s. m. a pigmy
tuAlmA, luthlamach, a. quick-handed, dexterous, tuebpu, luchbhru, s. a white head of hair
covetous tuce, luchd, s. m. a pot, kettle, cauldron
tuarrhaji, luathmhar, a. swift, active tuct>, luchd, s. m. a cargo, burden, load, lading
lAwtrhopc, luathmliarc, s. m. a race-horse tuco, luchd, s. m. folk, people
lu*rh*pcc, luathmharcach, s. m. a messenger ex tucoAjgjrn, luchdaighim, v. I load
press tudoAjjie, luchdaighthe, a. laden
tuAtrhjiie, luathmhire, s. boasting tuocAjjtr, luchdairt, s. a cart-load
, lualhrachd, s. f. forwardness, quickness luo-cojmAOAC, luchd-choimeadachd, s. retinue, ser
tuajA, luathradh, s. a hastening vants waiting
tuAtpjgym, luathrighim, v. I hasten tucrrhap, luchdmhar, a. full, loaded, capacious
tuatpjgte, luathrighthe, part, hastened tucorhap, uchdmhar, a. rapacious
tuAugAt), luathughadh, s. moving, hastening, acce tucougat), luchdughadh, s. loading
lerating tu- j ejp, luch-fheir, s. a field-mouse, a shrew, a dor
tuAtugAjm, luathughaim, v. I hasten, dispatch mouse
tuAtujgpeA, luathuigseach, see 1 tuc-ppanca, luch-fhrancach, s. a rat
tb, s. f. a loop, bow, a staple tuclafi, luchlanp, s. a prison
tub, lub, s. f. a plait, fold turiajpe, luchmhaire, s. m. abundance
tub, lub, s. f. a thong tug, luchog, s. f. a young mouse
tub, s. f. a maze, meander, inclination tupam, luchram, v. I rummage
tub, lub, s. f. cunning, craft, deceit, a snare tuctajpe, luchthaire, s. a gulf, whirlpool
tbA, luba, see lb tue, lud, s. f. a pond, puddle
tub*, lubha, the body, a corpse t, ludh, s. f. appearance ; po l ujne
tub*, lubha, praise, fame tue., luda j s the little finger
tubAC, Illbach, a. crooked, serpentine, winding, tufcagan, ludagan,)
meandring tuT)A, ludach, s. a hinge
tbAC, lubach, a. cunning, crafty, sly, deceitful toAje, iudaidhe, s. m. a clown
tbA, lubadh, s. a bending tuoAjjtt, ludairt, s. wading in dirt
tbajm, lubaivi, v. I bend, incline tAp, ludhar, a, awkward, clownish, slovenly
tubA]jte, lubairc, s. m. acrafty fellow tBAjtAo, ludharachd, s, awkwardness, clownishnees
tuban, luban, s. m. a hoop, bow ttAptA, ludartha, a. sluggish, slovenly
tuoan, lubhan, s. m. a lamb tut>nA!i, ludnan, s. m. a hinge
tuba jt, lubhar, see loBap tucpAgan, iudragan, s. m. a shambling slovenly fel
tuban, lubhar, s. m. work; "Jr he tp* copa yn low
cetparhat) cjmna par;at) 6 bhja, -j Phtrpa^c tut>pAym, ludraim, v. I bedaub or smear with puddle
p}ju G-\\i)o, i. e. tpet>an caca tpnnpj ppia tunupac, luiusach, a. powerful
ha^ne ) fl)a hupnAigfe, ) oerurn pej) A]m- ' tuppapo, hi/'raidJi, s. surrounding
je]t>)B, }| Ifl 1 la ]a gnjep, ) tuppa^m, lufraim, v. I surround
1" F;'s. Ad. tug, lugh, a. little
tubeAnga!, lubhchcangal, s. a hasp tug, lugh, a. swift, active
tuDgopt. lubfighort, s. m. a garden tugA, lugha, s. an oath
tubgopro]]*, lubhgortoir, s. m. a gardener tuga, lugha, compar. and superlative of lug, little
tbrjneAC, lublineac/i, a. curvilinear luga, lugha, s. falsehood, perjury
tubnACA, lubknacha, the parts or members of the tga, lugach, a. bow-legged
body tuga, lughadh, s. swearing, an oath
tubg, lubog, s. a tenter tugat), lugliad, s. littleness
tubg, ubhog, s. a flake ; Iubg tga, lughadh, s. want, thirst, draught
tulipa, lubhra, s. leprosy ; any infirmity or weakness tgaT5*]gim, lughadaighim, v. I lessen, diminish
tubpa, lubhra, a. weak, infirm tgaajgeo)p, lughadaighthcoir, s. m. an abater, di-
tubpa, lubhrach, a. leprous minisher
tubte, lubte, a. curvated, arcuate, bent tugAcog, lughadog, s. the little finger
) LUI UM /.[7/

L^asu^as, lughadughadn, s. diminishing Lujjm, luidtum, v. live, lay down

Lu ajm, iug/iaim, v. 1 swear Luppn, luidhim, v. I swear solemnly
l^iin, lugain, s. a shabby fellow Lupjni, luidhim, v. I go, pss
lugajpr!, lughaird, s. retinue ; sec Iuc4]}iS Lupjm, luidhim, v. I die
August, U Lu5napp4t:> " Lup Vjonvin pecc rape,
Lammas day,, the assem TCj]4 le c ba l]m lujfte ;
bly, g;unes or festivals of $ bo tiefte a eclup qlle
Lughaidh ; " lunap- ^ %cn 4 pepe p rul ruie." Eoch.OTL
par, . e. narr at> auf- Lup'jn, luidin, s. f. the little finger
Lugnapa, Lughnasa ta logamjcCrljono, /. Lujpe, luife, s. elopement
Lun4pp.r, Lugnassadh, ^ . no la]p 1-UJ5. tog> gen. of log, a pit
jtn rape roam*t> jn 4-"J5eJ /tfifto?, see lupe
ce bljaajrt )n opecc Lu]e, hughe, s. a proof
Lu^nappa,. Cluje no Lujje, lutghe, s. a cauldron, kettle, pan
auftrat- jp lujgea, luigheach, a. iying
) ajnm nappa." Cor. Luj^eaan, luigheachan, see luieacn
LUJ lui, s. a leg Lujgea, luigheachd, s. requital, recompence
"Lui, lui, s. a bough, branch Lujgean, luighean, s. f. a nave, centre ; kqgeAft
lu)b, luib, s. a corner, a little glen jtota
Luj^eapa, luigheasach, s. m. an allowance
tu)Be*n, luibhem,)*' an nerb t-uJ51m luighim, v. swear solemnly ; Iltb al'ah,
lu]Oea, luibheach, a. herbaceous, weedy to swear; Welsh llw, an oath
tujlieaniT), luibheanadh, s. herbage tu)5]m, luighim, v. I tear, rend; jtots krjjjeapca]*,
Xu)eancop*e, tuibkeanc/wsach, a. having toes, fingers he rent
LujBeoUpe, luibheoltiidhe, s. m. a botanist Luijjm, luighim, v. I encourage, abet
Luj'me, iuhhne, s. fingers, toes Lu]gne, luighne, s. javelins, spears
Lujtme, luibline, s. a spear; see quot. at C0I5 "Lu)5"]5' hughngh, s. a coat of mail ; Welsh lluryg
"Lupin, tu b. a, s. f, a handsome woman, one having Luijre, luighthe, s. a proof
fine hair Luj^ce, tuighte, a. laid
Lujbjn, luibm, s. a crafty fellow Luj'5eae, luilgheach, s. m. a milch-cow, a cow with
tuj'jpeACo, luibineachd, s. f. craftiness calf. Z.
LujbneAC, luibhneach, s. m. a weed lujm, //;, s. f. milk
LujbncacA, luibhneacha, s. the members of the body Luyneao, uimead, s. bareness, baldness
LujbphjApr, luibfiphiast, s. m. a caterpillar lujm'jn, luimhi, s. f. a target, shield
InjDfte, iuibhre,.s. a coat of mail Lujmlj, luimlinn, s. a stream of milk
LujDjijsjm, luibhrighim, v. I harness, put on armour Lu]mneacT>4, luiirLieachda, s. an ensign bearer; a
lujo, luid, s. f a sloven shield bearer
Ki]?, bud, s. f. a rag Lu]ngb]t)pea, luingbhriseadh, s. shipwreck
luj, lu:dk, s. an herb; prop. ) Lujnjjqp, luingios, s. f. a fleet, navy
luj, luid/i, a. word of endearment Lu)ngpeo]|t, lutngseoir, s. m. a mariner, navigator
L' j. //, he went, he died lujngpeojpeacti, luingseoireuchd, s. navigating, sail
Iajj ai 1)434]}, // a/i liugoir, s. lovage ing
Li'pe, /'f<^''f, a. a lying, position, situation luj. luinn, see lop
Lupe, luiahe\ s. a going Luj, luinn, gen of la
Lupe, luidkt, s. death; " )ap lupe pon pnApe Luje, luiniie, s. impetuosity
pluaga " Brog. prop. lu]je luje, luinne, s. mirth
LupeA, luideach, a. ragged Lu]fie, luinne, s. anger
Lnpt'a luidhtach, a. forgiving LU|e. luinne, s. a filling, . c. portt). 0. g.
LupeAAn, luidheachan, s. m. an ambush, ambuscadej Luioa, luinneach, a. merry, jovial
snare, laying in wait LuiRca luinneach, a. sworded, having swords ;
L"1t>epaim, luidheasaim, v. I permit, allow " Slanga 1]^1) lujeac." Eoch. O'Fl.' The
\,\1] r\i^x>, luidheusughad/i ,s. a permitting, allowing old gloss on the poem here quoted explains laj-
lupeit, luidheir, s. a chimney. glpe by pleacac, and lujea, by clojmea
Lupeog, luideog, s. f. a little rag luieot,, luincog, s. a chorus, a glee
Lujt>eos;4, lu aeogach, a. ragged, lumneogach, a. frisking, skipping
lupeolac, luidhtolacli, a. skilled in plants mepij, hmneinigh, s. tossing
Lu)rVo!ap, Iwdheoas, s. m. botany Lii'fiap, lu iiniasg, s. m. a sword-fish
Lupp rn)rjn, lu di'.id mi7tntin, with all my heart, I \ nc, luinnio, s. music
am satisfied, content Lujpajjie, tuinnsaire, s. m. one that gees about idly
4 l.u]p*)jte,

lujpajpe, luinnsaire, s. m. a watch -man Xupat, lupat, s. a hog

Xujpeac, luinseach, s. m. a watch-coat tufuc, Iura h, a. pretty
lu} , luireach, s, m. a coat of mail ; Welsh lluryg tujtan, lurachan, s. ramps. Sh.
Xujpeac, luireach, s. m. a draught; lirjpeac* toA|, Xujin, luran, s. a pretty woman
. e. t>eo* bajp, deadly draughts tjtoanac, lurdanach, a. cunning, sly
li'lpgne, luirgne, s. legs t]t>anact>, lurdanachd, s. f. cunningness
lujpgnea, luirgneach, a. long-legged X1415, /, the end
tuj)t)pte, luiriste, s. a sloven * ! lurga ! lo ! see ! behold !
Xujp, , s. the quicken tree ; the letter X XUJ154, lurgha, 1 , , ,
Xujp, /Wj, s. f. a hand tu^an, forge, ) s" a ,eS' snank> stalK
luir, luis, s. f. drink XUP54 pua, / /, s. a dyssyllable ; . e. jrocal
Xu]p, luis, s. weeds, herbs p]ollat>. 0. g.
lujpeanac, luiseanach, a. full of herbs tup&ana, lurganach, s. m. a shaft
^*Mi* tupjanac, lurganach, a. long-legged
XuF5*')')rn' lurgairim, see lopgajjimi
11) luisgim, see luapganTi tupbeipr, turgbheirt, s. greaves
luipjm, luisim, v. I dare, venture Xupg, Zxrog, s. f. a pretty woman
lujpin, luisin, dim. oflujp, an herb Xup, lus, s. m. pith, strength, power
Xu]pjot, luisiot, a. bad, naughty, evil tup, lus, s. m. an herb or plant ; Welsh llaysiruyn
Xujpne, s. a flame, flash Xup, lus, s. m. a leek
Xujpne, luisne, s. a blush ; ta]m,c lujpne a , lusach, a. herbacious
Xuj-jieog, /uisreog, "Is. a charm, a philter, a lupajjineac, lusaimeach, s. a place where herbs grow
Xnjppeogan, luisreogan, J drink, a drug tupn, lusan, s. m. a little herb
lujppeojaje, luisreogaidhe, s. m. one who charms or tupn baila, lusan bha/la, pellitory of the wall Parie-
administers draughts taria officinalis
Xujre, luithe, s. swiftness, speed Xupn bajne, lusan haine, s. rhilk-wort ; Pollygalla
Xuj'eac, luitheach, a. joyous, exulting vulgaris
Xujea, luitheach, s. veins, nerves Xupn olam, lusan cholam, s. columbines ; Aquilegia
Xujrltea, luithreach, a. belonging to a coat of mail vulgaris
Xulgac, lulgach, s. m. a soldier Xupn o^e, lusan choire, s. coriander
Xulgac,. lulgach, s. in. a milch cow ; see cleaiaj Xup an oppapn, lus an choirain, s. spleen -wort;
turnar, lumad, s. baldness, nakedness Asplenium
lunwjn, lumain, s. f. a veil ; a coarse cover Xup an cjtojp, lus an chrois, s. common honey-suckle ;
tumijn, lumain, s. f. a large great coat Lonicera peryclymenum
Xumajn, lumain, s. f.- sackcloth Xupn cpoTncj, lusan chromehinn, s. daffodil ; Nar
Xumajpe, lumhaire, s. m. a diver cissus
Xurhan, lumhan, s. m. a lamb Xup an cjmoa]n, lus an chrubhain, s. gentian ; Gen-
Xam^luimar ? afleece tiana campestris
Xumbap, lumbar, \ Xupn fogjiayo, lusnfhograidh, s. chase the devil
Xumpap, lumpar, s- m. a lubber Xup an ]}, lus anfhucadoir, s. teazle, fuller's
tumpa)m<,, lumparnach, la. lubberly thistle ; Dipsacus fullonum
Xumpa )namu)l, lumpanuimhml, J * Xupn leapap, lusan leasaidh,- s. spurge ; Euphorbia
lun.tpt, Lunasd, s. Lammas peplus
Xuncp, luncas, s. walking on all fours Xupn lja^au^e, lusan liagaire, s. loveage; Levisticum
Xunoac, lundach, a- lazy, slothful, lubberly Xupn phjobajjt, usan phiobair, s. dittany, pepper-
Xunoajpe, lundaire, s. m. a drone, sluggard, an idler wort ; Lepidium
XunoAjjteacc, lundaireachd, s. laziness tup an tp<oj, lus an tsaoidh, s. common fennel ;
115, lung, s. a ship, &.C. see long Fceniculum vulgare
Xung, lung, s. m. the handle of an oar Xup an rplnugat), lus an tslanughadh, s. ribwort, rib
Xu, lunn, s. m. a bearer, a wave grass ; Plantago lanceolata
Xufi, lunn, s. m. a bond Xup an tpjucajp, lus an tsiucair, s. succory ; Chico-
tun, lunn, s. m. a churndasher rium
Xu, lunn, s. m. a vessel Xupan jolla, lusangiolla, common lousewort ; Pedi-
Xuac, lunnach, s. ro. an active youth cularis sylvatica
, lunruichci, a. helved Xupapn 5pn , tusaran gran dubh, s. Alexan
Xupa]r,j Lupait, the name of St. Patrick's sister, who ders; Sniyrnium olusatrum
was brought in captivity along with him to Ireland Xupajin, lusarchan, s. m. an herbalist; one that
from his native country, France heals by herbs
<, lupait, s. swine Xup bape, lus bainey s. milkwort ; Polygala vulgaris

tupBeo, lusbheo, a. vegetable, vegetative Xup 4 gopm , lus na gorm dhearg, s. black
tup-buie-bjlqne, lus-buidhe-beiltine, see berry plant
bejlrine tup n* hopee, lus na ho'idhche, s. nightshade ; So
lufco, lusca, s. a lustrum, space of five years lanum
XupCA, lusca, s. infancy Xup \%, lus na laogh, s. orpine ; Crasula
turca, lusca, s. a cave, subterranean vault tup U05, lus na laogh, s. golden saxifrage ; Chry-
lure*, lusca, a. blind sosplenium
XurcAiHe, luscaire,) , ,. tup hoc, lus nan laoch, s. rosewort. Sh.
luj-cn, luscan, '{'-m-atrogtodite tup leAC, lus na leac, s. eyebright; Euphrasia
Xup-colujm-qlle, lus-choluim-cille, yellow wood loose tup , lus na mealla, s. honeysuckle, trefoil ;
strife ; Lysimachia nemorum Trifolium
tuf , lus eneas, s. meadow-sweet ; Spiraea ul- tup nvjol mp, lus na miol vier, s. common mal
maria low ; Malva sylvestris
tur cjie, lus ere, s. male speed-well ; Veronica tup ta pjngjne, lus na pinghine, s. marsh penny
officinalis wort; Hydrocotyle
XupcuA, luschuach, s. m. a caterpillar tup peilte, lus na seiige, s. spleenwort; Asple-
Xupujneo, luschuineog, s. f. a caterpillar nium
Xupt>l4t>, lusdradlt, s. a procession tur pjofAjnt, lus na siothehaint, s. loosestrife ;
lurgajm, lusgaim, v. I lurk Lysimachia
Xurgn, lusgan, see lupcn tup Spjn, lus na Spain, s. pellitoryof Spain;
Xup g*n &i<\)\t 54 *]], lus gan athair gan mha- Pyrethrum
thair, s. duck meat; Lemna minor tup prAlog, lus na stalog, s. berry-bearing heath
tup 5*, lus garth, s. goose-grass, clivers, catch- tup trj) bAiln, lus na ttri bullan, s. valerian ;
weed ; Galium aparine Valeriana
tur lear an *1)>, lus leath an tsamhraidh, s. gil tup phojnc, lus phoinc, s. piony ; Pceonia
ly-flower lupjtA, lusradh, s. an herb; herbage
tup h*r, lut Hath, s. common lavender; Lavendula 1 upjiAge, lusragach, a. carminative
angustifolia LupfiAgn, lusragan, s. m. a botanist
Xupmittj, lus mairi, s. marygold; Caltha vulgaris lup}A sejpe bojjinjj, lusra na geire boirnigh, see
Xup Tkot, lus m/taoih, a. bearing virtuous and soft lup bpejlog
herbs luppA mujpCAn, lusra na muisean, s. the prim
Xup mjc beiajs, lus mhic bcthaig, s. betony ; Be rose ; Primula veris
tnica liipjtA n* pcop, lusra na seor, s. clown's all-heal ;
Xup rtijc cujrrjn, lus mhic cuimin, s. cummin; Cu- Suichys palustris
minum tup , lus riabhach, s. common lousewort ;
Xup mjc R.omjl, lus mhic Baonail, s. chase the Pedicularia sylvatica
devil. ' SA.' tupjig, lusiog, s. f. a charm with herbs
Xup rivjc j)oj; bjteattujn, lus mhic riogh brcattuin, s. tuprAipe, lustaire, s. m. a flatterer, pickthanks
wild thyme. Sh. luprjiAjm, lustraim, v. I flatter
Xup mpe, lus midhe,\s. mouse- ear, scorpion grass ; tuf, luth, s. longing, yearning
Xup mjol*, lus mila, j Myosotis scorpioides tuf, luth, s. strength, power, vigour
tupmjt, lus mor, s. great white mullen; Verbas- tut, luth, a. active, nimble
cuni thapsus lufA, luthachyie sinews or veins
Xup n* bfc)leo5, lus na brei!eog,s. bearwhortle ber tutAC, Luthach, Ludovick, a man's name-
ries ; Uva ursi tutleAp, luthchleas, s. slight of hand
Xup cenorh, lus na cenamh, s. samphire ; Crith- tufle , IMchieasaA exercses
mum maritimum tufb4r^e luthguisge,}
tup brnpre, lus dj cenamh briste, s. com tuf?4,b ljhhfr I s. j0y, mirlh, gladness
mon coiufrey; Symphytum ofhVinalie turupe, luthghaire, J J >> 6
Xup n* , lus na cenapan, s. great figwort; tutA]le* luthghaireach, a. gladr joyful, merry
Scorphulciria nodosa XutgAjpeACo, lutlighaireachd, s. f. rejoicing, merri
Lup n* ejrpeos, lus m eii'ircog, s. cloud bernes ment
Xup 4 pe*ftTiA), lus na fearnaigh, s. sun-dew; tufcriv, lulhmhar, s. strong ; nimble
Drosera tu^rnAfMCo, lutamhaiachd, s. f. strength, nimbleness
Xup 4 recj, lus na fecog, s. black tansey. O'Ific. tufitiAjpe^ huhmhaircy compar. of luimap
Xup 114 r >U, lus nafolay s. shepherd's purse ; Thlapsi
bursa pastors , REMARKS
Xup 4 ift4nc, lus na ffianc, s. common tansey;
Tanacetum vulgare

>I is die tenth .letter of the Irish Alphabet, and is counted among the strong consonants, called Consoineadha teanna,
and then has the force of V consonant; as, a mhthair, his mother ; a mhaighdion, his virgin, are pronounced,
a Vdtltair, a Kaighdion.It is. called Muin, from Muin, the vine, Lat. vitis. As to its figure in the Irish and
old Saxon, it resembles the Hebrew Mem, so called from the sound. It is often prefixed by an apostrophe
(which cuts off the vovels annexed to it), to the beginning of nouns, whether they begin with vowels or conso
nants, and then signifies mv or mine: as, m'anam, my soul, i. e. moanam; m'elus, my skill, i. o. mo elus,
"'fiar, my husband, i. o. mj /hear, &c. wherefore it may be well called a prepositive pronoqti, It is also added
to verbs in the present, tense, first person; as, lighim, 1 read, i. e. ligh me; mnttim, I leach, i, e. mnfiidh me ;
Lat. //tones, &c. ; and in this latter sense it inay not be improperly called a. subjunctive pronoun.
We think it wen worth observing here, that our language bears a perfect resemblance, in the disposition of its pio-
, to the manner of ordering them in the Hebrewfor the latter divide them into c!as>es, which tjiey res
pectively called piirfixa, and suffira, or prepositive and subjunctive pronoun The prepositive are set before "words,
and the subjunctive are written in the end of words; both equally determine the person. M, when aspirated, is
" confounded by our Copyists with b aspirated, because they both sound like v consonant, as the, Irish of
a river is written umhan, and more frequently, but abusively abltun ; and also in the words uumhan, and
'ihhan, fear, horrorin these and the like doubts, we should always have recourse to other languages,
in which we may find the radical letter. Thus, when we consider, that amnis in the Latin is the appella
tive of a river, "and that phibos in Greek, is the appellative of fear, we may safely conclude, that m is
tire radical 'letter in the f rmer, and b in the latter; and -iequently, that the one should be properly written
.umhan, and not abhan ; and the other abJian, and not .'. The like doubt often arises in the middle of
certajn word*, in which d and g are hidiiierently written, as for the Irish of a face or complexion, we commonly
write aghaidh, and very rarely adhaidh but by consulting the Greek, we see it written Ei-ios, and thence may
be conv na d, that our Irish word should be properly written adhaidh, and not aghaidh. M is often set before b
in the beginning of words, in which case b not pronounced, although it is the radical letter ; as, a m'blighuna,
this year; am'baui, their manners ; a m'briathra, their words, are pronounced, a udighana, a masa, amriaihra,
is sometimes changed into m ; as, bean, a woman, gen, mnaoi, and plur. mna, mnaibh ; bo, a cow,
gen, muin; as, don mhuin. We find that ./Eobans instead of M often wrote and P, which, as has been observed
in their own places, are almost identically the same letter; as, Gr. bellein, for niellein, Lat. deber; Cr. pu-culot,
for niicvllos, parvulus} hence the Italians retain piclo, to signify little. And again ihey write m instead of b
and p; a=, mathousa, for pathousa ; Lat. patiens, and Lat. somnus ; from Gr. hupnos. The Latins familiarly eclipse
b, in some words, as for submitco, we pronounce summiito. Wherefore we should be less surprised, if such indif
ferences ami dubious words he found in a. languie, so much neglected and uncultivated as the Irish language
has been for some ages past. It is to be noted, that though m aspirated is frequently substituted in the place of
an aspirated b, and vice versa; yet it is for want of judgment in the writer, inasmuch as the vowel or vowels,
which precede the latier, are pronounced with a stronger, dearer, and more open expiration, thin those that
precede the former. This difference of pronunciation is sensibly observable ; for example, between tnabh, a tribe,
and Icanih, insipid, as w.ell as between slabhuidhe, a slave, and snundiuidhe, a swimmer.


t5, . is used in MSS. to represent a thousand, or , mac, . clear, pure, bright

a mile , mach, out
%.\, mu, s. a cause ; cja m rapje. Ferm, , maca, s. the like, equal, an emblem
%, ma, s. a breach, 4a, macha, s. a royston crow, aseare crow
(, ma, a. clean, pure %44, macha, s. a termagant
%*, we, a. good, i. e. mt]t. o. g. '$>, max ha, s. a brad
40, mu, prep, about %, macha, s. a field, a milking place
, \ - - ), via- adh. s. bearing, < arrying
40c4,m m,caim, v. I bear, carry, fondle
%, mab, s. m. a hand %|, machair, s. m a battle
%b. vu.b, s. m. a tasse!, fringe 'Ai ', wacbaire, s. m a field, a plain
, mabac, a. lisping ^-, ma, a 'a, s. echo; a sound, voice ; literal
%*b5, rnabog, dun. of ly the son of the rock ; Hi b. kol
QiAbc,.ic, mabigach, a. tasseled, fringed |1' fortin, ma,kt/l fi-dhain, common avens;
%ac, mac, s. m. a son ; Welsh mab. %*c is applied herbbennet; Geum uibanum
to the ) utingof beasts, as " r*jl."

%aca11 ujraje, machalhiisge, water avens; Geum %cpil , macreti chaptiill, s. a herring-hog
rivale %4CfAlHjt, macsam/iad, s. such as, like, the same
<>, tnaCaemh,\ , . . %4C|-*rrt4-|lc, macsamhailt, s. an emblem
%*caiti, macamh, i* m' a 01,1> a C*m <^444)1;, macsamhaillcach, a. emblematic
<4Cm, A,) mn, a young girl %cprft6]j, maestre gk, s. a spendthrift, lavisher
44C<erh-Bu)ll)5, macaemh buiUigfi, s. m. a civil boy , machi, s a wave, a surge
i4C*rhU, macamhladh, s. fostering, fosterage 4*ctofc, mactach, a. pernicious
4)1 macamhud, \ , , mactad/i, s. slaughter, slaughtering
%44, macantach, ) a' " a*4 %4, mactadh, s. a wondering, surprise
%*, macan, s. m. a youth, a lad ; the young of %4C 4II4, WirtC ///a//?, ) .
beasts %4c tull*]j, tultaigh, \ s- ecll
%*, macanachd, s. ordering, directing %), mactaim, v. I slaughter, butcher
ti *b*j, m .c an abar, s. the ring finger ^Arajm, machtam, v. I concilier, deliberate
ol)5e, mac an aligne, s. m. a son-in-law '4ctjpe, mactir,e, s. m. a wolf
, macanta, a. meek, mild, chaste, decent, , machtnadh, s. deliberation, consideration
demure, modest, innocent, pure, reserved, ho ', machtnadh, a. wondering
nest, good, without guile %4>. machtnadh, s. chiding, discouraging
$ACAnt4C, macantachd, f. \ s. meekness, modesty, 90>, machtnadh, s. an objection
Stjftcnrj*!*, macantas, m. J chastity, honesty '^iirnajm, maehtnaim, v. I deliberate, consider
S4Cnr*ti, macantachd, s. f. puerility 9t>ACtn4)m, mschtnaim, v. 1 discourage, chide
%4C4p4rhl4, macasamhla, s. an equivalent, a thing *614, machtnamh, s. discouragement
like another, or of the same nature or value , macatnamh, s. wondering, deliberating
%4c-b4jrT>j, mac-baisdidh,s. a god -son %crnijt, machtneir, s. m. a chider, reprover
44C-bp44]j, mac-brathair, s. m. a brother's son %iA6rnu54t), mac/itnughadh, s. discouraging
*%4c-co)e, mac-choinne, s. a daughter-in-law '^i*6tiiu]5re, machtnuighthe, part, chid, chidden, dis
44C t>joll4]rt, mac diollain, s. m. a bastard couraged
^tvoual, machdual, s. m. a sponge ^-, mncthoghadh, s. adoption, an adopted son
%c f<orma mac faoma> youths under the protec ftbivcrjie ! Machtre ! s. a Highland interjection
tion of the fla'ith or prince ]!, machad, s. a spot, stain, defect
%*c jrujjime, mac fuirme, s. a poet of the second S4t>, mad, s. . a hand
order %5*t>, wzaiM, s. m. an extacy, a trance
44C g*n 4*41^ mac gan athair, s. lesser duck meat ; -, madh, s m. a plain, a field ; prop. ;
Lemna minor , madh, be it ; 50 mb4 tojl IjB
44C 144, mac leabhair, s. m. a copy of a book %4t>, 9/!ff^, COnji if
94C lijjn, mac L-ighin, s. a student, a scholar Qt)4, wa//, s. m. a pig ; see quot. at opejmne
<2*l5, machlog, s. f the womb, matrix Saa, madha, a. unlawful, unjust
)4 me*mn, mac meamna, s. fancy, imagination, 94C4, madadh, s m. a dog
caprice 9*>*' 411, madadh alluidh, s. m. a wolf
%4C m]c, mac mic, s. m. a grandson by the son I 404) oo, madadh donn, s. m. an otter
<&4c mu]ff|eac, mac muTigheach, s. the escallop- pu4, madadh ruadh, s. m. a fox
fish , the scolloped shell fish ^40454, madagha, a. canine
%44, macnas, s. m. kindness, fondness %4t?4]n, madam, s. f the morning
%4cn4r, macnas, s. m. licentiousness, wantonness, %44, midhana, s. m. meadows
dalliance, diversement %4D4f, , the plant madder
%44|% macnas, s. m. prosperity7. Jab. 15. 21 '-&404-4, madhanla, a. coy
<3acna-4c, ma.nasach, a. wanton, libidinous, merry %4-bc45, madh beag, small, few, little
'.44[, macHasach. a. loving, tender kind %>4m, madhm, s. f. an attack, battle, breach, derout
Q$4cnApmemn*, macnasmemna, s. the fancy %Am, madhm, s. f. any large round mountain
, m/icne, see m*)cne %4m, madhm, s. f. a handful
<3$>co]m, macoim, s. a stranger %im4, madhmadh, s. an eruption, sally
% , mac p uthair, s. a sister's son , madhmaim, v. I overthrow
%4C}i4, macra, s. males, young men, a band of 4*itf>m4, madhmann, s. a skirmish
young men "204^ reicne, madhm scicne, s. a rupture
94cft4i, mac'raUk, s. a disease, distemper %At>m plejBe. madhm sle.bhe, s. sudden eruption of
1*|1, macramhul, a. like, as water from mountains
, macras, s. m. sighing, sobbing, peevishness 90.OP4, madra, s. the plant madder
<$4Cli4r4C, macrasach, a. peevish, saucy %*t>iu, madra, > m.adog
-, mac-rai/, s. a son of prosperity, a pros 4von4t>, madiadh, \
perous man 14, ^ ato, s. wolves. Matt. 7. 15
%*cjtjl, macreil, . f. a mackerel 4 G %4CJ14C,

) U]ye, madradh uisge, . an otter 4Ajoe-j45ju)tA)t>, maide-sdiwraidh, s. a pot-stick. SA.

>} 1))5, madra fiaoigh, s. yellow lady's bed- ^Ajoe-j-jngUp, maide-singlaidli, s. a swingle-staff
straw ; Galium verum '-Ajoe-pnjoriiA, maide-sniomha, s. a distaff, a spindle
, mairamhlacht, s. f. doggishness ^Ajjm, maidhim, v. I defeat, rout
%At>j<Arujl, madramhuil, a. dog-like, doggish; %*jjm, maidhim, v. I upbraid, or boast of favours
Jlt ^]!, the dog star; mj iriAtsjfAmuj], conferred upon another
the dog month, July %A)ojn, maidm, s. f. morning
%>), madhsaine, s. slavery ; prop. mojpAjne '^ajojti, ma-idin, *. f. a little stick, a switch
4At>ujg, maduigh, s. a dog VCUjojneos, maidineog, s. f. the morning star
S<eteAl, maethgheal, a. soft and white ; " 4iz oii- SajcjunAgA, maidiunaghadh, s. dawning
Ajjic C)Ae ]&z m<eteAl %Apm, maidhm, s. f. a battle, skirmish, defeat
meon peAn polupgeAl." Fer. 88 , maidhm, s. f. a breach, eruption, sally, flight
%g, fl^, s. ni. a paw ^, maidmim, v. I tear, burst, defeat
3j, magh, s. m. a trump 3*pre, maidse, s. a mass of matter, a shapeless lump
j. magh, s. m. a plain, a field, a level country 90a 1 5, maig, s. an affected attitude and disposition
'&A54C, magach, a. of or belonging to the hand of the head, &c. with a proud gait ; ata mAj5
^, maghach, s. m. a hare ujpte; oo up pj mAj5 ujpte pjn
40*5At>, magadh, s. m. game, mocking, jeering, scof %|5, maignaeun, Is. f. a maid, a virgin ; gen.
fing %A|5t>)on, maighdion,} )5>)
% a 5- a tip j, magh-adhraidh, s. a plain or field of 9)5 -*1*4, mutghdean-mara, s. a mermaid, a
adoration syren
%*Ajp, magha'ir, s. ploughed land %)5), maighdienas, s. m. virginity, chastity
'bi^ajpe, mugaire, s. m. a jester, scoffer 4A)5eAmu)l, maigeam)iu,l,\ ff . ,
%*5Aj[jm, magairim, v. I creep, paw, finger ^5)ujl, matgaui, ^a. attected, proud
9*]ple, magairle, s. m. the testicles %*1eAn, maigliean, s. delay
45.i](t^n me4t>ju, magrlin-meadhrach,' s. male '*Aj|eAn, nuugtiean, ) s. f. a place, a small plain, a
fooi's stones ; Orchis mascula %a)'ui, maignm, J paddock ; gen. m)gne
%5)|, magairt, s. f. creeping, pawing, fingering 9)50, maigheamch, a. lazy, negligent
%*5Arriu]l, magamhui/, a. jeering, scoffing ]56, maigheanachd, s. f. laziness, negligence
SAgn, juagan, s. m. a little paw ; a toad 4Aj5im, ma ghtm, v. I uefeat; oomAjgeAX) 5a1Iaj5
^, mugar, s. m. a word, expression %15^, maigin, s. f. a toad, a little tat fellow
%5, maghar, s. m. fish fry ; bait to catch fish %*)51pB)Pi matglusdir, s. m. a master
, magaran, s. m. a creeping on all fours ^*)5]0*"50)1' maigbisdir.sgeile, s. a schoolmaster
%A5A]t*nA]m, magaranaim, v. I creep 40Aj5jprjieAtriu)l, inaia/usdt earnhml, a. magisterial
Qi5cuA)}tc, magcuaiit, roundabout ^5101,' mabdreas, s. m. a mistress
maghfhal, U barracks 4Aj5jptp|oc'o, muighiiriochd,s. f. mastery, magistracy
%iiAn, maghlann, J '>)5, matgne, a. great
f&Ajlp, maglidh, a. soft ^AjgneAf, maighneas, s. f. a field
%*glocujn, maglothmn, v. he cherished ; oo Iac re SA)ie, maiglut, s. m. a salmon
mAloi.upi '&Aj5teAt>, ma.ghrtadh, s. m. a shoal of salmon
$*Du)rSe magfosIe> s- a collection of water upon 'Ai)gpeleun, ynaighreleun, s. a salmon trout
low ground, in consequence of much rain in winter '-is>*jie, natte %. a part of the geers in a loom called
QtJAjbpi, maibhin, s. a pouring forth. Sh. heddles
%A]crie, maicne, s. kindred, relations, a clan, tribe %*j|e, maile, s. evil ; i. e. olc. o. g.
^, maide, s. m. a stick, wood, timber; Ihb. 90Aii)T>, mailed, s. a bag, a wallet
matte 40A)lr> ma^*s* s- f* mance- M'Par. 42
fcAj'oe-bpjp'oe, maide-brisde, s. a broken stick, a bent %1^, maittseach, a. malicious
stick used for a tongs %A]li, maiUt is. deiay, slowness, slackness, tardi-
%A)T>e-cjio]re, maide-croise, s. a crutch %Aille, nuulte,) ness
^, maidhdean, see ^ 40aile, maille, s. a ring
, maidkeatiach, a. slow Wille, maille, prepos. with, along with ; }11 pe,
%A]t>e-meAr5, maide-measg, s. m. a boy's top with it, ) pjB, with ye ; mAjlle pjoc, with
%A]t>e-mjl)f , maide-mitis, s. m. licorice
SApeog, maideog, s. f. a pivot thee L L r
%AiileACAl1, maUleachan, s. the young of sprites, m
%)oeo5, inaideoy, s. f. a maiden-head, the shell cal Scotland called Browny. Sh.
led Concha veneris o&Ajlle-tr)*^*6' madle-triallach, s. slow tedious tra
%>A]t>eo5, maidheog, s. f. a midwife
%ape-pT>)upAj'o, maide-sdiuraidh, s. the thiller or velling
%-,]5, malighim, v. I slacken, delay
stick that moves the rudder in a ship or boat

ment mailliughadh, s. an adjourninfr, adjourn
J %4)fnalo, mairnealachd, s. f. tardiness, tedious-
11 ess
%*)bjjm, maiUrtim, s. f. doubt, suspence, balance %4jpne4rn, maimeamh, s- a spy
%4)m, maim, s. the hand ; prop, mjn %4jjneAprA}t, mairneastar, s. a spying
4jmrea, maimseach, s. m. a bubonocele %4)), mairneastar, v. it is spied
%*ln, mam, s. f. the morning, day %4), mairnim, v. 1 spy, betray
%4jn, mam, s. f. the hand %4)jnjc, mairnit, v. they spy, betray ; r. i. blAjxrt\
2**1n> mam, Is. f. riches, patrimony, goods,
w^ince, maince, ) value w4]ipeent4, mairseonta, s. a merchant
%*)ri6jte*, mainbhitheach, a. crafty %*)4, mairthann, s. living, life
Sftjnille, maimhllle, s. f. a sleeve %4jpf;eACo)n, mairtheachdin, s. lasting, continuance
%jiicjIle, mainclidk, s. f. a gauntlet, a glove ; "mm ^4jpcejne, mairteine, s. danger, difficulty. Wars-
. Urn, -j C4)I, t. e. courier. Cor. of . . c.
%*jnc^n, momenta, s. f. a person maimed in the hand %4ijicpeojl, mairteoil, s. beef
%*jnojiea, mainxreach, s. m. a booth, hut, fold %lltjm, mabthm, see m*])i)m
3jnacn4, maineachtna, s. in. negligence, indevo- mairthimuich, a. lame
tion ^ajpfcjoiu, mairihionnach, a. long-lived, lasting
^ijnacna, maineachtnacht, a. negligent, indevout %4jftjjie*, mamireach, s. m. a martyr ; Fc/jA mer
^)4}1, mainear, s. m. a manor thyr
], nuiineas, s. f. a mistake %*)jtc)pe4co, mairtireachd, s. f. martyrdom
<?Ajneo5, maineog, s. f. a glove ; Welsh maneg ^*jjrjjm mairtrim, v. 1 martyr, put to death.
%jnjj, mainigh, s. f. madness, foolishness
%4jnjp, mainis, s. f. a lance, a spear %4)p, maw, s. f. a sparkling, shining, brilliancy
%jn,rcie4, maimsdn;
maiMistteach, Jf S- 1-
f a monasleiy
. %4jr, > s. f. a lump, a heap
94jr, wei', s. an acorn ; Welsh mes
%4jRe*mujl, m lineamhuil, a. early %4]rc<oi, maiscaor, s. a lump
%*)er4, mainneasach, a. sluggish %4jpe, , s. an ornament, bloom, beauty, grace
S*]ejji, mainneir, a. a fold, prison, pen 94jre, maise, s. food, victuals
%4)jp, mainnis, s. f. drawling, tr fling 'Ajj-ertc, maiseac/i, a. beautiful, graceful, handsome
304jlu54, mainniughadk, s. glimmering, dawning
bajfji, mainnseir, s. f. a manger %*)|-e.micx>, maiseamhlachdX aea> meh
%4jnob4]p, mainobair, s. f. handicraft
44jn)e4, mamreach, see )?]1 %4)re4t), maiseadh, if so it be, then, therefore, i. e,
%4inpe, mainte, s. maintainance
'Abftjnpeac, mainseach, a. altern, alternate %4]re4Timjl, maiseamhu'd, a. handsome, comely, ele
^ijnp*!, mainscar, s. f. a manger gant
%4]p, *>5 lived y " tjipo pjn n)or riwij <on ne %4jp)5)m, maisighim, v. I adorn, deck
44 oc mblj4t>n4 ^45." Reg. O'. 9ytj4jpju5*c, maiughadh, s. ornamenting, decorating-.
<&4)lri)4j matrbhitl, s. a battle %4jple4B, maisleadh, s. a reviling, disparaging
%4)pD&peim, mairb-'ighre'm%s. the morphew %4)pceo5, mainteog, s. f. the mastich-tree
%414, mairceach, a. riding; " eAjtjin '40)], maistin, s. f. a mastiff
m4]Nce4C." %4jpt)p, maisttt, s.{. urine
%4)|c4)]n, mmrcairn, s. cots. SA. %*jprjje4, maistneadA, s. a churning
%4jpe4l4, mairealadh, s. a benumbing %4|1, maistirim, 1 v. I churn
S04]pe4, mainarm, s. a remaining, lasting %4)pcj)U54]m, maistrmghatm,
44)|e4j-4)l, maireasail, s. life %4)pcpe, maistre, s. a churn
24)jiun, viaireun, s. a small salmon 904 jpr je4t>, maistreadh, see m]pt)]jeftri
%>45, m<w>, s. f. woe %4), me/tA, s. f. good, service ; " , : e. *ft-
%]f5e*. "W'1?"*' . "la. woeful, sorrowful m4)t jijjne " P. . 44
404^, maith, a. good, excellent ; Welsh mad
%)t5nj5im, mairgnighm,v. I groan, bewail 44)t, /iA, s. a chief, a noble, plur. m*jte
%4)ji)m, i/winw, v. 1 live, continue, endure, hold, Ai4]ce4, maithe.ich, a. absolutory
last, abide, remain %ite, maitheach, s. m. a hare
S4mlim, mairlim, v. I bruise, crumble '*4ice404p, maitheachaSf S. m. forgiveness, pardon
4*ipn, s- a spying, betraying, way-laying 94ite4rh, maitheamh, s. m. an abatement, slackening
%4iln*l, m&irncal, s. m. a let, delay ... ) s. m. forgiveness, re-
aSiitnaU, maimealach, s. m. a manner, a pilot %)4, mattaeama, f missiont pardon,
%4lln*l*, m<'irneala{/h * dibtory, tedious, tardy, ^^, rmthcamhnas, j amnesty

), imtheas, s. f. druidism, sorcery, necro &\, mallchodach, s. ra. one that sups or dinc&
mancy, magic late
%), maheas, s. f. goodness, bounty, benefice, ^Albpomrt. malldrcmsc/i, a. saddle backed
benefaction %11-]}, ma/l-mhuir, s. a neap tide
%)], maithcasach, a. good, benevolent, be '&>ArmuAjnre4t>, muallsutuatnteadh, s. deep musing or
neficent study
%4jer*]e, maitheasaidhe, s. m. a benefactor '^AlIrjijAllAj', malltriallaidh, s. slow travelling
%4)fre*ur, maithfeachus, J . . ?a1Iu40, mallughadh, s. m. a cursing
%*,fjour. maithchus, ,see!reiT cursed, accursed, dam-
2Ajrnjorh, maithfjin'mmh, s. grace, good-work %4ilu)ge, ma/luighe, ^ nable, flaghious, profli-
%]fnjoriuc, maithghninmhach, a. beneficent %Allu)5re, mullu.gkthe, gate, impious, nefarious,
%>)t)m, matthim, v. I forgive, remit J wicked, unblessed
>1] meair, maithmheachas, see ]4 %4llu)jm, malluighlm, v. I curse, condemn, repro
*?a)rrnu]ne4C, ma.thmhuineach, a. well-minded bate
%4jt|e4mujl, maitkt eamhuil, a. motherly ^Al!u]jteo)p, malluightheoir, s. m. a worker of ini
% ijrpen, mailhi can, s. an aunt by the mother quity, a maligner
",>.)fpe*, m&itksech, a. clement, compassionate, 9^AU]5ceo]|teAcr, malluightheoireacht, s. f. iniquity
forgiving %410]>, malold, s. f. a flail, a scourge, a thong
/W, s. m. rent, tax, tribute, subsidy, income %Alo]e*B, makigheadh, s. to grow dull. Sk,
*2t,i*l, mal, s. m. a-iing, a prince %Ai|iAoo)i-Ap5]oo, mailradoii -airgiod, s. m. a mo
>W, s. m. a poet ney changer, discounter, banker
1, mal, s. m. a champion, soldier ^Aljidjjtn, malraidhim, v. I exchange, barter
%l, /, a. slow, dilatory '41, malta, a. mild, soft, modest
main, s. ni. a bag, budget, a mail , maltachd, s. f. modesty
*51, mala, s. m. tlie eyebrow, a brow ; mala Ati %15, maltcg, s. f. a modest woman
enuje rASim, mam, s. f. a hand ; 1 mjm, a handful
%aUDa|*, mabhar, s. dwarf elder 'Jaiti, mam., s. a handful. Sc.
9Ja!ac, malac/i, s. m. a load "&bm, mam, s. f. a mother ; . am ; Welsh mam
QttaU'ojt, malaoir, s. m. a farmer, renter %im, , s. f. might, power
.JaIajo, rnalaid, s. f. a bag, budget 0, mam, s. f. a hill, an eminence ; Welsh mynydd
%l*)jt, malair, s. m. a merchant %im, mam, s. f. a gap or pass through mountains
%*4ijtr, malairt, s. exchange, barter, alteration, ^>, mam, a. vile, base
change %m, mam, b. f. a breast, pap
ttb*l<jpt:e, malalrteach, a. mutual, reciprocal %>mi), mama, ) 1 r
%al4)pnm, malairtim, \ v. I exchange, change, %m, mama, a. alone
&Ab)jic);jm, malairtighim,) barter %>, manadh, s. a trump at cards
^iiAlAjpciujA-o, mala'trtiughadk, s. exchanging ', marias, s. m. might, strength, power
ffAln, malan, see molin ^imp-jo:;, mumsiogh, s. f. a rupture, breach of the
%*l*|it;*, malartach, a. variable, changeable peace
%*lA}tr4]n 4]ji^)oo, malartain airgiod, s. a banker SCJAmuin, mamuin, s. f. a moment, an instant
%*l4l*tn4]eA, malartnaigheadh, s. bartering, ex %, man, s. f. a hand
changing ', ma'/i, adv. before, ere
%*l4]iruj5e, malarluighthe, part, exchanged, bar &, mana, s. the hand
tered 'Ai.uu, iana, s. a cause, condition
%1>, malcaih, s. rottenness, rotting ; bearing, , manach, s. m. a monk, a friar; Welsh mvnach
carrying ; ffV/s madredd, putrefaction -]1, manachamhud, la. monastic-, con-
<#i,ilca]tn, malcaim, v. I bear, carry ; rot %AnA^Atrui)l, manachdamhuil, J ventual
%!]}, malcaireachda, of or belonging to the , manachan, s. m. the groin
market %>, manachd, s. f. monk-hood, monkishness
<JAlc4]JeAr-, mnlca.reas, s. f. sale '^, manadh, s fate, a lot, an omen ; cujt 4)p
%4lcl) maUair, )s. m. a porter, a bearer of *, foretelling by lots
%AlctA])ie, malc/haire, \ burthens %AnA]i))|-, manaidlns, s. f. a spear, lance, avelin
\jAlcre, malcthe, a. rotten, corrupted %), manatre, s m. an inclosure, a pound
, mall, a. slow, dilatory, tardy, tedious, prolix %]-(011, manaire-chaorach, s. m. a sheep-
%aIIa, mal/a, a. modest, shamefaced, delicate fold
', mallabharthach, a. slow-spoken %1, mana steir, s. a monastery
QQaIWo, mallachd, s. m. a curse ; Welsh mellthh , man. ma, s. a glove
<)1Iao, mallachd, s. f. modesty %)1, manntan, s. m- a necromancer
, malland, s. the temporal artery. Cor. %)), manao:s, s, f. a spear, a pike
%4ltbu]tl*, maLbheurlach, a. slow-spoken. Sh. ,

-.^-,,.., manch ach, WJ
.,..,., of or
v, belonging
, to monks : 4&x>)\e,
'>11, maoiie,
c!uncjne, mnchame, , tribute;
s. t.:u,.f of
nf'bo lintifl ; gifts
the band cri fis i 9|1. maoileacht,
%^jle4r, mn fs. f. baldn ess
%n*jnc, mnchame, s. bread of lamentation ; vie- | %)|1*, ma i'cud, )
tuais and presents given at wakes and funerals; a ^, maoHeadanach, \ a. bald -headed, bald-
month's mind ; i. e. bjot. ac,*- bujjigen, /'. 6-. nupB I ^ojlcearuc, manhcannoch, \ pated
1J4]I4. .. %<o,ljn, maoilinn, s.the summit, brow of a ride or
, manchnumh, s. a flesh worm, a cheese lull
mite %;oim, maolm, s. m. fear, terror, surprise
'Jiincua)ftr, mancuairf, prep, about, ambient, around <0<o;n, maain, s. in. love, esteem
, mandach, s. m. a stammerer, a lisper ], maoin, ,s. f. wordly substance, goods, riches
%1, mandach, a. lisping, maunting ^omejoepa, maomciocuic'i, \
%.0)n5]f4m*, maoing/u,amhach,]'A- c0vet0l,s
"2rj4irol, mandai, s. anger, roughness
^, mandracach, s. m. a mandrake '), maoincich, a. rich, possessed of worldly
4*nri> man, s. m. moroseness, sourness goods, wealthy
^, man, s. m. a bag, budget ^/^), maoirseontachd, s. merchandise
^*ng, mang, s. ni. a glove '>']*0, maoirseachd, s. f. stewardship
'ianj;, mang, s. m. deeeit %.o)p. tuaois, s. f. a pack or bag
^tiAnj,, s. m. a fawn 9), maois, s. f. a kind of basket
'^, mangacli, a. fawn-like %<o)p>, Mao'isdha, a. Mosaick
^, mangach, | a. deceitful, deceptious, "<i:o)rea,
^angimu]!, mangamhuil, ) treacherous %;11, maoiseach ) ' she deer' doe
%tn54j]ie, manaire, s. m. a dealer, a pedler, ajobber %40)r-e)f5, maois eisg, a niaise, five hundred fish
%*n5jje, mangaire, s. m. a tavener %yo)reo5, maoiseog, s. f. a little pack or bag
9], manic, s. a glove. Cor. 'Ayojce, maoithc, s. f. tenderness, softness
4R, mann, s. f. wheat, food, bread, meat ,
', s. f. a wedge, an ingot ; -e. ujn^e AWreac, maoitheach, }
^^/^^.^^'"-S'onous, , . boasting
bjuipire. Cor. 'yoiieaoo]]t, mioithcadoir, s. m. a boaster, a bully
%a, mann, s. f. an ounce. Si, 95)) , maoithfeachas, s. . boasting
%*, mann, s. a sin <30)cjm, maoithim, see m<ojojm
%*, mann, a. bad, naught <^<0)0, maoithmeach, s. m. an objection
^anij, mannar, loosening. Sh. o^yoifriieacar , maoithmheuchaa, s. . boasting
, mannar, s. m. evil <?<yo)f peala t, maoithscachlach, a. apt to boast
, mannceannaiJhe, s. m. a victualler, a %<ol wo/, s. m. a promontorv, a cape, a headland
mealman < '>)1, /, s. m. a hill, hillock
%, manntack, a. tongue-tied */, s. m. servant, a slieved person devoted
%4njt.c, manraeh, s. f. a gift to some rehgious order, or to some saint; as, %oI-
, manraeh, s. m. a sheep-fold muj|ie, '-^oi-op*, &c.
^anjta, manraeh, a. happy %<ol, maol a. bald, depilous
%*, manrachd, s. f. happiness %<oli wo/, a. blunt, pointless, obtuse
%, manradh. s. in. destruction %<oi, /, a. humble
^b*np*n, maman, s. m. amorous discourse, amorous %>.ol4, maoladh, s. m. bluntness, baldness
4<Sco\i)-e*nzb, mao/aigeantach, a. dull-witted, stupid
ness 4&oUj5jin, maolaighnn, v I allay, make biunt
%|16 manranach, a. amorous
%>|), manranach, a. noisy %), maolan, s. m. a beacon
, vianras, s. m. motion V.olar> maolat, s. m. a sandai
%rr-*co, mannsachd, my love ; . e. mo VO.olce**c, maolcheannach, a. bald-headed, bashful
%, /, a. demure, bashful <$b.oicl4it> na m*jl)e, m iokhlair net mailidhe, the
%, mantacht, s. f. bashfulness s >ace between the eye-brows
%Anraife, mantaire, s. m. a lisping person 9^olclu4f4C, mwlchhiusiich, a. tame, gentle, inactive
%nro;, mantog, s. f. a bridle-bit, a gag, a muzzle %<o:e4]*, maolaheaia, s. mulberry
%<oo*l, maodal, s. belly, a paunch 4sWoo[in, maoldom, s. m. the haft of a sword
", machar, s. ra. a fly to catch fish < i-iobjta, maolthaobhrack, a blunt
^>], mtoidhradh, 7 s. boasting, proclaiming, v^llujli, , s a mule
%S opearii, mat)Jheamh, \ upbraiding %o.u5' madughah, s. a blunting, makmgbald,
^.ojojm, m ioidhim, v. I brag, boast, brave
%u))m, maoidhm, s. f. a hard word issuaging maolutghthr, > blunted
^, mamdhmheach, a, vain-glorious OO - im, maduighwi, v. I blunt, deaden, allaj-, calm
%.ojl maod, s. f. a heap % , . .- far t^ror
%]!, mittle, compar. of m<ol, bald * rlejbc, ArjgA^. 9. a torrent. S.
tOon, maon, s. ra. a hero ; " IaEju lojnjreAC "%51, marasgal, ) ...
5*n mejnj." %Aur5lA*, marasglachd, } s- objection
%>;on, maon, a. dumb, mute ^AjiAf^UT), marasglachd, s. f. superintendance,
%.ovi-, Maonas, proper name of a man regulation
%.ojt, maor, s. m. a servant, a steward, an officer, a %Al>b, marbh, a. dead, heavy, benumbed. Welsh
catchpole, a bailiff, aserjeant; formerly a Baron marw
among the Scotch ; mop, an earl %pbac, maibhach,z. deadly, destructive, pernicious
%-ojtA maorach, s. shell-fish %|>, marbhaciid, s. f. langour, languishment
^.op-bajle, maor-bhaile, s. a mayor, portrieve, head- , mu b 'iadh, s. m. slaughter, killing, massacre
borough, &c. %]1-), maibhaim, v. I kill, slay
%]-e*5h)p, maor-eaglais, s. an apparitor, sexton, ftajibin, maibhan, s. ni. the margin of a book
beadle , marb'.an> s. m. a corpse, a dead body
%;-}1]<]5, maor-striopaigh, s. a pimp , marb nach, a. cadaverous
%a>r5*n*f maosganach, s. m. a shapeless lump , marbhanta, a. lifeless, exanimate, inani
%)f, maoth, a. tender, soft mate, languid, sluggish
90~or<c, maothach, a. mollient %]ib*nc*6'o, mat bhantachd, s. f. deadness, rigidity,
%;o*ac, maothadh, s. lubricity, smoothness, softness rigour
2;], maothaim, v. 1 soften, mollify, grow tender, %*jiMji*r, marbhchras, s. m. a carcase
relent SOjjihrftoy, viarbhdbaoidh, s. m. a necromancer
1, marthalach, a. emollient ', maibhdhraoidheachd, s. f. necro
Q&aofaloo, tnaothalachd, s. mollifying mancy
%40*An, maothan, s. m. a twig, an ozier, a bud %*jibolto)5)o, marbhdroighionn, agrimony; Agri
%don, maothan, s. m. a cartilage, a gristle monia
, maothan, s. m. any thing soft and tender %]5, marbhfaisg, s. bands by which the hands
^iio-rt]tn)-bvt,maot/ichroidheacht a. tender-hearted, and mes of dead persons are tied, shrouds
pitiful, compassionate. 5. A. 31 ^,, s. a still day
tyof la, maoth/a, s. fruit , maibklapa, s. torpor, torpitude, numb
%.ofUna, maothlanach, a. cartilaginous ness
%,ofrhdl, maothmhar, a. lenient, smooth %, marbhna, s. f. an elegy
4fta'>fme]jirn)t), maolhmheirtnidh, s. weakness, effe 'O*}tbolr*|je, marbhortaliche, s. a lethargy. SA.
minacy, despondency %4pb]A)0, marbraid, s. a fort
%iotrhu4T5, maothmhttadh, a. nice, delicate '>, marbhrann, s. an elegy, death-song, an
%05, maothog, s. f. an embryo egg epitaph
Siotog, maothog, a. wild ; mjl rnjotog, wild honey. %A)tb]ArA, marbhfanntach, a. elegiac
Keat. , marbhshruth, s. the wake of a ship
^, maotkoglachus, s. m. the third stage of , marbhtha, ja. death-giving, mortal,
human lite, from 16 to 34 years of age %ifbra, marbhthach,] cruel
iotpn, maothran, s. m. an infant %]-, mtrbhthackd, s. f. mortality
%cocj-ii]le*6, maolhshuileach, a. soft-eyed %)-)5, mn>bh-thigh, s. a charnel house
%i<ofj'ujleacc, maotlishuileachd, s. watriness of the eyes %0], marbhthoir, s m. a murderer, slaughterer
^ofu^a, maothughadhfS. mollification, moistning 3.]i>UAjr, mai blutais, s. many cows; i. .
&40'U)5)m, maothuighim, v. I soften, moisten, irrigate b. . g.
j of uj^re, maothwghtiit, part, softened 4ta|triu5A, marbhughadh, s. killing, murdering
%|, nur, adv. as, like, wherein %AJ.C, , , j s m% a horse Welsh
%, >, of or belonging to the sea; gen. of , marcan, )
mili %4}ca, marc'ich, s. m. a horseman, a knight; a
',/1, s. to-morrow ; Ajft , or aj person having many horses
, on the next day StiAiK-Af r>, mardchd, 7 s. f. riding, horse-
, marachd, s. f. error, mistake, marine %ipcAit>eACti, marcaidheachd, J manship
marag, s. f. a pudding %5a|cac OAjn, ma> each (lain, s. a rehearser of poems,
%|>, maraidhc, s. m. seaman, mariner a person who attended the poet
30*1, maran, s. entertainment %i(c-6o)rhlionb marc-choimhliong, s. a horse-race
, mar an cceadna, likewise, in like %110, marcial, s. . any provision or quantity
manner of victuals
^, marann, adv. together, as one ; m*p<on jvjr ; %1, marclann, s. m. astable
along with hiin %*itctieil, marcred, s. a mackrel
%, miras, s. a myriad fJupcj-luAg, marcshluagh, s. m. cavalry
%1, marascal, s. m. a herald, a marshal '^, mjrcuiglicachd,\s. f. riding, horse-
40upAr5Ah, marsgal, s. m. a regulator, a master 4Cj*l>cu}peACO, viarcuiseachd, ) manship

*5<jcuT5)m, marcuighim, v. I ride ^*j*4, masach, a. belonging to the hip

epcujp, Marcuis, s. m. a Marquis %.p4it>, masaid, if they be ; i. e. m* t4p. e. g.
9*|>5, marg, s. a mark in money 44 masan, s. . a delay
%P5*i margha, a. marine %4pn, masan, s. m. a check, reproof
%*5*, margadh, s. m. a market, a bargain ; %J- l^4pn4C, masanach, a. slow, tedious
5<t> , a proverb signifying a great bargain ; %4pc4)j, mascair, s. f. a lump
alias bo 4jp 540 ; Welsh marchuad %4pc], masdidh, s. m. a mastiff
*=401*]0, marxadhla':dhe. \ , %4pe4T>, miiseadh, see rri4jpe4t>
*(14,' mirsonta,
* ' J s. m. a merchant lAiap54t>, masgadh, s. m. a mixing, steeping
%p5rmu]l, margadhmhuily a. marketable %erg4)m, masga.m, v. I infuse, mash malt brewing
%pgn, mirghan, s. m. a margin %4pg4l, masgal, s . flattery, adulation
4Q4P50, margo, as if %4pU maslach, see m4pl4t>
%!4, /;;, s. rich clay, marl %4pl4C, maslach, a reproachful, ignorant, shameful,
%.vpmup, murmur, s. m. marble infamous
^4jton, mirn, sound %140, miislach, a petulent, sarcastic
%J 1, '? r, ) with it, with him, along with %4pl4, masladh, s. m. reproach, slander, abuse, in
4$4ji p)p, marris,] him jury, contumely, disgrace, offence
%]*]>)*, mama, with them %4pi44, masladhach, s. m. a sound, noise, clash ;
%4| p)D, martib'i, with ye %4p>4t>*0 4 cclo]t>e4m
'Ab*P P)> //- /, with us %4pl4rhu]l, mastamhuil, a. ignominious, base
%4|ft)pa, martisd, s. a match, a husband. A. %4pljn, muslin, s. mast lin
pju, mar riu, with them %.iflu4t>, maslughaah, a. reproaching, slandering,
40*p Jijum, mar , with me abusing
^*p p|uc, mar riut, with thee %4pluj5jm maslu-ghim,\. I reproach, slander, abuse,
%vppp, marros, rosemary blaspheme, defame, revile
4j|u54r, marrughadh, s. a mooring %4plu]ji;e, masluighthc, part abused, slandered
'Ai-tppujgjm, marrwghim, v. I moor %4phr) e40, mashugheach, "la. ignominious,
%(tp4]l, mirsail, s. marching %4plujgce4, masluightheach, j abusive
'&> pjn, war , so, in that manner %4pluj5e4t, masluightheicht, s. f. abusiveness, ig
'AMP po, war io, thus nominy
%*ir, mart, s. m. a beef, a cow ; maps 05, a heifer %4plu]5teo]p, maui^htheoir, s. m. an abuser, a
'Ai* fir:, Matt, s. m. March reproacher, a slanderer, a scold, a shrew
^OprA, mar ta, ever as, such as %4pg, masog, s. f. a small red berry
*;), marthaim, v. I live, exist, last, continue %40, massadh, a. spiteful
<y|tf4jn, marthain, s. being, life , mat, s. m. a pig ; * /*. e. mue, uncle in bpejee
%yp-4|pjm, maitarim, v. I maim, lame nejme 70p pu4t*r4p mo turnee 054-
%4pam, marthannach, a. hopeful, blessed dajI." Cor.
. marthannach, a. living, lasting, durable, SAfj, math, s m. a hand
eternal, continual, perpetual Vaf, math, s. . fruit
4ti*pf4ruco, marthannachd, s. f. duration, eternity %4t;, math, a. good
%.ipfnt*, marthanta, a. inert l4.>4 t4, ma ta, if so be, nevertheless, however
%>*prApl4]c, tnartailaich, s. a martyrology lA4t4, m tta, s. a mat, a mattrass
%4)t-4|if4, martartha, a. maimed %4, mata, a. creat; dark, gloomy
%1'icpeojl, martfheoil, s. beef %4C4, Maiha, Mathew, a man's name
%*pcine4', murtincac/i, s. m. a cripple '-1^, muthadh, s. a pardon, pardoning
%pr)p, mrtir, s. a martyr %*4im, mathaim, v. I forgive, pardon
%4r[4, martra, s. martyrdom %><tf4vm, matham, v. I ameliorate, manure
%.4;5,, martraighim,! j %>44jn, mathain, s. f. mercy
'Jo4"'|*|ni. m'-tiaim, 'Ai,\f-4)n, tnathain, s disposal. Sh.
9inni)j, marthuigh, s. changing %44), matair, s. f. matter, gore
%aprum, m , s. living *2044], mathair, s. f. a mother
%ipujje, mdrwghe, s. a seaman %rtf4)p, muthair, s. f. a cause
%|u, mi'unna, a. steady %44) *1)], muthair abhair,\s. a cause, prima-
%*r, *oJi it so; ) %44]p 4]l> mathair ail, J ry cause
, w.t, s. mace **4f4,p aneljse, mathair ann dghe,) &
%jp, / is, s. . a buttock, thigh, breech %441 , mithair cctk, ^ in-law
%, </?, a. excellent, handsome, comely "Afajp iiAmujn, matha. r chliamnuitit )
%, ><, a. round '41 b4)pnc, mathair aisde, s. a god-mother
3*r, as, a. heaped, collected
&21 MEA 21

%4}]10, mat/uiirdh, a. maternal; of or belong , meacan, s. m. hire, reward

ing to a mother ' bupe, meacan buidAe, s. a carrot; Pastinaca
%))1., mathairdhacht, s. f. the right of a mo tenuifolia sativa
ther % bu}i>e rplep^e, meacan buidAe an tslei/Ae,
'i&ii.ijlftur, mai/iairdAas, s. m. motherhood mountain or knot-rooted spurge; Tithynialus Hi-
'*1,1>, mat/utireamhluchd, s. f. motherli- berniens monianus
ness, tenderness " 054, meacan dogAu, great common burdock ;
%4trt|Je4tiiu]l, mathaireamhuil, a. motherly, tender Bardana major ; Lappa major
"04])(-)5]], matha> -iongair, s. the cause of %t>4c4n cub, meacan dubA, comfrey ; Symphitum,
suppuration officinale
<st4lfl IttjACAj, miuhatr na lugAadaig, the ring % cub p)At>A]n, meacan dubh adhzin bu<\e',
fingt r. SA. Bngula; Ajuga reptans
.vrajn-ofm, mat;ir-cm, s. matricide ^ benjne, meacan easa beanine, female
% v4]f-o|in]j, malhair-ornor, s. m. a matricide piony
;Afa]|i-u]rj;e, mutAair-uisge, s. a spring, a source 'ieAcn ywjne, meacan easafirme, male piony
of water ' pftgum, meacan ragtim, horse raddish ;
\\|, mala!, s. in. a cloak, a mantle llaphanus sylvestris
VCral-ri']mle)H, matul-stimltir, s. ibe mantle-tree % ^ U)pce, menean ragum visee, water
of a chimney raddish ; Kaphan us aquaticus
', mathumhnas, see mAjicArruiAp %^' Jiajaj^, meacan raidigh, a. a raddish ; Ra-
v.vfin, mutilan, s. . the sticker of a tree phanus horteilsis
'i.iray, mutilas, see ^ )i)5, meacan rigA, common parsnip ; Pas
'--, matAdheanamh, s. beneficence tinaca sativa
'Aafa. mitthsadh, s. doubt * jiji; pjAAjn, mea* n rigb fiadAain, wild
Vo.irpAim, mathsalm, v. I doubt parsnip; Pastinaca sylvestris
^5<>], math^habhuln, Is. . a bear, /. c. a calf plejbe, me.ican sle.bAe. great bastard black
90*5*], mathghamhum, J of the plain hellebore; HelieLoraster muximus; Helleborus
^OArjn, matin, s. f. morning, o.vel. niger f'cetidus
%arcn, mutAon, s. a bear ; prop, mai amujn great common
%*tplog, maihdogh, s. a congregation " , meacan tcbhach, I burdock, burr,
, matAtc, part, forgiven, paidoned '^ , mcuian tuan, > cloth burr; bar-
'acu^a-, mathughadh, s. manuring, dunging > il, meacan tuetha, V dana major ;
%e, wf, pi on. 1, me J Arctium lappa
, mevbhadh, s. m. a defeat, overthrow ]11, meacan u;Ihan?i, eiiecainpane ;
%>, mcabhadh, s. m. a bursting, spring up; Enuia campana ; Helenium
" ]io HieabfttJ an loc." ^, meacAaann, s. m. a twig
?1, meabhair, s. f the memory 'WeAcr jio], meactrcigA, s.the horse next the plough
%eabl, meab'iul, s. m. a plot 'tAC, me<A% s. in. encrease, bigness, bulk, size
'-toeabal, meabhal, s. m. shame %, meadA, s. f. a balance, a scale
!, meabhal, s. in. fraud, deceit, treachery , meadh, s. f. metheglin, mead
S&eabjla, mea Anlach, \ a. deceitful, treacherous, %, m. adAacA, s. m. a stallion
%!, meablcch, J fraudulent , metdhacA, a. fuddled with mead
%1>, mcubfdadli, s. cursing, deceiving; Heb, %et)AC4Ti, meadhachan, s. m force
alah, to curse 'AieooAC, meadach, s. m. a knife
^^, menbhaoeadh, see irrjrtriuojlea ]5',, meadaigliim, v. I encrease, enlarge
%]1, meabharaeli, see }140 '&4)5]1, meadAwghim, v. 1 weigh, balance, con-
', meab/ira, s. a fiction, a lie si il er
, meabhtacA, a. cheerful, merry %AOA)re, mendaighthe, part, augmented, enlarged
%;1, mctbhrach, a. mindful, studious '^OcAtiAjji, meadhcir, s. f. talk, discoure ; mirth
%[]5), meabhraighim, v. 1 study, remember %eAPAjp, meadhut , s. f. a forewarning of future
%t'Ab|ia|j,]m, meab/uaiglum, v. I scheme, plan, plot events
^, mrabhrughad/i, s. studying, thinking ^], meada/, see 1
'e4bnu.ip, mcoblirughudh, s. feigning, inventing ^, mcadamhlaclid, s. m. masiness, pon-
'^-, me, bbuighlhe, part, studied derousness
^, meabhrv.ighthe, part, feigned, invented %)1, meadamhuil, a. bulky, massive
, mtach, s. m. hospitality }, tneadar, s. f. a churn, a milk pail. The
meuchain, s. an abatement Irish is square and hollowed with acbissel,
'1, meachain, a. handsome the Scottish is round and hooped
, tneacun, s. m. a tap-rooted plant, such as
carrot, parsnip, ike.
yen MEA yen MEA

, meadar, ) ]])]^ e, meamhairiglithe, 0. studied, consider

%o*ji*o, meadarachd, }s' verse' metre ed, mentioned
%0|1, meadharacfiA , . , ,. . , mcamtia, s. the fancy, imagination
Se***]., ^-/*- cheerful, lively 'toeAmiujicajm, meamnaicin, v. 1 think
QaoBlioR, mcadblironiifS. the dropsy ', meamra, s. a shrine, a tomb
% OU4, mead/i duack, feverfew; Matricaria ', meammm, s. no. parchment
parthenium , mcamuir, s. the membrnm virile
%e*r>5, meadhg, s. m. vvliey '-, m:anadh, s. ni an owl
, meaahon, s. f. the middle, midst, centre %e4iiA, mcanadh, s. m. foretelling, fate
, meadhan, s. f. a mean, a mean instrument %e*nA]o']n, meanaidin, see benenn
-, meadhonach,&. mid, middle, intermediate ^SeAiid, meanadh,~\
, meadhonch, a. instrumental , , J s' m" SaPlnS' yawning
%e<vcon la, meadhm la, s. noon, mid-day <3ean4n, meanan, s. m. saw- dust
% ojre, meadhon aidhche, s. mid-night %, meanim, plain, clear
9>|1, meadhrach, a. glad, joyful, merry %e*nB, meanbh, a. small
QeAjU', meadhradh, s. mirth, song, melody 91, meanbhlach, s. m. dross
^^, meadughadh, s. in. augmentation, pro , meanbhehrodh, s. small cattle, such as
pagation, enlargement sheep, goats, &c &c.
^, meaduighthe, see meATrnjc^e %e*nbujleo5, meanbhhuileog, s. f. a gnat, a midge
%i4t)U];feO)H, meuduigtnecir, s. m. an amplifier 'eanBcjreA, meanbhehuiseach, a. curious
^ierttiujjteo)], meadhuighthcoir, s. m. a craner, a ^, meanbhehuiseach, a. niggardly
weigher %anpAC, meanfach,
%e*5i mea, s. m. the earth %5>, meanfaghadli, > s. m. a yawning
Stieal*, mcala, s. a reproach %Anpu)5e*l, meanfuigheal,)
%*b, meala, s. grief, sorrow %5, meang, s. . craft, deceit, fraud
meala ?ofh 45, meang, s. m. a blemish
Qertlg*, mealgha,} J ^, mtangach, a. crafty, deceitful
%el4, mealadh, s. m. enjoying %e4n54, meangach, common cinquefoil ; Potentilla
%eia), mealaidh, s. m. a reaper reptan s
<<5, mealasg, s. fawning, rejoicing %454, meangan, "Is. m. a bough, branch, twig,
, /, 7 s. f. a satchel, budget, knap %eAn;;ln, meanglan, J ozier
pe* 05, mealbhog, J sack ^, mtangalachd, s. m. sprouting, budding
%ell, mea//, s. m. a globe, a ball %*54}, meangraitr, s. sophistry
leall, meall, s. m. a lump, a mass, a heap , "I s. nature, temper, bent,
, meal!, s. m. a hill, hillock, eminence %eAnm, meanma, I di it?0 / )] ceft,
%e4nm4,n, meanmam,
%ell, meall,
%11, 1
nteallach,]*-^' , Plcasant
%, meanma, 'is. courage, vigour, high spi-
, meallach, a. soft, fat, rich, rank ], meanma!, J rits, gladness ,
%e4llt>, mealladh, s. m. goods, riches ; see quot. at , meanma, \%. mind, memory; "wo jui]-
pjotiju 'ieAnmain, meanmain, J mean jna ."
^eall**, mcaadh, s. m. deceiving, defrauding '<<.4, meanmach, . cheerful, high-spirited,
tealldjm, meallahn, v. I deceive, defraud '., meanmnach,} elate, magnanimous
%ealU}m, meallahn, v. I enjoy, brook 44](, meanmarach, a. spirited, sprightly
]}, meaHcair, s. f. hasty-pudding, pop %e4nm4]A, meanmaradh, s. thought
r-*5e45, meallog, s. f. the milt of a fish %06, meanmchasach, a, benevolent, well-
^, meallog, s. f. a smelt minded
', meallta, part, deceived, defrauded %e4nml*j5e, vieanmlaige, s. dullness, laziness, weak
, mealltach, a. deceitful ness of spirit
, mealltachad/i, s. alluring, deceiving <*5], mcanmnaighim, v. I regale, gladden
<^11;>, mealltuchd, s. f. treachery, deception, ajeAnmuijAt), meanmughadh, s. exhortation, stirring
cozenage, fallacy, fallaciousness "P
Qedlltin, mealllin, s. f. enjoying, enjoyment 'eanmuin, meanmuin, s. joy, gladness
, mealltoir, s. m. a deceiver, a cheat %e4, meann, a. manifest ,
'tedlltojjteao, mcalltobeachd, s. f. deceit, fraudu- %ie*i, meann, a. famous, illustrious, celebrated
lence %ed, meann, a. dumb, mute
, meam, s. m. a kiss %eA. meann, ) a j. j
%*|1, meamaim, v. I kiss %e*nn, meannan, )
%e*rri4i(i, neamhair, s. f. memory ^eAUAts, nvannad, s. aplace, room
4de4TT)4ijt]5jm, meamhairighim, v. I remember, con -<)|, meannan-aeir, s. a snipe
sider 41 '-,

, meart, s. m. spying, injuring, harming, des

-, meann-earbt, s. a fawn
', meanni /id, s. . happiness, bliss, good troying, discouraging
luck ^eapuj^o, mearug/iadh, s. baffling
%]1, meantail, s. f. deceit 'W>e4}iu]e, mearuidhe, s. m a thief, cut-purse
%!4, meantalach, a. deceitful, perfidious. '4e4jii)5teojji, meaiuighlheoiv, s. m. a baffler, con-
Psal. 59. 4. founder
%1>, meantalachd, s. f. perfidy %e* p, Wei, s, f. a fish
%-, meantan, s. in. a snipe %, ea, s. f. a mode or mood in music
'-5)jtopi, meatitus-gairdin, spearmint; Men ^toeftr, meas, s. f. fruit, particularly acorns ; Welsh
tha sativa mesen ; Heb. usan, a place for fruit
^beftniqp, meanuir, s. meditation, thought; " bft %e4f, meas, s. f. a measure
mo|i ma]i po me4Tiu)]t." , meas, s. f. a weapon, ede, point
%, mear, s. concupiscence, lust , meas, s. f. a pair of shears
%ep, wtrar, s. f. activity, quickness , meas, s. f a foster-culd
%6ft|, mear, s. m. a finger, a toe %t-4p, meus, s. f. a salmon
, meat, a. quick, sudden ; Heb. maher, to hasten Veap, meus, s. f. wiiiti
%e*), mear, a. merry, mirthful, joyous, jocund, ^Ocap, meas, s i. respect, s:grii";car>ce, .', esteem,
blithe, blithesome, jolly, playful, sprightly estimation, veneration, regaro, it.putt, considera
%C4], mear, a. wanton tion
""j purple "Ocap, meas, s. f. opinion, aduce, judgment, award
rox- $jcapa, vieasa, a. \\<-r e, w.-rst
1 glove ; %e4p4, &':!<, a. tisiiy
%4]1 pjorapi, mearacan siotha'm, "jeapajm, tneasnm, v. I esteem, estimate, think,
%elcan ne mru pje, mearacan na si$he, talis suppose, consider, presume
pur '04"1, measaiH), \. I perceive, behold
purea Seapajpe, nieasaire, s. just wi igbt or measure
%>eftjiftct), mearachd, s. f. blunder, error, mistake 'to^pamap, measamhuil, . respected, e>tecnied, es-
%e*[i<ct>ac, mearachdach, a. erroneous, wrong timable, respectable, rcputabU., famous
%5}1(0(, mearachaasuch, a. wanton, mad for %34pn, mcasjn, s. m. a lap-Uug, a puppv
sport a. temperate, frugal, con
, mearacht, s. aquick or spiriied action 4e4p4}t|i'C4, measarrdha, tinent, sober, modest,
%|t4r, mearacht, s. fingering, or the act of touch %44)1)14, measarrtha, gentle, moderate, ab
ing a musical instrument stemious
%e4]itct>-cejlle, m aruchd-ceille, s. madness, error %41]0>, measarrdhacyy- f te.npenmce.ab-
in judgment ^eftfftj^ftir, measarrthacht, ) ^~">
*244, mearadh, s. afilie tion ; lieb, mar, to afflict
'Jrtji<is,;in, meaia^un, s. m. fingeiing, handling *0e4pc4O|t, me.aschaor, s. a plummet, a sounding-line
%ie p4;c), mcaraiclunn, s. insanity 'A5'-4pccbii4pb;ieft'p, mcasccbhuaiditreadh, s. confusion.
'Aieo|4)5e, mca'aihe, s. m. a fool 4- Mast. J 452
'<We4jt4j5e, mcaruigiic, s. ni. joking, humbugging ?i:.'4pji4nb, mca%chra:bh, s. a fruit-tree
'ieftjtftljjm, mearaighim, v. 1 mistake, err %eepcu, measchu, s. m. a lap-dog
Vc4}i4)fno, mearaithne, s. f.asligbt knowledge ofone '', mtasdamhlachd, s. m. approbation
eftfiba, meurbhat s. m. a lie, notion ], measdeir, s. m. an appraiser
'4ie4)b4jl, mearhitad, a. random ; ujioji me4)i04il "Oeapt-uipeacc, mcasdoh\aclit, s. f. appraising
%41, mejrbhal, s. m. a mistake, random %.>4p5, teasg, prep, among, air.oigst; Welsh yiumusk
'-^ 1 Ucc, mearbhallachd, s. f. erring '^ -., mcasgidh. s. m. a mixture, mixing
%eftjir4n4, meatdkana, a. fool-hardy 'JoAp.i', iiieasgadh, s. m. a stirring, moving
"(Je4|HD4nact>, meardhanachd, s. i. richness %c4p54im, moisgaim, v. 1 mix, mingle, stir, move
^-, meardrach, s. m. a concubine, courtezan <$i ;*j 5,\)te, mcasgatlhe, part, mixed
%[1';4', mt'uvdruchas, s. m. whoredom ^0.;45', measgliort, s. m. an orchard
%)5411, meargatit, a. wanton, playful %i.-4p5, measog, s. f. an acorn
lie4}:g4nt*, mcarganta, \. perverse, obstinate; %e4p]i4r, mcasradh, a. fishy
^^^, meaini'hthe, brisk ^, measmigkim, v. I temper
t^4}i|i40, me^rgnrah, s. m. fondness SSeAppAjgi e, mca^ralghthc, a. tempered
4!, mearlach, s. m. a thief ^e4pt'i4', meastladh, s. m. eating, consitminr
%e4itU'o, meariachd, 1 g r ^gft %411<4 i ./ , .;/ ~) tutsa:t,
measo,calta park leaves:
%!, tmailc, J " cftojl, meastorc caou, j uro"
^4} pa, mearsaitm, s. strength, health
%e4jtr4)e4, muirsainncach, a. healthy, durable, %e4pujm, nuasuim, see me4p4jm
hardy *ie4f4jm,

Q?4f4}m, measaim, v. I tax, rate Wejll, mtill, s. f. the clack of a mill

%et, meath , s. decay melll, s. f. a cheek, a protruded lip
%e4C4, Mrate, a. cowardly, fearful, timid %ejlle, m:ilh, s. f. an idiot, a fool
', meathach, s. m. a sore meiUeadh, s. inciting, incitement, encou
%^, mcatkah, a. fat ragement
oafa, meathach, a. perishable %ejlie4n, meiUean, s. m. blame, reproach
%e44C, meathach, s. in. a degenerate person Sejlleg, meHeog, s. f. the bit of a bridle
'4, meatachi, s. f. cowardice, timidity %e]lieo5, meitlog, s. f. the hark of a tree
%>>, mealaclid, s. f. a hindrance ^ejUj5 meillig, s. rind
%sa4, meathadh, s. . a withering fadmg, shrinking ^ejlln, meillin, dim. ofmcjll
%eftft4-t>l<, m-atb-dhala, at least ^-'Jiljo, mcillioch, s. m. the globe
044>4|5!1, mr tihvgk>m, v. I fatten ^ejlr, meilt, s. f. Casting, hurling
SeAttSJTi, mealhmgh m, v. 1 ds.oay 'isjlc, meilt. s. f. grinding, mastication, consuming
%eftf-*jm, meat halm, v. lade, decay, wither, droop, 9cj|re, meilte, part, ground
fail ^'jjlreo))i, meilteoir, s. m. a grinder, miller
f ;V 'te.jnen, mtitneadh, s. upoem
, southernwood. SU. mein, s. the mind
' - l. ni- art %jn, , gen. of mj4n
... -7 / ;. .. s f a smile %], mein, ore of aiy metal
ve ti i / > i4'iir, roMsnming %ej, meinr, s. clemency, mercy
'Ai ;, ' a] i ' . <*./< a -'h s. <i:iki"g under cold j |?(, meinn, s. quality, mien
40c i- jvn, 1 '//'.;.. /, v. I fail tor die of cold ^]!, mcinneamhuil, a. clement, kind, affable,
'' .j^j.-n, mt:'t.:ru'iim, v 1 'hink weli-disposed
'O-"i- p f .e.v, meai'ishuneeich, a. blear-eyed %;'>) p, weir, gen.ofmajt
S* * :' ) r, we.itht ineas, s. f. a consumption %ejjifj, meirbh, a. slow, tedious, weak
^^, meathit^hadh, s. enfeebling, weakening 'ej|Be, meirhhe, s. f. a lie, a mistake
Sfiipl*6, meathustadh, . failings 'ftejibe, mcirbhe, s. f. weakness, dullness
>, m /.'. s. balance, a scale ^OjHeea, mcirccann, s. a finger
%CD**t), m.'^. i-ai'!. s. m. harmony, melody 9cjtcpe]oriec, melrckietdmhcach, a. credulous
$0it>, mad, s. bigness, magnitude %>, meirdreach, s. f. a whore, harlot
'.- , maid, s. number, quantity ; mejt t>o ) * %cjfc4teft4]-, mcirdreachas, s. m. fornication
%)0'', meide, .<. the neck "c]ie, metre, s. mirth, madness
Sepe, nwidle, s. a stump, stock, trunk
40ejoe6, meidtuch, s. m. a sta'hon "Oejfigeao, metrgeadh,)
40,.Toc*iii, meidealich, s. m. a large knife %;-j[i5e, meirge, s. au ensign, standard, banner
%ei9e4l) meidealach, s. m. the leather binge of a terjige, meirge, s. a sign, signal
%e)]tge, mcirghe, s. a band, troop, company
%ejt>5, m ihg, s. m. whey; Welsh maidd 'ASemsenc, meirgevch, a. rusty
%sic5e<vmu]l, meidhgtamhutl, a. wheyish, serous %ejj5ea, mdrgeadh, s. a rusting
'to"]TJ]l, meldil, s. f. a medlar &eipgcAU, mehgeoll, s. roughness, ruggedness
6), mi'idhise, s. f the middle, midst %eiji]il]un, meirtlliun, s. agoss-hawk
SjS!. V^, mciclhlcach. }) s- m- the , ,bleatii,s
, ofc shecp
, 'sJejH'n n* mag, /'' a inagh, agrimony
^eijile, melde, s. theft
^\), meidklim,! j %cjjle4t, meirlcach, s. m. a thief, voft'.ie, rebel
*2]m, mediw, } '^.3e]le*c4r, metrltachcH, s. m. theft, rebellion
%c-;3, meigh, *. a balance, a scale 'v2>cirirhe4ll4, meh mhealluch, s. m. a lie
Se)5]0txv, mgioia:h, "Is. in. the bleating of a I %e,jne4l, meirnea!, s. m. a menin
%e)5iol*, meigio.'larb, J goat %ej]re, meirse, s. a fine
4ej!t>lie4c, mJi/drrnc", s. m. a kiln-cast, as much %e}cne*, mrtneach, feeb,ef fatj d
coin as can he dncd upon a kiln at. one time , meirtmdhc, S
%eiie, mei.'e, s. f. a quern, a hand-mill >]0*' m> Fachas, s. . feebleness, weak-
%eileAC. mcilt'ac.h, . reproachful, abusive
%t?ilcAC4, me'ile'ichi. h, s. a perishing with cold %eutni5ITn, nteirtmghim, v. I feint, languisii
SOejle*!4" , meileacht, s. f. reproach, abuse cA>]r, '*> s. f. a dish; gen. mejre
%eile*t>, meUeaah, s. hbatiug %ei'r, mets, s. f- wickedness
%.!)l5, meilg, s. f. detu %,r, a- bau, wicked
%|!%, mcig, s. f. mid; %ejreol4)m, mscheolam, v. Ising, modulate
,;i i-zne, s.. pO'IUOt
point of death, death bed %eirr, me^. . rust. SJ,.
Sepym ^ v 1 grind, pound, bruise eirve, a- worse
9;eo MEO MIA

ejpoArhmjjjnn, meistamhnighim, v. I judge %eo5]]t, mcoghair, s. f. pomp, giory

**)5, masge, ... s. f. drunkenness 90eoj*)l, meoghail, s. f. company
*"*, metsgutmhlachd, J 9<Seo;4l, mcogal, s. m. a medley, a mixture
^>e]|-p,e*c, meiageach. a. drunk; Welsh meddw "ieogtia, meoghrach, a. merry, cheerful
^ejpgeojj, me. savoir, s. m. a drunkard 'Aieoicjn, meotd/.in, s. meditation
'Oeippiijfe, meisguilAe, part, inebriated, intoxicated 'toeorhajp, meom/iair, sec ])
^eJD meisi, s. fairy appearances, apparitions, spi %ieomaj]ieac, meomhaircach, a. mindful, retentive
rits ; i, . oealfta . e. g. ^eomhacn, ^)//, \* m- memorandum,
%ejpj, s. a judge Seom^nuc, w^w/irewcA, , notebook, re-
'ejfj, mvisi, n. strait, narrow, confined 1 J cord, minutes
4ejr^n, meisin, s. f. a little disb %, mor, see
iiejrljAn, mi'isliaii, s. mastlin Veojiftcn, meoracan,\
SOc]|-neac, meisneach, s. m. courage '), meo) ad, >s. m. a thimble
% j]]ne<c*'p, meisneachadh, s. m. encouragement, %beO]n, mearan, )
exhortation 'iOeoHujo, mcorughadh, s. meditation
, meoranach, s. m. a memorandum
1 77 f s. m. courage
%eofa1, mcothal, s. help
'^ejpneerhujl, meisneamkuil, a. courageous, hardy %ej, s. lust, lechery, lewdness
'Vjrn)5jm, meisnighim, v. I encourage, nourish, *?^, mer, a. valourous, strong, powerful, fierce
cherish, enliven, refresh, exhort %|idt, meracht, s. action of the lingers, music;
%)pti|uj*t), mcisniiighadh, s. encouraging " quasi *r, /. . gnjrii mji " Cor.
'Aiejpnpuap, meisrkb tar, s. a bushel %cfbe, met be, s. f. a mistake, error. Lev.
'-tjf, meith, a. fat, corpulent ^pope, mcrdrech, s. a harlot, a wanton ; " men
'Wi'jicAC'o, meitheachd, s. fat, fatness, grossness ;'. e. fuf, 4cap njie, . e. bvec, I. e. ben cpuc
^Ot'jrealUc, meitheallach, s. m. a fading b<ec." Cor.
%)1, mcithle, s. reapers- i?uM, 2. 7. 90e)irn)5im, mcrtnighim, v. I weaken
%eitle, tr.athle, s. crowds, concourse ; " mejtle ete], mether, s. a veil, covering
moj* aojmu." Fer. 59. %ef]l, meth il, s. reaping
^ejf Je4p, meithreas, s. f. fat, sewet, kitchen stuff 4ei;]e4p, methinneas, s. f. a consumption
%)tjijop, meithrios, s. f. fatness %ut), meud, see m4t>
9, mela, see 1 4uo*l, meudal, see ttiaob41
"ieUr, meint, s. . vexation, provocation eu, ^, s. whey. Sc.
4<bele, mle, s. a woman's coif SeujA, meugach, )a. having much whey,
9ele, , s. a sluggard, a coward %eu54mu)l, meugamhui,l\ serous. Sc.
^elg, * mi"c %eulp, meulid/i, s. m. the baa or bleat of a lamb
efe rfft }s.f. dealh ^unn, meunan, s. m. a yawn, yawning, gaping
^ielscju, mclgtltu, ) , mtur, s. m. a finger; a prong
ergj, >t7/, s. point of death, death-bed %uMn, meuran, s. m. a thimble
9elfccerhe, melgicmhc, s. darkness or gloom of death %un5, mtvwg, s. f. a pebble, a stone to throw from
Selinj, melinich, s. an ewe. SA. the finger
"iellreac, melltrach, s. a house for keeping honey %uH5, meureg, s. f. a small clew of yarn
^I'^'b '*u{-4p, meuthas, see
%embc, membath,] defeat Zr. ], ', in compound words is a diminishing or ne
%en, wifM. s. ore, a mine gative particle, as mjpopm, unbelief; com
$, men, s. a mouth ; Welsh min, a lip pounded of m] and cpepe4m : when the second
^eneuT), meneibh, s. a colour, ;'. . ; hence Mi part of the compound begins with a broad vowel,
nerva, /'. e. benreo t>4c4, the goddess of dying it is always written mjo or mjot>
%\, mendochan, s. m. a contemptible heing, %), mi, in compound words sometimes means evil
a beggar or bad, as mi^njom, an evil action, iniquity
%en)5j, menighi, a. tame, gentle ), mi, s. f. a month
%cn-mlA, men-, s. a harbour mi, s. f. a mouth ; Welsh min, a lip
<$n-m*|4, men-, s. a whale %]4, miabhan, s. m. meagrim, dizziness
%e, menti, a. clear, evident, i. e. pollup. o.g. %]4, miach, s. m. a bag, a budget
Se, menn, s. a person in a death-bed sickness; %]4t>, miadh, s. m. honour, respect
/'. e. Bujne me]le, ;'. e. mjljje, /'. e. lujje %j4t>, miadh, s. m. worship, form, decency
b|p." Cer. &J4, miadh, ^
, meodhan, s. m. a middle, mean %]4t)4, miadhach, la. noble, honourable,
^, mcad,iiiach, a. middlemost, small, mid %j44mii)l, miadhamuil, ' precious
dling %)4om4p, miadhmhar,
eot)4n ojece, meodhan oidhchet s. midnight

Vjarrt, miada, ) , %1cjejorheA, mlchreidmhcach, s. m. an unbeliever,

SOJ^I, tniadar, \ s- m- a meadow infidel
4j*t>uj3, miaduig, s. a hug, swine %), ?/z'/, s. the siebt, aspect
miugh, s. m. estimacin, respect Sjc, w/if, s. a neck
^*m*0)\ebb,m;amhaoilzadh, ] . f ', Midhc, s. the province of Meaih
%)Th*l, /, } - mewm' as a cat %jt>e, //**, s. a Meathian
'jAn, /', s. m. a mine, ore ^*i]tieAT>, midheadh, s. a bursting or springing up
%j4n, miau, s. m. the will, desire, love 'S]oeA,nu], mdheagnuidh, a. unwise, impolitic
), mianach, s. m. a mine, mineral, ore '^jcAlbAC, midheaibhach, a. illformed, unhand
%)6, mianach, a. oary, abounding in ore some
%), mianach, ) , . , . %)>1), midheaibhach, a. mis-shaped
SIAnrhAp, m/W^r, }a- des,rous' lo,1SmS 9)*1, midheamhaltach, a. frugal
%]Aiib|jo, mianbruid, s. lust, brutal passion. Keat. %jeAihnup, midheam/mus, s. m. honour, exaltation
%)4n-mlna, miandiultadh, s. abnegation 9)eATTiu]n, midheamhuin, s. f. meditation
%J*nF40j')* mianfhaoilidh, s. a gaping %jfe*"5 midheang, see mjafeAnj
3tiJ*n5*r> manhas, s. m. inclination, longing, de- <&}0, mid/was, a. unhandsome, inelegant, inde
sire, appetite, cent
%l*n5*r*^ mianghasach, a. longing, desirous <$pj:junrAc, midhfhiuntach, a. unworthy, ungener
3l*nm*iAo, vanmharachi, s. f. appetibihty ous
%jAnuj5)m, mianuiglm, v. I desire, long, wish, lust, 9]t>jAC, midhiach, a. ill-limbed, lubberly
will, intend ?0jt>)AA, mdhiadhach, a. ungodly
<$j)4nuj5ie, mianuighthe, a. desired, aiFected %)T))A0a6o, midhiadhachd, s. f. ungodlinesa
%l*f> /s, s. m. an altar '^)0)1, mid/iiieas, a. unfaithful
%jAp, mm, s. m. a dish, a platter ^jc-jorrulcA, midhiomhalta, a. doubtful
9tAp-Dejt>, mias-bheidh, s. a mess Jjlon, midhion, a. ill-coloured
<2ft)4p-clu4r4, mias-chluasach, s. a porringer )]05*1, m'tdhiongmhaltha, a. doubtful, insuf
9)-4, mias-mhaide, s. a platter ficient
%joup, mibheus, s. ill-manners, indecency, inci ']'0)514, midhmngmhaltacht, a. insufficiency
vility %)'H5e*rnu)' tnidllghtamhil, a. illegal
%jneurAC, mibheusach, a. unmannerly, indecent, im c.&lcl]pcjonA, midlistionach, a. illegitimate
polite ^ftjenoti midnogt, s. midnight. Vision of Bricht
QtjjfieupACc, mibheusacht, s. unmannerliness 9tt)])eA, midhrtuch, s. deformity
%jc, mic, gen. of > , midhreach, s. a bad Iook or appearance
4jcAop4, micheadfa, s. indignation, displeasure %jfieAA, midhreachadh, s. disfiguring
4QjcAop4, micheadfach, a. displeased, vexed, dis %,*jiea.ihiijl, midhreachamhuil, ) deformed
contented %)D)ieAmA}, midhteachmhar, )
9ie4p4, micheannsa, a. impudent, petulant %)0|64, viidhreachta, part, disfigured
%jcejr, micheart, a. unjust ])5, midhsheang, a. slender-waisted
%16eA}rA, ^^,1 a ki d le %j-eAomAj, mi-eadmhar, a. cold, disloyal
%)Ct*)ji, m-cheir, ). & ^j-ejipeA'oc, mi-ciffeachdach, a. ineffectual, vain
Qjcejll, micheill, s. madness, folly 90j-ej)<eAt>Ap, mi-eireachdas, s. m. unhandsomeness
%]6ejll|t>e, micheillidhe, a. mad, foolish, impudent 9)fe4pArhu]l, mifhearamhuil, a. unmanly
%]cejlrhe, miceilmhe, s. an ill omen %]j:olcA, mifholta, s. evil doings, unprosperous actions
%i)4ll, michiall, s. madness, impudence, folly, non %j-f)AlA)5, mi-fhialaigh, a. inhospitable
sense ^, migheann, s. dislike, disgust
QjjullA, michial/ach, a. foolish, unmeaning ^igeAnmnAige, migheanmiiaighe, a. unchaste, immo
^tijcjneArhurn, micineamhuin, s. mishap, mischance dest, bawdy, obscene
)6|, michinte, a. uncertain SjjeAnmnAjijeAf, mkheanmnaigheacht, s. f. lewdness
%)C]nreAr, michinteacht, s. f. uncertainty %rguj*, mig/ieur, a. blunt .
%jcjuyneAp, michiuineas, s. disquiet 'j^leAt, mighleath, s. abuse
%]l]u, michliu, s. disrepute, infamy %]i;leAtAC, mighleaihach, a. abusive
%)6neAptA, michneasta, a. immodest, dishonest, in ajj^leAfcAt), mtghleathadh, s. bad management
human, uncivil %]l]c, mighlic, a. unwise, foolish
%ineAprA, michneasfa, a. perilous, ominous. ^tjj^ljocAp, mihiiocas, s. m. imprudence
%)0, michneastacht, s. f. immodesty, dis 'tj^Tijorii, mighniomh, s. abad aciion, iniquity, lewd
honesty, bawdiness ness, rlaguiousness
^jpepeAp, michreideas, s. f. discredit %in]omA, mighniomhach, a. wicked, flagitious, lewd
%]c|eit5e4pA, michreideasach, a. discreditable j^peA, mighreann, s. disdain, loathing
4tjjne))rh, michreidimhy \ s. m. unbelief, misbe- animal ; whatever has life
'^jcpej-oftfi, michreidstn, \ lief 4 %j-jomtuljAjc>,

^)-)omuBjti, mi-iomchubhaidh, a. unfit ^jlre, mdse,

*]> mil, s. t. honey; gen. meal* %jlre*co, milseachd, > s. sweetness
ojUnr, milanta, a. brave %j!re4t>, mdsead, )
s. mead, metheglin %jlren, milsean, s. m. any sweet thing, sweet
wjl-b, mi/bo, s. cow-dung meat, cheese-curds, cheese-whey
^jlbpear,, milbreatha, s. the digest of the ancient 2U)lrean*n, milseanan, s. dainty dishes
Irish laws ^tjjlfean-ciiomlujr, mdsean-cromluis, s. diacodium,
tjjcjpe, mieuire, s. m. a parasite syrrup of poppies
%)lreen-mj4, milsean-mara, s. a sort of sea weed
%jl|iu,meo$, mikhruimheog, \ *' mildew *&]lre*nc, milseanta, a. sweetened
%}!eo, mildeoch, s. m. mead )'5*^> mikhighadh,*. m. education, dulcification
%>1le, /r, s. a thousand ^jlrjugejm, milsiughaim, v. I dulcify, edulcorate
%jle, &, s. a mile SUjlf-ljorna, milshliosnach, s. chiliaedron
%)le, m/7,, ) s- m so,> champion 5 gen. 9Ji]lre, tniltt, plur. ofnYjle
siltne, mi/ ,
J lech, a king
%)1, mileach, see mjlnea %]ltne*, miltneach, a. brave, gallant
%)let mileadh, a. thousandth %), mimheas, s. f. disrespect, disesteem, de
%]le<jmujl, mileamhu l, a. melliferous, mellifluous basement, disrepute, humiliation
%jlenc*, mileanta, a. soldierly JjrhearAjm, mimeasaim, v. I undervalue, despise
%)lpe*j, milfhcar, s. m. a soldier %)4]1, m,mhtasamhuil, a. disrespectful
^iHge milighe, s. the point of death 1*, mimheasarrdha, a. immoderate, in
%)i']5te, mdightheach, a. pale, wan temperate
%jl]0C4C, m'diothach, a. brave, gallant, courageous %)mer*ppAc, mimheasarrdhacht, s. f. intempe
%jljoc<co, miliotarhi, s. f. bravery, gallantry rance
Sjni" '/, it was grown down, or levigated ; figurt. Qimeaptd, mimeasta, a. mean, vile, despised
it was softened or explained %]riijn, mimhein, s. f. insincerity
%jljr, milis, a. sweet, well-tasted, savoury; Welsh %imejrne4, m-mheisneuch, s. want of courage
melys %jmejrne*, mmheisneachadh, s. m. discourage
%]l)r-Djf)Aii*, milis- bhriathra, s. blandiloquence, ment, discouraging
flattery ^meir^eriTU]!, mimheisneamhuil, a. dispirited, irre
%)I)r-bjt]4j4, milis-briathrach, a. sweet-tongued, solute
eloquent ^iejf-nfjjm, mimheisnighim, v. I despise, terrify,
96)lti mill, gen. and plur. of , a knob discourage
%lle, milk, s. a botch, a bungler 9jriejrnju5t>, mimhe'sniughadh, see nr|me4rn<i'
jilea, milleadh, s. ruining, spoiling, wasting, des 4)rieti*m, mimheodhain, s. the middle month, J une
truction, perdition, spoliation, debauching 4)iTini5)m, mmhinighim, v. I misinterpret
Qjllejn, millein, s. f. , reproach %jn, min, s. . meal, flour
3)ll"), millch, tuftb of good grass. Sh. <&jn, min, s. f. a plain, a field
%jlljm, m'Uim, v. I spoil, ruin, marr 1,. /, a. small, fine tender, delicate, soft, smooth,
%|iljre, mi/lithe, hilis, rising grounds gentle, mild, , tame, poiite, sleet, glib
%)ll)u, m'dliudh, s. an ill eye, a facinating look ^)4)0)], minador, s. m. a meal-man
tjlljujn, miUiw.n, a. million %]n*n, minan, s. . small of coal and other things
Stt)!lrjori, millsiomh, a. sweet, pleasant, grateful ^ , mhuinach, s. in a minikin
SOjlire, milite, a. ruined, spoiled ^irxojp, minoois, s. f. minority
%)ltec, milUeach, s. m. a wicked man %], mmbhean, s a wife. Sh.
ttjllte4, mi/lteach, a. hurtful, destructive, injurious <%))\> tninbhiisim, v. I bruise, comminate,
Sjllteao, millteachd Is. f. destruction, injury, (.ru mbie
%jllteoj4Co, mdlteorachd, J villainy %)nc*n4m, mintagnan v. to, mump. Sh.
%jllren, mdltean, a. prodigal 3;njtoc, minehroch, s. f. a province, subdivision of
^jllceanar, milUeanas, s. m. a blunder, injury a cduntry
Sj'lreojji, m Uttoir, s. m. a spoiler, oppressor %jncju5 minthrugh, s. miniature
^Cijlmeacan, mtimficucan, s. common mallow ; Malva Qjno, mini, s. in. a crown, a diadem-
sylvestris Sjnoe, mindech, a. lying, false, decepiious; "on
9C)ne40, mi 'notch, \ s. m. a thorn, bodkin, pin, ri) if mnidttX ; / e. b|c4." Cer.
%pe, mineach, J broach Qliolteft, mindreach, s. m. a little image
tj'jtea, m Ireudh, s. hunting, beating about for <^ne, m ne, compar. of m'm
game Sjne, mine, s. f. pusilanimity
%j!re, milse, compar. of mjljp

Sjne, mine, Is. smoothness, fineness, small- %jnreo5, minnscog, s. f. a young she goat
], minead, ) ness Sjng, minog, s. f. a gentle meek woman
%jne, mineach, a mealy %jn54C, minogach, a. tender, meek
%jne4Co, mineachd, s. f. softness, gentleness, deli %)nop, mines, s. m. unchasteness
cacy, politeness ^jnporS** minrosgnch, a. meek-eyed
%jne*5*, mineaghadh, s. politeness %jnt, mint, s. f. a promise
%)ne45]i*t>, mineagradh, a. decorated, ornamented ; %jnu4, minuach. see ')4
" 5lu*54 fe*i* pojprjl ppj apfidra, go %)0, mio, see mj
U5njr mpn, 50 Iaojia , Agur Ce* urh- %o-4B, mia-adh, s. misfortune
]j f* n* copp. bejpc ojp oplojrgre *}! %o-40rhA]t, mio-adhmhar, a. obscene
*5ur fjge <v & ojjt oplo^te ^-, mio-adhmhar, 7 a. unfortunate, inauspl-
mjneAgjuo 00 cIoajd pAj*l*tAjr WoAjnV' %io-45tfi4|, mio-agfimhar, $ cious, hapless, unlucky
. . m. %o-4rh4}i, mio-adhmhar, a. untowardly, awkward
4inelle, mineallach, s. small cattle %]0-44 mio-amhras, s. uncertainty
*ijne4mu]l, mineamhuil, a. mealy %)>daI, mioblial, s. m. mismanagement, unthriftiness,.
SjneAjijtAO, minearradh, s. mercery, small wares, derangement, disappointment
%)454, minearghnas,. s. f. ignorance %fabo]'e, miohoile, s. scab *
4&\Qba.\beAb,mi<>bhuidhcach, a. unthankful, ungrateful
46jncjce, mineite, s. a small feather, down
%oDU)t>e4CAp, miolhuidheachas, s. m. ingratitude
1., minjheur, s. soft grass
%)ngA, mingha, a. mealy WjoDiiile4t>, miobhuileadh, s. loathing
cAiobujlj jjm, miobhuiiighim, v. I mismanage, misap-*
jtbjn5404J5eAC0, minthadigheachd, s. pilferin
$*1*0> mingha b'i, s. gurgion, bran
%^oBu]I]u54t), miobhudiughadh, s. misapplication
^jnjeAl, mingheal, a. sof; and fair
9)neAji]t4t), mmghearradh, s. mincing,, hashing %1o, m:r*ch, s. a bushel
%10, miockadhas, s. m. an affront
^jngeAjijttA, minghearrtha, a. hashed, minced ^, miochadhasach, a. ungrateful
SO)no)pe, minghore, s. a cake
9ftnv)A|tu|fi, miniarumn, s. the filings of steel "i-!]ne, miochaine, s. a present
%'004), miockair, a. loving, affable
4jnj4r5, miniasg, s. a small fish %ioa]joe4o, miochutrdeadid, s. f. enmity, vari-
yOjnic mm/'c, a. frequent; 50 mjnjc, frequently; ^V'CAjpoeAC, m ochairdeadhf. . anee, dissention,
We/sA mynyk %io4j|oe4p, mioc/iairdeas, J disputation
^imjcfj, minicthi, a. tame, gentle. SA. %oCAjpfe,- mojchatrthe, s. a monster. 5A.
'ijnjDj minid, s. f. the stomach of a calf 9]4|4, mkchairthanack, a. uncharitable, un
^jnj, minidh, s. an awl
^jn)5*e,. minighthe, part, explained, interpreted friendly
%14)1(44>, miocharthanachd, a. unfriendliness,
tjni5^e0H,> minighthcair, s. m. a commentator, gloss-
ographer inhospitality
%14, s. m ingratitude, disesteem
Stimim, minim, v. I bray, mince, chop, comminute %')oco; miochd, s. an amice, a part of the priest's.
%mjrce]p, ministeir, s. m. a parson, a minister, a vestments worn at Mass
servant %ocl, mtcchlu, s. dispraise, reproach, slander, in-
%lnirrl,c*'*^t ministreahcht, serving, administer
. famy, disrepute
ing, ministration, ministry %facl)reAC, mieeluiteach, a. infamous
%1)414> ministrtalta, part, administered %jodo)nioll, mwehonghioll, s. m. deceit, treachery,.
%5jnjrr)ie4mu]l, vdntstreamhud, a. ministerial breach of trust
tjnjj;40, miniughach, a. explanatory 9oco|n5jollAC, miochoingrollach, a. treacherous
VjnjjA, miniughadhys. explanation, elucidation, %')oo)}iceAC, mwchoirteach. a. monstrous
explication, illustration, annotation, exposition, 'ooriujple, rmochomhattlc, s. bad advice, evil
cicuration, gloss, commentary
^injgA, miniughadh, s. Urning, smoothing counsel
%^odorhA)l>le4, miocho>nJiairleach, a. ill-advised
4t|ti)H5A]m, m niu. haim, v. 1 explain, paraphrase '40'oorh4)ftle4c, miychomhaiili-ac'i/, i. i ill advice
%in|ii54)m: mniughaim,\. I smooth, polish, 'Wioom4p m ochamos, s. ni. inability
Oinl4C, minlach, s. m. the finest of grass 3>jocorh4jlt, mnchomhgtitr, s. disappointment, in-
%jiirht4p, minmhtat y s. common hemlock ; Conium- , inconvenience
m latum 9ioorn54fi4C, miochomhgharach, a. inconvenient
%), miiin,. plur. of me4,,akid %iocomf tm miochomhtirom, a., unequal
4(i)4)p, mhmaid, s. a minute, ^[*?*' miochosgar, a. unsuccessful, unjoyful
3)fupeAC, m nnaideuch, a. careful, steady '^0)oofr.r, mtochostadh,' s. unsteainess, uneasiness--
%jruyn, minnain, s. m. a little kid 4'}ocp4)brc*c, mioiuub- fheauh, a. irreligious
Qpea, minne.uh, s. m. a falsehood, a lie 'towciuiDceACC, miochraibkthtacht, s. f. irrligion
4jfejje*, minnagheadh) s. adjuring r 1 ' <^>

|?1, miocrodha, a. cowardly $105 bu]t>e, fio^ bhuidhe, wocdy night-shade ; So-
<2(oc]Mr>cr, miochrodhacht, s. f. cowardliness lanum dulcamara
%'ociojertrlao, mkchroidhcamhlachd, s. f. dispi- %)Ogln, mioghlun, a. unclean
ri redness ']5*, mioglmamhach, a. lewd, mischievous
9tfo|tO]e<tmu]I, mlochroidhmhui, a disheartened )05), mwg/'inaoi, a. displeasing, illl'avoured
WiotijSpea, miochuihhseach, a. blundering ^jognajtmi, mioghimithim, v. I abuse, misapply
%]OT>U]ne*r-, modhchumeas, s. f. a donation, a pre %155>, m-oghnaihughadh, s. abusing, abuse
sent ^"0!!10*!' ntiogheirtas, s. f. inconvenience
%ocu]Tfine4c, mlochwmhuach, 1 a. unmindful, %']oj;ojite*r4, mioghoireasach, a inconvenient
^)ncu]Thne*\r\\)\,micchuimhneamhii!, \ forgetful %;54, mhghrasa, s. gracelessnes<. infamy
%'|), mwchuisecich, a. bewitching %boj,|i4-d, mioghrasach, a. graceless, infamous
Ojocunmr, miochumadh, s. deforming %|ogp]le, mtogshittlci s. laughing eyes
4>oi>, micdh, see m ^J5fu)'e**> miogshuileacli, a. having laughing eyrs,
'As''^' wiodh, s. methegliii enticing
%o-, :, s. honour, dignity %jol, t 0/, s. m. a louse ; a general name for every
%o, miodh, s. a manner, fashion ; prop, mo animal
9\7-, liodadk, s. considering qtu!6]t*, mhiabhartha, il!.-sPO-
"vbot5, m'odhngh, s. misfortune, ill-luck
SjoTial, miodal, s. m. flattery, fair speeches
Q^ocUc, miodalach, a. flattering <2tol4C, miolach, a. brutish, beastly
V]ot>4|, miodur, s. m. good pasture %ol4C, miolach, a. lousy
9oB*|t), mlodhbhaidh, s. f. protection %ol54mu]l, m ol.ighamhutl, a. illegal, lawless
4']ocu]]tr, miodhchuuirt, s a whirlpool %]|4]0, miolainneach, a. thoughtful, melancholy
"o!ucn, mlndhlucan, s. wild carrot, bird's nest ; 0]1, miolan, s. m. a lie
Daucus carota l%]oU}i4n, miniaran, s. . lamentation
^oornt), modhmhodh, s. disrespect, insolence 91'5' m'olasg, s. restifiiess
?orhoturhtijl, miodhmhodhamhud, a. insolent %oUp5, miclasg, s. fawning, desire
3<Sot>mujne*t>, miodhmhuineadh, s. despair %iol4p54, mtolasgach, a. restilf
iorhujnjm, miodhmhuinim , v. 1 despair ^ol-bilU, mitl-balla, s. m. a wall-louse
'WiottfiinuprjA, miodhnaduTtha, a. unnatural, ill- %iol-bupe, miol-bhuidhe, s. m. a hare
natured %]olc, mlc, s. m. whey
%jooO, miodog, s. f. a knife, a dagger; Welsh bidog %'iolcftt), miolcadh, s. m. flattery, flattering
%ooi4p, miotHiothchas, s. despair ^'jolc4]m, miolcaim, v. I flatter, soothe
4t5|orc4p*c, miodhothchasach, a. despairing %']olc4j)ie. mio/caire, s. m. a cajoler
%jot>t4C, miodrach, s. m. a kind of dish with handles ^1]|40, miolcaireacht, s. f. flattery, soothing
%jot>ujl, nodhuil, s. dislike, version |1*], mhlcaarach, . f. a sheep-louse
Sot)U)le40, miodhmleadh, s. a loathing Wlolo-jlle, Wc^, 1 wood.louBe
%b0T)]li5)m, miodhmlighim, v. I detest, abhor ^, mtolchrattm, J
%ocpioe, miodhusaide, s. abuse "Siplcoimn, miolehomhav, s. a park
^otmjiAc, m'-.oihulhrachd, s. f. ngligence %iolc])on, miolcrion, s. m. a moth
%]jr*jc)ll, miufha'tci, s. inattention. &\ ^olcu, miolchu, s. m. a greyhound
%jf4)cjlle*, mifhaicillcach, a. inattentive %ol54)le, miolgaile, s. a maw-worm
%oy<K>uj4t, miofhaobhrach, a. blunt 4iol-]n5ne4, miol-ingncac/i, s. m. a crab
%,,5, miofhoighid, I s f in)patience <20jol , >/ monadh, s. m. a small animal that
>1])), mwjhotghidin, j 1 swims on the surface of standing water like a flea
jopvroee, miofhvighideach, j mpatieilt %iolmo]i, miolmor, s. m. a whale
^^, mioj hotghulmeach, ) 9I0I5, miolog, s. f. a melon
%|opoll4)nen, miofoUaineachd, s. f. unsoundness - Jnlg, m'olog, s. f.-any small animal
&jofolUn, miofholtan, a. healthless, unsound, un %iolpcoiie, miolscotthe, a. eloquent, affable
wholesome %olpco]te4T;, m-olscoitheacht, s. f. eloquence
'opomor, miofhomes, s. f. disrespect 'b^olrac, mioitach, a. devouring
, mhfhortun, s. misfortune %plr5, mioltog, s. f. a fly, a gnat
, miofhortunach, a. unfortunate, dis %]105-14), mioltog-leathair, s. f. a bat
astrous 40fclutg)P, miohmthair, s. f. sadness, displeasure
%>, mhfhonuta, a. unquiet, disturbed %orti4C4nr4, miomhacanla, a. dishonest, unchaste,
>11-0*' mhfhosgach, a. unshelterable obscene, impudent, base
4ioruj4*p, miofhurachas, s. m. inattention 1 dishonesty, nn-
%i'|opi]tiV'i, mtofuran, s. m. churlishness oriucnrd'o, miomhacantachd, f. I chastity-, ob-
9^105, m/V/f, s. m. a. smirk, a smile %*44, miomhacantas, . | scenity,base-
%p54, mwgach, a. smirking, sparkling J ness

^-, momhisty s. deformity, ugiiness %Jon51A)m, miongraim, v. I gnaw

%oriw), miomhatth, a. bad %)on, mionn, s. m. a holy relick
%boriuj!4, miomhara, a. impudent, mean %]on, mionn, s. f. purity, cleanness
%^*5, miomasg, s. a lancet, a spear %)on, /', s. f. glass
^yjomot), miomodh, s. f. scandal, reproach, contempt, %)on, mionn, s. f. a bell
incivility, bad manners, injury, disrespect %)o, mionn, s. m. an oath
St'joio'PAjm, miomhodhaim, v. I reproach, revile, pro- %]on, /, s. m. a chieftain
phane '$bjo, mionn, s. m. a crown, a diadem
%jorhot>4rhii]l,, a. insolent, rude, %)o, mionn, s. m. the crown of the head
. uncivil, ill-bred, rustic %)oRa, mionna, s. an oath
*fiorhu]n]5jn, miomhuinighin,*. f. diffidence, distrust %]0-)0, mionnadh-eitheach, s. perjury
%iorhujnjm, mtomhttinim, v. I despair %)oA])rn, mionnaihim, v. I swear
%1on, mion, see mj*n ' %jofiAn, mionnan, s. m. a kid
%)on, mion, s. a letter %]ofijA]i|tAjt), mionniarraidh, s. adjuration
't]olACt5, tnionnlachd, s. f. gentleness, mildness
%jon, m on, a. small, little
%jon, mion, a, exact, punctual ^jolH, mionnrann, s. a short verse
%on, mionach, s. m. metal 'jo-pjoSA, mionn-rio/ia, s. a royal diadem
^, mionach, s. m. bowels, entrails 4)ouAt), mionnughadh, s. vowing, swearing
%onouft*, mionadurtka, a. unnatural %jonr, minos, s. distraction
%jonjo, mionmd, s. a minute *jonop, minos, s. a jug
4)oni]oe*, mionaideach, a. minute, distinct ^jonrAC, mionosac'h, a. morose, crabbed, humour-
'-'jonjjte, mionaire, s. impudence, assurance, ef some
frontery, audacity, insolence %)on]tA, mionrach, a. despicable, miserable
^onijjie, mionaire, s. immodesty, obscenity ^jonjijo, mionriogh, s. a petty king
40on)jie, mionaireadi, a. fool-hardy ^, mionromn, s. a subdivision
^on-jpeAC, m'tonaireacli, a. shameless, immodest, ^-, mionscrudadh, s. investigation, exa
impudent, frontless mination
%|4]*, mwnaiteach, a. particular *%)onf5]* mionsgoith, s. a delicate flower
9"|>), mionaois, s. f. minority ^OjonrmuAjneAT), mionsmuamtadh, s. consideration
%ion<orh*, mionaomha, a. unsanctified, prophane %jonf]leA, mionshuileach, a. pink-eyed
), mionaomhachd, s. prophaneness ^jontn, miontan, s. m. a tit-mouse, a small bird
1<>, mionaomhadh, Is. prophaning, 3)ontAr, miontas, s. m. mint
%on>rhut>, mionaomhughadh, | prophanation %)oncAf C4)f)l, miontas chaisil, pellitoryof the wall;
]<(, miomwmhtha, a. unsanctified Parietaria
%jon*|D, mionarbh, a. pettv, trifling; %jonjpbe %|onu]iAC, mionurach, s. m. a small pitcher
cejpt), <?. *)r"oeftti* ^ Bjop irpi eAUpjn." '^-^), mio-onorughadh, s. dishonouring
%oph)lT;, miophairt, s. ingratitude
%)], mtonbhar. see nunrheAji %joJt, w/'sr, s. f. a bit; see m))\
%Jon5pAT)40, mionbhradach, a. light-fingered |, mioram, v. to mammock, tear in pieces. &4.
%jonb|iu]]m, mionbhruighim, v. I mince, crumble ^;, miorath, s. f. misfortune
%)]5,0///1, s. a haggess, minced %iopAiAC, mwathach, la. unfortunate, un-
%o|tA:Amu]l, miorathamhuil, J prosperous
meat %]0jt5u)le, miorbhuile, s. m. a miracle, prodigy,
%]oncA, mionca, compar. of mjnjc
%jouca, mionca, adv. often wonder
, uancas, s. atoms %]0jbu]leAc, m'-orbhuikech, a. wonderful, miraculous
%joncloc, m'onchlch, s. pumice ], n/Orr, s. myrrh *
'<|oncu]t>, mionchuid, s. a particle, a small portion of %1ojttAil, miortail, s. myrtle; Myrtus
^, miortalnach, s. a place where myrtle
food, a collation
%))1, micnbhaile, s. suburbs grows
%jonu-)leo5, mionchuileog, s. f. a gnat ^otin, mhrun, , s. m. ill-will, malice
%)onifeA, miotichuiseach, a. scrupulous %opn, miorunach, a. malicious
90]ont>upie, mionduine, s. m. a manikin Qop, ;, s. m. a month ; Wfish mis
%]oueAlbti*> mioneargna, s. minute instruction, in %opAC, miosach, s. . fairy flax, purging-flax, mill-
mountain ; Linum catharticum
formation or intelligence %|, miosachax, s. m. an almanack
4jonAT>ujt>e, mionghaduidhe, s. m. a filcher, a pet
StSiofArh, mioshamh, a. rough, rugged, hard
ty thief %^ofAibu)l, wiiosamhuil, a. monthly, menstrual
SttpngAiouroeACC, mionghaduidhcacht, s. f. petty
^, mioshasaim, v. I displease
larceny ^, mioshasamh, s. discontent
SfcpufcAjite, miongaire, s. m. a smile J ' 1 4L '*,

%)0p4pt4, mioshasta, \ a. displeased, dissa- 4ttjotl4t>ri4j, miothlachdmhar, a. disagreeable, con

S-joppujje, mioshasuighthe, \ tisfied temptuous
%]op buje, buidhe, July "^SjotUr^priup, a. cruel
%jopc4]p, mioscais, s. f. spite, hatred, aversion, en ];1441440, miothlathasmharachd, s. f. cruelty
mity Sfijorlojjt, miotloir, s. m. a mineralist
4<jopc*jre4c, mioscn'neach, a. spiteful, inimical %]oc5, miotog, s. f a mitten
%i)orc4)c, mioseaith, s. f. a curse ^jog, miothog, f. f. a bite, pinch, nip
3]or5> mtosg, s. inebriation, intoxication 4jotog40, nnothogach, a. pinching, nipping
%)5)1% "iosgais,^ 4jotg hupe, miothog buidhe, woody night-shade ;
see mjOfcjr Solanum dulcamara
%)r5jn n'mg'm ) ^0^054 Ji4, miothogarach, a. unwilling
%jop54n, miosgun, s. m. a small dish of butter 3$)otojl, miothoil, s. ill-will, unwillingness
3|0r5"]5)rn miosguighim, v. I fuddle, intoxicate <2)orojle4, moithoikach, a. unwilling
4jOf5U)ne4, miosguineach, a. malevolent, malici %joio)l|5]m, miothoilighim, v. I displease
ous, malign, malignant, rancorous, spiteful 9tj]ofco]lj5te, miothoilighthe, a. displeased, discon
%]opin, miosin, s. f. a little dish tented
*2jorn*o<*]l, m'osnachdail, a. analeptick. Sc. %)or}oc4]]te, miothrocairc, s. m. inclemency
%iorol*r*, miosholasach, a. irksome, uncomfortable <O)otiioc4)jie4, miolhrocaireach, a. inclement, mer
%iopon4, mlo.honadh, a. unfortunate, unblessed ciless
%^44, miostuama, a. immoderate, intemperate %ptpoji4]]t, miothrorair, s. inclemency
9toptUAm*r>, miostuamachd, s. f. unchasteness, in %)of pop4i|te40, miothroraireach, a. inclement, cruel
temperance %]of jtu4C4nt4, micthruacanta, a. pitiless
%bjopii4jmne4, mioshuaimhneacJi, a. restless, uncom %jotu)5pe4, miothuig'cach, a. senseless
fortable %jotu)5pjn, yuothuigsm, s. f. misunderstanding
%^0]-U4jrhne4f, mloshuaimhnens, s. f. uneasiness, dis %jO-U4p4l, mio-uasal, a. ignoble
quiet, disturbance, unsteadiness %Jt, /, s. f. a particle, share, bit, piece
%iopu4)lice, mioshwiirce, a. ungenerous ^, >, s. f. meat. Cor. at jleAt)
%14), mioshuairceas, s. f. churlishness 9)1, wir, s. f. the top, summit
Wjopugrruji, mioshughmhar, a. sapless %i|te, otV, s. f. apile of corn in a barn
%|opup, miosur, s. m. a measure %jpe, mire, s. f. madness, levity
'jopd)*, miosur, f. m. a mode, a mood %"jjie, mire, s. f. play, diversion
'joppac'o, miosurachd, s. f. mensuration %]je4n4, mireanach, s. m. the bit of a bridle
%opi'ipo4iri4)l, mioshurdamhiil, a. inactive, indolent 40jjte4, mireann, s. a portion, share
%^opjtoaml4o, mioshurdamhlachd, s. f. indolence 9fr]|ie4nu|54m, tnireannuigham, v. to shatter. Sh.
%iofjnc, miothainc, | s. ingratitude. %j)i)n, mirein, s. f. sport, frolick
^iijorajncoUdo, miothaincolachd, 3 if. ^peip, mireir, s. f. opposition, displeasure, offence
Viofajncol, miothainccl, , %j)teo5, mireog, s. f. play, sport, frisk
^(leogac, mireocadi, a. sportive, frisking
^i]of4j]tr)e, miothairbhe, s. disprofit, disadvantage %tyurn, mireusun, s. absurdity
'0]ofa]iibe4, miothairbheach, a. unprofitable, dis %fuprir4, mireusunta, a. unreasonable, irrational
advantageous tpuYUttzii-btmireusuntachd/i, s. f. unreasonableness
ti]:)f4iib|op, miothaii bhios, s. f. unprofitableness ^pj45*ll, mriughuil, is. f. confusion, misrule, re-
ft "4]1, m'-otaillighe, s. m. a miueralist ^ll)*5*)ir miriaghadt,] bellion, transgression
%104,1, f s. f. metal a. untractable, un
%5io-,\)!Te, mutante,) ruly, irregular,
4&\)T&VTe*t,miotailieach, a. mettlesome, keen, smart <)4)10, miriaghailleach,
c45j]454C4, mirutghaita, disorder.y, tur
%]')4-).4, miothttilneamh, s. dislike, displeasure bulent, rcbelli-
%]0b]tne*iru4, '?/$, "j a* ""pleasant, ous
%iot4irne4mu]l miothaitneamhuil, f disagreeable, %1^)454146>, mmavhaltachd, s. f. untractableness
J displeasuig irregularitv, ungovernableness '
%l<)t4]rn]m, miothaitnim, v. I displease %j})m, mirim, v. I part, share, divide
%jnrU, m:otalucfi, a. metallic %l(ie, mirle, s. f. a bail, a globe
%|f4p*ir, miothapacht, s. ankardness, want of 4]jtp4, mirra, s. myrrh
alertness, sluggishness 3jlit4il mirtaU, s. a myrtle tree, see miowt4l
%ior;*p4Cr, mothapacht, \ . , %)]p, ms, s. m. a month; Welsh mis
%mf4p4c, miothapadh, ] s; m,shi4>> mischance
1]4), miscais, see m)opc4jp
%-)4]0, miothop'iidk, a. inactive, sluggish ?)pce, misde, a. worse, worst
%/of-4tb4c, miotha) b'nach, a. unprofitable
SjoUco, m-othlachd, s. f. contempt, disrespect
mi flog MOG

"poiupA, misdiurad/i, ? , ,. %1) *&igh, see nrjljje

%1reUt,, miseoludh, 'js. leading astray
%4,^ w?;e, gen. and plur. of 4, a woman
%)pe, me, prn. I, myself ^SnmaUo, mnamhalachd, s. f. effeminacy, bashful-
%10> miseach, s. m. a young kid ness
%)fe*ifiu)l, mis/iead/iamhuil, a. senseless %nirhujl, mnamhuil, see beanAmujl
%)fe*^rn*I,> miseadhmhar, a. careless, heedless %n35, /i, s. f. an epitaph
%)|*, misheamhas, s, m. ill luck %o, wto, conj. if
ijpearrinA, misheamhnach, a. agreeable, adequate %Oj w?, pron. my, mine
%]pun, misheun, s. adversity, bad fortune, infe %o, wo, a. happy, joyous
licity *?, , a. greater, greatest, more
'-5, ie, s. m. a man, a slave
%]5, misgead, > s. drunkenness t, mo, s. m. love, affection, esteem, respect
%)54|140, misveamhlachd, J %4c, moach, s. encreasing, enhancing; " t. . mo-
4)5te4, j". e. maoiijAP." . g.
%jpBeAmujl, misgeamhwi, 7 la.
) drunken %, wsr, a. early soon
%)r5e)ne*rhuilt misgemeamhuil, a. slovenly 4o4bujc, moch:ibu:dh, a. early ripe, premature
1 misgeoir, s. m. a drunkard %oo, mochd, s. f. promotion
%1rgu, misgeui, s. m. a calumnious story mochd, a. great
SrbJ*"*, misglamhadh, s. deforming %oejpjg, moeharigh, s. early rising
%]|'5]*1, miagiobalta, a. slovenly, lubberly %64>, mochtadh, s. magnifying, enhancing
tjjrjnvjn-ioedjig, misimin-dearg, bog-mint; Mentha %cri4, mochthradh, the dawnof day
aquatica %ot>, moa', s. m. a court
%)11,> misimirt, s. f. foul play %o, , s. m. a mode, manner, fashion, tenor
%))1, misiobhalta, a. uncivil, rude /, modh, s. . breeding
%]ple4Ti4C, misltanach, a. springing up Snc, modh, s. m. respect, honour. Dont. 66.
%jpnea, misneach, see mejpnea %or>, modh, s. m. work, labour
%)pne44t>, misneaehadk, see mejrneea >> moi/, ) ill,
%-]1, msneamhail, see me)rneTi*)l %og mogh f s- m- a man, a slave, a labourer
iJlpneerhleo, misneamnlachd, s. f. resoluteness, %nt)4)e4p, modhaidheas, s. f. husbandry
courageousness %o*tfl, modhamh, s. a plough-ox
Qjpnjgjm, msnighim,\. I encourage %ot)4rhlaco, tmdhamhlachd, s. f. mildness, gen tien es,
&ijpnjjce, tnisntghthe, part, encouraged politeness, good breeding, modesty, morality
%))5^11 misnightheoir, s. m an abettor %ot>4tfiu)l, modhamhuil, a. mild, gentle, polite, mo
#j)pre, //, a. worse, worst; 4n mjpce me ? dest, respectful
351pcerhujl, misteamhuil, 9&4, moihan, s. m. child-birth, travel
Jjpqjie. mistightht, > a. mystical. Molloy 252 &ooanAC, modhanach, a. moral
%1pr)ii|l, mistiu l, _) '&OT>4jtt4, modartha, a. surly, sour, rough, grim
%]-ceT}ie, mtare, s. f. a mystery %otihi]n|n, modhluinin, s. f. a tabernacle, tent
%]pc]je, t/, s. a sly creeping fellow %ot>tri4}5At>, modlimhargadh, s. a slave- market
'ijpEjujiAt), mistiuradh, s. bad government, misma %ot)rii4jt, mndhmhar, 1 a. fashionable, modish,
nagement %4|1*6, modhmharach, / stately, noble
%e*p>4p, mitheasdax, s. m. reproach SopAjne, modhsaine, s. m. slavery, bondage
%^te]]i, mitheir, a. weak, crazy %o, moghf see mo
%}iejpo, mitheisd, s. f. calumny S054C, iogc, a. shaggy
%jfpj]i, mithfir, a, weak, ignorant ^ogAje, moghaidhe, s. m. a clown, a husbandman
Siric, mihidh, 1 ... %05*l, mogal, s. m. a globe
%054l, mogal, s. m. a branch, a cluster, husk or shell
I ltlsu,lie of any fruit
Sirjnig, mitinigh, s. gloves without fingers, mittens %0f;4l4C, mogalach, a. plenteous
%Fir51n Bhisgin, seerrjreipo %054U, mj ahtch, a. f ull of husks
4^tlo, mithlathd, s. disgust, contempt, discord ojaUc., mogalach, a. branchy, retiform
%'jil4C'orh4p, mithlaclidmhar, a. contemptuous, dis 4054I pu^le, moga! na sitile, s. the eye- lid
gusted ,5*1 n* pu}le, m-gal sui/e, the apple of the eye.
%;liipi4}i, mithlumkar, see rmolA4prri4j Ztch. 2. 8.
^rpeoUt, mithreoir, s. weakness 95, migan, s. m. a young hero
SOfpun, mithreun, a. weak, feeble %.i4n. migan, s. m. a galligaskin, boot-hose
3tu, mithur, a. niggardly % nap, V henar, a. happy boni ; " rt*jt
%ju5, m/*, s. whey 45 4mb] Colum cjlle 4 C4)t4)n." . . C.
%juj4n, m uran, s. m. a carrot 9io(U), moglaidh, a. soft, demulcent
Sjupm seel, geai, s. a parsnip- %0^4,


%)]tpe<l]trM, miirfhearthanimch, a. very rainy

3ogn, moghna, s. a salmon '&y4fyle*t>, moirfhledh, s. f. a banquet
4<or*jne, moghsa'me, s. m. slavery, bondage
%jf;n)f eao, moughnilheachd, s. f. magnificence
So *, mogh.sania, a. enslaved %jp)rjnea, moirinntineach, a. magnanimous
"jujrantAo, m'lghsaiifachd, s. f. slavery, enslaving
^, moghsaUoir, s. m. an enslaver ^jtipn^na', miiriongnadh, s. astonishment, con
V-ioguj, moguidh, see - sternation
4)[rheanmnac, moirmheaumnach, a. magnanimous
'Aiojup, mcghur, a. soft, mild ^jjvrhear, moirmhias, s. great reputation, or es
'ftioice, moiche, compar. of mat, early
Vo)ceao, moichcad, s. state of being early timation
'%6|>o, moid, s. f. a court, judgment-seat 5]jme*r<im, moirmheasaim, v. I magnify, esteem
&'jjtrhirncac, moirnihisneach, s. m. magnanimity
'Ao), moidh, adv. abroad %]]njrj moirneis, s. great streams of water
*&Vjd, moid, s. f. bulk, height %)]i]*-eiroyt, moirshsior, a. seven
'&ix>, moid, 7
'toojo^eallat), miidghealladh, } ' %o1Pr, mrf, }s. dregs, lees
% 'loe, moide, a. greater, better 'tojpral, moirteal, s. m. a cripple
\'tb'JJoeac, moideac/i, s. m. a votary
%o-)}tt;*l, moirteal, s. ra. mortar, plaister
'Ai)eo, meidheach, s. m. a hare
%)-oe>v, moideadh, s. m. devotion ^io)|rup, moirteur, s. m. a mortar
i%o)em, moidhtamh, s. m. boasting, bragging Sojpr^p, moirtis, s. f. a mortice, tenon. i?.iW. 36, 24
^pjrm, mnidig/iim\v. I vow, swear, ascertain, as- 9ip, Mtow, s. f. a custom, manner
96pim, moidim, J sert; " map mojejo b*]}t." 'Aiojpn, moisiu, s. f. a mean fellow
%)1, moisleabhar, s. m. an ethick book
V'Jj-oce, moidllie, a. devoted
%o]r, //, s. f. nicety
"liojj, mh, s. a plain %0]c, mo/V, s. f. a short neck cresting up, sulkiness
moigh, adv. without ; le moj;, at most
'to)5eana|t, moiglicanar, a. happy, festive 4ror6ec4, moitheachadh, s. a feeling, handling ;
Sjl, o/7, s. f. a kind of black worm Gmi. 27. 12
<3tjo)ceAml*CT5, moiteamhlachd, s. f. niceness, pettish-
30oj!, aw/7, s. f. a heap cast up
9o]le, mode, s. matted hair ness
^Sojlen, moilean, s. m. a fat comely child <%>ovce<mu]l, moiteamhuil, a. pettish, sulk)', nice
%o)ll, moil/, s. f. delay; hindrance , moithsearrach, s m. a filly or colt
*J00)lteog, moilteog, s. f. a low chubby person o^ol, s. m. an assembly, flock, number
%ol, /, s. m. a ball, a heap ; mol olla, a ball of
%0)itjn, mniltin, s. f. hogrel
^, moitn, s. f. the eruption of water from a moun wool
%ol, wo/, s- ni. a beam ; mol muilli, a mill shaft
tain, a torrent <&ol, mol, a. loud, clamorous
9jmmc, moimeint, s. f. a moment
%jn, moin, s. f. a mountain, an extensive common %oUt>, moladh, s. praise, commendation; Heb.
, moin, s. f. a bog, moss, turf, peat; Welsh mahalal
<%ol*)b 5*bd, molaibh a ghabhail, to coin. SA*
mawii <ol]m, molaim, v. I praise
%0)ne*545, moineagag, s. a husk or pod. Sc.
'jTieog, moineog, s. f. a bog-berry %oln, molan, s. m. a small heap, hill, or brow
%]njrup, mornfheur, s. m. a meadow, mountain %olor*, mcllhthach, a. praiseworthy, commenda
ble ; also commendatory
grass 9&olc, mole, s. m. fire
%]5|, mohigrealt, s. m. & f. a comet
'jnpe, momsc, Is. a bog, turf-pit, peat-pit, &y>!c, molcha, s. m. a owl
S>ijnr,eAC, mointeack, < peat-moss 9!, molfa, a. great
%jnce*mu)l, mo'mteamhuil, a. boggy, marshy ^11, null, s. chaff, dust, refuse
%olldC, meSaeh, s. m. asperity
%0)p*l, moipal, s. a mop %olUi nwllach, a. ragged, rough, shaggy, scrab-
'too^ji, nur, see mu))
'&j]i, ', is written for m|, in compound words bous, villous
where the first vowel of the second part is slender %olUco, mollcehd, see mallao
4tSjpftc, moiralh, s. service, attendance %otrciH, moLtoir, s. m. a mould or frame to form a
'-Jojjid, moii b, s. in. an ant, a pismire, an emmet thing
4j]e<m>vr, moirchecmas, s. m. magnanimity '., molmha, a. praised
%6]He*lt, moircheait, s m. justice, clemency 40ol mai , / /;*/, s. an assembly of crows ; " i.
'^jjtpn, moirckion, s. great esteem e. c|iu))ujt) no fe*fig." . .
-))*1, moireal, s. m. a borer , %1, molmhar, a. noisy
"!) moireasadh, s. the falling sickness ! %olp, molrach, s. m. a giant
%6jjtjr, moircis, s. f. haughtiness 9olr, molt, s. m. a wether ; elsh mol!
%ojpeo5, moireog, s. f. a small shell %olc*, mola, a praised, extolled
) MOR flot? MOR

olta, moltach, see molocA %j*n, moran, s. m. a multitude, many

%orcAjj, mohair, moulter. SA. %ojw)]bne*r, moraoibhneas, s. f. rapture, delight
%oIrpeo|l, moltfheoil, s. m. mutton , moraonach, s.'m. a great assembly, market
Solc/p, moltoir, s. m. a panegyrist place
%Dliu, moluach, s. m. a marsh %j<rj)iu5, morbhrughack, a. big-bellied
, mom/iar, see %oj*c, more, s. m. a hog, a sow
^oment, momeint, s. a moment %ojc, more, a. great, huge
%omul, , see moamul %ojc, marc, a. corrupted
%on, s. m. a trick, a wile %]tl]f, morchlais, s. f. magnificence
%o'n, m'n, if not, before that %pl, morchlu, s. renown
Sonu, monach, a. wily, full of tricks or devices %]icltAC, morchluthach, \ a. renowned, famous,
Ooiiao, monadh, s. m. money %rl]ce6, morchluiteach, \ celebrated, celebrious
%iia, monadh, gen. of mm, a mountain Sojiomo, morchoind, s. f. a fleet
%on*|re<, monaiseach, a. sedate, mild; slow, dull %po)e4l, niorchoinneal, s. m. a torch, a link
Sonnjrtjjt, monaistir, s. f. a monastery %pcon*, morcholnach, a. corpulent
Sonj, monar, s. m. a small person or thing %ojcon*]5, morconaigh, a. opulent
%on*p, monar, s. m. work %o|tc]i0]B, morcroid, s. a high-way
%on*j, monar, s. m. a purling noise, murmuring ^jijioe, marchroidheach, a. magnanimous
%n}*n, manaran, s. a bog-berry ^ppoeao, morchroidheachd, \ s. f. mag-
^, monarcha, s. a shop, a work-house ^, morchrcidheamhlachd, fnanimiry
%onr5, monasg, s. chaff, dross %i0)i0io^t)e*mu]I, morchroidhcamkuil, a. magnani
]*, monathar, s. the entrails mous
, monbhar, s. m. detraction, murmuring 9ojicj-O]c, morcshaaith, s. the falling sickness
%ong, mong, s. m. hair, strong hair, mane of a , morcthas, s. m. corruption
horse; Welsh, mwng %opctuvr, morcthuit, s. the falling sickness
%ong, mong, s. m. an edge or border ; see bjojup 4$puAj]tr, mmehuairt, s. a grand tour, visitation orv
%onsc , mongachmhear, henbane or hemlock a king or bishop
SA. , morcuidhtheach, a. corrupt
%ong4 meArgA, mongach measga, mugwort; Arte %ojcu)je4t3, monuigheachd, s f. corruption
misia vulgaris %o}cuj]m, morcwghim, v. I corrupt
VtbongAj, mangar, s. roaring %opcu]jte, morcuighthc, a. corrupted
Son5DU]t>e, mangbhuidhe, s. auburn or yellow hair %ii]r morchuis, s. f. pomp, state
iJongDUjea, mongbhuidheach, a. yellow-haired ^pjreAC, morchuiseach, a. pompous, stately,
%on5cu)t>e, mongcuidhe, s. m. a monkey; "mon, haughty
i. e. clear- c1 * e' cu> 7< mon-cu." Cor. Qpcujrle, morchuts/e, s. an artery
4on5 pteuwA, mong Steudach, a fine crested horse. %0]tcu]rlef morchuisleach, a. arterial
SA. , mordha, s. m. honor, dignity, greatness
10, monldch, a. rough, bristly, brushy Sttc-pt)*, mordha, a. worthy, noble, magnificent
Sontruj, monmhar, see %o|tt>ACC, mordhacht, s. m. greatness, majesty
^onrhuji, monmhar, s. m. a buzz, missitation %0pt>4)l, mordhall, s. f. pride, boasting, pomp
SonAp ! monuar ! interj. my grief! alas! woe is ")!, mordhail, s. f. an assembly, convention,
the day ! parliament
%onup , monur, s. m. a sound %0pc4lac, mordhalach, a. majestic, vainglorious,
%p, mag, a. geat; big, bulky, many, noble ; arrogant
Welsh, mawr SptUt, mordhalacht, s. f. arrogance
, moracthachd, s. f. rottenness, corruption %|T)Af, mardhochas, s. m. sanguinencss
QQ|tAt>, moradh, s. m. augmentation , mordhraidheann, agrimony. Sh.
%ji4t>ri*l, moradhbhal, a. tremendous, terrible %pe-)r]o, moreisioch, a. gay
%Jt4J5ent*6, moraigeantach, a. magnanimous ^bjtpwse, morfia'rrge, s. f. the ocean
qtSoi4)5e*nt4t), moiraigeantachd, s. f. magnanimity %o]tfAf, morfas, s. train oil
%p4]5)m, moraighim, v. I magnify, increase KppUc, morfhlath, s. m. a great chief
>*1, moral, \ a. majestic, great, magnifi- %|tj:le40, morfhleadh, s. epulation
SpUc, moralach,} cent, noble, superb %jyll05, mor'jhliogh, s. masterwort
, moraJachd, s. f. magnificence jrolojtnte, morfholuimie, a. acroamatical
1, moralta, a. moral %j5*, morgha, s. a spear to kill fish ; any large
QopltaT), moraltachd, s. f. morality spear
%51, moramhlachd, s. f. majesty, greatness, %510> morgadh, s. corruption
mightiness, eminence, illustriousness ", morghaineamh, s. f. gravel
%pru)l, moramhuil, see mj*! %jt5*)Jt>eAc, morghairdeach, a. rapturous
4 M %J)ltceACAf,

4<i|t]}tx5e<i4]-, vwrghan-deachas, s. m. rapture %opu, moruach. Is, a mermaid, asea monster.

^p-^rge, mor-ghuisge, s. m. great heroism , moruadh, ) Sh.
, morgantach, a. magnificent %pu*CT>pn, moruuehdran, s. m. a regent
%op?ftnj4o, morgamachd f magnificence %opu4jrle, moruaislt, s. nobility
Asopjlonaco, morghlonnachd, J !, momasal, a. noble
'fitjn'jorh, morghnwmh, s. an exploit ^, morughad/t, s. m. magnification, exalta
4<p jnfarru, morghniomhach, a. magnificent tion, magnificence
VOpgpjn, morghraiu, s. abomination Spujj]m, moruighim, v. I extol, exalt
^pjujr, morgkuis, s. great, noble, or glorious '3br, mos, s. in. a manner, fashion, mood, mode
deeds ^op, mos, s. f. exhaustion
%}i]t)eft, morinntinneach, a. magnanimous, high- %r*c, mosach, a. of or belonging to manner, fa
minded shion
SdjiUnact), morlanachd, s. f. service done by tenants 9ra, mosuth, a. rough, bristly, nasty
or cotters to their landlords %or*rt, mosan, s. m. rough trash, such as chaff, inc.
%>]ilecpomrtc, morlcalliromach, a. advanced in preg "iorjAUjm, mosgalaim, v. I awake
nancy %5*1, mosgdtach, a. watchful
%!|, morUbh, s. lees. SA. %or5*lt40t), viosgaltuchd, s. f. watchfulness
-uopiuac, morluach
4j*lu*, 'Morgan, mosgan, a. rotten, decayed
^jlua-je, mnluaidhe, : a. precious, valuable 'bjpU', mosgladli, s. rousing, awaking
%pluj5, morluaigk, J %0), mosguinneach, a. devout, pious
%-plu*je4Cc, morluaidheacht, s. f. great merit 'OjpU], moslai, you have eloped, . e*lj5]j\ . g.
%pm<op, woiniaor, s. a lord-mayor, high-steward, %orp4t), mosradh, s. brutality, coarse embraces
baron, serjeant-niajor %ot, 7/eM, s. m. male of any creature
^pieanmnac, mormheantnach, a. magnanimous %ra, mota, s. m. a mount, mote
, mormont, wormwood ; Absinthium latifo- tyoztt, motac/i, a. fertile, fruitful, pregnant
lim vulgare *3i)ii)5)m, mothaighim, v. I feel, perceive, know
%prhp, mormhor, a. great, chief, principal ; o c*ior*)5e*, mothaightheach, a. sensible, feeling
m[trh]i and go mprhpac, principally, especi %ot*p, mothar, s. m. a high sea, a loud noise
ally, particularly Socap, mothar, a. composed, sedate
%prhu)5e4rh, mormhuighcamh, s. f. a brag %of ap, mothar, s. m. a park
prtn, montan, s. m. a small wooden dish %otp, mothar, s. m. a tuft, a cluster, moc<t] cjwj,
Stbp-ojbpeac, mor-oibreach, a. hard-laboured a cluster of trees
%pj*lu4;, morshluagh, s. f. a host, multitude 9<ioic4t, mothchat, s. m. a he-cat
^oppojllpe, morshoillse, s. resplendence %oflc, mothlack, a. rough, bushy, ragged
%ppojllre4c, morshoillseach, a. resplendent *6, mothrach, s. m. a damp woody place, woody
%3pf[tn*, morshrunmh, a. big-nosed swamps
%opr, mort, s. . murder, death, murdering %oi5*, molhughadh, s. m. feeling, sensibility,
, mortach, a. deathful, mortiferous touch
%opt4}m, moitaim, v. I kill, murder tbotut*!,
*T . . mothughal,
f i )> a. sensible
%op<ol, morlaol, s. mortar 'Wocujgea, mothutgheach, \
itfbopteapn, mortcheam, s. f. a killing, murdering 4JCUJ re, mithuighthe, a. felt, perceived
, mortcheam, s. f. a sudden death; i.e. 'iju]cea, mothwghthcach, a. sensible, feeling
e$ . . . %u*io, muadh, s. m. a cloud
%;>, mortcheiid, . m. a death-song, a sudden Qua, muadh, s. m. an image
death. CV. 4cjj40, muadh, s. m. the middle, midst
%]i^p, morthir, s. f. the continent, main-land ^iu4t>, muadh, a. noble, good ; Welsh, mad
^optr, mortis, s. a mortice, or tenon 'U4C, muadh, a. soft, tender ; Welsh, meddal
, mortla, s. devastation by fire %U4t>, muadh, a. great
4opd*]C, mortlait, s. f. mortality. Cor. %u44|m, muadhaim, v. I form, shape
Stioptluac, mortluadh, s. f. mortality ; " ^oprluat %U4t)4)pe, muadhairr, s. m. a rogue
bdaI be]c uvjpj }n bljat>4in rj t>4 nsojpcj 2U4Blor5, muadhb'ilo'g, a. very loud, noisy
*n bupe con)ll." 4 Mast. 664 , ^, 1 f a platfona
oprjp, mortoir, s. m. a murderer %u45P*lb, muadhgAiaM,)
SpopftC, morthorach, a. very fruitful ; big with 46u*), muai.ih, f. sound
child 0u4), mua'idh, s. a cloud
), morthoradh, s. .' greatness, majesty %uaI, nwe/, s. m. the summit, top of a hill
%ptu)le, viorthuile, s. a cataclysm, deluge %U4U, mualacii, s. m. a way or passage
%], mortus, s. . gasconade, insolence %u*l4C, mwtlachy s. m. cow-dung, excrement
, mortusat/i, a. insolent SfcuBpn,

yab\iT\,mu>Aran, s. m. corn damaged in the stack by ^ugA, mughadh, s. changing

heating SugAjm, mughaim, v. I kill, destroy
%uc, mue, s. f. a pig ; Welsh, mochyn %u4n, mugan, s. m. a mug
%uc, mue, s. f. an instrument of war whereby be ^ngptt, mughardyS. mugwort; Artemisia
siegers were secured in approaching a wall %ii54jtc, mugart, s. a hog
%uc, much, s. f. smoke 'iugomin, mugoman, s. wild carrot ; bird's nest ;
%uc, much, s. f. grief, affliction Daucus carota
%uca, mucha, s. an owl 4]e, mughraidhe, s. slaves
%at>, muchadh, s. smoking 3u5j4ye, mughraidhe, s. slavery. Sh.
%ucat>, muchadh, s. extinction, extinguishing, suf '-bujc, tu>c, s. sadness, dullness
focation, smothering %u}ce, muiche, Is. day-break, dawning of
SuCAtioji, muchadoir, s. m. an extinguisher 'Aiujce-l<ej, muiche-laoi, J day
%uc*]t>e, mucaidhe, s. m. a swine-herd ^ujcpeojl, muicfhcoii, s. f. pork, bacon
%uc4j5e*it), muicaigheachd, s. f. the office of a swine %ii)cfe, muicidhe, s. m. a swine-herd
herd ; attending swine %ujc}n, muicin, s. f. a little pig
%uC4|m, muchaim, v. I extingush, smother |)4, maid/teach, s. m. a plebeian, a clown
uc 4jnjt>e, mue ainidkt, s. a sow with young %u)cjnjp, Muicinis, one of the ancient names of
%*), mucaire, s. m. a swine-herd Ireland
3uc-a14, -alla, see aIIa Sftirjcnjp, muicnis, s. the rope which fastens the clieve
%ucArhlACt>, mucamlachd, s. f. swinishness or basket on a porier's back
%ucAmojl, mucamhuil, a. piggish, severe , muidhe, s, f. a churn
%uc-)Rjp, muc-innis, an ancient name of Ireland %)00, muidheaih, s. defeat, extinction
9uc4-me4l4, muca-mcala, something vegetative. Sh. 'iujtnm, muidhim, v. I boast, defeat
%, muchan, s. m. a cbjmney tiupte, muidhthe, part, boasted, defeated
, mucan, s. m. a little pig %1)1>, muifled, s a muffler
%4, mucan, s. swine, e. %i5, muig, s. f. a surly x>untenance
%uc-bej]t)0)p, muc-beir'idis, s. a breeding sow %j5e4o, muigeachd, s. f. surliness
%iic-T)jo}40, muc-bhiorach, s. a porpoise ', muigin, s. f. a surly little fellow
%ucblon5, mucbhlonog, s. f. hog's-lard 3u)5jm, muightm, v. I fail, fall, falter
%uc-yeojl, muc-fheoil, s. f. pork %U)l4]T5ea6t>, muiLiideachd, s. an ill scent
%uc-4]iie, muc-glmine, s. a shelf, quick-sands 9!]>, muilcionn, s. penny-grass
^, mucin, s. a little pig %)lj-o, mudeid, s. amule
%ucrb*il, muchmhaU, early and late ; t. e. o mo ~ %iujleo5, muileog, s. acran-berry,
50 null, . . ^Oajleog, muileog, s. f. a little frog
%ucrhAfiA, mucmhara, s. a whale, porpoise, sea], %ujl)Cjn, muilichin, s. a sleeve
sea-hog %u)ll, muill, s. delay
%cn4, muchna, a. dark, gloomy V^llap, muillain, S
%ujlneri, mu.lnen, aaParacleo1
narticle of chaff
SOucna, vmcnach, a. hoggish, morose
i&ucnaco, mucnaclid, s. f. grimness, morosenes* %]lle, muille, s. a mule
mucog, s. f. a cup l<u]llea, mudleadh, a. preparing, preparation
4UC5, mucog, s. f. the fruit called hip QOujUen, muillean, s. m. a little bell
^ucfta^, mucralgh, s. a gammon of bacon %u,lleAn, ^ meK|
%04, mucshneacliiia, s. a snow-ball %u]Hjofb mmllionn, )
%r4, muchta, a. extinct, suffocated, choaked ^tijHeacAii, mudleathan, a. flat-headed
^uctpaj, mucthradh, s. a gammon of bacon %u)ll)o, muilleid, s. f. a mullet
Sucup5, mucusg, s. swines-grease 'Su]l!eo)ft, muillcr, s. m. a miller
SttA, mudha, s. dying, perdition, putting to death, ^ujlleojjeat, muilleoireachd, s. f. grinding; the
extinction, defeating office of a miller
Sucn, mudan, s. a cover, covering %]11)1-||14]-0, muilleoir-luathuhidh, s. a fuller
, mudharn, s. f. an ankle %)U]ll54, muillgha, a. chally
%u), mudidh, a. dun-coloured. Sh. %ujll]oii -540)7-, muUlimnrgaoith, s. a wind-mill
O iIa, mudhladh. s. killing %uil]o ItiAi), mullionn-luathaidh, s. a fuHing-
%ut>l4im, mudnlaim, v. I kill,, destroy millj tuck- niiil
%i>540, mud'iughadh, see ^iijlljofl-mjngoi, muillimm-mi'igha, s. a flour-mill
%mnu)5e, muduighe, a. cloyed Sujlteo, mutLeo , s. a small red berry
. s. extinction, smothering. Cor. %ujme, muime, s. f. a nurse, step^nother, god
%u4, mugha, a. more mother
%4, mugha, s. perdition, destruction, %u)n, mum, s. f the back, the neck
%5c, mugacA, a. snivelling %uin, muin, s. f. the thorn tree, a bramble

**ujn, mum, s. f. the vine tree; hence the name of %ujpe 0)5, Muire oigh, s. the Blessed Virgin Mary
l-Siu]pFe* muirfeachd, s. f. a fleet
the letter M
^ujnbeec, muinbeach, s. m. a sting, deceit, treach Sujppj muirfidh, will kill
ery, subornation, corruption %ujpg(5, muirgeag, s. f. a frith, narrow sea
"%ujnce, muince, s. f. a collar, necklace, bracelet, %ujpgjn, muirghin, s. f. dung, muck
any thing worn on the arm or neck as an ornament %ujP5ejlr, muirghdlt, "> mermati
'^iujnj, muinchinn, s. m. a head-land, a sea coast; %ujpjrh5e4C, muirimhgeach, \ s- a
"jap neg 3(cnorh4)n pop mujnj m*j* Cajrp." %ujp5)ne, muirgineacht, a. dull, stupid
Leb. gab. %ujji;)ne*r, muirgineas, s. f. dullness
Sujne, muine, s. f. a whore %u)p5lec, muirghinneacli, a. burdensome ; poor
*?iujne, muine, s. a mountain %u]p5P)m, muirgtim, s. a naval engagement
Vujne, muine, s. a thorn, bush, bramble %ujpjr>e, muiridhc, a. marine ; " o pjgne oj4 n*
"ujTiei, muineach, a. thorny >4 mujpje 4car eaf^jee jn <eoj.p." Bal.
%ujne4ts muineadh, s. affability, courtesy, good 8. 1.
behaviour %u]pb]n, muirighin, s. f. a great noise
%jne, muincadh, s. teaching, instructing ^11*151, muirighin,~\ , , . .
tiujnel, muineal, s. m. the neck, Welsh, mwnwgl
'.iujneala, muinealach, a. cervical <%U1%p, m-, ) We'ght' afan"ly
Stiujneal Ujrhe, muinealna lahimhe, the wrist Supjjjnea, muirighineach, a. burdensome, poor
%jneojp, mumeoir, s. m. a teacher uipjoct, muiriocht, s. sea-fearing people
%U)ng, mutng, s. f. a mane, Welsh, mwng %ujpjpjn. muiririn, s. f. a kind of edible alga
^tiujngjall, muingiall, I believe the head-stall of a ^ujpijnb*, muirlingadh, s. ascension, ascending;
brid le. Sh. " pem)pe ; ponjA le mujpl)n54 jp
^Jujnjjnea, muinghincach, a. confident ne4Th." Keat. T. b. b.
^iujnjcjll, muinichill, s. f. a sleeve tujpn, muirn, s. f. cheerfulness, delicateness
%uiniin, muiniehin, ) c . . Sujpn, muirn, s. f. a troop or company
v,., - muimn,
'Asujnjn, )i s- f confidence, trust, hope
r Sujpn, muirn, s. f. natural affection, love
^ijtijm, muinim, v. I teach, instruct 9U|pn, muirn, a. noisy, merry
"ujniust), muiniughadh, s. possession ], muirne, s. fondness, caresses
^Ujnle, muinli; s. a sleeve 4u]pne4, maimeach, a. fond, affectionate
4ii|nrhe4p, muinmhear, s. hemlock ; Conium macu- %ijpne4, muirneach, a. delicate, cheerful
latum Su]pne4rh, muirneamh. s. m. an overseer
"iujni-ut), muinsheud, s. an ouch ^Gjpneg, mu'trneog, s. f. a sprightly girl
4*i)nce, muinte, s. a neck-lace, a carcanet %]5), muirnighim, v. I burden, load
Milpee!, muinntear,\s. f. people, men, parents, fcujpn'jn, muirnin, 7 s. a darling, a dearly
4ujnrjp, muintir, ) family clan, tribe, servants 9u)pnjne4C, muimineach, J beloved person
_ . . 1 s. familiar, kind, %ujpnjoct, muirniocht, s. the sea between France
**, ^unaeordA^ I kindly, benign and England
%u)ntjie4mu]l, /, J /8 %u]p-popt4t>, muir-rorladh, s. a flowing sea, a
4ibii]nre4]tt!r, muinieardhas, s. kindness, service, springtide
servitude '0)0"' wUirJC,fl7J> s- a spout-fish
Sjnrejp, muinteoir, s. m. a teacher Sujpt, mtdrt, s. f. riches
%uintjerh4)l, muintreamhail, see * %u]pte4c, muirfeachd, s. unnavigable seas. Sh.
%ujp, s. f. & m. the sea ; Welsh, mor %ujpe4mii)l, muireamhuil,a. heavy
%>u]p4jt>e, mviraUhe, leprosy %u)ptu'o, muirtheud, s. a cable
%u}ji6le*54i:, muirbhleaghadh, s. amazement %u]ptjr, mui'tis, s. f. a mortice
SujpDpj, muhbhrinn, s. scare-crows ; termagants %u)j;c)n, muiscin, s. f. an English pint
%ujpt>puc, muirbhruchd, s. a foaming sea, a high Jujreall, muiscall, s. a muzzle, a curb
tide ijren, muisean, s. common primrose ; primula
StujpeAptftC, Muircheartach, s. Murtogh, the pro veris
per name of a man 95, muisco?, s. threatning
StoujpcoD'ftc, muirchobhlach, s. a fleet, squadron 1)11, muisiall, s. a curb
<8ujpcpe4, muirchreach, s. a wave 9vc, muit, s. dumb, mute;" i. . \*) i. e. MB."
%iijpcu]ole4r], muirchuidleadich, s. afterfall. Sh. Cor.
%ujpea, muireach, s. m. a sailor, mariner %u)f, miiilh, adv. without, outside ; southward
), muireadh, s. leprosy %ul, /, s- m- an axle-tree
', muireadliach, s. m. a sovereign, a lord %ul, m. a congregation, multitude
%uive*riftc, Muireadhach, Morogh, a man's name ^OuUbup, mul bhw 9, 1 dwarf elder ; Sambucus hu-
-Win Vu |r; "
%ujpe*, muireann, s. f. a woman ; gen. mujjtne ^iulv5u]t>, mulabhurd,i, J milis
?u]le, muireann, s. f. a dart, a spear Sinke,

%!a, mulach, s. m. puddle-water, dirt 'Rujian, muran, s. m. a carrot; sea reed-griss, bent-
%ulc, mulach, "1 ... srass
*-., 1,,-' calf %u}tDUACAj!e, murbhuachaile, s. a diver
'uUcn, mulachan, s. m. a kind of soft cheese, cheese %m*, Murcha, gen. of mojo, a man's name
curds pressed but not in a vatt , murcach, a. sad, sorrowful
^quIao, mulad, s. melancholy, sadness , murcas, s.m. sadness, woe
q^hIaoac, muladach, a. sad, melancholy 'fciupcojn'o, murchoind, s. a fleet
%Lii*n, mulan, s. m. astack, aheap, a little hill ^OujtcopcA, mutchortha, s. things thrown on shore
%ulin4c, mulanach, a. hilly by the sea
^tsulcft, mulcha, } , , murdhraidhan, see ^
* , ,' , > s. an owl ', mwdhuchan, sea-nymphs, syrens, mer
%ulcn, muLhan, see mukcn maids
?Oulce*, tnulcheannA %upp)e, murfhalche, s. a sea-marsh
%u;ui, mukhulk, > s. m. the pole 9uPaBa1, murgabhal, s an arm of the sea
4ul5jr, mulghrt, J %u|iIa6, murlack, s. m. king's fisher
'iulnopn, mudorn, s. a clenched fist Sujiln, muran, s. m. a rough top or head
011, /, s. the top or extremity of a thing, a pro %plu)n, murium, s. f. a kind of creel
montory %u]tmnr, murmont, s. wormwood ; Absinthium lati-
mulla, the patine of a chalice folium vulgare :
9uIU, mullach, | s. m. a top, height, hill, sum- Jiijt ollATiiAjn, mur ollamhain, s. an academy, a
Julln, mullan, j mit college
%| ouli, mutlach dubh, s. knapweed ; Centaurea ^Jujiiic, murrach, a. able, capable
nigra '^iupjiACAf, murrachas, s. superiority
%uii*, mulladh, s. m. a mould '*iujtjf-A, murtha, a. successful
%uil5, muliog, s. f. the cover of a chalice '^upjiujA, murruihach, s. m. a mermaid
^al-riiagan, mul-mhagan, s. a kind of large toad. /57/. , mursanuch, s. m. a subject, a slave
'ou.j, mulog, s. f. amule ]*, muranla, a. servile, slavish
%Sulufr, muiurt, see mulAb] 40, mursantachd, s. f. slavery, subjection
SOuirwjn, Mumhain,%. f. the province of Munster ^upAje, murtliaidhe, s. seamen, mariners
%un, , prep. foV, on account of, j-ca; ^Uujtr^ol, murtaol, see mojpteAl
%u'n, ', adv. before that, ere %u]C]U, murtill, a. dull
9iin, , s. m. urine, pissing tuptoiiA', murthoradh, s. produce of the sea
tuna, , conj. unless, if not, except ; Heb- meain %ujtcujle, murthuile, s. a tide, flood
, munab, unless it was, oris ", murse, sea-shore, sea-marsh*Biuajlle, munabhuachadle, s. a cormorant %ur, vius, a. pleasant, agreeable, handsome
%un*i, munatk, seemujnejt) 9urc,Wli^,ls musk
'no, munadh, s. m. instruction; education ; Heb. %ur musS> 1 ,
^, musg, s. . matter or gore of the eyes
%], munaim, v. I instruct ; I piss %p5, viMg, \ s. a musket
%, mimar, s. m. a fact, a deed %r5A]o, musgaid, ) '
, munaran, s. . trifling, insignificance Wr^AlcA, musgaltach, a. watchful
, munata, s. m. a champion %5, musgaltachd, s. f. watchfulness
%*, munbhar, s. . a back-biting, grudging, ^urgn, musgan, s. m. hose fish
murmuring , %urn, musgan, m. "1
'&, ^, f. jraust>"ess
%un, *, s. . mane, hair ; Welsh, mung
un-jUr, mun-ghlas, a. green-necked '-rglA, musgladh, s. . awaking
%1|, mwdaim, v. I piss ^, musglaim, v. I awake
Snloc, munloch, s. m. puddle, dirty water, mire 9uj-1a, musa, s. a muscle
%nlii|5f;e, munluighthe, a. bepissed, bemired %, mustar, s. m. self-sufficiency
^SJuA, , . abounding in hair, i. . ', mustar, s. muster
j-io*. 0. g. ', mustard, s. mustard
, muntorc, s. a neck-chain, a collar , musuinn, s. confusion, uproar
%djt, mur,s. m. a wall, a bulwark, a house; Welsh, mur 4r, i, s. any short thing
, mur, s. m. sorrow, grief, affliction %ca6, mutach, a. stubbed
%>uf, mur, a. many, much %uA|r>e, muthaidhe, s. mouluiness
%u], mur, adv. as, like, wherein, 4 (fujljj* %uA]}ne, muthairne, s. an ankle
Su'p, mV adv. if not %br4n, mutan, s.m. a muff, a thick glove
%hjiac, murac, s.m. murex or purple-fish %utn, mutan, s. m. an old musty rug ; any thintr
uB, murach dubh, s. a black moor worn by time or disease
%]iA;m. mu,am,\. I wall in 4 N REMARKS
4ujin, muran, s- . rents

N is the eleventh letter of the Irish Alphabet, is never aspirated, and is ranked by our Grammarians among the light
consonan*, called Cmsoineadka cadtroma ; hen it is prefixed to G in the beginning of a word, it is ranked among
the robust, called contomeadha teatma, and then both letters aie called Ngeatal, or Niatal, from Niatal, reed, Laf
Arundo. It is called iluin, from Nuin, the ash tree, Lat. frarimts. In Hebrew it is called Nun, from the sound ;
it is often doubled, and then sounds strong, as rara, a head, lann, a sword, teann, strong ; but a double nn is
rarely written in Irish, a little stroke being set over the letter instead of it, thus (-). We find this manner was
familiar to the Latins in ancient times, and by the ignorance of some copyists end engravers, has made many word*
dubious; for t-hey often omitted n, when they should always write it, as Claneli, for Ciementi ; Cqjus, for Conjus,
The Greeks in like manner omittec1 n in some words; for they wrote Horicsios, for Hortensius, and Gallia Nuibo-
nesin, Lougdonesia, and Hispunia Tarrccouesia, for Galtia Narbonensis, Lugdunensis, and Taraconcnsis ; and the
Latins did sometimes insert it where it had no right lo stand, as in corjunx, lor conjtix; totiens for loties; and quotiatM
for . Because these writers and engravers did not understand the little bars or strokes set over some vowels
to denote a long pronunciation, instead of which they wrote n or ni ; and again, when these bars had been
intended to signify n or m, they ignorantly took them for the sign of a long syllable. And indeed these mistakes
are not unusual among our Irish copyists, nor can a language, whose histories and writings depend on manuscripts
be free from the like errors. It is to be noted, that as this letter receives no aspirate, so it is never eclipsed by
prefixing any other letter to it in the beginning of words. It is likewise lo be observed, that the letter n at the
beginning of words, which are referred either to objects of the feminine gender, or to persons or things of the
plural number, is pronounced double, and very nearly with the same sound as gn in the French Seigneur, or in
the Spanish word Sennor. This double pronunciation in like circumstances, is common to the three consonants
L, N, R, as halh been already observed of the L, and shall be in like maimer of the K. Thus for example, in the
word mart, when we say, a rieart, meaning the strength of a woman, the initial letter n is pronounced double, as it
is in the same a neart," when it means their strength, and so in all other words beginning w ith n, as a radical


, , ail v. than ; prop, jona "HAticorriefifa, nadchomhartha, ~\ s. an earnest, ear-

", na, adv. not *, nadma, > nest penn}-, a
Ha, na, conj. or, not, neither Haonia)]it>e, r.admairdhe, ) pledge
Hu, na, the nom. plur. and gen. feminine of the "Hcjp, naduir, s. f. nature, disposition
article an , nadurach, ) a< ^
fta, na, in Iiis, in her, in their ; for jn Harujita, nadurtha, )
"Ha, na, s. f. the soul ; " 'A maaojrh na n cj eja pol." "H<e, , s. a man or a woman
, naas, s. an assembly, convention, public meet H<p , , or ntxe, yesterday
ing, a fair. Lc. "H<eB, naebh, s. nx a saint
Habari, nabadl), s. m. a neighbour. Manx, naboo <, naebh, s. m. a ship
, nabaidheachf, s. f. neighbourhood H<eV>05, naebhog, s. f. a boat
6, nach, ofien written in MSS. for ca "Napa?, nasad, s. m. a wonder
, nach, not, an interrogative and negative parti "Ha), nai, see N<e
cle, nac Dpiijl pe ? is he not ? }p heagna no rujr "Ha), nai, s. f. a ship ; Heb. ania, oni
me, it is little that I did not fall ; 1 had almost "Hajo, naid, s. f. a lamprey
fallen ! naide! interj. who! which
Haap, nachar, is an interrogative and negative par Ha'pe, nuidht, s. m. a babe, an infant
ticle of the past tense, indicative mood ; naap "Ha\e, rutidhe, v. he did not; i, e. n\ rafina. . g.
rneallap ? It is often contracted into nj Hapeanrar, naidheantacht, s. f. infancy ; the fi st
Hat), nad, s. m. the arse, buttocks stage of human lile, reckoned from the birtli to the
, nad, for afi no, in thy age of seven years
j^ati, ad, adv. no, not Happe, natdhfe, v. he will send or put ; i. e. cujjt-
*>, nada, s. nothing ; Spanish, noda pcft. o. ,
tUfli>5*> nadluga, adv. formerly, anciently ; " Son Hapm,
uvjj6u)lr) riftjl ^. L. breac."

H)m, naidhm, s. f. a bargain, covenant, law J*"' ) genitive plural of the article in the Scot-
"HajcmcertngUjm, naidhmcheanglaim, v. I covenant, *m, ish Gaelic
confederate 2*"' conj. if. Sc.
lift bopurh*, naidhm naborumha,s. obligation , s. m. a saint
H^cai,, nacchad, a. ninety
of paying fines or taxes
^, naochadadh, a. ninetieth
Hil, ~\ .
?a'7<r,)a-another; . , peopn-*)Ie
*^ /i
), /, a. nine
)11, nailbheul, s. a bridle-bit "H<0) naoi, s. m. a man, a person
Ht]rnr>e, naimhde, gen. and plur. of nftrnftlo 1*t>), Naoi, Noah; a man's name
"Hftjrhtseftrhkco, naimlideamhlachd, s. f. enmity, hos H<oj, naoi, s. f. a ship
tility ", naoidhe, -
Hftjrnrenrhujl, ttaimhdeamAuiL, a. inimical, hostile "H<ojeft4n, naoidieachan,'s.m. a babe, an infant,
Hjrrroeftn, naimhdean, s. f. an enemy , naoidhean, i" a suckling
Hftirhoefttiftr, naimhdeanas, )> s. enmity ", naoidkeanan, J
HAjnioeftj-, 1 naimhdeas,
. , ) J , naoidheachdha, s. the golden number
]-, nai-nan, s. m. a dwarf ^, naoidheachdha, a. the nineteenth
"Harmea, naindeann, s. f. valour, chivalry t1<ojt>e4rt, naoidheachdha, a. chief, principal, noble,
"Hftnoeft, naindeann, a. valorous, war-like excellent
<]>, naoidhean, s. f. bravery
"Hejns, naing, s. f. a mother
"HAinphop, naingmhor, s. f. a grandmother -HOje4n-ft6t5, naoidheantachd, ) mtao,7
Hajpjqn, no'rpicin, s. f. a napkin
14*ip]ciu-pca, napiiin-pocad/i,\s. apocket-hand- "Hcojeftncft, naoidheanta, a. infantine
Hft)P)c^n-fln*, naipicin-swna, J kerchief H^oiig, naoideug, a. nineteen
Hft)tice*cftil, naircheatail, s. knowledge, science 'Hiopjoea'c, naoidhidcadh, s. an hospital
'*)>, 'naird, adv. up, upward; ])> "HvOjjn, naoidhin, s. an infant
Hj^o, naire, s. f. shame, bash fu In ess, a blush, affront "H<ojrh, naoimh, gen. and plnr. of ntorii, a saint
ftijjte, naire, a. certain, doubtless "N<ojmc)po, naotmhehisd, s. a sacristy
"Hjpe, naire, a. clean, neat "H<ojmcleACt>Ap, naoimhckleachdas, s. a pious habit
"1, naireach, a. brave, generous "<0)0, naoimhdheanadh, s. canonization
W)V**b, naireach ) a< bashfij, sh rf H)jrheAt>, naoimheadh, a. ninth
*)), nairwn>\ "HcojrijiiJSim, naoimhghnighim, v. I sanctify
", naireachd, s. f. bashfulness W*?^,. 1 November
) nairirh, v. shame thou ; ta nAjjiji; m, do Hiojm^or, Naoimhws, J
not shame me H0)rh)opcAt>, naoimhiosdadh, s. a sanctuary
-Hjjtjje, nairighe, compar. of n)jteA 'HiOjmiteACo, naoimhreach, s. the divine law
H*)lne, naime, s. f. purity, chastity, modesty ", naoimhsheanchas, s. m. sacred history*
"Hij]ine, naime, a. sure, certain history of saints
"Hait, nais, s. f. a furnace, a fire-hearth in a forge ^, naoimhthreigeach, a. apostate
*]<, ndismr, the old inhabitants of a country ^n)rhj*ei5r]n, natmhthrei^sin, s. apostacy
"H*]rc, noise, s. m. a ring ^ojnoeA, naomdeaiin, see ^
"Najrin, naisiun, s. m. a nation -H<o]nel, naoineal, s. prowess, chivalry
Hftjpjunrft, nasiunia, a. national M<0]i;eA, naoitheath, s. m. an hospital
l-fftirnn, naistin, s. f. care, wariness NioyfeeAC-bA, naoitheachdha, see n<o]eAcA
Halb, nail, a. long "H<orh, naomli, s. m. a saint
11, "//, s. m. a bridle-bit; " c54Cc ei 11} H<orh, *, a. sacred, holy
<>, naomhachd, s. f. holiness, sanctity
)i." "Hcottiacaw, naomhashadh, s. sanctifying
Hill, .///, see
HaIIatia, nallana, ~\ tliorhAt), naomhadh, s. sanctification, sanctifying
H,Ulx5, naod, > see -Hioriut,, newmhadh, &. ninth
>1, nadluge,) iJiorhAwuz;, nmmhadhdtuzt a. nineteenth
H-ulur, nallus, s. m sweat; prop, ftllup UAJ51"b I v. I sanctify
t,m, nam, con), if. Sc.
Haiti, , 1 -HorhAicjr, tuomhait/ns, s. 1. blasphemy against lioly
s. f. an enemy
], namhaid,) >1m*ireAC, naomhaithiseach, a. blasphemous
n'<"4vf HcorhAFire*^ naomhaithiseadh, )s blaephiming
ti* .*, na m i. ( at|v only, alone, except
- ni4T), w , )
, ncmhadus, s. m. fierceness, enmity t reojp, naomhaithiseoiry s. m. a h'asphemer
NrhftjttAC, namhaideach, a. inimical, bitter

tlorriajripm, naomhaithisim. v. I blaspheme H*rA^> nasadh, s. fame, reputation

"Niomallugat,, naomhallughadh, s. blaspheming ; t. . H4f4t>, nasadh, a. noble, famous
n4orfim<illi H4p4jm, nasaim, v. I commemorate
H<othAmpn, naamhamhran, s. m. an anthem
H4p4[4)e*, Nasaraiteach, s. m. a Nazarite
'Hiomajtro., naomhartadh, v. to sanctify. SA. , nose, s. m. a tye, bond, obligation, a seal
"Notyirtfdjp, naomhathais, see rioniAjrjp , nasc, s. m. store, provision
Tl<oricoB4jt)p, naomhchobliaithoir, m. a patron saint "H4pc, nose, s. m. a collar, a chain, a ring
H<ornojpi*e4 5at>, naomhchoisrcagadh, s. consecration H4pc4i, nascui, s. m. a defence, fortification
oisvcugtha, a. consecrate H4pc-c, nasc-clni, s. a chained dog
Honi4co, naomhdhachd, s. f. sanctity, sanctimony, "Maps, nasg, see
sacred ness "Map54t>, nusgad, s. m. an obligation
ttorngnAp, naomhgnas, s. habitual piety, pious practice "H4p5.t), nasgadh, s. a binding, tying
l^comgojt), nuomhghoid, s. sacrilege H4p54)m, nasga.m, v. I bind, tye, chain
1S^ommaliuj^, naomhrnhcUughadh, s. blaspheming, H4p54jm, nusgaim, v. I develope
blasphemy H4p54jjte, nasgaire, s. in. a surety
"Ha>rhmalluj5cojp, mcmhmhalluighcoh; s. m. a blas tUp54ite4t, msgaireaclit, s. securing, makino- sure
phemer ^, nasgidh, s. a gift, present, gratuity
"Hom-g, Xaomh-ogh, s. the Blessed Virgin "*51^> fgidAf a. freely, without price, gratis
iStorhj, tmomlwg, s. a small boat ; a cot used on "Marbre, nas^the, a. bound
rivers smaller than the cuftpan H4f, mth, s. a general name for all the sciences
"<, nanmhsheanehas, see n<o]mf-eAtiC4r' , nut, for 4 AO ; " coTfifiA-jjc, /'. . 4 pfioj-
"HcorhfiiiAg, tiaomhshluagh, s. the heavenly host, holy fjo, pojfp," that they reach not. o. .
people "H*A, nathach, a. dark grey
H<omc*, nanmhtha, a. sanctified, holy MAfAjj, nuthuir, s. f. a snake, adder, viper, serpent;
14, naomlithachd, s. f. holiness, sanctity Welsh, neidir ,
Hiomf4)5)m. iiaomhthaighim, v. I sanctify, consecrate jjeArhujl, nathaireamJiuil, a. snake-like, poison
"^], naomhthaisc, s. f. a vestry ous
H<orirmAt>, naomhughadh, s. sanctification, sanctifying "HacajI njrbe, nathair nimhe, s. f. a viper, an adder
Hamujjce, naomhwghihe, a. sanctified 44, nathan, a. noble, famous
"H<on, naon, a. certain ; pe4cc n-<on, on a certain time "Hac|iac, nathrach, of a serpent
tlon*!., naonarl, } nine, the number nine ], nuttur, s. m. nature, constitution
H4T:cpf4, naltw tha, a. natural
<054, naosgach, }8.m>asni "H, ne, adv. yesterday, 4 n
->5*, ) He4b*],, neabha:dh, s. m. an enemy
Ho-j;4)le, nusgaire, s. m. an inconstant person He4b4n, neabhun, s. m. a royston crow
"Mcor^uJpeACO, naosgaireachd, s. f. inconstancy He4, neach, any one, one, some one, he
4, nar, contraction of rt4C4)t ; see *] "HeA, neach, s. m. a spirit, apparition
Hip, ;-, a. evil, bad, ill ", neachd, s. f. a tribe, a family
, 'S - ood Hean4]i4r, neachdarach, a. neutral
, R- shame ; nj nij* ujt "HertoApAtf, neachdarachd, s. f. neutrality
", , that not ; -joiiur n4j, so that not "4*|1, neachtar, pron. neither; ncacp ^>
, narab, for ^ bu He4r]i, neachtar, adv. outwardly, without
, narach, a. shameful, bashful -He4T), fW, s. f. a nest ; WrfoA, nyth
", narachadh, s. a'Troiiiing, shaming ]114, nead cailleach, wood anemone ; Ane
144J14Jjim, naraigA m, v. I shame, affront mone nemorosa
"H4)i4j5re, naraighthe, part, alfronted "HeAT>4, neadiighadh, s. nestling
tUpo, s- m- ^ill, knowledge "Me4ou)jm, neaauighim, v. I nestle
"H4)to4;m, narduim, v. I know He4j, neag, s. m. a notch, indent
tU]tp, rr, s- f- a serpent H(j4j;40, neagach, a. jaggy, indented
tl4p}t4, norraeh, a. cross, ill-tempered 1>U>4^4]m, Tteagaim, v. ljag, notch, indent
tUnuigte, naruightAe, a. abashed -H I neal, \ m. a doud
"Hip, Vi. s . an anniversary Hall, tieall, \
"Hp, nas, ?- m- a ba,1l' tie H*!, neall, s m a trancc
4, s. m. death. , -HvaII. ) '
-flip, was, s. ir. a commemoration ; n4p bip, a - 1iAl, wea/, a. noble
.oratio'.! of the dead; vulgarly a month's, or H4!l40, neallacA, a. cloudy
twe ' e month's mind ), neatlaire, s. m. a rogue
tl4p4t), nasadh, s- a fair ; hence lunAp4t>, the meet HellcA0c, ncalltacht, s. f. cloudiness
ing ai Tail can on the fust of August, instituted by HcaI ujr5e,
Lrghaidh lamh- hada

! ujpe, neal uisgc, various leaved water crow -Me*rh6*pni4ji4C'o, neamhbhasmharachd, s. f. immor
foot ; Ranunculus aquatilie tality
, neamh, a privative or negative panicle, used "HeArhnUpoa, neamhbhlasda, a. tasteless, insipid
in composition when the first vowel of the second "He4rhbo5, ncamhbhog, a. hard
part of the compound is of the broad class ; when the Heftrhoft4t4jpe4rhujl, neamhbhrathaireamhuil, a. un-
leading vowel of the second part is slenderthe pre brotherly
fix is improperly written neprt. The writers of Ca HearhDuai, ncamhbhuaigh, a. worthless
ledonian Gaelic use neo for the neAifi and nejrh, "He4rnDU4]pte, neamhbhuairthe, a. undisturbed
of the Irish He4vrmu4n, neamhbhuan, a. transitory
", Ntamh, s. f. Heaven ; Welsh, nef Heftrhbu|e4c, neamhbhuidheach, a. unthankful
, neamh, s. the nienibrum virile He4rhbu)0e44p, ntamhbiiuidheaclias, s. in. ingrati
"He4m<*l)A-)-6, neamhabaidh, a. immature tude
-Hearhibulr*, neamhabulla, a. unable, disabled "\ a. ground*
"HeArhbulcect, ncamhabultacht, s. f. inability He4riiDun4r)4c, neamhbhunadhach, I less, uniix-
Herh*, neamhach, s. f. a heavenly being He4riDun]lte4, neamhbhunailteach\ ed, unset-
, . . , , ,, ... ) a. unfortunate, un- He4iiDun4]te4, neamhbhunaiteadi, i tied, un-
ermo*nunl, mamhadhamlmil, I successful ingl0.
J founded
"*), neamhadhmhar, i nous He4rh4D4jii;4, neamhehabkarthach, a. helpless
"HeinfiAj, neamhaidh, a. heavenly, difine "He4rh4)e, neamhehaidhech, a. immaculate
*], neamhain, s. f. impetuosity, violence, ac "He4rhc4)ne, neamhehainc, s. f. liberality
tivity, energy 44)144> neamh charthanach, a. uncharitable,
"He4rh)n, neamhain, s. f. a pearl, a gem. inhospitable
}a. anony He4rhc4pc4n4r, neamheharthanacht, s. f. uncharita-
mous, un bleness
known, "HeAriiip, neamhehas, s. m. indifference
nameless "4414(1, neamhehasmhar, a. careless, indifferent
Werh4]pc)t), neamhaipchidh, a. unripe, green ^, neamlichlaochlauheach, a. immu
"Mearhaipo, neamhahd, s. f. remissness table
"], neamhairt, s. f. inadvertence We*rhcl<oclAjt>e4CiD, neamhchlaochlaidheachdr s. f. im
",14)14, mamhaireach, a. heedless, careless mutability
", nenmhaireachas, s. f. negligence a. un-
-Heairwjpi, ncamhaindh, a. worthless
"He4rr>4j]-e, neamtiaisc, a. terrible, cruel "HeanVbon,
tlv.... , neamhchlaon,, f ] util
*He4rii4)f44, neamhaithianta, a. unknown He4rh6l4onDle)teA, neamichlaonbhreiiheach,- ced,
"He4Tr4jf.j;]n>-e, neamh".ithghinte, a. heterogeneous l im-
'He4ifi4)r] je4, neu mhailigh each, a. displaced, un >par-
J tial
"44))5:6, neamhaitightheacht, s. f- displacing, He4rhcl4onb]4e]e4Co, neamhehlaonbhreUhtachd, s. f.
removing, wandering impartiality
'He4iTMjfnj5ce, neamhaithnighthe, a. unknown, un "MeArhcmgAC, neamhehnagaeh, a. without knots
distinguished "He4rbnu4p4]^re, neamhehnuasaighthe, a. indigested
ei4jt)tee, neamhahhreach, 1 impenitent tiertrhotxwl, ncamhchodail, s. wakefulness
'He4rn4)f))3C'*, neamha-.thrighench, J 1 *)5)1, neamhchoigilt, 1 ^^'J
*He4riuinc44r. neamhaitfrreachas,] -)]1:6, neamhchoigdteach, J |berai_nde
' , . ' 1 . 1 neamliait/irtghe,
44]]5, , ... . , '>y impenitence
\\, neamhalach, a. undefined ; . e. neArhpAU 'HertiicjriioeAp, neamhehoimdheas, a. incommodious
4114140, neamhattach, a. smooth "He*mjrhe4p4-o, neamhchoimhdheasackd, s. f. in
t-|e4nri4ni]i4j-4C, neamh.amhras'.ich, a. indubitable convenience
Hc4rh4rhu)l, ncamhamhuil, a. divine, heavenly ; Welsh, He*trio)me4p5:e, neamhchoimeasgthe, a. unmixed
ne fol "MeAnico]mp)5e, neamhehoimsighthe, a. incompre
44, neamhan, s. m. a raven, a crow hensible
*04, ncamhandha, a. pearly He4rhcojrhc4C,. neamhehaimhtheach, a. free, gene
1^))5], neamhaotViin, a. joyless rous, hospitable
-4 U)rea, neamhaonfhlatthtach, a. antimonar- HeATT)COjn5e4l40j neamhchomgealiach, a. ill-natured,
chical V perfidious
, neamhathrach, a. impertinent ']045, neamhehoisrea-gtka, a. unsanctified
HeAiriMOs), neamhbhaoghai, s. m. safety, security -Ne4rhco,ie4C, neu mhi hoireach, } incu]pab]e
He4iru\o5il4C, neitmhbhaoghalach, a. secure "He*mcoji;jeAC., neamnctwttlireach, )
fae4riiMpfh4]i, neamhbhasmhar, a., deathless 4 1-1 e4ttic jl ii)te.
-21 NE pen NEj

"Heaicom*itlu]gce, neamhchomharluighthe, a unad He4rbp4m, neamhchuram, s. carelessness, security

vised, unresolved "He4m]i4m4, neumhchuramach, a. careless, supine
'He*TTicom4f, neamhchmas, s. m. impotence "40}44, neamhchuranta, a. immartial, un war
"440, neamkchomnsach, a. impotent like
, neamhchomhdhach, a. negligent , ncamhdha, ) , . ,
"HeamcomnApe, neamhchomhnailie, s. unsteadiness, -He4ri,54, M.^ j a' heaven'y J A*, nefol
restlessness 1He4ifii)4iC]oUri,,an^tac//)/2c/;rf, s. improbability
/HertmoiTiii<)"e<, ncamhchomhnaidheach, a. restless, 'He4rhmo, ntamhdhaonna, a. inhumane
unsteady, changeable He4rht>u54, neamhdhughadh, a. sanctification, bea
HearhdorhnAifo, neamhekcmhnard, a. uneven, not level tification. S. yi. 44
"Hearhompant*, neamhckompanta, a. unsociable "Hearhujl, neamhdhml, reluctance
tiAmeorhinom, neamhchomhthrom, s. disproportion "MeArhrnijneAl, neamhdhuincai', a. unmanly. 5V.
", natmhchomhlhrom, a. unjust, uneven 1MeArrroujne4l4C, neamkduhtcaluchd, s. f. unmanli-
He*nico]io4C, ncamhchordach, a. disjunctive, discor ness
dant, absonous "He4ifi0u]ne4lr4, neamhdhutnealta, a. cruel, inhuman
'Wearncopoa', neamhchordadh, s. m. discord "Mearhr>u,jne4rhl4cc, ncamhdhuineamhlaclit, s. f. inhu
', neamhckordaim, v. I disagree manity
-Herhojijt<, neamhchoirach, b. immove- "He4rtr6u]ne4mu)l, neamhdhaineamhuil, a. unmanly,
^e4tfio]t(ii]e, neamhchoriuigheach,\ able in human
Weamcopiiujjeao, ncamhclwrruigheacnd, s. f. im "Me4mt>ujne4t4CO, neamhdhuinealhachd, s. f. inhuma
mobility nity
ftcarhiojuuil^fce, neamhchorruighthe, a. undisturbed 141040, neatnhdhuthrachd, s. f. negligence,
Hearhoprhujl, neatnhchesmhuU, a. dissimilar .nsincerity
'Heamofrirui'ileai;, ncamkchosmhuileacht, s. f. dissi "HeArhuf, neamhdhuthrachdach, a. negligent
milarity, improbability , neamhfhabharach, a. unfavourable
"Heamcofiiujste, neamhchosruigte, a. unconsecrated He4ifip4jcr]on4., neamhfhaics'wnach, a. invisible
, neamhchrabhach, "1 a. irreligious, He4mj4jcrjon4o, neamhfhaicsionuthd, s. f. invisibi
He4rhc|4-)ofe40, neamhchraibhtheach,) impious lity
WeamcpD, neamhchrabhadh, s. m. irreligion, in- "He4Tfif 4]l)5e4Co, neamhfhad'gheachd, s. f. care, dili
devotion gence
^)!, mamhchroidheamhuil, a. heartless, "HeArrtp4]f(e, neamhfaire, s. carelessness
cheerless , neam'fhallan, a. unhealthy
-, ntamhchruadhalach, a. unconcern Heevhfiir 4, neanihjhulsa, a. unfeigned, fair
ed, iuimartial ", ncamJ:pius, s. m. a grudge
^) jte, neam'ichruinighthc, a. uncollected " , n, amhfhus ntn, a. unfashionable
, ncamhchruthaidh, 1 a. uncreate, "^, neamhfaoiugheach, a. indispensible
^, neamhchruthaighthe, \ uncreated 544, neamhfhogkanta, a. inconvenient
, neamhchubhach, ) a. unbecoming, im- 5(4, ncamhfhoghrach, a. alexipharmick
Ueamcuoaj*, ncamhchubhaidh, \ PPer> ""worthy, ^1e4if>5lunii4, ruamhfhoghumtha, a. unlearned,
iilite rate
'', neamhchuidh, s. poverty "He4rhp>i5pe, neamhfhcighide, s. f. impatience
1^0]0, neamhchuidheach, a. poor, indigent He4rhyo]]Te4, ncamhfho^hideach, a. impatient
"Meftriiiijweacoruijl, neamhchuideachdamhuil, a. un "HeArhpojlp):e, neamhfhoilshhihe, a. umevealed
sociable He4Tfiroipne4, ncumhfhoisneach, a. restless
'HeamujrnneAc, neatnhrkuimhneach, a. forgetful *He<trhj:o}rT)!i, neanhfheistin, s. f. restlessness
He4rhcuimre, , Ia', ,,.omP- l^eAiripj) jrjne4C, r.i amhffaistineach, a. restless
^C4iticu-imr]e, neamhchitimhsidheA , iieamhjhomos, s. f. disobedience
, neamhfhonn, a. reluctance, disiike
'He.m]}*tc4ihu')l, neamhchuiiteamhuil, a. uncourte- "HeATlipmift. ntamhfaovnmhar, a. jarring
ous <Me4iirofim*jt5, neamkfhonnmkarachd, s. f. clash,
^ timonea, neamhchu monta, a. unusual discord
Ho4rii ..mr4-]e, mamhckumsgaitke, a. unmixed, He4ihpojrun*, neamhj'hoitunach, a. unfortunate
immoveable tleAmporA, neamhfhcsac/, a. unstable, wavering
'He4rhcumuf, ncamhchvmus, s. m. impotence, iaca- -He4rhpu)lte*, neamhfhudleuch, a. unbloody
pability -, neamhfhuras, s. m. impatience
t^mcumupAC, neamhchumusach, a. incompetent, , neamhjhurasach, a. impatient
incapable, impotent H< ArripujiAptiA, neamhfhurasda, a. impracticable
He4munt4D4]tT:4C, neamhchuntabhartach, a. indispu , neamhfhurtudachd, s. f. impracli-
table cableness He4Thp,
21 KEA

"He*rh4j, neamhghar, a. distant He4rfioiu)5ce, neamhoduighthe, a. immethodical

Neam^jiAC, neamhgharac/i, ] a. inconvenient, Herhof at*b, ncamluthachadh, a. apathy, indolt-nce
"Heftrij* (Uiiujl, neam/ig/iaram/twl, j incommodious Heamoc44riiu]l, neam/iothachamhuil, a. indolent
HeamgUn, neamhghlan, a. impure, unclean He*riipo)n, neamhpo'mn, a. unprofitable ; r. e. nearh-
"NeftipUnar, ncamlighLnuts,-)*. m. impurity, un- 4)1U4. . .
HertmgUjne, neamhghlane, j cleanness, pollution "Ne4rhphojte4riiujl, ncamhphoitcamhil, a. ober, ab
Heamjlujpre, neamhglduaiste, . unrulHed sten ious
^, neamhghnacht, s. the appearance of the , neamhtannach, s. m. the starry Heaven,
heavens and the sky; "' Ijf*, i. e. the milky way
cennaje 4rii]4 boj )n Jnjp ^. h Iu4- ", neamhrannach, a. starless
rrujjie jp t>e boj in j*ici . Ro )*> He4rhtftnpheHcuj5te, neamhrannphartuighthe, a. in
||)4 ne4tti5n4cc in ojjtet) no Be]i )n rro]nj 4 communicable
]n T50)n], 4C4J- 4 rn cl<ecloo4 cet4|t 1>1e4ri)j4ru-)f,e, neamhranntuigkthe, a. undivided
4jp . Jp 4)1 pjn 54)}]' Scu)c peco - "Me4rnfojte4C, neamliroinnteach, a. inseparable
4)5 Oee jn * oe, C4j- oejpojp cojt b rmc He4rhp4o*lr4, neamhshabhalia, a. insecure
rhu)} , 4C4p Jf U4 4 e}4Jt )} l4nt>4n- He4riip4ilce, neamhshadte, a. unseasoned
n." 6V. "HeAriip4lA, neamhshulich, a. undcfiied
'He4rh5n4;4) neamhgnathach, a. unusual "He4mp4mc, neamhshaint, s. f. louihing, dislike
"^^, neamhghnothach, a. idle "He4riip4ica, neavihshanntach, a. uncovetous
We4rii50])ie, neamlighoire, a. distant Mc4riip4}u]5te, neamhsharuighlhe, a. unconquerable,
"Ne4rh:;ojpe4CB, ni'amhghoireachd, s. distance unconquered
He4mj4pm4H, neamhzhrasmhar, a. ungracious "Hc4mp4pu)5re, neamhsliasuighthe, a. unsatisfied
Heftrh5Ji4pri4)4o, neamhghrasmharaclid, s. ungra "He4riip54}i4rhu)l, ncamhsgarthamhuil, a. insepara
ciousness ble
"He4rhl454ril4t5, neamhlaghamhlachd, s. f. illegality "454, neamhsgathach, a. undaunted
lMe4rril44TTiu]l, ncamhlaghamhuii, a. illegal He4rhpoc}iftC, neamhshocrach, ) a* "*^1
Hertriil4C4]jte4, neamhlathaireach, a. absent He4rnpocjiuj5e4C, neamhshoauigheach, j"
He4rhlot4, neamhlochtach, a. faultless
"Neamtojp5e4c, neamldoisgcach, a. incombustible, as "He4rnpocjtiii5e4ti, neamhshocruigheachd, s. f. disqui
bestine etude, unsteadiness
t1e4riluouj5]m; neamhluchduighim, v. I disburthen tle4riipocjiu]te, neamfohocruightL', a.unsetded, dis
"He4tfilux>u)5fe, neamhluchduighthe, a. disburthened turbed
He4rh-rii4]fie4, neamh-mhaitheach, a. unpardonable He4rhpo)ll]li, neamhsho'dleir, a. indistinct
, tuam/unharbhtha,
neamhmharbhthach, J) a> lmmortal "He4rhpojll4j}e4, neamhshoillaireach, a. improvident,
t1e4rhri4]ioi;4o, neamhmharbhthachd, s. f. immorta He4riipo)lljje4B, ncamhsho'dleireacM, s. indistinctness
lity He4rhpo)ibe404t5, neiimhshoirbheachadh, s. unsuccess-
"Meammbog, neamhmbog, a. hard fulness
He4rhmbu4n, neamhmbuan, a. transitory s. un-
"He4rnrbof54, neamhmhnthughadh, s. insensibility suc-
'He4mmof4mujl, neamhmhothamhuil, \ a. stupid, cess-
He4rhriiouje4, ntamhmhothuigheach, \ insensible ful
He4mn4], mamhnaidh, tormentil, septfoil ; see *Me4rnpol4]i4, ncamhsholarach, a. improvident
benennt "Hc4riipol4p4, veumhs'olasach, a. uncomfortable
He4rbn4])i}(), neamhrtairioch, a. shameless, obscene 1>1e4mpon4ii, neamh-honadh, a. unhappy, inauspicious
He*mnu4ll, neamhnuall, s. m. heavenly or divine HeAriiponjtujgre, neamhshon>uighthe,a. indifferrnt
praise ; a hymn or anthem He4riippp4]cc4rhl4Co, neamtepu.iceamhlachd, s. f. in
4440, neamhodhamhlacht, s. t. irreverence,
ill-breeding HeArhpp)!4jce4rhujl, ncamhspraiceamhuil, a. weak, in
Meariof)4rhii)l, mcamhodhtimhuil, a. irreverent
'He4rno)tie4rii4C'o, neamfwircamhachd,\s. f. iiimpro- active
1-.e4mprf4]6e4mu]l, ntamhtraickeamhml, ja. fru-
-He4rhojfie4rhurn, neamhohcamhuin, ) priety "Ne4rhpr)t40]5e4rhu]l, neamhb aoigheamhuil, J gal
"He4TTio-)|ie4rrin4, neamhoircamhnack, a. unbecoming, -He4rhpu4]tfme4, neamhsuaimhneuch, a. unpleasant,
improper, inadequate, inconvenient
He4iiiom?4, neamhond/ia, a. unblemished, unstained restless . .
He4riipuo4ilce4, ncamhshibhiilceach, a. vicious
"4!>4, neamhtndha, a. industrious -Herpuj]re, neamMuidicbtc, a. ditiusc, un>etlled,
"He4iof, neamhonn, s. m. a diamond unsteadv, discomposed.
14]1, ncamhonoir, s. dishonour -He4mru]lgiii, , a. unpleasant, morose,
-He4TTiono)i4, neamhonorach, a. ignoble, inglorious, 11 " He4mpujm,
infamous, illiberal
tfeii NEA ne

HeaTtifujm, neamhhuim, s. indifference, no value, ", iitamhthost, a. cool

no regard ; " <ig*]- oujjte ru ne4rhrujm n] 'He4mrjtA]5eA0, neamhthraigheach, a. inexhaustible
to Urap w ljrii pjn" S. A. 61 HeArhr|Amii}l, ncumhthrathumhud, a. unseasonable
HeampujmeumUco, neamhshuimcamhlachd, s f. indif "HeATif.}icA]}eA, neamhthrocaireach, a. unmerciful
ference HeAitif (tcAjpeAt), neamhthrocaireachd, s. unmerci-
"Heriipijme*rhu)l, ncamhshuimeamhuil, a. indifferent, fulness
regardless "HeAmfpuACAticA, neamhlhiuacanta, a. relentless
Hertibfulrhajt, neamhshulmhar, a. morose, churlish " |UA]5riie)l)0c, neamhthruaigheiliich, a. merciless,
", neamhlhabhachd, s. f. futility, absurdity, pitiless, cruel
immateriality "HeAtiir|uajlleAt>, ncamhthruailleadh,^ incorruption
40>40, neamhthabhachdach, a. futile, ineffec ^, neamhlhruailb.dh, a. sincere, uncor-
tual, immaterial rupt, incorruptible
, neamhthabhartach, a. stingy "HeATTif piujlipcAc, ncamhthrauillidheacht, s. incor
-, ncamhtkachd, s. f. heavenliness ruption
^, neamhthagarta, a. uncontroverted HeArhiiuAjIl^fe, neamithruaillightht, a. undefiled,
HeArhcA-incenmUc-o, neamhthainceamhlachd, a. un- unadulterated
thankfulness "HeArhf ujgre, neamhthut ;se, s. senselessness
^^^/'/, a. unthankful, "uj-eAC, ncamhthuigseach, a. senseless, absurd,
ungrateful injudicious
Herht4)jtDe, neamhthairbhe, s. unprofitableness "HeAirif ujppcAC, neamhthuirseach, a. indefatigable
'Meurftajmeftrh, neamhtkaitneamh, s. disapprobation, HcAihrujrmeAC, ncamhihititiiiheach, a. infallible
disgust 'NeAmcupjiur, ncarr.hthwius, a. difficult
HeamdjtneAriu, neamhthaitneamhach, a. disagreea , ntamhuattach, a. not proud, humble
ble, unacceptable "411, ncamhuasl, a. ignoble, ungenerous
", neamhthaomha, s. a novice HeAimijn, neamhu n, s. a pearl, mother of pearl
1<telht*]tDA, neamhtharbhach, a. unprofitable, fruit , ncamku.nte, a. impolite
less 1 a. not
-HeAThtAjiBAt, neamlMarMaciM, |s. f. unprofitable- "^, neamhuireasbhach, 1 poor,
, neamhtha,bhuidhe., ness' - HeAiTiujpeAj-UujeA, neamhxureasbhuidheach, | unnee-
II ess J dy
He4m4itrlAm, neamhtharthalamh, s. a common field. "!, neamhuHamh, a. unprepared
Sh. "1, neamhumhal, a. disobedient, haughty,
"Hearhtojtp^e, nenmhthoidhrighte, a. unseasoned, proud
n accustomed. Sh. HeAmurhlugA, neamhumhughadh, a. disobeying
]1, neamhlhod, s. unwillingness, nolition, dis- ", neawhuras, a. useless
inclination, reluctance "HeAiiiujtp, neamhunAoid,s. harmlessness, innocence
He*Tt)to]le*, neatnhthoikach, a. unwilling ", man.hui cho'ideach, a. innocent, harm
"He*riio}l4(ir]ficjn, neamhthoilachasnntin, s. disaffec less
tion, discontent. Sh. "HeArhuji|iAr, neamhurraa, a. unprofitable, difficult
He4rhto)Uj5m, neamhthoilaigham, to dissatisfy. Sh. , neamhmrumach, a. contumacious,
~\ s. unwilling- pertinacious
"He*mto]l)e*t>, ncamhtho'didheaihd, I ness, reluc- ", nenn, s. m. an inch, aspan
Heamfcojleamlact), neamhthoiican.hlachd, | tancy,stub- T'tCAn, titan, s. m. a wave, a biilow
J born ess "HeAAjt), ntannai'h, s. a nettle
We*rhtojle4tfiu]f; neovihthoileamhuil, a. involuntary ^\em)^,neannaisg, s. f. a bond,binding;)tone4nAjre,
HeiTifo|l)eaT5, neatnhthoilichcuchd, s. discontent . . ^)!, he bound
>)1), neamhtkoitinach, a. undeserving , neanta, "Is. common slinging nettle ; Ur-
Hearhtojlrjnar, neambthoiltinas, s. demerits ^, neaniog, J tica major vulgaris urens
Heamojljjte, neamhthoilighthe, a. dissatisfied, dis "HeAticg bti, neaniog ban, white archangel,
affected 405 , neantog cfiaech, r white dead nettle;
';, neamhhoirt, s. indifference, negligence, 405 tfi4]tb", neantog mhatbh,) Lamium album
disinclination, contempt -He4nr5 reAj5, neantog deatg, red dead nettle ; La
*He4Thto])ireArhujl, neam^thoirteam^uil, a. indifferent mium purpureum
"He4rhto|4th4Co, ncamhtfi-jramhlachd, s. sterility ^ -, neantog hisneach, see *
He4thf:o}f, necmhlhorthach, a. unfruitful , neap, see nejp
"MeAThtojif-AjceAcr, jie.imhth'rihaxehcath l, s. infertility tle4), near, s. m. a. wild boar
), neamhthirtfanear, inattention, in- ', 'near, the east. Sc.
considcrateness. 'c. 4, near, v. I do myself; i. . njm ppi. . g.
4:44|140, luamhihortfancarach, a. inatten , nearachf a. lucky, happy
tive, inconsiderate. Sc tlejiijr,
rve; NEI isrej KEl

}, nearmt, s. a place where wild boars are -HejriieaoACA, ncamhcheadachadh.%. disallowance

kept Hejmea?AJ5jm, netmhcheadaighim, v. I disallow
"HeAjicluacjta, nearchiachra, s. a lizard. Sc. Hejmcuaouj5fe, neimkcheaduighthe, a. illicit, disal-
"Henjtt!*, neardha, a. oriental, if. lowable
Mt iriicealgrt, neimhchealgach, a. undesigning, un-
", neardeas, south-east. 5c.
"MeaJHiivo, nearnadh, s. likening, comparing ailected
'], nearnaim, v. I liken, compare Hejrhcean, neimhchcan, s. disrespect
":, s. m. fortitude, strength, power; Welsh, Heirnieanalrrt, neimhcheanalta, ?.. indelicate
nerih "Hcjriiceanpa, neimhcheannsa, a. immodest
HeajirAjgrm, neartalghim. v. I strengthen "Heuceapaco, neimhcheannsuchd, s. f. incontinence,
"Heaptarhujl, neartamhuil,\&. sirong, powerful; inabstinence
HeApihap, neartmhav, j Welsh, nerthol
*\a. unbridled
"Heapua, ncarthuath, north-east. Sh. Hejrhceapo^te, neamhcheannsoighthe, f ^ISSl"te'
"HeAjitgA, neartughadh, s. strengthening, confir Meymte^n^t^ncimhcheannsuightlie, -'
Heapci^re, neartuighthe, part, strengthened _J shameless
"Meapcujjteo)], neartuightheoir,s. m. a strengthcner, "Hejrheapba, neimhchearbach, a. not awkward
comforter "Mejrceajitiijsre, neimlicheartuighthe, a. uncorrected
"Hear, neas, s. m. a band tie ; "neapajp, . . cean5- "Hejrhcjileac, neimhcheillcacli,^ a. unthinking, un-
"Hejmjlije, neivihchelidhe, > advised, irration-
Heap, ees, s. m. a smith's bellows "Hejrh]alla, nehnhchiallach, J al, rash
Heap, neas, s. ni. a hill, promontory "Hejmjnte, mimhch,nic, uncertaint
, neas, s. m. a weasel Hejrhjnceac, neimhchinteacht, \ ' 3
Heap, neas, s. m. a hurt, a wound HejrhjnreA, neimhchinteach, a. uncertain
"Heap, neas, s. m. an end Hejm|ont, neimhchiont, s. innocence
"Heap, neas, a. noble, generous "Hejrhcjonca, neimhchiontach, a. inuocent
"Heapa, neasa, a. next "Nejrhc|ontat>, neimhchiontachd,
Hejrhpncap, neimhchionlas, >s. m. innocence
"Heapats, neasachd, s. f. contiguity
"HeapAjm, neasaim, v. I wound Hejrcjontupe, ncimhchimtuidhe, )
Heapan, neasan, s. m. the next place 'HejrhleaoA, neimhchleachda, a. unaccustomed
Heaps ^easg \ f. an ulcer> a bile "Hepmljf, ntimhchleir, s. the laity
"Heapgojw, neasgota,) 7 "NeirhcljjieAC, ncimhchlceach, s. m. a layman
Heapjjoea, neasgoideach, a. ulcerous Hejrcljjteac, neimhchleireach, a. lay
"Heap50jt>ea, neasgoidcachd, s. exulceration HejrhcpeprheAC, neimhchreidmhcach, s. m. a disbe
, neasta, a. just, honest liever
"Hearap, neathas, s. m. mansjaughter Hejiricpejorheac, neimhchreidmheach, a. unbelieving
|>, ;7/, the Mars of the Pagan Irish Hejriicpiona, neimhchriochnach, la. infi-
|>, /'^, s. a fight, battle Hejmli'ionujjeAC, ncimhdnioclmuigheach, J nite
"He], neid, s. a wound Hejrhcj^onuigeACo, neimhchriochnwgheachd, s. f. in
neidh, s. f. wind finity, infinitude
")11], neillin, s. f. a small cloud Hejrnc]i]ocnujte, neimhchrochnuighthe, a. endless,
flejm, ? f brightness, splendour, honour eternal
"Hevmc]i)onCt, neimhchrionacht, s. f. imprudence,
Hejrh, neimh, s. f. poison folly
"Mejrfi, neimh, s. f. a spot, stain "Hejrhoeanajm, ncimhdhcanaim, v. I undo
"Mejrh, neimh, a. prepared, ready -ftejmeartavh, neimhllicanamh, s. abrogation
"Hejm, neimh, a negative particle; see w earn "He]rhea]iDac, neimhdhearbhach, s. unconfirmed, un
Hejrhoeacoj, neamhhheachdidh, indeterminate, du settled
bious. Sh. Huirrvea]ia', neimhdheatbhadh, s. disapprobation
HejrhBeantujs^e, neimhbhcartuighthe, a. disburden HermeAjiDajrn, neitnhdhearbhaim, v. I disapprove
ed, unyoked Hevrheap, neimhdheai, a. unhandsome, indecent,
tlejmoeatarhujl, neimhbh-uthamhuil, a. lifeless, spi homely
ritless, inanimate "Hejriroeapajjce, neimhJhasaighthc, . raw, undressed,
-Hejrhoupac, neimhbheusach, a. immoral unprepared
Me]riD]5, nebnhbhig, a. agreeable. Sh. "He]riiejrhjn, neimhdheimhin, a. uncertain, false
Hejrhojf, neimhbhilh, s. non-existence "Me')TTTOe)p]t>, neimhdheisidh, s. indecency
HejrhDjijs, neimhbhrigh, s. insignificance, contempt, "MerrheoiiEAC, neimhdlicontach, a. unconsenting, invo
weakness luntary
Heyrbot)5ea, neimhbhrighcach, \ a. powerless, He}rht>]4t>A, neimhdhiadha, a. impious, ungodly
-Hejrhrjjijosmai, nevmhbhrwghmhar,) weak 4P "Hejmj,

He)TTi]4t>r, neimhdhiadhacht, s. f. ungodliness, im "Mejrhpjel, neimhfhial, a. inhospitable, ungenerous,

piety, irrligion illiberal
t1;ihjle**, neimhdhileaghadh, a. crude, indigest l^ejmyjopjuc, neimhfhiosrack, a. unconscious
ible tlejrbpjiiftnt;*, neimhfhirtanta, a. unrighteous
tHrblif, neimhdhiUss a. unfaithful. S. A. 54 Hejrhrpantct:, neimhfhireantacht, a. f. unrigh
"Mejmjlreaco, neimhdhilseachd, s. f. unfaithfulness teousness
HejtTTOjmarn, mimhdhimhaom, a. not idle, not vain Hejrhfpie, neimhf/iirinne, s. untruth
Heim) >o,lt, net nhdhiobhalta, a. indemnified Mejmj. jpjneftc, neimhjhnineach, a. unrighteous, dis
"Mejmi. >!;-<, ndmhdhiolta, a. unpaid ingenuous
"He|m)onla, neimhdhinalach, a. frugal HerrhfjuntAC, ncimhjhiuntach, a. unworthy, inhos
^^*!*, neimhdhlongbhala, a. matchless pitable
MejrhjonVAlri, neimhdhiongbhalta, a. insufficient Hejrhj.-Jieasr'a, ndmhfhreagrach, a. unanswer
H' jmeipedc, neimhdhireach, a. indirect able ; incompatible
"Hejmirjrcft'Jr>e4, neimhdhiscreidcach, a. indiscreet
"Hejmojrle, ndmhdhislc, s. faithlessness, disobedi He)riifl>e4rT>l40, nelmhfieasdalach, \*\ imProv-
-Heirhr|ie4rT5rhul, ndmhfreasdamhutL \ l> unfa-
ence, treason J vourable
1ejriit>lerrjanft, neimhdhleasdanach, a. undutifnl "HepriseAlcAC, neimhghealiach, a. unappalled
He)rh"61e4ft>4n4r, neimhdhleasdanas, s. m. unduti- Hejrh5e*n, neimhghtan, s. disaffection, hatred
fulneu ^^, netmhghtanmath, s. disapprobation,
HejTiiljsf-eac, neirnhdhlighthetch, 1 . , disaffection. Sli.
t1ejrrre!]prjrieAC, neimhdiistineuch, J " Hejmjeanmnujtje, neamhghcanmnwdke, a. inconti
Hejrhea, ncsmheach, a. glittering, shining nent, unchaste
'Mejrheati, neimheadh, s. a poem, science tlejmeanmnuveau, neimhghcanmnuidhcacht, s. f.
", neimheadh, s. glebe-land ; prop. nejrh-jafc incontinency
IHenfieAgU, neimheaglach, a. fearless, unappalled Hejrh^upjpeac, ncimhgleurdimscuckt a. bluut
"HejrieAjIa, neimheagLtdh, s. intrepidity Uejm^ljoc, namhgltoc, a. unwise
"Hejrhe45nu]t)e, neimheagnuidhe, a. unwise ; impolitic "Heimjniom, neimhghmomh, s. inaction
HeiifieallAtxim;*, neamheulladhanta, a. inartificial Hejrh^n^oriiac, neimhghnwtihaili, a. inactive
";*11;4, neamheallta, a. infallible "Hejr], neirnhi, s. ant's eggs
Hejrhearhlaco, nam/uam/tiachd, s. f. poisonousness, Hejrii]4t, ndmhiath, s. glebe land
painfulness "Neujti, neimiud/i, a- divine, heavenly
"Nepheirhujl, nehnhmmfiutl, a. poisonous, passi "Hejmpeacc, ncimhidheatht, s. filth, dirt
on ate, sore "Hejrhjrn, ncimhirr.y v. I corrupt, spoil
He]rhe4]ij4GO, neimhearrachdt s. f. infallibility Heirhjm, mimhim, v. I shine
)*]11!1, neimhearrjclidacli,} a. unerring, Hejrhjncleact), ne.mfdnlleachd, s. unartfulness
"Hejrhea|i4*c, ncimhearradhach, > inerrable, "Hejrhjntlecoi, iumhintlcachdaih, a. not ingenious
)4]40, neimhearva':deacht) infallible "Hejrhjor, ntim/itcdh, s. a smith
"Hejme^r']^, neimheasgaidh, a. slack ^, neivihwmchar, s. abortion
Hejrhe, ntifithedh, s. dirt, filth of any kind 'Hejrhjomubaj', ne'tmh\omchubhaidh, a. indecent, im
Hcjiijojm, neimheidim, v. I disrobe proper, unfit
"HcjmjpeACOj neimhcifachd, s. inefficiency HeyrhiomUn, neimhiomlan, a. imperfect, incomplete
Hcjm)j:e4CD4C, ncimlieifeadidach, a. ineffectual Heirh)<>m!4Ti*c'o, ntimhiomlanac, s. imperfection
He-jiftc-jlnjwe, Him'ieUntdke, a. uncorrupted, un- Hcrrh]ompojte, neimhiompo.ghtc, a. unconverted
violated Hejmjonrhujn, ncimkionmhuin, a. unbeloved ; morose
")110, neimheireamhnach, a. unfit Hepri]uri4ri, neimhiennann, a. unequal, unhke, dis
1Heyme)]trnec, neimhehlneach, a. unweary similar, various, odd
Hejme*fl]ne*c, neimhdislaineach, a. healty, sound "teyrbjofia*!*, neimkionnannas, s. m. inequality
1Me]TTiel], mimheii, s. sorrow, pity ttejrhio>4Ciif, namhionnrucus, s. r. faithlessness,
"MejrheolA, neimheohch, a. unacquainted, ignorant dishonesty
"Me]rhfc4nt4, neimhj'htachantach, a. blind, un -)11*4], neimbionnraic, a. unjust; faithless
seeing Hepiiulrh*!*, nemhiulmhar, a. unskilful
H?]rbp)le nelmhfheile, s. inhospuality He]rhlearu)a*e> neamhleusuighthe, a. unreformed
Hejrhfjmearhu)!, neirfthfhcimeamhuil, a. needless He]TTile4tltom, neimhit athrom, s. impartiality
1Hejrhpincjpec, ueimhfhetnckuiseacht a. disin , netmhmheadtack, a. iindisstmbling
terested Hejrhrhe*n5*]l> nam/im/icangud, a. unblemished
"Hejrbfjncipeo, neimhfhebichuiseachd, s. disin ]", neimhmktas, a. Ublike, contempt
terestedness HeiibTeApAjt*) 'li Mhmheasardha, intemperate, ex
*He]rnpeo)re, ne'mhfeoidhtet. unfaded, imperish cessive
able -]*'0', ncimhmhcjsa>dhachd, s. f. excess

Hcjrhme*, ncimhmheala, a. fearless, confident Heoc, neoch, s. a peson, one, any one
HejmrheipgeA, neimhtnheisgeach, a. sober "He, neoch, a. good
Hejrhrhjan, neimhm/iian, s. inappetency Heoujne, neadhuine, s. nobody. Sc.
He]ihne, neimhneach, a. sore, painful, passionate Heo054, \ncoghogach, a. constant. Sh.
Hejrhneaprrrup, neimhncartmhar, a. weak, feeble, "Heojo, neoil, a. strong, stout, thick
imbecile )>, ncoid, a. penurious, scanty
HejrhnuUc, neimlineu'ach, a. unclouded, serene Heojo, neoid, a. bad, naughty
"Mejrhn), nennhm, s. nothing, nonentity Heojl, neoil, plur. of nul, a cloud
"Heirrinjs, numhnigh, s. f. venom ; " lp eo rj Oijoe- ], ncoin, s. f. evening. Donl. 150
pup 5* h*nif.\ri le nc)rhn] * cn rjn." "Heonj, neoni, s. nonentity. Sc. prop, nejrnn]
Tor. Cr. na. Heojn]t4o, neoinithacM, s. nothingness. Sc.
He(mti)5)m, neimnighim, v. I annihilate Heojnjtea, neoinilheach, a, annihilable. Sc.
]]50, neimhnighlhcacht, s. nothingness Heojn)i;e4t), neoinitheadh, s. annihilation Sc..
HejiripueApponcA, neimliphearsonia, a. impersonal "Heojnpulc, neoinreidt, s. vesper, evening star
He)riiph}5oparhujl, ntimhphrwsamhuil, a. cheap 14eon4c, neonach, a. antick, comical, odd
Hejmtijten, neimhreiteach, s. disagreement , neonachas, s. m. comicalness, oddnese
Hejrh|tj*AltAc, iieimhriaghaltach, a. htroclite, ir Hep, nes, see
regular Hep, nes, a. quick, nimble
"Hejrhpea, neimhsheadk, s. contempt Hul, /, s. m. a cloud
Hejrhpeapst*, neimfisheargtha, a. undecayed lul, neul, s. m. a veil
HejrhpeAprhac, neinthshcasmhach, a. unstable, incon "Hul, neul, s. m a star, light, glimpse of light
stant, unsteady Heul, neul, s. m. a lit, trance, swoon
']|,*0, neimhsheasmhacht, s. f. inconstancy "Hul4C, neulach, a. cloudy
Mejiiij-eolr, neimhsheolla, a. immethodical HuUwjp, neuladoir, s. . an astrologer
Hejiiif 501,]5*> neimlisgeaduighlhe, a. undressed "Mul4o^j)ieAt>, neulitdoireachd, s. f. astrology, sneak
HejrhpbJariiac, neimhsgiamkathya. unhandsome, un ing and gazing about
adorned Heul puptAt), neulfhurtadh, s. a slumbering
HejmpsjteAc, neimhsgilheach, |a. unwearied, HulrnAp, neulmhar, a. cloudy
Hejrpsjrjjte, ncim'isgithighthe, ) tired tjbeoAl, ngcdal, "1 teed; the double letter nz.
"Hejrriolr*, neimhshiobhalla, a. uncivil n5j4t4l, ngiatal,} ' 0
"He)rhfple<t*6, neimhsplcadhic/i, a. independent Hj, /, a negative particle, not ; nj he4t>, i. e. nj ,
Hejrhrpie], neimhspleulh, s. independence nay, not so, it is not; n] pepj], it cannot be. It
Hejmceajtujnte, neim'ithcaruinle, a. insecure is sometimes written n']ot>, as njo bfejte*rbujn n)
He)mte4jujnte4Co, ncimhlhearuinleaclid, s. insecu )ne
rity "H), ni, s. a thing, something, any thing
"Hejmterc, neimhtheith, a. cold, cool H), ni, a daughter
Hejnitjmc}ollj;eillA, neimhthimchiollghearradh, s. Hl ni, s. goods, cattle
uncircumcision "Ni*, nia, s. a sister's son
"Hejmtjmcjoll^eAjtpfA, nelmhthimchiollgJiearrtha, a. H)4, nie, s. splendor; Heb. naa
uncircumciscd Hj4, , ) s. m. a hero, a mighty man, a cham-
HeirhcpeAotA, neimhlhrcabhlha, a. uncultivated HJac, niadh, ) pion
"HejnVpeaVjce, neimhthrcabhte, a. impenetrable. Hja), niadh, s. honour, veneration
Hejrhtfijpe, neimhthreise, s. impotence H)4> niadh, a. strong
Hejmrjeo]")5f;e, neimhtlireoii ighthe, a. undirected H)**up, riiidhachus, \ s. m. valour, bravery, chival-
, />, s. f. a turnip , niodhas, I ry
Wejpl, neisil, a. seedless, impotent, blighted H]4n*]rc, madhnaisc, s. a soldier's belt or collar
Hejr, netth, s. a fight, battle, engagement HjaII, mall, s. m. a letter, a champion
"Hejt, s. tlie god of battle with the Pagan HjaII, Niall, a man's name
Irish ; "Hejt, . . )4 caa le ^encjl 5<eel, 4 Hj'vm, nimnh, s. the brightness, colour, or appear
" a ben pjn." Cor. ance of a thing
tiente, neithe, plur.ofm, a thing "], ntamh, a. beautiful ; Heb. naam
He]fe*, neitheaiht a. false ]4|), ni.imhum, v. I ild, colour, shine
He)fc*niu]l, ntheamhttil, a. real ^, niamhchuirtdh, a. tenacious
, iiemon, s. the Bellona of the Pagan Irish, "Hl4'bt>*. niamhdhi, a. pleasant, bright
the wife of Hejr, see Heji 1^|4Tf)04o, niainhdhachi, s. brightness
"Heo, neo, a negative particle used by the Scotch 1*))1, niamhmhud, a. bright, pleasant
writers of Gaelic for the nearh arui nejrh of the *H)rh]pe, niamighairc, s. a saiile
Irish Hjriii.l'ip, niamh'Jilas, a. greenish
tH-o, or )} neo, nee, or air neo, adv. else, otherwise ]|14, tiiatnhghlun, a. pure, clean, clear
Heo, neo, conj. and HjAJTlg 44],
f{)0 N10 b02i NOA

-lamiilitnajTTi, niamhghlanaim, v. I purify, clarify 1^1004, niodha, a. real

'Hjamjknra, niamhghlanta, a. purified, clarified H? n,og, s. a condition
Hj*n, niati, s. a daughter )5, nioghorach, a. constant
"Hianpgot, niansgoth, knap-wecd ; Centaurea nigra Horhat, nicmhadh, s. shining, glittering
'H|d| or 4 njap, 'niar or a niar, the west "H'loifmp, niomkas, s. m. brightness
")1, niardha, a. occidental, west-ward Hioriro*, niomhdha, a. bright, shining
'H)rtjie*r, 'niardheas, south-west Hjomp5<ojlte, niomsgaoilte, a. scattered
'"Hj*Jtii4)f, 'niatthuaith, north-west Hjon, , the ash tree ; the letter 11
)4, nias, s. ra. a weasel "Hjon, iiion, s. f. a wave
"Hjaf , niaili, s. m. a homicide ; * . f. re]> jtvj "Hjon, nion, s. f. a cloud
t1]." Hjon, nion, s. f. Heaven, the expanse or firmament ;
"K"J*T*I, matai, see n^n^ral " Pattpajcc ftl heapjnarh Hjne."
Hjc, M.f, s. a daughter H^on, nion, for nijean, a daughter
"Wy, nidh, s. m. a matter, affair; gen.nejt H]on, nion, a. branching, having boughs
1\^, , for gnjoorjni jar, they make "Hjonac, nionach, a. pleasant; speckled
"], s. f. manslaughter Hjonac, nionach, a. forked, catching
Thilo, 7f;/, gen. of Ticrtt), a nest "Hjonat), nionadh, s. m. prey, booty
"Kp, mh, s. a thing; gac n) rfimur H)on4t>, nionadh, s. m. child-bearing; bean Jto npna jf},
H)fe, w/'.'/, s. time a woman in labour
t-,5, /^, |s, a daughter; also a niece; Hlonajm, monaim, v. I plunder
"Hjjeaii, nighean, } Welsh, nith, a niece j 'M)ono}r5, nionchcisg, s. f. instruction, advice
"hgeac, nigheach, a. abluent, detergent, detersive Hjong, nionog, s. f. a little girl
r.ijeftCftin, tjpppann, mopsaimA j would not be
Hgeftcjn, n.^Mc/MM,l
nigheadoir, Js,m- aa washer
Hjppajm, nipsaim, )
, nigheadh, 1 ttfop, nior, I not, a negative particle of the past
1^50]16, nigheadnreaehd,y' ' "Hip, nir, J tense; ] pjj r, he left not
"Hjgjni, j/i/wi, v. I wash H']op uo nejle, nior bho deidhle, v. it was not trivial ;
"HiSjneog, nighineeg, s. f. a little girl i. e. nio]t do be4g. o. g.
Hjjre, nighte, part, washed "Hoji c<omn454|K nior chaomnagar, v. he accom
H)5rn> nightin, s. f. a mixture of dog's dung, hu plished not, or could not ; t, e. rijoji urh4Ti5, no
man urine and water, which the poorer kind of n^o;i yr>. . .
the Irish peasantry use for washing their linen "H^op or ^, nios or adv. from below, up
M]hA ni ht, >adv< itsnot "Hjop, nios, a sign of the comparative ; njop ro^e
ha, niheadh,) Hjopcjo, niescoid, s. f. an imposthuine, bile, swelling
"hp, w/V, adv. it is not, fornirjpujl H]]le, nirle, s. advice
"hlljm, n7/'m, lam not; for n] r)l)m "Hjp, nis, for 4no)p, adv. now
"Him, /, prop. 5n}t>]m, v. I do, I make "Hjft eiij a negative particle ; sometimes used for
Him, nim, ) e , niop
tljmb, ., )s- f'adrP
^lip, n, a sign of the comparative, see n^op
tilth, -fC^pe, n;se, gen. of ne*p, a wound
"H rhe ninth,
nimhe \J l,0,son>. bitterness, sourness Hip m, ms mo, more, greater ; i. e. r\) jp mo
"HpinSeap ^a, nimhdheargadh, s. reproving "Hjp m, nis mo, no more, no longer ; /. . n)p4 mo
Hjrhearhujl, nhnhcamhu.l, a. poisonous, invenomed, "Hjr, nith, s. manslaughter, homicide
sore, baneful, waspish ! "Hjf, /), s. a battle
Hphjljc, nimhghl c, a. strong, impregnable "HircAC, nitheach, a. warlike; of or belonging to a
H)tii|ot>, nimhiodh, s. an ecclesiastic, a church dig- battle; " j*ll njjrtIU n}ce4C."
nitary t^jfeaii, nithear, v. be it done
"Hphnee, nimhnceth, see njriiearhii)! , nine, s. rn. a nook, a corner
Hjrhneacin, nimkneachan, s. rheumatism ,-H]u& 'niugh, I adv. to-day; nptj, 4fi)urii,
Hjma, lmtha, i not alike with me; "i.e. nj '"M)urh, 'niumh,] 4npm
J^jorhf, nicmldha, J hjenan lcam." o. . "Ho, no, conj. or, nor, else, either, neither
-Hpi, n/tf, s. f. an image "Ho, no, then, therefore ; /'. e. mo, wino, oan, or t)]n
l^jn, /, s. f. a letter "Ho, no, a. noble, exalted, dignified, excellent
-]5)}1, ningir, a. 'ore, sick ; bitter "Ho, no, a. new
H)eac, ninntach, a. pleasant "Ho, no, a mark of the past tense, sometimes used
"Hjnop, nii es, s. m. a cloud, exhalation in old MSS. for THi or , 11 no Cu]le4p me."
Hjnpcj, nimci, s. one who interrupts another's dis ! Ho*?, naodh, s. ennobling, exalting, dignifying
course ' ">, noadh, s. watching, protecting, guarding
V/jof, niodh, a negative particle, see n^ ", noabhaidh, s. time, season
N0 tf\X2l NUA

"Hoc, noch, pron. who, whom, whose, which 'No]), 'noir, the east, noj|i
Woe*, , that were not; "no* I*n54." Keat. Hojr, 'ttois, adv. now, 4 no)p
"Ho4, ocha, 1 "Njp, nois, s. a custom, manner, fashion
, nochad,}**"11^ tljp, mis, a. noble, excellent
", noclmladh, a. ninetieth "Hjpj, noisi, s. a thing of no value
"Hots, nochd, s. night ; Welsh, nos "Hojrrjteojji, noistreoir, s. m. the person who rings
', ""nochd, adv. to-night ; noo the small bell at Mass ; see 4jptjeojp
"Hoo, nochd, s. nakedness "Hjr, noit, s. f. a church, congregation
, nochd, a. naked Hojre4, noitheach, a. noble
Hocft, nochdadh, s. nudation, explication 045, Nollag, Christmas. Sc.
"Hoo*J5e, nochdaighe, a. naked ", nona, s. afternoon; tj4tnn4, evening. It
" v. I uncover, disclose, is sometimes used figuratively for the whole day,
Hocr*)5jm, nochdaighiiim, peel, strip, explain, rt<oj 4, nine days
Hoccrtjm, nochdaim, t elucidate,' explicate, 'Hon, 'nonn, see 4no
J declare "Hopp, norp, houseleek ; Sempervivum tectoru m
"Hocnujjeact), nochduigheachd, s. f. nakedness "Hop, nos, s. m. biestings
"Hocouj^te, nochduighthe, \ a. uncovered, unveiled, Hop, nos, s. m. a manner, fashion, custom, habit,
"Hot4, nochta, \ disclosed, stripped ceremony; "no nop pp." Keat.
"Not, /, s. m. humanity, manhood ; the mem- "Hop, nos, s. m. a nobleman or scholar; /'. e. n<e pjf,
brum virilp no n<e U4jp." Cor.
\, nod, s. an abbreviation, note, mark; Welsh, "Hop, nos, s. . the knowledge of nine ; the name
nod given to the pe4nup mj, or great code of Irish
-0> ! nod ! interj. observe ! take notice ! laws, corrected and arranged by the committee of
"How, nodh, a. noble, excellent nine in the days of Laoghaire, monarch of Ireland ;
Hw*t), nodadh, s. noting, understanding " %p, i. e. noepjp, i. e. pjpnnoap, /'. t. -] pj,
"Ho4, nodhadh, s. ennobling, dignifying tpj p) 4C4prpj lieppuic, i. e. pu] Ijrpe, 4C4p puj
"Hooftigjm, nodaighim, \ v. I note, take notice, un- p.]l]e4r4 4C4p p4) bepk pjne ; 4C4p pop Tjrmp
Hoajm, nodnim, j derstand pjn ujle 4C t)e4n4ifi 4n rpen4p4 rhjp, unde dicitur
"Ht)*im, nodaim, v. I league, confederate t<eg4j{te, Cope, 4)pe wp,
Ht>4)pe, nodaire, s. m. anabridger, abbreviator Pc]4)c, , C4jp cjp
-04]<*0, nodaireaclid, s. f. abbreviation Rop, un4, Vepgup pejb,
" bene, nadar bene, he, she, or it will be with Hoe p4)je pjn pe4n4jp m]p." Cor.
us; " . . ) \y\e." o. g. Hp, nos, s. m. poison
HocAf, nodhchur, s. m. a constant companion, a Hp, nost s. m. fame, reputatio n
wife or husband Hp, nos, s. m. knowledge
"Hooloj, Nodlog, Christmas ; Welsh, nadolig Hp, nos, a. exaked, dignified
HtJUgAt), nodughadh, s. notation, noting Hp, nos, a. white, purest white
"Hoe, noe, s. m. a man Hop, os, used in old MSS. as a mark of the past
, noebh, s. m. a saint tense ; " nop 454, . e. cujppjoo."
, noebh, a. sacred, holy 'Hor*' 'n<>sa' adv. now, at present, *
, noerc, s. m. a seaman, a mariner Hop4, nosach, a. habitual, ceremonious
Ho], not, s. a ship Hop4t), nosadh, s. liking, approving
-Hjb5]r> noibhighis, s. ordure, dung -Hop4i5jm, nosaighim, v. I enact, approve
-Hjo rec, noibhighseach, a. filthy -Hp4rhl4t5, nosamh'.achd, s. f. formality, modishness
H,ore*, k^W.-I Hp4ihuil, nosamhuil, a fashionab formal
Hj%re, noibhiste, J Hpm4)i, nosmhar, J
), noid, s. f. a church, congregation Hp)4], nosmliar, a. customary, according to cus
Hojjn, noigm, s. f. a noggin; a 11aggin, quarter of tom
Hpni4p4co, nosmharachd, s. f. modishness
a pint
<Hojle*, noileach, s. m. the New Law or New Testa Hp4, nosughadh, s. fashioning, forming
ment. Leb. Bree. H04, notha, a. discovered
), noimhnidheadh, s. m. a fool 040, notadh, s. noting, marking, discovering
, win, s. f. noon ; the ninth hour of the day y\ozt\, notai, s. a mark of dignity ; " , . noo ],
according to the Roman calculation i. e. com4p* U4jlle " Cor.
H-incopo, noindorcha, s. ah eclipse of the sun Horu)t>e ceo)l, notuidhe cheod, s. musical notes
Hrnen, noinin, small daisy ; Bellis perennis -Hon, rioudh, v. I dignify ; i. e. oije4jc4)gim. 0. g.
Hjn^n mj, noinin mor, greater daisy, ox-eye; Hu4t>, nuadh, a. strong; "oorpojo pe pe nj4onu4."
Chrysanthemum lucanthemum -HU4, nua ' j \ a. new> modern
-Hpuult, iwinreulty s. the evening star nuadh, J
4U Hu4cojnpe4,

Vluacompeac, nuiicoinseach, s. m. a harlot, a prosti- 11, nuall, s. m. praise.

tute *Hu*U, nuall,' s. m. an opinion, utterance, speech ;
, nmckalla, a. astronomy mull 5n 0), a true saying
Huacap, niiiicka)', s. m. a companion ; a wife, a 11, nuall, s. m. lamentation, mourning; howling
husband Huall, nuall, a. famous, noble
a. new ; il is often compounded with , nuallack, a. freakish
other words ; when the second part ", nualladJt,
, nuad/, . of the compound begins with a , nuallan,
" 5, nuagh, , nuaHfiotach, >s. m. howling, roaring
slender vowel it is written ^,
J as in the following ^, nuallgubha,
", nuadarrach, a. sour, surly, sulky , nuallsan, a. noble, generous
"Muat>i;*ll, nuadhghaU, s. m. a new foreigner, an Hudrhun))!, nuamhanoir, s. embroidery
Englishman "Huaji ! nuar ! interj. woe! sorrow! mo nuan !
Huapbitejr, nuaidhbhrcith, s. f. new birth, regene alas !
ration '"Hu<vr, hiuas, see
'Hu}t'Dfot)*i>, nuuidhbhrioghudhidh, s. transub- , nuas, "1 a. first, new ; ] njp, i. e. jn c
Hjp, nuis, J baje, biestings
4]>}5, nuaidhdhcarg, s. a fresh, ruddy com Hu<*i<i]5, nmhaigh, s. the new mansion of Heaven ;
plexion ** i. . nun n]me." . g.
'], nuaidhi'acht, - "Is. f. news, tidings; }, nudth-jr, s. . a wedding
"Hun jt)re*cx, nuaidhthcacht,} newness, novelty nui, s. m. a man or woman, see rue
'Munj'ppejnj'oe, nuaidhfheinidhe, s. a novice Wupjpeaco, nutdhfeachd, s. f. a lonely journey
T-UupyjAnujre, nuaidkjhianuise, s. the New Law, the Wui^e or 50 mi)5e, nuigc or go nuige, adv. until ;
New Testament nuj=,e po, hitherto; 50 nu^e 4 *' until his
Hud]m)l)t>, miaidhmhd'idh, s. m. an untrained sol death
dier "Mujrhjji, miimhir, s. a number
HuaprgeiilA, nva'tdhsgcula, s. news "Hujrhpjjim, nuimfirighim, v. I number
"Wuajp^ulajre, nua:d/jsgculaidac,a. m. a news-monger "Hu]rh|tjii5<n, vuimhriughadk, s. numbering
HuijofjopUcaf, nuaidhtfiiodhlacadfi, s. a new year's Hujn, nuin, the ash tree ; the name of the letter
gift Hujnein, nuincan, s. m. a dwarf
'Htuj'rjonpfcdivrj}, niiaidhthhnigantoir, s. m. an in 1, nuna, s. hunger, see H]]ib
novator 'Hu, ', see . Heb. ana, whether
"Huejl, nuail, s. f. a roaring, howling "Hujipb, nuridh, last year, /'. c. *n up*]*
"Hiujljm, nuailim. v. I roar, howl "Hup, nus, a. new, fresh, strange
"MiU]p, 'nuair, adv. when, whilst; prop, anud)|i ; a] Hp, nus, a. great, uncouth
']]!, immediately, , seeing that
tftull, nuull, s m. a remarkable saving, a lofty ex
pression, an exalted stile


is the twelfth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and the fourth vowel ; it is of the denomination of Leathan, or broad vowels ;
and is therefore used indifferently with a or in old Irish Manuscripts, and in some words by the moderns: as, dcor,
dar, dur, a tear ; Lat, lacryma. We find that the Greeks, especially the Dorians, did change their a into o: as,
troma tor trauma, a wound ; otax for aulax, a furrow. The Latins anciently wrote coda for cauda ; plostrum forpi'strum;
lotus for lautus, ifc. In the Latin we also find a written for ; as, from creo is formed creavi and erratum ; and has
been sometimes taken foro: as, 'funics for fontes ;frundes for frondes ; fret for jreto ; Acher unte forAcheronte, (c.m
Lucretius. Pi ny says that some states of Italy, particularly the Umbnans and Tuscans, did not at all use o, but
always wrote instead of it. This letter is sometimes short and sometimes long, and in this, corresponds with the
Greek omega and omicron. It is the prepositive vowel of the diplhong or, so called from ir the spindle tree ; rulgd,
fcrus, L..t. euonymus ; and we find this diphthong in the Hebrew : as, Heb. Goi, Lat. geus; as also among the Greeks:
as, coilon, cvim, Lat. calum, cana.

O tt
21 OCA Oe/V" OEN

Ol ! interj. alas ! woe is me ! , eearas, s. m. & f. hunger

, o, prep, from ; " o b*][> 50 bun." By, with ; ]6, ocarasacA, a. hungry
" t>j4 r<n u]le jonAB pubpt4jnt; urrutajti, OcA]ijft, ocaroir, s. m. an usurer
T l*tj)." Mulhy, 33 , occis, s. m. interest, annual rent; prop. }
, , adv. since, seeing that ; o tujm ; coi])c , ocas, conj. and, id. , ., and 4gup
me t>o njr , occ, written in old MSS. for ac or 45
, , s. m. an ear. Heb. ozen Occa!, cecal, s. m. a servant
, , s. m. deafness, see quot. at rcujpt) Occo, occo, ir. old MSS. for 454
0, 0, s. m. a descendant Occuf, occus, in old MSS. for 4 or 454p
0*|, oar, s. m. a voice, a call Oco, //, s. m,. the bosom
Ob, ob, s. hops. SA. Oct>, ochd, a. eight
Ob, cb, s. m. a refusai, denial ; force, provocation Ocoac, ochduch, s. m. a good key of voice, a good
Ob, oba,~\ c delivery ; "jp pe4jip 4 4 4 pojlujm."
Ob*, oba,P'L anver Or, rrri4C4t>, ochdmhacadh, s. in. adoption
Obut), errf, s. m. denial, refusal O n ! och on I interj. alas !
Ob]m, , v. 1 refuse, deny Ocor, ocoth, s. m. a shower
ObA], obainn, a. quick, sudden, rash, hasty OcliA,
ocrasch,)) a- llunSr>T'
, .
Obijne, obaime, |s. f. swiftness, abruptness,
Ob)ftet, obainneacht, \ hastiness, fierceness Ocji4p, ocras, s. m. & f. hunger
Ob*jp, cbair, s. f. work, labour, workmanship Ocjup, ochras, s. m. gills of a fish
Obrtj|t-ce4ft>Amu)l, ob.r-cheardamhuil, s. an engine ](4, ocrasan, s. m. a glutton
Ob*)|*-lojne, obair-ghloine, s. glass-work OcpAl, ccsal, see ApcAl
Oba]ji-|i]p, ob.tir-g/ucis, s. f. embroidery Oer, ocht, 1 ,.
Obd}p-^u)i, obir-ghuail, s. coal-work OctAb ochtar,)^ elSht
Obftjpijim, obairighim, v. I work, labour Ocoe5, ochtdcug, a. eighteen
Ob4]P)fe, obairighthe, a. wrought OcrhA'-DuSj ochtmAaah-deug, a. eighteenth
Ob*]i-)r]n, obair-inntin, s. a theory OccmAt), oeAtmAadk, a. eighth
Obftjp-icleAC'oft, obair-inntleachdach, s. machinerv. Orrruw, ochtmAad, 7 ut
AI. Orrno^AC, ochtmhoghad, 3 S
jpy.i^A-, cbairiugAadfi, s. operation, working OrrnojADAt), cchtmhozliadadh, a. eightieth
Ob*)ji-l<e, cbair-lae, s. day's-work, journey-work Ocrrhi, OcAtmhi, \ _ t .
. . ," Lf i J> October
Ob*)]-lirn, cbair-lamA, s. handy-work, manufactory , Uchtmhios,
Ob*)|-lionA]n, obair-lionein, s. net-work Orpl]opiiAC, othtshliosnach, a. octagonal
ObA)|i-TTK0jr jA, obriir-maoisglia, s. Mosaic work OcruAjpe, ochlua'ire, a. eightfold
ObAi|-j-mtApe, obair-sAnatAaide, s. needle-work 06 up, cc/w, s. m. itch
ObAip-rejne, obair-ihene, s. fire-work Oup, ocAk, s. mallows ; Malva vulgaris
ODA)t-urtjiteA^)i, obair-uaiicado'r, s. clock-work O o, erf, from thy
ObAjp-ur, obiir-ttckd, s. a breast-work, parapet Ot>. , see uo
ObAip-uir&e, cbalr-ui-ge, s. water-work Oo ! od! interj. oh!
, etan, s. a small bay O, odh, s. m. music
), obhan, s. m. froth, sillabub O, odh, s. m. the point of a spear, sharp end of any
, obhan, s. m. fear, dread, prop. u*rn*ri thing
, obann, a. quick, nimble, sudden, soon, rash, Of, odh, s. m. an ear
immature Ot, odh, a. whole, entire, full
ObAiAo, obmnvchd, s. f. hastiness, rashness OdaII, odhall, a. deaf
Obp, obar, see obao , odhan, s. m. froth
ObclA, obela, a. open , odhanacA, a. frothy
ObnA, obhnach, a. frothy Ooa, odhann, s. m. a pan, kettle
Oho! obo! interj. oh! lio! strange ! take care! OtiAji, odhir, a. pale, wan, dun
Objure, obruighthe, part, worked up, wrought OA^A mullA, odharach mhullach, devil's bit; Sca-
-, o-bu dheachan, s. the yolk of an egg biosa succissa
Obuj, cbuinn, a. rash OtiAjin, odhiran, s. m. cow parsnip ; Haracleum
Obiqrie, cbuinne, s. rashness, hardiness, quickness sphondylium
Oc, oc, s. m. a poet ; gen. ]05, odharog, s. f. a scrat ; a young cormorant
! / interj. on! alas! och! Ot>rh*U, odhmhall, s. m. slowness
OcAjP, s. f. business, an occasion Ocrhop, odhmhos, s. m. respect, homage
Ocal, ocha/, s. m. moaning, complaining Ot>rhop4c, odhmhosach, a. respectful, dutiful
], ocar, s. m. interest, usury Oec, oeih, s. m. an enemy. Cor.
OcAlb ochar, s. m. ashoe; plur. o]i* Oen, oeti, a. one

Oenc, oenach, s. m. a fair, / e. ajne ej. Cor. O], oi, s. a sheep

Oena nujjtccpejt, oenachnuirc(hreith,s. afairfor noble Ojbjo, oibid, s. f. obedience, submission
wares ; i. . bj4 o, I051T14J clujrii ocur 0)bl]054]o, oibltogaid, s. f. an obligation
co)lce, bpnfwjE ]6*11, ej 4C4r caj- Ojbne, oibne, s. quickness, suddenness, swiftness
bojo, mjolcojn 4car ]6* oleAiu." Cor. Ojb]ie404t>, oibreachadh, see o)bjju54
Oe, v, s. m. a lie ; an enemy. Cor. 0)bmce, oibrighe, \ s" In" a worIb ope-
Ojfjcel, officel, s. ni. an officiai ; " 40511 beogin 0,bp!|teojp, bo,brighthcoh; ) ^etac,nrer'
o;rjcel 04 hjjine po) Iej5) 065." 4 Mast. 1431
0(p|4)oec, offraideach, s. m. a priest, an offerer 0|bjjgjm, oibrighim, v. I work, operate
0Fl>jl, offrait, s. f. an oblation, offering, sacrifice Ojbj55fe, oibrighthe, part, wrought, effected
OjFpjljm, offrailim, v. I offer Ojbjijgteojji, oibrightheoir, s. m. a workman, a la
O5, og, a. young, juvenile, fresh bourer
Oj>> og/i, s. m. an ear 0)bjju54t), oibriughadh, s. m. operation, working
Or, o^A, s. m. a point, an edge 0]bre4, oibhseach, a. terrible, wonderful, strange,
O5 0, a. sacre'd, holy ; " Gjjie 65 jjr 4 n<em." vain, silly
5, "'//, s. m. an egg Ojccan, oiccean, s. f. the great deep, the ocean
ois, Ws-f-*v,rgin Ojee, o/c/ta, s. f. water
Obi S/!i 1}a- > 8 Ojcc-rhj, Oicht-mhi, October
Ojo, aid, s. m. an ode. Ftrm.
0> "S'-'' a- whole, entire Ojo, oidh, s. f. music, melody, harmony
O54, og/ta, s. a grand child Ojoe, oidhche, s. f. the night
Ojrt-o, oghachd, s. f. virginity OjerhajiU, oidltchemheorlach, s. m. a night-robber
^, oguclid, * Ojocjfce, oidhc/uthe, a. benighted
544, ogantachd, >s. f. youth Ojoe, oide, pron. they, these, those ; /'. e. )4opoje.
Ojge, oige, ) g-
Ogijn, ogain, s. f. a youth Oje, oidhe, s. m. a guest, a traveller
Ojam, ogham, s. m. the occult manner of writing used Ojoe, oide, s. m. attacher, instructor, a foster-father
by the ancient Irish Ojoe-4lrj*m4, oide-attrama, s. a foster-father
OsamUo, ogamhlachd, s. f. youthfulness Ojoe-b4)rtj, oide-baisttdh, s. a god-father
0541711141, ogamhuil, a. youthful Ojoe-jNOjrjojn, oidc-famtd n, s. a father-confessor
54, ogan, s. m. a bough, twig, branch Ojoe-rolujm, oide-Joghluim, \ s. a preceptor, teach-
G^JfVg'anacA, } s" m" a '' a striPHnS Ojoe-mujnte, oide-murnte, J er, tutor
Ojoe-p5ojle, oide-sgoiie, s. a school-master
O54J, oghur, see o4f Ojoe404p, cidiachas, s. m. instruction
0 pr;iii, oghastoir, s. m. a host, a keeper of a house Oje4c, o'uiheacht, s. f. endearment ; a night's
of entertainment lodging
O5B0, ogbho, f. a heifer Ojoe?, oidheadh, s. m. death, massacre
Ojculloc, ochulloch, s. a grice, a young pig Ojoe4m, oidhcum, s. m. an idea
Ogoao, oghdhachdy s. f. virginity 0)414, oidheach, a. ideal
O5I4C, oglach, s. m. a youth, a servant, avassal, knave, Ojre4n, oidean, s. m. love, tenderness, generosity
soldier, a kern Ojoe4fip, oldliearp, s. m. endeavour, an attempt
Oglacar, oglachas, s. in. a kind of Irish verse Ojoear. oidheas, s. m. instruction, counsel
Olac4r, ogluc.'ias, s. f. the fourth stage of human Oje4p, oidheas, s. m. freestone
life, from the 34ih to the 54 year of a person's age Ojijt, oidhir, s. f. snow
Oglcap, oglachas, s. in. slavery, servitude Omjjip, oidhirp, s. f. an attempt, undertaking
Ojlicar, oglachas, s. m. heroism ; " ) ffuj&e jr 0)}e, oidhrt; s. f. ice
n oomajn ne6 him copmjl 4p n acaj* ji Ojpe, oidhre, s. f. an heir, heiress
nojlar." M- Par. Ojopeico, adhreachd, s. f. heirdom, inheritance
51051, oglosgaiti, s. f. a tadpole Oj|ie4miijl, vidhi eamhuil, a. frosty
O5I11J, ogluidh, a. bashful, fearful, awe-struck, aw Ojjio4r4, oidhreatu, a. frozen, glacial
ful, gloomy Ojjrj"5, oifing, s. f. a penny
Oslujoeaco, ogluidheachd, s. f. bashfulness, fear, awe,
Ojpi5, *g, I s< f. ;in office, station
gloominess Ojjrjse, oige,J
Ogmajtr, ogmhait, s. f. a heifer, a young beef Ojp]5e4C, otfigeach, s. m. an officer
O^rhaoajn, ogmhadain, s. f. die early dawn 0)fj5e4mujl, oifigeamnhuil, a. othcial
Osrvjr, ogmhws, s. the month of June Ojrj5)et, wjigidheacht, s. f. office, employment,
O5W1 og'iy s. the youth, young men
OgpiOD, ogsaod, s. m. a hogshead, a vessel contain agency
ing 63 gallons
0)1 OIL 01N

)), oifrideach, \ s. m. a priest, an offerer, a Ojlbjmjm, oilb.heimim, v. I reproach, stumble

Olrjijofuc, oifiionnetck, j sacrificer OjlBpeo, oilbhreo, s. a funeral fire
OjleAp, uUcheas, s. f. a doubt
OJFPjo, olfrionn, see Ajrjtjo OjIceAj-AC, oilcheasach, a. doubtful
0) o'g, s. m. a champion Ojie, oile, pron. other, another
0)5 ^A, s. f. a virgin, a maid OjleATTinAC, oileamhnach, s. m. a student
0)5, oig/i, s. f. a stag, deer OjleAifmAC, oileamhnach, a. requisite, nourishing, in
0]5*)|> oigair, s. a young man. Sc. Prop, o]5fej*
OJ54m, oigham, s. obedience, homage structive
Oj&Bean, oigb/uan, s. f. a young woman OjleArhnAjm, oileamhnaim, v. I educate
0)1], oileamhuin, 1 s. f. nurture, food, education,
Oj56eo)l, o/ghcheoil, s. f. virginals
Ol&e> "ige, s. f. youth - OjleAn, oilean, j instruction >
Qj5e> <"t', s. f. a web fit for the loom Ojlen, oilean, s. m. an island
C))5e, oige, compar. of 05, young OjlenAC, oilcanach, a. insular
^)5e> oigke, s. m. virginity. M'Par. OileAH, oilear, 7 ., .
OjleAjtA. oilearach, J8" a P1^"
Olge, oig/te, s. m. a file OileAHA, oilcaradh, s. a pilgrimage
0)5e '^> s. m. fullness, entireness
^15e*c, oigeach, s. m. a young horse 0)10, Oilearcha, s. a nursery
OjjeacA, oigeachach, a.abounding in young horses Ojle-AfjAji*, oile-athair, s. m. a foster-father
0)5ear>, oigeachd, s. f. youth Ojlejm, oileim, s. f. instruction
0}ge*, oigheadh, s. m. a sojourner, a lodger Ojhm, /;, v. 1 nurse, cherish, instruct
0)5e*' oigheadh, s. m. establishment, consolidation

0]ljrjteAdo, oilithreachd, ) *
Ojl){ieAC, oithreach, s. m. a pilgrim
OjlycpeAC, oithreach, a. belonging to a pilgrim
OjgeA, oigheann, s. a pan, a cauldron O i II, /, a. great, compar. ojlle, greater
(^15e*R, oigheannach, s. m. a thistle OjllrheAO, oillmheadh, s. m. abalance
0)5, oighear, s. f. snow ; Welsh, eira Ojlltuo, oilltheiid, s. f. a cable
Oi5fe*j, oigfhear, s. m. alad, youth Ojlr, oilt, s. f. horror, terror,. dread, affright, fear
0)51t>, oighidh, s. death Ojlce, oiltc, a. nourished, nursed
0]i, oighidh, s. a guest, a sojourner Ojlte, eilte, a. terrified, affrighted
Olojm, oighim, v. I behold, look upon OjlteArhhto, oilteamhluchd, s. f. ugliness, hideous-
Oj]rh, oighimh, s. a stranger, a traveller ness
0]lreAtfiu]l, oilteamhuil, a. terrible, shocking, ugly,
0)5Jlb ^jr, see ojjj
0)ne*c, oighneach, a. liberal, generous dreadful
Oj5nert, oighnean, see <t)gue<iu Ojlceojjt, oilteoir, s. m. a fosterer
O]jpe, oighre, an heir, heiress 0]lrjT>, oiltidh, see ojlce
Oj5fe4t>, oighreachdyS. f. heirdom, birthright, patri OjltjpeAC, oilthireach, see ojljtjieA
Ojn, oiti, s. f. a thing lent, loan
mony, inheritance Ojn, oin, s. f. gain, profit, buying, purchasing
0)5pencT5*rhu)l, oighreachdamhuil, a. hereditary
0|5fte<540, oighrcaghadh, s. freezing, glaciation OjneA, oincach, s. m. mercy, liberality, generosity,
OjjfteArhujl, cighreamhuil, a. icy, frosty respect, deference
Ojjper4, oighreata, see ojpeat* , oincach, a. liberal, generous, magnanimous,
0]pej), oighreir, s. f. despotic power; obedience, merciful
OjneAc, eineacht, s. f. liberality, generosity, mercy,
subjection respect, deference
O)5fieo, oighreog, s. f. frost, ice
Oi^tieog, oighreog, s. f. a wild strawberry Ojnp, oinid, see jnjo
0)5Jij4)i, oighnarach, a. obedient Ojnp, einid see o]nrhjo
Oj5)i]|i, oighrir, s. f. a curse, malediction Ojnj, oinigh, a. generous, liberal, bountiful, boun
0|5]ijiiat>, oighriughadh, s. inheritance, inheriting teous, magnanimous
Oj5f), oighsidh, s. f. a treaty of peace ; " Cpeoc* Ojn}, oinigh, s. f. a harlot, a strumpet
mopA 1 h v\o buje "Hjll pop a f-jreAji biA- Ojnme, oimne, prep, with, alono; with
fAJ} %10 )UAt> UA Hjll, CO CUCC A JJAH Ojnrhp, olnmhid, s. f. a fool, a niJget, a mute ; Welsh,
tAJt A cpeAA, "J CO 0J5PJ ynfid
OjnrhjoeA, einmhideach, a. foolish, silly
pfj Ajiojle." 4 Mast. 1443 Oinrhj-oeAo, oinmhidcachd, s. f. folly
Oj5rji5*IriA, oigthiagharna, s. m. a young lord, the
Ojne, oinne, prep, beside, besides, together with
son of a chief Ojj, oinninn, s. f. an onion, a pebble
Ojl, oil, s. f. a stone ; see Ajl Ovnrea, cinscach,s. m. a harlot, an abandoned woman
Oil, oil, s. f. ) reproach, infamy, scandal,
Ojlojm, oiMeim,s. m.) offence, a stumbling block 4 11 OjnreAn,

Oinrean, oinsean, \ . . Oijot^, oirdnibh, s. splinters

Ojn'reos! oinseog, } the ash tree '* see " OjBonjsim, oirdnighim, v. I arrange, set in order,
Ojp, e;V, coni. for because that bedeck
Ojt, oir, a. golden, precious 0]], oirdnlm, v. I ordain, put in authority
Ojl, oir, prep, over, upon OjpeACAp, oiteachns, s. m. pre-eminence, supre
0-\]i, cir, s. a hem, border, the east macy
)|, oir, s. the spindle tree, prickwood ; Euonymus Ojjieatx, cireachda, s. a decree, statute
vulgaris ; the name of the diphthong oj OjpeAr, oireacht, s. f. a faction, party, clan ; " C054
0]jt, oir,- a. fit, proper, convenient; " n)op o]]t t>o ejnje ejrrjn ua W]\l, "NjaII 05, 54p
." OmnAjll, CojveAloA, 454p a rcojpjjeA 454p
Ojnoe4ut;, oil Heart, s. f. good actions, noble deeds ojjieffcc tjijgte uj homnAjll." 4 Mast. 1398
Oj)il5e<}c*c, olrbheartach) a. great, precious, of noble OjneAoup, oireaehdus, f s. m. an assembly, convoca-
deeds OjHCAcrup, oireachtus, j tion, synod, council
Ojpop'jn, ohbhidin, s. f. honour, veneration Ojje4t>, oiread, s. space, time, as much, so much,
Oijto]t>)ne*, oirbhidineach, a. venerable whilst; see Sijpeac
Ojjtbjp, oirbhir, s. f. a reproach, a curse Ojjteao,. oireadh, a. befitting, becoming
0]]tb)]t, cirbhir, s. f. an armful ; /'. e. n rhaw oo Oine44, oirtadha, ) or
bejn 1] pjp vi ljrh uct." . g. c\
OjHeAgA, ; 1 )t see%i" e4C4
Ojjic, ;, s. f. a lap-dog OjpeAjAjl, oiteaghad, s. a waste-house
Ojjicin, oircan, s. m. a young pig 0-)ne4"i, oiream/i, s. m. a ploughman
OjpceA*l, oceadal, s. m. instruction, doctrine 0]4, oireamhan, s. m. concord, agreement, union
, oircheard, ) , ,
. ' . oirchearduid/ie,
i j ... )> s. m. a goldsmith
Ome*iW, oireamhnach,Y- me?> proPer' fir e,x'
Ojfedmu!!, oirtamhuil, pejlient; accommoda-
0]ice4]r, oircheart, s. . & f. a hurt, wound " ' J ted, genuine, adopted
Oiiiear, oiicheas, ) . , 4), oireamhnaitn, v. I adopt, make fit
- a. necessary, ht, proper, good
OjKeAihujn, oireambuin, . f. pertinence, fitness;
Ojjie*f4C, orcktasach, a. needy, in want influence
OjMe4r*o, ohcheusachd, s. f. need, necessity 0)je4rhujne4c, oireamhuineach, see ojjte4rhn4c
^, oirchcasachd, s. a mess. 5. OjpeAj, oirear, a. pleasant
Ojhc)4040, oirchiabhach, a. golden-haired 0]4)(-14, oirtar-ghlan, a. fine and clear, delight
Ojpcjll, oirchill, s. f. a reward ; provision reserved ful, bright
for the absent Ojjp)T>, oird, s. f. music, melody
Ojnjll, oiichill, s. f. concealment, ambush ; nojf- ()ivi^e4C, oirieach, ) . .
cjll, perdue, laying in wait /- ' t. j f.m. amusician
OjHCjllim, lircliillim, v. I bear or carry 0])4, oirfidcach, a. musical, harmonious, una
Ojpiorru, oirchk;omhach,see jncjAUAC nimous
OjHcor, oirchios, s. f. charity 0}]i5< 4, ohgeadh, s. f. destroying, destruction ;
Ojncjopojw, oirckiosdoir, s. m. a treasurer " OjM^eAt) 50, i. e. p5Ji}op4p 4n bjtj."
Ojpcjpoe, oirchisde, s. m. a treasury, a precious ma OjJij.CAAjm, oirgcadhaim, v. I spoil, drive away, des
gazine troy
0)ttcjre<c, oirciscach, s. m. a portion, a share Ojjijjop, oirghtos, s. cheer
Oipcne, oircne, s. f. a lap-dog ; see quot. at opAjH 0]p5|tti oirghreas, s. m. ornament, embroideiy
Ojjtcne, o rcne. s. two cows or heifers ; . e. 1, 0]ii], oiridh, s. devices in gold
theie according to the Brehon laws were equalled Oj]i]t>, oiridb, a. meet, convenient, deserving
to six sheep in grazing Ojujm, cirini, v. I serve; 0]}tp eo, serve ye him;
}], oirchrios, s. f. a belt, an ornament 50 nO]Hf p, that they may serve
1>-0]5, oird-chois>e igtka, s. holy orders O)l*)oo, oiriod, s. a quantity, see vijpeAr and Ojne4t)
0)lt)e, oirde, s. order, improvement jttjp Oirp, s. Europe
0]]tt>e, oirde, s. a piece OlflT' oiris' s. a cbrooicle, record, history
0)|fe*Hc, oivdhearc, s. contribution. Sh. O)1*!!"' (iV;, ) s. f. a delay, delaying, stop, -
, olrdhcarc, a. noble, illustrious
41U9LL O i , oirisead ) ranee
0)]1<*], oirdhearcaim, I ennoble, ex Oi]p]m, oiriam, v. I wait, delay, stop
Ojwt>e4HCA)t>jm, oirdhearcuidhim alt, dignify ; 0)Hipe*l, oitisial, humble, loivly, meek
flourish Q|M^[e> oirisle,s. f. humility, meekness, obedience
OjnpeAHCAp, oirdhearcas, s. m. lustre, excellency, Omle, o:rU, s a piece, a fragment
nobility Oiplea, irleach, s. m. an inch
0]Her, olrdheas, a. south-east 0]le*, oirleach, s. . slaughter, havock
Ojw-ejpc, oirdheirc, a. noble, honorable, illustrious, Oinl;m, oiriim, v. I cut off
excellent, solemn OitdlonAjm, oirlionami, y. increase, overflow
0]]>, oirdneadh, s. f. ordination

Ojpmjun, oirmhianackyS.m. a gold mine, gold ore 0]1> oiiiisg, s. f. an ewe, a sheep
Ojrty, oitir, s. a bank or ridge jutting into the sea
Jtrh|i*n, oirmhiann, s. covetousness 01, ol, v. defect, said; ol )A|miAvo, said Dermod
Ojltmjafuc, oirmhiannach, a. covetous Ol, ol, s. m. & f. drink, drinking; gen. 0I4, and 0]1
Oipmjo, oirmhid, ) . a, * ' Ol, ol, a. mighty, great, powerful. Heb. Ei, God
0))iiTi)one4c, oirmhidneach, see ?ijjtrbpneA OIa, ola, s. f. oi!, olive. Welsh, olew
01a, ola, s. following
Ojpmjne, oirmhine, s. offence OIa-dajp, ola-bhais, s, extreme unction
Ojpne, envie, pron. upon us, over us ; /* Ajp pje
O.Uc, olach, a. given to drunkenness
OjpneftT, oimeadh, s. ni. ordination 016, olaclian, s. m. immoderate drinking ;
Ojpnalca, oimealta, a. neat, elegant, ornamental
Ojpnjp, oirtieis, s. f. goods, chatties, furniture, in olacn, a sot
OlA-ejgeAna, ola-dheigheanach, s. extreme unction
struments, tackling ; prop. Ajpnjp
Ojpnjr, oirneis, s. f. a qualm of stomach, nauseous- OUjjie, olaighlhe, part, anointed
OUrm, oLim, v. I drink ; I follow, pursue
ness OU-IejjeAp, ola-leghcas, s. a salve
Ojpnjm, oirnim, see ojjuonjm Ol*mu]l, olamhil, a. oily
Ojjinjpeo]j, oirniseoir, s. m. a mechanic, machinist
, olann, s. m. wool. Welsh, gwlan
0|jp, oirp, s. f. Europe Olrtjtr, s. m. a hone
Ojppheal, oirpheal, a. gilded 01a|1ea}, olartar, s. m. an ungrateful smell
0)|)e*, oirreadh, s. a burden, a load OU-reA, ola-t/ieach, s. m. a tippling-house
Ojlrfian*J5, oirshrianaigh, a. golden-bitted ; " Hj OIao)}, olathoir, s. m. an anointer
Dj 5 jjoj n pjAgujl, Ajpe Ajt luje eje )l*-
Ole, olc, s. m. harm, damage, evil
Ojjceap, oirthear, s. the East, eastern part of the Ole, olc, a. bad, ill, evil, naught
world, ihe eastern point or the rising of the sun ; Olcap, oleas, s. m. naughtiness, badness
figurt, the beginning or forepart, as jajicaji sig OlcbAjjieAC, oldabhaireach, a. blubber-lipped
nifies the end or hindmost part of any thing; as Olob*]], olehobhair, s. f. pleasure ; avarice, covet
; jpteA) go llJAJttAH a Aojre." ousness
. eastern, future ; a no]ji- OloDA)!, Olehobhair, the proper name of a man
teAjt, or a nojpfjop, in Olcojp, olcoir, s. m. an offender
Ojuceap, oirthear, OloAp, oldas, conj. but ; see quot. at?rtujjm
future ; 1a a nojpfeA}*, ^ prep, above, more than; " %ot>
OiIteAju, oirthearach, a future day, a day to
Ojprrjop, oirtfiior, Jut) m*c "H1)!! Ajfio u] horh-
come; literally a day in
tiajII T mac mic Snjone ,
^1 the East i i '-ftWmujpe, lejgeA a
Ojptfll, oirthir, s. f. the shore of the sea, coast,
border u,v,*l> """'M JA] mbejt cejtp) bi^nA
Ojjitjp-gAprhjj, oirthir-ghainmhigh, s. a sand-bank lAjri occA, a| po ojie
OjptuAjf, Oirthuaith, s. the North-East 1a)P cU "HeArAjn oIoac cIaR
Ojp, 0, a. wild Hjll." 4 Mast 1460
Ojpneap, oisbfo-as, s. m. an epicycle OleA, oleach, a. soaking
Ojj-BeAg, okbheag, s. f. an hyperbole OlcApA, oleasuch, a. usual, frequent
0]rcjmnjii5At>, oisthimnhlghadh, s. m. eminence,
OI54, olgha, a. oily, balsamick
superiority OljA, olgha, a. woollen
OjpCfVjoeArh, oischreideamh, s. m. Superstition
Oll, oll, a. great, grand
Ojpea, seach,- s. m. a foolish giddy woman
, olla, a. woollen
Ojppeo)l, ci fheoil, s. venison OUadaji, ollabJiar, see oIIajittia)
Ojpg, o< s. f. an ewe, a sheep OlUm, ollamh, see ulkrh
Olp^!r>)n, oisgribkin, s. f. a superscription OlUrh, ollamh, s. m. a doctor, chief professor of anv
Oipn, ohm, s. f. a corner, nook, a quoin science, gen. . Heb. aluf, a prince, chief
0)[^n, Oistn, the proper name of a man ; a famous , olamhacnd, s. f. forwardness, readiness
Irish poet, the son of Fionn mac Cumhail OIUrhAjn, ollamham, s. the learned, literati
Ojriorfe]|t, oisianairs. a taberd; a habit formerly worn OIUrnAjn, ollamhain, s. f. instruction ; gen. ;
over a gown luc olUmriA, teachers
0)| |fie, oisire, s. m. an oyster , ollamhanta, a. learned
Oirijge, oislihe. s. a noble way, a difficult way OilarhnACt), odamhnachd, s. f. professorship ; "
Ojf ijn, oislin, s. charms. Sli. UA%h<olonAileolUrh ft\ '^)j
OjpmenrA, oismenta, s. a low mean fellow T a pjlTeacc T>'5 ) f)5 pm | lljop peA}b*iri,
Ojpfl, oisridh, s. in. an oyster ; piur. ojppjje
OjppinAjm, oissimtim, v. 1 lie with the face upwards C(Vl
Ojceoj, titeog, s. f. a gentic blast, a puff
cal ] najl pjf. epapo *h<olcona]pe ] n'ollarh-
nac oja jre." 4 Mast. 1468 Omna, omhna, a. faithful, true. Heb. aman
Ollamnao,' ollamhnachd, s. f. superiority ; " pje Omna, ombiach, . terrible
0] ruoj opo ajngeal, 4 oo pao ollamnao oo luq- Omna, omhnach, a. frothv
pep poppa." Balimeie. Omna]m, omhnaim, v. I alright, terrify, awe
Ollamnao, ollamhnachd, s. f. preparation Omneap, omhnear, s. m. an embryo
OUariinuga, ollamknughadh, s. m. instructing, solem Om|oea, omiideach, a. obedient
nizing Omjqm, omoidim, v. I obey
Oamnuigjm, ollamhnuigh'm, v. I teach, instruct, so Oripa, omhrann, s. m. an immature division ; an in
lemnize considerate adjudication
Ollamnujgre, ollamJmuighthe, part, taught, prepared Ompaa]m, omhranmim, v. I divide immaturely ; I
Ollariiunaj, ollamhunatclh, s. a governor, instructor divide inconsiderately
Olan, olan, see oIa On, on, prep, from the, since the, /'. e. an
Ollanaao, ollanachadh, s. burial. S/. On, on, s. m. gain, profit, advantage
Oll*r> ollas, s. m. a boast, boasting. Donl. 156 On, on, s. m. a loan, a thing lent
Ollapmap, oUarmkar, s. in. a great army On, on, s. m. a cause, reason ; " ca'n on." Lec.
ollath'uh, s. m. resentment, enmity On, on, s. m. a stain, blot, fault, reproach
OllbUjt, ollblailh, a. renowned On, on, s. m. sloth, laziness
OllDUaa, o'lbhuadhach, a. all-conquering, all-vic On, on, s. m. a wolf dog
torious On, on, a. excellent, noble, good
*, Mas, see oloapand ; Ona, ona, a. slow, sluggish, inactive
Olbpag, cL'drag, s. f. a funeral pile Onoa, onda, a. simple, silly, weak, lazy
Ollea, olleadh s. m. affront, indignity Ont)), ondi, from whence, whereof, out of or from
Oglp, ollghlor, s. m. bombast which, whereby, whereupon ; " /'. e. <3n jr." Cor.
Ollmajteap, ollmhiitheas, s. f. great riches This is frequently found in old MSS. in the same
Ollmuca, ollmucach, a. abounding in swine sense as the Latin unde, or ab eo quod est
OlbcAC, ollmhuchach, a. all-extinguishing, all-con On pa, onfa, see an pa
quering ; hence the name of one of our monarchs, Ong, ong, s. m. sorrow, grief, a sigh, a groan, a dis
'ongup Ollrhua ease; " 05, t. e. u, ut est jpjn panopo p^opan*
Ollmugao, ollmhughadh, s. m. preparation, preparing ljc;
Ollniujgpn, ollmhuighim, v. I prepare, make ready ) hong <entjge mac ong !
Ollmujgte, ollmhuighthe, a. prepared Cjan n pelje mo e roll-
Ollog, ollog, s. f. offal, refuse Hj cam n'ja, act am ge]lt gams !
OllruAt, otltualh, s. m. a battle-axe ja 00 pao ) mo cono!" Cor. See also
Olmap, olmhar, a. given to drinking quot. at opajl.
Olom, ohm, a. crop-eared j Ong, ong, s. m. the sun; land, strand, sandy bottom
Oluj, oluidfi, s. f. a cow I of a river or lake
Oluj, oluinn, gen. of oan Ong, ong, s. m. healing, curing
, , prou, from my ^ng ong> s m. a fire, hearth
Orii, om/i, s. m. blood Ong, ong, a. clean, dear
Om, omh, a. unprepared, raw ; " /'. t. anullam." Cor. Ongao, ongadh, s. m. anointing, unction
Welsh, ofn i Ongajm, ongaim, v. I anoint
Oih, omh, a. lonesome, unfrequented ; " nap ab orb Ongbpon, ongbhron, s. m. a trespass
00 riip !" may your house be not deserted Ongta, ongtha, s. m. a servant; " /. e. occal." 0. g.
Omala, omaladh, see tomala Ongta, ongfhn, part, anointed
Oman, omhan, s. m. fear, terror. Heb. oph, excla Onrhjf, onmhiih, s. f. a fool, an idle person
mation of terror On, onn, s. m. a stone
Oman, , a. froth, sillabub O, onn, s. m. ahorse
Omap, ornar, s. m. a trough, a cupboard (), onn, . in. furze, gorse ; the name of the letter
Omap-oaipoeao, omar-baisdcadh, s. a baptismal , onna, a. silly; vapouring
font. C. p. Oap, onnar, there is
Onup-puajl, omar-fuail, s. a chamber-pot Ocu, onnchu, s. ni. a leopard
Omap, omar, ~\ Ocon, onnchon, s. m. a standard, ensign
Ombpa, ombra, >. s. amber Otijp, onoir, s. f. honour, respect
Ompa, omra, ) Onpac, onorach, a. honourable
Omna, omna, s. f. an oak Onpaim,, v. I honor, reverence, revere
, omna, s. f. a lance, aspear Onopugao, enorugha*ht9.m. lionouting
Omn, , s. f. roaring of the wind ; i. e. puamna, Onopiqgce, onoimghlhe, part, honoured, respected
. mppuajm g<ejce." Cor. Op, op, s. no. force, provocation, cruelty
Opajp, opair, see obajp


Optwjne, opdhaoine, s. cruel, lawless men Opo, cid, s. m. death, manslaughter

Opt*, opthach, a. morti'erous, fierce, cruel Opc, ord, a. bold, valiant; " i. . apt>, /. . 1,
Op, or, from whom ; i. e. or 'p ; " 3ic4ii p ut opolft." Cor.
4." Balim. Opoa, orda, s. a piece, a fragment
Op, or, conj. for, because Opoa, ordha, a. golden, of gold
Op, or, v. said ; op re, said he Opajm, oidhaiw, v. I gild
Op, or, s. m. gold. Welsh, aur Opt>art, ordan, s. m. generosity, dignity, solemnity
Op, or, s. m. a voice, sound Opean, ordan, s. m. a small hammer
Op, or, s. m. aborder, coast Opon, ordan, s. m a degree
, orach, a. auriferous , /, s. . music; "opon jr ollarnact."
Opacujl, oracuil, s. f. an oracle Opo-beaa]f,e, ord-beannaightl,e, 1 , , ,
O pac, oradh, s. gilding OpB-co,rpa5fca, on*-rowrJ^, )s. holy orders
Opacan, oragan, wild marjoram ; Origanum vulgare >}, ordin, s. f. a mallet
Opacan, oragan, s. m. an organ Opola, ordlach, s. m. an inch
Oparo, ere/', s. f. a prayer, oration, speech, decla Opoia, ordlach, %. m. a valiant hero
mation, prose, theme Op5, ordog, s. f. a thumb, great toe; abo the
Opjoeac, oraideach, s. m. an orator, declaimer dimin. of upo
Opjoea, oraideach, a. declamatory Opoonar, ordonas, s. m. artillery
Oppjjim, oraidighim, v. I declaim Opoug, ordugh, s. m. an order, device
Opujm, oraim, v. I pray ; I gild, bedeck Opoat>, ordughadh, s. m. ordaining,, ordering, de
Opjroe, oraisde, s. an orange creeing; arrangement or disposition
, oraim, s. writing tables Opoujal, ordughal, \ a.orderly,set,studied,
, oram, see opm Opougarhujl, oriughamhuil, j formal, regular
Opn, oran, s. m. a song, a poem ; prop. arhpan Opou)]m, orduighim, v. 1 order, ordain, command;
Opanac, oranach, a. full of songs I arrange, set in order
Opanape, oranaiahe, s. m. a songster Opou]ce, orduighthe, part, ordered, arranged
Opan-buaajle, oran-buachaile, s. an eclogue Opoujgtea, orduightheach, a. imperative
Op4n-lu4tAj, oran-luathaidh, s. a catch Opoujjceojp, ordmghtheoir, s. m. a commander, re
Opb*, ritf, s. m. land, inheritance. Br. L. gulator
Opt>4jpe, orbhaire, s. m. mercy, goodness Opga, orgha, see opa
OpBa, orbhan, s. m. a gold coin Op&jn, orgain, s. f. robbery, plunder ; slaughter
Opbp, orbid, a. humble, mild Opg4|n, orgain, s. f. an organ
, orbhuidhc, a. gold-coloured Opjpuaga, orghruagach a. yellow haired
Opbu)c4c, orbhuidheach, s. the pure yellow called Oplac, orlach, see pelac
Or or Top<tx, in the arms of a peer, or Sol in that Oplajgjm, orlaighim, v. I mangle, cut in pieces
of a prince or king Oplp, orlar, s. m. a floor
Opc, ore, s. m. acollop, ; the calf of the leg Oplarta, orlasta, \ shining like gold
Opc, ore, s. m. death Oplartamnp, orlastatnhwl, J 00
Opc, ore, s. m. a beagle, a small hound Opleaiajp, orleathair, s. m. an uncle by the father
Opc, ore, s. m. a hen egg Oplopiea, orloinneach, a. becoming, elegant
Opc, ore, s. m. a salmon; a whale Oplja, orlughadh, s. in. bespewing
Opc, ore, s. m. a pig Opm, arm, \ Qn me
Opc, ore, s. m. the cramp , emua,) * " 1,1 "
Opc, ore, s. m. a prince, a hero *)"|, omaidin, s. f. morning, break of day
, ore,. bhe, whales of the ocean ; Orkneys. Si. Opmjnea, ormheincach, see 0|prrrjanac
Opca, orcadh, s. m. killing, destroying Opn, em, s. m. slaughter, massacre
Opcajm, orcaim, v. I kill, destroy Opna, , s. f. barley
Opcajn, orcain, s. murder, killing Optimo, ornaid, s. f. an ornament
Opc<on, orchaon, s. m. a poetical incantation Opnpeac, ornaideach, a. ornamental
Opcep, orcear, s. m. a wound Ojn4]t)e4'b, omoideadh, s. ornamenting
Opeapo, oreheard, s. m. a goldsmith Opnjovgre, ornaidighthe, a. ornamented
Opcojln, orcoilen, s. f. a gold mine Opn4)5, ornaigh, see upnajg
Opcolljp, orcolleir, s. f. a gold collar Opn4)5)m, ornaighim, v. I adorn
Oppa, orehradh, s. m. grief, sorrow Opne4, omeach, s. bits
Oppaa, orchradhach, a. afflicted, sorrowful Opnjp, /J, s. f. a qualm, nauseousness
Opc-]4f5' orc-iasg, s. m. the torpedo Op 05, orog, s. f. a sheaf of corn
Opctp}f, orchthreith, s. m. a prince's son, a mighty Opp, orp, s. m. house-leek; Sempervivum majus,
prince Sedum majus vulgare
Opt>, ord, s. m. an order, series Oppa, orra, on them
Op, ord, s. m. a hammer, sledge, mall, mallet Opi4Ct)4, orrachio, s. m. a widower
4 S Ojpa4fi,
ose ose TR
, orrachdan, a. widowed, lonely OpcjmnjujjAt), osceimniughadh, s. superiority, pre
jju*n , orreghan, I charm enchantments
Uppurgeacn, orruigheachd, y
Opomjp5ce, oschomaisgthe, s. a meteor
OppAjp, orrais, s. f. squeamishness
OpcpDAti, oschrabhadh, s. m. superstition
OppujpeA, orraiseaeh, a. squeamish Opcujlte, oscuilte, a. open, manifest
, ornar, s. m. a porch, entry, vestibule Opcul, oscul, s. m. the arm-pit
OpptA, orrtha, on them , osdadh, )
Ope, orf, on thee; i.t. Ajptu ,5, osdthig/,,]*--1
! orid ! interj. begone !
Opwip, Mdoir, s. m. a host, inn-holder, landlord
, ortodh, s. ravaging, slaying
Op5*l, osgaJ, see opcul
Op*, ortha^ s. a prayer, collect, a charm
, 0sg"r3 see
Oj*ed)jm, ortaighim, v. I depart
5*0, osgarach, a. frail, brittle
, ortsa, on thee OpjUim, osglaim, v. I open
Opfcuiea], orthuigear, after to-morrow
Opu?B, oruibh, s. f. upon ye 54)), osgraibh, s. f. a superscription
Gpujr, oruinn, upon us ^, osgnobhan, s. in. an epigram
Opgujlre, osgudte, a. open, plain, manifest
Opum, oruin, the birch tree ; Fagus sylvatica
Op5up, osgur, s. m. a leap or cast across a river; " i. e.
Opumpa, orumsa, see opm
Or, os, is often prefixed to adjectives by which they cup , i. e. lvm." Cor.
Op5"p, o^M', a. unintelligent, ignorant; i.e.
become adverbs, as p Ape, p ]1, &.
Or, , prep, over, above, upon ; it is used in com neU. . g.
-]1, os-iseal, adv. secretly, privately
position, as in
Of, os, adv. since that, because that, . e. 6 jp , oslacadh, s. in. opening
Or, os, s. f. mouth OfUice, oslake, 7 i
Op, os, s. m. & f. a deer
Or cjoi rrn, os a chionns'm, adv. moreover, over- Ol"m<)5> osmog, s. f. a sob
and-above QprfuptA, osmharthach, a. surviving
OpA, eAJrf, s. m. concord, confederacy QpnA, osnach, s. m. carrion
Or*t), osadh, s. m. cessation, desisting 0|'>, os)iadh,s. m. hair of the head
, osaim, v. I cease, desist , osnah, s. m. a sigh, a groan
Opaji, osar, s. m. abed, litter; a burden: ^, osnadhach, . groanful, sorrowful
- " ejpe D]or nee, , osnaidhe, s. m. a signer, groaner
Sippe ]p Ajpjpe 5 OPI)5e*b osnaigheal, s. f. a groaning
Onj bpn ; ojpene mepn con OpnAjjjm, csnmgkim, v. 1 sigh, groan
Oft clo ; ajar tope l)4]pjeftn." For. foc. Orp, ospog, see oprnj
Op-ipo, adv. publicly, loudly *^> ossid/i, s. m. a truce. M'Par. 44
, osan, s. m. a boot, stocking. Welsh, hosan Op pAt>U, ossadhla, s. m. a league, compact
Opnujpe, osanaidhe, s. m. a hosier , ossr, s. m. a back-burden
Op4p, osap,s. ta. gathering. Heb. asaph, to collect ,
X * ossraidhe, f - m- a porter, carrier
-, os'ard, adv. openly, publicly OpfApojp, ossaroir, j 1
, osar, s. the younger ; see Orr5i ewo, s. f. ablaut, breeze, squall
, osbarr, adv. besides, over-and-above, from OffogA, essogach, a. blustering, squally
the whole i OpppAfcc, ossi aidhe, s m. cow-dung
Op-c, os-cach, a. above all, eminent, superior I , see >
OpcAp, oscar, s. m. a rushing, hurling Oftjp, ostoir, s. m. an hostler, a host
, oscar, s. m. motion of the hands in swimming OAil, otha, s. hurry, confusion. Sc.
, oscar, s. m. a leap, bound, bounce Orjm, oUiim, since that I am, because T an
Opc4]i, oscar, s. m. a guest, traveller Or*)p5, othaisg, s. f. a sheep of a year old
, oscar, s. m. a ruinous fall OfAn, olhan, s. m. froth, scum
, oscar, s. m. a champion, a hero Of, othar, s. m. labour ; t>u]ne oAjp, a labourer
Opcap, Oscar, s. m. a man's name, the celebrated , othar, s. m. wages, reward
son of isin Of , othar, a. sick, weak, wounded, mutilated
, oscarachd, s. f. augustness, ma'jesticalne<.s 1]^, otharlighe, s. m. a grave, burying place
, oscardha, a. renowned, famous Or'ip, otir, s. f. a headland ; a ridge or bank jutting
1, oscarlann, s. m. an hospital into the sea
, oscarra, \ a. loud, clamourous, bold, en- , otradifS. m. dirt, ordure, dung ; a dung-hill
Opcapii, oscartha, J ergetic Of , othras, s. m. a disease, disorder, ulcer, im-
^, oscarthachd, s. f. energy, emphasis, posthume
loudness OtpapAC, othrasach, a. sick, diseased, ulcerous
, oscheann,\ prep, above, over, overhead, OctiAra, othraseha, s. m. an hospital
Orcjofi, oscionn, ) over-and-above, additional 1 REMARKS


* is the thirteenth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and ranked among the hard consonants, called in Irish consoineadha
cradha. It bears an aspirate, and then pronounces exactly like the Greek phi ; and is numbered among the
rough consonants, called consoineadha garbha. Tili letter is called in Irish Peith-bliog. Our Grammarians do
not inform us from what tree it borrows this appellation, and O'Flaherty is equally silent concerning it. But it
seems quite obvious, that it can mean nothing else than Beith-bhog, or softthat is to say, P is only a soft or
mollifying way of expressing B; and the reason of it is, because originally they were the same letter, and P
was not used in the Irish Language before our knowledge of the Latin, in the time of St. Patrick. In our old
parchments we find these two letters taken indifferently one for another ; as, prtach, a boor or rustic, for br-
tach,; Lat. bruiunu Pist or Piast, any beast, for bist ; Lat. bestia; diph, to them, for dibh ; Sip/t, you, for
Sibh, &c. And in like manner, is very often set before any word beginning with P, in which case P is not
pronounced, although it seems to be a primary letter; as a bpian, their pain ; Lat. pana; a bpriacail, their dan
ger ; Lat. periculum ; a bpeacadh, their sin ; Lat. peccaturn ; pronounced a bian, a brined, a beacadh, &c. Bv
which we may plainly see how just is the remark of Mr. Lhuyd, in his comparative Etymology, title 1. page 21 . col.
1. "There are," says he, " scarce any words in the Irish, besides what are borrowed from the Latin or some
-* other language that begin with P ; insomuch, that in an ancient Alphabetical Vocabulary, I have by me, that
" letter is omitted." Besides we find in the old Norwegian Alphabet, which is the ancient Runic alphabet, that
there is no difference between the figure of the characters and P. See Olaus Worm. lit. Run. p. 5+. The
Greeks wrote them indifferently one For another; as, G. batein, for patein; Lat. ambulare; bicron, for Picron ;
Lat. acerbum. Hence it is, that in verbs, which termnate in bo, they change it into pso in the future tense ;
as, Gr. leibo, to leave, fut. leipso, and not leibso. And the Latins have followed their example ; as scribo, to
write, Perf. scripsi, and Sup. scriptum, and not scribsi, and scribtum. And it is by reason of this identity between
and P, that the Latins say, pasco, to feed, from Gr. bosco ; papa, from Gr. babai ; buius, from Gr. puxos ; pedo,
from Gr. bdeo ; pnieus, from Gr. bullios, &c. And the Greeks, to observe it, by the by, have, in like manner,
taken their Burgos, a tower or castle, from the Phenicians, their first instructors in letters, in whose language it
is Borg, which is plainly of the same root with our Irish word brog or brug, a strong or fortified place, also a
Lord's court or castle; whence the French Bourg, the German Burgh, and English Borough, do in a larger sense
signify a town ; just as Castellum, properly afortrese, is often used by -Cesar, in his Commentaries, to signify a
town or village; and in the same manner, that the Gothic word Gards, properly a house or castle, doth some
times mean a town ; for Asgard and Asburg, are the same. But to indicate the close, mutual affinity of and
P, Quintilian assures us, that in pronouncing the word obtinuit, our ears rather perceive optiauit. In old inscrip
tions apsens, is written for ubsens, pleps, for plebs, poplicus, for publicus, &c.And hence we familiarly say, Sup-
pono, for Subpono, eppono, for obpono. The Dutch pronounce ponum] vinum, for bonum vinum.By what has
been observed, we plainly sec, that and P were originally the same letter, and that Peith-bhog can bo nothing
else than Beith-bhog or mollified.Mr. Lhuyd remarks in the above cited place, that a considerable number
of those words, whose initial letter is P in the British, begin in the Irish with C, ex. paraid, wherefore, Ir.
eread; Wei. pryv, a worm ; Ir. cruimh; Wei. pretm, a tree; Ir. crann ; We\.pen, ahead; Ir. ceunn. We find
the like affinity in many words, between the Greek and Latin, and the Irish language; as, Ir. Caisg and Casga,
Easter ; Greek and Latin pasehu, and Chaldaic pascha, which is derived from the Hebrew.PasaJi or Phaae;
Lat. transitu?, the Passover; Ir. cos, the leg ; Gr. pons, and Lat. pes ; Ir. clmh, a feather ; Lat. pluma; Gr,
ptilon and ptiluma ; Wei. pluv, &c.The same observation has been made by Vossius, with respect to the inter
rogative, and relative of the Ionic Dialect" Iones," says he, " in interrogativis, mutant p in c, ita cs dicunt
pro ps, hocos pro hopos, pro poios, coios, pro pote, cote, ce pro pe."Mr. Baxter (in Glossario antiqu Bri
tannia;, p. 90 ) remarks, that the oldest Brigahtes, whom he esteems the first inhabitants of Britain, never used,
in their language, the sound of the letter P, which was afterwards introduced by the Belgic Britons. It' the old
jrigantes were really of the first inhabitants of Britain, it would follow, that they were a part of the Gnidclian or
Gaulish colony, who went over to Irelartd, and whom Mr. Lhuyd evidently proves to have been the first inhabi
tants of all that part of Great Britain, which now comprehends England and Wales.It hath been observed before,
that the Lingua prisca, or the primitive Latin tongue was chiefly formed upon the Celtic; and the truth of this
assertion is abundantly confirmed throughout the whole course of this Dictionary.' This being premised as a fact,
it follows, that the subsequent Celtic, still preserved in the Irishviz. clmh, cuitse, (corruptly cuisle,)
corcur or curcur, eland, cib, obuir, secht, were respectively the originals upon which the Latin words pluma,
pulsus, purpura, planta, copitt (copiarum,) opus, operis, scptem, have been formed, as mere derivatives from their
respective Celtic Aichetj pes above written. This indeed plainly appears from their consisting of a greater
number of syllables. Hence, I presume, it may rationally be conjectured, that the primitive Latin words in.
the lingua prisca, formed upon the above Celtic originals, were cluma, cutsus eurcura, cfanta, cobitc, arum, obus,
oberis, sectemThis conjecture is the more rational, as the primitive number of letters, brought first into
Greece by Cadmus, and afterwards to the Aborigines of Italy by Evander the Arcadian, consisted but of six
teen, as we are assured by Tacitus, Anal. II. and by Pliny, I. 7. c. 6, which could not be without excluding
the letter P as well as the H, which latter makes but an aspirate in several languages.
^21 P2L? . PAR

PaOjI, pabliail, s. f. a pavement PhA]]ijrneACArhu)l,, a Pharisaical

, pac, 1 pAjlt, '/, s. f. a share, part, piece, portion, rela
Vied, pacadh,)6- m- a pack
tion, kindred, union, confederacy
]5), pacaighim, v. I pack , pairtdhathach, a. particoloured
PicAjpe, pacairt, s. m. a pedlar )}6, pairteach, s. m. a partaker, partner
puil, pacharan chapuil, buck bean, marsb }16, pairteach, a. divided, shared, having a
trefoil ; Menyanthus trifoliata; trifolium paludosum siare, related
PacIac, paclac, s. m. an armful Pjptedc, pairteach, a. loving, free-hearted
V*c*j|tect), pacaireachd, s. f. business of a pedler PjpceAAD, pairteachadh, see p)jr)uA-o
Pacunas, pacughadJi, s. packing Vjjiteaar, pairteachas, s. association, partnership
Pt>a, padhadh, s. thirst Pjtitj, pairti, s. f. a party
PaaI, padhal, s. m. a pail ; an ewer pAjntpe, pairtidhc, s. m. a partner, associate, abettor
}11, 1> drate,
,1 ; 1 the proper
r r . name . ,of a man
. c,;the pAjpt)5jm, pairtighim, v. I partake, associate
i. . } name of the Apostle or lre- pAjJicjoculAJfOA, pairtioculardha, a. particular
Vatsiiuic, Fadruic, I , . r- . 1 . u
1 > 'J land, a French man by birth PijptjujA, pairtiughadh, s. f. sharing, division
T*<*b4 pagha, s. pay, wages ; vulg. Pjp, jeeii, s. f. passion, suffering
^, paganac'h, s. m. a heathen, gentile piroe, paisde, s. m. a child, a page
^, paganachJ, s. f. heathenism, gentilism pirr>)n, paisdin, s. f. an infant
^, paganla, a. heathenish *)5 Pa,sS> s- f- severe cold
Vjbljun, paibhliun, s. m. a tent ; Welsh, pabell PAjrbte, paisgthe, a. perished with cold
Vjcear, pai.iheadh, s. pay, payment ; vulg. pjrjs'jm, paisighim, v. I torment, cause to suffer;
Vajoeog, paideog, s. f. a torch made of tallow lapped " %r me ] CjrieAt) )}0, p P*j-
up in linen Hg-jm oo txonAe -j epejejm tijaao." S. A. 53
Ve]T3jji, Paidir, s. f. the Lord's prayer Paje, pait, s. f. a watering place ; i. t. it }1. o.g.
Pijciji, paidkir, s. f. a pair; vulg. pAje, />a#, s. f. a hump
P*jt>)tin, paiditin, } s. f. a rosary, a string of beads ; P)ce*c, pa'iteach, a. thirsty
"Pappen, paidrin, J a neck-lace ; Welsh, padarau PajceA, paiteach, a. humpy
Yi*)\, pail, s. f. a pavement Pjreoj, Paittg> s- f- a small lump of butter
PajIcIoc, pai/ch/och, s. a paving-stone, a causeway pAqn, paitin, s. f. a patten
Vajleipjr, paileiris, s. f. the palsy pAjr.jijr5, pailnsg, s. t. a partridge
P*jin> pmlm, s. f. a winding-sheet, shroud pA]Lt, / s. f a hump
PajlleAjit, pailleart, s. a stroke with the open hand PaIa, palach, s. m. paving or pavement
V*)ll]un, pailliun, s. n. a tent, pavilion, tabernacle Palr, palas, s. m. a, gal seat
pA)im, pailm, s. i. the palm tree PaIat^*. palatd,: .. like a palace. Keat.
Pjic, petit, a. abundant, plentiful, copious, affluent Pln, palm. ee pillan
Vdjltear, pailleas, s. m. & f. plenty, abundance 1105, palling; s. f. a thump, a blow
Vrtjn, pain, s. f. a cake, bread ; " . e. b*jjien." Cor. 1), palmaire, s. m. a rudder
pyneac , paineuchas, s. m. bail, security, insurance ; pAns, /iog, s. f. a pancake ; pAng* tfqje,
a penalty, afine an omelet
11, paineal,,s. m. a pannel , patina, s. f. a pan
Papp, yainidh, a. strong PaaI, patinai, s. m. a crew, aband of men
Pmte, painte, s. f. a lace, cord pAA-r]olAp, patina-siolaUh, s. a dripping-pan
PjnrAJtAC, paintearach, a. wily , papa, s. m. a pope, a father
VjnrajiA', paintearadA, s. ensnaring pprtnA, papavach, s. m. a papist
V*jnre)ifljm, painlearaim, v. 1 ensnare, trepan, en Pp*n*. papanach, a. popish
trap , pc.panaehd, s. f. popery
V)ncj]i, painieir, s. f. a net, gin, snare , p.ipanta, a. papistical
', palnteurachd, s. f. entanglement Pp, por, s. m. parchment
), painleuradh, s. ensnaring pAtiAil!)r, paiail.'is, s. f. the palsy
Pjpt-Aji, paipear, s. m. paper ]1, paraitsi, s. m. a bishop, a parish priest;
Piipp. bin, paiphi ban, white garden poppy ; Papa- " RuAp]') ^ ] | PAjtAjrp)
ver album sativum Ojie f)nt) rce." 4 Mast. 1460
P*)Pn 11**" paipin ruadh, redpoppy;Papaverihoeas PjiAlp, paralus, s. m. a parlour or room to enter
Pajp'jn , palpin dubh, black garden poppy; Pa- tain
pavcr nigrum sativum pApon, pardun, s. m. pardon
P*]l*c> jwi're, s. f. afield, p:irk, enclosure pAjilemenr, parlement, s. f. parlement ; ex veri.
f>*3pce, paircAc, s. f. a parish ; see pajpe Angl. . p.
V)Plhr. Pir;l,s, f . , , s. m. a whale
Prtil)f )f, patnthts, J 1 >
plmjli-jrneft, Phairisncach, s. m. a Pharisee Phijio,

phapo, Phqro, i i reanoaje, peandait, s. a place of pain or punish

phapon, Pharm, )s' Pharaoh, a man's nam.e ment ; /. e. pjanajt, . e. i)t) Pjanajep." Cor.
V*Il*jrre> parraiste, s. m. & f. a parish Veai, peann, s. . a writing pen, a reed ; Wlsh,
pAppjprea, parraisteach, s. m. a parishioner pin
pappajfceai, parraisteach, a. parochial peaa^n, peannagan, s. m. a pen-case
paiipatap, ParratAas.) ,. VeAOijoee, peamaideach, a. painful. Mull. 23*
**** } S- - P^adlSe peaflp, peannas, s. m. punishment
pipeae, parfach, a. partaking peaa poa, peannasda, a. penal
PAfttAje, partaidhe, s. m. a- partner, partaker Peaapu^a, peamiasughadh, s. paining, punishing
, partan, s. m. a crab-fish pean-jAjtui, peann-iaruinn, s. a style, a graver
papraj-oeap;;, partaim-dearg, s. -the berry of the -,/'</, s. f. pain, punishment castigation
mountain-ash peanpal, peanseal, s. a pencil ; vul.
parcajpr, pascairt, s. f. a pannier ^, peanseir, s. m. a fencer; vulg.
papja, pasgadh, s. a wrapping, shrouding pcAnru.)}*, peansuir, s. pincers
^, pusgaim, v. I enrap, shroud, swathe papiA, pearla, s. a pearl, a precious stone ; figurt :
pipan, pas?an, s. m. a bundle a great beauty
papara, pasotha, a. enwrapped, swaddled pa|,a, peut lach, a. pearly
<p4fl*5*t>, paslaghadh, s. a didapper , pearlflch, . plaited, corrugant
Tf>(tc4, pet, eee * spcAjtlAjjjm, ptarlaishim, v. I corrugate
para, pata, s. m. a hare peAjtlg. peatlog, s. f. a partridge
parn, patn, s. m. a leveret p<tjiluA>, pearlughadk. s. in. corrugating
patantArs, patautachd, s. f. thickness pajipa, pearsa, s. a person, hypostasis
pAr]n, patriin, s. m. a patron ; pattern, mode papr* pearsa, s. a verb
Patr. }tjc, pattric, s. f. the headstall of a bridle : pappajl, pearsail, s. parsley ; Petroseljnurn vulgare
" 5*B*1 if ^ *, pappanta, pearsauta, a. personal
na heaajo carrra} a, . , pappugAB, parsughadh, s. m. person ification
?*rclic cea ppjajn, jp |1 cb, Pe*r,
L peas,
J 1Vs. m. a purse :
1*4*, ) cul capbao." For.foc.
Peabca, peabhcach, a. neat, fine peapAjp, peasair, pease. Sc.
Peabeapc, peab'ichearc, s. a peahen peapcac, paiscach, a. hacked, gashed
Peabcujlleac, peabhchuilleach, s. a peacock peapn, peasan, s. m. a petulant person
., s. any sharp pointed thing, the sprouting Peapana, peasanach, a. petulant, sancy
germ of any vegetable ; a long tail , peasanachd, s. f. sauciness, petulante
Peaca, peaach, s. m. a sinner ppApcat. peascadh, \ s. m. a gash, cut, chink, cran-
., a. sinful peApa, peasgadh, j ny
pAca, peacach, a. sharp-pointed, beautiful, neat, |,,5, peasghaduighe, 1 m> ick.pocket
showy peapUBjion, peasladron, J ** *
peacao, peacadh, s. m. sin, transgression ; Welh, peap5A]m, peasgaim, v. I cut, slash
pechod pear, /, a. pet, petted ; < Ojjice peat* b]p a lip
peacaijrm, peacaighim, I sin no a fAjfe, petted pigs being in their stye or
peacarhiar, pcucamh'aclit, s. f. sinfulness, c. p. the lawn." Br. L.
]!, peacamhuil, a. sinful peata, peatadh, s. m. a pet
pa >5, peachog, s. a peacock Parap, pealar, s. m. pewter
, peacthach, s. m. a sinner, transgressor Patajiojj, pealaroir, s m. a pewterer
pi ftll, pee//, s. m. a.couch, a pallet Peacpu)5, peatruig, s. f. a halter
Peall, pea//, s. m. a horse Peje, pete, s. f. a great tail ; see pac
peall, peall, s. m. a skin, a hide Pjc. peu-, s. f. a peck
Peall, peall, s. m. 7 a. veil, covering, a caddow, Pj-jjolla, peicolliwh, a. tailed, having a .tail
Ve*Hr5, pealltog, s. f. j a coarse blanket pejljj, peileir, s. f. a hall, bullet, howl
peallac, penlhch, a. matted, hairy, rough Pejljp, peileir, s. f. a pillar
Peallac, pea//a</, s. matting Pejlejji-rapnoftajj, peileir-tarnonnaigh, s. a thunder
Peallaro, peallaid, s. f. a pelt, a skin stripped of its bolt
hair Pejljocan, peiliocun, s. a pellican
VeaHeut!, peallaim, v. I cover, veil ; teaze, pull pedpip, petliur, s. m. a pillow
asunder ptjli]c, peMic, s. f. a hut or booth made up of earth
Peallarravp, peallastair, s. m. a quoit ; a stone to be and branches of trees, covered on the ^op with
cast from the hand hides
pealts, peallog, s. f. coarse cloathing ; an ill-dressed "Peilljc, peilUchd, s. f. a covering made of skins or
woman very coarse cloth
4T V.p,

Vyn, fein, gen. of pjan, pain V)*n, pian,s> m. & f. pain, torment; gen. pjrr, and
Vpol]e, peindlighc, s. a penal law pjne
1>e)e4|, peimuar, f PjAPAti, pianad/i, s. m. affliction, tormenting
Ve)jte*co, peinnreachd, J ' ' v ^, pianaim, v. I pain, torment
'Pejnteal, peinteal, s. m. a snare )10, pianamhlachd , s. f. painfulness, sore
Vejpcjoll, pe'trciotl, s. m. a corner ; the nose, the ness
lower part of the face, the jaws, the abdomen P}AnAir?ujl, pianamhuil, a. painful, sore, vexatious
T^ejpcle, pierchach, a. having largejaws )4, piaas, s. m. pain, punishment, castigation
V|fte, peire, s. apear; pear tree PjAnojp, pianoir, s. m. a tormentor
V)]te, peire, s. a pair, couple, a brace "PjAntA, planta, a. pained, tormented
Pejpeaojc, peireabhuic, s. a peruke "PjAtitAjm, piantaim, v. see pjanAjm
"Pc])ie*, pcireadh, s. rage, fury "P)Anru]5eojf, piantuighcoir,s. a tormentor
}1 peiriacul, s. m. danger, urgent necessity. VjAtiujjce, pianuighthe, a. punished, fined, mulcted
Welsh, perygl VjAnurA, piamisach, a. castigatory
1P}jtrjn, peirlin, s. f. fine linen, cambrick PjapgAC, piasgach, a. rough, rugged
"Pjpre, s. f. a row, rank VjAf t, past, s. f. a worm, a beast
Vjppe, peirse, s. f. a perch in length PjApcAtfiujl, piastamhuil, a. worm-like
>jjtp)lle, pcirsiile, paisley "Pjb, pib, s. f. a-pipe, tube. Welsh, pib. Ciat. bib
"Pjlij-jl rhojj, mhoir, smallage ; Apium pa- Pjbn, piban, s. m. a pipe, wind-pipe, the throat
lustre V1c, />/c, s. f. pitch, if'elsh, pyg
'PirceAltbAiHe, peischearbaire, ) Pjc, /, s. f. a disorder in the tongues of fowl
VreapprV, pasghearrthoir, m' a cut"Purse "P^cjc, picidh, s. f. a pike or long spear ; a pitch-fork
"Pjrx, />/, s. f. plague, ailment, loss Vjcjl, picil, s. pickle
"Pjpt, peist, s. f. a worm, beast, monster Pjc-, pic-mheallach, s. aLochaberaxe
Vjrt-oealpe, peist- deatrack, s. a glow-worm Picpjop, picsios, s. a pix
Vjpcearhujl, peisteatnhuil, a. beastly, brutish Pge s. a pie
"Pjptejl, feisteil, s. f. a pestle VjeAO, pghead, s. a magpie
Pjrreo^, peisteogack, a. maggoty, wormy PlgeAt), pighead, s. an earthen pitcher
Veje, />/, s. f. musician PigeAOAtAC, pigheaaatlwch, s. pie-coloured
Ve^peith, \ the letter 1 PjSeAWiJt, pigtadoir, s. m. a potter
pejtbog, feithbhog,} Pjje-peoU, pighe-feola, s. a pasty
Veyzefb, feiteadk, s. music Pjjin, pigin, s. f. a small pail, a naggin. Wehh,
T>e]teJtlc, peitearlach, s. m. the Old Law or Testa pigyn or piccyn
ment V151"> '^fv "Uf. a penny
*Pe)reA]il*jci:e, peitearlaicthe, a. versed in sacred )5"1, pigimin,l * 3
history Pjlbjn, ptibm, s. r. a plover, a lapwing
pejteo^, peiteog, s. f. a short jacket V|le, pile, s. a festival, holiday
'Pejf peithir,, s. f. a forester ; a thunderbolt Vjlpf pilcar, s. m. a bullet, ball, shot ; gen. & plor.
"Pjtfco- peitseog, s. m. a peach pj;j]i
Velog, 2>'? s- a porpoise P,leil, fileir, s. f. a pillar
Vehjp, pelair, s. a pill V-)\\, pilt, s a horse. Keat.
Pelrjp, pcllis, s. f. a skin or hide Pjll, ?///, s. a covering ; prop. pe*ll
Venpjun, ptnsiun, s. a pension ; vulg. PjlleA, pillcadh, s. m. a turn, conversion, repulse
Veot>l, peetr, s. m. pewter Vlilfm, pillim, v. I turn, roll, return, veer, repulse
"Peorftjiojp, peodaroir, s. m. a pewterer Tallin, pillin, \ s> f el or pactadle
Vepg, ptfogi s- a pompion Vllljun, pilhun, ) r r
Vej34cl4C, ptriaclach, a. dangerous. P. A. 30 Pjlljup, filliur, s. m. a pillar
Vepcjo, fir/i'e, s. f. a rod or 1 for measuring land V)lp)f, pilseir, s. f. a pilchard
Vcrrejp, ftsstir, pease Vjncin, pincin, s. f. a gillyflower
peppejp-CApujI, pesseir-ckapuil, vetches Vjnc^n, pincin, s. f. a very small fresh-water fish
pepreip-luecag, pesseir-luachag, lentils V}n cjiAfi, <inn, a pine tree
Peppejp rujlbe, pesseir Utillhe, heath peas *>5n, pinghin, s. f. a penny
terril , pessrach, of peas Vpngjne, pingine, s. f. a weight equal to seven grains
Perxejl, f*"fc*J> s. f. a pestle of wheat, or a small vessel of water equal to that
Vub*), peub r, s. m. pepper weight
Pj, pinn, s. f. the summit of a hill or headland.
"PU]S ^, s- a Pear Welsh, pen
Vi'ujl*, ^rt^e see p*Jl*
Vjac, ? r, see pc V^^nneadh}-^
1>j*5m, piagham, v. to hang up

pjneeji, pinnear, s. m. an ink-horn *jor*}ncT>, piosarnachd, s. f. whispering

P)ro5*> piosoga, see pjpeog
"Pjjuja, pimiughidh, s. pinning, studding
Vjc, piniit, s. f. a Scotch pint, equal to two quarts V]ort*l, piostal, s. a pistol
"PjnceUjm, pintealaim, v. I paint "Pjoian, piothan, s. m. a pie
Vinreilcn, finteaba, a. painted Vjocju^pg, piothruisg, s. f. a partridge
Vjnteojur;, pinteoracht, s. f. painting T^p, see p}b, and pfoban
Vjob, pwb, s. a pipe, flute VjJCAn, pircan, s. m. a little boy. Heb. pircha
V}ou4c, piobach, a. auletick Vlp, />w, s. pease. Welsh, pys
pjr />, s. a tree, trunk of a tree. o. v.
'Pobacjj*, piobadoir, s. m. a pipe-maker
Vobojm, piobaim, v. I pipe Vjp, pis, s. f. a kind of measure, o. v.
'Piobivjpe, fiobair, s. m. a piper Vjrbuje, pisbuidhe, common yellow vetchling ;
"'))|*, piobaireackd, s. f. piping, playing on JLathyrus pratensis
pipes, a march tune, pipe-music V\v apuil, -pis cJtapuil, ~\ , ,
Vn cub, pis dubh, L horse-pea, vetch,
"Pjobn, piaban, s. m- a small pipe T>,r phje.jn, fis phreachainS ^re ; Vic.a sativa
"Pjob*]i, piobar, s. m. pepper
VoB*f, phbhar,s. m. a purse, a sieve, a honeycomb "Pjpea, piseach, s. f. fruit, profit, proficiency, in
Vou4, piobgha, a. tubular crease
Pjpeit, pistan, s. m. a small pea
Vjob-lejsjo, piob-Uigidh, s. a cock of a barrel Pjpena, piseanach, s. m. lentils
"Pjob-rhU, piob-mhala, s. a bag-pipe ppeog, piseog, s. sorcery, witchcraft. Heb.
VjobpjuUj, piobshionttaich, a pipe blown with bel
lows. Si. cliasap
Pobt<op5|, pioblhaosgaidh, s. a pump V^peoga, piseogach, a. belonging to sorcery
p^peoaje, piseogaidhe, s. m. a sorcerer, wizard
Vjob-ujfge, piob-uisgc, s. a conduit-pipe
Vjoc, piocadh, s. picking "Pjp-fJ4t>4jn, pis-fiadhain, s. wild peas, vetches
VjJcaoji, piocadoir, s. m. a nibbler, picker Vjpjpe, pisire, s. ni. an instrument for measuring
1Pjoc)o, pwca.d, s. f. a pick-ax, a mattock "Pjppeos. f'sreog, see ppeog
Vjoc*)m, piociim, v. I pluck, pick, nibble "Pppeoge, pi^reogtha, a. fascinated, bewitched
T>joc4jjiec piocaireachd, s. f. nibbling Vjppa, pissach, see p}pea and bjpea
"p)oc]o, p ocoid, s. f. a mattock, pick-axe "pjc, pit, s. a meal
Vjoljo, Pioiaid, Pilate, the proper name of a man " Vjt ppojno t>o jionwl *nx>6,
Vjoljr,, s. f. a palace, a nobleman's house beapb jp cariina aifpjje,
Viollac, pMlach, see peulla Jnglan mo cojrp 1)) mo Jiep,
VjolUjm, piollaim, v. I pick 51 jn ] oj compjiep." Cor.
Vjollojpe, piollaire, s. a pi il "pjr, pit, s. f. a dyke, a hollow, pit, female privities-
Pjoljr, pioloid, s. f. a pillory "Pjtan, pithan, s. m. a pie, p)t*n oo rhep, a tart
V)ol]oe*6, pioloicach, s. m. a pilot Vjrenta, piteanta, a. effeminate
"Pjolojp, pioloir, s. f a pillar ', piteantahdt s. effeminacy
Vjreog, peog, s. an effeminate person
>). pionadh, J 1 1 e "P]ull*m, piiam, v. to peck. Sh.
Vympa, pionchrann, s. a pine tree Vjfaji, pnithar, s. m. a sister
T^onp, pinos, see pjanap Pju*ji*rii:ftc piutharamfdachd, s. f. sisterliness
Vonpra, pionosta, a. punished VjutIamujl, piu.lharamh.uil, a. sisterly
V]of, pionnsa, s. artifice, wile, skill, cunning Via, />/<, s. m. a green plot, a lawn, a meadow
Vjopajuc, pionnsaraeh, a. wily, artful T>i*L'*1c, placaid, s. f. a wooden dish
'Pjoipojpeao, pionnsoircachd, s. f. skilfulness, wUiness Vi*c4nract>, ptac .ntaehd, s. f. coarsenesss
T>1 p'ae s m* an pen place, a high, road e.
V',op, psob and <b >l45)m, plaguim, v. 1 plague, torment
"Pjopa, 2>;/>, i plajc, p/ef, s. f. a fine, amercement
Viop-ujre, piop-uisge, s. a conduit-pipe
1>op4p, pioraid, s. f. a pirate pUjcjo, plaichid, s. f. a flaggoa
Vo)tjoec: pioraideach, a. piratical T>l*)ce, plaide, s. a plaid, a blanket
V]op)oeco, foraideachd, s. f. piracy "f>*)5, pi'aigh, s. f. a plague, pestilence, contagion
"Pjoppe, piorde, s. a parrot VljjearhujI, plaigheamhuil, a. contagious^ pestifer
VjoppA, piorra, s. a pear ous
Vjojipa, ^/erra, s. a squall, a blast 1>l<]no, plained, 8. a planet
Vlr. >/oi, s. a cup VU]cAt>r plainncead, s- f. a blanket
V]Op4, piosa, s a piece, bit, fragment Vl*jt)n, plw.tin, s. f. a little pate, a skull, the crown
Vorn, piosan, s. m. a little bit, any little engine or of the head
pUm, flam, a. curdled
pjorapnac, piosarnac; s. m. a whisper. Isaiah, 29, 4 ?1, planay s. a plane

^pUnc, flanc, s. m. a plancher or plank VbfS, plosg, a. quick

-planta, fiando, s. m. a plant Vbfga, plosgach, a. sighing, panting, throbbing
>plant5aat>, phnidachadh, "Is. m. plantation, plant- plopg)l, plosgail, s. a sound, noise
planoj;a, phmdughadh,) ing ylop^arhujl, plosgamhud, see plopga
pUTTOAijjm, plandaighim, v- I plant Vlopaprac, plosgartach, . open, bold
plancujgte, planduighthe, part, planted Viopgajitacp, plosgai lachd, s. aspiration, throbbing,
.planea, -planta, s. m. a plant panting
^Unc4]eo}p, plantaigheoir, s. m. a planter yiorsaptuj^am, plosgartuiluim, v. to pant, throb,
'^&' plaoisgin, s. f. dim. of pl<f5 aspire. SA.
|> phosg, s. m. & f. a husk, shell ; Welsh, plieg yiiibajjir'jn, plubairsin, marsh marigold ; althu pa
';<05*, plaosgach, a. shelly, husky, capsular lustris
^>!<54, plaosgad/i, s. shelling, hulling Vlubpac, phthrach, s. m. plunging
pW* f'aosgadh, s. m. a sound, noise Vluc, pluc, see ploc
pUr54t>, plaosgadh, s. m. a glimmering light plue, ^>/, s. m. the rot among sheep
plafca, plasda, a. feigned plue, plue, s. m. & f. a cheek ; gea. plu)c aiul
T i -!~.A flusda,
/ , i 7. m. aplaister i ' plu)ce ; plur. pluc*
pUpoic, pliisdach, \ 1 Vluc, plue, s. m. a knob, knot, lump
^plaroai^eojp, plasdaightair, s. m. a plakterer Vluca, plucuch, a. lumpy, having large .cheeks
!>|1*), plasdraim, *v.Iplaster 1>, plucadh, s. blowing or puffing up the cheeks
Y>iftpjui5jm, plasdruightm, ) r plcac, pluchadh, s squeezing, wringing
-plartma-b, flasdradh,
ri'__i'.i plastrail, } . . .
; < ; j> s. 1plaistering . plcA]m, pluchuim, v. I press, squeeze, constringe,
plartji4Tl, smother
piaf, s. m. a glance, twinkling Suc J"' ^rC7' ]s. a carbuncle. S*.
plata, ^)//, s. a plate plucan, piuca?}, j
platpea, plaistadri, s. a squash. A. plucajpe, ph-.caire, s. m. a fellow with large diops
pleacg, Jtkadhog, s. f. a tpade, a dibble Vlucajpear, p'ucaireuchd, s. f. impertinence
pleamar, fleaghan, s. m. a little oar, a paddle ylu)c, p.'uir, s, t. the cheek
pieaganaco, pleaghanuchd, s. f. rowing, paddling t>lu]ceac, pluiceach. a. blub-cheeked
pleagapt, pleaghart, s. m. a buffet y!u|c]n, pluicin, s. f. dim. ofplu)c, a cheek
plar, 'i4 s- f- ) . , t>lu)C|r, pluicis, s. m. the flux
p.arga, pleusghadh, s. f. Va noise, crack Vhqmbip, pluiml is, s. m. a plumb
ple4j-54jn4, pteasvarnach, s. m. 7 pluljijn j-eangan, plui>in seangan, sheep's sorrel,
pleargajm, pleasgiim, v. crack, break, burst, strike mountain clover ; Trifolium alpestr
piepe, pleide. s. f. spite piujrea, plu teach, a. broad-footed
p]jr)U}>, ptfisiur, s. m. pleasure "p urnba, plumea, s. a plummet
pl-jpre, pleiste, s. f. a testicle Vji, piar, m. flour, meal; a flower
yl^wa, pUadhach, a. b.-oarl-fonted' plupic, plurac/i, a. meau, flowery
Vljarpoj, pllhroidh, s. f. a slipper p j<n, pluran, s. a smail flow-, r. blossom
Vl)b1n, pltlin, s. f. a plover ; prop, pjljbjn Vh'4t*n*c- ihramich, a abounding in flowt rs
phiT-ac, pintadh, s. m. a breaHng down, ycabng
Vloc, pkc, m. & f. the cheek
1>loc, ploc, s. m. a stopper, bung ; a large stump, "pobal, f> 1 1, butter u >rr; Tussilogo pctastis
pobul, poijl, s. m. a peop'e, t.-ibi, populace, con
round head
ploca, phcach, a. full-faced gregation ; gen. puibieaa ; H tl^h, pobl
ploca, plocach, a. having a round head, lumpish "Pobujl, pobhuilj s. f. the poplar tree
-plot;, plod, s. a fleet. Sa. foc, pce, s. m. p- .cv. Cor.
Tp,.)o, f* Is. m. a poo!; standing water ", , s. m. he goat
ploman, phdan, J 1 ' poc-futar, pec-ruadh, s. a roe-buck
plonac, phdiich, s. m. puddie, mire -\>6v!,po!:adh, s. m. a pocket, pot'ch, bag
pocn, pecan, s. m. a liti'.e he-goat
plm, piedad/,, ) s- floatin' buoyancy p, pog, s. f. a kiss ; Welsh,
1>)5, plodhai'g, s. f. a bumkin, booby pb*>, pogadli, s. kissing
VuAirgeec, plcdhaisgeach, a. stupid, clownish p>;a)m, pogaim, v. 1 kiss
yl,m, flodmm, U ifloat , prgMve, Wr
Vioeaijijm, plodaiglum, J Voso)}*. po?in; \
Vlocanact), plodamuhd, s. paddling and rowing in V&StAyfogtta, } part, kisse l
posruig-e po'thuightnr, ) 1
Vl*)r5 ffo'Sg* - spungy, elastic, dry and spungy, pojbleog, foib.'eo?. s. f. the pop'ar tree
inflammable T>oiblpbe*t, poibtihcatltt, s. a rcpub.ic
Y*lof5, flosg, s. m. a sigh, groan, throb Voibliie, poiblighe, a. public
PO? POR Prot PRd

Vojbljoc, poiblioch, 5. m. the public, common people Vcl* * *pujl, por a charutl, see copujl
Viejn me4poir)l, Poidin mearbhuil, s. Jack with a VPc, pote, s. a pig, pork
lanthorn >>, porean, s. m. a small pig
Vo]ljfjce, poiliticeack, "J Vop , por cochullach, s. pulse
PojIjt-jcjujI, politiciuil, a. political popi4jpte, porraisde, s. a parish
Vo)l]rjcemnil, poili/iceamhu'l, J VopJUjpoea, porraisdeack, s. m. a parishioner
Vo]lle4t>, poilleadh, s. boring, piercing; "fto pojllei Vojc, pot t, s. m. a ferry
c)**)5 cp^t, 4cy E*)njc puil 4jpte." M'Par. 84 Vojtc, port, s. m. food, commons
Vojnpeon-4, poimeonta, a. poisonous, venemou Vojic, port, s. m. a door ; Welsh, porth
Vjnpon, poinson, s. f. poison VPrJ port, s. m. a tune, a jig
Vjp, jbo/V, s. f. a pore 1 VPr port, s. m. a port, a harbour
"plpengA, poireagha, a. hollow, porous pope, port, s. m. a bank
Vjp^n, poirin, s. f. a small potato pope, port, s. m, a fort, garrison ; the area of aplace
Vjppjun, poirshm, s. a portion ^>opc, port, s. a house
plpjeAlUjm, poisgheallaim, v. I betroth Vopt, pert, a. severe, fierce
Vjpjm, poisitn, v. I haul, lug Vopc*)pe, portaire, s. m. a waterman, ferryman
l>)pr-re4c, poist-teach, s. the post-office Vope]pe*t>, portaiteachd, s. f. ferrying
T>)r, pef, s. f. great drinking Vopein, portan, s. m. a crab-fish
f>jtcivj4t>, poitchriadk, s. potter's clay Vopt4n-C4pu]ll, portan-chapuill, s. spider crab
pjte, poi/e, s. f. a pot popc-bj4t4, port-biathadh, s. stall-feeding
Tf>)te, poiteach, a. bibacious, bouzy VopT-gufU, port-gunna, s. a loop-hole
Vjne4w, poiteadh, s. tippling, boozing Vopcop, portos, s. the mass book
T>6jte|t*o, poitearachd, s. hard drinking Voptrpj4]re, porttriaithe, s. a stall-fed hog
-pjceip, poiteis, s. f. drunkenness Vp4c, posadh, s. m. marriage, widi^a matrimony
pjreojp, poiteoir, s. ni. a drunkard Vp4jm, posaim, v. I marry
yojEjseajtupe, poitigearuidhe, s. m. an apothecary Vp4rhu]l, posamhuil, a. matrimonial
Vjtpm, poitim, v. I drink Vf04, posda, part, married
Vojr^n, poitin, s. f. a small pot V9P5> posgha, a. bridal, nuptial
Vjrpj, poitrigh, see putpAjcc Vpt4, posta, s. a post, a pillar
"Pol*, >&, s- a pole VoptA, postadh, s. trampling
VoUjpe, polaire, s. m. a sign Vopc4jm, postaim, v. I trample
VoUjpe, polaire, s. m. a searcher of holes and corners Vopc4ti4c, postaiiach, a. that hath stout legs.
Voll, poll, s. m. a hole or pit; Welsh, pwll or twll Vo, path, s. a bachelor
Voll, poll, s. m. mire, dirt VOC4, pota } Qt avessd
Voll, poll, s. m. a pole of land : this measure was not Voc4t>, potadh, J r
every where of equal quantity, in Cavan it con Voc4T3)p, potadoir, s. m. a potter
tained 60 acres Vt4jm, potaim, v. I drink
1>o11aCj pollac/i, a. holed, hollowed, fungous Vt4]pe, potaire, s. m. a pot-companion, a drunkard
y>o\\*-eo.b,polla-cheannach, a. hot-headed. M'Dott. V6t4)pe4t), potaireachd, s. f. tippling, toping
4><>ll4)m, pollaim, v. I pierce, boar, perforate Voclpce, potaisde, s. pottage
Vol4jpe, pollairc, holes; polUjpe n4ppn, nostrils Vot4r<0], potataoi, s. a potato
Voll-)p5> poll eisg, s. m. a fish-pond Vorp)4T>, polchriadh, s. potter's clay
Voile*, pollta, a. perforated, bored, mortised Vor.pol*c, potfolach, s. m. a pot-lid
Vorujpe, ponaire, s. beans ; Heb. pol Voc|p, /*'-, s. m. a potter
Vope-1Php4nc4C, ponaire-Fhrancach, French beans Vocrp4jcc, pottraicc, s. a vessel ; 44>4 JAppm
Vona]iec, ponaireach, a. fabaceous pip u)pce5l4]n powrjljf Appejme jn cp4j
. , , . ) marsh
bean; ), CUp )bpe4T5 *16jl 1]4 4 poctp4)ccj."
B. Cr.
VonAjpe uppAjg, ponaire churraigh, Menyanthes Vp4b, prab, s. m. rheum, a discharge from the cor
J trifoliata ner of the eyes
Tone, pone, s. m. a point, an article ; Welsh, pwngc Vp*b, prab, a. quick, sudden
Voncerhuil, poncamhuil, a. distinct Vp4b*,^""(/ '^j a. disorderly, indecorous
Vnj, poni, s. a pony VpbAC, prabach, \a. having humoursabout
Vonr, pont, 9. a pound Vp4bp)le4c,p'fl*rt/ea^, j the eyes, blear
Vont, pon, a. austere, cruel, fierce, ferocious, ve Vpb4tpe, prabuire, s. m. a worthless fellow
hement VpabAp, probar, s. . the rabble
Vop<, popa, s. va. a master VpAbp]le4, prubshudeach, a. quick-eyed, having
Vopul, popul, written in old MSS. for pobul eyes constantly winking
Tpp, por, s. . seed, or race for planting or propa Vp*5A)ti, j>rahamt s. f. care, anxiety
gation 4U Vpjjn,

Vpi]]n, praidhin, s. f. earnest business, great haste Ppeabnape, preabanaidhe, s. m. a botcher, patchef
"PpilBjnea, praidhineach, a. earnest, in great haste ppeAbanajm, preabanaim, v. I botch, mend, patch
praind, s. a dinner, a meal's-meat Vpeabg, preabog, s. f. a wincing horse
1>l*jnpeo5, prahmseog, s. f. a haggess Vpeabpajj, preabraigh, s. patching, clouting
"Ppjr, prats, gen. of p|*r, brass, pot-metal Vpea ! preach! interj. hold ! stand! stay
"]*)], praisc'm, s. f. an apron, a bib Vpeacn, preachan, s. m. a crow, a kite ; raven
"PpjrCA, praiseac/i, a. brassy ous bird
"P))re<i, praiseach, s. a bold or lewd woman Vpacn-ceAan, preachan-ceannan, s. an osprey
"P}iA]reAC, praiseach, s. m. a pot "PpACn-cejpceA, preachun-ccirteach, s. a kite
VpAjpeAC, praiseac/i, s. m. broth, pottage; Welsh, "Ppacn-cnAjriijgeac, preacan-cnaimhightheach, 9.
bresych m. a raven
VjiAjpeAC, praiseach, s. m. a manger, crib "Ppacan^ngneAC, preachan ingneach, s. a vulture
1>lA]re4, praiseach, s. m. a kind of kail VpeaAn , preachan na ccearc, s. a kite, a
VjtAjpeAC )), praiseach bhrathair, English mer ringtail
, preacham, v. to punish.
cury, good Henry, wild spinach ; Chenopodium, Si.
bonus Henricus Vpeacojne, preachoine, s. acryer
pfKijre , praiseach bhuidhc, wild cabbage, "Ppealjo, prealaid, s. a prelate, bishop
pjieAiTi, preamh, s. m. a root, a tribe, family, stock
nape, rape, ; Brassica, napus
VpAjpeA F)41' pi'aiseachadh, bastard cress or mus of people
tard, penny cress ; Thlapii arvense ', preamhach, having roots
" p|At>Ajn, praiseachfadhain, common wild VpeAp, preas, s. m. a wrinkle, plait
goose-foot orache ; Chenopodium album ", preas, s. m. a bush, brier
ppajrea gAjtb, praiseuch gaibh, wild mustard, char VpeApA, preasack, a. corrugant, wrinkled, bushy
lock ; Sinapis arvensis VpeApa, preasadh, s. a wrinkle
"P^peAC 5lr> praiseach glas, fig leaved goose-foot ; Vpeapajm, preasaim, v. I plait, wrinkle
ppeapapnac, preasarnach, s. m. a shrubbery
Chenopodium serotinum
Vjia )6 rfrjn, praiseach mhin, wild orache ; Artiplex VpeapAncA, preasanta, s. a present. P. A. 25
hastata VjteAt, preat, a. boggy
l>[A]peAC n* b*H, praiseachna bulla, wall goose-foot; Vpejt, preith, s. prey-cattle ; i. e. Ajpnjp cpe]ce
Chenopodium murale p|i]acA]l, priacail, see peipjAAjl
'Ppajreac , praiseach mccaorach, see ppAj- ppjcA, pricadh, s. a goad
r]a VpjceA, priceadh, s. pricking, goading, stinging
VjiAjpeAC ni )14, praiseach , sea goose- Vpjba, pribadh, s. twinkling
foot, glasswort ; Chenopodium maritimum Vj)bleit>, ptibhleid, s. f, privilege; ppjbljo eagUjpe,
VpAjrea rp*54, praiseach tra'gha, sea colewort ; benefit of clergy
Cramba maritima TpjbinAm, prifiinam, v. to haggle. Sh.
1**15> praisge, s. pottage ; "o ]tejc cu foppeAt Vpim, prim, s. the beginning, the first, the dawn,
nerbt>4 4j copan bot piA)p5J map z>o pje ." the prime ; " ppjm l<ej njn." MlPar. 85
5. . 23 Vp)m, primh, a. first, prime, chief, great. When,
", praisidhe, s. m. a brazier this word is in compound with another whose first
V|rh, pratiih, s. f. sleep, slumber vowel is broad, it is always written pp}orh
Pp<mi<il, P'omhail, a. sorrowful, timid. Sc. ppimcjall, primhchiall, s. great understanding
Vjirhariiujl, p> umhamhui)', a. drowsy Vpjieapcail, primhearcail, s. f. amain beam
Vpaii, ,. m. a wave Vpjmeaap, primheheannas, s. in. primacy
Vpancajpe, prantaire, s. m. a hammer "Ppjrhlejpeac, primhchleireach, s. m. a prothonotary
S^T. ) s. m. brass Vppglup, piimhghleus, s. m. a beginning, foun
>, prasan, ) dation
", prosean, s. in. a mob, a gang 'ppjrhjr'joriiuisieojli, primhghniomhuightheoir, s. m.
^pp^a pra.gha, a. brazen a prime worker
Vpe, />'<' s. the heart; " copiuil cnmapA le p}rmjT)]l, primidil, s. f. a firstling
pjte, J. e. ce c<ol 4 bun leaf." (. Ppu^jor primhl.os, s. a chief fortress, royal seat .
T^peab, , s. m. a kick, a bounce, a start pp^mfeoll, primhsheoil, s. f. a main-sail
Vpt'AbA'o. preubad, s. m. palpitation, panting pji jmp)olln,/>W/;o//jn, s. . the insect called beede
'Ppeaba, preabudh, s. stamping, kicking 1>], pria, s. f. a pin
Vpcabajm, p'euh im, v. 1 kick, stamp, spurn VppieAn, prineachan, s. m. a pin-cushion
*<--1>), preaba re, s. m. a hearty brave man t>]t)nr)opl prinsiopai, s. m. a principal
"P-ieabA)peaT>, preabaireachd, s. f. acting bravely or |1))|1, pritceatcir, s. m. a preacher
gallantly ppiobAT), priobadh, s. m. a wink, winking
Pp^abn,, s. m. a court, court-yard "pniobAic, priobuid, s. f. a trifle
^, pi taban, s. m. a patch, a leather clout

ppioBp, pobhaid, s. f. secrecy, privacy Vltojcejpt, proiceipt, s. f. instruction, precept. 4

"Ppjobape, priobaidhe, s. a blinkard Mast. 1441
pjjoDpe4c, priobhaideach, a. secret, private Ppojrhjo, proimhidh, a. fat, fatty
"Ppjobajm, priobarm, v. I wink, twinkle Vpo]mpe4ll4n, proimpealUn, )s. m. a drone,
T>|ijocA,pWca, s. a prick or sting VpojiTipfejllein, proimpsheillean, \ beetle
prioir, s. m. a prior Vjioj, proinn, s. f. a dinner, a meal ; voraciousness
"Pf]orn, priomh, see p]t|rh VfojjU54t), proinniughadh, s. f. dining, feeding,
pjijorhftco, priomhachd, s. a source
PpjoifiAt), priomhadh, . m. a primate 'PpojiiUfi, proinnlann, "j
'PpiornacAjib priomhathair, s. m. a patriarch Vpojljor, proinnlios, > a. arefectonT,dining-room
"Pjijombloj-gam^WowW/ei^aw, v. to prickle, sparkle. T>|tojce4C, proitmteach,)
Sh. "PpojpoeAl, proisdeal, s. f. a bottle
'Ppjorncljt, priomhchlar, s. m. an autograph, original Y>fojpe4l, prolseal, a. bold, proud, nice. Sc.
VpjorricopUc, priomhchoslach, a. archetypal Vpo]pe4l4P, proisealachd, s. pride, nicety. Sc.
V|]orhcorUr, priomhchoslas, s. m. an archetype Vjtojptjiar, proistreat, a. prostrate
Vpprh*. priomhdha, s. wisdom "Pporiu, promhadh, see pjtob4t>
VpjorrrA, priomhlha, adv. first ; " luj 'Papiokn "Pfwfi, pronn, s. m. pollard
ppjorrvoA pe^m p^054." .EW/! 0' T'Y. Vpo, pronn, a. smooth, bruised
"Ppjorho*!*, priomhdhitla, s. ancient history. 0'2?. Vporut), pronnadh, s. m. a bruise, contusion,
ppprhr>|<o), priomhdhrao':dh, s. m. an arch-druid pounding
Vf>)wnp4)T>, priomhfhitidh, s. m. a chief prophet, Vpofu, pronnadh, s. f. giving, bestowing, distribut
primate ing
ppjomUo, priomhlaoch, s. m. a prime soldier V|n>4)m, pronnaim, v. I give, bestow, distribute
"Ppjorhlongphojtc, priomhlongphort, s. m. a chief Vto4jm, pronnaim, v. I pound, bruise, mince
town, castle or camp ; royal seat VpofUn, pronnan, s. m. a fragment
^ppmpolln, priompollan, s. m. the insect called Vporvool, pronndol, s. f. a low noise
beetle, a drone. Keat. Ppofijlj]*, pronnghloir, s. f. a whisper
"Ppjorhtup, priomhthus, s. a foundation, first beginning f>}olji4, pronnghlorach, s. m. a small talker; a
Pjijorhu4Ct>4]i*n, priomhuachdaran, s. m. the chief
ruler, superior "Ppojljuc, pronnghlorach, a. loquacious
"Ppjoriuaonjinat, priomhuachdaranackt, s. chief "Ptiofiog, pronnog, s. f. a fragment, auy thing minced
sway Vonc4, pronta, part, distributed
'Pllorhg'OAp, priomhughdar, s. m. the original au "Ppotarn, pwrmtain, s.f. provender
thor Vpoiupc, prolinase, s. m. brimstone, sulphur
'Ppjopd, prionnsa, s. m. a prince , pronnuscach, a. brimstony, sulphurous
Vpji'pamUco, prionmamhlachd, s. f. princeliness "Ppop, prop, see ppab
"Pjipr4rriu]l, prijnns.rm'mii, a. princely Vpop4, propa, s. a prop
Pjijoc*, prionnta, a. printed "Pjiop4t>, profadh, s. propping
Vppfrcojtb prionnloir, s. m. a printer V|iopnAC, propanach, s. m. a youth
Vft'jorarriu'jl, priosamhuH, a. precious, valuable "PpopApt, propast, s. m. a provost, a governor, an
'', priosttn, s. m. a prison officer, one in authority above another ; " . e. pro
'Pp'jornac, priosunach, s. m. a prisoner positus, i. e. wet pmpu^te." Cor.
"Pfjopn40o, pnosuncchd, s. f. imprisonment T>|topo4, prosda, a. strong, able
"Ppjorcrtc, pnotchach, s. m. a preacher Vpopnn, prosnan, s. m. a troop, company
VpuUjp, pruchlais, s. f. a den
V\i)ori&)x>, pnolchaid, J J Vpujojn, pruidin, s. an upatart poet
Vpioriajm, priotchaim, v. I preach Vjtull. prut/, s. f. enlarging, magnifying ; /. e. aj-
'Pp'jr, pm, s: f. price, value rjl]Ug4 moj 4C4p m4t)U54T>. 0. g.
Pfiirearhlaco, prueamhlachd, s. f. value 1Pp4]!m, pwlm, s. f. a psalm
Vivreftrhnil, pseamhuil, a. precious "Pp^llmceAclAp, psailmchcadlaidh, s. m. a psalmist
Vl'jpjn, priscin, s. bushes f>p4lrf4, psaltrach, s. m. a psalter, a book of records
TJ}i]te4t>ui, pntcheador, s. m. a preacher T>ub4jl, puba l, s. f. a tent, tabernacle, booth, mar
Vjtoanrajn, praontain, see pjiorojn quee ; gen. pujble
Pjiobit), probhadh, s. m. a proof *, , s. , an elf, sprite, hobgoblin
V[tob tprobhil, s. m. a consul Pucn, pucan, s. m. a pouch, a small he goat
Vpocaooip, proeadcir, s. m. a proctor "Pncp, pucoid, s. f. a pustule, an ulcer. (Hic.
Ppoavn, prochain, s. f. see pp4]n ")!, pwLtr, s. m. powder
IPpojan, preglian, s. f. dregs, lees. VA)t, pnd/, s. m. hurt, harm, damage
Pjio] jjnr,i'< ;, s. f. a province. Esther, . 1. v. 1 tlOAJIAC,

Vcajti, pudarach, a. powdered pu rr|tjc, puihic, s. f. a bottle

Puajucn, pudharacha, s. suppuration T*uj*jjc}n, pttric'm, s. f. a little bottle
Viijbljjc, puiblighe, a. public Pujipjg, puitrigh, see puc)U]cc
Vujblige^r puibligheacht, s. tlie public Pull, />//, see poll
Vujbljgjm, puibltghims v. I publish, proclaim pull, pulla, s. a boiling
Vujbljocnec, puibliocmath, s. m. a publican Pullog, pullog, s. f. the fish called pollock
Puje, puic, gcu. and plur. of pullog, pullog, s. a pantry. Sh.
Puje, fuie, s. f. a bribe pulj, pulur, see piji
Vjceojj, puiccoir, s. m. one who gives bribes Punn, punan, s. m. a sheaf of corn; bundle of hay
Pnjqn, ptiictH, s. f. a conceited impudent little fel or straw
pune, puic, s. m. a point, article, joint, tittle, whit.
V}c^n, puicin, s. f. a Teil or covering over the eyes; Welsh, pwngc
blind- buff puncarhUcc, , s. f. distinctness, exact
Pjejncat, puicimadA, s. blind-folding, imposing on ness
one by fraud piine<krhuj!, puncatr.kui!, a. distinct, articulate
pujene rcPe*b*'> ptaie screabhal,s. a spangle. Sh. PungUr, pungas, s. puqilc mclic-grass. Sh. See
pirjlp^o, pui/pid, s. a pulpit mealojgpj copcujp
, puinceam, s. a beam for measuring or Punt, punt, s. a pound
weighing goods, the graduated beam ; " . a punr-Sagpannjg, a pound sterling
forbejr reU, e. inea ] jjle, . e. puntuin, punluin, s. benumbing
nthe^ jnoe*." Cor. Pupal, pupal, see pobol
Pujngcn<e, puingenae, s. gold foil, leaf gold or silver, pupal, pupal, see pub*]l, a pavilion
a spangle pup, fur, s. n> the extract or quintessence of any
Vujngerve, pumgene, s. a penny, the scruple of the tiling
graduated beam ; " i. . ! met>i jnojee jf pj, pur, a. neat, pure
re rjn rcjie*pal <eo*l cm, i. e. ojpurn:;." Cor. pupgAojp, purgadoir, s. m. purgatory
Pujngin, pumgrn, s f. a roll of butter of small weight, pupgacojp, purgadoir, s. m. a purifier
" i. e. reUi ]me." v. g. piifij;4'o)iie4CD, purgadoireachd, s. f. purgation, pu
pujReogd, puineoga, s. sorrel. . rifying
Tpujnpjon, puinsion, s. poison ., purgoid, s. f. a purge
"pujnrjonefc, puinsionach, a. poisonous pupgpeac, purgoidtuch, a. purgative, cathartick
pujnre, putnte, s. a point, joint, article, jot, tittle pupg-jojm, purgoid.m, v. I purge, purify
pujnte*lr, puinlealta, a. precise, punctual puppi, purpi, poppv, purslain. Sli.
puipleo^, puirleog, s. f. a tuft, crest puppa, puiradh, >. m. a push, ierk, thrust
puypleoa, pw.rlcogach, a. tufted, crested piippdim, purraim, v. I push, jerk, thrust
Pujpneac, puimeach, s. m. a hunter Pupr, purt, see pope
Pujpr, puirt, gen. and plur. of pope puf, pus, s. ni. a lip
1>]11,], puirtin, s. f. a small port, turret, hedge, pup, pus. s. m. a cat
fence puree, fiisach, a. blubber-lipped, big-lipped
Viijrim puisgitn, v. beat, whip Purjo, fusoid, s. f. a posset
t>ujjitb puisin, s. f. a lip ; a kitten puret), futudh, see puppa
Puree, fuite, s. f. hole or vessel Purn, futan, s. m. a hare
Pujte, fuite, s. f. the female privity ; " i. e. a puteo, , putar, a. putrid, stinking
i. e. cujte, utdkitur, pjr, -puteo, i. e. bjinajm," Putj, futog, s. f. a pudding, the numbles of a deer
Cor. purg, putog, s. f. a thowl
Pu)t)I, fuithilf s. pn/ng purp*jcc, putruicc, s. m. a vessel, a pot '
Pujqoour, puitiedus, s. a large tubor kieve puocp*ll, puttrall, s. m. a lock of hair


The letter R, which is the fourteenth of the Irish Alphabet, is not susceptible of many Remarks. It is called
Ruis, by our Grammarians, from the old Irish name of the tree, which in the vulgar Irish is called Tram, the
elder tree ; Lat. Sambucas ; Gr. acte. This letter is one of the three consonants called consoineadha adhtroma,
which do not admit of the aspirate h. in the remarks on the two others, which are L and N, it has been ob
served, that in words or nouns substantive, beginning with either of them, and referred to things or persons of
the feminine gender, or to any things or persons in the plural number, those initials are pronounced double,
though written singly.Thus, a lacht, her or their milk, is pronounced as if written a Llacht ; or like the words
Llamar and Lleno ; in Spanish, and a Nearl, her or their strength, is pronounced as if written a Nneart, or like
gn in the French word Seigneur. Thus also in substantives, beginning with R, and referred to things or persons
either of the feminine gender or of the plural numberthe initial R is pronounced double, and with a strong
utterance ; as, a reuma, her or their rheum or phlegm, is pronounced as if written a rruma, and very nearly as
the aspirate R in the Greek word llheuma. Another essential remark to be made on these three letters, L, N, R,
arid which hath not as yet been made, is, (hat when they are initials of adjectives, they are never pronounced
double, of whatever gender or number the things or persons those adjectives are referred to, should happen to be.
Lastly, it is to be remarked, that L, N, R, are the only consonants of the Irish language which are written double ;
and this duplication frequently happens, both in the middle and end of words, but never in the beginning, though
they are pronounced double, when initials, in the cases above explained.

7?21C RAC 72217) RAD

Ra, ra, is used in old MSS. as a sign of the past tense, RACAjjceojj, racaightheoir, see peacujgteojj
like ]o and RcAim, racahn, v. I rake
Ra, ra, s. a going, moving Racajtti, racaim, v. I repeat, rehearse
Rad, rabh, was Raca^tti, rachaim, v. I go, arrive at
Rda, rabach, a. litigious, great, bullying; fcjtjan 1\ACA]]ie, racaire, s. m. a rake
RicAlpe, racaire, s. m. a poet's repetitor, a romancer,
RabAC, rabach, a. fruitful, plentiful a prattler, a lying talkative person
Rada, rabhodh, s. advertisement, caution, notice, Racajpeac, racaireachd, s. f. impertinence
warning RACAjjteAt), racaireachd, s. f. raking
RafjATj, rabhad, s. a precedent, example RCA]jierto, racaireachd, s. f. repeating, romancing
Raatjap, rabhadar, v. they were Racati, racan, s. m. mischief, noise, riot
Raoaj]*, rabhadoir, s. m. an advertiser RACoajm, rachdaim, v. I arrive at? cometo
Raoagac, rabha^ach, see RACoan, rachdan, s. a bowling
Rftoajm, rabhaim, v. I admonish, warn RacpAjn", rachfainn, v. I would go
RabAijie, rabaire, s. m. a litigious bullying fellow Rcgan, rachgan, s. m. a harrow, a rake
Radati, rabhan, s. m. an advertisement RacoII, racholl, s. m. a winding-sheet
RAin, rabhan, s. m. a long repetition, rhapsody Rarj, rcht, v. he arose, got up
RaDn, rabhan, s. m. a spade RAir, racht, s. m. a fit ; as gol*, juct bjpe
Rad1at>, rabhladh, s. m. boasting Ra6-, racht, s. m. a law, ordinance
RaB^a, rabhraih, sportiveness, wantonness RACtAjJte, rachtaire, s. m. a dairy-man
, rabhsat, they were. 4 Mast. 1423 RAccA"]pe, rachtaire, see jieACtAjjte
Rac, rac, s. m. a bag, pouch RAtrhAjt, rachtmhar, see
Rac, rac, s. m. a king, a prince Rao, rod, see ]>
Rca, raca, s. a rack Rt>, radh, s. m. a saying, speech
Racac, racadh, s. a rake R4, radh, s. m. an award, decision ; " pguim
Racat>, rachadh, s. a going um ]ut> eojAjn."
RacacaI, racadal, s. horse-radish 4X R4A,

1\<, radha, s. a bidding, saying 1\4iiDe4tftu]l, raichdeamhuil, a. impertinent, trou

R4T>a, radudh, see |Uoug4B blesome
1\4), radaim, v. I give up, deliver 4)cne4c, raicneach, s. ra. a queen
RAt>4jjcjn, radhaircin, eye-bright; Eu R4J, , s. will
phrasia officinalis 1\4je, raiihe, s. m. a quarter of a year ; prop, jijre
R40]jel, radahea!, wandering, strolling Rpe, raidhc, s. ra. au umpire, arbiter
1t<tt)n, radan, s. m. a rat Rje, taidhe, s. . a ray
, radharc, s. m. sight, sense of seeing RpeAmujI, raidheamhuil, a. quarterly
R40a}c, radharc, s. m. a view, prospect 1\4)04, raidhean, s. m. a crowd, rabble
1\ar>a|u rt('-,, radharcach, a. visual 1\4']oe4tril4cr>, raideamhlachd,s. f. slyness, cunningness
1lc-co|r)on, radh-coitchionn, s. a common saying, R4le4mu)l, raideamhuil, a. cunning, sly
a proverb 1\4]Tjeol4, raideoluch, a. crafty
ftftTsrhujIljm, radmhuillim, \. I dream 1\4]t>)m, ratdhitn, v. I say, relate
Rarnrtf r, radhnacht, v. was buried i lt i. e. 40 p4- 1\4]T5ir raidis, s. f. a radish
rut, . . h4t>na)ceA." . g. 1\4]t>le4t>, raidhlcadh, darnel grass ; Colium perenne
1\<tfompl4, radhshompla, s. an example "Rjemjp, raihmheis, s. f. a dream, romance
R4054, radughadh, s. giving, bestowing; Welsh, R4)cm|re4, ratdhmheiseach, a. fabulous, romantic,
roddiad gasconading
R<e, rae, see p RAjpeA, raidhreach, s. m, a prayer, request
1v<e, rae, s. m. a field, plain, land R4jt>re404t>, raidhscachadn, s. f. confusion of sounds
R, s. m. much, plenty 14jp]oo, raidhsiod, they went; "i.e. jio ."
R<e, rae, s. m. a battle
R<e, rae, s. m. a salmon R4)t>-e4C4p, raidhtcachas, s. m. a saying, report
R<e4, raegha, s. choice ; prop. po4 1\4)re4C4|-, laidhteachas, s. m. award, decision
1\<)^-)4'0411, ratimin-radhairc, see )i4r4]lqn 1\4]t3~e404]-, raidhtcachas, s. m. a contest, trial of skill
1\]4, raeintadh, s. m. a defeat j "1\<K)ne4t> ji)4 i\4)fC)ne, raift-ne, s. f. laughter, laughing
H14II cc4)le -j ji]4 %ujc4t> pop 5ll4^b h) nOojjie 1\4|0]054, raiahtioitva, s. a comma in writing
4l54." 4 Mast. 832 1\4)5 or 4t> ]i4)5, raigh or ad raigh, he arose. 0. g.
R<en, , s. . success, victory Raj, raigh, s. f. an arm
R4 pr4, rafia, s. a gallery 1\4}, raigh, s. f. frenzy
R45, rag, s. m. a wrinkle RAjjbejpr, raighbheirt, s. .f. a sleeve, wristband,
R45, rag, a. stiff bracelet
R454C, ragach, a. stiff, wrinkled Rjj;e, taighe, s. m. a ray ; prop, jtre
R454JIT1 or '%e4C4n-}4j;4]m, or ], ragaim, or 1v4]e4ml4cc, >aigheamh/a"chd, s. f. tiiriousness, im
mcacan-ragaim, or rotbhe, sneezewort, common petuosity
field pellitory ; "tannica vulgaris pratensis "RajjeArnujI,, a. frantic, furious, impe
1\*&4j|e, ragaire, s. m. a rogue, a villain, deceiver tuous
1\4b*]pe4t>, ragmreaehd, s. f. roguery, violence 1\4)|t)e4', raigheideadh, s. a sleeve, wristband
1\a4)r, raghait, v. they reached, they cnme ; i.e. R4ji;rhejp, raighmht .s, s. ubit long
^) R4)reo]}t, raighthioir, s. m. a peasant, a boor
1\4gb4j, raghbhar, v. taken, accepted ; 00 1*45^4), Rill, tail, \ e. f. the oak tree; " Hj t]ot>i OD act
; e. o rtbr-4p. it is taken Ril, /, ) rt)t 4 41.
1v4gBe4jit4C, rugbhcartach, a. perverse, self-willed, R4Tef, raxleth, see |4jle*t)
stubborn 1U]l5e ra ige, ace pejlge
1\45be4|tr4C,o, ragbheartachd, s. f. perverseness K4]rh, raim -, s. t. brimstone
l\45rhii]ne4l4C, ragmhuinealach, a. stiff-necked R4]ie, raimhe, a. tatler
1\4], rai, s. m. motion, rowing R4UvoeAr, ra.mhdeas,
1v4] or 4B raior ad rat, he arose, moved, walked R4jre4t>, raimliead, \ s. f. fat, fatness; being ft
1\4jb, , s. f. rape; r)o\ }t)be, rape-seed; meA- R4jrh|e, ram're, )
cn i)4]be, a turnip K4]ne4C, raineach, see )4]tne4C
1\A)b, raibh, v. was ; used in asking and denying ; Rmic, rainic, v. came, arrived; i.e. \\\)
}4jb re ? ri) )4]b RinmjHjm, rainmtllim, v. I abridge, abolish
1\4jbce4T), raiblueudh, v. he, she, or it screamed loud R4jfi, rainn, s. the point of any thing, prop. Jp
or bleated ; " )t4jbce4t> ce4)t4, i. . po b]ce* ; R4], rainn, s. a division ; prop. ]i4rt
bjce4t>, i. e. b4uf, i. e. uf b." Cor. R4j-4n-iuitf5) rainn-an-ruisg, s. eye-bright; see
"R4(b4}io, Raibcard. Robert, a man's name J14t)4tfiC]n
2*1*' rac,h\ s. radius, the raba 1<A)R-D]e)*)l* rainn-bhi eithir, s. a participle
1\4]ft-'D4-leAr;j tainn-dha-leath, s. bipartition
R4]t>, raichd, s. impertinence, nonsensical talk ! R4)e)f, rainns, s. a range, rank, plur. j;4)iieirje
miy RAM IWpf RAN

Kujnjn, rainnm, I. {. a short verse, vereide "Rrhaojp, tamhadoir, s. m. a traveller

Ka)nte, rahmte, a. articulate, divided Kmaoip, ramhadoir,]
^*)nr5J,ir<l]nr, tainsgriosaim, v. I abolish "Rrriare, ramhaidhe, > s. m. a rower
K)pjp, raipeir, s. m. a rapier, a tuck Kmajpe, rapthaire, )
Raj, roM, s. f. an appeal Kma}llea, ramhailkadh, s. raving, doating
Kajc, , s. f. prosperity, increase, profit, benefit, Kamapm, ramhatm, v. I row
Rarnajpeao, ramhaireaclid, s. f. rowing
Kajr, ra'tth, s. f. entreaty, speech, intercession Harhap, ramhar, a. fat, gross, thick
Ka)i:, taith, on account, for sake ; oo Ji*J "Remap, ramas, s. m. a romance, fable
Kajr, raith, he went ; ;'. e. po pa)c ftamipe, ramasach, a. romantic, fabulous
11 jc, reM, s. f. fern, brake 1\)5, ramhdhrotgheann, s. buck-thorn
Rarnlonj, ramhlong, s. m. a galley
Kajce, s. ways, passages, roads Rrhpa))m, ramkraighim, v. 1 fatten
Kjce, raite, s. an aphorism
Kajce, taithe, s. a quarter of a year 1\an, , s. a piece, a crumb
Kapfce, re/Vie, s, m. an umpire, arbiter "Ran, ran, s. truth, veracity
Kajce, ra 'ithe, s. m. a reference Kan, , a. chosen, beauteous, handsome, delight
Ka|teaamujl, raUeachamhud, a. arrogant ful, pleasant, bright
Ran, ran, a. plain, manifest
Kjceaap, raiteachas, s. m. saying, speech
Kajteaap, raiteachas, s. m. pride, arrogance Ivan, tan, a. nimble, active
Kajtea tpaga, raithi'uch tragha, sea colewort ; Ivan, ran, a. easy, ready, smooth
rambe maritima Kan, ra, a. noble, generous
Ka}tearhu]l, lait/ieam/iuil, a. quarterly "Ran, ran, s. a squeal, a roar
Ka)rean, raitean, s. m. pleasure 1vna, ranach, a. sqealing, roaring
Rana^je, ranaighe, s. m. a romancer, story-teller
Kaje^n, ratlin, s. f. ratteen, a sort of cloth
Kajtne, raithne, v. it shineil Ivnajm, ranaim, v. I make plain, manifest
Kajine, raithne, very brilliant, pleasant, or delight "Ranc, ranc, s. m. rank, order
ful ; . e. po tajtneatruc Kane, ranc, a step, a rung ; panca ope)mjpe
~ ~) common female fern orbrake; Kano, rand, see part
Ka,tne , / Filix fc(n.ia vu, is Kanre, randa, a. true, sincere, faithful
Kajtneac, rattneach,^ ^ rhedyn - Kanoa, tandach, s. m. a partizan
common Kanoona)5)m, randonaighnn, v. I abolish, abrogate
male fern ; Kang, rang, s. in. order
Filix maj. Kang, rang, s. m. stream.
vulgaris Kan?, , i the bank of a river
Kajrnea, raithneach, > f Kanten, rangan, )
K<t]tne6rhu]l, re ihntachamhvil, ' 3 Kan5, r^j, ls. m.awri..kle
Kairnje, raithntdhe, lern Kanaan, rangan, J
Kaptpe, ratiAre, v. it pleased Kanja, rangach, a. wrinkled
ftajreaca, raithseucha, s. a confusion of sounds Kan, rrtwn, s. m. a crumb, morsel
Ravct'jn, tatttin, s. f. laughter, laughing Ka, rann, s. m. truth
Ral, ral, see pjl Ka, rann, s. m. a verse, song, poem, stanza,
Kala, raladh, s. happening; pala r)opma epigram
mp," " map o pala." Ka, rann, s. m. a part, division, section, share, class-
Kama, ramha, s. an oar Ka, rann, s. in. geneaology
Kama, ramha, s. a brauch Ka, rann, s. m. a chain, tye, or bond
Ramacc, ramhaclul, s. f. rowing Ka, rann, s. m. a promontory
Rftiruo, rumhad, s. m. plumpness Kaac, rannuch, a. distributive
Rarhao, rumhad, s. m. a great road ; Karhao, i. . b* m- a song-ter' sto^telier
m obap po, . ?. uppcop bjp a n pjj.
Slije can oop cue*t capbayo pee alajle. bo pona ftaa, rannadh, s- beginning, commencing
pftj hjmcompac a capbao, . . cappar, p) ocap Ivaa. rarmadkf s. selling, disposing
cappa* erpujc, ap nj cjgceccap ]5 re alajle. Ivaa, er 1 P*"*10! rannadh, or / rannadh, to
trn poca, . e. epojp c fl)e, r. e. pljje ap lirht or ignite ; /. aanano lapa. . .
tuaifcejpc jneanooa, acar apajle cap a oejpcejpc Ka)m, ranna.m, v. I divide, share
rft] le]-a pt) c] pojnea. uac poca pocpan Kan, rannan, s. m the lowing of deer
peap rpcDAjp eonajp- ear^nam poco, no Kaftallapi)'n, rannb'iaHardhaim, v. I proclaim
plejlje, bofap r*!laca bojn pa)p, /. . ala n<e) pop Kaleabp*n> rannlcabhra-t, s. anthology
ato]le pop rap)tpna apa ralla a l<oa, ocop a Kaojp, raimoir, s. m. a distributer. lYeis/t, rhannur,
ngamna jua ff*!1*10 rn*1 ln* no) aje D), a divisor
uppup n b b)ap oja jp." Br. Laws. Kanpajpr,
1v4Tipjjic, ranpairt, s. f. division, participation ; ali 1\], rapaire, s. m. a noisy fellow, a sloven
mony , rapa/, s. m. noise
ftanphjjtteac, raniiphairteach, s. m. a partaker 1\, ras, s. m. a shrub
4 a. partaking "Rata, rasach, a. shrubby
1vph]jirea, rannphahteach, (of, accessa- 1\], rasaidhe, s. m. a rambling woman, a gipsey,
Ixanph^preamu)], raniip/iairteamhuil, ry;commu- a hussey, a rambler, male or female
_ J nicable , rasaidhid, s. f. a bile, blotch
1vanphifte4, rainnphalrteachadh, see jtApb*jjt- 1\4] , rasan, s. m. a shrubbery
1\, rasan, s. m. underwood, brushwood
vejphjfitrje, rainnphairghe, s. m. a partaker 1\4pn, rasan, s. a harsh grating sound
ivnphft)]cj5im, rannphairghim, v. I partake, divide , rasanach, a. discordant
IvrtiiphAjfitjiijaT), rannpkairtiughadh, s. distribution, , rascach, a. talkative, clamorous
participation, communication IvArcjiAxs, ruscradh, s. separating, scattering
Kanrugit, ransiighadh, s. searching, rummaging 1v4rc|irt)m, tascra'im, v. 1 separate, scatter
tAnpujgjm, ransuighim, v. I search, rummage 1\|1, raschrann, s. m. a shrub-tree
lionru] jreojp, ransw.ghlhcoir, s. m. a searcher, in RarcfiAmc, rasch raimah, s. m. a shrubbery
- vestigator
__ "RfOAl, rasdal, s. m. a rake
1\, rnula, part, divided, sliared "Rj-oaIa-, rasdaiadh, s. raking, gathering
Ivanca t?, ranntachd, s. f. versification, poetry 1vAf?Al4jm, rasdalaim, v. I rake, gather
"Rancaca, ranntachd, s. f. jurisdiction 1\)>, rasmhaide, s. a sapling
1\|-]1}10, ranntuarchcrt/iadh, a. fertile, fruit 1\A-tTM)l, rasmhaol, s. m. a sea-calf
ful 14. rauta, s. m. a law
Raobajm, raobaim, v. I tear, rend, prop. jtubAjm
, rastack, s. m. a churl, a boor
KvObt*, /ia, a. rent, torn , rastach, a. unpolite, rustic
1l<(>)i!iejcr, raobuidheacht, s. f. excess, gluttony, 1\4)1>, rastair, s. f. great satiety,/', . ]o . . g.
revelling 1\A[ ]i, rasur, s. m. a razor
1vOo, raod, s. m. a thing 1\, rat, s. m. motion
1\.oo ]5)n, raodeigin, s. a certain thing, something Rat, rath, s. m. hire, wages
Ivioga, raogh.i, see jtojA 1\4C, rath, s. m. a surety
n<05n*),m, raoghnaighim, 7 j ch Ra;, rath, s. m. fern, brake
i\ogna]m, raognnaim, j IvAfc, rath, s. m. good-luck, prosperity, increase,
1\0)cc, rao'uhl, s. f. a shout, a roar profit, advantage
1\), raokhJeach, a. roaring, bellowing "Ra, rath, s. m. a fort, fortress, garrison, a town,
1\<o;mciir>, raoim'ad/i, s. depredation, plunder settlement, a prince's seat, an artificial mount or
1\<ojreA, raoimheadh, s. defeat ; " UucrAC cjtO]t> ] barrow
44jt )05*146 oja ]Ujic p}n. 5o jioj- 1\AtA, rata, s. a rat
- norhn)!L" 4 Mast. 1461 1\a a, ratha, s. wages
1).>, raoineadh, s. triumph, victory ; " Rata, ratha, s. a quarter of a year
j* con*]lle mi!i]C4)mne, I. e. ttjjepn.* 5]- 1\AC4, ratha, s. running
16, yo]* -." j cro]i4iji -moj; ( 1\, rathach, s. m. a hough
IH, UU, T %<eleou]n ^ 'Raaca', rathachadh, s. prosperity
, -j A]io]!e ]11* ]mmjl!e f ]iju." 4 Mast. I^AtAOAjt, rathadar, v. they ran
_ 879 R4rA}m, rataim, see jiAtijm
1\0)|i, raoir, last night. .Sc. 1vAA]m, rathaim, v. 1 increase, prosper
R<olr, raoit, s. a star ; prop. ]\culz 16, rathamhnachas, ^ s. m. prosperity, hap-
^orru, raomadh, s. phlegm RAAmnAr, rathamhnas, ) piness
K<ommu)l, room'smhuil, a. phlegmatic "RArArhiql, rathamhuij, \ a. prosperous, happy, for-
Rm, , s. . success, victory 1\Arm*), raihmhar, \ tunatc
K<on, , s. m. a field, a plain, a green 1\A:-m]lt, rath-tnir, s. f. a reward
1*<on, reo, lg. m. a way roa(] haunt -olluj-, rathshollus, between the fore and back
1}<>, raonadh, J doors. SA.
"R<onAt>. raonadh, s. breaking, defeating, tearing HAriiA), ruthughadh, s. notice; " Hi pob*
, raonachadh, s. election, choice |iau5Av) lo)rh "Hjll, no 5u]i )a r
ft<on*'5"e, raonaighihe, a. elected, chosen ::
1^.coti4 lifoon, raonatghthetir, s. m. an elector Re, re, adv. near, ye cojy, close by, together, |ie
"Ro:uirn, raona':m,\. I defeat, t un, change nob, by side, li)i je, at hand, near, tno
1\, '/1 s- any creature that draws its food to {]!), at my heeis
wards if ; as rows, &.( see quoL. at jiop lie, ir. prep, to, by, with, from ; bti)
11, ra pa -h, a. noisy rjpejt |, to give thanks to God ; bBjtAj r
, ra-pach, a. slovenly

pe bul pejri, he speaks by his own mouth, u*p 1\, reacht, s. m. law
r jie iSarnup, he went with James ; }te a , reacht, s. m. power, authority
copp, separated / his body fteAtAC, reachtach, a. strong, substantial
fte, re, belonging to ; bpong pe , people ftAcAjm, reachtahn, see pjAtAjm
belonging to history, antiquarians fteACAjpe, rcachtaire, s. m. a king, judge, lawgiver,
ft, re, s. f. the moon rector
ft, re, s. f. time, duration, life, existence fteAcng, reachtgha, s. law imposed by force of arms
H, re, s. f. a device, motto, piece of poetry ; e. fteAcge, teachtrhe, s. justice, a just law
*lpte. o.g. fteAcrhAp, reacktmhar, a. legislative, giving laws
ft, re, s. f. a respite of time ; ;'. e. c4jpt>e Ajmpjpe. fteAccpgo, reachtsgoth, s. m. a son-in-law
o. g. fteAcujgteojp, reacuightheoir, s. m. a seller, auction
ft or at) p, re or ad re, he arose ier
fteAO, reaih, s. m. a wile, craft, trick ftAjreA, reachuiseach, a. of easy temper
fteADa, reabhach, a. subtil, crafty ftAo, read, s. f. a thing ; )p ] -
fteAbA, reabhuch, a. joyful, joyous riujl }.
, reabhuch, s. m. one who plays tricks, a moun , read, with thee
tebank 1\>, 50 , raztt, o raz.//., yet
Rb, reabach, see pubA 1\, reaUan, s. m. a pipe, reed
ftAbA, reabadh, see ftcAt)opo, readchord, s. reins of a bridle
fteAb*ia, reubalach, -, m. a rebel 1veA5, readkg, s. m. a mad bull or ox
fteAbAiAo, reabalachd, s. f. rebellion , tcxdhg, s. m. a fit of sickness
Kl)rt]m, reabJm, see pubAjm KeAg, readhg, s. m madness, rage, fury
fteABUngA, reabhlangaih, s. skipping, leaping , readhlabhra, a. eloquent
fteablAngAttAp, reabhlangadar, they leaped, skipped , readhlabhrachd, s. f. eloquence
ReAOUnciim. reabhlanmim, v.
- I skip, play fteAU, readhlunn, s. m. a star
IT . Ill ' I " [ J fteArlAao, readhlammchd, s. f. astronomy or astro
fteAbUngAp, reubhlangar, Is. m. skipping, sporting,
"ReAbjiAti, rcabhradh, J playing logy
fteAC, see pec 15)]1, readhsgaaileadh, s. f. a flux or lax
fteAC, reae, s. f a woman, a damsel, a female j >5, leaf ig. s. f. a kind of Lark
ft , reac, v. se',1 tiiou fteAg, rtag, s. m. night
fteAC rtac, a. quick, sudden, soon fteAgA mAjje, reagha maighe, \ common sanicle ;
fteACAOjp, reacadou; s. m. aseller, vender, auction- fteAgam, reagam, | Sancula Europa-
ier fteagtull, reagdliall, a. purblind
fteACAjm, rcacaim, v. I sell, vend l\i|tAC, reaghlorach, a. resounding
fteACAjpe,, s. m. a clergyman. fteAjcje, reaichtghe, see peaclrge
" Kf pogajpme gr>UA)T> lopi, fteAjt, reaith, s. . a ram ; prop, pejte
ftujceA, pup, ], Ajtbjp, fteAjc^n, realthin, s. f. a little ram
)r pjo , im* ftA.I, real! )s<f<asUr
J )] clejpeft )." For. fee. ftCAlr, VJ, >
fteACAjpe, reacaire, s. m. a seller, uuctionier KallAA,
'x , .' reallunnach,*\
, ' > a. starn', covered1 with
-, stars
fteACAp, reacar, a. soft, hot, quick-growing
fteACo, reaJid, s . power, autiiurity 1\1 f uAjti, realta 0 thuaidh, s. f. the Polar star.
fteACo reachd, s. m. law, astatine, ordinance S.A. 61
ReAAjngneAt), reachdhaingncadh, s. a decree ftAltAn, realtan,
fteA00A|fe, reachdaire, s. m. a law-giver, a judge fteAl'-AngpAjp, realgtangrais, i s. an astrolabe
fteAoAjpe, reachdaire, s. m. a dairy-man ftAirftujo. A, realtbhuidheann, s. a constellation
fteacDAjprn, reuchdairm, s. f. a court ofjudicature ftAir jpgApe, reaitchosgaiie, s. m. an astronomer
fteACOAriiujI,, a. lawful, regular ftAlrjpc, realtchuirt, s. f. the star-chamber
7\1], reuchdcheangiaim, v. I bind in law, ftAlrg, realtogts. f. a small star, an asterisk
article, articulate ft*ltjp, realtoir, s. m. an astrologer
fteACWTup, reachdmhar, a. legal, legislative fteArh, reamh, used as a compositive particle for
fti-ACorhA]i, reachdmhar, a. substantial, stout, proud poyme
fteACorhAAjp, reachdmluithair, s. a mother-in-law ftemA, reama, sanicle ; Sauicnla
fteacorho, reachdmhod, s. a court of law ftArhA, reamhach, see pjrneA
fteAcnpcojjireAC, rtachushaoirseach, a. licenced, au ftAmAT>, reamadh, s. phlegm
thorized ftcAmAjn, re.imain, s. f. a beginning
fteacfAT), reach/ad, v. I will go ; prop, ftcAthAjn, reamham, s. f. pleasure, delight
ftflr, reacht, see piACt ftArriAjn, reamhain, s. f. fore-telling, prognostication
ft e , reacht, s. m. a man fteArhAlnmuiRte, rcamhainmuightke, a. fore-nained
' 4Y ftAmAipc,
?2l REA neD

ftaffiajpe, reamaire, s. m. a traveller, way-faring 44, reanna, stars

1\44], reannaire, s. m. an astrologer
1\), reamhaiihne, s. foreknowledge 1\e4f4n, reannan, s. a star
1veru)fnj5jm, reamhaitlmighhn, v. I foreknow "Re4nup, reanus, s. m. a sale
Re4uujrji)p, rcamhatthris, s. f. prediction, divination, Reap, rear, s. provision
auguration 1\4fi, rear, Is. the blackbird; . e. Ion, . . in
1veam)f pjorjji, reamliaithnosair,\s. m. an augur, 1\*P& Karg,} t>ub. e.g.
Iveatmjrfiireo)], reamhaithriseoir, J diviner 1\e4p5454n, rcargagan, s. m. a little blackbird
Re4mAjc|vjpjrn, teamhuithrimn, v. I foretel, forebode, RAp4c, rearacht, s. a rising, rearing up
divine, augur Re4p4v, rearaidh, s. a senior, elder
1\earii*ri4)c, reamhamharc, s. m. foresight Redp4), rearaidh, v. he went
1\t'<riAj*, reamhar, a. thick, fat, gross 1\e4)i4jT>}m, rearaidhim, v. I go, proceed
1\e*rV)l4pt>, reamhbhlasadh, s. foretaste 1<e4jiB4C4)t, reardodar, v. they went
Rearrmldpajm, reamhbhlasalm, v. I foretaste Re4popc, rearort, s. saving, protection, deliverance
1\]4 djjt, rcamhbhrathah, s. m. an uncle "R4p4To, reasaid, s. a raisin
KearhajTe, reamhckattlite, a. forespent Re4pn, reason, see pApn
4|1()), rcamhchrotveann, s. f. the prepuce, R4p4Ti4)m, reasanaim, v. I plead, allege
foreskin 1\e4pb4]t>, reasbaid, s. f. a beggar's brat
Kfrtriijpe 40, veamhchuiscach, a. of easy temper, 1<4, reascach, prattling, talkative
reverent 1\e4pont4, remonta, a. reasonable
1\e4rhe4t)|i4r, reamheatradh, see Jie']rhe4T>pA Re4popt, reamt, s. health, healthfulness
Rc4rip4jpio)ne, reamhfhahdine, s. f. a prophecy Reapopr, reasort, s. m. preservation
1vC4rhp)0|-, rcamhfhios, see Re4ptp4jm, reastru-m, v. I restore, bring back
Kertmln, reamhlon, s. m. a viaticum Reaptwll, reasuall, s. m. a whale ; see pouaj
1\e*mln4)m, reamlihnaim, v. I make provision for a R4pn, reasun, s. . reason, meaning, ground
journey ReapunaCAt), reasunuchudh, s. ratiocination
1te4mmon, reamhmon, s. dalliance. <S7/. 1\4pnr4, teasunta, a. reasonable
7ve4rhope4r, reamhofeadh, s. rlieumatism 1\4pntftr, reasuntacht, s. f. \ ratiocination, reason,
1{e4rho)iou54', reamhordughadh, s. predestination ftpnr4p, reasuntas, s. . J argument
1\emo|iT>uj5jui, reamhcrduighim, v. I pre-ordain, pre R4 p , reasuritaidhe, s. m. a reasoner
destine fteat, reaih, s. a revolution or turning about
4>]5, reamhorduighthe, part, pre-ordained Re4t. reat, with thee
1\e4rhp4, reamhrac'n, a. coagulative 44, reatha, s. running, racing
1\46, reamhrachd , s. f. fatness, grossness Re4f4cap, leathachas, s. m. ramming, rutting
1ve4rhi4, reamhradh, s. a preface, fore-citation, pre Redi-40, reathadh, s. m. a ram, a clot
amble, proem, exordium Re4f<4|e, reathaidke, s. m. a running footman, a cou
ftedrrr,i4i>4)m, rcamhradhaim, v. I preface, forecite, rier, a messenger
foretel Re4rajm, reathaim, v. I run
1<e4rhfi4]'te, reamhraidhte, a. fore-cited 1\44)1, reataire, s. m. a church-man, clerk
1\45*, reamhrnghadh, s. fattening, making gross Reat4p, realhar, Is. m. a riddle, a
1le4mfU)5jm, reamhritighim, v. I fatten, clot, coa Reat4jpT>e4pc, reathairdhearc, ) sieve
gulate, concrete <R4t4p, reatas, J g ffi eQ . hatrcd
Reamjuijjie, rcamkruighthe, a. crudy, concreted, fteatup, reatus, ]
coagulated Rcarupe, reathuidhe, see pear )
Re4iiipcallaf, reamhshealladh, see pe]mpe4llAT> , re*, s- a hasty action ; M i. tijoo gn^Jteap go
1vC4rhpmii4)n)]in, renmhsmuainighiin, v. I forethink, hobaii." ' CL
pre-conceive Ree, re , s. haste -y * 4 jiec, . ojbne, no lu*r."
1\4|4]]5, reamhsmiiaint'gh, s. forethought o. ^.
1\e4rhrac4]]ie, reiimh.thachdairc, see ji)iice4Ct>4]]ie 1\e, riC, s. in. grief
Re4n, rear, s. f. haste 1\ec4il, rfca//, went down
1\e4n, rean, v. sell ; i. e. peje, second person imper. Recce pecce, recce nach recce, by hook or by
of pejejm, 1 sell crook, this way or that
1\4n, rean, s. f. a span Rece4fin4]m, recearnaim, v. I recreate, please, de
1\44, reana, s. a sale light, divert
1ve4ii4]m, reanaim, v. I sell Recne, nene, s. a hasty act; ** i. . ) oo * 50
1^454, rewng'i, s. reins of the back lu4t." O'CY.
Ivedn^dt), reangadh, s. starving, starvation Recne, recne, a. sudden
1\454}, rrangaim, v. I starve Ret, red, with thy, to thy
, reann, s. f. land, soil, country Ro, red, s. f. a thing ; see ]ie4r>
ftee, redhe, sylvan jocls x,l,'.n' reilim* v I compound
Reeat*jm, tedheaf'iaim, v. I re-make, form "R^jltin, reiltin, s. f. an asterisk
again TCjm, rem, s. f. power, sway, authority
lie jol, re dhiol, for sale "Kjm, re/m, s. f. a list, catalogue, p)m jri,o5}]t>e
"Rcla, rtdhla, ) s. f. a star, a luminary. 4 Mast. "Rjm, reimt s. f. a way, progress, series
HoU, redhlann, \ 1440 "Kjm, reim, s. f. a calling out
fteoUfuco, rtdhlannachd, s. f. astronomy, astrology 1v|m, reim, s. f. a troop, band
"Rjrn, reim, s. f. evenness of temper
"Rjm, "", s. f. a mountebank, ajuggler; " ajntfi
ft5- regh> s. tn. across, a gallows t>o puji^eo^." o. g.
Regmin-, regiment, s. a regiment; vulg.
"Repii, rcimh, prep, before
1\ej, reibh, with ye 1\e jrhBapla, reimhbhcurla, s. a preposition
Rejc, reic, "l s. f. a trade, auction, Rejmbjtjetftjt, reimhbkriathar, s. f. an adverb
llejcajpeacti, reicaireachd, J sale Uimpijm, reimhehinim, v. I assign, appoint, pre
1\}>, reiceadh, s. a selling, sale destine
Rejceeojp, rekeadoir, s. m. a seller, vender
1\jmcjntju4t>, reimhehintiughadh, s. predestination
KejBeaoa, reichdcheadach, a. licenced, authorized "Re]iii^oju54t>, rcimhdhiorughadh, s. anticipation
ftejcjm, reicim, v. I sell, vend Rejmt^opuj^m, reimhdhioruighim, v. I anticipate
Rejqm, reicim, v. I tell, relate, divulge, reckon
"Rjrne, reimhe, s. fatness ; pride
ftejcne, reicne, s. f. warning 1vejmec, reimheach, a. arrogant, proud ; gros
"Remece, rcidhe, a. sold 1\epneAT>f*t>, reimeadradh, s. forenoon
"Rjo, reidh, s. f. a rope, a withe RjTneamlflCO, reimtamhlachd, s. f. consistence
Itj, reidh, a. plain, level, smooth 11 jmearhujl, reimeamhti:!, a. bearing great sway or
"Rjo, reidh, ) s. f. a plain, a level field, a green authority, constant, persevering, even, rampant
Hjlin, reidhlan, j for play 1\jme*rnu)l, reimeamhuil, a. belonging to the roads
"Rejo, ', a. ready, prepared, agreed, reconciled 1\e)rher, reimhtas, s. f. a time, period ; pejmear
KjeACT). reidheachd, s. ready service, officiousness jVjog, a king's reign
Rejoeaw, reidheadh, s. assent, agreement
ftepbeolup, reimhtolus, \ s. f. foreknowledge, pfe-
"Reieaoin, reidheadoir, ) ., 1\e)TTi}:jor, reimfifhios, j science
1\ejt>]oeoj]t, )> s. m. a reconciler 1vejTTir)or4, reimhjhiosach, a. foreknowledge
Rei*]!, reidhghair, a. delightful, pleasant, snug,
comfortable s. f. foresight, fore-
Ixejtfijaain, rmhfheachain, cast, pre~consider-
ftejwj^e, reidhighe, s. m. an agreement. Matt. 20.2 1\e]riif4C*jnr, reimnjlieachaint, ation, a previous
Kejjm, reidhim, v. I prepare, provide, make ready,
agree or bargain j view, review
He jrhFudjm, reimhfheuchaim, v. I foresee, forecast,
ftrlen, reidhlean, s. m. a level field, a plain muster, review
ftevJe4TTi*nac, reidhreamhanach, a. lunatic Rejmyjosjuo, reimhfhioghradh, s. prfiguration
1\e)oteoc, reidhteach, s. m. a plain, level Rejm^ealUt), reimhghealladh, s. pre-engagement
ftejten, reidhteach, s. m. union, harmony, con -RejrhgeJUpn, remhgheallaim, v. 1 pre-engage
cord, covenant, propitiation, c. p. "Kjrmm, reimim, v. I ramp fc
"Rejo^eACUB, reidhteachadh, s. agreement, recon 1ve}r}jrjrn, reimhinnisim, v. I foretel
cilement Re-jrhjusuo, reimhiughadh, see jte]ri>pe\C4jn
Rejg. reigh, a. plain, open
Rigim, reihdim, v. I judge 1iejrhpi4t>, reimhiughadh, s. a preposition, conju
gation J
ftejslen, reigMean, s. m. a plain for amusement or Hjmnijjm, reimnighim, v. I proceed, go, walk
diversion Kjrmrjsf eoc, reimnighthcach, a. moving forward
RejV)or, reiglios, s. f. a church, shrine
1\], rcimhorthonn, s. foreskin. SA.
fte}5fe-'C05l<*, reighthc-toghla, s. battering rams, in Kejrhpeo, reimhradh, see Jiearnpao
struments for breaking down walls; "/'. e. tje*lrh 1ve)mpe, reimse, s. a club, a staff
f5<0]lce mujp." o.g. 1\)rhpe, reimhse, s. time
ftjqse, reightighe, a. arranged, agreed on ftejrhpealU, reimhsealladh, s. foresight
"Rjjqo, reight'wch, s. m. agreement, harmony "Rejmrjup, reimsiur, s. an aunt
Rjl, red, s. m. a star
'Re'jriifeacoaute, reimhiheachdaiw,s. m. a forerunner
*R|l, reit, a. lawful, rightful Keimup, reimus, s. time, a period
Itjl, reil, a. clear, manifest "Remg, ', ^
KjleoU, reileolach, s. m. an astronomer IvejngeA, reingeach, >s. m. timbers of a ship
"RedeoUy, reileolas, s. m. astronomy Rejnean, reinean, )
Hqleas. ^V )s.f. a church, church-yard ; gen. 7\jp, reir, s. will, desire, pleasure
ftedjc, reifte, , ' '5 Kjj or A Jj}, rn'r or a reir, s. last night
r?eo REO ?J2l Rid

Rjpor Jtip, rwr or cfo reir, prep, according to Rp, rer, with our ; . e. p
Rjp, reis, \ . .... Rp, r, unto him that; i. e. je aj, e.r. pe
Rjpe, reise, j Sl f' asPan' "e inches long pe )Ao
RjpAjt. reisaid, see peApAjt) Rcpceapc, rerchearc, s. a heath-poult or grouse
RejpgjoBp, reisghiobhar, s. a harlot RepbAjo, resbaid, see
Rjpje, reisidhe, s. m. a rehearser, romancer RepoAjm, resdaim, v. I arrest
"Rejfj, reisiu, sooner than, before that RepeAUtsA, resealadac/i, a. alternate, by turns
Reip|, reisiu, s. a concealing. Chron. Scot. 699 Rer, rrf, s. a thing
ReipmjpopeA, reismtirdreach, s. m. a harlot Recle, retgle, s. in. a star
Rjte, reite, s. f. an agreement, compact, contract, Redan, retan, s. m. a spark
settlement, arrangement, atonement, propitia RemugA, retnughadh, s. imagination
tion, capitulation, conciliation Ruhac, reubach; a. penetrative; thatteareth
Rejte, reithe, s. m. a ram RubAt, reubadh, s. tearing, lacerating
Rjcea, reiteach, Is. m. harmony, reconcilia- Rubjm, reubaim, v. I tear, lacerate
f\e)zebtfb,reitcachadi, J tion, reconciling Rubn, reuban, s. m. plundering, destroying, rob
'Rj'-eac, reiteach, s. m. a plan bery
Hjte*T>, reiteadh, see pjce Rubanjp, rcubanoir, ) s. m. a robber, destroyer,
RejfeA, reitheadh, pait, rammed, tupped ;" An Rub)p, reuboir, ) plunderer, freebooter
to n c<ojpe," when the sheep tupped Ruon, reudan, s. m. a timber worm
Re^e-cogajc, reitke-cogaidh, , Ruona, reudanach, a. full of worms
Rcjf.e jiiobt*, reithe-raobtha, Is* .a ualter" Reuepenp, reuerens, s. reverence. Mull. 72
Rejte-pleAtoAit), reithe-sleachdjidh, J ,ng-,am Rii1a, reuladh, s. m. declaration
Rjcj jjm, reittghim,\. I rectify, arrange, settle, make Rulpiovc, reuldhtaoidh, s. m. an astrologer
ready, agree, ratify, reconcile, conciliate Rul'ptOireA'P, reuldhraoidheachd, s. f. astrology
1leit]tie, reitine, a. of easy temper, prone to reverie ; Ruleola, reuleolach, see pjleolAC
/'. e. ]." . g. RuleoUp, rtuleolas. see pejeolAp
Rejtjp, reit/iis, v. he, she, or it, reach or arrived at ; Rull, rcu/l, s. m a star
"t. e. pAjnjc." o. g. Riill-pOj-c), reull-dhraoidk, s. m. an astrologer
RpjugA, > citiughadh, s. m. rectification, satisfaction Rull-jpjglcAn, reult-ghriglean, s. . a constellation
Re|t;p)cjp, reitricoir, s. m. a rhetorician Rul-nA-m<T>|A, rcul-na-madra, the dog star
Rlr, r<r//, s. m. a star. Matt. 2. 7 Rulg, revdog, s. f. a small star
Kern, rem, with my, to my Rulga, reulogach, a. starry
"RernAjn, rcmhain, see Rulc. reult, s. m. a star
Reriujtn)5]m, remhaithnighim, see petfiA]fcnj)m RultA, reultach, a. starry, astral
RerhepepcA, remheperta, a. aforesaid ; " sjoIIa Rulr6u)T5e, reultbhuidhcann, s. a constellation
." o. v. RultjAp5, reultiasT, s. m. the star-fish
RerhpuCAc, remhfeuchadh, s. foreseeing Riilc-nA-mAiA, rcult-na-mara, s. star of the sea ; an
Rempucajm, remhfeuchuim, v. I foresee epithet applied to the Blessed Virgin Mary
ReriipAjjm, remhradhim, see peArhpA)Aim Rum, reun, }
Rn, , s. f. a span Rum*, reuma, S
" SUng juaIa, jp woio lim $ ln ; Rutm, rtumach, J phlegmatic
jSejb Iac AgAr lujone mp ; R6um*rhAjl, reumamhail, ) r '
Lua ; ACAp tpojg ; RurhA]tn)5)m, rewnhaitknighim, v. I foreknow
Kn pjpe, }p nn Ajnm oplojs-" For. foc. RumrhAptA, reumhc/iomhat t/ia, s. a fore-sign, pr
"Reo, reo, with them figuration
Reo, reo, s. . a hand RurhcjiojceA, rcumhchroiceann,s. foreskin, prepuce
reo, 7/ . . cirost. RurhjtAjjm, reumhraidhim, v. I foretel, publish,
Reoo, reod/i, J proclaim
ReoleAc, reoleac, \ j RApn, reasun, s. m. reason
ReoleAC, reodhleac, \ ' ' RApnA*, reasiinachadh, s. reasoning
ReoledCAjm, reoleacaim, v, I freeze, congeal RApnAisim, reasunaightm, v. 1 reason
"Reojr^, reoithidh, a. frosty RApncA, reasunta, a. reasonable, rational
Reorhdo, reomhad, see R), ri, s. m. a king, sovereign, prince; Welsh, rhwy
Keorhdp, reomhainn, see R]! ri! an interjection of surprise
Reorham, reomham, see jtoriiAm Rj, ri, prep, with, along with, to, on
ReompA, reompa, pompA R], ri, adv. before ; " pi tjArAjn jn hejpjn, . e.
Ron, rewi, see pn pjA rjAcrAjn." Lcc. 113
"ReotA), reothadh, s. frost, ice R]a, ria, with her, to her, against her, with them
Keoise, reothte, a, frozen Rja, , prep, by, with
?J2l RIA 1 RIA

111*, ria, adv. before 1\)454l, naghal, s. m. government

1vj4, ra, ) 1t)454l404t), riaghalachadh, see }]45ru4-
1*)4t>, r,W,}S-runmng' SPeed H)5l cul, riaghal /, stinking crane's bill; Gera
nium robertianum
1l]4T!, riadh, Is' chastisement, correction 1v)44lr;4, riaghalta, a. ruled, governed
1\]4 or j)4, n'a or " ria, v. he will come, arrive, 1\j454lt4, riaghalta, a. devout, religious
reach U)454lc4r, riaghaltacht, s. f. regularity, religiousness
1\), riabhaeh, a. brindled, tabby, grey, greyish, 1vj45lcojp, riaghaltoir, s. m. a ruler, regulator, di
roan, swarthy rector
1\)*, riabhaeh, s. common louse-wort; Pedicu "Rj454lu54t>, riaghalughadh, s. ruling, governing, di
laria sylvatica recting
1\)*0>, riabhachadh, s. brindledness, greyishness "R^^lujgre, riaghaluighthe, a. ruled, governed
1\]4b5, riabhag, s. f. a lark 1vj454luj5teo)), riaghaluightheoir, s. m. a ruler, go
"RjdBin, riabhan, s. m. a handsome young fellow vernor. Welsh, rheolwr
1i)4be4j5*, nabhdheargach, a. red-streaked 1\)45U, riaghlach, s. m. an old woman
IJ4D5, riabhog, s. f. a lark 1\j45lu4t>, riaghlughadk, s. m. government, ruling,
1\]*b5-mn4, riobhog-mona, s. f. a tit-lark discipline, management
R}4C, r/acA, v. he came 1\l4luj5eojl, riaghluigheoir, s. m. a ruler, governor
Rja, ', a. grey, brindled 1vj4luj5reoj}ie4t>, riaghlmghtheoireachd, s. f. magis
1lj4C4io, riachaid, s. a comptroller. /i. tracy, kingship
1\)4C4)o, riachaid, s. distributing, dividing 1\]4fi, riamh, adv. ever, always, before
1v]<C4n, riackan, s. any thing grey 1v]4rh, riam, prep, before
Kj,o<*)lle4f, riachdaillcat, s. f. necessity 1\j4rh, riamh, s. number, numeration ; " Clip 4r 4j
1\]4t54n4, riachdanacli, s. m. the needy. Prov. 31.9 5*b l'j0514)t> )1)4,"
1<)4044, riachdanacli, a. needy, necessitous, ne 1\]4, riama, s. victory
cessary ; incumbent, dutiful 1\)4m4, riamhach, see }tj4b4C
1]40)44, riachdanas, s. m. want, necessity "Rj4rn4, riamhach, a. precious, valuable
H)4cc, riacht, v. came ; " t>o p]4c 4n rAje j-ejr- ]444]5, riamhanaighe, s. m. a horse-jockey
45." 'Fl. ft]4n, rian, s. m. good disposition, order
"R)4CC4]tri, riachtaim, v. I arrive 1\), rian, s. m. a road, way, path, footstep
]4440, riachtanasach, a. necessary, needful. R]4n, rian, s. ni. a span
Mull. 260 1\]4n, rian, s. m. the sea
1\j4Cr*t>, riachsad, v. they came ftjanaiiujl, rianamhuil, a. well-disposed
ftj4i, riadh, s. interest "Rj4n-cpu)cn)5-cu4)r, rian-crithnigk-tuaith, s. the
"Rj4t>, rwdA, s. running, racing, a course country of the Picts
Rj4?>, riadh, s. correction, chastisement, taming, fynnujge, rianuighe, s. m. a wanderer, a traveller
subduing 1\]*V riar> s- m> w'"> Qes're> pleasure
1V)t>, riadh, s. instruction -R-jap, riar, s. m. distribution
), riadh, s. law 1\)4|'>r,ar s* m> obedience, submission
t)4, riadh, s. grief riar> s- m- judgment, decree, decision
"Rj4t>, nat, s. a kind of capital punishment among 1J41* riar,.s. m. a demand, claim, right
the Irish ; " bejpj b,o )4t>, ]4>4} Ijb j4t>." Rj}4, rire, s. m. victuals ; a feast given after the
1\)4t)40, riadhach, a. darkish, brownish, brindled death of a chief
1\j44t>, riadhadh, s. hanging 1\J4l**c riarach, a. obedient, submissive. 4 Mast.
1<]40l, riadhlann, s. f. a correction house, bridewell 1422
1v)4t>narc, riadhnasach, a. conspicuous 1\)4ji4o-]nr]n, riarachd-inntin, s. f. contentment
1\]4j, riagh, s. m. a cross, gallows R)4p4C4t>, riarachadh, | s. m. distribution, distribut
ftj45, riagh, a. religious iver, riaradh, \ ing, dividing
KJ454, riaghadh, s. hanging R]4ji4. riaradh, s. m. pleasing, satisfying
U)5)l) riaghad, ) s. a rule, government, direc- Hj4j4]0e, riaraidhe, s. m. an ceconome, dispenser of
H)44)lr, rutghaill,\ tory meat and drink, a regulator of ati'airs
1]454drce4iin4, riaghailtchearnach, s. m. a square 1l4]4]m, riaraim, v. I please, satisfy, distribute, serve
-Rj454)lte4C, riaghailteach, a. religious, sober, peace -Rl4jt4]rt;e> riaiaiste, s. arrears
ful lv]Ajf *, riartha, a. content, satisfied
]^4]4, nagha.lteachd, s. f. regularity t<]4li4, riartha, part, distributed, served
1)4*1'15*' riaghadighthe, part, regulated R)4jii54t>, rimughadh, s. m. regulating, righting,
Rjaj^m, riaghaim, v. I hang, crucify, gibbet obtaining rights
R]4^4)lie, riaghahe, s. m. a hangman, a rogue "R]41<U54t), riarughadh, s. dividing, distributing
ftj45l, */, . m. a rule UlApujBjm, riaruighim, see jijA^jm
4 Z 1j4luj5te,

RlAjuijjne, riaruighthe, a. pleased, satisfied 1\']50>, righeachd, see pionco

1\l*|-c, rinse, Is. in. a moor, fen, marsh, a strand, 1\^, righeachd, s. f. one's reach, attainment
R'l^ea, righeadh, s. reaching, attaining
ftjft) riasg, j lay-ground
IvjjeAl cujlj righeal cud, \ stinking crane's bill ; Ge-
i>,>l.-^,i i ; ra- tennv, moorish, suit KgeAn l, righean righ, J ranium Robertianum
RJA1-54I, riasgal, ) . , .. ... ., , i l^jeAnpar, righcansat, they consented, agreed ;
4l**milt riasgamhud, \ a- ind0C,le' ngld' " " ua orb*]ll t>n, ] ingean Conco-
1\)ifZA!, riustadh, s. a welt ICAjl^e bean ii| borhnA]ll, *] meje Cjj,eA}tn4jn
)1*' ' iastar, s. m. a hauling or drawing Connilajg t)0 toct jn* ccorhicijl 50 hjnjp eoijejn,
ft)*, rrutha, s. hire, rent, interest *) Pl^if*71 fi* '* ',UA "Hjll 5n njm-
Hjaf:*, riat/ia, s. a rib n*jll." 4 Mast. 1433
1J4C, riatka, s. a snare R^jjejj, rigkfheinnidh, s. a generalissimo
"R}b, rii, s. f. a snare ftlSb righi, see jtjge
"Rjb, rib, s. f. a syren "Kl^jm, nghim, v. 1 reach, arrive, stretch
R]B, n'M, with you, to you ft1lm> righim, v. 1 consent, comply, agree, approve
R)be, ribe, s. f. a flake K'gjn, righ:n, a. tough, tenacious, adhesive, stifT
Rjbe, r/e, s. f. a ribbon 1^5]n> righin, a. slow, sluggish, dilatory, drowsy
Rjbe, ribe, 7 s. f. a bair, whisker ; a dossil, a 1\];)ne4b, righineachadk, s. growing tough
Rlbeos, ribeog, J pledget j 1^5)4, nghineachas, \ s. m. delay, stiflhess, te-
1\)be*c, ribeach, a. hairy, rough ; 'R'jsjnertr, righineas, ) nacity
1^b)n, t tbheid, s. f. a musical reed, pipe ; RiglAcim, rigiachaii, s. . a ridgling
l^bjoea, ribhedeach, a. reedy, musical R5m10"> righmionn, s. f. a diadem
R^eo;;, ribeog, s. f. a rag 1\)5ne> righne, he made, or did
Ivjbeogrtc, ribeogach, a. ragged- ft)5-n*f righ-nathair, s. a cockatrice
ft-jb^n, r/W, see pjbe and fijbeoj 1v]ji>e40T>, righneachd, s. a gift, present, favour
ft-jblea, ribleacfi, s. m. a line, along string 1\jn]5jm, righnighim, v. I adhere ; make stiff
ftjbpejnjm, reihhstimm, I modulate "Rjjnjor, rig/mios, s. m. delay
1']ce4ti, richead, s. f. a kingdom, the king's mensal Rji;-jt4r, righ-rathy s. a royal fortress, or palace ;
lands " & }*14 peer pjgji4r4 Ujpint> hepene."
Rjcjo, richidh, s. m. the Supreme God, King of Lec. 14.2
All ; f. e. jij 0)4 HIS pe]p5, seiig, greater burr-reed ; Sparga-
1\]C)f, richis, s. f. a flame nium erectum
Ixicc*]!, richtail, s. f. graving, sculpture "Rp5f;e4, rightheach, s. m. a royl palace
1vjf*jl, ridhail, see pV'e*)' "R)5fe4, rightheach, s. m. an arm
1lp*l, rideal, s. a riddle, sieve 1\]j,fe4t>4]pe, nghtheachdaire, s. m. a king's mes
"RjoeaUw, ridealadk, s. riddling senger, an ambassador
1\]>5)144, ridgileanach, s. a redshank. &4. Hj5te*U, rightheaghlach, s. m. the king's house
ftrojl, r/flW, s. f. a riddle, a coarse sieve hold
K]r>)le, rid ire, s. m. a knight. Welsh, rhadyr 1\-]5:,im, righthighim, v. I want, am deficient
RpjjieAC, ridircach, a. knightly R^llein, rillean, s. ni. a riddle, a coarse sieve
K]o))ie*c, r'idirtacht, s. f. knighthood, horseman Hjllim, ri/fim, v. 1 riddle, sift
ship Rir, rimh, s. number. Welsh, rhif
1\)0]1]1, ridireamhuil, a. knightly, horseman Him*fr;, rimhart, s. m. a warning
like -Rjulit, timhart, s. violent death
1vpjite-re4>*jre*c, ridire-s^abhaiseach, s. a knight- Rjrhea, rimheach, a. fine, precious, curious
errant. Sh. Rjrheat), nmheadh, s. finery
"Rp^pe or no ppjre, ridhise or <fe ridhise, adv. again ftjrheige, rimhe.ghe, ) fc ^
Hip, rr*, a. bent K)rn)4t>, rtmntaah, )
1\]5> "g* s.f. aspy, piltsreoijt. 6>'C7. Rirrijm, rimhim, v. I reckon, number, count
1*15> righ, s. m. a king, sovereign. Welsh, rhi Rjrhjn, rimhm, s. a diadem, a handsome girl
H15 *?*> I s- m* tne ar,n ^rom tne eow t0 the R)mn)n, rimnin, s. f. a constellation
tje, r?'/i, f wrist, a cubit Rjrhpejnpn, rimhsheinm, s. a musical sounds
tV5C4r<0)}, righchatlmoir, see ^^ 'Rirhpeinirn, rimhseinrm, v. I sound, sing
R^cifte, righekiste. s. a royal treasury RjmriS, rimhthigh, s. going, moving, i, e. )mie<ic.
Ixlje, /, s. m. sovereignty, kingship ; "
5 mge n'ejpj." Lib. gab. -
rince, s. a dance
, righe, s. m. a reign ; " 3(n blj4tsjn Rincea, r{nceadh, s. dancing, saltation
Rjnceojjt, rinceeir, s. m. a dancer
ft'jse, r/'^e, s. no. reproof Rjncjm, rincm, v. I dance
I?J0 RIO 12)0 RIO

Rjncne, rincne, s. a lance, a spcar Rjobpeac, rioboideach, a. prodigal

Rmcne, rincne, s. the number five, i. . a cjj. . g. Rjobojoeaco, rkboideaclul, s. f. prodigality
R|nojt>, rindid, revealed, related ; i. . ** pjfiajr, ;'. f. Rjobjojm, rioboidim, v. I spend, riot, revel
]o mcaj?, no po jjp." R|oo, riochd, s. shape, form, likeness
' Cppt jiumi pjrit!)o Rjot), riic/id, s. sute, condition
lajcenc mac baje baj,' Rjoco, riochd, s. stead, place, room
"i.e. lajeen mac )5 ] jr Jtjn aje a juijnjo Rjoco-jocal, riochd-fhacal, s. a pronoun
)1]|-." O'Flirt. Rjocuaj, rioch.uaidh, s. a plague, pestilence, con
Rjnpejf jom, rinfheithiomh, s. m. contemplation tagion
Rjngea, ringeach, s. hanging Rjo, riodh, s. f. a ray, radius, sun-beam, streak
Rjnjeail, ringeal!, s. in. a promise Rfoajm, riodhaim, v. I radiate, streak
Kjngejojona, ringheibhionna, \ , . Rjocan, riodan, s. m. a wood-louse, wood-worm,
Kinsejrhleaca, rinheimh/eao'ia, J*' Uulns timber-sow
jn5neat), ringncadh, s. /'. e. hanging; " /.. pjaa Rjonace, riodhnachd, s. f. a gift
no cpoa." o. g. ftjonacc, riodhmcht, s. f, delivering, giving up ;
Ixinge, ringthe, part, torn, parted 'oo ]jonacr, i.e. rjolajc." . g.
Kjnrihanam, rinmhachnamh, s. contemplation R'joj, riogh, gen. & plur, of hj or jijj, a king
ftjnmeap, rinmkcas, s. f. scanning of a verse Rjogaca', rioghachadh, s. reigning
Rjn, rinn, s. f. light, comfort R'jogao, rioghachd, s. f. a kingdom
Rj, , s. f. a tree ; " Rj, /. . cjta." Cor.
Rjn, rinn, s. f. a tail, fin ^^uogharnh^- ^jf l5rnCe!> '
Rj, , s. f. a promontory, head-land, hill R05*, rioghdha, ) ",s"'
Rj, rinn, s. f. a foot, a foot in music Rjogan, rioghan,
Rj, rinn, s. f. music, melody, song R'jojbean, rioghhhean, >s. f. a queen
-.Rj, rinn, s. f. the point of a weapon, the top of any 1\]oBjn, riohbhin, J
thing; "i. . HO j, j, t. e. b]t." Cor. Rjo^ajm, rioghaim, v. 1 reign
ftj, /, s. f. a brilliant star, a constellation H'josarhlais, rioghamhlichd, s, f. royalty, regality,
R], ?7', s. plur. the stars princeliness
Rj, rinn, the perfect tense of the verb ceanajm ly^ogarbujl, ricghamhuil, a. royal, kingly, princely
RjGeajitac, rinnbhearthach, s. . a history KjojBot, ricghb'iolh, s. f. a royal pavilion .
Rje, rinne, unto us, with us Ivio^colb, rioghcholb, s. m a sceptre
Rje, rinne, s. the understanding Rogcar^ojlt, rioghchathaoir, s. a throne . .
Rie, Rinne, Ireland Ixjojcofidin, rioghclmom, s. a royal crown
Rjea, rinneach, a. pointed, barbed KloSa, rioghinach,]\ , acourt
Kjeati]], rinncadoir, s. m. a poet, musician ], rwg'idhae, J 1
Rjeaoji, rinneadoir, s. m. a carper, one apt to find Kiogl, rioghdha!, s. m. a royal convocation, an
faults assembly of princes. " Rjoj-al rhji hj cclnajn-
Rjec, rinnec, s. grass Conajfte-bomain ejrep 1^1*11 cajiie - Veilime
Rjcoj, nnncog, s. f. a star mac Cp-jorircajn." 4 Must. 837. " Ro rjonoylea*
1]'-*1'> 'inneog-eurb lil, s. f. a comet j<joal majie Gijieano lapjn fijj 'tjlpdaclaj go
Rjeoj-peanp, rinncog-sheabhas, s. f. a wandering j 1\ajt-5totia mjc tojijc jm Vetjna cnriiapba Viiar-
star jiajcc ~\)vn STuajplea corhajiba Vjjn no eanam
Rjpeaiajm, rinhftathaim, v. I design, intend, fore poa ] cam cornpajc pep n'ejpean-o." 4 Mast.
cast 857
Rj^u}, rinngheur, a. sharp-pointed, barbed Rjo5*mna, rioghdhamfma , s. m. a king elect, prince
1\|^eujiajm, rintrheuraim, v. 1 sharpen, barb designed, the presumptive successor of a king
Rjjcne, rinmcne, s. a graving tool Rjojeap, rioghdhas, s. m. a kingdom
Rirm, rinnimh, s. the heavenly constellations, the Rjose, rioghe, see jtjge
milky way Rjojlac, tioghluch, s. m. an old hag ; a grey-haired
Rjriul, rtnnmhar, a. finned old man
Rjjtjm, rinnreim, s. f. a constellation Rfojla, rioghlann, s. m. a palace, king's court
Rjoba, riobadh. s. m. a snare Rj )la), rwghlaoch, s. m. a prince, are-pectableold
Riooajts, rUb'iai, s. f. arced for a pipe] man
RlouH, riobtwr, s. m. a sieve Rpjjnafajji, rioghnathair, s. m. a cockatrice
Rjonaj meal riobhar meala, s. a honey-comb Ropho]t-, rt%hfhort, s. m. a royal palace
RoT>l*, riobhlach, s. m. a rival Riogphubo.!,, s. in. a royal tent
RjobUc, rkblach, a. ragged, torn R'otiirj, rioghroid, s. the king's high-way
Rjubs, rioboS> s- f- 11 1)atch, , -c R'jojplar, riognshtat, s. f. a sceptre
Rjobjt, riebjid, s. f. a spendtnrift Riom, riom, wttb me
t?;s ris

Ivjorii, riomh, s. number, reckoning, numeration IvjpeAn, risean, s. m. an historian

Ix^oriiAC, riomhach, a. fond, affectionate Ivjpgjnee, risgineach, s. m. a brave soldier
Iv^oriu, riomhach, a. precious, valuable Kjpje, risidhe, s. m. an historian
l\om*, riomkadh, s. enumeration, calculation " 1\)p Ajnm pcjl gAH Ajpe,
1\onnj, riomhaidh, s. fondness "Rjpje Ainm 00 pcAlAje,
IvjoihAjm, riomhaim, v. I number, reckon, count vlpoj-e ceol, pceotujpc > clop
Ivjomajpe, ricmhaire, s. m. a calculator 1\0]p-)ol b|ic, b*pAl )^." For. foc.
Rioriiajpeaco, riomhaireachd, s. f. calculation, arith 1\]pjon, s'wn, with him, to him or it
metic , "Rlpjon, vision, s. an historian
Kiorru-jpjm, riomhairim, v. I reckon, count Rjrreal, 1 isteul, s. a sort of plough used in the island
1\}oniAjr, riomhart, he hurled or drove before him ; of Lewes. Sh.
i. . lomAjn. 0. g. 1\]f, til, s. f. course, flight, gallop, race
Rjomop, riom/jor, s. f. a convention, assembly ; " t. e. 1\)f, r:th, s. an arm ; prop. pjj or ]J]e
tjonol no tee^Uriiajo." o. g. 1\]6, rit/teach, a. running
1v]on, n'on, see pjan IxjieAt), ritkeadh, s. a running, racing
1v^on<it))]i, rionadcir, s. m. a ruler, steward 1\10, ritheadh, s. a grove
1v]oni]e, rionadhe, s. m. an engraver 1\), ritheadh, s. a shielding
ftoiupeAp, riovaid/ieas, s. m. sculpture 1\jceoi], ritheoir, s. m. a racer, runner
1\^onjjim, lionaighim, v. I carve, engrave RlijrolA, rithfola, s. a hmorhage
Kjon jrt, rionghach, s. m. a strong man Ivjrjm, rithim, v. I run, range, stroll, rush
]1, rionluas, s. m. career 1\)t)n, rit/iin, a. tough, stiff, viscid, viscous, sizy,
, rionnack, s. m. a mackerel ropy, clammy, glutinous, emplastic
1\), riomuidh, s. reddening, redness 1\)t)ne, rithine, "j s. toughness, clamminess,
KjofiAg, rioniiag, s. m. a star ftjfyneA, rithineadh stiffness, tardiness, delay,
K]o*5-ea]ibu]l, rionnag-carbuil, s. a comet IvjrpieAp, lithhuas, slowness
Kjoap, rnnaidk, s. areddener,anameforasa- 1\)-leAncA]n, rith-leanlain, s. a gleet
fviotoi, rionntaidh, J tyrist who causes redden 1\jtljmne*, rithleimneach, s. f. an extemporaneous
ing or blushing in every face ; " /. e. jnm o'rpj verse
jjiAAjp, Plnur, no Tjenpgur ja j." . g. RjtljmneAc, rithleimneach, a. quick
)*], rionnaidhe, s. m. an engraver Rjtnep, rithneas, s. f. delay, slowness
,1)>, nomaidheas,! m scu, ture ftju, , prep, with them, to them
vjoml, normal, \ r 1\]ub, riubh, s. f. brimstone
'RjoiiAjjjm, rionnaighim, v. I carve, engrave Ivjucc, riuchd, see jjot5
RjoFujm, rionnaim, v. I redden H) um, rium, unto me, with me
,);1.1, riosaithris, > mimicking ft] une, ritme, with us
1v]orl*)5et), nosalaigheadh, j
1^01-5, rw?, see )*5
1\]or, Wo/, with thee, to thee KpitA, r'mtha, unto them, with them
1\joc, r/o/A, s. f. a race, a course R, , a sign of the past tense
1\)of at>, tiothatlh, s. running, racing "R, ro, great, very, an instensitive particle used in
RjoAjm, riothaim, v. I run, race composition ; as nojro, great desire, poriioj, very-
KjorpA, rief with thee great; when coming before words whose first vowel
,, ~) adv. seriously, verily, true ; is slender, it is usually written poj; as, poimihr,
HuicAt, rirwrfA, or / TO / trJ very sweet '
earnest 1\, ro, v. to go, to roach a place
IvljijT), rir/M, seet>* 1i>jd 1v, is, for Jieim, fir.-t, before
Hip or l'ir n ur oris, adv. again, once more 1\6aco, roachd, he went ; see jir>
1>)> r"i ' w'tn> with him, at him, to, unto KAp, roas, far off, far extended
Rj-, r/i, s. rice, a sort of grain 1\l)A, roba, s. a robe
1v)p, ris, s. a king , rcb/iad//, s. a threat, warning
1\)p, rts, s. t. intelligence, knowledge, notice KbAjeAc, robhaidheach, a. see pooupeA
1vjp, , s- f- story> history ; "i. e. rcl no pA]fn]p Ivobil, rebail, \
<;' Cojpppc ) dixit; cen t>)l tujme pjppe, nobi, rob,ladh,]s-m-robbery
pn bjieTppe." Cor. 1\), rebaim, v. I rob
Rjr, , s. f. cause, a party ; " V>\ ]o oriiiajj Jijp IvobA^m. robhaim, v. I admonish, warn
11AC OJJt. IvnAjppbe, rsbhairidhe, s. m. a monument
1\], riia, s. bark 1\O)aji, robhar, a. red
1\]0, riseack, s. m. a romancer, story-teller 1\.oTjaji, robhat, s. m. a sieve
1\], risean, with him, along with him " |1
?OC R0 ?05

"HoBp cpjAtAp fOpArh njl, ^pAmA, rochuramach, a. ever-careful, vigilant

RumnA go ngjpe, Rcup, rocus, s. m. a rook
Co]c )mn ni aj beA ; Ro, rod, s. m. sea-weed
3i&Ap lu Ajnm oo lojjjeAt)." -for. foc. Roo, rod, s. m. a thing, a circumstance
RoDAp, robhasy s. m. a violent death "Roc, rodh, s. m. a plain, a field
, robJar, they were ; . . po bOAp Rt), rodh, s. m. a road, way, passage
RBeAg, robheag, see pojBeAg Ro, rod, s. m. great humiliation ; " i. e. po uriilu-
RoBbpoA, roblasda, v. sweet 5*-
Robjp, roboir, s. m. a robber, a thief Roo, ?W, s. m. a shot, a cast, a throw ; " Ro1 pl*
RBp, robhro, a. very ancient, very old 'fjOOAJp, . . CUpAp CUgAO pjl %JOOAp."
RobpAC, robsat, they were ; . e. po but) pjAo o. g.
RoBuo, robhud, s. m. a precaution, forewarning; "Co Ro, re/, s. m. water edge or mark
, ." Fi. Ro, tW, a. too long, too extensive, . e. po .
RBujoeAC, robhuidheach, a. very thankful, gracious 8-
Robujn, robuin, s. f. robbery Roo, rorf, a mark of the present tense, in several old
Robiijn-eAfclAjp, robuin- ea<gtais, s. sacrilege MSS. " VjoficUA pjn *1 ; m*C VjOlogA, ACAp
Robujpe, robuire, s. m. a robber mjpj poo njl Cumuf5A, '#jlbe pon bjpo."
Robujpt, robuist, s. f. custody ./?. Fionnch.
Roc, rec, s. the tops of sea weeds that appear above RooAr, rodacht, s. f. a covering, a fence
water Rooa, rodadhA , .
Roo*,l, ?We;/ ) s- lancinS> scanfying
Roc, roc, s. m. a rock
Roca6, rocach, a. rocky RooAlhu]!, rodamhuil, a. prosperous
Rocac, rocach, a. curly, curled Rob, rodhbh, s. f. a saw
RAjeArhujI, rochaldhcamhuil, a. very decent, be RobAo, rodhbadh, was lost, undone, failed
coming, proper, civil, hospitable RbAo, rodhbadh, s. breaking, subduing, over
RoAjp, rochair, s. death, a fall ; " Huaa Ajpgee powering
lth oo pocAjp h) ca: oeen*c %uje tujpei" RoeAppAj, rodhearsaidh, see pojeAprAjo
Lee. 10 3 RoodeAr, rodhileas, see pojojljop
RjpoeATfiujl, rochairdeamhuil, a. very courteous Ro-mp, rod-mor, s. a highway
and friendly ; having a great number of friends, Roomuj, rdmuinn, s. f. a fox
wll-befriended RoojneAncA, rodointanta, a. very stormy, tempes
Rocin, rocan, s. m. a cottage, hut tuous
Rcn, rocan, s. m. a hood, mantle, surtout, cloak, Rojp, rodoir, s. a runner, a way-faring man
see quot. at pcujpo RopuopAjm, rodruoraim, v. I attect, bring to pass
Rocn, rocan, s. m. plait, fold, wrinkle RubpAOAC, rodhubhrachdach, a. very earnest,
RocAn, rocan, s. rolling careful
KocnA, rocanach, a. crisp, curled Rujl, rodhuil, s. f. jealousy
RocAp, rochar, s. a killing, slaughtering Rujn, rodhuin, s. a nobleman ; also one of the
Rcaj', rocas, s. a rook, a crow common people ; a rogue
Rco, roclid, he went R;(acoac, rodhuthrachdach, a. very diligent, ear
RoAOAp, rochdadar, they went nest, careful
RooAjm, roclidaim, v. I arrive at, come to, reach Roe, roc, s. m. a plain, a level field
^ s. a reaching, arriving at, com- Roet>A, roeghdha, s. a choice ; " So poegA
_ . , , . J inpr to, an ascent; ")a Iajj- oe jcooo gleipe jAjpsjoeA pi jolA."
ftooAjn, rochdmn, / , , ' , _ ,
Roem, roem, see
RotAjn, rochtain, "tejs Apcc<o,o oo - ReoU, roeolach, a. very skilful or knowing ; fa
' ' oujn cu5*o." " le po- miliar
^ ) fUAf." ReoUAp, rocolachas, } s. m. great knowledge, fa-
, rochdan, s. a thicket ReolAp, roeolas, j miliarity
Rljpoe, rochlisde, a. very expert RpjAl, rofhial, seepojpjAl
RcpA, rochora, the best, the chiefest R6pl4)t, rofhlaith, s. a great chief
RoctAjpe, rochtaire, s. m. a customer, a common Rpofi, rofhonn, s. m. an earnest longing
guest ; one that resorts a place much RponiAp, romhonnmhar, a. very desirous, very
Rocuaj, rochuaidh, s. a lamprey, a whale ; " Ro- willing ; much pleased
iujo, . f. AjnmoophjpoBjp jpjn jfAjpge aja mbi RpiiAo, rofhuachd, s. m. intense cold
toll tpe -Ajnm Ajle oon phjpo RopuAl RpuUjneA, rofidaingtheach, a. most patient
no ReApiiAl." o. g. Roj, rogh, s. m. & f. an order, custom
RcujIIeA, rochudleach, a. terrible, very dangerous R05, rogh, s. f. a wreath
RpAm, rochuram, s. exceeding care, anxiousness 5 Rj,
) 01 ) ROI

"Roppeec, roidluntach, a. calm

]\"^,}5-(-> the best 1\jpjA, roifhial, a. very hospitable
RgA, roghadh, see j*B<hd 1\j5jm, roighim, y. I go, arrive at, attain
K4]e, rgghaidhe, a. chosen, picked, selected, 1\]jean, roigliean, s. a choice, election
elected ; /'. e. po ogAje 1v)4], roighear, a. very sharp, severe
1v4)m, roghaim, v. I choose, elect ; wish, pray "Ri|l|c, roighhc, h. very wise, prudent
, roghain, s. f. a choice ftjjne, roighne, a. chief, choice
7\j;4jne4, roghaienci, a. optative 1ljne44, roighneadhadh,\ .
^|4jnj5)m, rogkaitUghim, v. I choose, elect Rrnj, roighmtf, Js eu lection
ojjn)oc40, roghanlocadh, a. chosen, elected "Rirnim, roighnim, ? T 1
ftogaln, rogalach, a. enraged Rjsnj^ r^^,, } v- 1 elect, eboose
1\4l, rognai, 7 ,. ... , 16)5], roighniomli, s. an ante-aet
R|U, roghalach, \ a' vahant' warllke> hero,c
Roilb, roiibh, s. a mountain
ftgap, roghear, see f*jj ftojlbe, roilbhe, . hills, hillocks; a heath, moor
Kglrt, reghlach, a. very angry, enraged ; u * po ], roiibkeoch, a. hilly
*IU, i- e. jre*i54." . g. Ko]ibeo)], rqitbieoir, s. m. a mountaineer
HogUc, roghlach, s. m. a choice of soldiers ftojljg, ra'&V, s. f. a church, church-yard
Rjjlonfta, roghlonra, s. diaphaneity 1\o]l.e or 4jo)lle, rodle or aroille, adv. together
"Rgrrul, roghmhal, s. m. election of a prince "Kojlle, rodle, seepepiea
KojiAl, foghmhar, s. digging Kjrh, Roimh, the city of Home
"Rjiruis roghmhar, a. very dangerous; valint Ivojrh, roimh, s. a grave, burying place
1vti4C4l roghnachadh, s. choosing, electing 'Rojrn, roimh, s. a ruin, ruins
ftgnAjjte, roghnaig'nthe, part, chosen, elected 1\)rh, roimh, s. the earth, soil
ftn4j5eA6, roghnaghtheach, 1 a. very customary, lioim, roimh, s. sulphur
Ivgnjf]5e, roghnmtlgheach, J much used 1\jm, roimh, prep, before
ftjnAjjceoUi, roghnaightheoir, an elector "Ko)iti, roimh, adv. already, formerly
K^of, reg&or, a. very sharp ; po u], *. J6 Kojrn-4m4jm, roimh-evmaim, v I fore-arm
Ivjriiee'o, ro.mhbheachd, s. prt -conception
ivogujpe, roguire, s. in. a rogue, knave, a rascal 1\jrhb})44]}, roim/tb/tiiathair, s. a preposition, an
\5u]|te4, roguireack, a. roguish abverb
"Rogu)|e4r>, roguireachl, s. f. roguery, villainy 7^0)046, roimhehubhaidh, a. fitted, adapted
Rogp, roghur, see pogop Rupie, roimhe, adv. befoj'e, before him, before that
Rojoe, re oie, sneezewort, see i4g4]m ftojrhe ]le, roimhe chale, iiiggledy piggledy
1\]Be45, roibhtag, a. very small, minute 1v]rheolrt|-, roimkeolas, s. precognition
Ivoibin, roibin, s. f a whisker, beard R6jri]:uC4m, rdimhjheuchain, s. f. foresight, forecast
ftojbjn, roibin, s. f. a small rope or cord 1\6]1)454. roimhtungkas, s. earnest desire
1\ojbne, reibru, s. f. a lance, a dart ftimhf, roimhda, a. very sweet, luscious
1]b|te4'.(, toibhreadka, a. excellent 1\pbif')', roimhdhiah, full time, high time
1\0], roich, s. a going ; a pjc Vjocu* jap rjn Rjmojiwu^t), roimbordhughudh, s. predestination
50 4 lu rp." & Fionnch. , ram, e, before them
fi^-am, roicam, to tear. &. 1vjmpar>, roimhradh, see
1\oje, rei'cA?, a. reacheth, arriveth 1\]mi-e, roiinse, s. high estimation, . e. jt
1\0|e4ib, roicheadh, s. a going, passing 1\oymf e, roimne, s. a poie, a stake
1\)ie4]-4, roicheannsa, a. very civil, very modest Kojmrc, roimlisc, s. sin, iniquity
ftojcj, roic/iidi, insomuch, so that Kiireeli*^) roimhsealladh, s. foresight
1\ojc}m, roichim, v. I come to, arrive at 'Ririico^A', rotmhtka^hudh,*. pre-election
1\ojcjon, roichion. s. a choice, election 1\6mfo5f4, romhtho htha, a. forechosen
Ro-jcreA, rolcteadh, s. a great cry 1>m, roin. gen. of |in
1\jt>, roid, s. a gale Kp, roin, s. a seal
"Rojo, roid, s. momentum, force -Rom, roin, ~l
ftp, roid, s. a race -Rpie, roine, >s. haihair, fur, a streak
Hope, r*, s. gall Kie, roinne, )
"Rpe4lr*p> ' oidhtarsaidh, he awoke, or that awoke, R]nCA]lt, roivcliailt, haircloth. Sh.
-- o.g.
ft6pe4r, rcidcas, a. very handsome bairy,cnnose,ennigerou5
Rojep, roidhiidi, s. striving -Rineecp, ruruackd, s. f. hairiness, shagginess
Koic), rot. a. shrunk, rotten 1nin4e*c,
RitfWr roidhileas, a. vecry dear, very faithful K ' ' roineadctch,)I s. m. haircloth
, . . ,
Hojjm, re/t' v. I run Rjne454c,

Romeare, roitieatach, \ . . Rmac, /i, a. hairy

ft6jnjg, , '{seepojneo Rmacao, romachad, s. hairiness
Rjn-lejne, rein-lei**, s. f. hair shirt Rmar, rotnhad, adv. forward
Roifi, roinn, gen. of pan Roma, romhad, before thee, through thee
Roje, roinne, coarse hair, horse hair Rornajb, romhatbh, prep, before ye
R}eaco, roinneaciid, see pojnet> Romajpe, romhaire, s. m. a rower
Rojeao, roinneadh, s. division, dividing 1\rn|peac, romhaiseach, a. very handsome, comely
Rojjm, winmm, v. \ divide, share Romaj, romhaith, a. very good, excellent
Ropiphaptac, roinnpharlach, see panphajptead Roriham, romham, before me, through nie
Rojce, ruante, a. parted, divided, abstract Romn, Romhan, s. m. French wheat, brank
Rjpjp, rotpcir, s. f. a tuck, a rapier, dagger 1\rh*nac, Romhanach, s. m. a Roman
R|pbe, roirhfu, s. great benefit or avantage vrhnac, Romhanach, a. Roman
Rojpce, rcwcr, a. bright, shining, polished, complete, Romap, romhar, s. digging
" po pojpce, z. . ^" . g. Romana, romhara, s. spring tide, a full sea
Rojpceal, roisceal, s. a sentence, decree, verdict Rorhapajm, romharaim, v. 1 dig
Rpeal, raised, a. very low, very base, humble Rorhajcre, romhchaithte, a. forespent. Mull. 170
Rjpeal, roiseal, s. boasting Rorhjangap, romhianghas, see porrrvjan^ap
Rjpeallac, roiseallach, a. boastful Rorhna arp, romhna aois, appearance of old age;
) ra*, puipg yellow and grey; " . e. buje ~ lejte." Cor.
1\0)p5, re/Jg, a. callow, unfledged, naked, unarmed Rvh, tomho, a. very much, great
Rojpsmjplea, roisgmheirleach, s. a tory Rorhjoe, romhoide, s. greatness, excess
I, Jl ' to:Sld,\
. ks. rosin Rompa, rompa, before them, through them
Rojpjn, roism,J Rompa, romhra, s. spring-tide, swell of the sea;
Rojpjm, roishn, seepojjm prop. po rrwpa
RoJDPi risir, a- angry> vexed Rompa, romhradh, s. the sight
Rojpjpe, roisire, s. m. anger, choler Rrhp, romhradh, see
Rojpjpe, roisire, s. ni. high spirits, exh deration, ex- Rrhpmua)nc])m, romfumuaintighlm, v. I pre-co-
altation gitate
Rjptea, roisteach, s. m. a. roach, a kind of fish Rrhpmuajnrj^e, romhsmumntightkc> a. prepense
Rojpqm, roistim, v. I arrive, attain to RomujT), romhuibh, before you
Rjptyi, roistin, s. f. a grdiron Rorhu|, romhninn, before us
Ro^r, roith, s. f. a wheel Ron, ron, s. m. a sea calf, a seal ; plur. pjnre
Rojq, roit/iidh, adv. until Rn, ron, s. m. strong drink
Rojf.jnea, roithineach, a. calm ; " ba pojtjneac an Ron, ron, s. m. the hair of the main, or tail of ahorser
rhujp jro c*t)]p tap }p n* hajnbrpe pjn." B. cow, &c. ; Welsh, rhawn
Patr. Rn, ton, a. strong; i. e. neaprrhap. 0. g.
Ro'jtleajan, roithleagan, s. a circle, vheel Rn, ron, a. fat, gross
Rojilen, roitlilean, s. m. a pully, a roller Ron, ron, a sign ot the past tense in several old MSS.
Rojtlen, roithiean, s> m. awheel, a circle see quot. at poo
Rojlenac, roithleatutch, a. having wheels Rona, ronadh, s. a club, stake
Rojfleojp, roilhkoir. s. m. a wheelwright Rnoupta, ronadurtha, a. very natural
Rojtljnge, roithlinge, s. m. a breach Roncam, roncam, v. to snore. Sh.
Rojnjm, roithnim, v. 1 please, satisfy Rncolla, lonchollach, a. fat-bodied, corpulent
Rojnpe, roithre, s. in. a babbler, prating fellow Rrrrp a]t, romhfaith, s. hair-cloth
Rojtpeabap, roitkreabkar, a. most prudent Ron^ajjte, longaire, s. m. a slow dilatory person
Rojcpeaco, roilhrachd, a. loquacity, rheiorick Ronja, renga, )g &x a :^-1_ spar
Ro]rp'')m, roUhietm, s. a rushing Roir5*1p, ronga:s, S .
Ro|rp), roithrigh, s. rhetonck Ru^alap, ronghalar, s. rheumatism
Ro)f,p]r, roithsit, they went; " porpjt; an r<op Ro, rom, s. m> saliva, slaver
ran* 50 Tfymcojn oajtle yotji*]c-e Fionnch. Ro, ronn, s. m. a tie, bond, a chain worn about the
Hola, o/t/, set, imposed, put; t. c. po cujp: o.g. necks of women, commonlv of silver
Rolao, ro'.adh, s. m. a roll, a volume Roa, ronna, s. running of the nose ; " {toa quasi
Rolajm, rola'tn, v. I roll ppnua, vd roa ppna." Cor.
Rollarjeoip, rollaigkeoir, s. m. a roller, a swathe Roac, ronnach, a. full of saliva, dirty with spittle,
Rollan, rollan, s. m. a roll, a volume slavering
Rolljp, ro//e/>, s. m. a cylinder Roa, ronnciih, s. m. a club, stalf
Rolujpt. roluist, s. safe keeping, care, custody Roa]5im, tonnaighim; v. I spit, slaver
Roib, romh, adv. early, timely, sonn Roajjte, ronnaire, s. m. a distributor
Kerb, romh, prep, before; see pjrb RcTujih?,
nos ro 21

Kon*)]e, ronnaire, s. m. a general name for every "RopgAjm, rosgaitn, v. I see, understand
ilegree of sovereign in a country Ropgamu]!, rosgamhuil, a. clear-sighted
ftorujjieACto, ronnaireachd, s. f. dribbling, the drop ftopg caa, rosg catha, s. an incitement to battle, a
ping of saliva from the mouth address to an army
ftorujpeAco, ronnaireachd, s. f. distribution ftopgcloo, rosgchhehd, s. an idea
ftogD4)m, ronnghabhaim, v. I participate ftopgoA, rosgdha, a. prosaic, poetic
ftopAA, ronnsachadh, 1 ... ftopgoAllAO, rosgdhalladh, s. blind-folding
fto^-n^o, rmnmgkadh, \ s- search' 1,
ftop^AllA, rosgdhalladh, s. error, mistake
ftonr, vont, fierce, cruel ftopjp, rosir, s. f. laughing
ftop, , names of animals ; " i. . ftp bcn, ro lachan, lesser duck-meat; Lemma
1vap, rap, ) ceijU]b. 1\ ojn oon minor; Lens pallustris
pien5* cujee. Sojpte]* ftop itiucajd ftopmu, rosmudh, s. an idea
bjrjjiecr. Sohltet Kap buAjh *} f 1\, rosna, s. binding, tying up sheaves
cuca." Br. L. ftoponA, roshonadh, a. very happy
Hop, , \ ftopp, ross, s. m. a promontory
**, ,\*--
ftoppado, rossachd, s. f. enchantment, charm or witch
ftpAojj, ropadoir, s. . rope-maker craft
ftopAjm, palm, v. I cant, sell by auction ftptA, rosta, a. roasted
Kopajjie, repaire, s. m. a rapier RopiiAll, rosuall, see pouAjo
ftopAjpe, ropaire, s. m. a treacherous violent person Roc, rot, s. m. a road
ftopn, ropan, s. m. a little rope ftor, re/, a. red
ftopojp, repair, s. m. an auctionier Ro, roth, s. f. a wheel
ftoppam, roppam, to entangle, ravel. Sh. fto, roth, s. f. hoar frost
1\0, roibad/i, s. a finishing, completing, ending ftorA, rota, s. redness
Ivojioajm, rorduim, v. I run, race ftorA, rota, s. a circuit
ftopra, rortadh, s. a fluxion, flowing over, pouring ftot4o]p, rothadoir, s. m. a wheelwright
out 1\t4]tTieATTiA, rothaithneamhach, very pleasant
ftoptAjm, rortaim, v. I pou rout RocAn, rotan, s. redness
ftop, ros, s. m. a promontory, isthmus ftocpeA, rothcredha, s. a bodkin
ftop, ros, s. m. &. f. a plain, arable land ftotUc, rothlach, a. valuble
"Rp, ros, s. m. a rose RocIa, rothladh, s. advolution, evolution, a twirl
ftp, ros, s. m. a disease called the rose wheel
ftp, rar, s. m. a grove, a wood t\otlA|m, rothlaim, v. I devolve, wheel, twirl
ftp, ros, s. m. science, knowledge, ingenuity, craft ftotbp, rothlas, s. evolution
Roy, ros, a. pleasant, agreeable ftolejn, rothlein, s. f. a whirl
ftop, ros, a mark of the past tense; pop jenAjp ftorlg, rothlog, s. f. a roll
ftopA, rosa, s. overgrowth; /. e. ftorogcApA, rothogtharach, a. very gracious
ftopao, rosad, s. mischance, accident ftottA, rotta, s. red water
ftpA, rosadh, s. creating, erection ; " oo ppAO, ft, ru, s. a secret, mystery
. e, oo cputA)." . . ft, ru, s. a dear friend
ftpft)m rosaim, v. I create, make ft u, ru, s. abuse, reproach, satire
Rp4]m, rosaim, v. I roast ftu, ru, yellow lady's bedstraw
Ropa!, rosal, s. m. judgment ftiiAcc, ruacht, s. m. defeat, rout, undoing, destruc
ftopn, rosan, s. m. a shrub tion
1\, osann, s. roasting RuAcr, ruacht, s. m. causing, procuring
Ivprtji, rosar, s. creating, forging, . g. ftuA, tuadh, s. m. lordship, estate, landed possession
RpAfma, rosarnach, s. a place where roses grow
ftuA, ruadh, s. m. gi eat knowledge. Cor.
ftopun, rvsbhatt, s. m. the apple of the eye ftu A, Ruadh, the name of 0*a, a divinity of the
ftopc, rose, see pops Danans
ftopcA, rcscadh, s. versification ftuA, ruadh, s. strength, power, virtue
ftpo, rosd, s. a roast, a grillade ftuA, ruadh, a. strong, valiant
ftpoA, rosdadh, s. roasting ftu**. ruadh, a. red, reddish ; Welsh, rhydh
ftopoajm, rosdalm, v. I ronst ftuAn, ruadhan, s. in. reddishness, any thing that
ftoj-g, resg, s. m. an eye, eye-sight dyeth red
ftopg, W, s. m. the understanding ftuoooc, ruadhbhoc, s. m. a stag
Rr5' r0SS> s' m' a l)oet'c composition ; also prose ftiiAobojne, uadhbhoine, s. Hood water
ftop^A, rosgadh, s. dilution ftuADujoe, ruadhbhuidhe, a. orange coloured
ftopgA, rosgadh, s. enhancing ftuAc4)lc, ruadhchaile, s. f. ochre
"RopbAjm, rosga-m, v. I dilute, enhance 1\)1, ruadhchailceach, a.ochreous,aspha1iick

ftualajf:, rmdhlaith, s. choler, cholera Ruapacn, ruaracan, s. m. floundering

Ruaolajtjnear, ruadhlaithineas,) morbus Ruapa, ruaradh, s. delaying, loitering
Ruaolajcea, ruadhlaitheach, a. choleric RuapgaBa, ruarghabha, was raised, reared, elevated,
Ruaoog, ruadhog, s. a young hind or taken up ; i. e. no iogBao. o. g.
Ruaop, ruadhr, s. declivity Ruaruall, ruasuall, see pocua^o
Ruagao, ruagadh, s. chacing, hunting away, banish Huai , riiathar, \ s. m. a skirmish, expedition ;
ing Ruatjap, rualhghar, \ Welsh, rhuthr
1\u5*]m, ruagaim, v. I hunt, chace, put to flight, "Ruacpao, ruathradh, s. skirmishing, invading
drive, compel, expel, extrude "Ruapa, ruathradh, to higgle. Sk.
ftiMftjpe, ruagaire, s. m. a hunter ; any thing to Riurpajm, ruathralm, v. I invade, fight
drive a thing from its place RuBa, rubha, s. m. patience, longanimity
Ruagajpe, ruagaire, s. swan shot, a slug. Sc. RuBa, rubha, s. a wound, a hurt
ftuagajpeaco, ruagaireachd, s. f. hunting, expelling "Ruba, rubadh, s. attrition, affriction
"Ruara, ruagtha, part, put to flight, banished RuBaj, rubhag, see pojBeag
Ruajcjlljm, ruaiehillim, v. I buy, purchase RuBag, rubhag, s. f. a pulling or snatching violently
Ru*j)llce, ruaichillte, part, bought, purchased RuBapt, rubhart, said; " Cj at bepac pojle com
1\ua)o, ruaidh, a. red r]r oemna Cuara oe oanano a tjaccajn cen
Ruajoe, ruaiihe, s. a disease so called ajpjujao acaj- ap pubapr ]ac yjn jap lorcea *
Ruajjm, ruaid/iim, v. I redden long." Lec. 11.2
Ruajnea, ruaidhneach, s. m. hair ! 1\bjn, rubin, s. f. ruby
ftuajpj, Ruaid/iri, ltoderic, a man's name ! 1\ubjp, ruboir, s, m. a rubber
Ruajopj, ruaidhrimi, s. red points or edges RuBpamap, rubhramar, we said ; " tvo pant>fat
Ruajg, ruaig, s. f. a rout, defeat, flight, chase, incur Tjp-bolc 6]pjn a co]c panoajb ariiajl at puBpamap
sion, descent pomomo." Lec. 10. 1
Riwjgejpea, ruaigdheireadh, s. the rear of an army RuBfa, mbhtha, phantasies, deceptions, conjurations,
Ruajge, ruaigthe, part, put to flight, defeated, ba easily removed or made to disappear
nished Rue, rue, s. m. a rick
Ruajm, ruaim, s. f. a fishing line Rajll, ruchad!, s. f. tearing, rending, cutting
"Ruajm, ruaim, s. f. the alder tree ; Betula alnus RcajII, ruchaiff, s. f. rumbling
Rua)m]e, ruaimte, s. standing water impregnated 1\an, ruchan, s. m. the throat
with clay Rucar, tucas, s. m. fondness, longing desire
Ruajmnjgfe, ruaimnighthe, a. inflamed, fired ]-, rucas, s. f. frisking, prancing
1\], main, s. f. a kind of weld that gives a reddish Rucp, rucas, s. m. pride, arrogance
tinge or colour Rucara, rucasach, a. arrogant, sportive
1\iu]ne4c, ruaineach, a. fierce, froward Ruo, ruchd, adv. almost
Ku4jnjt>, ruainidh, a. charitable Ruco, ruchd, s. f. stead, room, place
Ruamjo, ruainidh, a. red, reddish Ruco, ruchd, s. f. a great shout, clamour
Ruajne, ruaimte, s. f. hair, down, fur ; a single hair Ruco, ruchd, s. f. a rick, a stack
"Ruajr, ruais, s. f. a clown, a stupid fellow Ruco, ruchd, a. sudden, vehement
Ruaipeamu]], ruaiseamhuil, a. clownish, disorderly Ruoao, ruchdad, s. a shouting, bawling
Ruam, ruiitn, s- m. a kind of plant used in dying red "Ruoajm, ruchdaim, v. I shout, bawl
Ruarh, ruamh, s. m. a spade Rucjp, rucis, see pujejp
Ruamap, ruamhar, s. m. delving, digging "Rucpaie, ruchsaidhe, s. the sayings or words of the
Ruam*]tapn, ruamharaim, v. I dig, delve dead ; " ' pamapb, no bpjatpa majpB." o. g.
Ruanroa, ruamhdha, a. very great, magnificent Ruct, rucht, see puco
"Ruamnac, ruamnach, a. indignant 1\uct, rucht, s. f. a shape, form, guise, a mask
Ruamnao, ruamnadh, s. m. reproof, reprehension Ruc, rucht, s. f. a so\y, a pig
Ruin, ruan, s. m. a lie Hur, rucht, s. f. entrails
Kuan, ruan, a. strong, powerful Riidr, rucht, s. f. a sigh, a groan, a lamentation, very
"Ruana, ruana, s. f. mystery deep and piercing expressions of grief
Ru4naco, ruanachd, s. f. lying, romancing Riio, rttd, s. a thing
"Ruana l, ruanadh, s. m. a mighty man, a hero "Ruo, rud, s. m. a wood, a forest ; " i. e. cojll no rj"
Ruanajo, ruanaidh, a. very strong, able e. g.
"Ruanaj, ruanaidh, a. red, reddish "Ron, rudar., s. m. a knuckle
Ruanajg, ruanaigh, s. m. anger Roana, rudanaih, a. having large knuckles
Ruanajj, ruamigh, s. m. darkness, awful obscurity RuB, rttdhbh, s. m. a saw
-Ruana-)l, ruanail, s. lying, telling lies RuoBluajipe, rudhbhluaithre, s. saw-dust
Rua}, ruar, s. m. an expedition Ruopac, rudhrach, s. m. searching, groping
*. ruara, s. delay Rupa, rudhrach, s. m. a sojourner .
ftuapa, ruarach, s. m. a liar Ruopa, rudhrach, s. m. a dark gloomy countenance
5 Rupac,

Rupa, rudlirach, a. darkening ftujoleaf, ruidhlcas, a. very faithful; ;'. e. po

ftujA, rudhrach, a. very straight, iong tyjlear."
"Ru]4C4t>, rudhrachadh, \ s. m obscurity, obsolete- 1iu)5, ruigh, s. an arm
ftu)<4C4r, rudhrachas, J nc less Kjje, ruighe, shame, a blush ; " . 4]
1iuj4*r, rudhrachas, s. m. length puaeo." .
1\ut>}4jt>e, rudhraidhe, a. continual, inveterate, con "Rujge, ruighe, s. the arm ; prop, jtjje
stant; " "Ruji4]e atrape, i.e. popjuje )at> "Rurgeaco, ruigeachd, s. f. arriving, "reaching, attain
legojo." . Z. ing
1i"5, r, perfect tense of the verb bej p)m Rulgeanar, ruigheanas, s. m. brightness
"Rub> *> he excelled ; " i. e. bo t^prgajty" . g. "Rujim, ruigim, v. 1 reach, arrive at
"Rug, mg, s. m. & f. a wrinkle 1\u]5)n, ruigin 1 s. arrival, arriving, reaching, at-
Rg, , s. rue )5> ruigsin,) taining
Ruga, rugha, s. a promontory, a cape, head-land ^10^ ruigsionach, a. accessible
Ru^a, rugach, a. wrinkled "Rujrhe, ruimhe, s. f. a reproof, reproach
Ruga, rugadh, v. past tense of bejpjm Rupnineac, ruimineach, s. m. a man>h
ftugA, rugadh, v. was hurt or wounded Rujmneao, ruimmadh, s. casting, throwing, spend
Ru^t, rughadh, s. hanging ing
"Rug*^ rughadh, s. a blush, blushing "R)ne4l54, rwnchealguch, a. of deceitful intention
"Rga, rugadh, s. a cape, head-land, promontory Rjnclijiea, ru-nchlmeach, s. m. a secretary
Rugate, rugaire, s. a bar, bolt, latch 1vjno|4m4j, ruindi.m!.ar, s. m. a mystery, a dark
"Rugga, ruga, s. an old person secret
"Ruspaj, rughrai, s. m. a hero, champion, a chief Rjno|rhj4C, rwndic,mhrach,&. mysterious, mystical
Rutbrnoo, rudhmhodh, s. m. a bond-slave 1\ujne, rame, s. seciecy
1\u]o, ruibh, s. f. brimstone l^ujne, ruine, s. a -trtak
Rujbe, ruibe, s. f. a pair 1\U)Tie, ruine, s. horse hair, a bristle
"RujBeatajn, ruibheachtain, s. f. a prop, support Ruin, , s. a division
"Rujtyn, ruib.n, s. f.a ribband Kuje, rutnne, s. the understanding
ftujbne, ruibhne, s. f. a lance Rujfka, ru lineada, s. consumption
"Rujnne, ruibhne, s. vast crowds, a numerous host R'Uj 40, ru>vntadh, s. detersin, cleansing
1\u]onec, ruibhneach, s. m. a lancer, a pikeman "Rujecc, tuinnccc, grass
^, ruibhneach, a. armed with a pike Ruj lu)fe, rujin tunc, male primpernel; Anagalls
Rujbneac, ruibhneach, a. having vast crowds, very arvensis
po vertu I Ru)fijrn, ruinnim, see ]io)jm
R^oneac, ruibhneach, a. strongly guarded Rujpm, m muim, v. I whip, scourge
RujBneaa, ruibhneadha, great bands 1\u)fim, ruinsim, v. I deterge, wash, rinse
Ru^c, ruic, s. f.a fleece 1\ujre, ruinnte, a dividid
1\u)ce, ruice, s. a rebuke, defeat, reproach Rmpeaijp, ruinmeafhoit , s. m. a secretary
1\)ce, ruice, s. f. a rushing, defeat, droute Riijpbe, ruirbhe, s. utter extirpation
ttjce, ruice, s. f. a red shade ; shame expressed by Ruflte, rune, s. m. a lord, a knight, a champion
blushing Ru]]ieac, rmnac/i, s. m. an exile, one long without ft
"Rujeea, ruiceach, s. m. exaltation, lifting up dwelling place; " . e. Ik j yaca gen jreajiofi
Rujceao, ruiccad, s. a collection Corhnajg." o.g.
H.u}ceat>, ruicadht\ s. m. rearing, lifting up, exalta- Ruiiteac, ruirtach, see jiujjte
Rujceac, ruiceat, J tion Rulpeac, tuireach, an old of the river Liffey
Rujealt, ruichealt, s. close concealment 1vu]ie, tuirtaih,a. famous, renowned, celebrated
"Rujcearc, ruichealt, was hid or concealed "Rujjieaar, ruiriaihas, s. ni. lordship, dominion
Ivujqr ruicis, s. f. arrogance 1*11*1&> Tuirigh, s. m. a sovereign prince
Rujtb, ruidh, running, a race Ru]jiiTKr*rnj ruirmeasam, s a pri\ ileged person, a.
Ivujoea, ruidbheuch, s. . extirpation, extermina degree of nobility mentioned in the old laws
tion 1vu]r> "* s- f- a wa>'' a road
fcujoeao, ruidhbheadh, s. a cutting down Rujf, m, the elder tree; the name of the letter ft
"Rujtbbjor c*l- ru/uhb wstar, s. m. exemplary execu -, ruiseamhlaihd, s. f. disoiderliness
tion, an awful infliction of death RuTfe*mu)l, rniseamhuil, a disorderly, rash
ftroea, ruideach, a. ruddy, floriferous, cherry- Ruifeanra, ruiseanta, a hasty
cheeked )5, , s. f. a skirmish
"Rjea, ruidheadh. s. reproof, censure ftujr ru/f , s. t. a vessel made of the bark of trees
Riileat, tuidhcadh, s a ray of light 1*]5" ru,x8> Plur* and 8en> of an e>et or
ftujojl, ruideil, s. a riddle IpufB. bark
Ruycjr, rmdeis, s. f. capering, prancing, frisking 1) rw,t na^e^' callow, uparmed, shabby

1*)5*1 ruisgan, see nujpgen ftnAjgjm, runa'ighim, v. I desire, desiderate, pur

^)5*^> ruisgcach, a. causiick, escharotick pose, intend, will, dispose
^u)f5e*n ruisgean, s. m. a vessel made of the bark RunA]te, runaighthe, part, resolved, determined
of trees RmiAjpm, runairm, s. f. a counsel chamber
'1 ruisgtm, v. I strip, peel, undress, denude, Rnbocn, runbhocan, s. m. a pretence, disguise
uncase RnijpeA, runchleireach, see Jiujncle]je*
1y)-s,)m, ruisgim, v. I strike, smite, tear, rend RuntiA, rundha, a. secret, mysterious
RuiTBful' rujsgsku.l, s. hairs of the eye-lids RnAo, rundhac/id, s. f. secresy
ftuJf5ce ruisgte, a. stripped, flayed, peeled Rrtt>Ajn5)on, rundaingion, s. a firm resolution
Rujpjm, ruisim, I tear, rend RnojArrup, rundiamhar, see jijnnjAiTiA}
Rirjrjn, ruisin, s. f. a luncheon RnojArhjA, rundiamhrack, see im)no)Arh]tA
Rujpnjn faA]]ic, ruisnm radhairc, see ' Rn5HA)Dfceo]|, rungkraibhtheoir, s. m. a secretary
Rtijc, ruit, s. f. a javelin, dart, or short spear RuA, runnaih, "I ,- .
Rujf, ruith, s. an army, tro p _ \ runntail,
RuncAjl, . ', ji- s. a division
Rujf;, ruith, s a racv, nbi.iing RnocoA, runochdaik, s. discovery, information
Rjre, ru te, s. m. a route, droute, defeat Rnph*jlceA, runpkairteaeh, s. m. a partaker of a se
Rujcca, ruithe:ch, a. uiowiig, going on tue march cret
RpceAC, ruittach, a. ruddv RnphAUiT-jm, runphahtimt v. I communicate, con
RujteA, ruithea h, s. m a innd-euff sult, aiivise with
Hj-e5,. ruiteag, s. redness RnphA}*cu)5+e, runphartuighthe, a. communicable
Rujiean, ruitheun, a. red- h:>t: blazing Runu, iunu, a. wise, prudent; . e. g'jcj see quot.
1{||)', ruthean, s. delight, pleasure at ji]no)o
-, ruiiheandhi, a. delightful, pleasant Rii(i5))o, rurgo'id, a. rhubarb
Tuifreftrujm, ruitheanaim, v. I shine, glitter Rp, rus, s. m. knowledge, skill, science, philosophy
R , luithd.^nas, s. m. brightness, glittering Rp, tus, s. m. a wood
1^)*], ruthitn, v. I run Rur, 'us, s. m. the profile or side of the head
Rj'n, ruitin, s. f. a child that delights to play in Rp, rus, s. m. purple or crimson ; also, a red ot
the dirt scarlet colour
"Ru)-1n, ruit n, s. f. the ankle-bone, a fetlock pas Rurg, rusg, s. m. the bark of a tre<*, a husk, shell,
ternthe hnckltbone.. crust, cod, pod, tegument or cover, rind, fleece ;
Rujf le*n, luithlean, s. m. a riddle Welsh, rhysk
RujfneA>, ruitnneuah, s. flame Rur5*c rusgach, a. crustaceous, hully
RuIat1, ruLidh, s. slaughtering, massacreing Rupguw, rusgadn, s. excoriation, clipping
RuUt, ruladJi, was set, put or inserted ; f. pa R'M'S*^ cljB, rusgadh cleibh, s. hoarseness
let), oo cu]ie*t)." o. g. Rur5wl. tusgadhal, erjjspastic
Rua, ruladA, he, she, or it, went or moved ; '* t. RupSArhujI, rusgamiuul, f " "
XX) luj, HD 1) U4|,'' o.g. RupAim, rusgaim, v. I strip, undress, gall, chafe,
Hull*, rula, he or she besought ; i. e. jto ]1 shave
"Rum, ru>n,s. , floor, place, or space, room* Rurb*! rusSa'm> v- I strike vehemently
Rum*, rtmiach, s. m a slough, boggy ground Rur5*"< rasgan, s. m. a ship, made of bark
RmAfjjm, rumOigfum, v. I make room 5 rusian s' m- a piece of skin peeled off
Rumajl, ritmad, s. a rumbling noise Rupp, ruse, s. m. a cheek
Ruriruj, rum/iar, s. a mine RpCA, rustuh, s. m. a boor, clown, churl
"Rumna, rumna. s. vision, sight RiipT-A, iwt-icn, a. clownish, boorish
Rump Ai, rwnfal, s. m. a rump RptACA, i u.staca a rude, rustic
Rutfi}A]rn. ru nhraim, v. I dig, mine RpcACAo rustacachd, s. f. rudeness, rusticity
Run, run, s. nL a s^ cret, mystery, secrecy, conceal RprAn, 'ustan, > m. a lump, hillock
ment ; Welsh, rinn Rut, ruth i, s. m. wages
Run, run, s. in. a purpose, design, intention Ruca, ruta, s. m. a ram
Rn, run, s. m love, incitation, desire Rxa, ruta, s. a herd, rout
Run run, s, m. the mind, intention, design Rra, ruta, a tribe of people
Rne runah, s. m. a sweet-heart Ruf a, rut'ta, s. a thornback
-ft mu, runac'i, a. dark, mysterious, secret RuA, ruthadh, s. a. point of land in the >ea, afore-
Runa, runach, a. confident, trusty land
Rha1 j. runuigh, a. dark, obscure, mystical Raja, rulharach, a. quarrelsome, fighting
RunAjge, runaiglie, s. m, a confidant, a discreet per

S is the fifteenth letter of the Irish Alphabet, and is not ranked by our Grammarians in any particular order of the
consonants ; but, is absolutely called sometimes Aimrid, or barren ; and sometimes Bain-rioghan na cconsoineadha,
or the Queen of the consonants; because in the composition of Iri,h verse it will admit of no other consonant
to correspond with it; and our Irish Prosodians are as nice and punctual in the observance of the Uaim and
Cmhordughadh, or union and correspondence, as the Greeks and Latins are in the collocation of their Dactyles
and Spondees. So, that if an Irish Pcet should have transgressed against the established rule and acceptation
of the consonants, he would be exposed to Revere reprehension. We find in the Greek division of the consonants
into several classes, as mutes, liquids, &c. that the letter Sigma, or S, is styled : Sua potestaiis litera, or an abso
lute and independent letter. In Irish it is called Suil, or Sail, fromSail, the willow tree, Lat. Salir. It is to be
noted that all Irish words beginning with the letter S, and which are of the feminine gender, must necessarily admit
of an adventitious T before the initial S, when the Irish particle an, (which in signification answers to the Eng
lish article the) is prefixed to such words. In which case the T eclipses the S, so that the word is pronounced as
if it had not belonged to it ; though S 3 always written to shew it is the initial radical letter. Thus, the word
Sil, an eye, or the eye; Srn, anose, or the nose, when the Irish particle an, signifying the in English,
is prefixed to them, are necessarily to be written ; an tsuil, an tsron, and pronounced an til, an iron. But
words beginning with S, which are of the masculine gnder, admit of no adventitious letter, as a prefix. Thus
we say and write, an S/innedn, a shoulder; an solus, the light ; and this, by the by, is one method to find out the
gender of words beginning with S. It is also to be observed, that when S is aspirated by subjoining A to it,
which cannot happen but when it is an initial letter, it becomes by this means quiescent; so that its sound is
not distinguishable from that of a T, aspirated at the beginning of a word ; for the words, a Shit, his eye ;
a theanga, his tongue, are pronounced as if written a hit, a keanga.

S2lb SAB S3lb SAB

S, sa, prep, in, in the ; c* S*b*]l, sabail, ) s. f. a barn, granary, storehouse,

*, sa, pron. self, selves ; rura, leAcjv, fijomr* Sbbl, sabbal,) prop, fabnii
?<, sa, adv. whose, whereof SaBajI, sabhail, s. f. saving, sparing, protecting, pre
jS*, sa, a mark of the comparative degree, has al serving, salvation
ways Tij before it, ex. n]r* m. 1), s com jSauijIea, sabhaileach, a. saving, sparing
monly written w\or SAbjljm, subhaitim, v. I save, spare, preserve
'S*, sa, written for)y a, and the, and his, hers, its, &c. SAbAjlr, sabailt, s. f. the Sabbath
, sa, s. a stream, a draught jSdbajteea, sabailteach, a. sabbatical
jSab, sai, s. m. death Srto)lre, sabhailte, a. safe, saved, preserved, pro
Sad, sabh, s. an airy shape or phantasy tected
;SaT3, sabh, s. ro. a bolt or bar of a door .SDAjm, sabhaim, v. I saw
Sa , sahh, s. m. .spittle SADAjftle, sabhairlt, \ s. m. a cub, a young mas-
Sad, sabh, p.m. a salve, ointment ,SAD4)jlean, sabhalrlcan,l tiff dog
Sab, sabh, a. strong, able SadaI, sabhal, s. a bam, granary
Sab, sab, dim, a. dissipated SadIac, sabhaluch, a. saving, sparing, careful
jS*bA, sab.ulh. s. m. a squabble, quarrel SadaUc*, sabhaludh, s. protection, preservation, sal
i?Ab*t>, sab'iadh, s. m. sorrel, see vation
S*dat>, Sab idh, s. m. a saw SaBaIajtti, sabhalaim, v. I save, preserve
fsiBu-oninne, sabhadh-duirne, ) , . SADltA, sabhalta, see SaDA^ce
. ,'\
Slk-rsobe, j, -, J> s. a whip-saw
sabhah-sgwbe, * SAolrACt), sablialiachd, s. f. security, safety, pro
SBacjlb sabhado'ir, s. m. a sawyer tection
jStno'jpea'o, sub/iadoireuckd, s. f. sawing SalxdccVjl*, sahaltoir, s. m. a sepulchre, burying-
, sabaid, s. f. a tight, a skirmish place

jSdBluje, sabhaluidhe, s. m. a saviour, preserver SegUn, saeghlann, s. m. a pillar, a column

S^Bn, sabhan, s. m. a cub, a whelp, puppy .S^Ufi, saeghlann, s. m. a king or prince, a judge,
SB*r, sabias, s. m. sauce senior, elder
S*B*f]), sabhasair, s. f. a sausage 51, sue/an, s. m. a standard
SaBIac, sabhlach, s. m. spittle ,S<et, saeth, written in old MSS. for
S*%, sagh, s. a bitch
Su' ., >s. f. the Sabbath SA54J, saghaidh, s. an attacking
, sabotde, )
Saban, sabhrann, s. m. amearingj boundary ;S454jm, saghaim, v. I drink, suck
iBpd, subhsa, s. sauce, soup, gravy, condiment S45AI, saghal, a. nice, tender
S*Bul, sabhul, a bani, granary S^aa14c-o, saghalachd, s. delight, content, voluptu
;S*c, &, s. m. a sack, bag. Welsh, sacb ; sak ousness
Saca, saatdh, s. sacking, destroying .S^AUjm, saghalaim, v. I saw
,S*CAt>, sacadh, s. a pressing or straining Sa5A|U-o, saghatiachd, s. f. a delight, content
.Sftcd, sacadh, ) , r,r . . , ,S*5*pt, sagart, s. ni. a priest
,.i -i i-8. sacking, filling into a sack ?Ag4]tt4CO, sagartachd, s. f. priesdiood
,b4CA)l, sacad, )
SAc*)%\m, sacaighim, v. I fill or press into a sack ,S4s,A]itAriiu)l, sagartamhuil, \ s. m. priestly, sacerdo-
.Saftjm, sachaim, v. I set upon, attack 545A]itt)4, sagartd/ia, j tal, holy, pious
, sacair, s. m. a priest. /'Per. 172 ,SA54pto}]ie*o, sagarioireachd, s. f. priesthood
Sdcn, sacan, s. m. a bag 51;, sagit, s. f. an arrow ; gen. pAgjt). Br. L.
;Sacn, sacan, s. m. an unmannerly trifling fellow ^AgifiAjpe, sagmhairc, s. m. a sink, kennel
^acajiBiijj, sacarbhuig, s. f. confession ; " ?i*f ^Agp, sage, see pAcp
po o com<ojn 454p >aca}iBa")cc n ." SA5pBu]ilA, sag/isbheurla, see pAcpBu]il
Leb. Br. SAbpBuplArhu]!, sagsbhiurtamhuil, see pAcpBujiU-
S^4C4jBu)5, sacarbhuig, s. f. sacrifice ; " OcAp jrj lf)U]I
pjn 4 rene lo^rcrer * cer.tujrhj pep ^ sagson, "I
TP) ^ f"'* 1*> mnA, pceo jnjena, cen
com*no, cen ojbpen cen SacajiBajc." Fis. Ad. 5*540, sagsonach, see
Sacado, sacar, s. m. a priest. . ^AiBiji, saibbir, see pd]Bj
jSdCcjujje, saccraighe, s. baggage, loading ;S*p*)feAp, saibhreas, see
S^c-doa, sac-eadach, s. m. s?.ck-cloth S)Bpj}i, saibhseir, s. f. a saucer
4C]t4'l, sacrait, s. f. a. sacrifice. M*Par. 89 ;Sd]c, ., plur. and gen. of
S*cp*mupt, Sicramuint, s. f. a sacrament S*)t, saich, s. plenty, enough, a bellyful!
ST*cj)tjr, crjfo, s. f. a sacrifice. Mull. \6\ SAjcrioUp, saicdhiolaid, s. a pack-saddle
S4C|f )pr, sacrista, s. a sacrist, sacristan. 4 Mast. ^4)c4t)A) saiceadach, s. m. sack-cloth
1430 5T4)C)ji, saichir, s. f. rest
,S4cr, s. m. an Englishman SA]cjn, saicin, s. f. a bag
,?4Cp4n, bacsan, s. ngland S^Ajpjot, saichsiot, see p4]jp]oc
5^40, Sicsanach, s. m. an Englishman ^4], jeiW//, s. f. mildness, gentleness
5?, Sacsanach, a. English S)i, saidh, s. f. a treasury
>Acpoupl4, Sacsbheurla, s. the English tongue. S*yb, saidh, s. f. the prow of a ship
Welsh, Saesonaeg S&yh. saidh, s. f. a bitch
.SAcpoujilAruijl, Sacsbhcurlamhuil, a, according to jSA'tjBjp, sa.dhbhir, a. rich, opulent, affluent, weal
the English tongue thy, copious, plentiful
jSACp]4A]], sacsrathair, s. a pack-saddle ^, saidhbh'u im, v. 1 enrich
S*b, sadh, . a long knife, a dagger &A)t5F>tieACC, snidhbhteacht, s. f. abundance, richness;
,Sao40, sadach, s. m. dust b] 4 >]5." Fer. 35
SAt)4t), sadadh, s. dusting, beating <s4iBC4r, saidhbhreas, ) -, ,
SatjajI, sadhail, s. f. pleasure, delight, satisfaction X " 1 ' said/ib/mos,
SA]T>B(iJop, j/.a/,,.;, j s- nl- riches, opulence
r ,
,Sad4jI, sadhail, s. f. a good house, habitation ^4pe, W*^ } s. f. a seat
4041 1, sadhail, a. pleasant S:A)t)jpre, sa/d/iiste,)
jSAOdile, sadaile, s. f. neglect <>4pe4t). saidhcadh, s-aitting, session, assize
4>11, sadhail, s. a saddle f-loeiW, '^f*} a. baslu!, simple. Se.
ScB, sad/.bb, s. a good house or habitation ^, satdealta, J
SwB, sadlM, s. a saw 5:4-)t>eAlACt>, saidealachd, | s. basbfulnesK, simpi-
;SadB, sad/ibh, s. f. salve, any thing good S4]t)eAlT-6t), saidealtachd.j city. V.
4t>B, Sadhbh, Sabia, a woman's name >A)pA), saifear, s. a saphire-stone
;SaB]iov4, sadhbhronna, s. a division SA] je4ti, saigheedh, s. a session, sitting
?At)04C, saddach, s. m. mill dust 54]|eAt>, saighead, s. f. an arrow, a dart
jS<eBco)le, saebhchtire s. f. a whirl-pool, vortex jAjgedojJ, saigheadeir, s. m. a soldier, archer
* Sd)jeA)jecto,
S2l) SAI S21) SAI

>>*0)*6, saigheadoireachd, s. f. brave actions, 5^A)U]u, sailliudh, s. salting. Bal. 143. 3

the army, soldiery Sollte, saillie, a. salt, -salted, seasoned
S^*)5e*1oj}e4rh)l, jaigheadoireamhutl, a. soldierly S^A]lm, sailm, s. f. a psalm
ajgen, saigean, s. m. a little short man S*)lmceAiolrt], sailmceadlaidh, s. m. a psalmist
***J5e*r saigheas, s. oldness, antiquity S*llme*T)jp, sailmeadoir, s. m. a psalter, psalmist
***J5e*r saigheas, s. an age i?A]lrpjo)i4vo, sailspioraid, s. f. a guardian spirit
***]5eoJlS saigheoir, s. m. sawyer i?Ailfe, sailthe, plur. of f*)l, a beam
S*)p\x>, saigidh, s. f. opulence, power .Sajlcaj, sailtear, see rilep
^*)5),> sghid, s. f. an arrow, a dart S*}lceA}c, sailtcatt, s. treading
S4j5|Bedfc, saighideach, a. arrowy SAjiceAjiftjm, sailtcaraim, v. I trampje, tread upon
i?J5leA, saigidheach, a. opulent, powerful ;S*jm, saim, a. rich
^*151> saighin, s. f. a little bitch Sajm, saim, v. I am
^]51n saighin, s. f. an attack ; " po ujpreAT: rr\&yc- .Sjr, saimh, s. f. pleasure, delight, extacy, ease
rlu4 mec UjlljAm, * rfal mbjijAjn fAjjin ^- Sajiti, saimh, s. f. a pair, a couple of animals or per
ccia j oejpea rluAij ui horhn*]U." 4 Mast. sons
1469 S&)m, saimh, a. sweet, mild, gentle
Sajjljp, saighleir, s. m. a jailor ,S4)rhue}t4C, saimhbhearthach, a. twin-bearing
S*]5ne, saighneach, a. conversible, companionable, S)ib)*r|)5)m, saimhbhriathrighim, v. I flatter,
affable speak fair
Eignen, saighnen, s. lightning, hurricane jS*jmB)|ot)At>, saimhbhr ochdadh. s. allurement
^*JFnoT;> saighsiot, v. they came, arrived ;S]rbb]ijooA]m, saimhbhnochdaim, v. I allure, entice
;S*]5ce<t, saightheach, s. m. an obtruder Sajrhcealg, samihcheaig, \ s. m. hypocrisy, de-
SajI, sail, s. m. a beam, a joist SirhceAl^A, satmhchialgadh, / ceivmg
S*)\, sail, s. f. a guard, custody jSAjmiealgAC,, a. hypocritical
S*]\, sail, ) common willow, sallow ; moun- Sirhojle, saimhutle, s. a mallet, a beetle
lS*)et, saileach,\ tain osier; Salix caprea Sairhe, suim'ic, \ c . , ,.
~,' . ,
Sijmenco, -iij Jt s- F. rpleasure, delight
saimneaclid, &
%\Iii Sa'\ \ s. f. the salt-water, sea, sea-water
i>Jle, saue, I ' ' ^Ajniglfjof, saimhghriosadh, s. enticement, allure
sail, gen, of rtI, a heel ment
S] lpe*5*, sadbhreaghadh, s. rejoicing, merry ^4)5)], saimhghriosaim, v. I entice, allure
making S.jmlap, '. (s. m. a chimney
;Sojlc)oco, sailchiochd, s. f. dirtiness, mustiness, foul
ness SjrhnijeA, saimhmgheadh, s. a yoking, coupling
;S4]lcjor, sailchionnia, s. reproach Sjrhn))m, saimhnighim, v. I yoke, couple
;SajIcuac, sathhuach, s. m. a violet, a pansy; Viola SpriJij^e, satmhrighe, s. m. case, quiet, satisfaction,
martia purpurea rapture
S^jleA, saileadh. s. pickle, brine ^*)111)5' saimhiighe, s. m. lovers of pleasure
S]le, sailc, s. pickle, saltness ;S]rb]i)5eA, saimhrigheach, a. easy, pleased, satisfied
SajIca}, sadear, s. m. a salt-cellar SbiXhfteittfSaimhrigAeacAt, s. f. ease, quiet, satis
5?jle*r, saileas, s. salt-water, sea-water faction
f>jljt>, saileid, s. a sallad, an eschalot 5^]Tirelj, saimhseler, s. m. a counsellor
SjIeos, saileog, s. f. the common white willow ; Sa S*p, sain, a. unequal, unlike
lix alba, the name of the letter S i Welsh, helig Sim, sain, a. free, generous
SAjleog, saileog, s. f. a little heel Sdjn, sain, a. soft, pleasant, good
iSajljA, sailgha, a. brinish, saline SajncpeA, sainchreach, a. healed
jSb) 540, sailghad, s. brinisliness SajnCJtCACA, saidchrcachadh, s. healing
STajIjoIU, satlghiolla, s. a footman, a page S>jno]ieAn, samdrean, s. f. asi at
S|l|m, s il m, v. 1 salute, hail ^A)ncpeAn, saindrean, s. f. society, a sect; Hti.
SAjI'jn, sailin, s. f. a little heel sanhedrim
&4]11 "il/, s fat, fatness, grease, bacon Sajne, saine, a. sound
;Sa]1, sadl, s. a dainty, daintiness, a pickle S*ine, same, a. good, handsome
sadl, a. fat, fatted ; mue rjll, a fat pig SAjne, saine, a. diverse, various
4 Ica, sailleach, s. the willow ; see f*)l and fAjIeog A^ne, same, a. variety, diversity, inequa
^4]l!ec, sailleach, a. fat, being fat ^AineAf, saineas, lity
SailleAt), sailleadh, a pickle, pickling, salting 5^Ajne, saine, s. sedition
;Sa)!leA sailleadh, s. fatness SAjneAf, saineas,
Pillean, sa.llean, s. m. a sort of paste used by wea graceful, beautiful,
S*)ne, same, handsome, pleasant;
vers jSAjneArhujI, saineamhuil,
SajUcjI*. sailleir, s. f. a saltcellar
,i>Ajll)m, sailUm, V. I salt, pickle ^AjneA
S2l) SAI

>A]ne*t>, saineadh, s. variation jceAt>, saithead/i, s. satiety, saturity, satisfaction

;SAinrjor, sain/hios, 7 e . S*)te, /, )& a dr?veVa swarm\a
S*)4)orw sainfhiosain,]*- f' etymology ^AjeArhujl, saitiecmhuihC crowd, a host, a mul-
;S*jnjm, sainim, v. I vary, alter, change
^ftjnriea, sainmheach, a. good, pleasant, soft SAjreAn, saitean, s. a foil
S*inrnear<ijm, sainmheasaim, v. I differ, vary, alter ^AjfeAj-, saitheas, s. vileness, cheapness
S^Ajnjte, sainre, s. a reddish purple, sanguine colour SAjrje, sailge, s. a space
^4)nre*l, sainseal, s. handsel. 5V. A]fcjoTiriiAr, saithionmhas , s. great treasure
iJAjni'-eAfAlm, sainsheasaim, v. I differ, vary &l, ie/, s. m. a heel
.Sijnc, saint, s. f. covetousness, illiberality S\, sal, s. m. dross, rust, dung, muck
;S*jnce, sainteack, see rinrAC Sa\, sal, s. m. the ocean
jSAjnrjteAD, saintreabh, s. m. a house, family ; an jSaI, sal, s. m. a track, a way
old family residence $>A, j<j/, s. m. speaking, speech ; " i. e. jat> no
S&W, sair, a compositive particle signifying very, CAntAjn." o. g.
exceeding, excessive. In compound words where >*l, sal, a. great, large
the second part of the compound begins with a S^aIa, salacA, a. unclean, dirty, filthy, foul, nasty,
slender vowel it is sometimes written in this way, obscene, bawdy, sordid, vile, despicable. Heb.
but is commonly written rJ zoic
;S*]lu*r*c> sairbheasach, a. of superior elegance ;SaIaca, salachadh, 1 s. defiling, defilement, conta-
of manners *?AlAt>, salchadk, y mination, dirt, pollution
SAjjiBeArrAn, sairbheastan, s. m. a dreadful calamity ;SaUa}t, salachar, see 1]1
;S)itoj, sairbhinn, a. most harmonious SaIa^iti, salaighim, v. I defile, pollute
S*)pB) -AC, savbhmneach, a. having lofty mountains S'lAjm, salaim, v. 1 wait on, follow
SA)iDjnAlcA, sairblnealta, a. exquisitely handsome .S^lAje, salainne, a. saline, brinish, briny
;S]liBjot>DAn*t-, sairihiodhbhanas, s. m. rancour .SaIaR, salann, s. salt. Welsh, halen
^]jiDjt)5, satb'irigh, s, great strength, power, or S^AUn, salannan, s. m. a salt-pit
valour .SaIaM^a, alanngha, a. saline, briny, brinish
SAjpfy'lB sairbhrgh, s. an attribute S^4ljAjm, salaraim,see raUpfAjm
SA]|eAA|it)Ac, saiicheachardachty s. f. extreme SaIajiac, salarthach, a. industrious
misery Saaajj, salathair, s. f. industry, provision
$]4, saircheasachd, s. f. excessive pain SAlbpgAt, salb'iruahadh, s. a bruise on the heel
.SaipcjaII, sairchiall, s. m. good sense .SAiBnugami, salb'irugha m, v. I bruise the heel
S*)fe, sab'-, s. f. purity, excellence /SoIca, salchaih, s. dirt, pollution
jSjpeoUr, saireolat, s. great skill S<vlA|m, salchiim, see ^^
;S'W jjop, sairfh os, s. certain knowledge SaIca ]\, salchar, s* m. mistiness, filth, dirt
;Sij|t5njorh, sairghniomh, s. a noble action SAlcluAjre, salcluaise, s. ear-wax
jSAjupe, sairse, s. a sieve, asearse >4|t. sa ckoit, s. f. a great wood
. s. f. an airow. M^Par. 52 jSaIuac, salchuach, s. m. a violet; Viola odorata-
Jajpe, saisde, s. common garden sage; Salvia hor- Sa II, tail, s. m. bitterness, satire
tensis major vulgaris SaIIaR, sa lann, s. singing, harmony, saying
S^Ajpoe DeA, saisde beug, small garden sage ; Sal jSAllprA, sallartha, a provided, procured
via minor S*\lbpti)m, s'lllarlhaim, v. I procure, provide
jSfiroe-cnujc, saisic-chnuic, mountain sage ; Salvia SaIIujR sallwnn, see pAjke
Alpinia SaIttm^, satmadnrA m ]mist chorister
?jpoe cojlle, saisde collie, wood sage ; Salvia agrestis SalmAjfie, salmaire, J> r
jSTaj*, Ji<A, a. most fit, most worthy >*1, salmairearhd, s. f. singing psalms
$)f, iejVA a. vulgar, vile, despicable, ill jSaItia}, salmhar, a. salty
Sb)t, saith, s. satiety, sufficiency S^AlmeATlA, salmcheatlach, sf m. a psalmist
<?*lf> ', s. riches, treasure, store of money ^AlmeArlA, salmcheatladh, s. singiug of psalms
Swt, sait/i, s a tttrust, pierc ing SaI^, sahg, s. f. a heel-piece
S*)t, saith, s. a joint of the back-bone or neck #1>, iaW,ls. salt;. " /'. e. 1>, /'.. clu
S*)r, saith, s. a crowd, a multitude, rAjc , a SaIojt, saior, J r*)1-"
swarm of bees 51, salt, . m. colour
'S*)t, saith, s. a bitch Salr, j(7//, s m. a leap
S^A]i, s. a horse Salt, a/', s-in. a psalm ; ^5 aii q**lt po.
S'J 'f sath, s. a handle Z)/.v / adjutorium mcum." M'Par. 66
<>Ajf e, ^//ie, s. a space 510, saltachcadh, s. beams, prop. )1,
gujte, ia/M, s. a multitude, a host, army plur. of r*jl
AjceAC, saitheach, a. glutted, sated, satiated
S2if) SAM

S*\t*-\]i, saltair, s. a Psalter; the title of several , samhna, gen. of rAtriajn or ruiiiujn
Irish Chronicles, as .Sait*]} Ceampac, S*^)!* Sampl, sampal, ) ,
S*mp1, tamf!a, \ s- a V*ttem
C*|r|l, Salrajp naftafi, &e.
SAlcAjpjm, saltairim, v. I tread, trample SAmpljj, sampleir, s. a sampler
>alc4jpt, saltairt, s. f. treading, trampling SAmpljp, samploir, s. m. anexaraple
Sakjj*, salioir, s. m. a salter, salt-monger SrhpA, samhradh, s. m. summer, pleasant weather
Salr.pajm, saltraim, v I tread, trample SAmp5, samrog, see ]05
Salcujju;, saltuirt, s. a treading, trampling riij-A, samhsa, s. sorrel
Salujgte, saluighthe, a. polluted, contaminated Sarhpa, samhsa, s. sauce
Sam, jew;, v. I am Sampeaparh, samhshc.asamh, s. a distance
iSani, sam, ) Sarntac, samhthach, s. m. a helve, handle
a.. , > s. the sun, summer S*mcuj5]m, samhthuighim, v. 1 helve, put a handle
Satti, samh, s. rest, ease to
Sim, samh, s. a beam or bar put across a door or S ami u)te, samhthuighthe, a. helved, hafted
gate to secure it, a bolt Sarhugari, samhughadh, s. ordaining, ordering, ar-
Sm, samh, that part of sorrel that bears seed rangment
Srh, samh, ? a. pleasant, still, calm, tranquil. Sarhujl, samhuil, 1 ...
Sarhai, samhach, J Heb. samah, to be at ease Sarhujlc, samhuilt, ) a" llke
Saiviac, samhach, a. libidinous Sarhujlr, samhuilt, s. comparing, likeness, image,
Saiuac, samac, s. the palm of the hand apparition
Saitiac, samhach, s. a haft, handle Sarhujltjm, samhuiltim, v. I compare
SAniA, samhadh, s. m. a congregation Sarhupi, samhuin, s. f. the end of summer; " i. e.
s.uommon pAthf U|n, i. e. pujn cparhjuy, fu)n, i. cjtjcc-
SAma, samhadh, sorrel ; PlljAO." o. g.
Sarhat) bo peal^an, samhadh bo seal-an '<', .-;r.ex Sarhujn, samhuin, s. f. a deity of the ancient Irish;
.,. . a la parna, the first day of %inter, ojce parhna,
S^iia , samhadh caora, s. ' '' eve ' >
tosa arrensis S^niup. Sarnaus, s . pleasure, allurement
collie, samhadh coille, s. wixaj so;i Tri- S*n or 'pan, sun or ''san, in, in the
folium acetosmn vulgare San, san, self, own; ii is an expletive added to nouns
Sama, sumkaah, "Is. an edge, r*m cuajge, the and pronouns, and particularise* the word to winch
Srht, samhagh, J edge of a hatchet it is juined ; as, a larhapan, jacpan
Sarna]!, samhail, a. like, alike, equal San, sa t. a. holy
Sarhajn, samhain, s. pleasure, delight Sana, sanadh, s. releasing, dissolution
Sarhajn, samhain, s. f. All-hallow's Tide, All-Saint's Sanaim, sanatm, v. I release, dissolve
Tide Sana|tc, snate, s. . red orpiment
Sarhan, sumhan, savin ; Sabina Sanap, sanas, s. m. a dictionary, glossary, etymology
Samn, samhxn, s. a little dog Sanap, sanas, s. . knowledge, science
Sma pcajn, samharcam, s. f. a primrose Sanap, sanas, s. m. a secret, a whisper
Sarhap, samhas, s. m. delight, pleasure, rapture Sanap, sanas, s. . greeting, salutation, farewell,
Sarhapac, samhasach, a. pleasant, agreeable adieu
Sarhapa]i;e, satnhasaighe, s. m. a suttler Sanap, sanas, s. m. a warning, a hint
Sarhs|"ccancA, samh'.stdheanta, a. factitious Sana pin, sanasan, s. m. a vocabulary, etymology,
Srhjuoa, samhghubha, s. syrens, sea nymphs glossary
Sarhla, sam/i/a, s. apparitions Sarupnu'j'e, sanasanuidhe, s. m. an etymologist
Smlacat, samhlachadh, s. a similitude, emblem, ap San can, i an can, here and there, to and fro
plication, comparing Saner,, sanct, a. holy
Srnlaap, samhlachns, s. m. a sample, pattern S*ncr]lb sanctoir, s. m. a sanctuary
SamlaCarhujl, samhtachamhuit, typical Sanoponj;, sandrong, s. m. a sect
Sarhlat), samhladh, s. resemblance, type Safut:, Si.nnadh, s. loosening, separating; i. e. p5j-
Sirii!, samhladh, s. an apparition lef. o. g.
Sarhlajm, samhlaim, v. I liken, compare, resemble Saaacr, sannadhacht, s. f. looseness
Spirillar, sam'dat, like you ; " Veaf* An, arlarh parh-- Sanr, sant, 1 s. greediness, covetousness, cu-
lac, i.e peJi rjai, atli orha]l ." Sanrao, saniachd, \ pidity, lust, rapaciousness
Santlnja, samhlughadh, s. comparing, comparison, Snca, santach, s. m. a mi^er, a covetous person
a similitude, image, an emblem, a parable. Jib. Sanra, santach, a. covetous, greedy, avaricious,
29. L penurious, rapacious
>mlu|5)m, samhluighim, v. I compare San-Aijim, santaighim, v. I desire, covet, lust
SAiluf, samhlulh, a. brisk, active Santoyo, santbhidh, s. appetite
#210 SAO #210 SAO

SantgAt), santughadh, s. m. coveting, lusting after <0)Dle4pu]5eAt, saoibhchleasuigheacht, s. buffoon

' SaoM' a. silly, foolish, mad, aside ery ^
<, JesM, a. bad, erroneous <0]brhj4, saaibhmhiann, s. a punctilio
b<ob, eoM, a. unfortunate SJiOiBpgeul, saobhsgeul, s. m. afable
b<ob, saobh, a. dim, blind ; " t>o f<OD ." Zw. S<o]bp5iob4r>, saoibhsgriobhadh, s. a libel
, sjobha, s. a woman A><o]t>, saoidh, s. f. hay, fodder, provender
?<oba, saobhadh, s. amusing, amusement, delighting Sa))t>eAnjfi, saoidheadoir, s. m. a mower
b<ob*t>, saobhadh, s. going aside, becoming silly, infa #<ojeAO'jpe4o, saoidheadoir eachd, s. f. mowing
tuation #<ojle4ct4jn, saoileachtain, s. f. reflection, thought
S^oBaju, saobhadhradh, s. m. superstition #<ojljm, saoilim, v. I think, suppose, imagine
><o5aim, saobhaim, v. I infatuate, lead astray Sd)jlpjn, saoilsin, ) s. f. thinking, supposing, imagin-
KoBujm, saobhaim, v. I dissipate, charm, delight S<o)lrjn, saoiltin, f ing
S<orjjnt, saobkc/mint, s. f. gibble-gabble Spoilt, saoir, plur. and gen. of p<op
><odcjaII, sacbhchiall, s. m. nonsense, folly, corrupt S<oftb\te)i, saoirbhreith, ") , , .
Siltoiejte4in4p, saoirbhreitheamhnas, \ aS01utl0n
S<ODcoj|ie, saob';choire, s. a vortex, whirlpool . S<o)je, saoire, s. festivals, holidays. Md. 100
<}, saob ichrabhach, a. hypocritical oiJe4t), saoiread, s. cheapness
vobftibA, saobhchiabhadh, s. m. hypocrisy S^onij-AjpopjgieAC, saoiridh-aisdrightheach, s. a
S^ODcpejoeorii, savblichreideamh, s. m. heterodoxy ; moveable feast
superstition ;So]Ppe, saoirse, of or belonging to a carpenter ; tUAt>
S<ODcpej-orhe, saobhchreidmheach, a. heterodox; <11
superstious Sdjjjipe, saoirse, s. freedom, liberty, release, dis
S^oboolbo, saobhdholbha, s. enchantment pensation
S^obpAjg, saobhfhaigh, s. m. a false prophet .S^ojppe, saoirse, Is, cheapness, immunity,
,S<obljf, saobhghloir, s. m. gabble S<ojJipeACT3, saoirseachd, J exemption
.S^DglopAC, saobhghlorach, a. chattering SajjJipeA, saoirseach, s. m. a freeman
^brh]4fi, snobhmhiannach, a. punctilious S'iOjppeA,, saoirseach, \ a. free, voluntary, va-
.Sbbnop, saobhnos, s. anger, indignation, bad man S<o]PpeArhii)l, saoirseamhuil, J cant, cheap
ners SbjppeAn, soirseachd, s. f. the trade of a carpenter,
S^oonpac, saobhnosach, a. morose, peevish joiner, &c.
.SioBpit'joBAt), saobhsgriobhadh, see pa^upsJ^oDA ;S<oj)pj, saoirsi, s. freedom
S")6pmu4)ne4T>, saobhsmuaineadh, s. conceit Sfoipn, saoirsi, s. any art, science
jS<obflu, saobhshruth, s. f. an eddy, a counter-tide #<0)i,nlm' sao'rstS^limf v- 1 cheapen
S'ioBf'a, saobhtha, a. dissipated gtojppjjte, saoirsighthe, a. cheapened
?<obac>, saobhthachd, s. f. amusement, dissipation g^ojppjneA, saoirsineach, s. m. a libertine
,SiObcj}*, saob/iihoir, s. m. a briber ;S<ojl*p]neACT>, sa0'rs'neaChdt s- f> see p<ojipeACO
S^oocujjf e, saobhthuighthe, a. bribed S<o]. smith, see rcoj
STiotujjfe, saobhthuighthe, a. amused, dissipated ^cojfeAp, saoithcheap, s. a pillory
><oBfcu);eo)ib saobhthuightheoir, s. m. an amuser S<ojte saoithe, s. m. a tutor, a guardian
jStfK, ao/, s. m. a track, a journey S^ojteArhlA'o, saoitheamhlachd, s. f. generosity
Scots, iao</, s. m. care, attention S<o]te*",u)'> saoitheamhuil, a. expert, skilful, gene
S<ov, saod, s. a state, condition rous
>ooa I5)rn, saodaighim, v. I attend, take care SiOjrpC'Al, saoithsgsal, s. m. an idle tale
<ooraf, saodmhar, a. attentive ; in good condition 5<0)tp5eAl, sao'-ihsgeal, s. the gospel. A,
S.oal, saoghai, s. m. the world >, saor, s. m. a carpenter, wright, joiner, artist ;
S^o*l, saoghai, s. m. life, an age, generation Welsh, saor
^054 la, saoghalach, a. wordly ><o\i, saor, s. m. woe
ScojaUc, saoghalach, a. long-lived Scoy, saor, s. f. the Sabbath, a holiday ; gen. p]pe
ST>S*'*T, saoghalan, s. m. an old man STao}, saor, a. free, voluntary
.S^o^aI, saoghalta, a. wordly, secular Sao|*, , a. cheap
.Sio^alr^C'o, sao^hi ltuchd, s. f. worldliness !SAO|t, saor, a. free, noble
jSiOgUc, saoghlach, see piojala SAOjAt>, saoradh, s. freedom, exemption, deliver
So), saoi, s. m. a nobleman, a worthy generous man, ance, emancipation, acquittal, redemption
SAOjiAjm, saoraim, v. I acquit, deliver, set at liberty,
a hero
S<o], saoi, s. m. a scholar, a man of letters liberate, redeem, rescue
S<0),saoi, a. good, enerous, godly 11, saoranach, s. m. a freeman
S<o], saoi, a. [earned ; " o bj p<oj ]p hjlbepUjB." SAoplA, saorchlann, s. freemen
Ballimitc Welsh, syw SaojiIo, saorchloch, s. a mason
S<o)DC)aIat>, saoibhchialladh, s. false construction 5D &Aojtjk>jt>eA,

S*optpo)bcii, saorchroidAeuch, a. free-hearted, ge S*p, sar, a. excessive, exceeding, great, very true,
nerous, candid pure ; see pjp
;Saojicua)1ic, saercuairt, s. circulation Sap, sar, a sign of the superlative degree
jSoopcuajjir fol*, saorcuairt m fola, s. circulation S*$i sar, s. m. a louse
of the blood S*laCAD, saiachadh, ) , , . .
>aojiun}*, saorchunradh, s. a voluntary agree ***> ^a^,}see r*Pu5
ment pAj^jm, saraigkim, v. I overcome, exceed, excel,
SAO]it>jl, saordhail, s. f. a freedom, privilege, ac conquer, subjugate, subject, repress, oppress, in
quittance jure, wrong, overturn, fatigue
.Sao^a)!, saordhail, s. f. cheapness S&]ta)ge, saraighthe, see rpujgte
.AojU, saordhahch, a. cheap, free S}iA]5reo)ji, surai^litheoir, see ppujjreojp
i>ao|ir<, saorsa, s. freedom, liberty, enlargement poA)l, sardait, s. a sprat
ivaoppajn, saorsain, s. f. salvation, deliverance SP'ocAj, sardhochav, s. m. excessive harm, hurt,
?aoirrt)n, saorsain, s. cheapness damage
A?op[-fna,s saorsanach, s. m. an unhired workman, >AirhA]t, sarmhaith, a. very good, excellent
a voluntary assistant at labour S*prriA]peA, sarmhaiseach, a very comely
SaoptA, saorthach, a- laborious, toilsome, diligent Spnjg, sarnigh, s. an endeavour
Saoptojl, stiorthoil, s. free will S*J<05, sarog, s. f. a gloss
jSaoprojpBeapc, saortkohbheart, s. oblation, free- ;S*p5, sarog, s. f. a louse
giving S*pp<l*m, sarralam, to present.
?ofr}rtA, saorthrachadh, s. toil, labour, tillage Saptulaj, sartulaidk, a. strong
i?<o|ttj*]5-]m, saort/iraighim, \ v. I labour, work, .Sapgat), sarughaUh, s. conquest, conquering, vic
^o|iu)5)m, saorthwghim, ) plod, exert tory, oppression, devastation, plundering, excess,
^opfcu'je, saorthuid/ie, s. m. a labourer, a tiller di tress, subjugation, fatigue, rescuing
jSaopleat), saorleadh, s. a mass, a heap Sapuj, saruidh, s. oppression, trespass
S*otf saoth, s. m. life, existence Spujgeac, saruigheach, a. oppressive, injurious,
S>*ot, saoth, s. m. labour, tribulation, punishment tiresome
Saot, saoth, s. m. a disorder, disease SAftu)5jm, saruighim, see rpAjjjm
Sao, saoth, s. m. a prince ; Ihb. seet, majesty, dig Spu)gte, saruig/iihe, part. o\eicome, overthrown,
nity conquered, compelled, forced, subdued, injured,
;Soof 4, saothach, s. m. a vessel, a dish excelled, exceeded, tired, fa.igued
;S*ot*c, saothach, S. castigatory Spu]jfeAC, saruigtitkeach, s m. an oppressor, ex
S*of *n, saothachan, s. m. a plate tortioner
SaoA ]ol|o, saothach ionnlaid, s. a washing tub, SApujgfeojp, saruighiheoir, s. m. a conqueror, victor,
a bason subduer
;SaocaC r-guUn, saothach sgeulachd, s. angiogra >, sas, s. m. an instrument, means, arms, engine*
phy S*r, sas< a- capable
>4of, saothadh, s. exculpating, exculpation Sap, sas, a. fast, secure
SAotAyrt, saothaim, v. I castigate, chastise, punish Sar, sas, a. straitened
S^ofamujl, saothamhud, a. toilsome, laborious Saj-a, sasa, a. standing
jS*oc4p, saothar, s. m. labour, work, drudgery, toil, >p4CT>, sasachd, s. f. sufficiency
travel, pains Sata-, sasadh, s. satisfaction, comfort, case
S*oc4ji4]5]m, saotharaighim, v. I toil, labour -, , ;,, ") v. I satisfy, satime, suffice,
Z^MW, sasaighm,! , * n^ ^
;S*ot*jicn, saothatcan, s. m. a sort of grey plover
;, , j j.iate
>AofArh, saothdhamh, s. a labouring ox
STitofm], saothmhar, a. laborious, toilsome S*r*15^e) sasaighthe, a. saiisfieii, sated, satiated
;S*ot]p, saothoir, s. m. a torturer, wrecker SrArh, sasamh, s. pleasure, satisfaction, amende
^Aorphupc, saothphurt, s. m. an imposthume Saj-ac. /, a. sufficient, capable
SrtofcjtA, saothrach, a. servile, laborious, hardwork >, jwrfar, a. satisfied, grateful
ing, ploding, difficult Sap^' s^aach, a. easy, comfortable
S*oi, saothrachadh, s. labouring, tillage ;Spe*Co, sas. achd, s. f. ease, comfort
AoiiACAmujl, saothmchamhuil, see rAotpAC .SaptjaCo, sasduchd, s f. sauciriess
~ , ~ tu^uh. ^s. Sat-, sas 'adh, s ease, comfort
( m. a labourer,
ST40f,.A,0e, saothraidhe, work jS*rrri'>pr, Si.smhort, s. a massacre
{*4)50) ****) husbandman SAj-gaip, asughadh, s. satisfaction, satisfying
SAofpgAr, saolhrughadh, s. labouring, working, Sat, saih, s. m. food, plenty
earning, tillage Sat, sath, a. evil
jSAoipujjjm, saothruighim,\\ I labour, work, toil, till Satac, sathack, s. m. a vessel, a dish
<]1*, saphir, s. saphire St*i, sathach, a. full, filled, satiated

;S*fa, sathadh, s. a push, pushing, thrust, a pass, ScAjpc, scairt, s. f. the caul of a beast, the midriff
stab cajjc, scairt, s. f. a thick tuft of shrubs or branches
S*tb)m, sat/iaim, v. I push, thrust, shove ScA)e*, scaitheachy a. cutting, ruinous
.Sacajpn, Salhaim, Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath SwjeA, scaitheach, a. stormy
;Sacdac, sathbhach, s. m. a helve, handle ScAjtjm, scaithim, v. I cut oft, lop
S*co)oe, sathoidt, s. m. a preceptor ScAjice, scailhle, a. cut, lopped, dispersed, des
S^*rji4, sathrach, see paotjiAC troyed
ib*jpn, sbaim, s. a contest, wrestle, exertion Set], seal, s. m. a man, a hero, a champion
Sbjpn, shiirn, s. distress, pressure .ScaIa, cala, s. f. a great bowl
sbjpnjm, sbairnim, v. to wrestle, strive, contend -ScalbAjn, scalbhain, s. f. a multitude
;Sbjjtne*mujl, sbaimeamhuil, a. given to wrestling, 5^1, scalan, s. m. a shadow
contentious, quarrelsome, distressed ScaIIac, scallach, a. bald
;SbjojAjo, sbjoraid, see rp)ofdjt> 116, scal'achan, s. m. an unfledged bird
Sbj.05*!, sbrogal, \ s- *e JewP of,a ***** a. caI5, scalog, s. f. a farmer
Sb^e, sbrogaille, j doubted, the g.lls of ScaIs, scalog, s. f. a servant; an old man
ca1ojp, scalois, s. f. a bowl
c and S,' sc aud Je are used indiscriminately, so ^calp, scalp, s. m. a fissure, a separation of the earth
that most of the following words beginning wirh pc, >ciu|e, scaluighe, scales, balances
would be as properly written with pg ScAiTiAjn, scamlutin, s. f. lightning
Scbb, scabh, s. m. saw-dust &, scamhbhan, "Isa prank, a roguish trick,
Jcba, scubad/i, s. dispersion, dispersing, scattering Scarhjlon, scamhghlonn, j a villainous deed
;Scb<i)m, scabaim, v. I scatter, disperse, spread ^CAniugA, scanlugkadh, s. scandalizing, reproach
.ScAOAjpre, scubhaiste, s. advantage, gain ing
51, scabal, s. ni. helmet, a hood ScAii, scann, s. f. a swarm, multitude
;Sc<*b*f, scab.i'., s. m. a scapular jScAiiAjl, scannail, s. f. scandal, bad example, slander
.ScaBaI, scabhal, s. m. a pan, cauldron, kettle .ScaTiaIac, scannalach, a. scandalous, slandering
;51, scabhal, s. m. a booth, hut, shop ScAn, scannan, s. m. a thin membrane, skin
ScaBaI, scabhal, s. m. a scaffold .ScAfiin pejile, scannan, saille, the cawl
;Scao*I, scabhal, s. m. aporch, a screen covering the ;ScAcp|oo, scanncriod, s. a herd, drove. Sh.
entrance of a door ScAlupfe,' scannltghthe, a. scandalized
Scabaj, scabur, a. thin jScurilujjteojp, scannluxghtheotr, s. m. a scandalizer
^, scnbhas, s. m. good 5^|1, scanradh, s. a surprise, fright, confusion
caFa, sen/a, 7 Aiff or cock.boat ScAnjA, scanradh, s. dispersing, scattering
ScAnjA]re, scanraidhthc, a- dispersed by fright
ScAf*ie, scafaire, s. m. a spruce fellow .ScAnfiaj^im, scanraigkim, I v. I disperse, scatter,
ScpAl, seajal, s. m. a scaffold ScAnjujni, scanraim, ) confound, affright
.ScAp pojo, scafihroid, s. f. a naval engagement ScAnpujgeAo, scanruigheadh, s. dispersion
.SxaJj, scagudlt,s. a straining, cleansing, filtering S'cAojie, scaoile, s. a lax, looseness
^, Stagadh, s. a chink, a bursting .ScAOjleA, scamlcadh) s. a looseing, untying
Sc*S>jni, ;cagaim, v. I strain, cleanse, burst, shrink cAojIjm, scaoilim, v. I loose, untie, souier, dis
JcAjAj-e, scigakhe, part strained, cleansed, burst, perse, confound, affright, reveal, unfold
shrunk ScAO)Ice, scaoilte, part, dispersed, disolved, dis
vajc, scaich, s. f. a finishing missed, separated, untied, unfolded
jScAjcjm, seaichim, v. I finish ScaojIreAC, scaoilteuch, a. dissolvent, separable
?c4jl s. f. a shadow ScAoilceaco, scaoilleachd, s. f. a looseness, lax,
;Scjijn, scailein, s. a fan, umbrella dispersed .-tte
jScAj.eac, scadcach, a. shady Scojn, scaoin, s. f. peace
S^cilcdcc, scuilachd, s. f. darkness ScAof, scath, s. a swarm, a multitude
.ScajIjtti, sca lim, v. I shade, shelter ScapAim, seapaim, v. I squander, waste, spend
.Scajlp, s. f. a cave, den ScpAcoin, scaraxhdin, \ s. t. separating, separa-
, scaincaih, s. bursting, a rent ScfiA, siaradh, ) tion
jSc)n]m, sicunim, v. I burst ScfiAjm, scarasm, v. 1 separate, part, quit, open,
<JcAjne*|, Siainnear, s. a sudden irruption, or unex unfold
pected attack ScAjUniajn, scaramhain, 7 s. parting, separating,
S^Ajpjm, scuip'm, v. I disperse, scatter ScAjiAifiuj", scaramhutn,) separation
;Sc4jl, scair, s. f, any place where a thing is laid to ScyiAJTIUlI,'iull, a. separable
dry ScAjib, scarbh, s. un. a cormorant
jgcijpeAcr, scaireacht, s. f. crying, shrieking ScAftlojc, scarhid, s. scarlet
jScAjpeAp, scaircap, s. lavislmess ScAjip, scaroid, s. f. a table-cloth, prop, ^
ScAftA, scartlia, a. separated, parted
Sce)pfeAlln, sceipsheallan, s. a bee-hive
ScAftt-Ajl, scartail, a. vigorous, bold
ScAftcAnAC, scarthanach, a. parting, separating Scejp, sceir, s. f. a sharp sea rock
Scejt, sceith, s. vomiting, spewing, spawning
ScAjicAnAjj, scarthanaigh, s. dawn, parting of light Sceite, sceite, see j-cejtte
and darkness jSxejfeog, sccitheog, s. f. the hawthorn bush
Sct, scat, s. a skate Sceitjm, sceit/'iim, v. I vomit, spew, spawn, emit, put
Scr, scath, s. a shadow, shade, protection, a veil, forth, tell, confess
covering Scejtte, sceithte, part, scattered, dispersed
Seit, scath, s. a kind, species, gender Sceng, sceng,s. m. abed, a small bed -room
^cr;, scath, s. a pretence Sceo, sceo, adv. much, over and above ; also
Sc-, scath, s. bashfulness, timidity Sceo, sceo, conj. and
Scf, scath, s. sake, account, A|t ;Sceo, sceo, s. plenty, abundance
Scaa, scathach, a. shady jSceol, sceol, see rcal, or rcul
Scfd, scathach, a. bashful, timid Sceor, sceot, s. m. a target
SctA, scathadfi, s. shunning, avoiding, sheltering Sc^ul, sceul, s. m. a story, tale, news, tidings
Sctn, scathan, s. m. a mirror, looking glass fSd), iff, s. f. beauty, bl^>ni
Scn, scathan, s. m. a gazing stock 5Tc)a, sciach, see .
SctniAp, sctithmhar, a. fearful, timorous, bashful Sc]m sclamh, s. f. beauty, bloom
Sc, sc', see rce^f; ^STcjaitia, sciamhach, a. beautiful, blooming, fair
See, jcc, s. the white thorn, hawthorn ; Spina alba, .ScjATTiAt), sciamhadh, s. beautifying, adorning
oxyacanthus ScjATAjm, sciamhaim, v. I beautify, adorn
See, sec, a. casting, pouring; " o rc fjpmA- cjAn, scian, s. f. a knife. Heb. sakin
mejm; a huipse." S^c]AnBeA]rA, scianbheartha, s. a razor
Scoac, sceach, s. a bush, bramble, brier )-:1, scian-fola, s. a lancet, a fleam
SceA sceach, "1 , . , ,
SceAS, ,C^,|S- whitethorn, see rc ;Sc]Ar, sciath, s. m. a wing, a fin, gen. rcejfc
Sciac, sciath, s. m. a shield, a buckler
SeeACg, sceachog, s. f. a haw, hawthorn berry S^ejAt, sciath, s. a twig, a basket, gen. rcjte
SceAs 9ujpe, sceachog Muir, s. water agrimony, ;ScjAA, sciathach, s. in. a cow that has white streaks
bidens, burr-marygold ; Bidens cemua on her sides
SceAcjiAri, sccachradh, s. a prickle Sc|Afa, sciathach, a. winged ; having a shield or
ScaI, sceal, s. m. a relation, story, tale, news buckler ; streaked with white
ScAlAje, scealaidhe, s. m. an historian, story-teller, jgcjAn, sciathan, s. m. a little wing or shield
tale-bearer, romancer ScjAfjnA, sciathanach, a. winged, barbed
SceAAn, sceallan, s. m. a kernel Sc)b, scib, s. f. a hand, fist
SceAlp, scealpy s. m. a cliff, chink, fissure .Sqb, scib, s. f. a skiff, a ship
Scealp, sceatp, s. m. a splinter ScjbcA, scibcadh, s. the course or order of a thing
ScAlupe, scealuidhe, see rccAbjce Sc)beo]jt, scibeoir, s. m. a skipper, the master or
SceA^, scath, s. vomiting captain of acoasting vessel
SceAraC; sceathach, a. bushv, full of brambles <5cjbe}*neo5, sciberneog, s. f. a hare. Welsh, skyv-
jSce*t*b, Sceathadh, s. spewing, vomiting arnog
SceAfa]it, scetithaim, v. I spew, vomit <)), stlbhordan, s. a syringe
SceAclAC, secathrach, s. m. a vomit, vomiting ^cjlfAjrhne, scildaitnhne, s. a minnow
Si'eaHjjm, sceathraighim, v. I vomit, spew gelle, seile, s. affright, consternation
Scccep, scecer, s. a gander Sein sein, s. a knife. Heb. sakin
Sc]l4, sceile, s. f. misery, pity SfcjnbAprA, scinbheartha, s. a razor
Sxejim. sceilm, s. f. boasting, vain-glory ;Se)nc;im, scingim, v. 1 start, spring, bounce
Sc|m, sceim, s. f. a scheme, a draught c-]nl,e, fcm/fW, a skujsh
Scirh. sceimh, s. f. beauty, bloom <?), scmntdcach, ) ' 1
<>c]TiAfto, sceimhard, s. high bloom, good plight, $cj]m, scinnim, v. 1 spring, start, burst out
good habit of body ; corruptly rcumAjto. jSqobA, sciohah, s. a ship's crew
;SVirhe, sceimhe, s. meekness fcjobl, sciflbol, s. m. a barn, granary. Welsh,
<v rmea, a. sceimheach, a. meek, gentle, mild ysgubor. lieb, schibol, an ear of corn
jSrciriieac, ue.mheach, a. handsome, blooming <]05. sciog, s. f. a hawthorn
ScjmeAco. sceimheachd, s. f. comeliness Scop, sciop, s. a scoop
SciimcAmuil, sCL'itnheatnhud, see rcirheA S>)0)oe, scmrbhe, s. gall
Scemm, ice'nm, s. a start, a bounce ;ScjoifOA)m, sciord'iim, v. I squirt, purge
SceiTimne4C. sceinmneach, a. quick, nimble, swift 0)>1, sciordain, s. f. a squirt
Sc.'p'At), sceinnead, s. a t eruption ; gushing forth SciojtpAjm, sciorraim, v. I slip, slide
ScejeAt), sceinnead, s. a bouncing, sliding SeprmAjrjc, sciosnuulic, s. a schismatick. Mull. 88
seo seo SCR

Scio, scioth, s. f. a partition, a partition of rods Scojcjje, scoitighe, s. m. a quack, a mountebank

wattled ScojtjjeACo, scoitighcachd, s. f. quackery
Sc^oc, sciot, s. f a dart, an arrow Scol, .?/, s. m. a scale of a fish
Scptac, stiothach, see Scol, j/, s. m. a school. Welsh, ysgol
Scforg, sciotkog, see rceag Scokjpe, scolaire, s. m. a scholar
^c]offtjgim, sciothaighim, v. I fatigue, tire ScolApa, scolardha, a. scholastic
Sc]oir, sciotlias, s. m. fatigue ScoIapaco, scolardhachd, s. f. scholarship
ScjotugA, sciothvghad/i, s. tiring, fatiguing Scolb, scolb, s. m. a battle, skirmish
Sc5r> seis, ]& f. fatigue, weariness. 4 Mast. Scolb, scolb, s. m. a splinter of either wood or bone
gcjt.saih,} 1475 Sclb, scolb, s. m. a prick, prickle
^cjf , scith, s. f. rest Scolb, scolb, ls.m. a spray or wattle used in.
St'J^ClU, Sctlena, Scythia ,>colb, scolbach, \ thatching with straw
Scjul, sciul, written in old veil, for rceol, or rcul Scolg, scolog, s. a petty farmer
Scjulang, sciutang, s. m. a fugitive, a deserter ScoIca, scoltadh,s. a slit, cleft ;. slitting, cleaving
SclupA, sauradh, s. purging, scouring Scop, scor, s. m. a stud of horses or mat es
jffcjujujm, scmraim, v. I scour, purge * Scop, scor, s. m. ach.'impion
jS. jupn, sciuiin, s. a scouring Scop, scor, g. m. much, many, plenty
ScjuplAng, sciurlang, s. m. a deserter, fugitive Scop, scor, s. m. a concealed rock jutting into the sea
jSrjufip*, sciursa, s. f. a whip, scourge, ferula Scop, scor, s. m. a notch or mark made by the stroke
jScjupp*, sciursa, s. woe, affliction of a knife or sword
ScjuprA, sciursaM, s. whipping, afflicting ScpA, scoradh, s. scarification
;Sc|Uftr<]e, sciwrsaidhe, s. m. a scourger, a terma- Scpp, scoraid, s. f. a table-cloth
^galU TV Scopajm, scoraim, v. I scarify
S<)uPr*Jm' saursaim, v. I whip, scourge Scpn, scorn, "I
;Sc)iipr4l, sciursal, s. scourging. Mull. 166 Scpna, scomach, \ s.m. the throat, the oesophagus
STcjuiipeoji, scmeeir, s. m. a scourger, flogger Scpnn, scornan, J
Sil*, .7<j/;, "J Scor, scot, s. m. much
S 1, sclabhadh, Vs. m. a slave, a bondsman Scot, scoth, s. m. the choice or best part of any
S'l**Pe sclabhaidhe,) thing, the top of any thing
1,, sdabhacht, 7 s- f- slavery, servi- Sco, scoth, s. m. a disease
ScliBupeAco, sclabkuidheachd, J tude Sco, scoth, s. m. a flower
S 1, sclamhachd, s. f. a violently seizing on Scot, scoth, s.m. a young shoot, a young lad
Scitfi, sclamhadh, s. seizing, snatching by force Scor, swM, a. chosen, selected
jScUfTM'im, sclamhaim, v. I seize or snatch by force Scot*, scotha, s. brambles used as a fence against
S 1*1, sclamhaire, s. m. an usurper, one that cattle.
seizes a thing by force Scoa, scothach, a. producing branches
ScIad, sclat, s. a slate Scotc, scothach, a. youthful
jSVUtejian, sclataran, s. millipedes Scotamujl, scothamhuil, ") , , ^
Scleo, sr/ee, s. a shade Scocujl, scothud, j
Sueleo, scleo, s. misery, compassion Scocbupl, scotblieurla, s. the Scottish language
Scleo, scleo, s. great pomp of words, high puffing Scoclong, scothlong, s. a yacht
Scleojo, sc/eoid, s. f. a silly fellow Scotran, scottan, s. a smail flock
;Sclojo, scloid, s. filth Scpaba, scrabjeh, a. rough
SclonsAjtse, sclonaide, s. copious snot. Sh. Scp*)oeo5, scraideog, s. f. a diminutive female
Scot>, scod, ) s. m. a corner of a cloth, sheet or Scpftjo1)?!, scraidin, si f. a small scrap, a diminutive
Scov*n, scodan, S sail ; a lappet, a skirt little fellow
Scop, scoid, s. f. a neck Scpjrte, scraiste, s. a sluggard, a slothful person
jgcojoear, scoideas, s. coquetry, flirting _ , , . , - , }s. f. laziness,
;Sco]oeAp, scidcasach, \ a. coquetish, flirting, Scpajrteaco, scratshachd, t elothfulue*
ScpAjpceAmUco, scraisteamntacnd, \ . ^
Si'opeAittu]!, scoideamhuil, J formal
Scig, scoig, s. f. the throat Scp.jrceA, rrteu*, J slothfu) ,
Scjl, scoil, s. a school. Welsh, ysgol Scp*jrte*rhujl, siraisteamhiu!, ) J
Sfcoilrajn, scoiltain, s. a slit, slice, splinter Scpm, scram, s. a snatch, a grasp
SoojlteAc, scoilteadh, s. a cleft, cleaving Scp*m*ipe, scramaire, s. m. a greedy grasping fellow
Scojlqm, scotltim, v. I split, rend, tear, burst Scp*nc, scranla, a. divided, scattered
ScoineAim, scoineam, v. to withdraw. Sh. ScpdC, scrath, s. m. & f. a turf, a sod
Sco^Rao >)5>, scoinnadh deisgadh, cutting off. Sh. Scp4c<vl, scrathal, \ t rin destruction
Sco^tbap a, Scoitbhearla, s. the language of the Scots Scp*t4rhu)l, scrathamhud, ) 6
or ancient Irish ScpA-ul, scrath-dhul, s. an allure, a lure
JS E Scpe*b,
ser? SCR SDA

STc]te*b, scieab, s. a scab, eschar ScpjorojpeAco, scriosdoiveachd, s.f. flaying, a sweep

Scjteabn, screabach, a. scabbed ing every thing away, destroying
^!, screabal, s. a three-penny piece. Sh. ScpprtA, scriosta, a. ruined, destroyed, cleared out
ScpeAC, screach, s. a screech, a shriek Scpprtjp, scriostoir, see rcpprcjp
;Sc]ie4C4', screachadh, s. screeching, shrieking ScpptACn, scriotachan, s. a little squaller, an infant
jScjteaajm, scrcachaim, v. I screech, shriek ScpbAC, scrobad, s. scratching
Scje4Cg, screachog, s. f. a jay ScpA, scrobha, s. a screw, a vice
Repeat), scread, s. a cry, shout ScpooAlA]rhe, scrobhalaimhe, s. a hand-vice
ScpeAtiA, screadadh, s. crying, shouting, bawling ScpobAjm, scrobaim, v. I scratch, scrape
;gcpeAT>4jm, screadaim, v. 1 cry out, bawl, shout Scpobn, scroban, s. m. the crop or craw of a bird
$*>41, screadal, s. m. shrieking, crying ScpgA, scrogha, see fcpDA
jgcpeatiAla, screadaiach, a. crying, bawling Scj<), scrogha, a. spiry
$cpeAOAn, screadan, s. m. the noise of any thing ScpolU, scrolla, s. a scroll, a schedule
rending ScpubAjpe, scrubaire, s. m. a scrub
ScpeAog, screadog, s. f. sharp or sour drink ScpoA, scrudadh, s. an examination, searching
ScpeArh, screamh, s. abhorrence ScpoAjm, scruduim, v. I search, examine
jScpeapal, screapal, s. a scruple in weight jScputiujgce, scruduightltc, part, examined, tried,
jSxpeAprrujp, screaptuir, s. f. a writing, scripture searched
Scpejt]t>, screitidh, a. abhorrent .Scpujnse, scruinge, s. an engine
ScpejcjtieACo, screitidlieachd, s. f. abhorrence ;Scput, jcr/, s. m. a scrub, a low mean person
Scpejpel, screipel, s. a scruple. Cor. ScuAb, scuub, s. f. a sheaf, a besom
;Scp]D]n, scribhin, s. a writing ;ScuAbACn, scuabachan, s. m. a little brush or besom
ScpjDj, scribhinn, s. a rugged rocky side of a hill ScuabAt), scuabadh, s. sweeping, sweepiugs
Scp^r, scrid, s. f. a breath, least breath of life or air ,Scii4b4jm, scuabitim, v. I sweep, brush
Scpin, serin, s. f. a hrme . Scuab-rjon, ciutb-lion, s. a drag or sweep-net
STcpob, scriob, s. f. a scratch, scrape, notch, furrow, Scu4b5, scuabog, s. f. a little sheaf
rut >cu4l>t4, scuabtha, a. swept
J?cp]ob, scriob, s. f. an itching of the lips said to be Scut, scuch, s. going, proceeding
the omen of a kiss .ScucAim, scuchaim, \ T
;Scfiob*c, scriobiich, s. m. the itch ScurU, ic^m,}*1**88' 8' Proceed
ScpobAt, scriobadh, s. m. scratching, picking, &c. $011041-, cuthas, s. m. brambles used as a fence
ScpjoDA, scriobhadh, s. m. writing, a writing against cattle
Scp}ubAT>jp, scriobadoir, s. m. a grater, scratcher Scu6|-4c, scuchsad, v. they go, proceed
~ , r. , il i s. . a writer, nota- Scuo, sad, s. m. a ship
cp,oB*t>,p, scnobhado.r, ( , fe
Scuo, scud, s. m. a cluster
;Scp;juD4}pe, sertobhmre, j ^rbe
], scuibher, s. m. an esquire
S> p'joD*oo)}te*6T), sanobhadoireachd, s. f. the profes Scujpw, smrd, s. f. the lap
sion of writing Scujpo, uuird, s. f. a shirt or shift
;Scjtob*He, scriobaire, s. m. a graving tool, a style "Vu4nbj4r, pocan ;
ScjHobim, scriobaim, v. I scratch, scrape, grave, Jr jtjaII fi\4r|i5 )io pjoA;
engrave, rub, pick, curry Scujpo jr cAjmre ljne 54 on ;
ScpoDajm, scriobhaim, v. I write O b4 h4)nm ." For. foe.
Scpobn, scricban, s. m. curry-comb, wool-card, a Scujpp, scuind, s. ceasing, desisting
rake Sculpjm, scuirim, v. I cease, desist
ScpioBn, scrobhan, s. a grammar .ScujreA, scuiseadh, s. going, proceeding
ScpoDAnt)p, scnobhantoir, s. m. a grammarian, Scujre, scuite, s. m. a wanerer
writer jScu]ce, sctiile, see
Scpptineojp, scriobkneoir, see jrp}oBAt>]p ;Scujrreo]p, scuitseoir, s. m. a hatchel, hatcheller
.Scp^ooneojpeAt;, scrwbhneoireacht, s. f. writing, the Scuyrjm, scuitsim, v. I hatchel
profession of writing Scul, sculog, see 105 and rcolg
Scpjooce, scriobhte, part, written Sculog, sculog, s. a generous hospitable man
ScpjoBujn, scriobliuin. s. f. a bill, evidence, writing curh*l, scumhal, s. a precipice
Scpjoprjp, scrioptuir, s. m. scripture ScurhApo, scumhard, see
>cfljr serios, s. m. ruin, destruction 5:cu]i, scur, s. m. ceasing, desisting
STcplorAB)!, sciiosadoir, see rcpjopoip Scut, Scut, s. m. a Scot
jScpjorATsjpeAx), scnosadoireac/id, see rcpjofoj- Soa, sda, s. use
peAcr sdad 1 s- a Stop' let' st0PPin&' laying.
cpjopA-)m, scriosam,vA destroy, ruin, raze, sweep fsa*!** ) srge> deIay' hindrance'
tlie surface or from any thing
Scpjorrip, scriasdoir, s. m. a destroyer ScAOAJITt,
se- se se-21* SEA

StwoA'jm, sdadaim, v. I stop, stay, let, hinder Se, se, pron. self, mjre, myself
SogA'jp, sdaghair, s. stairs S, se, for jf , 'tis he, it
Sojw, sdaid, s. f. state, condition S^, se, a. six
;So)t>, sdaid, s. f. a furlong .SeAb*c, seabhac, s. m. a hawk, falcon ; Welsh, hebog
SoAjleA, Sdaileadh, s. Antonomasia jSeAOACAmujl, seabkacamhuil, a. hawk-like, fierce
;So<jpel, sdaipeal, s. a stopper, bung, cork ,Se<oc]tb seabhacoir, s. m. a falconer ; Welsh, he-
jgOAjp, sdair, s. f. history, story bogydd
goojjtgiv, sdirgha, a. historical 5:ebc)]iet), seabhacoireachd, s. f. hawking
^c*p*)tie, sdaraidke, s. m. an historian Se*b*5 seabhag, s. the spleen
jg-obz, sdat, s. m. pride, state, pomp 5^<**]' seabhais, s. f. wandering, strolling, straying
5*4]1, sdatamhuil, a. stately, proud, pompous jSeftbalfeAC, seabhaiseach, a. discursive, wandering
Soeall, sdeall, s. a cast of water as from a syringe ;Se<BA)rje, seabhaisidhe, s. m. a wanderer, gadder
^ceftlU, sdeallad/i, s. squirting ^*, seabhasa, s. m. fatigue, weariness
SoealUnjjS sdealladoir, s. m. a squirt, syringe .SeADATAC, seabhasach, a. fatigued, weary
Soeall^m, sdeallaim, v. I squirt Seftbog, seabhog, s. f. the spleen
Sojj;, sdeig, s. a slice of meat, a steak SeAbojc, seabhoid, s. f. error
;So)5 |*5*>, sdeig- bhraghad, the gullet SeADpeAc, scabhoideach, a. wandering, errant
Soejg, sdeigh, s. protection SeAOpeA, seabhoideach, s. m. a straying, wandering
;Souo, sdeud, s. a steed .SeAbojojm, seabhoidim, v. I wander, stray, err, roam
SojaII, sdiall, s. a table .Seabfia, seabhrach, a. certain, sure, true
;SohIiac, sdiallach, s. m. a plank or board, a stripe, Se*t, seach, s. a turn ; , by turns, alternate
streak, split of a plank, a slice or chop taken from Sett, seach, prep, beside, beyond, past
any thing Sett, seach, adv. else, otherwise, aside
So] iiUc, sdiallach, a. striped, streaked Se&t, seach, s. moreover
SojoBaJic, sdiobhart, s. m. a steward ;SeC4, seaca, gen. of rjoc, frost
^!, sdiopal, s. a steeple Se**, seacha, a. crafty, cunning
;So)opap sdiorap, s. a stirrup Set>t a ejle, seach a cheile, one oy or from another
;Sojuif, sdiuir, s. f. a rudder, rule, guide Se*tt, seacha, 7 , , . ,
X a
jgeACAO, ,./. j Jt adv. by, aside
;St>-|u}i4, sdiuradh, s. steering, steerage, guiding,
directing SeACA, seacadh, a. parched, dried, frozen, hard
5)))14), sdiuraim, v. I steer, guide, direct jSfeAA'OA', seackadaUh, s. tradition
^oiiqtAj^feojjK sdiuraightheotr,\s. m. a steersman, .SeACAOAjm, seuchadaim, v. I deliver, surrender
;Soiup<>]|i, sdiurthoir, 3 pilot, guide SeAAtTA, seachadtha, part, delivered, surrendered
SojnpugAr, sdiurughadh, s. steering, guiding,, di SeA4T>uie, seachaduighe, a. further
recting SeACAgA, seacaghadh, s. parching, drying, freezing
jSttoc, irfoc, s. m. a trumpet, a stock |4,5,, seacaighm, 1 , . . freeze
jS'pooa, sdodach, a. restive, testy, kicking .SeACAjm, eacaim, J r ' -"
S'oo'OAa, sdoJachadh, s. restiveness, testiness .SeAApn, seachaim, v. 1 pass by, shun, avoid ;
<5:>)1, sdodamhutl, a. restive, testy zaach, to separate
STcojc, jW, s. f. sulkiness SeACA]mpe, seachaimse, beyond me, before me
>o]l, J/"/V, s. f. a stole ; part of a priest's vestments SeAAjn, seachain, s. idle tales
;goo]l, sdoil, s. beads. Sh. jSeACAjn, seachain, a. foolish
*?t>ojpm, sdoirm, s. f. a storm, tempest ,SeACA]n]m, seachainim, v. I avoid, shun, separate
<>T>ojlme4mu)l, sdonmcamhuit, a. stormy ;SeACAjnceA, seachainteach, a. dismal, ominous, te
jSToU s- m- a st0li seat be avoided
^til-cojfe, sdol-coise, s. a foot-stool .SeACAjnteAc, seachainteach, a. allegorical
;SopAr>, sdopadh, s. a stoup, a measure of capacity jSeAAm, seacham, beyond me
?ot, br, 7 provision stoj-es ^eAAtfiud, seachamhuil, a. further
;Sr>p<vr sdoras, \ r ;SeACAnrA, seacanta, a. parched, dried
jStfpiocA', sdriocadh, s. submission, submitting. ///. 4 ;SeAAnt A, seachanta, a. separating
^oi]oc*)5im, sd'hcaighim, 1 y j submt S^eAAnrA, seachanta, a. to be shunned, unlucky
jSopjocApn, sdnocatm, J ^eAAficA, scachantach, a. straying, wandering
Sftmlc, //', gen. and plur. of fooc Set*T\T<*tx>, seachantachd, s. f. shunning, avoiding
;Soujt>A]i, sduidear, see rru]oa]t Settbit, seachbhath, s. f. a heifer ; gen.
^onipedl, sduipeal, s. wandering, roving ^eACCAiig, seachcang, the space of seven years
St>]p, w, see r*>)u]lt Se*, seachdAa n
jSte-jitjm, sdiurim, v I steer, direct Settz, seach cht, J
;S, pron. he, it, him ; placed after a noun it sig SeAcr>f]llce, scashdfillte, a. seven-fold
nifies, his, these, &c. ; Heb. se, he, him SeAoAi),

SeatHii, seachdamh, )\ seventh-

, .SeArriiAjn, seachtmhaln, s. f. a week
Setbvo, seachdo, Sc- .SeAtrrrjop, Seachmhios, September
.beAiwoug, seackddeug, a. seventeen SeAcrrhogAti, seachlmhoghad, a. seventy
Sf4oniri, seaclidmhaih, a. seventh ?e4trii05AT>A, seachtmhoghadadh, a. seventieth
>eoriuo, seacftdmhad, a. seventy. .SV. S^eAco-ocug, seachto-deug, seventeenth. Sc.
Searuoo, seachdmhado, a. seventieth. 5c. SfeACu)5)m, seecuighim, v. I dry
S Acoriujn, scachdmhain, s. f. a week ?eAcuite, seacuightkc, a. dried, frozen
SeAormjn luAjtpe, Seachdmhai na luaithre, Em SeAC, sead, s. m. ajewel, precious sione
ber week , scad, s. in. a present, favour
^eacsriAjn hAtcujnje, Scachdmhain nahathehuinge, .Scad, sead, s. m. substance, goods
ltogation week S^Ar, sead, s. m. a way, a road, a seat
SeAcrmjor, Seachdmhios, September S**>, scad, s. m. the likeness of a thing
s , - a , , ,. . ") the seven stars, the SeAt>, scadh, s. m. design, intention
.,. ' - n t Seachdrailain,
, 5-I " constellation
. Vt.
Ursa Seat), seadh, s. m. an accident
>|1), beachdnnn, ^ Major SeA, seadh, s. m. an effect; ** ?m tn }p ufiup n
?OAofiit>, seachduan,
seachdrud, \fs-ai0- ,, c]p jp upupA peAt>cujpj." (.
.ScACUAn, .SeA, scadh, s. m. strength
1}, scachdshliosnach, s. m. a heptagon Se&b, seadh, 9. m. sense, meaning
SeAcopliopnA, seachdMiosnach, a. heptagonal S^ib, seadh, s. m. a discourse, a dialogue
SeacoblA, seachddhubla, a. sevenfold Seb, seadh, s. m. the crop or crasv of a bird
KeAcjii}, seucfhew, s. m. hay Se*t>, scadh, a. strong, able, stout
^eAgAjpim, scachairim, v. I call aside or apart >, seadh, a. by turns, alternate; see peA
.S'eAlBpAC, seachlttbhrach, a. allegorical 'SeAB or >, 'seadh or aseadh, yes, yea, it is
.SeAclABjiAt), seachlabhradh, s. an allegory SeAA, seadha, s. a saw
' eAlBiA]m, seachlabhraim, v. I allegorize ;Scat>ac, seadhath, a. sensible, courteous
.SeAcluj^m, stachluighim, v. I lay aside >], seadhaim, v. 1 esteem, value
SeAloc, seachloc, s. m. a park, a field SeAt>A]m, seadhaim, v. I saw, smooth, plane
ScacIoc, seachloc, s. m. a warren S^eAOAjpe, se'idaiie, s. m. a dolt
ScacIoc, seachloc, s. m. a secluded place SeACAl, seadal, s. m. a short time, space
>e4mAjll}m, seachntaillim, v. I forget . .SeAArhujI, seadhamhuit, a. courteous, sensible
&eAmall, seachmall, s. m. forgetfulness, oblivion |1, seudor, the cedar tree
jScACTmll, seachmall, s. digression, partiality SeAbA)l, seadhbhatl, s. sawing
SeAmAllA, seachmallach, a. oblivious ^eAtsonArAjje, seauchoimhcadaighe, s. a keeper
S'cadmAlcA, svachm dta, a. forgetful of a museum
^, seachnab, s. m. a person of the next degree SAToTTiApr*, seadchomharlha, s. coin. Keat.
below an abbot, a prior S^eAocmjtrA, seadchomhartha, s. an attribute
Secn, seachnadh, s. an avoidance, avoiding, shun SAt>pu]ji)5, seadsuir'tgh, s. a love token
SeapA)T>, seafaid, s. f. a heifer
SeAnAjm, seacknafm, v. I separate, avoid, escape SeaynAt), seafnadh, s. blowing, brea:hing
SeACnAim, seaehnairn, prep, by, through .SeArnAjm, seafnatm, v. I blow, breathe
SeAcojle-Ba}, seachoile-adhbhar, for another <:ause; ?eAj:o]e, seafoide, gen. of peArAio
thereabouts ^eAg, seagh, s. m. esteem, respect, worth, value
Seac|i4), seachralth, s. filth, dirt >e*5A, seagha, see reAt>A
^eApn, seachran, s. m. an error, straying S^eAgA, seagha, a. curious, ingenious, crafty, cunning
.SeucpnAc, seachranach, a. erroneous, wandering, Tca 54 1>, seagadh, s. a siege
e5A, scaghach, s. m. a he goat, see ejtejmne
Seuc|nAo, seachanachd, s. f. aberration ;SeAA, seaghach, a. courteous, genile
jScACjiiiiAim, seachrana'im, v. I err, go astray, wander jSeAgAl, seagal, s. rye
SeACfinrA, scachranta, a. straying, led astray SeagAp, seoghas, s. in. a wood
SeAcpnuye, seachranuieUie, s. ni. a wanderer, rover SeA^DA, seaghdha, a. stately, majestic, courteous ;
Seiiipv, seachrod, s. a bye-road, bye-way learned, scientific
SeAcr, stacht, a. seven SfeAgUn, scaghlan, s. m. an old man
.SeAcrajp, seachtair, adv. without, on the outside STeAgmAp, seaghmhar, a. curious, ingenious, crafty,
jSeactAji, seachtair, prep, before, beyond cunning
;|1, seachtar, s. thenuuiber seven, seven per ) s. awhile, space of time, distance,
sons or things .ScaIa, scalad, \ course or time
jSeacroiib, seachideug, a. seventeen SAU, seala, s. a seal, signet
S'AniAt), seuchtmhadh, a- seventh SaUc, sealadh, s. sealing
SeACcriiAou5, seachlmhadhdeug, a. seventeenth ^caIa, seatadh, adv. yet, beside, over-and-above

Sealat), sealadh, one's course or stead. Sh. ^ apu]ll, seamar chapulll, purple trefoil,
Sealat), sea/ad, s. a short space of time, a little while broad clover ; Trifolium pratense
jSeaUoac, sealadach, a. alternate, by turns Seamaj fi, seamar ehre, male speedwell; Ve
;Se4la]T>, sealaidh, s. a cutting, hewing ronica officinalis
Sealajoeaco, sealaidheachd, s. f. vicissitude, change Seamap rhujpe, seamar mhuire, female pimpernel,
?4lft]m, sea/aim, v. I seal, sign yellow wood-loosestrife ; Anagallis fmina
Sealn, ft/, s. m. a small space of time Seamar, seamhas, s. good-luck
Sealan, sealan, s. in. a halter for execution, the Searhara, seamhas h, ) , , .
rope used by an executioner Searhararu}!, seamhasamhuil,]^ ,> fortunate
Se4inac, scalanach, s. m. an executioner or hang 5eittTiH, seamra, ) , .
man ; a villain Seomjla, seomra, \ s' m' a chamber, a room
Sealnta, sealanta, a. rigid Seamjat>]|i, seamradoir, s. m. a chamberlain
Sealantao, sealantachd, s. f. rigour, rigidity Seampg, seamrog, see reamaft
Sealb, sealb/i, s. f. a herd, drove Seamra, seamsa, s. a nail, a peg
Sealb, sealbh, s. f. possession, inheritance Searhrganac, stamhsganach, a. quick, soon
Sealb, staibh, s. f. a field, land Seamrog, seamsog, s. f. a small nail or peg
Sealb, seatbh, s. f. pretence, colour Seamrog, seamsog, s. f. wood sorreH ; Oxalis aceto-
Sealbac, sealbhach, a. possessive sella
iSealbaca, sealbhacLidh, s. possessing, possession Sean, sean, s. m. an ancestor. Ball. 54
Sealbacji, seaibhadoir, ^ s. m. an owner, possessor, San, sean, s. . prosperity, happiness
Sealbiojp, sealbhthoir, ) proprietor, occupant San, 5,. s. . a charm
Sealban, seab>han, s. m. a multitude, drove, herd San, tan, s. m. a net to catch birds
Sealbog, scuLhog, s. sorrel Sean, sean, a. old, ancient. Welsh, hen. Heb.
Se,B.)n4 p)O4, seabhog nafiodha, s. wood-sorrel iashan
Seaibuga, seJbhughadh, s. possessing, having, own Seana, seanach, a crafty, wily, cunning
ing, taking possession Sana, seanach, a. lucky, fortunate
Seaibuije, scalbhui>he, see j-eama-oojp Seanacaj, seanarhaidh, s. m. an antiquary, historian
Sc*iV)ii]5,i", sealbnuighim, v. I possess Seanacar, scanaehas, s. m. antiquity, history, narra
Sealbuj^ce, sealb lUKlithe, a. possessed, inherited tion
Seaibujceo)f, scaibhuightheoir, see realDanojp Sana, seanadh, s. m. a denial, refusal
Seai^, seaig, s. f. a chase, hunting, aucupation- Seana, seanadh, s. m. a synod, council
Btb. snalach, to drive away Sanat), seanadh, s. m. a blessing, benediction
;Se*i5, sea/g, s. f. the beily-aclie Sana-o, seanad, s. m. charming
Seaig, seal^, s. f. the milt of a swine, the spleen of Sinaojp, scanadoir, s. m. a charmer
man or beast Seanap, seanaid, s. f. a senate, a synod. Welsh,
Seaig^jm, sealga m, v. hunt, fowl, hawk senedh
Sealgajpe, sealgaire, s. . huntsman, sportsman Seanap, seanaidh, s. dropping, pouring, sowing
Sealgajjieaco, sealgairtachd, s. i. bunttng, hawking corn
Sealgb-ira, stalghliata, s. a Hunting pole Seanajoe, seanaidhe, s. m. an antiquary
Seall, send, v. behold, see Senaje, seanaidhe, s. m. a senator, member of par
Seallao, statludh, s. a sight, prospect, view liament
Seahao, seaUadh, s. a cell. Mull. 211 Seanappi, seanaidhim, v. I send
5**40-*^ sealladh-nasath, s. a raree-show Seanajjm, seanaidhim, v. I sow, spill, pour
SealUjo, seallaidh, a. visual Seanajlrj|i)r, seanailtiris., s. a decree
Seallajm, sealiaim, v. 1 look at, behold, see jSeanjjm, seanaim, v. I deny, refuse, decline
Salta, sealta, a. sealed Sanajm, seanaim, v. I bless; charm or defend
jSealtujn, seattuin, s. t. aspection against the power of enchantments
SealtU]|, staltuh, s. a sword Sanajpeact, seanaireacht, s. f. bird-catching
Sarh, seamh, see rjrh Sanarhujl, seanamhiul, a. happy, prosperous
Samact), seamhachd, s. f. mildness, gentleness, Seannac, seanaiutch, s. m. a wasp
quietness Searuojr, seanaois, s. f. old age
Sama, seamadh, s. a caution, warning, hint, a Seana]ur5, seanarasg, s. m. a proverb, old saying
wink Seanar, scanas, s. m. an alarm
Reaman, seaman, s. a small nail rivetted' Seanar, seanas, s. m. shortness of sight
Seamanac, seamanach, a. spirited, stout Seanapan, seanasan, see panapan
^ s. f. tretoil, white clo- Seanatajp, seaiiaihair, s. m. a grandfather; an
Sre*m#i, , I ye whjte h
SeWV seamar bhan> \ suckle; Tnfolium, elder
Seanbean, seanbhean, s. f. an old woman
STcampos, J repens Seanueamoj seanbheanachd, s. f. anility
5F SeanDobti,.
SEA se-21 SEA

SeAnDoUt), seanbholadh, s. a stale or musty smell SeAng, seang, a. subtle, subtile

Se*n4, cancha, 7 s- an antiquary, genealo- SeAng44D, seangachadh, s. making slender
Se4nc4]e, seancha;dhe,\ gist Se4ng4jT>, seangkaid, s. a grandfather
SeanAp, seanchas, s. m. antiquity; see peAncup SeAng4rm, seangaim, v. 1 diminish, make slender
Se4mlujt, seunchluith, s- f. a comedy Se4ng4jn, seanghain, s. a child about to be bora
Sc4nr]iejo)cm, stavchrcidiomh, s. apostacy Se4iig4l, seangal, a. wise, prudent
Se4nrrtA|ir4, stancltomhartha, s. an old token, a Se4ng4n, seangan, s. m. an ant, pismire
monument Se*n5*l,rn*i'*)l> seangarmhathair, the great-grand
SeAnuje, stanchuidhe, s. m. an antiquarian, histo father's or great- grand mother's mother
rian Se4ngejn, seanghein, s. f. a child begot in old age
Seancujrnne, seanchuimhne, s. tradition Se4njoll4, seanghiolla, s. an old bachelor
Seanc.up, seanchus, s. m. antiquity, history, genea SAnljA, scanlith, s. f. happiness
logy, pedigree, law, every kind of knowledge. SeAnmA, scanma, a. musical
" Senup, i. e. peAr.cjp, i. e. ga cjp pen, -| g4 SAnriAlb stanmhar, a. happy, prosperous
cjp Senajb. Senup, quasi Scntx SeAnriiA}*, scanmhar, a. great, huge
custodia, . f. Se4ncu]Tie40. Sencup, i.e.scnsus SeAnriiAjjte, seanmhaire, Is. f. happiness,
cqstigatorius, i. . cill rjomAjjigte ga nejre 50 SeAnrr)A]]teA0T>, scanmhaireachd, ) prosperity
C4]ft ] cc]l, Sencup quasi Senex causa, . e. Se4nm4fiV)|t, seanmhathair, s. f. a grandmother
peeniip, no Seiic.r casus, i. e. l)4jp 4 546 iijie SeAnmjp, seanmoir, s. f. a sermon
coUjp, -j ol)5)- Con* at> 4 t>e]t Senup moj Se4nm)ji]ge, seanmoirighe, s. m. a preacher
Jie)rh)i4|rre, gujiab 4]mn Sencur con u]le eoUp SeAnmjjijm, seanmoirim, v. I preach, exhort, pro
p)|t]e4, ex)]i heol4p4io fie pe4nc4p claim
) ccojW'je, nr.i 4-4)0 eneaUji; (muji 44 Ge Se4ntnnT:4]e, seanmonta'tdhe, s. m. a preacher
nesis, nod ]p jeAr>c4p ge letup digfCArhujI 4p4 Se4nmj, seuntnor, a. very great, huge
fup 4p ii]le leb4] 5^en4p SA0)c4lJ SeA4c, Sfannach, see p]"4C
( }14 0b p^AOjieAT) gAblug4 4 CCJT1C446 4 Se44C4m4]l, seannachamhuil, see p]oli4tfmjI
hujle po4\ie pipe ]p cmopeniip, pjljrect g4n SeAaCAjgjm, seannachaighitn, v. I piay the fox
p aball pellp4rhn4cr, giumACa, mujl 44) |]- gf 44, scannsair, s. m. a chanter
cer>4 gepCuenr, 1 54c ujle pppgel 4j ce4ii4. Se4mi6p, seannos, s. an old custom ^
54 T>l]5e4t> yop, muj 4p pullup gii]i4b penr.up Sati]]*, scanoir, s. m. an elder, senator; an old
5*n 4i]up ( 4mm, ) 00 4t~b4)i) pppmnljgce bard or druid ; Welsh, henwr
Cfenr> t)4 ngo|]tre4]t Vnecup, i.e. pene no pjne s. f. old age ; the fifth
C40j-j.]op, i. c. pl)5p6 pe4p4 pjne 4 i.6|i , ] stage of human life,
4 4 ecjp) pop ; ]|t ip4]nm C]e4)b Vene from 54 to 84 years
oVlienpip p4}ip4pc.04| ele gupab .Sencup of age
4n penecup no/oljge Cjien, 4p Venup g4|jirj Se*n]>4-, s:\mradh, s. an old saying, a proverb
con ! 4p Sencup 4j rup, gup 54l')p4t) eolajg Se4npgulA, cansreulte, a. archiiiolo^ick
-pe ce4fapup S> <*P pon V, 50 4. SeAnpgeuUcTj, scans geulachd, s. f. archaiology
Sencup yenup no 00 -pcneup, mu} pjn gjn S4nr4, seanta, a. blessed ; having a charm or pro-
511p ptljgrioo. c4-)f15e n ei poc*l rpe IjonnupAct tec ion
4 Siojejl^e, ocop jonup go met 4)1 leo c)ll "j SAnrA, scanta, a. refused, denied
4jnm 4n u)le '|]>4 be)* )pjn 1 4p Sen Se4n"4l4TT), scantalamh, s. fallow land
cup. tnUy p)n 4p ]<> ]11 oo Shcn- Se4nr\ovnnA, Seuntiomna, a. the Old Testament
cnp ] cVenecup.'' Comment on Br. L Se4nr)!t, seaiitcir, s. an old church or burying place
Sc4nr4, scanda, ) a. ancient, antique, aged, Sanmi^fCi seaiituigkthc, a. blesscjd, ft- iiciiated
Se4no.ip, seanda'dh,) senior S^'antique, seuntuimi", s. an old woman
Se4noio, scandacht, s. f. age, seniority, oldncs, SnuiApe, scanuaire, s. a lucky hour
antiquity Sc4p4, scapn, s. a shop
Sc4nr4iT, seaiid'iaid, s. a grandfather Se4p4 sea pndh, s. flinching, retreating
ScAnrv.c^g, satnd'itctia/i, s. a long life, great age ; SApAjm, seapaim, v. I retreat, aneak off; also, I pur
" 004, ]1)*) r]gC4fll4 LU4t>tiUtl4n Cg sue
|4} pe4n-o-A]g." 4 Mast. 1426 S4pA]|ie, scapairc, s. m. a sneaker, a run-away
Seinen ji;e4C-, srandwghcacht, s. f. oldness SeA]i4T>i|!, scarado-r, s. m. a towel
SeAntsujne, s'amlwnc, s. m. an old man S'41D> *''>> a- bitter, sour, sharp, severe
Se4npoc4l, seanfhocal, s. m. au old sayiug, a )roverb ScAjib, tear!,, ts. theft, felony
SeAiij-jjtne, seartfhoirnc, s. eld inhabitants, abori Sea|tb4^, se-irbaidh, ) J
Sf'4pb4io, scarba d, s. f. the rower's seat in a boat
Se4ng, j/n, a- smalt, slender Se4tt04Ap, searbhadas, s. bitterness, sourness
Se4n5, sean, a. prudent, courtes, stately SeApArjp, searbhadoir, s. m. a towel, napkin
seil SEA
SeAjibajm, searbhaim, v. I embitter ;SeA]|-jl, searshuil, s. squint-eyed
,Se*pl3a]r, seurbhais, s. f. service, devoir jSeAjttofi, searthonn, s. m. a prince
SeajiOAn, sea bhan, s. outs .Seaprofi, searthonn, s. m. a poet ; one whochaunts,
', sea>bhan, s. m. a tribute a follower, or attendant on a poet
Seapbar, searbhas, s. m. bitterness, sourness jSeaptonA, searthoma, s. art, skill, knowledge
SeAjibj^l, searbhghal, a. blue, azure S^ear, seas, v. imperat. of rearajm
jSeApbjljp, scarbhghlnir, s. cacophony jSeap, ifej, s. a plank for the convenience of pas
jSeaitnoj-tnttiige, searbhogkantuighe, s. m. a servant sage between a ship and the land
jSeAjioont'jje, searb honthighe, iiouse-maid. Si, .Sear, seas, s. a bench made on a hayrick by cutting
Se*\tbo; searbos, s. a deer, a stag off a part of the hay
,SeA)biire, searbhraite, s. f. cacophony jSeapacar, seasachas, s. m. sitting
jeAjiburjAl, scaibhubhal, s. coloquintida Sfearaar, seasachas, s. in. a cessation, a truce
jS'eajic, stare, s. m. love, affection ; Welsh, serch ;Searat>, seasadh, s. standing
;gea}cArm, searcaim, v. I love, am in love .Seararm, seasaim, v. I stand, rise up
;S;eicijjmjnjm, searcairminnim, v. I reverence Sear-Al, seasal, s. m. a fan
jS^apcarrim,!, searcamhiuil, a. affectionate, loving S^eAram, seasamk, s. standing up, persevering
jgeepco^, searcog, s. f. a sweet-heart ; Welsh, serchog >ear<otajt, seasaothar, s. m. the rower's bench in a
^eopc-corru, searc-chomann, universal love, charity boat
<5:e*pcoiI, searcill, s. fleshjdelicate meat, the best flesh SearbAct), scasbkachd, see reapriACo
;S:e*ficf.]i, seaicthoir, s. in. a gallant, a lover STeArcA), seascar, see rear5Aj)e4CD
<5fepcujt>e, searcuidb; a. withered, dried up SfearoA, seasda, s. a defence
Se41s searg, s. m. a worthless man or beast jgapDn, seasdati, s. m. a shout, hunter's cry
jSe*l5. searg, a. dry, withered jSeapoub, seasdubh, s. a standisb, ink-stand
e*t*1' seargadh, s. withering, consuming, drying S^eap5, seasg, a. dry, barren, unprolific
SertfSAim, seargaim, v. I wither, dry, shrivel , scasga, a. sixty
jSeapgAnac, searganach, a. withered, dried up .Searga, seasgach, s. seven battles
5"*115> seargsamh, s. a consumption, wasting S'eAfAo, seasgachd, s. f. sterility
S^^VS^bi seargthnAb. withered, dried up, flaccid, ^eafAo, seasgachd, s. a herd of barren cattle
.fjeangie, seargthe, J hectic, consumed .Seap^AO, scaigad, a. sixty
<?eatrn]n, searmoin, s. f. a sermon .SeArgAcat), seasgadad/i, a. sixtieth
jS'eaitm.'mAa', searmonachadh, s. preaching jSeargaoo, seasgado, a. sixtieth. Sc.
.SVAfimnAjje, searmonaighe, s. in. a preacher Seap^A^ce, seasgaidhc, s. m. a barren cow
;Se*}in, seam, s. a youth, a stripling SeapjAjj*, seasgair, i\. at ease, quiet, well fixed or
STe4jn4, searnach, a. dissolvent, separable settled, comfortable
.Seapna, seiunadh, s. dissolution, separation, exten
sion, yawning, stretching ~
Se*r5*j]ie, . seasgaire, 1t s. f.Quietness
coziness, com-
;SeApn4]m, searnaim, v. 1 loose, untye *51*9, scasgmreachd, j g^^ss
Sertjip.'m, sear-pan, s. m a swan
jSeafipan, searpan, s. m. an order, custom S^ear5Aj]ieAC, seasgaireach, a. delightful, calm
jSeapgan, seasgan, s. m. a shock or handful of gleaned
;Seajt, starr, s. a scythe, sickle, a saw corn
S^e4)t|t, sean; s. their, thievery
Seapan. seasgan, s. m. land that hath been gleaned.
Sem,""' ls.fear Sh.
f^eapiiac, seanach, J
jSeapjAnac, seasgnnach, s. m, a bachelor
St-ApAf, scasgar, a. soft, effeminate, still
jSTe*pp*c, starrach, j '
S^eapsbo, scasgbho, s. a heifer, a dry or barren cow
;SVA|pacarhujl, searrachamhuil, a. foal-like
.Seapgcofipac, seasgchorpach, a. barren
jSeAf|!acarhujl, searrtchamliuil, a. small, slim
;Seapma, seasmhach, a. stiff, stedfast, firm, constant,
Scajtjtaij, searraigh, pilewoit; Ranunculus ficaria
resolute, stable, valid, binding, persevering, posi
SV4}l4jm, scarraim, v. I mow, reap, cut tive, immutable
,i>ea}i|iajm, seanaim, v. I slaughter, kill
;SearrhaB, scasmliachd, s. f. firmness, steadiness,
;Seajip]m, scarraim, v. 1 yawn, stretch the limbs constancy, validity
,Se4jt|tt>A, scarrdha, s. an edge or point
S^e<*fjiT>4, searrdha, a. edged, pointed Searmaim, seasmhaim, v. I support, uphold, vindi
SeftjipA, searrdlia, s. a cutting, lopping
"Sepji)A &] mt> ngAjle ; *>eappac, SMsrach, t. m. a lad, a youth
%car re*rc4]i)e; eru]5)m, seasuighim, v. I rely, depend
jo 4inm gac ppujmne, ?, seasuir, s. season
Yujnce pi^ne AjmjjiA." For. foc. Seapunca, seasunta, a, prosperous
Seapfr>5> searrog, s. f- a bottle Sear*, seata, s. a quenn
,Se*iftt>, seathadh, s. iu. a hide, skin
jSeopJiuAc, seerrughadh, s. extending, stretching

>ere)p, seathadoir, s. m. a skinner jSejcym, seichim, v. 1 follow pursue, attack

;SecA]i, Seathar, s. m. a name of God Sejcjn, seicin, s. f. a pursuit, following
SeACAjt, seathar, s. ni. a study, a library Sejcin, seicin, s. f. the skull ; rather the pellicle of
Sentoi, seathar, a. strong, able, good the brain, meninx ; gen. reicne
;Se)cjn, seicin, s. f. the membrane that covers the
, seathardha, a. divine
guts ; hence rejcne, a rupture
i>e*tnft, seatnach, s. m. a body
SeAtbog, seathbhog, marjoram ; Origanum vulgare Sejcicoup, seiciodur, s. an executor. Keat.
SeatriAjt, seathnar, number six. Sn. ;Se]cle, seicle, s. f. a hatchel
SbljAonnA, sebliadhanach, >e]cle4t>, seicleatlh, s. batcheling, heckling
SfbljaAnftmud, sebliadhanamhuil, \) a> sexenlal
. .
iSejcljm, seiclim, v. I hatchel
Serene, seicne, s. the peritoneum
S^ecc, secc, a. dry .SjA, seid, v. imperat. of rjojm
Seco, secda, a. perpetual, lasting
, seid, s. a full belly, tympany ; a bellyful
?ec-A, secdha, a. dried Sejce, seide, s. delight, pleasure, voluptuousness
;Secjm, sechim, v. I imitate, follow
Se-pe, seide, a. nice, delicate
;SecnAC, secnach, s. m. a body
?ec)i]T>, secreid, s. f. a secret, mystery ;SjoeAt>, seideadh, s. blowing, a blast
5>ec-j*]T>eA, sccreideach, a. secret, hidden Sepe*' seideal, s. a hiss
;SToeAn, seidean, s. quicksand
;St>, t', s. a jewel jSjtng, seiuigh, s. aspiration
S'o, jfrf, s. wealth jSejojm, seidim, v. I blow, respire
;St>, s- cow jSjoyn, seidin, s. f. panting, anhlation
Sen, sed, s. a way Semte, seidthe, a. blown, masted
Sem sedde j > ;Syg, se'ih s- ^ a mrc' ^ f l'le hawk kind ;
;Sewo)o, seddidh, J " )n re^jg )n .-) heonu." . :
jSoug, sedeug, a. seventeen
jSojAhftlA, sedghabhala, s. augmentation <?ei5A|t, scighar, see reAgrtuj
jSeogAOiA, stdghi.bhla, s. a cow with calf ; " / e. lud- ;Sjgeo]}*, seigheior, s. m. a falconer
Sjgjon, seighion, s. a champion, warrior
geAC." ifr. L. Sergnen, seighnean, s. a hurricane, tempest, light
Set,, segh, s. m. milk
;Seg, segh, s. m. a wild ox, buffalo ; the moose deer ; ning
.Sejlb, seilbh, s f. possession, property
' /. e. Of aIIaj." Cor.
SegArhiA, seghamhla, s. milkiness, giving milk ; Sejlb, sedbh, s. f. a herd, a drove, athrave
" A])t a rejAthlA. SegArhlA, . e. I y \_. J IV/ J J r ? 1g
j Seilceo seilcheog, W> JJ
bljtmAjpe." B>. L.
egAmu]l, seghamhud, a. milky S)le,
llv 1 J'/e,7
s. f. spittle
j&egtiA, stghdha, a. hawk-like ; " i. coprhujl jie S^ejleA, seileach, s. m. a willow
reig , a te)5e> * *JP * 5i)cr< *J1 S^ejleA, seileach, a. mucous
.SejlAOAC, sedeadan,
jScjleo4n, seileadach, )\ s' m- a handkerchief
gAb\ue." Cor.
\ s.m. akillerof moose-
f>eggorneAC, seghgholnecch, { deer ;/.<?. pep gonAr ^}1, seikddan, s. m. a spitting box
SetunAje, seghghunaidh, I regA, ;'. . a11- S^ejIeAti, sei/eann, s. m. a sheep-louse or tick
jSejleApAjt, ifz'/dw e;-, see 1}
Se]Dce, wt'Mfe, s. general Se)!)ii, i'/f/r, s. a cellar
jSejlejpeA, sdleireach, a. cellular
*>|, seic, s. f. a bone .Sejlg, seii'g, s. f. hunting ; venison
Seje, s. f. service ,Sejlj5iT>e, seilighide, s. a snail
<3]c, s. f. the peritoneum
;Sejl)5)m, * ighim, v. I spit
STejii, s. f. following
Se)t, seic/i, s. f. a combat, an attack eejlmioe, i/wVfe, J s> a sna"
Sej, seich, s. f. an adventurer
Sejcrtl, seical, s. ahatchel ; also a flax comb Seihrot iW, seil sdeir, ) .
5;e)nrh], Seichdmhi, September
Sejccpeult, sekhdi tuit, a. northerly. SA. geiljocA, *'"b,\s. ash ]ouse
S^ejce, seiche, s f. a hide or skin 5^ejl)un, seihunn, J ^
St jl'eAn, scillean, s. a bee. ic.
SejceAftln, seichearlan, "Is. con
common primrose ;
Primula veris Sejlmjtje, seilmide, s. f. a snail
5e}eiV5)n. se cheirghtn, J Pn jSTejIr, s. f. dropping, drivelling
5fe]C)brAn, seicibtan, adv. whensoever
! S)m, seimh, a. mild, modest, tender, gentle, smooth
jSeio]l> *' s- a beckle, flax-comb
g^.-jqlre, seicilte, a. hatchelled \ Sm, se:mh, a. keen
S)m, seimh, a. little, small, mean
Seidjm, seichim, s. the timber of which Noah's Ark i Sjrh, **> a. single, simple, of one sort
was made /SejrhcjieAn
sej sei " set s SEL

SejriopeAn, seimhdrean, s. a duel SelPrean* seirseanach, s. m. an auxiliary, an un-

Sjriie, seimhe, "Is. lenity, clemency, mild- hired workman, a free labourer
SjrheAco, sehnlieachd, J ness, smoothness Sejnrn, seirsin, s. f. a girdle, a band, a girt
SjmeA, seimeadh, s. squinting SeJ]c, 7r, s. f. strength, power
SejmeA, seimeann, s. a small snail Self, seis, s. f. pleasure, delight
x ^jmpujc*!, siimhfrital, s. politeness Sej\; J, s. f. skill, knowledge
Sejrhj, scimhidh, see fjtfi Sejr, seis, s. f. a troop, band, company
Se)rhjT>e, scimhide, s. a snail Sejr seis, s. f. one's match or equal
;Sejmil<jp, seimilear, s. a chimney Sejr, v. he sat
Sejmjn ' eJ5, seimin a1 daig, black part of a bean SejrceAi, seisceann, one of the buildings at Tara
Seimjn, scimhin, black-headed bog rush ; Schoenus so called
nigricans Sejrw, jm, s. f. a tune
Se]ne, seine, a. elder, fejne m Sejrt>e, seisde, s. a siege
STejne, seine, \ SejpoeAt, seisdeadh, s. besieging
SejneACo, seineachd, J ' 8 SejfCjm, seisdim, v. I besiege
^ejnjrt;]!, seinistir, s. a window Sejre, 'j?, s. a tumult, noise, bustle
Seirnn, seinm, s. a sound, singing, song, tune SejpeA, seiseach, a. noisy, tumultuous
Tej, v. imperat. of rejfVjm SejreAC, seiseach, a. cheerful, pleasant, agreeable,
Sel> seinn, s. singing mild, humane
Seje, seinnc, a. elder SejreA, seiseach, a. libidinous
Se)"Jm> seinnim, v. I sing SejreAcr>, seiseachd, s. f. pleasure, sensuality
>e1r)le*o, seinnsircachd, see f]rio|f*,o Sejreae, seiseadh, a. the sixth
SejipneAr, seinnsireas, see r]rjonAr SejreAe-ceug, seiscadh-deug, a. sixteenth
Se]npeAo, seinreachd, s. f. the Old Law, Old Tes Sejre*rhul'> seiseamhuil, a. mild, humane
tament. 3/u//. 15 Sejre*n> seisean, see rejreun
SejpeAl, seipeal, s. a chapel SjreAn, seisean, pron. he, he himself
S< lp], seipinn, s. a quart, chopin Seipt'An, seiscar, six persons or things
Scjn, jciv, s. f. a heel Se]j;ejlb, seiseilbh, s. talk, discourse
Se)lo, seirbh, see Sejrejn, seiscin, s. a session
S*') fine, seirbhe, 7 s. f. bitterness, sourness Selfs, seisg, s. f. sedge, bog-reed. Welsh, hesk
ScjnfieAo, seirbheachd, y Sejrj, seisg, a. barren. Caniic. 4, 2
S^ellBeoncu:, seirbheontuidh, s. m. a servant SeipgcA-o, seisgead, s. barrenness
Seipbjr, seirbjs, s. f. service SejrgeA, seisgeann, s. a fenny, boggy country
Sej|lrec, seirbMseach, s. m. a servant, attendant SejrgeA, seisgeann, s. human excrement
St'inbjfJ5)m, seirbhisighim, v. I serve Seip , seis madradh, gi eat burr-reed ; Sper-
Sejnc, scire, s. love, affection, charity ganium erectum
jSejpcearhuil, seirccamhuil, a. charitable, affectionate Se]|-]m, seisim, v. I sit
^>114)1, sei'Ceamhiiil, a. lovely Sejrjm, scisimAs six ns of
5])|1, seirceoir, s. m. a wooer >e)r)]i, JftJir, J
Se]Pc1n> seircin, s. f a darling, a beloved Sejf in, ifj/;, a. old
Se11cJn> schein, s. f. a jerkin, coat Sejpjun, seisiun, s. a session, or assizes
S^ipo-in, seirdin, s. f. a pilchard Seiflieft, seisreach, s. f. a plough; a plough of six
jS^jfie seire, s. a meal of victuals horses; . i. rejreAn eA ; gen. *)5'
<Jj(f 6, seireach, a. liberal of food; *' n* fynma asar, eisir, yoked, tied in
raw*! r)[iec." SeifncA *)> stsre, eh fearainn, s. plough-
<15, seitg, s. clover, trefoil land
.Seing, sarg, t j. consumption, decay SejjT seist, s. m. mid-day ; " i. e. Ajrim 00 rheADOn
,Sqn;,ll> sei rgh, i . Cor.
Se)P5in> sti'gin, s. a consumptive person SeirugAt, si isughadh, a. sixth
Seinglpe, stirglidhe, a. withered Sejr, je/'/, s. f. a hone
e]pgne, seirgnr, a. sickly Sejt, seith, \ s. a skin, hide, pelt, pellicle;
Se)l*5-e' iwrf^ a* hectic SejteA, seitheadh, J piur. rcjtjg
SeIP)c' seirie, s. silk, superfine silk Sejrce, iVcf, (s.awife
Se)l')c> J/Vc, a. strong, able SejceAC, seihacti, )
Se)Ijce*c, seir:ccach, is. silky, having the SeitneAC, seitreac/'i, \ s. neighing, braying, sneez-
Se)n|ce*mu)l, seiriceamhuil, j nature of silk Seltnj, stitridh, ) ing
Se)i)ceAn. seiriccan, s. m. a silk-worm SelAg, je/ag//, s. soaking, imbibing, sucking
S']nreAlA. seirsealach, \ s. m. a robust sturdy per- SelAj5]m, selaighim, v. 1 imbibe, suck
SejnreAn, seirsean, ) son Sfcl]n, if/w s. a rill. -*.
5 G Se|]K>e,
seo SEO S&l BGA

Selpe, selide, s. a snail SeomAji-jre, seomar-ithe, s. a dining-room

Serb, semh, s. a pair, brace, couple < Seom*j-le*p, seomar-leaptha, s. a bed-chamber
SemeAii, semeann, ~\ -, Seomp-n*-culji, seomar-na-culaidh, s. a vestry
^^... semeanna, Jr s. a sma11 snail
, Seoni*ji-ri4-T>jtojtte, seomar-na-droitte, s. a dining-
Sen, jf, s. a birding net room
Sn, sen, s. good luck, prosperity Seom4]f-nA-peolA, seomar-na-feola, s. a larder
Sen, ., s. an ancestor, senior ; " ft htma}cet> Seom<|i-rujr>e, scomar-suidhe, s. a parlour
jn o4j|jje Apen T fjpjo}." 4 Mast, 1468 Seomp, seomra, s. a chamber
Sen*p, senchas, see reanur- SeomjtAC, scomrach, a. full of chambers, cellular,
Sene, s. a supper vascular
Senjjlojtot, sengilbhrothf s. venison ; flesh of wild SeomH4t>]H, seomradoir,\ , , . .
boar Seom,4pe seomraidhe, J3' . a chamberlain
Sen , ji seanathair, s. a great grandfather SeonA , scona saebka, s. augury, sorcery, druid-
Senrej, senser, s. m. a senior, elder, ancestor. Cor. ism
Seo, Jt, pron. written in pid MSS. for po Seoftp, seorsa, s. a sort, species, genus, kind, mood,
Seoo, ai, s. substance, property mode, manner
Seox), orf, s. ajewel Seoa, seothach, s. m. meaning
SeoD, seod, s. a cow StotAg, seothag, s. a hawk
Seooc*, seodcha, s. a treasury, museum Sepe I, sepeal, s. a chapel
Seoocorhp*, seodchomhia, s. a tomb, or grand mo Sepbop, serbos, s. a hart, a stag
nument, a triumphal arch Sepp, serr, s. a scythr, sickle, saw
Seojo, seoid, s. f. an intrenchment Sep, ses, s. m. a besom
Seojo, seoid, s. f. a boundary Ser, j, s. a hole ; see
Seopo, /, s. a hero Ser, 50 per, seth, go seth, adv. severally
Seojo, seoid, s.jewels, property of any kind Serop, scthor, see
Seop, seoid, a. strong Sefup, selhur, s. a sister
Seojt> <)5, seoid aonaigh, s. a fairing Seu, seuch, see , peuc ; separately, distinctly
Seol, seo/, s. m. a bed, a couch Suo, seud, see and peoo
Seol, seol, s. m. a sail. Welsh, hwyl Suc s. a way, a path
Seol, seol, s. m. a shawl SueACAn, sudachan,^
Seol, seol, s. m. linen cloth SuccA, seudcha, s s. a jewel-house, a museum
Seol, seol, s. m. a loom SuolA, seudlann, )
Seol, seol, s. m. a mode or method of doing a thing Surtjp, seudoir, s. m. a jeweller
Seo!, seol, s. m. an art, a scheme Seul, J j
Seol, seol, s. m. a pasture beuU, jme, i
SeoUt), seoladh, s. the first semimetre of averse SeuU, seuladh, s. sealing
Seolne, seoludh, s. a directory, a document, direct Sub'jm, seulaim, v. I seal
ing, teaching SumAp, Seumas, James, a man's name
Seola. seoladh, s. sailing Sun, seun, s. prosperity, fortune, luck
SeoUtijji, seoladoir, s. m. a sailor Sun, seun, s. a charm for protection
SeoUx5)|ieaco, scoladoireachd, s. f. navigation, a Sun, seurwdh, s. a denial, refusal
sea life SunAjm, stunalm, v. I deny, refuse, disown, dis
SeoUjm, seolaim, v. I teach, direct, instruct, guide avow, recant
Seol*im, seolaim, v. I sail SunArhujI, seunamhud, a. prosperous, happy
SeAlAJpeAco, sealaireachd, s. navigation SeunDoUt), seunbholadh, s. stench
Seo*ca, seo Mata, s. a goad, a staff or club for SuprnA), seuntn/iar, a. lucky, fortunate, propitious
guiding cattle SunrrwJ, seunmhar, a- charmed, enchanted
Seoic]t, seolchrann, s. m. a mast Sum-A, seunta, a. denied
jS'eole*!*1 seolearadh, s. a proclamation SuTirA, seuma, a. sacred, enchanted
Seolm*H4, scolmara, s. the tide Seunr4p, scuntai. s. stench, mustiness
Seolmj*, seolmor, s. a mainsail St1*1*c */<""' ecA, s. a perch
Seoir* , seolta, a. digested, set in order, methodical, S5 ami pc, sg and sc, are Titten indifferently one
skilful for the other
Seoltao, seoltachd, s. f. skilfulness, neatness S54 sga, see pgA
SeolrjJ, seoltoir, s. m. a navigator 1>, sgabadh, s. scattering, dispersing, lavish-
Seoltjlb seoltoir, s. m. a director, a guide ment
Seal-toraig, seal- tosaigh, s. the foresail SgabAim, sgabaim, v. I scatter, disperse
Seom*[, seomar, s. m. a room, a chamber SAbAjfre, sgabaiste, s. robbery, rapine
Seoml-*l*j5, seomar-araigh, s. a nursery Ss*D4l sgabard, s. a sheath, scabbard

jS54D|i4, sgabhrach, ;Sb*je4j, sgainnear, )

^Sopog, sgabhrog, \ a. club-footed ^5jnle*J, sgainreal,)*** *1"*1*
;S5*Bfu)t>e, sgabhruidhe,) >5AJnll sgainml, s. f. scandal, calumny
^5*bt, sgabtha,4) ,. , , >b*|jle, sgainnileach, a. scandalous, reproachful
^Bbte, /*^[a-d,sPersed> scattered ^5*]0, sgainteach, a. cleaving asunder
S^gftbul, sgabul, s. m. a garment >b*]Pe*> gaipeadh, s. dispersion, dispersing
^gftbulla, sgabullachyS. m. a wardrobe keeper SSjpjm, sgaipim, v. I disperse, scatter
>5C4T>)j, sgacadoir, s. m. a butler, a person who &&)p-\te*t, sgaipitheach, a. profuse, lavish
serv es with drink
5^5*4, sgadaii, s. m. a herring fl&*
i54t>4n 5*, sgadangurbh, the fish called Alewife Sgajpo, sgaird, s. a smock
&*T> ^/> s. m. a ship ^'5AJ11'0 sgaird, s. a flux, looseness
SBAF*j' sgaf<l, s. f. a stage-play &S*jjjo, sgairioch, a. prodigal
^5AF*JPe sSafa're> s. m. a bold hearty man **5AJ1JP sgairiop, s. prodigality
sgafanta, a. spirited, hearty 5^5*j(injl, sgairneil, s. shrieking, crying out
SgAptpa, sgafarach, a. lively, active Sb*])ine4, sgairncach, see cajftn
^5* tgaffo, see rc4]f4 ^5*!Pn)5> 'gairnigh, s. separation, broken pieces
^5*ff*> sgaffadh, a. codded **5*)PP> sgairp, s. a scorpion
S5*F"> sgtfoll, s. a scaffold, theatre ^5*11^ sgairt, s. f. the diaphragm, midriff
SS4!^!*0)0 sgafthrd, s. a sea-fight, naumachy "4 s. a loud cry, shout, a
S^5A5A1 sgagadh, s. cleansing, straining, filtering, S5*jpt, sgairt, I voice, crying, roaring,
winnowing >54)1**, sgairteackd,\ bursting; "45 r5jp-
5*540, sgagadh, g. a split, chink S^54jpce, sgairteadh, l pope le g*}
^5*5ajm, sgagaim, v. I cleanse, strain, sort, digest J ]t)e."
5454 m, sgagaim, v. I shrink, split ^54i]*ce*, sgairteach, a. that bawleth loud
S5*5r*o, sgagthachd, s. f. defecation 54jjEe*co, sgairteachd, s. f. crying, roaring
^5*5tui5te, sgagthuiehthe, a. defecated <S'54)pce4rhl4o, sgairteamhlaehdy s. f. alertness, ac
<^5*)1> sgatfir* s- f- the stern of a ship tivity
S5*J5ne*n, sgaighnean, s. a winnowing fan i?b*JPce4Thu]l, sgairteamhuil, a. clamorous, vigorous,
Sgftjl, sgail, s. f. a flame, brightness active, quick, clever
5*)l, sgail, s. f. a shade S^54jjtreo]H, sgairteoir, s. m. a cryer, bawler
< bAj"^Jn sgailbhein, s. f. a multitude, swarm **51]> sgairtim, v. I shriek, cry out
^5*)lc, /'/, s. f. a morning's dram "54)* sgailh, s. a flower
55}1*, fgailceara, a. loud, hard >54), sgeite, part, cut, destroyed
^5*)le, sgae, s. a bumper, a bowl i?54jree, sgaiteach, a. sharp, destructive^ stormy,
STjlle, sgaile, s. baldness boisterous
gijle, sgaile, s. a printing type .S'sajfyn, sgaifhin, s. f. a small shadow
^5*jle*, sgadeach, a. shady, bowery S'B*!, sgal, s. m. a shriek, a loud cry
i"SAll454n, sgaileagan,\ e in S^5*l, sgal, s. m. a man, a hero
S ' ?/,
S*]ie*n, sgailcan, 6 Jis- m. a fan,' umbrella S^5*l, sgal, s. m. a calf
<>5*]leo5, sgaiieog, s. f. an umbel ; a small dish S^5*l, sgal, s. m. a scalding, burning, scorching
fJ54)ljce4cr,, sgailidhcachty s. f. adumbration jSg*!*, sgala, s. a bowl, a golet
5<'1, sgadin, s. f. an umbrella, a veil ^5*14, sgala, s. a globe. '.
Sb*lln 5ijne, sguilin gretne, s. a parasol ^5*Uim, sgalaim, v. I scald, burn, singe
jSS*jlu5-*j sgailu/iah, s. over-shadowing S5*l*]m, sgalaim, v. I shriek, ring, tinkle
;Sb*)l|e*r> sgaMeas, s. f. disdain 5.54 1 a jm, sgalaim, s. f. a hut, cottage
^5*|lie*r*, sgailleasach, a. disdainful 5^54 Un, sgaln, s. m. a scaffold, stage
Slleos, sga./leog, see fe*)1^ S54l4nt4, sgalanta, a. loud, shrill
^s4]lleo5 sgnilleog, s. f. a slap with the hand 5^54*040, sgaldach, s. m. stubble
^54]11, sg-itlte, part, scalded ^54'iopuf, sgaldruth, s. a fornicator
jSjAillreac, sguillteuch, a. scalding Sb444 3gallach, a. troublesome
^5,j|re*fl, sgailteann, s. m. a slice, a lath, a billet, S54H4, sgallach, a. bald, scald
or cleft wood ^5*1140, s^alladh, s. a burning, scalding
;S^4ilrim, sgadtim. see rgojrcjm S541I454, sgaliagach, s. bird-seed
^54'ntje*|i> sgaindar, s. division, dissention ^54ll4)m, sguUatm, v. I trouble, disturb
5;4) saine<dh, s. splitting, cleaving Saltan-, sgallais, s. f. mocking, derision
5*)0, sgfiineadh, s. a chink, crack, cranny Sr54li47re*' sgallaiseaeA, a. derisive, gibing
^5*]n]m, sgainim, v. I split, cleave, burst 5:541105, sgallog, see rc4los
5*ie, sgninue, s. a flaw, crack, fissure ^5*"C* , a. bare, bald
S5*pe, sgamne, s. a skein or clue of thread S'jaHca.
21 " SGd Sge SGE

5galh-a, sgallla, a. burnt, scalded 5g4]io4, sgarda, s. a digression, excursion, separa

5:5am, sgamh, see reaman tion
55*m*jl> sgamhail, s. scales 554 peu , sgardadh, s. pouring, sprinkling
\>5* sgamal, s. exhalation 554jiT>4jm, sgnrdaim, v. I sprinkle
Sgarhti, sgim/, s. the lungs ; Welsh, ysgyfuint iS54|ic4jpe, sgardaire, s. m. a water-gun, squirt
554rhanac, syitnhanach, 7 , S54jinrtl, tgarnal, s. m. a screaming, screeching
S*7- iJ''> s- a skate
5j,ama)i, sgamhar, s. saw-dust 55*r> ^/, s. a shadow, shade, shelter
55arhcn<oj, sgamhchnaoi, ~\ . j - . <?5", sgath, s fear
Ss*^, ^"'^> s. a large bundle of rods or brambles
S^rhf*, j of the lungs tieil together, used as a door to stables or out
5541*105, sgam/wg, see rgatrian houses
5S*"> sgann, s. a membrane 55a*, sgath. s. sake, account ; ajp f 54 fr, for sake of
fvan, sgann, s. a multitude, a parcel ;Sg4c, sgulh, s. destruction, waste
55aiupiFii4}t4, sgannaii bhuartha, a. confused, con Sjot, sgath, s. a pretence
founded * 55*^ sgath, s. appalment
SgafUl. sgannal, s. in. abuse, scandal, offence, con 55> s. a drove, multitude
tumely ^54^46, sgathach, s. m. loppings, a fence made of
55416, sgunnalach, a. scandalous, abusive brumbies
S5rtn, sgannan, s. m. tlie caul, a film, mem 554*46, sguthach, a. shady ; fearful, timid
brane, pellicle, gristle 5546, <gathachan, s. m. the private parts of a
S^iTun^*, sgunnangha, a. membranous person's body
55aia-0, sganradh, s. dispersing, dispersion 55*-44, sgathachan, s m. a tail, rai 46411 b
55ai|iajm, sgannra:m, v. I disperse, affright Sfrtta, s (u/mh, s. lopping, pruning
S> 5*nl,U)5 sganruigh, s. defamation ; astonishment 55*r4t> sfaf/hidh, s. a shred, s^ gment
^5035, sgaog, s. f. a foolish, giddy, fickle woman 55'*f 40, s' atkadh, s. skirmishing, bickering
5-l6> sgaoigh, s. a rout, herd, drove 554^*^) sgaf.':ad>'i,. destroying
5g*o]l, sgjoil, v. imperat. of r5)ljm 5s4*4im,, v. 1 shade, shelter
5&<0]le4', sgaoileadh,s. dismissing, separating, sepa 554-4 |m, sgailuum, v. I , prune, cutoff, strip,
ration, ripping up, untying, spreading, scaitering des roy
55<0)l]m, sga-.ilim, v. I dismiss, separate, untie, S 54* i))te, sgotkaire, s. m. a spruce fellow
5544, sgntiiam, s. a while, short space
spread, scatter 554-4, sgaihoii, s. ni. a minor
55<ojlre, sgaoilte, a. loose, spread, diffused, sepa
5444), sgtHkana m. v. I behold
rated, untied S5'"T4lA, sgat/iara, s. dewing, lopping
550)!reac, sgaoilteach, a. profuse, diffusive, dissolv
554fVia|in, sgi'tlibhatd, s a satirist
ent 5544116, sgat/.hhardach, a. satirical
.Sjcojlreat), S'aoteacM, s. f. profuseness
i?5.0jlrjm, sgaoiltim, v. I bisect 554f-n4]ipjce, sgut>.bHardachd% s. f. satire
s. fear, attorn hment, fright, shy 554r))4)lirt, sgnthbhi,) ra, s. a parasol
55<0]m, ss,afllm,~)^ ness. Heb. sakhal, and zakal, 554^6114 |lm, sgath huad.m, v. I whip or scourge
S^oll, sgaoll, j tn fear with rods
55<0]rheac, sgacimhaach, a. timid, fearful Srtrbi'^Irtts sgathbhualtiah, s. scourging with rods
*>5olU]]ie, sgaollaire, s. m. a shy timid creature 5^rtfl ,, sgathlann, s. a booth, shop, cuver
55<oini4)i, sgaolmhar, a. shy, timid, skittish 55'4|, sathm/iar, a. shady, shauowy
Svo!iiip*cf>, sguolmharachd, s. f. shyness, coyness 55-|!41 igat'.mhai, a. sharp
55olr:a, sgaolta, s. bisection 554fo, sgatt'icg, s. f. trefoil in flower
554*05 HfrCtfjn, sgathogfiadhain, bog-down, cotton-
55* , sgaoth, s. m. a swarm
55pa, sgPa> 7 s. profusion, lavishment, scatter- urass ; Kriophorum pulystaciiion
55pat>, sgapadh, ] ing, dispersing 554, sgatlua, a. deceipt
^5*p*imj sgapaim, see r5aba]m Se6, sgeack, s. a bush, white -thorn bush ; Cra-
55paca)ii, s^rachdcin, \ s. separation, partincs a tagus oxyacuutha
>5|i40, sgarudh, S fracture, schism, fissure 554, sgeaJi, s. a haw
55411, sgaraim, v. I separate, part 55cac4na6, sgeachanach, a. bu^hy
cj-a|lftni, sgaramh, s. separation. Muli. 6G 554(6>| sgrachchaor, s. a white-thorn berry
554]amii]n, sgaramhuin, see rcaH4mu;jn 5 cumpa, sgeach-c aimba, s. sweet-briar
jS^fib, sgarb!i,s* m. a cormorant 55eaci;e4l, sgeachgheal, see ^
55 -46 4>)14, jefA mhadra, s. dog rose, - dog
S$*]>b, sgarbli, "I s m a ford) si,a|ow water
briar ; Rosa canina
554 Da 'm, sgarbhahn, v. I wade 55ea65, sg'Cichog, s. f. a haw
5e4f )01""

<>ge4ll4n, sgeallan, s. m. a slice, a kernel .>5eJn> sgein, s. f. a hiding place

Sgealln, sgeallan, s. m. wild mustard 5)|,, a. neat, tight
SgeAlpA, sgealpach, a. shattered, splintered >ge]ng, sgeinr, ) - ,
;Sge4lpA, sgeal-padh, s. rending, splitting Sgejnm, ?i,js- f- a bounce, a start
^5ee,P*lm sgealpaim, v. I split, splinter, rend, >5ejn)m, sgeinim, v. I bounce, leap up
tear, pluck, snatch SgelnmeA, sgeinmeach, V . ,
SgeAlpg, sgealpo*, s. f. a pinch, splinter Sgejnmqle, f a> 4U,<*> smafrt' swft>
jSgeAlptA, sgealptha, a. torn, snatched away SgejnmneAC, %ge,nmneach,) mmble' actlve
"J s. Polypody, wall S^5e)Pf s. f. a bee-hive
jSgeam, sgeamh, I fern ; Poly- #5eJI Wir, s. f. a rock in the sea, a cliff, shelf
ggeAifi n* clo, sgeamh na clcch, " podium vul- .SgejpeAC, sgeireach, a. rocky
J gare SBejt, gen. of rgjA
;STge4m cpojfi, sgeamh chroinn, \ Polypody ^5) vomit
;Sge4m *n nAjiAjg, sgeamh an daralgh, } of the >5eJ sgeith, the best of any thing ; prop, fcoi
oak ; Polypodium Quercinum jSgejteA, sgeitheach, anacathartic
ggeArfiAjm, sgeamhaim, v. I reproach ggeiin, sgeithin, s. f. a little bush
g^earho)]!, sgeamhaoil, s. a yelp ggejcjfjp, sgeithinnseis, s. the quinsy
ggeAmcpom, sgeamhchrom, s. a pinch ;SgejcpAm, sgeitram, v. to crash. Sh.
^g*n, sgean, \ s. a wild or mad look or ap- >5e1*P)5> sgeithrigh, s. vomiting
ggeAnA, seaadh,f pearance >beo> sgey s- understanding
^genA, sgeanach, a. furious, wild S"5eog, sgeog, see rseACg
^gAnA, sgeanadh, s. wildness Sgeol, sgeol, s. m. a story, news
^ge*p, sgeap, s. f. a bee-hive SgeoUc, Sgeolach, the name of one of Fionn Mac
^gel4, sgeara, s. a stage play. SA. Cumhais cups
;gge<l4, sgearach, a. square. Si. ggeoppAjm, sgeorraim, see rgjopjiAjm
SgeAliA, sgearach, , Sgece, sgethe, s. the handle of a target
5rge4j4mu)l, sgearamhuil, J naPpy ggul, sgeul, s. m. a story, news
;SgeAfA, sgeathach, see fgeoc ggulA, sgeulach, a. historical, narrative
;SgeAAC, sgeathach, a. emetic SguUo, sgeulachd, s. f. historical narration
ggeAtAjm, sgeathaim, v. I vomit, reject ggeuUje, sgeulaidhe, s. m. an historian, story-teller,
ggeAforg, sgeathchosg, a. anti-emetic news-monger
;S:geAtiA)gim, sgeathraighim, see rgeAAjm Sgun, sgeun, s. astonishment, affright
S5eJ5> fff'fi s. f. mockery SgeunAl, sgeunai, a. pruned, neat, in good order.
5>SeJ5eA, sgeigeach, s. m. a mocker, giber Sh.
;SgejgeAC, sgeigeach, a. mimical, jesting SgjArh, sgiamh, s. f. beauty
Sge)g)te, sge*gire> s- m- a gander jSgjArhA, sgiam/iach, a. beautiful
Sse)5)l*e sge'g're> s- m- a buffoon, mimic, jester SgjAriiAo, sgiamhachd, ) f beautifulness
jgejgjpeAo, sgeigireachd, s. f. buffoonery, waggery jSgjAriwAO, sgiamhachad, )
<jg)l, s. skill, knowledge jSg)Atfi]e, sgiamhaidhe, a. more beautiful
ggjleAC, sgeileach, a. pitiable, pitiful. Sh. jSglArriAjl, sgiamhail, s. squalling
^geileAmujl, sgeileamhuil, a. skilful, knowing gglATTiAjm, sgiamhaim, v. I beautify, adorn, embel
ggcjloeAprA, sgeilbhearthach, Is. m. a tale- lish
^g)lieAT>A])e, sgciltheachdaire, ) bearer jSgjArhAlA, sgiamhalach, a. squalling
5:g)IBeAjtACB, sgeilbheatthachd, s. f. tale-bearing .SgjArhDjteACAjm, sgiamhbhreacaim, v. I adorn, gild
ggejlm, sgeilm, s. f. silly vain babbling fJSJAmAr, sgiamhdhacht, s. f. beautifulness
jggejlm, sgeilm, s. f. neatness S5)*riluig)m, sgiamhhiighim, v. 1 squall, mewl
g'gejImeArhnjl, sgedmeamhuil, a. talkative, neat jSgjArhugAt), sgiamhughadh, s. beautifying
<gc]m, sgehn, s. f. foam ggjAmujgie, sgiamhuighthe, a. beautified, adorned
jgjm, sgeimh, s. f. beauty, grace, ornament >g)4n sgian, s. m. a knife ; Welsh, ysgien
jggmjm, sgdmhim, v. I beautify, adorn Sg]AnACA))iceAC, sgianadhairceach, name of a sheep
jjjgemjm, sgemhim, v. 1 skim, scum having sharp horns
SrjejrhjolrA, sge'imhiolla, s. a scout SaAnAAjltcAC, sgianadhaircach, a. having sharp
S^ejmle, sgeimhie, s. surprise horns
STgejmie, Sgeimhie, s. a skirmish, dispute SgjAn-BeApltrAjg, sg'tan-bhcarrlhatgh, s. a razor
ggejrhllgim, seimhl gliim, v. I bicker, skirmish ,SgjAn-Bujjo, sgian-bhuird, s. a table-knife
jSgejmnj, sgeimhnidh, a. concinnous, clean, fine SgjAn-collog, sgian-chollog, s. achoppmg-knife
SgejrhnveAo, sgeimhnidhcachd, s. f. concinnity, SgjA, sgiati, s. m. a wing, pinion
cleanliness SgjA, sgiaih, s. m. a shield, buckler, target
Sgejn, sgein, s. f. flight ggiAAd, sgiathach, a. winged
5 H Sg)A*4C,
*5J SGI s&- SGL

5]44c, jgiathach, a. shielded, having a buckler 5^5)ojtjtn, sgietrthan, s. m. a stumbler, a slipper

^51<i*n, sgiathtm, s. m. see rg]4t SsJOfic*, sgiorta, s. a skirt, the edge or hem of
Sjacna, sgiathanach, see rgjaie garment
Sf,)Afj-jleac, sgiathshuileach, a. wall-eyed 1> s. weariness, fatigue
gSlb, s. f. a ship S&jot, sgioth, s. m. a partition of wattled rods
^5lBe*l, sgibheal, s. eaves of a roof 5^5joc, sgioth, s. fatigue, weariness
SS)bejneo5, sgiberneog, s. f. a hare. Welsh, ysgyfar-
nog SE)ot*t, Schach,)*' f"llged, weary
>5J5e> s.jeering. derision S^bjo^jb) sgiothaighim, v. I tire, fatigue
^5]Se*hu]l, sgigeamhuil, a. scornful, derisive
^blb)m> sgigim, v. I jeer, deride, scoff S5,ot*ruj, sgmhamhu, ) a' d,tulo"s
^ble^e, sg>gthe, a. ridiculous S^el^*r> *g*Mest s- m- weariness, fatigue
S'bj'e' sgile, see rcjle SgjotUjj, tgiotkkigh, a. haunch
s>]lero, sgileid, s. a skillet or sauce- pan
^j'pe 'g'lgAre, s. gravel s51iie4co, ^; f- a pansh
^5], %///}- ' 50011 Sbj}eo4mu)l, sgireuchdam/mil, a. parochial
SbK> *V*i see 5)
S&jllejn, sgHlein, s. f. the scales of a fish -S'SJrnPe, sgistire, s. m. ajester, adrol!, a prater
^5l"eo5> sg'Lkog, s. f. a small pebble ^5)r*Jfe> sgistliire, a. talkative, jesting
?b)") tpHinn, s. ashilling, b)t> sg'M} fear; weariness, fatigue
^5'"]n5> tglmg, \ an English S^bl*' ) a. weaiy, wearied, tired, fa-
?b]ll) S^*5r*n*, sglinn Saghsanach,) shilling Sgjtea, sgitheach, ) tigued
^5l'l) ^lban*, sgillmn Albanach, s. a penny ^51re s- tne fish called ray
S^jrhenl, sgimheal, s. a pent-house Ssjrjm, sgitliim, v. I tire, fatigue
S)rtV|ol, sgimhiolach, s. m. a scout jSj.jpJgA', sgithiughadh, s. tiring, fatiguing
;S5)rhlea, sgimhkaghadh, s. m. an excursion SgjutAjm, sgiuchaim, v. I start, leap
5jn5e*, sgtngeadh, 1 , .. .SgjupATsjp, sgiuradoir, s. m. a scourer, polisher
S5ine*l, iW, I * a leaP SK1P
<>5jult4jm, sgiuraim, v. I scour, wipe, wash
^5jne*, sgineadhach, a. apt to start, skittish .SglupoAjm, sgiurduim, v. I spirt, squirt
^5l"eo5> sgmeg, s- f. a flight grupean, sgiurdatt, s. m. a syringe, squirt
^)5' sg'n!' s* f* part of the trappings of ahorse jSgjujir*, sgiursa, s. a scourge, whip, scorpion
T,)nljne, sgmline^ a. fearful sgjupra, sgiursadh, s. whipping, scourging
igjnjoea, sginnideach, a. skittish, apt to start <5jUpp4)m, sgiursaim, v. 1 whip, verberate
Sgiirn, sgtnn'm, v. I rush, bounce A?b)uPreoIP sgiurseerr, s. m. a scourger
Snober, sgiobadh, s. a crew, men at work 5f5|4b, sglabh, 1 ,
S5)ob*lc4, sgiobatta, a tight, tidy, neat, spruce
Sgjob)), sgioboir, s, . a skipper, master of a ship, Sgi4D4Ct>, sglabhaclid, s. f. slavery, servitude
a pilot ;Sg|4l>4je, sglabhatdhe, s. m. a slave, bondsman
S5]obol, sgiobol, s. m. a barn, granary. Welsh, ysgu- S5l4bu]e4o, sglabhutdheachd, s. f. slavery
bor. tsabar b'*Jin sgla*S'n3 s- f a draught tree, a beam of a
^globfjA, sgiobtha, a. snatched away waggon
^gjogAjpe, sgiogaire, s. m. a jack-pudding, jack
jS^lirruc, sglamhach, a. that snatcheth
anapes ^glArhAt), sglumhadh, s. seizing by force
Xo' i- sgiolamhuilA
a. talkative, ,
loquacious jSglwje, sglumhaidhe, s. m. a siiatcber, a greedy
Slobn*}, sgiolmnar, J * ^ person
^5)olm4]i4o, sgtolmharachd, s. f. loquacity ^gl4rii4]m, sglanihaim, v. I snatch, engross
;Sgjoll4t>, sgie/ladh, s. decidence, shelling grain jSl4rit4|m, sglamhaim, v. I scold, wrangle
S5]oll*|m, sgiollann, v. I shell or prepare grain for SBl*m*]t*e> sglamhabe, s. m. an usurper
use Sjlimojce, sglamhoide, s. m. a glutton
Sgiolln, sgiollan, s. m. groats, shelled oats Sgl4t4, iglata, s. a slate, a tile
;S5joIIca, sgio/ltit, a. prepared ; neat, tight ;Slejp, sgltip, s. f. ostentation
STg-jollt*. sgiollia, a. bald, depilons Sfgleo, sgleo, s. m. misery, woe
;Sjop], sgiofidh, \ a, tight, tidy, neat, spruce, Sfgleo, sgleo, s. boasting, romance
^^\\>, sgiopthaidh, j active, busy .Sgleop, sgleoid, s. f. slovenliness
;Sb)9inDJt5, sgiirnbhog, s. f. a slipper ,S5,leo)t>e4rhu)h srleoideamhuil, a. skovenry
Sfel0!*!1*^ sgiorradh, s. mischance, loss, accident Sbl)5e4n4, sgltgcanach, a. speckled
;S^Jol}i*jm, sgitrraim, v. I slip, stumble, loose >blju|i4, sgliaruch, s. m. a slut, slattern, a bad
S5]ojt]imud, sgiorramhwl, a. accidental woman
i5jojijt4, sgiorrtha, a. slipt, falien SljupAto, sgliurachd, s. f. idle, gossiping

S&pti, sgorti, , . ,,
. i
^TgobA-jiie, sgobaire, Jrs- m- a biter S5pnf sgenach, Is' m- 'he '> eullet' wea"
;Sob*t>, sgobadh, s. a pluck or pull, a bite as f a S5pn4n, , ) sand' oePhg
ttsh gpn*jfh, sgornaim, v. I gorge, swallow
jSgobajm, sgobahn, v. I pluck, whip, pull, bite SgpncajlBe, sgornchailbhe, s. the epiglottis / ,
S gobaib, sgoballach, s. m. piece, morsel -Sgjtn j-p4f pft, sralhrach, s. the pin or peg
^50]T5, sgoid, s. f. a lappet, a skirt of astraddle
Ssojttna, sgoi'lhaaeh, s. m. a stripling
sheW> ^coquetry, ^50C> s. m. a shot or reckoning
pedantry &> s. m. a flower
SEJoeihujl, sgoeamkuX*- *v*y, pompous, .Sgot, s. m. a son
S5ojT>e4ce, sgoideasach, j ' |I flirting,
jat* foppish, pe *>5j sgotk, s. m. a skiff
' J dantic >5o*o, sgot/iad, s. a pull
;Sgpeo5, sgoiieog, s. f. a flirt, a coquette gotejm, sgothaim, V. 1 pull
Sgojnitn, sgoinean, s, m. a fan Sgocn, sgotan, s. a small flock
>5jl sgil> s- f- a school. Wtlsh, ysgol SgotlonE, sgothlong, s. a yacht
.Sgojleap, sgoilear, s. a scholar. 6c. S50C5, sgot/iog, s. f. a eut
iSgojlt, sgot, ) s, a cleft or split, a flaw, Sg)bac, sgrabach, a. rough, agged
.Sgojice, sgoilUadh, 3 cleaving, splitting ^5P*b<, sgrabath, . scrcie, nue
.Sgojlce, sgodte, a. cleft, split S5l*b*cn, sgrabachan, s. m. roughness
5^5o]lre<vn, sgoiltean, s. m. a splinter Sftjibftjm, sgrabaim, \. I erase, serape, scratch,,
Sgojlrjgie, sgoiltighthe, see rgojlte wipe off
,> gojlcjm, sgoiliim, v. I split, cleave, burst S5l*bajm, igraba'm, v. I write, engrave
S^go)t, sgoit/i, s. f. a flower Sbli*bnA, sgrabaiiach, see fspibd
jSgojcfge, igoitighe, s. m. a mountebank SgjmBr*)^ sgrabhsaidh, s. a saw
>5o)tpi, sgoit/ihi, s. f. the prime, best >gp*gftll, sgragall, s. m. gold foil, a thin leaf of
^5l, i^oA s. m. a school gold or silver, a spangle
Seo\, sgol, s. n\. loud laughter ^51,*)Dre*), sgraibhstaidh, s. a hand-saw
50'* sgoU s. m. a scull or great quantity of fish .SgpAloeog, sgraideog, s. f. a small morsel ; a puny
iSgoilaim, sgollaim, v. I scald person
Sso\A)\ie,sgolaire, s, m. a scholar, student, disciple *5?**1> sSra't' s- f- a rag
.Sgolajpea, sgolaireashd, s. f. scholarship ^5Jijt, sgraith, s. f. foam
.Sgolop'cx, sgolardJia, a. scholastic jSgpAjt;, sgraith, 7 s. a turf, green sod, green
S^olb, sgolb, s. m. & f. a prickle, splinter, a wattle ^6)*iieo5, sgraitheog, j sward
jSgolb, sgoib, s. m. & f. a doubt ?5]i<]te4C, sgiaiteach, a. ragged, shabby
SbO^bySgoIback, a. prickly ^5P}teemu]l, sgraiteamhuil, a. destructive
^jolbin*^, sgo/bjnacJi, s. m. a stripling, a youth ^5, sgrum, to wipe off. -S'A.
fcoibne*, sgolbanat a. thiur, slender Supern, sgram, s. a snatch, snap, grab
S5olj*)[e, sgdghame, s. m. loud laughter ?5|4mft)le, sgramairets. m an extortioner, snapper
jSgljj?, sgolmr, s. ui. a shrew* scold ^-,, sgramaireachd, s. f. extortion
jS^olg, sgdg, * f. a rustic, servant, farmer Sspe*b, sgieab, s. a scab, crust
iJgQty, sgoleg, s. f. an olive tree i?5pe*b*c, sgreabach, a. scabbed, crusted'
jS^oictjne, sgaioU) s. m. a school-master ^5jieAb*l, sgreabal, s. m. a reward, a tribute. This
S 5,olc4t>, sgoltadh, Si a split, crack, chink, fissure word frequently occurs in this sense in the Brecon
jS^orrulrS*!^ sgamhahgaitha, a. astride. SA. Laws, but the exact value is not defined. We
gSon.jpe, )s. m.atrifier,Whiffler find in the life of St. Fionnchu that the jSgperfbal
paid to St. Ailbe for his baptismal fees, was j-eacc
jSgonarac, sgonasach, a. trifling bpjngjne 00 op. " )! -|a}i rjn an -
;S$onl,t>j4jm, sgonlabhraim, v. I blab out foolishly ge*pr, ) 50 hejlue, hjmle juejn ja
jS^ong, sgonog, . f. a hasty word ; a fart *}1> 1 ~ ^5*1 fttijf-
jSgonra, s+onia, s. a fort oen, . e. peact bpjnje 00 ]t." li. Fioniich,
^50> 'S*7' s- m. cessation. Don!. 296 O'Brien, and from him Shaw, says that SgpeaWI,
S^o]t% sgor, s. ro. a scar, notch, mark was an annual tribute of three-pence upon the
^5l*f V s- B1- a shelf , inhabitants of Munster to be paid to St. Patrick.-^
S^oft, s. ni. a stud of horse cattle At present this word is used in some parti of ire-
jS^ojt, i-sr, s* m. a field for grazing horses ; " land for a groat, orthird part of a -hilling
Sapean D*t<ip, sgrcaik bhatluis, s. baptismal
^gopac,, sgorndh, s. lancing, scarifying ^5115, sgreabhog, s. f, crust
iSgcrjtejm, sgoratm, v. I lance, scarify, mangle SaPo,

STjid, sgreac/i, s. m. a screech, shriek, scream, ^5), sgricbhtha, part, written

moan S^5ljobrj)t, Sgriobtuir, s. f. the Scripture
v;;}*c*|l, sgreachail, s. screaming, screeching >5Pot><m, sgriodan, s. m. the track of a mountain
S^fiecAjm, sgreachaim, v. I screech, shriek, scream, torrent
yell, whoop, bray i>5Jijor, sgrios, s. f. ruin, destruction, devastation,
.Salteacan cjtjopAc sgreachan criosach, s. a vulture wrack, excision, ravage
Kl'eacog, sgreachog, s. f. a jay jSgpiora, sgriosach, a. destructive
>5|eao5 pejlge, sgreachog reilge, s. an owl ^5P]or<t), sgriosadh, s. destroying
Ssjieeca-, sgreachtadh, s. jocose bantering S'bl'Pr*00!!?' sgrhsadoir, s. m. a destroyer, devas
5^51, sgrcad, s. a noise or bawling out suddenly tator, abolisher, invader
SglieaoAt), sgreadadh, s. screeching, shrieking ;S5f]or*)m, sgriosaim, v. I destroy, cut off, over
St;peoa)m, sgrcadaim, v. I shriek, screech throw, obliterate, waste
i?5le*t)4)]te, sgreadaire, s. m. a cryer, screecher Stepjoro*, sgriosda, a. ruined, destroyed, depopu
?5Jiea54riiuj!, sgreagamhuil, a. rocky lated
S'51,eA5*ri> sgveagan, s. m. rocky ground Sstijortw, sgriosdach, a. destructive, ruinous
S5|iert5m]i, sgreagmhar, a. rocky S^Ji jope] p, sgriostoir, s. m. a destroyer
^5Jeamn)5re, sgrearnnighthe, a. dainty ?51oBa, sgrobha, s. a screw
^?5(4, sgreasda, s. destruction Snobt), sgrobadh, s. scratching, scraping
^5(1, sgrcatachd, s. f. hate, abhorrence jSgpobAjm, sgrobaim, v. I scratch, scrape
i?5Jte*tera, sgrcataidh, a. disgusting, detestable, STgjiobin,' sgroban, s. m. the crop of a bird*
abominable, fearful
Ssiieatapim, sgreataidhitn, v. I hate, abhor
^?5"]'' sgrtatamhuil, a. hateful, frightful S&pot, sgroth, s. a long rhyme
-'Tlie'jg, sg7-cig, s. f. rocky ground SSPot, sgroth, see rgpajt
>5Pe15im, sgrdim, v. I fiy S^5Jtoi;4t), sgrothadn, s. pulling, tugging
.>SI)beo5, sgrHeag, s. f. a small griddle jSbPubA-jjte, sgrubaire, s. m. a scrub, a contemptible
?5])lj]n, sgribkin, s. f. a writing. Welsh, ysgrifen fellow
.>5|1]]5, sgribhisg, s. f. notes, comments jS51b*l, sgrubal, s. m. a scruple
.SgfijBneojp, sgribhmoir, s. m. a writer igltbala, sgrubalach, a. scrupulous, nice *
S^5J]Bneo})ieao, sgribkneoireachd, s. f. the profes S^5|tT5*t), sgrudadh, s. searching, scrutinizing
sion of writing, an inscription, a writ Sepuonpn, sgrudaitn, v. I search, examine
jSgpio, sgrid, s. f. a breath S^51u]ble4, sgruibleach, s. m. rubbish
SbPioeaTTHijl, sgrideamhuil,a. lively ^^ sgru'ge*n7 s. a neck, neck of a bottle
Sgpn, sgrin, s. f. a shrine S^Bpur, sgrut, s. m. a scrub, a mean contemptible
;S>5|ifab, sgiiob, s. f. a notch, a furrow, rut of awheel, person
a scratch, track 5put4, sgruta, s. m. an old man
Sgiiob, s%riob, s. f. an itching of the lip, superstiti- SgjiutAC, sgrutacA, s. m. the itch
ously believed to precede an approaching kiss from SglturAC, sgrutach, a. lean, meagre, contemptible
a favorite, or a feast SguAb, sguab, s. f. a sheaf, besom. Welsh, ysgub
.S^jtiobdc, sgricbai/i, s. m. the itch jSguAbAt), sguabadh, s. sweeping, sweepings
jS5)*}ob*B, sgrkbadli, s. a scratching, rubbing, grav SbUAbac]}, sguabadoir, is. m. a sweeper, scaven-
ing, picking .S^uAbAjpe, sguabaire, f ger, brusher
;S5t4UD^> sgriolhadh, t. a writ, a writing .SjUAbAvm, sguabaim, v. I sweep. Heb. sachaph
^'), sgr'tobadan, s. m. a grater Sgub-<ooA-j5, sguab-aodaigh, s. a clothes-brush
Sjivjorkooj}!, sgriabhadoir, s. ni. a writer, scrivener, jSgiiAb Ulf, sguab lair, s. a besom
clerk, notary, pensman SguAb-lion, sgwb-lion, s. a sweep-net
$]]|1, scriobadoir, . m. a grater, scratcher S5"*Jn> sguain, s. f. a train, tail
*>jjfi:jou'o]pe4, sgrhbhadoireach, a. belonging to TuAjne, sguanie, s. m. a swarm, croud
7a scrivener jSgujoj], sguibhir, s. an esquire
Sigli'iobaim, sgriobaim, v. I scrape, scratch, engrave, jSgifjleAC^, sguileach, s. m. rubbish
grate, rub, deterge, deoppilate ^jlle, sguillc, s. a scullion
S^iMolHjrn sriobha!mt v. I write Sgiqpb, sguirb, s. f. cessation, desistance
;S^jtj!)b4)fie, sgrio'iaire, s. m. an engraver ST^nilibeAW^'ifw/r/xfed'/ir, s. coiidemning,condemnation
S^ttiobajjie, sgr-obiire, s. m. a grater, scratcher ^gujjiB, sguird, s. f. a shirt, smock, a lap
,S5;ip!>4n, sgrt'iban, s. m. a wool-card, a curry comb .SEujP) sg"'r'm> v- I cease, desist
>51i]>rjan, sgrkb'mn, s. m. a grammar. Sh. STjuijir, sguirt, s. the lap
ST^jij'ibAnrA s ri bhanta, a. grammatical. Sh. ,S&iiT-reA, sguitseadh, s. threshing, beating the
S^W '-), sgr'obbantoir, s. m. a grammarian Sh. hulls off' flax
Sspi^bnojn, s"rio')7inoir, s. m. a writer, a scrivener iS^tijrreojii, sguitseoir, s. m. a scutcher, thresher
SSV) obnjfeab-OfSCihbhnoireachd, s.writing,engraving

^5))> sguhsim, v. I thresh, beat, dress flax Sjaj, J/'er, a. western, occidental
&guu, sgula, ~\ Sjaj, J/ar, adv. westward, backwards, behind
Sfeuljn, sgulin, > s. an old man, a little old man SjajcoRa, siarthonna, s. art
Sgulog, sgulog,) SjApuAi, siarthuath, s. the northwest
Sgulin, sgulan, s. m. a basket, clieve ^J4r*JP> siasair, v. he sat
Sgiim, sgum, s. f. scum S)*r*J, siasar, s. m. a session, assizes
SgumAoojn, sgumadoir, s. m. ascummer d)*rl]Ofti, siashliosnach, s. m. a hexagon
Sgurnpt), sgumhard, s. fat, good plight SjApljopiA, sioshliosnach, a. hexagonal
Solimn, sguman, s. m. a skirt, a train tucked up ; SjAr, /, s. m. a tumour, swelling
a tawdry head dress SjAtAjm, siataim, v. I puff, swell up
Sgumn, sguman, s. m. a stack of corn Sirnil, siathnail, see rjn*jl
SBumpg, sgumrog, s. f. a sort of fire-shovel, a Sjb, sibh, pron. ye, you
cinder-wench, a dowdy SidaI, sibal, s. garlick, a leek
S5U}> siri s. m. ceasing, cessation, desisting, in Sjbe, sibhe, s. a general
termission, discontinuance SjbeAlrjA,
Srje,*lt*; 1,sibhealta, {*
? Clvl1'
... affable>
, sracious
SfcUjM, sguradh, s. scouring
Sgujuim, sguraim, v. I scour SjbjAlrAC, sibhialtachd, s. f. civility
Sgu|f;4, sgurtha, a. scoured S]bne, sibhne, see peirhjn
^5uc4j5, sguthaigh, s, stepping Sjbt, sibht s. a shift, contrivance, industry
Sj> si, pron. she, her. Welsh, hi. Heb. hi Sjr, sibht, s. providing, shifting
S)4, sia, s. a fairy Sjbrjm, sibhtim, v. I shift, contrive
Sj4, sia, s. evening, setting or close of day SjoteArhlAo, sibhteamhlachd, s. f. foresight, frugality
S ja, , a. six SjbceArhujI, sibhteamhuU, a. provident, frugal
Sja, j/e, a. far, remote ; rj4, longer, compart of Sjc, see rjoc
jtaoa ; bur rj4, most remote Sic, sic, a. dry
;S]Abajm, siabhaim, v. I rub, wipe Sjct>, sichd, s. f. the inside of the skull
SjaBja, siabhra, s. a fairy, hobgoblin Sjce, sice, s. sycamore
Sjabpug, siabhrugh, s. a fairy mansion Sjce4t>, siceadh, s. drying. Welsh, sychu
SjAbu, siabunn, s. soap Sjcpup, sicfheur, s. m. nay, . *. dry grass
S)*buTi*), siabunnaidh, a. saponaceous Sjc^n, 5//, s. f. a chicken
Sjaat), siachadh, s. m. a sprain Sjo, sid, s. a lair
S)4A]m, siachaim, v. I sprain S)i>, sidh, s. f. venison
Sj44j}e, siachaire, s. m. a fairy Spe,
SjACeApnA, siachearnach, a. hexangular Sjt>eAt>, sidheadh, Ns. m. ablast
SjAr, siacht, v. he came Sle, )
jSjacrac, siachtacht, s. approaching SpeAng, sidheang, s. infamy
S]crAjm, siachtaim, v. I approach S]t>eA gojte, sidheann gaoithe, -a whirlwind
SjAcAjpe, siachtaire, s. m. an approacher SpeA, sidheann, s. f. venison ; gen. fltrne
Slt*]jec, siachtaireacht, s. f. approaching Sjsjsim, sidhighim, v. I prove
Sj*t***l, jiAtoAr, ) th came Siejuccim, sidiuccan, s. a reed
S)ACTAp, siachtar, ) J S)5> sigh, s. f. a hag, a spright
Sjao, siad, pron. they, 'tis they, themselves S1g> g^, s. f. a hill, hillock
SjaaiI, siadhail, s. f. sloth, sluggishness Sis, sight a- spiritual, of the other world, belong
S]At>An, siadhan, a. confused, topsy-turvy ing to spirits
Sjajji, siair, s. a sister ; prop, nujj S')54]lte, sighaire, see rfasAjJie
SjAjp, siair, a. aside Sl5&lg, sighbhrog, see r'jogbpos
SiaII, s. f. a cell, compartment S55t>l)<0]e4cr>, sighdhraoidheachd, see rfasjKO]-
S}tn, sian, s. m. a voice, sound, scream eAC
Sjap, tun, s. m. storm, rain gjge. "he'. l s. f. a fairy, a goblin, a spright
SjAnAjce, sianaidhe, s. m. one that cries out, a
bawler SjgeA, sigheann, see rjoe*n
SjAnApeAct, sianaidheacht,\s. f. a yelling, scream- Sj5e4j)4n, sigearan, s. m. a silkworm
SjArtAjl, sianail, J ing, roaring Sl5jn, sighin, s. f. a sign, token
SjAfirheA, sianmheadh, s. an accent SjSinjsjm, sighinighim, v. I mark, sign
SjAnpA, siansa, s. harmony, melody, pleasure Sj5)l, s- f* silk
SjAnrAC, siansach, a. melodious, harmonious Sslpen, sigtrean, s. m. a silkworm
SjAiirAC, siansach, a. doleful, mournful Sjgle, j/f/e, s. a seal
jS]4nr*fm, siansanach, a. resounding Sjsnat), signead, s. a signet
S)*lt, j/er, s. the west, occident Sj5ne*x>, sgneadh, assigning, marking
5 I

-*J5neJ5*eJ signeighthe, a. signed, marked SmeArhf, sineamhfeadha, s. a yew tree

Sjl, sil, s. seed ; it is also used as an inflection of
rjol, seed iS*^', single> alone' unmixed
SjleAt>, sikadh, s. spittle Sjnjt), sinidh, s. a nipple, teat, pap, dug
Sjlert, sikadh, s. a dropping, distilling. Heb. zillel Sjnjm, sinim, v. I stretch, reach
Sjlea, si/eadh, s. a looking down, a transient glance Sjn'jn, , s. f. a nipple, little teat
of the eye, winking, )1> rlA, twinkling of SjnjolAC, siniolach, s. nightingale
the eyes
Saleare*), sileastar, s. a flag, flagger. Jo 8. 11 slrl%rfm'}s-the river Shanon
Sjlejn, Silein, s. f. a dropping Sjnm, sinm, s. a song or tune
Sljm, silim, see r<oljm Sl, ', "I
S']ljm, silim, v. I drop, distil, sow - -'- j-pron. we, us
Sjljm, silim, v. I spit Sjfle, /, s. a dug or teat, nipple of the breast
S]ljm, silim, v. I look Sje, sinne, a. elder, eldest
Sjlm, silin, s. f. a cherry SjeA, sinneach, s. m. a fox ; Heb. sinn
Sjlleat), silleadh, s. the countenance SjeAC, sinneach, s. m. a wen
SjlleA, silleadh, s. a turning Sjrjois sinnsior, s. an ancestor, elder, chief or
>jlleAt>, silleadh, s. looking head of a family
Sjll]m, sillim, v. I turn ; " Sjlljf Corh4ll yojt pn S]n]b sinnsior, a. elder; " k.
pjg." 5. Fionnch- h?(ot> buje UA -Htjll fOJl A fjnj-JO)> DJIAAJH.;' 4
^'ll"1 silsighim, . I shine Mast. 1443
Silt, s. f. a spittle, an issue, a drop SjrjopAr, sinnsioras, s. m. antiquity, long-
Silt, si//, s. f. dropping, distilling in aplace
S^elt'steach, \ a" droPPinS> fadinS> th* Slriopuct, sinnsiordhacht, s. f. genealogy, account
of families
Sjbre, JVte, a. shed, spilled SjrjopAt, sinnsiordhacht, s. f. eldership, superi
SjlteA, silteach, s. m. a running, issue. O'ffic. ority on account of age
S|lse<m, siltean, s. m. a drooping creature SjnreAn, sinsean, s. the uvula
S]lce4p, siltear, for jvoltAp, it seems SjnreAnAAjp, sinseanathair, is. , a great grand-
S]lcr, siltidh, a. instilled Sjnreanjp, sinsear.orr, \ father
Sjmpe, simide, s. a mallet, beetle SjnreAnriiAtAjp, sinscanmhathairt s. a great grand
Spijlijb simileir, s. f. a chimney mother
Sjmjn, simhin, s. f. a rush ; " i. e. rejrh h)R." Cor. S^nrjop, sinsior, s. a yew tree
^ simne )s.achimney SnrJlS slnsir, s. the presbytery
S)mnA]b simnear,] J Sinr)le<cT>, sinsireachd, s. f. eldership, seniority,
Smonr*CB, simonlachd, s. f. simony chieftainship
Sjmplje, simplidhe, s.. Hi- a simpleton, the simple. Sinre, sinte, a. stretched, extended
Psalm 19." 7 SlnreAC, sinteach, a. straight, long, progressive
Simplpe, simplidhe, a. simple, mean, plain, silly, S)n-eo5, smtcog, s. f. a straight line, a pace
despicable, vile SlobAT, siobad, U.ascaliio onion
Sjmplj'oeAC'o, simplidheachd, s. f. simplicity, plain Slol)4]o, stobaid, )
ness SjobAjm, siobaitn, v. I blow
Sjn, s/'n, see rjAn andrfan S)ooa!, sio hoi, 1U* a thorn, a pin
Sjn, sin, adv. so, thus ; jyn, i. e. *r 1)>. " Sjn Sjooa ca, stobliilta, a. civil, couneous, complaisant,
tjt) 1 } p)5, . . jr aitiIaj condescensive
p *ea p)5." SjobAltAt>, siobhaltachd, s. f. civility, complaisance,
Sjn, pron.that, there ; rjn is sometimes written courtesy, urbanity
frjn, orhjrjn SjobAn, sioban, s. m a blast, drift
S1n> *'t a- round SjobAf, siobhas, s. m. rage, madness
Sin, , s. f. a collar; rfa^opAjn mjc %ojn." S)<'b*r**' siobhasach, a. frantic, furious
Sjn, sin, \ u weamer bad weather; Welsh, hin Sjobdg, siobog, s. f. a blast of the mouth, a whiff
Sine, sine, I SJ0B05, siMog, s. f. a straw
S]ne, sine, a. elder ; compar. of Sjobojl. siolhotl, see j-JOoajo
S]ne, sine, s. a woman's breast, a dug or teat
SjneA, sineach, see rjeA
SmA, Sinead, Jane, a woman's name SV>bl*l>eA' siobhraidheadh, s. a charm, spell
SjneA, sineadh, s. singing, sounding Sioc, she, s. the groin,
S^neA, sineadh, s. a stretching, extending, exten S)oc, she, I g, ftojt
sion, dilatation, elongation, progress Sjocn, swean, )

jSjocAjgte, siocaighthe, a. dried up, frozen SjorgAjm, siolgaim, v. I pick and choose
Sjocajm, siocaim, v. I freeze, dry up SjoliA, '//, s. a syllable
Sjocaui, siochain, s. peace S)Oa, /jZ/, s. a jill, quartern
*?jocjp, siocair, s. f. a motive, cause, reason, occa ^joAjm, tioUaim, v. I strike, smite
sion, opportunity S-jolljpeArh, siollaireamh, s. scanning of a verse
;S)o6jpe, siorhaire, s. a very little creature ^olrhAjt, slohnhar, a. fertile, fruitful, fructiferous,
>)OCarhu]l, siocamkuil, a. frosty bearing seed, full of seed
Sou|e, siochannuighe, s. in. a peace maker jS}olrrultAco, sklmharachd, s. f. fertility
S^orrc*, siochanta, a. pacific, peaceable SjolpAt), siolradh, s. a stock or breed, offspring
^ocntACt), siochantachd, s. f. peaceableness jSolpujjjm, siolruighim, v. I propagate, pro-cieate
jS]oc lj, sioc Hath, s. hoar frost Siol|*uj5ieo]jt, siolrightheoir, s. m. a propagator
>], siodti, s. silk; Welsh, sidan Jjolpujn, siolruin, s. a diresis
Sjcoa, siodadh, s. blowing S]olc4, siolta, s. a teal
ijoT)* mn, sioda mona, see rArjg p]At>Ajn SplcAAn, sloltachan, s. a strainer
^ooarhu)l, siodamhuil, a. silky, silk-l;ke S'ioltAje, siolta-iche, s. a gooseander. Sh.
Sjo^An, siohchan, s. atonement SolcAjgjm, sioltaighim, v. I filter
SoT^norh, siodchromh, ... .SjolcpeAB, skltreabh, s. a family
>jo*orh5, sioJchremAv, s- a sllk wornv jSob-pjleA]-, sioltshuileas, s. the running of the
S^ooa, siodgha, a. silken eyes
Sjoolarmujm, siodlamnaim, v. I leap, bound SjolgA, siolughadh, s. sowing, drivelling, dropping.
;Sjoflac*n, sioflachan, see j-jotlg jStalmo, sioluidh, 7 t .
Sloluje, 0/^,{5- ^ astalhon
^5 s'o' s* a '"i0'* of corn
S^og, , s. f. a streak ,S]om, jo, pron. they, them; the sanie as^AcrAn
S^oja, siogach, a. streaked, ill-coloured 5^jomA)oe, siomaide, s. a mallet, beetle
>}ob4C, siogach, a. inactive, indolent Sjomn, sioman, s. rs. a rope, a cord
STjo^Ajpe, sioghaire, s. m. a mountaineer ;S|ombAjl, siombail, s. f. a cymbal, symbol
Sjoj;ari)ujl, Siogarr./iuil, a. streaked ^]1, siomlan, a. safe, entire, perfect, sound
Sjogivri, sioglian, see rjteA A>)on, sion, s. any thing, sioghbhrcgh, ) r Sjon, sion, s. a chain, bond, tie
Si -u sioghbhrugh,
jSlObBpug, ai;,, a j? s. a fairy
J mansion Sjon, sion, s. weather, storm, snow, aehower
S^ojcjKojceAT), sioghdhraoidheachd, s. f. enchantment SjonA, siona, s. deiay
with, or by spirits, interference with spirits jonn, Sionan, 9. the river Shanon
S^o-jr, siogidh, s. a fairy, pigmy ^SjonArhu'jl, swnamhuil, a. stormv, tempestuous
;S)05pupnt>, sioghsurnadh, s. a hissing, whispering >jonDUA)lte, sionbhuailte, a. weather-beaten
Spl, /, s. m. seed, sperm, issue, race, stock, tribe SpngAn, siongan, see reAngAn
or clan, lineage, descendants 5)oRa6, sionmdi, s. m. a tub or kieve
S)oU4n, siolachan, s. m. a strainer, cullender S^joA, sionnach, s. m. a fox
;S)oUo, sioladh, s. sowing SjofiAArhujI, sionnachamhuil, a. foxlike
;SjoIao, sioladh, s. dropping, defluxion- SjoAU, sionnachla, s. a weathergaw. Sh.
;Sjo4t>, sioladh, s. a syllable .Sjohao, sionnadh, s. a reproof, scorhng
.Siolaw/jw, s.o/adoir, s. m. a sower SjofA, sionnsa, s. a' censer
jSjoaa, siolaghadh, s. drivel jSlonpACAC-, sionradhack, a. single
;S)oi*)m, siolaim, v. 1 sow I .S^ojt, sior, a. continual, perpetual, constant, long
|ul*)m, siolaim, v. I drop, spill, drip, dribble, shd .Sppjrojnj, sioraisduii, s. a continued or unbroken-
S'joijn, siolain, s. dropping, filtering ! relation
SloUtiA, siolanach, s. m. a sower, husbandman ,S']0)iAjteA]titA0, fioraitheairach, a. variable, incon
^oiAiiA)m, siolftnuim, v.. I strain, filter stant
;Sv.,A|>!i4C,, s. snoring, snorting SjopDA], siorbhai, s. thievery, theft
|1||, siolasljir, is. a ri\;g, sedge, wild ^ojiblorjAc, sioibhlosgodh, 1 s. a continual rust*
iS)oi.rrl**'i sio/t shuch,.) Howei de luce S'jofibjiOjIeA, storbhraaleidh, J ling or rattling noise
<>|.|1-, s.otbhruiusetich, s. a nursery 3^opriiiA)t>eAjto)l, s>oi bimaidhuirthoir, s. a perse
<?o fiu(, sitlohw, see (iolrhup cutor
<ttoicu|pe*t>, siolckuireadh. s. sowing, propagation .SfaftAmc, i/o' chainty s. f. loquacity
;Siolcii|(jm, siJcftuitim, * I sow, disseminate, pro- SopajnreAC, siorc/iatntrach, s. m. a bafehler
. pgate STiopjnreA, siorekainteack, a. loquacious
$fo:i't>p swlchur, \s. sowing; " no jjolcu)p 5)|111, siorctill, S. a circle
;Sio. , siolchuradh, ) r i le 1." jSiopArAjm, s torchas aim, v. I turn to and again,
'|tf-A, solchurtha, part, sown, planted SopoU, soircludhla, s. lethargy
<>JulFIl*r5*'> uolflatgadh, s. running of the reins ^ojioa, ', s. a great favour or present
jsrjo sio S SIR

S'Wi*, siordha, Sa. everlasting, perpetual, jSpi, sloth, a. spiritual, belonging to spirits and the
sjo>pe, tiordhidhcA ^eerrna1' sempiternal, for other world
S)otA, siota, s. a pet, an ill-bred child
;Siop0A]eACt, siordhaidheacht, see rfapi^reAcc , siota, s. aliar
;Siopt>Al5jm, siordha'ighim, v. I eternize Sjota. siota, a. vulgar
SjopoAmjm, siordanaim, v. I rattle >ot4C, siothach, a. peaceable
SfapejjeAC, sioreigheach, s. constant crying jSfatAAn, s 'iothachan, s. fuiries
iSppppcoct, siorfraoeht, s. asperity, harshness, viru Sot*c, siothadh, s. peace-making
lence S]otb, siothadh, s. a gnash, rushing at
Sloppujjljm, s'wrfhuighlim, v. I condole, lament Sofe*'ojp, siothadoir, s. m. a peace-maker
S)0l,5*)1,)n,i sorghairim, v. rejoice jSjotAje, siotaldhe, s. a trifle, a jot
jS^ops'ACAjm, siorghlacaim, v. I gripe, seize Sot4)5e4nc4co, siothaigeantachd, s. f. placability
^l0J5n** siorghnath, s. continual use S^oiarhujl, siothamhuii, a. peaceable
SiopjmAfcujjjm, siorghnalhuighitn,\. I use constantly S^otan, siothan, s. m. a hillock
Siop]App]t>, sioriarraidh, s. importunity S]ot fl]De, siothan slcibhe, fox-glove ; Digitalis
.S^opjAppajoeAC, storiarraidhetich, a. importunate i>]orBallp4i, siothbhallraidh, a. having long limbs
.SiopjappAjm, s oriarraim, v. I importune S)otblt, siothb.'ialta, a. civil
Sioiijajijtrftir-, tioriarriais, s. importunity 5]1*), siot/ibholsaire, s. m. a herald to pro
Siopjotrwjpc, sioriemairc, s. transmigration claim peace
fy>l*lTn, s'torlamhach, a. long- handed ^), siothbhraidheachd, s. f. conjuration
SioplorgAc, siorlosgadh, a. everburning ;Sod]ia)5, siotl.bhraig, s. a fairy-woman ; a nymph
^oprriApranAC, siormharthamich, a. everduring jS'jorDUAine, siothbhuaine, s. perseverance
Slop ob, siorob, a. sparing, frugal SjotBiun, siothbhuan, a. perpetual
Sopl, siorol, s. hard drinking Sjoip, sioOcham, \ f
SSoit^wv, siothchamt, j bl r< Pedce
Sioporrajm, storosdatm, v. I gape, yawn often
Ii??!!' ilfrr'. >/, l s. broomrape ; Orobanche ^ofjncee, siothchainteach, \ a. peaceable, pa-
SotcAitA, siothcanta, J cific
^]o|i|iim, siorram, s. m. a sheriff S]ot&T\r:*)be, ochantaidhe, s. m. a peace-maker
SjoppAtnAC, siorramackd, s. f. sheriffdom, sheriffship Soro)m4t>4]re,_j/oMcAom/fd'e</a/e, s. a preserver
Spppuj, siorruidh, )see , . of the peace, a constable
/Spppuje, siorruid/ie, J 1J 1 S}ot\<ct, siothlaethe, days of peace
^, siorruidlieacht, s. f. eternity, per Sjocl4]5)m, siothlaighhn, v. I filter, strain, peroclate
petuity Sfatln, siothlan, s. m. a strainer, filter, a cullender
jS1opr*n, siorsan, s. good news Sjorlim, siothlan, s. m. a sack
S']0f|-4n4C, siorsanach, a. slow, tedious Sorlt, siothlodh, s. peace, making of peace
S')opru]jm, siorsuidhim, v. I linger, loiter )o;l5, siothlog, see rjoln
SjopA, siortha, part, sought, begged Sfatlo^Ajm, siothloghaim, v. I strain, filter
?opr]m, siortaim, v. I smite iSiotlu^, siothlughadh, s. clarification, depuration,
i?joprA]m, siorthaim, v. I ask, beg colature
;SjoptA]pe, siortaire, s. m. an executioner jSjoimAlr*, siolhtnhalta, a. civil
Sjojr)p, siorthoir, s. m. a beggar, petitioner ;S)orrrwop, siothmhaor, s. m. a herald
jSjopto^p, siorthoir, s. a slut Spine, siothne, s. a dug
,S]opfjpe*f, siorthoireas, s. a request S]oro]lte, siothoilte, a. purified
Sfapujre, sioruisge, s. continual rain S]of-5*t), siothughadh, s. agreement, reconcilement
Sior, , prep, below, down Sjotil, slothutl, see rjotamujl
Slop, jit, adv. down, downwards S^p, iT> l''46 1 in compound words signifies per
;S}or, iio.t, s. a court, session, parliament petual, constant .
Slop*]i, sicsar, s. sheers, scissars g)y, sir', sought, asked, begged ; " fp CoB*j]
*?jor*pnac, siosamach, s. hissing 4p hj4." . Fion.
>]opt>n, siosdan, s. . a hunter's cry Sip, sir, a. long
jSjorj, . sedge, reed-grass, sheer-grass; SiplrjotiAjpe, sn b.odalre, s. m. a vain tattler
Carex S^pcleAoAjm, rchkbdaim, v. I exercise or use
S^orm, s'iosma, s, a schism often
.SprmA, sicsma, s. whispering, private conference SpcjoUt), sirdhioladh, s. constant selling
SlormAjpe, siosmaire, s. m. a schismatic ; whisperer SIpeA, sireadh, a. seeking, asking, looking for
S')Of-fU*f , sios-suas, up and down, topsy-turvy SlpeAtfi, sireamh, s. a disease, sickness
S]orup, siosur, s. a pair of sheers, scissars S'jpexsim, siredim, v. I handle frequently
;Sor, i/e/A, s. peace, quietness, concord S^pjuAjm, sirfheuchaim, v. I look stedfastly
>]of, sioth, s. atonement S'jpf eucAjn, i 'nfheuchain, s. a steady look

Sjpjm, sirim, v. I seek, inquire, court, woo, invite Sjcjpen, sitirean, s. m. a silk worm
Sj|t)om4jiim, siriomchairimA)v' 1 S|irh<op, sithmhaor, s. a constable, peace officer
SlIMomju/m, siriomchraim, often bear Sjrjtea, sitreach, s. m. neighing of a horse, braying,
i>)l*ir, Jim, s. f. a cherry a horse laugh
SjPjrom, Sirisdin, s. a Saracen ^JCPJSI sitrighim, v. I neigh, bray
i?Jl*jie4, sirreach, a. lean, poor, sorry S'^PlB*60)!* sitrightheoir, s. m. a husbandman
-SjPpeacu, sirreaclit, s. f. pity S]tf, sithshearc, s. constant affection
^JPpeaodjm, slrreachdaim, v. I soak Sjc ! Sjt ! sit ! sit I interj. hist! silence
.SjPpjarh, sirriamhy s. a sheriff Sjcrj5 , jt/lrg otrach, s. a dunghill. SA.
**1Pfl'c sirshilt, s. f. continual dropping Sju, , adv. before, before that
S^PfluDAl, sirshiubhal, s. constant going or walking Sju, t, pron. here, this
S)Pc, sht, s. a little, scarcity >ju 4g4r tall, siuagas thall, here and there
Sjpie, sirtlie, s. parties who advanced to harrass, SjuBaI, siubhal, s. agoing, moving, motion, march,
or suprise the enemy walking ; Heb. shubh, to walk, shebhila, a path
S)]ttett, sirtheach, a. harrasing ,S}u6a1, siubhal, s. m. a measure in music between
Sjrop, sisor, s. a scissors fast and slow
jS)v, sist, s. a flax comb SjuDak, siubhalbhach, s. m. a stroller, wayfaring-
SjpceAl, sisteal, s. cistern man
iStfte&X&b, sistealach, s- m. a flax-dresser SpiBn, Siubhan, Judith, a woman's name
S^jreaUct), sistealachd, s. f. carding of flax or wool S]ud1a, siubhlach, a. fleet, swift, speedy
;Sjrte*k>jl, sistcaloir, s. ni. a flax-dresser, wool- Sjublajm, siubhlaim, v. I walk, go, travel, depart,
comber move
S]t, sith, see yf\ot jSjuc, siuc, a. dry, parched up
S)f, sith, s. a pass, thrust, attempt STjucprt,siucar,
siueradh, I) s> m' su^ar
SjtBe, sithbhe, s. a city
S^toe, sithbhe, s. a rod ;Siuc4]>t>4, siucardha, a. saccharine
Sjibe, sithbhe, s. venison Sjuo, siud, pron. those, there
SjtlSe, sithbhe, s. a general, a chief S]ut)*, siudadh, s. a swing
Sjtbe, sithbhe, s. long life Sjuoeim, siudaim, v. I swing, dandle, rock to sleep^
Sjrbe, sithbhe, s. a poem nod
;Sj15e, sithbhe, a. continual, perpetual )ul, J im/, s. a sheet ; see reol
SjtDea, sithbheach, a. civil, of the city Siulbjie, siuibhre, s. cheerfulness
Spoejrt, sithbhein, s. f. a fort or turret S]ulri4]Je, siulmhaire, s. deiight
Sjulrh*!, siulmhar, a. bright, cheerful, delightful
S]um, i?M, pron. he, they
SjiBjtelte4m,s/'MAre)7Aea,s. ajustice of thepeace Sjunn, siumn, s. a vessel made of straw to hold
;S}ro|tjrt:e4c, sithbhristeach, s. disturber of the peace meal, &c.
;Sjtbp)rte6, sithbhristeach, a. riotous, disorderly i> lunar, siunas, lovage ; Levisticum
;S>)f;bio, sithbhrog, s. a fairy, fairy-mansion S'junra, siunsa, s. sense
SjteAlgAc, sithchealgach, a. deceitful, traitorous, Sjunrjp, siunsoir, s. m. a chanter
mutinous SjulS s- a sister, kinswoman ; Welsh, chwaer
SjtceAngUjm, sithcheanglaim, v. I confederate S]u}T>nai>, siurdanadh, s. a rattling, or making noise
.Stpujm, Sithdhruim, s. an old name for Cashel jSjupoanajm, siurdanaim, v. I rattle
S]te, AJ S|uj]iarh, siurramh, s. a sheriff
S^i:ernu)l, sitheamhiul, J} 8. peaceable,
r durable ;S)upi4Trico, siurramhachd, s. f. a county, shire,
STje, sitheadh, s. bending, declining sheriffdom
Sjce*l, s. a bowl, a cup . , "i s. m. a harlot, prostitute, a
Sjupra, smrsach, t str et hore, ,
jieal, j/'/, s. a trowel Sjupta, smrtach,^ doxy'
Sjteel, sitheal, s. a body
Sjf. sitheann, s. venison ; gen. rifcne Sjuptoco, siurtachd, s. f. whoring
S)^]ln, siti-irn, s. a cithern, kind of harp Sjupcg, siurtog, s. f. a sudden sally or skipping
Sjteog, siteog, a. nice, effeminate )105* siurtogach, a. frisky
Sjrepne, steme, see rjtejjin Spipan, siusan, s. m. a humming noise, buzz
,S"lfFe,*t1' sit.'ifhear, s. m. a strong man S|urlnAt>, siusarnadh, s. whispering
SI^'lim, ^thgknidhim, Sjutappar, siutharras, s. wanderi'ig or strolling
S'^ipvn, sithighm, v. I pacify, reconcile SlAbAgn, slabhagan, s. sloak, a kind of edible sea
Sltim, ithim, ) weed gathered from rocks, but different from
S^jljrtcar, s:thghliocas, s. policy, cunning t)]lre or ]15
S\i)m, sithim, s. a sequel, consequence &1, slabhar, a. narrow ; i. e. curhajng. o. g.
5 SIaB}.*,
.SURjia, slabhra, \ s. a chain, a cord, pot-hanger, ;S14n, slan, s. protection, surety
.SUopat), slabhradh, ) a crook ;SUn, slan, a. healthy, sound, entire, safe, hale,
^'1)5, slabhruighlht, a. chained, tied up whole, complete, perfect, unbroken
?lAcaj|ie, slacaire, s. m. abatterer jSlna, sltina, \ s. sureties, securities ; " }) po
Slacajpeacc, slacaireacht, s. f. battery ;SUnat>, slanadh,) Slnarpe corhalljn cojiat po."
.SUcajpjm, slacairim, v. I drub, batter, malleate, Slanacat, slanachadh, , . .
pound, bans?, thump SUna, (M, [s- Ovanon, saving, heal-
.SiacAjpr, slacairt, s. beating as with a mallet ;Slnu54t>, slanughadh, ) lnS
placan, slacan, s. m. a beetle or bat, club, bludgeon jSUnajgeacw, slana'igheachd, s. f. a passport
S4C4n-'o)i<opeaD, slacan-di aoidheachd, s. a magical Slana]t,]m, slanaiglum, v. I heal, cure, save
wand jSianajjjteojjt, s/anuighthcoir, s. m. a saviour, healer
placean, slachdan, see placan ;Snlup, slanlus, s. rib grass, ribwort, plantain ; Plan-
S*r>, slad, s. theft, rapine tngo lanceolata
i>laoat>, sladadh, s. thievery, robbery Slnuija, slanughadh, s. salvation, curing, healin-
SlaxsAjge, sladaighe, s. m. a thief, a robber .SUnuj^ejji, ilatiuigheoir, see rlanajjteojp
Slaoajm, sladaim, v. I rob, steal, plunder S\<o-o, slaod, s. a raft, float, sledge
^lacrhapoajm, sladmharbhaim, v. I rob and murder S\<-o, slaod, Is. slaughter, murder; see quot. at
on the highway Slaooa slaoda,) p'jjtm
Slt>ma)ibfjj, sladmharhhthoir, s. m. a highway ;SI<ocac, slmdach, a. lazy, lubberly
robber and murderer, a freebooter .STltfroa, slaodadh, s. dragging, sliding
?laomp, s/a'imbcir, s. m. a thief, robber jSUroajm, slaiduim, v. I drag, slide; murder
^SUtsmjjteAC'o, sladmhoireachd, s. f. robbery .Staoajpe, slaodaire, s. m. a lazy person
SlatmuijiraB, sladmlnirtadh, s. f. robbery and murder Sliooan, slaodan, s. m. a cough or cold
iilaarop^, sladtheir, s. m. a thief, robber Sliocan, slaodan, s. m. the rut of awheel
Slat>re, sadthe, part, robbed, stript SUooftac, slaodiach, s. m. a hinge
jSlaou^eaco, sladuigheachd, s. f. robbery 11*> slaodrach, s. m. a foundation
Saoup^e, s/aduire, s. m. a thief ^IcOTtejue, slaodtheme, s. a murdering fire, a great
plagan, singan, s. m. curdled milk fire in which persons were consumed ; c- Cpe n*p
jSlajb, s/aib, s. f. mud, mire left on a strand or edge ttejlgjoti a pl<oore)ne jap mbejt ceangajlte." Kt.
of a river ;Sl<onapai>, slaonasadh, s. tragedy ; " i. e. cujmnjuja
;Slajbpe, slaib/irc, s. a purchase b]ina6." . g.
Slajopeap, slaibhreas, s. chains
;Slp3> tlaid, s. f. theft, robbery iSat' 'b ,ukemi> brackish> -rdid
jSlapfeojp, slaidthtoir, s. m. a robber <>lapac, slapach, s. slovenly
jS'Uyoteojpeac'o, sbiidtheoireackd, s. f. robbery lapaipe, slapaire, s. m. a sloven
>U)%-oe*n,,slaig/idean, s. a cough or cold <lapap, slapar, s. m. a skirt, trail, train
SU joean, slaghdean, s. a track 5:la)a|ac, slaparach, a. having long skirts
.Slayge, tlaighe, s. slaughter, i. f. eajijia. . g. fjlanapic, slaparich, s. a din. 07/.
>U)i.)m, slaighim, v. I' slay, kill Sflapogi slapog, s. f. a slut, a dirty woman
Slargpe, slaighre, s. a sword or scymiter ^TUp, slas, s. killing, slaughtering
>i*)m, s/aim, s. f. great booty laraireacB, slasadheathd, e ,
1), s/aim, s. f. a heap
Slajnte, slainte, s. f. health, salvation, sanity, sound iar, slat, s. a rod, a switch, wand, yard, staff, an ell
ness, welfare Srlarain*, slatarra, a. straight, tall, comely
Slajnre, siuinte, s. a toast or health jSlatbpovo, slatbhroid, s. a goad
>Umce', slainteach, } a. healthy, salutary, Srlac-5o]m, slat-gorm, bitter-sweet, woody night
;Slapr.eariiujl, slainteamhull, j" benign, sanative shade ; Solanum dulcamara
JlmtearriUo, slaiitteamhlachd, s. f. benignity, Slat jua, slat gunna, s. a ramrod
healthfulness \*z JAfgap, slat iasgaidh, s. a fishing rod
;g|ave, slait, a. strong, robust ;SIat; mapa, slat mhara, s. a tangle. Sh.
> Um, slam, s. a lock or flock of hair or wool ;Sla* mapcaco, slat mharcachd, s. a whip
jSTUrriA, slamhach, s. a frothstick S latog, slatog, s. f. a twig
jSMarhagan, slamhagan, s. locks of wool or hair SUtlta, slatra, a. strong, robust
Siamavm, slamaim, v. I comb or card, velicate SUc lul, We* ^M^ s- an astrolabe
glarhan, slamhan, s. an elm tree Slar l)oja, slat r.ogha, s. a sceptre, baton
SUmar., slaman, ) g curdled milk SrU^-fl"!1' 'lat~sim/> s- a sail-yard
Jglamban, slamban,) Slar, puajpnrap, slat-shuichiontas, s. a mace
;SUn, slan, s. age ; see quot. at ceapajm S;l*t-torha)r slat-thomhais, s. alnage, eJI-measure
lin, slan, s. a defiance, challenge
sU su si) SU

.SleabacAn, skabhacan, s. ni* sloak, a kind of marine S[l4p4jo, sliasaid, s. the coarse part of a thread
plant S'j4rp4jpc, sliatpairt, s. daggling
jSleAco, skaehd, see rljoo S'jAppAjiA^m, sltasparaim, v. I daggle
SleAo, s'eachd, s. adoration ,S1)att, sliest, ) i i i
SljArcH, sliastan, \ s- a ledSe ln a loom
1-5, skachdadh, s. a cutting clown, cutting off,
scarifying, lancing SljceAC, siiccach, a. sly
jSleco, sleachdadliAs. kneeling, stooping, bow- Si) gArm, slig.iim, see rllojAim
jSleACOAjn, skacAdain,) ing reverently, adoration SI)5b)te*, stighi.ireach, s. indifference
iSleaC'oA'jm, sleachdaim, v. I cut down Sljje, sligke, s. f. away, a road, pass, passage, jour
jSle*o*|m, sleachdaim, v. I kneel, stoop, adore ney, inlet, method, mode
jSleao cujmne, sleachd chuimhne, s. a monument
Sljsen, sligecm,]*- a sbe11
,Slec4jm, sleachtaim, v. I cut, dissect ; note
;Sle5, sleagh, s. m. a spear, pike, lance SljbeA, s'.igeich, a. shelly, abounding with shells
.Sle54, sleaghach, a. armed with a spear SlljeA, sligheach, a. sly, cunning
^le*5*0, sleagack, a. drawling, slow Slj^eAt), sltgeadh, s. fomentation
;Sle54, sleagadh, s. sneaking, drawling ljgeA'o]}, sligkeadoir, s. m. a schemer, one whe
SleA^Arm, sleagaim, v. I sneak, drawl lives by fraud
,Sle*5*.l]te, sleagaire, s. m. a drawler SljSeAwijpeACo, sligheadoireachd, s. f. the practice
;Sle54fi, sleagan, s. m. a shell of stratagems, wiiiness, slyness, double-dealing
Sl*54n, slccighan, s. m. a sort of turf-spade ^>1]54, stigean, see fljpjn
Sleftriiajn,. sleamhain, a. smooth, slippery, plain, SljreA, slight/teach, a. sly,, artful, crafty, fraudu
sleek, glib, polite, flabby, mucid lent, designing, willy, disingenuous
Sleanun, skamhan, s. the elm tree SljjtojjieAo, slighthoireachd, s. f. craftiness
Sle*rim4t>, sleamhnachd, s. f. mucousness, slipperi- Slim, sim, a. lank, lean, thin
ness Slj, slinn, s. a flat stone, or tile
jSleAtruuo, sleamhnad, \ s. m. smoothness, slipperi- jSIj, slinn, s. a weaver's sleay
;Sle*mnn, sleamhnan, ) ness, lubricity jSljnen, slinnean, s. f. a shoulder, the shoulder
Slearhnu^u, slemhnughadh, s. slipping, sliding, blade, scapula, clavicle
lubrification SljceA, sLnnteuch, s. house-tiles
;Se4mnu)5)m, sleamhnuighim, v. I slip, slide ;SI]frccrAfi, slinntchrann, s. m. an ensign, stair
leamujrf, skamhuin, a. plain, smooth, slippery SljoDAjm, sliobhaim, v. I polish
;Sle*nt*, skantachr s. m. a flake, a slice SljobjtA'o, sliobradh, s. a draught
Sle*f, sicas, s. a mark, a sign Sljob(i4)m, sliobraim, v. I drag, attract
jSle*r, skas, s. a slide, a ridge SljoBtA, sliobhtha, s. polished, smoothed
.Slear sleasgadh, s. a crack Sljoits, sliochd,- s. m. posterity, progeny, race, seed,
<Jle4r5<rm, skasgaim, v. I crack breed, generation, lineage, stem, stock
STljrj, sleibh, gen. of rljAD ,Sl]or:, sliocht, s. m. a troops company, a rout, mul
;Sljor, sliocht, s. m. a track, trace, print, impres
sion, vestige, sign, stamp
SrjogAd, sliogach, a. full of shells, shelly, subdolous
g:lej5 sleigh, s. f. adoration testaceous
S:leimne, sleimhne, )s. f. slipperiness, po- .SIjogAC, sliogach, a. smooth, silky, sleek, glossy
Slejmneo, skimhneachd, ) lish jSrjoAjm, stiogaim, v. I smooth, polish, foment,
;Sle)rhne4, sleimhneach, a* slipping cherish
Sl|ft>e, slcisde, gen. of fl]4j-4vo Sljogn, sliogan, s. m. a shell, a bomb, a cup, hulk,
jSlejrf* the thigh. A. hull, scale, conch
;Sle}te, sleithe, s. a section, or division SlpgAn cjieAuji, sliogan crcachmnn, s. a scolloped
Sleoa, sleogach, a. queasy shell
X b ' , sleogachd.1
*, ' > s.. f.r queasiness S'iogAn ), sliogan neamhuin, mother of
SleQAt), sleogad, 3 ^ pearl
;SleogA)m, sleogaim, v. I nauseate SljogAn torrujr, sliogan tombais, s. the scales of a
Siete, slethe, cutting, striking balance
S']*n, sliabh, s. m. a mountain SlpAnA, slioganach, a. dappled
;Slj4U4]je, sliabhaire, s. m. a mountaineer S')0541o, sliogard, s. pumice
^l)44t>4]Ji41o, slischadairachd, s. craft. 5A. .STljoAjinA, sliogamach, a. made of shell*
Slpt**, sliachtadh, s. piercing Sljom, shorn, a. slim, sleek
.SlptriAjm, sliomaim, v. I flatter

Shomajjie, sliomatre. ) ^ a Shi4r'Br,jr*P> sluas-griosaid/i, s. a fire-shovel

<-linm,-> ,v. shomjhear,)
>1|}]1, / fu > s. m. a thief,' flatterer SluCAjm, s/uchaim, v. I stifle, overwhelm
Sl]omaj]iecT, sliomatreachd, s. f. theft, thievery lut>c, sludhach, ,
;Sl]onC(im, slioncaim, v. I beat SluACn, WWjS-m-ah0m
Sljop, sliop, s. aiip, a month, SluojiAjge, sludraigkc, s. a foundation
Sljopa, sliopach, a. blubber-lipped Slii5 slug, s. m. a gulp
SI]or, s lias, s. m. a side, side of a country, district, <>lu5c> slugach, a. that swalloweth
flank Slugat), slugadh, s. swallowing, deglutition
S^opagan, sliosagan, s. shavings Slug*)*), slugaid, s. f. a slough, deep miry place
Sljopajm, sliosaim, v. I slice ShJ5<*]m, slugaim,x. I swallow, devour, deglut, gorgp,
Sporen, sliosda, a. fair, courteous, flattering gormandize, absorb, ingurgitate
Sljf. s- a beetle or wash-staff SlugAjjie, slugaire, s. m. a glutton
Slu5jpeact>, slugaireachd, s. f. gluttony
sim'siiseog,} s- a elliP' a,ath> a Ain b""1 Slu^n, singan, s. m. the throat
Slireog, sliseog, s. f. the temple, the upper part of SlugAnA, sluganach, a. swallowing
the head Sluspholl, slugphoU,-\s hhl i
.?l|re05*yjm, sliseogaigliim, v. I chip, slice Sl5*4ri slugthan, j ' 1
;Sljrcjmn|iij;f!, slischeimiiiughadh, s. a digression ShijgeA, sluigheadh, s. cutting down, lowerin,
S'jrrieAc slisneach, s. chips, scales humbling
,Sl|ucieo)ft, sliuctheoir, s. m. a glutton, a spendthrift Sl)5e]n, slwgein, s. f. the neck of a bottle
SljnAca, sliudhacach, 1 . , Sluj5jn, sluigtn, s. f. absorption
Sl}Ut>c*n*, slmdhacanach, ) a- nornea Slu)5^e> slutgthe, part, swallowed, absorpt
Sljugteao, sliughtlicadh, s. a stratagem Sluj, sluinn, s. a telling or declaring
Sloe, sloe, s. m. a pit, hollow, hole, cavity, pitfall, Sliir*) slusoinh v I dissemble, counterfeit
mine Smac, smac, s. m. the palm of the hand
Sloca, skcach, a. cavernous Smaco, smachd, s. reproof, correction, awe, sub
Slocan, slocan, s. m. a socket, hollow, little pit jection, authority, sway
,t?loc, slochd, s. a pit, hole Sm4Ct>A, smachda, a. reproved, corrected
Slooa, shchdach, a. full of pits \ v. I reprove, chastise,
Sloe $uajl, sloe guail, s. a coal-pit Sm4CT>*)6jm, smac/idaighhn, [ afflict, mortify, cor-
Sloe yjne, slock sine, s. a flake of snow Smfttxkjm, smachdaim, I rect, reprehend,
Sloe, slod, \sm2t little stantiing water J rule
Slooan, shdan, \ Sm4C04rhu)l, smachdamhuil, a. authoritative, com
SI045, slodhag, s. the bone in horn manding, peremptory
Slogajm, logaim, v. I swallow, gulp, absorb jSrmcougat), smachdughadh, s. reproof, chastisement*
2lo5*)le, slogaire, s. m. a gulf correction, subduing, swaying
Slope, sloidhe, s. a section, division Smefulgte, smachduighthe, part, reproved, cor
Slojjeari, sloigheadh, s. a hosting rected, chastised, swayed, governed
Slo-j5)ie, sloigithe, part, swallowed, absorbed Sm*T>ujteo])t, smachduightneoir, s. m. a corrector,
;Sloj5te, sloighthe, a. beaten ruler, cbastiser
Slojgpea, sloigheadh, s. a sword SmACtA, smachtadh, see rmaTnigA
Slo)Re, sloinne, s. a smame, family, patronymic Smatba, smachibhann, ) s. a penal law, penal-
StajneAt), sloinneadh, s. naming, descending Sm*6rt>l]e, smachtdlighe,) ry
Slojte, sloinnte, s. a family SmatUn, smachtlann,' \ e
SlojteapAo, sloinntearachd, s. f. genealogy Z , . _ smacntlong,
Smactlong, ' i( s. a house of correction
Slojn-e rjop , slointe sios ann, pointedly explained Smica, smadadh, s. boasting ; intimidation
S'lojr, sloit, s. f. roguery, villainy Sm4T3*rhu]l, smadamhuil, a. boastful, threatening
Slo]f j|te, slo'ttire, s. m. a thief, a villain jSmaDn, smadan, s. m. soot, smut
*>]]]<0, sloitireach, a. villainous SmAfna, smadanach, a. smutted
jSlojrjpea'o, sloitireachd, s. f. villainy Sm*5> W?^ s- m* a Paw
Slojmrljoo, slcimslio'h, a. sharp Smigftrhuil, smagamhuil, a. pawing, handling
Slu*5!'"ae^> s> m- an > multitude, host, legion, Sm*i5, s. f. a curb, authority
people ; Welsh, llu Sm*l, smal, s. m. dirt, filth, stain, spot, dust
Sl4*B"coire sIm'S*1 , s- infantry Snwl, smal, X s. m. soriowiulness, decay, obscu
Slnojih*^, sluaghmhar, a populous Smaln. smalm, ) riiy, dimness, vexation
Sl^ mapo*' o, sluagh-mha>cachd, s. f. cavalry SmlA'b smalan, s. m. a hillock
S!: a)fcr, sluaightachd, s. ai) expedition SmalAnA, smalanuch, a. sorrowful, grieved
Sli j !mj]c)o, s'uagh mied', s. a marching army Small, iwe^> st e rmjl
Slraf*T, 1 f. a sh0Vel SmalUo)}, smalladoir, see rmolaoj]*
15> sluisg/iau,! SmA

Semilog, smallog, s. f. a fillip Smp, smid, s. f. a word, a syllable

>m>5(l, smaogal, s. . a husk ;>mj5> smlg, ) ... . .
i>m<ot4, smaolach, s. m. a thrush STmisjn, Light, \ s- the chin ; mirth
Srrw>rji(v, smaosrach, 1 ... SmigeA, sniigeadh, s. a smile
em'L,i smaostnrach,
, ' i jS s. m. a cartilage,
ogristle .Smj^eAT), sm gead, s. a smicket
^maj45, smarag, s. an emerald .SmjgAOA, smigeadach, s. m. a chin-cloth
?me*c, smeach, s. m. a fillip
>me*6, smeach, s. m. the neck jSittpli, Wee/;, } s- Phlomela
;Sme*, smeach, 7 , jSmpjt, Mwr, s. marrow, strength
;SmeACn, ,Mc/iee,j8- m- lechn SnYjopArhlACo, smioramhlachd, s. f. activity, man
Smeacft, smeacaih, s. palpitation, panting liness
Smonjucn, smcanrackd, s. f. groping jSmpparhujI, smioramhuil, a. lively, active, manly
jSmAp, mftfr. s. m. grease, tallow ; Welsh, mer, ;Smjoj CAjlleA, smior cailleach, s. m. a poor puny
marrow; beria, fat fellow
;SmAjiAT>, smearodh, s. a greasing, unction Staqot, smiot, s. an ear
;Sm*jU)5e, smearaighe, s. the smearing or prepar Smjor, smiot, s. a small portion of any thing
ing a hive for bees SnrjotA, smiota, a. of or belonging to the ear
Sm&JMlgjm, smearaighm, ) r S^mjocA, smiotach, a. crop-eared
Situe jiAjm, smearaim, f v' 1 S186' anomt Srnjotn, smiotan, s. m. small ear, a tap on the ear
.SmAjtiA, smeait/iti, a. besmeared with grease S^miftjm, smistim, v. I smite
SmeAJtACn, smearthachan, s. m. a kitchen brat, a Smprjp, smistin, s. a short thick stick
lick plate S^mo"34n, smodem, s. m. mist
i>mA]*fao, smearthachd, s. greasing Smocin, smodan, 7
~ i . smoigleadh,
;Smoj5leAt>, . . ,r )Ss. dirt,> smut, a t
meAjp, smearoid, s. f. a burning coal, an ember
;SmeA|tt0j|, smearthoir, s. m. a cajoler SmogAjjineAC, smogairneach, a. large-boned
.SmeApp, smeathroid, see rmjtp ,?mp, smoit, s. f. sulkiness
jSmeoejmeAC, smederneach, s. m. slumber jSmjreA, smoiteach, a. sulky
;Sme]cc, smcicc, see pne]5 Sml, smol, s. f. a weaver's shuttle
.Smp, smeid, s. f- a nod, wink, beck, inuendo Smol, smol, s. m. snufFof a candle
;SmepeA, smeideach, s. m. one that winks
jSmepeA, smcideadh, s. nodding, winking SmolA, smolach, \ s' m' an ember coal
SmepeAt), smeideadh, s. hissing SmU, smolach, s. m. a thrush
Smepeog, smeideog, see rmepe ;51, smoladan, ~\
Smepim, smeid'tm, v. I nod, beckon, wink SmoUti)}, smoladoir, ^s. snuffers
jSmepjm, smeidim, y, I hiss Smol^Unt)}!, smolghlantoir,)
Smeis, smei, ~l ;SmoltA, smoltach, s. m. a nightingale
S^mej^eAo, smehead, > s. f. the chin SW, imrf, a mouthful, a pluck
Sme-j^jn, smeigin, ) SmocAn, smotan,] 7 r
;Smej5At>a, smcigeadach, s. m. a chin-cloth, bib Smorn, smotan, s. m. a block, log, stock
State)), smtil, s. f. a pale, chill, ghastly look |muA)ne, smiiaine I s. thought, reflection
Smejlp, smeilin, s. f. a poor, puny, pale creature SmuAjneAW, smuamcadh, J
Smejleos, smerfrog, s. f. a pale puny girl SmuA]nim,'wa/'Vw, ) v. I think, imagine,
Smepne, smeime, s. f. a spit, broach SmuAjntj^m, smuaintighim, ) devise, consider
.SmeojiAC, smeorach , s. m. a mavis, a linnet, a night _
SmuApre, . .
smuainte () s. a itatiobn.
thought, lur.
ingale ;SmuAjntp, smuainiidh,^
S^meojtA, smeaadh, s. anointing
Smeojme, smcorne, s. the point of a dart "I a. thoughtful,
S^meoprAjj-reine, smeorthatgh-teine, s. fire-brands SmuApteA, smuainteach, I cogitative,
Siril. smer, s. m. fire ;SmuAptj5teA, smuaimightheach, ' pensive, con-
Smpaje, smeraighe, s. the second swarming of a J siderative
hive ; " i. e. rA|f e rAnAjre." Z?r. L. SfmuApreAAt>, smuainteachadh, see rmuAptjugAt)
Sm\t)T, smeroit, s. f. sparks, embers; "'. rm- ;SmuApt]5fe, smuaintlghthe, imagined, conceived
]ijr, t. . > tene, T Flc Tunell; rmjjjc SfmuApt]5ce)]i, smuainlightheoir, s. m. a cogitator
t>jn, e. Vuijell ceni." Cor. S^muAptjugAt), smuaintiugfutdh, s. cogitation, medi
Smu]t, smew, see } tation i
JmiiH, smeur, s. a blackberry, bramble berry SfmiiAjnean, smuairean, s. grief, dejection
i?mujj*c, smeurach, a. abounding with blackber SmuWeAT\*c,smuaireanac/i, a. dejected, thoughtful
ries STmuA]p, smuais, s. f. marrow
;Smp ! ' inter}, mum ! not a word SmuAjr, smuais, a. in pieces, broken in shivers
5 JL jSmucAjl,

jSmcAp1, smucail, %. snoring jSnAgjji, snagoir, s. m. a crawler, creeper

Smurn, smudan, s. m. soot, smut, smoke SnAjeA, snaidheadh, s. cutting down, lopping,
, smiidan, s. ni. a ringdove, quest whetting
Sniug, smug, s. snot, spittle, saliva, slime ;SnA))m, snaidhim, v. I cut down, lop, prune
Snuga, stnugach, a. mucous, snotty SnApjm, snaidhim, v. I whet
,Srnu5At>, smugadh, s. spitting ;SnAy)m, snaidhim, v. I protect,.defend, patronize
?5]], smugadoir, s. m. a pocket-handker *aii4]m, snaiahm, s. a knot, a difficulty
chief*. SnAjcmeAnQA^m, snaidlimJitanglaim, v. I confe
Smug*}, smugaid, s. spittle derate
STmugAjgil, tmugaighil, s. nose phlegm ;SnA]f>mjm, snaidhmim, V. I knot, splice
5mu5a)m, smugaim, v. I spit, salivate, blow the nose jSnAjtire, snaidhtf, part, lopped, whetted
i>mu5 ri* cuac, smug na ciuic/i, s. woodseare, cuck- jSnAjgeA, snaigheach, a. creeping, crawling
ow's npittle .SnAjgoeoJiAC*, s/uiihdeorachd, \ f .
Smug-pjolAo, smug-shioladh, s, a catarrh Sna^eojtieAo, snaigheoirtachd, \ S' U cutJng ^hips
5m]o, smuid, s. f. vapour, smoke 515), shaigh-ni, v. I creep, crawl, grovel
SnAjmjAf, $naimias,s. a rout, multitude. Sh.
Sm,T,e*mu,l, imu&tmbal, \ a- smok>, vaporous
SnAjgte, snaighthe, part, cut, lopped
Smvcjm, smuidim, v. I smoke, exhale 5nA]f , snailh, s. f. a thread, filament
SmujeATi, smuigeadh, s. filth, dirt >nrh, s namh, )
jSmujgA'OAC, smulgeadacfi, s. m. a handkerchief ~ , ' . smmhadn,)
., ' , > s. swimming
;Smuvnt)je, smuintighe, see Sn*vh*, snamhach, s. . slow swimming, sailing
^minrj^jm, smuintighim, v. I imagine, design SriiAje, snamhuidlie, s. m. a swimmer
;Srmijt*, smuir, s. f. a beak, or snout jSnm*}^!, snamhaiglul, s. creeping, crawling
Smujpnrn, smuiniein, s. f. a mote u jm, snamhaim, v. I swim, float
STmujr, smuis, s. f. sweat SnimAjm, snamhaim, v. I creep
Smuic smuit, s. f. a nose, bill, beak, snout Snrhn, snam'ian, . m. a float
Smulc, smidc, s. m. a snout ; a surly look SiiArhin. snamhan, s. m. slow swimming or sauing
SmV smur, L m.duet) aroS8 SnArnn, snamhan, s. m. creeping
SnrhluAiS snamhluath, s. swift swimming
SmucAC, smutach, a. short-snouted SnAruijll, snamhuighid, s. floating, sailing
Smurn, smutan, s. a block, log S^niO], j//, s. a bier
Sr\b, sua, s. swimming Smoj, jao, s. flowing, running. F*r. / C.c.e.
Sjia, snadh, see rnuAt) :&n<ojp, jao/i, s. f. a slice
jSnA, snadh, s. a sup .Sntojrrt, snaoisin, s. f. snuff, powder
$nB, snadhach, a. sappy, juicy ;5]0, snao.sineadh, s. calcination
SnAAts snadhadh, s. a guardian angel Sn<o]r)n]m, snmisinim, v. J reduce to powder
StiAtiAt), snadhadh, s. protection, defence Stuf, snas, s. m. decency, elegancy
?nAt)4)jim, snadhghatrm, s. an appellation, nam Snap, snas, s. m. colour, grain
ing, appeal Snap, snas, s. m. ornament, refinement, analyst*
jSnam, tnndhm, s. m. a knot, band, tie, braid, ;SnArAW,
-i ' snasadh, s., analysis,"anal
. j ' izing
noose ;5?*10"} snasadoir, s. m. an analizer, refiner
Snrttim, snadhm, s. m. a difficulty SnAfAjm, snesaim, v. I anajize
SnAt>m*c, snadhtnadh, s. tying, fastening ], snasaim, v. I bedeck, rname...
&, snadhmamxach, a. knotty, nodous, SWmAb snasmharA*- ,,,eaf' eJ^"1. genteel,
knaggy 5,^, ) dainty, ornamental, brave,
SnAnriAAC'o, snadhmannachd, s. f. knottiness
jSnAg, jtw^, s. m. the hickup .SnAjru, snastu, s. colour
^5, mag, ls, m. a woodpecker .SnArugAri, snasughadh, s. ornamenting
STnAgAjioAttAC, snagardarath,) 5:nAt, snath, s. f. a thread, line, filament
SnAgA, siiagach, a. creeping, crawling SnAi*, snutha, s. an easing, riddance of pain, grief,
Sn*A]5)l, snaghaighd, s. stammering or trouble
S"n<)m, snagam, v. I creep, crawl, drawl SnatAo, snatkad, s. f. a needle ; " . pe,
;SnA4)]te, snagaire, s.m. a sneaking fellow . e. pr pnAjc, i. e. roll pn*CA]'oe." Cor.
SnAfen, snagan, s. m. a slow creeping motion S^ntA-oAn, snathadachan, s. m. a needle-case
^* snagan, s. m. a short drink SnAAO)], snathadoir, s. m. a needle-maker
snAj , snag bieac, s. m. a magpie SfnCAjm, snalhatm, v. I thread or string
SnAglADAjpc, snaghbhairt, s. stammering ;Sn4rA}m, switham, \. I sup
JnAglADAjll'eeAC, snaglabhairteach, s. m. a stammerer SnAtpuApo*)!, snathfmidhail, s. pack-thread. J.
<JnA5lADii*jm, snaglabhrabn, v. I stammer, heskate ^neA, sneachd, s. f. bnow
in speech
S02 SOA SOC soc

;Sneoft, sneachda, Sod, soadh, s. an eclipsing

SneaoA, sncachdach, V a. snowy ,Sot>Bi*dj5eao, snadhbharaigheachd, s. towardness
;Snefoaifiu)l, sneachdamhuil,) SoAgAlIiAC, soagallmhach, a. easy of address. 7".
5^ 5, sneagh, s. m an it Soalce, soailce, s. a good fashion, good manners
&ne5, sneahaci, a. full of nits ?A]nine, soainmhne, a. vegetable
jSiieam, sneamh, s. nit. Sc. 4j)*em, soaireamh, a. numerable, countable
Snearfmc, sneumhoch, a. nitty. V. ;Sjp, , v. he returned
Snej, sneidh, a. little, small .SAjneA, soaitkneach, a. easily known
Snerj, sncidh, s. soilness, sorrow, vexation S* rrjui, soaitsiumh,r- they returned
Snqg, sneigh, a. straight, direct
Sfnic, s?;'M, ) . SoaIc, soalt, s. a good leap
Sn5, snigij*-1*^ S<om)p, soaomatdh, a. flexible, exorable
i>nvoe, smdhe, s. f. a tear, drop, drops of rain through .Soap, soas, s. experience
the roof of a house }1>, /^,-| f alterablene
f>rijt>e*, snidheach, a. that droppeth
Sn]eu, snidheach, a. tearful, mournful .SoAtAjqiuj^te, soatharruighthe, a. alterable
Tnijm, snidhim, v. I drop, distil, let in water .Soda, stbha; s. sorrel, see r*mt>
Sn]5]ii) tnicrlm, v. 1 creep, drawl, glide ^-, sobha-craobh, s. raspberries
Sfnire, smghtheach, a. creeping SoBA-Alrhujn, sobha-talmhuin, s. strawberries
Sivjom, sniomk, s. sadness, heaviness, sorrow, anguish ;SoBa1a, sobhaladh, Is. fragrancy, sweet
,SnV>rh, sniomh, s. spinning, twisting, winding ^10, sobhaltanachd, J scent
S^ottia, sniomha, s. a spindle ,SB*rjte, sobhasaightke, a. mortal
Snioiiwt). sniomhad/i, s. spinning, twisting, writhing SB]nt)5fe, sobh'mtighthe, a. coagulable
Sn'jomaje, sniomhaidhe, s. m. a spinner ;SfiAp3A, sobhlasda, a. well-tasted, savoury
Sn^omijm, sniomhaim, v. I spin, twist, wind, I SBo^fA, sobhoghtha, a. pliable, moveable
writhe ,SBo1a, sMbladh, s. a sweet smell, fragrance
$njom]i), sniomhain, s- curling SoBolrAnAcn, sobholtanachd, s. f. fragrancy
Snjoriujn, sniomhain, a. that curleth, heliacal .SoBjiac, sobhrach, s. m. a primrose
i?n^oriiA]jie, sniomkairc, s. m. a wimble SobjiAp, sobhraid, s. f. sobriety, mildness, gentle
Snjomcn, sniomhtha, part, spun ness
Snjrjn, snisin,s. f. snuff SbV]Tte, sobhriste "l a. frangible, brittle
Snirjor, snisiot, v. they encountered 5[1)0, sobhnstcach, J
;Sno, sno, s. visage, appearance, colour .SBpjrceAcn, sobhristeachd, s. f. brittleness, weak
*>no, snodhach, s. m. sap, juice ness
Sno]jet)]|t, snoigheadoir, s. m. a hewer, chipper jSBpn, sobhron. s. pleasing sorrow, melancholy
Snojljm, snoighim, v. I hew, chip pleasure
Snoj^te, snoighte, part, hewn, chipped SohiiAjlceAC, sobhuailleach, a. easy to strike
Snoj^ee, snoighte, a. pleasant, decent ;Soc, sec, s. a plough share. Welsh, sweh
;SnuA, snuadh, s. a river, brook, rill ,Soc, soc, s. m. a beak, snout, proboscis; any point
Snuar, snuadh, s. hair of the head ed thing
SnuAt, snuadh, s. colour, hue, appearance, visage .Socac, socach, a. snouted, beaked
;Snur, snuadh, s. blood SocAje, sochaiihe, s. an army, host, multitude
" 1, rnu* t>'fujl : Socajp, socair, s. f. ease, rest, calm, assuagement,
gpj eol*r, rju]5 rolt pprujrt ; fixedness, felicity, concord, relief
Co Ajnm cjlle jep more, Soa\\i, socair, a. easy, safe, secure, plain, smooth,
$ac ujBat>a." For.foe. tranquil
SnUAdjm, smiadhaim, v. I flow, stream Sbb)]roe, sochairde, s. good friends, assistants
Snu*cl*]f, snuadhc/dais, s. the channel of a river SjifoeAr sochairdeas, s. friendship
&nuftt>m]i, snuadhmhar, a. well-looking ,SocAj|ieA0, socairtach, a. easy, quiet, mild, placid,
Snuoc, s. an ear peaceful, equal, smooth, plain
So, so, pron. this, this here, this is. Heb. so oca1, socal, s. ease, tranquillity
So, so, ease, rest, quiet, pleasure SAiT)A, sochamadh, a. bendable
So, so, a. young .SocftriiAl, socamkal, s. rest, ease
5:0, js, in compound words, signifies goodness, fit- SocArfiU, ^
ne^, aptness, or easy, equal to the English ter , soramhuil, J ' b
mination ble gocin, socanA.m q(
<To4cla, ssajlach, a. easy
Sfoa, jwirfA, s. a turning, returning, retarn Sod}, sochar, s. m. gain, profit, emolument, advan
Softt), soadh, s. a bed, couch, tage, fruit, prosperity, privilege. Htb. sacar, hire

Soi:*]!, sachar, s. m. a favour, an obliging deed ;Soc]iuj5]m, socruighim, v. I appease, assuage, quiet
Soajiac, socharach, a. profitable, advantageous Soqtujjie, socntighthe, part, established, settled,
;SocjMc, socharach, a. obliging put at rest
Socapa, socharach, a. sedate, stayed jSocupe, scchuidhe, s. a number, multitude of peo
jSoarca, sochasta, a. manageable, bandy ple, an assembly
Soers, sochd, s. silence STocl, socul, s. ease, tranquillity, rest
, .Socumra, sochutntha, a. mouldable
ifl,/Aar, ?} a' Sllent'
., , , sta>'ed1
sedate' ;So, sodh, s. a turning, winding, changing
>|um)te, sochluhvghthc, a. placable Sob, sodh, s. an eclipse
StU, sochla, seerolu ;Snt>A]rn, sodhaim, v. I turn, change, return
Socla, sochladh, a. sensible Soamg, sodkahig, a. still, quiet
Sclap>re, sochlairthe, a. parted, divided ;Sot>aj]*e, sodaire, s. see rooajtnac
Sckoclor, sochlacchloidh, \ a. changeable, converti- jgowrtl, soda/, see roral
&Alo], sochloidh, \ ble Joral, sodal, s. in. flattery
.SoclOire, sochlaoidhtc, a. vincible Sfooala, sodalach, a. flattering, fawning
0!<>, sochlaonadh, a. towardness Sopan, sodan, s.
.Soclconra, sochlaonta, a. flexible Sor>*r\, sodhan, a. prosperous, happy
.Soclojj-ce, sochlo'ste, a. audible jSooana, sodanach, a. joyful, giad
Soclojrtjne, sochlo'istine, s. audibleness S^ot)*!, sodar, s. m. a trotting; " 4 ta a apal 4])
.Sclojptjnen, sochloislmeach, a. audible rooap ;" dallar and daharoth, trotting .
.Sol, sochlu, s. fame, renown, reputation Sona jiajm, sodaraim, v. I trot
.So^lujnrjn, sochluintm, s. audibleness .SoeajiTia, sodariuuh, s. m. a stout, strong, clumsy
.Socman, sochmadh,\a. abstemious; 11 le epo)t>e man, or beast
Socriap, sochmhar, J j-orha)j;." Sooajmac, sodatnach, a. able to trot or march
.Socnamre, sochnamhtc, a. digestible. c. Socapt)}, sodarthoir, s. m. a trotter
Tcobaipre, scchobhaiste, a. conformable S^ealba, sodheaibhach, a. well-formed, handsome
.SocoTHijjce, sochodu'ighthe, a. addible Sooanta, sodheanta, a. easy to be done, possible
>o]f, sochois, s. a learned man .SotieaJiBia, sodhearbhtha, a. evincible
jScriijtleec, sochomhair/each, a. advisable ;Soijonra, sodhidhionta, a. defensible
om))ileacT>, sochomhairleachd, s. f. advisableness ,SoC4nE4, sodhochanta, a. damageable
jScmjtac, sochomhrach, a. conversible, af- S^a)|tte, sodhairte, a. apt to pour out, free in talking
^rhjiape, sochomhraidhe, > fable, complai- Sooomac, Sodomach, s. m. a Sodomite
<>ci]a]ce, sochomhraidhte,) sant .So'oomac'o, Sodomachd, s. f. Sodomy
;Socor]i4t>act, socliomhradhacht, s. f. affability, blan jSoppac, sodrach, a. trotting
dishment Socjiajm, sodraim, v. I trot
Somr<oi, sochonUhaoi 1 a. convertib]e Sitaire,, sodhraise,
AJuu[.jl jl*:j41 )} s. easy to shut
ocomrooa, sochomnthodha, \ So^uyore, sodliruidthc, ) '
Soconpat, sochonradh, s. cheapness SoT>ru]i, sodhsur, s. fatness, lusciousness
Scopwa, sochordach, a. agreeable Sofupa, sodhsurach, a. fat, luscious
,Sco]ipuj5t>, sochorruighthe, a. agitable, passionate ^-, so-erraideach, a. easily led astray,
^oopiuiigieATo, sochorruighthcachd, s. f. agitation, fallible
instability Sojraela sofhchala, a. attainable, procurable
;Socojc, sochosc, s. a welcome Spicpe, sofhaicse, -\
0o6ormu)I, sochosmhuil, a. conformable SraicTea, sofhacseach,
,ou^ji| 7 {> a. visible,
. ... apparent
;SocJia, era, s. ease, tranquillity, freedom Sopajcrionaf sqfnetcsionatn, 1
Socjiac, son ach, a. easy, free, demure Sc-paisrca, srf/iaigseach, )
<>ocjtA'o, socrcchd, s. f undisturbedness Soafjcrp, s'fhatcsm, s. visibility
jSocpap, sochraid, } s. f. a multitude of people, a Sp)f, /</'. a. vegetative, apt to grow
^6|*)1", sochraide, j host, an army, assistants Sforjn, sofLaotin, a. acquirable, impetrable
?oc]i ajote, socratdhthe, a. settled, content, disposed, So^ap, i/r, a. strong, stout
Speucjn, sofeucln, a. attemptible. Sh.
agr ed
Socla 5Jtn, sncraig'm, v. I settle, establish, fix, ap Sywmb*b, sofhirniachadh, a. justifiable. Sh.
pease, mitigate, ssunge Sontijnuicre. sofhirinwchte, a. avowable. W.
Socpar, so 'as, s m ease, tranquillity S"6rola, sofholach, a. concealable
Sfcjtoi^ea, sochroidheach, a. kind-hearted, good- Sorui*in5, softul<iing,a.. tolerable, easily endured
S'>^, sog", s- a bitch
n X d
Sr.|njjM<^> sochroihca:hd, s. f cordiality, kiud- SV'|, sogh, s. m. prosperity, case, pleasure, good
eer, empt"OH8H8b, delicacy, luxury
S>oc|5, soci:ihah, s. quieting, assuaging, com 0aV)a<> soghub.iaia, a. capable, capacious
forting S$*,

S^t, soghach, a. sumptuous, prosperous SojoeeU, soidealach, "|

Sgnrhlao, soghamhlachd, s. f. luxuriousness Sojo]44C, soidiallach, > a. rude, ignorant
S5*mu)l, soghamhuS, a. luxurious SojT5j4lt4, soldialta, J
jSgorhujI, soghamhuil, \\ a- Peasant,
. t cheerful
, e . SJojjomcup, soidhiomchur, a. portable, supportable
#05*0, soghan, ,Sojfe4p, soifhear, s. a good man
Sogcon, soghhon, s. a greyhound bitch SjfjUte, soifhilitc, a. flexible, pliable
S050A, soghda, s. provocation -Sorg, jo/'g, see ro)
S^55*^*II, soghghadhair, s. a hound bitch i^ojgoeojp, soighdeoir.y ,,. ,
Sojgojup, w/t&r, )s- m' a soldier archer
5julAn, soghiulan, a. portable
Srl4C4J5e, soglilacaigkthe, a. acceptable, agreeable S^oigcjupf-*, soighdiurtha, a, exercised in military
SjlAcrA, soghlact/ia, a. easily caught discipline, brave
;SlAjrte, sog/ilaiste, a. moveable, wavering, tracta SojjeAO, soighead, s. f. a dart, arrow, shaft
ble, passable, current, light ;Sj5e4m, soigheam, s. a precious stone or gem
^, soghmhfir, a. prosperous, sumptuous .Sojbio, soighidh, s. an attack, meeting
^orn]ct][ie, soghmictirc,s. a she wolf )5Jm soigfum, v. I come, reach, arrive
jSjjnaj, soghnaidh, )a. fair, comely, hand- Sojgim, soighim, v. I attack, meet
^jnjj-ee, soghnuiseach, ) some Sro]|l]j, soighleir, s. a jailer; vulg.
Sjnjreap, soghnuiseas, s. comeliness, beauty joigne, soighne, ) . . ,. .
Solear, soighneas,]*- Pulir, delight
;So]nte, soghointc, a. vulnerable
5^g|iftt34, sogliradhach, a. amiable, lovely, accept Sojgne, soighne, | s. a thunder-bolt, flash of
able iSojjnevn, soighnein,] lightning
.Soyurt, soghradhach, s. a primrose. Sh, Sojgnean giojte, soighnean gaoithe, s. a blast, a puff
jSti}m, soghraidhim, v. I love exceedingly Sisnie, soigknid/i, ) , .
Sjgnlorh, soighnilmh, \ s- a Sod ac,lon
;Sopup, soghsur, s. fatness
Soi soi 7 written for ro in compound words, S^jjnfarrmc, soighmomhach, s. m. a benefactor
<soir3 ' I when the first vowel of the second ;S]gn}ot>pA)m, soiglmiodhsaim, v. I do good
> ' ') part is slender Stojgtee, soigktheach, s. a vessel, a bottle
Sfo)b, soib, s. f. trie hand .Sojteou, soightheoir, s. m. a cooper
;S)Bur, soibhcu?, s. good breeding, good manners ;Sojlbe4CT>, soilbheachd, s. a jest
SjBura, soibheusach, a. well bred, polite S^ojlbjm, sodbheim, s. f. a flash of light, a thunder
jSTjBpjpre, soibhriste, a. brittle, frail, fragile bolt
5)Bf]rce*r, soibhristeacht, s. f. brittleness, weak .SojIBjp, soilb/iir, a. happy, cheerful
ness 5)1)), soibhire, - cb__f|llnp,.
0oilr3ipe4Co, soilbhireachd, Is' , ctieerfulness,
S^o]Bp5^u' Soibhsgeul, s. the Gospel
^ojbr&uUje, Soibhsgeulaidhe, s. m. an Evangelist lojlBne, sodbhre, J gd humour
SfojbfguUjm, soibhsgeulaim, v. I preach the gospel ^0)le45t4, sodeaghtha, a. fusible
;SToje, or go roje, solche, or go soiche, adv. until S^ojle4f, soileas, s. officiousness, flattery
jS'ojceA'o, soicead, s. a socket *>o}le4r, soileasach, a. officious, obliging
, soichedh, s. coming, arriving i>ojlpe4t>, sofeachd, s. f. a charm
^, socheadfatha, \ sensble jSojlejjte, soileighte, a. legible
5^]4op4*4, socheadfatha, ) ;Sojl]rr;*lb seilioster, see rele4ftt4j
5^0]e4l, soicheal, a. joy, mirth 5)114, sodlear, s. a cellar
;SiealtnyA, soicheamsa, a. liberality, generosity jSojiljt, soilleir, a. clear, manifest, perspicuous,
To)rm, soichim, v. I reach, arrive at conspicuous, evident, apparent, express, expiiez,
;S]inelA, soichinealach, | a. noble, high-born, of incontestable, fair, plain
bjjt.eAlr*, soichinealta, ) noble family So)He)pe4o, soilleireachd, s. clearness, perspicuity
;So]crneAlract>, soichinealtechd,\s. nobility, noble ^o)lle)P)5)m, soilleirighim, ) v. I explain, elucidate,
,Sf]ineAltAr, soichinealtas, ) descent <yojle)itjm, soiieirim, ) dear, manifest
5^i)i0ne44f, soichiumachadh, s. appeasiblenesi ;go"jliejpre, soilkirsc, s. an axiom
Sjdiujneaifiuil, soichiuineamhud, a. appeasible <>ojLcoe fideog, s. f. a willow, sallow
*?ojle, soichle, s. pleasure, mirth, gladness Tojl r-e, sottise, s. light, brightness, efl'ulgence, clear- '
616, soichre.dcfo 1 ^ ness, dawn, day-break
S:t\te)T>t,*> souhradg/ui,i ;So)llre*> soilheach, a. bright, clear, luminous, light
S)CfiepeArhu-]l, sotchreideamhuil, a. credulous some, lucid, effulgent, radiant
STj tte)x>me*c, scic/ireidmheach, s. m. a credulous gf0jHre*o, soillseachd, s. lightsomeness, brightness
person ;So}llre4n, sodtsean, s. a taper, a torch
Sicpeyonn, soichreidsm, s. credibility, credibleness go-)\\f]\m, so.ngnivtv. I shine, brighten
;So)c, o/a, s. f. a dart, arrow, javelin ^gojllrjgte, soillsighthe, a. enlightened, illuminated,
Sop*, soidheanta, a. facile, practicable brightened
SM 5o)lIrju4,
#0J sor SOL SOL

So)llr)ug, soillsiughadh, s. lightening.enlightening SojpgulAre, soisgeulaidhe, s. m. an evangelist

S|rhe4llt4, snmheallta, a. easily deceived, fallible Sojrjl, {/, a. proud, haughty, high spirited
S>ojih, sojmh, a. peaceable, quiet Sjpnrje, soishinte, a. ductile, pliable
S]Th]*$A, soim/iianngAa, a. desirable Sojpjon, soishion, s. freedom, privilege
S-jompojte, so-iotnpoighte, a. convertible 2>0)riop, toisior, a. younger, youngest
S-jomcu|, so-iomchur, a. tolerable, portable S]rle, je/i/e, s. brightness
Sojn, soin, s. a sound Sojrlen, stislen, a. shining
Sojn, soin, s. esteem Soipein, soistean, s. m. a good habitation, residence
Sjn, pron. that, there S-fce, jo-'/, a. edible
, soinchearbh, s. Synalpha So]e, js'M, adv. till, until
Sojne4rhlACB, snineatnhlachd, s. f. comeliness SojfceA, sodlieach, s. m. a vessel, pitcher
So]ne4rhu)l, soineamhuil, a. estimable ;S|-e<54r5, soitheagasg, a. teachable, tractable
Soine*rhu]l, soineamhuil, a. handsome, comely So]fje4rh, soitheamh, \ a. comely, gentle, pliable
Sbinen, Wan, ) s- fairfw.eather> thfe seIa>,0/nAs' Sojtp, soithidh, ) quiet
So,Je*n, somneanA jbeerfulness, ga.ety. , Soiceitpte, soithearthe, the youngest
So)jm, soithint, v. I reach, arrive at
SomeanoA, soineanda, a. pleasant, well-tempered, S^ojcinge, soithinge, s. ajudge
meek, quiet, calm Soj)e4C, soithinneach, a. desirous
Sojne4j-, soincas, s. f. sulkiness .1 So)t]oiimu]5e, soithiormulghthe, a. desiccative
Sojnjm, soinim, v. I sound, make a noise So-)tte, so-ithte, a. edible
Sojnjne, soinine, gen. of j-ojnean SojrleAg, Jt/fff 1 . j
SojnrheAC, soinmheach, a. happy, fortunate SojrleAgAn, soithieagan, J '
SojeAc, soinneach, s. m. a race-horse SojtrhjAnAC, soitnmhianac/i, a. covetous. A.
Sojnjon, soimion, s. a blast , Sojrnge, soithnge, s. ajudge
So)rjt>, soinnsidh, a. affable Sojnje, soithngke, a. pleasant, cheerful
S >jp}n, jo/p/', s. f. a handful of straw, a wisp Sojrnge. soithngke, a. famous, reinjwued. Z1. .fon.
Sjjt, soir, s. the east, the morning So]tnyj;|m, soithnighim, v. I allure
Sf>]P, soir, a. eastern, easterly .Soitrqgte, soithmghthe, a. allured
S -]\t, soir, adv. eastwards Sol, J/, s. the sun. Cer.
So]o, soirbh, a. happy, prosperous, affable, gentle, S<>1, W, adv ere, before
easy, piiabie, pliant, serious S aBajia. soluhhavtha, a. eloquent
Sojpoe, svrbhe, ") s. f. affability, quietness, Su'44]f40c, solabharthachd, s. f. eloquence, affa
'S>]loe4, sorbheachd, > gentleness, prosperity, bility, frankness
S .)tibe*r> soirbheas, ) success SoUbi4'6, soLbhradh, a. affable, exorable
So)j>e4r, soirbheai, s. f. a fair wind SUjf^, sola?tha, a. palpahle ; " opc4t>4f rl4-
;So]b>5)m, soirbhighim, v. I prosper, succeed , tenebra; palpabilis." Keat. from St. Bernard
S ))]b)U5*i), soirbhiug'iadh, s. prospering Sl4)te*6, solaitheach, a. venial
SToi|io(i}rce, soiibknste, a. ductile SoUrh, Solumh, Solomon, a man's name
Sojpce, soirc'ie, a. bright, clear, manifest, known, SoUrh, sotamh, a. quick, ready, nimble, active, of
intelligent ficious
jSojjteact, soircheacht, s. f. brightness Srh, s'Aamh, a. happy, prosperous
Sojpe, soire, s. a bag, a vessel Sml4CT>4, solamhi achdach, a. tangible
S)l4btAr, soireabthacht, s. brittleness SUmujjte, solamhuighthe, a. pliable, easy to be
STojjiearl, soireann, s. serenity, mildness, pleasant formed or fashioned
ness, cheerfu ness Solp, solar; s. a provision, providing, procuration,
^, somanta, a. serene, mild, pleasant providence, getting
;Sojnjo, soireidh, a. convenient, agreeable Sol|**ybe> solaraidhe, s. m. a provider
So"j]yn, soirin. a. eastern Sol4]i4im, solaraim, v. I provide, prepare
;So]p]on, soirion, s. fine settled weather Solpta, solarthach, a. industrious, provident,
Sojtmlj4, soirnltach, s. m. a baker's peel frugal
SJrf e, soirthe, s. readiness SolApcupe, solarthuidhe, s. m. a provider
So)tte ti t'loje, soirthe na cloinne, the womb SoUp solas, s. m. light, a lanip
S)lcl010- sohciod, even unto SoUr solas, s. m. comfort, consolation, joy, jocun
So]re. soise, s. alteration, change. Lec. dity, pleasure
S^o]r*c* soisgcalta, a, evangelical, evangelized Sol4fc, solasach, a. luminous
<jo)r;ul, soisgeul, s. m. the Goppel Slrac solasach, a. comfortable, consolatory, plea
^oifuU, soisgeulach, a. evangelical sant, grateful
Sojp^ula, soisgeulach, s, evangelist SoUf4)5e, solasaighe, s. a caterer. Sh.
SojrfculA), soisgeuladh, s. good news, tiding* Sl*r*jm, solasaim, v. I console, comfort
soy SOM son SOR

S^iapoa, solasda, a. bright, luminous Son, son, s. sake, cause, account

Solapcacw, solasdachd, Son, son, s. a word, voice, sound
Solaprhajje, solasmhaire, > s. f. brightness Son, son, s. good, profit, advantage
Solapmajpeao, solasmhaircachd, J Son, son, s. knowledge
Solaprhap, solasmhar, a. luminous, bright Son, son, s. a stake or beam
Slp uga, solasughadh, s. comforting, consoling Son, son, a. tall
Solapugat), solasughadh, s. lighting, kindling Son, sen, ) ,
Son, JS,}Pron-here
Solaap, solalhar, s. a provision, earning
Solatpa, solathrach, a. provident Sona, sona, \ a. happy, blessed, prosperous,
Solpajm, solathraim, v. I provide, prepare Sona, sonadh, ) joyful
Sleajta, soleaghtha, see pojlejjte Sonajpce, sonairte, s. strength, courage
Sleata, soleaghtha, a. colliquable Sona, sonann, s. fertile land ; i. e. ron jroii
Slejgeap, soleigheas, a. curable, medicable Sonar, sonas, s. m. happiness, bliss, prosperity, bea
Soljp, />, see ^* titude, felicity, fortune, luck
Sleonra, soleonta, a. vulnerable Son t>ujleo5, sonduileog, see BujHeog opjgpe.
Soll, i oll, s. bait to catch fish Somhap, sonmhar, a. prosperous, fortunate
Sollajn, sollain, s. a welcome Son, sonn, s. m. a bait to catch fish
Sollarhnajm, Son, sonn, s. m. a staff, club, stake, beam
sMamhmghim,]i\ V" _1 celerate.
. .
Son, sonn, s. m. a prince, a hero; " 1\o ceap an
Sollamnu^te, soliamhmiighthe, part celebrated pon ]ajt pjn pe uac t>o alca eaga."
Sollamujn, sollamhuin, s. solemnity Son, sonn, pron. here
Sollamunra, sollamunta, a. solemn, solemnized Sona, sonnachfS. m. a wall, a castle, a fortress
Sollamuntaco, sollamuntachd, s. f. solemnization Soat>, sonnadh, s. a contention, strife
Sollup, ///, s. limpid. JA. Soajm, sonnaim, v. I pierce, thrust, press, oppress
Slg;*, sologhtha, a. venial, pardonable Somapca, sonnmharcach, s. a courier, a messenger
Slracx>, sologhthac-:d, s. f. venialness on horseback
Sloip^ie, soloisgthe, a. adnstible Sojaa, sonnrachadh, s. ordination. SA.
Solranap, soltaras, s. m. mirth, jollity Sor*> sonnta, a. bold, courageous
Slbra, soluhtha, a. flexible, pliable, hendible Sorac, sonntach. a. merry, joyful
Siba'o, solub'hachd, s. f. flexibility Soraco, sonntachd, s. f. boldness, confidence
Solup, o/f - see rolar Sorao, sonntacfid, s. f. mirth
Solupgeal, solusgbeal, brilliant white
Solupta, solusta, part, lighted
Som, somit, pron. he, anbeptpotri, he said. In se- Snpaact, sonradhacht, s. f. especialty, severalty
vt iai olJ MSS. pom is used as an increase or em Sonpaja, sontaghadh, s. detail
phatic form of the verb through all the persons of Sonp4jc, sonraic, a. righteous
the indicative Sjnpajcre, sonraichte, a. particular. Sc.
Joma, soma, s. a flock of swans Sonfa)5)m, sonratghim, v. I particularize, specify,
Soma, soma, s. learning detail, signalize
Soma, soma, a. rich, /. e. pavoojp. o. g. Sonpuigce, sonruighthcydi. particular, circumstantial,
Somacan, soin ci an, s. m. a soft innocent person fl grant
Somapie, si muine, s. wealth, property Sonra, sontach, a. bold, merry
Sorhajple. S'.mhairle, the proper nan, e of aman Sonujge, sonwge, a. lucky, fortunate ; blissful, pro
Somali*- Somalia, a. generous, bountiful pitious
Somalta, Somalia, a. bulky So-ojbpujgte, so-oibruighte, a figurable. SA.
Somalia, Somalia, a. easy, gentle. Sop, sop, s. m. a wisp, handful, bundle
Somaltaco, som-ltachd, s. f. negligence Sopan, sopan, s. m. a little wisp
Somcomea, somaoineach, a. rich, endowed with Sopap, sopar, s. m. a well
worldly goods Sop-qpce, sop-circe, s. the top or crest of a hen or
Somapbta, somharbhtha, a. mortal other bird
SmajtlWa'o, somharhhthachd, s. f. mortality, state Sopla, soplach, s. m. ) a wisp of straw or hay. Heb.
of being subject to death Sop, sopog, s. f. J sapach
Somajtc'jn, somhorein. s. f. a primrose Sopla, soplach, a. insignificant
Smeanmnac, somlwanmnach, a. well-spirited, good- Sopog, sopog, s.f. a well
Sop-Jeic, sop-rac,s. a tavern- sign. Sh.
Som an, somlan, a. safe and sound Sop, ser, s. m. a louse
Smofuite, somhothuightite, a. easily felt, or per Sop, sor, s. a stop, hesitation
Sopa, sera, s. soap
ceived Sojwt), soradh, s. hesitation,
Sompla, sompla, s. a pattern, sample
Smjnte, somhuinte, a. teachable, tractable Sopajtr,

sos sos sp2l SPA

SojtA-j, soraidh, s. blessing, farewel, compliments Sorcjoo, sosc'iod, adV. even to, until
, soraidh, a. happy, successful Srt>jup4T>, sosdiuradh, 0. governable, wieldy
Soj]oe*, soraidtadh, s. salutation Sfe44nr4, soshtachanta, a. avoidable
Sjt)re, sorainme, a. divisible Sfeolr4, sosheotta, a. navigable
Sjconujf e, soraomiighthe, a. eligible Sor5<o,lce, ^sgaoilu,! X h]
So|ti, sorar, s. a sister; " )pe rojujt "- SofbOjlte, sosgoilte, j
cji4)c, matajti erpoje %el." Fd. Aon. Sorra, sosia, s. an abode, habitation
Sopb, sor, s. f. a fault, vice, crime, blemish Soft4n, sostan, s. m. a noise, cry
Sopb, ar, a. foul, sordid, dirty SortnA, sostanach, a. noisy, clamorous
Sojl>4]m, orbaim, v. I pollute, defile -Sot, soth, s. f. offspring
Sopbio]44r, sorbaorachas, s. a lampoon, satire Sot, soth, s. f. luxury, luxuriousness, sumptuousness
Soj*DC4jin, sorbeharn, s. a dunghill Sof-4]o]5, so/haichdJg, s. strength
sZt*!Zcia, } a- 1Sbt' bri8ht' conspicuous, clear So4|]ie, sothaire, s. m. a spruce fellow
Soc4l, sotal, s. m. pride, arrogance
>ojic<, Sorclia, Clara, a woman's name S0C4I, sotal, s. in. flattery, cajolery, insinuation,
S<>]i 15*' sorchazhadh, see fopcu4 blandishment
Sopc^lSim, sorchaighim, v. I declare, clear, manifest Soc4l4, sotaloch, a. proud, arrogant
Spc4jne4r!, sorchaineadh, s. a satire, lampoon Sot4l4, sotaluch, a. t'avvniiig, Haltering
Sojin, soychan, s. m. a little stool; an eminence Sotalaja)"1' sotalaighim, v. I boast, brag, flatter
.SojiAn-lejsj, sorchan leigidh, s. a gawntree. if. Sor4lbojib. sotalbhorb, a. imperious, overbearing
Sopcojp, sorcoir, s. a cylinder Sot4rh:ac, sotliamhlachd, s. f. epicurism
SopujA, sorchughadh, s. manifestation, clear de Sor4rhu)l, sothumhuil, a. luxurious
claration Sr<or54, sothaosga, a. exhaustible, easily drained
Sojtr, s. m. order, thriftiness St4pp4n5C4, sc:^cirangtha, a. easily drawn, ductile
Sojto, sord, trim. SA. SofpojeAC, solh,hroid:.cach, a. charitable, humane
SojioaitiujI, sordamhuil, a. thrifty S^e454rbC4, tothea%nsgtha, a. docile
SoHi, soreidh, ~| , f 1 Sotejre4C, sotheil/ifuch, a. cessible
5,6, midh, )-> Prosperous, successful
Soquee, sotmg?, see rojrjnje
<Soi*J5> sorigh, s. a primrose Sot;!, sala, gen. of 1
Sop-mujce, sor-muice, s. a hog-louse Sorbite, sotlaighe, s. f. harm, damage
Sopn, torn, s. m. &. f. a kiln, furnace, oven, a Sorlaige, sotlaighe, a. bad, naughty
chimney, a flue of a kiln or oven Sotnje, sothnge, 5. ajudge
Sopn, sont, s. f. a snout, a disagreeable countenance Stojlly, stthodlidh, a. boreable
Sopn4, stnnach, a- long-chinned, snouty, pettish, Stpe4U4, sothreabhach, a. arable
ill-humoured SpuAjiliij, sothrua'dligh, a. corruptible
Sopii4]pe4Co, sornaireachd, s. baking, baker's trade S0cu]5]-c, sothuigse, s. comprehension
Sopnin, sornan, s. m. a tump, hillock Socuj5re<|c sothuigseach, a. comprehensible, dis
Sopnn, soman, s. m. a skate fish cernable
Sopn |iic4, sorn raca, s. an oven-rake Socu)r), sothuigsinn, a. intelligible
Spr, sort, s. a species, sort, kind Sotiv)5f e sothuigthe, a. sensible
Soprn, sortan, s. m. praise, glory S0*u,rvme*c, solhuitlmcach 1 f fa,
Sopn, sorlhun, s. m. reproof Srvi]rme4C, sothuitmhcach,\
Soprin, sorthan, s. m. prosperity S-upru), so-wnsughtdh, a. that may be wielded.
Sopu4]rle 340, soru.iislcaghadh, s. contempt Sh.
Spujrpi, soruigsin, a. attainable S-u]rbe4, so-uisgeach, \ a. moist, waterish,
Sopujre, soruinnte, a. parted, divided So-ii|re*rhu]l, so ulsgeamhuil,) irriguons
Sor, jc, s. f. knowledge, science S-uir5el^e> s-uisKl''thc, a. easy to be wattred
Sor, i- l s. cessation, giving over Sp4t>, spad, s. f. a clod
i>Of, sosa, ) => Spio, J?e</, ) s f a de
Sor4, ma, s. civil behaviour Sp4t>4T>, spadhaa,)
Sor*, sosalh, s. m. a dwelling, abode, seat; " so Spw, i/>rtf, a. flat, heavy, dull, dead
po ^bpATroih ]-) 4C4J" lon^phopt n'4po ri* SpAW4, stadach, a. cloddy
pjojpaio." Fionch. Sp404'P, s-padndk, s. knocking down
Sj-4ii!u540, soshamMughaih, s. application, appli Sp4T>4jm, .'padu 'im, v. I knock down, fell
cability Sp*t>4l, s-padal, s. m. a paddle, a plough-staff
Sf4rhlu]jce, soshamhhiihte,z. applicable Sp4r4nr4, spadanta, a. mean, niggardly
Sopp, sosar, s. the younger, youngest Sp4t>4nt4, spadanta, a. dull, sluggi-h, obtuse
Sj-ruj^fe, soshasuighihe, a, easily satisfied, satiable Sp4t>4nc4Co, spadantachd, s. f. meanness, niggard
S'\*^\.\)tbi;,scsharuighthe, a. conquerable, superable liness


Spo4nr*co, spalantachd, s. f. dullness, sluggish *>p*lU, j/>//e, s. a wedge, the fragment of a stone,
a pinning in building
ness, slackness ?pAi*jm, spallaim, v. I beat, strike
SpAocluApac, spadchluasach, a. flat-eared ; dull of
-Spalg, spaing, s. f. a pod, die cod or husk of pease
hearing or beans - "
SpA6opa, spadchisach, a. flat-footed
piiOfOcUc, spadfhoclach, a. ostentatious Sp*lp*UTi, spalpaim, y. I obtrude
Sp*lpA))te, spalpairess. ni. .a spruce fellow
p*o5, spadog, s. f. a fillip
S'pAophlujceAC, spadphluiceach, a. blub-cheeked SpalpAn-*, spalpanta, a. spruce, snug
, spudshronavh, a. fiat-nosed ^P*]><]5, sparaig, s. S. the bit of a bridle
Sj)T)tjne*r, spadthinneas, s. lethargy SpApn, sparan, s. ni. a crisping-pin. Isaiah 2. 22
^P*5> sPag> s- m. a paw, a,club-foot ;SpApn, sparan, s. m. a purse, pouch, the scrotum
p5*c, spagiich, a. having.paws, or clumsy feet and ;>, spardan, s. m. a roost
;Sppn, sparn,s. m. aquarr.el, wrestle, ^fi'ort
legs, club-footed .SppnAjjjl, sparnaihil, s. f. wrestling, quarrelling
SpifyA]\te, spagairt, s. m. an awkward club-footed
S^pijtnAjm, sparnaim, v. I wrestle, contend, quarrel
fellow SppnpupA, sparnpupa, s. a champion, chief-wrest
S^pg*].Je-EujR, spag'iire-tuirm, the bird called a lit
tle grebe. Sh. jSppnuje, sparniiidhe, s. m. a wrestler
^P*5'*l'i spaglainn, s. ostentation SpApmrjoeACo, sparnuidlieaehd, s.S. wrestling, con
S'P*5'*)e<, spaglainneach, a. ostentatious
.Sp-jB, spaid, s. f. a clod tention
pjP, spaid, a. heavy, dull, useless, insipid SpApp, spart; s. ajoist, beam, balk
jSpjoearhUo, spaideamhlachd, s. f. sluggishness >pAppA, sparra, s. a spar, nail
;&)>]1, spaideamhuil, a. sluggish SpA^pA, sparraflh, s. driving ; inculcating
SplPearnujl, spaideamhuil, a. gaudy, foppish jSpAppAjm, sprraim, v. I fasten, drive a nail, rivet,
iJPAveejp, spaidheir, s. the pocket-hole of a petticoat enforce an argument
S'PAjf'jon, spaidflion, s. ra. dead or flat wine ;SpAppAn-oopujr, sparan-doruiSfS. the bolt of a door,
jSparoim, spaidim, v. I benumb a door-nail
SPfavttUm, spaidthalamh, s. unfertile ground SpAppn, (parsan, s. m. a dew-lap
,SP*)T>)fer, spaidtkinnefls, s. lethargy, apoplexy , spart, s. m. a clod
STpapr, spart, a. heavy, dull
^pi)5, spaig, s. f. a lame leg .SpAprcluAfA, sparlchluasach, a. hard of bearing
SP*]lle4t>, spailleadh, s. a check, abuse
jSpApcphlucAO, spartphlucach, a. blub-cheeked
jSpajUeaw, spailleadh, s. a fall
,SpAt, spat, s. m. a flap *
iSpAjlp, spailp, s- a beau SpArcluAjpeic, spatchluaiseac/i, a. flap-eared
Sfp4)lp, spailp, s. f. pride, self-conceit
^pajlp, spailp, a. notable Spe, spe, "j
SpAj'pjn, spailpin, s. m. a mean fellow, a rascal, a SpA, speach, >s. froth
common labourer pe), J
SpeAC, speac, s. m. a bar
;Sp)n, Spain, Spain SpeA, speach, s. m. a kick, a fling, a blow
gpjn, spain, s. f. a spoon STpeACAjpe, speachaire, s. m. a kicker
^pi)n<o]l, spainaoil, s. a trowel
?p|neAc, Spaincach, s. m. a Spaniard SpeAclip, speaclair, s. spectacles
SpmeAC, Spaineach, a. Spanish jSpeAl, speal, s. f. a scythe
SP<*inir Spainis, s. f. the Spanish language 1, speal, s. f. a little while
jSpcAlA'ojp, spealadoh; s. m. a mower
SpA]e4j*, spainnear, s. a spaniel SpeAlATJjpeAC'o, spealadoireuchd, s.,f. mowing
;SpamteAC, Spainteach, a. Spanish jSpeAlAjm, speaiaim, v. I cut, mow
;Sp]pn, spairn, s. f. a logof wood SpealAjpe, spealaire, s. m. one that cuts fast
Sp*l}n, s paim, s. an effort, struggle, wrestle
SpeaiAnrA, sptaianta, a. acute, cutting, ready spoken
SpAjpneA, spairneadh, g wrestling, con- SpeAUnt*c, s lanacha, s. f. acuteness
SpA^neAC, spairneachd, J o ^
jSpeAlft, speag, s. m. a splinter
SpAjpnjeeAC, spairmdheacnd, ) SpeAlA, spealgadh, s. cutting, splitting, shiving,
jS'pAjpneArhujl, spairneamhud, a. contentious
,SpAlpnjm, spaimim, v. I wrestle, struggle, contend, cleaving
SpeAl5,ra, spealgam, \ , j. shiy ,
strain, exert, endeavour vSpeAltAim, speahaim, ,) r
;SpAjpt, spairt, s. f. a turf, a clod STpealAjn, speala-.n, s. shavings
jSpAjpt, spairt, s. f. a splash of water
SpeAnpA, speansa, s. a ce. lar
j>pA)pqm, spairtim, v. I splash SpeApcA, spe irthach, s. m. a fetter for cattle
jSpAjpweojpeACs, spaisdoireachd, s. f. walking, play
SpApA, spearthadh, plur. of r^u]
ing iSpejc, spcic, gen. of rPec> a bar
SpAjrqm, . U. I walk, stroll about 5 N ^pcjce
0p4|yxjj5]m, spaisti-ighim, J


Sp)ce, speice, s. a prop, support SpionA, spionadh, s. searching. Job 8, 8

Spe]cjm, speicim, v. I prop, support, I strike jSp'jonA, spionadh, s. pulling, plucking
^?)1, speicleir, s. f. spectacles, glasses S^pjonAOA, spionadach, s. a little stirring
Spejr>, speid, s. f. a great river-flood jSp'jonAVm, s pionaim, v. I pull, pluck, spoil
Spejt), speid, s. f. an employment, business ^]], spianaim, v. I search, open, stir up
?pepe*rhl<co, s peideamhlachd, s. f. notableiiess Spjonn, spioiwn, s. a gooseberry bush ; Grossularia
>pejT>erhujI, speidcamhuil, a. busy, industrious .SpjoA, s pionnadh, s. strength, force, prowess, vi
Spejl, spei/, s. cattle gour, might
iTpeiJagjtAjcArn, speilagraicham, v. to climb. SA. Sponrg, spiontog, s. f. a gooseberry
S?e)\p, sptilp, s. f. a belt, armour jSpjopaCAl, spwrachal, s. in. a breathing, vent
A?P|f, j^e/r, s. f. the ham, hough
?P]}t, speir, s. f. a sphere
S^Pip, />r, s. f the sky, firmament
?pjo]iAt>ltA, spioradalta, a. spiritual, ghostly, incor
SVeme, speirge, \ s" a sParrow-l,awk poreal, aerial
i>PjjieA, speireach, a. slender-limbed Sp-\o\tii)ve*Th\i}\,spwraideam/iuil, a. spirited, sprightly
jSPejpeoj, speireog, s. f. a slender-limbed creuture *>)5, spioralgha, a. spiritual ; " bo Bejji ln
Sp^jjt jaca, speirfhada, s. a spheroid rpjopArjA t) " Keat.
Sp)f), spetridh, plur. of rpjjt. /. I9, 1 S^pjojirog, spicrsog, s. f. a sparrow hawk
Speip, speis, s. f. a liking, fondness, attachment, a .SppptACA, sphrthacha, plur. of ppjf, a ham
conceit fPlr> sus>. X s. spice, aromaticks
jSpejpeArnlACc, s peiseamhlachd , s. f. fondness Splor|A, sp'osra, ) r
;>pe]rearhlct>, s peiseamhlachd, s. f. cleanliness Spiotg, spiolhog, s. f. a small stone, such as one
pejre*rhu]l, speiseamhxl, a. fond, cleanly throws at an object
;Spejrj4rc, speisil/a, a. especial, particular, spe Sp'jofojjie, spiolhoire, s. m. a spy, a scout
cial, peculiar ^poo))ie4f.t5, spothoireachd, s. f. spying
S^puj, spcur, s. m. the skv, firmament S|JJf*)". s [.irait, see rp]o]Ap
i>peu}5, speurgha, a. belonging to the sky SPJPJP sPrts> s- f- a sort f hammock, a couch,
jSpeupjlAn, spturghlan. a. having a clear sky hen roost
^pjrtlat), spialadh, s. avulsion SpWV1- spi'li"> s- a fa"> a chance
jSpjAUojp, spialadoir, s. m. pincers Sp)preo5' sfirseoSt a sparrow-hawk
511<1, spuilaim, v. I dilacrate, dilaniate, pluck Sp]ui5" spmlgan. s. picking
;Spice, spice, s. a spike, long nail SpjullAjm, spiullaim, v. I pick, shell, decorticate
;Spio, sptd, s. f. spite, malice, siorn, contempt, af ,Sp)un*, spiunaih, see p p^on*")-
front Sp)unA)m, spiunaim, see }}
jSTpp*!, sp'tdeal, s. an hospital . ~)s. m. a sparkle, blaze, flash
;SpjoeAth!*co, spideamhlachd, s. f. contempt, re-
bplnc*t,f ,^^, j a8parkuf niersundi^
<?picearrui)l, spideamhuil, a. spiteful, scornful SplncACAn, splancadan, s . snot
p^ioeo5, spideog, s. f. a delicate, slender creature SiancAjm, splancaim, v. I sparkle, blaze, flash
jgpbeo, spideog, s. f. a nighingale SpleA, s pleadh, \ s. flattery, dpendance,
Jpoeog "tthuipe, Spideog MAuire,s. robin redbreast SpleAt>AAr, spltadhachas. f boasting, vain-glory,
^pjtfulleft, spidshuileach, s. pur-blind ostentation, hyperbole, exploits, a tale ; fiction,
Splgeac, spi*eadh, s. a mock, scoff, banter romance
,Sp]5)m, spigim, v. I mock, scoff, taunt SpleArA, spleadhach, a. flattering, fictitious, fabu
Sp)\c, spile, s. a wedge lous, verbose, ostentatious, dependant
Sppin, spinan, s. m. a gooseberry bush SpleAnAjr, spkangaid, s. f. snot, phlegm
;Sp)OCA, spiocach, a. niggardly, mean ;51,4, sphangaideach, a. snotty
SljjocAjr, sptocaid, s. f. a spigot SpleAg, spleagha, see rple*
STp1(K*]ieftT5, spiocaireachd, s. f. niggardliness Spleop, Spleoid, s. Satan
{jpjocin, sp', s. m. a wheezing in the throat ^pljoTiAC, spUonach, s. m. an ill-thriven animal
;Spioco5, spioc/icg, s. f. a purse or bag SphuAn, spliuchan, s. m. a bladder, pouch, purse
;SpV}r>, spiod, s. f. an affront, outrage, reproach <?pl]ut|iA0, spliirach, s. m. bad beer
;Spiotxim, spiodaim, v. I reproach, revile, defame, <Jpoc4)m, spechaim, v. I rob, plunder
asperse, decry, scorn ...... ;SpoAvm, spochaim, v. I provoke, affront
-gpiotjArhull, spiodamhud, a. disdainful SpU, Spo hla, s. a piece of meat, a fragment
SpioUo, spioladh, s. snatching , s pogach, se e rpib?
Spionet), spionadh, s. m. motion, action ; a stirring ) spoilin, s. a small joint of meat
up or opening any heap of things STpl, s pol, s. m. shuttle
SPli S mi SRA

>polt>], spoldaich, s. slain bodies. SA. jSppojAjlle, sprogaille, s. a dew-lap, a craw of a

Spolb, spolia, see bird
Spoil* Icoij, spolia lao-g/i, s. a loin of veil ji>ppot, sproth, s. a sprat
Sponc, sponc, s. m. tinder, sponge SppuACAC, spruacac/i, a. pettish
Spn540, spongack, a. mean, niggardly SppuAn, spruan, s. m. brushwood, firewood
JpngAjpeACo, spongaireachd, s. f. parsimony, mean SpjiujogAjeAri, spruidgainneamh, s. a pebble
ness Sbpuille, sprudle, ~\ .
Sppu IleA, spm.Beach, fS' %smM ^rap, crumbs,
gfpong, sponog, s. f. a spoon
sMleob, sprudleog, ) fragments, offal
jSTpop, i^or, s. a spur, a talon
SpP- s?ort s- a gun-flint .SppjreAmlAo, s pruiseamhlachd, s. f. spruceness,-
Spojia, sporach, a. having spurs or claws neatness
<Jpopor>, sporadh, s. spurring .SppireArhujl, spruhcamhuU, a. spruce, neat
SpO)4t)))i, sporadoir, s. m. a spurrier Sppun, sprunnan, s. m. crumbs, offal
<JpolAim, sporaim, v. I spur, goad, stir on jSpuAjc, spuaic, s. f. callosity, callous flesh
fjpojtan, sporan, s. m a purse, pouch jSpuAj, spuaich, s. f. pet, pettishness
SpuAjc, spuaic, s. f. the pinnacle of a tower
} s- sport' diversion' derision SpuAio, spuaichd, callosity
Si)pr4rhio, s porsamhlachd, s. f. sportfulness SpuAjertc, spuatcheach, a. pettish
SpoirAmu-)l, sporsamhuil, a. sportful, sportive Spuo, spud, s. m. balderdash
SpofA, spothadh, s. emasculation jSpjIm, spuilin, \s. plunder, booty, prey, cap-
Spotaojfi, spothadcir, s. m. a gelder SpumeA, spuineadh,) ture, rapine, burglary
SpoiAjm. spothaim, v. I geld, castrate Spu)nc, spume, s. f. a claw, talon
Spotte, spothte, part, gelt, castrated SpjneAiojt, spuineadoir, s. m. a robber, plunderer
Sp)acat>, spracadh, \ s. strength, vigour, exertion, Spmjm, spuinirtii v. I rob, spoil, plunder
<>pp<]c, spraic, sprightliness, an effort ;Spuipre, spuirss, s. spurge, milkweed ; Euphorbia;
;SpjtAjc, spruic, s. an insolent order, a frown, a re exigua
primand Spujre, spuise, s. a pocket
;SptA]ceaTrilAo, spraiceamhlachd, s. f. activity, ex SpuniAjm, spunlaimi see rpu^m
ertion Spung, spunog, s. f. a spoon
<?1**]]1, spraiuamhull, a. strong active Spupn, spuran, s. m. a purse
SppAJceArhdii, spraiceamhui y a. insolent, imperious, Spu]r<m, spursan, s. a gizzard, giblets
reprehensive jSpt,.i^>M, s/ m. an eununeb
;S^|**lo, sp'iiid, s. f. a blast, a puff, rep-irt of a gun Spr, sput, s. a spout, aqueduct
Sp, rpre, s. a spark, flash of fire, animation, spirit Spur, sput, s. m. hog-wash, a word of contempt for
Spp, spre, Is. cattle, herd, the portion of a bad drink
$pvyb,spr*ih, wife SpoxA, spuladh, s. spouting,
S 'Jica^h, spreagadh, s. stirring up, provocation, re SptAjm, sputatmi v. I spout
proof, admonition jSputn, sputan, s. m. a syringe
Sj'I'^Aga', spre.tgadft, s. a sudden burst or blow, SpAU, srabh, s. a straw
brangle, contumely S|ao, srabh. s. much, plenty, diffusion
Sp}eAAim, spreaga m, v; I blame, chide, reprove, Spaoac, srubhach, a. plentiful, diffusive; strawey
prompt, press, enforce a thing Sl'Af>A)m, srabhaim* v. I diffuse
SppeAgAmujI, sp>eagam'iwt, a. bold, active SfADn, srabhan, s. m. superfluity ,
Sppejsjm, spreig/iim, v. I scatter, dismiss, disband; S|ACAe, sracadh, s a young.twig, shoot, sucker
1 burst suddenly Spaca, sracadh, s. a thrust, jerk
Sopete, spreighte, a. dispersed, scattered SjtACAt), sracadh, s. a snatch, tearing, pulling
Sp)f)ileAC, spreiUeacli, s. blubber-lipped Sj*4c*]in, sracaim, v. I tear, pull, rob, spoil, lacerate,,
Sppeote, spreolCy s. a fragment , e tort
Sppeote, spreote, s. a drone, an idler, a useless SpACAipe, sracaire, s m. an extortioner, griper
thing &!], sracaireach, a. giving to extortion, or
<?Pl<)neo5, spr'meog, s. f. a pebble tearing
*>1 s?ncs< s- a tw'n brambles SpACAjpeACo, sracatreackd, s. f. extortion, exaction,
Sp])rn sprisoni s- m- a small twig, a poor dimi tearing away
nutive creature SjiACAnr, sracanta, a. oppressive, tearing
Sp1Juca]i, spiiuchar, s. a sting StyACOAt), srachdad/i, s. tearing, rending
Sppjumacn, sprtumhacan, s. m. a budget, satchel >fiACo*ipe, srachdu'tre, s. m. an extortioner
jSppjuniin, spnunan, s, a currant Sf*At>, srad, s. f. a spark of fire
Sipoco, sprochd, s. m. sadness, dejection SpAfcA, sradach, a. sparky
SppooArhujl, sprtchdamhuil, a. sad, dejected SPA**** sradadh, s. scintillation


;Sl>A*>je, sradaidhe, a. i cil-e Spafa-jpe, srathaire, s. in. a stroller

Spaaajeao, sraiaUlheachd, s. F. idleness .Spatap, sratkar, s. m. a straddle, pack-saddle
*?], sradaim, v. I sparkle Spatpuja, srathrughadh, s. putting on a straddle
jSpa^og, sradog, s. f. a spark of fire .Speab, srcabh, see
&|t]t>, srid, s. f. a street .Speabn, sreablian, s. . a cake. . ru.
.SpAVeog, sraiJicg,*. f. a mat >]at>, rj<4 s. m. a herd, troop, flock
/S]ia]eo5, sraidheog, s. cake .Spa^c-aoe, sreadaidhe, s. m. a herdsman
S'Jiij'ojn, sraidin, s. f. a lane jSpeoareaco, srcadaidheachd, s. f. herding
.Spapjn, sraidin s. f. the herb shepherd's purse; Spearh, sreatnh, s. . ,a str.eam, rill, spring
Thlaspi ; Bursa pastoris Spearru, sreamhadh, s. flowing, running
jSpapmeao, sraidmheaehd, s. street-walking .Spean, srean,.s. wheezing. Sh.
S\4)r., sraith, s. f. a tax, fine, amercement. Welsh, Spean, jreun, s. snoring; " i. e. rpnanti, e. jf
treth ]Ti rpn." .*/-.
?-), smith, s. f. quartering of soldiers ^, sreanadh, s. snoring
.Spaji;, sradh, s. f. a layer, course, line or swarthof jSpeanA, sreanadh, s. a whirL. .
hay or corn cut down by a mower or reaper SpeAnj, j?rrtn,s. m. & f. a string, cord, , strap,
>)i4]f, sraith, s. f. a bottom or valley, the side of a lace, fibre, filament
valley on the banks of a river, marshy grounds Spo^ngAC, sreangach, a. stringed, stringy
Spairjm, sraith-m, v. I tax, cess Speanga, srean:adh, s. a cohweb
.SrjfAjtjijte, sradhtghtht, part, taxed, amerced ?peAn5At>, sreat\gadh, s. a drawing, extending
Spm, sram, s. matter running from 'the. eyes SpeAngAim, sreangaim, v. I string, draw, estencj,
Spm, sramh, s. a jet of milk gushing from a cow's tear
udder .SpeangAjpe, sreangaire, s. a sneaking half-starved
STpirnAC, srttmach, a. blear-eyed fellow
Spang, si'ang, -s. a string, or strap .Speang baja, sreang bogha, s. rest harrow,
.Span, srann, s. a snore, hum SpcAng tpjajn, sreang thrialn,', i conmuock ;
~ 1 _ , s'annadh,~\ J Ononis
Ononi spinosa
.SpanAjl, ., }^s. snonnjf*
srannul, SpeangtappAjngim, sreangtharraingim, v. I tear in
jSpAAjm, srannaim,\. I snore to strings. Keat.
.Spaan, srannan, s. m. a great hoarseness, or rattling jSpeangtapc, sreangt.irt. s. m. a load-stone
in the throat Sneangfapfa, sreangtharthach, see rpeangajpe
jSpaan rejtsp, srannan seididh, s. a sort of whirl- SpeAt, sreath, s. m. tax, amercement
,, srealh, s. m. a row, rank, swath, order.,
i\panA]r, srannart, snort'n class
.SpaaptAC, srammrtach,] ' ' S i?peAt, freath, s. a stream
jSf<o, sraodh, s. a sneezing SfteAfA, sreathach, a. streamy, see quot. at cotja-
;SpiOCAjm, sraodhar'm,x. I sneeze cio
;Sp<o)lleAnA, staoilleanach, s. m. a scullion SpearA, sreathach, a. laid out in rows
SltiOilleoj, sraoilleog, s. f. a slut, quean, a dirty hussey ;SpeArA]tm, sreaihoighim, v. I arrange, put in rows
jgJKOjll^te, snxnlltghthe, a. sluttish, nasty SpeAfAi, sreathainn, s. a lay er of straw
Sp^ojllim, srao.llim, v. I tear jSpeAfaiftu)!, sreathamhuil, a. laid out in rows
;Sp<o)n, sruoin, s. f. a huff SpeAfnajsim, sreathnaighim, v. I wet, moisten
jSjuomeac, sratineaeh, a. huffish, SpeAtnAjim, sreathmighim, v. 1 draw out, ex
StiomeA, sracineadh, a. defeating, overthrowing tend
Sanear, sraoineas, s huffing ;SpeArnA)te, sreathnalghthe, part, spaced, scatter
jS]uojrnm, smoinim,\. I defeat, overthrow, disperse, ed, extended, moistened
scatter, turn Snejrn. srvmh, s. f. a stream. Ballim. 54
jSjKonAT), siaonadh, s. the impetus of one walking jSTpe-^ljn, sicinglian, s. a casting net
fast SpeArapj. sreatha't, s. m. a sneeze
SptfmVpta, sraonurta, s. snoring ;SpjAO, sriubh, s. m. a circle
,g,K0f, sraoth, 1 sneezing SplAn, srtnn, s. m. abridle, restraint. Hel. resen
Sp<otruprAC, sraothfurtach, J SpjAnAB, srhnadh. s. bridling, curbing
Spat, s. a tax, fine, amercement Spfanapi, sriamim, v. 1 bridle, curb, check, re
fertj ) s. me bottom of a valley, fields xm strain
., sra/lia, \ the banks of a river, a strand .SpjanrA, sr'tanta, a. bridled, snaffled
. srathach, a. abounding in sratbs SppirAC, sriutack, s. in. quick recital
^., srathadh, s. taxation, amercement SpiivcApe, snutaidhe. s. m. a rhymer, a reciter
;S,ura,=;jm, f*4f**U.ilM, assess Spo, sro, s. prodigality
SjuiAjm, sratnam, ) Spobac, sixbadh, s. . a push, thrust

Spo&U, sroghall, e. m. a whip, rod Sca, sta, v. stand, stop, stay ; imperad of >)
.Sjijncpjor-rjjn, sroincrtcs-sieln, s. a musroll fSz, sta, s. use
SpinAOAC, stoineadach, s. m. a handkerchief r*b, stabh, ) s- aL drinking cup, an iron vessel
;S]t]neire*, sromeiseach,' snorting StAbA, stabha, i *** W a well by the sjde of
Sjwjnpll-rpt'jn, srciniull-srcin, s. a musroll ) a road , v
ajtjnriealU, srdnmheallach, a. bottle-nosed .Scada, stabhach, a. wide-forked, asunder
jgpl, srol, s. m. silk, sattin, gauze, crape Sr*bA)5jm, stabhaighim, v. I straddle
jSpl^A, srolgha, a. silken StbAjm, stabhaim, v. J stave
jSpll, s roll, s. ni. light, brighjtpess, effulgence; " i.e. SnblA, stabla, Y ' , ,"
rojllre." Cor. 9 S^bul, stabu/J*-*^*' ampw
Sln, sron, s. f. the nose. Welsh, trwyn 5:rc, stac, s. f. a thorn
jSpn, ren, s. m. a promontory STtic, tec, s. f. offal
;SpnAC, sronach, a. nasal'
5^ln45fi]c, sronagrilh, smelling. Si.' icA^iW/;,}^ Stake> aPOSt
jSpmjtniAm, srenttgraig/iam, v. to smell. Sh. S^rACA, stacach, a. deaf
STpnArhujI, sronamhuil, \ ' , Scaca, stacach, a. rugged
^nrh*), rowmAcr, f*'"** S^acac, stacadh, s. a stack of corn
S^onf*^ sronfaith, s. grunting ;SrACAjileA, stacailltach, a. light
jStyof,, JroM, s. f. a stream, brook, rivulet ;S*"cn, stacan, s. ni a thorn
jSjtota, sroihach, a. streamy SrACn, stucan, s. m. a little stack
>l*otA, srothadh, s. sneezing S^cACUgA, stacughadh, s. eoacervation
;SJoat>, srothadh, s. streaming, flowing .ScAcujgjm, stacuighim, v. I pile, heap
;Spotn, srolhan, s. m. a brook, rivulet ^tACujgte, stacuighthe, a. piled, heaped
jSjiof yuptA, srothfurtach, s. sneezing ^ca, J'e, s- m. a state, condition
SpotfWDA, srothskaobha, s. agu,lph; whirlpool S^cas, i/a^, s. f. a stop, delay, hindrance, period
?]UAje, sruaic, s. f. a pustule jStAti, stadh, s. the stays of a ship
SpiiAmAC, sruamach, s. a meetingof streams STrA, stadh, s. work, working
SpuAmA. sruamach, a. puissant in numbers, of jScAOA, Stada, s. a furlong
many hosts or armies ScAOAjgeAc, stadaighcach, a. restive
SpuAiriA, sruatjiach, a. having many streams <?tAt>A)5eA0T;, stadaightacht, s. f. restiveness
SpuAn, sruan, s. f. kind of triangular frame on ^tATSAjSjl, sfadaig/M, s. a standing still
which bread is set to bake before the fire ;stAt>A|in, stadaim, v. I stand, stop, stay
S^Jiub, srubh, s. m. a sDout stAriiA}, stadhmhai, a. useful, industrious
>pbAt>, siubadh, s. inhalation SzaTia, stadthach, a. apt to stop
;Sl*ubA)m, srubaim, v. I inhale, suck up ;SrAt>up, stadu:d, s. a statute
S^|tl)Ati, sruban, s. a drawing or sucking in SrAjo, staid, s. f. a craft, wile
Spubn, sruban, s. a cockle <>r]T>, staid, s. f. a furlong
^, srubanach, a. cockled ;Sfcp, Jte'^j s- f- stat e, condition, fashion, habit,
iSpb, srubog, 9. f. a mouthful of any liquid manner, tenor, plight, consistence
Spufig, srubhog, s. f. a cake baked before the fire jStpeAriilAco, staidcamlachd, s. f. state,liness, port-
jSput>*p> srudhar, 'm small pieces li.iess, lordliness
<?jiu}, smich, s. f. speech ,SrApeAriiu]l, staideainhui!, a. stately, portly, lordly,
Sjurjc, smith, a. knowing, discerning pompous, magnificent
jSjuijteAn, sruiteati, s. a long and quick repetition of _ . ' %. thn gullet or
news or poetry
lufc, sruth, s. m. a poet, a man of letters, a clerk, STtAjog bpAfcAO, staidhg braghad, ^ sopha^u's '
a man in religious orders jSrA]t>ej]i, staidheif, s. a step, stair
jSjmfc, sruth, s.i. a stream, current, defluxiqn SrApim, ta dim. v. I pet, invent, contrive
;Sti!A, sruthach, a. full of streams, fluent jSrjmiAtb staidmhar, see .^-'-
.SpucAt, sruthadh, s. streaming, flowing, defluxion, SrAjorhipACO, staidm!ia> uchd, see jTApeAtribfr)
derivation, emanation jScAjjjie, stui/hiy. s a step, stair ; plur. rrAi^Te
jgjiutAyoeAr, srutltaidcas, s. wisdom SrAil, i/e//| s- m. a throw
5fpufiin, sruthan, s. m. a streamlet, rivulet >rajlc, i<a'/f, s f. a.stop, 'inp^diment, stubbQmnesi
<?0, srutfunach, a. full of streamlets ST.AjleAt), staikadh, s. stile, title, address
,>|uflAir, sruthchla.s, s. the channel of a brook Sr*,n, sta* > ti UtttI1
<?1>, srutfiladh, s. rinsing, cieansing ^tA)ne4t>. staincadh,)
^putlAjm, smthlaim, v. I rinse, cleanse, deterge Sx*)?, stair, s..f. history
S^jutl;, sruthlog, s. m. a small spout of water Sr,A]pearfui)l, staireamhuil, a. historical
S^pufleA, sruthshleach, \ s. the channel of StA]lf]ACA, stubflilac; a, fi. hu ks or gag.te Mh
^purfleet, sruthshkacht, ) river S^rA]))ceA, stairiccach, a. light ' %
5 jScAjprneAd,

*t*ij*pie, stairsneacA,s. a threshold St;e4ll4]m, steallaim, v. I squirt, sprinkle

Sr4]jceo]jt, stairtheoir, s. m. an historian Sce4lUjpe, stcallaire, s. m. a clyster
&ce4ll4i)ie, stcallaire, s. m. a syringe, squirt
^:14, stalan, ) s' m" a "1> an entire horse <>ce4ll4]jte, steallaire, s. m. a tap, fosset
^c*lca, stalacach, a. staring ;Ste4jn4l, stearnal, s. m. a bittern, a butter bump
<?i;4l4C4t>, stalacadh, s. a stare, staring /Ste4}n4l t) orx), stearnal tigh osd, an inn-keeper's
TtAbc4j)ie, stalacaire, s. . a fowler, gazer sign
Sfcdlc, stale, s. m. obstinacy, stubbornness .Steic, steic, )
^c*lc*, stalcach, a. stubborn, stiff Sze.]S, steig,] seeWb
jS'talc, stalcadh, s. a growing stiff Sz)$, steig, s. f. a steak, a collop
;S:1ct>ji, slalcadoir, s. m. astiffener, starch Stejge, steighc, s. a foundation
;Sclc*]m, stakaim, v. I stiffen Sce)5e44, steigeacha, s. entrails
grc<i!c*)]eco, stalcaireachd, s. f. stiffening Scejle4, steileach, a. laxative, loose
jgtalcajpea'o, stalcaireachd, s. f. gazing 5.)1'], steilin, s. f. astillion, a gawntree
g:-*lc(j))te, stalcahe, s. m. a fowler STrejlle, i<e7/<?, s. f. a lax, looseness
^rdlo*, stalda, s. stale, warm drink STt:ejlle4, steilleach, a. lusty, able
<>taljc, /e/'c, s. a thump. Sh. S:ce]Ue]ie*, stedleireaeh, s. m. a lusty lazy fellow
g-tW&i), stalladh, s. warming drink jSrejnle, steinte, s. f. the itch, mange
jgr*l], stalinn, s. steel. Sc. Sre)nlj5e4t3, steinligheadh, s. exulceration
<Jt4luv;e, staluighthe, a. stale, old .Srejnljgf-e, steinligtithe, a. exulcerated
0t*rh, Stamh, the isle of Staffa jSce]e4mu)l, steinneamhuil, a. keen, eager in pur
^, stamh, s. tangle suit of a thing
fratra, stamka, s. a vase stiall, s. ta. a belt, girdle ; see quot atreujpo
;St<mn|t>, stamnidh, a. manageable, pliable Sr^U, stiall, s. m. a streak, stripe, a piece of any
;St*n, JM/, s. tin or pewter thing: ft]4ll peohv
S^riAfcjjt, stanadoir, s. m. a tinker ;Sr]4lUc, stiallach, a. striped, in stripes
;J>r4ri5, stang, s. ni. a ditch jSrjalU, stialladh, s. a tearing in pieces
^*5, stang, s. m. a peg or pin ;Srj4ll*]m, stiallaim, v. I make in stripes, rend in
;gr*n5, stang, s. a perch pieces or shreds
;4540, stangach, a. pettish ,Sri4l;$, stiallog, s. f. a small bit of any thing
^454, stangaiti, v. to velicate. SA Sqqn, sticin, s. f. a little stick
^C44, s tama, s. a tub, a vat jScjUjm, stiilim, v. divide
Sc*4jc, stannart, s. a stint, a yard, a yard measure <>:-)m, stm, s. f. a hair-lace, frondet
Sc<n)5, staoig, s. f. a collop, stake, a piece ;gtinle, stmle, s. a scab
!Sron, staon, a. awry, oblique Scjnleo, stinleng, s f. a hinge of a box, a hasp
ySr<on4t), staonadh, s. bias, bending, inclination Sr)oD4po, stiobhurd, s. a steward
St<on4jm, sUtonaim, v. I decline, abstain, curb ;Sqoc4j}ie, stiaca e, s. m. a miser
Srion4fit), staonurd, s. a crick in the neck Snoc4jpe4cr, stincaireacht, s. f. avarice
Sc4pl, stapal, s. m. a stopper, bung Sr)om, sliovi, s. f. a hair- lace
;Sr4p4l, stapal, s. m. a link, torch, lamp .Sriopap, st'ropas, s. drowsiness
Sr4pul, stapul, s. m. a stable tjo[i4)m, stioraim, v. I benumb
;Sr4pUn, staplan, s noise of the sea ;St)Oj0|p, stioroip, s. . a stirrup
Sz*V*\ve% staraidhe, s. m. an historian fnien, stirem, ) stlirgeotl
0440, statbhanach, s. a sturdy strong mat*
^, sUubhanach, a. steady, firm ;Srju], stiur, s. in. a helm, rudder
,St4li,4", stargh t, s. a shield jStiuji, stiur, s. m. an affected look, or appearance
^cApfac, 'starshulach, a. squint-eyed of the countenance
St4j*tji, starthoir, s. m. an historian ;Sr)up*, stiuradh, s. steering, guiding
Sxt, shit, s. pridr haughtiness jS)up4)5feo)jt, stiureighiheoh; s. a director, gover
;S-4r4rhUcT>, statamlilachd, s. f. stateliness nor, steersman
Sf-r:4rhu)l, statamhml, a. proud, stately, coxcomical ,qul**]m, stiuraim, see rojujuim
jSratpnrm, stuthruim, s. bur.iness St;)uiu54t>, stiurughadh, see f)uiu4
jS>4ttujm, stathi uim, s. a clash, din, clutter Srob4t>, stobadh, s. stabbing, thrusting
Su b, or 4fte4, steac/t, or asteach, adv. within ;St:ob4)m, stobaim, v. I stab
c4t>, stead, s. m. a horse ;StoT54jm, stebAuim, v. I stew
Sr4t)4, Steudach, a. having horses >toc, stuc, s. m. a sounding horn, trumpet, clarion
Ste4r5. steafog, s. f. a staff, stick, club, crutch S^ocy stoc, s. m. a stock, pillar, post
Sce4ll, steal!, s. m. a shot of water from a squirt ;Stoc, stoc, s. m. a root, bulb, stem,
SteftlU, steallach, a. that squirts 4, *ioCa> s- a btocking

Scoca, stoca, s. a wallet, bag ScjiAngAjpe, strangaire, s. m. a lazy fellow

SrcA, stocach, s. m. an idle fellow who lives on SrjAn5AjfieAdt), strangaireachd, s. f. laziness, strife,
the industry of others contention
Scoc4]5im, stocaighim, v. I grow stiff or numb SciAfi54lA, strangalach, a. contentious
S^ocAjpe, stocaire, s. m. a trumpeter Sr.itAngAlAo, strangalachd, s. f. contention
SrocAjpeAr, stocaircacht, s. f. trumpeting, playing STcjtAntA, sfrangtha, part, plucked, pulled
on the trumpet jSc|iAnr,|i)c, strantrich, snorting. 5/;.
Stoc 1, stoc , s. a bed post <0)0, straoidheach, a. prodigal, wasteful, pro
Szoc luinge, stocluinge, s. a gunwale fuse, lavish, extravagant, expensive
toj, stoick, s. f. stench, stink t|i>)eAt>, straoidheadh, s. prodigality, extravagance
Snojo, stoid, s. f. pet, sulks, dumps Scjt]eAfhujl, straoidheamhuil, see rtj<oveAC
Scojjt, *<eir, stepping stones Stjkojoeojjt, straoidheoir, s m. a waster, a prodigal
;> tojpm, stoirm, s. a storm, tempest Stjkopjm, straoidhim, v. I waste, squander
;Stojj*me4, stoirmeach, \ a. stormy, tempes- ;Scjko}leAT>, straoilead, s. a slut, sloven
;Sco])imeArhujl, stoirmeamhml, j tuous ;Sr,]t<ojleAti, straoileadh, s. plucking, pulling
jScoice, stoite, a. prominent .Scpanjeo^, siraoileog, s. f. a drag-tail
St\, stol, s. m. a stool ; Welsh, ystol Sc^hm, straodim, v. I pull, draw after, pluck, tear
STcIca, stolda, a. stately, sedate, settled in pieces
SxoncA, stonta, s. a tub, vat t}i<oitAl, straoithal, >
;Sxop<]m, stopaim, v. I stop, close Sr)<o,ilp, straoithlidh, S S' D01Se
.Scopujgte, stopuighthe, a. stept, obstructed, shut, jStpapA, strapadh, s. a strap, latchet
closed ! jScpaplA, stiaplach, see rrjHjpleA
jScp, star, ) s. m. store, treasure, ammunition; Stjuf;, strath, s. a district, canton
JcpAf, storas, ) Heb. atsorand astar, to store up cpt, strath, s. the stay between the main-mast
Scp*r*, stotasach, s, full of stores, rich and fore-mast of a ship
Sropsonup, storganuidk, s. a minstrel, ifrel. on StpAtnAijjrrr, strathruughim, v. I spread
Vl/e. 9 23 <?t|teAlA, streachta, a. torn, rent, ripped
5^rof*t5, stothadht&. curled ; " rtoA a {pole." .StpeAciA, strcachla, s. a trifle
;Stofpime, stotlishmnach, s. m. one that bas a flat jr.peAlA, streachlach, s. m. a drag, pull
turned-up nose SepeAbo, streachladh, s. laceration
;Srofj*ton*6, stothshronneh. a. flat nosed 5r-IeAlA5A, streachlaghadh, s. sport
;Srf>Ab)t>, straboid, s. f. a prostitute <>014], streachlaim, v. I drag, tear
Sr^Ac, strac. s. m. a streak, a strickle, a stripe SrjieAcUn, streachlan, \s. m. a band, garter, swad-
;StpA, strach. s. m. an arch, vault StpeAcran, sireachtan, dling clothes
;Su)ACAt>, stracudh, s. a jerk, tear, rent, pull, pulling, Srp^Ap, i/reapj
renrting <>-)tpA)T5. streapntd, \ s. f. strife, confusion, insur-
}*>, stracadh, s a streaking STr|Ap05, streapog, J rection, skirmish
^cpACAim, stracann, v. I streak, tear, tattes, rend S:c|tApA]TieA, streapaideach, a. quarrelsome
jSrftAo, .?/rac/i, s. a strickle STftjbpjT), stribrid, |s. f. a whore, harlot, conco-
?cjtACtA, sti-jctfia, part, rent, torn Srpobjo, stnoboid, ) bine ,
Srp >5, str igh, s. m. an arch or vault Sr|)llein, strdlean, s. m. a mop
Shaic, straic, I s.f. pride, hatighr ,Sr)4lliii, strilKn, s. f. a garter
;Srirce*rr,'rt^' stratceamhla ha\\ tiness Stiioc,, s. f. a streak, line
^|i4)cemu)l, st'aicentnhuti', a. proud, haughty S^r|pcAC, striocach, &. streaked
;Stta]cm, stratceln, s. a truncheon StjtjocAti, striocadh, s. a falling, submitting, capitu
jSc]iA]T)eAl, straidkeall, s. a noise, a churme lating, humbling, dedition
SrjiAir, straif, s. f. a sloe-bush StpieccA!, sttiochdach, a. submissive, humble
S^WS'lB straighiighrsee rrjiAjlleAO ], strhcaim, v. I fall, submit, strike, sur
)11, delay, neglect render, capitulate
Srji Aille, strahle,} J 5 StjtjolU strttlla, s. a girth, girdle
;St|A)lle, straUle, s. a carpet, rug, mat S>liop4, striopach, s. f. a whore, prostitute
<>t}A]ileAT>, strailleadh, \ s. a din, noise,clash of arms Scn'jopAArhu}!, striopachamhuil, a. whorish
jSTfiAjpleacj shaipleach, or other implements Scp^opACAr, striopachas, s. whoredom, adultery, for
StpAjUjm, straiBim, v. I pluck or tear in pieces nication
5)1>, stvangadh, s. plucking, twitching &-c\\)t, strtth, s. f. strife, brangle, animosity
;SciAn5At>, strangadh, s. laziness ^c|]ieArhu)l, stritheamhuU, a. animse, factiou
jSrpAnjjA, strangadh, s. strife, contention 5Tri6, stro, prodigality, extravagance
SrpAngAim, strangaim, "1 v. I pull, draw, twitch, STrp6cim, itrocaim, v. 1 tear, cut off
;Stj*ATiblA)m, itranghim, J teliicate ;StpoA, strtdar%. astrancl^ ashoro

^rp5, strcg'i, Is. prodigality, profu- Scufc, stutht s. corn

^rpjAlao, stroghalachd, ) sion Suao, suabh, a. mannerly, well bred, mild
jScjtgAiiie, srog'iaire, s. m. a spendthrift .SuADAAp, suabhachas, )s. mildness, gentleness,
SVpsainujI, sti-oghamhu.l, a. wasteful, profuse, Su*DA)r, suabhais, { sobriety
prodigal SuAcan, suacan, 1 .
SrP'))c> stroic, s. f. ashive, piece SuAsAn, suachgan,\%- m' a" earthen Pot
srpojcjm, stroichim, v. I tear, cutoff Saiv, suadh, s. . the cloak or gown of an Ollamh
;Sr|ioiceo)[, slrcidheoir, s. m. a squanderer or professor
,Sr|io])m, stroidhim, v. I waste, squander i>uAt>, suadh, s. m. counsel, advice
>>ji<))5)n, stro/g/iin, s. f. ceroeot, mortar ,Sua, suadh, s. m. a learned man
i>r"0|ll, stroill, see rtjijll uat>, suadh, a. prudent, discreet
|, Stroth, see -pand rrpi; <?uAOAo, suadadh, s. moving, stirring, rubbing
Sr]ir;(rbl*cr, strothamhiachd, s. f. prodigality i?uA]hneA, Jumbhneacli, see
iJrporarnud, slrothatnhui!, a. prodigal SuAjbneAf, suaibhutas, see ruAjrrmeer
STrjtuf;, Struth, \ . , jSuajceAntA, suaicheunta, a. remarkable
Zz^xiUm^struthchamhull,]*- an 0stm'n uAjr.jonrAr, suaichiontas, see ruajteAnrAp
>, sluiicach, a. gruff, boorish, light >4aj5, sua gh, a. prosperous, successful
jScuA, stuadh, s. m. a sheet, scroll ;Suaj!, je/#, s. a small quantity, a remnant ; " gUj
>, stuadh, \ s. a gable, a wall, a pinnacle, a tjiA)5eAOAl hujrceAA At riiAjll t>j6."
.Scuaj, stuadh, \ ridge SuAili, suaiil, a. few, small, lutie, . Welsh, sal
,ScuArj)t4A]oeAC, stuadiibhrtghaidench, a. stiT- i>u*')lirhe*r'-, suaiUmheasla,9.. homely, ordinary
necked Si4|m, suaim, s. f. a tone, accent
Sri]c> stuaic, s. f. a little hill or round promontory ;Sa*pTineA, suaimiintaxh, a. quiet, calm, tranquil,
i>riiA)c, stuuic, s. f. a wall, a pinnacle, a horn e^sy, bale, pleasant, delightful
ruAi, stuaid/i, s. f. a flock, a iierd "\ s. m. ease, rest,
&eiu]m, stuaim, s. f. device, air, mien SoAjmneAAr, suaim/ineachas, quietness, tranquji-
jSVuAjm, stuaim, s. f. modesty, continence SuAphneAr, suaimhneas, * hry, enjoyment,
jStumA, stuama, ") a. modest, discreet, demure, J pleasure
;StumAC, stuamach, X temperate, abstemious ^#], suaim/measach, a. enjoying rest, full
jScuAinA, stuamachd, s. f. moderation, prudence, of pleasure
sobriety, temperance, discretion, modesty SuAlmnj'e, suaim/tnidhe, s. m. a charmer
&euc, slHCach, a. horned 5^))^), suaimhnigliim, v. 1 rest, please, charm
;Scucac,, a. stiff, rigid jSuAjrhnjgfe,, suamhnighthe, part, becalmed, eased
, S^ucAjpe,5/<c-Ve, s. m. a stiff conceited little fellow SiiA^n, Sitan, Sweden
tuein, stucn, s. a small conical bill ,S4uyn, suain, s. sleep
Jtco, stuchd, s- a little hill jutting out from a ^uAjneArh, suameam/i, \ s. the confluenee of ri-
greater SuAjnjom, suainiomh, J vers
STruj, singh, see rrui S^Urt)ne,AjCAC, suaiipearluch, a, lethargick
>ru)o*jb stuidtar, s. m. study, a study ; ) rtuj- Suajjic, suaire, a. pleasant, facetious, agreeable,
tjt'Aji, a student kind, gracious, obliging, complacent, civil, gentle,
^EU)T>*ju , stuidearach, gallant ,
Stupi'Ajtf*, stuidcuftha, > a. studious ;SuA)ice<ir, suairceas, s. m. facetiousness, aifability,
S:tU)t>*lt*C, stuidcarlhuch, ) mirth, kindness, urbamty
fru]tiA]A, stUidturault, s. study, studying SuA|r-r1n)m, sniais-nnim, v. I turn up, lye with the
^Srujvcm, stuircin, s. f. a crest lace up
;Stujpm, stuirm, see p-otpm ;SuA)flontar, suaitkehientas, see ru4)teAnc*p
$tuifrca fluirt, s. f. pride, liuffishness, sn&iness S^UAjre, suaite, s. a dried up , any thing de
S;ru)|reAmlAC'o, stuiitaiii/dachd, s. f. siattiiness, prived of its juices
gloominess, morosrness jSuAjreAti, smaltthd, s. f. fatigue
SrniI*ceAihu)l, stii-rteamhuil, a. proud, stately, lurf- ^^, siui tcuchd, s. f. a tempering or mixing
fisb, morose, sulky toge.her
SriimpA, stump./,, s. a stump, a post 2gu4|teAnr4C, suaitheantuch, armoml
.Snip, stur, s m. dust SuAjteAncAjp, suaittanttiie , s. a prodigy, portent
Jr-upa. sturach, a. dusty Suarf;e4nnAr,, s. in. a streamer, a flaj,
<>ru}t}Afci stiirrach, u. rugged, uneven ensign, standard, colour, an achivement, heral
51|, stut ranta, a. gross, thick dry, blazonry, a scutcheon
S"u|ft)c, sturnc, \ s. a summit of a hill, pinna- ,Sujinp, swiithnid, s. a bow-string
jSuAj*nj5, suadhnigh, a. variegated
;Scut, s. stuif, matter or subsiance, stamina Siw.)tpcA,

ua]r|ieAc, suaithreach, s. m. a soldier ubjtjrceACo, subhristeach, see ]4

uAjtte, suaiththe, a. kneaded, mixed, indigested ubrr,Arnr, substaint, s. f. substance
.S u*ll, suall, s. m. a wonder iibrtArnceA6, substainteach, s. m. a substantive
11*11, suall, a. famous, renowned ubrcArnteA, substainteach, a. substantial, in sub
S4*n, suan, s. m. sleep, deep sleep. Heb. shena stance
uaiiac, suanach, s. a pall, plaid, a coarse mantle, a Su6at>, suchadh, s. suction, evaporation
covering ucac, suchadh, s. a wave
uAnArm, suanaim, v. I sleep' jSucAjm, suchaim, v. I suck, imbibe
uAnAjjm, suanairm, s. a dormitory uc4n, suchan, s. m. a sucker, soaker
A>u*nalA]i, suanghalar. s.-m. a lethargy ucpp, sucridh, a. easy
>u*iimf, suanmhar, a. sleepy, drowsy Siio, , pron. these, those, them, that, that there*-
u*rirhA.]4o, suamnharachd, s. f. drowsiness uo, sud, a. yon, yonder
uAntA, suantach, a. drowsy, sleepy tio, sudh, a. secure
uAnt|Aroe, suantraidhe, 9, m. a particular kind of SucAjjie, sudaire, s. m. a. handkerchief
Irish music which caused sleep ut>A}pe,. sudaire, s. m a unner
ua]ac, suarach, a. insignificant, trifling, mean, Suog, sudog, s. f. a cake
silly, abject, base, vile, contemptible, despicable, jSut^Al), sudiall, s. m. light, brightness, a candle
shabby, paltry, poor-spirited, trivial, frivolous, ser sugh, s. f. soot
vile g, sugh, s. f. juice, sap, liquor, moisture. Welsh, ,
uaiiac4T>, suarachad,\ baseness serviiitv sug
Sn*V*Ux,.suarachas, baseness servility , sugh, s. f. a wave
u4)i4]ce4r, suaraieheas, s, neglect, indifference 11546, sugach, a. merry, cheerful, glad, joyoun, ,
u4]Uj je, suaraighe,.s. cheapness, meanness pleasant, jocose, jocular, jocund, sportful, frolick-
uA}tCAr, suet cas, s. . mirth, .drollery some, gamesome, playful, mirthful
uAjc)*ot>, suarcrodh, a. endowed jSugACAr, sugac/tas, a. m. mirth, glee, frolick, sport, .
uAf, suas, prep, up game
Su*ri suas, adv. up, aloft, above* jSgAje, sugaidhe, s. m: a droll
Smf. suas, s..urbanity. SA. 5*)>4>, sugaidheacid, s. f. joyousness, jocun-
uArrollA)m, s~uasmhollaim,v. I flatter, sooth,. mag dity
nify, extol, puff jSugAjjm, sugaidhim, v. I spwf,play
uAt4t>, suathadh, s. kneading, mixing, coalition, "5*15)! iM^i/,. joy.
coalescence uj4)m, sughaim,\, 1 attract, suck in, imbibe
S4iAA}irr, suathaim, v. I knead, rub, mix, mould, ugA)nce, sughainte, s. a whirlpool, gulf
coalesce 5A}|te, sugaire, s. m. a droll
u4tA]n, suathain, a. lasting, perennial. fign, silgan, s. m. a straw or hay rope ; a straw
RuA-CAmeArg, suathameasg,' chaos*. cellar for draught cattle. /'. sugar, a collar or:
uAileur, suathleus, s. dazzling band for the neck-.
uAt)in, suathran, s. m. a vertigo ugn4,- sugancha, s. im a ropery
ub, subh, s. f, juice, sap, moisture.-. Su^ujia, sugartha, s. jesting
uBa, sub/ia, s. a berry uj ], sughdaraeh, s. misletoc
Sut*, subha, s. pleasure, delight, complete enjoy 115014)14, sug.'imhara, s. m. a gulf, whirlpool
ment u5rb4]pe, sughmhaire, s. m. a glutton-
uoac-, subhach, a.. merry, cheerful, glad, joyful . 45014j)e4o, ughmhaireachd, s. f. absorbing, glnt-
uDACAr, subhachas, s. . mirth, cheerfulness, glad
ness, buxomness 115114, sugra, "1 sv- nvi mirth, playing, sporting, ,
SuOA4r, subhachas, s. . sobriety, modesty. Cor. ugjt4, sugradh, / diversion -
ubAjrr;e, subaiste, s. a mouth.. ur4n4, sughtanach, a. fatty
ubA]ice, subhailce, s. f. a virtue, an attribute, joy u,b, su bh, s. a strawberry-tree* Welsh, syfi ,
SubAjIceA, subhailceach, a. virtuous, joyful,, glad, ujbe, suibhe, s. a session, assize
pleasant uoeAlt;n, subheaUan, s. m. a parasite
ub*im, subhaim,.\. I suck in, imbibe, imbue . u]Bel4r, sitibhealas, s. spuaging, sharking .
ub4llA, subhallach, a. religious .ujce,-.jwcf, . soot*
uT>An, subhan, s, m. juice, sap u)ce, suice-, a. sooty
SuDcp<oB, subheraobh, ?. a raspberry \ up, /, s. m. a hero
ubU)r, "bhlajr J strawberry u]oe4lAo, suidhealachd, s. gravity.-
ubcAlmu)n, subhtalmuiJTj ) J u)e, suidhe, s. . a seat, setting,- as-v
ud14, jMA/flC4, "1 s. .. expressed, juice, liquor, 0, suidheachan, > the sun, a couch,
ublec, subhled, J drivel ']5,.^^,
~ ) cushion
, subhraid, see roD}tA)t> 5 P
uoijrteAc, subhristeach, see rob)i)rrc<t ll)fF, .

Suje, suklhc, 1, m. a session, assize, jSujlieac, suireach, s. m. a wooer, a dangler

jSujeAcn, suidluachan, ] accubation Sujfijo, suiridh, a. nimble, active
.Sup^G^, suidheachadh, s. planting-, setting jSu)lj, suiridh, \ s. wooing, courting, courtship,
S4J^ert]nc, stiidlieacticint, s. a proof jSiripjoe, suiridhe,\ a suit
S^ujcertrnuil, siiidAtamhud, a. quiet, calm, sedate S'ujpjeAC, sttiridheach, s. m. a sweetheart, suitor
i!]eamujl, suidheamhuil, a. noble Sujpyjm, suiridhim, v. I woo, sue, court
>ii)e, suilheann, s. the cable of a ship >uijvj5, suirigh, s. m. a fool
;Suj;jm, sidlum, v. I sit, prove, enforce an argu Sujrjn, suisin, s. f. a rug, a blanket
ment 8^> *-
;Supjom, suidhiom, s. a proof
;Su)jrrje, sutdhisie, s. f. a seat SjpteAcr), suisteachdfS. f. threshing
^'ijjujat), suidhiughadh, s. setting, planting, placing SuipteAHAim, suistearaim, ) . . , . , ...
jSujjujAjm, suidhutgharm, v. I set, plant Sjtpr,, v- 1 8 Wltb fia
5^u]]uj5fe, suidhiui^/tthe, a. set, planted, sedate .Suvfcce, suitliche, s. soot
i>4)t>ce, suidhte, a. in order, weil proportioned ^^, suitcheaniach, s. . a present, do
>ii]ce, suidhte^ a. proved, maintained nation
>ujre*co, suidhteachd, s. f. steadiness, equanimity vujfean, suithcan, s. m. the mob, multitude
.Sujalljotiap, suighdliiliidhaidh, s. chyle Su)jrge, suitinghe, a. merry, joyful
TuJ^eACrtnt, suigheacant, s. a proof ^ujtre, sudhte, a. seasoned, diy
5U]ea, suigheadh, s. a soaking, sucking ul, /, s. . the sun
j?ii)e*, suigheadh, s. a proof, instance, institution Sul, W, s. f. an eye
^u)5eo[tr, suigeort, s. frisking, gladness Sutijpjm, sulaii.m, see folijiAjm
i>u]5eojtcac, suigeortach, a. (risking, joyous ,SuibAjpe, sulbhaire, s. oratory, eloquence
Su)jlgte, suighighthe, a. determined, determinate SulfjAjpe, suibhaue, a. eloquent ; " /'. c. plBA-pf
,Suji;]m, suighim, v. I suck, soak
S^njjjm, suighim,\.\ seat, accumb, recline, set, plant ^lbjm, sulbheim, see pj'Tk jm
jSTnjjju'A, suighiudhadli, s. seating, setting SuIcjj, sulchair,&. affable, h Hpitable
SuigeA', smgleadh, s. suot Sulajjieao, sulchaiteachd, s. f. .Liability, frankness
>ujl, smi, see rul Sloj, sukhor, a. quck-sighted
<>jl, sud, s. f. the eye Sulp, adv. before that
jSjl, suil, s. f. hope, expectation S^I^a, sutgha, a. ocular
jSTujl, su. I, s. f. tackie i>4lg0pr, sulghori, s. an eyesore
S^ujl, suil, s. f. the willow tree ; the name of kthe ,rrMlAj|, sutmhalari, s. a basilisk, cockatrice
letter S i>ulrhAnA)]te, sulmhangaire, s. m. a fore-stalier
S^u)l*]le, suifoirc, s. a soland goose ^u1aaJc, sulradharc, s. m. foresight
jJvilBewi, sudbheim, s. bewitching with the eye Su|jtAt>Ajc, sulradharc, s. in. fate, destiny, provi
jSuj.belpiqm, suiibheirtm, v. I fascinate dence
Sw\fii)\i,sudbhir, a. cheerful, pleasant, jolly, mirthful SIhaaJic, sulradharc, s. m, fascination
jgui!B|fe, su.lbhve, >s. f. delight, cheerful- SuljtAAjiCA, sulradharch, a. provident, provi
Su)b)pecti, sudihireachd, ) ness dential
STujIfvjtea, sudchntheach, s. f. a bog, quagmire ^ulpAOApcAjm, sulradharcaim, v. I foresee, provide
.Sujleac, sitileach, a. having eyes, sharp, quick- jSliArAlCA|m, sulradharcaim, v. I fascinate
sighted Su\z, suit, s. m. mirth, joy, jest; delight, volup
Sbeos, suileog, s. f. a little eye tuousness
Spleos, suileog, s. f. an orifice Suit, suit, s. m. fat, fatness
jSujleog, suileog, s. f. a bubble in water Sultrrujpe, sultmhaire, s. m. mirth, facetiousness
SujinungAipe, sudmungairc, see pnlfmnftAjjie SulcriiAi, sultmhar, a. pleasant, jocose
;1]1, siuhnhear, s. the breech ; i. e. ton. o. g. S:u!rmA[, suUmhar, a. fat, fertile, succulent
<>i!j!mjte, sullmhire, see ruilD|je SultriiApAo, sulfmhatachd, s. f. joyousuess, fatness
cfujm, fw'iw, s. a sum ; respect, regard, considera >um, sum, pron. he, they ; generally joined to verbs
tion, a corollary, abstract, conclusion in the past iene. " ^."
^>1!]!-, suimeamhlacht, s, f. importance SumA]]ie, sumaire, s. m. a leech, a serpent,, a reptile
jSnjmeamuj!, suimeamhuil, a. respectful, regardful of SurhAjt, sumhar, s. m aspring
.Su-mean, suinean, see ro|ne*n Sifwmujl, sumhamhMil, J a ^ tf .
^], suincann, s. stammering SrhU, sumhhh 3
giijnic, sttinith, a. late SurhUAi, sumni'ichadh, s: packing close
,Sii)pjib swfr, s. supper S:rri!Ar5)m, um'^aighim, v I pack, press
S^tf, ""rj s- f- water> a river Summte, sumhMghthe, a. packed
^u]]ie, iMiVe, s. sea nymphe, mermaids Sumas, iMOTtfg-, s. . a pack-saddle
SUR suc sur

Smjt>, siimaid, s. f. a wave Suppn, sursan, s. m. good news

Sumjcea, sumaideack, a. wavy, boisterous ;Sr4T>, susad, s. m. a blanket
Sun, sunach, see runna Surbujn, susbuin, s. f. substance, stamina, strength,
Sun*]j*, sunais, s. loveage ; Levisticum virtue
Sunt), sund, s. f. good humour, cheerfulness, joy SuroaIa, susdalach, a. prudish
Suti*c, sundach, a. good-humoured, mellow, joyful Sut, sut/i, s. f. the weather
Sunjor, sunghaoth, . m. boasting Sut, suth, s. f. juice, sp, moisture, sauce, gravy,
Su, sunn, s. m. a wall, enclosure jelly, extract
Su*rhujlr, sunnamhuilt, s. likeness, comparison Sue, suth, 7 s soot
Socajrlean, sunncaislean, s. a fort, fortified castle Sutrajjje, suthalghe,} '
Snti, sunrach, "1 . . . Surajgea, suthaigheach, a. sooty
jSnjuw, sunradhach,)*- Paular, special Suajn, sutha'm, a. prosperous
Sncejo, suntaidh, a. quick, active Suram, suthain, a. eternal, everlasting, perpetual
;Snr,jAj5, suntrargh, a. strong, stout |ut*,ne*r, suttaineatht, 1 f
Sup, sur, s. m. a search, inquiry .surajne, suthaine, J *
S|t4jm, suraim, v. I investigate, inquire, search Sutejpe, suthaire, s. m. a dunce
Sujtajm, suraim, v. I fallow Sural, fMa, s. m. pride, arrogance
jSTpo, surd, s. in. ) industry, diligence, Sucan, suthan, see Sut, joke
SaptMinUio, surdamhlachd, f. y assiduity Suf*n6, suthanach, a. juicy
Sjt>niii]l, surdamhutl, a. industrious Surbpujt, suthbhndth, s. decoction, apozem
Su|i]tADAti, surrab/ian, 1 s. southernwood ; Abrota- Sufe, suthche, s. soot
Suppamonc, surrammt, J num Sutrhji, suthmhar, a. juicy, sappy, succulent
Su]raj, sursamn, s. f. a girdle, girth Sutr*]T>, suthsaid, s. a flail. V.


* is the sixteenth Letter of the Irish Alphabet, and ranked among the hard consonants ; contointadha cruadha. It bear*
an aspirate, and then is numbered among the rough consonants, called consoineadha garbka, and pronounces like A.
This letter is called Teint; from teine, turze. The letter T is naturally commutable with D, both being letters of the
same organ ; and accordingly, in our old MSS. we find them indifferently written, the one for the other, in the middle
and end of words ; but seldom or never as initials. In the remarks on the letter G, and its being equally commutable
with C, it hath been observed, that the unlimited practice of indifferently substituting the one :nstead ot the of h ,
could not but be abusive in some respects. The same observation holds good with regard toT and D; not only bec ,
they are two different letters, holding different places in all the alphabets, and consequently of different powers and
functions in the radical and original formation of words, but also because such an unlimited indiffrence, in ub-u-
tuting those letters lor each other in any particular language, cannot but be prejudicial to the affinity which ttie
words ot that language may radically bear with the words of the same meaning in other languages, ft is to be
remarked, that the letter T is used as an adventitious prefix to all Irish vords begming with a vowel, which are
of the masculine gender, and are preceded by the article an, which in English signifies the; ex. an t'anam,
the soul , nn t ean, the bird ; an t'tonghnadh, the wonder ; an t'igfhear, the young men ; an t'ua- htarvm, the su
perior. It hath been observed in the remrks on the letter S, that words of the feminine gendeT begmmng with S>
must necessarily admit the letter T as a prefix, when preceded by the article en, and then the initial S is eclipsed
or suppressed in the pronunciation, as in the words an t's/at, an ttil, an t'srn, tfc. pronounced an ttat, an
, an iron. But this rule suffers one remarkable and curious exception, which is, that words beginning
with the letter S, in which the initiai S is immediately followed by either T or D, w I not admit an
adventitious T as a prefix; as in the words <m stuirni, an stivir, an stvuie, an , an sdtd, an sdit, &c.
It is also to be noted of this letter T, that when it is aspirated, wrth a subjoined h, it is then ren
dered quiescent and suppressed in the pronunciation ; as in the word a iheng*, his tongue, which is pronounced,
ahednga. Another singularity occurring on this subject, is, that nouns of the masculine gender, beginning with
S, must receive the prefix t, when they are of the genitive case singular, preceded by the article an; ex.
mullach an t steibhe, the top of the mountain; bcalbhach an t'sriain, the mouth-piece of the bridle ; roimh-cMal
an t'siongmn, the forecast of the ant ; gliocas an t'sionnaigh, the cunning of the fox. But in the genitive plaral,
we say, mullaigh na sletbhte, btalbhacka na sriun, reiiah-chiul m siongain, &c.

Ca, ta, v. am, is CaBuI, tabhul, s. m. a horse-fly, a brese

Ca, ta, s. m. an edge, bank, border, a place ; , tubhun, see
" rrrnc 1 u) CortooA}jt pop en , tac, s. . time ; a lease
mn*)5 IIa tuA] ]1 ri rjn, Agur ] Caca, taca, s. f. a peg, pin, nail
Ju^a pi r|] jn ) 5h*IU)> Agar Caca, taca, s. f. a prop, fastening, surety, bail
5h<o)t)eabjr3 o f4 r)n 50 cluajn %ne, ) ccp^ Caca, taca, a. near, valuable
." 4 Mast. 1406 Caa, tacha, s. scarcity
, 7e, Jehovah. Cacao, tacadh, s. prosperity
, taachd, dull of hearing. Cacajb, tacaid, s. f. a small nail or peg
Caa$, irte, s. a blow on the cheek. |6, tacaidheachd, s. f. giving security
, taainm, s. a nick-name. 0], to ch aim, ) . i,,
AAnm, tachamm, \ v' 1 sc,atch> rub> daw
4, faM, s. m. a kind of fishing net
, tab/i, s. m. the ocean Caaji, tachair, v. he came, arrived
CaBa, tabhach, s. m. a sudden eruption AAlorgAB, tachalosgadh, s. the itch
CaBa, tabhach, s. m. a forcing, enforcing, com dcAilao, tachamhiachd,~l e c ,.
ACAmlAr, tachamlas, \% l firmness. solidity
pelling, pressing ; " 4p ojie imrW uajb
Vjonan 50 ]1 a ) jj , . . -]!, tacamhuil, a. firm, solid, able, substantial
VAjIe rU, T>A )AJ>}A)5 Ajt Jl) ^ , tacan, s. m. a minute, a short time
b<oj pofA 1)5 ^ ." , l'ion. , tachan, s. m. a sort of martin
, tabaca, s. tobacco , tacar, s, . plenty, a multitude
CaBao, tabhachd, s. f. effect, good use, validity, im , tacar, s. m. provision, gleaning; Heb. dagar,
portance, substance to collect, heap
CaBacbac, tabhachdach, a. beneficial, valid, effi , tacar, a. g.K)d, agreeable
cient, important, substantial, essential, obligatory , tachar, s. m. a battle, skirmish
, tabhachta, s. state, condition. Sh. AAjtAjm, tacharaim, v. I meet, coincide, occur
CaB, tabhagh, v. to pul!. Sh. , tacharan, s. m. an orphan, an infant, a
], tabaid, s. f. a fight, broil, quarrel spright
, ta'iaideach, a. quarrelsome , tachas, s. . the itch, scab, scurvy
CaBajp, tabhair, v. give thou ; when followed by Ajt 66, tachasach, a. itchy, mangy
it signifies to cause .or oblige. Judges, 14. 15 Cabab, tachdadh, s. strangling, choaking, suffoca
^, ta hairim, see rADjujm tion, smothering. Welsh, tagiad
, tahhairn, s. f. the sea Cabajiii, tachdaim, v. I strangle, choke
), tabhairne, s. f. a tavern, inn 0)5*", tachdaighthe, \ part strangled, suffocat-
ADAjjuieojp, tabharneoir, s. m. a keeper of a tavern CABuj^ie, tachduightlie, \ ed, choaked
Cacoa), tachdar, s. many ; provision
or inn , tachdte, part, strangled
*]]1, tabhatrt, s. f. giving, deliverance
, tabhairtcacli, a. dative, generous, li 01), tachlaim, v. I dig, mine
5, tacmang, s. m. a compass, circuit
beral ^, tacmangaim, v. J surround, embrace
CaBaI, tabhal, s. m. a plank, a board
CaBaI, tabhal, s. m. a chief rtcminzfckftacmangtha, part, surrounded
CaBaI, tabhal, s. m. a sling out of which darts or stones C4CJO, tacoid. see ^
, tad, s. m. lownessof spirits
were cast
, tabhan, see tApm Cab, , I s. m. a thief
, tobar, s. m. a tabor, timbrel Eabab, tadhaa,}
CaBajia, tabliartha, a. given, delivered, inclined. Z aba, tadhach, a. unsavoury
, tadkachd, s. unsavouriness
Donl. 174 CabaI, tadkal, s. m, the sense of feeling
., tahhartach, a. giving
CaBaJiab, tabharthadh, s. completing, performing CabaI, tadhal, s. m. a flesh-kook, a flesh-fork
, tiibhartana, s. a leader, a general abaII, tadhall, s. m. a visit
], tabhartas, s. a present, gift, tribute, of CABAllAim, tadhallaim, v. I visit, frequent, haunt
tadhasg, s. f. an account, news, informa
fering, dedication
^]]!. tabliarthoir, s. m. a donor, giver tion
, tuhid, s. f. a broil, commotion, quarrel , tadhbhachd, s. f. substance, consequence,
5, tabhong, a. forced, compelled, overpowered esteem
, t&bhraim, v. I give, bestow, confer, grant CabBaoac, tadhbhachdach, a. effectual, important
, tabhthan, s. m. snarling or growling of dogs CabBab, tadhbhadh, "\
, tabhuan, s. m. persevering ), tadhbhaisteadh, >s. m. a spectre
, tabhuanachd, s. f. perseverance , tadhbhas, )
)5), tabhuighim, v. I profit, exact tadhbhas, s. m. solidity, firmness
C21) TAI Z2\) TAI

>, tadhbhas, s. m. appearance, shewing Caibeapnacujl, taibcarnacuil, 1 , ,

CaBapa, tadlibhasach, a. solid, weighty Ca,be,,n,ocai; taibemiocal, a tabernacle
, tadhbat, s. m. an error, mistake Cajbp, taibid, s. a squib in speech. 5/;.
Cag, Tadhg, Thady, a man's name CjBle, taibhle, s. tables, tabiets ; CajBIe pjleae,
ag, tadhg, s. m. a poet, philosopher planed tables on which the Irish wrote before they
agarhujl, tadhgamhuil, a. poetical had the use of parchment
lac, tadhlach, s. m. a swelling and pain in the C]Blejp, taibhleis, s. f. a backgammon table, the
wrist game of backgammon. This word is sometimes
Cewla, tadhlach, a. hard, difficult written tajplejpg and tajphlejpg, and by Shaw
Camap, tadlimas, see taobao rajmljopg, who calls it chess ; but the following
CaopTHigat), tadhordughadh, s. predestination description of the ta'jBlejp or raiphlelpg, tak< n
aopoujgjm, tadhordwghim, v. I foredoom from one of our popular stories, shews it cannot
Caeug, tadhugk, against thee, prop. at> 35 be chess, as dice are never used in that game.
Cem, laem, s. heed "Clap pjoBpujfte 00 Bj ), -j pippleapg eme-
Capac, taj'ach, s. m an exhortation, pursuit pajl, ) Cjie 00 cnarhajB 1Cjopalu] JJeptunt, 7
Ca , tafach, a. craving gpjann capmogujll, jonup go njmeopa t>all gan
Capajgjm, tafaighim, v. I press, urge, pursue pujleojtce p<e copea ujppe, le mac na
Capan, tajan, s. m. a yelping, barking 00 ag ejpge ]. TCujpjo vj reanra o'p, 7
Capanajm, tafanaim, v. I yelp, bay, bark an puTpjo eile canca c'a)pg)oo Vhjofigeal na
Capanapn, tafanaim, v. I pursue, expel, rout lieagpac <on go lepicleacrac le larna^b p<op,
, tafuint, s. expulsion puap, -j le hjrleacc lan eapoa 00 6ioa)ti
Caga, aje, s. Teasel. Dipsacus, fullonum sylvestris Vhaprajp 3ajm, *] 00 geamajb p^opla) cpjop-
Caga, tcghach, see roga cajl; -jpjpecpljge na piopca qnal pan
Caga, taghadh, see roga t>a neapnac jao." Eacht. mac na. Mio.
Tagajo, tagatdh, v. come ye on, advance Cajblejpbeag, taisbhlels btag, s. draughts
Caga]p, tagair, v. plead thou CajBlejp mp, taibhieis mot, s. backgammon
Cagajpjm, tagairim, see ragpajm CajBleojp, taibhleoir, s. m. an ambassador
Cagajpm, tagnairm, s. f. a sort of divination, echo CajBleojpeace, taibhleoireachd, s. f. snorting, playing
Cagajpt, tagairt, s. f. pleading, arguing, litigation CajBpeac, taibhreadh, s. a dream, vision, appearance,
Cagal, taghal, s. m. a feeling, touching, sense of revelation, discovery, interpretation
feeling CajBpeal, taibhreal, s. laurel
Cagajm, tagalm, \- to deliver, surrender Cajbpjgjm, taibnghim,\\. I dream, have an intel-
Cagarm, taghaim, see togajm Cajbpjm, ta bhrim, ) lectual vision
Cagaj, tagar, s. m. an order, course Cajbpe, taibhse, s. f. a vision, apparition, phantom
Cagap, tagur, s. m. a fight Cajbpea, taibhseach, a. bulky
Cagap, taghar, s. m. a distant noise CajBpjgjm, taihhsighim, v. I shew, appear, seem
Cag*pat>, tagaradk, s. pleading; gen. tag4]fj4 CajBpjon, tatbhsion, s a shewing or appearing
Cagapta, tugartha, a. pleaded, argued Cajc, taie, s. f. a quantity
Cagapcac, tagarthach, a. argumentative, litigious Cajc, Luc, ? s f a prop, support, dtpendance
Cagapcacr, tagarthachd, s. f. argumentation, liti-
giousness Cajee, take, a. near, in conjunction
Cagapjp, tagarthoir, s. m. a pleader, advocate Cajceact), taiceachd, s. f. reliance, a man's sole d
C.gBa,!, UgH, 1 f j a chance pendance, or utmost endeavours
Cagfjair, tagbllHS,} r' Cajceati, t.iiceadh, s. recommending
Cagnw, tagmhodh , s. m. a poem Cajcjm, taictm, v. I recommend
Cagpa, taijr', s. disputation, pleading, argument Cajcearhlao, takt'imh'achd, s f strength
, t gr.tch, a. argumentative Cajcearhujl, laiccamhutl, a. firm, strong, solid
Cagpaw, tagradh, s. proceeding, series, pleading Cajcial, taicial, s. a provider. Sh.
Ckgpanjp, tdgradoir, s. in. a pleader, an advocate Caicpe, taichre, s. a <:ombat, battie
Cagpaim, tagraim, v. I plead, argue, dispute, de , Taid'ibhr, adh. s. ihe Apocalypse, R
bate, sue, pursue, prosecute vlations; "0;> pp eojn pan 18, cajbjojl
Cagrac, taghsadh, s. a possessing or inhabiting ; leaBajp na " Kent.
" jSlojpeao na tjjie ragraio." Cajoe, laiae, s. f. beginning, cotinnencement
Cagf;e, taghthe, see rogta , taidhe, s. f. theft, petty larceny
C*j, /, a. first; " ba raj 4 txujjt po fomujB."- Capean. tatdhean,s. m. a troop, multitude
Each. O'FL Cajoeojp, latdlieoir, s. m. a pleader, diputant
Caj, tai. a. silent, mute a)c]m, taidhim, v. I apply, join
Ca]B, taibh, s. the ocean Capjn, taidhin, s. f. a mill-pond
CajBefltt, tuib/ieirt, s. f. disparagement 5 Q Caplea,
. Z7\) C2)

Cajt)le*, taidhleach, a. pleasant, delightful, splendid, C<*]ncerhujl, tainceamhuil, a. thankful, grateful

glorious ], tatne, a. thinner
C*]le4t>, taidhleachd, s. f. delight, complacency )], tainic, v. came ; c&mjc re
Cnjleao, taidhleachd, s. f. splendour C]nrjorh, tainswmh, s. a reflection, censure, re
*]leoj|t, taidhleoir, s. m. an ambassador, messenger proach
r,)cujj, taidhuir, objecting ]nte, taime, s. booty, prey, spoil
<jpjT>, taifeid, s. f. a bow-string ], taif, s. f. a mass, a lump
^JP'eJrb see riblejp ajpejrtjeft, taipeistrtach, s. m. tapestry
Cnjjrne, taifneadh, s. banishing rjphlejrg, tuiphleisg, see cjblejr
^Aipirm, taifnim, v. I banish, expel Ajlb ftwr, s. f. contempt, reproach, disparagement
Cdjpn^jce, taifnighthe, a. banished, expelled ajj, />, a. vile, base, ordinary
s. f. habit, custom tair, prep, over, beyond, by
T,A)\tb, tairbh, plur. and gen. of r*jB
^15)> taigeis, s. a haggess, the scrotum. iR4. Cjfbe, tairbke, s. f. fruit, profit, advantage, gain,
Ci5eo]t, taigheoir, see CAieo]] lucre, interest, avail, boot, emolument
C*)5lecr, taighleachd, s. delight Z)]tbe*t, tairbheach, a. fruitful, profitable, advanta
taigiar, a. pleasant, sweet geous
C*jlce, tailce, s. f. force, vigour AjjtbeeU, tairbhealach, s. m. a ferry, a narrow pas
C*)lce*noc, iai/ceanach, a. stately sage, a defile
4)lce4f , tailceas, s. f. despite, reproach, contempt C]}iBe*pr, tuirbheartach, a. profitable, beneficial
<*ilcer*, tailceas-.tch, a, despiteful, contemptuous ]}|1, tairb/iert, s. m. a peninsula
Cajlearhujl, taileamhuil, a. solid )|6, taitbhfheach, s. m. a thigh
4;15, taileasg, s. m. sport, game FajiiBjnc, tairbhint, s. turpentine
Cajlgeaii, tailgean, s. a holy offspring, a religious r]jic, taire, s. f. a clod
soldier of God ; " i. e. gjn , no %}Iet> !, taircheadal, ~\ ,
cjuioreAC to hi, ex. cjtjo* tnjlgean 45 pr*lm CajpeA^lc, taircheadalt,}* m' ProPhe<T
AjpjrhnjirgA', laircheimniusrhadh, s. passing over
Cijliuji, tailiur, s. m. a tailor; Welsh, tailwr Tftjpjtej, tairchreich, s. f. desert, merit
C*)ll, //7/, s. f. substance, product, a lump C*)lcr)on*, taircswnach, a. mean, vile
Ci'jlle, taille, s. wages EA^jnjm., tairdhinghim, v. I force, thrust through
CajItti, tailm, s. f. a tool, instrument ], taire, a. baser
Ajlrh, taUm, s. f. a sling A]]e4C, taireack, a. vile, base
C*]lp, f/7^>, s. f. a bundle, bunch , taireachd, s. f. contempt, baseness
rm, /'/w, v. I am )1>, tairead, s. baseness
Caym, fa/w, . a town. Sh. AjpeA, taireadh, s. praise, commendation
"Zbyhytaimh, s. death, mortality, fainting Ajpe5, uireag, s. provision, preparation
Ojrhjrjon, taim'tfhion, s. dead wine AipeAlD, tairealbh, s. shewing, representing
^, taimhhachd, s. a burying earn, or heap of Ajpearrujl, tatreamhail, a. contemptuous, disdainful
loose stones raised by those who accompanied a ^AjpeAn, tairean, s. a descent
corpse to the burying place, each person carrying A]|ieAr5, taireasg, s. m. a turf spade
a single stone. There are several of those earns Cejpjm, taireim, s. f. dispraise, disrepute
to be seen by the highway in every part of Ireland, "Ajjijmeot), taveimeadh, s. disparagement
and are always raised on the spot where some per Aj}tir, taireis, adv. after, afterward
son has met a violent or sudden death jl>eor5, taireosg, s. f. a saw
Cjmljor, tuimhliosg, chess. Sh. See T-AiBleir ~-*]l'5eA' tairgeadh, s. an endeavour
vrimul, taimhncul, s. a slumber, faint, trance, ex- tAjPseAti, tahgeadh, s. a going, passing
tacy :)|^*5 tairgheag, s. an imp, graft
Cijrhnuh, taimhneul ch, a. slumbering rAfliseAl, tairgeal, s. m. an offering, oblation
C]rhneul]rn, tamhnmlaim, v. I slumber, faint )111, tairgealla, s. a sufficient pledge
Cftjmnjm, t iimhnim, see tAipnjm t4Ji&)l]m, v- 1 prophecy, foretel
Cjrhcjn, taimhthin, s. a natural death r^Ajpsim, tairgim, v. I try, endeavour, offer
Cm, tain, s. f. water r,Aif5im, iflirS/, v. I escape, get away
T)V, tain, s. m. land ; prop, tn r,A)i5lle, tairgire, s. prophecy, divination
, ta n,s.f. spoil, plunder; hence jn b cuAilgne, Ajpsne, to'r^we, s. f. a nail
tjn b }*, &c. plur. tjne and tjnce aipsneACo, tairgneachd. s. f. prophecy
AjnA, tainad, see )115"1". <e>i'. s- a Bfde nail
Tjnir, tainait, s. a watery place, a place where , rlt5lm' taWhrim* v- 1 prophecy, foretel
water rests 73 '-pe, tairgse, is. f. an attempt, offer, proffer,
-jnc, taino, "Is. f. thanks, grati- C nn, > proposal
CA)nce*ffua6, tmnceamhlachd, J tude, gratefulness " u )15,

*)*> tairgseanta, a. offered, attempted AjptpeoptA, tairthreortha, part, conveyed

*}51, tairgsinim,\ . ff attemnt Cajp, tais, s. f. the external appearance of a thing.
DonU 244
Ajpjc, Arirfe, v. he came Ajr, taw, a. clement, compassionate
Cajjjtti, tairim, v. I live, exist Ajr, /, a. wet, moist, damp, dank
C4]jjn5teACo, tairingreachd, s. f. foretelling Aip, a/j, a. soft, cowardly, simple
tajpjorgluAjcjte. tairiosgluaithre, s. saw-dust AjrbAnAt), taisbeari'idh, s. a shewing, exhibitionr
Cajjijocajiti, tairiotlaim, v. I fly over representation ; a figure, appearance, vision, re
]ft]r, fairit, prep, over, beyond, by, across velation ; demonstration, evidence
Ajjtjp, fo/r, a. trusty, loving, kind Ajrbeun, taisbeun, s. a vision, appearance, apoca
*]]t")rce, tairisce, s. a file lypse
Cajpjrcjm, tairisctm, v. I file, shave off CAjrbunAro, taisbeunaid, s. a -shew, revelation, re
*jpire, tairise, is. lovingness, affection, presentation, demonstration
CAj|tjre*o, tairiseachd, 5 loyalty, friendship AjpbunAjm, taisbeunaim, v I shew, present, pro
AjpjpeA, tairiseadh, s. displeasure ; " 1Pa )]1 t>o duce, reveal, appear
pjfivo mjpe pe mo ijjeApnA tAi]tjpe." CAjrbunrA, taisbeunta, a. revealed, shewn, present
, tairiseadh, s. a coming ed, apocalyptical
^*)1)> tairisim, v. I love , a j pee, taisce, see r*jre
Ajjijpjm, tairisim, v. I come, stay, remain CajpccaIIa, tais ceallach, a. espying, viewing
Ajjtjpp, tairisin, s. f. a band, tye AjpceAllA, taiscealladh, s. betraying
A]jtjr]om, tairisiomh, a. dear, intimate, trusty, 4}11], taiseealla'm, v. I view, observe, re
friendly connoitre,
(C<t)|irjorh, tairisiomh, s. tarrying, continuance, dwel ]1, taiscealta, prognostics
ling, leisure )), taiscim, see tAjpgjm
Cjti)|-]on4, (.'. a. good ]1, tsdeal, s. a progress, journey, voyage
C*jpjrme, tairisme, s. a dwelling CajpocaIac, taisdealadh, s. travelling
CAjpjrneACo, tuituneachd, see ra]jtjre )1)0, taisdeaiaidhe, s. m. a traveller
)\, taiileitc.h, s. m moisture CijpoeA, taisdeall, s. m. a journey, voyage
C*j(lAjA, tairlearach, a. transmarine Ca]pt>jo1ac, taisdiolach, s. m. a traveller
C*]Jtleop*;m, tairleosaim, v. 1 appear through AjpcjolA, taisdiolach, . travelling
tAjftm, tairm, s. f. necromancy jpe, tais?, s. weakness; "Tur*x> Ajr
j]m, tairm, s. f. noise made by feet trampling, Aipe." O'Gn.
marching ; " Vejigup 50 ctAjpm qn.'v CAipe, taise- s. second sight. S/i.
*]4, tairmcheall, s. a circuit ], taise, s. f. dead bodies, reliques, ghosts,
CAjjtrhjno, tairmhind, s. f. sound, noise manes, shades
Cojpnje, tairnge, s. f. a nail, pin, peg C*)fe, , \s. moisture, damp, dampness,
Cjjn5im, tairngim, v. I pull, draw, extract, brew, AjpeAt>, taisead, ) softness
distil )6>, taiseachd, 7 s. f. moisture, wetness,
)1151> tairngin, s. f. a little nail CAjpeArhlAo, taiseamhlachd, J wet, rain
DA|ln5ijm, tairngrim, v. I divine, foretel CAjpAOA, taiseadaoh, s. m. a winding-sheet, shroud
CAj]n5Jte, tiiirngire, s. m. a promise *]5, taiseag, s. f. restitution
CAjpnjre, tairngike, part, drawn, modelled ZA]re*VAX>ilaiseiiibhadk, s. a representation, likeness,
^, ttiirntheairach, s. m. a prophet exhibition ; " 1\| a rhujrirjj
CA^ngoip, tmmgtkoir, s. m. a drawer ACAp po tAjpeAlbpAC HA V] a rhu)nj|>."
41)> leimig, was finished, came to pass Lee. 12, 1
Ajppea, tuirpeach, a. cloddy )11)*^, taisealbhatm, v. I personate, repre
TAjftpreA, tair-ptheach, a. strong, grand, pompous sent, shew, exhibit
CAjppjmnjujA, tairreimniughadh, s. transition ))1, taiseamhud, a. soft, moist
]]1)0, tairrianach, a. from beyond sea Tajps, taisg, a. laid up, stored
Aj}ireA, tairseuch, s. m. the hinge of a door Cajps, taisg, s. f. keeping-
CjjtpeA, tairseach, s. m. a threshold Cajps, taisg, \ s. f. a pledge, stake, store, trea-
15, ra/rj^WA, 1 ( ^ ^ "Ajpge, taisge, ) sure
^*)l,r51on*' tatrsgwna, J CAjpgAjpm, taisgairm, s. an armoury, a store-house
rAjytfSim, tair gim, v. I offer A)peAtiAC, taiseadhach, a. -hoarding
CAjppliADi, tairshliabhach, a. transmontane C4)pAT>Ai5, taisgeadaigh,. s. a wardrobe
]1, tairshiubhlaim, v. I pass over UAjpgeAlA, taisgcalach, s. m. a pilgrim, passenger
). tairtlhe, s. a circuit, compass ^, taitgealachd, s. f. pilgrimage
C4]p*if tm, tairthighhn, v. I save 7510, tairgealadh, s. prognosticating
CAjprjiig, tairthiugh, sinews, tales Ajf5jo, taisgidhyS. f. a trunlc
CAjptpeopAim, tatrthreoraitn, v. I convey, carry over
21) TAI 21L TAL

^irSP laisgid/its. f. a hoarding, laying up "}a. briglit, shining,

*-*)f5101D*n> tatsgiodan, s. m. a store-house C4)tnerfi4, taithneamhach, c//3 {_ pleasant, agreeable,
f pleasant, agreeabl
*Jr5lm taisgim, v. I lay up, store, hoard CAjineamujI, taithneamhud, acceptable, delight-
C9fg]qn, taisginntin, s. mental reservation, equi _ ) ful, delectable
vocation ), tuithneamJiachd, s. f. acceptability,
)5), iaisgionad, s. a store-house C]tne4riwr, taithneamhas, s. pleasantness
t!rt)p5,te, taisgtke, a. reserved, hoarded Aitnjiim, taithn:ghim,X t i j v v
T".ijp5)m, tuisighim, v. I wet, moisten
4]-)e, taisightkc, a. watered, irrigated Cftjtnjm, taithnim, v. I thaw, melt
Cejrjfi, toit ill, s. f. trespass, damage, injury, in til, /a/, s. m. a cooper's ax or adze
justice /, s. f. dropping
rajrlj$jm, taidighim, v. I wet, moisten 1, lala, s. an elegy
r.ajfljjre, taislivhthe, a. wetted " *\*t,talacht s. m. dispraise, reproach
jpljocdji, taisliachar, s. m. moisture la, talad, s. m. a pain and swelling in the wrist
, jrljuja, taisliughadhf s. wetting from unusual labour
]54'6, taismeangadJi, s. birth Celac, taluc/i, a. dissatisfied, murmuring
Ajrx, /a j, s. f. a tache, a button, loop, a catch Alat, taladh, s. hushing, rocking to sleep
C*)]*cel, taisteal, s. m. a journey, voyage, wander la j, tulaidh, s. in. smell, scent
ing, straying LaUjm, talaim, v. I hush, rock, cherish
)1, taistealach. s. m. a traveller, vagabond Ujnt, talaint, s. a talent
r<tjrcertl4)m, taistealaim, v. I travel, stray CaUrh, talamh, s. f. the world, the earth, land, ground,
C4)r"e*rhu)l, taisteamhutl, a, momentary soil, a country, nation. Heb. taime, plough-land
~4]pceo5, laiswog, s. f. a moment CaUmencA, taiam/ianta, a. earihiy, mineral
raircjjim, taistiglam, v. I water '
s. earth-
~ajc, reif, s. f. pleasure rAUmcpjfedc, talamhchritheach, quake,
Teje, toV, mercury rAlarhumpgariAO, lalumhchumsgudhadh, * earth-
]4, taithchcannach, s. . exchange, traffic
ftjce, toile, s. f. the beginning; <l Jn }40 rlAmuje, talamhuidhe, see tdlmajoe J shaking
rje4t)*n jn cetAjne ]ap cajte po^rh]}." P/. 1, talan, s. in. feats of arms, chivalry
Ad. *1*, talban, s. m. a partition
Z,i]te, taithe, a. accustomed Talbe, talbhc, s. he that deprives a man of a thing
], Uv.teach, s. m. abuse, reproach |4, talca, s. force, vigour, courage
)5, lahheasg, s. a repartee *14, Ldcanla, a. strong, lusty
C4]yu)le, taithfhutleann, s. woodbine ; Lonicera <*161, ta.chara, s. m. a generous lover
periclymenuni icuil, talcad, ) t i < i
Tftjrjs, ta'dhigh, s. f. recourse ~Vt
Obejr i it . t Si a bind of planes
laidas,) v
"]c]5e*> taithigheacb, a. usual *114, tulcumha, s. a tub
~*Fls>lm taithigkifn, v. I frequent, resort Calfiij, talfuin, s. a hoe
*]f )5"c tcithighthe, a. accustomed Taleog, hdcog, deliver ihou. Sh.
~4jrjn, or fcajrjn, taitin, ordo thaitin, it pleased C4l54t), tMadh, s. a quieting, pacifying
r*"rc', taithhach, s. m. peace, quietness talirs s some kind of war instrument used
CAjtieac, tuithkach, a. quiet, peaceable, depend by the old Irish
ing on tall, s. m. theft
', taithhach, s. m. an excuse Tall, ///, a. easy
C*itle*, taitkkach, a. briglit, shining, pleasant, | 11, tall, prep, over, beyond
handsome 44, talla, s. a hall, house
^4)f;le4cur, tait'dcachus, s. f. excusation. ~ee/. Call*, ///, a. meet, tit, proper, just; " nj 44."
^*)f '11> taitAlrighios, s. surgery Lee
-4)1)45, taitldiagh, s. m. a surgeon ^41140 talladh, s. a cutting or lopping off, severing;
TarcliSim, tailldighim, v. I appease, mitigate
l]), taithlicch, . ta. an excuse rallaj^re, talhnghtlu a. k>pped, robbed, spoiled
Ci]ime4C, ta:thmeach, s. m. releasing, dissolving, r4lbim, lallaim. v. I cut jft", lop
loosening CrtlUn, tallan, s. m. a talent, faculty
Tiajfriieat), ta lhmhead, s. remembrance, memorial r*IH">e, tallbhe. s. he tliat deprives one of a thing
tayfne, tadhne,t \ . gratefulness, agreeable- Callfujti, tallthoir, s. m. a robber
C*^n"*m, ' thneamh, j ness, delight, pleasure 4.1), talmhaidAe, \ a. earthly, worldly, sublu-
?), taithneadh, s. splendour, brightness 11, b lmhanta, ) nary terrestrial"
aj^nt-Arii, taithneumh, s. affection, love. 77c. rirh*n, talmhan, gen. of 414
C2l/\f TAN Z 210 TAO

Celltiujat), talmhughadh, s. making earthly ; " v( An4]5]m, tanaighim, v. 1 make thin, slender, dimi
po t)e4)n-oo c*lrhuj5e<p t oom neamcu- nish, rarefy
S4." 5. 44 4n4jpe, tamise, ) s. m. a lord or dynast, a gover-
n*lp, /, s. a mole Cn4]pce, tanaiste, ) nor of a country, the second
4l|at>4jc, talradharc, s. wariness, watchfulness person in rank, the presumptive or apparent heir
4,1}1, talradharc, a. sharp-sighted, wary, cau to a prince. "%.-o'|lpe4cl4]fm4c'bt)4|n meg Zy
tious 5e4fn4jn cn4jre UeAiUj^ unc44 00 g." 4
Calculo, taltughadh, s. lulling, rocking Mast. 1411
Cm, /, adv. truly, verily, certainly Tn4jre, tamise, . second. " Jn tjieatmn r*-
Cam, tamh, s. m. rest, quiet, repose, silence 4], tanaiste,) n4jpe r]i4)n r^ne ]4j njnrc
(34, tamh, s. m. habitation, dwelling cop4jp ejj>4)5;" Vis.Ad.*nio)x t4n4ipte, the se
C&rh, tam/i, s. m. the ocean cond age of the world, the second stage of human
734ifi, ///, s. m. extacy, a trance life, reckoned from seven to sixteen years; 4n roujt
rh, w//, s. m. plague, pestilence mjpte, the middle finger
-4, tamh, a. still, quiet 44)4, tanaistcach, a. swaying, acting, like a
CiTM, tamhach, s. m. a doit Than ist
Crfw, tamhach, a. motionless, dead 44)40, tanaisteachd, sf. f. thanistry, law of se
rrwc, tamhach, a. unhandy, slovenly, sluggish nior succession
C4rh4i5jl, tamhaighd, s. irksomeness C4n4)pte4o, tanaisteachd, s. f. a territory
44]0, tamhaidhe, s. m. a dweller, inhabitant r4n4jpce4p, tenaisteas, 3. dominion, lordship
rrru'jje, tamhaighe, s. m. dullness 4n440, tanalach, s. m. shallow water
rATr)4j5jm, tamhaighim, v. I dwell, reside, inhabit C4n4p5ujn, tanarguin, s. f. a syllogism
4m4]lr, tamailt, s. f. sloth, weakness, reproach, C4n4p, tanas, s. m. dominion, lordsliip
insult, shame 44, tanas, \ s. m. aghost, spirit of the deceased,
Cimijlce, tamailte, ) a. slothful, weak, faint, 445, tanasg, | apparition, a phantom
C*m4]lt;e4, tamailteach, ) humiliating, disparag 4nc4jit>, lancard, s. a tankard
ing ; reproachful, shameful 45454]<, tangadar, v. they arrived, came
C4m4]lf)n, tamailtin, s. f. abusive, stories, slander 4ngm4n54o, tangmangadh, s. a surrounding, guard
44], tamaim, v. I rest, repose, silence ing
Tirhijc, tamhatt, s. f. habitation, place of rest C4n5n4t>, tangnachd, s. f. treachery, fraud, malice,
C4TT14II, tamall, \ s. m. a short space, a little time, grudge
Tumuli, tumuli, \ an instant Tnjc, tank, see tjnjc
44, tamhan, s. m. a sot 4, tann, s. m. a prince ; Heb. ethanim, princes
44, tamhan, s. m. the spleen 4410 4t>4^, tannaidh eadaigh, s. the woof of cloth
44, tamhan, s. m. the trunk or body of any thing C4i4l4iD, tannaladh, s. the often bellowing of a cow
44, tamhan, s. m. a stump, block by reason of some pain
444, tamhanach, s. m. a dolt, blockhead 44l4t>, tannaladh, s. agony; ftn Bjp,
4440, tamhanach, a. splenetick, vapourish, in the agony of death
44;4, tamhanta, > doltish, sluggish, slow, Cnpjn, tansin, \ then ; 4n tn pjrt, then, at that
4TTi4nr4C, tamhantach, J dull, stupid Cinpojn, tansoin, ) time
444, tamhantachd, \ s. stupor, stupidity, slow- >, taobh, s. m. aside, a flank ; <, of or con
444, tamhantas, ) ness cerning ; t(d\j 50 t<o5, from side to side
445, tamhasg, s. m. a fool; a dwarf ")D4, taobhach, a. partial
4144, tamhlachta, s. m. a burying place <5 4 rnu), taobh a muigh, without
44|, tamhnaim, v. I behead, lop off ,) 4 pt), taobh a stigh, within
4rhpu4n, tamhshuan, s. m. a trance, extacy, heavy r<oB4ct>, tacbhachd, s. f. partiality, presumption
sleep <0Dt>, taobhadh, s. a commission
4, tan, s. m. time ; 4 tin, when, at, or in the C<004t>, taobhadh, s. thrusting, relying
time C<0D4jm, taobhaim, v. I side, join, taT^e, part with,
On, ta, s. a herd, drove thrust, depend, incline
4, tan, s. in. plunder <obn, taob.'ian, s. m. a patch or clout on the side of
Cn, tan, s. m. & f. a country, region, territory ; a brogue
gen. rjn and 4 Cobn, taobhan, s. m. a rafter, the ribberies or wat
44, tana-> \ a. thin, slender, lean, meagre, tles laid on the rafters under the thatch of a house
44,, tamdk, f ,ank rar subt|e <v <), taobhbhreith, s. partiality
44), tunaidne,) 7~)Dc)mne, taoblicheimne, s. digression
44), tanaid, s. f. thinness, meagerness, rarity, r<ob-c)l, iaobh-cuil, s. a backside
subtlety ~<0D-ujl)eo$, taobh-dhuilleog, s. f. a page of a book
*4, tanaideachd, s. f. thinness, rarefaction <od4, taobhgha, a. lateral
5 It 54)1,
210 TAO 2

C>Bg4(*)t, tacbhgliabliail, s. a hankering, kindness , taohmach, s. m. a parricide, or fratricide^

iojjeal, taobhgheal, a. white-sided tcom, teow, s. f. a bit, a scrap
<oB5pejm, taobhghreim, s. a stitch in the side <, taom, s. f. the plague, a fit of sickness, a fit,
,< J4
)4pro*It, tacbhlavtharthach,
iarsgarthach, \\ the
, west paroxysm, madness, passion, caprice, freak
C>B ftpt, /<20A Z<om, taom, s. r. ooze, or water that leaks through
TT>t> lejp, /ao /, s. the lee side a ship
T<b lumge, / luinge, s. a broadside C<om4, taomach, a. subject to fits
<o mu|ce, taobh muice, s. a flitch of bacon , taomadh, s. emptying, laving, affusion, eva
r<ot")j), tubhoir, s. m. a commissary cuation," depletion
v,<oR f)4|, /oiA the west ), taomaim, v. I empty, lave
^frpijSe, taobhshligh, s. a bye -way Cwmjjie, taoniaire, s. m. a drawer, a pump
<>, taobhtha, a. trusted, credited, joined , taoman, s. m. a vessel to lave with, a pump>
C<o5f6|}, taobhthoir, s. m. a creditor, commissary <, taomanach, seerrrM
^"<o c]p, taobh tir, s. f. a district omin-vejt, taoman- aeir, s. an air-pump
a>B*f>om, tatbhthrom, a. heavysided, pregnant r<nm-bpujfie, laom-bruinne, s. a fit of the mother
T3<om-bu)le, taom-buile, s. a mad fit
C<ot>, iaoi/, see tD , taos, s. m. & f. dough ; Welsh, toes
, /", see cjw <opcu4, taoschua, s. a flesh pie
C<o, taodh, s. yarn, t^oola, woollen yarn
C<oajpe, taodhaire, s. m. an apostate <54, taosga, a. rather, first, sooner than, before
*~<|) taodhbhak, a. very strong, puissant >54, fawa, a. old, ancient ; " Hj \ peACA *|t>
C<ogftc, taoghach, see taac- bjo )r t<or5*> ) m 5" ir b4oluj5 jon* e."
Cojo, taoghadh, see co^a DonL 156
<05*], taoghaim, see TojAim ^, taosgach, a. brim-full, flowing
>5ll, taoghall, s. visiting, resorting C4op54t), taosgadh, s. pumping, draining
C4opg4jm, taosgaim, \. I pump, drain, diffuse^ pour
r<ogce, taoghte, see rojf
C>j, /, s. a birth, bearing out
!<0), /as/, s. a trope, turn, winding 4op5]|t, taosgoir, )s. . one employed at a.
r;4op5U)e, taosguidhe,) pump
C<oj, few, a. ready C40p5C4, taosgtha, a. emptied, drained
C<oj, /, a. silent, mild, gentle
CAop leABpulgre, taos leaihbhruig/ile, s. paste-
C<0], /, a. deaf 4404>, taosnachadh, s. kneading
r<oBbjieiterh, ta-Mbhreitheamh, ") Si m. * eommie-
C<0)orhe)pe, taoibhmheise, f ' 4041, taoihal, s. m. subsidy
r<0|Miejte4rh, tdoibhmheitheamh,) r40f4UiT), taothalam, v. to come, visit. SA.
C<cjBmeipeACO, taoibhmeiseachd, s. f. comraissarysbip ~4otojp, iaothchoir, s. blame, dispraise
<o)bp]m, taoibhreim, >s. digres- , tap, s. m. flax or wool on the distaff, or rock.
<0)Bp)mnjj;A, taoibhreimniughadh, ) sion bAp, tap, L a quick, swift, nimble, active
Cfflicpepm, taoicrcidhm, ) fc iddiness dizziness C4pi)t>, tapaidh, )
4P4i,T>, tapaclulA^ baste> actiyit
C^ioeapac, taoidntasadh, )
Z<f)i>]m, taoidhim, v. I turn, revolt l 4p4, tapadn, y
<0]0], taoidhin, s. f. a mill-pond C4P4t>, 1 gyecess, good chance
<0)5, foo/f, s. f. a fit of passion t.p<JT>, tapadn, J
, , s. f. bilge water in a ship, a dash of 41)], tapaidh, a. quick, active
CApaijm, tapatdhim, v. I hasten
water .4, tapan, s. m. a rock of flax or tow
]>, taoinneah, s. crispation TpAft, tapar, s. m. a taper
, 1) gen.
of <,
i dough
], tapis, s. f. a carpet
C<ojre*. taoiseach, s. m. a chieftain, general, cap 4pl4i5, taplaigh, s. a wallet,, a repository of small
tain ; Welsh, tywysog things
405, tapog, s. an accident, slip, chance words
))5 taoisg, taoisigheacht,
E<o)net, nearly full s. f. sovereignty, chief- C4ponc4, taponta, a. doing quickly, lively, active
(, iaponta, at your peril. Si.
tir)5er> . .
taoisigheacht, s. f. a dynasty, principa tAphun, tap/iun, see t4pn
4), taphunaim, see T4]T4tiA)m
lity ; Welsh, twysogaeth TT 1, tar, prep, beyond, over, out of, across, through,
C^pn^), taoisnighim, 1 y T fcnead above, rather than, before, in preference to
r<oirn)m, taotsmm, J tar, v. come ; } ugAm
T-^jfnjgce, taoisnighthe, a. kneaded 41, 1, s. . contempt, scorn, reproach
rnte*r4C, taoithtannack, a. silent
r<o]te44T5, tacitheannaehd, s. f. silence ai,' tar, a. bad, evil ; " |o , . . ] ole." Cor.
tlcu*, taochua, s. flesh-pye Ca]*,
21? TAR 21?

C]tA, tara, a. active, quick CAjicujrnijjm, tarcuisnighim, v. I despise, revile,

aja6aj[, tarackair, s. an augre, gimlet slander, derogate
, tarachd, s. f. activity rAjicujpjugA, tarcuisniughadh, a. abusing, de
Cajiao, tarachd, s. f. going, coming; /7ir. derech spising
, tara chean, adv. besides, moreover , tard, v. he gave
a eA rjn, tar a cheann sin, adv. nevertheless, ), tariadh, s. giving ; * tAjicA AliA)rim
,>, arrtrf, over thee Capo* pe, tard/iarc, see r;A]iA4)ic
ajiaajic, taradharc, Is. squinting, looking Cjl]f, /ar'j, adv. after, afterwards
AJt-jiAWAjic, tar-radharc, J askew Ajtjp '], taris biais, a. posthumous
)5]1), taragkailim, to omnate, forebode. SA. , tarfadh, s. imagination, a dream
ajajd, taraibh, prep, over you AfipAjjimeAt, tarfairmheadh, s. a passing over, fer
Ca)ajI, tare/, s. encompassing, going round rying over
Cajaj, taraimi, prep, over us , tarfas, s. m. an apparition
CAftpuieog, tarfuinneog, s. f. a casement
cAVT/aT'^^,}1^- backward [51, targabhtdach, a. transitory
, taraiseach, a. from beyond the moun AfigAT), targadh, s. m. governing, ruling
tains CupftA, targadh, s. m. an assembly
!, taraifach, a. transalpine CAftgftjt), targaid, s. f. a target
ChAjum, tharam, over me ^, targaideach, a. armed with a target .
, taran, s. m. the ghost of an unbaptized child AJtjAjI, targhail, s. f. an omen
CAjiA]Am, tararam, v. to bore. SA. )5, targhan, s. m. a noise
Cajd, terA, s. m. a bull. Wc/A, tarw ApglomA, targlomadh, s. m. an assembly
, tarbha, . - . CAjignAm, targnamh, s. f. eating, consuming; 14 Jp
CApbAt, tarbhachl,\s- f" ProfU )ri5 upgnArh t)]A , . r. jp jngnAm njo
, tarbhach, a. profitable, lucrative **)1 *>'a CAAT4." Cor.
aJBac, tarbhach, a. solid, substantial, valid CAjno, targhnt, a. ill-countenanced, /. . ^
ca}oac-jujI, tarbhach-inil, s. m. a good guide, a Caji5]ao, targradh, s. foretelling, foreboding
skilful man 51], targhraidh, s. an expedition
])>, tarhha'ichead, s. fruitfobess ChApjb, tharibh, over you
, tarbhaidh, s. a hindrance, impediment, ChAjij, tharinn, over us
misfortune ChAjtjr, tharh, over; over him or it
CA}0A]5]m, tarbhaighim, v. I profit, benefit ajiIa, tarta-, v. he came, it came to pass, happened
CAjoA)lljm, tarbkatllim, v. I pierce, thrust through 1|, tarlaic, v. he threw, cast
tAjibin, tarbhan, s.m. a little bull tAplAJcjm, tarlaicim, v. I throw, cast
AjibnrA, tarbhanta, a. grim, stern, bull-faced r,A)ilA]cte, tarlmcthe, part, thrown, cast
CAftAf, tarbhas, s. m. a surfeit , tarlaid, s. f. a drudge, a slaTe
^Apbejpjm, tarbheitim, v. I transfer, carry over Af!A]jm, tarlaidhim, v. I draw, bring together,
r:A]ibejc, tarbert, s. f. a neck of land coHect
, tarbhochnach, a. transmarine Ajildjjm, tarlaidhim, v. I visit, meet
-, tarbhtana, s. a parish or public bull CAftlAjym, tarlaidhim, v. 1 seize, lay hold on
TAjibugAt), tarbkughadh, s. gaining, profiting CAjilo-o, tarlodh, s. a draught, leading in of corn or
CA]ibu}5ie, tarbfiuighthe, a. advantaged, benefitted hay
TT Ajt ulfge, tarbh uge,' s. a sea bull or cow CAftloijm, tarlodhaim, see te]<lA}jm
, larcaba, s. sins, transgressions CAjtmAti, tarmadhf.s. dwelling, settling
TapcAjrne, tarcaisne^see ^ , tarman, see teAjtmotV
, tarceann, adv. moreover , tarman, s. m. noise, rustling
, tarcheann, conj. though, although A)tmcjmtu5A, tarmchruthughadh, s. a transfigura
pu*m, tarctrim suain, see r.oijtcjm puAjn tion
Ca]cot>a6, tarcodhach, a. naught, bad Z^moUrx^nnochan, J.^ bLrd termagant
* iarchcmhladhf S. a going, marching , cay , tar monach, ) s
}>], tarchonair, s. f. a ferry, passage , tama, prep, cross, bve
CAftujjtjm, tarchuirirn, v. I pass or end over T-AjinAC, tarnac, v. it was finished, it came to pass
, tarcuis, Vs. contempt, affront, abuse, C*pn*o, tenue*, I thunder. .
ApcujrTie, tarcmsne,) contumely, disparagement )0, tarvamech, J
, tarcwsneach, a. contemptuous, despi , tarnachd,*. f. peevishness, frovvardness
cable* contemptible, derogative -, tamard, s. f. a tavern, inn
Ajtcu]rrtl5eo]lt, tarcuisnighevir, s. m. anabaser, de CA}tnAo]ji, tarnadoir,s. m. a tavern or inn-keeper
tractor, contemner Tlftnocn,

Cipnoco, tarnochtl, s. f. nakedness, secret parts of C4}iroibe40, tarsoibeach, )

C4p[o|!lre4, tarsoillseach,&- transparent
one's body ; 4 trjtnoo, their nakedness
Cipnoco, tarnochd, a. stark naked 4jirojllr|5im, tarsoillsighim, v. I shine through
, far/), s. m. a clod, a lump 4prum5. tai suing, a. across, athwart
, tarpn, 9. m. a cluster Cape, tart, s. thirst, drought
, tarpn, s. m. a crab 4pt, (er/, a. gone by, past
, far;-, s. the lowest part of the belly, extre Uli4pc4, tharta, over them
mity, tail 4pt40, tar ach, s. m. a girth
Cpp4, tarra, v. come thou C4pt4n, tunan, s. a party-coloured stuff worn by
Ca)i|u, tarrach, a. fearful, timid, horrid, terrible ; Highlanders
'i.e. , no ecUc rjc ." Cor. aHfaoTp, tarthadoir,
414, tarthalaidne,)* m' a sav,0ur
, tarrac/.tain, s. revenge, vengeance
^, Urrac/itair, it happened 4pf4)5jm, taithaighim, (v. I assist, defend, pro-
cppat>, tarradh, s. attendance *pf4}ljm, tatthai/im, J tect
, tarradh, s. protection 4pf,4)l, tarthail, s. f. help, assistance
app*, tarradh, s. a drawing, draught 4pr4jt, tartar, s. noise, clamour
Capp*t>, tarradh, see 4px4p46, tartarach, a. noisy, bold
C*pp5l]e, tarra^halaidhe, s. m. a prophet , tharthe, over her
Cpp*5)ni, tarragklaim, v. I prophecy aprrhap, turtmhar a. thirsty, dry
Cappi'JSjl, tarraighil, s. f. prophecy 4}tcrh4p4Co, tartmharachd, a. thirstiness
Cappajjjlen, tarraighiltach, a. prophetical (C4pu], turuinn, o\erus
, tarran, C4p, /ai, s. m. a dwelling, habitation
1 1 . ' 1Vs. a nail,
., spike
C*r, Mi, s. m. a whip, scourge, ferula
, tarrnge, J ' 1
, tatrangart, s. a loadstone 4r4jm, tasaim, v. I dwell, remain
4ppn5jp, turratigoir, s. m. a nailor C4r4n, (, s. m. a slow, tedious, plaintive dis
*5, tarrangtha, a. drawn, pulled course
Cappangt)]!, tarrangthoir, s. m. a drawer, prognos- 4446, tasanach, a. slow, tedious, plaintive
ticator r.4rbim4]m, tasbatnaim, v. I reveal, shew, present
C*}tprt4)]i, tarrastair, v. it happened 4rbum-4, tasbeunta, part, revealed, shewn
C4jpf jo, tarrfhionn, having white buttocks. Sh. arc, tase, s. m. fame
4pp5p4)t>, tarrghraidh, s. a journey C4rc4]t, tascar, s. m. a navy
4jipjn5)pe4CO, tarringireuchd, s. f. a prophecy 4' , tascor, s. m. an assembly, cavalcade, a mark
4ppnoco, tarrnochd, see rpnoco C4rcop4jm, tascoraim, v. I march, migrate
C4ppp4, tarrsa, v. come thou 404)1, tasdad, s. f. trial, examination
4ppt4j5jm, tarrthaighim, v. I save, deliver 4rt>4I)m, tasdailim, v. 1 try, assay
4ppr4jl, tarrthail, s. preservation, safety, health 4|>414, tasdaha, part, assayed, examined
C*pjit4]m, tarrthaim, v. I seize, lay hold of, assert, 4 reuige, tasduighe, a. deficient, wanting
affirm, grow ^, tasduighm, v. I want
4ppcu4t>, tarrthughadh, s. growing , tasg, s. m. character, report, rumour, news,
Cppu, turriidh, s. a drawing knowledge ; Heb. tashiah
4ppujri5, tarruing, s. a draught, pull, pluck 45* tasgadh, s. m. a task
Cppujn, tirrwng, s. a haui-yard 44]1?, tasgmdh, s. hoarding, laying up
.]]5, Urruing, s. a blow C4f54]pe,, s. m. a slave, servant
appujng, tarruing, s. derivation, description 4416, tasgam/ilaihd, s. f. renown
C4ppu-jri5, tarrumg, s. distillation, extracting 4*]1, tasgamhvul, a. renowned, famous
t4}piijn5e4C, tarruingcuch, a. attractive , ms, halt done- Sh.
4ipu)n5)m, tarruingim, v. I draw, pull, teaze, 4, tath, s. nv. a lord, a ruler
Cat, tath, s. m. slaughter
distil C4*, tath, s. m. solder, glue, cement, joint
C4ppujn^ 41 ajr, tarruing air ais, s. revulsion
4, /riff, jadv. over, athwart, across, over C4f, tath, s m. a side
Crtppn, tarsin, then)) past; " ]orc<)i)0 pjs Cat, </, a. withered
, tarsna,) cp)ono4 n* opocAOjne, 4gur 44, e/e, s. bail, security
r 4 pojflen t*]f4." ;. 20, 26 tathad, v. they have
C4prn4, tarsna, a. prostrate, stretched; "rappia 4CA, tathadh, s. a joining, suture, 'inosculation,
] 4 mbpo." Plearaca na Ruarcach. contexture, soldering, cementing
C4prn4tTi4]m, tarsnamhaim, v. I swim over 4'4 lathaighcacii, a. conversant, acquainted
T?4prn4n, tarsnan, s. m. a transom, cross beam, or '4154', tatha.giuuchd. s. f. use, familiarity
Ar,4)5)m, tathaighim, v. 1 frequent, haunt, use, ap
41rnan-ltotA, tarsnan-rotha, s. a spoke of a wheel ply, join, joint, mortice

Catapn, tathaim, v. I kill, destroy Ceata, teachta, s. law, i. e. tsljse. Br. L.

Catajm, tathaim, v. I have Ceacra, teachta, a. legal, lawful. Br. L.
Catajm, tathaim, see tatap^im Ceaca, tcachtadh, s. m. possession
Catajjie, tathatre, s. m. a joiner Cao, tead, s. f. a rope, cord, string
Catajpe, tathaire, s. m. a sluggish trifling fellow Caoa, teadach, a. strung, stringed
Cat-beum, tatkbheum, s. a mortal blow Ceaoajt, teadaiih, a. quick, active, wild
Catalajm, talhalaim, v. I call, visit Cacape, teadadhe, s. m. a harper
Cat am, tathamh, s. of sleep Caeajm, teadhaim, see tjjm
Caraijjt, tathaoir, s. f. reproach, contempt, disregard , teadamack, a. revengeful
Cat<ojp, tathaoir, a. heavy, dull Ceaoafqiadt, teadarracht, revenge, vengeance
Cataojjtpn, tathaomm, v. I reproach, revile, despise CeaT>apjiadt]p, leadarrachtoir, s. m. an avenger
Catar, tathas, v. he gathered, he assembled Ceajap, teadhghas, s. m. a house, a palace ; *( $f
Cafbjm, tathbheim, s. f. a mortal blow ; this word reajajp ojijr* 5u]T>e ojtul." Pt A. 292
was anciently used to imply the exercise of casting Ceaj, teagh, s. m. a house, a room
darts and other missiles from the c]iai\ tabajl pr Cea, teagh, s. f. vapour, exhalation
sling Ceaga, teaga, adv. perhaps
Carpan, tathfan, s. f. barking of dogs Cagajm, teaghaim, v. 1 heat, warm, grow hot
Catpan, tathfan, s. f. banishing; "fto tafpan a Ceaajp, tcagair, s. provision, protection, covering,
pljoc an trjp." shelter
Carpanajm, tathfana'm, v. I bark; I banish Ceagajpjm, teagalrim, v. I cover, thatch, protect,
Cafla, tathlach, s. m. dispraise, reproach shelter
Cailajgjm, tathlaighim, v. I tear, subdue, pacify Ceajjajp, teaghais, s. dwelling places
Cafclan, tathlan, s. m. a reproach, calumny Ceagaipgte, teagaisgthe, a. taught, instructed
Cacg, tatog, s. f. a clash, a slap Ceaallad, teaghallaeh, see tealad
Catja, tathughadh, s. a suture, soldering, joining Ceagarh, teagamh, doubt
Cacujje, tathuighe, . m. acquaintance, frequenting, Ceajap, teaghas, s, a small room, closet, a case
resort, haunting Ceagep5, teagasg, s. m. teaching, doctrine, instruc
Catujjpn, tathuighim, v. I use, accustom, see ta- tion, education
iajgjm Ceagapja, teagasga, s. sorcery, druidism
Catujjte, tathuighthe, a. frequented, accustomed, Ceagap^m, teagasgaim, v, 1 teach, instruct
public ; familiar Ceagaps Cjijoptupe, teagasg Criostuidke, s. m. a ca
Caru, tathunn, bay of a deer, bark, yelp techism, Christian doctrine
C, or an t, te, or ante, he, he that, whatsoever, Ceasapgfca, teagasgtha, a. taught, instructed
a person, con r, unto him that Ceagapscjp, teagasgthoir, s. m. a teacher
Ce, te, a. hot, warm Ceaoall, teagbhall, a. afflicted even to death. Sh.
Cea, teach, s. m. a house, dome, dwelling Ceagcajl, teagcail, s. f. a meeting, meddling, . e.
Ceaat), teachadh, prop, rara, strangling ceajtbajl. o. g.
Ceacclajm, teacclaim, s. f. a collection CeaglaC, teaghlach, s. m. a family, household, habita
Ceaccmajp, teaccmais, s. f. an impediment, hindrance tion, a hearth
Ceaco, teachd, s. accession, arrival, coming Ceaglad, teaghlach, a. belonging to a family or house
Ceafro, teachd, a. innavigable Ceaglaca, teaghlacadh, s. a gift, present
Ceacc, teachd, a. legal, lawful, right, just Ceajladap, leaghlachas, s. m. soothing, flattery, play
Cead**, ta*A*. ) S" m' a 88^ Pf. em- ing the parasite
Ceacoac, teachdacht\ b^dor, legate, delegate, Cea^lat-ad, leaghladhach, a. fair-spoken
Ceaj;lajjm, teaghlaidhim, v. I sooth, flatter
Ceawa, teachdadh, s. a closing Ceajlam, teaghlam, s. m. a collection, recapitulation
Ceaoa)t>e, teachdaidhe, s. in. a comer Ceaglarnat), teaglamhad, s. m. a convention, assem
Ceadoaje, teachdaidhe, s. a customer. bly
Ceadeajjre, teachdaighthe, see tatsajje Ceaglamat), uaglamhadh, s. collecting
Ceadoajje, teachdaighthe, part, closed Ceaglamajm, tcaglamhaim, v. I collect, assemble
Ceadoajm, teachdaim, v. I condense, close Cealom, teaghlom, see reaglam
Ceadeajpe, teachdae, s. m. a messenger Cea jia, teagmha, s. a cause
Ceadoajjteaco, ieachdaireachd, s. f. a message, em , fagmhach, a. doubtful
bassy, errand, legation, delegation, deputation Ceagnia)!, teagmhail, 9. f. meddling, interfering,
Ceadcmaj, teachdmhar, a. fruitful, fertile strife, expostulation
Z,G*tvth*ytteachdmAar, a. acceptable, legal, rightful Ceagmajl, teagmhail, s. retribution, revenge. Heb.
Ceacmajc, teacmaic, v. it came to pass, happened tegmail
Ceacmoc, teacmoc, s. m. riches, wealth Ceajmajl. teagmhail, s. f. a meeting, occurrence,
C-eacrhuajl, teacmhuail, s. affliction, sickness rencounter
Cea-naojcea, teach-naoidhcadh, s, an hospital 5 S Ceasmajleac,
TEA cea, TEA

e*5rb,%jle<*, teagmhaileach, a. contentious, con Ce4ii54, teangach, a. speaking many tongues or lan
tending, striving guages, loquacious
reasmajljm, Uagmhailim, | v. I meet, strive, con- e4n54 con, teanga con, hounds tongue ; Cynoglos-
54) teagmhaim, f tend sum officinale
re*5tii4jp, teagmhais, s. f. an accident Ce4ng4 e4lo4jn, teanga ghcalbhain, sparrow's
Ceagihajpeac, teagmhaiseach, a. accidental, at ran tongue
dom ; "5t>]5j|i CanAjge u] %4olon4j}te Uean54jpe, teangaire, s. m. a linguist
rri4}64 50 454]6 ' bujlle 54." Ceanga rrj|on, teanga mhion, s. dead nettle
* Mast. 1400 Ce4ng4 mojfcaji, teanga mortair, s. a pestle
e45rri4lc4, teagmhalia, part, met, accosted, as 454, teangas, s. a pair of tongs, pincers
saulted 454, teangan, s. m. a tongue, language
e45tbu)ge, teagmhuighthe, part, met, accosted Ze*, teann, a. stiff, rigid, austere, hard, severe,
Ue45mujre4, teagmhuiseach, a. accidental, inci strict, tight, tense, strong, powerful, bold, brave ;
den tal rapid, busy, costive, close-bodied ; Heb. ethan,
eagrhup, teagmhus, s. m. an accident, chance, a strong, mighty
fall, a meeting, contingency Cead, teanmch, s. m. a guiltless person
Ce4gn4t>, uagnadh, s. striving, contending eaa, teannadh, s. stiffness, rigidity, hardness,
e45-upg4, teagh-usgcha, s. a coffee-house. SA. violence, rapidity
e4l4, tealach, s. a looseing r,eaat>, uannadh, s. a beginning
e4lofi4, tealdrach, surface, face Eeaa, teannadh, s. forcing,mg hardening
T^lgao, tealgaih, s. casting, throwing eanajm, Uannaim, v. I strain, press, urge,
ealgajm, tealgaim, v. I cast, throw Ce44n4)m, teannanaim i' rivet, tighten, brace,
Ce4ll4, teatta, \ s. m. the earth, a hearth, a tribe, hold, bind, begin
41140, tcallac/,,] a family ; Welsh, teuly e<ma)pe, teannaire, s. the roar of the sea iu a cave
Ceailecg, uallachog, s. a domestic concubine Ce*4)fe, teannaire, s. m. a press
Ce4lkjD, teallaid, s. f. a lusty woman ea4la, teannala, s. fire-brands
CenlUjm, teallaim, v. I steal Ceaap, teannas, s. m. austerity
cealliip, teallur, s. m. the earth ]15, teannchuarsgte, a. intricate
Ce4lfi4j5, tealraigh, s. the earth. Cor. Ze^)r^)m,'tean?l/haisgm, 1 v. I press, wring,
!44, tcalsanach, s. m. a philosopher Cearipajpjn, tea ; jhaisin, J squeeze, close
1|->, tealsanachd, s. f. philosophy Ce45ii5, teanngug, a. stiff and strong
Ee4lpanc4, tea/santa, philosophical CeaUrh, teannlamh, s. m. a tinder-box
Ce4lc4,D, tea/tachd, s. f. simplicity 4, teannorcanus, s. the counter-tenor in
Ce4lr4jj, tealtaigh, a. silly, cowardly music ; Cantus medius
e4in, team, a. adept, expert Ceai4, teannradh, \ s. shewing, manifesta-
Ce4rii4jt>, teamhaidk, a. quiet, pleasant -^, teannrughaih, ) tion, discovery
44), Teamhair, Tara in Meath, the seat of our teafipajc, teannshaith, s. abundance, a full meal
ancient monarchs Cearira, teannta, a. joined ; i. e. cumga
Ce4Tfi4]j, teamhair, s. f. a covered or shaded walk Ceata, teannta, s. a press, straight, bruising
upon a hill for a convenient prospect Cearn, leanntan, s. m. a press, bruising
Ce4rh4}}, teamhair, a. pleasant, agreeable CeaRuja^j teannughadh, s. pressing, squeezing
Ce4mpoll, teampo, s. m. a church or temple 4<* teanntruidhe, s. m. gnef, sorrow
, teampollach, s. m. a church officer 4> tcaradh, s. contention ; Heb. tigrah
7",e4mpol4lt4, teamporaha, a. temporal ce4j]T,)rn' ** v- I descend, go down
cean, tean, see te* eap4pcu|oe4o, tearaschuideachd, s. pastime
ce4n4jlce, teanailte, see qonojlte Ce4Jtn*> tearbhadh, s. separation
Ce*n4jm, teanaim, see T>e4n4jm e4p6A))m> teai bhaidhim, v. I separate
44), teanaim, v. I writhe, twist, mingle Ceapc, tearc, a. few, rare, scarce
!, Uanal, see tjonojl T",eajca, uarcadh, s. fewness, scarcity, rareness
HeenaU, teamladh, s. collecting, accumulation tearm, s. m. a noise made by trampling
ce4n4l4it>e, teanalaidhe, s. m. a gleaner teapm* tcarma, s. a law term, a term, a period
4414), teanalaim, v. I lay up, glean, gather CertWnuR, teat s. m. a limit, stay, resource,
414, teanalta, part, gleaned , tearmonn, > shelter, sanctuaiy, protec-
an*m, tcanam, v. let us go Ceapmufi, tcarmunn,} tion, glebe-land
Ce4Tiua]']te4'c>, teanbhuaiahreadh, a. fervency r.e*lm4o)p, tearmannoir, is. a patron, protec-
*04), teanchoir, s. f. a vice, pincers, tongs Ce*lm*nu)e' tearmannuid/ie,S tor
re4Ti4, teanga, s. a tongue Ce4lMi4, tcarnadh, s. descending, going down hill
Cans*, teanga, s. a language, tongue, dialect; plur. , tearmdh, s. an escape, recovery from
C621 /

v. I descend, evade, es Ue*ft)l, teastail, s. want, defect

Ceupnajtrm, tearnaidhim, cape, fly from ; 50 eApugAt), teastughadh, s. experience, trial, discus
eA]*nAjm, teamaim, ;. 4 Mast. sing, sifting of a matter
1434 -, teastun, s. a groat, four-pence
eftfrt4]m, teamaim, 1 v. I recover, evade, fall , teasuidhe, a. hot, burning
, tearnodhaim,) into a fit UeapjeAco, teasuidkeachd, s. f. heat, warmth, ar
, tearnodh, s. a fall, hap, chance, escape dency, fervor
, /earr, s. pitch, tar * ! tenth! interj. hold off!
, , s. the earth , teath, s. a page
, tearradh, s. laying on pitch or tar TJeatAt), tealhadh, s. flight, running away
, tearraid, s. an officer, herald CeaAjsjm, ttathaighim, v. I celebrate, solemnize
CeAppAim, learraim, v. I pitch, tar, daub CeAtAjm, teathaim, v. I flee, run away
, tearran, s. anger, vexation CeAtAjj, teathair, s. m. a tedder
CeAppA, tearrgha, a. pitchy **!, teathar, s. m. a guiltless person ; " i. e. cujne
te*]*u)n)m, teantinim, v. I save, secure, deliver nejni|oncA." o.g.
CeApujnte, tearuinte, a. secure, safe, delivered eAirjuje, teathbhuidhe, a. tawny
CeA]u]nt;e'o, tearuintcachd, s. f. security, safety , teathmhach, a. fleeting
Ceap, teas, heat, warmth, fervor , Uathra, s. royston crow ; see quot. at cpogn
e*r, teas, s. a message Ceatpa, teathra, s. the sea, ocean
, taw, the south ; prop, Feb, a. unresolved
, teasach, s. ra. a fever Cebjop, tebididh, s. irresolution
er]pe, teasaite, s. m a messenger Cebjm, tebhn, v. I disappoint, frustrate, fail
Ce*r*ji5te, teasairgthe, a. saved, delivered , tebhot, s. intense neat
:5>, /^r^i/5,ls-res<:uinf' sa&> deli* Cec, itfc, s. f. a bone
- 1 r verine from daneer, re- Ce, s. fume
, tedadh, a. wild, erce
CeArApgAjm, teasargaim, v. I save, deliver, rescue , tedarracht, s. revenge, vengeance
Cefp5in, teasargatn, a. restoration of plunder. 4 CeDAjr, tedhbhais, s. f. a phantom
Mast. 1466 Cewm, tedhm, s. m. death, destruction, plague pes
CeArApgtojp, uasargthotr, 6. m. a guardian, protector tilence
ce*fb6, uasbhach, s. m sultriness, hot weather , tedhmann, s. m. the murrain -
CerD*Jc> teasbhaich, s. f. a fever , tedhmneach, a. furious, headlong
, teasbuala, s. hot baths , tednas, s,. fierceness, severity
CeAfDuje, teasbkuidhe, s. m. a grass-hopper Cej, see tet
, /eairf, s. a witness ; prop, rejp CegDAl, teghbhal, s. ground rent
Ce*p, W, )s acharacteri FegeAppA, tegearrach, s. m. a purchaser
, (casaos, y r Cegup, tegur, s. m. a purchase
, tawa, 1 less by, short of ; bljAAp 7!e5Uj]AC> tegurrach, s. m. a purchaser
"^, teasta,) ao, ninety-nine years Cejbe, s. m. a physician ; plur. rejbj
, teasda, s. dying, failing; " Jr]n blaAjn CejrjeAt), Uibheadh, s. destruction, extirpation, death
conA o Ka)5)1j5." MlPar. ), teibeadh, s. a drawing or taking away
CeAroA^5]m, teasdaigliim, v. I prove, try CejbeAprAjm, teibearsaim, v. I drop, distil
^, teasdaighim, v. I fail, I die .), teibearsan, s. m. dropping, distillation
*,!, teasdai/, 1 rejb)t>, tcibidh, a. smart, pedantic
]!, teasdm/in I, ) -ejbjpp, teibirs(r,\s. a gentle dropping of water,
FeApugAt), teasdughadh, s. a trial Cejbifjfe, teibrise, \ or any odier liquid
^, teasdughadh, s. lessening, deprivation -jDrjn, te'ibhlin, s. f. a lute, a harp
&), teasgadh, s. cutting down, lopping off Cejearh, teicheamh, s. a going, passage
5)5), teasgaighim, v. I preserve reitj-pulr, Uichd-reult, the north. 5A.
CeArgAjm, teasgaim, v. I cut, lop off Cejclve, teididhe, a. quiet, peaceable
CeArgAl, teasgal, s. a scorching wind, a storm, a Cejo, /rtV, v. shall go ; they went, he went
wave jocleAfApe, teidcleasaidhe, s. m. a rope-dancer
5<, teasghaoth, s. a parching wind (Cejoe, teide, s. m. a smooth plain hill
^, tcasghradh, s. fervent love, zeal )1, teidealtach, a. valetudinary
, teasmhach, see epjm, teidhtm, v. I go; Heb. atah, he went
CeArpuj^vm, teasruighim, v. I deliver, rescue Clt>']n, tedin, s. f. a small rope or cord
CeApujgjn, teasruigin, s. deliverance Cejt>m, te'idhm, s. death, a fit, loss, hardship, distre.4.s
teApAjjjjm, teastaighim, v. I testify, bear witness ermoe)jeA, Uidhmbhcir.hcach, a. death-giving,
CeApA)5im, teastaighim, v. I lack, need, want deadly
ce; TET ce; TEI

, teidhmneach, a. perverse; see quot. at , trim, s. f. great Inihte, hurry

rjnpeAt) r,t']n, teinn, s. f. distress, power, force
rjrjnBU, Uidsiubhlach, s. m. a rope-dancer cp, team, a. sick
r.ejj, teigh, s. f. any covering CejnbeaUc, teinnbhealach, a. perverse, obstinate, con
ej, te/gA, v. go thou ; imperat. of cepim tumacious
Cejgea, teigheadh, s. a flying away, absconding , teinne, s. f. fire, fire-brand
Ce]5e*mur, tcgeamhus, shall happen, befal , teinne, ) s. f. tension, strictness, severit}-,
Cebollar, teighiollas, s. a salamander , teinnead.) rigidness
tejglye, teighlidhe, a. languid, sick, mild, sober Ceje-aejj, teinne-aeir, s. lightning
CeiijteAC, teighlheac/i, 1 , *]*, teinneas, s. sickness, disease
, teighthloch, { m- a deserter Cepe-cppp, teinne- chrios, s. an iron to strike fire
C-ejjfp, teighthidh, part, heated from a flint
Ce)le, tote, "1 .. Ce)g, iemngha, of or relating to fire
rcjle5, teileag, } s' a Ume or 1,nden tree -ejrea, tunnteach, S. m. lightning
T>jle<, tcileadh, a. sick, languid Cemreec, teinnteach, \ .
Cejfitedrfmjt, (/,}8'^. gneous
ejls, flfV^, v. go ; rejig u]m
cejlgean, teilgean, s. a casting, throwing, vomiting Ceprep, te'mntein, s. the hearth
r.ejlgjm, tei'.gim, v. I cast, throw, vomit Cejtepe*c, teinnleineach, s. m. a collector of hearth
Cellbin, teifgin, s. f. casting, throwing, vomiting tax
Cejlgin, ieilgin, s. f. a shock, rencounter Ceptpeac, teinntreach, flushes of lightning; also
Dejl^l^on, tci/glion, s. f. a casting net plur. of repe, a link
Ceilsfceo])*, tulgthcoir, s. m. a founder, caster Ce)|, tcir, shall say. Sc.
T"e]h,5jm, teilighim, v. I refuse, reject Ct'jpbeijir, lebdrt, s. f. fatigue
ej!)5)m, teilighim, v. I build Cepbcpr, teiibheiu, see ropbept;
r;e]!j5te4C, teilightheach, a. fertile , ttiic, a. scarce, thin, seldom
,]1], teilis, s. f. a house, habitation , teine, a. spent
Cejllreamjs tcallseadar, v. they stolej Teir, teii ce, s. scarcity, fewness, famine
Cejlm, tci'm, s. f. a dart, an arrow CepcpeoUc, Uircfheolach, a. lean, meagre
ejm, trim, a. dark, obscure ; " /. . tu Cepqm, teiicim, v. I fail, wear, spend, discontinue
cae ." Cor. Centre, te.tcne, pot-herbs
Cejm, teim, a. capable , teireachdin, s. f. decaying, wasting, dis
Ceim, teimh, 7 s. death; a cover, a curtain, a continuance
Cejrhe, teimhe,i veil CejlteActyjn, teireachdin, a. weary
Cejmeal, Uimeal, s. dross |]1, tetricim, v. I spend, I fail
CejmeAl, teimheal, s. f. a shadow, shade, covert reipeet), teiieadh, s. a commendation
Ce)rhel, teimheal, s- f. an eclipse, darkness; "1Po]t Fejpjb, teirig, v. it is done, it is gone
ejpeno ba) rejmel." Welsh, tywylleich e)|t)m, teinm, v. I will say. Sc.
Ce]mel, teimheal, a. dark, obscure ; Welsh, tywyll Tejpjn, teirin, s. f. a descent
Cejmen, trimlien, s. f. darkness; *' i. e. ." 1]], tcirinim, v. I descend
Cor. rejpjr! teirisl interj.stop! desist!
_ ,. ; . ;, i , "is. darkening, obscur- ], tehme, s. a season, a while
Ce)mle*ct>, tamhkaend, I . eclinsintr cloud- ]> tevmeasg, s. a mishap, misfortune
Cenbiju^, te,mhUughadh, Jfc Cej]ime4r5*c^ teirmeasgach, a. meeting with acci
ejn, lein, s. a coming dents
Cembalac, teinbealach, a. perverse, obstinate |5], tcirmeasgaim, . I meet with, find,
, teine, s. f. furze, the name of the letter disappoint
, tenu, s. f. a fire, fire-brand rejfiphonr*, teirphonta, three pounds weigh't
, teine, ) s. a link of a chain; plur. rejjir, teirt, s. f. sunrise
), teineadh, ) tepr* Tej]*, teis, s. f. an air tune ; care, diligence
, teinecreasadh , a ferrit CejpbanAc, tcisbeanadh, s. a shew, a play
|-11, teine-ealadhanta, s. afire-work ("cjpbenajm, teisbeanaim, see riybn*)m
Cepe-ejgp, teme-eigin, s. a forced fire, fire caused -, teisbeirt, s. f. increase, growth
by long and vehement rubbing of two pieces of rejpear, ieisdeas, s. f. attestation, proof, testimony,
wood together certificate
-^*, teine-gheahin, light emitted from pu e}r]t>, teisidh, they halted ; "50 rejrjt (Cceam-
trid fi>h, or rotten wood 4)p." Chron. Scot.
Cejnji teinidh, s. f. fire rejrjre, teisite, s. a dropping, distilling
p. teinid, a. fiery , teist, s. f. a proof, testimony, certificate
Cejmheno, teinmheadh, s. cutting, dividing, opening Ce] pre, triste, s. a drop
ceo teo z) il

-, teisteadh, s. defection, failing, dying CeojigA^pce', teorghairde, s. triumph

Cejptem4)n, leisteamhain, s. a testimony Ceop^Ajt-AtA]}*, teorgliar-athair, die great-grand
CejrcJm> teistim, v. I prove, testify, aver father's great-grand-father
Cejt, teitht v. fly thou Ceoj*l<etAn, teorlaethan, three days space
Ze~\t, Uith, a. hot, warm, smooth CeopuiHe, teomtlU, eatriande
Cejtoleroe, tchhbhleUhe, a. smooth Ceopujllean, teoruillean, / ' 6
Ce)ice*m, teilhcheamh, s. flight Ceo)u}lle*nA, teotnilleanach, a. triangular
Cejre, teite, s. f. obedience CeotaA. teothachadh, s. excandescence
CejteA, tehheach, s. m. a deserter, fugitive Ceotan, teotachan, & m. a warming-pan, a chafing-
Cejte**r> tenheachas, s. m. desertion dish
Ceitea, Ceota, teothadh, s. calefaction, warming
Cejte*rh, ttheadh, \J _s" a. , 4 5 gen. eejme
fl,Sht CeocAjjjm, teothaighim^ j.
Cejc]m> teithttn, v. I fly, desert CeotAjm, teotham, y
Ce-)irnec, teithmheach, s. f. a fugitive, renegade CeotAjjfe, teothatgkthe, part, heated
Cejtrhjm, teithmhim, v. I desert, flee CeorA|ji, teothair, s. a halter, tether
CejtneAp teithneas, s. haste CeotugA, teolhughadh, s. excandeseence
Cejtnear> teitkneasach, a. hasty, in haste , termotul, s. dry ground; " . . tjpm* *
Teilte, /f?r<-, s. m. a tabor or timbrel ; a player on m)ne cen pljucAt> rnujj." Cer.
the tabor or timbreL Cpiit, ternodh, s. a falling, happening
Cel, tel, s. fertile ground Cpn, ternodh, s. escaping
CeUc, telach, s. m a loosening, undoing Cepc, /err, the morning
Celjgtea, telightkeach, a. fertile, fruitful CerbanA, tesbeana, )
Celliuji, ///''", s- m. the earth CerbAna, toiWA, }* wjrb*n>
, teme, a. dark, black CereugA. tesdughadh, s. trial
Cerne, temhe, s. f. death, sickness, weakness Crtaj, testar, s. m. a British sixpence
femeJ *d I3' an ecl'Pse' blackness; ], testiall, s. spouting up water
Cet, tet, s. f. a tabor* drum, a sound
Cet, teth, . warm, hot, sealding, fervid, calid, su>
en, fi'e )ne. . dent, sultry
Cenim, ttnatm, v. I pray thee Cet, tet/t, a. fine, smooth, soft
Cence, n-/", s. tongs, pincers
Cenol, tendal, is. m. a fire, fire-place, hearth;
CenUc, tenlach+S see quot. at tjnjren Cere tete, s. countries, regions, lordships
Ceo, teo, a. warm Cetin, tethin, s. f. the sun
Ceo, teo, s. vigour Clico, teuchd, s. great deeds
Ceocjtojeac, teochroidhench, a. warm-hearted CucoA, Uuchda, s. congealing, coagulation*
CeojAnn, teoghaim,\. I chafe, calify Cuxs, tewrf, s. m. a string, cord
Zeo^\Kbr>At,teog/irad/iach, a. kind, affectionate, zeal CuoA, teW, s. cordage
ous CuoAC, teudach, a. stringed
CucAVm, tendait, v. I cord, string
Cut<o]fte, teudaoire, s. a tack rope
Ceojj, ieeir, thrice, three CuobffAS*]?), teubhraghaid, s. a neck-lace, a coHar
CeojttjeAC, teoirfheac, s. m. a trident Cut>leAfA]t>e, teudchleasaidhe, s. m. a rope-
Ceojpj, teoirinn, bounds, meniings Cut5pjubU]e, teudshiubhlaidhe, y dancer
Zeo]\t]et,teerineac/i, a. three-footed, three-forked Cuorirjor.Ajle, teudmhotaile, s. wire
Ceo]|ilec, ti-oirileachys. .. triumph Cul, teid, s. m. a subterraneous passage
CeojteACn, teoiteachan, s. m a warming-pan Cullo-, teullodh, s. stealingaway i " o tulcotrj-e."
Ze^ze*b'*T\-Ti\]&,teoileachan-tnhias, s. a chafingdish teum, a. expert
Ceol, teol, s. m. plenty, abundance CumA, teumadh, s. biting, cntting
Ceol, teol, s. m. a thief Cum*m, teumam, to teach, break to any thing: Sh.
, tema, a. dextrous, expert Cujin), teurnodh, withering, passing away ; " c#g
Ceop, teor, s. m. a land- mark, boundary cujtntt bl*)t n Iirjbe."
, Ceop*, tedra, three, thrice ; reoji auj. oloce C% //', s. burning, judgment; " rj /. . bjtejt;
, , s. . a border, limit, boundary, out bjift^t, e. bjeo j fujc." Cer.
line ; gen. teoftAn Cj ^'. s. a circle, spot, a point, a tooth ; pltir. rjte
CeojAntA, teoranta, a. definite Ci, ti, s. rule, government
CeopAn, teorchan, the space of three hours Cj, ti, s. design, intention ;"<>]]< Bejc," about
CeopcorA> teorchosach, a., three-footed to be
Ceoj5jli, teerghabhlach, a. three-pronged 5T n,

Z], ti, pron. he, he who, him that, an z\ )p )5e' ), tibhe, s. f. a strand. Heb. teben
he tl)at is youngest 7), s. f. a good -humoured joke
X\, ti, prep, to, unto, 50 t po ), bheach, s. m. a giber
) mop, Ti Mhor, the Supreme Being, God jfieAe, tibheadh, s. laughter, joking
( |, /.ach, s. m. a bag, pouch, wallet rjuea, tibheadh, s. shunning
,)4, tiach, s. m. a piison, custody, safe-keeping CjeAt>, tibheadh, s. thickness
l.pftjp, iac/iair, a.' sick, sickly, weary under jbeAppan, bcarsan, s. m. springing, spouting,
burden overflowing
]*4)}1, tiachair, a. perverse, ill-disposed rjrjpjACAjl, tibhfhiacail, the fore-teeth
C>cc*)o, tiachdaidh, s. m. a common haunter, re- C)6gp*> tibhgnva, s. asseveration. SA.
sorter, guest, customer > rjBjm, tibhim, v. I laugh, joke
rjag, tiochog, s. a small bag rjnjji, tibhir, s. spring ; cjd)]i anpjop a robaj)
( jacpA, tiac/ira, s. agility, prudence )>, tbhrc, s. f. a fool
?"]Ata}, tiachtaid/i, s. a common resorter, a guest jBpeac, tibhreach, a. foolish, given to laughing
or customer rjopeao, tibhreadh, s. springing, flowing
C]accijm, liachtaim, v. I accompany, attend, go to, rjopjm, tibhrim, v. I laugh
arrive at ^)5> tig, s. f. power, ability ; fn leac
rjaccajn, tiachtain, s. f. coming, arrival *)rb4na an p5p)Dj hjajjA ?" Donl. 4 t>
C)4Ct aip, air, talking, treating of ^)5 "> v- come thoucomes, flows *
E]4an, tiadhan, s. ni. a little hill C)5, //'//, s. a house
Cjat>An, tiadhan, s. m. a stone, testicle Cjj, //4, a. thick
Cjatjaii, tiadhan, s. m. an otter, a beaver jg-apccoiriAjple, tigh-ardchomhairle, s. a senate-
rjABiTU, tiadhma, a. dark, dusky house
Ejaj. tiag, s. in. a wallet, a vessel H5"*Jlmi' tigh-airm, s. an arsenal
7"]aa]p, liaghais, s. a mansion, dwelling-house Cj5-A}po)5e4o, gh-aisdigheachd, s. a play-house
?" )las*],
o i tiazuld,
..' )J- they
. .
went, they came jg-ajima, tigh-arma, s. an armoury. Welsh, ty-
454), ttagait, S J 1 } arfau
cj4jm, tiughaim, v. 1 come to, vanish, consent, jj-baje, tigh-bainne, s. a dairy
appeal jj-beag, tigh-bheag, s. a jakes
Cj4a|n4rhu]l, tiagharnamhuil, a. lordly jgoup, tighbhus, s. frugality
Cjagapnan, tiagharnan, s. m. alordling rjjj-cajnea, tigk-cineach, s. a toll-house
Cjajup, tiaghur, s. m. a lord Tjj-cAtAj, tigh-cathaidh, s. a bolting-house
jAgujmep, tiaghurnas, s. m. lordship, a lordship Tjj-cjpce, tigh-chee, s. a hen-house
]4, tiamh, s. m. darkness jg-clujce, tigh-cluicke, s. a play-house
)4, amhachd, s. f. solitariness ; sonorousness C)5-cojmAt) l}t}jie, tigh-coimhead l'aire, s. a post-
<^)4rh*]t), tiamhaidk, a. sonorous oflice
Ejarhap, tiamhaidh, a. solitary, gloomy, dreary, Cj-cju])uat>, tigh-cruinniughadh, s. a meeting
lonesome house
CjarhareaT), tiamha'idheachd, s. f. a solitary gloom C]g-cu)l, tigh-cu'l, s. a back-house
or sadness )5-, gh-cuineidh, s. a mint
riamarhuil, tiamamhu'tl, a. prudent, sage ti-cunt)p, tigh-cuntuis, s. a counting-house
F]arnr>a, pomdha, a. dark, obscure );;t>earhej]i, tigh-deamhair, s. the jakes
]44, iiatndha, a. slow, tedious t]5e> ri^Ac, \ s. thickness, fatness
Cjaji, above; " ] fan gcujl." rieact), tigheachd, ]
C14J14C, tiarach, s. m. a crupper, the buttocks r^jea, tigheach, a. having many houses
ja pa, tiaradh, s. going T)5e*c, tigheach, s. m. a domestic
.]41144, tiaranta, a. tyranical, inhuman T^eax>af, tigheodas, s. a household
}, tiarna, s. m. a lord, prince, ruler. Welsh, 1)"4, tight.Ms, s. housekeeping, hospitality,
teyrn husbandry
Hamas, s. m. dominion, lordship, domain. )5>, f'glieadasach, a. diligent, careful, bur
Welsh, teyrnas sied about house-keeping, hospitable
], tiarpan, s. m. a testicle, cigeaniud, tigkeamhuil, a. domestic, belonging to a
T japproc, tiarthoch, s. m. a tripe house
T^ap, s- in. a tide, an oar, rudder t^ean, tighean, a. a bag or satchel
r^arcATJ, tiascidh, |s, m. industry, contriv- ^, tighean, a. fat, gross
]451, tiasgadal,) ance Fi^eapna, tighearna, s. m. a lord
tjap^At, tiasgadh, s. m. ordering, proclaiming; r]eapiiariilao, tighearnamhlachd, s. f. lordliness
Ollarh povla VjacAC lejp cecn* tjarga t)5eAlnarhujl, tighearnamlmil, a. lordly_
tejf reariijia." )54]4,

^)5* tighearnas, s. m. dominion, lordship, rjmjllgeAiipa, timchillghearradh, s. circumcision

(jmcjllgeA}i<ijm, timchillghearraim,\. I circumcise
domaintigicaa, HmcjllgeAppcA, timrhillghcarrtha, circumcised
*")5* )s. house-keeping, faus
ta J6eArAco, gheasachd,\ bandry CjmdjlIrjpioAjm, timchillsgiiobfiaim, v. I circum
^-J5e*rA^ tigheasach, s. a house-keeper, inhabitant, scribe, define
r-jmjllpgytjoDrA, timchiUsgriobhtha, part, defined
steward jmjIleArcAje, iimch'dhheascaidhe, ) s. circumci-
jse*r*)m> tigheasaim, v. I manage a farm, follow
CjmcjilieApgA, t'mckilltheasgadh, j sion
husbandry rjmjllieApgAim, timchilltheasgaim, v. I circumcise
45-e)' tigh-ekh, s. a stable
*"j5~eJi*J)n> eiridin, s. an infinnary TTjmjoll, timchioll, s. a circuit, compass
^)5-F*Il*e tigh-faire, s. a watch-house, light-house jmjol), timchioll, a. encompassing, surrounding
Cjj-pumpe, tigh-fuinidhe, s. a bake-house rjmjoll, timchioll, prep, about, around, besides
^""1 tigim, v. I come, go, consent rijnicjollac, timchiollach, a. circuitous, surrounding
^JS"11 tighim, v. I see, prop, rjmjollA, nmcholladh, s. rotation, ambition
)5)6, tighidh, s. m. a domestic CjmjolUjm, timchiollaim, v. I surround, environ,
]o)n tigin, s. coming encompass, invest, begird, perambulate
)5-)*e, tigh-ithe, s. an eating-house rjmjolta, timehioltha, part, surrounded, environed
'Tjg-leaM, tigh-leanna, s. an ale-house jmweAnArh, timdheanamh, s. form, fashion
jg moil, tig/i mail, s. a hired house CjmjBe, mdhibhc, s. a lessening, abatement, di
C)5-mAlajfr, tigh-malairt, s. a house of exchange minution, ruin, destructiou, deceitfulness
Cjg-mop, tigh-moid, s. a court-house |), mdhibheach, s. m. a destroyer
C'jj-ru-mboo, tigh-na-mbochd, s. an alms-house Cpe, time, s. f. fear, dread ; thyme
j5-nA-ljtj]e, tig/i-na-lilire, s. a post-office Cjme, time, s. f. heat, warmth
^J5"nJ5ert'jlie4cc, tigh-nigheadoircachd, s. a wash Cjme time, s. f. pride, dignity, estimation
Tjme, time, s. the last end of a thing
ing-house jmeAC, timeach, a. hot, warm ; fearful
j5-jble, gh-oibre, s. a work-house
rlg-ojope, tigh-oidhre, s. an ice-house UjmeAl, timeal, s. darkness, obscurity, glimmering
r;j-olr*]5, tigh-oltaigh, s. the jakes light
Cjg-opo, t gh-osd, s. an inn, tavern CjrheAlAC, timhcalach, a. dark, obscure
Cj5-rco)l, tigh-scoil, s. a school-house rjmeA]inAt>, timeamadh, s. celebration, solemniza
jj-pejIlen, tigh-shedlean, s. an apiary tion ; " 1\o tjmAjinA rcojpe ornnAjcco -
rj-pollujj-, tigh-sholluis, s. a light-house, cresset - tSTAtpuj 50 puje majnoe o]a luAjn.'*
"Cj-proji]p, tighstorais, s. a magazine Lcb. Br.
C)fugj<(tp, tighshugrmdh, s. an amphitheatre ]), timearnaim, v. I celebrate, solemnize
Cjsce, iighthe, plur. of tjg Cjmj, timich, enticing. Sh.
Cj5-cog<\l*, tigh-thogalach, s. a brew-house Cjmjm, timim, v. I fear
Ujj, <, s. a welt, mark of a wound Cjmjrce, timiste, a. to be dreaded
Cjlc, ft'/i, s. much, plenty, a great deal jmrjpe, timthire, \ s. m. a minister, servant,
C}m)i]5, timthirigh, j* agent
jle, tile, s. a tile C^mijyieAt), timthireachd, s. f. service, ministration
Tjleat), tileadh, s. a ship's poop
Cjlgi t/ s. f. a shot, throw CjmtpjAll, limthriall, going a circuit
jlgea, tilgeadh, s. throwing, jaculation, casting, Ujn or rjon, tin or tion, to melt or dissolve. 0'Z?.
Zyn, tin, s. f. a beginning, fire
vomiting Z)T\, tin, a. gross, corpulent, fat
Cllgeojp, tilgeoir, s. m. a thrower, caster
jlgjm, ttlgint, v. least, throw, toss, vomit !jn, tin, a. tender, soft, thin
Cjnc, <;', s. f. a sight, a glimpse
jlgjn, lilgin, s. f. casting, vomiting
cjlgin rpr, tilgin sios, s. prostration, prosternation rjnjAjg, tinchiarog, s. f. a cricket
Tjlgte, tttgthe, a. missile, missive CjncjoroAl, tinciosdal, s. a march
Cjlgte, tilgthe, part, thrown, cast Cjncjrjn, tinchisin, s. service, attendance, ;. . pJl]o>
)0, tilleadh s. a return, returning aIatti. o. '-
]11], tiUim, v. I turn, return, revert r.jncors, tinchosg, s. doctrine, r. e. teAgAjrg
Z\m, tint, s. f. fear, dread CjnliCACA, iinchreachadh, s. a prey
Z)m, tim, s. f. pride, estimation CinorceACAl, lindsccat(tl,s. beginning, intention ; "jr
^, tim, s. f. a sheep. Br. L. plur. tjme no 00 P)snl ^J* T"jn'orcec4' t>enmA nol."
Cjm, (fin, . f. time Ballim. 8, 1
T/]m, t'm, thyme ; Thymus C]ne, tine, s. fire, a link
Zjm, t.m, a. tame, spiritless, weak , tineach, s. m. kindred
Ujm*tri*t>, bmarnaih, s. a testamentary precept; CjneAgU, tineaglach, s. m. house-leek
" )rt tijn cerAjiA t]mA]in<t) hjA ocoj- CmeAr, tineas, s. thickness, closeness
phArrftajcc od opejt plAgA jojt cuU pejHjjU cjfleol,
." Vis. Ad.

Cmeol, lineal, s. a congregation , tiobarsan, s. m. springing, streaming,

tjnreA, tinfcadh, a. mild, gentle, small ; j dropping
" 1* jf )15*1 poj* ; Cpbpvvc, tiobratd, s. f. a well, a spring
?r tenla renco 50 f'joji ; Cjobujroe, tiobuisde, s. evil, misfortune
CjnpeA rjrh ; tjioje*t> 5 opp, Cp, tioch, see tjA
^5* Te]m 54c bir b]coIc." For.fee. Cpcpajo, tiocfaid, v. they shall come
Cjnj, for, s. f. a tongue Cjojj, tiochog, s. f. a bag, budget, satchel
Cjnge, //|f, a. strange, wonderful Cjot>a1, tiodal, s. m. a title, superscription, epitaph
Cjnge, tinge, adv. almost C]0*1ac, /, ) S- a 8f4 Prefnt> onatiun,
Cjnjcjn, tinicin, s. f. house-leek Cpl*cAt>, /o^W/i, ( gr"u"y. arge, boon ;
Cjnjm, tinim, v. I melt, soften, thaw, dissolve J plur. t)OT>hjce4t>
Cjnm, tinm, s. understanding C]ot>lACAjm, tkdhlacaim, v. 1 bestow, present
Cm, tinn, s. sick CjocIacjji, tiodhlacoir, s. m. a donor, giver
C]ft, ftnn, inflection of re*, brave, ice. >1, tiodhlaictheach, a. bountiful
Cje, time, a. wonderful, strange C]ot>nACAt>, tiodhnacadh, "Is. a present, offering, fa-
Cjne, tinne, adv. almost )1, iiodhnacal, J vour, liberality
Cjne, //, s. a chain CjonACAjm, tiodhnaca m, v. I dedicate, offer up
C]e, tfnne, the name of the letter CjotmAcjp, tiodhnacoir, s. m. a giver, bestovver
, tinneanas, s. fits Cjoj, tiogh, a. late, thick
, finteas, s. sickness, malady, indisposition ; Cjo^ac, tioghach, a. lately
Heb. anuis, anusha, sickness, affliction CpgAji, iioghar, s. m. a tiger
C]er*, tinneasach, a. evil Cjoglujcce, ttoghluicthe, s. gifts, presents. Matt.
CpearAC, tinneasach, a. sickly, weak, frail 2. 11
, tinneasach, a. stout, strong; literally strong- jour-, tioghus, s. a habitation
ribbed tpsupAC, tioghusach, see
4-)1, tinneas-ailt, s. the gout C)olpA, olpadh, s. snatching, cutting away
--^, tinneas'un-riogh, St. Anthony's CpIpAojp, tiolpadoir, s. m. a cut -purse
fire CjolpAjm, Volpaim, v. 1 snatch, cut away
CleAp C4]mte, iinneas caimhthe, s. a consumption Cjom, Uom, a. soft, tender, fearful
elope, tinneas cloinne, s. travail, child-birth |>, tiomachd, s. f. softness, tenderness
eiip|t<]t>e, tinneas ghearraidhe, s. a flux, di CjoniAjm, tiomaim, v. I soften, assuage
arrhoea, dysentery , tiomain, s. a driving, proceeding
mp, tvimas mor, s. the falling sickness, epi 1, tiomal, s. m. an ambit ; prop. 1
lepsy CjomAllAjm, tiomallaini, v. I eat
, tinneasnach, a. see , stout, &c. C)om*lcAr, tioma{tas, s. victuals, eatables
, tinneasnach, a. swift, nimble, sudden CpmAlrjp, tiomaltoir, s. m. a glutton
n* 5e*'*)5, tinneas na gealaigh, s. lunacy ], tiomanaim, v. I give, bestow
]-)udaj1, tinneas siubhail, s. a flux CjomnAjm, tiomanaim, v. I drive, turn off, thrust ofT,
Cpjpe, tinnire, s. a heavy burden push
Cjme, tinnme, s. an onset ), tiomanta, part, given, bequeathed
, timreamh, s. service, attendance CjomAntjl, tiomantoir, s. m. one who bequeaths, a
Cppprh, tinnriomh, s. a conclusion testator
CjpcjA, tinnscra, s. a portion, dower ]>1, tiomaoi, s. encyclopdia
Cpte, tinnte, s. a tent, a booth C]omAl5Aip, tiomargadh, s. a collection, translation
, tinnteach, s. in. lightning EjomAji<jn> tiomargaim, v. I collect, gather j "gejll
C)ceA54l, tinnteagal, s. m. corruption ) x)0 i)omA)jicc."
, tinntcan, s. a hearth CiomA]nA, tiomarnadh, s. m. a command
Cpteo^, tinnteog, s. f. a salamander C]omAlinA}m, tiomarnahn, v. I command, order
)> tinntighe, a. fiery CjomMp, tiombhaidh, s. false fellowship
]10, tinntuirseach, a, miserable Ciommr;, tiomchaint, s. f. circumlocution
>1, mecada!, s. m. instruction, judicious r;jomA)lie, tiomchaire, s. pity, mercy
pmcA)ie, tiomchaire, a. tender-hearted
Cmrc)ot>4l, ,
tmscwdal, .
s. managing,
projecting, ]1, tiomchal, s. m. an ambit
tjomioi*eA, tiomchro'tdheach, a. tender-hearted,
dustry pusiianimous
Cinc, Wtf s. a ton weight
)*' tinteannas, s. great haste, expedition CjomuAjltr, twmchuairt, s. f. a friendly visit ; a cycle,
CjobArn, tiebam, v. to stagger. Sh. a period ...
Ciom^Ajlie, tiomgnaire, s. f. a request, petition
), twbar, "I s, a well, a fountain ^, tumghairim) v. I ask, require
Cjobp*), Uobrata,)

], tivmmr, s. awill, testament, bequest t jonrgACAjl, tionsgadail, s. a managing, projecting'

tjomiiA, tiomnach, s. a testator _ a device, industry
]4)5), tiomnaighim, v. I dedicate, bequeath TjonpgAjn, tionsgain, s. f. a beginning, element
C|omn*jjeo]jt, ticmnaigAtAeoir, s. m. one who be ]54, twnsgantacli, a. adventurous, diligent,
queaths, a testator, legator industrious
)), tiomnaim, v. 1 make a will ; swear ~]onp5,Anc)}i, tionsgantoir, \ s.m. abeginner,
) muri, Tiomiia nuadh, The New Testament ^115,|)5*;], tionsgnuightAeoir,\ deviser
Cjoinoj, tiomor, see.tjomru^.tt) ., lim.mdh, >> ^ beginning, device,
jompn, tiompan, s. m. a timbrel, tabor, drum, zm-^,;sm\,\ xb,"* "rcfaoe*
jompn, tiompan, s. m. a jack for roasting CjonrgnAjm, tionsgnaim, v. I begin, commence, de-
], thmpannch, "Is. m. a harper, a . vise, plot, project
T, jompnuje, tiompanuidhe, J drummer, a minstrel Cjonrgnuj^e, tionsgnu'ightAt, part, begun
Cjomruje, iwmsughadh, s. m. collection, congre Cjonrgp*, tionsgra, s. wages
gation ^, itoitsguin, s. f. a thought, advice
rjomruj5jm, tiomsuighim, v. I collect, bring toge joncAjjeA, tiontaigAeacA, a. versatile
ther C]onrA)5)m, tiontaighim,\\. I turn, convert, invert,
Cjomujn, tiomuin, s. dedication, giving up TjontAjm, tiontahn, / reverse, alter
Cjomujnjm, ticmuimm, v. I deliver, commit, com ., tiontanas, s. m. haste, speed, expedition
mend, entrust, dedicate (Cjonr.o, tiontodA, s. a turning about, or back, con
CjomuncA, ticmunta, part, dedicated, given up version, inversion, aversion
C]on, tion, a. beginning tjonujg, tionuigA, s. frequenting, sojourning in a
jon, thn, a. soft place
rjon*Bjit), tionabhradh, s. sleep jonuji, tionur, s.m. a tenon, mortice
, tionad, whereas. SA. jonp, tionus, s. m. a tan-yard
]\, onadA, s. melting, dissolving CjopAl, tiopal, s. m. a water spider
]on, tionadA, see tpAAio CjopAprAn tioparsan, s. flowing
|], tionaic, s. a gift, present , tior, see rjj
]*], tionaim, v. I melt, dissolve, I give CjojtA, tioradh, s. drying, scorching
joncA, tioncadh, s. saving, delivering C)ojAjm, tioraim, v. I dry, kiln-dry, parch
TTjoncAle, tioncaidhe, s. a saviour C jojurh, tioramh, s. threshing
CjoncAjm, tioncaim, v. I attend ^)1, tioramAuil, a. homely
Cjon*}}, tionchair, s. f. attendance )|1, tioramAuil, a. warm, snug, commodious
C)on4]]te, tionchaire, a. soft-hearted
C]on4jpn, tionchaisin, s. f. the sight oinA, ^--, f S- m- a OPP^SOr
joncofb- tioncAosg, s. m. instruction , tioranacAd, s. f. tyranny
cjonUcA, onlacadA, s. m. a funeral o]nc4, tioranta, a. tyrannical
jorcnA, tionnscnadA, s. a beginning, a device or ,], tiorcliomArac, s. m. a national assembly
project CjoppocpAjc, tiorf/iocAraic, s. f. a reward, price
~joip5]iA, tionnsgra, s. a reward, portion, dowry , tiormncA, a. thirsty, dry
]ouj, tionnur, s. m. a slumber, nap of sleep , tiormach, "j
Cjonjl, tionoil, s. m. a collection, congregation, ', tiormaehd, \ s. drought, thirst, aridity
collecting, gathering CjoprnalAo, t'wrmalacAd,)
rjonjlje, tionoilidAe, s. m. a collector c]0]trnACAmu)l, tiormacAamAuil, a. desiccative, ab
jonilpn, timudlm, \ v. I assemble, congregate, sorbent
CpnlAjm, tionolaim, ) convene CjopmAJBim, tiormaigAim, v. I dry up, make dry,
Tpnjlce, temw/fr, i collected, assembled desiccate, evaporate
Cjonlra, tionolta, ) r Cjojtmn, tiorman, s. m. croud}', oat-meal and Water
Tionl, tionol, s. m. a congregation, gathering CjopmugA, tiormughadh, s. drying, parching, are-
ClonoU, tionoladk, s. collecting faction, desiccation
CjonpAiTi, tonramh, s. attendance Tjojtmiq^te, tiormuighthe, a. dryed, aired
]*, tionsan, s- m. a drop r,)ojt)iAjr>, uorraid, s. f. a robe, a mantle
CpnfugAf., iionsughadh, see cjomrugAtt , tiort, s. accident
Cjonrujjpj tionsuighim, see put*, /r//w, a. kiln-dried
)0, tionsanadA, s. a dropping, flowing down Cjopfo, terMe,plnr. of r^o} orfjp
CjonrAriAjm, tionsanaim, v. I drop, distil CjojttA, tiortAach, s. m. a patriot, countryman
CjonrcpA, tionscra, s. a buying, purchasing ]0|6, tiortacA, a. accidental
Cjonpcju, tionscra, s. a reward, stipend *, orthach, a. born of a country
rjonrcurh, tionscumh, s. a beginning }o]i4mu)l, tiortAamhuil, a. home-bred, national
1*1*6} tiorthrach, a. national
5 U cPPu)Ire*

rjofiujjtj-e, /ormrse, s. f. a remnant, fragment Cpcpup, liucfuidh, ) v. will come, hap-

, iota, s. a moment )54, tiucfuighthear, r> pen, be mentioned
/), tiota, s. m. the sun ]u, iu, s. the end
Z]ozi\, s. m. a title Cjug, /W^A, a. latter, last
^, tiotadh,} C]u, f/wgA, a. thick, close, clumsy, gross, fat, fatty,
CjOtn, } 40. a moment corpulent, plump, dense, solid, squab, foggy, hazy,
C)otn, //, s. m. the sun Welsh, tew
)*1, tipeadh, s. a regulating, disposing things in P545, tiughagJi, s. the last, luck
order iu4t>, tiughad, ~\ . , j ....
7- ? v Is- thickness, density, sohditv.
^1PI**> ''/"", s. a spring, well, fountain P 1 , ' consistence
Cjp, tir, s. f. aland, country, region ; Welsh, tit 1115e, m/gAe, J
Cjf*4Car, tirachas, s. colonization, planting 5*, tiughuid, s. f. thickness
C)jtj5)m, tiraighim, v. I colonize cp^ajm, tiug/iaim, v. I thicken, I finish
C]Ji4rhl4CT>, tiramhlachd, s. f. homeliness C)u54l4, tighalach, \ s. the thick or gross part of
]]14]1, tiramhuil, a. homely, snug, comfortahle C)u14l4C'o, tiughalackd,)
C)uba, tiugkbhagh, s. lateliquids
Cj]fhe4}tt4, tnbheartha, a. proper, peculiar to one's
home or country 1 CjugpUjc, tiughfhlaith, s. a lieutenant, the officer
}4, tircan, is. m. meaning, signification, that brings up the rear
C)jC4nur, tircanus,] exposition C)ul4, tiughla, s. the last day
)144>, iirchanadh, s. prophecy r]u5riui]Ue4, tiughmhuilleann, s. a tucking-mill
Z)ye, i/rr, of or belonging to a country CpgpA*, tiughradha, s. a little whip or lash
Zfteib, tireach, s. m. a patriot ]u40, thighughadh, s. condensing, thickening
, tireac/tas, s. m. colonization Cjujuj^rm, tiu^huighim, v. I condense, thicken
Cjje4riu]l, tireamhuil, a. homely, snug ZU, tla, a. soft, bland, balmy, weak, feeble
C^)eBe4jic4]t)e, thebheartaidhe, s. m. a geographer EUct, tlachd, s. f. pleasure, delight, will, inclina
^1t*5* tirgha, a. of or belonging to a country tion, attachment, gratefulness, delectation, relish,,
Z)p po tuj, Tirfothuinn, Flanders, Holland endearment
)Pjm, tirim, a. dry bco, tlachd, s. f. beauty
ijmen, tirmen, s. the main land CIacc, tlachd, s. f. the earth
tip-mp, tir-mor, s. a continent CUco, tlachd, s. f. a fair, market
)), tirpin, s. f. houseleek cl4o, tlachd, s. f. a garment, vesture, colour
Z,j\t ]e toi, tir re tliol, a church-yard. Sh.
T3)| peroll, tir retholl, s, country on fire
}4])1, tirtairngire, s. the land of promise. f-l4004]&)m, tlachdaighim, v. I inter, bury
Keat. cl4C04jm, tlachdaim, v. I colour, polish
Zjyzetb, tirteach, s. m. demesnes, a mansion house 14>4]], tlachdairm, s. a market place
C'Jf, t, s. a man ; . e. pe4ji. 0. g. T:l4Ct>b)le, tlachdbhailc, s. a market town
jr4ti, lisadk, s. happening rl4T>uej|it, tlachdbheirt, s. geography
rh-jro! thisd ! interj. silence ! hush! ;14>4>, tlachdbhogadh, s. aquick-sand, quagmire
C}re4t>, lueadh, s. a coming. " 3( Jio lenp4C pjp t UcoDor, tlachdbhoth, s. a booth in a fair
jpent) jn ^ejntljeeco 00 pjjr], 4rhiql cet>n4 144, tlachdchomhthroman, s. a roller,.
bu] \1} f]U Carets V4rt]t4]CC, 4CC 4 jio 4)- cylinder used for levelling floors or walks
jjor plu 44." Fis. Ai. -lacwoiui54t>, llachdchorughadh, \s. an earth-
Clpen, tiscaii, s. a grudge l4t5cum4ii54t>, tlachdcumargadh, J quake
tlft, tisith, s. coming. Lec. l4r>e>be]lr, tlachdeibeirt, s. geography
]rr, tiss, v. come here 7:l4co-eol4r, tlachd-eolas, s. geography
T)z, tit, s. the earth cl4t>b*> tlachdgha, s. the chief temple of Samhuin
Z)i, /;, a. near in Meath ; | rl4o4, or the fire of Tlachd^
]4, itheach, a. eager, keen gha, was kindled on the first of November, when
~]f"jrr, Mi'/i, s. the sun all other fires were to be extinguished, and a tax
rpul, titul, s. m. a title or tribute was paid to the Druids for permission to
Cju, //, a thick re-kindle them from this sacred fire
riuo}4t>, tiubhradh, s. giving, delivering CU6t55]4D4Cc tlachdgrabhachd, s. f. geography,
]4), tiubhraim, v. I give, deliver chorography
-pbjmp, tiubrtddi s. f. a well, cistern CUo5l*D4pe, tlachdgrabhaidhc, s. m. a chorogra-
C]uut4C'o, tiubhthachd, s. f. sloth pher
C]uc5, tiuckag,!^ l4T>51l4r4t), tlachdgrafadh, s. geography
)4, , j r Cbcwiu, tlachdmhach, s. m. furmety
]ucp*)Tn, tiutfaim, v. I will come Cl*ctrhjf,

ClAorhAj, tlachdmhar, a. undaunted Co, to, s. a tongue

1*,^0^, a. pleasant, h;indsome,smootb, Co, w, a. feminine
delightful, amenable
,}8- SlenCe' als hearing
, tlachmharachd, s. f. delightfulaess
Cbciorhuc, tlachmhuc, s. a fat hog Coaje, ///, every thing perfect
ClACOpejpt;, tlachdsheist, s. f. a strawberry , toamhlachd, 1 . .,
Cbop^ouAt), tlachdsgriobhadh, s. geography, cos , toamhche, J s- f sllence
mography Cob, tob, s. a surprise
Cbctif5it^oD4o6jji, tlachdsgrlobhadoir, s. m. a cosmo- , tobac, s. tobacco
grapuer CoW, tobhach, s. the chosen, the elect
Cbopuo, tlachdshubh, s. m. a strawberry , tobhach, a. sudden, surprising
lACofejrx, tla< hdtheist, s. geography , tobhach, s. wresting, compelling, inducing;
Cl*CDcorh*p, tlachdlhomhas, s. geometry " ,SluAeA tjriicjll 1 hu* nurhnAjll, /'. e. 'Hob
l*, tladh, see cIa; J1UA Hjll AJltD, %A5U)JJ, UA "RuA)JC,
a. weak-spirited, timorous, -j nujee pcAj Conac jmajlle yjrjp ; 4 aBaj! wjo
tlaith, A}* tp 50 bUrA Conujll OO C0DA OftJATl
Cl*]te*h, ixitheach pusilanimous, slack, lan
guid, faint, respectful Yejlim u) 1\a5*11a]5, ) jtAj *\
Cllm, //', s. f. a handful of wool or flax 45 nomiiAjll, -j pjoA. ejetjj *
1>, tlamadh, s. teazing 1\ua)jic 5 1\aaI1a], &." 4 Mast. 1475
1], tlamaim, v. I teaze , tobhach, see
'* t^S' s* weakness, softness Coda, tobnachd, s. f. choosing, electing
Cl*r, s- m- cattle , toban, s. m. a cowl
1, //ai, s. a merry trick , tobar, s. . a well, fountain, source, spring
lr, t/ej, > ,. bA]pt)j, lobar baisdidh, s. a baptismal font
Cobajt-pppgUn, tobitr-fhiorglan, s. a spring-well
Cl*> tlath, a. soft, tender, lank, weak CobAjt peagpA, tobar seaghsa, s. an old name of the
Cl4*J5)m, tlatlmighim, v. I reduce, weaken river Boyne
CktAp, tlathas, s. m softness, weakness CobAjt-rApjtujnge, tobar-tarruinge, s. a draw-well
Ij, tli, s. colour, feature CoBa, tcbhtha, see togta
Cl-joco, tliochd, s. beginning; tljoo ooriiAjn Co, toch, s. m. a fit of crying
CIoccat, tlochdan, s. m. hoarseness Co, toch, s. m. the ham, hough
ClocAnac, thekdanach, a. hoarse Coca, toclia, see tog*.
-, tocha, s. love
lu's^, \s' m- a Pair Qf fire-to"S* , tocha, a. loving
'Clup, ttus, s. m. a lie, untruth- Coca, tacadh, s. prosperity, wealth
Clup, //w, s. m. cattLe CoAt>, tochadh, s. houghing
Clup, tins, s, m. pity, compassion CoAjIjm, tochailim, v. I dig, mine, quarry
ClupA, tlusach, s. m. a dissembler , CoAil, tochail,, tochailt, } S- d,gg'n8*
j- a mme' a
ClupAjjeAco, tlusaigheachd, s. f. dissimulation
ClurArm.,1, */*7; > compassionate, .kind CoCAjlte, tochailte, part dug, digged
,. tlusmnary. J r CocijlteAc, tochailleach, a. mineral
no, iwo, s. fire Co*l*joe, tochalaidhe, s. m. a miner, digger
Cn, , s. f. avarice, covetousness CoAltA, tochalta, see tocjtee
Cn, <, s. f. zeal, bigotry 1, tochamhladh, s. marching, going-.
Cn, , s. f. life ; /. . . . g. 0], ttxhamhlaim, v. I march
Cno, tnudh, \ s. f. envy, jealousy, indignation, ex- CAf, /etAar, s. m. a causeway, pavement
Cmic, tnuth> ) pectation, longing CAj, techar, s. m. a portion, dowry
Cn, *}, tochari s. m. a crowd, multitude, a great
r - tnu,
*J X>s.f.; gen. tnut*

Cnur, tnuth,} & quantity.
CnA, tnuthach, s. m. a bigot, zealot. Co4]t4jm, tocharaim, v. I invite. 7g. Cir.
CnucA, tnuthach, s. m. a. rival Co*}U)m, tocharaim, v. I wind up, reel
Cthicac, .tnuthach, a. envious, jealous CocAjA]p, lacharais, s. winding or reeling thread or
, tnuthadh, s. a conflict yarn
CnfcAjm, tnuthaim, v. I envy 0, tocharasaimt v. I wind or reel yarn .
Cncrrup, tnuthmhar, a. jealous, envious or thread
Cntrj, tnutholr, s. m. a jealous lover CoAjfAptA, techaras ta, "j
Do, /, v. take CoA)iA|pce, tocharaiste, \ a. wound up, clewed
Co, /, a. dumb, mute CoAjtOAo, tochardadh, J
Co, to, s. m. a mart Coap, tochasy .s. m. the itch, mange


Codo, tochd, s. a smell Cogap, togar, s. ni. desire, will, pleasure

Codo, toc/id, s. a fit or trance ; toc* 5113!, a fit of Co54)4d, togarach, a. desirous, keen, eager
_ ying CogF>4jl, togbhail, s. f. taking, a lifting up, a lift,
( oco, tochd, s. silence heave, raising, erecting, building, shewing, de
Coco, tochd, s. a bed tick monstrating, brewing, distilling
Codo, tochd, Cogftjm, togbhaim, v. I raise up, erect, lift, build,
Codo4C, lochdach, > a. still, silent elevate, brew, distil, take
Codoarhuj!, tnckdamhu, ) cogb^Ud, togbhalach, s. m. a builder, one that raiseth
Codo4}m, tcchdaim, v. I silence Cogb4l4d, togbhalach, a. architecrive, demonstrative
Codjm, tochehn, s. a slow step or pace ^"'5"5U^ togh-ghulh, s. consent, voice, choice
Codla, tocliltdh, s. a pit, a crave, a dyke C05I4, togtadh, s. sacking, destroying
Coclajm, tochlaim, see cocojljm CogUjm, tcglaim, v. I sack, destroy
codm)pe, tochmhaire, s. a marriage treat}', espousal Cotb4, togra, 7 , . , .
Codorhlao, tochomhladh, s. a stepping, striding r-\...
&]140, togradh,) r s. m. a desire,' choice
"4 an assem- Coj,|4]m, tograim, v. I desire, long, wish, please,
C;,domji4cc, tochomhacc, f blyofthe choose
Cocoriijtftdc tuavce, tochomhracht tuaithe, ( states, a C054, togtha, a. heaved, lifted up, built, brewed
) senate or distilled
Codjuo, (ochradh, s. a gift, present, reward, portion, 054, toghtha, a. chosen, elected, elect, select
dowry, jointure, wealth Cogujl, toghuil, s. f. destruction
Coc|4r, tochras, s. m. winding yarn Coj, toi, a. silent, mute
Coerzo, tocsaid, s. a hogshead. Sh. Co1}, tot, a. gentle, quiet, still ; * "p-flop bo ] to-
Codr, locht, v. came ; " ^toapcplu45 mop 5*11 00 , . . npp bu dun coj." Koch. 1FL
roer pop epeje ) ecloj an d<cd uj 1\elle)5." Co|, toi, s. a bearing, birth
4 Must. 1431 Co], toi, s. silence
Codr, techt, s. f. a piece, fragment Cojbe4, toibheann,\s. f. reproach, stain, blemish,
Codn, tcchtha, see toi* Cojbjm, toibheim, ) calumny
Codrc, tochiadh, s. abed-tick CojDjme4d, toibheimeach, a. reproachful ; stained,
Codt4jm, tochtaim, v. I silence, remain silent polluted
Codtrrwp, tochtmhar, a. silent CojBpe, toibhre, s. a fancy, illusion
Codujl, tochuil, s. digging, mining ; a hollow CoibHlSirn, toibrighim, 1 T ,c
Cocup, iochur, s. placing Coioiqm, iobhrm, ) * 1 aPPear' 1
Codup, tochus, see Cojc, toich, s. f. a natural right, or property
Codup, tochus, s. m. possessions, property. Br. L. Cojc, toich, s. f. land or ground, territory
Coo, tod, s. a clod, sod Cojc, toic, \ s> f weaIth riches, plenty : a swelling
Cooado, todhachd, s. f. silence Cojee, totee, ) r J ' 0
Coo*)l, todhail, s. f. destruction CojC4m, toicam, v. to swell. Sh.
Cooajm, todaim, v. I clod, throw clods Cojee, toice, s. f. an opprobrious name for an ill-be
Coon, todan, s. m. a small clod haved young woman
Coaf, todhas, s. m. silence Cojde, triche, s. fate, destiny
Cooejtnurh, todhernamh, s. punishment ojie, toiche, a. wall-eyed
Coodaje, todhochaidhe, s. the future, time to come Co)ce4d, toiceach, \ a. rich, wealthy, full, swell-
Copunc, tofand, s. banishment. 4 Mast. 1579 Cojce4mujl, toiceamhuil, ) ed
, tofas, s. topaz Cojde4t>, toichead, s. an arrest, confiscation
05, tog, v. take, or have T"0]de4O4m, toicheadam, v. to confiscate. Sh.
C054, togha, s. a choice, election, desire Cojdeall, toicheall, s. f. ajourney, departure
Cognd, toghach, s. m. the chosen Co]de4m4d, toicheamach, a. gradually, step by step
054, toghach, a. elective Co]de4po4l, toicheasdal, s. m. party, faction, cause,
0540, togadh, s. taking, or lifting army
C0540, toghadh, s. choosing, electing Cojdeo, ioiched, s. f. an arrest, confiscation
*, toghadh, a. chosen, called Cojdeote, tokhedte, part, confiscated
^*]0, toghaidh, s. attention, respect, care, liking Cojdjm, toicheim, s. f. a slow pace
Co*)e, togkaidhe, s. m- a choice Cojdjm, toicheim, s f. the appointed place
Cogepe, toghaidhe, a. chosen ; choice Cojdjm, toichim, going, departiug
Cog4)l, toghail, s. f. destruction Cojdjol, tokiol, s. f. victory
Coplead, toghaileach, a. destructive Cojdjopoal, toichiosdal, see tojce4p04l
Cogftjm, toghaim, v. I choose, pick, cull, take Cojdjopt>4i, toichiosdal, s. m. arrogancy, presumption
Cog4)pm, toghairm, s. a summons, citation CojdjopoAb, toichiosdalach, a. presuming, self-opi
Cogajpm, toghairm, s. a prayer, petition, interces nionated
sion, request Co|dne*t>, toichneadh, s. a fast or vigil
Cojlcenmlitco, toiltcamhlachd, s. f. willingness
jo, toid, s. f". the whole ojlcearujl, toilteamhvil, a. willing, obstinate
Cjo, toid, a. whole, entire ojltiona, toiltionach, a. willing, voluntary ; wilful,
]>, toideadh, a. thankful obstinate
Cojeirut>, mdhc itTtadh, a. tormented
Cojoe* pnrh, toidhearnamh, s. punishment tomo,-, toimhde,
tArf,f) s-atmcture
Co)l]j, toidhgh, s. f. a flame, blazing fire )<), to'mheasaim, v. I conjecture, augur
noplace, tndhrighthe, a. seasoned or used to a thing
Cojrhelu, toimhela, s. dismounting, hindrance
Cojpljun, toifliun, s. heat, warmth CojiTifjieagiuip, toimhfkreagradh, s. a slow reply
Cojrljmirt, tiiflunach, a. hot, scalding Cojmppe5p4)m, toimhfhrcagraim, v. I answer
JS ie'gt v- take up Cojriijjn, toimhidhin, s. the breaking out of water
Cojg, <^, s. a house, see rj Cojrhjl, toimhil, s. eating
)5, toigh, a. agreeable Cojmljm, toimhlim, v. I eat, waste, spend, consume
Cojgbjopp, tioghbhiorr, s. a garret Oojmne<nii, toimhneamh, s. a womb
Cojje, toighe, s. notice, attention, fondness
CojgeC, toigheach, a. careful, attentive, fond, loving Cojrhpea, toimhseach, s. m. a farm
Cojriire*c*n, toimhseachan, s. m. measure, balance
, toigheacht, 9. f. concession, yielding
Cojgenr, ioigheacht, s. f. noting, illustrating, ex Cojrhpe*cin, toimhseachan,\s. m. a riddle, rebus,
ojmre*5<m, toimhseagan, J conjecture
poundingtoigheacht, s. f. a coming ; " 9iff ]*p Co)rhpe*mujl, toimhseamhuil, a. judicious
rxojgear. en Uo)j po im]5 an pioiu." . Fion. Coin, torn, gen. of ton
ojgeepnArh, trigkearnamh, see )nm Cojn, tain, s. f. tone, accent
Cjn, toin, s. f. a measure ; a bottom
CJ5Jm, to'gim, v. I lift up, build CojneA, toineadh, s. a thaw, thawing
Cojl, /</,toigim, seewill,
s. f. the c^mdesire, willingness, concur Copi* I, toineal, s. m. a trance, astonishment
rence, consent, inclination, mind, pleasure, voli Cojneam, toineamh, s. a salmon
Cojneath, toimamh, s. a monument
tion, arbitrament tojng, /01';, s. giving, . e. t*b)jir.
Cojleo, toileach, a. willing, voluntary Cojnjpg, toinisg, s. f. sense, understanding
")\, toileachadh, s. accord, accordance, per
Cojnjp5e*, toinhgeach, a. sensible, reasonable
mission, indulgence
]10-]-), toiltachns-inntin, s. contentment Tojnju, toiniudh, s. passing, coming, going
Tojle4iiiio, toileamhlachd, s. f. wilfulness, willing TTojea,
CojeAm, toinneadh,
toinncamh, \I s' WIS
. lnS
. snnin
4? mnS
ness, obstinacy
Coileamujl, toileamhuil, a. content, satisfied ojeaTn toinncamh, s. death
CojleATiujI, toileamhuil, a. wilful, obstinate, dictato Cojeohvp, *4 i

rial, sanguine (Cojjm, toinnim, v. I twist, wreathe, spin, curl,

Cojledr, toileas, s. the will, willingness twine, contort, writhe, wrest, wrench
o]ipejmn}5m, toilfheidhmntgham, v. to enjoy
cojl]eD, toildheachd, s. f. accord, accordance, con r]leprJ5jp, toinnleassaighoir, s. m. a tanner,
sent, permission
Coj5l|e*mn)i, toil gheamhar, \ a. wilful, obstinate. , finnte, part, twisted, twined
ojce, toinnte, s. thread between the rock and
7"ojlj5eemu]l, toiligheamhuil, ) Donl. 32
cojligjm, mlightm. v. I consent, agree spindle
tojljjte, toiligldhe, a. willing, pleased, satisfied Zo)nz)r\, tolntein, s. f. a long thread in spinning
Cjnte rjn, tointelin, s. f. a spindle of yarn, a sur
Cojljej, toilinntinn, s. satisfaction, pleasure
Cojl]u, loiliughadh, s. willingness, consenting geon's tent
roflS loir, \ tl Sc pro |}4]
tojll, toil/, v. deserve thou Chojp, thotr,S* 1 r J1
Coille, toille, s. a hole, cavity C6]ji, i>, s. f. a pursuit, diligent search, pursuers.
Tojlljm, toillim, v. I deserve, merit Heb. tar, to search, explore
Tojlljn, toilliriy s. f. a little hollow 6), toir,s.f. a church-yard
Cojllcjn, toilltin, deserving Cjjt, o/r, a. belonging to a church
Cojljpel, toilirel, a. obstinate r,)]t, toir, s. f. aid, help
ojlrejmn]e, tcHstimhnight, s. enjoyment
cojjib, toirb, s. f. fuel
Z,o)\zeb, toilteach, a. voluntary, willing Co]]tbe*jir, toirbeart, s. m. munificence, a gift, pre
tojlce*c, toilteach, ") a. meritorious, worthy, de -
Cojlteana, toilteanach, J serving sent
Coipfte*]t> toirbheartha, part, delivered, given up
T^ojltea'o, toilteachd, s. f. willingness ojlibeapiA, toirthach, a. generous, libera),
CojlreAn*c, toilteanach, s. m- a deserrer
CojlteanAp, toilteanas, s. desert, merit munificent _
5 X UojjBe*pt*r,
]1*, toilteanas, s. willingness
ZO) roi ZO)
CoyiBfttyt*!*, toirbheartas, s. m. bounty, dispensa ) fine , toirneach, "J
tion, gift C)pne*rh, toh-neamh, l s. thunder
), toirbheartas , s. m. a dose Cjpnejr, toirncis, J
TcjitDeoptdj-, toirbheartas, s. m. tradition Uojpnea-, toirneadh, s. deference
Cojpbe}ft, toirbkeirtfS. f. giving up, delivering, dis tojine*ti, toirneadh, s. raising, constructing, build
pensing, distributing, oblation, offering, bestowing ing ; " jr le po tojpneno *^."
tojp>ejpT;e*c, toirbheirteach, a. bountiful, clement,
), toirneamh, s. punishment
frank Cjjiniim, toirnighim, )v. I thunder, make a loud
Cojpftmr, toirbhirt, see ** t;]pm,m, toimim, J noise
Co)jibleor5, toirbhleasgadh, s. rumbling
jpnpn, toimim, sometimes written for tupnajm,
oj|ioj>ear>, toirbhreadh, see rojjibejpc see cpnapn
Co)popjm, toirbhrim, v. I give, deliver, yield Cojpp^n, toirpin, common house-leek ; Sempervivum
Cojpjm, toirchim, s. numbness, deadness tectnrum
Cojjjjmeft, toirchimeach, s. m. a tower prisoner
Cojpp6e*54, toirrcheaghadh, s. impregnating, be
<Co)j]me*, toirchimeach, a. benumbed getting
Cojp)met>, toirchimeachd, s. f. numbness, stupid
^, toirrcheasach, a. pregnant
ity Cojpp)5pri, toirrchighim, v. I impregnate, get with
Cojpcjmeaco, toirchimeachd, s. f. confinement in a child, conceive
tower O]ppjor, toitrchios, s. fruit, conception, embryo,
Cojjnvjm, toirchimim, v. I benumb, burden, bind pregnancy
Cojjiim fuajn, toirchim suain, s. f. a dead sleep ])4], toirriomchraim, v. I carry over
Co]j]oj-, toirchios, s. a conception, ftus, increase, Co-jpppe, toirrse, s. a lamp, torch
CojjteaiB*, Toirdhealbhach, Torlogh, Terence, a )' toirrse, see tu)pre
man's name T"ojpre<, toirseach, see tujpreac
*]-, toirdcas, s. f. dotage ), e/Vf, s. f. a cake, bread
C]pec, toireacht, -. f. pursuit, search ], /Vi, s. f. quantity, bulk, value, respect
Cojpe4, taireadh, s. m. an elegy Cojptea, toirtheach, la. fruitful, plentiful*,
Co|jte*rh, toireamh, s. m. a plough-man ; prop. Cojpce*mu)l, toirtheamhuil,\ great
Co]pterhlco, loirtheamhlachd, s. f. plenty, fruitful-
*jpe4rh , ness
Cojpearh, toireamh, s. an elegy
Coj-pejc, toi-reic, s. a selling or disclosing theft ojpcerhu)l, toitleamhuil, a. respectful
Cojpjm, toireim, s. f. a stately walk Cojpcearhujl, torteamhuil, a. bulky, stout, tight
"o)tjmn)5im, toireimtghim, v. I walk ), totrtean, a. useful, serviceable
tjpip, toireis, s. f. keen inquiry, anxi Cojptea, toirteann, a. fruitful, plenty
nxiety tojprjn, toirtint s. f. a thin cake
rjjie)pe*, toireiseach, a. anxious
Co)p5)U, toirghill, s. a sufficient pledge Cojpcjr, toirtis, s. a tortoise
jpve, toiridhe, s. m. a pursuer T"ojr, /, s. f. the beginning
Cojjijea, toirigheadh, it seemed Co)fe45<, toiseaghadh, see torne
Cojpjgpn, toirighim, v. I fancy, I think -rceU-, toiscealadh, s. a cover, covering
r.ojrc, ttoc, s. f. will, good will. Cor.
o)|)5im, toirighim, v. I pursue, follow closely
)j)5ce, toirighthe, part, pursued, chased )--, toiscidlx, s. fi will, desire
Toipprs, toiriosg, s. a saw Cojrea, to s each, s. m. the beginning, van
ojppbpi toirithin, s. f. assistance, aid. 4 Mast. 147G ,]*, to.seach, s. m. a chief, a leader, an antecessor
rojplpnprt, toirleimim, v. I alight Eojrea lujnje, toiseach luinge, s. a rostrum, prow
TTojpleum, toir/eum, s. a great leap of a ship, a sea captain.
Cojpm, toirm, s. f. noise, sound, din, report Toirea r'u*)5 toiseach sluaigh, s. a field marshal
rojpmearg, toirmeasg, 1 s.a hindrance, impe- )5> toisg, s. f. proper time
Coi]imer5,'0> toirmeasgadh, J diment, let, ob )5, toisg, s. f. journey, expedition
stacle, prohibition, prevention, interruption )5, toisg, s. f. business, work
]*1' toirmeasgaim, v. I forbid, hinder, CcOpg, toisg, s. f. a wholesome admonition
impede, obstruct, prohibit, prevent, interrupt )> 9;> 8* ^ a cause occasion, report
^, toirmeusgtiia, part, forbidden, prohi- )> <fl,JV s. f. a thing, circumstance
' bited, restrained ^, toisgbheodha, a. expeditious in travelling
tonimeargtojp, tournesgthoir, \ s. m. an opposer, a tojrgeArhu]!, toisgeamhiul, a. left, sinister
*)', toirmiosgoir, J hinderer )1. toisidh, s. shoes
15)1, toirmisgim, see tojpmeAj-SApn ^ojr^eAr, toisighcacht, s. f. leadership, chieftainry
roipmjrgie, toimisgthe, see cojjimeArgr* >), teisighim, v. 1 begin^ommence, assay
Tjpr, , s. f. a great noise, a sound, voice toinfcte, toisighthe, a. begun
Cjjin, <w', s. f. a nery oven, fiery furnace CojrJuB*^, toisiughadh, s. a beginning

Cojt, toit, %. f. smoke, vapour, fume CollpcAjm, tollscaim, v. I wound, pierce

Cojt, toit, s. f. a fragment, piece CoIIca, tollta, a. bored, perforated
], toit, s. f. a small rick of corn CoIIca, tollthach, a. piercing, penetrating
Cot, toit, a. whole, entire, all Colman, tolman, s. m.
Cojt, toith, s. stink Colmog, tolmog, s. f. j- a hillock
CorceA, toiteach, ) , , tolmanach,
CojteArhujI, toiteamhuii, ) fc 8' 8
ColmogAc, tolmogach, 7\ a. full of small hills
CojteAAn, toiieachan, s. m. a chimney Colojl, toloil, s. obstinacy
, toheadh, s. roasting, assation, fumigation ColceAnAr, tolteanas, see 11
Corte!, toitheal, s. vain glory Corns torn, s. m. a bush, thicket, grove, a shaw
]1, toithealach, a. vainglorious Com, torn., s. m. a small heap ; rom rean^ojn, s. a&
] teamujl, toiteamhuii, a. smoky ant hill
ostein, toittan, s. m. burning, conflagration Com, tont*, s. m. the plague ;. see quou at caj
], toitean, s. m. a steak, collop Com,. 10m, v. dip
CojceA]t, toitear, a. lumpy , tomach, a. bushy, tufty
)1, toitheastal, s. arrogancy , tomadh, s. immersion, mersion, a dip
)^5))1, toithghkbhair, s. f. a whore, prostitute Comajp, tomadoir, s. m. a dipper, diver
Cojcrjte, toitighthe, a. smoaked, fomented CornAjem, tomhaidhm, s. a breaking out of water
Cjqm, toit im, v. I roast, broil, smoke, perfume Corrupt, tomhailt, s. eating, wasting, consuming
Cojt^n, /, s. f. a small toast, a little bit of broiled, ComAjm, tomaim, v. I dip, drench
meat CoifiAjpAm, tomhaisam, v. to aim. Sft.
o)tle*iUfi, toithlcannan, s. m. a concubine CrhAjrjm, tomhaisim, v. I resolve, unriddle, guess
CoJtpeA, toitreach, s. m. conflagration- CrhAjrjm, tomhaisim, v. I weigh, measure
Cj4J5)m toitrighim, v. I burn, scorch CrAjrpjgA, tomhaisiughadh, s, measuring, mensu
7:o)f:fe*l,l**c, toithshearrach, s. m. a filly or colt ration
Col, w/> s. f. a church-yard ComA)teAm, tomaitheamh, s. threatning, threats
CoIa, //, s. f. a church-officer , toman, s. m. a hillock
CoIa, ie/a> s. superfluity , toman, s. m. a small bush, a tuft
CoIa, We, s. sleep ComnAc, tonumach, a. bushy, tufty
CoU, toladh, more, i.'r. tujle CiTiAr, tomhas, s. m. a hint
CoIa, toladh, s. destruction, piercing. , tomhas, s. m. a dimension
1], tolaibh, s. a multitude , tomhas, s. m. measure, measuring, weighing
CoUncA, Tolanta, Holland , tomhas, s. m. a mode or mood in mue
10, tolasach, a. sick CtturApn, tomhasaim, \. I weigh, measure
Cole, ie/f, s. m. a wave ComApfUt, tomhasshlat,s. a measuring wand
Cole, to.'ch, s. m. a hole, crevice CombA, tomba, s. a grave, a tomb
Colu]tcAn, ttlohmthanacA, s. a self-willed person , tombaca, tobacco
Col, tolg, s. m: a bed ; a colour ComlA, tomhladh,. s. the milk of a cow
C0I5, tolg, s. m. pride, a breach CottiIaco, tomlachd, s. thick milk, curds
Colg*, tokdh(i,.a. proud, haughty, warlike , tomnach, s. m. a testator
Coll, toll) s. m. toll or custom Cornos, tomog, s m. a small bush or tuft
Coll, toll, s. m. a head ComoiiCA, tomonta, a. rude
Coll, toll, s. m; a hole, hollow, pitfall, a wicket* , tomhra, a. protection
Welsh, twill, an orifice CompAje, tomhraidhe, s. m. a patron, protector
Coll, toll, a. hollow , tomhseachan, s. a riddle, rebur
Collai, tollach. a. chappy, holed . tomsean, s. weights
, tollachan,.s. m. a piercer ComiA. tomtha, a. imbrued
tollAT, /f^Ms. f. a hollow, cavity, crevice , tomthach, s. m. one that threatens, a swag
Col I AO, tollttdn, J ' ' gering fellow, a brave man
Co11a,7s/W, s. a piercing, wounding, boring, ex- ComtA, tomthadh, see -
. cavation. Welsh, tylliad , tomhur%, a. splendid
CoIIao)], iolladoir, s. m. a borer Corirapur, , & silence-
, tollaim,.v. I bore, pierce, penetrate, per Comur, tomhus, s. m. a riddle, paradox
forate, excavate, drill, punch thirl Comur, tom'ius, s . answer, a measure
CollA)te, tollairc, s. .. a piercer. C6n, te, s. . the breech, arse ; Welsh, tin
Coll-luA]re, toll-chluaise, s. a touch-hole , , s. a tune
1<, tollo/, s. f. a button-hole , tona, i s. nv a shirt, garment,, coverine
Coll-ojnine, loll-choimne, s..a rabbit-borough , tonach,} \
Coll]}, ttlloir, s. . a borer, a piercer ; Wtlth, tyU Con*, tinafh, , m. a bath, bathing
Jwr Con*lAjp,

TOR cor? OR

Cop, tor, a. heavy

Conalajp, tona/ais, s. f. cringing Copaap bjacajn, torachas biadhain, celery-leaved
77 one; tone, s. m. a chain crowfoot ; Ranunculus sceleratus
bncaptac, tonchastacft, \ Copac, torachd, s. pursuit, inquiry, search, retalia
Concloa, tonehlodhach,)S' m. turn-coat
Cono, tond, s. m. a blow, stroke, lop, clip tion
Cpa, toradh, s. m. regard, fruit, profit, growth, ac
Conoa, tonda, a. stubborn cretion, produce
Conlajan, tonlagan, s. m. a going or sliding on the
Copa, toradh, s. an answer, reply
breech Cpajea, toraidhearh, a. fertile, fruitful
Con, tonn, s. m. a wave, billow Copavoeac, toraidhtheach, a. flexible, pliant
Ton, tonn, s. m. a hide, skin, pelt Copajgeac, toraigheaeht, f. pursuit, pursuing
Coi, tonn, s. m. strengthening Copajgeojp, toraigheoir, s. m. a pursuer, a begetter
, tonn, a. quick Copajn, torain, s. a sort of vermin that destroys seed
, Unna, s. a tub, tun corn
Coiu, tonnach, s. . a bulwark, fortress, mound,
Copujcpea, toraithreach, a. monstrous
rampier Copajtpeao, toraithreachd, s. f. monstrousnesx
Coila, tonnach, a. waved, undulated, billowy, -
, toram, v. to reign. Sh.
dulous , toramh, s. pursuit
Coap, tonnas, a. glittering , toramh, s. an augre, wimble, piercer
Con claoajc, tonn a chladaich, the herb thrift. Sh.
Coparh, toramh, s. fruit, increase
Coac, tonnadh, s. a vomit, vomiting , toramhlachd, s. f. fruitfulness
Coac, tonnadh, s. undulating Copn, toran, s. a sounding, or great no
, tonnadh, s. poisoned water Cepap, toras, s. weariness, fatigue
, tonnadh, s. death by poison , toras, s. a journey
, tonnadoit; s. m. a tunning dish , loras, a. lord, a sovereign
Foacjpeaco, tonnadoireajchd, s. f. tunning liquor Copatajp. torathair, s. m. a monster, a bachelor
cofug, tonnag, s. a wrapper worn round the shoulders
Copb, tori, s. f. a throng, company, multitude
of women like a shawl, a shawl, veil Copb, toib, s. f. a rout, noise, trouble
Coajm, tonnaim, v. I undulate, dip in water, I turn,
Copba, torba, s. hindrance, trouble
I vomit ; I die Cope, tore, s. m. a collar. WelsJi, torch
Con, tonnan, s. m. a billow Cope, tore, s. m. a hog, swine. Welsh, twreh
, tonnbhan, a. fair like froth Cope, tore, s. m. a sovereign, a lord
CojajI, tonnghail, a. wavy Cope, tore, s. m. the heart, the face
Congo, tonngo, s. a billowy sea Copcajp, torchair, v. he fell, died, was killed, it
Conluapjatb, tonnluasgadh, a. wave-tost
Conog, tonnog, s. f. a neck-cloth, cap, coif happened
Copajpe, toi'chalre, s. a leveller
Toos, tonnog, s. f. a little firkin , torchar, s. m. a fall, death
Cog, tonnog, s. f. a duck or drake, any aquatic Copcat<o)p, torchathaoir, s. a throne, a royal city
palmiped ropcDAjll, torcbhaill, s. the diaphragm, or midriff
Cophjr, tonnphit, s. a cistern Copcjop anabaj, lorchios anabaidh, s. embryo, ftus
Coca, tonnta, a. waved Copjop bp)5e, torch'ics breige, s. a moon calf
Conj, tonog, s. a clue of yarn Copcrhujn, tor cmhuin, s. a n eck-collar,the n eck ofa hog
Cop , top, s. a top to play with Coppajm, iorchraim, v. I fall down, die, perish
Cop, top, a. sudden, quick. Cor. Copu)5pn, torchutghim, v. I engender, fructify
, top, a. round Copujpt, totchuirt, over-turning. Sh.
Copajp, topais, s. a topaz Cpcup, torchur, s. a ferrying, passing over
11, topar, s. m. a taper Copt>n, tordhan, s. m. an elegy
Copap, topar, a. plenteous, copions Copg, torg, s. a killing, destroying
Cophurh, topliumh, s. heat, a round ball Copn, torgan, s. m. noise, din, rattle
Conapea, tonasca, s. a ball, bottom of yarn, any round
CopgjU, torghiU, s. a pledge, surety
lump , tonn, s. thunder
Co]*, tor, s. m. a reply, an answer Copla, orla, s. m. a lord
, tor, s. m. a bull Copla, torla, s. m. a surety
Cp, tor, s. m. a pursuer Copma, tormach, s. . increase, augmentation ;
Cop, for, s. m. a crest growing ripe for bearing, as when cows are near
Cop, (or, s. m. a bush, shrub, fruit
Cop, tor, s. m. fear, dread, a tear calving
7"opmaajm, tormachaim,x. I magnify
Cop, tor, s. m. a sovereign, lord, a noble Copmao, tormadh, a. pregnant, growing big
Cop, tor, s. m. a tower, a castle, spire, steeple;
Copmas** tormaghadh, s. increasing
Welsh, twr copnuyo,
Cop, tor, s. m. weariness, fatigue, irksomeness
cor? TOR zoz

CopmAjo, Tormaid, s. a Norman CoptpaneApA, tortfanearath, a. regardful, observing

Copmajgjm, tormaighim, v. I increase, augment Coptujn, torthxiin, s. exuberance, great fruitfulness
CopmAjgceojp, tormaiglitheoir, s. m. an augmenter CoptugAt), tortughadh, s. overpowering
Coprhail, totmhail, Copugn, torughan, s. base in music
Coprhajh, eat,nS' consum,"g Copu]B, toruibh, prep, over ye
Copman, torman, s. m. a rumbling noise, sound, clash, Copujg, toruig, s. an event
din, crack, a drum ^pujge, toruighe, s. a pursuer, a tower-keeper
Copman, torman, s. m. the drone of a bag-pipe Cpu]geAo, toruigheachd, s. f. pursuit, pursuing
CopmanAC, tormanach, a. noisy, having drones Cpujgpn, toruighim, v. I pursue
), tormanaim, v. I make a noise, murmur, Copuj, toruinn, "1
tingle Copule, , I PreP- over us> on us
Copmujle, tormuilt, s. f. eating CopupcA, toruscadh, s. falling, ruining, killing
Copn, torn, s. m. a kiln, an oven Cop, tos, s. m. a front, tor an tjge
Copn, >, s. m. a lord, sovereign ; the head, summit cor, rw, a. first. ^ocA. OWL
Cpnajl, tornail, s. a knocking one thing against Copa, tosach, s. m. beginning, front, foundation,
another, turning origin, a prow
Cpnajpe, ternaire, s. m. a turner CopAc gAn topac, Tosach gan tosach, God
CpnAlArm, tornalaim, v. I turn with a lathe CopAje, tosaidhe, s. m. a beginner, former
CopnAih, tornamh, s. humiliation, descent, /'. c. cean- CopAjgeAt, tosaigheacht, s. f. chieftainry, leadership
pugAO. o. g1. CopA]geojp, tosaigheoir, s. m. a beginner
Copg, /, s. f. a princess ; a wench CorAjgjm, tosaighim, v. I begin, commence, assay
Copp, torp, s. m. bulk Corn, tosan, s. m. an origin
Coppn, tor-pan, s. m. a crab fish, a clod, a cluster, CornajB, tosanaibh, s. thorns
a bunch Copcal, toscal, s. m. arrogance
Copp, forr, s. m. a tower, heap, pile, mass, a hill Copo, tosd, s. silence, taciturnity, quietness
Copp, ferr, s. a body of men, congregation Copo, tosd, a. weighty, deadly, silent
Coppac, torrach, a. pregnant, with child, prolific, CpoA, tosda, s. a toast, toasted bread
productive, accumulative. Welsh, torrog CopoA, tosdach, a. silent, tacit, quiescent, quiet
, torrachas, s. m. pregnancy, conception CopoA, tosdadh, s. silencing, confutation
CoppAo, torrachd, a. round Copoajgim, tosdaighim, v. I confute
Coppaccajni, torrachtaim, v. I make round CopoAl, tosdal, see toptAl
Coppactapi, torrachtain, s. going to visit, coming Copg, tosg, s. m. a report, rumour
Coppa, torradh, heaping, piling Copga, tosga, s. movement
, torradh, s. a burial, watch, guarding Copgajpe, tosgaire, s. m, an ambassador
CoppAjm, torraim, v. I heap, pile Copgugao, tosgughadh, s. motion, conducting
CoppArh, torramh, s. watching, waking the dead, a Copgujgjm, tosguighim, v. I move
funeral CopnAjgjm, Usnaighim, V. I begin
Copparh, torramh, s. pilgrimage CopnugA, tosnughadh, \ s. a beginning, introduction,
CoppArhujm, torramhuim, v. I watch, guard, wake the CopugA, tosughadh, ) onset, origination
dead, go on pilgrimage CptAl, testal, s. m. arrogance, pride, envy
Coppn, torran, s. a hillock, an eminence Crtalac, tostalach, a. presumptuous, presuming,
Coppna, torrna, s. aid, succour arrogant
Coppiac, torrthach, "Ja. fruitful, fertile, im- Copujg, tosuigh, s. m. a beginner, the foremost
CoppAiiu)!, torrthamhuil, J pregnate, pregnant Copujge, tosuighthe, part, begun
CppA, torrthadh, s. a wake, a watching Cot, tot, s. m. a wave, sound, noise
CoppiAThUc, torrthamhlachd, s. f. fertility Cot, tot, s. m. a woman, every female
Coppu, torrunn, s. thunder Cot, tot, s. m. a sod, a turf
Copra, torsa, . a torch. Mull. 211 Cot, tot, v. desist, leave off, tot hobap
Copp], torsi, s. heaviness. Cer. Cot, toth, s. m. a smell
Copptol, torstoi, s. m. a chair of state Coi, toth, s. m. feminence, the privy members of a
Copt, tort, s. m. a cake, a little loaf. Welsh, torth woman ; juice
Copt, tort, giving. Sc. Co*, toth, a. female, feminine
Copt, tort, by you, aside Cota, tota, s. the rower's seat in a boat
Copie, torthach, a. fierce, bulky Coa, tothach, s. the choice
CoptioB, tortaobh, s. confidence Coaco, tothachd, s. validity, effect, substance
Copt<oBcA, tortaobhtha, a. confiding, depending on CoiAjm, tothaim, \. I tow, lead astern
CoptomtAc, tortaobhthach, s. m. a commissary CoAipe, tothaire, s. m. a free-booter
Coptarhujl, Xorthamhuil, a. fierce Coralac, totalach, a. precipitous. DonU 463
CoptpAfieap toitfanear, s. attention, observation Cotapnacr, totarnachd, s. f. stuttering, tottering
5 Y CotacAjn

, Mhbhuchuin, s. a lase Cp)U, tradl, s. f. a slave, servant, drudge, dastard

, tothbhall, s. the female parts of generation Cp4)Ue4p, trailleas, \ .
Cotorbu, mchomhua, s. a female cousin, a cousin pajllearna, iriOeamkacHJ, {** fc *, bond-
german t|*)llje4o, trailiidhtachd, ) aSe
Coup, tothchus, s. the itch Cp4jlle4rhu)l, trailleamAuiL ) , .,
oil*] 5, tot/ilalgh, s. a request rpajllp, //;, f a- slavish
Corrio!, mhmhaol, s. a female slave *)), tradlirc, s. m. a baker
Coiocapj, tothocliaidi, s. futurity. Zr. rpajnea, trameadh, s. culling, choosing
Core*, rfl<r, s. a shaft Cpajnjo]"1 trainighim, v. I cull, choose0
cpa, ire, s. season, time *)}, tramin, see
, /re, three things, e. tfj uejie. o. g. rpajnpe, trainse, a. a trench, a drain
bp*, tra, adv. to wit, viz. likewise, also *15) traisg^m, v. I hunger, fast
, trabhach, s. m. rubbish of any kind thrown Cpajr,, //, s. f. a cataplasm, poultice
on shore by a flood Cpajrjm, iraithim, see tpajjjm
Cpacanr;, trachant, s. ebbing of the tide tpajrnp, traithnin, s. a little stalk of grass; the
fpan, trachd, s. a report, discourse, strength herb Bennet
Cpact>, trachd, s. m. a treatise, tract, draught 11. trail, s. a drab, a trull
t.pacr>ar>, trackdadh, s. in, treating
]!, trachdail, s. f. negotiation j|rcao, j s- draiiling subduing
rpacoajm, trac/idaim, v. I treat of, negotiate, handle Cp<oC4)m, traochaim, see tpoiajm
Cpaccajrt, Irachdaln, s. a report Cptoclujre, Uuoc/duithc, s. tilts, tournaments
6], trachdairc, s. m. an historian >5, traogk, a. empty, ebbed
cpacoalact), trachdulachd, s. f. history, negotiation p<o54, traoghadh, s. ebb, ebbing
rpaccatajje, trachdalaighe, s. m. a negotiator <5|, traoghaim, v. I empty, drain, ebb
C](4clat>, trachludh, s. loosening ; fatigue CpJ5 iraoigh, s. a foot in length. Sh.
*1*)0, trachlaidhe, s. m. a squanderer Cpcojlea', traoi.'eadh, % dragging
TJpacc, tracht, s. the sea; bank or shore of a river )> traoillt s. want
Cpact, tracht, s. f. strength -, traona, s. a rail, corn-crake
Cp4cra, trachia, s. a treatise, discourse -ptonjp, traonoir, a. idle, vacant
t";patalat>, trachtaladk, s. trade, negotiation Cp;ori)pe4CT>, traonoircachd, s. leisure, Vacancy
, /rerf/, s. m. a lance, a fishing spear C p^otcic, traothadh, s. subduing, abating, decrease ;
("paoana, tradanacfi,a quarrelsome, contentious Oo cfkote reaps Chojpt)e4lD4)5." ^t^. OVi<;-
p<er, rwA, a. neuter, neutral ; ' i. e. ca neotaj* Cpa>]m> traotumm, v. 1 lessen, abate, subdue, pat
~l neorapa." Cor. down. Teg. Cor.
rpaj, tragi, s. a shore, haven ; sea holly ("papan, trafen, s. a bunch, cluster
pagas, traghadh, s. exhausting, lessening, ebbing payo, trasd, prep, across, athwart
Cpajat, traghadh, a. littoral rpaj-oa, trasda, hitherto
Cj*5io, ttaghrod, s. m. a way by the sea shore pa ro*, trasda, a. cross
7"pa]cejl, traiceil, s. treacle rpapcao, trasdac/id, s. f. crossness
, traidh, a. quick, active , tratgadh, s. fasting
*), traide, a. first ; rtpape 5*) trasgair, s. a fall, a great fall
, iraideach, s. a warrior ; /. tpopeai Cp*r5*}PJm brafgavrim, v. I abrogate, destroy, over
, Uaideach, a. quarrelsome throw, overwhelm, oppress
-eac, traid-each, s. m. a war horse ^, trasairt, s. f. abrogation, oppression,
rpajj, tra'igh, s. f. a trace, track, a foot destruction, overthrow
rpa-rg, traigh, s. f. the sea shore, strand, ebb , trasgartha, part, abrogated
], triiigh, s. strength, force ; a lazy person Cjtapspao, trasgradh, see ^
pajjiolap. traighbhiohr. s, scurvy grass 51**)"> trasgram. see cpapajpjm
Cpaigea, tra gheadh, s. ebbing Cpapna, trasm, see raprna
rpajgea mapa, traigheadh-mara, s. ebb-tide , traSnan, s. m. a ledge, a slat of a car, a
rpajjeanar, traightanath, s. a lazy person cross-beam
rpajf-ea trnigh-gheadk, a shore-goose. Sh. pa pea jl, traitait, see rpe4pta]l
)5 e, traighidhe, s. m. a tragedian Tpai, trath, s. time, season, prayer-time, canonical
Cji4j5J0e4C, traighidheach, a. tragic hours
C(4ig|e4'o, trajghidhtachd, s. f. tragedy , trath. a. soon, speedy
Cjidijte, ti\iighidhthe. a. stranded, be neaped *"*), trutaire, s. m. a traitor
rpajgj teaift, haighilUach, a. chilly 41, trcthnl, i I a. in good timet trme-
rp4j5jm, Jraigdiim, v. I drain, strand CjitAnVijl, trathamhuil,) ly
. rp4J5l]gfeo)p, traighlightheoir, s. m. a scout
Ujujll, i*7/, s, f. a kneading tub, trough, trey

Cparmn, CpeAgAjm, treughaim, lv. I pierce through, pe-

Cpetii*, trathnan,
<iWr*c*, J~) s- m- a htde
,. . stalk
of Srass
pageAjrn, treaghdan, J netrate
Cji(non, trathnoni, s. noontide, noontide prayers, cpeajoA, treaghda, s. a hurt
the noon of the ancients, or ninth hour, being peagAjr, treaghait, s. f. the plague
three in the afternoon ; also the afternoon, even ieA5fo*j40, treaghfhogharach, s. m. a tripthong
ing Cf4l45, trealag, see tpe4l45
Cpatrojn, trathsoin, adv. then, at that time CjteaUjr, trealais, s. f. the spleen
Cpe, tre, prep, through, by cpAUm, trealamh, s. apparel, furniture, military-
, treabh, s. m. a farmed village weapons
CpeftB, treabh, s. m. a tribe, family, clan jiaUrh, trealamh, s. weakness
, treabhach, winter cresses, winter rocket ;, , treall, s. a short space, time
Eryssimum barbara Cpeallftjs, trealldigh, s. lumber, trash
CpeaBa, treabhach, a. pertaining to a family, or , tream, prep, through my ; i. . pe mo
tribe CpeAinAgAt), treamaghadh, s. binding, obligation,
Z\te*bi, treabhach, a. powerful, valiant, chivalrous. CpeAmAjgjm, treamaighim, v. I bind, tie, fasten
CpeABacAp, treabhachas, s. great feats CpeAifiAtn, treamham, through me
, treabhadh, s. ploughing, cultivating , treaman, s. m. an alien
peaBave, treabhaidht, s. m. a ploughman, tiller, peampA, treampa, through them
husbandman , trean, see rpun
CpeBajl-e, trcabhaihe, s. a mill-hopper , treemach, s. a triple
rpeb*jm, treabhaim, v. I plough, till, cultivate , treanadh, s lamentation, wailing
C|te<)*ite, treabhaire, s. m. a ploughman peAna, treanadh, the week from Thursday before^
[*4]|, treabhaire, s. m. a surety to Thursday after Whitsuntide
Cje*6o)jeot), treabhaireachd, s. f. tillage, hus pnAim, treanaim, v. I lament
bandry , treanas, s. abstinence
, treabhan, s. m. a tribune, a tribute CpanAnt*, treananta, a. triangular
, treabhar, s. m. the side ; see quot. at cpom CpanlAmA, treanlamhaeh, a. strong-handed
CjteADAj, treabhar, s. m. activity, a choice CpAnlAmiorhajpr, treatdamhehemhairt, s. clapping
*|, treabhar, a. discreet, skilful of hands
CpeAoUT;, treabhlacht, s. f. a family, household pea, treann, s. f. a field
tpe*Bl*ct, ^^/,)8- f. Rouble tribulation, --, trean-re-trean, s. a rail, corn
Ep^Bkjt*, treahhhuA gef, anx.ety langour, crake
J J J weakness, sickness , trearaeh, s. m. an artificer
CjieBI,5,m ^abMaigh,rn, J j , trearaeh, a. artificial
CpeaBlAjm, treabntaim, j , trearannacfi, a. triple
peaBpao, treabhrachd, s. f. ingenuity ^, treartha, s. art, sience
peaBfA, treabhtha, s. a village, homestall LjteAptAC, trearthach, a. artificial
*, treabhtha, part, ploughed, tilled , rea?, s. a skirmish, battle, a stroke
Cfteobco, tieabhthuoh, s. m. a farmer, one of the , trau s. adversity
same tribe , treas, prep, by, through
Cpe*r)Aj|e, treab'nhaire, \ s. m. a ploughman, hus- , /raw, s. treachery, treason
CpeATir]p, treabh thoir, ) bandman *, treas,
CpcaBup, tieub'mr, s. m. a stock or kindred , treasmha, a. third
cjiec)l, treachait, s. f. digging , treaso. Sh. }
|)], treaoMalre, s. m. a historian.. 5, treasg, s. m. chaff*, refuse, drafT
1, treachlach%s. m. a lavbhcr 454)|, treas'gairt, s. a fall, tumble
', treathladh, s. a loosing, digging eiig, i thirte^Bh.
Cje*el*)5*e, treachlaighthe, part, digged, fatigued T. |errh4 t,u5, ^/1/4 | a* th,rtentr*
Cpeanajll, treachnaill, headstrong children r]ie4rt<*pr,uln&> treastarruing, a. thrice distilled
Cpao, tread, s. m. a herd, flock, drove p urna, treasumha, s. copper dross
paoa, treadach, a. having flocks ]ie*f, treath, s. a trident, fishing spear
t paoan, treadkan, s. a fast for three days, the ember 4*4, treatha, s. a plaister
days. Vs* Ad. *]0, treathaid, s f. a pain, stitch
, treadhan, s. an ebb; want, a louse Cpe4t4n, t> eathan, s. in. a foot,, track, trace
, treadlwmch, a. lousy *, tteathan, s. m. a wave, the sea, high water
,04, trcddhanas, s m. abstinence Cpe4il45, trenthiag, a. weak, exhausted
CpeamA, lreadhma,s. wounds peAtlaij, treathhgk, s. lumber, luggage
CJieAtmrge, treaduighe, s. a herdsman, shepherd -, treathnach, a. thrice
peAj, treagh, s. a spear, trident . TpeAtnAC, treathnach, s. a gimlet, a foot

Cle4tjp, trcatuh; s. m. a traitor Epejrpifl, treisineir, s. m. a treasurer

CpeoT;])e<cc, trcatuircachd, s. f. treachery, treason Cji]pe4rhujl, treiseamhuilA
tjtebj, trebi, a. strong Zv6]rm*V, tuismhar, }a' strong' Powerful
"fe4n, trecheunn, s. three heads, tops, or ends Cpe)*, fre/A, s. f. an accomplUhment, qualification,
^pebeac, trebhdheach, a. upright erudition
Cpets, tred, prep, through thy, z. <. tpe no Cpeii, treith, a. weak, ignorant
Cpri, tred, see rpuo Cjieji, treith, a. good, noble, valuable
, tredheanas, s. abstinence, fast Cfe]ce, freite, s. f. embrocation
fpenejn*]-, tredeinas, a fast for three days tpejie, tieithe, s. ignorance, weakness
Cuejrjp, fyfM, s. blowing, a blast jiej;e4, treitheach,z. accomplished, qualified, eru
Cpepo, trefod, three lands, Ireland, Man, and dite
Scotland; ' pero/'. . pojoe, . c. epjno, t pejrjol, treitiol, s. m. a champion, hero
%4], 4C4p ^ Cor. penpju, trensiu,s. a decision, judgment; see *p-
^pejogfu, trcfhoohradh, s. a triphthong rujjm
^lej54jn, treibham, s. steps Cjeobt4', treobhthadh, s. a draft
~pe]B))ie4p, tribhdhireas, s. uprightness Cjieoo, treod, through you
Jiej0)|te4p, treibhdhireas, a. set apart C|teo'04p, treodas, s. m. food
], treibhse, s. a place, a while rjieoop4, treodsa, prep, through thee, by thee
^ejBpe, treibhse. s. room, place, stead Tpeoj, treogh, through
Cpe]bpe4, treibliseach, a. apt to change Z peoj4jm, treoghdhaim, v. I pierce, bore
7^ lejbpe4cx>, treibhseachd, s. f. vicissitude, change , Treoid, an old name of Drogheda
r.pejt), /'</, see tjiojT> ., treoir, s. conduct, a guide; a troop
r,p]t>e; treidhe, s. parts, understanding ]], treoir, s. strength, force, direction
^pje, treidhe, s. three things, three parts Cpeojp, ireo/Y, s; an instrument used by nailors for
)40, treidheach, a. having good parts, polite, forming the heads on nails
well bred leo)p)ti, treoirin, s. f. a little active child
rppjm, treidhim, v. I pierce through jeop, /vor, s. guidance
6]540, treigeadh, s. forsaking, leaving Cpeo]t4, treorach, a. active
T3p]^e4l, treigeal, s. a departure 140, treoradh, \ , ,.
Cpeou54t,,re,r^<aA,)s- leadin&' directl0n
pigeeti, treigean, s. leaving, forsaking, abdicat
ing, desertion, abandonment Epeojupe, treoraidhe,
;|* [S-,emaderguffr'
7^]]e4n4p, treigheanas, see cpe4n4p t peojiuie treoruighe,
Cjt-j5]m, treigim, v. I leave, forsake, desert, quit, ) ,cauc, ouluc
abandon jteopan, treoran, three parts
T]ie]5)on, treighion, s. loss Cjteojt4, ireortha, part, led, conducted
Cpj^pm, treigsin, see tp|5e4n T3peo]uc, treorughach, a. conducive
rjtigce, treigthe, a. forsaken ^peopu^t), treorughadh, s. guiding, leading
Tpeite, treighthe, s. virtuous qualifications tpeojiujgpn, treoruighim, v. I conduct, lead, guide
Treize, treightheack, vrtuoug Cjeoju]ce, treoruighthe, a. guided
Cpe)ce4mu)l, treightheamhuil, J Cpeoc, fr/, s. trotting
<Cjjceo]p, ireigtheoir, s. m. a deserter, forsaker 4}, treotaim, v. I trot; come
pejl^p Dje]U]p, treillis bhreillis, adv. higgledy- rpejten, treran, three parts or pieces
piggledy rpp, fr, prep, for, because, by, through
]]>)]14, treimhdhireach, a. upright, sincere Cppc, frese, s. f. brewer's grains, lees, hog- wash
Cpeirimjpeap, treimhdhireas, s. sincerity |]1, tresdl, s. a three-legged stool
7! ^, treimhid, prep, through, by T;]euD4, treubha, s. a rail
Cpepnpe, treimse, s. a time, period, season, a quarter (Cjeub4C4p, treubhachas, \s. bravery, virtue, ch-
of a year t}ieub4nt4p, ueubhantas,] valry
T^pi, r""' . ] s. might, power, strength CjiuTs, treudy s. m. a flock, herd
|4, treineas, ) 6 'r & T:iut>4, tredach, a. gregarious
rpjnjijop, treinchr'tos , s. the zodiac ; prop. Spjn- |iut>4ie, treudaighe, s. m. a herdsman, shepherd
jtjop Tp-ulUe, tre-, s. a triangle
Cjipie, trem, a. more powerful Cp- uilleAi, tre-u,lleach, 'S ]
Cppip4, treinfhear, s. m. a brave man, a cham- !p-u)lle*n4C, tre-uillcanach, S 8
Pion Clun,frfM, "la. strong, brave, valiant,
Tpepipe, transe, s. f. a trench tpunrrup, treunmhar,} powerful
Cpeinpjujt., trtnsiur, s. f. a trencher 44, treunachas, \ s. m. strength, bravery,
peip, (, s. f. a while, short space of time 4, /, J virtue, chivalry
Cp%e, treisc, s. f. force, strength, power Cp, fri, a. three
zm tri Z17) TRI

Tjij, tri, prep, through, by ^, tridshoillseach, a. transparent

pjA, tria, seerjtjA pj-p)jt>, tri-fhichid, three score, sixty
tpjAC, triach, see tpjac Cpjpjlhre, trifhillte, a. three fold, triple
Hpjacan, trinchan, s. a sock or shoe ^PJF05*P> infhoghar, s. m. a triphthong
CPJA, ir/efM, s. m. a king, lord |1, ttileonta, s. a quivering sound
cPJ4t>. /riWA, s. m. lortlship pjljr, trilis, s. f. bushy hair
CPJ40, /r/W, prep, through thee Cpjljrea, triliseach, a. baiiy, crested
CM**]f,oeAr triadhghairdeas, s. a royal triumph Cpjlleacan x-p4]e, trilleachan traighe, a gatherer of
Cpjall, /*//, s. m. ajourney, going, gait, march oysters
rpjAll, ////, s. m. a purpose, design, plot, device )>, trillfheartachd, s. a cough
CjijaIIac, trlallach Is. m. a traveller, away-faring ' rpjllrean, trills eann,\s. m. a small torch, a lan-
Cfijulbjpe, triallaire, J man Lpjllpjr, trillsidh, J thorn
rpjalUjm, triallaim, v I go, march, walk ^, trimheas, three pounds weight
Cfj*H<*]m, triallaim, v. I imagine, devise, plot, de pjmpe, trimse, prep, by me, through me
sign j CpjngeAO, tringead, s. driving, impelling
CpjAlln, trallan, s. m. seetpplla Cpjnpe, /mue, s. a trench
rpjAllu^At), triallughadh, s. imagination, device Cpjnmp, trinseir, s. f. a trencher
pjirrujn, triamliain, a. weary, fatigued pjobl)t>, trwbloid, s. f. trouble, affliction, conflict
Cj)*rn4, triatnhna, s. weariness, lowness of spirits, Welsh, trabludd
cowardice CpjobljoeAc, triobloideachy a. troublesome, imper
rjijAmnujje, triamhnuighe, a. bashful tinent, anxious, disturbed
C]i]*mnu)n, triamhnuin, s. f. wailing, lamentation Cpjoc, trioch, s. the hooping cough
CpjAihujneA, triamhuineach, a. mournful Tp^oA, trincha, s. a district
), trian, s. a third part Cp^ocAt), triochad, a. thirty
tpj*n, tr/oe, s. a district CpocAt>At>, triochadadh, a. thirtieth
pjanac, trianach, three by three, of the third part, CpfaopA, triodsa, prep, through thee
thirdly CpiopogAji, triofhoghar, s. m. a triphthong
|4, trianlarran, see ppeAng bog* Tpjoll, /Wo//, s. a plot, stratagem
pjAntAn, triantan, s. a triangle, three cornered Cp^olUn, triollachan, s. m. a schemer
bread CplolUcn, triollachan, s. m. grey plover
], /r/V, three, three persons or things CpiolontA, triolonta, a. trifling
Cp]ipa, triarach, thirdly CpjomAn, trioman, great toad-stool
rpjac, s. m. a kjng, a lord CppmrA, triomsa, prep, through me
Upjat, t'iath, s. m. a hog, sow Cp^op, Trionnoid, s. f. the Trinity, Godhead
Cpjat, trtath, s. m. a wave, the sea , triopas, s. tripes
cpjar, triat/i, s. m. a hill, hillock Cpiopoll. triopoll, s. m. a bunch, cluster
Cpjaf, triath,a. noble, valuable CpjopollA, triopollach, a, decent, trim
FpjAt, trtath, a. weak, feeble pjopaj, triorainn, a. tripartite
CpjafcA, trathach, a. lordly, triumphant TpjopAn, trio:an, s. girding up of clothes
Cpjaf.AC, triathac/i, s. m. atrophy }05 /r;M, s. grains
Cp Dj, <' /iiM, adv. perpetually, eternally Cp]opn, triosgan, s. m. household stuff
Cpjc frif, a. urgent ppArru, triaramhach, s. m. a trireme
tp-jc, *j a. frequent, often CprjolUp, trisiollaidh, s. a trisyllable
Tpje, (ri'f, a. small 1']4^> trishliosnach, a. trilateral
pjc, /// < a ouiek nimble, dextrous ji^fpumATi, trishrumhan, s. a kind of triangular
Cjijcc, tnee, ) 1 frame on which bread is placed to bake before the
Cli|ce*T>, tricead, s. frequency fire ; the bread so baked
CpceAprtA, tricheamach, a. triangular Cpipr, trist, s. f. a curse
C^copc, trichosach, a. trepedal pirr> trist, a. sad, melancholy, tired
PIT, fri, prep, through, by, through him. John I. 7 | pAOAB, trith/hadadh, s. tinder
] attm, t\id amach, utterly, wholly, altogether cpjubAp, iriubhas, s. m. trowsers, pantaloons
Cpfa a e|le, (rid a chale, promiscuously, through CpjuA, triucha, s. a cantred, district
one-another, belter skelter rpjuca, triucha, s. small tripe
cpoeansA, trideangach, a. triennial rpju, tiiugh, s. the hooping cough
rpjous, trideug, a. thirteen ~]t]ujA, triugha, a. third
prone, tridne, prep, by us, through us rpjujne, triuine, s. poverty
, tridsa, prep, by thee, through thee Cpjujp. triuir, three; three persone or things
pjopAn. tridsan, prep, by, through him pjun, <Wk4, s. a poor person
CpjofojHre, tridshoillse, s. transparency, diapha Cpiun, triun, a. poor
neity 1 5 Z tpjup,

Cpiur, trius, 7 1 Cpojmcjll, troimchill, s. a sanctuary

Z Kufin, trisan, \ s- m- trowsers> Pantaloons Cpojme, Troimdhe, s. a household God, tutelary
, roc//, s. ra. a short life God
pcAip, trocair, ) f tpojme, troime, a. more heavy
tpc.jpe, ^';}8-' Cpoime, troime, ~\ , . , .
), trocaireach, a. merciful, troimeachd, I heaviness, weight, irk-
pcAjpeAo, trocaireachd, s. f. benignity Cpojme, troimead, J mene
, trocardha, a. merciful pojmriieArA, troimmheasach, a. abounding in fruits.
Dpocb, trochladh, s. a loosening Demi. 454
, trochladh, a. tainted, rotten CpojrgeAC, troisgeach, a. severe, rigid, given to
Cpolugae, trochlughadh, s. profaning fasting
poo, f/W, s. m. a starling 6**1 troisgcadh, s. a fast, fasting
poo, frorf, s. scolding, strife rpojrgjm, troisgim, v. I fast
pot), trod, s. an elephant tpojrte, troiste, s. a three-footed stool, a tripod
, trodach, a. quarrelsome, riotous ), trcitearachd, s. f. treason, treachery
CpooAjn, trodhain, s. a raven, a bittern, a bird of CpojiljoeAo, troithlidheachd,s. f. langour, languish-
prey ment
Cpoc4)pe, trodaire, s. f. a scold, caviller, fighter tpojtljjjm, troithlighim, v. I pine, languish
}!, trodamhuil, a. serious, scolding Z poll, troll, s. m. corruption
Cpoon, ttodan, s. m. a quarrel, a strarling Cpollajjte, trollaighthe, a. corrupted
, trodanach, a. quarrelsome, riotous Cpom, troni, s. m. protection
CpoeA, trocdha, s. abating, subduing. 7V. Cer. Z pom, /rowi, s. m. blame, rebuke
<Cpo, ffl, s. sun-rise , trom, la. weighty, heavy, grave, serious,
Cpoj, troghts. children , troma, $ sad; Welsh, trwm
^, trogha, a. miserable, unhappy CpomAgA, tromaghadh, s. making heavy
pOjn> troghain, s. sun-rising rpomAjpn, tromaighim, \ v. I aggravate, load, bur-
^, Trogan, s. the month of August tpomAjm, tromaim, J den, make heavy
, troghan, s. m. a raven, a bittern. , troman, s. m. a great weight
15 b; bp)*tp ]nm; TJpomin, troman, s, m. dwarf elder, bore-tree
bujo bpjreA, jr rep* op *] ; Cpomn, troman, s. m. the back-band of the plough
bon jr crhAjnm ja ; traces
^5* rpogAn op bpamjA." For. foc. pomp*c, tromarach, s. m. a client
CpofcbA)!, trogbhail, s. f. a dispute, wrangle ^, trombhanoglach, s. a female client
0, troghnadh, s. a rail, corn-crake pombo, trombhod, s. vervain mallow
rpogAd, troghthach, s. m. a foot soldier CpoFnbu)e*, trombhuiiheann, s. a tribe, clan of
)4, troiath, s. a helmet vassals
poj, troich, s. a dwarf, a coward, a bad or ill-dis CpomcArAjp, tromchasair, s. a great shower
posed person pomluAjreA, tromchluaiseach, a. hard of hearing,
EpojceArhujl,, a. dwarfish dull
Z pojo, troid, s. f. a fight, quarrel, battle rpomcooAl, tromchodal, s. heavy or deep steep
Cpojo, troid, a. swift, quick, sudden. Cor. , tromchraidheach, a. heavy-hearted,
poj, troidh, s. afoot; Welsh, troed pensive
Cpojo-, troid-each, s. a war-horse tpomujreA, tro ehuis each, a. important
, troideadh, s. fighting, quarrelling r pomumAl, tromchumhal, s. a woman slave
Cpopjm, troidim, v. 1 strive, scold, contend, wran , tromdha, a. weighty, heavy, grave, serious
gle, quarrel f ponvAT;, tromdhachty'X s. heaviness, seriousness,
poj5> troigh, s. a foot ; Heb. darach, to walk , tromdhas, J gravity
Cpo)5, troigh, a. short-lived rpomAjm, tromdhaimh, s. an invasion, disaster
Epoj^e, troighe, s. sorrow, grief cpomoAjm, tromdhaimh, s. flowing in of great wealth
rpo}5J*, troighiath, s. a helmet; see coop* porn} pre, tromdhaoirse, s. severe bondage, sla
Cpoj^n, troighin, s. f. a brogue, slipper, a stocking very
without a sole tpomjtp, trominntin, s. dejection, atrabilarious-
)5-1*, troigh-leathan, a. broad-footed ness
Tpojte, troighthe, steps, tracks ; Heb. darce CpomjmrjneAC, trominntineach, a. dejected, melan
tpojbtea, voightheach, s. . a footman, a foot sol choly
dier 1 Cpomhvye, tromluidhe, s. the night-mare
"15*1) troighthin, s. f. dizziness rpomluj-ojm, tromluidhim, v. I overlay
t poftjr, troighthin, s. f. ; also a stocking with Cpomm, tromm, s. the elder or bore-tree ; Sambucus
out a foot rpomrnAtAjp, trommhathair, s. f. a matron

CjomgU, iromoglach, s. m. a client, a servant CjfUAgAjn, truaghain, a. miserable, wretched

Cpomp, tromp, s. m. a trump or Jew's harp ft ArilujI, truaghamhuil, a. pitiful, miserable
CpompA, trompa, 7 trumDet ^, truaghan, s. m. a poor wretched creature
tpomPA]T>, rem^/,J s- a tmmPet CguA^AntA, truaghanta, a. lamentable; Wtlsh, truan,
], trompaireachd, s. f. playing on a trump miserable
or trumpet ^), truaghantachd, s. f. poverty
^, truaghas, s. m. leanness; compassion
cpompojp, '^* tromroir, ) . a trumpeter ]tUA)ge, truaighe, s. favour, pity
Cpomrj, tromsi, s. heaviness puAjge, truaighe, s. misery, infelicity, woe ; Welsh,
Cjomfun, tromshuan, s. a heavy sleep, lethargy trueni
Cpom-cpjc, trom-thric, pell-mell ]tuA)5leAiiA, truaighleanach, s. m. a miser
CpomupA, tromthuradh, s. a great draught CpiiAjgleAncA, truaighleanta, a. miserable
CpomfcuppA, tromthurrad, s. a tribe of vassals ^, truaighleantaehd, s. f. niggardli
TSpopA, tropadh, a. heavy, weighty, grave ness
fiopjj, trcpeir, s. m. a trooper CjiUAljrhjl, truatghmheil, s f. compassion, pity, mi
, troraid, s. f. a spire, steeple, belfry sery
, troscadh, s. restraint. Tieg. Cor. "s a. clement, com-
Cpop>*rhu]l, trosdamhuil, a. serious, faithful pu4}grh]leAc, truaighmheileach, I passionate ; mi-
Cporon, trosdan, s. m. a pace, foot CpuAjgrhjijoc, truatghmheilioch, t serable,deplor-
Cporoin, trosdan, s. m. a crutch, pilgrim's staff with ) able
a cross on the top ; Welsh, trostan, a pole UpuAjll, tmaill, s. a body, carcase ; corruption
pops, trosg, s. a cod-fish zlZ)t^taileach, } s- a ^eath, scabbard
CporgAt), trosgadh, s. a fast, fasting
^, trosgan, s. goods, chatties )11, trmieacht, s. f. baseness
poplo, troslog, s. f. a hop, limp puAjlleft, truailleadh, s. a slur, stain, staining, in
porlgdc, troshgack, a. limping, hobbling jury
pornn, tresnan, s. m. a crutch ; Welsh, trostan a- ]tuA]UeAAti, truailleaghadh, s. profanation, pollut
pole ing, adulterating, defloration
Cport, trost, s. m. a sturdy little fellow, a dwarf ]11, tmailleanach, s. m. a niggard, misers
?0^' '?*\ 1 s. a crack, a noise wretch
, trosti, S )11, truaillidh, a. miserable, wretched, meagre,
, trostach, \ a. sturdy, crabbed, dwarf- illiberal, paltry, polluted, ignoble, base
Cporrrbu)l, trostamb, ) ish, noisy , truailLdheach, a. corruptible, spurious
tporcArhU, trostatnhlach, a. serious jll)Deact), ti uaiUidhea^hd, s. f. corruption, mean
Z, popcArhUco, trostamhlathd, s. f. seriousness ness, wretchedness, niggardliness, baseness
rjtorrih, trostan, s. m. a crutch, prop, support* a- ]11)5), truailiighim, \ v. I pollute, profane, de<-
pilgrim's staff Cpuajlljm, truaiUim, j file, adulterate ; I sheath
pot, <rtA, s. f. a taint CpuA)ll]5e, truaillighthe, a. mortified, corrupted
, trothach, a; tainted, rotten , truaillin, s. f. a despicable niggard
r.potajlre, trothailte, \ a. spent, decayed, wast- ]11), truailliochar, s. obscenity
CpofclAjgfre, trothlaighthe, y ed, consumed, tainted puAilljugA, truailliughadh, s. corrupting, defiling
potA]iceAct>, trothailteachdyS. f. langour, languish- puA)lneA, truailncadhi a. corrupted, polluted, rot
ment ted, injured
H potl^AT), trothlughadh, s candying , iruas, s. m. pity, compassion, condolence
TTpoiluj^fce,. trothlwghthe, a. candied, rotten, con- (" a, trucha, s. a short life
. sumed CpuBAjpe, trudaire, s. m. a stammerer
pu, tru, s. m. the face visage Cput>A]f, trudhais, s. a trouse
73 pu, , s. m. a fall Cpuoin, trudan, s. m. a file for papers
tpu, a. lean, thin, meagre, gaunt , trudanach, s. m. a wrangler
rpuACAiita, truacanta, a compassionate, merciful, Zmx>i truid, Uf.astarling, stare
pitiful rpujceo^, trmdeog, )
, truacantachd, s. f. "1 mercifulness, pi- Cpujll, /;7/, s. a kind of vessel
, truacantas, s. m. J ty, compassion pujlljr, truilltsrv. you swell ; . e. mAOA]5jf
, truadhy s. m. a poor miserable creature Cpujme, tmime, a. heavier
cj*uAt>, truadh, a. lean, piteous, disastrous, misera pujme, truime, Vs. heaviness, gravity,
ble |>, truimead, pondcrousness, weigh-
>, truadhas, s. m. leanness, misery pujmjeAx), truimidhcachd, J tiness, sedateness
<C)mA, uuagh, s. pity, woe, wretchedness CpujmpleAr-g, truimpJeasg, s. fuluiination, explosion
^, truagh, a. lean, poor, meagre, dismal Cpuppe, truinse, s. a trench.
1 TUA 21 TUA

i pujnpjp, truinseir, s. f. a trencher, salver 4]1, tuaicheal, s. dizziness

*"PuJnrJ5)mi truinsighim, v. I enclose, intrench CuAicpl, tuaichiol, )
pnjp, to tear ; a suit of' clothes. SA. CuAjle, tuaichle, J * WIt cunning, prudence
( fujppajjo, truisbkraghaid, s. a neck-lace CuAjle, tuaichle, s. augury, enchantment
Cpujc, mrtA, s. f. the foot, track, trace CuAjle, tuaichle, a. unlucky
pull, trull, s. m. a bead Cu4jcle4, tuaichleach, s. m. an augur, enchanter
C|tump4, tiumpa, s. a trump ; a trumpet Cuaj, tuaidh, s. the left hand
CpumpAojp, trumpadoir,] Cu Al, tuaidh, ) . .
, trumpaidhe, > s. m. a trumpeter Cuaj, /^ fa. north, northern
C]tump>]p, trumpoir, J Cu4jjre4p, tuaidhfhear, s. m. a boor, bungler
<_pup, trus, s. m. a girdle, a girt CuAjjreApAo, tuaidkfhtardhachd, s. f. boorishness,
C|ur*, irusac'n, s. m. a sheaf. ift&A, trwsa, a bungling
bundle CuAjIeAx, tuaileacht, s. the twilight
, trusach, a. that gathereth CuAjleAp, tuaileas, s. reproach, calumny
C|ur*e, trusadh, Is. gathering, girding, trus- ]1, tuaileasach, a. reproachful, calumnious
rpuralu, trusaladh,) sing up CuAjleApAjm, tuaileasaim, v. 1 reproach, accuse
, trusaim, v. I truss, gather, gird CuA]le4r5, tuaileasog, s. f. a scold, an ill-tongued
Cpupijte, trusalte, 1 s. a ward -robe, a place for woman
Cpuppop, trusroi,\ Jumber Cu4)ljm, tuailim, v. I am able
pure, see tpopj , tuailte, s. a towel
, trusean, s. m. a mail's private parts Cu4)m, tuaim, s. a village, home-stall, fortified town
, trusean, s. m. a suit of clothes, lumber, Cu4]m, tuaim, s. a dyke, fence, fort, hedge
furniture CuAjm, tuaim, s. a grave, a tomb
, trusean, s. a smelt or sparling Cu4jpli4)p, tuaiphair, s. a boor, clown, an awkard
, (rusdail, s. a girding, tucking up feliow. Sc.
1), trusdalaim, v. I gird, truss up Cu4jphAjpeACo, tua:phaireachd, s. bungling. Sc.
, trusdar, s. m. dirt, filth, dust CuAjp, luair, chief
, trusdar, s. m. a clown, a boor )'), tuairgin, s. f. a hatchell, a washing staff
, trusdamach, s. m. a stammerer Allane,, tuairgne,
^uj1&.i )> s. m. a genera ,.istmio
, trusdromach, s. . a busy body, an in CuAjpjneAC, tuairgnecch,)
truder CiiAjpjm, tuairim,s. a guess, conjecture, opinion,
,5, trusgan, s. goods, chattels, furniture hint, drift; iuAjpjm, as it were ; riiAjpjm,
^, trusgar, s. oarweed towards ; tUAjpjm 00 pUjnte ; tuAjpjm
Cpuplg, truslog, s.f. a jump; prop, cuplg n# plejoe
- put, truth, s. m. a sloven, a beast Cu4]pim, tuairim, v. I go round, encompass, draw
CpuAjm, vuthaim, v. I separate, ^ever, sunder, de a circle. Heb. taar
compound Cu4jpjm, tuairim, towards
rputreap, truthdar, s. m. a beastly person Cu4jpmjm, tuairimim, v. I conjecture, guess
-, tiutrach, chattering Cu4]P)p5, tuairisg, s. f. an account, detaU; notifi
Cu, tu, pron. you, thou cation
, lua, s. silence Cu4)pjp5, tuairisg, s.f. a symbol, character
CuaC4j1, tuactwil, a. prudent, cunning ; active Cu4)pmeACAt, tuairmeachadh, s. gue.-^ing
Zu&t)o\\,tuachiolt, s. winding, eddying, moving round ru4jpn]p, tuairntir, s. m. a turner
pgainst the sun, left about CuAjpn^n, tuairnin, s. f. a mallet, hammer
Cuac]oI14, tuachiollach, a. vortical, vermicular }-Uajpe]T>, tuaiseid, s. a quarrel, wrangle
Cu4, tuadh, s. a hatchet, axe uftjpce4pr, tiuiisceart, s. the north
Cu4, tuadh, s. fame, renown ):, luaisceartach, a. northern ; unhandy,
Cua, tuadh, see rude
, tuadhana, s, fleams CuAipoeAc, tuaisdeach, a. slovenly, unseemly
Cha-co^ajc, iuadh-chogaidh, s. a battle-axe 4) tuaith, s.f. a territory, tract of land
0-1, tuadh-fhola, s. fleams CuAji.i tuaith, s. a lordship
CuAt.cvjle, iuadhmhaoih, s. fair bushy hair CuAjr, tuaith, nortl northern
Cu4t)-%hurha]n, tuadh-Mhumhain, Thomond, North Cu4if e, iuaithe, J
Munster Cu)f,ie*lli tucithcheall, s. skill, sagacity, prudence,
1145, tuagh, s. m. an axe ingenuity, craft, cunning
CU45, tuagh, s. m. dominion ' Opot) 54 , 54c tsopA ;
Cu44, tuagha, s. hooks, crooks, hinges ; gA 1 'pgA pop ;
CiiAgpo, tuaghrod, s. a way, a road ^uAiceAll liAjnm wo gljOCAp,
Cuaj, tuai, a. bad, naughty, evil, ill Jr eAruAjceell Ajnil'OCAp. For.foc.

CuAjtcle4r, tuaithchkas, s. a rustic trick, rustic cun Cuaa, tuathach, a. rural, boorish
ning U44C, tuathach, s. m. a lord, sovereign
Cu4jte, tuaitheach, \) a> rural. ", tuathach, s. m. a north country person
Cu4t4T>, tuathachd, s. a lordship, sovereignty
Ctt4jce4c, tuaitheach, s. m. a rustic, a countryman Z f re >44, tuatha de danann, the fourth colony
tujte*m!*co, tuaitheamhlachd, s. f. clownishness, that settled in Ireland
severity U4C4 pjogA, tuatka fiodhgha, the name of some
Cu4jceriiu]l, tuaitheamhui/, a. clownish, boorish, se Britons who used poisoned darts in Ireland. JKeat.
vere ad ji. M. 2737
Cu4l4jn5) tualamg, \/* able' caPable
,j Tu4C4l, tuathal, s. m. a man's name
15, tuaang,
CuaaI, tuathal, s. in. the left hand
1)5, tuJaing, s. f. patience Cu4t4l, tuathal, ) a. aukward, ungainly clown-
CuaUjngjm, ntalaingim, v. I endure, bear patiently Zu*U\Ut,thuathaach,\ rJf,c' '^-handed,
r.iuicA ]nr, tuakhcint, s. f. jargon ) un dexterous
Cii4lt4o, tualthaclul, s. f*. possibility, capability CuAtalln, tuathallan, s. an aukward ungainly person
Cuatti, /. w, see cu*jm Cu4C4rhl4x>, tuathamhlachd, s. f. rusticity, lordliness
t- i tuama,
, i . )i s- a tomo,, a rave U44iu|I, tuathamhuil, a. rude, rustic, clownish,
*, tuamaitn, a. fierce, morose Cii44n*, tuathanach, s. m. a countryman, farmer,
Cuamofi, tuamonn, s. destruction rustic
Cu4phoI, tuaphol, a. whirlpool Cu44nt4, titathanta, a. clownish, indecent
Cuaji, /, s. m. a house Cu4r4jnt, tuathchamt, s. gibberish
Cu4|, /, s. m. an omen, presage, foreboding, CuAtcuj|*o, tuathchuird, s. sorcery ; country labour
fore-runner CuAcIong, tuathlong, s. a country house
Cup, tuar, s. m. a bleach-yard. 7. tahar to Cu4ljor, tuathlios, s. calumny, aspersion
clean, tuhar, cleansed CuBa, tubha, s. thatch
Cuaji, tuar, s. m. advantage, benefit, good. S. A. 15 Cuda, tubha, s. a shew, appearance
Cuafu, tuara, s. satisfaction Cuda, tubha, s. opposition ; " Hjop b' 0])1er t>'<ort
Cuajia, are, s. growth, life mo uda."
4)4, Uaraipeach, a. quarrelsome, conten CubAOojp, tubhadoir, s. m. a thatcher
tious CuB4jle4, tubhaikadh, )
Zi\*y*)m,tuaraim, v. I bode, portend; guess, bleach CubAjlr, tubhailt, )
Cuat4mu)l, tuaramhui!, a. hardy, stout, firm ChuoAjpt, thubhairt, said. 5c.
Cu4ft4fo*l, tuarasdal, s. hire, wages, fee, reward, , tubaiste, ) s. m. mifortune, adversity, mis-
stipend Cubulfte, tubuiste, ) chance, accident, casualty
Cii4]i4|-04l4jj|m, tuarasdalalghim, v. I hire CubAjrreA, tubaisteuch, a. unlucky, unfortunate
Cu4fc4im, tuarcaim, v. I knock, smite Cub, 0, s. m. the face, phiz, countenance
CiiAjiejp, tuarcip, s. f. confusion, a foul house Cubg, tubog, s. f. a tub
U4P5, tuarg, s. m. a beetle, a maul Cue, tue, s. . a bone
u4f54b, tuargab'i, was taken Cuca, /, s. a tuck, rapier
Cu4|<54jn, tuarguin, s. beating, chastisement Cucat>, tucadh, s. fulling, tucking
Cu4J54n, tua'gan, s. m. discontent Cucc4]t), uucaid, s. a cause, reason, occasion
Cu4]5n4-C4fc4, tuargnach-catha, a chief commander, Cuc4i4]m, tucalaim, v. I tuck, full, mill
generalissimo Cuclupe, tucaluidhe, s. m. a fuller
CiujignAib, tuargnadh, s. sedition Cun, tuchan, s. m. hoarseness
3STX~h > " " Cucn4C, tuchanach, a. hoarse
, tucharaim, \ v. j r'ui,
Cu4iuf6B4]l, tuarusgbhail, s. a report, character Cu4}r4im, tucharsaim,}
Cu*r, ^* above, before; see ru4y CuU, tuchljch, a. powerful
Cuaj-ajc, tuasaid, s. f. tumult, bustle, broil, quarrel Cuc)t4, /era, s. meat, food, victuals
/, tuasaldeach, a. tumultuous, contentious , tuchra, s. a pore
Cu*rse4tr, tuasgeart, s. the north Cuc, tucht, s. f. a form, shape, appearance
Cu4fge*]tc, tuasgeart, a. northern Cut, tucht, s. f. time, season ; *n t]tt, when
U4T-1454, tuaslaghadh, s. a releasing, dissolving Cut4]5jm, tuchtaighim, v. I choose, I appoint
Cu4t, tuath, s- m. the north CuAjlle, tudhaiUe, s. a towel
CuAt, <, s. m. a lordship, a country ; a lord Cut>4tril4C, tudhamJachd, s. carriage, behaviour
Cu**, tuath, s. m. the laity, the people Cuoin, tudan, s. m. a small heap, as a cock of hay
Cu*, tuath, a. lay, of the country ; northern, north >44, tudanachd, s. f. making small heaps
Cat*, tuata, s. a layman, a plebeian Cut>c44), tudhekadar, v. they came
6 ,

Cujllim, tuillim, v. I sleep

tujlljm, tuillim, X. I augment, increase, enlarge
rujlljm, tuillim, v. I deserve, earn, merit
rupog, tufog, s. f. a foist, stench
tu5> '"f^, s. confidence Cujlljn, tuillin, s. f. desert, merit
Cw5 gave, brouglit tujllrjm, tuillsim, v. I sleep
r,u5*> tuglia, s. straw; prop, tujge rujllte, tuillte, floods
tujllre, tuillte, part, increased
7"5), tugadh, s. giving, bringing
Cujllte, tuillthc, part, earned, deserved
rugavo, tugaid,
Zt>W{, tugaidleas, )\ s" cause' reaSOn EujUteac, tuillteach, a. floody
rugajm, tugaim, v. I give, bestow Cujlm, tuilm, s. elm, oak tree. Sh.
(Cu5ftjm, tugaim, v. I thatch, confide, trust U)lm, tuilm, s. f. the female organ of generation ;
I. <r. an ball bajneno." Cor.
Tugc, s. time. Sh.
Cunft}m, iughnaim, v. I apply, adjoin ; punish ^-u]lrne, tuilmhe, s. a reward
Tugta, tugtha, a. given, inclined -ujlrheac, tuilmheack, a. meritorious
Tujre, tughte, a. thatched u-)lteac, tuilteach, s. m. a flood
Z -\, tuibhe, s. straw, thatch U]Icea6, tuilteach, a. condign
tujcp, see ru-jspe )"1!" tuimin, s. f. a crest
Tuple, tuidhle, a. pleasant, delightful Cu]mPe' tuimpe, s. a hump
, tuidhme, s. a confederacy, conjunction U)neaa, tuincachadh, s. dwelling, residing. Sc.
, tuidhmheach, s. m. a yoke-feilow 115' tuineisg, s. f. sense, understanding
7*ujt>meac, tuidhmkeach, a. bound, yoked, coupled CuT15e ft^'j s. an oath
Tujrhjm, tuidhm/iim, v. I join, yoke ^ujn|e, tuimdhe, a. immovable
Tujje, tuighe, s. straw, thatch Cul" '"', inflexion of refi
CujeAojji, tuighcadoir, s. m. a thatcher Cu), , s. f. the surface of a thing; tuj talrurn;
Cujjean, tuighcan, ) s. m. a robe, professor's see jonarhujl
ujneft, tughneach,) gown tujea, tuinneadh, 7 ,
Cu)gjm, tuigitn, v. I understand, discern, perceive ^uincam, tuinncamh, J '
Cujgjm, tuighim, v. I thatch "nleacar, tuinneachast s. m. sojourning
Cujspe, tuigse, s. understanding, knowledge, skill, r u)|e, tuinnidhe, s. a den
genius, discernment, capacity, sense, intellect tu]jt>e, tuinnidhe, s. possession ; possessors
. , , "la. knowing, skilied, in- rinisim,
V > tuinmghim,
& ' 1V v. IT dwell,
, soiourn
r'Br. '/T ^ I telligent, sagacious, )), txunnim, ) J
Cu,5re*na, twgseanach, >|> ^ Cujrjorh, tuivnsicmh, s. a sound, noise ; see quot.
^15> tuiP'"> see rujgre at jompojtcpa
Tu>5f)on<ic, tuigsiomch, s. m. a knowing person rujp, tui>, plur. and gen. sing, of top
Cuj, </, s. sleep, rest c"ujjs tuir, s. a, lord, sovereign, general
73ii]!Djm, tulhheim, s. f. a torrent ruj], tuir, s. a pillar, post, a request
]1, tuilcJieanach, s. a handsel .), tuitbheach, a. shame-faced, bashful
ujljmnjujftt), tuicheitnniughadh, s. progress, pro Eujjif.afa, tuirchatha, s. a general
'Cujjtjm, tuirchetm, s. f. an exalted or command
Tujle, tuile, s. a flood, deluge, rain ing degree
cnjle, tuile, s. more, amending, addition ru)|icjm]5]m, tuirtfrimighim, v. I make sorry, grieve,
T"ujl*t>, tuikadach, s. m. an apron trouble
TTujIearmrm, tuileamhuin, wages, hire ; suffering ru)p)f rj*t>.jn, tuirchis fiadhain, water crow-foot
]1 , Tuile ruadh, Noah's flood rujjicpejc, tuirclireich, s. a reward
cujie talrhujri, tuile talmhuin, bulbous crowfoot, gold Cujpe, fMr, a. good ; " e. nwjt."
cup, butter flower, butter cup ; Ranunculus buU ~u)leat), tuireadk, &. a request
*, tuireadh, \ s. a dirge, an elegy, lamen-
bosus Cujlieani, tuircamh,) tation, crying, weeping
("ujlg, tuilg, s. f. a hillock
"u)l)m, tuihghnm, v. I overflow, increase- Cuyearri, tuheamh, s. a victory ; virtue
rujljop, mitiop, s. a tulip Cujpeat, tuireann, s. a troop, multitude
"ill, ft/f, gen. and plur. of coll, a hole Cujean, tuireann, s. m. wheat
cujlle, tuille, s. an addition, remnant fuetean, tuireann, s. m- a spark of fire, a spark as
from an anvil, or a flash of lightning
Uu]lle, jmore, additional CujpeorB, turreosg, see cujpjor
tu jilear, tutileadh,} '
tujllearh, tuilleamh, s. wages, hire tufltgeri. tuirghen, s. m. a king, a lord
Zu)\\ernr\itttuiUcamhnach,s.m. ahireling, a labourer tullan, tuirgin, s. f. a flood
cujlle ejle, tuille eile, prep, besides C]l*fen {''> s' '' a 'ow b1"03^ lump of a person
Tujlle pop, tuille fos, |s. moreover. I Chi on. C)})^n, tuirgin, s. f. a wash-staff, a beetle
tu)lle*rh fr, tuilleamh Jos,) 25, \


ru)i3, tuiridh, s. a pillar, column, support )1, tuislidhe, s. origin, beginning

Eu)]|, tuiridh, s. a request ^jrbl tuislighim, v. I bring forth, deliver
,\$), tuiridh, see tu]jtea ^"Jr'l"1 tuislighim, v. I stumble, fall, fail
UJ1*J5)> tuirighim, v. I reign Cujrljjie, tuislighthe, a. fallen, stumbled
^)1*]51> tuirighin, s. a tongue, a prince, a judge Cjpljjte, tuislghihe, part, delivered
Cujpijm, tuirighin, s. a conquest Cjpmean, tuismeachan, s. m. a midwife
Cu)PJ5Jn> tuirighin, s. a tower, pillar, support, de Cjpme*, tuismeadh, Y' deHvery'
fence /" tumncaghadh,^
Cu,pme54T>, , ' , > travel, bringing
fortn youngg
" CuJJ]5)n P)5 54I,
^u)l*)5Jn bUirrup, Cjpmjjjpn, tuismighim, v. I bear or bring forth
^u)l45)n eujj pujlngeaj* rat, ]rmj5ce-}onA'o, tuismighthe-ionad, s. a birth place
uWJ5Jn 5*]0 cuj)ime." .for. foe. Cujpmjjceojp, tuismightheoir, s. m. a parent
Cujpjm, tuirim, s. f. a rehearsal, recital; " %m)l Cujptenrha, tuisteamhach, a. frail, ruinous, ready
por cu]pjm %oelmu]tu Otn* pnbpolU t>ujne to fall
ICbjire." Lec. 17, 4 T"u]pcjun, tuistiun, s. a groat
Cujppn, tuirim, v. I bewail, lament ujt, tuit, s. the flat of any thing
^ulM, tuirinn, gen. of tujpea Cuj;, tuith, s. a side
Cuijijoj-g, tuiriosg, s. a saw Cujtjm, tuitim, 9. f. a fall, death, chance; "bp
Cu)j)rc-r*jt>e, tuirisc-taidhe, conviction of theft rujcjm 3jjrc nrjc Guj at*c." Inis.f. 250
Cujplum, tuirleum, s. a leap ujrjm, tuitim, v. I fall
Cujpltn, tuirlin, \ j , .. UujqomA, tuitiomach, a. that falleth, accidental, ca
CuJlJng, iu/r/^,}s-adescent' fal1 sual, contingent, fallible, errable
Cujjtlmgjm, tuirlingimr v. I descend, dismount ])*6; tuiliomachd, s. f. contingence
ruiltljngfce, tuirlingthe, part, dismounted, alighted ]}, tuitiomas, s. the falling sic kness, chance
Cujpijrceojj, tuir/isteoir, s. m. a manger Cujtjomt*, tuitiomtha, part, lapsed, fallen
Cu]frhe*, tuirmheach, a. modest, bashful tul) //, s. the front, countenance, face.
Cu|jirhe4o, tuirmhtachd, s. f. modesty, shamefaced- Cu!, tul, s. a beginning, entrance
ness Cul, ml, s. a manner, fashion
Cu]fimet>, tirmheadh, s. reckoning Cul, tul, s. a relique ; a flood
Cujjirhjm, tuirmhim, v. I reckon Cul, fui, s. more
Cu)Pfo, tuirse, s. weariness, sadness, fatigue, grief Cul, tul, a. quick, soon, sudden
CujjipeA, tuirseach, a. weary, tired, mournful, woful Cul, nil, a. naked
CujpDgpn, tuirsig.'iim, v. I weary, tire, fatigue Cul, tula, s. aheap
Cujpt, /HiVr, s. f. time, quantity, consideration Cuke, tuiach, s. m. a chief
Chujpc, thuiit, said. Sc. 1. //?, 1
u]jte*co, tuirtheachda, s. a rehearsal, relation Cuid, /fe/o/;, Ss. m. & f. ahill, hillock; HetHei
}1*, tuirtheamh, s. obsequies Tulo, tuloch,)*
tUffltfn, tuirlin, s. f. a small cake. O'Hic. TuUg, tulaga, s. a change of labourers
Cjp, s. incense, frankincense CulAgaim, tulagaim, v. rock, move
Cujr, s. a king, nobleman, a gentleman; 7 ft CuUgrtii, tulagan, s. m. rocking
<e ujr. o. Culje, tulaidhe, s. m. treasure
rjp, *> s. ajewel tulajgne, tulaigne, s. intention
rif,. w, s. a beginning, origin CuUm, tulamh, s. a hill, or blttock
Z]r, tuis, a. laminated, made thin Cln, tulan, s. m. a kettle.
<C|rb*nat>, tuisbeanadh, s. m. a front, a shew CulbAlIrjA, tulbhallsgadha,s. spots, frcckls-
Cjfoec, tuisdeach,.~[ s. m. a parent ; gen. rjpoj; CulbpejcneA,' tulhhreicneach, a. spotted, freckled
(jfoe-ft, tuisdeaih, J plur. ttrjrotije Tule, /c, s. m. a wave ; a jolt, a push
Cjrtrn, tuisdin, s. beginning;, origin, creation; 1, tulca, s. bands
u)a] troVjrrjn clmn." Eoch. O'Fiim* CuIa, tulcha, s. comparison, emulation.
). tuiseach, see ta>jre6 CulAOAn, tulchabhchan, s. an owl
C)re]t, tuisear, s. m. a censer
Cujnll, misil/, s. a tresspass, illegality
Cu)rle, tuislc, s. a slip, stumble Cul4)}e, tulchaire, s. m. an emulator
Tujrle, tuisle, s. the hinge of a door Culcn, tulchan, s. m. a gable, the end.of a ship .
cutrleA, tuisleadh, s. fortune, chance, adventure, building
event, occasion, emergency Tulcan, tuUhan, dim. of rube
rjrle<j tuisleadh, s. bringing forth j delivery Cullon, iulchlaon, a. declivious
]1, tuisleadh, \ s. a stumbling, failure, falter- Cull<onAe, tuhhtaonachd, \ ^ jpgjj,.^.
Cujrlrge, tuislighe, J ing ; decay, ruin, danger CulpomAo, tichromacM, ) "


Culcojp, lulchoir, a. obstinate TpATTiujI, turamhuil, a. sensible, ingenious

ulcrhpAjc, tulchomhraic, s. an assembly, congre , turas, s. m. a journey, expedition, voyage,
gation pilgrimage D
rulcujreac, tulchulseach, a. confident, bold CupApn, turasan, s. m. a pilgrim
T"ulrjie*, tuUrtbCk, s. m. a face, surface ^, turasgar, s. m. sea ore, seaweed
CuI^ac, tulgach, a. jolting, rocking, inconstant "upApjAp, turasgar, s. m. shell-fish
CuIja, fulgada, s. jolting, moving, breaking CupDAjt!, turbhaidh, s. mischance, misfortune
ulgAjpjm, lulghairim, v. I provoke, defy; call aloud Cupbjt, turbit, s. a turbot, rhomboid
CuljAjpm, tulghairm, s. a loud call Cupe, turc, see tope
rulgn, tulgan, see tulcn , Turcack, s. m. a Turk
^, tulganach, a. hilly, uneven Cupt-A, Turcach, 1 ,. ,
rulpUn, tulglan, s. a handsome hillock ,!, Turcamhu.l, ) a' Turk,sh
rulgUiAfict), tu/g/tluasechd, s. f. promotion CupCAjpne, turchairne, s. invention, a feigned story
11, tulla, s. a green or common , turchar, s. riches
CUII05, titling, s. f. the fish cailed pollock ]0, turcoireach, s. m. a jobber, dealer
Tulpajj-r, tulpaist, s. an avenue, a walk before a , turchomhiac, s. an assembly, congre
door gation
1>*, tulradharc, s. foresight CupgADAjl ppjne, turgabhail greine, s. course of the
~u\\ib*\tat,tu,'r(idliicacl), a. provident, foreseeing sun from its rising to its setting ; it is sometimes
CulpAt>d|tcA)m, tulradliaicaim, v. I foresee used to sign i fy sun rise, and other times to imply
r.ulrcin, tulscan, Ts. spreading, loosening, the setting of the sun
CulpcAjneA, tu/sca'meadh, j bursting upjjAOAlA, turghabhala, s. guilt, iniquity
Culpr<onco, tulttavttaihd, s. a declivity Cup0D*Uc, turbhalack, a. guilty
Tultp4t>, udtapaah, s. an accident Clips*]!}, (urgaitih, v. he took up
r.ulcrt)i*, tultiiadh, a. accidentally, by mere chance 5), iurgnaim, v. I collect, gather
Tv.m, tum, s. m. a bush, a tuft Cuplo, turloch, s. a brook
*, tumii, see tuAiriA Cuplo, tut loch, s. a place where water rests in winter,
r.uniitdn, tumachan, s. m. a dipper and dry in summer
, tumUdh, s. a dipping , tum, s. a job; an oven, furnace, kila
CumAjm, tuniaim, v. I dip Cupn, turna, s. a furnace
CumAjpe, tumairc, s. m. a dipper , turna, s. a spinning wheel
, tuma, s. a tomb, grave. Heb. dm, to be . urna, s. a.job of work
silent, to be in the grave, /. e, aplace of silence ,0, tu liad ',' s. an escape; rest
CumjAp, lumdhias, s. f. a bushy ear of corn 7"upn*t>i'>jp, turnados, s m. a turner
CnmtA, tumlha, a. dipped Cupn*)e, turna:dht,%. a minister, servant
CumAjpe, titmthaiie, s. rix a dipper, a diver 73), turnaim, v. I humble, descend, cease, rest
Cur^cAm, iunicam, v. to know. , turnamli, s. a descent, humiliation, lessen
, , s. a tun ing, abatement
>0)]1, tunnadoir, s. m. a funnel, tundish , turnamli, s. rest, quiet; escape
uAjT>e, tunnaide, a. immovable Cupn*rh, turnamli, s. torment
;, tunnog, s. f. a duck or drake ; a shirt; a vessel , turnaba, s. a turnip
, //', s. m. request, petition ; research Cpn'T), turnodh, s. m. an escape
|, r, s. m. a torf-er, a number upnjp, turnoir, s. m. a turner
, /, s. m. sense, genius T"up, turog, >. f. a conflict; a wench, a bold girl
Cup, fitr, s. m. a journey, a tour, a search TuppAjc, turraic, s. f. a push, thrust
, mr, s. m. heaviness, weariness, grief ,*1), turraicim, v. I pushover
Cuy i tur, . dry, bare, alone *, tursa, s. sadness, gloom, melancholy
T/,u|> 0 tal* '"re 'Mr> at^v- totally, altogether CppA, lursach, see tujppe*c
, mre, s. much, plenty, abundance CuppApp*)u, tursarrain, s. greater stitch-wort ; Stel
T.u\i*,tura, s. latitude, breadth of any thing laria holostea
, turachan, s. m. a big-bellied person ; a CuppAppAUjn, tursarrainin, s. lesser stitch-wortj
ranter, a beggar Stellaria gramnea
ru|AA])V]e, turachairiche, s. a dice-box. Sh. Cu]pcolb*r, turscolbadh, s. a splinter
, turad/i, s. dry weather; " /'. e. tuppuf, . TAippcolb*, turscolbadh, s. frequent skirmishes, a
tup CA.ripym ACAp put p)n ; tupA jn, i. e. p]n sharp skirmish
tjpym." Cor. Cuppe, turse, see tujppe
, turada, s. m. nodding; a heap Cuppb*lP, tursgair, s. f. equipage
, titrait, v. I invite. 2ff. Cor. Cupp5A)p, tursgair, giblets
CupAmn, turaman, s. m. shaking, nodding, moving Cupp5n, tursgan, s. implements
cus rus cue TUT

tupia, turtha, s. force, ravishment Cups*, Jifa, adv. rather, sooner than
uptn, turtan, s. m. a sod, tuft, a hillock in a bog Cur5* '*< a. former
tujitujj, turtuir, s. f. a turtle Turgo, s. incense
tupujpea, turuiieadh, s. way-faring Cupjmfceao, tusimtheachd, s. ante-ambulation.
Cujiur, lurus, see tujtap Cupg, tuslog, s. a leap or jump, hop
Cujtupa, turusach, s. m. a pilgrim, a traveller 105, tulogach, a. desultory, skipping
T"ujupan, turusan, see uplgaim, tuslogaim, v. I leap, hop, skip
^uiuipgup, turusgur, s. giblets ; equipage Cuplong, tuslong, s. wrestling
p kj, s. m. frankincense Cplon5, tusloHg, s. breakfast
Cr, fttf s. m. a beginning, commencement, found Cupiat>, tusmhadh, s. a bond-slave, a caitiff
ation upojtnac, tusomach, s. m. a parricide
Cup, tus, a. first Cupo]pnac, tusorrnach, s. m. a whisperer
tupa, tusa, pron. thou, thyself cue ! M / intcrj. tut !
pat>, tusadh, s. creation Cut, tut, s. m. stink, filth, a fart
tupaprt, tusatm, v. I begin, create txa, tutach, a. stinking, filthy
Cpajnm, tusainm, s. a patronimic name t4c, tutach, a. ungainly, aukward
"Ciij-amu]!, tusamhud, a. original CtA)5]l, tutaighil, s. dirt, filth ; aukwardness
, tuscairn, 1 ^ &b, ]e Crale, tuiaire, s. m. a dunghill ; a stinkard
(<1, tuscarnadhy J ' tufan, tuthan, s. a slut
), tuschornhrad, s. an exordium rt]}, tutotr, s. m. a tutor
po^n, tusdin, s. f. the beginning, creation rxojpeac, tutoircacht, s. f. tutorage
Up-eolajp, tus-eolais, s. f. introduction, precedent


U is now the seventeenth and last letter of the Irish Alphabet, which originally consisted but of sixteen letters, vid.
Remarks on the letter . This letter is called by Grammaiians Ur, which means the yew tree, otherwise written
bhur and iubhar. U is one of the three broad or grave vowels, and was used inditrently for or o, not only in
the Irish Language, but likewise in the Greek and Latin. Cassiodorus observes that the old Latins made nodill'er-
ence between and in their manner of writing or pronouncing, Volt being frequently used for Vult, colpa for
culpa, prastu for pnesto, poblicum for publicum, and hoc for hue; as in Virgil's JEneid, " Hoc tunc ig n ipotens celo
descendit ab alio." And for the Greek mut the Latins wrote nor, for Gr. mule Lat. mola ; also a for u, as Gr. culix
Lat. calix, Gr. mudao Lat. tnadeo; likewise for a, as for the Greek Hecabe the Latins wrote Hecuba, Gr. cala/nos
Lat. cubitus; and in the Latin we find the a in the word calco changed into u, in its compound conculo. The Irish
Alphabet has no a consonant, to which an aspirated b or bh is equivalent in power and pronunciation, as likewise in
the Greek, a single b it beta serves for v, thus, for the Hebrew word David, the Greeks write Dabid, as the Irish
do Dbhi, vid. Remarks on the letters b and /. In many of the ancient vellum MSS. a dotted or aspirated is
sometimes made to represent the M or v consonant. U is the initial or leading vowel of the three upthon^s ua, uai
and ui, called na tri huilleana, from uillean the honey-suckle tree, Lat. caprifolium. Scwppius and Carisius have
remarked that a syllable may be formed either by one vowel, or by two, or by three, as the word , &c.
but Suintitian will not allow three vowels can be united in one syllable, and Terentian joins him in the sam opi
nion : syllabam, say s he, non invenimus ex tribus. But a syllable of three vowels is very common, as w ell as easy
and natural in the Irish Language. The Hebrews have the dipththong ui, as in the word Galui, Lat. revelatum, &
as also a whole word consisting of only two vowels, as the Hebrew ai, which signifies an Island, Region or Country."
vid. Opitius's and B^uxtorf's Heb. Lexicons. I would be curious to know how the ingenious Monsieur Bergier, who*
allows no radicals but consonants, would make out the radical formation of this Hebrew ai, or of the Greek words
' the genitive, and uiea the accusative of huieus, filins, and of many other words of a like frame in other lau<'uages,
espescially in the Irish, wherein words consisting of vowels alone are very frequent. Nor is Monsieur Btrgier's
own language destitute of words of such a frame : the eau, water, is an obvious proof of it, amongst many others.
I should rather join in opinion with the learned and judicious author of the treatise on the mechanical formation of
languages, who reckons the vowels amongst the radical elements of all words. Their being commutable with
each other should not deprive them of that privilege, no more than the consonants, many of which are equally
interchangeable, and promiscuously used. Before we have done with the vowels it is fit to remark, that words
beginning with a vowel, being of the masculine gender and of the nominative case singular, must have the letter
T as a prefix, when preceded by an, as an t'anum, an t'uabhar, &c.
JJ* va, prep, from \lAj5neAr, uaigneas, s. secrecy, privacy, solitariness
U#, ua, s. ni. earth, clay ; see atjda UAjgnjoe, uaigmdhe, a. secret, private
Ua, , s. m. a district, principality ; see ,]] UAjjnjor, uaighnios, s. discord, disagreement
U*i tie, s. ni. a grandson, a male descendant, a tribe ; U131jli, uaighreir, s. f. arbitrary sway, full satis
gen. irj. This is sometimes written in Irish, faction
before proper names of men ; as, 1\aa11a)5 Ujll, uaill, s. f. wailing, lamentation, howling, cry-
, uab/ian, see iurh*
UaB*i, uabhar, s. m. pride, arrogance, pomp, vain UajII, uaill, s. f. vanity, pride, vain glory, brae-
glory flourish J ^
UDJo, uabfirach, . proud, haughty, arrogent UajII, uaill, a. famous, illustrious, renowned
Uaca, uacha, see uata UajlleAC, uaxlleach, a. vain, proud, boastful
Uaco, uachd, s. a will, testament; confession UAjlleAc, uailleudh, s. a howling, yelling, roarin"-
Ua6ca], uachdar, s. m. cream "UAjUpeApt, uaillfeart, s. a roar, yell 0
Uaoa}, uachdar, s. m. the top, summit, surface, up UAjIlpeAjiCA, uaillfeartach, a. of noble deeds
per part, superfice ; Welsh, uchder, height, alti UAjllpeAjirA, uaillfeartach, a. yelling, howling
tude UAjIlyeAjttAo, uaillfeartachd, s. f. lamentation,
Uaccaj, uachdar, s. m. mountain sanicle ; Sancula mourning
montana llA)ll])rn, uaillighim, v. I roar, howl
Uaiopae, uachdarath, a. upper, uppermost, super UA]llrhjAf, uadlmhiann, s. ambition
ficial UAjIlrhjaA, uadlmhiantiach, a. ambitious
Hit 44)5, uachdaraighe, a. uppermost, topmost, UajlfeAjtc, uailtheart, s. the howling of a dog or a
highest wolf
Uir>ftn, uachdaran, s. m. a governor, prefect, ru lb jm, uaim, s. weaver's harness
ler, commander, superior Ua)tti, uaim, from me
UAcodfinat), uachdaranachd, s. f. government, so , uaim, s. a sound, report; prop. juA"jm
vereignty, supremacy, superiority, empire UA]m, uaim, s. notes on the harp
"Uaid, uadh, a. alone, singular; ujrnijt uat> Uajhi, uaim,, s. union, concordance in verse
\1a, uad/'i, s. dread, fear; " t>o uaaj5 phjrx." Uaitti, uaimh, s. a den. cave, grave, grotto, hollow
Uaoa, Uada, a man's name, a master llAjrhjn, uaimhin, s. an oven
Uada, uadha, ) r , ;t UA)iti]n]e, uaimhiniche, s. a club. Sh.
i, .
, uadhasan, \) prep,
v 1 from him,' them, it UAirhneA, uahnhneach, a. dreadful, terrible, horrid
UA4]*rA, uadharsadh, s. eating UAjrmv)jm, uaxmhnighim, v. I terrify
, uad/iarsan, they ate ; ti'uAtiAjt, they did ), uain, s. f. a turn, leasure, time, delay, respite,
eat Gen. 24, 55 postponement, opportunity
TUBrto, uadhbkachd, ) f . l, ], uain, s. f. loan ; a pin, a peg
U4X)DAr, 'uadhbhas,
,,,, )> s. t. terror,' horror llAjne, vaine, s. safety ; a wooden pin
Uawdaj-ac, uadhbhasach, a. terrible Uajne, uaine, a. green, greenish, vert
"Ua, vagh, s. m. a dish UAjneACT), uaineachd, s. f. vacation
Ua, uagh, s. m. a den, cave, a grave UA)neAt>, uainead, s. greenness
A'gAtt, uaghan, s. m. a lamb LUpn, uainm, s. f. a lambkin
tUjDA, uaghbha, s. choice, election, option Xbfrvamn, \prep.fromus
UajB, uaibh, prep, from ye Ufline, uamne, J r
UA)b}ie4C, uaibhreach, a. proud, vain glorious, arro )|1, uainnearach, a. secret, retired
gant UAjeAjiAr. uainncaras, s. retirement
UAjbpeA-, uaibhreach, s. the proud- 1 Peter, 5, 5 Uajji, twir, sometimes written in old MSS. for 6}]*
Ux^t*, uaibhreachd rf 1lA)p, />, s. f. an hour, time ; Welsh, aur, )p iuj-
UrtiDlteAfcar-' uaibhreachas, haughtiness, jijo, sometimes, once, one time ; uajj y^yn, a
], uaibhreas, J arrogance5 certain time, sometimes ; } rpt, then at
\1a]CJ, uaichi, prep, from her that time ; a uaj], presently ; jp , uA-jp,
, uaidh, a. distant on the moment, extempore ; jottia uai|, often
lU]t), w \ prep, from him, it times
Uavoe, uaidhe,r t UAjpceAf, uaircheas, s. a cock-boat
lUjeA, uaidheadh, s. fulfilling, perfecting. )10, uaireachan, \ s. m. a time-keeper, clock,
Cor. U jpeAojl*, uaireadoir,) watch, horologe
UAjeA, uaidheadh, s. eating \lA)jeAt>o)]iApe, uairtadoiraidhc, s. m. a watch or
^-, uaidhesan, prep, from him clock-maker
UAjjm, uaidhim, v. I eat ; o'uaj^, he ate. Gen. 27, 25 U*]t.eAC, /^, ?aJl
Uaj, /, inflection of ua, a dish, a cave, &c. UAipeAmujl, uatreamhud,.$ J
U*]neAt uaigneachf a. lonesome, solitary, secret, UwjpgjjjArtA, uairghrianach, s. m. a sun-dial
hidden Uajpjomc,
U2lft UAM U21C VAT

Uajjmoca, uairiodhach, a. chilly U*rh, uamh, s. m. an ornament " 3( nuairh

Uajpln, mirlan, s. m. a sun-dial ujle t)'6}f." '
U)r> nais, a. noble, well-descended , uamhann, s. dread, terror ; Heb. aiuma, ter
Uajj-, liais, a. difficult; /'. . | no oojlj. f. rible
lUjpea, uaiseach, s. m. a hero UaruAC, uamhannach ~\ a. dreadful, terrible, abo-
Ihjrle, iiaisk, s. nobility, gentry
UrhAjitA, uamJiartha, ' > minable, detestable,
tkjrle, uais/e, s. generosity, bounty ' ) frightful
tUjrle, uaisle, compar. of uataI, noble }>, uamharthadtd, s. f. abomination
U*)p]e*o, uaisleachd, 1 s.gentility,pride,nobleness, , uamhas, s. m. awe, horror, affright
Uujrle*, mislead, J generosity, greatness U*rh*rA, uamhasach, \ a. dreadful, terrible, abonii-
U<jrl)5jm> uaislighim, v. I ennoble llAtnnA, uamhnach, ) nable, detestable
lU)ri]u5At>, uaisliughadh, s. ennobling UArhAfAjm, uamhckasaim, v. 1 encompass, surround
"Uajc, uait, from thee LUn, , s. m. a lamb ; Welsh, oen ; prop. uAjen
Uajc, uait, s. f. a medicine. (, Uen, uan, s. m. froth, foam
Ujtcle, uaithchle, s. dismay 6, uanachd, s. f. earning
U*jtle, uaithchle, a. horrible, dire, direful UAnAjrg, uanchaisg, the paschal lamb
lUjtljgjm, uaithchbghim, v. I dismay, terrify , uav/tid, s. breath ; /'. . 1. . g.
~U*|i6pjot*, uaithchrtothach, a. dire, direful ], uanid, s. a chief or great person
"Ibjtpjt, uaithchrith, s. horror LUpA, uafa, from them. Sc.
\J*j;e, uaithe, from him, or it Uaji, uar, written for up ; " )r a; f]o\ Kb*m ap\"
U*]f , uaithfeachd, s. death Uaju, uarach, a. temporary
U)tj, uaithi, from her Uajia rhull*]5, uarach mhullaigh, the herb Devil's
llAjrj, /', a. unattended, alone, solo bit
llAjtne, uaithne, s. a hinge, a wooden pin **, uaran, s. m. fresh water
Hajfne, uaithne, s. a pillar, post, pedestal, column* "LUpjri, uarchinn, side of the head
Job. 9, 6 U A]tyA)lie, uar/haire, s. m. a watch, chronometer
VUjine, uaithne, s. monthly terms of a woman VUr, uas, prep, upon, orer, above, more than, up
"*|, uaithne, s. greenishness wards
U^ine, uatthne, s. union or correspondence in Irish U*r, uas, s. m< a crown or ornament of silver worn
verse by that order of poets next in rank to an OJlamh
llAjtne, Uaithne, Anthony, a man's name llAp, uas, a. noble
Halene, uaithne, a. green VlAj-*)lnjorriAC, uasatlghniomhach, a. magnificent,
]1, ua thneal, s. a column of noble deeds
UAjtnrgjrn, icaithnighirn, v. I prop, support UataI, uasal, s. a nobleman, gentleman ; sir, a title
!}, ualabhard, dwarf elder ; Sauibucus, hu- of respect
milis UajaI, uasal, a. noble, generous, well-born, great,
VUlac, ualoc'i, s. m. a burden, load, incumbrance, illustrious, gentle, genteel
charge, task, obligation UatIato, uaslatd, s. f. gentleness
UaIacaq, uai.chadh, s. loading 1, uasluid, s. f. redemption
UaUj^mi, itnlaihim, v. I load, burden, encumber , uath, s. a hawthorn, white thorn ; Crataegus-
U*llc, uallach, see eola oxyacantba. The name of the aspirate h
UnlldC. uallach, a. vain, vain-glorious, ostentatious, *, uaih, s. fear, dread
freakish, silly, light, hair-brained, lewd, wilful , uath, s. m. the earth, mold
, Uallathan, s. m. a coxcomb , uath, s. m. a small number
U*llcnr, uulhchus, s. m silliness, vanity, conceit, , uath, s. m. retirement
lewdness W*t, uath, A.
, !<, a. terrible,
VCl. dreadful
U*ll*)ea('"P, uailleadhachd, s. f. coquetry a. lonesome, solitary, alone, single ;
Mit, uath, Anujrhjp UACA, the singular num
11*11*15, ualLuigh, a. lewd Haca, uatha, j. ber
ll*ll*))e, uailairc, s. a coquet, coxcomb
U*llrulr, uallsuh, s. m. treason Haa, uatha, from them
IHllujjfe, uailuighthe, a. loaded, burdened *, uathadh, s. a hawthorn bush
ll*lrn*)j:]l, ualmhaighil, s. howling llAfAt>, uathadh, s. a little, a small quantity, a few
ll*!rii*]5)m, uaimhaighim, v. I howl, roar ijAtArhu)!, uathamhuil, a. single, solitary
UalrmipnA, uatmhurnaoh, s. m. an outcry **;, uathaitan, s. m. a picket
U*lc*f*r, ualthart, see UAjlteApc , uathbhas, s. in. astonishment, surprise,
llJm, tum, from me wonder, prodigy
Il *m, uam, s. m. geers, caparison UarDAr, uathbhas, s. m. dismay, fear, dread, hi*
U Atn, uam, s. m. concordance in poetry or music decosness
U Alii, uamh, s. m. a cave, den, grave, cove,

LUrBop, uathbhasach, a. shocking, dreadful, terri U04I, ulal, s. m. distress

ble, hideous, fearful, horrible ; prodigious U04I4, udalach, a. wavering, tottering
bap\jte, luithbhasaightlie, a. astonished Uoaln, udalan, s. m. a swivel
tbtupjm, uathbhasaim, v. I intimidate, terrify U4J, udhur, s. m. a wound, scar, a bite
U>:dm)i4D, uathchcmhradh,\ ... Ut)D4jpr, udhbhairt, s. an oiFering, sacrifice
M*tM)nv, uaihlabhradh, j> soliloquy Ut)bl4, udhbrann, s. a joint
11 pacr, uuthfacht, s. death Ut)}i45, udarug, s. a woodcock. Sc.
U*trh}, uathmlmr, a. dreadful, horrible, terrible llrUp, udlaidh, a. morose, boorish
UUfriujuo, tunhmharachd, s. f. dreadfulness llorru, udhmhadh, s. an enclosure, shutting
Uir.riiar, uaihmhas, seeuafBar Utjituc, udhmhadh, s. a kind of gag or muzzle pot
Ikrrhay, uaihmhasach, see u*tr)*fc on young cattle to keep them from sucking
UArhujn, uathmhuin, s. dread, confusion, conster Uriuo, udhmhadh, s. plough traces
nation Ut>rh4w, udhmhadh, a kind of loop or noose made of
lift, ubh, s. f. an egg twigs through which a beam or bar is put to secure
lift, ubh, s. f. the point of a thing; uoclopjrh a door or g:ip against cattle
Ub*II, ubhall, s. rn. an apple, gen. ]11 llrrru, udhmhadh, a. shut, closed, see ttpjm
*11, ubhall, s. an apple-tree Urrull, udhmhall, a. quick, active, nimble, stirring,
UbvilUc, ubhallach, a. pomiferous wavering
116*11 t>4jjie4C, ubhall daireach, s. nutgalls ut4)j udhthair, s. a bile
115*ll-5ojr, abha-g/iorl, s. m. an orchard
\lft*p-ji4]5e, ubhar-chraige, $. the juniper tree ugh, s. f. a bile. Welsh, wy
bU, ubhlach, see uftulU U54, uga, s. choice, election
U ! uch ! interj. oh! alas! 11 54c, ughach, a. ovarious
lie*, ucn, s. spinal marrow; " t. e. rnYjoj* rme*n- U4o, ughachd, s. f. a will, testament; confession
], i*, e. rmjop cnl* pporno." at the point of deaih
Ilc4)t>, ucaid, s. occasion, need II54, ugadh, s. birth
llc4)Ti, , s. harshness UDAjm, ughaim, s. harness, geers of a loom
U-4]|e, ucaire, s. m. a cottoner, a napper of frize, 11 jagin, ughagan, s. in. a custard
a fuller \]g4]m, ughaim, s. f. horse-harne-s, traces
Uc4f jf r**p, ucas iadhain, common mallow; Mal U54m4)m, ughamaim, v. I harness, accoutre
va sylvestris 544, ughamtha, part, harnessed, equipped, ac
Hear fjt*n*, ucatfhrancach, dwarf mallow; Malva coutred
rotundifolia U4irtujl, ughamhuil, a. oval, oviform
"UCD4-4C, ucbhadhach, s. m. groaning llgftpejeac, ughbhreitheach, a. oviparous
"Uco, uchd, s, m. the breast, bosom, lap ; gen. USDujeAn, ughbhuidhcachan, s. m. yolk of an egg
Ileo, uchd, s. m. intercession U5CJI4;, ughchrath, s. Ovaria, spawn
Uct)a6, uchdach, s. m. a cleff in music U504J, ughdar, s. m. an author
llcoac, uchdach, s. ni. an ascent, steepness, acclivity ^, ughdaracli, a. authoritative
UW4C, uchdach, s. m- a breast-plate, poitrel, sto 11 50 ]i acq, ughdarachd, s. f. authority, command
macher ll5Ti*I4r, uglidarat, s. m. authority, domination, do
Ucr4c, uchdach, s. m. extension of voice, delivery minion
in speech Uxj*ji4f, ughdaras, s. m. dynasty, headship
llctu4t, uchdachal,&. convex, acclivious I] 54)144, ughdarasach, |a< authentic; having
Uccurruvjl, uchdamhtul, a. full-chested, carrying Ylgt>4|i4, ughdargha, J superiority, powerful
liigh head, erect ll5o4p4-4jrn, ughdarasaim, v. I authorise
llctun, uchdan, s. m. a hillock USmt>> ughmadh, s. horse trappings, or geers
Ucn404C, uchdeadach, s. clothes or armour for the "U^majm, ughma'nn, v. I yoke, dress, arm
breast llgrmrjjf-e, ughmuighthe, a. harnessed
UcT)j4, iichdgha, a. pectoral Ugpa, ughia, s. a conflict, skirmish, fight
, uchdmhac, s. m. an adopted son UjtAp, ughiar, s. m. augmentation
, u:hdmhacach, a. adoptive II], ui, gen, of U4, a son, descendant
ucwruc4CO, uchdmhacachd, s. f. adoption Il ]4te4C, uiateach, s. a farmer's house. Sh.
^, uchdmhacaim, v. I adopt "UjBjlb uibhit, s. a number; prop, uirrijji
Il -pjm, ucfaM, v. I will abolish, extinguish Hlbne, uibhne, s. a small pitcher or can
Uo, uit, s a beginning ; "s 50 rjnjt." lljbne, uibne, s. drinking
Ho, uJ, adv. thai, there, yon l)]B|ie44n, uibhreachan, s. m. the numerator
Mb, udh, s. f. an egg, gen. uje Ujccjl, ukcil, s. f. a vigil. 4 Mast passim
U", udhacht, s. f. a will, testament, confession Hp, U;d,s. a Jew
Uo4)l, uiitil, a- inhospitable ll}t>, uidh, s. care, heed, attendance
U4jin, udhaim, s. the geers in a loom Up, uidh, s. a degree, step, pace

Upe, uidhe, s. a journey ; upe<on 1 fcug Ujlle, utile, s. oil ; a jerk

Upe, uidhe, s. hearing, listening 1 U]lle, mile, a. greater
U]*eA, uidheack, a. musical, harmonious U]l!e, uillc, ) s, an elbow, a haunch, an angle,
UpjjjollA, uidhghiolla, s. m. a running footman UjlleAti, vtlleann^ nook, corner. Welsh, elin
UppeAco, utdhidheachd, s. f. harmony, melody UjlleAii, uillean, s. honeysuckle ; name of the diph
Up] I, Uidhil, s. the Jews thongs and triphthongs beginning with U
Upjm, uidhim, s. f. a staple, loop, or noose ; " upjm U)lleA, uilkannach, a cornered, having angles
i.e. jnm oon pojo tpjAfA vjr. 1% foprp U]1Ia, utllgha, a. oily, of oil
clejc, can bpep , no oca >," Ujm, uim, s. tlie earth, a country
Cor. U jm, s. brass, copper
U]5> uigh, s. f. pleasure, delight; a sharp point UjmeAlUc, uimcheallack, ) , .
U]meAllo5) uhncheallog, \ s' 18 Pnvate P,4CL'
U]5t>ell, uighdeall, s. trembling
Ulje, a/C, s. a jewel, precious stone Ujmjijt, uimchrith, s. f. an earthquake
Ujge, uige, s- knowledge, skill, ingenuity, under U mrooptAt, uimdhortadh, s. circumfusion
standing UjmjmpeA, tmdhruideadh, s. circumscription, cir-
U]ge, uige, s. a web; a bottom, ujge ] cumvallation
U]5e, uige, s. carded wool for spinning Ujrmbpupim, uimdhruidim, v. I circumscribe
Ujse, uige, s. a poem U]rnpupe, uimdhruidthe, part, circumscribed
UjgeAcn, uigeachan, s. m. a warper ; also a plummet UjmlACAt), uimddadhadh, s. circumvallation
UlSJn, s. f. fore- part of the neck Ujme, , prep, about, around ; about him or it,
Uj5m5e, uiginge, s. a fleet, navy upon him, concerning him, ujme rjn, on that ac
UjjleAC, uigkleach, a manly count, therefore
Ujl, utl, see upjl UjmeA, uimcach, s. m. a brazier
Ujlc, uilc, gen. and plur. of olc UjmeAll, uimeall, see jmeAll, or jmjoll
Ujle, title, all, every, whole, total, entire Ujmjojm, uimeidim, v. I encompass, embrace
Ujle, uile, s. an elbow, a nook or corner Ujme pjn, uime sin, therefore, upon that account
Ujleaco, uileachd, "Is, f. universality, genera- Ujme-ro, uime-so, for this reason, on this account
U")leAAC, uileadhachd,} lity UjmeAtAlAj, uimeatalaidh, s. circumvolution
J< s. ambling,
UjleAn, uilean, s. an elbow, nook, corner. Welsh, ,v
UjmfAlfiArcAt), ci i
uimfnalrastadh, pacing
"UjlebeAuj^ce, uilebheannuighthe, a. all-blessed, all- X\)m^)\\ebTs,uimfhilleadh, s. circumplication
holy Ujrhjjb uimhir, s. f. number, arithmetic, quantity
U]leBeotA]jeA, uilebheothaigheach, a. all-cheering UjmjjieAC, uimhireach, a. numerous
Ujlebpejrea, uilebhreitheach, a. all-judging Ujmjte, uimite, a. corpulent, fat
\j]lecjteAC, uilechinnteach, a. all-sufficient UjmlAbliAc, uimlabhradh, s. circumlocution
UjtecjiuAC, uilechruthack, a. omniform Ujmlec, utmleac 1 <thenave,
UjlecumAo, uilechumhachd, s. omnipotence UjmleACAn, utmltacan, J
UujlccurruAC, tulechumhachdach, a. omnipotent UjmleACCA, uimleactha, a. umbilical
UjlewjongmAlcA, mledhkngmhalta, a. all-sufficient Ujmrhejpg, uimmhrg, s. rust of copper, verdigrise
U]lef*]Cf)onA, udefhaicsionach, a. all-seeing Ujmpe, uimpe, about her, on her or it
U}lep]orlia, udefliiosrach, a. omniscient UjraphljocoAjm, uimphliochdaim, v. I embrace
U]lef]OflAT5, uilefhtosrachd, s. f. omniscience U]rhj*eA, uimhreach, a. numerous
Ujlegljc, uileghlic, a. all-wise Ujm]eAArhu]l, uimhreachamhuil, a. arithmetical
Ujle-bO-lejp, uile-go-leir, altogetlier UjrhpeACAn, uimhrcachan, s. in. an arithmetician
U}le-]ceAti, uile-iceadh, s. all-heal, misletoe UjmJieArhAp, uimreamhar, a. very fat
Ulle]VjneA, uileinnlineach, a. whole-minded, unre U}m]totlAt>, uimrothladh, circumgyration, revolution
served U]m]*oclAn, uimrothlan, v. I revolve, circumgyrate
Ullejomlin, uileiotnlan, a- all-perfect, all-sufficient UjmfeolAc, uimsheoladh, s. circumnavigation
UjlejomlAnAt), udeiotnlanachd, s. all-sufficiency Ujmrujt>e*d, tmshudheachadh, s. circumposition
Ujlejrea, uileitheach, a. all-devouring Uimvut.uimshmth, circumfluence
U]lelACA]jieA, uilelathaireach, a. omnipresent U ]mf, uimshruthadh, J
UjlelAtAjjieACo, uilelathaireachd, s. f. ubiquity UjmrJni*c> uimshruthach, a. circumfluent, circum
U)leljprjn, uileleirsin, s. attribute of seeing all fluous
things U]nA)CAm, uinaicham, v. to bustle. A.
UjleljprineAC, uileleirsineach, a. all-seeing Ujne, uinche, s. a battle, skirmish, onset
Ujlef-lugA, uileshlugach, a. all-devouring Ujne, ', s. time, opportunity, respite
Ul'eojiA, uilethorach, a. all-fruitful , uineamaid, s. f. ointment
Ujlp, //</, all ; 5 hujlj, generally, universally U)nj;e, uinge, s. f. an ounce
Ujlp, uilidh, s. a lough, a lake Um5e, M, s. f an ingot
6 Upe,

\\, uinnc, a. blind UjppeACAjjie, uirreachaire, readier, more watchful

lljneenj, uinneani, s. m. strength "U]P-pear*, uir-reathadh, s. a mole
lljnerii, tnneamh, s. m. an onion; gen. upieArhAjn U)pi:je4nt>, uirthreanadh,&. ridges made in the sand
Ujneo.5, uineog, see pupleog by the ebbing of the tide
Ujjun, uinniun, s. m. an onion Ulppjm, uirrim, see up|4m
", uinnseach, s. a light hussy Ujppul, uirsgeul, s. m. a fable, story, legend
UmpeA, uinseann, s. an ash tree U}|tp5eul4jt>e, uirsgeulaidhe, s. m. a fabulist
"lljnpeda, uinseannach, a. ashen U)PT5^U'5* U;r*lUj[sr'^> a- fabulous, legendary
UlUfJl UinS!, V. is, it is, J. ft UjptjteAtiA, uitihreana, pits of water in the sand left
Ujnpujjm, umsuig/iim, v. I manage, sway, wield by the ebbing of the sea
Uip w, s. mould, earth, clay, dust, ground ; see Vl|p, uis, s. use ; duty, obedience
AtT>4 U)p, uis, a. humble, obedient
U)ji, uir, s. fire ; prop. u} ; Heb. ur U]roeol4Cc, uisdcolachd, s. f. supplication
"Ujpjn, utrchn, s. f. a pig, grice "Ujpel, uiseal, a. snug, comfortable
lltjtcun, uirchur, s. a cricket, chur-worm, fen cricket \Jjpeo5, uiseog, s. f. a lark
U)]r, und, gen. of opt) Ujpeog-cojlle, uiseog-coiUe, s. f. a wood-lark
ll))it))oh4, uirdhiobhadb, % eclipsing or suppression )5 uisS> \,
i s. m. water, a river
of letters Ujpse, uisge,
Ujpjuj**, uirdhiughadh, s. an eclipse of the sun ; aqueoos,
or of letters U)pe4c, uisgeach, moists
UjppeAA, uirdhreachadh, s. a delineation YlipgeAihuil, uisgeamhud.
Uj]te, uire, s. liberality
U]jie, uire, s. freshness, greenness Ujrge , uisge beathu, usquebaugh, whiskey ;
U]|ie, uire, a. more fresh, more green liter, water of life
Ujjie*T>, uircarf,*. newness, freshness Ujpge ne4prrh4j, uisge neartm/iar, aqua fort
VljjeAW, airead, see 0]- Ujr5151mi uisgighim, v. I water, irrigate
Vjpertg*, uiivaghadhts. renewing, refreshing U)r51*J*n> visgrian, s. m. an aqueduct
U]e*5U, uiteagJadh, s. dread, fear lljpjapjiAjm, uisiarraim, v. I beseech, humbly intrcat
^J]tte*mla0T>, un camhlachd, s. f. earthiness U]pj*fl*c, uisiarrthach, a. importunate
H)|terhu]l, uireamhuil, a. earthy ll)p)je, uisiie, s. an usurer, an pyter
V.}}e4pBa, uireasbhach, s< in. a needy person Ujpnea, Uisneach, &. an ancient district in Ireland,
UjjiearBae, uireasbhach, a. indigent, needy comprehending parts of the present counties of
, Longford and West Meath
i .' uireasbhadh,
t. ,', )} s. want,L need,
, ._.,
lljpeApriup, tineas bhaidh, ) ' '' ;rh \ s- f- a "dder, a dug
lljftet), H/Ve</, s, a pillar, a column IJjce, uuche,S '
UjlijAm, uirflumh, g. a mole Ujttecc, uittfcht, s. f. exaction, requisition
Ul]ft)*cl, uhfhiacla, s. the foreteeth UI*, ula, see ula
\]ljg4j]<pe4, uirghairdeadh, s. rejoicing \jJ(o, ulachd, s. colour
Ujfte, tt/>je, s. the private parts of a man , uladh, s. a jerk ; a monument
Ujpjoll, uirghioti, s. eloquence, utterance; a com \\\, UladJi, the province of Ulster
mand , uladh) s. a pack-saddle, a straddle
Hipgjolhr, uirghiollath,.. eloquent , uladh, s. a hoard or hidden treasure
ll]jt5]ie, tdrgre, see ujpe , uladh, s. a fine
Ujp5pee, uirgrettnnachd, s. f. puberty, ripeness Ulb, , \s;a.chamd-house
of age ), uiauin^i
Ujjip, uirid ),< 1H>uaac, ulbhuadhachy a. all-victorious, triumpha?it
"U vmod, J " 0, uicha, s. a beard
Uipi5 uirigh, s. a couch, a bed ^ uicach, s. the quinsey
UjppeAl, utriseol,\a. base, mean, slavish, cringing, UIA), tchai, s. a stone house
Uipipjol, >' J abject, low, vi le- uldachys. m. a burden
Ujp'rle virisle, 1s f. lowliness, meanness, Uli, ull> a. great, big
jpipleAtSo, uirisleachefiy humiliation, debasement UIIa, uUai, 9. a place of devotion, a burying- place,
U^^plrjjm, tririsiighim, v. I debase, disparage the cross or calvary of a cathedral church
Uijl]oc*n, uirlioehaHi . a vomiting UUa, ulla, an ancient district of Ireland, the pro
UflOjOf, mirtos, s. f. a; walled garden perty of the Magenisee, now called the county of
UipljoptAjp, uitSeslhir, s. a manger Down
UjVu"' u"l's> s> instruments, implements UllADejpr, ullabheist, s. f:. a lamprey
\] jjtnejpt uirnels, s. a furnace I1!!**' ^A>beeuU*
WlMie, irre, prep, upon or unto.her or- it UHjn, Mm, \ <

UHa, u/lag, s. a mouthful of meal. Sc. UmcjKrjel, utnchroidhtal, s. the pericardium

U1U1S* Ullaigh, Ultonians llmcjian-a, umchrannta, a. fai, fatty
Uikm, ulbmli, see Umfup;jm, umdhruidtm, v. I shut up, enclose, be
11 Haiti, ullamh,a. ready, prepared, prompt, mature siege
UIIattiao, ullamhachd, s. f. preparation, alertness, Umpulore, umdhiuidte, a. closed, shut up, besieged
readiness, aptitude UmfAr-5, umfhasg, a close embrace, a squeeze
ighim,^ v.
- I prepare, provide, Umr*fg4)m, umf/iasgaim, v. I embrace
Ullrii4)5jm, ullamhaigh, dispose, procure, ad Umrr5*t>, um/hasgadh, s. embracing
UilAiiojm, ullamhaim Umjcor, umghaoth, s. a whirlwind
UlIamujA, ullamhughadh, s. preparation, readiness U malaca jm, umghlacaim, v. I gripe or grasp
UllAmujjeAC, ullamhuigheach, a. preparatory Umla5jt>, vmlabhradh, s. circumlocution
UHamujjte, ullamhuighthe, a. prepared, provided, UtIa, umhladh, s. a fine
made ready UmU, umhladh, s. obedience, submission
UlIcADcn, ullchabhcan, s. m. an owl UmUjeACO, timhlaigheachd, see uttiaIaco
Ullce, ullcach, s. m. the quinsey UmUjsjm, umhlaighhn, v. I obey, submit, humble
Ulini4J5jm, ullmhalghim, v. I prepare, make ready Umlri, umlan, see jomlin
Ullrhajgfe, ullmhaighihe, a. prepared, made ready Umljnee, umhloldeach, a. transitory. Donl. 208
Ullmoro, ullmhoid, ) ..^ UmljA, umhlughadh, s. humbling, humiliation*.
UllmuU, ullmhlghad, \ Preparation, provision
making obeisance, saluting
Umu, ullmhudh, s. tongs Umlfte, umhluighte, a. humbled
UllmugA, umhughadh, s. a feast Urno, umho, s. interment, burial
Ullmujgirn, ullmhuighim, see ulUmajym. Umoppo, urnorro, conj. bat
UI05, Mief, s. f. a pulley Umo|i]io, urnorro, adv. besides, over and above
Ulce, Ultach, s. m. an Ulsterman limp*, umpa, about them, upon them
UIcac, Ultach, a. Ultonian UmpAftAjm, umparaim, v. I carry
Ulita, u/lthach,see uaIa Umpjt) umpidh, s. f. an ideot
Um, , s. geer, harness Umpjp, wnpoir,.s. m. an umpire, moderator
Um, uj, prep, about, near, with, together with, UmjAi umradh, s. rumour, report ; Heb. amar, he
upon said
Um, Kwi, s. f. the earth llrnpA^yj, umhraisg, s. f. a hobgoblin, a sprite
Um) urna, prep, on them Umfujjm, umshuidhim, v. I besiege
Um*, umha, s. copper, brass UmtojAl, umthoichal, s. circumference. Sh.
Um, umha, s. a cave, den, grave UmupiAjts umurlaid, s. f. a coarse vulgar woiriatl
Um*o, utnad, about thee, upon thee 11, Una, Winifred, the proper name of a woman
Umet>, umadh, s. horse geers or harness; a cave, den UnA, una, s. hunger, famine
m]B, umaihh, about, or upon ye Unac, unacli, s. in. washing of the face or head.
UitM]r, umaidh, s. m. a vulgar person Cor.
UmAje, umaidhe, a. vulgar, ignorant UnAm*]o, unamaid, s. f. a salve
Um<t)l, umhail, s. f. heed, attention, consideration, Unt)A)r, undais, s. f. a windlass, capsiem
doubt iF*))'^. unfa'ri>... Is. wallowing, rolling
llmojm, , v. I harness, yoke U'lpjUrj-e, Unfalltzdh, > 8
Uimjfi, um i t>, about us. upon us UnpAiptjm, unfairtim, \ v. I tumble, toss, wal-
Urmipe, vmairt, s. m. a ridge UnpajrA]5jm, unfurtaightm, J low, nestle
Um)|ie, umhaire,. s. m. a tinker, brazier Jln5, ung, i s. adaw talen, nail, hoof
Um*l, umhal, s. in. the bumble. 1 Pet. 5, 51 Un^A, wiga, )
Hrrwl, /) 1 a. obedient, humbie, allegiant, pli- Ung, *^, s. brass, copper, bron2e
UtuaIo, umald, J ant, mori^erous, obsequious Urt5A* unga, 9. an ingot, an ounce
Um*lacc, icnhJachd, s. f. humility, obedience, re UngA, -, L b braMn
signation, allegiance, homage, obsequiousness UnjAC, ungach, J '*
Umalp, umhaloid, s. f. agpuy, humility, obedience UngAt). uigadh, s. unction, ointment, anointing
Uman, timan, a. human U115* Bjr, unga bhais, ? s. extreme
1|4|), umar, s. a trough,. vessel ; a press, cupboard UngA eigionA, unga dheigh'nnach,) unctio4i
Unvtp 6*)fO), umar hhaisdidh, s. a baptismal foot Un54,f.e, ungaire, )^ anoiut
, ummttar+, m. circumference Ungoip. ungnir, )
Um5p*c*t>, umhJiracudh, s. embracing, UngAim, ungaim, v. I anoint
UmBftaeAjm, uinbhyaeatmi v. I embrace, clasp, be- Ungfa, ungtha, a. anointed
clip Unjd, u tich, bule, hurry. Sh.
Um*, umehadh, a. ready Unj64m, unh ham, to tumble and toss, Sh.
Umcar*t>, umchasadh, \ ,. . _ Unj-.
Umcloo, umchloah, \ s- vertlS> dlzzlesS
um URB uns URG
}{nr*> "sa, s. an ounce ~ llpblajt, urbhlailh, a. fruitful, full of blossom
""" urna, s. tje hveifth part of a minute Upbol, wbol, adjunct. Sh.
fn * np* lijor 50 Upbo, urbhoth, s. a hut, cottage
S"eac naaarii jp t yjcjoc, Upc, urc, s. m. an inclosure, stye, fold. Br. L.
Obi np reas jmbpjg, Upc, urc, s. m. merchandise, ware. Br. L.
"]op * moment; gn ]mfn)om." O'Dugan. Upc, urc, s. in. a king, lord. Br. L.
Unt4r, , s. m. a windlass Upajl, urchail, s. fetters, shackles
il Pad, upadh, s. m. a sorcerer, a witch Upajlea, urchaiieach, s. a heifer of a year and a
Upr, uptlia, s. sorcery, witchcraft half old
lloejn, uodhein, often written in old MSS. for \i\ti Upcajlte, urchaihe, a. fettered, shackled, prohibited
Uj,M,, used in old MSS. for * or bj ; po uoj, i.e. Upcajn, urcain, s. a pig, a grice
J10 bj Upajpe, urchaire, s. a shooter, flinger
U P, s. a grave Upajppn, urchairim, v. I shoot, fling, cast
!*]* "r> s. a fringe, border, brink, limit, bound Upcall, urchail, s. m. a spancel, a hindrance
Up, , s. evil, mischief, hurt, wickedness Upap, urchar, see upcup
Up, , s. slaughter Updleara, urchlcasach, a. active, full of tricks
Up, ur, s. the sun, fire ; Heb. ur, flame, hearth Upjo, urchoid, s. f. hurt, harm, detriment, malice
Up, ur, s. a beginning mischief, wickedness, villainy, injury
Up, , s. a moist place, a valley. Upcopea, urchoideach, a. mischievous, malicious,
Up, ur, s. mould, earth factious, pernicious, noisome
Up, ur, s. heath Upc6]4oeat>, urchoideachd, s. f. maliciousness, mis-
Up, ttr, s. the name of the letter U chievousness
Up, ur, a. green Upcpjm, urchoidim, v. I hurt, damage, bewitch,
Up, ur, a. fresh, new, raw, tender, recent bear malice
Up, ur, a. generous, noble-hearted, free, liberal Upollac, uichollach, s. a heifer of a year and a half
Up, ur, adv. very old ; one of two years old is Collavo ; one of three
Up, ur., first. Sh. years old is <or
Upa, , s. contention Upop, wchor, see upcup
Upabftllac, urabhallach, devil's bit, scabious; Sea- Upcorg, urchesg, s. a preservative against evil, an
biosa succissa antidote, a spell; a hindrance
Upa, urach, s. m. earth, a beginning, contention Upp-ac, urchradhach, a. wretched, miserable
UpC, urach, s. m. a bottle, apail, a small tub Uppopeac, urchroidheach, a. tender-hearted
Upacat>, urachada, s. refreshing, Tenewing Upcujcrheac, wchuidmheach, s. a denial, put off, ex
Upaajp, wachar, see upcup cuse
Upa ballac, urach bhallach, Orchis Upcujorrrjjrn, urchuidmhigh'im, v. I excuse, post
UPt> uracht, s. a support pone
Upan, wad, s. m. tenderness Upcu]l, urchuil, s. a cricket, salamander, or fire-fly
1]>, urad, see ojpeao Upcup, urchur, s. a. throw, fling, casr, shot
U pat), uradh, s. m. apparel Upcu]ppn, urchuirim, v. I shoot, cast, throw
lipajceact,, uraiceachd,Y' a Rrimetr' anf acflde". Up-erg, wdhaigh, s. a defect
' '
U]U]cepht, . rudiments or education,
urmceapht instructioQ Upoa]l, urdail, s. f. a collection, a large share.
Upoajl, urdail, equivalent, as much as
Upaj^e, uraige, the former U poajngneat), urdaingnedk, s. confirming, establish
Upa)5jm, uraighim, v. I renew, refresh ing
Up*] I, a;7, over much ; desire Ylprapnjm, urdaingnim, v. I confirm, establish
Upal, ural, s. m. a proposal Upajfe, urdhahhc, defect
Uparhujl, uramhuii, a. fresh, flourishing Upt>apca)5]m, urdharcaigh'm, v. I celebrate. Cer.
Upan, , s. m. a song, discourse, conversation at cejlebpati
Upan, man, s. m. courtesy, affability Upt>apcu5*w, urdharcughadh, s. celebration, solem
W pana, manach, s. m. an upstart nization
Upna, uranach, a. ignoble, conversant Uptmba, urdhubha, s. a darkening, eclipsis
Upapo, urard, a. very high Upcujat), ur.hughadh, s. an eclipse
Upar, was, s. m. a sprout, bud Upfogrhap, urfhoghmhar,s. m. autumn
"Upar, uras, s. power, ability. Donl. 246 Upjrognarh, urfhoghmmh, s. slavery, service
Upar, uras, a. facile Upyirjjle, urfhuighle, s. anew language
Upba)t>, urbhaidh, s. award, custody, keeping Uuju^le, urfhuighle, s. fresh application
Upba]oe, urbhaidhe, s. f. bane, ruin, destruction Up5*Dajl, urgabhail, see upsoajl
W\ib\b,urbhidh,s. rustling noise, tumbling and toss UpiipeeAi, urghaitdeack, a. joyful, merry
ing Up54jpt>e*4.r>

Uplle*f, urghairdeachasA s. rejoicing, con UpjiAt>, urradh, s. m. a chieftain .

ti p|ipoeA p. urghairdeas, J gratulation UppAt), urradh, a. high
Up)pt>)m, urghairdim, v. I rejoice UppA qge, urradh tighe, s. household furniture or
UpgAipei, urghaireadh,s. prohibition goods
UpgAjr, urgais, s. an exchange, alteration UjtpAe, urrae, s. obedience, submission
UpgApt, urghart, s. m. bad luck, misfortune, fa UppAjti, urraid, s. a principal person
tality UppAig, weigh, s. m. a chief next to a king;
UpgOAil, urgbhail, s. f. a lifting or taking up "ejojj* p)g i uppAjg."
, urgnamh, s. m. a feast, entertainment, vic UppAjm, unaim, s. a stay, support, prop, authority
tuals ^ s. m. submission, obedience, res
UpgnArhog, urgnamhog, s. f. a gossip UppAjm, urraim, pect, honour, deference, rever
nnl: Ur,rnfUA V a smell-feast UppATTi, urram, ence, observance, worship ; sig-
U pgnAmojJ* , urgnamnoir, 5 J ' nificance, signification
UpgpA, urgra, s. a battle. Zee. UppAtuA, urramach, a. respectful, submissive, obe
UpgpA, urgra, 8. loss. Zr. dient, worshipful ; significant
Upgp\, urghranna, a. very ugly, monstrous UppACo, urraclid, s. f. homage, submission
UpjorAl, uriosal, very humble Uppn, urran, s. m. strife, contention
uJt," ."; 1 s- bair, a lock of hair, a front Upp in ta ljpe, urran na leise, s. the hip or huekle
1**]1, urtabliair, \s. utterance, speech, rhe- UppAntA, urranta, a. bold, daring, dauntless
UplADpAt, utlabhradh, ) toric, elocution , urrantachd, s. f. boldness, intrepidity
TJfiU. utltidh, s. a mallet, maul ; hair of the head UppAj", unas, s f. a warrant, authority, bond, secu
UplAjie, uthidhe, s. a skirmish, conflict rity, insurance ; awe, check
lljtl*1rh. urlaimh, s. readiness, preparation UppAf, urras, s. f. a bondsman-, or bondswoman*
Upl|rh, urlaimh, s. possession UppA; A, urrasach, a. bold, intrepid'
Sjujte, S/, } a- 4uick a<*ive; ready; neat U|*p1ac, un lac, s. m. a vomit
UppiAp, urrlainn, s. the staff of a spear ^\
UplAjr urlats, s. f. an instrument, tool UppplugAt), urrshlugndh, s. vomiting, convulsion
UpUrh, urlamh, a. prepared, ready UppflugAim, urrshlugaiWy v. I vomit, disgorge,
Upl&rhajm, wlamhatnt, v. I possess spew
UpUrh*r. urlamhris,, s. m possession Uppflugn, urrshhignn. s. m. vomiting
Uplmtipbe, r mhuidhe, s. m. a possessor Ulipfluigp, urruduigtdh, a. emetic
Upiarhur, urlamhus, s. m. possession, supreme power UppiA, urnha, upon her, it
and authority ; captivity UppAj,. urrthaigh, s. f. an oath
Upin, urlant a. very full Upjut>A|\ urrudhas,- s. in. security, suretyship, cou
UplA, urlann, s. a staff rage, undauntedness, haughtiness
Uptap, miar, s. m. a floor, an area, a flat, a story in UppAfA, urrudhasach, a. bold, confident, secure,
a house ; " -ea ) rpi hpljp a 4ipt>e." constant, haughty
Upp-Du*ilre, urlar-bhuailte, s. a threshing floor Uppujgce, urruighthe, part, bailed, secured
Hft:*r*, urlatach. s. m a tumbler, stage player Uppum, uirum, see upturn
llpiarajt), urltitnidh, s. activity of body, tumbling. UppurhlAo, urrumhlachd, see
UpliiAaiH, urluac' air, s. green rushes UpfA, una, s. a bold intrepid man^ a defender;
Upl"irgeA. urhisgtaeA, a.. fervent, zealous * pepjm."
Uph'gA, urtughadh,t. vomitings bespewing UprA, ursa, s. a bear
VpmAjm, urmaim, v. I erase \lprA, ursa, \s. the side post of a door, thres-
Upmajr, urmais, he resolved UprApi, ursain,) hold of a door
Uptrup, urmhar, a. fresh, cooling; flourishing, bud UprA, ursadh, s. the bottom
ding , ursan, s. m. a defender
, urmharcuhd, s. f. freshness, newness, , uncir, s. aloud bawl
coolness UpjXAp, urscar, cleans
Uprhop, ui mhort very many, very great, chief part UppcAptAo, urscartadh,) 6
11pmurh*]n, Uimumhain, Ormond, East Munster Ii prgap-bpA^Ajt), ursgar-hhraghaid, s. a neck-lace
Upmim, urnaidhm, see upj-nejom Uprsul, uisgcul, s. m. a fable, novel, romance
llHneipe. ltppyn, ursm, s. f. the side post of a door
I 1 umaidhe.
Upnaige, , 1JVs. f.
c a prayer
r ' Upf-!ioo, urshliochd, s. a noble race
UpnAigjm, wnaighim, v. I pray TpjriAim, urshnJdhm, s. atye, bond, knot
, ursnaidhm, s. a^ pin or jack to fasten the
Upof, m, s. a cion
Up]iAt>, urradh, s. m. a surety, a good author, au chords of a barp
thority, defendant in a process U pr5 ursog, s. f. a young bear ; a she bear
6D Upfu,
Us5 usg UUl UUL

Ujipu, urshu, s. a sucker Uplep, usLainn, s. play, sport, jostling, wrestling

Uppul, wsul, s. a pair of tongs Upl4|e, uslainneach, a. cheerful, brisk, merry,
Upr4|t)e, urthaidhe, s. m. an oath glad, nimble, active
il|i-vtlbun, urthalmhan, s. spleen -wort 111]6>, uslainntachd, s. f. cheerfulness, brisk
UptUc, urtlach, s. m. a cake ness, activity
Upjeo, urughadh, s. renewing, refreshing Upog, useg, s. f. a weasel
Upula, uru/a, s. an altar Upp4)jine4T5, us-pairneaclid, s. wrestling, strugling,
Upup, mus, \ strife, contention, convulsion
Upup*. uruta, [a,t^' feasible, practicable, possible, UfP4jjin)m, uspairnim, v. I struggle, strive, contend,
UjupcA, urusda, ) g convulse
UjtupAC, XruMci, see u]i]lut>p4 Uppn, uspan, s. m. chaos, a shapeless mass
Up, us, for 454p, and Uppog, uspog, s. f. a pang, throe, gasp, heave
Up, us, s. 111. a sirname, cognomen Upjpe, usuire, s. m. an usurer
Up, , s. m. news, intelligence, tidings, narrative, Upii]pe4co, usuireachd, s. f. usury
a story Uc ! ut! interj.out! hut! psha!
Up4, usa, a. just, righteous, true Ur, ut, adv. through ; the same as put or put ; "
Upj, usa, a. easier ; " cj4 yp ur4 ]." ut 4 heji]o," throughout Ireland
Up4o, usachd, s. power, faculty Ur, ut, conj. as
Up4]0, usaid, 1 Ut, uth, s. an udder ; prop, ujc
Up4pe, usaide, ) ' ' Ut4g, utag, s. strife, confusion
Up4]T>e, usaide, a. easier Uc4)n, utaihg, s. f. preservation, protection, keeping
Up4jT)jm, usaidim, v. I use Uran, utan, s. m. a knuckle
Up4]jie, usaire, s. m. an usurer Utp4p, utraidi s. f. a way for cattle
Up4|ib, iar, s. m. death Ucji4]p, utrais, s. f. molestation, disturbance
Upj4, usga, s. incense Uc)i4)peAC, utraiseach, a. vexatious, uneasy
_ Ur^4, usgadh, s. goose-grease Urum4)l, utumail, s. a search ; roaming abroad
T^UpgAj, usgar, s. m. an ornament, a jewel, separation Utunujlea, utumaileach, s. m. a restless person
Up4ji4)m, usgaraim, v. I clear, rid, separate, divide Uulp, uulf, s. a fox
Up54c, usgchadh, s. coffee


AIN 21121 ALA

<i jnoeAppAg, aindearrag, a. angry ; i. . 5*

21 A %jnojieAnt>A, aindreanda, a. rough, rugged
VbAjpt, abairt, s. f. death Vijneeglujpce, aineagluighthe, a. unappalled
Vi, abhelst, s. f. custom, manner, habit %jne*r, aineas, s. gladness, joy, delight
Vic*, , with them 'Ainejr, /'>, s. f. a skin or hide
Vca];a, acartha, s. profit Viingcjp, eingcis, si f. malice, a curse ; fretting
Vfdep, acAT, a. full, thick, strong. Cor. 'jngleAcoA, aingleachda, a. angelical
VitAts, achtadh, s. driving Vijnjb, ainibh, s. f. a spot, blemish
Vctjatj, achtiad, v. they give ; ' e. tujp*. o. Vijnine, aintne, s. f. anger
Vicmuipe, acmuire, s. readiness Vijnm, ainm, s. f. a name ; gen. ; plur. <m-
Vicnjurh, acniumh, s. solicitation, want of thought m*nr4
Vic}*A]m, acraim, v. I argue, challenge Vi jnmjnte, ainminte, s. a beast
Vit>A)g, adhaigh, s. night VijnmneA, ainmneach, a. named, famed, spoken of
Vfdjpr, adhairt, s. the plague Vijnpn, ainshen, s. f. ijnhappiness, misfortune
VA)CAn, adhavcachan, s. m. a cuckold Vijnpp]*jAnc4x>, ainspriantachd, s. f. cruelty, griev-
Voda, adhbka, s. in. a den oushess
VinaclA, adhnaclach, s. m. a grave-digger, sexton Vijpoe, aitbke, s. art, science
Vinot, adhnocht, s. f. burial, interment. Z*c. 19. 1 Vij)iDeA)it, airbheart, s. wisdom ; law ; a moving
Vijur, aihras, s. m. a dwelling place ?<)|)*4, airbheariha, a. figurative, metaphorical
Vfoup, aduidli, s. steel *,pb,p, errW/r, J carria amst f
Vie, </c, s. m. a man Vijpfjjie, airbhre, ) . e
V(g*n, , a. precious, dear V()pce*, ancheann, a. constant
V(54)e*]*, aghaiiheas, s. mirth VijpceAC, airceach, a. ingenious ; i. . jiicleAcoA6
VijrrmlUj, ogmfiallaigh, s. agony, extremity %)pb, e/rfe, s. wind
*#5]>, agrad/i, s. revenging; un|t a^jiaija opr." VijpeAla, airalaA, a. weak, feeble
SKj, /, s. science, knowledge ; a hollow Vfjjtjeec, airgeach, s. m. a plunderer
Vijg, a/', s. f. a request, petition VjlMf, oiris, s. f. delay; imitation
SKjgeA, aigheadh, s. punishment. Lec. Jlle*c*n, '^CaWts.aloan
Vjgpjpe, aghrcire,s. m. a judge V)pl)Ob*n> av lloran, J
Vjcte, aighthe, s. the face, countenance ^jpmjejn, alrmghein, s. a soldier ; one well born
VjIeACn, aileacan, s. m. a paver Vijjinejp, uimeis, s. the agonies of death
Vjleog, aileog, s. f. a swallow Vfjpnel, airnel, s. f. weariness, fatigue
Vjlne, ailne, s. gladness, joy, delight ?<)pneo5. airneog, s. a sloe ; Welsh, eirnin
Vjlpen, adren, s. the other side Vi])tre4]i*c, aitthearach, a. eastern
3^] re, <w7jf, s. a canker ^-', aisneadliadh, s. tellinp, explaining
%jlpgeAn, ailsgean, s. the pores of the body Viirtec, aisteacb, a. ingenious, witty, gamesome
c#]lrne, ailtire, s. a nurse V< ' 40, aiteagach, a. shy, indifferent, scornful
'jrh, , a negative panicle used in composition ; Viire*!, s- ''g'11' ,nusic
as in Aprvoeoin, unwilling Vi irre, ///<?, s. ebbing of the sea
Vjrho|tjr, aimhbhrith, s. an embryo Vilfcio, aithioch, s. m. a fornicator
Vijmpe, aimidhe, a. big with young Virtpoe, aitide, s. f. submission
Vijrruie, aimhne, s. patience Viw, a/<cA a. well-bred
Vijrhwejp, aimhreir, s. f. dissatisfaction ViUnAl, alanm, adv. on one side. 1\i f)5e %"rfun
Vomits, aimidh, s. a litter ,nt> aUtia) t 1) ne AjAjle." Tan o
Vfjmpj ermn't s. a cupboard Cuailgne- b,Pl
Vf]n, , s. f. a herd of black cattle
Vijnc, aine, s. f. skill ; swiftness

flUBap, allabhar, a. savage, wild Sipr>p*, ardrach, s. skylight

Villip, alius, s. sweat 2|fiAc, atdruch, a. excellent, noble
. e. God Altadharach, s. m. an adorer of the hih.
^Pp4, er///, a. destructive
'^P5> arS> s- a running sore, distillation
Vit, e//, s. thanks ^f54>, argad, s. head, end, top
3lrj4D, altrudh, s. nursing ^P5*)l,e> argain; s. m. a crosier; a destroyer
Sltugaa, altughadhach, a. thankful. Ztow/. ^l15*)l,r; argaiit, s. ridiculousness
m, , see jmje Spirujpe, armhaire, s. m. a rebuke, check
SrnAjIl, ;//, s. f. loss, mischief ?.'pm]ne4, atmeineach, a. of a warlike disposition
?frrkon, amliaon, s. twins, plurality %(trii)5te4jt, annhighthtar, a. sanctified
SimAjun, amaran, s. m. distress Sippac, arracht, s. manliness, strength, might
%rrup, amhas, a. restless , wtradkach, a. brave. laufet. 1309
Simsojrte, amghoiste, s. m. a god-father; prop, db- %pjonr4, arronia, a. bold, daring
51 2p*jm, asaim, v. I shoe ; I miik
Sirrin*, amhna, a. faithful, loyal; Heb. amunim, con %p4j, as aidA, s. a champion ; staying, arresting
stant, faithful %p4jt>ear, asaidkcac/it, s. evacuation
94, amhnas, s. impudence, disdain, importunity Tipcdl, <//, s. m. loss
Sfrnujo, amuid, s. f. a foolish noman fpccumoi, asccumonn, s. excommunication
%imi)l, /7, s. f. mischief, evil ; a refusal %p54]l, assail, s. f. a shade, shadow, covert
Sirhujl, amhuil, a. like, as %pn4, asnadh, s. want
imu}t*n, amuran, s. m. abnngler Sptpolluje, astrottuidlie, s. m. an astrologer
4(n, an, s. a ship ; Htb. ania "'., e/acA, he is ; " *CA nojtojbeaplo-, . e. bej
Sinb4, anc.bach, a. bulky, reat, huge 4nC4Jirce4C."
3in*ct>, /, s. f. preservation, quiet ?(c4Cn, atachan, s. m. a hatter, haberdasher
Snjr, /, a. in place of %4, ataclid, s. victory ; a swelling
^*, anallana, adv. heretofore, formerly ^4]>, ataidh, s. a subject; jocApbe
fneft, anunn, see joa %t4)j)ob4)', athairdhiobhaidh, s. m. a parricide
%nbp4jre4, anb fhaitheach, a. wary, watchful %A)p, athais, s. deceit
3(Ajre4c, anbhfl.aiteach, a. ignorant, unskilful %c4)iACt, atharacht, s. f. fatherliness, patrimony.
inlip )}0, anbifhobhrach, s. m. a skeleton M'Par. 43
Sif>op4nr4, anchos inta, a. defensible ^tcom4lc, athchomarc, s. asking, questioning
Sncoipe, ancn e, s. m. an anchorite v(r:ojl5e4p, athdhoilgheas, s. discomfort
$incJC4-]n, andothain, s. f. abundance %rmiifjiA, athmurra, a. swelling, puffing
^ng, s. a nail, claw, talon ^, athnuachan, s. m. a renewing, renewal
?0il4]p, anglais, s. mil and water %cc4C4, athtaca, s. an intreaty, request
^(nsloac, anglonnacA, a. powerful, mighty ; pure ?iucp4l, aucsal, s. m. an angel
%, ann, s. skid iugupr, August, Augustus, a man's name
3(fU, anna, s. wealth %u5i'i)pr, Auguist, the month of August
Snihdcnap, hacais, . great licentiousness 9iulo4C, aurduch, s. m.a festival ; see Iun4p<v
%nmin, unman s. tn. any animated thing SKupsiiAo, aurgruchd, s. f. talkativeness
Snrrupla, aumhasliidh, s. disobedience Vucf*l, autsal, a. noble
Sntpanh 4)5"t'5 antsainklaighthe, a. incomparable
SinopAC, anosadh, adv. now, at present 6
Sim, s. delaying ; . t. pnu
%nt4ficu|pne, antarcuisne, s great contempt , babhach, a. sweet, innocent
?<mi4)ple, anua'sle, a ignominious, ignoble , bar, s. clippuig, shearing
%ojt), aoidh, s. a mournful cry. Sc. , bacach, s. m. a cripple
1), aoidke, 4)1, bacail, a. baking
?(}*, uoidheach, 1) s. m. a stranger,
e> > a guest
& , bigha, s. a promise ; batthng, fighting
?o)ne4, aoincann, a. pleasant fcAA , baghal, s. m. danger
3, on, , s. a man, a race bagrpojr, baghthroid, s. f. a squabble, wrangle
Sfonjiftmco, aonranachd, s. desolation l)A5un, bagun, a. slippery
p, apt a. ripe _ fcj, bai, s. death ; /. e. bip. o. ".
^1>6, apthach, a. sudden, quick tvn, e/'/, s. friendship
^(u, ' s. m. a tie, help t)Ait>pe4, baidseach, a. avoiding, shunning
%(!4, ara, s. a ladder ; steering, guiding
^(41, ', s. a conflict , consternation
%M4t>in, eraren, s. m. agony , a milking vessel
4*<, aradheana, s. reins of a bridle \)A]llcep54,
*{bi, s m. a destroyer
b)0 BIO
bajllceargA, bailltlieasgadi, s. amputation W> bas, s. f. a box, a blow
bAvne, baine, s. a wave 4, base, s. a catching
t>*jne, baineanu, a. feminine, female DArcrtjjmce, bascairnte, a. globular
je, bainne, s. miik, a cup, a spout, a running sore 4J-14C, basluch, s. m. ) . , ,
bAjpne, bairchne, s. the sea 15, baslog, s. f. } a Palm ful1 of water
fcAJl>e*n, batrgliean, s. a fine man child beaba, beabha, a. mortal
^JPjn bairgin, creeping crow-foot ; Ranunculus beabaj, beabhar, s. a rover
repens bea, /, s. m. a kind of bed
bvjjipem, bairrcin, s. f. rafters be4o, beachd, s. f. meditation
Vajplenc, baisleach, s. m. a stone on which women 4>, beachd, a. perpetual ; gobe4ct>, forever
use to wash ; heavy rain beact gpjne, beacht greine, the solar cycle
t>jrleAt>, baisleachd, s. f. palmistry baoajg, beaiaig, a. dainty
fcnjrcea, haisteach, s. a baptist bat>54c, beadgach, a. talkative, eloquent
"*1, a/, s. m. a battle bacpat), beadradh, s. frisk, fun, game, play, sport
bala cnjj-, balad/i chnis, yellow ladies-bedstraw ; baljntc, bealdhumte, a. close-mouthed
Galium verum balga, bealgach, s. m. an interpreter
t>4ll*, baila, s. a ball beancUni, beunclamh, s. a female leper
ballacpao, ballad) hd, s. f. dissection bean4, beanadh, appertaining, relating to
, ballarcad, s. declaring, divulging
4|, beanaim, v. I steal
^^501 balsgotd, s.f. ablister, a pimple 44, beanan, ) , . . , ..
balru, baltach, a. welted, striped 4, beams, } belongmg to, relating to
1>, baltadh, s. the welt of a shoe be4, beann, s. f. a bone ; the arms of across
t>n, ban, . f. a field ; the track of any thing 44, beannach, s. m. a fork
, banabhrasach, s. a spinster beaan, beannachan, s. m. a cuckold
bunrtipgeAc, banairgeach, s. a milk-maid
beaeoba, beannchobha; s. a horn
t>nlrp40T>, banaltrachd, 8. f. nursing beariugat), beannughadh, s. salutation, greeting
, banc, s. f. a wave beaujgte, beannighthe, a. blessed, sanctified
bAnrriA-jjjptep, bunmhaighister, s. m. a mistress, go Ijeapa, bearach, a. prattling, talkative
verness beapjaco, beargachd, s. f. diligence
ban. bann, s. copper beappa, bearra, s. m. a crozier
, banna, s a band of men foeataa, beathadhach, s. m. a beast
, banna, s. a halfpenny beaooa, beathodach, s. m. a beaver
, bannock, s. m. a bannock, a cake, feea lujp njon, eaA / , the alphabet of the
b*fi4]}e, bannairc. s. m. a lawyer old Irish
baal, bannal, s. a number, many, a crowd bebp4)je4, bebraigheadh, s. bleating
ttolrh, bannlamh, s a handcuff becenel, beckenel, s. f. gavel kind
b4pompla, bannshompla, s. an example bej'e, heile, s. cheer
"bAnejrbenat), bannthaisbcanadh, s. a bond for the fcjm beim, s. f. victory ; a flourish
appearance of a person bejmneaco, beimnsaclid, s. f. mastership
banpc), huacal, s. the tattling of women fcejfreean, beinnUean, s. f. rennet
, bantalamh, s. f. lay land fcejpeacAr, heireatas, s. m. the cleaning, or aftery
, baidhann, s. m. an elk, moose deer birth of animals
<04;, baodhat, he has it with him, i. e. ** 15e. 0. g. be]ce, beite, v. was refused, contradicted
tfcoUr, baodhlat, v. I refuse, i. e. b<e.bUz, i. e. e|tjm. bejre, beithe, \ a. birchen, abounding with
- bejteAC, beitheach, \ birch
tkojtrheallaB, baoithmhealladh, s. diverting, hindering bejceaplA, Beitearlach, s. m. the Old Testament
biojfcrhealUjm, baoithmheallaim, v. I hinder, divert, benvnrcne, beninscne, s. the feminine gender
keep at bay beoru54t, beosughadh, s. trimming
bop}4, baosrach, a. capricious, frantic bp, bes, s. education ; a fashion, manner
t)<ot4n, buotkan, s. m. an unsteady person b]t>S, bidhg, s. f. a sudden start, a fright
t><of;orri}4ti, baothchomhradfi, s. foolish conversation bJ5 bigh, s. f. rain, dew
t>4}4, ara, s. going b|llen, bdlen, s. f. a small vessel
tupan, baron, s. m. anger b], him, s. care
"bjtbs, barbog, s. f. the barberry bush bj at5U]n, binn eaduin, \ old names of the hill of
l>4pbb, barbog, s. f. a bold girl bi AT>u)P, binn cflduir, J Howth
t)4jc4, barca, s. a book biooajl, biodhaili s. legacy
, barradh, s. m. a rafter biop*r5' biorasg, s. a bait for fish
, barrand, s. oppression biolttue, biorrae, a. strong
] PP 6 E bjorajlle,
, s. f. any flat thing

bjiajr, s. a betraying, laying in wait

bot4,lre, btai/te.i*- ^ongdrmk bj4n-t>uB, bran-dubh, s. a raven
t>ll5]b birgheis, s. f. a point ; bjpgjp clopine bp<o)5jl!e, braoighilU, s. crumbs, fragments
b)pc, b.rt, s. two, a couple bpeACA, brcacadh, s. picking a mill-stone, carvin^
fcjt-eapb,, \ s. f. mercury, quicksil- bpeACAjpe, breacaire, s. m. an embroiderer, carver
"b|t-cjm, bith-cium, S ver bje44), bi tachai, a. different
t>I*, bla, s. m. thanks; praise, renown bpeacfin, bteachdan, s. m. fresh butter, e. jm
b\*b*t,bladhach, a. flattering; flowery p. o. g.
'), /, s. a womb bpeadwin, breachdan, s. m. wheat, a custard
bUjr, ri>, it is pleasing, i.e. b nu]i Ie]p. o.g. bpeanA, breachna, s. mixture
W*irhe, b/aimhe, a. sound, healthy , ro, s. f. a veil to cover the head ; a piece
bicoj, hhodhogf s. f. a noisy girl or woman of woollen cloth after milling
b'aprg, blastog, s. f. a sweet-mouthed woman bpe4jn4, Bieaghna, an old name of the river Boyne
:<*5*, blea^han, s. milking bpeAgAn, brcaganchae, s. a tov-shop
t>ieana, lleanach, s. a cow with a fu'l udder ^, breaglutdli, s a false oath
^, biadhanta, a. aged, stricken in years b]*e4nc, bieanc, s. f. the gills of a fish
"bloc, loe, s. a block ), bratsaire, s. m. an active lively person
blo, block, s. fat, fatness, i. e. fAjll. o. . bpejpne, brefne, s. a nail
b'ojore, bloidl.te, a. rotten typejpeAt), brciseadh, s. dropping, distilling
blopat, blosacht, s. f. visibility bpeipCAAn, breiscachan, s. m. a stiil
blop4jpe, blosuhe, s. m. a commentator t)peon4, bnonach, s. m. a blotter
b!ope4. bloscach, a. chuff bp), bri, s. strength, virtue, effect
t> opcrhio]t, bloscmhaor, s. m. a crier of a court fcp)cjn-b4jnt)5eAjn4, bricin-baintighearna, a wag-tail
blupap, biurar, s. m. hurt, damage, injustice bppeog, bridiog, s. f. a bride
fcoc, je, s. a common, orhurl
bppeo^nc, brideogach, s. m. a bride-groom
, * , s. m. the poor. Prov. 31,9 bjijgoeax), brighdeadh, s. a prisoner of war, a hostage
boco, ooW, a. full, complete, perfect. Eock. . )5)' brigis, s. f. breeks, breeches
^, bichna h, s. m. a sailor, a mariner l>pillce, brillce, s. a bungler, hermaphrodite
bofoD4, bodhiobhaJli, a. destitute of cows topjfVoeaU, brinndealacli, s. m. a limner, painter
, bif, } fcpjop, brios, s. change, small money
, "^ --)
foppp4)jie, b-iosane, s. m. a money changer
), bogfhais, s. f. self-complacency t)Pjopc4t>, biioscadh, s. the hollow of the ears
bo|cljme4t>, bo'cleimeadh, a. bounding as a goat fcj*]or, brict, a. fruitful
b>!Cre4cr, boichteacht, s. f. poverty foppt, brioth, s. conception ; a fraction
1)0, biidhe, s. tharJts, gratitude bpjota, briotach, a. stammering
fc'lejn, bvdhein, s. a fart t3P)OtAc,i/">tec,W, s. f. the actof stuttering,fumbling
b >|I 5 "Vf, s. f. a pair of bellows bp jor T p e, briotaire, s. a stammerer
tnjlgeun bic, boilgean beic, s. f. a toad-stool bfjrte, ri if, s. breeches
bojlle, boi/lif s. a blow ; madness bpje. s. child-bearing, bringing forth young
b>) biinn. s. soles, bands |)], s. m. death
bojeAC, boinneach, s. m. a looseness, the lax t)lob, . i, s. m. a speck, a spot
tnjeaco, b i'inneachd, s. f. gushing forth 1)44, brobhai han, s. m. a blotter
b')|fieA4in- bnntachain, s. socks bpob4', brcb iadh, s. a blot, a blur
b >Iac, bolnch, a. poetic t)HoDT>4n, b' bbhadan, s. m. a grass-hopper
bUn, bonnan, s. a sudden blast V)pob4]m, brvbaim, v. I daub
fcojtajrh, biraimh, s. f. contribution, quitrent t)poc4]je, b ocairc, s. m. a varlet ; keeping privately
bopin, bortiv, s. m. dried cow-dung 44, broaireaihd, s. f. thievery
, bes, it is, . Trjop. . . bpome, brodach, a. proud ; decent
, brae, a. soft, pliable, r. e. nvjn tjpon-i, hodach, a. nasty, filthy
bpc4. bracadh, s. m. a cabbin br>B' broS> "la. sordid, obscene, spotted
b}4C4t), ' chadh, s. m. suppuration, suppurating; bpo4, brogac,} f
" %n rn njp a neat) 4>." Hlckey. bpjw, broid, s. f. pride, hanglmness
b|ic4)^e, acaighthe, a. embraced, hugged bpjt)e4, broideach, a. proud, haughty
bpACO, brm-hd, s. a sudden stopping with anger 4, bronachd, s. f. sadness
bAt>4i;, bradai, h, s. a thief fopo, bronn, s. a quern
top, 'oe, s. a mark* t place 104, bronnachan, s. m. a donor, giver
b|t4]n, ira/, s. f. a beginning, front ; a chief t)pom;e4, bronteach, see bpajntea
4), bmhieach, s. m the prow of a ship bliof, *r"^ s- f- arush' ' * *Jn> ' *
t>lA|nt;e*C} brainteach, s. m. a palace bHoloc, brothlach, s. m. a kitchen
1 bjluco,
6U21 BUI C21) CAI

bftuo, bruchd, s. m. a springing forth bu4ji*in, buarachan, s. m. a cow-herd

bju, brud/i, s. m. confusion bujce4t>, buiccadh, s. a lunch of bread
b[ut>*c, brudhach, s. m. a fariner, peasant bu --, buidhechan-bo-bkacht, see b4 jne-
bpro, bruid, 1 . . bo-uie4c
, bruidhej
bpuje, bruidhe, s. m. a colony
bjtu]e*, bruidkeach, a. beastly ]1546, builgeasaeh, a. spotted, blistered
, bruidkeach, s. m. a burgo-master bujeaii, buinnean, seeba-jnean
b)*u)oe4, bruideadh, s. excitation bu]jbe, bunbeach, s. m. asevere wrathful man
bpiijoeajmnis, bruidearnaigk, s. irritation bujpbe4o, buiibcachd, s. f. severity
bpujm, bruidhin, s. f. afairy mansion, conversation burwjt, buttait, s. f. law, i. e. oljse
bpujn, bruinn, s. a sheep 4, buriata, a. settled
bl*u]e, bruinne, s. divinity, godliness, piety bu, bunn, s. apiece of coin ; a pedestal, sole, foun
b)mjc, bruith, s. broth dation
bpujf;, bruitfi, s. boiling, smelting ; baking bufiiTwp, bunnmhar, a. settled, founded
bpujtea, bruiteach, s. m. the belly buog, bunnog, s. f. a bannock
blu]te*o, bruiteadh, a. hot, sultry bunu4p, bunudhas, see 44
bjtu)ce*t>, rwteadk, a. beaten, bruised ; boiled, buntupa, buntlvusack, s. a founder
baked buntup4i, bunlhusack, a. original, authentic
bpjtjn. bruitin, s. f. mashed potatoes bupb, httrh, a. ignorant, rude
, bi umanach, s. m. a saucy intruder b'.ippb, but ib i, s. airiness, haste, nimbleness
, krusadh, s. brousing iftpun, burrun, s. the hip, arse
b\i\xtmA]peatv,brutJimfiaireac/id, s. f. gadding through fcur, bus, it is, bup jfap, it is true
bu&tll, buabhall, a. all-conquering, . .
iad&IU, buabkatlack, a. horny, having horns
buc, buar, s. m. mist, a cap of mist on a hill Cab, cab, s. the bit of abridle
t>uc, biacack, a. giddy Cae *n 4J]5P, ic a airgid, s. litharge
, buacachan, s. m. a bleacher's scoop Cn4t>, cachnudh, part, eifected, fmisiied
bucjpe, buacaire, s. m. a bleacher; a hair-brained C4t>4n, cada, s. m. a bird of passage, a woodcock
fellow C404}*p, cadaras, s. m. cotton, bombast
bu4t>, biadh, s. m. victory ^, cadas, wherefore
buB4, buadhadh, a. precious C40I4C, cadhlach, a. Catholic
**11*, bwidhallan, s. m. rag-weed C4t>'.4jt>e4, cadhlaidheach, a. jocose
*, b adn, s. . the bone in a horn C4elj*)a> caechliaigk, s. an empyrick
buUrh, brndhlamh, s. ajudge 4?4}1, cagailt, s. raking up ; cajajlt In rjne
bu4>5*llaTi, buadgkallan, s. . rag-weed C4jbne4, caibhneach, a. friendly
bu* , MM*. J s. f. pride C4], caidh, s. a spot, blemish, /'. e. bwob. e. g.
, buajradh,} C4JC, caidy s. dirt, filth, . e. p4lc}t
bu45*]He, buagaire, s. m. a tapster Cajoeap? caideas? wherefore
b"*]c, s. f. a wave ; the top or summit Cajee pin, caidheasan. s. m. the covering of a house,
b'J*l. baidh, s. a shew,,/'. e. fojllrjs hut or lent, mostly of skins
buftjce. buanlke, s. victory, triumph C4|ie, caidhid/if, a. covered with a hide
bU4]e4, bua'dheach, a. victorious 4(1, cail, s. a principle
*10]|^, buuidhirthe, s. m. a conqueror C4]c)t>e40Tj, cadcidheachd, s. grounding
1. buatfeach, a. poisonous C4|le, caileack, s. in. a chalice
biii(e4C, buaeack, a. of or belonging to a milking C4jls, cailg, s. f. barley, i. .
place Cajlgeoc, cailgeach, a. prickly
bu*]le<n, buaileachan, s. m. a milker; a place C4)l]no. cailind, s. calends
where cows are milked C4)rbc44n, camheachan, s. m. a protector
bumcfap, buaiichios, s. f. chief rent, head rent G4]mpe|i, cAmhfhear, s. one that runs with another
bu*in)]ie, biiainire, s. m. a reaper C*jrhne4Ti5, caimhneang, a. chaste
biiala, hualadh, s. m. a battle ; clapping of hands *1, caimpcar, s. m. a relation
bu*ll*t>, bcal/ackd, s. a drove of cows Cnjmpeoti, caimseog, s. f, an illusion
"bune, buanadh, s. m. a soldier, an unwelcome Cirn, cain, s. f. a fault
guest Ci]ne40, caineach, a. abusive, satirical'
"I)u44i5, htainnaigk, s. m. a commander f,4!jne4t>, caineadh, s. lamentation, crying
bu*nu, buanunn, s. a good mother Caineogi caimog, s. barley and oats
bu4pc, buirack, s. the early feeding of cows, or )1> talnteal, s. m. a press; a lump, piece
rising to feed C*)[tb,

C*j|ib, eau , s. f. the cheek, jaw C<ompat, caomhrath, s. happiness ; a pleasant hill
Cajpbjn, cairbin, s. f. the gum, a gun C<orhpar,, caomhrath, a. decent
ajpc, caire, s. f. hair, fur Cam, , s. concealment
Cejpojof, Mirdios, a. culpable, unclean, ;'. e. C<op con, caor con, s. the dog-berry bush; water
i- e. rala. . g. elder
Cajpea, Caireadh, s. a weir C<oj5, caorog, s. f. a small berry, a small spark
Cajprheao, cahmhtachd, s. f. brogue-making C<op= lana, caorog tana, the meadow pink ; Lych
Cj|ijr>, cairid, s. f. two, a couple, ca)P)t> b nis nos cuculi
C*)lle, cairU, s. a tossing, tumbling C<otjin , cacthran arrcight valerian ; Vale
Cajpleoj;, cairhog, s. f. the private parts of a woman riana officinalis
Cajpmeal, cairmeal, s. licorice Cap<e, carae, a. faithful
Ca)pn, cairn, s. a hill, mount, a heap of stones Capavo, caraid, s. f. defence, i.e. c<orhna
Cajpnea, cahncach, a. fleshy, carnal Ca]b, catb, a. accursed
Cir, cats, s. f. a torrent, a stream Capn, earn, s. ni. a province, t. e. cujgea
C*]|-)ieBAp, caurcabhas, s. juggling, legerdemain Cajm, carnae, s. tender flesh
Cajrce, caHche, s. fines, trespasses; tribute due to Cappat, car-pat, s. m. wickedness, i. t. cojppear. o. g.
the -Flaith or chief Captante, cattaighthe, a. accused; cleansed
Cajreaan, caitL-achan, s. m. a winnower, a spendthrift Caprujjeojp, carluigheoir, s. m. an accuser, chal
Oajreao, caite ic/d, s. f. wearing, threadbearedness lenger
Ca]f read, caithfeach, s. m. a spender, consumer Car, cas, s. hastiness, passion
Caj reao, cahhfeachd, s. f. consumption Cara, casa, s. a broach, pin
Ci-|,|.-]eAji, cathfighcar, v. it behoves, it ought, it Carao, casadh, s. justice, equity, i. e. ceapt. o. g.
is tit Cara, casadh, s. a meeting with
C*}c']n, caitin, s. f. a curl Carn, casan, s. m. lightning
Cjf jorh, caithiomh, s. possessing, enjoying. Mull. 69 Cargap, casgar, s. a breaking down, destroying
Cajrjt, ////, s. a headed pin, . e. caprap Carra, castach, s. m. a twister, winder
Cajrjcea, caiihcach, s. ni. a pin-header Cfa, cathach, a. beloved, dear, religious
Cajtleam, caithleam, v. we must Cata, cathadh, s. m. fighting
Cajimjm, caHhmhim, v. I waste, spend Caia]pe, cathaire, s. m. a citizen
Crtlajj, calaigh, s. m. a joker Catalf, cathais, s. f. reverence, obedience
Celajmejlt, calaimalt, calament ; Calamentha Carra]m, cathfaim, v. I must
CalBta, calbhtha, s. the calf of the leg Carpojpne, cathfoirne, s. soldiers
Calcaj, cakaidh, s. m. a protector, or guardian of Cafclaa, cathlagdhach, a. catholic, universal
honour; " t. e. cojrho caura." Coi. Carg, c'<>5 s- f- tne strawberry bush
Caiga po, <*?g><rd, a. proper, straight, tall Cattuag, cuthtuagh, s. a battle-ax
Callan, calladh, s. a cap, veil, hood Caubraon, caubsadan, s. the herb all-hail
Call<cjr eac, callaoiseach, s. m. a buffoon Ceat, ceath, s. a pit ; a cover, vail, apparel
Cam, cam, a. effectual, substantial Ceaajpe, ceachaire, s. m. a dirty slovenly person
Camajlt, camai/t, s. f. rubbing Ceaapna, ccachama, any one
Camap, camar, s. m. a soft, foolish person Ceacla, ceachlach, a. maimed
Camnajo, cumnaidh, s. rest Ceacra, ccachtcuh, a. of or belonging to a plough
Cnnioi]e*i camnaidhcach, s. m. a settled person Cearajpe, ceaj:htaire,s. m. a plough-wright
Campup, aim far, s. m. a champion Cearapao, ccachiardhuchd, s. f. indifference
Can, can, s. m. profit, advantage Ceaoac, ceadach, s. m. coarse cloth
, cana, s. a moth Ceaoaja, ceadaghadh, s. dismissing, permission
, canach, s. m. a sheet of water, t. e. mag Ceaapla, ceadharlach, gentian; Gentiana cam
Ujr,C. 0. pe-tris
Cana, canudh, s. m. a porpoise ; a tribute, bombast CaoT)ii)llea, ceaddhuiUeach, a. centifolious
C<oc.\o, caocha^hd, s. f. blindness Cealuj, ceadhluidh, s. discord, disunion
Cocg, eaecheg, s. f. a mole, a blind girl or woman Ceaoul, ceadul, s. m. a part, division
Cocoj, caochog, s. f. a sponge ; a spiral shell Ceal, ceal, 3. m. basbfulness
C<oon, caoduchan, s. in. an infant beginning to CeilBajlc, cealkhaik, s. f. an affirmation, a strong word
walk Ceallajpe, ceallaire, s. f. any church officer
Ciogma, caogma, s. sanicle ; Sanicula Cea", cean, a. short ; . e. jeapp. 0. g.
)0, cao'Jh, s. f. decency Ceaa^p, aannair, s. an hundred
COji]!, caoimhdht!, a. very loving ' Ce)pe, ceannaire, s. m. a leader, conductor
C-ojp'.ee., caoirleadfi, see caiple Ceaa, , a. bold-faced
Cio'ii^i caoUiCh, s. wattles, ribberies Ceabapp, ceannbharr, s. a helmet
Crha)5i cacmhaigh, s. a man expert at arms , cang,ashm
ce; CEI Of/ cm

CeATig, ceang, v. he went ; ?'. . c)n, t. . poje Cejpr, />/, s. f. an orchard

CeAiupg, Ciannasg, s. m. a head-stall, a band Cejp, tw, s. f. need, poverty
, ceannasg, s. m. government, ruling CejpneAco, ceisneachd,s. f. complaint, making a poor
&, ceannbhaoth, a. light-headed mouth
CeAbopb, ceannbhorb, a. stubborn, irregular CejreopA, ceitheera, a. fourth
, ceannchaomh, a. mild, sober CejtpeArhnA, ceithream/ma,s. quarters, lodgings
, ceannionn, a. strong-headed, bold, audacious Cel, eel, s. m. poison
Ce*r*U, ceannsalah, \%, dominion, govern- CerheAA, eemheadhach, s. m. a geometrician
CeRfl4CO, ceannsalachd, ) ment , eemheadhach, a. geometrically
, ccanntur, adv. nigh to; /'. . Cn, cen, s. f. a feast, a supper. Coi:
Cenjej5f)5, ceanreigluigh, s. propitiation , cen, s. a kind or species
Ce4nr*]t, ceantar, s. mist, fog CeppjAn, cennsrian, s. f. the head-stall of abridle
CeAppciojIeA, ceafscaoiUadh, s. propagation , ceobhron, s. m. melancholy, grief
Ce*i4t>, cearadh, a. red ; ', e. seApj. o. g. , ceodhach, a. misty, foggy, dark, dull, dim
, ceaibh, s. game Ceo5}4f, ceogtaf, s. geography
, fiai bhach, s. m. a gamester, prey Ceoln, ceolan, s. m. a dotard, a disturbed brain
4, cearbnach, s. m. a betrayer, deceiver Cep, cer, s. m. a stag, roe, hart
CeApcU, ceaiclach, a. circular, hoop-like Cepb, cerb, a. accursed
CeApebfi. Cemdann, s. a hen-house , , s. victory, triumph
Cepmnn4jll, cea mnuaill, s. a victor's shout , cern, s. a troop or band of people;
Ce4|n*j|u:, ceaniaire, s. m. a conqueror Cepnen, cernean, s. m. a dish
, chaman, s. a corner, angle, a horn-work Cepn']n, cernin, s. f. a trencher
Ceapnlong, cearntong, s. a bed or state Cep, ces, s. f. obscurity, disgrace, trouble
Ccajji, ?, s. m. aburial ; a lopping off Cet, cet, conj. although
, cearr, a. mute, dumb Ceup, ceus, s. a cross, crucifix, punishment
, rear/, s. m. toll, custom, debt CjaIIa, ciallach, s. ni. a love, a sweetheart
, ceart, s. m. a pebble CjaIIa, ciallach, s. m. a balancing; i. e. corhtpurha*
, fear, s. m. across a. o.g.
, ceas, s. m. a hunch-back Cj*llcpAjcjn, cmllchraicin, s. literal meaning
, ceas, s. m. the coarse of flax or wool CjAlljrlAjt, ciallfhlaith, s. a secretary of state
CeAp, ceas, s. m. a kiss Cjen<ojp, cianaois, s. f. old age
, ceas, s. m. a surfeit CjApAjl, ciarchail, s. f. a lurking place or den
CeAp, ceas, s f. a sow Cj4ppji), ciarraidh, s. a notch
, ceasan, s. f. the coarse wool of the flank C|*ppn, ciarsan, s. m a hum, a buz ; a grumbler
Co4pUc, ceashch, s. in, a rower C]ptA, ciarta, a. combed ; oU cjApt*
, ceasunaeh, s m. an executioner C)4p, cias, s. m. contention, strife
CeAt, ceat, s. f. a pillar, a prop Cjb, cib, s. f. sedge ; the shank bone of a beast
CeAAjp, ceathait, s. f. puddle after rain CjbeA, cibeach, a. sedgy
CeAAif-p)Ute, ccathair-fillte, a. four-fold CjbleAn, cibleachan, s. m. aninepin
, ceathra, s. cattle C), eich, s. f. a step, degree ; lamentation, grief
Cetlujt, ceathluidh, s. a beginning, front, founda CjeAC, cidheach, s. m. a fat lamb
tion CjpeAp, cifear, s. a cypher
Ceo, ced, s. m. power, manhood, victory lf* c'ft 1 s. unhandiness
CoieAt), cedmheadh, s. a quintal, a weight of 100 ]1, ctjleadh,)
pounds Cjpleog, cifleog, s. f. an unhandy, or unmannerly
, cedeachd, s. the continent person
, cediach, s. a pet lamb Cjg, cig, s. f. seeing, beholding
Cfiftie >, cethhleog, s. f. a fillet ; a spark of fire Cjgjpe, cigire, s. m. an inspector
Ccjl, CW, s. f. Heaven Cjl, cil, s. death
Ce]ie, teile, s. the shank bone Cjljp, cileir, s. fi a coul, a keeler, a large tub or"
C.!jieA04p, ceileabhar, s. egress; chirping like birds vessel with two ears tobe carried on a stick or
Cji_ac, celleach, a. wise, prudent slings
CjmpeAEA, ceimseata, s. geometry Cpmbel, cimbel, s. f. a pebble, a snroll stone
CjmpeAEA, ceimseatach, s. m. a geometrician , chnchreach, s. pillage; plunder, distress
CjmneA, ceimneach, s. m a footman for rent or taxes
CejpB, , s. f. carving C)me, cime, ,%. travelling, going
Cejple, ceirle, s. a bottom of yarn , cimeachd, ) & e
,6, ceirseach, 1 Cjmeac, cinteach, s. lrt. a traveller'
Cejppeo, ceirseogt J r * Cm, ein, s. f. a drop
6F CjnAjpe,

Cjnujpe, cinaire, s. m. a knave, a little rogue CIjattiac, cliamach, s. m. a lobster, a ragged child
CJn5c)r Cingcis, Whitsuntide CIjattiac, cliamach, s. m. a surly fellow
Cjngeat), cingeachd, s. f. concluding CljAAjjte, diathaire, s. m. a hurdle-maker
CjngJIte, cingire, s. m. a leader, guide Cljb, clib, s. f. a bushy lock of hair
Cjnj5jm, cghim, v. I prophecy, foretel Cljb^n, clUin, s. f. a filly
Cjnrhjol, cinmhiol, s. a picture I j, clidh, s. f. an assembly
C)op, cmnchios, s. pole-tax CljliriiAC, clilamhach, a. left-handed
CjeA, cinneadh, s. decreeing, appointing Cljng, cling, s. a ring of bells, chimes, a knell, a
CjccAjpe, cicchaire, s. m. a stingy man, a churl crack
Cjocaj*, ciochar, s. m. a shot Cljob, cliob, s. a snatch
C]Jl*t>, ciochladh, s. suppressing CljreA, diseach, a. skittish, apt to start
CjoctpAn, ciochtosan, s. m. a hosier Cljt, clith, s. f. a desire of copulation in cattle
Cjo, c/eg, s. f. a mist, a cloud, a breast CijceA, elithcadh, s. copulation
Cjoac, ciolach, a. deadly CIoaj, ciochar, s. m. a rock ; a convent
C]ol, ciolog, s. f. provision, store 1}, clocharn, s. stepping-stones aerse a
C|Otruc, ciomach, s. m. a restless fellow stream
Cjomac, ciomach, a. restless ClolActA, clochlachtach, s. lapis lazuli
Cjoma, ciomadh, s. combing, carding Cloep, doer, s. judgment; i.e. bpejteArhnAj*
Cjonma}, cionmhar, a. lovely CI05, dog, s. m. a head
joji jala, ciorghalach, a. forcible Clo)5jne4, cloigineach, a. noisy
jomAjpe, ciomaire, s. m. a cottoner Cljr, dois, 1 stinking marsh-horse-tail ;
C1PP orr, a. short Cl-ujrge, clo-icisge,l Equisetum fcetidum
Q]ot, ciot, s. f. the left hand ClotfiAp, ctomhas, s. m. a trap
(2)ovc, ciotach, a. left handed, aukward 1, clomhas, a. grey ; i. e. ljai
Cjoa, ciothac/i, a. showery CloAji, clothar, s. m. an assembly
C)f*b, >, s. f. a curb, edge, border CIuac, duach, a. pebbly, stony
C]i]n, ciritt, s. f. a top-knot, the comb of a cock CluAn, duan, s. m. a lawn, a retired or sequestered
Clrc)" dscinn, s- a P'e tax place
C]|*ei, /, s. f. the bank or bench where turf is cut Clujs, clttig, s. f. a bubble
Cjreo, cisccg, s. f. the stem of corn or straw Clujn, dum, s. f. a great steep, a rock
C]rce4c*n> cisteachan, s. m. a treasurer, cash-keeper ClujeA, cluinntach, s. m. a miner
Cjucol, ciucol, s. m. an audience, or hearing Clu]t, cluith, s. f. game, diversion
Cjurhar, ciumhas, s. m. a selvage Clu]te, cluithe, s. f. a bargain, agreement
|, ciunas, s. m. tranquillity, calmness ClujceA, cluiteach, a. famous, renowned
Ciuprn, ciursan, s. m. a buzz, hum ], cnabaim, v. I pull, haul, batter
Cl*Bp4cin, clabhrachan, s. m. a babbler , enabaire, s. m. a break for flax
C'aac, claihach, s. au the sea, sea-shore, a haven Cnbjor-, cnabros, s. hemp-seed
lag, clag, s. cackiing like a hen CnAol, cnadkol, s. m. whining
ClA5*l|e, clagaire, s. m. a noisy body ; a bell clapper Cnjb ujj-je, enaib uisge, water neckweed ; Canna
Cl*), fiai, s. fruit bis
Cl*)b, claib, s. f. a mouth CiiA]*eA, cnaightheacfr, a. nutty
Cl)J4t)An, cluireadan, s. the forehead CnjrhreAAn, cnaimhseachan, s. m. a grumbler
CUjr, dais, s. f. a choir ]*10, cmmharlach, s. m. a skeleton, a bag of
CUjr, dais, s. f. a quarter; " cejjie cl*)peri4 mbo " bones
CUmAjn^n rjn, clamhamia Un, s. dodder, withewind ; CnArhs, enamhog, s. f. a maggot
Epilinum ^, enapaire, s. m. a louse
ClAmppAC, clamprack, a. deceitful, fraudful Cnjoc, enioc, s. f. a niggard
CURax), dannadh, s.intennent; a child's portion Cnjuc, /, s. m. a sigh, sob, groan
Cho^, daogh, s. a flake of snow 005, cnobhog, a. heroic
ClApj, dipog) 6 a leaf; a kiss; a slap on the CnocAjjie, enocaire, s. a crabbed little fellow
hand or face Cno , cno searb, s. a filbert ; Nux pontica
ClApphuf, tlapphus, a. wide-mouthed, blubber- lipped , coar, s. m. an attack, madness, giddiness
CUp, dasadh, s. entrenchment, enclosing, erecting , cobhan, s. m. walking side by side
Cle*c, deach, s. m. a goad, a wattle Coca, coca, s. a cockle
,+|, cleaihr.:ch, a. stooped, bent CocAji, cocar, a. perfect, noble
Clejblri, dabin, s. f. a jag CoctortA, coctasta, s. a floor
Clej'e. clcithe, s. f. the body Cot>, codh, s. a foot
Ciej-. deitheach,a. sinister, left-handed , eodh, alike, in the same manner, abe
Clct, cUth, a, partial Cot), coda, s. law, justice, equity; vitory

>4, coda, 1 , . ]|1], coimin, s. a little cup or vessel

Coo, codach,js- aP'ece> Part> share fragment Cojpp, coirp, a. accursed, wicked
Coat;, codt, s. m. a champion Cojpt>e*cip, coisdeachd, s. f. hearkening, listening
Cot>n4, codhnach, s. m. a disease incident to cattle Co)rt)e4]i5n, coisdheargan, s. a red-shank
Conc, codhnach, s. wealth, riches, goods Cojpeant, coiseanta, a. protected, defended
CoUn, codhlan, s. poppy ; Papaver Cojpe4ncAc, coiseantach, s. m. a protector, defender
Coej*, coeva, s. a gulf, the meeting of two tides Cojpeog, coiscog, s. f. a stalk of hay or corn with the
Coem, coem, a. swift, nimble, active ; . e. earsajts, seed on it
. e. tilUm. o. g. Cojpjn, coisin, s. f. defence
Cojrine, coisineach, a. spindle-shanked
%"%, } * m' a drink' drauSht , coisteach, )
Cogpft, cograch, s. m. a whisperer, conspirator Co,ree.*n, comeachan,) * m' ->"
Cjb, coib, s. f. a cope CojpteA, coisteadh, s. a jury
Co-jBpeajun, coibhfearan, s. m. a dog Cojr, coit, s. f. a word ; Welsh, coed
CojBjreajian rnujftr, coibhfearan muirt, s. a rabbit Cojtreur, coithfeat, s. hearing; i. *, e)pteAC
CojBr.e*p*n tx>bp, coibhfearan dobar, s. an otter Coptjng, coitting, s. f. a battle
CojbgeA, coibhgheach, a. fierce CoIacw, colachd, s. f. plaistering, daubing
Cojbneur, coibhneas, a. near, next Colt>, coladh, s. m. superfluity
CojBrjn, coibhsin, s. f. truth Colb, colb, s. m. a head
CoigeAoa, coigeadhach, s. m. a provincial king ColU, collach, a. lascivious, wicked
Cojgenl, coigeal, s. a distaff ; thriftiness, sparing ColUn, collan, s. f. the body
)5*)1, eoigear, s. an asking or demanding Colm*, eohna, a. hard, steely
Cojgjl, coigi/, v. spare thou Colmelt, colmalt, s. a dove-cote
Cojgle, coigie, s. wisdom ; a secret CoIcJ, collar, s. m. a bed
Cojihjne, coigmhinet s. a teat or dug , cemadh, s. m. shape, figure ; law, equity %,
Co}5ne*n, coignean, s. m. a riddle, a sieve defence
Cojgnj, coignit a. pure, clean Comt>, comadhy S. m: care ; indifference
Cojgpj, coigri, s. a fosterer Com*), comhaidh, s. a reward
Cojmedg*]*, coimheagar, a. perfect, spotless, pure CoriA]ce4r, comhaitcheas, s. protection
Cojmljonga, coimhmgadhy the even or regular 0*140, ccmhalachd, s. f. confederation
march of an army Crh4l4), comhalaigh, s. f. a confederate
Cojmpjopt, coimpiort, s. conception ; the cock's- Comn, coman, s. m. a common, a hurl ; a bandy
thread in an egg , coinann, s. m. an obligation, benefit
^^, coimricy s. protection Conwjn, comaoin, s. communion,, a favour
Copnre, coimse, s. f. sufficiency Com4];, comnrt, s. m. death, killing
Co^mrlgie, coimsighthe, a. mensurable Crri4t4, comhathach, s. competition
Cjrhf-jopjmjgec, coimhshiorruigheacht, s. f. co- ComU, tomhladh, s. . arame; comlar
eternity Crhl<e, comhUe, s. the same day ; equal swiftness
Co]ne, coine, s. f. a woman Crhlin, comhlan, s. m. a couple
Cojngoe*!, coingbheal, s. detentioB CmlAfAt), comklasadh, s. conflagration
Cojnt5fe*5*t>, coindreagadh, s. battles Crhlu4f;5AJlb comhluaihghairr%. f. congratulation.
Cojnlio, cainliogh, s. stubble CrhnApoe, comhnaidhe, s. m. a helper
Cojnrhe, coinmhe, s. a guest CrhobAjp, comhobair, s. f. co-operation
Co]e-At*)P, coinne-athair, s. the wife's father Cmo, comhod, s. m. harmony, choras
Cojfijm, comnimh, s. f. protection, entertainment Corhogdt), comhoghadh, s. a cousin-german
Co]ii|}, coinnir, s. f. a brace, a couple Crhl, comhol, s. m. compot'ation
Co]je*c, coinnreach, s. in. a couple ; plough traces Corhop, comhor, s. a nose ; '. . rjtn. e. .
Cojfypeat, coinnreacht, %. the law relating to dogs Corhoj54]J, comhorgair, s. aid, help ; . . 4).
Cojpeftti, coinnreadh, s. correction , cowers, v. was killed ; i. e. t>o nupba, .
CojFir, comnt, s. f. a woman PO opt. - ^
Cojrjbe, coinntibhe, s, f. a gibe, scoff Comfo, comthach, s. m. a companion
Cojnrjne, coinsine, s. f. defence Cornue, cornue, s. m. bodily need
]]1, coinsintear, v. be him, her, or it de Comurg, comusg, s^m. a mixture
fended or protected : it is defended Con, Con, \ s theScotchfiruee
Cojpb, coirb, a. accursed. Con4, Cona, )
Cojfiean, oii cheamty s. a spindle ConBAn, conabhan, s. confluence of rivera
Cjjte, caire, a as plain as; i, e. c]mpe Cbn4, conaeh, so that
Cjpleife, coirleighthtyZ. properly spelled Con4] conaidh, a. soft, gentle, affable
Cojlne*6, coimeaeh, a. cornered ConAip, MiW/V, s. f. a haven ;, a crown
cor cm CRO

Corujtiele, conaircle, a. fat, gross, soft, tender Cota, cothach, s. m. harbouring, foddering
Cona]pe, conaire, adv. therefore, notwithstanding Cocn, cothan, s. ni. the glanders
Conajpe, conaire, s. the herb. loose strife Cocapa, cotharach, s. water scorpion -grass
, coac, so that ; i. e. 50 nc Cocapa, cothardha, a palatable, seasoned
Conappac, conasrac'i, s. m. a rlea Cotuo, cothud, s. ni. peace, rest
Conbalap, conlia'as, s. m. a support, stay Cpapeac, craideach, s. m. a scald crow
Conhu)]}i, conbhmdhir, s. a guard Cpapceac, craidhteach, a. miserable
Concap, conchas, s. m. punisliment, torture CPJ5 Cra'g> s-f- the gullet; a paw, a fist
Conpa, confidh, s. the sea Cpajnc, cramnt, s. a snot
Conpojpne, confoirne, s. an otter Cp iceog, craiteog, s. f. a niggardly woman
Congajpe, conoaiie, s. f. an acclamation ofjoy Cparhaplac, cramharlach, the stalks of pease, pota
Congapr, congar,t, s. m a command toes, &c.
Congparh, congramh, s. m. activity pampa, cramfa, s. the cramp, a cramp
Congup, conglius, s. nt. a conquest Cpampog, cramfog, s. f. a noose
Coil, conn, ?. ni. counsel ; 1. comajple. c- g. Cpnacn, cranachan, s. m. a craner, a crane
Co.-)!c, Conntii/t, Conn's house, Tara Cpaa, crannach, \
Cola, connladh, s. wisdom Cpaagla, crannaglach,)*- m- Plougb geers
Con)t>, conoid, s. f. a guard, taking notice of Cpagajl, crarmghail, s. f. mortification
Conpa, conrach, s. m. a coffin-maker Cpaleatan, crann leathan, s. a kind of silver money
Conpa, /i, a. coffi i-like in use with the old Irish
Conpajrh, consatmh, s. m. an alliance, union Cpaog, crunnogt s. f. a mill-hopper ; hollow of a
Conrppac, contrarach, adv. adverse, contrary shield ; a hook or pin to hang on
Cnnrpan, Contran, s. wild Angelica Cpob, craobh, s. m. a pedigree ; /. e. eleafeuj
Cop, cor, s. m. health ; a hook ; a wrinkle ; a plait Cpapcajt), crascaidh, s. a box 1 r small cotter
or fold Cpafn, crathan, s. m. hunch of berries
Cop, cor, s. m. wrestling Cpeabajpe, crai aire, s. m. a wood-cock, a gad-fly
Cop, cor, so that ; " cojt 50 nte*CA]c." Cpeacoa, creachdach, s. m. a inner
>, coradh, s. m. a champion, a big man Cpeaoa, creadha, s. clerk-ship, or clergy
Cojtb, corb, a. wicked, lewd, cursed Cpeaal, creadhal, ) .
Copbaip, coi bais, a. wild, savage Cfe*pa\ ,, m-austen^ Piety
Cope, core, s. m. hard skin on the hands or feet ; a Cpeam. creamh, s. ale or beer; e. lean. a. g.
welt Cpeamajpe, creamaire, s. m. a hawker, pedlar
Copm*6, en-mack, s. m. a brewer Cpeapall, creapall, s. fetters, binding
Copn, com, s. m. a robe , crear, s. m. a hoop
Copntajpe, corntaire, s. m. a wrapper Cpeap creas, s. m. an adorer, a christian
Coppacap, corrachas, s. m. weariness, uneasiness Cpeap, creas s. m. binding
Cuppa, corradh, s. the rabble of a maiket Cpeapan, crtasan, s. m. a girdle ; a penitent
Coppba, corrhach, s. m. a carver, engraver Cpeac, crt, s. m. a breast-plat. , buckler ; the skin
CoppgaMn, corrghabhan, s. ni. an ear-wig Cpeaf po, creathfonn, s. an eartli-qunke
Coppglap, corrghlas, s. m. the"bird king's fisher Cpejm, creidhm, s m. chewing the cud
Coppgpjan, corrghnan, s. f. a swan, a turtle dove Cpe]g, cieg, s. fa rock
Coppguimeac'o, corrgu meachd, s. f. restlessness Cpejgee^, cretgeog, s. f. a conger
Coppnan ca)p]l, cortnan chaisil, wall penny -ort Cpejpnejrt, creisneimh, s. f. the zodiack
Coppocacs corrocadb, s. footing turf Cpeo, creo, copper ore ; a wound
Copppnulcap, corrsmaltas, s. m. unlawfulness Cpcopac, aeopach, s. m. a seducer
Coppu]e, corruidhe, s. m. trouble, disorder Cpeocap, creothar, s. m. a wood cock
Cprap, coilas, s. m. custom, fashion Cp}4, cita, s- a maiket or bargain
Copcn, cortun, s. m. a cantred of land Cpja, !<>}rge, Ciiadloisge s. a potsherd
Copucn, cornean, s. m. a skerret Cp^aca, criethach, s. m. a wilderness
Copa, cosach, s. m. a teacher ; instruction Cp)b, crib, s. f. a comb
Copa, cosadh, a. taught Cp)t>e, ciidAe, s. the ague
Copat> ouba-, cos'idk dubhadh, the great water parsnip Cpjo, crioch, s. a copse or grove
Copape, cosaidhe, s. m. an instructor Cp|op, ciios, s. f. the thigh
Copnac, cosnnch, s. m. a defendant Cp)0| laci, crioslach, s. m. an apron
Copnocc, cosnocht, a. bare-legged Cppr, ciiot, s. f. an earthen vessel
Coppa, cosrach, s. tetters Cpjot, crioth, s. f. the ague
Coprap, costaidh, s. an inn ; i. e, caj aprar> Cpjrjp, crithir, s. f. a spark of fire
Cora, cota, s. fear Clo, crp, )3 witchcraft
Cotac, cotach, a. fearful Cpo*rt, croan,)
cu) cui cue cut

Cjfo, crock, s, a body, . e. copp. o. g. CujBlm, cuibhlinn, s. f. dispute, contest

CpoAft, crodhar, s. m. a corpse, a bier, a hearse Cujcce, ciiicce, , <r. cujge, i. <r. 50 nujge
Cpo)necin, croineacan, s. m. an assembly ; a ring of Cujt)De*r, cuidbhcadh, s. gibe, a jeer
people Cujce*, cuiceach, s, a coverlet
Cjto|)ie, croinnire, s. m. turner Cujisear, cuideachd!, s. f. company; a companion
Cfo)flt, croinnt, . grey Cuppeog, cuideog, s. f. a sj spider
Cpojntrjle; crcinntsile, s. snot, or spittle Cujg, ctugA, s. a bed-chamber
Cpojpean, croiscachan, s. m. a pilgrim , cuigead, adv. therefore
Cpolujge, croluig/ie,s. agony ^uJ5'n cuiglin, s. f. tow or wool on a distaff -
Cuj5en, cuigean, s. m. a chum ; froth caused by the
con^e'co, cronaigheacbd,} s" ahindrance,prohib- metion of any liquid
^, cromighadh, J ltlon )!, /, s. a prohibition
Cjto, cronn, s. a bend or bow Cujlea, cuileach, s. . cock
Cjtofc, croth, s. money ; a portion Cu|l)5, cuiligh, s. f. a cellar, storehouse
CporA, crota, s. a garden, a park Cujll<i, cuillear, s. cjuarry
Cpora, crothach, a. formidable Cujlte*c4n, cuilteachan, s. in. an upholsterer
Cporal //, s. m. a stone ; the blossom buds of Cujmje, Cuimtdhe, God
hazel Cu)rhge*li, cuimhgheall, s. f. state, condition
Cjtotnt>, crothnadh, s. twilight, a taking notice Cujmleat), cuimleadh, s. performance, fulfilling
Cjiuag, cruachog, s. f. jeopardy, distress C"]mpea, cujmseach, . indifferent, sufficient
CpuA, cruagog, s. f. nonplus ], cuifear, s. conception
Cpubg, crubog, s. f. a hook, staple ; a weaver's Cujpb, cuirb, a. cursed
thrum Cu]|bfl|e, cuirbsire, s. m. a brewer
, crudhach, a. gory, bloody Cuinc, cuire, 1 ' '!",' < 1
Cpunh, cruimh, s. f. a root, a maggot, a gentil Cu)pcV, cuircln, i s- a head> crest> comb> toP knDt
Cpti]ne4, cruineach, s. m. dew Cujple, cuhchle s. sorcry
Cjuijnp Ar*, cruinpiada, s. f. a spheroid Cu]]te)l, cuireil, a. visible _. \
Cjtu)R)on, cruinniochan, s. m', any round heap Cu]j]t>1n, cuiridin, shave grass, naked hrsetil;
, crutach, a. hunch -backed Equisetum foliis nudum *J ; i ~
Cputol cojlle, cruie/ f/7/f, lung wort ; Muscus pul- Cujpjn^n, cuirinin, the white water-lily ; Nymphcea
monarius alba major aquatica
C]iui;u^4t>, cruthughadh, s. ni. proving, proof Cujppjr, cuirdhris, sweet-briar
CuaB, cuabhach, a. fleshy Cu}rcle, cuiscle, s. sorcery
Cuit, cuach, s. m. a narration ; a bottom f yarn ), cuisire, s. m a casuist , *
Cuacg, cuachog, s. f. a skein of thread ; a spiral Cujrle )Be*c,c/i/e eibheach, liver-wort; Pepartca
sheH Cujrljn, cwslin, s. f. a flute or hautboy, . e. cpR
Cuoeiii, cuadan, s. m. a complaint cjuil. 0. g.
Cu]jie, cuadhair, s. ni. a news-monger Culbc, culbhach, a. artful, skilful
Chu*r, chuaidh, v. Went' CulU, cuilach, s. m. a yearling calf . ' , *1
Cujp}n, cuairin, a. flshy, . r/eolrhAjt 1*, cubran, i. va. birthwort, swine-bread;
Cuajr, mais, s. f. narration ; cave, a hollow Aristolochia
Cual, cual, s. m. a burden Cur^4]t), cuntaidh, s. help ',
CulU, cuallach, s. m. a companion ; a dear Curnaps ciimhmng, . power; a corner
Cum, cuam, s, m. an assembly, a multitude Cumol, cumal, s. m. toll
Cun, , s. m. deceit; a supper; a litter of whelps Cumnn, cunum.b, m. a shrine
, euer, s. m. a worm, a screw ; flesh Curhl)jm, cumhlaiglum, v. l'u'fil, perform
Cu4Jg, cuarog, s. f. a knapsack CurhUjgfe, curp iliihlhe, a. performed, fulfilled
Cu*rg, cuasog, s. f. a bee's nest ; ah apple ; an egg umplut, cumpiuchd, s. a crew, a gang
Cuacn, cuatan,'s. ra. the sun Cumopat, cumoradh, s. emulation
CuBavo, cvbhaidh, s. a cubit un, , s. . coin, money
, cucan, s. m. a rush basket, a top-knot Cunron, cunson, s. a noble person ; a consonant
Cut, cucht, s. m. store, provision, beauty, limning Cunu]l, cunuil, s a check
, cudam, s. m. a prostitute ; daudriff, forked Cjf, cur, s. aid, care
hair Cujud, curach, m a" champion'
Cugetoro, cugadsa, prep, to you , curaid/ie,J r, ,
CugAj, cugainn, tons Cu]f]lc*e< currucadh, s. cooing as pjd^eons do
Cui, cui, s. a cover, garment Cujtuin, curuin, s. f. an objection, obstacle
Cuj, cui, a. contrary . Cut, /, s. m. a short tail
Cu)bet, cutbet, s. m. ajeer, a scoff Cucoc, cutach, a. bob- tailed .
G Cuc4)r>,

Cut4j, cuiaidh, s. wake-robin ; Arum niacula- e4j5, dearg, a. bitter, severe, great, bad, intense,
tum inveterate
Cucala, cutulach, s. m. a companion, comrade ^e*1r5n')t>, dearsgnaidh, a. wise, prudent
Cu*p, //, s. m. froth De4ca6n, deatachan, s. m. a chimney
Suceur, cutlut, s. m. a mountain DeBljii, aeblilm, s. f. poverty, impoverishment
bo, ded, s. the jaw or row of teeth
D bes, degh, in compound words signifies good, fair, &c
bejBIeft, deibhleach, s. m. a plank
04), dai, s. a vowel bejee, dike, a. hairy
Au?, s. f. friendship bepe, deide, s. care, diligence
ajljuja, dadiughadh, s. distributing, distribution bejl, deil, s. a snare ; two, double
*jrhjjie, daimhire, s. m. a reconciler bejlb, deilbh, s. f. warping a chain for weaving
oajnjn, dmininn, s. handicraft bejlb-bjl, dciibhdhU, s. a warping mill
bjc, a;'/, s. a fort, fastness be)lb)5te, dcilbhighthe, part, warped
bajte0, daiteach, a. fair-coloured bejlbf11 deilbhfin, s. f. a warping mill or engine
bajea, daiiheadh, s. celerity bejlj, dcilidh, s. f. pursuit, following
OAjcjin, daman, s. a foster-brother bejlrpe, deiltre, idols ; a house where magic is prac
0*l, 0/, s. m. respite, delay ; a brood tised, a school of magic art
*lrft, daltadh, a. contracted bevrh, deimh, s. dark, hidden
*m, dam, s. a dame, a mother bejrhne, deimhne s. edged tools
04m, damh, s. m. an earthquake ; suffering bjn, dein, s. f. hastiness
bin, dan, to whom b]n, dein, even so ; at last, t>jn
bin, , s. m. treasure bejneao, deineachd, s. f. urging ; anger, wrath
0<oni*jp), daernauin, s. f. ruin, destruction bejjtqpe, deii cire, s. m. an almoner
, durs, s. a habitation beagle, deirgle, s. a reward, purchase
b*pc, dart, s. bulling a cow ; a drove or herd &;.jl5mjoe, deirgmide, s. dishonour
40, dartach, s. a two year old bull bejtbjp, deithbhir,s. f. charge or custody
, dartog, s. a clod, a small sod bell, dell, s. separation
4, dasach, a. bold, fierce, restless beobpo, dcobronn, s. consecration
, datach, s. m. a giver, bestower bn, den, a. partial
, dead, s. m. a movement beot>, dtodh, a. everlasting
be4, deach, a. profitable, goo<l beot>, deodhann, by God.s help, . e. va ceojn t>
be*rh*}c, deachmhaic, s. tythe beol, dcol, s. f. aid, help, succour
, deachm, s. a corner eol4, deolcha, a. huge, bulky
, deachsa, v. see thou, . . . . f. beo]i4j, deoraidh, s. evil
be*w, dead, a. evil bej, der, a. little, small
, dtadhmon, s. a moth tier, des, a. ridgy, . e. t>pujmne4C
be*po]fA]l, deaforail, a. astray bet/t>]l, desdil, s. f. a skirmish, affray
OefUi, deajuach, s. a mild word bej-e, dese, s. f. a spout, conduit, fosset
be*5*)l, deaghaii, a. loose, scattered bet4D4, dethabha, a. good, generous, merciful
be5lr, dcagalt, s. m. a recalling b)4D4l, diabhal, s. m. captivity, . e. txojpe
be|l, deaghur. s. m. pleasantry t>)A5l4, diagla, s. ale, beer, drink
be*l*n, dealan, s. m. a sudden glimpse of sun after a b]4jn)rn, diainimh, ) a ^ unblemished
cloud, streaks of brightness in the sky by night b]4n, dum, \
bp If, dealc, a. great, huge, big b|4]lmiX3e, diairmide, a. dishonoured
bt'olrmic, dcalmhuc,s.m. a rebel, an outlaw 01-*)4, dla-aitheas , s. atheism, blasphemy
0>'4, deamadh, s. agreeing, agreement bi4rh4n*r> dtamhanas, s. m. idleness, vanity
4 jiii454]]te, deamhan ruagaire, s. m. an ex b,b, dib/i, s. f. a farm
orcist bib dibh, v. miperat. form, make, did owwo
44, deanes, s. m. haste jD'Fe*lB, dibhfearg, s. anger, indignation, venge
beaf, deann, s. a gibe ; mist ance
be4. deann, a. vehement bieal, dicheal, s. power
44, deanna, a. naked iiU, s. protection
be*4, deannach, s. m. mill-dust b -e, diget s. a petition, blessing, thanks
. deannadh% s. m. variation cu, digu, a. unchosen, unpicked, . e, vyto^t)be
, dur ach. s. m. destruction, pillage bile, dile, s. wort, gile, t. e. bullir
be4pbr>i]B, dearbhmhoid, s. an affidavit b]le*n, dilean, "1 s f a deluge, a flood
belc*n, dearcan, s. m. an acorn biljon, dihon, J
t>epx>ul> dcardul, s. a storm, tempest bilce*n, dilghean, s. affection ; suppression
J0 bjmear,

bol, dot, s. m. a snare, link of hair ; disdain

jme*r, dim/teas, s. scarcity of fruit
bjrnju, dimiaeih, s. irreverence ol, del, s. grief, dolor
bjno, dind, s. a bill, hillock ~J>F*> dolfa, s. necromancy
oortu, domhadh, s. a sound
jne, dine, s. life
**Jn5Jl*e,dtHgtre, s. m. a paver's rammer Oomn, domhan, s. m. an ox, an eunuch ; a smell
jnle, dinnle, s. the scab or itch smock
&nr5W?r dinsgrs, s. f. depredation bn<e, dome, a. dishonorable, despicable
bjo, diodh, s. want, nj |fu]l t>jot> 4]t Oojut, dorath, first of all, imprimis, i. e. ce*o]l
J0D40, diodhach, a. indigent Dojib!], dorbhlaidh, s. a sprinkling, wetting
bjo6fi5, diobhrogach, a. discalceate Oajc*e, dorcan, s. m. a yearling- bull calf
j45*l, dioghal, s. m. a duel bopop<ojP, dordfaoidh, s. f. a murmur
]05*)> dioghais, s. f. the summit bojtg, org, s. m. a grudge
bjo^n, diogan, s. m. grief, sorrow bopg, dorgha, a. stern, grim
bj05l, diogar, a. eager, intent, vehement bojing, dornog, s. f. a mitten, glove, gauntle.t
bjogUjj-, dioghlais, s. f. abuse, defamation bopur, Doriw, s. m. January
bjojt), dioghradh, s. hatred bjp, /s, s. f. manner, fashion
0jol4t, diolchath, a. huge, monstrous bjrcpuoAt, doscrudadh, a. unsearchable
bjolliTjt, diollait, a. powerless, j. e. ne4mcurh4COAC 5*40, dosgatliach, a. improvident, extravagant
biomuill, dtamuill. \) s' .lahment,
. , bofC4, dosta, not to be widistood, . e. oo pearc*
bjomult, diomult, . e. t>j ,Ujl, bjt, </efA, a. soon, early
bjong, diong, s. a hillock boc4jine, dothairne, s. evil, mischief, poverty
jofi*, dianuach, s. m. mill-dust bf4icc, draicc, a. angry, rough
b)op*i5, dioraigh, s. m. a distiller b|t4rh, dramh, s. m. a wry mouth
bjoi4jri, diorainn, s. a drop, a drop of rain bjumo4n, dramhdan, s. m. a mutter, grumble
bjojung, diorang, s. a belch bj4u, drauck, s. a dragqn
jojn*, diornach, s m. aseller of drink 40, dreanach, a. despicable, vile, mean
jl, dir, s. tetters, pimples bpe4fi5, dreang, s- a breach
0|e4t54f, direachdas, s. gelding. Oje4, dreann, s. m. a fort
0), dtrrlheach, s. m. a feast b}e4R, dreann, a. surly, dogged ; good
bjuBjuc, dtubhrac, s. a strong or great hand bjeo4t), dreoghadh, s. ratling
juc, diuc, a. difficult bpepeos, dreseog, s. f. a briar
dtug, s. sudden death, cboaking bpepfie, drcsire, s. m. a rehearser
biug* diugadh, s. clucking like a hen bj)b, drib, s. f. dirt, filth ; a snare, danger
bju5*jpe, diugaire, s. a drinker ; a strangler b|()e, driche, s. flying
bjul-o, diuid, s. f. succour bp] II, drill, s. a spark of fire, a twinkle, a glimpse
bjujoe, dimde, s. f. continuance b)tj054ct, driogacht, s. f. distillation
b)ulr*]f, diultais, s. legation, refusal, denial bp)og}pe, driogaire, s. m. a distiller
b)un, diunach, s. m. bathing, washing bpjiljn, drithlin, s. f. a drill or piercer
taurine, diunnach, s. m. a penitent bpjuc, driuc, s. m. a beak, a snout
bjupnuc, diurnac/i, s. m. a bibber, a swiller bpjum, dnum, s. the chief or beloved of the tribe
:j, diaoi, s noose bjio, droch, s. m- a moth or worm in wood or cloth
loco, dioc/id,) bpojBgne, droidhghne, s. dignity
loifij dlomli, s. m. a refusal bfo)rtie4r> droimheas, s. want
blujt, dluith, s. f. manifestation of the truth b}o4C, drollach, a. tricky ,
tJo4c<l, doacal, a. difficult bpomn, droman, s. m. a back-band of a cart or
fco, rfec^, unto me plough-traces
bocfiACB, dotrachd, s. f. difficulty bpomct), dromachd, s.-f. affirmation
oct, dochta, s. a teacher ; a lesson, dictate b|on4jpe, dronaire, s. m. an avoucher
oc*, dodha, s. f. conflagration bfo, dioth, a. constant
fcooAo, dodachd, s. f. an evil action bju45, druathog, s. f. a bawd, a whore
fc]t|ll, doifeill, a. ungenerous, inhospitable bnujm, dridm, s. account, sake
00)1>, doih ad, s. an arch bjujn, druin, s. fastness
&o]lr, doilidk, a. shameless bpujreog, druiseog, s. a lecherous woman
fcojlle, s. f. blindness bu4l, dual, m. a patrimony ; a sheaf of green flax
boipedfcc, doircheachd, s f. darkness 0Uil, dual, s. m. painting, carving
bojyte, done, s. a grove, wood, thicket jaUin, dualachan, s. ni. a toll-taker, custom-man
b)l,]*l* doiriar, s. insatiableness bu04)l:, dubfuwt, \. he said
j50)P)4]t*c, doinarach, a. insatiable, unsatisfied bnbcon, dubhcon, s. war, strife
boj*> oi'Mj a 5Wi*> active, nimble buiotein, duibhghtin, s. a stranger, a foreigner

bujloeap, duilbhear, s. leaves of trees Gapna^eac, earnailcack, s. ni. a divider, dividend

bucearn, duileacan, s. m. a trout 6app, earp, s. m. a lie
bujleao, duilcad, s. the arch of abridge 6*1*1'5*)' toj-rgais, s. heroic action
bujlearh, Duileamh, s. God, Creator eappgiojf, earrgaoith, s. a flying shaft, dart, or javelin
ujljiie, duilinne, s. tribute Gapplap, earrlaidh, s. a servitor
bujnea, duineach, a. epicene 6arat>, tasadh, s. rebellion
ujjtce, duirce, s. a berry , eusaird, s. A schism, a bad condition
ujposh, duisoglach, s. m. a client Gapbat, easbadh, s. vvnt, poverty
bul, dul, s. m. a lock of hair or wool Gapcaipe, e/scaire, s. m. prohibition, exconirnUhi-
bum, dumh, s. a mist, cloud, darkness cation
bupapa, dusaradh, s. m. a client Gapcal, eascal, s. m. the arm pit
}, duthchar, s. m. a fee-farm Gapcap, tascar, s. m. a leap, a jump
bucap, duthchas, s. a lawful custom Gapcna, easctia, > s. n . an alley, lane, venue,
Ga penarn, cr.scnacan. \ entrance
e- E , easewn, a. nimble, activ
, easg, s, m*, the spleen
, <?, a. thin, lean, meagre Capgob, easgeb. s. rfr.- a bishop ; Wetik, esgob
e*oji*t), Eabhradk, s. Hebrew Gaprpa, eastra, s. acisu m
Oabpon, eabron, s. a skip, leap Gapuana, easuanadh, s. scuuiunug, skimming
Cabpon, eabron, s. jollity Garai, eatal, a. pure
Caccarh, eaccamh, s. a meeting f., eatrath, a. untimely
Gaccnajpc, eaccnairc, s. the time past, the prter Gattpcajp, eattrocair, s. r. prey, spoil, unmerciful-
tense ness
Gaccnaipc, eaccnairc, s. a praying to God, a petition Gbejpplua-|g, cbeirsluaighj mountain sage
Caccopg, eaccosg, s. m. an instrument of generation Gbpo, Ebrach, the city of York
Caer, eachd, s. f. a law GjBljng, eibhling, s. f. a spark of fire
Caceapnat, eacearnadh, a. unhandy, soft Gjljajg, cichliaigh, s. a farrier
Camajng, eachmaing, s. f. need Gjt>), eidigh, s. armour
Cane, eachnadh, s. manifestation, spending Gjojl, eidil, s. f. a prayer
Gacrac, eachtach, s. m. a messenger Gpjlea, eidhileach, a. pious, holy
Gata, eachtach, a. manful, powerful GjT>)p, eidir, s. f. sense, knowledge, gairt
Gao, end, is a negative particle : it comes before G], >, a. free, willing
vowels or the leite r or z in compound words Gjgcjll, eigceill, s. dotage, folly
Gaa, eadha, a. requisite, lawful Gjgrrnn, eigmhin, adv. about, circa; /. e. c'jmijoll
Caclo, eadoidh, s. despair Cjgpe, eigse, s. m. a bard, poet
, eadiuidh, s. lecherous persons Gjlbea, eiibheach, s. m. a scold
Gagalln, eaghallan, s. m. a piper G)lc, tilt, s. f. an elk ; robbery, spoil
Gagcon, eagcon, s. folly 6jbpiut>, eildriuchd, s. round-leaved sun-dew
Gagnaj, eagnaidh, a. wise' Cjlea, eleachadh, s. an alien
Gagnante, eagnnirc, s. f. fervent prayer to God ejlr, eilt, s. f. a fawn
Gagpap, eagraidh, >. a fence ejlceat, eilteacht, s. f. a turning of the stomach
Galape, eulaidke, s. cattle Cjllte, eillte, a. softened, mollified
Galo, W, s. an escape 6pnbpejt, eimbreith, s. an abortion, embryo
Garhujnpe, camliuinse, s. wisdom Gjrh'r, ehnhdh'tdh, s. a refusal
, can, s. a cause or reason ; /'. ft jrafr Gjrhea, cimhtach, a. nimble, swift
, , a. manifest, apparent; . . rullir- 6vm)T5, eimeid, s. f. scarcity, want, need
Gang, tang, s. >. the track of a foot or hoof Gjngjpe, eingire, s. m. a pursuer
CangUvh, eanglamh, s. m. liberality ^jpeaUpn, apealaim, v. I die, perish
Cantare, canlaire, s. m. a fowler, bird-catcher eiph)lic, tiphirt, s. f. wages, hire
eajiball, earbhail, v. died 6jpbee, airbheach, s. f. a wasp
Cape, arr, s. a rain bow tnteos, eireo, s. f. a pullet ; an icicle
Gapcpaoa, eurcrada, a. transitory, inconstant eifiin, eiri, s. f. the eye-tooth
6apo*> eardoch, s. m. a smell-feast Gjple, irle, s. f. a piece, a fragment
Gapg, earg,s. f. a hutch, chest; destruction 6 ehr, s. deafness
Gapgln, earglan, s. m. a trumpet Gippeaco, eirseachd, s. f. a rising up
Gapgna, eargnadh, s. devastation, destruction G)p, eis, s. f. death
Gapla, earlach, a. diffusive Gipc, eise, s. f. a lopping off
Gaplam, earlamh, s. a noble person ejpeapt, eistart, s. an emigrant, emigration
Gapn*, eama, s. a troop, company ; ingenuity Gjpjeao, eisidheachd, s. f. restoration

ejrmbpej, eismbrelth, s. f. false judgment ^5> /> . a three-penny piece

-, eisuar, s. an art, trade $- dj4t;, fang-hrat, s. a black-cloth, a pall
Cjte, eite, s. a refusal Yoot, faoch, a. cold
eitjB, 1 , , faochog, s. f. a weaver's thrum
G]tjtjb,ttkitiM, j V<ojt), faoidh, s. sleep
6jcj]t, V/r, s. f. an opportunity V<ojeArh, faoidheamh, s. rest, ease in sickness
Cjcjjt, e&S/r, s. f. justice , faoighle, s. words, expressions
eircig, eittigh, a. ugly >]1*, faoileach, s. m. dung
de, de, 1 , . V<oI, s. m. a discovery
' . . /s. . abier, a Itter ^**5 faolsgadh, s. madness
14, elteas, s. a gadding heat on cattle TC<orh*t>, faomhadh, s. prosperity
, emheach, s. m. a niggard, refuser V<ot, //, s. m. ease, a fall
6n, v. behold ; see pu. . . ^, farcan, s. m. a corn or welt on hands or feet
, en, s. manifestation V*pooj5, fardoigh, s. a house
, eneach, s. . weft VajiIajc, farlaic, s. f. a vomit, a cast or throw
, , s. knowledge, science Vai|ac, farrach, a. greedy, violent
Got, eoch, s. groaning, sighin 1440, jarradh, s. an eager appetite
6o]p, , s. f. a brim, bo V4jp4n, Jarran, s. . greediness, violence, force
Coaj, eolciidh, s. nobility V4P4C, fasach, s. m. the grassy headland of a plough
eol, eolcha, s. the learned ; a bard ed field
], er, s. a champion, hero ; ', e. l<oc ^, fasgnamh, s. m. an increase
ejibea, erbi'och, s. m. a blister V4ft, fast. s. m. a prison
6|tc, *rC> s- any beast of the cow kind V4rtot>A, fasiodhach, s. m. a hireling
*1*, eseathlan, a. mysterious, dark VArtog, fastogh, s. a hiring
CrpjArAC, esriatach, s. m. a lavisher, disp V, fe, s. woe
, elche, s. deformity, ugliness V, fe, a. lean, poor, meagre
6uon, eudachan, s. m. a clothier Ve*b, feabh, s. m. a wood, copse, grove
6uopum*n, eudruman, s. m. the bladder Ve*, feaih, s. a candle rush
eujt, eur, s. a safe -guard 1Ce44n, feadhan, s. m. the leader of a flock of wild
Ve4t> cojlle, // eV/c, s. wild ambrosia
VeAm, fead/m, s. use or need
1Ce4t>n, Jeadhna, s. a captain, duke, guide
V*> ./<*> adv. against Vetint, feadhnach, s. m. the body
^at>b*c, fadhbhach, a. intricate 1Ce4t>05, feadog, s. f. a lot or cut
1Paoc<oj, fadhbhehaoi, s. a labyrinth 14104,^/^, s. . ignorance
V45, /?>> . m. a field 1Ce4ll4 D05, fealla bog, s. water hemlock
V)v>eo^,faideog, e. f. a green plover Ye*H*)le, feallaire, s. m. a conspirator
/<*</, s. f. a den, a resting place , feanc, s. a wry mouth
V*")l<', faile, s. f. stammering, stuttering ; a blow, VeAjtA, feara, s. excrement
buffet VeAjiA*, fearach, a. wild
1PA]llne, faillne, s. a consumption . fearadh, s. giving
Vjn|c ! fainic ! interj. take care ! beware VeA Jb5, jearbog, s. a wheal, a stripe ; a hafe, a red
V)eal, fannea, s. afannel or handful of straw used deer
for thatching Ve*frA^> fcarsach, a. full of little ridges in the sand
V]fi], famni, s. the pores of the body Ve*t, feaift,' . f. a fathom, a soft rush
fair, s. f. an answer ^, ftaVach, a. sinewy
VAjpeog, faireog, s. f. a tump, a hillock Ve*l>.af^> s> m a model, shape
*]yr\e*br>,fairneachd, s. f. a meeting Vetbon, feathon, s. the pores of the skin
TT4)jie*t), fuiithead/t, s. a feast, wake-goose, supper Ve*Tc<0^' feathscaoil, s. f. the pulse
V*}te, faUhe, s. oae fold of cloth, a cress Veil, fidhd, a. everlasting; meek, humble
Tp4|f)lreo)i, fahhilteoir, s. m. a broker ?e)b,feidh, a. long
ICaI, //, s. m. a tribute or tax paid to the chief for pep)l, feidd, a. confirmed, tried
his protection. r. Z, Vepljoc, feidhlioch, s. m. a grievous or long sigh
VaIc, falc, s. m. a reaping hook, pruning knife ICejwm, fedhm, s. f. need, necessity ; manifestation
1*1, falcaire, s. m, a reaper, hook-man 1Ceit>mc4f, ft dhmchcas, s. f. usurpation
V4llpn, falhan, s. m. a sluggard Vejlbin, feiliin, s. f. a lapwing
V4n, fart, prep, unto; pen mAjtgAp Ve)le*cn, feileacan, s. m- a butter-fly
V*n, /an, v. stay, wait Veileog, feileog, s. f. the pods of peas or beans
H Ve)l)or,
1Ce]ljop, fcilios, s. f. want, idleness V)ce*n, fiteackan, s. m. a weaver
e)\m,fei!m, s. f. a farm ; a film V)ten,/Mean, s. m. a boar pig ; the rods of a sieve
Ve]riire*, ftimhthtadh, s. watching, guarding, pro Xytyeib, fithreach, s. m. sea wreck
tecting X\\ib, fiubh, s. a pruning hook ; a wood, copse
Vejne, fane, s. a champion ; a generation Viag, flag, s. m. a blow,, bang
Ve]tm,/ww, s. f. a pedestal VUn, flann, s. m. a lancet
Ve]cj)t, feair, s. f. a chain, a fetter Vlet>*, fleadhach, s. m. an entertainer, feaster
TPel, fel, s. m. a bard, a learned man Vlear^ fleasg, s. m. the rim or curb on the edge of
TCenjl-bPdga, feneil-greagach, s. fenugreek a back-gammon table ; twigs or rods for a basket
Veou5*t), feodhughadh, s. withering, decaying or sieve
VeolJ, /fair, a. ingenious VleargAC, fleasgach, s. m. a cooper
yreojte, feoitc, a. failed
TCoda] I, fobhair, s. help, succour, a remedy, device,
iceoji, fier, 7 s. a brink, brim, border ; a rivulet, project
Tpeojtii, feoran, j stream, sewer VobU, folhla, s. the eye
Veo}i*r, feoras, s. m. the spindle tree, prickwood TCobUc, fobhlach, s. m. a bellows-maker
Veor,4n, feothan, s. m. a dormouse Voar, fochas, s. m. mallows; see
VeJ*re, ferse, s. ability, strength Vo*ri, fechann, s. m. a cause, matter
1fe]*r, fest, s. f. anchorage TCocIa, foebia, s. an offering
Xei. fetfi, a. sharp, keen vrocn*t>, fochnadh, s. lighting, ingniting.
TCeUDj<n, feubhvan, s. feud, discord Cor.
VocajI, fodhail, s. f. grief, vexation
fi, s. a meal's meat ot>Ajn, fodhain, s. f. earth, land
VU, jfe, s. flesh VroujjimeAn, fodkuirmeachan, s. m. a mine, sap
)*!*], fialai, s. consanguinity TCot>uj]imj|te, fodhuirmirc, s. m. a miner
Vlb,^, s. f. a bilberry, laughter VojluArACo, foghluasachd, s. f. marching, travelling
X]c, s. f. love ^, fogkmharach, a. autumnal
V]ce*t), fcheadh, s. fighting YogrhopAC, Foghmhorach, s. m. a Kemorian, a sea
V]ce*ll, ficheall, s. peace ; a pair of tables pirate
X]co, fico, s. m. a kind of shoe, a sandal TCojc, foich, s. f. preparation
Tlo, fid, s. f. a smile, a whistle Vojctrjn, foichnin, s. f. a blade of green corn
Xjb^t fidheach i m. a weaver Voie, foul, s. f. judgment
)>, Jidlicaclian, )
Xo)b, fotdh, s. f. going, departure
lPjO]fJ, fidisi, s. f. a fistula, ulcer. O'Hic. Vojfieaj*, foidhear, s. a form or likeness
Vjgjf.^Aii, s. f. the passage in the ear through which Vpjn, foidin, s. f. a pit-fall; a small farm
sound is conveyed Vo)$, foigh, a. eager, acute
X)u, fin, s. a son Toil, f'il, s. f. the milk of a cow ; milking
1Pjne*, fineach, a. frugal 1Poil<kr> foilcheas, s. f. a mystery
Vjn, s. a sow VojleArhna, foileamhnach, s. m. a sufferer
Xpr>, Jo, s. f. a smile, a whistle Xo)\\b, foilith, s. an old good turn
Vjoo, fiod/i, s. f. the rods of a sieve Vojllrj, fodlsigh, s. f. a surety
iqon, fiodhach, s. m. a martyr, hermit
Xpn,fioii, a. old, ancient ; little, small Yopijr, faims, s. f. a fountain
o]jt, fair, s. f. a medicine, cure, remedy
Vjonajc, fionaidh, s. treason
)\, fohceach, a. learned
X)or\\o^,fionlos, s. f. a wine press Voflte, foire, a. holy ; 1< pojpe
Vjo, Fionn, s. m. an Irishman
TC-jod, fionnadh, s. depilation Xo-\^\)bt foirglidh, a. noble
Vloiajc, fionnlaoch, s. m. a captain, leader ; the white ViP^C' 5'* Part- bathed ; taught
moss that grows in bogs Xo-)y)mel*t,foirtmealach, a. external, circumambient
Violoclon, Fionnlcchlonn, Norway Voll1!11 foirin, a. sworn
Viojuc, fioradh, s. the chine or stave of a vessel \ro)ime*c, jcirmeach, a. like ; categorical
^, fioranach, s. m. a cooper yrojprhjAn, foirmhian, s. concupiscence
TPjojtmaii, Fiormann, French wheat ^]], foirmidhe, s. a nunnery
Vprnc. fiosach, s. m. a dreamer yojjtn, foirn, s. f. a battle, contention, strife
Vjotbac, fiothbhach, s. m. the rain-bow trojlinec4n, foirneachan, s. m. a roller
X)pe,fire, s. f. the chine of a vessel yojprcrfoD*, foirscricbha, s. a superscription
1, foirseaibhach, s. m. a usurper
Vjre, fise> s- a school, university
Y]rjce, ./i/ci, s. physic V)r f'u' s" an anchor
VjriceACC, fisiceacht, s. f. practice of physic. 4 Vo)r5)Blm fsS'iAimt v- 1 shade, shelter
Mast 150-i Vo]c, /"or, s. f. a remnant, remainder
Vit, JfcA, s. a spear Vojt, foithy s. f. a wood ; a watch, a guard
Vojte, foite, s. f. an assembly Vpeapdjfie, Jreapairc, s. m. a physician ; a bouncer
Vojte, foithe, s. f. a sound, noise Vle*i"C,/rMc, s. a wry face
Vo)tfle foithshle, the south YpeunAj-oe, freunaidhc, s. a foundation
Yol, fol, s. m. cattle VpeunAjjte./-rtn/V, s. m. a builder, founder
VoUt), foladk, a. empty, naked, poor VjijmbeApc, frimbeart, s. treachery
VoUrh, folamk, s. a spring or growth VpjonAiti,friochnamh, s. m. care, diligence
Vo Ijom, fo Lorn, I care not ; . e. cuma ljorr ^}*)0& fr'osgr a. nimble
Voll, foil, s. m. a column, a pillar YploAjjie, frtotaire, s. m. an interpreter
Vollnjn, follain, a. healthy ),frith, s. a flesh-worm
. VolI*mu')n, follamhuin, s. a support Ypju,/r;, prep, with them, through them, by them
Voll |ftn4, follartnadh, s. sufficiency VpogAjn, frogain, s. f. a wrong, injury
Vole, folt, s. m. a vein, artery Vporruc, fromhach, s. m. a glutton
Vomor, fomos, a. august, great, noble \iofh*b,fromtiadA, s. eating ; experience, discussing
Von*, fonna, s. apparel VuAb, fuab, s. m. opposition
pop, y or, adv. until Vuac, fuac, s. m. a verse ; a wild person
Vo|iA, fora, s. a stay, a loft VUAt), fuad, s. m. prey
Vol*^li forait, s. f. an offer, a gift f\i<xbi>,fuadadA, s. a decree or sentence
Y:oM5*c, foraghach, s. m. a bagnio keeper Y:uA)0)jte, fuaidire, s. m. a rambler, restless person
0}iA5*Co, foraghachd, s. f. bathing :), fuaim, s. f. a blemish, spot
), forasna, s. refulgence, splendor
Vuatti, fuam, s. m. a shadow ; a wild man
o}b, fori, s. f. land
pUArn, fuasan, s. m. gain-saying, contradiction
*, forbadh, s. a patrimony
^"&^, fuasgailt, s. f. redemption
, forcar, s. m. a journey ^pi*YS<iV>/uatSar> s- m- dispersion, a total rout
1PP5 /"'S s- f- instruction \\\^\, fuasmdh, s. striking, beating
popgA, forga, s. a choice
T\i<it,fuat/i, s. m. a word
pop^Ai, forgach, s. m. a teacher
Tvi)otb,fubtha, s. oppression ; threats
^]5*11, forghall, s. m. an oath VCAjm, fucaim, v. I full, or mill cloth.
"Oj5l*)m, forglaim, s. f. a loud shout VujceA, fuidheach, s. gratitude
popsoc, foigodh, s. a choice
pujoeACr, fuideackd, s. length
popUcn, forlacjn, s. a whirl fwybeii^fidheal, s. judgment, a decree
popln, forlan, a. very full
y:u)%]m, fuighhn, v. I find
Vopmin, forman, s. m. a sound or noise TCujleAt, fuighleach, s. m. dung
popn, f'orn, s. f. a battle >Tu)l, full, v. it is
, foroideas, s. rudiments
Vopoll* ! forclla ! interj. beware I take care pujleAriiupi, fuileamhuin, suffering, forbear-
Vull)n5> fuiJ',nSt S anee
TCopopt), forord, s. predestination uy\be,fuinchet s. f. acrovr
Voftjtoin, forrochart, s. m. a surveyor ; a fisherman YujneACAn, fuineacAan, s. m. a baker
Vojp*n,/or/a, s. m. strength, anger, fierceness Vu)feA5Al,yie?a/, s. m. nightshada
, forro, prep, with them Vuj}eA,/wrtwm, s. f. ballast
ojt]irn,/oiTaw, s. m. a glimpse
Vu)pl)ucjn,/wV/Mi,^w, s. f. overcoming
Xo\ttan,fortkan, s. m. a tie, a band ; enough, plenty Vu]}in)m, fuirnim, v. I precipitate
Vopcur,/errMS, s. m. havock ; the middle ICujpnjr, fuirn'u, s. f. a ringing of two things toge
Vo)uj4t), forughadh, s. a bath ther
Yo\iarhAT>,forumliad/i, s. pitch
Yu]pr, fuirs, s. f. a trick, ajuggle
Vop,/J, s. knowledge ; an anchor VuUmjteo]], futaingtheoir, s. m. a sufferer
?ob*b,fosdadh, s. staying, stopping. 4 Mast. 1468 xx\\ar\,fullon, s. comeliness
, foedughadh, s. stopping, securing, seizing Vu, /, s. a foundation
>51>, fosgaladh, s. opening, disclosure, ex VupfAt)A,/Krja6iAe, s. manifesting
posure, explication ; thoroughfare Vue ! // / inter), away !
Xor\Hkb, fosradhy s. scattering, or spreading
port, fost, s. hire, wages
taUtJothach, s. a cry, shout g
toi*b,fothadh, s. a foundation ; a sudden snatch
VotuI, fothul, a. long, ;'. . . o. g. , gab, s. m. a mouth
y:obyom,fethrom, s. a roebuck 5, g<7A, s. m. a song
%p*c<ip, fracar, s. attendance, service SaoaI, s. m. prey
VpacAjt*, fracara, s. a servant 510, gabhalach, s. m. a way-faring man
VpAf,/raj, a. free, liberal 5Al, gachar, s. m. cuckow pint
VpeABna./rw^e^ s. work, labour 5a, gadh, s. f. a prayer ; temptation
*, gadhadh, s. f. supplication
5)3 GID

5tmojji, gndhadoir, s. m. a supplicant , gealacan, s. m. the white of an egg; a

5***J, gudhar, s. naked horse-tail, shave-grass bleach
5)>, gaibhtheachd, s. f. pride SeaUgup, gealagitr, s. a horse-leech
Side<t, gaickach, s. a cheek , gealan, s. m. a phenomenon, a sudden bright
Sivj'beac, guidhcach, a. restless ness
5, gaimh, s. f. deceit SealcA, geahadh, s. m. the dawn
b*ine*rn, gaineamh, s. sand ScaIIa, gealladk, s. m. a prophecy
^*ln5e*rc gaingcasc, s. splendour Seal log, geallog, s. f. a sprat ; a horse-leech
5*jfe, ?arf, s. m. a fortune-teller 5eir, gealtach, a. wild, skittish
Sajpeat), gaircad/t, s. an abyss Eealraan, gealt.ic/iaii, s. a bleacli, a wash
^4lf5R*n galrghean, s. a niece , 7m, a. blear
^4ll51n> gairghin, s. f. crow-foot , geumh, s. m. winter
5.ijpleA, pairicackA}s- m- 8 llttle
... chlld'
.... an 1,,fant
. e , gtamach, a. blear-eyed ; winter-like
S*)M1n, W. , geamhdog, s. f. a little cake of" bread
5jpmrjed, gmrmiach, s. m. a crow , gtan, s. chastity ; conception
bAjJtmleA, gairmleadh, s. butcher's prick-wood 5e*n)i>, geatiaidh, s. a gibe
S*j[-e, ai'ii, s. a small brook 5e4n5t), geangadh, s. a mauling or beating down
dU, galach, a. stout, valiant *4, geanracan, s. m. a little boy or girl
5*Un, ^a/ii, s. a sudden blast ; a sudden glimpse 5ep*n, gearan, s. the herb dog's ear
S*Un, ga/an, s. m. chivalry 5e*ji)AC, gearbhack, s. the gripes
5lbu*)T), galbhuaidh, a. victorious 5e*lbot>A, gearbhodach, s. a little boy
5H. gall, s. an old woman ; a teat or dug; desire 5e*)bo'o5, geaibhadogi s. f. a yearling calf
Stil, gall, a. greedy, eager Seapbog, gearbog, s. f. a .scab
5>ll, Gall, s. Gaul, a Gaul, a Frank , gearrbochan, s. the herb rocket ; a can
5<vm, am, s. m. a gibe ; gazing about ker-worm
giTmille, 5eAJil<5ujpt, gearrghuirt, s. f. a quail
_ _ ' 1 *gamadle, , )>s. m. a rooI,
,. a ,lubber;
,j gazer 5e]l*rn5t>, gearrmhagadh, s. a sarcaem
5*, gamklann, s. a pound for cattle ; a ditch 5e*}ip, gtarrog, s. f. a cut, a lot
gdrhna, gamhnach, s. m. a cow nearly dry SeAppugn, gearrughadh, s. abbreviation
gimup, gamus, s. m. a proud gait or carriage 5e*r, geas, s. a prayer, conjuration ; a penalty
, gamusach, a. proud in gait 5CAf4ifiu)l, geasamAuil, a. conjectural
ganjujpe, gangaire, s. m. a knavish tricky person 5e*rt*l, geastal, s. m. a defect
S*fi, garni, s. m. evil geAc, geat, s. m. a dart
5f\, ga, a. sick E\l,geig,s. f. the jaw
5x>t>, gaodh, s. m. a lie ; a wound, murder 5e]l, geil, s. f. a wood, wood country
5.0, gnodh, a. lively gejlleA, geilleach, s. m. a believer
giojr, s. f. art, genius, faculty 5eilieAo, geilleachd, s. f. adoration
5:oifin gaoithin, s. the fundament 5e>14n, getilin, s. an eunueh ; a steed; a gelding
5.0I, gaol, s. m. a wound 5ejHjorA, gtilliosach, s. m. a factor
5j>U, gao/a, s. poveity; breaking gejHjon, gcdlion, s. a flaunting woman
gioiAljfe, gaolaighthe, a. reduced (0 poverty ge)lruie, geilsine, s. f. friendsliip
5 of, .s-i/oM, s. letters gejn, eine, B. f. a swan
giotltA, gaathradh, s. fanning, winnowing SejnfocA)), geinshocair, s. a benefactor
5*n*t>, garadh, s. gravity ; a level country gjpe, geire, s. f. sharpness, hitterness
5^D. girbh, s. m. rudeness, roughness gejpTfjn, geirnin, s. f. a girdle, girth
5*&, arbhanach, s. m. a tall stout fellow ]> s- a shout, moan, noise, creak
**1 '^Aer. e. eejf-interest geteAftA}, geleastar, s. a ford where four waters meet
*11> ?arr' s- ga^ge, offal 5eoc, geoc, s. m. the neck, throat ; a neck-yoke, rope
**' garrach, a. splendad geo]r, peois, s. f a fat beily
j-aAt), garradh, s. a ship, boat, ark geo)reAn, geoiseadan, s. m. a gormandizer
g4r "a., s. m. anger, indignation 5eon, gfon, m. a trial
s*r**> ^aMr/'> a- 8' ill(Jignant 5eoro*n,
5 .ftr, a.Wm,
. a diminutive elender m-,

Krct, cA' 8- f- agr'ess
Sr!t*e> ga'ta,re> s' m> an act,ve man5 a prater Sejinjriie, gemimte, s. petty spm^e
5 taSt0&* s" ^ a11 act'*e vvoinan 5]bjn, g bin, s. f. a jag
5t^4n, gatachan, ) alitt,eb Sibjun. fr*, s m. a kibed heel ; a bulrush
E^tU***. atrochan, ) 5)b. gidhbh, s. f. a school house
So*baC, - , . 5pb)le, gidhbhire,&. m. a school -master
g j.f eej/w, s. choice, election 5jojlne> iMwWi s. the fundament

*>15 g'g, s. f. a tickling 5naj-, gnas, s. m. a hare-lip, a chasm; a heap, a

|job, giob, s. f. a puli, pluck, pick hoard ; a manner, fashion
) ji, gwdhar, s. in. marrow , gnasackd, s. f. habitude
^PF5> s. f. a female servant Siut, gnath, s. a wrinkle
5l5*> giogach, a. unsettled 5nj, gnia, s. a nephew by the sister
5l5*)l g'ogail, s. f. tickling 5ne, gne, s. grain, colour
gtogaire, s. m. an uneasy person 5njre, gniseach,
5)o[iac, giorac, s. m. contention 5")1, J5, m'anactor
5jojij4jt5e, giorraide, s. a thick little boy or girl 5n|uon, gruudan, s. m. awhiner
5jopc<, gne, s. a girth Snuac, gnuach, s. m. a leak
Sjoprajl, giortatl, s. f. patching 5nur)]l, gnuasaigh, s. the lowing of a cow to
S)r5*> g'OigacA, s. m. wavering, a wavering fellow her calf
Sjorgn, gioigan, s. . gnashing Soap, goar, s. light
5]or5na, giosganach, s. m. a waddler 5jdjt;, gobhart, s. m. a peruke
Sjota, giota, s. a bit, apiece, a lunch Sobpujr, gcbruis, s. f. the bole of flax
5), giunach, s. m. a naked person ; a rag 5o5l, gogar, s. m. light
5)ur, gius, s. m. misletoe Sogln, goglan, s. m. a spring, a well
Sjur, gius, a. viscous Sojll, Goill, s. Englishmen
5jurt4jl, gitistait, s. f. tucking up one's clothes 5o)lle, goilleadh, s. offence
SinfE&i giustog, s. f. a thick-bodied girl 5)11], goillin, s. f. a tormentor
5*C4t>, glacadh, s. a gift, entertainment Sojnpjn, goinidin, s. f. a deluder
51 5' ''-'i s* m> a boast 5ojje, goirc, s. a cave
SUjcejr, gtaiceis, s. wrestling bojjtgjn, goirgin, s. f. a pimple
SUjrii, glaimh, s. f. the throat 5o]jimjn rejji>, goirmin searradh, s. heart's ease,
51)> gb"se> s- a little brook or stream pansies, three faces under a hood
51*)5> gta'seog> s- f* a water-wagtail Sojpn, goirn, s. f. a gurnard
5ln, glanach, a. detergent, detersive 5ojM*J5> goirrig, s. f. frenzy in the head
5ln5, glangach, a. broad-shouldered SoUn 5-)ie, golan gaoithe, s. a sparrow-hawk
Skran, glaodhachan, s. m. a glue-boiler 5om, gom, s. m. kindred
514)1-], glasair -coille, wood betony 5omn, goman, s. society
SUrn, glasan, s. m. the dawn Sonta, gontach, s. m. an old coarse coverlet ; a
5o]t, gor, s. a blister
51et>U)e6, gkabhiudheach, a. grateful 5opt>, goradh, s. ablush, heat, a warming, whipping
51eam, g/t'mh, s. a whine, cry Sojmn, gorman, s. m. carmine
Slt4]i4C, gharach, s. a pursuer Sopr, gort, a. saltish
5lj)b g/e;>, a. good ; ;'. if. mji; Sor, , s. m. inclination
Sleo, glcodh, s. m. manhood ]' gosail, s. f. the sea
Sleoii, gl'-or, s. m jollity Sot, goth, s. m. scandai
Sleopn, gleoran, s. m. cuckow-flower Sfub, grab, s. m. a mouth ; a dent, a notch
Sleop, g'eorog, s. f. a lark 5, grabach, a. talkative
Sljbin, gl bu, s. f. a shred of cloth, a jag 55, grag, s. a village ; a shout ; the noise of a heu
5ljob5, gtiobog, s. f. a filly before laying
5l)ocr, gliocas, s. m. a board, chapter, assembly 5>, gradam, s. m. a character
Sljo5*lb gl'gari s- m- a 4ua^e tremble ; slowness, 5, graf, s. m. a sign or mark
folly Sftftj]!, gragail, s. cackling like a hen
Shop, gtiof, s. f. prattle 5n}B)n, graibhin, s. f. a writing office
5lm, glinn, s.,f glue 5f*)5 gra'g> s* f- a sraa" manor or village
Slo, , s. f glanders, slime Spjrn, eww*i\fc f. the jaw or mouth
51o, glodhach, s. m. the slimy matter coming from Spm, gram, J J
a cow before calving 5j4nlc*)n, granarcain, s. pile-wort, lesser celandine
511]. thirls, s. f. golden saxifrage 5jt4nBlU)t, granbhiuith, s. f. furmity
5lorh, glomh, s. f. destruction, depredation 5]1, g"<HC, a. sour, bitter
\ot,'gloth, s. f. mucus Spn-oa, granda, a. ugly
5lu, glua, break of day 5*1, granfhobkar, s. m. the glanders
51u*p, gluar, a. bright, refulgent 54, graniachd, s. obscenity
Sln s- tne jomt of a reed or straw Sjieiban, greaban, s. m. dropwort
5n],' lna' s> *'1 countenance ; a hare's form 540, greach, s. m. a mark
5n*li gpth a- ingenious 5le*ct>, ^reacArf, s. an outcry
6 I Spert,

5,), grtadh, s. warfare ; a droll Sprajuje, gustamide, s. m. a lying historian

5)ieaT]re, greadhmhtke, a. warmed, whipped Surtg, gitstog, s. f. a clumsy girl
5|iet!A)pe, greadaire, s. m. a frying pan 5u*> g'-tth, s. f. a voice, word ; shame, disgrace
5pe,?n, gteadan, s. m. leprosie, beat of blood Sur, guta, s. the gout
SjieAg, greadog, s. f. a blaze; a rod, whip Sur-ola, gutolach, s. m. an adulterer
5iea5*d, grea^ath, a. fair coloured, bright, fair Surolg, gutolog, s. f. an adultrcss
Sjievnten, grcanntachan, s. m. an embroiderer; Sucupjur, guturghus, s. confidence
5jertr, greasach, s. m. a warrior ) I
5}ettp)jte, greasaire, s. m. an exciter, encourager
5f)n, grian, s. f. a cock-boat J, i, s. issue, progeny
5l)<*nbuje, grianbhuidhe, s. sun-set -, iuch, s. butter
S[t]dnra, grianda, a. sunny ial, adv. ever
fc)len, grilean, s. snuff J*|i5lj, iarghair, s. prohibition ,
5j)jm, grim, s. f. a part, portion, a bit l*pg*n, iargan, s. m. a dying groan
5jjfl, grinn, s f. a beard )10, iarcultadh, a. churlish
PJn> r'"> a- serious, decent ], iarma, adv. according to ; r. r. Jjpr)n
jijooaj, griodar, s. m. a great noise lApg, arof, s. f. mischief ; the Devil
5t)ollfe0r>, griol/scchd, s. t. whipping, beating )p056, iarogach, a. wicked, mischievous, devilish
ispjorgCAn, grioigchan, s. m. a frying pan ) Apna, terna, s. a hank of yarn
5p)ocft)iie, griothaire, s. m. a griddle lapnajp, iarnair, s. f. a rising up suddenly
Spjftjoll, grinritoll, s. care lappojf, iarshaoith, s. a lieutenant
505, >0, s. m. a frown loe, ibke, s. drinking
Sporh, g'omh, s. f. a satire ; the mouth Jf], Wji, pron. ye
Sporha, gromhach, s. m. a satirist ; a prating fellow 1c, if, s. speech ; . , r". e. cjn. . .
, gromaire, s. m. a pratler, a prater Jcc, ice, s. understanding ; i, e. tujgre. .
Sjiumog, g'fmog, s. a prating little girl )t, cAi, s. f. protection
Spon, gron, s. f. a trace, track l, a- god, just
SpoiiA, gronna, s. snarling as a dog )], idiicheams, s. distance
5potl*c, grothlach, s. m. a gravel pit )o)tie*f5, idti easg, s. change of the moon
Spue 5 46hnjle, gruag Mhuire, the herb goldilocks Jibolga, ilbhealguch, a. skilled in many languages
Spug, ^ru, a. narrow, straight HjomAo, iiomad,a. divers, many, sundry
Snupin, gruidtn, s. f. ale or beer )lp)n, Urin, s. f. an eaglet
Snujnrqfc, gruinsdi/i, s. f. a truce, cessation Jlpjoo, ilriochd, a. deformed
Sua, guach, a. excellent Inutile, imoille, adv. along with, together
5uat>, guadh, s. m. the grounds of drink )mt>eA4jl, imdheagad, a great separation
5445, guag, s . folly IrmbjAC, imdhiach, s. m. circumference
SuAgAjpe, guagairc, s. m. a foolish fellow )mtAfA|54)n, imeasargam, s. total destruction
SuAjhbejpc, giiald/ttiic, s. f. a coal ph. ImleAAj, imleabhar, s. a tome or volume
5u4)5, gmig, s. f. awry neck, a fool Imnjf, imneis, s. f. a fettering or binding together
5u)H)5ea, guaiUigheuch, s. m. a companion ImpeACAt), imreacadh, s. a meeting, rencounter
]), putasin, s. f. a goslin Imjijul, imrtd, s. m. a ranging, gadding
SuAmri, guarnan, s. m. a check JmreApgn*, imseargna, s. a scuffle, contention
, guamnadh, s. correction Jmj-niom, imshniomh, s. concern, dread, fear
Suati, , s- m- a foo1 JmteAr, itntheas, s. going ; f. e. cul
5, guar, s. m. hair, fur InDe, inbhe, s. the entrails
Suda, gubha, s. convocation ; the muses InoeAe, inbheacht, s. danger
, ^, s, f. a big belly InDjc, tnbhich, s. interior
5u5- s' an BS Inc-jngcA, inclimgeach, a. easy to be led
5uf, **, s- f- thett ]njeACAt>, mchrtachadh, s. gleaning
guimon, guimon, s. a cord 7>, indeamham, s. a person's fetch
S'.i]ii, gu'nn> s- ^ a breaking to pieces lnt))c, indie, s. f. a table cloth
guijim, guirm, s. f. food, entertainment ]no]pe, indue, a. angry
5uir, *> s-.fyaleak )neA, ineack, s. m. the facing or lining of a garment
Suifoli"1 gwsdiun, s. m. a gudgeon )n^e*l, inear, s. a chain or cord to measure with
gu.fU[e)f,em, uithbhreitheamh, s. a false judge Ingeoin, ingeoin, s. f. an anvil
Suite*]', fUiMfi. s grumbling )ngm, mgir, s. a mason, stone-cutter
Sur **i 8- ^ an Finl0ll conceit Ingleim, mgle.m, s. f. peril, danger
Suj-t! w^f s. m. trumpery )mU| mill, s. f. pleasure ; a fortress

Jnrie, inmhe, s. entras Jonga, fe/ig, s. a hole

Jnrheaoonact), inmheadhonachd, s. f. temperance longab)!, iongabhail,s. shunning
}nifi]i, inmhiann, s. a great desire Jongup, iongur, s. . a quilt or mat
Jnea, inneach, s. m. attendance J oft, ionn, prep, in
Jne4ll, inneall, s. order, form, preparation, mein Joaoac, ionnadach, s. m. a representativ
Jeopao, inneosad, v. I will tell lofUp, tonna)', s m. a gift
Jepgelb, innesgelbh, s. decollation Joajtac, ionnarach, s. m. a hireling
J|lc, inni/t, s. f. a handmaid Joiju, ionnrach, s. . righteousness
Jcjneap, tintineas, s. jollity Jorlp, ionntlas, s. activity, wit, mirth
J nee, inte, s. a kernel Jonpn, ionran, s. an account, reckoning
}nte, inte, prep, in her, in it Jonjt*n4, ionranach, s. m. an accountant, book
J nee, inte, adv. here and there ; r. e. tall ] anup. o. g> keeper
Jntea, inteach, s. a way, passage Jonpujg, ionsulgh, s. f. an invitation
Jncpe, infre, s. want Jonclapa, iontlasac/t, a. ingenious, pleasant, jolly
Jbajt, /, part, parted Jopa, tora, s. a squirrel
Joco, iochd, adv. through lope, iort, s. f. death
)o, iodh, s. f. a person's revenue or income Jopa, iorthach, a. deadly
Joitn, iodhan, s. stability ; a leap, skip ; grief^e, s. a head
"Jo-la, iodhlann, s. a corn-yard, threshing-floor Jp, tr, s. f. a squirrel
oen*, iodhna, s. innocence; a genealogy ; delay 1 pcjie, iscre, s. f. custom, toll
Dotma, iodhnach, s. a gift Jpe, ise, adv. in like manner, item
Jo5*jn, iogain, a. loving J peal, iscal, s. aglenn or hollow
Jol, iol, in compound words signifies many, all J pleat), isleadh, s. humiliation, lowliness
lolanac, iolanach, a. ingnions, learned, skilful ) ptjjte, istire, s. m. a bell-ringer
Julcorhaccac, iolchomhachtach, a. all-powerful It, if, pron. those
Jol ^, iolfhoghantach, a. most fit It, ith, s. a wreath, or crown, or collar
JolpOfclamta, iolfhoghlamtha, a. most learned
1 oil , iollabhrach, a. of many speeches or tongues )'," I S' a ^1' a Piece
Jolpa, iolrach, s. m. a numerator Iceat), iteadh, part, refused
Jolfat>, iolradh, s. a number, numeration Jt)ol, iw/, s. a flying, flight
Joma, icmach, s. m. a colt Jttjg, itthigh, s. a pent-house ,
lomagall, ioniagall, s- a dialogue lubal, tubal, s. m. a disease
Jomajtapg, tomarasg, s. m. a prlude a funeral elegy luciia, iachna, s. a pale red
Jomapc, iomarc, s. overmuch, too much, excess Jujl, s. m. a Jew
Jomajicul, iomarchur,s. erring, straying
Jomorhapc, lomchomharc, s. a great outcry
Jomoall, iomdha, s. m. deceit
7^,//<*/, s. m. troubleof mind, tempta la, la, v. send ; " la, i. cuj* ; Jio la, i. fo cuj."
tion la, /, adv. why
Jom5]1, iomghabhail, s. cherishing la, lacha, s. . the herb celandine
Jomlot, iomlot, s. a ferrying over, exportation lain, lachan, s. m. the common reed
Jomolt, lotnolt, s. an immolation lat), lachd, s. ballast
Jompap, iompar, s. m. a carrying or bearing la, /erf/, s. m. order, preparation
Jompuag, iomruag, s. m. extirpation laao, ladhad, s. smallness, fewness
Jomta, iomtha, s. emulation, energy laapg, ladharg, s. the shin-bone
Tomameac, iomthaineach, s. m. a digression laajigna, ladlutrgnach, s. m. an idler who sits much
7omtup, iomthus, s. m. a foundation ; a post-boy at the fire
7onvfcup, iomthus, adv. to wit, videlicit laapg, ladharogA nitch-fork
lat>5a)i, /W/ig/w, , Pltcn OrK
Jon, ion, s. a place
Jona, ionadh, s. a field or plain laopon, ladrn, s. a drone, a bee
Jonajceao, onaicead, hard by, by him, or it laga, laghach, s. m. mire, dirt
7onaact>, ionannachd, s. f. sameness, co-equality laja, laghach, a. handsome, comely
Jonap, wer, s. m. a burden 1454040, lagadhadh, s. weakening, enfeebling
7onaib, ionai b, s. m. expulsion lappjojuoa, lagspioradach, a. abject
7, ienarbach, s. m. a destroyer lajceat), laicheadh, s. a flambeau, torch light
Jonaptta, ionarradh, s. a stipend, wages la)t>, laid, a. f. generation ....
lonforj, ioncflos> 9- impediment, hindrance la]t>), laidhir, s. a fork, the space, between two
Joncujo, ionchuibh, s. f. the cheek fingers or toes
7onx>)l, 9^ s* f> desire lapfjuola, laidhshiubhla, s. child-bed
te2l LEA 1)0 LIO

tAjpn, laifin, s. f. a spade tetorrt4lc4, leathchomalta, a. half-eaten

tjrheacat), laimheachadh, s. permission teAtujnje, leathchuinge, s. a semicircle, hemisphere
t*)mjjeoco, lahnhireachd, s. f. confiscation teaiUjo, leuthlaidh, s. rushes
tjrnpj, laimhri, adv. nigh to, near teatnuc, Uathnach, s. the column of a book
lajmejonnc, laimhtionach. a. nimble-handed teje, leic, s. f. force, strength
ljn, s. f. mirth, jolity lejcc, leicc, s. f. negligence ; a dotard, a stupid person
lajeos, laireog, s. f. a lark te)cc, leicc, s. f. a hollow ; a chrystal of a watch
lajr, /, s. f. assistance tejo, leid, s. f. a longing desire
ljrq, m*i, s. m. a heavy stupid person t)orne, leidmheach, a. desirous, longing
1 m, /, adv. wherefore te]5, /e;V, a. yet
l*rhi|iie, lamkaire, s. m. a shooter, gunner, fowler tej^eao, leigeadh, s. permission
l trmnp, lamhachas, s. m. grovelling, creeping on tej^m, leigh.m, v. I melt, refine
all- four lejn, lein, s. f. evils
tihujeo^p, lamfiainneoir, s. m. a glover tejno, le'mbh, s. children
trnajt, lamhchar, s. a helping hand t)]te*rnu)l, leireamhuil, a. visible
lmt*n, lamhthann, a. forgetful tjtfn ru5A leirm sugach, s. a mushroom
l*rrmjm, lamhuim, v. I dare, I driver, I hand 15' k'r'sit s- f- a mall, a beetle
145, /a?, s. m. a feast tejjtc, leirt, a. earnest
1**, langaire, s. m. a hungry bellied fellow tjp, fc'J, s. f. sight, light, splendor
15*, Zangan, s. m. a shotten fish tjp, his, s. m. a thigh ; a term, time
l4n<ojr, lanaois, a. of full age t)p, lets, a. visible, apparent
l noolo, / nodlog, s. Christmas day tejrgeojjt, leisgeoir, s. m. an idler
lnoo, lanthaod, s. high water tejt, leith, adv. hither, aside ; 5*6 ale]*
t<ot>, //, s. m. pith, marrow tejteal, leithchcal, s. partiality
1<0]D, laoibh, a. partial tejct>pe*T>Ajn, leithdhreachdain, s. an excuse
t<orh, laotnh, a. strong, powerful te)te, leithe, s. a balance
Icop, /, s. a hymnist tejtjo, leithid, s. f. scales, justice
tifuc, larach. s. m. a track, footstep terhne, lemhne, s. dread, fear
l#f, las, v. light thou tee, /, s. f. a spoon, . e. Ij4c
tars, lasg, s. f. a whip, lash, whipping tnteog, lentiog, s. f. a little shirt or shift
lift, lathach, a. lordly, stout teo, leo, a. dumb
le*?}, ?eA, s. m. a stroke, a blow teorn, leosan, s. m. a pimple
, leabachan, s. m. a bed-fellow tp, les, s. f. wrong ; happiness
te4C4n, leacan, s. m. wall pennywort tete, lethe, s. silver money
teacn, leachd, s. f. a bed teup, leus, s. a pimple, a blister
teaion, leadanach, s. m. a cloth-dresser t), li, s. great praise
, Icahnach, s. m. a manuscript ; a section lj4, lia, s. chickweed
1*5, /</, s. gum t)a6, liach, s. m. a flag; a troublesome thing
"Le*5, leagh, v. melt thou 1)4005, liadhog, s. f. a polishing stone
te45t> Bujce, leagadh bhuidhe, ladies mantle 1)45, Hag, s. a ridge and furrow, . e. jomajjie, *j
lealg, /^, s. a lick
lealge, lealgach, s. m. a licker 11*510541*, littgloghar, s. the white water-lily
leAlgjm, Ualgaim, v. I clip, sheer, lick t)4i5, l'iaiSh' a- .keen
team, leamh, s. an oar 1] cjtT!4 bin, liachroda ban, broad leaved pond weed
team, leamh, a. raw t)b4l, libar, s. a lip
, leamhan, s. m. a rower t)Be4jn, libhearn, s. offspring
leant*, leanta, s. passions, humours tjbpea, libideach, s. m. a sloven
tejigajlte, leargaire, s. m. a sluggard ; a sailor , libideach, a. dirty, slovenly, aukward
t^Jigup, leargus, s. m. visibility 1)5 Hg, s. f- a stone
teaptg, learthog, s.f. a lark t]5, A'g, v. let, sutler, allow
"Lear , /fi, s. f. strength, time tisea, ligheadh, s. licking
tear pocftl, leasfhocal, s. m. a bye-word t]5te4C4n, Ughteachan, s. m. a stirabout stick
tearcujn, leascuin, s. f. an abatement t]5te4t>, lighteadh, s. stirabout, crowdy
te*rg, /Mg, s. f. a hood ; a rod, a wand ; a spot of tjmbpon, limbron, a. smooth
ground Ljmjptjjt, limirteir, s. f. franchise
teA]-u5*t>, leasughadh, s. tanning ; keeping t^ncojpe, lincoise, s. a side line, fetters
teat, leath, s. wealth, riches tp5, /"'g. s-f- a fllig
teat Djiog, leath bhrog, s. one shoe t), linn, prep, with us
le*t o]r /eazA Am, s. one leg l)OQ|]tT, liedhairt, destruction

Xjon, lion, s. f. a XucAp, /to/w, s. m. light

X)ooan, lionnbhan, s. land XucoAjpe, luchdaire, s. m. a whirlpool
X)ocji*t, lioirath, a. unseasonable XrtoAjt, ludar, s. m. fawning, flattery
Xjpne, l" ne, s. a ketch or hand of flax Xujfim, luibhin, s. f. leaven
Vjce, //'/<?, s. f. stirabout, sauciness XujBne, luibkne, s. a shield
Xjtjomji*, litkiomradh, s. back- biting Xujope, luibhre, s. leprosy
Xjcjojic, Ihiordha, a. learned, literary Xuje, luidhe, s. a cauldron
Xju, //', prep, with them , luidreack, s. hinges
Xju. /, s. a pursuit ; roar, shout Xu]|e, luigke, s. an oath
X]UDjt*, Uulhrach, a. flaggy Xu)ne, luinne, s. music
Xjucaj, liudaidh, s. m. a sluggard, a slouch; a XujReAC, luhineach, a. melodious
driller Xujjrg, luinniasg, s. m. the sword fish
Ijujn, liuin, s. f. sloth Xujpfieen, luifreachan, s. m. a pigmy
-, liuinn-dubh, s. melancholy Xujpj, luirigh, s. m. an armed man
lo, lo, s. a hair, a light, a candle Xu]r, ai, s. f. help
1*], oancait, wall pennywort "Lujrne, luisne, s. a hand of beaten flax
XoC4f*]p, lochasair, s. a sea tight Xjfte, luiste, s. a slouch, a sluggard, a clown
, locfid, s. sight tjrte, luste, s. a straw pannel
Xoclo, lochlonn, a. strong at sea Xumn, luvian, s. a shield
X05, /oA, s. f. partnership Xn, /, s. the moon
Xoajl, logba.l, s. f. bric k and lime lu, lunn, a. strong
Xojti, luicheach, s. m. a dotard Xuon, lunndun, s. a strong town
Tojmne, lo'tnnc, s. a shield Xup5, lurg, s. an end, extremity, afin
tumbar, foiirw, 1 an exjJe Xu|5]tua0, lurgfhuach, s. a word of two syllables
toinpe*6, loinseuch, J Xuj-, lusath, s. m. a bibber, a drinker
lojpcen, loisceunn, a. bald XurcjtAt), luscradh, s. a procession
XojpgeAn, lohgean, s. a salamander XpoA, lusdadh, s. flattery, wheedling
Xojrr, s. f. a paunel, a pillion ; a sloven XursAjpe, lusgaire, s. m. a dweller in caves
Xovc, hit, s. f. a whore Xut, lut, s. f. a curtsey, bow, cringe
Xojteo, loiteog, s. f. a nettle ; lotus Xut, luth, s. an artery ; throbbing
, lomahe, s. m. a shearer, a stripper XutriiAC, luthmhach, s. m. marrow
ton, /0, s. the hip
., lonadh, s. resting M
lonoo, longadh, s. rocking, moving to and fro
Xongaoan. longadan, s. m. a swing-swong %AccuA)pt, maccuairt, adv. about
Xoiigajn, longain, s. the lungs, weasand %4CA]o, macaid, s. f. infancy. Welsh, mabaidd
Xofu, tannacli, a. strong, angry %o, machd, s. a calm sea wave
lx-rk>5, lonnog, s. f. a virago '', machda, s. killing, benumbing
Xopg, hrg, s. m. a discourse, speech , machdna, s. a wonder
Xo[|tA, lorra, s. a file or rank 'AWonac, m^ichdnach, s. m. an observer
lor, Mi s. f. a press, band, troop, a fox; a reward %*dnu54t>, machnughadh, s. conniving
tot, lot, s. m. rapine %Aco^e, macoidhe, s. a pilgrim, a stranger, a guest
, lota, s. a loft, an upper room %A, madha, s. folly
Xofc*l, tothar, s. m. a cutting down ; a clothe's press [, mddhach, a. unthankful
Xoroll, lotholl, s. in. the socket of a candle-stick 'Oiojialhc, madrallach, a. wolfish
Xuaajo, luachatd, s. f. frost %*5|t, magiar, s. arable ground
Xu**]|, luachair, s. f. a tempest **5'oltm, magloithin, ) s. a magazine, a camp
Xuacopn, luachorn, s. a lamp %glon, maghn, J store
Xu<c|e, luachre, s. a fair %*5l<o]5, maglaoigh, s. a burlesque
Xua, luadh, s. f. hire, reward, price ^aglopg, mnglorg, s. a great track
Xu)t>e, luaiiihe, s. a deceitful swearing %4j, maich, s. a spirit
*)0], luadhiochan, s. envy 'Sim, maidhm, s. a handful
Xu<nt>tefto, luaidread, s. a rumour, report %j5eo5, maigeog, s. f. a midwife
XuAph, htaimh, a. swift 34J5IP, minghis, s. f. a breach ; eruption of water
Xu*]t, lumth, s- f. a wave %Ajlg, /*/, s. f. a funeral pile
Xuom, s. m. a pilot 44)IBji*p, mailbhriathrach, a. eloquent
Xu*nc, luanchad, s. the eclipse of the moon %*)], mailin, s. f. a little bag
Xut|*), luathrautn, s. a narration in verse %)|)11, matUthriall, s. delay, slowness
luc3l, luchair, a. clean, bright, resplendant %jn, main, s. f. a hill
6 %), .

marhh, s. the dead ; a pall or black cloth , meanadh, s, a residence

^]|5]1], mairbhghrim, s. the morphew, a disease , meannadh, s. an oath
jw*]lne, mairne, s. a patrimony , , a. manifest
%*]inem, mairneamh, } S* m- a betraJrer %4ji4Cn, mearacan, s. m. a thimble, thnmbstall
^AjtAcn, n-.caracan, s. m. a quick motion or action
40*jjt, we//, s. execution ^eAiB, mcarbh, s. error
SAJjre, maiste, g. m. a mastiff, a match %eAjnAo, mtardhachd, s. f. madness
]15, maithmheang, a. sweet-ton gued, harmless , mean, s. a garment
%1, >.7/, s. m. a mall, a mallet %, meas, s. appraisment
%Alco)fie, malcaire, s. m. a porter %0, measach, a. fruitful
%a11, wW/, a. late, boneless %eArAt>0j}f measadoir, s. m. an appraiser
%>11, mallan, s. m. a mole %>)1, measar, s. m. a long-handled vessel, a
11, mal/ann, s. m. a veil piggin
^imi mama, adv. wherefore <$eArcn. meascan, s. a saiall dish of butter
, , s. solitariness ; a solitary person ^eArcin, meascan, butter-wort ; Sanicle
%, , a. fortunate j^eAfg, meascg, s. f. an acom
0**)> mansaigh, a. settled, tame <%}, meath, s. a balance, scales ; fat
Sinc, mant, s. m. the gum, greediness j^eAAn, meathachan, s. m. a glutton
%n, /, s. God, the bountiful giver ; a band , meathanas, s. m. consumption
44ruo]p, manaoisy s. f. a spear %41>, meathladh, s. grease
, mantach, s. m. a stutterer 2$}, meatras, s. m. fatness
, mantach, a. toothless %)le, meidhle, s. a meal's meat
%*ncA)t>, mantaidh, a. gagged <%]1, meilchcann, s. m. a blockhead
9io, maoch, s.a bleach-green %ell|m, meilim, v. I bray, pound, bruise
9<o, maodh, s. selling a gift or present 4ejl)re meilise, s. hedge mustard
, maodh, a. moist, wet o$ejlljoc, meillioth, s. the globe
9<i<0]t>, maoidh, s. a breach %ejn]c, meinte, adv. often
, maoidhte, part, grudged %e]P, mr, s. a judge
3tSd>]t>jm, maoidhim, v. I grudge %e)P5> meirg, s. f. an ensign, banner, standard
1, a. noble Sejpre, meirse, s. smallage
Siolojn, maolain, s. that part of the piles that is above %e)pcn]U5At>, meirtniughadk, s. betraying
the water in a fishing weir Sejr, s. milkiDg
3&ojn, maoin, s. f. goodness %ejreAr, meiseadh, s. judgment
tbcojr, maois, s. f. carriage <2e}rm,gteojp, meisnightheoir, s. m. an encourager
&o], maoith, s. f. telling of a kindness done %>e-)i, VA, a. soft, tender
'4D)tmee, maoithmheach, a. vainglorious ejtATi, meithan, s. a sea-rush, or whisk-straw
%a>Ujn, maolain, s. the tip toe %ejtle, meithle, s. reaping
^obln, maolduin, s. the governor of a town or fort %ele, wffc, s. a quern
%<on, moon, s. m. meditation %eli)fte, melgrinne, s. a deadly sound ; the shade
"Sfconos, maonog, s. f. a bog-berry of death
%iofc, maoth, s. ro. a boast ; a taxing of ingratitude %elr, melt, s. f. jealousy, banishment
9$<o*n, maothan, s. m. a coward %en, men, s. a surface ; reckoning, scot or shot
, , s. m. a tempter %eji, mer, s. a blackbird
%pr, mart, s. m. death 40), mt, pron. me, myself
%*ptp, martra, s, m. a cripple, a maimed person StbjA, iwW, s. m. a measure
%, mas, s. a chip %jeAiArhu]n, micheanamhuin, s. misadventure
9)&t , matha, s. doubt 9&)cneArt:A, mithneasta, a. dishonest
SAt*t), mathadh, s. forgiveness, pardon , midh, s. mead, metheglin
, /, s. fruit, profit %roe, midhe, s. a boundary, border; fruit ; a bad fire
401, meabhal, s. m. uiithriftiness %p}ol, midkiol, s. abuse
, mead, a. heinous ^jleur, midhghleus, s. disorder, bad condition
%0] meadkar, s. in. jollity, mirtb; conversation *1 s. rays of the sun
, meadhar, s.m. a forewarning of future things ojpori, miann, s. indifference, carelessness
SeAonACt, meaihonacht, s. f. meditation %)l, \g. m. a soldier, a hero, a champion
*&eAt>pAC, meadhrach, s. an eye of fat on broth , %jIt, mthdn,}
- ", meallan, s. m. a hail-stone %]l^n, mr/i, s. f. a bad life ; a short knife; a stump
>*0, meamacht, s. f. lechery of a man
, > a. little, small %]HfCAn, millsean, s. themilt
*aSe*nc, > s. entrails QilIreATi mn*, millsean mona, bog honey-suckle
' 1 %]lte,

%jlcea, mi/teach, a. destructive ';!, mothla, a. moist

ASinioupc*, minadurtha, a. unnatural, ill-natured %otl4C'o, mothlachd, s. moistness
^jneBjp, mineadoir,.s. m. a hvmnist '0u4t>, muadh, a. moist, watery
'3b)nJ5)m minighim, v. I expfain, amplify, make %uc44n, mucachan, s. a clown, a hoggish person
smooth SOucUc, muclach, s. m. a herd of swine
3<S)Be4}, minnbhear, s. hemlock 9ucn*, muchna, s. a frown
'ftSjnjt, mimt, s. in. a promise ; a minute %uc6g, muchog, s. broom-rape ; Orobanche
%]000*, miochadhas, s m. ingratitude %ub*c, mudach, a. gross
%']0010, miodhealbhach, a. unshapely, mishappen %ui>uj14n, mudhurlan, s. m. the anklebone ; huc-
%|olc, miolcach, s. m. a churl, a clown klebone
%jon*n, mionachan, s. m. a refiner of metals %u5pc, mugart, s. m. hog's flesh
^)on51, miongradh, s. gnawing %u)c, mutch, s. f. mist, fog
%|ocn, mionntan, s. m. a wren j a torn-tit %up, muidh, a. dumb; . e. blB. f..
4]onu, mionnuach, s. fairy flax %U]I, //, s. an assembly
%jonrc4jt, m'-.onscaith, s. a curse %ujlle4, muilleach, s. puddle
%jonp)tuc, mionshruth, s. f. a rivulet 9u]m, muim, s. f. possession ; . e. j-e*lB
%}or, m*, s. f. the moon %ujn, mum, s. f. a young sprout
%ptu4], miothuar, s. m. an ill omen "ujncjlle, mvinchille, s. a sleeve, cuff
^oiujt, miothur, a. little, narrow Stiujnean Sujpe, mitinean Muir, s. parsley
^blP5*lr, mirghart, s. the north pole %uj, muinn, s. f. a wood ; a slice
%)5)1, misgire, s. m. a drunkard 4QujnfiiT), muinsheud, s. a neck gem or jewel
^jfearhorm!, misheamhasmhar, a. unlucky, omin %u]j, muir, s. f.. woman
%]ji, muir, s. f. earth ; leprosie ; the walls of a city
%lf"jlle4t>, mhhilleadh, s. a wry look ; an ill eye or fort ; tempered earth for walls
%]f ce, miste, s. care, heed ; nj nvjrce l]om %uj}ole4r5> muirbhleasg, s. stupidity, amazement
4tb]t)lle, mithiUe, s. f. demerit %ujjte<, muireach, s., m., a lord
4tbn4t>*rhu]l, mndhamhuil, a. feminine, bashful %u)pe*can, muireachan, s. m. a bulwark
"o, mo, s. value, estimation ; nj mo ljom n* bjopn %u]pe*T>*c, muireadhach, s. m. a mermaid
4tSot)c, modhack, s. a courtier %)j)n, muirin, s. f. soft clay, mud
So*ln, modhalan, s. m. red rattle %uj}jne4C, muirineach, s. sea mat-weed
%oj4, moga, s. game, a gibe, jeer %uj|r,. , s. f. the earth, dirt, filth, corruption
9Tojulc<t>, moiddhiultadh,. s. abjuration, %u]f , muis, s. f. a sour, or surly countenance
^,. moidin, s. a devout person 'ujrea, muiseach, a. surly
%ojn, /, a. great ^ujftjne, muistine, s -sourness of look
%]n}n, moinin, s. f: a little-bog; a small pasture '%ut, mul, s. m. a champion ; an eminence,- much, -
%6|ie*p, nwircheas, s. f. the falling sickness many
$)pn}orh, moirghniomh, s. a mighty action Suk, muiach, s.-m. an owl
%o]jtre<}tn, moirtchearn, s. a sudden death %ull,. muH, s. m. a bell
%ojJce4, moirteach,. a. dirty, foul, full of dregs. %ull4n, mullan, s. m. a mole; a kind of milking ,
So)re*, moi)each, a. snouty, sullen vessel
%ol, /, s. . the top, summit ), mullard, s. m. a drake
1, /, a. round , , s. document, instruction
tolc, /, s. . the sun %un*r, munghlas, s. f. a neck-yoke
%oicn, molchan, s. m. a vessel ; buttermilk cheese %up*, murachy O. walled .
4on*, mona, conj. unless %u)U)e, muraidhe,s. m. a mariner
%on, mong, s. m. a blazing star, a comet %u)t4fg. murasg, s. sea slab or quick sand
%on5, mong, (a> fiery, red, glowing %ujtc, mure, s. m. filth, ordure, dung
%ion54C, mongach,) >' 6 6 ^^ murcach, a. stinking ,
iJongejpe, mongaire, s. m. a shaver, trimmer, clipper 4u)im4j, murmar, s. m.a mutter, grumble
%ong, monog, s. f. a bog-berry, moss-berry % murrusg, s. produce of the sea; quiet
%0]1]1, morail, s. f. a triumph sands
%op*n, s. . meadow saxifrage;.whisk rushes 9)40, murlhadh, s. much wealdv.
4opn moj, moran mor, a great many %1, murtho/y s. tide, Jlowing of the sea
%oj<ont, moraonacht, s. negotiation %r54)lc, musgaiit,.s. awakening
, morghlorach,
morbhuiUeuch, )) a' ... worded
. , ^urgn, mitsgan, s. m. pith ; the porous -of
%.lp*6, wood or bone
^Qpglpac, morghlorach, s. m. a babbler, boaster %ur5, mutog, s. f. a hand -or glove without fingers
^jijpc, morghradh, s. m. ardent love %ur5, mutog, s. f. a stump of a n ee or castle
S0p5Ji4'rn*p, m*rghradhmhar, a. very lovely- %ut'u^'0, mutlutghadh, s. m. fascination
SopflUJeanj morghraidhean, s. agrimony

H)n, nln, s. f. a wave

N }, , for ni Atipa, that is not difficult
ff HjoluAci, niodhiuadk, s. real value
"Hacop, nochdar, adv. without ; t. e. muji; Hjorii, niomh, s. a dipping
>>, Nadhuine, s. Heaven Hjorrrc, momhtha, it is not so with me ; i. e. TVJ hjo-
, naedh, a. red l)om
H*5*)f, nagair, a. comely, handsome H]onup, monus, s. a wave
14*10, naid, conj. or, either )0 niopogi * f- a pinch, nip
"Hvoe, naide, s. f. a man, a husband, a sihner Hjotec, niothach, s. m. a giant
HAjrmceAngAl, na'dhmcheangal, s. a confederacy , n's* ' cannot, I do not
Hjn, nain, s. f. luck, fortune H)* A, s. a noble
"HAjnoeAii, naindeann, s. m. a chaWipion H]ul )5 "'-ff*- water crowfoot
HAje aaco, nainrre aihachd, s. f. patience Hots, nod, s. m. a minute, short space of time
H*jr, aw, s. tools, implements Hoc, nod, a. extemporary
H*JpceAt>, naisceadh, s. a binding, imposition Hoco, nocd, a. naked
, nallm.cluin, s. m. a bridle-maker Hjp, nois, s. f. carriage, behaviour
, , s. m. luck, fortune Ho]| cac, noiseach, s. a noble person
<, naochath, s. asafight Hum, nom, s. m. destruction
", naodhan, s. a well, spring, fountain H on5t a, nongtha, a wounded
H<0|o, ^, a. naked, poor , , doth, does; 1. . ]. . .
Hcoo, naodho, ninth, "c. , /, s. m. a prayer
H<oipiop, naoifhios, g. a committee of nine persons Hu, , adv. uirtil
Wo)nVoen)m, naormhdheanan, v. I canonize Hua, nun, s. news
<|, naoirt, s. m. a sailor HuaaIIa, nuiirhatle. a. astonishing
iMiOttulUc, naomhallach, a. blasphemous ViUacaIi<ct\, miachailachd, s, astonishment
HorhlU, naomhalldh, s. blasphemy H'iAf-oji, /ior, Is. m. a new come
, nar, for T-iUACuApCAC, nuachuartach. J guest
, , s. m. knowledge HuAiuipipeAC, nuac/minseach, s. a hur.ot
, , s. memory, memorial , nuadhas, s. the first of any thing ; biestings
"HAr, nasttch, a. customary Hu*|g, Nuaigk, s. Heaven
*, nasadh, s. a congregation, assembly' HiiA]5pe4t, nmigludhcatht, s. news, novelty
, woc, s. m. a vow, sacrifice 1uAjmne*, nuaimhneach, a. fearful
, nascach, s. m. a bondsman or woman HuAjojteAcr, A'uoidareachi, s. the New Testament
"H ? ne ? is it ? is it he HuaII, wu.//, s. m. a Ireak
He, ne, adv. until Hu*lU, miuilach s. m. germander
He ruft, ne nar, whether or no HuAUhjrej, nuaUbhfhear, singing in choir
, neachd, s. a pledge ; clearness Hun, nun, s. m. punishment
HeeoAp, neachdar, a. neuter HupA, nura, s. last year
HeA, neadh, s. sustenance
HeAji, mar, s. observation 0 0
HeAlc, ncart, s. a miracle
"HeAr, neas, s. a tool or frame for making earthen O, 0, s. a wound ; the nail of a horse's shoe
pots , obuch, s. . one that shuns or refuses
"HeAfb, ncasg, s. a tie, bond, bail; a stall , oc, prep, with, at
HeArgojr, ntasgoit, s. f. genealogy Ucac.c, ocuchd, s. f. poetry
, neath, s. f. a wound OjiA, ochradh,s. clothing for the feet ; boots, shoes
HeACA, neatack, a. vulnerable , ocras, s. m. tne breast or bosom
Hel, neidh, s. victory OcjiApn, ccrasan. s. m. a busk, breast -plate
*He)rn, tteimh, s. f. honovr Oo, od, s. . an ode
Hejiri, ncimh, a. evil ; quick, nimble Qoatdaco, odhiuiliachd, s. f. harsh music
&, neimheasanguch, a. extravagant OenAC, oenach, s. m. a horse race
Hejrheohif, namheotus , s. ignorance Or, oj/i, a< well, whole
Heji]]A5a)l, netmhriaghaH, s. f. disorder ^, 0, s. m. a youth
Hell, nell, s. m. a canopy 50, oigan ', s. f. youthfulness
Heo, neo, a. good 0|be, *, a. ripe
tteojc, /, s. f- a wound 0)bi5e, oibtghe, a. forbidden
"Heulfu|tcAt>, neulfurtadh, s. snoring OjbnoA, oditeach, a. sudden, quick
H'una, nianach, a. angular, cornered OjbpjogA, oibiiogadh, s. a gerund
-Hjge, nighe, s. a bathing, washing

ose ose

0)t.e4co, otiheachd, s. f. travelling, harbouring tra Oprp<oo*t), osfraochdachd, s. outrage

OrSPfa)* osgri&ha, s. superscription
vellers 4>, csnadh, s. manifestation; a rib
Open, oidean, s. m. a degree of nobility
Or*r, <, s. m. the heat of youth
, oidsen, s. m. a sirname aim; Orpn, osran, s. m. peace
OjF!n5 "'fing, s. f. a tribute of three pence
0)5P)r oighehrios, s. f. a wedding girdle, a cestus Ot*pftj, otharchai, s. an infirmary
)5 a great
0 15 o'ghe, a. spotless P P
Ojl, //, s. f. nourishment ; a sigh ; a mark
OjIBjm, oilbhetm, s. a conquering V ! pa / interj. hah !
P44l, padhghl, s. m. a peacock
Ojlle, ei/ie, s. reviling, upbraiding T>4C4jpe, pacaire, s. m. a churl, a clown
Ojmelc, oimelc, s. St. Bridget's tide
'V>4C4)p]m, fucairim, v. I covet
Ojng, oing, s. f. a spout p4jltye4C, pailireacA, s. m. one troubled with palsy
Ojnreao, omseackd, s. f. whoredom
p4jncel, paintel, s. m. a snare
Oipceaj-, oirceas, s. a mess p4jn, ,pr, if s' fc. a leveret
Oiitill, oirthill, s. f. expectation p4jceo5,
Ojpcjll, olrchill,a. requisite "p4]cp)op, paitriosg, s. a short stick or club
0||t]nt), otrckind,s. f. providence p4ltn4jpe, palmaire, s. m. a steersman
OiJicne, oircne, s. a tie or bail Ppog, pardog, s. fi a hamper or basket used in
0|fiple4f5, oirfleasg, s. a gold cbain or collar
mountainous places for carrying things on both
ipje, oirghe, s. gilt sides of a horse
0|P5en, oirghcan, s. destruction 1>4p4r, Partitas, s. m. Paradise
Ojprrn,, ormhih, s. credit p4rc4jpr, pascairt, s. f. a store
Ojpriqr-, oirmhts, s. a honey month ; a golden month
Ojpnead, oirncach, s. fragments, pieces "4, patanta, a. bulky, thick
Olrearhujl, oisembuil, a. civil, manly "Pealltg, pealitog, s. f. a clod, a clout
Panjo, peanaui, s. f. pain, punishment; contrac
Ojrcujfij, ois-ribhinn, s. a superscription
Ou, olach, a. oily T>e44]pe, peannaire, s. m. a writer, scribbler
O p, ollar, s. m. great slaughter
Ollpujf, oltruith, s. a great company, a host Pe4pc4)c, peartaic, s. f. a particle
Ollro, OlltacA, s. an Ultonian 4,
44, , > aDure
Oinjo, olwdh, s. a sheep Peatpujrg, peatruisg, s. f. a short club or stick
, , s. f. an oak, a clod of earth, a farm
Vece, pect, s. a musician ; music
Orb I, omhal s. m. a poet Pejpcjoil, peircioll, s. the summit of a hill
Otrup, omar, prep, with Pejpe, peire, s. the buttocks
On, on, s. a lie ; swiftness, fierceness, eagerness
Pejpeac, peireach, a. furious, raging
On*b, onab. s. m. amber Vjanraan, piantachan, s. m. a tormentor
Onu onc/iu, s. m. a wolf Pl4jr)l, piastuil, a. worm-like
Ong, ongt s m. instruction ; wages
O*, onna, v. there is, it is, e, at* Pbjn, p/w, s. f. a little pipe
Onp, onnar, s. a stab, thrust Pjce, pice, s. f. a pike, a fork
Onojtajg, onoraigh, a. honorable Vlo4, piorna, s. a pin, peg, pen
Pjr}opn4C, pisiornach, a. whispering
Op, or, s. f. a pra) er, petition
Op, or, s. m. a lord ; a beard P)|X, /f, s. f. a penny
Op, oradh, s. an oration ; a prayer Vial), p/ab, s. m. a smut, spot ; a fillip
p4b4jpe, plabaire, s. m. a babbler
Operojytr, orajoirt, white horehound
PUc, plact s. m. a mouthful ; a bit
Opbn, orban, s. m. patrimony Pi4c)pe, placan e, s. a full-cheeked man ; a man
Ope, ore, s. m. a son, a sceptre ; a heifer
that eais with a good appetite
Opc4, orcach, a. egg-like PUjc, plait, s. f. the fore-head ; a secret place
Ope, ord, s. holy orders, a short stick
PUnc, plane, s. m. a farthing
Optwjn, ordain, s- honour > Pa*g> s. m. & f.. a skull
}!, ornail, s. f. the upper part of a door-case
pie* PleasS> s. m. a blow, a slap
Offpu, orstnuth, s. a gold mine
Opt, ort, s. m. death, a killing 1> plosgat, marygold
Optcc, ortacht, s. f. waste, lavishment PluD4)pe, plubaite, see pc]pe
Plubftjrt^n, pluba stin, see plubajpr^n
Or*, os tdk, s. an ear Piunu, pluma, s. a plum
, osar, s. m. exaltation, preferment
Orcof, ostoth, a. eminent, uppermost Plut, plut, s. m. a breach
Pob. pob, s. m. learning
Op*, &, s. a host
ms RAG 21 REA
Vob, poba, s. m. a teacher
Vqq, , s. m. a blow, kick, a bag K45, ro^/i, s. a race
Vocajjie, pocaire, s. m. a beggar; astriker 1\454)pe, ragaire, s. m. a wrinkled or furrow-faced
Voj, poi, s. the leg person
Vojqn, poicin, s. a little he goat, a small bag; a 1\4]be, ralbe, s. f. turnip
round bellied fellow "R4jbe4, raibeach, a. loose
"Pojjfi, poinmr, beans 1i4], raidh, s. roving ; night
"Poipqti, paircin, s. a little pig 1\4)ceo5, raideog, s. f. myrtle
", poirin, s. f. a pore 1\4)t>ce4, raidtcach, a. sententious
Vojnpe, , s. a porch 14)j, or i4)j, raigh, or adraigh, he went, he ran
pojp, />e/i, s. f. a haul or pluck 4)e, ra'ig/ie, s. a cubit
Vonc, pone, s. m. danger Kip, rem, s. f. ease ; a spade
Vonr, pont, s. a pound, a pound for cattle, a pond 1\4)ii, rainn, s. a fragment ; the leg
"Popa, popach, s. m. a pupil Kajple44n, raipleachan, s. f. a scullion
'Potamg, potchamog, g. pot-hangers 1\4]|-, rait, s. f. a path, a way
II4J, raiifA, s. f. a running or going
Viucp procos, s. ni. a gallymaufry, hotch-potch
Pl4t)]n, pradhainn, s. want, need 1\4)fne, raithne, s. glimmering of the sun
1\4l, ral, s. m. a black cloth, a pall
^,}8- fl filth dirt' ordure 1vrh, rarnh, s. ra. an action
1\4rn4]jte, ramhaire, s. m. a brake for flax
"Ppedrte, preachadh, s. perishing 1\4Tht4, ratnhradh, s. m. digging or tilling ground
Vfte4*]n, preachain, s. f. the bones taken out of
1\4mj454n, ramhraghan, s. buckthorn
pork for the purpose of making bacon 1\454)1, rangalre, s. m. a wrangler
Vpejmfe*!*, preimhthear, s. m. a priest ftangn, rangan, s. m sloth
T^jc. pr/V, s. f. a sermon RA, rarmach, s. m. a dividend
Vpjoc, priocadk, s. pricking, stinging
IPpjocAjpe, priocoire, s. m. a poker, a pricker R4f4t>, rannadh, s. dividing ; revolution, device,
Vltjorc*, priosca, s. the thighs project
1\4p4, rannsach, s. m. a searcher
Vpojrhj, proimhidh, a. grave, heavy, corpulent 1\<obu)ce4t, raobuidheacht, s. f. gluttony
Vpo]rh]'ecr, proimhidheacht, s. f. solitude, gravity 1\<opjn, raoidhin, a. tough
Vpo, pronn, s. beating, pounding, braying Kannte, raointe, s. a breach, breaking
VubiHI, puball, s. m. a congregation Kam, raomh, s. number
Vubol, pubol, s. great water dock ; pestilence wort, 1\orh4C, raomhach, ) ,,,.
or butter burr \ .
1\<omA)}te, i
raomhaire, ) m. a numerator
"Pc4t>, pucadh, s. m. a cover for the eyes to blindfold 1<orri5<0)r> raomhghaois, s. the mathematicks
"Pudi), hadh, s. swelling orpuffing up 1\(p4jte, rapaire, s. m. a short pike ; a raparee
Vut>|4]ll, pudradl, 8. powdering Rare, s- m* ta'k
Vut)ftll, pudiall, s. hair of the head 14rc4)lte4o, rascaircachd, s. f. gabbling, prating
Vuijitin, puirtin, s. f. a sonnet t4C4n, rathan, s. m. a bunch, bundle
"Pujpg, puisg, s. f. a whip
1\e, re, s. curds
Vunn, punan, s. m. a blast, puff, sound of a horn 1ve, re, v. he went, he arose, /. f. t>o e)je,
Vunn, punan, s. . a bittern 1ve4, reabh, s. a choice
Vup*, pupa, s. a tutor ftedoUns, reabhlang, s. a skip
VusjiAirg, puiraisg, s. f. a chain of a plough ftec, reac, s. milk
Vuracan, pusachan, s. m. a whining boy or girl 1e4, reach, s. m. a man
fte4C4t>, reacadh. s. selling
? R Ke4Co, rcachd, s. a judge ; activity
"Re4cr>, reachd, v. came
1iD4, rabhi, s. choice "Re4oll, reached, s. ecclesiastical law
"RrtUA, rabhadh, s. warning, caution 1ie4oll4, reachollach, s. m. a proctor
*4, rabhachan, s. m. a beacon ; an alarm bell, fte4ollAC, reachoHachd, s. f. pleading in the bishop's
an alarm fire court
"RaD4)T>]I, rabha'idhil, s. raving 1ve4coll4]}im, reachollairm, s. the bishop's court
1v40A]tr,, rabhart, s. m. upbraiding "Re4t>, readh, s. wages, hire ; a bunch
, , s. m. & f. milk 40440, rcadhanach, s. m. a piper
'R404n, racan, s. m. a^chopping ReAt>5, readhg, s. m. a sudden thought
14CT), rachd, s. going ; a fret, chafe -Re4j]ie, reaire, s. in. a judge
ft4pjPe> raidire, s. m. a ranter, stroller K4lt4, reattach, a. starry
1v4]C}jt^n, raidirin, s. f. a little mitcher n4lc4, reattach, ) (s. m. a star-gazer
lU^p, ragaid, v. they reached, arrived , realtanach, J 1
)0 RIO nos ROS

ReAnujr, reamkainn, before us Rjorhjj, riomhaigh, s. a numerator

, rean, s. selling ; a star ; land Rjomra, riomsa, with me, mine
ReAng, reang, s. m. a hare 1\)]\, riomsachan, s. m. a searcher
fteAngAC, reangach, a. wrinkled, furrowed Rjon, rion, s. sculpture
ReAngajpe, rcangairc, s. m. a contentious person ' Rjonajge, rionaighe, s. a rambler
ftenf, reannas, v. I sold Rjo, rionn, s. a blush
1{ j, t ear, s. a step ; a swelling or rising up Riofw, rionnach, a. blushingly
f^e*j|t>, rearoid, s. an aged person Rjon6t>, rionnachd, s. burial, interment
Rear, reas, s. a skirmish Rjocur, rionntiis, s. m. a painter
ReACA]B, reataibh, s. enemies Rjot*jc, riotliadhart, s. a pillow
lieg, regh, a bunch RjC, m, s. f. selling
RejctceAt), reichtchcad, s. authority Rjtrjjjf, rhhbhir, s. f. a river ; . e. ujrje Jiedt*
Rjm, reim, s. a champion Ro, ro, s. a seasonable harvest
Rejiripe, reimhse, s. a club, stick Rob, rob, s. m. any animal that roots up the earth with
RernrvpeAC, reimseach, a. heroic its snout
fte])ie, reirc, a. old, aged Roda, jobha, s. a choice
Rejj*e46, reireach, s. an aged person RoBain, robhackan, see
Rejrjm, reisim, s. f. a writing RoDupjnea, robhuidhineach, a. populous
Rejrjm, reithim, v. I run Ro6ic, robhart, s. a finding fault with ; great heat
ftejr-jn, reithin, s. a ram Roc, roc, s. f. a fold, a wrinkle
ftejlge, reilge, the herb Robin Rocn, rocan, s. m. a stumbling block ; a fray
"Rep, m-, a. black RocaII, rochall, s. m. a coverlet ; rattle
RepeApr;, restart, s. a very poor person Rocoa, rochda, s. a great pry
Reul, >m/, s. m. a star RooA]|ie, rochdaire, s. m. a customer, a common
Repeec, rereach, a. blackish guest
Rj, r/', s. a house ; house- keeper Rt>, rod, s. m. a road ; a shield, defence ; a gem
Rjaw, riadh, a. regular Roriujn, rodhmhuin, s. f. a fox
Rja^a, riadha, s. riding ; . e. nupcajseaco Roouf, rodus, which was
Rj4t)5, riadhaigh, s. subjection RojriAj, roghmhart a. fat, bulky ; very fortunate
Rl4>*nac, riadhanach, s. f. a stale maid, a cast off Rognajm, roghnaim, v. I select, set a part
mistress Rojojn meA|Dujll, roidin mearbhuill, s. wild fire
ft)*FS r,afi* s- a linnet Ro)eAc, roigheach, a. royal
R]a|, rj'a^, a. regular, straight, direct Roj5fje, roighfhinne, s. the royal family
Rj45li)jeco, riaghalaigheachd, s. governing, go Rojllen, roillean, s. in. a wheel
vernment Rojlleecn, roilleachan, s. m. a rolling stone
Rj*5*ln riaghain, s. a queen RjmeAjtc, roimhdhearcach, s. m. one who fore
RjaIcuajII, Rialchuaill, the herb Robin sees
Rjansabpae, riangabrae, s. great pleasure Rjrnnoen, roimheadan, s. m. a fore-front
Rjanjiojje, Rianroighe, the herb Robert Rojfrjpe, roinnire, s. m. a divisor
1\)*J, riar, s. m. a lord R}r, liois, s.Rose, a woman's name
Rjajac, riarach, s. m. a servitor Rojrce, roisce, s. wisdom
Rjbeol, ribeol, s. a day. Br. L. Rojrcea, roisceack, a. wise
ftloe, ride, s. mire RojreACAn, roiseachan, s. va. an instrument to boll
ftpeog, rideog, s. sweet myrtle ; a small shrub
flax, a boiler of flax
R)5> "& PreP- until Rojre*t>, roiseadh, s. boiling flax
ftjge, righe, s. depredation Rojrjneog, roisineog, s. f. an approach
ft)p40, righfhada, a. long-armed Rojrnjn, roisnin, s. f. a pearl on the eye ; eyebright
R)5Jm> riglum, v. 1 reign, rule, govern
R-jr^e rois te, s. a roach
Rlb)m> r'F'm> s- chance Rojfjjn, roithin, s. a ram
ftjneA, rineadh, s. hay, grass RojjneAC, roithineach, a. wanton, rammish
Rjngne, ringne, s. a leading staff Rojcne, roithne, s. a sharp point, a dart, a ray
ftj, /', with us Romane, romaire, s. m. a digger or tiller of the earth.
ft,fi, r/im, ) understanding Rrhfifnir, romhfhaisneis, s. f. fore-telling
Rje, rinne, i Rml*D*|l;, romhlabhain, s. a bespeaking
RjoBpA, riobkrach, s. m. a winnower ftrhoiT>Uj5te, romhorduighthe, part, pre-ordained
ftjoBtA}, riobhihar, s. m. a warning Rompa, romhra, s. a digging the earth
Rjoo, riochd, s. extremity, circumstance RmpAt>, romhradh, s. auguration
Rjoti, /, s. a thing ; a while RorAW, rosar, s. m. an evidence
Rjol* noghratht s. a royal mansion RorcAlt, recafr, v. be followed or pursued
ftjogfbooA, ricghshlaodach, s. m. a regicide 1 Ror5A,

ftfb4> rosgach, a. knowing

ftr5> ros>g, s. f. a rose tree
Rofoj, rosor, s. pimpernel
Korr, rost, s. roast meat Si, sa, is, it is
Rorajpe, lothaire, s. m. a ranter &, sabh, s. m. the sun ; a block
1\otajtoti, rolharota, s. an unwelcome visit SDboi, subhboth, s. an arbour, a summer-house
Rua, , to me ; . . cugam
;S4cn, sacan, s. m. a field fare
Ru4, ma, v. I found ; /'. e. ruajt Sfacc, sacc, a. sacred, holy
Rua, , s. . a lord 4540, saghadh, s. a thrust, stab
Ruacpujl, ruadhfhuil, s. a gleet SA5*piec, sagadach, a. delightful
IvuAjot, ruadhghaoth, s. a blast >g)c, saghLch, a, long-lived ; ". e. re^U
Ru4$, mag, s. m. a pursuit ;S|]l. saidhil, )
1\u*5*jfte, ruagaire, s. m. an outlaw ; a pursuer S4ple4CT, saMleactt,\s're{rtshmeni> ease
Kuegrmtb rua:hmhar, s. a whisker ;Slle4, saidhhach, a easy
Riujle, ruaidhle, s. a poor worn down creature ,S*jlreaco, sadteachd, s. fatness, saltiness
1\u], ruamn, s. water in which dyestuff is boiled >4jrh6e4)r, saimhbheart, s. twins
1iijea, ruainncheannach, s. a wig S4irhbfjAf-4|, saimhbJiriathar , s. a sweet mild word
Ivuan, man, s. secreste S4]mearhujl saimheamhuil, a. delectable
7\U4n*j, ruanidh, s. red sorrel *?4)), saimhtm, v. I mollify
Ru4f, ruar, s. m. a he Sijrhnp, saimhnidh, s. summer soldiers
Ku*aj, ruathar, s. m. a skirmish, depredation Si in, sain, a. certain
Rub, rubh, ) . _ Sjne, saine, s. the like
Ruol, ,, f s- a wound; *" ^ 5*" JB*-
S4]ne4t), saineadh, s. variation
R<ib*, mbhadh, s. cutting, wounding, dissecting ;S4jnre4n, sainsean, s. noise
HuB, rubhog, s. f. a thongof hemp or flax, a shoe Sajpbjieit, sairbhreith, s. f. an arbiter
maker's wax end ;Si)te4rhujn, sailheamhuin, s. a swarm ofbees
1\u*ll, ruchall, s. m. a spancel, a fetter ;S4}rre, s.tse, s. sage
Ruco, ruchd, s. a condition, apparel, habit S* p> salar, s. m. providing, orthat provides
Ruco, ruchd, a. lively, earnest
Srh, samh, s. m. death, sleep
Ru|uc, rudhruch, a. lying Sm4n, sainachan, s. m. a soft quiet person
Rut>juc4r, rudhrachas, s. sojourning jSdma, samadh, s. a tamily ; i. e. mujnrjp. 0. g,
"Ruga, ^, s. a rug or quilt; hangings S^tmlrn, samhaltan, s. . an emblem, hierogry-
Ruuj, ruibh, s. rue phick
Ru-jhe, mibe, s. a hair S^rmar;, samhlct, a. brisk, active, spark ish
Rujbeac4jn, ruibheachtain, s. sufferance ^4rhn4f, samhnas, s. m. anger, displeasure
Rujceac, ruiceach, s. m. a collector S*mf4, samhthach, s. m. a battle-ax, a pole-ax
Rujoel, ruidtl, s. the herb Robert f*n' } s. m. a saiut
Ru)5 rw^ s- a sPan S^nc, sar.C, )
Ru]ne, rww, s. a sharp point <>4nc, , to and fro ; hither and thither
Rujteac, ruinnteuch, l s m> a divisor i>rtPji*t>, s mradh, s. m freedom ; loosening
Ruirean, ruinnteachan, ) ;S<oPi, Mobh, in compound words means bad, vile,
Ru]ntel*r, ruintealas, s. m. darnel mean, wicked. &c.
"Rujple*, ruiflcach, s. entrails Stob*!*, sai bhchara, s. a treacherous friend
Rujpleain, rui-pUachan, s. m. a gorbellied fellow Sob, s odh, s. m. pain, punishment
Ruijtbe, rurbhe, s. a flat denial, or refusal ;<01) saoirghin, s. a free-born person
Rujpge, ruirge, s. a stay, stop, delay ;5<, soar, s. m. a disease, distemper
Rnjp, ruts, s. f. the cheek g:<ojr*c saorsachd, s. f. freedom, cheapness, trade
Ruipg. ruisg, s. f. a skirmish, a whipping of a builder
Ru)r5enc*, ruisgcanta, a. stripped, decorticated S<otApl*. saofharlann, s. a work-house
Ruii lT". ruisgim, v. I strip S*pb. Sfl/"'f see rP5
Ruj^ea, ruttheach, s. m. a footman S*X>< s m* contempt
Rum*)l, ruinai/, s. convulsion ^4^4b, iar, s. . the chief abbot
Rn. mn, s. deceit, craft, subtilty gmbaro, sarabmdh, a. very ripe
Runpha]l*r, runphairt, s. consultation jgji)r, saruis, \ a. most obedient, most hum-
Rur, rus, s. . the country ; the cheek gjtmal, sarumhal, ) ble
Rur, tus, a. red git:, eiA, s. m. a drove, a flock, a swarm
Rurfc, I'tlsg, s. m. a skirmish Sbn^n, sbunrn, s. m. a purse
Rurcj, rustag, s. f. a bear "Scaba'pe, scabaire, s. m a scatterer, a spendthrift
Rut, rth, s. a rhain, a link ;Sc4D4t>, scabhadh, a. good
Rur4jr, luthghaid, s. a link of gads

ScAgAC, scagach, a. leaky SeAAjrie, seac/iainne, round us

c*5*Jl,e> scagaire, s. m. a strainer STealum, seachhim, s. one's share apart
>c*], scaidh, v. he finished Seeni*, sechin, adv. besides
ScAjojm, scadhitn, v. I lop off Seacnojn, seachmin, s. f. a going abbut
caj1, sea//, s. f. a tinkling noise ; a craggy rock S^e*rto)n, scachnoin, prep, by, through
&c*jl, scail, s. f. the cry of a hound in chace .SeApA, sachrach, a. filthy
Scojlp, scailf, s. f. scurf, fur ; piece, a bit $!e*tpi,% itackradh, s. dirt, filth
c*]1t;, scant, s. f. a great shout; a turf or sod STenum, skcAum, V. let us follow otpurstie
JcAjpc, scairt, s. f. a splash of water" StT), sead, s. a bed ; six sc'ropls
Sc)t, scaith, s. f. ablessing; the finest of the flax &Ab poppjee, sead ffrict, . oinc
ScArfc, scaith, s. f. a cornely person ?6aoa, azab, . long, tall
jScal, seal, s. m. a noise SAoa, seadach, a. very rich; happy foi wealth
S^calujjeco, scauighcachd, s. f. singing in chorus SeAOAj, seadar, a. strong
, scamh, s. m. the mouth ; the lights ^eaoAjt, seadhar, s. m. library
ScATfig, stamhg, s. f. a wry mouth ; tue lights .SeAbg, seadhg, s. f. the sciatica
S&0)t, scaoith, s. f. a scythe; a flock of birds SeAblA, seadhla, s. battle
Sfoojlreog, scaoiiteog, s. f. a sheet; a winding sheet SeAg, ifo^, s. beauty
Se<otn, scaothan, s. ta. a chamber-pt jSeAj, ifej^, s. art, ingenuity
&ca|i*jI, starail, s. separating, scarifying .SeAgA, ee, a. hard
Scat, scath, s. m. a flock ; battle, dread, fear .SeAg*, seagha, s. a sw
Scft fc, scaihog, s. m. a blossom or flower Se5in, seagain, s. f. a deer-killer
Scat5 %hupie, scithog Mhuir, s. agrimony SeAgAjn, seagain, a. beautiful, cbmly
cell, sceall, s. m. a shield, buckler SeA54n, seaghlan, s. m. a eck yfcfe-, tor *pfe "to
STce*ll*5*c, scellagach, s. m. wild mustard hang by
Scelp$, cealpog, s. f. a pinch, a nip iseaUbC, sadach, a. alternately
Jffceam, sceamh, s. a bark, yelp, howl SeAlAje, sealaidhe, s. m. a cutter, hewr, diSscter
Sceariiujal' sceamhuighil, s. caterwauling SeAlAjp, sealais, a. cbjpt or cut off
jSceong, sceaftg, s. m. a bed, a bed-chamber SeaUnac, sealaiiach, s. m. a rhegr mah rWeast
ScejlS, scibh, s. f. a shift SealB, sdlbli, s. time
;Sceo, Sew, s. m. Heaven .SeAlgAb, sealgadh, s. m. kneeling or bhdihg the
STceojn, cwin, s. f. a start, bounce knee
.Scjbjpe, scibire, s. in. a skipper, a silor SeAlc, seall, s. f. following, pursuing
,Scjm, scim, s. f. scum 5^eAltA, sealtac/i, s. a pursuer
;Sc)ob, sciob, s. f. a snatch, grasp SeAnAA]r5e, seanagaisge, s. tropBy, W btg'of
&c)otlAb, sviorradh, s. a slip victory
<>c]p&, scirbh, s. f. a craggy ford ; a stony bottom S'eAUAbCA], seanadhchni, s. a parliament- housfc
;STc)lBe, scirbhe, s. f. gafi S^eAnAjb, seanidh, s. f. a matron
gc,unr, sciursach, animpudentea hussy S^eAnAjbe, seanaidhe, s. m. an antiquaflh
;Srcjuiro5, sciursog, ) v J 1 ?eartg<o), seanglaoi, s. an elegy
STrliig, sclug, s. m. the throttle ^e*A, sranna. dv. ftf
icotuipe, scodhairt, s. m. a brwer SeAAAU, seannachan, s. m. %wily person
Scojlt, scoilt, s. f. a cleft or split ^eanpAjn, seanpainn, s. in. slhging or makihg har
;Scoic, scoit, s. f. a pool or pond mony
;ScolbftnA, scolbanach, s. m. a growing lad Sep,sear, a. black
;Scollo, scdladh, s. m. mortification, scolding ^, searbh. s. m. a brach ; der
STconp, sconnsa, s. m. a sconse, a moat 5*1, searb 'ian, s. m. dandelion
;Scor, Scot, i. ta. a Scot SeApBA]nmuc, searbhainmuc, s. f. ndiVe
Scy*i\t*, scranta, part, divided, scattered fieAfipAri. searfart, s. a swan
ScpjBrteH", scribhnet, s. f. a witness, evidence, fore- SVAjtg, searg, s. f. the decay bf anything
writing Si'AJtpA'o, searrachd, s. f. mowing, n-;ipitig
;Seitob, scrob, s. m. the craw of a bird SToArg, seasg, s. m. sedg, or burrred
STcuao, scuad, } s. m. a detachment ; a flock SeApgAC, seasgc/i, s. a dry cow
jSeArjAjpe, seasgaire, s m. a warm comfortable man
*>cut>, scud, s. m. a form, shape; a cover, Veil SeArgAjHe, seasgaire, s. m. one that threshes corn
S:oujji, sduir, s. f. a present, a gift by bulk
^, seabhacan, s. m. the call of a hawk ; place eArj, seasur, s.m. gravy
where a hawk is kept sgabh, s. m. saw-dust
STe*c, seac, see floe ^51, sgabal, s. m. cauldroh ; tfiree prfhy pice
S^Ub, ^^ js. shunning ^SAgnAb, sgagnadh, S. straining, fddliiig
6 M Sr54jf,

*, sgaith, . finishing :S5e)le sgeile, s. shelling oats, grief

>)' ^geile, s. a shade, shadow i>5e)'5> *ge'lg> s. f. a rock
S*lVjn> sgailin, s. f. a little dish ; an omelet SgejIleA, sgeilleadh, s. a shilling
STgeilp^n. sgeilpin, s. f. a small knife
fffl>b s%7, ' } s- f- a chasm> slit c,eft crack Sbjn, sge'm, s. dread
Sgdjltt), sgaird, s. f. a squirt ; a splash of any liquid SfejneA, sgeineach, s. m. a run-away
^5*}11 sgairg, s. f. a stony or gravelly bottom SfceineAt), sgeineadh, s. starting, bouncing
^5*11* sgairt, s. f. a tuft of briers, or biambles jSgeieA, sgeitheadh, s. a shedding, spilling
b*)Vz)Ve> sgairtire, s. m. a crier ben5> eS s: a bed
^*]!"^11 sgairtin, s. f. a little dear ; a small clod i>beo> o, conj. and
i?5A]t)on, sgaithion, s. a counter-scarp 1*> sgiat> s. a gibe ; a start ; a dart
SgAUfc, sgalach, a. noisy i>5)4i, sgiath, s. t. a beard
jSgAUt), sgaladh, s. scalding i>5]ATAn, sgiataii, s. m. a dart
S^AUp, sgalaid, s. f. chiding ^]AAn, sgiuthan, s. m. a fan
i>5AUyb, sgalatdh, s. scales ;Ss)o6a1, sgibheal, s. m. an open mouth that cannot
i>5ll<c-)0 sgallaoid, s. f. division keep a secret
fJnlcAt), sgaliadh, s. scalded &1> *g*gt s- f- a gibe, jeer, mock, scoff", flout
jSgdm, sgamh, s. a wry-mouth ^]5*' 'g'gire> s- m- a giber
6*11. sgamall, s. scum; phlegm <i>5)m]ol, sgimiol, s. f. a thin caul or web ; the filthy
>5p*t>, sgannradh, s. defamation ; dread ; aston slime of the guts
SbJmjolA, sgimhiolachAs. a small bit of any
b<ol> s. m. flight Sgjmeog, igimhkog, j thing
SgApep, sgaraoid, s. f. a table-cloth S^5)ob, sgiob, s. a snatch
jSb*po*c, sgardach, s- m. vomiting ; a squirt ;S5)obcA, sgiobtha, a. spruce, active
jSgApoAC, sgardach, s. m. a bunch of furze or thorns .SjobulrA, sgiobultach, a. neat, clean, decent
placed before the tap in a mash kieve $5)obuln, sgicbulun, s. m. a brush or broom for
SigAjiOAt), sgardadh, s. m. vomiting sweeping an oven
Tg]tta, sgartach, s. m. the entrails ^5]1, sgiomaha, a. spruce, neat
;Sg*);4t>, sgartadh, s. m. bawling, shouting S SjoppAt), sgiorradh, s. a slip, a fart, a sudden crack
*>5*> sSat^t s' m' scutched flax S^)C-l*l5 sgiorrog, s. f. a fart
;Sb*tc*n> sgathachan, a. m. the membrum virile &)0]t]ican, sgiorrtan, s. m. a tick
SgAierh, sgathamh, s. m. a lopping off; walking SsjoptA-jl, sgioitail, s. f. patching
^gArn, sgathan, s. m. a gazing stock ^51ot, sgiot, s. game, a gibe
;Sb<rc<oj. sgathchaoi, s. m. a summer-house, ashed 51* 'Pt, s. f. rest, pause
.SgAtluAjn, sgathchluain, s. m. an ambush ; a silent SfejunAC, sgiunach, s. m. a bye penny ; something of
value concealed
fraud 1<>15> sgfi* s- f- *be jole or gullet
.SgAtrhAlb sgathmhar, a. flowery, full flowered ;
>5l*)5n> sglaigin, s. f. a bibber, guttler
handsome Sbl*"1* sglamh, s. a bark, a yelp
STgee rpjon, sgeach spoiman, a. a gooseberry Sb5^ sgogadh, s. straining, filtering, sifting
5'554)l,e sgga're> s- m* a cullender ; a merry An
bush drew
ifgeAC tAlrhujn, sgeach tahnhuin, see ojmjreog
SgeAt), sgead, s. a start 5015, sgoig, s. f. the throat
SgeATw, sgeadach, a. speckled ; sky-coloured 5r5)seA, sgoigeach, a. guttural
SgeAOAAt), sgeadachadh, s. dress, clothes, ornament jSjjbln, sgoigin, s. f. a little throat; ajester
SgeAWACO, sgeadachd, s. f. stubbornness ^^, sgoignean, s. m. a riddle, sieve, or fan
^geAOAf, sgeadas, s. m. ornament; various colours 50)1>, sgoilteadh, part, lopped off
SgeAmijA, sgeadughadh, s. anornature ; a robe >bO]lteAn, sgoiltcan, s. a split stick for a sling
SgeAt)U]5im, sgeaduighim,v. I dress, adorn; enrobe Sbo!bA)lie, sgolbaire, s. m. a tbatcher
Sb^*l SSea^' s- m> a stor.v> news, rumour Sbol5*JPe> sgolgaire, s. m. a scold
t?5AlA)e, sgealaidhc, s. m. an historian, secretary <504> sgonosach, a. eager, greedy
SgAlAjeACt, sgcalaidheacht, s. f. story- telling, ^jonlAbjiA, sgonlabhrach, s. m. a babbler
jSr^ojin, sgorn, s. f. the pin of a straddle
history 550)1*;0, sgorthanach, s. m. a rambler
SgeAlb, sgealb, s. m. a splinter
SseAlUgAC, sgeallagach, s. wild mustard #50* sgik> s- f- fine tow or flax
SgeAlp, sgealp, s. m. a scratch, bite ; chip, a clift, 5:gocb*plA, sgotbhearla, s. the Irish language
Sel'*0 sgrab, s. a scratch, scrape
summit SblbAT), sgrabadh, s. scraping, scratching
SCAlpA, sgealpach, s. biting
55e*tc,igfaf^, . thorny <>511, sgraban, s. m. a curry-comb ; a dough knife

^51**)> *ireiste, s. m. an idler joIg4t>, siolgadh, s. picking, choosing

SgpAfc, sgrath, s. m. a sod, or turf Sjolln, sioltan, s. m. a skinny meagre creature
51*** 5lu5)l sgrath gMugair, s. a quag-mire ,Sjoll4jie, siollaire, s. m. a scanner of every word, a
>51i*n, sgrathanach, s. m. an idler carper, a dictator
^5)ieac4]|ie, sgreachaire, s. m. a screecher Sjollpn, siollrun, s. m. secrecy
^51*5 sgreag, s. f. a crag, rock ]ol]i4t>, siolradh, s. sowing, propagation
i?5Hjub*l, sgrubal, s. m. a scruple S]on, Sion, s. m. Heaven
>gpo, sgrud, s. m. examination Sjon, sion, s.m. a whisper, phenomenon, brightness
;Spu)bleftn, sgruibleachan, s. m. a scribbler Sjon4t>, sionadh, s. a warning ; dispraise, satire, a
;Sgpujle4c, sgruileach, s. notes, collection whisper
Sgjtuje, sgruit, s. f. a carrion ; any lean creature Sjor>rfp, siormsan, s. m. the yelping or cry of hounds
jSguajbljun, sguaibliun, s. m. an oven-sweep jSjejilm, siorlamh, s. a long hand
;Sgu4bg, sguabog, s. f. a little sheaf S^jopop, j/erep, a. sparing, frugal
S5U4tn*)5, sguathnaigh, s. m. an esquire, armour >]opp, 5rr, s. vetches
bearer Sjo]r4, siorsadh, s. m. a girt, girth
STguc, sguch, s. a step, degree S]ojtpn, siorsan, s. m. hoarseness
jSguAjpe, sguchaire, s. m. a step-maker Sjojtt, irf, s. execution
54*1 sguth, see rgu Sjoptajpe, siortaire, s. m. an executioner
Sj4, s/, v. it is Sjopn, siosan, s. m. a ptisan ; a sudden whisper
Sl*b4j, siabhar, s. m. a sound SjorcAn, sioscan, s. m. a handful of eared corn
,Sj4bl>40, siabhrach, a. fairy like S)rm*^> siosmach, s. m a schismatic
5>)4bj4j5ie, siabhraighthe, a. bewitched, bewildered ;Sj[e4c4, sireachta, s. music
j4bol, siabol, s. m. a scallion S)t]4TTi, siriamh, s. alms
S]4l, sial, see r)te4l Sippe, stride, s. m. a satyr, a wild man
S^np, jtie.r, s. wisdom, sense Sjnopn*, sisiorna, s. whispering, muttering
S)4nr4, siansack, a. wise ;Sjpte4, sisUadh, s. a boss of straw
S)4nr*n, siansun, s. m. a noise ;Sjpte4l, sisteal, s. m. a flax hatchel
>]4n rljbe, stan sleibkc, s. f. foxglove ,Sjc ! // interj. hist! hark!
S jcvnrac, siuntach, a. stormy ,Sjre4}n, sitearn, s. the neighing of ahorse
)a]'M, siasan, s. m. a whisper ; the noise of hounds ^140, sitearnach, s. m. a scoff", laughing
in hunting jSjcejpnjn, siteirnitty s. f. a nice effeminate proud
;>lo}n, sibhm, s. f. a bull-rush little thing 4
S\be*b, sidheach, s. m. a wolf 15)t\ e4jc, sithpieart, s. a pleasant field
i> je4, sidheadh, s. a snatch, pluck guW, ,, J a traveller
jSjceitjc, siceitic, s. sciatica >juB4C, siubn.acn, J
^15e05 siSheoS* s- a fairy S)ubl4, siubhlach, a. restless
)5)l,e05' s4'reo5> s- a si'k worm S)uol]o, siubhloid, s. f. wandering
;Sjl)t>, silidk, s. f. dissection, or cutting ,Sjuc]4, siucrat s. sugar
;Sjljp, *, s. f. havock ;Sjul, /, s. m. child-bearing
^jlre4 4n, silleachan, s. m. a still, a distiller Sjuilfojt, iiulbhar, a. cheerful
<>jne, sine, s. a wen ,Sjupi04n, siurdan, s. m. tattle
,*1, U scotching fl ,Sjujj4n, siurran, s. m. giddiness, drunkenness, a-
$Tjn5lc4'o, singleadh,) & watery mkt
Sjnj fj44]n, sini siadhain, s. ihe quinsey Sjuppn, siursan, s.m. a whisper, hum, tinkling
Sjrqcjn, sinicin, s. f. house-leek ;S)utU, siuihall, adv. here and there
^Sjn]('1n> sinicin, s. f. a little round hill, or monument SI4, s/a, s. an elm, , c. pleariwn. c- g.
jSjnji)", singhlin, s. ft an instrument for scutching jSU, sla, a. slippery, 1. . . . g-
flax S\b, slab, s. m. mire, filth
<> jr)0]i, sinnsior, s. a yew tree SUb4)pe, siabaire, s. m. a dirty person, a dauber
]or>4TYG4&, siobantath, a. stormy jSl4b4i, slabar, s. m. a slabbering, a dab
Sjobal, siobhal, see r)uD4l Sie, slack, s. ni. a flake
Sjobp, sioboid, s. f. drunkenness, foolishness S;l**>rh4i, slachdmhar, a. in good case, full, fat
Sjoc, iwc. - > frosty, hard fjlo, , s. m. a glen
<?]4, siodhan, s. foxglove STl4 5, slag, s. m. a gulp, swallow
0|f^,n, 'ofrt, s. m. a gizzard -S^45*JPe> slagaire, s. m. aswallower
;Sjo) *, sioladh, s. product, increase, profit SrUjBpe, staibhre, s. cattle
SpUn, j'o/, see re4ln STljB, s. a cutting, hacking, chipping
Sjoln, sitian, s. m. a cullender, strainer Sljmjn, siaimin, s. f. a slut, a dirty person.
;S}oljlocr4t;, sioljhlocsadh, s. running of the reins SUm, slam, s. m. slime
S^lmi]]e, slamaire, s. m. a quick or great eater .SnAmajpe, snadhmairc, s. a gripper j a catch-pole
S"lAn, s/mn, s. atonement for the dead ; a farewel jSnasAjpe, snagaire, s. m. a snarler
Snot>, slaod, s. m. a pulley or crane SnAje, snaidhe, s, a thread
;>1|"], slaschoimlme, s. a tragedy SrtAjS, sna-gh, s. hewing, cutting
1]], slatbhruid, s. bridewel S"nAvcerk]teat>, snaithtbha'uheadh, s. water milfoil
5:14, skabhnan, s. m. a slide Snm, snamh, s. f. the track of a snail on the ground
S:!e*rhijn, sleamhain, a. sluggish, simple ;Snm*)5, snamhaigh, s. m. a slothful person, a creep
,Sle*ric, sleant, s. a tile ing tellow
<?jece, siete, s. a monument ,Sn<oj, snaoidh, . hewing, chipping
S'J^co, sliachd, s. m. a swallow, a gulpli Sn<0]oeacn, snaoidticatl an, s. m. a hewer
jS'Jacoao, sliachdachd, s. f. hacking, cutting SnAp, snasi 8 the track of a snail
jSl)5te4ip, slightheadh, s. a stratagem Sn*rc> snasach, a. neat, < legant
S!J5*eoJlb shghthmr, s. m. an evader ^n*f, snath, s. f. food, victuals
Sipb, s. polish, gloss ;Sn-*tfo, snathadchroih, s. the eye of a needle
SijoBpa, sliobbach, s. . a pulley, a crane .Snep, sneidfl, s. a nit, any small thing
Sljot, shacht, g. f. a pit .Snpe, snidhe, s. winding, spinning
iJljog, sliog, s. a polish, gloss Jnjoea, sntdhcadh, s. creeping, winding
<>l|onc, sthitc, s. a blow S"nv5jocn, smdhgicciian, s. m. a spinster ; a still
^Tijopca, slioptha, a. sharp-pointed .Snjm, smm, that ; . e. pjn. o. g*
Srljrnjn, slisnin, s. f. a wooden blade for scutching Snjme, snimc/ie, s. grief sad n ees
flax STnomAn, sniom/ioc/ian, s. m a spinner
5:1a ig, s/aig/i, s. a troop, army Snip, snis, s. a duel
STIojrleAn, sloinnean, s. m the shoulder
Sno4C, snoghach, a. beautiful, well-looking
?lojpeT>, shtmfead, v. I will relate
5:645. soagh, a. happy, lucky, fortunate
Sloijm, shinnim, v. 1 name ;SA)lce, soailce, s. merriment, jollity
SId"*) slonnadh, s. cattle SoVjajI, sobhutf, s f. eloquence
^ItiAipTj'jn, sluaisdin, s. f. a little shovel
S"ob4pfon, sobharthon, s. sufficiency
<>1- , /mcA, s. m. a crane, pulley <Jobjt4i5, sobluaigh, s. great strength
S"iuca, shchadky s. m. pulling, hauling Sorj*n, sobhthan, a. fortunate, happy
.Siuofiad, sludrach, s. m. a foundaiion S"ocn, sotan, s. m. fieldfare ; a big-bellied man
S|u|, s/us, \ m dissimulation Socajpo, scclnird, s. many people, a funeral
Scluga, sochlughach, a. prudent
jSlupAjjte, slusaire, s. m. a dissembler S"ocrha, sochmhadh, a. sedate
Snujlc, smailc, s. f. a blow, buffet S'cojfS, sochoisg, a. docile
SmaUn, smatan, s. m. a little blow, a filip jSoijuvoe, sochraidhe, a. manifest
5], stnaois, s. f. the nose Soo, jc?, s. boiled meat ; " roo f jtoprA."
Smeir, smaois, s. f. j urce, marrow Sob, sodh, see r
5"<-]4, smaoiseuc/i, a. juicy 5:60, jorfA, s. happiness, content ; a feast, sauce
Sme*c, smeac, s. a smack or kiss, a filip with the
00, jodi, a. easy, fit, pliable
finger S<'ojice, sodhoirte, a. easily spilled
;Smt'*]i, smear, s. a berry ; a spark of fire jS^ioum, sidum, s. sodomy
jSmpr, smiot, s. a box, a blow
;S4]rg]ce, sdhaisgighthe, a. exorable
Smjotg) sm'Mog, s. f. a hand or glove without
.Sopapu-jte, -odhskasuighthe, a. satiable
fingers Sog, sogh, a. dainties
Srnjpre, smiste, s. f. a pestle, a mall
Sgap, soghar, s. good accommodation, convenience
?m)rct'4Ti, smisteadh, s. smiting, pounding SogiuAjpre, soghluaiste, a. moveable
Sitirn:, smot, s. m. the nose 5fn<o], soghnaoi, s. a pleasant or fair countenance
5mn]5, smv g, s. f. a snout SojbireAl, so bhisreal, s. in. die gospel
S"mu)p, smith, s. f. sap ; the gristle of the nose
*>mujr, 8tiiUit, a. fuliginous, smoky <], soich, s. f. bitcii
;S)eao, seichend, s. a willing permission
Smujrean, smuitean, s. m. dust; a doze
S]c)ll]5c, soicheillighe, a. sensible
muan, smuian, s. m. a little dry root, or stump of
;Sojc4, soidheach, s. m. a vessel
wood Sroineac. soidhineach, a. very liberal
$mul, smulog, s. f. a fiiip with the fingers
Sodeac, soiieack, s. m. a willow, sallow
Smulca, ML boxing Sojrn, soim, s. heed
^mi'lcijlK', smulci he, s. m. a boxer ^, soimhneach, a. peaceable, agreeable
S nao, sHtidh, s. thread Scjmneey, soimhneus, s. fretting, reconciliation
Someac, soineach, a. noisy
SnAt>*t>, snadhady s. f. a needle
Sopb'e, *M"S^j s- scutching flax
s pe SPE SRE

5o)x\eACx>, soinneachd, s. starting Spjce, speice, s. a long ungainly made fellow

Sojji, soirch, s. joy, comfort Spajg, spearog, s. f. a sparrow-hawk
Sojpeve, soireidhe, s. wooing, courtship Spe|lpjn, speiipin, s. f. a little herd
g;o}jn, soirn, s. f. an oven Spejft, speir, s. f. the spades in cards ; a shank
Sir> sois, s. f. rest Sp))\)x\, speirin, s. f. a spindle-shank
>o)f5e<la, soisgealach, s. a teller of truth Spjr, speis, s. f. heed, care
g;ojr)i> soisil, s. f. airiness, pride, haughtiness SpjpeAthujI, speiseamhuil, a.- regardful, heedful
Sojrjlea, soisileach, a. airy, hearty; proud, noble Spjo, spid, s. f. motion, life
Sojrceftn, soistean, s. m. a firm or bold standing SppeAC, spideach, a. contemptible
So)t, soith, s. f. a bitch ^pjtseg, spideog, s. f. robin red-breast^ a slender
$]-, soiteadh, a. seated, placed, built creature
;go]ce<n54, soitheangach, s. m. an interpreter S"p)5, sp':g, s. f. death, last gasp
Sojr ]}, soahir, a. proud Spin, spin, s. f. a thorn
^oUt), soladh, s. profit S|>^ne*rhu)l, sp.neamhml, a. thorny
Sorh, somh, s. m. the sun Spjont>, spionad, s. m. a sinew
Som*, somadk, a. artful SppnATu, spionadach, a. sinewy
;Somlj]t, somaloir, s. m. example, sample Sp]onr4n, spiontachan, s. m. a searcher-
Son, son, s. m. an antiquary Spjojtfto, spiorad, s. m. life, spirit
S4> sonnadh, s. a fort, fortress SpjP> spir, s. f. the hough or ham, a shank.
So*)l*e, sonnaire, s. m. a piercer, pusher Spjteog, spitheog, s. f. a flake
Spate, sopaire, s. m. a soap-boiler Sple*t>)le, spkadhaire, s. m. a flatterer
Sop*p> sopar, s. m. a well Spve, .'/w.'/, s. f. a hasty word
Sopj, sopog, s. Lasmall bundle of straw for thatchi Sppjpe, spoidire, s. m. a hasty person, a contender
ng Spon, s. f. a spoon
Sopg, sopog, s. f. burning straw tied on poles to SpP*e, sprac, s. m. a spark ; life, motion
give warning, or to allure fish by night Sppe<*c*t>, spreactiadh, s. scattering
jSojiftyo, foralah, s. courtship, courting Spleb4]pe, spreagaire, s. m . a provoker ; receiver
;So|bac, soibuck, a. faulty, dirty S\>Ve)v> spreidh, s. f. a spark of fire ; total destruc
So)c,. sore, s. m. delight,. pleasure tion
<>o]tc5, soichagh, s, m. a declaration Spjiejgce, spnighte, s. red cinders
So]*"*n, sortan, s. m. a shout SpJijuan, spriwihachan, s. nw the craw of a bird .
S^pt*", sortann, s. m. a feast Sppoc, sproch, s. m. robbery
Sfo|lQ]le5j sorumleaghndh, s. considerateness ; SppoAB, sprocliadh, s. m. robbing, dunning
nobleness Sp|ocaj|e, sprochaire, s. m. a robber, dnner
Sop\ejle<c, soraoileach, s. a pully Sp|t >c-o, sprcc/iU, s. chiding, dunning
Sor*, sosa, s. anchorage, settlement, rest. Sppuajl, spruchnil, s. f. a craw of a bird
Sof, sotk, s. f. birthright S)>ujtp, spursa, s. spurge, milkweed
Soral, sotal, a. willing Spu}rn, spursan, s. m. a diminutive person
Sotare, sothaire, s. m. a midwife Spur;, sput, s. m. a spud, or mark -
Sotlftj, sothlaigh, s. f. mischief, harm, bad Spab; srabh, s. m. a stream
Stuiec , sothuigead/i, a. intelligible Sf*b*l, srabhai, s. m. the afterbirth ; cleaning .
Socul, sotul, s. m. pride Sp*c, srac, s. m. the plucbof a beast
Stouo, soud, s. transformation SPW, sradachn awnnowi sheet
Sp*c, spachadh, s. plucking by the roots S|aw5> sradog, 5 b
Sp*B*n*c, spadanach, s. asluggard SppeACan, sraideachan, s. m. a vagabond
SpA]t>, spafd, a.i. a carrion, a drug, a sluggard, an Spjoeog, sraideog, s. f. a street-walker, a trull
eunucli Spavin, sraidin,s. f. shepherd's purse
Spjb, s. f. a long flat foot SpAJ^le, sraighle, s. f. a whip, a plag.ue
Sp]'p> spailp- s. f. .a smack, kiss; an. arrant, lie S"l<)t, sraith, s. f. a thicket ; a bleaching place
Sp*ftteo)y, spaisteoir, s- m. a walker Sl***nA31*e> sramaire, s. m., a snotty person, a .drib
SpAlpotfeacT), spalpaneachd, s. f. gallantry bler
gptpy, sparr, s. m. the gate of a town Sp*n sran, s. m. a snatch, hold, catch
S"p*PT*n> sparsan, s. m. a diminutive little fellow, a S>*riA, sraiiadh,s. spreading, expanding
dry stalk Spans* srang, s. m. a frown
Sp*r, spas, s. m. a space of time, a reprieve SpAnSeife, srangaire, s. m. a crane or pully
?> spasp, "Is. dread, fear, hesitation, hesi- Speit, sreath, . (. sling.; extension
^, spaspas,} tating, a damp SpeatAC, srcaihach, a. extended, spread.
Sp*rp*r*c, spaspasach, a. fearful, doubtful Sl*e4tnu5*rj, sreathnughadh, s. spreading, slinging
, spealadh, s. m.. mowing, shelling Srei, sicith, s. f. casting, throwing
, } 6 N Sr5I
sai S TR SUQ

>fl, Si'il, 1 r i i i Sr]to\U, strritl, s. f. delay

SH'jn, srilin,)*1 adraboirs,ut Spolia);;, strollaigh, s. m. a stroller,, s. f. tlic passage of milk from the Stuft, sluadh, s. hi. a rainbow
breast Sr4c s. m. a summit
Sfto, srogh, s. f. a sneeze Scajjie, stuacaire, s. m. a prying person, alight-
S054 i, sroghat, s. xa. the sneezing plague headed pe son, a booby
Sl'jnn, sroindhin, s. f. the bridge of the nose Scuac*j}ie*r>, stiuicuireachd, s. f. gadding, gazing
S)inbfac, sronbhrat, s. a pocket-handkerchief about
Scu4jc, stuaic, s. f. a summit ; the highest part of
Sfuum, sruam, J a still, a stream man or bea*t
Sl'uarh, sruamh, s. in. a host, a company Sru4icin, stuaicin, "I . . e ..
jSftuju, smith, s. a knowing or discerning person Stuajcle, am**, l^tbes.mim.tof am thing
Sputujl, sruthail, s. f. rinsing, streaming ; agargar- Stuajm, stuaim, . r. discretion
Stuc, stuc, s. m. a horn, a pile of sheaves of com
Sputajfie, srulhaire, s.m. amitcher S~uc, stuc, \ .-. m. a lisiner, eaves-dropper j
>puf-|"-lo-o, sruthshUod, s. the track of a stream Smcapie, stucjirt, I a spunger in company
Saturan mue, sruthan , great hawk-weed Sruc^a H, stuc,nu!ar, s. piiapism
St40, stabh, s. m. a stan, or kieve |r.F'-5%/^} --irofthe head
SVaBa, stub'iadh, s. plucking, straddling
Sraca stacadh, s. a stack of corn SrU)P:|)> stuirm. s. a tempest
SWcajle, stachaile, s. f. a loose hussy S^u, *>e, gen. plur. of pan,
Sc4ajleaco, stachaileuchd, s. f. plajing the wanton Su4,t, s. a little stream
Srat>, stadh, s. a pull or pluck 7ii4D4jpe4, suabha stach, a. mannerly
Sraoa. stadac'i, a. stuttering Suaac, suadhavh a. wise, prudent
Scao.ijo, stadhmd, s. f. craft, wile ;Sii4crhAC. suadhmhac, s. ni. a learned man
.St* * ) fie, stadaire, s. m. a stammerer Su*5> swig, s. m. a rope, a cable
Stajlin, stailin, s. a steel or iron iJua gaijie, sttagaire, s. m. a rope- maker
Stajpjracajn, stairfeac/uiin, s. a wry look Suajan, suc.gan, s. m. of straw or hay
Solcajfie, staha-re, s. a stalking horse S5rtr,r*r sua ant"s> s. m. blazon, coat of arms
Stalcajpe, stalcaire, s. m. a bully, a lusty robust S"*!^ suaidh, s. n . a wise man
fellow Siitjll, suai/!, a. famous, renowned
Scn)|e, stanaire, s..m. a tinman Suajm, s f. a tone, or accent
Stat, i/o/, s. m. a state or assembly jSu4]me4o. *va meachd, s. sounding
Scejjjfie, stfigire, s. m. a throttler Su* )rrvoe<>c, suaimlultoch, s. an opiate
Scejll, jte;//, s. a slice; a contemptible fellow Su*lre jW/c, a. weary, weak, pale, dejected ; tem
Stejftleo, suinnleag, s. f. a small linger stone pered, mixed, kneaded
Scejljea, steinnlinneach, s. a sling to cast small Snajreaiin, suaiteachan, s. m. a disturber, mixer,
stones , kneadfr
STrjall, stitill, s. a board ; a long welt ; a black jack Sua^peacan, simthreathan, s. m. a livery man
Sqallapte, stioUaire, m. a tear, r, beater, buffer SuUt, suaiach, a admirable
Stf\,stii, s. f. a smoothing iron, butcher's steel Su4n*)le, ^'^}s.m. a deeper
St)\, Stil, s. f. a stile, degree in honour Su4n*p4n, manaran, J 1
Sn"e> stille, s. f. a lax, looseness Sua ran, suasan, s. m. the noddle ; hair of the head
St)o|iat>, stioradh, s. benumbing Su4^anrar, suathantas, s. m. arms, colours, ensigns
Srjcpju, stiana, s. stirabout; a slip STuB, subh, s. abitth,; a grape or berry
Sroc, J/Jf, s. m. treasure, stock jSurr n, subh oi, s dregs, lees, taplash, bad ale
Stjijoc, strioc, s. repentance, a lash, a scratch, a dis Sud 4 mban mjn, subh na mban min, apples,
trict, a weit stone br.imble-wort
St]i]ocntv, st'iodtc'.d, s. f. submitting S"<", * m- a Pusb "r ptmcb ; a calf fed m the
jScpioln, stnochlan, s. m. a rag, a windfall, a thing house
cf no value Sue ! muh ! inter), hah ! beware !
Suopal!, sudiatl, s. m. a torch, flambeau
st'ocad/,, } s; m- a shive> a Piece> a rent Sna^rtiUn, su.iraan, s m. a torch maker
S'ryi, strodh, s. f. pride S115, suh, s f. a grape or berry
*>rpc*ifie, stredhahe, s. m. a comical fellow Sufac, sugfiach, a. satisfied
St|t4rhlac, slrodhmhlachd, s. f. comicalness, S"j;er' f"^/'ec^tf, s> m- satisfaction
haughtiness S ;|*o, sughadh, s. swallowing
Srp,rhii|l, strodhamhuU, a. proud, comical Sgap, sudiith, s. mirth, jollity
Srfi i|5)n, itroig/tin, s. f. mud and straw mixed for a Summte, sughaiide, s. a glutton
wall Sultn,
sus TAI

jSugcn, sughtati, s. m. a gross fat body Sut, suth, s. f. fruit, profit ; a whisper, a half word
;Su)o1a1ca, suibhialtadh, a. proud, bonny Sutajpeacc, suthaireacht, s. f. cheating, gulling
Sujqn, suicin, s. f. a pet calf, or lamb SucAn, suthan, s. m. a booby, a dunce, a gull
S:u]5, swg, s. f. a pig Suin, suthan, s. m. taplash, small beer
Sujge, jk^, s. a call to pigs
i>uJ5)m suigAim, v. I flow or stream
i>u))Ce*o, suighiteachd, s. f. sucking, swallowing
Sii)jceo, suighleachd, s. proving, grounding, plac , tab, s. m. a start, bounce
ing ], tabaim, v. I start
jSujledpS, ^tileasg, s. an osier , tabdha, a. startled
SujIjgeACt, suiligheacht, s. expectation, expecting , iaar, s. a taber, timbrel
S-jljm, suilim, v. I expect , tabhacht, challenging, demanding
Sujlrheap, suihnhear, s. a wave ; eloquence , tabhallchran, s. a sling
;Sujlc, suiit, s. pleasantry , /eci, s. value, estimation
jSujlc, tui/t, a. gross, bulky, fat , tachar, v. it happened ; . rrtjih
jSujrn, suirn, s. a catalogue TaajIc, tachatlt, s. f. digging; thunder
Su")m]m, suimitn, v. I compare "AAjm, tachatm, v. I value, esteem
jSujmli'n, sumleadh, s. similitude, likeness CAo4]je, tachdaire, s. m. a strangler, executioner
sum, s. a sound, a noise Acmujng, tachmwng, s. a circuit, compass
;Su|ne*, suineach, a. very liberal , ao* ra</a, s. nothing
^Tuinjc, suinic, a. charitable, generous; . e. re ejnjjj Caba, tadhadh, s. thievery
.Sujp, suir, s. a search CabaI, tadhal, s. m the wrist, a cooper's adae
jSujpje, suiridhe, a. light, foolish abaI, tadhal, s. springing; ' tA a c^e 1."
Sujpprrtg, suirsing, s t. a girth |1, tadhail, s. f. pleasure, voluptuousness; a
;Suj6ce, smthche, s. an earnest penny, a present visit
.Sujiceopn, suithchearn, s. a generous gift Aap, tadhtts, St m. an assembly
;Su]ea, suitheann, a. everlasting, eternal; . e. , tadhbh, )
CbJ, f s- a sPectre' aPPat,on
Sujieer, suitheas, s. m. a mansion-house , tadhbhachd, s. f. appearance, shewing
Sful, jw/, adv. ere, before, until , tadhbluisach, a. frigntful
Sulp, sulai,s. m. provision, providence 5, to>:Af, s. n company, or many people
Sulliojil, suBthoill, a. abominable Ae, tae, s. heed, care, diligence
;Sulr, 5, s. colour Caco, taeJ. s. a fall ; a company
Sunwjro, sumam, v. I gulp, swallow , s. hunting, expulsion
SumAw, suniain, s. f. a robe , tafog, s. f. a foist, stink
SumAjpe, sumaire, s. m. a gulf, whirlpool ; a sucker,
swallower, a great drinker, a glutton, the sucker *$}* a weldine ",deriae
of a pump 5], taghaim, v. I solder, weld
Sd, sun, s. a swoon, trance .15. jp, tagair, s f. a claim, challenge
SM, mnach, m.)mantle ^, /, s. claimin, arguing
SU1105, sunog, t. S AgApAC, tagarach, s. m. a pretender, ciaimer
Sunn, sutid, pron, us ; there, in that place CAgmAng^A, tagmangtlia, a. surrounJed, begirt
;Su, sunn, s. m. a puff, a blast, a push, fortification CAjh'pne. taibhirne, ft f. a taweri
Suac, sunnock, s. m. a strong fort ; a milking place CAjbpe, taibre, s. a loft ; , dream, fancy
S^urw, sunnacfi, s. a summit; rurto *n tpljBe CAlBre, taibhse, s. pride
<?ucaajp, sunnchathair, s. a walled city C*|B|-eA, taibhaea h, a. proud
gugotj sunnghaoth, s. a strong or high wind |0, taibhscachd, s. f. proudness; coqne'ry
;SupA ITire, sunnradh tnsge, a pronoun possessive; CA]bpeAn, taibhseachan, s. m. a proud pevsou; a
as, mo lrh coquette
SuHjia r<0|Dp]me, sunnradh taoibhreime, a substan Ajbe, iaidhbht, s. a vision
tive gorveming a genitive case ; as jij* Ajcp, taichre, s. a skirmish
Suntp<1t>, suntraidh, s. great strength | Cajcac, tuidheach, thievish
jS'iJ, sur, s. a sister, a cousin; i.e. rjup Ca|oiuP, taidhiur, s. an objection
SupAc, surach, s. m. one that excels ; a searcher, CAjomneAC, taidhmn^ach,-A. contentious, quarrelsome
sucker CAlpnjgeAc, taifnigheach, s m. an exile
SupAijpn, suraighim, v. I exceed ; search, suck Ajpnjjm, taifmghim, v. 1 banish, expel
jSuppAUig, sursaing, s. a girth CajI, to'/, s. f. dispraise, censure
Sta, susa, s. a blanket, a caddow
Sur*n, susn, s. . the neck, jole, throat U%e!t%e, } a- sUOttS> St0Ut' V

CAjlle, taille, s. a tally, it pleases . t>n, laisgeadkan, s. m. a store-house, maga

Cjrn, taimli, s. f. sound sleep zine
CpineA, taimheachy s. m. a drowsy person, a sluggard > CAjrleAC, taisleach, a. moist, damp
C-jrhea, taimheach, a. drowsy, sleepy Cajrlea, tatsleadh, s. moisture, humidity, moistening
tjrhee), taimhearhi, s. f. sluggishness Ca]rljnea, taisUneadA,~[s, birth, bringing forth
C-rrrnn, taimhin, s. f. a sluggish little person; one CajrmeAt), taismeadh, J young
who pretends innocence Ca)rt)ol, tatstiol, s. a passover, sailing, roaming
C]rhc)u, taimhthiit, a. dead of the plague ; " i. e. CAircplU, taistioUacA, s. m. a stranger, traveller, a
timcio-j, . e. bar le ;." o. g. guest
Cjn, te/if, s. a herd of cattle CAjtceAna, taithcheannadh, s. exchange, traffic.
Cajpeac, taipcach, a. lumpish Ca-jce, tetr, part, welded, cemented, soldered
Cajprjp, taiflis, s. f. a pair of tables Caire, taite, s. a moment, a little while
Cajji, Mir, v. you are )>, taiteadk, s. welding, soldering, joining
C*jl, tor, s. f. a pursuit Ca'jrearhu]!, taiteamhuH, a. momentary
CAjpoearhujl, tairbheavxhuil, a. profitable ))5, taithigh, s. f. a visit, experience
CAlpoeapia, tatrbheartha, part, turned )]0, tadhighcach, a. frequent
Ca^iceaU, taircheaU, s. f. an act, action Cajf,lea6, taithlcach, a. quiet, peaceable
*)|tjmjm, taircltcimim, v. I suppress Ca]ileAt>, tadhleaclid, s. f. quietness
Cajpcrjon, taircsion, s. an offer, proffer, proposal Cajcneat, taiihneadh, s. approbation
CAjperjonac, taircsionach, a. disdainful Capnea, taithneacli, s. a thaw, delight
Ca]]oDeaT>, tairdbheadh, s. slaughter a I, /a/, s. . the wrist
Cajpjngea', tairdhingeadh, s. a packing, closing, CaIac, talach, s. . dispraise
thrusting down CaIaj, talaith, s. f. a province
)6, taircach, s. a finishing Ca le, talc, s. m. courage
CajjtealD, tairealbk, s. a foreseeing, vision Calca)r, falcis, s. f. contempt
C4]}tean, tabean, s. a levelling to the ground A leap, talchar, s. f. obstinacy
, tairfheidhm, s. f. dispraise, disparage Calapa, talcharach, a obstinate, self-willed
ment algae, talgadh, s. taming
Cajf j]OT>ba, Tairfhiodhbhach, s. a Transylvanien Cal^ajneafc, talgaineach, s. a solution
4)]ieiDt>, tairgheabliadh, s. woe All, tall, Is. taking, seizing, robbing, dis-
Cajpgea, tairgeadh, s. collecting, collection CaIIa), talladh, J possessing
^, tairgim, v. I come, proffer, offer, bid CaIIa, tallach, a. dispossessed, cut off
*]5, tairgne, s. an attempt, offer, proffer CaIj, talog, s. a roach
CA)jjorcAe, tairioscae, adv. athwart Cl]t>, tahid, s. f. a loft, scaffold, gallery
C*)}>]cjm, tairicim, v. I come quickly ; I despise 1, talsat, v. they gave
CA)]t]m, tairirn, s. f. a track, footstep, pursuit Cam, ftr, s. time
Cijpjrcjm, tairitchim, v. I fly over Crh, tamil, s. a captain, chieftain
Carpir, tairis, adv. backward, across, around CmA]t>, tamaidh, s. a slothful person
?". ; l a loyal, trusty, faithful ^, tamhaire, s. m. a sluggard
cajpjreAC, tairtseach, J ' " , tamhas, s. a measure, balance
CAjpifg, tairisg, s. f. an offering C.irhnAt), tamhnadh, s. decollation
CAipjrjm, tairisgim, v. I offer, proffer, attempt ], tamhnaire, s. m. a beheader, executioner
C*)linn> tairiiin, & a part or side Carbrae, amhsae, s. tansey
C)pvn, tairm, s a place, pursuit, search ; rushes Cit<o), tamhthaoi, a. dead of the plague
CAjpmceacc, tairmcheachd, s. sin Can, tan, s. fire
Cajpmyoeal, tairmideal, s. gile, unfermented beer Can, tan, s. search, pursuit
CajpneAcan, tairngeacAun, s. m. a nailor *]1, tana, s. f. pufling, blowing
t*)png)Pe> tairngtre,. s. f. a prophecy Canajr, tais, s. f. a parable
Caipnjc, tairnic, s. f. a finishing, an end Canalac, tunalach, a. short-winded, consumptive
Cajpp, tai>, s. f. a clod, lump, any bulky thing Cancar, tancas, s. f. visibility
CAipp'jmeat), tairreimeadh, s. transition Cangmat), tangmadh, part, met
Cajpteopa, tairtAeoraeh, a. beyond the bounds or Cangriiail, tangmhail, s. a meeting
limits Can^na, tangnach, a. treacherous, deceitful
Cajprpeopac, tairthreorach, a. one past guiding ;>, tangnadh, s. treachery, deceit
', tahbeunadh, s. Epiphany Can^uAo, tanguachd, s. great clamour
7")1', taisealb/iadA, s. a vision Tcob, taobh, s. account, respect, regard
CajrcjollAC, laisciollach, see ))110 C<oBua, taobhughadh, s. relying on, confiding iu
], taisgeachan, s. m. a store-keeper C<o, taod, s- tide, flowing of the sea ; a start
^*)5*> ta^soea^'> s' store> wealth >, taod, a. sudden
21 ? 1 tea

, taodkm, s. a sudden thought AptrAriwft, taitsamhar, v. ye gave

rK>m*, taodhtnach, a. perverse Cap, tasach, a. settled
Zea), taoi, s. silence, delight 44, tasabn, v. I settle
TTjBjiej, taoibkreuh, s. a partial judge 4rcoj, tascor, s. a tribe or family
C<oj, taoidh, v. it is; /. . -45, /ajj, S- a task
<0]6, taoidhean, s. a company ^5*)1, tasgaire, 1 s. m. atasker, one who under-
C<ojtjop5, laoithiosg, s. discourse ^*r5jl> tasgoir, ) takes work by the lump
C<om, taow, s. a puffing up, swelling 4p4l, tasgal, s. m. a great wave
^, aom<7, s. a sudden thought 4p54l4o, tasgalachd, s. f. the rolling of the sea
C<orfi4, taomha, s. nobleness 734pc4tfil4ct), iastamhlachd, s. f. rumouring, reporting
C<omt>, taomadk, s. dread fear C4pr, tast, s. m. a rumour, report
Ccorhnac, taomhnach, a. self-willed ; evil-minded 4C ! tat! interj. cease ! beware
Cioph, /aep, s. m. a doctor , tat/i, s. anger; buttermilk-cheese
, taosachan, s. m. a baker 4C, tath, adv. beside, hard by
orgaco, taosgachd, s. f. pouring out, vomiting caa, tatha, s. a cement
C<opfco}n, taosthorn, s. an oven C4C4C, tatach, a. of no value, worthless
p, ft/p, s. a start, a blunder, a slip Cacao, tathadh, s. welding, soldering
Cajia, taradh, s. coming, going, passing 4t4]5, tathagh, s. frequenting
C<f4|5, taraigh, s. a journey 4CA}m, iathaim, v. I annex, join, weld
Cajiajl, tarail, s. a visit acaiiti, tathaimh, v. he died
c*p4)n, tarain, v. shun, avoid acaiti, tathamh, v. I have, it is with me
*p]]tyi, tarairin, s. f. a gimlet Cacatti, tatamh, s. nothing
, /arar, s. m. an augre, piercer Ac<oj]t, tathaoir, s- grief, heaviness
EjJArDj4t>, tarasbhradh, s. a prisoner at large CacIa, tathlach, a. tame
Cajdcac, tarbhchath, s. a bull-fight CacIaj, tathlaidk, a. meek
C4]il4jm, tarchlaim, s. gathering , taodach, a. stubborn
Capo, tarchodh, s. bad victuals , taodachan, s. m. a stubborn creature
porhl4, tarchomhladh, adv. without, or out of , taodachan, s. m. a rope-maker
doors C<ocA)m, taodaim, v. I revolt
CajiomUjt, tarckomhla, s. gleaning, gathering Atlu5At>, tathlughadh, s. taming
C*io4im, tarduim, v. I give ], tathnais, s. strength, fortitude
4|t>4]jme4, tardhairmeadh, s. a passing over ACUJ5, tathuigh, s. conversation, resort
4|54, targach, s. a governor, a ruler anujgeA, tathuigheach, a. conversant
454)0, targaidhthe, s. governed , s. a way, passage
|5>1, targdhamh, s. spending, consuming , teachadh, s. a strangling ; possessing
CApUo, tarladh, part, met , teacc, s. a collection
CajIaj, tarlaidh, v. he met, he visited, it happened CeACOTup, teaccmas, s. a hindrance
4105, tarlogh, s. a contract , teachd, s. jelly
4|moTi, tarmon, s. a sanctuary, protection; franchise , teachda, s. law, equity
, tarmonnach, s. m. a protector , teachda, s. possession, a possessor
<|, Urna, s. a cross road or way , teachdadh, s. congelation
C4jng4ji*e, tarngaire, s. a prophecy Ce4cm4ifc, teachmairc, it nappened
tappac, tarpach, a. bulky, weighty CAt>A]gce, teadaighthe, part, bound, tied, corded
, tarpuchd, s. f. bulkiness 1, teacla, s. tackle, ropes
iarr, s. tar teadarrach, s. m. an avenger
, tarrachar s. m. an augre , teadnas, s. m. fury, rage
, tarrachan, s a gormandizer , teadnasach, a. furious, severe, saucy
Cpp54lt4, j rt. saved delivered , teadnasachd, s. f. revenge, fury, sauci-
CajJaIca, tarralta, ) 1 ness
ApjMj'jl, tarraighiJAs. a freeing, saving, deliver- reAjAjl, teagail, s. f. a house, habitation
r4)t|tAjl, tarrail, J ing , teadhm, s. a theme ; a plague ; decollation
, tarraim, s. pursuit , teadkmnach, s. m. an executioner
, tarramh, s, ichnography Ce44)t, teagair, s. f. warmth ; a purchase
Cpjt4rh4t), tmramhadh, s. service, attendance AgAji, teagair, s. f. a dear, a love ; mo t454]Jt t
e45Ai*4, teagarach, a. warm, snug, spruce
TCSi"' } - pg^w Ce45Ap5, teagasg, s. m. sorcery, druidism
, ter/, prep, on, about CeagUAp, Uaghlachas, s. every thing belonging or
, tartamhlachd, s. thirstiness relating to a family or household ; an improve
, tartan, s. m. a hillock, a clod ment
C*]*nc, tartamch, a. hilly, cloddy 6O CeftgUn,
ce) TEI

^, teaghlac/ian, s. m. a domestic Fejbjt), teibidh, s. haiwest making

replat), teaghladh, s. flattery Cejbje, teibidhthe, part, shunned
CeAgUrA, teaghladhach, s. m. a flatterer, soother CejcIjeAo, teicdheackd, s. f. quietness
CeAgno, teagno, s. an old habitation , teide, s. a fair
CeAgju, teagrudh, s. an argument ; an assembly Cejmne, teidhmne, s. boldness
CeAlt>r>, tealdadh, ) . , CejmneA, teidhmneach, s. man ; a person, a man
Ce*lopA15, tealdraigh, \ s> a face' surface or woman
, tealgadli, s. eating, consuming r.ejlm, leilm, s. f. great terror
1|, /ce//, s. a noise, sound ; stealth, thievery CeAg, teagh, s. m. meat, food, sustenance
, teallach, s. a hearth DjAmjAjpe, Uamhghaire, s. a request, petition
CeAlUjjfce, teallaighthe, part, stolen |bpe, Ubre, s. a spring well
11, teallrach, a. lavish, profuse CoA|jt>jm, tochairdim, v. I wind, reel
, teallrachd, s. f. lavishment , tomhadJi, s. a threat, frown
CeolluAjm, tealluaim, s. great terror , tomhadhm, s. ihroatning
, , s. m. a glance, a look ), tomair,s.f. protection
TeancAt), teaiicadh, v. saw, /. . . o. g. ), tomaire, s. m. a protector, a dipper
CeAncAjl, teandail, s. a very eager race CorhAjreArh, tomhaithcamh, s. a threat, a frown
51, tcandal, s. fire CoriiAjir, tomhart, s. spending, consuming
CeAngA, teangdha, of or belonging to the tongue CompA, tomradh, s. fustian, bombast
CeAngrfiAjl, teangmkail, s. f. a meeting, happening Copur, /, s. m. weariness, grief
CenlArh, teanlamh, s. a steel , /red, s. form, shape
, teannadh, s. a squeezing, choaking, earnest , trodra, a. shapely
ness CpoOA, ttoghbha, s. sunrise
, teannta, a. near, close to CpojgeAn, Uoighean, s. redness of the rising sub
CeArA-jgte, teanntaighthe, part, squeezed Cpojn, train, s. f. a throne
CeAjtb, tearb, s. m. a separation , troma, s. hardness, hardship
), tearbadh, s. a sudden death , trompa, prep, through them, by them
, tearc, a. little, seldom, scarce
cJV^ett; } * cbiUed ; consumed, tainted
, tcarnaomh, s. m. a patron saint
^AgcjiAV, tearmonn Magcraidh, a name of , /, a. piteous
Saint Patrick's purgatory , tiuaighin, s. f. a cast off
)]!, ttarmonntoir, s. a protector, harbinger rju)U|r, truillis, s. f. curled locks
, tearno'h, s. debasement; a runaway Cjtupoporh, trusdromh, s. a busy body, an intruder
, teas, s. f. a sound rjiurgAjii tiusgar, s. m. flotson
Tear, a. fervent FuACujpo, tuachird, s. sorcery
reArdpgujn, teasarguin, s. enmity ]1, tuadkmhail, s. boundary
!, tcasbhual, s. a hot bath ICuAg, tuagh, s. a bend, bow
, teasd, s. a report CiiAjm, tuaim, s- a side
5*51> teasgargain, s, preservation Uuaj f, tuais, s. f. vanity, pride, vainglory
CeAf-cAgAt, teastaghadh, s. absence ]5), tuaisgiort, s. fumbling
CeAfrAf, teas tas, s. m. report, character CuA]fg]0]tCAC, tuaisgiortach, s. m. a Tumbler
"Ceti, tealh, a. hot, warm ^uAjtccAjto, tuaitheheard, s. the art of sorcery
-, teathra, s. an admiral CuA)iroll, tuaithfioJl, adv. northward
10, tebealach, s. m. a reaper; harvest man CuA-jtljor, tuaithlios, s. strife; a country-house
, tehearsan, s. a still |1, tuambaile, s. a walled town
, tcbidh, s. shunning, avoiding , /, a. whole, entire
Cebejl, tcbeil, s. reaping, harvest making , tuaracan, s. m. a bleacher
Ceben, ubenn, s. a drop, a distilling drop Cuaja, tuaradh, s. sauce
, teceach, a. bony , character, report
Co, ted, s. a rope, cord, string
, tedhm, s. a theme CuApt))l, tuardail, s. wages, hire
, tedhmeanmch, a. stubborn, hasty 50, tuargadhf s. building
CerhneA, tedhmneach, s. m. a behead er, murderer CuAflAC, tuaslach, s. m. one released, delivered
., ledhneus, s. m. rage, stubbornness CuArl}5Jm tuaslaighim, v. I release, deliver
CegeAf, tegear, s. a purchase uaca)1t>, tuacaird, s. winding of yarn
CegeAjtAC, tegcarach, s. m. a purchaser , /*W> 9. m. sight, vision ; shew, revelation
CejbeAjif, teikarsack, s. m, a distiller ]1], tufairsim, v. I wind, reel
CejbeA]treT5, ttibearscuhd, s. f. distilling, dropping CujJAj, tuchraidh, s. the appointed time, critical
Ce)be*jrn, teibtarsan, s. m. a still hour

Cut), tudh, s. a return, approach )540, uaigneasach, a. solitary

Cuit), tuilhchadh, s. approaching UA)5n|or, uaighnios, s. discord
650*0, tuzhnadh, ~\ ... . llAJgn-jorAC, uaighniosach, s. m. a sower of discord
cu|n.,r; i^w, Is- a mbhns nise the
UnjlleAjja, ualleaghadh, s. a roar, ayell
Cun*jr5. tughnaisg,) SutS Uajllrhejip, uadbnhidhiv, s. f. wanton sport
Cuj, */4, s. f. confederacy Uajm, uaim, s. f. embroidery
uj5, Mig-, prep, unto you Udjmert, uaitncach, a. solitary
Cuj, tml, s. all, the whole UftjmneAco, Uiiimhneachd, s. f. dreadfulness
Cu)ljp, /', s. f. sleep U*)ni t)e*lA0, uainidh dtaibhadh, s. warping pins
tujipe*, tuildhteack, s. the surface of the earth U*jn]t)e4t, uamidheachi, s. adjournment
Cujim, //, s. a gift, ablessing lUjpjneAC, uairimach, a. liberal for some time
Cujlmeac, twlmeach, s. augmentation, increasing Unjtce. uaithcAt; from her
Cujirhjn, tuilmhian, s. a desire to go farther UaI6a, uallcha, s. a beard
rujT.e*, tuineadh, 1 UelmiAjpeAC, uallmhaireach, a. proud
Cu)ne*rh, hUneamh,]*- uedl"
, uamachd, s. concord in poetry or music
Cuj, /, s. f. a skin, a hide tUmAjm, uamaim, v. I tie on, accoutre
tufase, tuinnigAe, s. firm, secure, strong ], uanaim, v. I earn
Cujp^ad, tuircadh, s. good LUnrtrhujI, uanamhwl, a. lamb like
Cujpeanc*, tuireanta, part, burdened llAnfAt), uanfachd, a. breathing
tujjjrc tuirisc, s. f. a saw ; report, revelation lUpfAipeACAn, uarfhaireachan, s. m. a watch-maker
ujplean, luirleachan, s. m. a roller 1Up54jnrheA, uarghaimnheach, s. m. an hour-glass
CujpleAt), tuirleadh, s. a rolling down Uaj*a, uasadh, s. sauce
Cuj|tmect>, tuirmeachd, s. pregnancy Uft-pAl, uasaly a. splendid, bright ; active
Cti|PpeA, tutrreadh, s. a mill-race UArhrjjeA, uasluigheach, s. m. a redeemer
Cujpre, <rjr, s. a lord, a chief llAtATTiAt), uathamhlachd, s. singularity
Cujpteac, tuirtheach, s. news llAtrhAp, uathtnhar, s. pride, 1. <? uaoAp,. o.
ujrom, tuisdin, s. a witness UBa, ubhach, a. pointed
Cu]fojun, tulsdiun, s. a groat UBaII, s. m. an orchard
Cujrcen, tuisten, s. a dropping, distilling Uc, uc, s. m. necessity, need
CU, a. proud Ucat, ucadh, s. cottoning, napping
CuIca, tulchadh, s. joking, jostling UcAjtjeA, ucaideack, a. needful, necessitous
rulbp)*i:*l> tulchtibhriathar, s. a comparison. UcAim, uchaim, )t0;i,
CujlemApa, tttilemora, s. the tide U*]n]m, ,*&>
Culpa, //re, s. many, much; a leaving off I uchan ! interj. alas
Xult*p*t>, tultapadh, adv. suddenly \], uchanach, s. a sigher
Cup /' s. m. a clod, a carcase, a scrub \Jt), i-Aa1, s. m. a kind or species ; a step, assent
Cupajpc, turckairt, s. wealth UbaP, udharys. m. an hour
Cupcap map*, turc/ir , s. a sea snail UwrnAllojo, udhmhaloid, s. f. a wafting over
, turchatna, s. a romantic story Ut>rh*llo]T>eAC, udhmlialloideach, s. m. a ferry-man
CupgiiArh, turgnamh, s. a lifting up, preparation U5A, ugadh, v. come, go
Cupsnum, tui^numh, s. pilgrimage U54ocorhluj5, ughachdchomhluigh, s. m. an executor
, turtugh, s. ease UjbpeAtnugA, uidhbhreathnughadh, s. premedita
Cuptugao, turtughad>., s. crossing, hindrance tion
, CufAo, tusach, s. f. taking the first place UjeeA, uidheachyS. music ; a traveller
Cur)te, tusagluhe, part, begun, created UpeAo, uidiieachd, s. music, harmony
. , tuscarnaeh, s. m. a libeller, story-teller Upm, u'-'hein, self
Curlong, tuslong, s. wrestling Ujjjjte, uig'ghihe, a. warped ; sounded
CurlongAC, tuslongach, s. m. a wrestler Vi^X^ky uigidcachy s. m. dung
Curoppn*t>, tusorrnachd, s. whispering U)5)"5- '?'ni s- a fleet
UjgpeAC, wgingtach, s. m. an admiral
Ujl, wV, s. knowledge
, uilleanachd, s. f. elbowing, putting the
, uabhasy s. m. horror, awe, terror, seetmiW hand aside ; side by side, cheek by jole
lUr>, uadhy . alone UmieACftttat;, uimeacfianacht, \ s. f. working in
. uadltacht, s. f. singularity UjmeACt, uimeacht J brass
Ut><t)m, uadhaim, v. I dread UjmeAOAC, uimeadach, s. m. an embracer
U*5, m, s. m. a furnace, an oven Ujnrjpe, uimire, s. m. a ridge
U*]le, uaichle, s+f. pride ; a beard U^mpljoc, uimplioc/id, s. embracement
Uj5ne*4n, uaigntachan, s. m. a solitary person UjneAii.
UjN/- UC21 UTA

lljneam, uineamA, s. strength Un4, mach, s. m. a bleach, washing

Ujpeao, uinnseachd, s. f. playing the wanton Ung, ung, s. anointing
U)ib, uirb, s. tlie earth \]p*]je, upaire, s. m. a sorcerer
U]je*6o, uireacAd, s. freshness, greenness, good Up, upog, s. f. a witch
ness Up. ur, s. m. a man
Ujlteagla, uireaglach, a. terribly afraid U|4, urach, s. m. a support
UlJieaglAt), uireagladA, s. great fear, terror Upan, wan, s. m. a cold bath
Ujpe4r040, uireasbhach, a. defective Upnao, uranachd, s. f. cold bathing, conversation
Ujje<vrB*o, uireasbhachd, s. defection Upcg, urcAog, s. f. spawn, fry
lljpllfp, uirlisid/i, s. the town guard or watch Upcojll, urthoiU, s. a green wood
U]jtn]i*, wrniSf s. f. apparel ; tools, implements Ujtomrc4t>, unAomscadA, s. a battery
Ujlitjten, uirtreanadh, marks of the waves on a Up6j4T>, urchradh, s. mischief
strand Ujpo]cljt, urfoichlitk, s. a secretary of state
U|feritu)l, uiscamhuilA a. dutiful, obedient, hum- U*n*, urghais, s. suppression ot antiquities
Ujrj, uisi;. . j ble Ul^gnerh, urgnamA, a. obtaining, getting
11|]-])1, u'isiaracA, s. a petitioner Upfojr, urlait, s. f. tumbling, agony
llltjc, idaidA, s. the leg UplnpAC, urhrach, s. m. a close house-keeper
Ulcopp4c, ulchorpach, a. great bodied Ujimaj, urmagh, s. m. an armoury
Ulcora, ulckosach, a. great or many footed UpnUt), umladh, s. m. an altar
Ullrh, ullmha, s. delay U]t]i*, urr&ch, s. a pulling, hauling
IJlIujmujftti, ullughmhughadh, s. preparation UpjtU, urrla, s. hair of the head
UmBpujo, umbhruid, s. close imprisonment UppUc, urdach, a. bushy-haired
Umbjiujojm, umbAruidim, v. I besiege, confine closely Ul]flu5*, urrsAlugadh, s. convulsion
Utnuro, umcAuid, s. occasion, business Ulr*n4, ursanacA, s. m. a door-keeper
Uruim, umhackan, s. m. a brazier Ulr4fi4, wsanach, . bearish
Umpjt, umarradh, s. a copper mine, refining or Upfo, wso, s. the bottom
smelting copper U 141, ursuvmire, s. a great gulph
UmgUcat), umgAlacadh, s. a grasp, grasping Uptp4)5, urtraigh, s. discord
"Ump, ump, s. a carrying Ur, Ki/s. areqneet, petition; a fault
Umpg, umpog, s. f. a turn over Ur*lt>e4x>, usnideacAd, s. usefulness
Utnf]ut, umshruth, see umpp U r, lUg, s. goose grease
"Umpujm, umpuim, v. I turn Ur4tt4 usgaiacA, s.m. a separator
Urhpujgfce, umpuighthe, a. turned Ut4t>, uthadA, e. ahasting to
"Un, un, s. hunger


J. Barlow, Printer, 2, Bolton-street.


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