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Narasimha Ka Vach

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.. narasiMha. kavacha ..

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May 17, 2016

Document Information

Text title : narasimha kavachaM

File name : narasimhakavach.itx
Category : kavacha
Location : doc_vishhnu
Author : Prahlaada Mahaaraaja
Language : Sanskrit
Subject : philosophy/religion/hinduism
Transliterated by : Vijay Pai
Proofread by : NA
Description-comments : BrahmaaNDa PuraaNa
Latest update : January 31, 2005, August 24, 2014
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I shall now recite the Narasinha-kavacha, formerly spoken by
PrahlAda MahArAja . It is most pious, vanquishes all kinds of
impediments, and provides one all protection .

It bestows upon one all opulences and can give one elevation to
heavenly planets or liberation . One should meditate on Lord
Lord of the universe, seated upon a golden throne .

His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant
the autumn moon . He is embraced by LakShmIdevI on his left
side, and
His form is the shelter of all opulences, both material and
spiritual .

The Lord has four arms, and His limbs are very soft . He is
decorated with golden earrings . His chest is resplendent like
lotus ower, and His arms are decorated with jewel-studded
ornaments .

He is dressed in a spotless yellow garment, which exactly
molten gold . He is the original cause of existence, beyond the

sphere, for the great demigods headed by Indra . He appears

with rubies which are blazingly eulgent .


His two feet are very attractive, and He is armed with various
weapons such as the conch, disc, etc . GaruDa joyfully oers
with great reverence .

Having seated Lord Narasinhadeva upon the lotus of ones
heart, one
should recite the following mantra: May Lord Narasinha, who
all the planetary systems, protect my head .

Although the Lord is all-pervading, He hid Himself within a
pillar . May He protect my speech and the results of my
activities . May
Lord Narasinha, whose eyes are the sun, and re, protect my
eyes .

May Lord Nrihari, who is pleased by the prayers oered by the
best of sages, protect my memory . May He who has the nose
of a lion
protect my nose, and may He whose face is very dear to the
goddess of
fortune protect my mouth .

May Lord Narasinha, who is the knower of all sciences, protect


sense of taste . May He whose face is beautiful as the full moon

who is oered prayers by PrahlAda MahArAja protect my face

May Lord Narasinha protect my throat . He is the sustainer of
earth and the performer of unlimitedly wonderful activities .
May He
protect my shoulders . His arms are resplendent with transcen-
weapons . May He protect my shoulders .
May the Lord, who bestows benedictions upon the demigods,
my hands, and may He protect me from all sides . May He who
is achieved
by the perfect yogIs protect my heart, and may Lord Hari
protect my
dwelling place .

May He who ripped apart the chest and abdomen of the great
HiraNyAkSha protect my waist, and may Lord Nrihari protect
navel . He is oered prayers by Lord BrahmA, who has sprung
from his
own navel .

May He on whose hips rest all the universes protect my hips .

the Lord protect my private parts . He is the knower of all

mantras and
all mysteries, but He Himself is not visible .

May He who is the original Cupid protect my thighs . May He
exhibits a human-like form protect my knees . May the remover
of the
burden of the earth, who appears in a form which is half-man
half-lion, protect my calves .

May the bestower of heavenly opulence protect my feet . He is
Supreme Controller in the form of a man and lion combined .
May the
thousand-headed Supreme enjoyer protect my body from all
sides and in
all respects .

May that most ferocious personality protect me from the east .
He who is superior to the greatest heroes protect me from the
southeast, which is presided over by Agni . May the Supreme
protect me from the south, and may that person of blazing
protect me from the southwest .

May the Lord of everything protect me from the west . His
faces are


everywhere, so please may He protect me from this direction .

May Lord
Narasinha protect me from the northwest, which is predomi-
nated by
VAyu, and may He whose form is in itself the supreme orna-
ment protect
me from the north, where Soma resides .

May the all-auspicious Lord, who Himself bestows
all-auspiciousness, protect from the northeast, the direction of
sun-god, and may He who is death personied protect me from
fear of
death and rotation in this material world .

This Narasinha-kavacha has been ornamented by issuing from
the mouth
of PrahlAda MahArAja . A devotee who reads this becomes
freed from
all sins .

Whatever one desires in this world he can attain without doubt
. One
can have wealth, many sons, and a long life .

He becomes victorious who desires victory, and indeed be-
comes a
conqueror . He wards o the inuence of all planets, earthly,
heavenly, and everything in between .

This is the supreme remedy for the poisonous eects of

and scorpions, and Brahma-rAkShasa ghosts and YakShas are
away .

One may write this most auspicious prayer on his arm, or
inscribe it
on a palm-leaf and attach it to his wrist, and all his activities
become perfect .

One who regularly chants this prayer, whether once or thrice
(daily), he becomes victorious whether among demigods, demons,
human beings .

One who with puried heart recites this prayer 32,000 times
attains the most auspicious of all auspicious things, and mate-
enjoyment and liberation are already understood to be available
such a person .

This Kavacha-mantra is the king of all mantras . One attains
by it
what would be attained by anointing oneself with ashes and
all other mantras .


Having marked ones body with tilaka, taking Achamana with
and reciting this mantra three times, one will nd that the fear
all inauspicious planets is removed .

That person who recites this mantra, meditating upon Lord
Narasinhadeva, has all of his diseases vanquished, including
those of
the abdomen .

Why should more be said? One acquires qualitative oneness
with Narasimha
himself. There is no doubt that the desires in the mind of one
who meditates
will be granted.

Lord Narasinha roars loudly and causes others to roar . With
mulitudes of arms He tears the demons asunder and kills them
in this
way . He is always seeking out and tormenting the demonic
of Diti, both on this earth planet and in the higher planets, and
throws them down and scatters them . He shouts with great
anger as He

destroys the demons in all directions, yet with His unlimited

hands He
sustains, protects, and nourishes the cosmic manifestation . I
oer my
respectful obeisances to the Lord, who has assumed the form
of a
transcendental lion .

Thus ends the Narasinha-kavacha as it is described by PrahlAda
MahArAja in the BrahmANDa PurANa .
Intial encoding by Vijay Pai, then expanded with meaning
possibly from
Alternative translation
Proofread NA.
Not sure about the avaialability in Brahmandapurana as claimed.

This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study and
research. The le is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of any
website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission.

Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit.

.. narasiMha kavacha ..
was typeset on May 17, 2016

Please send corrections to

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