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Di Git Al PH Oto Grapher Issue 185, 2017

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Practical advice for enthusiasts and pros Issue 185

Usethe weather to youradvantage



Incredible images that you can shoot at home

Digital Edition

Discover the skills you need to produce portraits

that have a professional look, even in limited space
A warm welcome to the latest in tough conditions, including rain and mist. If youre
issue of Digital Photographer. interested in wildlife photography, meanwhile, turn to
Weve got a truly diverse range of p48 for our feature exploring ten essential pro skills.
topics, techniques and features If youre keen to get creative, our shooting tutorial
for you to get your teeth into this this issue looks at using a Lensbaby to capture an
issue. From shooting portraits artistic portrait, while the creative project explores
with just one light to capturing light painting.
stunning landscapes in tough Elsewhere, weve got expert reviews of the latest
conditions, theres something cameras, lenses and accessories to help you with your
for every photographer in these pages. next purchases, including a group test of backpacks
Starting on p28, our guide to incredible portraits for photographers. I really hope that you nd the
using just one light will help you discover the skills you inspiration youre looking for in this issue, and wed love
need to produce portraits that have a professional to see your own work on Well
look, even in limited space. see you next issue!
On p38 of the magazine, our landscape photography
feature takes an in-depth look at working successfully Matt Bennett, Deputy Editor

GET IN TOUCH Ask a question, share your thoughts or showcase your photos

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Future Publishing Ltd
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 +44 (0) 1202 586200

Deputy Editor Matt Bennett
 01202 586286
Designer Kym Winters
Operations Editor Richard Hill
Production Editor Rachel Terzian
Reviews Editor Rebecca Greig
Senior Art Editor Rebecca Shaw
Group Editor in Chief Chris George
Photographer James Sheppard
James Abbott, Mark Bauer, Kevin Carter, Trevor Cole,
Amy Davies, David Gilliver, Tim Hunt, Tom Mason, April Milani,
Angela Nicholson, Richard Peters, Deborah Sandidge,
Kilian Schnberger, Simon Skellon, Mark White, David Yarrow

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Printing & Distribution Website: Website: Website:
Poole, Dorset, BH16 5SN
Distributed in the UK, Eire & the Rest of the World by This issue, our Photographer April Milani shoots
Reviews Editor and geographer conceptual images
 0203 787 9060
Rebecca offers an Kilian Schnberger and evocative
Distributed in Australia by Gordon & Gotch Australia Pty Ltd,
26 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest, New South Wales 2086 in-depth exploration specialises in portraits. Specialist
 + 61 2 9972 8800 of shooting portraits with just a single bringing out the harsh beauty of lenses are among the gear she uses to
Disclaimer studio light. Discover her tips and tricks remote landscapes, especially those achieve her distinctive look; on p64, she
The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any unsolicited material lost or in our feature on p28. Rebeccas also at high altitude. On p38 this issue, he demonstrates how to use a Lensbaby
damaged in the post. All text and layout is the copyright of Future Publishing Ltd.
1RWKLQJLQWKLVPDJD]LQHPD\EHUHSURGXFHGLQZKROHRUSDUWZLWKRXWWKHZULWWHQ lent her technical expertise on high- explains how you can make the most Composer and its custom optics, like the
IRUWKHSXUSRVHRIFULWLFLVPDQGUHYLHZ$OWKRXJKWKHPDJD]LQHKDVHQGHDYRXUHG speed photographic capture (p106) and of challenging weather conditions to Sweet 35, to create an artistic, painterly
to ensure all information is correct at time of print, prices and availability may
portable solid-state drives (p108). capture moody and dramatic scenes. effect in your own photographs.
companies mentioned herein.

If you submit material to Future Publishing via post, email, social network or any
other means, you automatically grant Future Publishing an irrevocable, perpetual, ANGELA DAVID RICHARD
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employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for the loss or damage.
Freelance journalist David creates playful Richard aims to
2017 Future Publishing Ltd
and photographer ne-art images, with capture unusual and
Angela has years a particular emphasis unexpected views of
of experience in on integrating art into wildlife in his photos,
testing cameras, from medium-format the landscape. He brings his knowledge giving you a different perspective on
to compacts. This issue she road-tests to bear in his creative project on p58, familiar animals. In his feature on p48,
Canons new mirrorless model the EOS as he shows how to paint with light. Richard suggests ten ways to deliver real
M5 (see p96), and tries out the Mark Discover the shooting techniques and impact in your own wildlife shots, from
V edition of Sonys enduring RX100 camera settings you need to bring light understanding the light conditions to
premium compact turn to p100. art into your own work. including the habitat.

Turn over to get hold
of your bonus

Ivan Farca
content Reader

Landscapes in
tough conditions

Your Images Techniques

10 The Gallery 28 One light portraits
Our favourite reader imagery from the Discover how to capture incredible
Digital Photographer website images with a single ash

38 Landscapes in
In Focus tough conditions
Capture a stunning shot in rain or mist
18 Story Behind The Still
Lee Acaster reveals the secrets behind 48 Ten essential
his award-winning image wildlife skills
Our pro guide to the key elements
20 News
Kilian Schnberger

A look at the latest kit announcements

and industry developments
Shooting skills
22 Interview 58 Create and capture
Trevor Cole discusses his landscape ribbons of light
photography portfolio A step-by-step guide to night shots

106 Kit focus 64 Work with a Lensbaby

Capture split-second action with a look Learn how to shoot an artistic,
at trigger devices painterly effect for portraits

66 Nikon on location
Edit & Share Nikon ambassador David Yarrow
discusses his choice of kit
68 Apply lters
as Smart Objects
Unlock this Photoshop trick
Go Pro
70 Lightroom metadata 76 Become a
Learn how to create custom picture editor
presets for your images An alternative photo-based career option

72 Shadows and highlights 80 Career advice

Enhance the dynamic range of James Abbott explores how
your images in Photoshop collaboration can benet you

74 Key paper types 114 Pro Column

A look at some of the terminology Deborah Sandidge discusses the

Richard Peters

involved in printing magic of twilight photography Ten essential

wildlife skills
Trevor Cole

Trevor Cole

Canon EOS
M5 tested

28 portraits

88 Group test
Which backpack offers the most
for photographers?

96 Canon EOS M5
How does the latest model in
this series perform?

100 Sony Cyber-shot

Is this compact a winner?

102 Lenses
A detailed look at two recent
arrivals on the market

108 Portable SSDs

Which model has the most to
offer in our mini group test?
and save

110 Software
Our views on the latest editing
tools available to photographers
Turn to page 82, or go online
112 Accessories and buy direct from
Some fun-yet-functional kitbag
extras for photography
Free with
your magazine
Photoshop and Exclusive Tutorial files All of this
Lightroom assets video tutorials and test shots is yours
Apply free actions and Improve your skills with Follow our tutorials and 2YHUPLQXWHVRILQGHSWKHGLWLQJ
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reviews section
along with our tutorials

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Every issues reader showcase entry wins
a Samsung 32GB Pro Plus SDHC memory
card worth 50.99, boasting write speeds
of up to 90MB/s perfect for
DSLRs and 4K camcorders. To
nd out more information, visit
For your chance to win,
share your photos
with us online at!

The Gallery
Some of the best images from our website
2x Ivan Farca

Ivan Farca
DP Gallery address: Can you explain a bit more about the
ifarca techniques you used to capture it?
Image title: First off I had my tripod open a bit more
Surfer than usual to get the camera lower. I
positioned myself on the water to get those
What camera, lens and settings did you reections that I wanted to capture and
use to capture this stunning shot? when the surfer came into the frame, I
My latest camera equipment is the Canon quickly had to change the settings to make
EOS 5DS with the 16-35mm f2.8 II on a 055 a faster shutter speed because I was doing
Manfrotto carbon bre tripod. some 30-second exposures.
This was the rst run on the 16-35mm and My focus point was on the surfer and
I have to say that I loved it. The settings on since I had to take the shot at f2.8, I needed
this shot had to be very fast because a long the surfer to be in focus.
exposure would blur out the surfer and it
was getting dark, so I went with 1/6sec f2.8 What do you like most about the image?
ISO 200 at 16mm. In December and January we get what we
call the king tides, where the water retreats
How did you decide on the composition? and rises more than usual. Im always
I knew that the tide would be low this day looking for nice reections but this one took
and reection would be very clear on the them all, with the surfer in a clear reection
Crystal Pier. I wanted the sunset right and an amazing sunset.
behind the pier and the camera at a low
angle to capture as much of the reections Did you do much post-processing?
as I could from nowhere this surfer came My post-process workow is very simple
out of the ocean and, being in Southern and natural looking. I rst start out with
California, I needed this sunset with a surfer. highlights, shadows, white and blacks and
I asked the guy if he could pose for me adjust contrast. I add a bit of vibrance and
and he gladly did. I snapped four shots straighten the horizon, and that is it. I tend
and that was it, after that I chatted with to keep my images as I saw it and get it in a
the surfer a bit and the sunset was gone. single exposure.

2x Chris Evans

Chris Evans
DP Gallery
Image title:
Vladimir Pinta

A chance shot taken while

dining al fresco when on holiday
in Prague during August 2016.
This is the enigmatic Vladimir
Pinta, a busker; at over 70 years
old he is a well-known character
on the streets of Prague. He
even has his own unofcial
Facebook page! I converted to
black and white as I feel it gives
the image the timeless quality I
was after.
2x Damien Walmsley

Damien Walmsley
DP Gallery address:
Image title:
Bridge walk

This railway bridge crosses over

the West Coast Mainline and leads
into Rugby town centre. I wanted
to make the bridge stand out
against the sunset with a gritty
urban feel to the picture, keeping
natures interaction with the
concrete and steel. The man and
his dog was a bonus.

Basia Pawlik
DP Gallery address:
Image title:

I shot this along with the series The

last day of Summer at the end of
August, on the last warm, but windy
day last year. Weve found a perfectly
lit location in the centre of Birmingham,
and I really liked how the light got
reected from the buildings around. In
this shot Ive used one of my favourite
lenses: 85mm f1.2 by Canon, set to
f1.2 and ISO 200. The colours are
natural, thanks to the fantastic fence
covered in green. Joanna, the model, is
2x Basia Pawlik

my muse; she always guarantees the

best result and inspires me.

2x Eithne Ni Anluain

Eithne Ni Anluain
DP Gallery
Image title:
Beo with Elle Beth

A very quick and impromptu

shoot at my house in this orange-
owered bush. It was a funny
experience as I was holding my
camera and throwing petals in the
air as we were smothered by an
orange smoke pellet!

Richard Dawson
DP Gallery
2x Richard Dawson

Image title:
In The Air

I photograph a lot of equine,

whether action or private
commissions. This photo was
taken at a point-to-point race. The
horses have to go along a hill to
get to the start, so I positioned
myself so that I could get a shot
with the horse against the sky.
The horse was nicely relaxed and
I managed to get the shot I was
after, all four feet off the ground.

2x Magdalena Szurek
Magdalena Szurek
DP Gallery address:
Image title:

This photograph is my auto-portrait.

Walking on the frozen lake where
the snow had dissolved I had no
photographic inspiration until I saw the
reection at my feet. The scratches
and splinters of ice water from the
snow had created a real picture, with
me in the lead role, that I could hardly
resist capturing.
Technology is such that high-end
equipment is not always necessary.
This particular time it was enough to
use my mobile camera with its manual
settings and speed. The camera
hanging heavily on my shoulder was
not needed on this occasion.


The winners of our latest contest with Photocrowd and Think Tank Photo have been revealed
n our most recent contest in association with
I Photocrowd we challenged you to submit
your best black and white street photography,
and after sifting through over 2,300 impressive
The middle men
Photographer: Peter Murrell The station sign has been skilfully centred in
images a Photocrowd record the winners Our comments: The composition of this the shot and the image is very high contrast
have been selected. Our expert selection of stunning black and white shot is the reason and low key, which is ideal for monochrome
rst place and the crowd voted image will both that we have chosen it to be the winner. photography our eyes were drawn straight to
receive a Think Tank Photo Retrospective 30 The viewer is drawn into the image, straight the highlights in the middle. We feel it has truly
Leather bag worth 230. to the main subject on the opposite platform. captured a candid and very real moment.

WIN! Professional Lexar products!

Enter our Abstrast Architecture contest in association
with Photocrowd and Lexar
Submit your best abstract architectural imagery to be in We want to see your best abstract
with the chance of winning prizes from Lexar and having architectural shots, whether they are
your work printed in the magazine. The expert winner will black and white high-contrast images
receive a 128GB 1066x CompactFlash card and the CFR1 or bright colourful captures. Enter now at
Workow Reader and the crowds favourite will win a 128GB
1000x SD card and the SR2 Workow reader. architecture. The contest closes on 3 April 2017.



Street performer The mask man
Photographer: Robert Wood the centre of the image in an almost Photographer: Diogo Barroso are somewhat shadowed we
Our comments: After sifting ghost-like way. The dark trees add Our comments: We really love can see that he is making eye
through over 2,000 images this texture and they contrast beautifully this shot because it made us contact with the camera,
image really stuck in our minds. against the light-coloured clouds look twice. At rst we thought all which helps to pull the viewer
The photographer has very skilfully in the sky. We also really love how three gures were mannequins, in. There is a high contrast
timed the shot in order to capture part of the bubble perfectly frames but on closer inspection we saw between the blacks and whites
the bubble as it moves through the the street performers face, and his that the central gure was in fact in this shot too, which makes it
air, which ows stunningly through expression is great too. a real person. Although his eyes very striking indeed.

1ST PLACE CROWD VOTED Around Yangon by train Photographer: Marco Tagliarino



Photographer: Lee Acaster

Location: Cym Bychan, Snowdonia
Type of commission: Personal work
Shot details: Sony a7R, Sony FE 70-200mm f4 G OSS
ISO 100, 0.6sec at f11

About the shot: This beautiful shot was taken by

photographer Lee Acaster and has been named as the
overall winner of the International Garden Photographer
of the Year 10.
I was just exploring the location and my attention was
caught by the character and form of the tree, explains
Acaster. I wanted to make sure I only had the dark water
behind it to avoid distractions, so had to climb to an
elevated viewpoint to get the composition I wanted.
It was my rst time visiting the location, so had no
idea what to expect. I knew there was a lake surrounded
by mountains so I arrived for sunrise hoping for some
nice light to shoot more traditional landscape images. It
turned out to be a grey and drizzly day, but I never really
let weather conditions put me off I just looked around
for interesting details in the landscape which might
reect the mood of the day.
Although it was early autumn, the exposed trees
around the lake had lost most of their leaves. I really liked
the way the few remaining leaves contrasted with the
inky dark water behind. The damp conditions also meant
that the wonderfully twisted wet branches were reecting
the light along their edges, so I thought this would work
really well to create an almost painterly, abstract image.

It was a wonderful surprise to nd out my image had

been awarded the overall prize. The standard of entries
and previous winners is incredible This made it doubly
pleasing really, as it really sums up the kind of image I like
to take and view, and its incredibly humbling to think that
it must have held a similar appeal to the judges.

Snowdonia National Park, Wales, UK
A straightforward shot to capture, it just became a
All images Lee Acaster

case of getting a composition I was happy with.


Canon introduces
the EOS M6
A new mirrorless camera
promises DSLR quality
The EOS M6 mirrorless camera is intended

Hands-on rst look: to pack high-end Canon features into

a compact body. The camera houses a
24.2-megapixel APS-C size sensor, Dual

Canon EOS 800D

Pixel CMOS AF and the Digic 7 processor.
Canon says it will offer speeds and
quality typically associated with DSLRs,
to suit photographers looking to shoot

and EOS 77D

Canon hasaddedtwonewDSLRstoitsline-up
action scenes and other brief moments.
It can shoot continuously at 7 frames per
second or as quick as 9fps when shooting
with xed AF. The camera also has ve-axis
video stabilisation to enable smooth
we tookacloser look at both at the launch event video operation.
The EOS M6 features a large tilting
Canons new models both feature a The simpler control layout of the EOS 800D is touchscreen, as well as integrated Wi-Fi
24.2-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor ne for beginners, but could prove frustrating and NFC for easy sharing.
(the same as the popular 80D) paired for more experienced users. The 800Ds Canon has also announced the launch
with the Digic 7 processor. We found the guided interface will take you through how its of the Electronic Viewnder EVF-DC2,
image quality produced by the EOS 80D to be settings work as you shoot, which should help a compact and lightweight external
impressive, so it will be interesting to see how you develop. Although Canons new guided electronic viewnder for compatible EOS M
these models perform. interface isnt enabled by default on the EOS cameras including the EOS M6 as well
The EOS 77D and 800D are a little smaller 77D, it is available as an option. as a range of PowerShot models. The 0.39-
than the EOS 80D, despite sharing the same The compact EF-S 18-55mm f4-5.6 IS STM type viewnder includes a 2.36-million-dot
sensor and autofocus technology. They are lens has also been announced, as well as the display with 100% coverage. It will show
comfortable to hold with a good grip, although Remote Controller BR-E1, which will allow movement in real time with a refresh rate
some parts of the body feel a little plasticky. remote capture with no line of sight from up of up to 120 fps. Its easy to swap between
The cameras will allow you to shoot at up to ve metres away. All four products will be screen and viewnder while shooting,
to ISO 25600 (extendable to 51200), which available from April. The EOS 77D will have simply by raising the camera to your face.
should enable successful low-light shooting. an RRP of 829.99 and the EOS 800D will be The EOS M6 will be available from April
The EOS 77D and the EOS 800D also both priced at 779.99. The EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 with an RRP of 729.99 (body only). The
have 45 cross-type AF points for quick focusing IS STM lens be available for 219.99 and the EVF-DC2 will be available from April with
and tracking objects accurately. The 77D Remote Controller BR-E1 will cost 39.99. an RRP of 219.99.
has an AF-On button on the rear a feature
popular with action photographers. The EOS
77D features built-in image stabilisation and
a Dual Pixel CMOS AF system for fast video
focussing. It has dual control wheels that allow
you to adjust settings like aperture and shutter
speed, and also sports a top-panel LCD that
will enable you to see your settings with ease.

For beginners
The EOS 800D is positioned as an entry-level
model in the Canon DSLR range


In other
More snippets of
photo news from
around the world

The long-awaited release of the
Nikon DL range of premium
compact cameras has been

Elinchrom releases portable light cancelled. The series of cameras

had been due for release in June
2016 but after the identification
of issues with the integrated
Flash technology continues to evolve with the launch of the ELB 1200 circuit for image processing, the
release was delayed. Now Nikon
has cancelled the DL series due to
Elinchrom has revealed the ELB 1200, each now has rugged aluminium housing and Above the increase in development cost.
a portable and robust battery pack that a tilting head as well as a 7-8 mm umbrella tube. Great outdoors
has been designed for even the most When you use the corresponding ash head, the The new ELB 1200
from Elinchrom will
extreme photographic adventures. hi-sync option will enable you to freeze motion enable you to shoot
The manufacturer has designed the new up to 1/8,000 second. with ash wherever
product to offer more exibility for action and The battery pack itself has been rethought to you are
location photographers. It weighs just 4.3kg, suit even the most demanding photographers
which will enable you to carry smaller, more its light, compact and will be able to withstand
powerful battery packs to wherever your harsh weather and heavy shocks. MANFROTTO PRESENTS
adventure takes you. The game-changing ELB 1200 will be XUME ADAPTERS
The new Xume adapters promise
Elinchrom has completely redesigned its available from mid-2017, with pricing yet to to take the hassle out of changing
three ash heads especially for the ELB 1200: be conrmed. filters, which should ensure that
no photographic moment is lost.
The magnetic solution locks
filters onto lenses with speed and

New Nissin Air10s precision. For more information,

head to

A ash transmitter that

provides wireless control
with a range of cameras
The ash specialist Nissin has
announced a new ash transmitter. READER OFFER: SAVE
The Air10s is an advanced Nissin Air Give your pictures the wow
System (NAS) 2.4GHz wireless TTL commander factor from under 30 using
Portrait Pro 15 with this exclusive
for use with Fujilm, Sony, Micro Four Thirds, reader offer. Apply lipstick,
Canon and Nikon cameras. eyeshadow, blusher and more
The Air10s is an advanced strobe with comprehensive and intuitive
controls. Try the latest version
commander thats been designed to enable and get an extra 10% off any
you to control a large group of strobes in a new edition or upgrade using
the code DPP174. Head to www.
range of situations, from a dark studio to for
a bright outdoor location. more information.
The wireless TTL commanders have a
Micro SD slot that will enable users to update
Above STAY
the device and its range has been expanded to a Flash
maximum distance of 100 meters. INFORMED
The new commander has a TTL memory Nissins cross-
For more news and
platform ash updates, be sure to pay
function, which memorises the exposure during internally and transforms the exposure data
transmitter will a visit to our website, www.
a TTL Mode shoot and allows for a one-touch into Manual mode. enable you to and
switch to Manual mode. You can save time The Nissin Air10s strobe commander control a large if youve got a story for
during setup, as the device takes the TTL system will be available from April 2017. group of strobes
us, you can email us at
exposure data, calculates the individual output Visit for more information. with ease

Professional photographer Trevor Cole discusses his
passion for stunning scenes and why no two are the same

The Breeches,
Crohy Head
A golden long exposure taken in
County Donegal, Ireland
All images Trevor Cole


rish-born professional How did you get started? but it continually changes in response

I photographer Trevor Cole

frequently travels the
world in search of stunning
landscapes to capture. Coles
My parents bought me a Rolleiex SLR and
from that moment I never looked back.

What got you interested in

landscape photography?
to season, diurnal change and light.

Whats in your kit bag?

A Nikon D810 and D750, AF-S Nikkor 70-
200mm f2.8, AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8, AF-S
beautifulimages have been published in I am a geography graduate and taught Nikkor 50mm f1.4, AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8,
magazines, on cards and calendars, and used geography in international schools for 24 AF-S Nikkor 85mm f1.4, Gitzo Tripod Ocean
in the tourism industry for online travel articles. years. I have always had an interest in people series GT2542LOS Carbon 6X and a diverse
His images are even used for educational and landscapes and the interactions that exist range of NISI and Lee lters!
purposes for the International Baccalaureate. between them. Landscapes shape the way in
which humans utilise them and people in turn Do you have a go-to lens? What is it?
Have you always been interested shape landscapes to bring economic gain. I would have to say that if I am shooting
in photography? landscapes then I use the 14-24mm f2.8
When I rst travelled as a teenager I wanted What is your favourite thing about predominantly, but if I am shooting
to capture those inimitable moments and shooting landscapes? portraits then the 70-200mm f2.8. I
vistas. So yes, the seeds were sown a long No two landscapes are ever the same and you change my lens frequently in response to
time ago! can shoot the same landscape over and over, the prevalent conditions.

Top portfolio picks

Cole discusses a few of his favourite images
The light balances the
black, frozen dunes
with yellow grass and
the backdrop of the
Vestrahorn mountain
Below ridges. This typies
Moraine Lake
and forest what I love about
The vivid blue water in this landscapes a war
image makes a big impact of attrition at the
boundary between
the marine and the
terrestrial, creating
a raw interface
untouched by
human hands.

I love monochrome
and this image
encapsulates a
calm winter scene
reected perfectly in
the lake. The clouds
create mood and the
scree slopes covered
in a light coating of
snow exacerbate
some of natures
symmetry. The range
of tones appeal to
my eye.

A long exposure of
an old iconic wreck
on the west coast of
Donegal, Ireland on
an overcast day. I
love the mood and
presence created
by this old wreck. It
sits, slowly decaying
in the face of storms,
but always presents
the photographer
with a different vista.


Do you have a favourite country/place to

photograph in? Why?
This is a challenging question! I have travelled
to many countries, but I continually return to
Ethiopia. It has unique landscapes in the form
of the Bale and Simien mountains and then
has the hottest place on Earth in the Danakil
desert. The Great East African Rift Valley in
Ethiopia has salt deserts, active volcanoes
with lava lakes and hydrothermal activity,
unlike anywhere else on Earth. It also has the
cultural richness of 86 different ethnic groups.
I also love to photograph, of course, in
my home country of Ireland the softness
of the Irish light, the indented coastlines
with bays and beaches, ancient ruins, lakes
and mountains.

For you, what makes a good landscape?

Light, morphology and a balance between
foreground interest and the bigger picture.
Leading lines, detail and depth.

Have you had a career highlight? What

was it and why?
Again a difcult question. I seek to use
my images to create a more sustainable
world and enlighten people about major
environmental and humanitarian issues
facing the Earth. I have had a few images
published by National Geographic online and
in particular some which reected the beauty
of my home county, Donegal. It is a hidden
county and arguably the most beautiful in
Ireland. A little more exposure always helps!
I have also taken pride in being People/
Cultural Photographer of the Year in 2015
and Natural Landscapes Photographer of
the Year in 2016 for Africa Geographic. In
February 2017 I won the Wanderlust Magazine
photographer of the Year (portfolio category).

Do you have any projects coming up?

I have just come back from leading a
photo tour in Southern Ethiopia with a very
reputable photo tour operator based in the
US. I am going on tour to Iceland in February
and Chile later in the year.

The colours are stunning
in this calming shot taken
in Bali

Mount Agung
A beautifully framed shot
of Mount Agung in
Bali, Indonesia

The Dark
Hedges, Armoy
Compressed perspective
makes the most of the trees


Learn how to master a simple setup and shoot
professional portraits with minimal kit and space
erfecting a professional studio lighting to if you were using multiple lights. Youll be Rembrandt lighting, split lighting, as well as

P setup can be a little daunting, so

learning how to master a simple
single light setup is invaluable. A wide
range of professional looks and effects can
be created, and theres not always a
able to spend more time interacting with
your model and perfecting posing instead of
spending time ddling with multiple studio
lights. Not only that, but it will make you more
mobile for on-location shooting and help you
low-key, high-key and a traditional beauty style
of lighting. Youll learn how easy it is to create
professional-looking images with just one
light and also cover adding in a few different
modiers to enhance and manipulate the
disadvantage in using fewer individual lights. truly understand how light can affect and light further.
Extra lights can sometimes complicate manipulate a subjects face.
things needlessly. Over the next few pages, youll discover Plenty of potential
When only using one light, youll have a number of different one light techniques, There are a whole host of professional effects that can be
less to think about and control compared including understanding hard and soft light, created with just one studio light

Model: Delina Cleo/Source Models

When using a softbox to
diffuse the light, the light
will become even softer
the closer you position it
to the model

Perfect the placement of your
ash for the best results
Learning how the positioning of your light
will affect the nal look of your portrait is
extremely important. As mentioned previously,
the distance between where the light is placed
in relation to the subject will affect the quality
of light as well as the size of the light source,
but the height and angle will also determine
how the shadows fall and shape the models
face. It is important that you pose your model
to match your chosen lighting setup, then
move the light around instead of getting the
model to move.
Having the light positioned directly in front
of the model can sometimes make your shot
a little at, as it will ll in all of the shadows
and the shadows are needed to add depth
and interest to the image. Simply moving the
light around to the side can help you create a
far more dramatic image. Ask your model to
stand still in just one position and move your
FURTHER light around them so that you can see how its
FROM MODEL position will affect the shadows on their face.
The Rembrandt style of lighting is a good
The further away the
softbox is to your subject example of the interplay between shadow
the harder the light and light, and is characterised by a distinctive
becomes, because the light upside-down triangle of light on the shadow
source becomes smaller in
side of the subjects face. The light is
relation to the model
positioned at around 45 degrees to the model.
Rembrandt lighting creates a low-key, high-
contrast and atmospheric look. The strong
use of shadows has a very attering, slimming
effect on the subjects face because the
shadows are so aggressive it doesnt always
suit female models, however, we found
that because our model had very dened
cheekbones it actually worked well in our case.
For an even more dramatic look, move the light
further around to 90 degrees for a split-lighting
effect where one side of the subjects face will
fall entirely in shadow.
Loop lighting is one of the most popular
styles as it atters most subjects. It is created
by positioning the light just above eye
level around 30 degrees from the camera
and is characterised by a small shadow of
the subjects nose on their face. If light is
positioned too high though youll lose the
catchlight in the subjects eyes, which can
be unattractive. A light positioned too high or
even too low will also create rather unattering
shadows, so it is important to always pay
attention to where they fall.

The light has been The light has been moved
positioned in front of around by 45 degrees
the model and has to create a dramatic
illuminated and lifted a Rembrandt lighting
lot of the shadows on effect. This angle helps to
her face accentuate the models
cheekbones and has
a slimming effect on
the face, and creates
the Rembrandt-style
triangle on the shadow
side of the face

This is an even more
dramatic look where
the light has been
placed at 90 degrees
to the subject and only
illuminates one side of
the face


KEY LIGHT Position the
WITH key light just
SOFTBOX above the
BACKGROUND head height




Soft light
A popular
technique WORK WITH SOFT
employed by
many pro portra
the shadows are
far softer than
those captured
Embrace the simplicity of
with a hard light
g using one light and learn to
make use of its qualities
Because it is a relatively simple setup, it is
particularly important that you perfect your
exposure and consider the power and quality
of the light you are using, as well as learning
how to control it for creating different effects.
The power and quality of your light will have
a huge impact on the portraits you produce.
It can be dened by two broad categories: hard
light and soft light. The quality of light depends
a large extent on the size of the light source in
relation to the subject. If a large light source
is close to the subject it will produce a softer
light than if it is pulled away. A good example
to help you understand this concept is the
Sun it is extremely large, but because it is so
far away it is seen as being a small light source
in relation to the subjects on Earth, and thus
creates a hard light.
Many portrait photographers favour a
softer light, as it is typically seen as being more
attering for your model and more forgiving
in terms of how its positioned and exposed.
Soft light is created by large light sources, such
as studio lights used with a softbox. Images
that have been shot with a soft light will have
more delicate shadows and are generally lower
in contrast. Sometimes in softer light you may
not even be able to identify where the shadows
fall and soft light is often used to reduce,
disguise and hide hard facial lines and wrinkles.
Light created by adding a softbox to your
studio light will create an image with a gradual
transition between the highlights and shadows.
Despite all of this, when working with just
one light, a hard light can be used to create
a far more dramatic look. Hard light portraits
are characterised by crisp, well-dened
shadows with a high level of contrast between
the highlights and the shadows. Sometimes,
the highlights and whites are purposely
slightly overexposed to create a very high-
contrast look. Although hard light can present
challenges in terms of perfecting the angle and
position of the ash and rening the models
pose, it is absolutely perfect for creating
dramatic portraits. When working with only
one ash a hard lighting approach can appear
much more purposeful and serve as a better
use of the resources that are available to you.
Just remember to check your images using
your cameras LCD review screen, to ensure
the shadows are not too harsh or misplaced.


Portraits taken with a hard
light are perfect for black and
white conversion because of
the high-contrast effect that it
will create. The well-dened
shadows, lines and textures
will look great in black
and white.

Hard light
The shadows in this
shot are far darker and
there is a more dramatic
transition between
the shadows
and highlights


Get more from a single ash with these
simple tricks for high-contrast effects
The way you use a single studio light can are normally needed just to ensure a brightly
completely change the mood and overall feel of lit background, but the image below was
your portrait, and mastering both high-key and created by positioning a large softbox behind
low-key effects can really help your work have the model to take the place of the background,
a very professional, high-end feel. Creating a with the light reected back onto the models
high-key or low-key portrait is a good way of face with a reector creating a luminous glow
ensuring that the focus is on the subject. around her.
A high-key image is generally dominated by If youre shooting portraits at home, a
highlights and sometimes errs on the side of low-key style doesnt necessarily require a dark
overexposure, whereas a low-key image mainly background. Instead, use the inverse square
consists of shadows and lowlights. Low-key law to produce a dark backdrop in-camera.
images are usually more dramatic and can be You must position your light far away from the
used to create a more mysterious or sensual background and angle it down towards your
image, whereas high-key shots are vibrant model to ensure the least amount of light will
and engaging. reach the background the goal is for the light
The challenge with creating a high-key to fall off sufciently so that it does not light Create a silhouette
portrait with one light is that this style typically the wall behind the subject at all. Best of all, Without a reector, you can create a completely different, high-
demands that there is lots of light. Two lights these effects are fairly easy to replicate. contrast effect that happens to work very well in black and white

High-key with one light

Use a softbox to backlight the model and a reector to light her
face for a simple solution

Modify your reector Cut a hole Position the softbox Position a

1 the size of your cameras lens out
of the middle of an old, large reector.
2 large softbox behind your model.
This will create a very dramatic
Then attach it to a stand at the height backlight that can be reected back
you would like to shoot through. onto their face.

Choose your settings High-key Shoot then edit Remember that

3 lighting usually requires some
experimentation in order to get the
4 you will be able to enhance the
results in Lightroom or Photoshop, so
exposure right. You can also adjust the keep this in mind as you shoot and
distance between the model and light. review the shots on the LCD screen.

Create a dark
Use the inverse square law to
shoot a low-key portrait

Move the light Position your studio

1 light with softbox as far away from the
background or wall as possible, as this will
mean that the ash will fall off before it
reaches the wall. Angle it downwards towards
the model.

Pose the model You want to illuminate the

2 model, so its important that you encourage
them to pose for the light. Try a few poses,
including having the model look into the light,
or ask her to angle her body towards the light
while looking back towards the camera.

Set up the camera Once you have your

3 lighting and model in position it is time
to shoot the image. Here, the camera was
in Manual and set to f13 in order to limit the
amount of light getting in. A shutter speed of
1/200sec was used.

Discover how accessories
and editing software can
assist a single light setup
Adding a reector into your one light setup
will act like a ll light and will help you to lift
areas of your models face that are in shadow.
Once you understand the extent to which you
can manipulate the light you can add in more
reectors, and youll quickly discover that you
can create more complex looks by bouncing
the light at different angles. Experiment with
where you position your reector having
it positioned centrally above or below your
model, or at 45 degrees to the left or right, will
have completely different effects.
For a high-end fashion look, the classic
buttery lighting effect is ideal. It involves
positioning a large light source directly in front
and above the model with a reector or a
triector, if you have one positioned beneath
them so that their eyes are not too dark. This
is great for female subjects, as it creates soft,
delicate shadows and, as with Rembrandt
lighting, it will help to enhance the models
cheekbones, but in a far more subtle way. You
can use a studio light with a softbox for this
effect, or for an even more luminous glow use
a beauty dish.
Flags can be used to both reect and block
the spill of light. A white ag can be used to
bounce the key light back into the shadow side
of the subjects face to act as a ll light, or
you can use a black ag to block some
of the light and create a shadow. DP

Create buttery light A simple but elegant effect

Position the light and reector Pose and shoot Decide how you
1 Place your studio light with softbox
directly in front of the model and
2 would like to pose your model and
experiment with asking them to lean
angle it downwards. Place a reector into the camera. The camera here was
underneath facing up towards them. set to around f7 at 1/200sec.


Imply another light

Edit your le in Photoshop
to create the illusion of a
second ash

Create a mask
1 Start by using the Elliptical
Marquee Tool to select the area where
you want the impression of light to
fall. This selection will then need to be
feathered for a subtle transition.

Add a vignette
2 Create a Curves adjustment layer
and pull the diagonal line upwards to
brighten this area. Use a soft Brush
(B) set to black to carefully dial back
the subjects face, hair and clothes.

Top 5 tips for using one light

Underexpose your shots It is a good idea Add life with catchlights All have the position of the light in mind if you
to underexpose your shots by around one successful and engaging portraits will change the models pose, making sure to
or two stops, then x it in post. A slightly feature catchlights in the subjects eyes. move the light as necessary.
underexposed shot can take on a dramatic A catchlight is basically a reection of the
feel straightaway, so try this before using a light source used that you can see in the Experiment with the white balance
reector or a brighter exposure. subjects eyes. If the light is positioned You can alter the colour temperature
too high or too low, then you will lose the of some studio lights in order to create
Keep an eye on shadows Make catchlight. Without a catchlight the warmer and cooler images, but you can
sure you are always aware of where the subjects eyes will look dull and lifeless. also alter the white balance in-camera.
shadows fall on your models face. A If aiming for a high-key portrait you might
light positioned too high or too low will Pose the model for the light Get into want a cooler white balance, but other
create very unattering shadows around the habit of encouraging your model to setups might look better with something
the eyes, mouth and nose. pose for the lighting setup and always a little warmer.



You dont always need perfect weather Kilian Schnberger says
rain, mist and fog can provide ne shooting opportunities too

he rain is pouring against the for atmospheric pictures. To master truly
windows the world is bathed in grey dramatic landscapes, you have to understand
and its drab. The weather forecast that the weather is an important part of visual
doesnt seem too promising either. storytelling. When you have to handle bad
Some kind of frustration is slowly growing, conditions on location, it makes no sense to
especially if an expensive photo trip has fallen complain and to wait for the next sunset with
through because this kind of bad weather. dancing colours. Instead, get yourself in touch
Many photographers think in this way. But with the secret beauty of dull, grey days.
here you will learn how to handle such bad
conditions perhaps even learn to love them.
In my opinion there is only one kind of Above
bad weather for landscape photography: an Time travel
Situated in a small side valley of river Moselle, Castle
all-blue sky with harsh sunlight at lunchtime. Eltz is one of Germanys most picturesque medieval
Luckily, lunch is around the corner then. fortresses... it looks like [its] from a different time.
But back to stormy and misty weather Fog emphasises the timeless mood.
your new favourite weather conditions Kilian Schnberger


How to capture
the spectacular
WAIT FOR THE RIGHT LIGHT Understanding the weather
is key to getting great shots
Cloudy skies can yield dramatic shots but to be in the right
spot at the right time means going out when its still raining
Many of us know this situation: youre driving spontaneously to the weather. The transition
down the highway during late afternoon, and from the muted colours during rain to the
its pouring down. Suddenly the rain stops and golden light is intense. Since everything is
everything is bathed in golden light. But since wet, the light mirrors itself in every surface
its not a good idea to stop on the highway especially in forest environments, as the drops
and most of the time there are no promising on the leaves become a thousandfold light
locations nearby, you just think what you could reexes. Use a polariser to intensify the colours
have done with the same conditions at your and contrasts.
favourite location. Its important to provide some protection for Wait around until the light
Is there a way to plan for such conditions? your equipment and yourself. Ive always got has faded, so that you
Yes, if only to a certain extent. To be ready to a simple plastic bag in my backpack and an can capture moments
like this, where the golden
capture these shots, you have to know from umbrella in the back of my car. hue of the lowering sun is
which direction the storm or rain is coming reflecting off every cloud
in, and how long it will last. The best way for
this is to check a high-denition weather radar Opposite-bottom-left
readout with a mobile app. There you can see Trees in mist
how the rain and the clouds are moving and if This image by Dorset-based landscape
photographer Mark Bauer demonstrates how
there is any chance for some golden strip-light
mist illuminated by warm light can look hugely
at the end of the day. atmospheric and evocative
This kind of light is more common at the
end of the day because wet air masses are Opposite-bottom-right
often moving in from the west then, so you Chase the rainbow
get this kind of light during sunset. In spring, When a rain shower has passed and sunlight bursts
with its localised showers of rain, the chance through the clouds its always worth keeping an eye
out for the possibility of a rainbow, which can be
to capture this phenomenon is especially high particularly striking above the right landscape
since there are many gaps between the clouds.
Its more likely youll witness the golden light Below
after rain shortly before sunset, because when Misty Orchard
the Sun is already near the horizon, the light At the end of a hot summer day a local storm
can shine through between the remains of the disappeared as fast as it appeared.
Just some fog in the valleys bears witness
cloud cover and the surface of the earth. to the conditions. The focus is on the apple
The best plan is to have several easy trees in the foreground, with fog shrouded
reachable locations nearby to react spruces and the Bavarian Alps as backdrop

Kilian Schnberger

Find the
best conditions
How to predict when a glowing
strip will appear on the horizon
Its important to spot the signs that there
could be golden light after rain. A good
omen is always when there is a at bright
strip or gap between the clouds and the
ground. Watch this gap closely; is the
light intensity or colour changing? Which
direction are the clouds moving? To
check if the Sun could shine below the
clouds, you can use satellite images from
websites and apps.
Kilian Schnberger

Get to know weather
patterns in your area so
that you can predict the
times when storm clouds
are most likely to build, and
from which direction BURNING FOG
The right conditions
outweigh a so-so location
like this post-thunderstorm
mood with glowing fog,
taken shortly before
sunset in rural Bavaria

An umbrella is handy when its
raining but its hard to work
when you need one hand to hold
the umbrella. Look for clamps for
the tripod, but be aware that under
windy conditions, an umbrella
on your tripod could lead to
the whole installation
tumbling over. 2x Mark Bauer
All images Kilian Schnberger

WORK IN Use a telephoto lens for distant abstraction

THE FOG Fog and mist lead to interesting layers in the landscape
but try using a telephoto lens to make the most of this
Create an ethereal mood
Many people think of wide-angle lenses
Fog and mist can be key elements in visual when it comes to landscape photography.
storytelling. Painters have a canvas; landscape But using telephoto lenses extends your
photographers have fog. Its our white space photographic options during misty days.
where we can arrange the picture elements. I normally use a 70-200mm for this, but
But this also means its important to nd even longer lenses are suitable.
convincing compositions and know how to give Try to nd interesting lines and shapes
a photo structure. in the landscape. Be aware that even the
Try to nd the best angle of view to give newest camera sensors dont have the
every element enough space for taking same contrast range as the human eye,
effect. Work with intersections and staggered so emphasise edges in post-production,
arrangements. Leading lines, structures and but still try to keep a natural look without
patterns are more important than colours haloes or too much contrast.
but during autumn, you can use autumnal Top-right
leaves to catch the eye, though. Compressed Trees
Its also important to look for the right A rather unusual approach is the use of a telephoto
lens for forest photography. But especially during
subjects for fog photography. Since the
foggy and misty conditions this is a ne opportunity
background is often non-existent just a grey to play with the fading brightness and contrast of the
or white surface look for motifs that suit your distant trees
current conditions. Shooting a big mountain
on a foggy day might be impossible, so look for
Misty Hills
the little brothers of mountains: rocks. Early morning over a low mountain range in South
They just look wonderful and mysterious when Germany captured with a telephoto lens. Mist and fog
its foggy outstide, especially if you can nd lead to an otherworldly appearance of the scenery
any with strange or unusual shapes. Your other

best friends for fog photography are trees and
forests, castles, old houses, lonely lanes, rivers,
creeks, gorges, waterfalls and ruins.
But where does fog appear? Thats a difcult
question. There are many different sorts of
fog, and most of the time its hard to forecast
where it will emerge. Most know the typical
November mood, with fog everywhere. Since
this fog is very dense, hardly any oriented
light reaches the ground. Sometimes during
bad weather periods, the top regions of
mountains are covered in clouds and allow fog
photography up there. During high pressure
phases in autumn, you can nd high-inversion
fog, where the peaks of higher mountains stick
out and allow perfect shots of islands in a sea
of fog. This kind of fog is more common in
continental Europe.
My personal favourite is low fog on the LEARN
meadows during spring, when the Sun sends FROM THE
some light through the fog early in the morning
especially when there was rain the day before
Rain Forest
and its cleared up during the night. Even a commercial forest can look like out of a Photographers often use chest
fairytale with the right conditions. The puddle in the waders in rivers or creeks. But
For misty shots, where the white and
foreground mirrors the mist shrouded spruces and they are also recommended for wet
light grey areas dominate the scene, its opens a window into another world meadows with high grass or tree
recommended to slightly overexpose. Its the thickets during rainy days. Waders
best way to transfer the real mood to the nal Opposite dont offer good air and moisture
photo and to get some details in the darker Woodland in fog exchange, so they are not
A wood can be a visually confusing environment, but
areas, too. Shooting in your cameras RAW when fog descends it obscures some of the details
a good solution for
format is recommended for more control and helps to create a scene thats simpler but also longer hikes.
during post-processing. more atmospheric

Capture rays of light

Fog and mist can look very different, depending on the angle the light is coming from

Into the light

Backlit mist is the key for
getting those magic rays
and beams everyone is
looking for. Usually its
best to search for them
near the forest edge,
where the light hits the
forest at full intensity

With the Sun behind

Photographing during
misty conditions is less
spectacular than against Above fog and light
the light, but sometimes A good opportunity to combine light and fog
its a conscious decision in one photo is to look for viewpoints above the
to capture more subtle surrounding foggy landscape. When the Sun hits
scenes. There would have forests and other parts of the landscape, you may
been nice rays behind the get beautiful distant rays. The Sun has to be in
trees in this situation front of your camera for those shots, too.



Tough conditions create opportunities for experimental photography
discover how to use long exposures for dramatic effect
There is hardly anything as beautiful as low stratus clouds or fog against a mountain Normally these kind of shots are done with
fog oating in and rolling over the hills. For ridge and the white stuff is owing through a some grass in the foreground, and trees and
this kind of photography you need oating hollow between the areas (a kind of fhn wind further landscape elements in the background.
fog (normally high-inversion fog), a effect). Be aware that with sunset the height A higher viewpoint is recommended, though
viewpoint that sticks out of the of the fog surface will often change. So for example, an observation tower or a steep
fog, and some knowledge of its always a good idea to stay until rock wall. Be aware that this can be dangerous
which direction the wind LEARN the blue hour ends: there may at the edges during stormy weather for your
pushes the fog and FROM THE be totally different conditions equipment and for yourself.
the height its owing OLD MASTERS within 30 minutes. Look for some treetops dancing in the
at. Its also good to If youre searching for inspiration, Use a ND lter for longer wind. Autumn, with the colours of the canopy
know which elements look at the work of Romantic exposure times. The exact changing from day to day, is the best season.
of the surrounding landscape painters like William time depends on the speed Take several shots from different angles and
landscape may affect Turner and Caspar David Friedrich. and the surface structure compositions to get a feeling how the trees
the ow. Also the light They used clouds and fog to of the fog. When its slow, are moving in the wind. Then you can nd a
is important: blue hour emphasise the dramatic intent youll need exposures of up to convincing point of view and wait until the
shots are recommended, of their paintings. Look too several minutes. On a stormy movement of the trees is perfect. When the
at their colours and
since the highlights of day, wind is your best friend for sunlight nds a way through the clouds, youll
direct sunlight on the fog this kind of photography. get some extra structure in the canopy.
surface are often too bright You could use an ND lter for longer
for good results. exposure times at other times of day too, but
Dancing in the wind
If the fog is moving fast due to wind, a since branches and leaves are moving quite Wind can be used to create a creative, abstract
sturdy tripod is needed. The best opportunity fast during a storm, the exposure time is image of trees, particularly when combined with a
to plan such shots is when the wind pushes normally shorter than for oating fog shots. longer exposure
Kilian Schnberger

Five top tips
Mark Bauer offers his shooting
secrets for rain, mist and fog
Shoot in woodland
Overcast or drizzly days are perfect for
shooting in woods or forests. Not only will
you be under cover and able to stay dry, but
the soft, diffused light is very attering for
woodland locations. By contrast, on bright,

Kilian Schnberger
sunny days, although dappled light can look
very pleasing to the eye, the tonal range is
often too great for the camera to capture,
resulting in blocked-up shadows and burnt-
out highlights.

Head for the coast

Coastal scenes can actually look better in
bad weather than in good weather. Stormy
seas crashing over rocks or sea walls
always look dramatic. Try using an extreme
neutral-density lter, such as Lees ten-stop
Big Stopper. The resulting long exposures
render white water as an ethereal mist and
can turn the surface of the sea into a glassy
surface. Any moving clouds will be recorded
as dramatic, dark streaks across the sky.

Get ready for rainbows

When the Sun breaks through as a shower
passes, or even while its still raining, there
is always the chance of a rainbow. They can
be eeting, so you need to set up while it
is still raining, and point your camera away
Kilian Schnberger

from the Sun, ready for a rainbow to appear.

Electronics and water dont mix well, so
youll need to protect your camera from the
rain. There are many commercially available
rain guards, or improvise your own.
Pack a chamois leather Stark trees
Tough weather
Its important to protect your kit from the
conditions are ideal
elements. It can be bad news if rain gets into for capturing images
the electronics. Sea water is even worse that have a bold,
and always a possibility if youre shooting on graphic feel
the coast in bad weather. A chamois leather
is a really useful accessory. Theyre brilliant
for wiping down kit which has had a soaking Sanctuary
and can also be draped over your kit to A remote place in the
protect it from moisture. middle of the forest;
the visit during a rainy
day paid off because
Dealing with wind the mist intensies
Windy conditions are perhaps the most the scene
difcult to deal with strong wind can cause
camera shake, even when you use a sturdy Left
tripod. To reduce this risk, spread the tripod Moody seas
Mark Bauer captured
legs wide, set it up low to the ground and this long exposure
dont raise the centre column. To add weight image at the
and stability, hang your camera bag from coast while the
your tripod. Dont attach it directly, though: conditions were less
than clement
use a bungee cord so the bag rests on the
ground and doesnt bump into the legs.
Mark Bauer



Learn to create strong black and white scenes
with the help of mist and fog in the landscape
Bad weather means muted conditions, muted series youve seen of gnarly trees, hay barns
light and muted colours. Therefore a main and so on. Opposite-top
option is to focus on structures and patterns. Another option is to keep the same frame all Convert to black and white
Especially with some contrast enhancement, the time or just with a little variation and When you convert your images to mono, it
helps to further simplify the composition,
some foggy and misty photos are predestined to wait for changes in the structure of the continuing the work the mist has begun
for minimalist black and white photography. clouds or fog. Perhaps its not the usual kind
When the conditions are mostly the same of landscape photo youre looking for, because Opposite-bottom
for several hours a day, you can try to work those shots are not as appealing as a great Trees die standing
conceptually and in a series. With frequently sunrise, but they offer the opportunity to Great areas of mountain spruce forest in
Bavarian Forest National Park were killed by
represented and characteristic elements of focus on the image motif. Watch out too for bark beetles. [This is] a very good subject for
a certain landscape, this can be an interesting the uncommon appearance of everyday bad weather photography, since fog and mist
approach. Think of the various monochrome surroundings during bad weather. DP underline the morbid mood

Edit the weather When it comes to overcast conditions, you

may nd you have an advantage when it
lifting deep, dark shadows or dialling back
excessively bright highlights. How you choose
Images taken in difcult comes to editing. As a result of the duller light, to edit your work is entirely dependent on the
conditions can benet from the dynamic range is frequently reduced, situation, but these three RAW processes are
some simple RAW adjustments which means you dont have to worry about worth considering

Basic adjustments Increase the Contrast Apply a gradient A washed-out, pale Add a vignette This is an optional step.
1 and Clarity, and adjust the Highlights,
Shadows and Exposure sliders. To correct
2 cloudy sky will not have much impact, so
consider using a Gradient to darken it down.
3 If there is not much actual shadow within
the scene itself, adding a vignette could look
White Balance, choose the Auto setting then A separate Gradient has been applied for the heavy-handed. Slightly darken the edges by
adjust the Temperature slider. foreground too, to draw the eye in. taking the Amount slider down a little.

Bad weather is good for photos of
waterfalls and creeks. You dont have
problems with excessive contrast due
to direct sunlight; the structures of
rocks emerge better; and the greens
look more saturated. For best
results, use a polariser to
minimise reections.

Boost the drama
A few quick tweaks in your RAW
processing application can
BEFORE AFTER make a big difference to how
your nal image looks.

2x Kilian Schnberger

Expert photographer Richard Peters reveals how to make the
most of your wildlife images with these essential tips

etting your subject within range of the about to take the shot, the lighting suddenly it before even taking the camera out of the

G camera is only half the battle. Once

you have, then what? A viewnder-
lling subject seen through a
telephoto lens isnt a guarantee to success; it
doesnt matter how exotic the subject is or if
changes and the subject starts to move. How
quickly can you react to adjust your exposure
or framing to suit the new and unexpected
conditions, and should you now switch lenses
to consider the scenery change as the subject
bag, is one of the biggest advantages you
can have as a photographer, and being able
to react quickly will be sure to improve your
portfolio signicantly.

youve travelled for 20 minutes or 20 hours to moves through the landscape? Of course it Below
see it, because there are a multitude of factors isnt always going to be quite as dramatic as Pelican line-up
With the right approach and
to consider before you take any photos. What that but when youre out with the camera, technique, even the dullest of days
are the lighting conditions like? How does the these factors should be running through your can be used to create images with
background look? What is the subject doing? head as second nature. Being able to read the mood, drama and atmosphere
Once youve gured these out and youre scene before you, and plan how to photograph All images Richard Peters


Knowing how to read the
conditions is critical
A beautiful subject bathed in warm light might
be appealing on the face of it, but it wont get
the creative juices owing. By looking for ways
in which you can potentially use any light,
understanding the different ways that variation
will impact the image and, more importantly,
the way in which the sensor will expose for it,
you will be able to quickly determine how best
to use aperture, ISO and shutter speed for
more creative control. Shooting at sunrise and
sunset will often pay dividends, but make sure
you pay close attention to how the light falls on
the subject and act fast. At sunrise for example,
it wont take too long for the Sun to rise high
enough that a subjects deep-set eyes will
become shaded. And with that thought, keep
in mind that shade is as important as light, and
the way they complement each other as they
both emphasise contours, textures and shape. Left
Once youve got a picture or two in the bag, Intrigued little owl
Here the evening Sun has created warm
try moving around the direction of light light that highlights the owls prole,
relative to the subject will also provide very separating it from the background and
different effects. adding shape and depth to the bird

Red deer silhouette
By placing the subject between the

TAKEATMOSPHERIC Sun and the camera and exposing for

the rim-lit fur, a dramatic single-toned
portrait is captured

For stylistic merit and high impact, aim for images with a single colour or muted shades
This style can produce very memorable images
and works well with strong, bold outlines and
silhouettes. Generally you will need a dark-
coloured background along with a strong back
or side light, or to be shooting towards the light
at sunrise or sunset to produce warm pastel
shades. The best effects tend to be when
the difference in dynamic range between the
light and shade is large; exposing for the very
brightest highlights as they fall on the subject
renders the shade completely black, allowing
for the subtle light to really pop. Because
ambient light can change quickly, its a good
idea to practise being able to quickly dial
in underexposure to override the metering
system, which will want to produce a balanced
and even exposure. If the camera were to
expose the scene evenly, the ISO would be
raised to allow the shaded areas to retain
detail, while blowing all the highlights.

Its not all about frame llers including habitats can be as important as the subject
Tight crops with clean backgrounds are always frame look and compressing the surroundings, depth of eld. Most variable aperture lenses
appealing but thinking wider is a very good switching to a wide-angle lens offers a unique sharpen up considerably around f8 and having
way to add more depth to your photos. While and unrivalled perspective. Plus, this technique a wide-angle zoom can allow more exibility in
a habitat shot can be quite easy to achieve doesnt rely on fast, prime wide angles, as camera placement, as you may nd the need
with a telephoto by going for the small-in-the- youll often need to stop down to create more to trigger the camera remotely.

The Wick
The temptation is to capture a tight crop with the
pufns, but shooting wide allowed this pair to be
immersed within the beautiful sunset above them

Remove colour altogether

Allow beautiful tones to come into their own by shooting for a full mono conversion
Some images lend themselves
to black and white conversion,
often producing a far more
powerful image than their
colour counterparts. The key
to successful mono images
lies within scenes that have
lots of contrast that can
be emphasised more when
converted to black and white
during the edit.

Wise old man
Animals with contrasting colours and
strong facial detail especially
suit black and white,
providing particularly
engaging portraits
Its crucial to understand how
your camera equipment works so
that, in the heat of the moment
when you only have a second
or two to react, you are able
to quickly change any
necessary settings.

Look beyond the subject and consider
whats behind the main point of focus
Anything that unwittingly draws attention
away from the subject is a compromise to
your photo. Even with a wide-open, shallow
aperture these distractions usually come in
the form of hard, man-made lines or stray
background elements. These can include areas
of contrasting colour that break up uniformity,
dont complement the colour of the subject
or objects that are too close and therefore not
in focus enough for attention-grabbing detail
to be recognised. If the distraction is moving,
such as another animal, wait until it has moved
from view before releasing the shutter. Even
moving the camera several centimetres can be
enough to remove background elements from
the composition, either pushing them out of
frame or behind the subject itself.

Dont forget to put some
thought into the clothing you
wear when photographing
wildlife. Nothing will break
your concentration faster
than being too cold, wet,
hot or generally

Left Above
Red deer distraction Red deer dawn
Beautiful light and subjects can With a clean background free of
be easily ruined with conicting distractions, the viewer can fully
background elements such as appreciate the clean lines and
man-made objects beautiful colours of the image
Change your position and get
down low for a compelling view
One of the best ways to obtain a clean and
aesthetically pleasing image is to get eye
level with the subject, especially with animals
that are low to the ground. If you can get your
camera roughly head height to the subject, the
background will be further away than if you
were looking down from up high. This gives a Make eye contact
cleaner look, allows the subject to really pop An important element for the
from the frame and the low-level perspective ultimate viewer engagement
offers a much more interesting view by
providing a glimpse at the animals perspective Ensuring eye contact with the subject
on the world. of your photo does something crucial:
it draws the viewer in by commanding
Top Right attention, making it one of the most
Water level pelican Morani
powerful tools in gaining a connection with
Laying the camera just millimetres from One of the most regal lions in
the waters surface, the lakes background the Maasai Mara is Morani, but the subject. Often it is the nal ingredient
is diffused and the viewers focus is drawn to capture that feeling of grace, needed to make a good image a great one.
straight to the dalmatian pelican eye contact was essential

A static subject can be visually
boring, even in good light, so look for
behaviour to add more impact
While extremely captivating behaviour
such as a ghting or hunting can really
elevate your image, dont forget to think
about the smaller, less-pronounced
behaviour, as it can often still have a
big impact. Even a photo of something
as grand as a lion can be dull if its just
sitting around sleeping, but waiting for
it to wake up and yawn can transform
the image. The same principle applies
to even the smallest of species, such
as birds capturing one singing with
its beak open results in a far more
appealing image than a straightforward
bird on a stick.

Waking lioness
After watching this lioness
sleep for almost an hour, the
wait was rewarded with a brief
yawn before it walked away


Be it fast and vigorous or There are three key ways to give a feeling of
movement. A slow shutter speed combined
consider the slower the shutter speed the
longer the blackout time in the viewnder,
slow and steady, use with panning creates blur and momentum, which makes the subject harder to track.
shutter speed to but although it is the most effective way to
emphasise motion, its also important to think
Smooth panning is the key to success with
this technique, so ensure you use a tripod and
emphasise animal activity about framing and subject posture by allowing gimbal when working with longer focal lengths
room to move into or across the frame. Also and slow shutter speeds.

Use a tripod
For optimum results panning with a
telephoto lens and slow shutter speed, use
a tripod and gimbal for smooth motion

Wings of gold
By combining backlight and a 1/60sec
shutter speed at 400mm, the rapid
motion of this pufn coming into land
was captured in a unique manner


USESPECIALIST Getting the shot can sometimes require

equipment above and beyond a simple
ACCESSORIES DSLR and lens combination
From right-angle viewnders that make distance between yourself and the subject, Perched little owl
By using a motion sensor, the camera was left in an old farm
shooting at ground level more comfortable enabling you to quickly re your camera at the
house for several weeks to capture this little owl in position
to shutter-release cables and full-blown right moment without being too close. A PIR
camera trap setups, there are a multitude of motion sensor, that triggers the camera when Inset
accessories available to aid in capturing that movement is detected, enables you to hide the Use a radio release
These can be very small and discrete, making them easy to
tricky image. Wired shutter-release cables camera away and return to it later to see if the carry while allowing you to re a camera from distances of up
with extension leads allow you to have some animal has come by. to 100m. Perfect for tricky subjects


Learning which focus modes
to use and when can be the
difference between successfully
capturing the shot and not
Use back-button focus to disengage the
autofocus from the shutter release in order LONG LENS
to have more control over how and when TECHNIQUE
focusing is engaged. Always select the active When shooting with a long lens,
AF point closest to the eyes for your desired always support it with a tripod to
composition, rather than using the centre point avoid camera shake. If handheld
and recomposing. Recomposing after focus shooting, keep your elbows
acquisition shifts the focus plane away from tucked in, use your left hand to
the intended area. For fast-moving subjects, support the lens and press
use smaller groups of AF points to help keep the camera up against
your face.
the focusing locked on when you have trouble
tracking the target through the viewnder. If
you nd the focus often snaps to a distraction
other then the intended target, switch on AF
tracking delay, if your DSLR has it. This will
delay how quickly the camera tries to lock on
to competing elements within the frame.
Red kite ight
With a similar coloured background, setting focus delay and
nine group points kept the focus system locked and accurate

Set your autofocus
Knowing when to adjust your Autofocus reaction time to
changes in contrast can be vital in helping the system stay
locked onto subject with competition backgrounds

By using Auto ISO in
conjunction with manual
aperture and shutter speed, the
exposure will be balanced by
adjusting the ISO. This ensures
you always get the lowest ISO
value possible for your
chosen settings.

Shafts of light
By incorporating off-camera ash and a garden

WORKCREATIVELY bench, creative lighting was utilised to emulate

the dark and light markings on the badgers fur

Below & inset
Use a camera trap
This was photographed by attaching two
ashguns up off the ground and using a PIR
Dont just stick to conventional methods for capturing sensor. Using multiple wired ashes is very easy
with a hub, which allows quick connection and
great images add interest with articial light control of three ashguns at a time

A exible way to inject creativity into your

images is to introduce articial light. Doing
so should always be approached with care
however. For example, control your DSLRs
sensor sensitivity to light with aperture and
ISO, rather than setting the speedlights power
too high, and be sure to place diffused articial
lights on the periphery rather than at eye
level. By having full control of the main light
source, its possible to take photos that would
be otherwise impossible with natural light. One
way to utilise ash is to underexpose on an
overcast day while using it to ll in the shadows
and illuminate just the subject. Or, you can
combine it with long exposures of up to 30
seconds at night to freeze the motion of the
animal, using the natural, low ambient light to
show a star-covered sky. Using speedlights to
create lighting that cant be found naturally is
one of the best ways to allow creative freedom.

Create and capture

ribbons of light
Master this unique method of image making and learn
how to create a dazzling,ethereal light painting
In this tutorial, you will learn the which is a bit like a lightsaber, was used here).
techniques needed in order to You will also need to have a good think about
create ribbons of light by way of what technical considerations you will need to
light painting. As this will involve a pretty long make. Night photography is very different to
exposure time, captured under the cover of more conventional methods of photography,
darkness, you rst need to think about what and as such you will need to know how to set
equipment you will need before you head off to up your camera for this kind of shoot. You
your location. First up, you are going to need will then discover how to edit your work in
a sturdy tripod, a DSLR camera (preferably Lightroom after the shoot. Light painting
with Bulb mode), a wide-angle lens, a shutter truly is a magical process, and one that is
remote, a decent torch and a device to create actually very simple once you understand
your ribbons (a tool called an LED Lenser V24, the basic requirements.

Ribbon dance
This photograph was created using a 2.5 minute-
long exposure during which time the lightsaber was
used to create the patterns

What youll need
DSLR camera (with Bulb
mode) and a fully charged
camera battery
Wide-angle lens (a lens that
lends itself well to landscape
photography a 24mm
prime lens was used here)
Tripod and tripod head
Shutter remote to start and
stop the long exposure
A reasonably powerful torch
(an LED Lenser torch called
the X7R was used here)
A toy lightsaber that
changes colour
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
for any post-editing work that
is required


Shooting 1 2

Use a tripod A tripod is going to
1 be essential on this shoot. You are
going to conduct your light painting
during a pretty long exposure,
so having the camera remain
completely motionless throughout
the exposure is going to be vital to
create a sharp nal image.

Switch camera to Bulb

2 mode This mode is something
that nearly all modern-day DSLR
cameras have. On our camera it is
marked by the letter B on the main
camera settings dial. Bulb mode will
allow you to take exposures that are
much longer than if you use Manual 3 4
mode for example.

Test your cable release This

3 is something that you can do
before you leave your home, but its
also a good idea to test your cable
release at the start of the shoot. If it
starts playing up you are not going
to be able to take exposures longer
than 30 seconds, so give it a quick
test early on to avoid potential issues.

Compose your shot Switch

4 on the Live View function so
that you can view your image
composition on the back of the
camera. Use this in tandem with a
torch to illuminate the area you are
photographing, so that you can see
the composition and also set the
focus point in your shot.
5 6
Take a test shot Take a few
5 test shots before you are ready
to create the light painting. This
will allow you to get your camera
settings right, and also work out the
correct exposure time so that your
surrounding landscape is exposed
well. You can also work out where
best to add the ribbons of light.

The nal shot Now start the

6 exposure, walk into the shot and
begin moving the lightsaber. You can
add as many ribbons as you like but
just remember, however you move
your lightsaber the light will freeze
into the nal shot, so try to move
gracefully in order to create smooth,
elegant-looking ribbons of light.


The setup
As interesting as light paintings look on their
own, its always a good idea to have a think
about shooting at a location that possesses
a feature (or features) that will really add to
the impact of your overall shot. Youll also be
setting the focus point on the main feature of
the composition (in this case, the tree)

You will need to
USE A TRIPOD find a portable
Keeping the camera colour-changing
totally stable throughout lightsaber to create
the duration of the long your ribbons (there
exposure is critical are plenty on the
market ranging
from very cheap
to quite expensive).
Wear dark clothing
to minimise the
chances of being
made visible during
the exposure

The right light

Obtain a toy lightsaber
that cycles through a
range of colours
If this is not bright enough or
doesnt produce a nice range
of colours, this could have a
negative impact on the nal
result. There are plenty of toy
lightsabers on the market,
so choose one that produces
a range of colours and is nice
and bright when switched on.
David Gilliver

For more information, visit, where you
can nd his e-book guide.


Crop your image if necessary
1 Once you have uploaded your
RAW les into Lightroom, start
off by performing any necessary
cropping that you feel improves
the photograph(s).

Colour saturation and WB

2 Take a look at rectifying the
white balance if necessary, and
also up the saturation levels a
little to give the ribbons a little
extra punch. 2

Contrast levels Now tweak

3 the contrast levels of the shot
to your liking. This can really help
the nal shot, particularly because
it is quite common to lose a lot of
detail in the black levels when it
comes to night photography.

Noise reduction Shooting at

4 night will always mean that you
experience slightly higher levels of
noise in your shots than normal.
Lightroom is a great editing suite
for reducing noise levels, which
can really improve the quality of
your nal shot.

3 4

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SHOOTING SKILLS Painting with light
The combination of the Lensbaby
Composer and the Sweet 35 optic
enabled April Milani to capture this
painterly portrait

Work with a Lensbaby

Conceptual photographerApril Milani reveals
the magic that custom lenses can create
Like most good things in life, the to create picturesque and exceptional art
beautiful and unique can easily can use the Lensbaby Composer and its
be misunderstood. People give accompanying optics to produce visually
the same reasons for feeling intimidated stunning pictures with ease.
when they dive into the creative world Here you will discover how to create a
that Lensbabys distinctive optics provide. painterly effect for an artistic portrait image
Ironically, the fears that keep people from using the Sweet 35 optic. Just as an artist
adding a completely one-of-a-kind tool to will hold a brush to blend paint, tilting your
their toolbox are the same ones that prevent Composer will stretch your pixels to give
them from advancing their skills using other the impression that your image is emerging
lenses. Virtually anyone with the ambition from a painting.

Calibrate your diopter The diopters Choose your location Place your subject Choose your lens To create this photo,
1 adjustment knob enables it to work as
a lens switching from near to far, but it will
2 and match the light to set the mood of
your photo. Putting a good distance between
3 the Sweet 35 was used for its surround
blur with a razor-sharp sweet spot. This optic is
not focus properly unless you rst adjust it your subject and the background will create housed in your Composer; Lensbaby has many
for the correct focal point. depth to help your subject pop off the page. other optics, each with its own unique bokeh.


Before you shoot Do a light check. Aperture To achieve the greatest amount The Composer Tilting the Composer
4 Keep in mind that when the Composer is
tilted, the cameras light meter will be slightly
5 of blur for that painted look, the lens
was set to an aperture of f2.5 (wide-open),
6 moves the pixels by stretching them in
your picture, yielding many different looks
off. Use the histogram to verify all exposure providing a narrow area of sharp focus with the same lens. Here, the Composer
settings (ISO, shutter speed and aperture). your sweet spot. was centred, then tilted up slightly.


David Yarrow reveals that he
considers this to be an ideal
camera body for shooting
ne art wildlife images
such as this.

Nikon on location
I guess I have built my career space, which is harder with a wide angle
around wide-angle lenses and when so much context comes into play.
Nikon makes some outstanding This was a time where distance compression
ones. I never travel without could work.
my 20mm, 24mm and 35mm primes the So I left for Japan without my 58mm, my
best that Nikon does. 85mm and my 105mm. They are all brilliant
In preparing for Japan in the winter, I knew and crisp lenses but I needed clarity and they
what I was going to photograph swans and were not right for either job. I think some
red-crested cranes. Swans are not scared of people take too much equipment on an
humans and in the Japanese winter, I really assignment. The best chefs keep it simple.
needed a sense of place. My instincts were to My camera body in Japan was always going
use a 24mm or indeed even the 20mm it to be the D810. It is almost a medium-format
was time to get cold, wet and creative. This camera, just tougher. I take three D810s simply
rules out anything above my 35mm. because I dont like changing lenses in the eld.
Red-crested cranes however are less tolerant It is a time to focus on what you can see, not
of humans; I also wanted to create negative on your oversized camera bag.


Found in Hokkaidos Akan
National Park, this is the largest
of three caldera lakes, formed
100,000 years ago as a result of
volcanic activity.
All images David Yarrow

Six top tips for ne art wildlife

Use a 300mm Work with less kit Work with wide angles Bring hand warmers
1 I knew that I needed a telephoto
to compress distance and be a
2 The less equipment the better.
Be light and please no tripods be
3 Looking at the metadata,
there was a load of light coming
4 I hate using gloves, so keep
warm with hand warmers before
reductive tool the 300mm 2.8 spontaneous and react to what into the lens. This allowed me to you shoot and then remove your
is a less expensive [lens option] you nd. This Swan Lake image close down to f10 and this helps gloves when it comes to the key
and far less logistically challenging is a gem and has almost sold out. with this degree of proximity. With time. Far better to bring hand
than the 400mm f2.8. At 1/800 I had one camera and one lens wide-angle primes, if there is light, warmers than a lens that your
sec, there is no need for a tripod when I arrived at the lake. This prioritise aperture I want as research tells you that you will
unless you are heavy handed. makes you work better. much sharp focus as possible. never need.


Improve your skills

Discover the pro secrets you need to capture images like this
Check weather every hour Never sacrifice resolution
5 Try not to shoot in sunlight.
Build your day around the weather,
6 I was there to photograph two
majestic breeds the red-crested
The Nikon School offers a wide
range of courses to help you get
2017, the Nikon School will be
leading a safari workshop at the
not around your own needs. Get crane and the swan. I did bring the very best from your camera, Chobe River in Northern Botswana.
Wi-Fi and use it. The weather is a D5, which is incomparable for unlocking the settings and controls For more information and to book,
everything. Sleep on a oor if you in-ight work, but I wanted to give that will enable you to achieve please visit their website over at
have to, if the weather at 6.45 am a sense of place and was happy to incredible images. On 4 August
is what you want. After all, you sacrice frames per second for a
may have come 8,000 miles. knock em dead image.


Apply filters
as Smart Objects
Improve your photos non-destructively in
Photoshop with the help of this trick
A Smart Object is a Photoshop term Gaussian Blur lter as an alternative method
that describes a method of non- just make sure that youre always working with
destructive editing with layers, or, Smart Object layers.
more accurately, within one layer. A Smart
Object is adaptable and extremely versatile; BEFORE
whether youre applying adjustments or lters,
text layers or masks, Smart Objects should
never be overlooked when it comes to the
editing process.
So how do you apply Smart Objects, and
how can they benet a photographers
workow? The next few pages will take you
through the process of converting RAW and (203460)
JPEG images to Smart Objects, and then
applying adjustments and lters to create Captivating nature
depth of eld. If you dont have Photoshop Photographing animals in their natural environment
CC, or the Field Blur lter, then try out the can provide some interesting angles

Use Camera Raw If working with a RAW Load Field Blur If its a JPEG youre
1 image, open in Camera Raw and activate
Smart Objects by clicking the line of text just
2 working on, head to Layer>Smart
Object>Convert to Smart Object in Photoshop.
under the image. Inside the dialog box, tick the To start creating depth of eld, head to the
option Open in Photoshop as Smart Objects. Field Blur option under Filter>Blur Gallery.

Background blur Add three points into Subject in focus To retrieve focus Improve lighting When satised, hit OK.
3 the background of your image and set Blur
to 50 or higher for each. Place these around
4 back on the main subject, place a Field
Blur point over it and reduce Blur to 0. You
5 The Field Blur will be applied as a Smart
Filter onto the Smart Object. In Filter>Camera
the main subject. The whole image will appear may need to add multiple points set to 0, Raw, reduce Highlights and increase Shadows
blurry at this stage. depending on the size of your object. to improve the dynamic range of your image.


Smart Object editing
Weve utilised Smart Object
layers and Blur lters to recreate
depth of eld and enhance
sharpness and tone

Add effects Inside the Effects section in Apply sharpening Now head to Filter> Edit Layers Because all of our edits have
6 ACR, we can apply a vignette and dehaze.
This will help improve clarity and tone. There
7 Sharpen>Smart Sharpen and set Amount
to 200% and Radius to 1.2px or higher,
8 been applied as Smart Objects, we can
head back into their settings by double-clicking
is also an option to add grain. Hit OK to apply depending on the images resolution. This on their names in the Layers palette, or hide
Camera Raw settings onto your Smart Object. should enhance any ner details in your image. them by clicking the eye symbols.


Work with metadata

in Lightroom
Speed up your workow with these simple tricks
for tagging and copyrighting your photos
Metadata is not something we think to make a new metadata preset containing
about on a regular basis, but its copyright information, to help others who
always there behind the scenes. This come across your work get in touch.
refers to the hidden information that gets
tagged onto our images, and it can contain a BEFORE
variety of data. From location data captured by
a cameras GPS to exposure settings and even
details about copyright, metadata plays an
important part in telling us more about images
and where they came from.
In Lightroom, you have the chance to create
your own metadata presets, which can be set
up to tell Lightroom how to tag your images. (1636868)
The software will apply metadata presets
to newly imported les, saving you time Metadata preset
going back through and tagging each image Cameras will add metadata to images when theyre
separately. Follow these steps to nd out how taken, in the form of exposure settings and le info

Load Metadata menu To use metadata Check None This is where we can tag
1 presets, we have to rst create them. Head
to the Metadata menu at the top of Lightroom
2 additional information onto an image
during the import stage. Inside the dialog
in the Library module and then go to Edit box, click Check None to clear the board,
Metadata Presets. then select IPTC Copyright.

Enter info and copyright Input your Save your preset Save the metadata Import and apply Head to File>Import
3 copyright information into the elds, such
as Written Permission Required into Rights
4 preset by going to Save Current Settings
as New Preset and give the new preset a
5 Photos and Video. Locate the folder or
photo to import from the Source panel. Down
Usage Terms. Location data and captions can name, for example Copyright. Hit Done to the right-hand side, locate Metadata under
be added under Basic and Camera Info elds. store the preset for future use. Apply During Import and select your preset.


Custom metadata
Making your own metadata
presets is easy to do, and will
provide additional information
about one or more of your images

View metadata Press Import to load Adjust preset To edit an existing preset, Access from Library You can edit
6 your images into Lightrooms Catalog and
view the metadata from the right-hand panel.
7 go back into the Edit Metadata Presets
menu and add other details such as Rating
8 metadata presets within the Import section
by gong to Edit Presets from the Metadata
Copyright info can be adjusted and Title and and Label. Then under the Preset drop-down drop-down list. You can create multiple presets
Descriptions added to individual images. menu, select Update Preset Copyright. for different images using this menu.


Control shadows and highlights

Retrieve dynamic detail in your images with Photoshop (1246838)
Capturing the same dynamic range BEFORE
we see with our eyes through a lens is
not always easy, and often impossible.
Take, for example, a sunset with heavy shadows
next to a bright, glowing sky. The pressure this
puts on a lens is often too much for it to handle.
Using Photoshop, we can call upon a powerful
adjustment to bring back detail in shadows and
control our highlights, as well as tweaking the Left
midtones and overall tonal variations. Using Difcult lighting
Dusk and dawn pose signicant
a number of Tone and Radius sliders, well exposure challenges in terms of
demonstrate how to transform the dynamic the dynamic range that these
range in minutes in post-production software. conditions typically present

Work with shadows Convert to a Smart Tackle highlights Increase the Highlights Noise reduction If noise has become a
1 Object, then head to Shadows/Highlights in
Image>Adjustments. Boost Shadows Amount
2 Amount slider to reduce overexposure.
Increase the Tone and Radius sliders to improve
3 problem, go to Filter>Noise>Reduce Noise
and increase Strength. Keep the Preserve
to reveal detail, then Tone and Radius to lighten. the blend between shadows and highlights. Detail and Sharpen Detail sliders to a minimum.

A balanced exposure
Detail has been restored to the rocks
and balanced along with the sky,
which has revealed natural tones that
existed at the time of the shoot

All images Tom Mason


If you are new to printing, the names given to the
various surfaces available can be confusing at first

Gloss (high-contrast) or roughness can make images seem more
Gloss papers offer high micro- subtle and art-like in their reproduction. These
contrast in images, allowing them to papers are fantastic for subtle landscape prints,
render excellent detail. The high-shine nish is ne-art images and shots with pastel colours. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP
Thinkk about buying a test pack to get a feel
perfectly suited to fashion, portrait and punchy

for a range of paper types, before you make
images to add to their impact. The gloss Pearl or Semi-gloss a bigger investment. Fotospeed, for example,
covering makes them sometimes harder to These papers offer many of the offers a range of packs that showcase some
view in some lighting conditions, though. benets of gloss, such as contrast of its best signature ne-art papers, allowing
and detail rendition, while minimising the glare you to try multiple types on your images. Its

Fine-art matt for a more natural and softer-looking print. Signature Test Pack, for example, includes
Matt papers are the ne-art paper These types of paper are suited to a broad three sheets each of Smooth Cotton 300,
of choice for many photographers. variety of subjects, and are often a standard Natural Bright White 315, Platinum Baryta 300
Offering high ink loads, they reproduce highly photo paper for professionals. and Platinum Etching 285.
saturated images very well, providing excellent

contrast without the glare that is associated Platinum
with gloss prints. With a natural and subtle
look to them, theyre perfect for wildlife or
Platinum papers often offer high
D-Max values for deep blacks,
Go to a show
As with all things in photography, its often
landscape prints. and wide colour gamuts for a wide range of best to try before you buy. Head along to a
applications. Due to their excellent ability to printing open day or visit the various photo

Textured show smooth gradations between highlights paper manufacturers at events such as the
Textured papers offer an additional and shadows, they are often highly regarded Photography Show to get a few of your own
images printed on various paper types.
way to bring mood to your prints. for black-and-white printing, offering stunning
The feel of the paper and small indentations nal results.

w w w. p h o t o s h o p c r e a t i v e . c o . u k

from all good
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y Striking imagery y Step-by-step guides y Essential tutorials


Print edition available at
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Available on the following platforms

Become a
picture editor
If you love working with images, this
might well be the career for you
orking with images doesnt supplying the content. One of the challenges of

W necessarily mean you have to be

the one taking the pictures. In fact,
the moment of capture is only a
very small percentage of a photos life when
you look at the wider world of photography.
being a picture editor is knowing where to go
to source particular content. If you have a good
knowledge of this, then you are already ahead
of the game.
The role of a picture editor is fairly varied,
Being a picture editor is a completely different from sourcing unique content for publications
take on working with images and many might to setting up publishing agreements with stock
not consider or possibly know about the role libraries, photographers and illustrators. You
that a picture editor plays within the industry. may end up working across a broad range of
As a picture editor you will nd yourself looking subject matter so it helps to have a general
at photography from the other side of the coin, interest in most subjects.
so to speak. To an outsider, nding images could seem
Being in and around photography as an like an easy task, but more often than not,
amateur or even a professional could put there are simply very few images available
you at an advantage in becoming a picture through particular image libraries. The process
editor. College and university qualications becomes more investigative and usually
are benecial and are usually a requirement results in trying to trace the whereabouts of
for most employers. There is no course in potential content.
particular, but one that is related to imagery, Often the perfect image can be found on
publishing or journalism is a good start. blogs or personal pages where the image has
However, working in a relevant eld can be just been used to assist a feature. Its common to
as good. Having industry knowledge prior to nd that the images are uncredited, causing
working as a picture editor will undoubtedly the trail to go cold. However, the world of
stand you in good stead and could even help Google is a wonderful thing. If you drag an
you get your foot in the door. image into the Google images search bar, you
Nothing quite shows skill, ability and most can perform a reverse image search. Basically,
importantly understanding of photography every image has a footprint when used on the
better than a portfolio. By curating a solid internet. This search will reveal everywhere the
collection of images that cover a range of images have been used. Not only does it show
skills and techniques, this shows that you are the location of each image, but it also reveals
capable of editing images. Ensure the portfolio the size. From here you can hopefully nd a
layout is cohesive; creating a good portfolio is site that has credited the image in order to
a skill in itself. trace its original source.
There are an overwhelming amount of Picture editors can spend countless hours
magazines and books available, so its worth browsing through thousands of images
taking some time to go through a variety of looking for ones that leap out, whether it
genres and observe how the images relate to be from specialist nature, travel, history or
the text. Its interesting to look at the image generic stock image libraries, not to mention
credits to see where the content has derived portfolio hosting sites such as Flickr, 500px
All images Tim Hunt Photography

from. Books will have an image contributor and personal websites. Although having all
section at the back, and from this you can
gain a good idea of where particular content Right
comes from. From here you can look up Kiteboarder, Florida
While driving along a coastal road in Florida, this kite
the source on the internet, which will help boarder was spotted. An image like this could be of
broaden your knowledge about the various great use to a picture editor looking to illustrate a
image providers and photographers that are book or magazine.



the images you can shake a stick at is great,

it is becoming ever-more time consuming to
search through.
Alamy, a wildly used image library containing
in excess of 94 million images, is just one of
the countless image libraries thats growing
at an incredible rate. While having a lot of
choice is great, it is important for a picture
editor to nd the best content available and
with this many images it takes time to source
the right image. You will have to get used to
scrolling and scanning at speed in order to
cover the endless pages of content. A broad
understanding of content type is valuable as
it means that you can search more efciently
with the use of essential key words. Specialist
image libraries have dedicated teams,
keywording every image before uploading,
whereas for other libraries its up to the
contributor to keyword their images meaning
that you have be prepared to think outside the
box in order to nd the right intended image.
The process of image searching starts off
with a designer compiling a list of images they
require in order to assist a particular feature.
As budget is king, sourcing the cheapest
options is the rst port of call, which usually
begins with looking within public domain. With
many historic image searches Wikipedia holds
many usable images where the copyright
has expired many years before. With other
searches, such as wildlife, it usually requires
specialist image libraries. Depending on the
type of content required it always helps to
collect as many images as possible in order
to support the designer. These are then
presented in a lightbox-style format to make it
easier for them to pick out images of interest.
Usually the most relevant images are selected
and then a second, more rened search is
performed to nd better images again.
Cover images for magazines can be
particularly challenging to nd, as they need
to have the right amount of negative space
in order to accommodate cover lines. They
also need to be the highest quality possible
in order to catch the viewers attention when
on sale. These images usually require a more Pursue a career in images
rened search and often results in turning to a Simple tips and tricks to help you on your way
photographers website and online portfolio.
Take the time to perfect your Take an interest in copyright law and
Before a publisher can use paid-for content,
photographic practice and be critical of you research some previous cases online. It will
a publishing agreement needs to be in place.
own work. This will help develop a keen eye help you understand the dos and donts
This outlines the terms of use, which covers
for attention to detail. that are common in the world of publishing.
print run, duration and territory. The terms
can vary with every publisher, which affects
Work on putting together a quality If you dont already, try submitting you
the price per image. Negotiation is a skill that
portfolio of carefully selected images and own images to image libraries to learn the
comes with experience, but it helps if you are a
make sure that it shows a range of skills process. You never know, you might end up
condent speaker. Staying within budget is key
and subjects. selling something along the way.
and essentially drives when an image can be
used or not. So, a major part of being a picture
Look at as many publications you can get Get work experience. This is a great way
editor is getting these agreements in place
your hands on and observe where they are of meeting people in the industry and will
and sometimes in a very short timeframe. Not
sourcing their content from. broaden your knowledge of what is expected.
only is a picture editor hired to nd content,
but also to save money where possible.


With literally ten of thousands of images free images, you always have to be certain that
being uploaded every week its easy to assume what you see is true. Often images are stated
that every subject has been covered countless to be in the public domain, but have been From selling images
times, but you can still be amazed to nd that
there are relatively few images that cover what
sourced from an image library. Needless to say,
they are denitely not in the public domain.
to buying images
you are actually looking for. Sometimes, when images are of a certain A completely new perspective
You often have to track down images that age, the copyright has expired and they are on the supply and demand of
may not be available through stock sites, which now within the public domain. Despite this, photographic images
is why its important to have a good knowledge image libraries still continue to sell the images,
of professional photographers in the industry so you have to be vigilant in making sure that Pursuing an image-related career is
who could provide the ideal image. you only pay when you need to. Staying within the perfect way to enjoy photography
Copyright law is a challenging but interesting budget is paramount, so image use needs to without the pressure of surviving as
subject. Often there is no black and white be monitored in order to be working efciently a photographer in what is already a
answer as every case is different. The more within an assigned budget. As a picture editor saturated market. You can go from selling
you know about it the better, so it pays to you will be expected to look out for this and the odd image here and there to suddenly
take some time to familiarise yourself with advise other members of the team as you go. buying hundreds of images every month
it. The rule of thumb is that you never use an The beauty of any role that involves images for a whole host of publications. By
image without prior consent from the owner. is that its driven by passion. If you love looking becoming a picture editor it allows you
As a picture editor, you often source images at photography and believe you have a keen to transfer over all the skills learnt from
that are in the public domain and free to use. eye for detail, its a worthwhile career being a photographer and still remain
Despite Wikipedia being a great resource for opportunity for you. DP working with images. It requires a keen
eye for detail and a passion for nding the
Opposite Below-left Below-right Bottom-left Bottom-right
right image for the job.
Spoonbill Iguana, Florida The Shard Sea spurge Reddish egret
Just after sunrise Fort Zachary Taylor This was taken while At only four inches A reddish egret The picture editors role can vary on
on a misty morning, in Key West, Florida standing at the high this sea spurge comes into land in a daily basis. This can greatly help to
the soft light allowed is home to a large Thames water level. resembles a desert, a shallow pool. expand your knowledge and broaden
the capture of the collection of Iguanas, The bank of clouds as the Suns low angle Taken just after your skill set, allowing you to become a
subtle pinks of this who enjoy basking helped emphasise casts long shadows sunrise on Merritt
valuable asset within any organisation.
roseate spoonbill on the warm bricks the buildings below from its stems Island, Florida


Career advice
Working with other photographers can be a much more resourceful path
to take than going it alone,asJamesAbbott explains

The reality of Referring other photographers

Im a wedding photographer, and its quite be friends if you dont know them already.
work experience common for me to have to turn couples
down because Im fully booked up to a year
Referring customers to another photographer
when youre too busy is excellent customer
Im often contacted by photography in advance. I dont like having to say no, but service something that Im sure you pride
students who would like to do work I simply cant be in two places at once. Id yourself on working in the wedding industry.
experience with me. Id love to help like to be able to refer people to another Referring an alternative photographer when
them but I dont think theres much photographer, but it feels risky to recommend youre busy is good because youre helping
they can learn from me, because my a competitor. Could doing this be detrimental a couple, but it certainly shouldnt be a shot
work is studio-based. Im really busy, to my business? in the dark. Its best to personally know the
and I dont think Id have enough time John Kitchen person youre referring. Only refer people you
to explain everything. Am I being fair? respect as photographers your reputation is
Marie Anthony The thing about competitors is that theyre still at stake. Get a reciprocal arrangement with
not the enemy. Theyre simply professionals another photographer or two and it could get
Taking on individuals for work experience who are similar to you and could quite easily you more work than it takes away.
can be daunting: there is always an
assumption that its going to cost you
a lot of time and effort, for little or no
return. The reality is that it doesnt have
to be like that at all.
Learning can take place just by being
there and seeing how things are done.
You certainly dont have to stop and
explain everything as you go along when
it comes to setting up and shooting.
Being a professional photographer is
much more than just taking photos:
in many ways its more about running
a business. And this is the side of the
subject you cant learn at university.
Remember when you were starting
out, and how difcult it was to get your
rst break? Just giving a student the
opportunity to see how a professional
works can be more help to them than you
could ever imagine not to mention that
youll have an extra pair of hands to help, Start your own collective
and you could make a good new friend Im a professional photographer, and nd you need to get out there and network with
and industry contact. that work can be quite a solitary experience. the competition. Creating a group that meets
Is there a camera club or something similar up once a week or even once a month is the
where working professionals can share perfect way to connect with people who can
knowledge and experience with one another? identify with you and your business.
My peers are all competitors, so is it safe Creating a collective is a great social exercise
from a business point of view to work that can also boost your business. By getting
together in this kind of way? together with similar professionals, you can
Robert Brown share tips and experiences, have a laugh, and
make solid contacts who you can help and
2x Pexels

Youre absolutely right: being a professional vice versa. You can refer one another when
photographer can be lonely, and over time someone needs a specic type of photography
this can have a negative impact on you, both you dont shoot; and if you do shoot the same
Taking on work experience assistants doesnt professionally and personally. The easiest way subjects, such as weddings, you could even
have to be as much of a chore as you think of alleviating this is to have more contact with work as second photographers for one another
other professional photographers. Thats right: when needed.


The big
Eric Renno has built a great
community around sharing
image-editing techniques
TipSquirrel (
is a fantastic blog thats
based entirely around sharing
image-editing tutorials. It

Eric Renno
began almost accidently
when Eric Renno was ill and
housebound: to pass the
time, he and his neighbour began sharing
Photoshop tutorials theyd found online. Eric
kept forgetting the URLs, so he decided to
create a WordPress website where he could
collate the techniques he liked. The name
TipSquirrel came from the fact that Eric was
squirrelling tips away for later.
At rst TipSquirrel was a hub for Erics
found tutorials, but it wasnt long before
he and several contributors (known as
Photoshop Nuts) began making their own
tutorials. The Nuts have changed over the
years, and have included some big names
in Photoshop training.
Eric says he enjoys sharing techniques:
The advantage of sharing is that you build a
community, and youre able to broaden your
own skills. If I see a tip I like on TipSquirrel, I
can adapt it to my needs before sharing this.
Someone else may then develop it further its
all about growth and expanding knowledge. has opened a lot of doors for
many of the Nuts myself included. The saying
that the whole is greater than the sum of its
parts is very true here, I think.

Above Top Right

Share editing Refer clients Train others
skills Dont be afraid From a
Photographers to refer a client video tutorial
are particularly to another showing how
interested in photographer to transform
new pro if it suits their photos into
editing tricks style better illustrations
James Abbott

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Carry all the gear you need for your next shoot in comfort and security with
one of these backpacks, especially designed for photographers
There are lots of photography bag will probably nd that a backpack doesnt suit many lenses you generally like to carry around
options to suit different needs, but them. On the other hand, wildlife, landscape with you, and how large they are. Some people
a backpack is a very popular choice. and perhaps even portrait photographers also like to carry a laptop or tablet with them,
If you have a lot of heavy kit, a backpack will where youre travelling to a specic location in which case a bag with a dedicated computer
generally be more comfortable and better and stopping may nd them to be a more compartment is essential.
for your back than using a shoulder bag. Of useful solution. For landscape photographers going on a
course, its not as easy to grab your camera Backpacks designed for photographers tend long hike to get to the best location, consider
for a quick shot, but that will matter less to have padded compartments that keep your a backpack with chest or waist straps for best
depending on the subjects you shoot. camera, lenses and other accessories secure balance and comfort, and also think about
For example, street photographers and and protected while on the move. When looking bags which enable you to attach a tripod or
those who like to capture shots off the cuff for the best backpack for you, consider how monopod to the outside of the bag.


Padded interior
The camera compartment is
completely customisable to suit
however many cameras and lenses
you need to take with you, keeping
them snug and secure

SRP: 140 / $190

Manfrotto Pro
Light RedBee-210
A security-conscious bag constructed for all
your landscape photography needs
This Manfrotto backpack is exactly what you need if you plan to head
to a location with a full range of lenses. The dividers on the inside of the
bag are interchangeable, but come ready to accept one camera with
a long lens attached, and up to ve surrounding it. You can alter the
pockets to t your exact needs, or you could t a second camera at the
expense of additional lenses.
The camera and lens holder is protected by a mesh covering, while it
is accessed at the rear of the bag meaning you place the external part
on the oor. You can also access this compartment from the side via
two pockets for quickly grabbing what you need particularly handy if
you want to change lenses without having to take off the bag entirely.
These pockets are protected by a buckle to make it harder to open
secretly by thieves. A laptop can be slotted into the second section
of the bag, while theres also small pockets for accessories and extra
space for your personal items.
Lots of handles around the exterior of the bag mean you can pick it
up from almost any position, or use a second handle for extra leverage
if the bag is heavy. The padding on the back and on the straps make
it comfortable to wear, while there is a chest strap and a waist strap to
keep it secure while on a long hike. Tripods can be attached using the
external connections too.


Small and compact
If youve got a CSC, or just
want to carry one camera
and lens, the small camera
compartment of this bag
wont bother you

SRP: 99 / $100

Including day trips and weekends away, the
SidePath is a bag designed for multiple uses
The MindShift is ideally suited for those looking for an affordable bag
for the odd day trip, especially those who dont need or want to carry
around a lot of equipment with them. Alternatively, those with smaller
CSCs might nd this the most appealing.
Designed not to look like a camera bag, the small and unassuming
SidePath could easily be mistaken for an ordinary bag. Indeed, the
camera section is removable so you could use it as everyday bag when
you dont need your camera.
The camera section is small, but it can be divided into a few padded
sections as necessary. Its likely youd only t one large DSLR and
standard lens, but smaller CSCs and accessories should t nicely.
Accessing this section via the rear of the bag also means youll keep
yourself clean and dry as it wont be touching the oor at any point.
There is a chest strap to help keep the bag secure, which is especially
useful when on a long hike, while the main straps are adjustable to t
your body shape.
You can t a tablet in the second compartment, and theres also a
decent amount of room for your personal items. A rain cover is included
for extra peace of mind too. Theres not a huge amount of pockets for
accessories, but theres a couple of pouches on the exterior of the bag,
which you could potentially use for a small tripod or monopod.


Serious storage
The largest and most capacious
of any of the bags here, the
compartments on the interior of
this bag give you room for many
different camera combinations

SRP: 180 / $263

Tamrac Anvil 23
A bag thats ready for when you need all your
accessories with you on your next shoot
The largest bag in the group, the Tamrac is another great choice if you
have a lot of lenses to carry with you. The main compartment comes
with space for a DSLR and up to eight lenses, depending on size. You
can customise how the spaces are divided depending on what you
have or what you need to take with you for a particular shoot and
you could easily t two cameras in the bag if you were willing to
sacrice lens space.
Unfortunately, the compartment opens from the front of the
backpack, so you will need to lay the part that touches you on the oor
not ideal for very muddy or wet situations. Theres also no side access
to any pockets to allow for quick changes, so this bag is perhaps best
for photographers who are likely to be in one location for a given length
of time, but need a lot of equipment.
A number of smaller pockets can be found on the back of the bag,
including one which ts a laptop or a tablet very comfortably, while
other pockets can be used for accessories or small items.
This is probably the most comfortable bag of all those on test thanks
to thick padded chest and waist straps that help the bag to sit rmly,
making it great for landscape photographers attaching a tripod is also
easy thanks to the exterior buckles. A rain cover is included inside the
bag to give extra protection.


Handy openings
A good mid-sized and mid-
priced bag for carrying just
enough gear for your day or
weekend shot as long as you
dont need your laptop

SRP: 136 / $160

Think Tank Trifecta

10 DSLR backpack
An understated design with quick access to
your camera for when grabbing a quick shot
The Think Tank Trifecta has a slim, simple and understated design. The
inside can be customised using however many dividers or shapes you
need, but its ideally suited to a DSLR camera body and three different
lenses you might be able to squeeze in a small fourth prime lens.
You have three entry points to grab your gear. You can open the
bag from its back the part that rests against your back. Having the
opening here means that you lay the part of the bag that doesnt touch
you on the oor, removing the risk of getting dirt on your clothes.
There are also two openings on the side of the bag; this means you
dont have to put the bag down just remove one of the straps from
your shoulder and you can quickly get what you need. You may want to
invest in a small padlock to keep your camera safe if you are likely to be
travelling through a densely populated area.
A small pocket for a tablet is included, but it wont t a large laptop
so its best for day trips and so on where you wont need a computer.
Theres plenty of small pockets, which are very useful for memory cards,
batteries and small accessories, while a compartment at the top of the
bag can be used for personal items.
Landscape photographers will appreciate the waist strap, which
keeps the bag secure, while theres also a rain cover included inside to
add extra protection during downpours.


Manfrotto Pro Light MindShift Tamrac Think Tank Trifecta

RedBee-210 SidePath Anvil 23 10 DSLR backpack
Weight Features Weight Features Weight Features Weight Features
1,600g A good number of 700g A simple backpack for 2,100g Lots of pockets make it 1,200g Space for a selection of
External pockets, customisation External when you just need a External a great choice for lots of External lenses, but no laptop
and security a great few things but it cant kit but quick and clean compartment makes it
dimensions choice if carrying a lot dimensions carry all your gear dimensions access is limited dimensions more of a day trip bag
510 x 340 260 x 470 310 x 470 320 x 490
x 250mm x 150mm x 250mm x 175mm
Internal Build quality Internal Build quality Internal Build quality Internal Build quality
dimensions High-quality material, dimensions Feels well made, but dimensions A sturdy, comfortable dimensions It feels well put together,
while the padding and looks cheaper than the bag to wear perfect and it sits comfortably
440 x 280 240 x 150 280 x 440 280 x 310
adjustable straps make others so looks less like for landscape on your back thanks to
x 160mm it comfortable to wear x 140mm a valuable camera bag x 160mm photographers x 135mm padded material
Materials Materials Materials Materials
Nylon DWR (durable 500D CORDURA DWR (durable
Laptop Handling water-repellant) Handling nylon fabric with Handling water-repellant) Handling
compartment Nicely designed with coating, It would be better if 2 x PU coating, Your gear is well coating, You can quickly grab
420 x 280 the option to quickly polyurethane, you could access your 840D polyester protected, but getting at polyurethane, your kit without putting
grab a lens without camera without having it when speed is of the the bag down useful
x 25mm removing the bag YKK RC-zippers, to take the bag off dobby fabric with essence isnt possible nylon, ultra- for off-the-cuff shots
nylon, ultra- 2x PU coating, stretch mesh
stretch mesh, 210D Oxford Laptop
Value for money high-density nylex Value for money nylon lining Value for money compartment Value for money
Its not the cheapest The cheapest bag of The most expensive A mid-range price, its
Laptop Laptop 10-inch tablet
bag in the test, but for the test, this is ideal for bag here, but still good a good choice if you
your money you get a compartment those who want a simple compartment value for money for compartment dont have huge
lot of great features 10-inch tablet bag for small cameras Tablets/laptops transporting a lot of gear amounts of kit
compartment up to 15 inches

Overall Overall Overall Overall

With the ability to quickly grab your This bag is well priced, but the While this bag is the best in terms If youre looking for a simple and
stuff, as well as security options actual camera compartment is of sheer space available, its a stylish bag and have a decent
and soft padding, this bag from very small more ideal for those shame the opening is on the front, amount of kit but not too much
Manfrotto is a great all-rounder. who mainly want a general bag. rather than the back. this is a great choice.

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PowerShot inspired
The M5s control layout is similar
to that of PowerShot cameras
like the G5 X

Good grip
Though its small, theres a
decent grip on the M5, making it
comfortable to use

SRP: 1,000 / $980

Canon EOS M5
Canon nally seems to be taking compact system cameras seriously,
but is the new EOS M5 enough for experienced photographers?
Although they are capable of The screen is also touch-sensitive and Canon
delivering high-quality images, to has implemented touch control well, allowing
date Canons EOS M series of it to be used for menu navigation and setting FEATURES
compact system or mirrorless system selection as well as image browsing and POP-UP FLASH
cameras havent raised much interest among autofocus point selection (the latter is even In addition to the hot shoe for mounting an external
flashgun, theres a small flash built-in with a GN of
experienced photographers. On the basis of possible while looking in the viewnder). This 5m at ISO 100, useful for providing a fill-in light.
its specication, however, the EOS M5 could touch control doesnt come at the expense
change that. of direct controls as, in addition to a control EVF
A control under the viewfinder housing enables the
Lets start with the basics. Inside the EOS dial around the navigation pad (with shortcuts diopter to be adjusted. Its a little awkward to reach
M5 is the same APS-C format 24.2 million- to key features) on the back of the camera, while looking through the viewfinder.
pixel sensor as is in the Canon EOS 80D, but there are also four high-quality knurled
rather than the DIGIC 6 engine Canon has metal dials on the top plate. To the left is the There are phase detection focus points built into the
coupled it with the newer DIGIC 7 processor. mode dial with all the enthusiasts favourite sensor to speed up autofocusing, covering 80 per
This proves a capable combination as the EOS exposure modes represented (PASM) plus cent of the vertical and horizontal area of the sensor.
M5 is able to capture a high level of detail, and two Custom settings along with automatic WIRELESS CONNECTION
noise is controlled well through most of the and scene modes to keep less experienced Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity gives plenty
sensitivity range (ISO 100-25600). photographers happy. At the centre of the of scope for connecting to a smart device for image
The feature that has probably most attracted dial is a release button that must be pressed transfer and remote control using Canons free app.
the attention of experienced photographers, before the dial can be turned. Its a bit ddly in PICTURE STYLES
however, is the viewnder. This is an electronic cold weather, but not a major drama. The M5 has Canons recent Fine Detail picture style,
The remaining three dials are on the right of useful when shooting JPEGs with lots of little details,
OLED device and its the rst time that Canon
but bespoke processing of RAW files is still best.
has tted an EVF in an interchangeable lens the top plate, with the front one surrounding
camera. Its a little on the small side compared the shutter release and adjusting exposure. SET THE AF POINT
with the units in the likes of the Fuji X-T2, but The dial nearest the thumb rest is dedicated Its possible to specify the area of the touchscreen
with 2,360,000 dots its capable of revealing to adjusting exposure compensation in 1/3EV thats active while looking in the viewfinder to limit
the chance of setting the AF point with your nose.
plenty of detail. However, in very low light its steps across the range +/-3EV. The nal
prone to ickering, which may put off Canon
DSLR devotees. It also makes the scene look
much warmer and more saturated than both This is the first time
reality and the rear screen. The rear screen
generally gives a more faithful representation that Canon has
of the images as they are captured.
Canon has given the EOS M5 a tilting screen, fitted an EVF in an
which can be angled up for low-level shooting
and down for above-head shots. If you want to interchangeable POP-UP FLASH
take a sele, the screen can be ipped down
through 180 degrees. lens camera

dial has a button at its centre to enable the

purpose of the dial to be set, and each press
advances through the options. By default,
sensitivity and white balance are assigned to
this button in shooting mode. You simply press
it to access the feature you want then turn the
dial to set the value. If you wish, it can also be
set to access autofocus, drive and metering
mode. Its a really quick and convenient way
of changing settings and can be used with the
camera held to your eye.
While the EOS M5 has the best AF system in
a Canon EOS M camera to date, its not quite
as fast or as sensitive as the systems in
cameras such as the Olympus OM-D E-M10
Mark II or Panasonic G80. It is possible to
ISO focus on and follow moving subjects, but its
a little unreliable.
RESULTS With the Canon EF-M 18-150mm f3.5-6.3
Noise is controlled up to around
IS STM, the EOS M5 is reasonably quick to
ISO 6400, but the results become
focus in good light, but light levels dont have
a bit painterly with detail being lost
above that value. Consequently to drop much for it to slow. In the evening
ISO 12800 and 25600 should youll nd you have to hunt out high-contrast
be reserved for emergency areas and focus on lamps. Its a little better
situations rather than with a brighter lens such as the Canon EF
used routinely. 50mm f1.8 STM mounted via the EF-EOS M
Mount Adapter.
Image quality from the EOS M5 is generally
good, but we recommend sticking to ISO 6400
or lower whenever possible. The settings above
this are within the native range, but details can
become rather painterly. At the other end of
the scale, however, detail levels are high and
on a par with what wed expect from a Canon
camera with a 24MP APS-C format sensor.
On the whole the Evaluative metering
system can be relied upon to give good
exposures. The exposure compensation facility
ISO 500 ISO 25600 may occasionally be required, but not in any
unexpected situations.

EF-M mount
Like Canons other EOS M cameras, the M5 has the Canon
EF-M mount. As the M5 has no mirror and has a smaller
ange depth than Canon DSLRs, this is different from the
EF mount used on Canons full-frame DSLRs and the EF-S
mount on APS-C format DSLRs.
Canon currently only has seven EF-M lenses, with focal
lengths ranging from 11mm to 150mm, which in full-frame
terms is equivalent to 17.6mm and 240mm respectively.
However, theres a Canon EF-EOS Mount Adapter (105/
$200), which enables EF and EF-S lenses to be used
on EOS M cameras. In the UK this adapter is currently
supplied free with the camera as a launch offer. While the
adapter makes it possible to mount a huge range of lenses
on the M5, its small size makes prime lenses and shorter
zooms a more comfortable t than long telephoto optics.



Colours are also typically Canon, by which

we mean pleasantly saturated and generally
slightly warm.
Surprisingly, given the price and era of the
camera, Canon has opted to give the EOS M5
Full HD (1920 x 1080) video capability, but not
4K recording. Theres a mic port and in-camera
control over audio, but no headphone jack.
Nevertheless, video quality
is very good.

No surprises
The Evaluative metering
system doesnt present any
unpleasant surprises and
responds predictably to
subject brightness

Needs light
The AF system can generally
be relied upon to get
stationary subjects sharp,
but it becomes slow as light
levels drop


2 4 Canon EOS M5
Megapixels Features
24.2 The M5 has a decent feature set
Max resolution with 4K video capability being
noticeable by its absence
6000 x 4000
Sensor information
APS-C (22.3 x
Build quality
14.9mm) CMOS Metal controls and solid build give
Shutter speed a good-quality feel, but theres no
30-1/4,000sec weather-sealing
ISO sensitivity
Exposure modes Handling
Touch control is implemented very
P, A, S, M, Custom,
well and most of the controls are
Movie, Scene carefully considered
Intelligent Auto, Hybrid
Auto, Creative Assist,
1 3 SCN, Creative Filters Quality of results
Metering options Once focus is achieved, the M5s
E, P, CW, S results are very good at all but the
Connectivity highest ISO settings


1 A sensor turns off the main screen Bluetooth, Micro HDMI
and activates the EVF when you Value for money
look through the viewfinder The M5s price is out of step with
427g (including battery competing mirrorless cameras that
RECORD BUTTON and card) have better AF systems
2 Take care with this button, as its Dimensions
easy to press it accidentally and 115.6 x 89.2 x 60.6mm
start video recording
Batteries Overall
Pressing this button activates the
While the M5 has good
Storage handling and is capable
touch-sensitive Quick Menu for
making speedy setting adjustments
SD, SDHC, SDXC of producing very good-
LCD quality images, it lacks
EXPOSURE Tilting 3.2-inch some video features we
4 COMPENSATION might expect from a high-
The exposure compensation dial end CSC and is expensive.
is within easy reach of your right Viewnder
thumb for fast adjustments 0.39-type 2,360,000


HIGH Sony Cyber-shot

HFR (High Frame Rate) mode, Megapixels Features
selected via the mode dial, allows 20.1MP A fast lens, 24fps shooting, 315
Max resolution phase-detection AF points and
you to shoot Full HD video at one
wide-ranging video features
of three frame rates (250, 500 or 5,472 x 3,648
1,000fps) for slow-motion playback. Sensor information
While it produces some excellent 13.2mm x 8.9mm
Build quality
results, the interface is rather Exmor RS CMOS Though it feels well made, the front
confusing for rst- Lens data is too smooth to give a secure hold,
time users. f1.8 - f2.8, 24-70mm making an extra grip necessary
Shutter speed
30-1/32,000sec Handling
Controls are sensibly arranged
ISO sensitivity
and theres a good degree of
A, 125 - 12800 customisation available
Exposure modes
Auto, P, A, S, M, SCN,
Panorama, HFR, Quality of results
Movie Noise is controlled well and theres
Metering options a high level of detail (especially in
MP, CW, S RAW files) for a camera of this size
Flash modes
A, Fon, Foff, SS, RS
Value for money
Squeezing so much tech into a
Multi/Micro USB, small body brings a high price.
Above Micro HDMI More affordable alternatives exist
Aperture Weight
The lens rings 272g (body only)
purpose can be
customised, but
101.6 x 58.1 x 41mm
its ideal for If you can accept the
Batteries high price, the RX100 V
adjusting aperture
Li-ion NP-BX1 gives you lots of control, a
Storage snappy AF system, 24fps
Left shooting capability, some
SD, MS variants
Viewnder fun video options and
A small switch LCD
high-quality results.
releases the 3-in, 1,228,800 dots
viewnder ready for Viewnder
extension and use EVF, 2,359,296 dots


SRP: 1,000 / $1,000

Sony Cyber-shot
Sony has shoe-horned some impressive technology
into the body of this high-quality compact camera
Externally the Sony RX100 V is an viewnder works well, giving a nice, clear view
unassuming compact camera, but pick thats especially useful in very bright light or
it up and its solid metal-bodied build when panning with a moving subject.
becomes apparent. Its price tag hints that its a Like its doppelgnger the RX100 IV,
bit more than the average pocket-sized camera. the RX100 V is delightfully compact with
Inside the Mark V is a one-inch type Exmor understated charm, but its front is smooth
RS CMOS sensor with 20.1 million pixels. The and slippery making it a nervous hold and
sensors stacked construction means the a wrist strap or similar is recommended.
signal from the photosites (aka pixels) has less Thankfully, Sony offers an optional rubber grip
distance to travel, enabling a faster read-out (AG-R2 for 14/$15) that can be stuck on.
speed. A DRAM chip and newly developed One disappointment with the RX100 V is
front-end LSI that supports the BIONZ X that Sony continues to shun a touchscreen.
processing engine also enables 4K video, and This would make some setting selections
a phenomenal maximum stills shooting speed (including AF point) a little easier and more
of 24fps at full resolution with continuous intuitive. By default the AF point is set by
autofocusing and metering for up to 150 shots. pressing the button at the navigation pad and
This impressive shooting rate is backed up then using navigation controls. If you want to
by a top shutter speed of 1/32,000sec using use the navigation buttons to reach their other
the electronic shutter (the mechanical shutter designated functions, you need to press the
maxes out at 1/2,000sec), a hybrid autofocus centre button to deactivate AF point selection.
system with 315 phase-detection points and As the RX100 V has the same pixel count as
a claimed response time of 0.05sec. While we its predecessor, its images arent a revelation
cant verify that time, the RX100 V certainly in terms of detail resolution, but its still
gets subjects sharp quickly and does a great impressive for this type of camera. Noise is
job of tracking moving targets in reasonable also controlled well to around ISO 3200. Above
light. Its more hesitant in low light, but its still this value RAW les show their benet by
very good for a compact camera. producing slightly more natural-looking images Top
In addition to the high-quality, three-inch and giving control over noise visibility. As a The lens focal length range of
1,228,800-dot tilting LCD screen on the back guide, try to stick to ISO 6400 or lower. 24-70mm (equivalent) and fast
of the camera, theres a built-in 0.39-inch In the default settings the RX100 V aperture are a great choice for
OLED electronic viewnder with 2,359,296 produces pleasant colours and it generally general photography
dots. This pops-up smartly with the ick of a handles exposure well, while dynamic range
switch but its rear element needs to be pulled is good. Occasionally you may need to use AF points
out manually to give a focused view. That last the exposure compensation control to protect The AF system usually has a
stage seems a little unsophisticated, but the highlights, but thats to be expected. point just where you need
it and is fast and effective
in decent light


A bonus in a camera this small. Wi Fi connectivity lets you share
Because its electronic, you see images quickly and if you have an
images as they will be captured. NFC enabled phone its very easy.
The screen can be tilted to give a With a disappointing battery life of
clearer view at high or low angles, just 220 images, a spare battery is
and flips right up for selfie shots. advisable for heavy users.
Theres a collection of Focus Area A quick route to your favourite
options, but Flexible Spot, Lock on features, this menu shows up to 12
AF and Wide are the most useful. features for adjustment.



SRP: 850 / $1,000

12-40mm 1:2.8 PRO
A top-quality camera needs a top-quality zoom; how doestheOlympusperform?
This offering from Olympus is arguably Left
one of the most glamorous lenses in Barrel distortion
The barrel distortion in this landscape
the companys line-up and its the lens isnt obvious. However, its something
youll get if you opt for either the older E-M1 youll rarely have to x, as its typically
Mark I or the latest E-M1 Mark II cameras. As a applied automatically in software
micro four thirds lens, equivalent to 24-80mm,
its quite a lot smaller than anything youd get
Chromatic aberration
for APS-C let alone full-frame. Its not a lot Barrel distortion isnt the only aberration
larger than an APS-C crop cameras budget thats removed in JPEGs so too is fringing
kit lens, and it handles well on the original on the more recent Olympus cameras
E-M1 model we had for testing. Although the
extending barrel is plastic, its also rather well
made with metal zoom and focus collars, and Technicalspecs
one of the best-tting hoods in the business. Manufacturer Olympus
Those metal zoom and focus collars are silky- Model M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm 1:2.8 PRO
smooth and nicely weighted, and autofocus Web
is very fast and near silent. All what youd Elements/construction 14 / 9
expect from a maker as ne as Olympus. Angle of view 73.7 - 25.4 degrees (horizontal)
Theres no faulting the optical quality either. Max aperture f2.8
Few zooms can match the quality of xed Min aperture f22
focal-length models, as there are just too many Min focus distance 0.2m
compromises to be made. But this is one of Mount Micro Four Thirds
those occasions where a zoom comes pretty Filter size 62mm
close, if its to come close at all. Length 84mm
Its extremely sharp throughout the zoom Diameter 69.9mm
range, especially at the shorter focal lengths, Weight 382g
and has class-leading are resistance. It also
has very low levels of fringing. Like a lot of
wide zooms though, it has quite noticeable
barrel distortion that is removed on the y in The 12-40mm f2.8 might not be quite as versatile
the viewnder, in out-of-camera JPEGs and as the new 12-100mm f4 Pro model announced
tagged in RAW les. Still, few zooms excite by Olympus, but it is more affordable and
more than this one. performance is still rst-class


SRP: 300 / $300

Canon EF-M 28mm f3.5

Macro IS STM
Canon expands the scope of its mirrorless system with a macro offering
Canons M-series cameras are very
good, especially the later models such
Macro and Super Macro modes
as the M3, but the bodies are only a Although this lens features a built-in macro
part of the equation. Arguably more important light and hybrid IS, depth of eld is likely to
is a range of good-quality lenses in popular be more problematic than camera shake
focal lengths. Initially, the 28mm focal length
seems an odd choice for a macro. But on the Bottom-left
Short focal length
APS-C M-bodies what youre getting is the The trouble with adopting a short focal
equivalent of a 45mm, so it will double as a length on a cropped camera like this is that
standard or normal lens, and that makes a close-up images tend to look distorted
lot more sense.
Externally, the design looks like the others
in the line-up, but Canon has adopted a Technicalspecs
retractable design, much like the type you Manufacturer Canon
see on a kit zoom. Thats a surprise. When not Model EF-M 28mm f3.5 Macro IS STM
in use it makes it a little more compact, but Web
when extended it only adds around 15mm to Elements/construction 11 / 10
the overall length, so its not saving much. Angle of view 43.8 degrees (horizontal)
When used hand-held the catch for the Max aperture f3.5
extending barrel falls naturally to hand, as Min aperture f22
does the button for the macro light. On a Min focus distance 0.093m (Super Macro mode)
tripod its a different matter; it all gets rather Mount EF-M
awkward. Still, autofocus is smooth and Filter size 43mm
quiet, and its also relatively brisk with Length 60.9mm (retracted)
contrasty lighting. Even manual focus is not Diameter 45.5mm
bad, though the lack of markings means its Weight 130g
sometimes hard to know which way to turn
the collar. As for the optical quality, its
surprisingly good. Theres barely any fringing
and sharpness is high, even when used wide Despite the intriguing spec, this macro lens feels
open. The only real downside is, as a macro, the a bit gimmicky, but theres no denying the results.
short focal length doesnt provide much of a In the right hands, its a perfectly capable lens that
natural perspective. doesnt cost the earth


SRP: 420 / $500

Shooting in good light
The KeyMission 360
performs best in good
light. When faced with

KeyMission 360
contrasting light, the
camera struggles to stitch
the images seamlessly

Go exploring with the most durable 360 action camera on the market
The Nikon KeyMission 360 boasts 4K instantly takes stills. This is a bonus when you
ultra-high-denition images and video want to capture something at a moments Summary
recording in a waterproof, shock- notice but a simple On button still would Ease of use
resistant and dustproof housing. The target not go amiss. Value for money
audience for this camera would be a lover of Despite the camera looking and feeling solid, Features
the great outdoors or an adventure sports the results it produces are disappointing. Often Quality of results
enthusiast who wants to record their journeys it looks like the camera has struggled to stitch
and experiences from every angle. the images together to create a seamless Overall
Compared with other 360-degree cameras 360-degree panorama. Results from other
on the market, the KeyMission is a lot heavier makes of 360-degree camera, such as the The KeyMission is a camera that often struggles
and considerably bulkier, so you might assume Ricoh Theta SC, instantly have that wow factor, to do what it was designed for. Its a lot more
youre getting more camera for your money. but the KeyMission 360 does not offer that expensive than other 360-degree cameras
The KeyMission doesnt come cheap at a little straight out of the box. and sadly does not do the job as well.
over 400: its slightly more expensive than
competing cameras.
The camera does not offer a display of any
sort: instead, Nikon offers a free app that links
the camera directly to your mobile device. The
app enables you to access a Live View display,
store and view images, and make changes to
the settings. If youre in range of your mobile
device, the KeyMission will auto-transfer
content, saving time downloading later
The cameras cube-like shape requires that
its placed or mounted on a bracket of sorts,
one of which is included in the box. Unless you
already own a sele stick, you will immediately
nd it awkward to hand-hold, and this leaves it
vulnerable to being dropped.
There are two On buttons: one immediately
activates video recording, while the other

Be in with the chance off winning
nd geared
a carbon fibre tripod an
three-way pan/tilt tripod head 500
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The geared three-way pan/tilt head has the
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Head to for further product
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below for your chance to make these accessories a
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How to enter
Please email your best photo,
your name and contact details
to rebecca.greig@futurenet.
com with the subject
line Issue 185 Manfrotto
competition by 06/04/17.
Terms and conditions
This competition is open to residents of the
United Kingdom and Ireland. Future Plc has the
right to substitute the prize for a similar item of
equal or higher value. Employees of Future Plc
(including freelancers), Manfrotto, their relatives
or any agents are not eligible to enter. The editors
decision is nal and no correspondence will be
entered into. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.
Full terms and conditions are available on request.
From time to time, Future Plc or its agents may
send you related material or special offers. If you
do not wish to receive this, please state clearly on
your entry.

Master high-speed
photography Capture a paint
needtocapturesplit-secondmoments explosion
Phil Durkin shares his tips for
High-speed photography can be a challenge that I could do indoors so the shooting a paint explosion
very tricky, but with automated weather and light would not be a problem.
camera triggering tools from the The really great thing about this sort of Be patient It usually takes a handful
likes of TriggerSmart, it becomes far easier. image is that each successful capture will of attempts, so have patience!
Some devices work with your smartphone always be different from the last nothing is
and camera to help you trigger the camera precisely repeatable from one shot to the next. Add water Consider watering the paint
in a whole host of creative ways, including The initial setup of high-speed shots like down: if its too thick, it may not move
sound, motion, vibration and facial detection. this can be challenging. Durkin says that one fast enough.
TriggerSmart, for example, is an advanced of the difculties of this setup is knowing
device that can be used to trigger a camera what power to set the Speedlights at, as well Attach a pin When you pop the
through sensors using sound, light or the as the camera settings and exposure. He balloon, try taping a sewing pin to the
interruption of an infrared beam. It has been recommends that you experiment without end you dont want the balloon moving
designed for to be used by both professional the paint on the balloon rst so that you can too much, as you have focused for the
and amateur photographers. adjust your camera. Other factors that affect centre of it.
To shoot these stunning paint explosion the outcome are the amount of delay from the
images, photographer Phil Durkin (www. bang produced by the popping balloon to the Get protected Put polythene sheeting used a similar device ash triggering, he explains. Too early and the over your lens and cut a hole for the lens
to capture a balloon popping, with the paint wont have moved enough, but too late to poke through. Use a UV lter, which
capture triggered by the sound. This sort and its all but gone! can be removed and rinsed afterwards.
of photography can be great fun to explore, On this type of image, post-processing is
as it enables you to capture rather incredible a must. Durkin says that you will have to Use manual focus Make sure you set
images with relatively inexpensive kit. clone out the coat hanger and possibly the camera to manual. If you leave it on
I wanted to capture something a bit the balloon if it is visible in the image plus autofocus, it will try and refocus before
different with my camera, including using my clean up any paint spots in the background releasing the shutter, so will re too late.
Speedlights, explains Durkin. And I wanted that distract from the nished picture.

TriggerSmart MCT-1
The kit includes two multi-
mode sensor modules with
mini-tripods. The sensors
can detect sound and light
intensity, which can be
used to trigger the camera

The TriggerSmart MCT-1
controller is the heart of the system
that allows you to have complete control
over the sensitivity of the sensors. The control
unit has an output that is connected to the camera trigger
and focus. It also has a second output channel to control multiple
pieces of equipment such as additional cameras and Speedlights


A perfect mess
This technique is great
because no two of
your images will ever
be the same

Shoot a paint explosion Follow Phil Durkins step-by-step for shooting at high speed

All images Phil Durkin

Set the scene Make an enclosure with Set up the kit Set the kit up with a ash Add the paint Pour the paint over the
1 polythene sheets from the ceiling to the
oor, in an area around 2.5 square metres.
2 adapter so that the adapter is connected
to one of the Speedlights. Make sure the other
3 balloon. If youre doing more than one,
try to keep the paint separate so that they
Hang the white background on the back wall, Speedlights are set up to trigger, either by dont mix too much. The paint will be dripping
and protect the oor well. Suspend a long RC or optical slave. In the app, select Sound off the balloon at this stage. What you need
piece of string attached to the ceiling in the Sensor, adjust the delay time to around 0.02 to do within the four seconds of the shutter
centre of the work area. Place two Speedlights seconds, and adjust the sensitivity to about releasing is to switch all the lights off, then get
on stands on the outside of each polythene halfway. Suspend an inated balloon on the an assistant to pop the balloon. The sound of
wall, around 1.5 metres high and 0.3 metres string hanging from the ceiling. Focus the the popping balloon will trigger the ash. As
forward of the string. Point them to the string camera on the balloon, then switch to manual the balloon deates rapidly the paint partially
so they are angled slightly, and cut a hole in focus. Set the camera to Manual mode at f13, contracts with the balloon, but the release of air
the plastic sheet so the head pokes through. ISO 100 and a four-second exposure. pressure also sends it outwards everywhere.


Portable SSDs
Having a compact and reliable solution for
storing and backing up your images is essential

Transcend ESD400K SanDisk Extreme 900 Samsung

USB 3.0 Portable Portable SSD Portable SSD T3
SSD 512GB 480GB 500GB
SRP: 222 / $242 SRP: 233 / $330 SRP: 190 / $198

At more than half the size of the SanDisk This offering from SanDisk is the most The T3 is super lightweight at only 51g
this SSD is certainly portable and wont bulky SSD on test, however the device and is even smaller than the Transcend
add much weight to your kitbag. It is is durable and the rubber around the SSD at 74mm x 58mm x 10.5mm, which
made from plastic, so doesnt feel quite edges helps to prevent any hard knocks. means it is the smallest and most
as tough and slick as the other two on It is shock resistant and includes simple- portable on test. The build quality feels
test, and does seem to scratch and mark to-use encryption software to keep your a lot more slick and robust than the
easily. Transfer speeds were impressively les private. It claims to be nine times Transcend and its shock resistant up
fast, but not quite as efcient as the faster than the speed of an external hard to 1,500G. We found all three SSDs to
SanDisk SSD. It comes equipped with drive, which is more than twice as fast as be closely matched in regards to speed,
a one-touch backup button that allows the T3, and we were certainly impressed however, the T3s read/write speeds of
for instant data backup, which we found with the speed. It may be the most bulky up to 450MB/s are outperformed by the
to be really convenient. Although it is and lowest capacity of those on test, but SanDisk SSD. Not only is it the smallest
as impressively fast as the T3, the build if its sheer speed you are after, this is SSD on test, it is also the cheapest,
quality lets it down slightly. the ideal choice. making it our top choice for value.

Overall Overall Overall

Reveal t h e n e x t s tep i n your p hotogra p hy j o urn e y

B oo k
Ti ck et s

Supported bY

Qu ote D PHT PS 1 7 f o r a s pe cia l d is co unt

Super Stage line-up now announced, check the website for full details and tickets
Discount applies to standard adult entry tickets only. Members of trade and pro
photographers may apply for free trade passes subject to validation criteria.

p h otogra p h ys h ow.c om
our Picker
ose specic hues using the
our Picke and check he Glow
brighten up e shade
n you app the brushes

Extra brrush packs
startup, ParticleShop will
w you more brush p cks you
can buy f the oftware

Corel ParticleShop
Apply brush effects with a difference using this expansive plug-in from Corel
SRP: 40 / $50 (approx) OS: Windows 7 or later, OS X 10.9 or later, Adobe CS5 +

Brushes are thought to be a weapon the brushes are really high quality, as well as ParticleShop is a plug-in that you can
primarily of digital artists. Theyre producing unique strokes and having a Glow explore for hours, trying all the brushes and
employed for creating painted effects, option, which also looks great. ParticleShop downloading new ones. It has almost limitless
ourishes and embellishments rather than allows you to get so much more detailed than possibilities for your pictures.
injecting reality into your work, and its rarely just varying whether you have a softer or
considered that they may actually be useful harder edge to your brush, as you can choose
tools for photographers as well as painters. blendy, billowing or even grungy effects for
Corel ParticleShop promises though to your strokes.
Responsive action
be more versatile than your average painting Each of the brushes too has good pressure ParticleShops brushes are unique in the way that they
program. Including a core pack of brushes, sensitivity and can be rotated. While just spread; no two strokes are the same, making for a
its available as a plug-in for Photoshop about any photographer looking to add quirky novel and exciting digital art experience
and Lightroom, as well Corel programs or realistic effects to their photos can use
PaintShop Pro and AfterShot Pro, but delivers ParticleShop, it really thrives when you can Summary
photorealistic brushes rather than your apply the strokes via a graphics tablet. You can Ease of use
average paint splatter effects. Additional really get the best out of the brushes when Value for money
brush packs can be purchased too; though theyre applied with subtlety; ParticleShop Features
ParticleShop only revolves around one specic might only seem like a few added brush packs Quality of results
nuance of image-editing, its so in-depth that for you to use in Photoshop, but the plug-in
theres plenty to explore. itself is smoother and easier to use in places Overall
ParticleShop is really easy to use for the than Photoshops own Brush tool. Theres no
most part too. The brush previews are clear lag or latency at all with the brushes, and they A must-have for any Photoshop brush enthusiast,
enough for you to actually see the effect that produce perfectly clean strokes, no matter ParticleShop is a natural progression for the tool,
you would be applying to your photo, and which one youre using. great for improving your images with subtle effects


AfterShot Pro 3
Develop, organise and tweak your photos with Corels inexpensive software
SRP: 70 / $87 (approx) OS: Windows 7 or later, OS X 10.9 or later

AfterShot Pro 3 is a program aimed adjustments to advanced exposure options,

at photographers of all skill sets; its are also easy to use and of fantastic quality.
a package for organising, tweaking AfterShot is considerably cheaper than a lot
and sharing your photos. Although it perhaps of RAW processing programs on the market,
isnt as advanced as more expensive programs and in all honesty, it does feel so. But while
on the market, it positions itself as compact it does take a more simplistic approach than
and capable at the basics, making it easy to some of its rivals, its not without its marquee
process photos while offering the ability to features that set it apart from others. Its still
watermark shots and fantastic layering options. quick and powerful and offers a lot to hobbyist
The rst thing that really grabs you about photographers as well as professionals.
AfterShot 3 is not just how clean the layout
of the program is but how responsive and
quick it is too. AfterShot feels really easy to
use but boasts new correction tools to help x Summary
chromatic aberration and lens distortion, and Ease of use
the presets included in the program are useful Value for money
for making simpler edits to your pictures. Features Top
The layers panel is what really makes Quality of results Simple adjustments
AfterShot feel so user-friendly though; while Whether youre looking to alter the warmth of your photo or
work on the exposure, AfterShot offers basic adjustments to
the editing tools themselves vary in terms of Overall x your work in minutes
how sophisticated they are, the layers panel
breaks them down into far more manageable Fantastic value for money with simplied features Presets
editing steps. The sliders within the program, that you wont get in more advanced programs, If you would rather tweak your photos in just one click,
that can help control everything from basic AfterShot is useful for any level of photographer AfterShot has folders full of presets for quick editing

App Focus
Dark Sky Finder
Price: 2.99 / $2.99
OS: iOS 5.1.1 or later

Night is a hard enough time to

shoot as it is, but with the Dark
Sky Finder app, you can at least
nd a clear sky and check light
pollution maps from all over the
world before you venture out.
The sky charts are easy to
understand, the app is very
user-friendly, and its a great
companion for anyone who
wants to take good photos
at night. The Dark Sites
section is particularly
cool, and worth
checking out if youre
looking for a good
spot to shoot

A collection of the best fun-yet-functional
products out there for photographers

1 IGPOTY Ten Year Anniversary book
Price: 25 / $31 (approx)
The tenth anniversary edition of the International
Garden Photographer of the Year book is strikingly
beautiful. The design of the cover is simple, yet looks
and feels incredibly luxurious the copper writing is a
particularly nice touch. Lee Acasters stunning winning
image makes for a great opening to the book and the
foreword from Beth Chatto OBE adds to the sense of
occasion. The paper feels very high quality and the
colours and detail in the imagery look great in print. For
just 25 its well worth a look.

2 Manfrotto BeFree Color

Price: 175 / $180
This is the ideal purchase for any photographer
looking to shoot out of the studio on location. At
1,400g it is lightweight while still feeling extremely
sturdy, and it even comes with a rather attractive
carry case that the tripod will t snugly into, which
makes transportation practically effortless. The
mechanism for locking the legs at different widths is
really helpful and simple to use, and the legs are split
into four sections, which means the shooting height is
extremely exible to suit almost any subject.

3 Picture Keeper Connect 16GB

Price: 96 (approx) / $120
This is a really worthwhile purchase for anyone
wanting to make a quick and painless backup of
their pictures. The Picture Keeper Connect is a little
memory stick with a USB connection at one end and
a lightning connection at the other, and there is also a
micro USB adaptor in the box. The memory stick can
be used to easily back up pictures from your phone
all you need to do is download a very easy-to-use app
or back up images from your computer. The whole
process is extremely simple and surprisingly speedy.

4 LumiQuest SoftBox Ltp with UltraStrap

Price: 49 / $49
This LumiQuest softbox can be tted onto most
speedlights thanks to the secure Velcro UltraStrap. It
wont take up much room in your kit bag either, as it
has been designed to be slim and t comfortably into
3 most laptop pockets. It is for off-camera ash only
and is approximately 40 times bigger than a standard
ash head. As a result of its large surface, shadows
were pleasantly soft and the light was attractively
diffused. The material feels durable, so you wont
have to worry about it getting damaged on location.

5 Lastolite by Manfrotto Strobo Gobo

Price: 77 / $92
A great addition to any kitbag for getting creative with
your off-camera ash. The Strobo Gobo easily ts onto
the Strobo Bracket that you can purchase separately
and comes with two Gobo masks an arched
window and a dappled foliage effect. The lighting
and background effects that you can create with the
Strobo Gobo are really impressive. For close to 80
though we would have liked a few more masks included
in the initial set, as it can become quite expensive if
you include the bracket and any extra masks.


Professional photographer Deborah Sandidge discusses
the magic of shooting at twilight
All images Deborah Sandidge

hotographing during the blue hour your composition. Reality isnt as extending your shutter speed
can transform an ordinary subject critical as how the colour affects for creative effects.
into something beautiful and magical! the mood, and depth of feeling in You can photograph twilight
During this time the sky takes on a rich an image. Be creative. with almost any lens. Try a wide-
colour, but only for minutes. The sky will soon You can also photograph the angle lens to capture the drama of
fade to black, so youll need to work quickly. blue hour at dawn, though most a cityscape or landscape. Zoom
You can use various tools to paint the scene often I tend to photograph at lenses work when you need to
if you need to extend exposure during twilight, sunset, the edge of night and bring the subject in close. Fisheye
use a polariser or solid neutral-density lter. A beyond. It really depends on your Deborah Sandidge is a lenses can be a lot of fun, and
longer exposure will help create a mirror-like location and personal preference. professional photographer create an ultra-wide view of your
specialising in world travel
sheen to water, or capture streaks of light from In your travels you may nd and artistic imagery. As an
composition. If you want to get
passing cars. The light is well balanced for the that early morning works best author and instructor, she really wild and crazy, try a circular
short amount of time that twilight lasts. Most for certain locations, while after shares her perspective and sheye! A circular sheye on a full-
inspirational ideas through
often the light will be just perfect to create sunset works better for others. workshops and seminars, frame camera produces a perfect
dramatic imagery. When photographing encouraging others to circle image. Try pointing this
connect with the people
Twilight is often called the blue hour because cityscapes, use a narrow and places that surround us. lens toward the sky for a creative
the sky becomes an incredible, vivid colour. aperture to create wonderful
composition of converging lines.
To accentuate the colour, try changing your little starbursts that sparkle Your photograph is your
white balance to between 4000K and 5000K. from various points of light. Stopping unique story, a visual narrative of what you
Experiment with different white balance down (narrowing the aperture) and using experience and your interpretation of the
settings to suit your image. Use Live View your lowest ISO creates longer exposures scene. So, be creative, have fun and be
to see the effect that white balance has on compared to using a wide aperture, therefore passionate: it will show in your photos!


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