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React Indepth

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of Contents
Introduction 1.1
[WIP] React From the Inside Out 1.2
The React Life Cycle 1.3
Life Cycle Methods Overview 1.3.1
Birth/Mounting In-depth 1.3.2
Initialization & Construction
Pre-Mounting with componentWillMount()
Component render()
Managing Component Children and Mounting
Post-Mount with componentDidMount()
Growth/Update In-depth 1.3.3
Updating and componentWillReceiveProps()
Using shouldComponentUpdate()
Tapping into componentWillUpdate()
Re-rendering and Children Updates
Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()
Death/Unmount In-depth 1.3.4
The Life Cycle Recap 1.3.5
Component Evolution and Composition 1.4
The Evolution of a List Component 1.4.1
Rendering different content 1.4.2
Higher Order Components 1.4.3
About the Authors 1.5


React In-depth: An exploration of UI

At DevelopmentArc we have a love affair with UI application development. We truly enjoy
the exploration of technologies and frameworks. This process helps us better understand the
end-goals and complexity of the application stack.

We discovered early on the need to apply true software development principles to the user
interface. This discovery started a long time ago with technologies like Authorware/Toolbook
and Director. Quickly we moved to HTML 1.0 and began to build systems with JavaScript
frameworks like Prototype.js. With the release of the Flex framework, our focus again shifted
to a new platform, Flash.

For a majority, Flash was a negative experience and UI technology. While many arguments
are true, we found Flash to be the most advanced cross-platform rendering system available
at the time. Flex gave us the application framework necessary to build the large and
complex applications clients were requesting. All the while, Flex lent itself to the
management of large and diverse teams. Our obsession with Flex included a deep
understand of the application and component life cycles, resulting in a 90-page white paper.
The paper is still available and continues to be referenced today. With the collapse of the
Flash Platform and Flex, we find ourselves back in HTML and JavaScript world. This time
our obsession is React.js

Throughout the years we have continued to try and push the boundaries of UI technologies.
Starting, in late 2014, we began initial research and then full adoption of React.js for our UI
layer in for web applications.

The initial process of moving to React was a blend of excitement and at times, pure
frustration. React brings in both existing UI paradigms and also new patterns that can take a
bit of time to adjust your own mind-set to. Once we had fully grokked React, we found that it
has opened the possibilities for our current and future projects.

Our goal with this GitBook is to document our process, share our research and try to
organize our experiences into a single living document. Too be honest, this is a pretty lofty
goal. We may not achieve this goal, but hopefully we can get some helpful thoughts down.

We have found the longer you write code, the more you learn and then shortly forget. This
means that our writings are just as much for ourselves as for others. With that in mind we
hope that as this document grows it will help you, just as much as it helped us to put our own
thoughts down.


James & Aaron

[WIP] React From the Inside Out

[WIP] React From The Inside Out

This section is currently being researched

In the meantime, there are ton of getting started resources already available. If you are new
to React we recommend spending some time looking at these fantastic resources:

React Official Site

Awesome React - A comprehensive list of resources
Learning React, Getting Started - Basic intro article

From a book development perspective, our first focus will be on the Life Cycle chapters and
we will circle back to this section soon.

Guiding Principals to learning React

Unlike most intro books, we want to have different goals for our Basics Section. We will dig
into the underpinnings of React and look at how to create applications from the bottom up.
We feel that understanding the internals of a UI system helps drive development choices.
We plan to explore React from this guiding principal.

The React Life Cycle

The React Life Cycle

One of the defining factors of a life form is its life cycle. The common path is Birth, Growth
into maturity and then the inevitable Death. UI applications often follow a similar path. When
the application is first started, we consider this Birth. The users interacts with application,
which is Growth. Eventually, the application is closed or navigated away from, leading to

Within the application, elements also follow this pattern. In the world of React, these
elements are our Components. The Component life cycle is a continuous process, which
occurs throughout the overall life of our application. Understanding this process can lead to
faster and consistent development, easier optimization and improved overall application

Life cycle phases in React components

Not all UI systems enable a life cycle pattern. This doesn't mean that a system is better or
worse if a life cycle is or isn't implemented. All a life cycle does is provide a specific order of
operation and a series of hooks to tie into said system. The React life cycle follows the
common Birth, Growth, and Death flow. The React team has provided a series of methods
you can implement/override to tap into the process.

Phase 1: Birth / Mounting

The first phase of the React Component life cycle is the Birth/Mounting phase. This is where
we start initialization of the Component. At this phase, the Component's props and state
are defined and configured. The Component and all its children are mounted on to the
Native UI Stack (DOM, UIView, etc.). Finally, we can do post-processing if required. The
Birth/Mounting phase only occurs once.

Phase 2: Growth / Update

The next phase of the life cycle is the Growth/Update phase. In this phase, we get new
props , change state , handle user interactions and communicate with the component

hierarchy. This is where we spend most of our time in the Component's life. Unlike Birth or
Death, we repeat this phase over and over.

Phase 3: Death / Unmount

The React Life Cycle

The final phase of the life cycle is the Death/Unmount phase. This phase occurs when a
component instance is unmounted from the Native UI. This can occur when the user
navigates away, the UI page changes, a component is hidden (like a drawer), etc. Death
occurs once and readies the Component for Garbage Collection.

Next Up: Life Cycle Methods Overview

Life Cycle Methods Overview

React Life Cycle Methods Overview

The React development team provides a series of hooks we can tap into at each phase of
the life cycle. These method hooks inform us of where the Component is in the life cycle and
what we can and cannot do.

Each of the life cycle methods are called in a specific order and at a specific time. The
methods are also tied to different parts of the life cycle. Here are the methods broken down
in order and by their corresponding life cycle phase 1:

Birth / Mounting
1. Initialize / Construction
2. getDefaultProps() (React.createClass) or MyComponent.defaultProps (ES6 class)

3. getInitialState() (React.createClass) or this.state = ... (ES6 constructor)

4. componentWillMount()

5. render()

6. Children initialization & life cycle kickoff

7. componentDidMount()

Growth / Update
1. componentWillReceiveProps()

2. shouldComponentUpdate()

3. componentWillUpdate()

4. render()

5. Children Life cycle methods

6. componentDidUpdate()

Death / Unmount
1. componentWillUnmount()

2. Children Life cycle methods

3. Instance destroyed for Garbage Collection

Life Cycle Methods Overview

The order of these methods are strict and called as defined above. Most of the time is spent
in the Growth/Update phase and those methods are called many times. The Birth and Death
methods will only be called once.

Next Up: Birth/Mounting in-depth

1 Most of the methods are the same if you use either React.createClass or use ES6

classes, such as class MyComponent extends React.Component . A few are different, mainly
around how instantiation/creation occurs. We will call these differences out throughout the

Birth/Mounting In-depth

Birth/Mounting In-depth
A React Component kicks off the life cycle during the initial application ex:
ReactDOM.render() . With the initialization of the component instance, we start moving

through the Birth phase of the life cycle. Before we dig deeper into the mechanics of the
Birth phase, let's step back a bit and talk about what this phase focuses on.

The most obvious focus of the birth phase is the initial configuration for our Component
instance. This is where we pass in the props that will define the instance. But during this
phase there are a lot more moving pieces that we can take advantage of.

In Birth we configure the default state and get access to the initial UI display. It also starts
the mounting process for children of the Component. Once the children mount, we get first
access to the Native UI layer1 (DOM, UIView, etc.). With Native UI access, we can start to
query and modify how our content is actually displayed. This is also when we can begin the
process of integrating 3rd Party UI libraries and components.

Components vs. Elements

When learning React, many developers have a common misconception. At first glance, one
would assume that a mounted instance is the same as a component class. For example, if I
create a new React component and then render() it to the DOM:

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

render() {
return <div>Hello World!</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('mount-point'));

The initial assumption is that during render() an instance of the MyComponent class is
created, using something like new MyComponent() . This instance is then passed to render.
Although this sounds reasonable, the reality of the process is a little more involved.

What is actually occurring is the JSX processor converts the <MyComponent /> line to use
React.createElement to generate the instance. This generated Element is what is passed to

the render() method:

Birth/Mounting In-depth

// generated code post-JSX processing

React.createElement(MyComponent, null), document.getElementById('mount-point')

A React Element is really just a description2 of what will eventually be used to generate the
Native UI. This is a core, pardon the pun, element of virtual DOM technology in React.

The primary type in React is the ReactElement. It has four properties: type, props, key
and ref. It has no methods and nothing on the prototype.


The Element is a lightweight object representation of what will become the component
instance. If we try to access the Element thinking it is the Class instance we will have some
issues, such as availability of expected methods.

So, how does this tie into the life cycle? These descriptor Elements are essential to the
creation of the Native UI and are the catalyst to the life cycle.

The First render()

To most React developers, the render() method is the most familiar. We write our JSX and
layout here. It's where we spend a lot of time and drives the layout of the application. When
we talk about the first render() this is a special version of the render() method that
mounts our entire application on the Native UI.

In the browser, this is the ReactDOM.render() method. Here we pass in the root Element and
tell React where to mount our content. With this call, React begins processing the passed
Element(s) and generate instances of our React components. The Element is used to
generate the type instance and then the props are passed to the Component instance.

This is the point where we enter the Component life cycle. React uses the instance
property on the Element and begins construction.

Next Up: Initialization & Construction

The Native UI layer is the system that handles UI content rendering to screen. In a
browser, this is the DOM. On device, this would be the UIView (or comparable). React
handles the translation of Component content to the native layer format.

Birth/Mounting In-depth

2 Dan Abramov chimed in with this terminology on a StackOverflow question.

Initialization & Construction

Initialization & Construction

During the initialization of the Component from the Element, the props and state are
defined. How these values are defined depends on if you are using React.createClass() or
extend React.Component . Let's first look at props and then we will examine state .

Default Props
As we mentioned earlier, the Element instance contains the current props that are being
passed to the Component instance. Most of the time, all the available props on the
Component are not required. Yet, some times we do need to have values for all the props
for our Component to render correctly.

For example, we have a simple component that renders a name and age.

import React from 'react';

export default class Person extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

In our case, we expect two props to be passed in: name and age . If we want to make age
optional and default to the text 'unknown' we can take advantage of React's default props.

For ES6 Class

import React from 'react';

class Person extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

Person.defaultProps = { age: 'unknown' };

export default Person;

Initialization & Construction

For createClass (ES6/ES5/CoffeeScript, etc.)

var Person = React.createClass({

getDefaultProps: function() {
return ({ age: 'unknown' });

render: function() {
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

The result of either process is the same. If we create a new instance without setting the age
prop ex: <Person name="Bill" /> , the component will render <div>Bill (age: unknown)
</div> .

React handles default props by merging the passed props object and the default props
object. This process is similar to Object.assign() or the Lodash/Underscore _.assign()
method. The default props object is the target object and the passed props is the source:

// React library code to extract defaultProps to the Constructor

if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {
Constructor.defaultProps = Constructor.getDefaultProps();

// psuedo code (as an example)

this.props = Object.assign(Constructor.defaultProps, elementInstance.props);

In the React code snippet, React checks the underlying Class instance to see if it defines
getDefaultProps() and uses this to set the values. When using ES6 classes we just define

it on the class itself. Any property defined on the passedProps value is applied/overridden to
the property in the default props object.

null vs. undefined props

When using default props, it is important to understand how the React merge process works.
Often, we are generating props dynamically based on application state (Flux, Redux, Mobx,
etc.). This means that we can sometimes generate null values and pass this as the prop.

When assigning default props, the React object merge code sees null as a defined value.

<Person name="Bob" age={ null } />

Initialization & Construction

Because null is a defined value our Component would render this as <div>Bob (age:)
</div> instead of rendering unknown. But, if we pass in undefined instead of null , React

treats this as undefined (well yeah, obviously) and we would render unknown as expected.

Keep this in mind when defining default props, because tracing down a null value can be
tricky in larger application.

Initial State
Once the final props are defined (passed w/ defaults), the Component instance configures
the initial state . This process occurs in the construction of the instance itself. Unlike props,
the Component state is an internal object that is not defined by outside values.

To define the initial state depends on how you declare your Component. For ES6 we
declare the state in the constructor. Just like defaultProps , the initial state takes an object.

For ES6 Class

import React from 'react';

class Person extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { count: 0 };

render() {
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

Person.defaultProps = { age: 'unknown' };

export default Person;

For React.createClass Components, there is a helper method called getInitialState()

which returns the state object. This method is called during setup to set the state on the

For createClass (ES6/ES5/CoffeeScript, etc.)

Initialization & Construction

var Person = React.createClass({

getDefaultProps: function() {
return ({ age: 'unknown' });

getInitialState: function() {
return ({ count: 0 });

render: function() {
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

State defaults
It is important to keep in mind that if we do not define a state in the constructor/getInitialState
then the state will be undefined . Because the state is undefined and not an empty Object
( {} ), if you try to query the state later on this will be an issue.

In general, we want to set a default value for all our state properties. There are some edge
cases where the initial value for the state property may be null or undefined . If this state
happens to be only state property, it may be tempting to skip setting a default state. But, if
our code tries to access the property you will get an error.

class Person extends React.Component {

render() {
// This statement will throw an error
return (
<div>{ } (age: { this.props.age })</div>

The log statement fails because this.state is undefined. When we try to access foo we
will get a TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of null. To solve this we can either set the
default state to {} or, to have a clearer intention, set it to { foo: null } .

Next Up: Pre-mounting with componentWillMount()

Pre-Mounting with componentWillMount()

Pre-mounting with componentWillMount()

Now that the props and state are set, we finally enter the realm of Life Cycle methods. The
first true life cycle method called is componentWillMount() . This method is only called one
time, which is before the initial render. Since this method is called before render() our
Component will not have access to the Native UI (DOM, etc.). We also will not have access
to the children refs , because they are not created yet.

The componentWillMount() is a chance for us to handle configuration, update our state, and
in general prepare for the first render. At this point, props and initial state are defined. We
can safely query this.props and this.state , knowing with certainty they are the current
values. This means we can start performing calculations or processes based on the prop

Person.js 1

Pre-Mounting with componentWillMount()

import React from 'react';

import classNames from 'classnames';

class Person extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { mode: undefined } ;

componentWillMount() {
let mode;
if (this.props.age > 70) {
mode = 'old';
} else if (this.props.age < 18) {
mode = 'young';
} else {
mode = 'middle';
this.setState({ mode });

render() {
return (
<div className={ classNames('person', this.state.mode) }>
{ } (age: { this.props.age })

Person.defaultProps = { age: 'unknown' };

export default Person;

In the example above we call this.setState() and update our current state before render.
If we need state values on calculations passed in props , this is where we should do the

Other uses for componentWillMount() includes registering to global events, such as a Flux
store. If your Component needs to respond to global Native UI events, such as window
resizing or focus changes, this is a good place to do it2.

Next Up: Component render()

1 In our example above, we are using the classNames() library, which was originally

included as a React Addon. However, the feature has been removed from React and moved
to its own library for use with or without React.

Pre-Mounting with componentWillMount()

2 It's important to remember that many Native UI elements do not exist at this point in the life

cycle. That means we need to stick to very high-level/global events such as window or
document .

Component render()

Component render()
Now that we have pre-configured our Component, we enter the first rendering of our content.
As React developers, the render() method is the most familiar. We create Elements
(generally via JSX) and return them. We access the Component this.props and
this.state and let these values derive how content should be generated. When we access

this.state , any changes we made during componentWillMount() are fully applied.

Unlike any other method in the Life Cycle, render() is the one method that exists across
multiple life cycle phases. It occurs here in Birth and it is where we spend a lot of time in

In both cases, we have the core principle of keeping render() a pure method. What does
that mean? That means we shouldn't call setState() , query the Native UI or anything else
that can mutate the existing state of the application. The reason why is if we do this kind of
interaction in render() , then it will kickoff another render pass. Which once again, triggers
render() which then does the same thing... infinitely.

The React development mode1 is generally great at catching these kinds of errors and will
yell at you if you do them. For example, if we did something silly like this

render() {
// BAD: Do not do this!
this.setState({ foo: 'bar' });
return (
<div className={ classNames('person', this.state.mode) }>
{ } (age: { this.props.age })

React would log out the following statement:

Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within
render ). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.

Native UI access in render() is often fatal

React will also warn you if you try to access the Native UI elements in the render pass.

Component render()

render() {
// BAD: Don't do this either!
let node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
return (
<div className={ classNames('person', this.state.mode) }>
{ } (age: { this.props.age })

VM943:45 Warning: Person is accessing getDOMNode or findDOMNode inside its

render(). render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should never access
something that requires stale data from the previous render, such as refs. Move this
logic to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate instead.

In the above example, it may seem safe since you are just querying the node. But, as the
warning states, we might be querying potentially old data. But in our case, during the Birth
phase, this would be a fatal error.

Uncaught Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(..., .0): Unable to find element. This

probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser), usually
due to forgetting a <tbody> when using tables, nesting tags like <form>, <p>, or <a>, or
using non-SVG elements in an <svg> parent. Try inspecting the child nodes of the
element with React ID Person .

This is one of those cases where the React error doesn't clearly point to the cause of the
problem. In our case we didn't modify the DOM, so it feels like an unclear and potentially
misleading error. This kind of error can cause React developers a lot of pain early on.
Because we instinctually look for a place where we are changing the Native UI.

The reason we get this error is because during the first render pass the Native UI elements
we are trying to access do not exist yet. We are essentially asking React to find a DOM node
that doesn't exist. Generally, when ReactDOM can't find the node, this is because something
or someone mutated the DOM. So, React falls back to the most common cause.

As you can see, having an understanding of the Life Cycle can help troubleshoot and
prevent these often un-intuitive issues.

Up Next: Managing Children Components and Mounting

1 These warnings come out of the development mode in React. You can also use the React

Development Tools to help debug and explore React components.

Component render()

Managing Component Children and Mounting

Managing Children Components and

Now that we have completed the first render pass, our render() method returns a single
React Element. This Element may have children elements. Those children may also have
children, and so on.

With the potential for an n depth tree of Elements, each of the Elements need to go through
their own entire life cycle process. Just like the parent Element, React creates a new
instance for each child. They go through construction, default props, initial state,
componentWillMount() and render() . If the child has children, the process starts again...all

the way down.

One of the most powerful concepts in React is the ability to easily compose complex layout
through nesting of children. It is encouraged to keep your Components as 'dumb' as
possible. The idea is to only have container1 components managing higher level

Because this is the preferred way of development, this means we will have a lot of smaller
components that also have their own life cycle. Keep this in mind as we continue through the
life cycle, because every Component will follow the same pattern.

Up Next: Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

1 See Presentational and Container Components by Dan Abramov for more details

Managing Component Children and Mounting

Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

Post-mount with componentDidMount()

The last step in the Birth/Mount life cycle phase is our post-mount access via
componentDidMount() . This method is called once all our children Elements and our

Component instances are mounted onto the Native UI. When this method is called we now
have access to the Native UI (DOM, UIView, etc.), access to our children refs and the
ability to potentially trigger a new render pass.

Understanding call order

Similar to componentWillMount() , componentDidMount() is only called one time. Unlike our
other Birth/Mount methods, where we start at the top and work down, componentDidMount()
works from the bottom up. Let's consider the following Component/Element Tree again:

When we begin the Birth phase, we process render() in this order:

A -> A.0 -> A.0.0 -> A.0.1 -> A.1 -> A.2.

With componentDidMount() we start at the end and work our way back.

A.2 -> A.1 -> A.0.1 -> A.0.0 -> A.0 -> A

By walking backwards, we know that every child has mounted and also run its own
componentDidMount() . This guarantees the parent can access the Native UI elements for

itself and its children.

Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

Let's consider the following three components and their call order.


* GrandChild
* It logs the componentDidMount() and has a public method called value.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

export default class GrandChild extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
console.log('GrandChild did mount.');

value() {
return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.input).value;

render() {
return (
<input ref="input" type="text" defaultValue="foo" />


Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

* Child
* It logs the componentDidMount() and has a public method called value,
* which returns the GrandChild value.
import React from 'react';
import GrandChild from './GrandChild';

export default class Child extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
console.log('Child did mount.');

value() {
return this.refs.grandChild.value();

render() {
return (
<GrandChild ref="grandChild" />


Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

* Parent
* It logs the componentDidMount() and then logs the child value()
* method.
import React from 'react';
import Child from './Child';

export default class Parent extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
console.log('Parent did mount.');
console.log('Child value:', this.refs.child.value());

render() {
return (
<Child ref="child" />

When we mount <Parent /> in our application we get the following in the browser console:

GrandChild did mount.

Child did mount.
Parent did mount.
Child value: foo

As you can see, the GrandChild's componentDidMount() was called first, followed by Child
and then Parent. Because we are now mounted on the DOM and our children are created,
the Parent can access its refs and the GrandChild can access its own DOM nodes.

Useful Tasks
The componentDidMount() method can be a helpful heavy lifter for our Components. One of
the most common tasks is interacting with the Native UI. Unlike componentWillMount() or
render() we can now fully interact with the Native stack.

For example, we may need to make changes to our current state based on how the Native
UI laid out our content. We may need to figure out the current width/height of our children or
our own instance. This is especially helpful in the browser where CSS layout drives a lot of

Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

our DOM calculations.

Another useful task is setting up 3rd party UIs. For example, if we wanted to use a library
like C3.js or the Date Range Picker, this is where we would initialize our UI libraries.


import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import c3 from 'c3';

export default class Chart extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
this.chart = c3.generate({
bindto: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.chart),
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]

render() {
return (
<div ref="chart"></div>

In the above example, we leverage componentDidMount() to generate our chart, bind it to the
DOM using refs and then pass in data.

When integrating 3rd party libraries, we often need to bind to events, such as the user
interacting with the Chart. This is where we would set up our listeners post-library
initialization. We can also add more global listeners here, if we did not want to setup the
listeners in the componentWillMount() call.

Starting another render pass
There are some unique situations where we may have a second render immediately after
Birth/Mount. This is not a common situation and generally occurs when we have to change
our current state based on the Native UI Layout. This could be calculating dynamic row

Post-Mount with componentDidMount()

height or column widths in a data table. It could be having to re-position the component's
children based on how they are sized the first time.

If you require this kind of functionality, you have the ability to call this.setState() or
forceUpdate() in your componentDidMount() . If you change state or force an update (more

on this feature later), your Component will begin another render pass and enter the
Growth/Update Phase. Because componentDidMount() is called only once, we don't have to
worry about this method causing an infinite loop. But, this process can lead to issues down
the road if you do not take the time to walk through all the potential ramifications of multiple

Up Next: Growth/Update Phase In-Depth

1 Multiple render passes opens the door for serious performance issues. Proceed with

extreme caution!

Growth/Update In-depth

Growth/Update In-depth
Once our Component is mounted in the Birth phase, we are prepped and ready for the
Growth/Update phase. The Growth phase is where a Component spends most of its time.
Here we get data updates, act on user or system actions and provide the overall experience
for our application.

The Growth phase is triggered in three different ways: changing of props , changing of
state or calling forceUpdate() . The changes that are made affect how the Update phase

is managed. We will discuss each of these changes in depth as we walk through the entire
Growth process.

In this Section, we will dive into the different methods. We'll examine the order of the
methods called and how they affect the overall process. We will also discuss what tasks are
best handled during each method and discuss application optimization.

Starting Update: Changing Props

As mentioned earlier, we have three ways to start the Growth/Update phase. The first way is
when the component's props update. This occurs when either the root Element (ex:
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent data={ dataVaule } />, ...) has the props value changed

or the parent of the Component's prop changes.

From a Component's instance perspective (such as <Person name="Bill" /> ) the passed in
props are immutable. In other words, the Person instance cannot update the value name
internally. In fact, if you try you will get an Error in React.

render() {
// BAD: DON'T DO THIS! = 'Tim';
return (
<div className={ classNames('person', this.state.mode) }>
{ } (age: { this.props.age })

TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of object '#<Object>'

Because props are immutable by the Component itself, the parent must provide the new
values. When new props are passed in via root or the parent, this starts the Update phase.

Growth/Update In-depth

Starting Update: setState()

Similar to changing props , when a Component changes its state value1 via
this.setState() , this also triggers a new Update phase. For a lot of React developers, the

first major (and to be honest ongoing) challenge is managing state in Components. State
itself can be a controversial topic in the community. Many developers avoid state at all cost.
Other systems, such as MobX, are in essence trying to replace it. Many uses of state can fall
into different anti-patterns, such as transferring props into state 2.

Fundamentally, state can be a tricky and confusing topic. When do we use state? What data
should or shouldn't be stored in state? Should we even use state at all? To be honest, this is
a topic that we are still trying to grapple with ourselves.

Keeping that in mind, it is still important to understand how state works in React. We will
continue to discuss state in-depth and how the mechanics work. We will try to share best
practices that we have found, but in general what is good today will probably be bad

The asynchronicity of state

Before we move on to the final way to start an update, we should talk a little about how state
is managed in the internals of React. When developers first start using setState() there is
an assumption that when you call this.state the values applied on the set will be
available. This is not true. The setState() method should be treated as an asynchronous
process 3. So how does setState() work?

When we call setState() this is considered a partial state change. We are not
flushing/replacing the entire state, just updating part(s) of it. React uses a queuing system4
to apply the partial state change. Because we can set the state multiple times in a method
chain, a change queue is constructed to manage all the various updates. Once the state
change is added to the queue, React makes sure the Component is added to the dirty
queue. This dirty queue tracks the Component instances that have changed. Essentially, this
is what tells React which Components need to enter the Update phase later.

When working with state, it is very important to keep this in mind. A common error is to set
state in one method and then later in the same synchronous method chain try to access the
state value. This can sometimes cause tricky bugs, especially if you expose state values via
public methods on your Component, such as value() . We will talk later about when
this.state is finalized.

Starting Update: forceUpdate

Growth/Update In-depth

There is one more way to kick off an Update phase. There is a special method on a
Component called forceUpdate() . This does exactly what you think, it forces the
Component into an Update phase. The forceUpdate() method has some specific
ramifications about how the life cycle methods are processed and we will discuss this in-
depth later on.

Up Next: Updating and componentWillReceiveProps()

1 With Component state, we consider this internal functionality. In theory, we can access and

even edit state outside of the instance but this is an anti-pattern. Accessing a Component's
state from outside injects a lot of fragility into the system (pathing dependency, changing of
internal values, etc.). Only a Component instance should setState() on itself.
2 Even though moving props to state is considered an anti-pattern there are a few use

cases. The most common is having a defaultValue prop that becomes the internal value
in state. We see this pattern with most Form elements in React; although there is a strong
movement to get away from this and work with only Controlled Components.
3 The React code comments recommend that "... You should treat this.state as

immutable. There is no guarantee that this.state will be immediately updated, so

accessing this.state after calling [the setState] method may return the old value."
4 React internal method enqueueSetState() to be exact.

Updating and componentWillReceiveProps()

Updating and
Now that we have discussed starting an Update, let's dive into the Update life cycle
methods. The first method available to us is componentWillReceiveProps() . This method is
called when props are passed to the Component instance. Let's dig a little deeper into what
this means.

Passing props
The most obvious example is when new props are passed to a Component. For example,
we have a Form Component and a Person Component. The Form Component has a single
<input /> that allows the user to change the name by typing into the input. The input is

bound to the onChange event and sets the state on the Form. The state value is then
passed to the Person component as a prop .


import React from 'react';

import Person from './Person';

export default class Form extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { name: '' } ;
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ name: event.currentTarget.value });

render() {
return (
<input type="text" this.handleChange } />
<Person name={ } />

Updating and componentWillReceiveProps()

Any time the user types into the <input /> this begins an Update for the Person
component. The first method called on the Component is
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) passing in the new prop value. This allows us to

compare the incoming props against our current props and make logical decisions based
on the value. We can get our current props by calling this.props and the new value is the
nextProps argument passed to the method.

Updating State
So why do we need componentWillReceiveProps ? This is the first hook that allows us to look
into the upcoming Update. Here we could extract the new props and update our internal
state. If we have a state that is a calculation of multiple props, we can safely apply the logic
here and store the result using this.setState() .

Use this as an opportunity to react to a prop transition before render() is called by

updating the state using this.setState(). The old props can be accessed via this.props.
Calling this.setState() within this function will not trigger an additional render.


Props may not change

A word of caution with componentWillReceiveProps() . Just because this method was called,
does not mean the value of props has changed.

To understand why, we need to think about what could have happened. The data could
have changed between the initial render and the two subsequent updates ... React has
no way of knowing that the data didnt change. Therefore, React needs to call
componentWillReceiveProps , because the component needs to be notified of the new

props (even if the new props happen to be the same as the old props).

-- See (A => B) !=> (B => A)

The core issue with props and componentWillReceiveProps() is how JavaScript provides
mutable data structures. Let's say we have a prop called data and data is an Array.

// psuedo code
this.setState({ data: [1, 2, 3] });

<MyComponent data={ } />

Updating and componentWillReceiveProps()

If somewhere in our app, a process updates the data array via push() , this changes the
content of the data Array. Yet, the Array itself is the same instance. Because it is the same
instance, React can not easily determine if the internal data has changed. So, to prevent a
lot of issues, or having to do deep comparisons, React will push the same props down.

With this being said, componentWillReceiveProps() allows us to check and see if new props
are coming in and we can make choices based on the data. We just need to make sure we
never assume the props are different in this method. Be sure to read the great post (A => B)
!=> (B => A) by Jim Sproch.

Skipping this method

Unlike the other methods in the Mounting phase, not all our Update phase methods are
called every time. For example, we will skip componentWillReceiveProps() if the Update is
triggered by just a state change. Going back to our Form.js example above:

// ...
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ name: event.currentTarget.value });

render() {
return (
<input type="text" this.handleChange } />
<Person name={ } />
// ...

When the user types in the <input /> we trigger a setState() method. This will trigger an
Update phase in our Form Component and the Person Component. For our Form
Component, we did not receive new props, so componentWillReceiveProps() will be skipped.

Up Next: Using `shouldComponentUpdate()

Using shouldComponentUpdate()

Using shouldComponentUpdate()
The next method in the Update life cycle is shouldComponentUpdate() . This method allows
your Component to exit the Update life cycle if there is no reason to apply a new render. Out
of the box, the shouldComponentUpdate() is a no-op that returns true . This means every
time we start an Update in a Component, we will re-render.

If you recall, React does not deeply compare props by default. When props or state is
updated React assumes we need to re-render the content. But, if the props or state have
not changed, should we really be re-rendering?

Preventing unnecessary renders

The shouldComponentUpdate() method is the first real life cycle optimization method that we
can leverage in React. We can look at our current and new props & state and make a
choice if we should move on. React's PureRenderMixin does exactly this. It checks the
current props and state, compares it to the next props and state and then returns true if
they are different, or false if they are the same.

Using shouldComponentUpdate()

* Performs equality by iterating through keys on an object and returning false
* when any key has values which are not strictly equal between the arguments.
* Returns true when the values of all keys are strictly equal.
function shallowEqual(objA: mixed, objB: mixed): boolean {
if (objA === objB) {
return true;

if (typeof objA !== 'object' || objA === null ||

typeof objB !== 'object' || objB === null) {
return false;

var keysA = Object.keys(objA);

var keysB = Object.keys(objB);

if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {

return false;

// Test for A's keys different from B.

var bHasOwnProperty = hasOwnProperty.bind(objB);
for (var i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {
if (!bHasOwnProperty(keysA[i]) || objA[keysA[i]] !== objB[keysA[i]]) {
return false;

return true;

function shallowCompare(instance, nextProps, nextState) {

return (
!shallowEqual(instance.props, nextProps) ||
!shallowEqual(instance.state, nextState)

var ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin = {
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {
return shallowCompare(this, nextProps, nextState);

The above code is extracted from the React addon/source1. The mixin defines the
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) and compares the instance's props against

the nextProp and the state against the nextState .

Using shouldComponentUpdate()

Mutability and pure methods

It is important to note that the shallowCompare method simply uses === to check each
instance. This is why the React team calls the mixin pure, because it will not properly check
against mutable data.

Let's think back to our data props Array example where we use push() to add a new
piece of data onto the Array.

// psuedo code
this.setState({ data: [1, 2, 3] });

<MyComponent data={ } />

The shallowCompare will see the current as the same instance as the ( === ) and therefore not render an update. Since

we mutated the data Array, our code is not considered to be pure.

This is why systems like Redux requires pure methods for reducers. If you need to change
nested data you have to clone the objects and make sure a new instance is always returned.
This allows for shallowCompare() to see the change and update the component.

Other ways to handle this is to use an immutable data system, such as Immutable.js. These
data structures prevent developers from accidentally mutating data. By enforcing immutable
data structures, we can leverage shouldComponentUpdate() and have it verify that our props
and state have changed2.

Stop renders at the source

If you recall our nested Component structure:

Using shouldComponentUpdate()

By default, if an Update is triggered in A, then all the other children will also go through their
updates. This can easily cause a performance issue, because now we have many
Components going through each step of the process.

By adding logic checks in shouldComponentUpdate() at A we can prevent all its children from
re-rendering. This can improve overall performance significantly. But keep in mind, if you
prevent A from passing props down to the children you may prevent required renders from

Jump ahead with forceUpdate()

Like componentWillReceiveProps() , we can skip shouldComponentUpdate() by calling
forceUpdate() in the Component. This sets a flag on the Component when it gets added to

the dirty queue. When flagged, shouldComponentUpdate() is ignored. Because we are forcing
an update we are stating something has changed and the Component must re-render.

Since forceUpdate() is a brute force method, it should always be used with caution and
careful consideration. You can easily get into an endless render loop if you keep triggering
forceUpdate over and over. Troubleshooting infinite render loops can be very tricky. So,

when reaching for forceUpdate keep all this in mind.

Next Up: Tapping into componentWillUpdate()

1 Captured from React 15.0.1

2 If you use Immutable.js, there is a ImmutableRenderMixin library that provides both Object

shallow compare and Immutable data comparison.

Tapping into componentWillUpdate()

Tapping into componentWillUpdate()

Once we have determined that we do need to re-render in our Update phase, the
componentWillUpdate() will be called. The method is passed in two arguments: nextProps

and nextState . The method componentWillUpdate() is similar to componentWillMount() ,

and many of the same considerations and tasks are the same. The difference being that
componentWillUpdate() is called every time a re-render is required, such as when

this.setState() is called. Unlike componentWillMount() we get access to the next props

and state .

Just like componentWillMount() , this method is called before render() . Because we have
not rendered yet, our Component's access to the Native UI (DOM, etc.) will reflect the old
rendered UI. Unlike componentWillMount() , we can access refs but in general this is not
recommended because the refs will soon be out of date. There are use cases for accessing
the Native UI here, such as starting animations.

The componentWillUpdate() is a chance for us to handle configuration changes and prepare

for the next render. If we want to access the old props or state, we can call this.props or
this.state . We can then compare them to the new values and make changes/calculations

as required.

Unlike componentWillMount() , we should not call this.setState() here. The reason we do

not call this.setState() is that the method triggers another componentWillUpdate() . If we
trigger a state change in componentWillUpdate() we will end up in an infinite loop 1.

Some of the more common uses for componentWillUpdate() is to set a variable based on
state changes (not using this.setState() ), dispatching events or starting animations 2.

// dispatching an action based on state change

componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if ( == true && == false) {

Up Next: Re-rendering and Children Updates

1 In the previous version of this section we mistakenly said that you can safely call

setState() in this method. Our assumption at the time was that a dirty flag was tracking the

current state of the render pass, but this is not the case. It is technically possible to call

Tapping into componentWillUpdate()

setState() behind a conditional (such as when a prop/state changes) but it is not

recommended and should be considered a no go. Special thanks to Robin Venneman for
catching this error and calling it to our attention!
2 An example of triggering CSS transitions in componentWillUpdate() and other discussions

around this method's usages is over at this StackOverflow response.

Re-rendering and Children Updates

Re-rendering and Children Updates

Once again we return to render() . Now that our props and state are all updated1 we
can apply them to our content and children. Just like the initial render, all the same rules and
conditions apply.

Unlike our first render, React performs different management when it comes to the
generated Elements. The main difference is around the initialization phase and children
Elements of the Component.

React compares the current Element tree structure returned from the render() method.
React uses the generated keys (or assigned keys) to match each Element to a Component
instance. React determines if we have new instances (A.3), removing instances (A.0.1) or
are updating existing instances (A, A.0, A.0.0).

If the keys are the same, then React will pass the props to the existing instance, kicking off
its Update life cycle. If we have added new Components or changed keys, React will create
new instances from the Element data. These new Components then enter the
Birth/Mounting phase.

Up Next: Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()

Re-rendering and Children Updates

1 As mentioned earlier, the asynchronicity nature of state is now fully applied and can be

accessed safely.

Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()

Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()

Continuing the trend of corresponding methods, the componentDidUpdate() is the Update
version of componentDidMount() . Once again, we can access the Native UI stack, interact
with our refs and if required start another re-render/update 1.

When componentDidUpdate() is called, two arguments are passed: prevProps and

prevState . This is the inverse of componentWillUpdate() . The passed values are what the

values were, and this.props and this.state are the current values.

Just like componentDidMount() , the componentDidUpdate() is called after all of the children
are updated. Just to refresh your memory, A.0.0 will have componentDidUpdate() called first,
then A.0, then finally A.

Common Tasks
The most common uses of componentDidUpdate() is managing 3rd party UI elements and
interacting with the Native UI. When using 3rd Party libraries, like our Chart example, we
need to update the UI library with new data.

Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
// only update chart if the data has changed
if ( !== {
this.chart = c3.load({

Here we access our Chart instance and update it when the data has changed2.

Another render pass?

We can also query the Native UI and get sizing, CSS styling, etc. This may require us to
update our internal state or props for our children. If this is the case we can call
this.setState() or forceUpdate() here, but this opens a lot of potential issues because it

forces a new render pass.

One of the worst things to do is do an unchecked setState() :

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
let height = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetHeight;
this.setState({ internalHeight: height });

By default, our shouldComponentUpdate() returns true, so if we used the above code we

would fall into an infinite render loop. We would render, then call did update which sets state,
triggering another render.

If you need to do something like this, then you can implement a check at
componentDidUpdate() and/or add other checks to determine when a re-size really occurred.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
// One possible fix...
let height = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetHeight;
if (this.state.height !== height ) {
this.setState({ internalHeight: height });

In general, this is not a common requirement and re-rendering has performance impacts for
your Component and applications. Keep this in mind if you find yourself having to add a
second render pass in componentDidUpdate() .

Post-Render with componentDidUpdate()

Up Next: Death/Unmounting In-depth

1 This is a risky behavior and can easily enter an infinite loop. Proceed with caution!

2 This example assumes that the data is pure and not mutated.

Death/Unmount In-depth

Death/Unmount In-depth
After our Component has spent time in the Update phase, we eventually enter the Death
phase. During this phase our component is Unmounted from the Native UI stack and is
marked for Garbage Collection.

We enter this phase when our UI changes and the Element Tree no longer has a matching
key to our Component. This could be changing layout or programmatically changing keys
(forcing a new Component instance to be created). Once this occurs, React looks at the
instance being removed and its children.

Using componentWillUnmount()
Just like the rest of our life cycle phases, the Death/Unmount phase has a method hook for
us. This method allows us to do some cleanup before we are removed from the UI stack.
Typically we want to reverse any setup we did in either componentWillMount() or
componentDidMount() .

For example, we would want to unregister any global/system/library events, destroy 3rd
party UI library elements, etc. If we don't take the time to remove events we can create
memory leaks in our system or leave bad references laying around.

Death/Unmount In-depth

React starts with the Element being removed, for example A.0, and calls
componentWillUnmount() on it. Then React goes to the first child (A.0.0) and does the same,

working its way down to the last child. Once all the calls have been made, React will remove
the Components from the UI and ready them for Garbage Collection.

Up Next: The Life Cycle Recap

The Life Cycle Recap

The Life Cycle Recap

We have now worked through the three phases of the React life cycle: Birth/Mounting,
Growth/Update and finally Death/Unmount. By having these phases and corresponding
methods React provides us a clear path for developing Components. These phases also
allow us to begin to optimize our Components and our entire application.

To review, the methods and order called are:

Birth / Mounting
1. Initialize / Construction
2. getDefaultProps() (React.createClass) or MyComponent.defaultProps (ES6 class)

3. getInitialState() (React.createClass) or this.state = ... (ES6 constructor)

4. componentWillMount()

5. render()

6. Children initialization & life cycle kickoff

7. componentDidMount()

Growth / Update
1. componentWillReceiveProps()

2. shouldComponentUpdate()

3. componentWillUpdate()

4. render()

5. Children Life cycle methods

6. componentDidUpdate()

Death / Un-Mounting
1. componentWillUnmount()

2. Children Life cycle methods

3. Instance destroyed for Garbage Collection

Life Cycle Flowchart and setState() safety

The Life Cycle Recap

In addition, this flow chart by Peter Beshai breaks down the different methods and also calls
out when this.setState() is safe and NOT safe to call:

Component Evolution and Composition

Component Evolution and Composition

Component reuse and composability are some of the core tenets of React development. As
our applications scale, development time can be dramatically reduced through this process.
Yet, creating reusable Components takes planning and understanding to support multiple
use cases.

Understanding the intention of the Component is the first step towards reuse. Sometimes,
we know a Component will be used in many different ways from the start. In those situations,
we can plan for the different scenarios right away. In other situations, Component intentions
will change over the lifespan of the application. Understanding how to evolve a Component
is just as important as understanding how to create reusability.

The Application Architecture process

Let's take a quick moment and discuss the process of application architecture. We often
hear about over-architected systems. This often occurs when we try to plan for every
possible scenario that could ever occur through the life of an application. To try and support
every conceivable use is a fools errand. When we try to build these systems we add
unnecessary complexity and often make development harder, rather then easier.

At the same time, we don't want to build a system that offers no flexibility at all. It may be
faster to just build it without future thought, but adding new features can be just as time
consuming later on. Trying to find the right balance is the hardest part of application
architecture. We want to create a flexible application that allows growth but we don't want to
waste time on all possibilities.

The other challenge with application architecture is trying to understand our needs. With
development, we often have to build out something to truly understand it. This means that
our application architecture is a living process. It changes over time due to having a better
understanding of what's required. Refactoring Components is critical to the success of a
project and makes adding new features easier.

Because of this process, we felt it is important to walk through the evolution of a Component.
We will start with a naive approach to building a List Component and then walk through
different refactorings to support reusability. More then likely, we would know early on that a
List should be reusable. But, walking through the evolution process can help deepen our
understanding of how to enable reusability.

Up Next: The Evolution of a List Component

Component Evolution and Composition

The Evolution of a List Component

The Evolution of a List Component

Lists are everywhere in applications today. The list is crucial to Social Media UIs, such as
Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc. The current demo app trend of Todos are all about
displaying a list of items. The lowly HTML drop-down displays a list of selectable options. It's
so common, most of us take lists for granted.

When we start building our application, how should we approach creating reusable
Components? Let's walk through a possible progression of a list feature.

The first pass

Typically, the first approach is to build a React component that renders the UI to the specific
layout and data needs. For our example, we are building a list of customer profiles. The first
design round requires the profile to have an avatar/picture and descriptive text.

UI Wireframe #1

The first step would be to create a Component that takes an Array of Objects, which has an
image path and the description text. Our Component will loop over this Array and render out
each element, using <li> items.

The Evolution of a List Component

import React from 'react';

class List extends React.Component {

renderProfiles () {
return (profile) => {
return (
<img href={ profile.imagePath } align="left" width="30" height="30" />
<div className="profile-description">
{ profile.description }

render() {
return (<ul className="profile-list">{ this.renderProfiles() }</ul>);

List.defaultProps = { profile: [] };
export default List;

We would then apply styling to the <ul> , <li> and <div> elements to meet our design
needs. This Component is a simple way of rendering out our content. It meets our design
needs but isn't reusable.

Requirements change
As with any project, needs change. For our example, the users now want to list more details
about each customer. The design team comes up with a new layout and we now have to
support optional fields.

UI Wireframe #2

The Evolution of a List Component

With this new design we now need to do our first bit of Component refactoring. To support
the new optional detail fields, we need to add logic to our Profile rendering. A good
development practice is to keep our React Components as compartmentalized as possible.
This enables multiple benefits.

First, it helps reduce cognitive load. Having smaller, single focused Components means they
are easier to read and understand the intention. A common experience we have all had as
developers is returning to our own code six or more months later. Because we wrote it, we
should understand it, but often it takes a bit of time to put ourselves back into mindset of
what the code is solving. If the Component has hundreds of lines of logic, it will take that
much more time to grok what the intention is. Even harder (and time consuming) is doing
this with another developer's work.

One of the beautiful features of React is that we can (and should) break our Components
into small bite-sized chunks. Because it is so easy in React, this helps us make our code
easier to understand. At the same time, this leads to the second benefit: faster reusability.

If we break out a Component to a single task, such as rendering a single profile, we now
have the potential to reuse it. It is possible that elsewhere in the app we need to show a
profile. With our current implementation, this is not easily done. This is because the
rendering of the profile details is handled internally by the List component. Let's break the
profile details out into a new Component and refactor our List a bit.

Creating a Profile Component

The first step is to move the render code from the List into it's own Component.


The Evolution of a List Component

import React from 'react';

export default class Profile extends React.Component {

renderDetails(key, label){
if (this.props[key]) {
return (<div className="detail">{ label } { this.props[key] }</div>);

render() {
return (
<img href={ this.props.imagePath } align="left" width="30" height="30" />
<div className="profile-description">
{ this.props.description }
{ this.renderDetails('email', 'Email:') }
{ this.renderDetails('twitter', 'Twitter:') }
{ this.renderDetails('phone', 'Phone:') }

Here we have broken out the optional details rendering into a new Component called
Profile . Profile's job is to render out the base layout and then render out our optional

details, depending on if they are defined or not1. We can then update our List code:


import React from 'react';

import Profile from './Profile';

class List extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
{ (profile) => <Profile {...profile} /> ) }

List.defaultProps = { profile: [] };
export default List;

The Evolution of a List Component

Now our List maps the profile data and sends it to the Profile Component for rendering.
By isolating the rendering of the profile to a single component we have a clear separation of
concerns (SoC). Not only do we get the benefit of SoC, we also make each Component a lot
easier to understand. When we have to return to this code six months later, it will be a lot
faster to get caught back up.

Up Next: Rendering Different Content

1 Following this pattern we could go even further if so desired. We could break out each

Profile detail into its own Component. Yet, that maybe going too far down the granularity
rabbit hole. Once again, over-architecture is a slippery slope and having to make a judgment
call is part of the process.

Rendering different content

Rendering different content

By moving our UI rendering of each Profile to a Component, we have separated layout and
content display. The List is responsible for layout and data management. The Profile is
responsible for UI rendering for each individual item. Because of this first step, we can move
one step further and make our List even more flexible.

List Feature expansion

Continuing our customer example, let's imagine that our Profile List has started to evolve
even more. We have added pagination support, selection management, sorting, filtering, etc.
Now, our users request the ability to manage a different kind of content. They now want to
manage Posts.

These Posts have some similar UI elements as our profile: images, descriptions, and details.
But the layout and content vary drastically. We still need all the of the functionality of the List;
pagination, filtering, etc. The question becomes, how do we handle this?

Item Rendering
A simple, but not ideal, approach would be to add a switch in our List's map method. The
switch checks the data type and then chooses to use the Profile Component or the Post
Component. But, this approach adds a pretty bad code smell. Similar to our first draft of the
List, it meets our immediate needs but what happens when we need a Message List? Or
Viewer List? Soon our List has a lot of switches.

A better way to solve this is through configuration. We can expose a prop on the List
component that handles the rendering of each item. There are two ways to do this: by
passing in a function or by passing in a Component Class.

Function Item Renderer

The first approach we will examine is passing in a function that handles rendering out each
individual item in the List. The first step is to update our List component to require a
itemRenderer prop that is a function and changing our profiles prop to items.


Rendering different content

import React from 'react';

class List extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
{ (item, index) => this.props.itemRenderer(item, index)
) }

List.propTypes = {
items: React.PropTypes.array,
itemRenderer: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
List.defaultProps = { items: [] };
export default List;

We have added a propTypes configuration to require the itemRenderer prop, which needs
to be a function. We also added an items prop , which replaces profiles . In our render()
we now call the function passing in the item instance data and the index. We will talk more
about why we need to pass index in a bit. In our parent Component or App we now do the


Rendering different content

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import List from './components/List';
import Profile from './components/Profile';
import Posts from './components/Posts';

let profileData = [ ... ] // psuedo code, this has all our profile data
let postsData = [ ... ] // psuedo code, this has all our post data

class App extends React.Component {

renderProfile(profile, key) {
return (<Profile {...profile} key={ key } />);

renderPosts(posts, key) {
return (<Posts {} key={ key } />);

render() {
return (
<List items={ profileData } itemRenderer={ this.renderProfile } />
<List items={ postsData } itemRenderer={ this.renderPosts } />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('mount-point'));

In index.js we render out two different List components. For the first List, we pass in our
profile data and our renderProfile method reference. Just like any React action (such as
onClick ) we pass the method reference and do not actually call the method. For the

second, we pass in the posts data and the renderPosts method reference.

When the Lists render, the map method calls either renderProfile() or renderPosts()
with each data element and the current index.

React keys and arrays of components

The reason we pass index is that we need to generate a unique key for each item in the list.
When we offload rendering to a method, we no longer get React's built in ability to generate
the keys for us.

React Component keys are used for Component Reconciliation:

Rendering different content

Reconciliation is the process by which React updates the DOM with each new render

... The situation gets more complicated when the children are shuffled around (as in
search results) or if new components are added onto the front of the list (as in streams).
In these cases where the identity and state of each child must be maintained across
render passes, you can uniquely identify each child by assigning it a key

When React reconciles the keyed children, it will ensure that any child with key will be
reordered (instead of clobbered) or destroyed (instead of reused).

-- React Child Reconciliation

If we don't set a key when generating children dynamically (via our itemRenderer method)
we would get the following warning:

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the
render method of List . See for more information.

The quick solution is to pass in the index of the data, but this may not be the ideal solution.
The problem with this approach is that it generates a key based on item order. It would be
better to use a unique id that's defined on the data set. Another option is generating a
hash code or some other unique identifier that reflects the data element's content.

By having an identifier based on the data content instead of order, we can help optimize the
Component rendering. When we display partial lists, such as filtering or sorting, if our key is
based on the content and not order, React knows it doesn't have to generate a new Element
for the data. It just needs to reorder the elements.

Component Item Renderer

Another option for handling dynamic renderers, is to use a Component Class reference. This
process is similar to passing in a function. Instead of offloading the rendering to the return
value of a method we create a React Element from the Component and pass in the


Rendering different content

import React from 'react';

import Profile from './Profile';

class List extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
{ (profile, index) => {
let newProps = Object.assign({ key: index }, profile);
return React.createElement(this.props.itemRenderer, newProps);
}) }

List.propTypes = { itemRenderer: React.PropTypes.func };

List.defaultProps = { profile: [], itemRenderer: Profile };
export default List;

In this version of the List Component, we create a new React Element using the
this.props.itemRenderer as the Component Class type. We generate a newProps object

that adds the key to the profile data and pass this to the Element as its props .

Because we define a default item renderer of Profile in the defaultProps we can update
propTypes to make itemRenderer an optional param. To use this version of the List our

index.js now looks like this:


Rendering different content

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import List from './components/List';
import Profile from './components/Profile';
import Post from './components/Post';

let profileData = [ ... ] // psuedo code, this has all our profile data
let postsData = [ ... ] // psuedo code, this has all our post data

class App extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
<List items={ profileData } />
<List items={ postsData } itemRenderer={ Post } />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('mount-point'));

Since we have a default item renderer (the Profile Component), the first version of the List
just needs the profile data. In the second version, we change out the renderer type by
passing in our Component and passing in the item data.

When our List renders the data it now creates a React Element from the itemRenderer
value and passes in the current data element. At DevelopmentArc, we have found using a
React Class is a much cleaner approach to developing replaceable UI elements.

Up Next: Higher Order Components

Higher Order Components

Higher Order Components

The last Component composition pattern we will examine in this section is Higher Order
Components (HOC). As Dan Abramov discusses, Higher Order Components were first
proposed by Sebastian Markbge in a gist. The core idea of HOC is to define a function,
which you pass one or more Components to. This function generates and returns a new
Component, which is a wrapper around the passed in Component(s).

The need for HOC came about with React's move to support ES6 classes and the lack of
mixin support with the new JavaScript Class syntax. To handle this change, a new pattern
needed to be defined to replace mixins. Typically, mixins add/override functionality around
the Component Life Cycle and enable sharing reusable code in a elegant way. Without mixin
support in ES6, the HOC pattern is required.

A form group example

For our HOC example, we will create a function for wrapping a Component in a custom form
group with an optional <label> field. The goal of the HOC is to allow us to create two
outputs, with and without a label:

<!-- With a label -->

<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label" for="firstName">First Name:</label>
<input type="text" name="firstName" />

<!-- Without a label -->

<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="lastName" />

Because this could become a common task, we can use the HOC pattern to generate our
form group wrapper and let it decide if it should inject the label or not.


Higher Order Components

import React from 'react';

import { isString } from 'lodash';

function formGroup(Component, config) {

const FormGroup = React.createClass({
__renderLabel() {
// check if the passed value is a string using Lodash#isString
if (isString(this.props.label)) {
<label className="form-label" htmlFor={ }>
{ this.props.label }

__renderElement() {
// We need to see if we passed a Component or an Element
// such as Profile vs. <input type="text" />
if (React.isValidElement(Component)) return React.cloneElement(Component, this.p
return( <Component { ...this.props } />);

render() {
<div className="form-group">
{ this.__renderLabel() }
{ this.__renderElement() }

return(<FormGroup { ...config } />);


export default formGroup;

To use this HOC we can do the following:


Higher Order Components

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import formGroup from './higherOrderComponents/formGroup';

let MyComponent = React.createClass({

render() {
return (
{ formGroup(<input type="text" />, { label: 'First Name:', name: 'firstName' }
) }

ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('mount-point'));

Let's examine the above code. The first thing we do for the HOC is create a function called
formGroup which takes two arguments: Component and config .

function formGroup(Component, config) {


export default formGroup;

The Component will be the instance we want to wrap in our form group. In the function, we
create a new React Component and then return an Element instance using the config as

const FormGroup = React.createClass({


return(<FormGroup { ...config } />);

We take advantage of the ES6 spread operator to pass in our config object as the props
for the generated JSX Element. In our render() method we create the form group <div>
and then render out our optional label and Component content.

Higher Order Components

render() {
<div className="form-group">
{ this.__renderLabel() }
{ this.__renderElement() }

In our __renderLabel() method1 we use the Lodash isString method to check if the label
value is a string. If so, we render out our label DOM element, otherwise we return null .

__renderLabel() {
// check if the passed value is a string using Lodash#isString
if (isString(this.props.label)) {
<label className="form-label" htmlFor={ }>
{ this.props.label }

Because null does not render out to the Native UI in React, this is how we make the
<label> optional based on the passed value.

Finally, we had to add a check to determine what type was passed to our HOC function for
the Component. This is an important check because we want to support both React
Components and Elements.

In our index.js we are passing in:

formGroup(<input type="text" />, { label: 'First Name:', name: 'firstName' })

Because we are using JSX to generate our <input /> the HOC will receive an Element.
But, if we used our Profile component, we may not want to use JSX:

formGroup(Profile, { label: 'First Name:', name: 'firstName' })

To support both options and pass on the props , we use the __renderElement() method to
handle the inspection and output generation:

Higher Order Components

__renderElement() {
// We need to see if we passed a Component or an Element
// such as Profile vs. <input type="text" />
if (React.isValidElement(Component)) return React.cloneElement(Component, this.props
return( <Component { ...this.props } />);

If the Component instance is an element, we clone the element and pass on the new props.
Otherwise, we generate a new Element using JSX and the passed in React Component.

This HOC example is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to self-generating wrapper
components. Using this pattern, we can tap into the Component Life Cycle methods, we can
make more complex decisions based on the data, we can register to stores or other events,
and many other possible combinations.

For more in-depth examples we highly recommend reading Dan Abramov's Mixins Are
Dead. Long Live Composition and @franlplant's React Higher Order Components in depth

1 In these examples we are prefixing our methods with __ to reflect that these are internal

component methods. This is completely optional and is just our preferred style syntax.

About the Authors

About the Authors

James Polanco

In his role as co-founder and CTO of DevelopmentArc, James strives to take powerful
business ideas and integrate them into elegant technological experiences to help clients
achieve their overall strategic goals. Since 1996, James has helped plan, guide and create
interactive and web-based solutions for companies including Adobe, Toyota Motor Sports,
BlueKai, VMWare, Macromedia, and DHAP Digital. James is also an international speaker,
presenting on technology implementations & processes and a published author on the topic
of full team product development and company workflows.

Aaron Pedersen

As co-founder and CEO of DevelopmentArc, a boutique development firm and parent

company of Pedanco, Aaron Pedersens passion lies in helping businesses streamline
process making teams work more effectively through innovative technology solutions. A
published author, expert speaker, and sought-after business consultant and trainer, Aaron
works with a wide range of companies, from Fortune 500 corporations and multi-chain
hospitality companies to emerging brands and seed-round startups including Toyota Motor
Sports, DHAP Digital, Adobe, KitchenNetwork and FitStar.


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