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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554

An Experimental Study on Rigid Pavements by Using Various Waste Materials
Ankita Chakraborty1, Bharat Nagar2
PG Student, M.Tech (Civil), Transportation Engineering, Jagannath University, Jaipur,
HOD, Civil Engineering Department, Jagannath University, Jaipur,

Abstract- In this study, the possibility of using fly ash, copper slag & marble slurry powder in concrete production is examined by
studying the effects of blending of fly ash, copper slag & marble slurry powder with partial replacement of natural sand and also
the performance of fresh and hardened concrete. This study represented the results of experimental investigation carried out to
determine compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete mixes for grade M25 & M30. The cement concrete so
investigated could be utilized as the rigid pavements on the low volume roads. It might be a forward step towards sustainable
construction of green highways.

Keywords- Fly ash, Copper Slag, Marble Slurry Powder, Concrete, Environment.

1. INTRODUCTION generated during extraction and refining of copper metal

Green highways may be described as those which are from its concentrate.
environmental friendly and sustainable in all aspects The surface of roadway should be stable and non-yielding to
including design, construction and maintenance. Recycling allow the heavy wheel loads of road traffic to move with
of waste material is the major environmental sustainability least possible rolling resistance. The pavement carries the
concept and leads to sustainable development especially for wheel loads and transfer the load stresses through a wider
huge utilization of waste in highway construction. A rigid area on the soil sub grade below. Flexible pavements are
pavement, due to its long life is an economic and cost those, which on the whole have low or negligible flexure
effective pavement solution as compared to flexible strength and are rather flexible in their structural action
pavements. The prime objective of the research is to study under the loads. The flexible pavement layers transmit the
the possible application of copper slag, fly ash & marble vertical or compressive stresses to the lower layer by grain
slurry powder in cement concrete for utilization in various to grain transfer through the point of contact in the granular
components of low volume road construction. The research structure. The load spreading ability of this layer therefore
has been devoted to analyze the effect of copper slag, fly ash depends on the type of the materials and the mix design
& marble slurry powder on the properties of cement factors. Bituminous concrete is one of the best flexible
concrete mix. The motive of the research is to achieve the pavement layer materials. Rigid pavements have sufficient
desirable utilization of copper slag, fly ash & marble slurry flexural strength to transmit the wheel load stresses to a
powder in cement concrete in an environmental friendly wider area below. They are made of Portland cement
manner. The design of two grades of concrete mixes i.e. M- concrete-either plain, reinforced or prestressed concrete. The
25 and M-30 were carried out as per guidelines of IS: main point of difference in rigid pavement as compared to
10262-2009. In this study compressive strength and flexural the flexible pavement, rigid pavement are placed directly on
strength of concrete with different proportion of copper slag, the prepared sub grade or on a single layer of granular or
fly ash & marble slurry powder partially replacing natural stabilized material. Any concrete which posses the requisite
sand were investigated. The aim of this project was to compressive strength and flexural strength as per IRC 58:
determine the feasibility of incorporating low carbon copper 2002 could be adopted for Rigid pavements. In this study
slag, fly ash and marble powder in concrete. The utilization the endeavor was made to prepare green concrete having the
of copper slag, fly ash and marble powder would also reduce concrete characteristics as per IRC 58:2002.
the energy consumption associated with production of
natural road aggregates. J. Chai & C. Raungrut (2003) reported that
bottom ash has a high potential to develop to be a good
2. LITERATURE REVIEW pozzolanic material. Unal and Uygunoglu, (2003);
Waste can be used to produce new products or can be used Alyamac and Ince, (2009); Guneyisi et al., (2009);
as admixtures so that natural resources are used more Corinaldesi et al., (2010);Many studies have been
efficiently and the environment is protected from waste conducted in literature on the performance of the concrete
deposits. In present time, many researchers have established containing waste marble dust or waste marble aggregate,
that the use of waste materials like fly ash, blast furnace such as its addition into self-compacting concrete as an
slag, copper slag, silica fume, and rice husk, hypo sludge admixture or sand. Hameed and Sekar (2009) reported that
etc. can, not only improve the various properties of concrete marble dust can be used either to produce new products or
-both in its fresh and hardened states, but also can contribute as an admixture so that the natural sources are used more
to economy in construction costs. Presently large amounts of efficiently and the environment is saved from dumpsites of
fly ash are generated in thermal industries with an important marble waste. H.K. Kim and H.K. Lee (2011) detailed
impact on environment and humans. Marble stone industry experimental investigation carried out to evaluate the effect
generates both solid waste and stone slurry. Copper slag is of fine and coarse bottom ash on the flow characteristics and
density of concrete mixture and found that both of fine and
IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
coarse bottom ash aggregates had more influence on flexural (b) Fly Ash: It was procured from Kota Thermal Power
strength than compressive strength. Plant.
(c) Marble Slurry Powder: The marble powder used in this
3. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM work is taken from Makrana.
In the present research, an experimental work has been (d) Coarse Aggregates: Well graded coarse aggregates (20
carried out for the characterization and utilization of copper mm and 10 mm) were procured from local crusher
slag, fly ash & marble slurry powder in the cement concrete situated at Gunawata,Jaipur.
with the partial replacement of fine aggregates by copper (e) Fine Aggregate (river sand): It was procured from
slag, fly ash & marble slurry powder. In this study, two Banas River, Tonk.
grades of concrete mixes i.e. M-25 and M-30 were selected (f) Cement : Ordinary Portland Cement of 43 Grade
which are most commonly used in the rigid pavements. The (Shree Cement) was procured.
mix design as per IS : 10262- 2009 for concrete of grade M- (g) Chemical Admixture: Naphthalene Formaldehyde and
25 and M-30 was done by using conventional materials for a PCE Mix base (SHALIPLAST HPRA CS-2).
design slump of 100 - 125 mm. After that fine aggregates
were replaced by copper slag, fly ash & marble slurry 3.2 Proportioning of Aggregates
powder with 10, 20, 30 and 40%, by weight of aggregates in By the trial and error method, the proportioning of coarse
the both mixes. The compressive strength at 7 days and 28 aggregates (size 20 mm and 10 mm) and fine aggregates
days were determined in the laboratory. The beam was carried out to achieve the desired gradation. The
specimens were prepared and flexural strength at 28 days combined gradation was achieved by using 36% coarse
was determined for all the mixes as per relevant Indian aggregates (20mm), 24% coarse aggregates (10mm) and
standards. 40% fine aggregates. The combined gradation and specified
limits are shown in Table 1. Also Figure1 showed the
3.1 Materials for Experimental Investigation: combined gradation curve along with specified upper and
(a) Copper Slag: It was procured from Birla Copper lower limits.
(Hindalco Industries Ltd.), Dahej (Gujrat).

Table1. Combined Aggregate Gradation

% Passing Limits as per
Combined IS:383-1970
Sieve Coarse Coarse Gradation
Size (mm) Fine
Aggregates Aggregates Lower Upper
(20 mm size) (10 mm size) Limit Limit
100% 36.00% 100% 24.00% 100% 40% 100%
40 100 36.00 100 24.00 100 40.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
20 89.23 32.12 100 24.00 100 40.00 96.12 95.00 100.00
4.75 0.62 0.22 12.80 3.07 98.60 39.44 42.73 30.00 50.00
0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.70 15.48 15.48 10.00 35.00
0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 6.00

Combined Gradation
% Passing

0.15 IS Sieve Size, mm1.50
(Log scale) 15.00
Combined Upper Limit
Figure.1 Combined Aggregates Gradation

IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
The concrete mix was designed by using conventional fine quantity for different mix proportion of 1 cumec concrete of
aggregates and termed as control mix. In this study M-25 M-25 grade and M-30 grade are shown in the Tables
and M-30 grade of concrete mixes were designed. Final respectively.
3.3 (a) For Copper Slag:
Table.2 Fine Aggregates blended Mix Proportion (M-25 Grade of Concrete)
Coarse Aggregates


Cement Water



Mix Name 20 mm 10 mm
(kg) (kg)
(kg) (kg)
350 683.15 448.59 745.38 0.00 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 670.84 74.54 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 596.3 149.08 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 521.76 223.62 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 447.22 298.16 185.42

Table.3 Fine Aggregates Blend Mix Proportion (M-30 Grade of Concrete)

Coarse Aggregate


Cement Water



Mix Name
(kg) 20 mm (kg) 10 mm (kg) (kg)
360 685.50 450.13 747.95 0.00 179.48
360 685.50 450.13 673.15 74.80 179.48
360 685.50 450.13 598.35 149.60 179.48
360 685.50 450.13 523.56 224.39 179.48
360 685.50 450.13 448.77 299.18 179.48

3.4 (b) For Fly ash + Marble Slurry

Table.4 Fine Aggregate Blend Mix Proportion (M-25 Grade of Concrete)
Coarse Aggregate Natural Fly
Cement Sand Ash Water
Mix Name 20mm 10mm Powder (kg)
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
kg kg MP
350 683.12 448.59 726.75 9.32 9.32 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 708.11 18.64 18.64 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 689.48 27.95 27.95 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 670.84 37.27 37.27 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 652.21 46.59 46.59 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 633.57 55.91 55.91 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 670.84 74.54 0 185.42
350 683.15 448.59 670.84 0 74.54 185.42

IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
Table.5 Fine Aggregate Blend Mix Proportion (M-30 Grade of Concrete)

Coarse Aggregate Marble

Cement Fly Ash Powder Water
Mix Name 20mm 10mm Sand (kg)
(kg) (kg) FA (kg) (kg)
kg Kg NS
360 685.79 450.32 729.55 9.36 9.36 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 710.85 18.71 18.71 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 692.26 28.06 28.06 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 673.54 37.42 37.42 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 654.83 46.78 46.78 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 737.12 56.13 56.13 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 673.54 74.84 0 179.5
360 685.79 450.32 673.54 0 74.84 179.5


The design of concrete mix of grade M-25 and M-30 was carried out as per IS: 10262-2009 by using conventional aggregates.

4.1 (a) For Copper Slag:

Table.6 Slump Test Results

Slump test results
Mix M-25 M-30
Copper Slag(%) Slump Results (mm)
0 110 105
10 120 115
20 130 120
30 142 130
40 160 155

Table.7 Compressive Strength Test Results

Compressive Strength test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
Copper Slag (%) Compressive test Strength results (N/mm)
0 20.79 31.92 21.61 32.02
10 21.56 32.51 23.16 32.99
20 22.37 33.56 23.99 33.59
30 21.01 28.71 24.23 31.75
40 20.11 25.52 21.11 29.07

IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554

120 M-30 28

80 M-30 7

40 M-25 28
M-25 7
Copper Slag (%)0 10 20 30 40

Figure.2 Compressive Strength (7 Days & 28 Days) v/s. % of Copper Slag of M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

Table.8 Flexural Strength Test Results

Flexural Strength test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 28 days 28 days

Copper Slag (%) Flexural Strength test results (N/mm)

0 3.68 4.34
10 4.11 4.63
20 4.24 5.17
30 3.84 4.72
40 3.42 4.13

10 Strengt
h test
6 M-25
4 28 days

2 Flexural
0 Strengt
h test
Copper 0 10 20 30 40 results
Slag M-30
(%) 28 days

Figure.3 Flexural Strength (28 Days) v/s. % of Copper Slag of M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
Table.9 Effect of % Copper Slag on Density of Hardened Concrete

Density test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
Copper Slag (%) Average Density (Kg/ m )
0 2531.95 2539.06 2550.32 2563.95
10 2540.25 2548.05 2557.73 2570.37
20 2543.01 2551.11 2567.31 2578.67
30 2553.98 2565.04 2574.32 2586.67
40 2563.06 2575.11 2588.15 2597.53

12000 Density test

10000 results M-30
28 days
8000 Density test
6000 results M-30 7
Density test
2000 results M-25
0 28 days
Density test
Copper 0 10 20 30 40
results M-25 7

Figure.4 Density (7 Days & 28 Days) v/s. % of Copper Slag of M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

4.2 (b) For Fly Ash & Marble Slurry Powder:

Table.10 Slump Test Results
Slump test results
Mix M-25 M-30
Fly Ash+ Marble slurry powder (%) Slump Results (mm)
(1.25+1.25) 120 115
(2.5+2.5) 125 120
(3.75+3.75) 135 130
(5+5) 85 90
(6.25+6.25) 45 50
(7.5+7.5) 15 10
(10+0) 135 140
(0+10) 70 75

Table.11 Compressive Strength Test Results

Compressive Strength test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
Fly Ash+ Marble slurry powder (%) Compressive strength test results (N/mm)
0 21.32 28.6 25.93 37.57
(1.25+1.25) 19.38 27.05 25.36 36.08
(2.5+2.5) 21.81 30.86 26.76 38.22
(3.75+3.75) 22.38 31.92 27.92 39.65

IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
(5+5) 24.46 34.25 28.87 40.31
(6.25+6.25) 21.1 28.9 26.9 38.23
(7.5+7.5) 19.6 27.88 26.21 37.1
(10+0) 25.45 35.96 28.81 41.02
(0+10) 25.06 35.07 28.41 40.73

50 Compressive
0 Strength test





results M-30 28

Figure.5 Compressive Strength (7 Days & 28 Days) v/s. % of Fly Ash & Marble Slurry of M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

Table.12 Flexural Strength Test Results

Flexural Strength test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 28 days 28 days
Fly Ash+ Marble slurry powder (%) Flexural test results (N/mm)
0 4.93 6.11
(1.25+1.25) 4.72 5.2
(2.5+2.5) 5.04 5.6
(3.75+3.75) 5.28 6.05
(5+5) 5.79 6.6
(6.25+6.25) 4.83 6.24
(7.5+7.5) 4.35 5.97
(10+0) 5.71 6.45
(0+10) 5.2 6.13

10 Flexural
5 Strength
0 test results




M-30 28




Figure.6 Flexural Strength (28 Days) v/s. % of Copper Slag of Fly Ash & Marble Slurry M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

Table.13 Effect of % Fly Ash & Marble Powder on Density of Hardened Concrete

Density test results

Mix M-25 M-30
Test Age (days) 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
Fly Ash+ Marble slurry powder 3
Average Density (Kg/ m )
0 2468.15 2471.11 2482.96 2488.89
(1.25+1.25) 2450.37 2459.26 2468.37 2474.07
(2.5+2.5) 2456.3 2462.22 2471.11 2477.04
IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 6 547 - 554
(3.75+3.75) 2462.22 2468.15 2477.04 2480
(5+5) 2465.19 2471.11 2480 2491.85
(6.25+6.25) 2459.26 2465.19 2474.07 2482.96
(7.5+7.5) 2453.33 2456.3 2465.19 2471.11
(10+0) 2462.22 2468.15 2488.89 2494.81
(0+10) 2456.3 2465.19 2485.93 2488.89

10000 Density test results
8000 M-30 28 days
4000 Density test results
2000 M-30 7 days
0 Density test results





M-25 28 days
Density test results
M-25 7 days

Figure.7 Density (7 Days & 28 Days) v/s. % of Fly Ash & Marble Slurry of M-25 & M-30 Grade of Concrete

5. CONCLUSION [7] Valeria Carinaldes, Giacomo Moriconi & Tarun R, Naik,

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IJRITCC | June 2016, Available @

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